Unbelievable Magic in Modded Minecraft 1.19.2!

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Hold on chat I can I can fix it I promise we’re we’re going to I just got this game I’m going to get Yi hustle um there we go all right uh enjoy nonsense it has dialogue fun it’s f I will be back chat do not worry A he got one more let me find the last one I think it’s this one this one now I can tell the time All right we’re good to go it’s gone now have fun uh that’s that let me get this up right uh nope that’s not it Let’s do let’s just see if this works okay I guess not we’re going to do the screen capture because I am tired we’re going to just do this

Oh okay there we go all right thank God we’re good to go all right today we’re going to be doing modded survival with cheats because I need to teleport around like a [ __ ] lunatic on crack so to to bring some cont where the [ __ ] am I did I seriously

Spawn in a [ __ ] jungle actually that may be very useful because I need uh grab that uh so there’s a mod that came out like today by a very well-known YouTuber named Dr Rat and and uh it is probably one of the best mods ever made question

Mark because it’s so [ __ ] cool okay you can’t blame me for it being like extremely fun so uh let me let me open up my YouTube again because it’s being a [ __ ] and uh we’re we’re just G to play some modded Minecraft and I’ll show you

Uh if we can’t get around to it today I’ll show you in like the uh this an extra world or something what it does so this this is just going to be a chill afternoon stream I don’t have any school tomorrow because the ice on the

Normal roads have [ __ ] up I got Jesus with me here I finally brought him downstairs and I got a Dr Pepper that is it that is all you people need to know right now if I can find cocoa beans that would be amazing cuz I know you need cocoa beans I

Think for uh a specific item been so long since oh Minecraft mods do I have uh I have just a variety of mostly Quality of Life mods basically uh aside from that I don’t really have anything because uh I used to not run really well like higher end versions of this game I

Can just make sticks out of this right yeah okay uh due to the fact that uh this game runs like [ __ ] or used to on my uh on my PC which is surprising so kind of Panda are you angry okay don’t don’t [ __ ] with him got

It I have a high dollar feeling no one’s going to join at all because all of my subscriber base is based around the one video that only has has 100,000 views for some [ __ ] reason you people launch thing in the stratosphere I am putting ads on that

And uh yeah just in general like what what the [ __ ] people why why did that thing blow up basically in the past few months that’s stupid very very low expectations for me I was expecting that thing to get a thousand at most what the [ __ ] anyways we’re gonna yes

I love jumping in water oh here we go cocoa beans perfect uh D yeah the just the brown stuff in general uh non-craft non craftable I also have create because it’s create you expect uh it’s it’s basically God’s given greatest mod on Earth at this rate

So we we’re going to be just fine also sorry for the Yumi hustle stuff I just I recently got that game and it is basically uh turning me into an asane asylum on how I want to basically create my characters in that uh I tried actually modding the game on a game

Engine but when I went in and tested it to see uh how to mod uh apparently since the editing software used to mod a new characters got uh we going to turn that the [ __ ] down uh blocks 50 much better uh because the editing software

Used to update it uh or to not update it it was updated from 3.0 to 4.0 like a good chunk of the scripting is just buggy and broken because it’s a great video like every other one you make dog it is not that good of a video have you heard my

Voice in that this and the editing is the editing got better towards the end I’ll give myself credit for that but outside of that it was absolute dog [ __ ] and I Know I Can Do Better which is why I’m taking my time on the ultra Kill

Review because I want it to be much better than the other one uh and in all honesty it will follow a very similar aspect of uh what I’m wanting out of blank as a game series where uh it’ll have like little overviews of each new character or weapon or whatever

So it it’ll it’ll basically just be like that anyways let’s make actual items before oh yeah by the way this is my character it’s a human marks from uh the [ __ ] Kirby franchise because I a Kirby head okay don’t blame me BL blame blame the video game for turning me gay I mean

What cool uh we’re going to kill some chickens because uh or not chickens everything sir come here I will add new mods the further we get into this so chat our main goal today is to basically just get like iron is armor decent amount of tools and uh try out

The new mod God this is a lot of chickens death death give me your food give me your life Essence I wish for both death does not come fast enough for you all right uh is there any sugar cane nearby uh sugar canane spotted yep found

It okay good good good good sir come here you’ll uh you’ll really like the mod that I have trust me when I say this the most recent mod by Dr Rat I I have a bunch of his mods installed uh his effective mod I think is what it’s

Called Uh so for instance watch whenever I jump in the water splashes it’s basically just like really neat stuff I know if uh his like particle [ __ ] or something yeah like look at that so cooler look at that see uh right there I can’t zoom into it but uh cas Falls will

Uhit uh smoke and [ __ ] so that’s interesting where the hold on there it is what game is but it sounds cool uh turn-based fighting game it is literally just a turn-based fighting game that’s all I’m going to say I should have added uh can I can I not show crafting

Oh wait no do I need to go in a crafting table for this oh okay okay okay hold on how do I make a marshmallow again I may have to install a mod real quick but uh that that’ll be that’ll be next time we’re we’re going to ignore that right

Now uh we’re going to kill these cows oh [ __ ] skeletons you kidding me death The axe every man’s best tool nope no no no no you’re not getting away from me right uh oh [ __ ] we’re fine everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine we are not dying today [ __ ] you you God damn bony [ __ ] Jesus Christ okay that was a fantastic

Start very fun I love going into going into Ravine I mostly live in Ravines and my Bedrock game uh Bedrock game and my Bedrock save whenever I used to be grounded and I was only allowed to play on my Xbox I just made a house out of a

Ravine I lost three sets of netherite armor by the way once because it despawned after I died to a witch because the game doesn’t pause while like the pause screen is up I don’t get that even in single player uh even offline it does that which is really stupid um and then

Another save was when I died to Lava and I got trapped underneath and all I got out of it was my pickaxe and then the final time was because I was uh flying with a trident without an elytra in uh very rainy weather and I died I died to

Fall damage and then I couldn’t find find out where it was and it just basically like just destroyed it and I got pissed your boy got pissed about it three sets of armor I think a full three sets of tools so we need iron iron is our best friend here so fun

Fact one time I cheated to figure out how to make an iron farm and create those Exist by the way they’re [ __ ] powerful which is really weird should probably get myself coal right I should probably get coal and [ __ ] to make torches or I can be

Gaming chat he could be gaming right now not going to lie we’re going to just use planks right now uh except three three going to make a brown bed game game can I can I can we please God damn it okay uh damn that’s unlucky yeah of course that’s unlucky

That was hours of my life downstairs wasted in minutes but if you guys got any game ideas just for streaming and [ __ ] that’d be great because uh I don’t think anyone like I honest I do want to play uh you know what honestly I’m thinking about just making one of those like

Videos like with an update what my content is because clearly 90% of you people came over I hear a zombie or creeper it’s a zombie hello sir you’re going to die by fire that sure happened anyways I was going to probably make a uh a respon a uh 2024

Response video saying I am going to be going away from that genre of game because I do not like the direction that that game is going it’s still like I understand all the Roblox problems that’s not my problem the problem is is the balancing of Sonic and the content

Rout that that game is going to get I’m not kidding you when I said this I would bet you within the next few weeks I was very lucky of me uh within the next few weeks that game gets just an absolute content drought that will not matter

From the devs like the devs would just be like H tough luck we don’t have any we don’t have any vision and continuing going anyways have fun and we just get [ __ ] unlucky also uh Dynamic lights mod yes I love Dynamic lights the [ __ ] actually [ __ ]

Fire no no piss off young man piss off I they cool that was a weird noise ignore me cool I’m looking for uh oh there’s a m shaft nearby what the [ __ ] hello there’s the skeleton all right we got to Juke the skeleton weave and Dodge baby weave Dodge [ __ ] [ __ ]

Die chat we have weaved and dodged to the skeleton we are gaming I am I successfully gamed on on the video uh by the way is there like a command to give me all of the recipes I want to do that real quick ah there it is do you

Mean uh oh here we go let’s just do marshmallow here we go because I want to I want to figure that out real quick so how do I make a marshmallow um oh there it is oh it’s sugar berries and an egg oh wow

That’s uh chat I may I may want to roll for uh for sweet berries because uh I don’t think we’re spawn near by one at all play that game anymore it’s cuz I showed her two friends and they liked it I H I don’t play that game I touch it every so often

And then it just reminds me either a how horrible people are at uh being really good at the video game or be uh just how cracked it it’s it’s very much an un oh hello Enderman uh it’s a very unbalanced game in my opinion either Sonic can

Whack your [ __ ] in if your teammates are dog just dog water or the opposite where the entirety of the enemy team can just win immediately and it’s stupid and combine that with different ping and uh console to laptop to computer [ __ ] uh it’s it’s annoying also ignore how I’m just casually talking

While shit’s erupting around me so uh yeah that’s honestly the game is it is well it is well put together in the most recent update has made Sonic a little too tuned in the direction of just random [ __ ] in my opinion like he is way too reliable just

[ __ ] grab or not just grab his uh his Dash because technically it’s a multi-hitting spammable move that’s just absolutely stupid pretty [ __ ] sick uh and it’s just boring fighting against him there’s no satisfying reward to it I’m lagging give me a second or not the dude just decided to sit still and

Do Jack all very cool I need more coal yeah that’s my thought that’s my that’s my thoughts on the game uh another game I think is really just bad is any Soul shatters game dog like not the game play is fine but the [ __ ] Community makes me want to take a bath in

Oil should you should cover yourself in oil and fly now type beat like I just I just never want to touch that franchise ever again it is absolute horrendous activity the [ __ ] hold on there’s an option in the video settings real quick uh in the mods but it’s like Ultra kill Parry reflect

Or something from one of rat’s mods I hate that thing yeah I hate it too don’t worry but you don’t let explode honestly if you can’t kill a creeper fast enough just let it explode it basically will just remove stuff for you very useful odd I think you’re like the only

Viewer that actively watches my [ __ ] for fun like not because I’m doing any hold on is my video game running at like slightly lower because I have 60 FPS right now I’m gaming with 60 FPS I may have to go fix that in the next thing because obviously my game is not

Not liking any of this uh fun fact remember I was streaming uh if you want to go back watch the last uh stream my game was lagging so poor or the CPU in my computer was so high uh just for me streaming it literally shat itself

Trying to stream a hat in time which is hilarious how much iron do we have Jesus Christ 30 God Almighty o hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what level is that at what level is that at because if it’s straight ahead I want that I don’t care

