Unbelievable Modded Minecraft Adventure Audiobook!

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Appreciated for those seeking a free option subscribing is also a way to show support your backing in any form means a lot chapter 76 era Battlefield silus POV after Gathering and organizing the forces from the rear bases and forts we started marching towards Eric Berg the force consisted of 300 volunteers from

The former marinad citizens that Ki had brought with him 500 crossbowmen who had joined us after completing their training in the rear 30 Elite heavy infantry 50 light infantry and 130 Scouts made up of former adventurers the number was slightly increased due to the fact that there were several former adventurers of

Medium rank or higher among the former marinad citizens that K had brought with him in addition there were 10 from the harpy Air Force Five mags and five Riflemen in total there were about 1,000 people in the Army since kosok was not accompanying us this time we needed to prepare my Logistics properly

Fortunately we have the supplies that kuk prepared for us so all we have to do is carry them we managed this by using carriages that we had seized from each for thought since we would be passing through several towns on the way to Eric Burg we plan to seize them and

Requisition more carriages we will not take them by force but rather negotiate and pay a fair price I’ll leave that to melty and there will be no problem by the way the 300 volunteers will basically be accompanying us as Transportation core soldiers in the rear they’re still halfway through their

Training your highness we will soon be in M’s Town f moo is there any movement from the enemy they have no intention of retreating they are forcing the residents to arm themselves and are prepared to fight back and it seems they’re pushing the residents forward they’re using untrained people hauh the

Way the holy kingdoms Army is doing this is almost disgusting as soon as it starts it seems that The Rifleman will come into play there are about 30 enemy soldiers right yes don’t touch the militia just the regular soldiers of the Holy Kingdom Army very well M Town used to be a

Campground for merchants trading with the elves of the the Black Forest it became an in town and as farming Villages were developed around it their crops were brought in and the in town became a town it is a town with such a history the number of soldiers of the

Holy Kingdom guarding the town was about 50 plus about 100 conscripted militia who closed the town’s Gates and deployed their forces on the defensive wall it seems that there are only about 10 archers in the regular army of the Holy Kingdom who can attack from a distance according to perner of the Harpy’s

Reconnaissance the enemy is gathering bricks and stones for protection those who can’t use bows and arrows are probably planning to fight back with stone throwing the crossbows are superior in both range and power so it’s easy to shut them down completely but I wouldn’t want to hurt the conscripted

Militia seal all the gates we will then issue a surrender order ha on my orders the soldiers surrounded mit’s town and sealed off the town there is no time to take a leisurely approach to Warfare I called out to the wind spirits and prepared to deliver my voice throughout

M’s town listen residents of M’s town we are the marinad kingdom Liberation Army and I am the leader silfield and our marinad The Witch of the Black Forest may be a better description for you hearing my declaration a kind of murmur could be heard from mit’s town our goal

Is to liberate the territory of the marinad kingdom and free the unjustly oppressed subhumans we will show no mercy to the soldiers of the Holy Kingdom but we have no intention of harming the innocent people burning their towns and looting their property there seem to be widespread unrest among the

Conscripts the holy kingdoms Army Commander is screaming and scolding the soldiers telling them not to be fooled I think that’s a bad move in this situation the same goes for the militian who were forcibly conscripted if you lay down your arms and give up your will to fight we will

Not harm you or capture you as for the generals of the Holy Kingdom’s Army as long as you do not resist I promise to take you prisoner disarm you and release you safely it seemed that some of the regular soldiers of the Holy Kingdom’s Army were beginning to get flustered

Some of them looked at each other and started to lower their weapons shoot the commander ha do it copy that G gagag again the sound of bolt action rifles firing in Rapid succession echoed and the heads of the officers of the Holy Kingdom Army who had been admonishing

The soldiers on the castle walls were blown off the soldiers of the Holy Kingdom Army who were bathed in the splattered blood and brain plasma raised a scream that seemed to tear the silk what a voice a man can make though I don’t know how to feel in terms of the

Number and quality of the soldiers you have no chance of winning I will give you half an hour’s Grace if you want to surrender lower the flag of the Holy Kingdom raise the white flag and open the gates if there is no response from you we will launch an attack I expect

You to judge wisely I ended the effect of the wind spirit magic that had been diffusing my voice and crossed my arms from here it’s a matter of waiting for a while MST Town chose to surrender shortly afterward perhaps it was a good thing that the morale of the Holy

Kingdom Army whose Commander had been killed by The Rifleman had fallen to the bottom of the earth and that we had promised not to loot the town The Liberation Army soldiers entered the streets of mit’s town and overpowered and seized the military facilities naturally they also confiscated the supplies that were

Stored in the military facilities danan give strict orders to the soldiers not to cause any trouble as you wish we may have to make an example out of some of them I asking you to make sure that doesn’t happen Okay very well danan grinned and started to say something

Outrageous so I made sure to keep him on his toes melty accompanied by zami as her escort happily went out into the town they must have gone to procure wagons and supplies from the merchants of the town they probably used the cash they had confiscated from the fort and

Military facilities as well as the jewels they had received in advance from kosok to get them I’m glad we were able to take control of the town without any problems for now yes I hope we can continue like this all the way to Eric Berg I don’t think it will

Work out that way Leonard’s words soon became a reality as he stood in front of us you are prepared to fight to The Bitter End aren’t you yes it seems so it took us another 3 days to march from MST toown to Eric Berg in terms of location

It was about a 5-day walk from Fort gamma we were advancing to the town of mazwood just before Eric Berg while suppressing small villages along the way the enemy force is about 2,000 huh the holy Kingdom’s Army had concentrated its forces on the town of mazwood to

Intercept us there are 2,000 of them that’s twice the number of soldiers we have it looks like they are planning to besiege the city and fight a defensive battle completely the city of mazwood was built in the middle of a forest that produced highquality Timber and developed through forestry and Timber

Processing since monsters can spring up from the nearby Forest it is equipped with a strong defensive wall this time they are trying to use that wall to repel us they are not going to follow the surrender order are they although we gave them the same advice to surrender

As we did in M’s Town it seems that they have no intention of surrendering this time it is fortunate at least that there is no conscripted militia yes we’ll overwhelm them with Firepower first very well crossbowman Advance as soon as I called out to the wind spirits to start blowing

A strong Tailwind 500 crossbowmen stepped forward and started shooting a burst of crossbow shots pierced the Holy Kingdom soldiers on the defensive wall and the strong headwind stalled the arrows fired by the Holy Kingdom soldiers some of the arrows reached our crossbowmen and some of them were

Wounded but none of them seemed to be in any danger of death in less than 10 minutes the enemy’s return fire became sparse and they were completely hidden behind the defensive wall for now the shooting war is a one-sided victory for us after all the crossbow is amazing I

Don’t think we’re going to lose in a shooting War that’s true but they are hold up now it can’t be helped we’ll do what we always do send in the harpies and what about the target tell them to prioritize killing and wounding the enemy soldiers minimize damage to facilities

And civilians as much as possible and make sure no one Falls understood danan moved away from me even if you’re not around you’re still able to protect us kuk harpies equipped with aerial bombs in both feet so high into the sky soon they will start reigning death down on

The generals of the Holy Kingdom Army if that happens the outcome of this battle will be decided there’s no shortage of would to make a battering ram around here I gave the order before the battle began so by now the transportation core soldiers should have cut down the large

Trees and completed the battering ram after the harpies eradicate the walls defensive forces we can use the battering ram to break down the gate if kosok were here he could have bombed the gate and blown it up but now that kosok is not with us we can’t afford to waste

The harpies precious air bombs the bombing by the harpies began the sound of air shaking explosions rang out repeatedly and The Liberation Army soldiers cheered once again the harpies military prowess comes first they’ll claim it’s kok’s Merit not theirs though that’s true for us The Liberation Army kosok is genuinely our

Lifeline at the same time it is also fatal cryptonite from now on will you keep kosok in the rear where he will be safe yes that what I intend to do I have a feeling that kosok will not be happy about this I think so too but you know

If I put him in front of me he’ll get hurt I don’t think it’s always safe to keep him in the back either then what do you think I should do Leonard Leonard Shrugged his shoulders at my question and then answered I think it’s best to

Keep him close to the princess at all times it is the safest way for both of you to be happy I have failed because I didn’t do so in the past Leonard lost his wife in the war against the holy Kingdom’s Army his territory was attacked by a separate

Force of the Holy Kingdom’s Army which bypassed the main force of the marinad Kingdom’s Army and his wife wielded her sword until the end of the attack and died I will consider it favorably it would be good to do so I think the quality of the food will be better with

Kosok here with a laugh Leonard walked away toward the battering ram that had been brought from the rear he will probably have another bow with zami for the best spear kosok wait for me this mawood will fall soon if so Eric Berg will be within a stone’s throw the

Liberation Army will be able to breathe a sigh of relief once Eric Berg is under control until then we have to be patient I still have a lot of work to do I gripped the hilt of my pale Moon and looked up at the defensive wall of

Mazwood which had been torn to shreds by the bombing of the harpies begin the assault show the Holy Kingdom Army what you can do with the soldiers shouting I headed for the city Gates first letun take this place down let’s focus on that chapter 77 e front line well then Eric

Berg is already within your reach huh yes that’s right there were a good number of wounded in this battle but the death toll was low the potions that kosok and Islam made for us have healed most of our injuries so we’ll take a few days to rest and get control of mazwood

Before we attack Eric Berg silus voice Echoes back from the Golem Communicator The Liberation Army which started from the gamma for about a week ago went northward through the former marinar Kingdom territory while suppressing Villages and towns along the way and completed its Invasion today to the city

Before Eric Burg which is the key Transportation point so are you okay are you sure you don’t want me to go I’ve already built a supply base so there’s nothing I really need to do here in fact there’s almost nothing left for me to do in the backline and for the past few

Days I’ve been busy Mass producing things that I can only Mass produce such as goats foot style reinforced crossbows aerial bombs for harpies ammunition and parts for bolt action rifles and Gathering materials for them I don’t know if I feel like collecting latrine dirt for a while yes I’d like you to

Strengthen the defenses of Eric Berg once we conquer it can I have you head this way all right I will leave tomorrow if possible the day after tomorrow at the latest foo foo I’ll Attack Eric Berg before the excited kosak arrives here there’s still a good amount of the Holy

Kingdoms Army that exists south of Eric Berg careful on your way silie be careful too don’t get hurt okay see you later yeah good night I finished the communication and put the Golem communicator on standby are we moving tomorrow that’s the plan Isa should just

I’m going too no I mean what if someone gets hurt or sick the potions will work and we have the former Alchemists and apothecaries so it won’t be a problem h i see are you sure about about that kak traveling alone is a bigger problem you

Need an escort Isa did not change her decision to come with me it’s not that I don’t want her to go with me on the contrary it’s very reassuring it’s just that it’s lonely to be alone no I don’t think I’ll be going alone I’m sure the three harpies will

Follow me what about Transportation should I run with iser in my arms you want to bounce around like that it will make me throw up Isa made a small cross mark in front of her mouth with a look of disgust on her face oh so she’s going to throw up well it’s not

Surprising that she got sick I’ll be moving at a great speed while jumping around after all well we’ll take a carriage then do we have an extra one there’s no problem with one Carriage the purpose is to deliver supplies to the front lines indeed the amount of

Supplies a single Carriage can carry is negligible but it’s a different story with me on board my inventory can can carry a tremendous amount of goods in fact I still can’t see the bottom of the amount of supplies that can be stored in my inventory I wonder if I can store as

Much as I want what happens tomorrow will happen tomorrow today is just you and me that’s true the sun has already set basically people in this world don’t work after dark it’s inefficient and dangerous to work at night in addition it costs money because you have to turn

On the lights therefore when the Sun goes down they go home and spend time with their families and loved ones to nurture their bond by the way today we are going to spend time alone together as Isa said Ry pessa and cpri are sleeping in separate rooms today it

Seems that the decision was made after a discussion without my knowledge I’ll be your one San today W San I parroted back to ISA who looked up at me she looked like a little girl the difference in height between Isa and me is a head and

A half no maybe two I’m actually a big sister you know I’m older than you that’s true too apparently Isler is 32 years old the oneeyed races Isa is also a long lived species although not as long as the elves I’m 24 no I’m 25 if you include the time I

Spent here since I’m 25 years old that means iser is 7 years older than me by the way I checked and found that the calendar in this world is much the same as on Earth I didn’t ask about the details such as the number of hours in a

Day or whether there is a leap year but a month is about 30 days and a year is divided into 12 months there is no problem in saying that they are almost the same so what is Ison like and what is she planning to do isin what kuk is

Much younger than me you should call me Ison chin no that’s a little calling her Oney Chan at this age is just too much I don’t want her staring at me like that I’m not going to give up a don’t cry ah I can’t you can’t cry young lady that’s

Not fair ah ah isin Fufu ah she laughed at me she made me say it and now she’s laughing you’re so cute come here wany Chan will spoil you Isla Smiles at me with an excited face and looks at me gently as she opens her arms and

Prepares to accept me no that’s just too much you don’t want to be spoiled by wchan Isla gives me a sad look isn’t that cheating that’s not how it was supposed to be come here yes I had no room to resist ah I woke up in the

Morning and rolled around on the bed screaming last night I was carried Along by isa’s Pace from beginning to end I can’t help but feel like I’ve made a tremendous mistake good morning kuk breakfast is ready good morning Isa isin spare me foo foo Isa doesn’t say anything she just Smiles approaches me

On the bed bed and uses magic to clean the bed and me I think magic is really useful when you see it like this I would love to use it if I could after breakfast we will move quickly it will take three maybe 4 days to get to Eric

Burg from here by Carriage okay the breakfast Isam made for us was a kind of barley porridge I’ve had a lot of opportunities to eat barley porridge since I came here I don’t mind it it’s not as bad as I thought after finishing the meal I dismantled the tempor

Accommodation and prepared to leave good morning hey huh you’re cleaning up the house are you going somewhere just as I finished dismantling the temporary accommodations a brown feathered Harpy pessa swooped down from the sky kuk is going with me to the front line silie has approved it I see then I’ll go tell

Everyone pessa flew off in a hurry I haven’t even said good morning to her yet letun go to the warehouse right I haven’t heard of any food shortage on the front lines but I’m sure there’s plenty of grain and potatoes that can be stored if so we can sell them to fund

The military I explained the situation to the former Internal Affairs officer who was in charge of the warehouse and threw more and more of the preservable Harvest into my inventory except for the immediate Necessities we had already completed two harvests at this food production base and the empty Warehouse

Was now filled to overflowing with grain I’m going to the front so it’ll be a week after the next Harvest yes I understand but still it’s an extraordinary Harvest rate right if I plow a Farmland block and plant a seed the crop will be ready

To harvest in 3 days if I did not plant the seeds the crops would be ready to harvest in a week and the experimental field that I just plowed up from the forest soil takes a week after I plant it if someone other than me planted it

It is expected to take twice as long it’s still growing though so I can’t be sure I walked around the warehouse with iser who was silently watching me work and when we got out of the warehouse after collecting the supplies as instructed by the manager we saw two

Carriages parked in front of the warehouse the one sitting on the driver’s seat was Kuby hey I heard you’re going to the front are you going too KU I’ll be escorting you escort there are still a lot of Holy Kingdom troops on this side of Eric ber Kuby

Says this while waving his hands in the air and the other Carriage seems to be operated by a human man not a subhuman and inside the carriage are about eight soldiers of the liberation Army armed with crossbows and swords they were mostly human men with only two subhumans

There are a lot of humans here aren’t there didn’t I tell you before I used to be involved with humans in the Royal capital of the marinad Kingdom that’s what I learned back then ham I’ve heard that he wasn’t originally a soldier but what kind of background does Kuby have

It’s a bit of a mystery after all this time I have a feeling that he’s a former member of the underworld but I don’t think I need to go to the trouble of digging up his past as soon as pessa and the others who were not present flew in the hastily

Organized Supply transport unit Departed the supply production base and began to head towards the front lines this new type of carriage is great Mas doesn’t hurt even though I’m The Coachman the ride is good too the Old Carriage was terrible I thought I was going to break

My ass your ass is already broken from the beginning I wonder what a subhuman as like KES would look like I don’t know I’ve never really looked at a man’s ass I’ve seen silie Isla and the harpies naked and their hips are the same as humans as for our route this time we’ll

Spend the day running between the production base and the gamma Fort and then head north along the same route that The Liberation Army took we could have started from the production base and gone North but that would have been risky because we would have passed through some Villages and towns that The

Liberation Army had not yet conquered so we decided that it would be safer to take the same route that The Liberation Army had taken even if it meant taking a slightly longer detour hopefully nothing will happen to us don’t worry if we take the same route that The Liberation Army

Took there won’t be any trouble Isla do you know that that’s called a flag while thinking about isa’s words I checked the contents of my inventory and made preparations to deal with any problems that might arise chapter 78 there was no flag what’s wrong kuk I just thought

That flags are just an occult thing a few days later we were leaving the city of mazwood without any trouble and traveling to Eric ber what happened on the way you ask no there really wasn’t any trouble the route that The Liberation Army took had been cleared

And free of monsters or should I say that there were no attacks by monsters at all and there was no such thing as encountering the Guerilla forces of the Holy Kingdom Army don’t underestimate the importance of intuition such as bad premonition or bad sign some people can sense these things from the slightest

Sign that they themselves are not aware of I see that’s how it works H yes but of course it could could be just your imagination or you could make a mistake by worrying too much just do everything in moderation right then I heard a thunderous sound in the distance it’s

Probably the sound of sfie and the others fighting or perhaps the aerial bombardment of the harpies it’s the bomb isn’t it it looks like the princess is doing something fancy I guess so it looks like they were preserving it until mazwood so they’ll be playing it big today however even though they’re being

Pushed this far the holy Kingdom’s Army isn’t making any moves it’s not that they don’t want to it’s that they can’t kosak has blown away all of the cavalries that they can’t afford to attack us Oh you mean their mobile forces have been destroyed even if they

Are not The Liberation Army or rather the harpies and crossbows are too strong if they don’t at least take measures against the harpies the Holy Kingdom Army won’t be able to defeat us I see The Liberation Army which is equipped with powerful long-distance weapons such as crossbows is extremely strong strong

In defensive and Siege battles but if the enemy wanted to fight in the open they will be detected immediately by the harpies flying in the sky and if they are crowded on the plains they will be a good Target for the harpies aerial bombardment then there was the option of

Laying low but again this would be detected by the harpies who were on the lookout from the sky and if they were detected they would immediately be reported to the main Force by a communicator and counter measures would be taken an ambush whose existence and location unknown is no threat to us in

Fact they are just easy targets still I don’t think we’d be safe from a charge by a bunch of cavalries well there will be damage but will it be that bad I can only see the harpies bombing and Hand Grenades stopping the cavalry charge hum explosions are effective against Cavalry

If the sound of those bombs sends the horses into a panic they won’t be able to charge I see that makes the Liberation Army very strong doesn’t it is it possible that I’m worrying too much this world is a different world with magic I wonder if there will ever

Be an opponent that crossbows won’t work on and bombing won’t work on a dragon maybe or something like a hero or demon king as for me well if I know it’s coming can I manage to withstand it I’ll just have to defend myself and run away

H when I think about it my endurance defense and survival abilities are as good as a dragons with some conditions I’ll try not to think about it too much yeah won’t the Holy Kingdom Army just start throwing out their tiger cubs I don’t know there is a possibility that

The Mage troops will be deployed yeah will that be okay there are other mags besides me so it’s probably safe as long as we can prevent the holy Kingdom’s mags from using their magic without fighting back we should be fine but if we can’t prevent them oh we have The

Rifleman H they can’t aim their magic if they can’t see the Enemy No matter how many Magic barriers they have they can’t prevent bullets from a bolt action rifle a mage who is standing still with magic is a good Target right there’s no way that danan and Sir Leonard who has been

Tormented by the Mage troops of the Holy Kingdom’s Army have not taken measures to counter them probably even if they had been deployed they would have been beaten to a pulp by The Rifleman even as I speak the distant thunderous sound continues they’re playing a really big game since I’m arriving maybe they’re

Planning to spit out the entire inventory no matter how much they destroy the defensive wall I can fix it in no time let’s proceed with caution if we run into another unit that’s trying to flank or hinder silfy and the others we will be trapped that’s for sure well

I think it’s okay because the harpies are watching but let’s be as careful as we can the carriage moves forward with the sounds of battle in the distance silus POV they’re very tenacious in their defense if they lose this place the southern part will be cut off they

Must be desperate so that’s it the strong wind that continues to blow from behind us nullifies most of the arrows of the enemy archers but the crossbow bolts that we fired hit something like an invisible wall before they could reach the enemy soldiers on the defensive wall and were bounced off it’s

A shame we couldn’t kill them all with our shots they were surprisingly quick to react the invisible wall is the work of the Mage core the tiger cub of the Holy kingdoms Army it seems that they are using magic to put up barriers to prevent our attacks so they now use

Their magic without having to expose themselves to the wall what impudent bunch in the beginning the Mage troops of the Holy Kingdom exposed themselves on the wall to unleash attack Magic on our troops but while our Mage troops were blocking them jagi and The Rifleman shot them it was heartening to see the

Enemy’s Mage troops who had once tormented the forces of the Marin Kingdom fall to the ground but when they realized that the rifleman’s attack could not be blocked by Magic they quickly hid behind the walls after that it was like this both sides are plowing the soil of the battlefield with their

Arrows having little effect on it each other this is perner we have confirmed the target go ahead drop two bombs in turn perner and the rest of the harpy Squad circling in the sky are ordered to attack via the Golem Communicator copy that we’ll start the bombing at my

Signal an explosion erupts as if to wipe out the enemy on the defensive wall it seems that we were able to inflict some damage on the enemy but most of the damage was done by shattering the magic barriers the enemy might have been relieved that they had prevented it

However a second bomb went off with a slight delay it seems that the second bombing could not be prevented and the Mage troops are like insects before the bombing Leonard’s mouth Twisted in Amusement this double bombing is a bombing tactic where the first bomb destroys the magic barrier and the

Second bomb wipes out the enemy soldiers along with the mags it is a technique for antim mags that was devised through discussions with Isa and the other mags the effect is confirmed the damage to the enemy soldiers at the Target Point including the Mage is enormous good

Rearm and continue to attack the enemy Soldiers the first priority Target is the Mage copy that now the enemy has lost their only hope of a mage unit I’m sure their morale will drop drastically what are we going to do now should we break down the gate no there are still

Several air bombs that kosok entrusted to me kosok said he would be joining us by the end of the day and he also mass-produced weapons bombs and ammunition while he was over there there was no need to take the risk of losing our troops let’s just bomb them to death

Slowly like choking them with cotton cotton is a bit extreme don’t you think it’s not cotton it’s more like a steel wire with thorns or something as for me I prefer to burst through the gates you can’t you may not die so easily Leonard but your men will it’s regrettable

Leonard said with regret and stroked the hilt of his twin swords at his waist both Leonard and zami want to go forward and fight after kosok has made them mithil weapons I don’t don’t know how they feel about that but I can’t bear to let my soldiers Die For Nothing however

In this situation the harpies would be in sole control not only us but even the other soldiers would have nothing to do at any rate we’ll just have to destroy them with the harpies aerial bombs if we get too close to the defensive wall during the bombing we might get caught

In the blast so we can’t do anything to the enemy until the bombing is over so let’s instruct the soldiers to make a battering ram if the enemy surrenders it will be us less but if not we will need it to break down the gates the Relentless bombing has been going on for

A while but it won’t last forever if kosak were here though he might be able to turn Eric Berg into a pile of rubble what about the remaining enemy soldiers it seems that a good number of them have retreated from the defensive wall and taken refuge in civilian buildings we

Destroyed the barracks and other buildings but we avoided warehouses that might have contained supplies so we think they are hiding there as well even so I think we were able to destroy most of them with the bombing all right go back to the main camp and rest your

Wings no we’ll continue to Circle above and continue our reconnaissance mission don’t push yourself too hard understood I finished my communication and looked up to see Leonard with a fierce smile on his face his fangs B this wlike and gluttonous nature of his is beyond sick

So that’s how it is it’s going to be a city battle watch out for surprise attacks I’ll go too your highness would it not be better if I were to act as bait well I’ll just lead the troops to the Lord’s Mansion calling for them to surrender I think that would be

Dangerous it’s necessary in order to achieve our goal it’s not in my nature to just give orders from behind and sit back and relax the marinad royal family has made the mistake of losing this country once if I don’t step forward at least in times of battle the soldiers

And the people will not be satisfied that’s all I can do soon after the battering ram was ready and the gates were breached Leonard and Zi were happy to charge in but danan and I ran down the main street after clearing the area we were accompanied by an Elite Force of heavy

Infantry and light infantry there was no one on the Main Street to block our Invasion the inhabitants were probably HED up in their houses or else they would have fled the city long ago the news of our March to the north must have reached Eric Burg long ago it seems that

The Lord’s Mansion has its own defensive forces what should we do danan asks me with a glance the answer is obvious push through your highness with the help of the wind spirit I put on an invisible wind robe and ran out the enemy soldiers who were deployed in front of the Lord’s

Mansion were shooting arrows at me as I surged forward arrows It’s Magic they’re coming ready your Spears hold your ground the wind swirling around my body deflects all of the arrows that fly at me the enemy Commander seemed to be quite good and instead of focusing on attacking with arrows he chose to

Immediately form a spear line against us as we rushed forward as I ran I commanded the wind spirit to turn the wind robe I was wearing into a storm and hit the enemy group before we made contact with the spear line with that blow several people were blown away and

The spear line was disrupted ah I jumped into the spear line that was disrupted and had holes in it and swung The Pale Moon that I pulled out of its sheath in all directions the pale blue blade cut through the body arms and legs of the soldiers of the Holy Kingdom Army along

With their armor the cut off Limbs and upper body fly in the air in just a few moments the whole area was covered in blood your ears your black skin you’re the witch one of the soldiers said so the next moment I chopped off her head with the Pale Moon drop your Spears

Fight with your sword I cut down the enemy soldiers standing in front of me pulled out the cooker knife from its sheath at my waist with my left hand and threw it at a man who looked like a commander behind the lines the spinning cooker knife pierced the face of the

Commander guy and and the guy fell down violently as if he had been beaten myel arm you a man who looked like a knight who was standing beside the man turned red and charged at me I pointed the muzzle of the revolver I pulled out of

The holster at my waist at the man asterisk door asterisk asterisk door asterisk asterisk door asterisk a thunderous sound echoed and the man charging at me was blown backward there was a hole in his armor so he couldn’t have survived I could feel the morale of the enemy soldiers dropping rapidly

Probably because the man who looked like the commander I had just killed and the man who looked like his bodyguard had been killed as well drop your weapons and surrender if you do I will not take your life the soldiers surrounding us looked at each other and when they saw

Danan and the others charging at them with even more ferocity they dropped their weapons soon after Eric Berg fell and the flag of the marinad kingdom was raised at its Gates it was only later that kosok arrived in Eric Berg chapter 79 we reaching the front line when we

Arrived in Eric Berg the flag of the marinad kingdom was already hanging above the castle gate when our Carriage arrived at the gate we were stopped by The Liberation Army soldiers who were guarding the gate good work we’ve heard all about you please continue straight down the Main Street the enemy has

Already surrendered but the city is still not completely under control so please be careful got it after the exchange between Kuby and the soldiers The Carriage started moving again this city seems to be quite large doesn’t it Eric Berg is a major Transportation point and used to be the base of a

Margrave who ruled the southern part of the marinad Kingdom even after it became a vassel state of the Holy Kingdom its role remained unchanged and the city continued to grow in other words it is one of the most important cities in the marinad Kingdom I see it’s going to be

Quite a challenge to control and Rule here isn’t it I don’t know what the population of this city is but it can’t be more than 2 or 3,000 or perhaps there are 10,000 inhabitants yeah I think it’s tough melty won’t have time to sleep for a

