Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!

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Guys we have a problem okay let me just uh open it up on my phone before I get to what it is that the problem is and I’ll leave you guys in suspense for a little bit hope you’re okay with that of course you’re not I hate it when I’m in suspense doesn’t

Everyone it’s okay I’m going to leave you guys guessing for a little bit just need to go there you go oh boy all right so we have a problem all right we I’m in my um wa why is my skin why is that my skin I don’t know why

That’s my skin anyways I might have to like redo my skin because for some reason it’s not showing up but we have a problem um what’s ticking there’s um a sorting system under this this um um building this is the sorting system and I’m actually breaking it right now as we speak

Um but it’s it’s a dropper or I guess it’s um yeah it’s a dropper that’s constantly being activated part of the sorting system um we have a bunch of copper and that’s not the problem that’s actually the good part about it the problem that we have is

Actually it’s right right over here is the problem okay remember I made like Pits on four sides of this island so that maybe zombies could fall down apparently um they they don’t move off of this block that they fall down on and we might have

To we might have to do a bit more um troubleshooting so to say um I think that’s what we’re going to get started with today um I’m just going to get quickly started on that and then um some of them just spawn in and kind of just go over to where I’m at

Which is not ideal um as you could probably guess not ideal at all I’m going to use my uhoh yeah I need to like break out of here very carefully and then kind of just I kind of want to just I don’t want to break

Too see this is what I don’t like is that some of them make it over to the other side and if they don’t they kind of don’t fall down or anything but I want them to fall down I want them to fall to their deaths see okay now now it’s kind of

Doing its thing now it’s kind of doing its thing see that that used to be an issue now it isn’t and I guess it all came from the fact that the this whole Farm kind of relies on these guys falling off but they didn’t do that and I kind of messed

Up on the on the build itself okay so what I need to just do is break a couple of these so that these hundreds of baby zombies can just fall to their deaths hopefully um and the second thing I need to do is kind of just make sure that

They all fall off so that I can get onto that little part there and then I can uh most likely wait hold on let me see if I can reach them by just like getting into here yes I can I can swing them all off all right there’s more and more baby

Zombies coming in here I don’t know where they’re coming from okay I just want to go over here and I just want to quickly do some troubleshooting um as for for this part right here anything that isn’t a solid block or not a solid block anything that doesn’t take up the

Space of a solid block I just replace with more Stone so um it’s not really that complicated or anything um we want to take that out and I’m going to jump over to this side good thing I still have damn it I just had

One job and it was like not to fall off right there and it was the easiest jump too and I just like jumped straight off and now now I’m not even able to like properly get back on there right hold on you can’t hear me what do you mean you can’t hear

Me of course you can hear me you can’t hear me do yeah you can don’t don’t troll me like that you scared me so badly you scared me really badly all right um so we broke all of that I also need to break all of this stuff down under

Here um I’ll leave that for no although I don’t really want to I really do want to get back on there and kind of just destroy all this the last of this here just want to make sure that there’s no dirt left after I’m gone so the baby zombies can’t just

Perch on here and then troll me later all right here you go now I’m going to have to go back I kind of like the way that I built this biome here it’s pretty cool like it’s a mix of just like Mossy type of it’s like this Mossy design mixed in

With um mixed in with like snow and like Spruce and Cherry and all my favorite trees I think that this island is kind of its own biome remember when diamonds were at Stone they still are they’re just like you can’t find them as much at Stone

Nowadays come on get just get on there it’s this is actually so frustrating you you can do that like like like you’re able to do this like I know you can I’ve done this so many times this is like my number one trick that I use see there’s a baby zombie right there

There’s two there might be more than that very scary to think about it there’s three back here damn and I just accidentally killed no almost just died but I did kill one of my snow golems which sucks do not like that from here I can do that and if I if

I do a jump attack these guys don’t that’s that’s that I think I just killed another Snow Golem damn it I keep accidentally doing that that sucks and I hate when I do that there’s one more baby zombie might be the one that kills me kidding okay let’s just go

Okay there you go now I’m just going to n dude I I I hate that a lot I just need to heal up a little bit and then use the rocket and then if everything goes right I I won’t get in there okay I guess not

Um I guess everything will go wrong I guess everything’s going to go wrong let’s go back down let’s try this one more time got to get up here which is probably the hardest part then come on we can do it there you go that was really good

That was really good that was well done now I just have to have to do the same mashing and then I have to kind of Mash monster mash my way here and then break all of this and there you go we’re done that should be like a fairly large large

Hole to go down from the bottom of the island but it does kind of look pretty cool also crap ton of armor I mean like what the heck guys this is crazy I do want to pick up the chain mail armor I’m like collecting chain

Mail I I don’t know cuz chain mail is very rare so like like you can’t get it so all right so i’ I’ve troubl shooted that I guess you could say troubl shot all right so for chain mail we’re just going to kind of I don’t know going

To start adding it in like oh well it starts here so I technically have to move these downward like that and then chain mail leggings we got golden ones got more golden ones we got boots we got a crap ton of boots like we got a lot of

Boots this is a lot of boots I could throw out these leather ones alternatively we can actually start working on a new building finally today and it’s going to be our Armory it’s going to be the armor armor building and it’s literally just going to be like a

Very large building that is going to contain a crap ton of armor actually wait no no no no you know what I wanted to do with the armor stands I wanted to I wanted to make armor stands and put them in uh the oh wait do I have any I

Think I I thought I had some in my miscellaneous chest nope I do not have any okay so um then we’re going to have to make them it’s throwing me off that my skin isn’t my usual one Um I’m just going to do this until I figure out what it is that I want okay armor stand oh okay okay that’s not that difficult all I have to do is smel like the stone I have literally like smelt the stone why does the elytra look like

That cuz it cuz it’s a pair of wings cuz it’s like that I don’t know hold on I got to throw that stone in there and then while that stone is doing its thing I’m going to like go and find more Stone I’m not even going to smelt it

Into like Stone I’m just going to grab it straight up as Stone cuz I have the facilities to do that now so why does the elytra look like that when it’s broken cuz it’s broken I think like I don’t know I don’t know what to tell you Electro’s broken is going to look

Broken all right so you aren’t growing that often maybe it’s cuz I’m just not in the area that often so it’s just not going to grow I’m okay with that I’m I’m fine with it okay let me just take silkers and we’re going to uh oh this is going to be an

Issue no it is not we just cover it up and it’s as if it was never even there to begin begin with all right now I’m just going to dig this hole here and I’m going to get Stacks upon stacks of stone all right so I knew that this

Would be the outcome cuz I kind of knew that there was a cave here I knew that there was a cave here all right uh we’re going to take all of this and we’re going to take like just a stack of it and smelt it into um smooth Stone why cuz I want

To cuz I want to do that that’s something I want to do all right you know what I’m actually just going to put that much in there I don’t want like a crap ton of armor stands yet I do want a bit but not like not like every single one in the

World hold on do that and then I think it was this holy crap holy crap I’m in fortnite it’s crazy okay I think we need more wood cuz I need to get more sticks so that I can uh okay wood should be here um I’m starting to get used to all the

New the new locations for everything so that’s like really good it’s really helpful oops we want to do we want to do [ __ ] we want to do two three there you go Spruce logs do that stack of sticks now that we have a stack of sticks we

Put this at the bottom and we put whoops we put this here and this here and we kind of just like there you go perfect oh you can only carry 16 in a stack that’s such a weird thing to have only 16 of in one stack that’s crazy that’s so weird I

Don’t know why that’s so weird to me but it is it’s just so weird all right so this is where the armor stands are going to go I’m just going to like set them down right away and we’re going to have like a I don’t know I think hi

Spingo I’m going to set the other half of them on this side here um there is and I was thinking that like maybe I’d have two really good sets right there and there and we’d have like sets that are like the best ones lining down the middle of the hallway but not

Making it completely cluttered it’ll just help add a bit of I guess um it’ll help add some value to the house make it look cooler I’d have all my best armor in the armor chest right and then all of my like just like for show armor I would

Put I would put in onto the armor stands now the one thing that I that I’m thinking of doing now that I’m like thinking about it is I need to go and find a deep dark biome and finally get that silence armor trim and the um Echo

Armor trim I think it’s called I think it’s called Echo I’m not really sure what the name is but there’s two armor trims that you can get from the deep dark one of them is really really rare the other one uh or or it’s an ancient

City one but one of them you can get yeah yeah yeah yeah what I said yeah what I just said so this cow Farm I also kind of want to blow up I don’t think I’ll actually blow it up but I do want to get

Rid of it and just like destroy it I don’t use it and I don’t think I’ll ever use it in the history of ever um I just find that this cow farm right there is so much more like impactful so to say I do need just an alternate way to

Get leather very easily I think there’s ways of oh my God you jump scared me a little bit just a little bit speaking of jump scares I’m still playing through Resident Evil 7 I beat it but it’s a very short game compared to the other one

To to Resident Evil 4 I mean it’s very short compared to that one truly phenomenal thanks proo tank welcome back um what’s it called where is it um but yeah I beat the I beat the big game I’m just playing through like the little DLC those are actually really fun for some

Reason like I’m playing through this one where you like have to survive kind of like fighting Freddy’s but free roam you have to survive for six hours and there’s like enemies and it’s kind of like a Zombies mode pretty nice I like it I’m trying to beat like the harder

Version of it and I can’t I’m just too bad at the game um okay so we have to go and find like a very large mountain and we have to get to the bottom of that mountain because usually that’s where you find ancient cities and I’m talking like large I’m

Talking like like really large mountain like phenomenal phenomenally large we’re just going to put this all down here was just watching Markiplier FNAF help wed too he just released it like an hour ago that’s pretty cool I I I don’t know why but I think that I’m

Starting to like grow out of five nightes at Freddy’s I haven’t watched the movie I don’t I don’t feel like watching the movie I feel like I’m genuinely like it’s so weird because whenever I was a kid and people as adults would say oh you’ll grow out of

It I’m like no I won’t I freaking love find this Freddy’s I freaking I love it forever and then I grew up and then I grew up and then and now I just can’t like I can’t in in any sense of the word ever since Five Nights at

Freddy’s um security breach I I got so upset that that game turned out the way that it did that I spent that much money on a disappointment of a video game that I just I just couldn’t I couldn’t do it I just I couldn’t like I got through it

