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These are the tallest round pits in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the tallest round pits in Minecraft we’ve got a lot of interesting characters here look who

We’ve got that’s red here so really blue rainbow friend Sunshine a very scary animatronic this is our Paradise toilet the blue one rainbow friend actually this one is losing some color I think something is wrong with him and then there’s the rattlesnake well let’s get started and I suggest we go to this

Scary blue Pagan alley we go down to it oh prison minion big time how are you doing oh Toom back hey look can you walk me through this scary maze I’ll even pay you money what if you’re evil you’re wearing a prison jumpsuit maybe she escaped from prison huh evil maybe no

You’re the monsters who put me here and I barely Escape them and now I have to go through this maze oh I don’t know okay fine can money here you go here you go here you go oh wait I don’t need that much I don’t have enough in my inventory

Look what if it’s stolen money I can’t take it what crows it’s my money I’ve been saving it for a long long time from my job okay fine let me believe you there are speakers everywhere you have to be careful enough to blow up the blue

Lights all right let’s go let’s try to pass the test I’ll help you get out of here well there’s some king and the toilet look come on Puck yourself but be careful please come on let’s go let’s try to destroy defeat all these monsters now I’ll help you escape don’t worry oh

A burger but a giant burger is scary are you coming we’re about to get eaten run I ran away all right we’ve got to run faster come here right here while this block flies away in spirit passed right in front of me oh it’s the Chamberlain the terrible terrible Chamberlain hit him careful

Only she’s great we can handle them here now where’s the minion you ran back to where are you haha I got him I’m not giving it to anyone oh no guys this rainbow colored red one stole it and he took all his money wait wait wait why

Did you catch him let him go please he’s kind he should be in jail you got it he told me he’s actually kind he needs to let go fast okay I’m going to shoot how I’m shaking him well what are you doing to him okay guys we got to shoot him

Come here monster I’ll get you where’d you run off to here’s your tea ouch I can’t beat you sorry that’s it I’m going to put him in jail now what prison no wait okay all right tell you what I don’t really need the money you don’t get fair and square okay let’s trade

I’ll give you all the money he gave me I have a lot of it one two oh come on and you’re going to let him go oh it’s a deal come on come on oh man in case you trick me you monster come on I say okay

All right 1 2 3 4 5 6 money that’s a lot so go ahead and let him go all right that’s it I’ll let him go now wait guys I hope you won’t cheat because he gave me all the money let me go and he ran

Away yes we should put him in jail got to run out of alcohol right away let’s go okay okay while I’ll take a couple packs of everything let’s keep running I ended up in some kind of forest with monsters look oh there’s a sun sun animatronic guard my endk and don’t let

Anyone touch her I see you all chatter boxes oh guys look there’s an animatron Sun walking around commanding all these scary monsters look there’s a hodi waji POA that doesn’t Hoover everything up just so no one gets in let’s try to get through now I found a ladder he said

Some kind of Ender tiado the main thing is not to get caught or really eat me all the same monster scary there are a lot of them here let’s get in here where do they have Kirk’s Ender here interesting what are you doing here oh wait yeah yeah I’m not doing anything

Here I can do here come on get off yeah now I’m just visiting yeah yeah yeah visit everybody sit down oh you didn’t even touch me go stop okay guys we got to find that inner Kirk or I’m not going to make it ouch how am I going to get

Away now you can escape no what do I do guys look I can’t do any damage with my hand at all with this pickaxe that’s right it greates I’m stuck hey sunshine that’s not fair why is that yes of course lock me up for what I didn’t even

Do anything are you sniffing around here I don’t like it you said you hid something in there I couldn’t even find you if you had you could have put me away well I uh Fair let me go should I let go come on well I’ll find it then

You can put it away I didn’t find anything come on fire everyone where are you going a stop run away guys run away where too we must find this into a Kirk monsters I hope he loses me look for him what are you standing there for it’s useless okay great he’s lost I’m

Hijacking all of you he’s lost me guys we need to find that pickaxe it’s probably hidden in a tree somewhere around here somewhere uh-huh okay all right oh look theing all these monsters get out of here he dismisses all the monsters that they failed and couldn’t

