Unbelievable! Mr Beardstone’s 1000 Days in Minecraft Astral Mod

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today we start a brand new adventure in create astral with the goal to head for space and solve the mysteries of the universe or something like that foxy Noel is also curious what’s out there so we’ve joined forces to work together smash through the quest book and it all began a top of tree there’s like a bajillion things on this list yeah that’s a lot of things to get started with that says chapter one unlock we should head for that there’s a tractor Mr beard Stone if we make all of those amazing things you can get a tractor yeah I want I want a tractor so two goals we’ll unlock chapter one and we’ll get a tractor sounds good to me right we should probably uh get out of this tree then really shouldn’t we that sounds good that’s I did notice though while we were standing up here there’s there’s some smoke rising from a tree just over there direct me with your with your words Mr beard Stone it’s East there’s something off to the east oh yeah there’s a there’s like a building thing and there’s some stuff I’m literally just going to beine over there I’m lagging it don’t forget we’ll get hungry oh yeah okay I I’ll I’ll take a casual stroll okay I found a building I’ve lost you already I just I walked over to the to the east yeah you you’ve gone like Sou no I went directly east is I found a cabbage oh well that’s one step closer to having a tractor and a chopping board and there’s a couple of seats there’s a downstairs it appears to be a bit wet oh look there’s a tinker table I can’t get down and there’s a handy chest thing here what’s in here oh a pickaxe oh very useful and wooden Spears I can’t get down right I keep get pushed back up again what I’d like to help you with that oh there’s some create stuff in these bar I want to get no no there’s a door to another room I’m in would you like a spear I would that sounds like a lot of fun oh oh These are proper loot chests I get my own stuff so I’ve got a copper pickaxe and some sticks oh you got different loot to me right okay isn’t this nice it is it’s a bit flooded though so I don’t really want to live here there’s there’s another one across the way as well is that an abandoned train station I see create rail oh look at all yeah loads of this rail hey there’s a tent with pumpkins oh well that’s handy and a crafting table I’m just I’m just taking everything there’s a giant slime on a tree over there yeah it’s just coming down from that slime Island up there right mildly concerning you didn’t take the pumpkins going to need those if we want a tractor is that is that how it works yeah it says it says one of the things is to make pumpkin P oh no we have to gather 64 pumpkins on our path to tractor oh really well I’ve got six there you go oh my day is this a giant slime he’s going to kill me yeah don’t bring him to me I’m not in a swamp and I’m not underground so why is there a giant slime haunting the trees above me he’s literally above us he’s hunting me just avoiding all the gaps and staying on the thick bits of the canopy so I just went to make a sword yeah the recipe doesn’t there’s no recipe for a sword no which I think means the only way we can actually make stuff is yeah with a tinker table what about a pickaxe can we make we surely we can make a pickaxe I don’t I don’t think we can so that means we need to make patterns and we need to make like a little Tinker set up to actually just be able to get tools to be able to do stuff with okay well that shouldn’t be too much of a problem no not a problem no um but we need somewhere to do that oh if you look to the south on the map oh yeah there you go there’s a village yeah let’s go let’s go south and it’s getting dark as well have you got a bed no I’ve got a seat okay you can sit down and watch me sleep uh oh this uh this town looks nice we could live here for a bit we’re here already it looks like it’s so much further away on the map but it’s literally right here yep right here okay so there’s more proper loot chest things here which means we both get different loot from each other my inventory is pretty much full already I’ve got one space left this looks like a church or something up ahead so maybe we should adopt this as our house look at this it’s got lots of space inside oh wow very it hasn’t got much going on the way of doors though so we might need to sort that out yeah we’ve got a nice balcony though oh and there’s a chest inside bread loads of bread I got bread and rotten flesh that appear to be winning I reckon we should set up a little Tinkers thing the thing is I can’t make an axe to clear out some space to put the Tinker stuff down until we put Tinker stuff down and make an axe so I’m just going to punch stuff right okay I’m going to put down a chest and just offload all this rubbish I’ve got a couple of beds we’ve got a proper seat so we can sit down and I guess we should figure out what we need to do to get just to get some basic tools right I’m going to have a look in the quest book uh we need three three patterns I’ve got a Tiner station if that helps that sounds fun I guess yeah we can we can give that a go aha I’ve made patterns did that come up as a quest complete for you as well it did yes okay good that means that the questy thing is working what we need to do is just build up all these little tiners bits right from the quest book and then we can make some stuff uh so we need a part Builder which uh I’ve got the stuff for that I’ve got wood and we’ve got sticks so you’ve got a pattern maker so here you go here’s some sticks okay yeah so because we’ve got patterns and we’ve got the Tinker station thing we can make parts now which we can then combine to make tools oh nice so we don’t need a big old forge thing first then not first but maybe eventually right so we’ve got a part Builder so if I make tool handle and an axe part and a tool binding all I can hear is Foxy eating in my ears have some breaded shut up moaning all right so I’ve made the parts I’ve done the things I feel like we’re missing a step here I have got a book from completing quests materials are new oh yeah that’s a very useful book to have pattern crafting heart Builder Tinker station so we need a tinker station we got one just there look right next to the thing you were working on so if I wanted to make an axxe I would do that I did it I made an axe yay wo but yeah you have to use the parts in the part table to make the parts to make the thing and then you make the thing over here stop huming wait a sec wait a sec we’ve taken over their Church they’re all in here trading has been disabled I mean we don’t need the villagers right is there an iron golem around here though oh there is there’s a Golem outside we can’t just outright remove them that’s a shame oh they’re coming in that side as well one’s just coming that side of the church we’re under attack okay what’s next on the list Mr B uh right we need to look at the quest book what are we trying to do we’ve done some more stuff I’ve just earned myself a fruit salad pinker’s gadgetry book of uses of slime in everyday tasks you’re getting all of the good stuff from here from completing these advances as much as I’m getting the advancement I’m not getting any of the rewards or the books so can I do one that’s a bit concern what happens if you click it oh oh okay I can just click the reward right gotcha all right okay cool I yeah you have me have me worried there right I’m going to make a bookshelf for all of our fancy books it’s 118 there are no bookshelves we got lecons I’ve got three of them right so we’ got materials are you got the Encyclopedia of tinkling tinkering tinling uh and then we’ve got a book of slime the wonders of slime right I need to eat some food and then we need to figure out how we’re going to get this tractor right I mean that’s clear clearly the priority here so we need a we need a stove which is tin in G bricks and campfires right so pickaxes I’ve got a couple one but yeah a bunch more probably will be useful I have I have nine Stone I can I can make a couple of stone pickaxes and what we can do is we can make these a stone repair kit which I completely forgot so we didn’t need to make two pickaxes one would have done and then we can just use those to fix it okay right I’ve got three repair kits at this stage it’s not about quantity it’s about quality well we’re failing on both fronts uh I’ve got two Stone pickaxes have we raided the rest of these buildings yet who knows what we might find wait say wasn’t part of our mission to collect clay yeah I want to say yes okay then we don’t need many right we needed like four clay blocks go progress and uh buckets of water as well over by the well right anyway I’m I’m going digging what was that what was what that it sounded like a shotgun went off and I threw the egg what are you doing down there doing a mine Mr beard Stone in the church yes Church mine did you say there were eggs in here yeah yeah two eggs no way I told you no why why why is that a thing why anyway oh you’re back to mining I’ll dig out the ceiling behind you jeez two block tall tunnel honestly look I’m making my way down almost burst into a song though making my way down yeah that’s the one it’s a big old cave it’s huge and there’s a whole bunch of limestone down here and Lapis what the uh the skeletons have got guns I think you pared you heard I just heard a gunshot I turned around and there’s a sky boy how am I supposed to take him on with an axe ah I got him good lad I have a copper bullet lovely I need to eat I didn’t bring any food got two rotten flesh I’m eating them oh no don’t do it one heart cuz I jumped off a leg that was smart oh there’s a zombie coming I ain’t dealing with that I’ve got one heart I’ve got the slowest aegs in the world there we go got him where are you oh hello I was just watching oh you’re not very well are you no you go have a bunch of bread I’ve got stink lines I forgot my food there’s gold down here but I can’t break it oh I’ve got a copper pickaxe still I’m sure gold will come in useful I’m pretty sure we need it for one of the things uh right I’m going to head back up start cooking this stuff because the sooner we unlock chapter one the sooner we can ignore the rest of the quest lines and build a tractor oh I’m just I’m being shot by a skeleton again I’m off you just leave me with the gun wielding skeletons right I see you can deal with that I’m just checking out the quests to see what else we need to do so for essential materials we need andite did you happen to pick up any andite while you were down I did I grabbed a bit of andesite So Okay so we’ve got like copper armor and stuff we can make a couple of other bits and Bobs but yeah there’s Lo there’s a few quests here that you don’t even have to do anything for apart from look at and then tick what I will do is I will just offload everything have and uh you can I’ll let you do some sorting yeah oh thanks B yeah well I know it’s your favorite thing I do I do love spending hours and hours in front of chest okay right cooking up some tin having a wonderful time wa that guy’s getting really in your face I know he’s really enjoying my company it’s not off ping at all oh we’re getting very close to chapter one completion I’m just waiting for a few more tin to cook up and then what we’ll need to do is of course completely divert all of our attention into getting a tractor or technically two because you can’t race one tractor right that’s that’s a good point yeah I’ve just found another little subsection of quests here what there’s more well it’s still on the same page but it’s from a mod called drink beer okay um and the first the first part of the quest is called the beginning of a problem alcoholic synonymous optional right so we need a keg and a recipe board package uh yes yeah we we can we can make a keg and all this stuff we can we can become Brewers don’t you worry Mr beard Stone I will have you that point before you even can say I need a point so right so so you’re making beer um and I will make aggression towards tractor she’ll be making a tractor and beer at the same time I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sober farmer I’m going to take over this room at the end here okay you’re going to build a whole Brewery in there are you yeah sure I’m sure that’ be fine I just found a bell in the lobby of the church that’ll be why they were all coming in here there you go you go stand out here in the wilderness yeah there you go um we are not going to get a tractor today have you seen what we need we need a roast chicken an apple pie honey glazed ham Barbecue on a stick shepherd’s pie grilled salmon hamburger gold oh we got that one and uh and dumplings nice easy job for you it’s okay I’ve just read the bottom it says I need to complete two of these things and I’ve already got one in my hand I’m kind at the end of my little quest line there until for 20 minutes oh mean it looks fancy though and we get beer right at the end of that 20 minutes yeah look that means I’ve got less than 20 minutes to get a tractor ready tell me what we need I’ll go fetch it right um I’m having another look so I need an egg we shot the eggs um I need to bake a couple of potatoes that’s fine I need a chicken and an egg this isn’t an a situation I need both I’m on it you need any grapes no but you know what does need grapes wine the winery yes do you want to sleep before I get eaten oh an egg and a chicken oh perfect you didn’t need him alive no no no roast chickens are rarely alive you go there’s your egg don’t don’t firey so I’ve I’ve made the items it wants but it won’t let me submit them probably means it going to make me do other stuff first like Gathering 64 melon blocks pumpkins and Cactus so I think we might need to gather 64 pumpkins didn’t we have 64 pumpkins no we’ve got six I misread that turned them all into seeds so I might just watch this grow for a bit and go make myself a nice cup of tea it’s definitely cup of tea time okay Mr beard Stone we are pretty much there on our five getting started quest line we we could potentially move on but we really need that tractor and there’s the chip mod as well it looks like it could be uh useful to do there is actually yeah that that’ be very handy I mean if we’re going to build things we got to make it look pretty with the uh with all the tables we can get right exactly we can’t just just take over churches in every village you go to yeah I mean I I don’t know if you’ve noticed but there is actually a whole section down the bottom for wine okay it’s not a very big section either is it it’s not oh I mean beer and wine yeah we can make cider as well we can make an apple press but I want to go check on me pumpkins I’ve got a fresh brew now so oh sorry this guy honestly this guy I’ve not even got one and it’s been like 15 minutes what were the other options Cactus Mr beard Stone it just it’s already there in the world we just got to find it are you suggesting Adventure I’m suggesting Adventure I’m in I’m in I think we should do it we’ve got loads of copper so we can make ourselves some copper armor yep I’ve got some iron as well so we can oh there’s a dud in here everywhere let’s make ourselves a whole bunch of useful things uh you should uh take lots of food as well but don’t take the G or the roast chicken did you want a sword I just got a battle stuff oh okay well would you like a beer I think I would yes oo beer yeah I I don’t know why I expected anything different a little bit drunk it’s fine I’ll drive let’s go good driving that wasn’t intentional honest uh right so what’s that thing sticking out of the water is my first question find out what is that oil oh is it oil oh yes it is it is it oil okay that’s cool wasn’t expecting there’s another one over there oh and another one over there and a slime a and another one over there there’s oil everywhere oh well we’re not going to be short of oil then so that’s good oh it looks like if we carry on up here there should be some more pumpkins on the left as we approach a building oh and then we’re getting towards ice and snow Ah that’s not what we want that’s the opposite of what we want ice spikes at least it’s pretty L big old patch of pumpkins in a building there’s a lot of pumpkins uh cookies nah nobody needs cookies okay fair enough well you can take them if you want foxy I’m not telling you what to do considering we’ve just come across a cold biome I think we should probably loot backgr towards home anyway well I was going to say we could scoop very quickly across the ice to get North and head West a bito on there oh look ah oh jeez I think I think we’re sinking on my screen we’re it’s literally it’s just the top three pixels of our head I’m literally at the you’re under the water it was fine while I was in it right there’s another Village there’s a kitchen sink do you need this uh we want actually yeah it looks like there’s some corn on the beach over there oh maybe maybe it’s just uh yeah there some over here as well the starfish foxy Oh I thought it might be like a oh treasure there like some ruins over there this is this rice sea corn assumed it was corn see would you like some sea corn what what are you drinking you getting smashed again just had some white white grape juice oh okay fa it’s given me no effects for 37 seconds what well that that’s the effect it’s given you is no effect yeah no effects for so I guess it’s like one like milk I guess but oh jeez this whole building’s flooded again it’s not flooded down here yeah yeah these houses don’t have much cool stuff in them once you’ve got one copper pickaxe you you’ve got them all right I’m back at the coast different Coast cuz there’s another red building up here uh I’ve gone North as pretty much as far as I can it’s a different red building a different red building I don’t believe you it’s not possible I mean it’s ruined and there’s nothing in it but it’s definitely different oh that I think there might be a j jungle coming up on the left maybe yes that is that’s a jungle that’s one step closer to Desert how far have we traveled like thousands of blocks all this for a tractor better be worth it the bamboo jump J Le well it’s all very promising this does feel like a good direction we’re definitely getting warmer some more lukew oce above us although jungle you get the 64 melons look at there’s a big pile of melons oh lots of Melons I’m going to get some bamboo as well that’s always useful Smash Up L melons Panda oh there’s a panda that just wants to play foxy yeah I just found a mace whoa he PVP on uh um oh an iron helmet and an iron axe and I got bread emeralds and more iron there’s actually a bunch of bread in there as well I should probably take that add to my bread supplies more melons yeah I was going to say it turns out there’s loads of melons everywhere it’s great found another weapon um yeah I found this it’s much quicker I’m going to mess stuff up with this wow what is it Kat or something rapia oh I got a double axe ax that sounds painful it’s a big Village yeah I was just thinking that like it keep I’m going back into the hill at the moment I’m just heading west a little bit hoping to uncover a little bit more map you’ve headed off North right yeah a bit north yeah and uh I’ve noticed there are some more pumpkins and there is a savannah I see the Savannah where the Savannah there’s probably hopefully somewhere near at a desert with cactuses yeah what I’ll do is I I’ll stick to the ocean go around that way oh what’s that found a cool building it’s got like another red building no it’s not red it’s got It’s got a tower and a flag and all sorts it looks I found it in the red building so it does look a bit ruined although it while we having that discussion I was at a red building but I was looking at another building and there’s a whole bunch of weird buildings going on over here actually looks like there’s a different type of Village maybe yes I found a desert that’s made primarily out of red sandstone and that Tower thing I found is full of pillages so I did not go in there I can see Cactus Badlands Cactus it should just be over this hill for me oh elephants oh no watch out for those don’t trust the elephants oh I found an anchor it’s a two-handed weapon [Music] whoa oh my days the attack on it is amazing just the animation for the attack because of the better fighting thing it’s a two-handed overhead strike with an anchor nice it looks quite brutal I really want to hit something with it but there’s just villagers all around here so I probably shouldn’t oh I see that I found the tower that you were at and a very interesting looking desert village yeah yeah I’m in the desert village at the moment robbing all their cacti out of flower pots yeah look look at this foxy you want to see my attack with the anchor I do what do again jeez don’t mess with me watch out what are you going to do is bury your head in the sand trying to get me I wasn’t going to hit you with it this has got 11 attack damage got two Cactus thanks is that it that’s it yeah don’t worry there’s more Savannah but Savannah doesn’t have Cactus no 25 way on the% on the way to melon block 42% on pumpkins and 9% on on Cactus so I think it’s counting what we both got together so if I give you all my pumpkins does it change or is it the same 82% pumpkins yeah so it’s gone up so it’s whoever’s holding it then so here we have this Cactus yep that’s just gone up to 12% yeah so you only need an full my pumpkins I’ve got 53 on me we need like 11 more oh there’s some more on the hill here oh amazing so look all I want to know is can I make a tractor when I get enough pumpkins here are 15 Pumpkins I’m ready for the quest to activate yeah iron yes still locked still locked view dependencies oh okay there’s a view dependencies button we can see so click on the tractor and on the left there’s like a little red arrow just click just click that oh oh I don’t know that Mo not Peeps yeah I think it’s time to go it is it’s also getting to un pointing at stuff again oh jeez uh yes I think uh that’s a good good place as any to leave it foxy we’ve had a wonderful time um we’ve completed the first .5 chapter thing it’s getting dark which means we’re probably going to die in a minute as well and we’re basically full up on random bits of food and weapons and ready to take on this whole new quest in the next one woo I know bye I’ll episode on create astal myself and Foxy sto a church brw beer went exploring and severely underestimated how much farming we had to do to get a tractor but we did unlock the next chapter of quests on our way to get into space so that’s a plus and today I’ve just logged in where we logged out last episode and Foxy is absolutely nowhere to be seen it appears he’s ditched me out here in the world Wilderness but no worries I’m a big boy I can find my way back to the church which is all the way down here and I guess that means we’re going to be doing some exploring on the way I guess it’s time for a montage Oh my days there’s giraffes say cheese there a rhino and some little baby rhinos ah run away run away swimming bit for the Montage got to love a bit of swimming re I can get a selfie with some Lions I don’t think I’m going to be dinner I’m getting so distracted by Nature pretty much directly south now this way well we’re very nearly home but while we’ve been running I’ve also been keeping an eye out because well I don’t really want to be living in a birch forest for the entire series but I haven’t really spotted anywhere yet where we could live ideally I just want somewhere maybe Coastal maybe some Plains not a savannah cuz the grass is a horrible color but I do want to find somewhere nicer to live I really could do with finding a bed but around this corner here we should get back to the houses we first went to right at the start of the series and hopefully they’ve got a bed inside and then we just need to run through the forest to get home it doesn’t look like that one has a bed but this one definitely does oh no we stole the bed well this isn’t good at all oh I’ve got an idea there’s a tent over there isn’t there we can just steal a bit of that right here we go let’s just steal some of this one bed problem solved right let’s get home and this is homes what in the world um what foxy what is this thing I can see him I can see his name tag foxy ah Mr beanstone what in the world is going on here where’s the church where’s the Villager houses where’s the trees why am I behind the bar I I I I got online a few minutes before you so I did a few bits and Bobs right such as well first I took a leisurely stroll through the Savannah on the way home and took a selfie with a giraffe that’s a bit weird yeah then what uh then I took a selfie with the family of lions right and then well then I took a selfie with a rhino did you do anything that wasn’t taking selfies with safari animals oh uh yeah uh well okay so I got di back to the village and then I thought I’d go and gather some dark oak uhhuh I mean I do like dark oak I almost got some myself but I don’t actually have space for it so yeah yeah so that but I went through about three iron axes on that before a remembered mechanical SS exist right so then you made a mechanical sore and you chopped down all of the birch as well no no then I went through another handful of iron axes and a handful of iron pickaxes tearing down all the Villagers houses what did you do then I mean I’m clearly getting trying to get to what we’re standing in after that I um I decided to tear down the church layer by layer almost all the way to the ground and I only I left a couple of blocks floating up at the top just to really annoy people watching the replay of it right yeah fair enough fair enough yeah people do know that and and then uh then I built the this tavern from the foundation of the church oh me it’s a lovely Tavern it does look cool but where’s where’s our Workshop gone ah well it’s all in these chests out here Mr beard Stone very conveniently packed away right okay so we’ve got no home we’ve got no Village there was a lovely Village here I mean fair enough it was Birch but still it was a nice Village so we’ve got no home we’ve got no Village we’ve got lots of floating stuff and our Workshop is in some chests look do you want a beer or not I mean yes obviously I want a beer obviously I want a beer give me a beer you’ll have to wait 20 minutes cuz I didn’t have time to brew you’re the worst foxy we should move I don’t I don’t want to live here like you built a lovely Tavern but this is a birch Forest I can’t be seen living in a birch Forest I nearly got rid of all the Birch won’t take us long to get rid of the rest of it I want to live by the coast the ocean waves My House Tavern thing it’s a lovely Tavern it gives us summer to come visit wait we could take it with us or we could not i’ vote taking it with us you going to pack it all into boxes if we can get a bit of slime and a bit of glue we can stick it together to a Contraption and put it in a pumpkin okay so you you do literally mean just take the entire building with us okay I mean yeah that sounds fair the pumpkins have grown though that’s good yeah but the villagers trampled all of your seeds sadly the villagers or no honestly honestly I came over to it while I was chopping the birch trees down I was like ah there’s not many seeds in there that’s going to upset Mr beard Stone there’s one one Survivor one solid I’m I’m going to leave that okay anyway today’s quests we are finally on finally we’re on quest line number two although we still don’t have a tractor it’s actually uh it’s actually quest line number one the first one.5 