Unbelievable loot found in Vara’s Minecraft stream

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You Hello everyone I hope that you guys are having a fantastic night it’s a Sunday I never stream on Sundays but I didn’t get to stream yesterday so I thought it was a good day to fill in what in the MTG fair minecraft I play Minecraft sometimes sometimes I do you know I

Listen to suggestions people like minecraft sometimes so I play minecraft sometimes also hi and die how you doing I hope that you’re having a fantastic night I hope that your nights going well how is everyone doing hiding how you doing I hope that everyone Sunday night

Is going good I’m just going to start playing some minecraft I hope everyone had a good weekend or a decent weekend hopefully not a bad weekend I’m a day off because I usually stream on like you guys know Saturdays and it’s Sunday so I keep feeling like it’s Saturday I’m a

Day behind unfortunately it’s kind of bizarre I want I was wanting to record a quick vlog video before bed but I’m beat what were you going to block you vlog well I mean I guess a video is kind of vlogging doesn’t have to be a vlog of

You know you walking around going random places you know you really are playing Minecraft now I play Minecraft if you I’ve played it plenty of times people would people suggest something enough from people say oh you haven’t played this in however long and they want to see I’ll play it usually usually I’ll

Play it or I try to at least you know what’s the point of streaming if no one wants to watch that’s the way that I see it a combo nice are you gonna give us the secret of what the combo is or are we not cool

Enough to know is it it are we not cool enough to know I play Minecraft when I’m feeling creative I played Minecraft sometimes I haven’t played in a while but I play it on occasion no it’s not a game that I play all the time but um

It’s something nice to play every once in a while kinda to break up the normal multiplayer games or to break up you know first person shooters since but that’s kind of the genre that I usually play or like first-person shooters and mainly multiplayer games I like to break

It up every once in a while I consider it in a blog a video with no idea fair enough fair enough you know fair enough hey as long as you know you enjoyed doing it doesn’t really matter what it’s considered right that’s the way that I

See it I think everyone knows it but it has to do with my favorite black and chip gosh did you hear undying did you hear the news I’m gonna be a black player next next format I’m going to play I don’t know MA no black or Damir I

Don’t know maybe or zov I don’t know I’m feeling spooky but I’m gonna play something out there then is it in the Knights of Sun and broccoli you know I I was going to build something the other day but I figured core 2020 comes out in

Literally two weeks so I might as well just save up the wild cards for what I need for core 2020 but that is what I’m going to do I feel like there’s so many new powerful cards that are based around black that are really nice in Encore 2020 also music hello

Why did you stop playing music stop being broken geez Louise who broke it oh it’s there okay I’m just crazy you guys can hear it right I think that you guys can hear it um hey Kyoji how you doing whoa minecraft hello are you hello did minecraft just spaz out on me and

Hello what is it doing okay it’s fixed I don’t know what just happened don’t ask me hi Kyoji how you doing also hello cinder how you guys doing on that everyone’s having a good sunday pitch got back from the water park with my girlfriend’s family I am tired I bet that you would

Be tired it sounds like a very tiring day at least you had a good uh at least eight a good day though you know that’s uh that’s that’s good right I mean unless you didn’t enjoy yourself I’m sure that you did though sure that you had a blast

We should be going to bed soon anyway whoa I’m not glad that you stopped by thank you for stopping by I appreciate it it’s good to see you so that inch up to that dark show had me oh my gosh dark is such a good show

Dark is such a good show and that intro is really good okay men intro is fabulous hey we have some gold nice they finally a varus dream I’m home for and not sleeping during hey what now how you doing I hope that you’re having a very good night how did your weekend go

It’s cool to be at a bearish stream you know we do so much here it’s crazy we it’s it’s like a party it’s crazy even though all we do is chat but that’s beside the point that’s besides the point so I bench strip-mining for a couple minutes now we mean lateness in progress

Haven’t found too much we found some emerald slow which is good I don’t really need emeralds because I really don’t use emeralds but I suppose it’s better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them I feel like it’s just because I don’t do

Enough like villager trading maybe I should do that more I feel like it’s always so useless I feel like what’s the point I’d rather just keep them sitting it up you know chest until maybe one day when I would need them maybe maybe I should just use them or maybe I should

Just not overthink it okay I’ve got plenty of but plenty of sticks to make more torches Scot see I figured I’d out please some minecraft tonight pretty relaxing doesn’t take too much work and effort to think about what you’re doing in Minecraft this week I believe it’s on let me check it is on Tuesday there’s a new risk of rain update there’s new

Content new things coming to risk of rain too so this week probably Saturday I’m not sure one but I’m probably one of the next video game students I’ll be playing risk of reading to you again for a probably for a streamer to because I really like risk of rain too and I know

A lot of you guys like watching it as well in that I’m finally going to be starting held late send you a sacrifice I’ve been wanting to start it but I just haven’t gotten around to it and it’s finally almost time to start it you know you just have to bite the bullet

I love playing story player single game’s single-player story games but I just I don’t know for me I just never find the right time to start them but I feel like it’s finally time to start them eat some blood-stained bear I’m not going to buy it at $35 I want to play it

Don’t get me wrong I just um ie will wait until it goes down in price to play it it’s not a game that I’m but don’t get me wrong I’m excited to play it just uh it’s a game that I would be happy with waiting for so I’ll play it

Eventually though I know plenty of people have liked it but I do know that it still has some glitches and some bugs wrong with it there have been a problem for some people you know that I’ve been playing it and whatnot but I’m excited for it

Just it’s not a game I I think that I would personally spend $40 on I know that it just came out though so it’ll probably be a while until it goes down in price but I’ll play it up when it does for sure it looks fun

35 is kind of cheap um see it’s not really cheap when you buy so many new games especially with you know saving for games that are coming out in a couple of months and diamonds it’s not that it’s expensive I just don’t feel the need to spend $35 on it right now

Pete it looks fun don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that it’s expensive I’m just saying it’s not a game that you know I see spending $60 on something like Resident Evil 2 I saw a more of a point you because that multiple campaigns and it also have multiple difficulties that

Really change the way that the game played and in bloodstained it’s a 14-hour game that only has one storyline so I kind of don’t see as much about it but I know that people have really enjoyed it I do know that Receive it down to 25 I haven’t seen it for 25 at all yet but I mean it just came out so I’m not expecting it to go on sale anytime soon yeah Sunday stream and it’s minecraft I know hi marine how you doing I hope they’re

Having a very good night so what is everyone up to tonight what does everyone been up to this weekend you guys do anything fun and exciting did you just relax just hang out did you guys do this weekend there we go well at least we got all the

Materials there even though I just wasted half a sack of Matt’s to bump my way back up finally just got knotted up with an argument I want to argue about that sounds fun I really don’t like arguing with people even though people like to argue what was the argument

About anything good changed my spaceship soil sweet treat your spaceship with love and respect you know you always should be right very important I beat the game at the six hour mark yeah see six hours six hours six hours for $40 I don’t think so

I could buy a hundred plus our game I mean I know that you said it was the worst one possible and probably you’ll probably replay it but still yeah from me yes for me have any of you guys besides cinder played a blood-stained ritual of the night I’ve watched you a

Couple of your stream cinder of you playing it it seems fun I watched the anime community out oh yeah I I have been watching them freak out over that too I rewatched it or most of it I I’m not done it yet I think I want episode like I don’t know I’m like

