UNBELIEVABLE! The Deer God in Minecraft

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Pause that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is OBS doing there we go a this thing [ __ ] disconnected didn’t it how frustrating I guess I’m just going to need to get a new [ __ ] external SSD like let me mess with the settings then real quick oh I can’t mess with this while it’s [ __ ] we can just go to the next song If it’s going to loop it’s like 6 minutes yeah okay well it was working the whole day and it was it was up the whole day and I guess it just stopped I I save all my streams on an external hard drive Um and it’s been giving me problems and it was working all throughout the day today and suddenly it is not working anymore o if it disconnects again I just I guess I just have to get a new one cuz I I bought a new cable and everything and it

It worked like throughout the whole day but um I guess not anymore well now it’s going fine what could possibly go wrong what’s Up okay I can close Discord down let me plug my phone in real quick and then we should be good to go turn on hard drive seem we doing fine off for break nice so wait did you did you have like school Monday and then they’re like all right after Monday you’re

Done it feels a little counterintuitive but hell yeah dude weird I feel like I remember a break happening like a week ago but um yeah I guess it makes sense for the like two weeks and then you’re back this week I guess that sounds Vaguely Familiar oh wait it’s almost over let’s just let the song finish edit money because I had some assignments to turn in everyone had exams today and tomorrow Wednesday’s a make up and no attendance okay nice nice then yeah it’s always good to get your stuff ahead of uh head of the

Curb all right so I saw this game on the seam store what on Bandit and with payday 3 not being the best I thought maybe this will be funny it’s got really good reviews so freedom I remember those days those good old days oh [ __ ] what are the uh oh I guess there’s

Just no no volume right now okay cuz it’s not Dev thing it’s a money thing yeah it’s a it’s sort of a combination of both there’s there’s some stuff that I I can’t figure out why it’s not in the base game even if they were running out

Of money um cuz I think they game definitely released cuz they were running out of money especially with how like walking dead and the other games they’ve tried to pump out uh failed so I think they kind of looked at their bank reserve and thought well we

Have to release the game soon otherwise we’re going to run out of money and unfortunately their game just wasn’t in a spot where they could really release it I’m sure a couple things like the always online wasn’t initially their their choice but they were kind of forced upon it by their Publishers

Um but yeah it’s unfortunate cuz I’m I’m sure if you know the game was given a couple more months to cook it might have been you know released better cuz especially after they’ve released a couple updates it has been better but I don’t know I’m still going to wait

On it a bit more especially after playing it a little bit but let’s let’s play this so apparently these guys made a previous game called one arm cook where is the volume left Mouse click button to open to interact oh there we go hope of a better game Payday 2 still

Slaps yeah I think what they should have done is they released payday 3 as Early Access because they treated it like a full game release with all the other additions and everything and I think it would have gone over better if they were upfront with like Hey we’re running out

Of money um we we need you know this game’s going to be an early access this is not indicative of the final you know product there’s a couple things in place currently that you know are going to get changed you know we’re eventually going to add like the crime net and the server

Browsing and everything but we’re just not at a point financially where we can hold the game anymore so you know buy the game now if you want to support us and uh you know the game will be updated cuz if if the game released as it was in

Like Early Access I think there um how people would have treated everything is like way different I think it would have been way better but uh yeah unfortunately released as pretty much a full product with what what was it it was like $90 for the like the most expensive special

Edition it’s it’s a bit too much to be asking for a full game with all that and then the game just doesn’t work you know uh switch your hand to pick up items you able to carry multiple items if you put them in your duffel bag I have a duffel bag

Oh I dropped it how do I duffel bag oh duffel bag here we go okay and then go back to the hand and I like do that oh and it’s in okay minimum take 500 so we’ve got we got our our thermal drill oh there’s the other bag okay

Shooting the windows allows you to Vault through them but also sets off alarms oh where’s the drill the reviews for this game were like yeah payday 3 but you know better I’m like damn Duff bag all right oh okay got him give me the drill drill oh wait lock door

Locked destroy the power boxes [ __ ] maybe I should have read that a little bit more go does he have oh that’s a clip can I grab oh I can grab bodies into the duffel bag hold on oh [ __ ] Duff bag there we go okay no who you won’t go

With is there a button I’m missing I don’t think so wait settings uh key bindings back forward right left reload switch gun up Sprint Crouch Escape is pause emote is f shoot door that sounds right actually that sounds about right can I do that no [ __ ] okay back to the emote F Bo

Mouse action okay what are the emotes oh I’m like waving [ __ ] maybe hold on let’s [ __ ] restart then CU clearly I didn’t get it Mouse but grab the interactable switch your hand pick up items duffel bag and eh [ __ ] eh there we go shoot Windows also sets off alarm it

Even has a vote to restart yeah all right use your drill to open lock doors so I was I did have the right idea I just don’t know how to do it all right go through the window like a clown field oh there we go okay I’m just not

Close enough all right the thermal drill go get it you need a short circuit the power box to bypass the Vault electrical locks but be careful the police will try to stop you is that it oh okay oh [ __ ] oh wow wait I shot his neck and he [ __ ] reacted that’s

Cool I don’t know what clone field is this is uh this game reminds me of like um the like totally accurate battle simulator type of stuff the Vault electric lock destroyed you can now use your drill to open the vault use the drill at the highlighted spots okay man it’s just this easy

Escape with the money pack your Duff bag with as many vales as you can you can take out your tools to make extra room okay let me grab the duffel bag there we go grab this I missed bag is filled bring it back to the truck and press the red escape

Button okay a watch two had a really tough launch clown field is a low po game created to make fun of it with Goofy graphics and physics oh my God they might have done that for this then oh wow wait I have to grab it in individually my

Cash it’s be better than the actual game that makes me think of like battle bit oh wait what if I put this on the h no let’s keep it down here yeah it makes me think of Battle bit remastered and how that’s just a better [ __ ] Battlefield than the ones we’ve gotten

Recently there we go give me wish just came out a little bit more audio in it like I should just be playing my own music at this point I’ll play the payday soundtrack all right we’re good wait we should take the drill uh battle bu was fun I wasn’t

Crazy about it but it was definitely definitely pretty good definitely a good game I really hope things can’t fall out of the bag when I’m carrying it no they can’t where’s razor mind course I will give you my all rewards total take nice okay um all right load out I guess my

Weapons empty uh I can modify the gun with different stuff nice unlocks different levels uh tools we got the basic drill and I guess I have nothing else wave what’s in the shot different guns okay some different secondaries wow I can’t believe this game is free and it launched with almost

The same amount of weapons as paid A3 reaching tools axle grinder battering ram concrete breaker sticky drill C4 self TOS basic lockpick Advanced lockpick camera Blinder expert lockpick hacking device and then here’s your premium currency right yeah pre actually D just those $5 never mind that’s pretty good

Actually I was I was misreading it and then these you can buy with just the cash in the game if you want that’s cool uh I assume that’s the only way to get the masks and stuff though which kind of sucks really doesn’t matter but I guess I’ll be my actual skin

Color all right what Heist do we have jewelry store small jewelry store is a perfect place to Rob for a beginner most of the jewelry is just displayed behind easily breakable glass it’s almost like they want you to take it but if you want the big bucks you’ll need to get into

The Vault located in the back of the store over bang but you need to be certain levels that’s good Esco bar oh you have to unlock these with the [ __ ] premium currency really I don’t know if I like that unless I get them through just leveling up which is a

Maybe uh okay start game you legitimately use payday SRI as long as you credit it very valuable information yeah minimum take 1500 I mean I might if this game legitimately doesn’t have any music like a soundtrack to it yeah I guess that’ll do is this the jewelry yeah this is a jewelry

Store whoa that’s [ __ ] payday wow that’s payday damn nuts well I guess I just have to do loud I can’t go in I can’t punch people So bang b b can I aim on sights I can all right boys do I oh yeah left click says destroy the power boxes in the top left tie up I can tie up hostages anybody in the bathrooms no sandwich put that over there door is

Locked oh okay wait no the hostages are all still here [ __ ] it’s a cop tie up tie up um oh here we go short circuit that I guess I could just drill it hold on where’s my drill I wonder if the the power box just opens this stop shooting me it’s imp

Poite oh swap boy hey swap boy okay uh if the vault is power locked oh [ __ ] this is just the other way in I have a bad feeling I’m not going to be able to get that Vault stuff what’s up stairs real quick [ __ ] I need the the drill ah

[ __ ] oh unless he was going to open it he might have where’s that drill give me the drill all right get it get it there you go we destroy the power boxes if we want to get in that Vault I wonder if I’m picking up ammo from enemies oh they’re definitely not very

Strong they’re definitely kind of weak but I don’t think I am picking up ammo okay gool okay let’s H this other door oh stop shooting me please stop shooting me I’m almost through the door there we go oh that’s not fair you’re in front of me that’s not fair I’m body trapped

That’s not fair he’s body trapping me it’s not there okay cool these are more [ __ ] locked ass doors all right we might not be able to get in to all of this if I’m going to be constantly assaulted there’s so many cops oh my God I should have just done a quick Smash

And grab luckily they haven’t tried getting any civilians though all right duffel bag [ __ ] one got all these Jewels here here wait can I get into this now actually break into the Vault oh I probably need the um other stuff [ __ ] excuse me part of excuse me there

We go that’s SS is that if they just walk in front of me enough that like I can’t hit them oh yeah give me that band there you go yeah all right hold on let’s go grab the um black screen there we go I think that was my

Monitor please don’t don’t shoot me please don’t shoot me please Don’t Shoot Me Wait I have a better idea doors that’s how they work oh nice the progress holds over though [ __ ] [ __ ] close another one what will you do I close the door what will you oh okay

Fair okay where did the drill go yeah this game kind of needs music let’s SK with the money give me this [ __ ] yeah just hold out in front right here there you go that’ll stop me oh [ __ ] I’m out [ __ ] okay give me all this ammo nice nice

Nice there’s no set of keys anywhere I guess are there might they might be upstairs I just have to find it you’re resisted most s of bullets I same I’m glad their bullets are pretty weak all right look at all this stuff I don’t know if the difficulty is

Only in terms of how hard it is to like stealth it oh there you go there we go another guy there all the ammo going to lie this map is a lot easier to deal with if you go selfy just ignore the front door I’m just starting so I am unable to

All my guns have no silencer on them yeah this is a fast way I could do this yeah yeah okay back to killing back to murder all right back to looting a there we go there we go got all this money there we go kind of resorts itself

Out yeah this game seems like it’s not very hard to self but uh I have no ability to self currently [ __ ] yeah all right back to killing we got to get it all Mega hyper XP power level [ __ ] got to get it all like 100 10 pieces forces the SWAT team

Out yeah I get that look at this gold ass bar yeah might have to go grab another bag butter Butters [ __ ] give me that come back where’d you go there you are yeah I’m probably going to need another bag soon we might just want to get out with what we have at this

Rate it’s how we I’m not dealing with this [ __ ] there he goes I got the bag luckily they haven’t surrounded the area at all to I’ll take 31k I’ll take it it’s fine level progress oh okay I think I can get a suppressor now load out modify Yes suppressor and then he one for level four oh I think it means overall level right okay cool let’s go back let’s let’s do this South now there we go his pager go did not check in all right vot clearly I missed the wrong button PD three so what is it that’s not

It what button am I supposed to press hold on keepings not the mouse actions print Crouch pause emote chat am I supposed to use my voice for this wait am I supposed to use my voice for this this time I get to fool the guards push the

Talk uh hello sir it’s all clear out back here nothing to work wor about it all it’s all good you know all right that’s definitely not it that’s definitely not it um I don’t know now I don’t know what it is then cuz I I assume I can I can answer

Them that’s assuming this is actually set up to my mic come on Kim you can do it uhoh did the game like crash right I’m open up task manager it did crash end task been a restart issue lately okay okay oh maybe I should do the self tutorial then actually

Hey it’s all good back here don’t worry about it uh we’re all set all right hold on leave him all right let’s do the self tutorial let’s do the self tutorial didn’t realize there was one of those all right otherwise driller guard is too in r ruins it

Okay use your lockpick tool to open doors without alerting the guards is that just in here yeah so I guess there’s no answering jiggle care of cameras and use objects to hide yourself so you don’t get spotted yeah I fig I should probably do the

Tutorial now that I see that there is a stealth one some cameras mov see you pass them while you’re there looking away is there a button for like when I grab something I don’t have to hold it doesn’t seem like it no yeah I still want that special gun to take out guards

Quietly guard drop a phone when they die hold the phone to a checkpoint to avoid the alarm triggering got it there you go okay the security guard watching the cameras take him out to disable the alarms when locks highlight and red they trigger the alarm when unlocked disable the alarm Okay

Click jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle Jiggle oh that’s the wrong thing wrong area okay hold on let me grab this they wanted me to do this this this y there we go cams are offline switch your hand to tie C they don’t run away and lert the guards all right don’t alert the guards

I’m just going to drag you over here though that’s a that’s oopsies my bad vault key Vault can be open by drilling without drilling by using a key card find the vault key and use it on the keypad click click I didn’t bring a [ __ ]

Bag hold on I’ll be back I’ll be back guys just stay here it’s okay wait can I take out cameras with this no go and give me that okay after this I should be high enough level to get a lockpick as well so just going to throw that there thr that there

There wish there was a way I could like put my hand here my one good hand slide you can in the actual game sh the camera makes to go down with the nearest card usually gets loaded okay so yeah like in Payday got you I missed I just realized even the [ __ ]

Tutorial in this game is like payday 3s was just created as a [ __ ] you for payday 3 like the battlefield one all right let’s get out of here I don’t need that tool all right we got the cash get out of here $155,000 Yesh tools self basic loock pick cool all right now we can steal now we got the tools I assume I can’t lockpick Windows right give me this let me jiggle it nope Uh is there one out here is the thing there’s not okay so if I want to do this I have to get inside first then got it so we’ll go we’ll go around the other way then I need the straight and you go oh you ever seen a guy in a mask before

Yesh with a duffel bag yesh by your diamond store like this is crazy or something Here we go Loop all right so far so good thank you for standing straight up all right not that way highlight all the boxes yeah just had to get that door open first let’s go and jiggle wiggle wiggle with it there we go what a weird mechanic oh [ __ ] I can’t jiggle too

Hard we come on open up open up all right restricted area that’s okay or we’ve been jiggling let’s go ahead and jiggle this one open I can’t wait for the advanced lock pick when I don’t have to jiggle as much all right open up open Up oh [ __ ] me calm down see I don’t need that because we’re not going loud yet oh is this it sa the alarms do slower but longer Mouse movements it goes faster okay oh yeah that is a little bit better Yeah [ __ ] put your legs to the sky and spread is this where the cameras are how some [ __ ] out of [ __ ] rock a city what I just said yesh 543 got it okay well you don’t seem to give a [ __ ] so hey I’m back here is this this just a door to the

