Unbelievable New Content in Modded Minecraft 1.20.1! From Create to Dragon Eggs, It’s AMAZING | Nighturz

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Good morning good evening everybody oh oh oh oh oh there we go here in all the breathing of the horses I hope everybody’s doing good this is episode three of the longterm all the mods 9 series basically my my mission goal for this one hopefully now that we got our

Our Splendid horse is uh to find it at home the horsey has nowhere to live and believe it or not I don’t either golden the rlcraft shamblers what are those again what is that now I have a a lot of the mods uh from arcraft the only ones I don’t have are

The ones that uh mess with the um the actual gameplay of the game to make it more real life setting you know obviously um but as far as like the items go I have every or items World gen yeah I do have RL installed I have uh this which has almost every mod

You can think of and then I have the medieval one that I’d like to do and then I have rlcraft they are lamp shaped grass things that you can tame oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait I think I know I can bring up their spawn egg uh they’re called shambling

Right oh let’s see I’ve SE I saw one just where I was at it what does wait hold on the lamp shaped grassing that you can uh tame no the one I saw was could fly a little bit I don’t think that’s what it was what mod is it from that that

Um what mod is that mob from okay we’re going to continue you guys while I talk to my good friend all right no no no no no I’m taking away this this is our only last wayist Stone it’s got to go with us and your jump is not good

Horsey so I got to I mean you can jump it’s it’s not impossible but it’s not good seen a lot better oh lanite I think I chose the Uh yeah I chose um a different mob one I could put it in though I don’t know what it would affect but I could put it in it shouldn’t affect anything actually um by putting it in oh but it is more mobs I could have for my I do want to have

Like a Mob Museum or Mob Zoo oh let me write it down um Check can see what I do is I do a backup real quick and then I do it when you say it like that it sounds like you’re saying Mike and Nikes lanit lenet Lites Lites it’s kind of like uh oh I can see it in my head what is it

Um hold on yeah I can I it should be able to I can’t think of a reason why it couldn’t have it in here other than it being cuz see do you I have uh I was thinking of the uh the cataclysm mod um the there’s an

Well I mean there’s a aund hundreds 411 so there’s other mods and I’m pretty sure there’s a reason why they didn’t put that mod in is there a 1.20.1 edition of it if you mind checking please sir it changes some things but not too much

Yeah well no that’s good it’s not a bad thing that’s good change is good on this game I’m just very protective of my world here cuz uh it’s already got a crap ton that’s involved with it hold on let’s go this way as you’ve already seen and already know there it

Is yeah see this this map that I have I’d have to look at the actual name of it it’s very simple and it says I mean it’s so uh such a small map mod that it was in here a along with journey map they just had this one disabled when I

Saw it I got rid of Journey map of course which I recommend everybody do and I just simply enabled this one and it does my way points it does my way stones it does I mean I like it it does everything I need it to do it’s very

Simple but hell when I did bedrock and Vanilla Java I didn’t have Noom map so it’s better than what is that it keeps the adventure going yeah yeah that’s good that’s good that is a good thing that is a good thing I’m I’m all for that keeping the

Adventure going having that danger in the world is good that’s what keeps it also going is having that knowing that oh I can’t oh my bad hold on guys I’m stuck between two trees knowing that you can’t just go all willy-nilly running wherever you want to like as if you’re

Just in Survival Creative Mode I like having the danger the high danger aspect uh of oh no no you’re going to kill my horse you pecker ass oh excuse me I didn’t mean to say that well I got this series listed as uh adults kids can watch it too but it’s

Not made just four kids like my Bedrock one was so I can be a little more lenient with my choice of words I think we’ve all heard it before do you would you be able to see well I can look it up real quick uh there okay yeah I I just read what

You put okay yeah there’s probably is like a nights was a uh well-known mod in its prime so I’m pretty sure they’re going to keep it going I’ll check here in just a moment cuz I can literally add it it’s gorgeous it’s gorgeous it’s gorgeous hold on uh I need a

Fence I need a fence whoops hold on horsey please don’t leave please don’t leave horsey what two by two oh oh I got to hit the thing there we go oh it remove what hold on horsey hold on baby I got you I got got you

Girl I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you why is my hold on I’ll check it hold on hey I know I don’t have you in name yet I promise I’ll do it right now I’ll do it right now come here I got to sleep

Though to make it daytime for us um oh crackhead I don’t have a bed wait The Village has a bed I’m not exploring the village yet I’m just running in for a bed oh my gosh I couldn’t have found a better one oh my gosh holy crap look at this thing

Oh there must be a dark secret to this place place that’s uh hold on I’m going to get my my little one here hey I’m right here I’m right here all right let me go ahead and do your name tag why is this all so dim I know I did Dark mode

But it’s different it’s different this looks there we go okay okay okay okay I had accidentally double clicked that all right uh some of the malls from it give it the surprise and common commonness like the creeper yeah yeah it’s a good mod it is is

Indeed I’ll do a quick backup and see if uh oh I got to have a okay um I was able to in better Minecraft I was able on the name tags I could sh I could Crouch and click right click and I could name the name tag I

Kind it was kind of it was kind of cool but it was also kind of well that’s kind of cheap you know like it’s so easy uh name tags are supposed to be like something that you’re proud of that you get that’s hard to get that you put

It on your best animals you name your best one so having it to where it just kind of so easy to willy-nilly do man but this one goes back to that where you have to have an anvil now there is not much good maneuvering through this town with a uh a horsey

Horse uh a hor a horsey horse of course of course of course a horsey horse it’s dangerous it’s dangerous you got drops you got like a lot of constipation a lot of constipation I just wanted to light some of this up it is extremely dark from the

Constipation look no way and you know what else since this is on such a mountainous area I bet money there’s a deep dark underground guys this might be it look at there there’s my waist Stone there’s the waist Stone hold on let’s see uh let’s kind of fix

That I’m not going to live right in the village but it’s the it is the place that I think would work for us for a while um I can also work on making it more as you can see maneuverable in the town cuz it’s not but it’s it’s built on a very

Difficult area so Props to the game for doing its best but uh I think over time we can make it a little better wow it’s dark in here holy cow it is dark so what mod pack are you playing golden oh um like yeah like the garar rock

Monster that have a low chance in spawning after you break coal or iron or when you break a piece of grass you get a floating grass monster yeah yeah getting to where it’s too many it’s uh it can be a bit like if if I’m just legit trying to just

Clear an area out and I got to deal with that constantly me that that’s going to be aggravating but Adventure wise if you’re not doing much building yeah that’s cool but you can always go into the config file and you can probably change most of it that would be something I would

Change immediately though I don’t want to take a chance on something spawning to kill me to break a piece of grass yeah exactly that’s too much happening um I’m all about the surprises I’m with you 100% the mobs I love mobs I’m all about it the danger but come on a piece of

Grass you know they they went a bit too far with that but like I said if you wanted to you could probably go into the config file change all this and then finally be ready with it but that’s a lot of stuff that a lot of people don’t know how to do and

Nah I’ll see if it’s got a 1.20 but I don’t think I’d install it into my world into my mod pack it’s just not meant for it I do have an actual evil named if the mod Pack’s called evil something I can’t remember but but uh it’s pretty scary so

I mean that’s good enough and there’s a lot of magic in this one a lot of dark magic and so this looks cool where is this look there’s so many trees you can’t even see that there’s a village all through here A big one oh it’s right here it’s right here it’s

Right here look there it is it was further down but uh even so when it goes into the trees right here it just disappears completely Mystic Grove that looks cool a spot though that I would actually settle in um yeah it would be it could be somewhere right around here if there was

One of those houses like we’ve already been in if there’s one around here I’ll get in that live in that and then uh there’s another Village right here sure enough holy crap there is we’ll go check it out cuz in that case see there are buildings there’s one right here

Here in that case if there’s another Village here I can build I can settle somewhere between it between them or grab both of their Loot and just leave I don’t know we’ll see I do need to settle in though I don’t want to be walking around searching on episode six that that’s

Going to be annoying well not really searching as it is exploring but there is so much to explore with this I mean there’s so many different kind of biomes and the best part is the biomes that they have make sense it’s not like some crazy crap that that’s uh

A whole bunch of mixtures of dumb things it appeared when I I could only see a building or two of the of the town but it or the village but it appeared that it was one of the modded ones so maybe it will there’s also a pelican version that

Gives you the weight effect which makes you heavy well there’s a seagulls in this one that will if you got food in your hand it’ll drop down and grab it from you steal it from you take your food away straight out of your hand sure enough I trick them though when one does

That I drop some food and it’ll come down to get it and then I kill it with my sword you don’t get much of nothing from them though but I get my revenge that’s good enough for me you know oh I never did touch that damn way

Point at that Village we will though I’ll run back up there it’s already getting dark and with these tall trees and mountains it’s going to get dark sooner than usual oh I didn’t make it to the horses okay all right yes this is nice this is nice uh excuse me move thank

You whoa oh here let me clear that for you there partner little bitty buttface is what I named you what’s up Mr Butt face your face looks a little more buddy today what I want to keep all the seeds I can I’d like to have a nice Garden on this

Playr I’ve never really had a garden um for obvious reasons I’m too good to have a garden I’m too much of a badass you know and uh I think it I think I’ve come to the point where I don’t have to have people tell me anymore I just know I’m a

Badass you know what I mean it’s not like I’ve died seven times in this crap already you know it’s not like that’s happened I’m kidding I am far from a badass but I will take your bed thank you guys way far from a badass I’m a badass

At dying or getting myself in situations of death oh there’s also the more rock which is a dragon that can’t breede fire but you can go tame or just me kill it yeah the um I have the mod in here that allows you to take the well you can

Always take the Ender Dragon egg but you can hatch it and have your own ender dragon or when you take the Ender Dragon egg you can go place it down in a in a cold biome like at the top of a mountain and when it hatches it’ll give you the

Ice dragon or you can take it and and uh set the egg down right next to Lava or in lava and it will hatch a fire dragon um you can set the egg way up high into the sky way up there um and it’ll hatch a Sky Dragon there’s our wayist Stone

Um what was the other one oh way down deep underground you could lay it and it will hatch a ghost dragon it’s pretty cool there’s a bunch of them but it’s called uh dragon mount Legacy and I was very fortunate enough for it to work just fine well I haven’t

Even got to use it yet I’ve never got to use it actually so I’m very excited for it cuz I’ve never got to play with it yet I got to I got to defeat the Ender Dragon first then I can uh start messing with it you know and uh I’m pretty stoked for

That cuz I haven’t got to play with Dragons especially from a mod that’s this well built and indepth that’s pretty cool you know so I’m excited I’m excited about the dragon thing um I’ll probably die five or six times but uh y’all get to watch it so

I don’t know what dragon I’ll go for first more than likely I’ll just want the Ender Dragon first so once I get her egg I’ll just want to hatch her and uh keep her first that’ll probably be it not not it but that’s probably what I’ll do yeah oh yay I got a

