Unbelievable! Sjin goes to the sky with ATM9 in Project E!

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[Music] hello welcome back to all the mods 9 to the Sky last episode was an amazing one we got this computer system that you see behind me set up it’s good to go what I’ve been doing is going around through all my chests Gathering up all of that stuff that we had lying around now we can focus it all on one storage location and that’s really huge this episode what we’re going to be looking into is a way to get building materials and other things really quickly and really easily we’re going to be investigating EMC project e mod it’s a pretty cool mod last time I touched it was literally 10 years ago back in the days of techit but it’s made a glorious return back in the days it was known as being ridiculously cheaty and overpowered but I think it’s been rebalanced for the Sky Block mod pack either way it’s exciting it’s part of the quest chain as well so let’s jump in roasty toasty take a look at our computer though yeah oh my God all of my items in the palm of my hand this is going to revolutionize the way we do business basically we’re never going to lose an item again because everything we have is in one location so if I’m thinking oh man where’s all my steel gone guess what it’s in here we’ve got 25 of it really good news also it’s meant I found some things lying around I completely forgotten I had like a couple of iron furnaces we can get those set up to speed up our processes there’s an enrichment chamber lying around in here but we’re getting distracted yeah now one of my worries is how much stuff do I have how much space do I have to put my things away and a look in here shows us already with all of the stuff I have around my base put into this computer system we’re roughly at 10,000 storage 63% full that’s a bit spooky a bit scary until you look at what we actually have so yeah take a look at this we got things like wheat which we can honestly just turn into bread and instantly we just lowered how much stuff we have on our computer by a healthy chunk so yeah a lot of this stuff can go so what is EMC what is Project e well it’s the idea that every item in the game has like an EMC value not every item because they’ve balanced it so you can’t make anything but anything that has an EMC value if you hover over things you can see which things do and don’t have an EMC value but cobblestone as you can see has an EMC value of one so one Cobblestone is worth one EMC what project e does is it gives you a block where you can put items with EMC into it it’ll kind of grind them up destroy them and turn them into EMC energy then you can spend that EMC energy kind of like a currency to make other things that have EMC so for example white wool has an EMC value with 48 that means if I put 48 Cobblestone into the EMC machine I can then turn it into one white wool so why is that good for us well it’s really good for getting wool I guess cuz we can just turn a cobble gen into a raw EMC but what’s even better is most building materials like for example let’s say uh this diorite have I got any diorite in here let’s find the diorite Pebbles diorite yeah so diorite Pebbles don’t have an memc value but what does have an EMC value is diorite itself so since basically all of my base is made from this lovely white material it’s going to mean we don’t have to go scrunching for Pebbles we can just make it off the bat using well just Cobblestone Cobblestone directly turns into diorite pretty cool before we get going let’s have a little bit of a recap so we added a couple more drawers here cuz we missed out lead and Tin from our setup before but this is going pretty well we haven’t got a crazy amount of ore in here like 26 iron 22 gold but I feel like I’m going to take a stack of each of these no actually why not take all of them I’m going to take all of the or we have in here all this lovely stuff sort that and oh yeah look at that free sved goodness and hop along over here put this through our ore Processing Unit it’s going to take some time this isn’t a quick process and we can upgrade this we will be upgrading it that brings me on to another Point actually so tonight when this episode goes out Friday night I’m going to be streaming to the Sky live at 600 p.m. UK time which I think is BST uh not GMT it’s British summertime so 6 p.m. UK time we’re going to be running a YouTube stream where I’m just going to go around do a bit of upgrading a bit of tidying up maybe a bit of building so if you guys have got any tips you want to share with me drop on by the stream say hello this episode we’re going to focus on EMC so EMC is in the quest chain it’s over here in is it getting started part two I think it is yeah it’s kind of where we dropped off so we did the summoning alter that was great thanks for the XP we didn’t bother with farming mobs that’s something we’ll get to down the line for now we’re going to go into low Co veillance dust the energy condenser which is what condenses things into energy and crazy loot well if it says crazy loot how can I ignore that also this is a roadblock we can’t go on to do the rest of these quests until we smash these out so let’s start from the start best place to begin coent dusts are turned into other resources with the use of project e okay oh yeah look at this low calance dust medium and high each has a different value so how do we get these so high CO Valance thirst ooh now that’s a diamond and coal but you get 40 that’s pretty good medium is iron and red stone and then low calance dust is yeah just charcoal and cobblestone well again this is where the computer comes in so so handy it’s really cool being able to walk over here and just do these at a push of a button I think I’ve got everything I need yeah there’s the low we’ll do the medium now oh look at these quests get smashed and then the high oh man I’m riding on a high right now I’m not doing any drugs though I promise so that’s all the calance dusts and the quest complete I imagine these are going to be used in The Coming quest the energy condenser the energy condenser is a very simple converter turns items with an EMC value into raw EMC that you can use to turn into something else uh again yeah this isn’t too tricky I think we could probably do this over in the computer there we go the alchemical chest so wow I’ve got all the bits that’s great news but the big thing we want is the energy condenser so it looks like we are