Video Information

what’s up ladies and gentlemen we are back in for Minecraft almost did my Trove intro so we finally get a proper introduction to an episode which doesn’t happen often because usually I just kind of record a bunch of Clips splice them all together and then we kind of just see what happens right but today we will hopefully be able to make an indent on the base I still don’t know if it’s going to be finished but my God so I got to give huge shout outs to uh my boy mystery whose head is uh what I’m rocking right here uh him and I ended up doing some exploration uh in the uh nether so I’ll show you guys that clip how do we want to tackle this I guess from the other side there might be the goodies right in there we well on the other one I found all the chests like on the top so okay oh well never mind mhm careful careful open here yeah careful I hear them I see him I don’t know if oh yeah that’s brw all right oh yo dum dum where are you there’s a chest right there yeah I want to shoot him I can’t see him oh dude oh God run dude I’m good I’m good dear God oh no it’s so open down there too oh God I fell too now it’s okay if I keep them far away why is it so laggy now oh they hurt so much get this chest oh God yeah I see the brutes just standing there like idiots so I’m going to hit them a couple times oh my God they’re so powerful I know oh nice I got one of their heads idiot oh I’m safe here actually NE scrub oh P step did you have pix step already no nice have a Juke oh I will actually use these chains and I am out of iron so I will gladly take these hey easy bro yeah the zombies just keep chck jump caring me yeah oh boy uh is this where the stairs are no there’s no stairs what the hell sometimes there are but I guess not this time oh what is this structure the heck oh they’re so conf oh God I mean I’m coming I think but I can’t really tell oh God oh God nope six hits for a diamond sword with sharpness 3 yeah they’re strong I don’t like them oh God there’s a pit of death down there they’re really trying to get at you oh it’s just Pig guys like I don’t think any of them is the brute go on man oh here there’s our stupid stairs okay oh uhoh oh zombie okay oh I hate these guys big boy chest um speed to not bad you can take that I’ll take the iron gladly I already have one of those from the other chest oh okay yeah I still got to make I still got to make a new set of boots so I can put Soul speed on it I mean the boots you gave me have projectile proten 4 so I don’t really yeah yeah it’s I I like the soul speed for speediness but there’s a big boy chest but there is a lot of brutes these generated terrible normally there’s so much more gold I hear them dear lag stop where’ that ARA guy go anything good crossbow I’m crying as oh behind you I just about walked in the lava uh you said what there was a crying obsidian yep I Ah that’s it yeah I mean I’ll take them I I I haven’t crafted oh God no bro no I didn’t mean it oh no I knew that was going to happen oh I still got you anyway yeah oh no generally speaking we did explore for a little bit longer and he was already in the nether for a few hours did a couple Bastion solo and stuff while I was kind of just talking with him and then we hopped off Minecraft and started playing some other games but look at what this mad lad did he ended up actually just getting like I I I kind of just mentioned in passing how gold and quartz were the main resources that I was struggling with cuz he came back uh by my base and he was just curious I didn’t think that he would do anything about it uh but it seems like he actually wanted to supply me with some of these Maps he said you know something along the lines of like well he was already there anyways so that’s very very helpful thank you bro uh because yeah I I really hope that this will end up possibly making a uh we’ll see what happens because Frankly Speaking can you stop this you stop it video game there we go um it it’s going to make an impact that’s for sure but it’s still not 100% going to finish it I don’t know when I last caught you guys up on the base uh I think I already showed you all of this stuff but essentially the main issues that were missing as I’ve mentioned before is uh from this part and on I need gold blocks on the top of all of those all the way around and then there’s a couple other spots that need Gold Blocks here and there um I’m still managing my dark oak because I need a crap ton of fences these are the only few that I could put down because I need to put down the Walls cuz otherwise this build is getting too complicated for me uh I need to put more slabs here but that requires the red Nether Bricks which again my bottleneck is the Nether wart which I’m going to hopefully visit Taco’s Base today cuz she mentioned that she’s got like a farm uh for a bunch of them and I can steal them so I’m going to hopefully find that and that’ll help us out a lot because making the brick is easy it’s just NE uh nether rack and a smelter anyways I’m going to get to it so of course the quartz went by like almost instantly but I wanted to show you guys this because I don’t think I ever showed this in a video uh most of all because I don’t want to spoil what the full build’s going to be but you guys have a pretty good picture of what most of it’s going to look like so this is the light matica mod that I keep referencing and saying how it basically lays down a blueprint and you can see like or a schematic and you can see like this Blue Block means that this is an empty spot so I have to have the uh the fence or whatever to be able to put it there um all of these Gates you can see they’re orange because their placement is wrong and the reason for that why the Orange is showing up is because once I put the proper like red nether brick fence here it’s actually going to pull this fence block down one so it gives a little bit of an arc it’s a trick that I learned like a couple years ago uh it doesn’t work on spots like that though um but that said even if all of the blocks are in the right placement I have noticed some issues with uh the gates in general and I think the reason for that see that one looked fine now it’s not because yeah like some of the fences uh or Gates or whatever seem to mess up and I think I realized the reason why is because when I’m placing down these blocks they’re apparently is a code like there’s a line of code in the game where it must know whether the gate was placed