Shield I haven’t had a shield in a long time oh look when I’m holding my for some reason my right right arm looks like it’s a uh a little nub sticking out and I can’t bend it I’mma continue talking about shamblers because shamblers are pretty

Useful you go for it man you talk about them damn shamblers I used to have shamblers in my crotch I itched for years I’m joking these houses are pretty nice though ow broke my legs oh books that’s one thing I need to start looking oh my gosh uh golden look what

The hell is all this man I don’t even know what this is what am I looking at Golden what the hell am I looking at see that’s the thing I got so much to learn in this that’s why this is like a super long you know it’s planned to be anyways

Fortunately all of my future games I plan on getting don’t play anything like this so there’s always oh the smithing template it’s the uh eye armor trim Oh yay I know that’s exactly how I feel golden uh I’m afraid if I pick something up it’s going to explode or some crap a

Transistor that’s cool okay I want to look at other ways of Transport too I think um oh an enchanting book of capacity it increases my um air capacity in my diving tanks frostbite chance to freeze enemy on hit oh Frost Walker I hate Frost Walker Electro cute scroll level two

Common it’s a spell I’ll try it out but I’m not going to do it here a Vortex Cannon shoot uh shoots air vortexes harmless projectiles which repel entities sheer animal and Destroy plants and leaves with careful timing you can also fling yourself considerable distances but beware of fall damage you complete

all right well it’s uh not working right now looks like it’s wore out or something yeah it’s wore out right now I’ll see what I need to do to uh like charge it or whatever I don’t know but I’ll oh yeah pressure z0 bar how do I charge up the vortex

Cannon yeah there are bombs in this oh no no Spirit orb and a source gem another Scroll of Destiny no but it just said Spirit War U let me see how to charge oh it’s actually just called a charging station but it charges other things too not just this okay cool cool cool

Cool okay okay so I know now uh charging station that’s all I really needed to see maybe search pressure in the search bar no it’s a see it’s uh I’ll know it when I see it now charging Station charging station station of charging wait uh holy crap a drill dude that’s going to be cool if I could ever use it um there’s air canisters they’re not too hard to make the uh a trident a a digital Trident what that that’s so cool um here’s one charging station here

Doesn’t seem too hard to craft I don’t know if it’ll do air canisters though oh this is the uh dude oh a drone all these drones will harvest and stuff for me a nuke gun a launcher that can launch all kinds of things this is all from uh or some of

These are from industrial foro oh crap it’s dark what is that oh it’s a stupid kid oh no no no no no where’s the bed where’s the bed or I’m dead or I’m dead oh the Blue Moon RIS oh I for I just noticed that it said that I wouldn’t have

Slept I’m such a punon ass I’m not such an idiot I should have looked at that first oh well we’ll get another one eventually we will all right what’s the name of this place what did we name it as oh cool it’s unnamed all right yeah it’s it just okay it just

Um all right it’s not in a good spot we’re going to take it and we’re going to put it in a good spot well let’s see if I place this one I will still have one of my own okay so that’s okay that’s good this Village I will deem take a

Village we’ll do some names and such later but this is just to uh get a listing of things to get get get things moving get things moving I am going to need another backpack soon I know I know trust me I got to calm down my bad assness I

Know I know I got to calm down my badassness I mean golden Fox can barely handle how badass I am you know oh gosh I fell off a hill which is what badass people do we fall off of things correct correct yes nothing can kill me I want to look at

Some other options for lighting as well golden let’s see there is lamps I think Leila showed me one time these lamps I don’t know if they’re in here uh Square wall lamp yeah very simple really um what about just these yeah glow stone okay I haven’t been in the nether

Yet regular white lamp we’re going to need wool so we might as well go and get a a area of sheep together um between both Villages I think okay before we do that go uh start looking into other sources of lighting and such I think we should get our settling

Point that now that we know I would personally like it somewhere around both of these Villages um I think that will benefit us at least for now not to mention all the the dimensions that we actually have in this so looking at this looking at our our trusty map golden Let’s see we

Got there I am here’s this Village the other Village I mean it’s literally right there there’s like a split right through here that’s what splits it now I need to be around an ocean because the create mod likes to use a lot of Kil from what I

Heard so I’m going to get in the boat right here and we’re going to go that way a little bit remember we do have way stones so coming back to here is literally one click but I got to go activate This Way Stone cuz my idiot self forgot

To uh because I’m so badass and then this is not considered an ocean is it oh it is oh well oh wow we haven’t really went that far look there’s where we were right here huh I swore we were further it just feels like we are I guess I I don’t know

What is that Lush cave yes we got Lush caves around here already I know we’ve seen it some but I’m glad to see it for sure all right let’s go uh turn on this was Stone over here yeah see my map that I’m using it’s great now there’s another one

Called zeros map uh it’s a mod very good one very nice nice uh doesn’t take up a lot of resources the thing is for me though I love that flower um I and I done this all at once which I probably shouldn’t have I had

To this is going to be a farm oh my gosh how what are the odds of this crap I’m not even in a freaking I’m not even in a freaking Swamp man this is fantastic you you know what I can do with a witch hut the kind of farm you can

Build well obviously you build a witch hut Farm but what I’m saying is witches drop a lot of stuff from glow stone red stone oh my God I’m almost dead let’s step away hold on hold on hold on a little fox glow stone red stone healing potions empty bottles the best part

Gunpowder well there’s more than that I can’t think of the other ones right off hand but how yeah witches are fantastic if you got a witch hut somewhere oh you’re you’re you’re going to be doing pretty good man like I said gunpowder that’s huge that this is huge

This is great I thought it was just a little Shack cuzz I wasn’t in a swamp so I never would have thought that’s what this was she can’t get out because of the way this was built yeah this is supposed to be the entrance right here but this spot right here

Unless this could have messed it up I don’t know though but this little Hut is a spawn chunk for witches and it always will be um I don’t know how to check it on the F3 thing or if I even can but yeah this is a witch hut this is a very good

Find and I wouldn’t have found it unless I walked right up on it look I mean I don’t even see it it’s right between the damn Village there we go we could be like I got to look at the one that I did in Bedrock but I built one in Bedrock on

One of the servers on one of my maps and it did fantastic it had some Kinks to work out throughout some time but I damn which Farm did good once we got everything worked it was good me uh me and Lea used it I think Lea like

Stayed on one whole day and was over there at it and uh was pretty much set on everything like we were having to destroy chests to delete items cuz it was too much it uh it it help it’s nice it’s nice it does really good a which uh witchy hoodie

Farm yep it is good to have a witchy hoodie Farm we got it marked so let’s go up here to this Village and I love since this is such a Healy place there’s I nearly guarantee there’s a deep dark underground here got to be there’s got

To be I spent a lot of time in deep darks and in ancient cities when they first came out um to the point I I I can predict practically everything the damn Warden does and when he’s going to do it and uh so I spent a lot of time in ancient

Cities and I can nearly guarantee you there’s an ancient city in here look how beautiful this is that’s the uh Village right over there I’m taking screenshots for thumbnails later or whatever my website now that I got the right mod pack set up I’m I need to work on my

Website too now I wasn’t going to work on it until I got this right and with enshrouded releasing uh January 24th I’m so stoked a very good year to be a gamer my friends a very good year to be a PC Gamer I’m sorry I should

Say I love consoles too my PS5 is sitting right beside me but it depends on the kind of gamer you are and for me there’s just no way that’s all I could have I got to have a PC also too many games out there I’m missing with just have in one

Console it’s a damn good system though oh I was hoping this is what this was these things can be huge and so this has got a lot a lot in it well I mean they can spawners as you can see that one’s a spider that one way down there is more

Than likely a skeleton there’s spawners everywhere in this crap sometime oh and as you go down one of the hallways there’s another Spiral Staircase that goes down again so there there’s a lot to this one thing right here wait a minute is there a cave view I don’t think there is

That’s like the only thing I’m missing from Journey map or zero map is that you do got the underground view but I can still try zero map um the problem was was I removed Journey map and installed zeros map at all at once and every time I

Tried to Crank It Up it kept crashing and I thought man it must this mod pack must really depend on Journey Maps but then I uh said oh well forget it but then a little bit later trying to get everything ready for the stream I thought well let’s just delete

Journey map and journey map only and uh cuz there’s already a map in here which is the one I’m using now and so i’ only delete a journey map and it’s other mod that it has to have and it it started up just fine and so maybe now

That I got a steady now that I got a stable mod pack with the mods that I like and what I got everything’s good it wouldn’t be difficult to just add zeros uh map and then try to crank it up it’s just adding one but uh

It’s a that zeros map is a good one I’d like to I’d like to use it and learn more about it it’s a good one to uh to use for sure for sure and then if it crashes I’ll know what it is I’ll know that it’s that mod

But when you do so many mods at the same time remove add all this crap and then your game crashes it’s hard to know which which mod crashed it without a crapload of Tri and error but since I’m just wanting one mod which is the zeros mod I

Bet it’ll run it’s not a lot of changes happening and if it doesn’t if it crashes my world is fine cuz I know what to do I just remove that map mod and that’s it so I’ll need to look at it but uh I’m definitely going to try it I definitely will try

It I’d like to get that map mod in here if I can and it only take us I can like I just did that other one with the crafting table I can do it in like a minute or two especially since I’m already in a safe location Dustin Martin what’s up

Buddy what is up my friend how are things how you feeling today did you have a good New Year’s are you still having a good new wait Dustin you were in here a minute ago look at that uh I see where golden uh sent that message and I didn’t see that you we’re

In here I’m sorry Dustin I hope all is well for you my friend nothing much man just enjoying greatly uh the uh all the mods 9 mod pack I am enjoying it um I’m wanting to add a better map system to my to my mod pack but

Uh I’m doing good I can’t complain man I can’t complain uh yeah on okay hold on let’s see shamblers have 30 Health points with three D when you tame them they got six Health points three down more if you give them Diamond horse armor they can also steal the

Health of mobs regenerate that’s pretty cool yeah that’s cool their attack damage is two and they regenerate in water like crazy that’s nice that’s very useful yeah um uh there’s a um I’m looking for well Journey Maps was in my Modpack and uh but Journey Maps is extremely resource dependent it it

Depends on a lot of resources so having said that the uh map system I got in the upper right corner right now um is from FTV uh and it’s very it’s very simple very plain and so I decided to use it instead it was already in the mod pack so I

Didn’t have to add it but uh i’ I’ve been greatly enjoying this uh mod pack it’s a nice looking map too man I mean like see there’s my character’s head there’s skeletons uh even a green carpenter bee there’s a cat this is the village that I’m in right here it’s pretty big another

Village here and it also shows my waist stones and a witch hut I found right here and now I’m going to activate the waist onone of this Village hop in a boat and go up this way cuz I’m going to build somewhere around here well when I say build I mean settle

