Unbelievable! Stealing Custom Mob Parts for Ultimate Upgrades!

Video Information

In today’s video I’m stealing mob body parts in order to upgrade myself and gain their abilities oh Bessie are we sure about this today guys I don’t know if you know from the title and the intro of today’s episode but we’re going to be basically opening mobs and stealing their body

Parts for example I can go ahead and steal all of Bessie’s muscles hey Bessie you looking kind of small now boy blah blah blah blah blah I also can go right ahead and steal Bessie’s spine now I’m pretty sure she can’t move blah blah blah blah blah in this chest we have

Almost every single Minecraft mob and today I’m going to be using Bessie’s chest opener in order to steal their body parts now supposedly I can put these body parts inside of my body I’m not entirely sure why I would want to do this but let’s just say I wanted to

Steal some of B’s muscles now I have organ rejection that doesn’t sound too good but I’m not sure if you guys can tell I am slightly faster and also about 10% stronger because apparently cows are faster and stronger than human beings and all right well that was just a clone

Of Bessie I’m super sorry I think I accidentally operated one too many times and now I have organ failure what am I doing let’s go ahead and operate on a bumblebee what the heck dude it’s attacking me no no no get back here okay I need to steal does it even have a

Spine uh we’re just going to go out I’m going to steal every single part from the bee’s chest this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever done okay um I think yep I I I’m going to guess that the bee probably died I’m not a doctor but if

You take all of the organs and Bones from inside of any creature I’m pretty sure they’re not able to survive any longer now here’s the cool part ladies and gentlemen if I go ahead and just right click with the chest opener on my body we can now see all of my different

Body parts let’s go ahead and replace all of my muscles with insect muscles these are supposedly uh very very weak but also extremely fast as you can see just by running around I am about double as fast as I normally would be but since I replaced all of my organs with insect

Organs my body is just rejecting everything and slowly dying uh wait a second can I uh can I fix this I’m going to probably yep I’m dead now we do have a Venom gland so now I gain the bees venomous attacks let’s go test it on

This llama look at that the Llama is now poisoned it’s just spit on me though not cool bro I’m going to I’m going to steal your spit gland Target is too healthy I really I got to I got to punch him I really got to punch him in order to make

Him less healthy I have to make this this llama a sick llama before I can operate okay good he is now I’m going to steal his spine so we can’t run away I’m going to also steal uh what else wait wait where where where are these spit CL

I’m going to steal his spleen take that llama oh llama lungs forceful spit attack nice I’m going to take your heart just because you get you spit on me so many times we’re operating ladies and gentlemen okay so we have the the lungs of the Llama we’re going to replace my

Lungs with those of the llama and now as you can see I can spit like a llama this is insane what’s up hor I’m going to spit on you this is fantastic look at it I obviously don’t look like a llama but I have the attacks and the abilities of a llama

Take that yeah that’s right nerd what you looking at chicken I’m going spit on you the chicken’s probably extremely confused how I’m able to spit so forcefully next up we’re going to operate on a rabbit stop running stop running stop stop it stop I just I I

Want to operate here I’ll I’ll give you my my uh I’ll give you my kidney we’ll trade kidneys I killed it by hexing I’m so such a bad person oh no oh no my lung fell out of my body oh this is bad now I forgot to mention too another way to get

The mob organs and also body parts is just to keep opening their chest with the chest opener rabbits don’t seem to have the durability in order to uh survive an operation like this so I’m not really able to open their chest I’m able to basically just operate and then

Collect their body parts afterwards oh let’s go okay so I picked up a rabbit heart we’re just going to wait SEC can I have multiple Hearts I want to put my heart in there and the rabbit’s heart look at that I actually got an extra

Heart and it makes me faster too this is so cool wait a second let’s take out my appendix right and then we’ll just put in a a llama heart now I have three extra Hearts by the way ladies and gentlemen if you guys haven’t already please go ahead and hit that subscribe

Button my goal is to try to hit 5 million subscribers before the end of 2021 also if you guys do want to see a part two where I try to open up different bosses and modded mobs please go ahead and smash like okay we got to

We got a creep right we got to be careful here oh don’t explode yourself okay I’m going to go ahead I’m just going to steal his explosion mechanism he exploded anyway that’s fine we’re going to grab his gunpowder and supposedly the inside of a creeper is just filled with sticks leaves gunpowder

And an oak log it did have what is this a creeper appendix what happens if I oh nope nope never mind oh I took out his creeper appendix wait can you explode he can’t explode he just gets fat what you looking at buddy what you looking at something wrong something got

Your tongue something has his appendix ladies and gentlemen and his name is me let’s go ahead and we’re just going to go ahead we’re going to steal that we’re going to I guess take out my my my uh my ribs bye-bye ribs and hello creeper appendix Let’s test it out in 3 2

1 that’s fantastic what are you trying to do there buddy you’re trying to do this uh exp oh okay something’s not not working here can I only use that once oh my gosh wait a second so you can only use the creeper appendix one time to

Explode 3 2 1 explode how is he still alive I’m already 50% zombie so I’m guessing that most of the body parts will be the exact same as myself zombies are honestly probably one of the unhealthiest creatures on the entire planet like half of their body is just

Rotten flesh there is nothing that I want from the zombie I’m just I’m going to do him a favor I’m going to take away his rotten heart next up we have a slime now okay never mind can I can I maybe steal some some uh some some things from

The Tanis slimes no I cannot slimes have no body parts I completely forgot they’re just made of slim let’s go ahead and do another undead creature the skeleton what’s up Mr skele you barely have anything you’re literally just bones would you stop shooting me I’m taking away I’m taking away every single

Body part can you survive okay you don’t even have a heart I forgot you’re literally an undead creature zombies at least still have hearts the skeletons they they have nothing it’s just bones that dude just 360 my face I’m honestly really curious what happens if I replace

My spine with that of a decayed spine I am so slow this is what happens when you don’t take care of your spine ladies and gentlemen we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to have to operate we’re going to put my spine back in my body I

I’m operating on an Enderman Target is too healthy okay so if it’s too healthy like what am I supposed to do fight it sorry buddy I got to operate you stay right there buddy I stole his spine but he still killed me oh my gosh he could

Still teleport without his spine I don’t know where he went he just disappeared I finally managed to steal some body parts from the Enderman and it looks like it’s way stronger than I could ever be let’s replace the Enderman spine we also need his muscles too cuz he’s way stronger

Than I am let’s shove in an Ender heart somewhere an Ender spleen Ender stomach too why not and an Ender lung now supposedly if anything tries to attack me I will just automatically Dodge it or at least I thought I would there’s a slight cool down but that’s okay go

Ahead shoot me do it look at that I okay I got hit there but I still automatically teleport okay okay you you you can chill now back to the operating table we are operating on the a the gas okay magma blocks I probably should assume that Blaze shells what about

Functioning blaze rods that is going to allow me to actually spit fire like a blaze it has no heart it literally it literally does not feel any sort of compassion whatsoever it looks like it is slowly dying because I did steal everything inside of its body let’s go

Ahead and replace my liver with blaze shells that’s probably not healthy and let’s go ahead and replace okay all right we’re going to go ahead and replace some of my muscles with functioning blaze rods which will allow me to spit fire oh my gosh there we go

He died wonder if I could chew Fireballs I did I can shoot fireballs and I can spit with Force next up I will be stealing all the body parts from an iron golem which will make me practically indestructible don’t worry Iron Golem Beck bro doctor is going to make you

Feel super bad for probably I’m the worst doctor in the entire world I just steal body parts I’m actually going to fill him up with a couple other body parts never mind he’s dead let’s go ahead and replace my muscles with iron golem piston muscles we can also replace

A set of my ribs with the Golem plating which is arguably way stronger and then I guess we could just take out my kidney and replace it with a Golem cable I don’t know if that is a one toone comparison but we’re just going to do it

My body is really starting to hate itself but I need to see just how strong I am wo wo look at my muscles man I’m throwing this witch around like she wasts nothing okay are you ready to operate no how are you still how are you healthy I’m hitting you with the power

Of my iron gol muscles that’s right eat fireballs and spit did it work yes it did okay what the heck you have a oh no that’s my chest cavity I was going to say you have some weird things inside of your body we’re going to move along to a

Zombified piglin I’m not sure why I would want to steal any body parts from this Undead creature but we’re going to try let’s go ahead po Health poor health poor health all right we’re going to do you a favor we’re going to take out your spine and also destroy your rotten heart

It might not seem like it now but but that was probably the best outcome let’s try a spider yo can I turn into Spider-Man okay hold up uh poor nutrition poor nerves is there anything that makes me spidery produces silk we’re going to steal the silk glans

Would you stop attacking me please all right ladies and gentlemen now that we de with that we should be able to make silk out of our butts I think that’s what happens we’re going to have to just keep taking out our ribs I don’t think

You need ribs so we’re going to just uh have one silk land in there and then now what happens if I try to get a little silky oh I can also eat the body parts all right well that’s kind of weird oh my gosh okay so I could just basically

Produce string out of my butt so there’s that next up an evoker okay all right I forgot he spawns in minions hey buddy all right buddy luckily I still have a lot of different abilities from a lot of different creatures and we’re going to operate we’re going to go ahead we’re

Going to take out the spine we’re going to take out the heart can I gain his magical abilities I don’t think I can nope he just has good speed good strength there I’m going actually I’m going to steal your muscles cuz I think your muscles might be a little bit

Stronger than I am even though you look like a homeless old man what about the vex’s can I steal the vex’s things excuse me excuse me okay I actually can um these don’t really seem super powerful either we also have a hoglin yes no I want to stop being so healthy I

Will okay all right chill I’m going to I’m I’m going to spit silk out of my butt at your face the only thing I don’t like about this ladies and gentlemen is that every single time I die all of the foreign body the body parts they fall

Out I think my brain fell out too all right we’re going to we’re going to just keep dying I don’t think I actually have a lung right now so we’re going to have to operate really nope we’re not we’re not going to have to operate on anything

I think I’ve collected most of my body parts back I don’t think it’s going to be enough though we’re just going to have to spit on him using my llama lungs llama lung llama lung lama lama lama lama lama lama lama lama please stay away from me you crazy person I don’t

Even want to operate on this thing I might have to though ladies and gentlemen I am I’m running out of body parts we’re going to this is all rotten stuff I completely forgot it’s an undead creature why do I even why am I operating ladies and gentlemen the last

Thing I want to operate on today is an Elder Guardian because it is probably the most amazing thing in the entire universe to have the organs of a fish I will be able to breathe infinitely underwater and I will be the new Aquaman stop stop stop stop going out water

You’re going to die actually this is perfect don’t worry buddy I operate on you let me give you the uh the heart of a blaze and then you’ll no longer burn I’ll trade all my organs for all of your organs it worked ladies and Gentlemen

Let’s see yes we can get gills we can also get fishy muscles so we can swim faster underwater go ahead and we’re just going to take everything out of my body that I don’t really know what it does and we’re going to replace it with the fishy muscles and also a couple pair

Of gills yes ladies and gentlemen it’s a beautiful thing I am now Beck bro fish and my organs are slowly going to reject themselves probably because I filled up my entire inventory with fish muscles and gills bro Jack died of medical complications that is Right today we have a ton of different Minecraft mobs and also bosses that we’re going to be uh basically operating on and stealing their body parts to upgrade myself hey Bessie you want me to operate on you all right fine ladies and gentlemen I guess we’re going to have to

Operate on a bat n it’s my body come here bad I want to turn to Batman I really want to turn to Batman ooh I got I got I got it okay uh so every single mob has different body parts obviously that I can steal some of them are good

Some of them are really bad so obviously this has uh poor speed poor strength I don’t even think I can steal its wings I was hoping that I would maybe be able to fly so yeah there’s really no point in stealing any of the bat’s body parts

Next up let’s go ahead and try a horse I’ve always wanted to be known as Beck bro horse so sometimes the target is a little bit too healthy for whatever reason yet you got to kind of like beat it down so then then you can operate on

It and boom We Now can steal every body part from the horse it’s honestly not even worth it ladies and gentlemen I thought that the horse’s muscles would be extremely fast compared to mine because it’s a horse but supposedly they’re not we’re going to go ahead