Halfway through it these lots of diamonds that I should be using my special pickaxe for fabulous sounds up sounds legit Marine Evangelion is overrated oh no it’s really good it’s really good I mean I feel like everyone that’s upset over it so a lot of people were upset over like music being miss

Saying that’s not Netflix his fault Netflix couldn’t get the rights to those songs it’s not their fault you know I guess people didn’t really look into it but besides that they did change some dialogue which does suck that they did that um but I guess they felt it was

Kind of necessary I don’t know I’m not sure I didn’t try to think too hard over it you can always watch you know the original dub and whatnot it’s not like you can’t find it online and everything it’s not like you can’t find it at all so I try not to overthink

It too too much it’s really good but it’s not 11 out of 10 oh my god the best I mean it’s like it nine out of ten it’s really good it’s one of I wouldn’t say it’s the best but it’s definitely one of the best especially for the time period

That it originally came out around I mean it was the best it was maybe not anymore because everything’s changed so much but um it’s really damp in we need you okay I did she’s I feel like some of the voice actors were a little bit off oh my gosh

So many diamonds thank you some of the voice actors were a little bit off but I felt like they just kind of tried to fill the voice actor slots with the best names that they could get for it mainly because they knew that there was going to be backlash for the

Changes like the music changes and whatnot also hi monster are you doing I hope they’re having a very good at night debunk LD and discount Robotech I I mean I don’t I don’t mind the new you know the new dub I think that they did a good

Job for the most part and it’s actually you know classic music isn’t there but what can you do you know that looks tried their best and they couldn’t get it what are they supposed to do never release it they had already had plans to release it it just as a shame

That some of the classic stuff was missing I’m drunk sunday is Carrie I feel like you’re drunk every time you’re in stream memory I’m marine monster are you sure just Sunday night are you actually sure I will watch in time especially the original I mean if you haven’t seen the original definitely

Watch the original that’s what I would recommend original is always the best no matter what you’re taught well I guess not no matter what you’re talking about but nine times out of ten the original is better no matter what we’re talking about what’s – peeps has fire how you

Doing hope that you having a good night okay I didn’t realize how long I’ve been strip mining for over here but I suppose it’s been a couple of minutes I’m drunk whenever I can watch you feel privileged that I watch you when my time is free

Are you sure that you do I spell horrendously then but yeah I mean true 99% of that was felt wrong but it’s okay hey Daryl how you doing I hope that you’re having a good night welcome to the party we’re playing some minecraft on a Sunday night just hanging out

Talking about video games talking about Neon Genesis I can’t talk Evangelion I can’t talk what’s up with you what have you done it was fun and exciting this weekend okay I have a lot of material sitting around now she’s just a couple just a couple making shepherd’s pie nice

Sounds pretty pretty good good wish I could jump on minecraft with you Vera well you’re making dinner I’m making your dinner my biscuits sounds pretty sad monster why do I keep trying to say marine oh my gosh dammit I need to get names right it’s because

Your names all messed up what are you gonna change your back monster when are you going to change your name back pizzas on the way ah damn I want pizza why is everyone getting pizza tonight I feel like so many people have gotten pizza and I’m slightly jealous please donate to

Various pizza fund even though I can’t get pizza in time just eat it on streem which would be weird why do people do that weird don’t call me you’re in you evil now now no I won’t now you will you will change it well it’s not my fault that you changed your name

And I would confuses me you know it’s not my fault bears minecrafting it up I am minecrafting it up I haven’t played Minecraft in about a month on stream and I’ve been playing it off Street a little bit but not you too much so I figured I play some minecraft tonight on Tuesday

Risk of rain is getting a written bull risk of rain too is getting a large update for some content so probably this week I’ll be doing some risk of rain too as well so I figured we would just kind of fill it in with some minecraft tonight I know something fun something

You know to play for a couple of hours I just ate pizza Hawaiian style guys pineapple on pizza is good okay please don’t hate on Hawaiian style pizza it’s pretty good just by you I shall not ok monster then I’m just going to keep saying your name

Wrong you can’t blame me then I say your name wrong so good pizza in general is good It is good I will fighting over this How long do I want to strip mine for I feel like I don’t know I could go the other way and maybe you clear off the mineshaft a little bit more that we found but I don’t know if you like strip mining is just so easy it gets you enough materials and I

Really didn’t for cobblestone to smelt in gingers normal stone so I’ve had really lazy and strip mining it but also is there anything here probably not to my luck up there would not would not be and there isn’t congratulations very unit what’s new Lots of gravel that’s all that I know okay there’s something up there there isn’t but there’s something somewhere around here because I just heard it hi everyone hello how you doing I hope you have in a very good night okay there’s still a shoe that ain’t good

Pineapple was born to be on pizza see it’s not just me okay you I just wanted to make sure that it was not me that thought that because I’m a fan unlike some people here Frank earlier was on dissing pineapple on pizza in discord he was dissing it

Get materials to build a pizza I don’t think you’d do that minecraft you can make plenty of other things pineapple pineapple does Brad okay please it does okay just just accept it Frank it belongs on pizza okay you guys are the minority here you guys have the bad

Opinions okay because it does for my pizza unsubscribed don’t run subscribe I mean you can if my opinion triggers for so much but I know that you won’t friend you’ve been here a while I think that’s the least of what you could be triggered by your on the sensor watch damn it guys

This is a sensor free zone unless I say so I will tell you to censor someone if I want but otherwise you can that’s what that’s what Sony says you can’t censor something unless I say you’ve been sent through something no one else will answer it but I will do you like black

Olives on pizza um no but mainly because I never get all of zom pizza Maybe that’s the reason monster I’m on subbing okay friend I guess if that’s really what you want to do and you don’t want to be part of our party anymore kiss that mod status that you could ever have away Rhys absque Ribe si si Brad it’s okay welcome back Phil Spencer hates pizza

With pineapples Phil Spencer hates a lot of things he hates a lot of things he’s been he’s been on earth An odd path lately with what he says okay one second he out so a lot of people were saying today because I posted a video talking about full sponsor a lot of people were saying well at least he’s being honest that Xbox is not a platform for free speech um but he

Has never really I mean in the past maybe like here and a half he’s talked about it but before that he hadn’t really talked about it I mean he’s that’s the problem it’s like where did he ever talk about Xbox not being for free speech and censoring users that’s

My problem is I understand that like free speech between people isn’t a thing it’s free speech against government which I completely understand that but all of this censorship of of consumers didn’t really start until recently um hey sad toast how you doing I hope you’re having a fantastic night I hope

That your night is going at very well Frank why didn’t you tell me fighting the Punky boop boop beep here Pizza fun – beep boop beep thank you for the five dollar donation Frank I super appreciate it Frank you should have told me that you donated

And that it did not pop up sometimes I have to check sometimes I have to click a button because sometimes it doesn’t like me but thank you so much for the $5 donation friend you are the top Dominator of the stream so far don’t tell Brad Brad will beat you by one cent

He’s vicious like that he’ll one-up you but $0.05 totally was supposed to be a surprise one hour later oh yeah here’s the surprise Xbox my problem is that why why does it even matter what people I understand that they if they’re trying to go for this inclusivity thing and but why does it

Really matter what people say to each other on the internet why is it such a deep issue that people are so concerned over it I just don’t know when that became a thing she’d probably leave some coal on me so maybe I don’t die it would be my