Into a place um there’s a waist Stone here on this Village and I forgot to activate it so once I activate it I can go cuz then I can simply I have a wayist stone in my pocket I’ll place it down wherever I settle down at and then I can here it is

I can jump back here at any time there we go what is this a dark oak biome dark forest biome I’m going to name this my own thing Um there we go now the it’s that way is it no it’s witch hut temp right there I’m going to leave my horse here oh iron I got almost every giant Mo uh mod you can think of when I see Iron I still say oh iron I can’t wait to explore this uh

Lush cave it could also be a location for a base I haven’t built a base underground since I can remember since I was just a weed little thing oh it’s good that they’re cheap to tame you they were expensive that would kind of suck but I guess once you tame

Them you don’t have to do it anymore so even if it was expensive I guess it wouldn’t be too bad oh I can use my oh check this out guys watch this watch this where it is where is it at where’s it at my paraglider I’m going to try it I’m going

To do it hold on let me eat oh yeah Dustin it’ll have axelos absolutely absolutely uhoh I got to work on my stamina or something cuz that little green circle bar thing oh can I make it to the water uh-oh made it to that water that worked that was cool man that actually

Makes you hold your breath because if you if I did fall and not hit that water that that would have killed me that would have been it that’s a little scary but fun the scary part of it I guess is what makes it fun but you just got

To be careful with it have like a plan of where you’re going you know oh wait I don’t need that I I’ll make I’ll craft it but I don’t need need it cuz I got my crafting table on a stick right here see I got this crafting

Table on a stick see it in my hand looks like a waffle iron I can craft stuff like a boat uh I need more wood for my boat oh we need to make another backpack as well how much uh string do I have I got the

String ooh I don’t have the leather I don’t have the lever um oh thank you Dustin yeah you want to see it normal that’s the Minecraft we all know and love this is normal wait a minute yeah see I need another backpack this one’s getting slap a pecker full uh

Shoot no like I mean it’s getting a bit too full really um shoot I need to make one there we go I can still do my bpack now I can make a bed out here as soon as I need to here’s the leather I do have I don’t know why I’m carrying half

Of that around I could have put it at the Village I wasn’t thinking straight um I’m such an idiot okay uh oh I know isn’t it Dustin it’s huge difference huge oh I can turn it back on uh that one bam doesn’t even look the same I got a couple of different shaders

Uh this one is a bit heavy intensive um I have another one that’s a lot smaller matter of fact I like the clouds in it better too but sometimes initially doing it can crash the game this one the ultra fast doing it initially can CR no

I did it quick there we go it’s Ultra fast cuz it doesn’t have like as much as that other one does but I love the clouds in it it still looks good you know you still got the Minecraft in it you can definitely still tell it’s Minecraft look the weeds move the leaves

Move but it it kind of it it just knocks the edge off you know what I mean you still get that that visual but most systems can play this see there’s there’s still a difference so this one’s probably the one I’ll stick with um without doing a bunch of uh more

Editing the one I was just using like I said it’s it’s intense and uh but you can oh I love these These are so PR what the hell was that what is that oh golly stop it stop it what’s that what did I just pick up

Banana slow oh a banana slow walked into that bush that scratched me that thing what’s going on oh I’m an idiot it’s getting dark duh I got to make a uh Sleeping Bag then it doesn’t change my spawn location I still do the Bedrock thing where I oh nuh look that’s the ghost

From the zombie that I just killed where’d he go he went into the ground somewhere anyway sometimes the mobs I kill there he is the mobs I kill their soul will where oh they look how good I am look how look how badass I am guys oh my God I

Suck anyway we’re just going to act like I got well why do I suck so bad oh my gosh now look at the water Dustin check it out man so see it it doesn’t do as much on the pretty lighting but look at the water I mean that’s cool right

I don’t think it does as much underwater as the other one does but um yeah so see here’s this one underwater now let me show you the other one underwater if I if if if it’s the right one I’m thinking of yeah now look at that this is the more intensive one look

At the Rays see you don’t have that ripple effect like the other one but when you go underwater you get every little light Ray hitting the the bottom making it flicker that’s pretty cool and it’s beautiful visually it really is but uh for me personally um and for the stream and for

You know just using on a constant I think I’ll stick with this one um then you know it doesn’t have all that but it can be kind of hard to see with that other one sometimes depending on which way the sun is hitting but you know it’s uh oh I can remove that

Now Um let’s see oh I got my boat it’s in my inventory cool it does Dustin it looks insane which I’ve never been able to use shaders until I got this PC finished uh built and uh I can use any Shader out there but I still go back to the smaller Shader like

The one I’m using now it it’s just better all around it gives it that you know that that knockout look but it’s not like insane on your system oh I want to check this out look at this volume over here that is the Yellowstone what is this cascading archwood archwood Forest okay

Hey yeah golden you try to hit a uh a ghost with a sword you know how hard that is to hit a ghost especially when it can go through trees and ground and everything else wait a minute I got to go this way now that kind of biome I

Can’t stand I hate ha Birch biomes the ones in this are pretty cool but in vanilla Birch biomes are the worst they are so Bland oh it’s awful I hate being in them in vanilla but I probably won’t play vanilla ever again unless I just go into a friend

Server to look at what they built I’ll never touch vanilla again not with what mods can do nowadays there’s no check this out I bet this is dangerous but cool nonetheless got to be careful oh my gosh what look at that thing is that going to be our

Base did we finally find the place of settling why can’t vexes be burned by a fire aspect but not B lava I’m not sure oh get off that gravel there’s a tower over there too Harry Potter Style I have never seen biomes like this this is so cool and I love the mountainous

Terrain there’s got to be an ancient city under here somewhere and we will find it I bet if I did this and did deep dark I bet it’s like right below us let’s see yeah it’s just a couple of thousand which way uh 27 no it’s right yeah 2720 2185 it’s just over

There I’m not going to go over there but it is what I will do though is Mark down the location that it’s told me um so I got – 2185 and 2720 deep dark yes it’s 493 blocks away not bad at all that’s going to be a future Mission

Objective Dustin you’re right yeah this is what like this is about like Yellowstone really is you are absolutely right you are dead on my friend dead on they did good they did good with it and it really is this dangerous like you know well it’s Common Sense

Dangerous is what it is if you see steaming ground that’s extremely hot you can see it’s hot without touching it should you step on it and walk all over it no um it’s Common Sense dangerous if somebody gets killed at Yellowstone they’re an idiot it also depends on how they died but

Still really I can’t think of a way you could die Yellowstone without U without the person that died is the one that made the huge mistake I really do like this I bet it’s a spawner or I mean it’s a building but I bet it’s got a spawner in it let’s see

Look at this how beautiful this is this in itself is a work of art just the just the map let’s see once I get all this opened I want to take a photo I have a mod in here called camera it’s just called camera mod and I can use it I have to

Have paper in my inventory but I can take a photo and then put the photo on a frame on the wall um I can make the frame as big as I want too I can make it huge but you can take a picture of anything what the hell does that mean curses

Find what was that find a bath house oh it’s a advancement okay okay okay okay okay okay right here no Lighthouse here it is Bath House okay cool I got a advancement and once we find our location we’re going to get to work on these the quests that I can’t wait to

Get started on that’s going to be so flipping cool I am so excited for the quests hold on guys I’m going to go ahead and do my way Stone cuz I don’t know what’s in here here let’s do it uh I want to do it up and out of the way

But when I spawn here I want to be able to see okay the Yellowstone sphere it does look lamp shaped it does it almost reminds me of a um a strip club no I’m I’m joking it doesn’t it doesn’t it reminds me of like a uh

Wait what is that oh he’s done hold on let me get up here next to this thing and put my uh bed I was going to do a sleeping bag but now that I have a setup right here I’m going to just do a

Bed reminds me of a oh look at at night how beautiful um what is that called uh steampunk like a steampunk gear CAD Deo cotton little mini nuggets that’s what it reminds me of yeah well let’s um God dang it scooter or nighers my name’s nighers ain’t it yeah this is just

Temporary but nonetheless uh we need a drawer system I like using these I’m I’m showing you hold on uh there um now you can kind of like you know organize it shows the number um if you have multiples of stuff you know I’m not putting everything in

Here like that I’m just showing what it does um but nonetheless I’m still going to just put my stuff in it um but even modded stuff should fit yeah this is the storage system I’m going to be using on this uh for now I love how it still does its uh

Effects that’s pretty cool I’m going to let this run in the background although I’ll be looking at this like at okay yeah man you’re good do whatever you need to absolutely I do greatly appreciate you what did I just do um okay I greatly appreciate you letting

Your letting my stream be a part of your background processes but really though I appreciate you coming into my stream and hanging out with me hanging out with us me and golden that’s what golden does he has it playing on the side while he plays his other

Games that’s what I would hope y’all do CU I mean I don’t want you guys just sitting there doing nothing but watching me do whatever you want to and have me in the background you know check it out here or there see what’s going on that’s

The best way to do it it really is do we have cows we will won’t we they’ll be over here though man I hope yeah cows there’ll be more over here but that’s what my streams are for I mean they’re very long so throw it on another monitor or yeah in the

Background lower the volume on it a little relax do whatever you want do what you’re doing already chill not to mention if you got it on um behind another processor or behind another software where if something happens and you didn’t get to see it it’s uh I’m streaming on YouTube so you

Can just rewind it and check it out that’s why I love streaming on YouTube it’s not just a stream it’s also a video I’m glad we got some sand cuz what I’ve really been looking for is the vanilla Turtles um believe it or not they’re very rare in modded Minecraft I have no

Idea why but this is considered a beach I’ve studied how they spawn uh what they need to have to spawn everything and one uh one of my series I’ve played modded with uh Leila better on vet Minecraft and it was episode like 20 no no no turtles and there was beaches

Everywhere never found a single turtle and then one one day I’m running by the same Beach I’ve been you know living by boom two of them popped up side by side and you gotta have two to tango dudes I was freaking out I couldn’t believe it

Over some turtles but like I said it was just so rare I mean people were on Reddit saying I can’t find them they’re not popping up they’re not coming up the other mobs are but Turtles AR and blah blah blah it was everywhere nobody could find the default

Turtles there’s Turtles inside of you know Alex mobs there’s you know he has his own Turtles um the uh cataclysm mod there’s Turtles but I need the vanilla turtles because I want to craft my favorite helmet of the entire game the turtle helmet you if you watch my streams you

Know why I love that helmet I don’t know why everybody who plays vanilla or Minecraft period doesn’t wear it because they’re missing out greatly considering what it can do versus a netherite helmet a turtle helmet KCK a netherite helmet’s ass in other words you’re way better off

Using a turtle helmet over any other helmet in the entire game and though I’m in my mod pack I got countless helmets I still want my turtle helmet there’s just no reason not to use it for everything that it does and you know it just it’s a matter of just getting Turtles

To well in vanilla it’s easy you know you find a beach you’re going to have Turtles pop up in here it’s not so much oh a killer wh hold on look guys where’d it go there’s two of them there it is look at them there’s the other one whoa that was

