Unbelievable! Turning Trash into Arcane Engines | Minecraft

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You know what [ __ ] sucks you know what sucks really bad CH I checked I checked the [ __ ] I checked the Scrolls the ancient Scrolls and I’ll tell you what it says Minecraft is my most streamed game on Twitch you know what that means I am a Minecraft

Channel I am a Minecraft channel that occasionally plays other games doesn’t that suck eggs I SAR to myself I’d never get pigeon Hol but yet secretly I was pige and hold all along dude it’s not even close is the problem I was like ain’t no way kenchi

Isn’t like a little bit behind it or something wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong dude it’s like I I would have to play another game for a thousand years to catch up to to Minecraft it’s not even possible what about NOA what NOA yeah right yeah right yeah right yeah no no

We are nowhere near Minecraft the only game that even barely reaches 50% of the time I’ve played Minecraft is stalker on stream I have played 192 hours of Minecraft on stream which definitely means that Minecraft is definitely my most played game of my entire life uh I don’t like that’s the

Thing is that Minecraft on Steam it would say that it’s Binding of Isaac that’s what steam would tell me steam would say it’s Binding of Isaac or Gary’s m but that’s just because Minecraft isn’t documented uh it’s definitely Minecraft with that in mind considering how many hours are just let alone

Streamed uh probably followed by stalker realistically I’ve played a lot of stalker off stream too and I mean like after that stuff kind of stuff kind of evens out right cuz it’s like Minecraft 192 hours 3.6% of my entire streaming career has been spent playing this [ __ ] game playing this trash playing this

Garbage followed by stalker barely reaching half of that at 88 hours followed by Darkest dungeon fair I think that’s a good one I’d actually like to go back to that one at some point soon with like mods again that one’s a good one that one I’m I’m not

Upset that makes sense being third I’ve played a lot of that game on stream but it’s been a while uh followed by cataclysm only like 20 minutes behind darkest dungeon also makes sense I guess it’s just when I play Minecraft I don’t think about it I don’t

Think about how much time I’ve spent so it kind of goes away in my brain it doesn’t it doesn’t like if you asked me before I even had Minecraft on on the brain what I think my most played game is I would be like I don’t know stalker

Or like cataclysm maybe keni but no dude kenshi’s actually sixth After Dark Souls 1 huh what the hell Dark Souls 1 where did that one come from what the then it’s the dark mod that makes sense that one earned that place I played a ridiculous amount of that especially

Like earlier in my Channel’s lifespan then 7 Days to Die all right then exanima all of these things make sense and we got Fallout and Noida my summer car part of me is like I feel like my summer car should have more time yo special shout out to Spooks the

Category I use for variety horror at 17th Place special shout out to Spooks how the [ __ ] is Skyrim 19 how the [ __ ] is Skyrim only 35 hours I don’t know man I’m not that one doesn’t sound right that one actually doesn’t sound right we got to bump that one up no we

Don’t guys I was trying to play like a pre-made Waba Jack mod pack for the shattered overhaul it crashes every 15 seconds it is unst streamable Skyrim is such a [ __ ] piece of crap it’s so bad it’s just it’s not even it’s not really necessarily even the game’s fault

It’s partially the [ __ ] mod pack just being crusty I didn’t make it but I’m like holy crap man mod for 400 hours play for one hour dude wab Jack spoiled me I’m never making a big mod pack again [ __ ] that dude I have too little

Time the only time I’ve made like a mod pack on my own was uh Daggerfall I sorry from that I haven’t made a mod pack in a while I’ve considered doing like a zomboid thing again soon I kind of wanted to try out a zomboid thing like single player let me try out that tilean mod who is he playing playing with some guys read the

Title did you ever get back to peak of your I don’t play games that make you Rage or get mad off stream I’m not a sadist I’m not that sick I’m not sick I had my fun and then I [ __ ] Off yeah I I prefer being healthy because my body currently is not guys I’m like I’m currently fighting for my life against a cold so far it has yet to navigate anywhere other than the same spot it was last time I had a cold which is just in front of my freaking throat

Like right right at the entry way to my throat sore it’s been that way for longer than it was last time but I’ve been fighting it off with tea and honey and it’s getting better how does a tomato get a Cold dude man I’ve been hearing that [ __ ] funny jokes like that since I since like [ __ ] genuinely I was 14 making YouTube videos on YouTube a decade ago and it still lands every time it lands every time it busts my gut every time holy l o why why this guy is

Toxic why this guy is toxic why why this guy is toxic read the tag they tell a story check the tags bro but when’s the gunk blast guys I mute that [ __ ] guys I don’t [ __ ] let you guys hear my Gunk what’s my least streamed game on Twitch you know that’s the real

Question huh yeah that adds up it’s uh technically Lial Ranger which I only played for like 10 minutes at the end of another stream a little bit ago but right after that is Rock of Ages 2 bigger and Bolder feel like that’s [ __ ] feel like I played more of that but that was

Like in 2017 that was a long time ago that ain’t right something’s wrong no I definitely would have played that for more than 10 minutes huh what huh huh huh what huh what the his most played game is Kanan Lynch 2 dog days I dog days I don’t [ __ ]

Play Trash all right I don’t play Trash Guys I don’t play Garbage trash games hang on let me check here what’s like the most played game that I would say is trash let me scroll through here what is what is the game that I’ve put more than

30 hours into that now I would step away and be like that was trash why did I play that for so long wait huh what the [ __ ] is this Corporation chat there is a game on my [ __ ] like play log called corporation that I don’t know I I don’t know what

This is and I’ve played over 30 no 23.3 hours of it maybe it’s labotomy Corporation it might be labotomy Corp and for some reason it’s just labeled as Corporation that’s weird no that one’s not trash uh let’s see here no no that’s not trash either what is

What would I say is the most trash uh no no that’s not trash oh yeah no now the dev is trash the game’s technically not trash uh n my taste is immaculate nah guys my taste is immaculate guys come on I I don’t miss guys yeah you guys saw Domina you guys

Were hearing me look at Domina I can’t say the game is bad but I can say the dev is a piece of [ __ ] damn dude I really can’t find one I don’t give like bad games time of day I did that with YouTube I don’t really do it anymore Huh yeah I don’t invest time into bad Games that said I haven’t scrolled by ban ban on this yet because they’re all individual games that I put two hours into I’m down to like stuff I put eight hours into if it goes down to five it doesn’t count nothing man dude I got some what the Heck uh no I don’t think that’s boring or bad what the hell guys if I scroll through my game library that I’ve played on stream it’s all bangers what the hell Guys Tales From off peak City ban yourself that game was [ __ ] good you just don’t have any taste way to out yourself watch your step guys my YouTube channel doesn’t count I deliberately play Trash Kalisto protocol baby we got there it took a bit but we found one we did

Find some trash I played more than like five hours of I got to 5.8 hours of that before I called it but I played that because it was funny that one was Funny dude every time I talk to someone about Kalisto protocol that likes it they’re like well what was the problem you had with it and then I have to show them a clip of me picking up enemies and placing them just outside the bounds of the map and show whoever I’m showing

Like the enemy just die when they touch the out of bounds marker on the map I have to do that every time and I I have to dude it’s heartbreaking cuz I watched the light fade from their eyes just how the enemy’s light Fades from their eyes

When they leave leave the out of bound Zone the light from my friend’s eyes also Fades when they realize the game they thought was good was actually trash and they just didn’t find the biggest reason right away I watch them die I kill them myself brings a tear to my eye I’m a

Hero Damn I’m like scrolling through this and I actually found out apparently I labeled the entire neopet stream as the wheel of monotony because there is an actual like that is a category on Twitch I thought i’ just find Neopets apparently I streamed Neopets the wheel of monotony which is a bad ass

Horrifying name for a game if you don’t have context to what Neopets is as a game like if you just hear Neopets the wheel of monotony dude what the [ __ ] is in that game what the [ __ ] are they playing over there what the huh what The hello neighbor 2 yeah that one was I put five hours into that one but I will say this I didn’t think it was trash I thought it was just stupid that was another one of those funny average games I did beat it if I thought it was truly trash I

Wouldn’t have beaten it Mario Golf super rush 4.8 trash sorry guys trash sorry guys Mario Golf was [ __ ] garbage it was trash Nintendo put out a huge stinker and I [ __ ] fell for it bad bad Bad not seeing many others uh yeah no I mean I’m pretty uh I’m pretty good at this I’m pretty good at this yeah I don’t uh I don’t [ __ ] around oh my God this te sucks this tea is trash oh yeah hang on I actually do have another one

Uh ancestors the humankind Odyssey the novelty of monkey was the only reason anyone gave a [ __ ] about it beyond the [ __ ] behind like under the hood of that game it was a garbage piece of trash like it was garbage like it was forgettable boring trash I’d rather just

Go play Green hell which was uh flip side oh high underrated Survival Game I think Green Hill is [ __ ] awesome I loved Green Hill like green hell is one of the best examples of like taking the Forest format and taking it in a different direction rather than being like I’m

Going to be spooky and add little monsters and instead be like I’m just going to make this game [ __ ] hate you I’m just going to make you get bit by bugs and scream when it happens because that’s the scary part would you think the forest 2 sucked

Eggs uh no it’s early access guys I’ll have news flash for you uh most games in Early Access get worse as you get closer to the end game everyone got to the end of the forest which shockingly even had an ending I’m surprised they included it

Because that’s where a lot of people put a lot of their freaking like anger with that game uh it’s early access copium bro bro it is that’s not that’s not cope it is you guys just got you guys just teed yourself up to be upset when the game

Wasn’t fully released even though it’s early access and they made it known it was going to be early access it has been 10 years of Early Access I can’t believe I have to be the defender of the Force 2 which I thought was just okay but I will if I have to uh

10 years you say huh uh last I checked this game came out February 23rd of this Year they corrected themselves they meant to say it hasn’t been 10 years yes game’s been out for a year and honestly I think the biggest mistake of it with the forest 2 was releasing the full story I think they should have focused more on making the game have wide

Content rather than long form like massive amounts of story content because the farther you got in the like the crustier It gotten the more people started complaining and then when people were beating the game quote unquote they were like realizing it’s buggy and not done and then got mad

About it even though it’s an early access and they shouldn’t be upset about that to begin with you know what I mean like give him a break dude it’s early access still it’s not like it it’s not like it’s a game they released and then we’re adding more

Content afterwards it was labeled as that and the base game content is competent though I will say I think the survival aspects are total [ __ ] distractions that don’t really mean anything but that was also the way it was in the forest one there’s about as much depth in the survival part as you

Choose to put into it the existence of an ending gives the idea that the game is a finished product for some people well yeah because when you include an ending people in their brain subconsciously will be like oh well that’s closure for the game and now

I can form formulate an opinion on the entire product which is why they shouldn’t have included an ending because then people are obviously going to do that and say well I beat the game I beat the game uh um I beat it excuse me that’s why you just don’t include It some games are really hurt by Early Access do you really think for a [ __ ] second that I mean like chat Suns of the forest is not doing poorly it’s got an 84% total reviews on Steam with 134,000 reviews and 88% in recent reviews and 11,000 people playing right

Now people just fixate on the negatives of a game and uh they forget about the bigger picture that game is not doing poorly that game is doing very well I’m sure for the devs right now especially for Early Access when the [ __ ] Stakes for that game and again I

Don’t love the forest 2 I think that it has massive weaknesses and issues but I also am aware that it is an early access game and I played two sessions of it didn’t get to end game and then put it down said I’ll be back in 2 years when you’re done

It’s not like payday 3 where I could see them take steps backwards in the Early Access version you know like the [ __ ] Forest 2 took steps forward they weren’t huge steps but they did improve the game play Payday 2 took steps back and that’s why I can be very critical of it despite

It also being early accent does that make sense ah here’s a trash game Thief 2 dude I’m going to grief your house watch yourself not [ __ ] test me don’t test me I swear to God I’m pretty sure if payday 3 just rework the XP system and add it in

Offline mode it’d be received more positively yeah but they never will and also payday 2 was as popular as it was due to mods and like community support and they’re not enabling that seems like right now so payday payday 3 is kind of already a little dead in the

Water look hey man it’s whatever I I’m over it I I’ll move on my life I will continue to flourish I swear I will I will continue to flourish my destiny my destiny is is forward I can’t keep looking back at payday 3 and yes it’s it’s Destiny is also forward but

It’s limping and I’m running at full speed payday 3 is limping and it’s going to stumble and fall but I won’t be there to pick it up because I’m leaving but if it gets if they get like really cool and good though I’ll turn around and help them

Up and I’ll act like I never said anything bad about it at that point I always thought payday was going to be a good game that’s me that’s me guys that’s what I sound like guys that’s what I freaking sound like I that’s me here’s another trash game urge

Wrong it’s just cute that you’re wrong dude holy [ __ ] that’s bait did you play the prequel above and beyond no guys I don’t want to play the prequel to a mod pack this G this mod Pack’s already lucky that I’m playing it at all I found out there’s applied energistics

And [ __ ] goddamn Tinker construct in it I I almost blew I I almost freaking blew this whole idea wide open I almost destroyed it I almost emailed Beni at his web zone and told him that I would never be caught dead playing on this [ __ ] server with him but I

Didn’t but I thought about it I thought about blowing it all up I thought about blowing it up I almost I almost walked straight to this server in Chicago wherever the [ __ ] it is and beat the crap out of it do you understand how much I hate applied energistics

Thank God I don’t have the attention span to stick around on This Server long enough to get there thank God I’m never going to see that Part dude I can’t be mad at the dev that made Applied Energy sticks cuz they were just making a thing but what I can be mad at is all of the mod pack makers who are just sick and twisted like bastards that that choose to ignore all

The other good storage mods that exist and instead they add applied energistics the one that’s bad for almost every mod pack when you’re already overwhelmed by a million other things and it’s always so it’s so connected to everything else you can’t just rip it out of a mod pack and

Replace it with something better [ __ ] Them so what do you think of refined storage which is the same but simpler better chat not everything in Minecraft modded has to be [ __ ] Greg Tech okay some stuff can just be chill and let you do it quickly and I’ll tell you what storage in Minecraft in mods should be

[ __ ] easy because the weakest part of every Minecraft mod pack okay is actually finding the [ __ ] you need in your boxes this shouldn’t be the most obnoxious step to actually have a functional storage thing it should be the easiest part because you’re already tearing your [ __ ] hair out with the

Amount of trash every mod is giving you Okay I do not think this is me being controversial saying This truly the Dark Souls of invent management I’ve only set up applied energistics once and it was during that like [ __ ] like underwater mod pack and it uh it made me want to die chat it made me want to die guys like my reaction to applied energistics is I wish I had cheats

Enabled on the server so I could cheat and simply spawn in all of the items because I don’t want to [ __ ] do this got filtered dude applied energistics is to Minecraft the way trains is for freaking factorio you you guys know what I mean not really Jesus seriously guys I

Get to trains every single time in factor and I’m like and that’s the part where I’m not having fun anymore oh I have to wire things and like set up signals I’m out bye bye bye-bye oh I liked it when it was belts bye he hates R Stone Redstone was the

Worst thing that ever happened to Minecraft sorry guys sorry guys I’m about to say something controversial command blocks was the best thing Redstone was the worst thing all right and I’ll never change my [ __ ] mind holy [ __ ] you want to know what I hate about Redstone the reason I think it’s [ __ ]

Beans because do you got there’s mods that have done it where you can place wiring for like Redstone along blocks and along the ceiling of blocks and that fixes Redstone that’s all you have have to do is let me put Redstone vertically up walls and on the ceiling in

Lines but you don’t yeah don’t let me do that but it’s dust I don’t [ __ ] care there is a creature in Minecraft that is a walking green thing and it blows up when it goes near you I do not care it’s powder it’s not realistic oh

Go [ __ ] yourself what the [ __ ] did you just say to me my guy I just went to the bottom of the [ __ ] planet and killed a slime and then picked up a slime ball and put on a piston so it’ be sticky what the [ __ ] oh

You say we know what glue is then okay okay I put some Redstone with some slime balls they make slimy Redstone boom dude [ __ ] You I hate you this dude wants slime Stone Omega LOL I do maybe I do just let me have slimy Redstone so that I can [ __ ] put stuff up walls God everything’s so annoying with red red stone it’s [ __ ] obnoxious dude there’s a couple things that you

Can say to me in real life that make me avoid you quickly and one of them is I know how to use Redstone in Minecraft really good dude you won’t even get through the sentence before I will have walked away dude I [ __ ] I’m so good at Redstone dud I’m already gone what

The holy [ __ ] got to get me out of here tomato never made a working computer in Minecraft and it shows dude and it shows guys I just one of the honestly this is going to sound [ __ ] up one of the like best feelings I get when I see someone post a video that’s

Like look at what I did I’m made a calculator in Minecraft and it’s 500 miles of blocks and Redstone and like insane calculations and [ __ ] to make 2 plus 2 happen on a screen I I have two feelings one is a momentary feeling of like happiness of like wow that’s really

Impressive followed by an immense feeling of gratitude that my brain wasn’t built like that and I didn’t do that to myself and I instead did anything else with my time like that’s the actual like good feeling I get at the end of those videos is gratitude I

Thank God I get down on my knees and I thank God that my brain is so [ __ ] up that I don’t want to spend 500 million hours uh making Minecraft do two plus two using Redstone I guess I had to finish finish my tea before I drank

This as a programmer I hate that you’re right I look guys I just I’ve got my own sick Fascinations believe me it’s just my sick Fascinations are not so sick I’m waiting for a video of someone running their smart smart home system off Minecraft Redstone chat that’s one

Step away from one of the like that’s that’s the thing is that I feel like someone making that is like the Catalyst for a great tragedy you know like that’s like that is just silly enough that the next news article is their house burned to the [ __ ] ground and then Minecraft

Microsoft has to like actually like remove Redstone from their game because of public Backlash I hooked up Redstone to my smart fridge the smart fridge [ __ ] starts getting too cold and then gets too hot the [ __ ] superconductor on the inside of the fridge ignites fridge suddenly thinks it’s a creeper oh no no no no wait wait wait wait

