Unbelievable Leveling Up in WynnCraft!

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We got this we got this we’re chilling we’re chilling let me just get everything set up real quick let me get everything set up all right we go there we go got to get chat open got to get chat open you already know you already know here we go open that right

There yo that’s what’s up penguin how are you doing man how are you doing good morning penguin to you cuz I know it’s morning for you so good good morning how are you doing buddy how are you doing can we play Siege we could probably play Siege I don’t think I can play

Siege on PC I’d have to buy it you’re good perfect perfect that’s what we like to hear that’s what we like to hear try to set up chat try to set up chat chat’s bugging that’s crazy you start me off like that Zeus that’s crazy you do

That no it’s fine May is not too bad honestly I VI with may all right we got this we got this though trust there we go I got all the points my boy get ready don’t say get ready I’m not ready I’m not ready there we go over here yo over here here

You want to join us in OverWatch my boy hopefully I can get some people to play OverWatch with or I’m going to be stuck with randos randos that can be possible friends in the future I’ll start up a match you already know we queing up for support support M

Mayy what’s the gold [ __ ] next to my name it’s bit leader or suer I think it’s bit leader it’s not it’s not bit leader because Zeus has bit oh no Zeus that’s not over yeah Zeus it’s bit leader hey I’m at my work party sorry now you’re all good over you don’t need

To apologize I do need to turn my Loi bot lower because it is loud there we go now let me pull this back up P Watch top B is the gold yes Penguin is right you one try all right let’s see if we can get some people let’s get the double let’s get

The double all right I am Rusty first match on today first match on but we got this we got this all right time down Zeus for 400 rip rip that’s hilarious I want it back rer said that shit’s mine there we go wrong button wrong button again oh my God I’m a

Failure holy [ __ ] first match on this is a bad first match already I’m playing like dog poopy I got you Soldier I got you Soldier there you go there you go I got your Reaper I got you Reaper there we go there we go there we go thr a DPS

Orb heck yeah heck yeah heck yeah rip you legit can take it from me easily I’m brout now it’s all get overseer I don’t think anyone’s going to take it from you buddy boo it’s very doubtful you’re him en oh I got to run back to the

Team we go we got this we got this you’re so right over Zeus I am sorry about that I just realized you did tell me to play May I will swap I will swap after this I’m so sorry I got tunnel vision first game tunnel vision I’m sorry sorry I’m sorry

I really feel bad now I I just realized I just realized I got sidetracked so fast it’s all right it’s going to be a fast it’s going to be a fast loss honestly all right get Maui get Maui get Mau you know what get the mercy holy

[ __ ] get someone get me Heal Me I’m Scared all right all right all right all right all right I’m flying I’m flying I’m flying there we go there we go hell yeah oh [ __ ] get you heals rra come on keep pushing with me keep pushing with me pancakes are not better penguin I’m

Going to yell at you they’re not they’re not waffles are better waffles are Supreme we love waffles unless you make pancakes like in any special way like what’s your like what’s your pristine pancake all right an ice cream I’ve never had pancakes with ice cream but with sliced bananas that one sound that

Sounds pretty good like what’s like if what’s the best w i mean pancake you’ve ever had with like everything added in it and everything you know what I mean cuz like when me waffles I think the best waffle I’ve ever had was I had a Belgium waffle with like powdered

Sugar on top with um raspberries and a wild berries inside of it with Elderberry syrup it was so [ __ ] good a Dutch Pancake I’ve never had a Dutch Pancake oh my God I just got murdered rip we got this though we got this trust all right on the

Grind yes I get you need healing I’m sorry oh and I [ __ ] up my jump all right there we go come on romanta you got this you got this raanta you got this I believe in you buddy I believe in you hell yeah hell yeah hell

Yeah there we go there we go there we go all right team I believe in you guys oh [ __ ] sjor I got you don’t spam at me that’s crazy you just got one Taps to join absolutely wild don’t do the face don’t do the the pain face I I healed

You it’s all right it’s time to be payload princess oh [ __ ] whoa we got this for maer we got this for maer we got this just keep pushing point just keep pushing point oh I’m dead that was painful I’ll play OverWatch later I got your pay when I got you um I I

Will eventually I plan on buying um Rainbow 6 on PC but right now I just don’t got the funds for it you know what I mean I don’t got that I don’t got that bread like that cuz um I don’t think it’s on Game Pass

Anymore oh man I ran right into it too I ran right into it that is a fat rip dude biggest rip of all man hey we got this um can y’all hear the LOI music that’s playing in the background question mark very curious I don’t know I’ve been

Vibing with Loi for a while though ever since I got the bot added to the Discord Channel it helps it helps Focus it’s pristine dude it’s pristine oh my God this Maui guys is like ferocious why we can’t have nice things there we go we go all right keep pushing y’all can stay

Alive I can throw some healing orbs at you guys that was a DPS orb I’m suck ass oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Mercy I’m I’m scared let’s get the [ __ ] out of here here we go run backwards run backwards I need to get the hell out of

Here I need to get my team hey guys how you doing how you doing hello all right rra I believe in you I believe in you rra I’m going to take my one back eventually So eventually right Zeus right you’ll get revenge and start being a medicine chat

Just time out everyone go on a a spree you’ll be on your revenge Arc dude oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there we go there we go there we go whoa come on junkrat you’re about to die junkrat’s dead sing wi gy I hate that [ __ ] I

Hate what he says man it’s so dumb why are you still alive go back to being dead don’t try to trap me you dirty [ __ ] dirty [ __ ] you’re dead [ __ ] there was another one behind me rip Rob with a skipp scop we got this though we got this trust trust

Trust all right there we go there we go this is a rip for sure big fat rip got this we got this trust all right I got you I got you I got you you’re dead you know I honestly thought there was more I did not think I wasted

My old like that that’s embarrassing average Mo remain hashtag all right they’re probably going to push the whole Squad they’re not staggering all right junkrat’s about to die don’t want to be a part of that I Ain about that life I’m getting the hell out of

There see junkrat this is why I Target you that’s why I go after you junk right you do [ __ ] like that euthanization is in your near future goodbye Lucio yeah the Merc was broken yo what’s good peso you want to play some OverWatch My Boy you know you want to join us peso you know you want to join us always peso always I’ll be on in a few minutes if you want to play Ro company otherwise

I’m probably going to stay I got you I feel you PES I feel you I gota change the DPS I got to play me all right we got this boys we got this trust all right got to play May hell yeah hell yeah there we go there we go there we go

I love the Christmas man honestly Christmas May is so [ __ ] fire and you can’t tell me otherwise I won’t believe you science holds the key shut up man stop talking there we go I’m like play much I got you Zeus I got you all good man I thought I spelled something wow

That is crazy death that is absolutely Wild all right let’s see how many kills we can get with this they got a KIRO right there I didn’t mean to click that at all I I’m so bad I’m so bad start making me go to the store oh [ __ ] she making use store RI

Death when you get back death we got to play OverWatch man I need someone else to play with man the randoms aren’t joining they’re being smelly I need my squad I want to get a five stack going man a five stack would be so so baller right

Now oh my God that’s so unlucky I will for sure I got you death and H wow that’s crazy Zeus absolutely crazy she’s going to play too that’s what’s up death it’s I mean of course it’s going to be show death we [ __ ] tried to get her to play for like three days

Now we’ve been trying to get her the hop on for like about today and W make the third day at least two days that’s I made a bunch of stuff to replace oh God it happens overseer all right we got this we got this holy crap I kind of suck with me

Admittedly head shot yeah that’s why yall still got maed yeah that’s why y’all still got maed and I’m going to get resed and I’m going to get resed all right I appreciate I was able to make some stuff so have to connect on stuff and give no I don’t want anything

Death don’t give me anything I don’t want it don’t you dare oh he’s Nan boosted oh I need to get the [ __ ] out of there yeah I couldn’t get out of there not going to be using it holy [ __ ] rip rip rip I have Wednesday by the way that’s

What’s up oh you leave Wednesday rip got this sui got this man chilling I didn’t do any isn’t black metal literally tier six though tier six is crazy I didn’t I misclicked guy man I do not remember maze keybinds at all I keep Miss clicking today you know

KIRO come here come here KIRO come here nope I don’t want it nope you win jum crap you win all right all right all right and I guess I’m doing a little better than our other DPS but still I’m doing pretty bad I feel and we’re still winning I’m failing successfully

Chat and I’m payload princess hell yeah I’ll me payload princess I still had to help get and smell oh wow that’s crazy death oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m sorry I’m sorry Maui oh my God Maui just stomped me ferociously roadhog I got you I have not played the

New road hog at all so I don’t know how that’s going to go [ __ ] there we go there we go wait come on just pop the head shot there we go wasn’t that bad choice he’s the goat my opinion the rework made him way better I don’t think anyone said it’s a

Bad choice I’ve just never played him there we go yeah I made the full set of padded I’m pretty sure full some high tier food and me pull them put a trap start shooting [ __ ] I’m reading chat it just worked too much like the last time I got

On after work I was only able to play five minutes and Rain chopped off like my house is even done yeah it happens death it happens you know for like the longest time my debit card kept auto correcting my name the range so I couldn’t make any

Purchases on it so it’s very funny that you said range I’ll make you a personal room in the big house of race I don’t care overse here it don’t matter ow yeah I hate this guy dude he just he just doesn’t die dude like I think it’s actually impossible to

Kill this guy by yourself he’s like actually kind of broke nope I’m not dealing with that H you’re dead you know that was just a bad choice for you you should not have just trapped all of us next to you on payload too poori if you don’t believe watch

Last three t a replay that’s crazy they’re trying to report their KIRO that’s wild I’m building the Str death I’m pretty sure I’ll get it I’ll get a day what’s that yeah words not runes okay I’ll get on now I got you Zeus I got you there we

Go what is this I got invit invitations someone added me that’s what’s up Mr Alx yeah that’s will be a guest room dou you we love guest rooms we love them we love them make your after I finish the main one that way I don’t want to rush it to make it crap

Right over here we got this we got this what we got to do just make that big house in the house that is um across from us I’m pretty sure we can um I don’t know yet I’ll have to talk to Benji but I’m pretty sure Benji is not living in it

Anymore so we might be able to deconstruct it and build more over there but I don’t know if he’s living there or not I don’t know if I’m pretty sure him and good old and D are living together I really don’t know Channel that’s fair Zeus that’s fair sup

Zeus here we go I don’t know if I want to see there we go what are you saying I cannot hear you I’m going have to turn get the music bot out of here I’m going to disconnect for inactivity there it is there we go yeah I’m probably going to

Have Discord stream on my other monitor because I don’t know the desktop look doesn’t look good this the first one I just make sure the sail further north I got you overseer yeah the Elder fight’s going to be rough I don’t know why I just healed myself but whatever it is what it

Is I don’t like how that’s my wait do I not shoot a ball anymore is that what they took away like I don’t shoot that giant ball yeah I got that I was just U wondering if I had my you know how roadog used to have his Al fire they got rid of

It you know when he used to shoot that giant H ball and then it would scatter like a shotgun blast and they got rid of it he doesn’t have one anymore doesn’t have no alt fire Al not UL I know oh okay I just wanted to clarify

Just in case yeah he doesn’t have one anymore they got rid of it I guess um the only what do you mean are you talking about ultimate yes I just clarified that that’s not what I was talking about I said Al not ul and you said I know you silly Billy you flab

Dabble no no like alt fire when he had his um he can shoot shotgun and he can shoot a ball yes yes yes he has the same ult UL no they didn’t get rid of that no it’s uh he gets like that minigun push back oh

Yeah yeah but it has a lot more knockback notic that too because it Widow oh my god oh and ra I forgot to mention you can give the friend shap guys Saddles when tame yo that’s what’s up overseer valheim here are you in in game yet

Yeah start that uh social I don’t see oh there you are soldier’s pretty good I like I like Soldier he’s all right there we go put some damage on heck yeah who you going to play solid I don’t personally like way easier to player on PC I hated her on Xbox

On PC you’re able to actually flick around and get people and it’s way easier to actually pull out your pistol with her and do damage I like no yeah it’s it’s weird button layouts I had to change my stuff on p on Xbox as well where he left on d-pad

What yeah to pull out pistol oh yeah you’re right um I made mine where it was um yeah I made it where if you click uh your left joystick down it’s swapped actually Prett smart that’s what my jump is Click right down to right cuz melee doesn’t really do

Much in this game so it doesn’t matter it’s all good overseer I’ll get better with all the characters eventually overseer you know what I mean it will happen it will happen one day trust trust yeah we just got to find a game in the PC huh play this game concern me because

There are people that exist like that I know man those Rich bastards get to have all the fun4 right buying every OverWatch skin in the world oh yeah that’s know it’s most weird possible I admit some of the Skins are cool but like the Skins are cool and all but like

$20 for a skin now is crazy that’s why I miss OverWatch one because you can get like a like it was harder to get a legendary cuz the loot boxes but at least you were still able to get stuff for free like every single level up you were able to get a loot

Box I mean like yeah it took like forever to level up once you hit Level like 200 but like you got three free items every time like that was pretty good plus they had more they had like um those events that they have now and then like the

Events gave experience they gave uh the free weapon skins and all that plus it would give you loot boxes sometimes and then like the twitch drops would also give you free loot boxes so there was plenty of ways to get free to play stuff it happens it happens it’s probably because our

Internet some people have like I it all varies it’s probably because I’m literally streaming on our on our Network and if you’re on a phone it’s also slower anyways naturally Um because I’ve had people that like had instant like I’d say something they’d instant reply it’s just how twitch is it’s client based which is honestly way better I’d prefer it to be client based than like me actually be the one lagging you know I mean yeah but now the delay is weird

Sometimes times I was supposed to play uh Widow Maker first yep no I’m so sorry peso I don’t I just it was my Jesus Ash Xbox logic sorry about that peso I just saw the last one and I was like oh Soldier that’s my bad that’s my

Bad all right I’m coming guys I’m coming your PC Widowmaker is here [ __ ] you Sombra can’t you forever what do I got what do I got not for long I hear them to the right somewhere [ __ ] junkrat killed me I suck at aiming bro there’s no way that Som

Was not a bot I don’t think she saw me over here I think she was just expecting C Point like she’s doing right now I guarantee that’s the sum then she’s going to teleport away oh that’s it’s crazy Sombra got AR Genji like sombras are just silly she’s invisible all the [ __ ]

Time please kill her there we go scary right we got this we got this trust trust uh that’s what you get all right there we go [ __ ] you map the head tap for life is there a spot that I can get a yeah there is oh oh she’s up here she’s up here

Dude she’s up here she’s up here she’s up here oh my god dude the somra was just camping up there that was terrifying dude yeah normally how it goes right there’s disgusting it is pretty good that trap one right there is pretty good too oh my God Sombra you’re just everywhere she’s just

Everywhere she exists to do nothing but make you suffer finished by Zen throwing don’t say that overseer you bully it’s not my fault I suck at this character wow somra on the team no man the Sombra is actually good that’s the whole point of Sombra bro [ __ ] destroy the

Healer if I can [ __ ] hit my sniper shots I can kill this Widow Oh I thought you were somber I got scared oh Zen’s right there and the Sombra somra it’s Zen listen someone up the bot if someone up the bot difficulty is crazy I’m going to type

That I got you overseer we can be toxic together oh my God oh my God oh my God he didn’t like that he didn’t like that comment actually all right we got this we got this though Trust [ __ ] I need to learn to hit my shots for real

Though it’s pretty bad how bad I am at this game oh my God I’m trapped oh wait no I’m not ha oh my God are you an AI I am I am overseer I literally am I feel like one dude there’s a reason why I don’t play wiow

There’s a reason why I don’t play DPS in general I don’t like playing DPS like DPS is okay butam it happens I don’t even know what this guy do just know fings and end uping the person that I’m attached to if they’re damaging the person that’s negative who Moira no I’m playing Z

Zenyatta yeah um pretty much um you can throw a purple orb on them and it makes them do uh take 30% damage and then you have a healing orb that does um I think it’s 10 or 30 a second of healing for to whoever is on whoever it’s on

He’s pretty good honestly if you can hit your head shot he can be pretty pretty out there just like Widowmaker can be really good if you can hit your head shot but um I can’t hit my head shots is the big issue all right all right oh it’s 25% I got

You yeah Zen’s 25% oh [ __ ] uh it hurt the hell out of here oh my God they’re just better they’re just better all right there we go I’m just going to hold this angle and get better all right it’s honestly a skill issue to be honest it’s my skill issue

Bro hit the aim Labs I swear dude I do I really [ __ ] do need to hit aim Labs aim Labs is very essential right now but it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right oh my God no no no no no no I’m getting the button delay I’m getting the

Button oh my [ __ ] god dude I hate this [ __ ] my fingers are no longer on my oh I’m back I’m back I’m back [ __ ] I hate when that happens man my keyboard just has mind of its own sometimes I get input lag and input delay whatever it’s

Called it’s the most painful thing ever in the world and you’re just right there Zen you’re just right there oh well you know what we’re going to play Soldier and we’re going to get the W honestly that’s what’s going to happen it’s going to happen this is just

The the Arisa is [ __ ] on these guys holy crap a 4K is crazy yeah constantly trying to sa that theing normally the St no it happens it happens the new tank is rough right now I’m trying to grind for coup he wasn’t a good of that team I don’t know he

Just cuz he that he has like a [ __ ] ton of self heal and if you have a mercy he can just get res so he’s able to play aggressive like that character melts squishies he has 700 [ __ ] bullets and he can shred any DPS within 100 bullets chest

Shot that guy hurts and he makes it our problem he’s going to get nerfed though later on but buy the ble pass get it I’m confused yeah you either grind to level 45 in the battle pass or you buy the battle pass and get them for free or not

Get them for free but get them immediately so most of the people just buy battle pass just to get the new hero to like win half their get like a 30% increase in wins it’s how blizzard uh gets more uh money they make the character broken for a

While and then they um Nerf them after two two weeks or three weeks Ian it’s not a bad strategy I mean yeah it makes it’ll make money big time cuz he is pain he hurts man he hurts big time but it’s all good it’s all good I need to start grinding ranked

More so I can get my golden weapon want to get Mercy’s golden it’ll be beautiful but I have no PC players to play ranked with yo what’s good icy what’s good my boy how are you doing man how are you doing you want to Squad up with us I see

You want to Squad up with us we’re only a two stack we’re looking for more people here I’ll throw you the Discord link as well there you go there you go um just join the VC turtle tank and I’ll drag you in no slurs please no

Slurs yeah we need more people to play with here I’ll cancel Kio as well um what character where you I see so I can um add you on battl net uh where did play last match looking for icy I would never pre icy yeah who were you my

Boy uh yo the icy Turtle that’s what’s up Turtle Squad dude Turtle Squad you know I don’t feel like typing that all out so I’m going to get lazy and I’m going to copy and paste oh I got you I say I got you I thought you were playing with us dude we

Could be the turtle Bros they’ll be so Majestic we’ll be just too powerful for them they won’t be able to handle us I’m telling you what happened other people um they’re not here they’re offline you’re in the VC gotcha I got you turtle no it happens it’s all good no big

Deal hello oh I have to turn you down I’m sorry you are loud well thank you for the follow though thank you for the follow here you go keep talking I see am I good uh make more noise I have you at 65 at the moment um should should be fine now I

Just I’m at a good volume now yeah you’re at a good volume I’m just going to lower You by five more all right I don’t like Discord being on the other I don’t like how it switches me to the desktop yeah you’re good just flick this to my other monitor

There we go so I can have just something up on my screen instead of just um I did yeah we can hear you we can hear you you can hear us good for you re you finally did it yeah I got bored and I was like you know what this might work

Better oh God I that’s I just said I’m going to start doing that now I don’t like how it keeps doing desktop I prefer Discord showing up just so I have something as a filler you know what I mean so it’s not just desktop and the leave can you drag me I

Got you I see all good why you have like a extra [ __ ] uh like you have a thing on streams you streams right yeah yeah you have a thing on streams where you can have it like basically put it to like we’ll be right back or

Whatever the [ __ ] yeah I have that that was if I’m AFK but I’m not going to just flick to the other one because like when I to get um to my second monitor on OverWatch you can’t just flick to it you have to Tab out it’s not like um other games where

It it supports it OverWatch it tabs you out it’s not working on my N I got were es whatever yeah see if I click menu you can see on the you can see it doesn’t like the cursor will go to the very far border of my other monitor but it won’t

Do it so I’ve just decided to put Discord full screen you window probably can’t have it full screen window how you doing iy I see my boy was my favorite part about having a [ __ ] laptop I had two monitors right you’re a squid penguin what do that even no I can’t multitask like

That I [ __ ] you watch TV show while watching another TV show bro I don’t know I’m it happens it’s all good all right here I see you chilling what’s going on um it normally has no like uh no issue I see but I normally keep it on um streaming so people can’t join

Randomly it normally no one normally has an issue I think it’s like user error at this point but it’s all good if you want you can um just chill in uh you can chill in the twitch stream you know what I mean and we can type

There because um Zeus is not it’s not like Zeus has a monitor you know what I mean he doesn’t have like moderator or anything he’s basic member it normally has no issue with people it’s the first time I’ve actually seen this issue happen we’ve had people

On Xbox do it people on yeah he’s literally he’s playing from the Xbox that’s why the Xbox thing I’ve had a PlayStation person once on Xbox yeah um yeah we could just uh play normally I see it’s all good um super roll Q did I get told to

Play anyone else yeah I got told to play Soldier it’ll be fine I see we got this we’re chilling we’re chilling all right refuse to play DPS no it happens it happens I normally queue up for healer if I don’t get told to play anything else the new characters

Whack until I hit Level 45 then I’m probably going to play them for a little bit right I’m halfway there so it’s just like a little it’s just a little grind mildly Turtle no turtle come back can’t leave us get over here Turtle I’mma just go oh icy no that’s so

Sad just play with us normally buddy it might you unless you don’t want to that’s fine if you don’t want to I’m not going to pressure you I got you I see I understand I understand um we could try it through like just twitch chat you know what I

Mean like you we can talk there if you want if not then it’s cool I understand we can just try it another day I think Discord just bugging for you um yeah we can do that uh Zeus are you chill with uh game chat yep I gotta CU it’s very glitchy

For Xbox and game chat all right I’ll just mute myself on Discord um you’re talking though maybe not oh you’re talking through Discord uh hello hello right I think uh Zeus is glitching out now you’re all good it’s not your fault um I don’t think Zeus is going to

Be able to um Zeus well you could just I I got you I got you Zeus I got you Zeus you’re all good are you like in both voice calls at once yep he’s in Discord and I’m in here and I don’t know if he can hear me or

Not if not then uh he should be fine like he gets talk through Discord I can hear him perfectly fine it only be an issue if he can’t hear me perfectly through game chat because I know sometimes uh for Xbox you can or can’t well then cool you can just talk to me

Through Discord and stream can still hear both of you and I’ll just be the mediator W I’ll just sound a little skito for both of yall oh that would do it make sure you uh it’s just for team hello there you go oh hi there it is there it is now I gota

Make sure it’s only team yeah yeah yeah and make or group I think the whatever the green one is you’re an Anna nice I got told to play Soldier so I’m gonna play Soldier um icy icy waffles or pancakes waffles or pancakes more that’s a really hard decision it’s not I really like

Really not it’s such an easy decision waffles bro what you mean yeah I do like waffles more but I nor hold the syrup you got them little syrup squares bro syrup squares yeah can I syrup squares I gotta go take my medicine I’ll be right back sounds good no biggie no

Biggie all right we’re chilling boys we’re chilling hey Smith toys has hopped on OverWatch we got this boys no I still got to mess around with streamlabs though in general I’m still trying to learn it figure it out it’s very confusing sometimes to use it only but I kind of used OBS with

Streamlabs for a while cuz I would record too not just [ __ ] stream yeah streamlabs is able to record as well I should actually probably record as well so I can didn’t used to actually yeah I know it didn’t used to there we go I’m now recording I don’t know why I need to

Start doing that so I can OBS obsolete but then again OBS has more like recording options OBS is good for editing that’s what OBS still has because they have a lot of editing rights magic who who do you play on support tried Zen earlier Zen’s actually really good bro I

Might try Zen again because he was saving my life most of the time because what would happen was is I’d end up putting like the healing orb on the tank and then I put the [ __ ] damage one under other tank and the other tank ended up getting clapped like 90% of the

Time that happened yeah if we get like that new healer and you play Zend I mean the new um hero and you plays Zend do that not the healing part cuz he can self heal so you want to do it here you want to heal the DPSS

Instead but if you damage or whoever he’s attacking you will shred them dude bro he does so much damage too the tank is so he’s wild Z you can just [ __ ] hold down like a left trigger whatever [ __ ] playing on like but bro that that move

Is broken because it does like all it’s like a machine gun fire but like it does so much [ __ ] damage for no reason that’s for a scatter shot but if you’re trying to do um if you can learn hit your head shot on console and you do you

Want to do start doing single shot because your um crit multiplier is higher so you do more damage single shot if you’re hitting head the [ __ ] LT [ __ ] how I kill that tank by myself yeah it’s really good for it’s good for chest shots here’s what I found really funny

What what’s up every M I’ve ran into has golden guns they were saving onto it yeah that’s pretty much how it’s going to be on PC lobbies just how it is how it is we have no tank question mark no we do who’s the tank it’s Ru so it’s raat

It’s the big uh guy with locks talk about that guy the big uh yeah the omn you don’t attack the sigma when he’s eating bullets it charges old and gives him Shield [ __ ] you Reaper no all right there we go oh my God I can’t hit my shots I

Can’t hit my shots I can’t hit my shots I suck ass rip Rob it happens it happens it happens all good all Gooding everyone pre what a lovely healer I’m dpsing almost as much as our freaking Tracer oh about say me and I’m like yeah I suck I need heals so

Bad come over to me I’m right behind I I literally if I peek to the right I’m going to die F she’s so low she’s so low good job rad all right the Lucio’s coming in so how did you stumble upon the channel since you said you um didn’t find me in

Game oh see that’s what’s up yeah I’m surprised by that honestly um normally with bigger games like this you really don’t find people scrolling but I’ve seen that like OverWatch is pretty decent with it I’m surprised I’m doing my job y yeah I did my job

Again yeah I did my job again I think for like um oh my gosh oh I forgot we in [ __ ] game chat godamn it what do you mean you go [ __ ] shittiest Zen player ever me it happens getting the heels all the heels I’ve been doing way worse than those

Z it happens I can’t even see my stats but I don’t know the button for it oh I think it’s your uh your three lines and if it’s not your three lines it’s the two windows I think it’s the two windows though playing I’m just playing this game with [ __ ] keyboard and

Mouse it’s pretty fire low key it was go get him big boy it’s less toxic too like PC chat is like so much better than Xbox like I Xbox made me think this game was hella toxic help help help help help help oh [ __ ] oh wait wait swap I’m

Trying to I’m right behind you here goes half hit me with a head shot and insta killed me ramp don’t worry I just killed the junker off yeah he’s doing really good chucking an anti up in the air did anyone see the anti I did not see the anti

Nade oh I shot you right before you right the second after you died you’re all good he are you enjoying Soldier yeah I always like Soldier I just need to learn to hit my shots honestly with this game PC is way harder to hit shots

I’ll be honest with you cuz um with Xbox the UI is nor bigger oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m getting pulled it’s all good it’s all good you’re chilling you’re chilling it’s all right all right there we go I’ll Place The Shield I mean healings for you

All oh to our left to our left to our left y all right it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good I’m killing the junkrat I’m killing the junkrat attempting to kill junkrat I should say yeah Aimbot time [ __ ] you get him you’re all

Good I don’t know how I don’t even know how I did that game you had 15 kills three assists and two deaths that sounds pretty good G this [ __ ] tank a goddamn endorsement this man was I still can’t endorse people on PC dude I don’t understand bro I have I got

One two three endorsements let’s go right here I’ll be right back one moment I got 13 offensive assists whatever that means then seven is normal I might want to swap the DPS after this what do you guys think yeah I I found where I thrive [ __ ]

Support I got a opacity play of the game want to look at my history it’s actually pretty poers I just flamed and got a trip I got a quadruple kill with dead you click avoid his teammate on somebody what the [ __ ] yo why and I just shot someone

Regularly I don’t think avoid his teammate button actually does anything if it does that’s crazy wait what did you say there a button that says in uh avoid his teammate if you click on somebody’s name if that button actually works that’s crazy because you can just like click that on anybody that’s good

Anybody you find come across that’s good just be like oh I’mma avoid them as a teammate like no no no you don’t do that if they’re good if they’re good they can still show up on the enemy team I mean yeah well if they’re good you want to

Keep you want to keep them on your team here I’m going to send you a Battle.net friend request I’m not going to accept that till we leave because of endorsements I already endorsed you can you only do it once a day I think so I’ve only I’ve played for people for

Like a couple hours and I could only endorse them once as far as I remember at least D there’s a lot of characters I don’t have wait why why do I why why is soul jour’s [ __ ] thing orange but somehow all the characters I don’t have their names

Like what do you want to call it grade out you know what should I play Flex um up to you man it doesn’t matter I don’t really care if we win or lose I really don’t want to play tank because I don’t want to be up against

The freaking just play tank got play tank play tank I got you it’s fine do more damage and whoever you’re attacking will instantly take 25% more damage yeah don’t worry you’ll have you’ll have two healers on your side why what support you guys one oh I’m gonna play

Moira actually I’m not I lied I want to play mercy bro Z is good as [ __ ] bro I got so many kills that I don’t know about a mercy pocket but you’ll get a mercy that knows how to heal people I mean least do more play with my

Friend and I was playing rard and they pocketed me and like this these two people on our team were so toxic about it like you’re pocketing a trash R I’m like bro chill this is quick play We’re just trying to have fun it was hilarious seeing how mad they

One team can beat the entire OverWatch crew you’re right you’re so right we could it either just say know should I play should I playr all up to you all up to you man play whoever you want you so right over the overseer like um each class with three red

Stars they could solo the OverWatch cast completely I 100% agree we literally summon Carl Carl could kill them all Carl could kill them all who you barking at you f go being an [ __ ] oh almost spilled the thing rip that would have [ __ ] suck more than once you guys know Road Hog can hook okay at least no that’s funny yeah and a uh bro how far is the healing thing okay I found out the healing thing goes far as [ __ ] I

Could just sit on the other side of the wall where you’re constantly getting healed yeah it’s you just throw it on them and you can run away it stays on them for 20 seconds I’m pretty sure dwarves can revive from just a bottomless canting that is very true as

Well [ __ ] him up Road Hog you got heals Bro [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up yeah I got him get back up you’re still alive get awake this is my new favorite [ __ ] character by what the heck did you guys see that trap no not one bit actually cuz the

Play style is exactly my play style play like a [ __ ] they’re not coming they’re not coming this way they got to be flanking they sure are we got to be FL there it is there it is I’m G to go back up Soldier I got you I got

You it’s all right it’s all right Soldier please start peeking yeah you pop yours I’ll pop mine you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] there it is come on you got this junk I mean um Road there you go and now we push the next point I’m got my let’s just go let’s

Just go move just move [ __ ] oh it’s the new character damn bro that’s actually kind of annoying yeah and Arc Survivor has conquered threats that would have been shaking themselves oh no just a roadhog with constant heals is [ __ ] annoying Heroes never oh I’m dead behind you behind you behind you

Ratra killed me right when I Ed rip big rip honestly bad all good that’s my first death though it was pretty good yeah pretty solid it’s no big deal also as I get in there I’m just gonna blast them full of holes works for me [ __ ] and he Ed on us rip dude

Rip it’s just unfortunate honestly very unfortunate nothing can be done about it though nothing can be done about about it it’s all right we got this we got this okay to be fair the only person I’ve been killed by so far is that [ __ ] new character Jesus Christ there is no new

Character the [ __ ] guy with the staff I don’t remember him existing that’s fair he’s new to you but um he’s not that new he was um right when OverWatch 2 came out is when he came out y y y you’re not going to die back up back up

Back up okay it’s all right I’m still on him I’m he’s anti he’s anti here come here come here come here yes got got the heal oh no to sleep I’m sorry thank you no you’re fine kill them all get out of that Shield don’t push up up heals don’t go through

Shields with a wall I can manage but if you get behind an enemy Shield it negates all healing oh shoot uh push forward stop running no run now run now now you run now you run now you run no you don’t run I Al heed on us that’s all good we still

Got point we got point my bad my bad you’re all good no need to apologize man damn now [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up I am your healer you can heal while you’re literally sharing them in the face I do

It all the time and they don’t end up killing me yeah I know wait maybe if I keep the thing on Mercy we’ll be good no keep it off me don’t give it to me I heal by them taking damage oh yeah I’m I’m the worst person to give it

To roadhog you’re going to be the heal [ __ ] [ __ ] for now on yeah he died M behind behind Behind just the next Point fight them on the way thank you Z I I don’t I don’t want to push with Road Hog bro you can keep my heels but I’m not pushing that over there come back here hug I got to give him my heels again yeah just push Point push Point

Hop down hop down hop down hop down I’m sorry there was a I know I know I I got you I got you it was just you kept going to like the stairway and I couldn’t get I couldn’t get a peak on youa in there I’m sorry he

Would he would have you trapped that’s sick [ __ ] no it’s all good no need to apologize am I not on point I thought this was point we’re not Point anymore no I thought the same thing I was like where the [ __ ] is everybody and I realize

We’re not on point I thought that Circle was point the whole time it normally is it’s one of the points I [ __ ] got clapped at least you got healed in the process I’m glad he went after me not you right I’m glad you distracted him I’m just dpsing this

Genji this Genji’s [ __ ] them up dude our Genji’s goed dude this Genji is so [ __ ] good holy crap come here I’ll hear you come here come here come here that Genji’s [ __ ] op dude an absolute Menace holy crap we got this though we got this trust I have my I have my

Now all right okay just keep on my bad I fell protect me protect me protect me oh my God I can’t believe I got the good [ __ ] guys good [ __ ] good [ __ ] fat W’s all around fat W’s all around the guy doing us all please