But I barely did you know I procrastinated making those videos for the channel you can see them still like the entire time I’m just like appalled at like what I’m seeing I was so upset about everything I was wondering why why my elytra wasn’t working but it’s probably

Because my uh my external hard drive is is being a the way that it is even security breach ruin was like not that good like I’m I’m talking like I’m just being like completely honest like that game was like it was a DLC and it was

Free and it was really good for free DLC that’s what I would say but if it were to be like an actual like add-on if it were to be an actual game that I would buy I would not buy I would not buy it I would not buy security breach Rune

Knowing the way that it turned out like I would not hogland Farm not a bad idea although although yeah wait wait what for wait do don’t they drop leather don’t hoglins drop leather after security breach the lore just became too confusing to me I feel

Like the lore kind of peaked at like the the lore PE peak in two spots it peaked during FNAF 1 to FNAF 2 I believe I feel like the first Trilogy was like the peak for the first one for the F that was the F like for the for the first big lore

Dump and then F fred6 was the second big lore dump that was just wonderful I was like I really really liked the I just really liked it I think that one of my favorite parts of Five Nights at Freddy’s ever ever to this day will always be Fest Freddy 6

And dialogue the dialogue that Henry gives on that like tape he just has this like voice and and audio log number three today I went to the washroom I I did a poopy I did a stinky if he said that like on the tape I would have been like holy crap he’s saying

Something really good right now I’m listening with both my ears my both both my ears are perked up right now I’m really listening I don’t know I don’t know why I always like yeah I won’t play Five Minutes at Freddy’s but I’ll devolve into poop jokes whenever I can oh Man I don’t say washroom what area do people say that in um Canada Canada people say that in Canada as far as I know I didn’t know that it was like a Canada only thing until recently too like I think about a half a year ago

Somebody told me like like one of my American friends or not one of my American friends I feel like it’s one of my friends that knows what American lore is like and they just kind of told it to me and they were just like you know they

Don’t say that in like America right and I’m like what no way we’re like literally neighbors please hogland Farm I don’t know I’d have to like look up a video on how to do it sorry my dogs are barking they like to do that a lot of the time

Um unfortunately I don’t I don’t speak dog so I can’t tell them to stop barking they don’t listen at me they just bark louder so I can’t do a hogin farm right now because I I don’t want to like search up a a whole Farm to do today but

Um what’s it called I I do want to are you one of those streamers that stream for fun or just for the money some others don’t do it for fun that’s a good question because I only have like what like barely we’re barely scratching 500 subscribers like we don’t have 500 we’re

Like right under that and I I literally just do it for fun like the videos I release on this channel as videos and not streams those are just for my friends to view like I just like do it for my my brother my brother’s friend groups my my my friend

Groups I just do it because people are like oh man it’d be really funny if you edited this and this was this this would be really funny I’m like oh I know how to do that I will do it um but uh I I I do stream for fun because otherwise I

Wouldn’t be having that much fun playing Minecraft as if I wasn’t streaming so technically yeah I do it for fun I stream this world because of the fact that that it’s fun to do it most of the time you know like I’m having a lot of fun usually playing on this world anyways

Monologue finished true because my three-year-old cat talks so much man if you’re three talk to me when your three-year-old cat’s starts barking okay cuz that’s when it starts getting real okay that’s when that’s when you got to start covering your ears and going stop it it stop you’re bullying

Me yeah we have a lot of power Two bows I think that I think that I finally want to get like a ranged upgrade I do not I do not have a bow I just I keep throwing them in the chest and forgetting about them getting the power to talk to

Animals would be great I totally agree although I don’t know how like logically it would work to have a power that works that way like like how would you do it cuz in a way some people do talk to animals like with facial expressions and and and the tone of voice like that’s

How they like know what you’re saying so um man I keep I keep like I keep like having good conversations with people in chat that I completely like I forget on the spot what I’m doing because I’m just so busy talking to people in chat so thanks guys keep me keep me entertained

Please thank you sorry let me grab 18 gunpowder because 18 is divisible by three um that’s for some some of you guys that have done a substantial amount of math okay wrong chest we’re looking for this chest right here and we want to just grab 18 out of here one two three

Four five six and then we want to just am I laughing like a girl hey guys can laugh like that too there’s nothing wrong with laughing like that sorry I totally forgot I still need the the okay I’m taking a lot of rockets because we’re going to be going on quite

The Expedition today all right we’re looking for a for a deep dark biome that also contains an ancient city got it you guys understand I understand my my my struggle now this is what I have to do now all right and I got Unbreaking three on my

Elytra the other day so I’m just having a good time with it uh now now I can actually go long distances without having to worry about about like like killing bystanding mobs I don’t think I’ve ever been in this direction but we’ll know if I’ve

Never been in this direction if all of a sudden the chunks start loading in is that a wrecked ship right there it’s a whole ocean Monument here I think I’ve actually been here before though I think I’ve been in that ocean Monument before just like chilling in it before I think

That’s the one I got all my sponges from all right let me pick up this no I don’t need iron what am I do collecting that iron I don’t need it iron needs me my dog I think my I think I was a little too loud and now my dog baring

Whoops they really hate loud noises I don’t know if your dogs if you guys have dogs and they’re kind of the same way but my dogs like any sort of loud noises that’s it like they they’re barking for half an hour I don’t know why my mom decided to get the loudest

Dogs ever but Hey listen if we didn’t get them then somebody potentially worse could have gotten them and you know what I’m glad they’re with a loving family that may not appreciate their barking but may appreciate um their presence and and the fact that they’re so cute and

You can look at them and you can pet them they’re a creature I can I can pet and that is why I like dogs I do kind of man if only Minecraft had pokeballs so I can like collect creatures from Far wind bring them home

Because it’s very hard to to do that you know normally yeah I’ve never been at this on this edge of the world because my computer is currently making like the noises that like I don’t know somebody held a hostage would be making you know if their mouth wasn’t taped like they’d be

Like really loud like screaming for help help help me you know okay this seems like a mountain maybe we can go down and maybe there will even be some dangerous stuff down here treacherous Diamonds oh my gosh I love it I love diamonds should have brought like strength potions with me because I

Just love like one-shotting things and strength potions you know sometimes they they help with stuff like that you know I don’t know if you guys understand what it is that that means you know okay instead of collecting ores by the wait hold on I have so much stuff in my

Inventory I don’t know why the hell I didn’t deposit this before I went on an adventure I always get so ahead of myself when I’m ready to get to to go on an adventure because every single time like I always miss something because I’m just so excited to get

Started it’s like the impatient part of me just like really comes out with this game whoa hello all right we’re going to go a little deeper but I’m not going to go too deep if I can’t find any deep dark biome here all right eltro is at full um XP

For some reason or full durability sorry maybe because the zombies maybe because of the Unbreaking Three Man Iron inot I don’t really need those so this is cave number one we’re going to be doing a lot of exploration today because I think I’ve done enough building how’d you get so

Many subscribers um streaming consistently I think I think the the the times I get the most subscribers are from streams like these where there’s a lot of people talking um so if you are watching this right now and you aren’t subscribed I I think it’ll benefit both

Of us very much if you do cuz that way you guys can come back anytime you want whenever I’m streaming you’ll know that I’m streaming because you’re subscribed and you’ll be able to uh you know the notification will pop up and you’ll be like oh my God he’s streaming I can talk

To him and he’ll talk to me and it’ll be like a nice conversation I can get a nice conversation out of this I don’t know if you guys are people that like conversations but you know what me I love to talk it’s why I stream for hours on

End I don’t I don’t like these guys I really don’t there’s three saddles in here what the heck this is crazy okay let me just throw my garbage into here so that I don’t have to like I’m going to keep a stack of dirt for building and

Then all of this I can throw into here I’ll keep the arrows no I forgot that I damn it oh [ __ ] behind me I got to like heal up I’m just going to break this I’m not going to need it so I’m going to break

It plus since I’m like I I I don’t have like a lot of subscribers compared to other people so I I I remember most of the people that come by to like watch my stuff and like it’s good because it’s kind of like a we’re fostering a

Relationship you know as as corny as that sounds it’s just like it’s just the pure truth of it you know we’re just like we’re we’re talking we’re we’re two guys we’re two people talking we’re just enjoying each other’s presents while I play a game and scream maybe say something funny every once in

A while no more diamonds there so I might as well replace those even though I’m probably never ever ever going to go back here ever again in the history of ever considering Minecraft is such a big game there’s so many times that I’m going to visit a cave and never going to

Visit it ever again in my life that’s actually really really crazy to think about how many years have you been streaming um well I’ve been making content in General on YouTube for a while I think since 2013 but that was back that that’s me counting all my like

Terraria um screen recorded Bandit cam videos but I’ve deleted those or archived them long ago like I don’t like I don’t like even think about those that much anymore and like old Roblox recordings using the Roblox capture feature cuz that’s a thing and um so like I’ve been streaming for maybe

About like 10 well no I would say about like six years I’d say I’ve been streaming almost seven years I’ve been streaming and most of the subscribers that I’ve gotten were from streaming um or from like this one video that I made where I go vegan in Minecraft a lot of

People really freaking love that one I garnered an audience of vegans I can’t believe it and the funniest part is is that I’ve never ever actually considered going vegan in my entire life I would never go vegan I’m sorry I just love meat too much like I I have a

Feeling that for every single person that is a vegan in this world I will eat more meat like by accident because of just how much I love meat like I’ll eat more meat by accident for every single person that becomes a vegan some somebody’s going to become a vegan today

Be like I’m going to go in a vegan diet today and I’m going to be that person that eats twice as much meat to make up for the fact that they’re a vegan today make up for as if that’s like a bad I’m not I’m not trying to bash

People’s lifestyle choices you could be vegan you can be vegetarian doesn’t matter I don’t really mind but oh man I sound like a I sound like an i sound do I blush everybody blushes that’s a thing that this a bodily response I thought everybody blushes how old is this world since

February about about a big maybe around maybe around like beginning of March end of February around D maybe maybe I don’t I don’t even I’m just trying to decide whether to say that out loud or not cuz usually whenever I read out comments from from my my streams I don’t

Usually say who’s saying it or like that somebody in chat said I don’t usually say that so I just say say what people say and I hope that people that aren’t are watching this like later just kind of realize that I’m talking that somebody like I’m I’m like quoting

Somebody else so when you say I’m black I’m just I’m like I don’t I’m black I’m not black I’ve done a couple face reveals already I can do one right now if you guys want I got a webcam for for for school you racist I just said I just