I think I’m G to get in there chat look we have Pro chat here’s the secret about every Minecraft server you’ve ever seen anyone play on it’s at the first session I have to play Minecraft normally so like we’re just going to be like I’m going to be making my 5×5 dirt

House and I’m going to be living my best life okay you guys love this part everyone loves Minecraft everyone loves m nah Chad I’m not going to have that much time to grind uh realistically uh we’ll probably do another session tomorrow unless I like [ __ ] loath this I’m

Unfortunately not going to have much Windows to grind so I’m not going to be making that much progress on this mod pack off stream ever really I am a busy boy got a lot of stuff going on got a lot of work stuff going on oh wow he’s hitting another

Block yeah I might just [ __ ] might just squat with Benji he he’d let me squat with him guys Benji would let me squat with him and I know create I know these mods I can very easily pick up pick up the slack I can I can mooch off of him yeah yeah yeah

I’m not no I’m not going to pay rent what are you what are you kidding me are you stupid are you you dumb idiot I going to pay rent comc PR thanks for the five gifted shops This Server is going to let me connect this this server is going to let me

Join am I in hell what the [ __ ] is that why the [ __ ] was there a floating book right there why is my fov 90 good hang on what’s the button for me to like check my freaking uh microphone crap oh my God it’s the middle of the [ __ ] night

V perfect settings I just need to make sure I’m actually using the right microphone cool cool cool cool cool God well here’s the situation chat I’m tossing all this crap out all these books are garbage we’re getting rid of them I don’t need any of this

I’ve already bound the quest book to my [ __ ] Tilda key [ __ ] everything else I don’t need it now let’s go ahead and collect some of the basics of surviving oh here we are I thought when I zoomed out I would see someone else I didn’t is that his FP yes counter

You guys will always know if my PC [ __ ] sucks forbidden and arcanis if I hit this am I going to get [ __ ] bopped it’s forbidden we shouldn’t collect that tree it’s forbidden well it’s rainy really rude of the owner of the server did not like um change it to

Daytime hang on I’m actually going to go to the bathroom really quick before we start I’ll be hiding under the this tree I’m going to pots it’s a s it’s a multiplayer server so this doesn’t mean anything but I’ll be back in one second he For All right I didn’t fall in I didn’t fall in I’m fine everything’s fine all right it’s time we have to collect the basics of Society dude where the [ __ ] is like Benji even living this guy [ __ ] did he walk like a million miles oh okay I’m going to I’m going to

Survive and then I’ll look for the the [ __ ] remnant of society this SP is this this Shader looks really nice though [ __ ] is everyone not building a home near spawn there’s literally no one here oh no now there’re spiders hang on I have an idea it’ll

Work uh guys bear with me for a second I’m about to do something silly admin hey uh what seems to be the issue Bud hey uh I I want to help you want you want to help no I want help I don’t want to help I want help oh

You want help hold on let me turn you all right what do you need help with what’s up uh where do you live where do I live let me show you okay um where do I live I live just to the southeast of here I could take you

There if you’d like to build nearby take me there yeah I wish I could pick you up and whisk you there but I’m going to have to run all right I guess I’ll fly I can’t tell if he’s in creative mode or if he just [ __ ] like is able

To fly already ow [ __ ] I how am I supposed to know the difference between those two things I there’s no way in 4 hours he was able to fly oh yo oh this is my my my my H my Haven damn man my Haven not my H oh you

Got a [ __ ] [ __ ] hle beneath this thing and everything dude I got a giant hole hang on I have to I have to in the back of your what the hell off the [ __ ] weather Jesus are you facing me right now or are you I’m fa okay sorry I

Thought you were facing the other way it kind of freaked me out bit I’m looking right at you man you freaked me out man how you been let’s make sure we shut the door cuz there’s there’s Creepers out there this place is nice yeah yeah you

Like get yeah I mean listen so I decided to build a base right on top of an andesite Mountain so we have infinite andite for all of our create mechanisms uh inside that mountain right there there’s also a village on the other side and there’s infinite loot below us you

Can set up right next to me if you want like right here oh yeah yeah I mean I’m I’m going to build a 5×5 dirt check yeah that’s the good [ __ ] right now what I’m doing doing is I’m Milling wheat in here and it’s going to hopefully create flour it’s creating

Flour and we take the flour and we wash it and we get dough and then the dough becomes infinite bread cuz we have so much of it I see this all makes this all makes immense sense to me because as you know I’m actually incredibly talented at

Create yeah you’re a create Pro I’ve heard yeah I’ve actually uh I’m a I’m a I’m a I’m kind of an Arcane engineer wonderful wonderful well would you do you want to join a party so that you get my current progress or do you want to progress yourself I I can just

Take your progress dude it’s going to be [ __ ] easier and faster M fact I I’ll just like I’ll just [ __ ] take your stuff uh and like move in uh actually check out this little hole here I don’t think you’re going to be able to get away with that [ __ ] [ __ ]

It yeah [ __ ] it you have [ __ ] are you in Creative [ __ ] theze you pass the haze you’re fine you’re in you’re in it’s okay now it’s should be all right there we go epic epic epic all right all right well there’s a lot of quests that you could just accept for

Having been where I’m at and some of them give you loot boxes with a bunch of loot to set you upward too’s a t of I see the main thing is the trade market is where we spend our money to get any kind of thing that

We need so ear money to get to spend it there progression is just the scale like that’s what you to aim for but chapter zero goes into chapter one with magic chapter one with tech chapter 2 with magic chapter 2 attack like that God it

Gave me a it gave me a lot of trash books I don’t give a [ __ ] about yeah you might need them later but you can just stuck them in the hall if you want I got this Engineers tool kit which oh Jesus that gives you a [ __ ]

Hell I did not want this crap wait you got to find a chest man that’s got so much stuff oh yeah that’s a lot it’s a lot nice backpack though okay I’m just going to go ahead and uh I’m moving in I’m moving in okay welcome welcome I

Live here if you press C by the way C should Auto dump everything C zooms me in uh as well I have to rebind that no no no it’s doing both it’s just C is also my zoom in button well there’s two bindings for there there’s restock and then there’s

Dump you got to check your dump binding sometimes F hell all right dump is X okay that’s good this is good time to fill this up with garbage and take a look around all right I’m going to wash the flour and we’re going to have bread and once we have bread we’re

Immortal because when you have food in Minecraft you’re basically functioning dude I just got a quest to [ __ ] deliver I have to get 11 Nether wart are you ready to go to the nether yet uh I’m not ready to go to the nether yet no there is a there is like a nether

Portal nearby like a broken down one oh what is that in your hand is that copper that’s a CPP yeah feel free to use as much of my ores to make stuff as you want so how are you you’re using copper and we only have four iron in

Here what the [ __ ] have you been doing CU Iron’s used for everything in in the mod pack so I’m saving it for the important stuff yeah but you’re saving you’re you only you only have four is that your savings that’s that’s my savings post making a couple [ __ ]

Deposits man I mean withdrawals [ __ ] hell this is good squalor I like this yeah welcome to this place is [ __ ] pathetic think that’s good schola dude come down here okay look as you can see by the storage room the potatoes and stuff what is that we have the mining

System Che the brewing stand two onions I feel like if I go far enough into this mine the ladder drops off and I just fall no uh I could have pushed you but I decided not to well thanks man I appreciate that yeah at least we have that at least we

Have that now listen all right oh there’s Aurora Borealis tonight what the [ __ ] what kind of [ __ ] climate are we living in wow that’s so [ __ ] beautiful wow oh so this is manal we need this for like everything don’t so I went on a great trip to find this and uh

This is the sapling that I found and I planted and grew it uh but I’m going to keep this one here and we can use the other ones that I’ve got inside so so isn’t it that like these don’t regrow like there there’s something [ __ ] about them like you have to like empow

The you have to process the the shrubs that Dro from it in order to do that so here up here in this Barrel that’s everything to do with arnau that I’ve been doing the top left there’s my menal stuff my chunks my rejuvenated shrubs basically you get a shrub from the tree

Instead of a sapling you take that that that shrub and you have to blast it with water to rejuvenate it then you take the rejuvenated one you mix it with some berries and then it turns who W whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

You’re saying a lot of things and I know this mod pack the book will show and tell me already yeah you’re uh you’ll be fine you’ll be fine don’t worry about it for now for now I need the create whz the renowned create Wiz tomato to come

In here and help me out well I can tell you right now this thing’s going too slow and you got to get more gears in it to make it go faster this is sad you need more coog Wheels big and small oh yeah I do we knew this is this is proof

Of concept um so make it make it better um make it better all right well I’m going to need I’m going to need access to the create I’m going need to dip into all the create Machinery give me all this crap you’re more than welcome to do

That what the hell is this alloy scanner oh for oh that’s helpful good most of the time I lose my [ __ ] mind halfway through this goddamn like any of these mod packs you need to add some like some [ __ ] surface area here I’m going to

Fall into this no no I feel like this is a good Testament to our abili the second we start dropping off we know that it’s it’s too late for us dude I need to reach the middle of this to [ __ ] work on it yeah well that’s fine you can figure

That out I’m sure the the the create W I’ve I’m going to be honest you need to eat some [ __ ] food the fact that I have been here for 5 minutes and you’re still at a heart and a half dude I I’m doing it I’m watching what is this CH

Even I don’t live like that dude all right I’m about to cook us up a metric [ __ ] ton of bread just got to get situated here well good I’m just going to eat the nice Sushi we have oh [ __ ] you can make slime balls of this stuff I feel

Cool you’re you’re looking cool man listen all we need to do is find these star bunkle creatures and then trap them in cages create dude there’s squirrels out there there’s magic squirrels we could chuck them in cages they run on little hamster wheels for days generating

Suus you want to yeah you want to like get a little BN a bunch of little guys yeah it’s it’s more renewable than than uh than water power because they they breed you can use like fertility totems and then they they breed and you can have a million of

Them we can use them for power we can exploit their power dude I have to say that I don’t exactly support this but also I will do whatever it takes to raise our bottom line yeah well there you go I mean that’s the that’s the capitalistic dream

I’ll do whatever it takes I’ll do whatever it takes to raise the bottom line I’ll anything line right now is really [ __ ] low tomato really low it’s it’s in the dirt bad so get out there and get squirrels man I will do that as soon as I reply to

This I’m work on making our Basics so I’m doing the mechanical press and everything right now it actually this mod pack does Pat out the start a little bit um by making you required to make machines of everything first uh and then you move on to automating that process

Once we’ve automated that then everything’s basically is create plus magic one second chat okay sorry there’s like some [ __ ] chaos upstairs in my house and it’s really distracting me dude and I can’t [ __ ] multitask and my dog is going [ __ ] crazy all right business time Birch planks oh that’s cheap at least

Wait this gives me seeds as well that’s crazy okay they’ve made the they’ve made C God they made Cog Wheels [ __ ] cheap and you’re still living like this [ __ ] Christ okay they made Cog wheels cheap yes okay but I was do a proof concept and also trying to contend with

The the [ __ ] magic stuff which is really confusing well it seems like in order to do anything with magic we’re just going to want to get create stuff locked down anyways so yeah yeah I mean the automation out there is kind of like pointless it’s just for proof of concept

It doesn’t actually serve us any uh purpose in progressing create right now the only thing that I need to do that actually I think I’ve got everything now I think I’m good cuz once we get our presses and our mixers then we could do anything in create okay well that’s not well what’s

The so in order to get mixing we need andesite machines which are a new thing we need a bunch of makeshift the andesite machine is easy I make the you make the makeshift kinetic mechanisms they’re super easy the issue is iron that’s actually you came and dis merched

My iron count right as I was trying to get iron that’s the that’s the road block this okay so between all right all right let’s come down for a second and and put our brains together between Gathering andesite alloy through a menil do we want to do that or diorite

What’s like the better option between those two things aight alloy through menro well I’m just saying like but there’s like the two different ways to make the mechanisms right yes there is I’ve made like loads of andite we we have plenty of anite Alloys we have andesite for days we just need diorite

But I’ve got a diorite mine marked on the map I can okay well that’s what I was asking because alternatively you don’t need diorite you just need mineral that’s what it’s saying yes the issue is the chunks drop like I’ve got four from three trees and they’re quite rare so

I’m going to leave this tree until I can set up an automatic tree farm that pumps the shrub through a washer once they’re washed then it revitalizes dude I got to get my brain back on I got to reawaken create me dude it’s been [ __ ] 2,000

Years it has been Le six months I can’t I can’t dude every time you stand near that ledge I just think about [ __ ] pushing you in and leaving you down there to die it’s like really hard there for man it’s the Temptation well let’s see here can we push each other in we

[ __ ] we’ve torn apart we need to immediately hang on I’m going to just start cooking up things we need deployers as fast as [ __ ] possible we need brass which means we need press I’ll work on the presses I’ll do presses that’s just the iron that’s the only we

Need a block of iron mixed with an andesite machine which I have okay like made all eight hold on where did they go where the [ __ ] did my little anite mechanisms go you have some stuff that’s like on the ground that would get us access to

Like some of the quest things so I might just pick them up quick to get those done do you have my uh do you have my makeshift kinetic mechanisms no I have one mechanical machine that you left in a box yeah that’s fine that’s the one that

I’m going to merge with the iron to uh do we okay I’m looking at one thing immediately that seems incredibly important uh we should put together our silver coins when we get them to get an eternal unbreakable saw so that we can just like have one on the line oh hey

Absolutely abolutely what’s up man oh [ __ ] you what the [ __ ] Dudeck I got spells [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh he’s already doing magic this guy yeah watch this watch this no no no no no it’s oh that’s going to land on that [ __ ] horse over there I missed you on purpose you

Probably killed the going straight to the mo it’s going to pull it down well hold on stand right there don’t move okay let me go get some lava in a bucket yeah [ __ ] blast him with lava Jesus Oh you all right so you’ve got like the [ __ ] book already I

Found a box is got oh you found a box I was like I thought you just joined yeah he did just join he literally joined when you joined how the hell do I get out of here uh I don’t know Benji hasn’t made that part there’s water watch this you could use water

There’s also a secret way dude why the [ __ ] do are you using water energy like what is going on at this place no this is proof of concept man like okay well I got some proof of concept for you we’re tossing that water reel in the trash all

Right that’s the concept I know you have to do it we’re going to we’re going to upgrade to windmills right away because this is ridiculous bro we’re going to upgrade to [ __ ] hamster power that’s what we’re going to use okay we’re going to power everything with the power we

Don’t have we need no when I don’t there’s no way hamster power is better than wind there’s just no way you have an obsession with underground wind like fake wind yeah because it’s op as [ __ ] and you [ __ ] know it you need to heal get some [ __ ] sushi eat some [ __ ]

Sushi I’m close to the edge literally it’s the gravitational of the center of thee of the earth pulling the windmill did you not know what the [ __ ] are you saying oh [ __ ] okay I’m going inside [ __ ] you where the [ __ ] is that guy here watch this I got

Magic that did nothing oh [ __ ] that didn’t do anything yo he’s po dude hold on hold on hold on I Bri he’s looking at me now oh my I don’t need to shve you guys dude it’s bad yo I got a sword oh my God oh my God he can’t do

Anything oh my God oh my God oh [ __ ] I slay him with the hole Benji you slayed the great creature there’s there’s a [ __ ] item down there I don’t know if it’s ever going to turn off yeah we got an ender pearl nice wrong we got an ender pearl

Fragment they don’t even give us the all one dude nice man wait wait wait come on temp here’s the secret way why you going the water way what but the Waterway told you I made a secret way oh it’s this way can’t do it the other the other way is

Faster I know it’s faster it’s not about speed it’s about safety this place is this this isn’t just squalor this is nonsensical yes yes yes now you see all right I have enough dough to make us a million bread guys so we’re going to live forever right right right right

Right right right right right right okay I need to start getting my own [ __ ] together we need like the basics of M dough we got like we got like hundreds of dough uh oh my [ __ ] god dude aren’t you excited to set up applied energistics have you thought about that

Yet okay so applied energistics is your favorite mod you said so you’re going to handle that side of things no no no no no no no dude I think you can skirt it a little bit with the magic stuff I think you can dud hang on I’m going to take a

Look for myself here uh there a numerology mod that you could do instead man it’s way better I’m like looking at the progression Loop of it’s It’s So Far Away good news is I’m never going to have to do it uh it’s like a million billion trillion miles hours away 100

Million hours away we’re literally never getting there in a million years thank God and thank God for that uh yeah it’s fine it’s fine okay uh I’m just going to like get my [ __ ] situated because it’s easier to like go down and like get my own crap and like become clothed and

Have basic items uh I mean I barely have basic anything but yeah we should definitely do you not have like is there like a giant cave Ben this realm yeah massive cave okay that’s one way down this way down this way down sucks eggs holy [ __ ] this can’t be it you could use

The water it’s fine if anything it keeps the monsters away this place sucks dude there’s a couple Endy men down here bu I’m going to go build a house yeah I think you should go build a house I mean like voice box what you do best is building

Houses you should go build a right next to us on the hill and we can like a nice big house F I suck at create yeah we could do create wait what what did you say I suck at create can I just join your group and I’ll just do

Other stuff oh yeah yeah yeah sure pick up slate is everything slates now which is all runic tablets which is [ __ ] Christ almighty yeah the main idea is that we don’t like progress off without each other stuff but there’s different things we can do so I was just

Looking into the create things and looking into upgrades for the backpacks cuz these backpacks are [ __ ] pathetic and mine is all books right now and we need runic slates which is the progression of the main pack yeah we could do that pretty easily wrong dude wrong you think dude

We need blazes sorry I’m not in creative mode I can’t do that easily yeah we got to okay but we could you know that we could feed a straw to a blaze now and then pump liquid into what the [ __ ] are you talking about dud we are using

Copper tools wake up I’m living I’m Living in a Dream dude this is our [ __ ] storage it’s a barrel yeah you can ferment stuff in there I’ve got X petrified orbs tomato seeds Yeah this place is [ __ ] pathetic get into the [ __ ] hole with me right now actually grab some bread first cuz you I have sushi I have plenty of food yeah well I got 42 bread dude this place sucks look it keeps the mobs away it pushes them

