Unbelievable! Ohio Skibidis in Minecraft Castle!! 🏰😱

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Oh Oh Hello every man welcome welcome welcome welcome Wonder welcome then how you guys doing I’m your host fuk star The Fortune Star yes only in Ohio this Castle is from Ohio it contains one of the weirdest creatures in the world okay cool today we’re going to be playing Minecraft

So I think I think if I’m not mistaken the title of that stream yes yes the the Q pay this strong on this one the okay let me start the video game video game do people even call them video games anymore video games maybe 100 years ago

How you guys doing today I will not cause chaos today is that so am I supposed to believe that am I supposed to Who Do You Think who do you think I am oh gosh the title yes the most bait inducing balloons skid uh what else meme I don’t

Know okay let’s go over here uh who is on today oh only renji Reni One okay let’s see what a banger though what an absolute Banger this song is my gosh whoever wrote it was writing on on some magma paper there okay let’s change it let’s change it up okay I did have to lower my volume last time though so I uh I’ll put it around

50 I send silliness potentially potentially you might be correct we do get very silly it’s all fun silliness though Hello Katy welcome welcome welcome only ranges today is on today wo let’s let’s say let’s say hi wo okay hello ketchup welcome welcome yeah Yi wait where is it I still don’t I

Haven’t really gotten used to my soundpad yipp the new soundpad perhaps even mischievousness oh no Hello rangi hello hello okay Katie Katie was very nice Missy Missy ktie gave us a a des that the Bea is going to happen today the debut of this disc I already heard it I already he heard the Missy Missy Missy uh disc but I’m going to CH and stream

Creepy disc I love it though I like it I like it I like it let’s hear it it’s kind of going to merge with the other song though we got to wait until the other one ends right now I’m updating my genin for 4.3 I’ve been waiting forever oh my

Gosh we haven’t gone back to Kin at all I kind of feel bad for all the the kin viewers I’m sorry I fa you I was a I was a poser Jin impact 4 4.3 taking long for yeah Katie is also a player a gening player I also baited uh Katie into

Watching my streams for for genin and then I switched her around I never played again unlucky genin players but someday someday we’ll go back I I hope maybe future gang Ching stream Maybe maybe I mean it just depends it just depends how much you guys wanted oh hello rji

Hello you like my my Armor I fished out this thing I don’t know it’s supposed to be a trip wire I got a this for you yo wait we got to make sure which one is kades though number 13 Cat okay ranges his cat that’s easy to remember okay I’m just waiting for this music to

Stop in the meantime well I’m going to show you around what I’ve been up to hard drip yeah well I’m basically the King right so there’s no point for me to have any real armor I’m just going to let my subordinates uh fight everyone we we we’ve been playing a lot

Off stream actually surprisingly we’ve been playing a lot of stream 13 is my favorite number and cat is my favorite desk she’s waiting for this bovin over here to stop playing them I mean golden hour quite literally so I’m just going to uh take you around my my my castle this is

Welcome to my C basically so it’s been it’s been a long time actually we been playing so so many so many hours this is my castle everyone is welcome to stay at my castle I have a couple of rooms here ready for you guys it’s still under construction of course

Still under construction we have a second floor we already moved most of the plants and environment over here so there’s an indoors Farm where we’re planting lots of fruits and vegetables and then there should be there is going to be a um there’s a room that kindly Reni and

Ren are um what do they call our local no not local I guess our local uh elves helped me clear this this dungeon cuz it was really bad it was full of uh creepers but uh this is the stable this became my stable and and I’m just I’m

Just waiting to bring the the horses and stuffs so I’ll be bringing those today maybe maybe why don’t we bring all the horses over here today need to create some doors as well and uh let’s see what else what else have we built while we were off

Stream lots of plants lots of plants the elder tree is right here if you go into the into the roof you get to experience it a little better cuz part of it is exposed you can step on the tree basically it looks like flowers very cute hopefully we can expand on that but

You know everything is a process you know takes a lot of time everything takes a lot of time so I know it looks very basic right now but you know it’s going to look pretty cool sty flowers yeah there is Ren’s Castle over there and then Katie’s uh house over

Here we found tig’s home over there now I know where he lives oh he kind of started like the railway there is going to be a railway connecting all uh homes what is this m joink there’s going to be a a train station that I started building that going to connect all of

Our homes hopefully the tra station is right here underneath underneath the castle which you can go through through this ladder it’s still under construction as well so but at the very least uh the one going to the home the one going to the home is um you know ready

Kitty wants me to look at the map yeah I see it I see it I’m going to put uh this right here right here oh I another the perfect place for it right here anyways so I don’t even know where your where your island is actually I should probably keep that map

Amongus should probably keep the map so we can go explore what is this supposed to be are you creating a hammer be behind your house no it’s not I’d be able to see it from here there’s not even water behind your house I’m trying to make a moon shaped

Island yeah I saw that on the Discord yeah but I don’t I don’t know where it is I don’t know where it begins hello vanta welcome how you doing today we’re just playing some Minecraft we’re playing on the Java version of Minecraft for anyone who wants to

Join ah I see I know I see I see chimpin little chimpin Mobile Kentucky Fried Chicken I guess we’re not in Kentucky huh it’d be something like Starlight fried chicken I I see I see I see it could you maybe you know why are you building so

Far away everyone is building so far away I don’t understand like I want to see you guys from my castle I don’t know why everyone keeps building so far away but I suppose I cannot control what people do on their own unless I started forcing them I’m

Just kidding I’m just kidding I don’t know to me it’s all strange playing multiplayer Minecraft is all strange to me NY just because of the T sand one are you following the circle the Ring of Life that’s basically it understand that we have a nice

Day but yeah anyone who wants to join us can join us through the Java version of Minecraft and I will just have to get your username your Microsoft username so I can add you so if there’s anyone out there who wants to play Minecraft you can join us one of us one of

Us eating this melon oh gosh good thing I moved all my fruit to my castle everyone ke kept adding my freaking melons and not putting the seeds back there was no way for me to create more melons whoever that was a very pleasant freck [Laughter] you what then accidentally say the wrong username

Worst mistake of my night oh yeah if you guys give me the wrong username then you won’t be able to come join us I swear like every person gave me the wrong uh username at least once except for I think Katie and r and ren probably El is like uh I give

You the wrong one okay let me change it let me change it I don’t want to be inviting strangers all right we can listen to the this now I see it’s here to someone some boops this one is actually really good I like it I actually this is one this

Actually funny enough this is one of the discs this is the first actually this is the first disc I ever found myself when I was playing Minecraft un ironically this is the first disc that I I was so confused when I first found it I was

Like are all these are going to be this creepy and now it just brings me memories of when I used to play Minecraft so so convenient that Miss Katie found it for us so very nice very nice opening those uh those good old memories of Minecraft Minecraft little

Company but yes very nice I like it I like like it it’s like it has like a little hint of creepiness and omn omness omness omn omnion omnion onion omness I can’t say it okay uh anyways this K is the P Clueless oh no challenging possible what did she mean by this onion yes let’s listen to the Cat oh I remember this one too man this one is oh my gosh oh my gosh I swear I’m going to cry from Nostalgia I’m literally going to cry oh man this is really sending me Now man this is really really sending me Now I am going on Nostalgia trip apparently while I fight this Creeper Well big problem big big problem we need more torches what the heck why did he jump towards me do you see that oh Man good gift good gift thank you guys thank you both of you for bringing sing me this these discs I requested a disc uh last stream and my wish became true I appreciate That I saw RI had other disc though I pecked into his chest weird we weird that he only brought us this one huhuh oh yeah I’m doing good I got a full access not to go live on YouTube oh nice nice yeah it takes like 24 hours doesn’t

It I was also frustrated when when I first I was going to stream and I realized that I couldn’t you have to wait 24 hours before you can stream why would they make that rule that makes no sense the other discs are the same as cat’s Gift Back if you say so so this name back okay well I need a pickaxe emotional Dam emotional damage I was like did I do something wrong no no no no it’s just it’s just YouTube being dumb as always you’ll come to realize when you when you become a Creator

Full-time you’ll start YouTube YouTube creates for Content creators very funny LOL YouTube funny okay what are we going to do shall we bring all the shall we bring all the animals let’s do that let’s do that right now so I’m going to need a pickax and somehow we’re going to we’re going

To have to make the animals walk over here I don’t know how we’re going to achieve this my YouTube pooped itself what is that real did that just happen what Happened okay let’s let’s try to find another intrusive way to ah but I actually H I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot that uh the entrance is in the center how can we do this how can we do this ooh you know what you know what I’m going to put a

Ooh ooh o I like this idea I like this idea I’m going to put a little indoors balcony in the center I’m going to put a little inders balcony it’s sort of going to go like this uh let’s see that’s a good space we’re going to need more Cobblestone though anyone got

Any many co Cobblestone that I wouldn’t mind uh giving me and I keep looking everywhere like I know what I’m doing but I don’t go min oh there’s some here never mind we’re good we’re good we’re good can we Replay that song am I going to get copyrighted I hope

Not can we replay this one keep up it’s a good song it’s a good song man I did get a little tear in my eye though almost everyone on this server needs Stone really I have a stone generator I don’t really need Stone um cuz I can just generate my own But but I suppose I can let you use it you can use my my stone generator if you want Just don’t break it just don’t break It okay I’m going to oh my gosh why did it put it backwards I have to misspell because myang doesn’t like my saying I agree normally yes the filter is very very tough apparently I don’t even understand sometimes some of the words that doesn’t let me say oh man I made a

Mistake I made a what just say fruit C oh my gosh the ceiling this begins huh it’s never a dull moment with you guys it’s never a dull moment with you guys can’t the fell say that I love You okay let’s see let’s try to my idea was Then uh I was going to do something like this oh you know what actually yo freaking dead mouse in the house it’s going so hard didn’t they didn’t need to go this hard on this s gosh I love It C418 go go for real yeah absolutely they didn’t need to go this Hard it’s kind of sad honestly it’s kind of sad that I I I learned these names from Twitter from like whatever there’s always some drama going on on Twitter it’s like everyone is always trying to cancel creators it’s like did you know did you know the the Minecraft music Creator

Hates people or something like that I don’t know I heard something about it last week average Twitter moment true they were trying to cancel then the the other uh not C C1 or whatever his name name is the other one the other Minecraft music creator for some reason

They were trying to cancel her I don’t know why or like I think Notch cancel her or something like that or the other way around something like that like Notch doesn’t like her because she’s trans or something like that it’s I don’t know it’s all so dumb it’s all so

Tiresome I don’t know I was just I was just hearing about it last Week they probably canceling not probably yeah isn’t he like doesn’t he just get drunk in his hat he does nothing all day uh it’s kind of sad because there’s creators making a game really hyped for and then they have controversy and the game never gets made yeah that’s probably going to happen to

Us guys someday I’m going to get Cancel I’m going to get dogs someday in we won’t be able to stream anymore are you guys okay with that this is the most horrible freaking balcony ever what was I thinking what was I thinking um well nuh-uh well which part the night man you guys are too nice you guys are too

Nice we’ll stream until the the wheels fre freaking fall off how about that we’ll stream until the wheels fall off for me this is end game so I’m going to be streaming for many many years I’m going to be making content for many many years the first one the one the balcon is

