Unbelievable: Taker Explores Secret Minecraft Servers!

Video Information

Have you and your friends ever had that two week Minecraft pH if you did you probably ended up deleting the server or just forgetting about it entirely well in this video I’m going to be joining private Minecraft servers that are dead and have absolutely no people playing on

It but they’re still up somehow how I join these servers is through a bot which will be in my Discord server if you want to use it just remember that you shouldn’t grief with the bot oh my God we’re in and as you can see nobody

Is on This Server it’s only only me the last time people played on the server was 9 months ago so this has been abandoned for almost 9 months now I think the hardest part about these servers is actually like finding structures and stuff so I don’t think

I’m going to be able to find where they actually moved and where they live and where they live but um I think I’ll come back when I find something oh my God bro so I’m now actually using x-ray to see maybe there’s some underground buildings the

Only thing I can see is this crafting table which I can’t use for some reason I’m just going to run this way and then see maybe I can find a structure or anything like that okay so this next server has not been active for almost 6 months except

From from the person that joined a month ago but I guess they just wanted to check up on the server and uh let’s check it out cuz it had quite a lot of people playing on it at least seven or eight here’s the building called the pinky okay let’s check it out

Free uh it’s just a bunch of garbage oh wow guys look at this we found a boat all right I give up I’ve been I’ve been walking for long enough I can’t I can’t find anything so um all right so this next server uh last people online were

Two months ago and even some were three five and six months ago that’s pretty much dead for some reason that spawned there’s a chest that has clay balls in it for some reason at this point I wanted to give up all the servers I was looking for were absolutely dead there

Was was nothing interesting to Lil cat because they built their bases miles away so I decided to switch out my tactic and it worked wait I think I finally found something oh my gosh um okay let’s let’s check it out what’s in the chest dirt all right I’ll take some

Maybe it would be useful all right so we spawn in this like three kind of place Japanese style there’s some pumpkins there all right let’s go check out these houses let’s see what’s in them I I see one of them is not finished which is

Kind of sad let’s see how much we can actually explore I can hear a lot of chickens in this house is this like a chicken house oh my God lot of lot of chickens yeah this has definitely not been finished what about this you are being

Watched add my Discord okay that’s a bit scary oh my God I have three diamonds and guys I think they really like pink there’s a lot of pink oh my gosh let’s Che out upstairs what’s upstairs it’s just a few beds okay um let’s go down

Here I don’t think this is just a cave this is like a secret base actually I take it back oh it just keeps going all right let’s just keep going then yeah there’s there’s nothing here this just oh diamonds how do they not notice this um whoever the server owner of this is

Uh you made some diamonds over here and I don’t know how cuz you’ve literally placed two torches right here I don’t really see all right let’s go back up I I see this tree obsession is uh bit crazy like they they plant a lot of

Trees here yeah I don’t think I can find anything else I’m not going to lie oh oh look at this there’s a little house here this server is from 2 months ago 3 months ago last active they have a little house they have some tools I mean

I guess they could have built this a long time ago they probably moved somewhere yep nothing here again gu last person that ever played on the server was 5 months ago and we can can see that um their spawn is actually kind of pretty they have a little Bridge here oh

They have like a mop spawner here too they have a little farm of pigs here chickens okay nine says JK they have a lot of sheep here here’s the horses this is kind of impressive wow look at this they have even a a sugar cane Farm too

That’s that’s crazy boats oh they have a bee in the boat okay B boat let’s have a look up here three beds this is a pretty cool world I don’t know why would they oh my God and large treasure room yo oh my God these guys were stacked look at all of

This yo this is crazy bro this is actually yo ender pearls and stuff they had a lot of stuff I think this is just garbage wow they made a diamond hoe but I don’t see any diamonds where’s all the diamonds man chanting Library potion script cartographic Observatory oh my

God yo bro guys I think I hit a jackpot I’ve been guys I think I hit a jackpot I’ve been looking through so many dad servers and I just simply couldn’t find anything cool or impressive bro look at this this is insane they have been playing on the

Server for a long time oh my gosh look at all of this what is that is that like a Road they have like a road and then they have like yo look this is wait wait who the hell is this who who are they yeah this is this is so freaking cool