Away there’s a mine shaft down there at the bottom there this place is huge there’s some kind of Crystal Cave over there God damn we got a whole lot of stuff to take care of well how about you uh hand me over some torches first of

All I’m getting out of here scary man torches what please [ __ ] tell me you have torches dude just crank the gamma it’s the easiest torch of your life oh my God all I’m going to get I’m going to get some coal yeah okay dude I forgot the Torches wait I’ve got one

Okay yeah but that’s like nothing nice I can just hold it though for light that’s good for me good luck I found iron this this guy’s been playing for like four hours and he lives like this I guess I should be happy he didn’t get that far what’s up I’m

Besieged you’re going to be fine man holy [ __ ] oh he dropped iron ingots dude going to just going to light this place up a little bit finally for the Press mechanical press all right what no what can oh we found corundum dude corundum this is how you start the magic mod

Okay boy oh boy I’m going to have to get my [ __ ] my bearings cuz I mean then again I don’t think Benji has his bearings from the looks of it too much either so we’re probably fine where the hell is this coming from ah

Here okay 10 I just want to get my basic survival stuff gotten that means iron is that iron is it glowing it’s glowing look I ain’t going to use [ __ ] copper tools I’m not living in squalor that bad dude I’m going to make actual items all right I’m going to I’m going

To live my life oh my god let’s get up there okay tin or more coal I’m going to assume based off of what I saw in the uh furnaces that Benji also has no coal right now he probably has Zer do in Coal I should check about brass I’m

Guessing I might need to preemptively grab the stuff required for that while I’m down here let me check brass is obviously a create important thing so brass sheet which means we we need brass ingots which is of course made by mixing zinc and copper so we’re going to need copper for

That and zinc so I’m going to grab more copper zinc and copper we’re going to need good I have no idea what happened to Benji I think he’s dead 10 what do I do I actually need tin right now check here uh yeah no I don’t think so yeah I’m

Thinking I’m not going to need 10 yet uh I’ll take a quick closer look though I don’t really care about thermal Series right now uh yeah I’m not going to be collecting the 10 uh yo yo I’m uh there’s a massive Crystal Cave down there man oh yeah

Massive yeah look at that thing damn man wait wait till you see the actual real cave first before you dam look look at that okay give me one more second here damn man damn I wish we had a bucket of water me too man I wish watch your step my favorite mode of

Trans uh I have enough conundrum to do some [ __ ] I also have enough iron to do loads of [ __ ] I’ve got loads of ingots now okay I’m going go get the mechanical press set up so you can have fun on create all right I’m also like trying to

Grab uh more copper and zinc so we can get brass going with mixers ASAP that works that works I mean all of this comes down to we still need to get iron pickaxes and get like diamonds cuz we need to go to the nether to get places I

Think copper is the same um is iron isn’t it in terms of digging ability CU I could dig everything that requires an iron pickaxe on the UI yeah but we have to remake it a million billion times oh my God oh my God an Endy man oh wait

This is nickel scariest mob in Minecraft oh [ __ ] oh you could just jump across the water nice we better get out of here yeah see the water the water’s [ __ ] working man oh [ __ ] wait hold on did someone no there it is he didn’t seal Us

In did he no we’re fine just got to swim up this water okay just hold your breath understood fuing come down here and kill me now dude put me in the [ __ ] ground kill me God all this thermal and [ __ ] it’s all trash Jesus thermal normal copper that’s what we desire

Chad I’ve started to uh as I’ve become more and more Minecraft um familiarized over the many years just stopped collecting ores in mod packs that I don’t immediately need at any given point in time [ __ ] having my goddamn boxes full of trash 24/7 I’d rather just do another trip for

Them later and have more space now for what I actually need like all this tasty tasty iron and copper Didn’t sevtech Do It Good with the or part well no people forget the part we had to search for a million years to find or in sevtech it kind of had a vintage story

Vibe that’s nickel God damn it I don’t want that trash get this out of here horrible creature terrible being of the dark I mean it’s actually technically glowing I think it’s standing on a torch uh voice you here oh perfect this is andesite nice we’re accidentally getting something I

Need this is nickel again this is exactly my [ __ ] problem nickel and iron look exactly the same they’re all the same items every block looks the same as another [ __ ] block I’m going to go cuckoo crazy playing this mod pack I literally don’t know what’s going on

Doesn’t it ever just make you go crazy when you realize that the [ __ ] nickel and iron look exactly the same but we don’t [ __ ] need nickel my man we don’t need it you’re losing your [ __ ] mind all right now I can make the thing iron

Now I can make the thing hold on do we have iron farmed do we have a farm no we don’t have a farm I mean it just said iron farm so I was figuring what there’s like a vanilla one [ __ ] is this crap what drilling machine and

You oh yeah we’re going to make a drilling machine that will drill or for us automatically it’ll just infinitely pull up or from the chunk okay so I guess that’s our end goal right now that will be our iron yeah but we’re going to need the blades and everything it’s

Going to take a hot minute to do that but for now I’ve made us a mechanical press oh Mi and that gets us started with create is it really this simple huh okay oh God every time that we need lava as like a [ __ ] thing in a like a

Tank for create I start sweating that [ __ ] is obnoxious yeah well I think there’s a magical means to get lava whoa whoa whoa we ah this drill is not as close as I thought it was okay mechanical Crafters we are going to need brass machines which means you need Precision

Mechanisms when we do not want to do it with the compacting cuz radiant uh coils looks [ __ ] obnoxious it’s a lot so let’s look at this from the other way Precision mechanisms can be made in a sequence with electron tubes and screwdrivers with a contic me okay so we

Need to automate K kinetic mechanisms first that that’s like goal one we need those autom we need deployers but I’m going to finish the mixer and then once we got one mix one press we can do that very easily um cuz we’re going to need make deploys and stuff the issue with

That is hang on let me let me check this myself there’s the mechanical press kinetic makeshift kinetic chat it seems like a headache now but that’s just because we haven’t gotten the ball rolling it once the ball rolls in these kinds of mod packs stuff starts to come

Together in a really intuitive way most of the time it’s just we haven’t had the ball roll uh okay so pressing is easy that’s all fine mineral slabs is going to be kind of annoying unless we have that automated fortunately I don’t think these makeshift kinetic mechanisms does it have to be

Stripped does it have to be stripped any strip log and how do you strip is it just right clicking with an axe because that can be done by a deployer I never strip stuff you can just right click with an axe okay then I can get that done we just need a

Deployer and this technically I think fills in for any andesite machines though it won’t make it doesn’t fill the hole for any uh anything else it won’t it doesn’t fill the spot for kinetic mechanisms technically you can’t use a you can’t make a Precision mechanism with a makeshift kinetic

Yeah but it technically gets us there and we can rework it later so we don’t have enough menal slabs to rely on automating uh the kinetic mechanisms right away we have to do the makeshift ones first okay we have to do makeshift then all we need is a

Deployer with a with a axe uh in its hand to strip the logs uh we do need to get like we do need automated trees basically we need we need like trees that aren’t this we need both we need that and then eventually we’ll need this to make the Baseline really easy that’s

It I mean we’re also going to need a flatter [ __ ] space to work with in this area as time goes on we’re going to run out of space well deploy is pretty easy to make once you get BR [ __ ] squalor piece of [ __ ] area put us right next to a [ __ ] beach I

Feel like that area over there to the Northwest is probably a good area it’s pretty flat over there yeah there’s one thing I’ve learned about create it’s that you want to move quickly and decide a flat area rather than later once you’re already situated and there’s a slime Island look at that

This is pretty flat if we like burned down all these plants hi don’t yell at me don’t yell me [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is his problem I don’t know I fell down a hole [ __ ] [ __ ] chill so there’s actually a there’s a flat grass land up north default like biome flat

Lands uh look all I’m saying is uh if we don’t it’s that or we have to go under and like dig out big spots of like space and [ __ ] underneath the ground which is a pain in the ass with how many caves there are in Minecraft flat this is well

Within a range like of three blocks yeah I think it’s pretty flat around here I feel like if we start building a house right here I can build I think we build here I think we do it here yeah here’s good and it’s also not too far so we

Don’t have to fery [ __ ] really far yeah come back that works what you want to start you want to start burning down yeah start burning this [ __ ] [ __ ] down we got to get this crap all out of here this place sucks egg [ __ ] hate this place you think he

Enabled fire on the server oh my God I’m pissed if he [ __ ] didn’t holy crap oh God get this crap all out of here OWI ow ow ow ouch owow ow ow W ouch oh my God I’m trapped oh my God I’m trapped oh my God the fire is surrounding me

Dude oh my god dude are you good help I can’t [ __ ] help got to like stay calm oh my God why is there Ash everywhere what the hell oh God did we not anticipate this [ __ ] charred logs what is this it doesn’t even go we can’t even burn things out of

The way oh you get charcoal that’s kind of cool oh well that works then I mean you get you get a by product of burning [ __ ] I mean I guess this trash this is tragic well that’s cleared out a good bit it’s not going to get all of it though no it’s all

Right [ __ ] out of this place get back to work okay so we need to automate makeshift oh God I saw it oh we’re going to crush and smell [ __ ] that melt and cast them yeah right dude I don’t need that I don’t need that in my life no no okay

So we want to get makeshift going in an automated fashion which is two 4 One technically just dump everything into it and it works so we’re just going to make a mixer now I think Benji actually just did make one didn’t he that was what that was our conveyor still annoying hang on

Belt we need belts no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Benji what the [ __ ] is this mod pack what did they do to Mechanical belts are [ __ ] absurdly annoying now yeah what the [ __ ] is this

[ __ ] no La take us to automate anything now which one do you want to do which one do you want to do we need mechanical belts to do just about anything with create mechanical belt which means we need rubber apparently used to be like [ __ ] kelp yeah dude [ __ ] kelp all right so

It’s cured rubber or mineral enriched rubber which I’m guessing is also rubber yeah rubber from thermal series you cure it with bulk blasting or just furnishing you get rubber from Vines and water you get it from block of rubber you get it from latex which you could do or dandelions and

Water this is uh quite a few steps no wait wait wait we could just compact hold on you could with create we can compact stuff hold on so we can turn resin into it with thermal series we can do Vines as well cuz Vines infinitely grow and compack

That with water and it mix rubber or like literally any plant yeah you Chuck any plant into a compactor with water and it makes rubber oh my [ __ ] god dude all right well we need we need we have a basin and we have a mechanical press now so all we

Need is literally water and any plant any flour any flour rubber very easily yeah yeah my God my God it’s fine it’s going to be fine okay relax fine it’s not fine the Press set up we just get get this going in the meim so you don’t have to worry about

Why was it CR astral wasn’t like this they’ll make it work but it’s like [ __ ] hell why’ they make it so many goddamn steps we need torches out here man this place this place is dangerous this place is [ __ ] up yeah well listen this is not where we’re

Staying we’re moving voice BL builds us a beautiful home but uh I’m going to get I can get rubber set up very quickly um we just need a dump chest for all of our plants I guess just use this for now like any any literally any plants we

Pick up off the ground like flowers anything so we don’t need this flower producer thing anymore right now yeah I mean that’s just a bulk washer sitting there for when we need anything bulk wash um I literally just toss stuff down in Stacks but we don’t need it

Necessarily right well we need to get we need to get [ __ ] sheets we need to get a press and a [ __ ] immediately all I need to do all of this stuff is um I need my andite casings which means I need to strip logs which actually I was doing over here hold on

Okay well I’m going to speed this thing up a little bit cuz this is slow still and that makes it sad get the speed up so we can like we could automate just the basic step a little bit quicker and then we’re good the [ __ ] just made that

Sound was that I thought it was you no oh it’s [ __ ] voice box huh no you made a funny sound right no did not make any sound hey what the [ __ ] are you doing in here uh guys yeah what’s going on look in there oh my God yo is that

Him listen guys I I think we just don’t tell anyone about this and we keep him maybe we can make him run on a wheel maybe he can run on a [ __ ] wheel and make us some kinetic energy open it back up damn okay he’s got ack [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] don’t make me use my Freddy blast bro careful holy the house is that way Freddy Fazbear you you know you set me on fire I had to use my Freddy blast dude I’ve seen the movie you’re a good guy now okay it’s fine is that true redeemed bro

Why did you just that I didn’t even know I don’t give a [ __ ] the [ __ ] is your problem yeah [ __ ] it’s the [ __ ] five nights of [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you million [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy I want to move dude yo [ __ ] this guy wow yo [ __ ] that

Guy I hate this guy D I can’t believe Benji spoiled Five Nights at Freddy’s and his justification was it’s trash so I’m allowed to real quick heads or tail Tails you’re wrong [ __ ] you guys I didn’t like it I’m allowed to spoil it I’m going to be I’m going to be sick

Okay let me just go DP no no no no stay away from my chest please did you intend to watch it ironically I don’t know where to put stuff we don’t have any storage perhaps ironically your job is to make I’m a FNAF gamer well that’s not my what the

[ __ ] was I doing I keep getting distracted this is like how these things go I want to go make us a nice house I literally did not say that you said my sweet Ben okay I’ll make you a lovely house for free ion bunch of [ __ ] and

Then I need to make them largeest where you belong be and both Farm that’s look cool yeah [ __ ] kill him you look like a unicorn freaking yeah I got shot in the brain you got a brain I used to before I had it shot fair enough now I got two smaller

Brains cuz they got split I have to wear this helmet I’m going to probably fall doing this [ __ ] because Benji decided to make his goddamn proof of concept over a goddamn cast got a [ __ ] problem with that [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] maybe make your own proof of concept how about that okay

[ __ ] easier way like faster Way Mother of God give me who touched my [ __ ] Depot which one of you touched my Depot who am I going to have to strangulate look at my quest dude Bud Benji I’m going to be honest about something that’s going to really slow me down and it’s pissing me off and it’s

What I have to do before I can do anything I need to get a [ __ ] create wrench I can’t live like this I can’t live like this which means we need gold plates which means fastest way to do that is either to make a [ __ ] Tinker

Construct no no no no we just make gold plates with a with a press press yeah but that means I have to interface with this thing without a [ __ ] wrench which means I have to do it over the god just give me a Depot you don’t need to

Touch [ __ ] just [ __ ] sh sh sh give me a Depot okay it’s going to be okay I got you we need a [ __ ] casing dude do you not have my Depot I someone picked up my [ __ ] Depot why would I have your godamn Depot I dropped it on the ground

No one has your freaking Depot psycho Benji I was kind of excited you know come play this you’ve been really toxic he’s been acting like a [ __ ] man I love you know why you know why though can can I have a little okay first we have to kill

This guys we just have to do tinker’s construct come on guys help me get wrong with with hus I mean it’s hus now okay it’s different listen I [ __ ] came up here I built this cool little house I thought you guys would think it looks so cute

It’s so cool be very efficient and making us stuff look we got a bulk washer guys that’s amazing I’ve had nothing but [ __ ] for the last hour okay nothing but [ __ ] dude I need some love sounds like no I’m not doing this Benji Benji when I type in heus in the

[ __ ] mod thing you know it doesn’t show up heus because when I type in tiners construct tiners construct pops up you uh jauz jauz dude you’re [ __ ] the only way to get you on this mod pack is not to bring applied energistics to an construct the two things your pillars

Of hatred pack has pneumatic did you know yeah it does which is really cool and you’ll probably like that one do you like pneumatics I don’t know what that pack mod is I don’t know what that mod is you like making air that’s twice the twice the amount of air as the

Outside air and if you and if you if you break it open it explodes and kills you and 50 people you pressurize that that’s pretty sick look one of us has to be the idiot that does tinker’s construct and it’s it’s just not going to be me but

Someone needs to all right cuz it will save us some [ __ ] time on some of this [ __ ] it’s a it’s a compact way to do certain things I don’t know I honestly I’m trying to look through the mod I’m trying to see what I can do do you

Understand tinker’s construct uh yeah I know Tinkers okay yeah are you happy doing Tinkers and a [ __ ] house we just need we just need a Tinkers thing made cuz like that’s how we make miscellaneous crap because otherwise we need to set it up on crate and that’s [ __ ] all right well I’m

Going to make another Depot stinkers construct ow oh oh God I haven’t played since like 1.6 it’s a lot better now man it’s been modified for this mod pack yeah he’s lying man he’s [ __ ] lying he’s lying just like you lied you lied you [ __ ] lied to me about this hephestus thing

The whole time you were just lying to my [ __ ] face I would Jac’s back to you I would never [ __ ] I’m going to call you hesus from now on okay I’m okay with that kind of badass name [ __ ] hell when you more like real trees why did I

Toss out my freaking saplings this place is I’ve got I got 17 saplings look at this squal mechanical press start planting [ __ ] like all around here we don’t need a base we need a freaking press yeah my bad hold on hold on [ __ ] I got need gold to do I don’t

Reckon you have gold no I don’t think I got gold I’m going back down down there okay that should be good I’m going down there and I’m fighting for my [ __ ] life that’s okay man uh we need what what kind of plates do we gold plates but also iron

Right gold iron and Brass are the things we’re going to need for most to create stuff yeah but I’m talking about the plates right now I know we need gr and gold I don’t and iron I’m going down there and I’m going to [ __ ] get a some

[ __ ] I don’t care if we use a bunch of people doing it I don’t [ __ ] care any books all right I’m going in press all right the Press is now on it’s pretty [ __ ] Fen to the huh oh my God chat there was a second iron pickaxe

In my hands and and then it’s gone am I blind where the [ __ ] did that go I made two travesty we don’t have a crafting station what the [ __ ] it’s a many things are a travesty dude like you can’t just roll say where’s all the [ __ ] [ __ ] make it where the [ __ ] is

The Tails wrong dumb ass [ __ ] it no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you just pick the opposite one every literally not I I can show you my I literally need you on webcam right now to prove it me too okay twitch.tv/ hey I made a pickaxe and uh and it’s not here anymore uh can