Outside this just the bathroom okay hi hi there uh have to disable the alarm oh [ __ ] actual camera stuff are you actually capable of killing all the guards it feels like there might be like one more spot where you can turn their pager in at the front but otherwise it’s

It feels like you can’t hi anything down here that’s the vault key card utility room key card I’m got to find this utility room now this is it oh I see oh there we go alarm switch off I don’t have to go that way anymore let’s grab the bag first and

Start grabbing the stuff upstairs actually the bank manager had some cash with him is mine now duffel bag in it goes up coolo let’s grab this go and shove this in here as well bye sir have a good day all right easy peasy uh there we go shove that on there what is

This oh I got to all right hold let me go to get the lockpick again it’s uh here can’t go too far though I don’t want it to like lose all progress cool well I guess let’s get to grabbing this we’ll be here for a while do a lot better than most people

First thanks I have I have played the payday games a lot so I’m the a lot of the mechanics are pretty similar here we go Tink this is just going to take eons to get all of it [ __ ] yeah uh we probably go these two watches then we might want to switch bags

Out okay let’s switch bags uh that watch fell out oh God it’s all falling out get back stay back and also we count them then reuse the bag oh okay oh that sounds like it’s an issue with other ones then if you said it’s not with this one all right bag one bag

Two all first things first the big thing right in there you go the items are so big they won’t even fit in a bag oh is like like the like the the art gallery probably I figure you can’t fit the the pieces of Art in this bag don’t want to scrunch it

Up gives you a whole cart that’s nice of them [ __ ] yeah yeah wish I could do this a little faster or there someway all right watch go maybe I should have gone for the smaller things first and then done the bigger things there we go there we go

Yeah got to just put it in just the right spot so it fills up over there yeah there you goit there we go just got a y Now give me these there we go uh it’s just these now let’s go grab another bag thank God nothing falls out of these bags you

Woo there we go all right grab you bit harder said than done but if you position the bag below your arms you can just Spam left click without moving and it’ll grab the drop o that does sound nice CU see I was thinking like well depending on if my arm actually has like

Collision with it I could like put my hand here and just which it does but it seems like just just putting your arm down and just dragging this way doesn’t seem to be doable there we go we did it and that’s all the stuff in the Back okay and lots of money full stealth hell yeah easy peasy um anything actually new I can get white body armor that’s whatever okay let’s get the suppressor for you just in case that all right Pegasus Museum of Art two crowded and two high security robbed

During the day however at night the tur have left and only few security guards roam the place the only things we’re stealing are located in the back of the museum bying bars and several layers of security cool uh we’ll sell it or at least attempt to Red H almost any weapon removes all

Recoil yesh just like in real life how do they know all right most important first thing find the back doors here we go [ __ ] too far okay cafeteria okay so there’s a guard spot right here so that’s nice to know there’s a guard right here that’s also nice to Know all right let me just go ahead and use that one up there we go guards seem to walk around now there we go that was quite for the others definitely take some trial and error a lot more moving Parts uh the guards will actually move around it

Seems let’s see what’s over through this store that was an alarm door gotcha good to know good to know don’t go through that one oh wait right right right the red on it means it’s it’s a [ __ ] alarmed right yeah I just remembered from the tutorial

Okay so let’s take with this one so we with the one with the big light cuz yeah white red curiosity is there anywhere else uh there’s the front door I don’t really want to go through the front door not yet at least Donuts jiggle Jiggle yeah you see nothing [ __ ] there we go just going to grab you hopefully nobody notices the blood staying on the floor it’s all okay and over there you go cool we’re going to Hope really hard that I don’t get spotted doing this okay nope thought I could maybe sneak under

It fast enough that I hit the wrong [ __ ] button so through normal crouching speed you can’t get underneath them fast enough okay good to know I guess if I was running it might actually I don’t know if it goes by payday rules where crouching makes you harder to spot just in

General that up you’re probably in here about to come in Here yeah that works for Jesus Christ hopefully nobody notices the blood and the broken glass there all right you can go over there I fig they could for sure tell bodies but okay locked can I mess with these at all no oh hi CA camera what me unscrew you we okay he’s com

Back sh you see nothing okay um that’s not the best but that worked out okay no [ __ ] okay uh let’s go let’s go left let’s go left instead cuz this way seems to not have a lot we’ve been going right let’s go left assume these are all alarmed they’re

Actually not okay well let’s try one of them then the man just walks in hey I’m here for the tour oh [ __ ] yeah that’s convenient um [ __ ] hold on I just do that then I can’t get in the window cuz it’s lock locked okay well there was an idea I

Guess I’m going to go and assume that shooting it breaks breaking the glass causes alarm so that’s not worth doing maybe I do want to go through the front door again always locked uh I assume the maps are pretty static there’s not really much RNG going on in them [ __ ] [ __ ]

[ __ ] let’s go and put this here cuz the guy’s about to pop in right one with the coffee machine yeah okay what sup me yink that can I use these multiple times wait there’s no way I can use these multiple times okay wait for it to turn the other way there we

Go bathroom perfect nice place to hide anybody [ __ ] no Give me that cool perfect easy peasy are those actually infinite use though uh that’s a little key card going on your utility key card in fact hey I’m a fan of those so let’s see where is this lead got it understood let’s try this other door

Then oh that might be downstairs I might have to run across again oh but I didn’t unlock the door this time so i’ I’d really have to go all the way around curse these one arms oh no that’s not yeah these are the doors actually

H so this part’s going to be fun I wish I could like lower room over here without the camera seeing CU it looks like I can use those multiple times so you see nothing beep beep beep beep yeah okay yeah that works [ __ ] just in case I don’t think they’ll notice my

Tools but I’ll hide stuff anyway [ __ ] you see nothing you see nothing into the bathroom it’s just me a PE boy rest of PE hey turn the other way all righty yesh there you go I do that there we go now I don’t have to hold left click all right turn there you

Go woo that was close I didn’t realize a guard can stop right there all right buddy keep your t moving oh [ __ ] it’s just for this [ __ ] Okay cool so is this lock still red now that I’ve turned that off haha it is not anymore all right jiggled open there we go

We’re in the back area we made it ah [ __ ] it’s the ah he’s right here too all right restart okay we know what we’re doing now we know what we’re doing now he was right there too okay I get it I get it I get what I have

To do I get what I have to do do I no let’s go this way let’s go this way wow this really does feel like stething a it would be easier if I had more people but it’s okay I don’t know can I recruit anybody if my steam overlay will go up

The answer is no The less of you there are the better does this work like this no it doesn’t all right good to know despite still being green it doesn’t work like that they are they are one per okay that’s good to know I didn’t I didn’t realize that I thought they’d unlight themselves

When um they were no longer go through aable so we might just want to wait for the guy to enter here then cuz killing him out there is not a good Idea okay that’s nice though I didn’t realize I could do that jiggle the pick loock okay I said that I know I can see most of them but it’s okay oh get over the [ __ ] thing [ __ ] pick that [ __ ] come on open on up where is he there we go uh give me

This let’s see which one I think it’s this I need it for the manager would have the utility card in it I don’t remember which one it is uh he does there we go so here’s the downside is I’m going to have to grab have to do two [ __ ] trips

Cuz I can’t carry both of these [ __ ] things it’s a guard guard over there Bo guarda there’s like a weird Middle Ground I have to reach there we go this guy won’t see [ __ ] there we go tnk oh I okay I didn’t got it so I somehow managed to throw that card back

On here and I [ __ ] fooled myself got it that’s what happened hurry up hurry up hurry up I have to walk across the old place again jump over there a couple times the jump over mechanic isn’t going so we might just want to run around things [ __ ] turn back around shoot

Woo blind is a bat which isn’t a good saying cuz bats aren’t actually that blind okay so I have to go there the camera is there it is absolutely looking but if we take him out we’re pretty much home free no it reaches there too all right before he reaches

It now nobody knows the camera’s down there we go okay cool um [ __ ] there was one in here I could have just used that then all right but hey Cam’s down um I know that there’s one of those in there to use now door locked hey we probably want to kill this

Guy too if he’s got a good aerial view of everything we probably want to kill him if he’s got a good aerial view of the roof killing him is a good idea then escape with the artwork I’m ready for him to pop the corner wow that this sucks moving while doing this

Not like I need it not like I need a down sights in this game But okay cool don’t Alisa this is not going to be easy with that guard there okay um cuz I have to lockpick and take all this [ __ ] out door door [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up so I have to go back hold on cameras aren’t a thing anymore right so where’s the fur this

One where’s the furthest guard checkpoint are these still turning yeah yeah they are they just don’t trigger anymore cuz Here’s my thought proces right the guards are easy to get around the guards are pretty easy to get around I don’t think there just one in

Here a there might not be enough to kill this guard and do it but I assume shooting the glass immediately triggers the alarm I have a hard time believing that isn’t how it’ll go wave hi there try to like Ping him W Garda un ca yeah looks like there’s just not enough

In that area to be able to get through it actually what’s going on over here bad Monty yes the pay devs uh were were slacking so they hired another company to do it yeah all right it looks like I can’t kill the guard in here because I have no place on putting his

Pager so quite frankly killing the guy up here actually might have been the wrong call especially if he’s easy enough to dodge okay uh here’s the other question where did I put my lockpick oh [ __ ] I can’t oh here we go here it is okay well I got I’ve got I’ve grabbed

One thing one thing so far that’s nice we got one small bust perfect for the heist minimum take 20,000 and well there’s 5,000 right there so we just need three more of those oh boy with a guard patrolling right there okay I definitely took out the

Wrong guard but I don’t want to redo this yet so here’s what’s going to happen I’m going to grab my my lockpick we’re going to hop the the the [ __ ] gate top the fence into the the next room with Theona Lisa going to get all this [ __ ] ready to like leave [ __ ]

Look at this the Mona Lisa in my hands jiggle to pick Luck wor case scenar is I can quickly shoot my way out of this there doesn’t seem to be like a stealth bonus in the game so look at that nut once he starts moving I can get them there we go give me this got to get big head over here There we go okay all right now here’s the fun part we got to move this stuff back look I got the mon Lisa there’s no cameras outside this place it’s okay though we already killed the guy so you’d think there’d be a camera or two around here you know in a

Building with the Mona Lisa unless it’s a fake which it probably is damn 50k now you’re telling me the Monas is only worth 45,000 that’s what you’re telling me there he is hi what is he playing get the nut all right perfect I have to see if there’s a way to get

The other two heists without uh dropping money because I don’t want to drop money got the other two ice so we’ll see um yeah I don’t know I’m curious to see where the XP this gets us is cuz I think I have to be level 10 to do the next

Heist and I don’t really want to grind in this game this is more of a fun little try it out he’s like over there he like just in the corner I guess whoa saw me from the [ __ ] window that’s good to know I got 68k

Yesh what else do I want to do tonight um so there’s a new uh vampire Survivor DLC that came out it’s the [ __ ] Among Us collab um so I guess I want to I I like vampire survivors so I want to kind of play that uh otherwise I don’t really have

Anything only TF2 might something else I assume my friends are still working the next couple days cuz it’s not technically Christmas yet I just threw that over there we could go to Minecraft I guess there we go we have like one more to grab and then I’ll I’ll just call it

Because I don’t want to keep running back and forth frankly my [ __ ] portable drive is still staying attached which is nice I guess I don’t have to get a new one it’s I’m not sure what’s causing it to disconnect from my computer so he stopped somewhere over there in his cycle I

Just I don’t know I guess theoretically if I had the better lockpick I could you know probably as he’s walking around be able to quickly lockpick everything but I don’t know cool let’s get out of here complete in 21 minutes level five cool uh shop did I get anything new tool wise

That’s at level six camera Blinder is kind of sounds kind of nice exper lock pick was probably really good can use hack and even the most secure keypad no need for key cards best luck tool in the market Lu at level 10 okay well interject is the mon

Lisa cash some files some Coke but yeah these are these are for the premium currency I don’t really want to spend $5 on the game or technically 10 if I want to get both of them so yeah I think that will be it here I can throw it out to my

Friends and see if they want to join or get on at some point with it but I think I’m happy with how it is now um yeah so I I guess onto vampire Survivor amongus better severs ire survivors I like this game this game’s cool

I’m going to hop in the Discord in case well I’m going to hop in a different Discord than the other two because they’re busy playing ho4 and I don’t want to sit there and listen to [ __ ] um military [ __ ] I should sit there and learn Hoy for but I know that

Um according to Matt the DLC like changes [ __ ] so be the bullet hell in space I’m curious what Nick’s playing CU I’ve kind of wanted to go into the Call of Duty stuff but not the new stuff like the old stuff I’m kind of feeling nostalgic for it let me

Ask what are you playing what are you playing all right let’s see this is all the same start where’s my amongus damn non red Reaper Unlocks M I gotta few with imposter Arena well look at that [ __ ] horse what the [ __ ] arean ghost so how do I how do I start becoming the Among Us find open the coffin and Paul replica oh yeah that could be fun okay um [ __ ] I don’t remember who’s

New so obviously starting here then down is like Among Us stuff I don’t know who do I want to play geneveve grer I’ve never done the Thousand enemies actually or 10,000 enemies 100,000 yeah Tri a vacuum when leveling up once per level Triggs World eater sure po

Replica let’s see if I remember how to play the game we’ll go ahead and where is it cuz I want to get [ __ ] in the level gold out of bounds Divine blood mad Groove we go F this um gra you I have to like re remember what half this [ __ ] is yeah it’s fine get them actually I probably should have waited let’s just give me [ __ ] though area armor sure we’re we’re heading straight for the um Amongus and then once I unlock it I can Die my yeah it’s just is a [ __ ] Among Us map this is Nuts all right Well so those things will evely fly back down to me at a certain point allegedly offers better moral support I have no idea what that means Bum bum bum bum yeah it’ll do like that let’s see which is close this one to the left so we’ll go for that is a dead [ __ ] End what are the amongus guys actually doing base damage up by 10% sure why not there you go there we go we’re [ __ ] among using look at those imposters uh legely offers better moral support sure why not Sure I want to see what this moral support is I’m curious map in pois racum cool cool wow damn look at that okay all right bum bum bum Some those amuses are ghostesses go there he is it’s the amongus thank you gen G but the vampires in another coffin crew mate Dino Dino joins the survivors cool I guess I may as well just start [ __ ] upgrading my other [ __ ] now I Guess seismic activity detected what I have to go do [ __ ] Tasks yeah have to go this way I mean it gives us a minute to go deal with It oh yeah that’s how that works N it’s fine we got what I wanted oh [ __ ] that’s right I have built-in revives currently the [ __ ] do I get out oh I have to go down this way it’s the one amongus map but it’s really big are they causing [ __ ] to Fall Into Me

