Unbelievable Minecraft Evil Playthrough – Watch Now!

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Hey sorry sorry about that sorry about that um show water in the eel don’t want um water in the ear when I put the um put these Inah right good I there will be Seven Subs in the top 10 the bet is on um M thanks the sub thank you very much what is it m the what was it was the CU going kind of a peek boo instead of the blam this morning no you cannot because you did that before the

Stream started seven thanks to the sub can we start the week with a very high effort blam AG only thinks of the bits the blam’s been taken Mel Ian Dr Shan M think Subs NE any idea who the SCB was no I’ve still [ __ ] got that video

Rewi uh stream bed bugs bum Goblin thanks to Subs absolute waste of money not it’s no I’m here Monday to Friday half night half one everybody this is world class [ __ ] entertainment guaranteed guaranteed B and Grill I’m going to go to the B Grill at some point so Bo thanks for sub

Can you pick someone from chat to call a [ __ ] please Ben Saunders a [ __ ] Fon Andy Gaz Delany pimple plot silly thanks for Subs Hope Diamond M becomes chatting game like Trucking well there’s there’s things to what um I last night was doing some mining wait till you see how [ __ ] what I’ve

Done I don’t want and I’ve got diamond there diamond is sitting there ready for me I can see it I can see it in the wall but I’m not doing it yet because I want to look at enchantments that will like when I get the diamonds I want just get one [ __ ]

Diamond I’ll get I don’t know multiple what however it works I’m not sure but I’ll look into it um chip Thompson’s fruitless eort pink plums anyone for a Gary Rebel asek thanks for the subs JK thanks for the sub a prime sub is the closest thing I

Can get to giving you the diamonds you deserve big man thank you very very much bear H andless thanks for subs and bits thank you very much Reese 1981 real gamer fza camai Jolly giant sebas Lutz and p s the subs how’s Bobby colon ring thanks to Subs what oh I’ve

Not done the shaders how when and how did you stop believing in Sant I’ve never stopped believing in Santa uh I can be asked get any shaders I I kind of slipped my mind and I thought oh oh I better get the shaders I thought I’m [ __ ] happy I’m

Happy how’s Bobby Bobby um was on that couch in the living room and I was sitting on this couch watching T this morning and I had a we cover on me and I went I went a picked her up brought her and put her on on my lap under the cover

And she was pouring then I had to get get up to come here but I kind of put her onto the couch where I was sitting where I was sitting so it’s nice and warm um and I put the cover eror and then about 20 minutes later I had reason

Just pop into the living room there and she was still under the cover so she’s under there and she’ll be there for the next 4 hours solid um why have I put myself in Sol low is it because of Minecraft let me do my ha with you control R your website

[ __ ] right let’s go Okie doie M everybody how’s your weekend good good good good good good good good good good good lets to get on everybody wait to show you the things have been done no no no no no no no power love no no it’s Christmas here we

Go [ __ ] love this one what’s off so tough remember it’s on YouTube leave it it’s on YouTube well everybody have a your weekend you like it look for to Christmas good good good you know well got your presentence no I oh good for you Stevie Russell Jack thanks for Subs man eats

Bounty thank you very much Carlos FY G Funk thanks for Subs the Joe Austin inspiration C fun thank you very much I’m going to get two of them I’ll get two of them one for each ear one to sit there on the left one to sit there

On the right press them at the same time thanks for being here for us the world is a better place with you and it a Alex thanks the sub H can thing can you fire me over3 to cover it that’s it Buzz there it should be in your account

Now J yuk come thanks 26 months of top notch qual proved by S monk crows Leslie Crowther wait a minute everybody it looks like T so you can forget It that’s it I’m going anywhere looks like I’m going anywhere everybody opis Jame Davey thanks for the subs I’ll pass that on if Bobby symbiotic ISM and GP thanks for Subs these Minecraft streams have been very relaxing though with the ever presentent Spectre of a malignant evil um I see that

Again this stream is called Minecraft road map to evil today I will lay out to you my plans my evil Plans book signing goes wrong congrats breath the headphones um if you don’t mind me calling you out here B signing goes wrong is that right book saying was wrong um whenever I’m on um threads I say something like like I did all day um see Spotify does it make much a difference

If I if I was to go to tidle does that really make much a difference to musicians or is it all kind of [ __ ] something like that right something like that and beneath the headphones what was it you said in reply to that uh Spotify post tell everybody tell everybody what you said

And reply to that Spotify post roughly roughly I asked if you were playing Minecraft off stream and beneath the headphones does that all the [ __ ] time and I have muted beneath the headphones on threads and threads it seems to only [ __ ] last for about a fortnite or a month

Because they get [ __ ] unmuted again I’m not going as far as the block but I swear to [ __ ] I I just keep seeing the name the same [ __ ] name I say something about um [ __ ] hell I kind of believe that’s rain I’ve not said that but let’s say something like that

[ __ ] hell this rain um and reply what’s your favorite film good to bad not ugly or once on the Time in the West something like that or um I talk about I these WS I’ve got these two WS here and one there um and the other two WS the weird ones are

Managing to finally fade away and beneath the headphones will reply with something like um um what what’s the name of that mic you’ve got again as USB an offer do you think I should get a um a XLR one that provide more power and I I

I get it threads in social media is an opportunity just to contact me or say something me it doesn’t have to be in reply exactly on topic or anything like that but sometimes it feels like you’re sitting in a pub and you’re chatting about a thing and and you’re going like that um

I got these two I’ve got three WS this big one here which I think has spread to these two and I’ve been putting us acid stuff on it and these two here I think are on their way out um anybody else got any kind of methods getting rid of

Whats and then they say reply to me um have you got a a preamp thing for your mic is it purely USB or how did you come up with a yoka sketch anyway does that mean I have to have my legs in the air or no well I don’t have a vase do

I well I I normally don’t reply but I did the other day and reply to the one when I said something about Spotify and they said something about Minecraft I said I’m talking about Spotify I’m actually talking about Spotify right now I don’t mean to be a [ __ ] dick I

Just turn up like that it’s not my fault do you know what I’m happy to be perceived as a dick or a prick because it protects me it protects me book signing goes wrong let the story Comm in this is for you great headphones um so this guy goes on a roller

Coaster right and it’s it’s the best roller coaster he’s ever been on and comes off it falls off it somebody’s H planted a bomb the end that’s not and that’s not a true story that’s improv that’s uh oh and as a see as a um what you got

Again what you got again bit always said be bit at the end it’s an epilogue um that’s a toilet paper that I used to I sort of like putting my ears and blow my nose Cy bar might be raining mad shock symbiotic ISM thanks to the subs Miss

Bob monk house so much I know we’ve ran out we’ run it what’s [ __ ] going on there what’s going on there Hardy suck down could it be that the straw is that’s fine maybe it’s the went into the corner got m k i you all done that I done that

Somay I do check it check get some of that get some of that Michael uh who’s that stand up Michael um what’s his name Michel MTI I I saw that he’s done two nights at the hydro I saw a post Michael M first night sold out the hydro and glasgo 12,000 12,000

CER I need to get in into some of that I mean if I think if I think I’m so [ __ ] clever if I think I’m so clever and so good at writing then why don’t I and I’ve thought this before why don’t I say to myself I’m going to try and write the

Sort of thing that he does or the the the general public love weird stuff weird stuff Stu dark stuff nothing like that nothing like I find it funny if you find it funny oh that’s a bonus what do most people kind of like kind of

Get stuff about you go go your mot your part your mot wait wait wait what my motor’s been stolen but and right down easily easy identify you that’s easy to relate to that’s me oh my God that’s happened to me I thought it was just me oh my God that’s right you know

When you you bump into that person again you’re like God would have said no um and uh see if I can um sell it the hydro i’ be to sell at the [ __ ] Hydro for one night as long as I promoted it for a year [ __ ] solid PR practically practically sold at the

Hydro practically practically speaking kind of sort of I did four nights at the armadillo the arm uh Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday they all sold out and that’s 3,000 um each 3,000 Seer um four nights at the armadillo seats wise is the same as selling at the hydro so practically done

That um also I practically sold it the London show that I did that didn’t sell it and the that struggled to sell tickets for and the um the Manchester sorry sford sford one that uh didn’t sell practically and the the Dublin one that had to cancel because the ticket sales

Were so low a practically sold Amo providing that you combine the ticket sales for everything else and imagine in your head that they all went to that instead Johnston Venetian thanks for Subs CH we peek at the gentleman’s eyeballs Johnston Apollo thinks the subs I went to the lind Apollo show lights were

Crying glad you liked him um I rented them I I liked him as well managed to rent them for one night for one night I managed to rent those lights and the riging and the people who you know put them up um assembled them 5,000 to rent including the rig and under people who worked it for one night 5,000 Kettle cup ch thank you very much thank thank you very much K cop thanks the sub five grand for lights they do not have house lights apparently they don’t

Have much in the PO you’ve got to set it up it’s not some sort of modern place that’s got all the kind of framework stuff and it’s all ready to [ __ ] rock and roll at any time but um oh well and the production company trying

To to dip the money out of my other show completely unrelated book show to fund their cut pre like pre [ __ ] profit talking about gross ticket sales to fun their cut dipped my pockets for the other [ __ ] unrelated show and I [ __ ] spotted it because I’m a miserly Scott who went through the

[ __ ] spreadsheet wait a minute what’s up hold on Sat they had G through it I went wait a [ __ ] minute wait a minute I got a we B of money back that was shocking that shocking I’ve sub reasoning hogy MCB thinks he Subs in 3 quid what room should new flat what room

Should I have a tug in first um if you want to make a big deal about it living room right so no well you see that’s the thing the Scots have got this reputation of being miserly because of things I’ve just said there the money got lifted out at

Something unrelated my money got left taken away unfairly and everybody agreed it was a mistake everybody agreed it should have been done by an English English people it’s English people that did it and I simply did not want them to take to to take that money they were not entitled

To and I’m the Mis right anyway brexit tax this is pre-brexit was it I don’t think it was actually wait a minute what Miss when was a no no no when was brexit two oh 2014 was Independence well the referendum 2006 that’s right I anyway right watch this

Everybody I want to show you something I have discovered something that I don’t think a lot of Minecraft players know I could be wrong now I know that Minecraft uh players go like that or if you want to sort of make water no go here or go there you can put

Signs there and it acts as it kind of you know blocks it did you know this watch this every so watch anyway so first of I forget about that I want to show you something so I’ve moved that wait minute I need ton of sound and I had it quite

Loud5 I think that’s what I had it um I right so first of all I moved that a there I’ve got tons of paper I have not made that yet just ignore right watch this everybody look everybody you ready want see do you want to see me going down to level minus 53 I see quick look do hi yeah excuse me excuse me fine minus 53 oh no no no no no no no I know I know fall down landing on water uh water lift and all that I know I know that I know that right there’s something I want to

Show you though um hold on on was that there for and then shift no that then shift then space look at that everybody look up we go in the left n need for bubbles need need for the stupid bubbles thing I don’t need to breathe I’m breathing as I go Up creative mod creative mode Nope you that not know that let’s see it again we go Done that’s me what is it again shift and then forward is it right up we go got we breath who’s that no that is it the actual thing that I don’t think a lot of people have noticed that’s not it here’s something I noticed and this is this is me uh

Searching online and trying to find out can of do um tell me if you knew this if you knew this one the what the something strange happened right the water came down like that right in a column and then it got to about here right and then it sort of

Spread out a bit you know like it sort of it did it go down in a nice single column it kind of spread out a way bit I was like right how did how did I get it to go in a single column and I can’t remember what happened but see down

There I had a block down there somewhere and then underneath that block it started making this go in a single column and then I got rid it thinking it would it would be fine and then I couldn’t I couldn’t replicate I couldn’t put a block anywhere

There to make this go in a nice single [ __ ] column I couldn’t quite work it out right but anyway I accidentally did this if water goes into a hole it doesn’t spread well see I had things like holes and N holes it was like imagine the Torches one of there right it was