It’s cheating oh never mind it’s technically not cheating because it’s right [ __ ] here okay so chat we can do what I want right now you see this this is the key to everything hello gamer how you doing the only problem is that we have to go out into the night sky which I

Have to build back up to fun I love I love I love building in the hit game Minecraft need to eat some my actual food so we’re going to do that real quick and then we’re going to like clear out is that a ruin nether portal you see

That on my mini map right like I’m right on top of me on North what the [ __ ] okay so first of all we’re going to do that and then second of all we need copper two two pieces Perfect the other two people need to get their ass in chat yeah well maybe there I mean it is technically I know one of them’s from uh Israel so uh I have no I have I’m not going to give my opinions on that whole ordeal long story short uh

The one individual that lives there I do hope they get out of whatever situation we in uh and then the other guy I think is just asleep he he be snoozing on the job might stream again tomorrow since I’m off due to snow but I highly doubt

It I’m probably just going to go edit my video because I really need to do that I would stream the editing process but my editing process is basically me just [ __ ] posting and seeing what [ __ ] works uh yeah I need you smoke uh okay so let’s build up here real

Quick you can tell I am very malnourished for whenever I was a Wee child hold on hold hold the [ __ ] phone I’m stupid I am dumb as a box of rocks give me chat give me one second also okay so uh the thing to start this all without even

Needing a marshmallow is the spy glass and if I can get up there fast enough I will show you why we need the spy glass uh due to the one mod in particular and also I want to bucket real quick so I can I can climb up the surfaces without

Dealing with the consequences of my action and and perfect oh I need to make the bucket I’m stupid we got to get over there fire Bo I could do a decent Scout impression for some reason I I can’t uh I got I also have the I’m sure odd has

Heard a lot of my Impressions but I have like a Yogi Bear impression I have the New York brookin guy or the not the not the New York uh the new jerseyan second I’m G I’m gonna do that so I don’t the the new jerseyan is very much my favorite

Whoa and we’re out of here all right so we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that chat we don’t talk about that you hear me young man we do not young young audience member we do not talk about that okay let’s let’s light up this areait

Okay so you see all these like nice pretty Stars uh just in general see all of them right I’m not sure if we’re able to see any because we don’t have marshmallows but so I’m going to just tell you right now what you need to do is you need to eat a marshmallow with uh just whatever ever

You know don’t die I have torches around me and the enemy spawns are far away I’ll live and so what you’re supposed to do is uh you’re supposed to look at the sky uh with star that right there you see it just watch look at that how cool that is look

How cool that is and if we’re lucky after it happens we might have just got something boys look how [ __ ] cool that is dog that’s so baller somewhere over in this dire oh there’s pumpkins over here too I could use that oh my God it shows up on the it

Shows up on the thing as purple that’s actually really useful holy [ __ ] shut up I’m I’m I’m balling with the sauce you hear it want to break it okay so we got a Shard out of that right astral fragment those are very useful those are very very very useful

So that’s what you do that’s that’s what this mod is all about can you [ __ ] off oh the skeletons are getting chased by death death Death kill them good job I’m going to tame one of you oh well that was worthless that [ __ ] ran up faster than expected my [ __ ] ears first of

All so yeah that’s uh Ben Ben 10 shut the [ __ ] up shut up do not be choing in my chat right now okay do not that’s [ __ ] stupid but yeah that’s that’s what this mod is basically about and once we get more uh interesting things

So basically right now I just have to be really lucky like really lucky especially with the clouds and everything I I’m we’re basically just star watching at this right we’re going to we’re going to do this because it looks prettier that one no that’s not one

Chat tell me if I’m missing any because I want the fragments the fragments are very useful oh there’s one hello I just scrolled I just scrolled by you hello by the way each of them are random the colors are random which is [ __ ] glorious the blue ones are my

Favorite so far what the the [ __ ] that close are you kidding me G you shouldn’t have you’re spoiling me G G seriously you’re spoiling me how many do we get this time oh they shine oh right yeah a fun thing about these is if you pick it up in your

Inventory has particle effects in the inventory that’s really interesting but that’s uh once once we get enough I’ll I’ll show you what’s really cool about these things things right okay uh let’s F1 again once we get marshmallows it’ll be a lot easier to get more because we can increase the rates

At which they spawn but for right now we’re basically going to have to work with scraps this is just ha found you [ __ ] and o oh actually I really like that one that looks like a fireball that’s really cool it’s really really cool I don’t think it spawned anything

That’s okay at least it looked pretty uh let’s see that’s why I spawn torches around me because in a certain radius mobs can’t spawn so like I said chat if you see one that I don’t Before Sunrise do tell me because I am legally blind technically if you check my

Driver’s permit it does say that I am a which is a handicap Oh I thought I looked at the Enderman there oh I would have been [ __ ] to death if I looked at the end there all right I think I think we’re good I I I think chat we’re

Good like I said we’re basically working with slimick God damn it not again piss off [ __ ] hate infly responding IES one of the worst mechanics in this game by far no more Ben 10 we’ll find more Ben 10 don’t worry about that I guess I guess the joke is the running gag will

Be every time we see what it’ll just play oh that was a turtle every time we see one it’ll just play the Ben 10 theme for every [ __ ] star that falls that would be [ __ ] amazing but for right now I guess I can uh oh I need glass I’m

Going to shovel some glass real quick the next thing we’re going to do oo that close legally blind hello Ryan I am technically legally blind yes you’re correct the next cool thing we’re going to do is we’re going to use these star fragments to uh make something

Nice we’re going to sleep though real quick so that why we don’t you know die excuse me sir do you mind if you just pass on by all right that was the uh the first encounter with those things now you can see why they’re super cool so now let’s make some

Glass do not remove uh g& L from glass worst mistake of my life oh yeah copper stuff right um God I hate this thing uh okay so I’m guessing the mod doesn’t allow me to let’s let’s yeah astronomical astral display yeah let’s get that because it doesn’t show up for me

Even though I pick up the proper stuff so that’s annoying um astral container there it is all right so this is the astral container right uh here it is takes glass astr fragment three copper ingots which is why we need the glass uh speaking of which I need to get myself

More wood so let’s make ourselves an Axe and get ourselves some chests baby one hello to man yes The Tall Man listen man I’ve been playing too much SCP secret lab dog I call the lanky man the lanky man also I’m might have to figure out a way to make sure this game

Runs better with my uh maybe if I turn down the chunks would that fix it something turn down the [ __ ] simulation distance oh yeah the max frame rate that fix it oh my God it did it it fixed hold on okay so it fixes it fixed it it fixed it

I think we’re both matching frame ratees so we’re good to go well most of it so now now it’s a now it’s in high definition as the kids call it we’re going to we’re going to need some trees we’re also I’m going to go explore that

Uh the roof ruins over here real quick because it might have something very useful Pardon Me Oh act whoa hold on I just noticed actual good food question mark oh and we’re going to need you uh come with me young man you’re going to need eggs so you are you are

Coming with me for the time being you are the easiest thing to breed so we’re we’re get rid of that come on this is our first chicken of many that we need for eggs no come here yep come here come on they’ll just follow us it’s

Fine we need chickens for the thing the other thing I need to locate is a biome with uh something in particular come here now stand still real quick all right we’ve gotten the chicken chicken secured I need them to come over to me again though so I can [ __ ] trap what the [ __ ]

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] where did he come from excuse me what the [ __ ] that actually jump scared me you can name it yes you can name it odd you can name the chicken he won’t be dying so you can name the chicken oh he dropped a bow by the way

Cool and it actually is actual decent durability all right young man you will be in here for the rest of the time being you may have your seeds as a reward but yes you may name it do not name it Ben 10 I swear to God if you

Name it Ben 10 I’m going to kill you with a [ __ ] rope just one chest right now that’s all we need glass astral fragments spy glass amethyst shards sugar ton of melon slices I do not need this can go here because I need you and the cocoa beans this is fine here

Yep yep I need to cook the chicken that’s good I guess and then that’s there okay this yeah all the glasses good I need to get myself more copper real quick so I can make the thing their name is mustache why is there any particular reason why you called it mustache may I

Ask I I wonder why they called it mustache I wonder why huh I’m gonna I’m going to keep these golden carrots like they’re a [ __ ] lifeblood this [ __ ] actually Ballers as [ __ ] I should have taken a pair of pants but at the same time they’re gold so they’re kind of basically useless then

Again not yeah I should have taken some it’s fine I’ll grab some in a minute probably the protection two pants because they do a better job at the cost of you know less durability but who [ __ ] cares uh yep just split this in half give me yep yep I knew why I knew

Why I was like I I bet you I know why they’re going to do that so basically if you want to TDR of how we’re going to do this we need to farm the astral uh the astral shards because that [ __ ] is what we’re able to do to get a lot of interesting

Stuff skeleton piss off yep yep we know why we we know why 110% we know why uh Unbreaking actually that is more useful and I’ll take like G powder back piss off uh locate biome um what’s what’s it called climate cold Forest plays underwater water snow and

Gold rabbit that’s weird that’s such a weird uh um no no no no no I need uh Sweet Berry bushes I don’t want that re William has structured the deel OB oblisk what the [ __ ] is that what what was that kill the Sheep No I have enough food for right now we’re fine

Um I need to Minecraft farmer Mason no I don’t want that uh biome what was it called again not the deep forest no no no definitely not uh Spruce T Spruce tiger that’s what it was right jungle tiger here we go you [ __ ] kidding me why why is it that far away we’re

Going to have to go we’re basically going to have to work with scraps to get Berry one berry bush by the way one berry bush because I don’t know where else Barry bushes spawn hold on I’m gonna get out my phone real quick where do Barry bushes

SP no not Missouri m CRA Jesus Christ all tiger biomes so technically I could also look for the snowy which is even farther away just by that yep and then the uh that’s the tiger what was the other one again old growth Spruce tiger there it

Is that one okay so the normal tiger is a farthest away okay so that sucks very fun yay I love I I love running to and from we’re not going to do that right now we’ll I’ll do that either while I’m not streaming as like a thing to just do

And come back with or something else I’m not wasting that much time what we are wasting time on is uh stargazing again because I want to show you what I can do what was the astronomical thing again blocks no is it in is it in here it has

To be in here no is it in Redstone oh wait it’s because I don’t have a [ __ ] I’m stupid hold on you have to have a crafting table because of course you have to have a crafting table no normal building blocks no where is it I know it’s in here I’m