Maybe damn I almost died again and it [ __ ] said no something there said no I don’t know what it was so one of them must be causing these things to follow me um oh [ __ ] I’m not going to reach it or am I I did cool better um All right well now we Kill oh [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] Gap there more moral support I need more moral supp support give me more moral support somehow the amuses are helping I don’t know yet still how but they’re definitely doing something useful just the fact that I’ve been able to survive this long and with the levels

I’ve got means that they’ve been helping somehow we going to [ __ ] garlic I guess why not am I headed down there bum bum bum big ass boy some effect F sell of vinegar from face please prepare to end the Smell okay I guess I definely picked the right [ __ ] character for this Jesus Christ sure I guess actually I’d rather get rid of this one I don’t think it’s very useful for what I want to do right now [ __ ] it lancelet Whatever nice all right just kill things quick now ESP as I [ __ ] upgrade the garlic what do we got generates explosions uh explosions uh we’ll get this one [ __ ] it I guess said freezing the bigger guys will cause them to explode that’s pretty Useful go threee levels more garlic more strength more garlic kill harder nice bum bum bum oh nice they all died that makes things easier I don’t really need the money at all like I really don’t need the money right now like holy [ __ ] I don’t spend money in

The game anymore so for getting characters if that’s what they require [ __ ] uh do I have to go for both of Them uh down this way There we go that’s one down cool fully upgrade [ __ ] just going to hit enter now when we reach those cuz why Not oh there’s two [ __ ] chests there though but yeah we got we we got to run all the way up I can come back to those or they might get pulled to Me Guess I can avoid getting those guys out for right now it’ be better yeah I have like no combo weapons or anything too So oh [ __ ] evolve life can periodically grants random stat boost for the rest of the Run nice that’s pretty useful these like grownup adult Mong uses yep there they are I knew they’d come uh it’s almost done that one’s now done may as well do it threee

Level now I think we’re entirely in the make enemies stronger category amongus C yeah that did an Among Us DLC they did an amongus collab oh I see wow yeah so you can unlock different amongus characters I’m even playing on one of the amongus maps but in Vampire Survivor oh

Yeah wow I have amongus guys following me around they’re little amongus guys yeah and I unlocked one of them as a character and I can unlock the others as characters too w why are they following you uh I’ve unlocked them as items let me I camera so you can see the items

Uhoh what do they do I don’t know they it just when I go to upgrade them they’re like yeah we offer moral support I guess oh nice they definitely do something I can tell you that much they’ve been helping I know that much but I don’t know specifically what they’ve been doing

There we go now those weapons can be upgraded Big Time Freeze get the gold rings I can evolve Them oh cancel there we go oh get the Chest there we go infinite Corridor oh let’s go leveling up is useless now oh god what the [ __ ] oh I get it it’s all sus it’s all [ __ ] sus no I get it h always he restore 30 Health right now cuz I don’t need the money in the game anymore

Bum oh give me that there you go ooh money for killing things I don’t need the money though what do we have got 16,000 kills what the [ __ ] is that big big baby are we I don’t know what these have to do with amongus amongus uh babies play amongus that’s

True sorry to all the babies in Ben’s uh chat all the baby among my apologies to the baby Foundation you’re about to get a twit longer for a bunch of babies oh yeah I am I say you learn how to read and write babies are known for never forgetting so here we go

Uh am I at the point I can just actually take my hand off the keyboard and everything still can’t kill me I might be at this point yeah I am okay there we go oh there’s death game over yeah what I find 20 Oro loans 55 I bought the crew mate and the

Ghost evolve the sharp tongue weap brought to max level deal damage reaching the current time limit exor walls that’s cool so how are they vampire survivors um if as long as you’ve had an encounter with a vampire and didn’t die technically you’re a survivor of a

Vampire attack man you know what I mean no I don’t I have no idea what the [ __ ] he mean no you feel better there have yet to be any vampires that have appeared in this game uh oh I don’t know that’s a big joke in the community is that yeah that’s pretty

Funny you open up coffins and find regular humans in them and they’re like Yeah The Vampire not here I guess we got to keep looking that’s right me yeah that’s a good running joke Mhm no me uh if I unlocked things on these other stages they like Maps Okay let’s get this on Boss Rush where is med gr yeah There that Garlic’s always useful locator sure let’s get garlic Oh that’s what the [ __ ] wheel does okay it sends out mine mine carts Is this a um Minecraft Minecraft no as hard as I can tell no no [Applause] Cool upgrade you Oh Y bu there we go to evolve this although it’s over there actually so that wasn’t as Useful we Go Chicken um yes oh [ __ ] nice chest um welcome there we go another chest Oh wait that’s one of the the the things we could hold On I Feel turns at at stage two uh void fiends fully charged R2 will take out half his own health big we to experiment I want to experiment to see if the [ __ ] Friendly Fire artifact also counts for self damage and it does and it hurts oh nice perfect for a play through Mhm there we go upgraded garlic Soul Eater was base game Adventures okay really good card f it let’s just grab the rest of this no bum BM bum bum die [ __ ] Die no I wait I have a free revive what’s crew mate doing in Vampire Survivor I don’t know I don’t know how this [ __ ] collab happened even by all accounts it’s Weird Think I’m going to be fine I’m Okay Um there we go oh yeah this is couch clop now B good par I could play this all right it be fun I totally forgot Oh death okay cool welcome to Adventures each adventur is a self-contained Story series of Daring side quest compos a remix content from the base game disconnect from adventures and is affected by progress you making them you unlock relics carry over your adventures Bly take on new challenges okay cool

Okay with Boss Rush done I guess we do white out you good uh I [ __ ] killed an enemy right in front of me and my own gasoline Canon ignition tank set me on Fire let’s see what all the stuff combines with from This Little amongus guys evolve with these okay got It Yeah okay Bracelet B Yeah more bracelet ow snowman hurt the [ __ ] Oh there we go we got him the red imposter the red crew mate uhoh let’s go I need him to upgrade my Weapon Ni sh let’s get some Armor Ah [ __ ] ah [ __ ] it let’s just start grabbing them F SP bingo do Uh bracelet upgrade If [ __ ] it he’ll follow oh there it Is give me this allows you to buy the def power up Okay I don’t know what that means but cool I guess uh you turn the not vampires even less vampire hell yeah like the stone Golem in front of me mhm hell yeah I think I’m dead yeah revive probably should have built a bit better but whatever Don’t think any of these are very useful for me gu this one Pocket that’s prol there we go now I’m going through things a little easier more spinach Oh God that’s a lot of dudes No I that’s go got the anti anti do you thing 3% of enemies spawn unable to deal damage per rank sure up up up uh all right let’s do a not harder map I don’t really have much else to unlock well that’s not true but what do my achievements look like 151 of

196 H to the Bone Zone uh I don’t really need mag gr for this One Pap plus 50 let’s get this [ __ ] It Oh sh let’s gra the You Uh actually I probably should have gotten the garli Uh G I don’t like this character I don’t want any of those Here we go mini crew mate We go grab this upgrading that item roll I like rather yeah upgrade stuff give me chimen we need chimen there we go garlic perfect B okay the silver one some more go increase the damage of That uh sure or chandelier or wand what the [ __ ] these [ __ ] can just spawn in whenever they want to a certain degree allegedly offers better moral support what more could I Want Dooo upgrade garlic to kill these skeletons yeah grab that that’s fine Let’s go emergency meeting I might have wanted to have grabbed that oh who’s the Imposter that one oh and it just killed all the enemies of that kind okay that’s kind of Nice Uh get more XP so I can level up faster Sure damn that’s really good Actually Do all schools day regation I guess cool no future Jesus Christ that’s good upgraded so sithe and that should just insal everything on stage because of the emergency Meaning Co upgraded garlic Do uh yeah we’ll keep upgrading this one then I guess uh you you you [ __ ] it me there we go upgraded wand As well just get these cuz I’m Here nice evolve for seasons and arranges an additional explosion Grab this just gra that that that oh go upgrade Who W yeah they go to nine Okay oh yeah uh uh nope nothing killed stage complete unless Yeah have more revives revive I won’t be able to kill him in time but it’s okay I unlocked the impostor what you me say please vampire Survivor move this real quick cool we can do another one what are you doing AFK that is what he’s doing um all right do

Imposter and it doesn’t really matter matter is the Rose chicken okay so I need what is this going into it’s the big beam okay slash Guess I could have done a normal last stage but it’s fine uh yeah let’s grab that I just walk in that might take damage Okay whatever all of his things not be very interesting by R there we go that’s what I needed I’m sus give me not that that’s not what I want there we go fire more tongue better support base damage go up there we go chest should upgrade that

Yeah for at PR seasons whatever I don’t think we’ll we’ll make it that long but B I don’t even know what the s’s are doing maybe more Okay maybe I should have gotten me give uh yeah [ __ ] it whatever yeah this stage I have to walk around oh he’s calling down what the [ __ ] uh yeah fully upgrade if I can fully upgrade that it’ll stop appearing in the spawn pool oh there we go sharp tongue deals high damage to the strongest enemy in anything B uh let’s get iron bu I guess kind of got what I needed so whatever on it all no what the [ __ ] oh to that Okay okay so I know triggering that every once while just spawning on an enemy and killing them instantly which is fine I guess I don’t think it’s as useful as the emergency button though Oh some up we go this should upgrade yeah there we go It upgraded cool it’ll bounce a bunch I think the stage is about to end though sure duplicator uh yeah there it is he comes in and NES you okay quit so I 15 minutes of M SP 15 minutes

With impostor Arena unlock sharp tongue and then I unlocked the engineer engineer they actually added a ton of [ __ ] guys mealo impostor Arena suspicious looking enemies of the lucky swipe cool uh I think I wanted to go to a little bit of Minecraft Minecraft I assume you’re not here Erie he is

Not uh instances is play Minecraft Minecraft okay cool it’s working on It who’s got a nice amount of achievements today well not a ton but you know I don’t think I have a ton honestly what are the global achievements for these gen okay that’s whatever glass Fango there’s still some stuff I got to do I guess this said no more looking at at that

Okay stop look at me man I haven’t actually eaten dinner yet think about it let’s see what uh let’s see what Drew did because I know that they are playing I think it was yesterday earlier in the day so let’s see oh hold on let me make this go faster for both of

Us AE owie mhm the boy [ __ ] my mic was muted from where I was in my bed oh damn we Minecraft Minecraft it’s not letting me just go out and boot up the server the other way we switched to a valesia 6 so that way we’ actually be like an play like an

Update dat Minecraft version all right I don’t know if you actually wanted to join or not but H maybe Okay Val Hill it’s like Val v a l h e l s i a if you were like I uh let’s see is the installation Pro process for the slog or what shouldn’t be now uh Saturday like M we we like switched mods and it was only like 10 minutes max

Okay let’s take a look at what this actually does exploration engineering uh combat sorcery building emerging okay let’s see let’s see what do you have to do to actually like download it and whatever um so I use at launcher you can use like curse Forge and stuff like that if

That’s what you have but um yeah I use at launcher and then in it you like create an instance and then you boot it up through that instance and then you just uh join the server through the stuff I posted in the Discord um see launch download Windows Ma I accept the agreement

Next Bing Bing Bing uh what was after uh having installed at launcher so you’ll you’ll go through the packs you’ll find Val Helia 6 okay Val Helia 6 I just typed the it in to the Discord oh I have it open on Google but

If I can just find it in the in the thing then we MH X search uh Val a six ignoring the other is it I new instance I assume it’s not create server but assum no yeah new instance okay yeah log in with Microsoft hellow that’s me that’s my account

Accept I love Xbox Live I love Xbox Live Xbox Xbox this site can’t be reached reload please they’re logging in my Microsoft account I can complete cool I go back to AC launcher it’s me please let me in please new instance heia six install all righty downloading resources oh there we

Go why is this game lagging H Minecraft Minecraft Alters Shrine the Mountain risk of rain but in Minecraft it’s rain but in Minecraft a man selling a loader we oh that’s [ __ ] Jimmy’s thing over there okay this is [ __ ] domain expansion his domain expansion [ __ ] reference name you fortnite things has a point while you’re playing Lego fortnite Lego fortnite cuz you won’t install fortnite

That’s true that’s true that is the reason that is the reason yeah Jimmy found this item where he just creates a giant [ __ ] Cube and he calls it his domain expansion just this just takes up space that’s reallyy [ __ ] funny how are you doing it’s been a while how does he get

Up there I don’t know well well he’s he’s got the the like Wing ayra things um and I he just used the item while he was midair and it just created it midair I don’t know if he’s actually treating that as a base or not but let’s

See instance tab yeah it’ll be on the right side right there it is uh let’s see play then you’ll hit play yeah we uh does this come with a what’s it called a graphic overhaul or is is that like no it’s all it’s all base stuff God damn all right yeah you’ll I

Guess you’ll have to do that by yourself and then something that also supports Valia hello at launcher Jimmy made [ __ ] Mountain I believe true good old Jimmy [ __ ] Nick just stole a villager’s house for himself oh man yeah it’s a nice house though but yeah colonizer damn Magic Door and he’s making a

Farm I philosophically opposed to Nick’s I know exist here’s the chicken farm he co-opted by sealing it we oh up so you’ll um you’ll hit add server and then in the second line if you look a little up above in the the Discord you’ll see the the like my name and then

The the do me and that’s what you’ll use you’ll put in that tab we copy oh we got a knife for this Minecraft progress yay narrator off that’s right no thanks rent to Ser rent to server now let’s see what do you mean fov normal if fov ain’t 90 then go bust video

Settings uh lello V Sync refresh rates see what he’s done was last year Sol window no I won what you what do you out of curiosity what do you think is an appropriate run button for Minecraft uh it is so [ __ ] situational in Minecraft I use R shift

And WW why you also use r yeah I also used we’re clowning on Jimmy for it I was hoping you’d see the light no I mean what’s it called I like having options cuz Minecraft has Park well not parkour mean no it does have parkour

Mechanics can all of them are all of the I need ww ran shift ridiculous actually no I forget if I I forget if I had left shift bound to sneak or not cuz I know I know I used to have it also down to run at the very

Least my left shift is run and then my left control is Crouch which is also a button on my mouse which I use with my thumb no I don’t like that what do you mean because what’s it called because the the the the Crouch bun in Minecraft isn’t just crouching it’s also avoiding

Falling off a [ __ ] building while you’re While You’re Building [ __ ] yeah I’m just using my thumb for that on my mouse yeah no I want to dedicate my [ __ ] mou to to that task what else are you using your mouse thumb for I [ __ ] what’s called gripping the mouse [ __ ]

Not having to worry about taking a break from placing 50 blocks to [ __ ] grow to stretched my [ __ ] wrist and then uhoh I fell off the goddamn map because I let go of the [ __ ] mouse that I use to not only look around and place blocks but also to [ __ ] stop falling off