Luck yes do I have okay I have plenty of space oh sweet fall people online on a console without some kind of design new because you’ve be you don’t deserve to be an xbox live Xbox is a console for all not about America for Americans to decide who can and can’t talk about

Because Vera it can quickly become a hate speech platform plain and simple um but look back at the Xbox 360 days when everyone was just playing xbox when everyone was on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live and I’m just going to say it everyone was to each other you know I

Feel like they didn’t care that and they never reinforced policies then we all know why it’s because everyone now is a sensitive snowflake and you know you one thing offends you and they think that they can take a whole platform down I just kind of think that if people are

Bothering you you just mute and block them and that’s it just no one know how to use the mute in block button these days because I feel like they’re forgetting that those features already exist and like with Xbox and Phil Spencer saying that they want to implement new like guidelines and new

New different features to help combat hate speech the problem is they do not even know what they consider to be hate speech they just say hate speech is whatever they want it to be the definition of hate speech they don’t have one that’s the problem that is the

Problem they do not even have a definition of what they consider it to be just feels kind of bad man feels kind of bad ok so there’s absolutely nothing up here that’s pretty freakin boring where’s the good stuff who would have thought we live in a world where an

Attender doesn’t censor their games and I so I I know that you know I talk about censorship a lot obviously because that is a big focus of the channel now and I mentioned that a lot and people you know some people forget that that a couple of

Years ago Nintendo used to be so censorship heavy on what made it onto their platforms what did not and it was that way for a long time I’m just going to say it what is what is Microsoft thinking why is Microsoft not realizing why Nintendo changed what they were

Doing obviously Nintendo changed what they were doing for a reason because adult games and you know adult content makes money it sells and people are not going to support platforms there are a lot of people I should say that we’re not going to support platforms that you

Know censor games and I understand there are always going to be people that are going to buy games and purchase games no matter what but why is why here companies like Sony and Xbox not realizing well you know Nintendo changed what they were doing so why are we going

To go down that same path because obviously they changed what they were doing for a reason I just feel like why aren’t they kind of thinking about that to each their own everyone kind of has their own opinion on what Sony and what Microsoft are doing I’m not saying that your opinions

Right I’m not saying that your opinion is wrong you know I just I just think that it’s dumb that these platforms are censoring what people are saying to each other and they’re censoring content that is on the platforms I just think it’s kind of foolish at least Microsoft

Hasn’t gone as far as patreon twitch Twitter and PayPal punishing you for expression of wrong thing even off platform um yeah we really haven’t heard any examples of that happening yet all we can do is hope that that will not happen that you know you won’t get

Punished for your thoughts off of the platform but a lot of platforms at this point have kind of you know changed their terms of service and everything to say well we can terminate your accounts and punish you for whatever we want whenever we want and like ice you know

Said today Xbox Microsoft is talking about changing their policies so they could change it to something like that that could be harmful off platform you could be punished for off platform words and things that you say so I mean I’m not going to say that you know that it

For sure is going to happen but there is a heavy chance that that’s still happening because they did say we’re changing our policies and everything so it sounds like they they could go that way like the other companies and platforms have Gaming is not for everyone well that’s not wrong

I mean gaming isn’t for everyone but some people I see so that’s the thing is that gaming should be for everyone but there are people that feel like it’s not for them and then they have this like vendetta against it and then they feel like oh it’s not for me just because you

Have one bad experience does not means something is not for you or something is not going to work out for you this is another mineshaft area I don’t know hey that must be people just get convinced that something is not for them off of like one experience or one specific

Situation that happened if you like a game just to play it if you like an experience in a game and just do it what does it matter if you are talking to people or not what does it matter if you had one bad experience it doesn’t define

The rest of the experiences that you will have okay this isn’t it totally new mind chat system it looks like and I really don’t want to get lost but I’m totally going to see what’s in this chest or I will wasn’t anything else right here I want

You three to note I do not want to get lost because my inventory is full I should dump my inventory and then come back and try to see what is down here came from we did we came from this way thank you so much pineapple and bullets

Best pizza pineapple on pizza is good don’t fight me because it’s good okay it’s good okay you guys it’s really good leave hentai games alone I just feel like companies should just be leaving adults and adult themed games alone I feel like why are you going to censor games that are made for

I just I don’t know I maybe it’s just me because I’ve tried to bring so much awareness to it I just why because you want to make your platform more family-friendly what is the point in that if you push all of the adults off of your platform there’s going to be no

Adults to actually buy anything on your platform is it just me that’s thinking that way because I feel like it they should stop I was just so checking something very quickly Microsoft however will protect themselves worldwide well right they they also I I do understand that you know companies also have to consider

That as well hey Brad thank you so much for clutching $10 in patreon I know that you were already a patreon you were 5 dollars to your weren’t you thank you for I’m up being your pledge I super appreciate it friend and thank you thank you but I just I

Don’t know it’s my opinion everyone’s got their own up wait didn’t we come from this way didn’t we come from this way and I lost damn it Brad damn it you made me confused it just came from this way didn’t we I’m not a lunatic am i people need to think

Of better excuses they need to not think of better excuses they just need to be more transparent with their consumers and I understand if they said we’re changing things for global laws people wouldn’t care people would be like this is my region that I’m in Ione lis care

About my laws the company cannot think that way though company has to think of the way that is going to protect their asses the best that might just be by updating their Terms of Service but for people that don’t want their content censored it becomes a problem quit

Getting lost fair dammit Darrell I II always get lost in Minecraft and it’s not even that I’m really lost it’s just like oh I wasn’t looking hard enough I keep going by the same place 50 times there the issue is video gaming was a kid’s toy but kids grew up in now

Companies it wasn’t I wouldn’t necessarily say that it was a kid’s toy I mean it was electronic based hardware that adults thought of so if I understand that there are games and such that were marketed towards children and you know consoles were you know marketed towards teenagers but I wouldn’t call it

A kid’s toy it was never meant to be a kid’s toy I wouldn’t call it that parents are too lazy when rather not to you about this the companies be the bad guy enough boys hello bully hunters oh no grim Oh bully hunters oh great there’s no excuse for censorship I would

Say there’s no excuse for it if something is properly rated and has the proper ratings the proper tags then why why censor it they hunt bullies or not I mean I would go for the or not Monster is Pro censorship what the heck who no one’s

For censorship here how many IV read the terms and conditions when you sign it for Xbox Live pays networks or steam and so on I mean that’s fair enough a lot of people don’t well I have been strip mining for approximately ever maybe I should go back and unload the materials that I

Have but see that would require running all the way back and see I really don’t want to do that right now I know that I have to very soon but why would I do that right now all right maybe I should just explore this like it oh my gosh

Jeez Louise go awake okay how many moms are here just to come on fight me okay there was only two fair enough is there a spawner up here or not no just 50 layers of we were here or maybe not we must have been here music in the background

Oh I’m a listening to hallo night it is the hollow night official soundtrack I’m not pro censorship I am pro keeping gaming alive and what would you what would you say we’ll keep gaming alive then what would your opinion be then that is my question monster TARDIS how

You doing I hope you’re having a fantastic night friend hope that your nights going very well respect is earned not given as I said gabey’s for all of you you can’t show basic okay can we just consider when it comes to things like like being anonymous on the internet so like gaming

