Unbelievable: Melonest gets legendary armor?! Ironman challenge on Hypixel Skyblock!

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Hello hello everybody Welcome to the stream we are back two more Hypixel Sky Block and finally they have actually brought back the garden with all those new updates that we have gotten on the garden and now like there are offline pests and everything and I have been collecting uh those offline pests this

Entire time and I’ve actually gotten like 30 of them this is the most best I have ever had at one time so yeah today hopefully with these PS I can get the fal armor there is some contest going on I need to buy like Cactus knife and I need to buy fun

Funy gut because there is have only those for armento so yeah there we go two gold medals unfortunately but there we go Cactus and F shees chis by in Garden these don’t even seem that good but whatever guess I’ll have to like Max them out somewhat but to Max them out I need

Jerry yeah let’s get the copper firstly so we don’t have to deal with that we need like reforges and everything for that M I did make this entire thing just for that so I could get enough copper for Jerry game can do that and the

Cofe okay I am at 50% % of the Milestone I don’t think I’m going to get it would be cool I’m about to get another farming level and my elephant is about to level up so that’s why going to be almost 10 farming fortune that we’re going to get for

Free so that is pretty cool and we need like three Enchanted cookies I think then I don’t have to care about and even more pests really game really even more these pests are like way too often now they were not this common before inventory f i hav

Tred guess I don’t some for some reason uh can never have enough of these personal compactors on iron they are like the most important thing on an for an Iron Man profile you have to have them just a second okay I will just get enough so I can buy

Like those cheap Rees for these holes because I really don’t want to buy blest for these two things cuz that cannot be worth it I don’t think I only have 5 million coins another reason why I cannot I have to stop wasting coins to not trash my inventory

Man Port one pass Port one well the pests on this one that’s kind of good at least can never really understand where these ports are like says Port one but I have no idea where the port one is okay how do we have enough maybe we need a few turn cookie not

Yet I think I only need three I’m not sure exactly how much I need but I’m pretty sure it’s three pretty much I think I’ll get it when I reach another farming level I don’t know how much Fortune am I going to get 30 pests I’m pretty sure

200 is the max and you only need like 20 pests for 200 so I’m not sure how that’s going to work might just weave me with 10 extra tests and not even use them or just give me like a longer time instead I don’t know

We will see we will see hey man hello light how are you doing welcome to the stream bro welcome to the stream let me deal with this P really cannot look at it here where is it this is Port one I did skip this other one I really cannot Farm in p knowing

There is past somewhere here there it is might these vums like are not working they were meant to like work at 15 blocks but they really don’t guess they work through walls now o skyb wow oh farming level two Enchanted cus damn 20 Sky BL XP and fck five milestones for cactus wow

Okay that might be the best P I’ve ever got that P why gave me so much stuff what the heck well okay I’m not complaining I need Cactus anyway for fermento so hello hello block welcome to the stream how are you doing bro welcome welcome

And elephant is about to level up in a second as well so that’s another like four more farming forun I think hi hello quaky welcome to the stream as well how are you doing how is everybody doing on this fine evening today okay do we have enough cocoa beans

Please let’s see might be enough I just want to get rid of this Coco Bean Farm okay that’s one oh my God like three more coco beans okay okay I’m pretty sure I only need like only one more cookie let’s see we’ll be able to craft it

Now uh COC Bean chanted cookie yep there we go three cookies I think that’s enough good have have no homework oh that’s good good that’s good to hear having homework sucks uh five never mind I was wrong I was wrong I thought he only wanted three but he

Wants five okay okay I’m building a piece and I only have five steps left but I need they need the parents to get home do you need parents to get home hello hello fan game what are you doing welcome to the stream also need to buy like new graphics card I’m probably

Going to buy one like tomorrow or something old one just is not keeping up you’re not using replenish I know I don’t have replenish I just break cocoa beans like this and then repl them later why would I waste a whole replenish book when I can just keep on

Doing this and once I quen the entire Farm I can just replant the coco beans again it’s 2:00 a.m. here really it’s 700 p.m. here why are you not sleeping buy it from the shop it’s 15 copper no way it’s 15 copper where there is absolutely no way there’s

Plan B in here M okay out TR I take this entire thing what is this s dedication green time yeah there is no replenish book in here they train this entire thing that’s pretty cool I saw you been live and couldn’t sleep anyways I see thank you for coming into the street

Where is the booking here there is like no way that it’s 15 coer the diamond hole what do you mean the diamond hole this gardening hole how am I meant to break cocoa beans with a with a oh bro so X oh there’s a x as well for

This but I mean I’m going to have like no no farming Fortune with thing like I get extra 33 farming Fortune if I if I use this yeah but with the EG I mean it’s fine I only need like two more cookies and then I can just like completely destroy this

Farm because I don’t need cocoa beans for anything else after that maybe some more visitors in the future but right now I just want some extra Copper from the JY who’s been sitting here for ages now that was just too easy to always get cookies okay hold on my

Mouse turned off I’m not even holding my quick anymore my God y it is my mouse started doing this I need to get a new one that’s well my whole setup is like completely gone uh what’s your IGN uh my IGN is spell just like this in chat it’s

Also in the description i d my necron into a new one now I can help you in four six I’ll try to get on get on my phone but you be on your phone but which color did you die your necron I’ve died my Frozen blaz actually look at this I

Got the holy D and I made my Frozen blaz just put the breed looks pretty good we it was white green and then it would be perfect but green is like my favorite core to die armors in this game green looks the best and game is visiting your

Garden do I have enough cookies finally please game mechant a cookie where is it there it is oh I got one X actually oh whatever I found a little bit more than I needed oh here it is again what’s up buddy but let’s get the Jerry his

Cookies Jerry there you go give me my copper uh I saw my necron it said H I went to he took it I got a new necro and B and die oh B and die actually look so sick it’s also one of the best ones I think

That’s the one you buy with with gems right but okay let’s see I wanted to do these crop upgrade what’s up what’s up than you uh you need that need what replenish I have replenish on everything but but uh yeah exess so Cobin is the only is the only crop

Where I actually don’t have that but okay I have 200 200 copper I just need sander that’s for exess look I will drop it I can’t see your drops bro um no I bought it with 60 million each but yeah I mean they are on Ocean

House obviously but like like for me I cannot get it because the only way is with the gems medication yeah none of these things I just need to like upgrade crops in here uh Nether wart sugar cane mushroom and Cactus is what I need to upgrade okay let’s get one into

Nether W there we go one into mushrooms and one into cactus and I cannot get anymore right yeah I’m 42 copper and the next upgrade is like 100 copper so I cannot afford what does B want oh damn another 130 copper oh up that is tempting if I have

The ha BS I might go for it I have 35 ha BS and he wants 40 to hold on I can still maybe do it actually I might have enough let’s see uh he bills another upgrade would be pretty nice so I have 72 yeah this game really wants me to

Keep on farming cocoa beans for some reason I’m actually lucky that I could sell my next one because more most people didn’t like the H cuz they said it’s a it’s a for me to die what the heck I think all that looks good see green looks pretty good green I like

Green one of my favorite course okay I just gave that guy my my I might have scrolled myself because I gave him the Tes 49 let still have enough 42 okay I do still have enough okay I did not I did not scroll myself with that uh have two pests uh okay hold

On let me put this away there Ming up my inventory for no reason throw away this and how far did I is oh 14 more guests and I can and I’ll get extra Fortune four more Fortune isn’t isn’t the Wen the one that’s like that like changes the

Cs I’m pretty sure it like gos from like white boo to like dark Boo I’m like pretty sure that’s the only does that this kind of why it looks so good yeah does all Dam that’s the only that that does that that is pretty Cool another pest bro these pests are like too too common now these spon are little bit too often now I have 31 Pest and like three pest that I didn’t even get isn’t there a die you can get from farming though I would like to get

That like mango D or something I think it’s called K like these guys but I never got I never get them like back before I quit like my main go was actually I was trying to like buy entire y of Frozen boys exotic but like they like 300

Million I’ve almost had the coins to afford on I was going to go for strawberry die but it’s like pink and I want at least a very red Die yeah you want something that that looks unique pink just looks like those fairy armors fairy dies personally the necron that is like the agest one that’s the one I would never put on my armor like people die the necron and not to look like necron because it’s so

Ugly brick red di that’s the one from right let me see Brick red nobody has this like not on the Ocean House let’s see does it say can beire it from I can’t readed it’s like so bad but these these look the best from uh from around here from weid die

All the way up to the pure to the mango D these D are like the best looking very rare assuming nobody has gotten it because it’s like not on the Ocean House even like gray D could look pretty cool with like Wen helmet the one you get from wolves I

Think that would look sick aquamarine looks the queen with the Diamond Head yeah yeah that that is sick as well or like the mango dive or p with the gold head you can make like so many combinations with these dice if you can get them but with few Marine Diamond NE head it

Was looking so Queen is how do you get that one is that one that’s from fishing I I bet I mean nobody has it can I read that this some where it comes from blind it says it here from Redstone Pigman ah yeah yeah yeah behind sneaky creepers from the

Park that one is from foraging red gifts yeah that’s the one I got wow fishing damn that’s insane so rare fishing on the winter Island I mean this one also looks good but then this is so good v c die Curr unobtainable from cudra war and yeah this

One Mingo points so yeah this one doesn’t really look that good where is the farming one from harvesting crops this wild strawberry extremely rare extremely rare that are demense mushrooms pumpkins and melon think you get it from fishing yet yeah it is it’s like so rare why want I do

Mushroom kind of need mushrooms for for the what heck is it called formento uh I don’t know still haven’t maxed out my fun cutter what’s your favorite die probably like one of the really bright green ones let me see an example which one could be my favorite

There’s really not one here like kaai would be my favorite but doesn’t seem like there is one out of any of these actually aquamarine probably looks the best and maybe Emerald mango is also sick all all of them are rare all of these good looking ones are rare really bright color that’s not

Red because everybody would mistake it for anron there but of the good ones are R so which makes sense but they have made them like so incredibly R it’s ridiculous even the whole EV like I was surprised that I got it and we’ll probably never get it again okay

My fortune is already reduced these PS are ex insane you cannot Farm anymore with how of them they spawn now 18 oh not this one no this one again I’ll try to get on with on my phone what you mean get on with your phone hi hello bacon gaming dude welcome

To the stream how are you doing how are you doing bacon I assume you like bacon cuz you have bacon in in your name just like one would assume I like melons but oh my God I hate these worms I hate them so much can you like the sa worm

From spawning like every other pest is fine besides this one he’s so annoying and he’s probably going to heal now again look at this okay okay he didn’t just need to deal with him before he heals something he and he has like no good drops every other pest has like some

Rare drops that are worth so many coins and this one just gives you gons he has not a single good drop pter what the heck is that good C foring update in three weeks and that makes me happy really did they announce that when do they do

That that is sick if if you get a foring update in 3 weeks I get all of them in this spot uh yeah I did only two more in here uh oh are you on your phone blocked that’s usually like spawned down here like this it was so easy to catch

Them but like now they added an update where they always spawn on the highest V level which makes them incredibly more harder for me to kill them because they will always spawn like somewhere here and keep farming I have 36 pests now well I need to use them as soon as

Possible otherwise I’m going to have like 100 pests but I cannot use Mel corn even bronze just from pests I’ve gotten that much I’m about to get get Coco Bean collection too uh Coco bean mous I mean so that’s probably the wor cocoa be Mouse I’m ever going to get for a

While since I am not planning on farming coco beans after this for a very long time least until i’ like maxed out every single other crop or something I told you I can get on on my phone guess you can I don’t know how effective playing the game is on

Phone but that’s pretty cool isn’t that like bannable or something pretty sure I saw people I get banned because they put on their phone or something I don’t know if I still went to school that would be the perfect activity to do there just just like play that about in

School that would be perfect okay hold on just a second uh okay 99% come on just one more per and I hope I’ll get enough no people can’t get banned really people were getting banned for like much and know they are doing some e stuff there we go 50,000 farming

Experience one more Sky Block XP and garden experience is that enough coco beans please tell me pleas I really don’t want to farm no more coco beans PL cookies I can make seven yeah more than enough I have once again made too many uh Co Enchanted HS give me that

Copper and go for what does he want carrots yeah I’m not doing you don’t 100 copper where is that three foot B is visiting your G uh what w it no no is there no reford for a hole that you can buy in here I guess not yes I’ll just upgrade my crops

Then sugarcane on and mushrooms on I guess there we go that should work uh block see him anyway Cactus knife and F Dr C I need like make this out somewhat I probably not have bought them like I’m not going to put cultivating or anything like how much better are they

Going to be and like other holes not have them yeah no wait put them here oh is some Fortress robust yeah it’s too robust I guess same here please yep there we go uh harvesting right harvesting five Cactus knife two I have to Cactus no D both of cactus green in here actually

Uh mushroom I have some turbo mushrooms at least now not some all T let’s combine them tal mushroom two tal mushroom two TBO mushroom three replenish turbo vbo cultivating delicate edication missing so much on this thing but whatever I not enough XP and pleas there we go I’m just going to

Leave all right bed whenever I play on my PO my TV goes missing all right dies and this very expensive so very cultivating cultivating going to be to expensive right yeah hold down screw that actually we don’t have enough coins for a god potion what the heck

Hello how are you doing wel to the stream I already lost 50 million from losing aspect of the before okay maybe you shouldn’t play a new phone then that might just be a bad idea but okay think I’m ready or to finally start farting not even I Ki this one screw the

Ki this one as long as I can break at this instant weight that’s good enough uh events are currently guess I could try mushroom even though I missed like half of the event yeah war aot is like 20 23 million infestation 03 pests safe am I invested I’m

Not okay so I have like 36 PS how how much am I going to get for once I use it you receive 192 really that’s not much or 36 that’s very sh actually but okay I have like 30 minutes to like Farm now maybe get some medals uh what yeah what’s a

Good speed for this just the speed somebody told me before but I forgot want try like 150 uh F Dr cutter yeah that works uh I’m boarding skybook anything fun you recommend to Do well that depends like just just like trying out all the new stuff like Dungeons Slayers like whatever you haven’t fully done before like if follow you were the doing mining before you can just like sell out your mining gear buy farming gear try out farming see if it’s fun if it’s not

Just sell all your farming gear again buy Slayer gear and just keep on trying out new stuff until you find the one that’s most fun for you for me personally it f like Slayers and dungeons that work the best I’ve had most fun playing those two things okay I’m going to get silvery

Mushrooms I think even though I started 14 minutes to wait but it’s fine I’m really not don’t care much about mushrooms right now I’m mainly going to try to oh my God almost a th000 fortune look at that I’m probably going to have this all the time once I like get to

The fermental armor I keep on Switching like this whenever I get to the new mushroom which I’m just going to do mushrooms until the event ends get the silver at least and then just so immediately switch to sugar cane I need to use these bests that I

Have they took forever to get and they need to be used as much as they can be used can only play this game realistically for 10 more hours before I run out of guard potion then I’m screwed in those 10 outs I need to somehow make

Enough coins to be able to buy a booster cookie you remember when you said I’m call to the next rank up on your Discord server Breer each row or something how much coins do I need to give you for my row rank up uh don’t really remember if I’m being

