Unbelievable Mystical Gems – LIVE Minecraft Hypixel Q&A!

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[Music] uh we’re in I am live again I think I don’t know honest it still says [Music] waiting wait there we go then it’s working the SS [Music] are uh yeah yeah the music’s actually really loud let me turn down for a second I’ll do and that all right there we go and let’s go oh right yeah oh yeah he’s in I don’t know if he knows I’m live I’m just say that oh uh all right bro I love this map I don’t know why I love this map though Tom’s not here yet hello feeling better yes H yes thank you flash Tom’s not in the cool right about now uh he said he’ join later he quit he quit was like n he’s like n I’m not doing it today I don’t know why he quit I hey s nice it feels really weird talking to myself cuz I’m used to talking to Tom I’m here to watch this amazing stream thank you thank you M’s not here yet he said he’d be here like 30 minutes 40 minutes so got a long time to wait all right yeah just checking the stream it’s all right oh there is kind of annoying not much I can really do about that you could call me I can’t wait hang on I can’t talk it would make make it so no delay when you talk um nah I’ll just do it with Tom to honest cuz I know all right defending all right he’s defending perfect yes oh they already fell [Music] all right white oh white wasn’t even going for me it was going diamonds ah okay well I got I got both why are there like three Techno Blades in this game it’s like three Techno Blades most the GU is coming what the lag what was that bro what is this lag do you see all those SL backs there I don’t know what’s happening there it’s just like nah I got to pick there no real [Music] issue the gray gu is doing a good idea though such a turd honestly I am such a turd all right [Music] um oh why uh 3 two one round one all thank you uh I don’t know what cil’s doing it’s just oh he’s defending okay uh good good work I just know this pink guy is going to be annoying and I’m going have to deal with him constantly but I guess he’s dealing with gray as well so we go for you know I’m going to go for those diamonds cuz yellow is not even in theame I’m a professional State based person honestly I don’t mind that uh it means good bed defense but don’t make it too big because that means people can just borrow into it Al just notice this the resource thing at the top right is way too big oh I need to make small hang on oh it’s pink guy at the base pink guy at the base you’re joking hold don’t know why the pink guy is continuously rushing us he’s not doing much to be [Music] fair all right [Music] armor we going to chck destroy them you got this W most entertaining YouTub you got this precious pink guy is a distraction yeah you’re not really wrong about that he’s not really doing much I mean we don’t really have anyone to fight on the other side cuz yellow’s not in the game anymore uh well Green’s the only real threat there you know I I don’t really know what this guy’s plan is I’ve got iron armor I’m going to beat you I don’t really know what his plan was there but eh it’s whatever I need a GLE an annoying nuisance oh I was happy I got him then oh thank you I was going to say this guy knocked me into the bo I’m be annoyed all right come on oh come on honestly that was a smart smart move leing you into a trap he’s not really CU there’s no one at our base no one a tool at our base he’s not really doing much like the more and more he does this the more and more I like chance I have just can I not lag back I need YouTu rank bro you don’t what I mean YouTube rank literally allows you to not lag back don’t you not allows be lag back cuz they trust you I need 30,000 subscribers for that seriously I’m just getting lagged back I’m like bro like why got two um yeah bro stop lagging me back I’m not cheating I’m my bro there just kept on lagging me back like bro what did I do this guy’s coming in I don’t really want to fight him on a bridge but looks like what I’m going to have to do is this guy serious how they not noce the diamonds over here yeah I like to use these diamonds think is Gray’s also off them as well so I don’t really know what they’re trying you know like Gray’s after them as well also Tom if you do oh there you go that’s the reason my ping at the top there you see that that’s bad that’s a bad P to have also Cil just let me know if anyone’s coming to our base help me out a lot uh now I I’m going to have to try and get their bed before um they both get iron armor cuz once they get iron armor I’m doomed you know it’s like you know kind of obvious a I’ve got mining fatigue got mining fatigue I’m just going to stay here for a second how am I getting hit oh damn it yeah there no chance of me get the air don’t think El was going to happen I need to get that bed bro grayes aren’t doing much you I think I should I don’t think I should wor about gray I think Gray’s have distracted enough I got one somehow I think I should focus no greens have lost their bed I don’t know who did that I think I should focus on oh no it’s just them I just got to make sure I eliminate greens I don’t know what they’re doing there’s not even a bridge over to here yeah and we’re in a good position I think we need to go to um we need to go towards uh middle that help out a lot what can I do of these not a lot honestly yeah haste doesn’t really help much though I can get Forge you know let’s get Forge upgrades why not why not not all I can really do to be fair me I’m going have to deal with these pink guys cuz oh finally they got a bed pinks have done like nothing this whole game I just need to get them I need to get that bed I out a lot I don’t want to fight this guy on bro stop lagging me back my ping is so bad I don’t want to fight this guy on the bridge cuz I know he will just knock me to the side there I know he would just knock me to the side and I wouldn’t have a chance cuz he’ be like yeah I I’m not losing that’s another mining fatigue trap no no no you kidding are you’re kidding you’re actually kidding you’re actually kidding [Music] you are actually kidding there they just kept on hitting me I was not going do it’s just awesome p Cil can you um do me a favor and try and get us um more protection or haste either one will help honestly these guys are just so annoying they’re not leaving their base they’re just staying at their base doing nothing okay now one of them’s got that’s the issue now one of them’s got freaking uh IR armor got a decent amount of stuff don’t yeah that work but now they both got iron armor I cannot beat these guys now oh there you are no come on you are the chosen one I can definitely get them still we got a pink guy on base oh an iron sword thank you let’s get bro lag back stop it are you kidding don’t place blocks oh my God right this guy’s not even that good it’s just H he’s on our base Cil can you stop stop taking all the resources I have nothing to fight this guy with I absolutely nothing I know he’s here I see him bro he Wast our trap he he literally just wasted the Trap there that did not help in the slightest for there’s no point in setting that off to be fair we need much a lot of protection we’re also going to need to start going to middle cuz there’s nothing I can do [Music] now why the alarm trap bro alarm trap is not that useful right about now can guarantee you they are not going in this let’s go middle like genuinely I’m going middle cuz you know these guys total douches they are douche ah pink thank you Cil oh a dream Defender nice silly good job just stop stealing all the resources when I die bro I need something yeah they’re just got to keep on rushes and also can I stop freaking lagging back it’s not helping me at all I can’t make I jump I was going to jump but then I was it’s not possible that’s possible there there go where are the emeralds they’re down here I can get diamond armor it might help me out there not going for Middle we are so that might help us out a bit don’t know that we’ve gone middle I can get diamond armor now I’m going to try oh graay be middle at me they have access to Middle they just haven’t used it for some reason [Music] PR sure there’s some more emeralds yeah right P got killed I think they’re just staying at their base they don’t want to fight us which is kind of nice honestly but yeah got this right there’s no more emeralds I just need to go back base got a fireball doesn’t really useful I bet he’s going to be another pink guy on the way cuz all the pink guy is trying to do is just get our base he’s not really doing much I see him on that bridge over there they keep trying to rush us but the dream Defender keeps stopping them L yeah that would make sense I see what is one on the bridge right there I’ve got Fireball I’m just going to I hit him it doesn’t really do much but come on dream Defender this guy this dude all right um come on I’m putting these pots away soz I don’t want to lose them I’m not going in yet I need more I I think we need more protection what we got we got prop two that’s good it’s not amazing though need more which mean have you got any diamonds cuz stop lagging me back it’s not helping I guess the game’s not trying to help me out here he’s still trying the same thing yeah I know know he is don’t worry I got it don’t put the Golem down stop lagging me back game look here here did you need any more of a whooping there you need anything else seriously you could just save your Golems M this guy is not really doing much he’s not of a big threat he’s not even taking the resources from this space like this guy’s really not doing much he’s got a fireball I know that bro why are you taking no damage now what I got amazing look you’re not going to do anything okay there’s two now that might actually be an issue but you know I don’t think so why are they both got technoblade skins bro it’s not helping them thing is like we won’t need middle to destroy yeah I get that if this guy rushes in with all the emerald all the diamonds that I had it’s just going to be a big bra moment two diamonds and chest okay can’t stop lagging me back yeah I think he took those diamonds and helped himself Dr but once they decided let’s let’s let’s actually go together to help ourselves you’re not beating me here mate got no gapples so I really need to worry let’s just build a giant wall here there we go enjoy enjoy yeah I need a golden apple cuz that’ll actually help [Music] me wow oh okay damn I just I’m I’m not joking you when I say I am actually lagging though you can see I am lagging but I’m going to lag back there aren’t I wow for once look watch this wow you did something impressive oh now they’ve gone middle okay we got a trap we sh these guys are actually just like annoying me now like genuinely are just annoying me got three this guy coming back yeah is I’ve got diamond armor prop three I should be able to take both of them now to be fair guys block hitting which makes sense why he’s taking like no damage [Music] I still say something I think no you didn’t okay oh he’s got Diamond arms yes definitely get uh diamonds for prop four prop four is what we need now cuz one of them’s got diamond armor oh hello oh this gu to die with diamond armor I got one one fell into the void the other guy fell into the void and I killed the other guy yeah prop four will be very much needed cuz these guys are actually starting to get good gear [Music] now I think they both got diamond armor now yeah they do that guy oh hello okay that was actually kind of smart not going to lie that was a funny death message wa really right uh I did not mean to buy H just bought wood by accident all right well we got a dream Defender here if he tries he’s not going to get anywhere be fair there they are I think they’re just farming diamonds at this point like watch this boom what do you got now huh oh he’s actually actively coming I’ve got a block behind me mate I’m not going anywhere hi you are kidding he’s coming in he’s behind me watch this in the chest are you’re kidding refuse to lose to someone who’s got a technoblade skin bro [Music] guys actually getting good combos though stop lagging me back game see what I got you I’m just going to get a knock back stick yes I’m going to be that person who gets a knockback stick I don’t [Music] care look at this knockback stick not not back one obviously I won’t use it if I’m like an enclosed space I can definitely use it to get some the void I’m going to push up here hey there well I just DED him like that what’s he going to do he didn’t he fell into the void didn’t he on purpose yeah he did [Music] oh let’s go oh holy holy I wasn’t expecting that well I’m going to go for the bed now since you’ve got that I can definitely get the bed now we might do can you do me a favor and just stay at the base I’m going to try and get the bed now I can get that we got multiple traps so don’t worry going for the beds Cil you stay at base get your Dream Defenders cuz they’re definitely coming yeah they’re at base uh I’m going for the bed now they defin they have a bridge to middle so I can get the bed through middle y get it Cil I have any Bots oh not really bro stop with the stupid stuff uhoh One V to the vo are you kidding me these guys have got obsidian they’ve got obsidian well I know what this game’s about to become oh you kidding I’ve thrown