Unbelievable new GalSal resource pack! Must see!

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Like a freaking optical illusion holy hell chat check it out what the hell Man this is so I love this I can’t even believe it Hi how are you it’s me my squid eyeballs and my squid fins and tentacles it’s me and my tentacles chat we’re here how are you why do I have two different piles of Sticks oh we only have a goat oh whoops what the hell there’s a rainbow sheep a cat looking You know all you need to do is feed Him oh no don’t break the RO no oh my God no that was I did this ow ow ow my butt ow look at this look at the Sunrise I don’t know how this is going to go with the resource pack that I made I don’t think the sun looks like that in

The resource pack that I have but holy look at Holy freak look at these is this Aurora Borealis look at this welcome to chill Minecraft how are you listen bats it’s such a pretty glow have a great rest of your weekend gram we’ll see you around I hope oh my God Like a freaking optical illusion holy hell chat check it out what the hell Man I love this I can’t even believe it Hi how are you it’s me my squid eyeballs my squid fins and tentacles it’s me and my tentacles chat we’re here how are you why do I have two different piles of Sticks oh we only have a goat oh whoops what the hell there’s a rainbow sheep it’s a cat looking at something else all you need to do is feed him some C oh no don’t break the road no oh my God no I did this ow ow ow my butt ow hey what’s up everybody Welcome to chill Minecraft what’s up sitan throttle I see you how’s it going um I want to say again if you were hanging around for a stream last night

We played with some new friends and it was fun throttle being one of them and spoopy being the other and it was a blast lethal company is absolutely my new obsession and I would be playing nothing but lethal company for the foreseeable future when it comes to

Multiplayer games uh but anyway it is Saturday please pardon my voice if it sounds a little different my kid had a basketball game today and I was cheering him on as a good basketball Mama does um so welcome to chill Minecraft as you may have deduced from the title of the

Stream I have a new resource pack because I did not want to scare anybody else with the Villagers uh that were in the previous resource pack I was using I’ve checked this one out I think it’s okay it’s com It’s a combination of like realism plus like classic Minecraft so

I’m excited to explore it we’re going to explore it in creative mode because that’s just what we do in chill Minecraft when we have a new resource pack a new resource pack Day means we play in creative mode and explore everything so I hope you’re ready for some chill Minecraft for some talking

And hanging out and if you don’t know what chill Minecraft is I have been streaming Minecraft every Saturday pretty much every Saturday for the last three plus years and it’s a time where we just hang out we chill and we talk about whatever the conversation flows close or it

Doesn’t either way welcome I’m glad you’re here my name is gel no more night terror villagers yes that is correct no more night teror villagers so that’s what’s on my agenda for the stream how are you all doing I hope that you’re having a good weekend I really do I hope that your

Saturday has been full of good people good food good times and if it’s not go kick some ass and take some names and report back to me if it’s not a Shrek villager or oddly realistic villager I’m not sure what it could be I think it’s just a regular

Minecraft villager nothing too creepy nothing too hyper realistic because that would also be terrifying I think um you know so it’s just going to be what it’s going to be and uh yeah I’m excited you know speaking of being excited let me start the game

Because why not um also if you are a Discord member and you are in the server um I will be playing the escape room I’m going to be recording that so it’s probably going to be recorded not this week but the following week so please be

On the lookout for that a very talented very gifted Minecrafter who is in our um our Discord server like our we have a whitelisted Minecraft server for all the Discord members who have Minecraft uh was really kind enough and talented enough to build an escape room

In our world like our SMP so I’m going to be doing that that’s going to be fun I’ve never done escape room so I don’t really know how to do them um I don’t really know how being in Minecraft is going to affect that but it’ll be fine should be fine right everything’s

Fine uh let’s open her up Minecraft always takes forever to load and I I don’t know why hopefully this resource pack does not kill my computer because I know Minecraft is supposed to be like this super simplistic game it’s just blocks and you’re breaking things and crafed things and whatever but Minecraft

Can make your computer sound like a jet engine especially if it’s not like top tier you know what I’m saying okay we are in resource pack land hang on chat when it comes to good food I tried you tried toi for the first time today oh we

Just went to the Korean store today Draco that’s amazing I bought so many things that I just absolutely love purchasing from The Green Store hang on chat because we don’t have any music right now um and I need to figure out why there we go I think we got a little bit

Now as always let me know if the music is too loud or too quiet the game is too loud or too quiet or I am too loud or too quiet and we shall go from there you need to figure out how to roll back the version you have uh the server you know

What while I have you all here let me go to the server I don’t even know what the server is on I try to keep the server Updated to the current OptiFine release so it may be that because a lot of people use OptiFine and so I try to keep the two pretty much the same yes I’m human thank you um if you are curious the server is currently running oh uh the server is currently

Running 1.20.1 one so that’s what it is right now so if you can roll your stuff back to that that would probably work better but that’s amazing Draco I think it’s pronounced choki it’s so good it’s so good it’s so spicy if you crack an egg

In it or like put a cooked egg in it or a hardboiled egg or even a soft Bo probably a soft boiled egg would be better and then some really fat shredded mozzarella cheese and just kind of kind of let it get a little melty um that’s

Amazing it’s perfect yeah the newest op to find is still the the 20.1 which is fine it takes forever to update but that’s okay but anyway here chat here here is the latest Minecraft the new resource pack so we’re going to check it out I’ve already found a village it’ll be

Fine ah you’re running 20.2 I mean that explains it but it’s okay you know it’s fine so I’m I know people are going to ask so let’s just go over this really quick the resource pack is called Urban 128 um and obviously all the other ones

Are like right under here a couple of them you can’t see the minocraft one was nice the Misa one was fine but those ones had kind of different villagers and they were really off-putting so it is pretty um you are right Draco more sweet and spicy they do make uh Goku

Jan Goan I can never say this word right I’m so sorry gugan sauce that’s like the the spicy sauce they do make it where it can be a little sweeter and not as spicy uh my kids prefer the kind that will absolutely rip your taste spuds to

Shreds I don’t really know why they just do okay so that’s what we have do we have any sound oh oh we don’t have sound amazing you know why we don’t have sound chat because my windows updated oh boy let’s see is that working let’s see if we got sound now

Aha we have sound now you’re not a big spice person so it was perfect yeah that’s good I mean it works for you you know okay here we go I think we’ve got sound now oh jeez that is loud isn’t it sound is good now thank you for

Screaming at me Draco if you’re new here chat I always ask for people to scream at me in chat so that I know oh yeah here this is the new oh hello hello buddy thanks for doing that you’re a pepperheads so you prefer spice and heat those pure heat things

Irritate you it’s a waste of food well sit it’s probably a good thing you weren’t around when I was doing the uh you know um spicy food challenges and whatnot okay so just prepare yourselves uh twitch viewers there is an ad starting in about two and a half minutes

