Unbelievable Power Boost in Modded Minecraft 1.12!

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You You Hello good evening twin minds here we’re having difficulties but so far I don’t believe anyone has actually joined to find out that I’m having technical difficulties so this is just fine basically restream bot is not relaying very well between the chats and mixer is not working at all so it’s all I got

That’s all I got have any more information on that except for the fact that stuff’s not working my restream bot is showing me chat but it does not relay chat so if anyone does show up they won’t be able to talk to each other so that’s awesome nah-nah greatest start of the evening

But that’s alright I’m Church um so yeah we are here back at minecraft with holy Lodi holy holy Lodi problems back at minecraft doing the ultimate alchemy trying to continuously dig myself out of a hole pretty much all that’s happening right now so last we were here we did

Thumb craft and we got to the point of getting the first the the first requirement of automation which is the thamma tour IAM so now we can feed in essence into this thing and it will it will crank out whatever we tell it to

Crank out now I need to still need to do more research and testing but I need to find out if there is a way to set this up so that I could have potentially multiple thermit or iums on the same network connected through pipes and not run into problems because so far I’ve

Only ever run into problems with doing something like that but just because of the way that these essence pipes work but I’m totally sure I know how to fix that problem I know you can do some of that with the I’m not going to remember names these

Things because thumb craft is not my strong suit as much as I want to like it not the venting port not the pipe II things essential buffer there we go essentia buffer using the essential buffer essentially instead of tubes for all of your transport means that at any

Given point at any given moment in any essential buffer you can have up to eight essentia going through it of any kind whereas the tubes are only going to allow one kind at a time so if for example you have three of these Samet or

Eum’s one of them is asking for fire or one is asking for air and one is asking for water as long as you’ve got fire pump and through this thing to fulfill one of those it’s gonna stop all other flow whereas if you were using a buffer

And you’ve got fire flowing through it you could also then potentially have water flowing through it and then air flowing through it as well to go to the various locations now I don’t know cats playing by herself good cat I don’t know how effective that is on a larger

Network because these essential buffers can only move eight things eight different types at a time and I don’t know how fast that throughput is so it might be just slow as balls that being said this version may have either corrected that or may have alternate methods of transporting essentia that

I’m not familiar with so here’s hoping I guess these demonic matrices matrices these are Amber’s the hard part cuz those are difficult to make these are not too terrible whereas a lot of brass probably should automate the creation of trash and they other than that not not

Too difficult just iron brass stick a little bit of glass some redstone and then the amber which is the harder part I don’t recall if we figured out how to make amber last time yes we did amber was the time machine tree sap into a time machine din – amber in five minutes

So not only is that going to use a buttload of power but it is also going to take five minutes per amber so I’m going to want to do something like make the pneumatic matrix or the essential buffer doesn’t require it um pneumatic matrix or anything else that

Requires amber which I don’t think is too terribly heavy in the requirements it is going to take a lot of time or I have to use a whole lot of energy with those the time wands so yeah so let’s see about at least attempting to automate

Some of this so this whole setup then needs to go up I think if I’m going to automate these I’m probably gonna want them on their own floor and the burning is probably gonna happen on a different floor yeah probably can all happen in the same spot now that I think about it And tell you what let’s start off with the removal of that and we can kill that I’m so brass slow to make brass or at least let’s let’s get some brass brass is done through the crucible and instrumentum so we just need iron ingots in there we take a stack of iron ingots

And throw that in the option to automate either alchemical brass or thought meal and that’s going to require the that stuff so then we take this apparently has nothing in it alright I want to go ahead and kill all of these things alright I’m gonna kill that so now if we

Take this and then one of these get this deck charcoal and then get some invar goin and put in a few of those unfortunately bees don’t stack and this is where some automation can come in handy where I can tell the system for example one pair pin fire shears equals three

Brass ingots and there will be some remainder on that but that will end up being left in somewhere and probably end up being left in here but overall the idea would have would be to have multiple storage warded jars for the excess in fact maybe I’ll set the down without causing problems

Maybe maybe appears to be working you can see it all going in here it goes down into here and then sucked back into here as this thing is asking for more instrumentum all right you got a half a stack blue jew or the purple juice is almost gone which means it’s almost done

Burning and we’re out so we have one left requirement so I don’t know for sure what happens if I choose to get rid of designing it let’s find out there’s just four left in there somewhere all right no idea how that’s supposed to be cleaned up but there it is all right

Let me check on my problem progress no problem is still occurred that is unfortunate hmm that’s a problem isn’t indeed a problem and my other problem so the chat is a problem chat is not relaying at all not that there’s anyone here to chat to tell

Me these things but still I am aware and then this mixer is still not working at all so that’s lovely now this setup is good for something like this that requires one type not so great if it requires multiple things so if we look at Alimentum for example wherever that may

Be this is one I can remember the name of but now I can’t find it in the list Alimentum where you hide buddy How about yellow night door because night or requires things nature requires three different things now in this current system there’s essentially only enough buffer for one type of time I have two types of the time one one type can hold in here one type can hold in

Here but as soon as this has one type in it it’s gonna hold on to that type until that’s empty which will happen on a fairly regular basis but if there’s any access any back stock it’s not gonna work so that’s a problem don’t necessarily know how to solve that problem

Offhand could try so we’ve got jars of Purdy CoA leanness mechanist literally nothing that I could use as a test with yellow night or because I need potentia Ignace and lux okay so torches and charcoal basically plus coil stone so let’s do that don’t necessarily know how to clear this out And in it that in it Can i fist it no can’t fist it um Tom craft that funnels me at times let’s see we’ve got here so there were in the alchemy and we’ve got the alchemical Automation is the one we just built let’s see several slops several slots top left is where I place the catalyst

Etc etc normal normally a thumb term can only have one active formula by touching a pneumonic matrix I can increase the number formula sequence so I can certainly try to do the elemental that night or and see if it will accept it let’s do charcoal and and I’m in more

Sticks no more damn sticks okay I need sticks please let’s do this some and those two sticks all right and then let’s do more charcoal yeah now we don’t need to do more charcoal so let’s do this one stack o sticks and then any goes down all

Right so we’re going to do then is I’m going to burn a half a stack of torches no not have stack torture that’s way too any let’s start with eight torches and then for charcoal because that should be the equivalent amount except for that dust problem

Let’s do yellow night or so right now we’ve got the lux showing up that’s the only thing filling up that spot but this wants fire first that is immediately where the problems kick in so if we did that that goes beast that gets the potentia and this one should get the

Fire once it’s ready I still have the pipes on me do I still have any pipes I do okay then this could potentially do that that and that yep so you can see it filling up there and now it wants potentia which is right there but it’s not showing up hmm fascinating

If I mouse over all these there doesn’t appear to be anything in them this should be requesting potential but it’s not or at least it’s not working I guess so let’s try a century of buffers instead and that requires restricted tubes which should be able to just craft with

Regular tubes I guess and then valves which needs levers essentia tube and essentia tubes with iron and glass files so I should appeal the craft of most of this at least at the very least I can make one buffer I need the cobble for that one lever and

I need file and so one tube crafted by itself to make the directional And it’d be restricted essential while you do the thing so one makes a lever that makes filtered oh that’s Trixie that’s Trixie and obnoxious it’s the exact same recipe with the essentia tube except for different colored crystals and since I have all of them in here

It wants to be stupid about it now we’ve got your restrictive ascension – that’s obnoxious and then we need a single – but with a lever to make the valve and I forgot iron plate now this has granted one buffer so if I’m gonna make more of

These I need to have a lot more things things and stuff pipes that’s where I’m gonna pour the pipes under strong right now that needs to go there okay Europeans the I don’t know how to solve thumb craft conundrums like this because I’ve never worked with bomb craft all that much before I’ve always kind of gotten the bare minimum gun to do what I needed to and did most to work manually because automation on those things are pain Oh

I don’t know what this does but it seems like it the thing since your resonator and plate works do that super sir I also have to scan it I got skinny do suction 127 so suction is 128 potentiate here suction is 127 potential here this one is suction one on type

So apparently I caused myself problem Okay so then if we take this away can I just I can it’s not the greatest answer in the world but it did the thing so you’re asking for exits now which is up there except for now your locks with potential so this is exactly the problem I have

With um craft that’s exactly why I hate this thing because that potential went through the tube and now it’s all okay I’ve got potential I can’t do anything else of any use fine it’s I need more slabs more glass let’s make us labs that’s to do for now I think

Let’s just make a lot of jars they’re jars we got some jars jars got did its that go away go away for now hey Jackson how are you doing helpful and also ain’t helpful alright so what do we have where we’ve got a little bit of attention in there

We’ve got nothing in there so we can remove that we’ve got potentia in here so if I put that dead there it’s got potential now okay this one’s got Ignace so if I can do that can’t do that okay so I need to put that right there to get the beast yeah

Hips are about that Jackson private server technically solo play actually but this is heavily modded Java version of Minecraft so you’re gonna be hard-pressed to find the right mods that I have unless you have the Java version okay so cup attention here why oh this

Is a noxious alright so if I take ten put that there okay to start Ignace bigness Ignace okay so I think I’ve got it somewhat cleared out Okay so somewhat somewhat cleared out that can go there for now the Ignace can go here that’s gonna go into here of which we don’t have enough by the way because I’m assuming I lost some in the translation here fine be that way all right so all that

Kind of went bust which is fine we’re experimenting me there’s a quick move jet out of the way Arielle okay so how do we go about effectively automating these things I don’t know so in previous packs when I have played with thaumcraft and it successfully automated it

I used applied energistics too so the counterpart to this mod and in there was essentia important export buffers and you basically stored all of your essential in the network and imported and exported exactly what you needed is that I have to worry about it this doesn’t seem to have that so in

Lieu of that don’t necessarily know how to do it the real way quote-unquote the water upstairs that’s unfortunate all right would be one more tiny thing here we lower the music volume just a hair that I had turned it up for a quiet song okay that’s good that’s good and give me a

Minute to go get my drink cuz I’m thirsty and I will attempt to do a very brief research on thumb crowd to figure out how to do this if not I might need to abandon thumb craft for tonight because okay cause the thing is doesn’t me off so yeah BRB All right I am back however I have no less confused the suction system is kind of universally sucky I’m not not fan and I’m still trying to figure out a good answer to do this if anyone out there has ideas please for the love of God let

Me know because I am NOT getting much information I mean I’m getting information I’m not getting good information I’m getting information that leads me down paths that are unpleasant to say the least and and yeah so there are 48 different types of essentia let’s see 2 4 I see that’s five that’s 9

I’ve lost count 3637 something like that anywho there’s a large number of them there’s a large number of different types of essentia it looks like that number might have actually been pared down a little bit from previous versions from 48 so you know it’s a little better

But there are a lot of different types and the whole suction thing causes problems because I think the highest amount of suction is 32 which means if you have a line of jars holding one of each of these the suction works very similar to redstone in that if you’d

Start at 32 each block further away drops the suction by one so that if you get 32 spaces away your suction zero so it can no longer suck that great a distance so that then causes problems there are other issues that I am not entirely aware of how to solve

And buffers cause their own problems which we have found out honestly so that being said I don’t know how to solve the thaumcraft problem and this may require me poking around with it quite a bit to figure it out because quite frankly it’s hurting the brain so until I either get

Some help or do some serious amounts of research I think I might have to hold off on the thumb craft which is sad because that is a good chunk of my next requirements however we can do other things we can do things like decorations we can do things like solve power

Problems that sort of thing so that gives me plenty of time to figure out how to do the automation with thaumcraft the meantime if I do need something I can rig this system to sort of function do need to break that to get that I sent

You out of there but that’s not a huge issue so we can we can figure that mess out later I do need to solve my power problem because as it stands currently my network info so the input is 574 and the output is 602 so technically we are losing a

Little bit of power on a regular basis it doesn’t look like it in here so I think what’s actually happening is these are kicking on and off as needed yeah power output zero zero fifty nine zeroes these are these are technically not running at full power and they’re only