Everyone check their backpacks I want to know if somehow got put into someone’s backpack wait are you also noticing disappearing things yes I do not have anything in my backpack guys are things disappearing I made an iron pickaxe and it’s gone sure it didn’t fly into a

Chest I have one in my hand but I made two I checked all the chests cuz I did a chest drop to like clear out the rest of my inventory afterwards and it’s gone yeah hold on on something [ __ ] up I’m not picking oh my God F barel oh it’s in

This Barrel why the [ __ ] is it in this one barrel there’s nothing for it to go huh I’m out of here man there’s no reason for that to go into that Barrel that’s weird it’s not even careful careful with what you do careful with what you press go get his

Gold this place is cursed I’m using andesite as my platforms to get there use this till it breaks and then I’m iron come back up once we’ve gotten gold oh my god let’s just cover that up chat we’ll just cover that up I don’t

Want to look at that we we don’t need to look at whatever that was right there whoo wao the wo oh all right we are looking freak you’re freak get the [ __ ] out of here freak well it’ll be easy to see gold in this place if it spawns mhm yep deep slate

Iron and what’s that deep slate tin we don’t care about that we just need some we just need gold lapis is also cool we’ll take lapis we’ll help ourselves to the lapis forbidden and arcanas I will take Arcane crystals [ __ ] try it try it [ __ ] see what happens when he catch these hands

Yeah whatever all right CH Emerald she’s gotten the mixer done I’m not going back up till I get gold dude I I listen Maybe I maybe I come off as spoiled needing a [ __ ] wrench to work on create but I’m not about to manually break this [ __ ] by hand every time I

Need to move something especially if we’re talking about moving places I I need an actual goddamn tool I am not I’m not living like that I won’t where the hell’s that coming from whatever I’ll get a bunch of iron while I’m down here too make us a bunch of

Money they’ll thank me they’ll be so grateful they’ll start Screaming ow deep slate silver deep slate gold there we go perfect CH here’s the problem is that Benji lives in such squalor that we don’t even have things like blast furnaces like the basic foundations of production that would make everything faster we don’t even have those

I have no idea how he’s made it this long oh is that zinc we need this I know for a fact we need this bro thinks he’s a minimalist omegal yeah he’s just a freaking like nasty homeless guy living in a freaking Shack that’s all there’s a big difference Trash trash real trash although the flax might actually not be trash that might actually be really good might need that at least I always will know what the gold looks like because it looks like butter this yellow like freaking movie popcorn tier butter sulfur looks like what gold should

Be what the [ __ ] is that feel like I’m going to blow up I break this oh well heing some weird slop all look uh we’re we already got got 27 more iron ore deep slate silver actual real Undead creature dispatched handly the spider was here all along

I’ve dispatched it as well handily I might add trash TR garbage trash trash dude I should be mining this just so I can actually like let it despawn off the ground oh my [ __ ] god it’s a swarm of creatur okay I mean String’s cool I know we’re

Going to need that chat because uh we’re I mean I’m making [ __ ] windmills I I don’t don’t know what who Benji thinks he’s fooling right now uh but I’m I’m making windmills I I don’t think I’m going dude what the [ __ ] this is cheap this is like

Dirt why the [ __ ] are we using water holy [ __ ] this is cheap holy moly that is some cheap stuff how much is it to make a mother of God why the hell are we okay I’m going to help us out when I get back up to the surface I’m going to make

Us a big wheel that that is cheap we could make a maximum power wheel in like no time I’m going to grab all these webs that would set us up on create for a long [ __ ] time I can’t believe how stupid everyone is no one knows how powerful we could

Have been this entire time I don’t know what the [ __ ] it you right you okay all right oh yes what the who the [ __ ] is that I have to [ __ ] rebind this hang on controls key binds Key C going to bind Zoom to my button this one there we go

Yeah I’m not going near that guy but do I see any diamonds I don’t think we’re at Diamond level but you never know that’s not it oh well going to stick to the m I don’t really care too much about getting diamonds I just care about all the other

Stuff right now stupid idiot or uh don’t worry chat next stream I’m going to make Doom run on Minecraft with this I’m going to skip all the other mod stuff I’m going to immediately just make Doom I with 19 Redstone I should be able to do it actual windmill denier I’m not Deni

Dude I love the windmills we’re going to be doing that hang on I where is my Sushi I see I deposited it into a chest automatically uh oh oh my God something over there really hated when I broke that okay relax man I’m you don’t scare me I just want all

This dude this is a gold Gold Mine genuinely this is a [ __ ] gold mine to me we will make a boatload of sails out of this crap a boatload we are going to cash out hard who is there a spider near me hello I don’t see any gold I iy ate gold

On me dude which is enough for me to make a wrench or two and that’s all I really cared about I’m just doing like other stuff now and slowly accepting the fact that I have no idea how to get back alive guys what the [ __ ] is that horrid blue

Glow um guys I’m not actually sure how to get back home and there’s like a bunch of spiders down there guys I didn’t set a waypoint like everyone else did I didn’t ever like anticipate getting lost and soon my sword will be broken oh you don’t want to hang out

With the other torches huh oh you’re you’re a special torch then you can stay here forever and be special alone what the [ __ ] is this well I know not to set my spawn here holy huge we got pants and shoes and a bunch of other crap break that so I’m not

Tempted it’s actually really convenient I’m going to cook up uh can cook up some right now I’m going to actually Stow some crap in here I don’t need these bottles this paper these feathers this gravel or this flax or this probably should keep the spawner stuff hang on do I really

Care will I ever use this particle accelerator core someday I’ll scream about how I threw this out but that day will be later not today not even this week that’s a future me problem the me of the future is going to be really mad about that I’m going to cook this iron

So I can make another sword or two yes get back creature and your friend cool guys it may be a thousand years before we get back up to the surface where the others are I didn’t actually realize I was so close also why do these

Pixels look like a like a look like like an idiot like look two eyes a nose and like a mouth wide open what is that all right this done ow ow okay that’s enough I just realized I don’t have any freaking sticks and I realized there’s loads of logs all around me

Oh I know what I should do while I’m down here one I’m not going back up till I get diamonds uh get used to being down here chat this is our home uh but while I’m here how about I cook a little bit more of this actually and I’m going to make a

Bucket also [ __ ] this book how expensive is this one to make this book oh is that materials in you that one especially what’s this one ORS Novo how much expect that one that’s definitely trash that one’s good and we keep it I have a map button when I press M goodbye

Trash all right now we’re done here we’re surviving chhat some of you may not believe it’s possible but we are what the a aurine whatever man can I get this out of my inventory what’s this do it levels me up perfect okay H we need buckets bucket boom I also want a scythe

Boom or not Scythe shears put this this hello thought I heard something must have been the wind and then there is well hello what the [ __ ] is that I’m going to ignore it don’t [ __ ] kill me I’m ignoring him we’re going to find peace I don’t even really care about the XP

Cubes what’s my y level what the [ __ ] is your pro what the [ __ ] is your problem Jesus freak that was horrible that thing made a terrible sound I didn’t like that he killed itself on a campfire the [ __ ] idiot lead nickel no don’t need it tin don’t need it

We’re only after the good stuff everything else is trash deep slate silver deep slate iron we want Iron Jed stop feeling bad for that idiot he killed himself on his own terms all right he probably he knew what hot stuff was there was lava visible in the

Area he got what was coming to him he deserved it he deserved everything that happened to him [ __ ] you language Katie you represent a Christian chat I’m going to need you to calm down holy s this quartz oh wow look guys treasure if I don’t take this we’ll never have one for food

Oh I will KCK your [ __ ] ass dude I will [ __ ] break you in half you have no idea what’s good [ __ ] yeah yeah give me that yep big go now I look cute mything table we already have one of those how long have I been down

Here how much food do I have left three pieces of bread one piece of bread left we are going to [ __ ] die maybe I should take that rotten flesh while I still have the chest it may be some of the only snacks we find while we’re down here in this cursed Place hang

On I’m going to need more copper for like a lot of things dude leave me alone I’m grinding deep slate zinc we need zinc freaking love in thank God that skeleton is stupid and doesn’t know how to get over here what’s my elevation where the [ __ ] am I -3

[ __ ] we got to go even deeper if we’re going to find freaking oh okay chill dudee dodged it perfectly ow give me want a backtrack I don’t see anything over here going to reverse with my shears oh it gives me the [ __ ] cobweb damn it and this is useless and so are the

Shears have to use a sword I thought i’ would break it into the string still I guess that doesn’t make any sense right that’s just how these items work actually I’m going down to the blue section I just need some water I’m going into the blue

Section uh this place got a lot worse for me while I was away back demons [ __ ] I will I’ll kick your [ __ ] ass server Lag my god dude people almost died right there guys guys that was almost really bad why is there 800,000 Creepers on this [ __ ] map I don’t even know who that idiot is get away from me okay I will take this stuff I did I did need more

Food tablet of fast squirrels I don’t know if I need that [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] off compressed Stone how much Stone are we talking it’s not clear [ __ ] Christ this place is cursed this place is cursed but yet I carry on rope is this good for me not really

Fast squirrels maybe how much how expensive is a transistor [ __ ] what it’s like a useless thing to grab Because by the time I actually need it it won’t matter anymore uh cuz why do chat why do these not stack why the scary man is over there

This is this is dangerous guys I’m in a place I probably shouldn’t be every time I see ctis quartz for a second I think it’s diamonds and I get excited sometimes they even different freaking textures that was getting flanked Fool’s diamond yeah anyone who does applied energistics is a fool I I I

I would say that I would say uh I would say it’s a Fool’s it’s a Fool’s diamond or a poor a poor delusional fool someone who’s lost it where’s my item give that to me nickel oh perfect I needed that back on the ground floor oh the

[ __ ] hell is that thing that’s the second time that’s happened freak Show yourself why is there a little creature in this mod pad that goes and then disappears who’s that for ow dude I’m just trying to get a vantage point on this open area so I can actually see if there’s any

Diamonds I’m GNA get knocked into the abyss doing this dude I wish I knew how to get home God I missed my friend but also it’ be really cool if I was filthy [ __ ] Rich that’s s quartz quartz quartz there could be diamonds down there and that that could is the only

Excuse I need to commit fully to going down there how many of you freaks do I have to put in the [ __ ] Dirt how many of you freaks do I have to [ __ ] Kill I wouldn’t [ __ ] try it hang on I’m actually going to get some wood on my bar so I have something to build with if stuff gets bad there’s a million guys down Here that’s diamond we just have to conquer hell and we get diamonds dude guys all we have to do is conquer hell what’s up yeah I know oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] okay these guys suck and I’m just going to do this for a second so I can

Heal and quickly get this on my bar there we go God damn no that’s deep slate silver it wasn’t it wasn’t the thing guys guys that was just deep slate silver guys we came all the way down here for nothing ain’t no such thing as diamonds down this

Deep never has been diamonds in these caves it’s all just it’s all just zinc and Etc we’re never going to make it out of here alive I don’t reckon hang on nope that’s deep slate silver why did my how did did I get hit so hard my shoes got knocked off

This is my food now all we we at this Point okay what’s your problem okay well we got a lot of gold and a whole stack of iron so I mean technically there was a good run we’re never going to make it out of here alive but uh you know um good aside from that now if only I could find a freaking

Diamond hang on yo I actually think I just found diamond guys it’s so [ __ ] easy holy crap if I just ask for things games just give it to me dude it’s called streamer luck uh no I’d like a couple the [ __ ] one Diamond piece of [ __ ]

Whatever we’ll find more now that I know they glow and they are actually the diamond texture we can actually find more dark stone not sure how I feel about that okay all right I don’t know why I’m being so careful about this I just was

Like I put down a torch I don’t want to have to move it again I could just been putting them on the walls guys the odds of us finding another diamond ever are like 100% any day now we’re going to find another another red in one of these

Corners we are in a diamond biome I promise you runic deep slate what the [ __ ] are you talking about I can’t even break it with iron I mean I can but I won’t be able to harvest anything uh the the lighting the [ __ ] was that sound I got to get out of here

There’s something down try to I don’t think we’re here alone guys I don’t think we’re here alone I think we need to get out of here I think there might be something in here with us and they might be freaking poed that means pissed off yeah I think I need to

Move the [ __ ] is this trash antique ink garbage trash trash zinc I mean I need zinc zinc is one of those ones we do need so I’m going to keep grabbing this when I see it delicious zinc if I don’t go back upstairs and see a wonderful beautiful Utopia where I

Left that place Benji’s home his home that he made I’m going to be pissed off deep slay aquamarine Ora obviously from the Epic Samurai mod Ah what pray tell do I do with this oh you know make Samurai armor with steel feel like this is useless but I’m going to take it anyways I feel like I’m never going to get around to making epic Samurai armor but maybe one day well now that I know that diamonds

Glow I can at least kind of this is the problem with the cave update is that it kind of just makes it so there wow that’s a big [ __ ] lava field oh there’s more diamonds all right perfect Arcane gilded darkstone I can’t get it yet but fingers crossed if this is

Actually uh hang on I have to do this a smart way okay let me guess one one okay guys we’ made it to two diamonds if we spend it there’s another one thank God this stuff [ __ ] glows that at least makes it easier to not lose my mind little Bridge across to that

Perfect it’s just being guarded by this horrifying [ __ ] creature tortoise move dude that’s my diamond I need you to move let me guess one whatever that makes three that means I’ve got a diamond pickaxe Baby I ain’t going to complain that’s diamond pickaxe I’m in hell feel like I really was expecting that tortois just slapped me on the side of the head and just knocked me into the lava I mean I might as well make a diamond pickaxe and get some obsidian

While I’m at this gigantic lava cave like the boys would be so [ __ ] happy to see that wouldn’t they they’d start screaming they’d be having the time of their life I show up with obsidian to go to the [ __ ] nether they’d be so freaking thrilled yeah I think I’m going to do

That after I toss out some garbage right next to this freaking lava pit why did that blow up why is that doing that sometimes guys am I in danger okay just going to make a pickaxe toss out some more trash okay Diamond thought I heard a zombie but it

Must have just been in my head yep okay time for the fun part guys guys get excited I’m doing the best part of Minecraft one let’s see we need 10 to make a portal cool Three Four no way he gets five well big happy Turtle you’re about to be freaking surprised five check that one out and you know what I’m even going to push it farther six Seven nice I’m doing it too early I got to slow it down 10 I’m going to get 14 that’s right Chad I’m going past what people expected the crowd starts screaming they’re begging it to end 11 I’m going to make the full portal 12 13 any moment now I’m going to

Place all of these blocks somewhere really annoying audibly for the group they’ll just be so mad about it cuz none of them have a diamond pickaxe to move it they’ll get so pissed here 14 good placing that freaking torch so I can put these on my goddamn bar and now

To fall into lava and lose everything diamonds where are the diamonds need more diamonds I mean gold is also good where the hell is that guy I guess I should like break this and see what it does for me what is this Arcane gilded dark stone wow it’s [ __ ] garbage guys look

Trash real trash that thing didn’t do anything that’s a block with no value at all in the video game it exists for no reason holy [ __ ] damn dude it’s pretty cool looking not seeing any diamonds what the hell’s going on here wow can it wee Noob that’s where I’m going to bury you

If you [ __ ] pipe up again pipe te’s holy [ __ ] the surface has gotten crazy while I’ve been down here living in Hell deep slate randomi ore Chad does this [ __ ] kill me if I break it let’s see what the [ __ ] is that oh back back off dude I think I just broke the

[ __ ] chance block of this [ __ ] mod pack and I live to tell the tale and I got a [ __ ] Windswept Sandstone stair for it my guy has become acclimated to eating rotten flesh guys I don’t get sick anymore he actually loves it my dude actually loves eating rotten

Flesh silver at least I know it glows now I mean I’m probably good to start heading back up we got obsidian we got like a pretty good amount of [ __ ] stuff done the issue is going back up doesn’t really mean going up can you you are the biggest

Freak [ __ ] die I hate that guy idiot rip Bozo well time to start going back up oh whoa yeah I don’t care about that CSE something will [ __ ] kill me any day now I want to be able to breathe and not burn dude I’m going to be living in

Squalor for a million years why wouldn’t I put on the cursed helmet that’ll last me exactly as long as I need it to lava accident when I don’t I haven’t had a lava accident in a long time in Minecraft chat creeper accidents are much more likely guys I don’t know if we’re ever

Going to make it out unless I were to do like a funny like uh climb up the entire thing using a bucket technique unless I were to do my funny climb up the entire edge of this map with a bucket which is a little known technique

Actually uh but you can do it not many people are bold enough to climb entirely out of a m shaft in Minecraft using just a bucket I just heard some like I think a zombie was just slurping something out of a [ __ ] straw hey tomato you missed some ctis quartz

I’m chat there’s only a flat surface of stone around these parts I don’t actually know what you’re pointing out what the [ __ ] are you stay the [ __ ] away from me nuh-uh uh-uh uh-uh no no no no no no no no dude the unbearable urge at every moment

When someone says anything to say who asked in the text chat it’s hard it’s rough am I about as high up as I can be I’m going to have to stare well out of here use the iron do it no blocks what the [ __ ] did you just you want to

Come back to earth did you just [ __ ] say instead of no balls you said no blocks can you can you wake up I need you to wake up petrified ore how how long have we been climbing up this staircase how much farther do you think it is until we are

Free we’re at the ersite that means we’re getting close oh [ __ ] I might need a double back we’ll start going this way now oh yes we’re going to be here a while but when I get back up to the surface godamn I’m going to have very

Little to show for it but a freaking huge huge amount of obsidian guys more iron we love Iron hang on we love Iron dude give me dude [ __ ] out of here thank you 2our tunnel stream guys welcome to Minecraft you know what my ever heard of Minecraft news flash you

Mine that’s most of it that’s the game everything else is fluff you got to embrace the world we live in you have to accept it at some point in your life life you really do how high are we 46 my God it’s going to be another 300 years before we see the sun

