Unbelievable: Stage 1 Tower Build Completed! | BounceSMP Modpack

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Oh hello hello hello how are we all hope we are all having a good morning Day evening night been way in world so we’ve got we’ve got the roof finish of the of the main tower uh the and then the ladybug um yeah then the ladyb ladybug

Area um I think after that or after those two uh yeah I think after those two I think we’ll just explore the nether honestly um as we need to try and find those two trees still because we need to try and find we need to try and find those two trees

Uh we also need to go to the end find the end portal defeat the End Dragon explore the end which I might just make that well I might just do that as one stream to be honest uh but yeah a couple of shouts shout outs actually Um uh shout out to I am the pizza eater pizza kind speak I am the pizza eater uh random guy m1g david3 video and oneup Ninja for the followers much appreciated uh I believe those were off stream as well not sure I was just about say I’m not sure why this

Uh just taking as long as it is hello Piza hello hello hello how are you um yeah thank you for the uh for the follow by the way much appreciate it uh yeah right so um I’ve not really done anything off stream regarding well yeah pretty much everything anything I’ve not really done

Anything off stream uh yesterday as I basically want to try and get or well I basically want to try and use all this uh Blackstone brick first uh get The get the ladybug area of the companion cave some more finish as well uh I am good thank you and good good glad you’re doing well hopefully you’re hopefully you’re staying hydrated hopefully it’s not too uh probably it’s not too warm where you are I know certain parts of the world

Are been some sort of heat wave in a way so hopefully you’re all stay in hydrated yeah it’s uh it’s good to see you should we KN it top I think realize it’s survival yep is is it JIS hello hello hello welcome welcome how are you I’m well how are

You we will get to the top at some point at some point there we go right so we need to carry on with this this is going to take a while I’m hoping we’ve got enough to actually somewhat finish it but I don’t think we we will The hello David how are you welcome welcome welcome how are you hope you’re well I’m good good good uh doing stream yeah um I’ve been streaming for it probably say around to around throughout two years is in total um seriously around one and a half years I think something along those

Lines good good uh as Li thank you for the hyra oh but yeah um I did forget to ask you actually yesterday David uh what other games do you play other than Diablo if you don’t mind me asking be fair that goes that goes to everyone what games do

Does everybody play whether the Minecraft or Diablo I I been so apart from Minecraft and Diablo I’ve been playing a lot of uh EXO Primal I’ve been getting into EXO Primal lately quite a good game honestly there’s a lot there’s a lot to go for there’s a

Lot of uh lot of goals and things uh you look very passionate um I mean yeah I am I am very passionate when it comes to streaming I guess but it’s kind of hard to I don’t know it’s kind of difficult to explain it because I have ideas it’s

Just I don’t know how to go about them not only that I I don’t like messaging some like basically sending a message to somebody requiring something that I don’t know if that makes any sense Um usually NBA okay I used to stream to I’ve seen State the care I’ve never played it uh D B I used to play a lot I used to play D Dragon Ball Z D ball years ago absolutely years ago where you could get SSRS SRS Commons you uh it uncommons that

Brings back memories yeah I I don’t really play mobile games anymore I I probably play the odd one or two and that’s that’s very rarely honestly that is very rarely surpris I missed that yeah kind of um I have like I’m like I mentioned I do have ideas one I’m not

Exactly I’m I’m no good when it it comes to Art type of things um but yeah I I’ve got ideas at the moment um I’m just I probably say I’m just going over things at the moment um D i’ playing almost eight years I didn’t realize it was out for that long wow I remember I think it was um the I’ve not played it for about five about five or six I think but I’m surprised you’ve been playing it for that long honestly uh if you want I can

Show some on Discord uh not at the moment not until I get Everything okay not until I get everything sorted at least do they still have um dog it’s almost 9 years damn I didn’t I didn’t realize it was that old I really didn’t realize it was that old uh what Um think I have a link though I don’t is it Discord I don’t think I have a link to Discord at the moment uh I’m sorry but I uh yeah no problem pizza but to be fair is very different time zones at the moment myself it is 5 minutes past 4 seaboss streams art for me I think it’s about 11: p.m. so in about 7 Hours You’ been playing since the middle of 1.13 oh Minecraft uh I’ve been playing Minecraft since I don’t even know what version it was but there was no there was no Ender Dragon that’s all I can remember there’s no Ender Dragon there’s no bosses to fight you literally

Would just go and mine diamonds and that was pretty much it there was no villagers or anything all the biomes were basically the same there was no actually there was no such thing as biomes there was just one and that was it uh think I got mobile game last long

Yeah true very true to be fair David I mean it’s I mean there’s a lot of games or a lot of gacha games gacha mobile games even um that are more than likely going to oh hello um that are going to last that long or if not longer I’m really surprised

I I mean I am I am surprised but I’m not when it comes to dkan when it comes to dkan battle because it’s a Dragon Ball Z game it’s going to have popularity Prett pretty much no matter what I’m just surprised the fact that it’s still going because

It is a mobile game and not many people play mobile games as much as they used to I mean it’s it’s exact same as Pokemon Pokemon go people still play Pokémon go but just probably not as much as they used to but then again Dragon Ball Dragon Ball games yeah exactly yeah

That’s basically what I was trying to get that anyway yeah I I am surprised I not really played any dragon ball games um i s watch people play Dragon Ball what game it was there’s two of them um Xenoverse that’s the one I I saw watch somebody play Xenoverse

2 uh I think the only dragon ball game I actually played was D ball oh boy Pokemon go yep I I used to be I used to play lot a lot at one point that was back even even back before Co oh hello hello hello yeah I used to play that a lot

Before Co actually uh yeah I don’t like I said I don’t really play mobile games anymore honestly probably the old one or two every blue moon but like is pretty much it what about you Hopefully you have a recovery oh yeah by the way David um do they still have the I for the called the thingy events what they called like the SSR or not SSR the uh USSR events or D ball I can’t imagine that there’s that many characters left that you could

Actually get as a USSR un unless they unless they’re bringing out different forms and everything still that’s the only thing only way I can obiously yeah Ultra your don’t crushes You Second Story wow actually never mind how how we manage that most in the game and D aw from I remember D

Awen that is one thing I do remember um I also remember there was different uh different ways to basically pull certain characters so you could pull for an SSR an Sr a ultra rare I’m I could be wrong with this but I’m pretty sure you could do it

With uh equipment as well or gear equipment so what each uh what each character could wear That sounds painful that sounds painful hopefully you hopefully you’re recovering quickly those not problems phone man it’s uh it was fun I just basically grew out well not grew out of it but I don’t know I just stopped play in it to be honest your working units with the

Working medals from yeah I remember the uh I remember the working medals do these two still do the I for what they’re called you could buy like not gems they like crystals if I remember right I can’t remember what they were called though and they were like crystals um where you could buy