facing this way or facing the other way even though it still visually looks the exact same I think that’s what’s happening with a lot of these orange blocks is that I’m placing it from this angle but in creative mode I must have placed it from this angle and so the schematic is kind of just like bro this is like incorrect you know um so yeah right now all I’m doing is I’m just kind of going along the edges here and trying to finish up the fences uh or the gates or whatever because this is actually all that we have left for the gates is just the exterior and then the gates are done there’s still a lot more to do there’s still a lot more resources that we need that’s for damn sure but uh so help me you know the the quartz the gold all of that stuff is basically still going to be the big thing I struggle with I got to finish up these Corners with the nether brick and stuff but uh yeah for the most part we’ve got like all of the big parts of the build done and now we’re kind of like on the Final Phase uh of the build I would say where it’s just about detailing and refining what’s already there save for the fact that again I’m missing thousands of quartz it’s actually been a long time I don’t think I’ve ever shown Taco’s house but it should be done now it’s actually looking a lot better since I last came here so I I when when I came over here um the roof and everything was done but it didn’t have as much detail as it does I like the very basic Fountain uh okay so we’re not necessarily here to check this out although I do kind of want to look at it because it is very cool oh right we we kind of came here when we did the the Christmas thing that’s right uh but Taco mentioned that there ooh that might be where she was talking about or it’s back here something about the Nether wart being back here and we just keep going until we’re at like minus something 40 blocks is this it oh yeah this is wait there’s no way that this is it I thought there was like way more I mean I granted it’s not growing right now because nobody’s here but that’s also kind of smart to have it as a a little crouched doorway I was expecting whoops I should have fortune that I was expecting a lot more than that yeah I think I misunderstood okay cuz cuz Taco was saying that it was like 64 blocks and everything uh which this possibly is 64 blocks cuz a full stack of blocks does not go as far as you would think that it does but uh unless this keeps going no this is a strip mine maybe a slime chunk actually oh boy also at one point we’re going to have to check out uh not yet but at one point we’re going to have to check out spookies cuz he’s been setting up a Costco trading uh with like a crap ton of villagers and stuff and he keeps on mentioning how he’s got like ridiculous dirt cheap prices and stuff so uh I kind of want to check that out at some point let’s see if this is where where the wart is nope this is just how far does this go oh it goes up to spawn chunk and then probably doesn’t actually go any further than that because the spawn chunk probably doesn’t let them but we are going to visit the Old Homestead uh because I want to see no these haven’t grown because I haven’t been here unfortunately but I feel like it is time to start migrating my plants like we kind of got to get a bunch of these over in the new location so that I can have them growing while I’m working uh I should probably start moving a lot of these as far as storage is concerned beetroot seeds definitely need those I’ll I’ll grab the saplings I don’t need all these though uh Moss blocks yes most definitely and you know what we’ll just get all of these just because why not yeah um but I need the beetroot because I need to get red dye going um on top of the fact that I desperately need to actually get um concrete and everything like that but uh you know what I’ll put the Nether wart in there yeah why not let’s do that so that’s all my Greenery stuff I don’t know why I still have mystery’s head I should move all of those into the new house as well but I’m not going to cuz I’m lazy um okay I’m going to get things a little bit more organized here pastel hasn’t even used this in like a month so I’m stealing them I I I’m stealing all this gold I don’t care cuz I need it bookshelves that’s right that’s going to be our big thing that I got Mig grade over there I don’t have an enchanting setup which I should probably use like ASAP cuz I’m at level 47 and I’m probably going to die soon I mean granted when you’re building bases say it’s like there’s no risk involved at all ooh I should steal the rest of my copper um I do have some gravel oh thank God I didn’t know that I actually had gravel oh that’s huge and I have sand I need more sand but uh that’ll help to make the Terracotta that I need but yeah um generally speaking I do not have like the most I I need a crap ton of the tinted glass for a creeper farm at some point um I’m not going to be grabbing like every single block by any means I’m just kind of grabbing the important ones just because it’s like I don’t know when I’m going to end up being back here and most of all I want these plants to be growing like while I’m doing stuff actually turns out that I have a crap ton of bookshelves already in my uh secret storage compartment that I had back in the day before I had um that that was before I had an end chest another thing too that I didn’t even think about I don’t know if I have I I should really check the biome I haven’t checked yet to see if there was animals and stuff I mean worst case chickens will be fine I’m also thinking that pretty soon um well there’s two main things that I got to do I need to get my hands on uh a lot more quartz obviously and then wait what is this road don’t tell this goes to my base that would be pretty dang cool oh that goes to Zuck okay that’s really nice actually I never thought to put out like path blocks and stuff like that to go to someone’s base follow the Torches to get to zuck’s B oh my God I already don’t even know where he wants me to go follow the Torches what torches bro clearly he wants you to go across that bridge but anyways the other main thing I was going to say an needa do is uh I don’t think I’m going to commit to getting sharpness on my axe so I should really get it nether writed because I need the extra durability cuz chopping down trees like it’s actually really annoying for me um hello get out get out of here sheez I’ve been doing it off camera uh but