UNBELIEVABLE! Join Razor WolfYT’s TOP SECRET Bedrock Server

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[Music] all they really wna do what I want to say us I don’t have anything I should try to make some torches shouldn’t I but I don’t have any lights so please forgive me I don’t even know where I’m at I going around in circles I feel like I’m going around in circles sorry for you guys you guys cannot see already 50 kicks let’s [Music] go okay I need to figure out a way to get out here okay I got to go upward right oh hi this is a lot of things oh look at that I got diamonds I keep forgetting that I have diamonds on me do I have gold yeah I need more gold to build up my profit to build up my profit I can’t see chat so you guys are G to have to forgive me if I don’t see y’all plus it’s probably very early morning for y’all can I get out of this one can I get out of this one can I get out this one [Music] don’t want you I’m already at 39 jeez non-condescending do I have iron okay cool I got it enough for iron even though I am still going to be doing more trading with the Villagers just to get uh another pickaxe because I’m trying not to spend any diamonds I’m going to trade with uh with my current cell I believe oh hi you are a weird specimen aren’t you well let me just hang up my uh torch yep don’t mind me yay we got it okay that didn’t work out pH two uh whatever that is yay I got it okay anything that I need to be on the lookout for no shaders on this world if you want me to go back to the other worlds just let me know well I can try to put on shaders I need my torch I’m sorry [Music] ah lava that’s what I need lava can I have some love you I can’t get rid of the concrete [Music] did I play out there I think so do I even have like H not the greatest gear but hey it’s something right because if you want me to flex on y’all I’ll Flex I mean you uh before so just to let you guys know that this world was made in 1.19 yes 1.19 I believe it was 1.19 I don’t know but I remember it’s 1.19 and uh before the new update I’ve already got a netherite gear so in this world you have to do like what Stoneworks does you know like my brother follows Stone Stone Works Stony Stony works it’s pretty much like a civilization uh game but in Bedrock my brother my brother’s version of civilization so gold is like the currency not Diamond because diamond is only used for like uh flexing on how much wealth you have hold on yeah so gold is like the depend I don’t know I have to read I have to uh read the chats more or whatever because my brother knows about the wealth and everything else I don’t I just I just know that I can claim a uh I have a lot of resources and I know a little bit of tricks and tips to gaining more uh income it’s like if I played uh uh economy servers it’s something like hello I’m sorry for the lack of uh for the lack of torches I had like what six stacks of torches and they’re all gone okay you need to stop being here you need to stop being in the caves where it’s dark because your viewers can’t see just because you can see doesn’t mean your viewers can see I know I have to work on that I have to be more precise with my Bang some mobs are turned off so it makes it a lot harder to like go to the in to get elyas but I believe there is a a plausibility to go to the in I just need to be really lucky oh hello it’s a zombie spawner but still it’s good gold I need that my economy I think we need I don’t know I think we’re going to be changing spawn up if I figured out how to like uh go [Music] into uh admin mode or something I can try to change it I got to figure out how to do that though because I want the achievements too on Bedrock but Bedrock is more Java Jesus almost sometimes I wish there was like more coal than diamonds then I could torch up everything and you guys can see Jesus okay I really need light I need to get out of here uh where’s the nearest exit mom wow shop kicks is really going okay cool yeah don’t let me stand in your greatness you keep making money for [Music] me excuse me excuse me H if you guys would like to just subscribe for more awesome content and yours truly will be able to we’re going to go in total pitch Darkness pretty soon yeah I can pick up stuff I could pick up stuff a lot uh from like YouTubers different YouTubers this is going to make me money Emerald money because I got 14 I got 20 something back at my main uh home which I need to finish because my brother’s world my brothers uh city is looking really good and I’m I’m totally lacking because I be doing Java stuff and all that other stuff I gotta remember where I’m at okay I got to remember where I am at I got to remember where is my locations okay I gotta go up there man okay can I get out of here please Mom oh it’s right here okay cool okay there’s no way to get out of here okay cool I have step somewhere okay I have to figure out where the exit is otherwise I’m just trapped underground and I won’t be able to find out where I’m at I mean I got obsidian I could just no no no no no I can’t use obsidian why why I can’t use obsidian because it’s just another uh another uh wasteful block I’m using the obsidian for something because I’m creating an obsidian prison when I get back to my main house okay I don’t care anymore I’m just going to dig straight up I know it’s wrong to dig straight up but it’s like the only PL reason hopefully everybody said Happy Mother’s Day to their moms I did I’m almost happy just to see us eventually I scared her so much that she almost threw herself in a heart attack but hey it’s fine I love my mom I always to do that to my mom I always throw her in a panic attack he’s like why’ you have to be like that what’s not cor Cory it’s like razor I keep I keep forgetting that I have to stop using uh real names but you guys won’t tell right you guys won’t tell if I said it I am so freaking hungry this has got to be a hill or a mountain iron thank you yes okay I know that this is not a big dummy Mountain okay for holy crap I’m still collecting points holy crap I probably won’t be able to see y’all in the chat probably is probably we’re already there yay freedom [Music] fre where am I I don’t know any of this place okay cool I’m lost oh nope I’m I’m I’m back at the Village yay so if you guys don’t know uh this here is my Emerald making Village okay it’s going to be called Emerald Village for right now until I can upgrade it to civilization and I usually go to one of these uh villagers I’m trying to make them to have a baby or something but they’re not producing a child here have a okay you don’t want it [Music] co is that my horse no my other where the hell did my other horse go I have no idea where my horse went I need to get food okay I’ll be right back guys I need to get food I need food h [Music] h [Music] [Music] it’s it’s [Music] help h h [Music] [Music] why you throw multiple plushies at me [Music] curo went 67 kicks let’s go not so if you guys don’t mind I’m going to be using the uh the Xbox to look at chat hopefully that’s not a problem with y’all see I got ender pearls it’s just I don’t have any [Music] space so yeah this is my Emerald making uh my Emerald making world but this world is mostly on uh gold so I’m monopolizing a lot of uh expensive materials I’m sorry if I’m not really cooperating and no ghost face you cannot join it’s a private server h on my worlds you can join uh on mine you can join on my worlds not on my brother’s because he he has it specifically what he wants it how he wants it d [Music] yes me me okay [Music] and dude don’t do that I see myself I see myself on the Xbox I rather just do the Live Chat thing yes live chat please live chat please I am successfully connected yay stats for nerds there we go so if you don’t know Kuro I am using my phone for money um H what am I going oh right [Music] I don’t know I just keep seeing everybody just being on like early in the morning so I’m just like okay cool what the heck yes sir okay um um um okay I need to figure out how yep f are so how do you make a beehive how do you make the beehive oh look I got a honeycomb there’s not a lot of people in the afternoon curo plus I got like what 11 hours to go be in there okay I need to make a okay what do I need oh okay so I got those [Music] uh yes I’m going to use these okay so how do I okay so this going to be my like B Farm whatever so that’s the main Hive and then that okay cool we’re going to so many of these already huh what why do you do that there we go and then how do I make it okay so it say oops hi just like that right yeah just like that grab this put you in there oh if you don’t know uh where I got this one it’s from the ancient city so I got the silk touch one Unbreaking three mending one efficiency five that’s the rarest out of all of them and I got to make that into uh netherite so I have to go to my uh other account to make a trade oh no um oh you know what I can make candles out of the honeycomb right right that’s a rare one that’s the rare one that’s another rare one oh cool okay yeah I need string and then I can color it different colors right three people watching hi welcome uh well it’s like what extra person watching so it’s fine um I don’t want to use this nope so we’re going to have to like travel that direction to my base uh every every once in a while we’ll have like two bases here or something I just got to remember what where which location I’m fast travel I got to remember which way I go because it’s been a long time since I did this okay I gotta figure out my my position okay I remember putting these torches down it’s been a long time okay don’t judge don’t judge if I die right here this is it that’s the end of be okay that’s a high [Music] drop screw it screw it hi buddy can you move can I’m about to kill you okay so where is the Fortress cuz I know there’s a fortress somewhere I’m going to get lost in the Nether and I’m just going to be like well I don’t know where I’m going okay there’s torches [Music] here uh is this it no okay I am surprised that my Shopkins is still going okay I see I see okay I see I see I’m really close I’m really close by this is oh my God I didn’t know I was this close Okay okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool uh get out my way you dang it come on come on come on come on so if I go straight across like shot it right across right I got to be careful with the nether cuz I don’t have any uh fire protection and that’ll be like the end of it that’ll be the end of my armor the end of the resource and I so sad look at that I found ancient debris what are the odds of just finding ancient debris randomly well that’s okay I’m getting no help me take me okay I got to figure out a way to get down there and without killing myself so ippy for that maybe I just should just Bridge across I should just do that yeah I should have just gone here okay and here I am ladies and Gentlemen let’s go so all I have to do just remember to come over this way and then we’ll get to my City Hub my nether City Hub or whatever it’s a work in progress okay don’t don’t hate me ha home sweet home I didn’t even know it was like a couple blocks away okay so I have to make the journey going that way okay that’s cool [Music] and then I cleared all the trees out here I don’t know if I recorded this probably not because I was on here and I then I just lost interest just after removing every tree Yep this is all me hi people Hi family how are you see I got sponges got soul enchantment and now I got a netherite I’m going to keep the ancient debris in here because why not and now I got a stack of [Music] obsidian don’t worry this is going to go into overall because I’m making a an obsidian globe and then I’m going to use uh crying obsidian for like the tectonic plates or whatever okay oh I got some uh lava [Music] cool sure why not we’ll do that and now we get to go to my Overworld look at those people over there they’re so dumb please I can’t see I can’t see oh yeah rest in peace zombo he was right here my my zombie pig was right here and he just disappeared so yeah if you want to see the biggest Flex kapua the biggest Flex ever before netherite even happened we even had to upgrade this is the very uh 1.19 netherite armor and before the trims too ah it’s so funny I should try to equip that here in there I’m going to keep that right there because that’s a citizen uh wolfer citizen for my brothers yes I’m using the the cathedral as like as a as like a a storage base unit or whatever I I haven’t finished it I’ve been too busy working on the the roads and the the freaking yeah I got a lot of stuff to work on oh hello and now we’re almost at what almost two stacks in oh yeah four God apples on my last run so I was like dude this is thebody and then this is all the gold I have right now for now for now and I am up at 47 let’s go plus this is like the center of town I guess I stumbled upon it back the way back and I was like okay cool and you want to know how how long it took me to like m this area out like it’s going to be huge see how big the how big this Cathedral is oh my days here is like the apartment uh right across from the thing once it gets once I get this finished it’s going to look nice really you’re not producing anymore what happened what happened M uh I started use I’m trying to do the cactus so that I can like uh smelt it into green dye this is not built by me uh well it’s built by me but it’s like uh somebody else created it so I just copied it onto this world do we have 10 36 36 16 okay it’s not doing good if you know any other uh Cactus uh Farms let me know just let me know because I really need to do something about that all in all it’s at least I’m making use of the of the that thing right there the lava Farm Godly I am like it’s really early in the morning I’m sorry guys I know you don’t want to hear me it’s fine though right we’re fine we’re fine by the way can you hear me testing [Music] so I have to like mine all of this out I have to mine it all the way up because buildings are going to be bigger here okay in the nether I’m trying to make like this trying to make this uh Grand City in the nether like in the Overworld but it’s like it’s going to be big got to go got roads going through it I’m thinking of using uh uh Nether Bricks for the roads or probably copper or I’ll use like uh quartz uh some materials that I get from here but it’s probably going to be mostly Netherrack and then I’ll probably you because we got I think we got fire tick off I don’t know yeah or do you want Soul Sand I can make it out of Soul Sand or we can go into like the Mesa get all of the Terracotta put it in here and then we can make like roads out of it some unique roads I believe oh and if you haven’t noticed you can grow mushrooms in here honestly the spores effect is not helping cuz yeah this is this is really messing with my eyes messing with my Insanity sanity I don’t know dude you are like I did all of this this is still under construction I have to layer this all the way like what six blocks deep cuz if if you have a I already it okay cool never mind I fixed it wow I did a lot of work I did this as well so it’s like a little balcony looking down this is going to be like the lower part of the city this is going to be the upper part of the city lower part of the city is like closer to the lava so we’re going to have like uh custom Uh custom nether trees like blue green uh blue and red and probably like some uh mushroom trees I believe and then once I clear out all of the trees in my brother’s on my brother’s side I could just like work on the first house settlement or whatever so yeah that’s that’s pretty nice and if you want to see what my brother uh my brother’s face looks like black I better put this away because I don’t want to burn accidentally burn things and it’s raining over here cool so this is his uh Church pretty simple pretty pretty uh pretty basic awesome church of Athena that’s the Goddess that uh that he worships uh he’s did a little bit on here I believe oh nice so yeah uh I have a residency here it’s this one right here this is my house I haven’t put a but because you know I got a farm back here it’s really nice I believe my payment here is like what two gold two gold bars I believe I don’t don’t know but I’ll probably pay it pay it in pay in advance um uh 10 gold uh Gold Blocks so that I won’t have to it’s like a what is it an advancement system I guess I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know this is his uh this is the bridge he extended the bridge which is really good cuz it was like uh I believe it’s a one by one bridge and it was like not as sturdy it was like without this part that part it was like let’s see if I came over here it would be like a two-way Bridge or whatever so it be like one and two and that would be all you would see uh he buil another bridge over here I believe he’s going to make uh like some