Contain okay I climbed to the top of the tree but so far no pickaxe of any kind oh how can I escape him wait a minute I’m so Diane Kirk guys I’ve been through all the Tre Tre they tried to trick me they told me not to look in the trees

And actually hid the pickaxe downstairs okay let’s try to get out of here now the main thing is sunshine and Mooney is not the police to this animatronic look where are you I hope he doesn’t find me great no you are I can’t get out of it

Get off all right guys let’s run you’re not getting out yeah well you certainly have a good point okay that’s it I’m going to sit here you just sit there bye good thing he doesn’t know guys get out of here it’s a good thing he doesn’t

Know I found the pickaxe so we can did around in a circle somewhere around here here and not hit that great no I still hit it oh come on this thing is pretty powerful okay all right let’s give it a shot oh look it does break all right

Chuckles well we did get out of here without burning the Sun to the Moon okay he’s running faster out there let’s get out of here break this block oh it’s taking a long time to did through I hope it doesn’t burn who’s hitting yeah the stage is hitting me guys hurry run break

Come on we got to get out of here fast break the portal block yeah I’m looking bye while the sun’s out ouch look at the Chum’s toilet that’s great are you good or evil I think he’s angry of course I’m angry you mean it’s Heavenly lava or

Something dammy damy damy wa run away he’s pouring lava all over everything guys look let’s run away oh I got to get out of here somehow you can’t catch me you got it I’ll catch up with you come here ah hurry up and run away okay it

Looks like I’ve got some more testing to do here we take the record we put it on what’s in here oh there’s some music playing that’s it he floods me with lava and there’s no time for music run away faster okay look he flooded the place hurry up and get upstairs he’s catching

Up with me guys hey goodbye you hear me toilet of paradise okay we have to break all the cacti fast wow I can control a cactus look maybe we can prick him with a cactus hey come here put that away sarica has a cactus in my hand but

You’re being stabbed with a cactus I’m about to throw a cactus oh that there you go oh he’s starting to spill even faster should we run away no how from here is this last one where he flooded everything with lava Heavenly lava oh no where’s my pickaxe got to get

My pickaxe quick and take all these diamonds with me all right let’s get him out of here before he floods the place he’s already all barked up no I’m going to drown let’s go ah I’m not going to let you walk out of here so here we have

Iron I don’t need it and everything is flooded with a paw my bye-bye bathroom run into the portal Goodbye Oh look Angela Yum Yum Yum Yum Y is that a diamond rbow diamond hello what’s Angela doing in jail let her go don’t touch her her eyes are smeared I saved it for the

Good stuff get out of here oh I have blue eyes too oh maybe he’ll eat me now I’ll go to jail too no wait are you really eating diamonds yeah it makes me even stronger look look he’s eating diamonds that’s so gross he’s grown up before my eyes Angela I demand you don’t

Worry yum guys he’s eating the diamond getting bigger and bigger all right oh it’s gigantic okay gold I read somewhere in a book that gold can only make things worse that is it will diminish or lose strength altogether let’s give it a try hey monster you’re not getting in the

Room now you’ve gotten so gigantic it’s crazy hey do you want some yum yum how strong you are don’t eat me wait I figured out a way for you to become the strongest man on the planet do you want some diamonds are delicious of course

But gold is 10 times tastier I’m the one who made it even bigger I eat gold myself and look how strong and sturdy I am you’re strong and tough you’re a finger boy well yeah compared to myself I’m very very very very small right now but I’ve known long story short people

Who were gold fed they’re generally cool so go ahead and try gold you’ll love it are you sure about yeah I’m sure it’s 100% diamond come on try gold well look I hope this helps guys he’ll shrink because he’s too huge to fight oh that’s too bad it’s too big what the hell

Happened to me is he missing what are you doing where’s your diamond color what’s wrong with you what have you done you hear that you know the gold is poisoned and no amount of diamonds can help you now try it Diamond eat no more diamonds can help you you’ve lost your

Color forever what have you done I’ll come back and destroy you I’m not afraid of you at all you’re the weakest man in the world we have to save Angela’s life quickly yeah Angel’s mine got it wait wait wait let’s make a deal Anjo put it

