UNBELIEVABLE!! Passive Crafting & Power Upgrades in Minecraft SkyT Ep.10

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Hey everybody and welcome back to Sky T in the last episode we worked on blood magic we got ourselves all of the max tier altars even got ourselves hostile neuron networks going and we visited the elness realm and had our first death unfortunately but because of that now we

Have access to a lot more machines and that means we can start working on bees centrifuging I wanted to do mechanism reactors today as well but unfortunately that will not be possible just yet uh probably be doing that now next episode so you might notice there’s this new

Room this is where we’re going to be doing passive crafting I’ve moved all the infusing factories from up in the machines area and I’ve replaced them all with these kind of machines so we have pipe assemblers here which makes all the applied patterns all the mechanism pipes

And all of the easy pipes uh pipes then we have this guy here to matter infuser he’s actually really good he’s way better than the actual um induction smelter now there’s a few recipes that are slightly different for the induction smelter for instance the quartz glass I

Actually got rid of the actually moved the induction smelter the quartz glass in here used to require um nether quartz dust but with just a matter infuser it just needs surus quartz and glass that’s all it needs and it makes it and it’s incredibly fast so that’s amazing other

Things I’ve done is I have worked on the B area I’ve actually got a new waight point and if we come down here yeah I’ve done a bit of work very basic stuff all I did was make all the ultimate centrifuges cuz we did make the HTP before but unfortunately this will not

Work as of right now yes they all have power but as soon as I connect the pipe down here our Network goes down cuz we are not producing enough power to keep up with the demand of this many ultimate centrifuges and we’ve been producing a

Lot of like comb and I really want to start getting through this all uh I added a new bee uh a sulfur be and he’s actually going to be very important now later on actually have five of them in here and they are going to be used for making us sulfur dust

Which we need in a lot for mechanism I want to make a bunch of sulfuric acid and start turning uranium into uranium crystals which then we can use to make spirited crystals which is needed for upgrading power I want to get Nitro reactors done today and we’re probably

Going to get about four of them just set up probably just replace the Nitro once we have and or the niic and get them upgraded and we should be okay on power so the first things we need to do is get the passive crafting area up and running

And also one last thing is I have been quarrying out the Bumble Zone uh I think it’s actually finished by now yeah these are angry because there’s mobs around but yeah I I quarried out the Bumble Zone you can’t see it on the map uh I don’t think no Journey map

Doesn’t show it either but I’ve qued out a massive area you can see like this is huge and okay I’m I’ve entered the be areas now they’re all going to be angry at me and it’s actually still going look I think I still have to go all the way

Like further than I can see right now but because of that we’ve got millions of honeycomb which is kind of what I wanted because we needed a lot of honey if we want to process up all our Combs using the ultimate centrifuges they require honey and of course the best way

To get honey is by centrifuging comb so yeah let’s get to work on this gu over here so we’ve set this up many times in the past in other packs so it’s basically going to have like um Iron go in here to make enriched iron then into

Steel and this guy here is going to make infused alloy this guy here is going to make reinforced alloy he’s going to make the ultimate alloy he’s going to be making the refined obsidian then the enrichment Chambers are going to be making us the enriched ingredients needed so the obsidian the diamonds and

The Redstone and the coal H if that’s the case actually I need a fourth enrichment chamber and right now currently I’m trying to like start using up all like the coal trees and like all the different type of tree logs that we have H I think this guy has actually

Finished all of these ones which is good uh it’s just CU this guy here is just way too slow but we’re getting through it we already have 2.1 million coal that’s insane and you might have also noticed there’s a few liquids in here and I’ll go over those later but first

Let’s get this guy here up and running so we want an Emy interface here we want pipes coming out of it and then out of this guy up I have the buffers on this guy set up so items in the top items out the right extra which is the yellow

Which will be our coal and I’m going to import that in using an UT export bus so if we look up enriched don’t have any enriched Caron but we put that in there and get some acceleration upgrades that should speed up the process of it going

Out and we should have no issues there all we need to do is just hook it up right there same thing on this guy we just need carabin and acceleration upgrades and connect them to the grid which I’m actually going to do through the floor since this is going to be uh

Automated and passive crafting we definitely want to be able to set a limit to how many we want to be crafting so to do that I’m just going to use level emitters and that should allow the machines to work off a redstone and stop when it reaches a certain limit in the

System this guy here is also going to use export bus and just use enriched Redstone now skip up an extra block and then this guy here is going to have the enriched Diamond this guy here is going to have the enriched obsidian and this guy here the last one is also going to