While I guess I should be worried but melty will be able to do it with ease while laughing hum that’s true while I was talking with Isa The Carriage started moving again and left the castle gate which still smells of Blood and Guts from the outside it was obvious

That the top of the wall had been damaged so they must have bombed the top of the wall relentlessly you don’t need to think about what would happen to a person if a bomb fell on their head so that’s what the smell was I put my fears

Out of my mind as much as possible and looked at the city from inside the carriage there’s no pedestrian traffic it’s no wonder since the city was turned into a battlefield a while ago yeah I guess so if I were a resident of this city I’d stay indoors until things calm

Down you never know what a soldier excited by battle might do to you silie told me that they’re pretty strict about military discipline but even that isn’t perfect in the first place the inhabitants of this city probably don’t know anything about it the carriage proceeded for a while and stopped

Stopped in front of a large Mansion there was a faint smell of blood in the air as if there had been a battle here Guided by a soldier standing guard the carriage passed through the Mansion gate and entered the grounds it’s quite a large Mansion there’s even a gorgeous

Carriage a carriage parking lot huh we got out of the carriage as it seemed to have stopped at a space that looked like a carriage parking lot I help iser who is short to get down given isa’s height it’s quite a height to get down from the

Carriage to the ground kuk silie silie walks towards us waving her hand as if she was watching us from the window she seemed to be uninjured I ran up to her and hugged her why are you avoiding me no I smell of blood right now I washed

It off but it’s still sticking to me blood did you get hurt no it’s the enemy’s blood I see I can’t get the image of sfie getting a handwound at all in my mind sfie has a strong image of an absolute Powerhouse when it comes to fighting other than that well of course

She’s a cute girl yeah and you’re just looking the same as before kuk yeah as you can see I didn’t get hurt or sick I’ve been taking care of him before I realized it Isa stood right beside me stretched her thin breasts with a smug

Look on her face I’m kuks wchan boof Fu wchan I couldn’t help but spurt out at Isla’s words and silie gave me a dubious look when she saw us Isa began to whisper something to silie stop don’t talk about that here even if you’re whispering in a small voice I’m sure

Kobby can hear you look he’s smirking he’s smirking oh so you’re into that sort of thing huh kuk silie Smiles happily no no no silie is tired from the battle isn’t she so I’ll spoil you today ba what are you saying out loud I’ll do whatever it takes to take control are

You forgetting that we have the advantage in numbers and power kuk ah yeah silie Isla and even the harpies are all in this city what’s more the harpies are all good at spoiling this is not good if I don’t do something my dignity will be ruined far from being a little

Brother who is pampered by his one San it could jump over it and open the dangerous door of a baby play WL let’s just calm down okay we’ll talk about it later in the evening when things have settled down we have priorities right now right I suppose so Kuby and the

Guards seem to be going to meet with danan to make arrangements for tonight’s lodging and so on and they asked the soldiers where they were and walked away so what’s the situation now we’ve almost got it under control there is a possibility that some of the soldiers

Are hiding in the city so we’re calling for voluntary surrender if they Surrender by noon tomorrow they will be disarmed and released if they do not Surrender by then they will be treated as enemy soldiers as soon as they are found assuming they are still willing to

Fight it is also reported that the same action will be taken against civilians who are harboring soldiers of the Holy Kingdom there is a possibility that the soldiers are threatening them we’ll deal with that on a case-by casee basis it’s kind of hard yeah it’s tough but once we

Get through this there won’t be any major battles for a while we’ll probably have to focus our efforts on settling the southern part of the country silie leaves the work of the area to her subordinates and stands firmly at the base of the Lord’s man simply put she has nothing to do danan

And melty told me that the top management should not get involved in such small matters and stand firm is that how it is that’s about it Isla nodded at my words actually there are many things she could do such as deciding how to deal with the people of

The Holy Kingdom who ruled here or how to handle prisoners of War I guess they’re trying to lay the groundwork for silie to decide on that first what should I do do you want me to go and repair the wall no it’s better to wait

Until we have full control of Eric ber I don’t want anything to happen to kosok if you’re caught off guard during the repairs the damage to the city walls is not fatal I see should I take the supplies out to the warehouse first that’s probably a good idea that’s how I

Ended up heading to the warehouse District of Eric Burg with silie Isa went separately to check on the Mage troops who had come to this area there are quite a lot of supplies here I guessed they were thinking about a Siege the warehouses in the warehouse District

Were stopped with a large amount of preserved food boughs and arrows armor and medical supplies they might have been planning to hold a Siege as silie said if they are going to hold a Siege it means they have reinforcements right normally a Siege is done because there are reinforcements available The Siege

Tactic is to stay in the base endure wait for reinforcements from allies and then strike back at the enemy otherwise the entrances and exits would be blocked and they would have to starve to death oh if winter is coming could it be possible for the enemy Army to retreat

From the cold I wonder danan and melty seem to think that it would be difficult to send reinforcements right away based on the damage inflicted by The Liberation Army on the holy Kingdom’s Army and the confiscated materials of the Holy Kingdom’s Army the enemy’s military strength in the marinad kingdom

Was calculated and the holy Kingdom’s Army should have already lost half or more of its strength if they were to Counterattack The Liberation Army on this basis they would either need to receive significant reinforce ments from their home country or mobilize the people of the marinad Kingdom on a large

Scale to gather conscripted soldiers neither of these things can be done in a short period and the conscription would be a major blow to the territory’s economy I don’t think they’re going to do it that easily the casualty rate of the Holy kingdoms Army in the past battles has been

Extraordinary right the difference in the kill ratio between The Liberation Army and the Holy Kingdom Army is staggering especially because of the bombing by the harpies it seems that the liberation Army has suffered some deaths in this battle but it is probably only a fraction of the deaths of the Holy

Kingdom army yes the enemy’s morale also seems to be quite low it seems that the survivors of the previously liberated fortresses have been informed of the battle against The Liberation Army and it seems that fear of us is widespread among the ordinary soldiers of the Holy Kingdom Army I’ve heard that the reign

Of death that the harpies are bringing down is breaking the bodies into pieces bombing must be scary it’s indeed scary I don’t want to be the target of Harpy bombs either even silie will die if the harpies bombard her and overwhelm her surroundings wait will she die it seems

That she will move with great speed and get out of the Killing Zone before the bombs fall this is a vacant Warehouse I was led to a large Warehouse in the corner of the warehouse District which was almost completely empty is it all right to put food in here what about

Bombs and crossbows and stuff I think we should set up a site somewhere and have kosok build a warehouse it should be well guarded that’s right the military facilities have been destroyed by bombing this time too right should I just destroy them and build new ones it

Might be better to do it like that we can’t afford to have them taken out or sabotaged the safest thing would be for me to keep the aerial bombs in my inventory but then they wouldn’t be able to start bombing without me it would be more convenient to store ammunition in a

Fixed location in the military base tomorrow will be a busy day for me you may be asked to repair the walls rebuild damaged facilities and possibly even reorganize the city seriously Eric Berg seems to be an old city with a long history and I’ve heard that it has been

Expanded many times so I’m sure there are inefficient roads and buildings blocking the way but that’s not a problem for me putting all the stuff in inventory destroying the building and rebuilding it in another location with the same structure is a piece of cake it might take less than 30 minutes per

Building if the shape of the house didn’t matter it could be done much faster please make sure that you tell melty not to do anything Reckless to me I don’t want to be overworked and die of exhaustion I’ll do my best I think the power relationship between silie and

Melty is apparent in the fact that she doesn’t say leave it to me melty is like the secret boss of The Liberation Army I don’t know how capable she is but she’s definitely physically strong even so silie is the supreme authority of The Liberation Army right so it will be okay

Right if melty says it’s necessary it should be necessary so it may be burdensome but please do it silie Smiles as if she’s noticed my gaze then you’ll have to make up for that maybe this evening fufo will it really work out that way but first I need to take a bath

Isn’t there one in the Lord’s Mansion a bath nope well then I suppose I’ll just have to set up the usual accommodations in the big yard that sounds good after leaving the list of released supplies to The Liberation Army soldiers guarding the warehouse silie and I went to the

Lord’s Mansion to relax chapter 80 it taking a turn for the worst thanks to the consideration of iser and the harpies I spent the night alone with sfie and the next day I began to work vigorously at night silie Isla and the harpies would heal me so I’m full of

Energy every day I feel like I’m being sucked dry but I’m full of energy by taking advantage of the fact that the residents have been evacuated the houses have been demolished and moved to New locations the walls have been repaired and strengthened the originally long moat has been deepened and the

Millstones have been used to grind grain all day long but I am fine your eyes are dead you were grinding the millstone all day long so I can understand how you feel I’ll refrain from doing that again after several days of completing tasks that needed to be done quickly I was

Given a day off today’s companion or rather escort was Kobi originally my escort was to be sir Leonard or Missi but they were absent because they were leading their respective troops in a campaign to sweep the holy Kingdom’s Army south of Eric Berg although the control of Eric Berg is over there might

Still be soldiers of the Holy Kingdom Army hiding somewhere or Spies of the Holy Kingdom Army might have entered the city somehow therefore I need an escort when I spend my vacation in the city I really wanted to take a look around the city with sfie or Isa but they were both

Busy with their own work and even if it was a day off where would we go it’s not like we’re going shopping well I guess so in my case I can make almost anything I want with my crafting abilities if it’s a rare material that can’t be

Obtained easily I might as well buy it I don’t have access to any magic material after all it seems to be prepared in the backline but I never had the chance to go there and I ended up not being able to get it while I was building the

Production base I couldn’t get in touch with the merchants who deal in it do you want to go to the brole I’m interested but I’m afraid of getting caught so I’ll pass right if I have the energy to vent in a brole then I’ll be fine which means

My night life could be in trouble also I have a feeling that it will simply affect my future Days off it’s a choice that smells of death a bar then I think it’s better to make the delicious drinks and snacks myself but actually I don’t

Want to go to a place where pretty girls and pretty oneys Sands entertain me for the same reason I don’t want to go to a brothel that’s true two my kids are a little bit out of the ordinary so the slightest trace of them can be detected well even if I’m interested

It’s only for curiosity silie and the others are good enough for that kind of thing then maybe we can go play by playing you mean gambling what kind of gains are there well I asked him about it and he said it was some kind of dice game apparently

You can play it at a bar table or a gambling Den I see I guess there are dice games everywhere do you want to go no thanks I’m an amateur so I might be an easy target if I go right gambling is designed so that the dealer can profit

From it what can I an amateur do against a fierce competitor who is making money even in that that environment the answer is that I’ll be plucked up until the hair on my ass even if I get a day off there’s not much to do how do you

Usually spend your time developing new items can that be considered as a day off thinking up and creating new things can be a lot of fun you know whether or not it will actually be used by The Liberation Army I have made some powerful weapons you never know when you

Might need it what are you going to do on your day off when there is no rest no drinking No gambling and no brothel just wander the streets randomly again that’s not a day off is it while talking about this kby and I wandered around the city

It’s been more than a week since we conquered Eric Berg the people seem to have settled down to a certain degree and are enjoying their new daily lives the people who had used subhumans as slaves until now seem to have a hard time with their daily lives though are

Things settling down in the city yes although there are still some troubles I guess so it’s because the subhuman slaves who were treated as slaves like livestock until now now are now forced to be treated as Ordinary People the subhuman slaves have been freed from their status and are now under the

Protection of the Liberation Army I think we can feed them for the time being but they have spent a long time as slaves so they have no property we can’t just free them and say you’re free and do your best for the time being The Liberation Army would take care of their

Food clothing and shelter and support them so that they could stand on their own at the same time they are also seizing and confiscating the property of those who have been making money by forcing the subhumans to work in harsh conditions I don’t know what the

Standards are for this but I think they are making a lot of progress as melty goes out into the city every day with a happy face it’s like the inevitable decline of a prosperous person well it’s more correct to say that if you’re going to suffer the retribution of what you’ve

Done it’s better to say that you deserve it melty seems to be working very hard is she going to be okay ah well I think she’s going to do just fine she’s a tough girl and she’s is not stupid according to K there are several Merchants who are former citizens of the

Holy Kingdom who have read the current situation and are actively co-operating with melty or The Liberation Army in addition even though they are the people of the Holy Kingdom not all of them are persecuting subhumans there are many kinds of people among the Holy Kingdom citizens there are those who are

Religious those who are not those who persecute subhumans like me and those who are not that’s true I suppose there are two types of Masters who use large numbers of subhuman slaves those who overwork subhumans to make money and those who use subhumans heavily to create a good working environment and

Working conditions the former are mercilessly destroyed while the latter are given preferential treatment and used as workplaces for the freed subhuman slaves isn’t there a limit to that the point is they’re giving away the concessions and whatnot that were held by the merchants they shut down in

Order to coers them in order to make a profit from the new concessions they need to bring in their own people I see so what happens to the the ones who get destroyed basically their property will be confiscated and they’ll be sent north of Eric Berg that’s terrible I think

They’re lucky they are not executed execution indeed the rule of law does not extend to all parts of this world and the areas under the rule of The Liberation Army today are all like LW is it delicious The silie Liberation Army which has conquered the area south of

Eric Burg by force is in a position to physically eliminate subhuman racists and Adele Believers if they wanted to the current way of doing things without Raining Blood may be quite moderate when entering the commercial district there are stores that are energetically doing business and others that are quietly

Shutting their doors the difference between the two is probably the result of meltis work is everything all right what do you mean no I’m worried about the future to be honest I don’t know anything about governing a country so I can’t do anything about it the only

Thing I can do is create things so that people don’t starve so that they can live safely and so that they can resist foreign enemies you should talk talk to the princess or melty about such things it’s too much for me to think about right it’s not something that two idiots

Like us who don’t know the first word in politics can’t help with I’ll talk to silie and Isler about it this evening I’ve been wondering how much stuff do you carry around with you oh the contents of my inventory um it’s quite a lot I can’t say I have a complete grasp

Of the content myself there are many things that can be found in my inventory wood Stone clay minerals living Oran organism materials such as leather and tendons Parts Alloys weapons ammunition tools clothing food harpies feathers if you have time why don’t you try to organize it I’m curious to see what’s in

There too fumu that’s good too I can only do that when I have time but I need some space to spread out the stuff you know there’s a vacant lot near the West wall that was cleared the day before yesterday oh that place huh it was a

So-called slum area and there were a lot of dilapidator Shacks the plan was for me to clean it up and build a new one the slum dwellers seem to have been given homes elsewhere in the city so it wasn’t much of a challenge to clear the land after a

Short walk from the commercial area we came to a large vacant lot let’s see let’s get it all out I’ll watch from a distance okay I don’t want to get caught under a log or something so I silently spit out the contents of my inventory

Into the vacant lot there was a lot of wood Stone clay and minerals especially there is a lot of Timber especially since I cut down a lot of it the other day your stuff is outrageous by the way I know right after the wood Stone and Clay were released the following items

Were fibers bent branches refined Iron and Steel plates glass mechanical Parts leather strong tendons gunpowder and other intermediate materials there’s a lot of stuff around here I don’t understand it’s called intermediate materials these are things that are made by processing the basic materials and then processing them further to make

Various things I don’t think it can be used by itself for anything the next thing is construction blocks but I don’t think it’s ever materialized into an item before has it what is this this is a building block one of these blocks is one M wide tall and deep it’s like a Dy

The materialized construction block was shaped like a Dy and came out of the inventory in pieces when it comes to the actual construction blocks they look like blocks that cause pain if stepped on the footstep are a pain in the ass when you take them out you shouldn’t

Take them out then the next step was to arrange the weapons there are many items that have been in storage since they were made there are swords bows and arrows Firearms ammunition bombs cannons and cartridges crossbows ballisti and stone throwers there are some very disturbing items here a lot of it I’ve

Never seen before not all of the weapons I’ve made have been practical mainly because of the cost the cost of ammunition especially for firearms is really outrageous bombs are much more efficient when using the same amount of gunpowder and efficiency is a bit of a problem when using them against people

The rest is Furniture small household items clothing and tools hey these pickaxes shovels axes they are made of mithil this is driving me crazy I finished removing most of the items from my inventory a corner of a large open space has become a chaotic mess of materials and stuff the only things left

In my inventory were food and harpies feathers is that all yeah that’s almost it I see it’s amazing even so it must be a lot less in fact after arriving in ericb I consumed quite a lot of materials for repairs and such and I also stored most of the food and weapons

And ammunition used by The Liberation Army in the warehouse your ability can do almost anything without materials right H well that’s true it’s not like I can create everything out of nothing though people in The Liberation Army have been misunderstanding me a lot lately I’m not a magician who can create

Anything with magic that’s right I heard you say that before kby put his hand on my shoulder I turned around and saw Kobe swinging his fist at me G K’s fist strikes me in the jaw and my vision wobbles then something wrapped itself around my neck and choked me I dug my

Nails into the thing that was strangling me but I couldn’t reach the fur at all what sorry dude I’m not going to kill you so you can relax as kui said this my vision began to darken rapidly I wonder if my cored artery is being compressed but my Consciousness is my

Consciousness was cut off there chapter 81 a confusion and search silus POV you still can’t find them I clenched my fist on the table and strengthened it forgetting the pain a hand was gently placed on my clenched Fist and stroked it calm down Isa turned her large eye to

Me and stared at me quietly yes if I don’t calm down I may never find what I’m looking for I take a deep breath it all started before noon a strange report had come into the command center a large number of materials and supplies have

Been left in a vacant lot to the West please give us instructions on how to deal with it that’s the content of the report in fact the number of materials was enormous ranging from building materials to preserved food weapons arrows and other unfamiliar items perhaps the things there made it easy

For the reporter to associate them with kosok although the existence of kosok and his abilities are classified he was very conspicuous from the Elven Village in the Black Forest it is safe to say that almost no one in The Liberation Army is unaware of his abilities it’s an Open Secret including his relationship

With me Isla and the harpies so it made no sense to put a lid on it now let’s get back to the story for the time being we were able to secure the supplies before the residents looted the place we even had to use warehouses and empty houses that we had not originally

Planned to use the problem was the source of these supplies among the supplies there were pickaxes shovels and logging axes made of mithil no matter how I looked at it it was something that kosok had been using moreover there were many weapons that Isla and I had never seen before

They were probably prototypes that kosok had made and kept secret for some reason I think it’s the machine gun that kosok was talking about for a while Isla said inspecting what looked like an unidentified weapon kosok indeed talked a bit about a machine gun he said it was

A powerful weapon that could fire bullets at great speed however the ammunition consumption is so high that it is impossible to put it into actual use at this stage there are other weapons that look like guns but are very large and others that look like guns but

Have no Muzzle and a bulging tip the fact that he keeps so many of them secret from everyone reaffirms that kosok has a strong personality despite his easygoing appearance anyway as it turned out kosok had vomited out the entire contents of his inventory into the vacant lot to the west and

Disappeared without a trace the first thing that came to my mind was that kuk had returned to the world after doing his job that’s what I thought with the Liberation Army having secured all the way to Eric Berg and kosok having obtained a large number of jewels or the

Raw materials for Spirit Stones The Village of the elves could be said to be almost safe kuk appeared in this world at the time when the Elven Village in the black forest was facing a crisis the crisis that was looming over the Elven Village was judged to have been

Prevented and the spirit or some other great being that summoned kosok to this world may have brought him back to the original World I thought that a large number of materials might have been thrown out into the vacant lot at that time that’s what I thought however Isler immediately rejected my idea it’s

Strange to see all that stuff placed there kosok must have kept fresh food and leftover dishes in his inventory strangely there are no such things in there indeed if everything were were removed from kukk inventory it would be strange not to find such things and there are no harpies feathers that kosok

Cherished I sense an act of manipulation and he is nowhere to be found that’s right the man who was supposed to be by kosok side as an escort kui had also disappeared along with kosok the control of the city of Eric Burg is almost over we are still on

Alert just in case but as far as the city is concerned safety has almost been established it can be called a safe Zone we have been patrolling closely to maintain security and economic activities have resumed even so I thought it would be imprudent to let him walk alone so I

Assigned kobby as his escort in fact it would not be easy to harm kosok even if he was attacked by something while walking around alone but kosok is definitely an important person but it is strange that even kui has disappeared did someone take him away along with

Kuby I don’t think so he is more sensitive to such dangers than the most elite Scouts danan who had been Stern and Silent until now opened his mouth so is kobby tracking down the missing kosok without any notice he’s a smart guy I’m sure he wouldn’t make such a mistake he

Would have contacted someone immediately so the culprit is Ku Isla suddenly started to say something outrageous KU is the culprit did he take kuk away I don’t think so what would be the point of kobby doing such a thing it means that k B was the enemy he was

Pretending to be an ally then Isa closed her eye crossed her arms and thought about it although iser is brilliant and a genius she sometimes skips the process and starts saying outlandish things however in such cases Isler is usually right Isla who was deep in thought would

Not answer me for a while KU has been working with us since the time of the Rebellion 3 years ago hasn’t he yes it’s precisely before the Rebellion during the preparation phase and then after the Rebellion after surviving the forced March through the greater mid Wilderness with almost no preparation after a time

Of hiding in the black forest and now betraying us how is that possible it’s been 3 years it’s not just 3 years that were spent in idleness it must have been 3 years full of hardship he has overcome those three years by working together

With us that must be it he was indeed an elusive guy but he was a man who was well-liked by children he was the kind of guy who could talk to anyone who had a good eye for detail and who could find and solve problems ahead of time there

Was a lot I didn’t know about his Origins but that was true for the others who had survived the forced March into the great amid Wilderness that was why I was not wary of him we can’t find the Carriage all right keep searching but don’t go too deep into the north I don’t

Want to lose any of you on top of this understood Perna’s voice from the Golem Communicator was cut off it’s not right no matter the type of carriage it can’t be fast fter than Harpy’s Wing the search for kosok proceeded on the assumption that K had betrayed us I’m

Not sure of the reason why or how the contents of kok’s inventry were thrown out but if Kobe was the culprit it could be predicted that he was trying to weaken kok’s abilities after spitting out the contents of his inventory kosok is just a human being who can move a

Little weirdly I can confirm that a carriage leaving from the west gate headed north danan looked at the map and snorted we are now almost certain that KU has betrayed us and we are searching for kosok this is because ku’s men made up entirely of human beings have also

Disappeared as have kosok and kui they had departed from Eric Berg in carriages with falsified transfer orders to join Leonard’s troops advancing to the southwest of Eric Berg according to the soldiers who checked the carriage kby was also in the carriage there was no sign of kosok but he was said to be

Carrying a box of supplies for the March kby is well respected in The Liberation Army but he doesn’t have any special position the soldiers who checked on them at that time saw them off without any particular question I suppose that’s true they were regular soldiers of The Liberation Army and there was nothing

Suspicious about their orders at first glance the letter was official and stamped with a seal so the lack of security awareness against internal crimes was exploited the problem was that neither I danan nor melty had written such an order it was my role to stamp the document but I don’t remember

Putting my stamp on such a document and I carry my seal with me upon closer inspection there were subtle differences in the stamps but it would have been difficult to distinguish them without a great deal of Suspicion in the first place not all of the soldiers monitoring

The comings and goings of people and carriages were properly trained as Gatekeepers the current situation is that there is not enough manpower to do so considering the incident that occurred this time we have to be very careful about counterintelligence in the future we found the carriage it’s in the

Northwest Woods that was when it happened Perna’s voice came from the Golem communicator danan and I leaned forward but iser only narrowed her eye a little wider are they running through the woods no they’ve stopped it looks like the horses are still tied up lead the

Nearest unit and keep an eye on it do not approach carelessly the enemy may be armed with crossbows and rifles copy that the communication was cut off what do you think why are they stopping it’s not very convenient to abandon the carriage hide in the forest and flee to

The sphere of influence of the holy kingdoms Army I suppose so it’s hard to stay away from Harpy’s eyes even if you are in the forest it may be possible for Kuby alone to do that but it is extremely difficult for a squad of more than a dozen people to continue to evade

Harpy search if that’s the case it’s still more reliable to go north as fast as possible and aim for the sphere of influence of the Holy Kingdom Army maybe it’s teleportation Magic The Carriage is empty teleportation magic when I asked Isa she nodded her head it is not impossible to teleport report several

People over long distances it can be done by gathering the magic power of more than a dozen people into one spatial magician and then assisting them with magic Stones there is a possibility that they used an artifact from the gods you think such a thing was used if they knew how

Important cuk was they could have done something like that with kok’s power only 3,000 subhumans can fight this far we’ve proven that with the war against the empire dragging on the Holy Kingdom must be desperate for power there was some question about how kby had prepared such a thing but silence dominated the

Scene it was the Golem Communicator that broke through it report the target Carriage is completely empty I see search the surroundings but it’s close to the sphere of influence of the Holy kingdoms Army keep your guard up copy that isa’s prediction was correct the carriage was

Empty and there was no trace of foot traffic around it was as if they had just vanished from the scene perhaps that’s exactly what happened kuk don’t worry they won’t kill him right away if they wanted to they wouldn’t have taken him away they would have killed him on

The spot that’s I was about to say why are you hesitating when I became speechless the reason was that isas eye tinged with a dim light I will find out where they are I swear it and I’ll make sure they pay for what they’ve done oh

Yeah there must be something I can do it will need sish help too if it’s because you’re the one who has the most connection with kosok all right anything I can do to help just let me know with a grin Isa turned her head towards me and

Directed her eye containing a dim light you said you do anything E A yeah I regretted a little bit that I had said something rash what on Earth will she make me do chapter 82 e meanwhile yes hello everyone I’m kosok the conscience of The Liberation Army no after making

So many bombs and stuff conscience is a b bit harsh isn’t it it would be more accurate to say that I’m The Mastermind Behind The Liberation Army or that I’m the cause of the disaster in the Holy Kingdom so what’s my situation right now let me tell you

Gmer ouch don’t put me directly on the floor of the carriage where there is no suspension at all yes I’m probably riding in a carriage with my hands tied behind my back blindfolded and gagged I’m also placed directly on the floor I was lying down furthermore it’s very

Narrow am I being put in a box or something every time the carriage slammed or thumped it was as if I was being hit on the floor it hurts so much is this a new kind of torture in this way the Flesh of My butttocks is an

Excellent cushion why am I in this situation all I can remember is that Kobe beat me up and strangled me after that I found myself in this situation it looks like he’s awake I think someone heard me groaning but then I heard a muffled voice

As expected I’ve been put in a box or something we’re almost there stay put that voice must be K you bastard you better remember that I’m going to kill you for sure no matter what it takes absolutely I’m not stupid I don’t know what Kuby is up to but I know the

Situation I’m in perhaps Kuby has betrayed us I don’t understand why Kuby would rebel against us now that we’ve conquered Eric Berg but it’s easy to imagine where he would sell me it would be the Holy Kingdom there’s no other destination but that nnnnnn NN n g GH I don’t know what

You’re saying but I can tell you’re angry scary scary I was going to say I’ll kill you but the gagging was too tight it must sound like a dirty moan or something godamn it I can’t help it if I waste my energy so I keep quiet while enduring the impact it’s not only

Annoying to be agitated by K but more importantly it’s unproductive it would be more useful to think of a way out of this situation for the time being I think I can remove the blindfold by putting it away in my inventory as long

As I can see it I can take out the menu and store it probably this box I’m supposed to be in can be stored in the same way however I can’t seem to do anything about the ropes that are tying me up behind my back because I can’t see

Them it looks like my legs are tied up as well but I think I can see them and I think I can put the ropes themselves into my inventory to release the restrain as I was planning my Escape Plan The Carriage came to a stop and the vibrations nature changed the carriage

No longer vibrates loudly with a clattering sound but instead was moving briskly the vibrations transmitted to me are also minimal is it running on the caral stones after that the carriage continued to run along what seemed to be cble Stones stopping several times and then running again I had a bad feeling

In my mind was there any City around Eric Burg that had such a vast Cobblestone pavement I don’t know how fast the carriage is going but I think it’s been quite a while since the quality of the vibration changed if it were Eric Berg it would have been