Kicking in when they are needed to produce more power so ultimately what that’s leaving is our buffer and those are kicking in – forgot what the loudness our buffer is full and whenever it uses power everything else kicks in to fill everything up again so it’s not

It’s not a problem at the moment but it certainly can we have plenty of fuel left over here however I don’t believe this automation has been able to finish missing biomass interesting the squeezer has stopped working hmm so that says all the carrots you could possibly want it’s supposed to be

Squeezing into juice doesn’t appear to be doing that you’re missing liquids because you’re supposed to be getting the fruit juice okay Oh cuz the mulch is full okay that means that I need to I need to feed the mulch over here but I don’t have to do that

With this current setup what I can do instead of using the trans locators as I can use the Android conduits let’s go do that so if we do a fluid conduit and an item conduit kind of hoping to keep using the trans locators but not if they’re not going to

Function for my needs yes that’s that this and that so you are going to extract always on both of these and you are going to set to insert extract extract now we’ve got fruit juice going in here we’ve also got mulch going into here as necessary the only thing I’m

Gonna need to worry about is excess mulch these are creating mulches for every carrot squeezed this is using one mulch for every like eight potatoes or something like that so I’m pretty sure this is going to over mulch pretty sure that we’ll have to keep an eye on that

This is definitely over fruit juicing fruit juicing faster than the fermentor can do its thing and now we’ve got this thing going full speed so one thing we could do here is we could speed up the time machine with a with a time accelerator wand doohickey that’s a thing

We’ve got to tent our and we’ve got to 62 sulfur what is the target US tar acts as slime balls so that’s the thing that it gets us can also be used as fuel to smelt you can go into the steam dynamo it can be burned basically so it’s our it’s either

Slime or it can be burned I’m okay with that that’s fine if it if it comes down to us getting way too much of it I will put it in a fire and so here we’ve got an overproduction of crude oil based on how fast this is going because it takes

Long enough to do the still okay so now that we’ve solved the mulch problem temporarily we’re back we’re back in business the mulch so if I do Priority One on the insert here yeah okay let me get a drawer enjoy the mulch I have a drawer for mulch there

But we better would be better to have another one this is gonna go here it’s going to get the mulch it’s gonna get locked and then I need to go under all right so now this is going to be insert priority zero and it’s also going to extract so

That means that this should always have full mulch this is going to produce mulch and put it into here so let’s see 73 three do not produce mulch every time maybe don’t let’s find out squeezer mulch 20% so no not mulch every time so there was a malts there we’re

Now up to 74 and here whenever this uses a mulch which it will in quite a while away actually it will pull a mulch from here into here so that solves the mulch problem not indefinitely because this drawer does fill up eventually but for quite a long time probably longer than I

Will ever care that if at some point all of a sudden my power stops functioning I will entirely forget that mulch was my backup or my um my problem child so now we’ve got a very large excess amount of currently backing up on naphtha as kind of a slower processing point here but

These are all completely full so now I can make more compression dynamos with dual augments and fill this up even more now another thing I can do is I can fill the other side with coolant of a different kind so let’s do I remember exactly how I found this out there we go

Compression dynamo recipes these are all different fuels that can be used and then there’s also hold up where were you cool it’s cool it so there are three different types of coolants water is not great it’ll do but it’s not great otherwise I could switch over to jello trilithium or

Crushed ice crushed ice isn’t possible crushed ice is unfortunately only accessible by bees which we do not have in the pack so the only option that is jellied cry lithium if I wanted to upgrade my coolant power I don’t know exactly what these numbers mean but ultimately I think I think it ultimately

Means this is how much coolant is going to be used or how much energy can be produced per bucket of coolant I think is what it officially is and then this is the efficiency rating so it can increase the efficiency rating of the fuel usage so we use less fuel to

Produce as much or more power I don’t know if it’s more power or not so that’s one thing I could do eventually I do have the gelid whoops I do have the gelid cryo them being produced over here by a craft so if I set this up in a

Magma corrosive crucible and just tell it to constantly burn cryo theum then I would have fluid cryo theum at all times available and I could happen in a container just like this if I wanted to what other uses do we have for fluid gel it crazy because the gel the crowds

Doing this right here I know we have an alloy that we can make with most cobalt they can go into the reactant dynamo with pyro theum it can go into the reactor as its version of coolant so not too terribly much however the gel at cryo theam in to make

Cobalt would be handy they do need cobalt eventually I think I only need it before man Yulin but I’m not positive probably yeah it looks like looks like probably I only need cobalt for the man Yulin but that’s not a huge concern so one thing I

Could do over here instead of having a tank full of jelly trilithium I could just be producing that on the spot which means I would need to have the network over here to be able to do the crafting on the spot alternately I could do the

Tanks which would then leave me with a tank full of jelly crowds iam that I can use for the goalball production even when I want to do that so that’s those are things to consider the other option is when I want to do the COBOL production I could craft that on the

Spot as well so I have more precise control over how much fluid is going in there so these are many many things to consider not as concerned about this so how about we create let’s do four more compression dynamos because why not so we need more fluid ducts I’m going to

Need more fluid out actually only more the hard news blew it up more fluid ups that’s that’s all bunch more now our reason the regular or we do it to be dude hardened over here regular flu adduct regular flu adduct and then hardened that’s the hardened flux duct

Which I have right here so we do not need anything extra special that’s good dump that in there I can dump those excess in there all right so compression compression demo I have ten beers ready I need to make some of these six they’ll give us even 10

I’ll give us an even ten cuz why not six and then we need upgrades I have upgrades I have four and I have five so I need to make a couple more upgrades I need to make two of these which I don’t have the brass for

That’s two more of those and they also need one more of the reinforce which again I need the gear for okay and then I will also need augments do I have hugman to the network I’ve got those Uggs iller transmission coils I do need two more of those

All right and then I also need eat it forgot what the other ones called excitation something-something excitation field limiter yes that basically just means it doesn’t burn fuel whenever it’s not draining power so if if my power on the network is full doesn’t burn power and that’s pretty

Critical okay so it’s critical you know under normal circumstances in this in this circumstance it really just means I don’t need to waste fuel and have everything running when it doesn’t need to be right which is pretty nice on it okay that’s that so yep that’s all that then

I just need to fill it all up the fuel so every darn one of these now is running and it’s going to fill up its own power buffer that did use all of the fuel that was in the pipes but more is being created as we speak so let’s see

This one of this mostly full of fuel all full full full full full full ok literally every one of these buildings have been a fuel in those pipes this one’s running 29 108 160 27 83 85 so I mean all of these last six that I put

Out those are all just filling up their own buffers these are being used so that’s good here 0 and then it spikes every once in a while so it’s spiked out at about 400 or so RF for tech somewhere in there so every once in a while a bunch of stuff

Runs that needs a whole bunch of extra power which is most likely all of those machines over there which is understandable and then this nonsense when these kick in I think I have these I don’t have them on hire party ok whenever these kick in they do fill up

The network dump power in at like an excessive rate so that’s why those other ones were stopping and you saw that intermittent tickin because those other ones kicked in and just jammed a whole bunch of power in there really fast could potentially solve this problem so

This one is full on ethanol and not getting jack for flat fuel ok so that’s the thing that’s happening so since this is now full on all of the things with 8000 melons in excess I could potentially take the melons out of here craft them into seeds and dump them into here

So maybe that’s the thing I do let’s do that it’s good I don’t kind of it’s let’s grab a crafter and so crafter is going to sit here and it’s going to use melons to make seats easy enough not gonna do it too terribly quickly but

It is gonna do it I could potentially speed upgrade it but don’t need to at the moment and then item conduit is going to be used to transfer that into here okay this is just straight up insert so straight up extracts and those are now going in here to get smooshed

So very similar concept in fact I could move this auto crafter to the top and they would but they would both be fairly active and I want to do that just for symmetry sake doesn’t really matter which one of these is the extract but I

Do need a melon in fact let me do this first okay so now we’ve got seeds going in here at a better clip at the very least now you’ll notice that the melons are not really going in quickly and that is because this thing is not cracking

Quickly plenty of melons door here we’ve got still 8,000 melons to work with so I could speed upgrade this I could switch this auto crafter into a different crafter method we have plenty of options available but ultimately this is working a lot faster than before

These are taking on a lot more often not upset but they are taking on a lot more often and part of that not hundred percent is just in the production speed of this squeezer it looks like if it had eight items in there at all times it

Might actually be enough to run a full speed so let me go get a different crafter one that I know can handle this no problem that would be this one it’s a machine frame and I need the aircraft dibbles no friggin wood no friggin wood okay I need to solve

That’s that so this now can go over here and take the place of this one and this just needs a single recipe melon seeds alright slow mode because fast mode is stupid like crazy fast it doesn’t need power okay all that that apply and then I do need item transportation that’s right

That’s the only challenge with this block is that it doesn’t have its own item a transportation option so what I can do then is this batch that should do right so you’re an insert you’re still always an extract there okay so slice is only on extract

Which means only slices can go in here and only slices so now we’ve got slices and when she got those melons that was the brief period when they were not filtered so now it is dumped in slices in here at a much better clip this is actually going as fast as the conduits

Will allow and that’s fine I’m fine with that being a limitation so now this should be getting this like seeds a lot faster it is still apparently not fast enough it’s much faster because these reasons are running not all the time but closer the only thing that we can do to

This to make it better there’s one of two things we can either make more squeezers to handle more melons or we can switch over to using these hemp seeds the industrial hemp seeds in a squeezer produce significantly more plant level than the melon seeds that we’re currently using which are making 20 mil

A buckets per the industrial hemp seeds make 120 ml bottles per so for each one of these they’re five times as efficient well the problem is is getting these industrial hemp seeds would require well it would require growing them in queue first time I’m actually kind of okay

With switching these up and see how that goes I need to remove the pumpkin seeds and go get the hemp seeds the main challenge will be to dump the excess of this stuff the hemp fiber because there’s not nearly enough use for that but they’re going to come out anyway

So grab one of those okay that’s being grown it’s gonna take a while I’m gonna need to kill this and switch it off with a different hey none how you doing I need one that that’s that filter enough all right so then what I need to do is need to kill

This to do so let’s see yes this is inserting what we what can we use this for use this for making gunpowder barrels or use it for making hemp rope to make string out of it so it could potentially just convert it all the string that’s certainly a thing I could do

Okay well maybe it will convert a little string string let’s do that make string please anything else it could be used for nope okay a string it is alright now this stuff needs to come out into here now we’ve got an overabundance of melon problem so let me cut off that

Overabundance of melon problem I’m gonna let these burn out I vaguely remember it’s hunter but I’m going to have a hard time remembering that every single time as long as you are unknown programmer and almost enough to have a free space in here area it’s a free space so this

Then can extract and that puts in the head-butter awesome okay there we go that means I need to filter the extraction to only these bees no to expect fine filter extract see to only please stab it Okay so seed is going to go into here as it can and then it’s going to get dumped into here and then over time as that filters down it will have more industrial hemp seeds to work with and less melon seeds to work with and it will start growing

Though or it will start processing those more quickly you can still do eight of them at a time when it’s not producing melon or when it’s not processing melon seeds I’m gonna let those burn through this is going to keep doing its thing until its whole which it’s just fine at

Getting fold I don’t care that much but as you can already hear it is working at near near not perfect but near I am concerned if the ethanol is we built beep up once the plant oil is in full swing but we have an access amount

Right now so now as concerned about it we’re using the seeds faster than we’re producing them awesome which means need some more fertilizer in there do I have more fertilizer to dump in there I don’t believe so so that’s gonna take some time I don’t know how long so I’m writing over a

Couple minutes and it’s not a big deal but it is processing it’s not going to be fast I could potentially throw more of the cloches in here because yeah we’re already out of hemp seeds curious how this is gonna run once it runs out because it’s definitely running