the game [Music] sadly no haven’t I refuse to lose just doesn’t lose what are you talking about right this guy’s coming in I’ve got three [Music] Golems I’m here he saw it I was like [Music] nah all right come on bro I’m going to lose because of this stupid lag back aren’t I I’m telling you that much I’m going to lose CU this stupid knockback that I’m guessing hopefully those Golems will do something by just standing there why are there two separate fbls go in the same PL bro not a lot I can do with the diamonds now [Music] literally don’t have anything I can use not a guy near me is there oh there a guy in the middle [Music] okay that’s how toxic I am I don’t care oh yeah you’re dead prob not dead ha got you this time he say you had emeralds yes two emeralds it’s valid can’t get ender pearls I can definitely get projects [Music] oh yes Cil if you finish this bridge you actually help me so I know this bridge didn’t exist at one point I also know that I can get M Forge now at this kidding that guy is going there you will never know where’s my jump jump come in stealth mission I think I’m at that base I think oh you’re kidding whatever I did throw the game actually just fell into the void like an absolute idiot honestly they did play kind of annoying to be fair I got 24 kills Jesus Christ that’s how you know they were playing annoying I see know they’re playing annoying I got 24 kills they also got obsidian like who gets obsidian no one like seriously I wonder when Tom’s going to join Al I stupid lag the whole game like come [Music] on how many people lost the people with have technoblade skins [Music] bro I don’t know which way you rush on this map so I’m just going to go to green I don’t know are you I I press shift I press shift hidden I literally pressed shift and I was like [Music] nah and they’re coming because it didn’t let me press shift I can’t stop them now come on build up build up with me build height oh you kidding I hit him oh you kidding I actually hit them you’re kidding I hit that guy I at the worst time right now I I I I keep on hitting him and it’s like nah just nah oh my I I’m I’m done green jumped off to with you yeah and I look like an absolute idiot CU like people jumping off okay you know what I’ll take it you fell off too you know what it’s not just my bad day today uh I I just got um I got banana peels on my U my feet that’s all I just got banana peels on my feet it’s just called a Mario Super Mario Bros I got the someone got blue shell it just thrown at me okay so I want to do it’s not let you come up here bro I’m doing terrible right now you’re actually kidding I threw a fireball that was bro was like the stupidest thing I’ve seen in my life you call skill I lags nearly jumps into the void but then I uh fixed it right come on play this F this guy’s going to throw another Fireball he’s got another Fireball just got one Ms what was that I hate this so much I’m guing 99 ping I’ve never had this much lag in my life why I’m getting this much lag stop lagging seriously actually going to have a mental breakdown in a minute it just keeps on lagging it’s like nah oh you’re kidding I got I got the block as well they just patched it up I need to get shears oh you’re kidding how many times I have to respawn it’s just three times than what you get you’ve got one Ms bro you have got one Ms I’m buying shears this guy’s actually annoying me now actually we going golden here I’m going to wait get some gold I’m iron armor I’m done with this this is so painful still can you just like stop taking all the stuff I need that bro right now I’ve got iron armor this should be a lot easier now oh my bro stop it are you kidding I’ve got good stuff bro I’m just getting stupid server lag for no bro there’s a guy right there just so you need to be more aware mate oh you’re kidding [Music] bro he fire with the bridge oh my uh um I’m doing so bad right now honestly CU there’s never enough stuff in here and we’re actually going to get Rush from another team and can the Shar actually in the right area are you why do you take no knock back what was that KB [Music] brother all right [Music] well what what was that couldn’t move yeah you’re not getting the best oh you’re kidding yeah we’ve lost this game by the way Cil just saying we’ve lost this game think we might get the bedge but then there’s no chance for us to survive you get me I got him this pink guy we’re not going to survive this pink guy this pink guy is going to kill us all well I can just go here but for Cil is dead now I’m just running can I stop lag bro if I lag back one more time I’m literally oh P so final kill as [Music] well got him feel bad for still wait our bed’s not broken wait we almost won wait it’s just a pink guy wait where’s the void I need to die no we got one there’s one guy left we can kill him I’m com back he’s a green base not choke this I see him he’s over there there see let’s go together that way we have a higher chance of winning or I can knock him into the void yeah I’ll knock into the void can I please stop lagging back that would help oh come on he’s at 9 HP we got him we got him we can get him wait what it never even flashed up on the screen so the bed was broken it never flashed up on the screen saying bed was broken I’m sorry it never flashed up on the screen saying that the bed was broken what yeah I don’t know I’m doing so bad today I’m going to quickly check my ping out it’s annoying me as hell 99 kidding got like the worst ping ever can we just like not lag anymore that help it’s not even like I’m having confus I’m having server lag yeah I’m having a terrible time and also please don’t swear CU still don’t swear mate I don’t appreciate swearing yeah you realize Hypixel automatically senses it and even then just don’t even say it in the first place uh Raptor asking the chat in stream chat by the way [Music] oh you come on I lit what was that Cil can you stop staying in the Forge so much bro I have like no reason sources anymore why are you running away from them they’re coming to our base need to get them what you do guys R I don’t know why you ran away don’t make the Defence so big stop it oh God stop that defense is way too big that defense is way too big guys stop it I’m try and get the bit Raptors can you stop running away from them bro got on [Music] right guys come on help me out there yo hey okay we got the bed all right nice how you doing bro I’ve been having a stressful time stressful yeah I keep on like I have really bad ping right now and I kept on lagging are you with other people cuz I I I don’t think I’ll be able to join but I’ll defin I am watching The Stream though I am definitely on the stream I’m with two other people so there’s still space in the well that’s all right then that’s all right then you’re not able to join uh no not today sorry uh just I got uh well I’m watching The Stream I just don’t fancy jumping on to be honest I mean it’s not not personal but I I’ll definitely be a part of the VC for a bit that’s fine cuz I’m having like I think I’m just playing badly cuz I’m stressed cuz there’s no one else in the party to talk to me I’m just wait there’s no one else in the party what do you mean no I mean no one else in the voice call I’m not talking to anyone else I’m stressed that’s the issue I’m I’m used to talking to you so I’m not stress welcome to Precious suffering yes it is I’ve been lagging back don’t worry I’m here now don’t worry I’m here now I don’t think you sort out the lag you could definitely help me not being stressed that’ help just need someone to talk to to be honest cuz I’ve been stressed I was I was there for a bit earlier I went out and I got myself some food and I got myself a drink and then um nice and then I um I joined for a little bit and then I was watching something else and then I decided to come back and then join the VC so I’m in all my luck and teleporting it to precious thank you thank you I need I need it he needs it he needs it I in so kill me I hate myself just jumped the vo can you all stop stap everything in the for I swear I spawn in there’s nothing in the Forge for me I left Al L thank you yeah I end up iend like I I read some of these too anytime I respawn there someone in the Forge and I just have no resources it’s just annoying to deal with I’m so tired understand were you up at like 11:00 p.m. yesterday well yes yes can I know the reason why I a to join or is it just like you don’t want to tell me don’t fancy it you don’t fancy it that’s fine nothing nothing personal nothing personal I just don’t fancy it today but I am watching the stream on both on both on both on my phone and and also I’m going to type in the chat with my personal account if if you look wow you got I didn’t even know you had a personal account yeah just like an ordinary account just for me nice private really but it’s fine yeah that’s fine I was going to buy going to buy Forge upgrade I’m tired of respawn there’s like no items painful gooded go that’s what every welcome to the tide group uh it’s a tired men Club Nine likes ah I see I’m inside castile’s head you’re in castille’s head yeah I keep on I’m running inside of him sounds really weird but come on guys let let’s leave a like on the stream let’s get him to at least 20 likes today if we don’t get 20 likes I will be coming to all of your houses and I’m going to be under your bed tonight all right so you better leave a like before I come over there and and slap you silly come on let’s do it let’s get to 20 likes and if we don’t get 20 likes then I’ll be quite sad but if we don’t then well um I making a new enemy of blue uh there’s I don’t actually mind spiders I’ll just I’ll I’ll grab it with its if it with its eight legs and I’ll put it on your face right what tanic shs well what I’ll do is I will bring a tarantula there as well they have a Dylan Dylan that’s just too much mate that’s just too much there’s there there’s you eat the spider Jesus that’s just too much that’s just too much that’s just too much [Music] spider I don’t know why we’re going all going over here not very useful honestly oh my bro do you see that lag back on the street they from oh I got someone someone’s reading out my chat for me I love it no no I don’t think anyone’s gone to middle so I’m going to go to middle in a second cuz no one’s actually gone to the middle there’s like 12 emeralds there probably I called the lag back you got this precious thank you I need that [Music] Red’s going to get blue birs I think this might be our first win destroy them this might be our first win of the day waa I feel hyped yeah going to middle cuz here’s the thing no one’s on middle so there’s going to be like 12 emeralds there that’s not fall into the void h made how many emeralds we got here three I ask me any questions within reason please um Q Anda technically uh do you like cheese obviously do you like ham yes do you like ham cow I like cow what type of cow do you like cows what type of cow any cows do you like cows uh yes cuz you are a cow do you like steak um no but I like chicken uh genuinely I love chicken you’re not lying just to just to just to make me happy I’ve never ate a steak in my life I’m being serious well you know what I have but not not an expensive Stak had goodness bro stop lagging me bad is this guy serious he’s bowing me this this what you call a knock back how far could a wood chuck chuck if a wood could chuck chuck wood how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood wood chuck wood us destroy that blue how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood yeah you back off how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood wood chuck chuck a staircase on the blue um Bridge oh I think we got a Chu chuck if a wood chuck could I just watched what the hell was that did you see that on stream there how much wood would a wood chuck chuck did you see thatu could chuck wood you see I like phased into a block then that was you’re just lagging like a mental yeah I don’t know why I’ve done like nothing nothing’s changed since yesterday to show your screen no tal crash yeah I know that’s why I don’t want to do it we got to get did you know two people on the exact opposite sides of the world drop a slice of bread at the same time the Earth becomes a sound what qualifies a sandwich cuz if you think about sandwiches can be eaten but can the Earth be eaten I just doesn’t a sandwich have to be edible the Earth’s not edible you know in like 20 years they’re going to be well not 20 maybe 100 years but they’re going to be looking at ancient relics on like 20 20 I think Tik Tok we’re learning about Tik Tok today Earth is a planet to be fair still can I have a diamond please oh no you’re going iners we’re going iners oh cil’s going iners how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a good luck I’m going to I’m going to blow up their Bridges so they can’t get back as easier how much wood would a wood CH Chu if a wood Chu Good chuck wood oh oh yes good job Cel cil’s the MVP he just got blue bedge is he though obviously think I just noticed I got 20 diamonds cuz I thought we already had um prop one uh prop two turns out we only had prop one so I only need need seven more diamonds I can get BR three all righty then good job guys I think this might be our first win we let’s go I know thank you lag wait you fell into