Honest you can just check on Discord how many how many it was why don’t you make one brown and one red um because I I don’t know anything about farming and that’s the first I’ve even heard of of that idea so that’s probably what I’m going to

Do but don’t know not I might not even need that many mushrooms honestly I don’t I’m only going to far mushrooms until I can make the fermento armor and then screw the mushrooms never farming them again after that probably would you look at that I’m in silver

Now but gold has 42,000 like always impossible another past immediately I really don’t want to deal with PS now that I have like this much of a p HRA bonus Active yeah secure silver yet definitely not only one above bronze going to fall back in bronze any minute now gold is POS possible it’s finan oh that’s true that is true finan is also here I haven’t gotten gold once like ever in my farming career I did start this event like 28

Like 16 minutes 28 or something I got gold with m and the Elephant if it was like an normal crop and I actually started on time I probably could get gold especially with this past HRA bonus I have like extra Fortune right now but don’t have enough time to get

Gold now I don’t think I’m am clim being to the gold but not fast enough unfortunately what is the next event going to be Pro I need to check carrot Nether and V okay it’s the V it’s the nether W I think where we might get

Gold I’m pretty sure my P Hunter is going to expire by then minut 12 for the event I have around 1,000 Fortune with 150 best hunter bonus really with the with a melon armor how the heck did you manage that V is easily possible yeah V is like the

Easiest event but I don’t need V1 do need the nether W for the for why size since it’s quite competitive that makes sense people f for coins probably and we will see still going to be quite a while until the next event I think this one hasn’t even ended

Yet I’m so bad at s streaming these modes I keep farming red mushrooms with a brown mode and the other way around yeah see I actually almost got to Gold but I prob run out of time okay says here you said you need to give 50 neutral I need to do this 65

Me real quick all right blocked and the my guard miles perfect and my elephant leveled up perfect even more Fortune even more Fortune there we go event ended now we immediately move on to the sugar cane well I still have the pest Hunter with my full inventory uh sugar cane hole sugar can

Hole is there a sugar can no that’s another W one uh I com with it it I think so that’s yeah it’s epic I only Rec combobulated three Farming tools the melon one sugar cane and potato one this good speed I’m moving at 150 speed this good speed for sugar cane okay

In I need to increase it a little bit which try 200 uh sugar Cane okay 200 HS better yeah I have 850 base with a whole harvesting six and cating eight makes me 900 each pass extra P Hunter bonus three 28 if you say so that’s what you say uh what should the the Y be at I guess it makes sense since you can

Like buy all of that stuff so like you just buy like the best hole whatever even with the bad armor you can manage a lot more farming Fortune than than me like the melon armor was actually the hardest part for me to get because I had like f melons with zero farming Fortune

It took forever to get enough melons just to make the first armor and each armor was like actually easier to get because I kept getting more and more for yeah I think three 28 works very well oh the next is in 40 minutes so I’m definitely going to run out of p on

Bonus until the next event looks like oh my God the Earth Farm oh my God I cannot get that thing yeah looks like we aren’t getting another gold or the first gold actually ever on this profile two P like two more they about to reduce my fortune my

God the next to P St spawn will reduce my fortune and I’ll have to like actually take five minutes to get rid of them and there go my best hunter bonus I don’t need that much sugar cane because I actually did grind quite a bit of sugar cane and some Nether

Wart so with this P Hunter bonus I might even get enough sugar cane and nether W to craft uh fermental pieces but I still only got two of the actual fermentos and I need like 16 per piece so I don’t have no idea like what am I going to do about

Those like how the heck am I going to get those fermentos CU they are so rare biggest issue is going to be mushrooms and Cactus I don’t know how to far mushrooms for Cactus and my hes for Cactus and mushrooms are extremely bad not even cultivating on

Them have you up little too many bits yesterday so about the video compared nekron and Frozen Blaze and with Juju yes what about that video how did you level up so quick as an Iron Man that wasn’t an Iron Man bro that was on my main somebody actually gave me

Like 500 million Contraband so I just had the coins to actually afford to do all that stuff in that video gave me like 300 million coins straight up and then like that necron armor some pets and whatever and I just bought the Frozen boys to compare them but yeah oh there there’s a

Fermento I think that guy gave me like over a billion coins by now and there’s only him and one other guy that gave me like a billion coins now that was before like I actually gave away all of my coins on that profile now that’s to like 500

Million is all I have on that profile now and these fermentos don’t even stack they are so annoying to deal and they don’t even go in Agronomy sack they made them very annoying to carry around L5 what does L5 mean what that and the sugarcane Milestone is about to happen

All this sweet sweet farming XP time to get the farming which farming am I farming 37 region five and they are bests of course man uh no it didn’t have a we five let me show you what it had I still haven’t sold it I sold it I don’t can’t remember

Yeah yeah I sold I sold the neon it had it was like Rec combobulated and firear that’s how it did and like Quest stand I think what the heck is that that’s a silverfish okay that’s enough to farming just so my farming forun is introduced can’t afford to waste time on

Pests while I have the pest Hunter bones I already lost half of it I think I’ve like made a video once before about that about Contraband like where people just gave me crazy amount of contraband it was the same guy again from that video it was like over the stream you

Just messaged me I have a lot of stuff to give you so I just silent didn’t even record or nothing and that’s why there’s a giveaway by the way my Discord right now I’m giving away 30 million coins from that so you can join that if you want to win some coins

Yourself oh my farming Fortune is 910 why is my sugar cane so high 122 wait what the heck I almost have like a 1,000 Fortune is the farming fortune and sugar K Fortune like separate or like I don’t know those n 110 I include the sugar

Cane as well or do I actually have like over 1,000 Fortune how does that work and the visitors are about to get filled too so many issues when you buy the P Hunter bones Immediately you have 910 Fortune but when farming uh can it’s 1,32 Al it is separate I do have over a th000 fortune then damn that’s a lot but is with the bonus so think once I have fermento I will have this much even without the bonus that is indeed a water of Fortune

How much sugar can I even collect uh sugar 1,000 chant sugar okay not much at all not much at all still missing a ton of Ed sugar if I get the resources before I get fermentos I’ll probably Farm the sugar can until I get Theos to because I need sugar cane for

The Alchemy to the plan was to do that like when the Der was M but like I barely got any farming XP and and the Alchemy XP during derp like I got three farming levels and like five Alchemy levels so for the next Z I’m make sure going to

Prepare and get like Tor of Enchanted sugar cane but have used the minion buff he I like stacked up on hyper catalst when he was before he was even a mayor I’ve had like half a stack of Hy catalysts for him and put all of them in like ice

Minions and blaz minions got over a stack of Enchanted P ties just doing one single week thata some immediately made one Frozen boys piece and for reference like to get one stack of Enchanted ptil like it takes me about a month now without a I skipped a lot of time with

Him I already have enough eyes to make the last frozen blaz piece that I need but I don’t have the BL RS which is usually like the easy part I need seven for the leggings and I have like four minions probably did not make enough they make like One Enchanted blaz per

Day I think a little bit more than one but like one and a half maybe like maybe two more of they will have enough eight minutes left I cannot go back to farming without the pass Hunter bonus I’m now used to the high wife cannot go back to being poor with no farming

Fortune carrot W and wheat of course I get ring into carrots why would it be something I’m actually going to do I think now I like go all these Farming tools that are in the game now I can actually like start spending gold medals on something good like on more farming

Fortune I have every single farming to win the game except the VTO that’s the only one I’ve managed to skip and I do kind of regret skipping it because there was a lot of wheat that I needed to get I just got it without get of because they about to

Reduce my fortune I don’t like that come on be oh mutant nether W that is perfect since I need another WS anyway so all of these mut Nethers that I’ve been getting from pests are like so helpful and Cactus as too I have gotten a lot of cactus from PS

Like every single cactus that I have on this profile is from pest I haven’t minded a single Cactus ever that is very helpful I need that much cactus cactus is like the least I needed the least like I think I only need 25 Enchanted cactuses for entire fermental

Set the thing I need the most is the mushrooms you need like a crazy amount of those like you need more mushrooms and every other crop combined they are just insane and I have to farm them with my Queen mushroom hole that gives me 10 mushrooms per hour probably 5 minutes left of this bonus how many did I get I’ve gotten almost 2,000 Enchanted sugar I have no idea if that’s good or not we will find out when I turn them into there’s the past and now my farming

Fortune is not reduced because I have a small smart but yeah we will find out once I turn them into regular sugar canes if that that’s good or bad I’m not touching him no matter what he is going to be very annoying for k okay they’re just mocking

Me knowing I cannot do anything to him because what the he cuz he’s just going to teleport and he and whatnot the main issue might even be fermental because they are so rare I barely get any this is my third one you need so many of

Them who the hell knows how long am I going to be farming them just get fermentos and what on every other crop that they is to get f p 16 they all in this SP I think these pests at least I’ll have like somewhat good best hunter bonus

Once I the on this one runs out that’s just Spa so often now it’s kind of a good thing you will always have a lot more Fortune but like it’s so annoying when they just reduce your fortune if they reduce your fortune at like 10 pests then it would be good but

Like at three PS and they already reduce your fortune that’s like too much I think especially with to they SP and enough like before you could buy pass T bonus and farm the entire time you had it and they would not reduce your fortune now you can farm for 5 minutes

Without them reducing your fortune and we have two minutes left probably at least one past is going to spawn at the end to mess it to mess up much we will see how good this arming session was with the extra almost 200 fing for extra oh I did spend like majority of It

Farming mushrooms too so this is not 30 minutes of pure sugar cane this is might be like 15 minutes of sugar cane and 15 minutes of mushrooms in just one more minute it got a lot of farming XP too 500k farming XP that’s pretty good and myant is almost level 100 even

Without the farming XP boost he had that yellow bandana the entire time and he’s almost over 100 and that shows how long I’ve been farming for him to up this much hold on a minute uh okay uh did you realize that they changed the Hub a

Bit really what they Chang I didn’t see nothing just I’ll check in 22 seconds once my pass Hunter is gone 10 7 4 one and there it goes inactive all right how did we do just empty my inventory so we can transfer it all into the hricane there like f

Everywhere what I need to check that out okay how much did we get 26 26 inant and I already had Some don’t know how good that is don’t know okay where’s the flowers oh what’s this for oh there’s there’s going to be the is this for like Easter or something when is Easter I have no idea I’m assuming it’s for that they always change this for like

Halloween or something do you know what would make more sense since it’s Ramadan they should have like build a MOS right here that would make more sense but oh my God okay let me let me see how many pests are there on my oh my God now that I’ve got I know right

Bro the is weird these weird buildings and they they forget the main event for the month uh they all here right yeah the sugar cane one three yep and I have three in here so that’s six more I’m going give me more of those mut the Nether Warts those are pretty

Helpful I can get them from these pests it’s going to be impossible to find this Earth for in here he’s going to heal like 10 times before I kill him oh my God this F is onno okay all right buddy what the heck is this what disc

How do how do I play these disc where do I put them I know they like give you the P or something like if I play every disc besides the earthworm one will will I finally I get rid of the earthworms and like everything besides them is going to

Spoon Tred melons again so such a useless pass bro that try useless best uh 14 minutes until the next Festival uh visitors right we need to deal with them somebody who’s oh wait what this one is gold and green at the same time wait what

Huh why is he why is it his name gold and green I don’t know he seems usess So I guess he’s green but yeah see he moves he just I don’t know what’s up with I don’t know I’ve never seen that before should I do him is he going to give me like good reward Metro copper it doesn’t say anything good but screw it you Cricket V that

Away and how am I working with nether W to with nether W I have 650 that’s 19 mutant nether warts and 26 Enchanted sugar cane what about mushrooms 40 Enchanted brown mushrooms and okay now I realize how long will I have to F mushrooms for that’s

Four okay maybe not that long you don’t need that many mushrooms like you need the sugar cane to craft the best one and like two brown ones then I assume nor only one brown so it’s like 40 per oh damn okay so fermento how much I need for like single piece like

This uh so like 32 I almost have enough 30 Nether Warts 25 Cactus I don’t have the cactus and condense fermental fermental might be the biggest problem honestly that just is going to that it like taking forever and we have three oh my God I need so

Many I have two options either grind 47 or Enderman s uh probably Enderman soy why were you I prefer Enderman soyer over over the 47 47 is like the wor four in my opinion I need to make up cactus farm let me go get the cactuses okay

Get a Terminator so you can get do like Master mode I love Master mode Master mode was like my favorite thing ever I want to get into Master mode as soon as possible uh Cactus knife right how does this work oh that’s stupid yeah ferment is actually going to be so difficult to

Get so many weird crops that it requires but yeah once I do get it like I’m going to have a t more Fortune it’s going to be so much easier to get out of the other crops from that point on just need to make sure I don’t miss

Event I’ll use the bests once the event starts again I want to go Ender s 7 first so I can use the ear warp conduit and then I can mine Ruby pce I have no idea what that is uh another warp oh that’s the po aspect of the Void I

Think my biggest regret might be actually going farming instead of mining I think if I went mining it would be like way easier to like start making coins like with farming all of the crops that you get you have to like use back into making a better armor you cannot sell

Anything meanwhile with mining like you just grind like I don’t know like part the mountain XP and all of the M you get you can keep on selling you don’t have to use any of the M for like better armor or anything so by now I probably would have had so many

Coins I no maybe farming will prove me wrong once I make the best armor and best everything this is the worst armor I have to craft after this point I can actually start selling everything I think I guess I’ll have to use a little bit to into compost so I can unlock like

Every single PL that’s a lot of Fortune to but besides that everything can get sold think that this might be enough characters honestly let’s see War Garden you must start at least doing your daily commissions I mean I’ve already chosen farming so starting money now when I’m like this

Deep into farming would not make much sense that’s my Happ not well I did do what why does this work not work yeah might go just to tier three just somewhat on the way to tier four uh okay desk configure ports bye bye Coco be Cactus yeah I definitely have

Enough yeah how many do I even have like Enchanted ones 72 and one and I have some the chest too daily commissions of reging hard to s that will take qu month you can still farm for money I should start doing those uh I those why are so hard

Though can’t make a single Cactus with this money okay Cactus Dam actually can’t what the heck just so you level up too hard on the mountain 7 passively yeah but each Quest is like so hard for me cuz my mining gear is so bad takes forever I don’t

Know that’s why it’s good to do your daily commissions now maybe check it out like the easiest ones for me are like maybe the swear commissions but I barely get those like the regular commissions take like 30 minutes for me to do that’s how slow my mining everything

Is is another watch for a little bit before this thing starts I can help you with titanium one two P spawn I mean I have five minutes until the Jacob contest starts so let’s see what I have I can do like one commission maybe and then go

Back good thing I just got two pests that’s going to give me more Fortune let’s see what M my commissions are going to be what they’re going to be what say commissions upper m m and Goblin R where yeah very annoying ones I haven’t seen like goblins where like ever to

Happen upper M I even forgot where the upper Min where they here I think my mining gear is like Goblin armor I think pick don’t even know yeah these are aise let’s see X it’s this right compact experience Pristine in 3 minutes yeah I will not be able to do much before the starts and I don’t even have a pet that’s also a big issue see how long it takes it is it’s kind of a little bit faster but still moment this runs out it’s like super