Um so prepare yourselves for that let’s see here yeah this is the oh apparently when you okay whatever the book actually has words I can’t read the words apparently I’m not using the right Shader with this I bet it’s a different kind of Shader but it’s fine I’m using complimentary shaders right

Now but it’s okay hello villagers I’m so glad y’all are doing fine hey what’s up dip and dots Dan how’s it going going in hi hello buddy see normal looking villagers chat all right we have grass that’s waving really like smooth and pleasing dirt blocks and grass

Blocks is the kid jumping out the bed sure is okay so what I’m going to do is can I hey stop pushing me around villager okay I’m in like a full diamond armor here there we go mostly because there’s a lot of spicy food challenges out there that actually

Taste good but are killer twins insides Oh no you’re absolutely absolutely correct hey the emerald King subscribed with Prime thank you so much your high how are you doing I was just talking about the escape room you built I’m going to be recording that not this week because it’s a holiday

Week for us uh but next week so please be on the lookout for that you use the Unbound version interesting oh we got a pretty sunset chat a pretty sunset okay so the Iron Golem looks the same the villagers look the same cats are still cute

Look at the what are these like fence posts what that’s cool looking look at the tree okay I didn’t notice this before but look at the tree leaves okay I really like that I genuinely like that you just remembered you have twitch Prime well thank you for

The sub on here I super D duper appreciate that I should probably put like a a goal or something like once I what cuz twitch does this thing okay if you don’t know if you don’t stream on Twitch or have any idea twitch does this thing like you get points I’m looking at

My my behind the scenes thing or whatever this is called my little dashboard 16 sub points that means people 16 people are subscribed which is just weird but it’s I’m super thankful um I should put like a like a goal once I reach like 25 sub points I’ll I don’t know I’ll wear

A I’ll wear a c costume on stream or something silly I don’t know help me out with that chat be my brain and if you are watching from YouTube and you’re an only Pal’s member um I’ve been putting together some ideas for a different hard stuff video there’s

Some stuff I mean I did the live stream the members only live stream I don’t know like a couple of weeks ago at this time I think um and that’s not going to be going public that’s going to stay members only but I want to add to that

So I’ve have I want you to know that I am working on more content for that as well the ad break is in progress and it’s ending in a minute I’m so sorry chat yeah it is it is really lovely so far like the door okay that’s kind of cool

Looking I like that the wood has really nice texture I I mean it is really smooth I really like the way these trees grow and the flowers the flowers are cute I see cherry blossoms let’s go check them out the a is there an aurora borealis here

Whoa did I see an aurora borealis chat oh it’s a zombo I was like wait a minute do you what do you look like oh you’re just a regular zombie I’m sorry I’m just really disappointed I thought you’d be different looking it’s fine zombie it’s fine you redeemed a thing what did

You you redeemed sing H sing mode thank you for redeeming sing mode it will start now I am going up the hill up the hill up the hill I am going up the hill I’m going up the hill going up the hill I am

Going up the hill I am going up the hill I am going up the hill look at this beautiful cherry tree this is your fault Emerald I have to sing I don’t like the rain in this game it’s so annoying I hope I don’t sing something too well and get in trouble and

Dmca not that my voice is anything spectacular but it’s a little too close for comfort for some stuff I’m singing hey zombie zombie you want to sing with me sing and in the oh wait that’s probably a little too close what’s up zombie I can’t believe he redeemed

Singing This is highly entertaining you must say the rain in stays m in thee okay I have nothing zombies I mean I have nothing zombies I’m trying to be entertaining but I don’t really know what to sing this is me singing because he redeemed a thing so I can sing this

Little thing I am going to Sing I love the cherry blossoms too yes I do it’s very true hello creeper oh you light up when I hit you I’m sorry creeper but it’s so cool when I hit you creeper now I’m in like a musical mood we’re on Broadway tonight Broadway Tonight oh it’s a spider hello spider look at your cute little thing go away zombie nobody likes you can I stop singing I don’t know not yet go away zombie whoops go away zombie go away nobody wants to hear you going B today I’m trying to enjoy a little walk in the

Rain Go Away zombie go away go away zombie I’m trying to rest go away zombie the creepers the best go away zomie I want to walk away can I stop singing sing all right I’m done all right all right I’m done singing there we go I finished singing you’re welcome uh braa bra

Braima Broadway what’s your favorite musical of course you’re going to ask me this Emerald I have three favorite musicals count them three uh maybe four I’ll go with four uh top and most favorite is Phantom of the Opera cat’s coming in with a close second Le M three and my fair lady in

Fourth maybe fifth would be uh Guys and Dolls but there you go gosh why is it raining but yeah those are my I I would say top five top five yep I have seen on stage uh are these the chickens why do they look like ducks what

The look at its face chat oh my god look look at his face it looks like a duck what the actual hell that is a bang in top three could agree more yeah see okay so I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera I saw Phantom of the Opera at the pag Pantagis Theater in

Toronto Canada which was a theater SP built specifically for the Phantom of the Opera um it has been defunct and decommissioned and it’s no longer they don’t play play there anymore um I have seen Li is a ra I saw it on the same weekend I was in Guys and Dolls um I

Have only ever listened to the entire soundtrack of cats and um my fair lady is one of my favorite to sing along with and watch so the duck really said it is the duck from the lemonade song oh my god oh skeletons look oh my

God look at that face chat look at that face Beetlejuice I haven’t seen the Beetlejuice one but I have heard good things they do belong in somebody’s bathtub what the hell kind of chicken ducks are these is it a duck is it a chicken is it a chicken

Duck I don’t know chat I just don’t know cry the entire second act of lame is honestly it’s not hard it is not hard Phantom of the Opera and Lear were two of the oh I forgot I can fly two of the first and only musicals I had ever seen on stage before

Um and that’s probably why they’re my top two favorite into the woods L be ju Phantom and Back to the Future oh I didn’t know there was a Back to the Future musical that’s cool when I was a teenager I really really really wanted to be um a Broadway

Actress I wanted to like win a Tony Award um so I was really obsessed with musicals I’ve always had high Ambitions chat ever since I was a kid you were in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers throttle that’s amazing um yeah the only musical I’ve ever been

In was uh Guys and Dolls and I was Sarah Brown which is like one of the one of the billing or leads whatever whatever the thing is oh that explains why I haven’t heard of it it’s only in the UK you saw it on opening night that’s amazing you were

Adam that’s cool throttle that’s cool I love I love that theater kids where you at not even kids theater peeps where you at oh let’s go down here what else can we find down here oh my gosh uh we are descending into the depths of Hell please keep all

Hands and feet inside the ride at all times okay I am oh hello what is this what are you is this diamond okay that’s red stone I don’t know if that’s iron I don’t know I don’t know what that is okay this what kind of stone is that oh