yeah we’re not getting started anymore and and to be fair Mr beard Stone this all looked pretty easy because I’ve already made a wrench right cuz I had two for my mechanical saw we’ve we’ve got a bunch of these things already I’ve already made yeah mechanical SS mechanical presses um it’s easy yeah it shouldn’t take us too long to do this at all I shouldn’t think so no but before we do this I do think we should find somewhere to live like I don’t want to build up loads of machines here and have to Glow those together and move them as well let’s let’s make backpacks we’ll load them up with all this stuff and then we’ll leg it so we finally had a plan that to make backpacks we needed straw so I crafted myself a knife and that brings us along to this lovely straw collecting montage [Music] right well I don’t know about you foxy but I think hopefully we’ve got enough stuff I’ve got all of the wool I’ve got some leather you’ve got some be is that my beer there yeah it does y yeah you have a beer mate thirsty work it was it was oh here we go again going to need a minute to make these backpacks though we need to Mill down the wall to get ring which basically means we need to start on this create quest line right and we probably already got lots of this stuff just laying in our chests yes yeah yeah there’s a bunch of stuff we can just quickly tick off let’s see how far through this we can get and if we can make ourselves a millstone before we go brilliant uh and then and then yeah we can make backpacks we can grab all the stuff we can move and then we can come back for the tavern in future I love how I love our priorities so like quick get a get a backpack get a tractor I will get a tractor today foxy yeah we’ll collect that that gives me lots of free stuff we’re in the underside woohoo this is like proper speed running quests we did we get a reward for that no no no no reward for getting into the age they’re just like yeah well done we’re getting so much stuff this is wonderful backpack hey I love backpacks I love backpacks well they’re not sophisticated backpacks but they are storage so it’s a backpack yes okay so I guess we need to determine what things are actually going to bother taking with us then I mean we’re not exactly going far are we create stuff I would imagine would be useful food and a handful of building blocks as a priority yeah that sounds sounds pretty good I am I am definitely 100% full now and ready for adventure me too let’s do this yes um woohoo drink [Music] up onwards you discarded your mug Mr beard Stone I Put Blood Sweat and Tears into these mugs smash them on the floor like a viking get your boat out I’ve got it I’ve got it I’ve got it see look we’re all good onwards all that hard work I did over there you can bring it with you later jeez ohed some superg glue little Contraption look there’s a slime Island directly in our path if I I well I haven’t got any space in my inventory actually no I’ve got two slots because we can leave the boat on the coast When we arrive at our destination and I drank the beer all right let’s get some slime oh one’s coming down to me hello slimes oh loads of slime balls here Mr beard Stone I’m a coming all of them wait a sec I’m having a wonderful time there we go I’ve got a stack of slime a stack of slime what slime blocks or balls no balls I was going to say I mean either way that’s more than enough how about this lovely flat area here that looks perfect looks pretty good doesn’t it yeah this will do home I call it yep we’ve got villagers we can terrorize horses you can terrorize them as well if you want yeah and a big hole ah well I guess we know where our mind’s going to be yes is it going to be here foxy no I thought we’d do it just over at this bit over here where there’s another big hole there’s another big hole yes if we have a look at the quest book ultimately today we want to get to the end of chapter too right but we’ve made some pretty good progress with that however we need that tractor we do need that tractor so I’m going to plant lots and lots and lots of crop Fields I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to work towards getting us those tractors I’m just going to dump some chests here for putting stuff into good idea that’s a very good use for chests it is it is i’ I’ve heard it’s the way to go uh my priority is food I need I need so many barrels of food foxy I need 64 bags of rice yeah but you only need two of those so you only need 64 onion crates or 64 tomato you just pick the easy ones you know potato and carrot maybe yeah it says two required at the top yeah oh okay cool we’re going to have tractors in no time while you do that I’m going to make a big mining machine we’re also going to need like a factory of some sort right somewhere where we’re going to be start putting all these machines and things like that and what I’ll do is see the island oppos yes that’s where I I’ll flatten out a bit uh and I’ll I’ll build a platform and we’ll start building a factory over there and we’ll just see what happens okay so what I want to do is build a farm and we only need to get two of those things in order to get a tractor apparently so we’re going to go for potatoes and carrots I think but we’ve also got to make it look nice and that means we need to build ourselves a nice little Farmhouse we’re going to need some power I guess cuz I do want to automate these little crop farms and we’re going to need a big area for fields and this area over here is looking pretty good for all that question is what do we actually have to build out of well we’ve got primarily Spruce and dark oak and we’ve got a few stones and things like that I think there might actually be some more back home so we might have to go there and grab some of that at some point I mean we could use deep slate as well but I don’t really want a deep slate Farmhouse o I tell you what though I might grow some Acacia maybe some Acacia for the roof would look nice and we are definitely going to need to run off and get some more Stone because we just don’t really have enough here at all and because I want to automate this we’re also going to need a few other things um I’m not entirely sure what so I do wonder if the magma trick works with this where you put a bit of magma in the ground and then you stick an encased fan on it facing the magma and it gives you a small bit of rotational power although to be honest we do have a few water wheels laying around so we could just use those for now but the encase fan with Magma is much closer question is where do we get the magma from because I’ve not seen any ruined portals I’m fairly sure this version of Minecraft doesn’t actually have them on and the only way to make magma blocks is to make magma creams and yeah well we certainly don’t have any blaze powder we can sift bass oh jeez okay yeah I don’t think we’re going to be doing any of this anytime soon so that means we’re probably going to have to use the water wheels after all not a problem just not really what I wanted to do okay so I think I have a small plan what I’m going to do is Mark out where I’m going to build the farm house we don’t actually have the blocks to build it yet but we can at least put where it’s going to go and I think I want to put it around here somewhere near the coast right so if that’s where we’re going to be putting The Farmhouse what I need to work out is where I’m going to put the fields so maybe I should Mark out a few paths ah I need a proper shovel for that so if that’s going to be our front door we’ll have a lovely path coming out the front we’ll have a little Garden area wonderful and then we’ll just have a path that sort of goes off this way meaning we can have a field over here and I think Foxy’s putting a mine over there somewhere so maybe I should just sort of head roughly in that direction so let’s just widen it out a little bit and we’ll make it all look nice at some point in future when we’ve actually got blocks to do so I really do want some Cobble just so I can put some walls down on the edge of this field so I think what I’m actually going to do is just dig up a little bit of my own over here as tempting as it is to steal the Villager buildings we’ll just find a nice hole like this instead on the plus side I do have a couple of stacks of Cobble now and I think if we can make ourselves a Mason table which I think we can probably do so that’s given us access to a whole bunch of different Cobble which is going to be nice when it comes to building The Farmhouse but for now I think I actually just need the stone s after all that I think we’ll get ourselves some Stone as well and also use up some of this andite just to get a few extra walls and stairs so we can texture at least a little bit so I think I’m just going to start marking out where this Field’s going to go we’re just going to make sort of a janky wall really that kind of goes around the outs jeez foxy what are you doing he’s having a wonderful time with those creepers but uh yeah we’re just going to sort of Mark out a rough wall it doesn’t need to keep anything in or out it just needs to be a nice big crop field and we’re just going to make it nice and janky we’re going to use a combination of walls we’re going to use some stairs and I think I got some slabs as well somewhere so I have a rough field marked out this should be plenty big enough for now and it does occur to me the only bits I’m actually going to be able to automate are going to be down here sort of all on the same level but that’s fine we don’t need to automate the whole thing we just need to at least be automating some of it so what I need to do now is just work out where the water needs to go so that everything stays hydrated and I think that distance is correct I guess there’s only one way to check so that’s for the filled H let’s just get planting I guess [Music] and of course as they grow we’ll spread them out throughout the whole field just our uh carrots and potatoes for now I think but what I do need to do is set up some Automation and for that we’re going to need a whole bunch of Harvesters so let’s see what we can rustle up we just need this one so we need andesite Alloys and iron sheets and some casings oh dear and we only have one and theight alloy so we’ve got some nuggets we’ve got some and theight and I think we can get some clay and then if we do that that and that no maybe these are the other way around yep there we go get all that cooked up and we’ll get ourselves some alloy although if we’re going to need five for each Harvester cuz of course we need one for the casing and two for each of these we’re probably going to want about six Harvesters that means we need 30 andesite alloy and we’re currently only going to get yeah less than half that I’ll see you in a minute once we’ve got all this together and there we go loads of andesite compounds let’s Chuck that in there but I also need to crush a butt load of iron I have a feeling I’m about to get very hungry so for six drills we’re going to need six casings and all that stuff okay perfect so we’ve got our six mechanical Harvesters we’re also going to want a barrel for storage on this thing so let’s put our actual components we need in here so yeah mechanical Harvesters we’re going to need a barrel we’re going to need a couple of storage interfaces so more andesite casings and more iron although we only need two so we should be all right to get away with that because we actually get four from just one craft I believe uh no we get four shoots but we only get one storage interface okay like that is it game it does occur to me we’re actually going to need another Barrel so two barrels some shoots all these things yep that’s fine right so we’ve got two portable interfaces six Harvesters two shoots two barrels and because we’ve got loads of wool I think what we might actually do is make a windmill bearing so sticks and oh it would be andite alloy again wouldn’t it so sticks alloy and wool okay so to make sails we do this put the and theight there and that’ll get us 16 sails that’s fine that’ll do for now right so we should just be able to get away with putting a barrel there we’ll put the six Spruce planks in in fact I’m going to move them back a block cuz that way we can just stick the Harvesters to the front of that and then get rid of all the blocks and it’s just a lot less bulky in saying that we do still need to attach an interface to it so uh a little bit bulky it’s going to have to remain so we glue that together put the mechanical bearing upside down on there and it has occurred to me I haven’t actually made myself a wrench yet so uh let’s quickly get one of those on the go we just need a few golden sheets stick and a cog beautiful then what we’re going to do is stick the windmill bearing on top put a random Block in the middle doesn’t really matter get that bit glued to the windmill and then we just need to add our ourselves on some sails there we go and that should start working straight away look at that which means I can reho this ground it looks like we can do a bit of harvesting as well oh look well we can let him do some of the harvesting I guess so I think for now what I’m actually going to do is dig up this entire side and put it on the other side so at least they can get Auto harvested and for now I’ll probably just grow other veg over this side I reckon that’s all the veg moved now we just need to have a sort of collection SL dropof area for this thing and we might actually be best off doing that over this side let’s see how far away it is from this wall okay perfect so if we were to put everything just down here stick a chute on top and then get a storage interface put it facing that way then hopefully that should connect yeah look at that and we’re getting veg already excellent that means we can just leave this thing running and doing its thing while we work on a farmhouse cuz it’ be nice to have somewhere to actually store all the veg properly something I should probably do though is just add a little bit of temporary lighting around here until we can afford proper lanterns but if we use some trap doors we can also cover up the water and stick torches on these so that will help the veg grow at night if we happen to be underground and not sleeping job one done now it’s on to job two making a farmhouse jeez okay I think I’m actually ready to finally start building so let’s get to work oh jeez this pickaxe is slow why did I mark it out with deep slate I think that should work as a basic size let’s just build up some walls and see how we get on and we’ll use the bricks just to have a sticky ay bit around the side we don’t really have that many bricks so yeah just a small accent I think works well and for the roof because we’ve got loads of it we’re going to use deep slates maybe that kind of shape I think that could work I just need to actually put in the rest of the roof now because well most of it’s missing only needs to be something simple I suppose so I cracked on building for a bit but before I finished I thought I’d check on the veg progress for our tractors so we have got we can do it I’m very excited right now I’m also slightly nervous what are you nervous about well I just think that you know once I’ve got a tractor that’s it for me okay so we’ve done the 64 carrots and the 64 potatoes and you get loads of O for those and now I’m going to submit a roast chicken submit the G balala and we should get a tract up it says 22% well it says we’ve already got to do two of them you’ve got to do all the foods do all the foods but we only had to do two the crate a we’re never going to get a and on that note peeps Mr bead Stone’s going to show me what he’s been building all episode uh yeah so I well I made a a carrot and potato farm because I thought I just needed carrots and potatoes because once again we misread how we were going to get a tractor it’s nice it’s good I like it it’s you know it’s subtle does the job stops over there look offloads its potatoes and carrots into a little Little Barrel down there yeah very handy doesn’t chop most of the field no well you don’t want it chopping everything no no no but it does a bit it does a bit and uh I’ve been working on a farmhouse but um doesn’t have any doors or Windows or interesting points it doesn’t even have a roof at the back oh well you know can’t have everything we were talking about making a factory yes over on that island over there yeah um pointing with my spear very dramatically I noticed yes so uh so we’ll we’ll build over there but we need to build a platform or something we need to flatten it out and and lay some lay some Stone so I’m thinking maybe we just we’ve got loads of Cobble now right can we just cook up some of that get some Stone and just put like just a big Stone platform for now yeah yeah we can do that yeah I don’t know how big this platform is going to end up being but for now I’m just going to make it as big as I can with the stone we’ve got but I mean my thinking is right we’re going to we’re going to need to make a cobble farm right and then from that Cobble we’ll probably get almost everything else in the game so we’re going to need a giant Cobble machine and then we’ll just attach everything else to that in one giant mess of a actually I’m not sure we’re going to have enough Stone to fill out quite the area that you were expecting to be filling out well for for now it doesn’t need to be a big area it just needs to be as much as we can cover do you know what this this platform looks an ideal size Mr beard Stone it looks absolutely ideal size it is an ideal size and we’re going to be able to build lots of factory things on it yep we’re going to have all of our all of our who what sits and do dads I’m quite thirsty are you thirsty Mr beard Stone yes good good I’m glad you’re thirsty cuz I’m thirsty so I’m just going to um just hey look at that over there over by that Village over there over by that Village can you believe I just uh they quickly throw something together quick for us there we go lovely perfect the love of you just destroyed me platform no building that You’ got your blocks back no I didn’t I st welome I plac Stone you’ve given me I’m going have to go smell that again come plus side we can have a beer but there is a bit of a problem Mr beard Stone I haven’t brewed any yet it’s going to take 20 minutes so uh oh for the love of I have to say I think we made some really good progress today um despite the the the mess um that has been created along the way what you reckon yeah I think we’ve done a good job right I’m going to the PB we’ll have a B in the beginning of the next one Mr beard Stone right okay let me guess we got to wait 20 minutes yeah it did do three minutes left last time on create AST I discovered foxy had destroyed our village and the church we were living in in order to replace it with a Tavern we then moved to a new location I continued on my quest for a tractor by building an automated Farm I almost built a farmhouse and then I built a huge platform for our Factory and then foxy dumped his Tavern down in the middle of it so I’ve actually hopped on between sessions cuz there’s a few things I want to get done the first one being The Farmhouse behind me I really do need to get this build finished off we didn’t get a chance last episode but I reckon we can get this figured out I guess it’s time for a time lapse [Music] and there we go our Farmhouse is done and we’ve even got a Trader on the roof but that’s fine he can just chill there I suppose but considering the limited resources we’ve got I’m actually quite pleased with how this has come outs we’ve just got some crate of Fruit Barrels over here which is basically the stuff that we’re getting from there veg even not fruit only that one’s fruit we’ve got some personal little veggie patches over here which I don’t really know why a farmer would have those when he’s got an entire field over here but that’s not the point it looks all right and then inside we’ve got a small entrance Lobby and around the corner here I’ve set up a farmers Delight kitchen so we can do all the cooking and basically hopefully maybe try and make all of the meals that we need to finally get our tractors once we get the rest of the ingredients of course and through here we have our ladder storage so I discovered these things from the tech reborn mod they’re a bit like storage drawers just not as cool but this is all the stuff we’re automating in the field now and uh well it’s good I mean I don’t really know what the grapes are for probably just making wine I guess but at least we’ve got somewhere to store it now and hopefully at some point in future we’ll actually automate it so that when stuff gets dropped off it can actually sort of get transferred directly over there but I need to figure out properly how those storage units work yet because at the moment I don’t really know but now that’s done we need to move on to the other problem the tavern in the middle of the platform over there because this is where we’re going to be building all of our factories I think it’ll be nice to keep the tavern here and kind of integrate it into the building because yeah I think the building over here it’s basically just going to be a big pile of jankiness I think every time we need something new we’re just going to kind of stick on another building and we’ll probably just end up with a big pile of buildings on top of each other who knows but either way at the moment this is right in the middle of our platform so I do want to move to the edge but I also want to make the platform a little bit bigger first but for that we’re going to need a whole bunch of stone and I think we’ve only got a couple of stacks over here so we might need to see if we can dig out Foxy’s drill if he’s left it lying around but we’ve got almost five stacks of stone there already I guess but yeah we’ve only got 44 Cobble so maybe we can see if we can find his drill would it be over here somewhere oh that’s exactly where it is look at that and just in case things go AR I’m going to take the cart assembler as well and a redstone torch hopefully we can just jump down this mine wherever it is over here somewhere if we just head down here we can just run the drill for a bit and hopefully get enough Cobble to actually complete that platform right I think that’s enough of that I’ve pretty much run out of torches but we’ve also gone about 500 blocks in a very straight line here and uh I do like that drill because it runs on furnace fuel instead of redstone torches and powered Rail and whatnot who that was weird uh but yeah but because of that it can just go straight through water that makes me happy I’ve also exposed loads of ore down here but uh yet didn’t actually bring my pickaxe with me so that’s going to have to remain for now but at least we know where loads more iron and Lapis and all that sort of stuff is and I discovered some pretty large caves with some more of those buildings as well but yeah we’ll explore those another time there’s a GE up there as well that might come in handy but for now we just need that Cobble well we’ve got absolutely loads of Cobble we’ve got a decent amount of or we’ve got loads of iron which is going to come in handy we got some weird yellow stuff bunch of dirt and even a couple of diamonds look at that look at that loads of stone let’s go make this platform bigger there we go Factory island is ready for some builds now I’ve just got to wait for foxy well I’m hoping Foxy’s going to be here soon oh Mr bead Stone did it but it’s Mr bead Stone o hello hello I heard you coming this this wasn’t like this last time we were here no no it wasn’t oh wait a minute it’s getting dark I’m just going to go to bed I’m going to go to bed I I don’t you don’t you blowing everything up with creepers what look right last time when I logged in at the start of the recording session right you have to duct to out there it’s a little bit little bit cramped but uh last time I logged in you had built an entire Pub right all I’ve done is just finished off the little Farmhouse that I started last episode and then got completely distracted and forgot about but it’s got things in it that’s very useful oh it does yes look look I’m make I’m making potatoes and all sorts yeah fried potatoes yeah yeah you got a brewing stand you got cupboards it got a KN knife little chopping board and all sorts and there’s even a ladder so all the all of the stuff that we’re now farming I have actually made sure that we’re automating a little bit of all of this good okay so we got any any actual food cuz I’m kind of running short on steak uh yeah I mean how’ you feel about baked potatoes it’s food so yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s about as good as it gets at the moment but but I you know I’ve got a fully fledged Farmers Farmhouse kitchen here now so I will be able to make us proper meals but but yeah not but we got tractors now then with with you doing all this work no kind of no we got all these crates and we got no tractors no tractor I will try and get tractors later but first we need to we need to have a little chat a chat oh yeah what have I done this time it wasn’t me no this is not it’s not you it’s me chat is it no no no no no no you actually didn’t do anything wrong it’s fine okay that’s unusual you obviously haven’t realized what I’ve done then my tavern’s turned around yes and the platform’s bigger look at the size of this area and my thinking is basically last chapter we did lots of stuff we did we did lots and lots of stuff last chapter we did um what we didn’t actually do really was was automate all the stuff and we’re going to need a lot of the stuff that we should have automated yes for the next chapter you see the uh you see the problem yeah so I think we need big machines over here right okay well if you’re on track to juy then what I’ll do is I’ll fetch all of my junk from over there slap it on here right in the middle so it’s really awkward for everyone to get around and then build lots of automation things how’s that sound that sounds amazing yeah actually I think I think I’m going to start over like here somewhere yeah no planning just slap it round whatever you’ve got and hope for the best y yeah so if we end up with a building made of potato crates then uh I can’t be able to blame okay right fair enough the bottom half of you was missing as I got into that boat that was a bit no it’s just cuz I’m sat down you think I’m thinking what I might do cuz we’ve got a saddle laying around somewhere so I might tame a horse yeah go for a little ride make a list of all the ingredients I need cuz although we’ve got a lot pretty sure there’s still some other stuff that I need in order to make these meals to of course get the tractors and feed me don’t kill your horse okay I make no promises don’t don’t call him any names that are associated with Pickles because he’ll die right well that sounds like quite a good plan we’ve basically given Fox see all the hard work while we just go ride around on a horse wonderful but the good thing is that means I get to go do some exploring and I really really do love exploring and I don’t really know what this mod has to offer so yeah this could be quite interesting we’ll cook up loads of potatoes make sure we’re going to be well fed so can I make like Ratatouille or anything at the moment you know what I think we can look if we use tomatoes onions corn and potatoes we can do it I think we should go see what we’ve got over here in the Box first though I’m hoping we’ve got some more stuff we are actually automatically harvesting pretty much everything now we’ve even got rice in there and look at this