Let’s take gaming for example when you are on an Xbox Live or whatnot when you have an anonymous profile people online act very different than they do in real life people banter you know people have they should talk each other online whereas they would not in real life most

Of the time how can you really say that like like team bantering and talking and snap-snap talking how can you say that is not respecting someone because you’re saying things that might be yeah more crude and more you know unfriendly in a sentence but it’s kind

Of team bantering people do that on in online atmospheres when they are anonymous and they you know don’t actually why don’t you put up with people that they do not know in situations that they do not know people are weird myself included yes people are weird people have very

Different ways online I’m acting online compared to how they act in real life and just because someone may be an ass online doesn’t mean they’re an ass in real life if you have to consider that what is my problem is why didn’t it what do these companies Microsoft what do

They consider hate speech saying in a game of you’re an because I hear that a lot and would they consider that hate speech that’s the problem is they do not have any written out guidelines that’s to what they consider hate speech I’m just trying to play heels

You talk IRL about my trash started talking so Tony it’s not even just part of a culture it’s just part of how people act online when they are anonymous and they are talking to people that they do not know what is the most you’ve ever spent

On a dice or dice set I don’t know a lot of my dice came from you know working like a local game store and you know online accounts I never really bought dice at full retail I bought them at cost so probably the most expensive set

Of dices that I have retail is probably like 50 or $60 maybe you know dice go in and out of print all the time they they they go in and out of print and then they become more rare they consider the truth hate speech they can consider

Whatever they want hate speech Vera is definitely a librarian I hope that’s not bad do you have a shoebox hold dice no I have two giant Ziploc bags full of dice because I haven’t done organized them it’s very shameful I know it’s very shameful oh I need another chest oh I

Don’t have any wood oh damn I need to go and get some a wood real quick drinking Starbucks no I’m drinking a milkshake I would never buy Starbucks too expensive I am the I don’t own any III want some of eventually I am I don’t own any gemstone dice gemstone dice are very

Expensive though and they’re more of like a a collector’s item in a sense I don’t know necessarily if I would buy them and use them all the time I just feel like I would use them maybe casually but it’s more of like a just a collector’s you know type of

Piece to have agreed the price is the reason I’ve never had Starbucks i Eve had Starbucks a couple of times Starbucks is in Westeros as well don’t forget that Starbucks is okay too expensive If you can in terms of gaming as it is as simple as this must be moderated so that all communities are whether the heck outs you can imagine can imagine if the apart of if it cannot and do you tell people arguing berate them you do

Not want so what would you so how would you draw the line of people shit-talking each other online and people actually offending other people how do you how would you then because I I’m not trying to like bait you in a way I just don’t think you have an answer to that telling

In telling in between shit-talking playful talking and actually offending someone because yes sometimes someone’s tone of voice can you know you can tell the difference but I think in majority of cases most people are just banter friendly bantering and talking each other I think you know I’m not trying to bait you but

I just don’t think most people have any fair answer to that yeah dang it how many of these messages are being held for review I had to put a spam filter on from because of a couple of weeks ago when we have that spammer come in and

Literally put like 500 messages in chat this is fun okay hello goodbye there’s a lot of mobs out here please don’t kill me by online dating isn’t that weird how some Shh I mean yeah I’m not I’m not going to get into the freedom of speech discussion

Because everyone has their own take on that I suppose I need everything that I talk about everyone has their own take on it you know I used to want everyone to argue so what are you all doing tonight it is Sunday night did you guys do anything fun this weekend and did you

Guys just stay home and do absolutely nothing seems pretty legit staying home and doing nothing even does stuff these days right what’s the point I guess we will go down here to me mine shaft that we just found and see what happens We wouldn’t talk like this in real life what do you mean we would talk like this in real life talk about freedom of speech and censorship I I mean I do but maybe it’s because that’s what I talk about all day to most people if you free the movement and freedom of speech

Playing games what games you playing anything fun during for monsters that mounds disgusting but at least you had a fun day I don’t go on Xbox that yeah I mean if you don’t that’s also another thing is you’re talking about an open platform you can play specifically only with the

People that you want to play with you do not have to play with anyone that you do not want to play with and if someone bothers you just when you block them um I’ve been holding down the fort while folks are gone only way I’ve had

Time or so much arena maybe one day in the next couple of years I’ll have my own place and freedom to sling spells as I please nice TARDIS you will one day and then you’re going to have a party and Frankie’s is going to be the guitar

Player and he is going to play the guitar at your place and have a party he will First Amendment is second-best amendment I mean so people have you know argued to me and today you know freedom of speech only protects you know you against the government not against

People themselves and while that is understandable you’re still talking about a platform that never the problem is they do not have any actual guidelines in place that that is my problem is that you cannot definitively tell me what hate speeches in their opinion they they cannot they

Even said that they they you know don’t really have anything that they consider it to be to me that sounds just that they added that in and they’re saying this because they want an open invitation to censor anyone that they want and you know remove anyone off

Their platform that they want that might speak out against what they say or but you know the way that they do business hey guys okay no arguing in chat okay guys okay no arguing if you cannot talk about a situation as civil people there’s no point for anyone to be here

If you cannot just discuss how you feel in a civil manner you know oh I’m not saying I’m not saying my opinions right I’m not saying that anyone else’s opinion is wrong that is the way that we work here you know what you have your opinion I am my own everyone has their

Own opinions and we don’t on people for their opinions I’ve eaten you’re not Rawat sir people get banned for you know different things but the problem is is they they can’t tell you actively what they consider to be hate speech and what they can they can ban you for hate speech yet they

Cannot say what hate speeches it’s just a problem it’s just a problem I need to make torches because I know we’ve already used like two stacks actually I think it’s like a stock and half when it comes to pineapple toppings on pizza there’s no such thing as a

Civil discussion right right God hey man pizzas a very serious topic okay you want to go TARDIS all right fight me okay pineapple on pizza is good okay pineapple on pizza is good please just accept I need to put out this that’s the way that I’m going to

Say it pineapple on pizza is your site if I I should buy a pizza and put pineapple on it just to prove to you guys that pineapple on pizzas good see everyone’s arguing about damn it guys we’re not supposed to be arguing maybe this pineapple on pizza pizza’s here david darrow you’re making

Me hungry anything nope looks like a okay give me this back give me oh breather how did you come from do did he just like fall from this sky hello oh there is something up there dig it in oh Sh they get a dose okay please don’t tell me first of all okay

Well this is where we came from fantastic that was some serious right there geez Louise I died actually I didn’t I’m being dragged Anything down here nope but being the supplies here my civility why are people afraid to have a real discussion um I’m not saying that anyone here is really afraid to have a discussion on their opinions a lot of people just don’t want to argue about what their opinions are everyone

Has an opinion you know it’s not like we are attacking anyone right now so people want to share their opinions they are freaking Farrell will you be going to Dragon Con or Gen Con I will not be I do not really go to any conventions like that the only convention type of things

That I really go to are like magic magic the gathering ones you don’t like him like magic fests and whatnot but I do not go to any gen cons or anything like that at least for this year probably for the immediate future as well they’ve never really been my thing but you know

I’ll go to them sometime I’ll go to them sometime it’s very expensive to go to stuff like that quite a lot and I don’t usually see like a huge point in it because yes it’s fun but if you don’t have anyone to go with or anything you know it can be