Have enriched diamonds cuz this how we’re going to make the enriched obsidian and then just connect all the cables so level emitters on the front of each machine except for this one this one actually doesn’t need it for this guy here we want to say steel

Put Steel in there and we want to limit it to say 100 10,000 so when there’s an equal level or above it will emit a redstone signal which then if we go in here and turn Redstone detection to inverted means when it receives a redstone signal the machine will stop

Stop working and we’re going to do that for the rest of them for instance alloy here we want to have probably about maybe 20,000 of these guys cuz we’re probably going to need a lot of these guys coming up now soon so same thing again with the uh alloy here reinforced

One 20,000 and we just need to invert the machine’s Redstone and don’t forget to connect them up so each machine will extract up into the me interface and then once the me interface is connected with the cable it will go online whatever in there should go out to the

System and now what we have to do is stick a pipe here and here and filter out what needs to be extracted so for this guy here yep it seems to be just pulling straight out of this guy which is kind of what we want so this guy here

Is going to be Whit listed to this and this guy here is going to be Whit listed to iron and we’ll put those in the last two slots just so it doesn’t clutter up the input here and there we go now they’re fully automated and the final

Thing to do is just make sure everything here has some speed upgrades all right right so that’s fully automated now so while that’s working way building up our resources there’s a few little things I want to get done number one is a Rancher I want to get a Rancher set up on cows

So we can start making milk so I need an range two add-on and the other add-ons we need is going to be a processing a speed and an efficiency we’re probably also going to need some extra like blocks to stop the cows from trying to escape so we’ll just use some quartz so

Essentially what I want to do is put the Rancher down right here you get back in okay I’m going to have to figure that out what where’ it go here we go um I don’t know if putting a carpet right there will stop them from being able to

Jump out I don’t know might as well grow a few more cows quickly because these guys escaped you’re going down okay so they can jump out um so yeah just give me stop escaping okay now they can’t escape so essentially what what I want to do is grab out a point

Put that right there and give it some power okay then uh I should be able to from here an interface put the interface right here grab it a pipe and this should extract the milk out into it so all I need to do now is just give it the

Upgrades and boom we’re milking cows let me just get a few more cows going cuz I did kill off a few that should do and we’re full of milk and this guy here I’ve extracted the wrong way there we go and I just want to grab

Out a cable now oh my God so loud and under the ground right here there should be a pipe or Not A Pipe a cable and we just want to connect this to it here because I was working like I said I’ve got a load of fluid storage going and

There should be one dedicated to milk right here so milk should be going in here 10 buckets uh where’s my milk going why are you not going into the system your device is online um huh wait where’s the P2P tunnel oh that would make sense the

P2P tunnel is here uh okay uh can I just oh no I’ve just new device configured that oops think it was this one break this here connect the cable and break it around here is and then just load the new device and now it should be working

Oh yeah off it goes so that means it’s definitely being put in somewhere and if we come up here it should be in here yes wow already 100 buckets now is insane the reason why we needed to do that is because we will need later mixed milk

Tea and that is going to be used for making the mix te block which is used for making the draconic core and we’re going to need a lot of these later on because we do need the chaotic version of the infuser here for making the be of

Course and I think we also needed it for getting back to the Overworld there was something in here we needed from the uh Overworld Quest and I think it was something to do with the over World block ah yes so tier chaotic void portals and another world portal frames

With a bunch of antimatter and Overworld blocks so yeah that’s why we needed to get the draconic stuff going so the last few things we need to get going is refined fuel biofuel Oreo te and over here then we have D liquid DT fuel we won’t be doing that today probably next

Episode when we do mechanism reactors CU this does require um official fuel or some sort of uh heavy extracting resonant Ender destabilized Redstone and sludge we should be able to get all set up today and this one here nutritional Pace that’s easy as well we’ll do that

In the other dimension so let’s set up the Oreos quickly it’s very basic all I need to do is just set up a sequence assembly somewhere uh maybe I didn’t think about this cuz for basically the Oreos if we look in here the Oreo milk tea requires

Crushed Oreos and a crushed Oreo is made with an Oreo and to get the Oreo we need filling and and that has to be poured out in a spout and then we need to put the other half on it so how do we do that it’s only a two-step process but we

Do need space for it over here I did set up a log chopping system where a mechanical saw and over here I do have um melted sugar making so we might be able to squeeze it in here somewhere or maybe get rid of the melted sugar maybe