missing the obsidian ah I knew that would be the case now obsidian is not too tricky to make so I’ll grab the Cobblestone maybe a bucket or two that will come in handy for sure and let’s go and make some obsidian there we go now I wonder if there’s a way to make obsidian in like a crucible if we just leave it to cool let’s take a look cuz that could be quite exciting I was just going to put down the lava and the water and use a diamond pickaxe but if we don’t have to make a diamond pickaxe that’s pretty cool oh yeah it looks like with an ex deorum fluid Barrel we don’t need to actually do any digging we can put lava and water straight in the barrel and it’ll make an obsidian now I think I have one of these Stone barrels lying around I’m fairly sure I definitely [Music] do search for barrels o yeah there it is just need the one and we’ll slop it over here so what goes in first the lava or the water I think probably the lava we’ll put the lava there at least the kitchen sink over here will suffice yeah there we go one free obsidian do this four times and we’re going to have exactly what we need wait can I put the water in first will this work no okay so if you put the water in first you just make stone it’s it’s good to know but not essential because EMC is going to make making some of these things completely pointless I think I’m going to need another bucket no I can just wait no can I put the lava back no okay um that was a close one so I hope you guys are excited for the weekend man it’s coming up I hope the weather’s good where you are obviously if you’re in the southern hemisphere it’s winter for you sorry Bros but up here in sunny old England well more like rainy old England it’s the height of Summer and I’m going to I’m going to enjoy a bit of dog walking I think anyway here we go four obsidian the alchemical chest we should have everything we need to make uh where are you yeah here we go the energy condenser Boom Big Moment big big moment let’s hand in that Quest see what we get should be something cool high calance dust it’s worth a lot so what’s crazy loot go visit the project e quest line to see how this mod can be used to get tons of resources yes I think I will you know so for now we’re going to put the ememc chest right here again this area is pretty messy I said I would move the computer somewhere else a dedicated computer room and I will uh we’re also going to move all of these cves and things but it’s probably going to be something I try in the Stream tonight I want to do all the busy work kind of off camera and some of you guys were saying oh how do we know you haven’t cheated if you’ve done it off camera and I was like oh yeah okay so I feel like stream is the middle ground you guys can watch really long potentially you know a bit more laborious jobs but it’s cool and you guys get to give me some advice and input and I get to you know teach you a thing or two as well maybe so here we go yeah oh man this is bringing back memories a can you remember the days the old the old days at the factory the dirt Factory sico Tower oh God we got tons of this oh my God we just got a a diamond out of nothing that is amazing oh my wow that’s fantastic that is fantastic oh yeah those were the days so basically what do we do here to actually make something I think you need one of the item that you’re trying to make so for example we want to make diorite that’s one of the big things that we are looking for get those Pebbles turn them into a diorite block and this is what we want to make one diorite Okay cool so we put the diorite up here oh now we don’t actually need it so does that mean if we type at EMC no if we type quotation marks EMC yes so quotation marks EMC gives you everything that has EMC in the description that’s a really powerful tool so remember that now what we’re going to do is we’re going to turn all of our calance dust into EMC whoops oh no no no no no no no no no no no stop that stop that so basically when you put something in this big block here it turns it into EMC and it tries to turn it into whatever’s in the Target wait what’s this energy collector oh man yes now I remember so if you don’t want to just use Cobblestone to make EMC you can build these things called Energy collectors they will just gather EMC from the sunlight it’s it’s pretty broken pretty cheaty oh but amazing look at this so we can get blaze rods using EMC this means we can super hype up our lava generation using those meshes because if I remember rightly using the blaze mesh is like five times better than lava that’s going to be pretty cool so that’s going to be our goal use EMC to get better power generation we want to make Blaze W so we can can we drag a blaze W from over here no do we need one Blaze W to get this thing going we can’t it seems drag from our non enough items that’s a bit of a shame maybe there’s a way let’s take a look at the EMC Quest chain at least so it’s got its own mod Quest chain here we go project e oh okay and this isn’t small this is a big one let’s work our way down this maybe the quest chain will give us some advice and tips on how to get things we don’t already have so the first Quest is that alchemical bag oh okay right so the alchemical bag it’s not a reward bag it’s a portable EMC chest so basically it’s like a trash can mixed with a dank where you store EMC that’s going to be really handy to walk around with so I think we have all the bits we need to make one of these let’s do it we need an alchemical chest first in it goes then the bag itself but yeah we’ve got the energy condenser next up the game wants to tell you you’ve got to make these antimatter relays and energy collectors so I think the energy collector what is what is the difference between a relay and a collector I know what this is this is passive EMC generation what is an antimatter relay the quest doesn’t say so antimatter well maybe that does it in a different way oh no wait here we go wait it just turns items into EMC doesn’t doesn’t the main chest do that anyway uh weird oh my God a block of d well we do have that and we can grab the obsidian so we’ll put this over here we want the energy collector on the left and the antimatter relay mark one both of them mark one on the left let’s see if we got this so it’s the block of diamond now I’ve got loads of diamonds not a problem here we go one antimatter collector amazing now an energy collector more of the same we get glowstone dust from our cves so we can do that