Them and then spend them on certain things or you could buy them on you could buy them you could buy you could buy them and then spend them On for what it’s called like basically BS to get characters still do that or are they Dragon STS that’s the one yeah Dragon STS uh I mean there’s that many there’s that many g games out now for the phone well for mobile it’s well not even mobile most of them what you

Can play on mobile most yeah most what you can play on mobile are actually now on PC as well there’s there’s absolutely loads I mean there’s gen gen it gen chin impact there’s H star uh what’s the other one is Nik is it Nik yeah Nik I think it’s pronounced just

Two got two k uh n there’s another one and I can’t remember the name but yeah those those Lords I think one of the most popular ones are yeah I think one of the most popular ones at the moment is uh on Kar especially on Twitch at

Least looking fors the new Tekken is it Tekken Tekken 8 I think I’ve not really seen I don’t think no I’ve not really seen anything with it at the moment uh I might have seen a clip of the fighting but that I think that was about it probably about a a 10

Second clip if thought thank you for the bit David much appreciate it you uh you didn’t have to well thank you yeah this is the current build at the moment um so this is going to be this is going to be pointed exactly like these and then it’s going to have lanterns going

Up going up to the middle uh and then there’s the bridge which we need to complete I eventually I’m going to build a dock there I need to build the Automatic Farms which I’ll build those off stream uh at some point we are going to build a mob grinder over here

Uh yeah I also need to work on I can’t claim that old range I also need to work on the train station as well I need to work on the off stream because I need To I need to Expand the I need to expand the walls I need to move the wall out one um graphic looking I I I don’t know if it’s the one that I I actually saw if it is then the graphics do look good it might it might have been

Something else I watched I don’t know I didn’t really pay attention to the title honestly plus it was it was only a clip like I mentioned um the map is I mean obviously the map’s endless but that’s all what I’ve explored at the moment I’ve explored more in the nether

Thank you for popping by David and thank you again for the best much appreciate it thank you for stopping by um I’ll try I’ll try and uh take care hope you enjoy the rest of your day uh yeah it’s been so uh been playing Remnant 2 I’ve I’ve

Seen i’ I’ve actually watched people play Remnant 2 not a lot I only watched um yeah I only watched about half an hour 30 minutes is something like that um I was watching a trailer yesterday actually for the not trailer but I was watching the game play for the first

One it kind of reminds me of like a soul of a Souls like game it reminds me of if a Dark Souls Game what I said actually Dark Souls and something else I can’t remember the name but it it reminds me of a uh of a mix of the two uh um been Enjy better the second one does look good um yeah the second one does look good but yeah it it does remind me of a Dark Souls game to be honest I don’t know if it’s something I would ever play though whether it being a Dark Souls type game I’m not really

I’m not really want for Dark Souls type games why does that not surprise me it’s not as bad as Dark Souls uh I don’t know doubt I’d probably ever play it honestly so yeah we’ve got a lot of building to do we’ve got this this roof to finish then we’ve got uh

Um the companion cave well got the ladybug area of the companion cave to finish well not finish but to do most of um probably do the walls on the floor of that uh uh uh I mean as good as I’ll ever be at the moment how’s the Um okay uh yeah yeah I guess okay from what I know at least got some best AIO how dogs uh say Amo so Bing still baring a lot is I guess so loud it’s probably the best way I put it get so the marker you been to Um honestly I think that’s pretty much it um Minecraft blade blade well BL or Primal every now on then but I don’t stream it that’s that’s an okay game it’s pretty cool I mean it’s not something I’m used to uh yeah that’s pretty much it at the moment XO

Primal it’s good it’s good um definitely getting used to it it’s just a shame you can’t actually play across platform properly they need to s that out honestly have I finished it no I I don’t play much I only play every now and then um it’s the it’s the multiplayer game

I mean it would probably take you a long time to actually finish the game well I don’t know because the way I’m thinking the way I’m thinking of finishing it the way I’m thinking of finishing the actual game is is getting all the characters to not characters getting all the EXO

Suits to max level Oh you mean that yeah the D thing no I’m I think about 25% is something like that like I said I I don’t that much be fair though I’ve not had it long I think I’ve had it for about four or five days if though Um kill the AI no not yet it gets better you go long bit confusion um yeah I mean confusing is one word that’s definitely one way to put it uh which character have been using um I so at the start I kind of did a little test uh I did

One I did one Mission with well not Mission but I did one uh yeah okay I did one Mission with the with the sniper the vigilant uh I do like that one then I did one with is it zeph the Mele the melee up close combat

One uh that one I’m not really bothered about and then the the overall the all round one that you end up controlling in the in the tutorial I forgot what it’s called but i’ be mainly using the uh the all round standard one at the moment I think that will be my primary

One and then my second one I guess or secondary one if I had to swap would be the sniper get yeah true um I be been equipping modules I’ve just been upgrading them and whatnot don’t know which one that is I did try the um the Grenada one as

Well but I don’t know I I couldn’t really get a hang of that one plus I’ve never really been a Healer support or tank type of type of person I’ve always been a DPS rule type person so that’s why I’ve been mainly using DPS type of typ of EXO suits big tank with

Minun oh I think I know which one you mean now yeah is it the one Um is it the one with uh is the one with like the the cogs of shoulders um you haven’t played any healer um I yeah I’m I’m not exactly a good as uh I’m not a good tank or healer type person so but I’ve seen many people that

Play that have played as a Healer or basically teamed up with random people that have been a Healer and they’ve done a really good job as a hero what midle here all right hello G hello hello hello how are you um yeah I don’t really play PVP

To be honest I know you have to do the one Mission at the start to be able to unlock the PVE but I only do the PVE as well um good I’m glad you’re doing well and yeah I’m I’m good I’m good hopefully uh yeah hopefully everybody’s staying hydrated I know some Places I know some places in the world are currently having somewhat of a heat with I think or just really hot weather uh you currently playing the Spanish Lotter that’s very random that is very random um with healer to be fair that doesn’t that kind of doesn’t surprise me

I can’t see I I couldn’t see him being a tank not sure why I just couldn’t um it’s at 2.5 milon it’s at 2.59 billion EUR dumb hold on a second so for me that would be 2.2 billion wow yeah that’s that would be 2.2 billion

Yeah yeah well it’s all it’s all well balanced then Ste ATT speed orage probably probably League of Legends if I have to guess legal of Legends I’m guessing yeah League of Legends I thought so I’ve never played League well hello Um I think if I’m not wrong league is actually one of the most toxic one of the most toxic uh games or it can be it can be one of the most toxic games surprisingly I’m not not top I’ve not put enough torches down um when I

Play uh sure could be many children play the game to be fair though it’s not just it’s not just that it’s the fact that a lot of people are competitive that type of game I mean it is a game as well so but a lot of people are

