Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

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go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is poggers why why stream no start I already did I’m going to add your PNG let me do this remove this test you don’t have any PNG oh you need my PNG I already did I already doesn’t have a PNG St huh stupid what you saying bro all right I’m not I I started stream but stream isn’t officially started out I’ll start it in a couple minutes probably good why is my mod not showing oh there we go yay yay where’s the chat I don’t know figure it out got it it’s gonna beting mhm uhuh there we go Dan you say oh my God one more time I’m gonna kick you off the Stream wow I’ll do it I know him personally that’s crazy why is my smooth lighting off on I’m joining us to stream fancy wait is sodium out yet no not yes it is yes it is look on the GitHub page I bet probably on the GitHub page but not hold on not officially oh dang it oh it is yeah I get wreck I have to go to the freaking this this app data this this mods and it’s installed now nothing can do about it yay all right let’s go I just sa Essentials mod not any kind of mods in this I have the essentials too I only have Essentials makes my game faster yeah w y don’t want your game to be faster that’s sad I I didn’t know anyway love everyone man case I’m here no one asked kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding okay I guess I can like I just want to say a couple words for stream is official started it’s been over it’s been around it’s it’s almost been a full year since I last streamed yeah I know right so I know right streaming is going to be a bit weird we’re doing our first webcam stream um well not first but you know this one has a better webcam it’s my phone up the blinds and be right back be right back what was going on there that’s a good question bro sodium didn’t even stop oh I know why I’m an idiot um I need to do I need to move it to this folder because yeah what do you mean where is it hold on got barbecue sauce hogers okay I’m going to officially start stream so hello everyone welcome back to another Manny qua stream finally today it’s been a year today we are joined we are joined by WX and Dylan hello what in the world Emmanuel shut the you are not streaming today someone just said that they’re not I’m not streaming today guys I guess stream is ended that’s crazy any anyways I got anyways to celebrate 1.21 coming out so happy one21 no I don’t think I’ve done something like this in five years but it’s fine oh shoot I made a mess one year ago that’s crazy oh my oh hold on anyways are you still one21 coming out my God that’s crazy every time every time he streams he never said this before AG in five years but it’s fine I already know about it okay so what we talking about what we doing for stream well first off Manny how about you launch the game and freaking make a world and let us it is launched oh well join a world invite us okay well hold on let me let me let me go to my main scene for some reason Minecraft isn’t on here full screen mode 1.21 is out if they Chang anything with this probably not but be funny if they did okay World game experiments no I should I should get you yeah what I I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna watch you as well and like your stream let’s go there’s like no one here but I mean I don’t really care why I don’t do streams because no one shows up I already M lock down can you see no wait is that my yes it’s me cam cam PE PE hello how are you today cam cam so bong why are you why I have Burger it’s the gay give give give me give me my burger what the flip was what is happening I’m see I don’t know either I want to see if my game can actually run without sodium yay yay I can’t mine one isn’t even doing that well I’m using a v mode and my my laptop is extremely hot I streaming here what do you expect that’s I’m I’m going to seven render distance join join join join join join getting a render distance of 11 that sounds like a your problem you said sodium was out already it says connecting to server there’s glitter all over my setup now there’s glitter everywhere no there’s not it’s join and I’m in trial Cape I got trial cape let’s all put on the trial C want CES I don’t like CES hello let’s all put on the trial C for today hi Manny hi Manny how you doing bro how you doing bro you’re so laggy you’re so laggy falling off the freaking world are we doing survival or are we going to like test stuff or what are we going to do summon Fireballs like I know so I can get started we we can’t just survival know let’s do some normal survival you know no you know what screw it yeah let’s let’s go cre mod have a bit of fun you know why am I lagging let’s blow some stuff up in here never mind I am not lagging anymore what did you just oh God okay Dylan your number one rule dyl Dylan your number one rule do not sum that fireball in that’s the first thing I was going to do we are flying out yeah the thing is if I did it your stream would probably die and you would her computer would die oh this game’s cool I’m get night vision the stream is laggy that sounds like your problem it’s probably because your laptop’s not great bro SL locate you need to do a test stream one day and just like configure all the settings and get them right working maybe wait what oh anxious spawn how rare is that you freaking joking you freaking joking where are you what’ you find no it’s it’s hold up wait a minute oh I forgot to put the music on oh I made a mistake I already did I always started music oh my music so on [Music] what’s this I wish you a great meal thank you such a freaking ancient city just chilling I wish you Merry Christmas that’s not part of the update hey Manny give us all oh yeah I have [Music] wee where did you go I have the mighty stick I’m so confused oh here we go so what are we doing here I don’t know how any of this stuff works I hey me where’s the where’s the main entrance for this place so laggy there’s an ancient city under this so laggy and I love it where am I there’s an anxious City near here too look ain’t no way no that’s just a oh my God wait no oh there is damn wow I mean dang guys I tried baby you can’t you can’t be normal for once can you hey I could have set something War so it’s fine what is no no there was you’re freaking an ad was playing I get a copyright strike for that what an ax that’s freaking the best chest I’ve ever seen in my life hey this is the P guys did you did you know about this bug about the ladder there’s not a ladder down here [Music] right there look Manny there should be a ladder right here but there’s not that’s how it generates and for some reason fix it but you know it’s fine why I’m hereo let me some a fireball I’m kidding I’m not too bad I ruin the whole point of this freaking stream I he is Tech of what why am I in survival mode what are we going to do in survival mode bro we have to test the limits of these new mobs and creatures in exactly that’s why I’m here code oh God what you’re going to say in Creative no wait that’s not fair the music is I’m running for my life I’m running for my life so why is here I guess hello I’m not a test subject leave me alone please where are you where did y’all even go I got so much sex doesn’t matter doesn’t matter doesn’t matter you don’t know it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter you’ll never find me I don’t need to be found just leave me alone why is there a baby zombie baby zombies you’re okay every everyone gather everyone gather around Dylan gather around Dyan where are you I’m coming bro slow I’ll get i’ll get on surval I’m coming I’m coming coming I’m going to survival all right I’m here why is there a cactus tree oh did you do that I’m taking the axe I I already there two axes actually I want to hit you so bad right now hel let’s go I’m the Mad okay no not PVP each other we’re not pvping no I’m joking we are I have Diamond well the diamond sword says otherwise so no where my baby zombie I’m going to kill it oh hold on let me put my texture pack on real quick this world is so laggy here’s the thing I’m I’mma put on this texture pack um and it’s going to change the mace is it your texture pack yeah it’s my texture pack what do you mean oh oh I know what you mean Kaboom time ooh Kaboom time Kaboom wait being of witch look TNT in my texture pack says Kaboom on it us some at least you us says TNT on my screen so well it says [Music] Kaboom for it’s interesting to steal I would you know do something oh my God someone joined the stream let’s go thank you the only one here ow the only one here my channel is dying it’s happening right now I don’t think this is all this is allow what do you mean no no she you did that right no that that wasn’t there really yeah did it naturally generate that doesn’t naturally generate like a cat I think that’s just their structure there’s actually I beg different okay guys we’re going to try to do this we’re going to try to do this we’re going to do the trial yes we’re doing trial Chambers as our first all right I don’t know how any of this works but you know what that’s the beauty of Minecraft you can figure it out so I’m going to go figure it out all right let’s see there’s not a lot of that’s my first complaint here I’m going to also give everyone a next mob golden pickaxe that’s the worst pickax you could ever give us I meant the the the why is there still a baby zombie do they spawn in this thing I think so hold on I see trap doors here for some reason help me fight these skeletons you’re good you got this there like 50 of them literally oh my God this damage TT oh okay yeah we’re doing it’s on easy so don’t worry too much about that gold oh bro that doesn’t matter at all I’m still going to die I think I’ve died 5,000 times on the speed the mod okay let’s let’s just try this do what we get out of it let’s let’s I’m actually pretty doing pretty decent my computer’s holding there’s nothing here there’s a whole water while the barrel is open that makes no sense why is there just a bunch of water here what so what’s the goal here I don’t understand end Pearl I found the ender pearl to defeat the breeze we’re going to defeat the breeze this how do you defeat the breeze how do you get the breeze that’s good question how do we defeat I’m bad at Minecraft Amen to that I sure am wait I got a trial spawner with a zombie in it just on the ground I don’t I thought these Dro okay okay okay [Music] um how do I uh what do I go oh here okay oh you know what I forgot these trial spawners have the ability to spawn specific like way uh like mob types so I’m destroying this you can’t break them hold on you can’t break the mob spawners maybe because they’re not supposed to be broken you’re supposed to uh like right click on them right with a help help help help help help help you’re so bad oh my okay you want that’s actually just run eat I got you bro thank you it’ be better if I had anually and not do sleeping Edge damage can can these animals stop many of these are not animals these are living I don’t want to be near them came back from the dead and now they’re babies for some reason what are you doing didn’t you get beat by Dylan in that one video excuse me what do you mean bro my chat someone in the chat said didn’t I get beat from that from Dylan byy that one video and better armor though what video what video what video what video was that I don’t actually remember that it’s probably true it’s probably true it’s true so I just want to know what video to confirm no it is I definitely put you in a thousand things before so yeah definitely what’s go someone else is here St for Kaboom time welcome to the stream guys Welcome to the you’re fre huh what’s happening hello be careful are you good yeah I’m just giving everyone things you’re giving everyone mod is that what you just said no in the hardcore world we can’t kill each other in the hardcore World though what maybe maybe it was like a or something uh oh god what happened so much happened in the hardore world two episodes what happened please elaborate further CU I don’t remember I want to know hold on elaborate it was probably uh uh I don’t remember the last episode was 36 minutes so okay I think I found the breeze room y’all did I stop making G content I literally upd uploaded a GD video yesterday so I just kind of haven’t been doing GD videos a lot but uh can someone come in here do you guys need help no we are fine the breeze is here how do you kill the breeze just hit it okay what I got some Tri key oh wait can’t you not on these spawners where’s a breeze I got a a breeze Rod let’s go now I can Breeze uh I can create room right that’s all you can you can make the wind Char how do you beat this you can no you can create wind out of matter it’s that easy oh I got it it too I got emerald block more views it depends on the video really what man oh my God my Discord let’s go guys I have some trial key you’re fine I’m taking this water bucket out I don’t want to deal with it anymore what are you doing there’s nothing up there there’s a chicken all right don’t you get a key from uh one of these guys and you’re supposed to do something with it what from where chest over there how do you get the keys anyways that’s a I don’t know bro I was to ask knew everything about I didn’t know marble what’s up guys you need to activate the trial spawners and after that kill them mobs and get how how how is this a tri spner trial spawner that’s a vault you need you need to I’m dying help me if I die you’ll play this screen while that’s sound like a freaking amazing deal how do you activate this thing okay bro never mind I’m fine okay so I don’t know how to activate these things I’m very confused like uh maybe I have an idea I have an idea chat gbt chat gbt you you you asked ask chat gbt what we supposed to do you do it you’re theat gbt Master right I’m not do it do it do it do it do it do it do it have I seen the new GD Gauntlet uhet portet last video though stop hitting me oh you want to do this right now you want to do this you want to do this let’s go right now all right if you beat me uh I’ll un uh I don’t know BR the world’s so laggy it’s not fair oh yeah you’re so dead if you beat me I’ll let you post whatever you want on my community tab for one uh post see that’s how confident I was you should probably turn on game inventory by the way oh yeah cuz all your stuff just obliterated everywhere but it’s fine how do you get the key ask ask chat TBT I have bro you do it why because you’re the one asking these