outside towns I believe yeah he’s already making like the dots area over there uh we I helped him tear down some uh I helped him tear down the capital so he’s going to make the capital inside probably extend it backwards I believe so yeah that that’s that this is another bridge that he built uh he was trying to build the Tower of not Tower statue of Athena up here because that’s that’s who that’s who he his goddess his goddess believe uh the goddess whatever so yeah this is where the statue is going to be he’s going to make it look like Athena’s looking inward or probably looking outward towards the sea uh with the shield and sword basically and then it’s spawn yeah we’re not going to do that I’m not going to kill myself doing that uh we spawn over here um Caro and uh Hawk is over here H has our house over here as well I think that that’s it like her main house or whatever whatever is I believe it’s a main house her main house Carl has yet to make a house because he’s always uh what is it like roommate material I believe we always tell him hey make your house and he’s like I don’t want to I do what I want so yeah this is her place over here her her uh suit site whatever it’s called you know what I’m talking about her uh her condo oh you’re going to die now if Ms were turned on oh yeah it would totally like be a problem I’m missing it so I have to put let’s say BL BL blah blah this is not minable don’t mind this otherwise she gets mad I’m just giving you guys a like a world a world tour and that’s the that’s kuro’s base over there he’s going for like a medieval one we saw like the uh Super Mario thing uh Super Mario movie We’re supposed to put a Bowser uh Bowser spaceship like the big old Bowser spaceship and have like a cannon shooting outwards or whatever but it’s it’s it’s not it’s it’s not we’re we’re not going to do that so yeah you go right here you go here so yeah you just go up these stairs she’s going for like a Japanese uh style build which is really interesting really cool and this is her house obviously I don’t have the I don’t have permission to go in because it’s her house and I don’t want to I don’t want to intrude so we’re we’re going to admire it from here but I like how she Incorporated the Sakura uh sakura tree and the leaves into like uh the pavement so here we’re going uh I believe she wants to put like a p uh like a pathway leading up to her house uh all the way into like spawn this is spawn by the way they did a lot of work in here I just mostly did my stuff and myself alone as you can see don’t pick the pink flowers until slowly grown but we’re going to change that saying do not pick it at all because we’ll probably have a Cherry Cherry Farm Cherry Tree Farm somewhere in spawn so yeah we’re going to like change [Music] that C’s inside base this is where all the animals are which we need to put the grass in but they keep eating it all this is uh hot HW Armory armor trims Enchanted upgrade still need to put more uh I still need to give her more armor trims when I go and look for the world uh I believe this is curos I’m not sure I don’t know I believe this is C’s kuro’s shop or hers who knows uh checkin office uh trading center get Hall so he made it into a Guild Hall I told him that he can like uh put compost here I believe okay so yeah uh does he have here yeah he does I keep I keep like messing around with him a lot this is his cat and I don’t know where his other cat went I believe he had a black cat I don’t know where it went though I wonder if he was if he’s going to finishes up or not but we’ll find out we’ll find out if he finishes it or not oh his parrot and and this is like I moved the enchantment table over here because I got I had enough diamonds to make him an enchantment table I don’t know I believe he did this I’m not sure and then I we’re always up here just messing around just messing about he was standing right I believe he standing right here I don’t know I believe he was standing right there I don’t know and I shot him with the arrow and he fell to his death and he’s like I’m going to kill you like I’m like okay this is The Stables area I believe this was uh this was Hawk’s uh first base yeah there are I believe there’s are there are La I’m not sure unless they just left and just like don’t hello hello AER and I don’t know where the other one went I think the other one just left so yeah there’s that I’m trying to get him a better horse or a mule probably a horse probably a horse would be better for him this is the storage unit well semi uh functional storage unit I don’t know this is the farm that uh Hawk is working on we did a we did like some couple challenges I believe this is a kuro’s parkour so if you can make it all the way around this is kuro’s horse I don’t know if this is Kate’s horse I don’t know I don’t know this is my showof horse Speedy Gonzalez because it’s super fast you guys want to see that so if it’s like it’s so fad even I have trouble oh you’re really high too nice so yeah this is my priz possession if any of you doubt it I will come and hunt you down although PVP is not my strong suit traps are my strong suits okay so I’ll make sure to trap you in the in a trap or so I we’ll find out you don’t control me c you’re not in the in the world I am looking it’s just you talking hey girl I wonder what would happen if I just like just destroyed your wooden house I will just Spam spam Play I Will bre okay I will breed I will breed thanks for the sub thank you thank you I will read every cat in your base making it so laggy that you cannot even log in don’t temp me I wonder who subbed who subbed who subbed what’s up buddy NPA Asian artist what’s up dude thank you for the sub thank you thank you than you thank you thank you hello yet she’s not on so okay don’t don’t call me boy we already know that I’m old enough to be your dad don’t call me boy otherwise I’ll give you the I I’ll I’ll keep calling you by your nickname I’ll call you by your nickname the one that you hate so much son don’t don’t Thou shalt not temp me as you can see I am the biggest flexor here okay I have netherite armor don’t make me whip out the god tier Armor All Right Thorns three on all of my [Music] armor so even if you attack me you’re still getting like what half the damage hey what’s up what’s up asper ghostly thank you thank you so much yeah I need to fix the sub uh sub goal because it’s it’s just been afked thank you for the sub thank you thank you thank you see C there are a lot of people that are awake and you doubt that I am too early for everything the more you are early of live streaming the better cuz you you uh you draw in a lot of crowds and you you try to perform different tasks at hand give it time give it time watch Casper gole will go like hey guys check this guy out he’s pretty cool he’s pretty awesome but I I really don’t think I’m that cool okay I’m not that cool bye bro I will leave your world your your town I will go and work on mine even though I don’t have enough buildings I’m going to work on like small houses just to get it up I guess I don’t know [Music] see C you got you got subscription 206 subscription yeah good job bro you’re like you’re not rec dude stop that let me fix this four views nice uh let’s see subscription let’s do that in goal we have now just give me one second we’re going back 54 subscribers nice yeah I better exit that because I don’t want random videos playing but yeah yeah 54 starting amount is [Music] 54 it’s like what is it [Music] it’s May 13 so I guess just do um through May 14th I guess Tada and now we got it fixed woo let’s go as I said before that there’s no there’s no host host there’s no hostile mods except for those guys those guys are hostile but if even if I do uh like attack them or so it’s just like nothing’s bad I one shotted you wait what I want what hold on I one shoted I’m god what the heck okay never mind it was gone my god tier is gone no but yeah this is all going to be like just super flat right because the city is going to be huge holy crap well might as well just get started on the Overworld first so that we can just like build uh uh build a random house like a random villager house I guess but I’ll probably like update it more yeah he is pretty cool [Music] dude okay he’s not on he doesn’t know that I stole his items no I didn’t steal your items uh not yet I’ll go back there we go now there we go now he subscribed I subscribed load Stone you know I need to make a load Stone how do you make a load load Stone smithing [Music] template yeah I got to keep that on me at all times okay let’s just keep going okay that was a stupid move cool good job buddy yeah awesome uh got to get this out he’ll go out eventually yep see fine we’re fine fine hello there all later yeah I know ASMR I a lot of yeah uh fire po or going to creative mode which I don’t want to do I’m not pretty Rand oh okay but I got like pretty good good pretty good projection Pro uh projectile protection 4 Unbreaking three and like nothing else I’m try to get like I should really start to save all this Netherrack so that uh so that we can have like uh like goodness Building Material there we go I was looking for the word I’m sorry I’m my PR nope you’re not thinking straight okay give me a few seconds I got to do this I’m not quitting I’m not quitting all right cool later I have to do this [Music] again thank you for the sub there we [Music] go yep it’s going to be like the Mesa all over again I have too much uh Netherrack in the world uh yep be enough right Mom 7 a.m. hopefully he he gets to work on time [Music] yep I got to get back there I’m almost at 100 uh points what the heck hey Caro get online so that we can like clear this out so that we can build the ne uh nether C that way you can live stream as well B oh okay so uh I don’t know how many people are watching now but it’s like um I got bored and I want to watch like some some TV shows so I looked up Asian uh I found a TV it’s on a website called I I or whatever it’s called uh little little do that’s that’s the name of it oh my God what happened to you here hi it’s like a nuke just went off I should try to get that uh get that sound whenever it’s like or I should get like Godzilla’s roar and be like thank you thank you for the sh probably I should do uh I should like record my voice and just like uh be like sh J really please stop so yeah little doct is pretty cool pretty chilly I watched the first episode it’s nice I want to watch it again I want to watch the watch episode two if I am ever recording I’ll just like mute myself and just like watch watch an episode another episode of good uh of little doctor or whatever I like it okay I don’t care it’s like a Korean drama soap opera I believe I want to I want to find uh one of the TV shows that uh she hard I guess woman that H more money than he does oh no he makes Morey he makes money more than she does and uh uh whatever bottom why would why be there cool um [Music] all [Music] ah my game voice is louder my voice is louder than the game I don’t know how to fix it if I turn it down you can’t hear the you can’t hear the uh the thing so let’s see turn this down to 15 if it’s not working I’ll just turn it down to eight okay and then I’ll probably just turn down blocks just like that I believe it’s like that I don’t know what am I doing I got a I got a thing for this okay I need to fix that before anybody hurts themselves you know attack the pig attack the pig main is everything by the way but it’s now better you sure about [Laughter] that let’s get real up get really up close to the mic and just like yell [Music] what stop calling me boy you’re not Kratos I’m at 102 points let’s [Music] go I can’t play this because I’ll get hit with a copyright strike because YouTube’s like oh yeah guess what blah blah blah blah blah and I still have all of this to do oh my days um oh I got another one let’s go uh sure we’re go over here and just like dump all of this all of this unnecessary [Music] garbage I forgot I got another Golden Apple oh my God thank you yeah the the um little doctor look it up look up little doctor uh you should find it on uh an Asian website I believe I don’t know but it’s so cool I love it I love I love the characters in it already the dad gets all upset like daughter what are you [Music] doing of course I have the subtitles on hey Ghost Face what’s up see girl everybody’s up plus it’s a it’s it’s a school it’s a school day so everybody has to get [Music] up yeah those those days are really really hard heartbreaking I don’t like to take tests either every time I get up uh for school or so to to do the test or whatever it’s like but you guys take the start uh you guys take the star test [Music] I wouldn’t know because I never had a good uh laptop to stream or uh record so I wouldn’t know if I was recording back in yeah the star Benchmark yeah the star test you know uh you know when I was in school we had Benchmark The Benchmark uh state test or whatever it’s called but now they changed it to to uh St because it’s supposed to be more advanced because uh we were just passing it we were passing the test we were passing everything on it look you on your chest hey Wolfie what’s up yo yo yo keep I know you’re just like what the freak man why you doing that no [ __ ] kid no [ __ ] kidding yeah I know it’s like I don’t want to go to school either it’s just like bro sometimes I have to pretend that I have to uh deal with like uh people of my age you know like in high school I was I was uh I was older than everybody else I was like what 20 years old and everybody was like 18 or 19 you should see when I was working at Amazon everybody was like in their early 20s and I was like almost I was like in my early 30s and they’re like you’re 30 years old I’m like yeah why they’re like you don’t look like it I’m like okay cool thanks I guess like I I guess that’s a compliment I don’t know hey ancient city what’s up anent debris my bad I am getting lucky with the ancient debris let’s go what is my luck today he just starts chasing after them [Music] as soon as I get like this whole area cleared out I’ll probably go uh probably go to My Hub my my my my spawn area I don’t know my main base cuz I will two different accounts I have two different uh personalities so yeah hi stop it stop it stop it stop it you make me lose all my resources how dare you there we go we got that what are the odds of just finding ancient debris early on like every time just like on level 87 or level 15 that I find ancient debris what am I making uh well I’m just mining mining the Netherrack so that I can build uh a city another city no this is a private server Whit list This Server only like it’s like I only got permission because my brother’s like hey uh I have no nobody else it’s just me and my girlfriend on here I’m just like like oh okay but like uh any other server that I make like my servers you can join it you can join any servers if I’m on them or I need to find a way to make him like a full 24 247 uh servers I need to buy a server then I can just see how many of y’all can like build like Epic Builds because I would love that I would I would enjoy watching y’all build I’m for now it’s not like it’s not building it’s more like uh just mining away chipping away at this project because I got this project and I got the Overworld project I’m building like city city civilization or so hopefully I can uh I can get my brother to go onto his computer go to the world file and then make make it as a downloadable world but we’ll see we’ll see what happens anything I want to do I want to do it for you uh sure why not I just need to get rid of something oh my days why why do you even exist lava wait pig pig pig so like in this world it’s like there’s no uh there’s no creepers no zombies no skeletons you have to work with what you got plus the end is disabled so there’s no elytras Jesus Christ why did that scared me so much if you haven’t seen the uh what is that oh okay you still posting okay give me one sec I I’ll look that up right now still hosting blah blah blah blah blah oh this one is it free nope of course not it’s not free why would it not be free I should just go with uh BCT hosting or Apex mining hosting server Minecraft server hosting blah blah blah blah blah Java and Bedrock Edition servers 247 chat and ticket support all mod plugin yes I would love to put you all into uh rlcraft 100 people in rlcraft let’s see how that go people will die right off the bat uh let’s see plugins mods yep we can do the plugins we can do the mods we can do mini games how much though how much how much how much maybe I should get another computer and just do that one like put in my other account and then start uh start making the server get another gaming Compu uh gaming computer start running that uh for 247 and be like okay guys have at it really H cool powerful Hardware compressive control panel