the void cuz of lag oh rip lag just if you drop on the floor prob if you drop soap on the floor is the soap dirty or is the floor clean the soap’s dirty and the floor’s clean I just I keep on lagging back and I’m like why it’s both it’s both if you jop soap on the floor stop lagging me back game wait a minute that’s actually a very right good good job C wait I I don’t know what would you J soap on the floor is the soap obviously the soap would be dirty but then you’d be cleaning the floor with a soap so how are you kidding what was that water doing I’m confused hey I got I got the guy I’m confus bro that guy fireb me like 5 seconds I just got fireboard into heaven I got one though yeah well you’re winning yeah the guy like took like seven fbls and just yeated them at me it was absolute stupid to watch like five firewalls just hit me in the head I got one into the void so it wasn’t that bad I’m going to get the other guy I got a speed potion now so I should be able to combo him he’s on the bridge he’s coming what is this Golden Apple doing o are you kidding is that punch boy no it’s not do someone like deal with this guy he’s actually kind of annoying me now can you stop sir stop it Put the gun down oh you just th fire at me if money doesn’t grow on trees then why do banks have branches I got that onom wow it taking so long are you kidding me you’re TNT in yourself sir he died to his own TNT he died to his own TNT and we won let’s go first win of the day let’s go finally he’s like okay I’ll use RPG then put the gun I’m down okay I’ll use [Applause] RPG me having fun you have fun Tom yeah yeah boy Roblox clothes I don’t like your Roblox um what’s got my ping at the top 96 Ms Ros is are red Violet’s a blue pre finally got a w your pings are no better than mine who 37165 I’m going to my third win L I’m going to quickly restart Minecraft cuz I don’t want I it might help I don’t know I very much doubt it you are streaming and you’re also on a voice chat so your ping is probably going to be a lot worse yeah precious can we One V one later he just wants to record a video of of him beating you and then he can post it on his channel have you seen his videos recently I saw one video of him beating someone up I only saw on Discord so I didn’t actually know he had like posted it beating people in Hypixel part six part five part four part three part two part nine what whaty do he wanted it he wanted to Jo me and I’m like no no you’re just going to use me for Content I’m not having that destroying technno sniping a Jew yeah it feels good try and let me try and sort out this um uh cat to going to try and sort out Discord uh it doesn’t exist for some reason I’m trying to listen on YouTube and I play Minecraft and because of that YouTube is eating my CPU so I lag more hang on just trying to uh sort I don’t need to make that I’m just trying to make uh the Discord call right now oh dear uh my stomach is killing me the whole screen now hang on there we go hello hello hello and then we small hello that’s tiny right can I make this smaller nope I cannot hello that is really big I don’t like that let’s make just what she said oh come on come on come on Tom transform my ribs are killing me really Tom really I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t hate me sorry that’s someone in chat not even me that’s what she said Jo yeah it’s funny really come on laugh come on we need some laugh up in here we need a laugh anyway put this in so people know I am the owner he did he did didn’t he I just walked into the joke yeah I know I don’t cuz no one uses it obviously you’re going to walk into a joke if no one uses it everyone uses it well I do I just sounds sad No Bully are you bullying me today uh what n are excuse me n n what you know he said that on call yesterday with his girlfriend his girlfriend was like what I’m not joking oh man really say Ny his girlfriend was like what I’m pretty sure she thought he’s saying Nani like Nan to his girlfriend and that’s what she thought I’m I’m I I positively think so but yeah most the MRA sounds n n h all right well let I’m going to fine wapt this fine fine only one Alo your Ms is one M Ms got terrible Ms yes yeah I already I already know he’s recording he’s definitely going to be recording you yeah I know but then you’re going to destroy him so it doesn’t actually make a difference keep on missing the rod I keep on missing the rod to be fair H to be fair he’s he’s got Fair content because to be fair like I did duels myself I love doing classic duals and Destroy yeah you never really asked anyone to do it you just went into duals and fought random people I’m pretty sure yeah no I just fought random people and posted it because usually sometimes I’ll get in a game with someone terrible and then I’ll win so it’s like it’s it’s content in it n of beating people in Hypixel and the videos are like 30 seconds long like I feel like that’s not but there’s nothing wrong with that it’s like short isn’t it I feel like he’d do better if it was a short though it wouldn’t do I feel like I feel probably not probably not because he’s doing the exact same video it wouldn’t make sense I don’t think yeah but there’d be more Impressions probably I’m not sure I mean his thumbnails are just parts of the I don’t think there’s actually a video uploaded YouTube Just chooses a random part of the video if you don’t put a thumbnail well I know you should just just chooses a r out of the thumbnail if no one’s there uh well one isn’t put in but uh that’s how it works thank you brother thank you for subing thank you what even though I don’t do any content well the last video I made was with with my girlfriend’s cat she the cat was watching um uh uh cat videos so nice I love that cat video it was really funny yes he very cute got 100 views love cat videos that’s just the thing people just love cat videos and I know that people just love them they see a cat video and they go right my channel is is fairly dead considering I have like 4.15k subs and I only get like what 100 of those I get like 100 views per video and I’ve got way less Subs even there a guy ping up way I know I’m I’m like I’m like I mean I’m monetized so you kid done well it took Meed doing guy things I have to get a lot of views and a lot of watch how rap get both those kills it’s crazy mind you I had support so I’d support with that you did like loads of giveaways as well yeah you know I had to get that monetization man doesn’t really do much now anymore does it well it can yeah I know let’s say I post a video and it got million million views and loads of people watched it and you know it’s very hit and miss cuz like it depends more like a gamble it’s a gamble like whether whether your video will do well or not Alo these guys are bridging insanely fast to us I don’t know why no I got iron armor now and then you just got blocked off there and absolute destroyed and you’re about to get absolute destroyed and tossed around like a ping pong ball okay I don’t actually have a pickaxe tossed around like a pingpong ball oh come on seriously hang on round two fight I bought a pickaxe the axe first you’re joking oh come on guys let go up move out of the way raptors raptors why there goes all bed by the way hope you lik having a bed cuz it’s gone now thanks raptus thanks Raptors a lot stood in my way so I could place a plot and there goes cassil there goes cassil c yeah it’s a game yeah I know going to cost us [Music] though bad decision what the guy just fell in Tech snip if you lag one more time I’m foration punch Microsoft already was cuz they just didn’t let me get my account back and they got hacked but you know you move past things I’m dead though did you wear on your stream by the way you’re kidding I don’t I don’t even need to check cuz like I just see all I see in chat is if I had money I on um on here I would donate I’m like that me how much I’ve you don’t know how much I’ve donated dollar think I didn’t donate a dollar mate I donated a pound that’s more than a dollar a dollar is less than a pound yeah can I stop this guy from bridging that’s what you’re getting from me though that’s what you get for for last stream that’s what you’re getting though you little rat what what I do I’m joking I’m joking honestly I I didn’t even hear what you said I never said I never said anything guys you never heard me say anything did you come on you GRE do you a favor no I never said that no no no no I’m going I’m going to um I’m going to quickly replay your your donation but with sound so actually works it’s half the time the alerts just don’t work I’m like bro yay oh you just put raptus raptus yeah cuz you said raptus raptus earlier yeah uh there we [Music] go the music snip tipped thanks for the donation rapt yeah I just I just re The Annoying Thing is it doesn’t play when um it only plays the sound when I replay it or make it do it it doesn’t do it when you donate and I don’t know why weird it’s just weird maybe there’s a way of setting it up maybe seems to work whenever I donate not I dollar dollar dollar is Rus can you stop circling me I don’t like being circled [Music] I need the L I’ll be back in a minute back in a minute all right yes br [Music] I could go for yellow bed but then I don’t feel like doing that love you all thank you thank you Tom this is my diamond I can break the pickaxe I wouldn’t really go over there raptus right now but okay going over there seems like a bad idea cuz I got a lot of stuff over there and there goes red bed [Music] back Tom ah yeso can I get a hash rip for raptus um he didn’t actually go I just stopped you [Music] know Raptors can you finish off that bridge bro hola hola we got to go over there before blue get over there before blue come on come on raptes should to steal our diamonds watch this this is the speed I need you know I’m going over there to take our diamonds back we want those back get them diamonds yes yes and yeah yes destroy blue precious destroy blue he just fire the hell out of us he did yeah he did it my the stream’s delayed on my end what are you doing sir 821 Robux the blue suu versus yellow now I have about like eight I got about £8 44 worth of roblux in a minute nice yellow’s got like every like tons of wool on their bed for some reason they got everything under the sun for some reason 821 and I still got 64 pending so I should have nice about 8 you Don how much have you donated this point honestly in please donate probably about 24K more I meant to me mate like actual money um 77 74 cuz I’m the only person who’s donated if anyone else does that I’m going to actually put um Mr Beast on the it’s going to be like here’s 10 billion right if anyone out out bids me I will out bid you and then and then and then I’ll become rich and then you’ll become rich worth it I’ll still keep streaming even if I do become rich though so I enjoy it I’ve never done it for money I’ve done it for um entertainment PES like I figured H if I’m if I’m entertaining myself and may to entertain everyone else to be fair while I was doing YouTube I’ve at least earned probably about one grand but I spent like all of it so you’ve earned a grand you if I was you if I was you I would take that money and invest it I didn’t invest it I was stupid so no but that’s not just uh that’s not on just AdSense some like donations as well donations um in terms of like giveaways how much do you give away way then got a bow a lot this guy’s got a bow I gave about gave away about $60 worth of op to find Cape so this guy’s got a bow and I hate it oh what type of blindness trap I’m in the base no oh my God too much stuff in my inventory I was going to place the endstone above me he broke it and I couldn’t do anything that point yeah no I mean when I was doing my I earned tons of money I earn tons of money through uh from the uh from the thing I need that I need the stuff on the forge guys so leave it to me I get the bed their bed’s not that hard to get I know Dylan Dylan um you do earn money from YouTube but you need at least um 1,000 subs and you need to at least I think it’s 4 000 watch hours uh 3,000 gets you donations and super chats and members and stuff but then 4,000 is actual ad sent yeah 4,000 watch hours is AD Cent so then you earn money through ads so far all I’ve and you need also one thing about the watch hours it has to be you have no idea you have no idea how long it took me to actually get 4,000 watch hours has per year by the way Raptors can you jump down and get them yeah if you don’t get it within a year you have to get it again next year that’s how it works sadly I think that’s how it works isn’t it was that you said that’s per year right you said that’s per what the hell the Go’s flipping me he’s flipping me through a freaking block I am Crow I thought they said I am cow I was going to say can you make my Tom account mod uh in a second yeah just C in a very intense part of the game we’re about to win okay where are the yellows where are the yellows ah they’re hiding the yellows are hiding I saw one of them actually hiding at their base R just always wins mate that’s why you guys should subscribe and and turn on the noty bell and then also also um subscribe to me because I’m cool as well is one on the no don’t please don’t please don’t I’m actually terrible what did he say I never said anything where’s the other guy genuinely