questions not me again yeah so you should provide the answer to the question I ask the question you provide the answer other way around [Music] maybe Manny that’s a vault I don’t think you can do anything with a wult except unless you have a key which we don’t I have six Keys you have six how did you get six keys I looted everywhere I got how do I get 50 golden carrots oh man I got the ominous bottle what did I do what did I do what did I do what did I do oh no bro I got a music what is it I got effect wind charged but I get busted around every 5 Seconds now oh my gosh thanks Manny what’s in there what is this particle now these are activated oh it’s because oh you want to know why I drank the ominous bottle yeah duh how did you get theot though I I I I cheated with the key sorry my mom just came so now we’re never going to find out how to do it in my opinion oh my gosh this is so bad I’m dying youy guys where are you guys die I we’re fighting for our lives at least is I I’m really fighting for my life right now I don’t know what to do oh my God I got like shot a th000 blocks in the air kill it nice good I got to bra I’m like thrown by air Arrow’s alive yes that’s right here can you shoot them you can’t shoot them there we go they have like around their body hi in deflector oh hold on gu P that’s f what is stop it stop it she’s opening up the things okay yes I am well we did that now so now what now uh let’s all let’s just gather here real quick come here come here everyone gather gather around he’s going to do something stupid I’m calling I’m I’m not I’m not I found a I got barbecue sauce I know I’m too well and what do you mean okay so I’m going to pause this music and wex come here I’m coming I’m coming oh my God so explain how you got key cheats what do you mean cheats I got from theats oh my God no just follow me around where okay where did you came from that’s a good question how did I get in where did you guys came from here Dylan how did idea probably we flew in didn’t we through the wall I don’t think so I don’t remember anything for the past five minutes dude oh found it found it found it found it found it yeah yeah there there there he actually found it there is some trial let me show you let me show you are they in these thingies I need barrels no some some some of them has st’s barrels um you need to broke the uh oh come here come here come here how did you do that oh where did you oh there you are hold on I found hold what the heck come here I’m going I’m going I should have used that end on you Manny what in the world how do you use this I don’t know figure it out help what is this armor by the way oh it’s chain mail just died I see ow okay I’m going to why is there a slime and why do I have ch a chicken yeah you will understand now pie of chicken I won’t though zie a sword yes what is this have a sword help me okay this guy is actually overpowered why is there another slime why do I have chicken why do they both have swords help hello I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving just fight these guys oh wow what a baby bro you can’t fight for yourself that’s crazy I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out he’s still going to be a baby I’m out either up like that man I don’t think digging up like that’s going to save your life help are you good I’m good bu you block where you guys just run bro go up the ladder they can’t they can’t come up the ladder I don’t think unless it’s on I don’t know can they it’s a good question we’re going back to the surface me out I’m dying get me out so I can DP man just gone and you died yay all right oh there a chicken okay everyone gather around Sox how did you get the keys I’m going to start my real Revolution how did I found the keys I just looted the places around oh like you know the barrels the chests the um decoration Pots if you broke the decoration pots there is a chance to getting keys and also there’s a big chance to get some from The Trial trial spawners yeah if you beat all of the Monster spaces you will get this key and some food let see much work I’m going okay that’s actually I get it okay yeah all right Manny guide us actually you’d probably not be a good guid or so never mind yeah oh God all right let me get on a very high surface so you can’t really do anything see if I want a high surface you can’t do anything because it’s not going to do any damage but what the heck was that oh it’s an arrow guys guys guys look like I tried it guys what what did I find let me show you all right pleas okay I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t do this to me section it’s not no nobody please please please I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry please do this to me I’m sorry i g to wait let’s go I have so many things here I just Li oh my God good luck Manny yeah yeah you’re going you’re going to need you’re going to need the I hope have a breeze Rod how what is Breeze Rod bro if I solve this I can still jump wait what B armor trim bro I’m being harassed by Manny guys I I need to file a report right now because this is just Abus he’s literally just like he’s teleporting me and I can’t do anything jump boost yeah you’re going to need it bro that makes it even easier because I can get higher in the air and then you you’re oh my God what you my what’s wrong Dyan what’s wrong doing this what’s wrong I get torted 5000 Block in the year what was hi W how you doing oh God his turn hell up wait man okay I’ll see you later buddy okay but still come don’t follow me follow me follow me guys guys guys guys guys where are you I’m here I am I am at the child Chambers right now again yes oh I got my revenge I’m happy now I’m going to leave hi hello hello just just oh bits ad was play S A you problem all right what are we supposed to do you want to go right now you want to go right now you want to go right now where my just come here already axe he fell I giv be time get an axe okay either I don’t have it or I’m blind it doesn’t matter I don’t need an ax I got you bro dude that was perfect timing yes it is all right Mannie let’s do this where did you go I don’t know I’m going to teleport myself like a th000 blocks to the surface maybe you will do it a th blocks you die to fall damage sound like a fun idea though wait maybe I can land on water maybe I can land on water maybe it land on water water oh my God what is there any water water I landed right in the water let’s go it’s nothing but help me so we’re going to you fly guys just keep teleporting all right cool set World Spa okay hi Manny so what what new things have been added to this version let’s go let’s go to the wiki the only thing I know of is what we just did so other one like does this count oh oh yes oh I want to see F again cuz we’ve done this before they’re all the same oh cuz you’re right the same do bro make a dog Army do it let’s do it dog Army oh dog Army time man spawn different variations of the freaking wolf bro I don’t know how oh my what do you mean you fre can’t you just press the spawn EG and I’ll do it randomly maybe or is that not how it works is it wait hold on no it’s like biome dependent depending on the biome oh expanation on the men I bought the keys he didn’t even need the chat many I’m going to loc you better check out your chat I I forget chat sorry chat I love you how you forget chat bro that’s crazy how do you forget bro someone said the stream is delayed by two or three minutes in your chat more than likely it is H it’s either his internet or his computer or both this is not a Tiger Biome by the way how is this a tiger it’s literally just an ocean okay this game is dumb remember temperatur is also apply to this game imagine but there’s no or anything May man what are you being a comeand comeand say that by the way what are you guys thing uh it doesn’t matter don’t worry about it yeah oh God this is ridiculous bro why do I jump so high and get telep I’m a creative M I’m sorry I’m sorry scared instead of going up instead of going up God God oh God oh God oh God can’t place it when there’s when I’m in the middle of block ha oh oh my God what oh my God I’m a clutch I’m so clutch let’s go yes I freaking I clut that up bro did you say a clutch oh my God yeah boy yeah he just killing dos this is not the wiki this is the fandom I do not want to be in the fandom I want to be in the wiki what don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t use I don’t use Minecraft fandom anymore I use the minecra that’s crazy D are are we friends now are we friends now what’s happening we’re friends right we’re friends right we’re friends we’re friends friends cool okay how do you use this so you use it you right it fun oh I hear one of them that one who needs Rockets me me too what’s make our predictions right now what is 1.22 going to be Minecraft but I say it’s going to be uhan did you just shot the dog no oh yes you did I think I did it on potentionally I’m not going Li understandable understandable I mean I like murder anyways this literally a snowball fire or food fire this what this is DL dyl Dy wait poison arrows bro I’m on the Minecraft Wiki I found I found thing why are you Minecraft wiy bro so so I know what we what they added um they added this thing you could have just judged cat what that crafter o I forgot about this I need to implement this into my gold form in my main World it’d be so overpowered interesting although there’d be a lot of redst how all that but you know what it’s fine what H how mhm mhm man how okay they added two they added they added new Banner patterns bro I don’t think anyone cares about the banner pattern I love the banner patterns of course you do oh my God okay how am I supposed to use this one I’m just going to use it out that’s not very nice I figure it out bom up uh okay it’s just it’s just those look pretty cool I kind of like this one yeah this one this one I kind of like this one they’re both nice yeah can’t which one’s my favorite they added I 20 new paintings oh yeah I forgot nice they also added the music release it Manny yeah I’m pretty sure they did didn’t they have like two three I found the music disc wait didn’t they add a new new one yes this one what even is a new music disc for the pains creeper oh man we’re going to look at us for the automatic crafting using I’m going to look at every single painting yes you are man you know what I’m going to do I don’t [Music] know going to go crazy that’s what to do crazy I was crazy one they meber want want to want to get the new desk take it sure mind I mean you like this this right yeah oh wait my music is down let’s listen to the new music this is nice can I join you guys or can’t I don’t know ask many about it who is it no wait who who actually did say that that was me that was me is the music still playing I don’t hear the music it was for a second amand asking to join yeah why not who commando commando Dragon oh okay can you please I’m to go up again ow what’s going on right now bro good oh my God looking nice I deleted one of the paintings and I’m not going to go back for it so uh I don’t know why I just got so tired all of a sudden guys we should review the music this hi Commando what in the world Commando join guyss Commando that villager one man is so weird oh yeah I don’t like it all the other ones though are pretty good well I mean it’s not like horrible it’s just weird like it’s it’s a good painting it’s just weird dude they are supposed to be hold up what’s up Commando Dragon they can be copyrighted this how this how you freaking dance Minecraft Bro are they no I’m oh wow son ni oh this is a different song which one is this one I [Music] know sound like a click no augers this actually goes hard I like it what do you do doesn’t matter actually it doesn’t matter [Music] yeah what night vision [Music] what else do we have here Minecraft everything but nothing we got the light level 15 block oh nice [Music] whoa what in a world by the way I found emeralds so much and also an emerald block let’s go you know what I think debug stick [Music] debx what that’s crazy box I wonder actually the debuck stick I I I like using that’s a question though no you don’t Manny yes I do I’ve never seen you use it to now explain when you use it with your mom ow what the I did not expect you to say that but okay bro that was crazy I’m I’m just going to go by way not not from the wec not from the WC I just I just end that’s crazy ow what is going on oh my God oh my God crazy what is this I forgot about these bro Manny your world is like so lag no it’s not not that bad like everything’s moving stop musing it anyways anyways my life I’ll see you later uhoh uh-oh uh-oh Manny please don’t this I don’t deserve this please I don’t deserve this either can you at least give me jump boost uh 111 exactly please 111 111 yeah that exact number dude the these are have like I have you have to clear my effects and then give it to me because I it’s not going to give me a lower effect yeah okay thanks Minnie can you just kill these ones please please y’all got this y’all did it look they’re all done do 50 do jump boost 50 50 oh my yeah clear and then give me 50 dude oh my God what is going on I want jump boost 50 yeah now I can actually jump I’ll see you later bro Manny quo 265 let’s go I beg of you please don’t do this to me we’re going to invite we’re going to invite someone we’re going to invite someone who’s going to [Music] invite and I’m still falling it’s fine I be Gamers no you Jesus Christ you good Manny I think you just died he just he just disappeared maybe oh wait he he’s gone hold on hold on on we can do stuff now okay um is he gone hold up I’m going to check up his he’s not gone never mind no I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea what is it I got an idea it doesn’t matter what is he doing iidea good uhoh uhoh oh hi hi uh oh hi Manny I come back hold up that wasn’t what did you do I messed up I du to the bottom of the world that he fell oh okay cool yeah uh cuz slash killing you would have been too boring you know oh my God I’m so tired dude what time is it for you it’s 1 it’s 2 or3 oh yeah you’re right I did get like 6 hours of sleep last night and then woke up at 8:30 so there you go theable for me it’s 9:3 p.m. 9:03 p.m. bro it just said you’re now online and you sent an invite to join the world Manny yeah oh my this time no please connect freezing so bad it resent the messages for some reason Maybe I by the [Music] way live on just don’t worry about it DM DM all right as you wish As You Wish hold on y’all what I’m doing right now is confidential