Just ALB betr if that’s the word just spread out here no up there at the beginning no down there next to a hole or they hole and I’ve got these holes and then and then there’s n hole I got N I couldn’t quite see what was causing it anyway just by

Accident just by accident uh what was it again all so let’s say the one came down in a single column like this right and then it’s spread out there so then it’s in two columns going uh two columns going all the way done and so I can of do that whole Fallen thing

Because I just splash into the [ __ ] wall right I accidentally or I think I was putting torches just to like to place up I can’t remember right I accidentally placed a torch so let’s say the water spread out there so it start it went through one column

Here and then just suddenly it goes to two columns there I put a torch underneath where the W you know just under the water here and that caused the water to go under it I put a torch to two under the surface of the water two

Blocks it made the torch just go out the torch just you know it’s like Chuck a mat in the water right but when I put a torch just one under the water it it made that water go under the torch now here’s the [ __ ] funny thing here’s the funny

Thing I put a torch under that torch and that made the water go under that one right again and again next torch next torch I could drive the water in and keep putting in a single column by putting torch torch torch torch torch and then I accidentally I

Believe so let’s say there’s a torch there right I’ve got all these torches and I’ve got a torch there and the water is just underneath it right see the Torches that i’ put up here I deleted one no I did I did it deliberately I deleted the torch here

Another one there but the one there above it to see if that would cause the water to leap for down there to above that torch and you know like that right no it did it by the bottom torch so I went a minute delete delete delete delete

Delete I had to place torches one by one one one to drive the water done but then see once it been done I only needed the bottom torch did you just know that what I’m trying to say is it see this torch here this torch here that appears if by the process that

I was doing there um is keeping the water down here what I mean is in a single column see if I was to get that torch and that torch I believe the water would start to go in two columns maybe maybe it remembers it maybe if I got rid of this it will

Remember it I can I can try it hold on let’s see if I can [ __ ] show you what I mean right so watch this right it’s going to get we bit dark but watch this I’ll get it that right and get it to that right we’re all right we’re all

Right so it’s kept it we’re all right are be all right so that’s all right um a visual bug in the first place I don’t I don’t know what that on H HUD space shift and then forward no no no no what HUD and shift forward and then no no no was that

There H in space shift and then forward right I don’t know I don’t know what it was because it it seemed to be inconsistent I was trying different blocks I was like is it because one’s granite and one’s Cobblestone I was trying to work out why it was inconsistent that was

Strange anyway everybody I want to tell you um my road map to Evil all right C Andy thanks the sub absolutely loving these cozy Minecraft streams you’re going to love it even it’s going to get even Co here ludvic and ducky your boys ask Chris Callum d m be a

Agent rabit City AB sub hogy thanks of subs thank you very much here’s a road map why to evil I don’t know why I was thinking about it last night what is evil why do people do bad things why do people deliberately for pleasure day bad things what is it and

I’ve got my theories now by the way the map see the map I’m going to tell a bit uh a bit later we’ve going to investigate evil through uh Minecraft evil doesn’t exist says doo doo I sometimes or often have urgies to do bad things or take pleasure in bad things

Purely for the sake purely for the sake now I’m not talk I’m not talk I’m not talking about evil they’re only bad to other people I don’t know what you’re talking about um when I say evil I don’t mean in the the spiritual um like [ __ ] witchcraft or something sense

Possess way you think it’s good it’s good I don’t think it’s good I think it’s bad right um anyway I don’t go like that I don’t see what the problem problem is I like doing this I don’t get what your problem is I don’t I don’t mean that anyway

Listen it’s my there’s a c out there it’s my theory that um it’s not my theory it’s just a series but I think I think there’s something um with the the human mind that um that in some evolutionary or um genetic sort of sense benefits there some sort of

Pleasure derived for doing bad things no way everybody no everybody’s like that but um and in some way benefits some people or some groups civilizations or whatever to get a pleasure out of doing bad things know for everybody if everybody did it adop would all be [ __ ] but

Um I know everything has to have a purpose not everything has to have a purpose it just happens but um I have I have thought why is it people like that why are people like that maybe in some way benefited people in the past or present

To be able to take pleasure in um other all killing your enemies or doing bad things to them or whatever it is and maybe it’s went a we bit H hawi in the brain you know get no W to move on hyper you can [ __ ] move on if you don’t see

If what I’m saying so shocking or boring then go to another stream of they’re playing Star Valley or something Co stuff this is real talk I’m not saying it’s good I’m not saying it makes it all right not saying everybody’s like that sometimes I wonder why is that

Why like if I get today bad bad things why is that is it purely oh I go back and I think about my child and go they’ve got something and I’ve not got something or got to smash it up and ruin it or is it because I seen people

Dancing or something and I didn’t want to dance whatever the [ __ ] that is you I’m like that I don’t feel a part of all that so I want to take away what they’ve got cuz I can’t participate so why to just take away what they’ve got why to

Take away their [ __ ] happiness to bring them down to my level is it that is it like is it a curable thing or is it just [ __ ] there no matter what look at K whes they [ __ ] love having a laugh anyway did they I [ __ ] chucking sales

B and I I was going like that oh it’s so that they can loosen up the meat it’s a it [ __ ] man that’s it [ __ ] by hitting the seals Sky High it it sort of loosens up the the flesh for the it helps them sort of pulverizer they did because it’s funny

As [ __ ] they go watch this and they see it gone flying in the air and they in colored wh OD come Minds a lot crun Tashi vogs Astro thanks for Subs tactical thank you very much thanks for three years so I thinking why do I want to do this why is it

Um anyway so I was asked I was asked this morning or why evil I’ll tell you why I don’t know why so here’s the plan the big plan I have found a village there and a village there that’s North that’s South that Village there is that way that Village there is that

Way but I’m there it’s that way here’s the plan and I need you to tell me if this is possible I’m just going to ask you one step at a time and I know that I’ve asked a lot of these questions but I forgot am I able to go to a village

And request that a village a villager accompanies me to a certain building that I might have no request you know just in some way bring the ma you can put them on a board how do force is a strong word I’m role playing right so how do I put them in a

Boat as a boat the only way canot put them in a mine cart you drop a boat beside him and that puts them right so how is it done as soon as they touch the boat they’ll automatically sit them right Alice says why you kidnapping people it is not kidnapping I’ll tell

You all about it they’ve got I’m going to give them an opportunity to be famous to be Legends and what I will be calling the games the games they will they will be be participating in the games so it’s an opportunity for them to hit the big time it’s up to them

Do you want to see the bright lights do you want to stay your we [ __ ] D Village here with the same [ __ ] seven eight [ __ ] you got to look at day in day out or do you want to see the big [ __ ] Lights of the

S it will be their choice at any point they can get out it providing you know um I both hold them to Professional Standards so they both have to stick to the contract that they will sign so let’s say I take a boat out of that Village how did I get

One right right so let’s say they’re walking about and I plunk a [ __ ] boat done or something right that makes them go in it you know plunk it right at their feet how do I make them put that next to the Sea how they get the boat

Into the [ __ ] wall or do I have to sort of make uh what I do you walk them into then push wait a minute you can draw on land right how to make the boat move reason I’m asking such a silly question is because can I and the

Villager be in the same boat at the same time I right how do I get a villager out of boat I’m assuming I crouch I get out the boat uh hit the boat with an axe the the boat disappears and I’ve got a villager right and for that point on it’s just

Today we how uh um then say the villagers just that way there if you just go there this is your new dorm um like that how do Johnson says this is [ __ ] sick by the way sick to give people opportunities to join the games that’s sick it’s not kidam

Um just to let you know I will be building just in case you’re like what what you I’m building a [ __ ] Coliseum and I’m going to force people to compete in them and I’ll also be doing public executions for me reason all right if you’re if if you’re

If you’re walking try to work out what I’m on about here I’m going to be taking villagers I’m going to be forcing them to fight to the death I’m going to be killing them and burning them alive and drowning them like I they in creative

Mode but it’s going to take a lot more effort because it’s in survival mode and that will make it all the more uh juy but these are opportunities for them to go for them the name be [ __ ] lights this time it’s I this isn’t he just like [ __ ] thousands of [ __ ]

Uh villagers f for a big skyscraper fire and all that this is we really focus our attention we not just tons of tons of them we really get to get each of them a story a name like the Coliseum like the Gladiators give him a name and all that

Um uh they’ be going up uh just oh I remember something I did ages ago in Creative mod was I had a villager or two or a whole family of them in that we room where a gate and at the other side of the gate was I think a

Wolf and I would press a button up at my Throne I might still have it I press a button up at my Throne um and they would open the gate and the Wolf would go in and attack them all and they had that the uh Coliseum but this is a new type of

Coliseum this is that old one Roman the Roman Empire crumbled to dust this one Bon this will last a million [ __ ] years hipst and Ziggy Miami CL thanks of Subs I don’t get the Minecraft appeal just enjoy seeing you this happy I twinkled as a [ __ ] got a hell [ __ ]

Twinkle H thank you very much almost 2 Years I’m building a Coliseum no right now this is why I’ve called it Minecraft the road map to evil is not getting built right now we need to work it all out so first of all just to W your appetite I’m

There there’s a village there there’s a village there there may be something here there might be something there but it’s s to do with rivels and all that you need the port but we bring them in and the Coliseum will be I don’t know maybe I’ll call it something else I

Going just be called The Coliseum call it something else maybe here so this is me looking um West the village is a there somewhere so I could have it here you know so you see it as you come in as they come in as I bring them in they see the

Coliseum and the [ __ ] Terror hits them but anyway um so can I breed villagers can I put one villager with another villager and eventually they have a win good how long’s that take you feed them feed them and get them plenty of beds oh really right no sorry when I said I said

Breed GE a second I just used a crud a crude ter be the sort of thing that get said in the chat here you can make a village near near your place and make loads of homeless wait a minute let’s say there’s a village and there’s there’s 10 of them

There can I just sort of like keep W them a contract for the games you like to enter into contract bring the ma um and then so know there’s only nine in the village wait a while go back and there’s a new one probably no maybe don’t Know but I say breed what I mean is get him a a a chance to listen I’m a professional Entertainer I’ve been offered a contract to play at the games this is going to be long term it’s been suggested to me by the boss that we relocate there’s going to

Be H accommodation there there’s going to be entertainment there’s going to be a school and everything there’s a whole new and better Village and it’s made of concrete it’s no It’s Made of Stone it’s not made of [ __ ] wood that can bond in at any moment um I think we

Should all move don’t want to move seems really far away it’s it’s right there there it’s honest it’s dead close well if it’s so close why do we have to move it’s just so I can get up and get training and uh we Jamie and we Sally

Um they could maybe enter into the games at some point when they grow up oh I don’t know I don’t I don’t like the sound of that it’s good how do you know have you actually been in the Coliseum you hear them cheering it’s good if it was bad it would have stopped

Would they would have banned it if it was Bad toss some carrots down and build a couple more beds and you will get more villagers carots did you say carots not like them there carrot you say I’ve got a whole infrastructure here that is for the games and by the way speak infrastructure maybe I don’t want to

[ __ ] go oh wait a minute can can I put can you force uh can you persuade through a contract and opportunities um a villager to get in a main cart right can you then push the mine cart onto rails right so I could build rails that go straight to that [ __ ]

Village can’t have main cart on grass right it’ be a lot of iron okay boats better is it need rails get it Okie doie now the Coliseum I’m thinking about there but first we build the community how badly can get away with treating them what I mean is how can I right

Listen let’s say a sailor there and I say a villager here’s a contract for the the games right and I bring one out and I make a we path right so there’s an onboarding very good onboarding um system process I say just up here see that bed see that and see the

Lights and all these other things bits of food there we thing for you there we know recreational stuff that’s all yours um how we can I make that can I can I just can they keep on living did they ever die starvation no did the

Other um despawn did that if just you C you go away you come back and they no there anymore are they [ __ ] I just protect them for mods right so they’re there forever good so if I go like that I’m not saying here just just laying it

Out if I was to put two villagers in there two cuz I think there plenty of room for two I think there plenty of room for the whole [ __ ] family um would they be in there you can actually build a villager spawner where they breed and new one spawn they need beds right