Said you’re I just said I’m black there’s nothing racist about me saying I’m black oh that that would have been a perfect that would have been perfect timing to like do a little Webcam hold on let me just kill these zombies I’ll do it sometime later in the Stream and you guys will not not know when it is I’ll just surprise you randomly and do it like I’ll just I’ll just randomly do it and you guys won’t even

Know when it’s going to happen I’m just going to do it and and it’s just going to be a complete surprise to everybody everybody’s just going to be like whoa whoa that was him that’s crazy wow i’ not expect him to be that ugly holy he talks so charismatically I thought he’d

Be like a like a guy who who looks Max’s 247 I do not look SMX I I actually think that I don’t know if you guys ever heard of the term mee mee is like this this myth that if you put your tongue to the roof of your mouth and you keep applying

Pressure to it or something um you will eventually have like a more defined jaw structure if you keep doing it for a really long time I don’t think that it works at all like ever although I do think I do know what does work and it’s

Kind of worked for me I think where I have this tick like an actual tick um it’s a reflex it’s a thing that I do randomly and I don’t even notice that I do it’s one of those things that you don’t even notice that you’re doing like

Autoc canabalism like when you like take the the like when you like uh rub the rub the skin off your thumbs do people actually is there anybody in the chat that actually does that cuz cuz I do that sometimes anyways um it like doing that for example um and um what’s it

Called where was I going with this damn you guys ever lose your train of thought I think I might have ADHD I really don’t want to go to a because they’re going to be like yeah you definitely have it I’m going to be like oh damn I knew

It there should be like a compilation of me forgetting what I’m saying as I’m saying it like that good thing I spotted that creeper that early like I could have been unlucky Joe losing all his stuff but you know what I’m not sleepy Joe I’m trying to find my way out of here

Because I I think I’ve collected enough diamonds here I’ve collected 23 diamond ore and the reason I’m collecting it in ore is to save up on inventory space literally that’s it I think that I can get out of this m shaft I think it’s I think I’ve done enough exploring in here

I do want to like travel like a like tens of thousands of blocks in One Direction and um what’s it called and just like get lost and then go down to a cave and then find a trial chamber when those come out I also want to use the

Crafter I want to figure out um how to use them I feel like I said this before in a couple like a couple streams ago I did say this um but I’m going to say it again cuz nobody in this entire world watches all my streams in full length um

But but what’s it called I said that like the crafter is going to be the thing that catapults me into my Redstone era of Minecraft I’m going to become the next mumbo jumbo just you watch I’m like I I spend only five hours attaching Redstone to a bunch of redstone lamps

Like this video and share with your friends if you if you have no friends go and make some and then come back and share it with them all right it’s yet another cave I’m just like I’m just vibing alone just chilling in a cave mining away mining

Away holy Bullocks that’s a lot of hey aad don’t you wouldn’t you say hey aad look at this huge C oh my gosh where am I going I just kind of like use elytra indoors as if like that’s not the worst thing you could possibly do at any given

Moment okay wait wait hold on there’s water above me I can use that to get out of here perhaps yes I can cuz look what’s right above okay let’s not do that we live we love we lie we die sorry uhoh uhoh that’s actually my biggest fear I’m swimming in like ice

Water which why would I do that but like I fall into like ice water and there’s like a draft under it that pushes you under it’s happened before where people died to that sorry to scare any younger viewers but if you’re not walking on ice Lakes you you should be totally fine like

But I mean like that’s always been like a big fear of mine like like I really like to jump onto ice lakes and see if it cracks like I’ve always liked that idea and as a kid I did it once and it wasn’t like deep or anything like when

You went on the lake it wasn’t deep at all and I was staying at the very very shallow end so if I fell in it would just be like my snow pants that got like that that got like wet and really cold and and then I get sick the next

Day or something but like if you go deeper like if the W if there’s like a draft under the water cuz there are tight times where that’s a thing like there’s like a like a draft under the water you jump into ice water and then you just

Get pulled under and you can’t find the surface because the ice is strong and in water your your punches are like when you’re punching your dreams if you have that thing where if you punch in your dreams it’s always like slow cuz I have that like whenever I get into a fist

Fight with somebody in my dreams I’m like oh you’re going to get it you’re going to get it and it’s like all slow motion like as if I’m punching through like like as if I’m punching through oh man I don’t even know how to describe this

It’s as if I’m punching but with a counterweight going in the opposite direction every single time I punch yeah my Pro my profile picture is is that yeah it’s it’s it’s been that for about a year I think I’d like to say I rebranded my my my my profile picture

To that a while ago and I kind of I thought I kind of thought that it was cool so I kept it that’s literally it that’s the story of how I got that profile picture I also kind of looked at like what what good profile pictures kind of look like and I

Really didn’t want to keep the what’s his name Lancer cuz I had Lancer from undertale or not undertale a Delta run um as my profile picture for the longest time I just thought it was like a character with the with blue on him and

Uh I was like ah that fits my blue color aesthetic for my channel so then I um I was like man that’s that’s not my character I’m not allowed to use him and then I felt like really bad and I just stopped using it so this is a mountain like this right

Here figing Mountain mock my Woods o it’s a Mountainside Village this is pretty hot this is pretty hot okay awesome whoa all right I got to find like a good cave entrance to okay that’s a bigger Mountain I like this one better hold my hand and like my skin being this today I

Have no idea why that’s a thing and I really want it to go back to my old skin the one that is literally just my profile picture but as a skin um and I want it now cuz it’s a it’s kind of scaring me that it’s a different skin

This is one of the newer ones too it’s like the new one that they added like cuz they added like eight more or something along with Steven Alex all right well understood this just kind of leads to the top of the mountain anyways okay wow hold on Um uhoh let’s just find a cave entrance okay okay ow ow yeah dude I move really fast for a guy that just like cares about his life at least a little bit I move really fast with the elytra like I’m always like using rockets and doors and everything

Thinking that I’m like I’m that guy that’s just going to survive everything that comes my way I I always think I’m Invincible in this game until I die and then I get really upset and I like leave that’s just always the it’s always been that way with Minecraft me me and

Minecraft okay what we’re looking for is this literally just this like what what I’m going towards right now that’s what I’m looking for guys are you scared I’m scared I’m scared a little bit all right I’m scared I’m just checking to see if there’s any skull shers here I don’t

Think they they usually aren’t any in places like this but when sorry I’m I’m Swift sneaking but the only other way that I know how to do it besides having the enchantment I’m pretty sure there’s nothing terrible here I think I can just get rid of all

This I think it’s fine I think it’s fine so this is just to mend my stuff but we’re looking for a deep dark biome but not only are we looking for a deep dark biome we’re also looking for an ancient CI so we got to kind of

Follow the um the skull to its source if there is one all right this seems like a micro biome of deep dark stuff okay why is there like skull just chilling here and no oh wa hold on there’s more here all right it’s yet another cave that connects to

Hopefully all right so this is just a fairly large cave yeah what’s up what this connects to a fairly large cave but is there a deep dark is there an ancient city in here is my question probably not still going to take a look around use my elytra in tight confined

Spaces because I have no regard for my well-being okay well the ancient city wouldn’t be this this high up in the world oh did I just kill a bat did they also change the bat sounds I thought they just changed the model I guess they Chang the bat sounds too okay um

All right let’s go down deeper no I’m just going to I’m just going to go for running I’m just going to go for uh just running are you kidding me that’s another the one why am I dude what am I what what am I that’s good that’s good we’re safe we’re safe we’re

Good I don’t know why I don’t know why I’m like quiet and Whispering I think it’s just cuz I’m trying to like hear I’m trying to like listen okay wait hold on let me just turn up my my hustle creature sounds just so that I can like hear

Properly I think I’m good yeah I think I’m fine although I will uh dig around here the urge to just Dig Down Deeper to see if there’s like an actual deep dark biome under here or not deep dark um I keep calling it deep dark but it’s

Ancient city there’s two freers up there and if I break one of them the other one’s going to get alerted so we kind of have like a dilemma cuz this is the deepest it’s gone so far jeez that’s not me that activated that so I shouldn’t be worried yeah it’s just

The bat when any other mob activates it uh you you should be fine have to go right in between here it’s like the warden kind of just has like A okay Warden just really doesn’t like player made noises There’s a Zombie right above me I can start running now but there’s way too many mobs here like way too many I think I’m actually going to put on my netherite chest plate and move that over there so I can like quick

Swap let’s try to go deeper into the cave are you kidding me that’s an actual shrier bro one more and that’s it like I’m done like I’m not kidding like one more shrier and it’s it’s over this is another new area with the shrier on

It no no no no please don’t come this way oh you’re under me over here they don’t let off the skull Sher so maybe I can actually take them on okay I hear like three zombies logically okay I only see two there’s definitely three are there so many it’s not good

Don’t die great advice I’ll take it in a second um if it keeps coming to that block right there I might be to get him that’s that guy um is there another one coming up yep y yep yep yeah me too somebody in chat just said going to pee real quick I’ll be

Back yeah me too buddy yeah I’m going to I’m going to pee right now I genuinely am I mean like this is probably the worst situation to ever have yourself be in while um in a deep dark biome and I’m almost out of food so I

Need to like go to the oh damn I need to go to the Overworld and like check there was a skull shrier somewhere up this way ow can you not do that dude not cool all right well since I have like a full since I have a full set on right now I

Think I should be fine not against the warden but against everything else yeah I should be fine like nothing nothing nothing can stop me I’m all the way up there’s got to be an ancient city under here like I just got to keep digging or like looking for ways to get

Deeper into the into the cave there’s one behind me isn’t there it’s just a creeper no biggie just like a little underbelly of this cave just want to keep going deeper down okay now this is where I’m going to sneak again cuz one more one more strike

And I’m out you know what I mean like I’m I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to like set off the ward and next time I I set off a shrier I think it’s really funny how many people who play Minecraft don’t actually know how many of these like deep dark

Things work like how many like the fact that a shrier won’t shriek unless there’s skull sensors nearby to activate it like that’s something that’s something I learned right away but a lot of people just kind of didn’t didn’t get to didn’t get to learn that in school or whatever but all

Right in Minecraft School uh there’s so many mobs here like should have brought like some lighting with me or something all right um that’s going up higher this is going down low damn it dude yes fight the skeleton kill him kill the skeleton he’s going to get double teamed now skeleton’s getting