where is the other guy I lost him I think he’s hiding his own vent defense Raptor Loa reduced to Adam atoms who is he talking to who is have any yeah we have emeralds over here wow six right uh track where is he he is at Red base we know where this guy is I’m C are you wondering who precious is talking to me Tom AKA techno snip AKA I’m pretty sure C’s been on my stream before friend friend pretty sure C’s been on my stream before I recognize his name all this is me I I just put a smiley face in the chat hello all right I’m got I’m going to go for this yellow guy who thinks he’s cool by staying at a base yeah so make sure you subscribe to my other friend snowflakes you know that guy he’s a good he the one who makes all my thumbnails the link the link doesn’t even work on to his channel are you kidding happens so many times I swear I have to keep on resetting it every like stream it’s so painful to do don’t know why keeps on breaking yeah it’s broken again like why I don’t know where this yellow guy is all I know is he’s over here somewhere so alist alist alist alist what is alast is it like Alias this guy hid behind the face the whole game what the hell was that lag back a false assumed identity as by operating under the Alias bad there’s another Victory under the belt me quickly War y over here Tom’s not going to be in the warp sadly and the part no picture uh Tom Tom where is Tom again going to find you so I can give you a little check mark there you are uh add as moderator standard moderator okay 195 ping I’m going to subscribe to Tom all right cool good for you guys let’s go I’m joining train I think train subscribe to myself so sad subscribe to yourself you know I think I’m subscribed to myself on my school account CU my school gives like accounts out you know already sub to technos sub official nice yes I apprciate the highest ping I have no clue why I need to hit 5K that’s my goal but I need to post content and I need to make shorts but I just don’t have to the the I don’t have the willpower all the all the time all the strength to do it so why is it got really quiet all of a sudden I don’t like it I’m not talking I was looking up something oh it went really quiet I hated it yeah that’s what I had to deal with for a long time wasn’t it you know anyway some reaction videos you want reaction videos I don’t think anyone would like that I’m really boring when it comes to reactions I’m just like oh a monster I’m M on my tech snip Channel I made so many reaction videos to like how to basic and all that and like my favorite reaction video was I don’t think it was a reaction video but it was more of just a funny video it was bedwars but I get the Fright of my life well that one that was wasn’t that that was the one I made wasn’t it yeah it was funny to me I was like oh you know it was just funny you know I can’t remember what I did on that you just like you were at the end of the game you were just bridging you were like bridging over somewhere and a guy appeared behind you and you got scared somehow it wasn’t really scary to me cuz I saw the guy I was like oh hello that’s literally my reactions if I was to do a reaction video it would literally just be like like you’re in a horror game you see somethingone coming you’re like oh a monster that would be my reaction soz I’m so bad at reacting unless it genuinely gets me which half the time it doesn’t man that video got 100 views and 15 likes bro that was that was when I was getting the views man yeah I know how hell no but to be fair my techos snip Channel actually did very well for views like on most of my videos it got more than about almost more than 200 views a video two deal videos I got did 68 views but that channel did very well and I I’d say my techos SN channel did better and my hasht team my techn official one they absolutely pants I don’t even know how your official one got all those subscribers cuz I know your your normal tech one giveway to be fair I was a part of a lot of communities like um support communities so that’s probably why and also there was a there was a thing called Hashi am a Creator and I was a part of that Community for about a year I think it was um I basically help you with like uh watch time and Views Raptors bro but I can’t remember where the channel trying to make me fall into the void mate James oh there’s never any resources that Community died sadly that’s you go your sub from not all of them no but I got the majority of my watch time and my views from that yes EX sense I’m so stupid support Creator type thing yeah the thing I don’t care about my uh my ping is that I’ve got like 700 FPS when it comes to Ping I’m absolute pant for Ping isn’t that just like your location like how close you are to the server I think so yeah I’m in the UK so I’d have that probably the same amount of ping as Tom I get about 130 ping I get around 96 97 is I’m on like uh I me I’m think I’m on South I’m I’m pretty sure I’m pretty I might not I might be snaking anyone tell if I’m wrong tell me in the chat but I’m pretty sure Hypixel is um us server also Raptors there’s no way you have 25 diamonds game just started mate there’s no way you have 25 I’m not stupid the game started like 5 minutes ago you do not have 25 diamonds I’m not stupid I’m just you just like you just need to say oh I want blocks you know I want to block trap I was going to block trap Raptors cuz I want to be a little troll you know yes guys donate what donate guys donate send him pounds yes you want to no guys don’t you don’t need to donate H it help me get a better internet though better internet yeah buy the entire US country and bring it closer to the UK seriously I hate I hate your goal is £1 your goal is £10 what are you going to get at £10 it’s just to have more McDonald’s money you’re not going to spend it on McDonald’s are you really uh no save it mate buy I don’t I spend it on I don’t have really a lot I like to spend my money on it’s generally on computer save it then put it put it towards your future mate I just don’t see much point in having like I’m realizing now how little I use my money most of it is just a food help help I need put it towards the future man you don’t need to BU buy a McDonald’s you just put it towards your future mate and I get it’s your money but the point a chance he has eight diamonds if it was me I’ll put it towards my future but to be honest is the bridge broken I don’t get it right here you go there some blocks Raptors you have some blocks right there what would you do if I donated an uh another few pound to get you to that1 goal what would you do not back stick only challenge also there’s a red kind of just stuck this guy actually donates help any block I just gave you blocks Raptors you’re absolute troll you’re already troll Raptors absolute troll I’m not helping you like rap Raptors if you don’t actually help I’m going to kick you out of the party mate I’m not I’m not not trying to be funny I’m not laughing anymore it’s just like it’s stupid honestly it’s stupid this guy hasn’t hit me once just juggled that guy he didn’t even hit me [Music] once is green even in the game there’s just no bed defense on green bed and they’ve been left alone you should really Sab card payments mate uh I will eventually I definitely want the diamonds rap this but I gave you blocks a second ago L I gave you blocks help yourself [Music] mate R Us sure these are my diamonds now going to Red base uh Reds are gone okay watch this what a staircase Raptors you got eight viewers by the way I got eight view Jesus Christ yeah generally get like two like I’m not joking I generally get two viewers and that’s it also I will be setting up that Discord server soon so yall will have a place to get notified when I do stream cuz I know like I have this issue too pom will go live and it won’t send me a notification until the stream’s ended it’ll be like pom has uploaded live stream and I’m like bro yeah that’s one of the reasons I just I honestly don’t know what to do with my channels now because they they don’t get the notifications don’t get sent out I have like almost 5K Subs none of them join it’s just gotten to the point where I’m like it’s like it’s an inconvenience to me like doing YouTube Just goo’s Channel too they there’s not much there’s not there’s not there’s no point there’s no point in doing it because YouTube doesn’t promote my streams and I don’t get new people in so I don’t I don’t really see much point in doing it and I guess I did a few shorts and those did well but just coming up with ideas on what videos to make and just having the time to be able to do and sit down and uh record and and had as much time as you did I’d probably be able to do it but I I don’t have a lot of time though I don’t have a lot time I start I start work next week all right and uh started YouTu videos two videos in in these two days but I just don’t know what to record man I don’t know and it has what they would enjoy so point is I mean I have a really good microphone I’ve got a studio mic I can record some good quality it’s kind of why I started my channel this early in my life cuz I realized that you see that both of the guys just fell into the boys they’re just like yeah you’re not killing me into the bo thing is what I I always wanted to get a nice gaming laptop and I mean a gaming computer or a gaming laptop you achiev that now and and I achieved that right I got that right and that was a goal on mine and then I just don’t have any motivation to still do it so uh I definitely want 15 diamonds mate I just don’t know if those diamonds are real I know I’ve got a few videos what have a lot of views and I know I got the just ignore those free videos at the start cuz then all my I didn’t even I didn’t even make those my brother did cuz before I was away and my brother used my channel and he posted a few content videos impr 29k 128k 106 views got 29k and I never even made that my brother did yeah my first videos I think take made me if you remember him thank you uh he made those and then I started uploading myself and I was terrible like I would just like I remember when there was this game on Roblox I think it was like Roblox FNAF VR support requested yes I started my channel on FNAF that’s why I’ve gone back to it I enjoy it and that’s what my channel is based off of and I would just post that I wouldn’t edit at all I would just use the record feature in Roblox which is absolute pant by the way it’s it’s Absolut atrocious I recorded a halt video recently with it because I didn’t have enough time to open up OBS and I was in like a precious if you want to help me make a video um I’m down to record something all right cool um but I I I do have an editing software that’s fine yeah I have an editing software now too it’s what I do I will need your friend to make me a thumbnail if possible no one who makes my thumbnails yeah he’s up he’s happy to two thumbnails honestly all right like he does not mind like one time he say no and he was like just kidding I’ll do it I like doing them he likes doing them you know if I one one I’m just saying this once I start to earn money regularly I use a not a fre ERS paid free ers one to share a film aor I got him I to get him yeah um Jesus oh I’m going off I’m going off like imagine you pay for an editing software like yeah that’s why I use free ones I just no but Point Tom Tom listen I just killed three blue guys one was inis and took no hits yeah flawlessly someone clipped that bro that was epic clipped thank you posted that was documented oh viable he’s going with the viable tactics yeah I don’t I don’t pay for I could get that for free head I don’t I don’t need to pay when I can get it for free it’s it’s like imagine you need to pay for an editing software to edit like yeah it’s just one of them things is it I killed him yeah I just killed that many guys and then died what version of wonder wonder share fil do I have I have Da Vinci and gobl I recommend it to me it’s what I use now and it’s it’s amazing I likei I don’t like the V key why just don’t yeah I use wers share I did use wonders share but then it had like this Splash on it I’m pretty sure you paid for it so I pay for it I got it free yeah when I got the free one it would have like this um Splash on it it have a splash saying like made by window shift MOA no I got it just horrible I it’s paid version but it’s free I don’t know how to really explain it especially on Stream So I these guys are so bad honestly I can just combo one of them and they can’t do anything about it seriously they’re actually really bad at the game I’m not lying my version of Wonder Filmore is 8.7.0 and it is uh licensed but it’s not licensed basically it’s licensed but not licensed so I basically got the paid version but it’s free yeah and whenever I record a video there’ be like this splashing just saying made by Wonder and that’s why I just I was like no I’m not doing that and I just realized something I still have that video to edit I have it in my film AA yeah I believe this is from uh what was this video from you remember when I you that short was amazing by the way when we record that one it was like I killed your father or something there’s a blue there there a blue oh yeah the thing is the video is so big that it it just lags it just lags out the one Chef F more it’s about an hour long I