Right right so I could go like this bed and that’s so could have a whole family there you need lots of beds three beds one bed per villager all right right right right right all right all right okay do okay as you can see I’ve only got 15

Experience or XP or whatever it is at 15 cuz I [ __ ] died making that see that big drop so I’ve been looking up so that that comes later right we’re not not thinking about that just now right let’s no okay I head ourselves here that comes later that all comes later plenty of

Time for that first of all we look after ourselves before um weie uh opportunities to other people CU this is a charitable Enterprise if we don’t look after ourselves we can be charitable there’s nothing to be there’s nothing to give there’s no opport opportunities to get because we don’t have we’ve not sorted

Ourselves it is it nonprofit that’s charity yeah nonprofit it’s a charity it’s a registered charity nonprofits an American sort of why you’re putting it it’s a registered charity it be a registered charity right thanks mods what then Copa just Jamie Mason maze Dougs Rob Johnny thanks for subs thank you very

Much any is any society complete without a colise of suffering so that’s just me laying out the road map that’s what’s coming down the line in case any’s are like so what is it is it just all about planting trees and Cho them down and what what is it what’s going

On that’s a road map that’s right jack Highway to Hell no let’s get on a more mundane matters and that is enchanting I do believe I’ve got to put to maximize or I’ve looked up a video 15 cows one thing at a time we got books yet I don’t no we

Don’t but first things first I would say this is going to be that’s your map area and we’ll make this the enchantment bit so I’m going have to block this out to a certain degree have I got a shitty axe on me day yes I’m for real is that stone any stone stone

Bricks Okie do okay there we go um I should have that in the corner then maybe move it up a we bit make a big deal about it nine in each one two three four five 6 7even eight nine um right make a big deal about it spread out a bit don’t shove

Everything into the corner that much there it is there plug that there and then and and then I do that thing right so I’ve got so enchanting is this I lost about 15 levels because um see the big drop that was making under there many lives were lost it move one space

Hahaaha that’s because that makes it a be bit nice and Central right enchanting is it they first of all I’ll get this up and running um is it a so I need a bookshelf I need books a minute oh so I need leather and for that I need the cows

Right am I am I right in saying I’m going to need cows cows cows cows cows for the foreseeable you need a cow farm right let’s build a cow Farm that’s it top priority Kon c f is put you away and I’m going to make a make one of

Them ‘ got that shaky ax should be all right should be fine um make a fence an area and draw cows in with wheat then breed them with wheat right so let’s say now I don’t want the and the same way that I don’t want the

Cat I don’t want to hear the cat constant me I’m going to I’m going to spread it a we bit and I think there’s a lot of cows in that direction a there up there so see how this land here that’s where it’s all happening right go make a rench

Wait a minute is that the I’ve done all that’s just I Phantoms or whatever there all right so these baddies they kind of get to me here so what I’m going to do Is knock in the land a bit like spread it out spread it out quite a bit that shovels fine I’m going to I’m going to swap that out of there put that away signs hold on hold on give a s give a s right s go away rose bush go away

Sugar can go away just now torches your fine but uh don’t need or use just go up there just now yeah just just for now just go up there just go up there just now oak sapling you go away just now Arrow up there that’s the right place Oak plank sticks yeah up

There that’s it all right um Shield you go there put you there and and then we got that right so here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to create a we Ranch what what size do you think for the for the cows you all right did you survive

That I really I really need to spread out here oh [ __ ] um what’s one be bit so I can go just excuse me yep uh 15 by 15 right Okie doie I want a right good distance so let’s do this let’s really spread out I’m going to make it

Uh uh that’s right that’s good is there anywhere that I’d actually like to dig oh that’s not safe it’s fine is there any we bit where I actually want to take a lot of DT for somewhere all right I know I know where I know where fence the

Gate I’m building a wall of Earth or this see this oh this has got eagle so this is going to I’m going to use this do to create a natural a natural wall great stuff just going to gather lots of D you there wa wait a minute wait a

Minute if I fight them would I then no be able to go to a village until I drink milk I can kill them they bother they’re no threat to me not in the [ __ ] slightest I rightful forget I’m not going to I’m not going to go right I just I’ll just get this

Another one minute and that should be enough cuz I actually see even though this forms a natural kind of wall um some of the bone arrow one skeletons should feel like up down here but I’ll build it later okie dokie right let’s build this up I should be building it in general

Anyway right let’s give me that and that and that in fact B of [ __ ] bread put that there oh see the weekend uh SE Saturday there um this woman said hello his uh we’re in this place on Saturday this woman a bit older than me said hello and

Then said a few things and she likes my stuff and somebody else likes it something like that right and then she said and Lind Belle and she said something like oh oh you must you must get this sort of time or something like that I went oh sometimes sometimes I went a

Sometimes and all right well I I I’ll I’ll leave you be or something like that right and that was [Applause] that I said build it up build it up like that this is the wall nice bit of space this is my new wall the new city walls everybody this is just my farm

Um and uh Lynn pointed out to me that what i’ actually what she’d actually said was oh you oh you must get this all the time it must be pretty annoying I didn’t hear the annoying but and I about I sometimes then she went away

But I don’t think it came across as me going like that I sometimes but it may have you know she might not be smiling not you know sugar horn and all the rest it’s not like um you know um combine that way my [ __ ] body language or something then you know

It looked like I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] but I was like you [ __ ] bastard and I was looking at her she was like sitting a there and we were ready to leave I was like I’m going to I need to [ __ ] say something I just [ __ ] leave it you know

Just got mixed up or something you have even noticed it cuz I wiy like I honestly wiy like about like that she says I must get annoying sometimes I’m like I sometimes it’s going to sometimes I think it was fine but I was looking at I think

[ __ ] like I said hello I said you know for a we laugh oh this must get annoying but this gets a bit annoying maybe L sometimes and the way it look to me as if to go I sometimes and I’m looking at it you know that kind of

Thing not a nice guy oh really I’m not happy to hear that that’s the way he is that’s the way he is I’m afraid that’s the way is by looks it I think um build it to there who [Applause] that’s almost saving me I think that’ll do [Applause] it why have done

That oh well [ __ ] it got a natural C here no you don’t [ __ ] um right see I need I I need to we about a distance away from a [ __ ] base I don’t mean to do that actually you know what I mean I did want to be able to get up

So should right I’ve not seen any of them manage to jump right up wait wait wait then I only need that I only need that there that’s fine just no but then they can see it’s for the ones with the [ __ ] arrows ones with the [Applause] BS okie dokie a natural

Wall natural defenses it actually helps your natural defense make a fence fence comes later I prefer this because it looks more natural doesn’t look like I fenced myself [Applause] in I put you know trees next to it looks nice this is perfect I don’t know why you did you you

Dug that sort of R there but you did right am I am I safe now maybe she’s left in the r there’s nothing I can do right now I’m busy [Applause] what’s the what’s the volume like by the way Fame right I’ll deal with a light situation uh good cat’s a bit loud

Right that’s ni we got a Room right there we go they kind of get up that they kind of do that they’re not clever enough come on here we block there a we block there there we are one it to get up there there there [Applause] there this is all perfect this is all lovely stuff is see building

A new base this is going to be my my Ranch not not just now right need a b of light I could I could uh could put can I I’ve not actually put that I’ve not put that there for that reason I don’t need this much [ __ ]

Light there’s any needs for that any needs for that much late and that’s getting knocked down anyway cows can climb um no this is no no no no this is this is to keep the cows in you just like wait for your C to get out no no no no no

No this is this is the city walls the ranches within or this this is getting [Applause] extended you know I could I could just go like that right right I’ll put the uh I’ll put the the wi Ranch thing outside that but then I’ve got to sort

Of climb a and [ __ ] climb back this keeps out the baddies I’m going to extend the range of the anti body wall and within that there’s going to be a fence uh for the cows cuz I’m all going to it’s going to be 15 by 15 according to the

Recommendations I’m getting in the chat cows are loud as [ __ ] hence me building this so big so they’re [ __ ] miles [Applause] away uh there yeah oh H Ah that’s fine that’s all right all right you can just turn the cows down and volume but then I’m turning I’m sure

There’s not a uh a specific right cows you know what I mean it’ll be like friendly creatures maybe that turns down the cat as well I I could I could have wee it put it down but no this just makes sense this just makes good sense so cat’s annoying well watch Here there you go right 15 to 15 get a roof it like the rain I have all sleep why don’t we wood for music thanks sub friendly I know but I don’t I’ll turn I’ll turn down to Friendly animals but also I’ll want them I don’t want it completely I

Don’t want to have cows right outside the front door and have to turn it right down to [ __ ] zero this just makes sense andto malam Subs the favorite cord [ __ ] [ __ ] off [ __ ] they like [ __ ] but it’s not like my favorite in terms of how much I use

Probably [ __ ] and it’s it um variants Bri thi M Jessica can’t mean oregano Nan thinks the subs the brutality will be a long time but we’re bu we doing a groundw we make the cow Farm the cows GE us leather the leather makes the books the books

Help with the Enchantment of things the Enchantment of things make me get more diamonds and other bits and Bobs make me make and build things quicker we get the people where we get them a place to stay we we gave them a contract good good good [ __ ] contract a decent

Standard better than standard contract for the games bring the a say listen bring whole family place for them to stay as a beds food warmth well looked after uh pension plan if you survive more than a day but you bon F King thanks for sub thank you very

Much any chance I’ve had that one for the blooper for the policeman testifying about the shot door oh I when they [ __ ] up that one for the blooper wheel M Fran coper thinks the subs I recently looked up the lawyer who got his away with

It I was like are they still in that same place um I think he’s a [ __ ] judger or um a a magistrate or something I don’t know the the the one of the ones uh what you call it no no maistry uh I don’t know sheriff or something or [ __ ]

NOS one of they one of the ones you don’t you don’t call them um you don’t call them a judge something else I don’t know it’s a Scotland thing or something am I do for food Just moment here hold done I help you a minute is just

It’s a pig stuff is it it’s the right did that just wreck that is it all we are the games um I was watching a we bit that Julie Caesar thing it’s on a BBC just to start I don’t think that’s influenced me that much cuz I was already thinking D this

It’s one of the first things you [ __ ] think about is it how I treat people like a sh in a game I the charts um PS5 charts um Grand Theft is still it like number four or something no I think that’s popularity M I don’t think it was today with sales

Actually I don’t know what they’re going to do with Grand Theft aut 6 to beat that I wonder if they’re going to OverWatch to it utterly [ __ ] up Ro would thanks for Subs nothing wrers are gone right I think they’re going to [ __ ] it up that’s my prediction right why did I do

That cuz I wanted good old bread how much Bread have you got put that there oh wait give that wheat and that wheat keep that bread on you cuz you need it is that you put that away put that away put the seeds away and the bone and the string keep the

Wheat make bread put H that away cuz you don’t can I stick it away I can’t um what’s this dark Oak log [ __ ] cocoa beans you can get them spider ey just get anything cook cod give me that hold on let me eat this cook cod that’s that I could plant the

Flowers put the bread away kind of all right give me that give me that uh give me that just to be second everybody just got some pretty flowers to plant there we go there bigle and put that there that there and there put that there [ __ ] it one there as

Well there’s a lot of these now right let’s get all this for paper see I’m becoming I’m becoming a [ __ ] professional now and let’s see just just watch How I can just h a well actually I need to drop down to level minus 53 for some Diamond bang we here where’s the diamond

Can I’ll show you need Diamond need Diamond no diamond and then finally that and lava there I can get lava [ __ ] bucket of lava anytime I want there have I went past it go there and there so be turns turns there turns there we’re laughing that was Diamond why leave them because

I want to look at enchantments everybody so what I looked at was when you enchant stuff like if I if I was to enchant a pickaxe let’s say um apparently if I use a gold pickaxe that does the best enchantments you can put the best enchantments on it but a

Gold pickaxe is kind of sh um something like that but then you can put enchantments on books and it’s all kind of random in it there’s there’s a there’s a scale there’s a it’s not just like like if I put an enchantment on this diamond pickaxe it’s all it’s all random anyway