Out its producing two seeds for every half a stack of melons that it’s actually using up so it’s definitely not efficient well it’s not it’s not productive enough is the so we’re getting close to that empty point no just about there that just got harvested so that’s gonna happen those

Two seeds went in burned all the oil that just got produced and now we’re in a waiting mode that just grew harvested done okay produces about three to four seconds worth of oil and takes an additional five seconds or so to grow and that’s only gonna get worse as the close

Friends out of fertilizer I agree the building should have walls but a I don’t know how I want the walls to look currently and be I’m too busy flying in and out doing things to put walls in there because the walls are just going to slow me down All right so three of these are currently running our two and a half two and a quarter are running right now so that’s good so we’re well over producing power anyway so I need to worry about that for a while my lightning rod is still not lightning it is rotting just

Fine it’s just not lightning I do live streams primarily because making making actually recorded videos takes a lot more effort to make a half an hour video for example takes at least 45 minutes to an hour of recording and then and an additional hour to two hours to edit it

And then an additional hour to two hours to process the video because the video processing software takes time to actually to actually like make the video after all the edits are done and then an additional hour or so to upload that file so to make a half an hour video

Takes anywhere from four to six hours if not more of my time whereas I can stream for four hours have a four hour video that is already uploaded as I’m streaming it already done and everything’s ready to go I mean granted it’s not clean obviously everything’s

Messed up I’m not editing out any of my failures which is happening often but it allows me more time to play games and there is that aspect of live interaction with people as they come in that you don’t get from videos so I do still want

To make tailored videos but I am having a really hard time finding time to do it and figuring out what I want to make that I wouldn’t just want to stream so yeah that’s that’s kind of my entire reasoning behind that but yeah I do have a whole bunch of

Recorded and edited videos up on my channel if you want to go back and watch some of those they’re not spectacular but they are edited mostly cut out my my failures but it just takes so much time everything here is working great we do have an overabundance of mulch but it’s

Only at 1:22 whereas before it was at 74 so it’s not a fast producer so I’m not gonna worry about it for a while worst case I can put a void upgrade on there and just never have to worry about it ever again of course I’ve seen space

Balls I’ve seen that movie at least three or four times yes that’s done that broke of course that broke of course that broke and of course I don’t have a way to put that in there do the thing do the thing yet another foil in my plan I don’t know

How to tackle this problem the only way I can tackle this problem is wait for the fracturing don’t have enough room to put this crude oil in there before it that goes back again so that’s my noxious I’m gonna go ahead and put that right back in there for nano and deal

With that problem at a later time that’s awesome I I have not seen it too terribly often but for me watching a movie three or four times is actually pretty great means I do like it a lot because I typically only watch a movie once maybe twice to experience it and

Don’t usually rewatch movies so any movie that I end up rewatching is usually a big hit with me hey Shannon welcome what you can’t hear me over the sound of my diesel engines going what I don’t know what you’re talking about we’re still doing great on charcoal that’s still 100 percent full no

Problems there okay I still have my charcoal fuel production going at the highest priority just so that power comes from there first not that that means all that much it just means that it’s not going to come from my my fuel burners for example first these are left to backlog and be a

Backup process that’s more intentional because charcoal is free for me oh that’s nice nice of you should throw us up there way huh Kentucky so of the things that can happen right now I think I need to go back to automating these three things let’s do that because that is causing me

Issues I need the crafters I need the wood barrels whoa whoa whoa Mouse spies then I need trans locators okay let’s go back here yeah those thing back here we’ve got chests we’ve got sticks and wood so and here them I need to and do that I do that and I didn’t do

That that’s I need to do that oops I would like to rotate that can I rotate it can I write that and that okay so in here we got wood so I just need to do that and here we got sticks so I didn’t do that and that and here we got chests

Go and then I just need to take the trans locators and do the bibbidi-bobbidi-boo baby babbling boo oh then am I really quiet hold up let me check let me check my volume levels loudly loudly loud loud loud loud I I don’t feel like I’m quieter than usual but I

Can I can I can scoop myself a little closer Shannon how’s the volume on my music in the background cuz that will be the ultimate test of whether or not you can hear me fully dense a lot of sticks alright I need to fix that I need to go glowstone that so

I need to just go up and then pop and then pop there we go so now whoa too far now we’ve got 1400 sticks and Counting we’ve got 300 planks and going up and down and up and down and up and down it’s fine and then the chests were more of a

Formality than anything because it was already done yes that is producing sticks about as fast as it can that is producing wood about as fast as the can which is only slightly faster that I’m currently using the wood not a huge deal but it might be

An issue later but that is because over here I have this exporter always crafting Pistons to dump in here to pulverize down that’s all for the purpose of getting into pearls so once this ender pearl thing fills up then my wood production will stop being an issue

So that’s it’s good isn’t the point we’re good now this is steel producing redstone glowstone full so redstone production is at 864 it’ll cap out at 1024 so it is getting closer to done but that will be a while for now it’s taken a long time mostly because the the lack

Of sticks meant lack of levers which meant it wasn’t running this is currently producing glass at an alarming rate irons good silver is back on track all the other ones are 100% full that’s good that’s getting closer to full full full full full full okay all those things are

Good things good okay so I have I have solved my wood problem the problem that had been plaguing me and all I had to do was actually set up what I had from the beginning I’m smart okay now what now watch I feel like I feel like a terrorist eel

Armor set might be cool it’s not necessary but I feel it’d be kind of neat to have and it will be it will be helpful at least if and when I decide to fight the wither that’s gonna be quite some time off but still be nice to have Shannon you headed it out

You also have yourself a great day thanks for stopping by so Tara steel armor requires 24 24 Tara steel no it doesn’t require 24 tears deal it requires 20 or 21 no they changed it no this is the same recipe what am I talking about it they

Did not change it it requires 12 there are four pieces each piece requires three tears deal so that’s great all right hunter thank you as well for stopping by see you next time some twelve taro steel is much more tolerable which means I need twelve diamonds and twelve pearls my diamond production is

Actually oh so that’s a thing that I need Thanks where’s the stopping point on this one again the stopping point on this one was the creosote so I need to get a bear hole for that creosote by E what do we have for liquid barrel problems

Why is void eggplant a thing I don’t know anymore void eggplant however does appear to be a very nice source of power in that culinary generator so that would be kind of interesting to set up so as far as liquid storage or at least liquid void ability I don’t think we have any

We do have drums which can go to ridiculous proportions we’ve got stone iron reinforced I don’t remember what reinforced can store but it’s a lot and then there’s demonically gargantuan drum and then of course the creative drum which I can’t make so and no demonically gargantuan drum is exactly

What it says it is it is demonically gargantuan however I don’t recall how to make demon ingots legends tell of ancient creatures from before the dawn of humans whose bodies were deformed by the heavens they fled to a strange Rome beneath the earth and built elaborate temples of worship to

Their new homeland they infused the bone so their dead with dark energy and weaved constructs of living flame but their most powerful creations were lava wells where they would throw special metals hoping that their tribute would be answered with riches so daemon ingots if I remember right are just a lava well

Created by a lava and netherrack or net a brick and then gold thrown me I believe let’s test that I’ve already got a lava well over here that I can replace with the nether bricks another nether brick is crafted up if some I don’t do I think it’s just for

It might be 8 I don’t recall for sure we can we can test it out either way so we got that yeah and I’m pretty sure it’s just gold it’s been a long time since I’ve done that oh hi it isn’t me again yes welcome back Jana why am i searching for

Gold there I need to search for gold here let me grab sure half a stack why the hell not ha haha okay that didn’t work one at a time then one at times the correct answer I think there may also be a limited return like not all of them come back as

Demon ingots I got 31 back I threw in a total of 34 so I lost three not counting the half a stack that I lost my dumping it in there but that’s okay I’m not worried about that so now I have daemon demon ingots daemon ingots can be

Used for her let’s find out cuz I don’t remember even tickets can be used to make sure demon blocks of metal that can smelt down into molten demon metal but that’s just used to cast other tools and whatnot that’s it all right they’re only used for demonically gargantuan drums

I need climb bottles I am missing literally all of those things but that’s because they’re not in here so how’s about drums so climb bottles one bottle bottles let’s make bottles bottles bottles so climb bottle Ethel all right and then I need the reinforced large drum and then that requires the iron

Drum which means we need weighted to pressure plates okay here’s a part where I want to stop I think because I have not scanned at some of these items They’re not scannable gotcha all right so all those things have been scanned ‘add so iron drum which we can scan all right and then reinforced large drum now that’s six diamonds I have 23 currently but by doing this it actually opens up the ability for me to make more

Diamonds so I am okay with this so six diamonds that’s it plus also gold pressure plates which I would like to scan all right and then finally demon drum diamond drum is stupid big I don’t remember how much it stores but we’re going to get the trans locators I get

Two trans locators to get this thing moving we’re gonna go over here we’re gonna suck up as much of that crap as we possibly can that’s gonna go let’s go top let’s go top center no that broke things the gargantuan drum however we were if we right-click it

Shifty no it’s not gonna tell us um I think I could have something in there for to work so let’s break break fix this up back it’s kind of hoping to not go too far to the back here but that’s fine we’ll do right here for now

Yes that’s dumping inhumanly fast and I love it so now if we right-click it says 12000 milliwatts out of 65 million Miller buckets so this now I can store six hundred and fifty something six thousand six thousand buckets I think it is total but that opens up this ability it’s

Great that’s on fastest it’s also on fastest okay that’s all happening things are going stuff that all these things are kicking in again all the things are doing and did these are going stompy stompy which is then refilling these so now I just need to get lapis over here so there are

Two methods for me to get lapis over here I can either bring the network over and export the lapis or I can get the lapis into something like the enderchest and have it teleported over basically I think the network is probably the best bet cuz I’m kind of attempting to do

Everything via the network so let’s get more cables over there and I will need an exporter don’t know if this is enough cables but it will be a good start dump dump dump dump dump dump okay that’ll do alright don’t freeze up on me there we go so we already have the

Cable partially extended over here so let’s just finish that extension okay and then we need the cable to go over here this is actually where I want the thing to be so I need to grab lapis we have produced not much lapis what happened here it’s

Got blue that’s got blue blue blue gold blue that’s just not happening so that if something is up with the fluid Transposer where the polished diorite just stops functioning for whatever reason i don’t know what’s up with that but that is not an issue with my automation that is an issue with the

Fluid Transposer itself having a bug where it has everything it needs to work it just isn’t working don’t not effects that I don’t know if I can fix that so that’s something I’m probably gonna have to pay attention to okay export lapis cable needs to come somewhere

I would love to have the cable come up the back but I don’t think I left myself enough room for that unfortunately I could do like cable right here yeah I don’t really leave myself enough room to do this unfortunately but that’s okay so let’s do that I mean technically there’s room

I can fix that up later to make it look a little bit less ugly okay so that’s all connected now which means this should start getting lapis which it is and it is now burning through all of the power I hope but it is producing diamonds like crazy or rather it was no

Now it’s just literally burning through all the power I have on my entire network currently producing 2.2 thousand or two thousand two hundred or whatever and outputting two thousand two hundred which means if I would like to have more diamonds I need to make more power so

Now every single one of these should be running at full tilt yep all of them running at 160 what I wouldn’t give for a lightning strike right about now that lightning strike will at least put a little bit of a boost in everything so we have a couple

Problems to solve a power B these graphite electrodes okay that’s fine whenever those engines kick in this thing starts spazzing like mad so the electrodes they’re not burning quickly but they will eventually run out when they run out this thing stops functioning that may not be an issue for

Quite some time but it will eventually be an issue that’s roughly the production speed of my of my diamonds now if you look at this bar right here you can see how fast it’s going roughly tick-tick-tick to move about 2/3 percent of the time but as soon as those

Generators kick in it goes full speed because those generators are producing 4,000 RF per tick each and this engine or this arc furnace can burn I think it’s like 32,000 RF per tick or something like that it could just burn stupid amounts of power so I could work