Said blocks actually ridiculous oh we I like to masturbate with my right hand and not buildings with my left hand let’s see frame rate GUI scale brightness done this is not full screen why isn’t it full screen this is lying to me it just is lying to me borderless okay borderless sure

Multiplayer uh online players offered by third party servers yeah I understand uh holy [ __ ] I do not care Microsoft add a what do you call your what what is your server name and why shouldn’t I change it to something horrendous uh you can change the server name to whatever

You want it’s the address you have to use what I put in otherwise yeah server name you can put it wherever you want dot dot dot Yik cuz it’s literally only for you okay we all righty sleeping will clear up the sky and stop storm or rain this

Is slimes do exist dot dot dot I think you’re here join in World dot dot dot my eyes uh oh [ __ ] books uh let’s see options video settings this isn’t real full screen here’s real screen nice let’s see Advanced peripherals let’s see if you sp in uh you’re probably over there you

Want to head just right or uh the E dictionary I’m not reading all this worn note yeah I didn’t uh I’m not reading all this Dynamics V I’m not reading all of this we oh [ __ ] what the hell no the mod bounds [ __ ] are to [ __ ] shaders reloaded that’s [ __ ] yeah yeah it

Did oh God I hate this so goddamn much holy [ __ ] Jimmy had the exact same problem hello chicken a [ __ ] there’s a lot of UI elements I’m going to have to turn off let’s see here video setting no Quality oh [ __ ] there it is video settings mini map no extras how do I disable health bars and mini map uh options mini map’s actually pretty useful um okay um equality FPS use persistent mapping getting customization um actually don’t know let’s see here because I’ve never thought about turning those off no [ __ ]

Few popping quality GL to the working class we whoa do you know that I’m looking at a grass block well uh yeah I don’t know where those might be hello little a Google question the lower dogs I don’t want no I need to disable [ __ ] Minecraft

Steps God damn it I do not like that I don’t I don’t want I don’t want the game to [ __ ] tell me everything especially when it’s stuff I already know that’s resource packs oh this is not what I want what the noing studios no leave me

Alone I’m sorry on the wrong butn please moing I promise I’ll be good please Daddy Notch I’ll be okay even though he doesn’t own it anymore this can sounds all right that’s my [ __ ] volume man okay those subtitles on I agree all right speaking go let’s look

At the controls is that not how you make books anymore I need a oh wait yeah books are something else you need leather right [ __ ] books are leather yeah okay what attract some seeds I think all right we’re making [ __ ] an animal farm uhoh oh God I hate that I [ __ ] hate that

Uh let me ell let Nick because he had ideas for an animal farm did you have an animal F before I just start doing it and he’s like actually I think this is a better way run what do you mean run speed no let’s control uh sneak BR Or I know he’s playing Modern Warfare but yay I love pressing guard or run I love pressing hard or run yay that’s nice now I never have to let go of the key I use to run I keep expecting the scroll wheel to work like it does in Lethal company go

Exact opposite way I’m scrolling great great asset uhoh all right options where are ti tips tips where’s the shovel ability guide I don’t need this video settings what is this is that what okay other wood cuz I’m going to want some wood for this uh no okay we any M

Levels no thank you General oh I guess I can’t search can farm near chicken farm okay I can do that language resource packs I guess I’m just I I guess I’m just not going to look at the bottom left corner of my screen wait what’s at the bottom left

Corner of your screen uh [ __ ] tips whenever I press when iuse the game oh yeah oh yeah I guess I have that too huh I didn’t even [ __ ] notice ni uh oh I cannot hear you there you go oh sorry I just wanted to make sure my microphone turned up you

Good uh oh Nick what have you done what are you talking about here uh oh what have you done well I’m booting up valesia 6 uh oh for what purpose Minecraft what is that Minecraft explain it in great detail I’m gonna let Google do that for

You Nick how do I turn off the mini map and also the tips I is Yuri actually playing Minecraft yeah he’s the Ser right now quiet you wait what is that from oh my god oh that’s from [ __ ] the office oh [ __ ] did either of you watch the office uh

It’s been a while but yeah um do you remember the like the Halloween episode Yuri where it’s like uh uh Michael has like the character on his shoulder and DWI comes as like the emperor and he’s like talking to the fcking puppet on Michael’s shoulder oh I do remember that

Granted I’ve seen like every episode multiple times so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that [ __ ] shot where do I just like quiet you to the gowi um to answer your question Yuri it’s Jay to bring up your mini map and Jay to or escape

To get out of it he wants to like remove it from his screen though so he never has to see it you don’t like map I don’t I also don’t like the health bars how do I remove the health bars that I see when I hover over in another person

Um I don’t know Jerry of the river it’s me Jerry of the river it’s you it’s me D greyman from hit video from Hit anime d gyman uh we’re all kind of over here is I’m over here okay just you would make that observation but here’s meing my observation okay just make it

Chair oh no it’s not J it’s m sorry I forgot yeah this one it’s m well yeah I don’t know if the game will let you not have that are yall exploring somewhere no I just went over to his spawn I’m coming back to the our houses I’m going to start creating a

Library and I need leather to do that the library of Rua yeah oh man I need to get a free technology another good purp purpose to farm cows no yeah that’s I was asking about the uh the Animal Farm if you had like an idea or something

About it it’s a metaphor for the Soviet Union your people Yuri uh oh I have dirt I can make this better well you know what time it is what time murder hobo time dirt dirt dirt where’s dirt we are the dirt we are the dirt people I require live

The uh do you want handouts or no no okay unless I explicitly ask in the same way I might ask where it’s like like [ __ ] I need to [ __ ] collect I need to collect 50,000 uh stacks of uh cane sugar does anyone already have 50,000

Stacks of cane suar then I will ask okay we where are these damn CS make the pen for them first right very true but you could also just like I have uh leads on me so I’m just going like [ __ ] take them oh okay uh I think you can

Leave I don’t know if you can leave but yeah I’ll make the pen first just to make it easier for also what difficulty are we playing on normal oh I’m on fire never mind fire how do you change the difficulty um inherently the server is just on on that I can change the

Difficulty later on if you want but we might have to restart we’d have to restart the server though good news I want is that what you’re gonna say h good news I’m that’s okay I’m gonna spend my first night in This Server the same way many a noob spends their first night in

Minecraft yeah a actually it’s not a hole it’s my murder hobo Shack it’s even wor same idea why can’t I eat seeds cuz you plant the seeds no but like like yeah yeah but like I could eat seeds in real life without having to you know plan unfortunately you’re either just some

Items you can’t eat in Minecraft that is unfortunate when do the developers add come um they can hardly add three mobs you have to pick you have to make them choose one of them that’s true that’s true it all up to one yeah meanwhile mods have been

Implemented for more than this the time it’s been alive an hour is spent hey guys uh vas here there are monsters outside my door or are there do you want us to go to bed is that what you want I don’t have a bed I have a

Murder hobo I have a my murdering and that’s it I only have some seeds and some dirt that’s all I got dude I have 41 Cobblestone I’m loaded damn bro what are you going to make with all your Cobblestone I’m I don’t know a castle interesting [ __ ]

You know those [ __ ] you know those [ __ ] tin mob bosses in [ __ ] uh risk of rain returns that’s what I’m going to build yeah okay I’m going to crush your puny teleporter little man yes ooh I got the shakes I got the shakes I have one egg maybe I’ll be able

To spawn a chicken friend to keep me company just cook the chicken a no I want a friend and I want that friend to be my pal why are you here you playing Minecraft right Jimmy why haven’t you seen Ultra kill videos you you Minecraft right oh do you need wood Co

Rud hey if you hold tab you can see whoever’s online in their little profile you’ll never believe this but I’ve played Minecraft for more than five minutes I don’t think he has what I’ve never heard him I might as well tell you know me I like passing on the

Knowledge yeah Yuri stop being stop being mean he’s just trying to make sure you understand yeah don’t be ack glory to the working Nick do you need wood I just went and chopped some you have you live by trees that’s what I mean I went and

Chopped some because I live in a forest man why you why would you ask me where my house in Minecraft is um that way if you did like you know take over one of these houses I’m not just stealing from you all right uh I did uh choose a house that’s close by

Okay is a San when I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll is it your domain expansion in the sky is that your house why do you call domain expansion it’s a doain exp yri what do you mean it’s a doain I do not believe for a second Yuri I literally have actually I

Do not believe you I think you’re a big I was gonna say something never mind how do you even get the [ __ ] out there if you come to me I’ll show you only I can make it up there with magic here where where you at have to do hard that he’s back at

Spawn oh back yeah he’s spawn uh is he in is he a part of our group no only Drew can do that of course a why do we [ __ ] let Drew do anything in this game I don’t know it’s really on us all right I’m going to find

You actually I’m going to go to them goodbye we at Nick’s house yeah I’m I see you on the map I’m here to help I think I’m going to place it around what do you think I’m just here like where do you think I should place it do you think we should

Clear some land maybe that’s not a bad idea inherently I always kind of make it a big like hole in the ground that they can’t get out of but I don’t know y I’m flying in the air I’m Superman where are you see I’ll have it a couple like

Blocks down and then I’ll have like a fence uh so that way they can’t get up and then there’s like a fence next like a ladder next to the fence that they can climb so I can get Jimmy how do I turn off my mini map you don’t

Probably why why would you want it off like I don’t like it God you’re also don’t like what’s it called I also don’t like the what’s it called the the health bars over mobs I don’t like that let’s clear these the smaller the smaller ones

Let’s go these trees out yeah yeah I to be fair I did not care for it when it started um um it’s a little too small for because I’m used to it being bigger a man a man oh man There He Go where are you I’m trying to [ __ ] you you like the

Trees you understand Jimmy I’m a murder hobo I only I the wood you guys want to see something really I’m going to show it to them cuz I can actually find them hold on where uh oh Jimmy Jimmy [ __ ] how could I forget our gang right our gang Our Gang Our Gang Our

Gang y guys you guys want to see something cool I would recommend getting out of the clearing Mo move over here move over here move over here okay okay we’re trying to make this cow Farm here Jimmy look you ready yeah domain expansion over this give me a character who uses

Lightning oh my God lightning uh Ryden from revengeance all right Ry from too boom jeez right in it’s not like riding from Vengeance at all Nick that is very nice I have seen that before I believe certain enemies can do that attack against us that’s

[ __ ] you look at me you see me now you don’t you just took your hat off and get now look behind you now look behind you hey yo what the [ __ ] hey look over he’s just Ving bro what the hell don’t wor about him just going yourself Ben just going

To kill yeah Ben look at me okay I’ll build more fences [ __ ] where I go still right here you’re still right here no I’m not you idiot oh my God [ __ ] this guy that’s still technically yeah he’s dead so oh he dropped Ash let’s go all right who wants

The B dropped ass let’s go who wants the book of Shadow CL JSU no okay give me your [ __ ] web you’re you just understand you’re not good enough to own a book what got him my guess as soon as I find you I’m I’m treating you with the uh the ryen from

Revengeance you have to turn off your mini map first you can’t do it the [ __ ] normal way he I get spawn he’s not I looked around and he wasn’t there you ran really far from Spawn I guess cuz he was there when I saw Yuri

Turn on your map oh my map my map is on I can’t [ __ ] turn it off yeah make it so that I can see you on my map oh you’re dumb actually yeah I don’t understand why we let Drew Drew do everything cuz he’s not going to [ __ ] play it for now

On he’s like I’m not really feeling Minecraft yeah we’re [ __ ] loser [ __ ] how do I make these again um here I made I made I made them I made them I made them oh I don’t need those anymore thanks but it’s an R user H it’s an R

User that’s it when I see I’m using the book of Ryden uh we should go one deeper then oh um I’m actually going to mark my house and then I’ll just share it with you guys just so you know which which house I plan on taking over what house you

Plan on taking go what like a I [ __ ] I [ __ ] hate [ __ ] white people I [ __ ] hate white people people listen is the spot to go all right put in chat there you go that’s the plan that’s the one I plan on sticking with why are you now just getting

Upgrades uh because I’m a murderer I live for the mines wow imagine needing to mine instead of adventuring oh wait no that I I’ve played this game enough times to know what I’m going to be doing for 90% of it uh yeah coming yeah I know you I know you I know you’re

Kind what kind is that what kind is that explain that one me the kind who comes in this work oh I just saw Yu I’m just Gathering more wood no uh the things should be all set for now very nice until we want toap I know you’re right under underneath Yu got to

Get them Twigs I’ll find you and I’ll kill you y you’re such a [ __ ] beta slot you need to relax y all right um I just killed a school of fish I have a few seeds to me funky I think you’re so yeah so we jump down

Here we jump down here and then we have to do here and then that and it ends up half the time being too complicated for cows to manage do you think maybe we should put like a think that way mobs don’t come in you’re that’s not a bad

Idea actually I actually made some glass for the um I think we just need to collect some more I may have some left over there yeah let’s put some cows in first before we have to Corral them through a doorway you with my strongest weapon you can you you can do that your

You’re not going to kill me I’m just too I’m built different all right I’m going to go find some cows sounds good oh y get out my Mur get out my murder Shack Yu I just want to show you something cool what’s that huh let me show you the r and shogen oh

My God the Ry and jogan wow that was very unimpressive all right that’s it you’re dying to it hey Jimmy all right [ __ ] this I’m leaving you mind helping me get some sand uh yeah I’m on my way buddy don’t worry I have a I have an efficiency to

Um thing don’t worry guys I have an efficiency coefficient at least to all right I’m going to go to the to the ocean that’s above that’s far north to get you sand yes it’s the Supreme sand has an S on it can we ban jimy mer

Why uh I want him to stop talking like that you mean the Discord server or I don’t know pick one you can still use Discord if he black tier H solve it solve it yell at M it’s oh so now it’s our problem eie yeah it is your problem gonna handle that one

Now that you just don’t care any that’s right that’s right idiot why am I an idiot why am I an idiot you’re the one getting called a cuck by me that actually never happened you never happened Yuri yeah you’re not real Yuri you’re a figment of our imagination this call what are you

Talking about one of these days you guys will take your schizophrenia medication holy [ __ ] until God not this day not this thing oh I have shoes that’ll make Creepers not look at you who wants them I’m not a coward SL That’s So Random oh yeah I have these I want them

I want them all right yeah uh they’re called they’re the [ __ ] cat slippers and their literal thing is uh creepers avoid the wear they’re the slippers of being beta males I’m not wearing them sounds like a uh a beta male trying to become a male what damn bars yeah he’s

Spitting God damn you just destroyed using back and logic Ben dude I just came across a random Treasure Chest who wants it who wants it the just the chest part I get what2 fortnite gift card who wants uh potion of water bring okay cool I found bigs oh Heart of the

Ocean you found what pigs very nice we need carrots that’s good to know they’re here that’s a skunk um how much sand do you need a lot I know I’m going to need a lot but don’t give me do it yourself I okay coward what do