Competitive so if you’re not playing up to their expectations and they trying to play they’re trying to play really good if it is ranked then hly that’s probably where it comes from was Diamond three yeah I I don’t even know the ranks in that game honestly true true well there’s always people

That are going to be toxic it doesn’t matter what game you play if it’s a competitive game then it’s it’s there’s always going to be some people that toxic uh bronze silver gold platinum diamond PL master I think that’s I think that’s the same layout in

A lot of other games as well as in the ranks I think um let it’s similar To it’s similar to Apex and valerin as well I think I know Apex is uh bronze silver is it bronze silver gold diamond platinum Masters and then Predator I think on that one it’s like it’s a Hydra by the way Um and then I’m not I’m not sure on valerant really I’ve not well it’s I’ve not played Apex I was about to say I’ve not played valerant but I’ve not I’ve not played apex apex either I like watching people play Apex it’s uh it looks like a well it’s a fun game to

Watch plus I like um if if if I was going what this Hydra for to remind me to Hydra because I can go hours without taking a drink pretty much I mean all people people could to use it to to remind themselves to hydrate as well or to remind chot to hydrate that

Kind of thing but um yeah if we were going off of uh played it for a few played it for a few wins but B of it um if if we were going off uh design like uh character design alone I like Remnant is it re Revenant I think it’s called the skeleton

One all the skeleton machine type thing that’s kind of cool uh lob has got some pretty cool design skin designs uh there was another one I can’t remember the name of it um the the robot’s quite cool Pathfinder that’s kind of cool um especially if you

Get a I think it’s called I think it’s an heirloom I think it’s called or hairloom hairloom heirloom and uh it has like a pair of boxing gloves uh thank you for check by the way uh I Was a Very Good Ye player is it ye or Y I don’t

Know how you pronounce that player but I didn’t get him higher than dime 3 there’s generally from 1 2 3 4 five as low as a low category oh as a low high category ah yeah I like um when it comes to Apex as well with

The with the heirlooms yeah you have to spend uh I mean you don’t have to spend real money to get air looms but the the the easiest way to actually get heirlooms would be to buy the packs to open but I mean it it’s just purely cosmetic

So there’s no pay to win type of thing it’s just pay to look good which I mean some of the Skins actually really do look good so it’s uh is uh is that ranking five being the lowest one being the highest when it comes to League I like I said I I have

No idea yeah I I have no idea when it comes to League I’ve I’ve not watched League I don’t know how League even works I know all I know is it’s a very popular m to the point where it’s an Esports and that’s pretty much

It uh like C pay to win no so Apex no Apex isn’t pay to win you can pay to buy Cosmetics um but they don’t improve anything obviously it’s down to you to win the games you just buy you just buy this skin basically or uh or you buy the

Packs to get a to have the chance of winning a Rin oh Cody’s Cody’s pay to win is it do you mean the wait C pay to C pay to win I don’t know I not really I’ve not really followed Cod for God knows how long to be

Honest I I don’t know I not really give me with the season is it season pass what they call it um Le you win by skill yeah well skill and teamwork from I know of I know it’s a very team based game when it comes to League

Now it’s because they B Deb G so they the M for a bit before de again I’ve I’ve heard of those I yeah I have heard of that um I heard I can’t remember the name of the G was it the vasev um they had the vasf which was

The basically one of the best guns they could use and then they debuffed it and then they and then people found out that there was another gun that was better than that one and then that was the best one for a while and they debuffed that one that kind of thing um

You win points by how many victories you have as a team when I play it uh when I played it was relatively new G I had earned I had earned up the points the Lo skin immediately after it was released cyberpunk skin wait there’s a cyber cyber Punk skin

In in League I didn’t know that that’s strange I didn’t think those two would do some sort of crossover I enjoy I I actually really enjoyed cyberp punk I played it normally well I played it um I did a street kid play through I did a NAD modded playthrough even though the

Mods stopped working after about 60% 60% of way through of the playthrough so I finished it normally um um I’m I’m looking forward to the DLC of the uh of the cyberpunk DLC I pre-ordered the the cyberpunk the DLC I mean pre-order the DLC hopefully um hopefully I’ll be streaming

That it gets released in September um The Pokemon DLC which gets released in September I will be streaming that as well looking forward to that um it’s just because about just because about build up guns on people find of flaws in the game now the glitches yeah that’s all it is now

Uh I know to be fair believe it or not um it turns W there’s actually people hacking in professional not professional but um what do you call it in ranked in ranked matches so when people play ranked matches in cord or say Search and Destroy or any other the game

Modes and when people play ranked to the point where they’re like the top 250 um professional so professional people that play COD as a job basically professional Esports um they will do ranked match like they will do they play ranks in their off time as a bit of a like a

Practice type thing and they were finding normal people that were hacking which were a bit a bit Yeah a bit strange uh um play 777 didn’t think much of it yeah I mean I’ll admit even though I really enjoyed the game and I really got into the story and and

Whatnot I’ve I think I played the game I’ve completed the game three times uh once on Xbox which was Street kid um twice on PC one was Street kid one was no mod it was very it was very overly hyped but then again with what happened I

Don’t think it was the developer fault I don’t know I could be wrong but the game got pushed out when it wasn’t finished and by the sounds of it back mostly years ago when it got released I don’t don’t think it was actually the developer B I think it

Was somebody else’s I could be wrong I’m not entirely sure I I didn’t really look into it honestly I weirdly enough though everybody was getting glitches and yeah every everybody everybody’s cyber Punk was glitching out and whatnot and then apparently they couldn’t really play it much

Uh I kind of was expecting the same thing from what I heard I played it the first time on Xbox I had one glitch during the entire uh the entire game and that was near the start which uh which was where you practice with the training

Nums and that from what I remember that was the that was the only one but I don’t know it’s still still kind of a cool game I’m glad they actually I’m I’m glad that they are actually sticking with the game still play yet um it’s good that

You’ve not played it yet honestly um it is better now than it is a lot better now than what it was uh there’s nowhere near as many bugs as many glitches um there’s also the DLC that’s getting released in September but I am glad that they are

Actually bringing DLC out for the game and they’re not just leaving the game as it is because they made the map that that big they can do so much with the actual so much with the game and I’m I am I am hoping that they release even

More DLCs for it after this one or yeah who’s to say the will basically do you not um yeah do you not play league anymore than gson I don’t know I was kind of the that they made it out to be the next best

Thing and it was a yeah I to be honest I think a lot of people was like that um it was it was over it was overly hyped I can even say that but it’s one of those things where the game itself if they if they delayed the

Game and fixed the game up and then released it even after all the hype they would have it would have been one of the best Gam games ever released if they if they did all the back and fix everything uh it’s why I didn’t get it because it was all that type