We’re going to steal his spine and also its heart the cool thing is I can actually just steal hearts and then if I place it inside of my body as you can see I have the horse hearts and yeah the the horse can’t really survive without

His heart I’m so sorry horsey next up let’s go ahead and try a Strider dude wait a second okay so these have Fireproof muscles definitely going to take some of those do not mind if I do they have fireproof ribs I actually think the entire strider’s body is fireproof look fireproof heart fireproof

Lungs we’re going to take the heart we we need the heart we’re going to take the intestines we’re actually just going to take everything from The Strider and yeah that’s normally what ends up happening when you steal things especially vital organs from mobs let’s go ahead and open my chest and let’s go

Ahead and uh we’re going to place I guess an extra heart we’re going to I guess we’re going to take out some of my ribs cuz I don’t need all my ribs I think and then we’re going we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to try to

Replace my some of my muscles anyway with fireproof muscles actually let’s do my other muscles too because they’re the same amount of strength and resistance and it finally happened ladies and gentlemen so when you start putting organs in your body that aren’t necessarily meant for a human you start

To get organ rejection that’s okay though because now I am a fireproof zombie man it actually works look at this look at okay I’m obviously I’m taking a little bit of damage but not as much damage as I would be if I didn’t have the fireproof heart and fireproof

Muscles and if I replace my entire body with with just the that the body parts of a Strider I don’t think I would burn at all and I would basically just be a Strider let’s go try out the Wither Skeleton this one I I don’t know if I

Tried out in the last episode we’re going to go ahead we’re going to operate it doesn’t have any body parts I should have expected this later on in the video we are going to be testing it out on the Wither boss so I’m really hoping that I

Can gain all of the Wither boss’s powers and just shoot wither skulls everywhere next up on the list a lot of you guys were commenting in the last episode that you wanted me to open a mo mushroom I don’t know exactly why I think it actually has all the same organs as a

Normal cow except the outside of the mushroom is mushrooms but the inside is literally the same it has the same Anatomy as a cow I don’t know exactly why you can milk it for soup I don’t think yeah there none of these organs say utters so I really can’t steal that

And then I I really yeah I was hoping that maybe I could do that and then I could just like poop out infinite soup but unfortunately I can’t do that weird thing today maybe tomorrow this next one is going to be a little bit difficult I think I should probably spawn it inside

Of my house this is a phantom and can I operate can I oh no no no okay I’m going to have to just I’m going to have to just do a little bit of that can I operate operate yes okay the Phantom’s cavity it has poor health poor breath

Recovery poor endurance this thing is not healthy whatsoever he’s got to start eating some eggs maybe a little bit of milk and lots and lots of apples to keep the doctor away all right well it it’s currently killing me so we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to take out its

Spine which makes it so it cannot move and the heart which yeah that is the life force of every animal and creature today so if I remove the heart and the the spine I can basically kill anything I’m super excited for this next one so you guys were commenting as well that I

Missed out on the shulker in the last episode so okay can I operate nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I cannot operate and I’m slowly floating away this is bad ladies and gentlemen that’s okay we’re going to we’re going to come over here I have extra Hearts as well in

My body okay we’re going to need to move quick wow dude okay I really hope that I can gain the ability to shoot out those shulker things stop stop stop can I operate can I can I can I operate I can no that was my chest that’s my chest

Shuler’s chest cavity it opened for like 2 seconds all right dude would you stop eating me please can you just chill for like 2 seconds maybe we got to go ladies and Gentlemen let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go okay we’re going to operate 3 2

1 operate um yes the sherleen that is how they’re able to shoot bullets everything else I really don’t need I’m going to steal its heart so it dies as bad as that sounds ladies and gentlemen I got to do it this thing it started it literally started shooting me for no

Good reason that is why I as Beck BR doctor decided to open up its chest and I stole its spleen and its heart I’m not a very good person but I am an extremely good doctor I have my PhD in cookie eating but not not actually like doctor

Things I’m I’m I’m I’m a PhD in baking and making cookies well that done we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to open up big bro Jack’s chest cavity so I’m sort of running out of space here uh what what really what don’t I need I

Guess we could take out another four ribs we can always place them back later so we’re going to add in the shulker spleen now if I oh wait oh it worked it actually worked no way dude where is it going can I shoot myself with it what

Happens if I run into it myself does it work am I controlling it somehow how Okay so oh well there you go what’s up Donkey fly this is the back bro swap now I’m a flying talking [Laughter] donkey wait that’s actually crazy so I

Can I can just shoot it wait okay so it looks like wherever I look that’s where the shulker pellet goes what you looking that mushroom it looked to me funny ladies and gentlemen we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to we’re going to poop shulker bullets at

It it just died it just died next up ladies and gentlemen I don’t want to do it but I need to do it for science we have a wolf right here can I operate okay I can operate perfect I’m going to I’m going to leave most of its body

Parts I’m just curious to see if there’s anything in here that I can maybe use um it looks like everything ooh it has carnivore intestines so it looks like if I were to eat meat with the carnivore intestines I would actually get extra saturation are you attacking me oh well

Get Sher boy oh gosh I didn’t mean to do that next up we’re going to operate on an undead drowned creature this thing is so unhealthy but can it breathe underwater it has lungs right oh no no no it does it we’re looking for gills I’m pretty sure every single underwater

Creature has gills I think because it’s Undead it actually doesn’t even need to breathe what we can do though is try to operate on a puffer fish I want to be Beck bro puffer oh no no wait can I not operate on them are they I think they

Might be too tiny and fragile oh I’m not a fish doctor I’m just like a doctor for everybody else well this is a shame ladies and gentlemen well that’s okay next up we can try an evoker which I remember I did this last time and it is

Not fun I’m pretty sure the evoker by its skincare routine you can probably tell it is the most unhealthy thing other than a skeleton and a zombie look at it dude all right it’s just disgusting we’re going to we’re going to have to take it out before it starts

Summoning in more things and it’s probably going to try to kill me even though I have like 18 Hearts it’s the same story with the vexes ladies and gentlemen if you guys are wondering there is no point in stealing a vex’s body parts next up we’re going to try

Our luck with the cave spider I can oh no no no no okay that’s that’s my body I want to open up the cave spider ew dude okay so it’s a oh it’s going to kill me it’s going to kill me it’s going to kill

Me it’s going to kill me okay I need to go ahead and operate no that’s my body why do I keep doing it on my body okay we’re going to operate no that’s literally my body again we’re going to take out okay does it can it still move

I think I took out one of its one of its vertebrae you see spiders unlike every single other creature they do not have spides so unfortunately I took out the oh I took out its intestine so it can no longer digest any of the food that it’s

Biting off my body oh we got a bunny dude in the last episode this thing made me so fast no no no it’s really difficult to track down come here Bugs Bunny come on come on come on come on come on dude come on come on dude they

They run away every single time they’re so hard to get I just want to operate on you I am I’m I’m a certified cook cookie doctor that has nothing to do with actually operating but I’m going to do it anyway boom got oh okay I forgot you

Really can’t operate on them because my chest openers they they don’t really make a small size that’s why small creatures just kind of combust whenever I right click on them with the chest opener but we are however able to collect all the body parts so we can go

Ahead and open up my my chest again and I guess we need to figure out what else we could remove I don’t think I need all of my intestines just maybe three of them so we’re going to replace an intestine with a rabbit heart which will

Make me just a tad bit faster and also give me some extra Health what about a chicken I don’t know if I’ve operated on a chicken quite yet I want to see exactly how you make your eggs Mr Chicken well all right we’re going to act like that didn’t happen the next one

Ladies and gentlemen I am I didn’t to do that chest opener chest opener did I get it oh did I can I put the gas tier in my body we’re going to try this one more time in 3 2 1 all right we’re going to

Operate ew dude okay so it has a gas bladder I’m taking that I’m taking that uh let’s take out the fireproof heart we’ll take out the spine so it can no longer move this thing is just shooting me to death but that’s okay luckily I still have the fireproof uh muscles what

Is this a volatile stomach ghastly I need to try that maybe that’s how it’s shooting out all these Fireballs that are slowly and steadily burning down my house I’m pretty sure cows have six different stomachs so I guess Beck bro Jack is now going to have two we’ll have

My normal humanly stomach and we will have a volatile stomach um in uh what do I I don’t know we’re going to take out another intestine and we’re going to add another stomach the volatile stomach does it work oh my gosh it does so I can

Spit out oh no it almost attacked Bessie I could spit out the Shuler pellet of levitation and also a ghastly Fireball that is going to be super useful later on ladies and gentlemen especially against the next boss the ravager okay we’re just going to shoot it directly

We’re going to shoot it directly I don’t know exactly how much health these have I haven’t fought too many in my life but we’re definitely going to operate because I want whatever it has in inside of its body stop it stop it stay back stay back levitate levitate why does it

Just it just goes right through it that’s not cool not cool not cool please stay away just stop following me just stop following me for like two seconds man why does it keep following me it just keeps following me I’m luckily I have the rabbit heart so I’m like

Slightly faster than it we’re going to go ahead we’re going to try to levitate again levitate levitate levitate it can’t be levitated cannot be levitated the shulker pellet is inbound but this thing is way faster no not today hello is he still oh he’s still coming for me isn’t he

There’s no way he sees me he sees me he sees me he sees me inside my house I go oh thank you for coming I am going to operate on you Dr cookie is here and he’s going to make you feel better okay how’ you how’ you hit he literally hit

Me through a wall I have opened the ravager’s chest okay so it has brutish muscles average speed exceptional strength definitely taking all those I’m also going to take out spine so it stops moving let’s see if this is going to work so I’m just going to replace I

Guess some of my normal muscles with brutish muscles I guess I don’t really need too many fireproof muscles so we’ll take out some of those and I guess add in even more brutish muscles now in theory I should do a lot more damage Let’s test it out hello sir I have your

Muscles and I also have your spine I would have taken your tongue too but that wasn’t an option I’m also starting to realize why you need your intestines every single time I eat I literally start losing uh with the the the food bars like immediately okay well I’m way

Stronger than I ever was before that’s going to be super use ful especially because now we are going to try to play doctor with a Wither this is probably one of my like top three worst ideas well hopefully this works going to place that there we’re just going to place a

Little bit of protection there we’re going to go 1 2 3 okie dokie let’s see if those ravager muscles actually work we’re going to put them to the test oh he’s breaking towards me he’s he’s breaking right towards me he’s busted out ladies and gentlemen this isn’t good I think in order to

Operate you need to get it down to at least half hearts I guess we can try to operate right now hello sir you want to operate I will operate no that’s my chest that’s my chest Okie doie we’re knocking out bread don’t worry Have Yourself A Fantastical day I just killed

A silverfish and it it just exploded in like a million different body parts Wither boss is down to half Health oh my gosh okay so we have a nether star that I’m stealing uh SP that I’m stealing it’s just made out of Soul Sand I should have known it literally has nothing good

Other than the than the nether star so like I guess you could just steal the nether star but what happens now if I kill it oh wait a second ladies and gentlemen now that I stole the nether star I think it’s just going to die because that’s technically it’s hard

Wait I wonder does it drop another one let’s see nope it does not so I guess you can like kind of steal the nether star without actually having to kill the Wither boss the more you know right but wait a second what happens if I put the

Nether star as my heart did it work did it no I don’t I don’t think it works I don’t really feel any different I actually think I might die right now I’m working with a rabbit heart and like a llama heart so we’re just going to go

Ahead we’re we’re going to place that back and now ladies and gentlemen we’re going to see exactly what’s inside of the Ender Dragon and if I can steal some of its abilities because I just I either want to sell them probably that’s not a good idea I think that’s might be

Illegal the FBI is watching this I didn’t mean that that was just a joke but I would really like to gain some of the powers of the Ender Dragon by putting its body parts in my body I’m not even sure if going to be able to fit

Ladies and gentlemen but we’re going to find out the Ender Dragon is almost down to half Health ladies and gentlemen so we can almost operate why can’t I hit you what what what hacks are you using right here it’s about to be operation soon ladies and gentlemen Wonder wait

Can I can I just do it now uh Target is too healthy no okay so it has to be at least half Health would you chill for 2 seconds I think we did it ladies and gentlemen no it’s still too healthy okay what about this too healthy what about