You mean coward I’m going to do myself using the power of friendship God such a coward yeah that’s me anyway I can’t wait to destroy you in Mortal Kombat Jimmy how did you share it oh wa share way point CH here we go yeah there you go

So now we how do around here it t yeah yeah t and then left click died I don’t know why I I accepted that cuz it doesn’t that was that was literally for Nick yeah so he knows where the pigs are later on I’m doing

M we need like close to 200 blocks Jes CHR uh but I already have 40 we basic I have trying to make glass I have two full Stacks as of right now okay Spike o gold pants in Fire chargers and a Logitech core um also yeah and that

Litech computer and my domain expansion home um oh my God this guy um I have a air compressor for some reason anyone needs air to be compressed okay very cool and normal Gody you are okay what do you say I Nick I I at least have about what

You need sounds good I also have some sand as well let’s hope I have enough coal cuz I’m pretty sure I just I have tons of coal okay I grind for the homies so they can build their world I’m just a wee little farmer here bring CU I have

Zero [ __ ] I have to remember I have to I have to relearn the [ __ ] muscle memory for parkour what’s your sprint button uh I I said our gang earlier so ridiculous it’s how why explain to me why is ridiculous what do you mean just use the shift button like every other

Game what do you mean Crouch with left control like all other games sneak is so sneak more too far too far what do you nor comfortable sneak is so much more useful in this game as left shift you need it more a lot more often especially when you’re building [ __ ]

What do you normally use for crouch in games I normally I normally use left control see but the thing is you don’t have to hold it down when you’re crouching for in you do have to hold it down no you don’t accessibility settings sneak yeah there’s the option to do that

The thing is I disconnected on accident [ __ ] uh oh the thing the thing is in most games you only need to crouch for like a few seconds at a time or press the button every now and again it’s not like a thing you need to use often and

I’d rather left shift is is more comfortable as a as a bun that you actually use a lot of the time so much more comfortable and you know what Ben I’m pretty sure be Canadian uses R I don’t care what [Laughter] Canan just remember James I was trying

To vouch for you but just so overpowering I just so overpowered by brons I’m like damn brillians I’m like damn y’all couldn’t just respect the fact that this guy likes to play this game a certain way no I can’t respect Jimmy I do the same way I still don’t respect sorry he’s a

Pu forgets his own [ __ ] I’m both here what do you mean uh no you’re neither I’m neither you’re neither oh Nick on let me give you that same uh please drop it did drop hell yeah you inside yeah you I’m in the mines just collecting some C why are you

In the mines wait are you collecting Dam it we back in the mines dropping all the same we are back in the mines and I’ll give you like 11 blocks of coal adios oh thank you very much you’re welcome you’re welcome ask for anything

I I most likely have it at least when it comes to the basic resources yes okay when it comes to having sex with women yeah I probably have it yeah you have nothing in your hobo Shack herei I don’t want my hobo Shack hold on I have a made outfit I

Have I have a what’s it called I have some rope I have a ball gag I have two I have I have a ring gag I’m Lantern I want this I have a few dildos Jeremy I don’t have it Jeremy jemy name is Dildo Jeremy you’re you’re

Not gay and you name I’m not gay I’m not gay I’m not gay Jamie if anything you’re gay if anything I’m homophobic I’m allowed to say that I like him whatever usually I have a ton of armor in my chest if anyone wants it I have a lot of in my mouth dumbass

Anyway yeah I’m not now that you just got publicly owned you should start apologizing to me yeah I got a couple pickaxes you guys can just uh go into my AA and just take whatever you want I’ve hidden all the best things you guys you guys can’t get

It you guys any cows in there I got cows yeah we need cows I have a couple eggs in here hold on that’s not a cow do you know how cows are cows are not laid you don’t know that you never seen I’m pretty sure don’t made me come over

There and use my doain expansion your house it’s really annoying to break down it took me a while to [ __ ] open that thing up up over there you know I’m going to go to it right now hey Jimmy um o that wasn’t okay you know like in

Roblox like Tommy terico oh yeah that’s right from from H bomber guy right right guys right no Yuri what do you mean no what did I do wrong no one here gets that reference except James that’s right that’s right what do you mean but that’s it that’s it that’s

It there pressure is in this I am going to punish you for disobeying me Nick it’s almost uh insert any burnable buckets of lava let’s see what happens when I add more hold to this [ __ ] air pressure oh no it exploded Nick why no not Nick Jimmy

Why uh eie I don’t I know how to use an air compressor uh it compresses air [ __ ] what do you mean yeah but what happens when it reaches above its bar didn’t me my pickaxe broke something dangerous happens that’s what happens oh there’s your you ever seen opener that’s what happened yeah

That’s what Happ you compress the air you split the air oh I can hear it no don’t break don’t break don’t break don’t break come on please absorb all the air okay long as it doesn’t explode in my face and kill me I’m fine right uhoh well

Well all right I’m going to fill up these air canes the highest that I can only 25 this is my favorite way of building the [ __ ] in [ __ ] Minecraft dude I can’t wait to build uh uh nomadic um armor like literally [ __ ] on the [Laughter]

Back hey is it daytime no it’s 1:17 a.m. according to the mini map [ __ ] yes no yeah get used to it it’s only day no I hate this I hate this I hate this what biome you in Yuri um biome it says on the mini map

You’re uh yeah yeah there it is I’m the not a [ __ ] biome not a [ __ ] fantastic yay all right I’m going to go eat dinner cuz I haven’t eaten yet so I’ll be right back I’m just grabbing food and Bre I can’t believe we have to entertain your

Audience on stream I can’t believe we are goddamn all right guys so now that B’s gone are we finally ready to talk about the truth of what happened that day on 911 911 no let’s get political let’s get political let’s get political want to get political Yuri explain um Jesus

Christ uh JoJo character fair enough you heard here first folks I’m making a hole Jimmy I’m making a hole what H you ready to beat your Deon you will never escape from this Hall okay you’ll never understand what it what it’s like to repressurize air canisters with an air compressor in this

Game why are you still on about this I don’t don’t know what else to do with it it’s kind of useless as far as I know I’m just filling up canisters of air halfway shagy indeed in the hopes that one day it’ll be useful I can’t believe Ben just

Died I can’t believe that’s how he sounds like when he’s eating dinner yeah honestly kind of su I we’ve never noticed it before now stop making that sound you’re not going to break on me speaking of breaking uh domain expansion Yuri I you will it’ll take you

Two days to break my domain expansion yeah two Minecraft days that’s like 10 minutes that’s it I’m sending over a ryzen uh Bullet at you Jimmy coins are martial art what you know what I’m talking about if You’ either played Ultra kill or seen Max

Wars Ultra kill video uh I have not um is that the new one that came out no it was from a year ago then no I’ve also I’ve also sent it to you in a DM whoa that is an infinite range uh you have infinite game yeah I know

You no I have Minecraft on my phone so Nick I just shot a bolt across the map to where I think Yuri is and I thought it disappeared but it it just landed like a minute later it has infinite range that is quite lit it’s actually really [ __ ] awesome stop making unpressurized

Sounds I wonder if this Burns things we’ll find out n can I test shooting my bolt of lightning it at your house to see if it burns it down now we this [ __ ] crazy who’s the crazy one here who’s the crazy one here Nick you or the no wait

Li me or you for not wanting your ass to get burned down I think you’re a little crazy if you’re not trusting me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] I forgot to build a [ __ ] shovel [ __ ] I knew I was forgetting something just use your

Hands [ __ ] I I had no idea what you just said just use your hands oh no I don’t want to do that all right Nick just don’t be anywhere near the bolt of letting I’m shooting at your house I’m in my house I’m sure you’re at the very top of your

House so as long as you’re not there you’re fine right yeah I guess so sorry why does a wooden axe have seven attack damage because axes are actually really good uh yeah axes yeah they’re I mean they’re axes here uh they just have a slower swing speed and I think I

Missed the tip of your house so you’re fine nice eventually it’ll have a mountain and and then I’ll be I’ll be scared by it Jimmy I’m already scared of goddamn everything you’re I’m almost done filling up my sex canisters of air your sex canisters did I hear that correctly

Sex canisters of air no Yuri what do you mean no Yuri am I incorrect have I made an incorrect observation you did Yuri don’t call me bad don’t call me bad don’t call me bad Yori oh my God that’s not my name that’s not my name that has never been my name

Yori Yori Yori you are getting what’s coming to you I swear to God I’m going to in the Harry Potter dungeon Urton no don’t call me don’t call me don’t call me Sith don’t call me Si the wolf God no I’m not a furry I swear to God

Please how much air pressure is in this guys give me your so right it’s a lot of pressure can I like turn off by hitting it yay I’ll put refill because it’s taking oh that’s good uh if only I knew how to use the [ __ ] nomatic stuff it’s it’s kind of cool ah

[ __ ] see fish in the water I’m killing it with my lightning why why must to be so lwd y’all will never guess what’s sitting in the chair outside the patio right now I’m on my way don’t get to CL a Wandering traiter hello I’m coming over to kill him no no

I meant the traitor I don’t have any emeralds tra you how the [ __ ] am I supposed to trade with you dude he’s just balling get the [ __ ] off my farm get the [ __ ] Ender if I just look just don’t put your cursor on him dude dude’s chill as but I want

To Nick I got this back up no my my home all right you’re coming over to say hi all right I got I got oh I already thank you I have one two three four it’s only three so it’s not useful I have Bas I have basically five stacks of glass

Right now big you’re welcome you’re welcome thanks thanks yor oh my God Enderman whoops whoop you I’m killing this guy in front of your house don’t mind don’t mind don’t why would you do this I’m just gonna put for why Jimmy for why I want his leads goodbye my [ __ ]

Farm listen I didn’t do anything to your F your farm actually doesn’t do anything you destroyed two of my seeds back up see okay all right don’t don’t yeah it doesn’t it’s those guys tree me hold on what happened to cosos [ __ ] guys do that though oh um

Probably that the crows will also come steal your seeds oh that’s also true you’re going to probably want to do this under like a roof or something cuz the crows actually are the most annoying things in this game or just do what I do

And just get a [ __ ] ton of sand and make a glass Dome around it yeah also that but yeah know actually yeah it it’s most likely the crows you will lose all your seeds that’s okay it’s not okay Yuri Yuri anything to feed the crows I like

The crows what about you Yuri you’ll starve I don’t care I’ll bring Yuri food here [ __ ] I had it coming I had it coming Yuri will just not eat and every time he loses hunger and just dies he’ll just respawn with full health again and just keep repeating the

Process I mean it works it does work no I didn’t fly like Um Ben what the [ __ ] my [ __ ] seeds what do you mean you you you [ __ ] Undead one of them that’s not how running Works see where does Yuri live around in my home dumbass yeah it’s like the entrance to a cave that’s funny it’s my murder sha he’s like

Smeagle the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this place about his home he just what is this giant hole in your living room my Mur M do you Mur where are oh yeah I’m on that P this is just how I designed my f my architecture here do you want to what we

Make this better what smallmouth bass why are you giving me food here’s a why are you here’s one wool I will accept two more wool no go get yourself I don’t want to kill a sheep for or get the resources to work for it this [ __ ] guy doesn’t want to do what

Do you mean just get shears can make shears yeah you just make shears yeah that requires iron though right no you can use wood you want Iron oh okay in that case I will do that [ __ ] yeah you can use what Oh wrong mod pack never mind you can’t

Thanks thanks for seconds of my time other mod pack sorry what are you trying to do uh survive damn that’s crazy anyway what does that mean why have you get Jimmy what the [ __ ] a to I must go the The Colony that I have um founded is needs me Jimmy why did you

Give me one of three food and then two of another this this takes up four inventory slots Jimmy you’re like counting calories these will make me fat Jimmy why don’t you understand I like how Yuri lives behind this huge ass [ __ ] Mound yeah I found an incline so I turned it into a

My Cline [ __ ] is this bro what are you it’s my ho my murder Shack can I ask why you’re building it like this you’ll see you’ll all see Jimmy’s just in the wall who are you guys looking at oh what the [ __ ] oh oh my God you do that what

You ever do to your oh my God where did e go I love this thing outside God it like teleports me really far eie hello look at me it’s you oh wait hold on I can’t Shear you why can’t I Shear you oh I’ll Shear you I’m going to Shear your balls you’re

Furry I’m trying to Shear you why can’t you oh Jimmy you got those boots what the [ __ ] are those what are those my oh my God I almost go H yeah I’ll bring them over hold on there he goes nice place got here I’ll see if I want to give you guys anything

Else got I [ __ ] hate you for for taking this Colony Yuri I have a gift in the other Discord fck useless cool doesn’t like food you should know that damn no things than I’m full yeah don’t thinks I’m full how am I supposed to eat this

Without my drink yeah do you guys know about anything else in in the mod pack that we have for this damn game no and I don’t plan finding out outside naturally all right cool so we’re just so you’re just playing regular Minecraft yeah we’ll just play Minecraft until we run

Into [ __ ] I imagine as we explore we’ll run into some crazy new thing and be like hey what’s that Jimmy’s impatient he can’t wait that long yeah well I need to figure out what the [ __ ] to do with like half the ores I have like is that

You half fun press um if you have an item you don’t know what it does just press U on it and it’ll show you everything okay the cover over the item press you hey hey yo the boots the booties I’ll give you light we could also just take these horses Ben cuz Ben

Cuz um cuz Ben cuz horses drop leather and meat oh I we could do that I guess here why did you kill them they booties here I’ll give you light thank you very much here I here I’ll give you light thund slurps the kitty I make you hungry I see

A chicken hold on you’re chicken friend all right let’s see is it cooked chicken how do you equip these it is you just put in your inventory yeah yeah yeah oh yeah it’s your it’s your additional inventory how do I mod in the guilty gears strive music to replace the default

Music I imagine that’s not actually that hard yeah I believe it hurry up Nick I’m trying to keep you alive by making sure there’s light there’s enough late this guy die if I put red meat sugar apples golden apples or enchanted golden apples make horses mules and donkeys follow you okay

Nole die um Nick [ __ ] move in the middle of nowhere you need to relax you do need to relax you’re die by mobs you’re here relax stop calling my home the middle of nowhere oh he’s got a point though to create a way point make this horses confirm going home damn Jesus

Christ anyway you little [ __ ] start going home for the bread oh when you take damage um you will sold me out like a cat we could hello raccoon yes raccoon what the [ __ ] happening to the goddamn Sky why is it so goam right every now and again oh sorry that’s me

It’s called thunder and lightning thunder or the lightning I hear nothing I’ll show you I want to build a bridge to Ben’s house as well I feel like that’d be nice to have oh yeah that’d be pretty cool I feel like we’re great gatsbying

It right now uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh spoilers for The Great Gatsby uh oh yes hello Enderman hey does this game add like a handheld light source no ah that would been cool that would been a nice mod yeah I was actually I was hoping for that I’m sure