think it’s from your last live stream yeah where’s a pro pack yeah I know that’s crashed where’s a thanks for the wool I’m Dum vinky I don’t need that much wool too much he’s G me too much wool I don’t need that much okay close the program cancel that yeah one thing I like about Luna is I was just able to like you know when you’re invisible you have like parle effects on you you can disable that but the it’s only for first person but it’s still amazing honestly got three I’ve we got a trap by the way guys might be helpful about the oh why is Raptors just disconnected [Music] okay we got a blue guy coming in oh you’re kidding I KN okay Mark them off good headset hero with a lot of practice I no speed Bridge yeah honestly on my last on my last stream I could not speed bridge but now I’m I’d say pretty decent at it so yeah I’m not joking this actually worked for me I went into the practice uh bridging bit of of Hypixel and then the key to what I needed was just going online searching up metronome setting it to 135 and just speed bridging it like every time I like thing I just press shift or and like it would work I’m not joking it actually worked and now I can speed Bridge much better than I used to be able to so did something it also helps um I’m a m well I wouldn’t say I’m a musician but I I I play piano so I’m quite good at noticing rhythms and just joining in you know I’m quite good at that so it helped out a lot with that so maybe the way to speed bridge is to um just I don’t know play piano which I don’t think anyone would want to do that but practice does help out tons and can this guy leave us alone alone oh sorry that was not for you by the way it was just because um of the facts that like he was there was a gap behind me and I just knew that if he hit me once he s me flying into the void so I put that behind me so I didn’t go flying no issue though seven emeralds and five diamonds you kidding me you got that much I’m going to try and get that bed here I don’t have a lot but I could probably get close really got a lot honest let me still there mate I think my guy’s AFK oh come on I the bed’s open I can get it yes let’s go that’s another kill I got all the kills we won I got the most kills and I still won let’s go oh let’s go oh that was amazing you still there mate got more people nice you full no we still got um still got one more space you got you can join I just need your username and I can invite you back in a moment all right that’s fine Tom again what’s your name to the amazing place that’s your name okay hang on oh wow we got an MVP Plus+ nice yeah I would love to have um like genuinely uh this is my second account that’s why there’s like no wins on it cuz a freaking had my account hacked stupid Sky Block thing Discord uh I am in Discord I just I not like I’m going to have a Discord server at some point so when I do I will I there’ll be a link and you guys can join but I won’t let people join it just be so you couldn’t get the stream delay that’s all uh so sadly right now you can’t no sorry I’m just doing it with Tom right now sorry it will be available eventually though so yeah that I actually dominated that last game though freaking combo three people and didn’t get once and one of them was inis as well like jeez how do it take me this long to realize there’s a border I just noticed I entered a 4v4 game whoops I meant to enter a 4 [Music] whoops don’t know why I’m typing I can talk oh and they’re the next uh Luke zero nice I genuinely didn’t mean to enter this game but it’s fine well I did I just meant to enter 444 you guys are going for it out there Luke died or I don’t know what I should call I’m going to call you an actual username which is GRE yeah doing a good job though can I get one more gold I get iron armor there we [Music] go hey this is interesting it’s an interesting format of bridge it’s still bridging Jesus [Music] oh that block Place bro I was about to say that block placement let’s do TV tws no I don’t really want to do 2v2 I don’t really like private games that much I prer these actual games honestly I prefer these baby how you eyes a blue on our bridge now h on oh that combo on zero Health oh I’m back from my Thro how am I alive I just block clutched oh my stomach is so bad today oh God I don’t know why it’s so bad it just hurt oh let’s go got it just Beed all the way there PR is on dream level yes he is on dream level he is he is the goat he is the goat I’ve genuinely I don’t know what what point happened I think it’s just when I switched to Luna Clan I got so much better at the game n you’re actually so terrible still are you kidding me no I’m joking I’m joking of course you’re good yeah I was to say you about you about to utter one more word bro and I’ll duel you in bedwar and get you wrecked turn into swiss cheese no you turning swiss cheese you mean you already swiss cheese you already swiss cheese right let’s try eating them oh oh I’m a tasty meal a tasty precious over here did I hear she’s all right yeah cuz still I got your message pinned in the chat saying cheese I can’t beat these guys I know I can’t ah uh you might be able to help us do some damage though oh this is a bad idea tell you what the next game you play I want you to play bedw Wars 4v4 V4 if you win it tell you what I will get donate the last 226 what what’ you say if you win if you play a game of 4v4 V4 and you win it I will donate 2 26 to get you to your 10 pound goal I I I don’t think I’ll win but we can still try all right de and I’ve already donated a pound so just give it a shot why [Music] not there’s one guys you’re going to have to really really really work hard if you’re going to win the game there we go there’s one Olive is dead oh no I just sent him onto the just sent him onto a platform come here yes Raptors we got this together we win oh no cre after the party don’t know why they left but they left oh how do you how do you stop your stomach from hurting reach why’d you leave oh I can’t mess him you feel bad bro what do you mean I join uh well cre just left so yeah what’s your username mate like vomiting I don’t oh my friend request I don’t really know why um PR left they just did don’t know why they just did though oh right yeah creeper boy how could I forget that all right hang on it’s 40 idiot I can’t hear you I I captain Oh who lives in a p lives under the sea SpongeBob that’s copyed I think that’s cop it literally isn’t cuz I’m the one singing it how is it copyrighted I’m pretty sure it can still get copyrighted though I highly doubt it I’ve seen people blow it out when they’re singing it just because of the fact that it’s copyrighted not saying that song is but I’m pretty sure it’s copyrighted so please stop I don’t think um uh excuse me it’s my voice if I was playing the theme tune then yes it probably what okay also just saying I don’t think we’re going to win this game but we can try all right well if you get copyrighted blame it on me all right if I get copyrighted why’ you disconnect but personally for me how are they going to copyright my own voice it doesn’t make sense techically still the lyrics you know it doesn’t matter I don’t think I’m big enough to get cop they don’t own my voice just cuz I’m saying the lyrics and yeah plus I’m not playing the actual song so yeah it’s true tell me why any ain’t nothing but a heart I don’t care anymore I’m too small to get copyrighted I don’t care I don’t care I’m too small too small to get copyed he say I want that way yeah I have heard the song uh but yeah genuinely I’m I don’t think um I’ll get copyrighted I don’t think I’ll get copyrighted I’m too small I’m too small of a Creator so I’m pretty sure someone has to notice you being doing it you’re not going to get copyrighted for what what singing this Tech still a song yeah but yeah but you’re not playing the song so how can you get copyrighted what they’re going to copyright your own do that I don’t really get the point of copyrights though cuz like here’s the thing they’re still guessing advertisement for their own song so I don’t really get it you know I’m still advertising their song it’s just maybe not like how they want it oh you’re kidding this guy’s got iron armor I mean a bad enemy up never going to let you down youing us guys we got someone coming to our bit never going to make you cry never going to say goodbye never going to tell a lie can you give me your iron creeper boy please I need I need some gold we no Strangers still love stop you know the rules and so do I like some iron I guess but I I do need some gold thinking of you wouldn’t get this from any other guy we go thank you thank you just to tell you how I want to make you Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down going to make her Li desert you I’m singing it wrong by the way I know that what the popup Tower you don’t feel good Raptors bless you what the hell this person’s W bear we got a Wally bear in the sky person pop-up towered me I got popup towered you probably got you’re probably caught in illness or something happens man I I got ill like a lot when I was I’m not joking when I say they deployed a pop-up tower on me I’m going to try that I’m going to try putting a pop-up tower on their bed defense and then just getting the bed see how that goes oh rap just left I’m not going to have a fun time beating the game now I’m not going to get this 225 I sto lagging back that aw you know it’s it’s completely cool Raptor you go and take a chill I just know that since Raptors isn’t here I’m going to have less people to fight there’s two PBS can we all be on our best behavior I want to get this 22 25 26 actually 26 okay that’s it’s a penny yeah not much of a difference but it is a difference oh MH the pop-up Tower the pop-up Tower always fine away the pop-up Tower actually helped though genuinely the pop-up Tower helped it’s a guy here now got iron armor oh you’re kidding leave me alone I want to get back to my base with these emeralds oh wow they actually listened hey I’m not the only one having ping [Music] issues the guy lagged back I know and he has one Ms get me on I I need to brings I got I got let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go got some emeralds back [Music] home ah this isn’t going to go well by the way unless we actually start killing these guys and getting diamonds I stop lagging back that’d be nice what’s up Dylan oh you’re kidding me Dylan has a question for both of us uh guys the beds what would you what would be the most toxic thing to do your person faults who fireb me um what’s the most toxic thing to do in bedw Wars um punch bow genuinely punch bows are annoying five all them in s of void yeah no because I do that all the time so that can’t be toxic I say put l at the end of the game is toxic except technically I do that as well so does that mean I’m toxic uh kind of I do it sometimes I put l at the end of the game when we win with Jews as well yeah sometimes sometimes yeah well we need another Diamond Source so Blues I hope you don’t mind but I’m stealing your diamonds cuz yellows are Ste I’m a Savage I’m a Savage yeah are you kidding me blue you just took the diamonds out of spite out of at this guy on me sorry oh shoot yeah I’m that was horrible I changed your mind you guys are superior in every single way I know I am I’m meant the blues oh um I don’t really know what that blue is in like a completely different world then it like tried to fireb our our bridge but then didn’t realize I was there guys I a BL BL we got blues in the way help excuse me but I actually identify as blue so that is very incorrect so I am blue so therefore I am I am you identify as blue yes don’t don’t question me you can’t you can’t you can’t you can’t you can’t judge someone for how they identify as because that’s rude and and you sure yeah yeah yeah genuinely I think hpix is just having a hiccup today with the lag genuinely I think it’s actually just Hypixel no I don’t did wor time to lose our bed by the way I’m at two heart that was the worst time he s our bed I just had two hearts left these are my pronouns uh uh what pronouns what you identify as okay uh I am uh he cow I that’s it he cow ey he I cow yes that’s it I identify as a cow walking talking cow yeah we’re not going to get this money well I’m not nothing left to help me I leveled up my guild leveled up oh I got a guild by the way if you guys want to join that I don’t think anyone’s going to join oh middle is like reading ground you identify as the void nice still fall into the voy I know I don’t even know where he is uhoh what pre I tell you what precious you can have a second go right but this time you can disconect you can do 2v2 V2 uh okay I’m just running around the map at this point hoping for survival there’s toxic activity happening all over the map no not toxic hostile that’s the word can I just get some emeralds I’d like to get diamond armor so I’m actually safe there no emeralds I bet every time I donate your mom gets notified on her phone yeah probably cuz that’s how it works with PayPal you when someone donates you get notified she’s like where’s all this money coming from the hell she knows she knows that I’ve been I’ve been telling her hey look my friend donated me some money today yeah but she’s St she’s going to be like why is he donating so much he’s going to she’s going to be questioning yeah I