On making this run faster to make more power have those engines running more often that seems like a thing I should do at this point because yeah I’m not doing this very quickly that’s plant The only way to make plant oil is through this wizard and the only viable way to make plant oil is via the industrial hemp seeds which means I need to make a lot more of the industrial hemp seeds so that’s pretty much gonna be expanding the garden cloches

So that’s essentially the only way to tackle that problem now granted they’re not running at peak efficiency but the peak efficiency is a matter of 1.0 versus 1.25 so 1.0 versus 1.25 and now i’m a drastic change but it’s a drastic enough change that I’m gonna do it anyway

How’s this thing coming a lot how are you in the melons you were doing just fine at melons which means I could also pump this up again this is just about to run out of fertilizer amount once it runs out of fertilizer amount it’s gonna kick in and

Fill up and go to 1.25 because it just used some of that fertilizer which will speed things up ever so slightly not much but slightly check something quick here nope okay nope okay so yeah mixers just dead dead today that’s awesome yeah let me let me check on the

Responses just see if they have anything to say for me nope okey-dokey nothing I don’t know all right so that is producing a little faster still not spectacular it’s about 10 seconds per growth which is still it’s not really that bad it’s just that’s ten seconds functional runs

So takes about three seconds to burn through those things so if I had three more cloches it would be roughly good I think roughly I think unfortunately I did not leave myself enough room for more closures unless I put them like over here your melanin just fine

Let’s make a handful more cloches and see what we can come up with or I might have clothes she’s already built I don’t recall no I do not so let’s make more closures I’m gonna make currently don’t know – oh that’s because I don’t have enough treated planks so don’t have any more

Creosote so buckets please I know exactly where I can get some creosote we happen to have a demon a demon tank full of it done and that’s actually all of what I’ve got currently so if I actually need to rely on using more creosote that I’m gonna gain more of that stuff

Chris that’s not a huge need probably all the creosote I will need so let’s do that uh we’ll be it for now I’ll leave the rest of the buckets in there with the creosote garden cloche crafty crafty five that’s roughly how much I said I

Would need so let’s do that and I will need ducks of both kinds and then probably a few item conduits should do you might need to make more item conduits but we’ll see so for the cloches I need seeds I’m gonna snap this of seeds for the foreseeable future here

Just need one more technically there so that is five seeds five cloches I just need five pieces of dirt that I forgot to grab now let’s figure out if I have enough room for all of this because I need all of this space so I’ve got one two three

Four spaces right here that I could use at the potential of turning that around yeah let’s move all this crap around I think I think we can make this a little bit more efficient I think so let’s do that a little bit I’m going to need to

Move most of these things let’s just kill the whole thing give me a little bit of fresh start Oh for fraks sake just easier that way so I need that I need that okay it’s got all those things It didn’t give me the melon seed back why did you not give me the melon seed back it also didn’t be the dirt back well fudge not yet all right so breaking closures just gets rid of everything in them good to know good to know so that’s

Gonna stay there I hope so cloches can go here so 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 & 7 gonna need to move that otherwise that should be good This is what we call crafting ourselves into a corner because I have not left myself enough room to do a lot of things I need to do but let’s remove all of this and remove this okay so that’s that I think over here should be safe to do that all right

So now these need to go on top this one would go there we go a little bit of a mess but it’s a glorious mess all right so let’s see all of the output needs to come out of the front of these things which is a

Little bit of pain but not too terrible actually I think I think I need to leave a space right here so let me kill this one now let’s say we move this one Oh oh haha okay so note don’t take the Gargan close with the wand because that doesn’t work

All right so that leaves us a space there which leaves us a space to do the item cond witting which we need let’s do bop bop bop and but okay so then in here do that that let’s get these things growing to at least get some stuff moving so that and that

And you are going to be melons okay so that’s getting stuff growing I do need to plop that all right so here’s melons it should be almost done growing there we go so that’s a melon all these are gonna ultimately be extract this is going to

Be also insert this is going to be insert only and just going to filter for the seeds again just like it was before this was a mistake melon a melon snake I am not having the correct words for things right now but that’s okay melon mistake you go right there

Everything all right so you are also melons going to need to filter that at some point just so nothing accidentally goes in there let me grab a handful more filters just in case because I will need them for this whole setup because I am now relying more excessively on those filters

So all these can extract no problem but they do need to do then is the need to input into here that could go instead that’s fine you are going to be an insert but I am going to filter you first and the filtering with this is done with drawer key hey

Thief King how you doing you are gonna go there doot-doot-doot so you’re gonna make string up there I’ll figure out how to tackle that problem later that’s gonna fill up on string fairly quickly though so I do need to tackle that problem eventually worst case I can just void all of the

Excess crap because it’s not a problem all right so all of these need to start extracting you do not have water now you have water now you can do things you already have full on all these things awesome so I should probably turn these on all right so now we’ve got the squeezer

Going at full capacity which means the refinery is running a full means both these engines are running and we’re now putting out 4140 100 our four tickets 4096 her generator so over 8,000 are put which is then essentially going straight into this which boosting my production of diamonds I already have 28 diamonds because of that now it is loud so obviously I don’t want to stand around there for too terribly long but it’s doing things things are happening things are getting big is this thing doing what it needs to do no because you are not inserting there we go You can be higher priority proceeds it’s fine you are producing string at an alarmingly slow rate but that’s also fine oh that’s good well that’s good you guys are growing now that I’ve got six of these I don’t need to worry about fertilizing them they’ll just they’ll

Just do their thing be able to pull out you doing good now this thing I can get rid of because this was my attempt at making this run back but it ain’t so I can remove that in fact shall unfortunately do it the hard way getting rid of all this head melons

Can I do this from here barely but I can I’m gonna take all the seeds that we’re also crafted and I’m just gonna go ahead and put them in the seed extractor it will eventually cause problems problems it’ll just be slow that’s a you can go away

So your melons you’re my output of melons I still have a lot of melons good this is doing just fine and keeping up with ethanol needs barely but it is doing just fine it is doing its thing so melon should be good seeds Run low on plant oil means that might need more closures And okay so that’s gonna continue being an issue now this is technically going slower because it is processing the melon seeds I’m fine with that once it’s done processing the melon seeds it’s gonna go back to fully doing industrial hemp seeds at eight at a time but that unfortunately means that my

Industrial hemp seeds are going to be under producing because they were at just about empty by the time I threw those melon seeds in there so this is still not gonna run I’m hundred percent of the time with the amount of closures have got in here the only way to fix

That would be through the timelines I think I can do the time ones let’s find out cuz I would like to try because if it works I have space for them and I can do that okay the short answer to this is yes it does work okay so let’s get all six

All seven six seven let’s do seven let’s do all of them cuz why the hell not so we’ve got five wands right now I need two more still just need to be adjusted to their new clock and then we need mechanical users do I have users in here no I did not

I need multiple mechanical users which means I need multiple levers I need multiple of these resonating and doohickeys graph me many pistons please that’ll do I need I just need that money and some that’s fine so I need these that’s fine and then I need dropping rooms it’s

Gonna make a bunch right now cuz why the hell not alright so um levers there I made too many mechanical users but that’s fine I will have them before later and then also what I need is just some sort of building materials I’m just gonna grab some cobble I need it’s going

To be a little bit of pain to set up because if I remember right the mechanical users place facing you which is the weirdest placement ever and rotating them can be done actually so that’s not too bad but it do need to place them and then rotate them so place okay

And then I need to turn off all those things okay so place rotate let’s see if this would be manually turned off instead of wrenched off fine let’s be that way okay so each of these is going to be used item on block left slot use item left slot only

Right so that is just basically gonna grow melons at a stupid rate melons are going to be essentially overfilled but that’s fine that’s perfectly fine these are growing at a steady rate as well which is now over producing seeds at an alarming rate in fact I may have turned some of those

Mechanical users off just because don’t really have a reason I mean I don’t have to turn them off they’re not causing problems except for excessive energy usage but that’s fine so overall network usage is ten thousand and ten thousand ow burn any power that you get it now I

Already have stack and a quarter of diamonds which is already more than I had the entire time so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 tells me pearls twelve pearls and I need mana ooh I don’t have very much this stuff left I

Need to make more of this stuff yeah later all right now this is the part that’s going to take some time because I need to first make the corals and make the diamonds which takes up a bit of mana and I need to use those to

Make the Tara steel which takes a bit of mana and buy a bit of mana I mean it takes a half a pool for each ingot okay one one one down that should be more than half pearl or Matt more than half of a pool so I should be able to do

A second one I need to get my foresty wand back there we go okay so that was to two halves of a pool for two pearls I don’t exactly have very much mana so this is gonna take some time I just kind of why I wanted to start that now so this spark

Now needs to go on to this pool and I’ll use just one for that one now there are ways to solve for this problem I could make more sparks one on each pool which will then just pull it four times as fast basically but that makes it then a little bit harder to

Judge exactly how much I have left but I will do it I’ve got three more sparks needed let’s do that because speed is speed is key speed is important I do need pedals for each of their loosening six petals whatever pedals I’ve got yellow light gray red blue yellow three sparks

We can spark that pool we can spark that pool and we can spark there we go now this is not an ideal setup because I am going to be draining from my alchemical pool but that’s fine because I don’t worry about that at moment and now you

Can see all four of them are going it goes really fast and done heck of a lot faster than before because it’s pulling from all four pools at once now I had two full pools left which means I had enough for four Terra steel this is my second one that’s why it’s a

Little bit harder to keep track of because can’t look at a single pool and say I’ve done half a pool it’s now pulling from each of them evenly and it’s not going nearly as fast because two of these pools are completely drained there okay now another thing I can do with

Sparks is do the augments which is a pixie dust so I just haven’t done all of that yet do I have pixie dust I don’t think I do now the only thing I got is the Elementium because I did not have all that much mana to work with so what I

Can do then or no I didn’t have pearls to work with that’s a different problem so now I can make pixie dust which means I can then make the spark augments that’s good if you want to make something like a man of battery which then is multiple pools soaking up mana

From something like this I will expand my mana production at some point soon here I think I don’t honestly know how much extra mana I want but it would be handy to have a mana pool that I can duplicate items with at a glance as well as the ability to make more quartz

Whenever the hell I feel like it so those things would be nice to have I have enough mana for one more Terra steal that that would tap me dry so maybe I don’t want to do that at the moment also I don’t think I’ve scanned all these pearls

Doot-doot Cantara steel I have a scan Man of Steel I know that I don’t know for sure if I have scanned my magnet ring I have not nor have I scanned migrator bended mana when I did probably not what about that nope did not scan that and

Also I don’t think of scan each of these there we go everything’s on scandi right I said it let’s get all these things scandal those things kind of these things one thing I did want to make was more of these these two pieces of dirt types those are what get me the

Crystals for thaumcraft now granted as we did the other night I did create more of these by hand using other means through pistol izing the stuff in there but if I get this set up working properly I won’t have any excess to throw crystals at so that’s the thing I

Do concern myself with okay flux it’s not a problem at the moment that’s good let’s see that thing actually go away I still haven’t technically automated that I don’t have a need for at the moment but right now I’ve got only 1800 netherrack and ultimately I would like

To have that full because I would also like to automate the production of quartz which relies on that and mana so two problems that I’ve got I can automate the production of obsidian don’t know if I need to but I can I could also set up obsidian to craft

On-demand so this right here is currently crafting on demand these cut processors I could also set in the the quadruple compressed cobblestone which just melts down in to obsidian that’s the thing I could do I don’t think I need too much obsidian at the moment though you’re still just chilling now I

Haven’t scanned snow let me see there we go now let me scan snow okay so Manas coming in we’ve got a bit over a quarter or pool or we’ve got a bit under a quarter who will fit under quarter yeah so between these I don’t think I have

Enough even to make another Terrace deal anyway so mana production needs to speed up one way to do that is just through a whole bunch more of these flowers because as you can see they have quite the range that they can pull from I could put out