I’ve been having um someone’s been through here and dug a bunch of stuff I’ve been doing it off camera but every time my durability starts getting really really low uh on my axe like I got to go and grind levels to like repair it and everything like that for the most part quartz actually gives like a crap ton of levels so that’s how I’ve been getting it repaired um and that’s also kind of why I have such high levels right now why are there so many Piggies there’s normally no Piggies on my path back home in in fact I see a hoglin on my map there hello oh God okay looks like someone’s having bacon tonight I really got get an ice Road set up here bro uh but yeah anyways the other thing that I was going to say is pretty soon I think that I’m going to have to kind of postpone the rest of the main build and we’ll ow probably have to uh focus on a creeper Farm like I was thinking about it the other day and I was like like what I for for my own sake like for my sanity I want to finish this main build before I start working on other projects but this is like all the fireworks that I have and I don’t have like a creeper farm so I’ve just been kind of getting away with like killing a creeper here and there when I go caving and junk like that however uh since we already know that the rest of the blocks in this project are going to be like they’re going to take like a long time to do and if I get Rockets as a priority even if I make like an unefficient creeper Farm if I get some Rockets going uh or a creeper Farm going while I’m still building this at least it’ll have time to run by the way we are uh over day 1,000 on the server so that’s pretty cool I’m just using up the last of our bone meal on the beetroot which I don’t know if I need like I I I don’t know if I need the bone meal for anything else I mean worst case we can go back to our uh skeleton farm that we haven’t been to for like 11 years uh but yeah uh I also noticed I could be wrong about this maybe I’m just paranoid but when I use my fortune pick it seems like I’m actually getting like well a lot more seeds not necessarily the uh not necessarily the actual like beetroot plant itself which might be tied to having a a hoe with fortune or something I’m not exactly sure uh but anyways we have a full stack of red dye now which is great that’s going to help out a ton because we should be able to finally finish up the concrete powder if I’m not mistaken does this turn into no it doesn’t okay I need to have water is there water nearby cuz I don’t have any water in my bucket uh you know what I I can show you guys this just because I’ve been kind of my inventory is a mess uh I’ve been exploring a little bit of our area here there’s not much going on but there is a couple really cool like Vistas so actually just over here this is probably one of the coolest like Villages I’ve ever seen generate okay let’s see if I can do this without uh without diving into the water no that’s too bad uh there’s actually another Village up over there too but that’s a more generic one yeah here’s all I’ve been doing is I set set up the water stream there and then I just keep doing this over and over holding left and right click at the same time I wonder if it would be faster to set up a bunch of dispensers to do this at the same time that I’m holding right click probably not just because the block placement would just be like yeah unless a dispenser could potentially be faster than me holding right click and left click I don’t know either way this is going to be Overkill we don’t actually need nearly this much but you know better better more than than less right like at least in this regard we’ll finally be able to finish up the main floor or or the second floor on the main building and this does give us options later down the line because the interior of a lot of the buildings is just the stone brick which looks fine you know I like the way that looks um but if I have like a crap ton of this red concrete it means that we can potentially use it not only as decoration blocks but I can use it for like a future basement development uh or even just replace the stone brick floors so that they kind of have a more Red theme tying it all together time to waste all my coal smelting up this freaking Cobblestone again now the only problem I’m noticing is this isn’t like an ocean so it’s going to be a bit tricky trying to get my hands on concrete down here because I I’m pretty sure anyways that ocean is like more common for concrete not to mention I don’t have oh I don’t have my aqua affinity helmet on that’s what’s going on I should really get that and I’m not used to wearing helmets and I don’t care anyway get out of here you stupid drowned idiot I’m trying not to uh stay too close to that Village either because I don’t want them to like get killed cuz in the long run that’ll help out either way that should be enough uh be that should be enough concrete because thank goodness we’ve got that fortune shovel so that makes a huge difference um hopefully it’ll be enough to finish up the Terracotta which I I I assume it will be H maybe not well yeah you know what a full stack should help okay and while that all smelts let’s try and get the red concrete done um actually I got to be careful cuz I have the Terra Cotta like as a pattern so it looks like yeah I’m going to have to do like the edge at the very least so this will again thankfully we’re going to have enough of the concrete and hopefully enough terra cotta that we can finally finish this up because it’s really annoying for me like building up here not not only building up here but just like going into my portal and stuff is like so tedious because I keep falling off the ledge you know yeah all right that’s the concrete done and we’ve already got a crap ton to spare uh so when I was saying about putting red uh like concrete on other floors I was saying like possibly we would put it in here I don’t know if it’s going to end up necessarily looking better but at the same time I kind of want to strip this out and see because I’ve got so much brick in the rest of the build that I kind of want a distinction between the outside and the inside and maybe the red concrete will look smoother and thus better but the other advantage of having the uh brick is I can have like brick stairs right here going into a basement that was kind of the plan you know what let’s check this out let’s let’s let’s just test and [Music] see I think it’s a