We don’t need that anymore yeah cuz I have been doing a lot of crafting and yeah in preparation like I have all these different components here all the different fluids I upgraded to have even more space in my crafter it’s just a lot of stuff that was just a bit boring to

Do on camera so it’s just basically setting up patterns ready to go so yeah that’s that’s going to be fun so maybe we’ll do the Oreos later so let’s work first on getting the other two machines going right now which is going to be some magma grubl I think I just need two

Yeah and then we just want to grab an interface and we’ll just pump it all into that so we’ll just set them up like right here here so one there one there grab out some fluid pipes and item pipes fluid pipe go there and that there item

Pipe here item pipe there set to configuration so input output on the left this guy input top output out the right and the main thing we want is redstone so we probably want to set up add regular Redstone we’ll do and glowstone I think glowstone is something

We’re low on yeah but our bees should be able to fix that now soon so extract extract extract extract you are going to be red Stone oh wait I need to give you upgrades red stone upgrade and glow stone and then just give these two upgrades here just to extract out faster

Now I just need a cable to hook up the uh the network Redstone and glow stone and these guys just need power now all right there we go so we should be making our energized glowstone and destabilized Redstone and they should be going into their respective tank up above the last

Thing to do now is just to give him some upgrades it’s going to be slow but getting this set up early is going to be good Redstone seems to be going really fast and if we come upstairs we should see it in our tanks yep so destabilize Redstone and where’s the energized

Glowstone right here perfect oh yeah that’s another thing we need to do right now I know there’s all little things we need to be doing but one last thing I want to actually get right now is a couple of bees I’ve actually set up another area a deep ocean and apparently

We need this crude oil bee this oily bee the only way to get him is by fishing and well why do we need this guy well the oil that his comb produces is the necessary part for getting the vadium which is needed for making the vadium blocks which is needed for the ultim

Machine block so getting this crude oil is very important and I think it can also be refined into light and heavy oil as well which is something we need because then you can turn this into the refined fuel which is an item we do need so I’ve made a pretty nice fishing rod

Right here Unbreaking lure and look at the sea so so Chuck that in here and hopefully I haven’t tested this hopefully we do get bees spawning here we are in a deep lukewarm ocean biome so I guess I’ll just sit here until a bee is caught something’s coming now

Actually what do we get a spongy bee who is angry so get out of here okay so if they they’re going to be angry on arrival we need to have cages ready to catch them just in case hey there we go we got him now he

Is angry so I want to fly away from just a second just to let him Cal down then again I don’t want him falling into the void cuz it seems like he’s sinking I probably want to catch two or three more of them so actually what block do I need

To poll it on block of bitman uh butman bitman that’s okay so we can actually use this guy in a simulation chamber so let me catch four more all right here’s our final bee so all we need is a simulation upgrade put all this away I

CAU a few prismarine bees which is cool their temper is hostile so yeah probably not want to deal with them and this one here is not doing anything so we’ll put all our bees in there there we there we go so all we need to do is just put down

A feeding slab and the oily bead just needs to process on the bitamin Block to get bitamin what do we need we need to centrifuge uh what’s this bit sand which is made in induction smelter with Flint sand and coal and we don’t need to store

Really any of this stuff so we’ll just give this guy here the upgrades and that and give it some time and a bottle just to speed up we just need at least nine of this stuff here oh really power is that big of an issue with this guy and

Cool right these guys here should be making us our oily comb right it’s time we start working on the main issue at hand power to upgrade power like we said we need to go to a void Dimension so let’s make our void portal say obsidian and an ender pearl going put this right

There and go to it so we have a gray concrete platform and we are white level 63 we can’t build any lower so I think it will be wise maybe to go up a couple layers and what should we make the platform out out of you know what deep

Play is probably just good enough right this should work raised up the platform a few steps so we should have enough room to run cables underneath the uh Cobble deep slate so what do we want we want evaporation Towers so evap we probably need probably a thousand of

Those we’re probably going to need probably 10 of these oh oh wait I forgot I stopped that thing from crafting for a second cuz I needed upgrades okay I think I have all of the machines I more or less need uh set up for auto crafting

And I’ve crafted a few of them as well one I want to do last before we go is actually make ourselves our three different bees from beyond Earth so essentially I want to get a steel bee turn him into a dash be then an Ostrum