Slow if I hadm one this would be a lot easier but my best mining pet is silverfish which doesn’t even help with like mining it just gives you more mining XP which is not very useful I’m make sure pretty high mining where I’m like mining 44 or

45 after farming fiest I would recommend on getting I was planning on like getting into mining once I got the giant SW and could maybe kill ghosts so I could like get sort of armor so I don’t have to deal with go armor really not better than Goblin the starts in 2

Minutes and there a tianium yeah I think I should go back with this with this fermental armor and me here in my sash armor okay I think I need to go back it’s about start I need to get St that myland I think this time we go do nether W some Nether Warts

Too we’ve gotten the sugar cane last time I’m me past four I don’t know where four okay I need to hurry up nether yep that’s NE what okay it’s here right with teleport come on come on please don’t be Earth form anything but Earth form right now I

Don’t have the time to kill Earth form M M M M M hold on hey hello lady welcome to the stream how are you doing en the cook that’s pretty cool oh my God a minute left okay I think he’ll be fine carrot okay armor pet everything is there nether WS

Hole we’ll buy 80 more for not much but not to little two it’s good enough here we go starts in 20 seconds can this be the first gold medal I’ll get we have the mayor and immediately with two pass start moment I actually start farming of course why

Not we have the may we have the P this could be the first event where I actually get the gold here we go butman NE to is like really not that good bronze well that’s not a good sign yes NE these are little bit too competitive also van belove

Silver good luck on gold thank you I’m not even going to get Silver B SP we but all right oh my God this game 3,000 B of silver 4,000 B of silver I’m getting further and further away instead of getting closer yeah I think we’re not even going to get

Silver NE WS is crazy W is really competitive I see that now W is crazy I thought melons were crazy but this is even worse but I guess with melons I at least had like maxed out melon dier this is barely maxed out in melons I did manage to get one

Silver but this is too Crazy that’s a good spe for these Nethers I’m I just shifting and for farming for go you going to need fermento V probably like the make out gear yeah I’m not even going to get over probably what the heck is wrong with him why is V so competitive is it still

Like best for coins so that’s why it’s still this competitive just a second all right it’s why why are people like farming it’s so bad if it’s bad I don’t get I know it’s like top three for money now what is best for money for Iron Man I guess because you

Can’t really can’t really sell I’ve M very the best but I’m not sure and good for micro so that makes sense that explains a lot best for money is melons even for Iron Man that is perfect then didn’t max out my melon dicer so once I get fermento it’s all melons

From this point on oh nether W Milestone yes so perfect then no is all I’m going to find really I don’t think there is any point to farm anything else after that I don’t think maybe just for some more medals so I can get all those things that give you farming

Fortune but besides that I don’t think I’m going to need anything okay I need NE WS anyway even if I get bronze but I really need is the nether Woods themselves so I would really appreciate some fermentos too if the game doesn’t mind giving me some

You might do some tier four Enderman all right good luck we those I cannot even do tier tools but I think that’s mainly because of my Happ is very bad my silk cedge doeses not do any damage against Endermans all of my favorite things in this game are at the end

Game and now of the mid game where I am at right now is all about making coins really not much you can do besides that just find a money making method and stick with it until you make enough coins so that you can afford all the crazy stuff in this game that require

Coins like it I wouldn’t even need that many coins if I just had self-control and did not buy com bators telling you bro have to start get a little bit into mining issue with mining Al it’s like that I’ve gotten like mining 63 times on my meain on how much mining I’ve

Done won’t be doing money at to begin from mining I guess I’ll start with the daily commissions and eventually when I get half of the mountain S I can start looking into mining but until then just make coins from farming I think you will start doing money when you get the van armor

The is going to be difficult we can do new together once if you want yeah sure I could get the yeminite fet for fishing it would be cool you need to do new qu for the arm right Amite really good yeah and I don’t have any like good fishing pet so he

Would be very helpful in my fishing Journey fishing is already hard as days but without B it’s just nightmare oh I did actually hit silver look at that yeah not even that far away from gold usually it’s twice the amount of crops I have but now it’s not even 50%

More I don’t think I’ll hit it definitely not but one silver medal is pretty cool think I might even be able to turn it into gold after this we will see I can’t remember how many medals I have had exactly but you can buy that farming Fortune thingy with one gold

Medal and still no forment it’s blue how rare are they I’m never going to make ferment armor there we go thank you like I’m never going to make fermento armor just because I’m not going to get these fermentos they are crazy rare you need so many of

Them I’m going to need like 50 of them for entire set best timing here for you that’s what getting for on sugar cane I think that make sense because you like break two crops at the same time but will try to get every other crop there is in the game

That I need for fermento and then if I don’t have fermentos then just fire sugarcane because I will need sugar cane or Alchemy anyway would say me in bits because I need like ton of those God potions and there goes my farming Port we really need to make a better

Farm I made a better farm for for mining oh not but for melons save them composts up it’s already enough I was saving compost back when I had the wheat I would just use seeds but now oh all the crops are too valuable to turn them into

Compost maybe I still have some some seeds for ports yeah out there a lot of water I can get from ports but once I get to farming melons I like keep on putting just melons in there and selling the rest that’s the only Farm I’ve made melons and pumpkins I’ve only made pumpkins

Because it use the same design as melon so I might as well doing a bigger Farm also make you a lot faster I guess but like what faster equals a lot what more fermentos like I’m going going to use these other Farms until I get from MOS

And then complet we forget about them after that is there a better sugane Farm as well isn’t this like the best one that they give you already or sug can you good just make it f bigger what you mean big Ro doesn’t it regrow on time by the time

I’m done with with it like at the start it will regrow oh there we go another FAL I have four now so like five more until I get one fermento maybe I you’ll see I don’t want to say anything because game you hear me and stop giving me fermentos if I say

I’m actually getting fermentos now so it’s better to stay quiet about these things all more minutes of the Nether world competition I am now 200k away from gold yep can’t forget about gold to but he we did get 2002 F and probably 400k NS can you invite me

To your card to see how it works uh how do I do that some other people visited my garden just now and I didn’t even invite them we can probably visit it too right CU I don’t even know how to invite you yeah there you go I don’t even have to do

It but yeah it’s just like normal Farms everywhere besides pumpkin and M bro do BR you want to buy a cake so not cake so I’m on Iron Man so can’t really buy anything right now I did spend like a good good hour just trying to figure

Out you got to make your farm AFK but does that mean like I’ve spent a good hour just trying to figure out how to build it because bro made such a weird tutorial he’s just getting those watch time hours on people because you have to replay vide so many times just to figure

Out how how he built it so it’s a good amount of downtime you got to make your F okay you are switching sides all the time so it’s a good can visit my garden not sure in a minute let me just finish the finish the the competition for sugar

Cane I like use War guard and I said spawn so I don’t have to walk back that’s easy let have two more minutes don’t see what what you have built what kind of farm oh PS right right right right I was reading and forgot that they just reduced my Fortune come here

Mosquito I think these guys have a pretty good drop these mods they can like increase you like give you like 30 more fing fortune or something if you get everything thing but of course I’m not going to get it my for back I need one more but I can’t find it

Where the heck is it or it on this bot oh they are on this spot M my forun back I think it is yeah it should be why C oh my God yeah mods give regoing war did I get it I didn’t we 18s uh 30 more seconds let’s finish this GG hello

St how are you doing welome to the stream 20 more seconds I got to at least good enough negative one over bronze probably about to turn into bronze in the last 5 Seconds another Milestone look at that more per there we go what the heck is that just

Who permanent we gain two more best Str I mean considering how fast fast spawn nowadays it’s you won’t be able to F from all those PS okay how I visit your guard oh wait how visit V visit oh visit Garden there it is why is this different why is this in in

In dark oak and mine is in regular Oak okay he has multiple crops in a single in a single place okay he’s he’s built a la apparently COC beans up here just the normal COC beans okay what about the sugar cane a very long sugar cane bar oh my God

Okay the entire poort is just sugarcane farm and Cactus carrot potato sweet Dam this is long nether W I guess my nether W is also fine just like two short sugar can is a half pot IM you mean half it’s like entire poort see I’m d and even more coco beans here and

Cactus mushroom okay how this mushroom work oh same as the nether w m i see we made the same and pumpkin farm and more mushrooms here D okay like you just made them very long across the entire G does that make sense let me show you something from what where get to the

Spawn here oh look this this looks good even if the inside is changed I love that from here it’s only one poort to here oh I’m all the way there I guess you just like copied and paste it above the PS just made it this long like that but here you disappeared not

Here to the end it’s five PS yeah have done that with my melon farm I’ve built like one one port and then just kept pasting it and making it longer like that oh the next one is actually sugarcane next one test oh beat beat house I guess Works normal 10

Plots yeah definitely don’t have 10 PS unlocked man BR buil a lot of Fes let me see how many do I have four minutes left of the bonus uh I’m looking withs is that going to be enough to buy the thing or and C rewards claim them all two silver oh it

Is another trades give me one gold okay I can actually use this gold for something good rare accessory no this right four more farming Fortune is what I need delate or should I save for something else like this thing is this good do you have personal best I don’t is that

Good should I save my medals for the that instead or I just buy four more farming Fortune what the best thing to do it’s really good really how much Fortune does it give save up okay one more gold medal then I need to save I me to CH these last stre minutes

That I have on the nether WS there we go another Milestone 500k more nether W more farming XP another farming level would be nice bonus pass chance oh now it’s also says that 42 P chance don’t know how much is that but I need to turn the nether WS

Into mutant see how many I’ve gotten during this contest to get rid of these books loing up my inventory I get 33 more M Fortune oh that’s pretty good actually from personal best so like depending on how many what your personal best you get more the higher your personal best the

More you will get is that it that how it works just a second yes so okay that’s good I guess I’ll just like Stack Up on pests as many as I can like just try and get as much melon Fortune that’s I get that thing okay a minute

Left and we’ll see if I have maybe just maybe gotten enough Somehow to get the perment of it nether boards after personal best get the Talisman and then I have the Talisman I just don’t have the rare one I have the uncommon one do the extra farming Fortune all right you say so well that’s going to take forever since I’m like really bad at

Medals haven’t gotten a single gold M yet so and five more seconds Max visitors I haven’t gotten a gold one in so long starting to miss gold visitors let see any anybody good anybody going to give me Mo for maybe or maybe not polish pumpkin no first go is going to

Be mushroom yeah I actually notice that mushrooms are like so easy to get medals in but you have to build a better Farm the sugar nothing here Tred melon block not first it okay how we looking with nether WS 3,000 okay that’s not bad way more than the sugar cane we

Got so that is total of 35 mutants 36 New Mutants and 26 sugar canes and for f h oh yeah we already have enough we already have enough for one piece but I don’t have the cactus cactus is only for the yeah for transplate 20 more and mushrooms let’s see how how

Fast does the cactus go okay do I just keep this Cactus f is this going to work play this oh damn oh this is so you need 70 for two pieces that is a what oh wow is do this really have S cactuses I do I bre them from the start

And rep them is that faster yes I will get 25% more 30% more Cactus I just kept repointing but then again I ca because I repointed and 96 ched sugarcane for three cactuses 400 speed all right 400 uh C this s I don’t have anything else on my cactus man okay do I break them from the St from the start two has spawned or do I just breed two like this and then look at the 90° 90° where’s the 90° Oh by this like this 90° and just press

A or do I press S as well it is very hard to actually move around with 90 speed to 400 speed just stay all right so to move as fast as possible then and when you change sides it’s the uh right here smilestone 16k cactuses thankfully I at least don’t need that many

Cactuses it’s only like 25 not even those 25 are going to take forever I think wait haven’t you meant to like smell these cactuses or something is it in your garden my inventory full more have to show you something wait I can’t even craft the enchanted cus what

I went to do with this Tred cactus green yeah I need cactus green bro no way I have to smell them me that so you need to put smelting touch on your hole ah so I just farmed out of this for no reason okay good to

Know good to know where are these PS what one this is B one I don’t see any pests in here wait what am I blind oh my God it’s of course and other thing we get some BS I want to show you a better way to farm

This all right let me just find this earth worm that is possible bro where did it Go Cannot Be thiss oh my God where is it and he healed obviously he healed now he’s going to heal again there he is or teleport again yep just perfect there we

Go another one oh walkus okay walk normal there we go Enchanted potato and be 0.4 more farming for let me put this melting touch on this thing uh Cactus knife smelting touch there we go you want to change your cactus farm a bit change it how for a better consistency

Oh I we need like 25 characteres so I want to make something too crazy because of just F do I get those 25 now I should be getting like the normal stuff get some blocks all right how many like couple stacks okay I use a cracked stone bricks

Cannot imagine a more perfect box than this all right now what wa is here here remove this one oh let see so I don’t B off the W every single time then I walk by walk this off too I can walk this off not that’s stupid oh that’s annoying can replace one right

They made these Farms like annoying for no reason because they had these stairs on the opposite side yep like these all of these Farms would be normal if they just did not place these stupid stairs and slabs the most pointless thing they could have added okay slabs everywhere stairs

Everywhere just to make farming way more difficult okay there we go now I should be able to fire right Normally stop there now Place P right here oh here here yeah yeah I see I see so I can I just hit the block here okay I see that makes sense that makes a lot of sense actually here I see you doeses make things a lot

Easier the next one goes here I think right nice I figured it out how it works Mo this off here and keep on farming perfect I should do those da before the event starts also there’s like 17 minutes until the next contest starts we have seven PS This Time think

I can do the daily no wait I think I can do da if I get the normal ones after that one there we go more farming XP oh my beau Beau now this farming XP is making me so happy I’m enough your farm is a little bit too small yeah I think so

Too like by the time I’m done farming like the rest of the cactus will not fully reg uh Here but you only need 25 cactuses yeah for the ferment and that’s it I don’t think I need cus for anything else in this entire game anymore after that maybe sometimes for like visitors if they appear but that’s it wait I have a better way better way for what okay there we

Go that should be the entire Mar completed com at the beginning okay do like one row normal like far inventory full how is it full oh I need there we go now I can craft these put them in a personal compactor instead instead ofas for now and

Again unsure of how efficient this is I’m only breaking a couple of cactuses just going to change the blocks a bit SW we hold on but since I only need like 25 I can like Farm hectus a little bit and then just Farm something else until theyo because that’s how few cactuses I actually need if I had another Port unlocked I could have just expanded but fortunately I

Don’t uh so we have 30 minutes do we want to do those dieses in those 13 minutes maybe if we can don’t need to do it consistent such a small amount you need yeah just 25 think I will be able to get it pretty fast May with this

Far I thought cactuses would be like the biggest issue but already put on 90° right and don’t touch your mouse you have to hold work quick but don’t move guess I could just turn off my mouse and then and then move don’t touch it so how many did that make me a farm

For 200 oh yeah this is going to be very fast this is going to be extremely fast let’s do that well we still have time before the next farming Festival starts collection maxed out we need to mine a little bit more in the upper Mines po gas I just want the stupid Goblin Raid SL event to start that event doesn’t exist in this game anymore uh this after the contest that I don’t know silverfish maybe get yourself Gite gobling better than GL though I’m pretty sure like Goin was like way better even if