Absolutely destroyed now we just eat some M shaft quite a bit of these actually careful thanks for the advice Lord knows that I’m going to need it okay I’m going to need this and I’m going to need that I do have torches uh name tag would be useful sort

Of at home it would be and some food nice okay I’ll keep the rotten flesh in case it gets get the situation gets really dire oh shoot I picked up like half the nope that’s a cave spider those are two cave spiders after me right now

You know I think I’m going really far away from the deep dark um just uh n dude n no sir now we’re not going to I got a sub I I usually read out Subs but wait hold on hold on I can read out Subs who just

Subed to me huh who did that you see I don’t think it shows Subs if they have their subs um privated like I can’t wait hold on never mind I guess wait hold on no no no no no no nope I yeah it doesn’t show up unless it I I don’t like

The subs don’t show up unless they’re like a public account I I’ll see the sub if they’re like if their account like their subscription details are public I used to do that a lot back in the day nowadays most people keep their stuff private by default so um I don’t like

I I don’t get the chance to do it often so all right uh where’s my deep slate blocks yeah I just I those are really useless two Creepers that’s one I’m good I just want to get close to the skeleton without firing off the shrier why does this game have to be this

Way if I eat it’ll make noise this is something I’ve learned the hard way okay there’s no shers here okay they say don’t dig straight down but if you do it this way yes you can and if you get the angle just right you can do two at once ah

Hello oh he died to Thorns that’s actually really funny there’s more skull that way how deep am I let’s dig over this way a little more I don’t know why I just think that it’s like right below the thing I’m going to go down deeper we’re

Going to dig deep down into the deep dark into the ancient city deep in the core of the deepness you know what I mean I’m back from doing homework it’s good that you do homework good everybody if you’re watching me right now watch me but do

Your homework too cuz you may get less done if you’re watching me but at least you’ll be slightly entertained I think yeah I have reason to believe that there is no ancient city here did you achieve give your a goal not yet we’re looking for a an ancient

City and I haven’t found one yet yeah I think um what I’m going to do is I’m just going to dig up it’s going to take a while to get out of here so hope you guys are as patient as I am or more patient than I am cuz

I’m not patient at all that’ll be cool I keep seeing these mods that like make like skull related enemies and I just think that those enemies are so cool there’s this one enemy that obviously there has to be an enemy that that goes towards you when you’re not looking at

It obviously even lethal company has one of those I’m not patient but when I’m entertained I’m patient am I entertained right am I entertaining right now I don’t think so I’m literally just digging through a one by two hole upwards diagonally for your information and I might let off a shrier every once

In a while because I’m really good at letting off like I’m I’m really good at like getting wardens to spawn like very good at it I love how like I’m collecting diamonds so nonchalantly like I’m not getting excited about it anymore I’m just I’m just collecting it just get

Going by my day this is just a normal Tuesday for Monday sorry damn it’s Monday damn it there’s a amethyst geod here maybe there’s an entrance to a cave somewhere here sort of except it’s a very dangerous type of cave yes I’m so bad at Minecraft I have to

Watch better people play it’s okay it all takes practice like everything else in this world it just takes a bit of practice a bit of perseverance a bit of General knowhow at least at least with with watching other people’s videos you get to know that you

Get to you get you get to obtain that knowhow I mean me okay am I going to use my elytra to get back to the top yes I will I’m going to just yippee it’s a lot faster MLG oh my gosh that was a streamer moment that was a streamer

Moment somebody clip that somebody clip that or I’m going to ban everybody in chat right now I’m kidding I won’t do that I literally don’t even know how to do that I’ll figure it out when I have to okay well that one mountain done this

Is a really cool place to live though if I were to ever consider it which I probably will never um consider it I let’s try going to another Mountain cuz that one is a bit dry it had a deep dark biome but it didn’t have the didn’t have the things I wanted is

That an igloo let’s go to that Igloo I don’t usually go to igloo but let’s go there and let’s enter the igloo oh there’s a lot of mobs actually like everywhere guys get overrun by mobs right now just do that so no surprises and no path finding to

Me there just like carpet and then a trapo under it always just reminds me of Binding of Isaac I suck at PVP but I beat the end a few times before I I think I’m bad at PVP like genuinely I think I think I’m not actually good at

PP in this game like at all all right hold on we need um okay we have a splash potion of weakness here I I generally thought you had to get the materials yourself but I guess this is the way that they teach you how to how to do

This really cool trick um I don’t know if you guys are aware of it of curing but curing is a thing you can do in Minecraft where if you throw a weakness po wait what weakness potion we have to break this first if you throw down a

Weakness potion um splash potion of it damn it I weakness ified myself and then you put this down now you just wait a little bit and um this guy should turn it into that guy it’s kind of and if we wait like 3 minutes he’ll turn into an actual like regular villager

But I don’t really care about doing that so I’m going to get out we’re going to try to explore any nearby caves and if they go really deep down that’s like a big big bonus because if they go deep down then maybe we can find a deep dark get it is wasn’t

That an awesome little rhyme I did my cat’s sleeping me me me me that is such a that’s that’s so me that’s like a I’m like okay I’m the type of guy that sends like a lot of like really freaking weird memes and then in the middle of

Those memes I just send like the funniest cat posts of all time I use colon 3 okay I got to I got to come out now because later on it’s going to come out and people are going to be like oh my God you you do that that’s freaking

Disgusting I just have to do it myself man that’s so cool that the game actually teaches you how to cure zombie villagers yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s amazing cuz that’s I’m a game developer so for me this is actually like really really cool because a lot of the things that

Minecraft does well is just like having a community that teaches other people how to do things but there are like those certain little things like the the the curing the Villager curing that are just like they the game it’s s tries to like hint you towards doing that so if

You’ve heard of it before on the internet you’ll have a faint idea of how to do it and you’ll already know how to do it which is so neat okay I’m running out of food so it would be actually really good to um sorry cows but sorry I’m picking up all

The leather but I need to pick up not the leather I need to pick up the beef there was no Wiki you’d never know how to build a nether portal no no you know what that’s that’s that’s not truec mainly because most of Minecraft it it takes place on the internet most of

Minecraft takes place on the internet like the reason why people knew how to do certain things in Minecraft is because they heard it off of a friend they heard it off of a uh somebody in their class or they heard it from somebody on the internet like a YouTuber

Or something you know it’s always been like that like Minecraft’s just always been that type of game that like you need to go online to know what it is that um what it is that you’re trying to learn I guess or learn something new from this game like you just got to go

To Minecraft to learn it I mean nobody’s going to learn redstone on their own just experimenting for hours they might as well like find a video of somebody else teaching them how to do it so I figured out how comparators worked CU I didn’t even know

What a comparator did and then and then some guy released like a 15minute video explaining what they do and I’m like oh they compare things oh I didn’t even know that that’s crazy how did I not even know that that comparator Compares things so yeah if you didn’t know comparator Compares

Things I’m not even kidding by the way like that’s just that’s genuinely one of the biggest functionalities of a comparator it Compares two Redstone signals to each other and decides whether it should output a redstone signal based on whether one number is bigger than another that’s that’s like my the

Simplest way I could explain it cuz every single time I would ask one of my friends that knew what a comparator did they’d be like oh I can’t explain it and I’m just like you’re just gatekeeping it from me that’s what you’re doing you’re just gatekeeping a

Cool redstone block from your pal from your homie all right that’s not cool whoops okay this looks like a wonderful cave I really like these mountainous cave likee structures that go really deep down get into the nitty-gritty and bring me to a deep dark hopefully an ancient city

Even all right now we’re in a expansive Cave System I got to make my way through the water and I’m very slow because I’m using elron now I can now I can go a lot faster hold on just grab this let’s get out of here I guess there’s nothing here of

Value I know I’m like skipping like a bunch of iron right now as I say that but I have an iron farm at home so oh whoa you can’t play the game even on easy I play this game on a hard and I have a really hard time playing it on

Hard but I feel like it’s just the definitive way of playing games is like the hardest difficulty I have this like brain thing where I always think that the hardest difficulty is the one that’s decided by the developers like that’s just like like if you’re a seasoned gamer play this you

Know when I’m unfamiliar with like the way that a game is played then I choose like like a normal difficulty before I do like a hard play through but usually I’m that guy that like plays through the game on hard first I don’t usually do hardcore like I usually pick like the

Second hardest difficulty when it’s available to me like that’s what I did with all of Resident Evil all of Resident Evil I played all of the games on Hardcore like I played it all on Hardcore because it wasn’t like frustratingly difficult but it was just difficult enough for you to like have

Your heart pumped whenever you’re like low on health and there’s a zombie chasing you or something you know you know what I mean what’s your opinion on the dog versus cat war never heard of this War I like both of them and Wars are bad Wars are terrible don’t Wars are

Bad I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again guys Wars are bad did you guys know if you’re in a war right now stop stop it now stop the war get in the middle and just go guys and put your hands out on the sides like one hand stretched out left

The other one stretched out right right in the middle and put your head down cuz like cuz like things are getting serious now this is not this not games anymore it’s real war it’s not good okay we’re at 41 diamonds sorry I I was doing that

Whole bit and I totally forgot that like I got to o hello deep dark hello more diamonds that are hidden right beneath my feet hello there’s even more where that came from oh my gosh yeah I feel like I should go caving more so I I could just get like a

Complete no don’t do that please sent me a friend request on Discord cool if I remember to accept it I’m like barely on anymore whoa whoa who guys how deep am I uhoh definitely no ancient city down here unless I’m just unless I’m just scraping by one it’s going to be funny

Maybe one day I’m going to be able to get like a seed of this world I think I can do that now actually here’s the seed for anybody who’s wondering I should probably put it in the description of every like VOD or every stream that I do

Oh and on top of that I probably have to put like a paste bin of like all of my challenges that I want to do for this world I love how like happy music is playing while I’m in the deep dark Sor I’m just trying to get my way

Out of this cave CU it seems like there’s no there’s no ancient city here either oh this sucks there’s like no ancient cities anywhere so frecking boing I want to just find one and just like be done with it cuz we’re looking for more armor trims we’re looking for like I don’t

Know if I have that as one of my like um achievements where like collect all armor trims but I’m pretty sure that’s an actual wait let’s check it now there’s actually a button for achievements by the way oh wait hold on can I do this and then