let me just compress it a bit 1 2 3 4 5 six I believe it was in the computer now another block of diamond going to run out of diamonds if we’re not careful 29 left okay I’m going to keep a good eye on that number although oh no diamonds don’t have an EMC value as well so we cannot conjure diamonds using EMC that’s a change but honestly if you could make everything with EMC it would be really broken so there we go an energy collector as well and that’s kind of it you can upgrade the energy collector to mark 2 Mark 3 but let’s put the this next to the energy condenser and see what it does is this going to work now I think this thing needs sunlight yeah cuz that kind of sun thing shows us well either way it’s generating it at a pretty decent rate look at this like already half a stack of cobblestone essentially so that’s all well and good we got the chest we’ got our portable chest and we’ve got ways to generate EMC passively in the bag now what’s this the Philosopher’s Stone looks very cool well it begins with a a Mana pool Mana steel ingots obsidian with iron dark nether star what what what the Dickens is a dark nether star oh my God obviously blaze rods and dragon’s breath yeah sure um are these the things that are needed to make a philosopher stone man Harry Potter had it way easier all had to do is look in epoxy mirror and say oh I’ve got the stone that’s what a joke what a joke JK rling stands for joke Rowling anyway the philosopher stone is gotten via a summoning altar doesn’t get used up in crafting recipes cool what can it do though it can do quite a bit it can be used as a portable crafting table when you press C well I’ve got one of those on a stick oh look at this you can turn mobs whoa you can turn mobs from one to another when you press R and it can turn inworld blocks from one to another when you right click oh interesting so it’s like an EMC converter in the palm of the power of the Sun in the palm of our hand so the summoning altar oh yeah okay so we made the summoning alter I know how that works but I don’t have dragon’s breath I don’t have Mana steel I’d like some blaze rods and I’m nowhere near getting a dark nether star forbidden an archanis oh I do know that mod but oh my God sounds spooky sounds very very spooky once you get the philosopher stone you get things like alchemical coal Mobius fuel a turn Alice fuel but this is definitely late game look at this stuff you need all the modium enderium netherite sky steel to make dark matter and that’s just the beginning well no not even the beginning the beginning is the philosopher stone so I feel like as an end game thing we’ll come back to this chain down the line it’s way too early for us to jump into that let’s persevere with the quests anyway so with EMC out of the way we can go straight on to oh yeah now I really want to get down this chain because well it’s getting started part two seems like the best place to get going it’s going to introduce us to some of the key mechanics we’re going through in the game and we’ve already skipped ahead with the likes of the automated Civ so yeah let’s move on time to use our power boom whoa oh yeah look at this loads of rewards from these a free Cobble gen nice and yeah so it’s telling us to make refined storage we’ve done it yeah we get one silicon oh so generous but there’s some other little machines here that it says are the best ways to use our lava Power number one of course is with a super soup dub smelter now we’ve got those iron furnaces in here it looks like if we turn it to Gold we have ourselves a quest done so we’ll do that we’ll make a block of gold out of some of the ingots then if we press U we can turn this into the gold furnace do we make two well not just yet cuz I want to save my gold could come in handy down the line thank you very much now augment Factory what’s this the factory augment makes iron furnaces use power instead of fuel oh amazing this is exactly what we want I still think if we can get a mechanism energized smelter upgraded fully that’s going to be slightly better cuz you can smelt like five things at the same time and it can go really quick but for now this could be good we’ll park it on top of the computer just so it’s got like an easy access point so we’ll put it there for now power isn’t going into the back yet because we need to make this augment let’s do that let’s do that right now oh wow I’ve got all the bits okay I won’t argue with that one of those and it goes into the augment slot over here there we go augment Factory converts the furnace into a factory and yeah now the pipe is hooked up how quick is this thing though let’s put some stuff through see how quickly we get a smelt on ah let’s cook some potatoes why not I’m going to save a couple for planting oh yeah and look at this we get four slots so this might actually be better than oh yeah it’s very quick as well this could be better than the mechanism energized smelter especially if we can upgrade this to then Diamond there we go Bak potatoes delicious one of my favorite foods quest in the bag free cable don’t mind if I do so Wireless power for the furnace Wireless heat oh cool so with these items we can wirelessly power the smelter that’s cool good to know but we don’t need it we might need these other things though well fuel efficiency we don’t need to bother with cuz we use power unless it reduces how much power we use no I don’t know cuz it also slows down the cook time which kind of sucks don’t want to do that oh this though this halves the cook time and uses twice the fuel that sounds like a pretty good deal we got loads of power don’t need to worry about that so there it is the speed augment we’re missing sugar which I think we can probably make with a bit of sugarcane there we go got to be careful we’re going to have to make a sugarcane farm remind me to make a sugarcane farm probably on stream we’ll do that cuz why not doing a lot on stream it seems and there we go the speed augment put this in the top and this should make baked potatoes cook even quicker let’s give it a test oh yeah oh my God yeah look at that speed that’s Ludicrous Speed so this converts it to a blast furnace or a smoking oven interesting we won’t do that yet but it’s good to know that you can do that convert them into either a blast furnace or a smoker so what about down here oh hang on a sec the ultimate farming machine music to my ears my friends given water power and sometimes fertilizer this will automatically Farm