I’m going to get that later we’ll talk about talk about that later but comes Leo make that a paper and stick the paper in there and stick that bread in there and I’ll keep the code on me hello everybody how’s by the way how’s everybody keeping um is something to do with the

Level of enchantment like you only get like level two or something increases the the chances or something I saw in some video I don’t know may good Sky High P robed hat things of Subs what’s the strongest thing you’ve ever done go to the doctor and say

It I’ve been having some problems my mental health or Suicidal Thoughts you know um what need help in some sort of way was going to get they just wondering what I day next uh it’s the strongest thing I ever did save my life she’s got my B guy a fan of my m

Mom she’s always got my back he was in something he was in something I watched recently and I don’t even think it was he he was in a I was a dead small part Oppenheimer I that’s it he’s there and then he’s no what was I watching that had lots of

[ __ ] I there thinging for that there thinging for that there thinging for that there thinging for that there thinging for that H wasn’t it Pacific um everybody was everybody was in it was the banda Brothers I know like it was something what did I watch what did I watch just other

Day everybody was young looking no [ __ ] what was that H it was a [ __ ] it was the Bounty the Bounty where Anthony Hopkins Mel Gibson Liam niss is in it looks young as [ __ ] um was this other guy looked young as [ __ ] this other one look young as [ __ ]

This other one it’s funny I sometimes see people like say Liam n Liam n to me is always in my head late 30s or 40s that and then he’s sort of older looking that’s it see this he he looks pure young it’s like he looks you know like the there’s no sort

Of like uh um hoods eyes or something like that you know everything’s all sort of you a bit kind of like uh young looking and it’s funny how you think a certain people like like see me iard myself as this but also I see myself I look in the

Mid think of myself I think of myself all the way back to um [ __ ] Nery well maybe not that far but I you know you see I don’t know if you like that you you have a a feeling of yourself is everything that came before um like I’m still a teenager and still

In my 20s and in my 30s and still going to [ __ ] primary school for the first time and everything the whole shabang you might have a mental image in either what age you are or something and you might think you look you get to a certain age

And you go like that Christ I look old Christ I look old I look old I look old I look old and then you [ __ ] die at some point you w to at some point you want to look at Christ I look I look old I look old I look old

Um this feels like me this feels like me I only I don’t know last few [ __ ] years really just sort of I don’t know what the [ __ ] is I don’t know if it’s because I’m not putting stuff my hair anymore I’m not really sort of caring as as

Much I know it sounds D you might be looking at as going like you want to bit putting stuff in your hell what’s that got to do with [ __ ] anything just sort of I don’t know in The Last 5 Years really starting to kind of no care just bit B bit B bit

I don’t know if it’s because of the the um the what’s it name the uh inevitability yeah you call it’s [ __ ] point say like uh my [ __ ] hairline or hair going all gray or wrinkles or look [ __ ] on my body or or or my attitude or or anything like that I

Feel I’m looking forward to uh getting even [ __ ] older like the idea looking really [ __ ] old I don’t just mean looking older or here you’re looking old I mean old age I mean that way when you start to look [ __ ] ill um you know like you know if you’re watching let’s say

Um [ __ ] goggle box or something like that and there’s a some something like that I don’t know you look at something they [ __ ] old as [ __ ] that’s how you know them you know them through being an old woman on gole box in their he I’m I’m I’m sure they they look at

Themselves in the mid and go there that’s what I’ll look at but there’ll still be uh this is an older version of who they are this is the them to you that’s them but this is an older version they then they always have [ __ ] white hair and all that sort of stuff um

Um I’m sure I had that point I’m sure I had that point I so I was looking at Liam niss and the B and some other folk I was like this is the youngest I’ve seen him and I was thinking at some point this isn’t all about Liam niss by the

Way just happened to [ __ ] be in this film looking young I was thinking this is at some point in his life this is who he is this is this is what his face looks like I’m looking at it going who the [ __ ] is that that doesy look like you cuz he’s so young

Yeah like a lot of people I can imagine a lot of people look at themselves and go oh God look at me now I was like this and look at me now other people are just like you mean look at you know that’s that’s you that’s who you are that’s how

I know you but um I don’t know it’s just funny I was thinking about that Daniel de Lewis is in it that’s right is another one he was in it m Gibson obviously but he he’s been on things since day one but I’ve seen Anthony Hopkins looking

Younger um it’s funny just the kind of I makes you think right and I go [ __ ] eat a lot right so Hopkins never looked young he looked um he’s always had a kind of round sort of face that reminds you when he’s older what’s it I think the first film I

Saw him in when I was younger was a what’s it called what’s the one he ventriloquist it’s called I don’t know it’s called it’s not called madness what’s it called it’s called um magic I think it’s called just called Magic all that’s it nothing’s funny enough enough back to the

Game right so we’re building a c Place fence Oak fence don’t tell me it’s time to actually chopped in I got chopped in some [ __ ] trees um where’s that sh axe need a better axe give me that um give me one of them just one of

Them I don’t know if no no no don’t don’t for an ax no no no no no put that back you don’t you’re not do it um you don’t need that stone ax is fine a stone axle date just fine But I need planks right a stone axate just fine an iron axe raw iron and there’s iron iron axe two sticks see how see how organized them uh right and I’ll put that back in thank you wait a minute get one we B of charcoal why don’t you and you may as

Well stick that in OK do I need to do some serious [ __ ] Cho in here now I don’t like the way this is laid out I don’t like the way the trees are laid out here at [Applause] all there’s this system to I’m going to go back in it’s time for a system

Everybody uh Oak sa it’s time for the system the system will save us so much time you gone you not coming back now I think three then four like this three then a space of four and there in a nice straight line so nobody’s

Confused uh 1 2 3 4 wait a minute 1 2 3 4 three like so what here hold on you he you’re hearing like a kettle boiling is it alarm is it new aha everybody to go safety be a be beep right look at this what what can you

Hear J it’s I make things that sound like an electrical I just know does it sound like it’s um wait hold on and can you hear it now interesting you think it’s the mic uh I you think it’s um like computer fan or something I kind of hear that the thing

Is I kind of [ __ ] hear it cuz of cuz I hear that [ __ ] sound all the time with my my ears wa a minute maybe the fun could be could be the radiator the radiators are on just blow a we about spitting for still on nothing I can do

Then don’t know it is I kind of hear it It’s not my noise is it replug mate I’ll try hold on test test test test test um same IDE was says Irish chap y That’s risking a ban that it’s risking a b misinformation like that he is off um no no idea what you want to do is get H ten

Everybody OBS noise suppression what you suggest suggesting put put it on I’m not putting on any noise suppression no you’re just going to have to put up with it’s absolutely Fain it’s absolutely fine right uh where was I pickup trees it’s absolutely fine get EQ no something’s maybe happened today maybe

Maybe it’s still on and way maybe it will stop later no touching a [ __ ] thing okie dokie one two 3 4 three not a thing wait a minute wait a minute minute minute Teddy teabag is saying was now is that true everybody is it was

Could I have a 24 hour timeout for Teddy please it’s gone are you saying that cuz sorry untime out Teddie right Po lad’s got ten and a b I’ve got it and I can’t hear [ __ ] anything if anything it will make you know hear it NHS advice for tenus try not to think

About it one two three four one two three four five I was going to make a ni there we go let’s get a stff tree can you see a [ __ ] thing um so what so is it half now I mean I know this is rain it’s hard to

Hear anything with the rain on but has that killed it don’t think so it’s gone I think it was the the the heating then I think what happens is you stick the heat on the boiler doesn’t just go like clunk switch H switch off with a big [ __ ] clonk

Sound that’s right clonks in your W it still stays on for for a wee bit and then then goes off you after like say a few minutes see this is these big trees are [ __ ] canister on them look at the amount of what you’ve got to put in where’s the

Uh where’s the [ __ ] BD hold on where’s the [ __ ] wood is that fun [ __ ] this man can of see a [ __ ] thing right um is this the side I came at what no no that side house is looking very cozy a it oh there is is a way that’s it what’s going

On well that’s it is it is fun Pieces good uh get a [ __ ] bastard and [ __ ] shovel right one of you come out you go in there give me that there we are and then go back in cuz we don’t want to lose you and the iron as

Well and that bone can go in as well so it’s starting to disappear so that’s good it didn’t look like it was [ __ ] disappearing there we are right need to be system for the trees nice space of four 1 2 3 4 3 1

2 right no no no no no no no no no no wait a minute I’m going to get you as well uh where’s the [ __ ] Axe and I’ve not finished with the with the uh the wall by with the b i one two three four and that’s hold on one two

Three get the [ __ ] way I apologize for this everybody uh 1 two 3 four and then that’s it yep that’s perfect that’s great thank you one 2 3 four appar I need a gap of four C for leather was your priority earlier Jack Jack

The cows need to go in a we sort of pen thing so they don’t escape that requires wood uh wooden planks to get the planks I need the logs to get the logs I need the trees chop down the trees plant the trees so that I’m not spending ages

Going that three there that three there that three get them in a nice sweet Line 1 2 3 4 One Two Three 4 three one two three 4 right you’re you’re coming in just a couple of trees not a couple of trees there right one two 3 four stick a tree right

There good stuff so got a nice we line of trees one two 3 4 there we are see that that one’s the right place this is the last one where’s the cows the cows are coming I’ve put in an order all right next we line the trees there and well we’re at

It how’s about that look cuz we got a grid we got a grid it’s easy it’s easy we got ourselves a grid now but what put you said you’re going to make the it’s it’s going to get made air here you know I think it’s time we get

Some get a [ __ ] plate on that it’s time for a [ __ ] plate is it oh pressure plate so if I did that I think that’s right all right right so planks [ __ ] H that’s stupid as [ __ ] lot of [ __ ] right good um you rather not as [ __ ] opening a

Shut the door thing I don’t quite know what did I just do I didn’t make it good good good right so far there that and there do that put it there yeah good good good um monsters can get in that way they’re going to get in play on the outside isn’t very secure

Um [ __ ] it that’s the main thing I can open it without having to [ __ ] turn it in right so I can do that open don’t need to shut it don’t say open it no there we are okay okay okay okay C’s time no is there any dropped

There we go good good for future trees you stay there you you keep them guard keeping guard right fence o fence um how much is that going to get me minute minute minute just one it just one that’s a gate right right right ah there it is right right right

Right right so it does three so what is it again um you think 15 to 15 will be good need more sticks [ __ ] 15 by 15 Um have I got enough for how many sticks I need [ __ ] I’ll do that just now um does it need to be too high 15 by 15 right right so fence 15 by 15 so um say what 60 what produces 60 if you can get get three to uh 20 like uh

That so it’s nearly there it’s it’s got to be too high one fence height really they kind of jump a fences and stone walls right but oh [ __ ] what’s that right but they can jump air cows can jump out that are two [ __ ] block high now remember this is not [ __ ] secure get

It sorted out this is actually secure but I’m just clean that away any start with aals that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s all F that’s on kid already there we go beautiful lovely no no need for a mo person said build a mo no need right here we go

Now put that back H put that there that’s what I meant is that a oh that’s a gate right right right up the [ __ ] back right up the B with them no completely the why about space so we can jump about 15 by 15 cows allow right right up the back we

On 15 by 15 right one and an no uh I think that was is that right is that 15 I thought i’ did it the long the long way that’s massive it seems [ __ ] big how many [ __ ] cows I need 10 by 10 that [ __ ] big 11 by

11 it’s fine right wait a minute um I don’t know what I [ __ ] done we just keep it 5 by five or something and no but not just no no just now and right I think right up the side as well it’s too it’s too big I this is

Taking up valuable uh tree real estate I’m not going to count too much in terms Of amama is that one what’s that did that PL right is that one two 3 that kind of count we’ll find out if this is um centered we’ll find out the hard way we’ll find it hard right that’s big enough we don’t want to get into making everything too symmetrical when counting all dark road to go down pathway to Darkness there we are there we go oh

Dear a loock should make an a loock everybody I yeah hey that should do it that should do it I know two block what I to apologize everybody sorry but not right I’m going to put going to put the cat there we go there we are bright bright