Another row of flowers out to here probably out to about here of these two I think so that would be another eight or so so that’s the thing I could do might actually have some no I use them downstairs Things to consider lots of things to consider because I will eventually need more of these void seeds to time-machine into regular bomb crap void seeds that time machine process is not the hard part the hard part is going to actually be getting the more miniature void seeds

The only way I can produce more is either through rich phyto grow or flux to fight o grow obviously if I can make rich and going to make flux because flux does just riched with energy in it so there’s no reason not to go the full

Flux if I’m going to do rich because if I do regular phyto grow I only get 100 percent chance recede back which means one seed 150% means that every other growth cycle roughly will produce an additional seed that I can siphon off for the production of void seeds this is

The only way that I’m gonna be able to do that and that was I’m assuming intentional the other method I think these void seeds can be produced once you’ve got a regular void seed you can then make void eggplants with 150% chance to create more void seeds

Directly rather than the other ones so I think that might actually be the better option so you don’t have to time machine each one of them this is probably the only only intended to be a temporary solution until you have the means to do this instead it does require a lot more

Water which we continued a lot more water output can be tricky to do just to produce it that much water for each cycle but not impossible and the phyto grow is the same so that that part’s not an issue so this is probably good with the answer

And then these Boyd eggplants can go into a culinary generator to make even more power so they kind of solved their own problems back and forth now to make the phyto grow i need either sawdust nitrate and fertilizer or rich slag or I need polarize charcoal nitrate and fertilizer or rich slag fertilizer

That’s apatite and the only way to make apatite is energizing bone meal and bone meal can only be acquired through bone or peat and compost this method is terrible can be done and I can do this manually for a little bit but terrible just truly terrible the bone

Method is much better and that leads me kind of back to that bone making machine don’t you kind of want to do I don’t want to do but that bone making machine does make infinite bones but also leaves more than infinite number of owl heart and greenery as excess which I would

Have to find a way to take care of which I don’t know how to take care of yet because thaumcraft so manually doing bone meal into apatite would not be a major issue because I can get quite a bit of fertilizer out of that deal which

Will at least give me quite a few of the void seeds so I’m fine with that being a manual process to start with but definitely not very long ash is not easy to automate ash charcoal pile is one way but that’s not automatable in the least it could potentially be

I have thoughts on that but I’m not sure those thoughts are great otherwise Pete back to Pete automating Pete is not easy because you need fog earth and a farm solution here bog earth is a manual craft with sand and dirt and then the farm itself requires more fertilizer so

The farm itself requires this stuff to actually function which is a little bit silly if you’re using the farm to make fertilizer it’s doable like you can definitely have a fertilizer production farm not that not that big a deal setting it up to automate it might be a

Tricky matter I’m curious if I would be able to because I also don’t know this version of forestry and how these farms work if they’re any different let’s see farm gear box farm hatch or valve control they all seem to be the right answer they all seem to be doable standards standard

It looks like I know these things looks like I would know how to make these regular old farm blocks or do require a lot of 10 electron tubes which just requires glas.t and redstone so let’s start off by making a thermionic fabricator we might end up making a farm

Tonight because I need fertilizer like that that’s a big stopping point for me I need fertilizer I also need along with that fertilizer if we go back to that to make fertilizer to start to use fertilizer to make Fido grow pulverize charcoal obviously would be the best because it’s 16 phyto groper

Nitrate and per fertilizer versus four so obviously we’d have a charcoal pulverizer but to make nighter or nitrate dust we need to crush sandstone this one’s easier one crushed sandstone using regular old sandstone crushes down with a 40% chance to make nighter which you can increase the percent chance with the

Pulverizer upgrades and then so I’d have to have a crafter making a sandstone which I think you can do it a little bit easier than that yeah so yeah either way sandstone makes sand with a percent chance for nighter nighter will need to be automated so I can have it and yeah

So how’s that scrap going this is still going intermittent no it’s not going in and what happened ah that’s what happened we were going so fast that we used up all of the output here so I need to solve that problem let me solve that problem fast before I do other things

I’ve got string down here which will fill up okay look at that grab translocator it’s easier to do translocator with speed and then I need cables I need external storage and then I also need a void upgrade that’s where I need more obsidian because boi upgrades but this is the

Only way that I’m gonna stop this thing from over processing so I need to flop down my drawer somewhere where can I plot this thing like that it’s not gonna cause problems something is in the way I’m sure that’ll be fine this can be external storage right there

This can be void upgrade right there this can be property Boop like that weird we heard oh that’s right the void upgrade makes so the item trans locators don’t work I don’t remember why but I remember that being a thing so tiny [Applause] I also should make another grid let’s do that grid

I need one of these and 1/8 one these remember which order they go in by the way there we go grid and I need crafting grid okay crafting good and we got cables and then I’ve got translocator yeah conduits that’s that’s that’s plenty that’s like I just need one conduit

I’ve got FPS issues going on over here that’s not cool and so you need to go there and you need to extract it you need the inserts okay back and running loudly back and running loudly so this is producing string which means all of these are freeing up slowly they’re freeing up

That’s the important part you’re freeing up my god I almost need a separate one of these dual drawers in front of each one of them the void upgrade design but it’s happening I’ll let it run for a little bit see how it goes I need the cable to transport all of that information

She’ll go by Nikki’s up okay so that connects up the string back to our network in case it’s ever needed we can also come over here and make them do the same thing for the solver do the same thing for the we can import the diamonds that’s the

Thing we could do because diamonds also these diamonds now are no longer sucking up all the power in the network because this is now my and how fast these same groups that one’s one so that’s the thing look get this set up I’ll be fine and then there will be a an

Import bus there eventually so let’s see let’s go rid I wanted to put that at all Oh that’ll be fine everything’s fine whoo that’s loud also some serious performance issues that direction so I might need to tone down the the wands honestly let me let me tone down the wands a little bit

Let’s cut off three of them see how that works you don’t need one at all because your melon doubt the wazoo that leaves us with three ones I think I immediately flew back over here on habit didn’t need to let’s do the import bus you could be right there importing all the diamonds

There we go it’s not as automated as I can get that right now I don’t know if I have a way to speed this up at all all the way I really can speed this up is by increasing the speed of the pulverized coal which is currently being stopped or slowed down by

These pulverizers this one can only goes so fast this one can only go so fast I could obviously speed them up with mechanical users I could also upgrade them with more augments but right now it’ll do it’d be nice if I timed how often I’m getting a diamond but I’m not that

Concerned about okay things are happening things were getting did trying to remember what I was doing I’m making a farm yes I was making a farm okay so I needed to make a thermionic fabricator first thermionic fabricator I literally have everything my network ready for that so this does not need to

Be used very much it does need power and glass and in fact it needs to be used so little that I can put it near all of my various manual production crap and not have to worry too much about it all right so it will use up power as

Long as there is a recipe in here so I need to make sure that I craft what I need to and then kill the recipe so farm farm blocks require Djinn electron tubes farm gearbox requires just tin but also farm blocks farm hatch requires wooden trapdoor and ten gears

Valve just ten gear and glass and control requires one golden electron tube so that’s all we need is the golden electron tube but if we look at Pete Pete requires the Obsidian electron to which is fine and then you look at the bone meal again so bone meal requires

Compost compost requires wheat dirt or saplings or ash but actually in happening so wheat could be the other half of that farm I could do a two part farm one side Pete one side wheat Pete and wheat wheat and Pete Pete Pete so wheat in the farm is a bronze

Electron – so I need lots of tin I need gold obsidian and bronze so let’s do constant and chemical brass bronze bronze is one of my hello is upstairs yes so bronze tin and lots of it obsidian any gold okay and then I need redstone don’t remember how much redstone but i need

Redstone okay Bart are you doing I’m doing things I’m pretty good I I’ve managed to fully automate these finally or mostly apparently no they actually have fuel they’re just not being used okay so I ended up needing six industrial hemp seed growers half of which are running with fastest

Acceleration wands just to have enough squeezed to run two of these things that is drastically different from previous versions that we had what the hell like I remember you set one of these setups up and you had one squeezer you had one fermenter you had one refinery and then

You had one cloche each of the two different materials needed so what the hell happened to Industrial Craft you require that much extra work to get these things running like it’s still not even know I have let’s see so I’ve got one two three I have I have three of the

Six running on full acceleration wand and it’s not enough the only reason I took out some of those wands was because I was actually starting to get performance issues from so damn many wands it may have been tweaked by Tama but hey I can’t imagine why I mean okay

I could imagine why but still I can’t imagine tweaking with this thing specifically when it can be so easily overcome granted it was unexpected but it wasn’t exactly hard to overcome it so I don’t know it just seems odd to me and I’d be curious to try it out in the

Other FTP pack I forgot what it’s called one that’s not tweaked just to see if something was up with that so we got golden out in are you not gonna craft anymore no okay built the new PC nice I am seriously debating that myself so we kill the

Recipe so doesn’t keep using power not that not that that worries me at all but still so far blocks farm blocks I need copper I need slabs and those ten electron tubes now I do not remember how many farm blocks are needed but I’m gonna make a bunch are you gonna be

Going for one of the new ray-tracing GPUs the 2000 series nvme I don’t actually know what that is that’s a new term for me thirty-eight farm blocks anymore slabs 50 – sure why not they are stupid expensive not gonna lie but I’ve heard good things heard really good things

Okay so we got farm blocks I need a farm gearbox I need a farm hatch actually I might already have trapdoors do not already have trapdoors okay farm patch I need farm valve don’t I have more didn’t gears all right now to send years we’re making out a stack of them

And then I need a farm controller that’s it wait a tick managed peat bog check it what oh you got one of those types of drives very nice and you raided them just to make it even faster of course so so these forestry farms do you know

How these work in this version because these are these are harkening back to like Minecraft 1.2 like early early ages of forestry these have been removed from forestry for a long time so apparently they’re back again yeah like these these haven’t been in forestry for so long and

I don’t know if they work the same way like if I remember right I watched Dyer play at one point to pack a long time ago and like you put the peat bog farm in the middle and like four blocks away you manually plant the crap and then it

Just handles it from there I don’t remember I it’s weird but of course there’s no documentation on it so naturally thermionic fabricator to make bronze slime emeralds to make flexible casing to make one of those I mean without knowing how it works I would be more comfortable I think

Setting up the regular farm because I don’t know if there’s any documentation on these I have found that thaumcraft six by the way has absolute for documentation there’s nothing out there I found two small guides both of which are not terribly thorough so dealing with thaumcraft six has been challenging

As well because of course the book is not terribly descriptive on how to do things yes he does yes he does he doesn’t like to claim responsibility for destroying bases but he does do it so managed her manual managed a manual I mean I’ve heard I’ve

Already got all these blocks going so I probably should just go that route now if I remember right I need a soldering iron which is of car of course it’s a carpenter of a three iron and bronze okey dokey fairness prongs to have a carpenter out here already do either these is fine

I don’t know why it takes water to make a soldering iron but whatever whatever it’s fine it’s fine it’s a soldering iron and soldering iron yeah that does the thing okay so I need circuits and it’s the intricate so I need carpenter with gold and redstone I happen to have

Some of those things so gold and its so wheat was the bronze okay so if I did two bronze and to Pete actually probably should do three Pete and one one wheat repeat in the wheat I think we’ll be good I need to do that climate Iser automatic farm automatic farm a real

So three-peat in the wheat sure let’s do that let’s dump all of this excess crap because I’m tired of holding on to it dum dum dum dum dum dum damn it didn’t wanna dump that dum dum dum okay I need dirt I need my farm blocks okay

I’m trying to remember the shape at the farm block I think you can do a three by three by three through by three by four yeah three by three by four we’ll be fine I don’t need to go any bigger than that at the moment by certain they can

