Unbelievable Minecraft Legacy Superflat Challenge

Video Information

My eyes on my to make it big throwing off no race BL sh shoot okay uh welcome uh lightning box welcome um welcome hoods welcome Candi uh literally boys I’m not even joking I literally just got out the shower right now like as soon as I got out of show I

Just started stream cuz I didn’t want to be late you know so that’s why I look like a mess right now but yeah I just got out welcome crafter as well and candy and Jonah and CC hoods welcome boys um how’s it going let me know

How’s it going bro I really didn’t want to be late you know I’m usually always late today I decided I want to change that around but you know I was in shower but I’m still not late so yeah y but I’m still sick so yeah I don’t

Know was it really worth it not sure bro not sure so yeah um yeah we’re going to get into it right now just need to um you know thank you hoods appreciate it dude I I appreciate it man thank you um yeah we are ready to go ready to

Stream um I think so yeah uh welcome Alex as well I got gift member and I don’t know wait what do you mean um what do you mean that’s just the eggs out of this right here um yeah it’s okay at least your hair dries fast exactly cuz

It’s short hair you know short hair um someone gives to me remember I don’t know when it happened or who gift it it was me dude it was me so yeah um I hope you enjoy your gift membership bro also what the heck man let me just show my

Screen right now um yo thank you uh Jack for the 9 months for iane 9 months that’s I think you’re the longest member I’ve ever had um so yeah how how long ago was 9 months has become a member let me know yeah thank you bro I appreciate

It um I’m having trouble with my Minecraft right now hold about thanks for membership no problem dude no problem um I kind of choose who it goes to but it went you yeah almost year that’s insane three more months bro can you do three more months let me know

Um okay let’s see let’s hope this works um yeah how much would I have to um something to buy 1% of your channel 1% of my channel is worth um let’s say 1 million e so if you donate 1 million um you can get 1% of my channel

Um cuz like you know if you add it up 100% channel is like well 100 million worth 100 million so yeah let’s hope this works I know why it didn’t work before that was kind of scary you’re talking to someone oh that’s why yeah my bad boys my bad also

Just move move my mic um above my head um yeah you have to donate N I don’t know bro like 10€ 10 it’s probably like 1% of my channel I don’t know bro I don’t know how much my channel is worth you know if I was to

Sell my channel I don’t know how much I probably not much it probably wouldn’t be worth too much at all um if I was to be honest um yeah I don’t know what’s going on with my my Minecraft bro I might have to restart my PlayStation I

Think Mr Monk can do more uh three months can do three more months let’s go man thank you man yeah I’m going to have to restart my PlayStation this is weird um but I don’t want to do it while it’s in the while it’s still processing the

Disc you know um it’s me me what how many US doar is1 million EUR um I don’t even know I’m not sure what the hell okay you know I’m just going to restart my Minecraft or restart my PS5 see thank God I stream from PC now because I’d have to like restart the

Whole stream at this point I would just be a mess so that would not be fun that would not be fun at all um so yeah that would not be a fun process we welcome to 11 people in the Stream right now we’re going to get started my Minecart is

Having issues right now I don’t know why so yeah um um feed the 1.16 bug is back what’s the 1.16 bug it’s $1.2 million well there you go so I guess dollars wait what’s worth more I guess dollars right I don’t even know um 1.09 um M ameran dollars that is that is

Crazy somebody’s m is off so yeah three more months I know wait I got the green C exactly bro yeah you got the green isn’t it like The Bu one as well I’m pretty sure it’s the bu easy which is insane the buff feed stuns um yeah all

The membership also boys there’s new membership emote I added today since we’ve been getting so many members um I got a new Emoji perk um like selection thing so I I made a new Emoji um I hope you enjoy like if you guys don’t like it then I’ll change it

Someone else uh F you know if anything goes wrong or if like I’m lagging you can spam f I mean you can spam F anyway if you’re a m yeah if you are are a member not if you remember um yeah hope you guys enjoy your membership perks whether you got

Gifted or not hope you still enjoyed them you know also what the heck okay there we go my chat is lagging right there uh do you know any creative menu stuff to wait a survival mode transfer um also thank you uh sha I saw your membership when you did it and I just

Want to say thank you man I appreciate it dude you uh if anybody doesn’t know show love right here in the chat um before the stream even started they became a member so I appreciate it bro thank you um yeah any creative menu stuff to a survival mode transfer what

Does that mean let me know what does that mean um let me know bro I’d love to know what you mean so yeah yeah let’s start a what is this new world what is it I don’t even know what is this world I’m not sure I’m going to delete this one

Though Canadian who’s Canadian let me know who’s Canadian we um what should we like what should the world even okay so I’m not going to do villagers okay villagers are going to be off um villagers are going to be off it’s going to be a super flat world and

We’re only going to have we’re only going to spawn with a bonus chests because I mean if we spawn in with nothing what’s the point of the whole thing you know so we’re going to name this super flap survival I guess I don’t know bro I’m I’m not very um I’m not

Very you know creative with um names so yeah super flat survival yes Canada and the US have different Mone systems well there you go I didn’t even know that I thought they both use dollars and that was it you know super flat survival right here oh yeah and we should be good let’s

Start make a biome wait make the biome a tund should I go bro I turned off generate structures what the hell okay I guess we can’t use that one then can’t use that one man um I know but you are from there yes I’m Canadian f yeah you’re a Canadian right

So that means that you can say you can say um aoat no wait that no wait wait that’s um that’s wait Tundra okay you recommended Tundra um is that even on here I don’t even know I’m not seeing a tundra here I’ll do um I’ll do a jungle though

Because the jungle grass is nice jungle grass is very nice tunders are snow BS oh right okay so that would be the tiger right um I don’t even know snowy planes snowy planes I think the I I really like the um I really like the jungle grass

Though so how many US doll to buy 1% of your channel I forgot 10 $10 us to buy 1% of my channel um that’s that’s no lie wait one V One stock arrows uh 25 only what what do you what do you mean let me know what

Do you mean yeah again thank you sho for the support for becoming member bro it means lot yeah thank you man super flat survival you know what else is super flap I’m not even going to say um Canada Oh Canada my home and native land but America is still better yeah yeah yep

Yeah what what did I even just read so 1K for for yeah for my whole Channel yeah okay boys do you like to grass I really like the grass the grass is nice I like the grass uh 1K for my whole Channel yes if you yeah my whole channel is worth 1K

Um no joke okay so boys we have a source of food already um which is going to be melons and we have a tree so we should be good on that one uh that’s not the national Anem well what is slime exactly boys slime we got a lot of slimes and that’s

What we’re going to start with so yeah so Z Gamers owns your channel I mean that was before I even decided to PR you know I just decided price right now um but you know boys if you want to donate 1K don’t do it on YouTube because you

Can’t you can only donate like 500 at a time uh do do it on um if you were to do it do it on uh PayPal that’s a lot better um why is my name green cuz I gifted you memberships yeah you get uh extra perks that people normal people

Would not be able to get um so yeah ow so yeah you got some nice perks bro yeah I guess we I guess we get to planting bro I guess we get to planting and what now I’m not really sure what happens now um I’m not really

Sure what to do even how do we progress I I really don’t know oh thanks no problem dude no problem I hope you enjoy it man I hope you like that’s like it’s completely free for you um so you don’t have to pay for it it it won’t like

Continue for another month it just like conseles after a month yeah don’t worry bro you will have to pay zero you get it for completely free man um and yeah it should be good yeah uh okay so I guess our like whole like General plan would be

To get every block um possible um because I don’t know what other perks or perks um I don’t know what other things we could do so I’m going to replant this somewhere else closer to the chest not wait not my weird one their Anem is uh Canada O Canada my home and native

Land Ireland’s um thing Ireland’s native or not native our uh bro what am I even saying I don’t know bro man how dude how did it God dang I didn’t know it would break can we can we start again can we can we is that a

Thing I can do can I start again I ruin my only source of food that would actually like be reliable relying on cows and sheep and pigs I don’t know Oh Canada Oh Canada got to love Canada bro I love Canada imagine being a blue f okay I haven’t

Seen a blue Fall Guy in a while and now I’m seeing a lot because I’m I’m actually like I don’t know what it is but like I’m not complaining at all it is great but like the support with memberships has been crazy recently um a

Lot of people like we went from like 15 memberships to or 15 members to 42 which is insane so yeah or I guess 43 cuz um show love so yeah uh 43 yeah boys I’m going to restart cuz I ruined my only reliable source of food um so yeah that

Was a fail that was a huge fail we’re going to delete this and we’re just going to start again because that was a that was an L okay you know it’s not a very um usual thing on the feast Channel but we did take an L right there and um

We did just like kind of just ruin it feed Never Back Down Never Back Down bro I know but this time we had to bro I ruined it man I ruined it for myself um I’m not even going to name this because it’s just it’s a waste of time let’s get going

Um let’s Also let’s let’s count to days why not dude just like as an extra thing let’s just count today bro um let’s do day oh shoot Day Z wait we start with day one or day Zero I don’t know um I guess we start with day Zero no day one right day

Zero I don’t know let’s start with day Zero um and then we go from there um okay yo braen how’s it going dude day one I don’t know boys which one do we go for day one or day Zero I’m not sure it’s Day Zero okay all right there we go we

Got some more melon seeds as well so this it was a double decision as well too I we got two saplings okay so it was a good idea to restart definitely a good idea to restart right there uh day nose oh yeah I love my nose

Yeah I just wanted like the reason I destroyed it the first time is because I wanted to to be closer to the spawn um I think that’s reasonable enough you know so yeah uh day one first day okay you know what let’s just do day one cuz most people are

Saying day day one so let’s just do day one so yeah let’s let’s go from day one and go from there God dang it Jonah what the heck man yeah boys um tomorrow I’m going to be streaming the S SMP um I have more ideas on it

That’s why I like I’m not streaming it recently because I’ve run out of ideas run out of inspiration for that whole thing so um yeah I just uh I needed some I need a few days off to think about what I wanted to do on that realm um see

Yeah I no I’m going this I think you are stop being a nose honestly man it’s getting out of hand uh also we have OTS right here which is actually a very nice thing to have um but I don’t have any fish so oops how is the 100 days world going it

Is going good uh I streamed it yesterday I’m guessing that’s why you’re asking we beat the uh wither yesterday I know if you were even in the Stream I can’t remember I’m sorry um but yeah we beat the Wither yesterday in the 100 days world and yeah it’s going good bro it’s

Going good we we got a beacon or we’re going to get a beacon I just need to get some obsidian BM I was there my fault bro my fault I’m just I just assumed you weren cuz you ass so I don’t know I’m sorry dude should we get a bed I think

That’s the next one we should get right is a bed wait now that member I get priority on thep exactly bro yeah exactly also boys we get also us on Pirates yo we get Pirates what the the hell is that sound what the hell is that on PS4 deal

Huh winner gets uh $1 in a match with bows 25 stock arrows only sure bro yeah I mean where do you want to do this where do you want to do this one V one when A Tree Grows uh you should build a fence around CRS yeah exactly