On no you will no please put it down all right you’re useless no put it up please here it is bye I’m more like Angela guys he ran off with Angela why did you trust him let’s go let’s go wow there’s something wrong with the reveler look

He’s created some scary monsters look at him these are my reptiles what reptiles I had them fixed to me wow he’s scary guys he’s riding some kind of dinosaur and saws he got ladybug and super cat hey breznik I’m going to beat you got it

No you can’t beat it bats look at them what bats and what scary ones with red eyes huh I’m afraid of bats these dinosaurs even more they bite me what have you done why such scary monsters well because I like Monsters now I will destroy your monsters and you will be

Useless oh what a helicopter car now I’m going to destroy all your monsters and I’m still winning a key ah one of his Monsters has already been destroyed I can’t beat you yet but I’m riding it I sell but it was fun guys look I just

Figured out a way to beat the bee eater we have to save ladybug all right braer okay okay I give you win all right don’t hurt anyone else get out of here all right all right I’ll go yes okay let me go to jail with Lady buug no no no no no

Go go go go into the portal or a super cat well I give up I’m your prisoner oh okay well you stand a little farther back here he’s that way okay yeah that way you’re going to shut me down that’s not fair yeah you’re in jail come on in

I said okay well he’s got me covered with blocks but I’ve got a pickaxe guys I can Peak super cat help me how can I help you but I need to get out of here right away and turn into a monster like that to defeat the revolver I have to

Become a monster myself oh you got it okay happy and the tape will try to conure up some super chants all right ready yeah come on come on one 2 3 let’s go so what superc cat do you think ly superc cat turned out to be yeah ah oh

How’d you get out now I have one of those brnik lizards too huh what do you mean now I’m on a lizard like that too oh I’ve fallen through the cracks you’ve made more traps in here where did I go oh you don’t be ridiculous I’m getting

Out of here sitting there warhog oh you you locked me in some kind of underwat water oh the trunk a springboard is nice but how do I get out of here Nick don’t be ridiculous I’ll get out of here and then you’ll be screwed you’re too weak

Okay I found some kind of underground passageway this is where we can try to put a springboard and climb on it all right let’s bounce all right before the revolver sees me let’s get out ha that’s great I will destroy you with a direct Collision of his lizard ready take that

Come on NY bam we beat him folks the braer Was Defeated it’s up to the guys to turn back awesome let’s try to save ladybug and Supercat together now all right let’s go upstairs oh ladybug hi come with me let’s get her down here well we got to get Supercat out of here

Too okay guys we’re doing great Supercat ladybug thank you so much for helping me out I was a monster but it was really cool okay and we should move on by the way I don’t have a lever ladybug and Supercat where to get the lever and I have a pickaxe that’s super powerful

We’ll just break it like this oh guys we for went down somewhere oh look what’s smoking it’s Sonic and Angela what’s going on hey Sonic hi oh hey zombie hi what are you doing here we’re on a romantic getaway that’s a weird romantic trip you’re on are you two dating first

Of all I want to get wild yeah that’s the motor we’re running look here comes the oops see how the motor works wow that’s quite a boat you got there let me see it wow guys look Sonic Angela’s got a cool boat can I swim with you well as

A third laziness we’re on a romantic getaway but I’m only one Circle I’ll have my own boat all right come on let’s have one monk shot and then you and your romance man it’s cool you guys Angela and I are dating all right I’m going to

Get on my boat no sack we’re not dating we’re just like out of the blue with a girlfriend a friend’s romantic trip with his girlfriend well we’re not dating yet but you don’t police me you’re the same Angela sitting next to me wow okay cool

Sure so I’m going to try how hard it is to steer this boat look you’re really good at this what a cool sweet boat you have nice boat I rented it for $5 I’m going to try a cool turn now I hit every wall I don’t get the boat steering at

All look it’s a pretty complicated thing to do oops that’ll turn the wheel in time let me try a firstperson view of what it looks like whoa wrap it up here just don’t hit anyone ouch I took them all no romantic getaways here hey pipe head put it back they’re having a