Again my ego I’ve experienced full ego death down here I’m a different person I’m not the creature that entered the caves I’m broken wait no I’m back wait ladies and gentlemen he’s back oh my God yo look out there’s a freaking hole to hell down There thank God made it out of There thank [ __ ] goodness that’s the village so we actually want to go over here oh yes home sweet home it always looks like a creeper blew it up I return I return from my great journey oh my God you’ve been gone a long time G you’ve got like a cleric

Neck piece you’ve got like a enchanted helmet yeah wow what did you get what did you get I went down and got us obsidian oh enough for a portal yeah bro listen come here let me let me tell you why that’s epic okay first of all we’re pressing flowers inside water to make

Rubber we’re also tapping trees over here you see this the arboreal extractor it’s sucking resin out of the tree straight from it but it takes so long that it’s never going to happen it’s just never going to happen boss well what if we make like six of them and put

Them all around the same tree yeah we’re going to do that but it’s very expensive each one each one is a a kinetic machine plus also a uh a bucket so it’s a lot of stuff but we could do that we will do that we also need we could tap the menil tree

Too just listen to me just listen to me then we have to cook it and make [ __ ] Rubber and then we have to cure the rubber all of this so we can make the sealed thing for Tinkers so that we could finally do the [ __ ] thing and

Cook the the uh the crap over there or we go to the nether NAA Blaze bring it back done the blaze listen man here’s all we have to do to go to the nether I put a portal down right here we have to listen to it for the rest of our [ __ ] lives

Go but then we get a [ __ ] BL slightly further away can we just put it over there all right man I me put it right here oh my God I’m down to go I’m looking I’m looking to [ __ ] go do some cre stuff look it’s just like we

Need to get we need to cage first yeah I can make the cage right now let me make the cage you make the cage and we deposit a bunch of [ __ ] and then we go [ __ ] do that I got beds yay sleep now I stole them from the non-existent

Villagers I’m going to turn this area into just bed land inventory actually emptied out good I’ll take it oh God it’s all seared bricks these people live like this they live like this they live like [ __ ] animals I mean I also live like this this is also my home [ __ ] but I

Don’t take ownership over it all right this is I didn’t build this place I have nothing to do with the way this all played out none of this I don’t take credit for none of this none of this is mine but Jesus Christ this place [ __ ] disgusting

Disgrace I know what I’m going to do I’ve got all this string 12 oh I also realized Benji um windmills are [ __ ] tragically cheap in this mod pack so we’re done with this oh my God trag me that’s a good thing but also I will be enlisting the help of all of the

Creatures around the world I mean yeah can do that but the whole time they’re going to be looking over at the perfectly usable green power we have that like totally protects the environment and they’re going to be like is this Just for kicks no they’re going to get competitive and they’re going to

Run faster no dude no I don’t know about that dude I do I do if I was a hamster on a wheel I’d see wind power next to me and I’d start running just a little bit faster to justify my existence there’ be a decent chance I get chucked into like a churning

Grill okay okay man cool the bedroom that’s the bedroom man that’s [ __ ] cool man uh let me make a mechanism wait what happened to like making a house did that we give up on that man hey man look um okay like did you just seal me in

[ __ ] you know I wield the only diamond pickaxe hey man hey man before you come out of there um heads or tails ta holy [ __ ] dude there’s something out there I’m not going out there the bed dude I you’re lucky you [ __ ] came in I was going to seal you out there

Dude we need to sleep can we sleep straight up not having a good time with all these wait oh hey why does this feel like a [ __ ] family tomb cuz it is one dude yeah we can’t sleep without percussion man and spot these guys are cowards this is cringe place this place

Is a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole you know I was thinking we might as well just put the portal right here in the [ __ ] corner you know what I mean then we’re going to have to listen to it forever but I’m okay with that personally I mean we can

Muffle the sound there is the muffle mod in this back where you can just completely turn off the sound so it’s not Anno I guess but that’s like that’s like fail here or something dude it’s either you commit to squalor or you [ __ ] don’t what do you want from

Me do it do it hit sand nether portal next to beds and we can make it any side any any size yeah man it’s a the new Minecraft mechanic well I’m going to do it default normal so as to show how old I am dude this guy’s 15 that’s crazy all

Right man yo grab that freaking grab a freaking FL Ste I’m freaking on him this place is okay I’m going to go in there and just see if I could see a blaze right away okay good Lu with that goodbye I’m never returning back there’s simply no way I live I’m in darkness

Guys um guys guys guys guys um was that a full server destruction moment did I destroy the Ser oh you know it might be the one thing Benji didn’t do when he was setting up these servers as Preen the nether I might have just [ __ ] crunched This Server

Up I just grabbed This Server by the [ __ ] neck and went and [ __ ] squished it and [ __ ] broke its neck whoops it’s over guys server’s dead I’m G to go pee I’ll be right back Is the server doesn’t want me in is the server still up for everyone Else no I’ve never been more angry at Benji in my entire life than I am right now I’ve never been more pissed at him this is your fault none of this would have ever happened if uh if they had never added the nether to Minecraft I think this is all

Minecraft’s fault guys they probably shouldn’t have added the nether I think we can all agree the nether is [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] no one likes it you can update it as many times as you want it’s just a headache it’s a headache of his own no one gives a crap about it

Should just done what Terraria does Minecraft and put the nether underneath a layer of obsidian beneath the [ __ ] crust spare me this Crap there’s a mod that does that yeah I bet that mod makes m Minecraft run real good guys I bet that mod makes Minecraft run like crazy all right guys time to see if I load up dead here I go oh no oh no um um guys good TR hey Benji oh [ __ ] What they say it was like Control Plus F3 to reload everything F3 plus T maybe I just can’t see anything and it’s all unloaded and if I do this it’ll fix itself hello hey hey man hey where’s the [ __ ] world oh it is here it’s just

Loading it’s taking its sweet time cuz I didn’t pregenerate the nether o bud that’s uh that’s going to cost us that’s this little maneuver is going to cost us about 20 minutes but what we can do is um so actually we do need to find a blaze but we need Netherrack to bring

Back to even make the blaze container so where’s the Netherrack uh oh my [ __ ] god butd are we huh okay so we are floating at the same time as the chunk not loading some of this is real some of these are real drops to hell okay okay okay good to know easy

EMP people are coming through and they’re not going to know how bad it is what’s going on it’s bad just chill just [ __ ] chill wood blew it you blew it you know what I’m saying another Sky Block Challenge everybody wait is that what oh it’s generating I can see more lava

Now we just have to stay calm and hope that in the distance we see a freaking uh Fortress spawn yeah yeah we might get lucky we also have compasses that we can use to find any point of Interest by the way you just got to crop it this place

Sucks yeah this place sucks even more than usual down that green you see that green fire it’s like that like popsicle yeah why is that green okay I think we’re going to be fine hey look the land over here is generating it’s getting longer eventually a monster is going to come

Out of the [ __ ] Darkness because we can’t see what’s ahead of us and it’s going to grab Benji and pull him into the void realm yeah I’m okay with that I’m brave also there’s some loot down there yo you want to see a magic trick look at that

Don’t [ __ ] oh I made this how’ you do that I stepped on it and it became real wow how you do that can you like imagine diamonds y you want to see me do that again mus oh my God bro oh my God he disappeared oh my God I was going to

Make a funny like Mario movie joke but then he disappeared well I genuinely thought you [ __ ] fell no n man it’s totally oh oh cool wait if you interact the Block it’s like break block break a block and it realizes it’s got to load it’s like or

Not hey we are problem solvers here now I understand why it’s taking so long to load look how dense this [ __ ] is [ __ ] hell man look at the map it looks like like it looks like the insides of a burger I didn’t even Mark the portal by the

Way Al we are surrounded by bubish hor I mean I’m wearing a gold legging or pants guys they’re coming oh yeah oh [ __ ] we got to get the hell out of this place run yeah this portal is not a good position cuz they will just knock you

Off yeah I’m out of here this place sucks I’m let that place load for 2,000 years wrong yeah I’m not going back there until every chunk loads [ __ ] he was right hey man so yeah we can’t make a smelter until we um until we uh we do a

Bunch of create stuff what why uh okay so to make a controller uh we need to make a smelter and to make a smelter or seared melter we need sealed machines and sealed machines take a bunch of rubber and to make rubber is create I don’t know how to do that

Right right right right I have a bunch of flowers um to make rubber but I don’t know how right boy oh boy this mod pack I wasn’t expect like I was expecting like astral style where it was like not like additional hundreds of steps Oh you mean

Like you thought thought this was not a create pack in create Arcane engineering well the create astral one wasn’t this is like obtuse I don’t know man I mean there you can do magic stuff it says in the book you can do it but just

Like it’s better off you do it later in the in like chapter three or two yeah yeah it feels like a the layout of this so far feels like an expert pack if you know what I mean just want to play Minecraft man man [ __ ] yeah not too happy about the

Progression curve of this one chat it’s uh it’s a lot of [ __ ] to get to the stuff that is um fun in this one so far and a lot of additional steps that I’m not used to and I’m not going to have the time realistically to [ __ ] uh get there like that’s the

Problem it’s hard to find motivation when you see the game pack being like do 8,000 things to access one thing that used to be that easier instead of like adding more depth to those things it instead or like it just adds complication instead I think it’s like a [ __ ] way to design a

Pack does that make sense the story gets better after the 28 hour mark dude I’m rubber right now dude nice don’t be a flubber get a rubber I’m going to be honest this power system sucks it’s not great I’m also confused why uh this Cog wheel is

Connected to the top of this thing rather than the side cuz it doesn’t work from the top okay how are you expecting me to put it on the side you want me to show you no no no no I understand how to but like this is the easiest way of doing it

Right now and it works so like you need you just need a am I wrong I mean like it’s it is doing its job yeah but it be doing it faster okay go for it man okay man okay man check this one out I’m not trying to

I’m not trying to [ __ ] your Vibe up I’m not the create guy I [ __ ] I okay I was going to say I almost said it I I don’t hate create but create hates me you know what I mean yeah I get you actually is this I need I need to turn

This into I need to get some gold plates I was going to make before I started doing create I needed a wrench oh my God uh oh yeah we need gold plates that’s true I got gold I just need to cook it I don’t know where it went like here’s the

Thing I’ll genuinely learn create but I just every time I do I forget it it like goes out one one out is the gold didn’t we have oh it’s behind me I got it I know we really need a sorting system yeah that’d make all this a little bit easier

But that’s only applied energistics look man I ain’t touching that [ __ ] again yeah no that ain’t happen do resin trees exist in the pack there is resin it’s just apparently also expensive and annoying to make so uh it’s a lot of steps to do things that

I yo like concept wise should be a lot faster yeah like this early step shouldn’t be this annoying no I have uh 28 gigs why is it loading so terribly it’s loading terribly cuz so I don’t realize how many mods are stacked up in the nether there

It’s pretty bad um it’s using the nether hey mod as well so the nether is effectively four times the the size I’ll get there CH there’s so many mods in there it’s gross I need my brain to be clear and have things getting picked up automatically so I can clean this place

Up what was that bud I said how big’s your chunk shut the [ __ ] up voice box head or tails no I’m not doing your games anymore this why is heresis not progressed why is tinkus not happening this was your job did you not remember what we talked about we need rubber to

Make the [ __ ] sear melter made you I made you rubber how much rubber did you make me three rubber there’s three rubber in there there’s a couple more rubber on the way there’s rubber downstairs there’s three more rubber cuz I’m making it Benji no no okay what

Flowers I got um the blue ones wrong I’m going to tear this place down got you a bucket of resin as well how much rubber is this soon as this is done I’m going to turn I’m going to tear this [ __ ] down give me all these where’s a [ __ ]

Workbench okay so one bucket of resin is four rubber good okay we just fill that into the thing instead of the water no yeah let that do let that do first I’ll put the resin bucket in here I got a 13 rubber on me right now I think we need

32 in total to make what we need to make okay god’ll get there I mean the the what I should probably do is upscale the amount of resin we’re producing yeah we also need a uh I’m uh I’m going to tear this [ __ ] the [ __ ] up and move it okay

Go for it man uh and I’m also thinking I’m going to make it a windmill [ __ ] this can you put the why don’t you make the windmill first and then you tear this [ __ ] up and move it to the windmill when it’s ready to actually be installed

Well because the windmill’s going to go right here and get in the [ __ ] way cuz I’m going to tear this [ __ ] windmill here what’s so good about having the windmill here why don’t you put it like right yeah in the middle of the uh only clearing we have the middle of the yard

In the middle of the yard you want to do it in the middle of the yard yard yeah how about how about how about you do how about you do me a solid while I connect everything here and you dig me a 3X3 tunnel down to the [ __ ] center of the

Earth so I can make a gigantic windmill why don’t we just why don’t we just dig right the center of the [ __ ] house why don’t we break everything in there and just dig it right down [ __ ] it what can stop this stop having issues with with my beautiful construction here and

Tails no [ __ ] off heads wrong no no see he says the opposite one every time no he let me he said I won one time I know he’s I know it’s legit no he he does this thing where he gives you like a freey win sometimes but it’s not real

You don’t get anything from it Tails okay heads you’re wrong you’re just wrong you’re just straight up wrong F off [ __ ] off I’m so [ __ ] D it literally says in my chat it says you feel cool you feel cool heads like all right um I’m going to be honest wait

Wait so hold on hold on the only thing temp to is that we’re using this currently to generate a little bit of rubber that’s the only thing put the rubber in there did you put the rubber in there a deep slate any stone any wooden slab and the sh fill that up that

Should stop pressing down more rubbers and we’re all going to have rubber Mak you want to pick my nose you know what I’m saying okay I’m going to go get us a blaze he says it like it’s so [ __ ] simple yeah man just go to the Nether

And just like stand there and wait till each individual block generates for you no like Netherrack Netherrack is I can go get it from this from the other world actually hold thinks he’s going to walk around and get one that’s funny he’s funny he’s saying funny little jokes

Now could have sworn we had more W oh there we go it’s time to CH it’s time to actually bring this place to some format of the 21st century we’re going to Tech up we’re teching up had enough of this done yes yes yes yes yes they want Power I’ll give them

Power we’re doing it on we’re doing it above the surface because of how [ __ ] Absolut abolutely annoying it would be to dig it at this point I’m putting it right here that’s fine look we’ll we’ll make it nicer like later do you have enough wood to make a

[ __ ] workbench outside CU for some reason there’s not one outside and it’s driving me insane I got you hold on let me let me just make a thank you thank you I’m gonna be honest don’t know I didn’t just play so I’m sorry it’s okay just need I just need something out here

Station but uh me let me make one real quick I’ll take that crafting bunch in a second just need some kind of stone that’s cooked okay I’ll do that with this and just TOS in some no bench on a stick uninstalling yeah chat that’s what’s going to push you that’s the final straw Huh there oh does this go I’m sorry do I need forgot is the only port on the bottom oh this is why I always do them down in the earth now I remember it’s because the [ __ ] only output is on the top there’s always been a method to my madness oh Well yeah I’ll still do it like this I don’t care I don’t [ __ ] care a deployer a deployer never mind I’m done no it’s okay I don’t need to Pretty sure I saw a thing that was like I can put anything on this Windmill and it’ll work now I think they like buffed it yeah that sounds about right I can literally just ignore all mechanics now let me see like just a flesh block windmills only need one sail to

Work oh yeah it’s going to be a shitty windmill dude don’t listen don’t listen to give me a [ __ ] trash windmill [ __ ] you dude [ __ ] you beat the [ __ ] out of here if he says anything like that to be again hey chill chill chill don’t make

Me beat you with my special coin I just got enchanted golden knife backstabbing free so I’m about to [ __ ] Mur dude look at look at the amount of engine power going through this thing right now holy crap wait we could actually use this hold on this [ __ ] this thing is

Going so they torque on this monster holy uh my concern is that I want to start a tree farm I think with it right that’s our immediate all yeah we should probably get like a rubber farm would be really nice I mean actually this is

Going to be our power and then I guess we’ll swap to we’ll have a treat how much windmill sails do we need do we need a lot more oh I have a stack we’re good oh okay we’re good dude I am generating right now I’m

Going to make this ugly as [ __ ] if this [ __ ] spins with it it’s staying like that oh yeah you guys are getting a [ __ ] nasty ass windmill today holy crap I wish Nast yes this thing is going to be ugly that’s okay I’m okay with that oh

Yeah this is just we’re just going to get windmill pieces wherever the [ __ ] they will be placed is this still spin hell yeah perfect he’s losing his [ __ ] mes out there man dud I wish somebody sorry I can’t I got to stop I got to stop yeah I have S problems

Please it’s like a nervous dick it’s like or else I was talking to my significant the other other the other day and we were talking about like Christmas holidays and going on holiday and stuff and just meeting family and we were talking about how the fact that we constantly use the

Word USI in conversations and it’s it’s like a it’s like a problem you got to be careful with that one man it seeps in this [ __ ] windmill will block out the Sun not the it’s an umbrella it’s like a pin wheel maybe seven hour CH it’s

Perfect all right I have Blaze cages I’m I’m heading to find a blaze if I do not return you’re never coming back don’t wait up for me oh we won’t be keep going with her fac this voice box keep getting that rubber it’s not Hest stop [ __ ]

Calling it that it’s not never [ __ ] was instead of instead of heads or tails it’s or Tinkers fastest Tinkers right now how fastest okay you got it wow holy [ __ ] he’s crazy whoa it only took him 25 tries I will just be making this exactly as this

Perfect yeah this will make people mad perfect boom dude easy holy [ __ ] dude this looks like trash this like ass oh yeah ass it’s really pissing me off we’re missing one Sail on the bottom left right there so yeah that’s exactly yep hey but good news is now I’m going

To tear this crap the [ __ ] up while Benji’s not here to complain about it you can’t say anything can’t say anything anything all of it’s going in my inventory dude I don’t [ __ ] care all right you have a wrench that’s true uh going to make this place look

Terrible look I need you to make me a uh uh uh makeshift kinetic mechanism can you do that for me I cannot do that I’m really stupid really stupid uh not available to do that right now for you hang on you know what else you can do for me