Yeah I’m probably going to do that that’s a good idea if you check last comment um you said uh oh shoot Al let’s make it bed you said uh by way thanks for membership no problem no problem man thank you for thanking me U Fe did vti tell you about what let me

Know what would he tell me about I mean he’s very mad at me so yeah oh boys our tree grew now if we don’t get any saplings from this we might be done for but I don’t know I’m not sure yeah no problem uh Raiden I hope you enjoy your

Membership man I’m hoping to uh upload more membership podcasts it’s just I’ve been busy but uh yeah we should be good we should be uploading them very soon boys we got our first bed let’s go man we got the bed of this um place so yeah

Very good very nice Moment of Truth oh yeah about the real I don’t think he’s told me no I don’t believe he’s told me what is there to tell me let me know excuse me what do you think about SK to I think um like to be completely

Honest right I never find it funny it’s just it’s kind of just a Bop you know it’s kind of a good song like SK SK toilet toilet like it’s a good song it’s catchy right um but I never actually found it funny I just think it’s it’s

Just a Bop you know it’s a good song also boys while we’re at we might as well plant some uh pumpkins because why not why not man it sucks it it’s pretty bad because it’s Legacy uh put the OG Fe skin on what’s the OG Fe skin I’m not sure the

Panda to Bob Bob Bob yeah yes yes yes yes okay so M crafter is one with um brain rot here not me he quit the realm uh very sad he quit the realm I mean he did conso his membership as well so yeah he’s very um very angry he’s a very very

Angry German man right now um so that’s not great you know put the P skin on is that the OG Fe like I I love I love this this Steve skin I don’t know like his legacy you know Steve what could like what could go wrong right now um it’s

Pretty fun yeah we’re going to put um pots around this because if you’re wondering why it’s to stop mobs from spawning because they can’t spawn on things that aren’t blocks right so that path block isn’t really a block cuz it goes down like one pixel so yeah I have

His stuff uh in my Ender Chest yeah I heard cuz um somebody said that you also took over his base which is like oh okay I mean he’s not playing on the realm anymore so it doesn’t matter but yeah very surprising stuff to here um in my

Opinion oh we got another something okay wait okay I was about to say if we only got one then we’re just going to start from the very beginning again which is not a very fun thing to do finally a legacy stream we should be streaming the

Legacy S&P um very soon I don’t know about tomorrow or next day but we should be doing it very soon so yeah um you’re welcome Avery I’m glad you enjoy the Legacy streams I mean how could you know how could you know also I just reset the

Whole cycle of that very annoying uh are you copying toy C super flat world of course bro of course but on Legacy instead so it’s a bit harder cuz there’s less like features to actually use uh yeah when V one um sh I think you’re a bit behind in stream I’m not

Going to lie I think you’re like 5 minutes behind maybe U maybe more so yeah um I apologize hi what’s back JD vior welcome to the stream how’s it going dude um but yeah this is uh there’s lots of slimes around here I think I know why

He’s uh sad why is he sad bro why is he sad or why is he M why say that when I have no PlayStation plus I need to pay for bro I just don’t know if it would work cuz it would be with Euros right I

So is an interesting creature he is one of my favorite YouTubers though I kind lie like he is one of my favorite YouTubers but he is an interesting guy you know very yeah I mean that’s the best way to put it just an interesting fellow you know I think I know why he’s

M why is he M bro hover over video um and live one huh what do you mean yeah okay so we’re going to yeah let’s just plant them like 1 2 3 4 one two three four away from each other you know cuz I think that’s a

Good idea oh for freak’s sake see why I’m placing see why I’m doing PL path blocks cuz I really don’t want to deal with these guys right now it’s very annoying yeah I is definitely an interesting guy you know not the most normal guy I’d say I don’t know why he

Just he’s an interesting creature yeah hi also about easy cooking for kids who is this let me know I feel like you know me but I don’t know you I apologize did you change your name bro I start a Sky Block World on Legacy how’s that going

Bro how’s that going actually I meant I forgot to ask I meant to ask but like I forgot so how’s that going bro let me know over over video and live the live button do you play fortnite um I used to play fortnite back in 2018 and 2019 but

I haven’t played it since 2019 so yeah um I mean played it recently with the OG season but I was about it bro uh but I used to play it like every day back in 2018 and 2019 bro it was insane also boys W drip or what w drip let me know

Um I’d love to know so I can f iron wait uh um fing Cobble enough Cobble to make a mob grinder so I can f iron oh okay who changed uh whose name uh I thought you change your name bro did you not let me know because DX griefed our base and

Kill AR Max villagers he told me that he told you and you didn’t care so that’s why he’s angry at me it’s not that I don’t care I just I don’t know how to fix her bro I don’t know what to do about it cuz I wasn’t even on the real when it

Happened cuz you know he told me to open Real I open the real I was like okay since we caught like a lot of members I I’m going to open real because it’s very nice you know so I opened room because we got a lot of members um and then that

Happened I don’t know what he wants me to do about it there’s not much I can do about it but yeah I guess that’s why he’s mad at me but I don’t want to be involved because I don’t even know what happened man I don’t know exactly what happened so I don’t

Know exactly like I did it bro it’s insane it’s insane um you should teach the youngsters in my school cookery I mean if they don’t even know how to make I I don’t even know how to like cook an egg bro so yeah okay I think it’s because DX um got no

Punishment or anything because wait but I’m guessing from his POV I mean he asked me to to remove DX’s mod as a punishment which I did I still angry so yeah I don’t know he’s still very very angry um okay let’s plant it right here very good very nice yeah we should be

Good boys we should be good the day one is ending um off with a bang I’d say now I don’t know how long I can go with this series because like there’s not much I can do in this series to keep it interesting whatever um but I’ll try my

Best you know I’ll try my best that’s for sure I’ll wait I can wait no no wait I can make a mob spawner right a mob grinder that would be pretty cool how do I get water does anybody know how to get water in this like survival super flat there’s

Not much ways I can right cuz I don’t think uh if you put cens down I don’t think that would even collect water so yeah I’m just guessing though uh I got no beef for you I hope no I don’t think we have beef I mean there’s nothing we

Would beef over right 1 2 3 4 uh feed stuns yo yo Adrian oh my God welcome to the stream dude how’s it going man H POV Africa what’s Africa cauldron would cauldron actually collect water cuz there’s no drift zone right so yeah buzzing why why was

Buzzing time out balls boys can we not say balls in the chat really pisses me off all right pisses me off whenever people say balls in the chat so can we not say balls bro pisses me off so yeah um who was that it was you dude you

Buzzing Jack timed you out bro I thought you guys were homies but I guess not I wonder if you know what it means what it means um bro I’m getting so many notifications Jesus Christ it’s like they all com in at once when it rains it

Fills up uh and then you could use uh bottles to refill it and yeah I might I’d use it I’d like i’ get two buckets right and make an infinite water source yeah what’s good my boys what’s good uh DDX I gave you back your mod yesterday

After stream so enjoy it how dare you I would never um it comes from rainbow all right so we could get water then okay very nice so the infinite water source would be right here but that requires us to get lucky extremely extremely lucky with zombies um so that’s not going to

Be fun but uh yeah we should be good boys we should be good with that um set so yeah if I donate wait $1 will you wait will I get mod probably not bro I would not donate $1 if you are donating it for mod you know so yeah so bad

Scenario how’s it going dude welcome to scenario scenario VR very interesting fell uh let me join the world do you have Legacy bro let me know do you have Legacy Edition um boing this my apology I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m just simply here to apologize I’ve made a severe and

Continuous laughs of my judgment I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m just simply here to apologize best Logan pa uh apology ever um what’s good my boys yeah I hope you guys I hope the members enjoy the new emoji that I added pretty flipp and epic ctive mode made a parkour map wait

What what do you mean oh shoot I’m going to die if I donate $500 will yeah you’ll get mod if you donate 500 so yeah 100% for you will get mod if you donate 500 or if anybody donates 500 I’ll give them mod if they

Want um of course of course of course um okay let’s see right here F and then the uh touch the sky Emoji I mean it’s not called touch the sky but you know you know you already know bro okay so my plan is to get enough

Wood to make a mob spawner and also I’m going to make a um a base as well a nice little house I guess you could say a nice little crib but right now my goal is to make it so that I can I have enough path blocks around me to um

Actually like you know have no mobs spawn anywhere near me you know so yo Adrian with the member thank you bro I appreciate it thank you for the member absolute Legend bro boys can we get some W’s for Adrian this is insane thank you boys let’s make that 44 right now oh

Wait no no wait this is Day become almost forgot thank you Adrian I appreciate it dude thank you let’s make this 44 44 thank you hey Adrian I appreciate you very very much man absolute Legend hi May how are you how how’s it going bro welcome to the stream

Demon school it’s always great to see you on the streams man 100% also boys please drop a like if you haven’t already I know some of you guys you know some of you guys forget to drop a like you know and that’s completely fine but it’s not fine if you’re reminded and you

Just don’t do it okay that’s when it becomes not fine so yeah thank you Adrian though I really do appreciate man thank you very very much very very much one two three 4 there we go I declare at War okay so let’s make some slime some slime blocks not slime blocks slime

Blocks okay we can make a trampoline boys we can make a trampoline hello y wait a is back gamer how’s it going dude hope you’re having a great day man welcome to the stream use dirt it’s better Bly wait for a base I mean I I have infinite wood pretty much anyway so

Yeah I think I should make a nice little base for Adrian who’s become a member let’s make an Adrian house okay um I feel like a change man bro you are you are a change man I look at you now and I just say I just like I just see a

Handsome man now that like you become member I just look at you and I say that’s a handsome man right there Mr Adrian so yeah hope you uh enjoy that if you make a jungle village house jungle oh okay wait I don’t have any Cobblestone so how would I do that is

Feed day Master at baiting of course BR of course I do it every day I wait I’m u b you’re YB what does that mean let me know have you been on the streams before let me know uh yeah hello I also love how quick the game uh

Loads and makes a copy of Sky Block World man the S&P though like that man that world loads and copies so slow cuz it’s such a huge file size for legacy anyway obviously for Bedrock it would be quite a it would be like 60 megabytes maybe but on Legacy it’s a lot you

Should make a wall for your members boy should actually that a good idea a wall of like signs I like that idea I like that idea very very much it is a very good very nice idea very good very nice idea um so I shall do that right now but I don’t

Want it to be jungle wood and jungle signs so what should I guess no dirt seems disrespectful wait I have an idea I have an idea it would be jungle logs and then jungle signs right yep yep yep eliso get out of here bro get out of here man freak’s sake always annoying

Me always annoying me bro Legacy rolls can go up to 352 megabytes I feel like the S&P is at that already you know we need to like I wish I didn’t expand it to large because like the world because it is huge man it is huge

Now excuse me also love how oh yeah my legacy World on Bedrock is 380 megabytes how bro minus one gigabyte bro mine is one gigabyte also thank you guys for uh the Emojis I know who’s doing it but I appreciate the Emojis kick rocks dude