Romance what a pipe headed blue-headed siren headed actually yeah I’m confusing you with him look you better get it back quick or else and here you are with my fishing pole come on over here bring back Sonic and Angela I’m here to fish I came here for a romantic trip set up the

Boats he broke my boat too you that’s it I’m taking the machine gun and I’m shooting you now or else bring Sonic back no oh I don’t know catch some fish please and then maybe I’ll pay you back catch a fish I’ll catch you for 5 hours

So unfair catch catch oh but I’ll try but if it doesn’t work I’ll shoot you got it yeah yeah yeah okay catch me a fish give it to me oh the scary horrible monster tricked me into stealing Sonic and fishing oh the fish are already caught we found one hey where are you

Come here come on I got you some fish come on all right well okay I’ll get it back hold on come back quickly where are you going guys I hope he gives me Sonic and Angela back it’s a real hopes took me what kind of fishing rod he gave me

Angela Sonic where are you save mine oh they’re coming look they’ve been released all right oh you’re here all right hey zombie oops I’ve been grabbed by that blue teardrop along with Angelo along with the duck and swallowed it but he kind of let us out who I’m really

Glad I was able to save you I have to catch all the fish in this River all right here’s a fishing rod to fight him off good smell thanks all right bye come on good luck have a good swin and we got guys will move on oh look guys there’s

The sheriff don’t lags me go away what I say wildly this way well stand over here shooting you like a cannon you got it get up quickly over here why don’t you listen to a policeman get up quickly you’re not a real cop you’re a monster I

I don’t have to listen to you let me out of jail you what arrested all right come on kids hurry up and find my treasure everyone search for the treasure now if you don’t find it I’ll have you all arrested wait guys the sheriff’s got me in jail and he’s looking for some

Treasure look he’s got some real treasure hunters in there so uh Sheriff Let’s Make a Deal he’s already down in one of the caves hey Sheriff Let’s Make a Deal you let me go and I’ll look for your treasure come on okay I couldn’t find these with nothing at all hurry up

And find it or I’ll put you back in jail okay okay thank you very much do you have some kind of pickaxe super cool that I have to did with my hands you want a pickaxe too here you go thanks a lot guys fooled the sheriff I don’t know

If I’ll be able to get away because he closed the aisle but at least we can find the treasure dirt dirt dirt definitely not treasure the F wasn’t looking for dirt oh nubo will be needed thanks but no I wasn’t looking that’s it okay I’ll keep looking for some carrot

And potato warehouses around here no that’s probably not it either what are we looking for anyway Diamond probably some look for it look for it come on I said okay okay all right all right let’s go down and see the gold maybe it has under treasure Sheriff I found gold your

Treasure oh what is this flower guys he’s creating some kind of monster for me I’ve got a little bit of gold but that’s not it oh my God I’m going to put it back in okay all right all right all right I’ll find it okay we need to do

This now oh a chest of gold could be the treasure here so much oomph that’s probably what he meant by treasure okay wait let’s hide in here I just had a brilliant idea guys what if we cheat him do we take the treasure for ourselves I

Also found a cop costume here look let’s put on a cop costume let’s take a baton and pretend we’re real cops and cheating the sheriff all right let’s go upstairs shiff what are you doing here hello hi nuic I have found your land you have

Asked for it for a long time then look carefully use it for good or if you don’t use it for good I’ll have you arrested it’s fine all right come on that’s it good to go guys you shared dirt with nuck I don’t know look Sheriff

You’re under arrest I’m a real cop hello police officers hey guys I fell for it he didn’t remember me he thinks I’m a real cop yeah I’m a cop you’re under arrest for fraud you’re not a real cop uh where are you sitting no I’m sorry I

Got to go where are you going where’ you find my police car gu he stole my cop car and ran away okay just kidding I’m not a real cop he fell for it Sheriff we tricked him he ran away on free now and all those treasure Hunters you guys are

Free you don’t have to look for the treasure crate dies wait what’s the next way in let’s try to break this down and get through everything’s fine we can go farther let’s go so what’s going on here anyway look at those horrible scary monsters neighbor what is it zomac zomac

Help me please they put me around the radiator drowning it really hard I can’t get out of here help me what neighbor I’m not going to save you you’re bad and harmful I know how bad you are I’ve become kind I got a job as a photographer here’s my camera look you