This yeah I guess that pauses the game as well okay um hold up I need to look at see I would have gotten this if I just stayed within the the the the biome that the Villager was the Villager Igloo was in the reason I haven’t gotten it is because I’m just

Not in there power of books the power of books read the power signal of a chiseled bookshelf using a comparator okay that’s that’s that’s something interesting okay uh discover every biome damn there’s so many biomes in this game it’s kind of crazy yeah okay okay okay there’s there’s apply all

The smithing templates which is kind of an achievement of itself okay so I don’t have to add it to the list of achievements that I have to do cuz that seemed like a very like cool achievement to try and get cuz I have like 80 or

Something I have like a crap ton a lot of them are building related like I just like build something cool but then a lot of other ones are kind of like just like beat the End Dragon 20 times don’t fall in the lava that was really close I was

Actually about to fall into there but that one block to the side literally saved my life I have a bucket on me yeah I should probably get water in there or something oh sh okay cool I just came out of there I think how many diamonds a 53 diamond ore that’s

Crazy I’ve actually I think I’ve seen that video like as a like I haven’t clicked on it but I saw it on my feed and I was just like damn that is like a big waste of time to get for views I don’t think I’m actually going to go that

Far I am going to do like other crazy stuff but not that crazy I’m not going to I’m not going to get every single armor with every single Trim in the game there’s like over like a thousand armor combinations now okay it says spider hisses so I’m assuming that this is just regular

Spiders and not cave spiders cuz it would say cave spider hisses if it were not if it were a cave spider no am I right Am I Wrong it might be um a cave or sorry it might be a spider spawner I’m just getting closer aren’t I oh hello Mr Diamond Mrs Diamond

Hello all right no I can’t I don’t know where I don’t know where the hell it is is it under me oh yeah it is under me and it is a spawner as I thought it would be nice let’s get rid of this I’m not going to be back here any anytime soon

So I don’t really mind um right I wanted to make um I think already have cat I have a bunch of music discs I’m going to try to make like a disc Farm I’m not going to need it for that long but I’m going to need it for a bit at

Least there’s three parts but you should watch it I I’ll see if I have time if I have time I’ll probably give it a watch but I don’t know I might also try to like get some work done this week on my on my video game projects

Running out of potatoes and I have not found a deep dark biome guys guys this is the downfall timeline it’s the the timeline in which I’m I’m unsuccessful in my journey I might start streaming Terraria I might start streaming a lot of things except the problem is is that I want to

Keep on streaming Minecraft a lot and I don’t want to like I don’t want to like put Minecraft on the back burner I want to still kind of like stream it the most out of anything else but then if I start streaming other things then other people

Are going to want to see those other things and not Minecraft as much but I’m not going to be streaming those things as much as I’m going to be streaming Minecraft so a lot of people are going to feel a little bit alienated because of my decision to stream multiple

Games put seed yeah no look here here’s the seed pause the video write it down and then you can play on the seat I don’t know why you didn’t just like rewind the video you could rewind the stream and go and see the seed from earlier I don’t know why the

Hell I make you make no sense you got to like you you have to you have to you can just pause the video like did you pause it or are you still watching okay I think we’re going to make our way out of here very shortly I’m going to

See if I can find one more mountain and then that’s it it’s the final straw after that I’m calling it quits I’m going back home all right but I think that that’s proper I I do want to keep collecting the stone here too it’s like some nice passive income in terms of

Stone I do want to make an a well I do have an automatic cobble generator I do want to improve it and make it fully automatic using TNT there’s like an ill mango design that I remember seeing like way back in the day and I really want to just use it

How oh my gosh okay that’s 60 72 is usually wear like surfaces from what I know personally from my personal knowledge oh my gosh okay here we are more caves I think we can use this one to get to the top yes we can we’re out all right let’s try looking for more

Mountains I guess see this mountain looks so wonderful this is such a beautiful looking mountain and yet I’m pretty sure I entered through that area right there and I didn’t find much you know oh my gosh this mountain biome is huge it’s just Mountain upon Mountain wait are you going to kick me

Off am I in your personal space I want you to Ram against a wall so I can get a goat horn from you okay pal it’s all right Pro tank see you later man I saw emeralds there but I’m not going to pick them up yeah mark my words I’m not going to

Pick it up I’m not going to do it you can’t force me to you can’t just kick me out what did he say I’m trying to remember what Norman Osborne said in Spider-Man trying to remember the exact words he used you can’t kick me out you said something about like a

Company trying to remember I I I haven’t watched Spider-Man in so long I did really like it like the first Trilogy is this a deep dark ancient city guys come on no it’s not it’s just a regular boring old deep dark biome although it is pretty expansive I’ll give it that

Uhoh I’m scared again I’m scared again I’m so terrified I’m so terrified whoa what’s over this way H nothing okay when you land with the elytra it causes noise no matter what you’re doing no matter if you like sneak as soon as you land or whatever all right wait hold

On yeah we did it okay we got it see that’s the that’s the whole thing if there’s one shrier sitting alone the the easiest thing you could do is just come up to it and break it cuz that way the warden won’t spawn unless you like deliberately want to make yourself

Scared for no absolutely good reason for absolutely no good reason sorry oops okay water also makes noise when you like move through it like or even touch it with like like your your toenail so I got to be like really careful okay let’s see if I can make it

Over I’m a freaking Legend all right we’re good we should be good in this middle portion here I should still eliminate these just for safety’s sake now I like to collect XP from these but also the reason why I do this and I’ve said this before I think um I break these

Because um uh diamonds can spawn under them oh nice a that’s awesome that’s freaking awesome all right I’m going to keep going up let’s go up all right it’s a little dangerous here as well I think I can get away with it if I can I’ll just run away and go nice okay

Now best part is is when you’re mining skull don’t worry about durability half the XP is just going to your o when at any given moment yeah I don’t think that this is going to be a very profitable cave I’m going to get out of here again we’re also running out of rockets

But I think that if I find any sugar cane I’ll just collect it and uh oh Phantoms whoopsie oh that is a huge mountain is this the mountain I just came from though isn’t this the same one kind of looks like it yeah um what I am going to do is I’m

Going to try to keep experimenting with where to go um have I been here before it kind of looks like I have kind of looks like I’ve already been here before I’m kind of just like Dilly dallying around the same mountains over and over which direction should I go in this

Is backwards this is this is towards the thing kind of gone into like a bunch of different directions away from home all right well I’ll keep going this way then what time are we at we’re at an hour and 21 I think that it would take

Roughly like 10 15 minutes to make it back home if I have the Rockets to do so maybe across the ocean we’ll have more luck what can I say there you go this is all all unloaded chunks I’m just like loading completely new ones hopefully a nice Mountain appears

Those guys just like spawned in as I was like approaching this area here let me see if anybody anyone of them has a nod shell cuz those are really good and the drowned out here actually do spawn with them ow uhoh I have to destroy this and then oh hello it’s a

Baby oh man they’re everywhere do you have a trident no okay it was just hallucinating okay that happens I hallucinate sometimes hello oh you do have a trident and you hit me with it and it really hurt I don’t like how you did that I’ll just have you

Know you look away for one second and they just respawn there’s so many them just spawn in okay uh let me just put this back on and let’s keep going in this direction hopefully that’s the right one yeah it is it’s generally in this Direction that’s another ocean Monument cool cool

I think that’s awesome ah yes a coral reef I love these things got to love us I don’t know if I’ve actually found one in this world yet so I think I can I can mark this down as like an important coordinate hold on let me Mark this

Down cuz I don’t know if I’ve actually been to one before we’ll just revisit it whenever I need something from it cuz I really do not you know I’ve definitely I’ve definitely had another coral reef somewhere here definitely 100% okay I’m just going to go for this desert temple cuz I want

Diamonds it’s very very simple I see something I want it I get it this is how m craft works all right oh wait I’m pretty sure that no never mind okay it’s good thing that it didn’t let off the TNT didn’t set it all off just want to collect the TNT

Cuz it’s not the easiest thing to make in this world so should collect that and that right string I’ll pick up because string is kind of cool gunpowder I’ll also pick up what is this projectile protection fall what the what that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s crazy my heart is pumping wow

That’s crazy guys it’s really crazy I need to catch my breath I’m not even that excited I’m just I’m just playing here we go um let’s take this black shelter box and throw in all of the extra little ore stuff I’ve collected into there actually I’ll keep

The gold and the Deep slate gold name tag can go into there string can go into there arrows I guess for now y bones gunpowder I’ll keep because I need sugar canane badly leather won’t be using TNT won’t be using apples won’t be using 45 freaking lanterns won’t be using uh Um BL Terra what else is there in these chests finally the diamond chest the one I’ve been waiting for there’s emeralds in here too so I guess I’ll pick those up I don’t know it’s not going to hurt too much if I take them what it all right now to get out of

Here oh you know how many times I’ve died to kinetic Force just going up there like using this method okay so let’s not do that then and let’s dig upwards because that’s actually still going to be relatively fast considering I have efficiency 5 and then from here I

Can I can rock it now now is a safe time to do that cuz that other time no no no not at all this kind of makes me think of that one time that I found a coral reef and a desert and and a bad lands alt together right next to a

Jungle that just makes me think that this is just something that’s like this is like a a very easy to find combination of so very easy to find combination of uh of biomes being next to each other that’s sugar cane right there want to collect that just going to

Collect it as I as I travel like I said before um I am running out of rockets so this is going to be quite the quite the scavenge I’m going to be doing looking for sugar cane and whatnot there’s a panda down there all right instead of going for where that panda

Is I’m going to look towards the bad lands for Clues as to uh as to the whereabouts of an ancient city perhaps can I just like have a cartographer point me to one I don’t know if it works with ancient cities I know it works with mansions and stuff

But I don’t know about ancient cities CU I thought they were not this rare I thought like running into one was just like very easy CU I’ve done it so many times before on other worlds but just this one happens so to be this unlucky just keep moving if I find a

Good cave chances are in it there will be our answer oh man this one’s actually pretty girthy cave pretty awesome whoops wow this cave is so pretty this cave is actually so so pretty this is such a pretty cave moment although it’s all deep slate or not deep slate it’s all um dripstone

Caves this is my last rocket I shouldn’t have gone this deep with this one rocket left okay let’s land somewhere relatively safe and make our way out of here by foot then it’s going to be a little bit of an escape Mission oh how exciting gosh I love escape