Dang backstage crew for a couple school plays yes uh people do not realize just how incredibly important the set design the backstage crew AV people are absolutely essential to any type of stage performance going off without a hitch I want to see him Hamilton so bad you’ve met the Hamilton cast just cuz

Your mom’s friend placed on that’s really cool your highness it was a fairly well-known one very cool very cool when I was in college I was um on the the set building crew for this really short play that talked about the Potato Famine and the Bloody Sunday or something something in Irish history

Which was really neat cuz we had to build like Celtic crosses and gravestones and things like that and that’s when I really learned to appreciate the set design work and all of the behind the scenes stuff that goes on for musicals and plays and stuff like

That Beauty and the Beast and the last stop on Market Street were School ones oh cool see I was in more plays than musicals when I was in school I was too shy for a very very long time I was too shy and too afraid to try out for the musicals because I

Didn’t think I would be good enough and when I auditioned for the Guys and Dolls musical um I was only auditioning for like a like a chorus like a background person cuz I was I mean I was I was super shy super self-conscious I mean you know still

Kind of am but whatever and when I when I finished singing the like the chorus audition she was like one of the directors said can you just um you know sing this and she played it a little bit and she’s like just go ahead and and

Sing it for me those are diamonds oh my God why can’t I ever find diamonds like this in survival mode oh look at the Gold I love the way the gold looks okay and lpis anyway and she had me sing it and then I finished

And I sang that and she looked at the other director and then they both looked at me with their jaws on the floor and they were like why have you never auditioned before I was like I don’t know but I got one of the leads out of

That so I don’t know I’ve always been kind of proud of myself for that or Christmas Carol you think it was the latter one what’s up spikes what’s up Travis how’s it going honey you were at the gym way to be accountable W’s in the chat for Travis because he’s been

Taking care of himself lately chat they made the entire backstage crew run in front of the main guest to sing the finale song oh no what that’s kind of awkward I would think A Christmas Carol would be really fun every time I think of A Christmas Carol though I think of the Muppet

Version cuz that’s my most favorite one all right what’s up Mason it is a pretty texture pack this one is called what is it called again because I can’t remember this one’s called it’s called Urban 128 there we go let’s see what’s underwater chat let’s go see what’s going on down

Here okay so I mean we have the same like shading and stuff the cool little particulates in the water and the fish hello fish the Muppet version is the best version 100% 100% it absolutely is I love the bubbly sounds I love it oh oh look at the

Gravel that must be some kind of dirt oh that’s sand oh I like how it mixes that’s so cool cool are we going to run into drowns or anything just more fishes to stay in stay to the corner string bows and acknowledgements oh nice Mason you just lips synced in the cast

Saying Scrooged I don’t think ever seen that siten wo yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen that the sand and dirt blending is cool it genuinely is so nice to see that that’s what I like about these realistic resource packs I was hoping to see some drowns

But they’re probably just going to look the same I don’t even hear them I just hear fish tell me where you are drowns where you at oh what are these oh hello they were Dolphins just you know spawning at one point look at the Dolphins oh my gosh

They’re so cute I don’t care what resource pack I’m using chat Dolphins will always be adorable look look at them look at them look at the squids okay the squids are the same goofy looking squids all right Cod are the same all the fish are the same squids are the

Same I really want to know what these blocks are clay maybe I’m not really sure I think that is Clay it’s a 1988 Bill Murray film I don’t yeah I don’t think I’ve seen that yeah those those are the squids I wish I could have taken the the

Um the texture what is this what is this is this a woodland Mansion how come I only run into these in creative mode what is happening what is happening okay well this is cool I guess what the hell uh let’s run around and look at it what’s up

Feller wait no squid party not yet no squid parties yet oh wait look at the look at the Jacko Lantern that’s adorable you know what would be awful it would be super awful if somebody were to spawn villagers where’s the villagers spawn where is the Villager spawn um Pillager piglin polar bear puffer

Fish villager villager Villager [Applause] TV come on Fellers maybe we got to go over here goofy ass pumpkin wow Travis it’s an odd place for an iller Manor to spawn yeah it is a trial chamber what is that you were you two were thinking squid party chat you were thinking squid party really

Listen if chat demands it I must I must deliver he look at here chat we have a squid party right here you got to be ready though you have to spam those emotes and be ready for a squid party okay three two I can’t believe Travis said goofy ass pumpkin and Travis said

Closeup so here’s your closeup Travis [Applause] One [Applause] look at all those little squids I love it Squid part is a bound chat look at all those little squids look at all those little squids I love it I love the squid party squids and if you don’t know what a squid party is it is really just

Something that came we came up with out the fly it there’s no reason for it and it just is something fun just a little dance break for chat and for me oh is he killing all the villagers my [Applause] guy this Hatchet guy running around what a

Lunatic getting in the shower see you later Trav love you chat Travis is my husband so I can tell him I love him oh no there’s a little kid in here run little kid run what’s in here trees I hear skeletons okay it must be a yarn room or something what is this

What the hell um that villagers had enough a life chat rip the villagers wait a minute that’s not a villager doing that that’s an illager where is he sorry I’m just so Mean oh boy what’s over here whoa oh sh Um why be quiet you weirdo because of the carpets would it find all the illers what happens if you spawn I don’t know what happens if you spawn a warden oh my gosh uh we get to find out [Applause] Warden he’s heard somebody oh he’s going [Applause]

Outside what is he going after the fish this guy is just crazy chat the trial chamber is a new structure they’re adding in the next update it’s in the experimental features tab right now interesting so like what do you do is the warden just going for a swim

You know what the warden is boring he is being boring all right so this is a mushroom Place wait a minute you have a fancy bow there Skelly boy so it would appear that the mobs in this resource pack look the same but it’s it’s the block I think that are

Retextured what is this oh is this that weird like thing this is that weird little path the the warden is just the warden is something else chat oh whoops sorry I didn’t mean to spawn you here what is this an enchanted book The bane of arthopods okay there copper Halls underground where you

Can fight a new mob and get diamonds for defeating spawners what that is actually really cool that sounds like those little mini games do youall remember like when Minecraft had those mini games whatever happened to those you could like hit people with a shovel or snowballs or something like that that’s kind of

Weird how dung are in most games big rooms with enemies and a boss at the end thout ah yeah yeah that does sound kind of cool I kind of miss the Minecraft mini games actually shoot I was talking was it last week when I played chill Minecraft I was

Talking about the OG like Minecraft tutorial world oh my God he is just not ging he’s killing all the fish you’re an idiot yes they were fun your highness they definitely were that’s exactly what I’m whoa what if I put you up here there’s like 47 different modular

