Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!

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all right definitely didn’t start cuz I have to actually hit like start stream right wait why does it say end stream wait hold up hold up did I just successfully start a stream without any hiccups like at all ain’t no way am I able to find this or is it on like unlisted holy CRA what I actually was able to start a stream without just throwing immediately like I started a few minutes early because I was expecting hey I’ll have technical difficulties like I’ll be failing a few times because I always fail every single time I started and I don’t I’m not ready now what I meant to have like another minute before I have to do things huh this is a new feeling I I’ve never felt this way before that one thing that what am I doing all right [Music] let’s see all right well I guess we’re just going to we we got to get a carrot plot going because I don’t want to get rid of the wheat plot all right what’s up owner Maple monkey yep yeah we’re going to clear this plot I know this is exactly what everyone wants to see as soon as they they come to VI ver stream is to see people clearing a plot like this is content especially with dogs barking we’re having a round VI I looked away for like two seconds from chat and I’m trying to catch up okay we got nub gaming in here too welcome um home sick from school so you have you have to watch my videos and lives I mean I wouldn’t say you have to like I don’t have like a gun to your head or anything but I’ll allow it I’ll allow it yeah plot clearing is obviously the most exciting thing that could possibly be done that and we can fly so these these trees are like this one ain’t going to stand a chance like this is gaming the heck you can a clipp or like is that just huh no what is that I uh I’m so confused you should do some AG flipping you know what yeah let’s do some ah flipping in a bit once we clear this plot we’ll uh we’ll try what do you think is good for ah flipping right now any suggestions sesting monkey I mean you obviously know some of the best auction flips right now it’s not like obviously it’s it’s allowed why would Age be close why would you supect that it’s it’s not like obviously the age is completely open that’s why he’s suggesting I I try and H flip it would just be pretty silly and unappreciated if like he was saying that when I don’t know the auction no is closed right like it is oh my gosh Unforgivable see I personally love bir trees’s like did that do anything no okay yeah it’s going to be five days I think is how long Derpy closes it Dr papers are nice I’m so lost is that an item I don’t know what new items are called yep we are Reviving though I mean I’m shocked that from like two trees and grass I feel like we’re just going to clear this like we’re already halfway there from breaking a bunch of grass I mean no one knows what grass is here so I I don’t I don’t think this is a relatable topic you know yeah it’s it’s rude of me to to talk about such topics see uncommon Brew interesting ah I mean do people even bu bruise like doesn’t like a god pot just like give all of them like is there even a point of bruise aren’t they basically all useless oh yeah those aren’t my flips though that’s where my that’s what my Co-op is up to cuz he’s kind of just like at work right now slacking off there it is yeah slacking off at work very irresponsible but I mean if you want you could you can try and figure out what he’s flipping and then compete and make it worse for him and ruin it what the house you don’t like I’m exposing you not allowed to you know I should call your boss I need to figure out your boss’s phone number so I can tell them how often you’re playing Sky Block at work wish I could play Sky Block at work cuz all I get to do is sit around walking until like um you know VI walking around talking to people waiting and hoping my boss doesn’t interact with me because he’s probably going to find something stupid for me to to have to do why is house isn’t my second Channel he only stole that thumbnail once all right that makes all of the grass textures sponges so e to clean why the like see I I have to ask who was looking at this plot was like hm I hate how this grass reminds me of how I never touch it I want to turn it into sponges is that that’s what was going through someone’s mind it’s like grass and they’re scared of it or something so they have to they have to turn it into sponges and also H you should be delighted that such a mistake was made all right that’s that’s a compliment as far as I’m concerned what’s up I why do people have names of with x in their names Zia cats and mil oh no it’s just to make the grass easier to see so you can clean it easier I mean sure it’s it does have its uses yeah being able to see grass and stuff sometimes but at the end of the day you’re only going to have to do this 20 time like what 24 times cap like tops that’s the only amount you’ll ever have to clear plots basically a what’s up Maple monkey I mean I think I don’t think you’re allowed to claim Pooky bear status so it’s just it’s a niche like sure it could be used but it probably doesn’t it’s not going to be NE necessary for the very few plots I run a lot of dungeons I used to do dungeons we have yet to do them on this profile but eventually probably will and um yeah really hope you’re entertaining because I’ve chosen you as a streamer watch while farming to my death today look I will do my best all right like we’ll we’ll try hey I know through the dungeons I just was never helpful okay I was never the reason we failed much I just didn’t have like mods so I didn’t know every Secret by heart I only knew probably like 30 40% of Secrets without mods so sometimes I’ll just walk into like a room be like ah I don’t know this room and just teleport away from it instantaneously before anyone sees me there or I’d get blaze puzzle and be like yo who here has blaz Blaze solvers yeah but I was never the reason we’d fail how much fps do I gu I I cannot run shaders and dungeons it’s either shaders and like four chunks render distance or like eight chunks render distance no shaders so I I will probably turn shaders off if I do dungeons but yeah other than that I was I I was never the throw okay fave streamer watch so far probably because it’s easier to interact with comp to others with thousands of live viewers I mean yeah cuz when there’s thousands of live viewers you are a person distinguished by the name chat or chatter all right like they probably would make a tier list of their viewers which I don’t know when I would do that we could do it this Friday because I wanted to do the 24-hour stream this Friday but then I’m like I could not do it this Friday generate some more hype around it so it’s not just an absolute D and I waste 24 hours of my time and my sanity but we’ll get to [Music] that but now we have a clean plot we’re going to get carrots [Music] going uh definitely not top 20 netw worth player but we’ve got this profile which is level seven for when I do a 24-hour stream of bizarre flipping we got the profile we’re on right now it’s about a month old we got it with house you should check them out this is kind of my flipping profile which 7 months old sure it might have 363 million purse coins but we’re going to not say how much bank and then we have my main profile which is pretty good considering it’s 3 years old but it also has a lot of playtime allocated into I would say wrong spots but we’re going to need to buy I think 50 carrots that’s what we need 50 Enchanted carrots and then these you’ll just be able to make up that is 30,000 we do not want that all right for those who don’t know that hopefully me who isn’t going to be racist here those um language symbols because I don’t want to you know get cancelled that is my uh Co-op partner for the flipping and we definitely don’t have a bill in the bank also why people make me read like entire paragraphs like yeah know one of my friends parents took their laptop off and so I could found a way to install LX on their Chromebook and they stilled Minecraft on it all right look sometimes sometimes people need to play Sky Block but it’s usually not that bad like it’s usually not that bad more in seven months I can’t take all the credit we we’ll give Mr random some credit there but obviously no one knows who Mr random is because inconsistent upload schedule bro never uploads you want to fight back in chat now mister Rubik’s Fury hate that guy gosh all right so we’re going to have our carrots pasting mad bad Banning from the chat uh what we’ve been doing though I did some uh off camera grinding if you know what I mean we got all the hay bales we need and all the box of seeds and half of the potatoes so we basically yeah it’s pretty difficult for me but we basically have everything we need for Crappie armor um yeah everyone’s names are white it’s pretty difficult for me so um even I 8 my mega Farm before I noticed I had 75% dff because of nice I feel like fart wasn’t the word you’re going for there t and M are pretty close to the same yeah to be fair we I originally started flipping because Mr random was like yo I’m a flip and I’m like oh okay I’ll just get you some money from farming so you can flip more and then random with his puny brain found some pretty trash flips and I was like well I have more experience I could probably find something better and then I did so you know sure he was helpful but uh what is the optimal thing this is just lag is it too what is it what is like Optimal I’m so trash what if you try 232 what’s up Maple one I would love to know something all right please educate [Music] me I’m being bullied I I can just never never have anything try 350 speed and clear single rows by sprinting see I don’t want to visit melon King because then I have to like visit melon King I don’t know I like doing the two clears you can give all of the fermentos look I don’t take Contraband but I know someone that does house but um Na monkey please enlighten me with something I’d love to know it yeah like the one problem with this is like when you’re forming two rows sometimes lag will just affect affect it enough to the point where you just don’t get to mine in the second row but big monkey after grabbing my attention like four times you just hit me with a I’ll tell you later like soir yeah plus Derpy with pests like Health it’s pretty difficult for me at least because I’m out here with the 100 damage vacuum so it takes me 12 hits on a p earthworms are just the worst thing that’s ever been invented and I hate them like the Earth are like the only things that actually do anything special am I interested in buying an unobtainable item what value does this unobtainable item have it doesn’t have a name that could also be beneficial to know like what what are we looking at also this one house guy I’m assuming is farming pumpkins right now like I don’t know he’s on here and wait is he farming melons cuz there’s just so many things some my gold 12 CH of blades belts from his Club member and gave them to me fair enough I mean fair enough indeed yeah but 1 1200 Health PS are like the worst cuz at 600 they’re meant to like they’re meant to go to you so they just it’s just weird [Music] damn house is gonna have to fight Maple monkey in Chad about how he’s not not my old [Music] YouTube exra large gemstone stack it’s remove from game it’s literally impossible to get all right this sounds I’m assuming that’s just a placeable item like decoration thing in which case decorations are just useless if any viewer wants all of my fermentos when I’m done farming hit them up wow that’s a that’s a good deal I mean that’s oh we have to go over here just yeah that’s a pretty good deal yeah even if you two tap you have to find them three times that’s kind of dumb yeah earthworms are just like they’re the only ones that have something special is my birthday it was this month we’ll say that I progress in mid game like one networ it’s got nekron and giant sword I just don’t know where to go next so if you have necron and a giant sword I’m assuming you were running dungeons all you can really do with necron giant sword you could do some Slayers like I think you can melee every Slayer it’s just not going to work too well for Enderman and I mean no one cares about blades until blades but I would probably just recommend you can continue doing dungeons if you like it find it fun if not getting a consistent uple or a consistent I guess money-making method is good could try mining farming dungeons aren’t as consistent but they could be better like you just drop a handle what am I doing with all that c okay I see it maybe one I see it I see it I I get the joke uh we’re using a rabit p I meant to type sack which not price for use ah yeah so if it’s a sack I don’t even think you can do that like you can’t even trade sacks can you from profile to profile got level 7 and three slurs and Enderman just one shots me yeah like Enderman are just it’s a much l ler like steill jump even tier I mean tier ones are just no offense if you can’t do them but they’re kind of a joke but you know yeah like the lag is maybe I should do one roads because the lag is making harder to get to but it’s also less consistent yeah I mean you can have like you don’t need to have a um you don’t have to have a consistent money maker method of like mining or farming cuz flipping is relatively consistent uh you flipping why house is mcy skin a black emo all right first off that’s racist second off it’s fine okay he can be whatever he wants to be will allow it he of one-sided love love his perks he hates me yeah Derpy is a mean guy all right he’s I mean first thing I did I check patch notes see the glaz like Golem is out on my main I’m like yo I want that go to the auction no I don’t get it not allowed so I have to yeah gamble on pet luck used to be a legitimate item but it turned to a playhead and roved it and it’s just really rare I mean I’m not much of a rare item collector we’re going to try the 350 and just Sprint yes consider hundred on flip and you did a video on now it’s not profitable no offense I mean yeah I I don’t really have anything to say to that that it’s true I mean yeah I do ruin flips I’m aware of that so I’ll take the blame for it I guess my dogs need to need to chillax need to calm down I mean yeah it it’s funny sometimes for me too to see comments but dude my dogs need to chillax if if I find a girl named bana I’m going change fishing rod till give it a mental breakdown I mean that’s not nice all right remember girls probably don’t exist you play Sky Block remember that they’re probably just an old folklore no one knows just something you tell around the campfire one time Miss click and added some [ __ ] enchant to a legion five and sold it to a low like 20 mil yeah see that’s kind of why I’ve thought of trying to make like see like some backstory some guy joined my Discord a while ago and just was like yo cancel Channel posted a link to like Sky block. bz Flip or something I don’t know what it is just generic Sky Block Bazaar flipping website and started flexing about how he made people buy dandelion for like 100 Mil a piece and was just like bizar manipulation better I’m like I was so going to try and just learn bizar manipulation and the hex just seems like such an easy way like the hex does not say doesn’t ask confirm you click and it’s done it does not say are you sure like I feel like the hex is just such an easy way to manipulate and I kind of want to learn how to just so I can make manipulation worse I would have spiked to that one guy yo potatoes yeah we’re going to need a lot of farming levels to the point where might buy like a god pot actually but I can’t buy a godp cuz dirt I’m done done it’s fine that’s fine that’s fine yeah see stock of STS is a one M profit sure one M margin