You were like mining 60 Metro Cod yeah I need a mro or end s to get carried but didn’t have it but I was that good I could get carried even without it you need a lot more intelligence this thing even reies wi it is if you want more

Speed mean I’m only mining 40 2 43 something 43 yeah and more Fortune then is better really wish I could kill ghosts right now but I think I will be able to kill them once I have the ground sword believe me bro G is better all right I’ll get the G

Then I might even have some pieces of Gite actually the there we go should spend it where should I spend my power mining speed maybe I got to twice into mining speed and I can already feel the difference damn that’s a lot of difference actually just those two

I actually prefer mining M over over rubies I’ve gotten like the best mining GE and chose to mine me through instead I was making a lot of coins actually for that remember I watched a video from you like two years ago where you explained the r yeah it is my most famous

Video like 42,000 views the only reason it’s it got so famous because I was the first person and the only person who actually had video about the Ruby routes back then everybody was like keeping secrets of the Ruby rout they went like they made a video about oh my God rubies make

So many coins but I will not show you my cordinates because they are secret I don’t want people to ruin them I just want like SC it I show everybody bu what the that can happen how much more 88% they should do it now this should get me to 100% maybe nope almost

99 there go the change the e seven more minutes uh don’t I have the guy here no I still haven’t knocked him I have to talk to King every single time I did a lot of things in this game that like w wouldn’t do now I

Competed to be the first to get heart of the mountain five and War Min first dropped I didn’t sweep for over a day and I was like seventh on the server to get out to the mountain VI some other dudes are even crazier than me my over 24 hours I did nothing but

Mind completing these commissions and somebody who was actually smarter did didn’t care about commissions and only m m to unlock the M go p and he was the first UNL m p and made billions of coins just selling them and crafting them lava Springs titanium right here is the easy one

Where you can actually help me are there any titanium here from other people no they’re not are you here oh there’s one I need matal anyway for a lot of things I might get into mining just because I need like materal for so many things p and puzzle

Oh there you yet I need a titanium there’s another one I don’t have much time before event much your commission the laa spring titanium I need to eat more I really not have a better pet honestly at this point it’s better to use something else to just level it up

Like the pet sure I need a spooky Festival like silverfish is just that usess I don’t really care much about mining XP i’ rather just level up some other pet I miss I miss how fast the mining can be just destroys everything another one there one oh no he destroyed

It how many daily daily commissions there are like four or something also good for XP I remember when you don’t have the infinite Titanic XP bottles this help at on uh three more try this oh man oh he destroyed everything why am I not mining this there we go

I miss being able to do that and there we go last of titanium I still have still have two minutes okay have to stop after this do the sugar cane event next uh okay met Mountain oh titanium next one too perfect can now we know that there’s a good commission weing for

Us uh let me get the best to the plot six no idea that’s the plot six all we know where the plort one is plot six is here in the melon well it says melon but it’s actually pumpkin because it was melon once before I just destroyed all the seeds and

Turned it into pumpkin might hold on ored cactus green elephant one minute left uh this okay here we go this is the gold this is our gold but I’m pretty sure sugar cane is also going to be competitive as hell so the odds of getting the gold are

Not going to be the best probably even here Now give me 80 more Fortune again I can unlock this all pretty soon actually I need like oh no speed do I have time to set speed uh yes I do actually 3 28 I remember I hope I remember correctly actually and here we

Go time to gather the rest of the sugar can buts you’re going to need a cookie too for bits yeah I know and we have 9 hours left of being able to play the game before I run out of guard potion it would be best if I could buy

Cookie now since I would be getting lot more farming XP and I’m going to like Farm a w from now on do I get the fermento but I do not have the coins I have 6 million I don’t think I can squeeze out like another 4 million from somewhere there we go fermento

Perfect Good Start good start so unfortunately I think I’m going to have to wait until I get fermento to buy a cookie which is going to be such a waste but don’t know maybe I’ll have to check after this like some some things to sell to the NPC to maybe get enough

Coins oh silver oh actually calls to Gold actually may maybe maybe is it going to be possible I hope so what angle should the sugar cane be by the way like 90 degree same as cactus we going to C do not ask me what just happened and what have

Done I may or may not have just spilled the coffee over myself but that is something that uh Prof view you should might and tell me should I what should I improve uh all right sure I you if you can wait until the farming Festival ends I I’ll check your entire

Profile if you want tell you everything you need to improve but I would really like to get a gold my very first gold medal on this profile would be very helpful I could get that so I can’t really stop right now my cultivating is going to go up soon

Too sugar nothing you just sugar can okay there we go back to farming 33,000 B gold of course inventory fill is it going to be possible will be possible maybe maybe it’s going to be close but it’s definitely possible personal best wait what no way I’ve pass that was my personal best until

Now no way my personal best was like 880,000 I’ve passed it in first five minutes what the heck guess I never did suarane contest before I can get gold that would be like I would immediately buy that personal B thingy that would be a ton of Fortune elant pet might level up some

To oh another fermental I guess you were right when you said that Sugar can is the best for fermentos two P spawn yeah next one that spor my fortune perfect perfect just what I wanted in life you know the thing thing you did on Cactus you can also do it on sugar

Cane that’s true but I don’t have the box right now it makes your life way easier yeah but I don’t want to stop the event right now D I should have kept a stack of walks my inventory now life would indeed be so much easier right about now 50,000 B of

Gold if I kept going the entire time I have the past Hunter bonus I might might be able to I get elephant to the next level and very close to the next farming level too we farming 37 fun fact I’ve hit like farming 60 on my main twice but I’ve never farmed a

Single crop in my entire life I don’t even have Garden unlocked on there I of that just thre minions I really hated farming back then another Ferment sugar really is so for fermentos the only skill that I didn’t never makx out was for but things like Mining and farming I’ve done them I MA them out so many times even rant SAR but that’s I not a skill I did that four coins I we have to do the Bingo

Next next month another good good good but I’ve like gotten my bingo ranks so high I need to put gotten my bingo rank so high and I’ve kept buying tals for my main and selling them we can do B together really does it have like a cingo I started last

Month oh you you did your first bingo I have a lot of bingo experience my bingo rank three could be could have been like Max Bingo rank but back then that was a Max Bingo rank just together I see yeah sure I would like the Talisman on here

Here only need 50 more Bingo points I did do like I got 60 Bingo points but just doing like the those what the heck are they call like those Community challenges yeah I would just go create a bingo profile and like for one minute do like all the possible

Community challenges and I will get like 10 Bingo Points each time or sometimes 12 20 even like if they like get Farming XP I would just going to have break One V and that’s it I would get four Bingo points for that I wanted to start this month but

Like it had such a stupid challenges like get 70,000 bird wood collection or something I did not want to for it I will probably not do if this one also has foring or something stupid give me some normal challenges that I that I actually have patience to

Do now remember there once once I challenge that of course there was my that one that required getting a w of sugar cane that took like I swear that took like 8 hours or something just fing through the king that is how stupid you just give me one please I want to go

Back get my gold maybe yes thank you we draw mushrooms perfect something that I actually need I don’t think I’m going to get gold 70,000 the only drop where I can get gold is like mushrooms and wheat maybe and even then for mushrooms I think I should just like use like my

Potato ho or something like my mushroom ho is just that bad I think I will be getting more Fortune if I just use that instead because it has cultivating it’s Rec combated and everything has BL ref that one has robust yeah hopefully in these next s minutes

No past spawns I really don’t want to was my fortune I gotten 200,000 maybe I’ll get to 300K for I should have done that thec Bingo event it had like double Bingo points but like it was complicated I did not want to use so much brain power to

Like just figure out what the challenges were but yeah that was there was one bingo I should have done it would have been that one for five minutes left and now I’m starting to catch up to gold with these last five minutes I mean there is a quite a bit of

Time 5 minutes is or what but don’t know if it will be enough for me to catch up the gold I would really want the gold medal though it’s just that I picked the wrong crops during this m i could have gotten so many gold medals if I just did ven

Mushrooms but kept doing the wrong crops D I am catching up but it’s going to be very close very close fair if I get some P now or something that’s going to Ru this I’m going to lose my mind back to 60 I’m no longer catching up so weird 56,000 59,000

58,000 it’s being very weird right now it’s giving me mixed signals and this thing is like which that says I’m silver but also not in silver 53,000 then back to 58 it’s giving me mixed signals here and there goes my fortune oh my God I had to get 68 oh

Damn but I mean now there’s a mayor so it’s very L stupid b best there’s that thing that like gives you fortune or something XP based on like what time of the year it these oh no I need one more oh no no where where where where where

Where it was right here moments ago oh my god there it is somehow left it on one hit like if it’s spring it gives you like Fortune but if it’s like winter it gives you wisdom I would really like to get that from tests that’s very useful but the only

Thing I’ve gotten from P so far is that like vacuum Hot Potato book is completely useless nothing else that’s rare yeah I’ve just went back by another 10,000 because I those best show laser really oh my God oh my God how did I not know that that is the most useful thing I’ve

Ever heard especially with those stupid earth worms Oh my God how did I not know that existed about two minutes left yeah no gold for me just another silver and the SM is going to leave I think very soon in like an hour or two makes visitors I haven’t gotten a gold

Visitor in so long man I need a copper game I need dedication on like so many holes the vation goes to three right and you can get like four from somewhere else I don’t know where like I have three on my melon dicer I don’t know if it goes to four

Should I buy books try and make it for yeah only three maybe I need from Myan who the heck is librarian where is that how much is it I want it I need to buy that another book that’s like 1,500 it’s a okay it’s like 1,500 copper

But it like works on everything else because it goes on equipment this is like the best farming equipment this W equipment right so I can like Rec comab it and everything I don’t have to worry about getting a better equipment because this is the best right well there we go the event is

Officially over you can get personal best three 300K four times more or five times more than my wife previous best there’s libr no no it’s this is Win baked potatoes you still have to get re for for your equipment that’s true yeah I have I have this ref on everything booming

One which probably not very good it’s called rooted is that also rare soell let’s see rooted 5 million can get from mushrooms really how better is it oh oh so much better this might even be very three extra Fortune D I want that how rare is it let’s see burrowing Sports

Oh okay pretty rare one in 250k I think that was very kind of hard to read uh it’s rare So how much sugar K can I did I get with this 38 39 how much do I need again 75 or something now I half of the way

There my medals let’s see my medals another silver yeah uh sugar cane ho I can make turbo vs or I think maybe let’s see okay not turb no I can I’m missing a book damn okay uh put this away the next event is going to be in 40

Minutes and it’s nether W sugar cane and mushroom absolutely everything that I actually need look at that perfect I’ll probably do nether you know extra Fortune from The Ring right let me get these pests and let’s go back to the daily quests until the next event starts or

Should I do mushrooms to get gold maybe in mushrooms or nether W because of the extra Fortune get nether WS faster do the thing we can find sugarcane easier what thing potatoes with box oh yeah that’s true yes I can do that when I’m when I

Farm like while I’m farming I can play blocks like I did with cactus don’t have to move your mouse and Cricket there he goes and we have another six pests in here five minutes left of this do I want to continue farming this how I have it I don’t think

So and a best I knew it I knew it moment that’s why we could SP I simply knew it wait what oh it’s right there mosquito GED sugar uh deep the next commission is easy thankfully so it’s only titanium again we can do that one and I think that’s the last commission I

Think where’s my b b pickax all right I need titanium why canway it doesn’t matter where there’s all the titanium here probably we over from last time I need 15 miny speed is so slow I hate it so much oh is it this SW 80% 86% 93 and there we go it’s

Done nothing of man and nice is this the last one or is there going to be one more there is one more again with the titanium so that’s good rard SC I’ve completely forgotten where that is did you claim your Milestone I think I did yeah did I only had one anyway next

One is 200k Min XP B even more R Parts where the heck was ramp Parts again is this ramp Parts it’s not que side where the heck for ramp parts this oh there it is I need 10 titanium in here if you do six more commissions

There will be way more NPCs where you can give your commissions to uh I see there is summon the titanium so that I can break it here we go oh golden goblin this Goblin does not work to you that was not a thing before I know because I was stealing everybody’s golden

Goblins nobody could summon a golden goblin next to me without me stealing it instantaneously well I guess that’s a good thing they oh here’s one boom how many more seven he keeps breaking them he creates then immediately breaks them to his mining speed is just that fast he

Cannot control what he breaks oh can I pick this up ah really you can’t before you could you know on an Iron Man when somebody would break stuff you could pick it up mcada breaks them not on purpose okay they really like everything to make it not have a chance of exploiting

There the last one two more after this one and there we go that’s it I think this was my last daily commission star at the upper M I need those think I might need those I’m pretty sure I’m going to need those H stars or something eventually in for or whatever let’s get

Them start where here wait R it’s going to be annoying to actually look for them TR to get him bro where is it let it it doesn’t exist it does not exist what do I have in MRI collection hold if need to kill them they why then how I get their things metro

Metro crystal that’s not bad but only works while while I’m on my maybe mment maybe I should make the refine M how many hours you got on this profile I’ve got only like 400 hours but on my main like just add another zero there tast I don’t need to do that that

Right that’s pointless boom yep that was the last daily one let do this guy too y I did there go ,000 Metro power that’s good the thing starts in 26 minutes H over I have like one free Rift entry we can maybe do that the EV starts back to the

Rift if I have the free entry I’m not spending any more bits on that cuz I can’t afford it here Rift I already forgot what I was doing in a rift I I’ll spend the entire time just trying to remind myself where I was yesterday there go I have the free entry

Right fard yeah I do every 4 hours I thought it was once per day I’m still confused on how you got that spirit mask why you don’t have one I got it I’ve got it like I just wasted so much this time because I had that M didn’t

Die i’ no the I keep forgetting I got that spirit mask like two years ago when I’ve just started this Pro Noe I don’t have at least one thing I have that you don’t like two years ago when I just started I bought it for like 2 million coins in the dark

Dark that was pretty cool uh so where we in the rift think I did everything besides the main quest and I guess the boat I did not do monom yeah and so Asma so okay I did get mushrooms so to move to craft this thing

To move on to the next area I need barberis cous bunch I also got that so Barber is the one thing I need and I almost have enough bares too okay bares is like the easiest one so and barber wol gun I can also make

That now oh Dam it takes a lot of so the G to but at least now I actually have like like what I have 25 minutes in in here which is good would be nice if game got a reset and I would get my time back again that would be

Cool you need 60 V bra do I make the ball gun first or do I make that first B gun do I make the eggs first oh yeah I need to gold gun anyway to kill the chickens so all them has to be First am I going to get a lot of time on I oh eggs wait you can just kill the chickens I col the eggs I mean I’ll have to get ban eventually anyway so I don’t think that’s very helpful iwi there’s like a better hole that I can get immediately after

This will yes yes how many do I need well not that many 2 4 68 the Ste will need it yeah I guess the B gun for a quest yes I’ll make it so how am I going to get like a lot of time from this some good