Be and then a cerite be and then save him same thing again from Dash to Ostrum save them and the last one then is just turn into Dash and then capture I probably could get more but I’m just going to set these guys up in here to do

Whatever so we’ll probably throw like Dash down right here so Dash B off you go uh korite can go like right here so calite B be free and this guy can go right here nice so now let’s head to the void Dimension and get mechanism up and

Running so to start off we are going to set up evaporation Towers over here so we’ll select the corner uh we’ll come in two from The Edge so these guys are 4×4 and I think you can go Max of 18 tall so this is 1 2 3 4 18 and actually remove

That one from the top so you want to technically 17 tall but then you want to add two on the center of each piece cuz then the empty Corners this is where we’re going to be putting some solar panels and then I can just grab that a

Builder wand and build it all the way down there we go so in the front right here we want ourselves our controller on the right here we want evaporation valve so this is where the fluid is going to be exporting and then the back then here

This is where we’re going to input in our water and solar panels we need four of them should have everything for it yep so all we have to do is come up here and put them down as you can see it is getting actually bright up here the

Higher up I go it’s just some reason down really low it gets dark and yes this does work in his Dimension which is good I was hoping it I was wondering would it or not but we have no issues but yeah we can see the temperature is

Slowly climbing so I just need to build nine more probably only going to do six to eight um and then I’m going to use like two more for making lithium cuz we are going to need lithium now for making the what’s it called the induction Matrix and we’re also going to

Need it for the DT fuel okay now they’re built copy and paste Gadget to the rescue one thing you need to be careful of make sure you do have the solar panels in your inventory when you’re making the paste because if you don’t you canot place anything where where the

Thing thinks they were supposed to be I had to go and past the whole thing again just to get the solar panels on it it was a whole mess but anyway I want out some pipes here ultimate pipe upgrades and a sink so I’m going to put sink like

Right here and then we’re going to use pipes and we’re just going to hook these all up across the back here last thing to do is just to attach this and give it some upgrades and we’re probably going to need a lot more than just one

Connection so I’m just going to give it three and if that’s not enough we can entangle this guy actually no let me do the front as well we can entangle this guy and set them up in multiple places just to make sure we’re extracting out enough water we’ll soon find out once we

Start extracting out the brine so what I want to do is actually swap the ports around so I want to put them here so they will export out into an Ender tank and then the Ender tank will be going over into a supremium tank which where

The brine will be stored and then we can electrolytically separate that into sodium and chlorine and chlorine is something we’re going to need now for making ourselves extended crafting in here we need this stuff called luminescence and luminescence is made by using energized glowstone and chlorine

With a blazing capacitor and a PRC to make ourselves the luminescence and we also get hydrogen as a byproduct which can which we can dump but yeah we need to set up that and we’re also going to need lithium as well from this so this brine’s going to be used for two

Different things so pipes either side and we need to continue the water down this way and now all we need is the Ender tank so Ender tank let’s have a look here maybe I should set set up a pattern for them hang on I don’t believe yellow is being use for anything so

We’ll just set up about four or five of these guys here D them yellow nothing’s in there so I’m assuming it’s free I need a bit more yellow dye there we go and then we can put these guys down right here every second one not in each

One so I guess the last thing what we can do then is set up right here the brine H into chlorine and sodium so let’s just set up probably like four five electroic separators here yeah we’ll do five of them the rest will be used later on we want universal cable

Across the back right here then what we want is pressurized tubes across the top and then across the front inside one of these guys what we want to say is no items but gas is we want to export one out the top and Export the other one out

The front into a rotary condensing trator okay and then that’s going to Auto eject out into this tank right here this is where the sodium is going to be stored uh we just need to uh concentrate it yep second rotary condens trator here and then we’ll put our other tank right

Here actually you know what we can actually put it like right here and then we configure this guy here to say no items but gases input the left and fluids out the top and we also need to configure this guy too cool once we give it power and start providing you with

Brine we should be good just using a configuration card uh you can just copy and paste all the different settings into each one of the electric separators saves you going have to go to configure each one individually so all is left now is to grab out as a premium tank

And a fluid actually yeah I forgot about a fluid pipe H that’ll have to probably run underneath or something yeah cuz that power on the side here so black hole tank tell this thing here to extract and then we’ll get our brine out of the Ender tank up here also extract

Give me out some pipe upgrades and off it goes so you can see now we are starting to store chlorine and this guy here is liquid sodium why are you not going up oh because I forgot to set the output of the fluids is no output there