photable pricing let’s see what that does okay cool you’re not going to show me cool yes I would like to explore it oh [ __ ] let’s go so 4 gigabyte RAM is it good could be why would I want New York I want Dallas yes I live in Dallas oh yeah that’s so affordable ho holy crap this is so good okay I’m Gonna Save this yep save it save it save it and then uh when I get the the depends on what cheap means since has to deal with situation car why you have to say that stop it Dad Mom brother son again why do you exist why do you exist lava stop burning my materials yeah good thing you weren’t there right okay I need to go repair my pickaxe I need [Music] mending I know I’m all over the place my my my my my my I can’t even say anything oh and I forgot my books great uh well I got one one of those so it’ll be fine hopefully maybe is it 28 XP points uh where am I going I do it all for you I do it all for you on your server that is 1.13 is that a fabric server or no no it’s not a fabric it’s a it’s just regular 1.13 I need I need 28 levels damn it oh okay I got to go find I got to go find that scull it’s German Shepherd hold on uh before I do that I want to buy the I want to get the German Shepherd give me a sec where is it where is it where is it no I don’t have the bones oh well I can’t get the dog right most popular way to increase performance in Minecraft is to install optify but those using fabric are unable to do that yeah I but I don’t I I don’t know if it’s a Plugin or not if it is I don’t know I’ll see if I could get install the OptiFine on there I I know I I know that OptiFine is really good to use because I see a lot of uh YouTubers uh using that too I’m sorry don’t don’t curl up into a ball rip rip bonis I’m glad I don’t have to go to school I mean eventually I’ll go to I I’ll go to college but it’s like that’s going to be a long way down 90 years old still look like a 20-y old no girlfriend no life Rich billionaire multi-billionaire has like what a mansion that house like 300 people plus I had friends in the high school that’s like oh you’re never going to get a girlfriend but you’re going to be rich I know it I’m like how would you know I just know I have that women’s int intuition I’m like okay cool but most of the time uh most of my hi most of my uh most of my friends are just pain in the rear because they’re just college friend uh not college high school friends they’re they’re cool but then at the same time when they don’t interact with you because they’re just like oh well uh things happen and we we’re adults now we got a life we got kids to raise I’m like okay and you could have just said hi and that would be it no you just have to keep going so always treasure your your high school friends oh treasure them wisely and always pick your good friends always pick the good friends not those friends that are like oh yeah uh I’m going to be I’m going to be your best friend and uh I’ll do we’ll do everything together no don’t trust those guys because they lie they lie to you I should know I I always had friends like that and they lie to me so many times we’re like I’m like okay yeah I’ll contact you later and then it’s like I contact them later and they’re like hey I’m busy okay I I I’m going to have to put you on block I’m just like okay cool I guess I’m Just a Nobody to you there is a thing over there cool I want to see what it has if it has nothing I don’t know what else to do I’m trying to figure out where the uh where the ancient city is because I need XP bad okay cool nothing cool just wasted my time doing nothing cool is there gold up here no guess my brother just took it all cool put links on what about the sus friends put links on uh sus friends I don’t know if I ever do meet my I never had sus friends I never had suspicious friends well change that I did have uh my brother had one one good friend and I I I was friends with him too but he sells uh he sells uh he sells drugs so plus he’s he’s he’s he’s he’s arrested so I can’t I can’t talk to him anymore I don’t want to get mixed up to in the wrong crowd you know it’s sad that people has to like resort to selling drugs on the side and it’s like uh like you were doing so well you became a registered nurse and then you just you just lost your way you just you you just want to do drugs all the time why because it brings in more money no it does not that’s how that’s how like uh that’s how you get into too much trouble plus if you if you if you owe the people that you bought the drugs from and you still in debt yeah that that’s not that’s not living that’s not uh [ __ ] that’s not whatever it is you know show me a video you can do that in uh in Discord right I’m trying to find the ancient there it is I think this is the ancient city I’m not sure we’re not I’m not sure we’re not guessing I guess we’re guessing I don’t know ow ancient city where are you I need you I need your Lu whoa okay why did you break okay that’s just okay they’re just random things just happening in the world okay cool hero Discord put it on there so he can send it plus you can p the links meanwhile I am still looking for the ancient city because I need their XP Gano I know I should not Bea uh caving right now but I need [Music] XP dude this would look so good in shaders I’m not going to lie maybe I should do one of my old my own worlds like this I don’t see an ancient city there you go there’s the links by the way Caro aren’t you aren’t you supposed to be in bed bro if K catches when that you were staying up late man you know how mean she gets you are my friends oh yeah I forgot to mention that on solo leveling arise uh I got two super ultra rare items and two super ultra rare characters so yeah cool no you have not a blue one okay cool okay hey oh go hang out with her I’ll manage somehow maybe I don’t know is a pillar of water it’s a pillar of water wow okay cool show off yeah I’ve been asleep too C I have like what eight hours of sleep nine hours of sleep you know what we’re just going to say I had like 10 hours of sleep okay that’ll make it even where or where did [Music] our I got to remember where we go jeez okay where is uh where’s the cave if I only just kept that in a little bit longer oh there’s a cave over here with torches okay is it over here it’s probably over here but it could be changed so much WoW I have a lot of time to kill so I have I have to like sleep well I don’t have to sleep but it’s like due to a depression that I have I just sleep a lot because I’ve burned so much Access Energy is just like okay well I’m going back to the Mesa I don’t care anymore I’ll just uh get another diamond pickaxe probably make a farm like a melon farm I guess we’ll make a melon farm oh I need slime blocks though damn it how do you get a slime block you know we should have a slime villager a slime villager would be nice then we get all the Slime balls we want magma blocks all of that in the Summer of 69 [Music] okay it’s like a don’t ask don’t tell kind of situation I’m wondering if it’s over there knowing Caro he just he likes to make a trail out of everything man you guys would uh would be jealous of me because me and my brother went to our mom and dad’s and dad was uh grilling on the grilling on the uh um Grill he made some wings chicken and ribs and steak it was pretty good we had like a full plate of everything we had beans we had baked potato scared my mom for a little bit like I said I scared her because she was just she left herself wide open you know she didn’t even see us pull up in the truck and then she was just like I don’t know what she was doing I believe she was just like pulling something uh out from the truck and then we just scared her I just come up out the door and I hi and and I looked through the window and she just like oh my God I’m like hi Mom she’s like you [ __ ] I’m like oops I couldn’t find an ancient city I was going to mine the M the blocks but oh well apparently my real name has no meaning has no significant uh value in the world and I’m like oh no oh well I guess I’m just irrelevant I just I’m just a speck of dust in the world let’s see what you s on Discord absolutely nothing cool okay let’s see if any of the items are done in the nether nope okay cool we’re going back to the nether yeah for what is this efficiency three yeah well we’ll fix that we fix it later say it goes It goes ow ow owow okay okay okay that hurt that hurt holy crap okay I’m breaking two is that bad come you’re right f it whatever I’m going to like clean the inventory anyways so for m yep there goes my pickaxe fine totally fine didn’t have the level for it not as fast but we’ll try to get the levels m I guess I should just get one of my downloaded music [Music] I should do that I should get one of my downloaded music give me one second on what you want mhm mm okay let’s uh do this volume mixer [Music] n [Music] um that’s probably why yep I got to delete that one m [Music] [Music] [Music] okay there we go there we go [Music] I that’s what do that’s what do that’s I that’s why I have my the soundt sound soundt that I made music CU I can’t listen I have something for me so so I don’t [Music] n few seconds n n [Music] do [Music] n [Music] n [Music] e [Music] no [Music] e [Music] oh right Cross C [Music] s [Music] CL [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] what [Music] the okay [Music] n [Music] what’s up [Music] what’s up Alex how you doing [Music] he [Music] h [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] e [Music] he [Music] e [Music] n [Music] n [Music] look [Music] hello how’s going [Music] uh [Music] e e [Music] a [Music] d e [Music] a [Music] he [Music] e e [Music] n e [Music] e [Music] n [Music] n [Music] e e [Music] n [Music] n [Music] a l [Music] not [Music] n [Music] n [Music] e [Music] n [Music] n [Music] okay brand new got right [Music] n [Music] m [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] n [Music] e [Music] okay so let’s see what we go [Music] do guessing like a lot of you want to join uh join the Bedrock so I’ll do that okay that’s not what I want for e e okay what the hell e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e oh that’s why I was doing that wrong there we go got that wrong e for d is [Music] hey we got it yes okay e for e e e okay we got this got this [Music] world e okay now I can add like a 100 people into this world let’s see if I got this fixed okay achievements cannot be earned in this world oh well it’s fine okay that’s fine so yeah I believe 100 people can be in here now let me see give me a sec yep 100 people can fit in here so if you guys are willing to join I’m to post the drop a thing in I’m GNA pin a post or so so be ready for it [Music] I [Music] got yeah I got to do this one hold on so there we go so there’s the there’s the server if you want to come on it’s like 100 people can get in no big deal I’m going to go far away from y’all oh my God give me a sec let me just add some shaders because I don’t like this I don’t like I don’t like having no shaders okay okay okay can I have my shaders please okay I guess we’re not having shaders it’s fine it’s cool we’re good damn it so yeah welcome to the server I guess this is like a 100 people server so if anything does go wrong let me know I yep I could turn on uh I could turn myself into the op uh Ops if I wanted to so um yeah so [Music] T so if you guys want to you guys can get on here [Music] trust me it to it took me a long time for me to like get this working so I guess be happy I guess I don’t know yay figured out how to do the server thing hi you want you want food too you want you want to make a baby you want to make a baby you want make a baby yep thank you for the XP okay so you guys do whatever you guys want with spawn I’m going to go and go chill with something o melons okay okay we could get some melons I guess we could do like PVP off I guess until everybody’s uh set I guess I don’t know car what are you doing oh it’s already getting dark too damn it uh okay well I’m going to go far away from here cuz spawn is usually dangerous unless I put like something oh my God are we on an island we’re on an island no [Music] [Music] you’re not going to go attack chicken are you okay oh I’m GNA die no come on thank you bye [Music] let’s see how many people who joined sh should I just like turn off uh turn off mods for a little bit like what full 24 hours I guess for she damn it I thank you dolphins dolphins if this is nothing but ocean I’m going to cry please let there be loud please let their be land 10,000 blocks and it’s just nothing but ocean is that l no oh no where’s the land I swear if that that island is the only uh land I’m going to be pissed I’m going to be the sad going be sad cookie nope I see land okay cool I see land oh how far is that from base oh it’s a Mesa uh not a Mesa fudge it is yeah and is there like 23 people online no there is no uh there’s nobody else you’ll be the first one on this uh server uh server is already pinned you can get on it and hello oh God okay I got to run I got to run I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die let’s go let’s go oh a ship okay cool dang it it’s a yeah you can join yeah you can join the I is right there IP is pinned please does Let It Be daytime I had to swim like a 100 miles away just give me a yep just get me uh got figure out where is it so I can I can hold uh up to 100 people on here ow okay where is the I’m trying to figure out where if there’s another uh if there’s another uh chest because honestly I don’t see any other chest well I guess I just mine everything right how long are you going to keep it online [Music] um I don’t know I’ll just keep it online because I rather stream I rather do like lot lots of live streams so might as well just keep it online until everybody gets tired of it or something trying to figure out how to get it to go 247 but at with eternal you can’t do 247 so you have to be I have to be the be the active server admin do you have flash claim and stuff no not on no y we okay hi you know what whatever draw Mo and what do you know I got the what’s up guy firstes iron let’s go now to let you now to be uh on the safe side you guys are going to have to survive I have uh what is it uh coordinates off so nobody can see where your location is or anything like that oh this is a spider spawner okay let’s not do that is it 100% vanilla server yes there’s no claim there’s no like uh at home or TP home or anything like that it’s just a regular vanilla plus it’s a bedrock yep thank you I do not want to deal with the spiders right now cuz I have no bed maybe I should try to give uh C op so that he can just teleport to me and then he could just take himself off of o yeah that’s pretty smart yeah uhhuh has he joined in has he joined in it’s a big old server I’m curious will I crash or will I just like see I can manage This Server do I have enough to make a bed 29 yeah I have hell yeah I got enough to make a bed there you go I’m debating if I want to have like factions on here like you guys can do your factions oh God I almost [Music] died would have been already like damn okay okay I’m getting tired that I know I should use a torch I’m still a noob mama o okay if we could find like another okay I’m I’m I’m I’m planning I’m planning I’m planning let’s go uh there diamonds down there I swear if they are too bad the the damn what do you call it the door trick work in Bedrock so good luck with that I’m going to see if I can find diamonds so that we can go I can go into the nether let’s go okay let’s see any diamonds I believe there’s diamonds back that way cool beans let’s go oh crap okay okay okay okay okay chill chill chill chill chill this is so fun already I’m having fun oh yeah my crafting table’s up there dang it it’s fine I can make another one if you ever find a crafting table I was there uh furnace nice thanks I don’t think I heard it I don’t think I heard the sub yeah I didn’t hear the sub come on refresh please four views let’s go I copy copy but anyways thank you let’s get this party started let’s get the party party party always roll make yourself a shield okay I forgot that wasn’t work but yeah make yourself a shield and make yourself a chest plate rules rules rules you can speedrun it if you want to you can do anything you want just remember don’t attack me I’m just trying to do something I know it’s kind of weird right nice we got dream in the chat we got dream in the chat better than dream h okay I don’t call it a curse I call it like a privilege I believe I call it like a gift probably it’s not Enchanted that’s why it’s like it looks like a curse that is a lot of mobs me me me Al holy crap holy crap why am I having trouble like building up like am I injuring myself am I hurting myself like what and Java is like the block right if I had shaders on I would never be able to see oh my God you guys are just so horrifying some lava over there okay