step in the right direction I don’t know if I like the red maybe I would attempt it with a different color but I do kind of like the simple pattern I think I’m going to leave it like this for a little bit and see if it grows on me but I’m not sure if I’m sold on this I think the red might be a bit too much on the eyes uh not to mention the ceiling is already going to end up being the red concrete so that’s probably why it’s just a bit too much uh it does tie in the Crimson wood a little bit better and there is a potential that I could put a slab over the top of the roof once we’re done to kind of break up the color but I don’t know I’ll I’m going to leave it like this for a while just because it actually took like it took like 10 minutes just to swap this over because I had to put a a a a dirt layer underneath the whole thing um and yes I didn’t do these parts because I didn’t want to have to replace the door and everything like that not yet anyways but I mean it’s okay let’s let’s see how the Terracotta is doing though I don’t know like again I think we’re on to something here but I might have to go for a different color or I wonder if black concrete would look get better cuz I like the texture of it um unfortunately carpets don’t really look good in my resource pack and so like they really don’t look good as like a ground block or anything like that so I’m definitely not going to end up getting away with carpet I like the way that the concrete powder looks because at least it’s like nice and smooth but I don’t know I don’t know I again I’m just going to sit on it for a little while well this sucks I’m actually still shy huh I mean I guess the Terracotta wasn’t that hard to get but still dude that kind of sucks I was really hoping that it would be finished by now yeah you know what the brick still does look better so there is a block that I’ve ever uh I’ve never actually messed with um mud brick I know that that texture looks really nice so maybe that would work in here I don’t know whether the contrast would be too bright compared to the wood or anything there is the possibility that I could strip all of the wood but that’s going to give it a completely different look which I’m not exactly a fan of um I don’t 100% know how the mud brick looks because I’ve never used it before but I looked it up and it requires me to grind both mud and wheat so maybe we’ll put wheat in our farm out here because we don’t really need the beetroot anymore and start getting that growing for a a long-term like little bit of a plan just to try and experiment um but yeah as far as this little recording clip right here is concerned I don’t think I can play Minecraft anymore today or at least not until like uh way later uh already these this entire episode has taken like a week uh out of little recorded Clips here and there uh just because I hop on chip away at this Hop Off and play other games and stuff and just yeah anyways I I’ll see you guys in well it’s going to be like 1 second for you as we cut to the next clip well as with every single one of the Clips in these videos it’s been a couple days since the last one I just what can I say I haven’t had the amount of time that I want to be able to dedicate to the build and honestly there is a part of me that is kind of getting sick of it like this build just keeps going this has been weeks in the making it shouldn’t be it’s by no means that this is like such a complex build that it’s taking that long it’s quite literally just me taking that long because while I’m enjoying Minecraft it’s not the priority for me on the channel you know like I still I still have my uh thoughts towards like I I mentioned this before but when you think about like the hermitcraft you know those those gangsters they basically get gigantic builds done like in in one sitting right like they’re crazy and um the main difference between me and them is that Minecraft is their career like if I could just nonstop dedicate all my time towards Minecraft then yeah maybe we would be able to get this done anyways I wanted to show this uh we’ve got a couple donations this build has been taking me this build has been taking me such an absurdly long time that people on the server are starting to contribute so Taco uh went out of her way to get uh crap T of these Nether Bricks this is actually and Nether wart this is insanely appreciated because I’m confident that I’ll be able to actually like get the build like completely done at this point um not the entire build sorry I I should clarify this will probably be enough of uh these resources like the nether brick uh for me to end up getting that part of the build done uh the nether brick the main issue as always is still going to end up being the uh quartz and uh nether brick was the other big one but that’s that seems to be out of the way the quartz and the gold that still is going to end up being the primary problem I don’t know why my shift click isn’t working for some of these uh but we actually got a couple other donations over at the base as well so I’m just going to I I I just came over here to record this little clip uh in the middle of I’m editing and rendering and doing all this other stuff on the side uh let me close the door so things don’t end up attacking uh we’re also desperately running low on Rockets uh I know that I keep kind of having the same amount of rockets between most of these clips and that’s because I have been very very stingy with them I I’ve mentioned this in other Clips as well which you’ll have to pardon me if I repeat myself a lot in these videos these are taking days if not weeks to record the last two episodes alone uh and so I I may repeat myself a couple times because I honestly forgot what I was talking about but I’m being very very stingy with my Rockets only ever using them when I need to or when I just get so frustrated that I’m tired of it in retro in retrospect or hindsight or whatever uh I wouldn’t have built it with quartz I don’t think I’m ever going to use quartz again in a build but speaking of quartz we had mystery the Mad lad dedicated a significant amount of his time to getting me blocks of quartz I don’t know why everyone is being so nice but I really do appreciate it it’s definitely going to end up making a huge difference as far as the build is concerned uh otherwise I ended up Gathering a couple quarts myself I’m grinding up some more nether brick which I guess I don’t really need to at this point