mean at one point she thought I was literally uh like like blackmailing you like if you do not donate I will no longer be your friend something like that what she thought that yes cuz she hates me doesn’t hate [Laughter] [Music] me come on anyone want to fight me God I’m so itchy anyone want to fight me I got an iron sword and prop one Diamond man what you need to do is take out some beds because bro I got no bed and everyone else has got a bed I may as well just stay like trying to get items and just you could just or you could just try and Destroy someone’s bed I’m just trying I’m just waiting for other people to get other people’s bed there’s no point in going in trying to get someone El I have given you I am giving you a second chance so I know doesn’t mean I should just try and throw the game no don’t throw the game obviously but cuz eventually you’re probably going to be fireb into the void and know and I I wouldn’t want that for you so I just pardon me bloody hell oh gday into the me into the void they’re a pansy a pansy yeah pansy there’s no point in really going for someone’s bed cuz like I got an app on my phone right uh cuz I’m on on Samsung it’s like an app where you can donate to charity and and when you have your phone plugged in it like it like time every time you watch an ad it gives you like um cents right and I’ve donated so much of Charity just from charging my phone you have no idea probably more than a pound already just a charity I can’t have the money but it it’s something what I can do to whenever I charge my phone it comes up with um with ads and then I watch the ads it pays me a little bit and then I and then I uh basically donated to a charity with my own choice you see that on stream uh just watch the guy just walk into the void on his own you know are you kidding how did that do nothing forgot what it’s called now H Global goals that’s what it’s called on Samsung Global goals basically allows me to watch ads standing still oh he disconnected the guy just it looked like the guy was standing there cuz he wants to scare him no he was just like just disconnecting lagged himself out of the game I know it seems pointless to do but but to be fair me generating that few pennies and donated to CH to charity right basically helps out like multiple people and I’d rather I’m sure a lot of other people do this as well and it just makes me feel a bit good about myself so then I know I’m helping someone out that makes sense yeah that’s fine like you might not be getting that you might not be getting that money but at least someone who needs it is getting the money you know if the compan actually I’d rather that then yeah if the company’s actually being fair though you know they could always just be say oh yeah this is going to charity it’s not I’ve donated about 35 and I’ve got 6 P so I’m going to donate that to a charity now um donate six P pick your goal oh okay your donation plus so in total I’ll be donating six $12 no $12 12 because I got six p and Samsung contributes as well whenever you donate uh contribute so they donate double the amount you donate and then I can pick your goal so no poverty zero hunger good we good health and well-being quality educ education um nice one clean water and sanit sanitation uh affordable and clean energy if I were to ever Don into a charity probably be good health and well-being because that’s important yeah we a good person well it’s it’s basically free money honestly you don’t know what that money is going to actually now I think like you don’t know where that money is going to the company could be saying oh yeah this is going to all to charity yeah but it’s Samsung right so I know that Samsung’s a good company so they wouldn’t do that yeah I know they’re probably taking like a tiny share on that money you know no because they they donate they donate themselves they don’t 2x so if I have six cents they they donate six cents as well question what yellow is yellow teaming with blue cuz yellow was at their base and they didn’t even try anything they just stood there like oh yeah we’re teaming like I’m not joking when I say that they like didn’t try to attack each other for some reason and I can watch like 100 ads and get a pound and donate and then Samsung will donate about um yeah about the same amount so that it would be 2 pound to a charity yeah I have no idea if it’s legit or not yeah but hey at least at least you’re watching adverts for something yeah that M somewhere just B just B this is what you this is what you define as toxic I’m B it’s a bat it’s a bat it’s a bat it’s a bat it’s a bat I just shot them and they’re like yeah I’m not going to take the risk I shot them twice and they’re like nah I’m just going to watch 100 ads and donate again I need to get prop two yes I’ve only got Protection One I need to get more protections now I got the basic stuff with diamonds but I I’ve got Pro two I thought I’d Pro two I thought I’d Pro one to be fair it’s a bit Shady if you think about it cuz yeah Samsung does earn their money through ads but I do believe that some of that profit does go to Charities and you know technically can’t really judge it you can’t judge it you can’t judge it yeah I’ve got a dream Defender as well I’ve got an iron golem in case I need it cuz they donate double the amount they donate double the amount so let’s say let’s say I donate six P or a pound they donate a pound as well so it’s 2x the amount so it’s not just it’s not just going to um sense yes glad that no one’s me cuz I don’t think then again technically I could be doing that and it could just send it right to their bank so I I don’t know the back ends back back end of it but I believe the only thing about adverts is it doesn’t show you where that money is going like it it sure it’s going somewhere but you don’t know where it’s going I’m sure Samsung gets it but well mean yeah you know like they get it you don’t know where it goes on from there you know Samsung gets it for all you know they I don’t think they’d be earning $10 from each ad I doubt it because it’s it’s it’s it’s an advert and and I can actually continuously watch ads and keep racking up money right well since I get one cent per ad right I get one cent per ad obviously I don’t get it point is I got homies guys anyone to they donate like double the amount I would watch well I you guys don’t want to fight me I got homies hey y Al you’re right Alex go away right it’s B weird yeah bu Samsung so why would Samsung be a pain and not do it like it doesn’t make companies nowadays they just want money they well they’re a well-known company right yeah but Samsung earns thousands here’s the thing Microsoft isown you have no idea how much money they probably get because I know Microsoft a wellknown company and they still do stupid stuff that their customer support is terrible I mean obviously obviously they have to take some of it yeah they their services which is understandable but to be honest they earn enough as from selling phones and stuff like that Microsoft is a wellknown comp they would have would they would have no reason to do it you know and I’ve already earned 8 cents just from watching his ads and they will donate uh it’s times two so what iate they donate as well something happened in the game finally 9 [Music] cents something’s finally happened in the game once felt like the entire game is taken forever blue bed was destroyed by greens which is nice I’m going to try and get some more emeralds I can get diamond sword be nice why is there a pickaxe in my second slot I’ll just keep watching ads forever and then I’ll just donate um about1 wor they they donate about uh there’s hostile activity happening all over the map that as well yeah Tom if I win this game can we up the price like the thing is I I know you’re not going to win have some Faith cuz like this would be a clutch technically if you win it maybe if I lose that’s fine I still get another shot you guys have too much you guys have too much confidence I I I think he might get knocked into the void via Fireball way very I’ve got an ender pearl I feel a little bit more safe just feel a little bit more safe can you read what people are saying in chat though cuz I kind of want to know got nine silver fish um British food is Bland I wouldn’t say that because they do some really nice food down there [Music] actually mind you I I’ve been in I’ve been here all my life so I mean it it’s it’s it’s not bad it’s just not good either it’s it depends on the food I went to like for my dad’s birthday it was me if it was me and I’ll fancied something nice I suppose yeah it was my dad’s birthday yesterday and probably go to like an Indian or something or like go Indian actually quite good to be fair that’s one of the things or or like you know I love chicken berani do like you know I went to like Dad it was my dad’s birthday yesterday and oh my and I went to an Italian restaurant and ior McDonald’s I’m not I’m not that of a fan of McDonald’s McDonald’s is okay but I prefer stuff like Italian restaurants and stuff I like spicy things too they got nandos down here as well got Nando wow good job yellow you tried fireing me I just predicted it got ender pearls so they’re doing what would be your favorite either American food or two Minecraft map what uh probably be food because uh Minecraft map won’t won’t keep me alive and there team I think I think that’s a fair say right that’s a fair say you agree there goes the green team do you agree with me with that do you agree with me there goes the Green Team by the way greens are finally gone normally I would stay and normally I’d go to another base but here’s the thing my base has got cents 14 cents my base has got stuff in it so it’s actually going to be useful to stay at I’ve got a Golem I feel like I should get more stuff though cuz I’ve got bed Buds and stuff also the cool thing about this is if I donate right more than4 pound I can have free like uh like what’s it called I get like a different what’s the word like watch faces uh backgrounds um nice and stuff like that so it’s not like I’m not getting anything for it yeah bloody hell 1.4 million total direct donations 1.4 million what in donations mate that’s crazy where that’s a charity different CH nice oh it’s going to come down to me versus yellow soon kidding I’ve nearly got prop four so it won’t be as bad but blue attacking yellow well there’s only one blue guy going after yellow you [Music] see so like oh man he’s going to win a he no I’m not don’t say that he’s going to [Music] win what by the way you didn’t discuss what the extra would be for winning this is technically a clutch H I’ll do 50p extra 50p extra all right so I think I have to wait till bed destruction I want if I uh if I wanted to win yeah bed destruction definitely I’m not risking going for yellow the thing is they’re going to try going for me cuz they’ve got a bed I need emeralds cuz here’s the thing that’ll give me um end pears 19 p I’m just going to literally keep watching ads until I get a pound and then I’m going to donate well not to you but to Jerry Jes this is just free you did not just watch the stream man he just died nearly just died ender pearl clutch bro that was actually clutch [Music] that was [Music] clutch yellow still isn’t destroyed yet though I know but I nearly just died don’t die I don’t think I will don’t fall in the void I’ve also got tons of loot if you could see in my inventory got two Dream Defenders nine bed bugs like die don’t die Stu don’t die you’re making this more stressful than it needs to be mate don’t die don’t die don’t die stop it I’ll die I think I can get the bed should I risk it though risk it for a biscuit yeah tell me should I risk it risk it for a biscuit hello there’s only two yellow oh yeah he’s not wrong and they probably got less stuff than me cuz I’ve been saving up the whole game so yeah I’ll try it I just need to make sure I don’t die before I get there yeah don’t die yeah it’s kind of the whole point don’t die don’t die don’t die you are making so don’t die two ender pearls so I’m Hing I won’t die make so stressful if freshest dies I will chug hot SCE all right if I die you’ll chug there’s no proof of that though there’s no proof I tell you what Dylan I tell you what Dylan if you do that I will donate you a pound how are you going to do that he has no donation I don’t care I’ll find a way all right so they got a bow I’m going in by the way right is that punch I don’t know trying to go in I’m joking no I won’t I won’t donate you about get get get gone get gone get gone I’d rather donate prees of pounds oh I got tools but I it would be cool to see that to be fair it would be very cool to see that let’s go but I I don’t believe that yes one who in their right mind would chug hot sauce more one more the bed’s gone let’s go I can do this man I’m almost have a pound from just watching ads mate this is crazy I don’t know where last is I don’t see even a penny of that they all ghosty I’m tracking the guy like don’t fall don’t fall don’t fall precious don’t fall I have a opinion that there’s just infinite ads now I genuinely think there’s just infinite ads [Music] ping where it go let it go yes got it no no no no no no I am the best player live okay all right then where okay come on okay let’s see this all right just a minute just a minute