is great like let’s be honest it’s a great margin which is why it’s always at the top of that like website it says it’s the best flip in existence I need to really go down you know I’m going just I’ll be right back I’m just going to make my dogs stop being dogs real quick hold up it’s not annual abuse if I just yell at them just a little bit so hold on dog [Music] all right we’re back it’s not called Dog there’s just two of them so addressing them you know when there’s two dog you just hit them with dog all right yeah got level seven book that gives 200% damage to spiders and cost around yeah okay but once in a month the price jumps to 150 milon someone buys it I’m interested now and yeah having a big Reserve look like this you have 300,000 bits you could get a dieye you could get like pure black dye or Pure White dye and you could look slightly cooler to people who don’t have a texture pack just think of it do I have a Discord I do I think it’s on my channel page I still have to breathe life into that which I don’t know any any ideas cuz I tried to do an event once I tried got like a 0.5% turnout rate it was pretty nice it was great but I I I guess I just don’t have it in my description for it but that’s fine if you buy a die I’m going to slap it on Rancher boots see when I look at chat in straight line I might just Miss yeah you should just black d Rancher boots or like black dye and obsidian chest plate just double black and it’s also on an obsidian chest plate so like that’s like the ultimate waste but it’d be funny it would be funny I feel like I shouldn’t hear anyone out when it comes to das but let’s hear it it’s going to be like whatever the really rare like blue D is on lapis like I don’t want to hear anyone out when it comes to dyes all right we’re done with potatoes now we need to farm carrots yeah I love carrots all right or we could just keep going for potatoes because they’re already grown so we could just do that full black dyed wither then make it into storm and don’t rede it does it remove the dye if you upgrade it oh yeah that’s kind of the point of D anything cosmetic that looks quote unquote good is um it’s just it’s value but it just takes the die off that’s so funny just a m oh that just sounds like such a pain yeah and that’s the thing most people have a texture pack plus you also can have mods that just do like client side and make it look like your stuff is died so there’s almost no use but it’s funny and Enchanted slime raised in oh gosh what am I doing raised in price by 1K I mean hasn’t slime always just been like a really messed up kind of Market cuz it’s just slime minion selling to NPC but then sometimes people will just claim it and sell it I mean look D isn’t too useless all right like it’s a pretty easy way to turn like bits into net worth value if you want to like pump that stat you know you want to get a high net worth just buy dyes even though some stuff doesn’t even like recognize dieses are value it’s fine I should lower my sensitivity just so I don’t Veer off Lanes yeah the problem I think we’re going to get all of the stuff for Crappie before we even get level 30 so we’re going to have to like grind pumpkins or I could make a mushroom farm but that’s lame 30 hours dropped one that had like one to billion chance yeah yeah like it’s it’s not the people that are grinding it with like 400 magic fine sets it’s the people that walk into the lapis mines kill one Redstone pick and drop like a carmine die or whatever it’s called or like pure brick D I’m not going to be building a custom farm look at me I’m in melon Armor All right I don’t need Super meta Farms yet I have five plots I don’t even have a row of five plots it’s just five plots some guy voided a Cy is that the no that’s not yum he was like level three and he voided whatever die yeah that’s like the thing about dies it was even to the point where I was like hm you can get flame di from blazes and you can get this one di from Enderman so if you just get Enderman minions because Blaze minions and Enderman minions can actually produce dies like it’s a little rare but they can so it’s kind of funy you have over 13 million total no funny pink d uh strawberry is just from everything right damn so you got to put it on Rancher boots yeah it’s funny cuz when it’s on boots no one will ever see it especially if you’re farming cuz you’re like even here I’m in a crop you you don’t see my boots but yeah that is definitely a really funny thing to do yeah especially just like I was considering making a die Farm I actually tried it for a bit cuz I think you can like magic find does exist on island so you could make like an Enderman or Blaze Kill Chamber with minions and try and grind dieses that way I never really did the math or tried it out but it’d be funny I can’t really I can’t I can’t change up minions now I don’t know maybe in like a year from now when this profile actually gets good we can make some really funny minion setups I probably need to be reminded of that though yeah see it’s stuff like that like if you drop Alloy on first run cuz it’s usually the people that like I’ve seen people that would put like 10 hours a day into nucleus runs and the best they drop or like jeralds maybe the occasional like perfect gemstone or whatever I don’t even know if that’s a drop maybe Flawless who knows but then when people just like oh I guess I’ll just do one because the quest line wants me to or like oh I had to collect a bunch of these gemstones for commissions who has that one col on start Farm a bugged Hopper just a that’s not nice you just have that like level one Cobblestone minion there that’s MH yeah like uh one person I was doing dungeons with did seven floor sixes and dropped a giant sword and like the next 300 runs didn’t drop anything oh what’s good Joshua I sadly no longer own the name joshu yeah then he sold it and then proceeded to buy one when the prices was higher when he wanted it again so quick minus like 30 mil there it’s been farming for so long I can do AI with this Collective interest just wait for Primal Dragon though cuz then maybe you’ll get something I don’t even I don’t know I haven’t read like Primal Dragon patch notes or even if it’s a thing I’ve just heard it also why are where are these pests spawning cuz I actually have to like care and they’re not in my plot they’re like in houses and I don’t know what he’s doing he’s on the island B bought one for 200 mil now was 220 yeah I think he dropped it when it was like 180 mil sold where is that rat what am I getting juked by a rat oh my gosh I just got juked um how we doing today we are we’re doing quite well we’re going to be trying to get crappie armor and potentially enough levels to actually use crappy armor I don’t know though because it’s going to take a while uh and what we’re in plant two so over here all right yeah there’s the co-op member doing his Co-op stuff [Music] Shenanigans uh 800 million eyes my nor Prof the update better out soon yeah like some people I feel like prices went up they used to be like 700k and the price went up to like 1 mil just because people were like told about the update and it’s not even come out yet like I do I I just leave this there room I don’t know but just because they were told of the update like I once the update comes out they’re going to be like 10 mil per proba like it’s just going to be absolutely [Music] insane yeah we’re definitely going to get get good all right that’s the plan we’re getting good soon but the problem is just how long it takes to farm and get levels cuz it it Derpy is helping Derpy is helping nonetheless but yeah the 12200 Health especially when this is the best thing I have how do I upgrade this let’s let’s let’s do some like research here 200 copper and I don’t really want want to serve visitors cuz that’s like minus money right now and I I need coins so what should you grind well if you have any like low skills maybe that you want to get up yeah Alchemy is usually people do although knowing it the price of like sugar cane spider rides whatnot all the good stuff has probably just been like the prices are probably just so much higher something I noticed about farming L is from Mento going from 260 Kish to 360 7 should be lower now last time I checked it lowered I’m lost so something that you noticed about farming related that is farming related it’s fermento going from 260k I mean I have not seen fermento go up to like like it’s usually around 250k a per just because you can sell them to 2 50k to NPC right so they usually don’t go lower or higher for that matter that’s true that is interesting to say at the least CU then it’s just like absolute scam to use NPC price pumpkins are good profit what are we talking about when we say good someone manipulated formentos I feel like fermentos would be a weird thing to manipulate just because they don’t stack and it’s a little bit harder for inventory management but there’s also less of them 1 mil in a minute that that’s what we’re talking here we’re saying pumpkin is 60 mil an hour right now I believe it don’t let your stream see this flip all right how give me a second um there you go chat is now disabled I’m definitely not going to regret that in the future when I try and do literally anything and chat doesn’t work oh yeah like what can prices because of derpy they’re usually like usually it’s like 100K per cane Derpy probably increases it to like a mic cane I should got a cane Farm going it would be be effective we’ll say it would work is Kane does Kane drop squash or is it a like a fermento one like cuz if we get crappie like if we get crappie right and then Farm cane I don’t know just see drop squash can instrumento yeah I mean alternative this Derpy we get crappie and and squash all right cuz I mean easy solution right there we can just get get squash [Music] and I have no idea what that dropped but it sound like it was good but chat is hidden I can’t even open chat I can’t even say SL Hub I can’t I can’t leave that’s fine I what did I just do what just like leveled up did I just level up what did I did I just get like what just gained a thing I heard a [Music] thing oh can I show chat again don’t type it in chat though because I can’t see chat type it in YouTube chat can I show chat I need to see it pumpkin melons and beans beans coca beans like manually farmed 596 Enchanted just to Max I mean that works like what did I just get why did I just get hear like what what sound is that I can’t what sound is that sure all right chat’s going [Music] back okay um okay someone’s join I lost is that what that one sound cue was but like we also got like there’s like a level one I I cannot tell if something went up oh my [Music] gosh this is heak farming efficiency oh you permanently borrowed an elephant B has more overflow xped than my net worth has coins I I don’t want to know honestly like I would have so many questions for that but my guess would be they had to have farmed like cuz I’m assuming but more over over two billion I’m done dude what how why who Farms that much they have over two billion overflow with a freaking elephant why like for what reason I don’t even want to know what kind of like counter they have on their hose I don’t want to know if it’s anywhere over like five Bill I’m done anywhere over like one bill on more than one tool I’m like it’s just called the co pet everyone of the coop has gotten 30 farming levels using a pet still like 30 farming levels is not two billion XP that’s like 20 mil XP tops like how much is it for me to gain a farming level right like it’s it’s a m XP so that might be like 250 mil XP will say where did the other one and a half billion XP go like where did that come from when [Music] [Music] it’s nice to have some co- Shir stuff though especially tools because having tools with like [Music] counters it’s very nice so J use dungeon XP to get it from zero to 9 we first got it yeah but like dungeon XP doesn’t like one performing 3060 even then that’s like maybe a bill XP maybe but like even then if if it’s combat XP for a farming pet it’s not even that effective well I mean look house house you’re asking if you can recom a a rogue sword does it matter what I say to you like realistically you’re going to do it anyway and I mean you’ve been doing most of the flipping I suppose even though I’ve had to freaking replace your Paro gemstone orders because you’re bit of a rat I can’t wait when I’m I’m going to be farming potatoes just like a normal person could be grinding some some potatoes getting my armor better and then how is going to pull up here with like a chimera 5 like gilded Rogue sword I is one-shotting zombies that big of an accomplishment that like they have 100 health and Rogue sword has like like 20 damage is it really going to be that difficult to one shot a zombie like realistically speaking you good dog oh yo better rabbit P yeah rabbit rabbit p is carrying through these fing levels I mean we should hopefully getting 28 very soon right the same time we get the potato Milestone and then we only have to do a little bit more that’s only like another two levels and and then we get crappie armor and then the grind just gets worse although we have to farm pumpkins I think pumpkins melons and is it Cactus no Cactus is fermento cocoa beans I think it’s cocoa beans right right cocoa beans pus melons coco beans I’m so smart holy what do you need for fermento then if it’s Nether Warts mushrooms and Cane is Cactus just not used in crafting any of this stuff like guess Cactus just useless I get why would they would do that but show some respect to Cactus we got 32 baked potatoes we need 45 for the chest plate I think it’s 45 or [Music] something okay for the grand XP bottle flip isn’t it like 9k for like it’s like 9k for like one bottle then you can sell for like 5K Cactus use a craft for ment armor itself is it only one yeah for okay fermento fermento chest plate cuz usually they only use three kind of per but yeah Cactus is just used for One Piece like I guess it’s the same as like carrots and potatoes oh gosh yeah I mean we’ll worry about that a little later when we’re we’re done oh God gosh that what did you do okay you know what that’s not that bad that’s just that’s a normal aspect of the Jerry that’s not bad that’s just an aspect of the Jerry do you have a rogue sword I can [Music] see I guess he just has that that’s not even that good of a aspect of the Cherry I’m going to be honest like it could be much better okay he didn’t recom that yet he didn’t recom the Rogue sword I thought he was going to I genuinely thought he was going to do that we hit him with no balls you won’t Recon that and you into the Hub well minus 8 mil prob that’s going be [Music] fun for the vine for the vine I’m done you know may for like get YouTube short but we ain’t making a Vine up in here holy what time frame are we living in that we’re making a vine like was Sky Block even around when vine was like it was probably not 2016 YouTube was speak I mean I don’t think I had access to YouTube back back in the day but but I’ll take your word for it that and my memory doesn’t go back more than like we’ll say like 3 hours is like the max hold up plot eight is that the carrot plot how did something even appear over there this is why isn’t like PS kind of show up where you’re farming why are they showing up over there yo wait that was like 3% of our farming level what did I read that wrong okay that’s probably like 5% at least that’s that’s good I really thought that was going to do more that’s fine next you is well a that’s lovely I love pests they’re just the best so much fun because I I love just having to farm and then stop farming right house is fault really hit the stride though we have a carrot Farm in 24 minutes I think in 20 minutes I could probably get enough potatoes so then we’re done with potatoes by the time we have to do