uh so let’s just get these ready to go a bunch of full Stacks here cuz uh I’m going to need a bunch of smelted quartz on top of the other ones that I have to cut and I’m probably still going to end up being shy so we still got a little bit of the clay forging uh I just went you know to the town and uh over there and just grabbed a little bit more um we should have enough terra cotta to finally finish this stupid thing uh up there sorry I shouldn’t be talking so negative about my mega base it’s just oh my God what a project uh this is how we’re looking on our quartz right now which this is going to go by instantly same with the gold uh I don’t think like we’re definitely going to be shy on the gold you can see like that 11 is going to go probably like just to one quarter of the four quarters that we need and then same with the courts unfortunately uh is going to go towards all of these walls and it’s two two two two two two two two so we’ll see where we’re at but Frankly Speaking it is probably going to go by insanely quick uh let’s first of all finish up the red terracotta and then I think another thing that I probably want to actually do uh or in more so in retrospect what I should have done was completed this structure first and then started working outward because then at least I could have this and slow slowly turn it into our main base because if I’m going to be real with you guys I still don’t consider this home uh I kind of come here and spend hours and hours and hours working on it but anytime I need like more supplies or if I decide to go caving and stuff I usually go like through the nether all the way back to my other base so yeah that’s kind of sucked I’m going to consider this done when I’ve got the bulk of the structures finished and then I’ll just slowly work on it off camera I mean granted I’ve been working on on this thing off camera for like weeks but you know what I mean like I’ll consider like okay well now like the copper for example very low priority for me I can get that done pretty easy if I want to but I’m trying to tackle things one at a time as I keep reiterating throughout all of these videos and essentially I want to start making this into a home right like that I feel is really going to tie it all together but with all of that said let’s go and see how far the copper uh or not the copper the quartz gets us why do I keep mixing up quartz and copper well we pretty much have exhausted all of our resources once again and some of these are going to end up being quite easy some of them are not so you can see every spot down there that’s orange cuz this is the light matod it’s basically a schematic so that I know what I’m actually building you can see that for the most part everything’s filled in uh all of these colored blocks right here is a conflict because the fence isn’t attaching to the gold block because the gold block is missing this is actually the blueprint saying that a gold block is supposed to go there so you can see we’re still missing a significant amount of gold which kind of sucks and then we are also missing uh a bunch of crimson trap doors which that’s easy enough I just ran a crimson wood uh cuz I haven’t farmed it in a while and then uh this top layer right here we still need a lot of quartz so let’s actually take a quick peek and see uh based on the schematics let’s see what the material list is so the biggest things that we’re missing we are still missing uh by the looks of things 400 quartz so that’s quite a few Stacks I don’t know where the where the where’s the block of Quartz coming into play says that I’m missing 239 oh a lot of those are actually uh I I know what that is I started actually taking some of the quarts from the center there so you can see there’s uh some of them are actually glowing blue right now because they are still missing uh like it’s saying oh you have to place these here because that’s how I saved the schematic which means that I can just steal all of these cuz these were all mine anyway right so why not just do that also yes I am well aware that I’ve been recording these recent Clips without my green screen up it’s because I been lazy die Pigman so I’m I’m just going to chill here at the Gold farm for a little bit um I figure that gold should be our priority right now over the crimsonwood hello it’s not the most efficient Farm uh once I start pouring down here it’ll be fine but if I can get the gold blocks then I can go for the crimson and I figure that that will uh that’ll end up sinking up nicely because the gold is the big resource that uh I’m really really struggling with and is probably going to end up taking the most time next to the quartz obviously okay so again it’s not a super efficient Farm uh but we got 22 Gold Blocks now I I spent maybe like 30 minutes to an hour farming it and then I went and got some strip Crimson stems uh or just well the Crimson wood and then I just stripped it myself but that should definitely finish up our crimson I don’t think this is going to finish up our gold and then I just got a little bit of quartz just for good measure so we’ll see where we’re at dude seriously I was able to get like a little bit down here only up to there still need all that still need all that uh I was able to get a bunch of the gold up there though so that’s nice uh we’re almost there but honestly at this point I think I’m just going to dedicate like a significant amount of time grinding this myself and then I’ll just like clue you guys in once I’ve got the entire build done because at this point like I said like I’m kind of sick of not necessarily the grind but like just trying to make this video has been like such a mess for me before we actually start finishing up the base I thought that uh we should take a little bit of a break here and not only do a little bit of enchanting uh I did finally get a good helmet because I got respiration 2 on another helmet and then I combine it with this one which also had respiration too so I think this is pretty much maxed out as far as a helmet is concerned um what I’m really lacking right now is gold uh because I’ve been spending so much of it working on well working on the base um so what I want to hopefully do is go caving for a little bit see if I can hopefully find some gold but I might have already mined all of this out and I really really want to convert my Axe and helmet to netherite uh but then on top of that Zuck is on and I hope that I don’t take