Bro it’s so sad that they not playing on this it’s been what like 3 months that since they did not have play did not play on this dude look at this they have like a village here what’s that red stuff is that lava another Village here

And what is what even is that oh my God okay where is spawn is this spawn I think oh yeah it is spawn look cuz of the the building right the mob spawner dud the fact that they build roads all over the place is it’s actually crazy I

Can’t believe it and I think these roads they lead to like portals cuz I think that’s a ruined portal or whatever bro this is this is such a such a gold mine over here I found I can’t believe it man let’s look at the potion script blaze rods potion healing that’s so cool

Chanting Library wow this is this is sick this is like huge facility they have everything sorted so freaking good look at this yo this is insane bro the fact that they’re not playing on this server is actually insane bro I would play on this like a

Lot yo look at this they have paintings everywhere too let’s check out here let’s see up here nothing oh oh they have a web wow what’s it called generator or whatever it’s called that’s so sick look at this yo I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone build a mob spawner this way why

Is it this is so weird an iron chest plate of this ready bro there’s no way a mob dropped this they definitely have to put that in there all right let’s just follow the path and see where it leads me sure they would have like a nether

Portal or something like that so what their nether looks like cuz I cuz when I looked at the map it has it had a lot of what the her right this is definitely like a ritual Place well these torches just can’t be for nothing here right oh wow they made a

Fence to make sure no one F Falls in there I think that cow didn’t list oh I think this cow slipped through here so this fence’s kind of useless oh look at these Bridges bro these bridges are crazy like they’re not like super crazy but the fact that they built it like

They they went into like that much detail is insane what is that press for travel east gosh they okay these guys definitely know how to play Minecraft oh my God yo what is all of this I don’t even know I don’t know what any of this

Is guys and I’m so scared to touch it cuz I don’t want to ruin it unless they want like if they want to come back to play on the server again I don’t want to ruin anything so oh my God why is there so many Endermen here what is this

Normal did they do this I don’t think that’s supposed to happen they put fences thank you thank you okay this amount of Enderman is not normal guys it is not normal oh and the road ends here apparently you know what let’s go back to spawn we haven’t been this way let’s

Check out this way there’s a boat there too okay there’s another bridge this is a completely different design it’s not similar to any of the ones that we just saw I like these Bridges they’re so cool it’s cool attention to details you know Enderman again why is there so many damn

Ender oh and uh a apparently I have a choice to go there or there guess go here the road ends here well that’s lame okay this time we’re going to go to right maybe there’s something on the right side and it’s getting darker uh-oh

Oh my God they led to a village I think this is the Village from the map too so are they upgraded oh they are look expert oh my God this one isn’t upgraded what about you this one is also upgraded okay I see a village up ahead let’s go

They better have some food cuz I’m a I’m a hungry Traveler all right I think I had enough of the server I think this is cuz apparently we can go we already went this way and we already went this way we could also go this way wait hold

On what what what is this green stuff let’s go you know what I need to check it out I can’t just leave without knowing all right I’m going to go check out one last way and then it’ll be finally done cuz it’s probably going to take some time to find a server of

This you know much effort oh there you go another portal I found one all right let’s go in oh my God oh my God there’s no way dude they build up yeah these guys definitely know what they’re doing all let’s follow this path I want to see what’s this way cuz they

Definitely built us for some reason right is it just nothing really nothing all right so we are on the next server and the last time people have been seen on the server was actually 17 days ago or 20 days ago which basically is 2 weeks um and it’s been two weeks ever

Since nobody played on this and um let’s have a look it says a gift for Shawn from Ryan oh my god oh no this is so sad you know what’s funny only two people played on This Server it was Shawn and I’m guessing Ryan a gift from Shawn oh

Oh no my heart um chests ooh 30 diamonds smithing template okay diamond pickaxe with a silk touch that’s pretty cool they have a lot of Axel lot bro I have not played Minecraft for so long what what what’s a brush oh oh this is this is really bad let’s go here let’s go

This way they built something this way and the way ends here um and so does my time on this server right so I just joined a new server and the last time people were active here was two months ago I looked from the distance and it looked like it just