So it’s all good it’s all good just keep on point really wants to eat my [ __ ] please yeah they really hate they hate healers it’s okay I think we win anyways you guys got this I’m going to push in with all I’m going to have if yall can’t get them off point don’t

Chase yeah [ __ ] you guys I gota go for a moment just like a few minutes you’re all good I think I did pretty good that game you know I got killed by Clowny last game yeah Clowny killed me last game he was in opposite team it happens a

Lot you’ll see the same people but you also got to remember there’s also a lot of people with the same users Harmony orb healing 4,431 and 14 eliminations I’ll be back in a moment you’re all good how long you want us to start a match or yeah I’ll just leave I’ll join back

If I I gotta well was fun playing with you man pleasure hope to see you again in the future all right let’s go back to Discord sound quality is better on Xbox I mean better on Discord game chat that was fun that was fun we got

Some good wins with them I did I did say I did I had you I had to tab back into the game it’ll be all right we got this we’re chilling we’re chilling all right now we wait and get more W’s it wasn’t the same person then you can only endorse one

Person you can’t endorse someone twice you said you endorsed them last game no but it was we played one game and played it again and it let me Ender did your endurer the I don’t know I’m not honestly sure probably not I’m sure I did but I guess not I say

There’s a lot of people the same user you’ll see that a lot because like someone can literally have the same username like they can literally put R 64 TTV because their hashtag is different they can have my username as well that’s why you’ll see like a [ __ ]

Ton of otimus primes come back soon than expected all right go back to game chat you hear me all right yeah I hear you we were just in uh yeah Discord let me mute myself in Discord good this is a [ __ ] I don’t like this it’s very stinky I

Know it’s all right we got this we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re going to get to dub it doesn’t even matter all right it’s push I like push push is a good one I this map actually I’ll be your thank you thank you thank you why our Tank’s not doing anything oh

[ __ ] the game just started there’s no way you just said the Tank’s not I he was like standing still was concerning me for a minute CU I was putting my heels on him to our right they’re cutting to our right they’re pushing to our right all right just trying to heal

Everyone now I like this really well it’s really good for healers cuz um it’s way easier for Mo remains and uh Mercy to heal all right I’m not healing that me or oh wait that’s a su never mind sigma’s barrier is at 400 HP 485 to be exact all right there we go

Princess Blaster get killed hell yeah it was that was healers that was me and you Zen me and you killed her I pulled out my princess Blaster yeah I was healing you so you didn’t die you were like low as [ __ ] and I was like I I don’t want to change it

To you CU you said not to but when it’s just it is what it is normally when there’s DPSS I don’t really need heals you’re more or less focused on DPS heing I guess I’m just tank healing that’s I’m healing the everyone that gets low

Yeah I mean easier for me to just keep my [ __ ] on something yeah all you got to worry about is debuffing your main goal is the debuff throw your debuff orbs on at least someone never let your debuff orb go the waste always throw it on people I got

You I’m going to back up cuz I don’t like being even close to near the front oh to our left Moria take my sh Tank get the tank he is I need help I’m scared uh sigma’s about to die maybe never never mind maybe all right good [ __ ] you just having your own little battle up there [ __ ] I couldn’t get away I couldn’t get away now add only alive like now add the King Titan all three

Forms rock well the Genesis Colony ship I might get the game but if I do just know we’ll probably lose every match no over it’s fine we had a 20 loss streak the other day I don’t care if we lose [ __ ] was crazy when that happened

You know you know me overseer I don’t care about winning or losing I don’t get I don’t get heated know toal it’s passive heals I wish I do oh just only passive it’s if they’re in your circle your goal for Lucio is to speed up the team to point and stuff like that

I got [ __ ] aled by Cassy cidy marked you oh no that was it was both a Mario and a Cass you throw at the same time that’s a rip Sor right we got a good push going we got all the way the half we just got to take Point again all

Right the soldier is actually kind of cracked I’m going be honest with you all right push down Zen push down get in the get next to them cuz my uh thing follows teammates [ __ ] I’m healing I’m healing I’m healing [ __ ] you goodu magic the game for real it’s all that my

Bro you got to run around I must uphold the pancak waffle Alliance both have their distinct advantages Exactly I don’t know I just like waffles more because it holds the it holds everything you know what I mean pancakes can be more messy but like you got to try waffle you got to have like two waffles right you got to put P peanut butter in the middle mid put some syrup

At the top and it’s it’s fire it’s fire overseer or some honey at the top it’s like it’s so [ __ ] good you know there’s no way you just ding to that guy in the head magic he’s an I have it on the tank I have it on the tank

Y I got you magic you’re not going to die oh man I’m about to bully them I’m about to ult everyone again everyone group up every oh oh now oh now oh now push them off I can DPS boost and you can make it where we’re Immortal and that means we

Can’t lose a teammate yeah let’s say if it’s a last like very last uh second in the game like that good healers have old we literally won’t lose CU you literally make uh no one takes any damage in your circle and when I own I could DPS as

Long as I don’t have to switch to Healing every all five of us if we’re next to each other since they’re going to be next to you are all going to be doing damage the whole game I don’t care Jesus man this is fair overse here it’s literally it doesn’t it only

Matters if the tanks could the tank was actually doing good [ __ ] so yeah can I play Road Hog again yeah you do whatever you want man we’re just hear the vibe magic what role are you playing like playing that yeah me me and Magic are probably gonna play support I play

Support unless uh chat tells me to play something else I like support bro that don’t know bro yeah I got you can you cancel that real quick it does so much damage for no [ __ ] reason as a support that makes no sense no if you think that’s a lot KIRO does a

Lot um KIRO I know but KIRO if you can hit head shot her healing is kind of dog booty but her remember when she came out actually you she came out right when I left the reason I wanted you to do that is so I could get the 100 battle pass XP

By choosing Flex yeah why are you saying Zeus oh uh Caro came out right when I left no the one with the the knife [ __ ] yeah but you said you didn’t know who ratra was he came out before her remember him he was the first person

To get added I remember her though I don’t remember I don’t remember she was second to get added that’s probably why CU I left came back yeah when she got added and then left again there yep with her her head [ __ ] mul I mean her head shot multiplier

Is the highest for all healers she can do the most damage out of all healers if you hit only head shot broken um Zen’s pretty good with head shots to is the second highest um you should try the melee with Zen have you tried the melee you kick so [ __ ] far

Your kick has like plus 20 knock back legitimately yeah I hav really I don’t really try to get close enough to use it though it’s really good if someone’s on you though someone’s on you literally can kick them back it’s broken um Moira has the highest highest healing output but her healing is

Limited of course she has to do damage to heal but she has the highest healing um Mercy is like a good mix between everything because she can do her damage she can damage amplify and she can heal and her ult’s not too bad um brg would is really good for blocking

And um like for shielding like more I know it heals too but I like it I like it a lot it’s I I would rather use Zen because it’s I don’t have to aim it at anyone and you all get healed yeah moires is really good because um

Most people stagger so I could just shoot in a straight line and heal my team damage if they’re right beside you draining that man’s health no that man just like soon as he it was EI it was probably y shooting him then but I’ve never seen someone die so fast that man

Was their tank too you got to remember like at the very end I was I damage Amplified everyone I damage Amplified everyone so everyone was doing three times damage I think or 25 times I will overse her trust me I will play driller when he comes out

Because that’s going to be the new hero over yeah know they’re adding a driller character for next season there’s no [ __ ] way it’s gonna be funny get out of here with that Gunner [ __ ] overseer you meant oh no imagine bathroom good for you buddy we got this chat we got this we’re

Reving got a game hell yeah am I DPS no your tank pretty solid ouch my favorite class I thought you started to VI I do like Gunner Gunner’s all right I still wouldn’t put gunner in top two or one he’s he’s still where he is I don’t know he might be tied with

Scout all right we got this who’s our tank him me oh you playing shotgun [ __ ] Oh no you’re roadog okay I was about to say I hate the [ __ ] I hate the hate shot she’s pretty good I like her ult and it charges really fasts people Target her a lot cuz she

Can do a lot of damage that’s probably why she doesn’t have that much health cuz like okay so she can um damn I died she can um when she throws her knife at you she can pull you in then throw her melee attack which will then

Drain some of your health and then she could shoot you in the head and you’re pretty much almost dead you’re dead or if not almost dead and so when people see her what the [ __ ] no I’m going to have fun I’m playing DPS Mercy battle Mercy I’m

Dead the fire I died the fire damage Scout your number four yeah I guess that’s fair overseer Scout for people in that game are Miss dude that Ash is so [ __ ] good that that Ash is hitting nothing but head shots bro they’re just spawn camping yeah it’s one of those games it’s all

Good we might be able to push when I get my all yeah that’s say pop your pop your all we’re going to need it to push out [ __ ] dude bro I got slept right away [ __ ] dude I popped my old a no way Anna just did

That I got Hammer done then slept right away just like up because the weapon style it doesn’t suit me yeah that’s fair here his weapons can’t be a l dog Dy dude they have a better gaming chair that’s literally the only reason why they’re winning oh I killed his [ __ ] I Killed they they have a better gaming chair a no way no this is a really good [ __ ] team come back got Road healing you Z don’t worry I’m going to keep healing you until the fire wears off push up push up push up icy gave us space icy gave us

Space I see I see I see Bob behind you Bob behind you okay I got him what oh we popped out at the same time [ __ ] it I’ll battle Mercy then [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] all right we got this this feels like bullying I swear overseer I swear

I’m an avid believer this is bullying hog with infinite he cuz Road Hog can heal himself too good [ __ ] Road I distracted him stay above yall ah Reinhard [ __ ] you good [ __ ] gen you [ __ ] you battle Mercy [ __ ] you battle Mercy [ __ ] you battle Mercy me and the mercy started popping at each

Other let’s go this is actually a really good [ __ ] game this is an uphill battle I love matches like this ow [ __ ] that I killed him it’s all right no you don’t die you don’t die you die though I live for matches like this you die though right I’m trying guys I’m trying

To get to y’all the so got me oh we have our own Bob yo Mercy thank you time and I’m healing Bob bro they literally just do not let me go bro there so there so just sitting there spamming how are we pushing them by ourselves um battle battle Mercy’s

Broken just know that battle Mercy’s broken hell yeah Z battle Mercy’s broken batt battle Mercy’s broken yes yeah [ __ ] that Mercy [ __ ] that mercy kill that Mercy that Mercy is so low yeah rip all right we got this this is about as pleasant as taks progressively

Into the outer L making it possible oh God that’s that sounds so painful over here that’s rough my bad you’re you’re all good I got something in my eye I just pop broji did not just try to do that purple RS is going crazy are we pushed back to our spawn

Already what’s happening oh wait [ __ ] I died this is a rip for sure bro I just got abely destroyed by every single one of their abilities yo yo yo our Genji our Genji got on and then they got s by their Anna let’s go all we got to get on

Point bro their Anna just probably hit every single freaking sleep this entire game yeah know their Anna is really [ __ ] good wait wait give me up give me up I’m slle I’m slept I’m SL I’m slle I’m slle Mercy’s dead I got you guys I got you just keep

Pushing just keep pushing I’m targeting Mercy with my OB ability and it seems I’ve also been targeting Mercy oh no Sor I couldn’t get [ __ ] it we’re good we’re we’re [ __ ] he killed me rip no you don’t no you don’t kill that [ __ ] kill that [ __ ] kill that yo

What’s good penguin welcome back to the stream welcome back welcome back this hurts I’m so pissed because they spawn Camp us half the game I killed their tank a lot he was pretty ass I did so bad he got yeah it’s what at spawn man they they [ __ ] on us at spawn

D oh yeah I’m not endorsing our Genji because they went n and 12 I wish I can endorse people but I have the endorsement glitch I just do not our Genji was not being help with that game I think our Genji did well what I think the Genji did well you

Think didn’t Genji did well yeah he was shredding DPS we were just it was just a bad match he went nine LM 12 deaths I just I just think he kept on running in there and getting himself killed over and over again yeah that’s what Genji

Does you got to remember he was doing that kind of genj he was kind you got to remember during spawn he you and him were the reason why we got the space open like you pushed in and then he’ pushed up and get the healers of course

He was going to die a lot we all died a lot in the spawn I know I I just think he had more than double the deaths of everyone well yeah he kept being riskier Genji can’t stay with the team if we’re being pinned

He has to push up and die the same thing if a Som with a Sombra if there was a Sombra in the team she would have they would have had to push up in the scenario that we were in like you were tank and you had pocket heels we

Had to we were able to push back yeah thank you now that I know that I no you’re all good for next time most people don’t well I mean there’s some people that play bad it’s just really bad circumstances half the time um it’s all good you can play

Whoever only time i’ would say someone is playing bad is if they’re like going AFK constantly because that’s like not cool cool oh no I should the jump down I already [ __ ] up they got a ball interesting that’s a dead ball is what it is I got you guys I got you

Guys Mercy res there you go really good is he I haven’t really seen much I’ve been sticking with DPS what are you talking about it was it’s called sarcasm Oh I thought you were being serious I was like wait a minute why keep bro I’ve never I’ve never seen a

Ball that’s good though to be fair I have and it’s actually [ __ ] terrifying yeah it really is why would why would he do that why would he not pay attention to me that’s why you died [ __ ] dude that’s somra dud you’re like no it’s not your fault symmetra had

Or beam symmetra symmetra charged your Beam on the soldier and then beamed on you with Max damage that’s why you got shredded so fast let’s wait up for everyone I got you I got you let’s go this way let’s flank this way we’re going left we’re going left all right he’s doing the

All right no one die push up push up push up push up push up all right yeah that’s how you do it boy [ __ ] dude I died to the one turn I I thought I got them all got this trust trust trust we got this boys all right kill

Him they have a Cassidy that just wasted their all on me I would ra you but I can’t it’s fine just Pi Point [ __ ] you Moira want to go you want to go Mercy and the mercy started just pistol shooting at each other Reaper has his all and I know it I Mo

Up I tried to hold on for as long as no you’re all good I was pull I was pushing with Reaper and we it didn’t work as well as we planned because he Ed and it just didn’t do it it’s okay we can get point back don’t worry I have almost my again

I’m at 47 I don’t know what our two other guys are doing but we catch up let’s say y should not have push that in it’s all right though again Soldier popped off that’s all thanks to Soldier like we all owe that the soldier that all was legendary damage [ __ ] you

Bro he used his Aimbot and killed three people [ __ ] you yeah yeah I don’t care bro I don’t care I don’t care sorry sing I don’t care if you [ __ ] curse you just can’t SL I just got a little excited pop my just keeping the re

Right you [ __ ] them up man you [ __ ] them up yeah baby 3,600 damage is crazy as a [ __ ] healer 5,22 hell yeah been TPS a lot know I just learned uh two days ago I learned that gr means good round I thought it just people going G because they lost yeah

I don’t like it I say GG CU you know that was a good game I count I mean it is OverWatch where’s a Reaper and Soldier goingo yeah I know oh my God I’m getting the [ __ ] glitch I’m getting the glitch oh my God it threw me off the [ __ ] thing because I

Can’t control my movement I [ __ ] hate Walmart yeah dude I swear I hate when my [ __ ] keyboard does this I’m going to be stuck at spawn for a little bit until my thing works don’t say L Death when I can’t control anything it’s literally doing its own thing [ __ ] all of them

Up my keyboard’s just doing its own thing hey ra were you gonna tell everyone about the Kingdom Hearts stream every single time this game no you didn’t don’t even try to get oh I’m back I’m back guys sorry about that no wait no I’m not I’m getting I’m

Getting in delay and lag input lag no don’t say l Mercy throwing there’s understanding behind it oh my god dude I really [ __ ] it’s my fault it’s my fault it’s my fault it’s all my [ __ ] it’s all my fault three seconds bro I’m so sorry guys no that’s cool you understand that

Your keyboard’s not working okay I’m in control I’m in control no for some reason I get like input delay and lag where it’s like it’ll move on its own rip push tell you to push cuz I had the [ __ ] my I had my but S I can still heal

You [ __ ] I tried to Res yeah there Sim is just oh yeah overseer 100% one sitting is crazy for Kingdom Hearts you’re absolutely wild overseer uh cuz we’re all randoms and we don’t have a good gaming setup leaving us we don’t have a good gaming setup they have better gaming chairs you’re anti

[ __ ] no you don’t no you don’t you don’t die push push push push get out of here [ __ ] Le I got one I I tried the res unlucky did not overseer I did not you’re all good overse time diva is not too bad time Diva you Diva you have to [ __ ] you have to start attacking the symmetra you have to start attacking the symmetra turrets there CES

Right down that [ __ ] tunnel anymore bro no it’s not that it’s just yes it is because they have traps right now no [ __ ] I know but they only charged up because Diva didn’t turn around cuz they um they’re like symmetra’s beam they do more damage the more they

Charge when you see those you got to Target them immediately or they’re going to do more damage and they’re going to hurt a lot I could yeah that’s all on me I literally did that’s all on me I literally did nothing you’re all good it’s just when you hear that that sound

You got to [ __ ] turn around and you got to [ __ ] you got to [ __ ] turn around on them and shoot them because with your healers behind with three of them they’re Max damage DPS when they’re fully charged at 50 a second and since there was three me and Zen got

Annihilated within a second we can’t that was a death barrier basically yeah that’s why symmetric can be really bad if you get Vision VI with junker Queen all right I got the turrets don’t worry there we go what’s the 20 thing you have what if I was a cucumber I would ask the

What yeah what is that little emote you got penguin I’ve never seen that before it’s like the one all the way to the right what is that I am now battles in Bro [ __ ] that I know how to kill that man now hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah going around they’re going around

Bro they’re going around they’re going around I’m hindered Jer quein get those turrets above you I was trying to get rid of them but you’re all good you’re fine I just wanted to let you know she placed them and I saw them like because I was

Further away I’m like okay you got to get them and it’s all good it’s all good it happens I almost have my Al okay we’re alive we’re fine we nice and I almost have my Al and you almost have your old just uh tell me when you before you

Pop your old so we don’t pop at the same time you know what I mean yeah watch out she’s placing her turrets on their portal behind you oh my God they’re hopping through portal I’m dead yeah revive my my all right popping my old as

Well he te I know I pop my so I can keep the heals going good [ __ ] good [ __ ] Nice kill that [ __ ] hamster dude was getting real tired of me yeah they do that man I popped off there jump that last little bit all right GG’s boys

GG’s all right on the grind chat on the grind we got this boys we got this trust trust trust Jun Queen man I was doing really good with Jun Queen yeah Jun like I said junle Queen’s fun she’s really good I like her is my favorite tank I

Wouldn’t go that far but she’s fine 100% roog mine’s 100% Aris is my second faor the road hog my third I haven’t played the new tank yet so I can’t really give a I like doomfish just because I don’t know how to play him sigma’s up there

I actually really lik Winston I played Winston I’d say Winston second I really lik Winston Sigma roadhog andn my top that’s fair I like ratra too I liked them on PCA I mean uh Xbox I don’t I haven’t played them in a minute so rip up what are you guys

Playing on PC he’s playing on Xbox how about you okay because I’m playing on PC too I didn’t know if you guys were both on console nah it happens it happens PC streaming is so much better you should probably get like stream overlays now I could I haven’t found any decent

On [ __ ] capture card anymore I know I know we go into like a death match or strish or something while we wait I don’t know any get overlays I I’ll have to look at them streamlabs um [ __ ] it didn’t it didn’t give me any options to

Put us somewh I don’t know man yeah no I know what you mean I’ve been looking for some but I haven’t found any good ones that’s the issue you ever plan on having a webcam [ __ ] are we in a no probably not not anytime soon I would I’d rather have a an actual

Setup to um a legitimate setup to have a webcam monkey dead who’s playing Bastion in Death Match bro you love it oh it’s you of course it’s me oh number one V3 Roy St I really hope I’m not playing DPS and then I’m playing tank we love Mercy we love her wonder

What’s my hours on Mercy now I’m trying to get her to um trying to get her to be my top player on an African map what the [ __ ] is this music I like the music this happens to be junker town yeah a new Bonnie what am I

Saying I like this map this is a good map I might switch from Z if we don’t have someone that’s for help understandable I am not pushing with junker quean in the front that is a [ __ ] horrible decision no best decision ever I got you junker coin don’t stay

Above I would not push that far Jun corn I’d stay like right on this little corner so we have all the negative space on in our Famer see so that doesn’t happen like what happened to the junk or junk rap I told you not to push

It I didn’t mean to go that far in I just I always overextend you’re all good I don’t want to but it’s just what I do it’s one of my I [ __ ] up this road hog this road hog is bad bro I killed the road hog by myself that’s sad it

Happens no need to apologize his teammate kill me what the [ __ ] could not hit [ __ ] with a shotgun that’s crazy like slapping them big head hit boxes right sometimes uh healers just have wonky hit boxes oh [ __ ] behind behind yep mind he also could be the console player there’s

Cuz there’s always going to be one console player with us since you’re here so we’re in PC and Xbox pool well PC and console pool so we there’s always going to be an Xbox or a PlayStation player on the enemy team and he could definitely be the console player who uh the the

Roadhog yeah cuz it doesn’t go it doesn’t give us bar for bar bar um console player each time so if we have like three console players and two PC it’s not going to give us it’s not going to make us fight against three console players but we’ll have at least

One I didn’t realize I was the only one up there my bad all good all good oh that was not all good here I guess I could battle Mercy it nope can not battle Mercy that that’s rough oh well it is what it is might have I don’t I don’t like I I

Can’t [ __ ] survive I don’t have a [ __ ] for damage I have to switch yeah can I finish this game no not allowed nope I don’t have one I don’t have one oh god he has one minutes at it’s not it’s going to be 12 holy crap holy crap Heroes never

Die all right you guys got this you guys got this Soldier is a bully bro he kepaling oh probably the [ __ ] yeah it happens this Soldier is a bully this Soldier is a bully run back that’s assault dude we oh my God there we go there we go there we go

Rip bro no one’s going to kill the M bro what rip it happens I think you were the only one there at the moment oh it is what it is all good we’re chilling we’re chilling all right there we go we got to get all the winds every one of

Them holy crap holy crap kill him kill him Jer Queen kill him kill him get him get him get him get him you got this you got this you got this rip that’s unlucky that’s so unlucky [ __ ] d one he murdered us yeah we got slaughtered on we got shuttered

Oh yeah he popped his that’s why yep it’s all good though it’s all good nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that all right we got this we got this there we go Heroes never die there we go there we go keep on murdering keep on murdering you got this

You got this you got this go I’m healing you I’m healing you I’m healing you I’m healing you as well just keep pushing just keep pushing just keep pushing oh I’m frozen unlucky unlucky didn’t even in a single person even though I moved it around the entire

Time I’m G have to go after this match all good man all good I understand I got you I got you him I’m dead I killed him though rip wait no I don’t know for that was weird there we go [ __ ] you soldier running around a chicken with his head cut

Off all right we got this we got this rip arari is a [ __ ] soldier’s dead there you go holy [ __ ] y’all popped off right there hell yeah okay two more minutes guys two more minutes two more minutes you guys got this I believe in you right right right right

Right you guys got this I believe in you there we go there we go there we go they’re up top drop down drop down drop down rip they just double Ed on us the double ‘s going to [ __ ] us yeah the M with the with the B the only person alive is

Aring from the soldier I would hide too honestly I don’t even blame her I’d [ __ ] hide too i’ be like [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] I I I I tried but no one’s there you’re all good you’re all good I have my all I have my I have my all I have

Myit you’re have to wait for the team to get to you or just use it now we got this we got this we got this look I’ll pop mine as well so we can hold them off there we go now the last 5 seconds is going to be rough no don’t say that

The they can easily ult dump on us I’m not going to have an ult for the last seven seconds I don’t think they’re going to make it back they might there he is kill him oh unlucky I knew it oh he died I was already emoting because the game was over

All right that was GG’s well I see are you hopping off for the night or you uh or you g to come back yeah I got to go all right I got you well it’s a pleasure playing with you man hit me up on Twitch when you

Want to play again I’m always playing OverWatch you have a good one man I’m also always active on Discord oh he already hopped off damn all right go back to game chat I mean Discord chat all right sounds good to me I’ll un and I’ll be messing around with my

Overlays all right I do need to look for some overlays that are pretty cool yo after I come I can come back have a good night you to I see you to have a good night all right we’re chilling we’re chilling all right just got to wait for him to come back all

Right here we go is It oh God is it actually how bad I don’t know never seems to our yeah I know I just need to I’m going to have to move all my stuff so you know what I mean I [ __ ] forgot about that yep I’ll be right Back rip forgot about that E for all right all all sly for right I’m GNA post my stream in the not [ __ ] looking for groupst [ __ ] shut up NE nah bro it’s raining so I had to un move all my [ __ ] because we got to leak in my room don’t want my PC [ __ ] getting leaked on death

Are you watching watching uh watching nothing home screen I don’t know why it’s uh being weird it is what it is though there we go for some reason my [ __ ] okay whatever I got it I got it I got it all right I got you I got you death I got

You I put you in the group [ __ ] number one this is not the guy that stole your number one it’s not this is death not overseer buddy remembering what’s up Bo how you doing death how you doing how you doing today stinky chilling stop calling me get better every time I hear

I know you clean yourself but I’m I Gotta Give You beef wow if if I didn’t mess with you just a little bit it means I don’t like it did I miss Q my bad you feed the baby and then she could probably up on all right that’s fine oh

I remember you okay cool yeah don’t remember it happens it happens I am I am the one you’re not the one I’m that guy you’re not him Co stuck on Xbox perfect for it’s really hard to get to Sweet what I love sweet pineapple pineapple is fire for

Rizzle finding your game finding a game just keep loading loading loading um [ __ ] I guess I uh look for what do I look for I’m going to just customize Heroes while we wait because I want some cool Mercy stuff um what’s some good voice lines that Mercy can have I seen you that

Match earlier that was crazy dude dude I you see what I mean when my keyboard gets like input lag though it’s insane you can like visually see that it’s input lag like CU it’s not smooth at all it’s not going in circles it’s not it’s like angles it just does sharp

Turns because I don’t know why it doesn’t I don’t know how to fix it I got told it was because sticky keys but then I popped in my other keyboard and it’s not sticky keys I’m getting good getting good that’s what’s up crazy K you’re crazy you’re crazy D twerking bro

No way that’s wild because he was agreeing with you he was praising you he thought thought you talking about the gay probably what who’s praising who the good the good she you said yeah getting good she was talking about her [ __ ] clerk I was saying you’re getting crazy

I never even said getting good you’re so skito right now now delusional don’t say normal am this is rough I feel like I feel like we should hurry him get a [ __ ] match see console players over here hey I got a person that wants to Jo but I don’t

Know if they’re going to join this oh wait yeah they said they would going do they slur are you sure they don’t slur I don’t want them to join if they slur oh no I accient I’m not getting much reassurance here I’m scared I’m terrified can I invite my friend no absolutely not

Death absolutely not none of your friends please none of your friends sorry racing none my friends you can’t play that’s crazy she can join dang that’s crazy wild I cancel Q just for her so she better join is she joining should still the be bro I just

Canceled Q right when we joined the game because I thought she was going to join blame that on me yeah I am going to blame that on you said you can’t you said can I invite my friend and then you told her she can’t join which infers

That she was about to join brh brh brh BR skito you so gasl bro I did not say can I invite a friend and then you told her that you can’t invite her I just joined in the middle of your guys conversation no no bro 100% it was your buddy there that

Asked if he can invite somebody yeah and then you said the same thing and then you literally went to your you said to your girl I guess you invite some of my friends yes and then you said no I can’t invite none of them and then you told

Her that you were going to invite her I you can invite her so that infers that she was going to join right then and there in that instance so I cancel K how broox is back in the other room and no [ __ ] me no [ __ ] but you said you were

Going to oh my God dude you like are crazy you win you’re just 100% you win thank you thank you um do they slur I don’t know how to use no I mean honestly never heard this man C but still you’ve never heard him cuss so he

Doesn’t curse I don’t know how it is like [ __ ] 40 something there’s no way I meanix what you doing I’m not trying to risk it but I guess that’s terrible penguin terrible yeah I guess we can use game chat but he’s not in the game so I guess invite

Him um he touches gonna have sticky syrup on it uh that’s Go the game chat cuz Zeus is inviting someone I don’t know how bro you click your middle button yeah bro you go to options and part you go to party you click options and you go the game chat it

Is there you go now the question is if it actually works because console normally sucks with game chat I don’t think it’s going to work for Death that’s terrible pain that’s absolutely awful to say you should be deeply appalled with yourself for typing that honestly I’ve never seen anything more foul in my

Life no he was trying to join but he played OverWatch before he just saw playing right oh know I rip well I don’t think game chat’s going to work for Death anyway so we wouldn’t be able to do game chat death is still struggling don’t act confused penguin don’t you dare

I don’t think death game chat’s goingon to work so I join in game chat and then you’re not even in here oh my God you weren’t talking so I didn’t know if you were in [ __ ] game chat youing fart go such a dingle F open I’m so [ __ ] proud of you yeah

I had to do the same thing and I wasn’t going to switch back over to Discord just for you I gu it does work for said s send me his ble tag on oh God here let’s cancel Q then you look like a fifi what the hell Pon you’re cursed you’re cursed

Today I’ll play KIRO though since you redeemed it and actually said a character’s name do what nothing don’t worry about it death deathy poo Okay Wy [ __ ] better join I swear to God it’s no big Deal I’m all right penguin thank you how about you penguin how you doing today penguin just keep waiting just keep waiting just keep waiting waiting waiting oh there we go that’s crazy penguin that’s wild to be honest yeah you can join penguin wa if Zeus gets this person we’ll have a spot

Open you just have to hop on I need your battle net um actually it’ll just be easier if I send you mine to be honest because mine’s like right here I keep it on OverWatch chat like on speed dial so make sure you type that bar for

Bar on Steam I mean on uh OverWatch and add me we’re doing the first come first serve got this boys we got this hell yeah boys hell yeah ohus I don’t think your buddy’s joining admittedly no he’s saying that the [ __ ] invites he’s not getting invites through game I don’t

Know tell him to join twitch chat and I can send him my battl net and then he can throw me the oh he’s not in twitch he’s just [ __ ] messaging I know tell him to go to Twitch chat and then I can throw my battle that as well and you can just add

Me there and I could try the work because it might be glitch for you you know what I mean what’s his username because I think I might have penguin I think this is penguin all right all all all right I invited whoever this guy is yo what’s up wolf is that you

Penguin I’m assuming it’s you yo get that game chat to work got this penguin you got this I believe you you probably have to go to your voice settings somewhere long I’m so proud of you it is you sound oh my God you sound so different in game

Chat I’ve got to turn your stream down now you do all right game chat works I can’t believe that I’ve never had game chat work ever yeah normally it’s very wonky for Xbox users yeah yeah the only good thing about this is I don’t have to constantly tell

People to um include their audio to the stream because it’s automatically included so it’s a Vibe or huh what about this chat you want to re how do I turn off the music uh you go to your settings options you don’t like the OverWatch music the OverWatch music is fire

Dude no it’s just because the game audio counts as game chat gotcha I’m turning off the M I gotta I gotta sounds good sounds good all right level 27 almost level 28 in the battle pass okay I don’t think that dude was trying to he said it’s not

Working so I just thought him Fu It Whatever all right sounds like plan how are we all doing chilling chilling chilling I’m playing support Al I’m no longer in the Discord chat I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened to that probably DC it’s all good I’ll

We can get you back in it after we believe game chat right now it’s not an issue nothing to worry about pretty much so uh penguin you’re ready to lose every single game constantly back to back to back to back yes it’s going to be so fun it’s going to be a

Blast it’s going to be really vitalizing uh I don’t know because we are we won half the matches we played yesterday I say that’s W in my book I don’t know we won a couple to day we want to get we yeah you’re getting better on PC stop

Doubting yourself bro bro I want to doubt myself though why can’t then you better just shut your [ __ ] mouth wow inappropriate wow you’re inappropriate I’m not going to allow self sabotage oh my God self- sabotage we’re we’re we’re okay I don’t even want to hear about self- sabotage at this

Point okay there’s three Xbox players one PC and we’re going to fight against at least four PC players I’m counting on Magic’s mic not the echo oh my God self sabotage that’s what I’m saying jeez that was rough I sound horrible why do y’all listen to me that was

Rough that was crazy that was wild I hate my voice that was that was rough and we still can’t find a Lobby oh you might as well just stay muted at this point magic just stay muted you’re done Zone bro the echo won’t go away Echo the [ __ ] you talking about [ __ ]

There is an echo that we all literally heard an echo it’s still echoing as we speak that’s why your voice is popping off no [ __ ] you don’t hear it because it’s you echoing I I’m so mad I can’t lower volume in game chat know really yeah really yeah wi

Willy this is terrible I can’t I can’t deal this this is awful cursed hella cursed no lobby with an echo pain it’s like fortnite all over again guys fornite I’m glad that’s what Eed oh snap we’re in the game oh my God why is it doing this I

Don’t know it was going so well so so now rip your mic can only last three hours and then it shits itself indefinitely it did not perhaps I don’t see my name I do I do let’s go this one guess notless I’m talking bro see it popped

Uple oh wow I haven’t played this game in half a year so it’s all good it doesn’t matter where’s the sprint button there’s not a sprint button well this game is po wow that’s crazy wow I love the first I I love Echo that’s the only time the EO that’s

Hilarious oh there it is you just be a little silly goofy o you got this man you got this I believe in you okay oh man oh man oh man I waved at that black widow before the doors open and then I just [ __ ] twoot her rip hate to see it

It happens it happens all right all right I got you I got you I got you I mean the worst case scenario magic um the echo persist just go back to push the talk ow owow yeah I don’t know how to play K I’m going be honest with you guys a stack

With you nope nope that was the most painful thing ever yeah that hurts I can’t that was too much for me what was too that [ __ ] the [ __ ] galewind wall of a [ __ ] hurricane that I just heard oh shiny light thing sorry sorry sorry all good oh thank you eliminate left the

Party I one to friends and now they’re not playing RIS R anymore I’m guess rip oh [ __ ] there’s a widow behind us somewhere sniping right there I was just I was just bouncing around and she just kept attacking me I was doing a little bouncy bouncy it couldn’t be helped do I change