give me a sec let see this let’s see this oh he he left the call you cannot deny it yeah I won he left the call this man better not scam it wa I’m out no I don’t think he left there’s no way Tom would do that I’ve known him for like 5 years I don’t think he would do that anyway he was like no way no way this m won no chance it’s just his dream level thank you whoever said there was two people left actually made me like realize oh yeah I can win so I’m making precious of skin we what you you said you were going to make me a skin did you say that it was Cil who said it was only two [Music] guys actually played for once oh okay I know where the issue is he actually did techn snipe tip2 and 26 much love thanks for the donation roest raptures he did it he did it he donated uh so yeah I figure out what the issue was Tom can you join back brother I think he’s annoyed that I won H I don’t blame him honestly I clutch that game so hard Tom is not a s Loser yeah I like that Tom he’s a good person he gracefully accept defeat yeah like if you’re going to wait why is the the chat not updated this whole stream oh hello hello you actually did it you actually did it m scared there for and it didn’t I no I wasn’t really cuz I was just thinking oh he left probably because he just didn’t want to say his information he didn’t really scare me I was like I’ve known this man for 5 years I know he’s not going to just leave me R Applause for Tom yeah random Applause for Tom you need a new tip girl mate oh yeah just noticed um okay let’s sort that out boom sorted I need a dollar dollar dollar I’ve earned 10 this y hi uh back I was on holiday Kelly riding ridlington I’m terrible at pronouncing things uh hello welcome back I hope you had a good holiday seven people watching my a six it just went down to six you purchased wool yeah oh genuinely though I’m thinking I’m in between the fact of well we just had a really good moment do I continue the stream or I end the stream and leave it on a good note or do I end the stream now so I don’t end it don’t end it I’m just thinking I either end it now and leave on a good note or continue and potentially end on bad not don’t end it don’t end it don’t tell everyone tell him in the chat don’t end it come on all right press uh spam one if uh you want me to continue and two if you want end it don’t don’t end it everyone don’t end it don’t end don’t end it don’t end it don’t end it too much you might get muted by the bot seriously though also why is the chat not working chat not working for some reason I have like a chat box it’s just like nah chat you’re all right mate I left for one minute yeah I know when it was chaos um chaos hang on let me fix the chat it’s broken that broke for some reason so there’s going to be that for a second sorry for the uh the browser Source thing on the screen well that’s all you’re going to get now until I get paid I know you’re a good person there we go right chat please work now that’ be nice oh God I donate 3 26 you really it’s over let me see how much have you donated overall £1 uh you donated 1 on February 29th another pound another pound so £3 £22 uh cuz I donated in Anonymous didn’t I yeah I’m looking at how much you have donated cuz at one point you donated as Anonymous which is a bit sad oh wait and some of these are dollars as well two of them are pounds so I’m going to need to sort that out so let me quick so well on the stream it says you’ve donated eight why is it say the top tippers wait what’s happened to the top tippers hang on why is there two hang on it’s saying oh it’s cuz wait no hang on it says Thomas donated 8 pound and then it says Thomas donated one pound and he’s the top Tipper he’s number one and number two number one yeah um I don’t know why that exists there we go there we go that worked you just cut your leg how a how um yeah why is the chat like broken some reason it’s not appearing oh you donkey how cor holders yeah genuinely that’s a surprise ah why have you got a metal desk I don’t get it wooden one BR why don’t you get a wooden one that makes sense I don’t know if you can even hear that the wooden you don’t need a metal one cost just even more like I did not understand what he just said what did I say alsoo the chat’s like not working the chat box I need the L again I’ll be back in a minute all right uh mean you guys got to deal with me uh why is the chat not working though hang on work this out here there’s the Black Box blue yeah I know so the black box is what we [Music] want it please what I don’t think it likes it actually stream Al doesn’t oh there we go now stream since I’m live wow that’s British stuff right there the throne to send yellow SL clear and brown stuff down right thanks yeah for some reason the chat and the thing isn’t working I don’t know why it’s just not working he doesn’t like it for some reason um worked earlier but the only way for me to be able to fix it is if I just stop the stream and restart the stream by the way okay so it can detect nightbot okay there you go you can detect nightbot what can you guys talk so so we can see why it’s not yes it registers I don’t know what’s going on so it could register nightbot and it disappears no I mean I say toilet as well it’s just uh I I I I say Lou as well I say so night bot’s appearing in the chat but then the rest isn’t why the chat box makes no sense shows nightbot but it doesn’t show anything else oh my God 30 P I’m going to donate that to charity now donations mate appx donate I appreciate the donations 61 P that’s great now I’m going to pick my goal uh guys uh pick a number from 1 to 17 17 1 to 17 no no I mean I mean the people in the chat oh okay I’m not the chat oh here well mean you can type in the chat if you want just might have to end the stream and reactivate it I would be annoyed if I had to um it’s really annoying 17 that that is uh Partnerships for the goals yeah also Tom I figured out what the issue is with these sound things the issue is that for it to be able to activate the sound instantly I have to have my browser set straight onto that brow on that tab but then to play the music I got to play that through the browser so it’s really annoying include decimals cuz it’s like 1 and 17 like there’s 17 different charities I’m just saying by way this is what would happen if um if we allowed decimals someone would just type this someone would type that just type that just typ that I know they would not stupid can you help me out here are you sure about that yeah it’s what to seven 17 stupid yeah put 16.69% [Music] this what three of you your mom stinks of [Music] APR oh is that why thing’s not big enough well I made it huge iner BLX sound what what Tom what was [Laughter] that your mom stinks of Pap forut what over that right now can this work it just work I’m irritated now it’s your mom smells of lemons bro oh hey you chill bro yeah chill or I’m going to mute you cuz I the power Ser to be fair to be fair lemons are quite nice yeah honestly Lem are kind of nice um why isn’t the CH I thought you were sick brother some sleep can chat work I want your chats to appear at the top right I almost died what hey I fixed it somehow fix what chat finally fixed it forever to fix actually the OBS that was the issue I fell to the ground and almost hit my head o there we go so no idea when did Crow say no idea cuz he just say that it’s not lagging let me include de oh yeah it’s very delayed but I think I can fix thatan precious what do the skin I’m making you don’t need to make me a skin mate it’s very behind on chat you don’t need to make me a skin mate I’m good right I’ll make you a skin no I don’t need it I’m fine I’m good I’ll make you a chip skin I think the chat’s going to yeah the chat’s caught up there you go now your messages on screen so please don’t say anything bad or I’ll kill you I’m just kidding I’m just kidding guys but yeah seriously don’t say anything bad in chat I’d appreciate that finish this again I uh Cil you can send it to me on Discord mate right Tom how about you join now mate I don’t know I don’t have the strength the Go Minecraft man play one game come on I know I know I know I know you want me to play I know I know you really want me to chat let’s let’s convince him to play Don’t convince me don’t convin chat say Tom play Tom play Tom play no no I’ll join look how a scummy way is that I triple Dylan’s triple player dare you and headset here is saying you to play come on mate I want to see Lady usai say not currently offline currently playing with pring me to play I don’t want to please I I suck I suck man come on suck one game one game it’s one game one game and you can hop off I’m pretty sure everyone’s here to see this oh come on oh fine one game one game one game of bedar let’s go you guys suck man you guys suck did I suck yeah you do you’re for my audience bro that is my audience leave them alone I am leaving them alone but I want to I want to chill man I’m chilling I’m chilling welcome to the club that sucks Tom What What In chat said welcome to the club that sucks Tom yeah I’m going to delete that that sounds highly inappropriate I’m just saying that sounds highly inappropriate yeah just got really quiet his mic yeah I turned him down cuz I realized he was almost as loud as me but no one can be as loud as me I am the loudest why why did you turn me down I do have to be loud you weren’t that you were louder than me cuz overall I’m like yelling right now be heard I’ll tell you back up right now the people can’t hear me there you go now you can be hurt you can be hurt now yay hello everyone I’m louder just means I don’t have to yell anymore cuz I’m me yelling like the last 2 hours and my throat hurts right come on Tom on Tom I want to see Lily usai has joined H I want to see in chat says friend leai has joined oh he’s on let’s go I’m not on I am I am definitely off right now also let’s just clarify something now I say one bedw Wars game that’s the game that you leave let’s do a class no no I did not sign up for this bed Wars game fine want a three win streak now well you’re going to be down to zero in a minute why ow I bring bad luck to the table you definitely do then actually donates me a lot of money you’re a good person you sound like an old man that’s like groaning cuz I have to do something yes I’m not joking when I say that you sound like you’re really old and you just don’t want to do something cuz we’re going to lose what’s the I just clutched my last game hey guys welcome back to another Minecraft video today we’re going to be playing on Hypixel bedwar and we’re going to be we’re going to be playing with precious gaming and and we’re going to be having so much fun and it’s going to be great great it’s going to be awesome yeah bro brous is the clutch God brous I sent you some the skin thank you I look after the stream uh what what did you say Tom’s having low hopes to win this is why who you guys are glitching out like crazy finally the chat’s working by the way and also just noticed welcome back to another Minecraft video today I’m going to be playing with precious gaming I’m going to play creeper boy I will mute you I’m going to be clutching in in bedwars I will mute you I will mute you genuinely I will mute you stop it turn sound seriously I will mute you I just love cheat so much it’s so good now watch my power as I server mute him I’m just kidding un muted he has been unmuted and he’s not saying anything I got upset Tom really happy for Tom though I’m glad he joined good person donate me like 10 quid mad have I yeah seriously it’s using normal voice man sorry normal voice normal voice the lag back the lag back tell me out so much there do you see that yeah i s i s an epic lag back his power is over 9,000 come in [Music] oh wow good one that’s a good joke that’s a good joke honestly I love the joke oh my goodness go comedian go for a comedian that was a really good joke broke honestly I know I fell out of my boots and fell into the void that’s how funny it was yeah it was so great I love it he’s cracking me up here I’m like an egg do some you need some wheat mate I don’t know not know what to say now i h i mean you are a cow you are a cow mate am I I mean look at your skin going to make that a short going make that show of you just running out the thing just saying so I also record when I um when I stream where are you going sir I’m going to it’s going to naria somewhere hidden amongst the world of minecft there’s a chicken on our base is that chicken that’s a [Music] sheit that was the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life she acted like a cow now acts like a cat just said as in he’s laughing it’s also like a sheep so like yeah she acted like a cow now acts like a cat I am the Tom I act like a [Music] cow sorry if I if I don’t read your chats by the way I will be like actually you know what I’m going to buy with all this money I get buy a monitor buy a second monitor get myself a second monitor that’s what I know I’m going to get tell me why I’m going to get me a second monitor that way I can read chats and have donations up all the time I want it my loot yeah if I get enough money I can buy myself a second monitor which means anytime that uh donations go off there will always be sound and what the hell green what was the point in that just vibl our bed for what reason I don’t know Tom’s