We go right so now what we’re going to be doing is setting up our em system AIS here so we need ourselves a Quantum ring the link chamber and Quantum attack Singularity we’re also going to need an energy acceptor and a point underneath and set the network there we go so this

Guy has power so if we head back now come upstairs to this empty spot that guy there surrounded in the quantum Chambers and there we go now we should have access to the other side the only thing we’re missing now is a P2P tunnel so the memory card and that we will

Select an empty one which is this guy here so we’ll create a new network on you and then we’ll head back and since we’re going to be setting up it probably right here the sulfuric acid where’re just going to have this guy run out here

P2P tunnel memory there we go so now we have access to our meem system here so how do we set up sric acid pretty simple we just want a Crusher chemical oxidizer into a chemical infuser make sure you give a bit of a gap rotary condens and

Trator is going to go uh here and then we also need a electri separator you’re going to go there we’re going to need an Ender tank for water and you are going to go there so just diee you blue so you’re with water now we just want to

Grab out some pipes and probably a good bit more tube so let’s make a 100 of those blue pipe is going to go like this and it’s going to extract and this guy here will start making H hydrogen and oxygen the only thing we need out of

This is I believe the hydrogen I don’t think we need no is it the oxygen uh let me double check yes so it is the oxygen to make sulfur trioxide and sulfur dioxide sulfur dioxide comes from just uh chemical oxidizing sulfur dust the reason why the crusher is there so we

Can actually make the sulfur dust and that’s going to come out in an interface so sulfur in here and then we’re just going to have an item pipe that’s going to pull it down configure this guy here allo th on items in the top export on

The left and then this guy here is going to input items no output of anything gases are going to output on the left there and then that will go into a tube which then we’ll go into here we need to configure this guy now so gas is in

There other ones output at the front another chemical oxid uh views are here you’re going to go there you’re going to go there and that’s going to go there perfect now we just need to really power everything and that’s more or less it cuz then once everything goes in here we

Have ourselves a sulfuric acid once the sulfuric acid is made we want it to go into a rotary condens and Trader and then into into a supremium tank so this guy should be fast enough to Auto eject no items gases out the right no gases

Are going to be input on the left no output fluids are going to be output on the right yes right everything here just needs power and upgrades okay we have a bit of a problem right now we have no power we’ve actually ran out of power

These guys here just cannot keep up wow what’s actually using the most power at the moment it’s probably the uh enrichment Chambers and metallurgic infusers over here how much power is this setup here drawing only 7,000 then again the cables are full so what’s drawing that much power it’s hardly um

The electrolytic separators that I set up these guys are not hardly doing anything it must be over here oh yeah definitely is over here 100,000 Fe okay we might need to turn this guy off just for a moment and yes everything here is back online and we are making

Sulfuric acid just need to give the upgrades we might need to set up more than one chemical oxidizer but we’ll see how this goes for now but yeah we are making sulfuric acid so let’s just reconvert it back into a gas in a Quantum and Tangle border and then we

Can finally fix our power and get bees going and there we go sulfuric acid let’s go back and make our spirited crystals and oh yeah by the way I did chunk Lo the whole area so for the crystals here we just need ourselves a disolution chamber into a chemical

Washer then into a chemical crystallizer what we want to do is put this guy up here dye him blue for water cuz we of course need to wash stuff with water there we go export in here we want to say items in the top and gases also in

The top I think what way we doing this yeah we can also do gases in the top okay so items to be no items gases in the top and slurries which is what is going to produce out the left okay the quantum and Tangle Porter I’m

Going to stick right there make sure you disable all of the side configurations and the only thing we want is gases output out the front and we want to select our sulfur Network okay so now you can see the sulfur is there and we want to get ourselves an interface put

It right there usually I have them down lower but just for this we have to do it up here and we’re going to grab a universal pipe and this should be able to extract out gases and items so now you can see furic acid’s in there the

Only thing we want now is raw uranium which we do not have because we’ve course processed it all so the only way to get some more is by setting up a void Miner so that’s going to take a second and we’re going to have to do that in

The nether I believe cuz I remember looking at it for raw uranium you find that in the nether so we need to go to the soulan valley which is where our main entrance to the nether is I think we’ll do it just around the corner here

This should be a perfect spot so let me set up the actual void Miner right all I have to do now is just hook up the power and this thing is ready to go every single one of them here have the max speed upgrades actually I think the