Her um when you die you click H or when you die you click uh X when I die I click what x I think I don’t know X I don’t know it would it should show it on your screen well it doesn’t it okay I don’t

Know to help you then look up a YouTube tutorial um you know what no I’m just going to look at the control that’s there you go just keep healing healing healing just keep healing healing healing rip and I’m dead assassinated sniper style all right we got this boys

Trust hey even KIRO said we got this it has to be true Kiro wouldn’t lie to me Ow rip I thought that was R Diva low key that’s how she shot at me oh it’s cuz she killed R div okay so no way that’s crazy bro Widow got rip it happens to the best of us someone needs to get that Widow they messed up that

Bob rip I suck at KIRO I’m so bad at KIRO it’s not even funny no way yeah that’s crazy it is it’s absolutely absurd to a point where it’s like crazy I saw you’re typing in chat on Xbox huh yeah you click on you go to your set like uh you go to

Your menu and then you click right on the joystick so click the three lines and then um yep I got you far I’m throwing heals at you we just got to stop the payload for three more minutes three more minutes have you gotten any updates on the job

Um um I got some yesterday not yesterday maybe two days ago it’s looking like a sure thing over here just got to schedule some things oh can I not get to you there we go they’re very sweaty I mean they’re PC players it’s not that they’re sweaty it’s just that

They’re this is just bare minimum for PC how much is OverWatch it’s free it’s free on Xbox it’s free on everything actually they made it a free game when I became OverWatch too we’re pushing it back pretty far oh wait no we’re not free across all platforms yeah so

Wait what is that little emote you got going on on your name tag penguin huh what do you mean I mean look at your name tag on Twitch you got a little emote thing you got the VIP subscriber and that third that’s what I was asking about that

Little 2023 symbol he’s got no idea gotta got um on Google the first thing it popped up on Google was something about a recap 23 recap I don’t know what that [ __ ] was about maybe he’s just better than us no because I spend a bunch of money most

Likely I can see twitch doing something like that is it a restricted free or no um what do you mean restricted free overseer like you’re going have to unlock all your characters if you didn’t play OverWatch one but other than that it’s pretty free you can play the game it’s free to play

But content locks no this one way the only thing that’s like pay wall behind is like um the battle pass character and but you can get them if you grind the level 45 in the battle pass but you’re going to have to manually unlock all your characters

If you played on OverWatch one you’d have all your characters unlocked besides the new characters but if you have if you haven’t played OverWatch one you’re have to you’re have to play like 150 rounds or 100 games to unlock everyone excuse me so I mean everything’s free just a grind if you’re new

Now God damn that was good if you don’t get the battle pass character are they gone no they’re not gone forever it’s just way harder to [ __ ] unlock it because you have to do like hero challenges and [ __ ] and that’s how you unlock it I want to play support

I’ll play Flex how about that EP right I’ll get tanker DPS and then see how it goes okay makes sense right over here right right right um I do have enough to buy a skin endorsement receive what does that me it’s just um just an endorsement I don’t know I

Think I crashed no I didn’t I thought I crashed um endorsements are pretty much um shows how good someone is I guess I don’t know bragging rights it’s not it’s not that really important when you get it the higher level you get it like when the endorsement like season thing goes

Away it gives you like extra battle pass points that’s it it’s really dumb it doesn’t give you anything meaningful anymore it was supposed to give you like a legacy coins but people started botting so they were like I’m not going to do that I gotta get a pizza out the OV like

Couple minutes you’re all good go biggy it don’t matter it don’t matter one more some cheap ass peaches nowadays they got like a great value brand of Their Own like5 Pizza a large pizza three meat one that’s only like a buck or two more you look like a stuffed

Crust I’m about to make you stu what you’re going to make me a pizza that’s so kind no say that he’s gonna make me pizza what do you mean he’s gonna make me pizza it’s okay champ don’t worry I got this that’s foul oh he said he’s going

To make you stuff crust yeah he’s going to make me stuff crust pizza oh no just stuff crust you’re just going to cut the crust off the pizza that’s kind of nasty I’m going have remember when somebody was talking about dude yeah I know that was wild I don’t even understand that’s the

Opposite that’s the crust you’re the stuff crust that got cut off I’m the that’s crazy I’m getting the crust that got cut off that’s messed up M Papa why would you I don’t even understand like you need the you need the crust to hold the pizza properly the

Crust is like the structure like the yeah kind of you kind of need that or like it’s kind of [ __ ] I don’t understand why you would want crust’s pizza to be honest it’s kind of foul when I wake up I may download it unlock Soldier probably

Not C are all right I like C I can make homemade pizza of multiple nice overse see overseer when we meet up if we ever meet up IRL if we ever do we got to make pizza easy overseer easy dos I like campfire Pizza no penguin I’ve never had campfire pizza oh

Good why would you why would you even ask me to play Roblox you should instantly know that’s going to be an instant shutdown you basically just cook it in a cash iron pan bro oh that’s it pretty solid actually I like you hate Roblox so much

It’s not that fun you’re not cooking it properly then you’re supposed to put C IR lid over it and then put coals over the top of that you to beat little children I don’t want to beat little children I don’t want to be around little children I love beting little

Just you know chill unfortunately a Boy Scout for like 10 years makes me feel special it’s terrible this is why I’m never going to have children no dog you’re supposed to clear out small area I would want to include myself that is creepy definitely CRA cook something if you’re cooking hobo

Hamburgers unlikely since yeah of course over it was like it was like one of those things it was like one of those things you just say you know what I mean if it happens it’s all jokes all jokes say where it’s spy go there Spotify you’re all good overseer you’re all

Good oh snap I’m going to play Arisa all right all right all right my game actually every match would be seven oh [ __ ] you’re right oh this is interesting all right let’s get it Boys where they at oh it’s push not push but it’s control point oh man Ash Ash a death got dced oh well he went to get his pizza all right there we go dude diva is kind of I don’t remember D.A doing this much damage nice it’s

Sacrifice right the pizza is worth it hell yeah what I get replaced by I don’t know [ __ ] I tried to drop my Mech onor but I’m ass so it didn’t happen that way agreed yeah I know at least I’m aware of me being trash though it’s always good to be aware if you’re

Bad all right of course she does whoever all right dude Diva’s gun is pretty much just a faster Mercy pistol honestly that’s literally what it feels like [ __ ] Diva’s so op oh yeah if you use it right it could be broken I always see people throw that

[ __ ] up in the air yeah you shoot it up and it drops on them [ __ ] I [ __ ] up my hole I’m bad wow that’s crazy I know all right we got to get on point guys this pizza didn’t have crust I don’t know what it would do I don’t understand

The whole crustless pizza thing I don’t understand why it would taste good I mean isn’t a deep dish like a cross this pizza no it’s more crust or thicker cross and cheese yeah it’s like I don’t know I think the it’s like thicker crust for me I don’t

Know still has crust like around the walls up if not just on the bottom it’s like a it’s a tiny wall okay but you pretty much hold it from the bottom and the crust I mean I guess there’s no crust on it but like it’s more sturdy people eat it with

Forks so you can do that too that’s why I was confused Maybe seen one from Little Cesar but someone Joy he’s now the stream going the [ __ ] am I in Alexa yes why do you have to say it like that Logan what’s the weather GNA be like tonight what’s the weather going to

Be it’s going to be 28 f hey Logan how are we going to get the win what you just call me by my name yeah yeah I did yeah I did you have a problem with that what what you call me by my name all the time why can’t I do

It to you okay Ray Ray okay loo that was pretty smooth I got that Riz game today oh yeah I got game that’s what’s up you got to remember good old already I’m not going to make that J never mind I can’t I can’t this was going to be a bad

Bit oh [ __ ] what is there no the little stuff oh my God they’re killing me they’re killing me I’m going to die uh rip rip from behind they do that a lot it’s like their favorite thing to do I’m I’m pushing up I’m pushing up with you

Guys [ __ ] dude these guys are [ __ ] me up these guys are good they’re just better better gaming setup they have better G gaming chairs for sure they stream sniping they’re stream sniping I don’t think stream sniping honestly would matter in this game maybe like in other games but not

This one this you’re you’re able to revive really fast like all you would know is like SS but SS isn’t really that important that’s why I’m not really worried about stream sniping in any game like stream sniping really doesn’t bother me too much it’s not a big deal Snip right and in general like I don’t understand why people get so mad about it because like that’s kind of what you sign up for yeah if you’re going to get that big what do you expect I I love that video of jinxie and he’s like I’m playing fortnite he’s like

Why is nobody jumping the B the bus why is nobody jumping he like watch this when I jump he jumps and everybody jumps and lands on him just pick right my favorite is uh when Zandy Druid used to get he got really popular on apex and then he

Stopped making videos but um he was he was playing a ranked match and he was losing game after game after game after game after game and he was and he was like you know what I’m gonna try something you know what chat I want youall to be nice and he almost dies by

Someone with like karer cuz karber was still overpowered he’s like fic and then a Lifeline comes scooping in and heals him and then runs away not Lifeline um the the [ __ ] the Healer girl oh that’s crazy I forgot what her name was uh I don’t remember the healer

Girl’s name but uh the life I know Lifeline was the robot yeah pretty much just dropped down the medkit thing for him and it just [ __ ] ran away and gave him heals it was funny as [ __ ] he probably knows we in here eating pizza gas you should went to

Sleep you’re bumb wolf you meanie but uh Mr Blue if you want to join us here I’ll send you the Discord link I’m pretty sure oh no I don’t have it yeah um I’m I’m all right with leaving um what do you mean we we’re going to be missing someone if you leave

We’ll then again need a f oh godam it if you don’t want to play anymore that’s fine I’m not going to force you to play I’m just saying there would be no reason for you to leave I want to speak to you but you’re don’t P so true gotta get that Discord

Life I can’t get disc I know it’s okay we can talk and die we can talk and die the whole time we can lose m and talk and be besties that’s crazy that’s the Strat but no blue if you want to join us just join happens be if you want just join

The Discord and then uh join turtle tank and I’ll actually no I’ll have to let me cancel Q I forgot we’re in game chat so it’ be easier if I just do this because the social last game where you at where you at where you at where you at where you

At Moira the bot and what’s that supposed to mean what do you mean Moira the bot that’s Moira or is that your username I’m so lost I don’t I don’t know oh Mr Blue I see you were insulting yourself I got you Mr Blue it’s okay I understand now I’m stupid player not

Found Mr Blue you weren’t found I add I sent you a friend request though is a Zeus is this thing not echoing anymore is it good is it cured is the echo gone I don’t know can you hear yourself I don’t know I had you muted cuz I heard

[ __ ] a tornado in the mic and I got scared [ __ ] you I should have left bro no you’re doing great good fireing me eight times I told you to stop running in so I can heal you man running in was fire you loved it Oh e no meowing you sick bastards y are

Foul I want my money me out you money gift them a sub gift them a sub Mr Blue add me back please on no he doesn’t have to gift me a okay I’m subed for 6 months at it’s okay you don’t need to it’s all right it’s all right buddy I’ll still love

You Mr Blue why can’t we be beses damn the crust this stuff they’re not getting nothing that’s crazy donate 400 bits and overtake overseer this is true that’s crazy don’t take it from over deserves it you could time out overseer I time out overseer I’m in a

Match oh I got you Mr Blue um [ __ ] I don’t know if we play then I’m going to can okay we’ll play a match without you then Mr Blue but I won’t recruit anyone else we’ll wait for you you sick bastard nasty [ __ ] oh I don’t want to play tank [ __ ]

Tank God damn it that healer got tooken I hate all of you whatever that’s all I get from you I don’t judge you for doing everything you do you just called me a sick bastard cuz you are a sick bastard oh my God I don’t care I don’t

Care a private thing while we wait I’m scared I don’t want to do a private thing do a private thing while we wait I’ll do a semi-private thing no no no find finding yeah this is not private the [ __ ] I said semi private can’t believe you I can’t believe

You oh look another Bastion oh he’s dead it wouldn’t let me click obn I don’t know why that’s rough it was because I have a better gaming chair and that’s crazy you know this Ash is actually good that is crazy you’re right death thanks for that kill I’m not eating your crustless pizza

Caitlyn why yeah why oh I was he was literally one my was a bit better Ash PC [ __ ] team [ __ ] I tried to get that Health back so bad damn there was like three [ __ ] people in there that was scary that was funny there was no winning that with Bastion 1

V ones it’s literally whoever goes turret first that’s like the only way with Bastion one ones and and every Bastion knows it whoever turrets first wins where are you guys you sick bastard and now you’re going to die I almost died right right there I’m going to be

Honest wow he’s stream sniping he’s stream sniping he’s stream sniping you’re stream sniping that’s crazy it’s all right I’m just going after the Squishies please stop don’t do that ever again that’s loud cuz I can’t monitor your [ __ ] audio it’s not like I could turn you down or

Up so ear raping is a nogo wasn’t ear pooping you were ear pooping you were verbally spamming damn I was right behind you too Baston I spawned right behind your ass I spawned I saw you I’m like I looked over like was nobody over there I heard somebody behind yeah all you hear

Is yeah you just hear the Minun start you hear the minigun start and why did you put Ranch on it then you could have saved it crazy but she thought can eat it so it’s not her fault but if I offer her my stuff crushed you take

It yeah it’s stuff crust I thought I was getting the stuff crust wait a minute what the [ __ ] you are the stuff Crush you don’t get it don’t eat me please don’t eat Me I’m Scared oh look at that instant yeah put on that I it oh

God that’s H messy I’m playing a game oh wow the na totally helps it no man that’s wasteful on Ranch you got to eat the napkin then it’s edible then r a mini tank I like it thank you I try I was enjoying Bastion I didn’t think I Haven play Bastion that

Much on PC oh behind us behind us behind us and my aim slightly getting better I heard that I heard the hacking I didn’t know I heard the hacking I thought it was going to be me I was like wait a minute why didn’t I get hacked the tank got it

No I’m not I’m [ __ ] oh but they I guess um he act the diva as well really fast I didn’t know and know if you eat something sweet you’ll be able to eat more a weird like if you’re full and you eat something like sweet no like there’s some kind of

I wouldn’t say chemical but just natural reaction that happens sugar makes you crave more it expand you what it increases your craving sugar makes you crave more food that’s why he’s saying the tech behind behind us behind us Sombra that’s why like the whole term of the original term of sugar

Craving became a thing it’s not like you were craving sugar but it’s an actual thing that made you actually crave food in general So like um people anorexic people they give um they give them sugar pills for people that actually have like legitimate eating disorders that when

They look at food they can’t eat so they’ll give them sugar pills and it’ll increase their appetite slowly my uncle and my uh dad said he [ __ ] he would eat like dinner if we went to like a buffet yeah he would eat backwards he’d eat like dessert first oh he

It was so weird to me I was like 12 yeah I bet that was like breaking the whole dynamic for a kid I was like what he’s crazy I bet you thought he was the coolest I was like I want [ __ ] theer first I mean as a kid yeah you probably

Would eat nothing but dessert you wouldn’t go like have any control yeah I don’t know there’s not really any good all you can eat buffets here around here there’s like only one Chinese buffet that’s really good our Chinese buffet is lit just called Chinese buffet you doesn’t have like a fancy name or

Nothing I guess but still rip we got this boys we’re chilling bless you bless you triple bless you oh baby a triple you are a triple B all right [ __ ] I died they have better gaming chairs it’s not our fault check again so good doing good rip

Second all right we got this trust trust trust trust they thought the wall was going to stop us the ice the ice barrier there’s damn flat earthers that was [ __ ] that was a good play it just [ __ ] the May frozer yourself instantly that’s all good hey I got him off that spot though

I guess no yeah it works no it wasn’t it wasn’t you don’t get a kill sometimes moving them can work just as well I have a mer is the only bad thing I try to Target her if I can this maze issue R the Som is not bothering me for me

It’s the literally only been killed by the Sombra yeah I guess that’s fair yeah no this may has been the one that’s been The Thorn my side ow ow ow ow ow owow that’s what it sounded like for you earlier Zeus that’s that’s exactly what it sound like

A [ __ ] tornado in the mic it’s awful I hate it it hurts a lot that’s crazy that her old that’s crazy that her old can stop a [ __ ] when I’m trying to move her old can literally stop me from moving it so I got stuck behind a wall when I was

Mid I never knew that just so you know guys if you’re playing May and you if um um a Bastian ults you can literally stop him from tracking it on him who are you um you place a a a wall that amplifies damage so if you place it in

Front of me I can turret and Kill Them All it happens it’s all good yeah yours is just a damage amplifier all right we got this I think they’re going to kill us and now going what about koi Lefty interesting was coin a party with you or something yeah oh I got you he’s probably lurking in chat just

Not talking I guarantee it what is the team hey Koy we love you Koy what are you doing I don’t know when I got up there there was none of my teammates and the payload being pushed back well sometimes it’s hard for us man they’re playing really well behind behind behind behind see

Behind Everywhere that stoper dude oh oh that’s why you were doing that that’s why you were doing that oh [ __ ] oh oh wait we actually still have it far is clutching far and whoever else is on point still you guys got this you got this you

Guys got this you guys got this you guys got this you’re Gods you’re Gods I don’t give a [ __ ] about precious you better because precious is my best friend she’s your best friend I thought we were best friends the kind of person that only tries to be ahead of you in life

You what always said two you what said two days ago you think the only reason she got married to the guy she’s been with for three months is for she could get married before us of six years that’s hilarious and that that’s so toxic you know what I mean that’s kind of funny

What kind of friendship is that if their their goal is just to be better than their you know death you just don’t understand I I know you know what I’m about 100 sh like she has a sugar daddy dude like I feel like that’s a good reason to get

Married fast you got to lock that [ __ ] down right CO’s in chat I got him in chat that’s what’s up hey in chat I know might stoping I’ve been for three hours haven’t seen a soul it happens we get a f or is she joining uh she can

Join uh blue hasn’t joined us is she going to join that’s the real question all right tell her to use game chat without using Discord yeah switch it yeah yeah it sounds good I’ll be right back I’m probably G to go try to find something to eat real quick something quick right back

Characters e e e all right I’m back I’m still here just in more matches I got you Mr Blue phone was lurking in the Stream sorry I want to play R to and I got you it’s all good it’s all good okay who’s all here who’s all here

Then um go back to oh hell yeah let’s go back to Discord his scor’s so much better way better bro all right what’s up Pooky boy Bears I’m pretty much only joined for penguin because he doesn’t have Discord so I mean you gotta do what you

Got to do but Discord the audio is just better and you guys aren’t as loud and plus um Zeus’s mic doesn’t Echo as much but it’s fun playing with you penguin I know we haven’t been able to play in a while it’s just everything runs better

On PC so I like only I try the that’s why I bought so many um PC games I mean crossplay games I’ve been trying to focus on getting crossplay games just still play with everyone on Xbox is she going to join Discord but yeah Mr Blue when you get

Out of a match we’re we’re pretty much just waiting on someone else so we got you as well Mr Blue and if you want to join Discord Mr Blue here you go Ian you can join VC with us deathy should get her the hurry up and join Discord on God yeah the turtle

Tank tell her this is some real skill issue stuff right now I think the turtle tank is a fire VC name that’s all I’m saying oh you just don’t do voice chat I got you Mr Blue I got you well if you ever want to play with us in the future Mr

Blue then you can just join game and you can sit the stream and laugh at us as we lose we can always type to each other you know what I mean chill out oh my gosh is she joining this is funny just keep waiting waiting waiting just keep waiting waiting

Waiting death you should definitely go the another room and help her I believe in you death you got this man wait wait wait if you go look at our last game like if you like you know the Endor Player thing why is there so many enemies yeah perple

Wraps death are you okay you’re not talking are you dead are you alive death I would say you’re real name but I already forgot I already forgot what you called you I don’t think it’s Dustin wait are these are they using game chat or what no they’re not that’s is not using game

Chat he’s not using game chat we’re just waiting on him to get his girl in here and he’s also dead they both died they’re actually just [ __ ] probably it happens it’s OverWatch after all minutes I’m pretty sure he would have been back sooner too much credit all right let’s get

Calypso all right we’re all in here Mr Blue oh Mr Blue’s here oh we’re gonna have a five stack okay we just need cypa to join guy that I remember chat yep TTV my name now [ __ ] man okay P10 for that you mildly um death invite uh Calypso to the

Game he was the guy that I was talking about waffles and pancakes with death throw her and invite silly belly what what really smacks uh potato cakes oh better isn’t that where like you get like um a potato and there’s like meat in the middle no it’s literally you take

Normally what you’ll do is like say um you have mashed potatoes for dinner and then that next morning I think you just add like a little bit of flour or something and you just cook them fry them in a pan they’re so good oh okay so like like how it’s like

Crab cakes I know what you’re talking about it’s like um I’ve had one before texture yeah it’s like it it’s kind of if you don’t cook it on the stove you can deep fry it that would be so good make make them into balls and deep fry them yeah yeah

That’s how I’ve had it and there was meat in the Middle with uh some mushrooms uh green peppers bell peppers and [ __ ] it was so good get her to join get her to join get her to join the game she’s not she’s dying what a willy what’s your screen C are you

Joining to make an account bestie won’t join oh my god let’s play match she’s making a bleet account bestie hates us it’s okay you hear me RA I heard you yeah you didn’t resp respond to me because I was I was too heartbroken that my bestie hates me man like that’s like

Something that’s like hard to put on someone like that man best Miss Calypso over there we were we were supposed to be besties we no she doesn’t she hates me now it’s rough man never said that bro did you not hear her the other day she’s like R

Tank my God I make fun of everybody it’s okay wow hear that here first she’s I knew it I [ __ ] knew it I knew it couldn’t have been that totally couldn’t be death you should have seen this in Walmart earlier oh my God maybe if you just weren’t so passive agressive of

Death then you know a lot of issues would be solved I agree I agree too as long as you’re honest as long if you know that’s all that matters is if you know first step is a minut it oh God second step is not giv it a [ __ ]

Exactly but no man death you never bring me the Walmart that’s so mean damn and you call me your Pooky Wookie dookie bear and like you don’t even bring me the Walmart that’s crazy dude that’s absolutely wild speechless don’t you know Walmart what what about Walmart oh I know what it takes I

Know what an OverWatch when sh no cuz you keep [ __ ] cutting out I have to infer half the time I thought you said you know it t what it takes to go to Walmart is that know what he said no you don’t take your side shakes Walmart stupid she’s gonna pimp slap

You on God he brings me the Costco every now and then on God I’m he said I’m not good enough for Sam’s I was about to say that I’m not good enough for Sam’s Club he said so expensive it really is now Sam’s Club is not worth it

Anymore good meat deals that’s about it yeah but you can go the hills if you want good meat deals [ __ ] bro chill have that here I know I realized after I said it that’s your one Fu the only guy on our team is the tank you love

It I picked Flex I don’t even want to hear it it’s fing it’s not not only guy better not suck I swear calm down it doesn’t matter it’s a game it’s just zeros and ones I will actively start throwing I’ll actively start just only using my pistol

You’ll get three DPS gues in a minute oh [ __ ] you just said that on Twitch you can get banned for that about get three DPSS all the DPSS I feel like you should also stop healing and then we have four DPSS and then the enemy team can’t do anything about

It four DPS is in the tank is all we [ __ ] need that’s all we need buddy trust trust they just [ __ ] wiped this oh my God reinhardt’s so good uh he’s good we ain’t got Caitlin on our team yet um depending on who he is I think that might actually be uh YouTuber

She has like 400 hours in this game she does wow that’s crazy so she’ll have to carry us I hope so who are you talking about we need someone to carry us I know I can’t carry and I’m the reason making I’m the one making the lobby so [ __ ]

Hard you got like 400 hours in this game or 4,000 which one yeah Calypso which one I didn’t even have this damn game installed oh you’re just she’s so modest she’s such a modest Champion yeah she got tired of playing it after she hadit champ that makes

Sense how many seasons seven times in a row yeah that adds up man top 10 must be taken a toll I mean top 500 she probably knows that other chick that has 800 hours yeah yeah I know every chick that plays this game I hope so I I need her to get

Back on dude she was a [ __ ] Champion healer I need I need MC chicken the hot back on too cuz she’s a [ __ ] almost top five top 500 Mercy I told her she needs to get on them start Ming Mercy she should she get a lot of compliments a lot of people

Would be very nice to her we love our golden mercies we love our mercies death you’re not supposed to die I know well I was either die or use my alt and I died if I used my Al and I guess that makes sense Ed um flying um flying in the air when

They’re all grouped up like Dash straight up in the air when they’re all grouped up and then Dome on them because then you’ll get head shots it’s normally what I do but yeah it’s like it’s really a hit or miss cuz it is there’s always that one player

That [ __ ] beams me like it’s cuz they they’re scared every time a far flies everyone predicts that that’s what’s going to happen to them Heroes never die huh they have a widow they have a widow they have a widow I’m scared and she’s a good Widow too I’ve died twice to her

Already anybody know where she’s at hell no in my [ __ ] nightmares I mean yeah you go I made him [ __ ] go hide for a second being payload princess I’m sorry about to die don’t worry I’ll be payload princess we’ll be payload princesses it’s better together as soon as I get

Shot at I [ __ ] boost oh my god oh W’s up there y oh I got yep beamed that window is [ __ ] Godly yeah she’s good she is really good at least it’s not as [ __ ] annoying as [ __ ] the person we met before Oh good did you play with us when we fought against

Lovely lonely lonely or yeah lonely the actual [ __ ] Widow Pro that’s top 500 yesterday yeah [ __ ] was [ __ ] wild dude I was scared the whole time I knew it was them I kept getting in One V ones with him and that’s not really cool cuz I she kept running he kept running like

To damn building yeah know I I got flicked like twice and I’m like wait a minute is that who I really think it is there’s no way cuz normally you can have the same tags as people so you never can never you can never know if they’re actually the pro

Player and I was looking at it and I saw the squad that was with them because the person that was laughing when wasn’t talking for lovely and I was like like the videos and then they were like thanks and I was like a dude I [ __ ]

Knew it was y’all I [ __ ] knew it was you too no lovely streams every now and then or lonely but he’s mainly known for his Tik Tok clips how he made his uh Tik Tok channels is like um you know like the compilation that people did was like when they start

A match and they were like this is what I got to do I gotta you know like the anime thinking thing when they got to do like the first three they did that and it shows him just saying that and shows a highlight of a clip while he’s talking

He pops like a 5k like three times in a row back to back to back to back crazy no dude that guy’s [ __ ] insane at this game I don’t know how we got into a squad with that was rough oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I can’t push that we also fought

Against otimus Prime which is a really good um twitch streamer he’s not top 500 but he’s like famous is he’s one of those people that are famous that play the game not play the game to be you know what I mean he’s not one of the skill players

But he’s really good at game still he’s not top 500 also rard has and know this isn’t the guy who I thought it was Battle Mercy battle Mercy battle Mercy he healing the diva far I’m scared fly give me the [ __ ] up in the air I want to get hit by that [ __ ]

Widow that’s up in that tunnel yeah watch out that Chun not whatever that’s why I’ve been trying to stay in the air i’ been stay stick in the air off far A little bit because every time I land he tries to dash me oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I overshot I overshot I

Overshot Heroes never die oh my God bro [ __ ] him up far that widow’s still trying to snipe at me she bolted when that Diva went after her I will keep you guys safe you shall not die are kind of pushed [ __ ] that Widow bro on God [ __ ] I got hammered in the sky

That’s crazy oh get in here Dam it’s crazy damn that was about to be really crazy that’s [ __ ] it’s all good you win some you lose some yeah it is how it beat is how it beur yep I was typing that that was exactly what I was typing hey we got play

Though they’re just better all right all right see if she’s ready can we get please get the grand master in our lobby why can’t I invite her now Calypso you should be able to invite me I we can’t miss calypso Rip r ski scop what what do I have to do the tutorial

You should just take three line button you should be able to skip the tutorial I never knew the game had tutorial Zeus did you to play tutorial oh wait you played OverWatch once so it wouldn’t make you do any one death did you play a tutorial some of it can you skip

It I don’t know I think so because I joined you rip rip Rip r r rip rip so not letting me join so I don’t know I guess I’ll probably have to do it cringe I don’t know I can try closing it out and go back on I believe Le in you

Well a grandm like yourself should like tutorial should be so easy for [Laughter] you yeah definitely defitely I believe in you yeah your tutorial was an online match skin it look pretty bad ass your tutorial was they made you fight against a grand champ 30 times in

Roundy man exactly that was a good tutorial wasn’t it now you’re a great player oh yeah that’s that’s what we’re about to do right now I mean I can already look at my history and see I’m already on I’m already on a four I’m already on a four

Loss we went three in a row then we lost then won two in a row now we’re on a four streak yeah yeah yeah we won four losses two and then last one three allor right we got this four in a row let’s make it five hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah hell

Yeah all right I’m just going to start another one adly yeah I’m not able to join so probably just have to do the tutorial just do the tutorial have fun try to learn as much as you can the tutorial definitely teaches you so much about this game it’s it’s like almost essential to

Gameplay for sure gu I think tutorial sucks ass and mostly every games that’s why I skip it I never learned from any tutoral the tutorial they make you Soldier so it’s a pretty good tutorial yeah I mean that makes sense they would make you play the that character they make you like he

Sprint sh like that should be a soldier man let’s go that is the Strat whoa dude that’s crazy just keep loading just keep loading and we’re in Q and we’re in the game we’re loading that’s crazy Bash I wi we got tank I Wily who should I be you should

Be orisa to be honest that’s like one of the easiest tanks to play definitely have you played the new orisa rework yeah yeah you don’t have her I don’t know I like the new orisa she hits like a truck like when you take damage just go golden with Arisa and then you don’t

Take damage anymore and you have increased fire rate increased fire rate and a lower cool down so you can shoot more bullets faster and longer wow that’s insane that Soldier literally shhot on me like sideways it was scary they pushed me off the map rip unlucky the [ __ ] sound guy black

Me off the map you got sound blasted that’s crazy solid move though no yeah Lucio’s kind of bul Lucio wrong button Haven play don’t oh my God hog I hate you I watch Wonder fog says sorry I’m curious watch out don’t even peek that corner dude that’s crazy I

Know they got a good they’re playing really well these guys are just smart they’re smart That’s crazy dude honest to God all right I got us a tank I recruited one who’s the tank what that Leno do that’s [ __ ] crazy dude that is crazy like full [ __ ] right

There don’t worry we’re going to be playing he’s going to be on our team next game I’m adding him to our group yeah I’m call him a [ __ ] too no you won’t you’re going to be nice salty [ __ ] I’m call him a [ __ ] that’s part

Of just mad that it works cuz you’re a [ __ ] he said salty [ __ ] you’re mad bro I as soon as I got over there he yanked me yes it’s [ __ ] I know it’s a good Strat that’s how you play Road and you’re GNA do the same thing and you’re

Gonna it’s not that good on this map Aris is better on this one hog say Aris is better for this one there’s going to be a circle in the middle and he’s going to pull us into the circle we’re going to have Circle time guys that’s all I’m going to say we’re going

To have well time we’re going to have a swell time just Target his Mercy that’s behind him oh what a bit oh my God Circle time Circle times telling you man Circle time is I hat I hate Circle time it hurts on a metaphysical level dude I’m going to give him turret time

He tried to hook me yes dead than move it push push everyone push everyone push no more Circle time eventually will yeah eventually you’ll have to we got this yeah how’s it feel you [ __ ] pig [ __ ] his ass in the hole I there we go cool what’s the road hog all um it’s

Like um a minigun pretty much you click that it’s that it’s literally that it has adds a lot of knockback it’s not fun any dead he [ __ ] wasted his that’s crazy that’s wild what I think they’re just better they have a better gaming chair oh my god dude we have to

Push we are going to have to play with him he’s going to be on our team we’re be best days oh my God this is rough dude he’s a good tank I can’t wait till he’s on our team I absolutely can’t wait to Diva boost him I mean Mercy boost

Him going when he’s sing us in the hole oh it wasn’t this is when he’s going oh wait this is just when he Ed us canceling Q last round he got he’s endorsed five holy [ __ ] I’m messaging him oh he’s not going to join us because

He’s in a five stack he said but I’m going to add him on Discord oh my God I need to get my phone for this cuz l oh me I know bro please phone why must you suck ass you suck so much as all right Leon i d zero

A mering I can use my other sh maybe you should uh merge your account silly dly did you try invite me I can’t I I’m not I don’t have her added on battle net you’d have to invite her who won’t let me invite it oh my gosh

Oh no um you can send her my battl net account name and she can she has to type that in the over watch yeah it’s the over watch chat it’s the hashtag one literally the third message play Kira I got you penguin I got you buddy I got

You and what you do with that is you hit when you hit Y and you go to the front thing three line button add friend you are a three line button okay bustard or should I say Camp no I don’t play comp that much I’m

Very bad at the game you know how it is you know how it is if I was better I’d played comp more pop up on your screen citl when I invite you to the group I wish I could play I wish I had a squad I’d play C

More rip she can add me on she added me that I could um throw her and invite through game messenger your B code all right it should work it should work then there it is oh my God now we’re actually besties it’s official we’re battl net besties she should have

Got an invite through game it should be like under yep there it is see my invites are just better than yours death better gaming chair honestly because you H and more friends with her huh what was that what you pick hit three a I’m playing healer you click

Support you were just jealous that I’m support honestly it says fil what I’m confused can’t be tank it’s her first time playing tell her to click all CU I have to play healer you can you’re talking to her well she never responds to me the baby’s crying I know he’s

Screaming screaming I know I hear it every now and then I am not there you are there chocolate T so good Kaitlyn yeah I know it’s B what’s the name of it it’s the Hershey simp Symphony burs you said you don’t even like toffee this a good though toffee in it

Tof hard not too sticky I like coffee I don’t like when it sticks my teeth or too hard to eat coffee fire I like Heath bar tofe heath bars are really good oh I [ __ ] love on God no it’s goingon to be great she’s going to be a great tank remember she’s top