information and this is not to be uh leaked so if you guys ever found out about this you’ll basically know everything about us mhm there you go where you it disconnected I got [Music] disconnected mhm all right hold up yeah yeah did you do it I’m I’m back ow luckily for me my computer’s not going to die but y’all is not going to die any why why hey that was not my idea Manny asked for it so I gave him the command man uh yeah surprisingly all right let’s uh let’s increase now Gamers child CH again can you guys please just I don’t know oh I have a really good idea I that know computer’s done for now his fans’s going to start going crazy oh my God it is it is going crazy I know cuz I just sum like five fireballs and set them in all different directions oh this is great bro let me look what he did y’all look what he did look what he did I know it’s amazing Fireball tie yo you’re today hi welcome oh my God yes sir Fireball there we go how’s that for you Manny you good there bro he left I think his own computer Manny you to just die Manny Manny why there dude watch the stream end is this is history man no I don’t know it timed out but he’s not saying anything so Manny I might have crashed his computer that’s actually funny Manny I’m so evil actually so evil he’s back oh no I just I just left the game here’s what I’m going to do okay start laughing uncontrollably again a good question what we do yes I agreed oh no MM that was [Music] great why can’t bro I think maybe at this point you should just make a new world cuz that one’s toast everyone get on Hypixel right now H High pixel H High pixel H High pixel yes yes yes yes yes yes yes do it do it do it high pixel do it do it do it do it h High pixel highle highle pickle High pickle High pickle I need to change the magins though should I do it if you want to I’m going hold up hold up CH I’m going to change the all right I got Commando in a party wait I was going to host the party no you don’t get to host the party why I my beloved a double log in all right I’m in invite me I’m going to make a Danny you can’t do that huh you can’t do that is wxon I’m not I’m not hold up let me change the let me change the bions okay B do bed War Manny do bedar do Bed Wars what do you think I’m going to do I don’t know not bedar please yes bedwars please yes no I’ve been dominating beds the past few days it’s going to be amazing no I have a question how many people can so bad at it how many what I have a question so I have already how many people in this party four who how do I check the party list is that the thing list chat list chat uh wait no I already got three I got we got I got four four including me is there not like a game big enough can I what no 4v4 bedar is big enough yeah but W isn’t in let let let me just open the yo do you want me to buy this is the dumbest thing ever no we not PR buying a private game yes I’ll buy it bro I’ll do it right now don’t don’t you dare buy a private game it’s like $7 I mean come on now let WX cook for [Music] real let me cook we could do a private any game we could do a private [Music] uh SkyWars game bedwar game uh pixel hello everyone mannyo here private any game we have heard that like a thousand times but [Music] okay what’s up commando commando you should you should look towards me what lob are you in do the gun bed gun Bed Wars yeah gun bed War what do you me armed I’m going to try this armed Bed Wars I want to try this I think this is D the maximum party size is two players oh I’ll go on Hypixel right now and buy this R bro the mine is opening Dylan where are you right here where oh what up you like my skin [Music] Dylan Dylan do you like my skin yes what does it look like it looks normal like what you you normal huh don’t worry about it what are you on about bro no I’m worrying about it I’m worrying about it just a little bit just a little bit I’m woring about oh I’m I’m so GL I saw that for only like 3 seconds I’m never looking you again in my entire [Music] life if you saw it you saw it but that’s all there’s to it oh my God that’s hilarious there a 4 v4s yeah are you you’re dumb okay we’re going to try this while W is going into a new game hold up it’s almost open I’ll buy the Manny do you want me to buy the private no we’re not playing oh my God I’ll do it no it doesn’t have to be private bedwars it can be a private any game on I have a pistol or SkyWars I know it’s work any of this stuff you can upgrade it too I’m pretty sure you can upgrade the gun why I don’t know pixel who who who ickle it’s high pickle who at high pickle decided you know what gun some some person in h High pixel yeah oh yeah all the Diamond G at Mid I’m just a crazy demon go herebody can can this actually load like how do you use [Music] this I think you just like just open this already that’s the thing though everyone that plays this game knows how to use it but we don’t so like when they use it against us it’s going to be like uh well that was UN I’m at Mid see how this goes good luck Manny mid’s a dangerous territory no it’s fine I have a back off back off G uh I don’t like you go are you good I went to oh left click to load okay left click to reload I got I got I got shot I landed two head shot bro let’s go GS all right I’m going to up blade to a rifle I can’t I cost gold oh wait give me this okay mine is almost open I think I died here here Manny this is your fault man this is not my fault jump boost this is your fault this is your fault they had jump boost dude this game is so broken I have the gun jump high in the air and they just shoot you okay who whoever dies first gets kicked from the party so WX hi queso man hello Charlotte how are you doing today there we go I am now joining the high pickle High pickle yes High pickle High pickle High pickle it’s not high pickle what’s wrong with her High pickle it’s high pickle yeah the size of your brain is a pixel all right man you want to do this right now cuz we can do this right now we let’s do it right now right now fight me right now fight me okay let’s go are you okay join the d game right now I’ll beat I’ll beat the FP out DS let’s do it all right bet do it after this game or right now I don’t care just do it I I just joined ipixel wow oh I’m stupid I’ve never been on this map before I what who your mouth as soon as I did that by the way someone said Dylan as my are dying why how are you TW I’m good I’m doing pretty good right now how are you question through the day I got a glock in my arm shots no I’m oh my God I have a question what does the what does diamond what does the diamond one do what is that it’s probably just stronger I am I am on you’re on Manny I am I’m not just B stream people I swear no no he is is bad that that was one of our teammates it’s SMG one of our teammates buddy hold up why don’t I have fortnite in the chat man what are you doing can we go to Blue base or something let’s go to Mid why is this map so big that’s a good question here I’m following Dylan cuz no way dude never mind I’m not following there go that’s three times in one game and it’s been three minutes and each more oh my God my what is wrong with me heading out going to go clean the house have fun streaming all right I will have fun streaming you have a good cleaning session Charlotte Charlotte you’re one that dissed me hold on you can’t leave like that how do you use this I’m hitting them oh maybe cuz it’s in their base I don’t know all right I’m going think I just Overlook that that Charlotte guys I there was a diss track made about me okay the person in chat right now is the one that dissed me Manny where are you did you guys finish do a game uh I’m still we’re still loading we’re still in the game we got it like you’re not even oh no yeah you’re still in the game okay as soon as soon as we get out of this game we’re going to One V one so we can all be on our own teams and just see if we can do it yeah that’d be kind of Swag do you think that’ be swag y’all what are we One V oneing each other in what Minecraft stupid what are you talking about I don’t know dude I’m freaking losing my mind Dylan what in the world what oh my goodness Manny help me everybody help me yellow’s a mid hello what are you doing Manny Manny you got to be you got a Mana up and you just got to go across this Bridge you got to stop standing there let’s go come on right now follow me let’s go I got to [Music] reload just go let’s go let’s go let’s go get the bed get the bed get the bed get the bed get the bed get the bed get theed you get the bed you get the bed I got you I got you get get get it get it get it got it got it yes let’s go nice got it nice you actually did something in your life let’s go let’s go n you did it you got the bed teamor banana I I I saw banana man yes for that dude okay let’s let’s go to let’s go to Blue let’s get let’s get blue out let’s get blue out let’s go yeah yeah let’s go let’s go go go go before they start getting stacked like flip crazy cuz we don’t want that to that’s true already here here let’s go let’s wreck him let’s Commando let’s go go go go go Fireballs Fireballs why am I lagging hello oh my God come on I got him like low but he didn’t die got one nice Manny oh my gosh he’s actually doing more than I could ever [Music] do all right I got my pistol what’s uh in Minecraft in Minecraft of course guys we’re going to bombb a house in Minecraft no we’re not I was going to say something but that that could actually get this video taken down I can’t say that yeah you’re man says y’all we say a lot of stuff off stream like that it’s just you don’t even want to know especially Manny he actually said something to me earlier before stream even started and you know he knows exactly what I’m talking I’m getting I’m getting I’m getting targeted help stream snipers you like yeah these things are so op I’m trying to not say the word like sounds WR what word the the hoe what it’s called yeah we go we can go to Blue’s base from green diamond gen oh there oh I’m getting emeralds it’s over where’s the other Emerald why is it down here I got a glock I got four emeralds y’all I got four emeralds don’t let me die I got a I got a I got a weapon this is the last time I’m playing this game mode I don’t want to play this anymore Manny I have four emeralds don’t let me die I don’t know where you are so I’m probably going to let you I’m right behind you by the way so back I’m getting I’m getting shot I’m getting shot get down get down get down someone’s shooting green okay I’m going to get uh I’m actually going to go invit somebody I think like a bed and try get a bed this always works strap to bedwars get in of magic milk literally you win the game guys I’m playing bedwars I’m [Music] strapped oh I died I don’t want to play this game no more why don’t we have a diamond gen bridge over there okay all right I’m going to go and get uh uh let’s go to freaking playing with the the things and it makes it freaking difficult to spit I’m going to go get someone’s bed who Manny whose B should I get Li green has like no defense I’m going I’m going to go for uh green they have absolutely no defense uh s that mening that were mine who shot me a shotgun I want a shotgun Dylan bring me an emerald please I do they they just got the emeralds and I’m trying to go in this green so good luck well I want a shotgun I want a shotgun shotgun I a shotgun in this game shotgun I’m just hoping blue doesn’t shoot me off the bridge is that you that just fell yeah it was you okay I ined magic milk I was going to get gr bad there’s another there’s another Emerald who’s that is that you oh no yeah okay oh I oh I have two more emal it’s fine I have two more emeralds okay I got an M I got an M I got an M let’s go see if I can get back to the base without dying with it it’s probably not going to do anything is this interesting what’s interesting yellow wait a minute because they have absolutely no defense oh my God they’re at Mid of course they are wait do the do the do the weapons have longer range like the the better ones I think so I got a shotgun good God oh my God oh let’s go where you at Manny I like this the base I at the base oh I got a shotgun oh oh oh where’s blue at oh I almost fell off the bridge Manny I don’t think we could do this because we have to make it get an emerald get a bridge egg it’ll be op I’m going to get an emerald bro stop shooting me you green V green what I was going to say a lot worse if you were not not streaming I was going to say something a lotse we’re both streaming we all streaming here and please if we were not streaming and we were just hanging out I would have said something you know just don’t just don’t please I won’t I have Bridge egg self control how do you buy a bridge egg how much is it for assistance sir dude BTY Fireball this green idiot off the midbridge cuz he’s he’s freaking just me he won’t let me go anywhere now he’s running okay I’m going to go in this I think no I did not do that where is he is he on the bridge still he he left I think I’m going to go in this I can see you get GRE you guys can sa me but and no one else can I’mma follow like as if I’m going to their base so dist I’m just stupid now they freaking know way this game is so d [Music] these are so that lag that lag was so bad D where’s your armor at Dylan where’s your armor at you guys my armor sounds like you all right you know what screw this I’m going to go just just just just just just just I don’t know we’re still on the game by the way I’m about to like quit this game because I want WX to play at least a game me too me too go yellow diamond diamond we don’t have a bridge over here have a bridge bro my arm hurts I got a shot this morning and it’s freaking killing me then why are you playing the Minecraft because I can it’s not like I’m doing an exercise or anything yes you are actually hold up I can just how is this an exercise man explain also why are you Bridging the yellow guys you guys play a little bit I’m going to be right back stupid you’re already here oh my I need to get emeralds are you getting emeralds back chals Manny um I’m going to get inis I don’t want to play this game anymore oh let’s go nice I got three I’m going to get an NIS and a bridge egg [Music] I saw that I had a shot happens to the best Min it happens to the happens to the best of it’s okay how much is iron armor okay uh 12 iron it’s and it’s permanent so it’s not 12 gold for your information I even iron I meant gold my bad man take Bridge egg and slam it across blue so we can go over there all I have to do is throw it and it’ll make a bridge hold on let me get some iron armor