Running from one end to the other and yet there was no sign of stopping this is quite a big place isn’t it there’s only one city that’s close enough to Eric Berg to be under the influence of the Holy Kingdom’s Army and it’s likely to have such a large area isn’t this

Meinburg the capital of the marinad Kingdom but if that’s the case the time is not right it would take a week to get to meinburg even by Carriage I don’t know how long I’ve been unconscious but it can’t have been more than a week so how did I or rather this Carriage make

It through that distance no wait what when I thought about it this Carriage was also strange all the carriages used by The Liberation Army must have been modified to have suspension for a carriage with suspension this one vibrated badly did they use a civilian Carriage instead of a military one to

Transport me after being knocked out no silie told me that the checks on civilian carriages coming in and out of Eric Burg are quite strict I believe she said that all the luggage would be inspected there’s no way they’d miss me packed in a box if it’s a military

Carriage the checks should be more lenient or did he managed to sneak through somehow without using a carriage no no the wall has been completely repaired and the security of the wall is quite strict it’s unrealistic to think that he could somehow get through with me unconscious in his arms probably I

Was kidnapped by K and carried out using a military Carriage then I was transported to meinburg by some special method was the carriage Switched at some point um I don’t know I guess it’s useless to think about it anyway it seems unlikely that sfie and the others will immediately save me wherever Kuby

Brought me now there is no way he can escape from the harpies Pursuit with just a carriage ku’s voice sounded calm and other sounds did not indicate that this Carriage was being chased by something and was in a hurry it was easy to imagine that this was a safe zone for

Them in other words there’s a very good chance that I’m in the middle of enemy territory almost alone on top of that the contents of my inventory were already drained except for perishable food stuffs that would be damaged if I took them out and my very personal

Belongings no allow me to make an excuse it was certainly a careless move to take out the entire contents of my inventory and put them in order but I had a feeling that I wanted to see how spectacular it would be if I lined up all the materials that I couldn’t even

Grasp in the first place I had thought that Eric Berg was a perfectly safe place and I hadn’t even considered that kobby would betray me until the moment of betrayal I thought of kobby as one of us I knew that he had a scar on his shin

But I never dreamed that he was connected to the Holy Kingdom even with the eyes of this kosok yes I’m sorry I’ll just shut up why am I so calm it’s because I don’t think they’re going to kill me right away if the goal were to kill me kby

Would have finished the job long ago he could have stabbed me in the back with a knife he could have strangled me like that he could have broken my neck but that never happened and now I’m being carried somewhere like a box of potatoes or something the place is taking me to

Maybe the execution table but would he throw away his position in the deepest upper echelons of The Liberation Army just to execute me and expose me to the world ham if he kills Me In Cold Blood and raises my body in front of the Liberation Army might the morale of The

Liberation Army fall to the ground will it fall I have a feeling that silie Isa and the harpies might get upset and do something terrible whether or not it produces results I’m sure they’re going to use the various weapons I left in Eric Berg to the Limit and kill Kuby and

The guy who planned to kill me at all costs but if they knew about my abilities and kidnapped me they’ll probably try to use my power somehow either to win me over or to manipulate me into obeying them I’ll never lose to the Holy Kingdom so this is what happens

I mutter to myself in the small cell like room after that the carriage seemed to have reached its destination and I was carried by a strong man like a sack of potatoes to be shipped blindfolded gagged restrained and even stripped of all my clothes I was trembling yes fortunately it didn’t turn

Out like in the rotten smell du Jin shei and I was thrown into this cell-like place with a thin prison uniform iron Shackles on my hands and feet and even chains with iron balls attached to the shackles no I mean this is a cell no doubt about it however although though

This cell is small I think it’s not so bad there is a wooden bed and a toilet at the end of the room that seems to be flushable a water bottle seems to have been set up as well but the stone walls seem to be a bit dilapidated and there

Are traces of repair work few moo the light shines through a window with an iron grate at a slightly higher place near the ceiling it’s a semi-underground cell this time the shackles are in front of me so it’s easy to escape these restraints if I want to I could make a

Plan to Escape right now now but I wonder what I should do I don’t know what the enemy is trying to do and if this is meinburg then there may be Clues to the whereabouts of silus family that is the royalty of the marinad Kingdom maybe they’re even here also I’m

Interested in what the Holy Kingdom is trying to do by kidnapping me if possible I would like to know what they are aiming for however if I don’t escape immediately there is a possibility that I will end up in an irreversible situation I might be executed immediately or some mysterious magic

Might brainwash me I don’t know if such a thing would work on me since the slave collar doesn’t work on me there’s also the possibility that I could simply be tortured into surrender I’m just a normal person if I were to be tortured by a professional torturer I would

Immediately succumb I don’t believe that I have the mental strength to endure any pain repeated torment would soon break my heart do you think I’m weak-minded for not being able to endure torture if you think so you should look into what real torture is like I I did and I found it

Impossible impossible impossible let’s not think about a bad future okay I don’t want it to come true let’s figure out an Escape Plan first of all there’s nothing wrong with the shackles it can be dealt with secondly the way to break the prison is also not a problem a

Wooden bed a blanket and a broken stone wall that has been repaired considering these components I think I can at least manage to make a stone axe a stone axe is a versatile tool not only can It chop wood but it can also destroy stone walls and Floors the toilet seemed to be

Flushable so maybe I could escape to the soore if I could block the hole with Blocks made of a crushed stone wall or floor material I could bu myself some time to escape if I could Escape into the soore the rest would be manageable I want to believe that now what should I

Do I’m wondering if I should just wait and see what happens or if I should escape from the prison as soon as possible chapter 83 a survival in the underground begins I removed the blanket from my bed and took a piece of the wooden board that supported my body I pulled the

Straw out of the pillow which was just a messy bag stuffed with straw then I gather a stone from the mended broken stone wall in the corner of the cell all I needed to do was put them in my inventory craft them and complete the stone axe now it’s just a question of

Where and when to dig with this thing considering the light pouring in through the small window with the iron bars there’s still time before Sunset I’m sure the guards will come running if I start digging with a stone axe while the sun is still high in the sky I mean are

There guards here are there any other people in this cell o is there anyone else here I’m the new guy kosok there’s no sign of anyone else it seems I’m the only one here I thought that if there were other prisoners we could exchange information however I can’t believe that

Such a splendid cell is underused hum does that mean that there are not many vicious criminals in the Holy Kingdom who would be put in the cells maybe there are not so many rebellious subhumans anymore no those people might be disposed of on the spot I want to

Know the actual situation under the rule of the Holy Kingdom I need more information I lack information after all while thinking about this I slowly stored the bed in my inventory and began to use the stone axe to knock over the stone floor that was directly under the

Bed the sound was quite noisy but the guards didn’t shout at me nor did the neighbors complain about the noise neither of them are there are they what am I being abandoned oh maybe they don’t care about me at all and want to weaken my body and soul through loneliness and

Starvation the water in the bottle seems to be fresh but I bet the water will only last about 3 days so when I’ve weakened my body and soul a good person from The Holy Kingdom dashes in to save me the good person is kind to me and

Takes me under their wing and I become fascinated with them is that the scenario at at this point it’s just a fantasy but it sounds like it’s not impossible it’s lonely to be alone and it’s hard to be poor if I was left to die with no food or water and someone

Saved me and was kind to me I might fall in love with them well that’s not a scenario that works for me in my inventory I have a small amount of pre-cooked food and some non- perishable food items among the perishables there is water vegetables and fruits if I had

To feed an army right now I think it would require years to be done the only thing I can’t do anything about is gizmer raw meat though unless it’s cooked these shouldn’t be eaten raw or rather I don’t want to eat it raw it would give me a stomach ache there was

No sign of any disturbance at all so I dug through the stone floor I need to find a saw that I can walk through while trying not to damage the saw pipes after a while of digging with the stone axe I found some soil so I made a stone shovel

Switched to it and started digging again it’s a strange feeling isn’t it usually the case that underground passageways like this are built beforehand and then the foundation is poured and the structure is built on top of it no I don’t know the technical details but that’s how I imagine it yeah but there

Is Magic in this world after building a castle you could use magic to excavate underground and use it to turn soil into rock while building an underground passage I remember Isa doing the same thing when she and I were building the wall I’ve been digging for a while now

And I’ve come across a problem that I think is obvious it’s too dark to see anything I’ll need a torch for this but I’ll need to completely dismantle the bed to get enough wood this is a problem should I dig through to the cell next door and sacrifice the bed next door no

I don’t think staying in the cell is a good option either way let’s sacrifice the bed and use it to build a fire and torch so I went back to the cell and completely dismantled the bed to make some wood I also collect pillows blankets and water bottles as they might

Be useful for something oh the shackles and manacles they’ve already been stored yes then I made a fire using the wood and the fire pit that I had stored in my inventory is there a fire pit well I didn’t take it out in the Square because it would just

Burn up I mean why did I act so carelessly I feel like I’ve been turned into a fox or a raccoon well kby is a fox though maybe he can also use some kind of magic to guide the thoughts of others when I think about it his name can also mean

Nine Tales the more I think about it now the more I wonder there are many suspicious things about kby when I think about it no it’s all hindsight everything is too late now but if that’s the case what the hell is this situation I’m sure Kuby understands that

This level of restraint means nothing to me if my ability is accurately transmitted to the people of the Holy Kingdom there is no way that this level of restraint will be enough I was supposed to be warned of my abilities and made to spit out the contents of my

Inventory but the way they restrained me was as as if they were expecting an ordinary prisoner it’s a bit strange isn’t it if this is what K be intended then it seems that not only me but also the Holy Kingdom is being rolled around

In the palm of ku’s hand in fact it is possible that the higher-ups in the Holy Kingdom or rather the people who rule here are simply ignoring ku’s advice H I don’t know well that’s okay I don’t know what I don’t know even if I think about

It it’s just a guess anyway I made some torches and jumped into the hole I made on the Stone floor of course I will collect the fire then block the entrance from inside the hole with a stone wall block crafted from Stone this way they

Won’t be able to follow me so easily is the air safe for some reason these torches don’t seem to eat oxygen to begin with they burn permanently and are not hot to the touch that’s why at that time the light in isler’s eye is gone as usual it’s against the laws of physics

And Magic as I wielded the stone shovel relying on the light light from the torch set up on the earth and ground I hit the stone wall again had I finally reached the S I switched to the stone Axe and swung it this time bang bang

Bang bang after a few meters of digging I finally reached the Su is it really a sir here there is no doubt that this is an underground passage but there is no sewage flowing nor is there the stench that I was expecting it seems that the sewage pipes I’ve been following extend

Further down than this underground passage is there something like this under the castle is this some kind of secret underground passage of the royal family if that’s the case doesn’t this lead to the outside I guess my luck’s not out although that doesn’t mean it really leads to the outside I don’t know

If this is really an escape underpass but if it is then there is no danger there should be no danger of traps or Monsters being placed in the Escape Route that could kill the royalty trying to escape but I’ll keep my guard up I’m a survivalist after all I don’t have to

Worry about air quality quity anymore so I feel much better than when I was digging a hole Yeah it’s dark and a little scary but I explore the underground passage with a stone axe in my right hand and a torch in my left this style reminds me of the first time

I explored the forest in this world unlike that time I only have a stone axe which makes me a little nervous oh no I have some wood left and some Stones so I can at least make a stone spear I’ll make one I also made a stone knife and a

Stone spear I also have a stone shovel so now I have all the stone equipment I need what a stone pickaxe there’s no such thing it’s not in the crafting list and it doesn’t show up in item creation either strange I could make a stone warpick for offensive use though but I

Don’t really care about that right now it’s not really important I turn around and raise the torch why am I doing this isn’t that what you think no there there’s something I’ve been feeling some kind of presence behind me for a while now I can’t hear footsteps but it’s like

Something’s crawling towards me no no no no way right what the hell is in this place haaha calm down calm down me at times like this it’s best not to panic if it’s a horror movie I’ll die if I’m unprotected and think it’s just my imagination but if I’m too scared I will

Also die I mean what wouldn’t this situation be a complete disaster in a horror movie think think what can I do with the weapons in my hand against an unidentified mysterious creature I have a stone knife Stone axe Stone spear Stone shovel a few torches a fire a

Bottle of water shackles with manles and iron balls a fire pit and lots of food I quickly took gizmer raw meat out of my inventory set the torch on the ground and placed it next to it then I crouched down and went into stealth mode to observe giza’s raw meat from the

Darkness I waited for a bit and then I it came something has come something undefined and Indescribable has come it’s something dangerous that looks like it’s about to say take K asterisk t n I’m not really sure about this that’s slime right yes it’s not the cute week

One from dra asterisk on cheu asterisk St but the nasty one from classic trpgs the Slime seems to be wary of the gizar meat that is placed right next to the torch it seemed to be intelligent enough to be wary of it I wonder if the fact

That it followed me to avoid detection was more out of caution and Instinct a part of the Slime extends from the body like tentacles and picks a gizar meat after poking and prodding it to make sure it wasn’t a trap it dextrously used the part of its body that extended like

A tentacle to carry the gizar meat to the main body and take it into its body the whole slime was trembling as it felt delicious oi it can t PE I couldn’t help but scream as the Slime spoke the slime’s body shrank as if startled by my voice oh you can talk hi

I the human sand found me I’m careless no you’re not just careless it has the intelligence to be wary of traps yet it showed itself ate the decoys meat and said it was delicious even though it is intelligent enough to manipulate language it is not very smart is it do

You want to bully me the Slime asked me shaking as if frightened no I don’t bully you are you no are you a subhuman to T N he use om at first and Ki after that can slime be included in the subhuman category the size of this slime

Is hum about the size of a couch that ruins people it’s pretty big the volume is quite large isn’t it the color is a beautiful light blue it’s not the iridescent black color of heavy oil if it were I’d probably have to go through a sand check or something so subhuman

You won’t bully me I don’t bully I made friends with a subhuman in the Black Forest beyond the great amid Wilderness and we live together the Holy Kingdom captured me for various reasons and now I’m on my way to escape he the Slime approached me at a surprisingly Fast

Pace crawling around me and pointing the tips of its thin tentacles at me as if to observe me I feel like I can feel its Gaze on me and I’m sure it’s really observing me can I touch you just touching is fine but don’t hurt me or

Eat me I said and sat down on the floor it seems to be a person I can talk to and I don’t feel any hostility it’s like a child I think it’s best to let it do what it wants and not let it get too cautious I won’t hurt you

The Slime said as it shivered and started to touch my hands ankles and neck I wondered what it was doing I can taste and smell the elf oneeyed race hary and many more taste smell I took a morning bath this morning two I wonder if the Slime felt something that the

Bath couldn’t wash away since you don’t seem to be a bad person I’ll take you to my home home is there anyone that knows more about things than you there yes who okay take me there all right over here slime or is it lime anyway he or she

Does slime have a gender in any case lime started to move so I decided to follow it slimes have an image of being slow but this one is surprisingly fast it’s almost as fast as I’m walking I’m kuk nice to meet you kuk lime is lime I

See nice to meet you lime it was a bit depressing to explore the dark underground passages but I was lucky enough to make quick contact with a friendly person yeah I guess my luck’s not so bad after all chapter 84 those dangerous who live in the underground

Lime where are we going I asked about the destination while while following lime who showed me a variety of ways to move I mean I can understand the PO poo cororo because she bounces and rolls but the sliding movement but shoa how does she do that lime and the others home oh

I see home that’s not what I want to hear is it well I have to follow her for now but lime and the others you say are there many people there H there’s big lime big Beth and big poison though big what does it mean by big is there some

Kind of main body no way no it’s a slime also there’s Beth and poo I don’t know if it’s the three of them living together do the three of you live together lime Beth and poo that’s right if a scary person finds us we have to change our house scary people yes that’s

Right they are terrible they hit us with magic pour poison into us and pour oil into us to scold us in a voice that sounded like she was angry lime said something quite tragic are they all right with magic poison and oil that’s terrible are lime and the others okay

Lime and the others won’t die so easily we don’t get injured easily we very good at it when she said that lime spread out on the floor and became transparent and invisible and then she immediately returned to normal isn’t that skillful excellent Ena lime makes a joy F sound

As I praise her in fact if I didn’t know it was a pretend death I’d probably think she was dead she was just like a puddle of water so while chatting with lime I proceeded through the dark underground passage but I was mostly just listening I didn’t know the details

Because lime’s words were vague and lime’s own memory or knowledge was unclear but it seems that lime and the others have been hiding in the underground of this Royal Capital ever since the marinad kingdom was defeated by the Holy Kingdom and made a vassel state it seems that that lme and the

Others can only live in places where there is plenty of water and it was impossible for them to escape across the Great amid Wilderness to the Black Forest besides there’s the king and the others in the back we can’t leave them can we no is the royal family of the

Marinad Kingdom still in the castle yes who this was a new piece of information according to silie danan and others they told me that the royal family of the marinad Kingdom had been taken to various parts of the Holy Kingdom as slaves what does this mean I’m not sure if

Dan’s information is wrong or if ly’s information is inaccurate I’ll have to check this out this is the entrance this is the entrance line bounce beside the lattice set into the floor it’s a pretty big lattice they don’t seem to have rusted at all even though the

Underground is very humid I wonder if it’s not made of steel I don’t think I can get through here can’t you just do it like this I can’t just do that you can’t huh lime shows me how to liquid ify half of her body and bypass the

Lattice but I can’t do that I’m not that inhuman you know is it okay if I break the floor next to the lattice H maybe maybe maybe big lime will be angry at you maybe I’ll apologize when that happens I’ll fix it anyway I’ll go with

You to apologize to I was so relieved to hear her bouncing around and saying kind things lime is so cute she makes me feel relaxed I wonder if I can make her mine I guess I can’t since she’s not a dog or a cat anyway in order to proceed I used

The stone axe to destroy the floor next to the lattice so that I could go down it took a while but the excavation was completed without any problems it was amazing kuk is amazing haaha I know I know I was praised by lime who bounced up and down with excitement and I felt

Pleased as well in The Liberation Army even if I did a lot of things people would just look at me warmly and say oh again or maybe it was more like an enlightened look I descended to the bottom of the lattice on a stone floor excavated in the shape of stairs it’s

Not that high maybe 5 m I didn’t want to jump but it was high enough that I wouldn’t be able to jump down like me lime came down the stairway through the stone floor do you usually go down by slipping on that lattice yes that’s right I’m always slipping and jumping

Down it’s fun you know are you sure it’s all right to jump from that high it’s okay it seems that lime is fine with jumping from a height of 5 m she’s quite strong in physics as expected of a slime the place we went down was like an

Underground soore I thought it was a so but it didn’t smell too bad what is this place isn’t this a sir H sir that’s right a really it doesn’t smell that bad I was expecting more of a smell that would make me throw up the water that

Flows here here is the water that poo and the others have cleaned it’s beautiful right who so poo is treating the sore huh considering its name is it a kind of poison slime is your home still far away we’re almost there lime bounced up and down and started to move

So I followed her after a short walk I saw a light ahead that peculiar light was familiar to me it was similar to the magic light that Isla had used I’m home I brought kuk when I entered the light filled room I was momentarily dazzled by the brightness no it’s not that I’m

Dizzy it’s just that the underground passage is too dark the Torches were bright enough but my eyes were used to the darkness when I entered the room there were three women there no there was something that looked like a woman ye welcome back lime dives into the rich

Bosom of something that looks like a light blue woman who says that in a bright voice and disappears disappear a what’s happening H you’re certainly human the Slender humanoid made of red slime looked at me in some confusion and said something like that you seem to be surprised nanodesu this

Time a bubbling green slime human or it makes such a sound yes I am surprised I never thought it possible but there really is such a creature as a slime girl I thought there might be a slime that could talk but I didn’t think it really existed until I saw lime and

Where did lime go where’s lime I’m lime you know the light blue human or it’s lime lime smiled at me then she separated her body parts and created the same one that had been accompanying me a while ago the lime that was with you and this lime are

The same beings I’m Beth by the way we can split our bodies to create a duplicate body I’m poon nanodesu the red humanoid and the green humanoid also introduced themselves I have a lot to think about but for now I’ll just introduce myself I’m kosok and I’m a

Member of The Liberation Army and I’m princess silfi or should I say princess sfie I’ve been working with sfie I was captured by the Holy Kingdom Army for various reasons and escaped from a cell where I met lime or lime San nice to meet you all you can just call me lime

Lime Smiles cheerfully as she says this H it is soothing The Liberation Army of her highness princess silfield I’ve heard rumors the military and the church are doing their best to hide the war situation but the rumors of The Liberation Army are all over the the capital it was said that they attacked

All the way to Eric Berg in a short period defeating the holy Kingdom’s Army at a furious pace is that true nanodesu that’s true we had already conquered as far as Eric Berg now while defending Eric Berg we are Exterminating the Holy Kingdom Army from south of ericb the

Three of them were interested in what I said and I told them what I knew about the Liberation army’s war situation the three of them listened to my story in Silence with great interest Maybe they were hungry for outside information since they were holed up in the underground like this I see so

What’s your relationship with her highness princess kosok are you close friends lime who had been listening to my conversation with little interest asked me with a glowing expression she’s getting close to me the other two were also interested and gave me an overtly exciting look silie and I have a very close

Relationship we even share a bed you share a bed with her yes that’s right of course we are in that relationship in that relationship close close Lime You’re so close I know you’re curious but it’s too close the other two are also so close that they’re touching my

Neck and forehead what’s that we can share information by touching each other it’s just between us nanodesu I see is it really only between slimes there is nothing we can’t do all we have to do is go in there and rub a little bit get in where

What does that mean hey I’m scared you want to try it it’s addictive you know no way lime extends her thin threadlike tentacles it’s scary no I’ll pass it feels so good you know lime retracts the thin tentacle in disappointment it’s scary as I thought these girls are probably some kind of

Dangerous creatures with a voice like take K you should not do that lime he won’t be able to come back for about 3 days with mine he can be back in a day I can make it in half a day nanodesu your stuff is addictive let’s not talk about

It for now yes stop they started to talk about something horrible so I forced them to break the conversation so I’d like to ask you some questions as well if that’s okay the three of them looked at each other at my words and at the same time turned their gaze towards me

Kok’s not hiding anything is he as long as you tell us everything we’ll answer whatever we can tune n odesu they said that and stared at me ah yes that’s right about Who I Am What role I play in The Liberation Army and why I was kidnapped of all people I’ve been

Deliberately hiding those things from you haven’t I yeah that’s right kuk can you trust us just so you know if we wanted to do something about you we would have done it by now we’re on your side we are still protecting the capital and the royal family you know nanodesu

There was another mention of royalty that’s something that’s bothering me all right I’ll tell you everything but in return please provide me with the information I want is that okay with you yes yes that’s fine finally now spit it out Beth is so impatient just take your time nanodesu

Lime is smiling Beth is looking high and mighty for some reason and poo is taking it in stride I think I’m starting to understand the relationship between the three of them okay so I’m going to tell you the story and it’s going to sound pretty ridiculous so be prepared and so

I began to tell my story the story of my arrival in this world and my encounter with sfie chapter 85 E interrogation kuk is a morbo it really exists I thought it was a fairy tale it doesn’t seem to be a lie it is indeed a mysterious power that

Cannot be thought of with common sense nanodesu after listening to my rather long story the three of them reacted in different ways they seem to leave me because I showed them all of my abilities that I could show them during the course of my talk as for my crafting

Ability I couldn’t show them properly because I didn’t have a workbench or materials I’m glad everyone believed me it’s amazing how things can come out of thin air that subtle creepy movement is also unusual isn’t it there are actual torches that won’t go out no Desu the

Three of them lime Beth and poo said these things as they tasted the gizar meat from my inventory by the way when I say tasting I don’t mean they just munch the meat it seems that they are pushing the gizar meat they receive from me into the center of their body right around

Their stomach and digesting it slowly um it’s delicious I’ve never had fresh gizar meat before it’s not something that comes around very often odesu um are you guys sure you want it raw the girls were taking the raw gizar meat into their bodies won’t it give them a

Stomach ache is it okay because they are slime it tastes better when it’s not cooked we can eat it grilled but we prefer it RW odesu I mean how do you guys underground what do you eat we manage the SE while hiding underground we get our nutrients from

The soore seriously I was kind of wondering if that was true but it’s shocking to hear it directly from their mouths I see so they get their nutrition from the sewage treatment do you have any idea how rude that is just so you know we’re clean lime and the others are

Clean t n lime said rimachi here sewage becomes clean water for us we take care of the dirt the poison and the disease no Desu I see that’s how it works that being said all three of them have beautiful light blue red and green bodies without any cloudiness and they

Don’t smell bad at all in fact I can even feel a fresh fragrance in this room with the three of them so you’re convinced that’s the way it is normally people are reluctant to listen to that you know won’t you call us dirty well that’s terrible but you see compared to

My crafting abilities and inventory your purification Constitution is pretty cute it’s not too far off from the image I have of slime and it’s easy to imagine that sewage would contain a lot of organic matter the Slime would be able to take in such things and grow further

Or absorb and decompose this and that contained in the sewage and make it non-toxic while I was thinking about this lime came up to me quickly and nibbled my left hand with her own lime’s hand is a little cool puffy and soft and it’s a strange feeling what is it you

Don’t mind being touched do you no I don’t mind it’s so soft and puffy yes lime is very puffy the anxious look on her face changed to a smile when she heard me say that I didn’t mind I I am just testing to see if you really don’t

Mind being touched before I knew it Beth had come up to me and took my free right hand and started to nibble on it the texture was quite different from lime it was very elastic and slippery to the touch if lime is soft and puffy this one

Is smooth and slippery it has good elasticity and is quite nice to the touch you are both too easy poo is saying this from a little distance away but I can tell she’s getting a little nervous hey hey poo You’re just scared I I am not scared nanodesu then come on

Here try this no no noo I’ll make you regret this no Desu you Bo poo rammed into me with great force and I was blown away but actually not poo slammed into my body with great strength and wrapped my body in a gooey mess it’s like my

Body is covered in poiso from the neck down except for my arms Foo Foo how about this nanodesu poo which had been wrapped around me changed its shape and seemed to be hugging me from behind when did she get behind me that’s not the level of movement I’m expecting the

Slime is amazing Beth is smooth and slippery and poo is sticky and plump there are personal differences in the texture of the same slime I can change the texture to some extent but do you feel it that way I can change the texture as the same as lime me too no

Desu lime can be like Beth or like poiso really lime is amazing a he he lime hugged me smiling and I hugged her and before I knew it Beth was hugging me on my left arm as well and poo was still hugging me from behind almost my entire

Body is covered in slime except for my head is this okay am I going to be digested I can’t move but kuk are you a little dirty just in case I’ll clean you up relax your body and let yourself go I felt as if my whole body body was being

Permeated with slime until now it had been a feeling of plumpness and smoothness touching the skin but now the boundary between the two is gone and my whole body feels wet H that’s quite a taste it’s a little Dusty also You’ve Got dirt on you you’ll get sick if you

Don’t clean yourself up nesu wo whoo whoo wait booh haa Don’t Panic what should I say it’s too difficult to express in words because it’s an unknown experience it’s a strange sensation as if my whole body is being softly rubbed and licked the Slime penetrated even into my flimsy shabby clothes and it

Felt as if I was literally being sucked all over H he huh oh yya well well I see nanodesu what are you thinking about wait hey don’t go there my scream echoed in the basement filled with magical Light ericb Side in ericb far away from kosok current location um silie and Isa

Who had been making difficult faces in the operation room suddenly looked up as if they sent something what’s going on I think I heard kosok scream kuk worries I didn’t hear anything but a the flowers in the vase melty gas caught sight of a flower in a vase in

The corner of the operations room and the flower was scattering we need to find kosok as soon as possible it’s urgent with even more determination sfie and Isa decided to search for and Rescue kuk y you you I can’t become a bride anymore after having my entire body

Cleaned I was holding my knees in the middle of a basement full of magical light it’s fun Fufu you’re so pitiful we went a little overboard no Desu lime is puffing away with a delighted expression Beth is smirking dangerously as she watches me hugging my knees and poo is