Pretty boring alright so we literally have like this way to go okay okay please don’t follow me thank you so much Slightly confused but I’ll take it as long as I’m not lost I will take it comic-con is dead I mean not all Comic Cons or dad I mean there are some Comic Cons that you don’t have died out in popularity and obviously they’re comic-con so if you’re not into comics

You’re not going to enjoy them as much as you know someone else might I collect and enjoy comics but not everyone does okay wrong wrong pickaxe but we will survive okay what is here I am trying not to get lost but he’s proving pretty difficult also I’m just trying to find

The nice loot okay I’m just trying to find the nice good loot okay you minds comics are so nerdy comics are fun but you know with the state that the comic industry is and I wouldn’t go specifically to a comic-con for comics I don’t play tabletop games down looks

Like fair enough III i play both so okay why is minecraft like bugging out on me tonight like minecraft has bugged out on me quite a few times tonight and it’s really slightly annoying how about minecraft can you please okay minecraft can you please not okay I have

No clue why it’s doing this but it’s really glitching out on me yeah here we go I fixed it took me a second believe for like eight seconds and very good philosophy and yeah I’ll admit I Eve might be a tad lost but I’ll be okay maybe there’s a chance as long as

Minecraft stops glitching out on me it’s what the hell it is causing me such a problem right now approximately nothing and it’s just gold and I really don’t care I’ll be fine everything’s fine you guys everything is fine I’m not lost I’m just a little confused all right I’m good no maybe not We won’t go back that way what is up here any ideas no nothing love it love it cyberpunk what about cyberpunk a cyberpunk okay so that was kind of a dead-end area I mean not completely we did get a couple of resources out of it but not a

Huge point to continue trying to adventure through it okay there’s gold nothing doesn’t look like anything up here the shelter because why not cyberpunk got attacked oh yeah I need cyberpunk is going to get attacked just because when it originally came out I mean it was pretty damn progressive so

It’s not very surprising that it got attacked originally can you please not boys thank you so much then you stop boys I appreciate it Okay here we go we have so many spawners I really don’t need to keep that one okay please don’t thank you there another spawn or something and geez Louise yes I did hear about the anita sarkeesian and cyberpunk stuff she is a joke she’s just a freaking hot mess of a

Joke I don’t know why anyone would give her press because all it does is make her feel more special more entitled than the one in a way oh okay I really don’t want to fall down there right now I have almost a full inventory I think that I’m going to go back and

Eat is bankrupt she is I guess that’s what you get when you don’t actually know how to budget and spend money properly and there’s really no point to the organization you started I mean there was never even a point what she started besides she wanted to start

Something poor Anita what is she ever going to do Is this the way that we came I think it wasn’t oh sweet I’m not lost I know what I’m doing okay well I should continue on yeah I’m just going to continue on do you think we’ll get another drop focus that like it’s Pharisee or battlebot um I don’t think

This year I think maybe next year because this year I mean most of the years already done at this point well for products we already know what what is going to be in the rest of the year for the most part but I definitely think that they’ll bring back more sets

Like that in the future I declare bankruptcy I mean that’s what she gets that’s what she gets I only care about shopping these games because I feel like Western companies don’t care anymore I mean it’s not that they don’t care there are some companies still the try just you know it’s the

Corporations that you know like the consoles that you know censor and slop it down and he’d even valve is pretty bad lately what are you doing in Minecraft just collecting some resources ie I’m just strip mining now I was just in that mine shaft area well I’ll

Probably explore that a little bit more afterwards but just trying to collect some materials and some resources hopefully commander try 19 super special awesome fall set that tomorrow has apparently been trying to make their decade yeah probably disappointing I don’t know he he hypes everything up I don’t

Believe a word that comes out of his mouth anymore he tries to hype things up so much I’m not down for it man I am NOT down for it I should remember this coal but yeah went on for drinking ever because of the wine there we go grab all of please suck this

Game is lame I need that’s your opinion I I like minecraft on occasion I don’t like playing it all of the time but sometimes it’s really relaxing and really just fun too you don’t kind of around with so in 2019 loot boxes are now surprise mechanics yeah that’s what companies

Like EA are trying to call them yikes yeah just a me man yikes to me to be fair when Mara was heading a set it usually is really damn good is it though he he has some hints but he’s also had some losses to be fair

Cuz then you would have gone to feel this new card software’s just talked about there they have not released any product with it um it was kind of speculated that new printings of warp the spark would have it but that is just like a guess from a lot of people but

They have not actually released the new card stock at all in many products as far as we know they said it would be with Core 2020 and since that isn’t out yet who really knows how it’s gonna be all we can do is hope that it might be

Better that it may not just be trash ly I hope that it’s not I do hope that they really did make card quality a bit better that would be would be good second print wars new stock in him 20 his new stock yeah there was talk about

The next printing or you know the second printing war of the spark being uh being the new card quality and I don’t really think anyone’s confirmed that but who really knows if the changes aren’t big then no one would really be able to confirm it because wattsy didn’t say that themselves so does

Yes in the short amun-ra scars walk Ravnica i mean he has had some losses though our season is dropping the heavily I mean yeah he’s he’s not bad at what he does obviously he just says things like he is a god which he’s not he might be good at what he

Does but that doesn’t mean he’s like a god and thinks that he is he’s just trying to hype up product to the best of his ability I I get it I get why he you know pipes upset so much because that’s his job it’s his job you

Know if it doesn’t sell then he ain’t got no job do you think I’m twenty will have any impact on standard or non cell rotation I think that it will again I think that there’s a lot of potential for I’m twenty but I do think that after

Rotation it will be really good but I do think that on release it will have some sort of impact new stock might smell less horrible it might it might there’s there’s there’s a chance Shame Holy Smoke who knows what will happen now Uh I hate having her all the way back it kills me but that’s what you get for strip-mining I guess I’m not speaking to his character I’m only talking about his work fair enough fair enough Mauro’s on awful at his job he he’s not awful at destroy

He goes pretty good sometimes drop all this still Oh Frank I’m drawn to you though Jeanne anyone notice that the newish guardzilla hijo carts nope but maybe they do and I just have noticed wouldn’t surprise me but I feel like I would have smelled them and been triggered why are we sniff

Ik new cards because new cards have a card smell you know like a fresh out of the packs now jeez don’t you do that there oh okay you should realize that that’s what we’re talking about I mean true Marini true it’s more appropriate I’m uh I’m very very excited for risk of rains risk of rain choose new update this week I am very excited over that and I cannot wait because they’re adding in like new levels and stuff new new artifacts and

Stuff so I’m very excited for it I need to make sure I don’t have anything to update for the game and I need need to play some of it this week I disagree politically with Mara but when it comes to being a game developer I almost envy his job I mean he doesn’t

Do bad but he he hasn’t always done amazing but he’s definitely done a good job for the most part ah takes forever we are finally almost to at the end thank you so much Hey sniffing new carts used to be cool cars got new cards used to smell cool

Now they really don’t but you know it could be worse area now we are finally back at the end okay what is up here let’s see let’s see does it look like much of anything let’s see them so what are you guys up to getting ready for yet another week probably most

People are it’s what I would assume anything up here doesn’t really look like it holy that’s a big ask a bird okay I need to kill the Sunderman really quickly how many are there chew okay yeah there we go hello okay please stop watching out thank you so much