Now oh my gosh why are you doing this just let me operate and steal all your organs it’s not that bad I swear I did it to like 18 rabbits that’s that’s right come on down to Beck bro operation I’m a certified cookie doctor with the PHD and cookie law ladies and gentlemen

Okay we did it um I’m I’m going to take it spine so we can no longer move we’re going to wait what are these Mana reactors Crystal synthesis I want it I don’t even know what that is I’m going to have to just start putting gas bladders inside of the Ender Dragon

There’s no way that could be healthy what else do we have Supernatural speed that sounds amazing I would love Supernatural speed thank you don’t mind if I do do not mind if I even do we’re going to take all of those Dragon ribs are slightly reduced endurance I don’t

Know if that’s the best thing Supernatural detoxification Supernatural filtration I honestly think I’m going to to replace every single one of my body parts with that of a dragon and the dragon heart gives Supernatural health so we’re we’re going to have to do it ladies and gentlemen in 3 2 1 I’ll

Replace it with insect muscle so maybe it’ll live I’m not entirely sure where the Ender Dragon even went because I stole pretty much all of its body parts well I guess while we’re waiting to see what happened to the Ender Dragon I’m going to replace all of my body parts

With the Ender Dragons so I really hope I did this right ladies and gentlemen I am now extremely fast and I think if I hit this yep I shoot out dragon balls and also dragon breath the Ender Dragon is just completely gone I think after I

Stole all it body parts it decided to retreat and probably just jumped into the void unfortunately I’m not able to fly and I also use so much of my saturation just by walking and moving around I guess because I have all the body parts of an Ender Dragon um that

Makes a little bit of sense I guess but we could still do this which is amazing and I’m also extremely powerful so if I were to go ahead and uh let’s just say summon an iron golem if I punch it I honestly don’t know okay never mind this

Thing might be actually more powerful than I am what happens if I just punch a sheep oh okay so yep that makes a lot more sense now I can be a sheep eater yo that is amazing 3 2 one eat okay it was worth It well ladies and gentlemen in this chest I had Bessie put together some custom modded Minecraft Mobs that we can actually use our chest opener on in order to steal their mob Parts the first one is called a blight bat what is this dude it’s so tiny in purple come here

Little blight bat I need to see what’s inside of your chest oh no okay so I don’t know if you guys noticed by the way I did replace all of my cookies with actually good body parts some of them are normal body parts but some of them

Are from previous episodes as you guys can see I have Ender muscles which give exceptional speed Hydro allergenic and exceptional strength we also have a dragon heart with which makes me extremely healthy and iron golem plating which will make me extremely defensive but today I plan to upgrade even more

With these custom modded Parts okay so this is the blight Pats chest cavity it has small animal muscles poor speed poor strength and it’s only compatible with the Bight Pats is there anything in here that I could actually use everything is just poor it is so tiny and it is so

Fragile and it is so frail what about a mushroom Trader why does this dude have mushrooms on his head does he actually trade mushrooms he does look at this he’s a mushroom dealer he sells a music disc called button mushrooms excuse me sir I need to see what’s inside of your chest

So he has a normal good heart he has a spine he has a stomach but let’s just go ahead and take his spine because I’m going to go ahead and grab some emeralds so that I can get the the the music disc of button mushrooms okay good because I

Took his spine he can no longer move now if I place his in here we can get the music disc and because I don’t need him anymore excuse me sir excuse me sir excuse me sir wa oh okay I’m so sorry I’m trying to open up his chest but I am

I I’m going to kill him I forgot I have dragon strength so I can send things to the Moon let’s go play button mushrooms it’s so peaceful it’s too peaceful I need to see what’s inside a giant slime why is it so big wait am I dead how did I not die

What have I done I’m Invincible I am so confused by what is going on can I still open his chest Target is too healthy attack the target come here slime oh oh it worked hold on it worked for like half a second it’s working I was I must

See what’s inside of the Slime I I killed it wait there the mini slimes wait what is going on I’m so confused who is inside of his body I think I fixed it let’s try out a snake oh what’s up little slyther snake look at him

Wiggling around he has no idea that Beck bro doctor of cookies is about to open him up okay what no how did this happen I’m dead again okay so I’m not entirely sure what what’s going on but I’m just going to try it on a normal sheep so I

Can open the Sheep as you can see look I can get the herbivore intestines which I can then use to eat grass and now as you can see because I have put those things inside of my body I can actually now eat the grass for food I don’t know why anybody would want

To do this but I guess it’s a great reusable source of protein now let’s test it out on one of the custom mobs the pig won why why it’s e it’s eating my flesh n no no okay we’re going to open up your chest Target is too healthy

Attack the target what does this thing do what does this thing do attack the target attack the target I’m dead I’m flipping dead I just got eaten by a pig Lutton oh my gosh I see it okay so I need to go ahead and I need to bring

Down its health and then I’m going to steal its spine so it can’t move and then I can do my operations it’s it’s still too healthy how is it so good this might be a problem okay okay chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I just

Want to open up your chest oh I got inside wait why is he filled up with dirt wait maybe if I remove all the dirt then he will die is that literally everything that’s inside of this dude oh look wait it’s working it’s working all

Of the dirt was the organs inside of the Pigman body the pig Laden is now so slow and look he has poison big proo doctor is operating again oh oh oh oh oh okay okay I think I’ve operated one too many times is this thing

Invincible how how how you how how is he how how how how do you guys see this let’s try out a rat hello little cute hey hey hey get back here get back here I got to do my operations oh it actually worked on the rat wait is he killing me

Are you really fighting back that is not a good idea we have something called a tiny Ender it is so cute look at him he’s all Angry look at him look at his short little legs don’t worry buddy oh oh look at him he’s so cute wait he’s too healthy oh my

God we’re actually going to have to fight the little baby Enderman is it working okay is that enough no it’s not come little cutie patootie wait he’s doing a lot of damage hold on oh he’s back let’s operate no where did he go there he is there he

There he no that’s mine yes I got him take out take out the spine your spine is mine buddy wait he can still teleport I completely forgot I need to steal his teleportation abilities okay oh where did he go there he is there he is there

He is okay okay so I can’t steal the spine oh no I can only operate one time no now he’s just an angry little thing that can just teleport he can’t walk because I stole his spine well if you can somehow get your spine it’s right

Behind you little dude next up we have a ghost can you even operate on a ghost do ghosts have organs well we’re going to try it come here buddy oh okay so that actually kind of makes sense the uh ghost chest cavity has nothing inside because it’s literally not even

Real then somehow it can still hit me me well now he’s dead what is a scuttler what is that is this a real life creature oh I need to see what’s inside of it it’s probably going to have like small animal intestines but Beck bro doctor is Beck bro scientist today we

Got to figure out what this is well when I tried to open up the scuttler chest cavity it completely crashed my game so I’m no longer going to mess with the little rat creature that has a rattlesnake tail we do have an owl though I’ve never seen what’s inside of

An owl oh wait this is cool okay so it looks like it has all small animal things but it has a small carnivore intestine because if you guys did not know owls are actually carnivores they go around and they eat things like the scuttler all right well it’s a it is it

Is really okay it it was trying to bite me with its beak so I I had to use my chest opener wait no way the next one we’re checking out is a vampire yo wait that that is spooky why is it looking at me like that why is it look I’m I’m open

Your chest wait I did it okay steal the spine yes now it’s mine while it’s recovering from that before I operate let’s go ahead and try on a dire bat that thing is huge why is it filled with dirt just like the other dude okay it seems like the weird custom unique

Creatures like the pig Lutton and the dire bat for whatever reason they have dirt inside of them oh no we have a creeper coming towards me and wait more dire bats are spawning oh the vampire spawned in another one he summoned in minions and he summoned in a baby zombie

Okay I know exactly what to do they taught me in doctor school if things are coming after you just steal our spines okay okay okay so we’re going to go ahead we’re going to steal this guy’s spine and then we’re going to no no no

No no no no I almost just stole my own spine come here come here come here come here come stop it stop it okay okay we got that we got we’re going to steal his spine and then we’re going just going to take his heart and we’re going to throw

It right in front of his face I’m a terrible human being hey hey hey hey hey back up back up back up back up you go take all these spines let’s go try out the nether dog what okay okay H we’re going to open oh chill chill chill chill chill chill

Chill dude this thing is insane okay I need to go ahead and get to water so I don’t burn that is my doctor analysis oh wait wait no it’s dying this is perfect okay so it won’t be too healthy very very soon there we go okay wa so it has

Lots of carnivore Parts it also has animal muscles which are Super overpowered let’s go grab the animal spine so it dies and also I guess I should steal the rest of the body parts because I’m pretty sure it’s dead and it also dropped demon horns let’s see if I

Can go ahead and then I can add that heart to my body and look at that I actually have extra Hearts we meet again little baby Enderman let’s spawn in his big brother the small Enderman I can’t get enough of this okay okay hold on hold on chill chill chill

Chill chill where is he where is he okay he’s coming in Target is too healthy okay we need to make sure we’re hitting this dude and then now nope still too healthy there he is there he is he’s stealing my grass blocks okay come on it’s too healthy still now now now now

No no no that’s my chest okay steal his spine steal his his heart his heart is pretty overpowered also all of the Ender muscles are so good they have exceptional speed and strength so we could use that to place it inside my body because I lost them all and if we

Steal their appendix we’ll get Arrow dodging abilities so now if I go into my body I can replace my muscles with the tiny Ender’s muscles we can take out my appendix because you really don’t need your appendix and we can place it with the Ender heart and then I guess I could

Take out some of my ribs because I don’t think you need all of your ribs don’t quote me on that because technically I’m only a cookie doctor I’m not a real life doctor but now we have Arrow dodging abilities and we’re faster and stronger this dude seems really mad that I stole

His older brother’s body parts he’s fuming here you go I’ll give you your spine back what is a root Ling what it’s like a little tree can I operate oh my gosh okay so this one actually makes sense because it has dirt even though I feel like the dirt should

Probably be wood but for whatever reason in these mobs if I take take out the dirt they actually start dying see look he has like organ failure now and he has like this poison ability and eventually he’ll start taking damage I feel really bad for this little

Dude it’s like a weird version of Groot I think he’s broken I think I may be broke him by taking out some of his dirt let’s try a lightning bug that is okay I guess it kind of looks like a lightning bug can I open it hold okay stay still

Stay still this is going to require lots of focus and anticipation 3 2 1 come on we’re going to act like that didn’t happen and we are going to move my do abilities to a toad I remember I dissected a frog in science class so this is no different I’ve dissected him

Oh my gosh okay so he has tiny animal ribs he has really small carnivore stomachs that’s probably meant for eating other bugs and he has a really tiny animal heart I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to be a nice person and steal his spleen what does your spleen even do I

Don’t know but I feel like I want to add it to my body I’m going to take out my spleen and replace it with a toad spleen I don’t know if that could be good what is a Decay what is that that is ugly I’m

Going to open it up ew okay so this is just like a normal zombie it has rotten flesh and it has rotten intestines a decayed spine and it broke my game no way I can operate on a werewolf oh it’s so big okay still blind stay right there

Wait this thing probably has some really overpowered muscles so we’re going to snag those it has a carnivore stomach which is great great for eating meat which is exactly what I’m doing now we might as well steal a couple of his intestines so that I can process the

Meats and it seems like the rest of his stuff is pretty much the same stuff that I have I’ll never get over when I steal their spine they just can’t move I’m the Worst Doctor Ever if the FBI is watching this video they’re going to arrest me

For sure okay but here’s what we’re going to do we’re going to replace my stomach with a werewolf stomach and then we’re going to replace two of my intestines with carnivore intestines now whenever I eat meat or Raw meat like this sheep which I can now kill in one

Single hit I will actually probably not get sick Let’s test it out so we have raw mutton I don’t get sick thanks Mr oh okay he’s still mad why would oh what is that I thought it was going to be like a normal Cowboy human being oh it’s too

Healthy wait oh I forgot I have Arrow dodging from the small Enderman go ahead shoot me shoot me shoot it’s still hitting me though it’s not even working that’s okay though I have the power of why where did I go that is okay I have the power of a