Smiling as she spits out a few remorseful words I can’t be too careless so now that I’ve told you the truth isn’t it your turn to tell me the truth strangely my clothes and skin are not wet at all even though I was covered in slime what the heck is going on yeah

That’s right lime is not good for this do you want me to talk to him I leave it to you no Desu okay I’ll talk then lime will be kok’s chair lime comes up to me and transforms a part of her body to look like that thing that can spoil

People the headrest is the part that rests on her ample breasts it’s a thing that can spoil a person plus a boob pillow is it okay too this is I don’t know where to start I think I should start with the fall of meinburg 20 years

Ago Beth then began to speak 20 years ago on the day that the Holy Kingdom defeated the marinad kingdom first of all let me tell you the position of the three of us we are the Protectors of the royal family living in meinburg we’re akin to the Royal Guard the Royal Guards

Are the ones who protect the royal family from the light and we are the ones who protect them from the Shadows nesu we can’t move from here but we’re actually Invincible that’s what I mean the three of us can’t go far from meinburg but we are practically Invincible within meinburg we can break

In anywhere appear from anywhere and never die I see I guess they can get through anywhere water can get through as long as the main body is left here and the duplicates are sent out to work there is no way they can be destroyed in the first place there is no guarantee

That the lime and the others in front of me are the main body could it be that lime and the others in front of me are duplic as for our Origins does it interest you I’m interested we’ll talk about it soon enough but for now let’s talk about what

We have to talk about first no Desu let’s do that when I urged her to go ahead Beth nodded and opened her mouth again 20 years ago the Holy Kingdom invaded the marinad kingdom in search of territory subhuman slaves and the custody of elves probably they didn’t

Like the fact that we are a multispecies nation like the Empire though the army of the marinad Kingdom fought well but the difference in numbers was obvious soon after the marinad kingdom was defeated and the Royal Capital fell into the hands of the Holy Kingdom yeah and

As you know the marinad royal family is of Elven Descent Why would a human want an Elven slave I know silie told me it’s disgusting isn’t it elves and humans produce children with high magic power it seems that the Nobles of the Holy Kingdom are secretly taking the blood of

The elves into their own veins to maintain their magic power I’ll skip that part if you don’t mind in any case the royal family of the marinad Kingdom knew about it so they offered themselves to bring relief to their people I see they gave up their own bodies for the

Relief of their people the fact that they lost the war and couldn’t protect the people may be their downfall as a leader but when they lose they gracefully give themselves away I don’t know how to judge that what happened to them it wasn’t even a negotiation who do you think you are a

Subhuman lower than a human to stand up up to us lose and then impose conditions on us that’s what they said that’s to be expected but then why are the royal families in this Castle I said so urging her to continue with the story chapter 86 a continuation of the story and

Future plans I’ll tell you what happens next this time poo began to speak the people of the Holy Kingdom did not listen to his majesty but he persisted in his negotiations but in the meantime the holy Kingdom’s people have Enslaved the people of the marinad kingdom and

Taken them out of the country I’ve heard that story too I’ve heard that there were several farming Villages that perished in unnatural ways after the marinad kingdom became a vassel state of the Holy Kingdom I’m sure something similar was done in the Royal Capital meinburg as well when his majesty saw

The reality of the situation he had no choice but to give up on the negotiations and he didn’t like the idea of giving their Royal Blood to the Holy Kingdom Royal Blood that’s right the royalty has the strongest magic power among the elves in their their bodies if

The Holy Kingdom took that bloodline away there was a high possibility that the quality of the Holy Kingdom’s magic power would improve dramatically no Desu that’s a fishy story in other words it is possible that the royal family seeds and wounds could be used to increase the number of magicians with strong magic

Powers systematically silus story was that the Holy Kingdom was actually doing something like that so what happened the Holy Kingdom did not agree to his Majesty’s negotiations but threatened his majesty and the others with enslavement and brutal execution if they did not agree to the holy kingdoms demands no Desu that’s repulsive

Absolutely and then his majesty made his decision he paid for it with his life and his magic power by closing a corner of the castle with ice along with the rest of the royal famine an odesu closed it with ice yes if his majesty and the others were still alive and able to

Negotiate there was a high possibility that the people would be further harmed so his majesty decided to stop any further Violence by freezing and sealing all the royal families no Desu I see it’s clear as day that there will be more casualties whether they comply with the Holy Kingdom’s demands or not then

He can protect his family and make the negotiation itself impossible that way no one will be killed in the negotiation process it would only postpone the problem but it would be the worst move for the Holy Kingdom the Holy Kingdom probably wanted the blood of the royal

Family more than anything else if they can’t negotiate with or interfere with the other party there’s no point in killing the marinad citizens for nothing it would be better to treat them as slaves even for the enslaved people it’s better than dying and as long as they’re

Alive they have a chance to turn the tables in a sense it’s a rational decision the people who will be left behind will have a hard time but I’m sure many lives will be saved by doing so but it’s magic isn’t it isn’t it possible that the effect of the magic

Will fade over time or that it will be forcibly removed of course that possibility is not entirely out of the question but it is great magic that his majesty who possesses great magic power has devoted his life to using it’s not that easy and we’re protecting it to

Nanodesu if the Holy Kingdom try to do something about it we will drive them away lime said while using a tentacle-like part of her body she poked and prodded my chest that’s an expression of how to drive them away I see so what about the fact that the

Marinad royal family is being taken away by the Holy Kingdom it’s propaganda to discourage the marinad people from rebelling no Desu but there was a rebellion 3 years ago wasn’t there it was a rebellion that occurred regardless of the existence of the royal family it was the result of the former marinad

Citizens rising up against the harsh rule of the Holy Kingdom nesu that’s what the holy Kingdom’s officials said I see I think it’s inefficient to treat slaves so harshly that they start a rebellion but isn’t there an option to rule without sacrificing them without killing them and with moderate treatment

So that they don’t start a rebellion there’s probably none it’s the whole Holy Kingdom after all it’s natural for them to think that different races should serve humans considering their National religion is the racist Adel religion however is it possible that the existence of the royal family is not

Leaked to that extent I think poo and the others should just tell the outside world that’s what I think we are not allowed to leave the grounds of this castle by contract no Desu and since the Holy Kingdom took over no subhuman has been able to get near this Castle we’ve

Been isolated and struggled here there’s a word I’ve been wondering about contract what is this contract we’re not ordinary slime no Desu really yeah when I asked lime looked into my face and smiled even if they say they are not ordinary slime I’ve never seen any other slime normal slimes can’t talk mimic

Human form or create and control multiple bodies like us we are water spirits who made a contract with the previous King and fused with slime so lime and the others were the results of a demon combination of water spirits and slime it’s not a demon it’s a spirit

Ouch it hurts I’m sorry lime slapped me on the stomach it’s very painful so you’re like a water element slime that’s what it is originally we were supposed to guard the castle and protect the royal family so what brings you here we used to treat sewage using our slime

Characteristics sort of a side job it’s safer to leave the main body here now so we’re mainly working here when it comes to guarding the royal family we only need to interfere with The Magicians no Desu if we remain in the open will get oiled burned poisoned or hit with magic

That’s terrible so the three of them are hiding in the Castle’s basement protecting the royal family and watching for an opportunity and the royalty in other words silus family her father sacrificed himself and has been freezing his body and soul in this castle for the past 20 years waiting to be released can

Sfie help the surviving royalty perhaps his majesty said that someday silfi Sama might lead the elves of the Black Forest to retake the marinad kingdom no I see this is becoming a reality and maybe sil’s father had the foresight to see it through I understand the situation now well if that’s the case

What should I do now I think it’s not impossible to get back to silie and the others if I get the right equipment I can move around as much as possible without using the city streets and when I need to rest I can build a small underground shelter to rest I don’t even

Have to go through the gates to get out of the royal capital I can just dig my way underground in fact this sewage system will probably continue to the outside of the royal Capital if lime and the others can guide me it should be easy to get out of the royal Capital

However since I’m deep inside the enemy’s Camp I feel like I want to do some kind of sabotage if I could take away the holy Kingdom’s funds and Military supplies wouldn’t that be a big help to silie and the others it’s also a good way to assassinate important people

Whether or not I can do it I’m not sure I’m not a good assassin and I’ve never even used a weapon against a human being it can’t be helped but if I go too far there is a possibility that the Holy Kingdom will send reinforcements from their home country but that’s only a

Matter of time isn’t it would it be better to expand the damage H I’m troubled but still the line chair is comfortable this is the thing that totally spoils people also the back of my head feels amazing it’s a slime so I guess it doesn’t have boobs or anything

Does it feel good it feels really good it’s wonderful a he he lime grinned and tapped me on the stomach for some reason Beth and poo were watching this with subtle Expressions on their faces I don’t know what it is but I sense a jealousy Aura I’m very keen on that kind

Of thing these days by the way lime Beth and poo let me in quite easily didn’t they didn’t you ever wonder if I’m from the Holy Kingdom now that you mention it I wonder why it’s so strange to hear you say that somehow I get a pleasant

Feeling from kosok no Desu what’s that oh by the way I think sfie once told me that Spirits strangely like me that was the night I met sfie I believe it was when sfie healed my bruises from being beaten up with Spirit magic I wonder if it’s some kind of constitutional thing

Or is it because I’m a morbo it seems that sfie didn’t know why and if Beth and the others who are half spirits don’t know then it seems difficult to know either in any case I’ll have to contact sfie and the others and let them know I’m okay so I need the Golem

Communicator I’ve already registered the craft so as long as I have the materials and an improved workbench I should be able to make one I’ll have to figure out a way to compensate for the lack of power I wonder if I can use item creation to make a high-powered Golem

Communicator instead of a portable one I’ll have to give it a try so first I need to build a simple furnace to make a workbench then I need to make iron and then I need to find a mining Point um there’s there’s a lot to do I don’t know

The geography of the underground passages and seers and I should probably ask lime and the others for help as for the price I have plenty of gizar meat can’t I pay them with this if not I’ll have to negotiate if I go missing silie Isler and the harpies might do something

Dangerous no I don’t think that’s a problem they’re all older than me I’m sure they won’t do anything rash maybe okay I’ve decided on a plan the first thing I need to do is get my strength back regain strength what exactly I need to gather various materials in the

Basement so that I can make various workbenches and items will you help me I had to pause in the middle of editing because that comment he made in game made me laugh both the first time and now Kang it’s time for your 2-hour reminder if you’ve been sitting consider

Taking a moment to stand up stretch use the restroom or have a refreshing drink of water your body will thank you now back to the story fumu is that so Beth made a thoughtful gesture and touched a part of her body to poiso and lime they’re exchanging information aren’t they what

What are they exchanging yes we can help you with that of course you’re not going to tell me it’s for free are you of course I’ll give you what I can I still have gizo meat if you want it I want something delicious lime looked into my

Face and smiled at me for some reason it sent shivers down my spine is it just my imagination for now we are satisfied with gizmer meat in the future you should bring out more delicious food no Desu also I want you to tell us all about the outside world we’re starving

For entertainment indeed it must be very boring to live underground like this starving for entertainment huh maybe I should try to make a reverse game chess shogi asterisk or cards oh sugoku asterisk would be good too T1 asterisk equals Japanese chess and Japanese board

Game so are you sure you want to help me yes it would be a good way to pass the time it’s giving and take no Desu all three of them readily agreed well well I can see where this is going I think I can make it first of all I should take

The day off to relax and calm my mind and body ever since kby kidnapped me I’ve had two too much to think about and I’m feeling tired it’s not efficient to force myself to move at a time like this and I might make an unexpected mistake all right I’ll do my best tomorrow

Chapter 87 a collecting junk is a survivalist specialty how’s it very good after finishing my meal with a hamburger and water from my inventory and serving gizar meat to the Slime girls again I was lying on the bed today this red bed is smooth and comfortable and it pushes

Back against my body in a way that is no less comfortable than the bed I crafted no to be honest it’s definitely two steps better than the Bed I Made what about the pillow excellent the light blue pillow that supports the back of my head is a bit softer and plumper than

The bed but its elasticity and the way it conforms to the shape of my head will provide me with better sleep than a low resilience pillow so how do you like it no Desu the texture is wonderful the green mucus covers my body to the fullest extent it’s as if I’m taking a

Warm bath and there’s nothing unpleasant about the way it feels against my skin it is quite strange to call it a blanket but it is as comfortable as falling asleep in a warm bath although this is a dangerous thing that can lead to Drowning there is no way I could drown in this

Situation in other words I can enjoy that dangerous feeling to the fullest at this moment the bed made up of three different kinds of slime each with a different texture continued to give me irresistible pleasure and now I was completely naked I felt guilty about treating the Slime girls in such a state

Is it the same even if you’re naked it’s less of a hassle to take them off off from the beginning since we can penetrate your clothes and touch your bare skin anyway you should take the clothes and clean them no Desu what about using the Slime girls as a bed in

The first place I said that but then again do I have to sleep on the stone floor with just that flimsy blanket I certainly don’t want to do that the wood I had on hand was already insufficient to rebuild a bed and I didn’t have enough fiber to make a futon would I

Rather be naked in a bed made up of slime girls or wrapped in a flimsy blanket and sleep on a stone floor which would I choose I was conflicted for about 3 seconds you don’t want to sleep on a stone floor do you I don’t like it so I apologetically and embarrassingly

Took off my flimsy shabby clothes and underwear and left them to the girls do you want me to clean you up while you sleep I’ll make sure your body is clean we’ll make sure you have a pleasant sleep with a pleasant S no Desu the smell of Poo’s body drifted softly from

The blanket and my Consciousness rapidly became distant if I get used to it I won’t be able to sleep in a normal bed I thought as I let go of my Consciousness um I feel like I had a very strange dream but I can’t remember anything

Because it was just a dream I think it was a dream in which I was licked all over by many puppies or kittens or something kuk are you awake I was a little startled when someone called out from above me the next thing I knew lime

Was looking into my face and smiling at me I’m sure slime doesn’t have a lap or anything but it’s as if I’m on her lap you are awake good morning good morning nanodesu Beth and poo look into my face as well my body is still wrapped around theirs and it’s very comfortable I’m

Tempted to go back to sleep but that would not be good for them I’m sure they have things to do good morning you three it was a very comfortable sleep that’s a relief that’s just natural yes no Desu with Beth and Poo’s help I slipped out

Of their bodies and stood on the stone floor completely naked can I have my clothes yes nanodesu poo handed me the clothes and underwear that had been floating around inside her body the clothes and underwear I received was strangely not wet and I had no problem wearing them and feeling comfortable in

Them I’m feeling light and I feel refreshed all over we’re massaging and detoxing you you know you look pretty tired we’ve absorbed it all nanodesu absorbed T thank you I don’t know what they absorbed from me I think I slept really hard but what did they do to me

While I was asleep my whole body is definitely feeling better but I’ll try not to think about it too much yeah what are you going to do today no Desu as I finished getting dressed poo asked me what I would be doing today I thought about it for a while before answering

First I need to gather some materials I think I can convert some of the junk into materials so I’m wondering if there’s a place where large amounts of garbage and such are gathered yes there are sometimes people dump that stuff in the sewers wouldn’t it be awful

If it got stuck that’s true it’s a lot of work for us to move it you know once we get a certain amount we just digest it all at once that’s a lot to digest isn’t it the three of us can digest almost anything no Desu I don’t know

What kind of junk it is but I’m sure it’s something made of wood iron or ceramic the fact that they can digest such things is frankly incredible but in this world broken iron products would be recycled right no what about iron that has been recast so many times that its

Quality has deg raed I’ll have to take a look I’ll be your guide today he I want to go too we can’t afford to neglect the Royal Guard and Patrol no Desu um okay Beth is going to accompany me today I thought that I would be accompanied by a

Duplicate like lime yesterday but it seems that her main body will come with me as is let’s go ah do you want to eat breakfast first no I’ll eat as we walk what about you I’m fine I’ve had enough no Desu me too I see I never think about

Why they don’t need breakfast if they don’t think about it I won’t think about it either there’s no point in thinking about something that doesn’t make sense I don’t want to sleep on a stone floor Beth shows me the way and I start walking through the saw even though it’s

Sewage there’s hardly any unpleasant smell I asked her about it and she told me that it was because the sewage was being processed by the slime girls further Upstream isn’t it going to smell bad Downstream it’s designed to prevent the smell from flowing back that way in

Short there is a sewage tank where the sewage from the castle is pulled and treated again and the sewage from the city is located beyond that so the smell of the sewage from the city does not flow back into this sewage in other words the castle sewage system is always

Clean because Beth and the others are maintaining it yes that’s right we’re doing a good job aren’t we by the way how’s the sewage treatment in the city ordinary slimes are in charge over there they can take in and digest pretty much anything and there are also small rat

And insect shaped monsters in the area so it’s pretty dangerous that’s scary are there any such things here sometimes there are but we get rid of them why do you ask I need the Skins the Skins are used to make furnaces and stuff H if I

Find one I will hunt it down and keep it for you thanks Beth is a little high-handed but she’s basically a nice kind girl no all the Slime girls are nice and kind poo is the only one who seems to have an ulterior motive or to

Have some sort of scheme in mind but poo doesn’t seem to have any hostility towards me either I think it’s best just to let her do what she wants the three of you are quite different in color and texture is there anything unique about you characteristics well I’m the best at

Magic out of the three not only can I use water magic but I can also use light magic and Fire magic I special eyes in Magic I’m also resistant to Magic attacks Beth made an expression of Pride and stretched out her breasts her breasts which are a good size suede H

It’s not actually the boobs but it does attract my eyes and that’s what men are supposed to do is that so come to think of it you do use light magic with great dexterity and what about the other two lime specializes in the ability of slime she can change the viscosity and

Hardness of the Slime and she is the one who can produce the strongest physical Force also if it’s just water magic she’s as good as me oh what about poiso poo is skilled in healing magic and in the use of poisons and medicines she is also the best at digestion she can

Synthesize various ingredients from the food she has digested so far to create medicines and poisons poison gas for example oh that’s great too specializing in Magic physics medicine and poison huh since you are a slime physical attacks will probably be ineffective which will be extremely Troublesome for the people

Of the Holy Kingdom in the last two decades our defenses haven’t been breached I’m reasonably confident for the first 3 years or so we went at it pretty hard the damage on the enemy side was so great that they gave up by the time 10 years had passed that’s great

The Holy Kingdom probably doesn’t want to let the blood of the Elven royalty slip through their fingers so they put in a good amount of effort to try and capture them the three of the Slime girls must have incredibly High fighting skills to beat that we walked for a few

Dozen minutes while talking about this we probably hadn’t walked for more than an hour here we are this is pretty amazing I looked up at the piles of stuff in the room I was shown and couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration shattered wooden boxes and barrels rusted metal objects dirty cloth-like

Objects hardened metal chunks that were probably coins discolored leather bags and so on anyway there was a lot of junk piled up can I have all this yes but it’s all junk it’s like a treasure Trove for me with permission granted I began to take more and more of the junk into

My inventory dismantling it one by one into materials shattered wooden boxes and barrels are turned into wooden scrap iron rusted metal objects are turned into scrap iron dirty cloth-like objects are turned into a fiber hardened metal chunks that may have been coins are turned into unrefined copper and silver

And discolored leather bags are turned into leather the junk in my inventory is being transformed into useful materials it’s amazing all that junk has disappeared Without a Trace that’s quite a collection of treasures there were a lot of leather goods so all I need is some clay to make some iron

Products oh and I need fuel the problem is clay and fuel clay can be obtained by digging a hole in a wall somewhere but I don’t know where to dig the fuel shortage is even more serious there is no hope for an abundance of fuel underground without fuel there is no way

To make steel fuel I have a lot of oil in my body so why not use it as fuel a are you sure about that of course there’s a limit but since I’ve been around since the last generation I’ve already got 300 years worth of sewage treatment I don’t think

It will be a problem for kosok to use it by himself is that so no but it can’t just be burned it has to be at least as hot as charcoal you can do whatever you want you know it can be done if you put

Fire magic into it I is that so magic is amazing I mean it’s still a bit unethical to burn body but if she doesn’t mind it’s going to be okay right I’ll take that as a yes yeah and then the clay do you have any idea um I have

No idea I think lime knows more about that kind of thing since she patrols the S as well as the underground tunnels she has a wider range of activities than poo and me I see well then let’s go back yeah Oh and next time I find a piece of

Junk like that I should bring it to kuk right right that would be great whatever it is it’ll be used as some kind of material I think I’ll go back and ask lime about an excellent place to mine I was worried about whether or not I could gather materials in this underground

Place but it looks like I can manage the question is whether or not it’s safe to operate a simple furnace or blacksmithing facility underground like this I’m afraid of dying from carbon monoxide poisoning or something at any rate I actually need to try that out to

Know for sure I’ve heard that poo is well versed in handling medicines and poisons and I wonder if there’s anything she can do about it maybe she can neutralize or absorb the carbon monoxide generated yeah I’ll ask her about it when the time comes first of all the

Clay I feel like I’ve been digging for clay ever since I came to this world Clay is a friend of civilization isn’t it yep chapter 88 please drive safely walk walk I’m so glad kuk and I went for a walk back at the Slime girl’s waiting room it was decided that lime would

Accompany me and show me the places that looked like good mining points lime who had been chosen to guide me was bouncing around in front of me in a good mood while Beth kept her upper body humanoid and crawled along at my walking speed lime seemed to like to take the form of

A large bun and bounce along I guess this is where their personalities come out as I said before I need some clay first will that be okay probably there’s some part in the underground passage that’s broken and the clay is spilling out there that’s good

How far away is that um about 30 minutes walk at this speed that’s pretty far if it is a 30-minute walk the distance traveled is probably less than 3 km it was the same with the black forest and then the establishment of the base after that why the clay is so delicately far

Away well if it’s about 30 minutes it’s within the acceptable range if I can learn the route I will be able to shorten the time I can build a direct road if necessary are there any places where I could mine for or H what kind of places in particular you know where

There’s bare rock no I wonder seriously well it’s obvious huh if you want to build an underground passage it will obviously be in the way or maybe they built the castle in a place where there is no such thing in the first place no even if there were there is Magic in

This world and it might have been hollowed out with Good Earth Magic or something poo can use a little bit of Earth Magic you know since she can use it she might be able to help you if you ask her I guess so if lme doesn’t have

Any idea there’s no point in digging around in the dark it is possible that if I just keep digging underground I might hit Bedrock but I’m afraid of digging underground there are breathing problems and lighting problems the lighting problem seems to be solved now that I know that the Torches I installed don’t

Deplete oxygen for some reason but it’s still dangerous also I don’t have enough materials to reinforce the mine I’m afraid of being buried alive hey hey kuk why aren’t you scared of of lime and the others H is it because there is no reason to be afraid I answered in

Confusion at the sudden question I’m not sure why she’s asking me that I feel like I can only say that I am not afraid because I am just not afraid the people of the Holy Kingdom are afraid of lime and the others isn’t that because the people of the Holy Kingdom equate lime

And the others with the monster slime if I had seen the monster slime first I might have been afraid of lime and the others too do you think so maybe we walked through the dimly lit underground passage while having a loose conversation incidentally I had brought along a reasonably sized piece of wood

With lighting magic applied to it as a light source I told Beth about it and she put it on right away it glows for about 6 hours so it’s handy isn’t it I had Isa do the same thing for me when I was working on reinforcing the defensive

Wall before I guess my experience came in handy we proceeded through the dark saw got lime to pull me up and climb the wall destroyed the stone floor next to the iron bars again and crawled up to the underground passage to continue the Slime girls agreed that it was okay to

Destroy the stone floor next to the iron bars the people from The Holy Kingdom knew that lime and the others were probably hiding in the underground passages of this castle and no one would bother to go down to such a dangerous place in addition to that it is unlikely

That anyone would step into a hole that is obviously leading to a soore so there is no problem it’s a good thing because even if they do come in the advantage of the land is completely on the side of the Slime girls and they have nothing to

Fear it’s the kind of carelessness that will get you killed isn’t it it’s not a matter of carelessness it’s a matter of today’s flexibility is that so the top half of lime’s body extends from the giant slime bun and makes a smug face it’s incredible how much mass is

Emphasized on top of the folded arms no don’t be fooled me that’s just slime they’re not boobs there are fake breasts that can be reshaped and resized as desired in the first place they have no tits no ass no thighs no nothing no matter what shape they are they are just

A part of their body I should not be led to look at them that’s no I wasn’t being led it’s just because I can’t go against my male instincts I’m sure the innocent lme has no such intentions I feel a great sense of self-loathing because it seems so what’s

Wrong oh you want to touch me no I won’t touch you don’t make that smile while puffing this reaction is Innocent but is not without the intention of seducing me right I I don’t know I can’t read lime’s thoughts help me silie what’s wrong I

Think kosok just asked me for help H we need to hurry as long as we can locate him we’ll have a chance I’m counting on you Isa leave it to me after resisting lme’s innocent Temptation I finally arrived at the clay mining site and decided to start mining unfortunately I

Didn’t have any iron tools yet so a shovel Made of Stone was my companion all right let’s do it uh oh I thrust the stone shovel into the clay that was exposed through the hole in the stone wall of the underground passage next to me lime is also digging with a part of

Her body propped up against the clay wall digging you say a lime H what is it what’s that hum no you’re digging the dirt even lime loves to dig in the dirt even the armor of the Holy Kingdom Knights could be dug up I I see keep it

Up okay lime transformed parts of her body into multiple shovel likee shapes and scraped away the clay walls with speed reminiscent of me using an iron shovel the quintessential physics specialized slime this one is strong we dug side by side for a while but lime’s mining speed was faster than mine if

Only I had mithil or at least an iron shovel it’s lime’s victory I don’t think I can win though is the contest over yes I think the contest is over we’ve been digging for about an hour and I think lime has dug twice as much as I have no

I had to collect the clay that lime dug up too right in the first place I used a stone shovel I can’t be blamed for losing because I’m not in serious mode yet fufo I’ll win next time then I’ll be more serious oh oh you lime was digging

Out the clay at an amazing speed but apparently she wasn’t serious yet F Fufu I still have two more Transformations left I’m not yet serious don’t worry I’ll win next time are we done I think we have enough for the time being it’s not like I’m building a big

Wall I see so we’re going back yeah I guess let’s take a short walk and go back after that yes let’s go take a walk and go home I think kuk is getting tired so lime will carry you home lime clung to my body with a quick movement and

Before I knew it I was in the position of a king sitting on a throne but the cushioning against the back of my head is excellent no I shouldn’t worry about it it’s just a part of lime’s body yeah time to depart lime holding me in her

Arms begins to slide smoothly this is a very new kind of ride what is it it’s like a wheelchair with no shaking at all what do you think it’s quite comfortable can’t you go any faster yes then wo whoo wo what used to be the speed of a brisk

Walk becomes the speed of a Gallop or maybe a little faster it’s about the speed of a normal bicycle the underground passage is not that wide so it feels much faster amazing amazing it’s so fast muu I can still do better a no just this much is enough then wo the

Speed increased to that of a bicycle pedal with great energy even though we are carrying a piece of wood that has been enchanted with lighting magic the illuminated area is not very wide it is as if we are plunging at high speed into the darkness unable to see what lies

Ahead this is just in other words it’s horrifying if anything it’s as if a wall is suddenly coming at me out of the darkness and I have to turn almost at a right angle the inertia is absorbed by the soft and pliable body of lime but scary things are still scary fast fast

Fast this is really scary a I was just about to do more lime might be a speed freak I’ve heard of speed craze slimes no I think the metal guys in some famous RPGs might be like that star Tren I’m just a nerd so let me know if anyone

Knows about this XD by the way why do the metal guys in that world have such weak but subtle fighting abilities I feel like if they were fast enough and hard enough they could kill a hero with one hit lime and the others are like that when they appear in the

Game they’re like back bosses or hidden bosses or they’re the kind of bosses that you can’t fight and you have to use use gimmicks and stuff to avoid them if you push yourself you can beat them or get rid of them but it’s like an endless spring it’s very reassuring to be