Get a job as a photographer on a computer the battery is getting you hot listen yes I’m very hot please destroy these monsters and break the batteries guys they’re bullying the neighbor I don’t know sure bad too but he’s really changed all right let me help you now

Let’s destroy all these monsters what a giant spider you I’m afraid of spiders neighbor and you’re afraid of spiders no I’m not but they’ve locked me in I can’t get out now we’re going to deal with them on me spiders they’re too strong I’m out of machine gun how do you deal

With them they also put a camera on and make fun of me on purpose so that kids with viewers can watch it’s not real that’s what the monsters used to taught you but even the evil neighbor didn’t deserve this we have to save him guys maybe he’s actually being kind so one of

The bundles I managed to defeat how strong they are look I can’t even get in they’re very fast can you help me oh no I can’t help you I’m getting out of here I can’t break these batteries look I got a pickaxe let me break it like this take

Your pick oh that’s great come on help me deal with them look I’ve almost defeated my second spider he’s so strong and this giant one I don’t know how to beat at all I should probably just I know how to beat him we’re going to get

Him now whoops come on how did I catch your neighbor I well done ambach you’re doing great well done oh he’s back somewhere to stop them oh we beat them yay it’s a neighbor oh batteries the stream is missing them look you won’t be bullied anymore look I don’t know you

Say you’ve changed maybe you’re lying to me no I’m not kidding I’m in love with a girl she decided to change me she’s so beautiful she decided to change me and told me not to do any bad Deeds so that I would always be good and then I’ll

Have love on me and this way if I’m bad I’m not going to get anywhere with her look I don’t know if I should trust you you say you’re in love with someone uh uh okay all right fine where does it show that she wanted something she’s

Over there well on point and collect we can’t go through empty hand color of course girls should be given flowers come on let’s pick a couple of flowers like this white ones let’s pick these too look you’ll make a beautiful bouquet yeah come on give me all the flowers

Okay don’t do these dry branches the flowers are already wilted here you go have all the flowers all right look where’s the girl come on show me she’s over there in the foliage come on let’s go get the bouquet ready zomac might not go near it but I’ll give it a gift there

Myself come on all right do a hint I’ll wait here hi I love you very much here’s some flowers these are the flowers save me help hush hush hush hush away go away what are you doing to her she’s just go away go away go away guys she was

Screaming for help I think the neighbor tricked me hey you get out of here now I’m going to start firing the cannon no no gun please just no gun please okay I’m going to save you girl you need help yes help the gods please he’s got me

Trapped I don’t love him you cheating neighbor you haven’t changed a bit what wait wait wait no guns no guns please get out of here hands in the air no guns please please please hands in the air please don’t I’m leaving that’s it just be quiet I’m leaving bye-bye put your

Hands up don’t go back in into your portal okay guys it’s a good thing we saved her you’re definitely fine you’re not worried no that’s it thank you very much you’re so good thank you for saving your neighbor yeah you’re welcome of course I’m always happy to help all

Right come on Good Luck I’ve got to keep moving I hope he doesn’t come back he was really scared let’s keep going all right look it’s a fuse hello back hey you don’t want to take the chest with me only there’s a loft Pena Jesus in here somewhere yeah SpongeBob come on let’s

Go come here don’t I’ll get it no don’t guys I found some water hurry up let’s get some water let’s get out of here and wpink is coming for us SpongeBob come with me so what’s in here potion of weakness it’ll help us so SpongeBob you’re coming let’s get out of here you

Have to oh I’ve lost my water Where’s the water Where’s my water so I put it somewhere no no no and leeni is out of here ouch pushing you put it in the water like that I can’t pick it up how’s that oh great I picked her up Spong spot on fire

No SpongeBob is neat thank you for saving Buck from being burned yes sir please forgive me let’s follow me we need to put out all this lava faster and get on with our lives the flop in the Pence is already catching up with us okay look we can throw it at him well

Fluffy for you take that no I’ve gotten really slow all right come on spats BR follow me I found another potion we need to get through faster we’re going to be collecting checkpoints like this and throwing potions at him well be careful up there on the top climb we’ll go