Werewolf ha let’s punch him a couple times with my extra strength and now I need to Su stop teleporting me I need to open up his body okay Cowboy Pillager chest steal the spine is there a way for me to steal his arms I think if I take

Out all of his ribs maybe he won’t actually be able to use his arms or all of his muscles we’re going to take out all of his muscles I’m going to also steal his kidney too and sell it and maybe one of his lungs too so then he’ll

Get tired faster how is he still what this man doesn’t even care that I still have his organs let’s try spawning in a demon wall what what how am I supposed to kill this thing okay I don’t have to kill it remember I just need to get it down to

Half Health even though this thing seems to do a lot more damage than I do and it does so much fire damage okay luckily I brought it to the water and it also has that’s apparently like an arrow Dodge and great the little tiny baby angry

Dude is trying to take out his anchor issues on me die die die die die can I open your body I did it take the spine I’m taking the hard out it looks like he has pretty normal things other than that but it looks like it did have something

To shoot those Fireballs it had a volatile stomach it has pretty poor digestion so I guess I’ll keep my normal stomach and I’ll be like a cow and have multiple stomachs so now if I hit this yes I can shoot the Fireballs that the demon was shooting what is a leonar oh

My goodness it is a boss are you kidding me okay luckily I should be able to shoot Fireballs at it and I also have exceptional strength from the Enderman let’s go see how much damage I can do what he broke my game again why do they do this they just these custom mobs

Don’t want me to operate on them I’m doing this for science doesn’t work in creative mode I’m going to try it I’m going to okay he’s too healthy we can fix that what what I just got him down to half health and he went back to full

Health can I open your body really really this dude’s probably got some really op stuff and he’s not sharing it all right what about if I spawn in a baath met it looks like it’s older cousin So Bessie decided to turn me into one of her cow scientists the only way to turn back to normal is by helping her collect the DNA of every single mob in Minecraft I’ll show you guys in just a second what we’re going to be doing with the DNA so

In this chest we have every single mcraft mob that I’m going to steal their DNA from their toenails first up we have a cow now every single DNA that I collect I’m actually able to use and eventually we’re going to be able to use

All the DN in order to go to the end Dimension and collect the DNA of the Ender Dragon first things first I’m going to need to scrape your kneecap so every single time you right click with this metal scraper it will collect the DNA of the MAA come here fake Bessie

Give me all the DNA I am literally just scraping cells off of this cow it does damage too so I can just scrape it to death I’m literally the best doctor ever Beck proo doctor is in the building ladies and Gent genten I really hope no actual doctors are watching today’s

Video so now that we’ve scraped off some of the organic matter of the cow we can go into Bessie cell science lab we’ve been doing a lot of calculations over here as you can see so the first machine we need to put everything in is the cell analyzer this will turn the organic

Matter that I just got from the kneecaps of the fake Bessie into cells so we can take these cells and we can move them over to the DNA extractor that will turn the cells into DNA Helix as you can see it says the gene of a cow but the the

Gene type is currently unknown that’s why we got to go over to our next machine the DNA decryptor so this will tell us exactly what the gene type of the DNA is so this one’s just a basic Gene but what we’re looking for is a non-basic gene see look like this one

This one says Gene type eat grass so every single mob in today’s video has a different Gene type this one says milky that’s another super cool ability and I think that’s all the different abilities that we can get from a cow DNA so now we can move over to the next one the

Plasmid infuser so let’s say I wanted to gain the ability to eat grass well I can just plop that DNA Helix in there and it will slowly go over to the DNA plasmid the DNA plasmid needs a certain amount of the different Gene type so I was able

To clone this DNA Helix of the cow with the eat grass type and now it’s all going to go into this plasmid which needs 24 out of 24 of the gene types I love it I sound super smart like a doctor and it’s complete okay so now we

Can take this DNA plasmid and we can go ahead and inject it into a syringe now this is where it gets a little bit weird so I need to hit myself with the syringe in order to collect some blood this will be the sample so I place the sample on

The right side here oh no wait first I need to go ahead and purify my blood so now that my blood is pure I should be able to put it on the right side of the plasma injector we’ll put the DNA plasmid of eat grass on the left side

And now the syringe is contaminated with the eat grass Gene type we need to purify it one more time and now all we have to do is shift right click we go blind because Science And now when I go outside I should be able to right click and eat

Grass I am now a cow this is so overpowered I never have to eat anything else again except for cookies I will most certainly be eating cookies every single day for the rest of my life speaking of cookies we did just get a brand new shipment of Beck brojack

Cookies available only at Beck brojack doco in the description down below the best part is that every single mob has a different type of special Gene that I can steal and inject into to my body for upgrades even the Ender Dragon too so let’s go ahead and we’re going to spawn

In a Shep what’s up Shep I’m going to have to scrape those toes of yours don’t mind me just going to scrape Rodney watch out I’m just trying to scrape the the the Sheep I actually I don’t really know how I’m scraping it because technically it has a lot of wolf like

You’re supposed to scrape off some sort of skin samples and you really don’t need to kill the mob that you’re scraping but I’m the best doctor ever so I’m just going to put it out of its misery why am I a terrible doctor plop the organic matter in there we’ll put

The Sheep cells in here to turn it into DNA and we just discovered that a sheep has a gene type called woolly so we’ve cloned that and then we should be able to put this into a plasmid Rodney what are you doing down there you got all my

Plasmids boy what else do you have in here Rodney’s just holding cells he has Dragon Health crystals all right I’m not going to ask questions I’m just going to steal the plasmid because I’m actually kind of surprised that you don’t have any of my cookies we have the Jean of

Woolly let’s stick myself with a needle purify my blood inject myself with the DNA of a shef ified again and stab myself in the thigh with the needle and we now have the woolly ability the ability to just eat grass and get saturation is so overpowered I’m

Just reading now that the woolly ability allows you to get sheared by other players I am not doing that hello Ender I am just going to scrape just a little tad bit of DNA scrape them scrape them scrape them scrape them scrape them I’m a doctor sit still I’m doing this for

Your health it’s for your health oh he doesn’t believe me oh flip well I collected 31 organic matter so hopefully that’s enough we just got a more Hearts genan type and also a teleport ability from the Enderman would you look at that be bro doctor actually did it right so it

Actually shows your abilities too so the blood is now contaminated we need to make sure that we purify it one final time but we have eat grass ability the woly ability teleport and more Hearts Let’s Do It in 3 2 1 upgrade what do you guys see my hearts wait that’s crazy and

Wa wait I can actually teleport let’s steal the DNA of a bat oh oh why is it on my head I don’t know what’s happening but it’s literally just on top of my head and I’m collecting all of its DNA well that was a little bit unexpected

But it worked out great I got 47 organic matter from that bat Now Let’s Do Science a little bit of science there put these science cells in this science machine put this cool DNA into this science machine basic Gene mob site basic Gene night vision and we also got

One that’ll allow us to fly we’ve done it so now we have night vision flight and MOB site I am getting stronger look at it look at it we can see Rodney being all suspicious over there probably trying to figure out ways to break in and steal all my cookies but outside we

Can see the wolf pack we can also see my dragons up there this is kind of weird though because it’s not lighting up every single mob it looks like only if they’re a certain distance away it lights up the mob actually that’s not even true because these dragons are

Right next to each other and I also have night vision 24/7 and I can still eat grass too I need more let’s try to steal the DNA of a blaze maybe then I can shoot Fireballs Blaze sit still for your doctor’s appointment it is I Beck bro

Doctor I’m just going to slice your kneecaps just a little bit I’m just seeing if they work properly do not shoot Fireballs at your doctor that is not the doctor way I will kick you out of my outdoor doctor office immediately Mr Blaze Mr Blaze oh my gosh bro my

Metal scraper is going to break I’m going to start hitting with my gosh Dar it n that’s cool it’s fine I got 41 organic matter from your Blaze it’s fine I’ll see you guys in 5 to 10 minutes when I go through this entire s scientifical process it worked we’re now

Fireproof and we can shoot Fireballs 3 2 1 inject into my toe I don’t know why it makes me blind every single time well let’s test out if I’m fireproof I am look at that I can just stand in the Flames well that’s pretty cool so if I’m

Holding out a blaze rod I can shoot Fireballs hey Rodney how’s it going how you how oh my gosh what have I done why is he on my face Rodney get off my face get off my head eat Fireballs Rodney this is what you deserve this is so

Overpowered I can spam it and back back to eating grass B you got any more scraper tools for the toenails and kneecaps okay yes she does the next one I want to test is an iron golem these things technically aren’t like living creatures also what the flip why did

That not work okay there we go it was just slightly glitchy I’m just going to take just a just a little bit just from the nose all right you just stay right oh my gosh it just did so much of my damage stop stop it’s going to be okay

Buddy it’s going to be okay okay if I stay at a nice solid distance like right here it’s fine we’re okay no it’s not okay we’re we’re literally we’re getting beaten up I’m a doctor dude you can’t beat up doctors well I’m just going to take the organic matter that I collected

And I’m just going to be on my way I’ll see you later just make sure you schedule your appointment for maybe next decade all right cool back to the science lab the Iron Golem gave out more Hearts but we already have more Hearts so the best thing that we could get was

Regeneration 4 that is just not even fair and Bessie just told me that in order to get a little bit of extra strength I need to steal the DNA from a L bear it’s like going to be okay buddy I know this is going to sting for Just 2

Seconds but it’s going to be worth it so I can steal your DNA and please don’t hurt me oh my gosh it does so much damage I have regen 4 but it’s really not helping a lot here let’s try to eat some more grass stay back stay oh my

Gosh I I’m hitting with the needle I just pricked myself with the needle Fireball Fireball Fireball went in doubt fireball out I also completely forgot to mention that I have the fly ability I think I did mention it actually but my brain just did not compute that I had

Access to it that’s fine we okay I feel kind of terrible about myself now let’s go take out my guild on this dude these do so much damage what n this isn’t fair this isn’t fair I am slowly turning into a God you should have just been a good

Little patient buddy revenge is sweet like cookies we’ll put the polar bear DNA in and look at that we got the gene type of strength and also Claws and step assist to so we can walk up one blocks wa the polar bear is actually kind of

Crazy let’s see if this will work in 3 2 1 I did it I have strength it looks like I can easily just go up one block areas I could still eat grass which is still my favorite ability by far and we can test out my claws ability on a

Spoter oh my gosh why do things love jumping on my head I don’t understand why are you killing me wait a second okay I do four damage per punch and I think the claws ability gives me a small chance to make mobs bleed and by bleeding I mean that they should just

Lose health over time I don’t know if it’s an instant thing every single hit but you saw that that thing had particle effects just a little bit look at it yeah it has particle effects around it so it should take even more damage it actually did it bled out wait a second I

Literally have so many different abilities now and this is all through the power of science collect some spoter DNA did you just really can you just get off my head for 2 seconds I don’t I don’t appreciate everything jumping on my head today it’s not it’s not really

Cool it’s not really I will punch you or I will die but it’s fine I win I collected all your DNA so the spider gave me a pretty unique ability as you probably could have guessed it allows me to now just climb up any surface I don’t

Know why I need that because I have the ability of a bat so my body just floats and doesn’t really have any gravity we can also collect the DNA of a squid let me scrape you squid let me scrape you e e stop please get off my head please get

Off my head please get off my head I will scrape you to death this is not going to end well for you squid I will I’m going to literally drag you out of the water till you drown the squid gave me the ability to breathe underwater

Let’s stick that back in my taup would you back up I want to grab the DNA from a zombie maybe that’ll turn me back to normal also while we’re at it let’s collect the DNA of a tiny little slime would you please stop jumping on my head

Don’t even think about it the zombie gave me a resistance ability and the Slime gave me something called slimy death and the only way I think I can test it is if I die well here goes nothing and I forgot I can fly so I take

No fall damage but we can spawn in a war skeleton and while it’s killing me slowly I can collect the DNA that’s right I’d be a good young little patient and you can kill me now wait what wait I lived slimy death just makes me live it’s literally like a totem of undying

That’s crazy I say it does it work like infinite amount of times am I just Invincible now well I just okay no so it only works one time the Wither Skeleton gave me the ability to wither mobs so every single mob that I punch it’ll get