Friendly to them if you stay under their protection your safety is guaranteed should we head back now yeah okay after some trouble with lime trying to slip through the bars with me on board and me being left behind lime and I return to the Slime girl’s room welcome back

Welcome back nanodesu I’m back it was a nice walk it was quite a thrill I took Co took for a ride and he went flying the two girls looked at me with pity as if they had guessed what had happened from my appearance and lime’s words they should have warned me

Beforehand I was seriously scared did you get what you wanted yeah no problem I’ve got enough clay I’m going to make a simple furnace okay I’ll get you some fuel thanks I opened the crafting menu and selected simple furnace to start crafting time simple furnace animal hide

X3 Stone X X20 clay X5 wood X5 good good I have enough materials I quickly built a simple furnace and set it up in the corner of the room the Slime girls shouted in Surprise oh I guess I’ve only shown them food I also showed Beth and lime how to

Store items though this is a simple furnace it can be used to make basic iron tools I see I’m not sure how great it is no Desu right it’s just a small crude furnace try this oh thank you is this part of your body yes the fuel Beth

Gave me was a kind of shiny red charcoal it was surprisingly heavy and if it burned like coal or Coke carbon fuel it would certainly be a good source of heat I’ll be grateful to use it yeah go ahead I don’t think there will be any toxic

Emissions when you burn it but be careful okay all right leave it to me poo nodded at Beth’s concern about the poisonous gas after confirming this I opened the menu of the simple furnace and put Beth’s magic fuel in the fuel section yeah I put it in my inventory

And it said Beth’s magic fuel it’s no ordinary fuel after all how is it oh it’s good it seems that just one of these can burn for 3 hours I’ve used a lot of fuel in the past but Beth’s magic fuel is the most efficient fufo it’s

Obvious Beth seemed to be in a very good mood probably because she was happy that her Creations were well received I then put the scrap iron that I had collected from the junk into the materials box and started to cast it as an iron resource

Thanks to a good heat Source I feel like I’m getting a fast return on my iron resources when I had enough resources I crafted an anvil and a hammer and now I started making iron tools the three slime girls seemed to be interested in the Anvil Hammer steel pickaxe shovel

Axe and other metal tools that suddenly appeared over time it’s amazing how easy it is to make something like this it’s incredible no Desu it’s so shiny and pretty I thought the story of kosak alone supporting The Liberation Army’s Logistics was a bit fanciful but this makes sense now once the basic tools

Were in place it was time to build a basic workbench make small tools and assemble various parts time’s basic toolbox material sturdy wooden box X1 metal tools X8 mechanical Parts 102 times Vice material iron X20 mechanical Parts 1010 times basic workbench materials wood X10 Nails x40 Vice X1

Basic toolbox X1 combine the finished items to create the basic workbench The Next Step would be to upgrade the workbench by a step times workbench upgrade mechanical Parts 1010 steel leaf springs X5 leather straps X2 times simple furnace upgrade animal hide X5 brick x50 wetstone X3 machine parts

1010 H I’m running low on materials is that so yeah I want to make a more advanced workbench but I need to upgrade the furnace in order to to do so and I need a wet stone for that besides I’m fundamentally short of iron and leather

Aside from the clay to make bricks the animal hides and leather straps from the leather goods in the junkyard were not enough I had a lot of scrap iron but I used most of it to make basic tools and a simple workbench I have an idea about

The iron but the wet stone I have some idea I’ll go get some tomorrow the only way to get the leather is from the big rats that sometimes come from the Waterway I feel bad for relying on you three so I’ll bring out some food for you

Today the three of them looked at each other and smiled at the same time well I won’t hesitate then yeah we’ll savor it it’s all about to give and take we’ll have lots of it tonight oh leave it to me there are still more non- perishable

Food items in my inventory fufo I have enough food storage by the way I feel like their gaze is strangely entwined with my body but it’s just my imagination right they can’t eat my body right no no I guess they can eat me but please spare me it’s not funny at all

Chapter 89 a different world mining town ah good morning kosok morning good morning no Desu when I woke up I was immediately approached by the three slime girls I think I had another weird dream last night in which I was picked out by the giant slime girls and grok by

Them and they will take turns the reason I had this dream was because I was being gazed at by the three slime girls yesterday there is a theory that sleep is the brain’s way of organizing information while you sleep I’m sure the Gaze and the thought of being eaten came

Out in my dream but it’s still embarrassing to be taken care of while naked in that case we’re always naked we can’t wear clothes no Desu so we’re even I don’t think it’s a matter of us being even Beth had washed my clothes today when I received them they were slightly

Warm and comfortable to wear it’s not as fresh smelling as poos but it’s a kind of thing that subtly shows individuality what do you want to do today ask after breakfast I’d like to find out what poo was talking about regarding the iron all right then I’ll show you the wayo Desu

I’m going to get the wet stone and while I’m at it I’ll bring you anything else that might be of use lime will do her best too Beth is going to get some supplies and lime is going to work hard what kind of work is that when I asked

Her what her work was she told me that it was patrolling the underground passages guarding the area where the royalty slept and sewage treatment apparently she has to stay in this room and concentrate her mind on manipulating the duplicate I can’t imagine what that’s like but it’s a lot of work lots

Of work lime is a hard worker she’s the hardest worker of the three of us no Desu oh really I thought she would be the most playful of the three but she’s not after breakfast I started walking through the sewers with poo the Slime girls said they didn’t want breakfast

Today either I asked them why we’ve had enough yes that’s enough eating too much is not not good either they said something like that apparently they get their nutrition from the sewage system so maybe they just need to eat gizar meat once a day but then Beth seems to

Be acting suspiciously and I get the feeling that poo is grinning at me lime lime is the hardest to read because she’s always smiling like she’s delighted what’s the matter is there something on your mind no Desu no it’s nothing important how far is it to our

Destination not exactly as far as you think it takes less than 30 minutes on foot no Desu I see well then shall we walk after dinner for some exercise yes nanodesu I want you to tell me about the outside nesu good so where should we start we talked about the things I saw

And heard while I was with sfie and the others poo gave the impression of being calm but she seemed to be quite curious especially she showed a strong interest in the story of my original World Earth what kuk is talking about is interesting nanodesu I remember that when you first

Saw us kosok didn’t seem surprised at all nesu there were no Spirits or monsters in your original World were there why is that nanodesu oh that’s because slime existed as a fictional existence and there were various works that featured characters who personified such slime kyuta asterisk work nanodesu H I don’t know

How to explain it t n asterisk character in this world there are legends fairy tales and fables is there even a concept of Storytelling I asked her if there was such a thing and she said there was then it’s easy to talk about I tried my best

To explain it to her in other words you were convinced that we were like that because you saw and heard us as fictional beings in a story that didn’t actually exist no Desu yes poo accurately read and summarized my poorly defined explanation that lasted over 5 minutes I wonder if I would have

Conveyed the message better if I were were a former salesman it seems I have poor speaking skills but the similarity is just that a similarity nessu in fact I think we are completely different Nan odesu that’s true there are many different types of slime girls on the other hand there were several

Types of slime girls in the same category so when I saw poo and the others I might have just thought oh so that’s the type dot that’s a possible story no Desu there are so many different types of slime girls you know some have no core some can split some

Talk some don’t some mimic only formally some perfectly mimic everything including clothing in the first place I think they form a grand category of slime girls or rather slime types yeah they are basically strong characters who can do anything in that sense there was a foundation that could

Easily accept lime and the others but then again normal people are afraid of things that are different from themselves you know nanodesu the first time I saw lime I was terrified there are two types of slime weak and strong if she were the belligerent type

I would have had to run for my life in this dark underground passage however the first thing I heard from her was it’s delicious that was a good call by Lio Desu if it had been Beth or poo they wouldn’t have bitten into gizar meat cautiously and said delicious first impressions are crucial

Aren’t they for example if the first time I saw lime and the others had been in the form of people from the Holy Kingdom turned into minced meat I don’t think I would have been so relaxed about them I think limes delicious was a factor that considerably lowered my

Level of caution towards the Slime girls we’ve arrived no Desu here poiso led me to a large space there was the sound of water flowing I wonder what this space is it smells a little like a soore this is one of the sewage tanks in the Castle’s underground saw system nesu the

Water looks clean for a sewage tank it does smell a little though that’s because I was working hard to purify the sewage no Desu I see while we were having this conversation poo began to put parts of her body into the sewage tank the light didn’t reach the tank so

I couldn’t see what was happening to Poo’s body but poo tilted her head as if she was looking for something what are you doing as I said before this is a sewage tank nesu a lot of things fall into this soore from the castle and there are quite a few metal objects in

It nesu I see I can dissolve Metals if I try but it’s a bit Troublesome no Desu therefore I store them in the sewage tank as long as they do not affect the flow of sewage nesu once they have accumulated to a certain extent I digest

Them all at once nanodesu it’s just like the junkard isn’t it that’s right nanodesu in particular since the occupation of the castle by the people of the Holy Kingdom the manners of garbage disposal have been bad no Desu how did they get such a thing sometimes they throw away things that make you

Wonder why they’re then odesu such as tax documents bills of delivery and other suspicious doc doents as well as human and subhuman corpses nanodesu wo there were all kinds of things that looked bad in various ways that had been thrown or rather don’t just throw such

Things into the SE when I was shivering poo pulled something out of the water what is this it’s a piece of what used to be metal that had accumulated at the bottom of the sewage tank nanodesu e it was a brownish stone-like not so bright object that was hard to describe it was

Molded into a block shape probably because poo had made it that way in in the water can this be the material you have to try it nanodesu yeah let’s try it anyway I put it in my inventory and it showed up as swamp iron ore

Swamp no this isn’t a swamp is it it’s a sewage tank however since it’s labeled as iron ore it must be some kind of iron ore I don’t know much about it but I’ve heard that iron can be found at the bottom of swamps ponds and springs I’m sure the

Process is different from this one though can you think of it as something like that well it’s a case involving a slime girl it’s nonsense to take out my original world’s common sense and logic to think about it right what’s the matter no Desu a I’m sorry I think I can

Use it so can you keep collecting it all right no Desu just leave it to me okay no Desu poo was humming as she landed one brownish object after another is it some kind of seafood to them I silently store the Indescribable swamp iron or in

My Tre I wonder if it will smell weird when I melt it down I’m worried the work itself was finished in about 30 minutes the amount of iron resources that can be obtained from this swamp iron or is unknown though I got quite a lot is that

All there are three more seage tanks just like it if you need them nesu but they are farther away than here nesu I see if there aren’t enough I’ll consider going there all right then shall we go back nesu yes I’d like to try it what

Are you going to build now odesu well I’m going to make a workbench and some parts for upgrading to a blacksmithing facility I also want to make weapons it seems difficult to get strings for a crossbow so I think a gun would be better for me a gun what is it no Desu

Ah it’s a weapon from my world on the way back to the Slime girls room I talked to poo again about the world I came from I told her about the weapons when we spoke about the Liberation Army but I didn’t go into too much detail poo

Seemed to be interested so I told her poo is a good listener or maybe it’s just that she’s so happy to talk to me chapter 90 is secret maneuvering and development as it turns out swamp iron or is a pretty good material from the background of its formation it is

Probably because the swamp iron or collected from the sewage tank is basically all metal however the quality of the metal is not good and when melted in a simple furnace it produces not only iron resources but also small amounts of copper silver gold lead zinc and other

Resources in my case the simple furnace converts them into various resources internally so I can use them individually for me it was a convenient material that allowed me to obtain several metal resources at the same time this looks good for iron that was a good

Thing no Desu as I began to process the swamp iron ore poo smiled at my words as I checked how many resources I had accumulated she was a little worried about whether it could be used properly or not I knew there was a lot of metal

In the mix no Desu I see it would certainly be a big problem if I tried to use it like iron there are too many impurities in it to be of any use at all it’s one of the strengths of my abilities to be able to use this kind of

Lowquality or without any problems I suppose as I was doing this Beth came back with a burlap sack full of something it looks like something heavy I’m back I have brought you the Wet Stone then she sets the sack down on the stone floor and starts pulling out what

Looks like a wet stone a leather saddle a bundle of leather straps and a clean looking cloth it’s amazing where did you get all this from from the holy Kingdom’s Army quarters stables and Forge did you steal it you should say that I took it back they were the ones

Who took everything that was in this Castle before it’s been 20 years and I think the holy kingdoms Army prepared the wetstone and the saddle well it’s a necessity so let’s not worry about the details yeah this will make a better workbench thanks Beth just remember it’s

Not something I can do very often okay if she does this often they will be wary it could be distracting though but if there is a theft like this kby is going to be cautious he’ll know about my Escape for sure so no one found you

Right I don’t think anyone found me it would be a big deal if they found me I see I hope kby doesn’t find out about this he’s a careful man well it seems better to assume that he is aware of it and act accordingly but Beth did a good

Job I never thought she could get the material as well as the Wet Stone the saddle is useless as it is but it can be used as material if I disassemble it when it comes to uses there are a few there is no use for the gold at the

Moment it’s sparkling I took out the gold resource that I had extracted by melting the swamp iron ore into an Ingot and played with it in the palm of my hand unfortunately gold is really useless for anything under the current circumstances it’s heavy and soft but it might work surprisingly well as Warhead

Material for guns well that’s the realm of hobbies precious metal bullets I’ve heard that the Empire uses B gold and silver as currents in odesu yeah it seems that the Holy Kingdom has some of these near the border of the Empire really well no wonder they process it

Like that but then again we have no use for it can’t you just go out to the city and buy something kuk no way he can do that no that’s not so bad two is it e Beth started to say something like that to lime’s words no no it’s not safe I’m

Against it no Desu I think that if kosok dresses appropriately he will not be found and detained so easily no Desu but if he is found and detained it’s the end no Desu that’s true but I think he’ll be fine once the heat dies down in a week

Or even 10 days people will usually think you are dead I don’t understand anything you’re saying the people of the Holy Kingdom are scared of us they think the three of our slime without intelligence or Reason didn’t kosok escape from his cell into the tunnels

They know very well that we are in the underground passages of the castle in such a place a prisoner who doesn’t know anything about it escapes what do you think no Desu do you think they’ll think I’m dead yes no Desu poiso nodded in agreement Beth is saying that it might

Be a good idea to wait 10 days to cool down give people time to think that I am definitely dead and then go out on the city with a solid disguise to avoid susp I but the risk is not zero you know no Desu that’s true I don’t think it’s the

Right thing to do unless you have something you really want that’s true I wouldn’t bother taking the risk but it’s worth considering and I should at least be prepared do you want to do that therefore I had to make preparations to enter the city of meinburg at the same

Time as a result of the consultation I decided to disguise myself as a human mercenary or adventurer who came here from the conflict zone between the Eastern Empire and the Holy Kingdom because you look like a human man that’s probably the best choice if you’re going to travel alone and not look suspicious

It’s always better to have a good cover store in odesu you’ve made a lot of money so you’re traveling around the world looking for a job as an officer something like that would be fine or maybe you’re about to run out of money and you want to exchange the Imperial

Coin you’ve been saving as a souvenir let’s do that while we were thinking about the cover story line did not say anything she was lying in my chair or rather she was taking a nap with me in her arms it’s amazing how the size and shape can change I wonder what it is

This overwhelming feeling of being surrounded by motherhood lime is getting bigger overall and the contrast between her and me is like a child and an adult but the fact that she’s taking care not to crush me accidentally and the fact that she’s trying to protect me I can

Kind of feel it I feel like Beth and poo are giving me a suspicious look is it just my imagination what are you going to do from now on from now on huh H times workbench upgrade mechanical Parts 1010 steel leaf springs X5 leather straps X2 time simple furnace upgrade

Animal hide X5 brick x50 wetstone X3 machine parts 1010 I have Clay and I can make bricks Beth has procured some leather and wet Stones so I should have no problem upgrading the simple furnace if the simple furnace can be turned into a blacksmithing facility I can make

Steel leaf springs to improve the workbench however if it will take time to make the parts I’m going to stay here today and work on things I have all the materials I need so I’ll take my time improving the workbench and the simple furnace right then we’ll stay here as

Well and focus on managing the duplicates yes no Desu we’ll also gather information no Desu the two of them closed their eyes and began to sit still just like lime it seems as if they are asleep but is this the state in which they concentrate their efforts on

Managing the duplicates there’s no need to them I slipped out of lime’s arms and opened the crafting menu for the simple furnace and workbench I need to mass produce bricks and mechanical Parts first I’ve got a lot of time on my hands though basically crafting is a hassle-free

Process all I have to do is reserve the required number of crafts and then wait once I finished that I had nothing to do I looked at my status screen but since I hadn’t been doing any direct combat lately my level hadn’t risen and my achievements hadn’t increased I was

Expecting to see more achievements related to women but that didn’t seem to be the case there’s no increase in building achievements and there are no new workbenches to build coup it’s frustrating that I can’t build a new workbench so I just leave it there in the meantime the parts have been made

And I immediately upgraded the simple furnace a flash of light burned my eyes I forgot hey W what’s going on it was so bright what is it no Desu I was so careless that the flash of light Blinded Me from the sound of their voices it

Seemed that the three of them were also startled I’m really sorry I forgot that when I upgrade the simple furnace or the workbench it glows like crazy I forgot it’s troubling are your eyes all right it’s fine it’ll heal by itself I’ve looked directly at it before and my eyes

Went AR I’ve had that happen before but it went away in fact my dizzy eyes are slowly recovering and I should be fine it’s a full-fledged facility now odesu poo looked at the smithing facility looking interested poo seems to be on the same page with Isla H lime still

Sleepy wriggled over to my side took me in her arms again and began to snooze I can’t seem to get out she’s worried because you’re doing something dangerous just stay in her arms it’s not that I’m in danger though it’s just a little bright in this dark place oh well

It’s still in the distance that I can control the blacksmithing facility and the work bench I’ll continue to make steel leaf springs and equipment for disguise a sturdy looking sword with a not too long blade and a circular shield made of wood and iron will be fine what

About armor should I go with chain mail and a set of light armor I really want to use the bastard swords and two-handed swords that everyone loves but I lack muscle strength by far I can only use a short sword I mean it’s just a disguise it’s not like I’m actually going to

Fight with it so it has to be light if I wanted to fight for for real I’d make a gun the mass production of bullets is the key though speaking of bullets I need to make gunpowder as well that means I need a mixing table and that

Requires a lot of glass and to make glass I need sand well I can get some sand by decomposing the soil so it’s manageable I have a lot of it in my inventory and I’ll use it to make sand for glass the glass is fine but the

Problem is the stable manure there is a sore system right there so I’m sure it can be collected I’ll have to ask poo or Beth later now that I have the equipment I can start thinking of ways to communicate with others escape plans and maybe even distraction plans but

Whatever it is the first thing to do is to make contact the Golem communication device the problem is mithil can’t I use pure gold or silver as a substitute for the Mythril copper alloy I’ll talk to them about this too I don’t know anything about magic after all chapter

91 is she saw the Liberation Army’s commotion slime girls POV damn it they’re everywhere A man was cursing in his office which is a step into the luxurious no the bad taste of the rich the man’s name is barington Cortland he is a priest who wears white silk vestments embroidered with gold thread

He is one of the Cardinals who wield Authority in the Holy Kingdom and he is one of the people who want and are seeking that position in fact he is a commoner and believes in money more than anything else although he pretends to be a devout follower of the Adele religion

It is an Open Secret that he is a man who values money Above All Else barington SE orland is in a horrible mood these days there is no need to think about the reason the reason is that he has been tormented for the past few months by The Liberation Army which

Has suddenly appeared from the Black Forest far beyond the great amid Wilderness it all started with a series of raids and desertions that took place in several remote Villages and rock salt mines someone took advantage of the Shadows of the Night and and attacked the holy Kingdom’s holy soldiers killing

Them all the village was looted and every single subhuman who had been working there was taken away at first it was thought that a large group of mercenaries or Bandits had drifted in from somewhere else the question arose in my mind how can they treat a mercenary group and a bandit group in

The same sentence I wondered but to the clergy of the Holy Kingdom both were similar a little while later as the reality of the damage became more apparent his ugly pig-like face became even uglier no it would be disrespectful to the pig to say that he looked like a pig but his

Name is too long so I will call him the white Pig Bishop from now on that’s better the reality of the damage was enough to make the white Pig Bishop Furious it seems that the subhumans were not taken away but left by themselves it turned out that the village had not been

Looted but that the subhumans who lived there had taken everything with them in other words this was a rebellion of the subhumans that was the conclusion of the white Pig Bishop the people around him had also come to that conclusion there had been another Rebellion about 3 years ago and he had

Managed to put it down the damage was not small though not again those subhumans I’m going to discipline them so that they’ll never dare to Rebel again the white Pig Bishop immediately sent out a retaliatory force it seems that they killed a few dozen soldiers but they were only slaves without proper

Weapons if he sent well-armed troops they would be able to destroy them in no time time that seemed to be his thinking however only the commander of the army who was a subordinate of the white Pig Bishop had a difficult look on his face that was to be expected the report from

The scene indicated that there was a high possibility that someone trained in the art of killing soldiers was involved in the Escape I think it’s dangerous to think of it as just a simple slave rebellion sir he was laughed out of the room what a foolish thing to say there

May be some armor taken from the soldiers but these are just slaves who have been forced to work hard they would be exhausted and their morale would not last long the commander of the Holy Knights who was not on good terms with the solders commander said so the white

Pig Bishop agreed with the Holy Knights words and the commander of the soldiers had no choice but to hold his tongue that was the beginning of it all no one doubted that the escaped slaves had been defeated but an unbelievable report came back from the Fortress guarding the border between the greater mid

Wilderness and the marinad kingdom all the pursuing troops were wiped out the damage was extensive only a few survived and they were begging for instructions that’s what it said in summary the white Pig Bishop was puzzled even though the number of escaped slaves had swelled to about 100 how could they

Wipe out an almost equal number of fully armed soldiers he wondered it’s true that some subhumans exceed humans in physical ability and magic power however the difference is enough for a human with magic power to counter or even overwhelm them in some cases and yet they were

Defeated and wiped out what kind of joke is that and I also thought the same but since the report was sent to him in an official document he couldn’t help but believe it it was hard to believe without seeing it with his own eyes but

There was no way he could see it the white Pig Bishop instructed the commander of the soldiers and the commander of the Holy Knights to organize an army and destroy the escaped slaves it would take time to organize the Army gather supplies and move a large army of 5,000 people

This alone required a great deal of money to be spent apparently the white Pig Bishop was not in a good mood but if he had to send over 5,000 troops there would be nothing to stop him he muttered to himself I also thought the same the result was disastrous to his surprise

Most of the more than 5,000 soldiers he had sent did not return of the few who did manage to reach the Fortress On the territory’s Border most of them were so weak in body and mind that no one could explain the situation properly what he learned from the questioning was that a

Splendid Fort had been built in the middle of the great Amit Wilderness that some people claiming to be The Liberation Army had been in the fort and that the fort had caused a huge explosion that wiped out the Holy Kingdom Army what happened after that

When he asked about it he was told that the surviving soldiers were all delirious and could no longer speak properly when the white Pig Bishop heard the report he collapsed he would have been happy if they had just died but it seems that the world is not so easy from

There the Liber a army began its rapid March fortresses On the territory’s Border were taken down one after another with lightning speed and in the South rumors spread and subhuman slaves escaped one after another the movement was not only in the southern part of The Liberation Army sphere of influence but

Was now spreading throughout the marinad kingdom the damage to the holy Kingdom’s forces stationed in opposition to The Liberation Army is so great that it is only a matter of time before the white Pig Bishop is dismissed as governor of the marinad kingdom it seem seems that the white Pig Bishop is desperately

Trying to keep information about the current situation in the marinad Kingdom from reaching the Holy Kingdom but he cannot put his foot in everyone’s mouth one day when the white Pig Bishop was sick to his stomach with stress a carriage appeared from the south and entered the royal castle in the Royal

Capital of meinburg the people on that Carriage were spies from the Holy Kingdom they were not the white Pig Bishop subordinates they were the subordinates of a certain Cardinal of the Home Country there was one fox Beast Man who had infiltrated the Liberation Army 12

Human men and one human man who had been detained and packed in a box the fox Beast spy said that he was an important figure in the Liberation Army the details were not disclosed but the saint a subordinate of a certain Cardinal would be coming to pick him up soon and

He was asked to make sure that he would not be captured by The Liberation Army by mistake or Escape himself the white Pig Bishop dripping with sweat agreed to do so the saint who visited him soon was said to be a person called the saint of Truth who had received the grace of

Fucer detection from God also her Superior the Cardinal seems to be a political rival of the white Pig Bishop in other words he’s dead in the water as for me I was curious about this important figure of The Liberation Army so I sent one of my duplicates to the

Cell where he was taken the fox Beast spy had insisted that if they were going to detain him they should never take off the blindfold restrain him so that his hands and feet were out of sight and keep a lookout on him at all times he

Even said that if he couldn’t do that he and his subordinates would keep watch however the white Pig Bishop refused to do so using his position as an umbrella he silenced the fox Beast spy and his subordinates who tried to protest and put him in a cell like any other

Prisoner saying that he was an important person he had no regard for the advice of the fox Beast spy he was probably more concerned with how to get past the coming Saint when the packed man was put in the cell he observed the room for a

While made a gesture as if he was searching for the presence of people in the surroundings and then immediately went into action I don’t know how he did it but the shackles that bound his hands and feet disappeared in an instant there seemed to be no flow of magic how on

Earth did he do that next he stripped the wood from the shabby bed pulled the straw from the straw pillow and gathered the stones from the stone wall of the cell and before long he had a crude Stone axe in his hand I couldn’t make

Sense of it how did he do it when did he make it the questions almost filled me up hey is there anyone else here this is the new guy kosok apparently his name is kosok he seemed to have called out to see if there were any prison mates but

Unfortunately there was no one else in the cell except for him and me the officer who had thrown him into the cell probably didn’t come here often either perhaps satisfied with the lack of response he began to pound the stone floor with a crude Stone axe it made a

Rather noisy sound the officer however has left this cell block and moved to another cell block there was no one here to condemn him but still what the hell is he doing well it’s a scenario that won’t work for me he muttered something like that what the hell is he talking

About I don’t know while I wondered inwardly he kept pounding the floor with his Stone Axe and finally started to destroy it I don’t understand there was no way he could break the floor with such a crude Stone axe he continued to dig through the floor completely dismantled the bed turned off everything

In the cell built a fire for some reason and went back into the hole before I knew it he even had a magnificent torch in his hand when did he after a certain amount of digging he blocked the hole with a stone floor though I don’t know

How he did it oh no I’m left behind perhaps he will reach the underground passage I had to track him down I managed to catch up with him in the underground passage and made contact with him it’s been about a week since then he and I have been getting along

Well he has created various things with his magic powers and is ready to escape new new it feels bad it’s terrible what should I do the white pig is dripping fat and sweat to be honest I don’t really want to watch him but since he is

The leader of this place I can’t neglect to monitor him however it seems that he won’t be able to stay at the top for much longer with the expansion of The Liberation Army the southern part of the marinad Kingdom has completely escaped the control of the Holy Kingdom the

Subhumans have been escaping one after another and they are heading to the South one after another and from time to time the people of the Holy Kingdom escaped from the south as refugees there are not many of them though the fox Beast spy and his men left for the north

As soon as they discovered that kosok had escaped I don’t know if they went to meet up with the saint to report to the Cardinal or if they fled because they feared Revenge from kosok and her highness the princess it was determined that kukk escape destination was the underground passages of the castle

That’s right if part of the cell floor was a brand new stone floor anyone could see that it was suspicious no one seemed to be able to figure out how it was done but when the new stone floor was destroyed it led to an underground passage so it was determined and they

Think that he would have been killed by us long ago incidentally the hole has already been sealed up by a mage who uses earth magic if this continues if I don’t do something about this he lost control of the southern part of the marinad Kingdom to The Liberation Army half of the troops