carrots probably [Music] maybe hello meow I I don’t know we’ll just say Meowth looks similar enough but what is up how start turn off shat again for you what music do I listen to as of right now it’s just some Loi for like actual music taste I think I’m not absolutely certain what like genre but like kind of like like rock I think like pop as well I think like some maybe some like punk I don’t know what all the genres are called but like you got like Green Day Red Hot Chili Peppers or that something like that um got like One Republic is good Neon Trees you know we got a some good songs like that music artists people absolutely certain what genre is it is called [Music] W taste thank you I guess I don’t know just hit fing 49 one more till you need to pay for a level cap nice yeah I’d say the worst part of getting the level cap is getting gold because that’s when you actually have to like worry about hyper maxing your farms and equipment and actually caring about the game instead of just running lines breaking potatoes because this is probably like from what I could do with like a good Farm is probably like 30 to 40% efficient so definitely worth making a farm I think get like one more plot eventually then probably just get it down to bedrock off stream and just get like the the cleared plot ready for when we want to build farms you have plat rewards the freck even a plat what is and you’re not even level six I’m all right all right are you one of the people that spent like a billion coins on parad gemstones and maybe have like 5,000 visitors still that is that is absurd oh wait plant it goes gold plat diamond right not not gold diamond plat I thought plat was the number one okay for a second I thought you was crazy without farming 60 and I was about to think that like diamond or what not is easier than once thought but uh what’s up throw away throw away MAA we’ll go I I think throw away ma yeah your skill average is almost 35 yet for the past three past three or four years me pain I’ve all been doing farming H how what the heck are you doing yeah diamond is super hard yeah I I can imagine why am I using a wheat ho for potatoes do I look like I’m rich enough to have a bunch of stuff that and I guess I don’t have enough Metals for a ho blueprint and Derpy is closed so this is was the first hoe I got cuz the wheat grind for Crappie is probably the worst like objectively speaking keep Diamond all contest at the end you just get outshined what a what a beautiful analogy beautiful it’s kind of weird though cuz I’ve got like oh god I’ve got like into bronze with what I just but why for what why okay okay anyway okay no froms wheat three D on Bret you just need Farm pets forgot to get one yeah you probably need a lot of pant like 32 probably wouldn’t cover but that’s that’s a good amount for me at least but farming pests just so then you can get diamond in like one contest plus um actually all right hear me out before we get into some other stuff there’s going to be a new update I don’t know if people have seen uh this thing the Chocolate Factory see how it says opens in 3 days8 hours basically that for me is going to be it it’s going to be at 2: in the morning on Sunday and I actually work Sunday so do I stay up basically the entire night just do a late night like 2 in the morning stream for the new update CU if I don’t I won’t get to cover new update stuff until over 24 hours after the update have 800 P yeah my 32 sunlight does not seem very impressive I feel like pest are easy enough to grind you just get like a good backpack you get like the right or a good vacuum and then you get like the right song playing you get like Max pest pest chance with a p Terminator I dropped one of those big flex and um whatever the bonus like the pest Hunter charm is whatnot I don’t know what the accessory is called you could probably get a lot and then just GR grind pest so it’s probably not the worst part the worst part of the grind is probably going to now having to get pared out gemstones um because getting parad that gemstones are so absurdly expensive what is this I got a uber what why just for what reason I I am like see the thing is I don’t really need to borrow a a potato hoe cuz I need what eight more Enchanted potatoes and that’s going to be it and I will never have to farm potatoes again ever in the rest of my life I will never touch potatoes I recommend using dung as your spray so you can drop pator Brooks and not spend 100 Mil on pest five on all four beards is pest Terminator 5 just not worth it you just don’t like it it’s such a great investment what is it it’s going to be it’s like about 100 Mil yeah see what I love is when I’m trying to farm in like a nice row and then I have to look over a chat and read like three paragraphs explaining why dung is the best thing to dudes for like farming P this is beautiful it was worth the farming Fortune though but not my mentality yeah cuz what par gemstones there were at least 5 mil per piece to unlock both slots right something like that and then even putting flawes are what like 10 mil per man five is the best choice I mean it doesn’t seem too bad to me how I was able to drop one it seems like farming Fortune is Magic find and now I I use lunar client cuz I’m a big boy and hello there HDO welcome back always a pleasure to see you in chat it’s always a pleasure you have 1 hour of an after school program do you get detention did you like punch someone in the face and got so far full fro two quarters past three chest plate I can’t read that and Legge test okay so that’s a lot of books battling all Sol stuff though yeah but it’s also bad line like fight me I don’t know you’re not going to win in a mod fight against some guy who has played Sky Block for three years without mods there one time I drop a green green band and derp is elected yeah can’t say that how here putting one piece of cobblestone in my farm use it for dungeons I mean yeah that’s like the one spot where mods are excusable as dungeons because you have to memorize so many Secrets this guy moving the Cobblestone where is this boy is he in the bushes he’s in the bushes what a rat what an absolute rat if he does it again I swear okay okay we’re gaming we have not been interrupted this is this is beautiful I just hope he doesn’t okay that works I’ll allow that I’m just hoping he doesn’t understand like he doesn’t learn that he can place more than just Cobblestone here [Music] end of everything I’ve ever said but I feel like for dungeons the only thing uh Blaze solver except it’s funny though cuz people with blade solver they’ll be like yo does anyone have blade solvers my mods aren’t working because no they don’t actually know how to do higher or lower like does anyone here who uses mods actually know how to use oh I justo my enchanted potatoes no dang it I needed that all right you know what owner let’s hear it out all right how do you complete higher or lower dungeon puzzle all right let’s hear it I’d like a full typed out okay this guy needs to got to just box house so hard just yeah no it’s a really easy puzzle to do but I doubt anyone here could actually explain it he’s immune to being boxed we Haven unlocked it I can’t box this [Music] man I can’t box him you just think mon says I’m trash if you kid me look you can use mods okay you kill them in order from most spe to lowest or in the other way depending on if the chest is going up or down I’ll allow it I’ll allow [Music] it I suppose that’s an explanation I having the slot [Music] cies I mean easiest way is when you walk in the banners will be pointing up or down yeah so like when you enter into the room you’ll walk out and there will be banners saying pointing up that means you’re doing it from lowest to high highest and if they’re pointing down you’re doing it from highest to lowest you got to go finally dude house is gone finally he’s probably doing something stupid like driving home from work something stupid we’re going to get rid of his junk because he just throws literal blood at me and Umber and then a stack of cobblestone love that guy no more content I don’t know what you’re talking about host running in a straight line farming potatoes for an entire hour is the most content content all right do I have to read that in chat it’s like five lines of probably Wikipedia to copy and paste if the chess directory is at the top you must eliminate the blazes in most to least effective HP if the chest B on the down directory you must eliminate them from least effective HP or you could be funny okay yeah you do you and use banners we’ll say how did the no the earthworm’s still here right like where is this thing pointing earthworms are just a menace to society like life would just be better without earth worms let’s be honest find the worm yeah like and we got over here what what did this me that was not me did dude I swear this house guy needs to chillax he comes in builds a bunch on my potato farm and then ruins my carrot farm he has to calm down I not even put those melons oh my gosh chat limit said no is that why you just had to remove a bunch of letters you know what if I could remove chat limit I wouldn’t I don’t think I can trust anyone I would look at chat and 90% of it would be one guy’s message and then I would be then if I didn’t read it people would be like wow such an L streamer not even reading his chat and I’m going to read like an entire three paragraph essay that some guy was just like yo can you proofread this for me or something or they’re going to ask chat GPT to like make a really long explanation of something and it’s just going to be it’s just going to be literal hell for me so I I I appreciate YouTube chat limit sounds really helpful [Music] BRB all right see you soon owner how many potatoes do we have nine is that enough potatoes no we need four more all [Music] right if you ever remove the CH I’m send the whole lure behind the hunt for the Golden Ball refor Stone and force you to read it isn’t the Golden Ball just bringing an animal to Jake’s Hut or is that something else oh wait you have to bring a c Emperor there don’t you right never mind that’s what it is then you don’t you just unlock it forever you only to do it once and then you could just bring any animal there and you could just bring like a rabbit and get infinite of [Music] them like isn’t the recommended way you kill sea Emperor get like some get like a summoning ring with it or something and then you can summoning ring a CA Emperor and then just that counts you just lose the summon but you get access to the Golden Ball my tripping damn no G6 anymore from Super clicks if only you had like mods that told you where everything on because you probably do excuses me just personally waiting for the uh for like fossil excavator mods cuz at least I know I used just a website which was great because some person already made a website for it that just shows like what fossils it’s pretty pretty interesting time for limbo oh okay okay okay okay I thought that you were just like like you double click some place or something cuz it was lagging but you just get sent to limbo you know honestly if you want to avoid limbo pretty good tip for you is to just not skill issue like that and just be just be a better player [Music] honestly oh why is it a worm why is it a worm everyone hates worms why is there a worm [Music] what is house smoking like I I don’t think he’s here anymore but why is he buying no pain no gain like for what reason [Music] [Music] s is it fun to run back and forth like that I mean we’re playing Sky Block there’s probably like three fun things to do and none of them are running in a straight line farming potatoes but it is what we must do while why you ask that’s a great question I I genuinely don’t know I guess it could be used for editing down like early game farming progression guide video like everyone loves that otherwise no idea why we’re farming it’s not like it’s that good of a method until you sunk like 500 hours into it yeah of course oh none of them are on Hypixel okay so I had to go a step further and just say there was just Hypixel isn’t the place for fun I mean this is the place where in the patch notes I don’t know if anyone’s read that far yet but in the most recent update when they like updated cold resistance for the glacite tunnels they actually made it so the reaper peppers in addition to five Health give one cold resistance one cold resistance for Reaper peppers like it’s so dumb but it does make does make sense oh the contest started can I just like have enough do we have enough potatoes of course not we’re not going to get all the potatoes done we’re going to just have to start farming carrots carrots like clog the inventory so fast I just want to finish the potatoes uh we need four more Enchanted baked potatoes only need two more now in fact we only need one [Music] more with one more baked potato we have 45 which is enough for the chest plate I believe yeah we need 45 for the chest plate and then we need 30 enchanted golden carrots for the legs and then we actually just we have that we need 80 crappies total we have almost 60 so hopefully I guess what would we would do is just like like grind out remaining crappies and once we get all that then it’s just grinding Sky Block or not SC XP but just farming XP once we get Farming 30 then we get crappie armor and then we’re happy and basically once these two St next fill with Enchanted Enchanted potatoes that is when we’ll have enough potatoes and then we can do carrots which we actually need like you need so little carrots you don’t know what you’re collecting more Derpy fing speed or depression yeah I feel [Music] that should just like get one farming minion down stop streaming for 2 years and then come back that one farming minion will come will just give me like farming 40 and we can just start playing the game just waiting for Derpy 2 years from now get all that farm myy from a minion and leave it’s a long-term plan [Music] why not 30 minions well all right let’s be honest if we have 30 minions right that means sure it might take us less time right but if you have one minion it’s much more click baity so at least for me it be make it make more sense to do one for average people it make more sense to just Farm normally and maybe use minions but honestly think I’m going to make a new bile give it 12 tier 12 cane minions log off pull time deal and check a year boom free AFK coins I mean you’re not [Music] wrong you are not wrong that would give you stuff all right we now actually have 60 crappies which the funny part is crappies you need 80 of them for the full crappie set and then you need freaking 256 crappies for the Talisman for no apparent reason what’s up L Crown oh wait this stack filled up ages ago we got enough potatoes Crown is on a live stream it is impressive stuff good job Crown how have you been oh I’ve surpassed my personal best of 119 in a car contest that is impressive all right that is what talent looks like on that profile has more net worth than b profile right now I’ll quit this one and swap that one well if you said that your current profile is basically just farming XP just transfer all your farming gear you’ll eventually have a higher farming level easy stuff just easy solution right there random stuff that nobody cares about what are quick claw odds I don’t know I don’t know the exact Loot drop pool all your farming rooms are locked behind farming 30 and a gold reward in the respective drop do me buy a gold reward don’t you only need don’t you I need silver for like the max turbo book or is there just another enchant that I haven’t known that needs a gold rid respectful for not being a no life well thank you as I’m over here farming carrots on a Wednesday need gold when the tools recommended last time I checked isn’t I don’t think you do I I mean I’ll Trust your word more for you sound like