Type yeah I I can I can understand why yeah I’ve um they’ve got Idris Ela in the DLC which I mean I am glad that they’re bringing more and more actors into the video game industry honestly obviously cyber BK stter with K Reeves uh is the

More yeah is one of the more famous actors um in the DLC there’s going to be Idris Elba Um in OverWatch 2 There’s John Cena John Cena’s in uh OverWatch 2 from what I know of um Snoop Dog were was in Call of Duty uh who else somebody else was in Call of Duty and I can’t remember who seea really yep y they got Cena in uh in OverWatch 2 there’s even a

Trailer for it I I can’t remember what I can’t remember what character he plays but I I think he so there was a trailer that involved him he was sat behind a a computer with loads of different screens um it was basically like a a security camera setup in a way

Um but I can’t remember if I’m pretty sure he only you is he only voice acts in OverWatch I don’t know I’ve not played OverWatch I’ve not logged into it so I can’t really see or either way it’s either it’s either he plays as a character or he voices a character one

Or two or both everybody and everything is in fortnite yeah that’s true uh they’ve got Arnold in in in fortnite um yeah they’ve got God know’s Harmony in fortnite I mean to be fair though marketing within that within fortnite would be insane the the amount of things they

Could create or they have created is kind of insane even though even though the game is very me to me at least but I’m not exactly one for b battle Royals so I can’t yeah they have Dragon Ball Z they have Attack on Titan they have Transformers they have uh the have jutu Kaizen they are the other one jiujitsu kaen I think they have Naruto as well I think it’s Demon Hunter that’s going Demon Hunter Demon Slayer uh they have Attack on Titan jiujitsu Kaizen they have ji Jitsu Kaizen because of season two being released I remember that um they have they have my her

Academia because they have deu I know that one uh they haveu and they have the the the woman in The Pink Suit I can’t remembering name they have all might as well actually there is lot uh I think they have both versions of all M as well there’s everything yep literally

Still not watch all I’ve watched all of I’ve watched all of my hero I’ve watched all of all speak all of my hero Academia um I need to rewatch Jitsu Kaizen I’ve watched season one but I kind of want to binge watch Season Two Season one and then watch season two so

It all makes sense um uh what’s the other one um I need to carry on watching Demon Slayer I’m currently through I’m currently in season two at the moment which I’ve not watched it for a while so yeah I need to do that um I haven’t I se up the W school

Gets attacked for the first time wow yeah that’s uh I think it’s I think there’s six seasons now I’m not entirely sure for my hero Academia but there’s a lot there is a lot I ended up binge watching Mar Academia from start to finish to be fair though my Academia I actually

Watched I think I watched the first two seasons I got all caught up with the actual anime and then I didn’t watch it for a long time and then they end up releasing like three other Seasons so I ended up just binge watching it all again and it

Turns out as the as I was B watching it they were releasing uh more episodes and basically season six as well so all tied in kind of thing I actually get all C up I think there’s 138 episodes in total of uh yeah I think there was 138 episodes in total

Of my her Academia but I’ve got a lot of uh yeah I’ve got a lot to watch it to watch it still um I yeah I know but I can’t find them to watch can’t find them to watch on anything uh your best bet would be

Crunchy roll but I was the last pay for subscription so I think um yeah I don’t know any other places that you can actually watch them on from that you also wait for Ken kin Ascension I’ve heard of that I’ve never watched it uh there’s one there’s one anime that I

Want to watch I don’t know when it’s going to get released and I don’t know if it will be on crunch roll or not but it’s called what it’s called it’s like ninja something um at the start of the so basically the trailer to it um this town gets set this town gets

Set on fire and this guy I’m guessing basically gets beat up by some people he’s laid on the floor he’s looking he’s laid on the floor on his side he’s looking uh he’s looking across the floor and his wife is laid out on the floor and somebody walks up to his wife

Stabs him stabs his wife in the neck with a with a sword um and then it cuts to him laying in a in a MOG I think so he’s laid on a metal on a metal um they called like a metal not Tre but like a metal bed basically welcome

Back Pizza um so the main character is basically laying on a metal bed and he he’s got a cloth over him as he presumed dead he you you basically see him sit up and he he basically he basically has a flashback to that uh to that moment and

Then he basically like rolls off the bed um and then that’s pretty much it you see him you see him laid out on the floor then that is pretty much it but I think he basically he tries get revenge for the people to the people who

Kill his wife I think I could be wrong but it’s it’s yeah it’s like Ninja Assassin or something like that I can’t remember the name um you waiting to watch baky as well I’ve heard of baky I’ve not watched I’m not yeah I’ve heard of it I’ve not

Watched it um I don’t even know what that’s about honestly but yeah welcome back Pizza welcome back I hope you’re well I hope you’re are I can’t even speak today I hope you are well I hope you all having a good day go all my oh

Do I pay for what crunch roll uh yes yeah but I’m pretty sure you can only have I I I’m I am pretty sure you can only have like one screen at a time it’s not like um it’s not like Netflix how much is it uh I think they op the prices so

Basically I used to pay for 4 Mission then animation was bought by crun roll so now everything is basically just on crun Roll animation is still a thing but yeah there’s more on crun Roll uh it was 50 pound a year uh I think now it is

60 think it’s 60 pound a year now which is basically like5 a month you can buy to be fair you can pay for it you can either pay for I think you can pay pay monthly you can pay every six month or you can pay for the year I guess

Um but I think paying for the year is more is is cheaper I think I think it’s like if you pay per month I think it’s like seven or eight pound per month something like that nope um no nope yeah that’s hopping by take care have fun and be careful

Oh thank you for the Hydra I literally just Hydra what is this oh wait why is that I didn’t realize it Wass okay why did that show up as yellow though I thought they showed up as purple if know the arrows are purple yeah the arrows purple okay

Sometimes I still don’t understand my Minecraft logic with having tortures and then it raining and the Tores not going out I mean if that was a thing though see the daunting thing is we’ve only done I think four layers something like that four or five layers

And if I had to try and estimate how many layers we have left to Do we have so we got One two three four yeah this is the fourth layer um if I have to guess how many layers or how many more layers there is L I would probably guess uh I want to say I want to say at least 15 15 well I could be wrong we might as well rest

Uh yeah the um what it called the Phantoms done SP for another three days then after I am hoping we don’t get to the build high limit it should fall just short of the build height limits so another another thir 32 no 36 actually so so we can build another 36

High which uh hopefully it doesn’t get that you know hopefully uh the RO isn’t that high but it might be it might be close to it I don’t think it will be I don’t think we’ll get over the build build Highland it’ll definitely be close right so this is yeah this is

Where we start putting the L here I think these two sides as well this side and this side so East and West I think there I think those are going to be a little bit different um I think I might have to I think I might have to remove two of