Not stupid just tired there it is Asal display yeah this uh this is what we’re going to be needing after Next Step which if I can I can try getting to it but I highly oh [ __ ] it’s already okay we got to go get our stuff tal ho

Lads I’m going to put some light around him so he doesn’t like he won’t despawn but you know like he he he also will die oh he dropped an egg give me thank you I’m going to just drop and throw eggs in there honestly hold on Idea Idea

Forming because I want to make sure that I’m able to get in and out of there without like a problem or just like check on him he can’t get out with slabs right perfect okay you should be fine in there however because he’s entrapped within a non5 block space highly doubt

It hope to see a fox if we if I do stream it we might by the way technically uh Fox’s killing stuff is modded so take that with a grain of salt all right I didn’t even grab my [ __ ] hourglass I’m I’m an idiot chicken you oh yeah the uh I need to

Make the thingy hold on we got time we got time to spare or night to spare technically uh so we’re going to make like yeah let’s just make one let’s let’s just let’s just make one so what you could originally do is if I remember correctly you can make a lantern out of

This I don’t remember how but instead what we are going to do is something far far cooler thank you mustache yes thank than mustache the egg he will be giving us eggs until he can breed with his Brethren all right so we need to find one of those little twinkly Stars Ryan I

Don’t think you were here last time to look at the twinkly Stars sir you walking over here too far I’m just going to push you into the ocean I’m going to push you in here and you will not get out and the gamer is dead amazing anyways no I don’t want to eat

That time for stargazing boys oh there’s one all right so Ryan watch this watch this Ryan oh it’s red is that red or is that orange that’s orange that’s a much more fiery orange and if we’re lucky perfect oh [ __ ] I dropped it okay so you know how I said about these right

Um what if I told you that these little things don’t just drop star fragments they’re actually far more interesting than that watch and learn we just picked up a planet and it’s right there we just got ourselves a planet by watching a supernova and then picking it up in a

Container now you see why I [ __ ] like this mod by the way you can change the color of it oh that red looks baller as [ __ ] it looks like Mars all right so uh because we don’t have any more containers we’re just going to look at normal stars and another big Boom oo that one’s a yellow one it’s like watching custom made fireworks it’s great holy [ __ ] oh it landed on the water so technically I am safe I don’t know yeah it landed on the water it can’t go in the water but it can land in some very precarious areas but

Uh you’re going to need more of these reasons I will show you later did how many drop oh [ __ ] no piss off [ __ ] about you give me my Goddamn star fragments did it Dro two it did either that or I had an extra I don’t remember but uh that’s this is the plan

Of this uh of this series is to if it’s raining you can’t see stars okay fine we’re going back we’re going back down we’re going back into the man cave I tried spam jumping you drop drop another egg yes he did give me the egg thank you my son uh

Just yeah raining stops it from showing Stars so he basically just got [ __ ] blocked but we now know what this is look look how cool this is by the way oh I I was I did the wrong one oh [ __ ] I picked it up look how cool that

Is look at the [ __ ] flat texture it’s so textured and it’s spinning so we’re going to put this in its own chest why because I need to by the way there’s an infinite amount of possibilities with these these things technically so hey that’s what we like to

See right let’s uh let’s see if I can go deeper down into these caves to get myself what I want which is uh Redstone you need light amount of redstone and we need to get ourselves a few more things and I’ll show you something really [ __ ]

Cool because uh if you watch the don’t don’t watch the video if you want to uh but uh the Dr rat video or made rat or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called Uh his second Channel basically uh goes over the whole mod but uh for me in all honesty I’m just uh just

Gaming may have to find a new Cave System perhaps where we can go this way something over here oh there is oh hell yes this is what exactly what I want never mind there’s nothing in here boring stream of 2024 people right here it’s all you [ __ ] want is the

Same game if you want that please unsubscribe I do not care right so let’s go find ourselves a bigger thing to go a cave Cave System [ __ ] stupid I’m also going to kill pigs because I don’t care about pigs pigs are basically the poor man’s cow I said

It they don’t drop anything useful outside of food of course but they’re just how without leather that’s it same food nutrition after you cook it ain’t even pre-cooked it it’s literally just useless go make a cow Farm who cares about pigs all right so o

This and do I have my bucket yes I do off I go this might bring us what we I realized we need oh never mind I do have iron I just need to make a I don’t care what you play I’ll be here thank you lad that is listen man

You you’re you’re the embodiment of if x only has so if x has this many whatever the [ __ ] that Meme is you know what I mean copy pasta in chat if you want to I don’t give a [ __ ] but if you know the if you know the joke I’m trying to make

Here oh right that that’s a that’s a creep mod thing right there game I would love it if I was able to go down deeper into the catacombs called your mom’s house sir what are you doing he’s getting jiggy with it oh my God God the spider’s AI is so

Exploitable okay so we can make this out alive and without running into a dead end get ourselves some uh nice [ __ ] where am I oh it Loops up what the [ __ ] [ __ ] can go find some more chicken we’ll do that in a minute I need Redstone so I

Can show you what the [ __ ] is good okay trust me it will be really cool that’s not Redstone that’s gold I think no that was oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is there anything there’s nothing behind me what the [ __ ] oh there’s a creeper and skeletons she Jesus Christ hello welcome to the

Stream the love of God game do not kill is that [ __ ] diamonds what is that no that’s no that’s Redstone and that zombie is on that Redstone come here young man your death will be paid in blood here I must I must get it I need to make the one second the

Game not why why is The Game’s physics like this Spread spread outwards Christ sake also they’re infinitely respawning reasons okay so I need to make this this uh this real quick don’t worry about it I promise this process will be easy gotta wait though I’m going to put

My sword in there because I don’t need it is there anything down here that is useful outside of what I’m piss off Christ God I hate infinitely respawning zombies that [ __ ] is so annoying uh zombie zombie nothing Nothing Gold apparently this that this give me should be more than enough right

Now I am 100% both a deep sleep enjoyer and hater so wait I have what am I doing what you doing dog I have cheats enabled for the reason to teleport what the [ __ ] am I doing I don’t have keep inventory on that’s cheating or that’s too much

Cheating local clown keeps inventory on what he does next will shock you actually I do have keep inventory on but that’s if I actually give a [ __ ] about a world I want to keep going or I have really valuable [ __ ] in my inventory um am I lost I might be lost would not

Be surprised if I am lost I need to go up don’t mind me just parkouring there we go all right I think I think we got it yeah I’m lost I’m a tad bit lost honestly not lost just lost besides I need I don’t mind that I need more iron

Anyways for armor and [ __ ] armor tools you name it I think I just B went in a I went in a big circle wow that sucked oh this sucks how the [ __ ] did I get in here hold on it’s not the same way I went down was it I just

Landed oh my God that was funny as [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hello sir can I [ __ ] parach [ __ ] the bare hand hold on watch [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I can’t that sucks well he’s dead no no no no no you [ __ ] kidding me dead I am so [ __ ] dead die

Yes okay okay uh okay I think we’re fine we fine I think we’re fine yeah we’re fine thank you for the uh skeleton that so graciously dominated me his bow God [ __ ] just piss off God I hate large I hate 1.18 dog I hate 1.18 [ __ ] the most dumbest update to

This game ever is it revolutionary yes is it still dumb as [ __ ] also yes by far the worst update this game has ever had and I am not kidding when I say this it is introduced worse and worse [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here I got enough anyways

Oh God just be an exit swear exit please thank you and I have a bunch of water eat my shorts game [ __ ] you Large Ass open Caverns [ __ ] you game where the [ __ ] am I where where do I need to go home from I don’t remember oh that’s a

Witch I need to go this way anyways so we’re we’re going to just go backwards the caves are Hit or Miss they’re a Miss to me because the amount of mobs that spawn in them especially on hard difficulty uh tends to turn the game from a leisurely cave explor exploration

At any time the day to a [ __ ] nightmare on crack need go this way by the way CU if I remember correctly it’s this way uh and then we got to go making our own cut our own exit [ __ ] you and and the two other worst things

In this game is skeleton aim and yeah it’s over here a skeleton aim and [ __ ] uh zombie respawn mechanics did that [ __ ] just go through a tree what just happened there what this off game nope eat my shiny metal ass get [ __ ] all four of you anyways

Uh collector spunk welcome to the stream you want to see something cool you see something if we could find one you want see something cool that one that’s one right there I think right there found it watch this watch this it’s super noid guess this is modded so and then if we

Wait right in front of well thank you game that’s very kind of you it dropped it did drop two interesting got these now which I think we have enough to make what I want so that’s nice uh that’s not one they’re easier to spot than the rest just because it’s much smaller but

They can still be kind of annoying to find uh yeah that’s uh if if you want to uh go go go find Dr rat’s Channel that’s where that’s where it came from that’s his mod he makes some baller [ __ ] honestly is that one right there in the clouds No

Okay you can’t just glance at it either you kind of have to what am I doing press f one [ __ ] get more coverage got you kind of have to like get lucky oh God this hurts my eyes uh is that one right there no okay uh we may not find another one

Actually should be disappointing as [ __ ] but you know that happens uh where is it gamer I would like to know where the stars are is there literally nothing that has spawned hold on no no no no called it I was like shit’s going to be behind me isn’t

It yeah Dr rat’s good the particles and stuff yeah it’s [ __ ] baller I have a bunch of his stuff not a bunch but a good chunk of his stuff installed boom is it going to give anything right that one didn’t didn’t give anything which is mighty disappointing sorry I was Rick Sanchez

There for a second Morty Morty we got to get hookers Morty we got to find stars to get Starlight [ __ ] Morty [ __ ] like that uh do I just have enough how many do I need I need four right to make the thingy all right give me one second

This game [ __ ] sucks no no no no no die no no no no no no no that actually [ __ ] jump scared me I’m pissed about that what the [ __ ] just happened what is this game dog what what the [ __ ] is this mob’s AI on Minecraft update update the [ __ ] mob AI please

Oh yeah we do have enough and then I need one the [ __ ] do I need hold on should be at the very end right yep there it is and a piece of wood wow the the very boring thing one two three four like this no oh right red stone we

Need Redstone down here instead there it is all right so chat remember this this planet that I caught yeah we’ll see mustache in a sec so you see this planet that I caught right uh we’re gonna we’re going to do this real quick I’m also going to put

Some of the stuff in some chests so I have more space what we need um what if I told you with the flick of what is it a lever basically can I make a lever I think I can right yeah this let’s do to like here yep it’s a literal