Looked really weird let me just let me just show you guys I’m in Creative I just noticed oh my God yo yo oh my gosh what the hell were they doing on this server dude wait but actually what caused all of this yo this is insane I I

Think they used to have houses here I think they used to have like a pretty cool base maybe cuz look this is oh this is a village let me just check out their nether real quick oh my gosh all right we’re going to check out nether hold on

Just what where am I I I I I’m genuinely confused though like what caused it this is not TNT right what is this like what what were they trying to do why is there glass here was there actually like a base here and they just had like a

Conflict and they were like oh yeah let’s just destroy everything or maybe it was just one person the most craziest part about these servers is that I don’t realize why are they still running after all of these months like shouldn’t you just disable the server right that would

Make more sense um there’s this cold house so a parot they have names they don’t have names okay let’s check out this house ooh an American flag yo America that’s a pretty cool house but I don’t think they built it legitimately oh my God there’s more American flags

Are they what what kind of flag is this small town Apartment Homes oh my God yeah there’s no way yeah you know I have a feeling this is just like a kid server a bunch of kids just bought this server and play on it in Creative what even is

This what’s this what what do they have in it wow they built like a roller coaster that goes into water yo the poor villagers have been trapped in here here for how long have you how long have you guys been living here you know what I’m

Going to free you guys you guys are free come on go go back to your job go do your work God damn what kind of animals lived on This Server all right that’s that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool all right so we’re on the next server the description says that it’s a fanboy

Creative server and um uh okay this is a weird server the weird thing about this server is that all of it population left 6 days ago like literally all of them and it’s also in Creative um they have a bunch of villagers here again roller coasters which are probably they probably been

Blown up by someone okay this is a crazy roller coaster what the hell is this what isn’t that Panda rare Brown pandas are like really rare I saw a video of someone trying to get it and stuff oh that’s a lot of dogs what the hell they

Have a goose or is that supposed to be a chicken um what is it this like a stable what is this what’s going on here what is there like a there like a is he like a god or something and these parrots are like praising

Him I am so confused what is this oh I think oh they’re just penguins look they built Penguins that’s so cute I I don’t know what this is guys is this something inappropriate this a vape there’s a rainbow road that leads to nothing oh maybe it’s like a oh that’s a pencil

That’s a pencil um vanilla cake pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookie caramel dipped Apple wow we have another fan of Pink I can I can see this is I think this is like a role playing server that’s funny oh my God look at these old all these at Old chickens bro this

KFC what the oh my God bro oops sorry sorry sorry sorry didn’t mean into oh no let’s go in um oh all right so last time this server has been active was two months ago and again it’s a creative server I don’t know how I keep getting lucky but

There’s a lot of horses God damn what is this supposed to be it has been definitely destroyed it’s like it’s very destroyed um I think this one was actually not played by 12-year-olds so um because CU it looks like there was an actual house here but

All right let me go in the portal and see what’s in there oh my God what the hell what the what huh what just happened what is this what oh my God bro this is so weird oh why is there so many Enderman yo yo yo yo yo this is so weird bro

Yo all right that’s that was that was weird that was weird the last time people played on the server was 6 days ago so it’s not exactly dead they just haven’t hopped on in a week you know I guess it’s fine abdullah’s chest do not touch Sophia’s room do not enter you wow

Okay these guys are really rude water to the bottom I can’t open anything I feel like girls playing on this server I don’t know why but I just I just have a slight suspicion free Tree Farm okay where all the where’s all the trees I also can’t I can’t break

Anything for some reason is it like a spawn production thing this is this is horrible I like that room though that’s pretty cool but the rest yo what is this I think it’s another creative server oh my God last time people were on this server was 7

Months ago wait there’s like a base in there and there’s something in there how is this server still running after 7 months who’s paying for the server okay we’re on the next server and uh last time people were active on this server was 4 months ago ah these chests are

Empty oh Four Diamonds nice yeah it’s an overcrowding amount of cows they’ve got a little form here going too all right so this is probably going to be my last server cuz I’m uh I think I visited quite enough all of these people people on the server they haven’t been on for a

Week um they left some signs Brighton Brighton a bunch times I don’t even know say about Brighton B oh are these supposed to be like Graves I think is there animals that died or something chests that are empty Another Empty chest Another Empty chest