Please stop bitching out thank you jeez Louise is there another maybe there isn’t okay fair enough what are we going to find down here anything it’s like a whole beautiful fantastic man doesn’t really like anything I am worried about right now I can’t always come back to this area though I really

Don’t see anything now which is a shame please don’t fall in the lava first of all jeez Louise you should build a library like a giant library I could do that Shh I’m off tomorrow who the hell knows what I’m gonna do nice marine that’s uh good for you good for

You hey relaxing and not having to work it’s pretty damn good I might definitely get me a few Lotus fields I don’t know how I feel about Lotus feel I’ll probably try to get a play set just to have it but I’m not too too concerned about it I know a lot of

People are very mixed on Lotus field because it’s not bad some people just do not think it is as good as it could have been man I agree TARDIS is what pygmy good you beat him TARDIS you get him Tony he’s too scared to face me in arena

He is never on arena when I’m streaming conveniently enough he’s a little scared to face me in arena but he’s okay I’m not gonna make him feel bad about it Okay so we were just up here there’s a mob I didn’t even see you blow up thank you so much anything looks like a whole lot of nothing wow this is boring I thought lotus feels okay his am I missing something um the problem is it comes into play

Tapped he has tax proof yes but it comes into play Taft which chef it’s pretty lame oh it’s pretty lame oh hey Tony you are the one that never faces me when I’m streaming and I stream couple times a week magic so you’re free to not be a

Baby and you’re free to fight me I didn’t cancel Thursday Arena I hear all the time playing arena would you rather face gender Gove re go gari I would much rather face Bulgari yeah I don’t even need to think twice about that actually I yeah I will keep that

Final answer I’m not afraid of gold are you actually I’m very afraid of go gari but I’m more afraid of Chuck I yeah sounds about right enters tapped and sach to lands for three mana free what it’s well right it’s it’s got bad conditions it can’t be

Used as a combo piece the way that you know the original Lotus veil good it’s not going to replace it or most people have said that it’s not going to replace it I mean it is given that it has hex proof though what’s wrong with the little red it’s spooky okay it’s spooky

Make a ship I could I’m not that creative though like for ships and stuff I only build structures it won’t but it’s pretty just because it’s pretty doesn’t mean it’s good in Lotus II see that that doesn’t mean that it’s better or that it’s good but does it mean it’s

It’s good just because it’s pretty don’t turn it to me Frank I only buy things that are pretty you know how much I things that look pretty don’t do it I want to do a Chinmay fair enough TARDIS fair enough I’m hoping that maybe we can find a

Couple more resources but I’m feeling slightly doubtful at this point feeling slightly doubtful I mean iron is good but is it as good as it could be and I won’t say you crunchyroll fiend hey and him he’s good okay I guess it depends on what time you watch everyone

That’s kind of got their preference on which kind they watch but uh you know most of it is pretty good most of it I need to make more torches pretty damn fast there we go it’s not too shabby sword art online is the best anime

Change my mind I have not watched a ton of sort out online it seemed from what I watched it seemed okay but it didn’t seem like my favorite it seemed decent I would say decent though I wouldn’t say amazing but then again I didn’t watch a

Ton of it or I haven’t yet at least you know it’s um it’s one that I really want to watch because I’ve heard so much about it people are always very mixed on a sword I don’t mind I’ve heard that it’s great after that it’s awful it’s

Definitely one that I should watch more and that I should give more of a chance to but I haven’t because that would require work and effort and I am too busy rewatching dark the bridge Sears is very good is it mmm interesting a bunch of gold too bad

I don’t actually need gold but I collect it anyway thank you so much for all these materials get a horse but I’m under your ground right now I don’t need a horse from underground is it right is it is it really though you’ve heard that it’s decent I don’t know

Sword art online sucks in the game sucks to see everyone’s got different opinions on it I just I I don’t know I even read watching a lot of the anime that I used to watch also I am so busy with catching up on video games all the time I don’t ever

Have enough time to watch TV I left the discord server last night did you yes I will give you a link after stream or if someone else it is a mod Ken but if not then I will give you a link right after Street watch berserk 1997 which game there’s like

Five of them that’s true that’s true none of them so you’re saying none of them are good damn damn we have some hot takes tonight yep I’ve never seen very with horse in Minecraft I don’t really have a ton of horses tamed also I even like always mining what I stream minecraft

Like always mining give me one second you guys I will be right back I can go afk for a minute I will be right back in fact initely on two seconds Richert I am back Tony is necessarily wrong all about the about the sword art online games I mean I’ve heard some of that were really good being after I’ve heard the franchise and journals pretty good Shh I have FM a brotherhood on my Netflix queue I have so many different things on

My Netflix queue my problem is when I find something that’s really good i rewatch it over and over and over that was fast I just needed to grab a drink that was all friends did you miss me you guys didn’t even start a riot while I was gone in that two-second timeframe

Necessarily wrong about your reason for leaving the stream what do you mean thank you for sharing the length of Frank I appreciate it thank you appreciate you sharing can we play minecraft I am NOT playing multiplayer right now this is just a single player player a single player

World no I just needed to grab and drink have a watery next to me I can’t free watch things I remember most everything anyway well it’s not good I forget things I just thought I really liked rewatching things that I liked over and over it’s just I don’t

Know I prefer it you know i watch something bad waste your time when you could watch something good that you already know that’s good hey diamond sweet more materials I need new armor I feel like this armor is pretty trash actually I mean even though it’s full diamond it’s still pretty trash see Besides blood-stained ritual of the night has there been any their new game see you guys have been interested in lately I am slowly but surely putting together a list of games that I am planning on getting within the next coming months because around September to December there are so many freakin

Games that I want to get I’ve been slowly but surely putting together a list and but damn there are so freaking many it drives me insane hey mess how you doing I hope you’re having a fantastic night I hope that your night is going very well hope that

You’re doing very good when it’s the dough no button coming to your stream so I am not monetized by YouTube and also consider super chat takes 30% so this lengthy stream labs link if you click that you could donate to me through a credit card or PayPal or whatnot

And it doesn’t take a percent so consider that’s you know things like super chats yes it’s an easy accessible button but they do take 30 percent of your donation and keep it for themselves because Google is an ass Sargon is a magic nice nice He’s playing nice hey as long as he’s having fun with whatever he’s playing how are how are you doing Devin it’s good to see you I haven’t seen you tonight hope that your nights going well Barry you need to make it Amazon wishlist for us to buy you stuff I don’t

Really see a point if someone wants you know if I talk about something and people donate towards that I’m obviously going to buy it and when it comes to things like PC games it’s not like you didn’t put them on an Amazon wishlist because it’s not a physical thing that

Can get mailed to you so yeah I mean on Steam I people can add me on Steam and I have a wish list of games there but I don’t update that enough but I need to I need to I have cheese that is also bread sounds fancy

Start on the who taped an entire political party or something um probably that sargon friend probably that one Jeez Louise please let me up here trash let me down okay there we go thank you so much okay there anything up here probably not looks like a entire nothing why would that even exist though why would that evening list have gotten it literally goes to nowhere

Fabulous love it’s so freakin much okay anyway we are going to continue then you have diced such PC camera stuff I mean fair enough but I really don’t buy not gonna put things like dice on a wish list mainly the only things that I would put on a wish list are like equipment

Upgrades and whatnot You already got the latest fire the best game I loves latest fire it’s too bad that not enough people enjoy watching it people do enjoy watching it but usually people get bored of it pretty fast it’s not like a game you could consistently play over and over I want to increase my