cool I have to come back later okay I have to eat I mean if you talked about villager NPCs then yeah no leave me alone Turtle don’t do it okay not that don’t do it Turtle don’t jump okay let’s have more land other than this okay for some reason yeah okay that’s cool I found the beta yes let’s [Music] go so of gold and there’s a lot of potential in this world if there’s ever a village that I needed this would be in the Mesa uh there should be a m shaft too oh gold look at that D got gold I know really good resource food I think I’m going to just uh not eat meat so like red rotten flash uh cow pig lamb I’m going to eat like uh bread and uh berries and it’s just fruits and vegetables so we’re going in this in this challenge we’ll be doing like a no meat cont no meat uh challenge that’s fun if I ever eaten if I ever eat meat this this will be like the perfect time for yall to call me out on that uh it’s a I have it pinned on on the on the in the chat so if you want to join you could join I had I think uh yeah I’m going to we’re going to try I’m going to see if we can get like a 100 people to join all right checking checking checking PewDiePie welcome everybody give a hand give a warm welcome to PewDiePie PewDiePie has joined the game yay welcome welcome welcome probably be F yep I hear you I see you hello welcome four four hours in and we’re already at the Mesa and there’s already like the bad land let’s go edit his character yep hello puppy how you doing yeah I know right I don’t have bones I wish I did but I don’t oh is that that’s gold that’s gold dang it okay I got four up the I need to stock up on this need to stock up on wood can I send a friend request yeah you can send a friend request that’ll be fine I’ll add you uh I’ll add you when I’m done uh when I do the stream second stream or so okay let’s see do I have any no okay I don’t have any throw away looking for iron I mean gold is good too but if I want to flex I want to flex oh no why’d you leave no it’s not a 247 uh server I just I’m using aernos oh God here com stay down there I forgot that I I keep forgetting come on go go go go I don’t want to die [Music] here it’s a jungle biome so if I’m not at spawn you guys have to defend for yourselves I’m going to try to find diamonds and oh look at that I already found uh I found my uh nether portal okay this is my this is my home why did I jump down here why did I jump down here why did I jump down here yep yep let’s just make a base right here it’s a temporary base until I get into The Nether yeah I got a Minecraft Java uh Bedrock it’s on bedrock G it’s on Bedrock yeah I got Minecraft Java I got both for if he did it it’s a same He he’ll come back he’ll come back around I try not to ignore everybody there’s five people wow well I’m I’m in the I’m in the chat too so right now I’m using my uh I’m using my Xbox to view the chat I mean I could use my phone but what’s what’s what’s the what’s the fun is that make a door yeah I should make a door but I’m going to wait till I do that do this I know how to Minecraft sort of maybe yep we’re just gonna sit yeah hi buddy oh that’s a treasure map cool or use slabs yeah or trap doors or fence gate yeah there’s a lot of things I can make can we can we get the green green guy to go away please please just go away okay we’re good we’re good we’re good okay so there’s a jungle here oh okay and there’s a pig nice but I can’t eat meat so I’m not I’m not allowed to eat meat how much you guys want to bet there’s a like uh there’s the um what’s his name uh Warden of to be fair let’s find out no three watching right now there’s five people really five people well there’s three people get bamboo for infinite wood yeah 49 we’re almost at 50 just need one more subscriber let’s go you guys are amazing you guys are amazing let’s keep this train going on on a crazy any iron is that iron no why there be like um what’s his name down here a warden yeah we’re going to say Warden because that’s the only thing I am afraid of okay we found the Lush uh Lush cave we need more iron because right now I’m just rocking a chest plate and that is not helping me ow never know because I’m a what is it I live in a B I live in a bad uh bad lands on my brother’s server and there’s an ancient city right underneath where I am so okay well yeah Mountain biomes oh wonder if you if you if uh if the stream shows it there’s a mountain behind the the Mesa the Mesa and the bad Lands still waiting on a lot of people yeah why can’t I find Iron this this is so baloney oh there it is iron just being extra careful because I don’t want to die well I’ve already slept so if I do die I’ll just come back again now I got a got to say that I have to recreate uh recreate a world because I think eternos just deleted my my second server my my second account so yeah please stop I don’t want to go down any further two watching why wonder what Kuro is doing right [Music] now there’s a witch down there okay I’ll come back to this later I just need to be I need to be armored up because I don’t like this hi stormmy what are you doing cat what what what are you doing come here come here okay fine be that way I didn’t even want to love you anyway swe pretty soon my brother’s dog and cat is going to probably come in here and be like hey we’re just going to chill because you’re talking to yourself and we’re just worried about you but yeah thank you guys thank you for 49 subscribers let’s freaking go for the top 50 people that just subscrib like you guys deserve like a lot of things sadly I don’t make enough money but it’s fine it’s not about the money it’s about entertaining y’all it’s about spreading joy and love yeah I sound like I sound like one of those guys right oh you need is love you need is go I’ll put that in there and as side I guess I’ll just keep it on me just to let you guys know I’m not oh hi Rose how are you if you want to join IP is in the chat see this is what we need we need like a community commute thank go almost full of iron uh I may use the helmet but if I if I do find an ancient city I need the skeleton skull to complete my uh to complete my look because I don’t like this kind of look I don’t like this kind of character look I’m using like a Alex uh body with Steve eyes do I have yeah what am I doing I mean well that’s sad I’m sorry about that what’s wrong with your PC did you slam it like I always do with my computers [Music] kiss so let’s just get that out of here get this garbage out of my inventory my brother’s PC but it got being as o oh dang probably need to do like uh take it take the PC uh is it like the the screen PC or is it like the the tower because you can take it to Best Buy or to some electronic uh company uh Savannah P okay uh you can take it to Best Buy G uh geek geek electronic Geeks nerd or like any random uh computer phone uh tablet uh uh store to fix it it’s bit pricey but I believe uh Best Buy is better because you get like a warranty and then well they ask you do you want a two do you want a warranty if anything breaks you can return it and we can like switch it out for you I believe that’s that’s how how it works I’m not sure and now we got ourself a Golden Crown five people what’s up like I said the link is in the chat i p i pinned the link if you guys want to join meanwhile I’m just like speed trying to speedrun maybe not speedrun but probably speedrun and there’s a zombie come on thank you tell my dad and he said X we have okay yeah that’s good cuz I’m running I’m running like the I’m running just a a turno server on a on a what is this Predator Helios neo6 it’s one of the good uh gaming laptops $2,000 plus with the two-year warranty so if anything goes wrong on it like the lights don’t work at all anymore because my anger gets the better of me I don’t like playing shooter games make a what do you mean make a moat Oh you mean to trench around my base yeah no I don’t want to do that leave me alone sorry people are just calling me like I got I got like scammers calling me I got like the federal government calling me I’m like just leave me alone you guys had your chance of wanting something well like I said this the server is going to be up probably just like you said around like a in the next week or so yeah yeah yeah yeah we can we can make it work but right now I’m doing like a challenge uh so you don’t see any uh like you guys don’t see me eating any uh meat into in the game I’m doing a challenge I’m doing a challenge of eating nothing but veeg vegetables or fruits that’s it if I eat meat I lose everything I I go and jump in lava Sakura dude you are you pick the worst time to be in in jeez can I get up here Mom okay I got to stop playing around um was over that way okay I really need to find more obsidian first I got to go get water okay right now I’m just not doing anything I’m just messing about just messing about just doing the walk about so the vegan challenge yes the vegan challenge hey Batman how are you welcome if you want to join you could join the Xbox the Xbox uh game yeah the game how you doing buddy howdy doy I know I’m I’m picking up uh slang from nola nola my name is NOLA honestly it’s not no it’s Razer to say hey Razer what’s up sometimes I just don’t understand technology myself it’s like you got you you buy the computer and it is like you play one game on it and it just like oh well there goes that idea I can’t play any other games but yeah I kind of say that the the graphics run pretty pretty smooth so it’s only been like what three months since I got the got this gaming computer and it’s like running really smooth you’re like good did you know they had okay I didn’t know um I didn’t know dogs uh like wild dogs attack llamas Batman I just saw and I was like okay that was that’s a thing I thought it was like they were just neutral you know like just standoffish dude I would love to have uh cry obsidian with like the textures and things like okay I got to figure out how to how to do this okay let’s just go back to the house I’m going to blank the blank the screen for a second so that I can see if I can add my shaders into it because I don’t like this I don’t like I don’t like how Minecraft is right now I like shaders going to see if I could put on shaders if I can okay where’s where’s my home where’s my home where’s my door door oh I went past it wow I’m so popular tular okay I’ll be right back guys and Sham yes activate thank you now we can go back yeah we got it we got it we got it go go back in come on come on back come on back into the game yeah we got shaders let’s go all right guys I’m gonna turn back on it’s so nice to have shaders let’s go we got shaders woo now my videos could be popping be popping and popping see this is what I like I like shaders like this I like shaders like this okay why watch this uh oops I know I picked the worst choice of food I know shaders it’s R Kelly’s uh RTX Kelly see I like this because I like I like this kind of action okay I like the shaders because you got the glow effect you got the mother freaking go effect oh I love it I love it what is it are we going too bright it’s already sun down why why you do this it’s already in the afternoon help me help me I know it’s early in the morning but it looks like afternoon I want to try to get like uh I want to try to get the um the thing the thing the thing whatever thing it’s called can we put you right here yes oh pretty yes look at that look at that H you guys don’t know how how happy I am right now to run shaders I had to go uh blank mode to just add it in okay so okay that’s coar dirt We need regular dirt okay look at this it’s a nice Community isn’t it yeah hello sweet dream what you doing bud and good morning good morning good morning I’m not going to lie I love I love shaders already oops it’s like lagging right is that lag yep that was lag it’s fine see now it’s super scary down there almost um I did not even make a shovel wow what kind of person am I that’s good that’s good that’s awesome I’m glad you’re doing good my friend Kuro was like there’s nobody going to be up here uh there’s nobody that going to tune in to stream in the morning I’m like are you sure about that he say he he’s just a jealous type because I know how to get up early and he don’t I was like you know what screw it we’re going to uh we’re going to record uh or we’re going to live stream the uh Minecraft okay that’s good I have it set to like a 100 people can join so as soon as anybody leaves it’s just like a new person takes the place you know oh it’s so nice Okay I need to cut cut off the melons because in real life I’m allergic to Fruit I get like The Itchy irritation feeling I don’t know why it occurs but it just like it does okay I am so sorry guys I I’m trying my hardest not to go back and forth road tripping that’s a really good name that is a really good name not going to lie yep hello why is it always so scary when it goes into the darkness why you’re so adorable you look like a little ball welcome to the world buddy not a lot going on on the in the uh spawn so how would I join um it Link in the link in the in the chat uh pin in the chat I just pinned the the Ser the server from aternos it’s you join you join whenever you want it’s a dog it’s a doggo it’s a doggo doggo doggo doggo so I don’t know what kind of breed these guys are I think they’re like uh German Shepherds but I think they’re called wild uh wild African dogs I’m not sure they sound like dogs so yeah it’s I believe it’s like an island and then it’s like you have to swim around swim like I don’t know how many blocks probably a thousand blocks maybe more I don’t know I just got lucky getting the Dolphins oh God oh God hi you scared to heck out of me holy crap holy crap why is there so many zombies help no no no no no no no no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay I’m sorry you got you that’s it you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right I can’t eat rotten flesh I can’t eat rotten flesh why why do you do this to me again so I remember where a spawn is yeah I know I think okay what’s your coordinates uh I don’t have coordinates on I mean I I would love to have coordinates on but I don’t like I don’t like to be griefed a lot so but I can put them on I can put them on I can put on coordinates just for a little bit there’s the seed if you guys want the the seed oh okay so can’t have [Music] no otherwise I’ll be having like cheats or something on and I don’t like to have cheats on yep I see you I see you you’re in bed you’re in bed cool cool cool yep yep yep yep oh it’s already morning well I’ll be bad dog are you okay buddy are you okay you’re so cool look at that red eyes you know what I’m calling you red eyes if I find the more more more boom booms booms bons can you build a Shen Factory what is a Sheen s h e i n what does this see I honestly don’t know what that is I’m sorry when it comes to Farms it’s just like I know what the Iron Golem Farm is I know what a Zombie Farm is I know what a spider spider farm is skeleton far uh skeleton Farm is and I don’t know what what kind of farm uh what kind of factory that is so like Sky Block nice nice yep there’s the coordinates what why why can’t coordinates be showed on no nothing why okay well there’s no yeah I would have to enable cheats let’s get that let’s get that on yeah do that stop doing that please Mr PES Mr okay that’s interesting Eternal don’t allow that okay that’s fine that is fine oh well I don’t know how to turn back uh turn on the cords it’s fine we’ll all be fine just fire nice nice nice nice you found treasure yay everybody finds treasure meanwhile razer’s over here just living the good [Music] life y there goes p [Music] no he been banished to the shadow realm no you haven’t uh let’s go ahead and find us um let’s just cut down some trees okay let’s just cut some trees down open up your eyes matter matter now [Music] [Music] [Music] my little smoke [Music] what is the Shader uh RTX Kelly I believe I believe I believe I believe I yeah Kelly’s RTX vanilla conversion 3.6 maybe I should move the chat yep there it goes hi [Music] curo seven viewers let’s go we got the party going we got a party party oh there goes one okay maybe I should just get in a Discord call with you shouldn’t I I’m [Music] I guess I’ll just join that one so yeah Kuro if if you ever want to join uh I’m in the I’m in the gaming Lobby what did I do what did I do what did I do okay fudge I’m so sorry guys I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that I did not mean to do that I did not mean to do that I am so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry please don’t hate me I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to close out I’m I’m so confused what you’re G to go why why are you leaving What car what I’m confused what just happened what happened uh I I I I minimize my my Minecraft uhoh I know hi no bro don’t go don’t leave me don’t leave