too long doing this because I want to catch him so that we can go check out his base really quick uh as kind of a finale to today’s episode because I just did the calculations of how much more like how how much longer it’s going to take sorry I’m getting a little lost in my own cave uh to finish the base and I’m I’m pretty much just going to grind it out and finish it um like all in one sitting myself and then the next video we’ll have the base like ready and done but until that comes it’s still it’s still going to be like quite a couple days away so yeah anyways I’m going to try and see if I can see if I can end up finding some gold I oh my God I’m so used to having my gamma maxed out now yeah I guess I should mention the importance of this is I haven’t been wearing a helmet up until this point there there was like one time I wore an iron helmet uh and then it was just like no I I wanted to actually like be able to see what was going on and I I don’t know I thought that it would make for like better videos if I just didn’t wear the helmet and then tried to have everybody else not wear helmets when we were interacting with them but now that we’ve been playing for such a lengthy period of time it doesn’t really matter so oh this is how dark it normally is okay I’m cheating and I don’t care uh but yeah the aqua makes a big difference uh the respiration being able to actually go into these water caves now I feel is going to be quite helpful because there are so many water caves it’s actually unreal come to think of it this would have helped out a lot when I was working well I guess this will help out a lot when I’m working on the base and getting the gold that I need um but I think that we have enough now so we can just head out of here uh get some some of our stuff set to netherite and uh finally go and check Zuck Bas oh my God that was actually really close I might oh thank God okay uh first of all I don’t have a blast furnace here because I’m an idiot but then on top of that I was really really worried because I took a lot of my coal um back over to our new main base even though that base isn’t really set up as my main yet so I I really need to get on it uh but yeah anyway Let’s uh get some of this going here come on come on come on come there we go CU I think we still only need one right it’s been a while since I made one of these uh yeah okay zaka is about to like head off so I got to try and get this done nice and quick um sorry I’m trying to remember where I stored everything I think blue is where I’m keeping all of my super big boy treasure yes there it is let’s make sure that we leave one in there just in case oh wait does this require oh it requires four a man so I’m still not even set up to like get the next set maxed out what do I want then do I want a helmet M to be netherite or do I want a an axe I probably want to convert my axe it’s kind of more important to me yeah okay cuz the thing is I’m using my axe like almost all the freaking time so this extra durability is going to be really really nice I could get sharpness five on it but again that’s just for the sake of PVP and I don’t really care about stuff like that anyways here you know what rather than wasting a crap ton of rockets let’s use Val’s base as it should be uh up to helipad here we go woo signs to block a bubble Vader that’s a good idea I don’t I was trying to think like I was trying to work out like what I was going to do for a bubble Vader later in my base and then I was like H I don’t really know what I can do to hide the water and it’s like oh signs so zck Bas uh is actually over here if you guys remember uh I I don’t know how many episodes ago that would have been uh you know until I get all of this into editing and stuff like that but uh there was a point while we were building the mega base where Zuck base got griefed and I basically like hopped into world edit and started working on his base and uh you know gave him kind of a a rough outline so that he wouldn’t quit and would keep playing and he has since been playing a lot uh his mini goal that he’s been working on has been uh getting mob heads and now he’s kind of low slowly trying to get all of player heads which is pretty crazy of a feat what is that that’s something related to his bit oh my God it’s pretty crazy feat to get all of the mob heads and stuff like that but on top of that he had a whole bunch of them and then he lost them in the Great Purge that was his base so I’m really excited because I haven’t actually seen his base since uh since he repaired it wow dude he’s actually got really like this is so cool like actually oh God even if I turn the gamma on like it doesn’t make a difference under here yikes is there a way to is there a way to get in from the outside dude nice actually looks dope I don’t know maybe he doesn’t have the mic on oh nice color palette though where [Music] what no just the record suddenly came on and I’ve never heard this song What oh this was the way in isn’t it how do you get back down though oh oh that’s cool okay let’s see yeah it’s really come along dude I like [Music] it nice [Music] these guys oh okay you actually got some Traders [Music] going also this song is a banger what the heck so these I guess these two spawners aren’t beside each other they’re just um on top of each other like horizontally right do you just have them go to different depths each of these yeah that’s pretty cool though pretty lucky that they’re overlapping oh are these all colored sheeps oh [Music] well oh my God wait oh it was like weird I I think uh do you have these chests locked I honestly keep forgetting that we even had that mod cuz yeah I guess cuz I’m off it like lets me just look in it cuz it gave me like a message about like overriding then I got to get my storage set up oh right I keep forgetting to like I have the idea for what I’m going to do for my um like auto storage and sorting and crap but I always forget about like a freaking Auto furnace or Auto smelter that’s cute actually those poor creatures bro still this has come a long way man like heck yeah it looks great [Laughter] so where’s the uh where are you keeping the mob heads I’m like how a bee’s head is just a [Music] bee man it’s so dumb and tedious how like Pillager head Vindicator head o I want to actually see what the warden’s head looks like oh it’s kind of it’s got a little bit of 3D to it like on the years not that I can really see it but it’s kind of neat