The stairs on each level that’s right so I mean one where the next one up um yeah I I may have to uh may have to take two stairs out on each level place the lons so we can get something a little bit like that unless we do it a little

Bit differently is just the bigger roof but I don’t know we’ll have to we’ll have to wait until uh we’ll have to wait until we’ve got everything somewhat place down wait no this is right so why is that different wait let me just yeah know that is right

Yeah and then the two lons will go there so why is this this side is different apparently I’m so confused why is this side different so this side should go this side goes wrong byebye I [ __ ] up some oh that’s correct so why is this one different I’m so confused why is

This so that bottom lay is correct this one there we go we found the reason why and what probably take this off and then do this why is that OD plus five oh this side as well right so let’s just sort this out first So so each side a beit like this yep let’s see what the problem is always annoying when something doesn’t align that’s because that’s where the lanterns are and then was like that right yeah that’s correct so we just need to take take this up Place some torches as well actually so mobs don’t

Spawn guys so that should have fixed this yeah right okay where did I do it last time see this is the part where it starts getting a little tricky yeah I guess that works yeah we have no idea enough to finish this if far I uh I wonder if we’ve got enough

Obsidian stairs just to place what we currently have if that makes sense uh I don’t think we will that’s one but we just have to wait and see so plan is just keep placing blocks on bricks until we until we eventually run out as we’re not going we’re not going

To be able to finish this uh like I hope like I hoped turns out we will run short of the bricks uh and then we’ll place the stairs and then see where we get with those as well yeah we definitely need more um be fair I think we have a barrel full of

Blacktone down this but obviously we know that that’s not going to be enough so we might as well put that to the side and then I will just fill up as many barrels as I can Stream uh yeah and see see see where that gets us um oh we will also need more obsidian as well why something else I need to work on also need to have a look at something I was thinking of using this W for the I for what it’s called Uh I was

Thinking of using that wood for the enchantment room eventually um the only problem is I don’t know where you get it I’m guessing I was there nether but I don’t know what biome in the ne so we’ll have to look into that it looks like a kind of a cool

It’s like a nice blue uh yeah like a nice blue color so hington bear mus B mush hington bear I’m guessing that’s a reference to Padington bear which is strange to think about I never thought I’d see a pingon bear reference in a Minecraft mod Park but any who anywh who Um so it by the looks of it these two sides are going to work out like these two but just a little bit higher by the looks of it how’s every this day going so far oh Day weekend morning even morning evening morning Day evening night where you are in the world

So this is the last of the bricks that we have apart from the barrel that we have down at the bear or well down at the M shaft but uh yeah down in the down in the area a the underground area um I I still think we’re going to need

At least another I’d probably say about at least on Five Barrels maybe even more so this is all we have left for the moment okay so that’s that Um that’ll be that then we’ve got the got these to place yes I don’t know if we we might have enough stairs to finish this right to finish these RADS but we not have enough to finish the entire thing so we are definitely going to need some more obsidian at some point

Yeah the reason why I’m crouching is because I’m on the literal Edge um if I wasn’t on the edge then I would have I would probably not Crouch uh then again I don’t know thinking about it now I might I might not uh that’s one see if we

Can oh yeah we’re fine now actually actually oh yeah that’s right and then now it should be much quicker unless I start making mistakes like that again making keep making the same mistake means it is really please that mistake when placing stairs especially trying to get the

Correct angle and uh yeah the correct angle with stairs well looks like I want to run out stairs as well eventually oh okay uh doesn’t look like actually we might actually have enough so I mean then again it is also getting smaller as well so yeah for

Right I think this is the last this is the last level that has a full level I guess or a full row of obsidian stairs after this we miss out these two so it goes like that it goes like that um and then we put the lanters there which uh yeah

To be fair I think I also think that will that we will probably need more lanterns as well for okay so we uh we nearly running out all obsidians does okay so that’s all the obsidian stairs used um jump onto this roof and then we will there we

Go uh so now we need to don’t need to place them torches it definitely help I think it I think it’ also remove these Endermen as well that have been spawning in the in the place um yeah this is also going to be a bridge at some point as well

So but it’s also got a hole in the middle which uh be fair I might see if I can add maybe some lons on the side maybe some um what you call it some jungle vines maybe something like that uh I do want to check something actually because I want

To replace that floor with he’s a actually we replace with this sorry was thinking or using this using this for this and then I think we will use The the Weeping obsidian or something else probably for hold on a second probably use it for maybe inside yeah maybe inside I don’t know I’m not entirely sure to be quite honest I did use some actually no I think I used it all um of the gild was it gild the Blackstone I

Think it was um I place lot in the in the area downstairs on the ground where we have the two forges the uh the floor looks a little bit different that’s because it’s uh it is the Guild of Blackstone buts uh I used a philosophus I think it’s called a philos a Philosophers

Even uh workbench to change the to change the style of it I am hoping we have enough cry I’m sitting be honest we don’t then at least I can actually go and get more so not that much of a problem it would just be nice to actually have enough May to be

Fair I think we do have enough um we’ve already completed two nice so that’s that uh I was thinking of using the Weeping obsidian for here or or what we could do is use the Weeping obsidium for here wow um yeah we could use the weaping

Obsidian for here and then do like a an edge or something I don’t know kind of want to knock this through a little bit further so probably about up to here which would be so that’ll be just above the barrels so here yeah yeah I don’t know

Uh I mean we have plenty of this so we could use it well could use it right here we don’t really have much color down here to be honest um I kind of wanted to is this this on this because it’s a little bit much having it having it

Here and then carrying it on through here do that make sense um yeah I don’t know um be fa though if I did why did do it here then hold on a second just so I know what I mean it’s certainly definely it certainly brightens up the L looks pretty cool to be

Honest Uh those back there go so that’s that back to normal uh looks like I need some more stairs with this so we need four more STS I do need to move those two horses at some point all right let’s move let’s move these so they’re not we

We can move these actually to the barn we can remove these and hell hello Prer we put the Torches yeah the Torches like that and then there wait what what did this one break break off from its lead bit Str all right so that’s that Um yeah we need to need to replace this around the edge I don’t know what to replace it with I was thinking this but I we’ve used this a lot so um yeah I have no idea at the moment Let’s make these into Blocks put these in here decided to move all the emeralds as well from from here because it was full so I put those into a box into a box into a I’ve never got them a box a barrel I mean uh so now we need to do the what it’s called yeah do

The ladybug part or area even this those I all this all right So that’s just a common That’s okay this is going to be a little bit more complicated so what I’ve just realized is even though we so we’re taking this layer out of the roof or the ceiling actually um I’m going to to take the one above the out as well so I’m not sure how I’m going through