me I don’t even know what’s wrong with this 54 hold on what how did we get up to 54 it was at like what 35 59 49 H I’m just checking the thing give me a sec at 51 why it say 54 subscribers uh what what is my what’s my volume on Discord because it’s just lowering it what lower my lower my voice volume on Discord then I can’t hear you you can’t hear me well apparently my voice is way loud than yours how about now oh my voice got lowered okay cool I can’t I still could hear you well something needs to be fixed on your end okay give me a few seconds give me a few seconds give me a few seconds let’s see Discord turn down to 50 okay how about now testing sounds fine you’re fine okay cool I still can’t hear you the fan is running louder than I can hear you how do you how do you not hear me are you wearing your headphones or what no I’m not wearing no headphones every time I wear the headphones everything crash you’re like wait how’d you hear me if you I said that because I’m I’m I’m focusing on my hearing I so need to help you once I visit back to your house no I got it apparently I have to apparently you don’t have to be quiet Kura okay try again um meow meow okay hold on try again what [ __ ] okay well whatever apparently my laptop just don’t want to let me hear people [Music] what volume do you have that man as I think around 80 is that bad no 77 I got him at 77% uh maybe maybe increase him a little bit because his voice sounds a little low on it okay I got him at 152% okay B see something something [Laughter] [Music] maybe I should open up my other laptop and just uh play Discord there no because the stream wouldn’t be capturing if you’re talking on that yeah I know the snowball mik won’t capture anything Batman say something random one more time random decrease Batman’s volume to like 90 or 85 five okay 90% anime sus why would you say that why you say that stop that no that is bad bad bad bad holy [ __ ] what’s up what’s up polar what’s up I got everyone’s attention Mr art that would be like that would be like a massive amount of haters across the entire freaking world that would go against [Laughter] you so Razer what the I I don’t know I couldn’t I can’t put on the coordinates because it’s not letting me I need need put on the cheats and it’s still it’s still not doing it I put on the uh I try to work it on my end and it’s not working I’m good how about you Lou BR sorry I’m just I’m just talking uh Spanish see a Brazil I think that’s Brazilian komovi kovi what is it I’m sorry I don’t know any ban my bad uh give me one moment oh yeah it’s within the world op uh fores he’s saying how are you oh okay yeah the the server is in the link uh it’s the one that is pinned if you see if you see a white uh a white tag above that’s the that’s the server name and supp Port coordinates I don’t have any coordinates g face I’m sorry someone saying like if you turn off shaders you have your coordinates uh I don’t have shaders and I don’t see it it’s in the world settings you have to have them on by let’s check the settings let’s see here this is game settings and I don’t like SC no wait hold on your coordinates are turned off what are you talking about no I’m I’m turning it on I’m trying to turn them on I’m trying to turn them on and it’s not showing the other way you can figure so you’re you’re clicking on show coordinates yes I’m clicking on show coordinates the heck something’s broken uh what you saying this [Music] time Pito Pito speaking Portuguese not Spanish dude I don’t know any Portugese I’m sorry rejoin okay sorry if I don’t answer anything I don’t know English Ark Inferno the other way you C is with the man okay uh yeah but you can see the other playes until you get closer but if they’re not in like a certain radius it doesn’t work yeah uh it’s a regular vanilla vanilla uh Minecraft I don’t have any mods [Laughter] let me see if I can get the but I like the shaders okay um I’ll be right back give me a sec just give me a sec give me a sec the beauty I like this is if it’s a world that your friends join it doesn’t close when the main person leaves yep I know I got to turn that off uh play go to servers we got six go in and bada bing bada boom holy CP okay so settings yeah even even if I am not in uh shaders uh show cordinates is not on yeah you have to do it when you create the world huh yeah oh crap n oh or it’s on the server side for etos it’s probably on eternos because eternos always has like a weird glitch what is this [Music] worlds you have to go to here oh okay so that’s how it does it okay uh freeze damage no I’m looking give me a sec give me a second W [Music] armor yes that’s on experiments show coordinates yep there we go show coordinates is on Saved cool yep there we go yay everybody has coordinates oh look a useless mob what an ocelot a useless mob an ocelot is a useless mob it it takes down fish wait no that’s a cat my bad that’s a I’m talking about an axel AEL so yeah there’s my cards Now give me a sec I gotta go and get my shaders back on because I can’t do anything without my sh my shaders activate yes thank you meet expectations see what it says right there I’m meeting the expectations all right eight viewers let’s go up to fo in a few seconds K are you speak are you are you speaking Portuguese to him yes why it’s fine just just repeat just uh like translate to what he says it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t even know what you’re saying in English anyway these are the kind of people that we end up getting which makes no sense I mean it’s good it’s a good thing no it’s not I just shoot theill why you know the don’t show up I don’t even know what server he playing right now it’s B server yeah I don’t know what server he’s playing it’s pinned in his YouTu okay saying Bedrock server means nothing because me and him played many Bedrock servers that are private and whatever the server name server port and then give it whatever name you want we have we have multiple different ones ah I already said that something th sounds like something I’m sorry I’m just working I’m just working just working I’m trying to figure out what I did wrong huh coordinates are showing up but I can’t see no that’s a bad no stop that who’s dark Inferno what do you think never I I want a dog go it’s a different one I can’t T it it’s not like I have the only thing I hate about Bedrock is how fast your hunger goes down please pleas tell me you I don’t know oh I don’t know anymore I’m messing with the I’m messing with the chat too much I’m messing with chat like I’m trying to fix the the chat settings and it’s not like there it goes why is it not why is it why oh wait I over 2,000 blocks away from you yes you are um what let’s not do that H someone should literally not uh use someone else’s name yeah if you’re trying to sleep it’s not gonna happen not everyone wait there’s so many people I don’t think NE tripping and I don’t think neither one of is so no I don’t want to write nothing I don’t want to type in anything what server is this it’s a Minecraft [Music] server what yeah it’s Bedrock but the thing is I don’t think I even have that listed for me to go into you can still get in it C yes add your own I don’t I don’t even I don’t have it it’s pin in the chat c thought you were doing Bedrock I am doing Bedrock you can tell because he actually shaders on OS yes et why are you saying EOS it doesn’t start with the E A he said it’s a a friend it’s hos I should try to do like one of those plugins so that if if somebody sleeps in a bed the the day will go by faster oh yeah that doesn’t work that doesn’t work uh for Bedrock I don’t think so okay because you can do it for Java it’s it it’s not plug in for eternals it’s literally just on there didn’t know that webs I can do Bedrock I since when did they do it since bck came out okay well Well everybody’s wait waiting to go to sleep I’m in the middle of so yeah I’m going sleep sleeping with the fishes why would you want to sleep with the fish uh Minecraft on cell I mean you can you I don’t know if Kuro can you get on a server on a cell phone I don’t even know how the [ __ ] you do that where the heck do I add it in okay I see what it is give me a sec guys let me you put it into like the server you know where it says uh single player friends and then server go all uh scroll all the way down and then just type in type it into the can’t sleep I don’t have any and sheep don’t spawn at night what’s up what’s up mag cers we’re back to nine viewers let’s go fine okay I guess we’re not going to sleep I guess no because I don’t have a bed need I just got on the server yeah so sleeping is inevitable huh well I got a lot of Str I don’t know where I’m going I know where I’m going and I I have a I have coordinates Coates are working for me yeah oh my gosh there’s a a skeleton in full death okay well I’m dead death chat rip for uh Batman if he [Laughter] dies where I go I don’t know where to go well use your use your uh coordinates location dude yeah just waiting for you okay you’re not even tell me you don’t even tell me what cornet to go to you gotta go to negative 1500 is that seriously where you are uh for Z so 1,500 basically negative 1,500 yeah and I’m near it what’s the other coordinate uh uh X is 300 well 324 hardest dead [Laughter] so Batman do you even have a bed no not even no he does not have a bed oh my gosh this is the great canyon wait are you nearby yes okay turning off uh coordinates the big old dick move don’t think it would matter since you can just rewind the stream and look at ity much yeah I can’t get over this hill so I have to do the other thing oh look there’s water down here yeah here the thing next night soop if not everyone is GNA have phant on six people okay that’s fine that’s [Music] fine hi ow over the cataclysm okay [Music] but we’re gonna die we’re gonna die I’m gonna die you’re gonna die we’re all gonna die just not today no stop it can you stay in one place stay in one place I don’t want to stay in one place because I’m just trying to get the coordinates to get there and I got I have the coordinates but here’s the thing it’s no way you keep changing full iron armor yeah I got full iron armor oh you’re saying you got full iron armor okay cool that’s I minutes I hey look if I Place time to R it time to kill uh Batman I see a Steve character that’s all I see hi Steve what are you doing here oh here R okay I see how it is I see how that is uh let’s see [Laughter] see fix it oh I’m still a Ste okay time to go to my custom there you go there’s your wool and then you can just take uh take anything you want obviously not what’s in my chest but like you’re a panda hi Panda there we go okay what are you a Sad Panda are you the Sad Panda no you’re the blle which reminds me I have to like get onto the single player one [Laughter] I am not going to last with this also there XP exploit unless so I’m get at least about 60 levels wait there’s an exploit XP exploit yes need to make a watermelon Farm okay now I need a arm I ring cookies are like a plant-based right it’s just like uh cocoa butter uh cocoa cocoa seeds and uh wheat seeds right so cookies are not uh not now cake I can’t have cake because it’s a dairy based uh oh I got armadillo SKS scoots I’m just missing one so uh you can get dark arm which yes that’s a thing yeah that is a thing actually I can make it just using stuff you I let not a thing oh it’s a thing ick I need to find like some diamonds or whatever did any of you me I can hear you I was saying that I found a sea Temple you found a sea Temple what why you want uh I just accidentally found a SE Temple no I’m good just trying to get more iron so I can uh create a Beacon of Hope that’s not going to happen and you know that [ __ ] who knows I may build a a temple and then probably just let like random players try to ransack the the temple I don’t care about like the items in there cuz I want to try to get like uh some Diamond uh tools and armor or whatever just to uh because I have okay Batman I give you a i appoint you to make the make the run hard so if anybody enters the temple if anybody enters the temple uh you can make it as hard as you can you can make it make the temple really hard or it’s like oh I can make near I can make it almost impossible oh I make it nearly impossible just to give a little hope why and you have to do a specific minecft mechanic in order for it to uh in order to survive but you don’t know what it is and you won’t get any hits so you got uh you you don’t have any shaders on so if you want to come over here I’m over here just see yep I’m coming I’m coming out I’m coming out I’m going I’m right by a tree yeah the beauty of this is a name takes like make me oh okay you changed your skin yeah this the custom one with all the stuff I bought actually I don’t have okay just followes mine there we go give me that thank you oh I don’t use I don’t have my shoulder pads yeah worth it should I disable like the uh the N ow who fired hello I can’t see in the dark so it was you the whole time stop doing that yeah look nice it Destro five of them to get destroys the brush it really breaks the brush quickly uses get I can’t even see okay where’s that I’m not getting Co okay because they change how the tra doors and doors are crafted I think unless that’s they haven’t done that yet they changed it from blocks of copper to ingots so six blocks of copper just to make uh two traps okay baby kitty so what’s happen what’s happening with uh in chat c what I don’t know I just asked what’s happening in chatl that a baby camel where did you find a baby camel oh you know there’s also baby dolphins in baby squids in here no I really that is a bad idea to have baby dolphins in here yeah but here’s the thing it’s not in Java but it is in here go down there no don’t you dare if I die when did they okay hold on when did they add baby squids and dolphins oh up no I’m sorry I’m sorry sorry the okay I got what I need for infinite X time well we’re in the cave C [Music] so you just look at me Sky SP there’s a skeleton spawner I thing I oh no that’s just [Music] Vines oh he just aggroed on you isn’t he Jesus I’m supposing hav noticed this the Minecon 2019 C the what yeah this is M 2019 C I just found armor where fine armor I’m at a desert village oh that I have a feeling it’s Le no it’s iron oh blacksmith hi buddy how are [Music] you go look loopy loopop oh hi that scared me that scared me so much you know if you just use your shield and just block blow up the creeper and kill them both you burn out the light take more damage but here’s the thing worth it if you can kill two birds with one stone literally this is the only there only one oh this is where I would I like to you go down okay I’m GNA have to remove the shaders because in the cave it’s bad but in like like when I do a build it’s it’s really awesome give me a sec I’ll be right back Batman what are you doing nothing are you sure yeah I’m doing nothing I went down the hole [ __ ] I hate you it work what he do there LED off my dog a hole and when you Lo back if you oldest trick in the book I love it I bet you do like doing that St hey I got a friend behind me what oh that’s fine oh a drip Stone this actually really good time to get infinite lava and infinite zombies and infinite zombies you doal with those while IAL I got a carrot and I got helmet G Lush C which means AEL and glowberries and AIA plants let’s go let me check on chat uh stream six uh hours in okay cool does anybody I hear her whistling somewhere oh hi how are you thank you I need you we’re underneath a lush uh Cave yeah he doesn’t have he doesn’t have a soundboard on by the way who you who else you don’t turn it on on don’t turn on what sound the board you go down my brother always whistles that way he just I was going to say if you want to keep exploring that Lush I mean we we’ll get to it I guess I he your friend that’s not mine why you run ow that’s why I oh someone was clear I’m going to grab this before you do what grab what nothing put what do you think l c what’s it I found a Spore blost him also oh yeah what’s he saying C I don’t want to be left in the dark talk about they’re not even talking anymore talking in portugu baby axel and that’s actually not a joke it’s literally baby axel oh okay cool look at these guys are you a mother I think you’re the mother I think so I’m but that’s adorable amazing yes oh look friend you from Spiderman sure St would be very proud you know what’s funny I did a report on us in high school when because uh his uh daughter pretty much sold everything to uh everything to Disney pretty much so you can make money because that’s was in his will pretty much his whole entire Enterprise would be left up to his pretty much yeah and then she backstabs them and uh sells it to Disney so that’s just kind of cool is this the right way to go I’m thinking so well there’s only way one way out there