you know what you’re talking about [Music] oh okay what I think if you mean if you want to level up your farming cap you need the gold like you need unique Golds to level up farming cap also do carrots give more crappies like holy why are we getting so many more freaking crappies it’s been like two rows of cars and we got four or something oh Crown’s back fantastic allg the game is decided to be nice to you yeah makes sense I mean this is probably the only time the game’s ever going to be nice to me so I should accept it I mean objectively that’s true let’s take a look at the melon dice let’s let’s see what we’re dealing with here I cannot use enchanted carrot right now wow do I just do I have to like right click with an open hand all right 3.0 fine parad out gemstones pretty mid only cultivating eight with 18 mil pretty mid um I mean I’m kind of kind of disappointed to see that guys it says dedication one that’s embarrassing like dedic dedication one oo dedication One Crown you going to go with dedication one and not even perfect parad that gemstones I mean it’s it’s an okay one not even 100 or like one bill for Max cultivating like it’s okay I guess but it’s just okay wait I Che it’s Thursday for owner where do you live no like not in the creepy way but where where does where do you live you know just and while you’re at it maybe what what’s like your um IP address you might as well get that out there too if it has Dedication 3 now does that mean it’s going to have cultivating 10 Sweden okay Sweden what a nice place is that the one with the good schooling it probably is we put this away all we need are carrots just carrots upon carrots upon carrots and also where is the last last crop H boy get over here hate school I mean I’m pretty sure Sweden has just like really good education stuff that or Finland whatever they’re both the same not in that way but they’re all the same everything’s the same you just can’t cane Milestone 40 all right look you it’s your life you’re free to do whatever you want with it as long as it’s not can Milestone 40 but other than that like why for what reason for what reason do Broski need cane Milestone 40 definitely not finum I mean sure take your word for it yeah 40 is absolutely crazy I mean mad respect for like disrespecting your own life to such an extent where you farm that much sugar cane but fing arming you can do what you want oh look at that mean pretty impressive having a carrot Stone carrot milestone 11 carrot Stone I doing English is a difficult language I mean most of the world would think that too H sucked me to the point where point where I contemplating skipping school till Derpy gets launch just so you can be three levels closer to farming 60 you know what what grade are you in yeah that a s moment CRS right but if it’s like anywhere below grade 12 or whatever perspective like if it’s like post high school stuff like College University stuff then it makes sense because you can kind of skip those classes no English is not easy it’s it’s bad English is just a like learning it objectively is probably one of the hardest languages to learn because it has so much slang and it’s just such like a Jank language it’s just it’s just such a janky one BR about to start asking for viewers Social Security numbers hey hey don’t expose me yet okay we’ll get to that but Bros out here saying he’s going to skip school for three more farming levels during Derpy like it ain’t that deep let’s be honest you don’t have to skip school for three farming levels it’s still easy all you need to know is is party tricks kick that kids they suck at Dungeons and then you set your you know what you you can do whatever you want you think speed isard see maybe Swedish could be harder but like let’s say from a standpoint where you don’t know know like any language or like French is your base sure might be a little bit easier because like English is similar to French I think I don’t know but it’s also just the fact that like English you can say kind of like kind of got I don’t know like you have all these little like things that are a little bit harder to understand because it’s a language where yeah it’s basically a SP language gen like little Crown here has a good point it’s basically the language you speak when you can just say whatever you want and everyone else knows how Jank of a language it is it doesn’t matter what you say because everyone just understands what you’re saying because they know English but like let’s say someone who’s trying to learn English for the first time they come over to like an all English speaking like school or something just the amount of like slang and stuff that they have to experience just ruins ruins English it’s it’s a lot of fun what’s up dog so that bad all right I’ll be right back my dogs need to be fed but yes I’m from Canada that’s that right there is yeah we’ll be back we’re just going to do a little bit of uh that for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] all right we’re back what kind of dogs do I have all right we’re just going to all right we’re actually back onto Minecraft working um anyway I have what we call the greatest named dogs because their name they’re um they’re Cockapoos oh and because of them I’m out here oh wa I still got how did I get silver I didn’t even have silver when I was you know what we don’t question it we do not question about how we got silver when we were AFK in bronze that makes sense and we’re not going to question it yeah Cockapoos cocka poodles yeah it’s a mix of poodles and cocker spaniels or whatnot it best named dogs you’ll ever best breed we’ll say gets a little bit of a giggle every time sounds cute yeah they’re nice chunky fat overweight stupid little dogs all right I’m looking at you yeah I might set up a dog cam one time but they do not sit in one spot long enough for it to [Music] matter yeah double Health pests are probably the worst cuz they don’t sit in one spot I would have to literally like tie them down like leash them to a pole or something to keep them in one spot long enough to even appear on a camera where did I just what road did I just Farm okay over [Music] here yeah all dogs I think are the same pink handcuffs okay Grand all right calm down calm down look you can have that kind of fetish kind of kind of Kink but don’t bring it over to Sky Block all right okay still yeah they can if it I mean if it was late enough at night to the point where they’d just be sleeping the whole time and just get like a dog sleeping cam could work but middle of the day they just ate they’re ready to to tear up everything would not work fun fact when a bulldog and a shutzu a baby it’s called yeah I’m sure I don’t really want to you know what I don’t you know what I don’t want to search that up cuz it’s probably true and that might be the better the better dog better dog breed that might be the one name better than Kakao yo our Carr Milestone is zoom in I don’t know when we hit farming 28 and probably sometime you know ain’t no way hold up need to make a quick it’s called apparently a bully Zoo all right it’s not at all right I can rest easy but that’s a great joke I I can say that when like people are saying like what’s a funny when people ask for a joke or they’ll say say something funny I’ll use that I’ll use that yeah it’s a it’s a good joke it’s a good one plus it’s a dog joke no one can no one can hate on a dog joke unless you like cats but even then even then oh turtl is back would it be I I feel like I I could truthfully say without any bit of sarcasm I totally missed having you in chat with your monkey spamming emotes missed it a lot I don’t know if that was convincing that wasn’t my best work flies don’t fly they hover H oh boy oh gosh why do I sense like a cult forming just a just a minor forming also Crown what happened to being good at the game you’re level 66 oh my gosh he’s good at blocking my speed five times that’s the current counter [Music] honestly I thought it was only like three times don’t even know at least four it’s a good amount it’s a healthy amount [Music] [Music] uh no the last bit of snow we had where at least where I am was probably like four weeks ago I think we had like one like kind of like light hail and that was probably it El this cat chase their own tail till I hit their head on the closet door or is your cat just a little bit um cats are cats I’d say my worst cat experience would be when I was at my friend’s house for a sleepover and this was probably when I was like 10 years old like it was and I was like changing into my pajamas and it was in like a basement so at the top of the stairs was just a cat and as I’m changing this cat is just staring me down staring into my soul as I’m so the cat was basically you know slight pedo moment but we we managed to escape with just a little bit of harassment I don’t just eat flowers your dog eats Rock interesting I mean I feel like cats just entertain themselves with some of the stupidest stuff [Music] [Music] one of your dogs thinks it’s fun to eat pillows have you tried eating a pillow I think you’d understand why it would eats pillows if you have like their like pillows are pretty tasty I’ll be honest they sleep two3 of their life that’s that is the life though like that’s that’s such a vibe I can’t anything that he can get his jaw 0.001% around once I I’m attempting to eat by a chair like just eating the entire chair cuz when my my dogs were in their like their teething phase they would like chew the baseboards of the house like on like any Corner they chew the baseboards they would chew chair legs table legs just everything you miss out someone she’ll sleep that much yeah but like sure you might miss out on stuff but you also get to sleep which is a nice [Music] feeling like as someone who does not get enough sleep it would be so nice it was nibbling the leg of it my cat is 10 in humors he’s just ptic he’s not even teasing like cats can do whatever it’s just a little more impressive when like a cat starts chewing something cuz his mouth is like a tenth of the size of like a dog so when my dog is chewing something it makes sense because it can actually you know get its mouth around it but cats just can’t yeah 5 hours of sleep in 3 days honestly not bad let’s be honest that is not bad yeah you get four to five sleep hours of sleep every night yeah 45 hours of sleep every night is like I don’t know I think I get probably around 5 to 6 but sometimes I’ll get like two so like I might average 6 hours but then the occasional sleep you just get you just get uh like 1 hour or two or something get N9 hours of sleep I I envy you and no I just I don’t really do nucleus runs I’ve never really had a reason to do them I not an Iron Man player so if I was an Iron Man then yeah getting jeralds look nine hours of sleep it’s really not even that difficult to get like let’s say you fall asleep at like 11: you could get nine hours of sleep if you wake up at 8: which is still pretty early by some standards toon La went look I would rather just like never have to worry about getting that good at the game to the point where I have a deon’s alloy I mean yeah if you have to work and go to school I’m assuming college or university cuz I mean actually you could have like high school where it’s it’s like 9 to three or what not at least that’s my my high school was 9 to3 and then occasionally I’d have like I would do like a four to nine shift or something so yeah but if you have like a if you do have a schedule like that you could still go to B at 10 wake up at eight you know it’s just soci social leveled up yeah the social level XP grind is going to be pretty good seventh grade and Sweden 14 huh you have a job at 14 oh okay you know what I think like the earliest person I know that got a job at least in can was like 15 maybe 16 I could get an alloy on run one or alternatively I could uh you know I I could do a thousand runs and get nothing crypto so I do a lot of okay fair enough you love Dimension jokes they hit you so good forget the password anyway dude I love Dimension jokes they hit you so good you forget the password anyway yeah that’s exactly the same as crazy that was crazy once not finishing the joke all right we are going to need to grab some uh to get some enchanted golden carrots because yeah we need that the chance you get on one run go for it I’m not I I won’t though I’m not RNG carried [Music] let’s do like that that’s probably enough for time [Music] being like if I was doing like an Iron Man profile maybe that would eventually be stream content but I don’t think I just don’t think so or at least with like the mold pad is probably a little bit easier now but I don’t know we’ll see I I don’t even know what w wers do Crown out hereo here with his uh being kicked off of like six profiles and not even knowing what to do with his life anymore so he’s stalking me on a pig pretty good vibe yo actually yeah we got like four crappies or something in the first like two enough rows and then did like two Farms of the farm and just got one more RNG is not on my side I need 15 more crappies but then again I don’t really care about boots I’ll get the boots eventually but like then again if I want to like soulbound it or something I need to get the whole set [Music] to annoy other streamers you did well dealing with your [ __ ] you have earned a subscriber is baseball a big game in Canada uh I mean yeah it’s all right I don’t think it’s like huge but it’s definitely like people go to it it’s got like its own stuff it’s it’s probably just as big as like every other gun I’d [Music] say prop boot to soulbound didn’t UPG squ interesting almost no baseball in swed I mean there’s definitely baseball in Canada but as with most things it’s like football’s at the top because like college whatnot and I think we have like Hony and Lacrosse just cuz that’s it that’s like Canada’s thing even though we stole it but that’s not important and then probably a little bit of football or like I guess soccer probably then like just normal basketball baseball like volleyball like just other bigger Sports and then less popular sports down at the bottom is probably the same uh I mean um American football and then English football so football is definitely the biggest like American football is probably the biggest sport just because it’s the biggest sport everyone like people get paid the most as Bas events makes the most money kind of thing it’s just all in all probably the biggest sport in the world I think but then we probably have hockey up there with Canada yeah like Sweden I feel like in like in the more like European countries or what not it’s uh like English or like European soccer bigger European socer yeah great job man yeah like American football is definitely good I would say I’m not much of a nerd like I know some of most of the rules that are important I could watch it I don’t really watch it often but understandable people like seeing people run into each other [Music] 14 more copies to go wow football makes more sense than soccer but English is sped a game where you have to throw a ball to the other side makes more sense than shooting a ball into a into a net I feel like a net is like that’s like the main sport thing and football is just no oaba run straight forward with football uh NFL draft is tomorrow night interesting I wouldn’t know I have no idea if American football my friend from my baseball team wanted to play that instead I mean baseball’s like a fun game to play with friends it’s not as fun of a game to watch because I think like statistically out of like a 2our like game of baseball there’s 18 minutes of play time or whatever it is like it’s a fast game but they play it so slowly to the point where watching it is boring but when you play it you can play for 20 minutes and you play for 20 minutes instead of watching for 20 minutes and you see maybe one play yeah vollyball is also probably really fun game is 4 hours long yeah and you get like 20 minutes of game play but I’m guess I think it’s 3 hours and like an hour half or whatever or like I guess difference between Innings or whatever like breakes between innings that’s what they’re called I I don’t Know full rules of baseball or time for like especially professional cuz like professional baseball it is it’s kind of boring to watch unless you’re like a numbers guy yeah there’s a lot more playing because when you like when you’re in like school like Elementary or high school people actually want you to experience the game like can actually play it cuz you have a limited time to play it you’re not just going to sit there for 10 minutes you might only have like an hour period to play so they don’t want you to just sit there for 10 minutes they’d rather you play for like 45 minutes Vol is fun I’d say it’s also probably one one of those games it’s more fun to play if you’re like you have like a bunch of friends who are also good at it with you cuz I know a lot of games just they’re more like fun for friends but then again volleball also interesting to watch because it actually there’s people that play it and it’s not just like 10 minutes of breaks between one throw it’s like you get a point and then serve is like a minute later if that [Music] hockey hockey is honestly I’d say pretty good to watch It’s just tough to watch because it’s fast like if you don’t know what’s going on it’s difficult to like keep track of it I would say hockey is fun but I definitely definitely prefer like Road hockey because I am absolutely abysmal at skating like I’m I’m the kind of person that would would start skating then 5 seconds later be doing the splits UNC consensually so like Road hockey is so much like so much more fun because I can actually play the game because I know how to use legs and skating is just you’re halfway done carrots yeah I feel like I bought way too many carrots actually but halfway done carrots and we are basically halfway for the one piece of crappies if we could get like four crappies from one lane we would be halfway halfway which would just be be really nice but obviously that wouldn’t happen because this game hates me you could also just put on the melon boots for like extra 0. 