What’s that should be really cute over there cutie what’s going on huh sorry I didn’t say anything all right this way all right time to get it time to get the [ __ ] nasty part done come on chat it’s time to what this hole is going to piss me the [ __ ]

Off am I doing this in the wrong order I’m doing this wrong I I got to do it the other way the leaves dropped on the ground for supposed to do it like this humus on ground small onto big so on and so forth yes I can’t eat this there we go

[ __ ] disgusting nasty piece of [ __ ] I’m making dude but it’s going to go fast it’s going to be faster than anything they were making before holy crap oh yes oh yes it will be quick quick it will be don’t give a damn about anything but efficiency right now that’s what we

[ __ ] need mechanical presses boom boom Depot boom Basin boom does this actually need to be one Higher this one’s fine this I think might need to be one Higher I can’t remember whatever I’ll check like this no we’re good perfect uh mixer also connected like this oh I know this one’s the obnoxious

One that needs a cog line with it which is fine I can just do that really easily okay uh we’ll put it aligned with the God what a mess yes but it is more efficient you see but it’s better it’s stronger now don’t you you you guys understand it’s

Stronger we don’t need the mixer to be that fast I’m just trying to get this all reapplied so Benji won’t have a [ __ ] heart attack when he comes home you okay man nether bad okay nether is bad nether very bad nether is very bad it’s slowly generating though I’m

Getting oh nice keep going you got this then you’ll have your faces set up whoa what the [ __ ] did you you want to see how much faster it goes than the piece of [ __ ] we were working with before why does it look like a toad yeah get a [ __ ] Ingot and

Toss it on that goddamn Depot and you’ll see yeah much better much better I like that I like hey I like make it faster but I need more space I don’t think we need it faster than this for now lava anywhere by chance yeah I can go get some for you

Hold on you just got to fling yourself into the [ __ ] Abyss man that’s what I’m about to do I’m looking for a blaze they’re really hot to find apparently all right I’ll be back okay okay I’m just going to make this really dangerous yep watch your watch your neck

If you’re walking around this area you will get [ __ ] sliced by a saw that does half your health and damage take a little off the top okay well good news is where’s the we had like a bucket of resin at one point I’m going to make it

I’m going to do some do we have like a 2 by two thing of water yet or or are we that destitute it’s up here okay I I yeah I haven’t moved it back to where it should be okay cool I just need to get rid of this bucket uh all right I’m

Going to try to get the resin thing going again I guess bucket of of slop into the machine much better did it just turn into a block at the end which can I’m guessing then be turned back okay nothing breaks a block of rubber okay well evidently we need a

Million rubber for everything chat so I’m going to try to make more of these and if we wait wait wait wait wait wait item TR does this work the way I remember extract fluids from items well the issue is that I need we need to just

Pipe it out of this thing I need a pipe I really just want to pipe this and have it go straight into it with the pipe but I don’t think that’s going to be a thing I can do very quickly but I feel like rubber is a good get the [ __ ] away from

Me I will I will Exile you to the pit the [ __ ] out of here arboreal extractor let’s try to put more of these out here at least for now it’s just an andesite machine in a bucket what the [ __ ] is that guy this is a star bunkle this is that

Thing that Benji was like I want to make these things work for us it was that that’s a star bunkle a little rabbit that’s um [ __ ] up actually okay well let me take a look let me Ponder this so you can extract mineral with this that’s what it’s teaching us okay

Um we had a I feel like we want to do that hang on it’s nice you can break these things back down again hang on I want to find menil in this and I want to actually go to the menal liquid or whatever the [ __ ] it is if I

Can it’s not just going to let me find it that easy is it no of course not menal okay so with this if we have the men thing mhm better him than me I don’t know why we need to make enriched mineral considering everything here oh because I guess you can make a

Sealed mechanism for cheaper like that all right well what I’m trying to figure out right now is what value extracting mineral even has to me crystallized mineral you can use a drying Basin to make crystallized mineral oh how the hell did we get that I thought we couldn’t make

That okay so this is a value to us this would get us a ton of mineral if we uh can we also break it back down we can’t so the reason we want to extract mineral is so that we can get drying basins and make them into blocks of

Crystallized mineral we just need to move the fluid okay so we need both these for Rubber and for crystallized mineral all right we need a billion arboreal things that’s what we need was to do with this wait we need a whole stack of them we

Need a ton of them cuz we can extract we want to also be extracting liquid mineral out of the mineral trees yeah we do in we do all right so that’s buckets from Iron that’s easy and otherwise it’s just the andesite um andesite casing andite machine makeshift mechanisms let me do

That basic I just need a [ __ ] ton of logs pretty much they don’t have like raw logs no one has raw logs man I got Spruce two Spruce logs on me no we’re going to need likeing I just used a bunch to make that smell sorry that’s fine um my dog is

Losing like we can get so much resin we can get Minal we can also get uh we can get latex directly from jungle trees I believe lots of different liquids from trees yeah but right now we just need this we just need these masks dude like we are

Yeah so it’s going to take a while the Forest and let’s chop down some [ __ ] trees okay man uh [ __ ] lead the way Jesus what have you been up to what’s your what’s your current goal um trying to get anything with create to function there’s so many extra steps on

This mod pack that I wasn’t aware of yeah there’s quite a lot of extra steps it’s what it’s doing it’s kind of crazy how many mods are being merged together it’s like a ridiculous amount but I do like that you could do you can skip certain mod packs actually by

Taking a different route yeah we’re definitely going to be skipping as much applied just as as possible yeah I don’t want to go near that mod oh also ne’s [ __ ] um like can’t access it no it it’s working great now it’s just uh taking a while to generate

Some chunks um but it’s I don’t know the combination of mods we have makes it so [ __ ] insane and chaotic in there it’s ridiculous right like one mod has changed the height of the nether to be four times higher so the volume is already massive and then it’s got like

Five biome mods it’s like 15 different mobs it’s crazy I don’t know I don’t know how I’m going to survive it but I do still think getting a blaze would be nice it’s going to be fine we’re going to be fine we just have to walk up to a

Blaz and right click on it it’s not that hard that’s fine you know we could magically generate blazes with technology if we wanted to avoid this run oh I saved your [ __ ] life you could have died there [ __ ] that was yeah I I could tell man I appreciate you

Listen um one bite from a zombie you said that we could make blazes with technology and you said that might be easier I look at our base and I say we even have chests no dude I don’t mean it’s easier I just mean like long term

If we end up just going the tech route we might just avoid that having to go I mean it seems like the game really wants us to go both routes it does the problem is everything is still create first so we have to get create going Titan to 5 well now we’ve

Got it up and running like we’ made some good steps so far but what we have there is not up and running okay okay okay that’s fair but what we need is and aight machines to be automated that’s what we want we want the gizmos all automated

And then we’re good yeah we need to get that unbreakable we one we need to get enough rubber to make some conveyors for me and I can get that done I can get and okay so that means investing all of this log Chuck these logs at me and I’m going

To make us a [ __ ] ton of arboreal extractors all right yeah it’s going to cost a lot of andesite though but that’s fine thank you thank you mhm also did did you instinctively make your windmill look like a little Mushroom Man I was just trying to make

It look silly honestly like I was what my intention was was I was hoping that when you saw it you would get mad at me I wanted outrage I felt like a tinge of anger but I also feel like it’s a little mascot for our

Group I kind of like it to be honest it looks do you like the part where it’s not perfectly symmetrical oh I [ __ ] hate it now I’m glad you finally noticed until right now I’m glad you finally noticed my greatest creation dude what

The [ __ ] did you do I made it not I made it not good dude I made it as not good as possible be the [ __ ] off I’m going to make us resin extract hey guys I did it oh nice man I thought I was going to

Take you longer actually I don’t know it just took it was fine once we got the rubber we’re good so we got the uh we got three and stuff we just need lava I was going to say like okay now all we re the most important stuff is we just need

Like a cast for uh bars and also our cast for uh plates okay so if we need anything like oddly specific we don’t have to set it up on the main line um yeah I just need gold and I just need lava for the fuel

So if we can get a bunch of do we can we make drums what now make what or like containers what the [ __ ] did you say containers Oh you mean like tank liquid containers yeah sorry T oh yeah that’s that’s the word I was looking for uh yeah

Um yeah we can I mean we can also pipe up with create lava up to here is it easy like is it super simple it’s not expensive it’s just like honestly the reason if you guys see string or wool get it like windmills are the best portable power will’ll ever

Have uh cuz they work everywhere true and the way that we get lava up here is by piping it which means we probably want a line down there to pipe it up we’d want a windmill down by the lava as well yeah is the thing yeah I mean or we

Have a train shipping lava through the nether cuz all pipes is is copper coppers is going to be important you know trains can go through the nether portal right they can but uh we don’t even have brass yet okay that was such a shocking [ __ ] feeling right that’s right we

Don’t have brass yet we’re still on copper yeah we don’t have uh anywhere near the capability cuz we need a we need a heated Blaze to uh even blaz yeah well I can go get us a that’s why I’m on right now I’m just prepping us uh with

The resin stuff first uh does any don’t have any andesite all them I have five oh [ __ ] okay that was my golden apple give that back to me oh delicious give that back to me you must find it in the cave good luck oh must made have there was you’re a [ __ ]

[ __ ] no I I kind of deserve that for what I did uh do we have a soul blade yeah it’s right there you can put your you can put your neck right up to it ah dude yeah holy [ __ ] that kill me okay dude I told

You it does a ton of damage it needs to be upright for it function properly there well um why the [ __ ] would you tell me that uh okay whatever give me a second hang on I’ll fix it that was mainly for funnies uh give me a sec yeah

Yeah yeah I felt the funny right through my jugula but now I need to strip some water okay [ __ ] relax and give me a goddamn second you’re scaring me oh but we got [ __ ] quotas man we got bottom line chill it has to be upright how upright are we

Talking it needs to be flat on the ground with the blade up pissing me off right now okay uh fine yeah you done it good job no not yet give me a second wait can this rotate huh wait but the thing was on the side for a second

How the hell does what the oh it can go either way now okay that’s new yeah yeah yeah that’s uh that’s fine then uh we’ll just make a staircase where’s the the nearest lava yeah you can just put it up yeah that didn’t used to be how it

Worked with create there now you can step over here and freaking walk right on the saw and kill yourself huh youever been to the you saw on sorry I Really voice box you need to stop son dude you can’t see it right now but I my fists are all balled up I’m

Pissed at you you he’s white knuckling his Mouse right now dude he’s accidentally activating all his side buttons you [ __ ] dude we need a sign that says when people have accidents on site still that hasn’t happened yet I didn’t realize he had like one

HP damn it I just put him into the water I mean I could get rid of the water now so it really sucks when people fall down there please don’t [ __ ] I just got my body lying there on the goddamn s blade yeah it’s getting blood all over the

Factory if that’s what we call this place taking a na man I mean I think this is a pretty good Factory do we uh what do we make pretty unsafe man suffering I guess yeah chat what do I need to automatically pull fluids out with just

Create like you can feel free to remind me it’s I know everything about create like once it’s reminded to me need pumps I just don’t remember the names of everything anymore it’s terrifying where we down 100 that’s not that expensive cuz I think I’m just going to

If I set up a bunch of oak trees in a line I can pump it straight into this and automate it really quickly okay I am going to first of all request that we get more wool uh if someone can start doing that for me that’d be huge we

Should tot well I’m going to tear up I’m going to make I’m going to make a line of these oak trees instead going towards this basin and I’m going to set up pumps with pipes and we’re going to pipe into the Bas I’ll set up the extractors you

Set up the pipes we do need a wheat farm also so if we can make a tree and a wheat farm that would be pretty B I have a [ __ ] ton of wheat seeds I have like 50 seeds ready as well don’t need any of this crap just waiting for it to [ __ ]

Catch your leg again and [ __ ] kill you you fle okay this is plenty a strip wood we should be good to make L why did I just make a [ __ ] pickaxe my guy someone will enjoy that that’ll be a cool treat for someone yeah chat I know I can

Definitely attach four extractors of the same tree but think about like this um these machines like to operate in online and we have limited resources and the more turns we’re making the more expensive it’s going to be uh because gearboxes are just going to be

More into a sight so if we can get three trees or four trees in a line it’s actually going to be cheaper overall to me right now if I can get them really close with bone meal now do the trees need to be happy or can I [ __ ] like shave these

Things squeeze them together and like can I just basically collect logs and put them in the line and still extract Benji do you have an arboreal extractor already made I need to test something it’s [ __ ] important uh I can do it real quick yeah hold

On I’m going to see if we make like a wall of logs if that legally counts as trees oh interesting we need to know do we have I got iron we got boatloads of iron it’s just in a million different places okay here’s a extractor real quick there you go thank

You if this works then um do we know if red uh Red Wood works for this the we don’t okay you can chck it down you’ll see very quickly if the icon changes no so look this icon at the top would change or the little Port would change

Okay well let’s test something it with uh oak wood yeah Redwood doesn’t work with everything so it’s worth testing yeah I think it’s intelligent enough it does know when something but what if I put one leaf on the top of it dude okay try that I think that’s what

It’s looking for because it says if you look in the actual book in the game it says like make sure it’s got enough uh shape preserved well let’s try this yeah if this works then we’re cooking wow no okay I have to actually respect nature a little bit fine we got bone

Meal uh I think we have some inside let me check fine I’ll respect nature a little not much though hey Tanto yeah so I farmed up a bunch of cowside earlier cuz we can grind it into into bone meal um where’s the where’s the mill this one oh we don’t

Have a mill set up anymore okay hold on pretty sure you can do most mill stuff at other stations right uh yeah no I let me double check I mean I can place the mill again I don’t think it’s actually in my inventory but I mean no I think it’s got

To be the mill yeah well I mean that can go right next to the uh mixer yeah I’ll go grab the mill I think it’s inside actually wait no it’s right here that’s it I need to get um need to get my goggles you need goggles yeah I need two

Glass one string and a gold plate which I already have I going make two if we have four glass I’ll make us both goggles there’s one string out here I think yeah in this chest down below well alas looks like only one of us is getting [ __ ] goggles then my guy I’m

Okay with that for now um but I expect some [ __ ] goggles eventually uh I think you need to [ __ ] check yourself all right because it’s not that easy I have checked myself all day man I’ve been checked Left Right Center okay I’m done being checked I need goggles whatever you say

Goggles to make it through the nether which is Hell by the way hell [ __ ] hell silence I’ve been through hell for you people did not ask I could I could hear this the strength Wayne from you dude when I said rain man I held back actually today we have

So much [ __ ] that was given to us by the way by who by the uh you know when we got our loot boxes like here’s a mechanical plow so you can use the mechanical plow what does it do it automatically plows and creates Farmland what yo look at

This well yeah but that [ __ ] is a total [ __ ] waste of space like the problem is you need to set that with a rotational thing or some kind of other machine to make it plow just a lot of work that’s like a big investment to make a plow work we have sticky

Mechanical Pistons we have so much [ __ ] [ __ ] we have Gantry shafts do you know what Gantry shafts are tomor uh one of those things is definitely a like a lot of those things are like we need to be deeply investing in a layout that supports them exactly yes Gant shafts

Are just things that move um any object on top of them back and forth so like if we want to have something that goes back and forth we already have the capabilities to do that and we also have a bearing oh I actually need to hook up more copper before I [ __ ] do

This going to place all this Redwood here because it’s just all going to be turned into frames anyways uh I need copper cook some copper copper hey whoa wow this place is a [ __ ] [ __ ] hole you good I got I got lava I got a singular bucket of lava one one whole

Bucket damn we’re [ __ ] rich but I so oh wait what that sounds cool I’m kind of jealous of that what night vision goggles night vision holy [ __ ] yeah I found X petrified orbs I found Source gems I found a mage Bloom seed I found pressure tubes some diamonds I found

Some tomato seeds some cabbage seeds some glowberries if this doesn’t work I going be really sad what you want to do with that okay find found something for you now the problem is I kind of need to make a tank for this before I just [ __ ] our andite alloy right now which

Means um andite hey Benji yo can you make me like two barrels thank you Barrel barrels need barrels barrels I’m cooking you see okay I’ll try thank you Co use this part’s fast we’ll test this with one just to actually make sure that it works before I do anym my [ __ ] inventory

Nice we’ll never have the inventory space to accommodate [ __ ] Farmers Delight so toss that into the goddamn Chasm who says that me who says I’m going to be the farmer so like oh yeah with what Farmland with what clear Farmland we live in a Land of mountains

Literally don’t make me smack you with this it does eight hearts of damage don’t make me freaking RP grab you and throw you onto the freaking saw and stall you in half you won’t guys this is really romantic but I got eight barrels oh thanks just toss him in that uh chest

For now there you go I’m doing a I’m doing a test run to see if I can actually like pull out what I I need and put into a tank okay and also I have meal for you to find our know where theill went no I think Miss it’s in my

Inventory I was going to put it back on the thing oh yeah let’s do that cuz then I could check the calide and we’ll have infinite B well a lot of bone meal there you go okay here’s 23 and then I’ll start funneling this in

Uh I need a hopper let me make a hopper okay so here’s the situation Chad I’m overwhelmed I don’t know what’s happening I forgot what I was doing I stopped for just a second and that’s all it took for me to forget how to do everything in the video game and now I

Don’t know what’s going on I need to make a tree Once I make a tree I will hang on Chad I’ve given up on being an epic Samurai get this out of my inventory get it out of here I’ve had enough of it I hate

It I need to confirm if I can actually pump one of those is going to hit the house one of these days one of these days I’m going to oh it’s that horrible creatures back well done he uh dropped a w and Horn nice all right hold on let me

Um do we have any gold yes it’s in a chest cooking or in a furnace cooking before you said that well of course we have gold I spent a billion years collecting it of course we do all right I’m going to make a I’m taking

Eight gold so I can make some cast what you good what the [ __ ] I just launched him into [ __ ] space who hit me once I got stay away from me stay away from me wo wo what if I jump though what’s up with you guys oh I guess it’s