Cool oh nice Dustin didn’t I say you could have upgraded the turtle helmet to a snapping yeah yeah yeah you’ve told me that before yeah you have told me that before but in order for me to increase it to a snapping turtle I got to find the

Regular Turtles first and and that’s the bitching part cuz I can look look at the map and tell you not a single one has spawned over here the only mob that is over here is a damn bee so there’s no excuse that you know there’s too many of a different mob so

It’s not going to spawn No it should spawn it should spawn just fine is this an ocean it’s a cold ocean oh man oh man it’s a cold one Turtles don’t like cold oceans look look at all this beach okay all right look not right now cuz we got

Other things happening but we’ll go here later there’s more Beach that way and maybe there’s a warmer ocean but I cleared out some of the room maybe some will spawn if they do spawn even if they go off into the water I’ll know that that’s fine they’re at least they’re at

Least there I can get them I can go into the water and find them but it is so difficult I can’t stress it enough how much of a pain it is in modded Minecraft like this to get a normal Turtle something that sounds so simple and it is so

Simple but getting I mean getting one just to spawn God if I see one spawn it will stop everything everything I’m doing will stop that will be main priority if y’all happen to glance up at my map and see see the icon of one please let me

Know um I can name tag them I got to have two name tags ready at all times um yeah they spawn in war motions golden and and is that mud or something else uh I think it was something else my friend okay I think we’re

Good just wanted to I’m want to use this kind of storage inside for all the seeds or at the matter of fact fact I got if I if I decide to live over here which I honestly might I love how different this is and with uh way

Points I think we can live anywhere and still get to other places but I will need to go searching for more way points and or we go into The Nether and uh find a warped for it biome that’s what that’s the one that uh Enderman like to be

In But there again in this mod pack I think I haven’t been in the nether but in the previous mod pack I was in the nether was completely overhauled completely different it had like 50 different biomes it could have which was really cool but it also meant the

Vanilla biomes were going to be very slim pickings and they were uh me and Lila split up as two people making portal after portal after portal we never found a wared forest biome throughout that entire playthrough not a single one and I’m not you know I’m

Serious literally not a single one it w we couldn’t believe it I think it’s still on the channel I may have deleted that series because I was going to be making this one and that series had to end um dude it was on a server and

Everything but uh I think we’re ready to go in to the building there all right let’s go let’s go see what will work oh gosh let’s go see what we’re working with oh I like this lme green flower mystical lime flower very nice I like that I have

To get me a few of those yeah Dustin there’s so many different kinds of uh blocks in this it’s unreal I want to go ahead ahead and do lighting around the base if there is um spawners in here and they’re not spider spawners I will be saving them

I’m not going to destroy them at all uh we’ll torch them up do whatever we got to do cuz there is a in the create mod I will eventually be able to move the spawner I know moving spawners is like from back in the day but there’s a way to move it and

Using a minecart system it’s really cool I can’t wait to show you guys all right now I was just wait do we got elevators oh yes right yes oh oh yeah baby these elevators are so cool um they’re pretty cheap uh White wool and ender pearls ender pearls are

Like one of the main things I’m going to need this entire series damn ender pearls but I love these elevators there’s also a mod I got in here called framed blocks and uh you have to build it in a frame but then you take the block that you

Want it to be and you click it but you can make slopes all kinds of things elevator frame no Okay cool so yes we we have my favorite elevator mod mod what’s my camera I got to get that made soon so I can take photos of the adventures

Okay wait I could do that now I just put sand up over there I got my uh iron furnace which I’ve been wanting to use check this out I have an iron furnace look at this look guys huh look at that I don’t know what

It does but I got one hold on let’s see um I got to get the sand right here right here will that work will this work okay all right so far so good it’s going a little quick I just need one glass no no I don’t wait I need

A oh it’s glass pane isn’t it yeah it’s not just a glass block it’s a glass pane okay guys I can’t remember how you make glass panes isn’t it just four let’s see I know y’all are probably messaging it of how to do it um oh okay okay okay

Okay okay I got it I got it guys thank you I’m sorry when I played Bedrock for so long I didn’t have to remember actual uh yeah Dustin in the very beginning of Minecraft days back in the the day like way before you were even thought of Dustin way back when your

Grandpappy was 10 years old no anyway um about 2011 to 2013 you could move the spawners if you had a silk touch pickaxe um not anymore though they stopped that and now uh they stopped it for a while and I I couldn’t believe it but now but over the

Years it’s always just been a staple of knowing no you can’t move spawners that’s dumb everybody knows like it you can’t move them there spawners but um the mod pack I’m using it doesn’t make it as simple as just getting silk touch again no but there there

Are ways of doing it legitly with the create mod and I think there’s another oh no that one the other one is actually just uh capturing the mobs themselves I believe I will show more about that it’s really cool I think you guys are going to like

It hold on I need I need uh that and a button oh oh yeah buttons I gotta I got to do that wait here we go yeah I think you guys are going to think it’s pretty cool um ever thought of something that doesn’t move when you’re

Looking yeah I’ve seen stuff like that it’s like some kind of scary thing where oh that got scared me as long as you’re looking at this or that it won’t attack you I got my camera check it out guys I can’t wait to show you this all right there’s a couple of

Things how was it that I looked at just yeah okay we can also make a photo album which is pretty cheap all in all we got to have paper but the image frame let’s see let’s do a few of a couple of few of those real

Quick it’s worth it trust me trust me trust me me and Lila had this mod in the game and we loved it cuz there were Adventures we would go do and it was her first time in uh modded Minecraft ever so we got this mod and it allowed us to place um

Our photos that we took on the wall um anywhere but we just mostly did it on the wall and uh instead of having stupid normal paintings we got to have our adventures up on the wall a lot of my uh thumbnails of that series was from this mod but see you

Hold it and you can uh click and here it is when I’m looking through it see here um you got zoom and I don’t know the hotkey I got to set it up though but there’s a key you can push and you can change different filters how cool is that that

Is so cool all right now that we got it created we can uh oh okay that’s how I do it it now that we got the camera we got to keep an eye out for sugar cane which I’ve passed a lot of I’m just I didn’t need it but

Now I do I should have been collecting it the whole time I know I know oh um yeah there’s a horror mod that has a that has that on curse Forge oh yeah I forgot the name but they they are Stone Angels what if something disappears when you try to get a closer

Look at it from afar and see it again but 30 blocks closer it won’t move it just stares F it’s closer oh my God I’m out oh wait I can’t sleep no no no we’re going in if I go if I way point to if I if I

Use my way Stone and go to the Village the whatever spawns in the blood moon will go in the village and I can’t cuz I can’t sleep I can’t sleep away the blood moon I know I was going to gon but I figured well since I can’t I was going

To run to the bed but then I remembered wait I can’t sleep so running to the bed would be ultimately pointless so right here we are I’m going to make it to where I can see out and see what’s going on there’s the blood moon I can see the blood all over

It I’m pretty sure most of this building takes place above us so I should be able to make like a basement my own little basement here I just want to see what happens what’s going on now if I put this back in here no hold on connecting glass yeah now this glass

See how these glasses are touching each other but they got the their lines right here all right now I just created connecting glass so when I put glass side by side see there it removes it I don’t know why Mojang’s never put that option in here in the game themselves see

There that’s so much better it’s something so simple too that’s it the blood moon is when when the Blood Moon Rises crazy mobs come out think of it as like the full moon in real life and the werewolves that come out and the vampires and that’s kind of it but it’s

More like ghosts and other mobs you don’t see that many around me because I’m not like out there out there I’m in I’m around a bunch of light and I’m inside of a uh a structure well the game knows that so it’s not going to spawn like 50 enemies right out

Outside to just stand there and then get burned up the next morning now if I went running out there in the open along the shore let say it would be spawning ghost more uh double or triple the zombies the skeletons the spiders it just goes nuts

And so that’s what the blood and you can’t sleep through it so you’re stuck but if you have a good a big siiz base you can still like you know work craft whatever it is you were doing before you just got to stay inside now I might be able to go into a

Different dimension when it happens I don’t know I have no idea if they got that blocked off too what’s that Dustin oh it let you sleep through it golden well then I wonder if a sleeping bag could since it’s not a bed you know and then there’s also a harvest moon

It’s a blue moon it um helps crops grow and and such like that and it um um it’s pretty helpful I think there’s another Moon too I can’t think of it but yeah I know of the Harvest Moon The Blood Moon and of course the normal moon but I think there’s a

Different one too um I will say one mod that was in better Minecraft that I would remove that I thought I would love wait a Blood Moon happens when Earth’s moon is in a total lunar eclipse oh yeah yeah yeah I’m sorry I thought you meant the

Game I’m sorry buddy my bad my bad my bad I thought you meant like just in the game in general whoa okay creeper just spawned outside but I just caught a glimpse of it and I had my hands off the controls so that scared me we’re good

I probably will go burn one real quick though cuz this is a bit of a waiting game but there is a mod in here that all it does is uh uh when a creeper spawns it makes it look different and act it just does a whole bunch of different

Creepers I think it the mod’s called a whole bunch of different creeper mod no I don’t know what it’s called but that is really all it does but um yeah I do like having the danger and stuff in this game cuz like I was saying before it’s nice to have that fresh

Uh you know like I don’t want you know I got to be careful I like having that in Minecraft cuz if it was just the regular you know night time it’s kind of gotten to the point of there is no threat and in Hardcore Minecraft really the only threat is if

You just make a stupid decision that gets you killed the game didn’t get you killed it’s difficulty or its mobs didn’t get you killed but a dumb decision did you know then it’s just that’s fun for a little bit but but I like being able to have these different uh experiences

And blood moons and like that stuff like that I’m sorry I’ll go get my coffee while we’re here it’s almost done that’ll be just enough time to go grab it for for for for for I can hear oh no that entire time I could hear a zombie breathing somewhere okay um what

If hold on I’m catching up on uh I know y’all two are just having conversation too which I love it cuz um it is really it really is a relief when I got like multiple viewers and they’re able to chat and talk amongst themselves too it’s really nice it really is

Um let me look guys I’m sorry uh type of moons Blood Moon super moon blue moons and Harvest Moon and butt crack Moon golden Fox what if a mauel Chase when you turn around and will push you a little to get the attention it can break break weak blocks climb make noise and

Open doors it would also bend you over and oh wait it would also bend down and crawl yeah um why not yeah why can’t it climb Dustin yeah I’m thinking of the man from the fog but I’m not sure yeah um well I have always wanted I don’t think this

Has anything to do but it reminded me I want to download whatever software it is um even if it requires purchasing it and I would like well no I better not tell y’all no I can tell y’all because it’s it’s very you know like top secret it’s going to change

Everything and uh no no I’m not going to tell you no no yeah I will I will no but seriously I want to create my own mob my own mob um and I want him to be a good mob like like I don’t know um not I guess