uh yeah that’s a good idea oh we have Pro we should get sharp wait this game’s going like oh my God green has diamond armor and they’re at the freaking and I have invis this is so stupid you ready no help help help help help okay wait don’t help him guys he’s got this hold hold hold you ready let’s go let’s go let’s go go I’m behind you behind you go let go I’m right behind you we got this we’re going to annihilate blue it’s going to be the best thing ever I’m back I’m back why am AFK how do I how do I how do I how do I what do I do where where do I do it just throw it just throw it like this way just throw it throw it go go go I’m stuck and they fire B the bridge and we die what okay let’s not focus on what happened are you alive still what the heck all right let’s focus let’s try to get other beds and then cuz blue is just blue is camping and being War yeah yeah yeah yeah I feel like yellow has obsidian um but I might be wrong yellow and green are having a war though so I’m not no that’s not good uh-uh that’s really not good no well it’s not between us I don’t really care yeah that’s really not good no no no what are you doing did you just get obsidian what no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I did yeah oh my God don’t look at the base don’t don’t don’t look at the base don’t look at the base I’m don’t yeah you’re right I’m not even going to look because I no don’t don’t don’t just leave it just leave just just leave it why did you just do okay just leave it just leave it actually I want to see I want to see if no it’s not even because the game is gonna the bed’s gonna get destroy in like uh 10 minutes probably oh my God I’m gonna get yellow’s bade I’m gonna get yellow’s bed I’m gonna get yellow’s bed get it don’t tell us just get it got it I actually got it actually got it Manny help I’m at yellow’s base I’m boxed [Music] in I’m on my way come on you just you guys didn’t finish with the I got one oh he dropped so many Diamonds oh it’s so over one’s evacuating I think is that blue no that’s green Green’s over here oh my I’m dead I’m dead dude these freaking pistols are so overpowered they’re actually stupid I’m on fire well now we just have to get green what we’re good what happened oh he rapid fired at me what sure wa I Four Diamonds it would have been real funny though right yeah look at a fresh fit ooh looking fresh ooh looking FR I’m going to shoot you thanks so being nice on like many make it so the guns do more damage I just made it dead shot too whatever that means yeah yeah whatever that means yeah now now they do more damage bro we need to get sharp swords Manny I’m going to let I’m going to expose the bed every second right now I’m tired of this game I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m letting them I’m I am letting them get the bed I am letting them I am letting them in bro they’re not going to come over here get to bed y’all I don’t care it’s right there just come get who is shooting at [Music] us we’re being shot at we’re being shot at by Green we’re being shot green Green’s at the base green is at the base Green’s at the base uh maybe it was wasn’t a good idea to to do all this get a fireball get a fireball get a fireball I’m going get one I died I’m I’m trying to get a fireball I’m trying to get a fireball got another one get another one going to stream snip you’re going to that’s not bad you know that’s their name oh my God dude these things are so stupidly overpowered it’s so stupid like what if you would have just done normal bedw Wars this wouldn’t be happening can can we forfeit can we can all right I have an idea green come get our bed we oh never mind oh there we go finally just die just die just die just die boid why are you trying to Apple who is still in on our team who is still in I don’t know Commando and the other dude bro Commando and Dan hey Comm Dan Dan will yeah something okay Dan just died Commando got shot and all of his stuff just oh man oh my gosh that’s a lot of stuff right there wow I know Commando it’s time to give in Commando it’s time to give in if you win this game you’re the best player in Minecraft Commando if you win this game here I’ll give you 20 bucks come on if you we dead we lost bro it’s okay we were try anyway now what are we doing okay so we’re just going to do one V ones on what we’re all going to be on [Music] our how do I what you mean what you cannot be in a party to play 81 I’m in the party question so if since we’re all since we’re all friends does that mean we all get in like the same game or does that mean that we have to like be in a party to do the game what game are you trying to join One V on just one V ones bedwar one yeah bedwars uh you you can you can just do it on the private games if if if only private you you need you need private okay yeah besides that you can’t do I mean I’ll do it if if you want me to I’ll do it I’ll do it I don’t care it’s like do it I’m doing it you said do it I’m doing it just let him just let just let just let this man be let this man be let this man be I need my email address if I buy this by the way we have to do at least three games cuz I’m not going to waste money fine fine what’s my log hi I am not I’m not good at the y’all my password is on the stream right now but my screen’s hidden so yeah oh why would I have Hypixel saved here I never use Hypixel website Manny I’m joining your lobby you’re joining my Lobby uh uh that’s not my email hold on um okay I I forgot my password I am already in the server min hi Min I’m here I’m here she is here where’s my email where’s myemail my password where’s my email where’s my email hello everyone here welcome back to another Minecraft video hi Manny porion cookie Manny do you like my skin yes it looks really good okay thank you all right I made my account so now you made an account oh my gosh you have to make an account cuz yeah okay where are you guys using thec we are using you can join I’ll give you the private role we return to the okay I’m buying the r wait oh my God I have delete my Minecraft account oh God did you already purchased it no hold on what know I ma can you see my M outfit Commando say something cancelable no I’m not going to get cancelled for the views okay I my MX what’s up oh made made out yes sir you have made outfit as well and I am hey hey Dan what are your thoughts on this I’m okay um where are the ranks at hold on y’all I’m I’m buy the rank now I got to figure out where it is though oh my gosh do does that mean you have to be host though yeah oh how do how do I transfer host you do uh party party transfer player I will say something cancelable if you give me $100 Dan party party transfer and then my name transfer dl’s name do it again I’m figuring out ranks okay there you go and do it again do it again do it again never mind why does it say byy and plus I already have that you join my Discord okay I’ll give you the the roll I’m just going to put this on the stream be right back well is doing that we’re going to go on to big screen mode Let’s Go full cam on let’s go don’t want to hear any of this all right I’m me give you the you don’t have any be back screen dude it’s just black yeah I know I was trying to put I don’t have a cam screen what you mean you should do it he talking wait where’s your name hi it was oh okay you have hold on okay you have the private R now scroll down there should be a private VC that’s where we are um I already have okay now it’s linked it should be MVP Plus+ 30 days $7.99 I’m buying it hello everyone man here welcome to the stream hi how’s everyone’s doing today I got to get my credit card his credit card number is 443 hush your mouth was I right guys guys guess what Manny ques stream and I have two special guests in real life with me show you this istic two real life special guests here today guys I’m get my credit card information right now so oh my God what do you mean so I got I got Tito this is my dog this is okay never mind it’s not it’s oh my God my entire all my social media platform it was going to be gone AIT all right guys about to buy are we sure we’re doing this uh it’s going to be 8 855 oh dang it I’m buying it oh my God it’s loading it’s loading IM he doesn’t have the money I got uh the receipt I think did I okay I I need my MVP Plus okay we’re going back into the main account hold on it better work you need you need to rejoin the you need to rejoin the no I got it yes sir you need to rejoin plus plus guys we can do private games that I do oh my God are we still in a party all right I got the right now can I add you on [Music] Hypixel uh yeah I guess his friend is private what’s up Commando [Music] okay wait are we all in the party chat yes we’re all in the party okay so what all in the we’re doing one I sent you a friend request by the way One V ones yeah yeah this is going to be in right so we can all right oh there’s settings but for every player’s health I’m doing it triple Health low gravity no let’s dis that uh just this is a friend of mine oh okay we going to be the dumbest thing ever this will be the dumbest thing let’s go yes sir wait I can Nick too I can my name why’ you buff why’ you buff our stats oh getting just getting here how you play Bed Wars okay so is everything maxed out bro we have protection four and sharpness two already all right I’m going to I just want to die here guys what if we did this we don’t break each other’s beds and we just get as stacked as possible until the dragon spawn and then we fight each other sure sure go yeah yeah that seems fine that seems chill let’s do it all right chill we can fight each other we can fight each other but we can’t break each other’s beds okay got you breaking beds nobody I can back on the but we can fight each other as long as we want to but once sudden death comes then we we fight is everything okay oh dlan died no just’s who’s yellow oh my emeralds oh my God n many think the emerald uh D no not no not no not myal uh D do you want to All Is My Stream showing it is it’s Emerald time oh my God where’d you go nowh can’t team down oh I almost fell again where the chest [Music] mean on 116 or whatever the latest versional okay can I get the get the diamonds it’s fine oh no go to White space and get free stuff I’m no breaking BS no breaking baths don’t worry about it too much I’m too Speedy we all too Speedy here Speedy oh my gosh it’s over wait diamonds are we already have everything diamond yeah diamonds are useless unlock yeah they’re useless right now we don’t we can’t use them agreed by the way all of them are times here the only thing that’s use for is emeralds we should we can use the emerals I’m going to make a huge base at my thing and one question you uh get the gun mode activated no gun no gun by the way I think some of them of the players that played in that match cheated because there was no rifle or stuff that can shoot that they probably did no my Emerald that’s my Emerald no give me my Emerald who’s taking my emeralds uh the red red red don’t put this on red fine I’ll let you have one I already have too many plus I probably can’t kill you anyway cuz you’re like freaking we have triple in the health so no it’s not I’m making a base can’t stop me don’t oh my gosh I’m making a b all right I got four of these things so I’m going to do this this this what in the world oh yeah that’s beautiful hi Dylan again what are you doing bro nothing nothing nothing don’t worry about me don’t worry about meing the EM don’t don’t don’t don’t worry about me I don’t TR I do not trust you whatsoever dead no you’re actually no you tried to Fireball me dude you that was actually oh my gosh why is the respawn tense oh I’m going to get this bro we have so much stuff I can just easily get some inside I’m going to get this too I’m going to get this too how do I get oh we have the max for too yeah we have everything you maxed out everything yeah diamonds are diamonds are useless now I whatever okay clearly Manny you better leave me alone not going to do anything you want me have my emeralds no way see you later see you later bro oh no suck he’s [Music] got I got that many stuff so when can we start destroying bed uh sudden death we’re not allowing that we’re just going to get as stacked as we can and then once sudden death happens we fight for the death because the beds will get destroyed automatically and when they [Music] do wait I’m chilling wait why am I not getting that withal I’m an idiot where you at Manny how you doing what’s up Manny up how you doing I’m good how about you hey hey hey chill out chill out I mean wome back hey hey hey there you go bro oh thank you appreciate it love let just stuff Qui I’ll see you later see you later bro oh I was I was got you you almost but you didn’t bro no way bro I hate you I actually hate you I I I I actually hate you why did you have a diamond sword bro I I I I actually hate you uh let me give you Emerald back oh where where did you come red I’m coming to give you emeralds I’m sorry for pulling you oh God [Music] well I just wish like a thousand hi Commando you destroyed my castles oh I think I think it thought many no it wasn’t I wasn’t even near your base this whole time I was just k almost died um bro what can I even do with all this stuff like literally like oh my God so get a bunch of these well I’m going to get uh these yeah it’s over Dude going Tok my and [Music] collect what am I doing I get a bunch of these oh I need to do that too I’m making a fortress yall question is the bow [Music] permanent no it’s not the bow the bow is not it’s not permanent I mean if you die you it yeah oh my [Laughter] God going to be fire I think you maxed up I was milking a go okay I freaking making a fortress over here all right what do I need oh yeah I need to do this too y’all are not going to be able to count of this oh my God I Need for Speed can I can I come can I I hate I hate I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game uh sir may I enter your foress sure sure I I had I had pots bro I had pots why were you going to do a potions uh jump oh actually jump in speed would be bad because we have speed fle with un needed second good question um and J it will not be useful I just fell but it doesn’t really matter because I have something else going on over here who put water down uh not me depends where oh God I also realized that you can go to empty base is with no one in it and you can just steal all their stuff um I’m sorry but I have to get outside through your wall because as long as you don’t throw a fireball or something then I won’t kill you is this fine what if we teamed