Unbelievable! Unlocking 1,000+ New Advancements in Minecraft Hardcore! 🤯 (S1 E30)

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how is it going stream oh my God my hair sorry if my hair is wet just got out of the shower all right how’s it going stream back with another Hardcore episode we are in episode 30 which is honestly pretty cool we haven’t feel like I haven’t had a series go this long especially of Hardcore which is kind of impressive but pretty impressive um just real quick before uh I’m going to go in my world I’m going to show you two things I added for your guys’s convenience and honestly for mine too um okay so we’re in our little home right here okay I added two new things here we added a new mod which displays what we need to do for each advancement so we don’t have to go into like a Google doc or anything um that’s so weird we need white DY for that okay see look it tells us which one we’re missing and if if we press shift it will show us all the ones we did already very cool very cool um so now it’s a lot easier to know like what we need and what we already got and stuff because obviously that’s going to be helpful for something that that like we didn’t even like pretty much we didn’t even know what to get yet pretty much like for example this advancement right here right where is it for like getting every block or no let’s say this one ultimate enchanter obtain every enchantment at every level throughout your enchanting career press shift if you scroll down it’ll show us all the ones we got already and the ones we didn’t get we never had power three we never had power four we did have power one right yeah and uh yeah apparently need it all in books too and on an item which is interesting but yeah we need all this that’s what I was trying to say um that one’s going to be hard we got that all right so anyway this stream we’re going to be focusing on this mining tab right here we’re going to try to get every single one I don’t know if we’re going to get all of it this stream but we shall see right um yeah so I guess that’s what I wanted to show you oh and there’s one more mod that I wanted to show you guys um we’ll figure out once we go mining well you guys you guys will probably figure out once we go mining but it is full Bri only because I want you guys to be able to see in the caves and stuff and I feel like if I’m going to be streaming this I’m going to be mining and stuff I want you guys not to be able to like be blind on the stream you know what I mean so that’s why I added it um I don’t think it’s cheating at all especially if I’m streaming I think I I think I you guys need to see you know if I’m like mining um and yeah so that’s pretty much it and I had it before too but I had full bright already I just didn’t it didn’t like update to 1.21 so I had to find like a new mod for it so yeah that is pretty much all I had to say before we start going mining and uh yeah we we should start going mining now honestly um I think we have everything we need pretty much we should put this in food right I don’t think we need a BS with us we got everything we need pretty much um we still need deep slate coal and diamond ore we’re going to try to get these first out of the way because I feel like this would be huge I don’t think we’re going to get a stack of deep slay Emer or I’m just going to be honest Emeral or we got to find a mountain but I know exactly where a mountain is what’s start going we have everything we need we probably going to go about a, 2,000 blocks away start mining I do want to go to a mountain big ass Mountain that is 5,000 blocks away but maybe something closer right it’s probably a mountain close by any of these Mountain mushroom Cherry Grove jungle Emerald ORS okay 1,000 blocks away we shall go this way we got to keep an eye on our elytra we got to repair it in the caves already almost there whoa wait what the heck fly 1,000 kilm of an elytra very cool that is sick well we got that out of the way I guess very cool whoa imagine this has a notch Appel bro I wish what is that well I think I need the achievement to break a gold pickaxe so might as well break this one right why not oh oh this will be very easy to break actually just the Netherrack there we go bling bling gone very nice easy achievement that we didn’t get yet I feel like we did get that but like it just didn’t like uh process or something or like through the update cuz sometimes some advancements don’t save or something or reset when Minecraft updates which all of them are easy so I’m not really complaining so and also why are full bre plugin isn’t working um not plugin mod why is that this one maybe I need to settings brightness that is weird extras might be here huh that’s weird should uh hold up let me go to that mod let’s see what’s going on here one second chat I apologize um that has to be like a command or something right I don’t know ah G apparently right it says to press G so we’re going to test it here guys see if it works G okay cool it does work all right the mod is not broken that’s good to know let’s kill some of these mobs for to repair my elytra real quick nice is that emeralds nope thought it was not going to lie I think this uh Emerald thing might be jate I don’t know if emeralds spawn here I think I need to go to an actual mountain biome cuz I don’t I do not see any uh emeralds we might just I might just fly to this cords right here it’s only 3,700 blocks it’s not bad yo this is lowkey insane