Rooms wow oh my God he’s so loud it’s so loud it’s just loud can you turn down thank you holy crap get him Warden get him Warden nope he’s going over here to the zombie it wish I could have been an end or farming update ah okay

Yeah I think I think they did I think all the mini games went away after that oh my God it’s so loud chat there we go but yeah they they did all the mini games are gone which is sad it’s big sad have a warden [Laughter]

Fellers oh look at this area this is cool oh look at the books it’s a a chicken a panda a dog and a creeper he wait all about a wolf and a smiley face oh my God the wardens are loud the warden was just fishing I mean OBS

OBS melee ranged in small each of multiple options but a chamber can only have oh my God why is it so loud why is the warden so freaking loud CH okay I need to get out of here I just spawned like five wardens on accident I am getting away from Here let me just go away all right I’m going to go over here now holy hell no normal mobs can spawn that’s interesting yeah that’s definitely interesting was that my shadow my Shadow’s like all all the way over there and it really confused me for a Second spawns a new mob called The Breeze and it’s like a mini boss oh my yeah that’s like a game within a game oh no are we experiencing lag oh buddy let’s see what’s going on oh no is it because I put too many put too many mobs in the world it may

Be oh look at that lovely lag oh I hate everything about it your Shadow ran away you’re very sad what do you mean your sh Shadow ran away chat I hate it when Minecraft does this it does this to me all the Time oh I hate it oh it looks so gross okay listen hang on let’s try something okay all right I’m gonna go here all right let me try this again maybe if I load back into it it won’t be so grotesquely laggy there we go this is a basic laptop playthrough for

You Bedrock never lags or crashes listen it does it to me all the time especially with all these stupid resource packs that I have tucked away in my mods folder I know Java Java is Superior in some ways but it is also inferior in some ways it’s kind of like a catch 22

At this point okay so far loving the smooth texture I really wish that the animals looked different also I wish that the shaders I was using currently worked a little better with this resource pack I feel like they don’t quite gel but that’s a really pretty

Sunrise all right are we ready to go into like survival mode you know what let’s just do something for funsies chat we’re going to go this way and and I’m not playing death Ville um it’s just do toti FR eville dead rck had better different features but they’re changing them to be

Like Java see and I I like I like some parts of the um look at the torch I thought those were fence posts those are torches okay that’s really cool also look at my pickaxe hang on whoa wrong way look at uh my pickaxe that is so

Cool I’m digging my diamond pants too that’s neat instead of adding the coolest features from yeah I just I don’t know I don’t understand why there were two different versions to begin with I mean for different platforms like console versus um PC I understand that I don’t understand why things have to be

So drastically different though Java has better yeah that’s the thing they should just make now that kind of stuff they should make it the same all across the board both versions I really feel like that’s something they should do I don’t understand why those mechanics are so widely varied between

The two versions of this game it doesn’t make sense to me greater customization I like the fact that it’s more easily customized and the difference too because you have to have resource packs for Java and then texture packs are the ones that are reserved for Bedrock cuz that’s what you use on

Consoles as well they’re adding the best and worst of java to bedrock I mean that’s fair oh look at that tree it’s like pine needles I love it all right we are no longer in creative mode we are now oh hello we’re now in survival it would be nice if

Um yeah like I said if they just made it the same I mean I I get that not everything can be the same because of the platform differences but I did not know that salmon dropped bones in uh the Bedrock Edition that’s just different that’s so wildly different to me wildly

Different Are we almost out of this Forest oh boy all right now it’s not so loud is I don’t have 10,000 wardens spawned Shield banners to bedrock but now they’re removing armor stand arms oh can’t you do like a thing too where you pose the armor stands or make it do like

An emote or something I thought my kid told me about that where’s my boat that’s weird that it didn’t make a noise look at how smooth this boat is this is really smooth you can do that with redstone signals I didn’t know that do I have a full inventory oh my

Gosh I do have a full inventory holy freaking hell look at the emeralds oh wow okay that’s different those are going to go there too the lpus is like a big Shard wow oh broken another Portal oh look at the magma blocks okay that looks so cool look at that oh I like that I like that a lot oh I really do no boat don’t go all the way down there you can do that with red stone signals and then crouching and clicking

On the armor stands and bck makes them cycle through some poses but that’ll probably get removed too to be like Java oh see those kinds of things they should not be taking away they should be like adding them to Java there has to be some way that they can do that

Give me the nugs oh do I need this you know what I’ll take the flint and steel it’s fine and the Wither has extra attacks that’s interesting like what kind of extra attacks does the Wither have can’t can’t it just like poison you or whatever it does ooh that’s an interesting

Color that must be some kind of cobblestone there we go I guess I could build like another little Outpost around here somewhere excuse me you dug out a fully Sellar dungeon are area beneath it and had it almost completely walled in oh my goodness ctin yeah you should get back to building

That I started a castle in one of these worlds and I don’t remember which one and I don’t I don’t even know if I still have it oh are these the ouchy bushes yes they are oh great more snow more snow I have so many worlds where I had

Like partially built things or fully constructed buildings and now they’re just lost lost to the maps I I just don’t know I’m I’m stuck in the W the winter weather winter wonderland now oh what’s this oh my God um oh that’s that is certain death the withers’s health scales in

Bedrock to difficulty with hard mode being double that oh my gosh a dash attack ah no thanks uh no thanks a lot hang on let’s go ice boating woohoo oh shoot look at me Mom I’m ice boating Oh shoot no need to perform gravity checks thank you for that um you are absolutely

Right you were trying to build the entirety of undertale in Minecraft and after spending hours in the ruins the world got deleted what how did that happened Draco I am so sorry oh my God you know what that reminds me of something um and I thought about it today okay so

I’m going to get up on a soap box here for a moment um there was like some years ago there was a story about a mom who was like really tired of her kids Behavior or whatever and so she decided that as punishment for this kid’s

Behavior um she was going to delete all of his Minecraft data like this was like some years ago and I thought to myself you took the one thing that your kid probably does really well or uses as some sort of a a stress reliever or you

Know a way to to De well a get stress reliever from something and like there’s a lot of thought and hard work put into that right and and hear me out just I got a point just let let me talk a lot of people would be like well it’s

A video game it’s not that important but like that really makes me angry on a level that I can’t describe because as a parent if I were you know if if I were to get rid of the one thing that my kid loved the most you know if it was like a

Minecraft game or whatever that would break every bit of trust that my kid had in me and that would be it the relationship would just be irreparable after that and I thought to myself you know I was thinking about that today because my my kid was acting up and and I was like

Really upset and I was like I need to take something away you know and that thought crossed my mind like I could never do that to my kid I could never I could never take their thing away from them you know I am I am

A parent the kind of parent who would a firm belief that the punishment should fit the crime so like if my kid is I don’t know doing something stupid like kids do stupid stuff all the time because they’re kids and their brains aren’t fully developed and they make bad