Hey go take a hike buddy all right take a hike all right buddy I’ll never forgive you for what you did to me in 1999 what did I say don’t mention what happened in 1999 okay that’s between me me you and the FBI okay the FBI sorted out man okay that

Was almost 15 years ago now all right so knock it off also boys how have we how have we gone this whole time without making a chest I don’t know um yeah let’s make a wall for for the members you know okay so we’re going

To make some signs oh yeah boys let’s go feed is hiding wait is holding me hostage I would never I would never okay sh I said don’t tell anybody dude my legacy World on Bedrock is 678.com you have a chest already oh for freak’s sake I already do

God dang it wait is that how I spell Adrian is that how I spell Adrian no it’s not okay I spelled it wrong what a what a weird name of spelling what a weird way of spelling Adrian I think your parents probably hate you man um

When I donate $10 that means I can buy wait I can buy 1% of the sh as profit certain say right hypothetically in an imaginary world yes but not actually so you wouldn’t actually get any of PR I apologize cuz there’s no way of me sending the money to you you

Know um you could get some emeralds in Minecraft though Adrian and then we’re going to do broke SC and we might as well do it for show love as well cuz they um became a member as well broke scr scr before the stream even starts yeah what the freak what what do you

Mean I need a bed Phantoms are hunting me do you got cash app I actually don’t have I don’t think cash up is in ear if I’m not wrong BR want to $10 of course of course I mean why would I not you know if you were offer $10 would

You not take it uh show love what a great name I I I agree with this name I agree with this message show love and we’re going to do broke scr okay there we go oh shoot a shoot shoot oh Shooks okay and we’re just going to do one more sign as

Member wall member take it all hell yeah man I would take it take it all exactly bro exactly I’ll take it all just like this Wall of China oh crap oh snap boys oh snap don’t don’t say crap bro this is a familyfriendly channel do not say crap

Ever again okay that is a very bad word very naughty word so don’t ever let me catch you saying it ever again all right okay here we go oh boys wait wait we could got infinite seeds which means we could breed chickens I’m we could get some

Pirates as well if we kill skeletons yeah um one two 3 4 a very good very good very nice bro I don’t know why that song is always stuck in my head of course I get the very small percentage chance that I get Hunger from that God dang it

Man I’ll keep this egg y feed do you want to know why my name is Raiden dis SKU of course bro let me know why why is your name Raiden SK I’ve always wondered like I go to sleep at night I struggle to sleep at night matter of fact CU I’m

Like man why is his name braen I just kind of stop thinking about it bro I always like wonder why is his name Bren guys you know my name is wait my name I Kem about it when I crushed on shrooms or I think of wait I think both horrible

But beautiful moments in my life but I’m only wait weed now I don’t do any of that I said ah I see okay so that you know that makes more sense I appreciate you telling me why that’s your name um show love I like I like the message you

Know it has a nice little message in it you know feed where did you get Fe stones from um it started from when I used to play matter of fact I have it right here when I used to play um Black Ops 2 on

PS3 um I wanted to make my own Clan cuz you know FaZe Clan was huge back then um I was like okay I want to make my own Clan so I was like okay feed what and has like stuns um so yeah it was basically just SED from me wanting to

Make my own Black Ops 2 clan I had a friend named feed IC um and then there’s another feed as well but I forgot what his name was um but it was like three of my friends were me and my two friends um there’s three of us

Though is what I’m trying to say okay I need to eat bro holy crap I’m going to die I got my name for my parents really is that actually how that came about that’s actually insane bro that you actually got it from your parents like damn man that’s actually crazy I know

The St SP you know the St SP what is the St SP I don’t even know what stone PR is bro oh my God there’s a lot of mobs that’s a lot of mobs boys we might have to sleep we might have to skipe out on the uh bones for

Tonight um I don’t know if I want to get the Bones tonight you know so yeah I’m not really sure um chat who’s few Sons Adrian where did you get your name ah I see so that’s why you said it okay I was like well who

Asked no I’m joking oh my God Two Witches oh my God yo Jesus Christ who’s fre I actually don’t know who Fon is boys I’m that’s a baby zombie on Osa oh my God okay I think I might have to die to regen full health because yeah who’s the

Other friend I mean I’m not friends with them anymore but her name was Hayden that was their real name was Hayden um and he was a pretty good friend he was the other friend uh oh use your one torch that was that would be a good idea that would be

Probably A smart business decision okay oh shoot oh shoot take have a taste of your own medicine bucko buddy okay I’m have I might die again yeah I’m going to die again boys uh oh oh my God how do I hm maybe I should have more torches

Around my area that would probably be a good business decision um yeah okay this is not a good situation to be in at all Jesus Christ I need to get out of here cuz I’m just going to be on a de loop slash leave well there’s no slash or commands in

This version okay buddy so yeah I don’t know what the heck you’re talking about slle get out of here bro I haven’t died once on my Sky Block world because it’s not it’s probably not filled with Mobs like this one right here buddy all right that’s probably why oh shoot for freak’s sake

Oh we got bones that’s all I need okay now I can sleep I hope so yeah now I can hopefully sleep I forgot creepers were a thing that’s kind of embarrassing that I forgot that there’s a command it’s time set you guys know what I mean you guys

Know what I mean all right no need to challenge me on that okay let’s go to somewhere where there’s no mobs and then we can sleep like right here okay never mind can you freak off man seriously dude you’re actually oh my these these fires are getting

Annoying make me destroy my trees and oh my God for freak’s sake man God dang it can you guys just leave me alone this was an awful idea I should have gotten netherite before this God dang it should have gotten NE right this is just

Awful okay there we go now we can sleep hooray and we can actually bro I should have slept from theer cuz then this the skeletons burn anyway and then they die anyway so what the hell was the point of trying to stay up and kill these guys if

They’re going to die anyway man what the flip what the flip dude die just die oh he’s not even attacking me I’m sorry dude where is this guy is feed and stream wait feed and stream and do off camera mining then come back boys yeah you know what boys

I’m going to go off camera mining right now so boys thank you guys for watching um I’m going to end the stream here thank you guys for 16 likes by the way um but unfortunately I going to have to end the stream right here now we’re

Going to do a poll let’s do a poll boys um the poll boys watch should the poll be let me know give me a poll idea give me a question for a poll um let me know okay um all right so yeah we’re going to get we got

Um we got some bone meal which is what I need for seeds or Asian girls what how is that even a question got to go all good man all good dude no problem man left Twix or right Twix I don’t even know what that means like do you mean a choc bear

These guys are still fighting wait would this fight go on forever I feel like it would right this fight would go on forever correct cuz they just they can heal Asians you know I’m just going to ask my own question okay um will we we get to day 100 yes sir

No see that’s a good question okay see mcra asked a good question that’s actually a fun question okay Apple or Android Apple Apple or Android see that’s a good question me wi Latinas hell yeah man okay uh Apple oh shoot Android um and then we’re just going to do uh Nokia there we

Go oh my God look at her nose yeah boys uh drop a like on the stream vote in the poll um it would be appreciated so yeah there we go the thing got the okay well feel like there’s a little bit of racism in there not sure not sure boys not

Sure correct me from wrong and they know how to cook uh good food well that’s your opinion I could disagree if I wanted to the big booty ones oh my God all right Apple Apple hey Apple hey Apple guess what guess what man Latinos

Latin girls I I I mean that would be my guess yeah boys should we just leave this fight to go on for forever what other race got that Kat and also they know how to cook Irish women have K as well okay um they do no they don’t they

Don’t no some of them do dx2 21 more like GX uh 9 because he likes nyar olds oh Fe I never had a Latina in my school how dude how this will go on forever bro I mean we could get good drops from these though from

These guys so let’s get some good drops from these guys left one is going to win bro none of them are going to win bro none of these guys are going to win oh shoot oh for freak’s sake okay that is not going to go well for me right there

Stop following me thank you I’m a miner Miss I’m a minor stop following me thank you jeez dude won quit it like I’m literally a miner bro get away you weirdo I’ll call the police oh yeah there we go what do we get we got red stone are you serious red

Stone make the pill on which is going to win well oops I forgot I think it’s a bit lateer I think it’s a bit late for that now see this why I didn’t want to rely on um cows and sheep because they don’t like I don’t see any

Anywhere I’ve ruined the whole life suck I’ve ruined the economy I’ve crushed the I’ve crushed the chicken Pig and cow Farm economy um I got brly oh my God Jesus have feed uh have you got the hat to prove your M the Hat what what proves on I’ll be back for

You no problem dude no problem man Jonah chill type crafty uh likes olders what what am I even reading Oh my Jesus Christ holy crap this guy just came out of nowhere like just heck off man heck off dude leave me alone the way you’re touching me slime

I’m a minor and it is very um inappropriate and probably illegal so if you keep touching me like that again I’m going to have to call the FBI Jesus Christ that’s what you need sir you need Jesus Christ in your life I need to go to the bathroom I

Didn’t need to know that but okay uh W slime all right bro see this is the type of stuff that I have to put up with on a daily basis on stream just people just supporting the wrong people just annoy me just to get me just to get

Me mad and you know what bro today I’m going to say no I’m not going to fall for it today feeds don’t say heck my spam is watching ah okay my fault bro my fault they could learn from my bad language and that would not be good for your

Parenthood also we’re on day three now right yeah we’re on day three right day three hell yeah feed aie what’s going on Aussie Aussie Aussie Aussie www bro thinks he he’s him I am him three or four what what’s three or four boy should we

Get a pirate I think we should get part I think that would be lots of fun um Aussie Mendes who’s Aussie Mendes I know a randz from Black Ops 2 but that’s about it you guys want to see Black Ops 2 again I’ll I’ll show you guys some Black Ops

2 if you guys want to see some Black Ops 2 when are you going to start stream um I might start streaming um yo bro freak it man I might I’m going to stream right now I’m going to stream right now cuz why not man what’s

Stopping me from streaming right now I I should stream because if I say tomorrow then I’m going to say tomorrow again and tomorrow tomorrow I’m never going to do it why not do it right now black like Jack what the hell man like genuinely what the hell like actually what the hell

Bro um I only like white Ops white Ops I see um the problem with that is that that doesn’t exist bro I know you’re trying to trick me you’re trying to scam me that’s what it is you just Tri stre feed bro I want to start streaming but I

Don’t know I’m kind of scared guys I’m kind of scared to start streaming it is a very scary thing for me to do and um it’s nerve-wracking as well do you have a third leg I have four legs um one down there and the other two

Down there as well aie mes is the guy from the poem thought school who teaches Aussie Mendes I have no idea who that is you guys know um Shawn Mendes the singer he’s pretty um topical I feel like I feel like he’s a very topical um thing to actually talk

About if I’m not wrong do Irish men have big PB I guess so I suppose so um average Black Ops enjoy bro Black Ops 2 is a good game what do you mean it’s one of the best Call of Duties out there one of the best um also lightning box thank