500 pick Diva the first one this is gonna be amazing we’re gonna win I can’t see half the [ __ ] buttons on the screen perfect Spa in a that’s what I’m doing I don’t know what the hell’s going on K time KIRO KIRO this is going to be amazing trust

Me this is going to be y going to love the game especially when we get you on a 20 losing streak but don’t feel bad we’re already on a five losing streak you got to hit a or X or something to pick a character Perfect rip Pi good character hurry I love this

Game I feel bad for Mr Blue poor Mr Blue you know he doesn’t deserve all this h on and she left Mr Blue’s contemplating what he got himself into I’m going to talk to him ah the no they do it a lot though you’ll see people do it all the time

Rip unlucky unlucky unlucky I don’t give up that easily oh look at those head shots ah that was scary that was terrifying I think we’re going to be stuck in spawn so it’s only going to last three minutes right this is um welcome to OverWatch right and junk rat doing the

Same thing junkrat doing the same exact thing he how the [ __ ] did he go in there what did he I think you were just barely I think you were just barely out of it like your toe was just out and he blew up your whole foot no I was behind the oh better

Gaming chairs that normally has a big factor no we’re good we’re out of Spawn now we got this it still hasn’t given us a teammate that’s crazy [ __ ] it I’m going DPS this is rough I’m trying to hear you Mr we’re trying our best man it happens it’s no biggy thank

God I mean we were probably just wasn’t he probably let his guard down while because he was [ __ ] on us he probably just wasn’t prepared for us to actually push back he probably was just in the mindset just overextending cuz you know he’s [ __ ] on us

Rip all right I’m fing back well I’m dead hey Mr Blue got pay oh man he got play good [ __ ] Mr Blue he’s better this time you’re gonna join Ka you’re gonna ass I think it’ll be all right now I think she did really good wasn’t even in it

Exactly I think she agree she didn’t do bad if I’m being honest like I can’t complain about her even happening what are you talking about her game play she didn’t do bad no the game hasn’t even started yet you’re still in the party yes put your headset on

F got me y through the house and we’re in the same [ __ ] party loing it’s loading Caitlin I don’t know what to tell you you have to wait for the game to start she’s having a rough time she doesn’t play FPS is it’s not our fault welcome to

FPS if you don’t hate yourself you will soon that’s overwatch’s MTO right there I’m telling you still in it you didn’t even left what do you mean don’t invite you rip OverWatch is Bonk we got this boys we got this I think this one is the one where we win TR

Yeah it’s not much I’m surprised Benny didn’t join us Benny normally hops on around this time he’s probably sleeping though he probably he got better things to do I’m gonna play mercy I’m gonna play Mercy Mercy Time Mercy Time gather all your friends go to Mary just lands

With damn I don’t know who his name would rhyme together all right we got this Reinhard Reinhard would you like to see my musles hey guys I’m curious I just got to see all right we got this hello hello hello hello hello oh snap we got this we’re going to get the

Dub right here come back Mr Blue get up wake up mister you’re not allowed to sleep no nap time she probably shouldn’t be tanked because she’d be better off being like support Pro uh either or it doesn’t I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing either way so it doesn’t matter exactly

Either way if you have a new person it’s going to hurt the team no matter what it doesn’t M that’s why it doesn’t matter if we’re support we’re going to be down at healing so we’re going to get no healings if she’s DPS we’re going to get

Low DPS if she’s tank we’re going to have not have a tank it doesn’t that’s why it doesn’t matter you might as well just let her play in half fun and not care we were on literally a 21 L stream I know I know I know I know what you mean it’s

Just it’s not going to matter no matter what especially if they’re new to FPS FPS is a hard genre to get into if you’re new to it especially if you’re not good with hand eye coordination and fast reflex get frustrated to damn quick over it well that that’s definitely going to happen in

Fps and pretty much took me my entire childhood not to get mad at these games like I don’t have any more heals I’m sorry I’m going to die here too I’m alive Heroes never die [ __ ] him up Ryan [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up Ryan go up the stairs okay you

You sit there Ry I’m not good for these kind of games I’m not a p like I don’t this [ __ ] it’s all good it’s all good I get anxious as [ __ ] you’ll get used to it if you stick to it oh nice nice far nice perfect oh with Mr Blue’s all added onto

It hell yeah GG’s GG’s good [ __ ] everybody good [ __ ] witches don’t die that easily shut up Mercy stop talking far I got you I need Mercy I got you I got you I got you oh that works too I I got you Mr Blue let me just click I’m I

Live well didn’t we traded Equivalent Exchange Full Metal Alchemist style oh God me too I also just got hit with a [ __ ] rock Charlie Brown style I got a rock I will tell you this Reinhardt was you might want to swap reinhardt’s not a user friendly

Character if you’re new to this game you might want to play someone with at least a gun they only have like four option for uh Diva would work is not an option for her what does she have any tank with a gun she just had four she had uh she had

Reinhardt Zara Osirus Winston she has Aisa orisa Osiris’s orisa is what you just said tell her to play orisa please that is the best character for a new person what the four-legged horse yeah yeah didn’t K old X on your controller and pick the [ __ ] green mask looking dude Osiris or whatever the

[ __ ] it isisa yeah she’s good she’s good that’s who I mean can you like get on me real quick I just want to get up here and Fu my servants never die get up here Mr blow everyone push let’s get it I killed three of them we should be able to get

This now I am the payload princess I’m fcking getting targeted so bad yeah they do not like you oh that’s probably not I’m on their side now okay [ __ ] Juggernaut dude I hate that guy who the is Jugger nut whatever the [ __ ] his name is has the [ __ ] wheel Al oh

Junkrat junkrat junkrat that’s what it is yeah [ __ ] that guy dude I di to him a lot yeah he’s pretty good it’s probably because you’re it’s cuz you’re playing against PC players and they know how to [ __ ] shoot angles with the [ __ ] grenades it’s actually

Crazy well I got a FL I don’t think you can revive me I got launched that’s crazy I was dead too come on Reaper [ __ ] him up DPS boosted every time they see me they [ __ ] me up same here and Mr Blue I swear every time they see Mr Blue he’s

Dead there you go I said she like we beat Dead Ops zombies so I mean she understands shooting games pretty decently Oh Know It’s Just Reinhardt was just not a character that she should even consider playing not cuz like just I would never I didn’t know what to pick

For yeah let’s say I would never allow tell a new person to play Ryan that is like one way to get them to never play this game again I can’t even play good with mine yeah I know was res than you it was either pull my blaster out or

Heal you so we both can attack them and I was like all I died you got this come on Mr Blue I got you Heroes never die here orisa push down push forward go forward walk forward there you go there you go there you go just stay on that cart

The car just stay near the car and then attack whoever you can just keep following the little car the car will heal you as well slightly but it will still heal you and if you’re near the car me and this end will try to keep you alive as to our best ability yeah

Goodbye he he soloed me that’s so rude dead mean chunky food BR you be on one the time I swear what do you mean you’re just mad that I don’t call you junky pill [ __ ] you look at that swi air ball airball we don’t have a tank I’ll

Tank my favorite what’s your favorite you don’t have a favorite I unlock Doom is to fancy oh my God I’m so proud of you Heroes they might die you’re right you’re right vo Heroes might die very vividly it’s very possible didn’t do yeah can someone else be tanked though so or I’m GNA

Go I mean I’ll go flex she has or she should I’m crashing my thing’s crashing it looks like the thing froze on everyone are y’all also crashed no no just I’m says lost connection the game server I think I crashed probably oh yeah you might want to check your PC

Probably burning right now no I’m touching it it’s not that bad you shouldn’t be able to touch the bottom of your PC and it be hot it’s not I don’t care what computer you have I I know I’m saying it’s not supposed to be like that but that doesn’t mean it’s not

Hot I know I’m hot thank you I know if it was hot then I know don’t the laptop’s chilling Nick’s laptop no do you for where it’s sitting I have the Gap right on the fan so it gets perfect ventilation hell yeah game is down OverWatch is down yeah

I don’t allow it to I literally have a cooling pad just in case got Fung I got sour skittles brother man don’t say brother man ever again that was random in said oh yeah brother rocking Stone rocking Stone brother pick a roll death even she picked a roll death

That’s crazy I’m in the kitchen getting skittled and you’re getting skittled what does that mean I want to get skittled don’t eat my mother [ __ ] Skittle oh [ __ ] you’re done you have some of them he ate all your Skittles he ate all your Skittles Mix B new limited edition

Min oh [ __ ] that’s crazy of a barbine take a roll damn all the rolls the rol Ro x no voy no the Rox I want like Grand oh my God that’s a lot why would you want to watch [ __ ] gold and like diamond I mean I would

Never buy it but I’d love to have it that’s crazy God probably on God yeah she be like no we’re taking it to the pwn shop yeah we get that money can have it for 30 seconds 30 seconds you got to [ __ ] that the you one time you can only walk

It around the mall once get robbed immediately you probably would have had them all around here especially old dude all of our malls you getting robbed abandoned old mall that like only two stores are opened in and pretty sure half the other stores are just being used as [ __ ]

Drug yeah most likely you walk through the old mall it’s Lally like flickering lights and [ __ ] it’s SC scary looking the only thing keeping that place alive is literally the movie theater and books a million player choice yeah those three those are literally the only three the

Only [ __ ] keeping that thing open and the food poison that they call a [ __ ] the food they S no I did not know that’s crazy yeah I think like three people got K damn everybody they just didn’t give a [ __ ] about it everybody was like yep it was

Going to happen eventually they were making BS by that pick characters that are lit up Caitlyn about to light you up like a Christmas tree what do you mean by the on that are lit up but they’re all lit up like B some aren’t bold just click on all the support ones

Until you get one the last section oh my God why can’t you get your [ __ ] ass up and come help me cuz I’m not going to come in there pick your character every [ __ ] game it’s not [ __ ] working bro I’m spamming this [ __ ] Kaitlyn go all the way to the last

Section going yeah the end right right here where I’m at right pick one of them tell one of them will be lit up you’ll hit a on one of them [ __ ] I’m hitting a on all of them this is C first action The Last Action there we go I’m so proud of

You did she get in uh no that’s why I said I was proud I don’t know it says I did I don’t [ __ ] know anymore click X I think I’m just gonna hop off that’s [ __ ] crazy Kaitlyn like cuz I don’t know what it’s doing dude I don’t know

What the [ __ ] problem is [ __ ] I’m spamming the hell out of it I love this this is great I love when new people play this game it actually brings me immense Joy it’s funny cuz we all been there man we all understand the struggle I recommend like if you want to keep try

To continue playing the game like uh before you hop back on if you’re really lost um watch him play or like watch My Stream so you can like see other people play the game so you can get the hang of it you know what I mean so you can get

Like the because the UI is very very annoying to get the hang of it’s not the worst UI in the game game but it’s definitely it’s definitely out there with it the UI can be quite annoying I think torb is trying to flirt with us he said he’s hotter than a furnace

Heroes never die I died I definitely died this is very saddening oh my gosh the they are [ __ ] on us a lot yeah I know yeah is crazy right now oh they got sorn yeah when Jordan how she works is she’ll um she has this rifle like a soldier but the more damage

She does she can rail gun you in the [ __ ] forehead about to play Reinhard [ __ ] these People [ __ ] it I’m G to try to play this character even though I have no idea how we is pretty fun I like her how do I play this character I don’t know all right so your little um your little spinny Javelin thing you that deflects bullets then you can you can

Throw a javelin and then when you go golden it allows you to take less damage you shoot faster and your gun doesn’t overheat as much and your right bar is your overheat meter so you want to keep it before it hits that red thing so it shoots all the way

Down these gold guns are wasted on me today no you’re you’re all good uh Mr Blue you’re doing great man oh my God this character’s [ __ ] broken yeah there you I told you she she was meta before Maui she’s one of the best tanks in the game

Arguably orisa was meta for like a year now and when uh Reinhardt charges you you negate that you negate you negate all knockback when you go golden oh that’s hilarious it took all of them to yeah I told you she’s good one of the best new players that’s why I tell every

New player the player yeah and what you want to do is you don’t want to just spear anyone you want to see if you can that pin on the wall it’ll do a bonus 5050 damage if you can if you could do it when they’re next to the wall you do a

Bonus um 50 damage and it stuns them for a second longer if you can pin them to a wall damn I tried I tried I tried no way you’re getting that off hey man you’ll be surprised sometimes I’ve seen some crazy things oh okay your old is yeah your old

Sucks that’s her one bad thing your old [ __ ] dog water so it pretty much pulls everyone to you and the longer you hold it the more damage you do but you can’t be interrupted damn that was a horrible yeah everything about RIS is good but her old’s poopy the only downside up close

Hey I got an Endor bro we got this boys we got this trust trust trust trust we got to get the dub we got this see what this one’s looking like um rip no one’s online still that’s so sad honestly a travesty like none before that’s why we can’t have nice

Things for sure for sure oh [ __ ] ah play Bastion all right we got this boys we got this trust trust trust experienceing people who fly who oh B that makesense right happy Halloween is crazy Mr Blue waffles or pancakes [ __ ] it’s such a good question to ask

People to get it’s such a good conversation starter dude you can’t block everything Diva C9 C9 C9 y’ll keep fighting me and mo without this all right we’re coming back we’re coming back I died she switched to orisa just to counter pick he was crazy cuz that’s how you counter orisa

Is counter picking orisa I’m picking orisa it’s hard to counter orisa she is pretty good but I think they do get point because of this we got this though we got This yeah more Dage happens white life Weaver also has a a [ __ ] ton of damage output like he him himself does a lot of damage his healing is not the best but his DPS is pretty good he attacks really fast rip I should not have jumped down

Jumping down was such a terrible idea death why aren you talking we miss you death speak to us death speak to us death hates us it’s just stupid sit there argument [ __ ] video game there can’t even pick your [ __ ] character that’s crazy I’ll make sure I get in arguments

With you over video games I love it ah Reaper behind I’m scared oh [ __ ] Benny’s online guys I’m sorry I have priorities we’re already going to lose this match I’m going to give get us someone in here that will make us win you have to heal me this entire game

What are you talking about what do you mean I haven’t healed you what did you say to me about healing you saying I’m not healing you don’t okay no I said Benny’s here I have more priorities we’re already going to lose this game so I have to add him waffle yes Benny

Waffle I’ll throw you an invite join uh Join one of the VCS Benny ow enem yeah all right there we go give me a second I still can’t [ __ ] endorse people waffle sh we got this boys we’re going to get the dub yo GG Rowan GG it was a pleasure playing with you

Rowan here’s our Discord if you want to join man we’re always looking for more people to play with all up to you though that was a good game y’all destroyed us y’all destroyed us I suck at this game but there’s our Discord if you guys want to

Join I’m gonna play I’m gonna just do Flex for the funnies we love Flex so Rowan who were you playing who were you playing man cuz that was just that y’all’s whole team was just really [ __ ] good Rowan big time you suck Rowan wow oh I think you’re

Throwing you were the life we were yeah nice nice nice yeah you were really good you almost killed your Reaper earlier I was charging it was it was Rowan no I was charging your Reaper and he was trying to run for me you grabbed him he got stunned on the bridge

I [ __ ] murdered him or I think I almost murdered him because you stunned him it was amazing and then I got [ __ ] on once I jumped down off the bridge to try to kill you with a tank y’all’s tank was [ __ ] off the chain though y y”s

Tank just straight bullied us I don’t want to play this I want to play mercy y tank was [ __ ] god tier I can tell you that ranisa yeah normally how it Goes you can’t beat him join him so be the exactly are you kidding me I L in you’re better better gaming chair bro someone should get Widow in this whoever’s good at sniping I’m great at sniping you’ve seen my clipse I’m the best Widow actually top 500 I’d say for

Sure here would be the place you would stay crunch crunch crunch crunch I don’t even know what she’s talking about all I heard it’s all about crunch crunch crunchet oh I [ __ ] hate this eat your vegetables Mr Blue eat your vegetables all right we got this though

We got our five stack we’re chilling Boys I got you Reaper I got you Reaper don’t even worry don’t even worry you ain’t dying on me I’ll take good care of you Reaper I’ll take good care of you I got you too junker I got you too there you go there

You go there you go who else is low who else is low no one no one good good good let’s keep that way let’s keep that way on top I don’t like being up there it’s scary the Hanzo is not happy with me ow killed me all right there we go nasty snip

Hanzo is crazy it is it was a very nasty snipe he flicked on he went and then I was donezo yeah it’s overpowering with youc players yeah man it’s beautiful I love it I love it I’m getting slightly better though I can slightly see where my skills increasing but not too much

Oh I was so close Reaper I was so close Reaper I saw that okay I’m being Bastion [ __ ] this you got this you got this Bastion time B time get the DU get the duec no you got this man you got this trust’s dead Mercy Diva I tried to run away so hard

Their mer is pretty good yeah they are playing this team’s really good the Mercy’s dead on their team so how do we die all the same time damn that’s crazy thatted that they could put it through the sure could of Heroes never die how I die it always happens that way

Yeah then I res you [ __ ] Diva was sitting right on top of my body too she tried to stop me damn oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m de I flew in with you I flew in with you I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared help help

Oh my God oh my God zen zen I’m alive I have my mer still alive oh [ __ ] no yeah there was no I accidentally clicked e that time and then I went for the rest I was like there’s no point trying to run away I’m staring at her in her [ __ ] face

So I turn around I’m dead no matter what might as well follow through it was a misclick but I might fail successfully when you’re supposed to fail but you hit an that 20 they said me fly yeah they did oh wow they R me here that’s crazy you’re

Welcome dude them turs is what really get me yeah know these guys are rough I’m trying my best to just get as much res as I can for you guys D their tank had me cornered dude dud to oh Benny later on today you want to play Minecraft Again Minecraft servers

Not modded because that was really fun last night all up to you though I said you wanted to play Minecraft servers again I can’t though like I can’t aim okay I get it I understand ow I H dead [ __ ] I K myself ramp you take the satisfaction can’t kill me [ __ ]

That [ __ ] your old charge I’m jumping off the cliff that’s what [ __ ] your all [ __ ] you just [ __ ] your all help going to die like [ __ ] it I guess op right honestly it’s not too bad of a strat in this game especially if you can get them to

Chase you further away from the team and you do it and you know you can get respawn faster then yeah it’s why some Reinhardt would like supercharge you off a mountain with themselves so they like because if you’re more of a threat they’ll like knock themselves out with it cuz you

Know got balls of steel holy [ __ ] balls are ignorance it’s Mr blo Mr Blue Mr Blue ratra he’s using Rah I that is he’s using verra yeah Heroes never die now death don’t die I’m proud of you this time [ __ ] torb turet Trac too that torb turret is a hard counter

For me and you death fun fact holy [ __ ] they good they’re really [ __ ] good don’t peek it don’t peek it don’t peek it don’t peek it immediately murdered by Sombra no it’s not Sombra it’s a [ __ ] I don’t remember that dude’s name yo I’m not loing it you better be loving

It oh he deserves it though he did really good oh yeah he was playing Amazing he’s HTH all right there we go I feel like if we just played better we’d win more it would right that’s a hell I’m photosynthesizing right now I’m opening up my [Laughter]

Chloroplast y’all are just mad that I’m more of a plant than y’all hella salty my mitochondria is blooming right nowo yes the chloroplast is popping me and high school be like biology it’s all I remember from biology how are the cells the chloroplast the chloroplast the chloroplast cell

Membrane that’s literally all I remember and I make jokes about it cono that’s literally it I honestly anything out of biology I would never remember I hated biology I got a 90 in it though I got an A but I [ __ ] hated that class it was way too much studying

[ __ ] math bro math suck I loved math dude algebra sucked though I hated algebra provin stat was so fun math in the morning sucks end of the day sure me too it was the entire time I was in high school I had that [ __ ] first per every

Year and it would never fa [ __ ] suck Di preal and Kell and trig was the terrible the worst oh my god dude Algebra 2 did suck I hated algebra but uh probin stat was easy geometry was easy I literally got a 100 of geometry geometry wasn’t that hard to do

Right so like at the very end of geom treat suck I had a [ __ ] of a teach a sare plus b sare equal C Square that’s all you need to know for geometry literally and just no angles like no like um the circumference and [ __ ] geometry was just mainly just

Memorizing the freaking formulas yeah and then algebra says it’s just about memorizing the formulas and then it’s literally on crack yeah I for one of my test [ __ ] Destroy two I’m too I’m a [ __ ] dwarf l no more rocking stone for you I literally short stack short stack Tiny Boy charger be the best though oh yeah you can get head shots like crazy just aim for like aim slightly up and your shots just lob on their

Forehead I didn’t want to zoom in Far get me out of here I’m scared oh [ __ ] that’s how I feel okay my cheeks were frozen for real rip Rob with the SK SC I’m resing I’m resing they wouldn’t let me rest both y’all die I’m doing somra things

Now I said hello to the glass don’t worry I’ll make sure I heal you so they know exactly where you are somry you’re invisible I promise I’ll [Laughter] stop how they ruin every Som player day just heal them fell push me up don’t she Ed me inside she Ed me inside that’s

Wild you got this ratra Rah you got this Rah ra this Widow think she can go snip snap snipe but I don’t allow it where I am right now come back back at me back at me moer it’s scary moer I’m scared Mor slap me with that real quick oh man

I was trying to get heals sad face frowny face I try to protect you it’s all right sorry you did great not GG yet good round shut the hell up is it not a good game right now I’m having a great game it is a good game I try to protect

You too though I use my ALT too how did she get you totally you’re purple transparent wble wobble wble wobble wble wobble czy what do you mean battle the twitch streamers wait is other person on their uh side streaming or is that what the VT is is

That vtuber oh no we’re fighting against a vtuber guys they’re bound to win they have the power of anime on their side holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] heal you oh I di get him Soldier get him Soldier get him Soldier get him Soldier get him Soldier get him Soldier go Soldier go go

Soldier go go Soldier go go Soldier go [ __ ] him up Soldier [ __ ] him up Soldier there’s a sniper there’s a sniper Soldier oh they went after me oh my God we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this we got this trust trust trust trust

Trust I’m alive I’m alive y dude I hate no man that sniper is scary I think that I think her missing her shots makes it more menacing I’m G be too I’m gonna be honest with you I just hear yeah that just’s yeah stressful and she’s behind

Us oh Heroes never die once I hit a shot Heroes will never die oh my God I got froze like a [ __ ] glyph in [ __ ] drg I fell from the [ __ ] Sky it’s kind of overpow though but yeah chill stop slurring God damn they didn’t use the r word unless

They’re mentally that way no not even then gosh dang that’s a [ __ ] move but okay I have my old okay that was fast that was fast worse than randoms she was she was just her she was her oh she got Nano she’s just better honestly better gaming chair did she double wait a

Minute am I dumb I think so she kind of just pre froze that’s crazy posting your Twitch that’s crazy posting your Twitch that’s wild I wouldn’t even stop that low bro is thank you for the follow twitch if they got zero viewers constantly waffles right chaotic waffle waffle team waffles for

The win team waffle for the win hi Mercy hey chaotic don’t say l here’s our Discord if you want to join chaotic the waffle Squad W is crazy don’t say pancakes death punas oh you dare Hy I’m going I just love Mercy too much I just love Mercy too

Much no no death you’re G to get euthanized actually let’s just say the next time you try to make waffles there’s going to be side n pills in them hypothetically in The Sims 4 hypothetically I’m G to play Moira okay that’s crazy this is slander Peter Peter you need to

Euthanize him he needs to get timed out thank you Benny see that’s where it’s at no Mr Blue left no Mr Blue come back we lost Mr Blue a it happens anyways good luck have fun you two chaotic game crashed I got you Mr Blue I’ll invite you next round I’ll

Invite you next round he’s not going to these things no he’s going to join back I promise you Mr Blue would never leave us like that better Mr Blue is too much of a Chad I’d cry if Mr Blue left oh no Mr Blue stopped playing OverWatch Y

How I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I forgot how to play Moira I want I’m going back to Mercy I can’t play mercy okay I’m going back to Moira [ __ ] man rip why you leaving no one left you left me to die no one left you you’ll be

Fine no freaking Diva on our left me to death how are you doing Al going how are you doing yay Mr Blue is back hell yeah oh God oh God he’s DPS boost welcome to the stream out on welcome welcome welcome come on Farah me and you but you

Down for some Minecraft out later on outgoing I think I can convince Benny to play with us then we’ll have a three stack for some stuff yeah yeah they are instantly smacking I got you Diva I got you D.A stop running okay you can die D.A goodbye oh

Wait no you’re going to come back D.A thank you name’s Cassidy I’m good okay I got you out goinging I see how it is I understand you want to be mean I died oh I’m going to die too then oh I didn’t want to be in party

Chat all right we got this we got this trust trust trust else he probably hit head shot yeah he does head shots that’s insane though head shot ting ting ting ting ting I’m dead no their cassid is good man use your thing yeah there we go Cass is

Crazy any hit scam with PC is like can be really broken this is crazy yeah they’re they’re really good how one guy main way yeah it’s a freaking that’s insane dude we lost no we got this trust trust trust I don’t think we do not going to

Lie no trust trust trust you have you to you have to believe to achieve thank that’s fine I accom I said he’s great I’d say thanks too this dude is like head shot Galore I don’t want to oh maybe good wi winon attack winon protack oh wait wait wait wait

Wait we only lost because blue we Lo we we lost blue and that’s why we lost if blue was here we wouldn’t have lost it’s all your [ __ ] fault bro no it’s all your fault cuz you stink and you made him leave you had to take a

Breather you had to open up this window are you sure it wasn’t you your shut the hell up with that he’s a liar and you know it don’t worry I guess I just got a I just got a video I gotta video chat you next time I go shower I

Guess you got to join me though it won’t be weird that way all right I have a walk-in shower so that’s what’s up me and her want to get a chair and put again bro what the hell come onus good job proud of you thank you oh

God I think out of all those the yellow dog thing is my favorite that looks cool as [ __ ] I don’t think you are oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God a picture just fell on me it hurt dude I felt it [ __ ] hted it did hurt it I’m going to

Bed soon I got yeah I heard you you said y’all are fighting and playing or something like that am I right did I get the gist of it at least 70% put us in a death match or something while no didn’t not even close then I was like

3% I had the correct amount of words just none of the words were right where the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] sniping me with a bullet oh you are who do you who would you think cactus in the way Boy you’re coming with me now I have third party you’re so lucky jrat whoever the jrat was you’re so [ __ ] lucky my bad thir everybody um gonna play Bastion I’m gonna play Ash actually I’m I’m gonna play Ash I’m gonna play Ash I’m playing

Ash I love this skin this is such a cool [ __ ] Ash skin I need I only have skins because I played OverWatch one overwat yeah I totally didn’t play OverWatch oh we got to go defend holy [ __ ] yeah I’m literally the Scout in drg I got the shotgun

Woo it’s a scrap imagine strafing in this who who who I see it all the time like if you see a soldier play open it just people There no you’re not quit lying to yourself I think Ash is the better sniper admittedly what are they being friendly wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait wait I don’t think they’re being friendly cuz someone killed me y are they I think so beach party I don’t think so they’re shooting

People I think it was a a ruse they Li bait bro they did bait me they [ __ ] baited me and I don’t like it I’m G to try it again dead revive me no mercy on oh no bro I know bro can’t believe we don’t have a mercy that’s crazy wild You can never be friends experience your mom wow that’s crazy me my m whatever the [ __ ] your name is I’m gonna do it I’m literally gonna have me party I don’t know the name of your character ra sh okay [ __ ] let me alone I know I had 20 Health though I was like

I don’t know what to do way down dog down me me and friends are trying so hard admittedly guys I’m throwing is all I’m saying yeah that’s some [ __ ] no that’s a [ __ ] we’re going to lose anyways I don’t care I hate that mentality we’re going to lose anyways that’s

So I think I became friends with him somehow I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened God damn it y’all keep following me they think I’m one of y’all oh [ __ ] wrong one wrong wrong one wrong one I am being yeated and attacked I got all four of them here if

Y’all lose this when I have half the team that’s crazy we’re winning I know well I mean half their team’s gone oh one of them’s coming to help me off bro stop shooting Mr blue guy stop shooting and I think I just gave us the win see [ __ ] y’all

We distracted them in French you’re welcome see we won and it was because I was throwing I you’re mad pity win pity win pity win pity win pity win we started pushing them back all right I think I join won a couple matches then you throw

But we won [ __ ] why throw we won gonna throw I know cuz throwing wins some works sometimes and we made besties three besties yippee you’re welcome oh boy [ __ ] you you’re mad that it worked those are both two different things what the hell yo he joined I got you man I got

You here’s the Discord here’s the Discord joined cut said he was gonna do a 48 hour stream for I did not say that you are [ __ ] wild I did not say that he’s lying he’s lying but there’s the Discord friends get get your get your other guys in here get

Oh my God shut up get out of here with that 48 hour crap hell no I would never oh yeah for sure for sure like my aage 48 hour stream is crazy would never I couldn’t you’re Luna I got you Luna I got you Luna but the Discord join the Discord

Guys that’s where I normally play we’ve been looking for more OverWatch players if y’all want to join Luna just type in exclamation mark Discord if you can’t see the link exclamation mark Discord I would love to play with some rounds with y’all later on in the future lobbies you guys are a

Vibe now let’s see if we can actually get some wins so what other games y’all play play friends and lunar is it only OverWatch or what other games you play cuz you said y’all were a three stack so oh wow wait you’re all are my we’re in the same

Lobby we’re in the same Lobby again let’s go okay let I guess we fight again we fight for let’s all fight for realist STS that’s we’re in a a Lobby let’s see what it would really be if we actually fought instead of y’all just giving us the win right there last

Game okay that’s totally [ __ ] if you say so what do you mean that is what happened there was three of them that gave up that’s totally not what happened that is they right when I got past that there 30 seconds left my gosh they gave us the win a pett win I

Would definitely consider it that I would that like winning in general all right then you can say we won I’m going to say what I’m going to say that’s how I see it it’s up to perspective it’s all perspective there’s five different perspectives 10 actually true or facts have never been

Said your facts technically wrong that’s fine well just because there’s more perspective than that I guess that’s fair you got like the seven Personalities in my head so you’re right no I mean like the people watching that they all have their own perspective too you’re right we all know got an

Opinion be all right snow Biggie oh we’re trapped we got cage time yeah okay we’re going to lose anyways oh power just flickered off and on internet might go out I can still hear you all right sounds good I just saw my whole [ __ ] my every light just flickered in my

Room that’s what’s up oh there it is again internet might go out internet might go out lights just flickered again it didn’t even rain much for us though which is crazy crazy oh I’m sorry Mercy I’m so sorry Mercy baby no I’m sorry I’m sorry

Mercy I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I promise IED minor miscalculations you know minor miscalculations miss inut miss inut miss inut godam it oh my God the lights are flicker I’m about to turn off my light why Would got this though we got this holy [ __ ] bro damn oh God oh God I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared Maui’s right there oh god oh we have controller uses that’s why I’m over here thinking oh someone’s freaking using aim hack or some [ __ ] no I say we have two console

Players I’m not targeting you I’m just not targeting Maui and you’re always next to Maui I can’t Target the M the Val is scary holy [ __ ] I didn’t know who to attack there there was two healers that is crazy we got in two matches in a row though I imagine making it

Three all right y got three minutes on us though that’s a rip I wish we had a Maui right we had a mai last time last or yesterday kill him kill him peek me Maui peek me oh he was running hey hey hey I’m getting that glitch where I

Can’t control where I’m walking so it’s forcing me to walk forward I can only walk forward yeah thank you for killing me thank you I couldn’t walk backwards I hope I still don’t have the thing oh my God I’m still moving straight left wait oh and oh yep I’m throwing again oh my

God am I good am I in control okay I am cool it’s not my fault my PC lags a little I’m sorry my PC was lagging me had spawn oh wow a lot of ss from us just got put down D I’m surprised that wasn’t a team

Team wipe oh it’s cuz one got away I’m scared I don’t want to push it I’m just going to St P it ah scary pressing Q right right Luna oh God I’m scared oh there’s a lot of them they’re all there and they got a bob I only got their c c

Okay so Luna Lun Luna and friends the real question the real question is pancakes or waffles oh my God I’m stuck oh wait no I’m not there’s only one correct answer though oh my God I’m lost no you’re lying to yourself Mercy is freaking dead I didn’t know where to go I got

Lost for like a good bit I like how with Bastion the turtle charm is like right there though I love it I love bastion’s turtle charm I think Fashions will be my favorite because it’s just more in the open all right Maui’s dead Cassidy be nice Cassy be nice Mercy’s dead Mercy she

Dead I’m sorry Cassidy that was GG’s oh God hey Moira oh that’s not Moira that’s Ash you be nice I’m sorry Luna I’m sorry you’re right you’re right bar has definitely falling that was quick all right two minutes guys two minutes this is a close game this is a

Close game they’re resing they’re resing okay uh want I say push push push push push push go go go go oh my God oh my God ma Maui I’m sorry pyro didn’t like me pyro did not like me at all he was not happy pyro was not happy at all he wasn’t having

It he said we smell mad and stomped on us sideways almost di I have my nice a [ __ ] I almost have my Al but Maui’s gonna end me I got you B what did he sayak it do doesn’t mean anything he’s too strong now it means something turret

Power oh God Cassie I’m sorry for pushing you know that was my fault Cassie admittedly I shouldn’t have pushed you that hard you know you’re right you’re right you’re right oh man we’re getting stomped on they’re just better y’all are just better all right this is still a close

Game some that Mercy up there up there up there someone with that Mercy over here I’m sorry Mercy I’m sorry bestie you got to die I can’t hit my shots [ __ ] me too 22 seconds come on 22 seconds I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying there’s four of

Them [ __ ] I’m dead the Kirill got me Sor right 10 seconds guys we got to hold for 10 seconds one second all right over time over time just push them off just push them off I almost have my own I almost have my own nice nice nice nice nice far nice

Far popped one how did I get trapped that’s crazy all right I hit a lot of them they’re behind me though there’s a guy behind me all right I’m new I’m up there up there I’m making sure Mercy couldn’t re GG’s GG’s that was a really good [ __ ]