Missions this is honestly a really really cool cave I kind of want to like put it down on my on my um how do I screenshot again there you go screenshot ow okay fall damage is like doubled here it’s to the point where you can fall onto the same block and take fall

Damage all right all right we’re out now I need to find wood good luck to me finding wood it’s not that easy I could get sticks though lots of them actually breaking with a silk touch does not work how about shears shears make it yeah shears give you dead

Bues kind of just want to collect them now that I’m here might as well do that cuz that’s just a block that I don’t usually find myself collecting so this place is really good for like getting terra cotta but so is the other one that I found like I I have another

Place place in mind that I already have a like a portal too so if I place like a beacon down there I could like strip mine the entire Mountain away give me give me a second to think because I need to go and find trees Ponto and I computer’s chugging right

Now he’s like please stop I’m dying this is the last of my computing power ow I tried to press space but it just didn’t work cuz if you didn’t know my space bar only works 50% of the time it’s not my keyboard I promise it’s literally it’s literally my um my my

External hard drive when I plug it out immediately everything works properly just going to grab a bit of wood I’m not usually ination a fan but now that we’re here I don’t even know if I have I don’t know if I have a sapling for a Kea so I might collect it

If I find one all right let’s go make that crafting table place it down real quick um and using this I can make myself two things I want to make myself a shield now I can throw out the iron and what else I want to make I want

To do take the sugar cane turn it into paper turn that into Rockets just a bit more to get me by I’m going to grab the uh crafting table and then I’m going to move along the shorelines here oh that’s another Mountain if that’s a shattered Savannah I really

Like shattered savanas those are probably one of my favorite biomes in Minecraft this a really really large mountain wait wait hold on there’s sugarcane here it’s got speed it’s got speed I also might need a furnace so that I can uhoh I’m probably just going to scadaddle I’m skedaddling on out of here

Oh hello it’s more cows and food nice okay all right one second guys I need to take a call I will be right back I’m back I’m back sorry about that sometimes I just you know I have to take a couple calls oh boy all

Right okay so uh to continue where it is that we left off from just a second ago I can actually collect wool from these guys as I go although that’s not very um efficient not a very efficient way to collect it you see one thing that I don’t like

About the new Minecraft is that they they don’t make killable things anymore turtles if you kill it nothing drops however if you wait a really long time they’ll drop scoots we promise sometimes armadillos same thing kill it drops nothing Shear it or whatever it is that

You have to do with it drops scoots automatically don’t really like that I think that they should let people do whatever they want with animals that they put in the game and actually like like the way that the way that it works for sheep like why is it that sheep cows

And all those animals can be completely destroyed completely like killed murdered in Cold Blood but everything else when you kill In Cold Blood you get absolutely nothing from it it just doesn’t make any sense we should have the choice at least you know even if it’s like a morbid

Thing to do it’s a part of survival you know sometimes you really need to get stuff from unconventional needs you know sometimes you need to kill a turtle to make yourself a helmet you’re going to be all dripped out thanks to that turtle that you’re dripped out know if you really feel bad

About it say a prayer I don’t know whatever makes you feel better oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh damn it that Creeper explosion was so big that and so close to me that my phone fell immediately after he exploded hello cows ow sometimes I forget how fast I’m

Going and that feather falling only helps so much all right I think I need to set up a little a little spot here to uh um I need to set up a little spot here to craft a little a temporary Abode okay why is there no stone okay

Got it we found the stone guys so I got eight of that and make it out of here okay um now if you do that oops have a furnace throw in our wood that we have and throw in the pork chops and now we just kind of wait the old the old fashion

Way the way we haven’t had to do this for since I don’t know like 60 70 streams ago almost this is a pretty cool mountain range though like look at that and then that and then and then this right here pretty cool just want to eat food get my get my

My my uh get my hungy up not my funny up while this is cooking I could probably look around for a bit of sugar cane although I’m not sure if there is any nearby I don’t see any PayPal just put my phone right here actually that’s better

Just going to wait for all that to smell Um so that we have a little bit of food for the time being and then um yeah we should be fine we’re just waiting a little bit so that that stuff I’m going to check up on my cookie clicker for now guys tell me if there’s a creeper coming for me or

Something n no okay those two sounds were like too close together they made me like really scared for a second I’m trying to get a new seed in cookie clicker trying to get um oh damn wait what Oh I thought that was like a a skeleton head I was like

How the hell did that happen takes a Charged Creeper to get like mob heads I think I’ll try to orchestrate uh a Charged Creeper explosion to to get every single mob head in the game at the same time okay let’s pick all this up uh the only way that I can is by

Dropping all this garbage that I picked up oh we should be good um take a look see over here there’s got to be something here that that is like sugar cane that is sugar that literally is sugar can maybe perhaps maybe somewhere around here there’s probably like a piece oh

Right there actually damn and there’s more over there I think all right just quickly come here collect this and then leave Dam you have a cookie clicker instance going on in the background double the dopam mean literally yeah when I get bored of this I go to that

I’ve had it open since I got it like a couple days ago so I’m just like I don’t know I’ve always wanted to like have like a game that like runs background just something to like numb my brain or to play when my my brain is already numb

And it’s honestly so much fun cuz I like the layers to it I like the I like the many layers of the game play Hey you’re not nice for that spider stop that stop it stop go away now we just got to look for like a cave

Entrance and that’s it I don’t think there’s one like here but I don’t know I’m like really far from home I’m honestly moving towards the direction of home so it’s kind of weird ow how that zombie managed to smack me from that far away maybe he was closer than I thought lots of

Cows I do still need to um what’s it called I do still need to uh make the extra Rockets so I’m going to go and do that just boink boink spoink where do I what do I need a spoink in there real quick oh hello that’s actually a lot of sugarcane that’s good

Cuz now I don’t need to worry about Rockets like pretty much ever again I do still have three pieces of paper to collect or to use up but if I find more creepers I I I could uh I could start collecting more sugar can if I find more

Creepers I’m going to go back this way sort of back I don’t know if that’s completely like back back but uh it’s nearing x0 like right that way typically go for audiobook plus some mundane task in Minecraft yeah I guess I do that on stream minus the audio book

Like I all I do on on stream is just do mundane tasks that are that take way too long to actually complete and then try to see if I can actually get it to the end get through that you know that final stretch you know what I

Mean I’m just looking for an ancient city because I really want that armor trim and I can’t find a single one it only has like a 2% chance or something of spawning in a chest too so I could go for like an entire ancient city and not get it at

All man I killed them so fast I didn’t even recognize the fact that they were being killed they didn’t even realize that that’s crazy all right I think I’ve actually been here before Oh Cherry byome oh my gosh you don’t find these very often do you mainly because I’ve already loaded

In all the chunks all of the Cherry biomes that I spawn in are like micro biomes like they literally are so small let’s go this way this is a huge mountain by the way like this this is kind well it’s a meadow but yeah it’s a meadow but could potentially have a

Biome under it I’m just looking for really good cave entrances and I can’t find any my computer is chugging right now my computer’s like working out I might have already passed like five ancient cities by the way like I’m just saying hey guys hello bears

Okay this has got to be it this has got to be the mountain okay look for a good cave entrance around here somewhere and then just enter it and then I think we should be good whoa what the hell is this I just want to see the the side of this

Mountain right now it just got cut off like the side of this mountain just got cut like a slab that’s crazy hey welcome back Pro tank I’m going to be ending the stream soon anyways so not going to be able to make it back home in time to end the stream

Anyways because I need to go I’m probably going to stream again tonight maybe um really all depends on how I’m feeling in a couple hours I do want to eat though that’s why I’m going to take a bit of a break from streaming for today and then uh maybe come back

Later but if I don’t come back later it’s probably because I just decided to do something else my time is that deep dark yes it is yes it is I I knew it I knew it now all we need to do is figure out whether this is an ancient

City or if this just is just a yeah it looks like it’s just a freaking random like it’s been all day all day I’ve been looking for freaking deep dark biomes that have a freaking ancient city connected to them and I just keep getting disappointed yeah I just keep getting

Disappointed absolutely no ancient cities anywhere here this is -40 so an cities usually spawn around this y value if I’m not mistaken I’m just going to slowly walk past this maybe deeper down there’s something but I don’t no no it’s a dead end I believe yeah this is definitely a dead end

Is there no way to reliably find one of those ancient cities uh do you just go from place to place looking for one with that 2% chance armor shrimp pretty much yeah at least as far as I know I could like search it up right now but I have a

Feeling that it’s not going to be very helpful sorry I hear footsteps I’m just trying to get my Rockets into my hot bar going to get out of here pretty sure I I heard that ancient cities have a very high chance of spawning under mountains and this is a

Whole mountain right here like this is a Grove this right here should also be a Grove so it’s not a mountain and I guess it wouldn’t spawn here um this right here is pretty cool I like this formation here I really like the new generation a lot of people are

Like oh my God I want it to be like old Minecraft shut up it’s better this way I think this is the new generation is absolutely incredibly improved over the other the older one I’m basically just like Dilly dallying looking for mountains oh damn I’m going the wrong way I was going the

Wrong way this entire time huh nice let’s see what’s up here Flint obsidian I’ll start collecting so I can like maybe fast travel back in another stream cuz if I find an ancient city I want to liberate it later so to do that I’d need to

Theoretically um have an easy way to get there and back in the case I do want to actually liberate it or whatever liberated in the sense that like I would literally hand hand destroy destroy all the skull by hand until it’s all gone and that’ll be my job

Another mundan task to add to the list that is so freaking funny all right so I have 10 10 is all I need let’s keep uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what time are we at about we have I have about like 10 minutes left to this

Stream so I’m going to try to find one more mountain try to go into one more deep dark biome and we’re just going to start it then if that’s the case if I do find one we’re just going to start the the trim finding at that point

That’ll be a very exciting little thing I probably won’t be able to keep myself from it for too long I’d have to like start it right away meaning like I’d go to eat and then I’d just come back to stream some more because that sounds like a really

Really cool idea although I do want to take another screenshot of this because it’s a really cool Mountain hold on what’s this it’s uh this and this I just take screenshots of any like cool things I find that’s a mountain right there that’s probably very worthy this is a snowy

Slope biome is there um nope there’s no Golem in here okay okay no no no no no no no this’s actually a little too much too too many arrows flying right now yeah there a lot of pillagers there’s one behind me isn’t there oh Sho there’s another one with the