Ugly well I can’t help you on that one the balcony is ugly so I can’t help you after the wheels fall off I don’t think the wheels are going to ever fall off going to follow off on this one TBH end game like the movie no like end

Game like like this is it for me end game like there’s nothing else in my life that I’m that matters to me the most Ru be careful there’s a giant hole in the desert um yes I forgot about that I forgot about that so uh the Terra Cota

Uh environment has a lot of pitfalls uh so be careful out there whoopsies okay so we got that going noted noted yeah I already fell through like three of them but but I usually put a torch is nearby so that you guys that you guys at least can

Survive some sort of like attack or something I’m in the giant hole I’m making collecting sand oh okay gotcha did you make did you make the sand generator cuz I I don’t need sand as you can see uh we couldn’t really PCH this part we have to use we have to use

Leftovers so I do need sand as well it was a troll video really no way no way was it really there’s other ones though there’s other videos like it almost died again okay I’m going to start bringing my animals uh we need we need a little bit of of okayy

So oh no I stepped on it I need a little bit of he oh I don’t even have any dummy dummy is the karaoke going to start the karaoke forgot to mention what’s up oh by the way renji renji did you do you know the issue the major confusion you cost

Earlier there’s an enchantment table in my secret life oh nice what would that be this this disc you said that Katie’s horse was mine and that wasn’t true unbelievable I had to shamely very shamefully return her horse back very very shamefully I said she brought a horse not your horse

What you said it was for me oh my gosh I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it anymore Okay let’s get the paks first I’m going to take The going take the door with me okay wait they don’t take uh they don’t take hay oh what do they eat they carrots wait what which one’s which one takes hay oh man did they change it on me again what is this is this not Minecraft from

2008 why they keep changing it why they keep changing Minecraft all right you’re are going to be the chips are the ones that take hay right right right okay come with me he is only to breed them not in Minecraft from 2008 not in Minecraft back in that day

Welcome Bagel cat Welcome how you doing today hey hey hey hey hey hey you what are you looking at come here why are my chips red pink and and white I don’t remember that I’m pretty sure they were all white when I first started playing great I hope you’re doing good

I’m doing good thank you for asking I’m glad you’re doing great though that makes me happy okay let’s put you guys here sorry it’s a little leaky okay it’s a t bit leaky so I hope you guys will be happy here mutation Maybe apparently so okay so that’s that’s a one that’s a

One good good good I like it I like it I like it so we need carrots apparently according to my Minecraft lawyer we need carrots so let’s get them I need to like reshape a lot of these rooms though they’re not I don’t like them like the way they are

Currently but that’s okay I like prototyping a lot in the sense that I I build something I use it and then I I reape it later I know a lot of guys a lot of you guys are like I’m going to make something really pretty from the very

Beginning and I’m not like that at all I kind of chose prototype and then use it as we create more and more and more so sorry sorry if it doesn’t look pretty it’s useful H I think my carrots are over there my carrots is it because Rin said they look

Like presents oh she’s always like saying stuff like that though like oh my God the rooms looks really cold oh my God your Castle looks like a box oh my God this and that is I understand I understand but I come from a very very prototyping uh background so

I I understand what I’m doing I understand what I’m doing and it’s very common for people to to immediately knock and judge where are my freaking carrots right right as right as after I said that I knew what I was doing where are my carrots where did I put

Everything okay I know what I’m doing okay gosh turn it don’t make me put a cowboy hat okay I’m going to put a an even bigger I’m pretty sure I had carrots though did someone take them anyone take my carrots there’s no way I didn’t have

Them uh I moved everything did you take them Kitty I don’t know what do you mean I don’t know I only have a single carot from a zombie I had had a bunch of carrots like I always uh when I was playing in VR I made sure to keep

Carrots and seeds and everything to like continue breeding them and stuff but uh we don’t have a single carot anymore can I have your carrot so I can plant it I don’t know I don’t know where else could it be someone must have grabbing it by accident or

Something cuz if we plant your carrot in before rain took the carrots probably yeah I’m going to look in there check my chest I might have one okay I’m going to look in the in rain’s chest I guess yo in the uh in the wood chest

Okay the one at their at their house okay my gosh pass your honor it was a mistake I was only joking for my uh for my chat I was only trying to act a fool sentence to a thousand bongs holy moly okay uh rain you’re leaving that almost killed me objection

Can well Ren only has one egg two bones uh 50 Cobblestone stairs not exactly the most balanced meal so I don’t think I don’t think rain was a culprit to be honest I don’t think Ren was a cprit okay I’m going to grab your carrot Katie and no that was not my

Gosh oh my gosh can’t even say anything without without getting in trouble with the horny police oh who needs a soundboard I can just make my own sounds carrot carrot officer I swear I didn’t do it for the for the content I did it for the

Content oh my gosh every time I hear that now I can just think of freaking johonny Somali at least he’s in jail now okay so I got one carrot from from Reni he’s in jail and I hope he rots in there fuku evil yes always K Katie this place is very dangerous

True true wait did you exit Oh no you’re still here here um nope no carrots here well that’s okay I only need one though I’m going to use it and then I’m going to plant it so we can get more and stop stop grabbing my freaking stuff without replenishing

It okay I need at least one of each so I can create more you guys keep stealing everything it is for everyone but at least don’t destroy the ecosystem okay let’s go Piggies uh wait actually I need A I need the freaking door first okay let’s go do you need melon seeds as no I think I have I I think I mean I used to have a ton of them I believe I still do so I will check and then tell you can can you

Fatty move over over there can you let them go through bro it is not that difficult would you like the bamboo no I already have bamboo you can craft more melon seeds chuny pigs yeah Mo out of the way Mo out of the way bro I need to push you all right that’s

Cool I’m going to put one piggy in a Breck house one piggy in a woodh house this song hits hard after a long they true man these songs are I’m so happy that they didn’t change the original songs though they’re just they’re just freaking destroying me with Nostalgia

Every time they play I don’t know okay you’re going to leave here all righty uh excuse me sir did I say you could leave do you want to leave over here instead or what where do you want to go piggy okay can you guys uh chill for a moment okay cool

So do you need melon seeds as well fruit would you like the bamboo chunky pigs you can CRA uh as I was going to ask if you wanted the only carot I have but never mind yeah I grabbed it you you told me to grab it what do you mean right

Here I only have a single carrot from a zombie you said that you had one well I guess you didn’t give it to me but you know I digress all right your honor I was going to make more carrots what are you doing here why are you why are you

Searching here my chest huh stop looking yes I do have melon seeds don’t worry about it I’m actually going to use them before you guys freaking steal them you only had three melon seeds so I don’t anymore okay thanks but I’m pretty sure I had more than

Three who keeps grabbing them I don’t know I need to put like a freaking lock in here like some sort of like fruit chastity device or something I don’t Know clueless Katie you all think I swear if you guys don’t behave I’m going to Bonk You all right well what is the next step uh I need a uh a saddle Can you steal fish Saddles from um from the water is that still a thing yes okay I’ll try to find one I think nothing other than plants your Onor you’re onor I swear I was only kidding yo now we have this thing over here okay very fancy pancy fancy I’m going to put by the way guys I’m going to put lava all around my freaking Castle so you guys better be Careful what is the a percentage chance of getting a saddle isn’t it like 2% we’re going to be here all night fish I guess oh yeah I made the platform since I couldn’t find the block was missing in the water I don’t remember again that will teach you renji to stop

Destroying the echo system I actually built this Pawn so I know how to I I knew how to fix it but I didn’t tell you to teach you a lesson Back okay I didn’t even know what what we got um let’s find and out this T this T all you have to do is place a a cobblestone underneath until the last the last place the last square and then just fill it up with water and then destroy the

Cobblestone that’s the way I did it besides I only needed like three three buckets of water I created all this freaking ecosystem with only three buckets of [Laughter] water I think but most of the time it just ate the water my gosh going to have to teach you

How to do it going to have to teach you step-by-step tutorial play fuku fuku Star ate it all the water bro was thirsty what was bro cooking I’m not a smart land yes you are stop being there’s nothing more annoying than people who self-deprecate you better stop doing

That go self deprecate on your spare time not in of me I don’t want to hear it what the heck is that oh it’s a horse I was like what is that underwater that’s just a Katie’s horse um my Fisher is about to break what do I need uh some spider

Web man I don’t think I have spider web though two spider whips and three sticks yeah I don’t think I have spider whips I hav’t every time I kill a spider it doesn’t give me webs anymore do you only get webs when you when you go into um into mines Now well there it is folks string M chips are kill spiders I don’t get any when they kill spiders Though I’ve killed at least three different ones but I suppose I’ll indulge myself with rangji this time I’ll allow him to give me some some fish rots flashbacks to cave spider incident wait what happened wait what happened what does she mean by this R thank you there was a very funny meme um in Anime Expo there was a card that said something like Arigato but then you know like gate means like span uh it’s Spanish for cat so it’s like AR and then there was like a dog and it was like the the the

Dog word for in Spanish like aripo they kept the uh they kept find the spawner and she was trying to wait what they kept oh I couldn’t read any of that he got filtered Killing they kept trying to kill maybe and she was trying oh they kept killing me and oh cat and she was trying to find a spawner why did it fil through all land are you okay Minecraft it like filter like half the words what the heck keep spider dangerous yeah especially the spawner the spawner will have like a gilon freaking spider webs around it it’s not safe guys it’s not safe actually this reminds me of the time when I got almost SED by a spider

In little company little company but of spider webs in in little company spider spider BST oh man I’m never going to get a freaking saddle zombie joined the chat spoter sky yes very true can confirm I was killed by spider well almost actually you brought me you

Brought me back you almost brought back a corpse but I was still still kicking jumping and kicking oh I’m getting hungry need potato need a potato so I should have done it sooner oh my gosh bro it already happened six years Ago it’s time to move on turn around everybody I don’t know I don’t know the lyrics for these songs oh there was a really cool song oh my gosh I found a cool song in Tik Tok apparently everyone in the Philippines can sing very well the witch

Under the stairs incident oh yeah I remember that I remember that I was there I was killed by the witch as Well I was killed by the witch I know her very well but yeah I find this really cool song man but yeah apparently I didn’t know but apparently in the Philippines a lot of people can sing the bber community in the fiin is huge so a lot of YouTubers from the

Philippines can sing very well very cool I wish I could sing I wish I could sing I can’t sing but I sing anyways and you guys have to endure it anyway so sorry G it’s a it’s a give and take relationship I give you take I always find it really amazing

When people are able to sing I like the singing so far I hope singing is just basically practice right I mean I’ve gotten I used to be way worse like like way way worse but like it’s getting so much better and it’s been like streaming has

Been helping me too like um find my voice so have you guys seen like I don’t know if you guys ever seen other YouTubers like you can search like I saw Amelia’s Watson like progression of her karaoke and how well she’s becoming uh singing uh she used to be really bad but

Now she’s actually decent like it really all it takes is practice really and maybe they’re taking uh singing classes or something I don’t know but I mean if she could do it then I’m pretty confident anyone can do it no offense to her no offense to

Her but if she can do it I think I think a lot of people could potentially as well yes I will take classes I mean you don’t have to but it definitely it definitely helps I’m a huge believer I’m a huge believer that anyone can do anything they put their heart into even