A lot of empty stuff oh my God there’s a Diamond armored horse just roaming around the hell oh the horse is called midnight it’s actually kind of slow though let me get on top of this real quick oh damn that’s pretty cool let’s just a ship that shoots fireworks wow isn’t

That a beautiful ending all right guys this is a wrap up I am done I visited a lot of dead Minecraft servers I don’t think this one is dead I think this one is just not as active as some of the servers anyway Bye

This video, titled ‘Exploring Dead Private Minecraft Servers’, was uploaded by Taker on 2023-12-26 20:40:21. It has garnered 2374 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:32 or 1172 seconds.

In this video I join random private minecraft servers and see what they have left behind.

The discord: https://discord.gg/jhJ3cRtQXw

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    Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla PirateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate’, was uploaded by Bangla Pirate on 2024-01-13 10:09:00. It has garnered 2536 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate like aim 300 #sokhergamer #banglagamer #minecraftbangla #minecrafthardcormode #minecraftlive #banglagameplay #minecraftpe #minecraft #survivalseries #banglapirate #minecraftlive #minecrafthindi #minecraftlivehindi #minecraftenglish #minecraftliveenglish #minecraftjavalive #minecraftdedicatedserver #minecraftsurvivallive #minecrafttips&tricks #huaminecraft hardcore minecraft hardcore minecraft minecraft hardcore mode minecraft hardcore survival hardcore minecraft hardcore episode 1 minecraft hardcore ep… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : LifeBoat_Survival.aternos.me port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : LifeBoat_Survival.aternos.me:60458 Telegram : https://t.me/+RjeTyYSyMJc5Zjk1 Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): https://discord.gg/5CwGCMZ45n WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: https://www.tiktok.com/@emersonkingyt CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to https://www.dubby.gg and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 https://tipme.in.th/lapineplg Buy member products here 👉 https://www.vforgeshop.com/ #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : https://www.facebook.com/LapinePolygon TW : https://twitter.com/LapinePLG TikTok :https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdgqGYXq/ 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : https://www.facebook.com/ZonaPolygon TW : https://twitter.com/ZonaPLG… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More

  • Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C A

    Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C AVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager – Y M C A (villager ai)’, was uploaded by PvPhubSMP on 2024-01-12 06:49:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. womp womp Minecraft,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,villager ai cover,villager animation,grox … Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ Java Whitelist Community Driven

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova 🏰 Experience a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine in version 1.20.4. Terra Nova is a haven for mature players 18+ who share a love for the game and community. Features: Diamonds drive a player-driven economy with 15+ stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments. Explore Terra Nova on BlueMap: Discover Terra Nova Join the 18+ Community: Experience kindness and camaraderie while engaging in activities and exploration. Progression is based on hard work, not pay-to-win schemes. Embark With Us: Visit us at Terra Nova SMP… Read More

  • Better Towny – OP – PYRO Fishing – Towny – MCMMO – Jobs – RANKS

    Welcome to Better Towny!The better version of the game mode you all know and love. Experience ultimate progression with a never seen before leveling system (/level) Grind your mcmmo skills, Level up jobs to make money, take part in events to earn epic rewards, earn gems to unlock OP gear, fight in dungeons to get shards and gems, and so so much more!Server was launched on the 1st of June!Don’t start behind everyone, now is the best opportunity! Everyone is starting from the beginning, so if you love becoming the best player on survival, now is your chance to become… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villager Baby outshines the competition

    “I guess even in Minecraft, kids will always find a way to annoy us with their questions and demands.” Read More

  • Big TV Man’s Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown

    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme

    Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme “I’m Faded meme girl version Minecraft animation: When you’ve been mining for diamonds for hours and finally find some, but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all. #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Cara Membuat tempat tidur lush cave di Minecraft” that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine being able to bring your wildest Minecraft creations to life in a vibrant and dynamic community of fellow players. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and exciting events, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | Wynncraft

    SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | WynncraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘They Put SHREK In MINECRAFT??? | Wynncraft’, was uploaded by Pyro Swarm on 2024-05-20 10:42:55. It has garnered 279 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:22 or 1882 seconds. We find Shrek! Read More