Withered we could test it out on this OT who I need to collect the DNA of stop running stop running stop running so yeah look at it I think I clawed it and oh I did not mean to do that it it got withered and it also got the bleeding

Effect so my hands now are way more deadly than any weapon okay this is actually one of those scenarios where I’m okay with the cat being on my forehead don’t worry little kitty I will let you live run away be free never come back and sit on my face again we can

Also collect the DNA of a dog just a little bit just just just a tab of of DNA it’s going to be okay little buddy I’m going to go take you to a nice little spot far far away so you don’t try to bite me there you go buddy you be

Good the wolf and the ocelot gave me no hunger scare creepers scare skeletons and speed too that is amazing I am definitely faster let’s see if skeletons are scared of me hello hi are you are you scared of me it doesn’t seem that scared of me what about creepers oh wait

This creeper definitely is scared of me what’s wrong buddy what’s going on you don’t want to get a needle you don’t want to get scraped in the toe today that’s not my problem wait a second are they just oh wait okay so they still explode I need to be careful about that

So after I initiate contact they’re going to come back and try to fight look at it he’s bleeding he’s bleeding he’s bleeding and he’s dead let’s also collect some DNA of skeleton I guess I’m just scraping bones so the skeleton gave me an ability called Infinity which

Normally goes on the bow as an enchantment but now it’s just a part of my body as you can see I only have one Arrow somewhere but I could just infinitely shoot this bow and the Creeper’s ability is literally the same as a creeper so if I were to die with

More than five gunpowder in my inventory I should explode all right we’re we’re we’re going to die soon we’re going to we’re going to to yep totally we’re going to die soon this dude yep just a little bit slower I’m going to I’m going to eat some grass in the meantime Rodney

Why is this dude taking so long I think I made this Worse he he killed me but I didn’t explode well I guess that works we’ve collected pretty much every single mob DNA and now we’re going to use them all together in order to steal the DNA from the Ender Dragon and defeat it then maybe I’ll get turned back to normal

Here we go we have a couple different options for taking out the ender crystals we could just explode them with blaze rods that is using the DNA of a blaze or I could use my infinite bow and arrow thanks to the skeleton DNA now that all the end crystals are destroyed

We can attempt to scrape the DNA off of the Ender Dragon oh he’s going down for a landing or I guess she’s going down sorry sorry sorry sry sorry doctor doctor’s in session here doctor needs to get in here quick little appointment here thank you very much I’m going to

Use the rest of my scraper to scrape off all the beautiful DNA there we go we we got 12 that should hopefully be enough and now we can test out about how much damage I do just from punching punching actually does not do a lot slicing with

My sword however definitely does a lot and we can also I guess try to use this wait wait a second this is way quicker you could just SP am these there’s literally no risk I could sit back here and just click as fast as possible oh

The End Dragon did not like that come on it’s working I keep forgetting too that we could fly the Ender Dragon has been defeated by the DNA of every single mob in the game I don’t care about the DNA I don’t care about the egg I need to

Celebrate with some grass yeah I got kind of hungry in there but now we can head back and see exactly what the Ender Dragon DNA can let us do so we have an ability called Ender Dragon Health the flight ability and dragon’s breath let’s go and this is it the final syringe with

Every single one of the mob abilities let’s inject and test it out so I should be able to shoot dragon’s breath that is so cool and wait a second I remember Rodney had something earlier the dragon Health Crystal so I think I could use this with my dragon Health ability if I

Have a dragon Health crystal in my inventory it will absorb all the damage that I take I am now practically Invincible hey Alec how’s it going so what we can do is use the chest opener on Alec to see every single one of his body parts the problem is he’s going to take some damage oh we did it we did it we did it okay I’m going to take out his

Spine wao there a just happened wait Adam wait did it work did it work did it work I don’t think he’s able to move wait he’s able to jump but look he’s trying to run but he can’t I can’t move what do you mean dude wait I have I have

An extra heart in my hot bar I can only move if I run and jump what is happening oh wait that’s awesome he literally is just jumping around what what are you talking about I don’t know you have an extra heart okay I don’t know how to help you dude get a

Wheelchair or something all right while he’s dealing with that let’s go check up on Adam all right we’re going to try to get inside of Adam and then we’re also going to take his fight jumpy jumpy jumpy jumpy jumpy jumpy are you okay dude ow ow wait

No they’re both just going to have to jump around the entire video today wait did you get hit too dude I got hit why can we ask like how this happened ask who cuz I don’t know I’m going to try to Rel logging I’ll be right back I think

The game’s glitched they both just left the game oh wait maybe they think that they’re glitching out okay just so they don’t get too mad I’m going to give back their spides the video just started and I can’t have them finding out already that I’m on the world wait it worked for

Me I can move oh yeah wait I’m okay now I get yeah yeah but I got it must have been a glitch the best part about this mod is that I am able to steal parts from any mop in the game so if I were to

Go ahead and use my chest opener on this creeper we could see it is made up of leaves sticks gunpowder and also a creeper appendix the creeper appendix is what allows the creeper to actually explode so what we can do is go put this inside of Alec and see if he

Accidentally explodes himself let’s go ahead and try it out it’s inside of his body all we have to do is wait wait what the yo two villagers just walked into our house and just slept on both of our beds what the heck dude show him who

Boss should I murder them just show him who boss okay I’m showing them who’s boss I’m going to fart in his face that was a stinky one let me get the other guy okay got both of them was there any recoil on those farts oh yeah we got

Some recoil lots of recoil okay I got hit yeah I’m just going to give him the beds honestly I might lock him in here for life in the meantime we could also open up a cow and then replace some of his body parts with the body parts of a

Cow so we can grab a herbivore intestine a herbivore rumin and a herbivore stomach I’m going to go turn Adam into a cow oh Adam how you doing we’re going to take out all of his intestines and then replace them with the intestines from a cow also his stomach too that means he’s

No longer going to be able to eat meat he could only eat grass like a cow let’s see how long it takes him to figure that out ow ow did you hit me wait where are you where are you no I didn’t freaking hit you bro those villagers had the

Right idea about sleeping I was going to mine I need need some like IR I’ll go mine with you wait Alec and Adam are right next to each other Alec has the creeper appendix but I think he might need to accidentally activate it let’s

Also try to open up a squid we can get fish muscles which have pathetic speed they’re not even going to be able to run around on land and I can also give them gills that way they’re only able to breathe in the water I’m going to go

Turn my brother Adam into a squid want to go swimming I made a pool oh this is like all water oh my gosh sick pretty sick I feel like I’m going to drown where are you going get back up oh my gosh we’re going to die oh no Adam I

Might die from what what are you doing I’m trying to swim bro and I we’re on easy mode there’s no way you should be dying right now yeah Adam how’s it going we’re going to steal all your muscles he’s not going to be able to mine ow

What I just got hit for like 50% damage oh yeah that probably a drown I’m I’m out of the water ah ah I’m getting nauseous dude are you okay bro like stop yelling I don’t know I don’t know wait he’s eating the meat he can’t digest it

His stomach isn’t is strong enough it can only eat grass ah everything’s Twisted man my eyes hurt I’m getting a headache bro look at him look at him he’s probably getting sick he’s getting nauseous I still have to figure out a way to get gills on him okay we’re going

To go back into creative mode we’re going to open him up one more time and then we’re just going to add the gills and then we’re going to steal his lungs what on Earth is happening dude I can’t look at the screen right now oh my gosh what’s happening I found iron

Though I think you you should go back you should go back I’m I’ll mine I’ll mine I’ll mine I feel like you’re just oh you’re going to steal my flipping iron let me through oh my go bro you’re so fat I can’t move holy crap bro all

Right I’m going to go back up Adam now has gills he has squid muscles and he also has the digestive system of a cow Alex still has not exploded yet his body just has a creeper appendix and he has no clue about it Adam still has one of

His human lungs but if I take that he’ll only be able to breathe in water oh hey Adam how’s it going we’re just going to steal your lung ow ow dude like what is wrong with you bro I’m getting slapped these mobs are invisible he’s not going

To be able to breathe look he’s got to get to the water oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m taking damage I understand that you’re taking damage you don’t have to keep telling me wait what I take damage when I’m in the air but when I’m in the water I

Don’t he has made the full transformation he is now Adam the squid wait I regain my bubbles when I’m underwater it’s doing the opposite of what should be doing dude this game is glitched I’m telling you this game is glitched I don’t understand I I’m a

Flipping fish is what I’m trying to tell you and I have nausea again I can’t see anything all right guys check this out I have a pretty good idea so we’re going to plop down my arch nemesis Mama Lama Jama and we’re going to open it up uh

We’re going to have to use my slicer Spicer to make it a little bit weak there you go okay now what we we need to beat it down let me operate on your body there we go okay so they have uh I believe a special set of lungs that

Allows them to spit so we’re going to replace Alex lungs with llama lungs okay we’re going to have to go super fast 3 2 1 boom boom boom boom all we have to do is wait for Alec to figure out how to spit I just took damag randomly again

Dude I don’t know I think I don’t know what’s going on I’m going to reconnect you’re disconnecting again I’m disconnecting the game’s glitched I’m getting nausea for no reason I guess Adam’s really confused uh he keeps leaving the game and joining I guess he thinks that that’s going to fix the

Situation but it is it is not okay also we can operate on an Enderman Enderman have some pretty cool abilities all right so along with teleportation I believe they also have an ability to dodge arrows and also they are afraid of water so if we give this to Alec every

Time he steps on water he’ll be automatically teleported away okay we’ll get the Ender appendix which is Arrow dodging and then we can replace all of his muscles with Enderman muscles oh my gosh I still have nause you Adam I haven’t found any diamonds and I’ve been

Down here for a while so I’m going to come back up to the mines and um I don’t know I I’ll go back down later but I’m kind of just getting bored all right I’m getting out of the water oh yes I can breathe you can breathe okay let’s go so

I have a bunch of Enderman muscles and I also have the Ender appendix that I need to figure out how to get inside of Adam okay he’s not looking right now so we’re going to grab him and we’re going to put the appendix inside ow I think it worked

Let’s go okay so now um once it turns night time I’m going to spawn in a skeleton and when he gets shot with an arrow he’s just going to teleport away Alec we got to meet up again they no I’m at the Village I also can no longer

Sprint if that’s cool no you’re definitely slow that’s for sure just going to have to live with that I guess and I don’t if you guys remember but earlier in the video I gave Alec the creeper appendix so he’s going to be able to explode except I’m not entirely

Sure when it’s going to happen Okay at this point I’m just going to wait for it to be night time so that I can spawn in a skeleton I don’t know why but I’m like randomly getting full bars of Health when I walk by plants and stuff you’re

Getting full full bars of Health yeah like my food bar is getting filled up every time I walk by grass okay um are you like eat what are you talking about I don’t know I think I’m eating grass why let me try let me try let me try oh

My God ow he did it he did it he found out that he had the creeper appendix what was that I don’t know I tried to eat the grass and then I exploded dude wa do you see this I’m like yeah what what did you do I think he could also

Spit since I put the the Llama lungs inside of his body look at that he’s just spitting everywhere well I’m going to sumon in a llama to spit back at him what you spit dude why yeah don’t spit at me though oh there’s a llama there they’re having a spit off oh my

Gosh this is awesome okay now’s my chance it’s night time so we’re going to summon in some skeletons over here what the heck it’s a llama fight did I just TP oh Adam just teleported yeah Adam come here I have I saw not no no I’m not I just have something to tell

You oh Adam what Adam what yo every time I get hit I TP yo look he’s teleporting the Llama over here it’s still trying to spit at Alec yo llama Mama Jama my man you got some anger issues wait what you’re literally you’re cheating no no no no no you’re remember

Earlier when I killed that Enderman I think I absorbed his energy maybe bro I don’t know I oh the Llama probably gave me his energy too I must be half llama or something I don’t know it was probably when we kissed and then like

His DNA got in my DNA and now I can spit on people every time I spit on you you teleport so I guess any projectile that tries to hit Adam it it can’t he just teleports away because he has the Enderman appendix except it’s not really working super well I see like four

Arrows inside of Adam’s Body the llama’s back want more so confused wa I want the llama’s ability stop stop stop stop oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you yeah yeah yeah okay let me kill these stupid skeletons with my spit I’m going to try and kill this thing it didn’t flip and work I