Choices and they have no impulse control that’s just what a kid is all right but um I don’t know I don’t know you saying that the world deleted it reminded me of that but like if my kid is acting dumb and I do you know I try to like take

Their phone away or delete their games which is stupid I would never do that um I don’t see how that teaches them you know a lesson or helps to guide them to make a better decision in the future I just I don’t understand whatever that’s

My Soap Box don’t be a shitty parent to your kids even if it’s just a game to you it may be the whole world to them yeah that’s that is terrible and like all these other parents were like yeah you know you did the right thing like those dads who get

Really mad and I know that you have I know we’ve all seen it like on Tik talk and YouTube shorts and stuff like the dads who are really pissed off about whatever their daughter is like playing her game or whatever instead of doing what he told

Her to do so he gets up and he like puts a baseball bat through the TV or he rips the TV off the wall you know that is just H I don’t understand whatever let’s get off the subject because it’s making me mad I just made myself irritated for no

Good reason Len moving along I hate when I do that if you ever have kids don’t treat them like that obviously if they are shering their responsibilities to play a game then you need to set some boundaries you need to set some you know restrictions hey this

Can’t be done until this is done okay let’s see these dogs oh come on oh come on look at those good boys look at those good boys oh my good goodness sorry chat I got I just get like really in my feels about like stuff you know like especially parenting I keep my

Opinions to myself a lot I’m not one of those people who likes to stir the pot or um like comment on other things because everybody I I am a firm believer that generally everybody is doing the very best they can um or most people are doing the best they

Can I know that there’s shitty parents out there I know uh but I don’t know it just this just you saying you lost your save it just reminded me of that Draco but I’m really sorry that that happened to you because putting all the hard work into something

Just for it to get like erased or deleted it is such a bummer you know cuz that’s literal hours of your life the stream buffered I didn’t drop any frames stream buffered and all you heard was if you ever have kids don’t listen chat if you ever have kids

Don’t there you go that was just for you your highness you backed it up and switched phones and just haven’t put the files back on your phone that’s fair what’s been happening to you a lot oh you’re intrusive thoughts but you get so mad well I mean I don’t know I think

About like stuff like that or I read a post on Twitter or see a video on Tik Tok or hear something in passing conversation and a lot of times most of the time I bite my tongue very rarely do I say anything unless somebody’s like getting hurt in which case I think

Everybody should you know speak up in cases like that but um yeah it’s a thing it’s a sore spot for me like I want my community my community is like is is focused on you know like being an inclusive and welcoming community and you know it’s

For moms and dads and and people who are like not parents but people who are like different and people who are just not they don’t fit the mold of like other online communities and stuff and so like we cover a whole bunch of different topics mental health parenting

Lgbtq you know uh that kind of stuff so I I like hear I hear so many things specifically about parenting and and I just have to bite my tongue but that just I couldn’t I don’t know I don’t know chat it’s one of those things you got on

Terraria oh no isn’t Terraria kind of like Minecraft I thought I heard that I don’t know much about Terraria my kid has been trying to get me to play uh Trail makers with him and I guess it’s a game where you can like build airplanes or vehicles or

Something he’s shown me a couple times and it looks pretty cool um but it also looks really complicated oh no did I just go backwards no I did not okay I am not backwards come here boat no boat no boat thank you boat from way back when you were a kid

Involved one of your friends the mother refused to let let you let the boy climb trees Trail makers is fun yeah I mean it does it looks fun it’s it also looks very complicated and he’s like got an engineer brain so everything is very easy to him when it

Comes to building things and making them work he built an exact replica of a stealth bomber and I couldn’t even get the thing to fly and he was over there like dropping bombs and doing tricks and stuff with it is this a place where we can see the uh

Uh Northern Lights in this game chat is this a thing oh my this is different what’s over here this is like a little island out of nowhere what is this oh my kid sounds like you yeah well if you’ve got an engineer’s brain then absolutely okay there’s got to be whoops

Can’t break the boat with bread um thank you let’s not get stuck under the ice that would be great polar bears what are these wow look at this ice this I just realized how cool this ice looks I’m waiting for the story Sittin I’m reading

It did did the dad come out and say something like get your C together a woman or something like that kids will climb and do things yeah yeah I mean to be to be fair like to play Devil’s Advocate um there are things that I will not allow my kids to

Do that like other parents will simply because um I don’t want them getting hurt and I know my kids my kids can be incredibly clumsy and that was how they learned um I also have to be careful what I allow my at least my boys to do um because of previous injuries that

They’ve sustained they’re like very limited in what they can do so if it’s something that is has the potential to you know hurt them like falling out of a tree or something like that it would be it would be a hard no for me dog like where I live obviously I’m in

Texas and obviously everybody in Texas and I’m being super sarcastic here chat I really am everybody in Texas loves football football is life I don’t think football is life I am not I’m not I don’t I’m not one of those people but um I have to constantly field like requests and

Um like people coming up to me when they see me at the store or at another sporting event somewhere in public with my with my youngest son because he is a big kid and he’s just a big Dutch boy and he’s you know constantly and I do mean constantly getting up approached

And people attempting to recruit him to play football because I mean he would make he I don’t know positions in football whatever the big tall guys are that block that would be like his perfect thing right and I’m not kidding since he was four years old I have been approached by

Coaches a year round uh who are like we have to get your boy in football he’s got to play and before the car accident happened before you know he was hurt in any kind of way you know I I was against football because a lot of times um the kids are playing you

Know to the point where they can get hurt concussions are a real thing and I already have a kid who has you know experienced bad experiences with concussions and things like that um but after the accident after he had you know recovered from his broken neck I had to tell these coaches and

Recruiters no he can’t play football it’s just not going to happen and they don’t take no for an answer and it’s so aggravating so aggravating I get you know I get some crap from people because I’m quote unquote not letting my kid have fun in life but like I’m also allowing my kid

You know to have boundaries and knowing knowing how football is played around here like no I’m I’m good we’re fine we don’t need it it is a really big deal in Texas um a l you know what let me just tell you this chat this will be a little bit of a

Rant for you so just leave if you don’t want to hear it there are a lot of stadiums football stadiums around here that have more funding than the actual School itself um there are schools that are literally falling apart their gyms are you know in utter disrepair but their football

Stadiums top of the line top of the line also somebody is knocking at my door chat so I’m going to take a quick break all right I will be right back and I’m also going to run an ad while I’m taking a break so I can get that out of

The way don’t go anywhere All right I am back you detest football and wrestling the coaches know more than the kid’s mom yeah it’s just it’s kind of ridiculous if you weren’t a fan of red and gray or either of the brown and orange teams get harassed and asiz oh that’s terrible see and that you know