up against Manny hey no wait what what what I don’t want to anything yeah whoa I who whoever did that I I hate you I actually hate you oh my God that wasn’t me oh my God what am I doing I need to this on top of each other oh yes someone will be hearing about this what do you mean by that bro Dan Dan someone will be hearing about this you might want to call your lawyer so oh my God it’s that serious yeah it’s getting this serious I think I’ve done enough little of this for now so I’m going to go out and get some more Stu uh D can you send a friend request on disc yes sir what’s up send a friend request on Discord because you don’t accept friend request so I can I friend you yeah Dylan your mou bro no how do we get up here what’s up Dyan can I come in what are you doing can I come in no no no no no I’m being serious I’m being serious void right now you the vo I won’t use it I promise on my car on my car on my car I bet sure it’s a nice base you got uh I don’t like that I hate you I hate you there’s water there so you would actually die I know who is taking all the emeralds me uh I I’ve gone through the not that smart I think it’s red I think it’s your [Music] friend why is my when does it spawn yeah oh wait my bad my bad I thought know some uh I kind of need help I got he’s your him this the Dylan where are you doesn’t matter this is the police it kind of does matter give the emerald back yes it does I mean no it doesn’t bu Emerald Emerald emdal oh my God you have gaps get him get him get him don’t go to my base to fight what Go’s he it wasn’t me oh my God all right bet if you don’t mind I’m just going to take your stuff in here so uh please don’t I don’t like that I don’t have I’ll see youat oh you want to do this no no no no no wait hold on hold on hold on hold on give me give me a minute why is there a hole here I don’t know you can break the way what noo I made that you can break the map what brok there what are we going to do my God oh my God you’re just waiting we just waiting that’s it I need to I mean it’s not Dy never mind H WX oh all right I’m going to go back on my mission to get emeralds and if anyone tries to stop me I will obliterate their entire life going foral no red continue to get those emeralds I’m promise you I kill me how long has this game been going for uh probably like oh my God you know what I’m going for someone’s bed right now no no you’re not all that war is going to break upon you bro it it’s going to be over the game should I let War should I who who knocked me down you know what just for that war is breaking out now oh God it’s time we I’m got to getar now okay uh did an alliance no no alliances y’all do an alliance y y cheat yeah yeah no no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we can okay we just getting here you’re about to break somebody’s freaking okay let’s go let’s let’s go hey anything goes at War okay so that that that’s the rule we can I can team with whoever the f I want to team okay okay hey hey hey no okay I have aggression pack with wax let’s go because I’m her moderator and when she gets angry it’s not good who’s who put water on my wait hold on trust from what he just wait wait wait wait wait I’m at my Bas wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I don’t know why I think someone gone my base [Music] and why is Manny so quiet I do not like this at all don’t worry I didn’t like it at all anybody what is going on right now I’m terrified don’t worry about it making Manny I’m going I’m going base do go to my base do it I haven’t gotten anyone’s bed I I’m not doing anything wrong right now agreed that’s going to change soon though it’s going to change soon but not right now I think for the only problem is that you exist oh man there’s nothing you can do about this what I actually don’t know what you’re talking about what doesn’t matter it’s a good thing you don’t know what I’m talking about I’m not I’m not getting anyone’s bed [Music] yet so can we get beds if you do War breaks out do y’all want to do that should we should we let War break out let let chaos happen let’s wait a little bit let’s wait a little bit okay I I’ll agree on that I’ll agree on that wait until wait until Emerald 3 is over okay no no no no no no teams no teams [Music] nothing we juston yes sir I’m sorry I would team with you didn’t make a stick R wish yeah I wish I wish all yall trying to get can you craft you can’t craft what is that you or am I seeing things what many wanted to break D I might be seeing things no many is red what are you doing at my base leave red alone leave red red is just a little guy that would be way too stupid if I did that red is just a little guy really red come back here leave red alone no leave that little guy alone I’m too sleepy to be friendly to be okay I I’m I’m not I’m just I’m just here for I’m just here for something just I’m not I’m I promise you I promise you I promise you I promise okay okay just give me a minute just give me a second yeah don’t don’t trust give me a second just give me a second I need to use this real quick okay fine I’m leaving get out of here yeah welcome we are in the middle of a b we playing private game uh we’re about to go to war basically that’s all you need to know yeah hey W hey hey hey WX you don’t you don’t have anywhere to go right yeah yeah where don’t don’t worry about anything that I’m doing of the swords I’m not doing anything actually I don’t want to waste if I die I wax how are you doing today I am good I am good I’m just I have enough points for a jump scare no no don’t do it yeah yes yes do it don’t do it don’t do it please what is going on right now what yeah [Music] it’s a smiley face yeah you don’t do anymore positive like [Music] guys it’s not anymore oh that’s a beautiful base dude look at that Dan I’m going to use your base real quick I’m not I’m not going to attack you I’m not going to hack you I’m just going to I’m just going to take some resources I accidentally fail take your your what’s up D Ste Dan Dan from The Diamond Mine Cart wait oh I already have three of them hey guys down here from the Diamond minec [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh my gosh I you already Ted that one hey Manny what’s up your right I mean left your [Music] left okay um no not an option D how long have I been streaming for almost two hours I’m just I’m just coming to I’m just coming to visit I’m not home right now please leave a message [Music] okay I’m waiting off left my message I’ll get it when he comes get out get out get out this never let’s [Music] go no no no no no no no no you oh oh oh oh oh oh you actually landed all right because of that I’ll leave you alone I hate you made me use my valuable pearls why where’ my bed go you give me my emeralds you give me my emeralds you’re actually good at PVP what the FP who I suck ATP who that’s all I’ll say hiie pumpkin pie pumpkin pie yes pumpkin [Music] pie actual skill issue actual skill issue actual skill issue it’s funny I sto because I knew I was I am playing Minecraft you can see God some friends guys I have to end stream not now but like well not now like obviously but later oh my there we go wait let me get to Black space not black gr my [Music] bad do not let that fall out Dylan why did it say that you’re now online [Music] bro it does the same thing to you like a thousand times so don’t ask me oh I was F again no never you mean leave me alone oh bro that was stupid I was fall because I got glitched out leave me alone I like how red is not even in the VC yeah he’s watching stream most lik he’s probably the game he’s probably going to be wins he’s pretty good I’m not going to lie he’s pretty good he’s just bling me now with he is who’s best oh oh this is my so I think I was I don’t need this this this not anymore D wait don’t drop two who wants a free Diamond Sword I have one I want it I want it I I want just handing that out by the way uh here Commando I’m I’m a mid Commando here you go wait a second uh I have problems with thank you what do you mean are we at no I’m at war with him already yeah yeah oh this my first Target yep my first Target is probably going to be well I think you already know the answer to that yeah I know maybe I hate you no it’s gonna it’s going to be red probably actually because Manny seems because R’s actually good I’m so sorry man oh this is so op I’m just saying y’all if y’all want to like I got the best base out of anyone no you don’t shut up yes I do look at my base bro it’s freaking castle with water going around he has unfor for you many he has I visit this all right let me expand my base a little bit I have too much iron and I need to use it right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is amazing right here all right all right and I have the question are the eggs are the eggs permanent like when the bridge forms is it permanent uh the bridge yeah it’s permanent yeah okay yeah cool cool cool cool cool emerg you make with it is permanent all right let me expand my castle that [Music] is dude I’m not going to die from this there’s no way oh I should also do the oh I’m so [Music] smart who who went to my base red get out of my base that’s why I said this game cheating you maybe I don’t know red no more Emerald no more emeralds for I’m calling it right [Music] now I’m coming to visit okay I have a bunch of stuff for the [Music] base for your base my base my basee uh did you crafting uh I don’t think that’s an option I don’t know they should make it one though ow I fell hey you know what y’all should do y’all should just like throw a bunch of fireballs at my base for like a quick second no why why are you I mean because I I I don’t I don’t I don’t I actually don’t want this on here anymore oh you know what I like destruction so like I’m letting y’all I’m going to do it myself let me just get out first oh my God interesting doorway have a genius idea by the way uh show me show me I can see you because your I have to buy it first but I don’t want to do it yet your pink name is like yeah I’m buried no dude this is a castle dude you’re like C you’re like very camouflag I’m in the freaking thing I can’t okay I’m here but I’m not going to do it right now I’ll do it like [Music] any [Music] yeah I think uh so the status of each player now um right right this at your door and shooting arrows in me wait what is that is that your getter [Music] oh I’m not a fan of that uh-uh what no what is doing not okay with me they’re trying to shoot me and I am not having it and I have an idea on how to let let them be let red be I you wi it up are we are you winning now bro is building Trump becoming Trump with those walls yo I don’t think I should have said that out loud yo yo night Fox they let them be in the walls interesting it’s who threw an ender pearl who who who pearled over here why are you shooting at me red what did I do to deserve this you [Music] exist fair enough yeah damn hey bro he’s oh wow they killed each other uh I don’t know how he I think he fell I need to destroy my base the most that was the most strange this is beautiful I I have a lot of stuff the problem is I don’t have enough stuff so uh D I’ll just say to now uh if you see me with a lot of items going on red directly just don’t come in because I’m going full rage mode and I don’t there you go and I disconnected disconnected are you good he disconnected yeah I don’t know but they got like how many minutes it’s I guess it’s fine and apparently I R 20 on SC scar I have that many oh my okay uh so primary target is many no sorry sorry D I’m I like with WX and you don’t I don’t want to make WX angry she’s scary when why why I doing in my base oh this is your base my bad uh am I playing a private game I am yeah buddy get out I’m out I’m gone I’m leaving get out I’m gone thank you thank you for the company oh my God I got to do this what can I even buy um a lot of stuff o that yes that’s yes is he coming back by the way the red guy uh I have no idea that’s a good question does he not uh if not it’s not that bad it’s fine he didn’t he didn’t DM me did you say anything in chat or anything no I guess his time was up oh oh never mind have that uh may I come in wax oh it’s too yeah he’s not coming back yet now he can’t get off a get off I’m sad later this is my I just came to I am going to buy I guess okay so we’re not killing each other until uh like close to bed gone and then when the dragon spawn we’re going to fly to the de I feel like we should destroy beds now like I’m like genuine genuine thought I feel like we should do that I am I am so bored anyways can we actually because like this is getting a little bit boring I’m building on declaring war on many and his uh she’s ha go for it hey wait wait hold on don’t don’t don’t not beds no beds yet just give me a second just let me get defense ready you said get get rid of beds I’m getting prepared now it’s over don’t don’t go now oh you you asked for it so no no no no no I didn’t ask for it what in the world don’t worry about it I I think I know what he’s doing and let’s just say if he and me are the last ones surviving we’re going to fight to the death May so I can’t believe this but I ran out a resources don’t have how long we going to stream that’s a good question Manny um I’ll be all like can we just can we just die already please no it’s TW thought well that would just be boring it is right now it’s boring well someone’s going to get some dude if we I mean I don’t care about that one I’m so stacked up that if I that any more up I’m just going to dominate me when I’m going to yeah at this point yeah why are youall targeting me like I did something wrong uh you are cheese I’m cheese head your existing is an is a um an ex I’m Jing I’m Jing I’m Jing no wa just if this is what y’all really think about me I guess I should just quit YouTube no no Jing I was joking D you went crazy I was joking oh no what I didn’t lose much I I hate this speed it’s too Speedy for [Music] me y can break beds now by the way oh yeah yeah yeah we can break beds now got I should get blocks I have no blocks somehow I have BL so we are starting the War uh yeah okay okay so up we’re going to kill [Music] everyone all right I wish I knew what was you don’t need to know what I’m doing right now I think he’s coming up I have I’m just going to act as if my bed is gone already I’m just acting like I just have a account that he’s up to me I don’t know why what can I do with um I was going to do this what for but you never know so going to do one right here I’m suffocating in my own build I’m suffocating that’s s like a you problem I’m