0 1% chance but it probably doesn’t matter Canada is not we we just use English but we’re ALS we use English and French which French because of Quebec which is funny because Quebec want to leave Canada and I feel like Canada doesn’t want french to be like another language cuz it’s the French it’s political stuff no one knows anything about politics when it really comes down to it but yeah we speak English and we don’t have our own little maple syrup language all right I don’t want to hear any stereotypical eh and ab booots all right don’t need to hear any of that oh hey a crappie that’s nice just 13 more of those yeah French is like the second language but it’s like a bilingual country technically that another crappie ain’t no way is currently it is uh 7:03 p.m. or 19 o00 so like middle of the evening can I sing good we’re going to go with no I P I block 6 hours after so it’s 100 p.m. good to know I I don’t know how I can use this information but I’ll use it to my advantage sorry at least I know that means okay wait 6 hours after you if I upload my videos at 10 a.m. that means you’re responding to them adding you’re adding your comments at 4 in the morning why 7 a.m. for you exact 12h hour difference interesting where even is the like where is an exact 12h hour difference wait something’s oning up so you said it was Thursday for you do you mean I’m 6 hours before is it 1 a.m. for you right now or is it 100 p.m. and I’ll find out if I take a hold of other it’s Thursday for you but if I recall owner said it was Thursday for him as well does that mean it’s 6 hours you’re 6 hours after me I swear it was you that said it was Thursday hold up we’re scrolling up for chat good minute oh this going to take a while cuz just a bunch of paragraphs [Music] and it doesn’t even let me scroll up that far thank you YouTube chat all right we’ll never know why did I just get that as a Discord overlay I think I just what true it’s one for you okay when it’s seven for me and you said it’s 6 hour difference that means it has to be either 1:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. is it 100 p.m. so like afternoon or 1: in the [Music] morning one in the morning so it is [Music] Thursday damn time traveling is pretty easy I don’t know why no one’s discovered this yet or what people say it’s impossible like if you think about it you’re currently talking to someone in the past I’m conversing with someone in the future what what what happens 6 hours in the future like what kind of news is is going on over [Music] there here zone is [Music] PST this an earthor I swear all right for PHT yeah I’m EST [Music] 1 a.m. plus one in time that’s all I know damn see maybe no one discovered time travel because it’s just not helpful like maybe maybe they’re trying to learn more than just what’s happening in the next like 10 hours maybe they want to go back further than like three hours that’s probably why time travel isn’t it’s not that time travel is not invented it’s just that it’s it’s not enough for it to be useful hello sky blans is that is that what people call us these days but hello hi Lords interesting sky blans in the world of sky blockia [Music] only know Ikea fair enough honestly fair enough I mean with the knowledge of Ikea alone you could pretty much build anything perhaps even cook anything like you could survive off Ikea alone [Music] survive from jollybee what is a is that just like some American like department store chain that I just I just don’t [Music] know it’s like that one Ikea SCP thing the what I don’t know what okay look I’m Canadian is [Music] Filipino hold up do I need to make a Google search do I need to educate myself there a game where you were alone and infin I ke you to survive from SCP staff yeah no that makes sense why wouldn’t that be a game like I I I wouldn’t be surprised if that was Ikea’s Like official game cuz that’s probably what it’s like to just go to IKEA it’s only eight Jolly bees in Sky Block you mean Canada I mean if it was a Sky Block thing I probably know it but it’s real also yeah with with with with Ikea staff sh that’s not what we’re talking about but fair enough we’ll allow it you know maybe let’s make a quick Google search [Music] shall delivery and carry line John is a Filipino chain of fast food restaurants huh okay okay I feel like it’s actually kind of I’ve probably seen this before assing how I have like a somewhat large amount of them within driving distance accidental docks perhaps but doubt it swen country people talk at all CU I I mean Sweden is not talked about a lot cuz I feel like it’s just a like compared to countries in Europe it’s a smaller country is really good the food they make is better than most food places honestly I don’t know I think I might have been to one it would have just been such a long time ago that I don’t remember I’d have to look at like images but I already closed the tab [Music] it’s the seventh biggest in Europe so not that small I mean I guess yeah but like Europe has how many countries in it’s like 25 countries or something in Europe it’s it’s a decent amount so there’s a lot of stuff that happens especially with current world stuff Sweden probably isn’t as isn’t talked about as much because you know countries like I don’t know you crine are getting more attention for reasons so Sweden’s kind of further away from Ukraine than other countries so it’s probably that’s that’s the main main talk right now we just isn’t talked about a lot because there’s really no drama yeah the real reason for anyone to go over if you know what I mean yeah like most stuff like look I’m not a sky Lucky Tu talk about politics all right I’m talking about current world events and I’m not sharing an opinion if I was then I would be but yeah we’re allowed to just say like oh yeah I know that thing’s happening we had the most gang shootings in all Europe you know what that’s a good statistic having most gang shootings a that’s a good statistic like I wish I could say like oh I live in the highest crime city in all of Canada but I don’t at least I don’t think I do I could try and change that but it’d probably be a lot of crime I have to do so maybe like a different video we’ll do that do like a crime blog rob a few Banks and we’ll make sure to film it all so then we have evidence of it was just a prank and that definitely holds up in court I mean when’s the last time you saw a crime Vlog it’s probably been a while that’s probably a pretty niche market could probably claim that have enough oh we have so many carots oh I bought we too many yeah we’re gaming we’re basically done getting all the carrots we need and that’s just a bun of crop e and I don’t know what crop drops the most out of carrots potato wheat it might be wheat because wheat drops wheat and seeds which might mean two procs instead of just one but I don’t know if that’s how that works [Music] [Music] SW for I feel like I feel like it’s like one oh wait never mind I was going to say I think Sweden has a good like education system but I’m pretty sure I’m thinking Norway isn’t it Norway that has like good education or whatnot and like it’s like a good place to actually [Music] live might be Norway um how much long am I going to stream for probably just like another 15ish minutes cuz we’re going to get all the carrots we need and that’s pretty much the entire crappie grind and it would probably take me another hour and a half at least to get Farming 30 this stream so we probably getting that Sweden has PewDiePie that’s a good that’s a good that’s a good point [Music] yeah but I think it’s I think it’s Norway that I’m thinking of that has like a really high education rate or something whatever it is finland’s like a country only trees people living cins in Norwegians are let’s say a little special is it not Norway [Music] then you know what let me just make a quick search um [Music] [Music] statistically speaking probably Finland is best England Italy Italy I don’t know might be Finland that actually has like the good education it might be Finland but if what you’re saying was Finland is just a bunch of trees and people in cabins maybe they have good education rate because of the people that can go get educations to the people that aren’t living in the woods what out of three people doesn’t pass three M subject what in three [Music] sweets actually do you guys do you guys have like the education system where it’s like you get tested individually on math individually on English and then individually on I guess so want be science or maybe history but like of your three subjects that you’re tested individually and then that’s how you get raid instead of one overall Mark like one competive kind of GPA I don’t know like there’s so many different ways of like an education system and it’s just like we’ll have like sure we have like math classes here where you get tested basically exclusively on math but then in the grand scheme of things what matters is your overall not just your like you could fail like you could fail like five science classes but if your other classes are good enough it carries yeah all 16 subjects holy yeah that just seems like a very tedious process having to study for that many tests so at least at least for like my high school we’d only have at most eight classes at once or well eight classes a year four classes most unless you have like one online you could have like five classes which is us it’s a pretty manageable amount but having to do 16 I’m assuming they’re space out but still kind of applies okay how does it seem like my stream delay is getting worse and worse am I just not caught up on my laptop or is it just actually getting slower did I change my playback speed to be like 99% on my laptop so that it’s just a little bit slower yeah cuz it was like 10 seconds earlier that was off what the heck I don’t remember pausing or anything I don’t know why it would maybe it buffered for like a few seconds When I’m Not Looking who knows that’s it’s weird is Canada a rich country doesn’t it have oil yes we have the oil all right we we do have oil but I mean it’s definitely like above average like it has a pretty good GPA stuff or GDP that’s what we’re looking at a squ boy what’s up yeah we have I think good GDP per capita probably like probably a pretty good amount I’d say oil until Norway became a country in nor way to just take your oil that’s not allowed look as far as I’m concerned anyone takes your oil you got it you got to declare something you just just a little bit just a little bit of something if it’s for the oil okay if it’s for like if it’s for the oil I feel like the UN would understand you like Finland and Norway and they became countries as well interesting yeah I feel like there’s definely some like interesting history between like what countries for just like yo I’m a country now freck off because it’s definely kind of funny how like how how would they decide like this one country just splits apart like it seems like a pretty difficult thing to decide which country gets what land and just in general but obviously if there’s enough people that are like rampaging causing Civil Wars to break out they’re going to want them out of the country so they’ll sign some sort of deal hello indas we are six copies off crappie armor but we are done with all our carrots so we could technically stop farming carrots but we need six more crappies am I still in crappie armor I’m in melan armor yeah we’re we’re in melon we’re gaming though problem is we’re not even farming 30 so even once we got all the stuff for Crappie armor we’re still just going to have to probably grind a bunch just to get a bunch of farming XP like we’ll probably be done crappie like the grind for it by like farming 28 80% I don’t know how much xp but what is my IGN there it is on the on the tab I’ve been invited to a party you know what entertainment is fun I’ll allow it we’re here for Content I wonder what’s going to happen probably going to be abducted going get hit with a hell five crappies left guess from who okay you used to farm interesting story oh no I’m okay it would kind of invalidate the entire grind we’ve done this far so I just get a friend request from squid see if I were to accept this at least on stream I’d have to accept every friend request uh no we’re not Iron Man it’s just much it’s much easier to make tutorials if I don’t accept Contraband I guess make guide videos without accepting Contraband uh um yes so auction house is closed because of derpy don’t enough gold medals for a carroo and wheat is by far the worst grind of droppy armor so I got the weedo when we had enough medals and what not guess I knew that age was closed I don’t know it might have been some really smart handsome individual that prob knew but obviously it was definitely not me because I I was almost deaded by someone who was like yo it’s it’s probably not me I mean whoever it is I wish I was them though they’re probably a really cool person we’ll never know though we are five copies actually this is this might cut the stream short but how much battery do I have left on my laptop supposedly does it say like an estimate of how much time left 107 where’s it coming from raw coins I’d say I don’t know I we have 20% left I don’t know how long that lasts on my uh on my laptop but basically once we’re either getting enough for copy armor or chat dies and I no longer get to see chat so I’m just going to you know not I sadly have some money stuck in the AG was selling a g effects for when Marina was May yeah well look like this the prices of them will most likely Skyrocket after