right here what the hell it’s like a what the heck was that I feel like it was like a big chunk of that mountain just got removed or something it’s very strange and what is all this this is extremely weird generation right here not going to lie to you wait what huh oh it’s something I already looted no wonder why that is so strange cool little village right here though is at 2:32 we should be good there’s one more mod I think I should get next episode and it’s um it’s not really a big deal but it would help a lot I feel like it’s um the one where can show chords without me pressing F3 I think that’ll be nice so you guys don’t when I want to see cords you guys don’t see a bunch of like stuff like this you know it’s like bro it’s a village right there next to this massive Mountain very cool oh here we go probably shouldn’t be uh yeah got to be more smart I got to not wear my lights right now boom get the emeralds [Music] just going to go around this mountain try to find some emeralds [Music] how is that the only emerald ore out of all this bro come on that has to be cap [Music] bro oh here we go we got a two vein of emeralds I don’t think I’ve ever seen that oh my God another two ve what here we go five found seven Emerald doors so far huge there has to be more inside the cave too I’m assuming not today creepers not today another two three vein of emeralds okay okay hey yo dude dude with 10 emerald ores since when did emerald ores get in like veins of two or three all of a sudden what the hell oh my gosh [ __ ] skeleton dude [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] you you [ __ ] you oh oh you thought okay bro any emerald ores in here by chance oh hello two spiders with uh potion effects that’s uh cool yo guys once I get every ore I’m going to make a cool short of mining every single ore all the way down in a line and it’s going to speed it up like by 100 I think that would look very cool that would look amazing so all be in like a span of like 5 seconds or 10 seconds or something I don’t know just for it to look satisfying you know I think that look very cool let’s go mining advancements Let’s uh go ORS we need diamond ore Emeral ore deep slate coal yep okay bro hop off bro oh of course you would explode man okay I’m going to fly around because I’m not seeing any emeralds it’s kind of making me mad I want emor boss drink some water is there any Emerald or here that is dangerous I okay oh my gosh I have my light Shir no no no no oh hello goat my gosh skeleton I cannot stand skeletons bro they’re so annoying they’re so annoying man too bad they suck at aiming though oh oh no come on I’m at 183 right now no sign of Emeral or how do we find 10 and then find none especially here isn’t supposed to be supposed to be like more common the more up we go or something like that I don’t know how the new ores generate too much but I don’t know if emeralds can spawn this high but like [ __ ] getting just want an emerald man oh okay they can spawn this High I’m just I guess I’m just getting unlucky [Music] [Music] what their [Music] buckets oh come on oh my gosh Bruh Bruh how deep does this go bro that’s so annoying come on if I die to freezing I’m never playing hardcore ever again can I don’t think I can die with my netherite armor bro bro so annoying there we go okay we’re good I think right okay we’re good we’re good we’re good any Emerald ORS anywhere in sight I don’t see any oh time to get on my elytra yeah I think it’s best if we get away from the snow and start going around you know what I mean just going around the mountains like this there has to be some I missed right I’m just going to go down in a cave whoa um we’re good um that’s embarrassing thought I landed that safely but I guess I did I got two hearts all right uh what’s we’re good is there any emeralds in here [Music] okay nothing down here these caves kind of suck man is that emeralds or that’s a creeper another creeper I’m out of here is there actually why why do these caves like end so quickly bro that is annoying I just want emeralds oh come on bro all these caves just looks like they end oh my gosh man [Music] it looks like there’s another Mountain over there I going to go check that out it’sa but I feel like there could still be emeralds right I want to see why not any emeralds we’re like almost 200 feet in the air there has to be emeralds right I don’t know if they could spawn at Stony Peaks oh wow look at those mountains I don’t think they could spawn here Enderman right there oh wow 233 blocks how is there no emeralds I’m so confused there’s ameral r i take an eeral oh no oh okay there’s a lot of mobs in here this Emerald is so worth it I’m going to try to get disc why not I’m bored come on there we go that was the easiest disc of my life I don’t know if I have that one I’m just going to keep it cool [Music] I don’t know how many more emerald ores we need to yet but oh there’s another one it’s probably a lot more like in this cave there’s probably a lot I’m going to guess oh wait this is where this is where I just was bro oh my [Music] gosh damn it my water bucket clutches of been so trash Oh power five the hell any emeralds in here at all bro there’s oh whoa whoa whoa whoa I just saw a lot my gosh I thought I saw four there’s another one that there another one here oh hello [Music] free disc okay yo what’s up guys yo what up what’s going on how a sural going going good just getting some Emerald ORS right now that’s nice probably