There’s some maybe something yeah I’m really tired of [ __ ] having to bring like [ __ ] four stacks of [ __ ] torches bread bread wheat sugar br oh here you want two more pieces of wood wool I actually for some reason have two more P yeah sure but though for

The most part I don’t like handouts but sure for the sake of having a bed sure uh fun fact we don’t sleep so the bed’s worthless I mean we could sleep all together if we’re all you know near it it still still SS a spawn point that right yeah

Yeah honestly with our play style it’s better to just keep a bed on you and then if we all just have a bed on us that way we could just be like all y want to sleep Yu y want to do any coms uh repeat that Jimmy why are you killing innocent

Creatures uh they are attacking me yay damn that’s crazy anyway anyways didn’t ask oh my God we can make a drone oh yeah yes PR you want oh you oh was shot by baby skeleton in their death position is that there’s been a death in the God yeah finally no one’s been [ __ ]

Doing anything in it so fair enough um Ben when I think you left the first night um I was flying around and I crashed at the top of your of the top of your base big brain so I died burn down your house to get to get my items I

Don’t smarter than I thought you were yeah I actually don’t believe you though uh wait you don’t believe me in the fact that I burned it down or the fact that I did crash on top of your house that you burned it down you’re definitely capable of crashing into

It damn right this is not a good track record that you have here I’m just gonna say no no hello of zombies press you on it hello 50 Oak planks my only Oak Oak planks in fact time to take all of you and turn you into sticks my only friend Oak

Planks ancient codex Miss J I’m in water those armor many other things made of what the [ __ ] what [ __ ] can I just make a codex right now [ __ ] I do the well that’s kind of cool guess I’m just making a couple codexes how do I make infused 224 Pages

What the [ __ ] yeah learn uh get to learning 341 oh I want to try this thing on someone who wants to die just find mobs okay so I I’m going be with you I found micro missiles micro Missles it’s smart terrain damage disabled small handheld handheld projectiles with smart guidance system and an explosive paint load micro missiles charges uh can be restored with TNT and Anvil hey guys um ladders are three sticks on three sticks on the left three sticks on the right and then one

Stick in the middle right not anymore it’s wood in the middle now so how do you how do you build a stick now how do you build a ladder now three it’s it’s the same three6 on the left three6 on the right but in the middle instead of a stick it’s wood why

In what [ __ ] Universe uh this one I guess I [ __ ] I just converted all my [ __ ] wood into sticks [ __ ] me I don’t know to tell you other than your bed evidently we tried helping you out and you’re like no yeah no hand no no handouts no handouts no handouts no

Handouts this is the true Minecraft experience hell yeah baby oh you’re getting what’s coming to you anyway damn that’s crazy anyway anyway don’t need dirt [ __ ] what you supposed to do with this piece of garbage calm down no you tell me what to do with an ancient codex uh sell it put it in a museum IDK dude you can make a [ __ ] Barbecue on a stick that’s cool onion tomato stick and cook cook Yuri on a

Stick stop sexualizing me stop sexualizing me nice Yu nice you’re nice oh my God what did I just say what did I just and where are these goddamn cows know right I’m like trying to like the thing is is like horses need to eat something to follow

You they basically Need to Be Tamed for them to follow you so yeah apples I I don’t have an an abundance but the thing is you need to relax you need to relax I’m trying to explain this [ __ ] right if we brought horses who the [ __ ] is

Playing this God awful music out here the [ __ ] I’m entertaining the end hear myself think the [ __ ] did you make guitar oh God yeah there’s so many keys there’s so many keys all right hold on the first thing thing I really wanted wait check out my stove

Guys yeah I’ll your’s Happy’s pissed ‘s pissed what if you look at him yeah I looked at him I gu look at he was looking at me man it’s fine God how do you make a stove that’s God can you can you do this my

Place to my just add a stove Pimp My Ride Please Pimp My Ride pimp my house come guys we’re going to have dinner at fishies in the water I’m going to let them live a you pacifist that’s me going to pacif pass past these nuts in your mouth

Guy anyway now that we’ve EST established Mia as a rhetorical top rical top Magic Door where the [ __ ] you get a Magic Door what does a Magic Door do a builder’s heut just a door you see outside in front of my uh Garden Oh you mean these

Oh oh oh the [ __ ] like the the magical ones yeah just the blue trees is what you oh my God okay now I can actually build a [ __ ] Builder set in my [ __ ] um Colony yes and by the way I’ve named my Colony um come toown come toown I just felt

Like you guys need yeah yeah for what reason uh for the reason that they are mine because we’re homies what is a home no no Russian nice me this is go the longer you go on the worse it gets I ha this it took me a second to process what

You were doing and you just the [ __ ] how awful it was was just starting sinking into my wait look at this [ __ ] though look at like like pick it up and look at the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah right click with it all right play something on it now play something with it

Nowes the blue trees exactly there when they give you the ash one I don’t know they look different than the ones that I I Got they just built an ad would have buil just me like an Ashwood tree you would have to look at the log and it would say magic log how the [ __ ] does anyone use this I have no idea hello potato how you doing change keyboard octave what you’re going

Different to octave yeah if you [ __ ] do the [ __ ] what’s the arrows in the top left yeah the arrows they’re also bound to like [ __ ] s and a a goes into the negatives s goes [ __ ] higher I don’t see Can you um I don’t think I have I only have

I’m glad you’re doing good I don’t have magic uh sprues would you like the planks I have 18 of them you can make I can’t click any of the teal ones yeah I think I think it goes too high for the guitar oh [ __ ] I can make a piano with

Them never mind I Ain given these up I’m K you least got six of them hold on I can’t I also can’t do yellow all right wait wait wa yeah I think it goes too high if you made a door you would have had three so you should have one spare

One no I’m I’m you have enough to make doors there I I stole your door yeah just take this door is not mine I’m trying to make the piano that’s fine I need to build the [ __ ] Builder’s Hut oh does anyone have I have twin

[ __ ] I wonder how you are up it’s where you are [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you don’t want this Redstone guitar that was made with the red stone where are the [ __ ] rocks my rockar my [ __ ] seeds what do you mean here Keys running over it doesn’t do anything must go my people need

Me now I hit my head on your roof so Goo are we just going to make a a music band yeah sure are we gonna do a full party of gers hey piano over here with the keys on your keyboard yeah he got a [ __ ] key he made a keyboard big up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are right Matt he’s in the other Discord than HP in real quick and and tell him yeah right

Matt what hold on yeah he’s going do was it the yellow tree you cut down let me see all where is this damn keyboard we can play we can make a bad come into my house and come upstairs look where I put anyway the chair oh my God

In I can hear it from all the way over here It’s definitely okay you can also play with your uh the keys on your keyboard like at the top row of your keyboard you can play with the keys uh I’m trying oh wait depending on what octave you’re in so if you’re in zero it’ll be the far

Left at the top and then if you keep going up oh okay give you higher notes in that octave range all right now this is Megalania you just press shift to go we need to stop him starting to freak it out yeah no you’re good why happen to we stopped

Him who moved this chair I did what are you going to do about it I’m going to kick your ass here well I don’t believe you have the meta perks to do that I’m to come in your house and I’m going to come in with this Enchanted iron sword and I’m going to

Beat your ass uh you can’t do that that’s cyber bullying d That’s crazy anyway attic Light Panel what display panel this game sucks hello Crow display these nuts hello Crow flying into that cave huh that’s okay goodbye little crow have you already collecting your oil my

Oil what the [ __ ] do you mean oil also what the also by the by what does H hemp to how do I know when it’s ready never mind it say much yeah oh is this not food no hemp is um it’s like G Queen yeah I don’t really make hemp

Because it’s usually just used for resources and materials yeah look it does I’m pretty sure it’s like rope or something okay that’s good to know what does what what do you use rope for so you get fiber from it right you hang yourself wow also can you build a

Scarecrow no I tried making that as soon as the crops started attacking my seeds the crops started attacking my my Crow started yeah you heard I’m sorry Hi bird hi bird but what you can do YY with the uh industrial hemp fiber is make string and there’s a lot of

Resources that Tak string oh nice I mean a lot of like things to make oh awesome this is such a useful material you can make instruments with string which is yeah I can also like use it for anything else right guys yeah you can use a you

Can make a slingshot you can make a bomb you can make a bong make a backpack I’m going to make bondage gear anyway and you’re kind of doing all that stuff Arrow bot what do I use tin for the [ __ ] oh hi should make a straw I

Need drop my a now buddy I’m going to tell you to direct those questions to this area real quick all right press e and then go in your little search bar and type in 10 hi bird all right 10 or like 10 Ingot and then um when you’re hovering

Over the tin like when it pops up just press U and it shows you all of the ways you can use tin that’s a lot of stuff and I don’t know what any of them mean yeah that’s why I said there’s a lot of stuff you

Can make a flamethrower yeah I see that one hi Crow this is my food though you’re going to have to stay away you have to whack them away Y show them who who their Master is show them who the owner of your cave is up up above the world so high like a

Diamond in the sky Jimmy a [ __ ] ah [ __ ] [ __ ] skeleton my goddamn [ __ ] Farm Jimmy I’m going to need you to get some cows like alive yes fine uh actually I’m gonna go to bed soon so [ __ ] you damn uh I haven’t built my bed yet you can’t what you mean God these

[ __ ] H these buildings for this [ __ ] Colony sucks ass ass I need to go cave splunking show you splunking Splunk these oh my God you can’t say that about another human being anymore anyway just did I believe it I was there man right Matt why won’t Matt return my calls

Anymore why Matt answer me why does he keep calling me a gay little baby are you a gay little baby I’m not but he keeps calling me that and just making me feel insecure okay all right it’s cave time all right guys it’s mine time Ben are you going to sa the line

Craft I can’t believe Ben just crafted all over the place hey guys wouldn’t it be so funny if we like shared a bed together in Minecraft haha t just kidding or maybe what if I got a spare bed year you could come sleep in my house uh

Oh it was just a joke bro actually sleep in another another man’s Minecraft it was just a joke I don’t actually want you to demolish my busy ha the [ __ ] build to is [ __ ] weird build to build tool so you can start building your [ __ ] uh yeah uhoh there we go brain’s too

Big I agree I think I think therefore I come yeah I know um requires a builder for level [ __ ] am I supposed to make a [ __ ] Builder Hood it’s not letting me yay wee a oh okay this actually kind of works is it all so just yeah it is just

Still more of this [ __ ] that’s tenor can I use tin to like make uh tin uh items and stuff uh I don’t know I should have brought the dirt great job plac however enough you need to access it and click the building build button oh okay that’s kind of cool um if

You guys ever want to actually have colonies I’ve come across a couple empty ones so you guys can have uh and then they’re kind of cool I don’t know I’ve been a part of a colony so far kind of not listen you’ve been a part of a

Colony with a guy who’s not in the colony uh nor has given you permissions to do anything with the colony yeah have extra pages okay copper blood 10 yo how about some iron huh I would love some ironi would you take if you take any if

I give you any or you going to be uh no yeah that’s what I thought maybe later once when I already have a bunch of materials and like and I have a project in mind but for now no oh there’s one how about you take it anyways because you’re a good boy here

Right good boy what the [ __ ] just some fish [ __ ] now stop stop sexualizing me stop sexualizing me stop sexualizing me I’m not an object I’m not an object what someone who was an object would say oh my God that’s because I like it doesn’t mean you can treat me that way knock it

[Laughter] off oh Nick I found the wood that you that you have I think oh nice look Nick I found the wood that you stole from that colony of people that were already on this land also of that damn that’s crazy anyway godam they won’t fight back

Yeah what are they do Nick you have to address these allegations eventually damn that’s you can’t keep Sid stepping your moral responsibilities to the college mother no oh but ancient ggum ripped a homie he’s at like 10% Health hey Jimmy is there a timeline where you don’t speak like a gremlin I

Don’t know why I said that I guess to make fun of you anyway does he speak any differently I don’t know man utterly destroyed you anyway destroyed me and my my um in my person Yuri do it make you feel like a man Yuri it does actually it’s [ __ ] guy it

Makes me feel really big and strong keep your fetishes to yourself some people might say veral even anyway d give me my [ __ ] sticks H [ __ ] where did I drop down for this cave system over here oh I fell that kind of looks like it at least close enough oh yeah this is

It I got go to bed why uh I work tomorrow sucks and what do you mean it’s the holiday season I I work my the hospital does not care about holiday season people still be sick [ __ ] do you want you want help before no it’s fine all right tell them it’s Christmas

OAS it’s kusas Mary Chrysler Mary Chrysler H you know hello what hello you know get the horses i’mna I know what mean you know that mean say why can’t you just be normal why can’t you just be normal happy Christmas mer kbus it’s anyway now that I’ve successfully diffused that

Situation you’ve done nothing I hope I don’t crash help I don’t crash hope I don’t crash okay it’s still Chris Yuri still crimus happy Christmas oh hi it’s Christmas happy Mary Chrysler uh where’s the drop here I’ll give you the the the the book of Bor calus what the book calus he’ll help

You oh you went [ __ ] down here Jesus yeah B God damn Jimmy you live like this [ __ ] it’s just right click to book right yeah right yeah right click you went down you went far down damn I just used the book and damn yeah yeah it’s awes damn instant

Death how do we get up I don’t know I didn’t figure that part out yet just [ __ ] your feet yeah my feet just just meowed as you took fall damage yeah it’s great Drew would love him sucks he’s not here dude to [ __ ] appreciate them yeah nerd what feet yeah his

Feet shame he’s not here to appreciate your feet why must you be so L you’re just going deeper yeah I don’t know I need more resources so fair enough I’m going to get out of here okay maybe PR soon oh I’ll take lead actually no I don’t I don’t want

Leades where you come from oh up here oh where you come from where where really he go something something Jo I’m glad he knew the lyrics yeah got sorry all right horse you’re coming with me I don’t give a [ __ ] let on we have no

Have no uh Free Will here horse I don’t want to tame you I just want you for I just want to breed you I just want to bre you come here yeah sry hey Lion King what’s up how you doing so great being in a community of likeminded

Individuals exactly yeah man now has the book of ory calos don’t [ __ ] with him yeah Yu-Gi-Oh C yu– reference [ __ ] problem I’ll send you to the shadow realm [ __ ] yeah I’ll send you to the oral Coast realm no what is this what the [ __ ] is that iron Crystal Seed oh Jimmy come back for this Pebbles what the [ __ ] yes all right I’ve slightly made a path so if you get lost you should be able to make it back up here okay if you get lost I’ll make fun of you also that yeah all right you

Went deeper into the cave huh yeah where did the course oh the other way it was right the way don’t you move [ __ ] do you find Dam and Minecraft working on it uh you could go left and you could go right I went right or left I guess depending