whatever seed you put in there oh my God so it’s like a botony hopper pot in a block O but it is expensive still I want to get these quests done and I feel like this is something we can manage so the photogenic insulator can we make this I think we probably can we need one Redstone flux coil no sweat we’ll need some oh lumium oh what is what is lumium when it’s at home tin silver glowstone and a fire charge or conversely you can smelt lumium dust which you make ah yeah lumium dust looks like it’s much easier to make silver tin and glowstone well got all that so we’ll grab our copper or Hammer Turn some of this tin into more dust there we go nice and simple might as well get some use out of this or hammer and the remaining durability it has there we go eight lumium and this is a great use for our new smelter oh let’s just spread it evenly oh yeah look at that speed it’s so quick so efficient I love it so that will be two lumium gears one and then 1 2 3 4 another one oh yeah and the final piece of the puzzle is well a tin gear into a machine frame which we can do and then Bob’s your uncle we have now a phytogenic insulator cool very very very cool now again we’re going to put this un neatly down here just to see how this works it requires power which we’re giving it and that’s going up pretty healthfully so this will grow crops using Power and Water this thing does need water so we’ll grab some mechanical pipes too [Music] got plenty of these so that’s not an issue bring this up over here and I reckon in the top will wait what that ain’t cool what does the hang on a sec what I can’t okay oh here we go configuration right so we want Auto input enabled and we want it to be the top is blue I think that’s the top right now does the pipe work now yes so we’ve solved that mystery we just need to go in and configure it yes full of water amazing so this will grow potatoes it’s not the quickest but honestly it’s like uh the botony hopper pots next up yeah so this is where things get a bit spicy this is C Improvement so we have the Auto Civ and the auto hammerer basically there are other blocks that you should be using with this to automate the sving we kind of skipped that instead of the crafter we use a chest that automatically compresses ores that’s one way of doing it and maybe it’s a better way of doing it there’s also a flux compactor oh wait this is exactly what the chest does but with extra steps and you got to Si from the bottom but here we go this is the big one so a gold upgrade upgrade stack to three hover over the upgrade to see the numbers for each so the diamond upgrade makes the processing time 80 ticks the netherite upgrade makes the processing time 20 ticks so putting these upgrades in will drastically improve what we’re doing oh man well I definitely want to make a gold upgrade that is for sure but also we’re in trouble because we don’t have any Cactus that’s the only way I can think of to get green dye but is there another way oh yeah of course yellow and blue well we have dandelion and we have lapis so let’s just do that and there we go green Dy that’ll come in very very very handy so the gold upgrade now we need wait terra cotta and it can’t be any color it’s got to be cyan terra cotta cyan die okay we can we can do that we can do this it’s a it’s a process but it’s not too bad so blue and green become cyan diey so the terracotta around the edge then the Canan Dy in the middle makes us yeah Canan terra cotta eight so maybe we can make more of these if we need them oh we will as well we’re going to need loads of these upgrades for all of our cves so it’s good to make more than one in fact there we go we’ve now got three gold upgrades let’s slot these in and see how quickly they improve our yields so our Auto civs are over here oh waa okay oh the big thing is it processes more at the same time so we put one of these gold in each of these I reckon but we’re going to have to upgrade our crushes so they can keep up but that’s big news that’s pretty huge so with these upgrades we can speed up our Auto saving so where do we go from here we’ve got the auto save we can upgrade this we can probably get diamond upgrades now that we’ve increased the rate so it looks like after Sky Block automated is where getting started to really goes crazy after here it wants you to get demon dream seeds and then a smithing template from killing a possessed hoglin ah so that is how I got a smithing template on our community all the mods 9 server it’s a good way of doing it when you can’t find the actual structure where these templates spawn okay cool but it does mean you have to go deep into occultism but that’s something I’m very on board with we can build like a bit of like a like a wizard tower to do all of our occultism and our arnau all the magic mods can take place in a cool wizard tower then we go on to Moss blocks oh yeah look at this arnau it’s like the game is saying hang on a sec you’ve done the tech now it’s time to get magical kja Island village whoa we can conjure a village amazing oh oh my God so we can use arnau to conjure these biomes that don’t exist in the Sky Block world that’s really cool okay very cool it looks like we’re on the road now we’re very much close to finishing getting started but there is a big power ramp so once we trimmed up all of our machines over here got the mechanism lab fully up and running got some more power generation and built our sving Factory so yeah the next step really is to build a big sving Factory and trim up streamline make our machines more efficient then we can move on to Magic we’re going to need a big platform a big magical Tower and we can jump into a cultism and Aro so my dudes thank you very much for watching this episode don’t forget to check out tonight’s stream if you are watching this later then I guess maybe you missed it but you can catch up because the stream is available to watch on YouTube so check it out we made some really good progress this episode we got really far down the getting started part two chain things are going really really really well EMC is very exciting and I’m definitely going to be using that to get more diorite to build even more crazy structures don’t forget to hit like subscribe ding that Bell to be notified when more videos come out consider becoming a member and a massive thank you to my existing members and my patreon members you guys are the bees knes but until next episode my dudes thank you for watching and take care