Faster this way I found another chest oh he’s speeding up for you oh he’s throwing me some more look come this way we can go through ouch SpongeBob come here I found some doors okay throw Zeal at in last one let’s go this way get in here SpongeBob come on hurry hurry get

In the door we’re going to get stuck so where are you okay we lost you guys uh-huh that’s it no fluffy pens fell into the llamas and burned we could have run away from him SpongeBob yeah hooray for the tank all right we did it yeah

Cool it was a really cool cool challenge hold the water you probably need water it’s hot it’s been glorious here I hope your whole sponge isn’t dry you’d better get back to Beck ISM with the bot and I’ll move on let’s go wow guys what a scary naap Chester happened hey hello

The other one’s a zom listen I’m just oh wait wait wait wait I’ve been into music here for a long time and play guitar listen to me play please what another guitar playing what’s that over there Jack is it oh well wait what did you do

To him and you want to bite my tongue get out of here don’t be with me wait well I play music because I like my music okay all right come on come on let’s get your music on the best is that okay playing okay okay okay look it’s

Still a scary scary monster you say it’s okay I’m not going to be friends with you playing guitar I’m not going to play guitar with you you’re scary monster you got jacked it out of here so yeah zombie you’re just like this digital clown circus everyone he’s burying me too guys

I think he’s trapped some characters from the digital circus we have to save them he buried me guys how do we get out of here so so much sand collapse bye-bye all right let’s get away from him just bad run away you don’t appreciate my music we need uh he’s lost something

Guys can do to help get Jack out I’m going to destroy them did you see this see also saw who oh this one did you do this I’ll do the same to you for not appreciating music oh no don’t give me that let me save mine you’ve really

Caught the good characters and we’ll be out of here ow that hurts are you shooting yourself oh I saw a flamethrower by the way maybe they can repel him well cop he might be afraid of fire here you go take that oh it’s hot

No not the fire take it oh I see why it’s so black on top it’s probably burned now we’re going to scare him with a light come here you’re afraid of the dwarf oh it hurts it’s hot ouch that’s it in a troll place to play music it

Really burned look it got scared and ran away okay we’ve already got Jack out and rescued and maybe the rest of these rooms have some let’s give it a shot guys we have to save everyone there’s someone here we’re going to dig everybody up real quick oh and here guys

Look good talking Ben okay maybe there’s someone here look there’s a Talking Tom we found them all awesome okay we need to dig him up more so we can get out okay well the important thing is that we’re out and these good characters are safe what’s in here oh the shovel was

Fine I can dig up more of them that’s it we’ve saved the good characters and we can move on that’s it I’m moving on let’s go to the portal get out guys reverse blue round pits here is such a video we have today turned out very interesting and dynamic I hope you liked

It be sure to support me with a like subscribe to my [Applause] channel

This video, titled ‘HIGH ROUND PITS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-01-12 13:00:55. It has garnered 1991 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds.


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    Ultimate Gaming News: Minecraft 1.21, Free Fire India, GTA 6 & More! The Latest in Gaming: Minecraft 1.21, Free Fire India, Free Fire Max, BGMI, and GTA 6 Minecraft 1.21 Update: Tricky Trials Get ready, Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly-anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update, Tricky Trials, is set to release on June 13, 2024. This update introduces exciting new features such as Trial Chambers, The Breeze and The Bogged mobs, Crafter Block, Ominous Bottle, and more. The addition of these elements promises to revolutionize the game’s exploration and combat dynamics, offering players a fresh and engaging experience. For more details on the Minecraft 1.21 update, visit Minecraft Official Website. Free Fire India: Epic… Read More

  • Jiren’s Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled!

    Jiren's Minecraft Monument: Vlog 5 Unveiled! In Minecraft world, a Jiren statue to build, With blocks and creativity, our skills to guild. On Lo Do Vo channel, the vlog takes flight, With dedication and passion, we shine bright. Despite the haters, we push through the storm, Creating content that’s unique and warm. So join us on this journey, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to come, On Lo Do Vo channel, where we never succumb. Building, crafting, exploring the unknown, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are sown. Read More

  • Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft’s Fastest Flow – Tutorial!