You man I appreciate it dude he says nothing he says nothing thank you lightning box for the $5 donation thank you man you own 0.5% of my channel now 0.5 bro um it should pop up on the screen very soon let’s give it a second but thank you man I appreciate it dude

All right so we’re going to put this into we’re going to put this guy into a cage and if we find him a partner we’re going to make them we’re going to force them to breed and have babies and uh yeah it should be a very fun time for

Both parties me involved I will have lots of fun with the chickens as well um but thank you light box as well thank you very very much man I appreciate it um absolute Legend bro I appreciate uh you guys putting duse for lightning box as well cuz bro where is he going no

Over here bro over here over here oh we need one more it’s going to be a very um tight very tight area see my friend said most white people have small PBS it’s just not true bro I I’m am I am a I am proof that that

Is just false oh oh there we go lightning box donated 5 through Super Chat thank you man I appreciate you very very much man absolute Legend bro absolute Legend man thank you bro all right let’s not make it this tight okay let’s make it a bit bigger because I’d

Feel bad if we didn’t make it at least somewhat big you know oh for freak’s sake God dang it we don’t have enough okay you stay right there chicken please bro yeah you know he’s waiting for his cage to be built cuz he’s a nice little guy nice little

Guy very patient little guy hi hello lightning box thank you for there we go thank you for the Dono bro I really do appreciate you man seriously so yeah okay come in to the freaking you freaking chicken dude you freaking chicken get in there all right

There we go oh we got three I’m back welcome back bro welcome back man if you make Bing wait make buzzing chicken Fame what’s buzzing’s chicken frame I don’t have member opt in for member bro opt in for membership gift um and you should be good bro you should

Have a fun time okay we need to do this before mobs start spawning top the chicken I topped him very hard and the chicken enjoyed it he enjoyed it he did he enjoyed it very much um welcome back to joining this makes me when I play Legacy

Minecraft I mean even me playing Bedrock makes me want to play um Legacy you know um bro thinks his 2 cim PP is Big look bro it doesn’t matter the Size Doesn’t Matter bro size doesn’t matter it’s how you use it man okay I’ll send you5 more

Dollars if uh you invest $5 into random company on cash app I don’t even have cash up that’s the problem I don’t even have cash up so what would be the thing you know what would be the thing man I don’t even have cash like cash app is not available in

Ireland so how would I even get it you know if it doesn’t even exist here I’m not sure with two cent mirrors you ain’t making it all right I feel like this is um too inappropriate of a conversation for a stream with most likely children

Watching so I’m just going to move on to this chicken farm that I’m making let’s breed the chickens we have a baby chicken and we have an infinite food source very good very nice there we go top top it the Mar’s done numerous laughing what what like what my what

Dudee I’m going hop on Legacy right now what Legacy version do you have let me know what Legacy version do you have yeah we got one and number one Victory Royale yeah fortnite we about to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now just wiped out tomato Town my

Friend just got down and I don’t know where is um Wii U Edition oh my God Jesus Christ man I can see why I don’t play Legacy too much also boys we have no food so we’re going to have to kill this guy here I’m sorry man I don’t want

To kill you but I’m going to have to I’m sorry also we can plant some wheat does wheat actually grow without water I I pray to God it does I pretty God it does man we going to praise our way out the grave dog living speaking praise God

Walking out the graveyard back to life I serve follow your word see with new sight into the night yeah this life I’m living okay there we go crafter right here craft right here man sir I am minor you ain’t using with two bro what

That’s a lie cuz I can I proof that it is possible we’re going to do four right here shoot get a furnace it’s only uh a cobblestone well you see here Mr ELO um we don’t actually have any stone to mine so they’re going to shut down the server

Z really bro wait I didn’t think they’re still going man I’m I’m surprised that they’re still going to be honest hit a hard what do you mean hit a hard the hell sir I’m a miner you can’t be saying that’s a miners dude DX I know you have

A thing for like 9y olds or whatever but I’m not 9 years old I’m 16 okay I’m very far away from 9 years old I’m closer to 90 years old than I am to 9 years old I do believe if my math is correct go look for a village bro I

Turn off villagers bro it would be too easy if villagers were on it would be way too easy man um so yeah um but yeah boys you guys want to see 2 cm Bro 2 cm is actually not that small if we really look at it okay I got

A measuring tape right here don’t ask why two Bro 2 cm Bro 2 cm right here okay that’s not small man that’s not small at all you guys can see 2 cm right there that’s not small man it ain’t dude okay it’s it’s not small at all

Okay so heck off heck off guys all right it’s quite big DX you ain’t that guy sure sh up Jack what uh yo Li box with the 10 he says say the letter t two times fast I’ll send tit tit what what do that even mean thank

You for the ATT bro absolute Legend bro boys can we get some WS that $15 right there thank you man I appreciate dude H lightning box is an absolute Legend for that one thank you man did I say something bad I don’t even know it’s 15 cm small 15

Cm I feel like that’s too big feed bro what what am I saying tit I don’t get it I really don’t get it bro 15 cm is um it was very big this is this 15 cm bro too big too big too big what you said dude lightning box donated through Super Chat

Say the letter t two times fast and ‘ll send one more dollar am I the only one that doesn’t get it bro I don’t get it man you so bad Jacob realiz what you said dude TT I don’t get it dude I don’t I really I honestly don’t understand it

I don’t get what I’m saying I hope I’m not saying anything bad I got accepted into State M wait milit milit a year and a half in advance yo not bad bro not B is that something that You’ wanted for a while um titty ah I see titty well I

Mean you could just ask me to say titty yeah thank you for your ATT bro absolute Legend man I really do appreciate you bro um thank you so much man um and then a five as well that is just insane thank you so much bro thank you so much man uh TC K

What what the hell am I hearing I don’t even know I’m hearing some weird noises I don’t really like lol boys can we get some TTS in chat bro can we get some I mean TTS you know TTS um as well you know that’s text to speech we have that enabled on streams

Amazing um L yeah okay so there we go we boys we got bread we got bread man we got some freaking bread textas speech exactly there we go um the state Mia wait I don’t even know how to say that um is like a small army owned by your

Regional government I see and is that like something that you wanted let me know wait these are pumpkin seed what the hell man I don’t want pumpkins dude Fe wi TT oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about I love TT I love TT Fe what is your GDP I don’t

Know what that means thank you lightning box for the one thank you so much bro boys like lightning box is a legend man I’m not even going to lie absolute Legend bro absolute Legend thank you so much for the support no I wanted to okay 01 enable Tex

Speeech I mean textas speech is on for all donations no matter how much you donate like I don’t have it where it’s like a lot of streamers have it whereas like you have to donate a certain amount for it to be Texas spe it is literally

Like any amount um because I feel like it’s only right it’s only fair to actually have text speech for literally any donation um unless it says the NW which in that case I don’t think it deserves to have TTS but you know nobody’s ever done that um yet so

Uh GDP Great British problem bro that doesn’t even make sense GDP D like where’s a D in Great British P gross dtic domestic product oh um uh no thanks no thanks uh no no thanks no um clay congrats yeah congrats bro if that’s actually something that you’ve wanted

For a while then big congrats bro that is good that is good feed if I don’t know 500 $500 thank you uh lightning box lightning box donated $1 through Super Chat oh yeah I need to get a shout out from I think her name is uh Linda I

Think that’s his text speech robot name is Linda so you get Linda say your name um what is your opinion on the southern states and Texas leaving the United States in April and do you think this could be the second Civil War I feel like look bro it doesn’t really make much like

Obviously nowadays it makes a huge difference but I feel like Texas was going to be like it was going to be its own like thing anyway cuz of the sheer size of Texas right it was going to be its own thing back a while ago or it was I can’t

Remember if it was or if it is but yo L box thank you man I appreciate you thank you thank you so much bro um what’s up view Lucas how’s it going D welcome to the stream like I like Texas was its own thing back in the day cuz of the like

Size of it bro so yeah uh wait Ling box has the 10 uh sticker right there thank you bro um feed would you say the word for $500 I don’t think I would no I don’t think it would be worth my career for $500 um cuz you know how easy it is to

Spend that much money it’s not very easy for me anyway so I guess I could but I mean it is possible for me to die but I wouldn’t if that’s what you’re saying like would you no but I could but I’m not going to um Texas is leaving yeah

Bro it’s huge news also Li box would the $2 again thank you bro I appreciate you so much man thank you very very much man absolute Legend just oh my God supporting the stream by a huge amount man and I just want to say that’s absolutely beautiful it’s beautiful that

People do that man so thank you man any donation boys any donation helps out so much see helps out like even if it’s like only like a couple cents it still helps out a lot so yeah uh no joke man no joke no jokes here boys I never joke about

Donations those are a very serious topic only men only serious big man topic okay it’s a very serious big mind topic uh wait Texas wait Texas uh succeeding what Texas would never succeed without me okay you know where J K was shop in Texas okay it is not a great place to go

Um if you are a president president yeah not president why am I only now hearing about this cuz it is huge news it is huge absolutely massive um also Texas does have its own law saying that they could legally leave the USA because that’s how like that’s because how big

It is right like it is huge it’s a huge huge Place huge massive like it should be its own at that point you know yeah Yoo lightning box to lightning box donated $2 through Super Chat absolute freaking Legend man absolute freaking Legend oh Jack com bro he’s going to say

Wait he’s not going to say it boys I’m not going to say it any word okay it’s just not like nothing that you say will make me say theam word okay like even if you donate like 500 I still I’m not going to say it so yeah um no matter how

Much you want me to say it I just I probably most likely won’t also boys let’s let’s honestly let’s honestly just get like a um a pirate because why not man why not I was talking about neighbor neighbor ah I see well you’re you’re a very edgy um 13-year-old Mr Jack so how

Was I supposed to room very edgy man I don’t see anything about Texas on Google bro just got trolled yeah yeah you just got trolled bro what a noob what a noob you just got you got oh my God bro got trolled what about 1 million if I

Could I I would consider it for 1 million yeah uh leaving Nation ah see I didn’t even know that see I never knew that bro if you’d read my previous you said Mr mraf um mcra you said Texas speech is set to one set to

One what do you mean I don’t know what that even means I have no idea Li STS no you just got you just got scammed that’s what you just got you just got scammed dude hell yeah rock on okay well you know there’s no pirats around so we might as well just breed

The chickens um okay got enchanted bow from a skeleton God dang it man I need one I need one right now also lightning box I’m going to put your name on here because you don’t need um so much uh right now yeah let’s um just put your name on a sign

Because um I I love you man I love you it’s time I confess my love I’m a gold digger okay and I only I only love you cuz your money I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m a gold digger bro uh lightning box right here yippe yippe lightning box

Okay let’s see let’s just see the total M I do believe it’s uh 8 yeah 18 $8 okay $18 in total thank you so much man that is going to help out a lot a huge amount so yeah um Let’s do let’s just do dollars you know let’s just do

Dollars um why are these prices right here why are these like things right here I think that’s for like my city um yeah okay there we go 18 let’s just do this so it looks better there we go my name is crane your name is Crane and