Planet we we have a literal planet in our hands this ejects the planet right here that we caught and it puts it up on there how [ __ ] cool is that dog you can just turn it off and on any time and I know a few more tricks with this so don’t worry about

That did the egg just immediately despawn the egg despawned the moment I walked over towards it but yeah you can uh and it literally is seamlessly it has no lag spikes on my end which is [ __ ] amazing uh yeah I guess to end off today’s stream we’re going to go get find

Ourselves some berry bushes where the [ __ ] was the tiger negative First of allative 9871 or 11,000 or 1100 the doctor actually make it’s not a space mod it’s specifically just to grab uh planets and [ __ ] but I’m not going to explain what else we can grab until later and uh let

Me let me think here we’re going to keep you let me let me go reorganize my [ __ ] real quick and then we’ll be ready to run his ass going to actually fall no okay I think I fell so fast he didn’t register me right beside him which is

Hilarious I [ __ ] hate this game dog so dog [ __ ] but yeah we’re gonna we’re going to put you back in the Box you’re going back in the forever box uh we’re going to cook you we have an egg so we’re going to put you there going to make iron armor real quick so

We can not die as fast here we already have that we’re going to grab you honestly I’m going just put the rest of this [ __ ] like down here somewhere because I need space and I don’t care and then yep yeah we’re actually going to put one of these in here bow you can

Go in here Lau mobs hate themselves too much uh I think a spider fell yeah there was like a spider up here and I think it fell to its death the the the AI in this game is [ __ ] cooked bro it is actually brain

Dead uh the one thing I do want to get is a the the thing I want to get is actually a campfire how do I make a campfire again ah here we go this will be useful this will be useful that and you know what my two

Pieces of string let’s make a fishing rod cuz we’re going to need food so yep fishing rod uh I’m going to make a chest plate and uh by the way oh right it’s gone we’re going to just show this on display for everyone look how

Cool that is also it has a size of two which is actually kind of [ __ ] rare and no the planets do not have hit boxes you can stand inside of the planet so that that’s that’s that’s a surprise tool that’ll help us later uh let’s put the bamboo in there

[ __ ] it because we can use bamboo uh chest plate and then we’re going to make a helmet and then a I’m guessing we’ll just make a full set of armor and then we’ll go out and get ourselves some berry bushes and then we’ll be good to

Go uh question though to you guys would you all join a Discord server if I’m able to have people to moderate it this is later in life like not now probably not this year maybe later in years to come kind of depends oh he dropped an

Egg I no never mind he did he still here yeah he’s still here because in all honesty once I get out of my house I may actually run a [ __ ] I may run a uh Discord server and depends all right we’re going to need an egg we’re going to need as many

Eggs as possible so game can you give me more drop an egg drop an egg now you should drop an egg now oh and we’re probably going to be needing um let’s get another astral container cuz I do want to capture another thing if I come across one uh where’s the

There’s and I think it was is it really I think I make an astal container again this oh glass right I need glass I’m stupid hold on how do I I’m goingon to recipe real quick because the game does not tell you how to do this without crafting it

Yourself and I think think that’s stupid oh no I’m going to make the astral containment because those are more useful right now we get lucky we may get ourselves something very rare in in this yeah mustache is a very good chicken we love mustache in this household I actually have one myself but

I [ __ ] hate it like my IRL mustache [ __ ] look make me look like a [ __ ] Goblin we’re going to take a stack of melons just in case yep yep got to put that in our inventory nope that’s good there that’s good there let’s get ourselves another egg if he’s dropped one how long

Is he going to take what are you looking at oh there it is we got ourselves two eggs make ourselves some marshmallows I think we’re good to go all right let’s let’s get the [ __ ] out of here it say why I never leave my house with just enough items yeah but I didn’t

Think about B getting it and I don’t think just enough items is on quilt which is what I’m using right now so where did it say the direction was uh the this way this way let’s go this way we’re going to need a boat no worries boat man is here the supplies

With a boat that’s why I said we’re probably going to need ourselves a actually I wonder if uh I wonder if stargazing would be very easy to do out in the ocean just in general oh did you do you guys remember whenever Bedrock players are crying over

Like Equalization in uh Java and Bedrock because they made people no longer need a shovel and Bedrock for boats that was really dumb that was really really dumb in my opinion y’all they cried over that [ __ ] by the way they actually got mad because they’re like no we should be able to

Have to use a shovel because the or need shovels and then people in Java are like but we never had to use shovels we’ve always used boats with just five pieces of wood and people just complain like they’re [ __ ] children so mods tie this man up by his waist and

Throw him out the door get get his ass out of here we’re on timeout for 10 minutes goodbye I’m going the wrong direction I need to go this way yes this way I am stupid technically I need to go more this way right or more this way

Right now so we’re going to do that because we need to go positive and actually we’re going to just go this way we can see if we can go around so we can go around that’ll be more useful and I’m also going to pick up sugarcane along the way so

We need sugar cane for obviously paper what else huh this is basically just the chill stream of all time with mild Shenanigans interlac between Oreal uh how far away is it 699 and we just need to go uh South okay any more sugar cane sugarcan my

Beloved it’s not even a shovel it’s such a weird recipe change the paddle yeah no in my opinion it makes sense on paper that’s it it makes no other sense to me it it just makes no other sense to me at all like cool Bedrock players have to make waste

What five more pieces of wood no three so technically they have to use a lot of it and I have one left over so what like what’s the point dog I don’t get it we need to go this way actually not as far away as I

Thought it just the game is dumb game makes me think a lot of stuff is far away I don’t like it yeah but if we if we see any more star while we’re traveling out we’ll uh use that to our advantage I like how technically in hindsight well not really because it

Takes coal uh how renewable the F not furnace furnace is technically renewable it’s infinite uh I’m going to craft like a crap ton real quick yeah that work interesting it on paper is practically way more tedious it basically makes you waste to two logs instead of well you mean I you still do

Have to waste two logs three pieces of wood still three pieces of wood that’s very valuable at the end of the day three pieces of wood is very valuable listen man the only other modded version I’m honestly going to play is 1.12.2 with SCP mods and that’s just me

Streaming making a map for hours that I will never upload because it’ll look like [ __ ] with barely any coding all right so we’re just about there we may be able to make it to and from from Nightfall which would be really interesting it said that it was yep

We’re going the right way okay sometimes I go backwards kill the horse pleas shut up we’re not killing the horse I’m going to spite odd just by getting myself a saddle one of these days or getting like the rest or like getting uh vanilla tweaks and getting the recipe that

Adds [ __ ] horse uh Saddles To Be be craftable I’m I’m going to do that you you you I’m going to ring your neck out also no technically killing the chickens right now would be useless because you can’t get eggs from them because they have a timer after they

Spawn they got like a three four minute timer which sucks I hate it make the timer random you know what would be really interesting as update the farming update probably wouldn’t be more interesting updates in the entire game also by the way I am going to just

Teleport toe from the Tiga because I am a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] boy that’s what we like to call myself you’re in high school I have my main mod pack used for one quality and life mixes once iate my hyper fixations yeah I used to do uh my hyper fixations honestly very

Strangely in my opinion uh I know one time I got really interested with uh too and not the game series just the characters and so I hyperfixated on them for like a week it’s really dumb with me honestly so we’re looking for uh we’re looking for Sweet Berry

Bushes and we have found them chat it is J we no longer I am going to I am going to mark this place because I do want Spruce Wood eventually so I’m going to I’m going to SP that wrong and home teleport [ __ ] the systems I don’t give a

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] stuff spawn nearby all right thank you all right so you know what I was talking about with the campfire so if we have marshmallow let’s let’s get some more marshmallows because we have enough we put them on a stick we get a marshmallow

On a stick and then no no no no I want to oh that’s how you do it two three four five six roasted a I [ __ ] I gave me wither for one second why okay okay so we’re gonna have to time this uh too don’t look into it my

Son one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I did it all right so so this is perfectly roasted and it gives us a Effect called stargazing which lasts inst still sunrise and what it does is it spawns more stars essentially so now if we start looking

Around we’ll see more Super oh look right one right there oh that’s a firefly [ __ ] clouds man piss off but eventually the further into the night we get the more stars that should spawn on if I’m correct I may be wrong though Stars really hate I’m going to you know

What options video settings quality uh where is The there there’s no clouds oh here we we go off apply done no more clouds No More clouds the sky is Forever nonaffected by clouds we no longer have to deal with that problem because it got [ __ ] annoying uh is that one that’s one there we go

More Ben 10 remember did a s semic camping thing once I got hooked some s’mores because of it o s’s eye SanSai can you can you spawn me something please no okay so it does spawn more stars at the cost of uh there’s no cost just spawns more stars that one right there

[ __ ] I immediately turn around to find one another sand star we love to see it by the way you don’t have to continue looking at it you can just stop looking at at it and it will continue to explode and [ __ ] once it’s done out of a certain

Point of the Supernova it will just uh be done in general wow this stargazing plush [ __ ] is dumb as [ __ ] does not help me at all just wait till we get more star fragments though once we get more star fragments that’s when the real fun begins hi sir how you doing scared me

There’s one he he jump scared me chat what a real creeper do that one’s actually really pretty I like that one [ __ ] what’s dangerous about this is that uh you do have to go Traverse out at night to gather star fragments and stuff so we’re actually going to break this

One real quick shut up how many did it drop two nice Ben 10 that’s just the new joke we’re going to pull with this [ __ ] [ __ ] just the Ben 10 joke this is the Ben 10 mod everybody technically not because it’s purple but you know what I mean oh my

God oh oh my God hello uh I’m gonna go grab that one real quick where what where where where where oh it went behind me in in the ocean okay God damn now you see what I mean yeah the particle effects [ __ ] honestly unlike me I have not had sex yet

I’m but uh Jokes Aside though they they are [ __ ] gorgeous and I love them all right chat we’re going to gamble we’re going to see what we get in this astral container give me something cool another planet I got another planet oh right because I have stargazing on it allows me to see

Uh how far away a thing is so like for instance this one technically it’s in the ocean which sucks shut up oh my God it’s so far out the ocean okay I’m my boat we’re fine it’s off it’s off I need more star fragments give me wonder if looting effects

Them un ironically though I wonder if going out in the ocean is better for stargaze excuse me man I have my star fragments there’s one oh there’s both they they split together oh I wanted to get in the boat I’m I’m used to holding e to get in boats and [ __ ]