it looks like we’ve got a decent amount of food going on so in theory if we put those in there we should get Ratatouille over here and I was hoping we would have a book and quill somewhere so I can make a list of all the stuff that we need but that’s not looking very likely at least not unless I can find some ink there’s some over there by these dudes we can deal with these oh they’ve got guns not crossbows jeez okay let’s just grab the ink and leg it oh ow ow they are mean but we can get our book brilliant oh they’ made it onto land jeez okay right let’s deal with these oh that was close but these are the things we need to make to get a tractor which is obviously what we want now but let’s see what else we need I’m going to make a big old list and I’ll see you in a moment okay so I’ve got my list of things we need it’s not actually too bad to be perfectly honest and the only one I’m not really sure how to get is smoked ham because well when you kill a pig you don’t get a whole hand right so I just did a quick Google and basically we need to make sure we’re taking a knife with us because if you kill a pig with a knife you’ll get hand so we’ll take that with us right finally let’s go get a horse and go exploring and luckily there’s horses all over the place around here let’s see if we can find ourselves a nice fast one 1045 926 oh he’s got a good jump height that one there with the socks he looks like the fastest that can also jump high let’s just hope he doesn’t walk off the edge when I sit on him because yeah we don’t want that come on horsey be my my friend yay horse friend and I shall name you pck no actually I won’t I I won’t call you that where haven’t we been yet maybe over this way onwards that’s the wrong way this way [Music] waa sorry [Music] horse well they’re angry I forgot about that run away okay so if we tie up horsey here we should now have everything we need to be able to do loads of cooking and finally get our tractor which of course has been my primary goal for coming on three episodes now but I will get one [Music] Mr beard Stone foxy are you available I am I was literally just sleeping and I was coming over to see you because I have a surprise for you in the quest book it says on chapter one if you go to the andesite alloy it says more efficient with mixers right yep okay and I just happened to have just in the off chance that it could have come in useful maybe looked at create astral tips and tricks website right okay I see I see just in case yeah yeah and it says that the quest book tells you the mixer is a far more efficient way of making andesite alloy and bronze right yeah you normally get like twice as much yeah yeah so uh I’m I put the ingredients for andesite compound in there because there isn’t an a recipe for andesite Alloy and it gave me this basically liquid but I can’t seem to get it to produce andesite alloy so I’ve made a mixer and andesite aloy to me has always just been andesite and and iron yeah uh yeah but it’s it’s not in this you have to make the compounds don’t you right exactly so I put a compound filter on there to try and stop it making the liquid and I throw all the ingredients it needs in there and it’s just not interested well maybe if I take that filter off it makes that liquid okay yeah so I can see I can see why so they’re right it is and now we have this lovely compound for making uh liquid compounds which we then run through tinker’s construct by the looks of it intern Ingot shape thing I was really hoping that wasn’t the case because that’s the thing that’s holding me back Mr beard Stone as usual is the undersight alloy so I guess I’m going to just have to craft it all up again oh jeez if you need I can go get get more iron I do have a little bit of time I would love that that would be very useful yeah okay well I will go mining for you in a moment to get you some iron um and then we can make all the andesite alloy we could possibly need but before we do that I’ve I’ve got I’ve got something for you I’ve got a present some better food woo that is a my favorite how did you know an easy meal but more importantly than that I also have grilled salmon honey glazed ham apple pie shepherd’s pie a barbecue on a stick dumplings and a hamburger and you know what that means no don’t don’t tee me like this oh yes it’s time foxy it’s finally time hopefully maybe possibly this time if these tractors need fuel I’m going to flip some tables right so I can submit the apple pie yeah the glazed ham the grilled salmon shepherd’s pie Barbecue on a stick a hamburger and the dumblings we we can claim our tractor no way oh oh I claimed mine I claimed it Mr B Y me too should we should we oh it’s tiny oh this is so worth itest thing ever oh my Foxy look out oh oh you put you put your little Harvester on yours as well yeah it’s so small I know but this this was worth it foxy this is totally worth it that’s it now end of the series that’s it I don’t need any more than this I’m done job done this this is the thing now we have Cactus yeah that’s that’s it for getting around now we no longer need to use our legs Mr beard Stone I’m just going to drive mine down here there we go D yours into the yeah oh how do I get it back um yeah that’s what I I was going to test that before I drive it into the water foxy um tra is a bit wet mate there is a crowbar use on automobile to remove it says oh well that does that does sound like what we want right how do we make a crowbar no it’s broken it down into Parts I noticed I have an automobile frame an automobile engine and four wheels can you just put it back together again I really hope so uh I bet there’s some sort of Constructor you need auto mechanic table yeah oh it’s very expensive and it has to be done on a mechanical crafter just driving me crazy My Tractor’s in pieces foxy it’s not my fault it’s not my fault I just come up with a good ideas I don’t ex execute them my andite all is not a big issue now I’ve got like stacks of it now so that’s good okay so you don’t need IR anymore well I mean it’s going to be useful but I can I can I can do a mining trip basically like my my my goal was to get a tractor I got a tractor and then I broke it into pieces so now I’m sad um I think it’s I think it’s just going to be a sad mining Montage for me okay C the sad music [Music] [Applause] right Mr beard Stone oxy notel do you have 16 blocket of lava but where have you gone oh behind you um I have eight because I didn’t want to make that many buckets okay uh and then I’ll go get eight more I found a lava lake literally about 3 seconds into drilling so uh fantastic it’s nice and close good oh well I’m nearly there with this so uh we’re all good I I literally turned my back for one minute foxy yeah I’m hoping I haven’t just deleted some of the lava you fetched as well one 2 3 4 rid of that five six there we go the sounds promising you can definitely count seven eight that’s all the lava in I’m excited 3 2 1 go so now should make Cobble now yep yes it’s working nice episode three we finally made a cobble generator wonderful Tinkers then right so that’s on chapter 2 right so basically we need to get rubber obtaining a rubber tree by now should be your priority got one Okay so we’ve got a rubber tree amazing yeah uh we need seed bricks which we can make by smelting grout and we get grout from mixing and aite alloy zinc and gravel we get us grout and then once we’ve got grout we can get seared bricks and then we can start on the whole Tinkers thing and do you want to start mixing up some grout that’s fine three rer saplings we’ve got plenty of clay oh we got loads of alloy look at that I’ve been busy you have I’ve barely got to do anything fantastic yeah I’ll uh I’ll make the CR uhhuh should I make the rubber tree farm over the farm area um I I I would say that would probably make sense wouldn’t it I suppose and now that we have our seed bricks we have our puny smelting book we’ll have a flick through that in a moment and we need to make what’s this A sear melter and a seared heater and that’s going to give us o big fiery axe that looks fun but what do we need to make these some fluid tanks seared bricks and zinc ingots okay and seared heater well that’s nice and straightforward so let’s get the heater we’ll just chut that here for now so let’s get this one built we need a fluid tank and for that we just need to squish some copper we can use Foxy’s wonderful setup over here and then we just need a barrel and we also needed more zinc ingots and something else what else was it and aight alloy wasn’t it question is is that enough oh we need to make the sear bricks first how do we do those in a mixer with some sap aha I see so four bricks and one sap makes one right okay I’m at a dead end until we have a little bit more sap so um nice nice chair hope you haven’t stole that from the tavern jeez no no no not outside chairs you know no I just I just sort of dragged it out I’m sure it’s fine right it’s not F quite as fancy as yours Mr beard Stone this but um it’s it’s a rubber tree farm I need to make it all fancy like you’ve done but um it’ll do so what does it actually so it gives you logs and then how do we get rubber out of those um good question we we can Mill them Mill them that’s it okay so if I put this in there first and then put the sap in hopefully I’ll get what we want this time uh okay it worked I got brick blocks yay right so I’m going to I’m I’m just going to make up the rest of that I think right so I should be able to make this now which does a quest but more importantly that Quest gives me this ow yeah thanks how cool is that right okay so now I’ve done that we need to make a a foret oh well that’s that’s that’s I made one of those have you yeah last time I made one cuz I wanted to use it on the kitchen sink but it didn’t work it might not be the Tinker one no not that kind of foret oh not that kind I’m sorry you were so excited I feel like I just ripped that away from you yeah took it yeah that’s fine I’m I’m I’m I’m sorry right so we put the forets on either side like this right uh and then I need to make you need a big tank yeah I need I need a SE casting Basin okay I can make that that’s easy and a seared table oh I can just do those standing right here oh that’s handy so one of them woo look at that I’m one of them nice you not need to make a whole big like thing no this is just how you do a tiny bit at a time oh okay is this why I got a book called puny smelting yes yes exactly that uh and then and then if we click this we’ll get an Ingot and then it’s going to destroy the sand thing because Sand’s you can only put three in at once yeah pun this really is pun smelting uh right and now if we do this now we can make an Ingot cast yay there we go and now if we mix up the right things in here technically we’ll be able to make brass yay brass while you get that tiny weeny smeltery sorted I’m going to go get some kelp I mean you say Get it sorted I think it might already be is that is that it is it well I don’t know I’m getting all the easy jobs today you are aren’t you there’s a problem there’s always there’s always a problem there’s always a problem um these bricks here normally to make a like a a smeltery controller You’ You’ pour copper onto one of them right right the smeltery controller in this pack is disabled oh instead that’s sad yeah so it’s a little bit sad um but they’ve replaced it it’s fine we need a found we need a Foundry controller instead right so for a Foundry controller um it’s yeah you have to pour molten obsidian on to scorched bricks molten obsidian that’s fine yeah we yep yep scorched bricks however you need nether grout right with the Nethers disabled yes right that’s that’s the end of my story hang on wait a minute wait a minute so obviously we can get the nether based items elsewhere such as I mean scoria you get from yeah soul sandy stuff that’s fine you can get from yeah yeah that that’s that’s that’s the Crux of the issue right so we’re I’m I’m going to find a way to automate tiny smelter okay so um the thing is right how do we get blaze burners without the without the nether there must be a way I can’t believe they exist in the pack without the ability to go to the nether no I there is obviously a way to get these things but we’re clearly just not Advanced enough to understand what that is right okay speaking of being ADV Mr beard Stone have you looked at chapter 2.5 now that it’s unlocked oh no I haven’t most of this stuff we can pretty much take off but it’s the weirdest layout chapter I’ve ever seen it’s bit all over the place isn’t it it doesn’t make sense so uh yeah if you feel free to just you know go through tick off a few of those I mean one of them’s a mind generated Cobblestone so in order to automate this we’re going to run a couple of tests first first and in theory if I put a chest there and another chest here get rid of this temporarily put Hoppers into the back of those and then put these back so the Basin on one side casting table on the other in theory if I do this and do I have any ore no it’s fine we’ll just melt down a bit of copper but if we wait for that to melt probably help if I gave it some heat there we go and then if we pour that once it’s cooled down it should get pulled straight out yeah look at that excellent next thing I want to test is this because I believe if we give that power then it should sort of unlatch I think that’s how it works let’s quickly make a lever so let’s do test number two let’s put some more copper in there we’ll put a bit more in this time cuz what I want to know is if that’s powered does it stay powered and always leak out whenever it can or do you have to give it pulses and no it looks like you can just leave it powered ah amazing so if we think about this if we put those there and there get rid of these bits there’s a lever there power that that’s what I want to know I guess we’re about to find out it does excellent nice and compact but I need another lever and another Hopper and I think we’ll get three barrels because the barrels are going to sit much better in the floor than these chests are if we get those barrels in the floor we’ll get a lever on that side yeah if I put a hopper in the back there with a barrel on top hopefully all that should feed directly into there yeah look at that you beautiful and now we’re automating copper ingots but if we turn that side off and turn that side on now we’ll be automating copper blocks for a tiny little machine that works quite nicely what we really need to be doing is we need to go to the Moon how do we get to the moon uh we’re not on that Quest yet Mr be well technically it’s this the same chapter oh is that part of this chapter yeah we can’t no what visit visit the moon yeah I thought we’ need spaceships for that no we build a moon portal of course you do of course that makes per now that I think about it Mr beard stone that makes perfect sense a moon portal whatever how could you not how could you be so silly obviously so we just need some Shimmer and some Moon Cobblestone which is amethyst Shard and glow saxs so yeah so we need the Shimmer to make the the shimmering Stone and then you need mood stone yeah and if you follow the trail back for Moonstone it’s Moon Cobblestone and then when you click that what happens nothing nothing what that can’t be right so where do we get moon Cobblestone from are we missing something maybe there’s like meteors around we’re going to need to do some serious research before the next episode and find out what is going on yeah we’ve got to make ourselves a whole space suit so we’ve uh we we’ve had a little bit of a chat done a bit of digging for the last what 20 minutes or so yeah about that yeah yeah and uh We’ve we we’ve come up with a plan we think um kind of yes yes big plan a big plan yeah and and for that plan we we’ve split things up but basically we’re almost out of power here so I’m going to go over there somewhere and build basically a massive power plant um we’ve got we’ve got a quest to do something like make a massive windmill or something yeah maximum siiz windmill with 128 Sals Okay cool so I I’ll work on that I’ll build a big old windmill and then probably probably just do something else but either way I’m going to make loads of power for us and we’ve realized we’re going to need lava for a lot of things as well so I’m GNA do a bit of an old school lava farm with some some cauldrons and and dripstone and some pipes and build a massive Lava Lake um so we have infinite lava moving forward cuz we’re going to need it for all sorts of automation yes so that so that’s that’s that that’s my plan so you’ve actually got the more difficult one this time around Mr beaststone cuz mine’s pretty easy I do yeah all I got to do is get get the Cobble out of there Mill that down into gravel Mill wash some of that into iron to make an iron farm Mill some of it into sand to make sand and then wash some of the sand to make clay and then turn that clay into molten clay so that we can make sear bricks yeah simple so I’m glad we finally have a plan which is essentially to work towards automating tin and copper and gold and things like that and at the same time obviously getting an iron farm essentially we want to kind of build ourselves up so that we’re ready to tackle all of this stuff and go to the moon in the next episode that’s the plan and my part of that plan is to make a giant power plant which to be honest I do quite like making power plants so I’m fine with this there we go I think there should be a Max siiz windmill yeah look at that I’m just going to go get a gearbox and then I’m just going to send it all the way over to you yep I I would just it’s perfect timing Mr B perfect timing y have you just have you just stressed out your uh your Contraptions well I haven’t even tried cuz I know it’s not going to work so uh yeah yeah that’s ideal and now the windmill’s done the the other part of my job is to create an infinite lava source so I reckon if we Mark out a platform here so it’s about that size and then if we go up 25 blocks then that’s going to be taller than our Factory okay so if we go six blocks lower with that and basically just make a giant container then it should store 10,000 blocks of lava and I’ll set up the cauldrons and the dripstone things under there and then that will just pipe it all into make a big lava pool at least that’s the plan so it’s likely I’ll be completing this between episodes because we’re running out of time for today foxy you’re back Mr beard Stone yeah I’m hungry and my food is empty again I’ve eaten all the rose potatoes I’ve eaten all the ratat oh I haven’t eaten all the roast potatoes oh more Ratatouille oh yes lovely I’m bread yeah well yes ratat two is easy and uh I just I think this bread was your bread and I stole it oh fair enough well thank you for letting me have some of it back again yeah only some of it not all of it yeah well you fiddling about doing whatever you were doing I was finishing off this mess of a spaghetti system that produces a little bit of iron and a little bit of flint and some clay as well which is quite nice but it’s not very well optimized uh the Cobblestone will back up and just end up pouring all over the floor and um yeah I did basically I’m going to have to spend a bit of time off camera this week sorting all of this out so that when we turn up next week it’s all lovely just the way you wanted it Mr beard Stone well you make it sound like I’m a I’m a slave driver I’m telling you what to do yes okay cool yeah I have been uh I have been helping myself to the iron in the meantime yeah there’s a bit in there you can oh it’s come come cuz basically I’ve uh well obviously I did the windmill that you saw but I’m trying to make the infinite lava pool yeah and I’ve I’ve started marking out an area down here which I then realized was about six blocks too high up so i’ I’ve started lowering it again uh but I need lots and lots of cauldrons like a stack of cauldrons yeah which means I need seven stacks of iron in right well that’s not too bad I mean we should have that in a few days time maybe a week maybe a month we should shouldn’t take too long yes so I think I think my plan is to pretty much be AFK all week we have made some good progress today though right we’ve done a few things I mean it doesn’t look like much let’s be honest it looks like we made a windmill a tree farm and try crashed a tractor into the river but we have I mean I I I think we’ve done pretty well to be honest I mean I I dismantled my tractor so uh are you are you doing the opening or hello and welcome back to create astrol with me and Mr beanstone that’s me yes unfortunately peeps this week nothing at all has been done outside of the episode we exact who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa nothing yeah nothing nothing has been follow me sir nothing has been done nothing fun has been done more accurately right okay sorry look at this oh yeah look a new swimming pool no no no no no no uh but we do have infinite lava finally yay finally oh wow so what did you do just sit there and just watch that go for like what an hour or two no no I did not no no it turns out that like 30 cauldrons um it’s just way too slow so what what I actually did was I used um I used some of our copper and and and made made made a big tank in fact I I I actually used all of our copper and I made two of them um and an entire Sunday afternoon and I I drained a massive lake or two down underground and then I transported it up here foxy it was horrible foxy well I just don’t understand why you bothered with this when we’ve got an infinite Supply it just doesn’t don’t you don’t you even the B we do have infinite lava now so that’s right at least I did something between episodes H excuse me I okay I might have lied a bit I did I rearranged all of this as I said I would do and I also found out that these clever little boxes can basically you can tell them which side you want input in which side you want output in and I was just burning off all of the Flint cuz I didn’t think we needed it but it turns out we did but but yeah we’ve been generating a whole bunch of iron from this and also a whole bunch clay and I’ve been automatically smelting that clay in one of these crazy little Tinker thing things and I’ve been making this tank of stuff a big tank of poop it it’s it looks like poop doesn’t it molten clay apparently molten clay right yeah oh oh oh that’s good we needed uh didn’t we need that to like automate some stuff and things to do with Metals yes I don’t know you said you needed molten clay so I made you molten clay you’re welcome thank you I did I think it was to like make sear Stone which we can then use to help automate making tin or some malaky like that but either way we have done a little bit of research between episodes yes so we have a little bit of an idea of what to do um and I think I think the Clincher was when we noticed chapter 2.5 was called the automation Matrix so when we were trying to figure out what to automate last episode it turns out there’s just a list right here yeah but it turns out a lot of those things are quite difficult to do until you’ve actually done chapter 2 Mr beards St yes because we need brass right we need brass which means we need to go to zimon and and basically so what we’re heading towards is um is fixing our tractors I was going to say um automation but yeah fixing fixing our tractors yeah y yeah we need BR to fix the tractors that’s the whole point of this thing right yeah well before we do any of that there’s a couple of things we need to do first of all we’re pretty much maxed out on power believe it or not so we’re going to need more power okay I can I can do more power you’ve used all of the copper apparently so I need to go mining and this just isn’t going to cut it so I’m going to make it bigger and do an even better job and also Mr beard Stone I am sick to the back teeth of these stupid iron tools if I have to craft another stupid iron tool again I’m going to lose my mind okay then so is that why you’re over here are you going to make us like proper fancy tools and stuff I’m going to attempt to no doubt it will mean I have to go to the Moon Mars and every other planet first but I’m that I I am so sorry that was a misclick mhm yes I will I put down the ax the shovel get him sniffer get him and theck he’s coming you’re in for it now you got sniffer bodyguard what’s this all about he’s actually no go away sir so to get to the moon we need to make some stuff right we need to we essentially need to make a few little machines like a a mixer a squirter a deployer a Smasher a roller and all those sorts of things um and we just need to get along this little quest line here that I’m looking at on chapter 2 yeah and then and then we need to go to the Moon we need to do a bit of exploring to find some stuff as well but we we mainly just need resources and a bunch of little machines I think okay I’ll do resources you do the machines sounds good let’s do this wooo both running in the same direction it’s quite awkward I’ll go this way just for no reason and then I’ll go that way yeah let’s do our thing woo I just need to make lots of right I need to figure out how to make this Tinker stuff work I’ll be back I’ll be back with you in probably a week Mr beard Stone I’ll see you in next week’s episode sounds good so we have our task to get started with which is basically to make some more power and a bunch of small machines but before we get to that I do actually need to go and collect a lot of the stuff I left behind while making that infinite lava pool and we have a much easier way down into the mines now which is good and you can ignore the fact that there’s a bunch of my heads laying around everything was fine while getting the lava nothing went wrong whatsoever I mean you can ignore those heads as well but if we go over here and then jump down this hole here we can see all the mess we’ve left behind but this is the lake that we drained it was up to this level here but no matter where we put the pump it just didn’t treat it as infinite so well we just stole loads of it but that’s fine but let’s just grab all of this because well these kind of things are still hard to come by at the moment we’re not rich enough to leave create Contraptions laying around everywhere right so we need to make some more power and I could make another windmill I could use water wheel but well I’ve got lots and lots of fluid tanks because I made these massive lava things and we’ve got an infinite lava source now as well so my thinking is maybe we can do a steam power plant and then upgrade it to be powered by Blaze later I mean if we just put fires under it it’s going to give us steam power so we’re going to need a few things in order to get this steam boiler working the first one of which is going to be a bunch of fires and I’m pretty sure we had loads of coal somewhere yep there we go so we’ll just do a small boiler for now we’ll use four campfires and I should probably grab some other bits some Bobs as well before we run away again uh we’re going to need some of them some of them some of that couple of buckets might come in handy as well as some cogs and shafts and things like that so let’s go build a steam boiler what’s that it’s a present it looks like wood but it’s made of bronze Mr beard Stone o a bronze pickaxe yeah it’s Diamond tier and uh slightly better than what we had before apparently that’s that’s amazing thank you it looks very shiny as well it’s like shiny wood yes you’re very welcome for your shiny wooden pickaxe thank you sir you’re welcome right so let’s stick a power plant down over here we’ll make that eight tool