And/or will later this is going I didn’t think this through where the hell is this thing going down here right down here is fine so we can do down here let’s go right here because why the hell not let’s Center out of these so let’s Center it about here Missed it’s so that’s the three by three by three and then we need to do the other blocks which by the way I should be scanning some of these things just for the fun Okay yellow things so farm control farm hatch farm gearbox so valve can go over here I think that can be water found controlled doesn’t particularly matter farm gearbox that’s I believe power and then farm hatch is item input no because this version doesn’t have inventory scanning as far as I’m aware

Hey look farm wait can’t they just put in dirt like just that make it go okay I need a plug we helped it how do I run it ablaze I will investigate that problem at a later time so I need a flux point sorry flux point that’s first to get a power

I also need I have any rods at two rods so let’s make more rights I’m gonna do this olds but an old-fashioned method for now yeah yeah old-fashioned mouthing for now because I still don’t know how to automate a thaumcraft very well okay it’s all I needed all I needed all I wanted

Doot-doot okay thank need no tank I need lapis and I need a conduit of some sort okay fine control farm gearbox their farm gearbox take my flux point you have power get power right Bo power yes this is the hatch so over here is the valve however it’ll do that’s I’ll

Do that that and that’s that native water apparently it’s not gonna dirt itself so I shall have to dirt it I need to look quick at my thing it is three away in each direction okay that’s why that and then it is that leave yes that looks correct

I do not know if it can use the dirt in at the center I don’t know for sure I’m already sure it can’t but I’m going to start it anyway okay so that’s that I need to put in I need to put in that so we now have Pete

Pretty sure I need to put in vlog earth and that is going to be something I will have to work on manually creating but for right now I will do some manual also I need the energizer energetic infuser or George we have one of those I do how convenient right energetic infuser I

Need I don’t have bone meal in here my bone meal is out here energetic confuse ER I will figure out how and where to automate this at some point but for right now let’s do is I just need to get it moving so let’s do 16 for now that’s gonna energetic infuse

Into appetite where we can then make fertilizer I’m not going to bother with the ash method because that’s not going to be efficient no matter how I try to do it meanwhile that’s gonna go I need to make buggers I couldn’t see it this dark so bugger

Dirt and sand it’s all I need water cans are a luxury that I don’t have I think nor that so I could potentially make a water or a fluid crafter with there are up tools are F tools refined storage but for right now I will again do it

Manually so I need to meet some buckets just to get some bogger if moving boop-boop that’s that’s buggers and then we need fertilizer so I need to go get the fertilizer from wherever I happen to be making it all this will be automated at some point I just need to

Get it moving so I have some stuff to work with sand is up here it might not like that I have this up here see if it likes me breaking up some random stuff hmm oh right right any more bricks see that’s what this is what I get prettier

Playing with a mother I haven’t played with in ages honey brick I need stone bricks and I need a few of them so the way that these work and the thing I forgot about is I break all this stuff up why do I not have a shovel for this

Do you have a shovel for this okay so the way it works is the spaces that I was attempting to put on dirt need to actually be bricks they need to be the same material that the farm block itself is made out of so bricks me

Then we should be able to put dirt on top of that believe I think may also be failing miserably at this entirely possible ah there we go as I was looking for all right so I need to break these ones and also make these bricks okay that’ll be fine I just need to

Finish off this part here so the one that’s got the ring here is going to be wheat as soon as I put wheat seeds in they’re also gonna go nope I don’t need to go under it’s fine okay I do not recall for sure if it can use

The land in the middle I suspect not but I’m going to put it down anyway if you can’t use it it’s just going to stay dirt so we’ve got bog earth here I think that needs to go there to have it do the thing that wants to do

It’ll eventually figure itself out I think something like that something like that yeah ideally this Center one would also be water but whatever now I need to put wheat seeds in there over here how many it needs so it’s got a few I’m going to assume it doesn’t use this but

I’m gonna at least open one so I can put in the seeds easier should be able to plant those over there soon enough eventually a little bit of a life time Got quite a bit of a lifetime apparently I’m fine that’s all fine it’s all fine everything appears to be good it’s just not doing apparently it needed more dirt sure so yeah the way that this one works is it uses this little teardrop shape and this is also going to be a teardrop

Shape and this is also going to be a teardrop shape etc so I need to make more bog earth to put in here the maturity levels on all of these are pretty low that one’s 33% I could speed these up with the time wands but that

Seems kind of silly to me so let’s make more bog any more stuff I could expand the farm later with bigger farm blocks but for right now I don’t need to do that let’s make more buckets shall we sixteen bucks let’s do let’s make a bunch of buckets water look

At the water then I can make all the bugger that we can stomach this is definitely cause for manual or automation at some point because yeah because clearly this crafting recipe is stupid okay that’s a stack and a half of bug earth it will last a little while in

Here so this thing needs dirt input it needs bog earth input needs sand output because sand is gonna be I think sand is replaced when the bog earth goes in or when the BAA growth matures okay I think that’s a thing that is irritating right there that that one spot where it’s

Decided it’s not gonna be Center that’s irritating there’s no reason for that you silly a silly thing let’s do this a little bit because I don’t think that we’re gonna use those and I’ll provide some light for the crops to grow now this is just gonna sit and go for a

Little bit I don’t know how long it’s gonna take to get it to a point where I feel like I can automate it because it’s gonna take a long time for these to mature as you can tell that one is it 33% the rest there might be another 33%

In there somewhere but yeah not not much is it really just there to troll everyone because that would be hilarious because there’s no reason for that for no good raise and let’s just do that wait 41% hydration required that changed it was 406 before or 142 versus 106 god

I can’t number right now but yeah whatever there’s it’s fine it’ll it’ll do its thing it’ll do its thing eventually okay how we’re doing on mana toward a pool half pool quarter pool half a pool I think we could do another couple terrorist deals that’s good mop

Mmm numbing up for one more I think yep now go wait a little bit for the last two I’m gonna take a little bit longer don’t know if I’ll be able to get finished tonight but that’s fine so the teres steel ingots are going into

The armor and the that means I need the Man of Steel helmets I need one each of the ruins of seasons which I can do that one’s easy enough that one is easy that one is also easy spider I might not be easy spider I that’s not easy I need

To get each of those things in there that’s fine I’ll figure it out and then rota winter is cake forgot about cake I don’t have milk buckets milk is the fermented protein soup got it I did do that before I forgot about that because milk was also allowed to

Make eggs which I also need to do unless I still had those eggs in the network and do have two eggs in the network so I do have at least enough egg to make a leg thank you yes I have enough I have I have an egg which means

I can make a single piece of cake which means I can make the one ruin of winter moon of winter can also be used to make the next tier not sure how much I need of those shocked me not Looney um munch do keiki Maru Lu neom oh I will

Need them for the dragon time eventually way down the line eventually listen is entropy neom shelf me not you say dream don’t eat that and that’s just those two again okay so primarily I need the rune of wrath was it the rune of wrath it was the ruin

Of gluttony so primarily I need the rune of gluttony that’s gonna come out of the winter which is not a huge problem because once I’ve got an excess winter I can just make more of them with the with the runic altar so that’s not a huge problem and then greed is spring and

Water both of which are very easy so that’s fine will require automating those at some point but yeah okay so I will probably hold off on those until next time that’s gonna take a while to make all that stuff that’s with diamond production doing 170 considering I started tonight with like

14 that said it’s pretty good now I started tonight with 22 and I used some but still that was pretty good this is still causing me performance problems but it is still running at 100% I can actually drop down one of the times I think how we doing over here

That’s still maxed yeah I can I can drop one of the times help with performance a little bit yeah all right so hopefully that’ll help a little bit okay a little bit clean up there alright um I mean it got a little bit accomplished tonight I’m gonna probably

Be ending it in just a moment here it just because late enough and I’m kind of brain-dead we’ve got a little bit complicating this so I’m gonna stay away from that cuz it’s loud finished automating that so that I have significantly more power production also more than doubled my power production

Down here granted it’s all ground to a halt now because of this problem I don’t know how to solve I figure that out later so that’s problem that’s gonna cut into my power supply significantly Bart you still there you know how to solve this problem mechanical user filtering networking properly

So ultimately I need to get crude oil into the time machine it the time machine does not accept any amount of fluid filtering or fluid piping so I can’t pipe fluids into it which means I have to use something like the mechanical user and a bucket now the problem is is this bucket

This bucket goes into here it gets pulled in to the fluid Transposer down below which I forget there we go flu Transposer fills the bucket with biomass biomass gets right flicked into the time machine all of that is well and good and it works perfectly until the whole system overflows you know this

Gets full of naphtha this gets full of crude oil this gets full of crude oil and the time machine as soon as the time machine fills up with crude oil the bucket the empty bucket then takes the bucket of crude oil and pulls that back into the mechanical user which then sits

Here with a bucket full of pot of bile or of crude oil instead of biomass that it needs and the only way that I can fix it is to come in and manually dump out that bucket after the system has cleared out and I have no idea how so how to solve

That problem because the friggin time machine can’t accept pipe limits that’s the only reason this whole thing doesn’t work after I have tried with the fluid transpose errs I have tried with the Android conduits I have tried with the fluid actors from thermal the time machine simply does not accept fluid

Through a pipe and I don’t know how to solve the budget problem otherwise and that’s irritating because I know that time machine is temes responsibility which means Tama is responsible for making that time machine not accept fluids and I know he knows how to do that so he made that conscious decision and

That’s irritating baby but it’s got its got a fluid tank like there’s no legitimate reason that this thing can’t accept piped influence there’s no legitimate reason for that so the only thing I can think of is maybe it’s a sided problem and I don’t know what side it can accept fluids into

Because I can pump fluids out of it no problem like this this fluid doc just pumping out but the crude efforts created so maybe I just need to figure out what side I did try fluid the fluid transfer notes yes it did not work how about

That leads me to the transferor pipe the only thing I didn’t try was the transfer pipes from ex utilities it’s literally the only thing I didn’t try because I hate those pipes but if they’re if they will solve my problem that I would be more than willing to use them so maybe

Maybe that’s an answer so at this point I’m willing to try it I don’t have any of those things I need stone slabs sure too many but fluid transfer node and no so when when you said flow transfer nodes I was confused I haven’t tried the fluid transfer nodes

I have tried the fluid trans locators that didn’t work so let’s try the fluid transfer nodes and see how that goes I could also do the flat transfer knows but I don’t know how to use those yet and that seems like that would be inefficient for me to use so what if okay

Do for now this needs to finish producing it just did okay I need food transfer which direction is Stanton I don’t how much erection the things facing anymore oh damn it it’s currently at the back that one okay so fluid transfer another lot and then blah problem solved apparently

You know you know Tama I’m gonna say this again that’s obnoxious so Tammy has decided for whatever reason that only fluid transfer nodes from his own mod are going to work with his with his machine for whatever reason he has made that decision it works but it is irritating that that’s

Required especially since the fluid transfer nodes are terrible but we have solved the problem thank you for reminding me that these exist because otherwise I would have forgotten about them because they’re terrible it is working and that’s that’s all I need right now but the reason the reason that

They’re terrible is not causing a problem here so I’m okay with it that will hopefully get this whole thing back up and running these are starting to get fueled again so that’s good they are okay for short runs but that’s the thing as they are only okay for

Short runs there are infinitely better options the primary reason that the transfer nodes are potentially good is for the world interaction and they can produce a pretty significant amount of water which I might end up doing instead of my obvious accumulator here that’s not producing water very quickly it’s

Producing it enough right now for my needs but I’m gonna need to jack up the power or the water usage very soon here so that will be probably my next bet is to do the fluid transfer nodes because I don’t think there’s any other way to produce water that quickly but other

Than that I don’t like using them for anything now I don’t okay the one alright it’s not great but alright I just haven’t bothered jacking up my mana production yet so now that that problem is solved thank you again Bart I think I’m gonna go to bed

So of the things that we actually accomplished tonight which seems very slim I accomplished the re automation of all of the wood products I accomplished absolutely nothing in fact I negatively accomplished things with thaumcraft which was my entire goal for the night was to accomplish things