    Shulker Loader Pro: Minecraft's Fastest Flow - Tutorial! In Minecraft’s world, a Shulker Box Loader shines bright, Tileable and fast, a true delight. Crafted with care, expandable and neat, Sorting systems rejoice, it’s a feat. Java edition only, this design will thrive, Easy to build, cheap to derive. Fully automatic, turn on and off, For all your storage needs, it’s a true payoff. Join the Discord, for files to download, The original design, by @TheySix, bold and proud. With shaders and mods, the game comes alive, Replay Mod, Optifine, let your creativity thrive. In chapters we go, from intro to end, Building, using, a message to send…. Read More

  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.13)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.13) In Minecraft’s world, terror reigns supreme, With horror mods and Dwellers that make you scream. One Block Skyblock, a challenge so grand, Facing nightmares in every land. The Man from the Fog, lurking in the mist, The Mimic Dweller, a shape-shifting twist. Goatman and Midnight Lurker, beware their sight, Rain Jacky and Clown, filling the night. Eyes in the Darkness, watching your every move, Yeti and Mickey Mouse, ready to prove. Cartoon Dweller and Herobrine’s end, In this terror-filled world, where fear transcends. But fear not, brave player, for you hold the key, To conquer the horrors and set… Read More

  • Villager Kidnapping for Profit!

    Villager Kidnapping for Profit! The Dark Side of Minecraft: Villager Kidnapping for Profit Within the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves exploring various ways to accumulate wealth and resources. One unconventional method that has gained popularity is the act of kidnapping villagers for profit. While this may sound like a dark and morally questionable practice, it has become a humorous and entertaining aspect of the game for many players. The Villager Economy In Minecraft, villagers are non-player characters (NPCs) that inhabit villages and offer various trades to players. These trades can range from simple items to rare and valuable resources. By… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer’s INSANE Minecraft Parody

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mc Gamer's INSANE Minecraft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody)’, was uploaded by Mc Gamer on 2024-03-07 04:47:53. It has garnered 1555 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:13 or 193 seconds. BLP Kosher – Virgin Ears (Official Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitch

    INSANE Minecraft POOF Moment! 😱🤯 #shorts #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WENT POOF! #minecraft #twitch #shorts #memes #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Toopy on 2023-12-31 12:27:57. It has garnered 2176 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. I DIED IN MY HARDCORE WORLD! Read More

  • “Ultimate Armor Upgrade – EPIC Wither Battle!” 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattle

    "Ultimate Armor Upgrade - EPIC Wither Battle!" 🛡️💥 #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Upgrading Armor and Fighting Withers! ⚔️💥 #MinecraftBattle #EpicUpgrades’, was uploaded by Error Gaming Nepal on 2024-05-27 04:39:16. It has garnered 35 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:43 or 5563 seconds. 🏗️ Welcome to our Minecraft live stream! Join us as we dive into the world of Minecraft with exciting builds, epic adventures, and creative designs. Our streams feature a variety of themes, from constructing innovative structures to exploring the vast Minecraft universe. 🐑 Live Highlights: Building Projects: Watch us create everything from efficient farms to stunning architectural masterpieces. Redstone Contraptions:… Read More

  • Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!

    Shocking Finale on DeceasedCraft with CaptainSparklez 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Finale | DeceasedCraft Ep. 24’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-05-06 17:00:16. It has garnered 34936 views and 2099 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:57 or 4677 seconds. DeceasedCraft is a Minecraft mod pack in which we must survive a zombie apocalypse while searching for a cure. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Deceasedcraft Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08Zz1KFfuzhvCtvxNyc0LWpKH My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez… Read More

  • F3 Vanilla

    F3 VanillaThe most common Vanilla+ server without donation, located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow, the developers themselves from the same place, but support communication with any international players. If you have any questions about logging into the server, you can write in Discord. foreverfunface.ru Read More

  • Kleos Modded SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist

    Welcome to our modded server! If you’re looking for a fun and enjoyable modpack experience, look no further. We prioritize adding mods that the community wants, ensuring that everyone has a great time without feeling overwhelmed. You can request mods through direct message or on our Discord server. Join us if you enjoy grinding for hours and exploring new content. Our current mods include Alex’s Caves, Iron Spells and Spell Books, Twilight Forest, and many more. Feel free to reach out to be added, and remember that everyone is welcome to join, regardless of age! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “KEEP YA HANDS OFF MY CRAFT!”