Entrusted to him by the holy were destroyed and he lost an important figure in the Liberation Army who the Cardinal spies had kidnapped he seems to think that he can somehow get away with this failure but it will be impossible the saint who is about to visit him is a

Saint of Truth who can see through any faucet moreover it seems that the holy king who grasped the current situation through the report of her Superior the Cardinal took the situation seriously and ordered the saint of Truth to hold a hearing against the white Pig Bishop if

The saint holds a hearing the white Pig Bishop will undoubt dedly become a mere white Pig and the pig will be dealt with like a pig there’s a lot of dust that will come out if you hit him and he has some suspicious documents with him it

Might be interesting to put them in a place where they can be seen quietly I don’t know what the Holy Kingdom will do after that but I don’t think they will just leave it at that I’m sure they’ll make a move in the meantime we have to

Get the man back to where he belongs and as soon as possible but it’s too bad really bad we don’t know why but we are strongly strongly attracted to him it must have something to do with the fact that he is a MBO in fact he plays a

Little trick on us just a little while he sleeps he feels uncomfortable or rather he is dimly aware of it but he doesn’t say anything he probably thinks that since he has a relationship with the princess the court Mage and the harpies it’s no big deal to have three

More of us and we’re taking advantage of it there was a knock at the door and the white Pig Bishop shuddered it seemed that the time had come for for the white Pig Bishop to become just a white Pig I’ll have to keep a close eye on the

Situation and report back to kosok and today I will be the only bedding provider kosok loves my pillow so I’m sure he’ll be happy with it chapter 92 a preparation and special training and so it seems that the leader of this place has been removed from his position as

Archbishop and the position of governor of the marinad kingdom and a saint has been appointed to take his place nanodesu temporary I see lime passes on the information she has GED to Beth and poo who in turn pass it on to me the reason why lime leaves the reporting to

The two of them is because she is aware of her own poor language skills she is the smartest person in all of us you know lime is always controlling a far greater number of duplicates at the same time than we are OD Desu maybe she’s multitasking too much and causing a

Processing error processing error lime tilted her head at the unfamiliar word it’s cute anyway today’s MVP is lime reward reward reward huh then if there’s anything I can do I will do it would you like me to be your bed today e it’s fine with me but it can’t be helped it can’t

Be helped no Desu yay lime bounces happily on the spot the water bag on her chest also bounces cou I won’t lose I won’t lose to it no it’s impossible to win my eyes are drawn to it I’m so weak that night as expected I went to bed

With my entire body wrapped around lime which had increased in volume um lime sand that’s the delicate part wait hey you can’t I said you couldn’t we’re doing this every night though every night I was shocked by the Revelation you usually fall asleep right away don’t

You kuk how can I sleep with all this going on poan Pou pew pew nanodesu in the direction of the poorly whistling poo comes the cool refreshing smell that I always smell before going to bed I always fall right asleep when I smell that because it’s so comforting so

That’s it Kook Beth comes up to me with an expression that says it can’t be helped that’s the kind of look that comes from someone who’s willing to help bi bef sometimes you just have to give up no there are three slime girls around me that I don’t think I could beat even

If I stood up straight and I’m naked and already taken in there is nothing I could do about it it’s been a week since the shocking night a week has passed since the Slime girls stopped playing tricks on me as if they had learned from that incident I was protected by them

It’s been a week since I made a shelf in my mind that give and take are important I have not been playing around this week I’ve been making various things that I’ll need Consulting with the girls at times and working with them to prepare yes I’ve been preparing for the Escape

Do you have your equipment read odesu yes everything is in order the swamp iron or in the sewage tank has done an excellent job job aside from the quantity it was a blessing for me that it was a lowquality or with many different Metals mixed in it may not be

Used for normal blacksmithing work but with my ability I can extract multiple kinds of mixed Metals individually iron copper silver gold lead zinc and many others some of them I have no use for right now though and unfortunately there was no Mythril in the mix if there was

Even a little mithil in the mix I could have alloyed it with copper to make a Golem core for community iation I wonder if there’s any mithril anywhere I just need a little bit it’s difficult mithril is a very precious commodity maybe in the treasury here it’s already been

Looted and taken away by the Holy Kingdom I will never forgive the Holy Kingdom yes unforgivable this is the one that haunt me when I get here I asked the Slime girls if I could substitute it with another metal and they told me that mithil was an essential ingredient in

The making of high performance magic tools Beth who knows a lot about magic said that if you want to make a magic tool with the performance I mentioned you won’t be able to substitute it with any other metal so in order to get in touch with silie and the others I had to

Go into the City and get some kind of Mythril product since I didn’t need that much mithril I decided that a mithril ring just a ring without any magic like an engagement ring or wedding ring would be good Mythril products are very expensive but it seems that mythal rings

Are widely available as they are not so difficult to process they are often used for engag M rings for noblemen another thing I can think of is the cross of Light which is an adelan Talisman or rather symbol it’s not a cross but a disembodied cross if I may say so it is

The symbol of the Adele religion as the name suggests it is supposed to symbolize the light brought by the main Godel this symbol is also available in the cheapest iron the most common silver the most expensive gold and the highest grade mithil these are sold in ad Delian

Church facilities I wouldn’t want to get too close to to it but it is guaranteed no Desu you’ll have to pay a lot of money for it required money well there’s plenty of fake Empire currency available Beth had procured some real Empire currency for me a few days ago and I had

Used the gold and silver I had on hand to forge something that looked exactly the same the Imperial currency is a very simple bar-shaped metal coin that looks a bit like a large marjong dotted piece however since it is made of gold and silver it is very heavy there are

Several types of gold and silver coins depending on their weight and the weight of the coin is visually represented by the hole drilled in the coin five bars of gold with one hole and one bar of gold with five holes weigh the same if you scrape them off the scales don’t

Balance and it’s obvious and the value of such coins decreases is this kind of money called weighing money no this is a measuring coin because it expresses the quantity by the number of holes drilled under a certain quality but in the end it is a weighing coin because it is

Weighed in the market I’m not sure well I guess it doesn’t matter either way yeah it doesn’t matter as long as it can be used and then equipment yes equipment I’m an ex- mercenary who came from the battlefields of the Holy Kingdom and the empire in the East I’ve come all the way

To the marinar kingdom in search of a place to serve as an officer or to earn a living fortunately there is an actual Rebellion going on in the marinad kingdom and it should not be surprising that a mercenary with quick ears would have drifted here in search of a battle

Field and you know what if you want to call yourself a mercenary you need to have typical mercenary equipment first of all a sword it’s a good choice it’s a slightly wide short sword a two-handed sword a great sword you ask that’s cool but I’m more of a Hands-On kind of guy

The total length of the sword including the hilt is a little shorter than my arm a sword that’s too long isn’t very handy I made it in my smithing facility so I think it’s of good quality next is The Shield it’s ordinary nesu ordinary and simple it’s perfect it is a circular

Shield made of wooden leather with metal reinforced edges which could be found anywhere there’s not much else to say about it except that it can hold two throwing knives on the back of the shield oh and it has a belt so I can carry it on my back and the spear is it

Your main weapon yeah after all the spear is a convenient weapon it can attack the enemy from a distance and can also be thrown it’s really wonderful it is one of Mankind’s oldest hunting tools and weapons I’ve never seen an actual battlefield but I’ve heard that Spears

Were used more often than swords and Cartana on the battlefield in fact it’s quite easy to use I think this is more suitable for me than a sword you still lack confidence no Desu no it’s just you girls are too strong lime strong it’s not good to call myself a mercenary if I

Can’t actually handle a sword or a spear so in the past few days I’ve been practicing martial arts with the Slime girls I was reluctant to point a serious weapon at them but they are slimes they can’t take a slash or a Thrust at all in a way they were the

Ideal training partners and they are strong sharp attacks came at me from unexpected angles I get knocked down I get rolled over I get knocked down again it’s very painful there’s healing magic though we can all use it I’m the only one who can give you medicine don’t Desu

I want you to take it easy take it in moderation are we not aren’t we in for it there was no such thing at least it is an order that I should train to the extent that I can call myself a mercenary and not be suspected they said

That if not I wouldn’t be able to protect myself and they couldn’t let me out because it would be too dangerous the thoughtfulness of the strict but kind slime girls was deeply felt physically you’re moving in mysterious ways hahahaha I’m not going to be beaten up

Forever either but once I know the trick it’s a piece of cake you Bower using command actions I could pretend to step forward and slide backward slide forward while thrusting surprise attack using double jumps and assault using my own running ability plus Command action dashes it only worked at first and I was

Quickly dealt with I think that charge is not bad for initial kill nesu if you use it finely it’s not bad for evasion or for attacking you just need to adjust your timing slightly but it doesn’t work on us I don’t think it’s fair to get all

Worked up and tried to overpower you if my sliding movement shifts the distance between us I can attack with a wider distance range as if to illustrate this point the mucus tentacle spear flies at me I can’t do anything about it and my whole body is struck down and I’m Blown

Away it hurts so much as a result of being rolled and blasted like that for another week or so my hand-to-hand combat skills have Skyrock eated no there’s no indication of that on my status screen or skill screen though no change in achievement either I got some combat training but I didn’t kill

Anything so no level increase it seems like there should be an achievement for living underground for more than a few days or something it would be a great help if I could get night vision with it but apparently things don’t work that way then there’s my trump card the one

That makes the most noise no Desu yeah I took out of my inventory a long gun with a large banana-shaped magazine it is probably the most famous assault rifle in the world using 7.62×39 mm steel shells this is an improved version of it it is highly productive robust and Powerful I chose

This rifle because I might have to go head-to-head with an enemy in armor if it was a handgun it might be blocked by armor made of steel plates a isn’t it difficult to operate a double barreled gun because of the cost that’s true if it’s used by dozens hundreds or even

Thousands of people even with my production power I can’t keep up with the ammunition production but if it’s just me it’s a different story I can manage to get enough ammunition for one person if that’s the case it’s only natural to focus on performance power robustness and ease of use it should

Have a large number of rounds be able to fire multiple rounds have a magazine for easy reloading and have the power to penetrate armor at any rate the Guinness world record for the most widely used military gun in the world is no mean feat the fact that it has the

Performance to be chosen by so many soldiers makes it Guinness record incidentally gunpowder could not be made from untreated sewage but as a result of trial and error with poo it was possible to produce a large amount of gunpowder from half treated sewage naturally I also made a good number of hand grenades

And the like no matter how many I have in hand I’m never in trouble it’s incredibly powerful isn’t it it’s my trump card it doesn’t work on lime and the others though there’s almost nothing that works on you girls I smiled back at lime who was swaying the only thing that

Works for them is Magic and fire if I could blow them up with explosives it might give me a chance but I would be no match for them if I had only physical means of attack it’s been a little over 2 weeks since I was brought here and I’m

Finally ready so you’re going tomorrow yeah I’m going to the city I nodded in response to Beth’s words be careful you know if kosok gets caught there’s nothing we can do no Desu of course I don’t want any souvenirs really I can get you something you know I just want

You come back in time right that would be the best lime said sweetly tilting her head and Beth and poo nodded in agreement leave it to me with the three of them saying that I can’t afford to screw up whatever it is it’s tomorrow I will be in the city of Marburg tomorrow

I want to get whatever Mythril products I can find and come back safely and if possible I’ll find out what’s been going on I’ll try not to overdo it that’s about it it all starts tomorrow Chapter 93 is sunlight after a long time check the equipment lime raised her hand with

A big smile on her face and declared the equipment in check armor good helmet good miscellaneous bags good sword spear Shield good the armor was made of leather reinforced in important places with steel plates the helmet looked like a common piece of armor but the red tassled ornaments made it a real eye

Catcher he is it okay to stand out no it’s a mercenary helmet however I thought it would be unnatural if I didn’t have something that stood out so I put a red tassel on my helmet and the purse the main one is under my armor and the sub is in my bag

The main purse is full of gold coins and the sub purse is full of coins and silver the small coins and silver coins had fallen into the saw and before they rusted poiso and Beth had kept them the only thing in my wallet was the Empire

Bar coin so I asked them to share it with me because I was afraid people would wonder how I had gotten to this point of living payment is I’ll leave it to your imagination let’s recap the setting no Desu I’m a mercenary from the East I came here looking for a place to

Serve or to fight this is as it was in the beginning I’ve thought of a setting in case they ask for more details black hair is it rare yes they are rare but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist Does it in this world there are not many

People with black hair but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any there’s one in a thousand or 10,000 people in this world I’m not sure if there are more than a few in a larger City so that’s on that scale you don’t look very strong I’m more of a runner I’ve been training with

Lime and the others and I’ve gotten to a point where I can fight but only a point my fundamental muscular strength seems to be as good or less than human by this world standards however thanks to my abilities I can run fast and long this is my strength it may look a little

Unnatural to run with command actions but if I tell them that it’s a special way of running and that it’s a secret they are likely to accept accept it as such Beth said that there are many Magic and Magic Tools in this world and no one

Knows all of their effects it looks like it’s about right now you just have to make sure you get in from outside the Royal Capital right if I don’t have my pass I could get into trouble out of the way out of the city okay I heard that

Some of the underground passages from the Castle’s basement extend Eastward to the outside of meinburg so I’m going to go outside of meinburg through that and go inside from the city’s East Side in some cases I’ll spend a few days up there if I’m caught and not killed

Immediately I’ll be thrown back into the underground of the castle then I’ll make a scene and you can come and save me you’re so selfish aren’t you I just don’t think I can do everything right on my own besides Beth and the others are a

Lot stronger than I am so if I can rely on them I will I’ll do whatever it takes to get to sfia alive so are we leaving now no Desu yeah let’s go this way then the four of us start moving apparently all three of them were going

To see me off speaking of which this is the first time we’re walking together that’s true basically we don’t need to move much no Desu the little one is enough I guess so in a mock battle or rather a training session I fought the first lime duplicate I encountered of

Course I was beaten to a pulp even though they are small the little lime is very strong and the training is for multiple battles so lime Beth and poo each came out with two duplicates of course I was rolled over helplessly we walked for a while chatting about

Trivial things and when the underground passage was about to end the three of them stopped this is the end the underground passage is treated as inside the castle even if it’s not directly underneath because the royal family passes through it but it seems this is

The limit we can’t go any further I see I can feel a slight flow of air the surface seems to be close the entrance is cleaned regularly so I don’t think there’s anything in there but you have to be careful just in case no Desu cleaning we make the little ones attack

And scare them away that’s scary it’s supposed to destroy itself after a while so there’s no danger but if not goblins and the like will take up residence it’s Troublesome okay I’ll go then I recheck my equipment and turn to the three of them lime doesn’t hide her lonely

Expression Beth has a worried look on her face and poo looked calm goodbye well it’s not a goodbye though I’ll be back please come back safely yeah go ahead take it easy okay take care of yourself no Desu yeah I’ll be off after saying a temporary goodbye to the three

Of them I began to walk towards the surface for the first time in a long time wo bright it’s been a while since I’ve seen the sun oh is that the name of some kind of God in this world well whatever anyway the sunshine burned my eyes after living underground for more

Than 2 weeks I felt a dull ache behind my eyes I think I’d better rest here for a while until I get used to it the air feels better the air in lime’s room was aromatic so it didn’t bother me too much but there was still something about the

Smell of sewage but there was none of that here as my eyes became accustomed to the place I took a look around yes it’s a cave it’s behind a rock and if I didn’t know better I wouldn’t be able to find it I wonder if I’ll be able to find

This place again after I leave here well the worst thing I can do is go into the s of meinburg of course it would be smelly and it would be dangerous in fact I’ve seen many of the giant rats that the Slime girls have hunted down in the S and all of them

Were as big as large dogs and had sharp fangs that looked dangerous besides there were also slimes in the sewage admittedly they were not as powerful as the Slime girls but even so I heard that most physical attacks were ineffective so I needed to take counter measures in

Case you’re wondering I’ve made a countermeasure weapon but as the assault rifle it’s a backup plan it’s time to go now that my eyes have adjusted to the situation I start to take action fortunately the target was easy to find even in this Forest not far from

Meinburg the Spire of the royal castle in the center of the capital was clearly visible through the trees even though it was close to the city there was no telling what might be there in the forest monsters inhabit this world the only ones I’ve encountered so far are

Lizards gizmer and goblins but I’ve heard that there are many other types of mon ERS in this world so there was no better way than to be cautious but taking too long to get through the forest by being too careful would be a bad idea after thinking about it I

Decided to run and get out of this Forest as quickly as possible my running speed is much faster than that of a normal person if I just use running and command actions together I can almost double my speed if I add straf jumping to it I’ll be as fast as a horse there

Were not many monsters that could keep up with this speed that’s why I ran through the forest for this forest was not that deep in other words it’s nothing compared to the Black Forest so it was not going to be hard to run through it wo after about 10 minutes of

Running I finally made it through the forest on the way I found goblins and other unfamiliar animals and monsters but I passed them with style some of them were chasing me but I was able to beat them to the punch ham I wonder if it would be better to just run home

Instead of worrying about making a Golem communicator while thinking about this I started to circle around the Towering walls of meinburg soon I found a road so I decided to take it and head for the city Gates perhaps because it was so close to the capital there was a good amount of

Traffic on the street some people were wary of me suddenly appearing out of nowhere but when they saw me carrying my Spear and walking towards the castle gate without paying attention to the people around me they lowered their guard and started walking the same way I

Wondered if they saw me as a bandit or a thief but but when I saw that they didn’t seem to be bothered by me at all I guess they were convinced that I was an adventurer or something so it was just as I had planned few moo when I

Turned my attention to the people passing by on the street I noticed a conspicuous number of horsedrawn carriages with escorts carrying large loads of course there are not many of them but the sight of them hurrying away from the capital to the east strangely attracted my attention they were

Probably Nobles clergymen or wealthy merchants and their families those who could afford it seemed to have sensed the danger and had already begun to flee however the number of people entering the capital seemed to be twice as many perhaps the Holy Kingdom has begun to accumulate troops and supplies in

Meinburg but first they are gathering adventurers and mercenaries I think that the soldiers that the Holy Kingdom sent out to Eric Berg were basically the regular Holy Kingdom Army of course that’s not always the case in a Siege on the city’s defensive walls where it seems that all those who could fight

Were sent out but at least there were no troops recruited from adventurers Merc mercenaries or Farmers maybe they are just starting to recruit those people hey are you a mercenary too as I walked along observing the flow of people I was approached he was about the same age as

Me solidly built and armed he was holding a spear in his hand that looked much higher than mine that’s about it you too yes I am are you alone that’s unusual my unit was destroyed on a battlefield in the East there were only a few of us left and we were disbanded

So I came here I was looking for a place to serve or a job what about you I’m a member of a mercenary group called the black feather Brigade I’m an executive you know he then grinned and showed me what looked like a dog tag with a black

Feather emblem on it but unfortunately I don’t know anything about it I’m sorry but I don’t know I was too busy with my own Affairs to keep up with the world what I thought we were pretty famous he seemed a little disappointed to see that I wasn’t at all surprised by his

Confident display of the group’s credentials but he didn’t seem to be offended I’m sorry so why are you the executive talking to me I mean what are you doing out here all alone I’m not alone you see those guys with weapons over there and over there they’re all

Members of my group I’m guarding the gate besides I’m in charge of recruiting people like you he there are indeed several people who look like that standing near the street at a distance keeping an eye on things at the same time I raise my guard against the man

The man’s story sounds reasonable but he also clarifies that he is targeting lone Travelers like me a lone traveler is in a weak position in this world anyway in any case they have nowhere to turn even if they suddenly disappear no one will pay attention to them as long as no

Bodies appear That’s what I mean hey hey don’t be so cautious I don’t mean to take your stuff and kill you it’s impossible to be careless isn’t it that’s true too the man chuckled it’s possible that someone will get drunk and find themselves undressed after having a

Good time with their new friends it would be nice if that were the end of it but it could be even scarier well it’s good to be cautious we’re staying at a place called mea’s ledge Pavilion come and visit us if you feel like it just tell them you’re with Ramen and they’ll

Understand I’ll remember that my name is KO here heing my Alias the mercenary who had introduced himself as Ramen left with a satisfied look on his face he must have gone back to his job as a scout and security guard I walked for a while and muttered to myself there are

All kinds of people out there perhaps rahen will participate in the upcoming battle between The Liberation Army and the holy Kingdom’s Army in the end he will be a member of the Holy Kingdom’s forces if so that good-natured man will become an enemy of sfie and me if he

Becomes my enemy I won’t show him any Mercy unless he fortunate he’ll die without a chance to cross swords or spears he will be blown up by harpies bombs or fall down by crossbow fire then if he is lucky he may have a chance to cross swords with the elite of The

Liberation Army but he is no match for sir Lenard or Mami that’s unpleasant isn’t it GES operating under the enemy’s power blending in with the enemy of course there will be good guys someone to be respected and loved may be found but sooner or later they will all turn

Into enemies the forces I belong to will overrun them and The Women Within them it’s so unpleasant geese I said again from the bottom of my heart and let out a sigh the gates are almost there chapter 94 a black-haired mercenary next the farmer in front of me his cart full

Of vegetables had completed his inspection to enter the capital and eventually I was called in I stepped forward in silence and presented my spear and sword to the gatekeeper I learned learned from watching the people being inspected that they were supposed to leave their weapons at the gate while

Inspected I’ve never seen you before take off your helmet too all right black hair I took off my red tassled helmet and showed it to the gatekeeper who stared at my face I didn’t do anything special to my face is there some kind of physiognomist going around no the Slime

Girls hadn’t mentioned anything like that there shouldn’t be anyone here in meinburg who could stare at my face long enough to make a sketch and since I’m supposed to be dead there shouldn’t be any Arrangements is that unusual well yeah are you a mercenary what’s your

Name yeah that’s right the name is KO fumu red tassel blackhair mercenary KO what is the purpose of your journey behind the gatekeeper who was asking me questions a man who seemed to be a civil servant was running his pen over what looked like a ledger I wonder if he’s

Using that ledger to keep track of who’s coming and going I’m looking for a place to work and a job you know isn’t this place reeks of that around here H I’m sure you won’t have any trouble finding work are you staying long well I’m going

To look for a job around here for a week or so well then the city taxes one silver coin hey hey that’s pretty high I took out a silver coin from my bag and placed it on the hand of the gatekeeper a single silver coin is enough to pay

For 2 days lodging at a standard in I believe the gatekeeper didn’t listen to my complaint and in instead of a silver coin he offered me a piece of iron with engraved letters on it if you present this pass for 7 days including today you will not be charged for entry and exit

Think of it as paying a week’s worth of tolls all at once I see the pass doesn’t mean you won’t be checked in and out though the pass is for temporary visitors without business if you use it to move large items in or out you’ll be subject to additional taxes I’ll keep

That in mind the system seems to be quite welld designed but what if I buy a carriage for transportation after I enter the capital and buy groceries for longdistance travel and end up with large luggage I wonder if they will deal with that on a case-by casee basis don’t

Wield a knife so carelessly in the capital if you do I’ll have you tied up and thrown in jail all right all right may I come through you may pass next after receiving my sword and spear back I stepped into meinburg the main members of The Liberation Army their enemy are

Supposed to be subhuman although there are human members they are few in number since I was a human being I guess I wasn’t the target of much alarm I’ve heard that black hair is relatively rare and there’s no way a person with such hair color would be

Suitable for spying so I guess it’s understandable that people don’t pay much attention to me maybe I’m just lucky there are two main things that Travelers do when they arrive at a town in this world the first is to find a place to stay and the second is to eat

Beth said that it would be good to look for an INF first as there are of often restaurants and bars attached to the Inn uh I wandered my gaze to a place near the gate that would not interfere with traffic there they were there was a group of slightly dirty boys looking

Towards the gate as I wandered as I turned my feet in the boys Direction some of them seemed to have noticed my presence one of them who seemed a little afraid of me with my weapon walked boldly towards me brother do you need a

Guide yes a place to stay I want a place with a clean bed I don’t want a place with lice if the food is good so much the better when the boy came up to me I threw him a copper coin if the in looks good I’ll

Give you two more he he I got it this way brother as soon as the boy heard about the extra reward he smiled and walked away the rest of the boys looked at him enviously it seems that three copper coins are enough for one meal in this world the least valuable currency

In circulation around here is the copper coin 10 of these coins are large copper coins 10 large copper coins are silver coins 10 silver coins are small gold coins 10 small gold coins are gold coins 10 gold coins are large gold coins and 10 large gold coins are Platinum coins

It is said that ordinary people use only small gold coins at most and that only Nobles and Merchants rarely get their hands on gold coins and above the prices in this world are not comparable to those in my original World the Earth or Japan so it is difficult to describe

Them in Japanese Yen incidentally I don’t know at what rate the fake Imperial bar gold coins and silver coins are exchanged for cash lime and the others didn’t know either I have a feeling that it will be quite a lot of money in some cases it might be better

To wait and see without exchanging all of the money I’m afraid of being robbed or something while I was thinking of such useless things the boy led me to a certain in the insign said Ruffins in h from the outside it looks like a nice in

There seems to be a space to park a carriage and a stable in the back so it seems to be more of an in for merchants than for adventurers or mercenaries is this it yes it is I’ve heard that the beds are clean and the food is good I’ve

Never stayed here though I bet there was no point in doing this so I went inside the Inn with the boy as soon as we entered there was a small counter for reception where an old lady wearing an apron was waiting for us when she saw me

She smiled and said welcome to Ruffins Inn are you staying yes do you have a room available the boy here told me the beds are clean and the food is good of course the sheets are freshly washed every day and we put a lot of effort into the food the old lady nodded

Confidently how much does it cost seven large copper coins per night eight large copper coins if breakfast and dinner are included both include the cost of hot water for cleansing eight large copper coins with meals is a little expensive but the service seems to be good so I’ll

Decide on this place I’ll be staying here for 3 days for now I I gave her two silver coins and four large copper coins in addition I gave the boy two copper coins as well when the boy received the copper coins he smiled happily thank you very much could you please write your

Name in the inke Keeper’s book yes I wrote down my name and occupation as KO a mercenary um it’s obviously not Japanese but I can read and write it I’ve never had the chance to write like this before but it’s strange yes sure Rosa yes when the old lady called out to

The back of the room the girl who was called Rosa came running from the back she was a cute girl with a simple impression she was wearing an apron of the same design as the old lady but a different color she looks like a typical town girl please show this guest to his

Room room 202 why yes the girl is a little scared of me in my armored helmet holding a spear Well it can’t be helped can it obviously I am looking like a mercenary or an an adventurer and those people are known to be rough the girl

Took the key from the old lady and started to lead me with a little nervous movement te this way please the voice was muffled and small the old lady who had been handing the boy a loaf of bread noticed my gaze and bowed her head with

A Ry smile on her face apparently I was to be her training subject I followed the girl who was wearing a onepiece dress just below her knees through the corridor overlooking the cafeteria and up the stairs naturally I I can’t see inside the nervous girl’s skirt even if

I could I wouldn’t look because I’m a gentleman H here this is your room oh may I check inside why yes I can’t help but chuckle at her cautioning me and enter the room it’s not a very large room it is probably not more than eight

Tatami mats it’s a room with a bed a space to put a few things a small chair and a desk I checked out the bed and at first glance it looked clean it looks good I take off my helmet and put it on the desk and put my spear up against the

Wall ah black hair I heard the girl muttering behind me isn’t that unusual he um I’m sorry I’m not mad at you it’s a nice room it’s clean and I can sleep comfortably why yes thank you can I have the key yes with a quick Nimble motion

The girl holds out the key with both hands I took the key with a smile on my face because the girl looked so funny don’t be so nervous I won’t suddenly go crazy why yes I’m sorry when is the meal scheduled uh well between Sunset and the

Ringing of the night Bell and between sunrise and the ringing of the morning Bell um I guess I’ll just have to come back when the Sun goes down will you wake me up in the morning yes we check the rooms of guests who have not eaten I