not going to play on the hardcore too long cuz I kind of want to like do the like play games and stuff as well cool cool you guys playing valerant we’re not doing anything right now ah trying to convince just got to fight the final boss what you want doing no it’s not the final boss I’m at her right now it’s an optional boss bro oh is that that like very hard one melenia I guess so I don’t know yeah if thinking about the one that Kai died to like 600 times that’s the one damn wait I check P Wi-Fi I’m sure if it comes probably have it mine my current one doesn’t have what do you have ether yeah yeah I don’t mind E I think ether’s better I’ll use I mean it’s better but I don’t have it sadly it’s all the way downstairs y I got the two hearts again Winks I was uh on his hardcore what I mean oh he was down to two hearts yeah I got a I was flying my elytra and I landed weird and I it brought me to like two hearts yeah I was watching on like you’re really risky for flying yeah I know I need to be a little more careful to be honest not gonna lie what’s end game for uh Hardcore Minecraft bro uh probably having like being alive yeah I don’t know I found a spider oh no not bro Jason Brian was tripping out last night bro wait how so couldn’t find the goddamn spider in his room I’m okay oh no yo yo so I was playing some Bal last night right it was like 2 a.m. right and I see a spider crawling up the wall okay the [ __ ] was pretty big I’m not going to sit okay okay so I’m not I’m not GNA grab you know crush it with my hands right or grab it with my hands cuz that’s that’s like I wouldn’t do that either [ __ ] that I I opened the door right to i i w I stood up walked to the door to grab and open the door and I look back the spider’s gone like disappeared bro like out of thin air oh hell no bro and I this this morning I went to look for it cleaned up everything bro could not find it probably left her room hopefully hopefully you checked under your bed and stuff sheets say that we can’t put that in a bro’s going to wake up and become Spiderman I’m saying that creeper scared blow up yeah I thought he was like in the animation where he was literally about to blow up but he didn’t yeah just don’t find the charged one hell no I know that can easily one shot with like Max gear hell no oh I’m at layer 29 what the [ __ ] I’ll be back yo these caves are terrible bro what the hell these are the worst caves I’ve ever been in have you tried out the mace uh I did on a chicken and then I just stopped is it not Enchanted no I need to enchant it m like I need to Max it but I’m probably going to do that some other time yeah the scary part is it scales with fall damage oh yeah or like at least not fall damage but Falling yeah I need to be careful using it to be honest yeah [ __ ] am out of food never mind no I need to get the [ __ ] out of this cave it’s terrible oh crap nah I can’t listen to this disc welcome back thank you thank you [ __ ] you I’ll find a spider one day BBE went like your clothes and your drawer okay St saying that happen I’m hunting every single spider to exist bro you know what I fear is like [ __ ] pull down my trousers and it’s just there oh hell no trousers I wasn’t going to say underwear that was a little weird yo what I fear is sometimes like I mean it’s whatever you can imagine bro wait what whatever you want it to be wait wait wait wait why trousers I said I didn’t want to say underwear no no no wait like I know but like you you’re scared that like I’m not scar underwear there’s a spider hiding in there yeah have you have you ever watched that F suburb I mean I have yes Jason do you ever watch Fin spb I never did no oh man you know what it is right yeah have you there’s a there’s a song called squirrel my pants for Smurf and spider my pants Spiderman I mean any like insect or anything bro that is that is weird no I mean I guess yeah yo what could I found bro not going to lie Brian I don’t know if it was a bug but like when I was in like sixth grade wait hold on I did that and I freaked out and took off all my clothes wait don’t tell me you you found wait you found a bug there no I think I think I think it wasn’t I think I was just tripping yo a big fear of mine is waking up to a spider making a web in my mouth while I was sleeping yeah don’t do that bro don’t do that bro oh not going to lie like I’m pretty sure I it happened Le twice I found like a spider not spider an ants like calling on my phone when I’m like on my phone in bed oh like a fly or whatever or yeah or fly yeah yeah hell no oh that happens all the time to me [ __ ] skeleton multiply man so everything else whatever multip more yo I’m lit looking around my room right now bro you guys are freaking me out you kill one look in the corner of your walls bro I mean that’s where they usually are true no I okay I can’t bro where the emeralds at wait who’s that behind you in that door wa right or chasing okay bro relax relax relax relax wait why is your door open bro uh just in case Jax wants to come in my room who’s that face y wait Brian you see that yeah I see it too bro yo you just stop bro yo it’s actually crazy why am I actually I’m low ke getting freaked up no I’m not going to lie I used to like every time I turn off the light to like my kitchen I used to like run upstairs and [ __ ] I’d still do that L it’s kind of scary bro play that right yo if a warden spawns right now I’m [ __ ] there’s not even an ancient city near here at least I think bro my [ __ ] this bugging out yo ever like be in the shower and then like you close your eyes for a little bit and then you just like imagine like someone like out of nowhere like being in your house while in the shower yeah sometimes oh like just using your imagin I feel like I see [ __ ] in my in the shower bro when I close my eyes oh I think I know what you mean cuz the water pressure on your head or something yeah yeah okay I see what you mean yeah I just see people oh hell also yeah yeah also like when the shower you you think you hear someone in your house downstairs yeah dude no I’ve actually had that happen so many times bro you know when you’re you’re alone in your house and you’re upstairs and you just hear loud banging downstairs and you go there and there’s nothing nah bro yo I have a story when I was like eight or nine or no I was seven I think Joey was nine or 10 or something we both wanted to go in my basement to like go exploring and stuff like with like the lights off with our flashlight and stuff MH and we go down there right and we don’t find any like we we’re down there for like 5 minutes we don’t find anything so we go back up the stairs and like halfway up the stairs we hear like a loud ass bang in the basement somewhere we just run up stairs did you did your parents know yeah we told him it was probably them you didn’t no no like we asked like are you was that you guys and like they’re they would be honest I’d be like about that especially by now what would to this day no one knows they I feel like parents would try to trick you with basement I feel like someone’s living down there in my oh my godan in my old basement in like it was like uh from 1700s or whatever there was like this one side that was like blocked off where you can’t go over there and always freaking freak me out because like what if someone’s living up dude no bro hell no in atcts too bro cuz I never I don’t go I’ve never gone in my attic I have another very freaky story that happened to me when I was a kid touched me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey yo oh my God the thing is name started with a j or some [ __ ] definitely wasn’t Jason bro the [ __ ] hell no are you get so defensive no Jing you were saying um all right so I was like I want to say 11 or 12 right and I was at my cousin’s house I was playing Manhunt with my cousin cousins manun yeah cuz yard’s like massive right what is Manhunt you don’t know yeah think about that shit’s scary in the dark I’m not going to lie yeah no it was Pitch Black outside too SC bro uh anyway yeah we I think it was me and my cousin Dominic that were hirers and Joey and my other cousin Gia that were uh Seekers so me and my cousin going like the far back near the woods where uh like to hide there’s like a gold post right there like a soccer go po go post and like we hid behind it and I was like all right uh domic I’m going to go uh in the front to try to find another spot so I left them there I start running back now I’m in like near the front of the yard where like the road is right and I swear I feel like I I saw someone like run past me uh hold on let me pause my hardcore I saw like someone run past me right and I look to my left I see someone running in the street and like I’m like confused cuz I just like I think I called out like Joey cuz like he ran away like that’s the thing it wouldn’t have been Dominic bro saw a skin walker dude I don’t know what the [ __ ] I saw but I to this day like I as I asked the all of them like hey was that you that like ran past me and they’re like nope that’s to scary bro it was definitely a skin walker D I don’t know what the [ __ ] it was BR that [ __ ] freaked me out cuz like it’s dark outside there’s only street lights and then you just see someone like run past they disappear in the dark yeah that’s too scary I do that yeah and I looked behind the only spot where what I saw could have been like hiding and there was no one there so I was like genuinely confused and freaked out [ __ ] SC bro that’s like I’m imagining right now sh is freaky why you don’t go outside in the dark hey man I was outside today in the dark bringing my chash down more diamonds it’s my trash oh oh why is there so many diamonds in this cave bro I don’t need diamonds any emeralds wait in your house I’m outside bro what no I have to take it down to the road it’s trusty the ah I see wait you take it out like at night bro always in the morning I keep my uh like trash bins like in the garage so I just toss that in the garage in the morning one of us would like bring it out that night it’s crazy the thing is I have a Longway I hear [ __ ] nighto I’m not going to lie I I just hear [ __ ] oh like two weeks ago one of uh something fell when all me and my parents were downstairs from upstairs and there was no draft or anything up there so I mean it could have just been awkwardly placed yeah if that’s what my dad said or like the nail was weird or something or like loose but if it happens again the same thing I’m going be spectable bro you were you young I mean you were young but when you were young did you always run into walls run into walls or is it just [Music] me I think there’s a reason why I’m like this guys gosh I’m GNA be honest i’ never run into a wall yeah I don’t know when I was a really young kid I would always down stairs and just run into a wall I run into doors all the time in public places you know why because some doors they keep it locked one side