This video, titled ‘CHECK OUT THIS INSANE UNDERWATER BASE | RoninCraft (SMP Minecraft) – Part 11’, was uploaded by Scyushi on 2024-02-01 16:00:22. It has garnered 392 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:00 or 2940 seconds.

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📺 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 📺 What’s up Samurai? Thanks for watching my Let’s Play about Minecraft! This is my RoninCraft server, inspired by HermitCraft.. except I’m the only YouTuber. ✏️ I hate quartz.. it’s by far one of the hardest blocks to farm in survival Minecraft. Today I’ll be slowly chipping away at my mega base again, but we’ll take a tour of Czuk’s amazing underwater base.

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  • Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16)

    Terrifying Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.16) Minecraft One Block Skyblock: A Terrifying Adventure with Dwellers and Horror Mods! Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with a twist! Dive into a world filled with terror as you encounter the infamous Dwellers and other horrifying mods. This unique series features a modpack for Minecraft that includes a plethora of terrifying mods such as The One Who Watches, The Man from the Fog, Cave Dweller, Nightmare.jar, and many more! Map Availability and Mod Versions Explore the eerie world of One Block across various Minecraft versions, including 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.4, and soon,… Read More

  • EPIC World Gen Mods & Custom Blocks Creation! Day 2

    EPIC World Gen Mods & Custom Blocks Creation! Day 2Video Information This video, titled ‘World Gen Mods & Making Custom Blocks | Project Architect 2 Devlog | Day 2’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-07-14 16:00:34. It has garnered 9861 views and 234 likes. The duration of the video is 08:26:18 or 30378 seconds. Ever wanted to craft your own modded Minecraft experience? This series takes you on the full journey of building a modpack, from KubeJS scripting to mastering essential tools. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, join the ride! We’ll dive deep with tutorials, troubleshoot challenges, and share the real-life ups & downs of… Read More

  • 20+ Terrifying Minecraft Survival Monsters

    20+ Terrifying Minecraft Survival MonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR SURVIVAL ADDONS 20+ Terrifying Monster in Minecraft Survival in-depth review!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-06-12 12:00:29. It has garnered 128477 views and 2842 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:18 or 1278 seconds. I’ve uncovered the scariest Minecraft monsters addon that will send shivers down your spine ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Elemental Ecko’s: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=f8ca8722-bdd4-4b8a-b025-e0420fc8d312 Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=a1da6f9b-d454-48cf-b0eb-d140020602d9 In this in-depth review, we delve into… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Base Tour – Insane MANOV Game!” 🎮🔥