Sands oh I didn’t even know I properly looked at that one I didn’t think I did hold on we’re going to back up and that one there I don’t think that one gave us anything that’s fine two more oh my God this game actually scares me with that [ __ ] not going to

Lie oh it spawned over here where it go uh the good news is if it does break I can just go and pick it up later made a mod that just placed every particle in the game i’ put in every mod pack that’s what the effective technically is like

This oh hello I’m gonna ignore you because you’re a [ __ ] uh let’s go get this and break it before anything bad happens and we’ll go home there it is I don’t care I have armor now you should die in a fire lamu hold on I want to show you something cool [ __ ]

Fine I’ll just break it pitch God I [ __ ] skeleton’s AI man God goddamn annoying all right we’re done what the [ __ ] okay I know where the [ __ ] you guys are spawning now I see eat ass holy Jesus all right so now we got ourselves a new planet oh it’s a size of

Three so it’s bigger than this one technically that one’s nice that one’s that one’s pretty I like that one too so I got eight of these which now because we have we need more eggs but that’s fine sir how long are you going to take

To [ __ ] out of an EG oh my God okay we need more of your Breen uh but for right now we have this one yes you just saw mustache you’re fine um now we can bring all of these together in this so we have this this and that so we’re good to go

Um I’m going to move here but now you know now you know how this game works right uh that’s that’s basically what we’re going to be doing uh for the remainder of these streams and then we’ll try to automate the process because that’s even funnier I need iron don’t I well here’s

A tip wood oh yeah take give me back my [ __ ] fishing rod actually that color kind of goes hard the the like the lime color on top of that is really good good uh speaking of which I need to borrow you don’t worry we’ll make an automatic Tree

Farm that’ll that’ll speed up our processes very quickly oh there’s that too I guess so right now we’re just basically doing the astronomical [ __ ] and the next stream I do on this game we’ll probably be doing the uh some more creative stuff like crate modit like that you know just having fun

That’s all that this all these streams are going to be the hat and time one is basically going to be going through the whole game and then the DLC that I have installed I nearly just died there I would have been so crying I would have crying and shattered my pants

Mommy we need to find another chicken if I didn’t kill them all hold on there should be one over here I thought something about your streams like you want to build Maps why because I’m just like casually talking in the background I normally listen to people that just casually talk when I build

[ __ ] or work on [ __ ] just about life and stuff there’s one come here son all right Collective you’re the one naming this [ __ ] name name name the chicken unless he’s not in chat then uh random chat member spew out names OD you already named one mustache you don’t get a second

One imagine this game with motion blur that would [ __ ] hurt my brain excuse me sir would you like to go in the pit with your new husband and or wife and or lover you don’t discriminate here am I right yes I I am go on down oh he dropped an egg God bless

You and now Kennedy all right we got all right we’re naming one Kennedy specifically not the uh not not the not the you know what I’m talking about right by the way we got another egg so another cool thing we can do is with this here and One Sweet Berry with the

Egg that we have we can make to make another one bop bop bop wait did it hold on does it need to be like this or this oh we don’t need the Sweet Berry oh that makes things so much better holy [ __ ] okay okay okay so we just need the egg

And sugar got it so now we can make these which are the same as uh a marshmallow essentially but what’s really cool about them we’re going to we’re going to go cook them real quick least favorite child that’s the name no we’re we’re we’re doing Kennedy you already you already you already

Locked in once you’re not locking it again also hello icicle sorry for not saying hello a moment ago so we’re gonna we’re going to try doing the I’m going to do it to at least level two because I want level two just to show you how [ __ ] stupid this

Is one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 got it okay oh the the stick texture is [ __ ] all right we’re going to do that for right now uh we’re going to need this for the next time so another cool thing I want to do is with uh I need

More copper but that’s fine I’m so glad rat introduces copper to his [ __ ] because it it is so underused it’s like that the crate mod can we name the last one uh Fior I guess I was going to let each chat member have a different [ __ ] chicken but I guess that

Works uh so if we get get that and then uh we can make something cool it’s right here this is the astral Lantern which looks kind of bland on the surface but if we put this up uh with our campfire which is where it’s going to be staying right

Now uh it actually like the campfire has its own custom particles which can be seen here and we can uh oh God I had motion sickness there for a second uh what we can do is we can do something like uh let’s make a yeah stone wall [ __ ] it and then one two

Three let’s do one like right here not what I meant to do not what I meant to do yeah it’s uh it’s uh yeah it’s very pretty oh icicle you have not seen um you have not seen the upcoming mod have you oh boy you are going to love

What I what I’m going to show you in few minutes but right now let’s go find more copper let’s go mine more copper and then we’ll wait for nighttime actually let’s get wood pardon me I’ve been streaming for almost two hours let’s make it three late night [ __ ] you know what I’m

Saying I got no school tomorrow I don’t give a [ __ ] after this I’m either G to be playing yomi hustle or uh some [ __ ] lethal company I would stream lethal company but I’m the guy that just hides in the back of the corner like a

[ __ ] so aka the ship am I really good at manling the ship yes I am does anyone like it outside of my very Niche friend group no they do not now let’s just let’s just cut down a bunch of these trees CU we need wood br’s going to turn into marks and

Destroy the world te okay what’s ironic is is that is my skin that’s my skin that’s it’s human it’s human marks dog if you guys want the background for how I made my YouTube name uh yomi hustle mentioned listen man I just got that game uh go if you want to

Collective rewind the beginning of the stream I showed like a few Yumi hustle matches that I pre-recorded uh not online because I like making scripted [ __ ] that looks cool and uh it it’s just fun if you want to go look back on that so uh is this enough wood right now

Question mark question mark question mark listen man I’m going to I’m going to make roads with these [ __ ] lanterns dog I will lag out my game with these lanterns love lethal company I’ve not play yet played it convinced my friends to play it with me uh I have it

It’s a very good game a friend gifted it to me God bless their soul but uh honestly I think it’s fine I just like lightly modded [ __ ] uh the the Goku Bracken mod is Godly and if you think otherwise you need to find Jesus what was I talking about again oh right yeah

I lost topic of uh what was originally going to talk about uh whenever I got um my Xbox the one name that I got was recommended to me by an ex-friend of mine and the name was like I think portal killer 88 and my mom was like we’re not doing

That type of name I was like what in third grade at the time we’re not doing that name young man you’re going to have to pick something different I’m like all right fine I will do something else and so uh after that slaps good jum Jos me

[ __ ] out I’m J Josh bro have you all seen that video from call me Carson listen I like call me Carson don’t don’t [ __ ] flame me have you seen that video by like that YouTube short by call me Carson where he’s playing like the second latest Garden of band band

Episode and then I think jumbo Josh fights with uh a character again I’m not sure if it was nabnab or whatever and it he had uh hold on I need to f figure out how to actually set that up he had um streamlabs open and it opened on the

Exact time when he got taken away and it was that [ __ ] video of like a jumbo Josh plush getting crucified and burned it was the best [ __ ] I have seen in a long time from Indie to Bon Bon bro I’m jumbo Josh bro I don’t know why I could

Say that really well that that actually kind of scares me chat I’m scared of myself is that normal is that normal to be scared of myself I need lights bad but it’s fine because I won’t spawn apples hey Apple hey hey apple all right here we go

So uh icicle this is a mod that I can eat marshmallows on a stick and these two effects are very useful so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get our spy glass here we’re just going to look for different look like that right

There so we take a look at it for a long period of time what Supernova and then once the Supernova is done watch this now we have this one here the only person who isn’t scared of myself I’m not scared of myself I’m scared of dying losing quota dog

What the [ __ ] that was real close okay sure all I’m Speedy I’m Speedy Gonzalez don’t worry chat we’ll get we’ll get more of these don’t you worry don’t you worry your little tootsies I promise you you’re going to get more this is this is where the farming comes into effect because basically you

Can Farm marshmallows endlessly Mark teaches how to create a super Supernova we’re going to end the world correct by the way it is customary now that we call the shooting stars Ben 10 Stars uh where’s more the hard part is finding them well like looking for ones to find

Because like it’s not hard to find them like that right there see that’s easy to find but you have to find it it’s annoying by the way I’ll show you what the stargazing effect does or the uh the other one does in a second I looked down for long

Enough holy [ __ ] that was lucky I’m going to just put my boat here got merked by a Bracken nowh once there’s two people in me the furthest away from it uh I just stay in the ship man okay see that’s what I’m meaning it spawns multi multiple instead of just

One when I eat the [ __ ] marshmallow and by the looks of it um I have to go far [ __ ] outwards here I I may have to set myself a spawn thing for the ocean just in general okay yeah we’re going to have to also pumpkins I need pumpkins obvious

Reasons I know one time I was playing and my entire team not me got merked by I think a single spider and a loot bug and I’m just like you [ __ ] idiot what are you doing give me Star fragments give me give me give give me give give give give

Give me EG give me that too punch ow [ __ ] you teleporting home go go gadget magic teleport machine [ __ ] hate zombies [ __ ] hate them stop it’s on the tree stop need to play halflife again dog you [ __ ] have not gotten that game back [ __ ] andless spawning bastards hate these [ __ ] dog stop spawning

For the Love of Christ I hate you of course the thing spawned not on okay uh can you just like die for me real quick thank you how many do we have eight that’s a good chunk for right now oh there’s another star right there it’s not that hard to see creepers

Dog you just have to have good ears oh that one just exploded I think yep [ __ ] okay I don’t know if it is or not I’m just here to be gaming dog I wish more people would just enjoy me like cuz I feel like 90% of my [ __ ] subscribers either do

Not care or are Bots and I don’t know how to feel about that all right opposite direction the good thing about uh the effects is that they last till sunrise so I don’t have to worry about [ __ ] continuously eating them it is such a good addition nope [ __ ] you [ __ ] you

[ __ ] all right cool teleporting home so I can continue watching my Gaye uh where oh is it I don’t know where he’s at okay that’s concerning oh hello can we sacrifice jumbo Josh kill all the zombies unironically if there was a mod that would like disable certain spawns zombies would definitely

Be on the top priority of that found you whoa I see where one of them spawned on the other side of the uh yeah right there where’ the other one go oh my God that is so [ __ ] far away that’s in the jungle tree I’m not getting that

[ __ ] I’m for daytime to grab that [ __ ] no are you [ __ ] kidding me game of all I I need I need to go out to the [ __ ] ocean real quick I got out to the ocean it’s going to be so much easier for [ __ ] [ __ ] like