That’s the thing like I didn’t really hate football or have anything against it until we moved here and it was like all anybody cared about you know I I don’t understand it I do not understand how you know especially in like the public education system here in

Texas which by the way Texas is really the bottom of the barrel when it comes to education but that’s a whole other conversation um why it takes such precedence over and priority over other things I I personally do not understand it it’s just confusing for me everyone said you should be a lineman

Fair yeah that you know and I didn’t I also don’t want my kids just to be like a body to somebody I don’t want them to have their bodies be the reason for like the ATT attention and stuff and I don’t know if that makes sense like I

Want them to be I want them to have fun and enjoy what they’re doing and not not have it be based on their looks or their appearance or anything like that association football do you mean like like soccer it wasn’t legal to pitch someone clear across the M that’s

Funny yeah isn’t it strange how all of those states that are in like the bottom 15 20 of Education in the United States are um roughly in the same place politically and geographically there’s no coincidence there no coincidence there chat with the exception of Alaska I don’t know I didn’t mean to get

Like on a tangent like that but it’s just it just drives me nuts so like I’ve just started giving them like really wild like answers when they ask me if like if I’ve ever thought about playing football uh no actually he’s going to be in the pageant you know and just to make

Them leave me alone not that I think pageants are any better I can’t stand those either but anyway enough about that chat enough about that we’re just going to row row row our boats cuz that’s what we do in Minecraft apparently when we have nowhere else to go is we just row our

Boats merrily merrily along the way or however that song goes I don’t quite remember you love soccer you played it a lot yeah yep is it a mush oh my gosh it’s a mushroom Island we needs to go my kids played on the like the parks and Rex league for a couple of

Years they’re not into it so much anymore though look at the mushrooms they’re so cute come here mushrooms maybe I should make a mushroom house you are so cute hello even with your black eyes you’re so adorable should I make a mushroom house can I make a mushroom House I just need a crafting table I think do I have one well I do hello mushrooms no way don’t tell me there’s a cave underneath here oh that’s so cool okay let’s see can I make stairs I should probably make planks first they produce mushroom soup instead of

Milk do they really I did not know that all the years I’ve been playing Minecraft I didn’t know they produce mushroom soup uh oh hang on Chat all right there we go um sorry I thought that was an important thing it’s not uh I need stairs so give me stairs you think it’s funny that British teenagers came up with soccer and rugby for shortening of association football and Rugby Football and now the British

Make fun of us for calling it soccer I don’t I don’t know what came first football or soccer you know let’s see here okay can I make Some slabs um where’s the slabs slabs Making a little Mushroom House Chat no I didn’t know they produced mushroom stew I had no idea Mason I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be a disappointment I’m sorry I really didn’t mean to be a disappointment if you have a brown mushroom you can feed it flower and then when you use a bowl on it you

Get that flower suspicious stew that’s strange I mean I knew about the suspicious stew um I knew that it existed I think my one of my kids told me about it but because of the Minecraft uh Pringles that came out that were like the suspicious stew

Flavor look at that I just made a little Mushroom House okay okay all right um I am going to put that there I need a door can I make a door oo look at the Birch door oh my God it’s so pretty okay look it is so pretty wait a minute I

Don’t think I want it right there I think I’d want it like right here there we go oh my God that’s cute all right let’s see here do I have sand I have Birch planks I don’t have any sand what is this Cobblestone Cobble deep slate I need a chest that’s what I

Need what is that a Fletching table nah just give me a chest all right you and you and you and you I’m going to keep this hoe that’s what he said that’s what I said brown mushrooms produce the most items of any mob unless you count villager traits wow using shears on them

Harvest the mushrooms too and of course you can get leather and beef on top of everything what a bucket used to milk a mushro rem produce milk using a bowl okay that is so cool that’s really cool okay I need to I need to make a bowl how do we make a

Bowl can I make a bowl bowl bowl Bowl what do I need for a bowl oh all right look at the Torches oh shoot I only needed two look at how the Torches stay okay I’m digging it come here buddy mushroom gets milk what did I get oh my

God look at that oh hell yeah okay I’m digging it chat look at my little house oh my God it’s so cute can I build like wait a minute your memory isn’t totally shot well that’s a good thing including rolling back the MC version I’m using fair enough citen

Thank you so much for hanging out I hope you have a really good rest of your night and weekend um oh I have a furnace forgot about that look at that furnace all right furnace I see you that’s cool thanks for hanging out Sittin we’ll see you

Around I kind of want to build up to this thing H but if I can’t this is good enough you know do I have any wool I have obsidian I I have Cobble deep slate I do not have wool hello mushroom do I have shears can I make

Shears oh I bet I could okay here’s what we’re going to do then chat we’re g to go here do I have iron I have iron nuggets all right I’m just oh all right how many of these can I make all right there we go now I can make shears

Put you in there and you and you and you and you what else should I put in there I guess I could put the golden pickaxe in there and the iron leggings too there we go I forgot to say if you shear them they become a cow really

H that’s cool I’m going to try it oh cow I’ve never seen that before chat I have never seen that before Oh my God they explode can I plant this okay I I I’m sorry what that is so freaking trippy all right is there a baby mushroom come on where’s a baby

Mushroom there’s got to be one around here damn how many of you are here good grief so Many holy heck I’ve seen so many mushrooms but not a baby one should make a pen and keep two just in case what keep two regular cows or to mush Shoms h no baby mushrooms all right that’s fine let’s go back over this way I don’t want to go down the hole no holes for me not right now oh there’s a poor little mushroom stuck down there oh no this has captured my attention chat this right here has captured my

Attention that’s interesting all right I’m going to put these shears away before I just destroy all these mushrooms Um you know what I’ll put two bowls put that soup in there what the heck does this not have a lid that is freaking me the hell out hang on a second okay I thought I heard my children screaming at each other my kids have been having a rough

Day chat I need a bed oh okay you know what let’s do this instead Um let’s go down here and see what’s going on I’ll just go caving I guess oh boy what is all this let me put three torches there so that I know what’s going on oh my okay that’s the lyan vines that’s gravel that’s copper please don’t lead to a huge thing

Of water what is that diorite wow that’s bright holy heck that’s bright right chat gold okay how far down are we we are 15 we should be seeing some diamonds wait a minute what’s that lyen okay whoa Nelly oh we are definitely underneath definitely underneath the ocean

Here oh I am like super I I’m super impressed that this is all underneath o red stone that this is all underneath the mushroom um I don’t know if an ancient city has been found I think it has been found on the map oh there’s diamonds how oh crap crap crap

Crap okay whoa what is that oh my gosh it’s a m shaft chat we have found a m shaft what are the odds that we’d find an abandoned M shaft underneath whoops um let’s put that there and here and here let’s get them diamonds okay that was not what I wanted to do