Banner there’s so many of them what the what the flip guys keep spawning don’t they um take out the one piece of string that I have cool uh now I can pick up the omous banners and use them now let’s get to the top of this

And perhaps even PR find a chest with it’s a goat horn there’s one right behind me that’s in there more food although N N I already have the the cooked pork chop it gives me a really good saturation I’m just going to keep using that then okay entrance perhaps it’s fairly

Small and tight one I don’t think I want to go there I kind of want to find another entrance maybe if there even is one yes there is and it’s a very big and beautiful one is it big no I just accidentally started a raid whoops good luck to those

Guys anyways I’m going to sleep because it’s like 1:00 a.m. good luck with the mundane TX I guess LOL thanks I’ll see you I’ll hopefully see you again it was nice having you on yeah those guys can just like fight that raid as much as they want I’m just going

To go and do my own thing I’m just going to travel through the caves it’s a random like a like a random musical number just chiming in whoa yeah this is a very large mountain I thought this mountain would be a lot smaller than it actually is it’s very

Fairly large one but it’s also snowy slopes so there might actually not be deep dark at the end of this now this is sexy is that a is that a is that a is that a is that a is that a is that a no yes please please please tell me

There’s a second layer right under this that is actually just a a huge ancient city no no we were so close we were so close cuz usually when there’s like an Abrupt like hole in a couple of the like a Cheesy type hole there’s usually an ancient city at

The the bottom of it and oh damn it this just more pain now to get out of here it’s like a a whole other wow that was sick uh oh let’s just I love how like using fireworks doesn’t actually set off the or does it

I think it it does I’m just like too fast I don’t hear it is that another pill Dr Outpost yeah it’s a completely different one all right there’s got to be an ancient city somewhere around here maybe if I go down this hole here there’s a m shaft down

There maybe it’s just an entrance to the same cave to be honest amethyst very very pretty uhoh I think I’m actually going back down to the same cave from before there’s a shrier over there nope nothing here oh we aren yeah no we’re we’re literally at at at uh

We’re at ancient city level so if I if I can’t find it here then it’s there’s probably not one here probably isn’t one here I think would have been better way to say that I have the thing in my head where my brain start saying oh you said it wrong you

Said it wrong and I’m just like a come on come on pal I’m under a lot of pressure right now whoa we’re heading back into the big one we’re going back to the big leagues yeah see this looks like such a nice like ancient city formation like like as if it’s just like

About to get ready to give you that ancient city right under this layer here and then it don’t and then you upet more diamonds Le I got something out of this entire trip I got a bunch of diamonds you know i’ I’ve been going around I’ve been looking for one biome

And and one building within that biome sorry I guess that would have been the best way to put it in return I get a bunch of diamonds and not that biome not the coolest thing ever but you know what Beggars cannot be choosers that’s the same cave from before um

Jagged Peaks snowy slopes okay this kind of just sounds like fortnite map locations oh there’s an igloo right next to this Pillager Outpost this is like a good opportunity to do the to get the achievement actually oh my gosh I’m running into this poor villager’s home and ransacking it

And doing very very bad P things to it wait is there no secret entrance here I guess there isn’t yeah those guys just like hold Corners like like like like Rainbow Six players all right Golem you got this I let you out of captivity C captivity oh it this is the same one

From oh my gosh the goat just boing goed it just boing goed so hard it Bo going up into the sky that’s a village over there it’s pretty cool looking Village is this the village that I accidentally started a raid with uh yeah yeah it is it is the it is

The raid Village whoops and I’m just like leaving again so funny snowy tiger doesn’t count as a mountain I believe wait if I go up here does this count as a mountain I just have to find something that counts as a mountain it’s all snowy tiger let’s try checking out this this

Last cave here and if I can’t find something here then I guess I’ll just you know I’ll just like fall down and uh die in Minecraft in Minecraft The beat drop I freaking love the plants for zombie soundtrack also I found a roof Forest which is pretty awesome everything is awesome everything is awesome when you find a roofed Forest Everything is Awesome oh my gosh what the heck is this what is that wait what is oh was

Just a black sheep I thought it was a panda just chilling here I was like what are you doing so far out what are you doing here kitty I haven’t I seen you here before oh you’re so Portuguese another deep dark biome but I don’t think this one has anything of value to

Me sorry almost just like committed game end right there okay why am I like making these noises stop making these noises now stop it they’re scaring the viewers uhoh we go up again up again again what direction am I going in we’re going up Backwards I was so scared of holding that note and I succumbed to the my own pressure of hitting that note that I tried to hit it and it backfired horribly and it made that weird screeching noise I just did me explaining why it is that I sang horribly wow that’s what my streams have

Now become this just quzy okay um there was just diamonds here and I got like really distracted by them so now I’m just collecting them I don’t think I can collect any more diamonds yeah I’m out a full stack I just got to like I got to throw out something mundane and useless

To me something that that has no value anymore to me you know like this piece of sugar cane or maybe even the wool that was right next to the sugarcane considering I really don’t need wool for any given reason right now give me a reason I need wool right now right

Now how deep is this- 36 I feel like right around 54 is where like usually ancient cities are if I run into like a skull Shaker I’m just gonna I’m just going to be upset like that’s all I’m going to be that’s all I’m going to do I’m just going to be

Upset two of you guys holy that’s deadly especially when there’s a skeleton shooting directly okay let’s take a look see at the inventory here I do want to pick up this the gunpowder because I’m probably going to need a lot of um fireworks on the way

Back home I also kind of want to end the stream very soon so uh I will do that in a second I just need to find my way out of this cave CU chances are it’s not really like a useful one if you know what I mean let’s

Go down here and just check it out and yep there’s nothing here and the SPID is just going to die get absolutely destroyed pal you got destroyed by FaZe desme that’s right stay out of my way oh wow I just accidentally found another cave through like a one block

Gap that happens that’s that happens a lot okay I thought that creeper was actually going to blow up in my face and destroy my career yes zombie go after that freaking stupid skeleton this is literally just like Demon King’s Army right now like that’s such a like a

Random reference to make but people who played tears at the Kingdom would understand this Demon King’s Army it’s just like fighting a bunch of freaking enemies at the same time you’re welcome for the explanation by the way all right let’s make it out of here I think this

Is like my my ticket out of here my ticket out of here Yippe we’re going to perch ourselves right over here right at the edge of this Stony Shore I’m probably going to come back later today and try to finish the job you know what I mean anyways that’s a great place to end it for now I’m just going to stop the recording and

Uh I’m going to start start the stream again in a couple hours perhaps I’ll do a little bit of a late night stream I’m thinking of streaming another time today I just have nothing to do except for play resid evil and I really don’t want

To play that right now I just want to play Minecraft all right thanks so much everybody for uh watching I will see you in the next one which is probably just

This video, titled ‘Greatest Minecraft Gameplay… (truly phenomenal)’, was uploaded by Desmae on 2023-12-19 00:28:44. It has garnered 20 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:35 or 7475 seconds.

thanks for staying, much appreciated. subscribe 🙂 also check this video out as a VOD on my second channel soon. @desmaedump7427

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  • Minecraft: Hotspot Blaze #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Hotspot Blaze #minecraft #meme When your blaze has better Wi-Fi than you do, you know it’s time to upgrade your internet plan. #minecraftproblems #blazinfastwifi Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Base Building Adventures! Are you a fan of building massive structures in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the creative process of gathering resources and bringing your vision to life block by block? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant gaming community and endless possibilities for creative builds, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and connect with like-minded players. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and start your own mega base building journey. Who knows, you… Read More


    EPIC 50% OFF MINECRAFT 15TH BIRTHDAY SALE! Minecraft Celebrates 15 Years with a Massive Sale! Today is a special day for all Minecraft fans as the game celebrates its 15th anniversary on May 17th. And what better way to mark this occasion than with a whopping 50% discount on the game itself! If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to grab a copy and dive into the blocky world of Minecraft. New Snapshot Update: 24w20a Alongside the anniversary celebrations, Minecraft has also released a new snapshot update, 24w20a, packed with exciting features and improvements. One notable change is the enhancement to witches, making them… Read More

  • EPIC Adventures in Creothina – ATM9 Stream 8!

    EPIC Adventures in Creothina - ATM9 Stream 8!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 8 (More Adventures!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-05 11:46:16. It has garnered 921 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 05:37:38 or 20258 seconds. Hey everyone! So we’re live a few hours earlier due to my sleep getting messed up BUT I’m excited to continue on our stream world adventure. We have so many things to get up to and I’m sure it’ll be a mix of chaos and fun….see you there! Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Devious Duplesi: Secrets Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Devious Duplesi: Secrets Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mistry Of Steve In Minecraft #2’, was uploaded by Duplesi FF on 2024-02-08 03:55:00. It has garnered 38 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft myths,minecraft video,minecraft hindi,minecraft mysteries,scary minecraft,minecraft seeds,scary minecraft myths,minecraft horror,minecraft scary,minecraft herobrine,minecraft mystery,scary minecraft stories,scary minecraft seeds,minecraft scary myths,scary minecraft facts,minecraft secrets,scariest minecraft facts,scary minecraft mysteries,minecraft phone,minecraft horror facts,solving minecraft mysteriesminecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft video,minecraft scary,minecraft myths,minecraft hindi,minecraft herobrine,minecraft seeds,scary minecraft facts,scariest minecraft facts,minecraft horror facts,minecraft horror,minecraft secrets,minecraft 1.20,minecraft mysteries,minecraft scary myths,minecraft scary build hacks,minecraft hacks,testing minecraft build hacks,minecraft new update,scary minecraft myths,minecraft creepypasta,minecraft 1.21… Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE: Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Block!