and we’re going to need to do a little bit of setup to get this working the first thing we need is an infinite water source so we’ll just stick that down here a bucket there and a bucket there that’ll do it and then what we need to do is just pipe this up and into here if we stick a pump in there that is going in the wrong direction so spin that that way okay so that will give us some water and it would help if I actually made the steam engine part of the power plant that we need a block of copper an andesite alloy and more golden sheets right so that’ll let us make four steam engines which is probably more than we’re going to need did you want that pickaxe to be better always yes definitely oh yeah if if you if you can make it better uh well I was going to throw some modifiers onto mine and see what happens so Redstone makes it go faster diamonds make it more durable and better and um and I just found I got these gold reinforcements as a reward so I was going to see what they do can I have your pickaxe back as well then so I can yeah that that that would also be uh be helpful wouldn’t it yeah thank you sir bye I’m liking this I got my own personal blacksmith what was I doing oh yes steam engines we need and theight alloy I think we got some of them yeah look at that four of those that’s five grab them gold sheets and there we go bunch of steam engines so if we Jam these on there add some shafts preferably not like that in fact what I might do is make them go this way then if I grab myself some belts we can attach those so that they power together then if we stick a gearbox in there get some shafts going this way then use some of these hello oh look at that that looks well shiny it’s got shinies on it and red stones so it should be nice and quick now it’s it does say it’s hastier be fair doesn’t feel much better than it was but it’s better so what I need to do over here is is where’s my wrench if we do that basically once this gets a little bit of water in it all should start the cycle now so the water filling up in there should power these which will in turn send that power this way and then power this and keep pumping water in and so on I just need to give it a kick starts for that I need a crank so let’s give that a spin to pump some water in nope I’m pumping the wrong way now let’s give it a spin it’s looking like it’s not quite getting enough water it is a big tank I suppose so we’ll make the pool larger or if I stick in another pipe here and I should be able to make another one of those there we go get that pumping in the right way send that into there and I think I can speed this up as well so if I stick in a large Cog nope that’s not the way to do it what I want to do is put in a small Cog then a large Cog and I’m not strong enough to do that so we’ll stick to one pipe for now but at least if it’s going in quicker it might kick into action yep there we go got an advancement look at Migo that’s very impressive Mr beard Stone I know right oh it stopped yep it was imp briefly can you just stand there and keep whining that no I’m going to I’m going to make you better um yeah I need to I need to add some speed right let’s try this again there we go it’s kicked in is it going to keep itself alive this time it appears maybe maybe so well it’s definitely working the question is should I put in another one feel like maybe I should we we can literally just stick another one right next to it can’t we there we go and if we do that we can see exactly how much we’ve got but what I want to know is if we remove that and that and that and that there we go just the two water pumps gives us the same amount of power output but we’re using slightly less to power the actual station so that’s probably better for us for now and it’s certainly going to be enough power for what I need to do which is basically just build a small bunch of machines over here and I think we already have the components for a lot of the things we need to build let’s just go raid the create box and see what we can find and maybe eat some food as well I’m about to starve to death Okay so we’ve got some power here and what I want to do is just start fig figing out where the machines need to go for this so if we put a poker there should be able to put a Smasher next to that then we also want a mixer and lastly over here I want to put a spout because we’re going to need to be squirting various liquids all over different blocks and for that we need a copper casing and they’re not the simplest of things to make well I suppose they are quite simple they’re just annoying so first we need to flatten some copper sheets and then we need to put an andesite casing on there and hit it with each of these three times it’s like casting a spell so let’s squash those we can put that on there in fact let’s just put one on there then if we do that and then that and just do that three times there we go copper casing and with a bit of kelp from here make a spout look at that oh and we done a quest then if we put that there what I then need to do is hook up some kind of a system so we can just dump a tank down next to it and then it will pump that into there and do what it needs to do cuz we’re going to need to use this for a variety of different things the question is what tanks are available to us other than the Cor ones are there any kind of portable ones so glass fluid brass and sear bricks we can do that wait a minute no we can’t we don’t have brass so that basically means our only option is going to be to make a funky create based machine Contraption thing you’re doing all the quests without me again I told you I was building the machines to get the rose gold and you that was literally my entire aim that’s my only purpose in life Foxy other than the tractors well yes the tractors uh I found uh I’m I’m down at Deep late I’ve got a few diamonds I’m digging a big tunnel it’s all going well ah uhoh uh there’s lava there’s there’s a la was going well I can’t get the machines in the lava Mr beone got a choice here I can either come and help you mine because we are going to need a decent amount of resources or oh yeah okay or I can make some electron tubes and that Compass well I’ve just picked it up because I’ve just reached an absolutely ginormous cave right and it’s probably going to be deadly oh there’s a lot oh I think you might have been to this cave before Mr beard stone look at this look I’ve got I’ve got a bunch of Contraptions and things so we’ve got you have been busy I know slowest steam engines in the world hey they may be slow up there but they’re fast down here wow okay cool yeah look once we get blaze burners though we can swap those out and suddenly we’re going to have loads and loads of power currently this only produces like 4,000 anal using nearly all of it but the important thing is we’ve got we’ve got a poker yeah you need a poker yep we got a Smasher yeah we got we got a spinny mixer yeah and we got a squirter fantastic all the way miles away from where we’re keeping all of the valuable resources that we’ll be using that thing but that’s fine like you know let’s not semantics isn’t it at the end of the day so let’s let’s not worry stop pointing out Minor Details okay I put it over there cuz that’s where the other power was but I also got rose gold as you saw yeah yeah you got without me yeah yep yep I certainly did I’ll set up the spelter in such a way that we can like put little Contraption tanks next to it and pump stuff into it or we can drain things in via the fluid container oh that’s useful I was going to set so we can chuck a bucket going oh there is there is yeah so we can chuck a bucket on there and it will go into the spout and then if we change our mind we can send it into an empty tank over here just for holding or we can pump stuff in from tanks it’s it’s got a variety of of Genius I know know right so yeah cuz there was like a handful of things that we only needed one or two of wasn’t there yes yes there is uh like we we need to squirt liquid iron onto a compass to get a special compass that will help us find things later when we go exploring well let’s do that let’s make a compass and a squirty thing and a bucket and we’ll be all good I I have the things we need to be able to make the compass and make the the the whatever they’re called electrodes oh okay there you go you want to say that and I’ve got one too nice got one each oh that’s lovely oh look at that it’s got like a list of everything gimma Lake there we go that’s what we one 109 what 109 blocks away yeah 108 now what’s this way follow me oh no no distance yeah we’ll go this is the it’s here did you bring a ladder that’ be silly that’s what clever people would have done foxy we’re not the find of people that bring ladders when we’re going to be digging a hole straight down I did bring wood I’ve always got wood Shimmer you found it no oh like you said it you said it in such an excited way I thought you’d found the Moon Juice 24 blocks but it’s not going down even though we’re going down well then why did we stop because it was going down we’re still 25 blocks away foxy yeah well it could be left or right I didn’t I didn’t consider it being yeah it’s this way didn’t didn’t consider having to go in there yeah but now now we’re going to be at some point underground and when we get there do we go up do we go down I don’t know right you can do it your way foxy I’m going back to the surface I’ll do it my way okay first one there’s the winner yeah well I’m going to get to the location before I deep down I shouldn’t have listened you said follow me he says follow me foxy he digs 25 blocks too soon 12 to go 10 9 but how many up or down I don’t know how am I getting further away three is it through this wall two one two how how can I be one block away and not see it because it could be 100 blocks above you well that’s not ideal oh I’ve fallen into the Shimmer I’m in it ah I’m literally like six or seven blocks above you well if you fall down straight down the hole you just end up in here I can’t believe I won yeah I to be honest neither can I I don’t know how much of this stuff we need but I’ve got 15 buckets oh nice good very pretty isn’t it is Lovely isn’t it now there should be a whole bunch of moon sand and Moonstone around here if I think I can see it yep moon sand well there we go I’ve got 55 of it and 11 Moon Moon Cobblestone it is now yeah I’ve got five Moon Cobblestone and 37 sand we survived an epic ad Adventure considering it was only 100 blocks that was quite epic a thoroughly wonderful time but now I think we might have everything we need to be able to make a portal to the moon wow apart from Suits yeah however we we don’t have any way of surviving when we get there but I want to try you just want to build the portal and go through and see what happens yes right okay then um how do we do this so we need a block of diamonds a redstone chip and a flint and steel right yeah I can do all of that and then we need 10 shimmering Stone which is moonstone and Shimmer oh okay we need to pour Shimmer onto a moonstone oh good job we got some of that Moonstone then really isn’t it all right I’ve got a block of diamond and a flint and steel uh okay so Chuck them in the mixer and and then a bucket of Moon Juice in there and then that’s going to make us the weird little gem thing that we used to light the that’s all we haven’t made yet right okay good I like the sound of that right bucketed juice there we go that was quick an astal conduit it do you want to share it oh that looks lovely we could potentially make two but I don’t think we need to oh we got a golden apple I think this this is what we use to light the portal it says okay but we need to make the portal yeah so I think we need Shimmer in there and then you can put a moonstone in there right click a moonstone into the oh amazing you can do that and then and this should give us the portal frame blck thing any minute now I’m sure it’s doing it’s doing something there we go look at that it’s converting any minute now it’s it’s definit it’s it’s a quick process foxy I’m glad that they didn’t make us just stand here for 45 seconds for each piece that we need to make yeah to to be honest it just seems like a good time to go make a cup of tea yeah while I stand here and keep pouring buckets of shimmering I get you yeah well you can give me some as well and if I I’ll tell yeah here’s here’s a few for you you go get your cup of tea and then we’ll then we’ll you take First Watch yeah okay and so you’re telling me that’s not got full of juice no it’s no there there’s no juice in there whatsoever are you are you laughing me on no there is no juice in even if I click on it it says there one bucket’s worth of Shimmer in there look what I do that if there was some in there madman you madman no no jeez there was none in there but we do have 12 shimmering Stone whoop whoop where do we want to put our moon portal well that’s a good we we haven’t made many buildings around here Mr beard Stone and I think it would be nice to actually have a building to put the moonstone in startings of a building here we’ve obviously got this very fancy one over here but I don’t really think there’s enough room in here for a moon portal so perhaps we should build a dedicated moon portal building a moon portal building room made purely of moonstone thousands of it the that stuff that you’ve got cuz that won’t take long to generate in vast quantities on your way then or or what we could do we just decide where we’re going to put it put the portal down see what it’s all about and then move it later yeah yeah yeah yeah should we just literally stick it here for now okay there we go um who you want to put your bag down [Laughter] no you’re a braver man than I am yeah I’m going to fill it with everything I’ve got so right well let’s let’s let’s stand next to you let’s light the portal you’ve got your goggles on still by the way but that’s fine oh that’s weird I do I expect it to be colorful it’s like a weird shimmering gray color just yeah okay yeah one sec I’m going to put the uh astral condimate back yeah that’s a good idea right um let’s see what the fast is all about then to the moon this is a terrible idea ah um I’m freezing to death yeah and there’s a thing over there if we can make it to that Mr B I’m dead I can make it I can no I can’t make it we should potentially uh find a way of surviving on the moon Mr Beer Stone I think that’s a fantastic idea maybe maybe we should complete the quest line before we go to the Moon again yes that’s a good plan the bit we skipped was the bit with the space suit well I’m just having a look at the quest and there’s like did you draw me a picture of this Quest it’s better drawing than I can do Mr B I see okay fair enough well in that case uh we need loads of copper coil okay so yes so it’s copper casing on the oh copper casing is so annoying to make so we need copper casing like how much of that 18 of it we need eight copper coil I don’t even know how to make that and we need something called an electrolyzer which just sounds fun but does not look fun to make that needs loads of copper casing maybe we should automate copper casing okay well I was what I’m firstly going to do is what what what’s up is your screen still got that frozen thing from being on the moon no it’s yours yes back yeah I’m still freezing apparently back in a sec it’s right I’ve warmed up now where are we building this then it should probably needs to be some when we the fluid that we need to put in it right uh which is water be honest oh um so shouldn’t be an issue and it needs two pumps basically that’s pretty much it so we could just give it his own little power source so should we should we just like whack it on the edge here right next to this land that’s not water right next to the nonwater yeah how about we put it here next to the water a that’s a good idea yeah done it huh it turns out it was actually really simple it took me like 5 minutes um but if you see look in here we’ve got some fluid ad Aster oxygen my favorite the best kind of oxygen um but we do don’t have an oxygenator no we need the oxygen loader foxy yeah um go toodle pip oh oh right okay an oxygen loader I did it you did it I did it eventually congratulations several years but I finally made it I’ve reached the goal astrona I need to take my backpack off these backpacks suck you’re so fancy you’re so fancy too foxy woo we’re almost ready to go to the Moon we do need to put some oxygen in these things though oh no it’s going in it’s going in it is going in yeah there’s 21 Milli buckets worth there we go very slowly and then I put my suit in there and it grabbed what was in there so I now have 42 oxygen in my suit so we just need to wait for that to fill up basically should we empty our inventories again just in case I’m I’m literally doing exactly that I’m I’m put it in our bag because we can’t take our bags be prepared to lose your space suit oh no bump I’m just so happy we can breathe oh and some Moon aliens apparently have just spawned in so mul what are those guys martians Mo Moon Mo moon what what you call Moon fol foxy you’ve been to the Moon before Ians ah and they’re corrupted lunarians they’re not very nice at all okay well they seem to have a house over there so I’m going to see if I can fly over there and Rob it there’s an Ender on the moon there’s two Ender oh there there’s a whole group of Ender there’s also some friendly lunarians they sound like villagers some friendly ones the these are not friendly here no no the the ones in this building are friendly I found some moon cheese there’s cheese and bread and silver and all sorts yeah I just got a whole bunch of cheese and more of the shiny Moon Stone stuff I’ve got a couple of hammers as well I don’t know what they’re for but they sound fun oh what’s that on the lava ow space suit’s not good at protecting you from lava oh there’s an oxygen generator oh oxygen distributor so we can make like a moon home I think I’ve just walked directly into the treasure room foxy there’s like seven loot Barrels in here did you go in the dungeon or did you go into the like the weird space station pipy thing I went into one little building here look literally the first building I went in and it’s just rammed full of treasure there’s a lot of gold in there uh-oh ow hey got you saved you thanks there’s loads of copper casing Mr B ow stop it oh I was I was slain by PIP plan engineer oh no I’m back at spawn yeah my space suits in the on the moon oh no we’re going to need to make another space suit Fox cut to is having another space suit and Mr beard Stone being back well Mr beard stone I have some good news I have made one and a half space suits one and a half excellent yeah because uh just there’s no point in both of us going back who’s going first well uh since I got the stuff on me I might as well go I guess although I need to make sure yeah um yeah don’t die otherwise we will need to make another space suit well we got half of one we got everything apart from the chest plate again so you know okay yeah okay good luck getting your stuff back [Music] thanks I did it I’m alive hooray everything’s fine okay so I ticked off the big create astral chapter 3 unlock on mine got a bunch of rewards the remnants of a last civilization it looks really big and I see a rocket oh we go to Mars it says not sponsored by space egg contain a blaze from a lost Pipeline on the moon so basically what you’re telling me is it’s plubber in time yeah we need to we need to gear up yeah we need to not be scared of with the skellies we can jewal wield I take the fire brand can I je wield with the fire brand that looks thly exciting very slow but yeah I can okay good well I’m all geared up then I’m ready let’s go woo I have a variety of weapons a shield some lanterns and a tiny bit of food well I’m going to pile up and go in here I’m sticking with you okay I’m too scared to go on my own Foy oh the lanterns go out on the moon what oh no I’ve got my night vision potions did you get him yeah I’m so quick they can’t get near me oh look look look at you going look at you go Mr B come at me bro oh there’s a there’s a blaze spawner oh amazing so oh we don’t actually need the blaze spawner don’t oh no don’t we need to make Blaze cages before we that would have been handy right at least we know where a blaze spawner is though there’s a just a bunch of places yeah I can run foxy run I’ve got 15 is that going to be enough for now uh yeah for sure right then back over to it are we going up that same hole we went up before see so we know where the thing was well we know you know where the blaze spawner is so we might as well yeah okay I’m I’m there okay I’m uh I’m elsewhere just doing some looty looty I’m going to the blaze spawner here we go I have 15 of them and I placed one cuz I’m smart now there are blazes I’m going down the pipes ah I’ve been shot so we fought our way back from the Moon and eventually I heard the three magic words I’d been waiting for I got brass I don’t think there oh break it into break break it into ingots for the the quest Oh yay oh how wonderful is that four episodes to get brass in a create play through here we go an automobile assembler We need oh oh need is three in full brass I got this I’m hoping it’s going to be like a crafting table and I can just put my tractor parts in there there it is get my tractor back doesn’t do anything put your wheels on it click it with your wheels oh I’ll go get my wheels oh okay okay okay yeah yeah put the wheels on oh oh Wheels yeah engine there you go yes just driving off ni you got it back Mr beard Stone oh finally after all this time oh I can tractor again this is wonderful I’m tractoring in a space suit I don’t think I could be [Music] happier I did it yeah oh ow you run over me with a combine oh my goodness oh it is literally like Mario Kart I got boost no way yeah look watch this look so if you go long enough yeah I see oh no oh Mr beard Stone I’m crashing into everything but my you haven’t got space suit on you haven’t got space suit [Music] on go here you go if you need a space I’ve got one on me so I got I got one in my box okay jeez so the tractor went through but you didn’t uh yeah so hopefully my tractor is going to be all right without it Spas suit I’m sure it I think that’s um probably the end of the episode for today right we we’ve achieved what we needed to achieve yeah I think so that’s it now we’ll probably see you in about four weeks time after we’ve finished having fun on the moon with these trors now my land on you yes see you in the next one see you in the next one bye we doing that thing where we stand awkwardly again yeah yeah oh was [Music] bedtime last time on create astral we went on a quest to get brass this meant making a new steam power plant finding a meteor to steal some Shimmer making a space suit and going to the moon but not necessarily in that order ah um I’m freezing to death but eventually we were successful and now we’ve managed to fix our tractors I’ve actually hopped on between episodes here because well we’ve got a little bit of upgrading to do so I have already expanded this platform here a little bit just adding lots of stone but basically this P plant’s just not going to cut it it’s already at capacity and it’s barely doing anything and a simple solution is just to replace these with some Blaze burners but the less simple thing is the fact that I built my Lava Lake all the way over there and I’ve built the power plant all the way over there they literally couldn’t be further apart so I’m going to get to work I’m basically just going to rebuild something similar to that but over here and we’re going to feed the blaze burners directly from the lava po so let’s open this episode with a cheeky [Music] [Applause] [Music] montage and a short while later we now have 189 ,000 Su that is amazing and if we have an E2 we’ve got a little Kickstart thing here as well but I guess we can probably make it look a bit better now can’t we and I should probably also feed the power actually out of the power station so I think what I’ll probably do for now is just have a little bit over this side we run it across the front here and there we go and from there we can just route it off to wherever it’s needed at least that’s my thinking so I guess my next job here is just to tidy this up make it look a bit more like a little power station it might be nice to actually wrap a building around something for a change might it but the problem with that is we don’t really have much choice in resources we’ve got Stone Birch we’ve got a whole lot of white concrete for some reason and then of course we’ve got Cobble we’ve got Granite so I don’t know I mean maybe maybe we could use the granite a little bit use some Granite brick loocks [Music] maybe so funny story just as I finished building this building I logged out I didn’t actually get a chance to record the other bit afterwards cuz it was quite late at night and I’ve logged in the next day and look at this foxy has built another massive building right next door and it looks amazing and if I have a little peek in the windows it looks like he’s made lots of changes in there but I’ll wait till he actually logs on before we have a proper look around cuz I’m sure he’s going to explain it to us which would be nice but to be honest I just quite enjoy the fact that there’s actually a few buildings here now instead of just living on a giant Stone platform but in regards to this building I think it’s coming along quite well we still need to add a couple of big chimneys and actually make it look a little bit more like a power plant but for the limited resources we have I think it’s come out quite well and I’ve sorted out the interior as well just put up a few safety barriers because you know what I’m like and we’ve got a bit of space at the top here if we need to add any machines we’ve got a little squirting thing here apparently and a mixer and all sorts going on so it looks like Foxy actually found this bit which is good because all I did was leave a power connector at the top I also did a bit of work on the outside trying to work out what we were going to use for Paving and this is just sanded Cobblestone but I quite like how it looks and I’ve made it wide enough to drive our tractors around as well of course but we’ll have to come back to this power station later cuz Foxy’s going to be logging in any moment now the beard Stone hello hello good morning um this looks wonderful by the way thank you thank you I um I spent a couple of minutes on it at least well that’s the thing I don’t actually know where you found the time to do it because I I was building my power plant I was like right I’m just going to build the exterior I did that I logged out and then next time I logged back in boom house yes well the thing is I see you I logged in and I thought oh that’s a nice power station I could use that and uh so I did I got rid of my lovely water thing and stole all of your power well that’s what it’s for foxy that’s what it’s for do you want to do you want to show me what you’ve done in there looks like you’ve changed everything up in there as well uh well it was a big mess the whole like thing that we had cuz we had no brass but now we got brass I was able to use the little um brass funnels and things and completely compact all of this so now it’s a much more compact system and I’ve even squeezed in a few extra little things here we’ve got one of them go rounder things that you can use to make the steam engines not Ste Precision mechanisms that’s it oh okay speed controller um nice nice there was a press here but that had to go cuz I put a speed controller