Fine now it’s finished hit me once oh oh I think it’s gone let Ponder um hold on let me go grab it again okay I’ve made the T I’ve made the pump I’ve made the fluid tank all I need out of is to quickly oh dude need to pipe off the line here

That’s so dangerous hey man careful careful tto what’s up with him what I’m trying can’t you see I’m busy hey man what’s going on over here you got something going on don’t touch me don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t ow would you hit me you [ __ ] [ __ ] serious

More what the hell was I going to do here how the hell am I going to do this [ __ ] ow you [ __ ] I need to get rid of his spell please like does it it doesn’t even work on NPC it did it worked I launched one of the [ __ ] Wen things

Into the space all right T is busy on that I have calite now chopping uh grinding up so we should have yeah bone meal starting to produce at the bottom it’s perfect dude this is always going to be a [ __ ] mess I’m sorry I’m going

To make it even worse in a second D I kind of I like spaghetti factories sometimes I feel like I got to cut the line got more personality than a main bus [ __ ] you think yeah it doesn’t need to be perfect we’re just having fun man dude it’s not about

Fun for me about it’s about money yeah if you affect the bottom line then I guess I disagree it’s about cash it’s it’s all about money everything’s about money like we’re not even we haven’t even acknowledged the [ __ ] Aurora balis above us cuz we’re just so focused on

Making more money the hell is that it’s distracting me why is the light fun in different colors like I don’t like that you know at any moment I could have made this more efficient instead I made it hell on Earth that’s okay that’s okay listen we just need a main line

Ultimately we could cover everything up we’re never going to have space for Main Line are you [ __ ] kidding me are you kidding me are you [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me we’re going to have a a big clutch breaker I’ll take care of it we are is this done now do we have

A no gold can I do Alloys in here now you should be able to this is a [ __ ] this is a tragedy it’s a [ __ ] tragedy chat I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do I am so [ __ ] sorry people are going to get actually

Upset with me about this one holy crap but I’m doing it anyways I have to commit we’re going to put the tree right here for now this will be where the line is I’m so [ __ ] sorry arise now it’s going now you right there does the do all out

You should do right I need a sturdy she yeah you do man go get one of those that’s a lot of hammering we need are I need to move get that you will do as I command as I command piece of [ __ ] sh it’s not doing as I command

Okay I see one more gear B box which I’m missing mind I just blow just got I just got to make one more gear boox the [ __ ] is the goddamn thing for gear boxes four cogs I’m never going to be able to do that oh

Yeah I found a scarf that turns I’m Sor I’m sorry oh I have to shave it first I forgot I have to shave it guys it’s all coming back it’s all coming back what is all this trash what is this down here’s got to be at least like five all coming

Back yes more gear boxes all I have the power to do whatever I need four of these [ __ ] things this is expensive all I needed to I’m like trying to take pths that that I’ve single-handedly [ __ ] for everyone this place already sucks yes now we just connect the line

Boom now that’s going to pipe out onto the ground and make me really angry yes it totally spill good yes okay so now resin is going into this tank which means just works and now we do it again because we know it works and if it works once well it’ll work a 100

Times more look at it look that holds eight mega mega buckets uh which is basically nothing but that’s fine this is just I just need to I just need a tank so I could confirm that it would actually hold but now that I know chat I can do

This we’ll just leave this here for now yes you you boom I’m going to make some nasty [ __ ] but if this works then by God you’ve done it of course it doesn’t reach of course it doesn’t reach we’ll blow blow up this Iron Man no no no why don’t we have copper Outside I just going to hit the house one you know that’s that [ __ ] those creepers are going to hit the goddamn what the [ __ ] was that dude me compressed Iron Man okay okay okay what are these days a bomb is going to hit the station and I am going to break and

I’ll start killing people something’s already hit the house tomato can you make this into a sheep please dude just right click on the thing you got to think for yourself okay he’s got to right click on the thing did it man okay man did yeah now you know how to do it next

Time I don’t like you what was that what the hell did you say somebody ate all my gold oh I didn’t there was four ing of gold in there that bastard [ __ ] dude I guys do we have any Andes around we have a goddamn Canyon of

It no sorry I mean andesite alloy my bad I I need mixed it already [ __ ] touch my somebody made rose gold inside Ben so as you can see now you come over here yeah we have automatic pumping out of the extractors and into a Bas did you

Did you make a and that’s going to automatically press into Rubber and then we’re just going to get rubber and now that I know that this works I’m going to actually rework this and make this a larger tank that’s going to be like right in front of it here and beneath it

So that we’re not um yeah yeah working with a single tank pump it pump like make a line of trees and just pump it down one exactly now that I know it works once I can do it a ton of times that works that’s beautiful we should

Probably flatten this out so you have like a apparently we can also pipe it um apparently you can have multiple on the same thing so I’m actually going to do twoo high of uh AR Boral extractors oh you could do um you could do two sides so two high on two sides

You have less trees just eats up less space yeah problem is the more turns we have the more [ __ ] gear boxes I have to use so I’m trying to avoid turns so I’m going to just do two or like even maybe three if it’ll let me that’s fair

Actually that one doesn’t this one isn’t going it says not to [ __ ] with the tree too much in it’s saying this one’s not going I think it might actually not work even though people were saying it did wa wait let’s check hold on can you destroy

That can you cheuck on the ground want me check it from this corner yeah yeah I was going to say Che maybe it doesn’t work from too high works you can do all four around the base but yeah it’s just it really inconveniences everything yeah

It’s easier just to do no no no if you link can you put a pipe between these two does that actually work you’d have to you’d have to have something extracting it with a pump well no that’s what I was going to say cuz if the Aral extractors might link together for

Storage so if you put a pipe between between them and then the the pump is pulling out of this one is it going to pull out both ain’t no way it does I think it does no no no that one’s empty that’s just getting immediately pumped into this one right no

25 oh wait hold give a sec give a Time nah man that ain’t moving man ain’t no way that’d be way too easy all right we’re going to do the line technique it’s not that much more expensive it’s actually cheaper line it’s cheaper it’s cheaper than doing turns actually so yeah just longer

Perfect why I just do a big wall of fluid tanks like a [ __ ] psycho pretty sure they connect like that in this just do a line of them like a Mania yep that’s what I’m going to do yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep tank yep we’re going to do it like

That tank more copper sheets God I need more copper thought I was cooking some I did why is my copper not in here which one of you [ __ ] oh there it is sorry it’s okay where the [ __ ] is my [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you I had a lot of [ __ ] you [ __ ]

You this is a functional work environment yo Benji yo what’s up I found the we need to find a way to get us infinite plants and have it piped into this [ __ ] thing for the rubber yeah we could do that with a little micro spinning

Farm yers uh what do we need now though I need I need diorite so bad oh they only go vertical [ __ ] oh well and we’ll do it the way I was originally imagining I would put it right here yeah I got a [ __ ] T of food here we go that’s all you

Getting okay so it’s just more expensive if I pull it out this far though maybe I should have it closer I don’t really care about wasting any resin right now none of that matters to me me just want it as dense as possible yeah I figure I’d just do it like

This got the tank right here have this one go straight into it and the others only have to travel a little bit and it saves me having to uh make more boom perfect why is it like this why is this doing this there perfect one more

Pump one of these days I’ll remember to actually just put all this stuff on my hot bar over here so I actually remember the combinations cuz it’s not even like they’re that complex no no no no no no no no does anybody have some spare gold

Benji I have bad news we are out of kinetic power and therefore I’m cutting off the millstone that’s fine I should I’ll make you a clutch so you can turn it off easily where we will not be able to find the space for something like that is the problem oh my

God we are lied huh we have what else did you need by the way for the smelter tomato you said Ingot mold and what else uh plate mold or sheet mold specifically another pump need more pumps more of these maybe one more okay and one of these boom all right

Now which uh Which Way gets me you got on you cogs connected to this the fastest do I have a sheet on me yeah yeah what the stop stop that okay it’s got to be Iron Man well I don’t have an iron sh actually I do oh [ __ ] it’s happening

What’s happening huh you got easy oh my God [ __ ] hell can we get like torches on this [ __ ] place yeah we could get torch oh look this is nice this is an interesting way of doing it I like that c wheels are so cheap it’s a great way to spend yeah yeah exactly

You spaced it out correctly so you’re not inverting the rotation too much or at least I guess it doesn’t matter because you can Wrench It Yep this one matters this one’s going backwards Bud well no that’s not the issue there there you go yeah you’re fixing that and then you’re

Lighting torches on this [ __ ] Hill it was bound to happen one day [ __ ] you anybody got copper no I need all of mine we’ve Lo we’ve just suffered an incredible loss guys this it’s over we’re one down we are one down dude do not get doer on me we’re dead we’re

Going to [ __ ] die do you have a sapling uh no I do not there’s trees over there that now useless okay get something from an oh I got one thank you right do you have bone meal huh no brother this place is [ __ ] what we need is a giant Factory

Wall I I I think it might be time just to like Mass produce one single big block of am going to get this over here a wall yeah sick of I’m sick of enemies man yeah the factory must be erected I dude my brain is leaking right now I

Don’t know how to get this over here I think I’m stupid work [ __ ] hell well it’s not going to be pretty but I’m missing the tools I would need to make it work better so uh yep yep just going to get it done just make two gearboxes [ __ ] I’m

Hearing that in my head and I know I need to but I’m just so [ __ ] lazy and I’d have to make more cogs so shut your [ __ ] mouths holy crap I won’t be doing that I will find a way to connect these I swear to God you’ll all see

There’s no end to my madness do we have a rolling whe but yeah we do it’s over at the front damn currently disconnected CU of T I need more small [ __ ] [ __ ] the hell am I going to do this in the exact same amount of cogs I could have just

Well someone needs to get me more Wool Wool okay how much do you man a lot of it like more okay uh can you can you roll like a rod for me like a single one what are you asking me I just need I need a

Rod for a rod cast roll I can’t roll we don’t have a roller he said we did though I have a roller did he just Li to me we have a smoosher no we need a we we do not own a roller he lied to you man I could make

One you’re making me really mad I don’t know what to [ __ ] tell you heads or tails Tails heads two tails two I don’t know why cuz I have four coins let me redo all right well those heads [ __ ] you 1.3 billion buckets Chad we’re finally we’re finally rolling in resin

We got there 1.3 billion buckets and it’ll never go up higher because we need wool we wasted so many resources on making beds no one ever thought for a second if we needed all of that to make freaking wool sheets what do we need all these [ __ ] things for

Freak that house is going to explode one day chat the amount of morale break that I experienced when one tree was destroyed in front of me and one item was enough to almost well break me entirely so uh yeah I think uh I think this place needs to be

Saved good God we don’t have much stuff though huh [ __ ] starting to worry I’m going to have to like go psycho go like cuckoo crazy cuz the machines have silenced themselves because of how much stress there is here because we don’t have enough wind I could technically go back down

There I think I’m going to have to myself I’m going to go downstairs I’m going to look for freaking string Again [ __ ] you there’s some we only need a couple I wouldn’t [ __ ] try it all right see you all of this will get me what I need we make some more sails there’s a creeper in it he’s falling he will kill me when he gets close enough die freak check behind

Me grab all this die freak actual freak goodbye all right that’s technically enough let’s do this oh this takes me all the way up to the surface oh this is lovely how high will this take me is this the one that’s all all the way back

To the freaking top oh my God it’s the it’s the water line all the way back to the house this is really unsafe creatures could be using this to kill us well well well as you can see the power went out I’m making new CS yeah oh it’s super over

Stressed not for long hey um I got I shot turn the DI so I’m about to make us a metric [ __ ] ton of andesite stuff and then we’re going to have a deployer so we can finally start doing that so you are you good with doing power right now

Or would you like Power the only thing stopping us from having 8 million billion power is just um windmills it’s not hard to like it’s just wool we just need a million wool okay crazy idea crazy idea though do you know how easy it is to make a

Star bunkle wheel for the star bunkle to get like trapped in dude why are you so obsessed with the star bules man I just I feel like it’s pretty it’s pretty cool man we’ve done wind power we’ve done we’ve done water power but have we ever done hamster

Power well I mean if you want to [ __ ] try to do that okay we get it by giving them gold nuggets let me get so you entice them with pay and then you take it from them yeah I’m actually okay I’m going to go out exploring go get some gold nuggets

Why the [ __ ] is this not spinning it it might be the shape it is spinning no why is the what oh a a cog broke [ __ ] Cog exploded oh yeah yeah there’s a shaft missing right here there you go is this too much power for this [ __ ] thing now see if it

Overstresses it’s breaking immediately over here yeah no I don’t want to use gearboxes if you shaft that shouldn’t you be able to make a big gear there well yeah no there’s 8 million different ways I could have done this that would be way more efficient for instance I

Could have done this and just coiled it this way and like saved myself a ton of time but like quiet you know what I mean like yes I I could have done this all along overstressed you might want to turn I yelled at it and it blew up and

Everything started working I fixed it I mean it works I I yelled I yelled with my mic uh not push to talk you couldn’t hear me but I started screaming and that turned on yeah I was going to say you’re like it’s like that silent rage I could feel

It oh yeah I remember we don’t need the plants because we’re just using resin instead I totally forgot yeah we’re done with the plant stuff when you asked me to go get a bunch of plants I wasn’t really sure why good we will need another arboreal thing for

This uh I can make a lot of that stuff now but I need I need a mixing pot um I need a mixer we got the Bas in there there should be a mixer somewhere but we need to just like tag it onto the line maybe with a clutch Iron Sheet

Iron I’m going to make you a clutch so that we can actually clutch some stuff or make you a couple of clutches n man let’s just never do that and instead live on the Wild Side dude the wild side is [ __ ] overstressed and you actually getting real life overstressed nah dude

Check this one out dude you’re about to lose your mind you ready to see this dude use your eyes for a second and check this watch this with your [ __ ] eyeballs all of our rubber’s down there now whoa it’s not going to be in blocks anymore but we could technically smoosh

It into blocks and then have it go if we made a Smart Shoot instead we don’t need blocks because we we also need raw rubber anyway easy to process the raw ingredient just dude I don’t want to tell you how stressed I just got looking up one different ingredient for this

[ __ ] mod pack but it made me mad like I actually started shaking which one which one electron tube [ __ ] oh yeah this what what you only make rose quartz with destabilized redstone redstone dust what the [ __ ] is this no you we could make it very easily just by rose quartz

With Bol and iron no no no I’m talking about the fact you also have more spe thank you talking about the fact you also oh my God you really got destabilized Redstone which is just cooking Redstone dude it’s literally just cooking Redstone at 300° in the her face

Foundary over there stop calling it that stop calling it that stop calling it that stop calling it that you’re making me mad sides I’m getting [ __ ] mad right now it’s [ __ ] easy dude we literally we burn some Redstone we squirt the juice all over some other Redstone we get [ __ ] the right thing

It’s going to be fine please do not squirt the juice I need diorite now why do you need diorite I need more diorite alloy or I need more andite alloy d That’s What I went in farm so what what do you need it for I need to make more Sals [ __ ] [ __ ]

Sals oh my God okay I’m sorry I’m sorry do you have a different power source that does like this much work listen to be star buun I’m telling you man hamsters dude it’s in the time you’re going to capture those star bules I will have already ascended to being a God it

Is a lot man I I need [ __ ] I need eight star bules for one of them I think anyway me the D no no no no no no no we’re not doing that because if you if you mix it in a mixy ball you get double

The output I’m not doing another di trip without doing that so do the mixing bowl and then we’ll put it in there dude dude you’re not listening we don’t have enough power to do that I don’t want to break the line again I’m not going to [ __ ] we’re not making a

Clutch you’re going to hand me 20 dite you just need to give me the [ __ ] di righty hey head are Tails oh head wait tails you should have you should have stayed with the original head [ __ ] it it’s always heads dude it’s [ __ ] that thing’s [ __ ] look I’ll give you

Double or nothing go ahead Tails you’re wrong again [ __ ] busted piece of [ __ ] I’ll do it again I’ll do it again one more time come on all right Tails all for nothing you’re literally wrong [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you do we have a deployer no I’m about to make that I got the

Brass well do it why is this rot again who did this oh if only we had the diorite to make the sail stronger so we could you have a rune are you [ __ ] kidding me oh yeah I found a bunch what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what challenge with these runes let’s do

It yeah I was going to I need a deployer to press why the [ __ ] do we have dark matter I found it [ __ ] what the hell did you find out there Freddy the [ __ ] I found things oh you know what I found a scarf that makes me invisible that’s

Cool as hell that’s kind of freaking sick man guys whatever you do do not Ponder Dark Matter it does not make sense too much to call whenever you do do not Ponder the Arcane SpaceTime conr H my head to look at I don’t want to do

That we could do it we can do it this guy what’s going on with this wood pile out here is there a reason we have all this out here why is this guy I cannot believe he wants to use star bunkle power okay dude I got a bad feeling star buun

Are no more powerful than water wheels dude I got a good feeling about starles also shut the [ __ ] up also check this out clutches finally [ __ ] finally I feel like we’re better off putting chickens in the wheel you know what I mean yep I mean like the starle like

They kind of just they don’t got the size for it the girth if you will this is Blasphemous this is [ __ ] Blasphemous it’s going to take so much room we don’t have space I’m so scared dude look at you it’s one [ __ ] [ __ ] dude when are we getting a

Roller you know that’s the thing you have to confront Benji about how he lied to you about that still dude yeah Benji can we be honest here you said we had a roller and you just straight up lied to me that you [ __ ] lied to him wait

Hold on what am I turning up here I listen I know that you’re trying to inight drama right now you little you’re not turning off anything because right now that’s not where the [ __ ] main line is you didn’t cut main line I’m trying to turn off this this yeah it’s

All the cogs the cogs are the main line you can’t cut the main line big Cog the big Hogs big Hog’s [ __ ] it up news flash dude this place is a [ __ ] massive spaghetti dude I can see your spaghetti all over the place man you

Need help with that why is this on its side what the [ __ ] if I go back over to it because if we because if I do that you’re going to [ __ ] cut yourself in half again yeah maybe you’re right okay okay it’s a safety precaution but what we