locked and the other side not locked you know if you’re at the mall there’s like two there’s double doors right and dble door yeah yeah double do it’s either one is locked and then the other one’s locked they keep one locked for some odd reason or or it’s a push and a pool that’s the only time I run into or there’s an in and an out yeah push and pool his ass couldn’t be me [ __ ] speak of Manhunt though we went on a school trip and um we were allowed to play Manhunt but it was like like pitch black these kids were hiding in a [ __ ] trash can bro oh hell no bro they were dedicated to win bro and it it was at a camp and like another kid just literally broke into like um one of like the abandoned cabins and literally hit in there like wow go in there find them that’s some dedication though I’m not going to lie that couldn’t be me bro the trash can is hilarious about uh oh uh oh yeah that’s some real dictation okay what am I doing about to summon the warden by accident I swear what’s the warden a very dangerous mob that would probably twoot me D I came out like 1.6 yeah I haven’t played survival in since like what 1 Point like was that the one with us Colin and the other group I don’t know bro I haven’t play a minute no I don’t play Survival with them no no no no no no that was like a long time I remember you being on there and you and I went on a hunt for pandas and we never came out with pandas remember that I don’t recall but it probably did have I know these smps like together yeah there’s so many no all Happ all the time bro wait no yeah Brian you played on the one hour on the [ __ ] Hypixel one oh yeah I remember that one yeah yeah yeah bro a bro it was like uh yeah it was with only like five people right oh yeah Will me you bamp Smurf no one else joined it’s because you guys invited me during the school year bro you can’t invite me during the school year that’s fa no when I’m most busy you’re not going to be busy this year bro what what I’m sorry huh H you good bro you say something offensive I didn’t even say anything maybe I’m tripping maybe I’m imagining things like I imag that spider yesterday or oh no that spider was real in my shower yo how do you think there’s people C water I use medium damn what well medium is pretty much hot water I use like medium to cold like just like a calm yeah but I’m not like hot boiling water though like like War bro might [ __ ] all the girls that bro y’all shampoo a lot yeah I should like two to three times a week I heard it’s not good to do like every time yeah I mean it depends on your hair though it’s bad it depends if your hair gets uh greasy a lot or whatever yeah you’re bloating what I’m Bing oh yeah we know that I think I’m Bing I’m I don’t know for sure though I need to get like a like a secondary opinion you’re Bal why don’t she just house Callin he’s seen you in real life he’s going to say yes cuz he’s like you know what’s the [ __ ] mess around bro I can never uh he’s being serious I can never take what he says seriously sadly he’s been serious I’m serious bro how do I find Yo nah bro he said I was having gray hairs like when I was in like eighth grade buddy I’m going join Z wanton Dynasty and ask him right now the [ __ ] is that Discord name bro oh my God you don’t know half the people in this call I don’t know anyone you don’t right like probably playing yo guys hear me out when I finish my solo playthrough of B ring we do a full Co up and we all run can you play more than a Duo yeah we’re all going to run like dumbass builds like I’m I’m talking like [ __ ] I’ll be naked oh what wait what I’ll be naked and I’ll freaking wait in game or real life because this one matters uh both actually I like my imion to be like you know at the highest tier you know relatable no Ser debatable got to be a m bro yeah I always have dual katanas on my back every single time I play this game yeah you know you know I used to like um collect like U I was going to collect like like fake swords cuz that obsess with that [ __ ] how dare you how dare you everyone has their little like fetishes and uh [ __ ] you know what I’m saying I don’t have a fetish you you have a fetish for doors man why did Joey join the [ __ ] wall I like foot Brian Colin City you’re maling bro you actually message him that’s weird up I didn’t get I had to get this info put job under the table at bro you that’s the first time they’re like who the [ __ ] is Smurf bro that’s lit what it is damn BR he really outed you like that dude he’s just what’s up what’s up yo I’m streaming my hardcore right now Joey you should go watch could you give me a maple syrup foot job under the Denny table only on Tuesdays two days now only at Waffle House only Waffle House would you no it’s that IHOP yo I’m lowy strip mining right now is that weird or tce what happened to ibop IB ihob my bad IH hop on this wait no IH hob B on me SM wait what I’m being serious the ibop hi hi ibob Dragon what the hell is that or is it Dragon these n on your H high off or whatever it’s it was the one with burgers or whatever just me I never heard of that do you guys like pizza it’s okay piece of these nuts I I knew was wait hold on where’s other ones come on you guys want to go toy sometime too bro I can’t think like this order wings yeah sure man no no Wendy’s you want to go to Wendy’s sometime oh it depends on when Wendy’s nuts fitter hey when when when did I ask or yo did you know that Kansas is not a state yeah isn’t that Kentucky these nuts br