If they say I know Soul St if you’re watching even if you say that is not possible okay I still believe everyone can become whatever they want so as long as they practice and put their heart into it anyone can become whatever they want that is what I

Believe I experienced it myself I know a lot of things I became whatever I want perhaps it’s easy it’s kind of easy for me because it’s kind of like climbing a mountain right when you look at at a mountain from the bottom it looks incredibly hard right it’s like oh my

Gosh how can you get to the top right but then you go to the the top and you’re like you look from the top bottom and you’re like wow that was easy right and nothing ever again seems that hard again right that’s that’s kind of the same reasoning like when you achieve

Something everything else seems like it has the same formula everything else has the same formula so that’s why I feel so confident that I can do so many things I guess but it’s just all about you know mentality right okay I’m just rambling there again what

Are you guys saying uh I am armed with a stone trouble fear me scary Tran oh my gosh bro is already causing chaos are we ever going to find a saddle I don’t think we’re going to make it Bros somay Over the Rainbow man I was going to I was going to that was that song Almost was going to make it into the karaoke into the karaoke list when I was um when I was creating the set list for the karaoke oh my gosh when I started

Singing it I was like I was about to like start crying I could so I didn’t I just to be careful I just I just did not put it in the karaoke list just to be careful uh the one time I tried to get a gravel and I only get flint I

No so I removed it from the set list I removed it man I still I keep talking about that karaoke like it’s the it was the greatest day of my life or something but it was seriously so aming amazing to me I can’t wait for the next

One it would the this one this the first one was ner breaking the second was fun the third one was incredible I can’t imagine what the fourth one is going to look like fish the tri wire hook yeah I got that one I got one of those um this morning

Too I’ve never seen a trip water hook before so that was something that was something you know what troop wires remind me of take a guess go on L what the the heck man you got to be more specific than that I mean come on but like when you’re when you’re

Walking on that on those bridges and then you trip in little company in little company you trip and then you die yes it reminds me then how do you know how do he know man we’re never going to I get a freaking a freaking saddle the freaking uh the clown fish

Looks like it’s going to kiss you I’m not addicted I swear your honor I’m not addicted I can quit any time who are you speaking to renji you’re looking at a screen with little company in it sorry your honor I’m in the middle of a match what were you saying

Ah yes I’m not addicted you’re honor i s oh no well oopsy bro me when I create the most outrageous outragous statement ever oopsie oop oopsie oh my gosh oh ah I just died in your arms tonight it must been something you said oh my gosh why do I feel I feel

Like in a singing mod in a singing modood too bad every song gets copyrighted though even though we’re doing just karaoke like every single song got copyrighted in my karaoke I couldn’t even release a single song I couldn’t even release one pensive yeah maybe I’ll try to do

I’m going to I’ll probably try to do like YouTube moment yeah I kind of want to do a cover like you know like make a a really cool like music video like like I usually edit my shorts and then make like a a cover of a

Song I shouldn’t I chose don’t know what song though it has to be a good song cuz like if I’d be putting a lot of effort into a music video like I want it to be like a a song that is going to be popular I guess popular and that I can

Sing in my in my voice range and then we can make a really really cool uh uh music video I don’t know maybe next year I think the years is over for me I think I’m just I just need to chill and slow down to be honest

So I can prepare for the next year we did so much this year I’m so happy to be honest I’m so happy about everything we did and next year I can I can already tell that it’s going to be so much better if this year was amazing like

Next year it’s going to be incredible I’m so good at singing nice nice nice I mean initially I wanted to be a be singer but of course we always want to be something we can be I suppose so I just became a stinky gamer gosh what the heck bro just Just Whipped out

The you just whipped out a freaking a a bed a bed out of nowhere bro it’s just Moon baiting ah yes let me let me Moon bait it’s it’s good for my skin don’t mind me don’t mind me after bro just whipped out of freaking B out

Of his pocket I bring my bed everywhere Incredible true fuku clown oh my gosh K still looking Missy sometimes e just hits you like a truck R is trying to get isite by the BET what if you became isite and you became a b in an alternate reality that would be actually never mind that would be awful oh gosh never

Mind I just started thinking about it never mind never mind mind never mind I your honor I I retract my statement please erase it I don’t want to think about it please erase it from the from the redacted from the papers please I’d like that Removed no matter how you put it then I couldn’t watch you no M okay no no no no you like there’s a chance there’s a chance that someone that that your owner is going to be watching uh my stream in B there’s like let’s see how many humans

7 billion humans only three watch me um there’s like a 000000001 chance that you might still be able to watch me It’s like a Satoshi the Satoshi of numbers 8 billion already really no way I thought it was 7 billion last time I checked I think 8 billion is a projection for next year isn’t it 8 billion no way you guys are trolling population of world world today 7.8 it’s still seven okay 7.8

Billion is it still seven gosh you guys are such Jers almost got me there you can only round up if it’s a if it’s a nine right nuh-uh Google is wrong I don’t know I I would I wouldn’t even I wouldn’t thereare uh go against Google I’m right bro I’m pretty sure

Google can erase you like you just type Wonder in Google and it’s just like nothing comes back he’s gone he’s gone forever so I don’t I don’t even play with that I don’t want to be erased from from existence I see it as 8.1 billion what from where are you using bang or Yahoo Reni we’re never going to get a saddle we’re never going to get a saddle oh we’re all I’m getting is sad oh Safari but Safari uses Google Chrome I mean Google sorry not Google Chrome sorry Safari uses Google Google actually pays Apple like 2 billion dollars per year or something

Like that so that Safari can uh can continue using Google as a default uh browser I mean default search engine same thing no no no no no it’s not the same thing 8.1 how many humans 8.1 really okay okay I searched up let me let me send send you a screenshot

Then uh how many humans in the world yo wait what what did he change now I’m seeing what what you’re seeing hold up hold up rewind there we go I I I get the one okay I’m going to send a screenshot bro this is there’s no way

Okay I’m going to send you a screenshot here mine says oh 2021 oh man why did he give me a stat from 2021 I even said today I even said today bro fine you guys win you guys win this time oh my gosh I hate it Google do be trolling

Though I make the same mistake don’t try to compare me to yourself just kidding what the heck what is this what is that supposed to be what is that supposed to mean oh my gosh you’re I was only jesting I did it for the bit I make no

Mistakes oh gosh for for some reason my my stream is really really trying to die we already crashed like twice but then it recovers uh I think it’s raining right now actually it may be raining over [Applause] here uh did I just get a helmet what the heck

Man well I’m going to delete the then since it’s so embarrassing I love how tiny I look in your iPad though that’s really cute that’s really cute I love it I’m choose they vibing on your screen we’re more like being annoying I guess than vibing Man I don’t know man I don’t know I don’t know the Forbidden Cube wait what what is what is are you trying to eat a a cube or Something I see half of the floating Castle in my render this The Forbidden Cube oh man wait so that that means that I can probably see you from there as well huh where are you anyways the heck your honor I swear I wasn’t trying to I wasn’t trying to escape the the grasp

Of Fuku I was only building my castle 100 miles away from from his I’m jumping well you’re not jumping high enough for me to see I suppose I suppose by the way guys um I might I’m thinking about letting a lot of uh viewers join the server so if you guys ever see people

Destroying stuffs you guys should probably tell me so that I can kick them out cuz I want to try to allow as many people as as possible into the server so that means that they’re not going to be as um they’re not going to have a very very

Rigorous background check as the Discord users so if you ever see someone destroying stuffs or anything like that then let me know but just for future reference we’re still we’re still I’m still trying to figure that out um a lot of people seem to have Java and both

So worst case scenario which is stay in Java sorry Viper I think Viper is the only one I know who uh who is playing on the PlayStation 4 but uh I think everyone everyone else is is able to play your job it will be cool though it will be

Cool to allow as many people as possible you should probably back up your server every time you leave oh yeah yeah yeah I do I do backups every now and then yes but probably daily will be better you’re right probably daily will be better I think the last backup I have is

From yesterday so I should probably make a new one although the realm’s actually uh look let me show you actually since I’m here I’m going to disconnect so in the reals you get these options uh to configure and then you can um where is it you can download the

World but there you have a bunch of um a bunch of options wait where is it where is it oh World backups okay so you have a bunch of these so you can select one from like many there’s a bunch of backups but uh I can just download the

Latest which is 28 minutes ago I’ll download it though I do need to start making backups so I’m going to download this one it just takes a few minutes so in Realms I don’t think we’ll have a problem we can always go back to like whatever

Version so I don’t think that will be a problem we can invite up to 5,000 people but only 10 players at the same time which is okay though I don’t think we we we’ll have um 10 players and myself so that’s a total of 11 actually so I don’t think

We’ll ever have that problem so we can invite as many as we can and we should be fine still because often we like only four or five players at the same time uh while we’re playing so I don’t think they’ll be isue okay oh yes very good idea very good

Idea to start backing up at least send uh welcome back thank you thank you you stole my fish what oh you were fishing sorry I didn’t see you there why are you standing there that’s where I wish timing oh no you broke my rod you’re so heavy you broke my

Rod bro is is swamp fishing Now I’m sorry you don’t need to apologize oh my gosh I don’t think we’re going to get anything isn’t there also uh a rule about like if you want a saddle you have to fish it in the in an actual Pond like isn’t that a isn’t that a uh wait what was then

What are you getting what was that what was that you just leled up okay should we go to the the lake maybe maybe that’s why we’re not finding One look at my horse my horse is amazing it this sh like racing as long as you’re able to collect Enchanted stuff you can find a saddle yeah but I think I think there was like something about having a better chance at fishing it on like a real Pond or something

Someone told me something like that one time cuz so far we’re not getting anything Enchanted either so maybe there’s some true to that it has to be pure Waters from the mountains of the Himalaya but spawn upon Gods Su himself um drunk water from it watch first try first try saddle first try

Watch in the pafish set on the ocean from version 18 in the ocean well yeah that’s what I’m saying right like Myan did that because people have Us automatic fish farming ah I see so yeah so it is correct right so a saddle where did you get your saddle by

The way Katie did you find in a chest or or do you get it from fishing dungeon okay oh chest sometimes have it yeah I Know can not be a brain surgeon okay why are you bypassing the why are you bypassing the filter you shouldn’t be able to say those words um but I suppose thank you for thank you for testing the boundaries always lovely always lovely having your r yeah that that third word that you

Sent should not have gone through interesting enough at least he won’t anymore I [Applause] suppose yo lenbo yo when when C finishes the the circle I want to go in a boat and just race in in there I don’t got one that was Katie that was Katie’s secret

Lab Katie is the one that that has a a table I don’t know where where her secret lab is Though yeah Missy oh Missy where is your secret laugh you guys can chill fuku by the way what they don’t know where it is what do you mean they don’t know where it is so I can’t tell you br what is going on oh my gosh

I can show you I can show you the World is he chin us is he chining us right now joing him I don’t think the I don’t think is over there I don’t know I wouldn’t know I Suppose I’m so fast I’m so fast Boy you stream Crips yeah it’s because it’s raining sorry it’s raining over here so the stream is a little unstable yo you stole my fish I guess now we’re Even fish can you choose grab those like in uh what is it Skyrim in Skyrim you can just grab the fish no in in Zelda A fish for a fish yeah in Zelda you can grab the uh flying okay I guess technically don’t fish fly in water are fish flying in