That exactly I mean mostly there is there is parts missing so which will make it a lot easier h Oh Uh so I’m going to I might as well get rid of this and then I prob say stop the middle is um yeah can we oh we can wait okay I wasn’t expecting that So the plan is uh we’ll do the roof first or the ceiling first as we are um

Obviously replacing it with war war blocks try not to get Tongue Tied over that um and then after that we are going to replace the walls so this wall that one that one and that one with the exact same thing uh I think we’re going to do the

Floor as well with myum which is obviously the other block we have uh and then I’m going to do the corners out of actually I’m going through the corners and the these lines out of crimson W blocks now I’m just we’re just doing what we can at the moment until we find

A crimson Forest be there I might not actually have enough uh yeah I might not have enough of this we even do do it all I should H been up to to at least do the ceiling though we also need to put in the whites as well actually I nearly forgot about those

So that’s the ceiling finished um I might I don’t know I’m I’m tempted to put um I am tempted to put lights in the ceiling but I don’t know yet let’s what the so far so good um do but luckily we’ve got this so oh I actually looked at the end

St nice and we have some left Over two end pearls oh I have looting three that might be why fair enough that might be why um right so now we need to do the floor and then the only parts that should be left will be the Crimson War blocks that we need to find

So yeah so those on the M on the on these sections will be our Crimson W blocks now to be fair I I was actually debating on do We make those all something different I mean I was actually tempted to make them out of shroom lights these make them out of these shroom lights um basically just TR bit get all shroom lights to actually make them or replace them with them I guess um but the downfall to that would be

Uh there would be no lights in the middle of the room so what I am going to do is I’m just going to replace this grid with SH lights I I think we I think we’ll definitely need more more shroom lights um but to be fair they aren’t really that

Difficult to get a hold of um all I have to do is just go to a what called a warp Forest warped yeah wared Forest yeah take down the trees and the shroom lights will come down with it with them even let all this um what it in the bag

Because then we can use that when we go to the nether to try and find the Crimson wall forest and the other forest or the lament trees as well so we can make bridges and patch things up out all this oh looks like there onlyb villagers as well on them up

Okay so that’s that um we’ll do the shroom lights first I think I’m I think I also might put some in the walls as well like I’ve done with like I’ve done with the sea lons there I might put them in the wall like that I don’t know either that or we

Replace these with them but then again that might be a bit too much I’m not quite sure honestly okay Um hello ages and thank you for the look much appreciated thank you for popping by I hope you’re well I hope you’re having a good day well morning Day evening night and where you are in the world all need um can’t remember what um yeah so we need shroom lights and

Crimson W I think yeah Crimson wall blocks uh yeah so nearly there we just need to place the uh melium down after we finished with u taking all this up yeah so I see what we was what we was doing uh actually let’s just place that there SW that

With take that take that that should be fine what we’ll do then is go around and oops I was just about to see if there’s any more if there’s any all then then we’ll take it but h I definitely wasn’t expecting this I think there’s okay what’s that don’t

Though I was just about to say I think there’s only a couple there only a couple of pieces of uh or but uh seem been more than what I remember and then we can now startop placing this I I’m getting the feeling that I’m not got enough right so we’re just under halfway

Basically with this uh I think still touch on my mining okay um so how about we how about we uh take the dragon and what we’ll do is we’ll go we delete that and then we’ll enable that and then we’ll head over there we’ll get the rest of

The I what you call it we’ll get the rest of the melium and then we’ll place that and then uh I can work on getting in the what it’s called you can work on getting the mushroom the the shroom lights I think they’re called uh I can work on getting those

Off stream course that’s not a problem that’s fairly simple I mean to be fair we could actually get them on stream the next time we go To the next time we go to do you know oh yeah that’s the spider cave that at some point I kind of unfortunately I need to go in but uh because of I need a certain I need string I need string well I need a lot of string I need a lot of

String all um the cactus what it’s called for the C no I need a b there we go wait hold on what’s this okay um what was that that say grind oh no GR I thought it’s a gme this gr Limestone real Limestone yeah um did I bring a yes

Wait I need a silk t shs w there we go yeah so we definitely need yeah just to make it easier easier even we need a s touch pickax s touch axe even all red mushroom oh melium Roots mushro so we needed was it six piles six piles

Six around six stocks on my ceiling I think oh a mushroom gr Limestone okay oh that’s one of those blight trees called yeah that that should be don’t that should be enough is that daai I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce that word But oh let’s head back we’ll head back place all of this melium and then I know I might wrap up the stream though and then next stream will be another adventure to the nether so we for so for adventure streams we have two coming up we have The so we have a second one so I’m B yeah that’s born that’s a born structure okay um so we have a second one in the nether because we still need to find the Crimson Forest and Forest whichever Forest one me Tre spawning uh and then we have another one

To the end or yeah in the end so one for the one for the nether one for the end uh I would like to explore more of the Overworld eventually um mainly because there’s a lot of there’s a lot of Um wait is it not you not press I thought you could press certain key and you’d stay in place there well that works uh yeah I still need to hold on a second oh these obsidian bricks okay uh which one was it can’t remember which one was it no that one that

One that one yeah I actually forgot I didn’t finish these so we might as well we might as well finish these while we can to be fair I was really tempted to take down I think it was this one and that one and rebuild them from scratch

Okay didn’t realize I was going to need more looks like I’ll need to make some more or even more lanterns actually see prop so we’ll go over here there we go this is yeah it looks like it this is the one that I actually started on

That looks a lot better now we’ve not got torches um I need to finish this part of this section with the lava stone and then I’ll be able to F on which be pretty cool That was only half of half arm so what’s better than that is is there better horse armor than Diamond now there is I’m going trying horse armor pend Pender Pender horse armor sorry what look at horse so is this which we need emite gems how do we get

That oh it’s an or okay we’ve got to find that or okay how do we get this Emerald I shards two diamonds and Pender scrap where do we where do you get this from Pender or so we got the fine Pender huh so we got the fine Pender or

When fed to a mount mount speed to jump boost DN okay Birch hor fence okay I might have to replace some fence in Linker save position on use on a rail to save it position use on a tender to destination while sneaking use on a carriage to start linking whil

Linking to Carriage using a horse to link okay Carriage storage carage see two players of four players uh dark Oak stable door ah I wonder so obviously we made this speak so we made the eventually um so since we’ made the barn we could then potentially um think my M’s going

BL um yeah since we made the bar we could try and make a stable of some sort inside it I might have to look in I’ll uh I’ll definitely look at stable designs because if I can make a small basically like a small stable inside that barn or

Maybe two one on the left one one on the right we could uh yeah we could possibly t t some horses I forgot about that damn it well it definitely looks like we’re going to need some more unfortunately I think we need about wait do we not have anym no we