Patreon amount before the new month but I want to make sure I can afford food if I were to charge on the 30th would I be double Church them first no so what would so what would happen is if you updated on the 30th it would charge you

On the 30 and then it was heard you’d get on the first so yeah we charge you 2 times so if you want to increase your patreon amount the best way to do it is I would so today’s the 23rd so what I would do is like the day before or

Whenever like today whenever but before the first time of the month you could cancel it and then back on like the second or the third repay trio on or you could just yeah that’d probably be the best way if you want to increase it and you don’t want to be charged like double

Its just cancel it and then reap a tree on like in it like a couple of days like probably on the second or third after the new month starts it’s patreon automatic YES on the first of the month it will take out of your payment of however you usually pay so if

It’s a credit card or whatnot it will do that so the best time to patreon is like the flight the beginning of the month and then yeah TARDIS if you wanted to up it I would just cancel it and then on like the second or third just repaid Rehan

That would probably be the best way to do it that just sounds convoluted I mean it’s it takes out on the first so I have it set up and most people have it set up so when someone patreon taught Ematic lee takes out of there it automatically

Charges them so right now if you were to up it it would charge you the difference so if you went from five to ten it would charge you the five dollars but in a couple of days when it becomes the first it would charge you again

But yes patreon is automatic yeah um so Tony if he if he really stood on the second I think that they would take out so if he went from five to say I think they would take out ten on the second and not five so in total he’d be giving

Me fifteen so that’s why I said just cancel it and then on like the second or third just three patreon I mean it wouldn’t matter I wouldn’t take your rolls away for a week of a difference that that’s not the point of it the point of it is just how patreon works

But yeah I don’t like automatic well you so if you don’t like automatic it only charges the difference okay I wasn’t sure because I’m not I’m not entirely sure but I mean the best way for people to support the channel if they don’t want to do something like patreon that’s

Automatic it obviously is just to directly donate say you want to so I’ve had people tell me this before because there are some people that do not support patreon after you know everything they have done and whatnot if you wanted to be say a patreon and you

Don’t want to be part of patreon you want to be a supporter of the channel just donate the amount that you want and then I will I will still give you the role in the discord because you’re still a supporter of the channel you know some people just don’t like that automatic

Nature of patreon and that’s why I have things like direct donations set up are you positive I’m not positive I’m not sure grim because I think Lenna has I know Lenna had up update upgraded he’s a mountain once and I think that it charged him the

Amount so I’m not exactly sure I will look into it for you TARDIS because I am Not sure I usually just tell people because it’s the safest ways on patreon and then after the second just up it I mean if it was like the first week or if it was

Like the second week then it wouldn’t matter as much well I’m out later you degenerates but the love of course have a fantastic May thank you so much for stopping by appreciated I hope that your night goals are very well you might have you must have a lot of redstone already

To be leaving all of that behind I use so much material friend I have so much material but I’m going to go back and unload all of my bags my knock bags my inventory demon I need that sword keep it back geez Louise thank you I couldn’t leave that behind

I want to go catfishing just for laughs anyone done that as if fishing for cats or pretending to be a big-titty golf on the internet I’m sorry every time I’m sorry man oh man who knows that the worried noodling wait noodling what the hell is noodling I’m checking my PayPal receipts right now

Well don’t forget to patreon because I don’t make money from YouTube fun fact I want to be I know Murray and I know it’s it’s a struggle have you thought about using a crypto donation platform to hello I’ve considered it but I haven’t had enough people be interested in me

Setting it up and everything you knew very you knew I knew what you meant ie I knew what you meant we all want to be a big-breasted Golf in our lives most of us just are just we’re not good enough to be you know one can hope though but I’ve I’ve considered setting

Up you know crypto and whatnot I just I I don’t get a ton of donations in general anyway so if there’s not enough you know interest in it I don’t particularly see a point to it but if there was ever enough of a an interest

For me to set up things like that I would totally do it I would so I hope that your night is going well when I played the new Sonic racing game I ended up playing as a Rogen apparently she is a great um the new Sonic but what do you mean a new

Sonic racing game you mean like me new get the redstone oh we have a we have a ton of redstone back there than I need to mine also goth is optional well I’m glad to hear not a man of them you’re not very picky you’re not a very picky

Man Daryl itself oh my gosh all right guys I’m glad think we all are willing to sacrifice some of our walks in life glad that we’re all willing to sacrifice some of our wants for the greater good teen sonic racing okay I wanted to make sure that that’s the one that you were

Talking about it’s actually pretty nice it does look pretty nice I don’t play racing games enough I’m gonna be honest I really am only a fan of one type of racing game well I guess it’s not necessarily true I mean I like Mario Kart I’m just kind of a four as a person

Need for speed awesome I love Need for Speed it’s too bad that they’ve ruined the past like three Need for Speed games it hurts me so much it’s pretty painful it’s pretty sad honestly favoring them I play a racing game just hop into your car and take a

Drive because you can’t really drive the same way also dangerous I mean I’m not saying like you couldn’t I’m just saying you would have to be aptly skilled and whatever it is you were driving off forza how i missed me i i love for us that a force is really good

Hey envy how you doing i hope you’re having a fantastic night I hope the unite is going a very very well I’m still through the channel that love your videos well I’m glad than you enjoy them and it’s a it’s good to see you I appreciate everyone that stops by

Maybe we should go in mine here maybe this is a bad idea a very bad idea but we’re going to do it because I’m not afraid there’s a slight emphasis on the whole team aspect you and your team are able to swap items in between each other regardless

Application and you can drive whoever your teammates did to boost interesting yeah I mean it looked pretty good I just never got it I’m slow when it comes to getting games like that like unless I really want a game I’m so slow when it comes to buying them you guys know that

Hello nunu we’re all a bit nutty enjoy it’s a good way to put it I really do I really want to see I feel like we could but do I want to I mean it’s a week I’m gonna go down a little bit you know I’m going to go down a

Little bit as long as I don’t die I am perfectly fine I want me some Elden ring altitude ring looks awesome I am very excited to see more about Eldon Ring What will the ratio of mining to crafting be in today’s stream well we’ve done a lot more mining than crafting this time around hey but last stream last minecraft stream that was a month ago we did more crafting the mining I think and we’ve definitely done more mining than

Crafting I’ve been mining the whole two hours that I’ve been on maybe I should have done more crafting but it’s fine but it’s perfectly fine guys Golf is mandatory damn it Frank Frank we talked about goths five minutes ago but it’s alright it’s alright we all appreciate a good cough these

Days by donating you money to buy blood-borne would you stream it I have to can i I’d have to consider that one that’s for sure you can do that it never occurred to me occurred to you to do what donate off stream I have a donation link that you

Can donate through when I’m streaming when I’m not streaming I also have PayPal set up directly so you can donate directly off stream and doesn’t particularly matter most people just like to donate on stream so a nice notification pops up and you know I can say thank you I am very appreciative

Appreciative as I cannot talk all of the donations that I get you guys know that it’d be worth it would it really be though blood-borne oh I would consider that one I will consider that one not only for you but I will consider it you know what I haven’t played yet I was

Thinking about this the other day I have not played Dark Souls remastered I remember when that came out I really wanted it for the Nintendo switch and then they delayed it for like two or three months when it came out of the Nintendo switch and I just didn’t care