in upstairs there’s absolutely nothing at all but plenty of space for some things look at this expansion I like it yeah yeah and there’s one more hidden secret little uh useful thing in this building that it turned out I actually needed to make the windows Mr beard Stone and that is an autom itic smelter all you have to do is put your items in that Barrel at the back there set the filter to whatever you don’t want to go in the barrel or do want to go in the would yeah the thing you want to go in the barrel and then it it just bus it nice I’ve done this so you’ve built all those machines in there and um I’ve well it’s power isn’t it there’s not really much to explain um on on on reflection look at the size of it I know we’ve got so much power as well like 173,000 that we’re not using WOW okay good yeah and that’s also going to come in very handy today because we’ve done something we’ve not done before and that is discuss what we actually need to do this episode you what we’ve realized that we need to automate the the metally things I think that’s our plan today right we’re going to to make the metal things yes yes so instead of actually kind of advancing through the through the quest book and getting ahead of ourselves and then realizing we haven’t done the basics again we’re going to do the basics hoay for Basics what episode are we on five is yeah well that five is a good episode for doing Basics we we’ve got a few things we need to do we need to we need to expand this platform so we’re going to need to use your brand new cooker to cook up ledge of stone but more importantly we need to make two buildings I think we’ve worked out one yeah that I will focus on and that’s going to make tin copper gold and uh the other one zinc yeah them four um I’m not going to with iron because you’ve already got a wonderful iron farm and that’s going to be plenty for us and I’m going to stick with them in a great big Factory over here it’s a very long path for me to for me to get to that but yeah I I won’t bore you with the details foxy I’ll bore everyone else later yeah that’s a good idea yeah and I’m going to be building another Factory probably quite close to yours just behind this power station here over this hole that’s going to be a smeltery a big old tinker smeltery and for that I got to go on an adventure you do you do yes you get to go to the Moon again foxy that wonderful place where nothing ever goes wrong yes nothing well nothing went wrong last time so I’m 100% you know confident that everything’s going to be fine I’ve got my boots what could go wrong so yeah we we’ll smoke Cobble we’ll build the platform and then we’ll build the factories and we’ll have a wonderful time doing so foxy yes oh also I’m going to have to go do some cooking at some point um I’ve only got T I was going to say I’m I’m running a little bit low on supplies Mr beard Stone I didn’t want to you know Force you stereotype you to the kitchen man again but go to the kitchen foxy it’s okay I’m on me way all right I’ll get these cobbles melted okay yeah you you do the you do the platform I’ll do the cooking see you in a minute what Here We Go sir Ms on Ms on Wheels meals on I forgot my wheels wait none of that right there you go a vegetable soup and some uh some potatoes to dip it in six vegetable soup 16 I think you’ll find oh yeah sorry I already had some in my just created a new stack thank you Mr beard Stone I’m really grateful aren’t I yeah I’m was so glad I slaved away in the kitchen making you that food did you want any stone to help me or you you were going to pretend you doing someone else for a few minutes now F me up ah uhoh I uh I’m going to do that I’ll just I’ll just brush over that and the edit I’m sure that looks big enough does it yeah I think that’s more than big enough for what we need a little tiny smelter that I’m going to be building pling a room have you seen the trail of stuff I’ve got to build I’ve got to build so many farms and factories today yeah well at least I’ll get finished early why I I can then make you some ratat maybe six pieces of it 16 foxy 16 you’re just oh you’re so ungrateful okay so I need to do a little bit of planning here here because we’ve got a lot of things we need to make and the route to get to them isn’t as straightforward as I would have liked but there nothing ever is in this pack so there nothing unexpected I guess but we have four main things that we are trying to make so if I just put these here and we have to do it on signs for now but we want gold we want tin we want Copper and we want zinc so first up let’s talk about zinc this one is one of the more straightforward ones I guess so to get zinc we need to wash red sand we don’t have any red sand so let’s just use this for now and that is clearly red sand we’ll get red sand by crushing down terra cotta and we can nice and simply get terra cotta from molten clay which thankfully Foxy’s already producing we’re going to need a few connections to this one though hence why it’s nice and big but if we pour molten clay into a basin it will solidify into terra cotta which we can then Crush to Red Sand which we can then wash and get zinc so that one fairly straightforward not too bad now let’s talk about copper and Tin because their recipes are very very similar they follow the same path for the most of it we need to start with Cobble which is actually Cobble just so I don’t confuse myself we need to cook that Cobble into stone and then we pour the molten Clay on top of this Stone and that is going to give us seared Stone thankfully we’ve already got infinite lava but if we pour lava on SE stone that is going to give us veridium and then once we’ve got the veridium we can Crush that down into copper and then if we pour water on top of sear stone that is going to give us the blue ore thing is a azarine maybe I think it’s azarine and then when we Crush that down we’ll get tin oh my this is already looking very confusing and the last thing need to make is gold which we can get from ocam but I’m wondering can we just wash sand I mean kind of we can wash Soul Sand so maybe that’s what we should do so if we go Cobble and gravel then sand and we’ll pretend that one’s Soul Sand then that’s going to give us gold and as a side product we’re also going to get courts which to be honest is going to be quite handy oh it’s getting dark go to bed go to bed so we know what we’re building question is where do we begin and to be honest I should probably start with zinc and copper cuz chances are we’re going to need a whole bunch of brass for this and that means we’re going to need need the zinc and the copper itself so the first thing I should do is get the molten clay to somewhere that’s a little bit more useful for me and what I might also do is Mark roughly where I’m going to be putting the corner of the Factory and then just make sure I’m working inside this area so that means the first thing I’m going to need is a bunch of pipes pumps and of course fluid tanks we’ve only got three of those which means I need a whole bunch of copper and barrels and to be honest we’re actually quite low on that stuff at the moment so in order to get copper we’re going to need to go do some mining first oh [ __ ] see M beard Stone did did you have a little trouble with the blazes no oh okay cool um the i i the mine cart Contraption on the blaze spawner doesn’t work oh it doesn’t ah nice try though I like the thinking you know it’s good found a mine cart Contraption in the create box and I think it might be one of my old lava tanks oh that would be handy yes I don’t have to make any tanks amazing I’m not going mining hooray hooray for not having to go mining I’ll back soon Mr beard Stone pip don’t die again I’ll try not to oh why am I why am I dying I’ve got my space suit on no oxygen what why I filled it up oh I got iron boots on instead of space boots right oh foxy I’m very good at this game so what I’m going to do is just Bridge up to the top here and remove all of these tanks we don’t need to worry about destroying the lava that’s in there we don’t need it we’ve got all the lava and there we go now I’ve got loads of fluid tanks so in regards to piping this out I think I’m going to go pretty much just straight across the ceiling here then we’ll just punch a hole in the side of Foxy’s building over here as long as we don’t tell him he’ll never know epig pad oh oh jeez you’re right there uh hi hello um right Mr beard Stone yes the Moon yes I’m thinking of generating a space like an air loock where the blaze boner is that I can put down torches and actually stop it from working and then I can make a blaze farm there oh oh I like that but it it it keep get I nearly it’s hard do you need do you need do you need some help do you need some body Gage I think it would be a nice thing to do together okay cuz I can’t do it you didn’t foresee me like being oh Mr bead Stone I can’t do it on my own well I thought you were just going to kill a few blazes and uh and so i’ have I’ve killed a lot of blazes but I’m going to need a lot more I just thought it’ be a good idea for us to have a way of dealing with blazes even if you know for the future maybe I like it yeah I like it I’m coming I’ve made a wall of protection as you can see I like the wall of protection yeah this makes me happy all all you got to do is oh now there’s an Ender in there squirrel around there and I’m just going to get a bunch of black glass blocks in here while you fight off the nasties oh my goodness stop it combat mod and of course there’s no nasties now yeah I don’t know what the problem is Foxy what we been complaining about okay there we go oh he got me on fire we just keep them focused on you Mr beat right okay so they’re now tied in so I think if I put a hole in the floor and then I can get them to come down to a specific point right right uh can we use lava to push them maybe maybe I think blazes are pretty good at like naturally pathfinding to the lowest point any oh je I was going to say you yeah you probably should have dug from underneath um hey guys I uh am likely going to die maybe you should dig the hole from underneath that would make sense that would be a very sensible thing to do Mr Big I’m a genius sometimes foxy sometimes yeah very occasionally I’ve heard about this yet to see it there’s no need for your sidy comments you’re accurate yet snidey interestingly um we might not have needed Soul Sand to uh to make our stuff when the blazes shoot the Moonstone below they um it goes blue what we can light Moonstone and it goes blue okay let’s have one in this corner here just just on that block there we go perfect let’s go do one over on this side there we go perfect good job Mr be wall but oh my goodness me you just got hit once or twice there sir just a couple of times yeah I was slain by a pipeline engineer Mr beard Stone well I to be fair I think now that we’ve dealt with most of it I can probably finish the rest off on my own so thank you for your help right I’ll give you my space suit and I’ll have a quick look for my one cuz I don’t know what I’m done with it foxy uh there’s only about 30% oxygen uh here’s some lava right in that case then I’m I guess I need I need more dirt dirt then I’m going back in good luck I believe in you foxy right so back to this pipe thing if we can get this connected up to here and powered then we can get all of the molten clay over to there and well that’s what we need that’s our first step so we should just be able to connect this up to here and that’s powering that hopefully that’s going to get the clay all the way over to there and yep that seems to be working perfect Now to turn this into terra cotta what we need to do is pour it into to a casting Basin and the first thing I want to check is does this work all my days that actually works not going to lie I didn’t expect that to work at all now we know it does what we can do is literally just have a little row here and by row I mean probably two will do it actually so let me figure this out if I take that and I’m hoping if I put a crude storage unit in the front here go to here take in items from that side is that going to work right okay I’ve got it figured out what I’ve had to do is Select the back panel there and select auto input and now it’s grabbing all of the Terra Cotta and it’s going straight into here which is good apart from the fact I should probably move this somewhere else so what I’m thinking is if I just move this around to this side here we can put the storage unit there put the Terra Cotta on it now we set it to grab in from the back and from the right we do auto inputs and now that should just generate terra cotta for us so now we’ve got the Terra Cotta coming in the next step is to turn it into red sand and we do that just by running it through a mill I believe oh oh was a creeper they do it on purpose yeah I think he’s been standing around just waiting for his moment and he snuck up behind me when me back was turned oh I see you’re having just as much fun as I am I thought I come and see you Mr B oh that was a Pity death was it yeah yeah I just wanted to get back quickly and leave all of my stuff there few minutes later and I’ve just dragged some power from over there for now and over here what we’re doing is we’re taking the Terra Cotta run it through the mill and it’s very very quick cuz it’s just doing one at a time but we’re now getting lots and lots of red sand it was at about this time that foxy gave a cry for help so I went to the moon to help him finish off the blaze farm come help me finish it off I can’t do it okay I’m coming foxy don’t don’t be sad it’s okay I’m coming I hate it I hate this moon and the stupid things that live on it why can’t we I like the nether the ne’s nice I’ve never had a problem in the nether oh there’s a couple of heads lined up over here foxy h hello good morning wow they’re loud I’m turning them down yeah loud difficult to kill and otherwise totally obnoxious there’s no way to kill them foxy no no there is not Mr beard they’re coming down the hole though yes yeah that’s about as far as I got it’s cool yeah yeah I say make a little little bit in the bottom where you can swipe away at their feet I’ve got some wood should we need to make slabs but they still hit you and it hurts ah uh oh I’m inside didn’t mean to go inside trying to do it without jumping CU I don’t want to end up inside the farm well exactly it’s so irritating building on the moon now they’re flying back up oh I need more slabs I may have found a way to kill them without them killing us uh we’re also on slabs now so we don’t need any more lava and things then no I think I think we’re okay um we just need a collection system now well this has been a raging success Mr beard Stone Happ to report that I got 17 blad rods instantly without dying I had no problems whatsoever and um yeah yeah thank you for coming and assessing my work and giving it the gold seal of approval yeah it’s absolutely wonderful foxy I just can’t believe how quickly you did it as well incredible I nice lunch time I’ve done nothing you have you built a blaz farm you did it oh look I I added like eight slabs let’s be honest go home whoa who’s this guy he’s got donkeys what hey wanding M wi wine maker he knows of our struggles he’s come to save us foxy he you had a bad day he literally sells bottles of cherry wine yeah look I I think it’s it’s time for a lunch break we’ve got 64 we can buy loads of wine right we what we’ll do is we’ll we’ll buy a little bit of wine from this guy yeah and maybe have a lunch break um and and talk talk about it over wine we and uh if if we do a quick cut here suddenly we might have a couple of donkeys hey look foxy I’ve got donkeys oh that’s good so what has occurred to me is I haven’t actually made a gold farm at all I keep calling it a gold farm and that’s not what this is this is a zinc farm so in theory if I put water there we’ve got a funnel going into this box and I just need to lock this box to zinc so that should be fine if we stick that on there and then adjust this this so that it goes out on this side and there we go so that should wash we should get zinc and hopefully that’s going to pile up in here it does although we’re also getting dead bushes now I wonder can I just grab stuff directly off the belt and maybe store the bushes down here if we go in from the back Auto input H yeah look at that it works so we can literally snatch stuff directly from the belt that’s good to know the good news is that is zinc completely done now so we’ve done this side and next up we do need to tackle gold but I think we’re also going to need more molten clay because we’re not really getting much from over there that’s not really automated as such because you still have to sort of manually feed the burner that melts it down and that’s telling me that we’re going to need a reasonably sized cobble generator here so we can then split that Cobble into three things basically some that gets turned into seared Stone some that then gets washed down and turned into Clay and other bits that get turned into well gold eventually I guess so basically in order to move forward we need a whole bunch of drills to get a whole bunch of drills we need lots and lots of Anders sites alloy andesite alloy that’s the one the shiny one thankfully we have a bunch of clay I’ve got a bunch of irony things I’ve got some andesite which means we should be able to make the compound although I’m fairly sure if we put this stuff into a mixer we’ll get andesite ally compound and then if we put that in the sort of Tinker smelter setup thing we’ve got over there I think we actually get a little bit more and aight alloy from the resources so maybe we should try that and at this rate I have no idea how much of this Factory we’re actually going to get done this episode because there’s so many other things we end up having to do just to achieve what we need but then that’s the joy of mod packs like this there’s always so much to [Music] do no how where you where even was it’s the middle of the day I know right next to all the things I was building oh I didn’t blow anything up that’s good Stupid Creeper where did he come from where did he go I don’t know oh no no no I’m out so instead of making baty’s awesome cobble generator I’m just going to make a small one here in instead and we’re just going to basically copy what Foxy’s already done over there I almost looked at a pipe guy then I don’t want to upset him he’s been there for so long he’s part of the family now so I haven’t made this before meaning I don’t really know what I’m doing but foxy said make sure I’ve got a trough at the front and I think this is going to work as a trough this will catch the water so I think I’ve done this correctly we need to put lava in this section here and then we put water in this section here then that will form a wall of Cobble there so we need to build up lots of drills along this side here and we’re going to need I think I’ve done that as two stacks that’s a lot of drills I have a feeling we’re going to be needing a whole bunch more and theight Alloys so I’m going to get loads more of this cooking up I think so I’ve just set up a little Contraption here to make us lots of and theight casings because well we’re going to need them for our drills we need a couple of stacks and I’ve been over here sorting out lots more of the compound as well because well I need lots and lots of andesite alloy for this and at the end of all that about half an hour later I’ve only managed to make one stack of drills so that’s going to have to do for now because we just don’t have the and theight at the moment I need to go on a drilling Mission and because we only managed to get one stack I’m going to half the height of this cobble generator one stack of Cobble at a time will be absolutely fine I’m sure that’ll still be plenty and I really want to crack on with getting these Farms done this is taking a lot longer than I’d hoped and I’ve just broken my pickaxe dang it that should do it now we just need to put all of the drills in so it turns out maths isn’t my strong point and uh yeah 4 * 8 is is 32 not 64 so we can have it full height we can grab it again oh dear so I think I’m making progress I’m getting there with the contraption we’ve got all of the drills in did just place that storage interface the wrong way so we need to get some rail down there and I need to turn this into a Contraption which means I need to glue it all together first off so if we can get up the top here I need to glue the drill together from there and just make sure we’ve got all of the drills stuck together I think that’s correct now hopefully if we do this and this stick a block behind and give that power oh no it’s all gone wrong and I haven’t got me wrench foxy it’s all G wrong I haven’t got me wrench and I forgot to lock the rotation I’m having a terrible time oh dare you have you got a wrench yeah thanks oh I’ve only I’ve only removed the entire back wall it’s fine good job Mr B good job also it turns out that I couldn’t count and um I made it the size of 64 in the first place so oh good job good job good jobs all around M be Stone everything’s going absolutely as expected yeah which is to say wrong well the good news is Mr be Stone after all of that hard work that I did getting all of those blazes and all of that slime and all of the other stuff I’ve made a whole five Scorch bricks you kid are you kidding me that’s what you got from that five bricks there’s there’s a few more coming through now okay you get you get one scorched brick for every four of the other ones and each of the other ones takes three pieces of obsidian and all one of each of the other ingredients so it is not it’s not a reasonable recipe from this I would imagine I’ll probably have about 16 Pieces by the time it’s done so we’ll have one small smelter like it you wanted three big smelters yes well you know one we can start with one one’s fine yeah you need you’re going to need to put an in a a wall in the middle uh yes I I did foxy it disappeared for some reason oh okay can’t imagine why it would disappear no yeah but I would make it from something easy to break like dirt and then you know the machine won’t have too too much of a tough time on its first go yeah yeah yeah yeah I um that’s why I removed it you see I I had a stone one there before and I thought you know what would be better dirt would be better let’s let’s just quickly remove that you’re a smart cookie I may have made a boo boo oh no oh dear oh dear what what what’s the boo do um the giggle does not fill me with confidence foxy oh yeah the fact that you can’t even talk it’s kind of worrying can I undo them I only need one of those I need the rest of the scotched bricks and I’ve turned them all into those [Music] we have to go back and kill more blazes don’t we no no we got enough Magma Cream it’s it’s the obsidian I miss oh jeez oh no yeah you’re definitely going mining then oh I’ll see I’ll see you in a week what a [ __ ] well we are slowly getting there with this cobble generator we’ve just got three more rows of lava to put in then we should be good to go oh well and the water of course but it’s good to see we’re keeping up with tradition of basically throwing all of our plans out the window once we start an episode because there’s lots of stuff we didn’t realize it does seem to be the ongoing theme for this series but I’m having a wonderful time regardless so that’s the last of the lava in we just need to add some water now if we add that there let the water run to the bottom that’s good okay I think we’re good to run it maybe test although actually I should probably put some storage on this first so for now we’ll just bring that down here and I think to be honest putting it inside a vault’s probably going to be a good idea cuz then we can put it in any direction we need there we go so that should do the trick for now though I could do with the Vault being a bit bigger but we’ll solve that later so that’s definitely set to lock rotation this is good in theory if I just put the torch here this should start working oh I’m nervous let’s give it a go okay it seems to be doing its thing and now we’ve got all the Cobble coming in I can finally actually focus on making the rest of the Farms we need that’ll be nice won’t it [Music] oh my flying foxy what I made a aidr that was not today’s task but I need to go to the sky island in the sky I I can’t argue with that wow that looks a lot of fun bye it is a lot of fun and now I’m on the sky island in the sky Mr bead Stone I’m kind of jealous can you get in it as well oh my my days where do you want to go B you w it’s got upgrade slots as well yeah weapon slot are upcoming feature but it does have upgrade slots and it’s not slow if I was here with a potato cannon we could be having a wonderful time we could be having a wonderful you might notice I’m dropping you off at the uh the farm cuz I’m very hungry Mr beard Stone so I’m assuming it uses lots of hunger because we’re pedaling right yes so just hold forward and then it will like tell you when it’s ready to take off and then shift is uh shift is down and space is up so it does need like a little Runway yeah but you once you’re in the air you can just go up and down you don’t have to keep holding forward you can yeah it’s it’s quite good it is actually very cool I like this by this stage I was finally making some progress and i’ managed to automate the production of molten clay so I then built a small Contraption to take the Cobble turn it into stone and then pour the clay on it to turn it into seared Stone but then foxy came to me with a small problem he was having it’s given me two books Mighty smelting which is the tinker’s book and fantastic Foundry and they appear to be two totally different things now it’s taken me down the quest path of making this Foundry which I’m ticking off as I’m going along right yeah but I I just don’t get it so I’ve I’ve put some obsidian in there just because I had some on me just to see what would happen and it’s like okay make a drain a drain and it wanted me to make these things so I made a drain I made a casting table I made all the things but it don’t do anything so then the quest one I just it just doesn’t make any sense Mr beard Stone clicking The Scorch forcet isn’t pouring the stuff out is the problem right yeah so then does this Scorch shoot thing here for getting things in and out but I don’t know if that’s supposed to be for this it just the whole thing the book’s just total nonsense in in my personal opinion um exactly Mr beard ststone um indeed maybe we need it in that bit it don’t make any sense it literally doesn’t make any sense no no I didn’t mean to get you as well oh I’m actually going to die I need i’ got like two hearts left stop it shoot yeah sorry that it turns out that wasn’t the best idea um my bad right so I I don’t know um oh is the answer so I think this might take some between episode research foxy yeah cuz yeah that should have worked I think I’m going to finish this off um not today because uh yeah I don’t understand it it does well it looks like I should be able to do the things I want to be able to do I can’t craft after the things it says it needs me to craft though I think this is one of the those where I go away and come back and magically it’s all done and working in the future episode it’s been a day today hasn’t it I could I could do with the drink to be honest with you oh so could I yeah so wait wait a minute let me guess what have I got 20 minutes to go fly this around yes amazing probably shouldn’t do that after no I’ve got them ready Mr beard no way yeah I actually have look there’s one