guessing 1 ms amazing hey green uh green can you do me a favor and stop bridging to our diamond island wait am I getting one Ms hello that’s what it says on my screen it just says one Ms where show me let me just kill this guy first I no I’m getting one Ms impossible oh just got him I got him I walk tracked him that was so good oh you Dingus I block trapped him that was so good let’s go that was so good I got him that was so good I block trapped the guy did you see that I block trapped [Music] him that was incredible I love that I loved every second of that block jacked him you Fireball in there I know all I know is I got to kill these guys now man had no chance man had no chance oh that guy had one HP creeper can you get the rest of the yellow the greens be nice oh I want to get those greens out oh I got another one somehow I somehow got another one creepy you just stand here and go all the diamonds wow and cow emoji popped up mo why is the gold here I have no idea has five emeralds well now we got our way to Middle yay let’s go that’s ins Saye but yeah when I get a second monitor I’ll be able to ReChat all the time and I’ll be able to have alert set up constantly which is nice also can the stupid performance quality go away uh green fire green use Fireball green is a Pokémon green Green’s dead now though I killed him I killed that species away oh I got a would you rather for you okay I got is it where’s all the r rathers for me I need some WIS too what is it tell me trying to do that voice again it’s really difficult look on my screen it says 1 ms it’s your ping you see that one [Music] Ms uh probably Fireballs what what Tom don’t know why I took the emeralds out of the chest there was no point in doing that but you know that’s fine I’m you there mate yeah I’m here hello you hear me yeah I heard you I say you got one Ms above your head I don’t that’s impossible that’s what it said on my screen unless another client’s lying ping apparently you can read other people’s ping there’s no other way there I can’t have one Ms on here it’s impossible cuz this is a US server I’m I’m in the UK yeah same you got like a VPN no I know then that’s impossible I know I know it’s impossible because I you good mate yeah I’m good what yellow guy staring me down all right I I’ll I’ll Fireball him into the void I got a fireball too I don’t understand how I have 1 ms because when on the actual server thing I don’t have 1 ms yes oh two beds next 50 wol from any I got a I got a knockback stick no wish I could have saw your point of view there I got one you had a knock back stick I had a knockback stick and I lost it nice you lost it that’s bad come on gr boy do you have any Diamonds by the way already use [Music] those have any Diamonds oh uh no but I will be able to get other stuff soon with those so thank you I’m going try and finish off these green uh these yellows cuz just annoying I’ve got every single bed in the game so far so that’s actually kind of cool holy I turn around just see two giant meatballs would you rather only use melee weapons next round or only use ranged weapons um only use melee weapons cuz there’s not a lot of range weapons in the game there’s bows and there’s Fireballs that’s really is a ranged weapon there’s not a lot to be fair how am I getting one m this that do make sense let me try ping in Hypixel on uh I booped you [Music] H I’m trying to get a red bed too is they’re on our Island now oh what I re log in one minute it’s impossible that I have one Ms I don’t believe that yes okay got him I don’t believe that for a second I’m sorry cuz I never have one Ms it’s impossible my internet’s not that good and I what’s my what’s my millisecond now one what one I can’t be right oh God we’re in a predicament now no cuz it’s 124 on the server list so you’re the that’s L that’s doing it by the way so it might be wrong I know it’s getting mine right so it might only show mine as right well my game just froze now I don’t know why yeah can we stay at base guys cuz we got Reds trying to get us and it’s quite hard to deal with I’ll come I’ll come back on and I’ll protect base a there’s a guy in diamond armor on our Bridge wow sir me why a are you kidding take not back Jesus sir is this guy kidding me can you guys stop making giant meatballs away stop making giant meatballs thank you sir let’s go let’s go come on Tom oh there’s no way yeah there’s no way I need shears or I need an emerald if I just get an emerald I should be good right can you guys defend the base while I try and get some loot that might help swim that’s what I’m going to do cuz I’ve got five emeralds I can get diamond armor at some point and that’ll help or I’m going to go with him this you know what let’s try it Tom I’m going to require your help all right mate all I want you to do is just distract them while I go in Vis and get them yeah no problem that’s that’s it I just need to quickly get some more stuff so I can do it I got two emeralds just in case uh I need a backup [Music] plan yeah got a diamond pickax I’m just I’m just waiting for you over here on the bridge don’t worry all right I’m ready let’s do this com in I’m in let’s go I can’t get knocked into the void no you good yeah all right there’s a guy on there can do you have a fireball that guy’s going to knock me off just stay here get ready there’s a guy there need get that guy I knock him off oh you know I’m going for it right you get him I’m going for it let’s get him and should be good oh by joy that guy was lagging I’ll die no the bed’s open yes die a was not losing that you’re correct was not losing [Music] that where you have a Oh no I got a Tracker I got a tractor I probably have M what what do you mean red by the way we’re red no we’re not red we’re blue oh I mean yellow where’s the last yellow I see one a diamond Islands Ball come on oh I hit him him but didn’t knock him off but they’re both at yellow how brilliant I got emeralds if I want to use them but they’re in my end the chest right now so I can’t really use that Holy oh fire them oh they return fire they’re taking refuge in the space I’m going up what the hell was that lag back there I got a dream Defender I don’t what you mean they’re taking refuge on this spaces literally their true I I I don’t know what you’re on about they smell they smell oh the hell I messed that up so bad I opened the tracker I open the tracker by accident like genuinely ACD the tracker you know what Tom here’s a gift there you go I want you to destroy these guys return to fire Return to Sender as they call it we need some Return to Sender up in here I’ve got all the beds in the game six final kills bro I am cracked seriously I think their plan is just to hide out they don’t plan to do anything else uh which I understand and so I’m going to try try the in Strat again where are they they at the Bas where are they they’re not at the base no mind one of them there they are sorry I’m stupid how do you know sir right Dead one of them is left what the hell yes okay oh level 51 baby I’m level five I’m still doing insane well I’ve just realized I’ve won like most of these games I got three bed breaks eight final kills and six normal kills bro who who is number one I got I was the number one in the kill leader board oh wow Dragon incoming yeah oh right 3428 hello H right should Tom underestimated him um I don’t I don’t really know also look Tom in the lobby now it’s saying you’ve got 159 Ms I’m not joking yeah I know I got really bad Ms and then creeper boy is 62 right uh let’s have a photo so gather around creeper boy I just opened Spotify somehow boom I took a picture I took a picture guys don’t worry took a picture open I got the picture uh save as just quickly save it just so there’s no issues and there you go right also my voice is really low on your stream just letting you know this and there you go right also my voice is it’s not that bad it sounds low it’s a little bit lower then turned up a little bit try now oh that’s better yeah all right um it’s been a 2 and a 48 hour stream I think I should end it no that’s cuz you’ve joined late mate no what you don’t get to end it no oh I’m a streamer I get to like that no no I own the stream you don’t get to end it what do you mean I’m the one who’s broadcasting it m it’s through my point of view not yours it is my my point of view yeah yeah yeah no it’s not it’s my point of view not yours no it’s definitely mine it’s definitely mine okay well I’m going to end it hope you guys no no no no no no no I will mute you you don’t be quiet I want to end it’s it’s nearly been a thre hour stream I think I’m good all right no I’ve had fun I’ve had a good stream it’s nice and we’ve had good games how many games have I won today uh I won six games I got four win streak going so that’s actually kind of cool yeah I joined for nothing what do you mean you joined one game I know that’s good it was a really good game you helped out a lot it’s all right mate adios yeah I hope everyone uh had fun if you came down to the stream and I’ll see you guys next time bye bye-bye

PreciousStones on 2024-04-12 15:00:44. It has garnered 66 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:51 or 10311 seconds.

Me Streaming Minecraft Hypixel, Also Be Reasonable With Your Questions I Refuse To Answer Personal Questions!!! P.S Find the Bread Emoji in the Thumbnail and Post in the Comments where you found it! & I’ll Pin your Comment!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft

    Crafting a Japanese Temple in Minecraft Building a Japanese Temple + Interior in Minecraft Welcome to a detailed tutorial on how to construct a magnificent Samurai Temple complete with an intricate interior in Minecraft! This step-by-step guide is designed to assist both seasoned builders and beginners in creating an authentic Japanese temple to elevate your Minecraft world. Materials and Layout Before diving into the construction process, ensure you have the necessary materials and a clear layout plan. You can access the materials list here. Additionally, download the map from here and use a custom seed with the Vanilla texture pack and BSL Shader version 1.20.1…. Read More

  • Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€

    Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Chronos SMP Talent Show (Winner Gets In SMP)๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€ [Live]’, was uploaded by JakeJxke on 2024-06-17 16:50:44. It has garnered 367 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:06 or 4626 seconds. Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ANdxMbtTkk #jakejxke minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2024-06-22 19:15:09. It has garnered 67495 views and 2931 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! MODPACK: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/medieval-mc-mmc4 ______________________ โ™“SHOP: https://suev.shop/ ๐ŸŽฎ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/z7Zwdc9 Music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! https://share.epidemicsound.com/gnetzl ๐Ÿ’œ MY SOCIAL MEDIA! โ–ถ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suevreal โ–ถ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suevreal โ–ถ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/suevreal Read More

  • Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts

    Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Save Herobrine ๐Ÿ˜ณ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-30 13:30:00. It has garnered 206547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen roblox 17. sakura… Read More

  • INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!

    INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The ULTIMATE Storage Base In Survival Minecraft (P.U.B. II)’, was uploaded by ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–’๐–†๐–™๐–”๐–“ on 2024-04-20 15:00:06. It has garnered 124056 views and 8323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:01 or 3001 seconds. This is episode two of Project Unknown Builder, a Minecraft film project that I make for fun as a hobby. It is not monetized to stay authentic and true to it’s purpose; be a form of creative expression. Enjoy! This video has music from two of my favorite musicians Zayde Wolf and Thomas Bergersen (and some other cool ones)…. Read More

  • Insane PvP Texture Pack for Minecraft! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    Insane PvP Texture Pack for Minecraft! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft World Best PvP texture Pack | Minecraft PvP texture pack Credit – BLOODYLIONYT,Davil_XD’, was uploaded by BLOODY LION YT on 2024-01-26 14:07:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Davil_XD https://youtube.com/@Davil_zx3?feature=shared File download link … Read More

  • Epic Battle: RedFox Takes on Ender Dragon in Skyblock! EP9

    Epic Battle: RedFox Takes on Ender Dragon in Skyblock! EP9Video Information This video, titled ‘Fighting the Ender Dragon In Minecraft Skyblock Survival – EP9’, was uploaded by Willing RedFox on 2024-04-03 13:00:49. It has garnered 53 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:55 or 1315 seconds. In this episode we fight the ender dragon, build a mob farm and start working towards villagers over in the new base area. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay Read More