Derpy because there’s going to be none on the auction house so you could probably sell them for like 11 mil perhaps at least put like some that are like 12 mil because that’ll probably I bait a few people oh why do have to be an earthworm why can’t I charge it because that means I have to get up out of my chair right and then if I’m charging it I don’t have an outlet close enough to me that works because it’s uh the current charger has like a what is it called it’s like an out a surge protector and my like adapter thing is one that doesn’t have a surge protector so I can’t even plug it into my outlet because it just had so it only works in like an outlet that is not even in my room that I can charge it in so unless I remove the surge protector and I don’t have pliers and even then I don’t really like the idea of removing a surge protector because you know it’s safe so we’ll get to that when we get to that I could try and buy like a different outlet adapter that has surge protector St stuff but that’s that that’s a job for another day what I mean if we think of it like this this is a relatively new laptop it battery should be pretty good it should last at least another 20 minutes I’d say so enough like to easily easily get five more crappies Plus Battery Saver will kick in at 20% we’re at 22 so I think we got enough time unless we have the worst crappy RNG luck out of anyone on the the planet how old am I if I could go back in time to any point in time how old do I be uh all right so I’m currently 19 I would probably if I could go back in time would probably go back to like grade nine maybe grade eight even just because I feel like I stopped trying in grade eight because I was like oh yeah king of school stuff grade eight Vibes and then in grade n it was like slight amounts of care grade 10 I was like oh yeah I guess we could still care about school then grade 11 was just like absolute garbage grade 12 basically didn’t care about school at all and then first year university was kind of a mess yeah first year university was kind of just me because I went into economics and economics if you’ve ever tried it it is not exactly that fun of a subject so yeah probably grade 8ish seven or eight around there yo 640 melons we’re crazy I would be impressed I’d be I’d be surprised if that didn’t get bronze because that’s pretty difficult amount of melons to collect can we get like a few crappies game do the same if you had all the knowledge you have today well that’s just a cheat code that’s just an added bonus so yeah definitely so at the end of the day which you’re basically proposing is hey you want to go back like 10 years of your life with the same knowledge you have and just unage let think if I go back in time when Bitcoin was worth 0 point1 invest in it all right see now now you’re cooking with fire all right that’s like now we’re thinking now we’re cooking like look like this right if you were to go back like seven eight years maybe you wouldn’t be able to play Sky Block it wouldn’t exist like what would you do that your knowledge you could get super good at beginning yeah but you also have to wait like five years for it to drop but I mean you could get some like you could get like year one cake you know you could get some cool stuff like year one spooky pies you could get like you could probably out grind and get like first edition like great spook stuff so like that’s definitely a possibility but it’s the waiting game you got to like if you were to go back like 10 years right you might have to wait five years before you can even apply that knowledge and I know me personally my memory does not go that back that far back you might just might just lose it all and you could tell everyone that cover is coming stuff yeah but do you know how much of a lunatic you would be like you do realize people don’t believe things like you tell someone hey a world ending virus is happening people will be like oh be like you know like whenever a psychic gets something right they’re like wow this psych person knew that and as soon as something wrong they just die basically so sure you could say hey by the way this really really bad world- ending virus is going to happen that’s going to take out like it’s going to cause an epidemic for 10 years or whatnot if we don’t if we’re not that prepared people would probably call you crazy and ignore you and then you’re like oh no no don’t worry guys I come from the future they call you even more crazy so at least for stuff like that it wouldn’t really [Music] matter you’d basically have to like predict a bunch of Wars who’s going to be president get all of that crap right and people might be like oh I mean they’ve been right in the past so maybe they’re right this time but even then even then you have a lot of powers yep that’s sure that’ll work like you would have to try and build up credibility but then stuff can also all just be like coincidence cuz like there’s definitely been people that like be like oh this person’s going to be president before they that person even was running for president yeah no you don’t get superpowers of course this the deal’s already pretty sweet all right I we’ll be fine with those superpowers as well it’s a nice deal and everyone can vote for the other candidate yeah just just to make you wrong out of spite just like oh well you thought this guy was going to win not if we change that and then you just people call you a hoax people will never believe unfortunate but people are very uh very Petty individuals well we have not got a crappie in like in like 10 minutes like can I get like a crappie RNG meter that allowed oh nice May if I just complain a little bit more like sure one crappie is nice but you know we’ve been farming long enough I really think two crappies should be on the table and then the world ends because it changes the fact I mean sure but you can proba I I don’t really think it would matter that much if you change what’s meant to happen cuz maybe wait maybe the time was meant for you to go back meant to expose that and then they were meant to Rally up and that’s what was supposed to happen and you just made it true so is that Paradox as well yeah see my brain hurts now I did not expect to be farming carrots while talking about like existential paradoxical moments of traveling through time to release Co to the general public look like this you could also go back while infected with Co and then just bring the epidemic earlier easy then you might actually like make Co successful oh thank you for telling me battery saving on we need four crappies all right this should not be that long I mean we could always drop like a 100K on crappies but we’re still going to have to farm more anyway off camera kind forgot I was in this guy’s party I wonder if he’s still here oh gosh I didn’t expect that [Music] actually all right fair enough I wasn’t cool enough to be there anyway it’s fine I’ve been kicked out of things before I get itol but we should got to cwy like now right game maybe if we just ask nicely maybe be complimented like wow I love Hypixel Sky Block it always gives me exactly the items I want whenever I need the items I [Music] need maybe we have to be like this carrot will be the one yeah know nothing will ever work I don’t think we’re getting any cbies we’ve been condemned we’ve been forsaken by the the RNG [Music] Gods I mean I think we’ll give it 15 more minutes if I do yeah I just have to claim like I think that carrot that carrot that carrot that carrot that carrot that carrot that that and that one will have a copy right it’ll eventually be right oh gosh it’s a new pest on the island [Music] [Music] imagine how boring to do this all alone see I’m not alone I have YouTube chat here with me which is mostly comprised of one person but that is still not alone yeah Turtles only EAS here too but that’s another crappie oh we’re going we’re getting the crappies I mean it’s only been like 3 hours for like 20 crappies that’s some those are rates if we can get three more crappies in like 13 minutes I don’t know you’re right I did not guess it right I think I just lost all hope of receiving crappies the belief that it would never exist never happen wow that must be nice [Music] the SL show command Rich enough for a cookie oh my gosh a crappy we’re willing it into existence am I starting to believe we need two more crappies within like 10 minutes it’s possible we just need to believe that like this row will have another crappie like we’re about to this one no okay I I was actually talking about this row this is the one that’s going to have the crappie did I think I might have think like I was pointing out this row actually like like not the roow I was just doing I was pointing at the row I’m doing now like this is the row that’s going to do it yeah this row won’t though because this one isn’t it’s not like fully grown whatever side the might is on has a crappy where’s the might at it’s just rotating he’s just leaving he’s just running away from me I’m not going to get any crappies at this right that might did not bless us yeah we are not being blessed by the might right now I feel like I should I should probably I should just I should just kill the might maybe the might’s the problem it’s eating the crappies before we get to it we must end him we must kill the M must kill the m it’s also probably this fly’s fault oh crap I mean we’re almost out of Enchanted gold or like just golden carrots for enchanted golden carrots with which is a bit of an accomplishment in of itself like that’s see how I basically just filled my inventory with him so we have a few more than what we need but I mean we’ll eventually need them for visitors that I have yet to speak to which say can complete High pixel Sky Block well yeah of course seeing how there’s just a bunch of gold for Sky I mean obviously main way to do it would be Sky Block XP is to just get the maximum amount of Sky Block XP because that basically means you’ve done every task that’s basically feel like the only way to actually like complete it because by the time you’re doing like you’ve done that you’ve basically done everything you can until they unleash another update onto the world like I don’t know the Chocolate Factory where making Cookie Clicker essential for progression they’re releasing it at 2:00 in the morning on a Sunday on a work day that’s going to be [Music] fun to get to max level well you need a lot like cuz the problem with getting to max level is you basically have to be top of the top level players and then you have to do everything that you possibly can before they drop a new update cuz once they drop one new update suddenly now there’s like another probably few hundred hours worth of gameplay you have to do before they drop another [Music] one so kind of keeping up with the updates would be the hardest part especially when they keep just updating it more and adding new stuff especially with massive stuff like the cribs and is that was probably like I mean that’s a lot of stuff people can do and then even upgrading like getting another uh three more levels to their mountain peak battle Jazz like that’s a crap ton of powder grinding that now sure you might have powder grinded me gemstone but now you have to powder mine gem or glaz site so you just have to keep doing more and more so it’s it’s definitely completable because you can catch up like you can be caught up with the game which would technically mean you’re finished but yeah it would just take an absurd amount of time oh my gosh are we going to actually get all the crappies we need I mean we’re not going to get firing 30 but we might got the copies [Music] [Music] I need one more cop do we think this like section of the plot will have it it’s too chill I mean we’ll do more intense stuff but farming is meant to be chill meant to just be just running in lines calm chillaxing complaining about crappie RNG you think so I mean we’re trying to do a stream a day so what what are we going to do tomorrow what would be what would suffice we’re not forging all right we’re we’re leaving forging and fishing off the table for the time being giving away dirt blocks percent left uh we have another 21% until we’re farming 29 but we are also we only need one more crappie for Crappie armor I don’t know we could give away dirt blocks but that that’s a little chill as well we’re not going to get into many fights so we’re giving away dirt there’s not going to be too much action with that once we do like go to like a housing like a like a parkour like PVP housing and fight to the death over dirt I could do it so your turtle turtle wants to wants to fight to the death would you still be like would you still want to fight to the death if it was for dirt blocks as the prize 22.1 coins see how about we do you one better we’ll give 23 dirt do farming from nothing to Hyperion that would take weeks yeah that’s probably why we wouldn’t do that but it’s a possibility I mean I feel like most like I don’t know I might try and do like bizarre flip speedrun to Hype kind of thing I have the entire timer and everything but we’ll see probably get a hype in 24 hours or hit us with the craziest bazarre flip of all time well I feel like my will stay the same aaro they’re the best I will not take no fighting there it’s mostly just because have oh my gosh did we just oh my gosh we just got the final crappie we’re done we don’t need to farm anymore we have everything we have all the seeds all the tightly tight Bales all the carrots and all the crappies I don’t think 24 hours actually that everyone would have it yeah but if you look like this if a hype let’s say is we’ll just go with like a base hype what like 800 mil maybe no Scrolls if we’re talking about a fully scrolled one yeah the wavy weed’s very satisfying but if we’re talking like actually grinding out of hype if you were to sit down for 20 hours and flip maybe at a rate of if you were to go at a rate of 40 mil an hour it would take you 20 20 hours to get 8 800 mil do an IQ test so you have to pay for IQ tests like they’re all like pay like five bucks for this like membership and we’ll keep your IQ the same if you pay us monthly because it’s going to change I have I’m not doing an IQ test all right like I’m going to get bullied by stream what maybe we’ll do that next stream we’ll do an IQ test I mean we’re done with all the stuff we need does anyone here want carrots cookies you suck you suck uh you’re trash uh garbage more cookies five enchanted golden carrots I can spare that I can actually spare five jump into the void one bill do I have to Cactus gr SE that’s right there’s the reason why suck all right we’re just going to do that we got some compost [Music] going but yeah give you 100 Mil does it look like I have 100 Mil right now I am a broke melon boy all right although we’ll go to the island you know our very pretty [Music] Island it’s a very it’s a nice Island yeah we’re working on it making a nice Island sell your melons yeah that does actually sound very [Music] wrong but that is probably going to be it for the stream just a nice quick 3 hours of farming in a straight line can have 100 m dirt [Music] blocks what is bro what what is bro cooking he’s gone it’s Jesus he’s walked on the water oh yeah he was walking on water guys this is crazy did you see that I think we just saw him where’d he go he’s flying it truly is Jesus we we found him guys it’s true all right but yeah thank you to everyone who uh decided to tune in for the walking in a straight line farming potatoes and carrots for 3 hours get Jesus’s autograph so you know that that would make a good stream but uh yeah probably be starting stream same time tomorrow and I don’t I mean we could do an IQ test or maybe maybe just like killing a bunch of stuff because people like violence maybe we’ll do dungeons finally but uh yeah we will see you guys the next ones