and there’s the other lovely oh I um I’ll I’ll just be TW minutes oh for the love of Mr beard Stone hello welcome to this lovely series I see you’ve been busy this week I have i’ I I did machines I did machines and things but look at all the stuff we’re making foxy but but the machines it’s ridiculous it’s like a I don’t know you found some space and just filled every single piece of it with a machine um pretty much yeah here’s a time lapse of me doing it [Music] how long do I have to wait for yeah that’s a good point you probably didn’t actually see that did you we’re making all the metals here so we’re we’re taking Cobble we’ve got the cobble generator right built that last episode so the cobble generator um all the cobbles coming out going to gravel and then into sand the Flint just gets burnt because nobody likes Flint sand gets turned into clay that’s getting melted down over here and there’s some melters under all these pipes uh so they’re getting melted we’ve also got an auto fueler so there’s a little arm here that basically V takes lava buckets and puts them in there and keeps the clay coming which is good good yeah which is all good you know that’s what we want although for some reason it’s run out of buckets it might need some more oh you look so cute in your sleeping bag sleeping bag Mr be oh that oh he’s got durability I can only use it 250 times I mean that’s a that’s a lot of times well yeah but it costs twice as much as a bed this system is supposed to aut refuel but it looks like it’s run out of buckets so we might actually be uh getting a bit in there now but either way we get lots and lots of clay that then gets pumped all the way over here and then the clay gets stored here we’re turning a bunch of it into terracotta via these little hot Bas and things the Terra Cotta then gets crushed into red sand that goes over here that gets washed and from that we get zinc uh nuggets and most importantly dead bushes other bits of the clay go over here and they get they get poured onto Stone and then that Stone comes over this way and goes into to these uh these basins and they get either lava or water squirted on them which makes either veridium or azarine and then that goes all the way over here and gets crushed and from that we get loads of stuff we get like copper and and tin and more clay which then gets fed back into the system and all sorts which is absolutely wonderful that’s most of the metals but we also needed gold so uh we’re just doing the classic gravel to sand Haunt It wash it Sandy washy so we getting quarts as well then uh so we’re getting quartz yep and we’re getting gold which I’m then compacting the gold down into ingots which I haven’t done with any of the others why not yeah well very good Mr beard Stone very good so so I have done lots of machines but this isn’t actually all I’ve done foxy really really do you want to see what else I’ve done I want to see what else you’ve done Mr beard Stone well basically building that much Machinery meant I needed uh andesite alloy lots lots of andesite alloy so I was going to go mining but I made a discovery you made a discovery yes by doing this thing called reading the quest book reading the quest book novel I know very complicated as well yeah but when you do that you find out that triple compressed andite which is like a lot of andesite it’s like a chest of andite pretty much it makes andesite go all over the floor that’s what triple compressed andesite does does it it does yes no that’s a that’s a that’s a floor wait that’s a floor in the collection system but but basically we’re Auto generating andesite like a cobble generator but just andesite we’ve got an entire rose gold chest oh my goodness andite um there’s a bit of and theight in there Mr beard so some of it does actually make it out of that water stream then or off the floor and into the chest that’s good actually all of it does until the chest is full oh okay I was going to say just imagine how much we would have had if you would have had a proper collection system on there obviously the andite is all well and good but right more I needed andite hello foxy have you done nothing this week other than being on here making a full of me Mr be I spent a few hours on here and then I went AFK but basically you can just dump all the ingredients in this chest at the back here and uh get andite alloy so we’ve got what’s that four stacks of blocks almost so we got and theight for days then yes and that’s the stuff I didn’t use obviously I used loads in the in the machine making all those crushing wheels and all that jazz so uh so yeah so we now have all of the metals essentially everything I said I was going to do last episode uh I did between episodes because we didn’t really actually get much done last episode we had a lot of fun doing things that weren’t particularly productive didn’t we we did we certainly did um my gyrocopter which you parked on the roof for me uh yeah sorry about that I thought I thought it’d be funny um yes it was I enjoyed it oh also be careful if you go in the tavern uh yeah I noticed I went in the tavern and nearly exploded yes yeah somehow you’ve managed to get a creeper the bar that wasn’t me so you can’t go anywhere near the bar you can’t come through the back it’s going to be very difficult for me to brew you a beer at the end of the episode Mr beard Stone now do they actually explode when they’re on the seat yes okay you sound like you’ve you had experience with this in the past I nearly went off earlier cuz I didn’t know he was there so that’s what I’ve done between episodes what have you been up to well Mr beard Stone it’s been half term this week which means I haven’t had time to get off on midweek and do any of the things that I was supposed to do so I got up early this morning and logged on a couple of hours before because do you know what Mr beard Stone I’m sick of going to the Moon I’m absolutely sick of it I don’t ever want to go again so I’ve made sure that we never ever ever have to go to the Moon again the way that I’ve done that is I went to the moon died a few times got a few blaze rods and I may have stolen a blaze spawner so that we don’t have to go there and according to the quest book which you kindly pointed out to me between episodes if we put Blaze Spawners in one of these SMY things something happens I don’t know what happens but something does and it sounds good so I got a few blaze rods I managed to make this area here of this melty thing but as you can see it’s nowhere near big enough for a blaze spawner Blaze spawner should be 9 by9 really and um I didn’t have enough bricks to make it big enough so we’ve now got a two- layered thick wall to make sure they don’t spawn on the outside and we’ve got a one layer thick one of these when I put The Foundry controller back on there we should hopefully I can uh oh no I didn’t want to do that I press the wrong button Mr beard Stone oh okay one one moment please blazes in here in a minute hopefully uh oh jeez uh yeah there’s one yeah um I don’t want to ow oh jeez you’re getting flashbacks foxy um yep right get the controller on put a put a new window in quick and now we should hopefully start getting something in there what is it what does it say on the controller blazing blood blazing blood yeah what does that do I have no idea and and you figured out how to get it out as well uh well Mrs Beard Stone term may have may have a bit told us how to get it out not that it works doesn’t work at all yeah not the Mrs Beard Stone has ever once used a tinker’s Foundry um but when I was editing and she watched that bit and she said well how’s stuff supposed to get to the drain if it’s on the corner of The Foundry which is a very logical and very valid point and by moving it off the cor I put one here on the corner and I also put one down there in the floor yes so basically any of them in there but it still doesn’t work I can’t get any of this blazing blood out don’t you need to like can you put that turn that into blaze rods maybe have you tried putting a rod cast in there no I haven’t I’m going to try and put a Rod cast in there and see what happens it works Mr beard Stone we got a blaz rod we never have to go to the Moon again this is wonderful oh my goodness me I can finish this I can make it bigger and we never ever ever have to go to the Moon again this is brilliant oh this what are we doing today Mr beard Stone so about that we need to go to the Moon goodness sake foxy it’s oh you actually killed yourself yeah look it’s it’s fine what do we have to go to the moon for this time I got everything yeah well you did um and you know what also between episodes because I knew you needed them I actually went AFK at the blaze farm over there and got you loads of blaze rods a machine does it for me now yes I know that but you didn’t have this before anyway so I’m glad I put the time in to do that look here’s a time lapse of that happening as [Music] well I mean I I guess you can’t see these time lapses can you foxy thanks thanks sorry it’s very for you well basically we need electricity and to make electricity there’s a few things we need that we can only find on the moon uh mainly mainly cerus quartz and silver so I need to go essentially just go do a big mining mission on the moon mining mission on the moon right okay well that sounds better than fighting blazes we don’t have to go in that stupid tunnel thing anymore do we uh no no no we don’t we don’t but I I do want to have a a little Explorer on the moon and I was thinking the best way to explore the Moon is obviously not going to be on foot no it’s probably not going to be on a tractor as fun as that was but we’ve got gyrocopter we do so my thinking is maybe we should retrieve the gyropter from the from the roof um and and take that with us I could potentially make a second one but because it uses up be a good idea well it uses up so much hunger I was thinking like we could share one potentially but then I don’t know what your I don’t I don’t know what your driving’s like so yeah maybe maybe my own one’s better up oh plus it will give us more inventory I suppose yes exactly yeah that’s definitely a good idea but basically I I I I want electricity and to get electricity I know the first thing I need is silver and surface cour so I’m going to make some preparations to get us to the Moon I’m going to make some drinkable oxygen cuz that’s a thing I like oygen cuz that that way we can stay there for ages is my thinking so yeah I’m going to prep for the moon and you’re going to just kill loads of blazes and build stuff right I’m going to put more blaz rods in here and then I’m going to make that bigger and then it’s going to be better and then at some point today at some point during today hopefully with a bit of luck after this world’s longest intro that we’ve done it’s very longing on 15 minutes it’s probably because I I did so much between episodes foxy yeah if you want to find out what Mr beard Stone did between episodes because I’ve cut it all out then you’ll have to watch Mr beard Stone video because my intro is too long yeah I I’m hopefully today get all of these metals and things out of here processed so we’ve got a whole bunch of metals all nicely in a nice little storage area somewhere around here possibly hopefully that sounds awesome but yes storage is driving me mad foxy that’s why we need electricity it’s the first step to storage the first step to storage that’s one small leap for Mr bead Stone one giant leap for the whatever it is that was good saying wasn’t it yeah I’ll probably cut that off halfway through [Laughter] so if we’re going to be going to the moon and taking this great big drill behind with us we’re going to need lots and lots of oxygen and I think we can just make a bunch of these they say they’re consumable and basically just use these to refill our oxygen at least that’s my hope so I made some oxygen tanks filled them up prepped the space suits and then foxy gave me a potato cannon so I shot him with a baked potato and set them on fire then we quickly dealt with the creeper in the bar with the SPAC suit and oxygen sorted I packed up the drill and then it was time to get in the kitchen and rustle up some food while the food was cooking I made another gyro for easier travel on the moon that’s that weird flyy helicopter thing and I then discovered packages which work a little bit like the boxes we were already using but you can actually break these just with an axe and they retain the contents so I crafted a bunch more we could use for storage on our mining trip one last thing I wanted to make was a giant shiny Hammer that digs in a 3X3 area but this actually turned out to be pretty panted so we likely won’t see that again but eventually I was finally ready for the moon adventure and I went to find foxy foxy Mr bedstone Foxy o this is looking good making some good progress they’ve all got Laing so they’re all powered we’ve got a press setup over here which is powered I just haven’t got any items over here yet look at this I’m actually doing something today and do you know why Mr beard Stone because I left you alone and you’re not on the moon because I’m not on the Moon yes exactly yes oh I do love a good Factory diagram as well yeah yeah you got to have a factory diagram howse do your plan yeah exactly so I still need three of the tiny puny smelters to to process the um the raw stuff in fact I only need two of them I need a copper one and a tin one but other than that that’s all of the machines done I just got to get the items in wow that is some very good progress foxy yeah you see oh he’s so cute just look at him no I still haven’t seen what it looks like right anyway enough cuteness let um um let’s end your glorious morning and um take you to the Moon yay I’ve got presents though I’ve got presents I’ve got fun stuff when I went to the moon this morning I failed to mention that I may have died a couple of times and one of those was to this great ad star asra thing it was like a slimy star and it had loads of health and I thought oh that must be good to kill so it killed me twice and then I killed it and you know what I got from this like boss fight that I did no oh man you boss on the moon yep I got a cheese and four rotten flesh I love the moon let’s do this nice you you still got your goggles on and you look pretty cool like ready with your with your potato cannon your goggles oh you are you are ready for the moon let’s do this I’ve been there before Mr beard Stone I know what it’s like yeah I’ve heard the rumors so there’s that meteor there that we discovered before Oh before we go anywhere Mr beard Stone let’s go back to the portal oh back to the portal the dungon oh yeah should we go do that dungeon let’s go do that dungeon I’m too hungry to fly air strike air strike air strike right I’m ready ow good Landing into the scary dungeon let’s go let’s do this uh foxy yeah I don’t think it’s a dungeon it doesn’t look like a dungeon it doesn’t it looks like they’re all unemployed lunarians and whatnot with that knowledge in hand we stole everything that wasn’t nailed down then went back to the surface to continue on our flight of Discovery um yeah I I guess we’ll just go for a little fly around yep have a little cheeky gandas find someone that looks good for setting up a mine there’s a whole bunch of there’s a like an a lava link surrounded by Ice down here for some reason loads of the old nether stuff loads of nether water as well oh and magma C cubes as well okay well we could go do some mining down there oh there’s there’s a there’s an A in the in the basal here that I don’t know what it is but I think it might be silver or usera quartz yes that’s that’s the sort of stuff we need I just want I want to get down to a decent enough level and set up the the automatic mine what about this little ledge over here c as quartz are you are you back up at the top are you down no no no no I’m down here I’m right above the Lava Lake oh okay down the hole oh yeah I see it w crashed oh I’m too hungry ah ah a fire ah uh foxy oh it’s not good it’s not good oh dear Mr B I fell in lava there was lots of screaming I hate the moon foxy whose idea was it to go to the Moon I’m actually having quite a nice time today on the moon well whaty do to [Laughter] you i’ I’ve got the important stuff back but I’ve lost the gyrocopter and my spare oxygen oh man oh I’m going to go stand in a corner and cry yeah okay um and I’ll be back in a couple of minutes with tea and happiness all the tables have turned how are you doing I’m sad foxy give me your space suit right so I need to go we have a spare one over here I just used that to go get my house space suit so basically I need to go there I need to get the space suits I need to come back with the space suits yeah and then we need to go back out there and do the mine or alternatively we could just Dig Down by the portal and make our own mine shaft that’s safe just throwing it out there just just throwing it out there so about my gyrocopter you know it fell into the yeah yeah like that happened yeah um just remember something that may have been on the gyrocopter oh no what um I don’t want to talk about it I don’t think oh okay fair enough you keep it to yourself then Mr B I will do I will do let’s just say let’s do some manual mining for a little bit no and then um not the mining drill no why did you put that all my what God those drills are such a pain to make Mr beard Stone you owe me a big old mining drill I do I do I’m sorry I’m sad you’re fired Mr that seems fair um if I’m fired does that mean I can come back off the moon no so following that absolute mess on the moon at least we’ve kind of got the stuff we need I think maybe there’s bound to be something else blocking our path but let’s see what we need to do so I want to get to here which basically means I need to make all these things and get myself an alternator so this is what we need to make which has got lots of weird components in it and I don’t know how to make any of this yet [Music] you right there foxy I’m just wondering what you looking at I was looking at the quest book oh is it up there is it yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s exactly where it is yeah okay good you carry on we’ll do sir anyway so what we need to make are essential plates so we need this one here which is a sheet of lapis okay right we need to squash down blocks of lapis and then that’s going to give us these integrated circuits oh jeez uh okay so that’s that’s going to give us the integrated circuits that’s good so we’re probably going to want to make ourselves a little machine to do this I think that’s going to be the best route but the problem we’ve got at the moment is all of our machines are kind of scattered all over the place I think it’s about time we had maybe a centralized Workshop type thing and I think maybe over here would be a good place for it I reckon we can probably build one here let’s just clear up this mess we don’t need this Factory diagram anymore now if we’re going to be building a workshop over here the first thing I’m going to need is power to be honest I think we can just steal that from right here look at that let’s maybe keep it a little bit tidier though and do this and then let’s just build a platform here to stick a workshop on okay we have a platform we have power and I’ve done it like this so that I can basically just do that and get power wherever I need it which is going to be marvelous and as we’ve got iron and andite alloy on tap now although it was expensive I think it’s definitely worth it it’s going to make our lives easier so let’s make our first small machine here so we’re actually going to put a couple of machines in here just basic ones that we’re going to be needing for making the lapis thing and let’s just take this one step at a time and build the machines as we need them so first up as I say we need to make Lapis sheets so I guess I didn’t actually need the press and the Bowl yet but whatever that’s fine that’ll probably come in handy in future but we’ve got loads of lapis look at that first up let’s turn these into sheets and then what we’re going to need is molten silver and copper wire so I guess we need to build some kind of rotating system cuz these have to go around six times as well let’s see what we can rustle up oh and they’re ready Mr beard Stone yes boss I’m trying to make this work with buckets and I’m struggling a little bit here you got any ideas no I’m making these puny smelters and I’m trying to put lava buckets in which works and then get them back out again as buckets and put them back onto this Depot which works but the only way I can get them out is with a hopper but the hopper will suck out the lava bucket before it’s gone in the machine if I take the hopper away the lava goes the lava will go in and it will burn and it will do it but then the po the bucket just pops out anywhere yes so how do I get the bucket out only when the lava’s gone in you don’t but these things can hold 100 buckets but I want it fully automated Mr Beer Stone yes yes like my factory over there which is fully automated as long as I’ll top up the buckets once every two days right so after being extremely unhelpful with Foxy’s fuel problem I did manage to bodge together a machine that takes the copper ingots crushes them and then turns them into wire so we’re now creating copper wire so we can feed this contraption we’re about to make and this needs to be a Roundy Roundy one so uh H where to begin uh everything all right foxy oh yes yes couldn’t be better Mr B you know me if I’m not getting blown up by a creeper I’m not playing Minecraft I’m building a workshop foxy oh about time about time so we’ve got so we’ve got a Bas and Smasher we’ve got a normal Smasher just for when you quickly need a quick little cheeky smash yeah uh and this is a copper or whatever wire maker we need but basically I can Chuck copper in there and it comes out as wire over here brilliant there’s only one problem with it Mr beard Stone mhm you haven’t done it far enough away what do you mean I haven’t done it far enough away well normally when you build things that are useful they’re miles away from everything else that we’re doing so that they’re like really awkward to get to and this one seems to be quite close s would you like me to put it over in that Village yes I was starting to get through a whole lot of andesite casing so I decided to put together a machine to make them oh no it’s going the wrong way right there we go that’s better so we need to make this circly one now and I think it makes sense that the first thing I do is just make a big old belt and then we can figure it out from there so let’s stick a belt on and stick all the things that we know we’re going to need on top so if we’re going in that direction the first thing we need to do is to put silver on it then we need copper wire copper wire Slammer we can have that go into a barrel and then we’ll send it all the way back around the front here so it’ll do a around it will go into the barrel then we’ll connect that back up to here we’ll stick it into another Barrel we’re going to want the brass funnel on here so we can filter it out so once we get a complete chip it will keep those in the barrel and stop sending them round but the rest of this I think we can pretty much just get away with and theight funnels here so this should work what we need to do is make sure that oh no not like that but what we need to do is make sure that these things have got some kind of input so we can just feed loads of copper wire in set the output to the bottom there we go so the last thing we need is silver and and that’s going to be a fun one so I think what I might do is put a small little smelter type system here I guess so the first thing we’re going to need for this is going to be a pipe although to be honest one of them is going to need to be a pump so let’s do that in fact if we move that over this way a little bit and then just bring this up like this we can stick a cog there that’s going to pump that now I just need a small Tinker smeltery thingy if we put a heater there and a melter on top should be as simple as that really Mr beard Stone yes boss you talk the sear bricks but you didn’t replace them we had a deal sir okay fine I’ll replace them gee wh do you know I’ve replaced wow wow H okay here we go there we go we have our first chip woo foxy I built an integrated circuit yay what I I don’t know what it does I’m just really happy cuz I finally achieved something thing oh well done good job oh this looks rather fancy yeah well this this machine makes these and what do these do yes good excellent I’ll leave you to it thanks so I have a feeling we’re going to need a bunch of these so let’s just get this production going we need some more copper wire as well which is indeed this one the sound of success lots of Machines working it’s nice that something went right for a change the question is what’s the next step get 128 of them oky dokie but we want to make an alternator which means we need one of these what’s this a red cell battery now we need cus quartz but to be honest I’m pretty sure we’ve actually already got silver plates and we’ve possibly already got some copper cable as well so let’s go have a little look see and see what we can find as I say I’m fairly sure we’ve got loads of silver plates from the Moon yeah absolutely tons of them sure I’ve seen some insulating wire somewhere as well yep insulated copper cable now we just need the cerus quartz and for that we need cerus quartz these which I think we get just from doing this and if we do it over here we can do it a lot quicker so let’s put these in there and then we can actually shift click two stacks of certus quartz seeds amazing but to turn these into cerus quartz itself we just need to Chuck these in water which is a bit weird so considering we’re going to be sitting next to water for the next 20 minutes let’s see if we can find our fishing rod and then we can do some fishing and keep an eye on them at the same time this will be a nice relaxing 20 minutes for me well we’ve been fishing for about 10 minutes and those little still things seem to be getting slightly bigger or is that just in my head I don’t even know Yep they’re definitely getting bigger oh hello they’ve just changed are they finished they look finished yeah look at that foxy I did a thing I noticed you just got the Applied Energy stics 2 thing yeah I i’ I’ve got cerus courts my 20 minutes were up and I have I have many many of it but more importantly where are you uh somewhere just underground in your spaghetti mess maybe I think all I need to do is go over to the mechanical crafter and craft an alternator is that all you need to do I think that’s all I need to do what I’ve got to do I also need to open this the uh the Amon delivery I wish to know what’s in [Music] it okay it’s a cat what and it what in the world and if you click it it loves you adopter Flopper uh well I’m going to leave I’m going to slowly back away from that that’s just that’s just weird that yeah that’s weird right so I need to make myself one of these now we need to make an alternator so we’ve got iron sheets we’ve got that we’ve got one of these we need copper spools that won’t be a problem so with these spools if I put wire around them like that excellent okay I need two of those but to be honest we’re probably going to need more anyway so let’s just make a bunch and then I need a standard machine casing so I need lead plates that doesn’t sound ideal okay no worries we can use iron sheets for this as well the last thing we need are capacitors and oh no we need electron