This how about you piss off young man young man I will grab your father figure [ __ ] how the [ __ ] yep I was I was bracing for it give me m where’d it go there it is thank God these things have a particle effect bro holy [ __ ] he have you not seen his video

Where he just [ __ ] nukes all of his friends a good one like he makes a [ __ ] literal ship and then nukes his friends we’re going to go for that one there casually grabs father figure with robot throws down into the that’s scaring me that’s actually [ __ ] scaring me that’s a [ __ ] Triton

Dog first of all lucky that I got it second of all no I’m not you’re going to have to go out to the ocean to grab these things it’s a flat surface less risk did that did he just hit the spider I think he did the spider oh that’s that’s so [ __ ] funny

Okay we no God damn it I knew that was GNA happen [ __ ] okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine chat I promise you it’s fine okay so uh we have 19 Jesus Christ we’re GNA we’re going to have to capture some more with some uh good old

Fashion values in which we used to rely and lucky there’s a family guy I need glass I’ll make four [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we’ll make four I want more but you know we can’t always have more um uh yeah I need to put superber bushes in here yeah we got enough uh

Oh that’s connecting glass right yeah connecting glass for some kind of reason we going to make an astral Lantern because I need another does it have its own light source oh it does that’s interesting okay Dynamic lights uh effects with that that’s good that’s good that’s good [ __ ] it

Eyeball all right so chat our plan is simple for the remainder of our time here we are going to do three different things one we’re going to go out and set ourselves a spa a a Teleport to the ocean right outside two we’re going to go out there and while it’s star uh

While it’s night time so we can stargaze and three are going to either pick up a ton of [ __ ] shards which is what we’re going to need for later and uh oh my God piss off and he didn’t even drop us I’m actually pissed about that oh my God oh my

God there we go look at that look how cool that looks so pretty um yeah because we have these need to make more I don’t have the thingies do I out of [ __ ] Trident what the [ __ ] man I need to cut you down aess over swords any day of the

Week dog I love my block breaking plus two damage Weaponry it’s so busted they drop any more eggs I think they have hold on ow it’s fine I have food yes egg thank you uh can they be breeded again yes they can come here you’ll have a chicken

Farm the chicken farm will be worth it chat I promise I’m going to go find more C I need more copper for both mods honestly when I play the game I mostly wait till I’m able to go into the end to get copper because then I can get

Myself really busted Weaponry but I’m kind of going against it because I really like this mod there no [ __ ] copper in here game can you game copper for the love of God I want Copper I’m going to start yanking I’m gonna start shanking you with a [ __ ] ship dog give me

Copper hello sir how are you I don’t know you enough there’s water above that I’m not mining the rest the rest of that cool six copper love to not see it [ __ ] okay uh yeah we’ll just we’ll smelt it right now God damn it we’re going let’s go make some uh

Let’s go make some marshmallow ows or sh [ __ ] I’m going to grab all of them because I feel like I’m going to [ __ ] up if I don’t oh and we’re gonna yeah we’ll keep those astral fragments actually we’re going to grab you as well I’m going to show you

Something that we can do as well with these astral fragments since we’re out in the ocean I can actively not have to deal with uh dying immediately outside of ground so I’m going to do that marshmallow stick star star mellow apparently sounds like a [ __ ] Terraria item we’re GNA we’re gonna just stick

With level two because I feel like level two is equally as fine nope one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 that was perfect one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 got it okay never mind [ __ ] it we ball type energy out here Jesus

Christ no we’re collecting star fragments because uh I don’t have an ass thus it is an invalid yep you can go here you can go here yep yep yep yep we’re going to keep the bones because I want dogs later all right let’s go to the ocean the other

Direction the other directions where the ocean lies we’ll go fishing too because I I want uh reliable food source that is not just chicken I love my KFC but you know listen man if I could get uh my moderator to play this game with me that isn’t Bedrock that’d be [ __ ] tight

Bro no we’re making a better choke and it’s Aqua which is poetic right so we have a good amount of time I’m going to go continue looking for copper or whatever the [ __ ] that is uh I’m not saying the rest of that copyright Disney will Hound my ass okay

And not in the fun and good way either chicken oh with an egg God bless you young man that’s it I’m gonna stop singing that before I it’s an earworm dog that song is an earworm pardon me again I just like how these have particles effects in your inventory like how pretty that

Is that’s just pretty it also has effects I think you just throw it yeah it has effects like that look how cool that is I have my in my inventory no I have raw copper in my where my hour class go I can make another one but where the [ __ ] did it

Go please tell me it’s in my chest down here cuz if not I’m going to be pissed oh no it was right there I’m stupid anyway uh yeah the these things having a [ __ ] particle effects is so pretty have fun odd yeah these are so [ __ ] pretty

Dog odd is probably my first proper chat subscriber I would honestly call him my first ever subscriber in Period so uh so we got some copper there anything even out here outside of like turtles and [ __ ] I need some clay for later but it’s fine love of God do not eat the

Marshmallows immediately the effect will go away I like how they’re actually like a marshmallows and [ __ ] how big is this this thing is as big as my [ __ ] Axe by the way compare it to no no no no compare it to my axe real quick okay one two this

Thing is bigger than my axe this marshmallow is [ __ ] massive by the way so can you just eat these things raw oh you can interesting apparently the star ones give more but I guess it makes sense so I’m GNA cut down this tree here so we

Can not have this eyesore in my face and then we will be good to go to have at least one more Star viewing session where I explain a few more things and then we’ll uh uh will be will be good for the stream because I’m

Hungry so uh yeah it’ll be it’ll be good to go somea some say it could be goua you know it’s really depressing uh now that I mention about the guda line uh the M cheda meme the original image is AI generated I’m not kidding you the

Original image for the M cheda meme is AI generated and the entirety of the internet had like a bit of an uproar about it and so a lot of people took it into the creative remind me of how many times ended up in a Minecraft server that forced me into capitalist

Dictatorship uh jokes on you we don’t have capitalist dictatorship we just have uh death and also I haven’t been on one of those servers ever so ow but uh I haven’t actually been on one of those types of servers before that’s just like hey me and my group of friends

Here going to be playing Minecraft and then it turns into like an absolute [ __ ] nightmare I want my fishing I just Sprint faster did I activate that bug on accident yes I did I think yeah you can technically you can go faster I think if you’re do we go

Faster I don’t have a speedometer so I can’t really like care about that let’s just do fishing have not least more than five times well lucky for you you have friends I don’t cheating but technically not cheating but you know what I mean something anything salmon like I said we’re just waiting for

Uh waiting for the stars to come out because that’s when the gaming arrives I can show you something really cool with the planets or if we get lucky if I can capture uh something other than a planet which there are game what the [ __ ] was

That you just robbed me of a fish give me my Goddamn Cod back [ __ ] all right let’s okay it’s starting it’s starting it’s starting it’s starting oh let’s go out further into the ocean so that way I can just pick it up from there tell them I said congrats you must

Have seen the post that I made that’s a hat and time uh yeah they’re everywhere or multiple times throughout history that [ __ ] post made me giggle I’m like yeah yeah that’s that’s a good post to have for today right when the Sun finally sets we’ll eat our marshmallows right we got both Max

Effects and now we can start becoming Gamers this one this is basically the star watching stream there it is hello and that’s why we did that look they’re all across the ocean they’re so easy to pick up the only problem is is getting them after they uh you

Know there’s two more we’ll do this one and then we’ll go pick up these over here real quick all right right chat I’m going to I’m going to gamble I’m going to gamble on what this is I didn’t bring them with me God damn

It okay uh I’m might have to go back for these right now we’ll just punch the ones that we have oh [ __ ] this is the only bad part about this is that you have to grab them like this it’s annoying if they’re still going to stay

Here I may go out and grab the other things that I’m needing really good idea for a chill stream ignore the massive explosions afterwards yeah and the collecting process because the collect G the [ __ ] boat bug that got fixed in 1.18 thank you they give them to me that’s

Interesting I’m going to go back home real quick one second okay uh it’s either in this or it’s uh cuz I can put them somewhere I know I have there they are all right so now we go to under okay they didn’t they did in fact stay so something cool that Collective

You probably don’t know is that you can capture these little things and they are really really neat and you get a random item uh specific to maybe the explosion I don’t know so we’re we’re going to capture a few real quick and another thing I’ll show

You that odd won’t be able to see is something else that’s really interesting what do we get we got a star [ __ ] yeah looks like a normal star though which is interesting or like our normal yeah the nanop planets yeah but I just got a [ __ ] star how about that [ __ ]

A ring those are very fun I like those let’s go grab this and then I’ll show you real quick what we can do with the rest another star Jesus Christ need to figure out a way to connect my chat to be closer with uh the [ __ ] is my

Boat oh there’s my boat okay gonna we’re going to get one more and then I’ll show you something really cool we can do really really cool this is probably the best Star you can get because it’s just so [ __ ] cool but also for another reason I’ll

Show you the other reason in a second so uh so you see this right we have this it is blinding us us so this is size two right it is now size six we can upgrade the size however we want it’s so cool is it like combining stuff multiple yes you can technically

Combine stuff together I’m going to I’m going to do with the star as well I’ll show you with the star so we put the star in there and then we go was it was six so this is one grab it again and now we have that so let’s go continue looking for

Stars uh just because there’s one at there’s one in the moon yeah that’s cool um um thank you Game you really only have to look at him for a second which is really nice you don’t have to like stare at him the entire time which I’m not

Sure if it’s attended or not but it’s fine that one only dropped one that was weird some just spawned behind me give me oh my God there’s so many [ __ ] things shame I can’t make any more of these uh containers right now CU I need more copper wonder if Co oh yeah copper

Is renewable because we could just uh make a o I have a really good idea if since we can use the ocean to get more stars and we technically farm this this we can make a copper farm that allows us to go out at night and look at the

Stars that would be actually really [ __ ] cool feel like five more players stargazing war zone yeah no it works with multiple people so it’s really interesting I got one I have to have like a lot of these by now right let’s let’s look at a few more real quick before I there’s one

Three two one uh there’s one three two one look at three more then we’ll collect it because we need to get over there before we lose where all of them are oh perfect thank you video game I’ll take that that’s that’s an easy that’s an easy one to grab oh my fault We get this one then we’ll pick up the ones behind me and then we’ll go for the rest I have 18 wonder if looting would affect this that’d be interesting to do I doubt it cuz basically you are getting looting with the effects that I have uhoh uhoh it’s getting daytime oh