    "EPIC Minecraft Base Tour - Insane MANOV Game!" 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 Minecraft: Mostrando a nossa BASE #ep 2’, was uploaded by MANOV GAME on 2024-03-30 19:01:37. It has garnered 67 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:08 or 548 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ READ VIDEO DESCRIPTION ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📌 Help the channel: 🔔 Activate the BELL and SUBSCRIBE to the channel !! 🌎 SHARE. 👍 LEAVE YOUR LIKE. 💬 COMMENT. ♦ 📁 Video Texture: 📌Goal for the video: 👍 50 likes. 📈 And climbing. 📌About the server 🛒STORE: https://loja.redevonix.com/ 👉IP: jogar.redevonix.com 🎫 Coupon: OPENING 90% off 📌About the channel: 📆 New video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tree House Build!! 🌳🏠 #Power

    INSANE Minecraft Tree House Build!! 🌳🏠 #PowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Simple Tree House |#ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft #powr_live #باور’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-12 12:00:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in … Read More

  • Insane Discovery: A Wild Chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18

    Insane Discovery: A Wild Chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18Video Information This video, titled ‘I found chimpanzee in Better Minecraft PC Gameplay #18’, was uploaded by Filltrix Sinhala on 2024-03-08 14:30:28. It has garnered 23899 views and 1515 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:17 or 2057 seconds. Subscribe කොරලා “🔔” එක ඔබන්න Friends! ╔════════════════════════╗ Welcome back, fellow gamers, to another thrilling episode of Better Minecraft! In today’s gameplay, join me on an extraordinary journey as we stumble upon an unexpected encounter: a chimpanzee! Yes, you heard it right – a chimpanzee in Minecraft! Watch as we explore the depths of the jungle biome in search of resources… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Battle: Angel JJ vs Demon Mikey!

    Epic Minecraft Battle: Angel JJ vs Demon Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘Angel JJ Grave vs Demon Mikey Grave Battle in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen World on 2024-07-04 11:07:39. It has garnered 55571 views and 342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. Not click Bait : Angel JJ Grave vs Demon Mikey Grave Battle in Minecraft Maizen! 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial Read More

  • “Insane Twist: Minecraft’s Epic End Game!” #minecraft #game #gaming

    "Insane Twist: Minecraft's Epic End Game!" #minecraft #game #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small End In Minecraft#minecraft #game #gaming #gameplay’, was uploaded by BG_ Galaxy_Gamer on 2024-02-19 04:35:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. active and passive voice in hindi ca r songs bhutiya short ayush video minecraft portal skibdi toilet herobrine charmander fruits gta … Read More

  • Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #Minecraft

    Ribman Craft Mystery: Eggs + Armor = ??? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Ribman craft on 2024-05-10 21:00:14. It has garnered 1269 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. What happened after minecraft all eggs and armors combine? #minecraft #gaming Minecraft, Zombies, Warden, Battle,Brute, Action force, Showdown, Survival, Epic, Horde, Adrenaline-pumping, Clash, Resilience, Suspense, Intense, Heart-pounding, Underground caves, Open fields, Open fields, Spectate, Tactics, Adventure, Ultimate, Gaming, Video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon,… Read More

  • Ethan Winter’s INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!

    Ethan Winter's INSANE Minecraft PvP & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘LETS talk about the MCRP Community, shall we? (Playing minecraft pvp, chilling and chatting)’, was uploaded by Ethan Winter’s on 2024-06-20 03:15:34. It has garnered 263 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:19 or 9559 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔥 Welcome to TheRealSenpaiYT’s Live Stream! 🔥 📌 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Nc3mWkdY7d 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealSenpaiYT ✉ Business Email: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📚 COPYRIGHT NOTICE 📚 “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ‘fair use’ for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is… Read More

  • Elartrios

    ElartriosElartrios.net is available for the Minecraft Java Edition and also for Minecraft Bedrock Edition! IP Java: Elartrios.net:25565 | IP Bedrock: Elartrios.net:19132 | Website: Elartrios.net Welcome to Elartrios, where adventure and excitement in Minecraft await you! Our server offers a collection of self-made minigames that promise to inject a refreshing twist into your gaming experience. With a variety of unique gamemodes designed to entertain and challenge, there’s never a dull moment here. Experience the explosive frenzy of Generatorwars as you battle it out amidst thrilling explosions. Show off your skills by conquering the molten obstacles of Lavarun, a true test of… Read More

  • Introducing the new Civilization SMP – vanilla

    Join the Civilization SMP Discord Server Complete the whitelist request form to gain access to our Vanilla Minecraft community! All ages are welcome here, whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran. Rules: No hacking No X-ray No Stealing No racism No homophobia No ableism Join our Discord server, fill out the whitelist form, and start exploring our world today! Don’t miss out on our events, build contests, and community gatherings – join our Discord community now! Civilization Discord: https://discord.gg/HVgKNF68sR Read More