Equipment after I make this next time charm the egg thingy next area crazy there’s that crazy crazy looking Enderman guy who kills you immediately there inventory full oh a stack there we go I can make one already Barber go so fast though need to put something away every time this you like one

Minute that’s pretty good uh put all of these things that I’ll probably never need again Marva hook dead cat detector Hammer uh vacuum cener laser pointer I’m never going to need these things again bottle there we go I have the B gun you just a little bit more Burber and that’s it

I get to get to the next area cannot wait to the vampire SL I’ve heard only the best about the vampires ever apparently it’s the most fun activity in the entire skybook supery easy streaming fun gives a lot of good items profit only the best from Vampire s is what I’ve

Heard never done it but I assume the rumors are True how many do I have 20 more that part is really good but it’s also skill based most of the time well considering how good I am at the game that’s immediately means that it’s easy skill based equals easy in my book drinks voodo is this

Good what the he is drink wodo why can’t I see oh damn oh the recipe is hot what the heck so I have to like bring vood do in here so you can craft it wait how do you get wood though in here jinkx one is really good

I have enough y I do I mean by the price I can tell it’s good 20 million oh good for like what where is it use that Rift bber punch one two there we go blow of gun oh what something does damage what did I trigger vote wa something’s taking my

Time Crimson now perfect what did I say I always said it would be good if this happened why can’t I hit the chickens oh K with this okay need extra oh my God these vaults why are they so annoying are they attacking me because I’m attacking chickens they don’t want let you kill

Chickens that’s what up no way all of them are for no reason use this extra minutes to get the eggs I won’t be able to go back because the event is going to start so I have to do event and then go back in the rift probably unless I end up doing something

That takes like a lot of time have for me here we go eight EGS let’s see the event starts scene maybe I can still wi through see if the game would let me check know thank you the event is in in 17 minutes actually 30 is

Time well there would be time if the game would let me okay like there is time because it would take me like immediately a lot of minutes just by by using the eye and then probably other things in there will also take some time yeah 30 is actually

Time just enough for me to enter this and we have 26 minutes now I get I might have to leave couple of minutes we but Whatever here we go 19 minutes oh yeah I’m going to have to have to we Super Craft a guardus cup a bunch oh got scared for a second I just forgot to craft it there we go now chicken and egg time charm Boom special Rift thank you

Game kind of went here for no reason because I could have crafted it back there Intruder where’s the wizard no the gallery at least uh this one goes where do this one go here dread Farm yep chicken and egg time charm collected another time may get as much time as possible

For proceeding further all right if you say so things are already pretty challenging but when game tells you things are about to get challenging you know things are about to get challenging is that now all there was in this area not there is that new that last

Uh what the heck is it called Enigma Soul not sure how you get it it says something about buttons 8 minutes to go in the next area really I see anybody look for quests we have done like C quests except hacking for dummies and and the g

Race and in here I’m only missing Harvest for sh I haven’t I’ve done I’ve done that one I’m only missing like one more soul and I guess bares so I just proceed oh there are buttons there are 56 of them okay I’m not doing that right

Now okay here I am and then next area and there’s actually a map oh that’s cool oh damn this looks cool Rift guide Village Plaza oh there’s a lot of quests in in here I don’t know where to start I have no clue where to start in

Here do I start with scribes killing them can upate the armor or something who the heck is this okay okay oh this area is big the biggest one yet what the heck I have no idea where to start Rabbit what about rabbit CI yeah start with scribes K

Like how many I guess I’ll kill them are they hard to kill they are hard to kill what the heck is he doing what is bro doing 34 scripes br you see how long it takes to kill one what is he doing oh my

God do I shoot him with this no how do I kill him he he’s not stopping W on the coal what about the coal oh my God BR no wa takes this long to kill a single one oh co is gold bro it actually takes like five

Minutes per to kill one of these doesn’t take long really really I’ve been here for like 2 minutes now under him oh I have to be under him oh that makes sense look at the Black Blocks oh I see that makes sense that makes a whole lot of sense now

Oh no the Enderman is coming what is this Enderman about by the way is there like a way to kill him or Quest about him or something or is he he R to kill you every single time you V into him and four minutes left because of this thing took everything

Collection he will kick you K him see when the events are I’ll just have to hope for the best like he just there for that there like no way to kill him or anything yeah of course he’s going this way why would he go anywhere

Else I hope he kicks him of course he doesn’t kick him but he will kick me yeah he Immortal what the heck is the point of that M oh there’s an eye okay I need to get the eye before I was off my time I see I can get the eye with I

Quest like last 10 seconds there’s a CH there I guess I S too kill him with this guy it will probably go a lot faster if he just here my last 10 seconds I’ll just going and kill the other guy the ey okay let’s kill the ey how many did I get SC

Trcks I need 16 to craft this and this I need why why I need 36 you said I need need a 36 can only see myself meaning like 16 to make that thing in my opinion that’s the wor cracks why 6 seconds there we go there go I for I

Perfect the ey at least am I going to get kicked now you need the 18 for the Talisman and there goes my Rift adventure for today and 16 for the quest H there I need it for the quest then I guess 7 minutes until the event starts so do

I do I do the Nether wart because an ethering is going to work for it or do I do the mushrooms because I can maybe get the golden mushrooms SE far easier what the better idea here has 7 minutes like M as so like some more tests Maybe event okay

Maybe oh I need the blocks May that thing what the smarter getting more drops or having higher chances of gold St is more than enough I think I think we go for the gold get fermentos at first I mean I need mushrooms and nether W for fermento anyway

So I’m like which one should you do for the event won’t get gold sadly you can try though May it’s mushrooms and it’s finan so then I just do nether W I guess whatever that work p SP perfect as many p as I can in these seven minutes oh see sugar cane

Really cuz you get more fermental To no how many sugar can I have and I have 40 I’m definitely not even going to get enough during this event actually maybe I’ll get enough I don’t know just need need 96 oh really I thought I need a 75 that’s way more than I thought I’m

Not making boots by the way people told me ranchers are like way better than full fermento don’t make boots yeah all right I even didn’t make them but isn’t like full for me like more Fortune compared to the ran boots oh there’s a ferment perfect and these timing CS for MOS are

Crazy every time I mention them I actually get one after you play the box I want to tell you what you should have all right my spe it’s set a good speed level up you are now EV 129 silver I have no clue what that is there

There this maybe yeah yeah I think I play like that too not that pickaxe I have two more minutes I’m not even going to place the Box in time I don’t think boom boom boom boom yeah I know they I’m going to be able to place all the boxs in time

The thing will start too soon if I don’t actually farm and just place the box then I can do it in Time Not there no no no no one minute left and I’m out of box something had to something had to make a problem it would not let me where this pest yeah something would have to stop me from making this far normal one wait what where the heck is the

Best oh there it is the red come here I’m a TW po pumpkin pretty cool let me now start the best HRA bonus another 80 Fortune should the back box to it now for now farming like this is going to be lot more easier let’s see if I can get even

Silver that’s good okay I can let’s fill my inventory Full 5 seconds left here we go my contest has started two PS immediately bro this game so stupid immediately two PS after I’ve used them why for what purpose look at 135 degrees here we go so much M involved with farming it’s crazy 135 don’t move I’ve moved still only bronze

Silver gold is not that far me gold maybe meor wife like 10 times easier yeah for like half of the farm before I before I run out of the box of was back into bronze well at least I’ll get myself some sugar canes that I saw Des but we need maybe some fermentos

Too that I also desperately need once I get all the fermentos I can immediately start crafting the fermental armor I messed up here not place the Box properly there and there we have run out of the B have place the Box no it’s all from here on

Out next Bing I’ll try getting spring boots that’s going to help a lot what what what the he are spring boots for where the heck do you would you use them or 47 maybe not like the only place where you can use them or do they have other uses

I’ll probably just try to get the TS man or maybe even upgade my bingo rank first but I getting the rest of those items going to be easier 47 only I think I’ll probably not even get him then the Talisman takes priority but I have to 100 TS or 100 T

47 so I don’t mind I see well first of I not even planning on doing 47 that much and even if I’m doing 4 for then I can just let other people get the crystals like it’s usually competition who’s going to get the crystals first even if you have spring boots and

Everything other people will get it before you even if you try to be the first one to get the crystals for some reason people have made it a competition can you get to 146 now get the golden head I can help you do 47 yeah

Sure CU it’s hard to find a set on Iron Man what’s it like armor what a party now feel so fast yeah I’m actually very close to gold or 47 oh like the armor set of armor for best shadow assassin with juu now make sure you want to go for

Frozen boys with Dr sword I could go for Juju but I think R SW is I going to be more useful and just save the materials for it I eventually get a Terminator W yep already have the eyes for my final piece oh I messed up here or gu I don’t

Know by way I dro the giant SW D job what NPC s it after fun for not purpose why would you do that if you now need a giant sword you screw should have just kept it in a museum I probably would have dropped the

Chance long time by now if I just had the coins but instead wife of farming chose me I’ve been soulbound it and I had it on my inventory I see that sucks but in like two more days I’ll have like full Frozen boys while selling my dungeon drops I for the that

Sucks right I only need the leggings from blazes and that’s it I sold so much stuff I couldn’t buy the Dr swld back oh damn that sucks isn’t it like the same price I see never mind te so damn close to Gold but still so far

Away I might even get full fren BL tomorrow 1200 coins in my life y I’m pretty sure I’ll even be able to do Master mode some over levels I came three with that set did you find any other B and I play this game no I did not I did find somebody that

Spoke my Lang but I’m not sure if he was B yet he just felt like a YouTube comment onceth long time ago and it’s and I still remember it because it was like the only one he also figured me out by the accent oh my god oh you’re oh you’re crazy

Okay I’m not going to say anything oh my God bro it’s crazy but yeah usually people who know my language immediately figure out where I’m from but those who don’t usually think that I’m Italian for some reason it’s like 5050 either they think I’m Italian or Russian there’s no in between any

Other Nation just those two which Russian I do understand but why where did E we come from oh 5,000 B of gold oh it might happen in like guys this might be it this might be gold look at that 3,000 under gold and you doubted me you thought I couldn’t even get golden

Mushroom and I’m out here about to get gold in the sugar cane MH MH now I’ll get gold how get gold with fries with fries SP can you die oh my God he just ruined everything didn’t it stupid PS are spawning to man two after 2,000 before B I still I think I

Can still do it I think I’ve honestly gotten the mushroom whole for no reason I think like just using my sugarcane ho is like way better on to far mushrooms cuz it’s like has nothing on it mushroom has nothing on it I think I’ve just waed a gold

Medal just using the wrong ho but actually kind of maxed out is like way better there we go why does a game not want me to get gold I’m in a gold Bro Look at that and again that this it’s sending everything my way to make

Sure I don’t get gold first we pests and now this nonsense shouldn’t it wait until the event is over like every single time it waits but now it didn’t bro no way game hates me this much no way it hates me this much does not want me to get this

Gold and let me assume there’s now billions of pests no come on hurry let just to make sure I don’t have any more downtime because of thisal come on G I’m me I’m me Silver how am I wait what wait what I’m now 100K of gold I was seen gold like two moments

Ago what the heck did game do wait what the heck what the the heck bro G just made an entire update just to kick me out of gold did it actually like reduce my and now pests too it’s insane it’s insane how game doesn’t want me to win the

Gold it is actually insane the length this game is going to to make sure I don’t win the gold it is actually insane they are going on and Beyond to make sure I don’t get the gold they’ve spawned the pests like five times and reduce my fortune I had to

Stop five times to kill the pests and then they like rebed the whole contest when they saw that I would actually get a gold oh oh my God and then they say play high pixel Sky it’ss fun how is it this is something else that they they going

To do too when you get to the end of the road I have to give you a little tip what tip still don’t think this is going to be enough sugar cane though I’m going to need way more grab this thing I need to place the rest of the box as soon as

Possible 1 million farming XP when you get to the end of the road get back to the beginning then I have to show you something all right soon another farming level an elephant level because you are get go anymore guess I’m not please St secure silver there are two contests look at

That wa bro there are two timers on the right look at this yeah I think now I see what you meant when you said contest was bugged I might still get my gold and silver at the same time sorry about that never mind already spawn point yep I did I knew about the

Tricks but is happening to broke oh my god I’ve bugged out the entire game my me the second Tyber is not moving so I don’t know what’s up with that they B my T at like the same time first El we have I bugged out the entire Rift I didn’t have like

The quest guide I’ve had the those store things before I even went to the area and now I bued out the entire Garden I told you you ain’t getting gold yes you were right yes you were right it’s only 100K maybe I’ll get it who knows I’ve bugged out the entire

Festival I might get like five gold medals now instead the te check for the next Festival is after this might be something good this was like the perfect F had every single crop that I needed I think I have enough fermentos now to make one condensed fermental no like upgrading these soul

Is actually impossible you need four stacks of Enchanted sugar can to actually upgrade this soul and how it is that when I haven’t even gotten one single stack of Enchanted sugar cane when you combine every single Enchanted sugar cane that I’ve gotten in my entire life of farming there would not be a

Single stack and of course passs here to ruin it once again then you grind or to ferment the Talisman you have a lot more sugar cane want the first one it you’ll go to Silver wait never mind so well the AR form of course no I honestly don’t think I’m

Ever going to get those holes the only one I ever did was the M because that’s the only one I’m going to find for that long but I I don’t think I’m going to find sugar can for that long oh you got librarian really they don’t to have the

Thing CU he always have the thing or is I could just chance that he’s going to have the thing I get it added so many PS man it’s insane how many there are no kind of like it but maybe you get that three four Al so it’s not guaranteed when he

Appears one in 100 okay never mind then I’m not getting it he nope Harry yucky chicken uh no box nothing interesting Leo ma box nothing and librarian gretings for running OV paper did they have it turbo cus book almost almost so no right I refuse or do I right I

Refuse it did not have it uh so how many did I get sugar 2,000 once again I have oh 51 I almost have a stack no but still not enough let me get those blocks I want to build that thing off all right but first give me a second I’m

Going to take like one minute break me to do something real quick I’ll be right back you get to look at me while I’m gone for e all right I am back I am back sorry for reading uh Okay so DDD box let me buy some more correct stone bricks we go fermento how many fermentos I even have look at that two more pretty sure I can make one condensed one one two three four five six 7 8 nine yep way more than enough this is three six in here so

Three more make one there you go condensed fermental just so they don’t fill up my everything as much anymore correct and I already have three extra w g so three extra like six more and I already have enough for one piece of armor where was I the next just to make

Sure what is it melon wheat and Cactus might as well get the cactus then I guess I need to get 25 anyway so 43 seconds there goes my best hunter bonus let me see let me see all right let’s firstly finish this Farm I’ve made a mistake somewhere to

Start you out of the stairs there they are always messed me up this here there we go work so and the other side too no no no skip that one two can I poison here of course I can’t us that’s so Annoying here here here and here here there and that is it almost there we go that’s it I think think got messed up anything so that’s sugar cane then I maybe do this four nether WS do I need to do this four nether WS I don’t actually right starts 30 minutes