Like you can tame them I guess but a mob that is a that is a uh like a chest or something that can follow you uh you can pick it up it can walk on its own um and you can uh as you’re going by you can

Just throw things and it’ll pick them up and hang on to them not like an Alle where it picks it up and drops it at your feet um and all that crap no it uh you know something like that or it would be great if I could make a mob that’s

Like I was thinking like a platypus something kind of cute and cool but you can put a backpack on them and and he can swim really fast he can you know he can glide if he jumps off of something he can’t really fly but he can glide uh

But you can pick him up and let him and he’ll hang on to you um and like I said he can swim he can glide he can you know walk run that kind of stuff uh I saw some sugar cane right over there I think but I want to create my own

Mob yeah that’s what I wanted to say I like the idea of attacking and chasing after the person turned around yeah that’s cool for a uh enemy mob or something I could have sworn I saw sugar cane over here all right let’s go through this building and then go that

Way this building might be our location cuz I also thought about building base in a different um Dimension I just got to look at what all we got hold on let’s see why can’t I place oh these are slabs aren’t they they sure are yep okay here we

Go I forget what the program is but there is a program to uh use to make mobs or to edit existing ones or but I don’t want to do that I want to I want to build my own mob um and uh it would be called um something like ballistic or

A crackhead no wait not crackhead I’m sorry um I was thinking of my cousin um I don’t know I’d have to think about that what to officially name the mob but I’ll do some uh some thoughts over it figure out some things I would really like to do that one that’s in the

Game not in the main game but you know what I mean hello wait what hello I don’t like that one bit I don’t like that one bit I sure don’t I thought I would but I actually don’t I I don’t I don’t like that one bit nope um okay let’s go up a

Few more I do like the way this is buil wait blast furnaces I’m getting them I don’t have to craft these stupid things at my base and even if we decide to make this our Bas I would move them anyways all right this ain’t too bad this ain’t too bad wait there we

Go the candles are nice I’ll replace them eventually but I got to have uh lightting here in order to kill out the mobs so much Jesus Christ that is awfully scary um they don’t have arrows or nothing I mean I know they can still like hit me but they don’t have a weapon

Of any kind here I don’t want to break that spawner excuse me sir sir excuse me please you’re um I definitely don’t want to break this spawner cuz even though they don’t have a bow and arrow they’re still dropping it so there’s infinite arrows and bows and what the hell is that ah

That scared me oh sorry whoa what what just happened guys legit I can’t see nothing hold on what the hell happened I’m I’m in something I’m like in the back rooms or something I can’t see nothing I’m mining I’m mining hold on I don’t know what happened it’s like

My head went under or went up into the map or something I’ve never had this happen before I’ve accidentally glitched my head into the map and it’s went black like that before but never to the point where no matter which way I move or what I do I still can’t

See nothing that’s never happened that was weird oh I did I placed a few I did everything I can think of yeah I placed a few torches actually no okay so I just oh wait I thought I saw something I don’t know I’m I’m getting hit no I’m not I’m not getting

Hit yes I am oh there I go I cut off my uh wow that’s my shaders I turned my shaders off okay I’ll figure out why that’s doing that no big deal though we’re good we didn’t die or anything let’s get our ducks in a row here oh accidentally broke this there we

Go okay so my shaders went from working just fine to straight Blackness all right look I’m going to apply again yeah straight black black nness now will it do it on the other shaders like my reimagined one no it does it fine it’s just the makeup one huh that’s

Interesting so it wasn’t the game so much as it was the shaders well I mean like my game save cuz that’s what was worrying me I thought it was getting corrupted for some reason but we’re okay I don’t care if it’s just a Shader that’s no big deal

To me that that can be dealt with that’s fine that is perfectly fine I got to figure out something to do with all these gems I’ll do like a drawer system I did out there in the Yellowstone with all the uh gems I got to do something with them and

I’m and I know they’re meant for something so that’s why I’m keep I’m saving them they will be used I’m sure but oh this would be a beautiful view h no that doesn’t do it I need stone bricks but uh I’ll make some I’ll look into some more uh

Different types of lighting as well like I was mentioning I’d like to do wow that that guy hurts oh snacky poo I didn’t have my Cobblestone I was going to try to block that off all right we’re going to have to get in there And um get a torch set up all inside of that area armor just broke I don’t know which okay all right we can fix that this is uh a little tougher than expected guys I’ve just I’ve never seen this kind of uh skeleton before and it’s reminding me a lot of my

X and uh so like fighting them is pretty is easy in that aspect but um yeah just like her just like her let’s see Bam Bam fees bam there we go let me eat real quick the dark Dimension yeah I need to look at what dimensions I did

Notice um golden that I saw something here that mentioned Dimensions I thought I did maybe I didn’t maybe I didn’t I’m sorry never mind never mind oh I can’t wait to do the magic one guys look at all the magic stuff oh I did a

Bania what did I do ooh I did this one welcome to banana oh Bia is a tech mod disguised as a magic mod but with tons of cool Trinkets and toys to play with to start your journey in banana you’ll need plenty of mystical flowers for more information on the

Items in the mod make sure to check out the Lex B alexica batania that’s what it wants us to check out later flower petal loot bag and a flower pouch Perfect all right sorry I’m going off on another I just wanted to look oh it’s it’s remembering the ones I have collected

Look okay okay okay okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry here we go let’s put some some of this stuff in here I’m throwing out the stuff that I can get later where the uh oh here the flower pouch where’d it go right there I wanted it beside the

Book and there was another pouch of some kind who I don’t see it I don’t see that other pouch I was supposed to get another pouch oh I really I really don’t see it uh it um it couldn’t have went in my book bag on its

Own there’s the flower pouch it was the petals or something anyways we’ll look into it more but I’m pretty stoked about botania or just the whole magic mod in general that’s going to be really fun I can probably make one whatever it was trying to give me I love all these

Uh well I’m I’m getting all of them cuz like I said even if I live here I’m still moving them all I’ll come back and get that badass candle all right cool I’m coming back to get most of of this cuz it’s good stuff it’s just um I wanted some free

Room okay I think there’s a uh enemies right on yep all right so the best way to deal with that is a block at a time try to get their attention anyways the moon’s orbit around the Earth is not perfect circle but an eclipse so the distance between the Moon

And Earth changes throughout the month a super moon is also called a pigeon oh a paragan fo did I say that right par a per a paragan ah maybe I didn’t it doesn’t sound like I did maybe I did what is it you said Dustin read it uh

Moon or uh paragan New Moon by astronomers read it starting from the anyways please read it start read it starting from the anyways please oh I don’t I’m not sure what that means the the what you just typed the last part read it uh read it from the any

Anyways what is the any what’s the anyways there you are they look so weird we are taking care of them though I just got to get lights around their spawner oh it just sounds like they’re right next to my head in here oh oh they are they are light light light

Light dude this sounds brutal in there oh it’s not in there is it what is that that’s them oh I couldn’t put a damn torch there I got one on top of it oh I see one there’s carpet down y under okay I don’t want to break that spawner man

It’ll be so worth it long term yeah Dustin get yourself something to eat um get you something D kick back relax make you did sub didn’t you you’ve been here before right okay get to the other side here I’m starting to get light in there like I wanted to

Look at the emerald my dudes oh uh golden Fox he he comes in and out he pops in and out pretty quick but yeah he will be back he always comes back golden Fox pretty cool dude I’ve always enjoyed having them in the uh uh stream I’m hoping to be able to run

Streams to my website too soon I got to work on it more this week it is still highly under construction once I get a couple of the pages done for the games I’m playing I’ll probably go ahead and and publish it but um it’s hard to get one like this built

By yourself you know so I don’t know I really hope torches make that thing stop spawning so much cuz I don’t know how he just did and that one just did and that one just did that’s what I’m not getting is these guys are respawning and if that’s the case

I’ll be sitting there doing that forever so I got to approach this to where I can get light in there on that damn spawner but now I’m wondering would that even stop them to begin with I mean that’s what we’ve been taught all these years I mean it’s not the brightest in

The world in there but pretty bright I mean no I wonder if there’s something I can craft to deactivate guaranteed guaranteed deactivate a spawner cuz hell I got it lit up like CR uh-uh light light doesn’t affect it okay oh my God there’s one right there how is

He not getting in how did he even get in there this is like a maze an absolute Maze of turkey vultures and I can’t look up their specific type of mob I mean they’re just skeletons they just got weird stuff on them you know or something there was one that was just

Right here there he is oh no well I pop up in here I just don’t know how to get to my stuff all right it’s straight down right there whoops missed it okay what’s right here below me yeah there’s my stuff oh man I got everything all right so I hear zombies

Though I hear a bunch of them so there’s more to this place than just skeletons I think we need to back away this place is going to have to be off limits for now uh I don’t quite know how to approach it it all yet cuz it’s just it’s just a

It’s a maze of just uh craziness not to mention I don’t know I don’t know what these skeletons don’t like apparently they are able to spawn no matter what I mean as far as light goes I would really hate to destroy their spawner but I was thinking if there’s more than one

Spawner then I can just leave one going somewhere else whichever one is uh you know not not right in the middle of everything whichever one is away from where we would be living or something that’s the one I would destroy it could be that one in there cuz that looks like a livable

Spot so let’s destroy it there ooh sparkly okay they’re not popping up that’s good destroyed the spawner good okay now we that’s so weird there we go now we got a place to work with we got a floor that ain’t got craziness happening on it oh wow

I thought I went all the way around this I sure didn’t there’s still plenty of area that’s uh hasn’t been touched hey nice we got a little damn porch that’s cool I like that I like this I like this we’re going to need some more torches my friends I am officially

Out one thing we do got is fire pits we we got a we got a decent amount of fire pits so I’m thankful for that yeah fire pit Heaven here little storage Room very cool little room here now any uh backup torches I may got here up in here oh I can make some torches okay okay okay Um H now broken spawners we can work with that we can uh use some of them okay now sorry it’s just taking a little bit of making sure I got what I got cuz uh like with the with the emeralds I got them in here I I had Emerald in three different

Chests and that would that’s taken up you know three slots for nothing and some of the some of the seeds and such which are going to be going elsewhere it’s um it’s it’s just a lot of organization but I can do that off stream which I will I will I’ll do it

Off stream I’m just trying to see what I can throw in here if it only takes just a little bit of moving cuz I haven’t been using these chests or these backpacks very much ooh I can make a spy glass I love my spy glass yes yes yes

Yes I can can I use it with this copper it’s okay if I can um no okay that’s okay copper alloy is Hell everywhere right here right here right here now check this out here’s why I’m so excited about the spy glass I already have a default Zoomer see this is

It everybody’s got it so if you use both default Zoomer and then the spy glass you get really CL here’s just the spy glass I can see the whole door side to side Zoomer and spy glass see what I mean it makes a difference whoa Dustin I’m sorry hold