As much about it pretty disappointing watching new players played blood-borne is always worth it is it really worth it to embarrass me that much that marine is it really kind of let’s see what’s down here Justin you guys know will probably stream for about another 10 minutes or

So but if there’s anything that you guys want to talk about if there’s any questions you want to ask or anything specific topic wise that you guys would like to talk about feel free to chat and ask I want to know how would you count capture the people that don’t care about

The censorship and say it’s a waste of time talking about them um I feel like the problem with people that and say censorship is you know talking about censorship is a waste of time and that it doesn’t really exist are people that just truly do not understand the lengths

That censorship in gaming is going that’s a real big problem as people are just unwanted say uneducated they’re just unaware of how how bad the censorship in gaming has gotten for you know place up for platforms like PlayStation and whatnot and I just feel like I would just try to point them to

Different references and different you know examples for them to see because a lot of people truly do not have the time to recognize how much censorship really really has been going on in the industry I mean it’s even gotten so bad as like cover arts of games and music has

Censored recently like look at the Forza Games you know the news four’s again had a bunch of songs censored in it and that’s it I’m just going to be honest it’s really really because someone created those songs created the gang created the graphics everyone created what goes on with games and it’s

Really awful when someone’s work gets censored and I just feel like a lot of people who would not you know support these platforms in these games and these companies that end up censoring things that they just don’t have the time as an average consumer to really look and do

It as much as it’s happening it’s really difficult though do you think we’ll ever get a spiritual successor to go through to Goldeneye and double-oh-seven to the switch maybe if we did Oh Hot Tamales I would be down for that I would be down for that you know we always do the end

Of stream today do we know like this is my TED talk Because I don’t recall us ever really doing that but maybe I’m just crazy there are so many I mean that is true Grimm there are so many you know different shooters do we really need it I mean we do for the nostalgia nostalgia is what matters I mean look at let’s say

Ritual of the night that was a spiritual successor cue the Castlevania series and everyone loved it so far for the most part did did they do so Tony I’m very curious how many other people do you know that really talk anti-censorship that’s also another I get to hear what you’re trying to say

But how many people really talk about anti-censorship there are people you know there are a lot of people in the anime crowd you know that to talk about it but I feel like there’s not enough people that really talk about it you know my channel didn’t start off talking

About anti censorship my channel started strictly on video games and Magic the Gathering and then I slowly moved into things that I really wanted to talk about that enough people we’re not discussing censorship cycle happens everything yeah I mean it does I think you’re not you are not wrong marina not

And another thing is that is the censorship really worse now than it used to be I mean it some people argue it’s not because the thing is is as we become more intertwined with social media and things we find out more and more about situations like censorship we become

More aware to it and it it’s always been really bad but we are just becoming more aware of it because we can hear more situations and more examples of it happening you know there’s there’s also that so teef is designed by the second half fun of his seven will have even more Finn

Tifa Tifa keifa has been such a rough topic to talk about because compared to the original version of her in the original Final Fantasy 70s she has toned down but compared to the design models that they have made for her and her recent versions of her Advent Children

Kingdom Hearts you know stuff like that she isn’t more toned down than she was in those games so it really depends on what type of examples were talking about here you know what we’re comparing her to corporations do need to be they have so much power it’s getting pretty

Terrifying my my problems with censorship is kind of what most people’s are and that’s you’re ruining someone’s vision if it’s a song if it’s you know a character if it’s a game if it’s a book whatever it is you’re ruining someone’s original design someone put their time

In their work and their effort into creating that and no one should have the power to take that away no one should have the power to take that away someone created that someone put time and effort into that and that’s my problem you know if what we are looking at something like

Final Fantasy 7 remake there are people that do not believe it’s censorship and you know I feel this way to slightly that it’s not really censorship because it they wanted an art direction change and she that’s what they went with you know yes she might be more toned down

Than a previous version of her but you know they just went with a slightly different version of her look at the clothing differences that’s just an art direction change someone created that don’t be mad just because she has socks or something is slightly different that is just a sheer art direction change

Someone created that someone had the vision and the vision got okayed and other people enjoyed the vision you know censorship leads to rewriting history very very true I am going to end stream in just a minute you guys I am willing to stop playing here but let’s chat for

A minute if there’s anything and that you guys want to talk about if there’s anything that you guys want to chat about now is the time before and stream tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Eastern I will be playing magic arena per usual on Mondays TARDIS don’t be mad because she

Has socks Vera 2019 I mean it’s true everyone’s like she has songs she’s so much different man those are stockings some people have fetishes for stockings ok don’t be so angry just because tifa’s legs got a little chilly ok they’ve respected her and her chilly

Legs I need it’s it’s not that deep it’s not that Her feet are warmer what a whatever what a disgusting thing I can’t believe socks on her even though so many people have a sock fetish like that people love stockings we’re not we’re not thinking about our players though they totally have those fetishes we were just that wanted her

Legs were covered cakes guys I had no complaints for tifa’s design change I like her I don’t mind me changes of he of this lit the stockings I don’t think that it all in all looks awful I think that she still looks like teeth you know

She could have looked a lot a lot worse and she doesn’t she still looks like teeth this is the best censorship talk I’ve ever witnessed what oh don’t be mad because she’s wearing love in socks don’t be mad just because teef is wearing sumps okay stop being so deep just because you

Don’t like socks okay she’s cold who knows the weather cycle in Midgar okay guys you have to be you have to respect her in her feet okay as long as your chest is on point I won’t mind she she looks fine she looks like Tifa she

Looks like teeth but the window was the weather cycle okay are there weather men in final fantasy video games no okay you don’t know the weather cycle she might run into a blizzard you don’t know okay I don’t know I think that she still looks good I think that she still looks

Like teeth I don’t think that she looks awful even even if her chest might be a little bit downgraded maybe compared to the original version of her and Final Fantasy 7 I think that she still looks like Tifa I’ve already talked about this a couple times I’ve talked about this

Plenty of streams plenty of discussion you guys know I’m more of a stateless person to be honest Hello toss how you don’t know hope they’re having a fantastic night we are just about to end stream but I hope that you having a good day I hope that your day went very well Tifa looked great she did or she does at this point I’m more worried about

Altering content and Cup season in the game rather than just tifa’s design I agree I think that there is a lot to be worried about when it comes to the gameplay of Final Fantasy 7 I just worry that there are scenes that could be changed and yes they might not be huge

Super important scenes but they are scenes nonetheless that could still be changed I’m good what about you I have had a very good day Keith looks great yes she does um all right you guys I am going to head out for the night thank you guys so much for

Hanging out the past couple of hours I super appreciate it I will be in discord if you guys want to chat so please feel free to use the discord feel free to message me on Twitter if you guys want to talk I will be around on Twitter and

On discord tomorrow night at 8 p.m. Eastern I will be streaming magic arena per usual and I will be posting the stream schedule for this week on patreon probably tomorrow morning as a public post but yeah make sure to join the discord chat with us there thank you

Guys for sticking around the past couple of hours and thank you for the donations tonight as well have a great night and I will see you guys again in a little while have a great night you guys

This video, titled ‘Mining For Materials + Casual Sunday Stream – Vara Plays Minecraft LIVE’, was uploaded by Vara Dark – Dark Titan Media on 2019-06-24 02:39:47. It has garnered 395 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:21 or 6921 seconds.

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    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More