You’d like to say my my second name is not Wayne it is crane Wayne the crane Wayne the plane crane T the Republican party did actually have a vote which did fail just last year to leave but it did fail only about 10% voting in favor we need more people to

Vote in favor then that’s that’s what I’ve learned from that we need more people to vote in favor of Texas leaving do you ever just slap your notes uh no cuz that would hurt so yeah that would actually hurt Ukraine oh yeah Ukraine Ukraine as well uh fly a plane

To Ukraine and save the pain oh there we go did you know that the first PlayStation was made by a game wait by a guy named John PlayStation it’s just not true it’s just not true um but yeah got to bed as well hey I got to bed way before you bucko

All right so back off and heck off as well so yeah that’s what you need to do buddy um okay there we go we’re going to go to this um all messages okay if you’re wondering why I’m why I’m like going out this fair cuz I need to I want

To find more animals bro I need to find cows why are there no cows spawning you’re in PL I’m in a jungle biome buddy why did bro oh my God okay oh we got it we got a pirate we got a pirate boys Two Towers actually feed

Guess what my weird friend song is called what is your weird weird friends song called bro let me know I’m actually curious his like your name you’re calling him the weird friends so it’s probably not going to be anything nice my I thought that ocot was a pig

For freak’s sake man why are you in a jungle biome I just like the grass the grass is a lot more green so I like if you don’t like Green Green Grass then do you like blue blue skies not sure um the first Xbox was made by a guy

Called Jeff Xbox so we got John PlayStation Jeff Xbox what’s Nintendo then what’s Nintendo I wish I could make um Legacy content but Wii U don’t have Capture Card wait really how do you record on Wii U sure there’s a way there if there’s a will there’s a way bro if

There’s a will there’s a way nothing’s impossible bro Never Say Never Never Say Never also boys my mouth is so dry I need a drink but I don’t I okay boys there’s one thing I absolutely hate doing during streaming and it’s leaving it’s like going AFK leaving I

Hate doing that man I just despise I don’t know what it is I just despise leaving this stream I don’t know um am I weird for that I’m not sure but I just hate leaving during the stream but my mouth my mouth is so dry

I’m not even going to lie I need a drink I mean I don’t have a capture oh you don’t oh you don’t have okay I see um they are pretty cheap on Amazon I’m not going to lie they are pretty cheap on Amazon so that’s where I’d

Recommend to get one like I got one for like 20 um that’s not like very cheap but it’s cheap for a capture card that like works you mine works it’s fine 60 FPS and everything so it’s good um so yeah uh expand the Chicken F man nah they’re they’re fine they’re they’re

Alive you know they’re alive also it’s day five I keep forgetting to count the days day five if you don’t get a drink one one please get me one bro please I so thirsty man okay there we go uh I can’t really like I hate like if I was to do this it

Would be so boring but there are slimes around so what drink do you want I’d love some tea uh Fair yeah so um yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep should we uh should we kill the the llamas for some uh leather I think we should I am of the

Belief we should do that okay one sec all right thank you man I appreciate you be I might have to leave for just one second to make some C cuz I’m just so thirsty man I’m not even going to lie how many sugar zero bro I don’t take any

Sugar I see I’m not a I’m not a what an embarrassing embarrassing death message slain by a llama slain by a llama bro oh my God Canadia Canadia oh yeah oh they’re fighting they’re fighting what an embarrassing death man oh my God slain by although look bro I’m

Back at full hunger I’m back at full health I count that as W the Llama was actually trying to save my soul and we got no leather we got no leather even for all from oh my God I’m so I’m so angry I have a Wither

Skull fight the Wier fight it spawn it fight it and kill it that’s what you need to do buy yeah boys I’m not going to pause the game okay I’m just going to take the risk I’m going to build up by three blocks wait no cuz it’s going to turn night

Time okay we’re going to wait until night time is over and then we’re going to go make our 1 or maybe I could run down fill up the kettle boil it come back up and then go back down when spoiled and then just you know you just

Pause no but like that’s boring you know like where’s the uh where’s the risk in that you know plus it’s just like it’s just this you know um who wants a boring stream not me dude not me just pause bro why do you guys want me to pause there’s

No like hype or like anything in that there’s no risk involved it’s all just you know why would you guys want to see something so boring oh shoot they’re after me the offic are after me bro oh for freak sake oh my how did I place it everywhere but

With the place I was supposed to place it can you just go away dude thank you no just heck off real quick so I can mine this bro let me mine this man go away all right there we go there we go just kill this yep there

We go yep you you can kill fences it’s a thing you can do it’s real it’s it’s not fake it’s actually real I saw it online okay can you kill things with hose it’s 0.0 attack damage so I don’t know I might just be wasting the durability no you can kill okay that’s

That’s crazy that’s crazy you can kill things with ho uh Hey FD how are you yo Stone welcome to the stream how’s it going dude how’s it going I hope it’s going phenomenal for you sir uh Stone so we’re just about to leave for uh a cup

Of tea I’m not going to end stream but like I’m going to go and make a cup of tea do you want anything bro do you want anything while I’m downstairs let me know H have plus two attack damage well Minecraft says otherwise bro who should I trust the actual Minecraft game or

You yo Elite how’s it going Stone I hope you’re having a great day man hope you’re having a fantastic day matter of fact cuz I’m just that nice of a guy I hope for a fantastic day for you sir H deal same damage as your hand what this is this is

Hacks this is scam okay there we go now we can sleep just get water bro what do you mean get water dude how genuinely how um it’s going good uh you I I’m doing bad cuz I’m so thirsty but that’s why I’m going downstairs so you guys can

Watch these crops grow I’ll be like I’ll be less than 5 minutes that’s for sure I’ll be less in 5 minutes let just put some music in the background you know if this stream gets covered I don’t really mind cuz we got donations so I don’t

Have to rely on ads it won’t turn on what do you mean let’s turn on some music boys all right let’s play some music while I’m gone enjoy it while I’m gone or else okay for Minecraft music Minecraft music are you serious um what’s a good song what’s a good

Song oh poop song music that makes you poop I need to oh for freak sakeo hold on boys hold on hold on be back welcome back bro welcome back join boys this music is supposed to hope you poop are you pooping yet are you dropping a dump right

Now are you are you pooping yet boys no okay um I didn’t poo yeah so let’s let’s play okay boys enjoy the music I’ll be right backb boys um enjoy the music going on I’ll be right Back get you up on this An [Applause] Nobody you know what the you doing you know ex you know exactly what you’re [Applause] doing Get get up get upap shut the up get that get get The don’t have to do all that IAT Fu you don’t have to you Don’t the you say what you say get you up on [Applause] [Applause] No doing you know what the you doing you know ex you know exactly what you’re [Applause] Doing Get up get up get up that get up get the get up get I don’t have to do all that IAT the I suffocate bro what the hell happened what do you mean suffocate in the wall what I do to suffocating the wall I’m so confused to a tree how what do you mean to a tree a tree killed me dude boys are we right back yet I’m not done make my te welcome back

Hy and welcome Oakley boys I’ll be like less than 60 seconds I died to a tree holy [Applause] Crap you know what the you doing know exctly you know exactly what you’re [Applause] doing not Get up that get up get up shut the Up get that get Get You don’t have to you don’t Have get you Up [Applause] no who’s who uh I don’t know what um okay um yeah boys I’m back man how did I die like bro that’s just embarrassing that’s just embarrassing bro I’m not even going to lie I died to a freaking tree man like what what

Dude uh Avery what Al what kind of music is this my neighbor’s ASMR um it is um train New York train station ASMR Jazz so yeah the M strikes again what bro how I was standing up here no I was standing what so how did the tree kill

Me I’m so confused it grew but like where was the tree I was nowhere near it dude that’s for sure um okay is this a clip of How I died let’s see let’s click on the clip oh a slime pushed me into okay what are the odds bro what like what are the

Odds on that one what like there’s there’s zero chance of that happen Sur what like a slime pushed me into the sapling when I was on half a HT already like oh my God that I’m just mind blown the odds of that happening are so low but yeah it happened of course just

My luck but good thing I put all my stuff into a chest um like a good man would you know so yeah boys I put all my stuff in a chest before I died it’s okay I shared the clip in Joe server too like what are this what are

The odds man what are the odds of that happening the we slime though yeah like why you guys such haters man like I’m a nice guy and you guys are just just hating that’s called just being a hater if you’re just hating for no reason like

There’s no reason to hate bro and you’re hating that’s just called being a hater for what reason I’m not really sure on what the U thing is all about yeah okay I see how it is Avery no Avery I I’ll remember this I will remember this a slime pushed you into

It like the Slime moves you into the tree like the chances of that happening man I’m just mind blown my mind is more blown than JFK like oh my gosh that’s insane sure feed hello again hello hid welcome to the stream or Oakley what do you prefer

Being called hid or Oakley I’m actually very um very interested in what your answer would be excuse me um let’s make this 3×3 we not three by like this wide there we go all right all right dude heck off man just go away just leave me alone you could just leave

Me alone that would be perfect mhm mhm it would be perfect it would be awesome matter of fact uh Oakley okay cuz I always call you hit but I’m not sure um but yeah no problem dude I’ll call you um I’ll call you Oakley from now on um

Okay okay Oakley okay okay bro you can’t what you can’t oh my God this is why Legacy is trash Avery Legacy is trash for this reason now his name is cavet town oh right okay my my bad my fault cave town I guess oh no not not you again not you again

Please just leave me alone please please please please please just die as fast as you can thank you I’m going to go to bed right now they said boys we oh my what the hell what the hell why oh cuz I’m getting hurt what what soone how I wait I got called

Miss again yesterday how dude what is going on how this is I call hacks dude I call hacks on Stones situation he’s getting hacked foro that’s what it is um just call wait just have the his there so people don’t get confused hid ah I see okay no problem dude sounds

Like a skillit to me oh Stone I wouldn’t have that bro I wouldn’t have that Stone come on please oh my God I made it just in time right before they killed me oh my God right before they hit me they nearly hurt me dude and then I survived hell yeah

That’s what I’m talking about he’s behind me what excuse me boys we have survived survived a week in Minecraft days wow awesome we survived a week right here Mrs Hines what the ability to til dirt into grass wait was only added 1.19 what oh my god freak this game boys I’m

Going to quit playing Legacy for that reason you know bro freck Legacy freak everything about it man I hate this game so much right now this game is now trash okay you need to wait you need to wisht for villagers how oh wait wait how actually

Wait no I’m confused now how dude also oh my God wait no we can’t make a pig for him CU we don’t have any carrots we’re not going to get any carrots anytime soon so um yeah why use P blocks just uh mine wait just something every single dir

Block what do you mean just mine no like I need that so mobs don’t spawn dude some mobs don’t spawn also we can make a sheep firm um I need zombies yeah I need yeah oh wait yeah that’s what okay that’s what yeah okay clay you’re actually a

Genius for that one I didn’t think about that yeah so I need a golden apple which I’d get from Trident not Trident uh drowns cuz they drop gold I need an apple which I need a oak tree for that which I don’t know how I’d get one oh