Game guys that was a really good game Luna and friend you did really [ __ ] good holy crap that was stressful I did 11k yeah you didn’t I did oh my god dude y’all did really good I hope we get to play again I hope we get to play

Again knew that [ __ ] best play because I shot my damn thing and I didn’t need to right there hell yeah [ __ ] right no they didn’t really get to they had us like VAR at the end of the that was I know that was a good game on for all of us

Beautiful imagine we get them again that’d be so funny that’d be so cool if we get them again bro I found out mau’s weakness it’s me if you put the [ __ ] if you put the bubble thing on and they can’t do anything just die immediately because their debuffs gets like or the thing

That bumps them gets [ __ ] counteract it I soon as they popped it I my thing and then he started rining I was like wait a minute hold up wait a second wait a minute so far us Luna said sorry death I think Luna was the tank no Luna

Wasn’t the tank I think Luna was the Cassidy that’s insane oh my God are we in the same match with them that would it’ be so a man they got another magic pants there’s another magic pants crazy you were Cass that was a good game game though guys yeah join us on the

Join us on the Discord guys join us in the Discord I’d love to play with y’all again no luck yeah for real it happens no it happens it’s all good it’s all good all right there we go which one I got you I’ll throw it in chat again that one I got you

Guys yeah now we start playing like poopy oh saw my name pop up when I wasn’t talking I was like wait a minute oh no not again tornado mode activated Mr Blue is killing well never mind I’m sorry Mr Blue battle Mercy battle Mercy battle Mercy battle Mercy moer balls I’m scared moer

Ball Mo’s not being nice Reaper’s not being nice I’m scared I’m Scared let me heal you please no every healer Mains issue please let me heal you I know this struggle dude I used to get so mad when I first played this game because I was a Healer man everyone would run from me I’m like what the [ __ ] guys I’m I’m dead I’m dead

I’m dead I’m de no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not no you’re not you’re you’re too you’re yes we there go battle Mercy battle Mercy battle Mercy battle I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared ow Echo killed

Me I didn’t like that that was a bad scenario they did not like us healers they would like every chance they got they went us that Echo is really good she’s smart and my servants never die come on Soldier you got this Soldier you got this Soldier get him Soldier get him get

Him Soldier get him heal Soldier heal run stay alive stay alive stay alive stay alive oh my God I did not in fact stay alive I got you alive I got you hell yeah Reaper has rip skiy SC I’m here to support yes sir waffle gang we love waffles we love the

Waffles love the waffles that’s crazy got my visor I got my it yet if I don’t have to [ __ ] what the [ __ ] behind us behind us Reaper behind us Reaper behind us he just got play Reaper just destroyed us right there big time [ __ ] I tried the I was going to DPS

Boost you but they just [ __ ] on us right then and there right there they heard visor and then their their magic pants killed us come on Mr Blue we got this I’m believe in you Mr Blue a head Point what the [ __ ] you were doing so good no I need all the

Heals what are you saying right now come on Magic pants come on come on you got this you got this I mean Mr Blue forgot who I was cheering on for a second dude this Reaper is really good at strafing shots why is this three why I thought it

Was only two it’s flash this is Flash it’s different this isn’t control they’re like mini control go Sigma go go Sigma go go Sigma go go protect me Sigma I’m scared he’s behind me oh and the echo became you go Sigma go go Sigma go go Sigma go Heroes never

Die go Sigma go I got you guys you’re not dying I’m I watch Sigma I ain’t allowing it that happened good [ __ ] guys good [ __ ] good [ __ ] everyone Mar’s coming around oh yeah go s we go oh guys Sigma stay alive stay alive Sigma stay alive bully him bully him bully him bully

Him how you doing Death kill him kill him kill him kill him go Reaper go go Reaper go get him Reaper get them bite their ankles bite their ankles ow slam that rock yeah you might want to push back on the right on the right Reaper’s

Going to Reaper’s going to Reaper up I knew it I knew he was going to I saw him teleport in yeah we lost no we got this trust trust trust I have my or my um mine’s at 66 two of us have their old death and you have your old M at

67 protect me and then overpower me uh Mercy got they’re on side I got you many Reaper behind you Reaper behind you rip yeah I know Reaper was chasing me I was running for my [ __ ] life the whole time get him get him get him

You got this Lucio you got this Lucio I believe in you I believe in you Lucio I Believe In You Heroes never die I died no you didn’t was some Mercy’s next to me I didn’t die but oh yes like I said you didn’t die

R it was cuz we were both next to each other holy [ __ ] they they just have better game in chairs yep that was a good match was it was of course yeah I mean he popped two 4ks I knew one of them had to get it

Yeah this I was calling and he just flicked on us all oh well wait this is the bad one I thought the other one we get it this one kind of dang that sucks this bad one got play Oh have lot of the bad plays lot of

The highlights could be better yeah I think they need to make it a little better because sometimes I don’t know I don’t say how Soldier can get best play you know I can visor visor what that would make sense feel like it’s a cheap one I I feel like someone

With a different character probably I mean it’s the same thing when diva gets a 5k with Diva bomb and she gets Play Just ease when he EAS M uh I’m looking at challenging this but sure oh never mind no death match for you tank next round that’s cool with

Everybody huh I’ll be tank on next match B Betty bet bet you’re not allowed really please you’re banned have you ever heard me say please to you I don’t think so exactly you just did oh it was so foreign to me I didn’t even register you look bad

Ass oh yeah I remember you you you’re a [ __ ] who oh you’re talking about Mr Blue Mr Blue I recogniz that he’s been playing with us for so long but yeah he’s the he’s the one that he’s the one that [ __ ] on us forgot because I was busy he finally played the character

That [ __ ] on us the PTSD finally kicked back in ow yeah Mr Blues was God here oh got Mercy in there already why can’t I R you oh I have to wait for 5 seconds I’m not going to be able to get you I don’t think no good luck with that one You

Definitely need the tank to go in there the [ __ ] up [ __ ] only heal the vineard right now but I keep dying every time CU It Go behind you got this Ry riny poo all right you know sh distance with Mercy you don’t have to be right up him

I do have to right up on him I have to be able to sniff him oh well [ __ ] yep I di oh he left no no their Mercy we’re all dead he said that was personal who are they I don’t know who that is whoever [ __ ] boomed them off the side I’m

Guessing no Reinhard no let me give you thing first no all right all right all right go go go go go do the thing do the thing do the thing everybody battle Mercy battle Mercy I’m resing I’m resing I’m resing I’m resing I’m resing oh I couldn’t get the res off

No I just got my ALT to it was going to pop it that suck that was a rip I that too what kind of push was that a bad one the freaking Mercy on top was overing the mercy on top because he was overpowering his um OD

You haven’t made that uh command yet what ey chair they have the better gaming chair she why would I make that a channel Point thing zo out of here I show want should be Lucio so can knock him off it’s fine battle Mercy battle Mercy battle Mercy battle

Mercy all right we’ll keep you safe PE PE poo poo heads I agree they’re targeting the [ __ ] out of me yo hey yo hey yo hey yo banana nut bread at work [ __ ] yeah what did you just say banana nut bread at work why at work

Yeah why not at work I don’t know I just feel like I don’t understand why you added the work part to it part of the vine my bad you had wow I am feel I am uncultured okay thank you I’m not say I clicked that I just clicked it I didn’t know who

Was getting resed I just know someone was getting resed they really took offense to you talking about their gameing chairs now well I complimented it they should honor me I think they took it as a compliment I think they do they know their gaming chair is better I

Don’t think they did I don’t know why they wouldn’t rip I really tried to fly in there and get you I thought if I flew fast enough they couldn’t kill me I was wrong by the way they were definitely able to kill me that’s crazy it is that’s crazy you’re crazy where we

What it had to happen man it had to happen h that’s what a weak way you see it is go eat a waffle NE no yeah Mr Blue let me be t dude I was playing I was playing rank the other day not the other day but today like my very

Beginning and literally someone went to my chat and told me well no they didn’t go to my chat but they were they went they I knew they were in my chat but they were typing in game chat and said if you keep talking I’m going to gon to

Make turtle soup and I never felt more disrespected in my life they said what you keep talking what they said if I keep talking because I was typing in chat and you know speaking in stream and they were in stream I’m assuming they said if they

Keep talk if I kept talking that they were going to go eat some turtle soup and force me to watch that’s cool that was crazy I’m gonna go back to bed back to my I got you uh Mr Blue you have a great one man you have a great one was a pleasure

Playing with you Mr Blue hope to see you around again for uh Mr Blue what other games you play or is OverWatch all you play he doesn’t play games he does play games he was a fiction of your imaginary don’t say that who’s got an echo probably Zeus Ray not

Me it was you for a second I think no messed up your voice yeah but that doesn’t mean I was echoing because I also heard my voice broh my steam library has well over a thousand games good question I got you Mr Blue well if you want um you can join

Our Discord Mr Blue and DM me anytime you want to play because I’m always looking for more people to play with I got you oh yeah he loves a good DM yeah dungeon masty C and A viive you’re jealous you’re mid you’re mid are we getting a fifth or we starting um

I I could try to get her to play again I feel like it’s going to cause more in household violence cuz you’re just gonna get mad at her she’s going to be confused it’s going to cause drama and then you’re pissy she doesn’t know what she’s doing and then we’re out of two

Players no I’ll keep playing no you won’t you silly Billy I feel like she just needs to watch stream or watch you play and learn the UI of the game and then it’ll be a little bit better beat the guy and you don’t want to die that’s it

Huh be the guy and don’t want to die fair you have a point I think you’re just you you just have a way with these things Benny what I like I’m a molecular scale you just know Benny you’re so cool you’re so cool Benny the coolest around Simply the Best bring down isir

For no it’ll be fine it’ll be fine we got I comos we got this with Bastion whenever Mai traps them you can just sit there and hit them standing outside the bubble as that [ __ ] great I’m learning how to uh bomb jump we got this boys we got this trust trust

Trust we got to get the dub deaded me they might [ __ ] put go back oh they pulled me forward I’m scared what the [ __ ] You’re the best around dude that recharge is so fast too what for what the [ __ ] charge jump for Maui Dam they a mercy on me honestly wow what the yo oh Luna thank you for the follow thanks for the follow Luna you’re the best you’re the best damn instant dead I

Don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re just better than us it’s the gaming chair it’s the gaming chair apparently is carrying that whole team right now yeah they are this is pain ouchie this HS my feelings they’re like so good at the game they’re just better honestly L and I just clicked my turret

Button on accident I did not do the jump like I was supposed to do it’s cuz I’m trash all right we got this boys trust trust trust why why you up leave me alone somra no some bro I love team man I trapped them behind behind behind

Somra I [ __ ] myself I [ __ ] myself I [ __ ] y y block me the [ __ ] this hurts dude this is pain yeah no it’s like we can’t do anything against that um they’re just better she just has a better gaming chair and I’m jealous okay you should have been Mercy have my [ __ ]

All right we got this we got this o head shot head shot headshots good [ __ ] good [ __ ] guys where the [ __ ] she go they’re being foul in chat we got five minutes to hold them back I do not like this we have bad odds I’m naned I mean I’m anti oh

God all right they’re just better than us they’re just better true or facts have never been said damn spoop is freaking insane right she’s only getting head shots on me they’re really [ __ ] good dude I got Somra okay I tried was I’m saying damn [ __ ] all right we got this boys we got this trust trust trust Hey there we go there we go all right we got this boys we got this we got this trust trust trust how do you know when your endorsement level is about to level up though like is there any way to tell I don’t know probably not huh rip oh well okay remember earlier

When I said hours now okay this is nothing that should not be S you should say oh well it is what it is bason time you give me Lucio noo good no actually you know what you know what hopefully you don’t rush away from me like the other one did CU that [ __ ]

Me run away from him he has cooties death there ain’t no way you bought the battle pass that’s crazy death that’s crazy it’s okay one my map to tell me if it’s worth than death for you got this death I believe in you it’s all right we have three Bastion now

Ouch damn this is ly buling I hate how slow this man goes it’s like he’s [ __ ] rolling on the floor the he is listen man it’s hard to levitate constantly okay his leg they escaped they’re now out of timeout and they are angry hell yeah they’re they’re definitely mad about that

One oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God yeah they’re all rushing out now yeah and their KIRO is really [ __ ] good wow she Ned us all guys were in a line for that kill me somebody please I trying I tried I somebody us oh my bad junker Queen’s popping

Off their junker Queen and KIRO are really good from what I’m seeing so far Lucio coming at you you’re a big ass Target you had to come close right all right we got this boys we got this we got this trust trust trust I’m dead rip rip rip rip R rep rep rep

R I have my ALT so it sucks that they’re not talking it’s so sad why are none of them typing to me I want to talk Jesus how does she have so much health she’s just better she’s better her gaming chair gives her plus 20 speed and plus 30

Health yeah know that Caro is actually good true but that doesn’t give them extra Health like freaking it heals them but what [ __ ] it’s the gaming chair I told you they got the deluxe edition oh my God not the deluxe Ed yeah rip Rob Skippy scop they’re better

Than us and I bet they’re a cop oh we got him where we want them there’s one over here somewhere sorry we got this a [ __ ] they SLA me dude sorry Mercy I failed you no you’re all good you’re all good why is the payload moving moving at the start the [ __ ] it

It does that automatically no but like it does it when they’re near or on it no it does that for us too that one will move even if you’re not on it um just for the start the very beginning moves on its own cuz it counts as it’s getting out of the

Garage if you pay attention to one more on it it does it too [ __ ] dude these guys are really good really need a mercy somebody’s change my God not heal everybody in this [ __ ] Bro right yeah I know oh [ __ ] I tried to heal whoever that was rip

All right trying to get the Maui [ __ ] stay on the Maui with the [ __ ] weird [ __ ] whoever [ __ ] we got this we got this the Queen the J Queen is like [ __ ] insane dog they’re in my face I Ed and they were in my face it was

Scary guys I think they might just be better might might I like the confidence but I don’t know man oh my God yeah I finally got a kill with the J I finally killed the junker Queen it’s about time it’s about time I killed the junker Queen that’s their sorn’s really good

Too I can’t heal you there we go now I can oh [ __ ] hi it was it was his old cass’s all does it where like he charges in and he like locks in people’s head and auto yeah it happens it’s all good dude a random throwing oh my

God that’s wild it’ll be fine though right it happens with these games you’re going to win some you’re going to lose some two round three rounds to go yeah that sounds about right career she Zen a what Zen or a zim maybe I don’t know I will be right back I’ll be right Back anybody around that get health back must have been from actually might be a nasty combo drunker Queen and Z got buy a new everything you going to get that till like February you should have when I that’s crazy that is so crazy calm down it’s okay so okay don’t worry

No I’m not I’m pretty good at it what do you guys think do you guys think I’m good at teaching real homies would just agree you you’re the trashiest teacher I I’m my fault you can’t learn properly that’s crazy I bet his stream GLS here on us talk they’re probably tired of

Us oh I want to get the turtle charm captur three pole lions in battle of the Beast it wasn’t going gee because you had it turned up too high no oh my God man I’m y’all want to buy her $11 I have 1,500 eliminations out of 173

Games you’re not even worth a dollar damn that’s crazy I don’t want to win another game [ __ ] 69 yeah we got to keep losing for we can keep 69 got 84 games played 659 elimination 15 games won to see what the [ __ ] yeah tell him to hurry [ __ ] ass

Up probably showering real quick cuz I can smells after here Benny way so quiet huh Benny with the pennies you going to get back on here holy [ __ ] I don’t know what to tell you let’s see I can really say it’s GG good I can’t buy [ __ ] like I’ll show

You I’ll show you what I mean by some are highlighted and some aren’t highlighted stupid it worked just it worked just fine when I went back there and done it for you though fig it did calm down it’s okay everything’s gonna be all right don’t worry about a thing CU every little

Thing going to be all right yeah said don’t worry about a thing every little [ __ ] thing gonna be all right yeah I singing don’t worry why are you showing me gingerbread with wieners that is inappropriate that’s even worse guess your strippers gingerbread gingerbread see the one in the middle drop

Button not drop button that cost Extra you know Muffin Man Muffin Man muff oh boy [ __ ] just went from muffin man to Mickey Mouse yeah brace POV taking a fat dump the fattest of dump hey you going to play this no that’s crazy she real said no because you got a

GG piss me off you want me to come all the way back there to pick I’m try if you calm down calm down okay this next match starts I will show you exactly where you went wrong it’s okay if it’s exactly what you did then you can say I told you that’s what

I did you stupid [ __ ] but until then calm down no I’m not I’ll call you champ oh that’s crazy that’s where’s our champ at Rave the [ __ ] is he I mean we’ve only lost four in a row we won that we won two in a row an hour 47

Minutes ago we hour ago and that’s why we got to win that’s why we got to win let’s start it up let’s start it up running up get it up okay stinky boy wow stinky boy magic told me to start one without him he told me the start one without him

That’s wild he told me to do it please tell me what you bought pass bought the $40 battle pass no way you bought the 40 version I didn’t that that’s insane that is insane I was actually G to be really I would have been mad for at you 10 is okay 10

Is yeah like ten is okay understandable 40s yeah but I probably won’t buy I only have the rocket no I don’t have the rocket I have fortnite battle pass and this battle pass and then the the rafe 64 battle pass which I got to start grinding on

Fortnite so I can get the Peter Griffin skin so many Lego fortnite anybody Lego fortnite what the [ __ ] are you on I’ll eventually try that out it’s like Minecraft all lowkey kind of want to hop on mcra round yeah we playing they don’t they don’t because they’re Xbox

Players wait no they have Bedrock so it’ be fine you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right we all can play Minecraft literally we can do bed War we can do egg Wars oh you we want to do that now since I suggested at the end of the day um

Yeah Benny got me to play is fun no you’re not going to bed that’s crazy I think that’s what I’m going to do though I think I’m hopping on Minecraft after this diva I definitely didn’t just Target the [ __ ] out of their Mercy wow that’s crazy she boed us off

Zeus Minecraft is crazy need another player um friends I would love to but we already decideed to play Minecraft no that’s so sad Zeus next time next time next time L you’re in que for tomorrow next time as well friend we got to play with you too we’re hopping on Minecraft we’ve been

Playing this for seven hours overpower him overpower him overpower him let’s get it get him get it get it get it get it get it I’ll heal him and you but probably later on today I’ll probably hop on OverWatch again friends I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s a crazy

Coincidence that you asked right when we already decided why you got to switch the match I died remember she’s letting me down you told me to play Without You Zeus and then we were like Minecraft and I was like yo Minecraft no you good okay friends I’m I

Feel bad friends it’s just like I feel guilty now I respect the grun it’s just it’s been seven hours like after this match we’ll probably hit the seven hours mark on the stream and I’m like I don’t want to get burnt out of the game you know what I mean I want

To be able to play this tomorrow and enjoy myself or later on during this stream cuz most nine times out of 10 I’m probably going to come back to the game N I can go to sleep at a reasonable time that’s what’s up friends that’s what’s

Up [ __ ] friend if you fall asleep right now or like around 2ish I’ll probably be on when you wake up no I’m going to lie I’ve been there the whole seven and he still want to play some right in still want to play get them boys well that’s like the good time to

Quit it though you know what I mean like you play for a good bit but if you still want to play that’s a good time to stop just to avoid burnout it’s how you can keep yourself playing one game you don’t want to keep playing constantly until you like lose motivation for that

Sash because like there’s a chance you might actually get burned out you got to learn to train yourself what check back in tomorrow good night have fun with Minecraft thank you friend thank you thank you thank you you’re the best man you’re the best he should not

Have switched to whatever that was no we’re doing really good I think we might end it on a loss I mean end it on a win too which is always a w but see look it if you oh never mind I already got outside the the garage I would say it’s

Going to move by itself yeah a friend you you’ll get like notification I always like message in the OverWatch chat when I hop on OverWatch and all that on Discord so people know when I’m playing Mercy you going to follow me uh no cuz I’m dead damn that’s crazy it’s wild I

Know the [ __ ] is there cornered me yeah I I was trying to heal you they [ __ ] just had me packed in their room when they all three came in it was a mo good play on their part nice nice nice nice sa for me [ __ ] exactly [ __ ] is

Right Lucio cannot be doing that much damn he is okay Heroes never die now push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push push I will push when uh Mr Maui’s here damn I wasted my old

Then not really you can still fly Maui where the heck are you man no I can’t I’m getting the movement glitch I’m getting the movement glitch oh wait no I’m not I’m back oh yeah I am I’m going backwards oh wait no I’m not oh my God I’m getting input

Oh my God I need help help help help I can’t I can’t oh my God I can’t oh I’m gonna get Frozen maybe my stuff gets check Zeus hole well Zeus at least you can see what I mean I got the Moon glitch like hopefully that gives you a gist of what

I mean because I don’t understand how to fix it okay it’s not work I mean I got it there we go cool like my mouse works perfectly fine during it’s just my keyboard my like my keyboard inputs I don’t understand it uh oh how did I get me still I called [ __ ] me

Too and the M we just blunt forceing right I we took a freaking bow to the face and said nope you got this Maui I Believe In You Maui they trapped you they trapped you they trapped you Merc dead it’s okay I killed their Mercy ref thank you K

Me they May’s pretty good player yeah they doing really well I yeah May is really really good yeah for real for real monkey man monkey man I’m going what that’s foul that’s foul Zeus Heroes never die please don’t Zeus that would be very nasty I would not improve

I realized I wasn’t healing you guys and I was wondering why your health wasn’t going up he’s so dead damn [ __ ] merc’s down come on keep pushing payload you guys got this keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing the point on me I’m dead the [ __ ] you mean get on you I’m dead too

Then you say Mercy get on me I’m in the afterlife right you guys just got this uh they just got better game in ch than we did Minecraft definitely Minecraft monkey man yo that kid thank you for the follow man thank you for the follow welcome to

The stream welcome to the stream I’m gonna go to look group post I want to play GG’s yeah that’s fair here that that kid here you go here you go man here’s um a Discord link if you want to join we’re hopping on over I mean we’re hopping on Minecraft at the

Moment but if you ever want to play OverWatch again I stream on my I stream on Twitch of course but I stream on Discord normally so I can you know what I mean so we can be see there in the future you might play Hero yes I feel be

Able to join join Minecraft yeah we’re gonna play on Bedrock so you can we’re gonna play servers aren’t you so sweet yeah you’re welcome Pooky me and death are too similar yeah people just hate on us it’s okay yeah we still love them anyways how do you spell shenanigans shenanigans

Like sha gains or Gans they don’t understand what it I don’t know I don’t think I spelled that right dude that don’t look like I’m gonna po I’m gonna like go to Opera GX and type how I typed it in and I’m gonna see how close that was

Right is there anybody have fortnite I actually generally want to try the Lego thing I’m not playing fortnite fortnite Lego come on fortnite Battle pass it’s just gonna boot up my PC cuz you need me for the fortnite battle pass what did you just say the [ __ ] you liked what I heard

You like what I heard okay yeah excuse you prop proper English I like it what we playing on the hive mindville cubecraft cubecraft huh Cube CRA Cube CRA wow that’s lame you’re lame we can always play modded so shut up stinky oh you don’t want to play with me I love you huh

Huh I was the M playing with my Duo at the moment would be down to join the Discord I got you I got you kid man we got kitlin are you going to play Minecraft is incompatible with launcher got to update your launcher how do I do that I should

Say it said open new launcher so I’m opening the new launcher you want to be crazy guys you want to be absolutely crazy right now if death wasn’t a stinky head [ __ ] you [ __ ] wow watch your profanity this is a kids game mister oh yeah yeah I’m pretty sure oh I can’t oh

Oh [ __ ] y I better watch what I say right yeah oh [ __ ] I don’t know you know about wild cat right that’s crazy that’s crazy wow won’t go any further on it than that I think that’s enough I think that might be a little too far that’s crazy um um what’s your

What’s your Minecraft username let me see death kid 21 51 38 I know but like what what’s caps lock and what’s not the D is capital wink wink all right what’s the numbers again uh 21 51 38 um that wasn’t enough digits for your social security number that’s crazy

5229 I sent you the friend I sent you the friend request though in cubecraft I need to hit F to accept it yeah I don’t think that’s in minecft yeah is it said hit F I’m on a controller hang on Wow you know I don’t think that’s you’re

Right friends yeah request accept or deny damn that’s a toughy a toughy is crazy you know what else is a toughy e let’s play this one over here where is it the bedroom not in a part bedroom well I don’t want to go into the bedroom with you I’m scared

I can’t um I can’t invite I can’t invite uh death you’re gonna have to add death as a friend since you’re party leader what he’s party leader so you’re going have to accept his friend request so I’m down with Lobby are you in uh cubecraft it doesn’t matter oh no

Not what I said there’s lobbies there’s like one through 13 yeah I know but if we’re in a party it doesn’t [ __ ] matter it’s going to bring us to a game when he picks one just accept us from re class I’ll I get one I’ll tell you his FR his

Friend his name it’s death kid with the D the D is caps lock and then death kid 215 138 So it’s 25138 15 15138 2,500 no 215 2,138 I’m good at math Miss did you get them yeah all right so I would be down for um I’m fine with uh what’s Brick

Wars oh that’s block I don’t want to do Block Wars I don’t want to do black Wars we could do Winter Games egg Wars um I’ve never played Sky Block um batt Arena would be pretty cool mineware is cool in survival games pretty much winter Wars to the right all

The way to the right I mean winter games all the way to the right I’m fine with those games I don’t really like SkyWars SkyWars is scary is snowman survival present Rush either or I never ever played any winter games that’s why I said I was fine with it the back room

That’s what I was talking about do you think I would taste good yeah oh dude definitely bro you’re making me paint snowman survival loot what do you mean M factory what do you mean fck is this I don’t know Winter Games snowman survival I want to be the

Snowman big chungus you’re hacking don’t get hit by snow oh okay so just don’t get hit pretty much why did my skin not change it’s so [ __ ] lame no no man I’m camping oh dude I don’t like having to hide for three minutes can you see

Our name tags I’m crouching just in case oh god oh it’s hide and go seek AIT oh my God it’s just me and Kenny that’s somebody’s Name holy crap dude doing this for 2 minutes is crazy it’s only me oh my God it’s only me I’m terrified dude that’s a well spot okay why you stream up thereo stop stream sniping me I don’t know he said that’s a wild spot so I know he’s stream sniping I’m not stream

Sniping you would have known bro sniping spots nice hacker where was you in like a corner I was at the very corner of the map and then I was like on the very top of something and then someone almost like crawled over to me so I had to jump down hide in the

Corner I can confirm I’m definitely I don’t even have the stream pulled up no you’re fine I don’t sniping oh [ __ ] that if it’s hide and seek [ __ ] stream snipe that’s some [ __ ] put a back rooms I want to see you guys get chased and killed what is

The back rooms there backs in this one is it over here I don’t think it’s in cubecraft what’s this you have to buy it cubecraft is kind of like the the four people ones so they’re not they’re made Hypixel is like the really good one and then there’s like another one that’s

Better than Hypixel that I can’t remember which one it is you would think we we have three right yeah we only have three do you want to do teams of four or teams of 10 teams of four I wish I was able to talk to other people besides my [ __ ] party just one

Where you get to [ __ ] pick a kid that’s Cool yeah um y’all are going to be the fighters and I’m going to be the one that loots I mean I’ll be the the the at home person got you got you got you got you as per use make sure you bring back diamonds people are coming to our

Basee not yet they’re not oh got M scared two diamonds oh we go yeah of course I got scared man okay I don’t blame you I I ain’t played this game in so long I keep throwing my [ __ ] down yeah cover the egg make sure to

Cover the egg I’m working on it I need to get building blocks first can someone build more up here please [ __ ] it nice job do pyramid pyramid bro that’s crazy that’s wild best Minecrafter here I need 10 diamonds who got need more diamonds you have to go over there and get diamonds

Fine um people in green are dying by the way diamonds can’t play M fre [ __ ] play oh yeah what the [ __ ] you know what I mean yeah man I know what you mean have people b or not okay cool back when you used to buy the windows bro

They’re trying so hard I need a better sword since I’m the one that probably or you think we’re playing against Xbox or uh just anybody probably Xbox and SL PC C for uh I also need some gold I dropped diamonds somebody oh we got diamonds generating [ __ ] yeah watch he’s coming back again

Dude he’s just trying to knock people off that’s all just let him do that we got a diamond for anything else he’s just really bad at the game no how did he get you like that what the [ __ ] oh internet’s flashing I mean Wi-Fi I mean English English so what are emeralds even

For uh upgrading upgrading what he finally notices me uh discount or you can use emeralds to Discount how much [ __ ] cost when you buy yeah ender pearls and [ __ ] would be cheaper ladders that’s cool you guys keep doing do gold hell yeah gold popping now yeah I know I maxed

It doing good dog doing good don’t forget to upgrade your armor and shape yeah I see you’re still in yeah know I don’t got anything some gold 58 diamonds we need Emerald we any better armor than yeah I have one Emerald yeah I think we need

Three oh I got you then I have um two oh yeah get that discount [ __ ] and then we’ll be able to buy [ __ ] easier kind of armor are these people wearing come back come back come on oh I think they’re rushing can do [ __ ] my [ __ ] controller’s ass oh they’re all dead

Cool N guys I’m upgrading too nice stop stop I’m just making it surrounding my sh I know I got I got obsidian around it now I spent some of my diamonds for it but way back yep Come to Papa that’s fine I’m just going to keep getting more um building blocks around

It they’re going to give up they’re going to have to wait so what if you want three they have three uh Diamond generators true there is there is some uh muscle miscellaneous stuff I’m pretty sure there’s uh ender pearls in there yeah I was right yeah 32 diamonds for

Ender pearls and you have TNT also use the emeralds for discounts emeralds I have one Emerald he has two so okay who two yes do the discount last for us all yeah 10% and for for 20% okay I’m coming back that’s fine nice who has a bow that’s nice

Seven diamonds you guys should get one too I’m trying to get a bow I mess with my sensitivity got that arrows hey um death you’re using um you’re using bow right yeah I got a bow here you go give me a second I got something for you though you’re going to love it

Yeah I’m going try to make my way over here so we can get to the other generators by the you go get on get on Des get on get on oh that’s cool you’re welcome probably immediately went back to go by bows after they saw me have one

True okay I have one occupied over here keep building I’m coming with you keep building [ __ ] nope I have no de perception bad de perception that’s my fault they’re upgrading their thing one thing the diamond is in the middle I have to we get all my armor now

Does anyone else have any diamonds on them I need 10 more I have three okay yeah who who’s in the middle okay you have a diam no don’t yeah one has di sword it’s F I just bought a trident uh someone make a bridge so I can come

Over there cuz I got lot of diamonds lot of diamonds lot of diamonds coming what the [ __ ] did y’all build here don’t don’t hate I’m just saying this came out of nowhere that tower has been there nope I place it so death can snipe delicious

That guy off and kill him no what the [ __ ] what I’m GNA cry I got to stop doing that I just wasted a [ __ ] ton of resources doing that keep trying to go to the other thing but I keep getting I keep falling off the

Bridge when I jump cuz it’s I I guess my guy can’t jump [ __ ] two blocks forward think Auto jump no I’m running I don’t have Auto jump no no no I mean like when you hit a block that’s in front of you no see I’m I’m not Auto I’m not Auto

Jumping I think I’m just [ __ ] dog [ __ ] so what’s the difference between the Trident and the netherite sword uh TR has more knock back sometimes having knockback is way better than having Damage uh like bedw Wars basically I’m just going to stay at the base every time I leave I legitimately die I don’t belong to go anywhere else uh don’t fall though that’s I’m going say I noticed careful oh man rmp death killed somebody go nice no way

I’m about to do a full rush I’m about to save up for ender pearls and Ne I have my netherite pick a I bet a lot of people from over here though yeah true uh one’s going to the middle if you guys want to rush him he has an ender

Pearl uh whoever’s at base right side or left side I mean left side left side left side come back turn around turn around turn around turn around someone turn around I’m on left side the [ __ ] you mean he’s on left side the left side

Of the base of our the base yes I’m on literally left side you dyslexic [ __ ] he’s on the candy cane Island he’s on green he’s on the green base next to us yes I know the candy cane Island there’s a candy cane on it you Dingle fart or you tell me to

Push yeah just keep a eye on it that’s what I saying where’ you let him go the [ __ ] they slay you they’re not happy with you right now death no they are not do you have enough Diamond yet uh I’m need enough for armor but that’s about it

Why what do you what do you want me to save for anything that can get you this point I don’t have full diamond yet so that’s going to be a problem I don’t have any more arrows cheat you guard that area dude try my best I think we need two people in the

Middle just in case yeah have 46 diamonds 52 now diamonds all right we got this boys we got this trust trust trust I believe oh I need arrows you guys got this you guys got this push them I have full diamond and neite pickax I also have netherite

Pickaxe he took a look at me run run I dare you to go go go run run run run run bye-bye keep SM keep keep keep keep I’m reinforcing the whole thing with just uh the not netherite but I mean the netherite looking thing ancient debris [ __ ] that’s all I’m pretty much doing

Just reinforcing that’s good that’s good we need that because we don’t know what they’re doing over there I have 13 diamonds I knocked off a couple people so they have to restart with their stuff basically all right I just need three more diamonds and I’m chilling chilling where’ you

Go where’d you go where’ you go I’m in where do you think I am in middle no I have my diamond armor nice nice nice there’s there’s enough Diamond here yeah I know I got it nice and I got a trident instead what else do I got that I can

Use that I can even think of BU on tree miscellaneous need diamonds for endar I’ll see uh sa for an end then I got one already I’m just I just buying TNT at the moment I have six okay I’m G save up for pickaxe then so I can just mine that [ __ ] out

Wait what rip death that’s rough to our left are you death yeah that was death oh that okay death doesn’t want to talk to me anymore maybe he’s not in the Discord I’m tabing out real quick he is he is he is I have a second screen he is um

Uh I’m not in Discord yes you are I know but my discord’s not open oh oh oh what okay you left the game no way no way I tabed no what I just tabed out for a second bro that’s how cubecraft works that’s so [ __ ] lame