Water um fuk it’s actually called swimming wait do do fish swim is that the correct term for switch switch oh my gosh brain please brain can you can you act normal today yes is that really it okay I don’t know I need a fish expert cuz if if if ducks Wadd wait what

Happened what happened I can’t get out uhoh left shift yes oh you can stand on the boat I didn’t know that wait was that a saddle did you just get a saddle and can I have it would you like a buffer oh never mind no I already have like a a gilan of

Those should probably head back Before before the night he gets pretty aggressive around here well I’m I’m going to head back uh I remember the BR days this was uh horrible it was a nightmare to go to go back in in the night so I’m going to go back back now because I’m getting

PTSD from just from this just from these days maybe it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter where you get it from I guess maybe maybe maybe maybe I don’t know I don’t have proof I’ve gotten Saddles before we fishing those but now it seems so rare why can’t you just craft the

Saddle I don’t understand myang please don’t understand what is the point of then oh that reminds me I have to check on the carrots K Kut oh by the way can you guys uh can you bring me some lava like a ton of buckets of lava that would be pretty cool if you

Did I would really really appreciate it carrot nice you get three okay I’m going to continue multiplying this I got a lava pool at my base nice I think I saw something like that actually but I think RI has the buckets I need a ton of lava like a ton

A ton a ton a ton a ton like a 100 because I’m going to be I’m going to be making a curtain of lava dropping from the from the castle when the buckets back well preferably I would like you to do it for me but if you don’t want to do

It then I will have the buckets I suppose I will have the buckets and then I’ll collect it myself for now I need to come get the the bunnies come with me bunnies oh there’s only three of you what happened did you eat the fourth one

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no I forgot how fast they are oh my gosh they went sing I forgot how difficult they are to like uh I don’t know if I want to do this what the freak oh God gosh oh gosh

This is not the this is not the right time this is not the right time come here bunnies come here we’re not ready we’re going to stick in here we’re going to wait here until until those are gone it’s a good thing that I created this yes no you can’t continue without

Sleeping you’re going to get Phantoms ha so we’re back in the mines swinging my pickaxe from side to side side side to side I’m going to fish you you can soak on my toes come get some off fisha that’s what I thought watch just fix it by by actually

Sleeping my schedule my sleeping schedule okay so I need to prepare the bunny cage is not ready which is why I didn’t want to bring them anyway so uh I’ll have to fix the the cage first I don’t think I have any more of these but I do have

Stickies sticky sticky how do you create fences anyways no that’s a l right uh fence oh you need these ones ah man that makes no sense Minecraft it’s going to give me penguins look okay hello lime welcome how you doing today welcome welcome sh we back in the M swinging my

Pickax from sh to sh shy sh to sh you’re alive what does that mean what does that mean did you did you pass your exams did we get a did we win a couple of Ace how did that go I think so okay good good good good I

Like that I like that positive it there’s no point being negative I suppose huh a in Med cool LOL hey you know you know [ __ ] for the guy shoots for the stars right that’s what they say oh gosh I need more I need more it’s cuz the bunnies can jump the

Fence ah who moved the stairs yep yep wo wo okay uh let’s oh gosh I don’t have space ah sorry I you’re going to you’re going to fly okay there we go uh you again Yip yep yep yep yep yep cool well I hope you I hope you do uh good in

Your exams for sure for sure for shesus what chel I’m sure you did great come on come On it’s okay it’s okay to flex am I allowed to tell RI where the secret lab is say someone with strong decided to be a content creator yes what’s up what’s up you can tell everyone okay nice may I ask something yeah go for it what’s

Up you don’t have to ask you already asked your question no I’m just kidding you don’t have to ask to ask to ask a question you can just ask the question uh we need a door we need through two two doors two doors uh gate oh so this is the

Inverse I don’t have Wood anymore no I have a bad laptop and I went to stream too so ah ah is it better to start with shorts interesting depends what kind of content you want to do what kind of content are you planning on doing if you have a lowbudget computer

Um I would highly recommend that you do something that’s obviously not game related if you can’t play games like starting with short songs okay yeah so so you have to be more ingenious I guess about what you what you what kind of content you do right

So um I’ve SE a lot of people do random lag spikes really oh I’m sorry I’ve seen a lot of people do like essays of like animes you know they only have like their little PNG tuber and they talk about anime uh no worries B take care have a

Good night I’ll see you in the next one and thank you for coming by I really appreciate it but uh yeah I’ve seen like people do essays about anime or singing singing is Al also a very common one I have been streaming for two to three years actually but it’s only voice gotcha

Gotcha gotcha you can also do like art you know if you if you do get a tablet like I’m trying to think of things that are not uh process intensive right that’s what you should be thinking about content that you can comfortably make with your laptop without having to spend Money cuz if you do that then the World is Yours basically right you you don’t have to upgrade your computer until much later so drawing singing uh essays tutorials you know essays tutorials about stuff you know just recording your your desktop computer no what did why did it do this with

You there you go um things like that things like that you can definitely do it though you can definitely do it uh in short format or as Clips or as videos nice oblique fence what what happened why are you confused okay let’s bring the bunnies now bunnies come with Me the Bonnies are so difficult to to move around cuz like they can they can get stuck anywhere this is why we have the great you see those 100,000 uh stairs that I made it was only because of the bunnies the bunnies was the reason why we made

Stamps that was the only reason why we have one trillion stamps but bunnies are so cute though so it was worth it it was totally worth it the bunnies are low yeah just a bit just a bit cute to yeah super cute I don’t know if there’s bunnies with

Different color schemes though does it anyone know does anyone know if there’s uh other colors cuz if so then I got to have them I got to have them all oh gosh there is many really why did I get three white ones then am I just unlucky okay bunnies we’re going to do

This together okay we’re going to do this together please don’t die don’t fall oh gosh they’re getting stuck stuck they’re getting stuck bunnies are so fragile in the sense that they get stuck everywhere please buies don’t do me like this don’t do me like

This I’m going to have to push it one by one I don’t care here okay okay okay okay here we go here we go no they keep getting stuck can can someone else come from behind and push them I need help over here oh no this one where you got Stuck okay well this one made it this one made it I feel like the other ones are going to run off if I go too far um guys can someone push them off can someone not Notch them out of this state I can’t go too far without losing them

So it’d be pretty pogies if someone comes and helps Poies no one no one no one you got to climb up the mountain oh my gosh ah if they die these are these bunnies are going to the blood of these bunnies are going to be on you I swear oh gosh what was that what was that who blew up

Yeah bunnies why are you getting stuck yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no two of them were about to make it please come here can you put them on a boat uh I think you can put yeah I think so but why are they getting stuck on the

Stairs though I’ve never seen this happen before this one is already about to fall oh it didn’t get hurt okay okay this one made it yeah just Notch them like enough for them to like continue interesting okay here you go there you go there you go there you go no I got stuck

Too thank you I appreciate this quite a b this bunnies these bunnies took so long they took so long to G and I already lost one one of them died accidentally there used to be four okay last one last one almost there there we go thank you thank

You okay uh now we just need to open the door RI once again saved my tushi uh oh gosh there we go can you close it here we go okay these are they are extremely fast as soon as soon as you you stop putting the carrot they they move extremely

Fast and then I can I got to I got to scare them away from the entrance here there we go nice and easy thank you oh my gosh that was scary the bunnies are the hardest to anything else Um then cows are next so I don’t think so the cows are going to be easy right it’s just it’s just wheat I think they use wheat just like the cheap noise noise noise but yes lime uh when are you going to start creating content I would love to

Watch your content are you going to use this account so I can subscribe to it if not I’ll wait until you you make a new account or or however you’re going to do it okay come come with me cow no you’re too fat

Again ha get it a fat cow get it get it get it guys Comedy Central over here okay can you stop can you stop pushing each other me okay here we Go here we go here we go I don’t get it what do you mean what do you mean please explain well because cow cow is fat you know like uh you know how milk is rated like 1% fat 2% fat this is 100% fat you’re Lim limo limo who’s lenow are

They associated with Lemo are they a gang me okay see the the cow the chat the Virgin bunnies versus the the Chad cows they just walk they just walk over whatever it doesn’t matter to them you said that before yeah it’s pretty Funny is that the sister Lum oh okay bro okay cool who else is left I feel like I’m building the freaking Arc of Noah or something over here we need two of each two lions no wait I already messed it up Um oh the chickens I almost forgot the chickens who put this trees in here I don’t know who put this trees but like I definitely didn’t you can CH me the SEC later have to fish them okay I heard two limes limes Li lime uh I need seeds right okay let’s

Just do this real quick woof woof woof woof woof any any Merryweather fans in chat woof woof woof woof Jo gun still oh no I’m sorry okay chickens let’s go oh no are they going to be too fat I need to remove the door first going to whack this door with the

With these seeds are you sure you want these seeds chicken chicken noogies they keep dropping eggs everywhere chill down ladies okay so many chimkin you can kind of tell you can kind of tell immediately who’s been playing survival and who’s been playing uh creative mode it’s like all

Of you guys have been just like creating and like I’m here like farming and stuff like actually having animals and vegetables to survive you Know no Aesthetics just usability wait are we missing one chicken what are you what was that was he like was was he like lamenting his uh depression or something he should stopped there mid Midway for like a he was smoking in the stairs or something I suffer in survival because too lazy to

Make food exactly exactly it’s not easy It Ain’t Easy V me I’m just kidding we have plenty of food here though my my goal is to make a railway so I can uh send you guys food still be the dragon that’s easy chicken what you get out how do you get

Out wait can they fly off the fence I don’t think so right how do you get out no that was an accident okay I suppose I’ll give you some some seeds so you can have baby baby chimkin little chicken nuggets okay so man that was cool food protection production yeah I don’t

Know I like I like feeding people I guess corn no wait rain makes corn corn makes whiskey whiskey makes my cor why can’t we make corn in this game this game is racist I swear it’s like racist what is what is wrong with NCH trying to trying to uh trying to Uh ignore my my Ohio ohioan people Ohio Ohio corn production oh is the biggest corn productor right or something like that I don’t know just collect two inventory is worth of sand nice nice nice nice nice nice for me for me was going to recommend a game back never mind

Was going to recommend a game back wait what what are you going to recommend lethal company it has Force feeding in it wait what what are you talking about I was going to recommend win a game but never mind it has Force feeding in it what are you talking

About like where is this coming from some say that fuku is still trying to look for his saddle even to this day if I said I’m sure you’ll love it just because you said I love feeding people well then why don’t you say it already what bro is etching us with a

Joke what the heck what what are you talking about which which game cing mama or what it’s it’s not a joke though well then just say it what are you talking about Bro what are you waiting to tell us what the heck uh don’t start the bro that game I don’t understand that that game I played it I tried to play it so many times and I don’t understand it I me and my friends always die to the freaking wolves they always appeared on

On us like there was no way for us to like avoid them and we didn’t Google the answers or whatever but there wasn’t like we just never found out a way like around them I guess I don’t know was pretty annoying terraria what the heck what no don’t St together don’t start

Together I would love to play it again though with someone who knows what they’re doing I guess to see to see what we did wrong back then oh yeah I thinkig he started his railroad yeah yep yep I saw that I saw that pretty good pretty