Need is a mixer so can you do that oh I have a mixer you’re just not going to like how it how it gets placed I think I’m GNA love it I need a [ __ ] small cook I accidentally pressed X and put everything in the inventories in the in the house hold on

Let me go find you a small Co I I got yeah there it is give me that you got that’s little small Co for you all right check this one out follow me here you’re going to love this boom I’m following your Deep and Dark Twisted mind

Boom now we got the grinder going and boom and we got the boom all right I like it good job it’s fine I thought it was a [ __ ] creeper no that’ll come quietly kill us man the walls really bad all right now I took the and

In and that’s going to be [ __ ] that’s going to be so much extra Dior and uh anti Alloy at the end hey bud two full stacks of 64 so it’s going to be 148 what it ain’t mixing oh hold on hold on shut the [ __ ] up it’s not working you sound really

Stressed be honest you’re kind of stressing me already no heating required it’s spinning too slowly [ __ ] it says speed requir you’re going to need to apply this to the main line Benji all right hold on we can do that I think I can help you with

That can can you help that all right this this actually over stresses the thing so let me yeah yeah yeah yeah you just give me that you give me those two things I can help you with that you just hand it over I can’t hold anything hand

Me the hand me the thing what thing pass me the mixer I’m going to get it on the main line there’s the mixer in the Basin behind your ass oh yes he’s not he doesn’t he doesn’t know he does not know he doesn’t know he

Does not know he does not know give me this now he knows shut the hell up tail wow congrats oh for [ __ ] finally man the hell happened here how’ this happen did you know that three times in a row tomato gas tails and got heads quiet hey tomato uh

Pass head you’re wrong you’re wrong I’ll figure out what I accidentally broke here in a minute all right yeah the gearbox I think is not quite touching yeah I I know but I don’t know I’m missing the parts it seems like to uh fix it I don’t know

Why okay all right uh I just need to do this this is unsafe now this right here definitely dangerous but also that’s a good line it’s a really good line now this right here is going to get you what you desire you just might not like how format no no

No I’m scared everything’s fine it’s going so low everything everything’s going to be okay what the [ __ ] you will get it in time I need a small Cog not like this one bit I’m sure a small Cog oh I found one in time you will understand time it’s time please

Please in time you will understand even if you hate it right now you will learn yes yes Benji it is done Benji the the line’s [ __ ] I need to fix the line you’re not going to get anything slap this with a wrench or something real

Quick no no no that’s not the issue man that’s not the problem man go ahead and do your andesite diorite thing it’s in that pit where is it oh the pit yeah I like the pit Goodbye World y oh it’s mixing it’s beautiful how the hell was I doing this hey everybody we

Can make DS now by the way you want you can make special hus tools you use try [ __ ] I made an iron pick and a iron mic I’m just so confused you see [ __ ] what the [ __ ] happened here and my brain is like leaking you see that demon [ __ ] is that

What is that that’s like a crazy [ __ ] demon oh [ __ ] you good just let it and just just have to there we go oh hey guys can you help me again um what’s up holy [ __ ] dude he’s fighting the Demon out there let me place down a

Little bit he’s fine it no there’s a [ __ ] demon man it’s coming for a [ __ ] don’t let it come over here voice folks lead it away I I’m I’m clowning on him right now oh my God you seem like you’re being clowned get him away from the trees big demon guys I feel

Like up a little bit maybe just just kill him it’s an Oni oh God congratulations you have all the andite Tomato wouldn’t you like to know yeah I would [ __ ] like to know cuz I went and farmed all the DI right with my [ __ ] bare hand yeah well now it’s

Turning into sales now all of it’s turning into sales no no no no that’s not true because we need so much hand sight for every single mechanism to make sure we have right right right right but none those mechanisms work without uh the saes is is the problem’s [ __ ]

Stupid and I’ll tell you for while cuz we just clutch each different thing and then we we use dude dude dude dude dude dude dude here’s what I think about that I was try all right here you [ __ ] I hit you with a shuriken you were you throwing shurikens

Yeah I threw a shuriken at your [ __ ] face and I tried giving you one but you wouldn’t pick it up so OU no I’m so full on stuff man I can’t afford that that’s it I’ve had enough of this that’s it I’ve had enough of this I’m getting silly

[ __ ] I fortnite dance on your window don’t just don’t okay oh my god oh yeah I forgot you can just kind of never mind I can’t dance they remove that functionality from this why’ the power go out because I cut it so I could connect a thousand

Sails I’m about to spit real hard okay help help there’s a creature attacking me okay it’s time for wolves I think no that one jumps will not help the the beasts that fly in to the building like mate they yeah but they won’t SP inside

A lit up Wen area the fact that this works chat is such a tragedy isn’t it you know it’s like it should in Valley it [ __ ] shouldn’t like I shouldn’t be allowed to do this but yet I persist your opinions are sore right now my pants are getting real pissed right now

Okay we what can we get that thing spin okay sick all right more coming up why did you make a penis windmill wait why is it what the huh well I made I made a windmill made to decapitate someone who goes too high [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] God

Yeah that’s a shaft andall well why is the why is nothing spinning um because a pipe or a cog broke at some point or you clutched it when we over no I didn’t clutch this voice box you ass okay it’s just we’re missing one shift check it boom check it

Yes I’m into this that’s what I wanted that is a terrifying sound it’s just the sound of of but can it handle everything no it can’t why not it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine what why can’t it handle it uh the penis needs to be

Longer I think it needs to be more big like bigger and girthier I think yeah I think one or the other we need to make it denser how do we still need more wool or we’re going to dude I haven’t used all of it but I ran out of freaking

Sticks and then Benji started hassling me about the [ __ ] I found a sha dude hell yeah keep that I’m turning off the power again about to cut the line yet one more time can you hold on for like 10 seconds maybe less maybe like two one we’re

Good damn right thank you even one more second and that would have been it well now we have lot and I can actually make a mechanism again [ __ ] hell finally Jesus Christ now I can make a deployer it’s time uh-huh eventually it’ll stop me and it’ll say you’ve gone too far please let

It end and I’ll say no and I’ll go in the other direction don’t put it underground they said it’s funny when you put it underground doesn’t make any sense they said they said oh underground air that doesn’t make any sense then fine we’ll catch the above ground

Air catch as much of it as you want yes yes Excellent mother of God and now I have it cut my [ __ ] head off where the [ __ ] did put the dick flat oh here it is nice broken you just broken I didn’t I didn’t break [ __ ] I think this thing just doesn’t work yo guys what’s your problem say your [ __ ] doesn’t work why

Is it not working [ __ ] you I don’t I don’t know it’s because the shaft keeps all right Benji grab the [ __ ] clutch no I’ll do it two different things the clutch needs to move to here this is the part keeps breaking wait the shaft is breaking yeah that shaft keeps

Breaking so we’ll just put a clutch for that’s not what I wanted where’s there now we have a clutch for the whole thing still overstressed what the [ __ ] you what kind of business are you running here dude I need to just flatten some [ __ ] brass so we can get a

Deployer so we can like poke stuff with little machines that’s what I would love maybe maybe your wind your win strategies are not working anymore you think maybe no this is an 8,000 no Benji the thing is it’s 8,000 Spin and you’re just like demanding so [ __ ] much of

It okay I’m demanding quite literally zero right now zero I not asking for anything and yet you still can’t make it work you’re demanding so [ __ ] much wait wait keep it on keep it on boom all right now we got deployers boy you ask too much of this machine yo

Benji yo go onto the windmill and climb all the way to the end and type in the text chat when you’re there climb onto the end go on the windmill freeze it okay and walk all the way to the end and tell me when you’re

At the end is it so far that you won’t be able to hear me in voice chat yeah oh my God wonder if this will Work huh oh it looks like it threw him off damn did it throw you off yeah immediately I just fell through [ __ ] I was able to ride it when I was closer wait turn it off and turn it back on again I’ll try one more time hang on

We made like a platform for it see that’s not a bad idea I have an idea I got a plan see the reason you’re falling off is cu there’s not enough space supporting you step aside a bit slide over you you want to make it larger we now you’ve got a little

Platform stand right there I mean it’s going to hit the wall it’s going to hit a mountain unless I set the rotation to go the other way maybe what broke did something break oh my God this clutch broke again why why why so yeah you can’t sit on it but

You might be able to glue something a little like seat to it cuz you know how like you probably could SE if we did made a train seat you could definitely sit on that damn man anyways man that’s it for me for today I got to get

Food all right buddy well it was a pleasure it was a pleasure listen wait huh you got to quickly look upon your creation from up here oh yeah look at all we’ve done in one day wow wow really actually like it [ __ ] my morale

More oh I kind of like it I think it’s cool we did oh and it started rain and it started [ __ ] raining oh wow this is a what a day what a [ __ ] up day all right uh yeah that yeah always a pleasure always a pleasure boys I’ll

Catch you later man I love you good luck love you too man oh my God yeah jit uh we’ll see if I do another session I’ll drop everything off for the guys just in case I had fun I had fun but I think this mod pack I was not expecting

The start of it to be so much uh look at how many additional steps we added because that’s actually like the opposite of mod packs that I kind of like aim for uh I’ll probably still pop in to hang out with the guys regardless of whether

Or not I stream it again but either way I will be streaming tomorrow at the usual time uh definitely 100% it’s create with eight extra steps it’s just weird cuz like create astral unless I’m remembering something wrong was not like that in that one create was still the

Exact same process pretty much there wasn’t like 8,000 extra steps so I don’t know why they made this one so hard I don’t get it it’s like the opposite of what I seek out in my like mod packs a lot of the time like we figured it out eventually but it’s like

Adding all those extra steps just makes things a lot more obtuse and annoying and like add so much more Gunk it’s based on above and beyond which was like that I just wish it was more based off of how astral did it cuz astral was like astral I thought was

Perfect it’s okay we might do another session tomorrow if not uh I’ll be back with something else 100% so I will see you I will see you then okay thanks for coming on by I’ll catch you all dude try Vault Hunters yeah let me know when that mod pack is actually finished because

Until then it’s it is the most obnoxious grindy piece of [ __ ] on uh Minecraft so I’m not going to do that one actually let me know when that pack the new version of the pack is out of alpha cuz until then I do not care uh anyways

C Chad I’ll catch you all later tomorrow at the usual time thanks for coming on bye see you

This video, titled ‘Creating Arcane Engines in Dirt Houses | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Tomato’s Trash on 2023-11-16 17:00:09. It has garnered 21932 views and 489 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:31 or 15751 seconds.

Tomato plays Minecraft Create – Arcane Engineering Air Date…………………….➤Nov 10, 2023 SUBSCRIBE……………….➤https://bit.ly/2Zv5PZw Tomato’s Youtube………➤https://bit.ly/2Yb4Tcg Tomato’s Twitch………..➤http://www.twitch.tv/tomato Tomato’s Twitter………..➤https://twitter.com/Tomato_Gaming

VODS Managed by BrettUltimus ➤ https://twitter.com/brettultimus

0:00:00 Intro 0:40:18 Minecraft Create 4:19:36 End

MINECRAFT : CREATE – ARCANE ENGINEERING Create: Arcane Engineering is a fan modpack inspired by Create: Above and Beyond by Simibubi.

With both magical and technical automation challenges, you are tasked with conquering the Arcane to reach the end goal of the modpack:

You will be building many intricate factories all around your minecraft world and connecting them through the new create trains!

This pack aims to build upon the flow of Create: Above and Beyond, adding many structures and changing tons of recipes to create a coherent experience while empathizing the usage of the Create mod and its new features.

You start out just like you would in any other pack, and slowly get absorbed by the custom progression and its unusual recipes and automation ideas that connect mods such as Create, Forbbiden & Arcanus, Ars Nouveau, Pneumaticcraft and the Thermal mods.

The packs fun resource and machine gating systems will encourage you to explore your world, searching for locational resources and perhaps a few chests to help you gear up and get you started on your journey.

The pack is centered around both magic and tech, requiring you to build numerous efficient factories to reach mastery in both.

#tomato #tomatogaming #minecraft

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    Exposing BFF's Secret Lair at Every Rank 😂🔥 When you finally find your friend’s secret base in Minecraft and they’re just standing there like “Surprise! I’ve been waiting for you to find me all along!” #plot twist #minecraftmystery Read More

  • Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy

    Game-Changing Minecraft Speedrun Strategy Minecraft Speedrunners Revolutionize Strategies for Faster Runs When it comes to Minecraft speedrunning, every second counts. The community of dedicated speedrunners has recently made significant changes to their strategies, allowing them to complete the game at lightning speed. Let’s delve into the exciting world of Minecraft speedrunning and explore the innovative techniques that have been developed to achieve faster runs. Challenges and Evolution Speedrunning in Minecraft presents a unique set of challenges, requiring players to navigate complex landscapes, gather resources efficiently, and defeat formidable enemies. Over time, speedrunners have honed their skills and optimized their routes to overcome these… Read More

  • Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP

    Sneaking into Her House in Minecraft SMP Minecraft Anokhi SMP: Survival Adventures Unfold Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft Anokhi SMP as survival instincts kick in and players navigate through challenges and surprises. In the latest installment, our adventurers find themselves in a sticky situation as they attempt to stealthily visit a fellow player’s house, only to be caught in the act! Caught in the Act As the players sneak around the virtual landscape, trying to maintain a low profile, tension mounts as they approach their target. However, their plans are foiled as they are discovered by the homeowner, leading to… Read More

  • WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java ’24 🤯

    WTF! Secret Trick for Crafting Brewing Stand Java '24 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024’, was uploaded by GameGuide on 2024-09-24 07:24:25. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. How To Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024. How to Craft a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024. https://youtu.be/fiizydEHmWE https://youtu.be/5MOsvRImOLM Master the art of crafting a Brewing Stand in Minecraft Java 2024 and unlock the world of potion-making! This guide will walk you through every step, from gathering essential resources to setting up your Brewing Stand for your… Read More

  • Escape the Irritator in Minecraft

    Escape the Irritator in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Frosty on 2024-04-25 12:00:21. It has garnered 1966 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Escaping The Irritator In Minecraft… Escaping this terrifying horror minecraft creature in my from the fog world is very difficult. Me and my friend try and survive the irritator in my scary modded minecraft world. Discord Server ➜ https://discord.com/invite/HnGCtUynYz Socials ➜ https://solo.to/frosty Hashtags ➜ #minecraft #minecrafthorror #wendigo #scaryminecraft #minecraftmods Video Inspired By @Vivilly These videos are Minecraft Horror videos where I try and survive a… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Facts Revealed! Ep-42 – IRIX TECH #shortsfeed

    SECRET Minecraft Facts Revealed! Ep-42 - IRIX TECH #shortsfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘DID YOU KNOW SERIES || ep-42 || minecraft || IRIX TECH #shortsfeed #shorts’, was uploaded by IRIX Tech on 2024-04-20 13:25:42. It has garnered 11990 views and 622 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! 🤯 #EPIC

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! 🤯 #EPICVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build tutorial ✨ #viral #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by FANUM BG on 2024-05-01 09:38:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #trending #minecraft #aesthetic #trendingshorts #trend #shorts #short What are you waiting for subscribee ✨ Minecraft … Read More

  • Master the art of war in CelestialSpaceRace

    Master the art of war in CelestialSpaceRaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘War Tutorial [CelestialSpaceRace]’, was uploaded by CelestialRealm on 2024-08-05 06:07:00. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:20 or 980 seconds. Use this link to join the minecraft server and chat with me on discord: https://sites.google.com/view/celestialrealm/home Read More

  • Insane push-up challenge in Fortnite live stream! 💪

    Insane push-up challenge in Fortnite live stream! 💪Video Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite live!!!! Every Dono=20 push ups’, was uploaded by Eli Urlacher on 2024-06-20 11:33:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I’m a livestreamer that mainly plays Fortnite. But you may see me play other games like Roblox, Minecraft, etc. Unfortanutely … Read More

  • Insane live stream: Mario Papers vs. Minecraft night

    Insane live stream: Mario Papers vs. Minecraft nightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ahora regresamos al mario papeles | Nochecita de minecraft’, was uploaded by ImNightmare06Live on 2024-07-11 11:27:48. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:38:21 or 16701 seconds. Follow me on: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/imnightmare06 Twitter: https://twitter.com/ImNightmare064 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@imnightmare06 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imnightmare06/ Join the discord: https://discord.gg/hk3zBkwzK9 Streams on the purple platform every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 pm Pacific Time and Saturday at 8 pm Pacific Time. #Español #México #LATAM #twitch #twitchstreamer #mario64 #speedrun — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/imnightmare06 Read More

  • Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS – EPIC Showdown!

    Unstoppable BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs GOLEMS - EPIC Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘BLOOD WARDEN LUCIFER vs All GOLEMS in Minecraft Fight#minecraft #mobbattle #funny #horsy #24x7live’, was uploaded by Horsy on 2024-04-05 09:31:19. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:58 or 658 seconds. You have to agree i make real good content so.. Lets break Youtube Algorithms like Steveee, Alexa Real and Spectator did! Hello Guys We are going to watch, the legendary BLOOD WARDEN will Fight with the Incredible Army of All Minecraft Golems,😱🤔 Wait For Big Badass Netherite Golem 🙂 Lets see who wins the battle!🤔🤯 Mod Link… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now 🔥

    Insane Minecraft MLG moments!! Subscribe now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft MLG, please Subscribe my channel,#Aryan_bishnoi029 #song #bollywood #love #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by A_Bishnoi_Gaming on 2024-06-24 14:24:50. It has garnered 36 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • 2b2t.es

    2b2t.es2b2t.es (formerly hisparquia) is a cracked vanilla anarchy minecraft server with no rules that started on August 2020 running on Minecraft 1.20.4 The world is 4 years old, it has never been reset, and is over 700 gigs in storage. 2b2t.es (hisparquia) es un servidor de minecraft de anarquía de vainilla agrietado sin reglas que comenzó en agosto de 2020 ejecutándose en Minecraft 1.20.4 El mundo tiene 4 años, nunca se ha reiniciado y tiene más de 700 gigas en almacenamiento. 2b2t.es Read More