Stuff man is learning Redstone now says hashm oh do you know who I’m there we go right now cabbage lucious thanks to subs and bits GTA 6 trailer live on stream tomorrow at 2:00 no because I stop at half 1 what more things to three

Quid glad you like to stand you at withs C recommendations and partic little Curry House Down the bottom of bu’s Road s Ro Gus social refund thanks sub three quid best December content anywhere thank you very [ __ ] much this is the coziest the stream has ever been it’s

Going to get a lot less cozy look Grump Davey Chings so social refund thanks for subs and bits thanks again apparently James Sky High P thanks for Subs thanks for GI Me Subs um uh beneath the headphones it’s not coming up for some [ __ ] reason thank you very much

Right so what I do know then is I go to where I find I go and find a cow and I lead them here how you getting cows in the air loock I know I’m going to get them in that I’m I going to get them in That so what I’m thinking is bring the mail I’m going to have to um you put a [ __ ] just put a door there just put a [ __ ] door there let’s make a door are we wooden door there can I get cows through a wooden door I’m going to take that off to get

The cows in wait a minute a oh look at that that can jump at it that way interesting if you have a lead it be better I can of do that I need a b a buffer right go go for a [ __ ] sleep uh if you can if you have a carpet you

Can put uh on a fence corner you can hand in and out but cows can’t if you have a carpet you can put it on a fence corner you can get in and out I see right right right right right right right you don’t need to you don’t need to that

Anymore thank you very much that’s you kind of get past that there you are careful no I need a buffers one why you not fired yet the do B right or they right right right okay do morning on gotcha so let’s get some cows there’s one big problem how do we get

Them H the wall oh Let’s Get Loud I thought you saying something was loud sheep hold on let me go up here okay Bridge yeah well we’ll start with this lovely we car Bridge there sheep as well be nice right now do you have any weat I don’t think you do

Right so double back stay focused don’t let that mistake happen again we B upset that you let that happen thanking you back buff one I know I know I know right cows here we go so get rid of put the oak away put the sticks away put the fence away see the

Dot there keep some of the dot cuz you’re going to be making a bridge see the planks put that away put that away gunpowder H put that I know it comes for that so put that over there put the arrow away keep the hole in you if you want and put the door

Away and uh keep the flow there why don’t you take the biscuits so you can have a we Munch very nice that looks dead loud I’m looking at the I think that I think that should be done um [ __ ] 75 that’s I think see what you think but I think it

Should be done about 75 it’s fine I’m seeing it in the mixer there’s I don’t like it it’s practically going into the red can hear the creepers now that’s right doesn’t it just [ __ ] go down for you it’s done for me as well [ __ ] it right

Um right wait then we so how much wheat did I did I did I take I’ve got three [ __ ] leather I can make books right now get the [ __ ] cows right uh what you then go for a we na after this right go for a we real life nap CU that sh he’d

Mel um one my wa that’s what it is wa we’ve Made bread for the [ __ ] lot you don’t got any right Okie doie so how much um how they Le them oh [ __ ] [ __ ] up just hold it just put it in simple as that don’t even what I don’t even [ __ ] need like L Sam S think that i’ i’ for Sam Sara um perfume for the 80s 90s just popped in my minder something that we CH reminded me right I’ve got wheat um stick half it away Um right let’s see this then wait wait wait wait wait just don’t just dump the [ __ ] stuff you don’t need get into the hab but that there’s the we there’s a bread there’s dirt Lots oft and there’s a we flow there you got everything where’s a shield there’s a

Shield there right all right then good then we’re good oh Right wondrous I could they was some [ __ ] Wendy’s right let’s go co where you know right head you know there’s cows up this way so head the way where you made the bridge they dumb you know there’s cows this way so let’s go All right keep going the Sheep it’s got to be quite a distance to you got the map don’t need the map so up there so B my friend M that’s the thing a lot of people relying too much on looking at their phone Generation X Generation X here you’d go out in the

Morning aged [ __ ] nine and head up a turn for five [ __ ] miles spend your [ __ ] bus fair in Treasure Island even though you have to be 18 to get in there and walk back and your M at the end of the day when you got in when it was dark didy

Even say to you where were you where were you great days I may be exaggerating with nine come on yes Yes wait a man I can get m they just Tak [ __ ] one are you right hello there yes right let’s go catch up I’m going find the one that left behind there they let’s go come on oh Sun’s gone down uh sunset’s in the west right let’s go come on come on come

On [ __ ] threea come now follow and you come now get the pink one one thing I don’t [ __ ] the [ __ ] P the the pink uh sheep I don’t give a [ __ ] about that Focus congratulations everybody you’ve now got me completely lost Andrew come on come on this way where’s the [ __ ] Tower come on that is come Andrew come now lots of food don’t need a [ __ ] Map so I lost where I was for what 10 seconds Come lots of food food opportunities games that cow doesn’t want right doesn’t want take part okay that’s you’re right say bye-bye to your friend bye-bye Fading Into Obscurity they going to have their names up in Lights come come now Yes There now just thanks for coming just a we detail I want to point no contract okie dokie and then there was One you’re Jing You need two I need to what two blocks to fit can I make uh doors that are too wide just put two doors next to each other I got [ __ ] door back there um right for now then come on come on and you come and you come right to the [ __ ]

Way may a bastard come here right now oh I’ll get rid of that just now come no no no no heal [ __ ] Rediculous No don’t think it would make it harder for me to kill you do not think for a second it’ll make you make it harder to kill you right we need to get we need to start in the morning no [ __ ] leave at midday what’s this I quite literally got the WR side

Of bed right Wilson big man think Subs to three Quid how many countries can you name that border Russia I really don’t know China Ukraine uh laia maybe uh let’s say three let’s leave it that may may ter you cabbage Lous thanks again thanks I don’t know Finland that R

Side right let’s get this should have brought a [ __ ] door right one let’s go let’s [ __ ] deal with you yeah let’s go as quick as we can as quick as we [ __ ] can there we go don’t me come on I know somebody who fancies You come Come on don’t sigh everything to live for come on you’ve got a reason to live look come on come on Get one in right in here with me you beat it I said pares oh no I meant to get a we [ __ ] Hur I meant to get one hit for a laugh you [ __ ] stay in there oh dear I I I was maybe forgetting that I wasn’t just a we hit with a

[ __ ] it was a diamond [ __ ] sword oh well that’s one for the blooper real we go not an issue it’s not an issue everybody Sten Mana thanks for Subs Minecraft is very much hello fellow kid uh I think it’s hello fellow kids is it all Terra thanks for sub

That’ll be enough one cow’s enough I know I’ve got an idea why don’t you carry bread and other [ __ ] horn get the Sheep no let’s just deal with us one thing at a Time come on very delicately very come on I I want I want to hit it I want to

Hit it I meant that as a we joke you as a we kind of we scal come on I know spin the in losing the plot with fear oh did you get a we bit wet come on come on just up here all over us in the journey to here like come

On why are we up here all right here we go morning excuse me excuse me excuse me [ __ ] kill me you come on excuse me right Mly you get nothing oh [ __ ] um there you go what what what oh look Wait do that in speeds up growth good right hurry up wasted wheat it’s not wasted speeds up once per day just once once a day I see right okay do we’ll just leave them to it they can breathe every 5 minutes really right pretty shallow Jean pill it’s

Fine if they grow like 20 fingers good more C more leather they to grow a lot a thir heat something like that house of Cs that’s the [ __ ] cars that’s how the cars are getting on car it carot talk [Applause] H them up in a nice spiral fashion all sh

Carrots oh I sto to eat one very funny the game thinks when I hold in right click that I want take you to there we go reinvest reinvest reinvest is it we go watch the carrot Empire grow now there drop down my a hand to be dropped

In and stick all my natural stuff up there up there oh wait right what stuff can I get [ __ ] rid of wheat seeds just get rid of them just get [ __ ] rid of him oh you got to take them out I was foret that was the one two

Three I’ve got a million a rabbit’s foot everybody compost them make a composter oh what what’s that check your Bol Pillager you’re been pillaged how’ you know did you see you saw him while I was doing my carrot stuff um right what my that’s it they to get me but it’s all

Right cuz um uh I can I MIL with the cows I’ve actually already got a bucket of [ __ ] milk anyway that’s that like what’s this [ __ ] compost so the cows will multiply I’ll kill them for leather there’s [ __ ] wait I thought I thought I saw two

Right so um then F I make the books but in the meantime um I’ve got actual leather there some there for a bookshelf I need for a bookshelf I need three books for a book I need one Lea see paper get paper bookshelf uh book there you go five

Books book shelf you need the wood get a wood up there big shelf just the one right I right I can breed them again well wait a minute minute first things first see the bucket put the bucket in there uh two books and a bookshelf I’ve got that

Ominous Banner thing stick that in there just now um raw beef ink sack see that stick that in there I mean look you got two empty containers and and you’re running out of room with this this [ __ ] one here put maybe put in there your [ __ ] [ __ ] and

Put your precious stuff in there maybe maybe no this is this is just kind of source stuff in a in a srate stone put all your precious ores and diamonds and bits and Bobs in there that’s what you do first of all put the [ __ ] seeds up there just now and that and

Logs don’t just there’s tons of that just get rid of that just Chuck it to anywhere put it on flesh up there put the carrots up there and the raw beef paper as well not get any [ __ ] room for That re I can get that lat are we better Miss right so see the compost What’s Um oh there we go composter uh seven slabs how many have I got Four making all three I I made a mistake composter a [ __ ] compost right so we stick that there next to my other kind of odds and ends so oh [ __ ] didn’t mean that um didn’t mean that left click right click you get so to car piles them and you can put them in at the compost to

Get bone meal and that will grow all the bits and Bobs um so so if I take like the seeds what’s happening right now what do this day it’s filling up all right sh made that pick up how did I pick something up or you just go [ __ ] hell [Applause] man

Right it just you get it at the end right so I see any other clever juices or um bone meal other than just grow grow plants better Hopper on top Hopper on the bottom ah right I see for that I’m going to need a higher [Applause] roof and

No I’ll do it outside of course of course bone blocks are nice but bone meal will also help you maintain a steady supply of wood oh I so I can just plant grow the wood chop it down plant grow it right right I see um so if I do

That let’s say I take it out to my I take it this is this is all like growing stuff and all the rest it mind you I really want to go all the way here there I don’t want anything getting away this is more see

This this is my sort of out of sight bit so what I do then is I create uh a box storage box and another one one for the top that feeds into a hopper below it that feeds into composter that then feeds into a a box below it or another Hopper below the

Um the composter chest Hopper uh composter Hopper and chest two Hoppers two chests one set to feed one set to collect do okay I do believe I’ve got there go there two chests did the other get R into making a hoer hoer one two that’s going to need more chest in itself

Chest two chests hon needs iron to hop uh two and um that’s that is it I believe that’s a lot right so get the chests put one at the bottom put the hoer above it like so then that at the S right so what I do start at the bottom s um

What smaller right make this smaller I right what I do Crouch and click on the side of the chest to connect it right let’s start again first of all is this the first thing to start we right what next shift click side of chest with hopper side chest so right and then it’s

Going to come to the side and then what’s it going to look like because it’s for for uh aesthetic purposes I’m asking these questions how wide is it going to be all in two two wide to a right in that case I want this to be there and then the H part shift

Crouch and is it when you say shift is it because you think that’s crouch crouch I right Crouch and shift click do you mean you think shift click is Crouch or do you think that’s also run could you say the following Crouch and run cuz I might have H page up is Crouch

Cuz I’m half my not Crouch and click right left click that there is that it that’s it I think that’s it I looks like it’s coming out the side and the composter there there yes he looks so scared he’s so scared I get it [ __ ] right do I build the

Whole thing and then something goes like that right so now that comes out to the left I no I don’t want it there okie dokie and then Hopper above that yes in fact can I just put the hod gone into that right could I do I need to also Crouch

Click for that as well it’s gone that yeah and then that it’s all like so good stuff can I put a variety of different types of things make sure you can open the chest at the bottom yeah I can I can go like that what it’s getting onbody [ __ ] Magic