See I understand do I have to ask for the cleansing water after dinner yes I will bring it to your room if you leave it in your room I’ll collect it the next morning okay thank you yes thank you the girl bows her head and leaves the room she

Was a little stiff at first but she got used to it in the end it’s good that she can get used to my presence but I think it’s dangerous to use me as a standard well that old lady seems to have a good sense of what’s going on around her so I

Guess it’s okay so what should I do now if possible I would like to get the items I want as soon as possible but I also want to find out what’s going on in the city I don’t want to rush into anything and end up with something bad

Well I can find out at a glance if I put it in my inventory in the bag I have a minimal change of clothes and a few other small travel items that won’t raise suspicion I’ll lock it up so no one will see it just in case though

Right I locked the door to my room and went downstairs still in my armor and with only my sword on my hip are you going out when I went downstairs to the lobby the land lady was at the counter as before she was writing something in a

Notebook I wanted to have lunch and exchange some money where do you recommend to exchange the Empire currency Empire currency yeah I was on the Eastern Battlefield before I came here that’s where I got The Spoils of War I see the land lady said admiringly her gaze sweeping over my figure from

Head to toe it didn’t seem to be in a disgusting way but simply out of surprise and admiration I don’t look that strong to you a ahaha I’m sorry the land lady has a good eye I’m not that strong but I am confident in my legs you mean

You’re a scout and other things too anyway on that note did you know any reliable money changers in that case the land lady introduced me to a certain money changer a little further away from the Inn she even wrote down the address and a simple map for me she smiled and

Said it’s my way of thanking you for giving the girl confidence thank you I left the key with the land lady and went outside where I saw the boy from earlier with a large wooden Cup in his hand chewing on a piece of hard bread when he noticed me

He forcibly stuffed the hard bread into his mouth slurped down the contents of the cup in one Gulp and started munching I waited for him to swallow the bread his eyes black and white and waved the map the land lady had drawn for me to

Where it says here two coppers I’m on it brother he took the paper from my hand and stared at its contents can you read only a little I know the address and the map all right yeah it’s this way the boy said cheerfully and started walking I followed behind him and started walking

Now the question is do I need to have lunch first or do I need to exchange money first chapter 95 e money changer um I think it might be around here that one the boy led me through the alley Where Ruffins in was located crossed the Main Street entered the alley on the

Other side and walked a little further to find the money changer I wanted it was not a very fancy store but the signboard with the design of a balance was polished and the area around the store was also clear clean it seemed to have a good atmosphere it looks like a

Good place so here’s your reward he he thank you the boy took the two coppers with a smile on his face he was about to leave so I decided to call out to him before he did I’d like to ask you to show me another place if you’ll wait

Until I’m done exchanging money he really I’ll wait I’ll wait where would you like me to take you a good restaurant I’ll buy you a meal really I will wait for you brother yeah come on don’t disturb the store I understand the boy smiles and walks a little further

Away from the store well this is fine I guess it was a lucky day for the boy who summoned up what little courage he had and approached me while buying him a meal it would be a good idea to gather information from him he would probably

Talk at least as much as I paid for him when I entered the money changer the inside was surprisingly stuffy there were two well-built men who look like guards there was also a sharp-eyed middle-aged man probably the clerk at one of the counters and a young woman

Behind him there seemed to be other people in the back but that was about as far as I could see the atmosphere inside the store is well it looks more like an office than a store welcome are you borrowing cash in or do you want to exchange money the sharpey man called

Out to me with a smile on his face apparently this money changer is also in the finance business I nodded and moved to the counter where he was standing I’d like to exchange some Empire currency is that possible of course please have a seat here yeah I

Took a seat as he asked and pulled out a leather bag containing fake currency from under my armor after some hesitation I decided to exchange all the money I can’t use the Empire’s currency as it is and more importantly if I’m going to get information about the items

I’m trying to get from this money changer I might as well show that I have money the money changer Clerk’s eyes widened at the amount of gold bars that came out of my leather bag well well well this is going to be a big transaction isn’t it as the money

Changer Clark looked at the young woman the young woman retreated into the back of the room her footsteps pattering what is it the money changer smiled bitterly as if he noticed my quizzical gaze I’m sorry I didn’t mean to alarm you I was just having tea prepared for you I’m

Afraid to drink it I’ll be frank with him I don’t think I’d want to touch a drink serve to me after I’ve shown them a lot of money in this world it’s common for people to drug someone haaha don’t worry we’re a credit first company so you’re going to exchange all of this

Into the Holy Kingdom currency that’s what I intend to do oh I came here through the introduction of the land lady of Ruffins in just so you know I see the Ruffins in would you mind if I check the currency right away yeah after I nodded he put on a pair of white

Gloves and began to inspect each Empire Bar of currency weighing them and using a small Hammer to make sure they were not forgeries it would be a huge loss for them if they were to be caught with fake money aside from being legitimate the gold and silver content and weight

Are perfectly imitated so it is unlikely to be treated as a forgery if it had some magic anti-fake feature I would have been out of luck but fortunately there was none so knowing that there was no way I could get an appraisal result that it was a forgery I calmed down the

Money changes are inspected the currency with even sharper eyes though a young woman brings me a cup of tea which I bow to her lightly but do not sip I think it’s okay but I don’t want to cross a dangerous bridge after a few moments the money changer exhaled and closed his

Eyes as if he was done with his appraisal no excuse me it’s rare for this much Empire currency to be brought in after all we’re far from the battlefield here yes it took me quite a while from the Eastern battlefields yeah loot from over there that’s not so

Unusual is it yes I’ll get you the details now he then began to write something on the document he seemed to be carefully counting the Empire currency which was divided into different types and writing down the number I brought in mostly bars of gold and a few bars of silver I don’t know

How much the total amount will be here is the bill uhoh I was a little surprised when I saw the bill I expected the total to be at least one large gold coin but it turned out to be more than I expected two large gold coins three gold

Coins five small gold coins seven silver coins and five large copper coins that’s a lot of money I knew it would be a lot of money but it’s more than I expected so that’s what you paid for it after commission yes I’m taking a commission

Of about 7% 7% huh I think it’s quite high for a commission but this is a land quite far from the Empire there are probably few uses for the Empire’s currency if it’s 7% it might be rather reasonable well since I don’t know the market price I can’t be too picky I’ll

Accept it I don’t know the market price I’ll accept it all right then sign here yeah I sign the bill and complete the transaction it’s fake currency made from underground swamp iron or anyway if I’m being ripped off it won’t hurt a bit after confirming my signature the money

Changer handed the documents to the female Clerk and instructed her to bring the money from the vault I let out a sigh and sipped my tea which was probably already cold this would be a good time to start can I ask you something yes as long as I can answer

It’s actually ah a personal matter I’m in need of a mithril ring or piece of jewelry mithil the money changer Clark parroted back and the sharp gaze he had been directing at me rolled a little that’s just as expected if it’s a noble lady who says it it’s understandable but

If you’re wearing leather armor and have a sword on your hip you obviously a mercenary or an adventurer it’s strange to think that a man like that would want mithil jewelry I think so too but I have a perfect cover story that I’ve been working on with the Slime girls well you

Know I mean you know it’s kind of a condition you can guess I see I see the money changer Clark nodded his head his eyes relaxing in other words he thought this he’s probably going to use it to offer an engagement to a woman back home

In fact this kind of thing was not uncommon a young man runs away from his home Village or town and after his success he brings back expensive jewelry and asks his beloved for her hand in marriage it is said that the highest quality jewelry is mithil jewelry that is rings

Necklaces hair ornaments and so on but mithril is quite difficult to find the money changer Clark who had been looking convinced clouded his expression and pondered difficult huh yes it’s in short supply it is said that they used to purchase mithril jewelry from the elves of of the Black Forest but their contact

With each other has been cut off for 20 years and there are no Mythril producing mines in the marinad Kingdom seriously can’t I get it somehow in the marketplace you can get it for as little as one large gold coin so I don’t think you’ll have any problems with your money

But it’s hard to get it when you don’t have it ah H the money changer Clark raised his voice as if he had thought of something sometimes the customer is an Ardent believer of the Adele religion do I look like one no right but you can

Show your fa can’t you then he made a circle with his index finger and thumb in every world the hand sign for money is the same if you wrap two large gold coins you can receive a mithil rosary as a sign of Faith The church here is the

Home of faith in the meinard Kingdom therefore there should be a mithil rosary available that’s true but what can I say how can I ask you to sell me a mythal rosary for two large gold coins just say I want to spread the light of faith in my homeland and receive the

Light of a viel the Lord God so that I can take my beloved as my wife you are indeed a merchant you’re a good talker I am honored by your compliment the sharp eyed money changer Clark smiles and Bows his head condescendingly while we were talking a young female Clark appeared

From the back with a nervous look on her face she seemed to be carrying a wooden tray with the money on it here is the currency you exchanged please check oh two large gold coins three gold coins five small gold coins seven silver coins Co and five

Large copper coins were indeed on the tray just as they had been written on the bill earlier I checked them one by one and after putting them in my purse I put them in my inventory once to make sure there was no fake money mixed in there was no problem apparently thank

You for your help no it’s been a pleasure doing business with you please do not hesitate to entrust us with your Empire’s currency as well as gold and silver Treasures when you get them I’ll keep that in mind after putting my wallet under my armor I left my seat and

Left the money changer the boy who was guiding me came running towards me his face brightening up as if he had seen that I was safely out of the money changer if he were a beast man his tail would be wagging chapter 96 a to the cathedral I finished my meal at the

Restaurant The Boy led me to and returned to the in a you asked me what I thought of the meal and the information I got from the boy oh yes the meal was well it was meat bread and soup it wasn’t bad and it was generous but

Nothing to write about to be honest in this world if you use a lot of salt and pepper it’s considered a gourmet dish in addition to Salt and Pepper the Elven Villages of the Black Forest had honey and various other seasonings and they seem to be Advanced by World standards

And the food that I create with my craft goes above and beyond that well yeah let’s not get our hopes up for the in’s food either and as for the information I got from the boy well it was just small talk it’s not like he’s an informant or

A know-it-all however there is no doubt that mercenaries and adventurers like me are gradually gathering in the area in addition the church knights in their beautiful armor had arrived a while ago they’re probably guards for the saint are they strong I asked the boy if they

Were strong but he said he didn’t know I’ve heard that church Knights are unbeatable but if that were the case they would have won the war against the empire long ago he said it seems that they are generally considered to be an elite group of knights but the boy seems

To think it’s just spitting in the eye um I can’t really judge I’ll have to ask Beth or poo when I get back to the underground so I’ve had my meal and I’m back at the Inn there’s nothing to do I glanced out the window of my room and estimated the height of

The sun it was a little past noon around 2:00 in the afternoon there is still time before Sunset but should I go to the church now and get the mythal rosary I think I can get there in plenty of time but I feel like I’ll miss the point

If I Rush too much I’m sure I’ve had my fair share of nervousness and mental fatigue today so I should probably just stay in my room and be quiet however I can’t craft or kill time in this small room how do mercenaries and adventurers kill time in general I thought about

Asking the land lady or the in girl but would that be unnatural I don’t know if it’s a great warrior but a mercenary or adventurer who makes enough money to stay at this in will ask how to kill time in general yes it’s strange no wait

What I’ve got some free time on my hands so I’m thinking of going somewhere to hang out any suggestions where I can go I’ve never been to meinburg before it wouldn’t be unnatural if I didn’t know where to go since I’m new to this meinburg so I asked the in girl who was

Passing by just as I left my room a place to hang out huh yes a place to hang out or rather a place to kill time I’ve never been to this city before the girls seem to be afraid of mercenaries and adventurers so I try to be as gentle

And friendly as possible let’s see but you um for some reason she averted her eyes with a troubled look why well do you have any idea no I mean it’s not that I don’t have any idea do you want to ask me about that he he I feel like

Our conversation is fatally out of sync well I’m fine with tourist spots stores that sell something interesting or bookstores at my words the girl’s face turned red after a puzzled look on her face why oh uh you mean is it possible that she misunderstood me it may be my

My fault for misleading you but I wouldn’t ask a girl of your age about something like that I I am sorry the girl’s face turned red and she apologized yeah that’s what mercenaries and adventurers do for fun in this world I understand well even so I wouldn’t ask

A girl of her age where a brothel is no I wouldn’t I’m not a sexual harasser old man um let’s pretend that never happened yeah for both of us so do you have any suggestions for places I could could go why yeah sure well if you walk down the

Main Street towards the center of the city you’ll come to the Central Square there are BS and Jesters there oh I wonder if there are any bookstores a bookstore I don’t know what it is however in the Northwest part of the city where the Nobles and wealthy merchants live there should be stores

That sell such things and jewelry I see that’s right what about weapon shops those kinds of shops are located around the south gate of the city I see thank you with that I pushed a few copper coins at her it’s a tip she looked a little troubled but in the end she

Accepted it isn’t there a culture of tipping but she accepted it so I guess it doesn’t matter after going to the Central Square I will take a peek at the Craftsman’s District I’ll be back around dinner time at the latest oh yes take care I left the room key with the land

Lady at the reception desk waved my hand to the girl who saw me of and left the in for the Central Square so was it enjoyable well it was subtle not at all theard was a so-called Storyteller they played guitars or loot likee instruments and sang about local heroic Tales I

Didn’t know the original story but I couldn’t understand the point of humor or the point of excitement to be honest I enjoyed the comedians more there were also jugglers and tricksters the weapon shop was empty the shelves were empty it seems that the holy Kingdom’s Army is collecting weapons so there are only

So-called decorative weapons left if there was a weapon you wanted you had to have it customade there was a market near the Craftsman’s District so I dropped by but a group of Housewives complained about the recent price hike of groceries the shopkeepers were also grumbling about the high prices but I

Guess they were retorting that the holy Kingdom’s Army was gathering supplies and there was a shortage as expected the holy Kingdom’s Army continues to move toward the recapture of Eric Burg rather than another Invasion I’d like to get back before the Army starts moving I might as well take a serious look at

Running back home taking into account my running ability I think I’ll be able to make it unless something goes wrong however it’s not good that I’m completely out of luck if something goes wrong right I guess I’ll just have to take one thing at a time I’ll get the

Mythal rosary go back underground build a large Golem communicator and contact The Liberation Army let’s focus on that well has information about The Liberation Army’s weapons tactics and Golem communicators I guess there’s nothing I can do about that now we’ll just have to be careful in our operations while being

Aware of the fact that he knows about it I don’t think they can be imitated though crossbows may be imitated but it seems that projectile weapons are not welcome in the Holy Kingdom so they will not be used on a large scale for a while bombs and Firearms can’t be imitated due

To technical problems and the Golem communication device will be impossible unless the Golem core can be mass-produced in the first place the formula for creating them is too complicated to be copied I can do whatever I want with my crafting abilities though these are exactly the

Kinds of things that are cheats the next day it’s been a while since I’ve slept alone and it’s kind of lonely since coming here I’ve hardly ever slept alone I feel like that alone is more than enough to make my coming to this world worthwhile I’ve been through many

Painful and scary experiences but it more than makes up for it yeah I got ready put on my leather armor and went downstairs to the cafeteria I had dinner yesterday at the Ruffin in’s cafeteria and it was even better than the restaurant where I had lunch yesterday maybe it was just that

The restaurant yesterday was too delicate perhaps it was just that yesterday’s Diner was more quantity oriented than quality oriented well The Smiling land lady saw me off and I left the in in the early morning I’ve been in this world for a while now and early to

Bed and early to wake up has become ingrained in my body I had already researched the location of the Church of the Adele religion I had asked the boy who was guiding me about it yesterday as it was a religious facility that supported the country’s Foundation it

Was built in a very conspicuous and easily recognizable place it was right next to the Royal Castle oh I couldn’t help but look up at the Majesty of the building religious buildings are usually solemn and have an atmosphere that overwhelms those who see them this Cathedral as well as many others had a

Magnific appearance but what’s this all about the Majestic and magnificent cathedral was filled with a somber atmosphere knights in matching armor flanked the entrance and the path leading to the cathedral no matter how you look at it they are on high alert I was a little scared but I called out to

One of the knights on guard excuse me what’s going on there’s a holy day service and preaching by the saint we’re on guard for that I felt a sharp gaze piercing me from behind the face of my helmet are you some sort of mercenary or Adventurer yes

I know it’s not good to carry a weapon in my hand but I’d like to leave it before entering the cathedral you Mew it’s time for your 2hour reminder if you’ve been sitting consider taking a moment to stand up stretch use the restroom or have a refreshing drink of

Water your body will thank you now back to the story you can drop it off at the entrance of the cathedral yes May the Holy Light be with you the church Knight made a sign and I bowed and headed for the cathedral um it seems I came at the

Wrong time I didn’t expect to run into the saint of Truth when she was here no this time it seems to be just a worship ceremony and a sermon so unless they want to pinpoint her for questioning it won’t be a problem I’d be lying if I

Said I wasn’t curious as to what kind of person the saint was and I’d be suspicious of the church nights if I turned around and went somewhere else if I keep as low a profile as possible then there will be no problem it’s okay it’s okay nothing is going to happen if it

Does happen with this many Church nights I should be fine just standing in a corner and being quiet no problem no problem I don’t know I feel like I’m raising a flag but I think I’ll be fine I left my sword belt as well as a bag

And leather armor that I could use to hide my weapon with the church Knight who was guarding the entrance to the church and stepped into the cathedral with only my wallet oh the high ceilings the religious pain paintings the glittering stained glass the Golden Glow of the cross it was so overwhelmingly

Majestic that even I a man of no religious Faith couldn’t help but be amazed this is amazing I don’t know much about the doctrines of the Adele religion but I was almost moved so I guess for the people of the Holy Kingdom who are True Believers the cathedral is

Even more wonderful than that well I feel a little bad when I think about how many subhumans were sold oppressed and robbed of their property in order to build this gorgeous and Majestic Cathedral be that as it may there is no doubt that this Cathedral has artistic

Value I really hope that this Cathedral won’t be destroyed after The Liberation Army takes back meinburg so I took a seat at a proper table oh God forgive my sins oh God protect me oh God the person next to me was mumbling and praying to God with bloodshot eyes I looked around

Anxiously to see if other people were doing the same but it didn’t seem to be the case it seems that this person sitting next to me is the only only one who is not normal honestly it’s scary while I wondered what I should do or whether I should change my seat the

Sound of bells began to ring loudly and the doors of the cathedral closed the inside of the cathedral became silent and a tranquil atmosphere began to drift around to put it bluntly it seemed as if it would be unacceptable to leave my seat and move to another place the

People next to me were still bloodshot eyed but quiet so I decided to be patient after the bells finished ringing several people who looked like priests appeared from the back of the cathedral they were uttering some kind of blessing words but I couldn’t make out the meaning whether it was the old wording

Or some other factor maybe it’s not a word then after a sort of blessing speech a girl dressed in a pure white robe appeared from the back of the cathedral she walked to the lecton with a graceful shuffling gate opened her closed eyes and looked around at me and

The other believers in the cathedral with her Crimson eyes she is a beautiful girl she has shining blonde hair that extends to her waist Crimson eyes like Red Jade Rich breasts that assert their existence even under the thick holy robe embroidered with gold thread and skin as

White as white porcelain it’s no wonder she’s called a saint she has a Divine atmosphere her Crimson gaze caught mine and for some reason I thought I saw a hint of confusion but it was only for a moment no perhaps I was mistaken at any rate there was no trouble like suddenly

Being surrounded by Church Knights and being taken away and the worship ceremony seemed to start without a hitch now I’m looking forward to hearing what they have to say chapter 97 a critical hit God created the mother to love her child and the child to feel safe in her

Arms the saint soothing voice echoed dig fiely through the cathedral this Cathedral is huge and spacious it’s not as if she’s shouting but why does her voice carry so well is she using some kind of magic tool or is it a structural feature of the cathedral or is it just

That her voice is so good a the content of the sermon to be honest I’m not not really interested in that there are many quotations from the Bible and other scriptures and as I don’t know the original Source it’s kind of hard to get into my head however from the story’s

Content I think that Adele is a being with Advanced genetic engineering technology in particular the process that explains the creation of subhumans and monsters or their development seems to be just the same for example subhumans are originally Sinners the Lord God Adel apparently branded the Sinners as beasts and ordered them to

Serve humans and work hard hard when the sinner has paid for their sins sufficiently the brand of the Beast disappears and they are allowed to become human again paradoxically subhumans who still retain their beastly characteristics are sinners who have not been forgiven by Adele and must work

Hard to serve humans also among the subhumans the ones who are farther away from humans in terms of appearance are the ones who carry the most serious sins the words criminal experimental and mutant flashed through my mind I don’t know if Adel actually told the Sinners

That he would bring them back back after they paid for their sins and I don’t know if he actually had the technique to remove the brand of the beast but the way things are going I think he was a real fraud I can’t believe that all subhumans are born Sinners I don’t think

They’re any different from humans except for a slight difference in their appearance there may be some differences in their natural abilities due to their appearance but it’s the same for humans some people are blessed with good physiques and are strong some people are fast some people have good noses and

Eyes and some are smart there are so many differences in natural abilities even the appearance of the person is different this is the end of my sermon it seems that the sermon ended while I was absorbed in the sermon content or rather in my thoughts about Adele I

Thought that this would be the end of the sermon but the people who had been listening to the sermon in the cathedral began to line up in order of their seats apparently the saint was going to give some kind of blessing to everyone present to be honest I don’t want to get

Too close to the saint but it looks like everyone is going so if I’m the only one sneaking out I’ll probably stand out it seems that the church Knights are keeping a close eye on the cathedral as well so it would be best to refrain from any conspicuous actions please forgive

Me forgive me the next guy next to me is still or the guy behind me in line he’s still mumbling and it’s scary what kind of sin did he commit you ask well it seems that the saint will soon be bestowing her blessings on him so he can

Do his confession or whatever he wants yeah little by little the line moved forward and eventually I could see the head of the line apparently the saint would say something to the Believers and the Believers would bow their heads and accept the call then put some copper

Coins in a box as they left there’s money here too I checked the weight of the wallet on my chest thinking uselessly living in a city costs money doesn’t it well a few copper coins are fine you can listen to the Saint directly and receive a blessing a few

Copper coins might be a small price to pay for that the saint is like the top Idol of the Adele religion I guess if you think that the cost of attending a live solo performance and handshake session by the saint is roughly equivalent to one meal isn’t it cheap

Next while I was thinking about that it seemed that my turn had come a you want me to stop thinking about things that don’t matter and start thinking about what to do in case of an emergency you could say that Colonel star since I can’t predict what will happen at all

Don’t you think it is a waste of brain resources to think and worry about it Tren sorry again again I don’t know about the reference the only thing I can do is to maintain a high degree of flexibility and respond flexibly in other words just go with the flow don’t

Worry I’m confident in my ability to improvise you uh the Saint’s beautiful face and Crimson eyes remained motionless as she stared at me no I said I was confident in my improvisation but how should I react to this I looked at the priestesses at her side to see what

To do but they too had a puzzled look on their faces I can’t seem to rely on them for this um Saint s your dot when the saint was about to say something that was the moment key a strange sound like a monster bird came from behind me I

Tried to turn around to see what was going on a moment later but the mumbler behind me almost pushed me away so what can I say I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular when I acted it was more like a reflex I’ll admit I was

A little annoyed with the guy goo gay I just elbowed him as hard as I could where his head was probably it was just a coincidence that I hit him right in the middle of his face right under his nose in other words in his middle it was a heartfelt blow for me

And a painful one for him but it wasn’t enough to mow down his Consciousness with a single blow and he waved whatever was in his hand around aimlessly in extreme pain and confusion it was a shocking blow to me just like the elbow strike that I had delivered to him quo I

Felt a tremendous impact on my side I looked over and saw that the man was holding something that looked like a knife in his hand hand and it was sticking out of my side why you re kidding I was pulled down and pinned down by something no no not me I’m the

Victim it hurts it hurts it’s not the wound on my side that hurts it’s the feeling of being held down what it’s not a big wound no I don’t think so it was a deep stab and that spot might have been in my liver if so it’s a fatal wound

Rather not being able to feel the pain of the Stab Wound isn’t this a bad thing could it have been poisoned or something that thin knife is unlikely to be lethal unless it sticks very well and it’s been poisoned hasn’t it assassination with a poison knife the target of this

Assassination must be the saint that means that this grumbling bastard is the white Pig guy oh no I’m getting sleepy you’re kidding right in a place like this it’s not like I’m being hunted down by a bunch of people from the Holy Kingdom who know who I am it’s just an

Accident I don’t think I’m going to be able to stay conscious hang in there hang in there me me or rather my skills hang in there my skills I mean Iron skin San do your job it’s stuck right in there oh no I should have taken the

Survivalist route is this the end of my adventure that was my last thought it was a white ceiling it had some kind of intricate and prestigious carvings on it it’s a rare experience to feel like you’re in an expensive place just by looking at the ceiling an unknown

Ceiling apparently I am still alive so I spit out the typical line it’s one of the lines I’d like to say at least once in my life so what the hell is going on that mumbling bastard stabbed me with a knife and knocked me out and now I’m

Lying in a room with a very high ceiling the bed was fine the covers were fine too and it smelled like the herbs I used to smell when I made potions with Isa it seemed that I had been treated well considering the situation I should assume assum that I was taken to either

An Adele Church facility or the royal castle for protection I see so it was by chance that I saved the saint from the murderous blade of an unscrupulous person it’s a little surprising that I wasn’t abandoned and treated well no even if it’s just for the sake of

Protecting the Saint the church couldn’t just abandon me even if it is a suspicious ruthless mercenary I rrie in my bed puzzling over how I should behave I touched my hand to the area where I had been stabbed but felt no pain or discomfort the bandage seems to be

Wrapped around it but I think the wound has already healed as I sat up and tried to look around the room my eyes met with Crimson eyes wo there was the Saint her hair shines like gold thread her skin is as white as white porcelain and her eyes

Are as Crimson as red jade even when wearing a thick Pure White holy robe it is still possible to see her slender body she is a beautiful woman with a character that is the complete opposite of silus um the saint is just staring at me as if she were a doll or something

Not even a flinch in other words she’s staring at me intently you will make a hole in me if you stare at me like you a voice that sounded like a bell interrupted my words are you a God or an apostle what the hell are you talking about the saint

Asked me with a straight face and I had to reply with a straight face as well chapter 98 the saint has a poisonous tongue millimeter I’m a saint you know I’m a saint of the Adele religion I don’t think you should use that kind of language no whether you a saint or a

Nobleman if you suddenly say something like that to someone’s face I think it’s inevitable that they’ll think you’re crazy huh disrespectful the saint is astonished seemingly making an onomic sound I guess she’s never been treated like this before I mean under what circumstances is this when I looked

Around the room carefully I saw that there were sisters dressed in inconspicuous black nuns uniforms waiting near the room’s doorway right next to the bed and one by one at that place in the opposite direction of the saint they too look surprised and shocked at my language how much do you

Remember the saint who had recovered from her shock recreated a blank expression as if to mend her face and asked me even if you ask me to what extent when it was my turn to receive the blessing of the saint in the cathedral the guy behind me made a weird

Noise and was clearly not normal so I elbowed him and he stabbed me the fact that you can wield your power without cowering in fear is what makes you a self-proclaimed mercenary self-proclaimed self-proclaimed right as if to gauge my intentions the Red Jade eyes look into my eyes her eyelashes are

Long and beautiful a beautiful girl that is comparable to sfie Beauty that’s what I think of this girl it’s not like there is any proof so let’s just call it what it is so I’ll ask again why am I being nursed in such a nice room by the saint

Herself I’m not sure but it seems that that dagger was coated with poison and the place where it was stabbed was dangerous but I’m surprised I survived it was probably a good thing that I immediately pleaded for a miracle of anti anote and healing on the spot even

So I am amazed at Your vitality to be alive after being stabbed in the liver with a dagger coated with basilisk poison are you some kind of cockroach or something cockroach means a GW asterisk right you’re talking like that to the man who saved your life T N cockroach in