bro I’m sorry but what bro I cannot find diamonds for the life of me did you say Kentucky never mind it doesn’t fit I was going say Ken you took this dick in your mouth but I guess it doesn’t kind of It kind of works right it kind of works right yeah [ __ ] I just created one bro nice there you go bro took this Dicky bro oh [ __ ] let me think another one all right guys why did the cell be okay there’s Candace there’s a pizza I love pizza I love the pizza one though Pizza get everybody you guys like Imagine Dragons yeah one of my favorite artists man drag his nuts across your face no bro don’t threaten me with a good time you can throw me with a good time imagin wagons imag wagons wag imagine waging this dick your cheek wait what wow on the cheek what cheek oh oh now that’s you say that buff of these BofA yo you ever heard of the store called bua b b your mouth both these balls across your face yeah I’m not even kidding I think one time when I went to the mall I saw a store called sugma Sigma Sigma wait was it smma what smma it was probably smma lowy I think ninja is one what ligma yeah that [ __ ] was like the one of the original you know ninja has cancer wa wait what cancer yeah wait are you serious yeah I don’t think it I stop are you going to say something bu no no no I’m being genuinely serious I think that joke oh is that dick joke no no no no he genuinely I think he said on his like Twitter he had cancer or something and he’s getting treated for it Twitter these nuts bro what the [ __ ] is my luck what are some games we uh what what we got um stuff good well what games like um so you guys said you wanted to play like games mhm I’ll join you after my stream oh wait weren’t we doing Minecraft yes yes right any good I Maps I know you play a lot in your free time gate keep yo you know I remembered do you do you remember Randy Randy Randy ry’s picking your ass oh no I fell for that one going come on why would he ask who Randy is bro guys who’s next who who’s next who next come up uh say one say one say one remember this old uh hot dog place called Jam Jam yeah Jam is dick in your throat oh my God Jam is pun in your throat you wait what do you love what what what do you love what so Jason what do you got to set up hm what do you have to set up for your world whoa whoa gave Jason be careful might be a DI joke oh my God BR has PTSD now I just got to create a server and then server these dicks on the platter to you sorry that’s pretty good one pretty good one was it I just I don’t think so hly it it’s good on good like to come up on a spy you know oh yeah man I I just I just come up with these on the top you know solid man I can’t find the S I think it’s Sigma no Sig like seriously oh N I remember like it might have been okay I’m not sure if I actually saw it at the mall or if I saw it on iPhone it was probably on iPhone going back still yo um uh You Like Drugs what y know I saw what what what I saw this new trend of um you know you know how there’s EB boys yes there’s a a new called I ladies oh God I ladies I ladies who who’s that I L nut across your face oh you got [Music] me all right that a good one got I just remember that one I just remember that one that was a good one oh my God bro I was not ready for that one all your friends all your friends I don’t have it especially Randy and Candace got got hey I have a friend named Candace I’m not going Li bro I set you up bro I just decided [Music] to you guys like S I hate fish man I love salmon this pretty good one pretty good one yeah be honest that kind of sounds like a what but on a side note though salmon is probably like one of the best fishes I agree honest I think you’re lying you know what I thought about it I think tuna might be better in my opinion oh I don’t know yeah can tuna mhm yeah I hate tuna tuna is only good when it’s like microwave you know what microwave everything’s a dick joke now yeah on microwave is dick in your even Mak sense yeah I’m I’m going send out microwaves have you guys ever had BNA sausage sausages like this I not CL it’s like these canned sausages whatever what about spam I’ve never tried spam nope but spam is so greasy though right you like fry it not fry like I guess it is friy I like P I like uh it creates a smell that does honestly I like stigma bro we’re we’re we’re technically adults here bro your ass what all right Jason hurry this up bro we can’t handle we can’t handle this much longer oh the stream I’m joking you do you you do you I was joking oh thank God but I wasn’t joking about can’t handle these jokes much longer come on so funny these top tier jokes so funny top tier top tier this is what comedy is top tier Cokes you guys can trust me I’m always critical slapping guys let’s talk about food this is actually a MAG and not a what’s your favorite type of chocolate I don’t like chocolate Feast I don’t like I think chocolate is over out you know some people actually say that unironically yeah I I think it’s very good but I don’t think it’s better like the best chocolate bro like they I me like milk chocolate dark chocolate I me milk cholate I can have some milk chocolate if it’s dark chocolate I puke or at least spit it out of my mouth dark chocolate really yeah like the dark yeah dark chocolate I don’t know I like it’s okay yo uh Joey and Jason you’re from you guys are from New Jersey right so yeah um you guys been to the Jersey tour yes yeah have you guys had the fudge and um the Taffy there fudge and Taffy I don’t