Have I can use eight PS again if I wanted To if I should where’s this one over here somewhere there is it’s a m um unsure what I should do right now if I should I use the p and just find sugar cane until the event or maybe try mushrooms just sa the bests for for now

Think I just do sugar cane to get it over with to just get enough 80 boom there we go and finally made the armor where the heck is my OT here it is almost have a stack so I’m kind of almost done with the sugar K I’m missing

Anything in here turbo three turbo three ah missing one book Dam I’m missing one to make it tur 4 oh that sucks buzzer that’s a new one he’s got to be R ASL what the heck never seen him before triangle f I mean he’s kind of fuess but I should do him

Right just because you like never appears I don’t have the carrot Farm though can I point one somewhere I can’t right I need all of these WS yeah I can’t I will just keep him there for a while yes usually I would send him away but like have never seen him

Before I know there’s a thing with like unique visitors you need to do like as many unique visitors as possible and he SE rare a sec who knows when he’s going to appear next back welcome back really the goat oh I messed up here didn’t I no not

Really it’s just a little bit weird shap but works fine so yeah you made a new let’s see yeah it’s the new it’s about the Iran the second one of this profile first one did pretty well but we’ll see if this one does as

Well so yeah I think now if I find sugar cane until the next event or until my pator buff expires I should have all the sugar cane I could ever need to make the fermental then the event is going to start I can get all the cactus I will need for the

Event then all I’m going to need is netherwart and mushrooms and I already have like a lot of Netherwood so the biggest issue like I thought will be mushrooms in the end CU I’m going to need a ton of them so yeah don’t know where is that going to

Go but for now I just hope I get all the fermentos from sugar cane that would be perfect sugar came out so happen that’s good finally level up elephant and farming a lot of Fortune too as long as I get all the fermental I

Need which is about 50 of them so I six condensed one I only have one condensed as soon as possible I can immediately start crafting the ferment armor but even if I have all the materials that I need for ferment armor I cannot craft it because I’ll need to I will not be

Able to get fermentos wa on if I gra the pieces I cannot get fermentos with just one piece so I can tell I get the fermentos all of them all six of them there will not be any crafting of actually with ferment armor with ferment armor I can still get fermentas right oh

Maybe not a bad idea to craft it then right but your will be much more I think meal uh combin the Bon melon armor creion squash tiered bonuses I’m not sure I think the odds will be much over even if I can get the pieces of fermento because it will not actually combine

With them it will just beat something keep on getting rid of the pests moment they spawn because I don’t have to care as much since event is not going on turn tables they’re in different pole interesting there they are both of them might it’s crazy to me that I

Haven’t gotten a single air drop from these PS and these drop s are like are not even that rare they’re like one or 2% game update chanted cookie these things are like the greatest thing I’ll get what’s the new update probably going to just turn off the garden again nice melon

Block cannot get a melon box for you you were kicked oh they turned off the garden again you imagine G was actually turned off for the N hours and forbid them from playing Skywalk I am B from Skywalk two joining cool down nice and G is probably disabled again oh my God please

Please R centering immediately I love this I love this so much when they do this thank you you was that so hard and Moment of Truth did they disable the car again and they didn’t not surprising probably was the of yeah lost a ton of P Terminator bonus because of that that

Sucks well this what it is 18 minutes until the Festival just enough time for my bonus to expire with the sugar cane probably won’t level up the elephant again unfortunately pass summon like I could get like 100 Fortune from these PS if I just got all the drops that they

Have but I canot I was fine the entire time and I thought my movement was so weird like there’s like 100 farming Fortune ver of items in in these PS and the r drops that I reach like 1% and I haven’t gotten a single one yeah I think by the time next

Farming contest start I should hopefully we have enough sugar cane or the fermento so that I don’t have to farm any more sugarcane after this I’ve had almost a stack of iner sugar cane and I need like 90 or something yeah I’m not going to have enough probably probably

Not some reason suar King goes way so over than you would think what their crops go much slow than sugar cane and pumpkins pumpkins are also very slow for some reason like compare getting like Enchanted melons to Enchanted sugarcane and you will get like five times more M than sugar

Canes even with like exact same farming Fortune they like they just go like V over for some reason oh forment is definitely the hardest armor to get like I thought with the farming fortune that I now had it would be like way easier but like it’s definitely hardest one

The second hardest was definitely the M arm the first one I even got an tier 12 melon minion because of how slow it was to try and help to speed up the process but even melon minion was so it did not help at all so it was back to farming GED

Melons with zero farming Fortune trying to get this two with vacuum just trying to get enough melons to craft the very first melon piece so you can actually have some farming Fortune when you f there’s a fermento there we go so I do I want to start crafting fermental pieces

Or do I want to you know wait until I’ve got Now 50 fermentos and then start crafting because I will be able to get fermentos even with fermental armor right like with crew piece I waited till I’ve gotten like oh 60 gr oh 60 groupies before I crafted the armor I did not

Craft like one piece at a time because then it would be like impossible to to actually get more groupies on need with only single piece of armor I know I’ll probably wait until I get all six condensed ones better not to risk it or like just I’ll probably lose fing

Fortune actually too when I think about it because I will lose the full set bonus yeah definitely got to wait until I can craft all all the fermental pieces at once before I do that uh how much more we got 12 minutes still the festival and 14 minutes left

Of best hter bonus and my sugar can my sugar to Pest of course my sugar canone is about to level up to 21 that is pretty good you can still get fermentos when you get fermento armor yeah but is that worthed it I lose the full set bonus so that will be like

Forun if I only get one fermental piece oh taming 41 only at this point I only care about skill levels up because I get the coins look at that 1 million coins almost BR screw everything else just give me the coins from those skills I should wait until I can get at

Least two fermental P right there is no full set ons what do you mean there is no full set ons see grants 40 farming Fortune I take off one piece grants 20 farming Fortune yeah boost per piece same thing like I would lose 20 Fortune but how much Fortune would I

Gain would it be 21 Fortune that’s not full set B I mean oh I cannot wait until the day my reaches level 100 a been leveling him up since the day one since I got into farming as level one turned him from Epic into legendary and just go to farming and

This entire time he’s been leveling up with this yellow bandana doesn’t even have farming XP boost no never had it he would have leveled up so much longer ago if I just kept the farming boost on it with for such a way to put yellow bana on him so

Soon m is what it is he’s now about to be level 100 there’s like 10 more farming fortune in him I think in just those two levels which is a t pretty much one elephant level is like one farming level in terms of farming fortune that you get I

Think bu give you about four4 a big thing that’s actually soling me down is the farming well there is so much farming Fortune I could have I could be getting from farming but I’m not like I’m missing 24 farming levels and each one is like four farming for so that

Is almost 100 farming Fortune 100 that I’m just missing from farming weels that I could have that is so much Fortune how many pests are there are they about to cause me problems yeah they are there’s three of them you can no longer farm for for five minutes without PS being

Annoying oh there we go forero I four more I think and I can CRA the first piece still going to be missing much mushrooms though even the cheapest piece requires the mushrooms and there we go my fortune I only have to kill 53 more tier four Ender one

Week I mean that’s not that bad Bo might be like the most fun sler in my opinion which I could kill them I would love to be able to kill the airports right now I would be killing them until I’ve got the what the heck is it

Called the Jore when it takes 1 minute and 30 seconds to kill one bro I was killing them then it took me like two and a half minutes with the baby at that’s like hour and a half I mean back then even TI once me like 20 million when you kill them

Without counting the time spawn I mean you have a meic Enderman well 100 how one can it even take to spawn spawn one Crick it I did all spawn in the mushrooms I didn’t even fire mushrooms is this a sign that I sh fire mushrooms there’s this one and he didn’t even heal

Unbelievable takes like one minute to spawn so where it go that’s like two and a half hours to get and of course he healed I knew there was something wrong with it Enderman 7 is that when you get the Terminator and ability to drop the Judgment

Course to this day I will never forgive this game for wiping my one and only ger C that I dropped he did give me a phoenix P oh I can kind of forgive it it’s time I can craft it but I can’t cuz I got to drop the core

First realistically for most people core is the easy part the hard part is actually the resources except for me who has like every single resource in the game because I’ve had minions for just so long like there is no resource I can actually work in this profile that’s how long my minions have

Been ready I just took a small nap I’m back welcome back B welcome back but I think I have like three and a half stacks of just in quartz box you didn’t even get to say it I just knew it you would mention quartz of all the

Things most of it is in on my Island in chest but I think I have so in my sex to let me check quartz not much only 10 on here most of it is on my own I can show you who want actually let me show it there’s are

Quite a while before the event starts which resource do you want I have everything somebody could desire you want Cobblestone there we go we got Enchanted Cobblestone we got Enchanted cobblestone look at this double chests full of Enchanted Cobble Stone there’s some down here I forgot

Where they are some are empty some are full there we even got into Cobblestone up here all of this build with Enchanted Cobblestone you want eggs you want Enchanted eggs boom 36 super Enchanted eggs four of these and I’ve used like so many of these to craft pets I like crafted 30

With skeletons until I got legendary I’ve used up like a stack already just to get all of this at legendary quarts there is quartz at yeah there’s one stack there’s almost a stack and I have some I have some more can’t remember where Enchanted obsidian I’ve sold most

Of it but let still like a double chest of it chanted gold have a lot of it to I also sold aot to MC but I was two stacks Diamonds oh I had so many many diamonds but all of them I’ve sold cuz I needed so many

Coins red stone I also sold a lot but coal oh yeah Co is in the sex I mve same with most of it I move to sex now is redstone 100 Redstone box Co stack of Enchanted Co look at the Cobblestone 15,000 Enchanted Cobblestone how do I have this

Much Cobblestone even I don’t know even I don’t know I had only one Cobblestone you are going to need five stacks of quartz in total really I have like three tier 12 course minions where they at I’ve only placed one that’s where a lot of Courts also

Went to upgrade these guys to tier 12 that’s on I need so many minions even Flint I have a ton of Flint the only thing I don’t have is the iron that’s the one minion I did not have and that’s the one I’ve gotten right now I’ve got one tier

12 and I will get another tier 12 soon I need the iron oh for the it wa oh Dam I know you need obsidian so I I’ve been trying to save obsidian extra I have some in here too right I don’t come I don’t have much obsidian there’s a lot in this like

Chest see Co gold I’m just to EAS I actually sort out my co members we just putting everything where they could even more Cobblestone oh would have thought who would have thought I have so much Cobblestone if I sold it all I would break this Cobblestone economy I would crash the

Prices with how much Cobblestone I actually have oh the event actually started nice I miss the event oh well Cactus knife when did it start oh it just started 30 seconds ago it’s fine uh matter spray just send them out here who empty my inventory Point

Matter oh no I’m using compost from my from my sex that’s not good Pro that sa of sex insert inventory cus knife I start from here oh I have to start from there I think let’s see is it possible to get golden Cactus I have like 30 seconds

Left of Pate buff so not going to make up for the 30 seconds that I’ve Miss event Skyles took 80 84 seconds to you crazy time for me as I said at least you can kill them do you have the quartz and everything besides the for grab the thing if you get

It there goes my buff no no the buff now I’m going to get no I should have sprayed it on I’m such an idiot why did I spray on pumpkins if I’m not even going to break pumpkins hell no IR friend he had white of this stuff he

Got Terminator he got everything and then he got wiped and he was it all he Senter chest and V got five Pro everything pretty much he still played a little bit after all of that I could got somewh in Garden but I started playing like six months ago like this game or this

Profile and I have C so we have to share Min so yeah I’ve never had a c I always preferred to PO so did have a temporary C on this Ironman but then I’ve got rid of all the iron makes sense the wrong

Side is a lot of fun but like even for a regular profile mid game sucks for IR man it’s even worse mid game is just 10 times worse what item cuz it’s also about making coins but you have like no money making methods on regular profile you at least

Have options have like 100 different money making methods that you can choose from but on here you have like two either mining or farming but besides part where you’re grinding for coin s is definitely a lot of fun like on on regular profile I can just keep all of the money grinding part

With Contraband always but kind of gave up on that profile because I already gave everything away even if I can get the to with no work I kind of don’t want to I want to see what I can pull off on the Iron Man proile that said considering I’m such a bingo

Pro Iron Man is nothing compared to bingo bingo is just IR but Extreme normal profile gets mad boring when wa game in my opinion that’s kind of true but not for me since I really enjoyed Enderman slay and master some more so I qu was kind of most fun for

Me because it’s only about coins yeah but guess at end game more than late game cuz you can always m mod you can always like grind K XP and you will get coins on the way while you grind K XP and grind skills like how of my skills

Are like maxed out sers are maxed out C like almost 50 and like you just get the coins as you go but I can’t really have an opinion on this because like 90% of my coins were Contraband but I did make a w of them myself think I’ve made like about two to

Three billion myself I’m silver let’s go oh actually PS Cactus this SM what is wrong with people here’s 150,000 in Gold what the heck is wrong with people but I guess not farming is not mixed out because I was always too easy to get gold medals I do have the XP to

Be farming 60 but I just don’t have the medals like I could pretty much be farming 60 twice I’m like 52 or something not really sure how check this works like how much check is this like did I get an off for 400 d c go SW actually only two 10

Minutes damn I’m going to be farming Tas forever am I missing something on here delicate cultivation yeah Miss better see what I’m not missing I’m missing more things then then I have things maybe using the past on Cactus isn’t a bad idea but I’m barely getting any XP as well from this

If I pleas had one more p i could make another cactus farm because this one is also so short least another Sil I might have enough to get another what I it called the personal best thing now and about to level up to 139 Sky Block Level

Uh says I’m mean silver but also says silver has 24,000 more these contests are so like glitch buged I don’t know anymore so weird think it’s because of this new up that they add with they messed up this just Frozen blaz or necron if I don’t have Golden

Dragon uh probably Frozen blaz actually made a video about that very recently you can just check it out if you want like full explanation like I literally made it like two days ago which I’ve personally used Frozen Bo for a very long time and I am going to

Use it on an Iron Man profile too it worked just fine on like M6 even okay nice thank you yeah no problem welcome but beware you might get bullied with if you have Frozen Bo sometimes people will like kick you from party D because you have Lo way

Even though you will have probably do like more damage than their necron in their baby ye necron just has like this we reputation of like being the best armor like even if you cannot afford like good pad for it people still think is best like sometimes even shadow assassin can be

Better no no shadow assassin can be better than Frozen place too soon boy pets have actually become so expensive like level 100 buend they is like 100 million coins now it is crazy how expensive it is now I swear back in the day I’ve got mine for like 30 million

Coins I mean it’s a combat but you to level them up it’s like no big deal but for some reason people think it’s 50 million coins worth compared to the level one I don’t know for some reason only three pests have spawned in the 15 minutes I don’t

Know what kind of Witchcraft is going on right now usually like 15 pests would have spawned there we go that’s more like it that makes more sense now uh Port six this is Port six I think yep let’s get rid of them mosquito come here there we goant sugar no

Fly what will the fly give me P5 vly I really want to play these disc but I don’t know how where to play them I want like summon one one pests that are actually good not these ones how many P do I have now Earth for assemble Vine yeah this is the most