There’s more over there oh [ __ ] okay okay okay I’m going to have to make a mental note that there’s a [ __ ] ton over here oh God I I bit off more than I could chew I may lose some what I can do though is I can

Do this and wait for them to float back up because they will float up eventually unless they may not I’m not entirely sure but I think I’ve lost the other ones they’re this way though so it’s fine yeah look they’re floating back up regular Minecraft explosion out effect

Be so sick I’m surprised it runs normally like without much problems that’s what I’m surprised about where is it there it is yeah they they float to the surface so we’re fine I think the other ones just disappeared they’re this way I’ll probably just swim around a tad bit and then look for

Them CU they’ll eventually all float back up to the surface cuz they they explode once Starlight comes out yeah look there they are there they are there they are they explode and I’m able to pick him up so technically you don’t really lose any which is

Nice yeah we go right and there’s some here better have a [ __ ] ton by the time I’m done and thank you after this I’ll show you what you can do with uh with these things they’re so [ __ ] cool and all right we’re going to go swim back to

The this little area here and then we’ll uh I’ll show you the one thing and then I may do some off stream like grabbing of [ __ ] but I’m not going to do much really I’ll probably just grab a bunch of uh uh probably a bunch of just fragments Andor planets

So yeah that that’s going to be about it for this stream I’ve been here for [ __ ] two hours and nearly 30 minutes I think that’s a good long stream relaxing this game is relaxing when you force it to be relaxing and stressful when it wants to be stressful

So we’re gonna pick up some eggs H that could have not got any funnier that was really funny Ah that’s a that’s a stream highlight right there just casually [ __ ] Dies well not Landing properly that’s uh that’s that’s a highlight of today all righto all right uh do I do I do have my marshmallows so I’m fine with that that eggs give me eggs thank you young ones uh that was that was good that was

That was funny I like that all right uh lost all my levels but honestly I could give less of a [ __ ] about that so we have this oh my God that is massive one second we have this we have this right so this is normal

Star now it looks like a planet with an atmosphere how [ __ ] cool is that dog and also uh oh this is size three [ __ ] okay uh we could also have rings so if I bring this down a tad bit you could oh [ __ ] there it

Is uh we just have a normal ring like saturn ring type [ __ ] so that’s interesting and then of course we have the two uh the Stars the stars are always predetermined color so we can yeah uh these are these are predetermined can I look inside okay no

There is some in particular you can look inside but I won’t spoil that so for right now what we can do is we can have a star that is high up off the ground now what we can do is if we have enough with uh some copper y there it

Is um we’re going to ignore that where is all right do I need one second I can make another one chat I can I can fix her where is it where is it where is it game where is it ah there it is I need wood would you

Rather back Batman have gay sex or sex gay it’s up to you it’s actually something Riddler would say not not uh not the Joker that’s something the the [ __ ] Riddler would say uh I am having severe brain rot all right uh give me wood I said

Give me wood take yeah I’ll take that that works so we have one of these right we have one of these right so let’s teleport home because I hate walking I died again okay so not to self the jump was the reason why I died okay uh we don’t

We don’t talk about that chat we don’t we don’t talk about that that’s a secret between me and you one chatter that’s in here that’s secret between me and you so uh what you can do is technically if you do this that’s that’s facing the wrong way something really interesting

Here I may have to do this real quick gay sex sounds incredibly painful it’s really not if you know what you’re doing but you didn’t hear that from for me either no literally because I have not had gay sex I I have a no I don’t have

Stick no I do okay one second lever this that so that does that right so let’s put the star back let’s put one of these in here that’s where the star is now let’s put are uh the level three planet in it orbits around the Sun it is literally orbiting around the

Sun and if we get a bigger sun to be orbiting around whatever this is for instance the star that we had we can make it actually uh area dependent too so let me grab this and this trust me I know what I’m doing I’m not stupid I’m just

Tired uh let’s go to home again so if we make this like area dependent let’s go back let’s put this one up here star uh make the star like Yay height there we go oh not that high yay height so it’s this high right now what we can

Do is we can make the planet this far away is it in the right no it’s not okay one second yeah you can make your own custom solar system and then this okay we need to put this on oh it’s facing the wrong way [ __ ] forgot

[ __ ] yes but you can make your own solar oh that goes through blocks what the [ __ ] that’s cool technically you can hide all these beams and then you do this and then now it is a proper distance away and it may casually rotate around the sun ladies and

Gentlemen we have created the first first of our very own solar system and we will be making our own solar system out in the O where’s the ocean the ocean uh yeah because technically it goes through me as well it is technically like a beacon beam because it’s effects so

But we will eventually make our own solar system and actually with this we can change the color of this make a interesting Hue color yo that’s my favorite [ __ ] combination of colors right there by the way pardon me oh yeah by the way if this was smaller uh you could put rings around

It wait is this the at the home do I have a sun that’s like yellow cuz I have a sun that’s yellow right uh home and then what I can do is I can have the sun technically orbit around another Sun yep there we go looks like a

[ __ ] ball of fire uh let me let me change this real quick to be more in line with the yellowness of a sun yeah that’ll that’ll that’ll work we going to make the planet like a velvet that’s nice technically that sun is a little bit too

Bright but who cares I think it’s like a size bigger maybe no they’re the same size but yeah you could do that which is really interesting oh that’s how that works okay so I’m gonna go into creative mode real quick yeah this is this is what it looks

Like the sun is orbiting around a planet that’s why white is so important binary system with the Stars are the same size yeah you can technically but uh because you can also make it to where they just stand still but you know what’s really funny about this I’m going to cheat just for

The sake of showing okay I’m going to cheat just for the sake of showing I’m not actually going I’m gonna make this manually but we’re going to we’re going to take this going to take these out we’re going to put this in which is technically the

Same same size and what we’re going to do is we’re going to do this is just for showing oh I need to make this a little bit one second give me that you can have an orbit another Planet I’m gonna make that actually a little bit faster so you can kind of see what I’m talking about now technically it is techn the the two planets are inversing other so it would cause a supernova but uh this is this is what you can do with this mod

And my plan is is to have a seven planet solar system system outside in the ocean out there and what we’re going to be doing is for the foreseeable future we’re going to be making both an iron and a copper Farm on the ocean yes this is technically a moon if

I take away the sun it will count as a moon and actually a little bit Dumber you can have the planet you can have the moon have moons you can literally have the moon have moons you know stupidly fun this looks like this is one of the best mods

Ever created by a [ __ ] rat Ma person I’m going to delete this now because I don’t want to uh to get rid of you and you so we don’t cheat but technically this is what we’re cooking with I’m gonna take this back so I want to grab that

Later this is what we’re cooking with it’s infinite by the way the Moon Moon system can go hold on hold on we’re going to experiment before I go we’re GNA we’re going to experiment before I go uh testing Moon [ __ ] nor options custom uh Redstone ready done structures off game

Rules uh NOP no no no no no where is it done done done I have to see how deep this can go we’re gonna also cheat yeah sodium is not installed shut the [ __ ] up um effect at player give at player stargazing uh why don’t you build a farm inside of

Each of the planets because the planets can only get so big if I remember correctly unless they can get infinitely big oh right CU not what was the other one Starfall that’s what it was all right so let me get the uh let me let me get the spy glass real

Quick we’re going to look at one we’re going to look at that one y yeah that’s that’s about what I expected we already got a [ __ ] Cosmos off the bat what the [ __ ] all right I’m not going to spoil you guys what that is I’m just GNA be like okay

Cool yink we’re just grabbing this because I want to get multiple is that another one oh my God that’s a Planet GNA get rid of one because we don’t need it oh another one oh that’s the void yeah that’s a different one Max starf goes yeah it it’s [ __ ] pretty oh we got a ring neat the game is [ __ ] lagging with the amount of [ __ ] effects oh that’s a

Star that’s a star that’s a planet planet planet ring ring ring ring baby hello everybody my name is Kermit D frog here and we’re going to be [ __ ] about with planets today another Nano star I’m gonna technically just get all of the normal stars getting like Max Nano stars or all

Of the pl cuz the planets are interchangeable the stars are not like that like there’s certain preset stars and the Rings are slightly different question mark okay we’re gonna we’re going to have to keep one though because we need it to or like a few to keep upgrading

[ __ ] so yep another Cosmos that we don’t need planet star that we don’t need we already have that we also already have a yellow one already yellow blue Cosmos ring planet okay hey guys my name is kit the Frog here I will [ __ ] around and find out with my best friend

Here oh that just looks like [ __ ] Earth n that’s just Earth we found Earth guys we found [ __ ] Earth in a nutshell that’s another one Jesus Christ okay so uh Planet yeah we need you and then we need just that so we need to get uh let’s get the void real quick so the max I can get I’m going go to 100 if I can go to 100 actually got to go to 70 all right

Cool uh yeah we need also a lever yeah I already have that uh display it upwards this boom wow that’s actually not that big what the [ __ ] and then uh we need we need to go stargazing again one second um there’s one technically it’s infinite because there’s

One we’re going to just get one getting the this mod to try and realistically create Sol system because I have too much free time on my hands that’s with being Yumi hustle dog let’s see how many it drops domain expansion whatever the [ __ ] you anime weeb

Say oh really not that much okay uh we need more game give me more give me more game show me more that’s another one I collectively call the blue ones sans’s eyeballs that’s a okay that’s a lot more than what I was expecting all right so we need to make the asro

Astop yep there we go uh we also need the cosmos one I guess CU void oh does it just open only in my that’s stupid oh it gives me a random one there that’s what I was looking for give me so it gives me a random one got

It uh Starfall as long as you eat the marshmallow cooked uh yes it is fire effect how’s my game running right now by the way how’s my game running like what the [ __ ] oh we can just Spam click it hold on I can get a [ __ ] auto clicker for

That we’re going to ignore everything around me right now because I want to do this is that the void that’s the void one right yeah there it is look at that and it we can actually make it spin like very very slowly give the give the effect so we’re

Gonna we’re GNA we’re going to experiment now with this because that’s what we’re wanting so it’s like what that’s a lot of stars we got to get so what I’m wanting to do is we’re going to get like a big [ __ ] [ __ ] off PL we’re going to get Earth right no we’re gonna

Get a star we get like a goodlook star actually I’ll take the sand star [ __ ] it sand star I say we [ __ ] it and get the sand star and then over time we will make the best planet ever make moons on top of moons on top