This video, titled ‘Skyblock Farming Progression! Skyblock Gameplay! EP8’, was uploaded by Linty on 2024-04-25 00:21:11. It has garnered 157 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:05 or 10985 seconds.

#minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock Skyblock Farming Progression! Skyblock Gameplay! EP8

So this stream we are gonna be getting cropie armor and hopefully enough farming levels to actually use it! Then of course the grind will continue as we work towards getting squash armor!

Also this is taking place on a new profile with my lovely coop member @housecall247 , if you haven’t already checked out his channel then you are missing out as his content is very entertaining and he will be making a lot of appearances on the channel!

Anyways thanks for tuning in and subswibe if you made it this far into a description!

Tags (ignore) ==================== hypixel skyblock,minecraft skyblock,skyblock hypixel,minecraft hypixel skyblock,money making method,hypixel skyblock guide,hypixel skyblock ep 1,hypixel skyblock money,Hypixel skyblock farming guide,hypixel skyblock beginner farming,skyblock farming guide,skyblock farming progression,hypixel skyblock garden tutorial,hypixel skyblock garden,hypixel skyblock garden progression,hypixel skyblock garden guide,hypixel skyblock ironman garden guide

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    Crazy Minecraft Build Hacks Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks: Unleash Your Creativity! Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, the world of Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. In this article, we’ll delve into some mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Unlocking Hidden Passages and Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the ability to create hidden passages and secret rooms within your structures. By utilizing trapdoors, pistons, and redstone engineering, you can design intricate pathways that… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers a unique twist on the classic Minecraft experience. Join a vibrant community of players from around the world and embark on epic adventures together. Explore the vast world of Minewind and discover hidden treasures, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your journey on the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Unique and Thrilling Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Unique and Thrilling Minecraft Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “NGÁO PHÁT HIỆN NGƯỜI BẠN THÂN CÙNG PHÒNG TRỞ NÊN QUÁI DỊ LÚC 3H SÁNG TRONG MINECRAFT 😨👻.” Although the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and adventures that await you in the Minecraft universe. Imagine the thrill of exploring a world where your closest friend can turn into something eerie and mysterious at 3 AM. The unpredictability and excitement of such… Read More

  • Crafty Tub Game: Mine for Fun in HD!

    Crafty Tub Game: Mine for Fun in HD! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity thrives, like a never-ending dream. Build, explore, survive, in a world so vast, With friends by your side, the adventure will last. Join Tub Game Center, where the fun never ends, With updates and news, from your favorite friends. Craft your own story, in this pixelated land, With Tubby and Txbby, lending a helping hand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And let your imagination take flight. In Minecraft’s world, where anything goes, Let your creativity bloom, like a beautiful rose. Read More

  • Wacky Minecraft Wand Shenanigans

    Wacky Minecraft Wand Shenanigans Minecraft Wonder Wands: Unleash Magic in Your Gameplay! Are you ready to add a touch of magic to your Minecraft adventures? Look no further than the Wonder Wands mod! With these mystical tools at your disposal, you can unleash a whole new level of creativity and excitement in the game. Discover the Power of Simple Wands The Simple Wands mod is a game-changer for Minecraft players looking to spice up their gameplay. These wands come in various types, each with unique abilities that can help you in your quests. From creating structures instantly to summoning creatures, the possibilities are… Read More

  • Ultimate Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Render Dragon

    Ultimate Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ - Render Dragon The Best Shader for Minecraft PE 1.20+ – LuaShader Welcome to the world of Minecraft shaders! In today’s video, a new shader for Minecraft versions 1.20-1.20.50+ is showcased, featuring moving leaves/nature, clear water, and soft fog for stunning aesthetic effects. This shader is highly recommended for players looking to enhance their Minecraft experience. Let’s dive into the details and explore the mesmerizing features of LuaShader. Key Features: The LuaShader brings a host of visual enhancements to Minecraft PE, transforming the game’s graphics into a breathtaking spectacle. Here are some of the standout features: Moving Leaves/Nature: Witness the beauty of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Explosive Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Explosive Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious video titled “1000 TNT in MINECRAFT” that left us in stitches. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can unleash your creativity and have a blast with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into building, exploring, or engaging in epic battles, Minewind has something… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate PvP Action on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Ultimate PvP Action on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you ready to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an active and friendly community, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join players from around the world in epic battles, creative building challenges, and so much more. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement that awaits you on Minewind. See you in the game! Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and More!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and More! Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial! While watching this video on how to build a simple tree in Minecraft, you may have noticed the creativity and fun that comes with building in this virtual world. If you’re looking for a server to showcase your building skills and connect with other players who share your passion for Minecraft, look no further than Minewind. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a dedicated community of players and a variety of game modes to choose from, there’s never a dull moment on… Read More

  • Deadly Dwellers Arrive! Night Dweller Ep.10

    Deadly Dwellers Arrive! Night Dweller Ep.10 Minecraft Night Dweller: Facing the Most Dangerous Dwellers Yet The “Night Dweller” series has captivated many with its thrilling mods and terrifying gameplay in Minecraft. As the protagonist delves into the world of horror mods, the intensity and fear only grow, making for an engaging and heart-pounding experience. Exploring the Terrifying Mods The protagonist’s journey into the world of terror mods in Minecraft has brought forth a unique blend of fear and excitement. From encountering the Man From The Fog to facing the Cartoon Dweller, each mod adds a new layer of horror to the gameplay. A Night Like… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TNT Cannon – Ultimate Guide! #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft TNT Cannon - Ultimate Guide! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Amazing TNT cannon #shorts #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by Chronicle Gamer on 2024-05-06 07:30:04. It has garnered 477 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate compilation of Minecraft build hacks! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, these hacks will level up your building game in no time. From crafting shortcuts to redstone wizardry, we’ve got you covered with the most viral, trending, and amazing build hacks out there! In this video, we’ll explore everything from easy build hacks to mind-blowing creations… Read More

  • Terrifying Encounter: Horror Ghost in Minecraft

    Terrifying Encounter: Horror Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Found Horror Ghost 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Monster_Gaming on 2024-04-16 10:30:06. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. I Found Horror Ghost 😱 #minecraft #shorts techno gamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft proboiz 95 techno gamer proboiz minecraft video minecraft videos techno gamer minecraft minecraft horror techno gamerz horror games techno gamer video minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz shorts ujjwal horror minecraft techno gamerz new video minecraft horror video techno gamer videos techno gamerz horror video horror games ujwal gamer techno gamerz… Read More

  • Hive Bedwars EXPOSED! You WON’T believe how bad it is!

    Hive Bedwars EXPOSED! You WON'T believe how bad it is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Hive Bedwars Is TERRIBLE…’, was uploaded by Snap on 2024-04-01 08:30:07. It has garnered 1026 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:02 or 302 seconds. In this video I and a few others played bedwras for the first time, we all thought it was bad but thats our opinion, if you enjoyed comment your favorite part 😀 (this was also extremely fun Also make sure to leave a like and subscribe _______________________________________ Credits: @xSolitari @SnapplXD @Wolfone515 ________________________________________ Edited by ​⁠ @Snap Thumbnail by ​⁠ @Snap ——- SUBS = 387 ——-… Read More

  • Insane! Making a MOD in 30 days! #Mindblowing

    Insane! Making a MOD in 30 days! #MindblowingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MAKING A Minecraft MOD In 30 DAYS #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Eyuuan on 2024-01-10 08:00:04. It has garnered 1692 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Making A MINECRAFT MOD In 30 DAYS #minecraft #shorts I’m making a Minecraft mod in 30 days and I need your help on naming it and stuff I should add. Like and subscribe because I’m trying to get 1k subscribers Music Made By Laudividni Read More

  • ULTIMATE TURTLE FARM GUIDE!! 🐢 Minecraft Starter Tips

    ULTIMATE TURTLE FARM GUIDE!! 🐢 Minecraft Starter TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Build A Starter Farm in Minecraft’, was uploaded by turtleeess on 2024-01-12 18:00:32. It has garnered 2621 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. How To Build A Starter Farm in Minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Speedrun – UNBELIEVABLE SURPRISE

    Minecraft Speedrun - UNBELIEVABLE SURPRISEVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT THE HELL IS THIS’, was uploaded by Minecraft Speedrun Highlights on 2024-04-29 21:00:29. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #couriway #games #gaming #minecraft #minecraftspeedrun #skywars #twitch #recommended #hypixel #youtube #like #reignex #cube1337x #feinberg #sagi_enderman #fe666 #automattpl #illumina #dream #brentilda #dreamsmp #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #mrbeast #minecraft #dreamspeedrun #mod #pvp Read More