    EXCLUSIVE: Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Block!Video Information This video, titled ‘JAKIEGO BLOKU W MINECRAFT JEST NAJWIĘCEJ?’, was uploaded by Jam jest Jakub on 2024-04-21 11:37:06. It has garnered 194085 views and 10984 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. WHAT BLOCK IS THE MOST IN MINECRAFT? The best Minecraft server: N1MC.pl ✅ discord: https://discord.gg/n1mc ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE CHAIR BUILDING TIPS 😱🪑 | N.K Nikhil GamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to build better Chairs |😱🪑 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by N.K NIKHIL GAMER on 2023-12-24 04:30:05. It has garnered 5000 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft: How to build better Chairs |😱🪑 Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets of the Ancient Minecraft Server! #MinecraftMadness

    Uncovering Secrets of the Ancient Minecraft Server! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Invading Minecraft’s Oldest Civilization Server! #minecraft#stoneworks’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-16 22:02:15. It has garnered 3314 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:36 or 276 seconds. IP: play.stoneworks.gg #citybuilding #minecraft #minecraftcivilization Our discord: https://discord.gg/HnJ7cGKKPY Read More


    🔥JOIN ME LIVE: STARTING MINECRAFT CULT!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | STARTING THE GREATEST MINECRAFT CULT’, was uploaded by Bloomscorch on 2024-03-16 20:29:27. It has garnered 97 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:16 or 18616 seconds. Happiness, camaraderie and togetherness. Definitely NO brainwashing! The fun cult activities are taking place on ➤ play.hylexmc.net Want to be a part of a great community? Go join our Discord server! 100% not a cult! – https://discord.gg/kXYTKDZ5gP ─────────────────────────────────────── #minecraft #communityevent #multiplayer #minecraftserver #building #survival Read More

  • Insane Minecraft ranting session w/ Hollow200!

    Insane Minecraft ranting session w/ Hollow200!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft yapping session!’, was uploaded by Hollow200 on 2024-03-10 16:05:51. It has garnered 2529 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:08 or 11288 seconds. Drop a sub if you minecraft cows! Read More

  • SapLow’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Base After 10 Years!

    SapLow's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Base After 10 Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘This youtuber hasn’t seen his minecraft base in 10 years ft zman1064 & Nixxiom’, was uploaded by SapLow on 2024-05-02 19:44:59. It has garnered 638 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:03 or 3243 seconds. we tour @NixxiomOnYouTube old base from 10 years ago! Current version: release 1.8.9 Current IP: mc-l.net My old server archive discord -(https://discord.gg/rEK3ZzCGm3)- A collaboration video with @zman1064 and @NixxiomOnYouTube check out their newest videos: Man Reunites with his Minecraft Base after 10+ years – https://youtu.be/QJTsBpBK5jU?si=GUBrOwZjvFknqC9C How I Would Fix World of Warcraft (A Response to Asmongold)… Read More

  • Ultimate Shrek Gym Battle – Rich vs Poor in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Shrek Gym Battle - Rich vs Poor in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Maizen’s RICH GYM vs Mikey’s POOR GYM Battle in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV)’, was uploaded by Shrek Craft on 2024-01-25 11:00:40. It has garnered 12230 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:21 or 1341 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Maizen’s RICH GYM vs Mikey’s POOR GYM Battle in Minecraft! – Parody Story(JJ TV) 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by… Read More

  • Just Bucket! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments, SkyBlock

    Welcome to Just Bucket Minecraft Server! Join our active and friendly community today! We offer SMP, Skyblock, Economy, Jobs, Fishing Tournaments, Ranks, Discord, and experienced staff. Play on Java Edition at JustBucket.Minecraft.Best or on Bedrock Edition at JustBucket.Minecraft.Best Port 25566. Our semi-vanilla server is designed to enhance your gameplay without intruding on the vanilla experience. Enjoy quality of life plugins like Vein-Miner, MCMMO, Custom Crafting, Dynmap, GriefPrevention, Timber, and more. We also have a thriving community on Discord – join us at discord.gg/uMkz8wdqSP Read More

  • SteamPunk [LPS] v22HF – Survival – PvE

    SteamPunk [LPS] v22HF - Survival - PvEGet the base modpack here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punkAdded HT’s Tree Chop 1.19.2-Forge 0.18.6 which can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/treechopThe specific version you are looking for is NOT the most up to date version! You need version FORGE – 0.18.6!^^^^^ IF YOU DO NOT ADD THIS MOD, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONNECT^^^^^This is a memory-heavy modpack, the game recommends more than 4GB of RAM. Please allocate as much as your system can handle to a max of 12GB.30 Person Server.PvP damage disabled.3 Month Wipe Cycle.This is designed to be a low-risk, easy to play game for people to have fun and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Did I speedrun to the End and get netherite gear in hardcore mode? Spicy!

    I guess you could say you really “mined” your own business in that hardcore speedrun! Read More

  • Dragon Egg Delight: Minecraft’s S5João Flight

    Dragon Egg Delight: Minecraft's S5João Flight In the world of Minecraft, where dragons roam free, I hatched an egg, a sight to see. With skills and wit, I faced the challenge, And now my dragon soars, a true balance. Exploring caves, oceans, and lands afar, In search of treasures, under the star. Facing zombies, skeletons, and creepers with might, Protecting my base, day and night. With friends or solo, the game is a delight, Building castles, homes, a true sight. So dive into Minecraft, let your creativity flow, Subscribe, like, and share, let the world know. In this sandbox world, the possibilities are vast, Adventure… Read More

  • “Short Warden vs. God-Level Warden” 🔥😂 #minecraftmeme

    "Short Warden vs. God-Level Warden" 🔥😂 #minecraftmeme POV: When you challenge a level 6972 warden in Minecraft as a short rank 1 warden, it’s like bringing a toothpick to a sword fight. Good luck, buddy! #DavidvsGoliath #MinecraftProblems Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the exciting and vibrant community of Minewind Minecraft Server. While watching the entertaining video “JOGOS no MUNDO do MINECRAFT” by GabHOFF1, you may have noticed the creativity and fun that can be had within the Minecraft universe. From re-creating popular games like Roblox, PK XD, Free Fire, and Call of Duty, to exploring new adventures and challenges, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players of all ages. If you’re looking for a dynamic and engaging Minecraft server… Read More

  • Building a Village Capital in Minecraft

    Building a Village Capital in Minecraft The Rise of a Village Capital in Minecraft Hardcore Transforming a Village into a Capital In the vast world of Minecraft Hardcore, one player embarked on a journey to turn a humble village into a thriving capital. With a goal to make their gameplay as overpowered as possible, they set out to conquer challenges and build an empire like no other. Building a Strong Foundation The player meticulously planned and constructed various structures within the village, from houses to farms, to create a bustling community. They strategically placed defenses to protect their citizens from hostile mobs and ensure the… Read More

  • Ultimate Turtle Paradise Build in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Turtle Paradise Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘worlds cutest turtle enclosure build in minecraft’, was uploaded by MeganCrossing81 on 2024-03-08 00:24:21. It has garnered 2281 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:40 or 14500 seconds. epic cozy gamer plays cozy game minecraftit is very fun and playing with viewers and also speedrun it is EPIC Read More

  • Surviving in a Creature-Filled World! | Modded Minecraft

    Surviving in a Creature-Filled World! | Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I try surviving in a creature filled world! – Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by HTNT Gaming on 2024-04-07 06:31:08. It has garnered 380 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:48 or 1428 seconds. Getting scared out of my mind minecraft modded! * Warning may scare some young viewers * Are you ready to watch me be hunted by mysterious creatures Subscribe if you want to see more Minecraft Games from me, HTNT. My minecraft mods that i use in the video: All of these mods need the version to be 1.19.2… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! #viralblocks

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! #viralblocksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Играя в Minecraft, страсть к блокам – любовь. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:45:01. It has garnered 7654 views and 778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • EPIC! Building Breath of the Wild in Minecraft – Part 3

    EPIC! Building Breath of the Wild in Minecraft - Part 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Breath of the Wild in Minecraft – Part 3: Great Plateau’, was uploaded by ZainnCraft on 2024-04-08 16:00:06. It has garnered 1161 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. Second region down, 13 more to go! In today’s video, we will be tackling the Great Plateau, the first region Link explores in Breath of the Wild! We will start with the walls before sweeping across the entire isolated plateau and building every detail! Check out Part 2 where we built Central Hyrule if you haven’t seen it… Read More

  • Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 | Unlock 10GB RAM + 20GB Disk

    Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 | Unlock 10GB RAM + 20GB DiskVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a FREE Minecraft Server in 2024 with Axent Host! 10 GB RAM + 20 GB Disk’, was uploaded by CraftedCroix on 2024-04-20 14:00:05. It has garnered 2680 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:58 or 718 seconds. WHAT IS UP CRAFTERS?! Today I showed you how to create a free minecraft server on Axent Host. I also discussed some of the newest features and my overall thoughts on the host. There were quite a few people driving by that were wondering what the heck I was doing at… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Real-Life Gaming PC in Minecraft

    INSANE! Building Real-Life Gaming PC in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Real Life Gaming PC in Minecraft pocket edition #video #minecraft #viralvideo’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 00:00:14. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:32 or 212 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft fish cartoon smoke biscuit minecraft skibdi toilet shorts cash and nico roblox 2 + 2 bad boy songs minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek how to make a bird perch in minecraft how to make a parrot perch in micraft how to make… Read More

  • “Unbelievable: Player gets stuck in face in Minecraft! 😂” #shorts

    "Unbelievable: Player gets stuck in face in Minecraft! 😂" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘kodok kok nemplok di muka 🤣 #shorts #shortvideos #minecraft’, was uploaded by juniko on 2024-02-18 12:07:39. It has garnered 86624 views and 898 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Rain Stream Live!

    Mind-Blowing Rain Stream Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘ta lloviendo / Spreen Stream 08/03/24’, was uploaded by Spreen Streams on 2024-03-20 07:01:29. It has garnered 3148 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:41 or 12221 seconds. #minecraft #spreen #twitch #2024 Read More

  • Insane Laughs & WTF Moments: Funniest Game Ever! #shorts

    Insane Laughs & WTF Moments: Funniest Game Ever! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funniest Game Ever Comedy Funny & Wtf Moments #shorts #sehwaggaming’, was uploaded by OmniContent on 2024-01-13 05:15:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Funniest Game Ever Comedy Funny & Wtf Moments #shorts #sehwaggaming I Hired a Tutor for Daisy in Minecraft! #shorts #viral … Read More

  • Terrible Friends

    Terrible FriendsTerrible Friends is a Minecraft server that was created to try to be what most servers do not or cannot offer: an extremely close to vanilla experience, and a close community where the admins aren’t headless non-existent creatures from the black lagoon. No items are blacklisted, no plugin added currency, shops or auction house (which always trashes server economies), bedrock breaking isn’t disabled, redstone and mob spawning isn’t completely broken for performance “enhancements”. Overall, there is very little modification to core vanilla gameplay except patching some item duplication patches and anti-grief protections. You will need to apply for the whitelist… Read More