Yes give me those diamonds how many are there three well three is better than none okay oh my God am I just whoa hello how where the hell did I just fall from an amethyst cave chat there’s an amethyst cave over there is that a Minecraft seriously where the hell did I

Fall from over like where was I I don’t even have a sword do I where the hell am I at uh thanks for hanging out Mason I appreciate you being here uh and thanks for the heads up about that stuff where the hell did I fall

From I I sincerely have no idea where I fell from chat I I don’t even understand how I fell okay well I guess I’m going to it’s dirt I don’t want dirt make some sticks and then can I make a diamond sword okay just getting some Oak planks here was it right

Here it couldn’t have been where the hell did I fall from that is really messing with my mind right now chat like I I don’t don’t know where I cuz I I was gathering those diamonds and then I saw just a little bit of a m shaft thing peeking

Out oh look at the monster spawner it’s a cave spider Spawner get those orbs baby all right I’m so confused like I’m so freaking confused confused it had to have been from here no damn way zombie spawner just I’m hitting all the good stuff ooh buckets what are these here things Oak I can put the dirt in

There Granite do you all right give me the bucket give me the saddle give me the melon seeds I don’t care about beetroot seeds oh hello scary sounds give me that okay so it wasn’t there where the freaking hell did I fall from is it over here another spawner chat what is happening

Today let me see here like honestly what is happening another cave spider not much what’s happening with you spikes that’s funny ooh the chains look different too okay I really need to figure out where I came from I’m so confused I’m sorry chat this is just blowing my ever loving mind

Here okay amethyst cave ow the amethyst shards are really cool looking it’s so pretty but I still don’t know how I got in Here okay I’ve got to get back over this Way oh my gosh what in the World this is a very big M shaft okay I say that and then there’s a dead end all right listen there’s I mean there’s got to be there’s got to be a moment where I stop running into stuff all right this is dead Oh my gosh okay so we can go down here nothing oh wait what was down here what was this diamonds yay chat we’re finding diamonds okay now I can’t find my way back okay was this the the way to the oh my God I’m lost there we are okay there’s the amethyst

Cave going back this way then over here what is over here nothing there’s there’s no dead ends in Minecraft only on mine ground I mean that’s that’s actually true it’s true whoa I need to figure out what is happening I all I know is I was jumping and then I fell

I fell and landed here and there was tracks barely visible that wasn’t the way you know I’m going to do just going to come up here for a second and get a bird’s eye view that did not help me yeah that didn’t help me at all

Chat well uh there was also gold but now I don’t see any gold uh um hello not cool game not cool at all okay there’s more diamonds down here I guess I’m just going to I’m going to forget about how I got down here and I’m just going to go look for

Diamonds cuz otherwise all I’m going to do is just get myself going in circles and I don’t really want to do that any more diamonds nope well here we go chat on our next adventure oh this is closed off those like and always throw me off I always think that it’s

Diamonds all right I’m going to go this way whoops H okay this is where I was before hey b hey bat this is not the dead end oh oh no now I’m turned around okay going back this way now we’re just going to be getting lost in a

M shaft chat that’s all this is about okay we have the amethyst cave here does this go anywhere else this is dead end okay that’s dead end whoa buddy is it even Minecraft if you don’t get lost in a mft honestly I don’t know at this point I mean with me we’re always

Getting lost that’s the only thing you can count on me for when it comes to Minecraft we’re going to get lost and we’re going to go in circles because that’s how we do things around here that’s spider spawner okay that’s a dead end I don’t really need to go back in here what’s

This this just comes right out here okay I think I’ve had this oh this is new okay I haven’t been down here yet I do hear lava there’s nothing down here of any consequence except for lava and I’m not interested in lava so so there’s that what’s down

Here okay that’s different I don’t think I’ve ever seen a m shaft with a build like that oh my well then let’s go down here dead end we’re just we’re exploring M shafts chat that’s what we’re doing I’ve gotten uh three plus the two diamonds so I’ve already gotten five

Diamonds I mean it’s not bad you know not bad for an impromptu Excursion below the surface of the uh World here there’s gold oh my nothing over here that’s a dead end let’s see what’s down here will it be anything interesting nope not going to be anything interesting

Ecl Master what’s up did you get past the tricky part on undertale no actually I haven’t and I have been trying diligently um but I have not been able to get past it I think I have I mean I took a break from it because I was starting to get

Really frustrated and it’s a game that I really want to enjoy and I really want to finish that attack pattern for undying is so freaking hard it is so hard and so super frustrating A zil Beck what’s with a puking Emoji are you sick all right we’re going

To that’s not what I wanted to do we’re going to block you off and well did I do it yes I did all right I mean at this point if anybody wants to throw any tips or tricks my way when it comes to beating undying I’m totally

Game I normally don’t like to be told like you know how to play games and stuff cuz you know it’s kind of annoying but at this point I can’t get past it so if you if you have any any good like guides or anything like that for beating

Undying throw my way I definitely don’t mind e it’s fine all right so here we are back to square one of this freaking confusing M shaft I think I’m just going to try to go back up honestly get back to my little mushroom pad and not fall down so let’s go this

Way let’s go this way and get out of here oh yeah this was the um such a weird it’s such a weird animation I don’t like it all right what harm can befall me if I dig Straight Up chat nothing right absolutely nothing nothing bad ever came from digging straight up

Right all right here we go let’s hope we don’t run into a water underwater cave CU that would just be terrible and I don’t really want to die again but just in case I do you know what I need to do chat I need to write down my

Coordinates because I don’t want to get stuck again where are we at 19228 and 982 there we go put him back over here yeah I am I am gosh I wish I was doing better with undertale I really really really want to finish the game I just learned about the multiple endings

So there’s that I didn’t know that you could do like genocide and pacifist and neutral I thought it was like you just play through it and I don’t know which one I’m on currently I have no idea if I’m doing the genocide run or the whatever pacifist run oh here I am underwater

And I’m dying oh maybe I’m not dying Sweet let’s see if I can put this here hang on let me take one more up Put it there and there oh my God it’s not working let me see am I doing it no okay I do this all right and then this come on get up there a I’m trying chat I’m trying not to die this is me trying not to die trying really

Really hard not to die go away glow squid ah there we go got it oh my God I think I may have evaded death I don’t know but I may have use a slab I can’t use a slab I mean maybe I could but not not right at this

Moment did I evade death I don’t know am I a genius it’s a possibility but I’m not not quite sure oh hey look Um it’s the Mushroom Island that I totally did not almost die trying to get back to chat I did it thank you for the hint Emerald your highness I appreciate it see look at that uh explored did some digging in a cave almost died trying to find my way back where is my