Which way you looked okay cuz I was going to say okay yeah okay [ __ ] you mean nuh there a floating Crystal here definitely not sus at all yeah what the f there’s 8 bricks oh these are where these guys were coming from bricks one what the [ __ ] is that it’s up I

Don’t know a aric light it’s me Mario ancient all right um yeah just break up break up this place is AR yeah is AR yeah yeah nice Ancient Temple you got here it’s ours now sh sh to see it being destroyed yeah shame of somebody

Took all of it yeah man when do I st the bad guys I you oh you can’t revert the bricks into just regular stuff ooh the ash tile is cool I’m going to keep going deeper yummy my little my little farm I I like you I another

Horse me literally what the [ __ ] did I do [ __ ] miss the most thing what Flite or Flite I have so much of this or I don’t I’m hearing music being played right now under in this cave I don’t understand oh way I want to see it over here to your right

What the [ __ ] is going on hey do arrows still need feathers to get crafted I think so yeah it’s it’s a guy down there God damn it’s the zombie down there yeah it’s that zombie down there zombies playing jams paralysis demon down there yeah right I’m going to pick this up

Here oh I don’t know what the [ __ ] do with this Arcane Crystal what am I doing I know have fun here we go hey you have the power I killed myself I killed my [ __ ] self with it [ __ ] Jesus how did this happen where did you go something something I didn’t

Realize I could do that H I’ll be back I’m on my way dude you made him unvi he’s his music is not jamming anymore he’s his his music is not happy anymore it’s like it’s just like skipping beats nice said I kill the skeleton though not hello oh that was the

Important part you don’t [ __ ] this guy he’s dying wow I just joined you’re really going to kill me yeah you deserve it yeah but like why or’s mad I can’t believe you guys are going to push me down and have sex with me he works tomorrow week yeah yeah and I don’t so

I’ve cleared out the way I’m going to hang out for a while we uh give us permission in the [ __ ] colal so we can actually use it here’s thing I thought I did nope you did but you misspelled your that’s a cave creeper you also misspelled Jimmy’s name yeah all right

Well maybe I should uh get easier names to spell huh uh one at the end of it what do you mean yeah you don’t understand apparently now he’s the scpt I have found before I’m allowed to do that [ __ ] youit better be better that’s literally that’s literally a part of my

Job did you not did you not play God of War kros said be better do not watch the boys I didn’t play the first play the first three God of War games I am better I never play first three got of War games but he says

That in the later ones yeah he says that that’s why he’s referring to four which you I like four be better be better I don’t remember how the [ __ ] to get down there Jimmy sex jump kill yourself wait a minute Jimmy did you give me [ __ ] three fish that weren’t

Cooked yeah uh what is that what is that oh what is that no what is that what is that get away from me get away from me I know I don’t know how much of you guys have you ever have you gotten at all into any like of the modded stuff not

Really enough very tiny bit we have books of power okay I’m getting myself water so give me a minute I don’t know how to get down there and I just found a [ __ ] cave CP [ __ ] off Cave centipede that’s cool yes that’s really cool it is actually pretty

Cool also I just found a cave creeper and it’s kind of POG but it doesn’t acknowledge me I’d like to find a cave entrance I would like to have Yuri needs the sex mod I know Minecraft sex mod guys Yuri is it gonna be the never mind what you mean

Never mind what never mind PR self-explanatory so what it is where the [ __ ] is this thing much easier when I died underneath it ow these [ __ ] Maries I’m I’m making my way over hopefully it’s not [ __ ] dark for you up there something something kind of uh it’s starting to

Get dark I just need I just need to know where the is I just found out you can place sticks on the [ __ ] ground with you it does not sound safe down here probably not but I’m still like myself all right oh yeah obviously

I’m I’m going to come back up and try to guide you okay all right this way some good water that’s not a I wish I wasn’t as thirsty as I was but I am [ __ ] we get help y same yeah get help what I’m coming up toward

Toward the entrance of where it was I I put down a I put down light oh yeah here it is there we go okay oh God it’s going to be a [ __ ] to get out of here no ow I have acquired three horses three horse [ __ ] good for you I

Don’t know if I have enough health for this there you go put down water thanks appreciate it that saved me now your cat shoes you need food or you just going to get to your body I wouldn’t mind I have I have uh food on my body it

Just I’m dead yeah just you know thanks all right I’m joining connection lost forun use a different address connects to the server the address change nope you change oh nice I’m going delete and then go to Discord transfer items hell yeah thank you server yeah this looks like a nice spot

To look around at it’s a really big say incompatible version what is this Ben what did you find this is this seems to be a nice area there’s I’ve just been going in holes in the ground little SS but okay all right well there’s a m shaft over here here I God

[ __ ] you for making me want to play keep playing the game and just call in sick no I need the money I’ve been one day you’re going to help me explore this okay oh yeah all right we’re going to explore this giant horse cuck horses breed in

Minecft you have to add the in Minecraft at the end just in case need to get a golden apple or carrots to actually breed them all right this is not worth coming down here well I went down some of the side paths yeah it’s just a

Diamonds those are mine I own those but those are a girl’s best friend it’s one whole Diamond uranium yeah I take that actually I don’t know what the [ __ ] to do with uranium I have some at home but I don’t know what to do with it I told you H you

Lick it dude honestly did this is a really nice mine actually this is pretty good yeah I’m going to let you do your own exploring for this okay yeah I need to go back and drop some [ __ ] mainly because I don’t have enough resources to continue with this uh I’ll drop

You some stuff just so you can have it here hold on um I can use that like two two pieces of uh of like the the steak stuff yeah the steak there you go thank you you can get out here um you need charcoal there’s plenty around I’ll be

Fine yeah you’re right okay um you have the most you have a very defensive book so you should be fine don’t kill yourself again no promises do you want to use the sh clone G2 no it’s okay all right this B will be enough I don’t know how to get out so

Thanks I’m stuck down here now uh over by me on the map yep and it’s actually really nice having this map we actually we actually like it what is that pink thing over here oh you want you want to break it that’s pretty cool [ __ ] hell now I can’t connect up

We and I’m going to have to tame these [ __ ] to breed them instead the [ __ ] when did I become the communal [ __ ] sleeve you know when oh we need a diamond one I don’t have a diamond pickaxe oh uh here you can use this for now try this maybe I never get him

Back can you reach it okay no you one more on okay I can I can do it all right I’m in finally there we go actually if you want to K down you can I I can make another one uh I’m fine with whatever you can have Rune actually

I need something to get out here with so give me this yeah there Delta okay all right really quick I got the Delta rude hold on really quickly how do you spell your guys’ names uh hit tab r i oh I can’t hit Tab while I’m in the [ __ ] menu I you

I name capital s c u r TT y yes sir I think it was it’s literally just jimmies you messed up on yeah but there there’s a tab in there that you go into to give us more yeah I you guys are officers which I think the

Highest one Jimmy’s is capital j r m413 is that not his name he’s got a one at the end of it it’s exp all right all right Jimmy you have [ __ ] permission then no there there’s a specific though there’s a specific tab in there that gives us more permissions in the book

Uh oh F this I use my water [ __ ] they get out of here all I can do is give make you guys what’s called officers no it’s it’s like in a different tab on the book yeah I’m I that’s I’m looking but I’m I don’t see it though I’ll show you

When I get back up if you get back up you know I will I died [ __ ] no I just took I just took a lot of damage hopefully I have enough food oh wait hold hold on um okay hold I think I found something it’s not a tab it’s a

Okay I’m giving you guys all the permissions I think I’m going to need to get cows instead of horses cuz this taming thing is not going to work if I want to bre yeah I think I I think I gave you guys all the permissions that you

Need yeah good luck getting out of here Ben thanks we’ll eventually just want to make like a [ __ ] Shaft or something God it’s [ __ ] annoying to get out okay the crib o Diamond nice you us I just clear a path just so that yeah I fig once I get there I’ll

Just start mining up or something like that what the [ __ ] what the oh freaking water that’s what happened Drew don’t make me domain expans in your house oh God okay probably should have taken you up on that offer of more charcoal I’ve actually found his zero surprisingly no you’re fine you’re fine

Yeah you’re fine you you you’ll find some eventually we found three diamonds Diamond pickax do I have wood okay oh I had wood I could have made more torches for no I made buttons by accident no I made buttons not the classic mistake not the gum drop but not the come drop

Buttons not the C not the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am I supposed do with the c leg dude you can make pants oh my God that’s actually insane they’re really tough yummy water Ben get me oops five more cave legs um five more cave legs I only need five

More no I’m only watching the world die in front of me is that a world though uhoh what are these things there’s like blue lines coming from the top of the cave good Lu don’t die that’s all I I’ll do my best Jesus Christ there’s a [ __ ] a

Guy is living down here yeah it’s me yeah honestly Yuri I found Yuri’s alternate home he’s been on the server longer than we thought we just have a I’m talking about this old pickaxe a little [ __ ] zombie so Barrel a lot of raw copper some raw gold upgrade gear thing we nice

Some free diamonds jmy by time for no if you guys know where where my where my thing is um you can take whatever you want from there um okay Food Supplies glow squid glow [ __ ] why do we let him speak we lost him true War true warrior is he the uh

Is there got me so many resources and you haven’t done [ __ ] so yeah I have been living off the land I’ve been treating it right unlike you no this game is made for us to destroy it No that was the worst answer you could have given oh these more diamonds I want there to be peace in this world never uhoh Nick it appears that we are philosophically opposed sh you two must fight an arena for whose philosophy is better man who is right dang that’s crazy Nick I’m gonna

I’m going to straw menu on Twitter I have already won oh he’s got you there Bing and then I’m going to come over to your house and give you a swift punch in the face H you have given me a swift kiss on the face would have done more damage

Swift kiss on the lips uhoh uhoh uh oh uh oh uhoh a [ __ ] got [ __ ] shot yeah uh I probably want to make the diamond sword now something’s running at me what’s this uranium something’s shooting at me and I know cockroach it’s dead actually [ __ ] coaches are like phoenixes they never

Die uh are you like a phoenix maybe if you don’t think about it too hard yeah you want to test it I might be dead never mind I’m not dead oh I have one heart left I need to run [ __ ] there we go cockroach Wing fragment cool got a raccoon tail oh I

Can make a [ __ ] cap out of it say more right now right guys sure no he’s pretty based that’s pretty Bas all right I’m guessing you guys set up in like this house with all the [ __ ] uh sugarcane in front of it or the giant Tower in the sky that one’s my

House okay it seems a little unnecessary [ __ ] you it’s my house the river what’s up all right can I borrow some food yeah sure I got Drew I I got Drew in the house I got food in the house yeah oh yeah it’s a lot of food I need

Yeah I’m just going to take some of that thank you there’s you got to come back with resources uh I was going I need to mine a bunch of iron so get mining boy check it upstairs too no I’m good for now I took all your apples damn that

Was a lot I’m out of Cave guess sure1 when are we punishing him for this Behavior so anyway Drew needs to return 64 of something to me in high quality to I’ll return 64 uh of my [ __ ] into your face how about that your mouth how about

64 the prefix is on to if you can get me uh are we talking milliliters liters would be a good trade yri if he took girlfriend 64 girlfriends a girlfriend 64 girlfriend [ __ ] you what do you think Ben uh 64 leaders have come yeah there you go that I need I

Need someone to give me a real answer I here how about this I just mind I don’t know how anymore better more answer than that 33 lapis how about that that’s a terrible die lapis probably does something in this I’m I would accept food in return technically you can it is drinkable

Technically threaten to gift me come on me it’s a very valuable gift it’s hi oh no how about this Dre you in return you get a tour of my home uh I already like saw your home I looted it a while ago uh when it wasn’t your

Home fun fact [ __ ] I ACD looked at the Enderman now Ender Dre that you don’t know about what like the attic that I stole the goldf from no no no no does water actually hurt the end or does it just make them leave yeah it hurts them and makes them teleport away

It’ll hurt him for like a second depends on how long you water board them for yeah if you just hide in water end can’t actually touch you yeah that’s what I’m doing right now I just forgot if they also hurt them or not oh yeah this [ __ ] book Jimmy gave

Me uh I did ner reading a B I missed well it’s okay yeah under cck that’s one down ow there we go both dead [ __ ] is this ender pearl fragment oh I got one of those for killing him nice one of these days we’ll make peace with the natives of this land

But not today yep for today they taste steel oh for a second there I thought you said for for today they tasty if I could eat these mobs I would circle of life baby where do Enderman fall into the circle of life um sometimes we eat them and then

When we die we turn into the blocks that they carry uh oh oh man hello zombie leave me alone I’m trying to create a ladder to the bottom of the world leave me alone zombie a ladder to the bottom of the world I’m I’m going digging to the other side of

China [ __ ] is this okay um two zombies uh oh it’s [ __ ] left her dead uhoh two zombies it’s equals left or dead no glow squid just died on his own I didn’t do that glowing SEC oh God that’s a [ __ ] baby skeleton careful they’re biters oh my God this is actually ridic

He’s so [ __ ] fast there we go Jesus well I guess we just dig up now okay the that’s a lot of skeletons L of Mena my plan to build a ladder to the bottom of the world has been Complicated by the fact that there’s a lot of open space and monsters in

It that’ll do it that will do it I need to find safe passage down oh [ __ ] oh in the cave update did they [ __ ] change how the diamonds generation worked or is it still [ __ ] basically it’s still slightly higher uh but still near lava usually okay uh yeah

What is it now then I don’t know like 12 12 13 I think okay I think it was already 12 or 13 then I might be thinking of it before maybe was slightly higher I don’t know I have no idea personally so look if you’re low and you’re by lava

You’ll probably find it how about that no we have to go deeper let’s see if I die from doing this I will die from doing this never mind I’m a God anyway that’s iron that I really need that skeleton to leave me the [ __ ] alone [ __ ] is that

Ow the [ __ ] a goblin Traer oh [ __ ] hello Mr Goblin you V hello hello skeleton and you need to be like directly below me [ __ ] now I find some iron in this [ __ ] hell hole Yeah I feel like iron has been so [ __ ] rare H let’s see I really want to kill a

Skeleton and the [ __ ] zombie right next to it but this is [ __ ] a really dangerous spot to Lava right yeah it’s lava thank you Mr Goblin Trader you’re welcome why are there so many freaking zombies holy [ __ ] thank you zombie army for killing that skeleton for me Bas Bas zombies

Girl I always liked you guys I always liked you zombies that’s a lie what the [ __ ] are these glowing cave squids yeah cque who are you you are I killed him and I got glow INXS you just killed him yeah I found a [ __ ] ton of

Iron what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is Ouran well [ __ ] Arcane Crystal arcane’s a popular television show on Netflix I thought you really liked it too yikes wow that Jo gets funnier the 50th time I’m so [ __ ] happy I all right hi creeper bye creeper

Wow it’s another serving of not [ __ ] diamonds hi it’s mud why you have a tiger in your house uh I just you know what the fu mushroom cave mushrooms now I just pick all that [ __ ] up oh my I I saw a chest turn slightly