I’ll have that and that and that that and that and that give me all these [ __ ] seeds see the bch logs where we at it [ __ ] give me them no we talking that’s it that’s it get the lot let’s have a we let’s I’m learning too says there you go let’s have a

Look ah there it is oh it’s filling up it’s it’s uh check it’s filling is it filling de check the hoer how how do you check the hopper that’s [ __ ] gone somewhere no it’s moving into the hopper that means Hopper needs to be on top of compost right cuz it’s gone down and

It’s a hopper there look oh it’s filling up but it’s not going into that oh it’s got to be Block it’s fing up let’s see what happens once it’s full there no empty so that’s hop on so thank you everybody thank you thanks to the experts uh yes your fault would or not

Uh-huh to the people who said do this who know better than me and this does the work yes it’s your fault it’s not the end of the world I’m just saying it is easily fixed easily what responsibility m rest upon the shoulders of your the sh blame must rest pal with him

Him can I just plun this on top and it will just work don’t today any kind of control thingy yeah right uh that’ll just automatically work nope lot of people said yes no they’re seeing that going in there and like nope actually nope nope nope right all right happy with

That kind of pointing into it no there we are we moment that’s good can it be seen for inside that’s good it’s not interfering too much with the okay okay right you can hear it working look you can see it working there some says I don’t know if it works

With logs let’s see we’ll put it in anyway we’ll see what happens and stick the carrots in as well [ __ ] it yes there it is and this is all working my tree farm oh speak our Farms how you just get on oh look I’ll be back in a be

Second as well put all the carrots in put the [ __ ] lot in put the lot in how you getting on okay wheat time sugar cane may as well just make tons of [ __ ] paper not going to do anything else with there we go tons of paper uh Jackie potato you eating that you

Know let’s go well wait a minute actually eat it cuz you actually starving that’s that right de have business good hope the Resties hurry up Girl H is don’t feed the that’s right don’t feed the baby multiple times you’re right you’re right right why are you no growing 1 2 3 4 One 2 3 4 one two oh oh wait well that’s growing why you not growing is it you let’s find It no bad so maybe I only need three by three h well three three gaps instead of four four is best right well when I chop them down day are well chop them down [ __ ] no us just get on with in fact you know what I’ll put that in there a

Mount making its way through it everybody who’s ready to see well the logs go let’s see would you look at that everybody don’t know of the logs oh I don’t know if the logs will do don’t know could might be might be it’s no there yet it’s went into the

Hopper it’s too ear to see I’m going to come back to that later and if their logs are still there a minute is it CH to hop up no it’s not move it to the front oh I I here we go oh no the logs don’t

Work Rose Bish you go does that work that does wonderful sad music because it didn’t work so sad I’m breathing use for Leather see I actually want I actually want this um a we bit further apart so that I can actually get in [ __ ] between them it’s f look nice baz so bonus feature you don’t need to stand up behind J remember it’s the [ __ ] point in Making right look everybody so I’m going to put that there look enchantments so if I was to put say this iron sword there You never want just level one or just level two you always want level three I looked up some video that says there’s one thing you might want that’s at level two but generally level three which will cost me three lapis and the maximum CH levels that’s

Only eight it goes up to a maximum of 30 and that right and what you um is it 30 and you get it going to 30 by surrounding it with these bookcases 15 of them and the day that using books and I get the books with leather

Correct if you use a book to if you enchant a book it’s stores the thing but it’s not as good as if you actually put it straight onto a tool you can get level 10 bookshelves and Villages I I could just go to a [ __ ] Village and take theirs go that’s mine though

You can find a lot of Enchantment uh books just for fishing right hold on is there any more [ __ ] stuff give me the carrots what about that [ __ ] rotten flesh as well no give me the pumpkins that’s a oh that pumpkins in you go carrots in you go rest of that Sugar

Can I put that we FL in now the wheat right let’s go and feed feed the cows toing sub bag right precious wheat seeds after this I’m not going to feed them for quite a while cuz this takes too long having to dat this way I prefer it just a nice nice easy

Rose so touch to to pick up a bookcase oh I can he I can um destroy a bookcase and and pick it up unless I’ve got [ __ ] s touch that thing where I can sort of explodes into books do I get do I get back the same

Amount of stuff that I I can uh then use to make the bookcase again yes and no says frog Mario no say say other people no most people no so who are the people that said yes or frog might have said yeah and then no right so F doesn’t know

Anything no I meant yes to the the thing you said earlier which was I kind I can’t remember now I don’t write d as important as you think you’re I don’t write down every single thing you said and what I said reply to that you’re not that important I don’t think about you

That often I’ll left the door open there but you can do that here it’s that kind of place how’s your wheat there okay so tell me again I go here and I go one for you and one for another one right and one for you and one for you And then one for you and did I just put in there excuse me please excuse Me [ __ ] bastards wait what I here right it’s actually just for you one of you got it the other one didn’t and I don’t know Who I don’t know who I don’t know who it’s all right you keep watch you watch them right I know they’re silly Cooked mutton lovely we thing I’ve got going on here incredibly evil four cows can breed three babies at a time so when can I start uh killing them wait a minute um 1 2 3 4 kill the fifth One once you reach the bottleneck I mean it’s are you going to get get M so [ __ ] snowballs Surely get back For I just leave let’s let’s not get impatient just leave it feed so um what I can actually do is uh with time bags of time is that’s the village Let’s uh get an infrastructure set up for the games we’re not going to be building the Coliseum for quite some

Time but that need to get infrastructure set up so that we’re ready to [ __ ] rock and roll we don’t want to build up all this hype about the coliseum in the games and other people other people who who are going to be participating in the games and their

Families and then people like that so when is it and it’s like some [ __ ] like 2020 5 like some game you’re looking forward to or you don’t know a lot you don’t know maybe he one to he earlier everybody the plan is this now if you look down here this is beautiful

Oh here’s some things you all might have missed first of all I have created a drop all the way down to minus 53 so I can go diamond mining and a [ __ ] instant watch right right there we go lovely be Diamond main right here and if I come here got diamonds right there

Ready to rock and roll but I’m not getting them just yet I want to get enchantments on my pickaxe so that instead of getting one diamond or whatever it is you get but I I get more than that I think that’s how it works I don’t quite know but anyway come back

Let’s see how quickly I go up everybody no this is not a bubble lift no fancy stuff just straightforward Ingenuity how about I just went down a diamond level and right back up straight back up um maybe I want some lava for my um furnace take me two seconds to get it

Two [ __ ] seconds if I wanted it two seconds the gardens are State no it’s no I mean I could do this get some of this sugar cane for more paper there we are wondrous come here make paper and oh way we go put that IR back in

There put the gun powder up there thank you very much and that and that laughing what happened to the shaders I decided against it could be honest I looked I started I thought right take to look into it I just [ __ ] I’m I’m all right with

This saw video if you get this install that I thought right nah I don’t have the team to be honest with you the time inclination let’s put weird rose bush in wait minute we need to wait a minute we need to PR this up a we bit there we go that’s

It I just went functional and [ __ ] Stone and all just a three things just to remind you that life’s worth living life you know it’s fascinating fascinating planet we’re on fascinating life just the way things just remind you it’s no about getting jobs done getting things done just a be

Better look at that beautiful just to e Things So the plan is this yes I’ll sleep what’s the point in just grafting way I like getting the heat done and getting some work done when it’s the kind of work that I like then I think everybody

Likes likes to work you might think you don’t it’s because you’re working on something you don’t [ __ ] want to work what if your job is playing games what if your job is your hobby that’s me right now this is not work but it is but it isn’t it

Everybody I be wait a minute but I used to see as flash make websites I really like doing that I really enjoyed doing that other types of what see if I had to answer phones and speak to people I’d go [ __ ] mental and uh uh jump off a

Cliff I would to cope it there’s other people that are all right with it they’re all right with being on the phone I [ __ ] hater um there was a guy at the dump we went to the dump dump about a month ago um and the dumps usually it’s got these

Different sections but there one usually you Chuck all your just normal stuff and it’s this big [ __ ] crushing thing you Chuck it down and it crushes it like that but the last few times they’ve went up they’ve just got a big [ __ ] bin Lorry um Lan says man explains dump all

Right so tell us how what what tell me the situation in this uh the dump how changed for before lanky explain to everybody how it used to be this and it’s changed to that where everything is and where you put things and the way that’s relevant to the story I’m about to

Tell I get that all the time in the chat man explains this man does that you know just anyway normally you just you take your [ __ ] stuff and there’s a big thing for General waste there’s a bit for like fabric CLS all the other rest there’s a bit for

Electronics and there’s a bit for [ __ ] stone or wood and all that it’s [ __ ] magic just [ __ ] Chuck it in it’s [ __ ] excellent but that’s all these bits have been shut off um the kind of you just sort of walk up you don’t talk to any you got a big bag of

Stuff you Chuck it and you walk away you don’t talk to any [ __ ] instead for some reason maybe it’s broken or something they’ve just got this guy St next to a h a bin lry a big bin lry um and this guy was just St in there was I don’t know if the

Weather was sh or something but he just St there like that right and he looked like um what did they [ __ ] look like he looked like somebody his face was kind of red I I need to show you who he look like there was this guy I wonder

If I could [ __ ] find him he was on like um maybe in the ’90s I don’t know if he this is the guy I’m thinking see the way see the who he looks like is irrelevant but I want to dat know it’s a guy that was on maybe a

Children’s Program in the ’90s or maybe early 2000s I just happened to kind of watch set in like a was like a a game show set in like a prison or something daytime tell I mean no daytime children’s sort of tell it’s made to be

A bit weird it’s like in a prison or something like that I can’t quite remember Robins let’s see that’s a [ __ ] I the guy that’s him that’s him that’s him right he kind of looked like him right this guy stting next to the um what youall

It he had all you know the high VI stuff Benin man guy right kind of look like that but he was not that [ __ ] happy I think because he was having to stun next this [ __ ] nothing there’s nothing nothing for him to [ __ ] do it was just start he starting like that

Right he eyes done a we bit like that you know his finger on the the button like that and and if it gets filled up and off presses a button does that right he was like this face all kind of red as if um if you think your

Sketch show Aly sort of thing or WC Fields kind of thing um his face a bit kind of red I probably [ __ ] I hypothermia just like that and I wasn’t sure if I could chuck this stuff in the bin L because it was I can’t remember what it was

I it’s kind of long or something I thought is this the sort of thing it needs to get broken down as it would does it need to go in a there or somewhere else and I went up to him just I was ready to Chuck it in and I said um

I said so he was like that right so that that’s him looking at me right that he was like that and uh I said to him excuse me I said excuse me can I Chuck this in I said excuse me about that I said can I chalk this in about

That in fact I don’t even think you went like this I well just excuse me can I check this in so he disy [ __ ] like that it could have been because he didn’t have the boys next to him because the last time we went that wasn’t the last time that was about a

Few months ago I think the last time was about last week and it was a group of guys and they recognized us and they said something today with yoka I all right I me all right and to begin I thought they just saying all right as and they’ say all right to any

[ __ ] and then they said something like something something something uh yoka or something I went what said oh have you been to yoka and I didn’t know what I was just getting in the motor and I didn’t know what to say yeah you been to yoka and I went I have I have

Actually and they went and I got in the Mot and I said to L I didn’t know what to say there I just I was just getting in the motor and you know obviously what they’re saying is I recognize you let me let me show DD the character the sketch

Where it goes to yoka I’ve never been to yoka I’ve got no place in yoka or you know all that right but they said oh have you been to yoka and you know what what can I say ah the yoka sketch I’m not I’m not

Going to go like that and I’m not going to go [ __ ] I’ve got their place be y like that I don’t want to do the full thing so I just went I have been I have been um and the it was like you know two or three of

Them having a right good laugh and I say to lenon Mo I don’t know what the [ __ ] they say then I just like that I have been have been at yoka and the people laughed I could have [ __ ] I could have [ __ ] say in I said to him they’ll be a way the