and it’s up so NOP wrong way [Music] don’t hit me with an IR Pi no no no no yeah you know you know how hard a freaking iron Pig hits no because I have no armor the last not to dead end I know we’re going at dead end but I’m trying to figure out where go oh you found it well I found something more but here’s the thing uh V first got eight iron dude that’s not cool yay found it you found it okay now which way I believe this way how about you how about Minecraft just takes out the what there no use the pretty much it’s useless yeah AEL is pretty much useless a get it or B but don’t kill it because Carl won’t uh won’t stay in the in the game too long no the OT and the cat is different they’re different they’re two different things one’s useless one’s not why keep why keep useless one another one I don’t know so let me guess your dog died just going to say that now no I don’t have a dog wait wait wait wait my real dog or the Minecraft dog I don’t know what you’re talking about but okay my real dog passed away he was only like what a year a year old wow that is J J young yeah pay attention [Music] to pay attention yeah you can you can join VC it’s open we hit 10 viewers let’s go well it’s mostly nine because it’s me in the chat as well but still it’s nine viewers y atast two three people anyway okay I need to go back uh go back to home [Music] oh yeah anybody watch Kaiju number eight that is a damn good animation I tell you that you would have send me a link or something so I can watch it hello German Shepherd hello come here come here come here come here hey hey hey hey hey hey hey follow me follow me follow me yeah said time to burn at least eight of your coal because I’m level two to level freaking 60 really yeah don’t expect to smell anything because is I’m waiting for to dog hello huh I just dropped your dog so it won’t actually die you’re adorable chat give me a name give me a name for the dog give me a name for the dog please I say arur what you’re such a good dog I’m thinking more Maximus but let me know guys let me know um are you even paying attention to anything I’m paying attention to his chat and want Minecraft chat Minecraft chat yes Rob oh okay cool Rob nice thank you PewDiePie thank you PewDiePie any others fake PewDiePie anyway Caro stop being Road not the real PewDiePie I know dude people need to have their own name and I continue with Ste hey anyone know what an armad drops if it dies uh nothing I believe I’m not sure but you don’t need to kill them to get those uh know yeah yeah it’s a brush to to do it I mean you don’t have use a brush sometimes they just Dro them themselves as well yeah I just found also did you oh yeah okay what [Laughter] nothing is there a Creeper explosion over here what the hell let me look down the Minecraft and see if they drop anything nope no they don’t okay so it’s not don’t take anything out of the furnace I’m not going to do that I’m trying to do it and exploit and I want you to show down stream wait so okay normal zombies Die in the sunlight right yeah husks don’t husks don’t okay I did not know that you didn’t know that nope normally I just see them at night time oh I can tell you there all types of skeletons burn in the sunlight okay Strays the bog and normal skeletons the only one to actually scratch that the only exception is to we the skeleton but that’s only why do they keep leaving the game I don’t know ow oh hey you want to know something you know that other C I have that Minecraft one yeah oh that one yeah look familiar yeah I on both accounts so I am done at the desert uh Village are you okay Batman you went to sleep or did you sneeze Snee I don’t think I see Heroes I need to update my Xbox thing and get my custom one did you turn off insomnia did I turn off insomnia I don’t think so yeah oh we’re GNA have some visitors tonight if you want you can move your bed [Laughter] inside everyone everybody has a bed dude wait do we do we need to turn on insomnia wait do we even have insomnia I know I can double check render Dragon [Music] features upcoming Creator features trying to figure something yeah it doesn’t look like the only thing I could find how do you imagine Brazil but if you’re going to answer me in Brazil Portuguese preferably why why ghost face why would you do that what you do Ghost Face says uh [ __ ] spes spes bik is I don’t know oh great this monster nearby right but oh car what are you doing what I’m just asking what are you doing I’m sleeping in a bed okay it’s PewDiePie then that’s yeah he probably in a cave seven viewers Let’s go people two of them so far yeah you said he was in the cape no he was in the ocean he just downed so oh no you’ve been slained by a drown why and he doesn’t have a bed oh wow there’s a creeper right outside your door I should open this no don’t you dare all it takes is one right click do somebody did somebody like beat so you two aren’t in a bed while me and the other person is yeah yeah yeah because there the P guys not in in a bed Batman waiting on you I am in the bat what do you mean did Str stop no what is going on with the stream okay one there one there I can’t get that yeah you yep that’s got to happen it’s fine I can always uh oh my gosh they fixed it dang it exactly it’s about well it’s about time so oh God [Laughter] Mee something holy crap B’s like oh God come on do don’t you kill my dog [Laughter] this exactly why I have to keep dogs inside they have more armor so they’ll last perfect now we do a little bit of fun man what you doing this really I didn’t know how much health you were at I did not know how I did not know how much health you had that’s my bad I did not know how much health you had okay you declared war I did not know how much health you had are you sure about that no I don’t have your stream pulled up anymore I didn’t look well I know you have full health now all right I guess I’m I know where I’m going to go I got to go find a cave go find some diamonds and then I’ll I’ll come back with uh with avengeance how are you GNA do that without torches without torches oh don’t worry I got it well when it comes to somebody that doesn’t even care about eating uh that doesn’t care about cooked food and just eats it you would understand I hey C I found a cross oh great great wait wait you found a what I found a cross a uh oh you found a uh oh [Music] ow oh it’s a bow not a crossbow you said crossbow it’s a it’s a freaking what do you mean what do you okay what do you mean what VC music Lobby or gaming like literally you just scroll down of the freaking Discord Channel they know what we’re in like it oh I see what’s going on here why are we in the private one what oh I don’t know go on the public one all right give me a sec okay time to go murder a wolf that will be why did I do that why the freak did I oh my my time to act now the dig holes right now just go go go Batman what are you doing nothing nothing yeah I’m G I’m gonna freaking murder you with the lava bucket now yeah there you are I water I have water now so that lava means nothing oh my God no freaking way what what I’m surprised Batman didn’t even see it [Music] I’m confused I found a a m shaft oh haveone deal with the poison yeah have fun dealing with poison oh yeah I see the M CH oh it’s a different one oh that’s cool right thanks are we both on the race by mine it’s a dark oak oh diamonds damn it great he found diamonds how wait what just happened I knew R would kill me for diamonds I’m not that stupid mean Batman I want to kill you for diamonds well I didn’t grab the name tag that was in there so you can have that oh my God thank you Lord oh I needed a new one okay cool I like how the first Minecart with the chest has diamonds in it and I happen to be oh I just found one of those uh what are they called jungle temples or something please don’t tell me you I actually don’t I have a feel you put lava but doesn’t know this uh spawn protection what are you talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about come here Batman Oh Long G oh my God Batman you would love this area right here it’s got coal uh not coal God dang it it’s got uh uh copper this is a lot of copper I hear my name I see your name it’s right here I can’t get through here this is fun one little slag Ty is blocking me hi right there wait wait actually don’t this is a CO a copper bin there’s broad copper blocks in this yeah give me second I got update my skin and it’s not up this the freaking other one doesn’t okay I’m going to I’m going to end up killing myself if I not too careful oh come on you put yourself in there not my fault oh Razer please please please please please please please please why why you you were trying to kill me I mean I was just doing I was just doing self-defense this why is RA not talking well come on spawn in if you see what happening in chat I can’t I can’t really because I mean you’re gonna be in a lava pit anyway so oh that’s just wonderful yeah it doesn’t help that your stream’s open so I’m not just feel I I’ll wait I’m I’m patient I’m a very patient guy well I can just get off just say good night you know if I die we lose D the two diamonds right ah it’s fine it’s just two diamonds the Anarchy happens for a reason he does want to back not GNA happen because you’re streaming and I can see your examples so I’m going to wait okay I’ll just leave I’ll just leave the lava bucket there hi Batman have fun with the lava I would never do that oh someone’s not healthy stay away from me stay away from me how the tabl T okay I’m actually no don’t go to your home TV you know K’s going to sleep they’re both in bed right I know I’m trying to figure out where where I’m at how did I manage to find my way back and you I see my way back uhuh I may just dring a little friend too but oh what’s up what’s up trying to get you isn’t he oh hey re there’s a mess for you to clean up I hate you oh my days why what that’s just how life works why do you do that to me I does this Happ [Music] zomie an iron sword [Music] what’s up bro be right I have to do something and I don’t get killed Batman what’s that sound going on in the background man he don’t know huh no we were just talking about Batman C was like Batman I hear no sound in the background no now did he get off he got off why did Batman get off Carl what’ you do to Batman what are you talking about all I hear is my neighbor the only one that’s doing anything to Batman is you do you want me to teleport you like to a high place and then you just lose your current location I’m trying to figure out how to get to you well the coordinates is right there I don’t think you stream opened it’s like uh 1584 1589 I don’t know why you’re saying the negative First when it’s supposed to be the positive that’s first that shows on your screen what positive a no positive and then you say the negative well hurry your butt up Caro I’m in the Mesa I had to like swim like what 1,000 mile due to like being on an island I think Batman left I mean still in the voice call yeah I was going to put I was going to put him in a lava pit trap but I said nah I’d rather be nice about it oh look there’s that nice is not always a way to go yeah there’s no way to go nice my keyboard’s annoying at least I got a solent mouse oh I got the silent keyboard and the silent Mouse I only got a silent Mouse cuz I’m broke I traded some kid I traded some kid my mouse for this mouse and then I never traded him we were supposed to after a week I said no I’m not bringing him back here that mouse was really [Music] I got six wool I don’t know why that’s a good thing why because then you can make yourself a bed ow no yeah but why do I need six uh I don’t know I just thought it would be nice to have wool plus you can make like a banner too that cost six yeah yeah then I need to get three more I mean there’s like uh there’s string in the in the chest unless I got the C the colors to make all of us American PL Shield [ __ ] hi that scared the hell out of me stream is probably like what the hell going on that scared me so much the creeper just broke on me and it’s just like oh yeah I I have stream muted cuz I’m not hearing to of your annoying voice oh I can’t Sprint I’m not even cooking this M nice and ready to die I don’t want to kill this chicken it’s awesome goodd holy crap okay there’s a zombie villager right there he’s a cleric but I can’t get you let me get diamond armor and then I can I can grab the uh zombie villagers all you need is iron armor to get it they’ll spawn back you want a village uh yeah that’ be cool I can find one oh [Music] [Music] cool got it in d right that’s funny not going to lie that’s funny I’m not going to lie what’s the cord the base uh uh positive 322 and 1580 okay I’m dead Hi C what are you doing over [Music] there what C stalking people again oh no he’s he found he found you yeah there’s a golden chest plate if you want it c s he’s stalking you pretty much fine that’s what I just said and you said no it’s fine it’s fine it’s not fine why you CL yourself because that’s the only thing I could do is just lie it’s just lie to myself what did I just hear an ad oh flip there an ad [Music] hi now here Steve skin by the way I’m not getting off this tree skeleton ow it’s after [Music] you I got to go for a minute I’m still going to be in game though okay so where’d you go C I saw Oh I thought I heard you say that you got a villager desert village desert village oh wait on the other side over here over here right are you okay A little baby zombie freaking baby zombie trying to kill my dog oh it’s it’s a brand new dog attack of the murderous zombies hi yeah hi that did not just happen can you get my stuff it’s right there below you like literally right there I got you bud I got you bloody freaking hell I just got here that’s is it night or day it’s night oh I’m not coming out this SCH time get my armor I’m trying to get your armor I’m trying to get your stuff but I don’t have anything to put it in I don’t even have a chest it’s that’s why I tell you to have a chest with you that just takes up inventory space no it doesn’t yes it does obviously you don’t even know any better about Minecraft then I have all the trophies on Playstation I don’t have to listen to you because you’re a little kid yeah I just their ass off Caro why you have to be like that that’s that cool man Le no don’t leave it’s it he just has like one of those breakdowns oh crap don’t leave he C is just being [Music] curo where did that drown even come from I don’t know [Music] came from the underworld or whatever where you at why did I just hear my dog G killed I didn’t do anything your dog is just I didn’t do anything to your dog I’m still watching on my Des screen by the way why I thought you were like on your way okay fine get over here uh just spawn in just spawn in I got you oh why am I not surprised are you are you in yeah there you go move forward move forward there you go anything else you had I had an IR sword no wait no stone sword um okay most of it is down there I did not have a ho yeah most of is down there uh what’s down there it’s starting to get sunny how about [Music] die help me okay never mind I don’t need help I just it’s a pro where’s the sword did I pick it up no I did not there’s a what no okay well I don’t know where your sword went girl can I ask you something why you have why you have to be mean I’m just asking don’t get mad just asking oh and for your dog your dog just uh jumped into water and he just kept going underneath the underneath the water or so because he didn’t know where you’re at that happen I you try I I moved him out I moved him out of the water and moved him a little bit downwards and then I don’t know how how he drown so it’s just it’s just another uh another one of those Minecraft glitches I thought your dog would teleport to you uh Koo be nice what try to be try to be more nice to people uh when I comes to specific things read the chat when it comes to specific things no why why do you have to be like that cuz it’s [ __ ] you know that’s not really nice to say kurl you got to say something nice I still remember that time where some little kid that joined the voice like please don’t cuss well don’t be here then okay well it is a friendly it no it’s not there are you still okay you still no you still cuss you even talk about suicide nonsense crap it’s not meant for kids anyway okay my channel shut up what just shut up it’s not meant for kids just dropped down like just shut up and then I just see your character just disappear I’m sorry Ghost Face K is like a brother you know he’s like second about what what my little brother is sort of sort of what my little brother was but yeah car if if you’re going to like be an extrovert type of guy you need to be like really respectful that’s how you lose a lot of friends I’m just saying hey car look there’s puppies over here you can have a doggy do you have the rest of my bones yes I