think so actually have you ever had but and try the fud and Taffy like the where did you try it at um wait it’s it’s usually around like the the it should be around the place you know what I’m saying like around the beach they’ll have like vendors and [ __ ] vendors bro yeah this ain’t no Minecraft the [Music] fudge the fudge is good pretty good oh that’s Crystal Cave B oh would I just mine uh no I’m farming stuff in over oh cuz when you said that I just mined like a crystal not it’s not a crystal it was like a drip Stone thing I don’t know trip so hard the w bro I don’t know how you can find normal diamond or in hardcore or not even hardcore just in normal General well you usually find it in caves or just start yeah I know it’s just hard cuz it’s usually the Deep slate dond or like all the time it’s I only found eight total and I found like at least two stacks of actual like deep slate diamond ore why uh there’s a advancement where you have to get a stack of every ore except for deep slay Emerald because that’s like very rare I don’t think it counts that yeah it’s on the boardwalk it’s a called Shrivers Shrivers that’s the place I had um I got from oh cool where where exactly is it on the the Jersey have you guys it’s like seaside yeah Brown Seaside have you guys ever gone into Boston once actually I think twice do you know of this one place that SS like sweets or whatever no oh it’s like across the street of Dand it’s like really popular and good just like by I guess like like a a couple minutes away from TD guarding if you know what that is this where the Celtics and the Bruins play that’s cool that’s cap that’s cap it’s not Seaside it’s um Ocean City my bad wow he’s a li is that like been Ocean City South it’s South South I guess I guess uh I guess you guys would go more to Seaside right because you guys are up north yeah um also like Point Pleasant too and like I think this usually went to the beach in a place called like Long Branch I think yeah that just sounds made up Long Branch Long Branch my dick is a Long Branch let me I’m [ __ ] jok’s falling flat yeah there’s nothing better than waking up at 3: in the morning and drinking some [ __ ] ice cold [ __ ] water bro yeah some ice gold lean get your right to the it’s basically just um High SE bro n i See’s I See’s Le like that’s the that’s literally what lean is have yet the find any diamond or while strip mining maybe or I’m not say just get better no I was going to say that I was going to say something way different oh uh useful Minecraft I’m not going to lie I could really use some fudge right now fudge sounds good what’s everyone doing right now like what games yall playing I know Smur you’re playing out ring right no he’s not oh [ __ ] Stu you guys want to play a song trivia sure sure yeah how do you guys like your steak done I like it pinkish you know I I think that’s like medium something controversial I don’t I like it pink that is controversial but I think it’s understandable but like I I’d understand if you don’t like steak all the time but you don’t like steak yep that’s crazy what about hammers about what hamburgers uh hamburgers is kind of different from Ste I mean beef no it’s beef but like steak is too filling you know it’s is very filling Burger can be filling but it’s it’s the pat it’s it’s like a thinner Patty right I don’t know how to describe it it’s like comparing like a steak like a Steakhouse steak versus like I don’t know um sh Shake Shack or something like that I’ve never gotten a Shake Shack you can’t really compare the two I think they’re like two separate categories there’s they’re Steak Burgers which is actually pretty decent in my oh you ever had like a hamburger pizza I have not have a hamburger pizza I think I have I think they sell it like either Papa John’s maybe 7 I don’t know op got that’s a joke op but but an officer did get it for me that’s cool uh here I’m sending the link oh you make oh no that is a code to a Roblox game like what really chees Stakes I don’t don’t I don’t like onions or Peppers though I don’t like it in general just here join join then what about sushi you guys like sushi I don’t like fish I hate sushi I do not like seafood guys I think I can understand eating some like musles but I know you’re a fraud raish he’s a fraud it’s raish it’s on say bro like y join the link I put in Discord yeah yeah yeah well you said frog Smurf I said frog he’s a fraud Asian guys I like Ramen though ramen’s good as [ __ ] Everyone likes the and a b what a r what what is this bro is your name Pizza Pizza is it yes gen Z really is the greatest Generation guys have any other hot food takes solids are really good I like salads salads are good no I hate salads they’re Heth I’ll give you that but like salad with some chicken all right how about this ready favorite fast food please I don’t really know if I have one I like Taco Bell but is it really my favorite I don’t know favorite fast food place yeah probably they’re all they’re all [ __ ] Bro dude I’m so simple I’m going be honest McDonald’s mean I McDonald’s but like that’s o Five Guys burgers are really nice yeah I agree all right all right it doesn’t mean like I’m always going there too expensive bro I don’t always go there are a lot I had them like uh like last month I had five guys bro the [ __ ] bag was all greasy and the fries were all greasy you had five guys mhm join join they were greasy join the link also I went to Five Guys and I saw these guys like have