Can’t spit how do you even spit I don’t like this like this it’s like this like that yeah I just tpd to the mine Adam and Alec have no idea that by the end of today’s video I will be giving them both the parts of an Ender

Dragon the next mob I need to dissect is a blaz blaz are made up of magma blocks Blaze shells functioning blaze rods and a blaze core all right we’re going to grab that we’re also going to grab some blaze rods and I guess we can grab some

Blaze shells too oh my gosh I have nausea again I feel like every time you hit me is that you I mean my spit is pretty powerful I got a lot of lugie in that one I want to drop your inventory I want to see if you have any potions in

Your inventory my inventory yeah that’s me that would be you though I don’t have potions in my stinking inventory Adam then how do I keep getting nause explain that to me explain to me how you’re teleporting explain to me how I’m spitting on people yeah how about you

Spit on me now you dummy how about you teleport away yeah they are fully battling it out right now they’re like mutants from X-Men I don’t even know what they’re doing at this point bro they’re supposed to be trying to work together aren’t they trying to beat the game I mean

Let’s be real if I was them I would probably try my best to uh test out my brand new abilities too see I can’t die you can’t even hit me because every time you try every time you try I can just teleport you away you Dingus wait

There’s a Skelly I can’t even see dude my screen is so whack hit the skeleton okay I’ll kill the stupid skeleton get away get get get away so annoying now I don’t want this ability I’m going to have to be pretty sneaky about this okay we’re going to

Open up at him and then we’re going to get rid of that and we’re going to give him the blaze core as a heart that’ll make it so that every time he steps in water hold take damage can you stop hitting me I’m not stop saying I’m

Hitting you I’m not hitting you Al on the other hand we’re going to open up we’re going to give him a functioning Blaze Rod now he’ll be able to spit out fireballs and also spit you’ve been shooting me with llamas this entire game you’re lucky I can eat grass I knew that

Was you I oh look at that look at that hit chain look at this hit chain look at this hit chain no I think I think I have to spit on it yo look at that he shot out a fireball did you just shoot a

Fireball at me yo what did you kill that gave you that that I don’t know but I can spit and shoot fire okay guys the next thing I want to check out is operating on a shulker so shulkers have a pretty cool ability where they can shoot out their shulker levitation

Pellets so if I operate on it after I beat it down just a little bit we should be able to steal the shulker spleen and that’s what allows it to shoot out the shulker bullets we got to go to the nether with these new abilities I think

We can beat the game but actually no that’s a good point I can just spit on everything I do need a lava pool though I got you don’t even worry where’d you go where’d you go where’ you go oh my gosh where did I spit you to outside of the flipping

Mine I got to eat more grass ow Adam almost just died to a creeper okay we’re going to open up Adam and then we’re going to give him the shulker spleen by replacing one of his ribs will he be able to figure out that he can now shoot shulker bullets dude

I’m taking random damage from yeah I know I I don’t know what’s going on with that it’s it’s a thing though apparently I found diamonds let’s go all right I’m coming wait a second he just jumped in water too he’s taking damage wait I’m taking random damage too oh no he

Doesn’t realize that he can’t do that my roommate Alec also takes damage in the water I’m pretty sure it’s because he has the blaze rod and blazes are super Hydro allergease you seriously you need to stop blaming all your stupid deaths on me that’s not my fault I found diamonds

I’m Alec come here I found diamonds I’m dead I’m flipping dead every time I listen to you wait Adam just realized that he has the shulker spleen so he can now shoot out Shuler pellets wait what something just shot out of my head oh my gosh another one

Are you spinning can you spin now too oh my gosh I can make things float oh my gosh I found like a dungeon cave what is this okay look this is the thing I wanted to show you is he going to use his brand new ability on Alec oh he did

He did he did he did he did see that what is that yeah what is that it’s a little Seeker missile wait what hole is that coming out of like of your body I don’t know dude I don’t know you don’t know bro oh that’s kind of worrying it’s

Going for the zombie though look at that Adam you absolute Savage he can spam it too look at it look at it they’re all just coming directly out of his spleen oh my gosh I could spam click it it hit me floating it hit me wait what if spit on you and you

Teleport into the lava I wait I don’t TP anymore I don’t TP anymore I almost just pushed you in oh my gosh so just a recap Alec has the ability to spit and shoot out Fireballs Adam has the ability to shoot out Shuler pellets I feel like they’re getting a little bit too

Powerful one of the mobs I have not operated on yet and stolen all of their organs is the Iron Golem slicey spiser do your thing I think I got him a little bit too low all right let’s try this again okay that should do the trick right let’s see

What this thing’s made of Golem plating piston muscles that have poor speed but give them a launching ability a Golem cable and also a Golem core they’re powered by an inner furnace oh yeah I guess we could try to put that inside of the boys all right we’re going to turn

Them both into Iron Golems nether portal time do we have a flint and steel by the way no actually oh my wait maybe you can fire blast it oh that is actually awesome that’s that’s actually a good idea look at derp boy coming in with a decent idea fire

Yes oh my God big dirt boy idea that was sick all right let’s do it wait a second okay we got a little twist they’ve decided to go to the nether let’s follow them ooh look at that magma SL make that magma slime float bro hit him oh I got

Him I got him don’t hit me don’t hit me I don’t I can’t control where it goes dude I I I don’t think I can control it yet I’m sorry I hit myself I hit myself Adam Adam hit himself with his own shulker pellet I think he actually might

Die oh my gosh wait how did he just survive that oh wait um Alec I accidentally hit a zombie pig they’re coming I’m spinning I’m spitting look out spam click dude Alec is spitting on everything here oh that’s such a smart move it does so

Much damage and he just spit it Adam too I don’t think Adam has the Enderman appendix anymore because he’s gotten hit by projectiles and he doesn’t teleport away so I think when you die it might reset some of your organs okay so for the next little bit I guess I’ll hold

Off until the boys are a little bit more safe and then we will replace their current organs with the organs of an iron golem actually it looks like Alex’s pretty safe over here okay so we’re going to replace one of his intestines with a furnace his heart with the heart

Of an iron golem the spine with the Golem cable spine replace some of his muscles with piston muscles we’ll replace his ribs with Golem plating okay let’s find this fortress out okay yeah let’s find the Fortress did you just hit me dude I’m getting hit again I did not

Hit you I’m not hitting you wait wait I have an idea make me float make me float watch this God play go go go go no what he oh no this doesn’t look good yeah yeah that’s crazy oh oh what a clutch play you know Alec actually is kind of

Good at Minecraft sometimes and meanwhile there’s Adam trying to get hit with his own Sher bullets so that he can fly across Alec hit me Sho yourself shoot yourself I’m trying dude oh oh they’re dropping okay well I can’t help you now bro all right try and find the

Fortress okay yeah I I’ll go this actually makes me kind of curious what is inside of a zombie pigin rotten hearts a decayed spine a rotten kidney rotten liver rotten intestines and decayed ribs I don’t think anybody wants that oh my gosh I’m on fire me too oh my

Gosh am I going to die I’m going to flip and die I’m going back wait a second hold on we have a new contestant in the building it’s a gas let’s operate on this bad boy okay oh a gas bladder what gives them the ability to explode stuff

Is that their stomach oh yeah it is ah Adam I died I got surrounded okay well now I’m lost so this is not good Adam and Alec are back together the problem is that the zombie piglins really do not like Adam wait they’re still chasing you bro no no no no

They’re are they’re definitely not right behind you and in front of you they’re not chasing me oh my gosh they’re still chasing me I thought we were friends wo wa do you see Alec yo he’s sending the zombie piglins all the way up to the top

Of the nether wait look watch this what what what every time I hit them watch watch oh they’re like wa where did they go oh my God the wait do that to the Enderman oh my gosh he’s like a boxer except he sends everything up a million blocks

D I dropped my sword I’m dead I’m so dead I dropped my sword I’m just running for my life where you at oh no no all right so both of them just died in the nether even though they had some insane upgrades from mobs wait I feel

Like fast again can I oh I can’t I can’t spit can’t spit wait okay let me no I can’t use my ability oh yeah I can’t fling you in the air a no it must have got res died bro guys I have one more

Idea in mind and it has to deal with my good old friend Mrs Ender Dragon so I’m pretty sure if I blow up all of the end crystals okay now that they’re all gone if I get the Ender Dragon down to half health I should be able to operate and

Steal its body parts we’re just going to have to spit at the Ender Dragon a little bit just a couple more SP there we go let’s try it out okay so we have Mana reactors that should allow them to heal if I spawn in end crystals there’s also Dragon muscles Dragon ribs

The dragon appendix that allows them to shoot out the dragon bombs Dragon spleen the kidney the spine which is super powerful the heart that’ll give them Supernatural health and then the lungs which will allow them to use dragon breath let’s go test this out this D

Doesn’t want to trade with me okay he’s mad that we locked him in there for life no he’s mad cuz he has a big forehead and a bald head yeah he me talking he’s like yeah that’s right buddy oh wait here’s another Iron Golem I’ll kill it

Die stupid iron go oh god oh trying and get the ability back oh God he’s going to kill me you guys are free if you trade with me wait Adam I I killed the Iron Golem and I got something called Golem plating iron repair exceptional defense reduces metabolism safe to use

Okay so we’re going to go right above Alec open them up and then just start replacing body parts oh my gosh I just got hit again bro new Mission we get iron armor we get iron weapons and we go back to the nether I actually do have

Some iron that I mind so I’m actually just going to use it on me we’re going to start with the dragon heart replace all of the muscles get rid of those nasty ribs and replace them with super new improved Dragon ribs I don’t think he needs any lungs right now we’re going

To have dragon lungs Dragon kidneys should be quite the upgrade a dragon spine a dragon spleen and a dragon appendix let’s see if it worked wa it did uh I I I hit I I did the thing where I tried to spit and now there’s purple

Particles wait come back up come back up what are you talking about what are you even saying Adam purple particles Adam come here right now you’re so dumb come here I’m coming do you see this what ow ow that does damage it hurts what is it

Adam’s not able to get by the dragon breath he’s just trapped out of their mind is that you I may have made a stinky where did this come out of dude where is this B I don’t know bro ah you’re going to kill me oh oh he just

Killed Adam that’s awesome the only thing Alec can’t do that an ender dragon can is fly I think I have the Enderman superpowers this is not the Enderman this is like the Ender Dragon type power oh that’s what I meant yeah Ender Dragon okay I was able to get inside of Adam

We’re going to replace all of his intestines with Mana crystals and then if I summon in an end Crystal that should start to heal Adam I think it’s working look look look Adam starting to get healed yo Alec did you spawn that in no dude that’s you there’s a second one

That third what is happening I think the Ender Dragon’s about to spawn what did you do know what did you do it’s not me you’re the one spitting out Dragon Flames I know I don’t know what to tell you Adam but I have intestines in my hand hey Adam oh my gosh it’s

Jack wait what wait how you doing I’m going to y That’s fine how are you floating it was Jack wait what it was Jack it had I’m not able to get inside of your chest oh you have a chest plate on I’m not able to operate on you take

It off boy take it off go no of course it wasck I have superpowers you will die no way I was the one that gave me the superpowers oh my God wa you’ve been messing with us this whole time that’s what I’ve been telling you Al look we

Can spit we can spit oh oh my gosh bro are you kidding me wait so do I have like an ender dragon inside of me right now yeah I opened you up and I put an Ender Dragon completely inside of your chest I’m going to get you Back three two one go go boys later loses see you n I’m taking all your body parts all right boys so in this book we have a list of seven different M parts that we have to steal we can do it in any order that we want we got to get a

Llama creeper spider Iron Golem Enderman Blaze Dragon it actually works super simply all I have to do is use the chest opener I can actually open Alex’s body oh I got him he’s stealing something what did he steal he can’t Mo he just stole like my spine or something dude

Dude not cool ow Alec already died that dude is trash he just got yeated by the Iron Golem he took my spine I’m running without a spine wait is an iron golem on the list okay we need Iron Golem’s piston muscles o yes we can do that this

Is actually one of the mobs that I have to steal parts from the problem is the only way to open its chest is if you get it weak ow what am I even dying from at this point we’re smacking him ah I’m dead I’m dead Adam keeps dying to the