This is difficult actually yeah this is actually a challenge wow W I’m on a 1.14 so 1.14 um okay there we go um oh for freak’s sake man God dang it all right you Mr sheep yep you could just like come over here real quick yep thank you

Just follow me no you can heck off thank you uh just follow me I need zombies yeah barck is the best version ever yeah you need help you need serious mental help that’s for sure okay we’re going to put this right next to the Chicken F

Well you can cure witches no no no no no witches have weakness potions bro so I need to be lucky and make sure it doesn’t give the uh zombie villager any harming or uh poison so yeah jav is the best yeah you need help you need to kill

A lot of zombies get a cauldron and a bucket yeah man that’s like it all relies on RNG right all of this relies on like heavy heavy amounts of RNG Rasberry piie is the best version no cap yeah you you need help like bro you need mental serious mental help man that’s

What you need serious serious oh yeah that’s my serious face by the way um okay let’s get one more sheep if we can Java is best yeah I don’t know I don’t know I I feel like there’s no best version like even Legacy I I I’ve

Realized that leg Legacy is not the best version because you cannot do that to dirt you can’t make it into it you can’t make dirt blocks into pot blocks question who’s your favorite music artist um either Kanye or uh oh on either Kanye Lake inspired or prod R man those are my top

Three i’ say top three sorry three harming heals zombies and poison does oh right okay then we’re good we’re good bro so the only person that is at risk is me um harming and poison heal Ms damn even even even kind of knew that welcome back to the stream David how’s it going

Bro welcome welcome welcome sir um okay um I don’t know why I clicked that I have no idea okay top tree mhm yeah hilarious bro hilarious so so funny so funny okay there we go so we can start making our house now while we’re waiting for zombie

Villagers I guess but like on so like d what is dangerous is nighttime nighttime on super flat is literally nightmarish bro there’s so many mobs so many it’s insane so we need to make sure we just don’t have any mobs that spawn around us I’ll take the mob loot that like they

Leave behind because why not also oh okay let’s just lead all of them into here cuz why not you know we’re going to regret nothing okay dude house hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about Mr David hell yeah man build a basic mob grinder uh to fire

Mobs dude that’s a good idea but like how would they fall in if there’s no water I need water to push them down right then you don’t need to sleep like man I’m so confused how would I like you know it only has 32 block types what

What I’m so bored on painting with markers and hand cream hand how do you paint with hand cream I’m so confused how I thought you work you don’t need water for M grinder BR then what do I use to make them fall down what do I use

Dude he still better than every version combine oh wait is there only 32 block types in Raspberry Pi Edition is that what you’re saying if so that’s actually kind of sad slowkey kind of sad bro okay uh yep that’s okay I didn’t want to feed that but whatever dude

Whatever I can send you a screenshot if you yeah like I’m so confused on how you would actually build a m arounder without water how doesn’t make sense I think Candi is um something tick wait is alt wait is alt is Tick what I don’t even know what that

Means what are you trying to say you spawn and then K it yeah but how dude how that’s what I’m wondering if pokon was added in Raspberry Pi Edition then M crafter would instantly bro he would buy it I know if you have to buy it but like he

Would get it instantly man as fast as possible he would be the first person to on it bro he’ be the first person to play D why don’t I don’t have Discord like loaded up on you P marker ink on plastic and hand cream to make a paint consistently well

There you go see I never knew that you must be part of Art School uh I you clearly didn’t get rejected from art school that’s for sure hi Ma uh Zer how’s it going dude very interesting name but yeah I like it this is PS3 edition this is not PS3 edition this is

A Minecraft Legacy PS4 or PS5 I guess but yeah also boys I bought a very good game um that actually like this game that I bought is the reason I started my channel on YouTube um and it’s this game right here Modern Warfare remastered such a good

Call of Duty but it’s what it’s what made me start my YouTube channel so that’s why I bought it cuz it was locked on my account it was locked cuz it was on a different console um so um yeah I bought it again so I can play it again

And you know it’s it’s the reason I serve my channel so fun buy me again bro I have no more money I have no more money okay trust me your boy’s broke your boys broke as um me when I don’t get accepted intire School M what okay I thought you going

To make it more funny by saying like bro it would have been funnier if you just like said man I need to get into politics that would have been funnier maybe that’s just my opinion it’s probably just me that thinks that’s funny um okay

Uh b w okay dude uh I don’t even know what that one’s called and then hell yeah hell yeah okay so how do we Shar these guys if we don’t have iron not really too sure but we’ll figure it out also that’s why I keep going to the

Crafting table I need to make some slime blocks well I don’t need to but it’s fun it’s fun yeah but that’s your um opinion so I don’t care wow you don’t even care about my opinion what the beef dude that’s kind of that’s kind of rude cool dude oh

It’s called cool dude okay cool dude hell yeah cool dude hell yeah man uh L I’m accepted into many art schools well you didn’t even spell accepted right so I’m not sure about that one You definitely wouldn’t be accepted into um any other schools that’s for

Sure um I got rejected from my school Air Club and then I’m running in next year’s student election high school it’s a good idea what could go wrong if you get rejected from school and go into politics what could go wrong a computer is playing loud music I wait I don’t

Know why that is scary you might have a virus get that checked out get that checked out right now she spelled it correctly no she said wait expected expected bro expected not accepted expected so yeah I’m not sure if she spelled it right what is this one

Called it’s called hell yeah it’s called hell yeah your computer has vir is that racist I feel like that’s a little bit racist I’m sorry is it racist I’m not sure um but if it was then I didn’t mean for it to be racist um expected yeah like that’s not how you

Okay you know what never mind never mind bro never mind feed it’s auto correct I see I see I see hi Vivid how’s it going how’s it going dude also boys yeah um for anybody that’s wondering um I will be streaming the round tomorrow um I’m

Going to get into it again I just needed a little bit of a break from it cuz I had no idea what I wanted to do on realm but now I have some ideas I’m going back to it tomorrow so yeah we should be good boys we should be good just need a

Little bit of a break to get my ideas flowing my idea juice is Flowing if you will um I’m never going to say that ever again but yeah accepted yep that’s how you spell it accepted okay there we go um hello this is Microsoft your computer has virus I’m

Not going to do an accent because I feel like that would be racist so yeah I’m just not going to do it but I would love to do it because it is it like bro the Indian accent is a fun accent to do like I don’t care what anybody says it’s a

Fun accent to do same with the Irish accent you know how how my name is Irish my name my name is Steven Steven Spielberg and I I I know he’s not Irish but I say Irish because he’s somewhat Irish I don’t I don’t know my pot of

Gold pot of gold Irish and if you want to be Scottish then just got be like a haggas a hagas haggas hagas hagas a ey um bro spell wait spelled the micro CRI wait criminal’s name wrong what micro criminal what oh my no please sleep before this oh my God yes oh my

God that was so close she nearly killed me dude freak was I have no idea it would be more like um that’s cool wait no wait I mean I know how to do um an accent from Island like uh herey let’s change the text here today A

Bro do you know what I mean yeah you know you’re woman in the shops yeah do you know your woman in the shops she sold me a frar for two bli do you know what I mean like that’s that’s an actual Irish accent right there um she s me a

Bed flat over for tell blade y out know man blade and Scar over there like that that’s a good Irish ACC right there but yeah um I don’t know about anything else feed stuff no like David you you know for a fact that’s a good Irish accent

Right there you know that’s a good Irish action uh why bro yapping I’m not yapping we don’t sound like wait that bad do we that’s D exactly exactly exactly a Dublin drug yeah like a a Dublin um Junkie how many how much you know how much for two

GRS how much for two bleeding Crums bro you know what I mean two bleeding Crums it’s like sir we are a tesos sir we don’t sell grams of anything grams of sugar we sell it by 250 g so which one my Wii U is so dead running is it dying

Is it dying is it on his last legs cuz my PS3 must be on his last legs as well I got it on I think we got it in 2008 or 2006 whenever it released um see yeah we are testicles no we are tesos bro we are

Tesos not testicles what the hell I said tesos dude tesos you know Tesco you’ve never been to a Tesco oh my gosh even Jack Adams would be disappointed in you if You’ never be into a tesos the battery went on uh hold a charge what hold a charge W profile picture uh Jack

What even is it bro all I see is white and then like some black on it as well I don’t even know what it is what is this supposed to be I’m kind of confused on the whole situation never been to a test oh my Tesco Tesco te

E s c o you never been to a Tesco every little helps oh yeah every little every little okay boys we need to settle debate okay the debate that we need to settle is um is what’s better little or little or Tesco how do you even say I don’t even

Know is it little or Lial or little not sure but what’s better little or um Ali Tes no little or Ali bro which one is better I don’t know I feel like they’re the same right they have same colors they have same pretty much logo you

Know if you search up Have A tes School uh no thank you bro no thank you I I’m going to pass on that one um I feel as if that would not be a good search AK the battery uh burnt out oh my God how dude like how is that even happen were

You trying to play like Modern Warfare 3 like the newest one were you trying to play Modern Warfare REM mastered um on Wii U like what is going on little is better with prices Ali is better with quality bro Ali sells rotten fruit bro what do you mean better with

Quality Ali sells rotten fruit maybe where maybe just where like I am but like I don’t know it’s so rotten fruit bro um Ali you say Ali I know like little is good with prices and they’re good with their food as well like they don’t sell gun off

Food you know never heard of Alie ever bro it’s literally a Swedish company isn’t enough boys isn’t Ali a Swedish company I know like I know I might be thinking of um Ikea I swear Aldi is also a Swedish company no feed you got wait you need to find a

New Ali I know bro I know it’s German how is it German what what dude what is it Sweden what Sweden uh it is the song that’s playing right now you legit wait you Irish egyp sorry dude sorry man you’re also an Egypt dude Egypt okay I think little H is

Little I’m just going to say little I don’t know I don’t know how to say it dude okay I’m not a master of pronunciation okay also boys let’s let’s make a love garden o fcking fcking You’re fcking egy man uh check memes check memes uh no that song is called D my bad

Dude my fault little is German too what okay this is new to me I think little is but I know about ali Aldi is pretty much literally like Aldi is literally just a copy of little I swear to God there’s no difference bro got little no like little little

Whatever the effect it’s called we’re going to little little the prices say it all D you know that song right you know you know that song the little song Le song the prices say at all I got a a little German um I don’t know your favorite

Idiot is here who said you’re an idiot you’re the smartest person I know you’re so smart a Shooks um Tesco is from England right I swear to God it it’s got to be bro it’s got to be Vivid there’s no way it’s not you know Tesco has got to be British

Owned shorty man I never want to hear that song again bro it’s a good song man okay how about the T song David you heard T song right the kids they call him T better than take away better than stay sure all I need is T good song Good

Song um why are you telling the grass because um mobs can’t spawn on uh path blocks so that’s why I I don’t want to see any mobs near me so yeah okay not too bad see Tong it’s a buyer okay it’s a buyer um come on actually a good song