Don’t that sucks let’s just finish this we’ll go back we’ll get some we’ll get like one stock or something we’ll finish this and then we’ll probably wrap up stream yeah I I have a lot to do in this uh I have a lot to do well I don’t have

A lot to do there’s a lot that I that I want to do Um well there’s a lot of yeah there’s a lot of things I I want to do in a way um uh I’m trying to think which um yeah I’m trying to think of which uh I’d eventually like to build a like a a habitat or the smaller companions I guess like The what you call them Um so companions like ferrets um ferrets there’s red fortres as well problem is so the ferrets you can tame obviously we’ve we’ve come across a fer before um you can actually tame those ferit uh you T them I thought you what you T them with but yeah they’re fairly

Simple uh so there’s ferit there Is what it called um not a the start with know and I can’t remember the name of them uh the Water the the the like water I just can’t remember the name of them uh well there is those I do have a list I just can’t remember where I put where

I put the list um but you can tame those there’s there’s uh this this fish there’s fish that you can capture I guess or you just need to bucket with those there’s also something else that you need to bucket with I can’t remember the name of those

Um there’s dragonflies that you can hide uh I don’t know how you exactly get those all right so let’s place place this down here I’ll finish this that does look a little bit strange it literally just cuts Off I I might finish that actually as well 50 six I’m Hing we wi off go that’s the floor nearly finished we just need we just need more shroom lights uh what Those yeah I know for [ __ ] my not going have enough replace all of this well I guess what I can do is take all this out and then I can just keep adding to it until it’s finished yeah I think that’ll look better when it’s finished uh

Yeah uh eventually I’m actually going to replace all this with blue uh obsidian glass as well make it look a little bit I know I use dripstone to tie in with the roof and all the drip stor but I think it’ look better with a with the

Obsidian glass because it TI in I think the blue will tie in nice with the prismarine not only that you can actually see through the glass um so obviously Beyond this wall is basically just all water as you can see with the with the mini map and then once we’ve finished so once

We’ve got this done we need to get the prison bricks with this which uh not sure on how I’m going to do that uh I think my best option would probably be go to an ocean Monument maybe or try and trade a villager but I don’t think villagers actually tra actually buy

Actually sell pris Meine bricks they buy them just don’t sell them so unless unless they do sell them then I don’t know I might not have to check that because if we can buy them then we might as well just use the obsidian the emerald that we have all the emeralds um yeah

So so then once this area is finished we completed we we finished the nether rock area for the nether Bots um and then once we finished once we finish this So the plan is finish that but inside the room forgot about those I didn’t think slimes might spawn though slime still spawn even

Though there’s a light that’s a bit strange I thought they didn’t spawn never mind um yeah we need more shroom lights and then we’re going to replace all this with uh Crimson W blocks so we need to find those so I also need to replace this as well the walls um so yeah

Um that is pretty much it and that is going to be it for today’s stream um we need to work on so what I need to do off stream is collect Blackstone And Blackstone and obsidian um yeah Blackstone and obsidian so next stream which will be tomorrow’s stream um I we will be going to the nether so we’re going to be doing another nether Adventure in the nether to try and find those uh what you call them

To try yeah try and find those two biomes that we need to find um well yeah uh we are going to Red out actually what I do remember um yeah we are going to Red we I think we’ll read somebody we’ve not readed for a while actually we’ll read M it is

The that birthday subon I think yeah UNC uncapped birthday subon so please do live again for tomorrow stream um yeah we’re going to Adventure in the tomorrow so good luck take care have fun goodbye

This video, titled ‘Completing Stage 1 Of The Tower Build Today! | Demon | Blacksmith | BounceSMP Modpack | Minecraft |’, was uploaded by Divine Soul VODs. on 2024-01-10 20:00:30. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:13 or 16813 seconds.

Minecraft BounceSMP Public Modpack Stream VOD. Thankyou For Watching! Feel Free to Follow Divine Here! Main YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYZ6_BtYthA68SCOw1TyIyw Twitter: https://twitter.com/XDivine_SoulX Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xdivine_soulx/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xidivinesoulix

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    INSANE TWIST! Tyler Nator's EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded Survival LIVE Episode 22’, was uploaded by Tyler Nator on 2024-02-18 04:51:34. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:07:42 or 22062 seconds. Follow me on Instagram @tylernatoryt Read More

  • Minecraft Pro TERRIFIED by Helldivers 2

    Minecraft Pro TERRIFIED by Helldivers 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Player tries Helldivers 2’, was uploaded by JackStarHeart on 2024-03-13 03:22:53. It has garnered 80 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:16 or 10156 seconds. Hello it’s helldivers time #jackstarheart @DoesWeBargeIn @Kroby_ Read More


    ACEWINDLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Welcome to Dominion! Dominion is a community of adult players seeking a true vanilla Minecraft experience without land claiming or excessive additions. Our focus is on community interaction and player camaraderie. Join our Discord server to apply! Apply Here Learn more on our website! dominionserver.net Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without added plugins or enhancements. Transparency We are transparent about donations and server decisions. Community Voice We value feedback and involve the community in server changes. Playing Together We encourage player collaboration through events and projects. New Content Now We… Read More

  • Spuds

    SpudsHello there adventurer!You’re a big fan of potatoes and also prefer having an experience close to vanilla Minecraft?Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you.At Spuds we only have the minimal amount of plugins to make sure everything runs smooth.These are: GriefPrevention (claiming), DiscordSRV (chat bridge), LuckPerms (permissions) and a custom-made plugin that doesn’t alter gameplay (for example we have dad jokes).The server is hosted in Germany on a dedicated server to ensure we are having a lag-free experience.I hope to see you there,Fred with staff Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Clickbait will never be the same: Average Minecraft thumbnail!

    “I clicked on the thumbnail expecting epic gameplay, but all I got was a 20-minute tutorial on how to build a dirt house.” Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness: Part 4 #hotminecraftmemes

    Minecraft Meme Madness: Part 4 #hotminecraftmemes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Underwater Prank at Home!

    Underwater Prank at Home! Minecraft Just Survival: A Dive into Strange Events Exploring the world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected and bizarre encounters. In a recent episode of Minecraft Just Survival, Bahayo and LoSerhat found themselves facing a peculiar situation – flooding their house with water! Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing event. The Unusual Incident As Bahayo and LoSerhat were going about their usual survival tasks, they stumbled upon a mysterious mechanism that, unbeknownst to them, triggered a flood of water into their humble abode. The sudden rush of water caught them off guard, leading to a chaotic yet… Read More

  • Epic Castle Adventure with TheHappywheels1 in Minecraft!