Iron Golem bro we’re going to deal with that iron gol later let’s let’s find a flipping lava okay we’re going to build up a couple blocks I need to break his face so I can open his chest he’ll too healthy okay my first objective is to

Kill one of these stupid Iron Golems for a couple reasons one he’s killed me a couple times but two he’s going to give me some amazing abilities they can steal all the Iron Golem parts that they want I am not being involved with that that

Has to be enough right yes we got it we got the Golem cable the Golem core and most importantly the piston muscles we can replace my spine with the Golem cable it’ll make me slower but I’ll get much stronger we can also add in the Piston muscles die you stupid iron golum

Oh wait here it is I thought I have to go inside him to get it but apparently it’s just right here we can also add in an extra body part so we’ll put the Golem core in my body which gives me knockback resistance oh my gosh I am so

Slow but at least I can jump around let’s try it out on a villager look at that oh my gosh we can check off the Iron Golem off of the list I’m thinking of a big brain play right now I see some horses up here I’m going

To try and steal some of their inside so that I can maybe gain their speed okay there we go I’m going to take his Swift muscles so that we can get really fast speeds here take out our muscles and replace them with the hores muscles oh

My gosh wait I’m actually like kind of fast that was a god Play Let’s Go hey Alec how’s it going I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing jack did you steal my appendix I stole your spine well now it’s Decay and I’m also missing an appendix somehow H interesting please

Give it back I feel bad yay thank you I have my spine back okay bye I see a creeper oh my gosh I see an Enderman too we can get the Ender appendix and then we can get the creeper appendix here we go ah I think I should go for the Llama

Or the creeper next I started looking for a llama but guys check it out there is an Enderman right over there and I accidentally looked at it oh gosh I need to build up Jack is trying to take this this Enderman but I’m going to try to

Steal it from him wait no he’s going to steal it from me ow he’s attacking me now all right I killed him nice no he killed it why okay so if I replace my muscle with this muscle look I punched this or and he goes flying like I’m an iron golem I am

A little bit slower than normal but honestly it’s worth it oh my gosh okay I found the cave there’s the Enderman I don’t have any health man why am I doing this oh he wants me I need a damage him so he’s not Soo heavy he tpd he tpd where is he

No back to square one we have absolutely nothing oh look at that a bumblebee I wonder if I’m able to open up a bumblebee yeah I can wait do these have venom glands they do let’s go the Venom gland I could get it from a spider a

Cave spider or apparently a bee let’s open my chest and let’s try to put the Venom gland in my body we’ll replace my appendix because I don’t think you need the appendix now we have two out of the seven mob parts and I see my next victim

Look at it look at this beautiful creeper oh yes there’s a creeper right there oh my gosh wait there’s a lot of creepers come on come on can I operate yet yes yes steal everything yes let’s go we finally only got one got to take out my appendix put in the creeper

Appendix okay now I can explode apparently I need to steal the appendix of the creeper before it decides it wants to blow me into outer space all right so we’re going to have to weaken it slightly do not explode he exploded there it is my next creeper come here

Buddy look at it look at me yes we actually did it I need to no I forgot how powerful I am this might be a little bit more difficult than I thought it would be guys I just got really lucky there’s a flipping Ender right there I’m

Taking a spine this dude can no longer move loser I’m putting the Ender appendix in there now I can dodge arrows and I have really good luck kind of want to try it out real quick oh you saw that so we got the creeper appendix and we’ve

Got the Enderman appendix guys I think it’ll be a good idea to get rid of some of my piston muscles because yeah that might eventually become an issue there are two Creepers right here we’re going to send that one up a little bit don’t why would you do that I was able to

Lower creeper into the water no don’t don’t explode creeper we’re going to have to go so fast okay this is it moment of truth I’m going to have to get below it come on steal the appendix we got it Nobody messes with Beck bro

Surgeon now all I have to do is open up my body and find a good spot for the creeper appendix I guess I don’t need my kidney the next mob that I need to find is a llama okay okay okay and now we finally have found a spider come here

Spider I’m just going to take everything die you’re too much spider you will have no more organs a he doesn’t have a Venom gland bro what the heck okay I I don’t really know what happened with The Spider and the whole Venom gland thing but I need to get a creeper appendix

Let’s see if I can do that hello my friend don’t kill me I got it his appendix let’s go so now if I go into myself I should be able to put that here and now if I wait do you guys see that do you guys

Know what that is are you guys thinking what I’m thinking I’m like 90% sure that’s a flipping llama it’s a llama we need the llama’s lung oh it’s spitting at me it’s flipping spinning see if I can open it up yes okay I’m going to take both lungs and give it this crap

Take out our lungs and then we’re going to put in the Llama lungs 3 2 1 oh I just spit at it okay well luckily we did find a Enderman as well now so if I just stand under this tree he’s too healthy hello buddy aha are you hurt enough now

Yes okay so now we need to take his appendix there we go give me that took a while guys but look we have a family of llama llamas baby we got llamas hopefully that doesn’t kill the Llama it it it killed me it spit on me and killed

Me this time we’re going to play it safe Moment of Truth dude why is the Llama spit so powerful I have an idea of how to get the Llama lung without dying we’re going to need to trap the llama in a hole all right now we’re going to

Cover him up just a little bit let’s try it yes we got it the Llama lung we got it the forceful spit ability we’re going to replace my lung with the Llama lung we can check that one off the list hello little puppy do you need a friend

Would you like to be my friend oh he would okay cool I will will name you Alfonso so right now I have the muscles of an iron golem the lung of a llama I used to have the appendix of the creeper and the Venom gland of from a bee that

Means we still need to find an Enderman a blaze and the Ender Dragon and I know that we can find both in the nether so I think that’s my next spot oh wait what the heck oh wait there’s a bunch of them dude what the heck AO you’re going to

Have to sit for this one buddy cuz I don’t want you killing these guys there you go all right let’s do a little bit of that action okay we need like his lungs I’m pretty sure oh no oh no oh wow that that was painful to watch I do

Apologize replace our lungs with the Llama lungs we can spit now but anyway I think it is time for me to go to the nether so that I can get a blaze rod yes a spider I’m going for it where’s the clan where’s the clan silk glands I

Think that’s it I need the Venom gland why is it only a silk gland I need a Venom gland okay let’s finally make the nether portal do you guys want to see how fast I can build a nether portal boom we’ll put the iron and the Flint

Together to make a fla and St and into The Nether we go oh it’s nice in here wait is that is that a wait what what is a cave spider doing all the way out here Venom I don’t know what I did I’m stealing things I was

Stealing my things bro oh my gosh I think alonso’s going too are you kidding me guess my next objective is to go to the nether so we can get blaze rods okay let’s find this flipping cave spider ah oh my gosh I just fell into a flipping

Huge cave tped me all the way to the top are you kidding me I’m going back down hey let’s go we found the Fortress hey yo how’s it going I’m going to go steal all of his body parts okay there’s a blaze right up here I’m going to just

Make a little tiny shield for myself oh gosh it didn’t work okay I’m going to open this chest we need to steal the functioning blaze rod and we’ll also get the blaze core because why the heck not we stole its heart so it died I should

Be able to open my chest and add in the functioning Blaze Rod by muscles but we did just gain Fireballs oh oh my goodness bro look at this we can spam it wait do you guys hear that I think there’s a gas nearby that’s not one of

The mobs that I have to steal parts from but I’m pretty sure if I can steal its stomach I will be able to shoot out Fireballs guys the gas is right there I’m going for it come on yes okay I’m going to take it hard out and then we’re

Also going to grab it stomach okay let’s see what happens if I replace I guess one of my intestines with the volatile stomach yo we shoot out spit fireballs and also an explosive Fireball now we only need the Ender appendix from the Enderman and then the dragon lung from

The Ender Dragon okay perfect we found a lava pool so all we have to do now is build a nether portal and we should be able to get to the nether relatively quickly all right boys and it seems like we are just about ready to go to the

Nether all right let’s light this bad boy up in 3 2 1 boom all right let’s go get some blazes we made it back into the cave I just plugged it up I I hear something what the heck oh it’s a pupp me it’s coming in this is my only chance

Yes I got the Venom gland let’s go all right let’s go back up to the top and find a village oh spooky Enderman where could you be oh I hear one I can sniff it oh it’s it’s literally right there here goes nothing o it’s still too

Healthy is it going to be enough yes we did it let’s grab the Enderman appendix and we should probably also steal its muscles we could also maybe replace my spine okay let’s try to replace the Golem cable with the Ender spine and we can replace some of my muscles with the

Ender appendix we’ll replace my muscles over here with the Ender muscles and that means we only have to get the dragon lung from the Ender Dragon ah there we go we found a nether fortress now all we have to do is find a blaze hurt the blaze go inside his body and

Steal his Blaze Rod okay I see one I hear one here it is getus mcus let’s hurt it we want to get inside of it hello I’m just going to take everything from inside you buddy all right let’s get the heck out of here before we die

Oh and just like that we are out of that stupid nether I hate that place it’s so scary every single time but anyway let’s try to add some of these functioning Blaze rods to our body waa I’m all the mobs put into one all right well I guess

The last thing for me to do now is to go to the end and slay the Ender Dragon it took a while but eventually I tracked down the end portal okay guys I believe it’s somewhere right over here let’s dig down to the stronghold dity dig I said I’m digging digging digging digging

Digging a hole I’m digging straight down to the end of port hole I’m digging digging I’m digging a ho I’m a digging digging digging digging digging down oh gosh I found the stronghold guys we’ve been looking forever and I finally found it a fresh Village I’m pretty sure I saw

An iron golem I can’t lose this Village man I’ve been looking for too low guys I need a bed okay thank you wait what’s going on outside no wait they’re all taking no no no they’re going to kill the Iron Golem oh my gosh I need the

Muscles I’m taking the muscles ah guys I died but I just equipped the Piston muscles hey let’s go we found the portal Bippity Bippity we’ve done it I think we’re the first one here no way they’re going to the end of already I still needed the Blaze Rod I just saw Jack at

The achievement I spy I’m pretty sure that means that he is already here but I think I’m close okay I’m just going to dig straight down I really don’t have any time to waste here if I fall in love that’s GG’s but I cannot let Jack defeat

The Ender Dragon before I even get to the end portal what is this spawn are you kidding me do I even have enough blocks to get over there hopefully I do this is going to take forever I run out of blocks okay uh I have an uh an ender pearl hopefully this

Works yes sweet made it come on come on I’ve been digging oh there we go there we go I found it okay I’m in the stronghold I just got to find the Portal now and then I can catch up to Jack that way come on come on oh yes yes yes yes

Yes here it is here it is let’s go wait this isn’t even the same stronghold that Jack found what the heck all right let’s do it no Alex made it to the end too no Alec made it here I think I see the nether portal right over there I can

Still win there’s still a hope for me it’s not build I thought someone would for sure use this I have zero chance that’s GG’s for me boys it’s time for me to log out all I have to do is get the Ender Dragon down to 75% health I’m not going to be

Able to do that though with all of the end crystals so we’re going to have to use our Fireballs to blow them up I got one number two got number three number four hey okay he already built me a path that is awesome he must have had extra

Ender pearls to get to the other side so I’m going to have to build all the way over now we have made it to the main island oh Mr Jack here I come no gosh no oh I see him he’s over there he’s over there wait why why you attacking me I

Didn’t even do anything I’m dead wait Alec just died no way now’s my chance I died that sucks so it seems like Jack is assuming he doesn’t die probably going to defeat the Ender Dragon again but until then I will continue my journey back to the stronghold that’s the last

Of the end crystals it’s just me and the Ender Dragon come on hey let’s go this is so good it says the target is still too healthy that’s not possible no way this has to be it yes we got it we’re going to take out the heart and we’re

Going to grab the the lung and also all of its muscles and now the last thing to do is put it all into my body let’s test it out oh my goodness look we can shoot Dragon fireballs and the best part is I didn’t even have to kill the Ender

Dragon what’s up boys oh hi hello Jack boom Oh no I’m guessing he won oh my God I have every single one no no no no no no what’s Happening I am just holding a horse’s tail in my hand it’s just a casual Friday all right so if I right click with this we add it to our body check it out mom I got a tail oh my gosh bro and I get upgrades I can run super fast well I wonder what