Guy who said that will say oh you know who I saw at the dump today lety who’s that you know the sketchies with the you know the guy pH in traveler or that oh him you know DD he goes to yoka I’ve not seen that one

Now DD goes to yoka and the bus and so uh oh H I know who you’re talking about oh i y y well I said to him have you been to yoka any like that I have been actually have been to yoka what’ they say then that’s it funny as [ __ ]

Funny [ __ ] game man and did you laugh at that I how was funny about that I have been I been I’ve been to yoka what’s funny about that cuz the yoka sketch have you not seen it I’ve seen it but what’s funny about you been at

Yoka oh I have been at yoka I don’t oh it’s because of the sketch I forget it you forget it DG thanks for the sub diin thanks for the bits P was do in the dumps I I he was honestly and I look back you I went away

And I like [ __ ] so he’s not going to jump in that is he jump in the [ __ ] press the button just jump in [ __ ] this fish supper J to cartoons Dre bar Callum D J rubber par Ice Park Bench real emmer Stone intelligent Casino Benny Stevie cam thanks for

Subs people think you’re just not Tough Enough oh come on I can’t of keep do not [ __ ] tough on us luck thank you very much are we Christmas Russ server there there already a Russ server it’s not mine but I mean there already one a number of people are on up

Press and North End you you missed it the ey but at the end fuu Fe thanks to Subs I’m very well right so here’s the [ __ ] plan this is all nice and beautiful and wonderful but if we look at the map I’m here to the the west by Southwest if you want

To call it that which is that way there is a village and to the north up there is a village as well Villages have got villagers and I was thinking last night wouldn’t it be good if I reached out and said I want to bring all these communities together

To participate in what I’m calling the games I will build a purpose built venue like you get in like Las Vegas a big venue a colossal venue maybe we could call it the Coliseum or something like that and I invite these people and their families to hop in a boat with

Me sign the contract come in here there’ll be beds lodging food warmth community and they get to participate in a game everybody loves games I’m playing a game right now this is a game people love games so I’m going to bring them ma um the second step in that boat that is

That the ventor in the contract um so I’ve got to build uh build um let me just double check something right I done so there are there somewhere I need to get it see these trees I might put the trees on one that no these trees need to come down

I need to be able to see a there to where they are or or just in that direction these trees need to come down I build a chadders I’ll build a chadders for them osilla Tod you I will build a chadders for them you got [ __ ] house

Beds a ched right on your [ __ ] doorstep it’ll be like this ched USA gives me a second let’s go here there we go chedds and in case you’re not very familiar when my stream I sometimes play American Truck Simulator while I’m driving about an American Truck Simulator I pass by certain

Places I’ve never heard of in Arizona let’s say I’ve heard of Arizona Phoenix Arizona and all these sorts of things and but I might pass by Gilbert what the [ __ ] is that what’s that what’s it like there and and one of these uh streams I looked to it and

There was a place called chadders not in the game but you know I just let’s have we look about this area there’s a place called shaders [ __ ] is chedds and this is one of many yep there we go old familiar [ __ ] sight I I may have seen this

One I might have [ __ ] seen this one and there’s your chedd we’re hiring your [ __ ] signs fallen done and so what what liked Dan was um looking at the reviews for these places so what was that one uh what one’s that if I click on that there’s that close don’t

Closeit see here’s what I want to do I want to look at I know I keep talking this but I want to see the [ __ ] views right there’s reviews but I wanted oh that’s good that’s all right but can I close that can I will you let me close

This well keeping that open will you will you let’s see bastards bastards right and I like looking at R views like this is our first time at cheddar kitchen we ordered a combo M they got four out of five let’s look at pictures that’s what cheddar looks like so I’m

Going to build so I became obsessed with cheddar like fact is it’s called Cheddars why they got this restaurant there no really some sort of cheese thing called uh chedds anyway that’s just food yes my favorite thing today though is sorten by lowest rating particular if they got pictures like the very first

One here one out of five I’m not going to look at tons of reviews just this one right 3 months ago I went there today with my entire team this a Works day out were 15 people and they took almost an hour to save the food but I want to write about something

Else prepare yourself let’s check this out what could this be I ordered a bacon cheeseburger and the beef poy was completely burnt out exclamation mark first I didn’t understand why it tasted so B just like coals I stopped eating and took it in to go box in my workstation I opened

The box and checked it’s a piece of coal I mean seriously I mean seriously so frustrated with this qu so fries were good though well get two Styles then a piece of [ __ ] coal bacon cheeseburger be was completely burnt out first I didn’t understand why it tastes so B just like

Co stopped eating took took it into a gold box and opened the box and checked it’s a piece of coal what do you mean it’s a piece of coal you got the budar it was all burnt out you didn’t like it tasted like coal so he stopped

Eating and you took it you put it in a box to leave then you opened the box oh picture of course pictures next what what’s the call you talk about that that it just bun that’s still cool it’s a piece of coal are you sure well she would know she was she was

Was there doesn’t look like Co but maybe the picture doesn’t show it so frustrated with it that’s a strange emotion to have for that it I’m really frustrated pissed off maybe frustrated it’s like suppose it is frustrated there’s something you’re wanting to get and you’re not getting it and it’s annoying

Frustrated so frustrated with us it’s funny to say this though see this I always say that I tend to say that no this I only say this when it’s [ __ ] here it’s this this this this that always I this makes it sound ongoing I’m so honestly this has been 3

Weeks now that I’m so frustrated with this but I I did notice in the last 10 or 20 years I have noticed an increase in people saying this instead of that both are correct but they go um they might they might say something and like imagine somebody said something

It used to be I think people would say why you saying that why you saying that and it sort of changed at me m why are you saying this I’ve noticed it I noticed it about 20 years ago started to notice it people going for that to this like imagine somebody’s telling you

A story right about something that happened this is maybe a sh example and you go like that um instead of going oh God that is so that is so DED imagine saying ah this this is so duffed do you know what I mean you know how you you’re like wait a minute you

Would you would probably say that rather than this I’ve noticed people shifting M and if you’ve not noticed it you you probably not noticed it us are us are probably the sort of people that say and I don’t want to get into this one um space instead of

Place it used to be place place place place place and space the word space had its place see these days everybody is say in space it’s a nice space a public space it used to be a public place you can’t do that in a public place it’s turned into public

Space outside is a space inside is a [ __ ] space it’s um I mean I’m no same place anymore I’m not talking about outter space I I’ve just noticed that just three things I notice they’re not a big deal they don’t change anything everything’s hunky dory but it just makes me

Notice that anyway like let’s forget about we need to get but into business so I’m going to build my chedds uh I’m going to bring the villagers there I’m going going to say I’ve got a better place for you if you want it it’s up to you I’m going to

Offer them your name up in lights you will be one of the biggest Gamers I’m going to call them Gamers no Gladiators Gamers and what will happen is I will build a Coliseum and I’m thinking the Coliseum will be I Sports yeah oh okay out um so I’m thinking I’ve said this ear right but just in case youve just sort of joined actually I think Coliseum maybe that’s too we for it but as they come in I’ll create a [ __ ] gigantic that’s where the villages say that Direction

One of them is anyway they come in and they see I need to get rid these trees you kind of see my [ __ ] building you can of see my my headquarters they come in and there are those see a gigantic Coliseum like there or maybe here or

There don’t that’s big enough bring them in that could be where they live and then I don’t know why you did that but you did the games so between you and me don’t tell them this G and oxel FL player thinks Subs I saw you posting th about

Columbo I was delighted to see it I agree with you favorite episode bosan Precision thanks for Subs Gaz cryptic BL thanks to Subs I will favorite death scene in a movie I like the one um hold on come I’m going to come back to that I like when uh Michael ironide

Get shot to pieces and uh it’s uh it’s not a Chuck Norris film it’s another one I can’t remember the name of it oh I like the guy getting actually speaking of M side um Total Recall the guy getting shot on the escalator and getting used as a um a human shield

No no right um what what was the thread what was the Columbo thing I agree with you favorite episode I quite like watching if I watch another one there’s one I’m going to watch later actually uh it’s one of my least favorite ones the one on the like the

Boat no the the one that’s like a like a cruise ship kind of know one of my favorite ones don’t know if it’s um no any port the stone but something with the captain no that is not there’s one that I I did like stitching um stitching crime maybe I’ll watch

That I like the one uh mured by the book whatever it’s called the one that’s the the author you have to watch Poker Face why is that look watch it again watch the whole thing again everybody I don’t know if you have noticed but I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] see

When some goes you have to watch poker’s face they’ve just assumed I’ve not seen it and I just like I don’t know something about that annoys me so I like to go like that again Watch it again or if you already it I or another exactly

So you shouldn’t tell me to go and watch something when you don’t even know if I’ve watched it you should say h you should say or you should watch poker face if you haven’t already and even then why should I why must I just cuz you like it you assume that I’ll like

It it’s the lake Colo right minute uh just a be joke by the way just to we B fun hello H one for you I one one for you one for you and one for You it Fuing Swings away get back you think K’s on the Dangerous keep an eye keep a [ __ ] eye on them I’m sensing a lot of Darkness on the horizon a lot of pain and a lot of suffering for the villagers over there and the villagers over there one we say I’m going to do before I leave for the day

Is I’m going to let’s check out the map I’m going to pick up this [ __ ] M um put that book away put that [ __ ] dot away put the stupid seeds away and keep that keep that keep that put that wheat away why don’t you and the sugar can and the cooked mutton right

And we’re going to hop in the boat where the map didn’t ra I’ve done ra don’t read anyway don’t know um we’re going to open this area up on the map right it is there it is right that’s your sword let’s go we’re going to get to know the place just come R

Here where the boat we’re going to go exploring let’s go uh go in this way this is me heading east is not the way I want to go when did you well I I went to the um and Frid I think it was the need to build a now need to

Build I can out and see I say I can out the canal there’s no way I’m going all the way [ __ ] get up belt right now build a canal how the [Applause] Cano distract this is not a dist this is not a distraction uh you know what on the we B

You might be creating a bit of [ __ ] rod for your back here you know what you do come on our side check out where it’s at it’s narrowest cut your losses you might be able to get get away with far less work than what you’ve been

Doing I’m just looking at the map there and it’s there’s quite a fcking way move move move move right that there right get the canal built great for here just cut your losses forget about everything that came before this is a canal no a tunnel there it

Is that only the with a one why not walk over boats infrastructure that’s is it on the look at the other side straight line as the Romans do straight line it doesn’t need to be too wide who said that John Cole right let’s have a look let’s see if you’re

Correct I know it is not wi enough yet I mean I know it is the there’s not enough water I see if I can just get in a wee bit turn it you all right I just want to congratulate you I’m really happy to congratulate you on the news you’re

Right there’s a couple of we things i’ got to do here just a couple of we things and that is go here get that bucket of water and get that bucket uh [ __ ] it give me three and stick that there you don’t need a bucket W you do

Need a bucket of w right come this way only need the one I suppose so but you know got to build a tunnel that goes the a b that’s cool get the canal belt without the proper infrastructure everything is just harder we need a proper signage

Lights I mean where where is it I I’ve lost it already there’s that we bit that goes down there is that the this is a [ __ ] one that’s good right let’s go now what’s the best way um drop the water in in in the halfway bit would you

Say get it filled to water first so it’s harder to dig I said so it’s haunted dig haed move a bit Serv is more difficult so look at this look hardly move that’s [ __ ] amazing Canal Bel Fe engineering what you do there H sorry about that everybody I took care of

Business I did what had to be done there let’s get of that sun sightly we don’t want everything to be purely functional uh right let’s stick one there let’s take one there is that going to be hard to get through either 2 two water well let me

See let me just see what this looks like I see I’ll sort that out somebody said somebody said in the chat you only need one bucket look look [ __ ] one two there you go I’ve just got I’ve got three at a time there look three at a [ __ ] time you stay

There it’s all looking good we some waves for a bit of uh texture that’s one way to look at it let’s see let’s see if this is a nightmare we are sure there are could it be there that be hole there or would be anything to do with that would