not going to go for anyone’s bed until someone goes for my bed so oh okay y’all do whatever you want no one look at my base it’s it’s uh quite embarrassing so no who who who pearled who pearled no what I just I just lost all that stuff oh my God we are allow right I’m poor I cannot believe I just did that no way what can you buy with gold hold on so what we break actually stupid yeah we are allowed to break beds now dang it oh my God I Su so bad yes you do it’s over everything it’s over what am I come what get a comeback I cannot believe my entire life I think what’s going on I don’t know I’m just do not do the same thing again you absolute idiot I can just get a you me iard Fireball oh my God okay command’s going at it yo no no let’s let’s go I I didn’t lose much uh no I I couldn’t break enough in enough time the [ __ ] obsidian hey hey I just I need stuffff I need your stuff I need your stuff that’s not my base I’m sorry for sweating I’m Stu anyway it’s okay this is not my base you know that right I didn’t not going to lie wait I did but then I forgot I did and then I forgot got to go back to the base I just wasted six Emerald on a bow [Music] the Manny yeah I’m great on the edge to on the edge of my seat right now but we’re good of course you are let me Reby this again I I made him stress I made te yeah you did you really did my heart rate is high right now anyone want to donate some iron to me really uh I don’t have iron that’s actually something I’m lacking right now which is pretty yeah I’m what’s please please please pleas I just said what’s up I just said what’s up gosh what’s Up’s up nothing much [Music] man has not gotten anyone’s bed yet but you yeah surprise he would go for my and he’s going to go for my bed now no I’m not no I’m not I don’t to Manny what are you doing nothing all right bro [Music] where did you go bro uh Dylan do you see many Mye right now he’s trying to get my bed I honestly have no idea where you’re I see no you don’t I’m not there I’m not I’m not here I’m not here I’m not I don’t exist bro I don’t exist no my base now it’s War it’s War now it’s War now oh oh my God yo that was crazy let’s go commander who just hit you alive I’m gonna give you one chance to to leave right now and if you don’t okay one chance to leave right now yep go you leave okay I’m I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving at your base where did he leave my bed drastically and I mean horribly fail uh he’s still at your base no I’m not is he going to get my bed I don’t know I don’t see him I think he got can bu a Tracker do that track uh buy a Tracker he got my bed of course he did it’s over uh dude leave just leave uh Dylan leave no I’m good I can fight him uh can you can you where go where is he i h i need I is he iard him bridge I mean Manny Manny don’t do up I’m not here bro I’m not here go go go go go to My Island go to My Island I’m just going to let him get out of there he can have fun with that oh I see here oh I actually scared no yeah I’m dying I fell in the water I fell on the wood okay uh D you you you stuck at my base I’m going to kill him let’s go I’m eating emeralds I think I’m going to go for someone else’s b f mine please hey hey hey come here you little ass oh my God no way you di he died oh my gosh that was why did I fall why watch out there are IR at my base well it’s only yall okay um officially are my enemy all right here we go this is this is I still lacking everything by the way if do I have that okay by the way Dean if we wait oh my God he does have going I told you I told you watch out watch out by the way D I like how WX hasn’t said anything for a while wax you’re bed wax you’re bed wax you’re bad Dylan oh my God oh my God Commando this is up to you oh my God okay be right back idiot [Music] ever like literally 80% 85% of all my deaths in bedwars are the the boy falling like an [Music] idiot such OT dude I will win guys is probably going to win I mean Commando you got this right just get stacked I pears dude if you see my inventory now it’s up oh I no I cannot see your [Music] inventory I have a lot of stuff good just just keep King Stu and watch out you still got to get his bedz it’s not going to get destroyed for like another 10 minutes I know I know it’s out in the okay I’m back back I’m back hi Manny hi my arm ising me bro oh my gosh who’s going to win I’m going to place my bets on WX I don’t know I’m placing my bets on WX placing my bed on WX because I feel like I’m I’m on Commando side I’m on Commando side what I think is going to happen is commando’s going to accidentally fall do JX me don’t do that me you’re better you’re better than me you you’re not going to be me I fell right here like oh yeah you threw a pearl and then they like went under the base bro this bridge I just [Music] fell oh god oh Comm he’s just waiting at this base so like I see where wait where is he oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no way no way use your pearls if you get low use your pearls no no no no don’t use your pearls no come on bro he’s not going to make it in time he’s not going to make it in time he made it oh I made it he made made it let’s go Commander you got this WX come on I come on Comm you got this you got this you got this I’m hey hey after this game we’re doing 4v4 since it’s now four of us no we’re going to team after this after this game after this game I’m going to switch the games I thought this game I have to leave arzilla wants to join he’s in my chat right now arzilla let’s go orilla get him in I don’t care get him in all right arilla if you join Hypixel I’ll invite you the party boy okay uh I’m going to my base to restart you got this Commando you got this come on what on two hours okay good that I put this now she cannot see me stock up [Music] I like how the stream was supposed to be for the 121 update if we just spent like half the stream play ped War that’s fun it is though command you got this WX I’m placing my bets on you I hope you know that yeah you can join arilla join Hypixel and I’ll invite you to the party and then once we once this game ends we can start a new game with you Commando where are you for you what Bas that here I’ll tell you he’s at my base oh oh oh oh Dylan Dylan check out my bed defense I saw like you did the same thing I did no look at look inside of it look inside the bed oh okay work dude Oh my he put water how did they even get that what the heck water and obsidian oh you you want to know how I got it how um just broke a lot of stuff with fireballs and destroyed it nice that’s crazy oh my God B how much gold did that cost you to fill this whole thing with water I have a lot of gold oh my God bro I had like a lot I had like over 20 [Music] D this is going to kill me I swear if W is not killing me that’s is to join the VC is that all right with yall yeah yeah all right yeah uh you have moderator illa so you should be able to see the private VC in my Discord and party invite there you go I invited you D come just come here I just I do slash TP instead of us a comass I’m an idiot are you winning son too much guys yes and you’re not my son you were my son I’d be disappointed in you of course you would [Music] be if you were my son I would also be disappointed oh wait wait what yo yo oh come on how did I manage yeah W let him get prepared let him let him do his thing and get is after you is after you he’s after you Commando what happened I’m not te he’s after you he’s running after you he’s at Mid with you come on WX you can do this why am I not ay turn right that’s left my invisibility B is [ __ ] might in this it’s oh it was F can you tell me what she is because I think she get from many I think she’s invisible what what got this oo I almost fell there come on Wix come on oh not back stick not back you got KN back stick or could do that yeah come on WX come on oh oh come on come yes yes oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh heal up heal up heal up yeah yeah they’re all healing up okay it’s going to be a long fight cuz yall have triple Health oh yeah I’m laging a lot the problem I don’t know why I’m laging a [Music] lot uhoh I’m Need for Speed no K me but my pots are bugged like I have two pots and they are [Music] bugged got this Commando no my PS are B my heart is dying what come on the police let me win no easy win war is war actually are easy s and done bed gone in 8 minutes it’s not going to matter because the beds are gone beds are both BS are gone what do you expect after that 10 minutes following the 7 and2 minutes oh here while while they’re dueling it out no I’m playing come on come on come on come on oh I almost got KB KB KB KB KB you have a KB stick Commander you need to get not backtick I I I have no no no no no come on Islands quickly buy one and then I have it already the problem is I need to oh oh okay I see me KB KB KB KB sword sword sword sword sword sword sword sword sword there we go come on Commando yes okay flee flee flee run run run run run run run run run run no pearl Pearl Pearl no no okay command I’m going to okay I’m fight good job did it I don’t care I’m going to De on my stream okay do four okay apparent I get IAL so just I app I get I’m jogging I’m just going anyway um I wish you guys a nice day and well I’m going to switch the games as well that was too much bed was for me because I’m not good at bedwars either I mean yeah NE either I you lying anyway okay see every three people bye it’s three people there three people with who and who uh wait is did Commander disconnected so yeah party kick party did I spell oh it’s Commando and now it’s three so what do we do we can do 3 v3s true that’s get get urilla doing [Music] this what oops I hold on I need to disable uh the private part yeah no private we’re not doing private for that we’re doing an a there we go all right we’re going to dominate wait hold on hold on hold on hold I I need to do something slash Nick I’m myself I’m going to do default do not do Notch do Notch do Notch do not do Notch is that even an option I don’t think I I don’t think it lets me choose a name it just generates random one noin it’s random I’m gonna do this one use a random name all right y’all I am Albert Pierce 2011 okay yeah you can join the BC I’m Albert Pierce 20 2011 y’all I hate you Albert Pierce this is me Manny I want to be a woman okay whoa okay whoa oh my God yo out oh my arm hurt so bad dude it’s an actual skill sh’s going crazy right now guys did you see the in the confetti cannon I blasted in the beginning of this no we’re in the private VC you should be able to see it cuz you have moderator hold on y’all come on Albert Pierce [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oo almost fell [Music] o green green green green green Green [Music] [Music] I am back and I have food and it’s the best thing ever Dylan green is on the [Music] way oh my God I have so much stuff now that’s good Dylan green is on their way I see that my arm is killing me do you see the VC in the Discord or is it not there for you I got some someone but they got me I tried Manny I tried to stop save it bro come on Albert Pierce that’s my new name now Albert Pierce 2011 Albert Pier sucks [Music] people that’s me did you give him the roll uh he should have it because he’s a moderator give him the roll and see if that fix [Music] it cuz I’m pretty sure some of my moderators are blocked on [Music] some so our bed is gone are we alive oh what yeah many there a strap we got to get emeralds wait green green green Green watch out Green’s behind you I got red on me yeah red just got me I’m not playing this game no more we good what’s up okay hello hello hi hello hello welome wait where Manny where’ you go oh you I’m I’m [Music] dead I don’t think we’re winning this game I don’t think so either yeah [Music] anyways mcraft what’s up people my arm BR my arm is so sore I can’t even open my water uh oh I’m much you know what I’m going join a new game that was a warm up are we doing a new one still alive I can’t oh my god let’s see if illa can clutch this it’s you it’s the you’re the only person on the team illa you going to be able to do it uh maybe I don’t know let’s see he can clutch this I am very bad at the game uh illa look ahead I saw I teleported to you and that’s exactly what happened oh my God I should have oh let give another shot that was a warm up it’s fine yeah um oh this is a good map what’s up man 265 how are you today I’ve never met you but you look like a dumb person I feel like I’ve have gotten so bad at gaming since since like the oh me too me too okay oh yeah hello everyone Manny here welcome back to another Minecraft video Dylan you don’t even have an intro I don’t know why you’re complaining to me like you you better than me how about you come [Music] over thing is with don’t want to hear him [Music] despised right now bro the 2011 Volkswagen jeda SE oh God yeah this already does he just talks about random stuff and just Rambles on on doesn’t [Music] stop it’s like why do y’all not have armor on what in the world bro Manny your textures are broken that’s all I got to say I can see y’ on well something you have is broke cuz this is why you play on one8 onx who fell red [Music] Eric can you defend the bed and me Manning will Rush people uh sure uh blue is heading over no they’re being more they’re trying to go to the diamond but they’re so far off yeah and I’m trying to get up to the diamond [Music] gem I just saw blue fall hey guys don’t mind about help help for the my diamonds what do you think I’m going to do do they have terra cotta no Dyan why did you do that Bo’s coming Bo’s coming I’m going I’m going I’m going going oh man oh no they’re trying to be sneaky with it sneaky link watch out for the red particles cuz if they had red particles about their head they had TNT and then that’s the game over basically get him get get him just jump just jump get him bro okay I got one I got one I think they I think they’re got they’re at the bed they’re at the bed they’re at the bed they’re at the bed no oh no wait arel I don’t see your armor now I told yall breaking the game’s breaking okay it’s fine we got this for okay it’s okay we got this I I I know a good game after this help help they’re here ah I can’t doad we’re dead we’re so dead get [Music] him Dylan put bedwars on put no don’t put no no no Dylan put put put build battle after this one not build batt ble bro Even build battle build battle only good Builder we suck I probably just build [Music] up all right we’re going to win this game y’all I know [Music] it he’s touching it who okay the things I