On I’m thinking of making a dark oak house with a pathway mixed with some stones in it oh that would be great Lantern’s along the pathway it’s a two-story house with eight rooms at least both of the floors are five blocks tall nice oh I’m going to miss a few

More streams after tomorrow sadly have school oh well then I’m Banning you from the channel either you stop going to school to be in my streams or I’m going to ban you I’m kidding buddy hey school and life comes first I’m not going anywhere my streams aren’t going anywhere you are always

Welcome anytime day night whenever you are always welcome always always always love having you in here you’re a fantastic kid guy I’ll just say guy but uh yeah it’s fun having you in here you’re down to earth levelheaded and unfortunate oh my God that thing hurts what the hell was it

Even I could have swore there wasn’t nothing in there got some more torches damn it kind of looked like like it could fit um in one I’m so stupid I wasn’t thinking about that can I pick it up no that’s okay I don’t eat the food I don’t eat food like that in

This game I forgot they done that I can’t stand eating food like that in this game hey we got another ni nice um I do have a few days off a Five Nights at Freddy’s mob that’s what it looked like oh okay cool cool yeah design and the mob I would

Want I’d mostly make it just for me you know I mean like for my my uh Expeditions my Explorations I don’t know now I know they got plenty of mobs or there are mobs that can jump on your shoulder or you know ride along the character but what

About a mob that lets the character right along it you know like what about a mob that when you get in a sticky spot like I just was it can grab you like a bear and run you out of there it can save you oh I thought there were zombies I

Think this is I thought it was zombies I was here and it might be these guys I can’t defeat these guys dude look at this Dustin I can’t fight it it’s unbeatable oh no it is kill I am killing them kind of like you know how yeah a

Parrot can ride on your shoulder that’s true we can ride on horses but I mean a smart one that will save you oh I’m getting the hell beat out of me I don’t have this out that and you’re and the mob and the uh Mob I’m talking about will pick you up

And just take off no no specific direction or nothing just just uh get gets you out of there just goes anywhere runs away something um oh God that’s a straight up spawner hold up hold up let me get my um I need more I need more blocky poos where’s some more blocky poos

Crap I don’t see any more blocky poos um wow I I really don’t I don’t see I don’t have anything there’s still so much in this in this whole thing man we we still got a lot and you know what I don’t know about living in it I

Mean not unless I start being able to get some of these I may just have to destroy the spawners anyways man I don’t like destroying spawners cuz there’s so much potential in them but if we’re wanting to live in it we’re going to have to just bottom line you know and I think

I need to come to that realization oh blocks of coal thank you whoa whoa no get me up oh yeah I forgot we can crawl hold on don’t I have the controls for that for crawling I mean sneak Jump no now there is a uh mod that I always had in my my uh games um that does let you crawl like lay down on the ground crawl and you can fit through one block whole size let me write that down um hey if when you start back to school

Though can you uh maybe get people to uh subscribe to my channel like an alligator attacking you from a mod except tamed yeah you can make a secret base and one block entrance you can yep I just got to download that mod again I still have it in my uh save files it’s

Um but yeah you can select you can put it on a see when I first start a game or a world which I rarely honestly do start a Minecraft world usually any Minecraft world I start I keep it for so long that I rarely ever start another

One but when I do the very first thing I do all the time options controls keybinds this screen right here I’ll be on for about 30 maybe 45 minutes getting my keybinds the way I want them but most of all this screen as you can see it’s separated in mods like here’s applied

Energistics uh Advanced peripherals you know it’s it’s separated in mods so this screen can teach you a ton so like when I was going through it I would learn something um Godly I’ve lost count everything I could learn um like oh I didn’t know in this mod you

Can do that look toggle farting I didn’t know I could do that I could fart Green Cloud fart I didn’t know I could do it until I went to the keybinds now in a more serious note I didn’t know there were Infinity backpacks in the industrial forgoing mod well the key

Isn’t bound so there’s so many things you can do but the reason why your character is not doing them is because there’s no keybind to that ability like uh look inventory Essentials if I hold shift and then hit Q I will drop a bulk of that that item

Instead of just dropping one or or hitting it individually 100 times you can do a bulk drop but I didn’t know that until I came here and when I did come here it didn’t have anything to it it looked like uh that it wasn’t bound

But since I wanted to use it click hold shift Q bam I can use it now true it says red it has a red thing on it because other options use this button but it tells you on this little drop down and so the button this button in

Other areas is used on another menu so it’s a different menu so even though it is used on other options those options are separate from one another so me using shift Q doesn’t affect anything and you can hit down here show conflict and right now it’ll only show the ones in

Conflict so dude the keybinds I’ll tell you now 85% of the of the uh things in here are not bound to any key when you first come in because the developers figure if you’re able to mod Minecraft and play modded Minecraft then you already know everything about

Key bindings so usually they don’t bind the keys they let you do it but there’s so many people that have no idea how to do this or they know nothing about it it’s crazy you have a mouse uh keybinds too see it’s on little screen well it’s not

Keybinds but I mean uh settings you can keybind stuff to the mouse though absolutely that’s what I did with my sneak button five that’s my mouse button oh yeah farting let’s see okay farting is enabled um let me try to push one hold on hold on I haven’t built one up

Enough it’s so loud over here let’s get away from here no there’s more to that mod than just farting but that is the main thing is being able to Uh okay oh I’m sorry Dustin I’m sorry I I didn’t know that I’m sorry buddy hey welcome back golden I don’t know how to initialize the fart I’ve studied the art of fart for quite some time um yeah toggle farting it’s an evil craft so I I can fart I just haven’t

Farted honestly I don’t know when it’ll do it but I have initialized the fart and and you know a fart happens when it happens you know what I mean I mean dang you can’t make something happened like that a good one takes time all right let’s

See all right I’m not going to live in there guys there’s just too much going on and I want to keep the other spawners so I should have kept that skeleton one I really hope there’s another one so we need to look it is a nice building but we need to look

Elsewhere okay we have was Stones I got to keep that in my mind we have was Stones okay so let’s go this way wait yeah North that way wait crap my stuff uh let me think let me think let me think let me think let me think let me think

We’re going to leave this here cuz I need the room and I just don’t have the room uh when I’m carrying all the crap you know what I mean you know I mean um but we got a away Stone here we’ll come back and we’ll get it but this stuff is

Going to stay here hold I’m just looking atheist arrows that’s so cool I’ve never shot one and I’ll I’ll wait off on shooting those um let’s see oh crap is there wood in here poop got it I pooted I just learned to fart guys oh I did it again where’s the sound

Knight ever heard of the blood luster oh wait I’m reading upward no wonder farting is evil Dustin uh Dustin says uh I’m about to speedrun to my room ah so you can fart Dustin I want to give you Dragon riddles oh okay have you ever heard of

Blood luster I have not golden Dustin I have returned once again all right ready to hear the riddles L to the o to the L I am indeed I’m ready to hear them let me sleep let me try the other uh Shader as well NOP whoops my fast Shader okay well I got

It’s gone but if the screen goes black we know why I just like this one better also because of the clouds the squared off little cartoon clouds are fun are cool too but uh I’m more of a uh volumetric Cloud kind of guy you know what I

Mean and I need to collect as many apples as I can there was a point in the uh in my Bedrock Series where all I ate was golden apples that’s how many that’s how many I had that’s it that’s all I ever ate was I had Stacks upon stacks and it wasn’t

Just me that had them uh Leila who played on online with me in it for the longest she was uh collecting them as well and making them and just giving them to me I think her character was a vegetarian give it to me baby all right here we go we’re going to

Make a uh a little boaty boat a little boat boat boy boat Brom oh my hernia I pooted look I don’t hear my poot sound I’ll check the config folder I bet I got got to turn on my fart sound um it’s probably uh automat uh default defaultly turned off or something due to uh people complaining or or parents getting upset that their children are

Playing a a game that you can fart in when if that freaks them out they should they they better not ever play Ark you can straight up fart and craping it uh lone stick what’s up shout you out lone stick is that what your name says yeah lone

Stick what the hell is that why is that Lit Up Up in there I don’t have it marked or nothing gosh I can’t wait to see a turtle I’m telling you when I see uh default Minecraft vanilla Turtles I’m freaking out oh wait there’s some wolves up here let’s get us

One oh I can get both I had a slight FPS drop for a second there I wonder what it loaded underground it’s probably something underground that was loaded that’s a structure or something not to Cheo my horn but for it uh FPS dropped me like that it wasn’t by much but it was

Enough okay golly here you ready you ready get it there you go if you show it to your friends they’re going to all want it so don’t go ahead and eat it where you’re at is this your girlfriend puppy I got to save the name tags I have

For deer or I mean for uh turtles so y’all two can’t have names for now I’m sorry it’s the way that cookie crumbles and stuff wait a minute there’s a penguins down I meant sheep I don’t know where the hell I got penguins from probably from the dogs the dogs

They look very similar to Penguins see okay no they don’t oh we got tons of sheep oh my gosh oh my girl no please puppies I don’t want to accidentally hit you guys the El mapo is L cover l Hold on about to look at chat they’re already

Breeding oh yeah we’re going to have plenty of wool we’re going to have more wool than uh hold on don’t I have shears I do I do I do I do I do do I do at least I mean I doubt I’ll ever come back through here but at least it’ll keep them

Alive and sometimes you can get one or two and the dogs won’t try to fight them or nothing and try to get them and oh no not you yeah I got two yeah thanks you’re welcome lone stick um golden a human baby goes on fors an adult man goes on twos and the

Old man goes on three because of the can Dustin answer a person crawls as a child walks as an adult uses stick when old correct yeah it’s crazy how when you’re a baby you know you wear diapers you got to be looked after then you become an adult but then

When you’re an elder you got to wear diapers you got to be looked after you can’t walk you got to wipe their butts it it does a it does a full circle you know out of all this grass you ain’t ate none of it oh there we Go what those Towers they explode at the top by the way there it was come here thank you look at that I got 23 W wool w white W wool 23 w w wool whatever uh hey guyan here’s a riddle and and Dustin uh only one color

But not one size stuck at the bottom yet easily flies present in the Sun but not in the rain doing no harm and feeling no pain what am I I’m thinking I’ll overthink all these kind of riddles the riddle stuff I’ll overthink every bit of it to the point it’s probably not

Healthy there I want that stupid a okay so you don’t have to have the bread in your hand it or the food in your hand it can just be in your hot bar and that could be all kinds of things uh I don’t have eyes but once I did

See once I had thoughts but now I’m white and empty a Caucasian an American no me no yeah it’s me no oh I will do my best this if that means to utterly fail then I will succeed I will succeed at failing my Goodman what is that noise oh it’s my son

Coming all this way for child support oh crap I don’t want to accidentally hit my doggy are y’all mad at each other you got him you got them go ahead there you got them good good job good job boys and Girls all right I wanted to do that but now what was what what is it what what ladders I haven’t made ladders in forever man I don’t know how to do that um SHO Sho definitely St okay I know how to do it I know how to do it we go up down