do come over here you uh -485 there’s a bridge there’s a like a wooden bridge no he cares about friends it’s just he’s like the he’s like a college uh College uh he has a college brain okay he has a much College brain uh he had sometimes he has uh he has a brain of a child I mean we’re all child at one point but you do understand I have way more common sense and more strict and more serious about things than you and anybody else and how long has has it been since you got a job and let me see why don’t you go to the mirror why are you been like that I didn’t you’re the one started it no I didn’t do [ __ ] to you you talked about the job thing yeah I’ve got like what three four jobs under my belt and you have what I mean it doesn’t really matter since I have 23k saved up in my bank are you dude you keep saying that and then you’re like oh I have nothing in my bank uh for using but the the 23k is only meant for if I’m a house someplace I’m not spending it on nonsense okay but you do know houses are a lot more like around 200,000 about 300,000 so an apartment is better for the most part you’re on the other side of the canyon what are you doing for about the dogs so just finding myself okay did something happen car did anything happen did anything bad happen do you need a hug I think if you got a hug or if you got like another Pok you’ll be happy I can’t touch it I can’t touch it okay I just went away I think you need a soda I think you need a like a four liter Dr Pepper I’m sorry everybody didn’t mean for chat uh for stream to go horribly wrong if you want to you guys can yell at me saying that I’m a bad I’m a bad guy it’s fine why would you even say that you know I’m trying to get I’m trying to let you cool off C trying to let you cool off let you like chill out I’m surprised you guys are still in the chat I’m so sorry but yeah you guys can yell at me it’s not coros it’s probably my fault [Music] okay what happened to my pu what happened oh there it is okay um okay so it’s turning dark turning night time there’s another dog over here doggle doggle there’s a scary guy run run run run run keep running keep running keep running evil person evil person excuse me doggy hello it’s like five people watching us we hit eight that’s a pretty good record uh pretty soon like uh I think around next week we’ll probably I’ll probably open up the the the Java server so if anybody wants to join it uh feel free you’ll be trapped in a container until we can uh open up the barriers and then let you guys go let you guys go and explore the world it’s called I I guess I’ll call it civilization infinite civilization generation I guess I don’t know I’ll change the I’ll change the server name and then I’ll put the server in the IP so that you guys uh or in the chat so that you guys can uh join it and then create your stories so I’m I’m trying to my brother got me into Captain Nate and then I got into Stoneworks I got into Stoneworks and then yeah 27 minutes ago what I got seven yeah I think I think my chat just broke I think I’m broken I think I broke the chat [Music] what we got to do hello mu yeah I can’t eat any of that I can’t eat the freaking meat I can’t eat I can’t even eat the chicken that’s just bad do we have cocoa beans here no okay so I need one of you oh no we do have Coco Coco are you cookies are good right cookies are not that was scary scary r wobby wobby [Music] in I am in the bed okay cool what a wonderful [Music] night so basically on an anarchy uh on an anarchy server it’ll be it be just like that anyways I’ll be right back he you want to be banned behave do [Music] I mean if you guys want to you guys can kill each other it’ll be fine I mean it’s just like another it just be like Anarchy yeah see what happens [Music] the competition between C and Ghost Face will come on I think he I I don’t know I’m not going to choose any side so this is y’all’s view this is y’all’s battle until you guys come up with a agreement I can’t get in the in the uh I can’t get into the middle of your battles so you guys do what you need to do why’ you say why you say You’re Gonna ban him you’re thing I want people to kill me is me what happens what happens if if somebody in the Anarchy server just kills you are you going to ban them no you don’t have the authority to ban them maybe in the YouTube chat but not like in the game chat or not in the game you understand also my Discord server oh yeah that’s true but okay so there are a lot of things that other people uh oh de initiation he’s talking to you K I don’t care why maybe he just role play no he’s not he said he found you yeah I have armor you don’t then I have iron weapons what are you going to do just go away just go away he says that’s just mean Caro would you do that if uh Hawk would do uh was trying to kill you you know I never said he was my friend the Scandal do understand friendship takes time not automatically out of nowhere I mean we hit it off like good Palace no that took time and you know that don’t get mad at me hi yeah you’re so cute already annoyed by what he said of her doesn’t care about his friend friends that bothered me a lot and I corrected him that you do care about your friends still bothers me how about how about this Caro I can like I can like make you pancakes chocolate chip pancakes now why you don’t like chocolate chip pancakes what is wrong with you I like I like them I just don’t want them why because I’m not into I’m just not I don’t feel like it why you don’t feel like it take chocolate pancake just join what are you doing what’s going on the background okay where even are you okay okay I’m gonna mute what in the world life is that you yes it’s life here some cookies have some cookies it’s not going to make me feel better fine I have to make you a big old cookie fine has to be in real life fine I’ll make you a big cookie in real life probably will be a cookie cake but you want icing with it fine you want you want your character on it life is a friend of mine from a few years ago basically like what like six years seven years originally we met in Pokemon that was a dragon type gym leader wait she’s a dragon type gym leader no I was a dragon type gym leader oh I think she was like ground type yeah yeah I think she was like ground type gym leader h wait Pixelmon no or like uh MMO Pokemon sword and shield oh we were in a Discord group and I was like the gym leader like so many people had a hard time trying to defeat me at all especially the fairies and Ice gems JY can fight gems if they want and then get badges as well pretty much that’s what I did people had a very hard time trying to beat me wait sword and shield is on DS right no Nintendo switch oh wait how how do you even do that we just beat them we have properly trained EVS IVs Pokemon that we worked our butts off with and we used them for the uh battles of gems and things on the Discord server and if you beat us you get something special is that like a challenge that you guys did uh challenge for like all people that were in the server basically we were like a big Pokemon Discord group the owner that had the server also made a very cool Pokemon music video of a Pokemon rap or Pokemon sword and shield yeah I really I show your brother when I was at your house ah wait I’m your best friend you don’t show me anything that’s just rude you were locked in your room I was locked in my room yes I was locked in my room because I was tired I was sleepy I was sleeping your fault you stay up all night when I told you not to hi I don’t stay up all night you stay up all night yes you were shut up take my cookies okay well be doing this oh hello ghost face I see you I haven’t ignored you K is an introvert I’m an extrovert or what now oh you never heard of taku uh slang hold on I need to turn down my stupid Minecraft music yeah you’re you’re an introvert you meaning that mean you it means that you stay indoors you you shut yourself from the world I don’t know I still think you’re an introvert I used to be an introvert uh like what in one week and then at the next I was just like you know what screw it I’m just going to go you know when a person shuts themselves in or whatever and stays in the house or whatever that seems more like a freaking hermit I’m not a Hermit May me alone I was going by based of what you said I take and I to let you know not many people fought me because yeah yeah oh she was listening where are you I hear people talking in the background she’s at school high school maybe Middle School yes is High School she’s she’s a freaking senior and she she went to prom she should be graduating actually I’m inan cooking CL make me some cookies you don’t have to do anything that he says I will end you I will kiss you now get a bloody bed I’m getting into the bloody bed it takes a while there’s too many creepers there too many zombies there too many skeletons you shouldn’t go out so far I went have to go find you to see this battle between you and ghost face but no that would be at the Village though not somewhere else and also that was already a long time ago that we already said that happening and you came back to the house and gave you cookies and things yeah that’s why there’s a lot of noise yeah I am sorry CH you do understand you can literally lower the volume on life on Discord that way you don’t hear the cluttering dishes zombies and tigers and bears oh my dig yourself into a hole I’ll dig you into a hole sorry there we go I got mute uh I got I called her mute I think I’m just going to let the this Stream Run a bit you know just run it all the way and then it’ll just like reset let me out of my house I don’t want to be here Mom help me yeah die die like like the grumpy as old man you are turn around baby zombie dies no no no don’t you dare no go over that way go over that way go over that way go over that way yes thank you I swear I need to like uh IP is in the in the chat it’s Pinn in the chat you can join the IP and Port key it’s all in there maybe I should just like do a gladiator uh uh build somewhere like somewhere in the desert I’ll build like the Coliseum and then anybody that wants to has an issue or a dispute they can take it up into into the ring I think that sounds like a good idea say like if somebody stole something from somebody uh oops well there goes my I’m wearing my yellow pants now uh say like uh somebody stole your stole a cookie from you or something you can start uh you can do a you go like oh I challenge you to a duel at the Coliseum and then uh just you’ll just say hey can you uh can you why do I always get calls like that can you teleport us to the Coliseum I’ll be like okay cool yeah I’ll teleport y’all and then you guys can like duke it out and settle the score with each other I think that’s a good idea I think I should do that oh I got protection too let’s go DP what is that DP p c l LCC [Music] I a rock I want to rock rock why is there a witch at the Village did you not sleep it’s daytime okay come here here come here come here come here hey I got food for you you stupid Bluebird get over here you oh my God you’re so greedy I’m just I’m just about to kill every Bluebird in this jungle so we already got like three people in I thought these were Cactus you see you TPU TPU to where to your base I wonder if this is your base I’m not sure whoops [Music] bring me a higher [Music] [Music] oh oh got to find like a ravine area you don’t have a base oh why I thought you had a base okay well I guess I’ll I guess you could just make a base in the in the Mesa or where the Village Farm is let’s go back to the Mesa and then pick out a plot for you for you for you for you for you for you thank you okay so you want to be closer to the to the Jungle area like where is [Music] Grass I think it’s pretty nice I think you should y I don’t know whose base this is I’m okay so let’s see you know what I think this one I think this here is could be your base right here you can build a medieval house [Music] or anything you like oh there goes my stick don’t me Minecraft is going to be hard Hardy hard Hardy hard Hardy car I wonder what happened to Batman he’s in call he’s just muted why no idea better no yep I’m going I’m going to sleep I’m going to go to sleep car we need to sleep don’t talk to me don’t talk to you why cuz I was already in the bed well you don’t have to be mean to me dad I thought it was your mom I mean do you want to switch make up your mind wait what how do you know that you were my mom I mean like you’re the one I said in the first place many times yeah but I was playing around so okay so you want to take the role of my mom okay cool the mom I the dad make up your sents I mean I called you Mom so where’ Dad come from who knows you said it you literally just said it like 40 seconds ago I have no reculation of that he’s on your stream rewind the watch you want to rewind it it’s too much work 40 seconds ago hi are you cool are you still in the village yes what are you doing in the village I’m just going to live here doing nothing I said I’m just going to live here okay but you’re not doing anything I’m building a house oh you’re really building a house I know I’m an [ __ ] to you oh look C you got a black sheep behind your house I’ve made better this is just survival basic custom it’s just a basic house pretty much I know you’re there behind tree quit it whatever do you mean cell one being I have no idea what he even said I don’t think that’s him I think it was life life left what that that devious devil a B’s not even in the call anymore why is he not in the call anymore I don’t know he just suddenly I don’t know what he’s doing probably got bored he’s like if I can’t have okay he’s talking I don’t know who that was never landed the great place okay that was live why are you talking about Netherland I think she’s talking about the the the anime right live no what do you mean no and by the way how do how am I understanding what you’re saying when I have you at like 12% volume I can’t even hear C when I when he’s at 12% volume you’re not even supposed to be doing that in the first place why are you H why are you having so low because there’s like so much noise in the background uh okay I’m sorry about that bad life there you go I got you at like 34% I can’t control it I’m sorry oh why are you apologizing girl what are you doing me what am I doing I already told you what I’m doing I didn’t say C I said girl are you is your name girl what am I doing yeah I am currently sitting at a table nothing then why you even be there oh at this High School [Music] dude what you can’t you can’t do nothing in high school like it’s that a i’ rather I’d rather go to a quiet place in high school that was you okay I’m GNA people getting loud yeah loud enough it sounds like freaking preschool in a cafeteria and you are a toddler that’s what you think I mean do I need to explain like in the notebook that how many times C comp do I have to explain in a notebook how serious and Common Sense and notable about things that I talk about a common sense what kind of Common Sense is that you got mad at my grand uh at my stepdad when the [ __ ] are you talking about when you came over that one Christmas he was like so what kind of job do you do and you’re like I don’t want to answer that I’m surprised you didn’t tell them to go [ __ ] off because it’s just like if he heard you say that dude he would just like get out of my house first off why would I even say that to him I’m just saying bro cuz usually when I say hey C second I didn’t have an attitude towards him when I said I didn’t want to talk about it he thought you did so well then he’s stupid as [ __ ] hey be next to my dad be next to my daddy oh I found efficiency uh enchantment book found another name tag found another I found a golden [Music] apple oh I found this 13 how about that c yeah once you start playing I’m going make a mess everything why you want to make a mess out of everything I don’t like hearing it I’m G to play it people are making messes man and people are hitting each other something I mean we were holding hands when we were like walking in in Walmart I don’t even know what you’re talking about as life just came out of nowhere say he wants to deny the fact that we’re we’re madly in love oh you’re doing that crap again huh hey why are you calling our love crap that’s not fun um I agree with you Ranger I think you two are and I will end you thank you live no problem no no bad life down no no no no this one no oh my God who’s being an idiot who’s being an idiot don’t let me go hand solo on you well somebody’s being people are throwing chairs what the living [ __ ] what do you mean people are throwing chairs it’s the end of the school year dude of course everybody’s G to throw chairs [Music] it finally quieted down yeah yeah because they’re misbehaving like an idiot why are you calling people idiot ca cu they are they’re not idiots