Japanese is go kiburi what an amazing equals in politeness there’s something strangely lifegiving about it and I don’t think it’s because I have the life force of AG but it’s because of my abilities if you don’t respect the others they won’t respect you back that’s a good point

Thank you for saving me in any way you can you’re welcome thank you for saving my life you have saved my life so we’re both saved no I’m a precious Saint and I deserve to be protected in fact you are the one who is in debt for bothering me

The precious Saint my prayers are expensive the saint looked at me as if to say what the hell are you talking about what an unreasonable world we live in isn’t life before God equal that’s what I call a joke you’re a funny girl aren’t you I’m flattered while we were exchanging glances the

Sister right next to the bed gave a deliberate cough let’s go back to the story are you a God or an apostle of one what the hell are you talking about you’re not supposed to use the same phrase more than once you’re being very harsh how did you get into this it’s

Obvious to my eyes you are surrounded by a Divine and Powerful glow that is incomparable to that of the damn Pope and the pig Cardinals your words are abominable Saint Sama excuse me I was being honest I looked at the sisters who were waiting for us but they kept their

Eyes down as if to say no action it seems that this saint is rather uncommunicative when it comes to official matters isn’t this some kind of misunderstanding I still see it to be honest it’s so bright I think it’s just your imagination I saved the saint and got

Stabbed so it’s like a temporary distraction well I’m pretty popular now too Foo did you just Snicker at me my glass heart was cracked I’m sorry I got carried away I got carried away just because sfie Isa the harpies the Slime girls and other beautiful girls like me

A little I’m sorry I’m a trash bug do you mind I’m a saint I am a noble being sometimes I am forced to deal with the son of a nobleman whose face is better than yours at best I drink tea with them and when they ask for more I

Make them regret it that sounds like a lot of work it’s hard work it’s painful to be forced to deal with those trash which are no better than a cockroach who spout uninspired pickup lines when they open their mouths who lick and ravish my entire body with a lustful gaze and who

Try to touch my skin whenever they can my eyes can see a lot of things so it’s not easy the light gradually faded from her eyes which had been shining like red balls and they became cloudy like red glass balls rather than red balls this

Is a bad thing it’s the kind of thing where you’re under a lot of stress no it’s really something thank you for your hard work thank you very much so are you a God or an apostle aren’t you allowed to use the same phrase twice actually

You’re not allow to use the same line twice and this time I’m asking you to identify yourself as an apostle so that counts separately what are you sigh you can’t use that trick anymore now please give up and answer me the saint leaned forward with no expression this girl is

Very aggressive more importantly you still haven’t explained to me why I’m here and why I’m being cared for so well you fought off a thug who tried to kill me but was stabbed with a poison dagger somehow through my prayers and God’s miracle in response you survived why it

Should have been a serious wound that no human being could have survived but somehow you survived and I can’t leave you behind you’re the one who protected me a precious Saint in front of the masses do you really like using the phrase great and precious Saint about 3

Days ago so you have been kept in this room at the back of the cathedral for 3 days now and we have been taking care of you dressing you cleansing you cleaning you and everything else it’s been 3 days since I came to check on you in between

My duties and you woke up I thought I heard some unpleasant words if you don’t cleanse yourself well you’ll get sick I had to cleanse every inch of you you were dripping profusely on the first day due to the effects of the poison stop my heart is broken when people talk about

Abominations without expression and without hesitation My Heart Is Made of Glass you know what does it feel like to have an unsullied maiden like me looking at your are you sad embarrassed or does it excite you you pervert the saint who had been expressionless until now let out a big

Smile Hey sister sister do something about this girl help me I called for help from the other sisters in the room but they quickly turned their heads away even if she is a devout child of God she is only a mere mortal in the face of

Status and power no one would risk their own lives to reach out to the poor lamb God was dead or rather it’s been 3 days that’s not good no I said I’d spend up to 5 days in the city so I guess I don’t have to worry about lime and the others

Yet as soon as I regain Consciousness I’ll get out of this evil place as quickly as possible F4 now I’d like to thank you for saving my life it’s not good to be taken care of any longer so I’ll take my leave no when I tried to

Get up the saint pressed my chest and pushed me down on the bed W what are you the basilisk’s poison has entered your body it’s in your liver your organs are almost dead and it is a wonder you are still alive if you force yourself to

Move now you will die it would not be worth the effort to let you die so easily after taking the trouble to keep you alive the saint told me this without any expression and stared at my face I don’t know it’s so hard to handle for

Now I glanced at the menu and checked my status my physical strength and stamina gauge is almost zero and I’m repeatedly losing and gaining a little it’s not like I’m slowly recovering or slowly losing but I’m just barely keeping the balance between natural recovery and damage that’s right my condition is

Poisonous chronic indeed it seems that I am getting weaker it’s not easy to move around around when even a Saint’s thin arm can knock me down that’s right at the moment you are barely alive thanks to the effects of the miracle I pleaded for and the blessings of this cathedral

Which has become a sanctuary if you take even a single step outside the cathedral your organs will immediately rot and you will vomit blood and die oh no that’s scary so you’ll have to stay here for a while longer okay that’s very kind of you to

Offer but I have my reasons you’ll die you know ah the words of the saint were very heavy as she had actually seen on the status screen that my physical strength and stamina were in a desperate struggle if the miracle of the saint and the effective thumbing of the facilities

Of this Cathedral are keeping me in my current state I may really die of Bloodshed the moment I leave the cathedral as the saint said thank you for your help honesty is a virtue I always try to be honest too the saint nodded with a blank expression and then

Stared at me it’s very unsettling to have a pretty girl stare at you with no expression why are you staring at me so intently because I haven’t heard the answer yet answer I’ll fold it if you don’t stop playing dumb fold what you’re an apostle aren’t you without reacting

To my reaction at all the saint said nonchalant and stared at my face ah geese I don’t know what to do it seems that she is convinced that I’m a morbo because she sees something that Isla can’t see this aint well I am yes oh no

The poison is making me dizzy it’s too early to wake up good night I slumped down on the bed closed my eyes and decided to sleep it off I demand time to think time to think um I opened one of my eyes and looked at the Saint she puffed out her cheeks in

Frustration it’s not as if her facial muscles are dead it might just be that the expressionless has stuck to her face from her past experiences it’s a tough job isn’t it and since she doesn’t try to force me to wake up and ask me about it she may be a

Kind girl at heart I can’t help but notice that she’s is a bit of a sadist St s it’s time to go it’s no use I’ll come back next time you’ll have to talk to me let’s try to be positive very well then the saint got up from the chair

Beside the bed and I heard the rustling of her clothes and the sound of quiet footsteps moving away from the bed then I hear the sound of a door being opened and closed I opened one eye to check the room again and saw that the saint and the sister at the doorway had

Disappeared the Sister by the bed seems to have stayed put I’m sorry no no this is also God’s will if you need anything please don’t hesitate to call on me yes thank you the sisters seemed kind even though they had abandoned me a while ago

Anyway I need to rest my body first if I had a potion I might have been able to handle it but I don’t have one I couldn’t get the materials for the workbench if I drink the antidote that poo made and gave me I might get a

Chance I’ll have to try it later yeah chapter 99 the brightness and Destiny hi it’s me kuk I managed to get out of bed to do my business on the toilet so please sister don’t stare at me while I do my business just because you don’t

Want anything to happen to me it’s my duty don’t worry about it it’s okay if you say that and give me a Sly kind smile but please don’t do it mainly because it’s cutting into my spirit even when I insisted sister San was completely unaffected she never throws away her

Responsibilities she is very very strong the meal consisted of grated fruit and slightly salty water it does not satisfy my stomach since your stomach lining and other parts of your body are weakening to the point of death no thank you very much I’m grateful to be served and it’s

Because they care about my health it’s a shame that it doesn’t fill my stomach but I can’t complain besides it seems to be true that my organs are dying and all that comes out from underneath is mostly water when the patient was unconscious they made him drink water very

Frequently to prevent the patient from dying of dehydration it was truly mind-blowing that’s how I spent my time after the saint left the room Come on talk to me you’re fast aren’t you it hadn’t been more than 2 hours I thought but the saint had already returned she sat down

On the chair beside my bed and stared at me just like before I didn’t have time to think about it well you thought I was a God or an apostle because I was so shiny shiny well yes she didn’t like the way I described the glitter as shiny but

Eventually she nodded to my words isn’t it just a coincidence or something a little unusual it’s impossible you see a person’s Divine energy or glow is roughly between a large copper coin and a silver coin in terms of money there are only a limited number of people who have a glow like a

Gold coin the saint held up her index finger with a blank expression and began to talk to me as if to say what about the money analogy it’s easy to understand isn’t it but the glitter you wear is like a platinum coin it’s a different order of magnitude than

The others you are on the same level as me a precious Saint am I supposed to be happy that you say I’m a platinum coin or am I supposed to be disgusted that you unabashedly say you’re a platinum coin yourself it’s no surprise that I’m a platinum coin Chosen and loved by God

She looks smug despite her expressionless face What a Wonder so the glow is only visible to you isn’t it sa s yes I’m the only one who can see it then it must be some kind of mistake it’s an illusion you’re tired Saint Arma I knew you would say that that’s why I

Brought you this the saint then took out from somewhere what looked like an old Crown it’s not the kind of crown you’d expect to see on a king but more like the kind worn by Hero in a popular RPG I guess it’s a ciret it was made of

Dull golden metal like brass and on its front was a white cloudy Stone the size of a thumb if the stone had been red it would almost have been the very thing itself as sa sama this is yes it’s the crown of brightness I took it from the white Pig who had

Carefully stored It Away St s the sisters in charge of the room and the sisters in charge of accompanying the saint screamed apparently judging from their reaction this is a kind of ritual tool that should not be touched or taken out of the country without permission this is a relic that transforms the

Wearer’s glow into visible light like this wo that’s too bright when the saint put on the crown the stone on the frame Shone violently and burned my eyes my eyes my eyes it’s so bright isn’t it but when I wear it it’s too bright and inconvenient to use for lighting

Lighting then let’s put it on amily hi F forgive me don’t worry your glow is of the rank of great silver to gold the saint said ruthlessly and put the crown mercilessly on the head of the sister who’s in charge of my room who twitched her face and begged for forgiveness it’s

A little bright but it’s just right just right for lighting oh God the sister in charge of the room who was called amily closed her eyes tightly so as not to see the light she was emitting and began to pray trembling sa s why is the sister so

Afraid apparently for someone who can’t see the glow this crown that makes her faith visible is scary don’t do that to her yes I’m sorry amily and no it’s God’s will amily opened her eyes fearfully and let out a deep sigh as if she understood that the crown had been

Removed so if I put this on you it will prove that you are clothed in a tremendous glow no it’s just a coincidence isn’t it I have many years of experience and Trust there is no such thing as a coincidence so don’t worry Berta amily hold him down in response to

The Saints instructions the sisters at the door and amalan approached my bed hugged my arms firmly secured me and restrained me oh the soft touch no that’s not the case um hey I’m in trouble can you let go of me please I’m sorry I don’t want to be covered in that

Thing either please give up ladies hey ladies I’m in trouble ah hey ladies I’m in trouble I struggled and tried to escape but I couldn’t shake the Slender sisters perhaps because the poison had weakened my body the moment the crown was placed on My Head by the Saint’s

Hand a white light painted the room everything was white or rather it was blinding I couldn’t see anything it was more than I imagined the crown was removed from my head and the saint muttered with her red jade eyes DED the fact that she is a little tyri is

Probably due to the fact that she looked directly at me for a moment at close range so the line that I was mistaken is gone it’s time for you to vomit Saint s your language under the glow of the sun reveal the truth the saint reiterated after being warned by Berta um what

Should I do let’s think calmly is it bad if I’m found out of course it’s not good what’s worse I don’t know what kind of treatment I’ll get if I admit to them that I’m an apostle of God a morbo no I don’t think they’ll treat me badly but

They might take me to the Holy Kingdom Under strict protection I don’t think it’s impossible for me to escape if I use my abilities but it will definitely delay my return to silie and the others even more even if I escaped and were caught I wouldn’t be killed so easily

But it would definitely make it more difficult to escape but on the other hand it is a very difficult situation to cover it up I have no no idea how this Relic works but the problem is that everyone including the saint strongly believes in the power of this Crown

There’s no excuse for this I have a few questions let’s hear them if I am what you say I am how would you treat me well you don’t seem to be very religious so the first thing I would do is to instill faith in you except for sleeping hours

You will spend your days memorizing and copying scriptures praying and devoting yourself you’re lying right no hey I couldn’t help but Shout at the same who said it was a lie without expression first of all you’ll have to start as my Entourage and escort eventually you will

Marry me and have a child with me you’re lying right it’s true you’re lying it’s true you’re lying it’s true ah it’s please both of you just talk normally amalis Anne interrupted us and we both fell silent it was no use staying quiet so I decided to start the conversation I

Have my heart set on someone I don’t mind as long as you have a child with me too the saint said without hesitation no no no no it’s not good it’s not good I mean why would you do that because I have an oracle an oracle

Yes an oracle it was the night before I left the Holy Kingdom I will be confronted with death wherever I go but when I overcome it I will meet my destiny God told me to stay close to my destiny and live and just as the Oracle

Said she found me glowing in the marinad Kingdom a thug tried to kill her I saved her and I almost died but I managed to survive in other words she confronted death it’s hard to imagine that the glowing me is not her Destiny I would

Think so if I were her I mean isn’t it just too convenient maybe it’s just God’s way of doing things but how am I supposed to take this situation I was probably brought into this world by a God or something like that and was thrown out into the black forest where there are

Subhumans there I met sfie Isla and the harpies then I fought with the subhumans against the holy Kingdom’s Army was betrayed by kui and met the saint she told me that meeting me was Destiny she said she was told so by God if the Saints Destiny was to meet me then why

Was I thrown out into the black forest shouldn’t I have been thrown out to the Saint from the start I’ve heard that there’s some kind of glow in the sky and if I’d been given an oracle or something to get me to meet her I’d have been

Attached to her from the start without ever meeting silie Isla and the the others I felt a shiver run down my spine if I had been thrown into the Holy Kingdom from the beginning what would have happened to me I might have joined the army of the Holy Kingdom and killed

Sfie and the others thinking about it made me feel nauseous what’s wrong with you you look pale no this was not the kind of talk you want to have when your mind and body are weak I’m sorry I spoke too quickly the saint bowed deeply and apologized to me seeing this I panicked

As well no if I were in the position of the saint I think I would have carried things out more forcefully I just want to think things over can you come to talk to me again are you sure it’s my line not yours can I ask you something

Of course thank you I’m kind of curious about this whole God thing and I’d like to talk to you about it well then I guess I’ll be a good counselor the saint broke her blank expression and gave a natural smile I have to admit I was

Fascinated by it well I I’ll come to see you tomorrow please keep your thoughts together if you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with amily okay thank you sa Sama elanora elanora yes that’s my name you can call me Ellen Ellen Ellen right okay thank you Ellen

You’re welcome she smiled once more and left the room accompanied by Berta I looked over at her and threw my upper body on the bed I’m going to sleep yes good night God and I will be watching over you so don’t worry thank you God oh

God I don’t know what you think you’re doing tell me what to do Gees damn it I should have just run back home even if it was a little dangerous I don’t know if I can fight the Holy Kingdom from now on will I be able to make a weapon to

Kill the people of the Holy Kingdom as I started to think about these things I felt nauseous even though I was sleeping I can’t do this anymore let’s go to sleep don’t think about anything at times like this the more I think about it the more I get stuck I concluded and

Let go of my Consciousness chapter 100 what I can do and what I can’t do the next day Saint sellen visited the room where I was staying yes ah s um ah no you see ah Ellen stares at me holding out a spoon with a scoop of porridge ah

I lost the spoon that Ellen was offering went into my mouth and the porridge which tasted lightly of salt and milk melted in my mouth yes it’s delicious it’s delicious but Ellen I can eat by myself yes ah ah apparently the saint was very pleased with this action I

Tried to appeal with my eyes to amily and Berta the sisters in charge of my room and the sisters in charge of accompanying the saint but they just looked at me smiling I was alone and helpless in the end I was forced to eat all the milk porridge that was was

Prepared for me with an uh oh I feel like something important in me has cracked and Ellen seemed to have awakened to something her cheeks were flushed and she seemed to be full of motivation I don’t know what she’s trying to do but I’d rather she didn’t

Satisfied with giving me the ah Ellen skipped away from the room without even saying a word what the hell was that all about my eyes met Emil’s who was cleaning up the dishes but she just smiled and didn’t say anything I wondered if she was asking me to guess

It’s not hard to imagine that given her position she’s had a bad life so far or that she’s had a lot of depression I can only imagine how she was found to be a saint and how she lived her life but she must have been forced to live in such a

Way that she needed to wear that expressionless mask on her face perhaps she was even on the verge of losing her faith then the Oracle came to her and she acted according to the Oracle And as the Oracle said she met me the man of her Destiny now her faith may have

Reached its peak and with the support of her faith my existence has come to occupy a large large part of her mind I don’t think she’s in a proper state of mind but I think Ellen is aware of this I’m sure he’s aware of that and is

Trying to close the distance between us sigh the problem is me I think Ellen is a good girl she’s as beautiful as silie and she’s fun to talk to however she and I are essentially enemies I’m a key figure in the Liberation Army whose goal is to reclaim the marinad kingdom and

She’s a saint of the Holy Kingdom which has made the marinad kingdom a vassel state the two of us are in positions that should never have crossed paths and no matter how much affection she showed me I still have sfie Isla and the harpies my place to return is to them

Are you worried about something yes it was unusual for Emily to talk to me it must be painful to accompany me without doing anything but she has been accompanying me and nursing me without complaining she is a gold grade Priestess do you feel uncomfortable to be Elanor sama’s spouse I’m not talking

About that kind of thing thing but I have a partner that I’ve sworn to be by her side even though we’re currently separated for some reason of course that person is silfy I see but it’s not like there’s only one person who can stand next to you is there that’s no is that

Acceptable in aelian beliefs ad delarm forbids stealing from one’s neighbor immoral adultery and plundering one’s wife isn’t that wrong but it is not forbidden for a man to have more than one wife in the first place Adel Sama had multiple wives wies married them and had multiple children between them we

Are his descendants he made wives and had children with them hey I thought that Adele was some kind of alien with super technology he embodied his 2D Wafers made them like 3D custom Wafers and settled on this planet with thriving Offspring as the number of Sinners increased he genetically improved them

And created subhumans I can easily imagine a flow like that well I understand that there is no problem there though I also have a lot of circumstances to deal with is that so yeah anyway there’s no point in trying to guess God’s true intentions he’s the one who threw me

Into this world without warning in the first place I’m not sure if it’s a Dell or another being but it’s probably not an ordinary being maybe at the very least it’s not a being that has human ethics or anything like that it’s not something with which I can relate the

Question is what should I do what’s best for me what best for sfie and the others and what would be best for Ellen and the others of course I can’t treat Ellen and the others whom I just met in the same way as silfi and the others Ellen amily

And the others the boy who guided me the inkeeper her daughter the mercenary I met at the castle gate and the money changers Clark they were people from the Holy Kingdom but at least they weren’t vicious people without a shred of humanity I think they are generally

Normal good people however to silie and the others they are Invaders who have taken their country by force and are occupying their Homeland with their own faces and to the people of the Holy Kingdom silie and the others are inferior subhumans who are like Bandits threatening their lives is it possible

For the two sides to come to terms it won’t be easy the gap between them drilled over 20 years is endlessly deep the hatred between them has accumulated to the point where they have no choice but to pull out their weapons and kill each other whenever they see each other

However difficulty is not the same as impossibility both humans and subhumans are creatures of language and reason they are capable of communicating with each other it’s not as if their minds are so flowery as to think that no matter how much they disagree with each other they can understand each other if

They just talk but they should be able to find a compromise somewhere in the first place humans and subhumans coexisted in the former marinad Kingdom even though it was 20 years ago the memory of it still remains in The Liberation Army and in fact the soldiers of the former marinad Kingdom Army and

Their families who were hiding in the marinad Kingdom om territory as well as the old marinad Royal citizens have joined the Liberation Army in other words The Liberation Army has the groundwork for accepting humans the problem is the disdain for subhumans that prevails among the people of the Holy

Kingdom however ideological reform is not something that can be done overnight it would take decades even centuries even on Earth discrimination based on skin color has not yet disappeared it will be very difficult for subhumans and humans who differ not only in a appearance but also in various physical

Abilities and lifespan to truly break down the barriers between races that is unless there is a common enemy that could destroy them both if they don’t join forces to fight no even if such a thing appears it might be difficult my thoughts have wondered what I can do

What I should do H I’m apparently a morbo accepted by The Liberation Army and according to Ellen an existence clothed in the glow of platinum coins in other words Ellen says say that I am an existence of the level that can be called an apostle of God in the sense of

Adelan ism if I use this status won’t I be able to do something for example a new sect that rejects the subhuman disdain of Adele’s religion no Adele has churches and Cathedrals so it can be said a religion instead of a sect how about starting a new denomination I

Persuaded Ellen to start a new denomination with the two of us with the religious symbolism of God’s Apostle and Saint it might not be impossible Ellen seemed to be dissatisfied IED with the upper echelons of the Adele religion considering the presence of the white Pig Bishop Who was appointed to the

Royal castle in meinburg it can be predicted that corruption is going on in the upper echelons of the Adel religion if I can get around this I might have a chance could this be the goal of the one who brought me to this world I don’t

Know but the situation is too good to be true the problem is that if I were to establish a new denomination and declare the independence of the former marinad Kingdom there is a possibility that the holy Kingdom’s Mainland would do everything in its power to crush me if

They try to suppress Me by force I will do everything in my power to resist if things go too far I won’t hesitate to do the same a lot of people will die but that’s nothing new I’m already prepared to be covered in blood no I don’t think

I’m ready for that yet after all I just don’t want to get hurt myself I don’t want to go back to the Liberation Army and kill Ellen and the others the inkeeper or that boy I don’t want to do do that I hate it that’s why I’m

Troubled I desperately try to think of something I could do with my poor brain and then I take action there’s not much I can do on my own I’m not even that smart that’s why I have to rely on others first to Ellen

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft in another world | Part 16-20 | Light novel Audiobook’, was uploaded by Watch while you work / play on 2024-01-17 12:36:19. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:27 or 17007 seconds.

Chapters 76-100

Full playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX7yTj-AyN9Spsnxil4x9b0Xn1gOzJkTa

This is a story about a main character who loves survival type PC games and suddenly wanders into another world and fights to survive with his ferocious but beautiful and cute master

#manhwa #manhua #manga #lightnovel Ask for the name in the comments

#manhwa #recap #anime #manga #anirecap #manhua #lightnovel #Audiobook

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  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

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  • Captainchu’s MC Takeover

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

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  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

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  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

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  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

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  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

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  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

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  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

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  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

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  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

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  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

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  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

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  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

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  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you galactic.s2.cbu.net:19018 Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at https://discord.gg/mnYb4XCE2y to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP mob vote outrage

    Looks like the mobs are the real winners in this election – they’ve got a score of 176! Read More

  • Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Minecraft Movie Set Showdown

    Valkyrae vs. Momoa: Minecraft Movie Set Showdown In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Valkyrae’s story, bold and cold. Jason Momoa, a star so bright, But his behavior caused quite a fright. On set of the movie, tensions ran high, Valkyrae witnessed, with a sigh. Momoa’s anger, crew members felt, In a moment where emotions dwelt. Valkyrae spoke out, didn’t hold back, Naming Momoa, no need to backtrack. His actions, she did not condone, Creating a toxic work zone. The Minecraft movie, a star-studded show, With Jack Black and more in tow. But controversies swirl around, Fans divided, emotions abound. Despite the challenges, the film… Read More

  • Mob Height Battle Royale #lit #minecraft #meme

    Mob Height Battle Royale #lit #minecraft #meme “Who knew that in Minecraft, your height could determine your fate in a mob test? Looks like being short has its advantages…or disadvantages!” Read More

  • Bedwars Shenanigans with Freko

    Bedwars Shenanigans with Freko Minecraft Bedwars: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft Bedwars! Join the action-packed gameplay where players compete to destroy each other’s beds while defending their own. With the server IP mc.vimemc.ru, you can dive into this thrilling game mode and test your skills against other players. Join the Best Group For the ultimate Bedwars experience, join the best group on Discord. Connect with like-minded players, strategize, and dominate the battlefield together. Don’t miss out on the fun – join the group today! Join the Discord group Explore Freko’s World Discover the world of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting and adventurous Minewind Minecraft Server. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join, Minewind is the place to be. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, you’ll never run out of new friends to meet and adventures to embark on. But why should you choose Minewind over other servers? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling… Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Challenge: Can a Villager Complete This Parkour? In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. From building intricate structures to surviving in harsh environments, the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players know no bounds. One popular challenge that has been circulating recently is whether a villager, one of the game’s non-player characters, can complete a challenging parkour course. The Parkour Course The parkour course in question is a series of obstacles, jumps, and puzzles designed to test the agility and skill of any player attempting it. From… Read More

  • EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL – SkyBlock in Minecraft!

    EPIC BANANA FAMILY SURVIVAL - SkyBlock in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-09-23 10:00:11. It has garnered 2345 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:56 or 1736 seconds. JJ And Mikey FAMILY BANANA on SKYBLOCK Survival in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game Fun

    Sneak Peek: Crazy Block Game FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just a silly little block game’, was uploaded by ElBoboMan on 2024-05-08 00:34:55. It has garnered 26 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:49 or 9889 seconds. Playing almost every free epic games game. In this particular instance I am playing Minecraft Subscribe for more! Discord server link: https://discord.gg/64ug5cVG Read More

  • Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let’s Play

    Insane Ice Spike House Build | Minecraft 1.21 Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Ice Spike Starter House Finished! | Minecraft 1.21 Chill Let’s Play’, was uploaded by JayDeeMC on 2024-08-04 11:45:02. It has garnered 556 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:49 or 1309 seconds. In Minecraft 1.21, this Let’s Play chronicles my journey to build a house in every biome in a large biomes world. In episode 32, I finished the ice spike starter house and decided to move on and go back toward spawn to fill in the map. But where should we build next? == Support me on Patreon to… Read More


    ASNOX - CREATING USA in Minecraft! REDSTONIA IS BACK! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LES ETAT UNIS VONT ETRE CREE SUR MINECRAFT ( REDSTONIA DE RETOUR !! ) ft @fantomax4126’, was uploaded by ASNOX on 2024-08-11 02:43:47. It has garnered 72 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:41 or 10181 seconds. yo friends today at 2 p.m. the REDSTONIA V5 server opens these doors and leaves pure nostalgia and desire I made the decision to start a new adventure filled with experience the server had an upgrade with a lot of new things – But ASNOX it what is Redstonia ???? REDSTONIA is a server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Evi - DRAGON SMP - EPIC HOUSE!Video Information This video, titled ‘YENİ SERİ – EJDERHA SMP – EN GÜZEL MİNECRAFT EVİ?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Evi on 2024-05-30 13:15:00. It has garnered 108712 views and 7586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. Have you watched the How to Train Your Dragon series? We are here with the team with a brand new minecraft series that the viewers will love! Today we are starting the survival series in the viking world in the 1.18.2 minecraft mod package. We’re starting with our classic starter! We are looking for the owners of our houses… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: JJ vs Mikey in 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-09-14 17:00:32. It has garnered 9130 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:24 or 3924 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Survive 100 DAYS vs THE BOY AND THE BATH ! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want… Read More

  • Noki’s Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥

    Noki's Insane Survival Moment in Minecraft 1.7.10! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Смішний момент з виживання в 1.7.10 #twitch #minecraft #stream #gaming’, was uploaded by Noki on 2024-05-02 10:16:37. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Gameplay by AK King!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Its_Me_AK_King_1432 on 2024-07-26 16:06:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft but minecraft mod maizen minecraft shorts shorts canman minecraft challenge minecraft but challenge cash … Read More