Else I could use the scissors on what’s up cat can I use it on you oh my gosh what I cut the ocelot tail now if I right click with this we got a cat tail I have way too much power and uh a lack of medical degrees would I be able to

Perform surgery on let’s say a dolphin it’s too fast I can’t nail it I need something a little bit slower ooh look at that there’s a glow squid snip snip guys before we get into that I need to let you know about today’s sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is a free-to-play

Multiplayer game where you can battle other players using different units like tanks Attack Helicopters fighter jets and even battleships it’s available on PC Xbox play station and Mac so you can practically play Anywhere there was just a massive update called the Drone age it added in an iconic Soviet aircraft the

Su 25 frog foot which is my new personal favorite dozens of new air Naval and ground Vehicles were added and both reconnaissance and strike drones are now available to all players everything in this game looks absolutely sick the vehicles the maps and even the dirt looks real the latest update made it

Look even better parts now fly off of a tank when it explodes and if ammunition detonates only a turret and a crater are left behind na ships are now Torn to Pieces whenever destroyed and enemy aircraft fuel tanks can now be blown up midair each vehicle in War Thunder is

Unique and customizable so I highly recommend you test them all out so make sure you guys download War Thunder after today’s video all new players that haven’t entered War Thunder in the previous 6 months will receive half a million silver Lions a week of renting legendary German ground Vehicles three

Premium Vehicles as a gift forever XP boosters a week of a premium account and other bonuses too so make sure you guys hurry after today’s video and give War Thunder a try thanks again to their team for sponsoring today’s video let’s get back to it snip snip oh we got it what

We got this the glow squids tenacles that is disgusting all right and now let’s add the squid tentacles to my body in 3 2 1 what the heck is this it looks like I’m wearing a dress all right what can I do with these wait guys okay so when I

Shift click it looks like it’s detecting some blocks down there what could it be dig wait did it just detect the iron ore well let’s try it again dude there’s wait there’s got to be more iron right there it could detect any metal ore that is actually going to be super useful

There’s more iron right down there I feel like I’m cheating thank you for the iron oh well uh this is Awkward nothing to see here big guy while our iron is melting up we’re going to go ahead and take off our squid tentacles and put back on our ocelat tail which makes it so much faster even though we’re fast I’m thinking we could probably figure out way to fly we need

To find a bee or maybe a bat the iron is done we can upgrade our swords and also make an iron pickaxe let’s head down into the mines to see if I can find a bat guys check it out there’s bats everywhere all right all right we got to

Figure out how to nail one this is going to be like swatting a fly with your fist come on all right here we go we have to uh somehow summon my inner Miyagi 3 2 one B oh we actually did H you cut the bat swings how is it flying how is that

Physically possible I feel like Ein sign is being insulted right now I don’t care guys on the ground that we have our bat wings right click them on and wow that is amazing all right so wao we can levitate up oh that is amazing and then

Can I just fly woohoo look at me go all right so it looks like they’re pretty similar to elytra wait do I see Diamonds oh I see a diamond yeah that’s amazing going to grab some of that I didn’t even need to use my glow squid tentacle

Ability and since I’m a bat we could fly directly out of here you know they say don’t dig straight down but they never don’t think straight up and it’s daytime I’m thinking we can go up super high and then figure out where our next mob is oh wait a second I

Feel like I see one right down there hello you guys want to get snip snipped what the no they just die what about you wa wa dude we just cut off the llama’s head that might be the most cursed thing I’ve seen all day do I even

Want to put this thing on I am literally holding my own head in my own hands 3 2 1 what wait does it work can I I could shoot spit from the top of my long necked head oh this thing is gross dude get away from me pig you want to get in

A spinning match with me that’s what I’m talking about well I’ll be this thing is powerful and with that llama that means we have five out of the 15 different mob parts let’s swap over to my bat wings and we’re going to go get revenge on one

Of the mobs that I wasn’t able to get earlier hello Mr dolphin how are you guys doing today H come on yes we got it we cut off the Dolphin’s fin I am a terrible human being where’s the fin where okay it’s definitely gone I don’t see the fin anymore the dolphin is

Playing with his own fin he was literally picking it up and bringing it around that is awful he has no idea what he was doing but now I have the dolphin fin and we’re going to be adding it to my body that looks so dumb I feel like

Shark Boy I kind of just have like permanent Dolphins Grace and I can also breathe underwater there’s one more sea creature that I can steal the mob parts of and that that is a sea turtle come here Turtle snip oh no way bro okay that is probably the worst one

Yet we stole it we stole the shell we stole the shell of the turtle all right I’m I’m going to leave you be okay I no longer have the dolphin fit on let’s see what happens when I put on the turtle shell it’s a hat turns out we get water

Breathing and resistance seven wait that’s actually like super overpowered my fellow Brothers go ahead try to tickle me it does nothing oh dude the resistance 7even is just thank you for the tickles I will be on my way now I see my next Target we put on my turtle hat just for safety

Excuse me do you want to get scissored too fine wait how are you still moving wait I I just turned you into a snail I just picked up spider legs all right you’re going to die cuz you are an Abomination let’s see what happens okay so we’re going to take off my turtle

Shell and plop on my spider legs I look so stupid can I like climb stuff oh my gosh I can I can literally just climb up walls my spider legs are spider full oh oh oh my God what did I do what did I do I shift clicked and a

Bunch of spiders spawned and I got scared can I do that again ah I’m going to die I’m going to die I need my spider head back on hello would you like to get surger oh God how are you about to explode without your own head don’t mind

If I do so we’re going to take off our turtle shell head and now I can plippy ploppy our creeper head on I am adorable hello oh okay okay we have explosive diarrhea remember when you guys tried to kill me earlier we’ll take that kid I want to go

Cut the UTS off of a cow hello fake Bessie I am not here for milk today I am here to perform surgery I cut the cows otter my gosh why does it look like the top of a bad pig haircut but we’re going to add

The UTS to to my we’re going to add the UTS to my belly oh we can shoot out poisonous milk it literally says shoot poison milk it’s probably because I’m a Zombie there’s only five more mob Parts left to find the next one should probably be somewhere over here that’s

Not quite what I’m looking for oh there they are hey hi how are you welcome to Beck bro Jack’s doctor office can I interested you in uh we now have goat horns that is the weirdest looking dog I’ve ever seen what can we do with goat

Horns uh I literally I don’t look like a goat I look like Satan oh check it out wait a second we can like charge up a jump that’s actually pretty darn cool all right so now we have the goat’s jumping ability I don’t know why I didn’t steal its

Legs I think I also have goat’s strength for one of the mobs later we’re going to need to grab ourselves a pumpkin thank you pumpkin we also have to find some place where there’s snow well I’ll be that was pretty easy we can make ourselves a shovel grab a bunch of snow

Make some snow blocks place down the snow blocks make some shears Shear our pumpkin and plop that on top welcome to the world Margaret I’m so sorry okay that wasn’t as bad as I thought I thought the entire head might come off and now we can blop on the

Snowman’s head I can’t see a thing I now have infinite snowballs I don’t really know what I’m going to do with this hey puppies I’m so sorry I got to do this this is going to be hard thank you I I cut off its nose get away from me I’m

Distraught that is so sad I turned him into a pig get away from me the wolf’s ability is pretty cool I also look so silly if I shift click it actually will highlight all Hostile Mobs within a 40 block radius I mean I can see you but

Look at that I can’t see that creeper he could have snuck up on me but I use my my wolf nose I can use this ability to find the next mob that I want to steal parts from that’s it guys all right we can steal the parts of an Enderman boom

Okay we did it we did it uh infinite Ender PE ability oh my god dude I’m going to die ah get to the water can’t get me now scrub let’s plop on the Enderman head he literally doesn’t have a head that’s amazing all right we could use our infinite ender pearl to

Literally just teleport out of here there’s only one more mob left to find and in order to get to it I have to go into the nether hello not you yes there’s one right there right at the start stop shooting me for Just 2 seconds I just want to cut your body

Apart come on yes we did it we cut the gas head what dude it’s just a bunch of tentacles there it is right next to the fire no no no no no oh we got it we got it we got it yo it’s so tiny can I shoot Fireballs wait there another

One yes dude we can spam Fireball we did it I’m going to go think about my actions Today

This video, titled ‘Stealing CUSTOM MOB PARTS to UPGRADE in Minecraft! (movie)’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2023-11-17 01:34:34. It has garnered 54282 views and 1467 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:43 or 6283 seconds.

👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co

Stealing CUSTOM MOB PARTS to UPGRADE in Minecraft! (movie) w/BeckBroPlays

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Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like Monster School Reanimated? Do you enjoy being part of a creative and active community of Minecraft players? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, players can experience a unique and exciting gameplay experience unlike any other. With a focus on survival gameplay and player interaction, Minewind offers a challenging and immersive world for players to explore and conquer. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWERFUL SPELLS in Minecraft with this Magic Minecraft Mod: Archon #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kaupenjoe Mod Showcases on 2024-09-05 14:30:01. It has garnered 5224 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In this Short Minecraft Mod Showcase, we are looking at Archon. An awesome Minecraft Magic Mod that adds powerful Magic to Minecraft. == HASHTAGS == #minecraftmods #minecraftmodshowcase #moddedminecraft #minecraftmagic #minecraftjava #kaupenjoe Read More


    HAUNTED SURPRISES IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Thought This Was A Safe Place | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-03-29 21:00:53. It has garnered 414 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/MFJHChM: ⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaotixop?lang=ar ⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chaotixop/ ⭐Newgrounds: https://chaotixop.newgrounds.com/ ⭐ Or more: https://ko-fi.com/chaotixop ⭐Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5f4bHOH8VoZnfvPICGxPw ⭐Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chaotixop Read More

  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

    Unbelievable Find at Raaanch - Crystal Room Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t – Another Old Base. Crystal Room. Dupe Stash Hunting 369 (Stream Highlights)’, was uploaded by Raaanch on 2024-08-14 13:00:41. It has garnered 968 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Welcome to my #2b2t #minecraft #2builders2tools stream highlights. If you wish to join us, please drop a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/Raaanch Would love to see you there! Streamed on the 23rd and 24th of Feb 2024 2b2t is a Minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free for all no rules pvp environment,… Read More

  • Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shorts

    Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lazy players be like #shorts’, was uploaded by teaSer7 on 2024-05-23 06:14:28. It has garnered 2556 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #viral #minecraft Read More

  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

    💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-04 18:25:24. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:04 or 13504 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

    Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Cài Addon From The Fog V5 Mới Nhất Có Rừng Slenderman, Herobrine Giống Pc Cho Minecraft Pe 1.20’, was uploaded by Noob Gamer🇻🇳 on 2024-03-02 11:30:08. It has garnered 66129 views and 1212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:28 or 808 seconds. Addon Slenderman by SlothBuddy206 https://mcpedl.com/slothbuddys-terrors-v1-0-beta/ https://youtube.com/@slothbuddy206?si=0lNH8djWU2W02USO How to Install the Latest Addon From The Fog V5 With Slenderman Forest, And Herobirne Like PC For Minecraft Pe 1.20 🔭 I am a new youtuber, I hope everyone will support me 🔭 After watching, remember to subscribe and like if you like… Read More

  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

    Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tập 3 | KHÁM PHÁ MỎ HOANG BÍ ẨN TRONG FROM THE FOG VIETUBER SERVER ! ! ! | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Dino Sakura on 2024-09-05 08:19:55. It has garnered 12668 views and 478 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:39 or 6819 seconds. ►Subscribe to the channel to receive the latest livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@Dinosakura35/?sub_confirmation=1 ►Join Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUDyWWIabSvE6VBpvTCSMw/join ►Donate to Dino Sakura: – Wescan: https://wescan.vn/dinosakura – Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/sakura2003 ►Other social networks: – Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DinoSakura35/ – Group Fans: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sakurach – Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dinosakura3 – Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/Dinosakura35 – Discord Sever: https://discord.com/invite/7A2pkZgzcD ►BUY DINO SAKURA CORNER… Read More

  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: play.evrimcraft.com Web site: https://www.evrimcraft.com Discord: discord.gg/evrimcraft play.evrimcraft.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.siteb.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More