With stomp with Tom craft so yeah yeah me I have managed to get these things up and running 100% I have more than doubled my production of energy down here and thanks to art I have corrected this mistake I have also set up the bit over here the

Basics of the farm which let’s see we’re at with the output we have three whole peat three whole peat yay so the good news though is that Pete – Pete is enough for half a stack of bone meal so this doesn’t need to produce quickly for

Me to still have a decent amount of bone meal on the output the only thing that I need to do next for the bone meal production is to make compost which just needs to take the excess dirt that’s coming out of this box and mix it with

The wheat that will eventually come out of the box because none of it’s actually grown yet and make compost out of it and since it’s going to make for compost with four wheat once I get four wheat that for compost turns into a full stack of bone meal so

The only thing that I might do over here is speed up the production of the wheat do we have things like sprinklers no do we have we do have the Agri carnation which can speed up the growth of of flowers I don’t remember how much mana

It needs but I think it does need some we also have the lantern of growth but I don’t think I’ve unlocked that yet but that requires thaumcraft automation which I am terrible at so I’m not now looking forward to that all right do you know of any other growth accelerator

Options if I if I search for grow all I get is the ring of growth lamp of growth of growth I know the Agra carnation I could probably set up something with the time wand although I would hate to do that is there something like a ring stand because that that ring

Of growth is actually additions is there something like a ring stand or something that can install that ring into to have it function no damn does that ring require interaction like right-click to activate or is it just there like for example could I install it on a

Mechanical user to make it work or you don’t know what else I don’t know what else could potentially do something like that but if you say probably not then that’s fine nothing like an armor stand or something that might work we just got five Pete going so that’s

Good that’s happening that’s all mature is this maturing I don’t know if those are maturing yeah whatever it’s working that’s all that matters the greenhouse class that’s right I don’t know how to use that stuff like how does it need to be formed does it just need to encase the area

Because the greenhouse block is a separate thing so do I have to build a separate greenhouse block thing because again this is new for this version of forestry so I haven’t had a chance to play with the greenhouse and forestry yet it looks kinda like greenhouse needs stuff it’s all doable stuff Yeah I have no idea how the greenhouse works I am oh this greenhouse glass is what you’re talking about I believe this requires direct sunlight which means I would have to move my farm or I would have to I think this is the only block that needs it actually yeah

This is literally the only block that’s in the way so let’s break that does it need to be any specific height because I’ve never used that greenhouse glass either I’ve seen I’ve seen like dire use it like a block or two above does it just need to be above I guess is the

Only question I really have that also requires in power palace which means I need to empower cut Hammond okay that’s a thing I don’t have yet prismarine that’s fine it sometime Reconstructor I don’t have very much in the way of saplings but I can make that let’s check the greenhouse class

Greenhouse glass actually editions placed above crops at any distance it will cause the crops to grow faster must be visible to sky light and it must be a day time for it to work properly so all I need then is empowered Palace which means I need empower and cyan which I

Can do and then prismarine which I can do empower is the only thing I don’t have currently chasing displaced and green block advanced coil or stony a double battery it’s all doable I just don’t have it set up currently so maybe that will be a next time thing can be

Looked kind of janky but it’ll fit alright here like just need a green house like right here to make it work or alternately I could put the farm in a useful location and deal with that at a later time but that’s a little different problem but yeah that is beds I’m done

For a night that’s I don’t have the brainpower anymore for this tonight so yes done done done maybe yes done ok so tomorrow night if I can manage it I will most likely be going back to stardew valley and I will most likely be changing up my farm as well as

Some of the graphics to make it look better and to have a better layout of my farm so hopefully I’ll have the time to swing it tomorrow before stream time because I would like to get that done sooner than later and I think I’ll have

A little bit of fun when I do that so that’s that’s kind of my goal for tomorrow tomorrow being Thursday and then Friday will be back to factorio hopefully with what civil and blade so yeah that’ll be it that’s pretty much my plan for the rest the week that’s all I

Got so thank y’all for coming thank you for any subs and follows that I might have missed and I will see you all next time bye

This video, titled ‘Pump up the Power | #11 | Ultimate Alchemy (Modded Minecraft 1.12)’, was uploaded by TwinMinds on 2018-12-22 23:17:59. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:40 or 13780 seconds.

I was going to tackle more Thaumcraft, but it turns out I have no idea what I’m doing. So I crank up power production to keep things moving forward.

The mod pack can be found on the Twitch client, or here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ultimate-alchemy

Donations are welcome: https://player.me/twinminds#tip

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/twinminds Mixer: https://mixer.com/twinminds Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ymtSDNw Twitter: @twinminds83

Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ Music provided by https://www.pretzel.rocks/

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    110 Ways Minecraft Changed! Can You Tell? Exploring Changes in the Minecraft World In the vast world of Minecraft, subtle changes can make a big difference. A fun game of spot the difference awaits players, challenging them to observe closely as elements shift and transform. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and see what’s new! Spot the Difference Quiz One spot will fade away, while another will appear in its place. Can you spot the changes in the Minecraft world? This brain-teasing activity not only sharpens your observation skills but also provides a moment of revelation as you discover the altered elements. It’s a… Read More

  • Ultimate Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons

    Ultimate Farmer's Delight Mod Addons Welcome to a Culinary Adventure in Minecraft with Farmer’s Delight Mod Addons! Are you tired of the same old food options in Minecraft? Look no further! The Farmer’s Delight mod has got you covered with a plethora of new food items, cooking mechanics, and traders to spice up your gameplay. Let’s dive into the top 25 Farmer’s Delight mod addons that will revolutionize your culinary experience in Minecraft! 1. Farmer’s Delight Starting off with the core mod itself, Farmer’s Delight introduces a wide range of new food options and farming mechanics to enhance your gameplay. From hearty meals to… Read More

  • Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4

    Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4 Exploring the Nether in Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 4 World Info In episode four of Let’s Play Minecraft, the adventurers delve into the Nether in search of bastions and fortresses. The version being played is 1.20.1, with the seed number -1056946488598000456 guiding their journey. Mods The team is using a variety of mods to enhance their gameplay experience. Some of the key mods include Fabric Loader 0.15.7, Fabric API 0.92.0 by modmuss50, Sodium 0.5.8 by jellysquid3, and Iris Shaders 1.6.17 by coderbot. These mods add new features, improve performance, and enhance the visual aesthetics of the game. Shaders and… Read More

  • Sneaky Creator Makes Huggy Wuggy Portal – Minecraft PE

    Sneaky Creator Makes Huggy Wuggy Portal - Minecraft PE The Intriguing World of Minecraft: Exploring the Huggy Wuggy Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious realm of the Huggy Wuggy Portal. This portal, also known as Experiment 1170, introduces players to the enigmatic character Huggy Wuggy, a toy created by Playtime Co. that serves as the main antagonist in Chapter 1: A Tight Squeeze. Unveiling the Success of Huggy Wuggy Playtime Co. proudly presents Huggy Wuggy as one of their most successful products. This cuddly yet menacing character has captured the hearts of players worldwide, adding a new layer of excitement… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs, Pros, and Hackers Unite!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs, Pros, and Hackers Unite! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today we stumbled upon an exciting video titled “NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER Spider Man in Minecraft🕷#shorts”. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine being able to build your own Spider Man statue or even recreate epic battles like the ones shown in the video on a multiplayer server. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a noob, a… Read More

  • Minecraft Pigs Fight

    Minecraft Pigs Fight Exploring the World of Minecraft with Allay Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft with Allay, a dedicated gamer who shares their adventures and creations with the world. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, Allay’s channel is a treasure trove of excitement and creativity. Join Allay on Their Minecraft Quest Allay’s channel is a hub of Minecraft content, featuring gameplay, tutorials, and more. Dive into the world of Minecraft alongside Allay as they showcase their skills and imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone… Read More

  • Crafty Creation: Building a Hawk’s Nest in Minecraft!

    Crafty Creation: Building a Hawk's Nest in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Falconry at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures, including building structures and exploring new realms. In the latest episode of “のんびりマインクラフト,” the focus shifts to creating a falconry adjacent to the ancient Kozanji Palace. Falconry, a popular activity during the Edo period, involved the art of hunting with trained falcons. Matsumoto Castle, known for its historical significance, housed a falconry where these majestic birds were kept. Recreating History: The Falconry The player aims to recreate the essence of a traditional falconry within the game. Drawing… Read More

  • EpicGaming SMP semi-vanilla Minigames

    Server Information Server IP/Address: play.epicgaming.ch About the Server: We offer Java/Bedrock Survival and Minigames. Join us for regular Server Events. Towny Survival Features: Mobheads Teleports Economy Death Chest Ingame Ranks Miningworld with no Mobs Ender Dragon respawn Minigames: Soccer Horse Race Build Battle Bedwars Ice Boat Parkour Community Details: We have 5-10 daily players with an average age of 20. Our server uptime is 100% for your convenience. Additional Information: Ranked 36th out of 2000+ Servers on McLike Active server owners who host regular Server Events and keep the server up to date Interested in Joining? Leave a comment to… Read More

  • Savage Minecraft

    Savage Minecrafthttps://discord.gg/jhfGAT9Gm6 “Savage Minecraft: Where Creativity Meets Survival TenacityWelcome to Savage Minecraft, an immersive world where the boundaries of creativity merge with the challenges of survival. In this dynamic server, players find themselves thrust into a vast and untamed wilderness, teeming with opportunities and dangers alike.Survival is at the heart of Savage Minecraft. Here, players must navigate through rugged terrains, brave the elements, and fend off hostile creatures lurking in the shadows. From building shelters to forging alliances, every decision carries weight as players strive to endure the wilderness and thrive against all odds.But Savage Minecraft isn’t just about survival—it’s a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Minecraft Hypocrite Encounter

    When you meet a Minecraft hypocrite and they start preaching about the importance of kindness and teamwork, but then they steal all your diamonds and set your house on fire. Read More

  • Villager Crop Farm: Minecraft’s Automated Charm

    Villager Crop Farm: Minecraft's Automated Charm In Minecraft’s world, a farm so grand, Villagers work, crops in hand. Automatic and simple, a sight to see, Harvesting and planting, all for thee. Version 1.20.4, Java’s delight, Villagers working, day and night. Hoppers collecting, items in tow, Efficiency and beauty, all in a row. Inspired by blockical, a master of farms, This creation shines, with Minecraft charms. Music from Mojang, setting the tone, In this world of blocks, where creativity’s shown. Read More

  • [Hot Nether Portal Alert] Gegagedigedagedago! #shorts #Meme #memes

    [Hot Nether Portal Alert] Gegagedigedagedago! #shorts #Meme #memes When you finally find the most secret nether portal in Minecraft and realize it just leads to a room full of chickens clucking “Gegagedigedagedago” over and over again. #disappointingportal Read More

  • Master Teacher’s Sneaky Pixelmon Addon Spamming Bosses

    Master Teacher's Sneaky Pixelmon Addon Spamming Bosses The Exciting World of Minecraft Addon Pixelmon V1.9 Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of Minecraft with the Addon Pixelmon V1.9? This incredible addon, created by Smell of curry, brings a whole new level of excitement to your Minecraft experience. Let’s explore the features and elements that make this addon so special! What is Addon Pixelmon V1.9? The Addon Pixelmon V1.9 is a unique addition to Minecraft that introduces Pixelmon into the game. Pixelmon are pixelated versions of Pokémon, adding a fun and adventurous twist to your gameplay. With this addon, you can explore a world… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Clutches and More!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Clutches and More! Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? After watching that incredible video of extreme clutches in Minecraft, it’s clear that there’s always room for improvement and new challenges. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a thriving community of dedicated players and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where creativity and strategy collide. Whether you’re into building elaborate structures, engaging in intense PvP battles, or simply exploring the vast landscapes, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on… Read More

  • Enter Bizarre Tunnel in Minecraft – Explore Cartoon World!