Home is this my beautiful mushroom home my mushrooms it is oh no chat Somebody’s knocking on my door give me just a minute I will be right back don’t go anywhere Okay I’m back sorry about that chat um such as the life of a mom you know what I’m saying so knock knock knock knock G Sal door hey yeah yeah yeah what’s up with the symbols Z okay um I have no room you know what I do

Have a hoe can I play plant stuff in this I don’t think I’ve ever tried that before nope sure can’t well crap what is this dang I don’t have any dirt out of my way cows I’m looking for dirt what is this oh can I not pick it up I don’t have any

Room melon seeds why do I have 54 Soul torches why do I have 54 Soul torches um I should probably go put stuff in the chest back at my house cuz why didn’t I do that before and I lost my house listen mushrooms trying to find my house how did I lose my House I swear to God I’m the only one ever in the history of this game that can lose themselves in like the there it is the smallest of places I need to put like a huge thing on the outside of this house so I know where it is okay storing

This and this and this those because I don’t know why I have those uh you and you and you and you there we go which way should I go let me go this way all right let me see is this dirt can I not get it that is dirt

Okay I have 12 pieces of dirt that should be enough to get some little garden stuff Going let’s go make a garden here chat oh there was dirt right underneath this I didn’t know that there um I have iron I do have iron I think I have one and I do have a bucket I forgot I had a bucket let’s go get some dirt or some

Water mushroom says hi yeah they all say hi I have to leave a trail of torches over where I go because if I Venture off the beaten path I will never find my way back see I should do that that’s what a smart person does that is what a smart

Person does Spikes I am not a smart person when it comes to that all right Sun’s going down it’s a beautiful sunset do you ever just forget why you were doing a thing that was me just now oh no okay seeds I need more water well the thing is when it’s night time

Here I will be able to see the torches on my beautiful little mushroom house but there we go one more bucket full should do it it’s just during the day that I can’t find my way back look at the Moon reflecting on the water chat it’s so pretty look at

That ah when I tell you you have to use shaders with this game please believe me what’s up buddy pup bow evening how’s it going welcome to chill Minecraft I built a little mushroom house and now I’m planting a garden there we go look at that is

Perfect wait what was I doing yeah that’s kind of how it goes isn’t it hope you’ve been well well thank you pup Bo I hope that you’ve been well I’m having I’m having just a good chill old time playing Minecraft just hanging out I wish that I had a bed but I don’t

Have a bed here I hope you’ve been having a good time and taking care of yourself been hanging out in VR chat that’s cool what if I put right here here and and right here there we go now my little Mushroom House will really stand

Out how is VR chat all right let’s do some fence posts I think it’s a cute house thank you what if I did got rid of these little mushes oh no I need more fences I need more it is a cute little house thank you I feel like I

Should all right can I do any more do I need more sticks a man I probably do all right there we go fence oh dang I can’t even remember what I’m supposed to be doing one two three you know what this should work the RC is cool made some good friends on

There and it’s helped with your social anxiety that’s great and exploring the world’s people have made as fun I’m really glad that you’re finding a way to help yourself you know overcoming social anxiety is no small feat so good for you that’s great there we go all right now these little melons can

Grow um you know what any more wood I have Oak planks all right I’m going to do that no I shouldn’t do that there chat f follow my brain for a second to where I’m going with this moving these mushrooms out of the way I went on that side um nope not there

Here and here okay why is that placing upside down that’s not what I wanted nope that’s not what I wanted either oh my goodness it’s true social anxiety really is no joke he why are you spamming the chat are you okay there nope that’s not what I want either H what if I did okay okay I don’t like that I could do a ladder huh set of stairs can I make a lad what do I need for a ladder I need so many sticks okay there we go hey there we go and then I can get a trapo sometimes

Oh no I did not mean to do that shoot dang it I’m just breaking all kinds of stuff all right forget that I did that I’ll figure out how to get up there chat unless no why is it backwards no this is not fair all

Right what do I have in here what do I have I have oh I have Spruce logs a hell yeah I didn’t know I had logs okay getting all the spruce logs I can’t believe I broke through that oh that made me so mad okay here we

Go this is what I can do that and that H it looks kind of cute it’s fine it’ll work even when you want to socialize your amydala screaming run away got worse of the last couple of years because you know shutdowns but it’s nice getting back out and finding some good

People I’m glad that you’re finding that for yourself pop everybody deserves that yeah it’s like a treehouse like a mushroom Treehouse right okay and now I need to make a trap door trapo Spruce trapo give me can I put it like right here look at that yes I like this

Chat look at it it’s my little tree Mushroom House I love the pattern of the Birch uh slabs I just think it’s so pretty yeah I like that it is a treehouse it is very much a treeh house okay still no bed the melons seem to be growing let me get some

Sand I’m going to make some windows there’s got to be sand around here right I think this is sand come on Sand do I have three I do two More put these in the furnace and get some windows uh wrong place give me the copper put in the sand what is that that’s the Birch plant and then what do I need for window panes because I can never remember glass pane requires six blocks what amethyst shards for tinted

Glass all right here we I guess I’m just going to be using the blocks uh oh look look I like that that looks really clean I genuinely like that okay so let me grab that where can I you know what just put right here on the other side there look at

That can see my little house get a good view of the Island come on down what do I need for lanterns so I never remember do I need iron whoops um I think I do oh I need nuggets okay do I have oh my gosh all right let’s take

I need two of those okay I had just enough to make two oh my gosh that’s amazing okay so I’m going to hang one here oh I can’t hang it can I hang it from that look at the lanterns they look so cool look at that oh I love those

Lanterns I love those lanterns chat those are nice okay so I’ve got melons growing I’ve got a tree Mushroom House I’ve got an actual Mushroom House I’m just going to need a bed at some point and that is going to be where I end chill Minecraft for this evening all

Right thank you all so much for hanging out with me and thank you for being here with me tonight and hanging out um I I said I was going to be recording a video next week um like this this not this coming week but the week after this

Next week I will have a pretty open schedule for streaming so make sure you’re following me on all the platforms Twitter YouTube here on Twitch um all the places if you’re not in the Discord join the Discord you’ll know when I’m doing stuff that’s where I put a lot of uh

Information and um yeah I’ll be streaming I don’t know what I’m going to be playing but I’m going to be playing hopefully some games of friends I don’t know we’ll see but thank you all so much for joining me for some chill Minecraft tonight I really appreciate you being

Here and thank you so much for the Subscribe um Emerald your highness I genuinely appreciate your support my name is galel and thank you so much for being here please remember you are important and you matter very much and um I’ll see youall next time Bye

This video, titled ‘New resource pack, who dis? #chillminecraft’, was uploaded by GalSal on 2023-11-19 04:19:29. It has garnered 56 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:25 or 8425 seconds.

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Another day, another new resource pack to explore! It’s Chill Minecraft time!


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  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

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  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

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    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More