It simply a lack of water that sun going down again that’s funny I’ll sort that out in the meantime what is that games fed am I drowning I [ __ ] it on you uh let’s go back no no no let’s keep going keep going what’s going to get me I’m fine I’m absolutely

Fine right is that is that the shite one that’s the shite one just get that F in and don’t look at it again right let’s let’s get this all done about to get to know it’s there and we go I can see that’s a problem didn’t mean that there we

Are beautiful let me just check it again I need to I need to um let’s get [ __ ] red at us on I’ll be to see it in the the map well ah ah you’re no [ __ ] are you are you a I just drowned you I just drowned it right [ __ ] there Um may as well get the rest it is off to the side right put that down get in it this is a good I can level that later the main thing is what the time uh the main thing is let me go through [ __ ] lost the boat again right wait a minute something’s

Causing me what’s causing me a problem here it’s the waves is it the waves that’s F that’s F that don’t mean not I can I’ll do it I’ll do it I just I’ve not got an infinite [ __ ] water supply here really right um I mean on me right PL get back in get

Back in let’s go map this world do not be us I see that [ __ ] don’t worry everybody I’ve walked it all I’ve walked it all it everybody don’t worry yeah there it is I’ve walked at it everything’s great now the problems we had before are a thing of the past

Have to sort that out but that’s fine right let’s look at the right let’s go all the way to the Village hopefully it will start to brighten up a we bit keep going another Canal will be called for at some point there’ll be no violence for the rest of the stream the stream

Ends in just a few minutes this is’s no time for violence we’re simply coming in peace and I’m just simply going to go into the village and say to them hi there don’t know if you’ve heard about the new opportunities there’s going to be a purpose belt venue zap and blank than of

Subs evil will unfold one Canal at a time don’t sh don’t say that [ __ ] we just coming up to them hun death by crayon David and good one thanks for subs thank you very much hun cheers hun let’s pop here get some bookshelves I think I [ __ ] will what El the

Parties wait until the sun comes up this is nice this is inspiration we’ve got we PE what’s that we Island there there right investigate while I’m waiting for the sun to come up I will see if I can go past this and uh check out the rest of the

Map if they got like a we bridge that I can go through can I go or does that does that just end it just ends okie dokie looking at another Canal there but come I want to make a big deal about it and I’ll come all the way

Around and wait for the sun to come up I don’t want to get off start uh Mak a canal and have to fight all them just now don’t they bother could kill them easily but I kind of be [ __ ] with come in here I’m Mountain everybody I had there’s diamonds and is

There diamonds up up high I’m outside the boundaries that we cave is this going to be a we Island can I come back r or is this going to be a d end what is that what’s that uh what’s that everybody nether rck I ruin nether portal right well I’ll break through this

Is it it seems like it’d be handy I actually [ __ ] jumped out my seat as if sort of try to get away with it as if to get away from it how’s the map looking that’s a big mountain lava pouring down say I see what’s that a chest there’s chests on them chests

On get the chest at the portal all right all right there’s an actual portal that’s there but it’s broken or something or there up there oh why up setting up setting up setting fire charge Golden Axe with efficiency four iron nugget ion net I not get an obsidian make the portal rebuild a

Portal should that everybody any reason why not to does anything come through the m i can bow this any I’ve got to do that and then like use Like Flint or something I’ll date them more everybody Right I’ll dat tomorrow we are on we’ve we’re on a mission I Cliff H come in here they have a fire charge uh what ises that there is it a bomb or something or come in here it just starts fire that’s good showing the map see if there’s any other goodies but

I think the main thing is that Village wait wait wait wait wait that goes in then it kind of stops that’s be outside the map is this going to stop now don’t know if I can be [ __ ] taking all taking the Bob we it might it doesn’t it wait wait wait

Wait is it a no that isn’t it sell me we’re looking at another Canal it’s daytime tunnel through the the mountains like the Romans with the I will at some point wait a minute wait a second [ __ ] hell Giant go that way going that way we going that

Way get in there I’ll just keep it in mind I will keep it in mind um I mean what I could do is this this is what I’ll [ __ ] do you’ll forget it this is what we do another [Applause] Canal how deep that does it have to be can it be one

Deep for cup wheel I it uses the same amount of power I seven kettles got ourselves a canal everybody we got ourselves and almost completely fully functional Canal fully functional canal take that soap it for that take that sand get it to [ __ ] that Butch log get it to

[ __ ] the dot get it to [ __ ] pick the dot back up very good okayy doie we BL that there PL that there and we’ll PL that there put simply it just works we got a fully functional really functioning Canal hey come on I think we’re ready let’s go let’s

Go in simple terms it works Chon the sub thank you very much Dames thanks the sub I’m really enjoying it yes that’s all right that’s texture that’s good that GES a game texture hey go forward to you B go forward to we bit right crouched in there put put that there you’re all

Right I knew that was going to happen you’re all right we’re still in the game I’m other [ __ ] end now to complete the canal I could go that way we canal through the village so they’re going to get a [ __ ] Canal for free and they’re going to say thank you

Wish we could repat this is my way in everybody this is my way in we’ve been wanting something like this for quite so so long if only there was some way to repay you thank you goodbye and I’ll say ah well well there is a way you can

Repairs and it’s basically allowing me to give a gift where I come from in my culture far away over there we love to give gifts that is like receiving a gift so you would be giving me a gift by receiving a gift what gift would you like to give

Us the gift of the game what are games we don’t have games where we are now say you play you play each other you know children playing and that kind of thing oh it’s just like that what they don’t know is that they’re going to go an octagon

Shaped Coliseum and I’m going to put them to death that’s that’s one thing they don’t know oh hello oh they’re not going to be happy about this what no they listen see this spit you’re no using here here tell what there what I’m going to do for you I you chop this

Thing be with me no no don’t don’t I know I can hear you grumbling I hear you don’t worry I should have been that there yeah I need to Grumble no one need to Grumble after all good stuff a oneway bridge what oh [ __ ] there you are a bridge for

You I know to get a canal a bridge and let’s don’t forget the the beauty of it that what TR people remember what saying about Sydney part of Sydney is a bridge a [ __ ] Bridge the opera house and a bridge and it’s not like you look at the

The Sydney Harbor Bridge whatever it’s called there we go got a straight line back and go what a beautiful Bridge all the bridges I know that’s a that’s one of the best looking ones it’s not standard bridge but it’s the anority and it’s um just one of these big things it looks

Like look look at this big thing people are built uh where the [ __ ] is my house again I got to go all the way up this way is it this way where’s the canal the canal for [ __ ] sake the canal you Bel s me sorry

About I don’t know what no no no no no no no no no no put that back put that back there but carry that there right let’s see the the canal you’re going to need to get some torches there to really show where the [ __ ] Canal is

Is set the narrowest bit go to the narrowest bit there is oh look blow up if you want I don’t care I hope you do go [Applause] haha I wanted you to do that I you just you’ve actually made it bigger you don’t you didn’t even know it there’s a

Canal proper [ __ ] infrastructure people can get for A to B go about their daily lives visit friends family go on with the what going holidays just basically explore enjoy the life they whatever they please here in this free world that I have helped create yes I saw the creeper thing whatever it’s

Called great stuff we built canals proper and structure stuff it just helps people pretty boring these days people want fancy things for me personally there’s nothing fancier than infrastructure there’s nothing fancier than be able to look at a map and go I can go for here and there uninterrupted in a

Boat straight through there down there through there I can go through here wait a minute what’s that could I’ve went to the [ __ ] left this is better you that’s good because you don’t want to go that way you don’t want to come back on the way no no

No I’m glad I didn’t see that because I would have I would have probably settled for I you know what I’ll just go run that way that would have took a minute we don’t want that yes it would have unlocked a bit of the map I’ll do that later but what we

Want is a canal there and see next a canal there you know what they’ve made me feel foolish I was going to let them away with a quick death I’m going to [ __ ] I’m going to draw it out I’m going to really [ __ ] draw it it put a torch put two torches

Underneath to go that’s what we going to do was set on fire set all [ __ ] place in fire I sh you get get it there put it there put it next to this is that my secret plans my secret [ __ ] plans that’s it and before I go let me

Just have the quickest of checks on oh right of Course Excuse me you run away you run away excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse Me get Back I said you keep an eye on them good cat and see later us are getting pun intended Leed Leed Le leather in the bottom I did get leather tomorrow they’re getting uh transformed into leather and with the leather we make books with the books we make bookshelves

Where the bookshelves are in that helps in enchanting the enchanting is going to help us way [ __ ] knows what lovely stuff I’m happy with that Lots done great stuff there’s lot so much to get on me how many diamonds I’ve got about 90 a hell a lot let me put it that Way he hasn’t even got 100 diamonds I had M 100 diamonds um just edit k Chon thanks for the subs thank you very much hell princeps limus Augustus everybody thank you very much for the subs res Subs the bits the tips mods thank you very much for the mod everybody thanks for watching

Um um I’ll be back on theor I’ll do some we things maybe the night off stream uh maybe a canal here and there as we aim towards um the games the games thanks for watching and I will [ __ ] see you tomorrow s out to Scruffy until tomorrow bye for now

This video, titled ‘LIMMY Plays | Minecraft (8) – Roadmap to Evil & Improv [2023-12-04]’, was uploaded by Benny Harvey on 2023-12-06 16:30:07. It has garnered 2514 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:54 or 15954 seconds.

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00:00 Intro & marbles 00:12:55 Improv: Book Signing Goes Wrong 00:17:00 Minecraft

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    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad #boom Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

    Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring New Horizons Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with Catrophy in the 3rd episode of his series. Join him as he delves into the depths of the game, mining for valuable resources and uncovering hidden treasures. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with challenges and excitement! Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From constructing elaborate structures to designing intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Catrophy showcases his building skills and demonstrates the art of crafting in this episode. Exploring the… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

    XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘The XP SMP!’, was uploaded by XPGamesNL on 2024-05-19 03:34:10. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:41 or 8561 seconds. Welcome to the XP SMP! A Minecraft Multiplayer server where my friends and I will be chilling, playing Minecraft and perhaps even let a story unfold! Hope you enjoy it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray's Day 77 Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ray’s Crafting Minecraft Hardcore LIVE! Day 77’, was uploaded by Ray’s Crafting on 2024-04-30 10:20:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Watch me start off playing Minecraft in Hardcore Survival mode Continuing from the last live video, this is starting at day 77 Mods … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: School BUS House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-19 21:05:21. It has garnered 565064 views and 9492 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:39 or 7359 seconds. Today Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty have a Bus Build Challenge In Minecraft! Who will build the BEST house? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

    Cristalit's Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Teleported Players Into The Void’, was uploaded by Cristalit on 2024-03-04 20:05:16. It has garnered 409836 views and 15510 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds. I Glitched the End Platform to drop my enemies into the void on a Minecraft Youtuber SMP Will I manage to trap them? Watch to find out:D & ENJOY!!! SLOTS SMP Discord: https://discord.gg/slots-smp-community-1055886969537831004 THUMBNAIL INSPIRATION FROM BACONNWAFFLES!!! If you enjoy other SMP creators like Baconnwaffles & Rekrap & Parrot from Lifesteal, or other creators from Levels SMP, Bliss SMP, or Infuse SMP, I… Read More

  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: http://anubismc.com/modpack Join The Server: play.anubismc.com (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter https://twitter.com/AngolmoisVtuber ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) https://streamlabs.com/-angolmois-/tip ■Membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjirbtthjP9TjpPHl3qhsIQ/join —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend!

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Using PRIME on Friend! I Fooled My Friend with PRIME in Minecraft! Join the Beem Team as they embark on a hilarious Minecraft adventure! In this episode, Matthew Beem (aka MBeem10 aka Matthew Beem Gaming) pranks his friend using custom Prime mods. The result? An intense and laughter-filled gaming experience that you won’t want to miss! Pranking with Prime Mods The Beem Team takes Minecraft to a whole new level by incorporating custom Prime mods into their gameplay. These mods add a unique twist to the game, allowing for unexpected surprises and plenty of entertainment. Watch as Matthew Beem uses these mods to… Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More