Useless thing that will ever exist in this game imagine being mentally e enough to actually play this and S like earth worms on your on your garden like you actually want thir worms that that’s got to be the most sick person in this entire world oh 50,000 more arming

XP the cactus collection going up this m guy mushrooms yep you are not getting mushrooms my guy I need every single mushroom I can get bye-bye a fling bouet don’t need that no more fearmonger Tred pumpkins nope visard you want potatoes like always want you yep bye-bye how many cus have I

Gotten not many at all another two one BR instead of this put them in here T is only 2 five that I need but it’s still ridiculous how SL it is only have six I need 19 more he going to go on for like two more

Minutes so try to get one more Cactus at Le before send I haven’t gotten a single fermento from Cactus that’s how trash they are you like build the actual Farm of cactus on here like you know that automatic farm like you build a huge one from

Bedrock to the build limit and then then you like just copy paste it I make like a good money making method maybe will that work come on whyp we not I cannot be the first person to think of that or maybe people would be just too easy to build

It that is one of the most annoying things in entirety of Minecraft to actually build we go last 10 seconds of the event another silver metal I’ll take it yep least now I’ve got the turbo Cactus for my ho wait what V bro bro I told you I bugged out the entire

Event I did get the go gold I did get the gold what did I tell you the entire event was backed out all right well I do have two gold now so yes I’ll buy this personal best Boom for every ah so how much do I get 20

Fortune here Cactus five more Fortune now damn that’s good that’s a lot of forun for everything damn okay I understand now why this was good let me get the turbo Cactus on on my Cactus thing five even more Fortune for it cus knife R CTI one even five is going to help

Okay didn’t even check the sugar can right I didn’t even turn it into Enchanted suar cane yeah 2,000 that’s going to be 66 Dam so bad but okay no now I have a personal best at least so that’s good three gold medal the F but I would get gold medal like

This the it’s not uh so next carrot cocoa beans and pumpkins yeah the next one is completely useless to me PS I have 12 would use them or not on Cactus do kind of want to get rid of cus as soon as possible but feel like it’s V to use it on

Characters F6 s pretty much I will use it 12 I get 110 oh give me give me give me give me you sugar cane going to farm just a little bit sugar cane to get to level up my elepant because he needs like just a little bit more farming

XP and then I move on back to Cactus what I’m going to because I want that extra four farming Fortune for cactus CU Cactus is so these I need all the help I can get with it one Cactus actually crazy how long it’s taking like you see doesn’t think it’s

Fast but it’s really not I’ve gotten only six in 20 minutes so like that’s over an hour of farming Cactus to get 25 that I need with pator bonus like I can make it a little bit faster I guess not how much faster like maybe 10 minutes

Maybe not even and that’s considering I have the entire hour damn bro caus really became a huge obstacle that I didn’t see but well I have become determined to get to this fermento armor and I will get it one way or another nothing is stopping me from

Getting that FAL armor at this point come this far others would maybe stop at squash start farming with sash making coins like that but not me even if it’s five more farming for I will get it just for Sky XP uh farming XP level him up and move on to the cactus

Cultivating everything is going up I’m going to max out everything so much by the time I get enough sugar can it’s Insanity come on I take 10,000 more F EXP think I might even have enough fermental now to make the very first fermento is in the terms of fermento

Definitely not in terms of extra you know having the crops minut all right to farming almost almost like 2,000 more XP if I get it by the time I finish this R maybe it’s going to be Clos my God look at that less than 1,000 XP left okay there we go elephant leveled

Up to level 99 and for for the next level he needs 1.8 million farming XP insane but we can get that wait now let’s try and get as much a as possible the fin again go already oh no he’s going to go in 30 minutes I should find something that that has

Cultivating cus has no cultivating I’m going to V fin again maybe another W instead I don’t know if it’s like big difference but cultivating what does cultivating even do cultivating yeah I don’t know it’s bad probably doesn’t make much of a difference anyway don’t be racist H that’s a interesting name oh my God Oh serious there’s a golden visitor a have Desperate we want it so I me easy that I can get you Brown musom Walk Of course that is what you want the hardest item possible for me to get no I’m going to leave him here

Because I might change my mind if I become mentally enough but who knows who knows here the not for nice love him who always who was the next mayor though I forgot uh oh yes Ser is the one who just visited me well least 1 3 million coins I guess but other than

That he completely useless to me not like him want to make enough coins to get a m St Scorpio yeah 1 million coins is nice but it’s kind of like wasted mayor for me it’s having no mayor this week is what Scorpio is tables when the heck did I level up just level

Up don’t know when but I did 139 pretty nice pretty nice let’s go back to Ender all right good luck what where you doing till now aren’t you doing under this entire time do you know what H is yes I do I know what how is pretty good I like how

My mom just made mine still hasn’t made some she keeps forgetting you make it I didn’t like it before but now I kind of do like like three months ago I did not like it but s that we have had change of face I guess it’s kind of good that serious M

Because I don’t have to worry about facing truck or po once again because I will not have coins I can use this week that scorpus is going to be M to actually make coins so when the next week po H get selected I’m actually ready and can do dungeons s SES well they

Active I’m going to kill so many Ender well not me I’m probably going to get carried but they will be killed during atro if I making of coins but if po gets selected oh that would be dream come true because chests would be cheaper and that is all

I ever need I do not care about any other perk I just want chests to be cheaper so those stupid recombobulator don’t [ __ ] me anymore my whole economy they [ __ ] it they pleas be some cheaper then I get him even John what if I drop it during

Po it would be perfect I would save so many coins all I’ve got to do is like make maybe 50 million coins until Po and I can get like everything I could ever need from 46 by then I also have the Frozen BL leggings but my boy p is like such a so

That’s a big issue I need to find a him up as soon as possible and he’s a pixel going to be at least another two months before he can become Legend lady which is yeah so dumb yeah there we go farming XP plus 50,000 one Skywalk XP 16 go so slow so SL

Well probably reach at least 17 or 18 before I’ve gotten enough MS so man my voice is turned out epic it’s like Prett much 50% W start especially since I actually have some fuming they will also get doubled and everything how do I have exactly zero copper what

The heck how much do I use in Cactus I even use I used four Man Four fored wait what there is torted that’s same way the idiot the idiot flyed ha BS sure when I get taes as I don’t have the heat the a lot of visitors I for enchanted tables oh

They are pretty good B beat again with these this one more in here make sure to get rid of him too he’s going to be there exactly name I haven’t gotten a single fermento from Cactus I don’t know if that’s possible I’ve been fing Cactus for like

30 minutes now a little bit more I think and not a single for again with the V How much Cactus am I at 10 yeah not bad actually the pests are paying off but I’m using them on Cactus visitors I should send away I’m going to send a serious screw

Him now mushroom box stop asking from more mushrooms you idiots not getting you mushrooms I don’t care F hand golden carrot and he’s also golden carrot isn’t he triangle food yeah golden carrots aren’t usually hard for me to get but don’t have the carrot Farm

Now once I finish the cactuses I can be point the carrots here again I’ve done so much grinding today five hours I’ve done pretty much nothing but farming and I’m not even half of the way down I don’t think to the perment steel mushrooms are the thing that scares me the

Most I am scared of what’s going to happen when once I get toing mushrooms how long is that going to take like have gotten how many mushrooms have one and four and I’m one stack two stacks two and a half stacks of each no two and a half sticks of everything combined I

Think yeah Dam these a lot actually three stacks you need out of all of these mushrooms is what you need the most like over 200 mushrooms more than every other crop combined when we going to do for like seven more minutes and I think that’s it we can end it here

Boys let’s just try to get little bit more kti and that’s it almost like we get a water fit of camera but we try and deal with some crops hopefully mushrooms at least I really thought I would be able to get it today but just shows how wrong I was m is

It probably hard for him again not sure we got like five more minutes of this thing try to get as much characters as possible I’ll be like little bit over half of the V with cactus then tomorrow I might even be able to craft the Frozen Blaze leggings and I have full

Set just to get those pieces of Enchanted blaze rods that I need Bo minions are actually kind of weird sometimes they’ll make no ad them my magic find actually kind of need St but I need I actually get a lot of refined material

For end swe I got out of the God put in my second TI four oh no way like the only reason why I actually want to get into mining is refin materal because you need a ton of it for Enderman SW to craft things 30 magic find is crazy oh

Bro he worse than me don’t you have like a BL cat or something at least there there a trick I once use like I set the AO P rol to the fero first fero from G I said the AO patol to like fishing rod and the boy cat like right before I would

Kill right before I would kill the void W like he was like one hit I would use the fishing rod and then it would equip a black cat and I would kill him with like x with AIC and I I could get like a of Mag but it is like very risky sometimes

He would like kill me while he was like one hit because I would switch a pet and I just stopped doing it because of the that I like wasted like three bosses or some find was I don’t need black on end right now I don’t even have black c as I can drum

From Ender’s six I guess that’s true I forgot about that but like I would like to get a pigman sword for SW though with 2 million rev XP and no heart damn damn I actually had like I’ve got my rant I got my Wen heart like pretty fast and then I kept

Going let me see how much xp did I get get Zu keini Revenant S I have 2.4 million XP in Revenant I think I’ve gotten like heart on like 500k XP and then I’ve got an extra 2 million XP without getting anything else after that oh it kind of sucked

But I would really like to get a black cat but they me book events like so much more difficult I cannot even get the skeleton horse anymore and I the main money making method on back that was like getting skeleton horses and black cats and selling them to

Dra I got three out of four shards though what shard what sh are you talking about I’m not sure how much God oh my God I only have six hours left of God potion okay yeah bro I need to buy I’m buying booster cookie tomorrow when I

Get a million coins from Sirus I have another extra million coins now I I’ll have to sell something that I need but sh of the shreded ah that is actually pretty good sometimes ends up in meta but usually fall out quickly I remember it was once very good against necron and

Everything still people use it like dragons even I going I up anything soon to get Co maybe mining how close am I thr at M uh 200 K XP maybe if I col minions maybe a big maybe okay how much cus did I get zombie pet is my best damage pet for

Evence oh wow still haven’t crafted the zombie pet it’s actually pretty expensive and you need Enchanted Roden for for like so many things I’m at 13 just barely over half of what I need these point I want to see how many I have I think I also have some diamonds

That I may be able to sell they made an update lot some diamonds 14 diamonds no yeah where it got three better yeah know they did buff it was recent right the wor upate I need to collect some fors I’m going to have 7 8 million basically tomorrow and the cookies

Cookies 9.4 so I have to make another million if I could level up my mining that would be perfect that would indeed be perfect I guess if I can do the milestone in commissions that will give me exact amount of XP I would need let’s see let’s try collect collecting some

Things there’s the ice minions boom boom boom will it be enough to get me to mining oh it’s already CL that tier 12 pushed it very close snow minion should be good oh 40K Bas I can get this Manu now the rest pretty much I can get the rest Manu

At this point only 25 K left 16k left 8K XP left that was my last mining minion I think that cor team I did yeah base back and get the rest man like I can do one commission and that’s it I should be I should be fine for

Tomorrow to buy the cookie and that should give me how much coins 1 million perfect where is zombie pet no zombie pet zombie pet mystery zombie pet there it is oh it’s not expensive what the heck yeah he okay let’s craft one I thought it was like eight hearts but no

It’s okay I think I’ll craft one right do I would be legendary I hope so one super egg boom it’s epic it’s see right here that it’s epic so I’m going to assume it’s epic yep but it can be that expensive to up then right if crafting was this

Cheap upgrading it is oh upgrading it is way more expensive actually do I need to upgrade it damn oh damn it’s actually such a good pet for revenants look at that zombie compared to Legendary P Assa stats on Undead armor you don’t 150% more damage damn it’s actually such a good

Pet for for evence and armor guess I would need that so I’m planning on getting this thing like creeper armor I need zombie armor which is actually quite expensive I can make only four of those H you won’t need but that’s another bet I need to level up another level one bro

Cannot LEL up all of these pets I need to get those carrot candies as soon as possible my game is like by the way completely Frozen now so I don’t know what’s going on anymore but guess it doesn’t matter I was it’s green stream is now green although I was like planning on

Ending the stream anyway so yeah I think that’s it for today

This video, titled ‘Fermento armor today? ironman profile in Hypixel Skyblock !’, was uploaded by Melonest on 2024-03-13 23:31:08. It has garnered 137 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:21:44 or 19304 seconds.

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    Discover a New World on Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? If you’re looking for a unique and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With its thrilling gameplay and vibrant community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Imagine being transported to a world where anything is possible, where you can build, explore, and conquer alongside fellow gamers from around the globe. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey towards endless fun and excitement. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Luck Check: Minecraft Minefield

    Luck Check: Minecraft Minefield In the world of Minecraft, where luck is key, You control the fate, just wait and see. With every twist and turn, a new surprise, In this game of chance, where the winner flies. Join me on this journey, filled with fun, As we explore together, under the sun. Minecraft BUT You Check My Luck 🍀, A game of skill, where we test our pluck. So hit that subscribe, and join the crew, For more adventures, just for you. Let’s dive into the world of blocks and mobs, And see who comes out on top, with all the odds. Read More

  • Revealing Animal Evolution Secrets in Minecraft!

    Revealing Animal Evolution Secrets in Minecraft! Exploring the Evolution of Animals in Minecraft Welcome to the fascinating world of Minecraft, where animals are evolving and adding new dimensions to the gameplay experience. In this article, we will delve into the secrets behind the evolution of animals in Minecraft and how it enhances the overall gaming experience. Building Your Virtual World One of the key features of Minecraft is the ability to create your own virtual world. From building your dream house to exploring vast landscapes, the possibilities are endless. With charming pixelated graphics, players can immerse themselves in a world of creativity and adventure. Exploring… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a video about the Quark mod, you may have noticed the endless possibilities and features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Imagine taking that experience to the next level by joining a server like Minewind, where you can interact with other players, explore unique landscapes, and embark on thrilling adventures. With a diverse range of features and a vibrant community, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Secret Minecraft Facts Only Pro Players Know

    Secret Minecraft Facts Only Pro Players Know Minecraft: Uncommon Facts Even Veteran Players Might Not Know Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and surprises lurk around every corner. As players delve into the pixelated realms of this sandbox game, they uncover a plethora of hidden gems and fascinating features that add depth to their gameplay experience. Let’s explore some lesser-known facts about Minecraft that even the most seasoned players may not be aware of. 1. The End Dimension Did you know that beyond the Overworld and the Nether lies another mysterious dimension called The End? This eerie realm is home to… Read More

  • Enchanting Shenanigans in Minecraft 1.20

    Enchanting Shenanigans in Minecraft 1.20 Preparing for Enchantment in Minecraft 1.20 In the vast world of Minecraft 1.20, players are constantly striving to improve their gear and abilities. One crucial aspect of this progression is the enchantment of items, particularly diamond armor. In this episode, our adventurers are gearing up to enchant their full diamond armor, a task that requires careful preparation and strategy. Gearing Up with Full Diamond Armor Equipping full diamond armor is a significant milestone in any Minecraft player’s journey. Not only does it provide superior protection against hostile mobs and environmental hazards, but it also signifies a player’s dedication and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Gun Mod for Bedrock

    Ultimate Minecraft Gun Mod for Bedrock The Best Minecraft Gun Mod for Mcpe/BE 1.20 | Actual Guns Mod Bedrock Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready to take your gameplay to the next level with the Actual Guns Mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. This mod introduces a wide array of realistic firearms into the game, adding a new dimension of excitement and strategy to your adventures. Cinematic Showcase Experience the thrill of the Actual Guns Mod through a captivating cinematic showcase that highlights all the weapons at your disposal. From pistols to rifles, each firearm is meticulously designed to bring a sense of authenticity to your Minecraft world…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Naruto Mod Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Naruto Mod Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the incredible Minewind Minecraft Server. But first, let’s take a look at this awesome video featuring the Gaara of the Sand Waterfall mod in Minecraft. In this video, you can see the amazing new features added to the game, including player animations, the NPC Gaara, adjustments to NPC spawning rates, and powerful new jutsu like the Toad Oil Flame Bullet and the Great Flame Bullet. The village structures have also been revamped, making… Read More

  • TNT Test Fest: More TNT Add-On Blast!