Good it’s because uh I already I started the uh there’s going to be a um a train station under my castle and it’s going to shoot cards across everyone’s homes like there’s going to be one for Katie one for renji one for Tiggy and that way we can go back and

Forth between the city and the the smaller houses you know what I mean this one this pickaxe is going to break this pickax hello aluk welcome hello guar Pro welcome welcome before you ask something amazing nice nice wow what is the occasion but I’m glad you’re doing amazing that makes me

Happy that makes me very happy I knew they was going to break ah I should PR another one I literally did this effect I knew it was gonna break Okay 2.2 chills drop yes I know I know I heard I heard is that what you’re doing amazing gosh can you do the GP yipp there you go my gosh GD GD enjoyers are crazy they waited like one 10 years for One update bro there’s no way there’s no way GD enjoyers

Um actually since you have two fans oh no they’re worse okay yeah never mind I guess gd’s are not so bad huh them Fortress I forgot about that didn’t they just get like one update and it’s like just hats like new hats oh my gosh

Um oh we did get some sand okay now we can can create glass we can create glass so we can patch the rest of the the floor the only thing I have to wait until Thursday to play oh okay uh RI gave me some sand

Yeah I don’t know where they got it from they got one update with the saxtone hill I don’t know anything about Team Fortress to be honest when I tried to play like the first the first match I just got in immediately blasted like I don’t even understand How I’m doing good thank you for Asking doing good had some sand in one of my Chests bro this this song is getting emotional I feel like I’m in a movie what is going on what is what is going on what Ination in a movie Pepe clamp did you say oh my gosh not again not Again not again why you I already asked this question you already asked this question and I purposely I purposely ignored it so I won’t answer it I won’t answer it cuz I know exactly why you’re asking it I know exactly why you’re asking It I have never asked this question but yes you did you already forgot you’re already forgotten you can’t fool me bro for Gore you’re getting me confused with someone else no nope it was you what do you mean bro there’s like two viewers of course they’re going to remember it was you what are you what are you talking about BL thinks there’s like millions of people watching me of

Course I’m going to remember who who would ask that you do realize that one one word is American and the other one is uh British right you do realize that right so asking me a question like that would unavoidably try to rationalize where I’m from so I’m not going to answer I’m not

Going to answer it I’m very peaky about stuff like that I say both well and that will be incorrect oh broke what do you meanu British British I can stop thinking about them beans would you fancy some beans and toast how do you know how do you know someone is British

You can just you can just smell them no I’m just kidding I don’t know I don’t know actually they do love their beans though I mean it depends on who I’m talking to smell okay it’s because um they eat a lot of there’s it’s a meme basically

They they eat a lot of uh me mom’s Bri dish oh you they say the they uh there’s memes that say people British people eat a lot of a lot of beans so that’s what I we saying that they smell they smell like farts particles but I don’t know that’s just a joke

Okay Guitar Pro see you later take care have a good night sleep well their plants are foiled once again they won’t find out my nationality I win I win once again they think they can gas light me but I know I know I know the truth I know the

Truth my son is just floating back up because he’s seawe I finally made one of my Barracks for my missile silo oh gosh it begins the reain of missiles begins missile yeah Mr Alchemist over here is trying to uh start War I guess with the creepers he’s going to Nuke them cold

War um actually do you know the reason why the Cold War was called the cold war is because they were trading secrets with secret agents spies infiltrating between countries not because there was an explosions but rather the Cold War was called Cold War because there was actually nothing going

On Starlight Ste party Black Ops 2 oh my gosh bro war war yeah that’s basically that’s basically in uh World War III the warm War the radiation we’re going to feel after all the freaking Nooks are going to drop M feels toasty every day is 300° Toasty um I need more

Dirt those creepers wrong me well you they did you did blow up earlier so I don’t blame blame you quite frankly I don’t blame you but I don’t know if nuclear blasting them is the you know what if they grow another leg okay lime no worries have a good

Night or good day have a good day I’ll see you in the next one take care and thank you for coming by I really appreciate it uh now it’s clean now it’s all nice and clean creeper mutant mode imagine they get two heads eight legs and and

Armor oh my gosh why would they need armor huh they just blow up that doesn’t make any sense what if there was a creeper that was carrying a a dynamite uh Square on top on top of his head and when it blows up it just blows up even stronger that’d be pretty funny

LOL pretty funny it’s funny how you guys are making stuff like castles and nice houses and I’m making a miss out yes we see you we see you we we see you sweetie yes yes we see you carry on this because you’re trying to be random on purpose comedy doesn’t work like that

You can’t just be random it has to be tasteful it has to be Tastefully funny what the neighbor doing sip gra will cry um if I leave this open are you guys going to fall into it by accident I wonder I wonder how many people are going to fall before they

They they start complaining a horse walked into a bar and a horse said why the long face do the what why did that get filter why did that get filter what did you say this qu me B oh bartender interesting now why in the world would that get filter I guess it’s because

Uh it’s a alcohol like topic tend there no I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s the reason I think it’s because of Alcohol alcohol the root of all problems and solutions where so they say number one procrastinator oh gosh these doors don’t make any sense I wonder if I can make it work no you can’t fit you can’t fit no this ruins my is ruining my immersion okay how about

Here is that better Minecraft is this what you want are you entertained now oh gosh I can’t reach over there okay how many people are going to fall how many people are going to fall before before I have to take it away I should have move uh well never

Mind it’s too late it’s too late now okay it’s too late no Backes takes everybody’s working for the Weekend you want a piece of my heart wait what did he say uh it’s too late to apologize it’s too late it’s too late to apologize it’s too late hello thog welcome welcome how you doing today it’s too late to apologize it’s too late man so many good songs though I

Need to start making the next playlist for the next karaoke you want a piece of my doing well nice I’m glad you’re doing well that makes me happy I’m doing good thank you for asking we’re just playing some Minecraft there’s more people in the server right now than in uh than Watchers

Interesting interesting interesting open this freaking video right now just kidding uh okay here we go got to challeng the shimin chasing me where are you where are chimkin where are you oh chimpin in the mines oh gotcha it’s surprising how the zombies don’t attack uh like animals I

Guess doesn’t make any sense right you will think the zombie will want to eat some chicken brains eat the chicken and slap the child oh my gosh bro has the aggressive the aggressive R girl’s going to grow up to be a great parent H it’ be it’d be super cute if you can

Make a pink chest with a pink wood that’d be pretty cute that’d be pretty cute unlucky didn’t they take why did they take so freaking long to make uh the chest update anyway I mean no not not the chest update the they took so long to make Uh the cherry blossom update it was just just painted pink bro just paint the same is it it’s just the texture pack what are you what are you taking so long for the moang the moang team when they have to go to work and it’s just like a

Bunch of people lazy crying crying crying that they have to go to work ow why do I keep falling here I need to uh I definitely need a fence in there or something accidentally making a mo Farm oh gosh some people just want to see the

World of burn huh well yeah when they actually have to go to work in the game yeah exactly exactly okay now I’m not going to fall perfect I love it balls anyways just kidding More honey it’s time to get back to work on Minecraft you’re honor I’m just getting Cobblestone yes honey what the heck get out of my mind get out of my m good boyo I know who wrote that rain rain I don’t know you it’s kind of interesting that other people can ED

Edit your signs I thought only the Creator could edit them oh no oh no where’s my cat music disc oh uh oh did I did I lose it so they added editing signs update oh was that an update I do remember you had to like break it and

Then update it don’t worry about it rji okay don’t worry about it uh I’m sure I’m sure it’s here somewhere wait what the heck no you’re joking right no it’s in the box it’s in the box it’s in the box it’s in the Box yes I need it what it they should just

Loop why doesn’t it just Loop we don’t have the loop button in Minecraft what the hell oh my God okay another day in beautiful Minecraft Minecraft Japan okay it’s time to take this off it’s time to take this off sorry guys the Ohio SK is from Bloons hello simply welcome how you doing today bro the music starts playing as soon as I start playing music are you serious are you for

[Applause] cereal good nice I’m glad you’re doing good that makes me happy I’m doing good as well thank you for asking I think mic is listening to you through the CIA it’s all a it’s all a freaking Ultra MK Ultra 6,000 or whatever awesome Sauce I think now I can delete a well no I don’t want to delete that this a massive freaking Cherry blo it’s all being heal by a single piece of wood oh is there a pirate what was that oh no no no it’s underneath oh sorry it’s crab girls crab

Girls I need to remove this by stumping on it why isn’t it going away there we go cool beans cool beans nice we finally transition super strong branches yeah look at this massive freaking tree I almost feel bad for trying to cut it at some point I

Guess I want to relocate this tree inside my castle can we can we relocate flowers like these uh stuffs with the cheers I think it’s going to take a bunch of them though but it’s going to be totally worth it yes I’m getting a yes my my Minecraft

Liar has told me yes so we are legally to do so now if I find my Cheers Cheers clink it’s actually pretty Kino it’s so Kino to like have two songs at the same time going on legally yes it is now legal where is my cheers I swear I think Ren took them she was trying to chave the dog earlier oh my gosh guys if you

If you steal stuff don’t log off with them in your pockets I’m going to have to make a new One my gosh oh no wait are they oh you know what there’s another chest over here that’s where it might be actually I remember remember seeing it I do remember seeing e yeah you tell them cat green Thief yeah we’re going to remind her next time we see

Here yeah the cheers was the cheers were right here where the hole is right here this is where the cheers were oh no they’re right here I knew they were somewhere I knew there were somewhere anyways uh we’re going to move on from that topic um because we’re going to be cutting

Um the tree anyways not Thief no there’s still Thief there’s still Thief we’re going to be this doing some grooming over here some some healthy cutting ow trying to go to the top okay here we go here we go here we go no more stops

Yo this thing is so fast if I’m not careful I’m going to fall dogy woof woof woof woof woof woof merry weather might Bel loved wof woof wof wof justat uh threaten your mods to not feed them two weeks and they listen uh we try that ring gets very thin really really

Quickly according to uh what was what was that game call uh what is stard do Valley is that the game where the chickens get very thin we Nam one of the chickens oh no it broke we named one of the chickens uh rain and one of them

Rangi and they got very thin very quickly just going to jump over there real for move right there oh man now we can well now we can say that the r took the cheers since they don’t exist anymore skill issue what what skill issue getting 10 from lack of

Food okay I guess let’s try to make another cheers cuz then I really want all these blocks I will feel bad for this tree to go to waste So where is my shield almost broke by five skeletons and a creeper interesting interesting very interesting that’s why I need to blow up the creepers oh my gosh the only way to completely exonerate the creepers is by putting one torch in every two squares or every every third Square

Actually in the entire map that’s the only way we can get rid of them forever Hello boo yeah you’re I’m scared I’m scared why are you here wait renji did you ever get the lava sheesh happened to take a screenshot of a spider jocky but I got attacked and killed by oh no eight skeletons my gosh what was bro what was those skeletons were like that video that

Video with the guy with the big booty looking at Katie cuz they you know the the bone the the skeletons are all bones and ktie is like all full of Flesh I put the new 40 on the G they’re all follow Kitty okay never mind

Fine I keep my jokes to myself now how do we make cheers just kidding I will I will force feed you my jokes anyways your honesty you’re your honest your honor that was a joke itself I lied on purpose for punch line punch line uh taking an IRL life while I wait