Of moons on top of moons I want to see how [ __ ] far we can get with this and this will bump up to I did not mean to do that did I get my St let go 250 and then we’ll decrease it by about 10 or

So yeah let’s go with this so decrease this to 40 I don’t know either uh yep that’ll work this is just Earth uh and then we need we’re going to get rid of you I want to see what the Nano’s Cosmos light is in a minute honestly probably off

Stream uh and then we want let’s go with you oh this is Earth what the [ __ ] that is Earth okay don’t worry chat we’re doing some very interesting uh stuff here and then we’re going to do that’s what I want this is the haze here we’re doing interesting stuff chat

Don’t worry about it I made that a size bigger I think on accident no okay we didn’t uh yep put you here you here container oh I see because technically it’s okay I see what’s one going to do and then going to get let’s do that one it’s green

Earth we’ve been fluted by toxins that’ll work and then we’re going to dumb it down by about two I grabbed an oh that is the [ __ ] Sun okay funny uh you going to go by eight yep eight we’ll get another lever here in a second I did it it’s fine we we’ll just

Delete you it’s fine Another One Bites the Dust we’re going to keep you we’re g to just go to four and then uh is this four no that’s two that’s the two all right and then all right let’s go uh time set day they all just disappear and then mid night and

Then and only then are we going to make our [ __ ] post uh torch let’s just do a [ __ ] redstone torch it’s faster yep here we go all right so we need the one that here and then we go for the not that fine we’ll do the void actually no

We’re not going to do the void just kidding hold on is that thing so far into the ground hold on hold hold hold hold hold hold on where is it am I still inside of it oh my God okay that’s a big boy that’s a big boy okay that’s why I

Didn’t see it because I was in the [ __ ] Earth okay so we’re going to we’re gonna we’re gonna take a minute to like okay so if that’s there we need to get something here a block higher this this is what we’re experimenting with today Chat NOP not the right spot where is it supposed to be am I one lower I’m basically just troubleshooting at this rate I think I’m one lower no I’m one to the side I need to go one more to the side okay okay okay or a few to the side what the

[ __ ] hold on hold hold hold hold on hold on we’ll we’ll gamble we’ll just gamble right now if I can troubleshoot this this would be great God this is GNA take such a [ __ ] long time to do this this is this is the ending of

The stream I said I would end stream so early ago but I have not let’s let’s do something like this I need to go to block here was it the one spot that was it the one spot I didn’t go to that would not surprise me if it

Was then we need to PL nope okay that’s that’s not it okay um I may have made the sun too big chat I may have made the sun too big its ego is so big I may as well have just [ __ ] myself up so we’re going to make Spin Attack all right

So let’s do like this I guess needs to go up one high dollar feeling it needs to go up one okay so it needs to go here and up one right here this is the hard part is getting it to this position or is it too far away it might be too far

Away because this should be the perfect spot for it right here you only place it uh you might have to yeah because hold on is it still one below no it looks like it’s going in the right spot may have made the sun too big I may

Have to actually actually I have another sun in my inventory one second I could just do this problem solved now I can experiment with this a little bit better you’re going down here young man uh I’m gonna I’m gonna get this tad bit so far this is this is the uh this

Is the stream you all wanted go back if you want actual Minecraft footage oh no I was just off by a [ __ ] ton okay sure I went the wrong way oh no I think it does actually have a [ __ ] range limit what why that’s so

Dumb it does have a range limit why out of all things going WR way I need to up the range liit Jesus Christ that must be like the range limit right somewhere in here not the range limit that was just unfortunate place this right here is the

What is it just buggy it might be buggy that makes sense is it oh there’s okay um no it is not doing what I wanted to I think uh uh uh I think we bugged it out chat I think I think it’s a little bit on the buggy

Side oh I see what’s going on here I think it’s this let me eliminate this real quick see if that F this is uh this is in interesting huh I put it right there that’s not what I want here there we go let’s just do

That for right now and then we’ll put in the uh’s let’s just put in the size the size 11 Yas there we go we could put this we can do like de amount distance away right here and then we’ll put the Moon oh my god oh wait is that hold on

No okay that’s not how it works okay okay do I have to do it sideways that would be understandable but also a very massive time waste I need the yeah I need you okay that works fairly okay that’s that’s orbiting around that and then we can do this is so [ __ ] mindboggling

Dog what the [ __ ] okay then we can do this got a ring because they all have rings [ __ ] feels like a [ __ ] I’m watching the dumbest [ __ ] no known to man The the moons are fighting each other by the way so we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re g we’re gonna keep that moon

Like very very stationary or I guess not we can’t I was going to say to move you further but I don’t think we Can hold on if this still works here does it have infinite [ __ ] rate I would be surprised if it did honestly but that’s the case I’m going to [ __ ] my pants because it shows it’s doing that right and it’s showing up Here but it’s not actually rotating from that far away it acts like it’s not but it does register that that over there is oh wait is it registering from oh I think I know going so You’ have them count and now the planet are the same think they just do

It regardless yeah one second nope by the way that is Earth this is technically Earth but uh we’re going to have to experiment this with another day because I am [ __ ] tired so uh you know what as as a last retreat resort we’re going to ignore all of

This uh we’re going to we’re going to grab the planet bundle and the star bundle we’re going to grab bag uh actually hold on G to grab back 10 of them we’re GNA see which one we like the most we’re gonna we’re going to do the late night uh talk show by Jimmy

Fallon one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 10 of those so you have one of these I’m GNA try getting all the stars because there’s certain temperatures you can get that are only certain ones technically that’s that oh that bug is back okay um yep white blue white that’s

A different color would to sleep like Mark’s grco do not watch me go the [ __ ] to bed I don’t have school because I have snow you do not go to bed young man I command it oh okay that one kind of goes hard there’s this one how many

Temperatures are there I know there’s one more blue temperature but I think we got them all I got dark blue it’s light blue it’s dark blue oh we didn’t have this yellow hold on all right we got that one I don’t want that stop stop me going in my inventory is lagging my

Game jeez that it that’s not it it that might be the most blue star that we can get so yeah I think that’s it I think that’s all we can get folks so let me get the T the astral display with a beaver and we’re g and we’re going to rate all of

Them we’re going to rate them and then we’ll we we’ll pick out which one that we like for our little area number one is the Nana is the red star which in my opinion would go hard as [ __ ] this is the red star I I rule the previous order I just

Don’t have school period uh you must be an adult then if you’re an adult why are you here o normal Sun like the American Sun as I call it y yellow where’s yellow oh it was bigger okay uh yellow sun slightly or yellow sun atmosphere white it honestly remove

White and this color because those will be good atmosphere oh and this one but I do want to see what this looks like in general oh it looks like an ice it looks like a [ __ ] snowball it looks like a a charge snowball and then we have

Blue so I’m gonna honestly either go with this yellow red or blue probably red honestly when we make our solar system and then of course we have our 10 random planets that I will not be home I like how it’s called home swirl atmosphere that’s technically atmosphere what what do you mean atmosphere

Oh okay I see how that works I see how that works uh home Stripes Stripes swirl acid acid and another home so we’re going to go with this one first that is definitely America that is definitely America uh this one honestly the home texture does not really look

That good without America’s home textur so we’re gonna go with this one this one looks uh this one I think was acid like this one is this acid this is swirl never mind this is swirl not acid unemployed and could be in college right now but I’m looking after my family

Based care for your family if you love for them that’s all I’m going to say on that uh next up is swirl but blue I like this one this one’s actually pretty good uh home if it looked like the American flag remove that this is Stripes I

Think oh yeah that’s Jupiter all right that’s Jupiter um another Stripes any of the stripe ones go hard swirl or is this acid this is swirl this is look like gigas you can turn this into a gigus planet honestly uh so we’re gonna yep and then that one atmosphere have we done

Atmosphere oh right this uh yeah we have okay that’s atmosphere uh the final ones are acid this [ __ ] looks like the [ __ ] Half-Life acid textures Jesus Christ and then we have this one that looks that says acid and this one just looks like a moon this just looks like a moon texture

So I know there’s a few more out there if I remember correctly by the way let’s uh the size 10 was a rare one honestly I switch this around no okay it’s just going to hide the bigger one oh that’s size two never mind I went

Size size nine against size two that not g work oh here we go that’ll work and then um there it is you make atmospheres like this by making it a size bigger and then putting the star before you can do this to make it look like it’s more uh Frozen which is really

Interesting so uh yeah I think I think that’s the end of the stream today boys I’m tired I’ve been streaming for almost three hours I’m G to go eat myself something go to bed and and I’ll see you all around next time

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft (Quilt for 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by Marx Magician on 2024-01-16 16:02:08. It has garnered 62 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:47 or 10547 seconds.

i promised the people and thus i deliver

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  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

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  • Zephyr

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  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

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    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc

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  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

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  • The Bluemoon SMP

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  • Ultimate Kawaii Alakaii Mining Adventure! ⛏️ #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Cave Horror Project Explodes!

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  • INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100days

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  • INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥

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  • Insane Minecraft SMP 24/7 Server – Join Now! #smp

    Insane Minecraft SMP 24/7 Server - Join Now! #smpVideo Information हेलो एवरीवन स्वागत है आप लोगों का एक और फ्रेश न्यू लाइव स्ट्रीम में गए दो मिनट हेलो एवरीवन स्वागत है आप लोगों का एक और फ्रेश न्यू लाइव स्ट्रीम में आज हम फिर से खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट एसएमपी तो करते हैं लाइव को शुरू लोन वल्फ नहीं है जो हाथ गर्म करे सिंपल करेंगे मजा आएगा जो हमारे साथ जुड़ गया कमेंट करके जरूर बताना और आज हम सर्वर चालू कर दू उसके बाद आप लोगों के कमेंट पढ़ता हूं क्रेजी फैन वेलकम है डेविल सागर वाटी वेलकम है कैसे हो या दोनों जरूर बताना… Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shorts

    Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shortsVideo Information if you ain’t got my money on my bir I’m killing you the 9 [Music] the This video, titled ‘Rengoku Vs Gyutaro | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Awakener97 on 2024-01-07 13:00:01. It has garnered 185 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Rengoku Vs Gyutaro | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts #pixelart #edit #demonslayer #anime #mrbeast #viral #video #minecraft #onepunchman #sonic #speedosonic #addon #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #game #gameplay #viralshorts #genos #garou #fubuki #demon #cyborg #herohunter #edit… Read More