Dude no [ __ ] way you want me to stream it to you iord and you just show it I’m in this I joined Discord it tab me out because I joined Discord that’s so [ __ ] stupid I’m so sorry that I threw right there I we lost because of that well

Hopefully we didn’t lose but now we’re a player done that’s so Dumb that’s crazy [ __ ] oh they’re gon to rush they’re goingon to sh to rush now yeah because I’m not there so it’s a it’s an easy fight for them not really because I fell also I know now it’s like a triple easy fight it’s squared easy fight squared

Because now you’re down a player and now you have no loot that’s so unmotivating that’s dumb I agree no rejoin ability well since I’m tabed out I’m looking up the servers I wanted to what do we got purple prison now prison you know talk I am talking you’re not talking death

You’re the glitched one survival base as an IND unique P theme one craft during this game the Boost thousands of players possible modifications of course thousand of guilds fight mobs all right here we go pixel dungeons I died [ __ ] there a base rip mon cube is no one in team anymore I don’t

Know death you’re going to have to rejoin all that I don’t know it’s just me and this dude did you guys heard the part when I said this huh neither one neither teams were pushing and every time I push I just died yeah it happens like that sometimes Lucky

Box Lucky Box on here op blocks they’re all in the middle now I’ve never played this I’m checking it out I’m just checking out Minecraft servers at this point Minecraft Java I don’t level up trade boss discover stat yes this what I was looking at for I got

A D and D style server that we can play drag um for later of course good it’s not modded it’s going to be a server though it’s one of the it’s not what I was looking for but it looks like it it’s so you’ll be like able to fight

Players and um NPC monsters and like gives you like a skill tree and [ __ ] okay just tell me when y’s matches over to tab me out just keep waiting just keep waiting just keep waiting waiting waiting so what’s it looking like for yall do you want to see in Discord uh

Yeah I guess sure my Discord is still not open but I take a piss all right I really wanted to know thank you it’s a 2v3 right now oh one of them left yeah I can’t stream on here oh well no biggy this look going a right for now CU I killed two

People then check what battle arena is freefor all name DS DS it’s crazy that I have to spend $10 just to play a mini game [ __ ] wild battle arena is not free good to know glad that it’s advertised like it is absolutely crazy so what’s Sky Block oh it’s this profiles Quest players

Settings guess I’ll just do Sky Block while I’m waiting for you guys that’s good cuz that’s crazy man that’s crazy yay all right there we go in survival it’s pretty fun I gotta I gotta just waiting for y’all to get down with Y stay this seems mid to me gotta and hello

Laggy me no this I’m I’m breaking in like while I’m breaking the other block it looks like I’m breaking another Block it’s crazy but it’s okay it’s okay that’s not how fast plants grow silly game there we go get some plants going hey you villager sell this sell sell I can’t

Okay I sold my beetroots I have one block Lucky Block map that I bought a while ago has an end goal and everything yeah the the I think I played it already though it’s like the the mod packs I also bought I bought the DN one but it’s kind of crappy to be

Honest I thought the one was going to be way funner but it really wasn’t as good as I thought it would would be we can always do M away again if yall want what that what we were doing earlier like the mini games okay so death can still play with us excuse you

Thank I got all the beat Woods growing I am the beetroot farmer death is saying he has a Minecraft world that he might want to play if you want to play it we can he said uh you know the lucky block mod pack and [ __ ] a really janky

One so and we can all try it I’ve played it but I don’t know if you played it I died [ __ ] R he’s going to die lost rip happens to the best I killed so much things oh instead you left the network yeah so you want to play the lucky block

Thing or you want to do mine where up to you uh we’re still in cubecraft right yeah but death has like a private World Private World um his own world you know how you know when you play Minecraft you have worlds and there’s mod packs for said worlds correct oh

Okay I’m in here now so I don’t know what do you guys want to do I think we’re going to do the lucky block thing because that’s what death wants to do on his world yes okay he got B me now because I don’t see

Any Budd yeah Sor I had to use the bathroom I apologize oh good no biggy all right you said you wanted to try that mppy map mine we’ll play it might as well we’re probably going to do our own thing soon anyways no it shouldn’t be on the

Ground I mean when you guys get bored of this we can play the uh valim thing again because I need to upgrade my stuff too oh I was thinking trying the Minecraft that MRA I don’t know I mean if you broke it it’s not going to work

But like after when you guys get bored of it no no no I was thinking about after the lucky block thing I was going to go play Java Minecraft that level thing that’s what I was going to do the [ __ ] oh my god dude are you how out

Of it are you today Jesus the think from yesterday no my God the Minecraft the Minecraft server that I was looking at earlier just now today with the levels and the RPGs thing that I told you about l Lally yeah you can you can also do it on better how do

I add you one of those no it says it’s Java it’s a Java thing only Java yeah only Java that’s why I said when we I was going to do the lucky block thing with death because I’m probably going to be doing that that’s why I told him

We’re probably going to do our own thing in a while unless you don’t want to join then I’ll just do it by myself I’ll join that was invite me that was way more complicated than it had to be how do I invite you how I add your gamertag it’s Benny the boss

25 Benny with the it’s Benny with the floss it’s 0 Z megabytes that’s crazy I gotta help her br br with I can join off off I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m gonna invite Mr Benny the Benny the Boop Mr boopers booper Cooper loading connecting to multiplayer world kilte at this

Point yeah like I said it’s the janky one oh he bought this what a [ __ ] like I said it’s the janky one Jank I see oh is this the one where you have to like hold on move out my way so I can break the block we have enough face no we don’t

Yes we do really don’t move don’t move do not move oh my God I just said don’t Mo that’s what we were supposed to do we were supposed to break the block yeah but I have blocks too I don’t have blocks you hacker wow that’s crazy that’s absolutely

Wild my bad my bad bro my bad don’t hit me up I I didn’t mean to hit you I didn’t mean to hit you up I’m going to be honest with you you look this stream I tried to hit the grass block and you shouldn’t have been there I want the

Grass okay good this this is good we’re going to be so set up when death comes back he just won’t even know not knock anybody off wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I know what to do I think I know what to do give me

Blocks Ah that’s all my thing all right all right this is perfect this is perfect here did I do it did I do it did I do it is there a block under it yes indeed there is we did it project automation has been successful

Hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on there’s a pig he’ll me all right don’t push the PE off you’ll be all right I have a pickaxe I’m so [ __ ] cool BR was going to come back and see what

The [ __ ] did we do he’s going to get mad watch watch TW oh Dam Diamond uh axe I got diamond axe nice say this wood me know uh oh bro should told me I didn’t I wasn’t looking I was just um clicking no we need that just don’t blow it up I

Want to kill the peg okay when we get a wood block we’re going to need to make a crafting table no that pickaxe that I have would have been great right now D you all killed me no you didn’t start you didn’t you never start in yet you actually never

Start you just spawn in so therefore you classic we did classic okay good yeah this is the one I’ve done I thought it was the one I was going to I did I didn’t know if this was going to be like the lucky block battle Lucky Block uh spli or Lucky Block this

And there’s also one where you like you go in a line no the lucky block battle one is my favorite though because like you go in a line break 50 blocks and you race to get a win and then the first person that wins gets like an extra

Lucky block and like a super lucky block and then um you fight to the death that one’s my favorite that I’ve seen on the lucky block mod packs on Xbox they’re all pretty shanky I mean it’s not too bad I mean I don’t mind I I’m just excited for my the other

The server I’m about to join and hopefully it’s what I it’s going to be fun hopefully it’s going to be fun what you got a D and D server you going to be doing um not a d and server but it’s going to be it’s an it’s a public server in Java

Make a wooden Pig Benny face plans elbows though oh [ __ ] hey Benny look it’s a friend you hit Jerry yeah now Jerry’s gonna kill you because it was daytime so he was friendly friend a what the [ __ ] I’m was mad he just fell with the pack I had to kill the pig

If Larry if Jerry had to die Larry had to die because they were siblings on God you know I had a pickaxe and it was really great actually it was I love the pickaxe that we had this should Tak so long now I love the pickaxe the pickaxe was my life bro

I say why’d you stop D you better keep on mining buddy boo keep on mining TNT is gone oh [ __ ] boys we got this we got this guys trust trust trust we desperately need a pickaxe God no don’t we don’t need a pickaxe pickax would honestly be for losers if I had to

Say like I don’t even know why you would even consider getting a pickaxe cuz like pickaxes are so lame like they’re cringe oh my God somebody lost the pig I don’t know who all right guys guys we’re playing um we’re going to play the new drinking

Game every block that breaks we take a shot oh god oh you gave me lava you all [ __ ] up don’t [ __ ] us up that’s for cobblestone generator don’t we can make pick at least don’t want don’t want make a cobblestone generator I don’t need no Cobble nothing no I’m keeping it man

Y’all are haters y’all gave me power funny said we have baby bees now they’re sticky they look ugly SP we do if a creeper spawns right here bro that can come out it will happen it’ll be fine so these bees are dead good [ __ ] those bees make a make a damn cobblestone pick

You make a cobblestone [ __ ] you what Jesus Christ CN oh my God that’s not obsidian is it okay okay we need that actually okay well we’re not going to collect it CU we’re mining with our hand I thought it was going to be I thought that was obsidian

I say there’s no way the game just hard blocked us like that hey look more coal we need wood right now I know you want me to tell you guys y’all stink I’m making my own house away from y’all I didn’t get a pet rock at this

Point I’m making my house far away from y’all cuz y’all are smelling not really B make that’s crazy if I make a peanut butter jelly it’s going to be peanut butter jelly peanut bread peanut be a triple deck triple deck Cobblestone for we can make a cobblestone

Pick this is my house will we get what don’t come on my property get off my property after he after he runs out of blocks we’re breaking his path back don’t you dare are you clicking the blocks are you clicking the I got food I’m so happy for you I got property I

Got real estate so like eventually I’ll be better that pissed me off dude yeah you remember buy I played this with him and he did something it pissed me off I said stop breaking the block so he just sat there with a pig and shredded through it it was just like so

Unnecessary I will I will make sure there’s enough there’s your there’s your Cobblestone I have three cobblestone in there I got you I got real estate I’m so happy we could we could you take some of this wood and make a crafting table if we have enough Stone to build under are

You real making this house this better be a cobblestone generator full nope uh real estate value that is crazy that is real estate that is absolutely crazy I’m gonna get a bow and guard my property oh I’m gonna shoot you I’m literally going to shoot you Benny once I get a bow once

I get a bow you’re getting shot I’m gonna get a name tag and I’m gonna get I’m gonna get a name tag I’m going to get a name tag I’m going to get an anvil and I’m going to name my bow AR 14 and I’m going to defend my home if

You get on my property and I’m going to put a sign that says no trespassing so it’s legal so what is this public property no yeah we all spawned here Skittles I mean like wood one two three four five I mean it’s it’s six blocks away you know like

Like how the road is how the road is that you’re not allowed to be like three feet on the road so I mean like three block six blocks need wood this is State Property we’re on Minecraft owns this I have no blocks thank you for standing on me oh my God

Sorry ow I didn’t even I did not expect you to go that far I’m gonna be honest with you you TCH we need that go put that over there I’mma put it over here in the midd I can’t believe you decorate my property like that this is defamation I’m suing

You we need wood please get wood I’m suing you don’t kill it the LSD milk it LSD he’s gonna jump off oh he’s mine now I claim him he’s on my property crazy that’s crazy milk we have milk guys this is an iron block and I want to

Cry stop taking all the things like safe uh I don’t think he feels safe he should he shouldn’t not be safe if he’s on my property we have enough to make an iron pickaxe please don’t do anything I feel like yall aren’t respecting my house house in my property

Right now and it really deeply disturbs me it’s our property no my chest I’m paying half I hate you dude you know how long I was mining that you just walked past me my bad my bad bro I need this tree to grow desperately I need my mouse to stop

Janking you’ve been mining that block for like a good 3 minutes now yeah I’m I’m aware I gotten close to it so many times and then like players walk in front of me and it’s like oh you’re not mining anymore I think death is just um idling us and I don’t appreciate

It just kind of broke when I was eating these Skittles it’s kind of wag what like you actually chip the tooth back one of my back tooth sorry to hear that like I already got bad teeth God damn well we can make a cobblestone generator now cuz that put water in the

Side so you can put it down thanks for getting rid of the zombie he you welcome I feel like y’all should start paying taxes y’all are on my land yeah heard yeah the exactly she understands y got me doing all the work that’s messed up you steal my land say it’s ours in

Parenthesis it’s [ __ ] up man it’s [ __ ] up I take offense I hate you we need pickax so badly right now mhm I’m going to just rip up the floor rip it out already I need I need chances for this death you got this when I break it oh I’m about to have a

Blast so pick one two or three guys it’s going to make our life a living hell one two or three one two or three you have to pick one I’m going to do it either way that’s just for that’s forcing someone one two or three oh two two is a bad

Choice two is a really bad choice I’m moving over here what’ you do let’s just say we’re gonna have friends well knock him off well you’re you I would hope so this man is crazy he had so much stuff no he didn’t you break that I should have put it on

My land it’s a [ __ ] about it no yes grass okay we have yeah it’s probably on the ground still where you threw it wood yes we definitely need wood the game’s being so oh my God we both ha you my bad oh water that’s crazy okay we have wood now we have

Wood it’s probably in the pink remote then I lowkey just wanted to watch him spawn and die pancake skin yes yes yes move move oh [ __ ] we need to take that apart bro no yes sir his name is Terry you’re going to kill Terry I named him you

Can’t kill him who took the torch oh nice he killed Terry careful how much dirt you use to we need that for like farming yeah I can’t believe you killed that’s like actually so crazy it I don’t know right exactly see chat’s crying right now because you killed

Terry chat You’ be all right no man first I make this beautiful plot of land then they they claim it saying it’s ours it’s [ __ ] up man it’s [ __ ] up chat it’s really [ __ ] up and someone hit the Beehive no it was a witch don’t kill the villagers what are

You doing killing them they’re going to be poisoned to a witch that’s what’s going to happen why we can’t have nice things man it’s because you killed Terry all the bad stuff happened when you killed Terry fish we have a little bit of wood everything bad started happen once

Terry died is all I’m saying coincidence I think not I think so I told you I told you I [ __ ] told you I told you not to kill Terry all those blocks are gone what did I tell him what did I tell him penguin what I tell them don’t kill

Terry and you know what they did you know what they did penguin get a cobblestone don’t use all the dirt we need to just make a guess what they did guess what they did penguin they [ __ ] killed Terry and didn’t listen to me we

Need two for that cuz no no why why let me it’s ridiculous man it’s ridiculous you can make it we you’re not invited what it should be working check the network setting test it it’s crazy they [ __ ] murdered him in Cold Blood exactly wow that that’s crazy that’s

Crazy death hitting the dog is wild you fell that’s I’ll give you guys stuff but um I let Let Me Mine Let Me Mine pickax a you are so rude we both can just push up that pig what the [ __ ] was that it’s murdering I

Just saw that cow push up that pig red hand red hoofed red I guess can I can I mine now it’s not just start mining why can’t two people mine I feel like you’re being very stingy right now we have water wait hold on what is what do we do

Here take this milk bucket and drink it wow you go we’re doing great guys why why what you have to do it through Discord you to join the turtle tank the turtle tank mining away mining away the pig is going to die your phone I can connect it to you with your

Phone guys I found out what what the death right that’s what I’m saying it’s prophesizing when I throw him off this [ __ ] Island for stealing my property you broke the chest you sick bastard I got I got stuff I got the stuff don’t wor hurt my feelings oh my

God wait a minute oh my god oh dude I’m better than y’all holy [ __ ] I got a dog dope don’t push whoa see now they’re just trying to kill the dog it’s crazy wild it is I just keep them right there she’s in a turtle tank po gotta I

Want to I’m about to I’m doing something really cool right now uh there’s a lot of blocks inside the um thing by the way come here you stupid [ __ ] cat no I want to defeat the cat okay you fell off ra did you die again I don’t want to talk about

It [ __ ] was that best not to ask oh polar bear going crazy over there yeah yeah cuz I have a pick we’re going Speedy fast yeah he got plus 10 speed after he stole my land yeah penguin you can play uh oh I’m done that’s dist that’s just right

There another I need to make a new property all over through and what happened to working together man um y’all killed my [ __ ] dog I didn’t do [ __ ] you know I’m right next to you I’m helping you actually wow y’all cross the line yeah I build them a platform I

Build them a little thing first I say it’s mine and then they’re like oh it’s ours and then they I put my dog there and they [ __ ] murder my dog yeah Lo Logan’s actually killed my dogs before that’s crazy dude that’s absolutely crazy and they killed Terry no and they

Listen listen we had a pet skeleton they killed Terry and then we had a pet spider that was during daytime so it was friendly that was Jerry and they killed Jerry so they killed Terry Jerry and my wolf I didn’t get to name it yet wow it’s [ __ ] up D not Terry and

Jerry yeah yeah and and and the Wolf and I guarantee they’re going to kill the [ __ ] cat next WoW wild it’s [ __ ] crazy dude it’s absolute I’m dumbfounded dude I don’t understand why would they hate why would they hate these guys do not kill the Slime for the love of God let the

Slime live the Slime is like the best character he’s carrying the story arc right now every Minecraft server right that is sadly true I have a one Sher box that’s why Cobblestone I need some Cobblestone no me make a generator for we can really get

Some yeah but I need a new pickaxe so I can get some more stuff oh iron I’m moving out guys okay bye wild yeah diamonds I can’t M this break yeah don’t break it we need iron I know somebody has iron or somebody fell with iron never mind I wonder who that

Can [ __ ] we might have to mine it oh we have five never mind we have good we’re good we’re good it’s my favorite pastime dropping sand what are you doing I’m dropping sand it’s red sand I Pig why are you even doing that why not I mean we could have used that to

Make the damn generator here take the sand since it’s so important I’m so glad I got five out of the 50 pieces I didn’t have 50 I only had 13 sour pus that’s pretty much all we would have needed oh my god well mine some [ __ ] blocks I guarantee you Benny has triple

That he just lost a damn pick Again I feel like you are taking this game way too seriously it is Carnage no I just don’t want to be be like another reason we end up arguing at Sky Block all I’m saying is y’all killed my the generator that way we can actually build without it I’m

Building just fine do much look at that I got a juicy looking platform mat random ass materials it looks [ __ ] dope as [ __ ] you’re jealous you’re crazy okay good luck h breaking without a pickax this is going to take forever it’s going to take forever I saw that the cow it was

Death ohow ohing listen here mister listen here no no no no [ __ ] no [ __ ] [ __ ] no no hell yeah [ __ ] you I had to look at chat are they saying to kill me yeah okay this going to take some time so you had to get you had you had to get

Assassinated I’m just a messenger crazy penguin that is crazy that’s a cool looking obsidian block you got there I’m going to whack you off this is going to take five minutes to was your points cuz I didn’t die I SW back up death take the block

And try to make a generator because I don’t know what the [ __ ] to do at this he knocked me into you this is going to take so long I don’t think it’s going to take long enough I’m going to be honest with you a anybody know how to make the

Generator yeah it’s it’s two blocks lava and then one water yeah no not two blocks lava two uh one lava but like two blocks away and then water one block away ruin it oh my God you know what I think we need not KN me

We I know what we can do to cheer us all up we need some we need some Terry Jerry hairy time I’m gonna knock you off that that’s not my here here here here take the pickaxe I don’t want it do what you need to do do what you need to do [Laughter]

Man guys we got Minecraft drugs the [ __ ] where’d you get this from ow why did I teleport wait there we go it wasn’t me all right guys back to mining one of 12 ad I told you it happens s someone gift this Mana sub oh well that’s why I didn’t want to do

It didn’t mind do what made one to make the generator what happened oh obsidian [ __ ] I feel we should look this up cuz all of us are nonprofessional that’s crazy got one more try one more try death it’s your return I give up you’re the next one to start

Mining the Cobble I mean haven’t got to mine the block yet okay I’m your turn just to make sure we’re doing this right mining away mining away I will grief This Server yeah you know admittedly guys I’m starting to realize why the skeleton spawner was not a good idea

Mhm you should probably take the property of the skeletons SP yeah you took the property of the skeletons like you took mind thanks is anybody have the bucket at the water oh I have it never mind um wait is that obsidian still yeah I don’t know if the Iron’s going to

Be better or worse well he’s mining he was mining it with wood so of course it’s going to be better death you want me to make you a pickaxe I think he broke almost broke don’t worry until I punch you for killing my [ __ ] dog bro I didn’t kill

I didn’t kill your dog he killed my dog bro murdered him you’re right well there’s a lot of stuff that I would love to die with in here oh hey guys guys I have great news good news and bad news actually that’s crazy good news the block was gone and we got

A chest bad news there’s another one another what what another what [ __ ] sake you know I’m getting real tired of this defiling property [ __ ] I just want to have something that’s mine here you want you want something that’s yours I’m curious I don’t want it okay I’m joking I’m curious of uh I’m

Pretty sure doesn’t it isn’t it like just normal nether yeah normal nether okay get a bunch of blocks then I’ll stay here um I’m going to live in the nether goodbye it was a pleasure knowing you all okay bye that’s crazy I agree yeah I’m fun yet n

Some tall ass trees in here hella tall trees trees I’m just going to run around until I find a Bastion and then I will get transported into OverWatch and kill everything I found a Bastion by the way really yeah legitimately I found a Bastion crazy I sh you did yeah I don’t

I’m not a liar when will you learn that I’m not a [ __ ] liar I didn’t say you were a liar you doubted me though no I’m a serar to believer he doubted me your mom doubted you oh for sure wasn’t I expecting that yeah oh shoot we should have made an infinite

Water thing hold on that’s crazy that you that’s crazy that like we’re playing this still that’s the crazy part you don’t like this I mean are you having fun I’m having it bull ass trying to find you no I’m having fun all damage as long as y’all are having fun

I’m having fun fall damage I thought y’all were playing Sky Block yeah we were and then the nether is an actual Sky Block CU it’s a janky mod so only only the Overworld is Sky blocked everything else is not I’mma probably hop off then wait you thought it was an you

Thought it was a legitimate mod no I thought it was Sky Block well it’s a lucky block sky only for Overworld it’s not like legitimate modded Sky Block not like legit it’s not like the cool Sky Block you know what I mean it’s not like where it has extra

Mods where Sky Block actually has Realms and portals and [ __ ] where there’s like extra weapons and [ __ ] it’s just Xbox you know this is the best it’s going to get if you play Xbox I’ll tell you that bought this like three years ago solid I’ll see if I like it

It keeps changing my freaking um okay is that I think we should play the game call I invite my entire friends list and see what happens huh none of them will join you want you want to bet that’s crazy I will it’s going to be actually Wild going to

Get them so so many of them are going to get mad or I’m just going to open a galewind wall of people are either people are going to join or I’m going to get spam message either way it’s it’s well works it’s all right this gonna be Mayhem oh no

100% y I got it friends with friend so they should be able to join I’m be scrolling for a good bit already had 100 invites just about Mr popular not really I’m so f e you don’t like that word I just don’t think it’s true it’s a

Lie I think you’re pretty famous I think you’re silly just because you think of him every night doesn’t mean he’s famous on God famous to me you still haven’t invited him yet I’m still in still scrolling that’s wild I’m halfway there half there whoa don’t you [ __ ] dare

Rhy there’s a b yeah in the Trap be in the Trap some bees in the trap watch it say you can’t invite this many people No I gave up on I gave up a naming pets because they get murdered once you name them we’re in another we’re in another biome a tree

Growe uh we have uh would anybody like a head keep it yeah we need that you should mine this tree though before it gets blown up by a creeper here here what happened here this place is a [ __ ] mess yeah um I tried to make it look nice and

Then they ruined the property value you sound like the [ __ ] that one redheaded kid from fuing uh show inv or something the 255 invites have been sent oh yeah about time did y’all get an invite because it should have went to y’all possibly no no rip it might have not even got

Sent might glitch oh you got one okay so I so it did send in 255 people let’s see what happens another wither head we might have killed a wither skeleton today I got it perfect penguin that’s what we like to hear that’s what we like to hear oh my God

Where is everything hav’t you don’t judge me you look like you were judging me I wasn’t judging you I heard a burn I was like Soul standand down who’s putting random [ __ ] down me I’m sorry there no crazy we need the Soul Sand don’t forget that’s crazy oh my we’re biome right now

Fory is that what we’re doing we’re going to play till we fight the Wither eventually it will tell us which direction the Ender Dragon is that’s crazy yeah it drops its armor and [ __ ] we just don’t want to die llama Llama it’s my last attempt at making a [ __ ] pet do we have a name tag can we name him Harold is that a good name Harold Harold the Llama it’s a great name thank you guys we love Harold do we have a name tag yet I love

Llamas Ender left again Ender did join for a second we have fish holy [ __ ] we need a chest oh my God this poor fish that’s what I’m saying poison me it’s a panda P it’s a panini what wait we know how I know how to fix that you just there you go thick

Boy whoa what the [ __ ] oh my God oh my God oh my God that’s [ __ ] up dude I hate this and Harold oh wait Harold’s alive I was going to saying Harold dude watched them [ __ ] roll you can’t name these things man once you name them they die it’s a curse

I watch them slowly fall it’s a curse man you can’t name them [ __ ] you dumb ass why did you invite me the Minecraft with you oh flight you loved it I invited everyone actually flight I invited everyone I want to see what would happen what are you looking at this is

The wrong area isn’t it yeah this right this mine it mine it mine it mine it oh I’m dead actually stuck over here you dead you probably had so much [ __ ] on you I didn’t I only had like six items I’ve not been really doing much

This four book I got parrot eggs and cat eggs wow dude this [ __ ] cat this fish is shaking its dumpy beautiful look at them dude the fish is shaking its ass for only fans oh my God oh my God that’s crazy it’s making that bread would you look at that salmon you

Should help me uh I don’t know what you’re going to hit here soon oh oh oh well he’s not he’s not having a good time oh you got a diamond axe hey look behind you death oh God a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I got smacked by a black man not

Good you love the Enderman rip he deserved it oh we need an ax you have a diamond ax on you had had the key word did you die you just got it you would I seen it pop with the totem no I’m going to cry

We need like a fence fces make fences we have a lot of stuff Lama put the totem in the BX no fences you just have to place the [ __ ] down somebody go to the nether with a a pickaxe and just might have bu yeah I’ll

Play some [ __ ] if y’all just get it put it in a box there’s a lot of stuff in the box I have so much fish see when I came over here before there’s nothing C fish why do I have so much fish wrong block I found the right block

Confused some put thing in the back of this portal by the way almost fell off the map with a freaking I don’t see anything I don’t see anything I don’t see anything in this chest like y there’s nothing in any of these that’s crazy that’s crazy put something in it

And see what happens this one either POV that’s why I was confused I was like what not join I told you someone would join I need a block or something I know we’d get at least one person in the chest there seeds over there what the this is howella

Curs see death you told me no one was going to join I told I proved it wrong confused no say sorry death oh my God that’s wild I’m confused do we have any iron okay okay there we go that was [ __ ] weird I shall Grant

You pin died death I need you man do not die I swear to God do not die with this did you get it [ __ ] really bro penguin penguin bro that’s crazy God that is crazy hell no I’m not doing this [ __ ] if if people are going to pop up and like

Smack me I’m I’m not what did you expect was going to happen I invited 255 people here what what did you expect was going to happen once that happened did you expect 200 people to be friendly on Xbox if you’re friends I don’t know my friends watching this

Fish yeah this is the Highlight this is what this is why the whole stream is here dude penguin joins again I was knocking him off I I had good [ __ ] on my God most the [ __ ] we needed like the Ender skulls and [ __ ] that’s crazy [ __ ] you penguin you’re [ __ ]

That’s crazy penguin That’s crazy they they kicked you that’s crazy look wow I’m looking what am I looking at [ __ ] I was trying to show him a cow he’s trying to be our friend and he smacked the [ __ ] out of him guys what happens when you when you uh put Flint

Steel next to a TNT that’s crazy can I test it for science I don’t know probably so that how about minute how about this I give it I give it to Ender and then I let him decide what Happens okay what do you want me what should I put down for the land who wants who wants to need that who wants to mine Cobblestone for like the rest of the time here you’d probably be easier to just go to Nether yeah to get blocks yeah that’s true but it’s

Cobblestone too so tools that I got an iron block there somebody could break it hands I gave Ender the TNT with a flint steel and I told him you know what needs to happen he fell off he jumped off that’s crazy bro you’re [ __ ] what’ you guys do in the freaking

Hold on ow it wasn’t me what the [ __ ] this is so [ __ ] cursed Fu what did you guys do in the nether what what kind of [ __ ] I only went to a Bastion and I didn’t do anything else besides inv I’m invited everyone else to the world that’s all I break

That are you crazy are you crazy pigin on the loose he has a pck you don’t want the smoke material no we can’t what the penguin yeah we can it’s an iron block no we can’t we can’t use it at all actually like I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking

About I can’t believe y’all are actually taking this like legit how did he die that’s the same thing Brody was saying you know that right I bet and then just continue to break the block dead ass cuz it do it doesn’t matter yeah he it’s not about

Like this block is part of the fun okay if it’s just going to repeatedly be broke then we can’t enjoy the map well it spawns all kinds of [ __ ] and then tears everything out not that deep but I’m just going to watch the fish shake its ass everyone can we watch the fish

For only fans holy [ __ ] got a dumpy Benny turn around bro oh no my friend oh no whoa what did he just do to that fish he did something whoa watching the cows watching it again it’s back for you that’s crazy an ax or a pickaxe you can break that

Iron is it just me oh no no don’t face PL no wow that’s crazy that’s that’s crazy anything she that’s crazy stupid That’s crazy dude anyy do you have a cobblestone Pig oh I used to oh your roommate joined did you make the World Private I

Can’t invite people anymore no I just K penguin so you probably can’t him again sorry penguin you shouldn’t have been like that it’s an L on your part dog not mine you made us lose stuff that we needed to destroy more [ __ ] spawning a weer on this little island would have been

Fun I’m going to uh how do I push this man’s off I need to no thank you there no offense to him Emerald can you mine that with stone uh no it’s fine you have IR you just m an iron block all right we got this boys yeah

It’s not allowing me to invite anyone anymore you break it down to nine iron in I think it’s cuz we’re at eight I think eight is Max yeah yeah I just made okay your roommate joined but he’s AFK confusion confusion KO left there’s room for one more

Now well you wanted a full Lobby I got you I don’t know what else to do now because I’m not allowed to mine anything that is an ore cuz I don’t have a pickaxe here here come here where’d you go should be able to make thank you okay that happened there

You go go to the nether mine some stuff the ne are you’re Expediting me out of this world I no no no let me just get this straight let me just get this straight I spawn in here normally with y’all I make the platform you steal my

Land twice and now you’re kicking me out that’s crazy kicking you out that’s crazy it’s racially motivated it’s it’s racially motivated it’s racially motivated it’s racially motivated it’s cuz I’m a candy it’s cuz I’m I’m an ice cream isn’t it it’s cuz I’m chocolate ice cream you you specious you specious

No no I don’t want to hear it you go to NE you have a bigger that’s crazy that’s CRA no that’s crazy that’s crazy he go to Nether we have bigger real estate he literally just put me on what’s it called what’s it called when um people get expedited

Out and they get their own land as penants lagging bad you have a spawner we can put a cow in it or something oh look that’s fun oh it’s a monster spawner yeah uh oh chickens yes we do need chickens I have chicken eggs wow like SP eggs hell yeah Big

B big BL our said I got our said uh uh little people like Farm toy for Christmas and he’ll grab the animals and he’ll go cow moo moo like every five Minutes oh and then he’ll shove it in my [ __ ] face that’s what’s up who is dying bro everyone pretty much R want to see your parkour skills they’re not good penguin and I’m also not on Xbox so I can’t get any invites how or sheep which one or Pig uh cow cow cuz

Leather leather yeah okay but no penguin my parkour skills are ass well Ender was killed by piglin every we got quiet now yeah well that’s crazy what I’m a cone with armor damn that chicken is staring you guys down [ __ ] that chicken you just invested bro is invested PC

Yeah PC the same way you joined penguin um we’re playing on Xbox Live IES but Um I join manually just like how y’all could join manually I’m going to go fight some some Ender people there is like so many more animals then I remember over here yeah I have nothing to do so I’m just having a pool party with them that’s what’s up

Can someone make me a pickaxe like a cobblestone pickaxe I’m M stuff in another and I’m running out of pickaxe hasht I got to be nice there’s a lot going on right now anybody made a cobblestone pickaxe for me please um I don’t think anyone’s going to make you cobone pickax I’m sorry

Buddy and that’s just as a friend saying that you know it just doesn’t seem like anyone’s listening material to be honest with you there’s wood and stuff in there I’m looking at this block that changes textures and it’s tzing will spawn a sign telling us which way the end

Portal so hopefully nobody breaks it when that happens break it guarante oh yeah we’re 100% going to end up breaking it there’s going to be one dumb ass to do it then you don’t you have to go all the way back through it again yes that would be fun yeah I’m having a

Blast yes sir mine the block mine the block mine the block there’s so many animals my bad it’s a spawner so kill them kill them definitely kill Them this is a whole Blaze watching us doing this by the way he’s chilling [ __ ] he’s friendly look see see right look you’re real EST you got the IR P don’t you anymore we should have iron somebody should have an I should been chest and I don’t have

It who’s falling out the world at this so much real estate pick aide that’s what’s up fuin oh bunker join this is going to be chaos again oh my God Fu [ __ ] [ __ ] F I have a moo friend a moo friend he’s red nice mush [ __ ] I had so much stuff on

Me this is so cursed dude yo [ __ ] is glitching out now somebody shit’s glitching out are you all really killing each other or some [ __ ] Ender was slain why’ you kill him death it’s messed up punch then we started fighting crazy you know the normal yeah say as you they M the block till they got all the good

[ __ ] Cal down huh what are you saying to me looking for sticks are a stick that’s kind of rude yeah but it had to be sad I have some sticks if you want them I just made some I just saw some in the chest fine don’t take my sticks then take their sticks