    Enter Bizarre Tunnel in Minecraft - Explore Cartoon World!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-04-21 13:00:16. It has garnered 219 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:00 or 1980 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft & Roblox Mobile Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft & Roblox Mobile GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘OMG i am in Minecraft | Roblox | Gameplay, No Commentary, Android’, was uploaded by TheGamerBay MobilePlay on 2024-03-21 14:15:02. It has garnered 112 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:15 or 1215 seconds. 1. “OMG I am in Minecraft in ROBLOX is an absolute dream come true for all Minecraft and ROBLOX fans! The level of detail and immersion in this game is truly impressive. From building and crafting in the iconic Minecraft style to exploring the vast open world of ROBLOX, this game has it all. It’s a must-play… Read More

  • 8 INSANE reasons why you NEED to switch to Minecraft NOW!

    8 INSANE reasons why you NEED to switch to Minecraft NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gdy kończysz grać w starą grę i przenosisz się na minecraft’, was uploaded by AntexoLive on 2024-04-28 12:48:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Switching from the game you’re playing to Minecraft? Then Play! I recommend the MineBerry.org server on version 1.12.2 😀 Servers … Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! A NORMAL DAY IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘EL DIA MAS NORMAL…💀 | #shorts #minecraft #memes #viral #dieguioplay’, was uploaded by DieguioPlay on 2024-01-08 17:55:32. It has garnered 1619 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✴️Follow me on my Networks: 👉Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/DieguioI 👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/djp_juanpablo/ 👉TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dieguiotiktok 👉Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dieguioplay 👉Contact – Email: [email protected] ✴️Participants: 👉 ——————————— ————————————————– — 🔥The Best of DieguioPlay and Friends: ‣ WE FALL INTO THE INFINITE RAINBOW HOLE: https://youtu.be/cGW3MD7Mr00 ‣ The Best BLOCK Hiding in MINECRAFT: https://youtu.be/wXEtS9SU78A ‣ KANDY, LA MASTER DEL MISTERIO (MURDER MYSTERY): https://youtu.be/S-IOSePSuFk ‣ THE CITY OF LUCKY BLOCKS… Read More

  • New Shizo Texture 128×128 for MCPE! Must See!

    New Shizo Texture 128x128 for MCPE! Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘texture 128×128 mcpe 1.20+ smooth dan ringan’, was uploaded by pandu dw on 2024-05-17 12:19:04. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. #minecraft #mcpe #texturepack Download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EqWFTMKSj99W0v1pn8BZVC5zYTWV02ql/view?usp=drivesdk Read More

  • Games Revealed: Never Get Lost Again!

    Games Revealed: Never Get Lost Again!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Games Stop You From Getting Lost’, was uploaded by removedm on 2024-05-13 06:02:11. It has garnered 448 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:12 or 2232 seconds. ʟᴇᴛ ɢᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴛ ɢᴏᴅ. From the streets of London to the immersive worlds of popular video games like Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto V—Join me as we explore the world of wayfinding design and discover how it’s used in the real world and our virtual ones. Like, Subscribe + Hit That Bell! 👍📬🔔 Watch More 👉 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjJD1us9E0yTTvQRKsJGlMsaa_4uGWM8i Support the Channel 🤍 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOkULlbodjRzCjCt72JU5eQ/join… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Quackity in Trouble, Nijisanji Contract Leaks, QSMP Drama

    SHOCKING: Quackity in Trouble, Nijisanji Contract Leaks, QSMP DramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘HUGE LEAK! Quackity is in Trouble | Rooster Teeth Dead, Nijisanji Contract Leaks, QSMP & More’, was uploaded by Omni on 2024-03-06 23:30:03. It has garnered 117052 views and 5828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:21 or 2481 seconds. Last Video ➧ https://youtu.be/KTjjhThLmY8 SUMMARY Popular Minecraft YouTuber Quackity is in a pickle as statements surrounding the work environment with his QSMP grow leading to the interference of the French union. An alleged leaked Nijisanji contract from this vtuber agency shows the insane agreements that a member has to commit to. The legendary Rooster… Read More

  • Insane Trick for EPIC Minecraft Medieval House Build! #58

    Insane Trick for EPIC Minecraft Medieval House Build! #58Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval House| Minecraft Tutorial || Freezn Gamer || #ep58’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-03-27 10:27:32. It has garnered 226 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:00 or 480 seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval House| Minecraft Tutorial || Freezn Gamer || #ep58 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore the below… Read More

  • Dumdood’s Epic Adventure on Blade SMP!

    Dumdood's Epic Adventure on Blade SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘My journey on the Blade Smp Part one’, was uploaded by one dumdood on 2024-02-04 02:11:47. It has garnered 164 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:42 or 1302 seconds. Part one of onedumdood failing to play minecraft on a content creator smp. where if you kill someone you gain a level of sharpness on your sword, and if you die you loose a level. =============================================================================== CHAPTERS: 00:00-00:11 start of chapter 1 07:30-11:20 more interesting 09:20-11:10 goofing off 13:35-14:40 first fight 14:55-15:06 start of chapter 2 18:47-20:20 big fight =============================================================================== people… Read More

  • FroobWorld

    FroobWorldFroobWorld is a small survival server that’s been around since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of SMP, you will probably enjoy our server. Our rules are pretty standard. Essentially – no griefing; no stealing; and no cheating. We keep the chat at PG-13 levels. Some features of FroobWorld: – Land claiming, with no limit to the size (within reason) – Lockette-style chest locking – /rtp, /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back – Long-term maps – 16 view distance – We don’t take donations or give prizes in exchange for votes s.froobworld.com Read More

  • Hotdog Water Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Voted World Resets

    Hotdog Water Server Hotdog Water is hardcore vanilla Minecraft server. Rules: PVP, griefing, and fun are all allowed. No cheating/hacking and no being a wiener. Have fun! Server IP: play.hotdogwater.dog Website: https://hotdogwater.dog Discord: https://discord.gg/pU2wHDTcCB Video: https://youtu.be/vG0hjhuSSpE Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Redstone Community on fire:

    The Minecraft Redstone Community be like: “I didn’t just build a functioning redstone contraption, I also calculated its meme score!” Read More

  • Father Finder: Minecraft Mystery

    Father Finder: Minecraft Mystery In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a player seeking truth, a mystery to behold. Two fathers, both claiming the title as their own, But which one is real, and which one has shown? With twists and turns, the story unravels, As our hero delves deep, through dungeons and travels. Each clue a rhyme, each step a beat, In this virtual world, where reality and fiction meet. So join us now, in this quest so grand, As we uncover the truth, in this blocky land. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a thing, In this Minecraft… Read More

  • When the server crashes but your friends are still vibing in Minecraft #serverdownstillfunny

    When the server crashes but your friends are still vibing in Minecraft #serverdownstillfunny When the server stops but your friends are still playing, it’s like being the only one who didn’t get the memo that the party got moved to a different house. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the amazing Minewind Minecraft Server. Have you ever watched a thrilling Minecraft adventure video like “BORDO BERELİ ÇOCUKLAR, KEREM KOMİSER VE KEMAL’İ KURTARDI! 😱” and wished you could be a part of such epic moments? Well, now you can make your own unforgettable memories on the Minewind server. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience like no other. From intense PvP… Read More

  • Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal – Minecraft

    Crafting a Friendly Cow Portal - Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Zoonomaly Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you delve into the mysterious Zoonomaly Portal. Discover a world filled with unique creatures and exciting challenges waiting to be conquered. Join the quest to unlock the secrets of this enigmatic realm! Unleashing the Zoonomaly Portal Step into the Zoonomaly Portal and be transported to a realm unlike any other in Minecraft. Encounter a variety of friendly cows that roam the landscape, each with its own special abilities and characteristics. Explore the lush environment and interact with these fascinating creatures to uncover hidden treasures and surprises…. Read More

  • Friendly Frog Spawns in Minecraft?! 🐸🔥

    Friendly Frog Spawns in Minecraft?! 🐸🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘SPAWN FRIENDLY FROG (Zoonomaly) DI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by UzeMing on 2024-04-25 01:06:29. It has garnered 4759 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Help Donate All: https://saweria.co/UzeMing JOIN DISCORD GRUB : https://discord.com/invite/AX8maKUV Skin UzeMing: https://www.mediafire.com/view/gsssio0z88d7vbn SUBSCRIBE IS FREE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZiWgf5rFGKfZDYdjnfNjrA Channel ke 2 Bang UzeX https://youtube.com/channel/UC9tffsP_ANQlC7EBHHaZBqg Channel ke 3 Si Paling Mage https://youtube.com/@GamersLegends1997?si=fBAEcn__OlTo8mfJ Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSCseMGK/ ~ follow my Instagram : https://instagram.com/zepri_1997 @DaFuqBoom #skibiditoilet #freepalestine #palestine #poppyplaytimechapter1 #smillingcritters #bobbybearhuggy #poppyplaytimechapter3mobile #zoonomaly #zookeeper #trending Thank you, friends who have read and done so, I hope this channel can grow. Read More

  • Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft Challenge

    Becoming Police Officers in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 15:53:21. It has garnered 26345 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became an POLICE OFFICER in Minecraft Challenge Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a dynamic duo known for their entertaining and innovative content. From… Read More

  • Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategy

    Shocking! Alмaz reveals secret bedwars strategyVideo Information This video, titled ‘ПОДСКАЖИТЕ ЧТО СНИМАТЬ? #shorts #shortsanity #shortsadoptme #minecraft #almaz #бедварс #fyp #op’, was uploaded by Alмaz on 2024-01-29 09:35:38. It has garnered 497 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #shortsclip #shortscraft #youtube #youtuber#subscribe #shortsadoptme#shortsroblox #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsfunny #shortsasmr #shortsart #shortscooking #shortscrochet #shortsbyamritamam #shortschallenge #shortscomplitition #shortsblackpink #instagramyoutube #youtuberlikes #youtubevide #shortscomedy #shortstiktok#shortsfortnite#shortsbts #shortsbhaiveersinghji #shortsbgmi #shortsassa #shortsads #youtubegrowt #almaz #youtubeusers #instavideo #shorts #бедварс #fypシ #op #minecraft ►БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ПРЕВЬЮШКИ – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUQPT3_ueTRGpLn50I1KIeg ►My accounts: »VKontakte – https://vk.com/id817490845 » Discord server – https://discord.gg/m3kUmQAR Tags (do not read) bedwars, hypixel, fireball fight, bed wars, minecraft… Read More


    MIND-BLOWING DIAMOND HOUSE SECRET - MUST WATCH! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘JAMAS ENTRES A ESTA CASA DE DIAMANTE SI TE DICE QUE LO HAGAS 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY’, was uploaded by Bebe Milo YT on 2024-01-09 20:00:02. It has garnered 2796 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. NEVER ENTER THIS DIAMOND HOUSE IF I TELL YOU TO DO SO 😱 BEBE MILO MINECRAFT ROLEPLAY 🟣 Milo’s social networks 🟣 💛 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bebemiloytyt ❤️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bebemiloyt/ 💙 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BebeMiloYT 🔔 Contact: [email protected] (Business) 💖 Fans Mail: [email protected] (Send me your drawings here) 🔻MUSIC: ● Music from Epidemic Sounds… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft IQ Test! Polar Bear Gone Wild! 🤯" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Polar Bear IQ Test 😂 #minecraft #viral #gaming #fyp #famousshorts #shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gleytz on 2024-04-23 02:25:39. It has garnered 11894 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. IP: mc.minelatino.com / play.minelatino.com Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgThvQBFeWG28RSIl9brgLw?sub_confirmation=1 IGN: Gleytz Ayudame a traer mas videos al canal dandole like y suscribiendote! 😉 PC: – I5-3330 – 8gb 1333mhz ram – RTX 2060 – 550w (Ya la voy a mejorar) Perifericos: ⌨️ – Teclado: Redragon Kumara K552 🖱️ – Mouse: Redragon Griffin 🎧 – Auriculares: HyperX Cloud Stinger S #cr7… Read More