you’re an idiot tell that to Mr Grinch what the very mean one you yeah n bah B that gr that’s a freaking Scrooge you’re scro I know that’s why that’s why I’m saying I’m not the Grinch are you are [Music] you you know what car I’m gonna find a bunch of baby zombies and I’m just going to put them in your house yeah you could do that pick on curo so much oh my God I forgot what it’s like to be in high school it’s very chaotic it’s very cha chotic not where I was oh yeah C was one of those uh one of those kids that had like uh that had if you make a sound the teacher will whip you with a belt no basically the high schools I were in basically use common sense and just equipping a little kid bull crap thing well in the country we in the country middle nowhere what are you doing for what it’s btime [Music] we don’t know [Music] okay guess what what we’ll be making some type of tweet for our final in what about the finals we’re GNA be making um some type of food like some type of pastry something like that oh what are you going to make are you going to make German chocolate cake or are you going to make like German Dutch cake I don’t really know cuz if it’s kind of pastry then you’re going to know how to like bake uh fry a donut fry of bagel K I know how to do like that we did we made homemade cinnamon rolls and you know what the girls did at at my school they they made some kind of pig uh Pig body part uh for the for the teacher and then she was like oh my God it’s so good heard about this story and I don’t think I want to hear it again deafen yourself can you hear me now I can okay so yeah they they made the they made a meal out of something and then they were laughing about it it just it’s just funny as hell oh no a pig body part huh out of a body part it it it was part of a pig all oh oh yeah have you ever dissected dissected a pig’s heart no I never got to because in my eth grade year Co came around and said no that is n that is just messed up how come everybody gets to like get a pass on that but us we have to dissect a pig’s heart that is just so wrong you know how you know how frog here well I dissected a frog too but I didn’t want to dissect the Frog I didn’t want to dissect Kermit the Frog but we don’t I didn’t get to dissect anything because [Music] of so yeah I didn’t have to disect anything was it against moral code no no um said no and everything went on online schol we didn’t get to do [Music] it and I have one more week of school and then I’m done with why do we why do we go silent we just too busy like trying to figure out what to eat cuz I can’t eat meat in Minecraft oh is this the is this [Music] no huh cuck man can he talk C yes I feel like it he had a rough day [Music] that uh ghost face and Kuro were having a Fallout so I have to I have to be inter median with them then ghost face like uh One V one me or something like that and then like he’s like if you do I’ll ban you or so and I’m like cro don’t do that n if he One V one you and you beat him it’s settled the score is settled and he’s like no I don’t want to be touched like I W Just One V one him I’ll go to his base first take his bed then kill him and then he has to be at very spawn get wreck no don’t do that don’t do that that’s just rude yeah that just mean if he despawns at at his uh at his uh or if he spawns at his house you don’t have you don’t break his bed that’s why you don’t mess with me how would you like it if somebody did that to you break your bed and then killed you and then you had to like start all all over already has oh it’s not right don’t do that not right don’t mess with me I’ll put you in a in a in a cage with baby zombies with Diamond Armor no netherite armor with thorns three and uh what is it sharpness five sword I don’t think there’s a sharpness five sword I think there’s a four or three well there can be a sharpness five SW you just use the command Lo and mod it in yeah I’m not going to do that because if I if I have a command block I am I have to destroy everything should we make like spawn at Ground Zero like I have to go back to spawn and just build up spawn build up houses build up everything I feel like I need to do that oh what’s up buddy I don’t understand that I’m sorry I’m not a multilingual stupid languages I think it’s Russian I’m not sure could be Russian could be not you know it’s about 10 minutes until the B and then I get to go home yay life get to go home I’m already at home and I already hate it welcome to my world it’s worse I want to go to Six Flags I never been to Six Flags I would love go to I love it I’d never been to it imagine I’m sorry so s and I’m out of well that was a good journey I gotta go carnivore now there’s multiple different flags um [Music] I’ve been to like America I’ve been to six lik Over Texas so and every time I get on a roller coaster I pass out I don’t know why I don’t know how and then I wake up in the infirmary and everybody’s like you good bro you passed out that just happened I’m like yeah that really did just happen well um I I just went to an amusement park on Saturday I went to Holiday World I wanted to try to Hurricane Harbor but that’s even more of a roller coaster and I can’t I can’t I can’t uh I went to Holiday World and wrote a wooden roller coaster called The Legend it’s based off the Headless Heman I like it wait what is it called The Headless what uh no it’s called The Legend but it was based off of the Headless Heman oh the legend okay you should try to go to Hurricane Harbor they got this big old uh slide it look like a funnel and it’s really fun although any well no I try to go I would love to go to that s flag um I hav’t Flag Great America and they have a r x and I love it it’s great they have one uh that’s called Superman it just goes uh it just shoots you up in the in the sky I have that one I that one I rode that one I rode Batman I rode the Mr Freeze I did Tony Hawk’s uh roller coaster I got sick on the Tony Hawk roller coaster I have I rode the Joker I rode super I think I have Judge Brown I believe nice I wrote The Joker The Joker is pretty fun because it’s one of those it’s one of those they spin like they and they also go up tooll hold on hold on how does it go again um the the Joker does go again so you sit on it um and it could Rock they Rock and they could could you could flip all the way over when it starts going up I was in the seat where it went backwards and started being flipped over and going that’s what I thought you said and me and my friend Riley me and her are right next to each other and we were perfectly making it flip around and go in cires and then that ride made my mom funny [Music] but um if we ever work at an movement Park together uh Beware I will ride any I will not doubt you I love my rooll man I I think called cheetah point and they have a ride called the gatekeeper and I would yes it’s called the gatekeeper um and I would have loved to write it ridden it but I couldn’t because they they that ride is only open on the weekend we on a weekday oh the gatekeeper theive you know I R Texas GI and I like the the old school uh roller coaster and Six Flags it it it had so many problems uh over the years after I wrote it it just it just like they had to replace so many things on it they had to replace the roller coaster they had to replace the seats because the seats couldn’t uh click in Six Flag and my Six Flag America they have ride called wooden R and basic very f um but I love the edge FL because it’s one of those roller coasters where the base of the toter is on the and you’re hanging off the side yeah I anytime I do that uh do one of those roller coasters I always want I always want to make sure that I’m [Music] safe I’m sorry I thought I heard something wrong um um Ranger um well when I wrote the xite for the first time I was joking around with my friend right next to me he’s like I’m like oh look at that beautiful Horizon just look at it as we’re going down you know you got you you’re going down and you saw like the bottomless pit of Hell and you’re just like well I I didn’t scream but I was laughing as soon as we started going down I’m like H that’s fine it’s one of those coaster where they go up and then slowly took to side and then it just dropped and I wrote in the very front of it I see yeah don’t do that don’t ride in the very front don’t ride in the very I love riding in the very F I don’t do no that’s is dude as old as I am I would be in in a in a coma by now by doing that crap I hate I love though I love front I hate roller coasters I hate everything else because I hate heights poo man what do you you what is your opinion on roller coaster I don’t like heights oh I don’t even like going upside down he don’t like going upside down so you would like wooden roller coasters the most but they don’t go up down I don’t care if they’re wooden or [Music] metal well most metal down take Kuro to six F Over Texas and then try to get him to like ride the most scariest roller coaster ever that’s only coming you’re mad enough to go go ride it yourself I’ve already rote it too many times make me do something you’re going along with me why do I have to go along with you just messed up you can’t make me I would joyfully go along with you I would be like come on um I would choose the ride that goes upside down the um guess what hello one second later [Music] ume I also love spin I love going in circles really fast I love bny ride you like spin yes I like like Scrambler and stuff like that and this this one called the Zero D where basically a giant Loop where it goes in circles and then it goes backwards that’s amazing but honestly I C you need to try riding rides by yourself I rode rides by myself and I still got scared stop trying to make me uh be be a better man well that’s if I’m interested oh so you’re interested in a real man okay I’m talking about the rides I know I’m just messing with you R there why you have to mess with me like that I see I see something then so rer has the pants of the relationship s what the heck did you just say don’t KN it’s the other way around oh God it’s raining it’s raining you’re supposed to get rain aren’t you well no it’s pouring down like everywhere yeah you’re supposed to get thunderstorm yeah where’s the cats and dogs hi s bacon how are you sorry I my bad bro [Music] [Music] I’m going off like on like one uh one hot pocket because I can’t eat anything I have to make money to pay rent and I don’t have the money to to pay rent so this is why I’m doing live streaming I want to go to Nestle’s uh Nestle’s uh bakery bakery house or whatever so that I could get a big old cookie cake that’s said that has my friend’s uh face like press water hey what hey have you had ice cream have you had I yeah oh yes I love ice cream cake yes I’m not the only one thank [Music] you know what an ice cream cake is yes I do I just don’t care what you don’t know where and you’re not even listening life I am I heard you what’ I say like yes I do wherever you are get out of it trying there’s too many people [Music] Caro and that’s why I said wherever she is that’s she needs to get out of it yep it’s getting night time ba I’m on the bus right now I’m on the bus right now yeah yes I hear you I hear you you’re on the bus what I said yeah I know you’re on the bus I can hear a bunch of other kids on there sorry about that no you’re fine stop apologizing life oh yeah we remember of no oh it’s the Pokemon game the Pokemon like game I have no idea what you’re even talking [Music] about I don’t know T thear moving on they’re having a big update today I need that teacher that bus driver is so freaking loud I don’t remember any bus drivers being that loud I never had that bus driver they even said our names in the first place well we had one bus driver and she’s yeah take that I forget oh my God the boots are in the pants are not going to L it’s fine only three people in the Stream it’s nice just to have like a half people in the Stream and on the server as well rose rose what you doing oh wow I found a fish tank uh this is where I die what’s that over [Music] there I also have rid a rag called The Demon and it was great okay you just started a whole new sentence what um it’s a roller coaster called The Demon and it’s a ni One oh wait is it on Halloween I feel like it’s a Halloween R nope what do you mean I just saw an armad okay there’s an armadillo down in the caves he just fell from a high place if I ever find an ancient city I claim everything on it I have to defeat the warden I have to do it almost came close to finding [Music] a uh an in Portal Kuro okay I need to go back home so I guess it’s getting time getting kind of late to just like pause there is there is an End Portal nearby the village place oh really nice I came across it when I was uh coming towards here did you mine under the under the water no oh okay you just saw it into uh you just saw it a glitch no it’s on it’s literally on surface on the ground so like Lally you just walk past it apparently someone already opened the chest and took the stuff from it yeah man watch him get online he’s like I didn’t do [ __ ] be like knew he couldn’t stay gone well I guess nobody going to be in this in the Stream I guess I’m going to like cut it here for a while and then just wait a bit I’ll keep the server running so that everybody can get on it what are we looking at how much time do we have on it Oh okay that’s cool H let me see here you’ve done eight hours and 35 minutes yeah I might as well just stop it there and just like let everybody regroup let everybody regroup take a chill pill and just get some ice cream in their body and then I’ll start live stream again in about don’t have any huh don’t any have any can’t get any you do know that you can use your you can use an Amazon account [ __ ] are you talking about you can ship cookies to your house cooker I almost call you Cookie huh I almost called you cookie I said you can ship uh cookies to your house cookie that would be fun I will end you what sugar cookie you’re going to you’re going to end me I’ll dunk you okay now you’re definitely to get ended I’m going to dunk you in milk and crunch on that can you not what that’s funny you’re not supposed to be come back here she’s like that’s funny should I do be Mickey Mouse now no Mickey Mouse is a what I forgot where did you die at nowhere oh you died nearby The Village okay you’re fine I forgot about my health don’t touch my stuff don’t touch my stuff don’t touch my stuff I’m just getting trees okay well still don’t touch my stuff I got XP there where’s a brid oh it’s over there damn it do you know funny what um we did um when I get home we could play random game I want to play a random funny game on uh freaking steam I don’t know if you saw Smitty’s uh video but it’s funny oh yeah oh oh yeah oh why are you doing that life stop that oh you know when Razer did the oh yeah thing the first thing the CH my mind is a freaking Kool-Aid guy I know I’m GNA throw a Kool-Aid picture at both of your head if you don’t stop I’ll take it oh yeah alive no you’re not supposed to respond to that stop that bad [Music] life you’re not Michael Jackson stop that yeah you’re getting cancelled oh man I got can oh oh that’s um guess what what the clouds are being cloud and they’re covering the sky helmet somewhere uh come on dang it it’s no longer raining outside is great ow car [Music] I’m literally like on half health I’m lower than half health I will um I will be back in like five minutes okay high five really where’s my carrots I don’t know what are you talking about I never took your carrots did you pick up my carrots when I died over at the first time when I was over with you no sh whatever do you mean okay I got to stop doing that I have to stop hitting stuff do [Music] well I guess this is going to be a failed uh failed challenge because I can’t last anything without I can’t last three days without food hi why doesn’t nobody freaking light up the Torches okay I’m going to stop stream for a little bit cuz I’m already getting tired okay I was thinking about stopping anyway okay so yeah if you guys like the stream please might as well head back to my house since you have your bed here yeah I do ow if you guys like the stream please thumbs up it comment down below of your favorite uh favorite scene and or comment or whatever so yeah um I’m missing a helmet I know this hair is not doing it for me anyways so yeah like the stream comment down below subscribe what is wrong with you anyways comment down comment down below subscribe like the video bye byebye byebye byebye

This video, titled ‘MInecraft Bedrock private server’, was uploaded by Razor WolfYT? on 2024-05-13 19:54:06. It has garnered 122 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 08:45:35 or 31535 seconds.

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    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More