    Epic Castle Adventure with TheHappywheels1 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Castle? Part 2 (Feat. TheHappywheels1) | Ja-Wipeout 7 | Minecraft Map’, was uploaded by Classic Cookie Gaming on 2024-04-07 07:57:48. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:50 or 4670 seconds. This is a playthrough of the map, Ja-Wipeout 7 with Happy! In this episode we must beat Happy on the obstacle course…but for real this time! Join Classic Cookie for a clumsy adventure! Have an AMAZING day! 🙂 *Thumbnail Picture taken by ItsPungPond98 (minus Happy in the corner, lol). Special thanks to @ItsPungpond98 for making this… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing: Horse Discovery in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing: Horse Discovery in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Horse 🐎 Found In Minecraft 🤯|| #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Virtual Gaming 011 on 2024-03-01 01:29:47. It has garnered 745 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft short minecraft meme shorts minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft hindi minecraft mods minecraft video funny minecraft minecraft compilation minecraft tiktok cursed minecraft minecraft gameplay to be continued minecraft noob vs pro minecraft minecraft rtx minecraft but challenge minecraft hindi gameplay minecraft but minecraft mod minecraft in hindi minecraft hindi gameplay 1 minecraft speedrun Read More

  • Insane Superflat Minecraft Adventure – Tour Included! 1.20

    Insane Superflat Minecraft Adventure - Tour Included! 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Superflat Hardcore Minecraft | Tour in description! | 1.20 Lets Play |’, was uploaded by RipMonts on 2024-05-03 01:00:12. It has garnered 30 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:48 or 8988 seconds. Brand New Video out NOW! https://youtu.be/oBkr00HOvIU?si=DtVqbFZCnHJy8-_2 This Minecraft Live is all about superflat hardcore minecraft How to make a villager trading hall How to get Diamonds in hardcore minecraft Today i am building a mountain in hardcore superflat minecraft! Minecraft 1.20.1 How to Build a base! Insperation from @Mogswamp The World is now fully in 1.20 lets go… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Pyramid Build in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Mind-Blowing Pyramid Build in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Pyramid Making Timelapse build #minecraft #minecraftdaily’, was uploaded by Black_cardio on 2023-12-13 11:57:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftdaily #games #minecrafthouse #minecraftxbox #playstation #games #minecraftxbox. Read More

  • “ULTIMATE REVENGE ASMR in Minecraft!!” #clickbait #pvp

    "ULTIMATE REVENGE ASMR in Minecraft!!" #clickbait #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST REVENGE/ЛУЧШАЯ МСТЯ ASMR #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #pvp’, was uploaded by meepero on 2024-03-24 16:54:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hypixel, #minecraft, #minemenclub, #hypixelbedwars, #bedwars, #minecraftpvp, #hypixelbridge, #minecraftbedwars, #cubecraft, … Read More

  • Mysterious Train Ride through Creepy Minecraft Fog

    Mysterious Train Ride through Creepy Minecraft FogVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Stream’, was uploaded by FoggyTrain on 2024-04-06 15:18:39. It has garnered 147 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:57 or 3117 seconds. Read More

  • BEST Minecraft Bedrock Worlds | MUST SEE #Shorts

    BEST Minecraft Bedrock Worlds | MUST SEE #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Bedrock | Visiting Viewer Worlds #Shorts’, was uploaded by Azalea22 on 2024-03-19 09:01:58. It has garnered 9592 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 09:25:56 or 33956 seconds. I’m LIVE with Minecraft Bedrock playing and checking out viewer worlds/realms and playing with viewers. Whether you have your own minigames you would like us to play or some cool creative builds to show off, it’s all game in today’s Live Stream! We can also do some Spinalcraft (mc.spinalcraft.com) where everyone is welcome from Minecraft Java Edition and Bedrock Edition. Watch tutorial here… Read More

  • EPIC BFD Mod on Minecraft SMP! Join the Madness!

    EPIC BFD Mod on Minecraft SMP! Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP| Come Play’, was uploaded by BFD Mod on 2024-04-06 20:30:53. It has garnered 239 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:43 or 20683 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/C2mXEPug Read More

  • Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!

    Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 941 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 03:40:41. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 941 )#minecraftpe #algorithm #art you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I will… Read More

  • PokeTest

    PokeTestWe’re running Pixelmon Reforged v8.4.2 Use our Technic Modpack to join us: https://pokesaga.org/modpack If you’re having any issues, hop into our Discord for assistance: https://discord.pokesaga.org/ play.pokesaga.org Read More

  • Second Sky SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20.4 New Community

    Second Sky SMP – Season 1 Second Sky is a brand new public SMP, focused on community, creativity, and story-telling in the style of Hermitcraft. Join us if you want to make friends, work on big projects, and participate in group events! What to Expect: A player-driven community Huge building opportunities Community-driven economy No overworld/nether resets QoL plugins like Coreprotect, Proximity Voice Chat, and more Season 1 begins on May 24th To join, comment your Discord username below or add Ravixe directly and send a DM. Don’t miss out on the early ride! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sis Roasting My Minecraft Skills

    Minecraft Memes - Sis Roasting My Minecraft SkillsLooks like someone’s Minecraft skills are on par with their spelling skills! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! 🔥

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • DeeDee’s Mischievous Minecraft Mayhem

    DeeDee's Mischievous Minecraft Mayhem Exploring the World of Minecraft with ArcherDeeDee On March 28, 2024, ArcherDeeDee took to Twitch to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft. The BunSMP server was the chosen playground for this adventure, offering a unique multiplayer experience filled with creativity and challenges. Building and Crafting In Minecraft, building and crafting are essential skills. Players like ArcherDeeDee can construct impressive structures, from simple houses to elaborate castles. Gathering resources like wood, stone, and ores is crucial for creating tools, weapons, and decorative items. ArcherDeeDee’s creativity shines as they design intricate buildings and landscapes, showcasing the endless possibilities within the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Trendy Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Trendy Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Müslüman kurt köpeği Minecraft #trend #shorts #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that embraces creativity, humor, and a sense of community like Minewind? Minewind is a unique Minecraft server that offers a one-of-a-kind experience for players looking to explore a world filled with endless possibilities. With a focus on player interaction and creativity, Minewind encourages players to build,… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Diesel Power & Steampunk Tools in Minecraft EP42

    Unbelievable! Diesel Power & Steampunk Tools in Minecraft EP42Video Information This video, titled ‘Immersive Engineering Diesel Generator & Tools EP42 SteamPunk Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-05-07 16:00:08. It has garnered 15408 views and 786 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:49 or 1489 seconds. Welcome to SteamPunk which offers a captivating Minecraft modpack experience, boasting a range of features to enhance gameplay. Explore new biomes, structures, and dungeons in a meticulously crafted world, with fortified strongholds awaiting conquest. Encounter never-before-seen bosses and mobs, and master diverse skills, magic, and technologies. With immersive visuals and innovative game mechanics, including built-in shaders and new dimensions to… Read More