    TNT Test Fest: More TNT Add-On Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a new add-on that’s quite the dream. More TNT to craft, more explosions to see, But be careful, my friends, don’t blow up your spree. From the classic TNT to the mighty Nuke, Each explosive has its own unique puke. Some will blast high, others will spread wide, But all will leave a mark, a fiery tide. So join me in this journey, this explosive delight, As we test out each TNT, shining bright. Craft them, ignite them, watch them go boom, In the world of Minecraft, where explosions… Read More

  • Insane Realistic Physics in Minecraft!!

    Insane Realistic Physics in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realistic Physics’, was uploaded by SocksApollo on 2024-03-04 15:00:12. It has garnered 232772 views and 30756 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • ZORO UCHIHA: Top 0.3% Jett Instalock Secrets!

    ZORO UCHIHA: Top 0.3% Jett Instalock Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I’m a Top 0.3% Instalock Jett…’, was uploaded by ZORO UCHIHA on 2024-02-11 15:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to ZORO UCHIHA, your one-stop destination for thrilling Valorant and Minecraft gameplay! Join us as we dive into the … Read More

  • Insane Battle: JJ and Mikey vs Monster Invasion at Paw Patrol Security House in Minecraft

    Insane Battle: JJ and Mikey vs Monster Invasion at Paw Patrol Security House in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary MONSTERS vs Paw Patrol Security House in Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey Peppa Pig Simpsons’, was uploaded by JJ and Mikey + on 2024-04-16 19:46:19. It has garnered 33026 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:40 or 1240 seconds. Scary MONSTERS vs Paw Patrol Security House in Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey Peppa Pig Simpsons This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Read More

  • EPIC Day 6 on Cookiebot4000’s Minecraft Adventure! Don’t Miss Out! #shorts

    EPIC Day 6 on Cookiebot4000's Minecraft Adventure! Don't Miss Out! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 6!!! Let’s keep this series going! #minecraft #shorts TWITCH – Cookiebot4000’, was uploaded by Cookiebot4000 on 2023-12-30 20:12:35. It has garnered 2520 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • “Unbelievable 3412-year-old dominates Minecraft PvP” #viral #clickbait

    "Unbelievable 3412-year-old dominates Minecraft PvP" #viral #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍op 1vs1😎pvp in👉minecraft pe #shorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft #pvp #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by mine age over gaming 3412 on 2024-01-13 04:49:47. It has garnered 202 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • Deadly Catball from Thailand – Unbelievable!

    Deadly Catball from Thailand - Unbelievable!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nothing’, was uploaded by Poison Thailand catball on 2024-03-09 10:40:07. It has garnered 229 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. #nothing #polandball #meme #countryballs effect:Minecraft Read More

  • Just Simple Hosting – Community Server

    Just Simple Hosting - Community ServerOur server is an survival server lead by the Minecraft community, built by the Minecraft community. All our staff are just everyday players, We support the Minecraft community by providing a fully community run server hosted on us. The only rules are treat others with respect, don’t swear, no hacks, no trolls. Why not logon to see for yourself? Rules Please treat others with respect. Don’t swear or you will get kicked and or banned. No advertising. Hackers will get banned. Trolls will be jailed. mc.jshosting.co.uk Read More

  • Gapple Ultra-Hardcore, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Competition, Prizes, Discord

    Don’t Die – Ultra-Hardcore Minecraft Server One life to live your best life. Ultra-Hardcore mining for 247 weeks in a row. Earn a revive by beating the weekly Sunday competition. Special Team Competition every Sunday at 12CT. Join now on gapple.mchost.pro or Server Rules: Play fair and friendly. No unfair advantages or hacking allowed. Apocalypse DataPack features enhancements for mobs like zombies, skeletons, and spiders. Join our Discord for more details: https://discord.gg/EP5Y9C7. Summary by Tfin: This isn’t your typical UHC. No natural health regeneration. No respawning. It’s a Free-For-All with PvP enabled. Explore a borderless world with customizations and… Read More

  • Penguin Universe

    java ipplay.penguinuniverse.usbedrock ipbedrock.penguinuniverse.usport: 19132survival creative and pvp!if you want to try these gamemodes then join penguinuniverse.us! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When does the Warden drop the beat?

    Minecraft Memes - When does the Warden drop the beat?I guess you could say the warden is late to the party, just like this meme’s score of 18! Read More

  • Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: Mind-Bending Theory!

    Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: Mind-Bending Theory! In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. From Herobrine lurking in the shadows deep, To theories of dreams that make us lose sleep. Dark secrets hidden in blocks of stone, Unsolved mysteries waiting to be known. But fear not, dear viewers, for I am here, To unravel the truth, make it crystal clear. So join me on this journey, let’s explore, The depths of Minecraft lore, and so much more. Stay tuned for the next video, coming soon, Where we’ll dive into the mysteries of the moon. Thanks for watching, your support means a lot,… Read More

  • VillaGER TeknoBlade Dream Saves: HOT MINECRAFT MEME! 🔥

    VillaGER TeknoBlade Dream Saves: HOT MINECRAFT MEME! 🔥 When your friends are about to fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft but you swoop in like a superhero with your epic Dream saves. Who needs a cape when you have mad Minecraft skills? #VillaGER #TeknoBlade #DreamSaves #MinecraftHeroes Read More

  • Join My Minecraft SMP Server Now!

    Join My Minecraft SMP Server Now! Welcome to Minecraft Public SMP Version 2! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Public SMP Version 2? Get ready for an adventure like no other as you join this dynamic server filled with endless possibilities. Here’s everything you need to know to join in on the fun! Server Information Join the action-packed Minecraft Public SMP Version 2 server at ip JawiGaming1rUn.aternos.me:16426. Remember, the server is only online on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, so mark your calendars and don’t miss out on the excitement! Gameplay Experience Once you join the server, get ready to explore… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched? Imagine taking your creativity to the next level on a server where you can showcase your skills to a community of like-minded players. Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting experience for players looking to explore, build, and connect with others in the Minecraft universe. With a focus on player freedom and creativity, Minewind provides a platform for you to build, explore, and thrive in a dynamic and ever-changing world. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on… Read More

  • My Crazy Minecraft Sky Block Adventure

    My Crazy Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Minecraft: Sky Block – A Unique Adventure in the Blocky World 🌳🧊🪣🪨 Embark on a thrilling journey in the vast world of Minecraft with the Sky Block challenge, but with a twist! Explore new horizons and conquer exciting missions to test your skills and creativity. Let’s dive into the unique tasks that await you in this customized version of Sky Block. My Missions: As you venture through the Sky Block world, you will encounter a series of missions that will push your limits and expand your Minecraft expertise. From crafting essential tools to exploring new dimensions, here are some… Read More


    EP 289: CRAZY NEW MACE SMASH IN MINECRAFT? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘289 – Is The Mace a Smash Hit? // The Spawn Chunks: A Minecraft Podcast’, was uploaded by The Spawn Chunks on 2024-03-25 13:43:31. It has garnered 1295 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:15 or 5475 seconds. Jonny and Joel give their first impressions of the new mace weapon coming to Minecraft, along with breeze rods, and new armour trim, then answer listener email about chalky cliffs, dying water, and XP debuffs in the March Chunkmail Dispenser. Show notes: https://thespawnchunks.com/2024/03/18/the-spawn-chunks-289-is-the-mace-a-smash-hit/ Support the show on Patreon! Visit http://patreon.com/thespawnchunks to join the… Read More

  • ArtimistJ: 3 Giveaways Live Stream

    ArtimistJ: 3 Giveaways Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘LiVE!!! 3 Giveaways (Minecraft series episode 3)……’, was uploaded by ArtimistJ on 2024-03-28 07:49:26. It has garnered 76 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:33:22 or 16402 seconds. ArtimistJ Here, Welcome To My Channel! Hope You Enjoy My Content And Subscribe for New & More Content Videos, Montages, Shorts, and LiveStreams! If you want to become a Artimist Members, Join My Discord Server (Artimist Studios Discord Server) It would be Greatly Appreciated! Link: https://discord.gg/za3TpdaAmM Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventures with Kemikpro!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventures with Kemikpro!Video Information This video, titled ‘MİNECRAFT SURVİVAL’, was uploaded by Kemikpro on 2024-01-09 16:17:21. It has garnered 107 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:40 or 760 seconds. Today we shot minecraft survival with selim. Have a good time. TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard sounds, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, keyboard asmr, mouse and keyboard, keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft, keyboard, minecraft bedwars, keyboard… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Genius: Master Arcane Engineering with Hanniballshow

    Unleash Your Inner Genius: Master Arcane Engineering with HanniballshowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Create: Arcane Engineering’, was uploaded by Hanniballshow on 2024-03-24 18:28:46. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #Hanniballshow #minecraft #create Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by my channel. I really hope you like it. Do not be afraid to talk in the chat. If you did like it. Do not be afraid to: Share, Like, and Subscribe. But most of all, Don’t forget to -Keep Smiling- ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Hanniballshow Twitter at: https://twitter.com/Hanniball84… Read More

  • Aaron’s Insane Encounter with Foxy – Minecraft Roleplay

    Aaron's Insane Encounter with Foxy - Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Five Nights At Freddy’s: Sister Location – “Foxy’s First Night” (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Aaron on 2024-04-06 17:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Five Nights At Freddy’s: Sister Location – “Foxy’s First Night” (Minecraft Roleplay) ————————–OPEN ME! Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Showdown: Thomas vs New Mobs! EP.2

    Unbelievable Minecraft Showdown: Thomas vs New Mobs! EP.2Video Information This video, titled ‘Fight with New Mobs ( Epic Fight ) | Minecraft | Hindi | Final EP.2’, was uploaded by Thomas Gamer Live on 2024-04-08 14:04:44. It has garnered 109 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:54 or 414 seconds. If you enjoy this video do like 👍 and subscribe for more content Mei daily streamer hu agar apko gaming live stream dekhna pasand hai tho zarur subscribe kare #gaming #livestream #turnip #turnip_live #gamingvideos #games #livetipsandtricks #turnipclub #youtuber #freefiremax #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftmovie #minecraftseries Read More

  • SHOCKING Minecraft QSMP VOD reaction

    SHOCKING Minecraft QSMP VOD reactionVideo Information This video, titled ‘ANNYEONGHASEYO | Minecraft QSMP’, was uploaded by Antoine Daniel – Les VOD on 2024-02-24 17:00:09. It has garnered 3938 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:42 or 7302 seconds. Ninety-eighth part of the lives on the Quackity QSMP server! International server with lots of players of different nationalities, everything is translated live in the game so everyone can understand each other! Live from 02/11/2024 – Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/antoinedaniel Best-Of channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuee5JCBlI_VuKjxmqtyUA Read More

  • EPIC Villager Housing Build Day 4! Must Watch Now!

    EPIC Villager Housing Build Day 4! Must Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘HARI KE-4 PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN VILLAGER DI SERVERKU // Minecraft’, was uploaded by NoobHans on 2024-03-23 15:40:05. It has garnered 192 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:48 or 8448 seconds. Thank you very much for stopping by during LIVE and also for watching REPLAY, don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE the video. May you all be healthy as a family, Amen. 😇😊 SUPPORT DONATIONS: Trakteer ► https://trakteer.id/noobhans/tip Saweria ► https://saweria.co/noobhans JOIN MEMBERSHIP GAS : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLQOHTjVy5-gyonMTPp8JXQ/join SOCIAL MEDIA : TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@noobhans_ Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/noobhans Facebook Page ► https://fb.gg/noob.hans11 Twitter ►… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Part 12 – MUST WATCH! 🔥 #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Part 12 - MUST WATCH! 🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Amazing Video 🥰 ll Part 12 ll #viral #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #trending’, was uploaded by Classic_Gamer_Yt on 2024-04-21 16:51:52. It has garnered 10550 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Amazing Video 🥰 ll Part 12 ll #viral #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #trending ( @Classic_gamer_yt_01 ) Queries:- Hashtag:- ________________ #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmeme #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #trending #trendingshorts Keywords:- ___________________ Trending keywords related to Minecraft on YouTube might include: 1. New Update Features 2. Speedrunning Strategies 3. Custom Maps and Challenges 4. Epic Builds and… Read More

  • Panda Lifesteal SMP

    Panda Lifesteal SMPFun and chill server for any Minecrafters! Minecraft made more fun with Lifesteal. Killing players give you an extra heart, but dying makes you lose a heart! Battle and Grind your way to glory and form teams with friends to grow together! PandaAce.minehut.gg Read More

  • Blithe SMP – Semi-Vanilla – Hermitcraft like – Java

    Welcome to Blithe SMP! Blithe SMP is an active and engaging whitelisted community running on Minecraft 1.20.4. Join our community of over 250 members for a fun and engaging multiplayer experience! Why Blithe? • Active community with 10-15 players online at a time • Inspired by Hermitcraft, with server games and events • Powerful server with minimal lag • Optional mod pack for player enhancements • Creative server for testing builds How to Join Interested in joining us? Apply for our whitelist on our Discord server: Join Discord Server Rules • 16+ server • No Greifing • No Hacking /… Read More

  • MultiPixel

    MultiPixelMultiPixel is a brand new server launched in 2022 and owned by TheNeoCubest! We currently have an amazing custom Skyblock serverMinecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. MultiPixel is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Take that, creepers!”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top! Read More

  • Flesh Infects Wither Storm: Minecraft’s New Twist!

    Flesh Infects Wither Storm: Minecraft's New Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of infecting the Wither Storm, so bold. With the Flesh That Hates Mod in hand, A new adventure in this blocky land. The Wither Storm, a force to be reckoned, But with flesh that hates, it may be beckoned. To change its form, its power to wield, A new challenge on the battlefield. The mods are key, to change the game, To bring new twists, to never be the same. So like and subscribe, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we roam free. Read More

  • Miku’s Minecraft Beam! #mikumikubeam

    Miku's Minecraft Beam! #mikumikubeam When you accidentally combine Hatsune Miku and Minecraft and end up with a new superpower: the MikuMikuBeam! Watch out, creepers, she’s coming for you with her vocaloid vengeance! #miku #minecraft #meme #mikumikubeam #shorts Read More