Towards me I was like what the [ __ ] is this cuz there’s a little Camp down here um and I saw it turn slightly towards me and I started like oh [ __ ] another cockroach tiger why you crying come here ah my God [ __ ] is that I’m sorry I don’t know what the [ __ ] this

Isible structure oh that’s a [ __ ] creeper holy [ __ ] I’m attacking something with a long neck is it a it’s called a murmur is it aaff [ __ ] mob spider no be Prett girl I got elastic tendons yeah all of a sudden I see this neck just pop over the mountain side run

Like right at at me are you absolutely sure it’s not a giraffe they do have pretty long neck yes uh reminds me but Giraffes Can’t retract their neck uh remind me uh how many torches are necessary to stop a mob spawner from spawning more uh like four

One pickaxe cool no I like having SP around uh yeah it’s like you just typically just put a couple of them on there on it like one on top around room and you’re good as long as any real dark spots in the room you’re fine I have no idea what the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] is oh no okay okay okay whoa almost [ __ ] died I got caught in cobwebs as a creeper explodes and unleashes a couple spiders onb me that’s not good yeah that was pretty rough almost [ __ ] died and that’s that wouldn’t be easy to get back

To speaking of not easy to get back to I need to get the [ __ ] out of here down here actually those those are just skeletons that’s fine I can deal with that easy oh zombie ass kids hold on let me deal with you firstness as high as it can be H Maybe

Uh I get how to use it okay got it now o gold twinkles that’s cool it might be time to get the [ __ ] out of this cave for now I have a great time in my cave it’s [ __ ] I hope I don’t get [ __ ] shot while building this goddamn ladder lagger oh hi okay oh yes I’m a goddamn God now I can make a [ __ ] safe [ __ ] passage down there I’m shocked how how how like how many blocks is this under my fcking house okay like 10

Blocks under my house is entire massive Cave System L [ __ ] ooh kind of stuck aren’t you a little boy there you go uh uh yeah do you want to rephrase that man it’s a little it’s a baby skeleton and he got suck in a [ __ ] web there’s a [ __ ] Enderman in my [ __ ]

Bedroom wants to sleep with you all right I guess it’s time to start going up did I forget to put torches in here what the [ __ ] man my efficiency 2 pickax broken I have a normal one and it sucks we’re not digging there uhoh isn’t that

Good uh oh ah [ __ ] I’m here now okay well okay go up a little more organically tomato seeds not as organically as I wanted uhoh okay we go back we go back we go back we up over here what we do here is go back back back

Back oh what the [ __ ] game that I’m going to die now because this game sucks what the [ __ ] was that a skill issue no the game actually it’s it’s not a big deal cuz my [ __ ] bed’s over here but that was stupid I literally mined a hole where I

Could breathe uh went up said I was getting breathe or getting breath and then the game just like no you’re still drowning actually thank God I found a bed down here Jesus hey guys can one of you tell this lazy [ __ ] to get out of my house thanks

Get out of your house get out your surely this won’t be a bad idea don’t call me shely it’s always a good idea all right cool back to the Overworld to go this way actually it’s called Minecraft a [ __ ] skeleton my [ __ ] Farm no skeleton ruin his farm good how [ __ ] dare how

Dare I was minding my own business I just came back from a [ __ ] hell hole that’s apparently technically my house Enderman still in my goddamn bedroom you only know one way to get rid of him now Yuri him sucks why did it have to be sex no that’s a [ __ ] skunk na a

Cow you can still kill the skunk for food no but we need leather we’re trying to make a cow farm and yet we haven’t been able to F find cows yet in the what does this mean for the future of Agriculture uh we’re all [ __ ] pretty much literally worst case

Scenario you might have wanted to have put things in here there we go got you thank you welcome thank you I think I’m Mur stop being so goddamn polite to each other no oh so you guys want to do something with New Year’s then are we uh

Sure we can have on my place since I’m the only one who lives alone I technically have been living alone but actually Fair yeah uh need one of these [ __ ] why must they be [ __ ] because I say so no political bias in action what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do with the

Minow eat it got oh okay well we could just stay on me and then I guess let’s go look at the book oh [ __ ] what book Town Hall book yeah I gave you guys all the permissions like you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want there so fight permission events right click blocks

Add events permission events I also gave you guys permission to give permission so like okay yay has M been on the server yet uh don’t think so I don’t know if he wants to okay I have great news the F my [ __ ] house is safe again job H didn’t

Ask he [ __ ] placed a block R next my goddamn [ __ ] bed what the [ __ ] what an [ __ ] God damn oh time to climb oh my God I have a [ __ ] grass block it’s supposed to a dirt block let thank you Enderman hope this eventually lets me teleport to places

Yeah I killed spiders what up it thought you were against that that was a skeleton sorry how did you mistake the two n both [ __ ] had a [ __ ] ass in their name like Skinwalker or charlon I also confuse spiders with charlatans right right right now we got baby pigs and baby

Chickens in the farm Yay good job big I’m so glad we baby humans in the farm as well baby Yodas that’s not what I said I know that’s what I said baby Yodas baby Yodas that’s a great idea Ben I’m glad that you postulated that and no one else I know right

I’m so a big brain far from home Jesus a that’s the Spider-Man movie yeah the Spider-Man one shut the [ __ ] door um hey Nick good uh they’re not cows but I found a bunch of Bison do they drop leather and meat I guess we’ll have to find out no they

Mostly charge at you in stage three you got to make sure that they’re not there for the teleporter event especially if they’re [ __ ] I feel like he’s making an anime joke he’s making a risk of rain joke I I I couldn’t hear him they drop meat they don’t drop

Leather no we we kind of want the leather yeah want the leather too it’s a lot of meat they drop Six meat per big boys yeah bring it on over and slab it on the stove you can cook up to six raw beef at a time raw humans yeah raw humans at a

Time on this baby oh yeah that’s what I like him is this not there’s a tool dead then here’s the ladder here’s the Cobblestone here’s I need a [ __ ] another Buton put stuff in your right uh hand usually for me it’s right it’s R but uh that reload

Shaders uh need the stuff in my right click is usually or my right hand is usually right click for me how to actually put it in your right hand like as a Hy for me it’s I don’t know for the hcky thank you Yuri we

Um that goes there are you able to use the stove cuz I’m not that is a delicate touch you basically have to have you basically just have to right click with the meat on the stove oh okay thank you it’s all bison hell yeah and then they pop up when they’re

Done which is so cool you’ll see it then they’ll pop off when they’re done you’ll see it yeah you’ll see it eruri uhoh I didn’t like that takes a while there we go all right and didn’t actually eat any of her apples so you’re having Back that’s a ton of coal Flint coal right funny joke oh I found a cow let’s [ __ ] go [ __ ] I don’t have anything to to tame him though to bring him with me though just just wait point oh [ __ ] creeper okay hold hold on hold On cow sure way point in chat there we go he’s just spinning let me get some wheat and I’ll be on my way I’m on my way Co I was just walking to Jimmy’s house and I found him just in the water a [ __ ] here we go Mo I like how Jimmy’s ball in the in the [ __ ] his domain yeah it just changes colors every so often this cow is struggling it’s so

Funny is’s best MH yeah don’t judge him Nick I’ll judge how I damn please God damn the godamn goddamn is Right Y no I mean godamn you no no no I know what I I know what you meant does anyone have a single book many B I have an entire bookshelf yeah I

Have bookshelves in my house but I’m not willing to give that up yeah cuz it’s style for me stle points yeah I don’t think that’s what the point of a book is well it’s a part of a bookshelf Yuri so I mean Yuri you know there are people

Who literally like rent out whole libraries to impress people and then uh like send them back he’s here uh oh that’s prettyy cringe also that’s a spider that’s teleporting go over the goddamn place oh [ __ ] hold on that’s like that’s like how Barnes and nobl makes money by

Shortly renting out a [ __ ] ton of books to some rich guy we that’s pretty funny all right it’s all safe let’s move this cow’s taking a sweet time hello Hannah over the goddamn Place holy [ __ ] I’m trying to build a safe [ __ ] entrance the sacred cow on the way back

Look at him go dude this cow is going he doesn’t [ __ ] want to go oh that is not a skeleton that is a [ __ ] gray Enderman what the [ __ ] oh my God he’s climbing my [ __ ] GL judging him by his color you huh I’m not judging him he is [ __ ] crazy look this

Cow get up on the land you [ __ ] stay on land come this way die he’s dead holy [ __ ] all right I’ll grab him and fly with him uhoh what um no fix these another [ __ ] Enderman God damn it I kill one and then a billion more fcking B out of the wood

Yeah you killed their friend yeah they’re going to jump you was going to happen he was just there to make sure Gast was clear Coast was not clear uh why can’t my life be easy [ __ ] going on up here oh mobs red stone arum log forbidden arconas hello Nick

Hello I love the fact that it happened right when we got the cow you DC I was wonder why you just standing there blue screen no ever do you ever get blue screens Ben uh I’ve gotten them before yeah happens every once a while yeah I don’t believe in the color blue

LEL gotten the blue screen here yeah did you just get blue screen yeah he blue screened oh okay I’m here with the counter protect it thank God a hole kid keep it protected I’m walking with them it’s G to be a long [ __ ] walk because they tend to like not pay

Attention if you’re [ __ ] I should have brought a leash have just leashed his ass Yeah cuz he is going the opposite way right now yeah [ __ ] see where it go this way should be right where you were yeah should be I’m trying to push him back the right way stop look this is you this is part of made of you go the other way what the

[ __ ] steak oh now this is the attemp I enough to accompany you okay we got to go 367 M out yeah jeez I’m going to keep looking around for another one yeah [ __ ] all right we’re going around this [ __ ] meter year in the hole [ __ ] there’s just a P Oil here nice

Nice Jimmy’s house he’s got a cake you should eat it nah I’m full real funny move if you did oh it’s just oh wait wait Jimmy’s going to live with this Jimmy’s goingon to have to live with this because it’s going to help him

Out I I found a lead in Jimmy’s house oh very nice yeah I have like five at mine I don’t know why I didn’t bring mine all good they about have six that would have helped listen true sometimes I like to do it old school what is old school you

Said you weren’t going to beat his ass like I recommended that’s old school instead of putting a lead on the MRI I’m using um a Le yeah like a [ __ ] sub wood yeah yeah right right right so like a sub wood so like you’re so far never mind ingredients I’m like using ingredients

To like lure them back to the house oh like wheat like cows like wheat right on pigs like carrots and chickens like seeds the [ __ ] why is this not working I [ __ ] another Ender and another [ __ ] skeleton Juke Puck and another [ __ ] Enderman you’re going to have to kill them Yu

Slaughter your fellow man well that’s I have killed you another Enderman let’s go but what do you mean let’s go they’re pretty tough to defeat n just hide in a two in a two block tall structure that’s it they’re too tall for their own God

Uh let’s see now I am okay now I’m at thir no this is 13 so if I go any lower then yeah it’s not going to be worth it see that’s Yu’s Place uh who the [ __ ] is playing that music I don’t hear anything I don’t hear

Anything either I wish music was playing in the game right now I turned music off damn fake fanan looks like hardly ever playing might as well be off Hi D me that’s like an actual song someone’s playing a [ __ ] guitar you already take your meds you take your meds already did tonight pickaxe

Pickaxe a [ __ ] another [ __ ] skeleton [ __ ] anyway let’s see what’s in here Splash Oreal potion I don’t know what that is I I don’t know what this is I don’t know what this is tomato seeds o bucket I like that I like the sound that were

There any more cows by you Ben should I come back I’m still looking what the okay oh this mod lies to Me Maybe these guys have got something nice H what can I I guess I can toss that seash shell on the seash this game is lying what the

[ __ ] [ __ ] I’m getting shot at all right anyone have uh access to the nether yet no nope theoretically I guess I could but activated W Stone I’m going to do the bucket trick then Emerald light blue chalk all right anyone know of an above ground source of

Lava yeah on the map around us I believe let’s see near you guys yeah um there’s one to the right of my house to the right a bit yeah uh the closest one would probably be about hold on you turn left right now Drew you’ll hit a you’ll hit a lava pit just

Keep if you’ve got that left right now I don’t see a l this way no you got to you got to go a bit just keep going in that direction got a faith faith the video game lava on the map yeah you’re right thank you if that’s not lava I would go

Towards I would go south for those lava lava pits that you see yeah yeah all right I’m going to go to the Nether and get some glow stone cuz I’m going to the E after [Applause] that we’re on the other side of this mountain o Pumpkins found another one you found another cow another cow I don’t have a cow man sure I’ll point in chat it’s over here there’s a handful of cows in this Village other cow other cow there’s a couple cows here the [ __ ] is it on the mountain this is annoying

Oh [ __ ] y you only that thanks villagers oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] problem [ __ ] there we go okay all righty Hot Stuff what you up to your the trees uh this guy not how that works what the [ __ ] all right what you down to uh the ground flaw budding ceris

Quartz yummy yummy little tomato Vines yay Sky Stone might be like meteorites this is is annoying when the lava is on top of a mountain oh [ __ ] there’s just another cow like near like before your way point oh cool all right I’m going to take this

Cow to the other one so I can grab two both of them okay hell yeah so that way when the first parents have their child when the baby grows up I’ll just have them bring this no incest pure bloodline no this is one lucky cow whys this is

Minec yeah it’s okay oh [ __ ] a chicken you’ll [ __ ] a chicken yeah watch me come on C we got a long journey ahead of us stop displacing go into population if if if I’m taking this cow to another cow then it’s okay right minute I think something has to be done about

You listen Yuri uhhuh well you’re in the mines right getting I’m actually in the over in the over world right now okay well you know like you said you like being down in the mines right I know he likes being back in them actually I like killing people who make bad punts and

Jokes what was the pun there uh understand you are dumb I am now walking through a bunch of sheep so now all the Sheep are following me cuz they like weed as well oh nice you found some sheeps that like weed yeah they they all like weed it’s really it’s really

Sick oh hello skeleton you the [ __ ] is this pillar this supp be something Jimmy did you know the pillar [ __ ] you know [ __ ] he’s a wee yeah he just can’t help himself he just can’t help himself it’s a silly little guy who likes this [ __ ] anime bro don’t oh my God I found

Another cow let’s go yo [ __ ] you zombie man is a good thing you’re treating them right right oh of course bro bro there’s just cows over here you see this [ __ ] these goddamn zombies and there’s a lot of cows I hit them just threw my sword at a zombie no cows please

Oh my God there’s so many zombies I got them can somebody if somebody’s back at the [ __ ] uh this area with houses uh can you bring me a flint and steel uh I’m nowhere near the houses

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by The Deer God on 2023-12-19 06:35:27. It has garnered 19 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:45:58 or 20758 seconds.

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    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More