tubes again foxy do you happen to have any of those electron tubes left there’s a couple in the chest in front of this melter amazing so now we just need some more copper and zinc to flatten now that should be what we need for capacitors yep brilliant so hopefully we can make an alternator now and we’ll actually have electricity this is going to be amazing mainly because it’s one step closer to getting storage sorted and I really want to get storage sorted and it has just occurred to me I did not need to do this in a mechanical crafter whatsoever but we’ve done it now so let’s have this thing made up for us oh jeez and it was going so well today ta we have power power we already had power no we’ve got electricity electricity power yes a that’s a whole new kind of power Mr beard Stone yeah we’re generating 15 Fe per tick whatever that means 15 Fe wow yes I don’t I don’t know what any of that means what are we going to do with all this power eventually foxy storage we’re going to store the power oh jeez I like this idea we can put it way for a safe keeping and then get it out when we need it most good idea I don’t even took me all day to do that could at least be happy I am happy I’m exstatic I’m over the moon I can’t believe it what an achievement you’ve done so good Mr B please don’t mention the Moon that cat Cube thing is very very scary it’s very annoying Mr beard Stone cuz it keeps following me round and meowing and I don’t like it at all is it going to mysteriously disappear foxy it may well do that yes I’ve got a feeling it might I’ll finish the a nice big drill for you buddy oh you made me a new one yes yes it’s um a little bit larger than the previous it didn’t visible apparently no no no no it’s it’s it’s on me I I thought I’d keep it on me just in case I felt like jumping in lava again oh okay uh let me do do that and I thought you took out half of the to no don’t be silly I’d never do such a thing stop it why is it I’ve just turned the thing round why is it facing that way now it’s whichever way you’re facing it places yeah but that’s the front you silly thing it’s okay it’s placing backwards but apart from being a little bit backwards Foxy look at the size of that wow that’s a mighty drill yeah that is mighty Mr beard Stone we should be able to plow up half the moon with that thing in no time yes I really don’t want to go back to the Moon foxy no I don’t I’m still stuck with this Mr beard Stone I can’t think of a good way of doing it because every way I think of doing it we’re just going to get ingots that are just like if we end up with let’s say way more copper than anything else like we have we’re just going to end up with copper in the vault and then there won’t be anything else in there and they won’t be able to get anything else in there because the Copper’s not going to go anywhere so I don’t think that’s a reasonable solution and I can’t think of a reasonable solution off the top of my head and this is one of those things it’s probably really really obvious but because I’m trying to do it in a short amount of time so that you know for the video I’m just getting confused so I think I might finish this off outside of the oh outside of the episode yeah no okay now that makes perfect sense I me we have made some huge huge progress today we have ridiculous amount of we started off with a highly successful trip to the moon like they always are y y y I remember it we’ve got a little workshop now with plenty of power to add more machines as and when we need them so we don’t have to keep butchering everything else yeah you’ve done some applied energistics somewhere as well I don’t know where that is I made this we’ve got power was that is that it this this was my entire day foxy an alternator good job it’s important we need that it’s really important Mr B it is and I had to build loads of machines to make it work it wasn’t like I did nothing wasn’t like I was filling up these tanks with blood I it was only a bit of blood My Blood Sweat and Tears went into this Mr beard Stone yeah I can see it’s literally it’s literally in there right now but yeah I mean I I would say that it’s been a very successful day though um yes I’m actually very much pleased with the progress and uh this is all going to be a little bit shinier when we come back next week right yeah the confidence is uh is definitely there yeah I need a point I would join you but I don’t think I can wait 20 minutes it I may have some ready it just depends if that creeper drank them I do you had some you had some ready last week and you drank them both before I even got here put my backpack down oh there’s one you want there you go oh actually actually got a p yeah amazing CH up that was nice I’ve been sat on there a while I think hey foxy why so down buddy well I’ve just been on a holiday and don’t get me wrong I had a wonderful are you polishing Rose quarts well I it won’t let me the mugs so um yes all right okay okay yeah right so yeah I’ve I’ve just been on holiday um I had a wonderful time it was it was really really good right and I’ve been really looking forward to today’s recording session our Wednesday recording sessions foxy I live for them yes but then I got really sad um you see I opened the quest book that’ll do it that’ll do it it’s it’s it’s a lot foxy it’s a lot there is many on the quest book and that’s just chapter 3 this is episode seven and you said this is going to be a five-part episode Mr beard Stone oh I I said 6 to 10 but yes yes yes it it was it was always supposed to be a miniseries foxy and I think it has actually dawned on me and hopefully yourself as well that this is going to take like 50 episodes do you remember the tractors oh the tractors the tractors the tractors so good times I’ve got an idea right I’ve got an idea because as well as tractors there’s there’s a couple of other vehicles that can be made right okay I’m listening my ears are open yeah as well as right as well as yes boost pads speed up boost pads yes Mario Kart ramps yes and we’ve also figured out that the vehicles slide and the longer you slide the more boost you they’re basically Mario Karts right yes so so so hear me out right what I’m thinking what I’m thinking is uh we we we we been off what we’re supposed to be doing and instead we make a lovely Fleet of vehicles right yes build ourselves a little garage and set up a race course or two and then invite our our create friends on for an epic big blowout race right we’ll wrap up the series we’ll have a big tournament and then and then we’ll play a different mod pack that doesn’t feel like it’s draining my soul away yes I mean 100% one I’m so glad you oh my God the mod pack makers done a good job sticking it all together put a lot of time into creating the quest world put a lot of time into to FID in with all the recipes but they’ve just made it an infinite grind and we’ve been looking through the quest log this morning just to make a rocket to go to space we needed basically a platform with as many factories on it as we’ve already got just to produce that it’s just interfering with our real lives and our other Series so it’s just too much it is yeah uh essentially we we chose the wrong mod pack for a miniseries this is this is definitely a a full-time series uh to to play astral so we’re going to have a big blowout race and then and then in a few weeks we’ll oh you look so cute every time foxy and then what we’ll do is um yeah maybe play a different mod pack so I mean if there is any mod packs you guys want to see us play then please do let us know in the comments because we do love these uh these collab sessions we just we just chose the wrong pack now I believe Mr bead Stone you’ve got some questions for me uh I do I do I do what is this Oh I thought you was going to ask what I was wearing but okay no [Laughter] no oh don’t get me wrong foxy I’ve got lots of questions for you this is just the first one I mean look at this this is a giga Factory um it took me a long time to build it here’s a time lapse of that happening I’ve I’ve just realized it’s not very nice being on the receiving end of that I did that to you last epod uh and these are all of our heads that I’ve been around and collected all of our heads that we can find we’re both missing one head but basically these are uh the same as all of the deaths we’ve had so I’ve actually had 21 deaths but I’ve only got 20 heads you’ve had 19 there’s only 18 there and I the reason they’re on there is because I this was just such a big Bland building I needed some form of decoration and I thought what better way to decorate it by by commemorating it as all of our deaths I mean it’s it’s beautiful foxy it is it is an absolute work of art and to be honest with you I’m loving this Factory it’s it’s amazing it’s it’s a shame that we’re now just going to be racing loops around it probably um yeah we’ve got lots of we’ve got lots of ingots now Mr beard Stone almost beat one of them look at this uh I haven’t done the floor so don’t look down um oh it’s all good it’s all good we’ll just we’ll just stand outside the door again it’s fine yeah I do have another question foxy yes what are you wearing well Mr beard Stone I decided my armor wasn’t cutting it so I thought I’m going to make some new armor and when I looked through all of the armors available I found sturdy armor which is made from sturdy sheet I thought that’s made from obsidian that’ll be strong it’s it’s not strong Mr beard Stone it has the same resistance as um as iron armor so I wait a lot of time and money on that one uh what I did do though other than doing all of that while you were on holidays I took our amazing Moon machine to the Moon mining machine to the Moon even uh here’s a time lapse of me doing that and um as a result we got a whole bunch of moon Cobblestone Soul soil scoria a bit of Blackstone and as well as that I got us a bunch of silver and quartz ready for our next step of the journey in the quest book that we’re not doing anymore good job foxy we can have a lovely silver and quartz and cheese race course if we’re going to be doing racy things I guess the first thing we should do is figure out how to build a race car well we got an automobile assembler so we’re I think we’re 50% of the way there already Mr beard Stone we do have an assembler which is which is this thing the problem is we can’t currently make the parts to assemble which means we need an auto mechanic table yes which doesn’t look that difficult to make yeah that’s probably one of the easiest things to make in this entire pack we should we should look do you remember in the first episode when we discovered the tractors exist and then once we got the tractor you’re like oh I’m done with the series we should have ended there but we should have done what you said foxy right let’s make an auto mechanic table then and then we can make these launch pads as well these dash panels yeah we going to need a lach your Shimmer for that yeah it would seem so lots of iron and lots of Shimmer which is fine iron plates are just heated and pressed iron so that’s easy enough heated and pressed iron sheets so yep there’s an extra step for that as well well we’ve got plenty of blaze rods we’ve got plenty of Blaze burners we’ve got plenty of iron so none of this really should be an issue that is music to my ears foxy I don’t think I I don’t think I’ve heard those words spoken in this series logistically no not without some sort of sarcasm or you know disdain behind them I should I start marking out a uh a foundation for a for a nice little buildy build gagey type place and I’ll go and make a bunch of iron sheets and go and get some Shimmer maybe well good luck Mr beard Stone have a lovely time building our mechanics thing I’ll come and help out soon I’m sure but I got to figure out I’m going to pump a whole bunch of Shimmer from down a big hole with um no power down there but it’s fine so if we’re going to build a garage over here I should probably start just with marking something out it doesn’t need to be particularly big I mean we’ve seen how big the cars are and well they’re not very big at all so maybe something about this size is all we need but I need to choose what blocks I’m going to build this out of we’ve got lots of this sort of moon stuff I guess maybe we can have a little play with some of that and besides that we’ve got lots and lots of Cobble we’ve got a bit of gravel and dirt we’ve got some tough maybe we can use some diorite as well so let’s actually swap out these tough bricks here for something a little bit nicer I’m just going to build up the walls with some dight bricks for now and then we’ll figure out the texturing and all the details and so on on how about maybe some of this oam tile for the roof is this going to look terrible potentially but let’s find out so color-wise I think it could work I just want to actually swap out some of these full blocks and use some slabs instead just try and make it a little bit more gentle on the curve okay there’s a building shell that should work nicely now we just need to sort out a little bit of texture try and break up some of this brickin of the diorites let’s maybe punch in a couple of Windows here as well then I think what we’ll do is we’ll get some stairs in here as if they’re part of the garage door now the most important question of all do we have any gers oh we do we’ve got loads and we’ll take some shafts and brackets as well I think get some gers in we love the gers there we go gerder spam complete so now we just need some texture on the roof we need to sort out some lighting and we could do with sorting out the floor as well there we go and now we just need to make the actual automobile crafter and we can use our mechanical crafter so if we do that put these either side and three train casings that should give us what we’re after yes look at that so what does this do oh look at that okay so we can make frames we can make engines we can make wheels and we can even make attachments amazing the only downside to this is it’s not actually telling us what these things are so we have to kind of guess but it doesn’t look like anything too complicated we just kind of need random Resources by the looks of it to make each car now let’s try and craft one up so we’re going to start with this so we need iron obsidian Diamond leather is that stone and red stone all right so if we put that in there we put one of them in there one of those one of those that is literally just any stone type is it don’t I don’t know what that is but I don’t think it wants stone bricks does Cobblestone work okay Cobblestone works and then we can get an automobile frame then I guess we need an engine and this looks fairly doable as well that will give us an engine now we just need some Wheels the question is what Wheels do we want cuz I’m noticing they’ve actually got um yeah they’ve got statistics I mean we don’t want too much grip we want to do some good drifting right we want off-road wheels probably don’t want off-road do we how about steel yes yes yes how are you getting on um good good good good good good give me like one minute one minute one entire minute yeah I’m just uh I’m just working something out time Mr bead Stone I don’t know if I can wait that long we got this i got this there’s an essential ingredient to your Workshop that you haven’t added what’s that you need a stone cutter so that you can turn these dash panels into ramps oh look at those or dash panels even it’s a shame they don’t work on people but we’re going to we’re going to have a lot of fun with those you are you ready here we go here we go have you made something already well that this this is the test right okay so wow look at that that actually looks very cool uh let’s let’s get some wheels on it wow okay yeah like in the and an engine no way it works yes look at this that’s amazing wonder how fast it is wow look at those skids oh I was just looking but basically that one that I’ve built the frame is quite heavy but the engine is very powerful so if we were to break that car down and for example put that engine in a wooden framed car I imagine it will go faster okay they this one doesn’t go up four blocks either by the way uh that could be to do with the size of the wheels potentially yeah I think we need bigger Wheels I’m going to I I would really want to build one with big wheels Mr beard Stone do it do it do it build build another car I got a shot you did it you did the shopping trolley yeah and we got look at those wheel SI of the wheels Oh my days that is ridiculous I’m in a shopping tring first test I got yes it still drifts excellent good let’s climb up these blocks here with ease with ease Mr beard Stone I need I need better Wheels right so that one is a bit long let’s see if we can try making potentially a different thing right I’ll just put a diamond engine and some big wheels on a track no way yeah but it’s only got little wheels at the front so is it going to go up blocks I’m about to find out oh wow yes look at that tractor it’s ridiculous with the huge engine on it right we need to do a we need to do a straight line yeah race see which one of these is quicker go go here we go oh you’re faster off the [Music] mark yeah you’re uh your your trolley is definitely faster than the tractor yeah well we’ve just determined that I’ve got the best tractor that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the we we need we need a proper race with like skill I won the race that was that was a a drag race with skill a skilled race yeah a skilled race with like you know where we’d have the best skilled race where it would definitely be skill requ I was just going to say we should build a racetrack on the moon but you oh all right fine you build one here then and I’ll yay okay cool build one on the moon Moon you love the moon always get lumbered with these things what we’ll do right what’s the time now it is quter 11 right it’s it’s still morning we’ve got the whole afternoon basically to essentially build the most epicest funnest randomest race course yeah these are all real words um possible no and wait a minute you’ve got an advantage you’ve got like amazing buildings to drive around and to you know I I’ve just got the Moon the Moon has got hi pip a track through the pipes now that could be interesting up the pipes down the pipes up the pipes down the pipes round the pipes yep on the pipes under the pipes you you’ve got that little village dungeon thing you can just drive through the middle of their dungeon you’ve got meteors and craters to visit oh you’ve got all sorts and you’ve got low gravity think of the fun you can have with that what I got one one deal to make with you though Mr beard Stone all right what’s the deal if if I’m building a racetrack on the moon and you’re just building one around here you have to finish your building by putting a building on it cuz we can’t leave this series with this open air I completely agree good easier than I thought it was going to be you expecting you expecting more of a push back on that weren’t you yeah there’s two of them for me there’s two of them yeah I still got the one here I know oh dear no no the the one here has gone and that that oh and so has a chunk of your Pub what because you placed it down with the door I got no Mr be Stone why do all these things always happen to me I I don’t I don’t know I just I don’t even know foxy I swear you do it on purpose but I can tell you built it you built it and when you I forgot when you place it down you have to place it backwards cuz you built it wrong no no I didn’t build it yes you did is wrong um build it backwards I can’t believe have you picked it up no but it it’s there I can’t oh you you why did you just do that stupid machine I just want to get the blocks out of it I it’s still there for me stop it I can’t [Music] it’s like watching someone go mad cuz you’re screaming at something that on my screen isn’t there foxy there’s nothing [Laughter] there stupid ma it’s still there for me it’s it’s not there it’s it’s it’s not there now it’s gone I I’m going to put it down again oh you are got to be kidding me goodness sake what it doesn’t matter it’s to do with the way that this thing’s facing no it’s whichever day weing your faing and this is exactly what I meant you looks fine are you sure it’s not to do with what way the car Contraption is facing it’s going to do the it’s going to go in the pub again okay I’ll spin that round then are you ready yep there we go shut up this is our challenge we have a lovely platform here we need to make this look a little bit more like a wonderful race course and we’ve got plenty of space we’ve got lots of things I think we can do with this to make it interesting and we’ve got plenty of space over there as well we may as well sort of expand out off this platform otherwise it’s going to be a very short race but the first thing I think we need to do is actually just tidy up the platform we’ve got a bunch of things here that are not inside buildings and if we just wrap some buildings around these it’s going to give us a few more obstacles and things like that but that means I’m going to spend the next couple of hours just getting some buildings down doing a bit of tidying and you’re probably going to see a wonderful time lapse of the whole process No Doubt with some interruptions from [Music] foxy progress update we’re actually making some which is nice so far I’ve managed to get a big building down here which basically wraps up that messy Factory we had and I think it looks okay I mean it’s not my best work but we are fairly limited on blocks and I’ll be honest I’m actually really missing my framed blocks from my uh from my solo series but that’s fine didn’t realize quite how Reliant I’d become on them but as well as this building over here we’ve also got a small building around the back just made out of clay with a deep slate roof once again nothing fancy but it does the job and as you can see I have started to lay the roads of where the course is going to go so I thought it would be nice to have a big straight at the back here we can put some speed boosts on that as well just to make people crash when they catch on all these things sticking out at least that’s the hope and we’ve also got this bit here which is actually sort of something that you can tackle two different ways so the idea is you’re going to be going in that direction at least currently but that might change and in fact let’s grab our tractor and go on a little Drive So currently you go this way and you have a choice you can either go to the left here then to the right and then to the left again oh jeez not not very easily apparently it will probably be easier with F5 on but the other option is to go for this narrow bit here skid around this corner which is once again not very easy I like it and then here you’ve got like a little chicane and then you’re into the straight so a couple of options and none of them are easy just how we like it and then once we get to here we’re actually out in the open desert a little bit so I guess I should probably have a look at the land and see where we’re going to go oh I’m pointing in fact let’s have a little drive over here and see what we’re dealing with what is going on ooh I quite like that the thin bit of land cuz we could have it go out that way Loop Round And then go onto the mainland over there potentially we could even have like a broken bridge with a jump because we do have the rampy things over there which I’m not looking forward to take down cuz it takes about a minute to get rid of each one and Foxy’s plac like 50 over there but that’s a problem for future be for now I think what we’re going to do is extend end the race course out that way a little bit I do still have more of the platform over here to tidy up but to be honest I kind of want to break from doing that so instead we’re going to head out this way and just see what we can do and I’ve just noticed I haven’t done the back of that building at all and I think what I’m going to do for this part of the race course is maybe switch to dirt so if we were to go this way and then start heading off in this sort of direction we’re going to have to do a little bit of digging to remove some of this although do we really I mean we could have it so it actually goes up and over the hill as long as we don’t make any vehicles with tiny wheels at the front we should be fine but I think I am going to take off this top layer so let’s just get rid of that so I started laying in the next bit of track but I think what I should probably do is actually switch to co dir cuz otherwise it’s all going to get turned back to Grass oh and look at this we’ve got Co dirt slabs that’s going to come in very handy and there we go I think something like that for the road would work quite well and hello there there’s a giant slime have you just you just dropped down from your Island sir but this should work nicely and combined with of course slabs it gives us quite a nice little surface to raise up on so I’m going to spend a bit of time getting this Road in I think we’re going to go all the way down here we’ll figure out this side we’ll go through that pinch point there and then we’ll just Loop up this way and round but I’m sure we can do a very quick time lapse of that happening you better play some good music editor beardy [Music] Mr bedstone Ox Mr bedstone oh I that that tone changed very quickly why did you make me build a racetrack on the moon Mr beard Stone cuz I didn’t want to build a racetrack on the moon I wanted to build one on land it’s taking forever foxy taking forever taking forever it’s been a week okay have you had to deal with moon aliens that can pretty much oneshot you and incredible Blackness of the Moon and not being able to sleep on the moon in order to pass the time of day no have you noticed the sun is no longer going around Mr beard Stone I mean I mean I have now did you turn the sun off I turned the sun off Mr B you can’t sleep on the moon it’s so H having to deal with oxygen is one thing having to deal with all those stupid Moon aliens while you’re trying to build intricate things in high up places and you’ve got no [Music] it’s been almost 2 weeks of work so far but the tracks looking good we’ll take a little tour in a moment but first I did a bit of a boo boo so I did actually record an outro for this episode with foxy but the footage is all corrupt so sadly I’m going to be ending this episode on my own and that’s really lonely as you can see though I’ve still got a lot of work to do on the track basically from the village all the way around to the end and I need to get that done in time for next episode so I’m going to have a very busy weekend ahead of me but I am very pleased with the bits of the track we’ve got done so far it’s looking pretty good and when there’s actually multiple people racing on here because me and Foxy have tested ever so slightly it is actually really quite difficult to stay on the track and to get a good racing line but yeah it’s a lot of fun and it’s w it’s pretty crazy in some places but if you want to see the completed track make sure to come back for the final episode of create astral where we’re actually going to be inviting a bunch of our YouTube friends over for an epic couple of races both here and on Foxy’s moon race track which is absolutely amazing by the way if you want to have a sneak peek of that be sure to check out Foxy’s episode this week but to see both tracks in their final form you’ll have to come back next week but sadly that’s all I’ve got time for today otherwise this video is not going to be out in time so I’ll see you next time for race day bye bye now