Add-ons can also go in the actual drill itself uh yeah which ones can go in there processing no and speed can’t go in I don’t know what happens if you add multiple processing in will that make it work even faster let’s find out so power

In and let’s see what are we doing uh if we get rid of the end chest what are we actually mining up uranium Emerald lapis iron okay we’re getting a good bit of resources here we’ll have to figure out how to process all those now as well and

One last thing is just a chunk load this area cool and I’ll probably come back later on and copy and paste it and place it in multiple Dimensions definitely unlike the different planets but for now we should be ready to go and make ourselves our actual better reactors so

Raw uranium in here actually I think I might do it doesn’t matter where it actually goes so not goes in here turns into dirty uranium flurry I think it needs multiple of us then we need to grab out a tube that will go across into

There why is it not going across did I not configure this guy is it a gas no oh it is in there it’s just this guy’s not configured okay never mind no items slurries input there output out the left uh is it going to come out with

A gas or I don’t think it matters okay yeah it’s coming out with a slurry and then this guy is just going to have items output out the top and we’re just going to run a pipe back over and there we go we should be making our uranium

Crystals water’s getting pumped out at this thing a bit too slow so I’m just going to add a pipe okay we’re not producing enough water I guess the sink over here needs an upgrade and now we have plenty of water so yeah uranium crystals so if we look up spirited stuff

Now and save quest 1,000 we just need 256 so I’ll guess I’ll just AFK for a bit while that’s going up and you know what actually let’s actually work on the the Oreo setup right here I figured out how to do it actually I think we can

Just put that right there there we go so that would only allow out one at a time time click the hole for amount up to any amount so if that goes in there that will work so the only thing we need to do now is to somehow pump in the cream

Into here the filling and then put the other uh Oreo half up here uh how are we going to do that now cuz we need to basically separate them we’ll have a round robin so we’ll go one to one and divide it equally the fluids well there

Only one place where fluids can go which is here the filling now that’s the other thing so the filling The Filling here requires water and melted sugar in a heated Blaze burner um okay how are we going to make this now cuz I don’t know what way I have these

Guys set up I’m actually forgetting I’m have to moveing this guy over here and the guy over here this heated Blaze burner uh which has six honeycomb in them what is he extracting okay so he’s not extracting out um that so the one we want in here is filling so we need to

Get a bucket of filling first so water and melted sugar grab about a bucket of water and a bucket of melted sugar if they go in here you can see they got instantly taken out that’s not what I want we’re just going to Blacklist these

For the moment and now if we put them in it should work what no it just got sucked out wait did I click the wrong one or something Why didn’t it save them oh okay so I did put in the wrong one so now if I put

Them in will it work yes I just need to um set the fil are for filling so I think the filling is just sitting inside of this guy right here because I had nowhere to go or did I have somewhere to go where did it go I honestly have no

Clue where that went okay I have a feeling it voided it because I had nowhere to store it I put down a premium tank here and it’s actually saving it now so I don’t know what was going on but I have a feeling it was just voiding

It so we should be able to just finish this now quick tip as well if you are trying to set up fluid crafting make sure you set up correctly cuz Technically when I go in here it says like0 437 it’s actually supposed to be 0.25 for 250 Ms and this is supposed to

Make 500 so just keep an eye on that when you are setting up fluid crafting so the last thing then is going to be this H so two Oreo halfes and it requires 250 mil so we want to go in here and change it to

25 okay set that take it out put it in here and now let’s see if it makes an Oreo oh yeah we need to give rotation power to this guy now as well it doesn’t have to be the prettiest thing in the world just hook it up with a gearbox and

That should be fine all right so let’s see if this works we just need to hook that up there then as well Oreo craft me one Oreo oh wait I forgot there’s one more thing I still need to do I need to actually hook it up to the network now if we try

Oreo what happened available available um huh what’s going on okay I think I figured out away I’m not going to bother with the pumping in the thing from the tank I’m just going to use an export bus here with the filling uh it’s the easiest way I can think of doing

This so that go in there filling is going in made an Oreo now we just need to export it out into an Ender tank or into an Ender Chest so ender chest is going to go no not back there ender chest is going to go here we’re going to

Disconnect the connection here use a funnel and we’re actually going to take the Oreo off and say this thing can only accept Oreos and if we throw it back on the Belt into the system it goes and the craft is done okay so the only thing is filling has to be crafted when

Requested um so filling I’m just going to craft actually I don’t think we need that much of it I’m going to craft maybe about 500 buckets of it and that should be more than enough for now let’s get ourselves the power fixed and then we