I need wood do we really not have any wood I guess not buy right inside the Whatchamacallit yeah I got it I got it this is so cursed please nobody kill me please I’m begging you you’re only talking to like three people I I still don’t care but still

Don’t kill me I won’t kill you I’ll egg someone else on to kill you oh my God you’re right there to you’re so silly CU I’m going to Nether to get your guys [ __ ] to expand your real estate it’s okay the real estate is overpopulated and the property value has

Tanked we are in an we were in economic crisis oh my god did you not see me who has full diamond got it from the Block I’m better than yall lucky my God you guys should with me to the what happened to you I was literally right next to

Someone and they M me and [ __ ] lava they literally looked at me right in my eyes and did it they looked like [ __ ] you whoever did they looked you in the eyes they looked me right in the eyes and I fell that’s great that’s crazy I was like wait no bro who [ __ ]

Did this [ __ ] dude now I can’t get to another okay that’s messed up right there looking you in the eyes is crazy that was was looking you in the eyes is wild dead ass I was like wait no and then they mind it that is a

Rip they they did not give a moral King moral King did that that’s some messed up [ __ ] dude I bet it was you welcome to Minecraft don’t don’t don’t don’t move don’t move I’m putting why would you do that to me I didn’t do that rude whoever did

It I’m trying to fix this [ __ ] cuz I lost so much stuff I said not to kill me and people killed me [ __ ] off I was just trying to go into The Nether to get more [ __ ] bricks or whatever as soon as I got there I died

I just whacked the pig till it’s dead like my bare hands my shit’s down there a freaking pigling got my [ __ ] are you kidding me all this iron gone what is happening to this I don’t know I just need a pickaxe anybody has a pickaxe please I I died and lost mine I

Literally just made it I had a full set of ir armor huh an iron one too you’re going to end up walking off the back Edge I just need a pickaxe if anybody has one oh my I’m done I died and they po me off oh my God that’s [ __ ] did you

Die took the lava someone took the [ __ ] lava we don’t have a cobblestone generator now lovely this is turn to chaos I’m knocking everybody off at this point we’re getting to the end stuff how do you know this is in material if everybody needs to back up a sign’s going to

Appear this damn [ __ ] silverfish it’s so entertaining I bet why do I see this giant [ __ ] line oh it’s cuz someone has a [ __ ] fing rod I want your raw meat why don’t you want my meat what the hell is going on this is just pure chaos dude dude this is just

Pure pure pure chaos no [ __ ] I’m going a freaking llama donkey actually never mind I think I should start tking I think tking is in my future um I don’t want to alarm anyone but it just looks like this thing missing from our chest people are just grabbing everything and jumping off with

It yeah I just need we lost everything that’s wild [Laughter] I have nothing to fight you with I have my bare hands it was a snowball fight I don’t have any snowball sball fight it was just like that was more like abuse I think death is going is getting power

Hungry he’s such a [ __ ] DD he’s a nerd he he’s he gets a he has a problem when it comes to to completing things I think somebody jumped off with my [ __ ] all the [ __ ] yeah I’ve noed is it you Benny TR to get freaking wood but

There’s nothing in the chest it seems like you’ve been the only one going chest yeah I’m so done with this bro we we’re at the very beginning guys with a portal everyone’s leaving pure chaos oh oh you’re kicking them aren’t you no we yes it seems like it would be a

Yes we have obsidian waiting here well we’ve lost everything you guys hell yeah let’s [ __ ] go I think um the host got tired of it Eli I’m sorry I’m sorry bunker it was fun while the death menu you can see just repetitive deaths back to back back

In it was fun out last bunker you will be missed you could or you could just stop mining the block you know someone else M it I already stopped mining the block because I got y ass so I’m nowan look you’re a [ __ ] block I never dragged I didn’t know you were in

Call I’m sorry bunker I would have you always be knock you always be getting the block who picked my stuff up should have a diamond pick Zeus I’m guessing whoever who took the [ __ ] lava though that’s that’s messed up bro we needed the lava that’s yeah yes I replaced it with [ __ ]

W how you doing Punker you’re in here now oh we really don’t got nothing oh my God yeah someone went in the chest [ __ ] Enderman I’m trying to mine [ __ ] here we got beat I got a fishing pole freaking don’t worry guys you my bare hands do not care bunker talk to

Us I have a goddamn elytra too so yay so you got that chest I got a Sher chest with a bunch of stuff yeah yippee Shuler chest oh you have G creative nice i m this block of dirt trying tol it that’s crazy going in Creative listen this world this world

Has lost this estate so that’s crazy St it so um I’m probably going to go check out the the mod now or the Ser other server that’s crazy what do you mean that’s crazy you’re in creative we’re not even playing the game at at this point how about we restart

Bro I’m just saying it might work out no invites though it’s just us four it’s like I’m down but race just seems like he’s not having fun it’s going to be a we were here for three hours that’s such C just about so much time just freaking

We got off OverWatch around three hours ago 1: a.m. it’s 4 now what is smacking oh baby zombie baby zombie [ __ ] wish there was a way to actually check the legitimate time last time I hopped on I’m gonna freaking die at the baby zombies I swear to God you guys a lot of

Blogs yeah we dibbled when we dabbled we scrambled when we should have scrabbled polar bear’s like [ __ ] [Laughter] this bro the absolute Mayhem said no he’s trying to leave so the cow okay we have stuff we have stuff we can restart now I have I have lava and stuff like

That [ __ ] me have everything back that we lost ouch Guardian there a guardian over there stupid damn thing okay we have enough to restart so ah [ __ ] me what the [ __ ] the Pand attack uh no I don’t think so I think they do are you sure I’m pretty sure they’re they

Do they do what I thought that was just the polar bears I thought panda bears don’t attack oh I didn’t know I didn’t know they attack either ow creeper a man chicken just died I that’s crazy you just got sniped You have like infinite inventory or some [ __ ] he’s in Creative in Creative you don’t you don’t really need anything godam I’m GNA die again aren’t I which is insane excuse me buddy thank you oh man we got this we got this we got this boys are are you in game me yeah

I’m just chilling here no I didn’t leave I’m contemplating thank you cuz we’re not really even playing anymore we restart is there any islands around no there is there is what are you talking about there is okay there should be there is across in Portal there yeah oh I’m going make

My way over there I accidentally was mining I build I built to that area accidentally cuz I placed the honey blocks crazy I’m just that cool what are you doing huh what are you doing huh nothing being useless I feel you it’s okay okay I understand I was

Going to go to the nether but I’m scared to go back I’ll probably just [ __ ] die there’s no holes anywhere you can just get a pickaxe that’s so much [ __ ] bro I took was one hole and one person knocked me off yeah then some somebody knocked me off somebody just killed

Me penguin killed me I know that I can’t somebody looked me in my eyes oh my God there’s lava everywhere over here R I almost died there’s no block Burn Up in Flames all I have is my hands so I hate digging any anything it happens to the best

Bud I’m going to yep there you go oh my God rip Ro skippity scop I thought yall just put a fence around it I was like that’s not going to [ __ ] work no trust that’s how great grandpy taught me how to do it don’t think that’s you’re going to

Fix the problem no trust trust trust you have to believe to achieve what are you on the island Logan wow you’re talking I can’t hear you oh my God I hate how it’s stat why does it look like static because he has night vision right now what the what happened this is night

Vision can I get some can I just get a pickaxe that’s it that’s all I need oh my gosh all I need was one pick I just I want with this whole play through is a pickaxe yeah I have two pieces of meat in a

Fishing Gage I got one I got I got obsidian so we’re chilling anybody got wood I have a crafting table I can kill this Ender Dragon with a picka a wooden pickaxe that’s it oh my gosh I can throw Bean at him hell yeah I don’t think he’s going like

That no I think he’ll be fine he’ll live he’ll live here let me try let me try no no come back come back please if I give you and Benny options or power to use commands I’m going throw my beat at him oh [ __ ] you can do slash somebody’s name

Uh whatever speed Potion Number want do it to me do it to Caitlyn make her just incredibly fat no that’s probably not a good idea oh yeah and take this piece of chicken too yeah is everyone just in Creative I literally tried to kill everyone and they’re all

In in Creative crazy that is crazy yeah but why would I why would I just kill her it wouldn’t be as funny in Creative only only me you and Benny are I’m not in Creative I’m still in survival if you killed all wouldn’t that kill you too per raps

No and you can’t do SL kill all well I think I’m just going to wait for y’all to kill the B Ender Dragon you can smack him with one hit I guarantee that I tried to teleport but it didn’t work it’s all right I’ll just make a my run my run to the

Portal [ __ ] why we beat the game that’s crazy yippee wow all right GG’s guys it would be cool to actually play it play it yeah he don’t want to though he’s lamees yeah well we already we just beat it why am I getting like labeled as the

Bad guy you are the bad guy stop capping all right whatever I’m the bad guy I’m playing on the other server now I don’t care that’s crazy uh what do you mean we beat the play through in creative he just went to Mayhem the minute people started ping in just

Knocking everybody off had like spawn I figured out that he he he didn’t I try to expand real estate that’s crazy my God you’re not cool enough to play with kayin what talking to her she’s probably muted oh uping yeah she probably is muted it happens nobody hears you what server address is It um I’ll send it to you oh and I saw I saw it was a one block world so I covered up the [ __ ] water in the lava thing that was the first thing I did is that went I all the a block over the [ __ ] assing that’s why they dude you

Got that’s so what are you playing Logan I don’t know what do you want to play why does it have to always be so loud why does it always have to be so loud Minecraft you would know Minecraft that loud every time I load in it always

Is so loud see that’s that’s Minecraft’s instance of being recognized okay whatever yeah sure give me a minute I got you the bathroom all right you go do that I’m going to download whatever the spot is select a character oo fancy fancy all right crit [ __ ] no why I like that

Game I really do I feel like it’d be such a fun multiplayer game I really do if you just gave it a damn chance oh that is crazy it’s a little stressful but what game is it right oh oh my God it’s pay the win I knew

It all right so what do we got we got a shaman crates and Order minions ver mask answer sacrifice blood power you want to play rocket League confusing clone B time growth from healing we can okay then what the hell do you want to play why do you even ask me if you’re

Going to sit there be like I don’t want to play that like damn I just said we can calm down not that deep well you make me want to put you in your eyeball damn that’s crazy you poop sauce [ __ ] I’m playing as a mage by the

Way that’s crazy I’m going to be the best mage in town I remember on my PS3 Minecraft could add ouch I don’t know why I can’t do that on this one stream like hit something cross you can go back class you can click this the top row oh a [ __ ] that’s kind of

Puny yeah it’s all right though oh VIP Hunter okay it’s just it’s kind of extra steps sacrifice blood for power and heals holy [ __ ] right okay what are you what are you cuz I’m Mage I’m going to get like I’m going to become a Healer of course heal

Yeah the M doesn’t heal oh grow from Back to the turtle tank Caitlyn that’s on you but the shaman heals sacrifice blood for power and heals um what’s your username is it Benny the boss 25 yep I didn’t yet I’m still finding out I might if you’re going to be mage

I honestly think you picked Warrior not gonna lie but may just cool okay I’ll do Warrior for this [ __ ] damn hardcore okay who me no okay 25 Ben the boss 25 yeah trying to weird continue why do I have to shift okay I’m here how do I add people I don’t see

Friends SL party cre okay how many points do I have unused points upgrade your agility upgrade your defense intelligence dexterity and strength um clearly going to upgrade intelligence how do I oh God wait a minute party how do I invite you combo right left right left left online friends this is very

Interesting it is very interesting yeah try to join it’s same it’s the same your your name same thing right yeah for okay andand okay I think it wants us to just uh do the tutorial first that’s some stupid [ __ ] okay fine Party friend add remove list okay man your friend friend

Ad I’m killing chicken at the moment yeah she’ll be faster next time so this is the time to G keep over it looks like a yep and you’re ready for the start run your lives here we go hey added you as a friend I can’t do anything I’m just

Waiting for all this NPC [ __ ] to go away but when are you waiting for the Providence of iron I like the music I don’t think I had the music on it’s really [ __ ] good I invited you to a party and I’m here where where where where I’m at the

Providence I think I see you running are you running I’m at I’m in front of cows are you in front of cows no I don’t see where you have to talk to them pce I’m pretty sure yeah I did already I just Spam shash so what did you pick uh

Warrior can I can I get through the gate hello Soldier it this my I sent you an invitation can you accept it yeah I didol recruit finish the recruitment Awards kind of wish I could find you are you do the gate already yeah a soldier what are

They doing all the way out here there’s a bit of trouble on my head they sent me out here and they intercept new recruits do you see this of caves such as these of contain loot they keep you alive you enter the cave and your armor to protect you well hard get geared

Up I don’t think some of the shaders are working cuz one of the crooks or chicken what the [ __ ] a little bit of Parkour okay I don’t like these transition yeah it’s very unfriendly would you like it normally there’s outskirt probably safe but I’ve are you just skipping the

Tutorial man to destroy the bridge in case you notice your loot is currently undefined yes should be fur down the road your left what do you want me to do what the [ __ ] did you pick up the undefined Helm oh I did yeah push the tree head up

Really okay I guess I push the TR I can barely see anything anything it’s so dark you know the whatever yeah I don’t care I think it’d be better once the tutorial is over holy crap W that’s why I’m doing gu you that’s a dead dud I wish the chat wasn’t like

Destroying my face yeah I mean turn on turn on your DUI like very very bottom corner dude it BR me all the way down to the very beginning about the C I don’t know what to do here H I see people and they disappear okay that’s

Cool I’m about to go to the very dark cave you were at yeah I’m already in you just defeat one boss or one thing so much storyline is an RPG yeah but kind of wish I just go do my own thing it’s supposed to be an online server I having to switch

Interesting well he’s dead freaking NPCs are going in front of my attacks what the can I get sword now oh no there more bash right what right right left must be running the parkour course nice penguin nice stand cash like like right left right right left right all right how far

Do you have to go to get out of the cave it shouldn’t be too hard what the [ __ ] right left right right left right right left right there’s nothing happening what the hell do you want me to do dude I catch up to you where are

You at the back of I’m right now where you are all left right all left right nothing happened I have to chase this guy think you have different stories maybe what Boulder do you want me to freaking smack you have any spells yet yeah I don’t know how to freaking I can’t

Block you mean soft blocked what do you want me to do what the hell do break me man’s struggling I’m kill chill what do you want me to [Applause] do all right I think you’re going to make good recruits themselves well I just finished giant killing the giant boss what

Boulder what are you talking about Boulder are you at the boat I’m not even in a boat oh wow how did I pass you that’s crazy cuz I have to okay now I’m almost at the boat I think [ __ ] you moving me the skeletal Mage oh yeah I just killed him

Chase I think Chase go oh no guess I can’t do anything else have to find the king where’s the king oh there he is he’s over here the king is over here I need to turn down the music cuz I guarantee it’s really loud it is really loud yeah there we go

That was easy that was kind of disappointing not going lie but what the story line or the fact that you couldn’t do that the Skeleton thing cuz I be a little harder okay outside now I guess I’m going to the boat all right improve your main attack damage R using

One okay I’m as they heal all right what does it want us to do oh you click that’s oh I think I’m where you are now soone it’s pretty exciting finally here I’m going to head off Direction de L soon but I want to tell you something

First there’s this handy book and G away here the content but and displ items the world class caves and more it also let you track any content you want which more creative Beacon can follow here why don’t you try it and’s brother can get started get

Close exit door com I love him in Click the track I’m going to head to the end of the world R Trail the entrance in N you should be there once you get there a little stronger right click while holding your compass all right increase Point your

Maximum man in the water damage May inflict and reduce spell cost the fire damage the air ther and Earth increase any damage you do and increase the Earth damage increase the chance of doubling damage maximum Mana so reduce any damage you take get some Dodge all right okay I’m in the

Thingy spell cost reduction did you take um I’m outside the the castle oh you defeating things no I’m like right outside the castle door um yeah there there’s zombies no like I’m in the city still in the city oh you know where the castle is I level up I think

Nice I still don’t see you that’s the thing yeah that’s cuz you’re still you’re weren’t outside the castle you were outside the city you were outside the kingdom there’s people here that overpow right here I’m glowing literally behind you you’re blind buddy you’re behind me bro right here do you not see

Me I’m right in front of your face I’m right next to you I’m literally following you there’s a Golem in front of you it’s called a guard Golem all right relaunch relaunch just close your game close your game relaunch cuz I see you you don’t see people we’re literally fighting the same

Zombies like that level I’m about to shoot a meteor at it I threw a meteor at it just relaunch relaunch relaunch relaunch relaunch I see other people relaunch just leave relaunch okay okay okay let me get this okay that’s it hopefully it saves I don’t know if it

Does save it saves it’s an online server tell me when you rejoin in I see you now so proud of you let’s go further out and kill them all a creep party again we’re still in the same party are we that’s why you’re highlighted you’re a default skin am I a

Default skin yeah probably you’re just um something like a black Cube oh okay that’s my skin then yeah I had eyes have to it what I do with the emeralds they’re currency I am now leaving Rani Lo chest what’s the difference in that okay back

I don’t have I don’t have an axe I think you need an axe yep you need an axe interesting okay there’s a twool merchant we can get one here sounds about right uh pickaxe price all right I have all basic gear now I just threw my axe oh okay that’s gone

Well how do I open chests you must identify this item before using it what do do you know you would know if you went to the tutorial I skipped it cuz cuz how’s that working out for you now wonderful it’s a quest you want to do a quest yeah sure

I think I did I start it track so how do I track things how did you get the book it’s in your bottom right oh yeah I think I yeah would have known if you watched no I already had it I thought it was a page I thought you

Found like a scroll type [ __ ] we’re supposed to go this way cuz I already accepted it cuz I he [ __ ] accepted it earlier yeah but how do you know where to go it says my thing’s over here wellow man you would have read if only you read the

Tutorial did you accept the right the same one I don’t know oh it’s like a gotcha type thing brother what’s mine mine is two the four average six this is average eight upgrade on my staff that’s it excuse me can’t you see I’m busy I didn’t know this

Is send to the cave and bring one energy musroom to T all right we need to go to the cave a cave do I know where said cave is I do not know I think it’s just supposed to track I don’t know where it’s tracking I’m going to

Try Benny protect me I’m typing something I’m dead never mind what what um well does does look like you lose anything when you die luckily oh two Soul points have been lost rip how do I sell [ __ ] I don’t know I’m looking once I figure out how the sell [ __ ] I’m

Going to be unstoppable me too if I can find out away what excuse me than you wood what what the [ __ ] I black says sell scrap and repair items I figured it out where actually it says scrap so it’s probably going to be better you had to

Go do it blacksmith I’ll probably be better than scrap I guarantee it all right well I’m back in the Village me too right next to you oh did you die no I came back oh okay you’re just better Al I just sold a bunch of stuff I don’t know what the

[ __ ] how I buy St we’re going to figure it out eventually we’ll get this but there’s a leveling system so you disappeared again you should have dis yeah I’m in the I’m outside I’m fighting things I’m outside with you but I don’t know where’ you go I’m watching your

Stream I’m right next to you curently oh we’re back at that glitch there’s a bunch of zombies coming towards you is it night time for you how is it night time it’s not night time for me most taking damage my stuff oh this guy oh for me you’re at the gate you’re

Right there for me I’m lost I’m at the I’m at the [ __ ] Merchant guy the shop guy outside uh the one with the big Shield no what are you dude the [ __ ] The Tool Guy are you okay today dude I don’t think it’s me I think it’s

My brain that would be you silly Billy ex what this is Pigman up it is a little wild yeah I would say it’s quite crazy access okay we only have five inventory that sucks where’d you go I’m taking damage what’s attacking me everything literally didn’t see anything it’s that just me

Then I died to nothing oh no it’s it’s these little freaking pig Childs there was nothing in my sight there is pig Childs I think the game’s hacking I don’t know what these Soul points are used for but it seems like they might be important and I don’t want to lose all of

Them I leveled up cool it’s a weird way leveling up all right right I don’t understand it too much I think we share experience cuz I killed something one Pigman meat to the pouch wow my spells are overpowered lovely you have enough Mana I run out of

Mana I am attacking random thing no I’m not oh it’s night time rightside oh there yeah there thing behind you I don’t like I can’t see anything it’s definitely very weird but it’s fun I’m having fun Minecraft they’re trying their best so I being attack but what nothing oh there’s a freaking

Skeleton over here this guy’s shooting zombies at you the strong zombie literally shooting zombies at you what the oh it’s just spawning constantly is it night for you yet or yeah a little bit okay A little bit okay it’s clim base it’s full on night time for me

I’m seeing a lot of zombies here it looks like free experience to me yep don’t run out of Mana copper I don’t have a pickaxe but I I have a pickaxe try try to get it hell yeah boys copper mining nice I can’t see anything so this is very confusing but okay so

What are you confused about now talk to me where to buy things where to sell things that’s it oh it’s it’s at the the blacksmith and you go to the armor guy there’s a okay so blacksmith is pro what it looked like is the only way to like scrap and sell your items

And your pair stuff and there’s a shopkeep in this in the in like at the place and there’s like an armor guy a weapon guy and like there’s a food guy that wants you to come back at level three so I murking these zombies dude me too these zombies don’t want the smoke

Dude thank you death thank you death I love the music dude I’m in the mines so when you get to me um I’m going to be in the mines mine no the There’s a Zombie Mine okay it’s more to the left where we were okay I thought going to a place where

There’s less players would be more beneficial you know to Ren lag there’s a whole ass store what the yeah man I to turn the volume up as much as I can I mean not the to turn up brightness apparently I’m buying a free pet oh nice congratulations on your

Pet how do I do more damage inrease the damage you y okay I got a pet I guess don’t know what that means I have a chicken pet nice that’s stupid okay I’m now level four hell yeah is that’s my lag maybe it’s not my experience cuz I just killed something

Oh you need 64 emeralds oh that’s my health that right is my health it is yep cuz you have 22 Health don’t you to the right is my level your boy is going to be grinding Minecraft hey there’s a never mind oh wow there’s a three star chest right right here I

Got a potion of healing that I accidentally drunk I got thingy cool I got rare undefined boots I got rare undefined wand and I got an undefined bow I got an active Fireball cool how do itif chest um you go to the there’s a [ __ ] there’s someone you talk to I got

It I got an emerald block and 75 experience nice so I like this I like the dungeon crawling aspect of this that’s what I was mainly looking for the other one I played was a was kind of like this this one seems a little better the other one had a better leveling system

Though it’s a bit sketch for this one but it’s fine the other one I played was um you leveled up the skills by by itself like you didn’t have skill points to level up like you doing the action leveled it up you know what I mean yeah like if I punch something I

Upgraded punching and if I that makes sense depressing huh you want a depressing spear that’s crazy that’s wild okay I am leveled up leveled up we’ll see what happens now you are now level three yep oh look at my health actually oh wow I’m currently fighting level 10 people right

Now nice I’m coming to you right now wait are you underneath like at the start of the no cave I’m at like a high level area and I don’t know well I I’m at a level 10 area I wish was a map there’s no map I

Just you said um what’s uh how do it’s F3 to look at cords yep it is F3 yeah I have to go to the 538 uh me I have to for the quest I’m doing three negatives 5 where’s my cords at all right I need to go here and then what it say

67 what’s your cords and then I have to go to and then I have to go to 1586 58 538 which is right here I need to go to 15 15 oh I have a pen right there that sucks I just did all that hard math just to be

Stupid okay so where are you then um I’m next I I really don’t know CS I’ll find you uhga 538 67 negative 1,500 first and last one I hear it 538 and negative 1500 1500 so you’re over here there’s a lot of zombies a huge mountain I I’m near like a temple

Biome I’m where we were earlier I’m behind you I’m behind you I’m right here oh I see it wants me to go in a cave so I don’t know I think the cave is over here where we were where we died oh here I don’t

Know is there is that a cave it doesn’t say cave though I’m fighting it though fighting what the [ __ ] corrupted alter that you just said here I killed it oh God I’m scared oh I’m rich though oh yeah I got something all right well there’s a cave somewhere around

Here I think that right here I think this is the Cave the UI needs an upgrade for sure but yeah this is where we need to go living mushrooms love it okay energy mushroom has dropped that’s a level two chest were you able to loot it yeah cool so it’s client

Based yeah you have your own loot I’m just destroying things right behind you I don’t know I’m leveling up like crazy in here though yeah me too remember you you have spells I think so I can probably use that I am I don’t know if you’re seeing them but I’m spamming

Medor okay that’s that one I can’t see anything in this cave it’s all good it’s all good let’s just keep going and two star chest yeah there’s diamonds in here lot of diamonds in here oh the second floor oh it’s the identifier that’s cool yeah I need this right

Now I’m getting attacked I’m getting attacked I’m getting attacked please help me I got a poli spear hold on help out please please please please please please there we go thank you oh this is cool I got some good loot holy moly yeah all right I need to sell some [ __ ]

Neutral so my thing does average eight damage can you help me protect me trying to do [ __ ] I now a thing that does oh my combat level is not strong enough for it though yeah I had some stuff oh look at my spear new spear right now I have to use this weak

Uh Spar lock and then I can do some better stuff oh [ __ ] this thing is strong oh your coordinates is right on the bottom your health is and stuff like right on top nice jeez and I need I don’t know if my strength will upgrade my my magic damage it will I

Think hopefully I don’t know maybe questionable right I upgraded it [ __ ] it whatever where where’ you go me I’m back in the the town oh you use thing yeah I unskill issued myself there are no freaking aggressive mobs nearby what do you want how do I use it I use a I don’t

Know wish I had more inventory space for sure open the ener access your personal bank you a l bro how’ you use it right click to use I’m right clicking you’re so silly got it I’m proud of you that’s stupid okay stupid I don’t know what that is the transfer

Thing level nine I need to get my combat stuff to level 9 I need to hit Level 9 now so where you chilling at um by the blacksmith I got you I gotta sounds good a bunch of emerals now so how you liking it how you liking the

Server it’s good very confusing but it’s good oh I have one for you hold on hold on come here come to me come to me come I have a really good stick for you I don’t know you have level who what class are you oh wait I have one that I need

To be level 84 how much damage does it do average DPS three to five but the water damage 1 to 15 ah so I see where it’s going to make us do more oh dropped it I got scared yeah I guess you could toss it to see oh it looks

Cool oh can we not pick up player items there’s a trade feature I guarantee it I hit trade doesn’t happen huh how did you trade okay yeah okay all right cool there you go um here’s some wood thank you just give me anything doesn’t matter all right

Then there you go oh that’s cool it’s animated it’s cool looking do yet uh what does the merchants have mid what do the merchant do I don’t know for sure yet oh [ __ ] you can hurt civilians I didn’t do it I did not [ __ ] do it so on watch out I’m

Guarantee you can make kingdoms mad at you now cool so that means we can Slaughter Villages later on IM Starfield you can kill anybody comat Dum it’s good to know that I could Slaughter innocent people I’m trying to find a way to get the [ __ ] out of here it’s the

Front huh the front over here yeah know I know it’s going to be the front silly just pick up what yeah over here behind you oh wait the Baker wants me to show up over here I forgot you sold me S for emeralds if you’re with

You thinking order me to kick all these new recruits which I don’t have the ingredients the foot you can get me two EGS a bucket of milk and three really quickly uh cook assistant oh that’s really cool actually you want to trade again oh I know never mind okay

What said you offer asked me for a trade so I tried to Mi up but I was confused right now let’s get the hell out of here I want to do a quest but like what the I think it’s like a f room type [ __ ] right now I’m doing that egg

Quest wait hold on hold on wait hold on okay hold on let do the same quest uh Pig Quest cook assistant yep find gathered so we need to get I do the same thing as you though that works it does where are you I’m about to go out here

And go somewhere where players aren’t cuz I don’t like people it be like that though oh I see the blue Mark you see the blue marker too right yep okay yeah this looks like a farming Village it does all right brother fresh recruit did you see my posting good good

Recently my dear stepa pass corrupted his body and you turned into an unable Beast one crate rat poison that’s where you come in if you’re prison the water res is done for that’s that switches the quest just turn it back on [ __ ] [ __ ] uh currently in progress cus

There a COR farmer I can’t kill it’s attacked I don’t know I’m I’m running holy crap he hurts though yeah I know I don’t think we should touch his stuff dude I’m on private property apparently yep well that makes sense now we should have been on private

Property I can’t move out of here yeah the crops keep changing crop I can’t get out oh there we go I got it how do I get out of private property uh come toward the haze or where I am they’ll keep glitching you keep going keep going not that way you can’t get

Us just clb on the haze and get the freak out oh my God I’m so sorry for trespassing me too jeez I’ll never do it again I will I will I lied I lied oh you got a little uh party going behind you okay he died instantly I can’t see anything it’s

Morning for you by the way I see you in stream yeah it’s about to be morning for me in real life too it’s like 5:15 yeah oh wait I got something I got stuff already okay need eggs a bucket of milk it wants me to go way down over

Here I’m following you because I can’t see [ __ ] key Guardian nice fish I got a rare helmet do this is the ranch I guess oh yeah we can start killing chicken now you have chickens there’s chicken over here I’m collecting wheat nice I don’t I don’t know what we need but we’ll

See we need I need two more wheat hey your farming leveled up congratulations and then I just need two more I just need two more eggs and a bucket of milk my chicken is going insane what the [ __ ] bro is murdering everybody you he’s a good chicken you find any eggs over there

I have absolutely nothing but that qu of thing I don’t what do I need two eggs one wheat one bucket of milk or no yeah three weat okay how do I get eggs good question oh found out how you get eggs you kill the animals you come to where I am it’s a

Barn and it’s a spawner pretty much oh okay you need a bucket or I don’t know yet I was just going to keep slaughtering them until something happened I just need one more egg now I need okay okay there’s a bucket Merchant is there actually a bucket

Merchant yeah I got I got a bucket of milk that’s crazy bucket Merchant is crazy I need aye though two I got to nice right let’s go hey level two farming congratulations buddy nice we all leveling up now I think I got three I get

Three I can’t did I get three I don’t know wheat string I don’t know I got anything did I get it or not I don’t know in your inventory what do you mean like any Wheat yeah I have some wheat like anything so I am going to go for a Healer thing

Do me healer um I’m going to go for the light Bender architect which is supports allies and become stronger as they heal so I’m going to be like get healing [ __ ] oh okay I got three wheat how do you get eggs kill chickens kill I’ve been killing chickens

For a while I know that’s a drop rate that’s [ __ ] that’s per usual for RPG games like that I just got leather for murking a cow I like how the pouch at least holds everything useful all the tiny tiny stuff pouch pouch ingredient pouch yeah in your

Inventory you put stuff in I can’t put stuff it automatically go in you can hover over it and see what’s in it I egg well while you’re doing all that I am going to upgrade my minor skills because I feel like that’s going to be useful cutting down trees and farming

Yeah have you found eggs Yeah by killing just kid chickens every now and then I don’t get it every every kill but I get some sometime just keep upgrading stats new tool Gathering Scythe Ay I have one egg where if I have like so much chicken I have a good bit of eggs actually I’m not going to lie with you no more chickens spawning levels sprad there for egg you can SL that by slaying chickens we bucking both no merch for

Those right over there we grains tools right click whe nearby right huh get the milk yeah nice chicken I just need like one more egg this is rough I agree yes it is rough I’m killing chicken I have a chicken pet it’s messed up it’s kind of messed up low

Key wild lowkey [ __ ] hash Calla he eats chicken he’s kind chicken okay I have everything I think yeah three wheat string one bucket of milk and three eggs yeah I also have three EGS you’re getting more wheat yeah I told you I was upgrading my stuff while I was waiting for you

Nice all right let’s go guess we go back to the town yep watch you’re going to kill chickens now you’re going to get so much eggs that’ be wild hey I found a rare helmet how you finding helmets already oh we could just teleport back forgot I don’t have any teleport stuff

How did you teleport oh I don’t have t yeah it’s like a one use one use just a teaser oh we get 60% ex extra experience because we huh you get 60% more extra experience when we’re killing things CU we’re together in a party you want to see

Something really cool though that I have that I might not work what the [ __ ] oh you have a Sprint thing I have a Teleport yeah welcome to being a mage you’ll probably get something that I’ll be jealous of later on though guaranteed have a dash oh okay same thing

Then it just beats up me for a little bit the [ __ ] did you go you disappeared kept teleport mildly spammed it until I got to the shop just hear him ring too quick like blacksmith where’s the freaking egg guy I don’t know actually I’m G be honest the cool the cook oh the

Cool where you at oh you’re way back over there hold on yeah I do that too all right combat level 9 am I wearing com level five so that’s 11 that gives me XP lootus plus three intelligence think it’s spear maybe 14 11 14 2 to eight still need three wheat grains get

Eggs this guy scammed me did you get anything for completing his stupid Quest no I didn’t go to the thing yet but I will what’s funny I leveled up in F and really I didn’t have farming what did it say you complete the quest yeah I completed the

Quest but it’s stupid [ __ ] I didn’t complete the quest cuz um I kept getting wheat string instead of wheat grains cuz I was too good the quest either did it still say track Quest cook distance on the right side of your screen yeah yep okay let me sell this [ __ ] real

Quick do you want these uh these are rare boots you want them oh what level they’re level five most likely yeah have health 21 defense three yeah I only have like Health two I mean Health 10 on mine I’m still in the middle of the area

Oh I’m mining at the moment I’m going back to the town to our left I don’t know where heck you went um when you get out the city just go straight left wait till your name pops up or your outline so how do you get the wheat [ __ ] I

Now like might upgrade your sight I think there’s like a chance of you getting it and there’s a chance of getting weed string or unless it’s the difference between right clicking and left clicking maybe but it turns it turns to regular wheat and then turns to string

Wheat I noticed that when I was picking it up okay oh I see so there’s a it’s a drop rate as well okay that’s wonderful I like that actually I’m just going to keep grabbing um I got enough wheat but I’ll stay here till you get

Yours no no you can go back I’ll get it myself all right if you insist uh what what how much health do you have in your helmet um 19 19 okay never mind yeah it seems like you you’re getting way luckier with Loot drop when it comes to the