Frick makes me tear up every time because how beautiful it is such a beautiful song such a beautiful song makes me want to cry okay uh yeah mobs don’t spawn on P blocks so that’s why Fair Thank You nwol song n wols n wols nwol swimming in the ocean causing that come

Out is that the song that’s got to be the song right you know what song really annoys me how many shrimps do do you have to eat that that song just annoys me I’m not even going to lie maybe because like they’re British but yeah okay got to go

For a dinner by might not be back we’re having Burgers ooh sing your family The Burger Song while you’re there just go downstairs and say cuz you’re my burger oh you’re my burger riding around you loveely sh no wait that’s not the song I don’t know uh

I Met Your Dad you never met my my dad Andy cuz you never had one dude like Andy we all know you never had a dad so just chilling man all right yo Andy Gabriel Gabriel song what I don’t know what that song is dude seriously I I have no idea what that

Song is where when raining tacos was a big thing annoying as hell soundtrack hey that’s party grip bro all right leave him alone that guy’s a good guy probably I don’t know I love party grip man um it’s raining taco from out of this guy tacos no need to

Ask why it was so annoying yeah actually there was a point in 2016 where I was just sick of that song because it was in pretty much every Roblox game ever I was like for freak’s sake man turn it off dude just turn it off had enough you

Know what did the What Did the Fox Say oh yeah wait it’s what does the fox say right what does the fox say yeah that that was that’s actually kind of a good song or fireflies you know the three ad with the lizard called Jeff oh man I I used to get that

All the time I used to get that stupid ad of that stupid lizard I I hate it because it just annoyed me like I don’t know why but the lizard just annoyed me every time I saw it just the look of it just we all wait we know your dad is

Bald and has glasses he has no glasses bro he’s bald yeah but he doesn’t have glasses yeah um help off the meat what no one’s on your me dude all right Aussie no one will ever be on your meat dude all right just chill out my no one’s on your dick

Bro make me H uh make me a Believer wait do you mean like a Believer believer but like what C play or maing dragons I don’t even know D sorry dude just you know the truth hurts man the truth hurts sometimes okay and that’s just the truth

Man I’m sorry dude it’s just the truth and the truth hurts um yeah make me a Believer okay boys what do you think of the song Radioactive cuz I love the Minecraft party I’m Redstone Active I’m Redstone Active oh whoa who oh yeah um f mty song

What’s the mty song like Bob mty like wait no no wait so wake up the memories up my nation it’s your time to be there’s no chance unless you take one any time to see the brigh situ some things are meant to be you guys know I song I know where you don’t

Know what radioactive is bro come on man you’ve never heard of Radioactive radio it’s a terrible song but like you know it’s so Banger on on Minecraft terms you know it’s the topest songp I don’t I don’t know what any of these songs are Mr MC crafter okay top his

Songs what I’m so like what wait no we don’t have emeralds God dang it man we okay we need a villager ASAP Radioactive by Imagine Dragons yeah Radioactive by Imagine Dragons you guys don’t know that song that song is a Slammer back in the day no I haven’t yeah you well then you

Don’t you haven’t lived life okay you haven’t lived life also if I haven’t if I don’t see any zombie villagers in a 10 block radius then I’m going to sleep okay I also need some rain no wait I don’t need rain right now I need wait no I need to kill

Zombies oh I need to go out and kill zombies cuz I need iron and there’s a real chance I could get iron from zombies so real lizards hell yeah that’s what I like that’s what I like that’s what I like okay no iron there where chance that we get iron

Right now I would Cry Of Happiness come on Minecraft Legacy I love you you love me we could be a big happy family if you just give me some iron from zombies oh my God yo you’re fast you’re fast bro you’re fast okay Jesus Christ let see

Any zombie villagers so it’s time to go to sleep wait okay when I wake up I’m going to change the text and then I’m actually going to make an area for zombie villagers to go if I ever find one so if I do find one I

Don’t want them to burn so yeah don’t say the Lord’s name in F oh snap my bad dude my bad it was not intentional freak man God dang it Jesus Christ I need stop saying the God’s name even V oh my gosh freaking Jesus Christ God man that that’s that’s awful that would

Even do that man that’s evil that’s evil you know that’s evil okay so I’m going to make a small hook where the zombie won’t burn right next to here so let’s just make like a small shed you know um it’s also where the witch can try to get the zombie villager infected

With some weakness so um yeah we already have doors yep we do okay uh God’s first name is Gabriel really well if that’s true then that’s actually a very interesting fact I learned a lot today boys I learned a lot today every day is a learning thing in

The feast on the streams um that’s for sure Jesus Christ dude in what in God’s name is wrong with you I’m sorry man I don’t mean to use God’s name V it’s it’s not holy it’s not holy I’m a very Christian boy very Christian boy okay wait no we don’t need doors because

That would be stupid because he’s going to break down the door okay look I do this sure I’ll do this right now sure man absolutely okay there we go um skel needs to hop off the game hey there’s nothing wrong with Travis okay there’s nothing wrong with Travis man

He’s chilling bro he’s chilling why is this Fe guy uh lying well what would I be lying about what what am I lying about let me know I’m actually very curious no not Travis okay that’s what I was saying don’t be talking stuff about Travis all

Right or it’s not going to end well for you buddy lying yeah you spell lying wrong Jack I mean most things are what Jack spells wrong jack spells a lot of things wrong it’s kind of it’s kind of embarrassing to look at I guess second can hand embarrassment from that but uh

Yeah um the topic song is called TPL is plugged in I don’t know what the type of song is dude I don’t know what that song is is what is that song never heard of it before there we go see I’m good at Minecraft so the guy the

Zombie villagers wait no cuz then I’m not going to be able to get out so I’m going to need one block on already so I’ll lead him into here and I’ll block it off like that yes so wait through yeah okay that’s good I I have an idea I have a good

Idea I’m AI generated really I don’t care at wait I don’t really care honestly I see how much money do you make per stream honestly most days I make zero um but today I made um $18 from lightning box I feel like his name should be up here instead um not

Down there cuz that is like why would you want to be down yeah I usually make zero but um you some days I make a lot by a lot I mean like $10 sometimes so let’s just do lightning box again go up here I’m chbt oh hello chbt how’s it

Going dude I heard you are very useful sometimes yeah uh $18 okay wait 18 z z okay there we go there you go lightning box I know if you’re still in stream but there we go that’s better let’s just put this here okay what wait 1 + 1 equals three very useful

Thank you bro I actually didn’t know that so yeah thank you bro um that is actually really useful info for when I’m in master class so yeah thank you bro um I wasn’t the one who spelled that um but I what do you mean spell what you didn’t spell

Anything so yeah you how much uh do you pay for tax oh my God one one whoa yeah one year old man it’s ins Saye write this down because I actually avoid taxes I just don’t pay pay tax you know and that’s that’s the only thing you

Need to know for life just don’t pay your taxes it’s not it’s not like what you actually get out of you know you you don’t gain anything you lose money you don’t gain money so why pay Why Pay um that’s lovey I know I know that’s respect hell yeah man stay awesome stay

Awesome Sneezy is back I am back boys I am back I think my mic is not muted is my mic muted still no it’s not okay there we go we’re good um okay um anyway let’s continue yeah it is respect bro it is a lot it takes a lot of respect to you

Know not just pay your taxes yeah do you guys like my shed I think it’s nice I I think it’s a nice little shed stay awesome hell yeah man did I upload that short yet I don’t know I uploaded it on Tik Tok and Instagram um that clip did pretty well

Did pretty well i’ say so you guys should follow my Instagram and my Tik Tok you’d regret not doing that also I regret making that hole God dang it feed it’s a shed yeah you should like it then right you like sheds I like sheds we all like

Sheds uh fortnite bro come on okay let’s let’s breed some sheep and now um let’s get some wood so we can make so we can finally make a um mob Grinders yeah your shed is O Rick yeah you know bro get out of here man get out of my

Stream right now leave actually just leave leave my stream right now let’s drink some tea what uh else do nightbot uh two what wait react to um if you say feed stinks like feed and then s t i NX then he’ll say like I don’t know what

He says but he says something and if you say feed SS um I think if you have join in your sentence then he’ll he’ll say like if you would like to join you guys subscribe and like the video I don’t know I can check right now

Um but I think it’s all in one word like feed things um yeah there you go I don’t know why I don’t know I think somebody said it in stream I was like o o o that was before I had a mic so if you don’t remember that then that’s probably why

Wait wait wait hold on we can make one huge jungle tree is it worth it no it’s not because we don’t have an extra happening so if that fails then we’re kind of done for feed smells well that’s just not even a command uh but I could check the other

Things says um if you want Minecraft Minecraft indeed boys um I think Minecraft oh yeah Minecraft how could I forget man if I had emeralds bro I swear bro wait boys we can still get emeralds if pillagers spawn right or they only drop arrows unless like I do they only

Drop emeralds if like it’s a raid slime hell yeah awesome I love the awesome Emoji bro I remember when I found out about it I went into so many stream and just like put that emoji and people will be like how’ you do that I

Be like stay awesome um has to be raid God dang it man no okay so if pillagers come along then it’s useless freak man God dang it God freaking damn it that that actually sucks so how is like the only way you can get emeralds then is if we actually

Get a villager so we have to cure a zombie villager which going to take a lot of death a lot of death man oh my god did you know there is a school called STI that is not a fun name for school at all uh they probably sell

A lot of or they probably like have a lot of condoms in that school um stay awesome hell yeah man that’s what I’m talking about stay awesome boys remember okay um yeah let’s let’s get to making the M grinder but first we have to get wood I said that literally 5

Minutes ago I didn’t get any wood so let’s just make an axe and then we should be good so is there any way of getting stone at all in this I don’t believe there is wait it’s an all boy school I mean you can still get um STDs

From and sis from all boys you know what I mean does feed have an FCI I mean I I never had that so yeah no I’ve never done it before so no I guess I wouldn’t have it I wouldn’t have one do one gender schools actually exist bro

Obviously man my father went to an all boy school I do believe uh I think there’s only all gender schools back in the day back in the 1900s um in Ireland so you know that would make sense hello Le wait Leland how’s it going dude welcome to the

Stream welcome to the stream bro also boys if you haven’t already dropped a like I think we’re nearly at 20 likes yeah we’re so close are you sure bro I’m I’m more sure than you okay I would not be surprised if Jack Adams had any like

AIDS or whatever you know it would make sense that he does so yeah uh not going to lie okay um what can we do with two leather is there anything we could do not really Jack me neither that school is well protected it probably is it probably is yeah they

Probably get a lot of slack for the name but to be honest it’s probably a very safe school um in that kind of way guys at school wait guys at school are zesty and stink they stink have they never heard of theodan or what’s going on um I don’t think they actually

Existed what’s the point of a one gender school um I don’t know I have no idea what the point of it is but they do exist they do still exist um which is kind of crazy I play basketball for an hour they play basketball for an

Hour I mean that that’s pretty cool Lynx links deodorant and spray hell yeah bro what the hell oh my okay there we go am I downloading what’s going on nope not downloading anything okay uh feed do you have gun no I don’t no luckily I don’t actually have that so