Should be good to end there so we have a look here Nitro crystals requires compressed colorite nether Stars vibration mechanisms and redstone blocks the vibration mechanisms we’ve already made a good amount off we have 100 of them here the cerite though is the only thing we haven’t set up crafting for we

Did set up our calor B so we should be producing some calor right now uh so in the corner over here maybe I want to grab out this guy here uh actually he’s still down here I’m going to rob one of these compressors and set this up up

Here somewhere as a passive craft you’re pumping lava into the system now actually that’s more than enough we don’t need you anymore we have enough lava in the system so do Advance compressed this guy is going to go in the corner here now something about this

Machine has to input for or export out the bottom so the only way I can think of doing that now is going to be using a item pipe and an entangled block so that will go there we already have a power need an item pipe entangle you to there

Actually no raise you up you’re supposed to be here item pipe there disconnect it from there then we want a pattern provider or actually you know what an interface actually no a pattern provider we don’t need a lot of colorite plates after this so just put you there and

Pattern then for colorite make like that put you in there and then gra out a cable just theconnect the network and you’re done so you’ll Auto eject and pull doesn’t really matter but just put these in here and then just tell it to extract and we’re done right just need

To leave that build up for a while and let me go process some of the calor comb all right we have enough Spirit of crystals to make a thousand of them so off it goes and now it’s already slowed down due to power issues we’re almost

There we just need to make the Nitro and when we’re good so let’s have a look here actually cuz we’re also going to need to do bigger reactors then later on so I might as well set up a pattern for all the different reactors too I think

We only need the spirited ones cuz I think the spirited ones are upgrading to the reactor casing yeah so to make that then we need this one we need a pattern for every one of them there we go all right Nitro is being crafted now I did upgrade these here to

Spirited just because of how long it was taking and yeah now we’re making Nitro so the only thing we need now is the Nitro capacitors and I think we need like close to a stack of these things so it might take a second to uh make all

This all right before we do anything let’s get rid of the cable that’s going down right here and upgrade it to the Nitro cable oh does that not connect okay any to make this quick or we’ll lose power in the system entirely okay we should be okay now there’s two

Reactors at least still hooked up now we got three and there we go so what we can do now is break you and then upgrade you so we’ll upgrade you to um spirited oh we need a few more spirited Crystal capacitor things there we go and then

Nitro 32 we missing a few oh we are missing a few uh Nitro can you make me like another 10 more capacitors please thank you there we go 36 put this down right here let it rebuild and also have a bucket of water on hand you can see

The items are already inside so once it’s done building add the water and it’s good to go and auto mode on and compared to what we were 38,000 we’re now generating 875,000 74 73 okay it’s going down but still that is a lot more power all right so we shouldn’t have any

Issues then so if I needed more capacitors well that’s not an issue anymore so craft me a 100 of them yeah look how fast it’s going now this is no issue let’s be ready with the bucket of water and give it to you and give this

One here to you auto mode auto mode and actually one last thing let’s actually upgrade our cell here to a Nitro one as well I think Nitro one can hold like two 1 to two billion Fe I think only 550 million we still got one more reactor

Upgrade and there we go all right there we go one Nitro energy cell remove that for just a split second and stick it back on the back there and there we go we have now got 1 billion Fe and the last thing I want to do actually is this

Thing here can transfer 10 million Fe a tick I want to actually hook this up separately down here so if I grab out say one more of these okay and then craft ourselves another um Diamond one then I can basically combine these together with spirited crystals to make that and then I can

Recraft the next one there we go so I’m going to put that there and put this here and this cable is only going to push down and we’re going to connect these on here as well so these guys are only going to push down then we’re going

To off the back right here remove this connect that there and hook that up there so this is actually going to pull instead so it’s going to pull power out and push it down into this guy and the same thing here we just need this thing to pull and this guy pull so

Theoretically we should have about 30 million inputs just need to to bypass the limit on this guy here and these guys are all full oh my God yeah we don’t have to worry about power and if that’s the case then we should be able to come down here with our item

Pipe and hook up our to start processing up all their comb I want to start with the oily comb uh I want to get some of that going through it right now yeah and then put this right there and as you can see all the diamond cones being

Extracted out and it’s all working and if we come back up here right now and have a look at our power extract we are currently extracting out 600 I think it flickers to 700,000 Fe a tick which is insane but that is not even touching our power

Reserve NES oh my all right so these guys are insane 800,000 each nice so I’m going to end it there hope you all enjoyed and if you did don’t forget to like button subscribe if you’re new and hit the notification Bell while you’re at it then as well so without any further Ado

Goodbye we can we can it’s over we can it’s Over really good round

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SkyT Ep.10 Passive Crafting And Power Upgrade’, was uploaded by Shadow_wolf1900 on 2023-12-12 19:05:18. It has garnered 237 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:40 or 2440 seconds.