For my Cobblestone an IRL life oh NAB okay I need the map back I still have it somewhere in one of my 300 chests singing so good you’re going to get copyrighted oh my gosh bro I get in my my if my channel gets another copyright I’m going to Scream okay so he he really is taking a nap I suppose then all right right all righty [Applause] then Napp naap is he British is he taking on an in the middle of the morning yo this thing is so fast I’ve never seen something in Minecraft get K this

Get cut this fast my gosh never mind don’t worry about it we don’t talk about it we wouldn’t talk about it she probably drinks Thea a nice cup of tea and a and some beans and toast I can’t stop thinking about those beans bangers and mesh what where are they never

Mind never mind uh theis is it time for the is it time for my one my one joke my my one bad joke okay it’s a footage ah okay okay okay my my um my trusty Knight has advised me that it’s actually dish no one’s getting banged it’s just hot do and beans

Gotcha hey I had that actually I had that it’s good huh huh don’t worry about it sish me don’t worry about it don’t worry about [Applause] it deleting this spot right after there right after I sto streaming it’s over now you can’t change the subject what subject math was my favorite

Subject what do you mean had that all the time as a kid oh good yeah yeah yeah it’s good and then also if you have a bacon like you can grab the hot dog with bacon and then like add a sliced Tom me onions green CH uh either jalapenos or green

Peppers good stuffs good stuffs it’s it’s good it’s good quick nap Rob was speed running the nap any% any% speedrun oh hello there how may I help you you want to I was I was just about to ask you if you want to be chaed but uh as it turns

Out I see you brought your own vehicle with sand are you flexing your sand now are you the sand man I’ll show you my LA right now okay you didn’t have to fall like that jeez no wait I have to clean that up later you have to clean that up later

Later you have to clean it up later I will okay good good good oh yo that is clean nice nice wa what if they said no I don’t know warning do not open oh no oh no oh no Katie what have you done it’s a spreading holy moly what have you done

No real yeah I can see then we’ll have to explore it at some point I suppose we’ll have to explore at some point this is really cool though I like it I like it okay now we can stop telling people about your secret life though it’s cool though I like it Man this trees is going to take forever to take down I don’t know if I’m ready I don’t know if I’m ready oh my gosh you came for me again for my bones huh how about You where is a tree of them oh they got stuck they want that French born me they’re literally singing right now I put the new for on the G okay I’m going to I’m going to sleep what the heck are those well when you don’t sleep when you don’t sleep

Enough in in Minecraft you get attacked by these things called Phantoms and um I should be safe now after I slipped so hopefully I think we just haven’t slipt for while this Minecraft music has me the feels that’s what I keep saying that’s what I keep saying it’s like what

The heck it gives me so much Nostalgia it’s pretty nostalgic okay we’re almost done harvesting the tree why is this open whenever the chest remain open like that it’s kind of creepy in my humble opinion Herobrine oh no that that Legend still Exist what they don’t stack okay whatever of course what do you mean of course my gosh just let the let it die I’m Legit crying what the heck why what happened bro it’s getting Emotional these lugs the pink lugs they look like freaking like a a chocolate pastry filled with with like something in inside a cherry they look so tasty to me no I forgot to bring another Axe maybe we can make one here right Here I already have the freak I already had a crafting table oh my gosh am I Acoustic okay whatever I got the axe every time someone says let it die I think that song from The Lorax No that one is so sad though oh gosh I almost fell through there okay never mind is trying to kill me he’s trying to bite back okay I need to get rid of this as well I never saw that lorx all I know it’s like the memes people make about it

The three Revenge AR Yeah little has become a meme yeah that’s the only thing I know about the lorx the memes and all the sad stuffs your honor I watched the entire movie through a a GF in Discord I did not know that was piracy I say Let It Die oh no Chad is singing Now your honor I did not know he was actually going to let it die it was only a meme from the internet he didn’t know the reference okay we need to like turo do this before the trees already dying the trees already dying we need to hurry up oh

What what was that I didn’t know you can strip them like that what the heck interesting Okay you can take the bark off the cherries now they just look like pink Twinkies am I hungry is that why I keep thinking of food oh gosh all right all the trees I didn’t know that is that an is that an update is that an update after or before the horses

Update that’s the only way I can I can know about the updates I guess I remember when the I remember when the when the hunger bar didn’t exist it’s been in the game for a long time not when I used to play no not when I used to play

Real oh I think we gotten enough I think we gotting enough flowers all was such a pretty tree though why did we kill it again why did we kill it in the perfect timing the letter D came from a song where people were talking about how they shouldn’t cut down

Trees yo we came full full circle we came full circle we arrived we have relocated we have oh my gosh yo we came for S okay never mind you get the point bro Ming trees oh my gosh should we let it should we just let it

Regrow should we just let it regrow on its own I don’t know though I was trying to clean everything yes renji hello hello renji from minecraft.com hi hi you how hi fuku from Youtube.com we say Let It Grow exactly let’s leave it like that I guess I don’t know I’ll worry about it later I’ll pretend I didn’t see anything nothing happened here nothing happened I look the other way this is the entrance for my magnificent Castle did you know you can

Still squeeze through this through these things like it’s kind of dangerous to be honest not going to lie we do need to cover that up I don’t want to be liable for accidents no more deforestation yeah we stopped we stop stop where would you want the lava buckets to be placed in my

Mouth for them right here right now well what are you waiting for there you go Miss Katy wait how many do you have six like is that it I thought we going to fill me my entire pocket jez you did that with the water so I was worried there for a

Moment okay no one is living under me right because if you guys are I highly recommend you I used to have 16 then inventory space happen that’s okay I highly recommend you to not stand underneath at this point in time I highly recommend you to move away from the

Castle move away from the castle whoop whoop pull up whoop whoop pull up low altitude whoop whoop check if someone didn’t log up under there well too late too late browsers layer over here yeah let’s see how would it how would it look how would it look it begins it begins yes yes

Yes I never said I was good it’s entire time I was evil I like it I like it that was an excellent evil laugh well I wasn’t kidding yeah I am [Laughter] evil the the Timo version of evil laughs come get it while it’s hot quite literally no point intended the wish that

Conversion oh my gosh here we Go oh gosh I want to be very careful with the freaking lava though got to be careful don’t want to burn myself that will be very pain painful and I don’t I don’t like pain un this inflicted on others no I’m just kidding voice acting theb when

Man have you haven’t you had enough of my beautiful voice gosh can’t believe this I do want a voice act though but I don’t think I’d be good at it to be honest I hate dubs to begin with so the fact that I will be dubbing uh

Kind of disgusts me kind of grosses me out so maybe if I learn maybe if I do it in Japanese more is good if you say so there we go there we go looking good looking good do isn’t bad when done right like that note nah

No it doesn’t matter how you spin it it doesn’t matter how you spin it I am not going to change my mind even if I still start doing voice acting in English I will still be crossed out by my own work unfortunately which is which is why

Which is why I must learn to speak other languages oh no Oh no I forgot oh no this is not good I I am stuck guys I’m stuck in my castle now at least I have everything like food actually I’m not stuck you guys are stuck outside I’m stuck I’m not stuck inside you guys are stuck outside I have everything here I have

Food I have animals I have everything I don’t know about you guys I don’t know about you guys okay we need to fix this fine I’ll open the door open the gates is that a challenge not really No was that the correct one though yeah okay it’s coming down what this quis me is lower in the altitude there you go my gosh can’t take a single second without getting blown what what is that what I meant oh man he CI no I actually I will still work

Inside the castle I feel like the server kind of laggy right now that’s that will be your internet connection I think you’re the only one with one with four bars everyone else has five did I choose snort oh my gosh snorting about freaking internet speeds yes my my connection is superior my

Gosh hello doctor welcome how you doing today I thought it was the server TPS nah the servers are pretty good actually very good they better be for freaking 7.99 they better be GNA be calling Microsoft if they don’t oh gosh it’s going it’s going again uhoh is that

Correct Bowser the Bowser Castle I love it I love it it though I love it I’m going still a bit sick but getting better nice nice I’m glad you’re doing good though that makes me happy I’m doing good thank you for asking we’re just we’re just playing some Minecraft mining and crafting with

Friends that’s Starlight Squad All The Starlights are here oh no wait what how does that work I would have expected the lava to remove the the rails that’s kind of interesting interesting okay well uh uhhuh okay Minecraft logic I’m going to put a little tunnel I’m going

To put a little tunnel there so it can look like a like a a c ctin ctin Corton Corton a curtain of lava curtain who’s curtain gosh this is totally going to kill me this is how I die this is how I die guys yep yep yep yep I knew it was going

To happen I knew it was going to try to kill me oh no this is not good this actually not good there I think I I think I avoided some burning P6 apparently so Minecraft physics are have a mind of its own logic logic and physics okay uh no axe again wow not

Already surprised at this point just going to put one of this in here man I wanted my pickaxe to be yellow I mean you what yellow I meant pink what the heck right would you mind collaborating the biggest collab ever hu’s brain actually works huh don’t worry about it don’t worry about it

Uh-huh okay we need more cobblestone look up bro is looking for glass it’s right here no wait where is it what the heck where did I put the glass oh it’s right here oh no but this is the p oh no I have it in my hand I have it literally right

Here what am I thinking there we go physics uh Cobblestone though I need Cobblestone man this game this game is such a Time boat uh bo everything Tes like a zillion years we all do do well yes but I have a generator generator the power I got the

Power it’s like when you’re looking for your phone when you’re literally holding it yeah exactly just like that it’s so trophy you want to see my generator KY I just press this area and it gives me Cobblestone I wish I could automate it but um found 64 carrots in the food chest

Oh that’s where they Were that’s where they went I’ve done that quite a few times yeah same so the food chest I forgot to bring the food chest I need to bring that over here So is there also melon seeds that’s probably every that that’s probably where everything is then that’s probably where everything is I forgot I hate it I forgot no melon seeds okay bro this music has me has me emotional it’s like whoa we’re going to discover we’re going to have fun we’re

Going to find new friends and with the power of friendship we’re going to become the best version of Ourselves amazing I love it wow it’s really really is emotional it’s like it’s really taking me for a ride I am super huge in music I feel a lot of things when listening to like music like this I don’t know then again I do play a lot of music

So I don’t know if that has to do with it I just perceive music differently it like actually influences my mood quite a bit Okay that’s enough scbl stone for right now kstone you guys can use my generator if you want it’s it’s made for anyone who wants to use it I’ll teach you I’ll teach you how to use it well if you were watching the live stream you probably already know how to use

It I’m so going to burn I know I’m so going to Burn but will you charge why would I charge for them bro things I’m freaking Donald McDon M Donald Donald MCR holy moly can you chew any louder Jesus that scared me okay I don’t know yes I don’t know how to how to do this can you help Me focus and say teach me the way of the generator wait what reference wait what reference uh do you need Cobblestone to help Me I mean I’m trying to make the the tunnel but uh you’re making it worse never mind thanks for your help ktie very cool very cool you know when never mind we can just we can just um you’re going to burn yourself a he Hub some from

2000s wait which one are you talking about I don’t know I don’t know what you were talking about like when what I was talking about when you said that so I’m not sure which reference I can teach you what I have to charge I can teach you

What I have to charge oh that one song I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what that means well there goes Katie uh would you mind stepping away just just step over here walk over here kitty it’s okay kitty it’s okay you can you can you can stop now you can