Items not necessarily I’m getting like material drops and you’re getting uh equipment drops yeah kind of hostage God okay I’m not doing that all the ingredients I can’t thank you enough here these emeralds for your troubles should exp around the stronger I hear that there might be work in the

Nin War oh yeah we get a lot of experience and a waste AER ability to your first steps nice wait so it does a drop right right huh the wheat is a Dr it it is yes I got 13 wheat strings before I got three wheat this item’s power has been sealed

Take it to an end of mys wow that’s actually pretty good this guy gave me some boots that are pretty good I mean a pant an apron nice so side quest are where it’s at it looks like it’s coming morning pick another one and I’ll meet you there I guess

All right um how much does your uh oh wait what’s your class name um Warrior Knight that weapon’s not for you okay so how much damage say your attack to your melee weapon 16 technically but seven to 14 okay so so it says average 16 I have something for you then this does

18 18 to what just 18 I don’t I’m not looking at natural damage neutral damage I’m looking at average DPS because that pretty much tells you what it’s going to do 17 to 11 average DPS is 18 now because that’s plus three strength always look at average

DPS yeah but like what’s it what does it do like what does it have plus four Health minus four walk speed plus three strength that’s it oh plus three strength gives it the extra stuff that’s why so plus four health or minus two walk speed that you’re

Added cuz you said you had something for me so I might as well look out for you as well yeah this has 21 health so you’re going to go from 73 to like probably 100 should be fine I’m not doing that what what are you waiting for

Just tell me when you’re back to the town okay get the mushroom we climb these stairs BL blah all right no wheat I got a ring a ring yeah oh you can add those accessories think you can have two rings so I have XP bonus and walk speed nice murder

Everything I still have got one to eat I have like 20 regular thing this is insane I think the game hates you can I go down this CID is blocked oh my gosh I have level level eight ining jeez just get some bro for real yo what’s up L you what’s good

What’s good welcome to the stream welcome to the stream how you doing how you doing sorry if I seen it a little bit lateer I was um zoning out playing this game talking to my buddy you know how it is you know how it is it’s a pretty good server

Honestly pretty solid I LEL ited up there’s levels and [ __ ] and everything you good how about you I’ve been chilling man I’ve been chilling lot Lou oh what other games you play man what other games you play um I need to level up this more skill we go warm craft yeah that’s where

It’s at it’s fun I’m new I’m new I just started as you can probably tell I’m level seven and my other friend’s level 80 he just started as well he’s having a me he’s level five he’s struggling right now for the the weak C the the weak quest for the the cook

Um what quest am I even doing a we can do the one where we uh poison the water bet let me can you help me here I just need a better chance this [ __ ] Bro oh yeah let me just poison this Farmer’s water I’m so happy I’m poison this [ __ ]

Farmer’s water oh I look I might be in jail um I’m getting black screen constantly slay oh God I’m fighting a boss he’s not a boss but I I killed the farmer hell yeah oh level eight yeah no I didn’t mean to say level 80 I did not mean to

Say we’re not level 80 we are level seven and five I just said 80 because I looked at his health and I saw number we are not that high of a level we are very low we just started an hour go is more exciting than I anticipate

Still good work I’m glad you were able to get rid of that member I mean poor stepdad oh my God that the former was his stepdad and he told us the poison is [ __ ] oh my God what oh we can use this Farm though we have access to the farm that

We kept getting kicked out of you’re going way ahead of me other way no I just did that I did that one Quest that’s it but that’s all right his stepdad was infected with corruption oh I got you I got you is that a thing that’s common like where

Are you at oh you’re back here I’m pretty sure I think I’m in the same town as you now I don’t know I kind of just started teleporting crazy coming back so do you just need wheat is that all you need yeah I got it

Already oh okay I was about to say I just got one by the way it’s right click not left click oh I’ve been doing those I thought it was both for it because if I right click I is it does it make a difference um yeah I right click I got

One so let me left click and see if I get one he was already dead his corpse was infected with corruption which basically just creates his Undead okay oh yeah I think left click might have been weak string y I’m so sorry have to read the thing you got to

Read before we actually do it we sure do I See You by the way I appreciate it I gotta well Lou if you want we have a Discord if you want to join our Discord and we’re probably going to play this more often so I’d be down to get

More people to play this with you know what I mean you’ll probably be our first member from um winecraft but you know it’s going to be a Vibe you already know Gathering post interesting mini Quest start gather wheat bring wheat string or wheat grains to the Gathering

Post oh wow I already have that much W farming Comet finish quest you already finished this manyi Quest okay hell yeah oh windcraft okay I thought it was winecraft like DNE like wyvern all right windcraft works so I say let’s uh start a new Quest because I already did all the ones

That I have started oh no I don’t I got one right here all right there’s a quest in your book called sewers sewers of ragy do you have that one even though the owner is apparently a wine oh God yeah I have that one you want do is yeah I’m doing it right

Now wait for me then because I need trade actually trade come back to the regular area I can give you this stuff got a angry very angry horse at me he’s like had like an entire B of w me for the last Dev stream because of social oh

God so the owner of this game streams and he’s an alcoholic that’s what’s up dude I [ __ ] love that now I really have to keep playing the game we love alcoholic Minecrafters we love it dop it’s not the worst thing well he streams every once like three oh four years oh I’m

Dead so um I found down a Ravine and I’m afraid to tell you that I don’t think there’s any coming back unless I I’m where I’m supposed to be there’s no hope for me W I actually would like you to somehow help me but that’s not in the that’s not in the

Fat we’ll see I have to go back there anyway well I don’t think you know where the Ravine is I think I know what you’re talking about it’s right next to the f I think it would be funnier to believe C that they’re an alcoholic you know what I

Mean it isn’t particularly hard I gotta yeah the rats don’t really seem too dangerous too dangerous say well yeah I mean they’re kind of not doing anything all right just speed swim um I’m just going to keep going this way it’s just easier to believe someone

Is alol when you hav’t really the same conversation it’s all right it’s all right cool even if they’re not there’s still a vibe it’s not like I’m legitimately going to judge someone come on everyone needs an escape some people use drugs some people use alcohol some people play video games we all need

Something wink wink wink wink I’m kind of just swimming around not going to lie I don’t really don’t know where I’m going there’s so many Emerald merchs I don’t know what do them right you can find boss Alters which allows you to fight powerful bosses for a small price

To give you exclusive items and ingredients for more information yo what’s good dead inside there are like too many main ways out of the Ravine I got you I close to any of the main ways out I’m at the Town by the way I’m just under it I’m at the moat now

I found it though I figured it out let’s go bro hell yeah woo what to use these pants I need to [ __ ] finish a quest that’s slame what do you mean I haven’t finished the quest infested plants oh there it is at the entrance okay uh I’m at the middle too so where

You um I’m at the gate I think oh I think I’m at a whole different city no I’m in raggy I’m just at a different side of it still can’t get on Xbox but when I will once I get paid that’s what’s up inside yeah it’s the

Tutorial in order to do YouTube Quest you get Quest rewards that require more Quest to get you to do more quests yeah I guess that makes sense but come on that’s crazy let me get my loot you know what I mean I just want my loot don’t

Put the loot behind the pay wall or a quest wall I mean all right I’m at the center of the town near the uh King guard I’m going to the bank yeah it’s only two quests that you do that isn’t that big of it yeah I bet not

You’re probably like a super high level so that’s probably not like anything to you what oh there go I converted all my currency besides both of those quests are required for much more stuff as well gotcha just access your personal bank be slowly categorizing everything because I have OCD B yeah at the

Bank where you at yeah let’s say yeah here’s yours that I want to give you let’s say I’m about to get scammed here oh no the scammer all right sides also ad moment okay ads over I can hear you again Yoo that’s what’s up Lou all right I

Got I got the Thunder oh plus three defense but or what oh it’s Elemental [ __ ] oh I got Thunder defense but low Earth Defense I got more Mana regen though and more spell damage hell yeah that’s a mage pair of boots right there hell yeah got a [ __ ] have health

Now oh no hold on for the apron remember the apron yeah I need to do another Quest yeah the leach something infested plants yeah and that’s what I’m going to do now infested plants just so we can get the boots where is it’s the third one for me it says mean

Him at the gate or some [ __ ] some dumb stuff something you need to keep in mind is that new players tend to not fully understand all classes are spell classes interesting I can get behind that so when it means um melee when it says strength that include that includes

My damage as well even though it says strength not magic okay cool cool cool behind me EO enters the chat oh snap hell yeah boys hell yeah hey where are you I’m at the gate you lose me a lot yo what’s good huh um from the tool Merchant welcome to the stream man

Welcome to the stream melee builds existing doesn’t make any class that melee build gotcha oh no I only got this because Um first spell usage yeah I mainly only use this one this uh build not build but class because I wanted to do um it said healing I could have I either wanted the summoner build or the healing build and I wanted to be able to heal teammates

So yeah that makes sense yeah here I am I love being a support man all right let’s just go over here currently inside the White metor interesting y are such a higher level than me I don’t even know what you are saying I’ll get there one day guys God I would

Support Ms had any place in wi windcraft what do you mean no don’t tell me I’m not part of the meta guys no no no say it ain’t so I just want to heal I just want to be healed you know what that means Benny that

Means I got to heal you since you’re going to be part of the meta and you’re going to kill everything and I’m going to make you Unstoppable and we’re going to rival God hell yeah hell yeah I gotta find you now right I’m at the quest

All oh Gathering post that W you need wood cutting level eight to start this oh damn what’s my wood cutting at I got a legendary Crate by the way I just got a legendary wand lucky Shaman left the chat what it just isn’t met Shaman oh

Man no it’s okay I don’t care if I don’t play meta I do so many weird things in games is usable just not fun in any end game activities I go you yo maybe later I’m playing on I’ll be right Back all back good night penguin have a wonderful night I run all raids with Shaman except TNA got you got to all raids except TNA are neglectable bro making an Olympic build right now so I can use Shaman in TNA TCC literally has a win rate so I has to be

Made harder oh my God y are like talking about a lot of stuff I don’t understand I’ll get there eventually so um Benny are you at the area yet yeah I was oh I got you it seems you need to pass through the village I’ve heard Kong with spiders but between you

And me be hey you two your soldiers right like faction said see fol are supposed to help people so help oh yes of course blah blah blah blah I don’t care hardly heal me clearly in no condition to get it myself all right here to get you that

Herb can do solders follow me let’s start F play so um what soul points Ed for can I’m asking chat I think I do I have to get a shot so I can get Toms for my sham feel I think yeah what are the soul points use

For cuz I know when you die you lose them and you gain them every day I need to chop trees to get all to level eight I’m almost at level eight yeah so my n you go for whatever skill points you like I’m chopping out all these trees

Yeah try to get a better axe too then you see what currency you use it’s these uh tab oh that’s people can I just I just forgot to click every button I don’t know how to do anything now okay yeah oh drop Chance some your materials ingredients items oh okay

You see we currently you currently can lose but inell incre spell us which is the only thing that doesn’t naturally get better as you level up having less Soul points increase the chance of dropping items upon death oh that’s bad okay so you want to have as much

Soul points as possible so points are such an outdated system when they finally remove them when will they finally R okay I got you it’s ramp with what would they replace it though just trying to chop trees down and the spiders are killing me I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m

About to die I’m about to die they that guy hit like a [ __ ] truck where’ you go I’m at the edge of the forest oh I see I see see I’m a defender of death needs the penalty then I setep back to the next city these guys are

Terrifying holy crap I just want to chop wood no pouncy fair a lot of people including saluted of like agree though well I’m going head out to get lunch hope you continue have fun thank you Ides oh here’s our Discord if you want to join before you leave that’s where

I’ll probably be chilling I play all types of other games maybe just mostly salted as well Perle rsel eight nice I’m level dead just about by oxide by oxide thank for all for stopping by thank you thank you thank you thanks for the advice tips right really helped me cuz I really

Didn’t know what soul points were used for at all neither I thought it just use for the coming back me too saltan is the owner by the way Goa luk coolu is like the Chad in helping out new players though he’s HTH the chat knows more than us we just

Started is the chat dad he’s himothy oh I got a loot chest I got a really bad bow it looks like same hey your one cutting is better hell yeah man level hell yeah [ __ ] you spider [ __ ] you spider I’m protect you I got appreciate it

Just cut a little bit more trees 10 said uh level eight it’s all funny gam so I get like half the Discord server in this game now I play Minecraft this is definitely going to be a game I start streaming hey combat level is risen the emerald um where is the very beginning

Of this town oh it’s right here cool gather oak logs gather 12 oak logs or 12 Oak paintings I need one more Oak log so want you to have 12 oak logs how many do you have I have 12 already yeah exactly 12 actually perfect then [ __ ] also I just saw you’ve been

Live for 11 hours you know cool I get that a lot I get that a lot I’m going to be honest with you I play other games all the time there we go and I’m going to turn in the quest hell yeah I’m going to level up my

Gathering by one more so I can start mining Birch so do you play any other games or is this all you play or should I ask like what other games do you watch so I know if uh I can start streaming other games that you might like to

Watch there we go and now I can mine merch and also is there a max level in this game uh cool that I would definitely like to know dying but I didn’t die yet surprisingly there is a Max Level I got you oh wow I couldn’t get any the loot

Because I didn’t look at it what’s this Tower [ __ ] you damn spiders man I was wondering if I thought there was going to be like an alter in here or something oh there might be actually oh you just hurt don’t you all right time to climb whatever Tower this is

Whoa voice fast Echoes of the wind press shift filter portal Ser they’ve reached Nal all of their checkpoints have been overrun he’s there sir I see him back up sir he’s leading thousands this could Mark the fall of ragy we’ve held this forest for years there’s no

One left to save us oh [ __ ] some more 103 unlocks the last piece of content unlocks the last ability thing 105 is the soft cap and the highest gear requirement and 106 is grind grindy overflow level that takes the same XP as one to 105 to reach yeah

That makes sense interesting so the max level is 106 intro good to know good to know so we got plenty of content by the way Ben Benji if you didn’t know we’ll probably start feeling the level C that at like around level 30 level

50 yeah I guess so but we have a long way to go yeah and you guess it I have all classes yep I’m I feel you that’s what’s up cool do they ever plan on increasing the level cap or is this game like kind of at the point where it’s kind of

Dead because it’ be sad to see that all of the stuff like we joined probably next year nice okay so there’s still updating cool cool cool cool let’s say I would hate to see a game join a game that’s like already dead that has no potential to grow while I’m playing

It because I’d like to see I like to see games adapt when I play get away from me get away from me you stupid horse which is going to make for some interesting lore there’ll be a new Pro oh nice we love lore we love the lore all right interesting well that

Was so Benji where are you in the forest killing a bunch of spiders Goa I probably should equip that Quest I kind of just started free roaming me too but I kind of found a lot of things in SPID thing and leveling really isn’t a grindy process oh it’s not that’s

Surprising yeah cuz I’m at level eight right now no he he just level up by just killing things yeah I figured that it’s just I figured like once you hit like level 40 level 5050 is when like your exp bar starts getting really hard to level up pretty much

Yeah I have too much loot don’t I yeah my loot thing’s filled that’s what it seem going to see like to Me I start dropping shitty items I need to get back to the city then really if you just do the content in your content B should really hit any point you content you have to mod level up level five or at least 103 gotcha I do a [ __ ] ton of free roaming

So I think I should be fine then just like right now I’m free roaming I will start running to a city so I can start selling selling everything i s I have a few of those yeah my end blocker is really disappointing today that’s wild I’m I’m kind of excited for whatever

This this legendary thing is going to tell me what it is oh you have yeah buddy see if I got anything good my staff does 14 damage I’m looking should be looking at levels holy [ __ ] okay oh wait never mind my staff is level eight so I have to look for

Levels whoa wait you’re a shaman right or you’re not a shaman I am a shaman you are no I’m a mage I’m a mage I’m a mage a [ __ ] there’s one that has like 25 damage a staff that’s cool level two this is for level 11 is there anything for level

11 anything level 11er does more than 23 yeah everything sucks and I got nothing for you either so that’s even worse I don’t have anything for you right now either yeah right I’m about to sell all this [ __ ] I got my legendary one that’s going

To be pretty decent when I get it it has 10% magic regen fire damage water damage air Thunder pretty much any all damage increase that’s good I just need to sell stuff there we go so I have a question for you Lou is um for early on should I scrap items or sell

Ancient One sick yo the high player said it looked good let’s go yeah should I scrap or sell items early on Lou because I figured scrapping was better I just oh selling is better all right I got you I’m stupid then you scrapping everything yeah I thought that would be easier

Because it’s like more materials most games scrapping is better I mean that’s true but still telling me you sold Everything hey man I was contemp being broke knowing I had a [ __ ] ton items I low player also has to level low class of ancient one is always a good way to go that’s what’s up are you still doing the infested PL Quest yeah I just had a [ __ ] ton of

Items in my inventory I would like an ender chest somewhere let’s get to know cool I’ll start selling stuff then what does scrap do like what does weapon scrap do I’m curious now there we go scrap and give scrap which is only used to repair craft items which

Isn’t something you’re likely going to use during your first playthrough technically scrapping and selling the scrap on the trade market makes more money on average but it also relies on that actually selling I gotcha I feel you Le that Dash thing you got yeah nice mean I hope so you’re level eight

Okay medicine in the spider cave by climbing the tree behind op okay hey I got a rare one how the [ __ ] do I climb this tree literally parkour um Benny you know I’m not good at that yeah do I now you knew Prett easy the right corner as I failed you got this

Falls I do so um l do you know any cool um Minecraft servers kind of more like that’s Lev like this that are still pretty fun slash relevant oh okay wait I’m wait for you why you see I look that oh it’s a boss oh yeah M wincraft also runs four

Additional annual FES which is the next one isn’t announced yet but I can make this will be released on Friday a lot of winecraft players also like monumenta but I’ve never tried it what’s uh let say what’s it about me you just said you never tried it

Yeah let not kill the eggs [ __ ] those eggs there’s also Hypixel of course but that isn’t really grinding not much RPG yeah I’m looking for RPG Monument is another MMO RPG okay so um that means Benny later on in the future you down the try out monumento that it’s another server like

This okay sounds like a plan all right cool already hared PL oh yeah I got it I got sacrum sacrum these nuts oh I’m so so [ __ ] funny you just ran p through the [ __ ] wall how did you do that uh smack it I decided to teleport through

It I’m currently stuck in this in the the in the web though I need help I decided to teleport over it and teleporting over was not the smart idea okay there go oh glit glitching Jesus there you are feels like you’ve been waiting for hours it really hasn’t

Been that long maybe 10 minutes at most well anyway you have that her it’s very unimportant to C me yep sacrum plant there thank you kindly for the work sold now payment see what I have to do out of emeralds well I cannot offer some advice

There’s a lot of fun in this Forest plenty of caves values to explore might be worth your time well you serious we’re going to it has been time soldiers but truly must be going we’re re we’re near Al Village you should stop by go and speak to the mayor and he’ll cover

My expenses well goodbye wow that’s crazy that he scammed us like that I got a bow what’s that’s frustrating he seems shady from the start I should have well that’s done let’s go coming I was in I was listening to the NPC you’re getting attack the same I’m sorry that you don’t watch

Lore they’re probably very ready from actually getting through for really is full of drug addicts oh my God I bet what what he called the guy that jipped us cuz uh in the L just now uh he pretty much we gave him the stuff and he gave us

Nothing and he looked Shady so the guy called him a drug adct which seems about right I mean we did fight like a poisonous spider so all right we got to go to the speak to the mayor yeah this main attack improve your main attack damage and range your wand for

Every raw spell damage you have from items gain magic regen heal and that is ice snake so I’m going to get this one so I can unlock heal you can’t actually get focus when you are in dialogue with the NPC so it’s anything jatil hit you by chance so when

We’re talking to an NPC we can’t can’t take damage all right let’s go cool all right uh let’s go to the end over here the May over here oh over there what the Silly Billy chest your rank by choice 30% off ranks get 30% off your rank of your choice

Wow that’s what we love we love pay the win yay pay the win yay right here I’m guessing click here the claim Travelers wel to our homew have come to stay or you still be passing through rather L name op direct speak with you oh I take your meeting poorly I

Just apologize where a tough men to deal with uh here I may offer you spell emeralds apology I hope he has not stored your opinion of another small town here oh thank you this curently will probably stay for a while before we continue towards D deis and feel free to

Make yourselves at home we welcome all travelers here no matter how long your stay is that’s what’s up no you can take damage mobs just can’t actively oh okay okay okay wait click the click here thing there is an almost permanent sale on rings don’t let the marketing for

You I got you I I bet there is a permanent [ __ ] like that how long have you been mayor oh dear I suppose but the old mayor steep down kind of man look for child work growing to our little town well soon as he pass down the poster be immedately

Trav de listen listen their army I hear they business training soldiers these days but I’ve tried to live to Legacy like they have is a mirror cool all right item identifier yeah I probably should Identify some items yeah we get the waste a run now nice 38 38 so level

9 what is this strength walk speed main attack speed intelligence XP bonus and loot bonus I need combat to be 11 to use that I can’t wait oh accessory Merchant that’s cool where oh [ __ ] there we go that’s what I need strength XP bonus main attack speed health

Regen get some health regen and a seed Lane perfect I guess this guy hello this place really nice is long before moving on towards those ready soon the mean I think you going to place this this place maybe something I’m Wonder there’s something we can

Help there Mushroom Man oh my God it is a Place full of drug addicts here talk to this guy then talk to Mushroom Man yeah okay where we go we got I’m I love talking to Mushroom Man Hi how are you can I hope on this perfectly normal day

Sorry to interrupt where soldiers from traveling blah blah blah great when be now Happ now your mushrooms enough maybe I can can’t IM like you kill the spider’s mushrooms all right follow young to the infested mushroom patch Mushroom Men Quest is way more sus by the way I got you

It sounds like it might be sus okay I’m here what do we do here on I I can feel the my mushrooms from here and the spiders no no no good so so mushrooms those those are bad crawly spiders kill them please you want to clear some more spiders slay 12 mushroom steer

These damn mushroom Steelers how I kill yeah me neither exped oh there we go oh I didn’t there more over here one on me right here nice here behind you you jeez many more do I have to kill oh yeah it’s done spiders no more spiders clear

Looks good than me there’s some free mushrooms the soers are fine I guess ready to pay you now it is whoever is fine with you come on okay come on it’s some J okay get it all excited just take creepy crawly spiders no this is bad this is really bad we

Need to tell the miror now did he get kidnapped by a spider something I didn’t see was not paying attention he used he used to literally drug you though oh my God that’s crazy I can’t use any of my abilities why I don’t know weird can you yeah d

He did by an entire swarm rip yeah that’s what he gets though something happened something probably happened with spiders yes yes I know Antics he doesn’t seem to be with you he ranom just says op did yeah that isn’t good at all you’re making moves such as this unprovoked

Oh also about spell casting okay what’s up pool I for will set out immediately come on uh he Lo wait you logged in and out did you relog yeah I did all right hopefully your spells are fixed Fair what option did you best it wants us to travel somewhere but

I don’t see the marker oh I see it now oh I just dropped my [ __ ] sword all right you still have the quest Mushroom Man yeah there’s it’s a multiple oh no yours is glitched now oh well rip cting same makes the cast that by five each time until you wait at least

To to present you the spell circle which means just switching between spells also you can do lock your items I got you what do I do now negative oh God I can actually so what happens if I kill civilians cuz I see I can do damage to them what happens if you kill

Them I know Benny find out you think I’m doing they have a lot of Health got this you got this nothing else we don’t get punished for it they drop anything yeah did they drop anything gaining health Fu [ __ ] this guy you know what let’s find

Out they also Reen a lot now this guy’s about to die [ __ ] this guy bro it’s a scam we can’t kill him what do we do now it’s a tease to redo that just casual citizen abuse you want me to wait for you then I can you can come and help

Me too yeah you can let me go back to where you are where you at where you at I’m lost I’m getting attack my [ __ ] there we go all right I’m trying to get back to you I don’t see you yeah I can’t I’m so lost come to you

Now we do it on a daily basis I’mma head out now have fun thank you Luke lukol oh no it’s LOL oh you have a wonderful night man thank you all for thank you for stopping by man I don’t know if you joined the Discord yet but

I’m going to post it one more time for you hope to see you around in there man it would be a pleasure to play this game with you if you want to do some grinding later on in the future you have a great night or morning

Sleep well if you’re going to sleep have a wonderful day if you’re have if you’re if it’s daytime I don’t know oh wait okay show me where they fast oh heck yeah yeah you have long range kind of things kind of yeah so what plan you got for today man if

Any what plan you got today um basically I think 7 o’ I got to go oh I take some photos I got so basically in 30 minutes R stre till 10 huh are you GNA be streaming till 10 I do not know you know I mean it just

Depends you can come off at the same time I come off that is also very true I don’t know it depends on how tired I am if I’m too tired so if I’m not that tired then I’m probably going to end up just uh streaming OverWatch Again by myself or

Play stack lands for a little bit or grind this out a little bit I don’t know yet hey don’t grind it without me what you actually not want me to if not then I’ll just play a different game what you do I like I kind of like

Staying at the same level you’re higher me right I’ll play it I won’t I won’t play it without you then I’ll grind monumentum without you though that’s right click for Gem I want a gem oh my God heavy yeah he does not look fun any lunges at you dude hey [ __ ]

Him I’m running oh he has a horse that’s good to know all right hell yeah all right we got a potion Merchant Weapons got a bowl I got a bowl air powder um Emerald Merchant all right let’s see what we got um [ __ ] level 16 mid wow nice this is where we get the regular stuff what do I have I have 21 30 14 what’s the difference between this [ __ ]

Wood oh it’s one star and two Star Wood okay now it makes sense I’m so confused Force web string air powder there we go Emerald Merchant holy [ __ ] um look at the trading Market that’s cool yeah that’s where the players sell [ __ ] I’m guessing kind of really good stuff

Here yep that sure is most these are high L stuff where players want to sell their items for better prices yeah most lot of level night toothbrush jeez liquid Merchant try to sell liquids wise oh so you know how you get blocks usually get the emerald Merion yeah a

Liquid Merchant is 64 of those blocks into little bottle oh and look there’s players that can um look there’s players that have booths did you complete the mission nope I was too memorized by the town I got sidetracked I should have I went straight towards over there dungeon SC

Mer all right how many points does that have do yeah um I can heal you now oh nope I know I kind of want to do something that has a lot of killing now oh level 13 nice you have level 13 monsters out here um is this the right

Way Del sheep kill the Sheep he did hell yeah They take some hits kill sure do you have a lot more Health than me uh yeah oh yeah I forgot you need to go through Merchant to get some stuff there’s a lot of there would rather I’m just going to wait till I get live I’ll loot it Dam they’re

Beefy oh there’s a watch tower wind let’s go loot the windmill these zombies are tough yeah but if you get low on health I can just heal you that was not smart buddy okay level 20 holy [ __ ] yeah we pretty much just we only beat the tutorial area this is the real

Game keep that oh yeah we got this man we got this trust trust this is nice all right I’m just going to use my uh op one now you were not using it before I wasn’t high enough level we took all that time just to do

That holy [ __ ] I might need some uh health got you man I won’t let you die I’m dead I I lost two oak wood a Munch grass one C get one fine with that go click here to go to your housing plot I can buy houses probably yeah

Oh my God I definitely want a house oh my God this is 21 don’t have this type of stuff I don’t have idea to do this right now violation Nation what the [ __ ] cooking what the fu private space with all the NPC anyone should ever need idiot company it’s just the houses

Type in uh wow I own my own house what I can build my own house dope there’s a lot of um it’s a lot it’s like creative yeah I went to it block Bank oh I can upload it that’s cool I uped my own house that’s kind of lame

Settings create groups in sign weather Global ringsround Z yeah I agree I got to go to an uh someone that oh you can actually cook food yeah I saw that that’s really cool all right let me get myself some more intelligence I need it man I need it

I’ve been not spamming my um I don’t have enough stuff Mana man okay I think uh I’m going call it I’m at level 10 you’re at level 11 is a pretty good day that was pretty good grind yeah 36 that was level 36 I have a lot of blocks but yeah

Anyway you have a good one I’ll hop off as well like I said I won’t play it without you since you don’t want me to I’m GNA look up this make a new one and try what you can yeah fair fair fair that is true but then I think I’ll get burnt out and then there’ll be no point sure okay I’m call it that I’ll see you probably later on tonight or somewhere along

Sometime all right morning dude morning Minecraft server monumentum website how good is it the free complete the monumentum MMO RPG great courage blah blah blah waffles only what you have a good one Benny you’re the best l loot in mine and more loot oh gotta gotta massively multiplayer bu on

Dungeons P you while you search for items blah blah blah blah blah challenges Ace more ones role playing game the secret that spices this ctm sh pleasure start enoy combat classes each and dive into the L quest You’ll Find dungeon Gallery oh [ __ ] that’s cool and I think that’s all I need I

Guess looks more like alchem is in Minecraft goes MPL server enter copy add server on you one men got to connect what what does that mean requires version how do I I do better I’m having skill issues right now whatever I’ll deal with it later major skill issue ah

Um fail that can I have can I have some all right it’s terrifying um [ __ ] what game do I want to play chat chat chat chat chat y’all there what game do I want to play what game is it to play what game should I play

Um [ __ ] I guess I’ll play OverWatch for just a little bit before I hop off I guess I guess might as well might as well all right we go let’s see who’s even online actually know I said I’m going to hop off I’m probably going to hop off I just

Realized the time it is literally 7 o’ I going to bed the realization HD in for what time it was holy crap well chat y’all have a wonderful night thank you all for stopping by Prett

This video, titled ‘Grinding Some Magical Levels In WynnCraft’, was uploaded by Rayfe64 on 2023-12-11 12:33:37. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 11:53:21 or 42801 seconds.

Playing Minecraft with my bois server edition Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rayfe64

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    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • MineCity.pl The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond Sword”

    Minecraft Memes - Diamond Sword"Well, at least we know what’s really important in the Minecraft world – meme scores! Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9

    Setting my toaster on fire with a beatbox PT:9 I turned my toaster into a robot and now it won’t stop singing “Toastbusters” on repeat. #robotproblems Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge: Poor vs Rich in SirenHead Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Mikey vs Rich JJ Diamond SirenHead BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Joobek on 2024-06-15 07:37:01. It has garnered 1581 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party with Viewers

    Ultimate Minecraft Party with ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive With Viewers! (PARTIES + CS’S Minecraft LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-05-08 08:14:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: https://discord.gg/czvhNfVtU2 Become a … Read More

  • “🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥” #shorts #minecraft

    "🔥LIVE 24/7 Minecraft Hindi Gameplay JAVA & PE🔥" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr Khatri Gaming on 2024-06-06 14:16:32. It has garnered 579 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 05:23:27 or 19407 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 MR KHATRTI GAMING || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe #minecraft #shorts Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube livestream , membership ,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge – Meet the Grim-Reaper

    Insane Minecraft Sackpic Challenge - Meet the Grim-ReaperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sackpic: The Chicago Grim-Reaper’, was uploaded by Jeybriski on 2024-02-16 21:00:09. It has garnered 45 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:28 or 2008 seconds. Join Jeybriski and Pauzol in their epic modded Minecraft 1.20 adventure! This modpack lets play series is full of exciting quests, magical mods, and thrilling exploration. In this modded Minecraft video, Jey and Tezel take on new challenges as they journey across an incredible world of inspiration and imagination. From technomagical builds to dimension-hopping adventures, each episode features the best mods 1.20 has to offer…. Read More

  • Zakazi’s Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)

    Zakazi's Horrifying Minecraft Texture Pack! (Eyes Bleeding)Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai téléchargé le PIRE pack de texture sur Minecraft ! (ahh mes yeux)’, was uploaded by Zakazi on 2024-04-23 16:07:22. It has garnered 309 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:28 or 268 seconds. Hey! in this video I downloaded the worst texture pack on Minecraft (I should have never..) ___________________________________________________________________________ -Texture pack (the worst): https://texture-packs.com/resourcepack/ms-painted/ -Texture pack that I recommend: https://minecraft.fr/faithful-32×32/ #minecraft Read More

  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

    Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep - 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted Carnival Minecraft Horror Story in Hindi | Uvx gamer | Ep – 1’, was uploaded by Uvx Gamerz on 2024-03-24 07:02:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. So guys in today’s video We found a strange box in minecraft. its a minecraft roleplay in hindi by Uvx Gamerz #minecraft #roleplay … Read More

  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

    Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Just Craft A Philosopher’s Stone | ATM9 Skyblock Ep. 6’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-06-06 00:00:28. It has garnered 57153 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:28 or 5188 seconds. Today we play a Minecraft modpack called All The Mods 9 To The Sky which is a lot of words I can’t put in every title but we must make the star. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez ATM9 To The Sky Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyAkQ-C3xpHWICvUUIPBuXe My Links:… Read More

  • Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥

    Insane Boss Battle & Ancient Hunt in Minecraft Dungeons! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by Corredor-RH on 2024-04-08 18:30:50. It has garnered 186 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:19 or 3679 seconds. 🔴BOSS MODE & ANCIENT HUNT Max Apocalypse Plus Gameplay in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream) First Time playing minecraft So please Help And dont Forget to Like And Subscribe. Minecraft Live Stream Minecraft Live Live Minecraft Minecraft Wither Fight Minecraft #minecraft​ #meme​ #memes #minecraftstream​​ #minecraftlive​​ #monsterschool​​ #minecraft​​ #animation​​ #школамонстров​​ #монстршкола​​ #майнкрафтстрим Tages:minecraft dungeons,minecraft dungeons gameplay,minecraft,minecraft dungeons review,minecraft dungeons walkthrough,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!

    Insane Pixel Art in Minecraft | Viral Trending Profile Pic!Video Information This video, titled ‘Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending’, was uploaded by Omkar on 2024-04-08 01:30:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Making my subscriber profile photo pixel art | #viral #shorts #minecraft #pixelart #trending Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, … Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. spiralgn.net Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: modern-anarchy.org Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon https://www.9minecraft.net/earth-magic-addon-mcpe/ #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More