Right piss off we got different ladders that’s cool it has to be a Delwood yeah framed ladder o uh uh what the hell y’all quit barking so damn much oh a rope ladder yeah I need a carpentry table okay okay okay I’ll remember that let me uh

Oh let’s see no let’s not doing that um yeah I wanted to write down carpentry table all right guys one second um whoa that was a no no that’s a trident right there there he is God I was almost dead no Trident unfortunately I’ve never gotten a trident in uh

Java well obviously much less modded Java but yeah I I used to get in Bedrock all the time I mean to the point Lelo got so sick of me constantly getting them everything every time I killed one I got one what was that what a unique flavor

You’ve gained two hearts oh how cute a unique flavor I ate a damn Apple what’s unique all right last l oh it has I don’t need sticks at all a villager zombie yeah it sure was you all right buddy can you eat this no you don’t like that do

You what the hell is that oh it’s water I couldn’t see it’s just one block so just looked like it was some kind of weird thing Environ environment envir environmental accumulator I knew that’s what that was I knew it from the beginning I was all the way back

There oh that was the killer Wells and stuff good gosh it scared me I was way back there in the water and when I first saw this Tower I said that’s an environmental accumulator I knew it sure enough look at what I thought what I thought it was

Righted I was corrected it and I knew I was corrected it uh hold on I’ll probably regret throwing those away because you can use them for other things but uh whatev you know what I mean whatev you know what I mean okay all right guys I’m about to read it I just wanted

To what is this scoot just a little bit buddy oh I can’t mine it okay I mean I probably could but it it would destroy it and I don’t want to I just found a turtle shell helmet it was meant to be yes yes yes I got a damn turtle shell helmet now

Hold on now is this the turtle shell helmet the okay all right I look good it looks like it I do like it I do okay a oh my God it just oh okay it was just the glitch okay that’s SP what nice all right it already gives you breathing

Abilities underwater so you last a lot longer underwater is what I mean and that’s that’s without any kind of Enchantment or nothing that’s just with it itself netherite don’t do that and then it’s like yeah true scooter or niders but netherite protects you more n it literally protects you more by just

Half the netherite helmet I mean so if I had a whole set of netherite on right now those little emblems above my hearts would be completely full all of them now not not Enchanted netherite or not just normal netherite if I was to remove the helmet and put on the turtle

Helmet it only drops by half of a little mark down there that’s it yet I gained the ability to St underwater much longer and that’s no enchantments just like the netherite helmet so you only lose a little half of a of a of a little icon down there but you gain the ability

To stay underwater much longer netherite doesn’t do that so you’ll get just a little bit more protection probably only enough to where you don’t even notice and that’s it but with the turtle helmet you get just a little bit less protection but you can stay underwater I mean who the

Hell wouldn’t choose the turtle helmet that doesn’t include you can enchant the living F out of it and make it to where it can protect you just as much as the netherite helmet as well as have badass enchantments on it the turtle helmet it’s the way to go all day every day

Purred straight up purred tell me otherwise and you cannot change my mind with that you can’t no one can because there’s no point in changing it I mean that’s just the way it is there’s no other way of uh looking at it that’s the way the turtle shell helmet works

And that’s the way the nether right helmet works I didn’t embellish on anything I didn’t say something wrong I said the way they both work you know and I mean them both as in absolutely no enchantments just the way they are which one’s better and it’s the

Turtle helmet overall up and down is the turtle helmet I don’t have any food did I throw it all away all right that that that oh a compressed iron helmet nice nice I might wear that just so I can have something different on a little bit but my turtle helmets my everything Black

Lotus okay this ain’t good no this ain’t going to work I need another uh yeah let’s go ahead and get some more um leather cuz that’s what it is that I need to get another book bag going that’s enough ironing it to increase the book bag once we get it going

So where is my leather I thought I had more leather I don’t I don’t see none of it okay well poop fart that’s all right um cows I wonder if there’s any up here just off hand they would spawn in here hold on guys I’m going to try to

Catch up on the chat I’m sorry just uh with me here I really want to try to figure out a way to where I can have the stream chat pop up on my screen on my uh actual screen I’m looking at like off to the side or something yeah look at this

Thing uh golden is this what you meant what is this oh no this is a uh whirly sprig never mind I don’t think you can tame it either oh gosh sorry I’m sorry he’s probably got like some kind of superpower oh come on give me a give me some uh

Cows not running low on the damn sheep that’s for sure but that could be what’s stopping the cows from ejaculating okay we got some the raccoons usually if raccoons spawn in the area then cows can too oh bloody hell spawn what don’t they spawn look at these magical looking trees so

Magical now we can find Wast just sitting around in the world so we’re not just running around for cattle we’re also running around for Magical little dildo sticking up in the air made out of stone and when you’re ready to go you open up that hand and back slap it it’s

Hard as you can that some will take you anywhere you want to go boy all right nothing spawns in this biome apparently but we got another one good maybe it was CU I was moving the whole time I don’t know but there was nothing coming out in there

Really come on oh we’re not in there yet hold on I see sheep it might take a minute of being in the actual biome for it to kick up any cows I do know cows like Birch Forest which I absolutely do not but uh yeah y’all like that Park

Hour y’all see how I did that Park hour oh yeah that was a good Landing of uh park hours I’m pretty good at Park hours I know everything there is to know about it all right hold on reading at night do you have biomes of plny uh yes I do this

Is biomes of Plenty um I’m either going to add add uh I would like to add o the biomes we go it was what I had before on my other on the uh better Minecraft series I had oh the biomes we shall go but this one is biomes of Plenty um

Golden Fox anyways golden Fox you better find an alligator snapping turtle them boy they live in the swamps you sorry piece of crap scooter all right um Dustin for which ridddle Young born child if I knew it would be this lonely I would have been created instead a that’s so

Sweet um hey gon you said scooter what’s up buddy not a single Moo Cow oh my eyes are burning I’m in a birch oh gosh I didn’t know it was a drop off there who the hell put that there that was stupid whoever did that should be slopped

Wait a minute oh puppy no that ain’t a puppy no no no no no no no no no no I’m just a boy I’m just a boy no no let me live let me okay I think we’re good God I thought that was just a big puppy let me get in the boat

Oh I can do a um yeah right yeah I can do a sleeping bag that’ll be better you do that and then you switch it to that and then you grab that and then you switch it with your bed and then two blocks sleeping bag if you go look more up into the

Chest did you like my new zombie oh dude your zombie rug is great I loved it okay Dustin I have a riddle for you if you go look more up into the chat all right copy that let me get on this uh not a single cow huh cool okay um all right that’s

Good my wall needs to go in here all righty oh yeah Dustin I got you buddy um what if the Apple had a worm oh wait that’s not your riddle oh here we go here we go in in Marble walls as white as milk lined with soft skin as

Soft as silk within a fountain crystal clear a golden apple does appear no doors are there to the stronghold yet thieves break in and still the gold and marble walls marble walls as white as milk L with soft skin as soft as silk H that one might take me seven or eight hours of good old heart oh look there’s uh sugar cane I pooted can I do it underwater yeah okay I think that’s what I was doing I got got to look into the the pooing some

More see if I can make sure I am my character is uh ping correctly well it sounds like on your riddle of Doom what that’s Reed wait yeah Reed Nest it’s for the bumble bees I don’t know what that mean by all right going this way I’m thinking um it’s from an animal

Okay an animal with gold in it and it doesn’t have a doorway the animal doesn’t have a doorway in to that goes inside of them so his innards are wide open probably meaning hit by a car or too close with a shotgun yeah so if his innards are

Showing and he ate he probably ate he probably got in somebody’s car and ate their money out of their cup holder or something so the gold is with inside the mutilated animal um with only a mere corpse let’s see uh oh it’s from an animal oh okay okay okay um a constipated

Animal I need a phone a friend what the hell kind of biome is this I can’t see crap all I want is a stupid cow I don’t have another white stone do I O I might can craft one no it might be four yeah four ender pearls dog um well that made everything

Better I need to get back over there oh we do have the Fallen meteor mod in here good okay yeah we’re good oh it’s in the family of chickens so a oh my gosh look it’s a freaking Way Stone right there what are the odds of

That right on the edge of the water man thought it would work better in a biome like this oh whoops ooh um okay yeah that’s a that is a cool biome though oh I am going the way I open okay cool cool cool we’re good yeah that is a pretty cool biome

Though especially in the rain crap like that you know nice crap B you can scroll up and see the riddle I think Blue Moon Rises yay I feel lucky maybe to find a way Stone again another way Stone am I do I feel that lucky am I that lucky feeling pretty lucky

Man I mean I I don’t see nothing offing us oh what the fck okay here we go we are cruising like sir King oh I still need to damn what happened to that blue moon I can’t see crap on a tur let’s see oh oh guys look at this one

Look at this one let’s go such a cool map I have such a cool map I love it look at this got to little closer uh I did guess it but I want you to say it so I can tell if you’re right look at this it’s a it’s a it’s a

Village on its own Island it’s a yeah um look I’m excited I don’t need luck anymore I want to see it we’ll get another Blue Moon we’ll get another one yeah and yeah you said it was about chickens and I mentioned a but I didn’t want to get a strike on my

Channel we do need to go through and lights up this does look like a default oh hey hey look look the name of this town is czor okay it’s such a stupid name nobody’s going to say that um I heard a kitty kitty now I wonder if I can get those

Kitty cat shoes there are these house shoes that you could slip over your boots on the game and it keeps creepers away let me see I don’t know how many cats I have to kill um is it cat slippers cat ears I can actually wear cat

Ears oh I don’t know that one a refabric freighter makes compounds of cloth slime fiber oh okay um do I see it here I don’t know what mod they were in but it was pretty cool it worked they would stay away from me pretty pretty dang good man pretty dang

Good now can I pick can I pick up these uh villagers you know what I mean like watch let’s see if they’ll let me do it oh sorry I wonder what I have to do that one guy is out there okay this is cool I need to get back over here

Though just this whole General spot Dustin I can’t watch the oh um no I’m going to have to you’re going to have to tell me to answer to that one cuz I’ve repeated it in my head a bunch but um it’ll probably be one of those

Things like oh man I should have thought of that or some crap oh what do you mean you can’t watch what’s happening what’s happening I’m actually getting paid oh no no no I won’t kill the cats no no no no no no no oh no I absolutely won’t oh there’s no chest

Okay speaking of I hear a kitty and here I got to get some fish oh but I do have a fishing pole all right I actually forgot about it I do however I do need leather so once I see cows I I got to go andark on

That I do I do need leather um but no I don’t need Kitty oh there’s two kitties behind me but I got to get some fishies for the kitties there will I bet there’s some cows Over Yonder there’s not any on the island though the hill is it doing oh

Shoot oh it’s the right ah I can’t believe I did that usually it shows like a little there it goes there it goes got it you always got to switch places switch it up here it comes here it comes okay and real life I can’t stand fishing I absolutely hate