This video, titled ‘ATM9 To The Sky! – Project E’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-06-14 15:30:03. It has garnered 7278 views and 394 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:19 or 1759 seconds.

Modded Minecraft : All The Mods 9 To the Sky ( atm9 Skyblock) Episode Seven (ep7)

We get started with Project E and take a look at what EMC can do for our building, we also upgrade our sieve and complete some quests!

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All The Mods 9 -To The Sky

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Unbound

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In this short video, I’ll be talking about the new ATM9 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM9, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

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    PC Surprise: Coleman's Gift to David, Minecraft Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, always on the scene. Coleman and David, a PC gift so kind, Subscribers rejoice, in the news they find. Talley, Solo, WindSword, and more, Their adventures in Minecraft, never a bore. Tygrax, ColeGameZZ, Lagi, and Ewik, Building, exploring, with each new click. Silver, Valhalla, SocialBunny too, Feather and Expers, all in the crew. Minecraft facts and updates, in rhymes they flow, In the world of gaming, where stories grow. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, In every pulsing line, let truth take heart…. Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 607

    Crafty Chaos: Minecraft Land 607 In Minecraft Land, Episode 607, We build and explore, a gamer’s heaven. Flying high, crafting diamonds and fire, Furnaces and zombies, a gamer’s desire. Chickens to feed, sheep to shear, With fireworks and wings, we have no fear. Building our world, block by block, Creating a place, where dreams unlock. So join me in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity and fun prevail. Thank you for watching, until the end, In Minecraft Land, we’ll always ascend. Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: https://checkpointmultiverse.com/ This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at play.minevita.net, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP: play.minevita.net→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! discord.minevita.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Doublesal Discord: https://discord.gg/cdyPTJrdam Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/doublesal —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮https://bisecthosting.com/Doublesal —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.quest

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на 2b2t.quest’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ip-2b2t.quest. ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5t9om8eqzmdtsi3/A+pack+like+shader.zip/file @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- https://discord.com/invite/WBHjA6eTp9 mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More