  • 🔥💎 Jawshy explores the Legendary Mining Dimension!💎🔥

    🔥💎 Jawshy explores the Legendary Mining Dimension!💎🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Mining Dimension! – All the Mods 9 – Minecraft Series Episode #19’, was uploaded by Jawshy on 2024-03-25 15:00:22. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:27 or 2487 seconds. Welcome to another JawshyGG video! I hope you’re enjoying your stay while watching the shenanigans! If you haven’t already, please do me a HUGE favor and hit that thumbs up button to like the video and subscribe to the channel! It not only shows your support to the channel and community, but will be another addition to a… Read More

  • On1can – HIVE LIVE WITH 450 KILLSTREAK??! 😱

    On1can - HIVE LIVE WITH 450 KILLSTREAK??! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE BUT 450??? 👀 | !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-05-02 11:19:29. It has garnered 189 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:45 or 6465 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2w9qWzb5Cm #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More

  • 🔥 5 EPIC Minecraft Background Tracks! 🤯

    🔥 5 EPIC Minecraft Background Tracks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 BEST BACKGROUND Music FOR MINECRAFT 🤗🔥’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-03-01 13:09:00. It has garnered 363 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:20 or 200 seconds. Top 5 Background Music For Your MINECRAFT Videos 🤩 | (Don’t Miss) top background music for videos,minecraft video background music,background music for minecraft video background music for gaming videos,minecraft background music no copyright,top 5 background music for your minecraft videos 🤩 | (don’t miss),background music for minecraft smp video,@algrow background videos,top background music for videos,algrow background music,top 10 background music for… Read More

  • The Garden smp LGBTQ+ Friendly Long Term No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Welcome to The Garden, a Bedrock Edition server that has been running for 2 years. Our server is powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion created by Nico the Kid. No modding required, just join and download the resource packs. Server Features: No obligations: Play Minecraft on your terms without playtime obligations or paid packages. Fresh and Unique: Explore new content with the Forsaken Odyssey expansion, including new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items. Play Your Way: Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to join a community, you’re welcome here. Survival Challenges: Hard difficulty with enabled… Read More

  • CatCraft Survival (Java & Bedrock)

    CatCraft Survival (Java & Bedrock)Embark on an unforgettable journey in CatCraft, an immersive and feature-rich Minecraft Survival SMP designed for players seeking the perfect blend of excitement and simplicity. Join our welcoming community, where seasoned and new players come together to explore, learn, and thrive in a vibrant world brimming with endless possibilities!✨ Unleash Your Creativity in CatCraft – Here’s What Awaits You: ✨🌍 Explore the Expansive Realms: Dive into our ever-expanding, never-resetting Overworld, including the newly launched Green Realm teeming with untold adventures!🌳 Instant Tree Chopping & Veinmining Support: Enjoy seamless resource gathering with our efficient tree chopping and veinmining addition – perfect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Regretful peek at hidden replies, Minecraft memes fail.

    Minecraft Memes - Regretful peek at hidden replies, Minecraft memes fail.“Looking at hidden replies in a meme is like opening Pandora’s box – you never know what kind of chaos you’ll unleash!” Read More

  • Minecraft Enderman Challenge: From Steve to Ender in a Snap!

    Minecraft Enderman Challenge: From Steve to Ender in a Snap! In Minecraft world, where blocks abound, Our hero takes on challenges, all around. Becoming an Enderman, a new quest to pursue, With skills and wit, they’ll see it through. Dodging creepers, and zombies too, Crafting tools, to see them through. In the dark caves, they’ll mine and explore, Finding treasures, and so much more. With each new challenge, they’ll rise to the top, With friends by their side, they’ll never stop. So join in the fun, and watch them play, In the world of Minecraft, where they’ll stay. Read More

  • Cuando tu amigo ecuatoriano te roba los diamantes

    Cuando tu amigo ecuatoriano te roba los diamantes When you play Minecraft with your Ecuadorian friend and he keeps trying to build a guinea pig farm instead of a house. #EcuadorianProblems #MinecraftStruggles 😂🇪🇨🐹 Read More

  • Kaantastic’s Epic 3-Hour Brookhaven Challenge with Friends!

    Kaantastic's Epic 3-Hour Brookhaven Challenge with Friends! Minecraft Adventures with ItsKaantastic and Friends! ItsKaantastic is a channel dedicated to gaming and having a blast! The dynamic duo, Dania and Kaan, dive into the virtual worlds of Roblox, Minecraft, and other exciting games on this channel. Get ready for thrilling roleplays in Brookhaven, Adopt Me Town, and beyond, along with some epic challenges. Don’t miss out on the fun by subscribing to the channel! Exploring Minecraft Worlds Join ItsKaantastic and friends as they embark on exciting adventures in the vast and creative world of Minecraft. From building magnificent structures to surviving the perils of the wilderness, there’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for an Escape Adventure!

    Join Minewind Server for an Escape Adventure! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a dynamic and ever-changing world, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you on your toes. Imagine navigating through a maze where the pathways change periodically, adding an extra layer of challenge and excitement to your gameplay. Just like Mistee Ruby and her sister in their latest Minecraft pocket edition video, you too can embark on thrilling adventures on Minewind. Join our community of players and explore the endless possibilities that Minewind has to offer. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chaos

    Ultimate Minecraft Chaos Welcome to Hardcore Minecraft – World 1 [Part 28]! Exploring New Adventures in Minecraft In the latest installment of Hardcore Minecraft – World 1, our fearless player, Katie, delves into the vast and unpredictable world of Minecraft. With each new episode, viewers are treated to exciting gameplay, unexpected challenges, and thrilling victories. Surviving the Unknown In this episode, Katie navigates through treacherous terrain, mines for valuable resources, and battles against formidable foes. With each step, she must strategize and adapt to the ever-changing environment to ensure her survival. Key Highlights: – Katie’s meticulous planning and quick thinking in the… Read More

  • Red Mushroom Island – Insane 100 Day Minecraft Build! 🍄

    Red Mushroom Island - Insane 100 Day Minecraft Build! 🍄Video Information This video, titled ‘🍄I Spent 100 Days Building a Cozy Mushroom Island in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Da Lil Red on 2024-05-12 17:45:01. It has garnered 21895 views and 1068 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:47 or 8747 seconds. I survive 100 Days transforming a cozy Mushroom Island in Minecraft survival. In this video, we explore new biomes and mushroom mods, all while playing as a Sporeling origin on 5 hearts. 🍄We’ll have custom mushroom outposts to explore and mushroom traders to trade with that give unique items. It’s going to be a cozy adventure with… Read More

  • Sneaky Blitz SG Name/Skin Reveal

    Sneaky Blitz SG Name/Skin RevealVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blitz SG but NAMES/SKINS are hidden’, was uploaded by naku on 2024-05-12 10:49:33. It has garnered 511 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. #hypixel #blitzsg #blitzsurvivalgames blitz sg,blitz survival games, blitz, blitz sg hypixel, hypixel, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival games, hypixel bsg, bsg, lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Joey’s Farming Frenzy!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Joey's Farming Frenzy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Too Many Farms! Minecraft Hardcore 100 Hours’, was uploaded by Joey 64 on 2024-03-20 12:26:34. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:21 or 1761 seconds. There are many challenges someone can face in Minecraft. Fighting the Ender Dragon, Building a Mega Base, and one I have never been able to do, surviving hardcore mode. That changes today. Join me on a thrilling journey as I bumble my way to the top, and maybe even survive to 100 hours. ===== Check out my Twitter: Twitter.com/Joey64YT Join our Discord:… Read More


    ULTIMATE EDITING HACKS: VENOMIC - Editing Secrets REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Editing Like @mine v1’, was uploaded by VENOMIC on 2024-01-05 11:13:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraft Clipping @Needs_Some_Skill xD. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Night Lich Rematch with Lerias Black

    EPIC Minecraft Night Lich Rematch with Lerias BlackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Prominence [EP-9] Night Lich Rematch’, was uploaded by Lerias Black on 2024-03-15 17:00:08. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:39 or 1119 seconds. Prominence 2 is a rpg style Minecraft modpack with plenty of exploration and content to experience Its been a while since I have properly played Minecraft for a decent amount of time so here we go, jumping right into the deep end with an RPG Modpack containing over 300 mods! #Minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftprominence Read More

  • Silentwo Unearths EPIC Discoveries in Minecraft #8

    Silentwo Unearths EPIC Discoveries in Minecraft #8Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring The WORLD!! HARDCORE MINECRAFT #8 Minecraft Bedrock Edition Survival Let’s Play 2/20/24’, was uploaded by silentwo on 2024-02-27 17:15:02. It has garnered 671 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:58 or 7258 seconds. This is my second channel! Subscribe for more bonus content 😀 Watch streams live: https://www.twitch.tv/silentwisperer Become a member of The Silence! Join our community and subscribe! 💙Second Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/silentwo 💜Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/silentwisperer 🧡TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@silentwisperer 🔹Twitter ► https://twitter.com/silentwisperer_ 😁Discord ► https://discord.gg/silentwisperer 💻Website ► https://silentwisperer.com/ Consider supporting the channel! Get benefits such as whitelisting on our Minecraft… Read More

  • SHOCKING UPDATE: Minecraft Movie is REALLY Coming?

    SHOCKING UPDATE: Minecraft Movie is REALLY Coming?Video Information This video, titled ‘Yes… The Minecraft Movie Is STILL Happening…’, was uploaded by DazzReviews on 2024-01-06 15:15:00. It has garnered 54466 views and 2534 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:39 or 579 seconds. Remember this age old project? I talked about it once, way back in 2020! And after all these years, it’s still going! Somewhat. In fact, just recently we got a new pieces of production news as the celebrity casting is starting to roll in. In early 2023 we heard about Jason Momoa being cast in The Minecraft Movie, and now we have confirmed… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Food & Drink Mod!! [ECKOSOLDIER Review]

    Ultimate Minecraft Food & Drink Mod!! [ECKOSOLDIER Review]Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST FOOD and DRINKS Addon for Minecraft Bedrock Edition [Celebration Food Review]’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-05-02 15:51:13. It has garnered 17729 views and 857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:16 or 1216 seconds. Celebration food Addon from the Minecraft Marketplace review ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=2219ed0d-d0e0-411d-b6f4-fcf587d3827f Elemental Ecko’s – https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=f8ca8722-bdd4-4b8a-b025-e0420fc8d312 In this video, we’re diving into the BEST Food &… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Hidden Base Build in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE Hidden Base Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival hidden base #minecraft#build#house#minecraftpe#tutorial#mountain@4x4gaming’, was uploaded by Naveen Yt on 2024-04-15 03:36:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft survival hidden base #minecraft#build#house#minecraftpe#tutorial#mountain‎@4x4gaming SOME IMPORTANT … Read More

  • Ghoul-Tycoon

    Ghoul-TycoonGhoul Tycoon The worlds #1 Tycoon server! – Auto Farming – Ranks – Vote Rewards Come And Join This New Server And Idle Your Way To The Top! End of season, players on the /Baltop gets a money reward for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Read More

  • VoltaicMC Semi-Vanilla SMP Greylist 18+ 1.20.4 Survival Java New-Map Hermitcraft Discord

    Info – Version: 1.20.4 – Server address: play.voltaicmc.com – Server website: https://voltaicmc.com/ – Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/V6lR3Qc What is Voltaic? A 1.20.4 Minecraft server A player base dedicated to creating community bonds A bustling player ran trade economy A worldwide player base with always online players A safe world from griefers and trolls Player events and community builds A server influenced by suggestions and voting of its members Greylist for logging in and exploring before membership An active staff team for assistance at all hours Custom Resources requiring a resource pack like Hermitcraft Server Some of our plugins/datapacks Greylist (allows people to… Read More

  • RIFTCRAFT.NET (Java + Bedrock)(GERMAN) (SEASON 1) (1.20.6) (2024)

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: riftcraft.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Noobs Beware: Take This!

    Looks like these Minecraft players leveled up in meme-making skills! Read More