Yeah I’m pretty good on that um surface of Life axe Axe Body Spray um what’s the other one um Old Spice I want to get sponsored by Old Spice that sounds pretty cool cuz my I know my viewers definitely need Old Spice they all my viewers stink man all

Eight viewers watching right now you guys stink man holy smokes sure sure sure sure sure I know you guys like absolutely stink bro oh disgusting so disgusting only uh cause for having one gender schools yeah what’s the cause what’s the uh reason you know what is the reasoning

For it feed stinks all right bro I smell amazing I smell like roses and rainbows that’s what I smell like wait o wait don’t say that how long have we been streaming we’ve been streaming for 2 hours damn two hours already boys that’s insane oh yeah yeah actually two hours

Right now because it’s half1 imagine I know what at least was going to say he’s going to be like imagine not being on the 5th of December or January see I don’t even know what month it is I don’t even know what month it is

Bro so yeah my bad why do I keep check like I keep checking this chest thinking there’s going to be something different in there just not it’s like checking the fridge expecting there to be new food in there it’s not going to happen uh what does wait what does

Rainbow smell like rainbows smell like beautiful and so nice and so nice imagine not being on the 5th of January ha man I’m missing out dude actually it’s 6:31 p.m. no it’s 11:30 p.m. bro it’s 11:30 p.m. I’ll have you know buddy so yeah bro I need some string drop some

String man God dang it I don’t need your stupid spider eye the hell what do I need that for you’ve been only streaming for 1.19 minutes that’s just not true it says 2 hours 1 minute buddy so don’t try to correct me on that bucko all right

I’m going to make a fishing rod as well once we get water it should come in useful that’s good to have just anyway um in case we don’t have any string in the future how do you make villagers um wait could you um somebody type a message so I could read Gabriel’s

Message um cuz it’s blocked by the heart emoji can anyone else agree El get to bed boy what get to bed like what like Jack makes no sense half time bro I’m so annoyed by that um how do you make villagers talk in Minecraft you just

Have to do a really good impression of a villager and you should be good bro you should be good no other one open realm now DX quit talking about the realm I’m sick of people talking about the realm open the realm now open the real here

And then now and then this time as well I was like bro they don’t talk what okay yeah you just got to do a really good impression bro no I’m joking I’m joking um I use a um what’s it called a AI tool to make it so that they talk so yeah you

Have to be more representative towards your American viewers and how could I do that let me know by faking my time by saying actually guys for me it’s 6 p.m. right now so yeah also it’s day 10 wow day 10 already that’s ins Saye hot Americans it’s

Hilarious uh Fe I don’t know wait Elite I don’t know this feed guy reading the wrong comment uh no the other one I don’t know what other one there is to read so I apologize yeah I said I I don’t know what other ones there is to

Read that’s what I said okay how do we have one two 3 for different food Farms but I still don’t have any food what is going on um Jack what does that mean honestly what does like half of what Jack says doesn’t actually mean anything because he doesn’t he doesn’t even know what

He’s saying that’s what’s that’s the real issue about today’s society is that they just say whatever and just think it makes sense it’s like no that’s not how it works buddy it’s not how it works sadly um so yeah it’s honestly just sad how Society is Fallen this Fair into

Just nothingness you know um hly just the sad reality of society like it it truly shows that we live in a society and I do believe it is not a good thing nor is it a bad thing Alpha boys say the most random things Alpha boys what are

Alpha boys is that YouTube channel because all your food um firms are slowed in a snow because I have no water that’s why there’s no water in this world that’s why dude what the the the faster I get water the better but I need to get iron which the only

Way I can get iron is from zombies and that’s a very small chance of happening has a very small chance of happening so yeah let’s build this mob FM so anyone know how to build a mob FM probably just like this right hold on you guys can see POV

Africa it’s just it’s just like what genuinely like genuinely like what bro what I feel like Jack is just like he just doesn’t like black people like have you seen the types of stuff that he says about Enderman and like stuff like that it’s insane like Jack just doesn’t like

Black people it’s so weird uh Fe I’m going to go watch uh Ken kicks the year what’s Ken kicks the year I don’t even know what that is but yeah I mean I hope you enjoy um I haven’t watched it yet um so might be back with

Br oh wait that reminds me I need to watch um I had to check if um Todd in the shadows has uploaded God dang it if he’s uploaded a best hit songs of 2023 yet let me actually check right now feel so good what is it

Though um Todd Todd let see if he upload in the shadows please say he’s uploaded a he has oh my God how have I missed out man I missed out okay top 10 worst hit songs 2023 okay he hasn’t uploaded best hit songs so kind of concerning but okay

This Racist s bro you’re you’re racist bro you don’t like black people you I should ban you I should ban you that’s that’s for sure um there is this lad who makes a comedy out the last year oh actually sounds like a good idea like how how is how is he

Doing how is he doing enman are oh my God I don’t even want to read that I don’t even want to read that bro I Bongos stop assuming they’re black what what like I think I think Jack is drunk again missed out stunes what yeah I need

To watch tit in Shadows I’m have to I’m have to end the stream boys I have to end the stream early so I can watch that video um and then just like relax and play a game oh man I want to watch that video so bad now God dang it man I’m

Missing out bro there by acting yeah but like how like what what does that mean like by making a comedy into or like makinging last year into comedy how how does that even work like what is it even about oh shoot now why are you assuming they’re black it’s not assuming they’re black

Enderman are black bro their color is literally black it’s like saying why are you assuming slimes are green it’s because they are green dude what do you mean by see you later um eliso see you later dude have a great night man yeah boys I’m not going to be streaming for

Much longer cuz I do actually want to watch that video so bad it’s like it’s like if a new Netflix series that you been waiting a year on release it’s like man I need to watch that right now so boys I’m going to be watching that very soon

Uh hey my friend what’s up uh Mr Samba he asks out the things that happen this year with stuff and makes it funny for freak’s sake now please let me watch it bro I no one was stopping you from watching it dude nobody was watching nobody was like stopping you from watching

Okay what what’s it called what’s it called let me know what’s up what’s up man what’s up bro how’s it going dude hope you’re having a great day okay okay so this is a mob frame correct this is a mob Fame this right here right do you think

KSI and Tommy Fury boxing fight wait what do you think about um I think I I don’t really watch YouTube boxing or boxing in general so I don’t know um it’s cool I guess um is my answer I guess it’s cool um not all okay I mean

No comment no comment honestly I feel like even if I read that it would just be taken out of context so badly um yeah boys I’m probably just going to end the stream here CU I’ve made a lot of progress you know I’ve made a lot of progress I’m happy with

Our progress and uh you know we got a few donations as well so all thanks to lightning box and um show love has become a member and Adrian as well so um I would say this stream was absolutely W I don’t know what you guys would say but

Yeah I’m going to end the stream here so thank you guys for watching it’s been great it’s been good it’s been a fun time um and yeah I’m going to end the stream here so thank you guys for watching have a great day um and yeah bro feed said that sub me

Right bro nobody like what bro nobody’s meet riding anybody okay knock it off huh knock it off buddy yeah thank you guys for watching um have a great day um and all the members that are members right now Jack Adams Vivid thank you bro I appreciate you guys and

Yeah have a great night see you guys later thank you guys for 20 likes big shout out to lightning box for donating €1 18 and big shout out to um to Adrian and show love for become a member so yeah love you Fe love you too Mr Aussie um everyone meeting your wait

Riding your meat that’s because actually have good meat you don’t nobody’s ever G to ride your meat Jack right no one would ever read ride your me okay um if You’ use the cow tools cow to oh yeah cow tools right here oh shoot what the hell cow tools yeah of course yeah

See you guys there and yeah peace out good night have a great night thank you for watching Discover a world with the freedom to do whatever you want dig down into the unknown depths or build incredible structures from Humble homes to Grand City Scapes go it alone or bring your friends along for the ride the only limit is your imagination discover bigger worlds and

See further into the distance thanks to the power of the PS4 import your save games from PS3 edition that’s not bro what that’s not even true you can’t do that man it says import your save games from the PS3 edition you can’t do that bro you can’t import your PS3 worlds

Onto PS4 you’ve never able to do that what the hell okay show your Creations to the world with a touch of the share button explore craft and build with up to seven friends online or up to three friends in offline split screen mode um for home use only the software

Is licensed for play on authorized PS4 systems only a PS4 system software update may be required uh all unauthorized access say use or transfer of the product or its underlying copyright and trademark works is prohibited see eu. playstation.com legal for the s for the full usage rights um library programs 2013 to 2014

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc uh exclusively licens to Sony Computer Entertainment uh Europe SCE Resa and re rental are prohibited unless expressly authorized by sece uh licensed for sale in Europe India and Russia only hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about right there that is what I’m talking about right here like that is

Like such a lie I can’t believe they said that bro I can’t believe they lied about that that is such a lie man import your save games from the PS3 edition what since when bro when could like you can’t do that man it’s just not possible why would they lie about that dude

That’s such a louy yeah see you guys later and yeah peace cringe PlayStation moment honestly man what the hell why would they lie about that man if I could do that I’d do that right freaking now I’ll do that right freaking now right now dude um yeah see you guys there

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Legacy Superflat Challenge (Getting Started)’, was uploaded by FeeDStunz on 2024-01-04 23:52:55. It has garnered 323 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:09 or 7989 seconds.

In This Stream, I Try To Make As Much Progress As Possible In My Minecraft Superflat World! So Watch As I Try To Do That!


1. Eyedragon | Gifted 10 Members | 2. Jack Adams | Gifted 7 Members | 3. David Fitzpatrick | Gifted 1 Member | 4. Maybe You?

‼️UPDATED HALL OF FAME‼️ 💯THANK YOU TO THESE AMAZING PEOPLE💯 1. Zgamerz2: AED 8,981.18/€2,263.63 2. Kabel Shorts: $80.00 3. JO0SHY2Z: $70.00 4. DDX: $41.92 5. Stonehedgehog: $41.00 6. Lightning Box:$40.00 7. Stonehedgehog: $41.00 8. Sigma Man: €31.00 9. Plaza: $25.00 10. Buzzing: £24.00 11. Jack Adams: £21.00 12. Elitecereal: Kr195.00/€18.66 13. Sean Cassidy: €12.00 14. Twanner: $11.00 15. AndyPlayz: $11.00 16. Elitecereal: Kr85.00/€7.19 17. Adrien: $5.00 18. David Fitzpatrick: €5.00 19. SC Studios: £4.00 20. okPxin: $4.00 21. Pokegang: €4.00 22. Wildswayz: $4.00 23. Nicolas Fraley: $3.00 24. Hacksaw4859: $3.00 25. Nathan: $3.00 26. BallinCat43#1 Fan: $2.00 27. Phoggi: $2.00 28. Rome Plays: $2.00 29. Bendyplayz23: $1.00 30. Cking: $0.99 31. Solvietmemes: $0.99 32. Jake Wilson: £0.79 33. Maybe You?!

#minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival

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  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

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  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More