Stop now uh heal heal up first heal up first oh my God what are you doing bro was trying to push me in the Lava oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I knew it I knew it I know what I did was wrong God forgive me forgive my sins bro this this lava is Relentless this lava is just it’s just after everyone laa big oui yeah I don’t think we’re ever ever ever

Going to be able to finish it’s just getting worse and worse and worse wor let me go to from the other side wait is that where you’re doing is that what you’re going to do oh man what a canundrum but I wanted it to look pretty though I

Didn’t want it to look like all ugly like this yes I am picky I don’t know it looks a ugly now I don’t like it I don’t want it anymore I’m not interested anymore goodbye oh gosh what is going on over there that’s even worse it’s even worse

Over there never mind never mind ktie you know what I’m going to remove the lava temporarily we’re just going to going to die we’re just going to die if we continue like this not right now Mr Skelly come on bro oh are you for Cereals emergency sleep I wonder who added all the lava in the first place I don’t know I don’t know I can’t remember was that you renji I think renji renji was uh had lava in and uh in those buckets right so technically this is all R’s fault if you really think about it

If you really really think about it all right so if I’m not mistaken it could it could be I can’t even see let’s see so it would be this one I think this Two I’m just going to remove all this Tre actually there we go now we just wait hello I name is Skai welcome how you doing today just playing some Minecraft Missy oh no the plants are burning okay I hope I hope rain isn’t too mad about that oh my gosh is that you kitty are you burning again silly silly look atly Missy funny LOL LOL everyone is burning I’m going to salvage as much as I can as this Cobblestone there’s no

Point wasting it man my entire armor of gold disintegrated holy moly doing good doing Del g g nice nice for B hands I’m you’re doing good name is Sky Mega o is okay we have plenty Gold I can just make another one but I think that one was enchanted all the gooing you had Burn yeah oh all the freaking all the the BG buckets Too all the buckets sorry rangji all the 16 buckets that you gave me that was probably the most costly it’s fine well whose idea was to put lava around in such a dangerous high place this is start to become like freaking Bowser’s uh Castle it didn’t CA the luck to

Compared to them making anvils rain we’re just blaming rain for everything I like that I like that I like that let’s just blame rain for everything I agree with this statement oh my gosh goodness gracious well that was one big goof for sure that was one big goof he’s okay we’ll recover we’ll

Recover emotional damage at least the at least the this didn’t get lost that’s all that Matters I wonder if I can swim in lava you make golden Car oh Man I make my puts I make my helmet I make chir wait how do you make it the chirt pants I make the CH there we go it’s all good guys I look as shiny as I ever did what a banger though this this certified Banger well if it wasn’t the

Consequences of my own actions I didn’t fall on purpose I mean no wait I did fall on purpose it was for your honor it was for Content it was for a good reason it was for the LOL I don’t think you can swim in it no

You cannot it didn’t even break my my fall at all it didn’t break my fall at all I just died immedi gosh this place is dangerous this place uh truly be scary now let I start taking it more seriously I Suppose yo you didn’t see that you didn’t see that sh up freaking dead mouse over here with this B I swear they didn’t have to go this hard with this song you didn’t see them shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up okay anyways let’s make more

Cobblestone oh my gosh I broke through the I broke through the back that was crazy what what was crazy you’re crazy crazy they put me in a room a rubber room with rubber rats that’s made me crazy crazy Um let trying to craft the pickaxe with the Blue okay I just like the handle a bigger okay I meant a a more sturdy handle for someone strong like me take his pickax ever yeah hey yo huh Nanny don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay nothing happened here nothing to see here oh my

Gosh I got the the sauce rest today apparently certified fuku moment I know it says fuku I know it says fuku man oh my gosh why do you guys watch me why do you guys hang out with me I swear your honor it was for the funny it was worth worth

It though sentence to 10 years in prison worth it for the funnies just kidding it was a prank bro the pranking question shooting someone I said I say I I I just said why do you guys watch me and like three persons left the the stream okay what’s

Just a joke guys was just a joke okay continue watching me please you guys don’t have to leave what was that did someone get hurt what was that are you okay bro are you okay Ru brick Oh no do you need to use the the cobblestone generator it’s all yours

Then the hising sounds of the lava making more Cobblestone is so satisfying it sounds like an industry I want to automate that though I want to automate like with some Redstone or something just crushing that Cobblestone so we don’t have to like worry about it anymore it could just gener for us

It’s like the cookie cookie clicker you start getting sadly you can’t really I’ll be the judge of that I’ll be the judge of that you can’t stop me this is Minecraft you can do anything in Minecraft my mama told me fuku when you’re big when you’re big and strong you can do

Anything yes Mama you can only mine Cobble Cobble manually I am going to I’m going to be the first one to to create the first cobblestone generator without doing anything going to be the very first one then yes fuku Mama mama can I have candy no fusit go to sleep yes Mama I’m sorry watch me do a flip all righty Then you forget the flip part though Frito bro no I think you forget the the you forgot the flip part no forito go to sleep yes Mama I was actually considering making a CH about that but uh I don’t know I have a a love hate relationship now with with YouTube right now I opened a support

Ticket so I don’t want to make any CHS while that’s going on don’t want to make any CHS lift your chest with some lapis in your secret lab oh okay in the secret lab oh my gosh Ah the Cobblestone never the Cobblestone neat never stops huh um by the way renji uh uh um would you mind maybe giving me a tree lava buckets would that be too much too much to us after I lo after I lost them All it’s cuz you guys you guys blew up the situation way out of proportion you guys made way like everything way more difficult than it should have been I don’t think I should have asked for help on that one I should have calmly just fixed it myself hello Skelly welcome how you doing

Today I should have just calmly just remove the lava I mean as long as you promise not to hurt yourself with it uh what are you talking about what my gosh I’m doing good thank you for asking I’m GL you’re doing good that makes me happy that makes me happy

I cannot promise such things sorry you will never make me promise anything that doesn’t come from the bottom of my heart I do not make Bain promises either promises are very important to me and I take them very seriously so I cannot promise something I cannot complete G

Min I will get the lava myself though if that’s okay I’ll let you have the buckets then thanks oh my God scaryy you just gifted a freaking membership to Ren you could not have done such atrocity but thank you I appreciate it thank you so much I’m sure rain is going

To be very happy about this I don’t feel like building so I’m just doing random stuffs yeah I can see that I can see that yes sweetie we see you we see you okay that should be enough for now I just want to finish this little um I don’t think I’m going

To be able to finish it since Ren I mean renji doesn’t want to bring me the lava it’s going to take too long it’s going to take too long for me to do it by myself n is making me feel bad you should feel bad you should feel bad what

Are you talking about see the r put up your hands I don’t even see I don’t even know where you are oh my forkhead is going to hit that okay please you know what at this point I should just man I didn’t want any of this I didn’t

Want any of this I didn’t want any of this all I wanted oh my gosh I didn’t want to make any of this all I wanted was the curtains of lava to go around the one square just one square just one square I didn’t want to make all

This why did it become such a freaking multi-million project what the heck is this this cover diamonds now it’s too dark how long have you spent on this world I mean we should started playing last week I guess I would just sit in front of the cobblestone generator for

Hours and harvest over and over that’s what I’ve been doing basically that’s how we have this gigantic freaking castle that’s what I’ve been doing like I just I actually lock my mouse there’s a there’s a setting in the mouse settings where you can just lock the

Left button and it just I would just mine without doing anything else guys just browsing my phone or something okay well I mean at this point we might as well just dude are you okay you have nothing else to do Yes we might as well just complete complete the tunnel have to head out no worries en name is Skai have a good night I’ll see you in the next one take care and sleep well thank you for coming by and saying hi oh man I suppose I can finish this

Tunnel I need CH I need more Cobblestone good good n H boink oh gosh what does that sound I have a very very very bad feeling that um something is going to spawn in the inside the tunnel so I’m going to put this in here just in cases just in cas just in

Cases okay well same thing I was thinking yeah very very likely for that to happen very likely man I don’t even remember I’m going to have to look into the bond to see what else I lost because I’m pretty sure we lost more than just buckets hopefully I didn’t lose

Something important but oh well I suppose we’ll just recover it some other Time all right guys well I think that’s going to be it for me um thank you guys for watching coming saying hi I really really appreciate appreciate it uh we should we most likely continue playing Minecraft quite a bit so expect it to happen more often this month at the very

Least there’s going to be lots of Minecraft streams and as well you guys are always welcome to join us playing in Minecraft Java so if you have Java Minecraft um let me know I’m trying to find other players in YouTube that are not on the

Discord so if you have if you have a Java mine don’t hesitate to join okay I’ll see you guys in the next one okay take care have a good night thank you guys thank you all guys I really appreciate it Bye-bye N Oh Oh

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 This castle contains the ohio skibidis from bloons 🤯 【Starlite Squad】’, was uploaded by fukustar Ch. 🌟 フォーチュンスター on 2023-12-20 05:54:37. It has garnered 75 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:33 or 12513 seconds.


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I am fukustar! The fortune star. I harness the power of the stars, and luck! I often bring good fortune to those who watch me, so please feel free to subscribe!

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Starlites is how I call my chat and followers. You will often see starlites in my shorts, or on my stream in the shape of original characters made by me. You are represented in this way and it’s fun way to interact!

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Please remember that I’m a male VTuber. You can address me as he/him, or call me fuku or fukustar.

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  • ¡Mods locos transforman mi mundo en Minecraft!

    ¡Mods locos transforman mi mundo en Minecraft! Exploring Minecraft with Terrifying Mods Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with terrifying mods that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join the journey as the player delves into a world filled with eerie encounters and spine-chilling moments. Let’s dive into the gameplay and unravel the mysteries that await! Survival Goals and Mysterious Encounters As the player sets foot in this modded world, survival becomes the top priority. With objectives ranging from surviving for two days to encountering mysterious creatures, the journey is fraught with challenges. The presence of unknown entities adds an element of suspense,… Read More

  • Roads Unfold: Solo Showtime – Stream 6/15/24

    Roads Unfold: Solo Showtime - Stream 6/15/24 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news, like a digital dream. Updates and features, all in a rhyme, Keeping it fun, every single time. From new mobs to biomes, and everything in between, I’ll keep you informed, with a playful sheen. So join me in the world of blocks and pixels, Where creativity thrives, and fun never fizzles. So grab your pickaxe, and let’s dive right in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. With rhymes and updates, we’ll explore together, In this digital world, where anything is clever. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Creativity!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Creativity! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of building intricate structures and adding the finishing touches to your creations in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players coming together to explore, build, and create in a virtual world filled with endless possibilities. Just like in the YouTube video “Day 44 – The Finishing Touches – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative],” where the player adds details to support pillars, beams, and even a villager and brewing stand, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a larger scale. With… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Boat & Storage Combo for Minecraft!