It that’s the only thing I actually love about it is how much I hate it here it comes and blun hey I got an I got an advancement okay all right that’s annoying yeah Al I really do live next to a lake too Hello Kitty bitty witty titty itty bitty committee why

What the hell happened to my damn fish shoot I think I dropped them sure enough a stupid straight up stupid I don’t need that this is for my kitty witty Titty Committee get out of my inventory mfer now where’ the other one go go I had El

Do oh I am from Georgia that’s I mean you know that’s about a southern as you can get when it comes to being Southern with intelligence here it comes here it comes here it comes boom what the hell was that how was this crap oh oh it’s a crab that’s stupid

Crab fishing sucks man straight downright sucks um a lot of this stuff just damn can’t stack and that’s sucks there I threw some carrots in there maybe they’ll eat that you walk up behind me again you stupid square head I’m going to rip out your jugular and shove it down your

Throat get out of bed oh yeah g I love that rug oh Dustin uh add me on Discord I don’t know if you game on Steam any but my name for it there but if you want to add me on Discord I if you even you well never mind you’re on

Your dad’s account that’s right that’s right oh cuz I was going to show you got’s little uh rug he made he made a zombie rug in Minecraft that’s what the people around here do see that’s how we live in these parts we make rugs okay there’s I think there’s like

Enchantments I can get for my [Applause] uh for my fishing lure that makes this happen faster right oh if it keeps happening like this I’m not going going be too upset now am I I just watched one look at it wink at it flop its Dinger out and then turn

Around and walk away I just watched it happen right in front of me eyes I ain’t never said that right in front of me eyes all right I just got a fish for a mohawk I saw it oh it’s a blue gill what about that kitty I’m going to the kitty

Now I got three different little bastards for you there you are this is going to be so difficult cats are so damn Difficult little up here you know what I just did for the past 20 minutes for you oh oh oh I got to pin them pin them in the corner oh I got one there’s so much damn grass I can’t Jesus some gun’s going to twist the Paw

Or something oh he he did eat it he did eat it I so I heard it one last one oh he don’t like this kind I don’t think yeah not just T yeah no he’s not they don’t eat this kind here this is junk hold on let’s see

Here we got cattle over here that’ll be good and I can continue some that way I really want to go back this way but with the cows over here yeah yeah yeah let’s do that let’s do that didn’t I have a uh well penis hold

On I I don’t need a chest on it that’s just wasting but for the first time after I dock this thing I will break it to carry it over the land usually nine times out of 10 I leave my boats I don’t care about them but this is that one time

Die thank you son you gave me nothing bastard what was that mod I was talking about earlier I was going to um for oh Dustin well uh it’s not really Dustin it’s uh Dustin’s daughter cuz that’s your dad’s account right yeah so you would be dust yeah Dustin’s

Daughter look another Village right here guys look at this so you’re in school you’re on your dad’s account so judging by that and by the font that your letters are typed in I can comfortably say 9 years old maybe a little younger but I’m just throwing a number out there all right

Now oh yeah I’ve seen Forest Gump it’s one of the dumbest movies in the world it really is I don’t mind watch his face Tom Hanks even though he did what he did to to children but I just what the hell are you I don’t know I just wow oh this is

One of those uh th this entire Village is made out of that their um quartz quartz stuff oh God you know what I mean that de quartz stuff oh you’re turning nine so see I was close to it I was close to it I could tell from the smell easily that’s

How I tell stuff like that I didn’t want to give my secret away but I figured I would you know what I mean so can’t fool this guy I’m just kidding I don’t know I’m just being I don’t know why I’m acting this way I’m tired I

Guess I really figured I’d have more of a concrete area of now that but I really like the layout of everything that I’m seeing from the um villages to how the biomes are it’s pretty cool um and I wanted to go that way too but I could actually cut across

Okay yeah the variety of the biomes is uh it’s pretty spoton I mean it’s you know I know there’s been a you know a yellow stone up here and then there’s one right here but they are th those kind of biomes have so much different diversity about

Them I’ll never give my age and neither will you gotten I don’t want my age my age on the channel let’s see hell okay um oh yeah I dropped my uh my ax I’m well sleep right here inside of one of the villages and I’m just going to cut

Across I don’t know where the damn cow have been there we go he’s not eight Assassin’s Creed oh wait is there a freaking waste down here I know it’s a bit small of a uh as far as size goes for a village but and it does depend on this a damn it

It does depend on the size whether or not it drops away Stone um for the village but oh dang that’s cool I just hit the uh the idiot villager whatever his name is uh his name’s uh stupid oh I do like that mod that gives villagers and such

An act a name that’s a pretty cool mod I do like that that’s pretty neat is that aist it is all right damn it I ain’t got a freaking excuse me get out of my face Please did that give any did that give any oh Dad darn it they didn’t grow long enough I came in and broke his his crap and then left all righty hey Yellowstone good to see you again looking good looking good could probably see a Way Stone easy on out in

This area in a biome like this I mean but that Village did have one I wonder if that’s just how those types of villages are there we go now I don’t think yeah if there is a way Stone out here it won’t be on the map cuz uh it ain’t activated

So it’s got to be activated for it to show up on the map out usually I think well yeah do you play oh yeah Minecraft for Windows is Minecraft for Windows Java or Bedrock I think it’s Bedrock is it not I mean just it just ain’t

Like it ain’t called Bedrock oh golly I didn’t even notice that yeah it’s Bedrock ain’t it it is I think I have it but I can’t I just can’t play anything vanilla hey there Buck he responded how he gives some I Think oh Shoot That’s a crazy chase that really was I think it run run pretty good not as good as a cat but it can run oh yeah this looks pretty cool um so if y’all want to after this one which is this stream is not much longer it’s about

Over um I know I didn’t like settle settle in somewhere but man I’m really liking what I’m seeing as far as like the map and such goes and and settling somewhere ain’t going to be that hard it’s uh it’s looking good it’s looking real good

And hold on I saw a mark on my map it was a red mark oh look at that other Village right here on the island again I think man we’re getting some Villages ain’t we this is cool this is cool I’m enjoying this look at

This not bad for on foot man I mean we just opening it up we’ll kind of get uh we’ll get further up right here but then I I’d like to uh curve it around fill this all in oh cool oh well we would like to see I

Would like to see it when you get it um uh while you’re building it and even when you’re done building it that’d be pretty cool to see it through out you um you know what I mean crap guys where did I go where’s my character

At uh right here right here here I am all right cool yeah so uh let’s get to that spot to to Safe it up you know what I mean and it is dangerous through here you got to be careful what look at there all right that’s

Great I can’t take a photo can I no I got to get some of more of that sugar cane on the way but more so um I’ll be able to a lot better off whenever I’m settled in to a spot H okay oh my gosh it’s 4:00 I’ve streamed in this game all

Day which I mean I ain’t streamed in a few days so making up for it I guess oh okay it’s just the Harvest Moon that’s all right holy crap man it gets so dark in this no way well now I know it’s no way I got a

Lantern I mean I got a torch oh okay it was my uh Shader again I forgot I had it on the light Shader the one that goes pitch black like that yeah this stream has been 3 hours this one oh I just went past the damn alligator I didn’t even see

It oh we got our we got our cows heck yeah they’re up here let me get them real quick and then maybe by the time I log back in they’ll be respawned again there we go come on baby huh oh Way I don’t know what that was and I don’t know where it happened but I do want to go ahead and get a bed ready wait uh I don’t don’t care about the Harvest Moon until I get a a garden going or something oh they must be up top there yeah Damn I got one leather out of that every bit of those I got one leather what a rip all right we’re just going right up here to the right and we’ll settle down out of the uh while we’re at the V I’m not settling in the village but

Um that’s where the this oh wow It it’s one of the uh modded Villages oh man let me get up here take take a screenshot at least look at that that’s looks really cool I like it I still got my uh parag glider thing oh I think it’s in one of

These yeah it would be in the last one I checked that’s that’s all that’s how that goes neither H that’s interesting that that is interesting it’s probably right here I’m just blind oh wait I may have put the damn thing in a little spot that I settled in

Earlier I bet that’s what I did yeah yeah no problem for Minecraft windows I think it is nighers I’d have to check what is that child doing to you oh I haven’t uh I can’t remember last time I even touched it Dustin’s girl don’t even remember the girl of Dustin why

Y’all living in a cult no not a bad little uh uh Village here but the usually all way stones are in the middle close to wherever their Bell is at I don’t think this one’s big enough to have a waist on it’s really nice though it’s pretty

Cool but I don’t know if it’s big enough to have its own waist on oh good Lord y’all need to cut your grass I have noticed there ain’t been a uh any cows uh pinned up in the Villages I’ve seen there have been sheep but there ain’t been any cows hey a villager

Hat oh I really wanted to wear that thing that’s all right all right now let’s see I just get there you know you can actually tell with the village if they’re uh well how much money they have the villages some of them are rich and some

Of them are poor they’re not all the same that goes from vanilla to to modded it ain’t just modded uh it’s where I learned it from was in vanilla actually some villages will have a lot in their blacksmith shop we’ll have emeralds Here There and gold some even

Have diamonds in the blacksmith shop in the chest some just have grass and bread and a few apples like I’m getting so that they’re considered from Rich to to pour and will of course sound or uh their stock matters a pretty good bit I would say there’s two uh fence stocks of uh

Sheep I’m telling you there’s no cows anywhere there’s some paper all right about time there buddy I got to make another damn backpack yeah we might be settling here for just a little bit I got to get something going put up some of these Jewels I’m

Not ready for these kind of uh Jewels right here anyway I’m not ready for them I ain’t got the things I need so see and and there’s been a few of them taking up space like crazy way too much good Lord but I’ll do more of that kind of

Stuff whenever I got two sheets of paper though I can show you real quickly the uh didn’t I make a couple of uh frames I could have sworn I did damn I don’t know where they went I wanted to show you guys that how I can place stuff like that

All right I got to put a at symbol at the beginning there it is all right it was that okay yeah I got you no I put up my damn string man they don’t have any spider webs up in here I’ll show it next time next stream’s going to probably be tomorrow

So tomorrow morning if y’all want to be a part of it come on in make y’all s at home as usual y’all are always welcome welcome the next stream I’m doing tonight um project zom boy if you’re interested in it come on in even if you’re not you

Just want to hang out come on in but uh yeah I will hopefully talk there uh what time do I think probably around 6 or 7 right around in there here all right everybody I will talk to y’all then hopefully add me on Discord and it’s okay Dustin even if you

Are like I said it’s all recorded if you ever did want to watch it you can but I’ll talk to everybody soon hopefully see you guys

This video, titled ‘Episode: 03 | From Create to Dragon Eggs, Its Got It ALL |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-02 21:30:43. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:59 or 14639 seconds.

We got our lovely horse, now its time to continue on in search for a good location to begin this LONG expedition within the most insane Minecraft world I’ve ever been in.

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    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

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    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More