Today we delve deeper into blood magic and explore the endless realm. We then get the tier 5 alter setup and ready for autocrafting. Don’t forget to LIKE/COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/FRQkDcIM40Q ►SkyT playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO5XKO7F40uNSGX1fuUcMLkovabYFv_9V ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWd-7CJhHs-657S3Nj77-5Q ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shadow_wolf1900 ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shadow_wolf1900 ►TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@starwolf1900 ►Discord: https://discord.gg/dMsMA4f ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SkyT is a questing skyblock 1.18.2 modpack focused on Technology with some Magic and Exploration. It contains more than 280 mods, 700 quests and tens of block and custom items. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, SkyT is made for you. The beginning of the modpack is easy but the difficulty becomes more and more complicated. The hundreds of quests will guide you during your adventure. The modpack is technical, however many mods will allow you to have fun with friends or to decorate your base.

►Download the pack for yourself ►https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Music: YouTube Audio Library Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/112xm6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #skyblock #skyt

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  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

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  • Moonbat smp

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  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide Minecraft Trading Duplication Glitch Tutorial (Multiplayer) – Java 1.21 Are you looking to gain an edge in your Minecraft multiplayer experience? Look no further! This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the steps of a working Minecraft Java 1.21 duplication glitch. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to duplicate items efficiently through the trade GUI, giving you a significant advantage on your server. First Duplicate Items Glitch One of the key techniques in duplicating items in Minecraft Java 1.21 involves manipulating trade packets. By carefully timing your trades and utilizing specific methods, you can duplicate items seamlessly. This… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102’s First Day #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Debut! Must Watch Proplayer102's First Day #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘my first day in minecraft. full video in channel #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by proplayer102 on 2024-04-25 12:43:43. It has garnered 176 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Gaming 3. #VideoGames 4. #Adventure 5. #Building 6. #Survival 7. #Crafting 8. #Exploration 9. #Creativity 10. #Multiplayer 11. #Redstone 12. #Mods 13. #PixelArt 14. #BlockWorld 15. #Sandbox 16. #Mining 17. #Construction 18. #OnlineGaming 19. #VirtualWorld 20. #IndieGame 21. #Community 22. #ResourceGathering 23. #BuildingBlocks 24. #OpenWorld 25. #Imagination 26. #Gameplay 27. #Architecture 28. #Fantasy 29. #DigitalArt… Read More

  • Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock’s Scariest Mod

    Chiefxd Takes on Skyblock's Scariest ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Minecraft’s Scariest Mod in Skyblock’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-17 16:21:28. It has garnered 70143 views and 3783 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. This is the FINALE of scariest skyblock video series ever! The man from the fog is terrifying and herobrine constantly haunts my world. Why did I think to add them BOTH to my minecraft skyblock world…. this isn’t going to end well…. After watching Calvin play with this horror mod and his video titled I Added HEROBRINE to my Hardcore World.. Minecraft: From The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge – EPIC SMP Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft Bingo Challenge - EPIC SMP Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP’, was uploaded by Extreme Jay on 2024-06-13 16:15:06. It has garnered 77 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. I Played Minecraft Bingo on This SMP In today’s video I hosted Bingo but in Minecraft, and it was pretty intense Enjoy The Video!!! Second Channel: ​⁠@ExtremelyJay_ Geography Channel: ​⁠@ExtremeGeography_ Loyalty Public Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JRfEAKGszE Discord: https://discord.gg/5jP4BHMX8E Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Omittedjay Other Loyalty Members: ​​⁠@tom4thew1n25 ​⁠@AtomicTheEnderman ​⁠@clash12391 ​​⁠@StarZDunkZ ​⁠@JustRyne ​⁠​⁠@asgardzz ​⁠​⁠@axaven ​⁠@SurRisen ​⁠@Axolox_ ​⁠@bladestorm1745 ​⁠@estaexp ​⁠@Jplays225 ​⁠@EnriquePig ​⁠@Clydenical ​⁠@zackYT_ (he also let me use… Read More