    Looks like Billy really scored big with this meme, unlike his skills in Minecraft! 🤣 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

    Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle In Minecraft, the updates are on the rise, Trial chambers coming, a big surprise. Behind the scenes, Mojang gives a peek, Creating a buzz, for all the geeks. I built a house with my Twitch chat crew, Not your average tutorial, but it’ll do. Loud sounds they mentioned, a funny jest, Maybe it was rain, for a peaceful rest. Join me on Twitch, for more fun and play, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll make our way. Funny moments and highlights to see, Gaming with friends, just you and me. Read More

  • Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes

    Villager server hotter than my ping 4646! #minecraftmemes Looks like the villagers are on strike until they get better wifi! #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

    Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024 Enhance Your Minecraft Server with Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API Are you looking to take your Minecraft server to the next level? Look no further than Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API! These powerful plugins can revolutionize your server’s UI and actions, making it more engaging and user-friendly for your players. In this article, we will explore how to set up Deluxe Menus with Placeholder API in Minecraft 2024, courtesy of Roiz Gaming. What is Deluxe Menus? Deluxe Menus is a must-have plugin for any Minecraft server owner. It allows you to create custom menus and GUIs, making it easier… Read More

  • Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!

    Secrets of CarboNight Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘continuing the summer minecraft grind’, was uploaded by CarboNight on 2024-05-10 03:39:27. It has garnered 106 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:50 or 12170 seconds. welcome to the stream yes i am bad at video games and yes you can pay me for it too you can do so here: https://streamlabs.com/noahw-UAckAH/tip like and sub for moar “content” Read More

  • Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking Ending

    Karanisho Minecraft Movie: Warden Army vs. Vow Army with Shocking EndingVideo Information This video, titled ‘فلم ماين كرافت جيش الواردن الشرير ضد جيش النذر و والوذر بوس ونهاية صادمة😱| Minecraft Animation Movie’, was uploaded by Karanisho on 2024-03-02 12:00:40. It has garnered 16195 views and 477 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Credit Cubus Maximus special thanks https://www.youtube.com/@cubus_maximus Support Cubus Maximus on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/CubusMaximus https://www.lumenscript.com http://www.animationgenie.com https://animationgenie.artstation.com https://www.cubusmaximus.com I watched the Minecraft movie Rich and Poor/Comedy, the strongest monster in Minecraft Minecraft # END I watched all the clips of the clock head, i.e. the clips of Skibidi Toilet Multiverse, or skibidi toilet multiverse, and… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Desert Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make a desert permanent in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grantplays on 2024-06-03 17:28:31. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. www.com Unspeakable merch Read More

  • INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorial

    INSANE tiny house build in Minecraft! #epic #tutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small house 🏡#build #game #minecraft #tutorial #house #small’, was uploaded by Kliver44 on 2024-02-15 21:26:28. It has garnered 2443 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • “INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!” #shorts

    "INSANE! Surviving Minecraft Backroom in EXACT Seconds!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘¿Cuantos segundos sobrevivo en este backroom de Minecraft? #minecraft#shorts #humor #videojuego’, was uploaded by Gabigamer4771 on 2024-04-06 16:17:21. It has garnered 118 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I don’t really record more because it doesn’t fit in the shorts. Read More

  • Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10

    Wither Storm VS Lộc Zutaki ALMOST DEFEATED *VOLUME 10Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THỢ SĂN WITHER STORM *TẬP 10 | LỘC SUÝT NỮA THÌ HẠ GỤC WITHER STORM???HỒI KẾT SẮP ĐẾN’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-03-19 03:00:05. It has garnered 293950 views and 6472 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:31 or 2251 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT HUNTER WITHER STORM *EPISODE 10 | LOC ALMOST DEFEATED WITHER STORM???THE END IS COMING 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button and subscribe so… Read More

  • Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88

    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More