say on stream are cancelable the things you say off stream are even more cancelable uhuh there’s no proof of me saying things like that should I just say what he said right now no don’t I should just do it he said what is this I don’t know about it’s cool leave it alone we got this yeah we got this we got this I have confidence okay all right all right man where you going go get bu little Wild Wings okay we got blue on us we got blue Blue’s on their way build up build up build up build up just rush just rush it just rush it I’m I’m I’m I’m just rush it just rush it just rush it I can’t I’m [Music] dead it’s not easy when come on Albert Pierce Albert Pier you could have done okay we got blue coming wow bro I’m we start calling youall by your full names man 265 for 123 I mean I don’t mind all right all right all right Manny queso 265 you need to get better at the game like right now okay Albert Pierce you have numbers in your thing Albert Pierce 2011 are you good no he’s not good he’s actually trash I was going to get their bed but I didn’t get their bed cuz y’all wanten to let’s go come on Dylan me and you wait a minute I need to get blocks man hold on I got to okay hold on two more iron two more okay let’s go let’s go let go let’s go let’s go go go go go go I got Fireball let me get I get aror all right let’s go let’s rush it let’s go rush it rush it rush it rush it the defense is going to get M rest inace I’m going back you might have to wait a little bit wait a little bit few more before we go over there come on Dylan come on I’m sorry come on Albert fce 2011 shut up 265 all right I’m not going to fall this time I promise and I’m bringing a gap it’s over come on I need to get an iron pickaxe dude they already have freaking oh my God you got some of iron or so so I can get a good pick yay thank you oh wow that’s a lot yeah wait out people are behind you what lovely Manny I’m so out we suck at this game God I dropped my freaking that’s going to leave a mar they’re coming they’re coming he’s getting a gap [Music] I fell no no Manny bro what happen oh wait are they coming they coming Albert Pierce dude I literally was trying to wipe the grease off my keyboard and I pressed the D key the idiot did you get him oh I didn’t get they’re here they’re here they’re here come on come on come on come on I even have a bow bro it’s 12 it’s 12 gold for a bow I know I have 14 gold okay hold them off for me I’m getting both okay yeah arrows are two gold I think okay he’s down I’m just going to go over him he’s down one of the Blues fell never mind going to the freaking base oh my I I am missing every single go go man go go go go go go go let’s go go let’s go let’s go go go go just go just go distract him distract him I’m going to get the bed actually wait no you get the bed never mind I can’t I’m going to die oated dude we got obliterated about to say something really [Music] loud don’t think we’re winning this game um well if you have chance we can win that’s the thing mayhaps tell me if there I’m going the mid I’m going the mid I’m go on the mid don’t go to Mid bro go on the mid can’t stop me they coming I’m going oh yellow’s getting emeralds anyway so I go go go go go to Blue go to Blue go to Blue go you’re coming with me you’re coming with me I am let’s go one voided they voided no just my bridge don’t drop down oh my God I got one though I got one though I got one too hold on hold come on I’ll be okay yeah I got it let’s go let’s go I killed one I killed one I kill [Music] one I got the other one I got another one let’s go Albert Pierce Albert Pierce The Comeback The Comeback of Albert Pierce 201 yeah we got to get yellow now I haven’t seen yellow all game they’re probably just getting very defensive they got glass they got glass it’s just yellow yeah they’re playing defensive so yeah they got glass on them they might have obsidian I’ve seen them in midd a lot um oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming oh my God I’m going I’m going to Yellow right now oh dang it never mind I see go go go go they got they got blindness they got slowness on them they got traps well the you activated the Trap so now they don’t have one and I just block troll somebody all right I’m I’m on top of their base y’all I’m on top of their base but they’re all four here maning I’m I’m I’m going dist I I’ll distract them I’ll distract them all here I’m on my way just give me a minute I have only wooden tools though so it’s like really life I’m going able to get this B I can still distract them obsidian it’s over they have obsidian going to Mid I have no idea okay one’s going to Mid or is all of them oh okay I knocked one off to get up I think they know I think they know they know you’re there they coming Dylan one’s going up to you one’s going up to you I know I see he just fell he’s an idiot no there’s one behind coming from the back what where is the egg thing okay I’m B man got one um and I’m dead they have obsidian they have obsidian I just saw it I broke the bed I broke down obsidian they actually have obsidian now that’s a bigger problem right now yep I saw it they have obsidian oh my well at least we know now like we didn’t they’re coming at us they’re coming at us okay um yeah it’s over they have diamond armor too like what uh one’s trying to one they’re right behind you right behind you he’s got TNT D’s got TNT but I killed [Music] him I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going get him got him I’m going to die man I’m going to die just do it I’ll distract him I’ll distract them you try to get the bed try to get the bed try to get the bed wait I can’t they have obsidian just try I guess I don’t know what do you want me to do get a diamond pickaxe yeah we have to go in for that dude okay arilla can you get diamonds I’m going to get emeralds uh oh we have TNT nice okay I’m going to go to Mid oh my [Music] God bro oh oh we’re getting targeted we’re getting targeted are we good are we good are we the British the British the British are coming man is that cancel Worthy is me saying that cancel worthy hold on I’m genuinely serious for you buddy I don’t want to get canceled at I was just joking now you already said it so if it is it’s over I don’t have any arrows in there oh no okay come back to base off I don’t want you to leave good thing Manny are you good you’re not good yeah I’m try reporting player report player [Music] report actually w why you just rep um they thinks that are hacking like always there’s just an emerald sitting at Mid oh my god dude I just got 10 emeralds then bring them back come on man never mind eight emeralds it’s eight I got eight emeralds I have to go to the mid Bridge though I’ll flip y’all make sure I don’t die cuz if I die it game’s over wait I should get obsidian I’m getting obsidian I’m doing it I have eight emeralds I can get obsidian cover the bed so I can get so I can place this U cuz if I buy this obsidian on B destroy befor it’s over don’t let them to see me doing this either trying uh they’re coming they’re coming from both ways they’re coming from both ways they’re here they’re here they’re [Music] here sh obsidian’s placed obsidian the the bed secured obsidian’s placed yeah wait watch [Music] out okay now I got to cover back up we try Harding right now okay that obsidian literally just saved our life I’m going back to Mid I’m get more emeralds and I’m going try and go [Music] this okay not he’s going to get the [Music] emerals he stole my Emerald he stole my Emerald okay I’m going to get diamonds that’s what we need right now we don’t have any proper protection Min can you get iron armor it’s 12 gold I I don’t have 12 gold do you think I’m made of money I have it I have way more buy it right now I have I have enough uh they’re coming they’re here they’re here never mind where from where where okay give me it give me a give me give me it Albert Pierce Albert Pierce here you go watch me fall with the go I was about to say coming now they’re coming they’re coming I’m going for these diamonds I’m coming back I can get prop should I get prop or shark uh neither I don’t know well man I got to get something get sharp get sharp okay I’m coming back uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh what I almost fell almost fell all right I got Shar I think I just saw yellow come from they’re trying to come from that bridge over there let’s go Albert Pierce come on my room I feel so bad but okay uh they’re getting these diamonds too oh my God this game’s going to go on the freaking I’m going to go [Music] to dude they’re they are eating up mid we need to get anal for at our base they’re coming they’re coming oh I okay one fell okay good [Music] nice I’m going I don’t think they’re coming anymore un I’m I don’t know if they’re coming no don’t shoot hello I’m trying to get I’m trying to save up my gold to get a [Music] oh well I don’t want to play this game anymore I’m leaving what do you mean bro [Music] actually they’re they’re coming they’re coming uh I can get protection [Music] um I I got a lot of diamonds but I need to I’m try Forge buddy yeah I don’t I don’t have any fire [Music] charges okay I got that how much is that Emerald Forge 12 Diamonds oh my [Music] God that’s hor are they coming okay no buddy can we not do this right now I got he has so much protection dude no it’s not even funny I might have past wait did you die what in the no don’t what in the world what’s going on oh my God so dumb why did I pchas the wrong bow who needs a bow uhhuh let’s go Albert Pierce come on let’s go to spawn uh they’re on their way Albert pierce the [Music] second the second what do you mean the second the second right the second Alber oh my God I’m dead y’all I’m dead no not I just clutched so hard wait wait wait wait I got an idea but I’m going to die there’s still one on me but nice uh uh uh What uh what what uh uh I’m dead [Music] no yeah I don’t I don’t even have that much fire charges I got 20 okay this time there okay I got I got uh who need [Music] I got um I’m not going to use it right now but later in the game I’m going to try and get emeralds again but they’re probably going to be at Mid or they’re already going to be gone I think we’re going to lose not oh I’m going to get four emeralds I cannot die I cannot die under any com they’re coming again let’s go so I don’t die actually I might be no good oh my God almost all right y’all got that I’m going to go to Blue space and get stuff yall good yeah no we’re we’re not we’re not we’re not we’re not good yeah we’re actually not I don’t I I have my tripod is like moving around now I have fireal y’all okay bring them over they are my end chest but I have to uh get back to base oh they have they got TNT we have obsidian but still it gives him like an easier chance to blow us up oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming I’m on my way Forge one’s mining one one’s mining one’s got a pick one’s got a pck yeah he’s got we’re done we’re done I’m going for the bed going for the bed everything I have de I got bro they were all after me all there Dylan get the bed Dylan get the bed they’re all they’re they’re all at our base I’m going I’m in bus no not they’re gone they’re coming they’re coming back come on they probably have a trap you still got you still got AR I have magic milk so I won’t activate it hurry up hurry up go go go go go hurry up hurry up be careful for it there’s no way I can get it yeah I can’t get it why you got they both left they both left go back go back go back go back go back the other way bro the INF is going to run out it ran out they see you now yeah they go crap bro you should you made the they’re all one’s on your tail I’m yeah he done they protection four there’s nothing I can do yeah this what happens every time I play B Wars but you know fine I ain’t playing this game no more you know what I’m calling it it has been a long stream we have been streaming for like three hours oh yeah are you still streaming Manny uh yeah oh you are all right well that’s the end of we for like the 20% of the stream we did the 121 update and then the rest play bedwar and raged like a thousand times yeah i’ say that’s a good stream right there that’s a good stream right there yeah that was a good stream even though all right uh what is [Music] this the outro menu so I can stream too okay uh I’m going to wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where are you in the lobby oh you already disconnected oh I already disconnected bro I don’t care okay oh God end of stream it’s been almost a year since I last stream it’s almost let’s just talk for a little bit I highly I don’t see chat for some reason I can’t what I want to do for the day can’t see chat for some reason I’m ready to relax go back and watch the mod I have work in like 30 minutes I’m sorry I can’t I’m sorry Manny you were the worst ever yeah I agree on that my Lord and was barking again I need to go I hit a Fiona cuz he was scratching on my door about 20 minutes ago where’d he go bro died Manny that sorry about sorry yeah I’m here back he’s back all right I do the out hold on wait do you need me to join the server it doesn’t matter you can you don’t have to no if you already closed the game then don’t worry about it no no anyways that’s the end of my stream people thank you so much for joining after a year almost a year of not streaming so thank y’all very much for being patient more videos are coming out soon especially um I’m working on the hardcore with Dylan episode two I’m working on that currently um episode episode three we we are planning on it pretty soon we are going to update our world to the 1.20.1 we will be updating that and the same as the quo survival world U when I continue that World um block MCH tutorials will be on 1.20.1 when these mods are out ready for it to uh just clarify any changes that mojing may have made more than likely they have made some changes um but we did get to play 1.20.1 for a good good while with wex Terry and with no we didn’t we played bedw Wars the entire stream more than likely yeah that’s what we did uh then we moved on to bedw Wars got some uh some friends of ours to play some bedwars and yeah now now this is the end of the stream arzilla thank you so much for joining us towards the end yeah yeah and yay I guess see yall very very soon I will be releasing a comeback video an official one to clarify where I’ve been why I left just things I want to clarify before I fully officially come back and that video will officially initial that I’m back all right take care thank you for watching the Stream byebye