    Crafty Creations: Boat & Storage Combo for Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Batsy builds a boat, with fishing as the main. The dock is set, with tracks invisible and neat, A functional boat, where fish will meet. The steam and rails, add a touch of charm, As Batsy crafts a boat, with skill and calm. The fishing setup, at the back of the ship, A deployer for fish, a clever little trip. Tires on the sides, a cool design choice, Adding flair to the boat, with a unique voice. Smoke billows out, from the steam and rails, Adding depth to the ship, as… Read More

  • Hidden Minecraft 1.21 Facts

    Hidden Minecraft 1.21 Facts 31 Facts You Maybe Missed in Minecraft 1.21 1. Entity Crammed Wind Charge With the Wind charge potion, players can launch themselves up to 2,000 blocks in the sky by sacrificing a group of chickens. A creative use of the potion’s mechanics that showcases the potential for unique gameplay. 2. The Crafter Was So Broken Originally, the Crafter block had no cooldown when powered, leading to overpowered contraptions. Mojang quickly addressed this issue in a snapshot, balancing the block’s functionality. 3. The Most Damage You Can Do By combining a Riptide trident, elytra wings, and fall damage, players can… Read More

  • Rail Duper: Easy Unlimited Rails in 1.21!

    Rail Duper: Easy Unlimited Rails in 1.21! Unlocking Endless Possibilities: Easy Unlimited Rails in Minecraft 1.21! Are you tired of constantly running out of rails while building your epic railway in Minecraft 1.21? Look no further! This article will guide you through creating a SUPER SIMPLE Rail Duplicator using minimal materials, ensuring you never run out of rails again! Building the Rail Duplicator By utilizing redstone components such as slime blocks, observers, and a sticky piston, you can create a magical contraption that duplicates rails effortlessly. This easy-to-build setup will provide you with an endless supply of rails, perfect for survival Minecraft players looking to expand… Read More

  • Jef’s Hilarious Minecraft Prank!

    Jef's Hilarious Minecraft Prank! Exploring the Hilarious Adventures of Jef in Minecraft! 😂 Join Jef on a side-splitting journey through the world of Minecraft that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! Watch as Jef navigates through the game with humor and excitement, creating a truly entertaining experience for viewers. Unveiling the Laughter in Minecraft As Jef embarks on his Minecraft adventure, the gameplay is filled with laughter and unexpected twists. From hilarious encounters with mobs to comical mishaps while exploring the vast landscapes, every moment is sure to keep you entertained. Humorous Gameplay Moments Witness Jef’s antics as he navigates… Read More

  • Alpha Minecraft’s Creepy Clues: andy72 ARG Unveiled

    Alpha Minecraft's Creepy Clues: andy72 ARG Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, In the Alpha version, a story untold. “minecraftandy72” reuploads old clips, But something is off, giving us the creeps. From blue legs to strange anomalies, The player is scared, facing odd realities. Teleported back, with no exit in sight, The truth is hidden, shrouded in night. Animals’ sounds, but no creatures in view, A figure in the shadows, a player or two? In the empty village, a cow or a ghost? The mystery deepens, the clues we must boast. Is this just a hoax, or something more dire? In “minecraftandy72’s” world,… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

    Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update – Exploring the New Features It has finally happened, the full release of the version of Minecraft 1.21 called “Tricky Trials” has taken place. The update turned out to be very large and interesting – and today we will explore all the new features in this update. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the exciting additions and changes that come with this update. Additions: Blocks Chiseled Copper is a decorative variant of the copper block, generated in a new structure called the Trial Chamber. It can be created in the workbench… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • Poopsock

    Poopsockrules of the server1. no lagging the server, ill leak your fucking coords. I don’t care.2. no hosting shitty moooomoooo bot clones that noone fucking likes, ur annoying for that shit Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Meme (Credit: just.kobyyy)

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had a blast processing its feelings! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: NAILEM in da house! 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Meme: NAILEM in da house! 🔥 “Hello everyone, it’s me, NAIL! Just your average Ukrainian Minecraft meme enthusiast here to bring you some short and sweet laughs 😎 #NAILmemes” Read More

  • Love is in the Minecraft Air

    Love is in the Minecraft Air Minecraft Love Server: A Musical Journey in TuneScape Network Embark on a musical adventure with TuneScape Network’s official video, “Minecraft Love Server.” This creative masterpiece brings together the talents of musicians NextTheFox and TuneScape Network, with the brilliant idea and production by TuneScape Network. Exploring the Musical Landscape Immerse yourself in the melodic world of “Minecraft Love Server” as it takes you on a journey through enchanting tunes and captivating rhythms. The collaboration between NextTheFox and TuneScape Network brings a unique blend of sounds that perfectly complement the Minecraft universe. Key Features: YouTube: Watch the official video on TuneScape… Read More

  • 99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail

    99 Days, 0 Slime: Minecraft Fail Exploring the World of Minecraft with Chu the Pup Introduction Chu the Pup, a popular content creator, embarked on a thrilling adventure in the virtual realm of Minecraft on June 9, 2024. The stream, titled “Slime Hunt Day 99: Still NO SLIME 🫠,” promised an exciting journey filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the World of Minecraft As the stream began, viewers were transported into the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where Chu the Pup delved into the vast world teeming with possibilities. From towering mountains to lush forests, Minecraft offered a playground for creativity and exploration. The Quest for… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!

    FREE Minecraft Java Install with TLauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cara Instal Minecraft Java Gratiss Menggunakan TLauncher’, was uploaded by pitapit on 2024-05-23 06:00:05. It has garnered 13051 views and 410 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 📺 Support & Support Pitapit!! » | Like/Like This Video » | Subscribe to Pitapit ► https://www.youtube.com/@pitapitt » | Activate the Bell for New Video Notifications » | Donate ► https://saweria.co/donate/pitapit ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💎 Social Media Pitapit! » | X : https://twitter.com/pitapit_ » | Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p.pitapitt » | Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Tresixte » | Discord : https://discord.gg/UhnCS2VPZg » | Website : https://pitxone.blogspot.com 📞… Read More

  • Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest Build

    Sneaky Pro vs Noob: Hidden Chest BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-05-07 18:00:10. It has garnered 51475 views and 881 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:48 or 2328 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: SECRET CHEST HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft! Wudo, Mongo, and Axy are in big trouble! They need to build a secret giant CHEST house in order to hide from MUTANT PIRATES! They might even need secret beds! Or will it be too late? This video was inspired by Milo and Chip, Maizen, Mikey and JJ! #Wudo #Minecraft… Read More

  • Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shorts

    Asan Gamerz: Insane Minecraft Trap for Friends! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Asan Gamerz on 2024-01-14 05:20:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to Trap Friend in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with Creeperr

    Insane Minecraft Shaders Gameplay with CreeperrVideo Information This video, titled ‘When You Try To Run Minecraft Shaders’, was uploaded by Creeperr on 2024-06-06 00:08:20. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:02 or 122 seconds. Read More

  • Take on the Savage Viper Challenge – Join Us!

    Take on the Savage Viper Challenge - Join Us!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Multiplayer w/ Friends (Play with Us!) Java 1.20.6 & Bedrock (Console, Phone, PC) #2’, was uploaded by Savage Viper on 2024-06-03 04:04:38. It has garnered 220 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:03:46 or 21826 seconds. Join the Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Uk2CS6DSvT Minecraft Server IP: MC.SavageViper.com ( Port on all Devices: 25565 Server supports all versions of MC: Java, Bedrock (Console, Phone &, PC) Read More

  • Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMatt

    Revealing shocking secrets live with FriendsWithMattVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m replying to live chat’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-06-01 16:16:40. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:16 or 9676 seconds. Minecraft Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support this channel Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected] WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours…. Read More

  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

    What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!Video Information This video, titled ‘What If Minecraft Have Physics?’, was uploaded by Anamous on 2024-05-31 07:39:48. It has garnered 187 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #comedy #trending #viral _________________________…………………… ______________________ Ladies & Gentlemens If You Like This Video Then Please Click The Like Button & yes! Also Subscribe This Channel! ❤❤ …. Love You Friends….❤❤ minecraft realistic minecraft but minecraft physics minecraft with different minecraft mods #shorts #minecraft memes meme #funny minecraft real physics with different minecraft wifi realism funny minecraft minecraft survival 100 days minecraft memes minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

    Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!Video Information hey guys and welcome back to another episode of our let’s play World here with funky J 13 thank you guys so much for the support on the last episode where we built this creeper form uh it was a really fun episode and I really appreciate all the kind comments you guys left on that episode U and this creeper Farm has been doing really well for us and it made me want to build a sugar cane Farm next we get a bunch of paper for things like rockets and bookshelves and stuff like that we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness – Drop Surprise!

    Unbelievable! Minecraft Hardcore Sickness - Drop Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘[!DROPS ON] Minecraft Hardcore stále nemocný | Sub = Minecraft item | !drops’, was uploaded by S1n1ster_ on 2024-05-20 19:41:55. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:16 or 7456 seconds. https://streamelements.com/s1n1ster_/tip – here you can give me money for cigarettes and technology Read More

  • Craft2

    Craft2Craft2 is a Minecraft network with forums and an enhanced survival experience. Be a part of your choice of Kingdom, and create a nation that is managed and ruled by you. Explore all the new structures and biomes to see, enchant your items with all our custom enchantments, and complete quests. Build with our custom blocks and decorations for your own town! craft2.net Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Minecraft Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord community Looking for a true vanilla gameplay experience without all the added plugins and restrictions? Harmony Reloaded is the server for you. Join us and rediscover the simplicity and magic of real vanilla gameplay. Originally started as a MCPE server in July 2015, Harmony Reloaded aims to recreate the essence of Minecraft before it became cluttered with plugins and pay-to-win mechanics. Join us and create your own adventures in a welcoming community where exploration, creativity, and friendship thrive. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and easily readable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wood Tier Sucks!

    Minecraft Memes - Wood Tier Sucks!Wow, looks like this meme really knocked it out of the park with that wood tier list. It must be made of premium oak humor! Read More

  • Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore

    Crafted Empire: Minecraft Music Disc Encore In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of friendship, power, and secrets untold. Ruber and Violaceus, vanished without a trace, Leaving behind a mysterious space. A messenger arrives, with an invitation grand, To Civitas Occidentis, ruled by Venalis’ hand. The group agrees to come, to the city so vast, Where a new ruler awaits, their future cast. Ruber, now in charge, welcomes with pride, To Novum Imperium, where secrets reside. In the chamber, leaders gather, a sight to behold, As Viridis questions, how power was sold. Ruber’s answer simple, yet bold and cold, “Gold buys all, even stories… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Maizen Meme Madness Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #maizen #memes Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Game Madness

    Minecraft Mini Game Madness Minecraft Mini Games: A Fun and Challenging Experience Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with a variety of mini games that offer excitement and challenges for players of all skill levels. From parkour to Bed Wars, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this popular sandbox game. Parkour: A Test of Skill and Precision One of the most beloved mini games in Minecraft is parkour, where players must navigate through intricate obstacle courses with speed and agility. While some may find it easy, mastering parkour requires a combination of timing, coordination, and practice. With a… Read More

  • Rainbow Beacon Madness

    Rainbow Beacon Madness Minecraft’s LARGEST Automatic Rainbow Beacon Welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of Minecraft once again, exploring the fascinating realm of beacons. If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that this marks the fifth installment of beacon-related projects on this channel. But fear not, this time we’re taking things to a whole new level! Designing the Ultimate Beacon Display After realizing the limitations of previous designs, our Minecraft enthusiast set out to create a larger, more intricate beacon display. With 12 beacons surrounding an empty 3 by 3 center, the new layout promised to be… Read More

  • From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!

    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More