This video, titled ‘1000 Days FULL MOVIE! Minecraft Create Mod: Astral’, was uploaded by Mr Beardstone on 2024-04-16 12:15:03. It has skin/”>garnered 215173 views and 2983 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:34 or 11674 seconds.

I played (almost) 1000 days in Minecraft Create: Astral with my good friend @foxynotail! Join us as we take on WAY more than we can handle, have tragedies on the moon, struggle to achieve our goals and eventually change course by creating multiple race tracks and hosting a tournament for our friends! This is NOT the astral playthrough you may expect!

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrbeardstone Discord: https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrBeardstone

#1000days #minecraft #create #letsplay #createmod

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    Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro gavr up #minecraft #hypixle #hypixel #pvp #hitsync #swrz #dragclick #minecraftpvp #bedwars #pvp’, was uploaded by One_chance on 2024-05-12 10:18:24. It has garnered 2219 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parody

    Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parodyVideo Information greetings square ones let’s take a journey I SP the world where the MS are really mean blue black and green there must be something in the wall here we a diing just above a m yeah oh no yeah the mom break the neck trying to creep a little sneak peek you come to my world but no one comes close to my ey and thr watch you battle with us you’ll be rolling on night night Super Natural Mobs with undefeatable battle dues and all on the on top Mad Skills own so hard we’ll drop… Read More

  • GlowMc

    GlowMc[Cracked] Welcome to GlowMC, the ultimate test of survival in the pixelated wilderness! In this daring realm, adventurers brave the unknown, navigating treacherous landscapes and cunning foes to emerge victorious. GlowMC is a realm where darkness reigns, but hope glimmers in the form of resilient players determined to thrive against all odds. Embark on a journey through an immersive world where the landscape is as unpredictable as it is breathtaking. From towering mountains to vast oceans, every corner of GlowMC offers a new challenge and a chance for triumph. But beware, for danger lurks in the shadows; hostile mobs roam… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+ Economy Create Focus

    Join Our Discord Community! Are you 18+ and love Minecraft? Join us on SteamCraft where we enhance the Minecraft experience without overshadowing its core essence. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or Redstone expert, there’s a place for you here. Be part of a community where every block placed, adventure embarked upon, and interaction matters. Make lasting friendships and see your Minecraft dreams come alive. Feel free to DM for any questions before joining! Join us now! Read More

  • Minecraft server play.rexkraft.com:29460

    Welcome to Survival Green (1.17.1)! The new and improved survival experience! We have spent far too long on developing and adjusting various areas to make the experience of the Rexkraft better for you! We have so much to offer, with some that you may already be familiar with, and some that you are not. Check out the list of new things and some adjustments we have made for Survival Green! New Features: Custom Resource Pack – Yes, you read that right! RexKraft will have it’s own resource-pack for all players to use! This extremely lightweight resource-pack is going to allow… Read More


    Crive SMP || ANARCHY/PEACE/ECONOMY# 🌟 Welcome to The Crive SMP! 🌟**Version:** Bedrock / Java 1.21 Crossplay (Newest version) **Season 2 Coming Soon! 🚀****Join the Discord Here!! https://discord.gg/uTaHDGGbE2**## Features:- 💰 **Economy Mods**: Build your empire with our robust economy system!- 🏞️ **New Biomes**: Discover amazing new vanilla biomes in the Overworld and End.- 🗣️ **Proximity Chat** (Java only): Enhance your gameplay with real-time voice chat.- 🚫 **No Elytra, No Hacking**: Enjoy fair and balanced gameplay for everyone.## Popular Plugins:- **Essentials**: All the core commands you need.- **GriefPrevention**: Protect your builds from unwanted visitors.- **LuckPerms**: Powerful permissions management.- **DiscordSRV**: Stay connected with our community on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Duo”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Duo"It’s nice to see a creeper bringing families together instead of blowing them apart! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore Welcome back to the Minecraft scene, Where version 1.2.2 is now the theme. I’m here to share the latest news, In rhymes that will surely amuse. In this update, not much has changed, But my water source has been rearranged. I’ve got my lava, ready to explore, Cave systems galore, what’s in store? Stay tuned for the next episode’s delight, As we delve deeper into the Minecraft night. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to subscribe, For more Minecraft adventures, let’s vibe! Read More


    BLAZING COAL MEME “Why did the coal break up with the diamond? It just couldn’t handle the pressure!” Read More

  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

    Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock: Easy Automatic Sugarcane Farm Tutorial Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their gameplay and resources. One essential element in the game is sugarcane, used for various crafting recipes and as a valuable resource. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create an easy automatic sugarcane farm in Minecraft Bedrock edition. Building the Farm To start building your automatic sugarcane farm, you will need to place seven blocks in a specific configuration. Next, add a piston on top of one of the blocks, ensuring it is facing the correct… Read More