MannyQUESO on 2024-06-16 18:07:56. It has garnered 50 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:26 or 10646 seconds.

June 13th, 2024, 1PM EST, we wil be playing the new Minecraft update 1.21, with Wextary and Dillon, check out their channels! Enjoy!

Dillon- https://www.youtube.com/@dillon8775 Wextary- https://www.youtube.com/@Wextary

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  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

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  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – German voice actor unites Jack and Wheatley

    Minecraft Memes - German voice actor unites Jack and WheatleyLooks like Jack Block and Wheatley are bridging the language barrier in Minecraft with their shared German voice actor – now that’s what I call a block-buster performance! Read More

  • Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol

    Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol Why did the villager bring a TNT donut to the test? Because he wanted to see if it would blow his taste buds away! #boom #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures

    Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures Exploring Cloudcraft in Minecraft Education In this episode, players are taken on a journey through the five scenarios of Cloudcraft, an adventure designed to provide a detailed look at data centers and everything that happens within them. Recycling The first scenario, Recycling, introduces players to the concept of sustainability within data centers. They learn about the importance of recycling electronic waste and reducing energy consumption to create a more environmentally friendly infrastructure. Security Next, players delve into the Security scenario, where they explore the various security measures implemented in data centers to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber attacks…. Read More

  • Crafting a Cherry Blossom Home in Minecraft

    Crafting a Cherry Blossom Home in Minecraft Exploring the Cherry Blossom House Tutorial in Minecraft 1.21 Embark on a creative journey with the Cherry Blossom House tutorial in Minecraft 1.21. This enchanting build combines the beauty of nature with intricate architectural design, offering players a unique and visually stunning project to undertake. Step-by-Step Guide to Building the Cherry Blossom House Follow along as the tutorial takes you through each stage of construction, from laying the basement floor to adding the final touches of greenery and decor. Here are some key highlights: Step 1 – Basement Floor Start by establishing the foundation of your Cherry Blossom House… Read More

  • GAME THEORY: Minecraft’s Ultimate Destruction – SHOCKING!

    GAME THEORY: Minecraft's Ultimate Destruction - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game Theory: The Mace Just BROKE Minecraft… Literally – @GameTheory | Reaction’, was uploaded by Fort_Master on 2024-09-10 16:00:30. It has garnered 322 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:26 or 1766 seconds. Game theory has come to the conclusion that the Mace breaks the world… How do they come to that conclusion?! ————————————————————————————————————————— Original video: https://youtu.be/_peGTPzC0ZI?si=KYx9rge1pYq5U7Uw ————————————————————————————————————————— My twitter: https://twitter.com/RealFort_Master My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fort_Master My Discord: https://discord.gg/bXCKa7ngsB PlayList: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz0GK3geO7IILJUFb0ZYroIlZJVVztPQe My Wishlist: https://throne.com/fort_master ————————————————————————————————————————— Theme – Ninja Sex Party – Unicorn Wizard (Blast Processed): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYlDIYtzJGE #gametheory #reaction #Tom #GTTom #Minecraft #Math Read More

  • Join Jazygamer’s SMP Server! Ep. 6

    Join Jazygamer's SMP Server! Ep. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP with viewers live │ come and join! ”jazygamer.m-c.pro” – Road to 8,000 subs │Ep. 6’, was uploaded by Jazygamer on 2024-09-13 20:00:22. It has garnered 131 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:26 or 9026 seconds. If you enjoy these types of videos, then smash a like on today’s video and if you are new then it would be appreciated if you clicked that red subscribe button and make it grey ❤ Also consider joining my channel to become part of the “Jazygamer Squad” ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChRfhkjf1H1BGnxz3VyS8WQ/join My uploads 🎬… Read More

  • Insane Discovery on Jupiter: Diamonds and pet Cat | Minecraft Ep-7

    Insane Discovery on Jupiter: Diamonds and pet Cat | Minecraft Ep-7Video Information This video, titled ‘Finally found Diamonds in minecraft and a pet Cat | Minecraft hardcore ep -7 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by JUPITER on 2024-02-20 10:34:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Deadly Minecraft Adventure: Day 1

    Deadly Minecraft Adventure: Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Survival Stream Series : Ep – 1 (Day – 1)’, was uploaded by NoisyNinja22 on 2024-09-24 01:20:00. It has garnered 323 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:51 or 10851 seconds. Join Us on Discord: https://discord.gg/kYPaJn867J Read More

  • TheNewWorkshop Reveal!! Watch NOW

    TheNewWorkshop Reveal!! Watch NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 11: THE NEW WORKSHOP!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-04-11 14:00:38. It has garnered 54020 views and 4558 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:36 or 1116 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS Lizzie shows us her new pet, we show off new builds added to our base, upgrade our nether hub entrance, and make a brand new workshop to construct our custom banner!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalsausage ►Youtube Member ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜ https://www.patreon.com/mythicalsausage ►Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage ►Instagram ➜ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft ===================================================== Read More