like friy they like have like fries like yeah they serve you like um The Human Centipede it’s like in a like they had all like Apollo fries in the sink and they just scoop it out and put it in a bag for you Apollo fries I don’t know what are pile A pile A pile I was like what the [ __ ] is that sink and they just scooped it out I also like going there because of peanuts you know yeah you just sit there eat peanuts while you wait all right what are we thinking just plan we got this pop party let’s go pop party or today top or viral what are you guys playing we’re playing a a song trivia so what is this what what I’m supposed to do okay is it typing or clicking clicking I I think oh come I wonder what it is you can turn it down yeah literally yo can I just wait for you guys to answer and then I guess but you lose points wait you can turn it down in a corner you see that next I got it my kick [Music] [Music] screen I don’t think it’s that oh wait it is we all guessed the same one that’s right oh I thought it was can’t hold this oh no that’s a like this damn Bri 2.3 oh I know artist hallelujah what bro I was looking for a yeah same I was like what the hell like I don’t see pepperon OD Odie guys I think it’s 24K magic wait what is 24K magic sound like [Music] again oh no I don’t know wait I I think I wrong oh it’s I like it I like it I like it oh it is oh my God I messed up I messed up let’s go he beat our ass Joey he beat our ass Dam must start making my way to the surface or something oh [ __ ] I haven’t heard this song in a while I just know it’s not Timber going down bro I pressed this instantly what did I get two seconds okay I be right damn I am slow as [ __ ] right now [ __ ] I after I heard the like the second bar I knew was wrong no I was I I think I was I was thinking of someone else see I don’t know one kiss is all no it’s yeah no it’s yeah yeah to get down I I got 1.4 seconds that’s crazy bro I I knew as soon as I clicked it was wrong no he said it he said it no is going down I I won that [Music] one Bri got first SM what’s next bro yeah I just don’t know a lot of songs Dam also that’s those are all like old 20 yeah do best pop of 2021 oh that’s last year okay [ __ ] it let’s do that is not last year that’s three years ago you Justin Bieber yo you Smurf it’s your your artist you see that you see the timing you see the it’s his favorite artist but if I didn’t WN that one that would have been mad oh like the the killer oh I don’t think Joey’s getting this one get this one Lisa Lisa Lisa oh he got it you got it as long as he didn’t last part as long as he didn’t pick BTS your fight bro is that the the Japanese B I mean isn’t he Japanese or is that someone else right oh my God see you shy stop stop please I got Jo Vib from what I love Jo bro I’m not gonna lie that’s that was more uh friendly uh hype well I only know one person who it is in it Olivia Rodrigo I do not know a lot ofst I listen I just picked the one person I didn’t think it wasn’t I wonder is czy no no no no no right oh my God as soon as I read ABCD Fu I was like oh God damn I just want to save your tears I haven’t heard this in a minute it’s Willow Smith right in 2021 yeah was pretty feel [Music] like oh Joey you know this song bro he said it oh he did [ __ ] it’s not because I’m Asian please oh my God bro bro got five seconds faster than please you see Joey witics all right bro I got this instantly hey yo is that the Baby Bro Look at that time bro look at that timing Bro Look at that timing bro so you be by like 100 points yo let’s do rap bro R I haven’t listen to rap in a minute raping hip hop uh uh rap us or rap workout bro rap work rap workout is crazy no bro I know this one pass imagine come on bro I know this it’s Drake [Laughter] y we all got got options this got this one bro I don’t know what that is yeah n what song is this it’s uh my music taste it’s know a lot of music know put some Japanese song I got you bro oh easy I I only went in Lincoln Park because of the beat I haven’t listened to song in a minute bro fastest time though that’s his first one wait wait did no I got it right I think nope oh it’s running up oh wrong too though [ __ ] I thought it was wait no highest is oh my God I know what that one is that is not in that song though yeah I know I [Music] know there the is the box it’s industry baby bro I just knew it wasn’t the bottom too I know I know me too bro this is 370 points is wild I’m going see you cash in cash out bro what it’s Red Rum bro oh you listen bro 1.8 second I heard that on Tik Tok bro sorry my bad I I don’t watch Tik Tok so you guys guys don’t have Tik Tok I do I just oh oh my God guys guys it’s not super grim look it’s not super gri we’re getting smoked bro well I didn’t get that right that’s Joy oh never mind SMF I I just super Gremlin isn’t that kod I don’t [ __ ] know uh uh uh uh guys I think it slept me out no it’s SP times bro okay thank you thank God bro I have not got one right answer oh no I got one you have one you have two more left come on I know this it’s oh you went oh imine was solid look at that 2.3 seconds bro comeback time oh wait wait I I think it’s Don Oliver no no it’s Travis Scot Oh I thought it was by Don Oliver featuring Travis Scott you know I can get that messed up Jo we won Jo we won bro at least I’m consistent bro all right you ready I I’ll beat you at this one bro I’m not going to lie I mean it’s in your blood yeah it’s in my blood any Japanese Japanese hit me one of them got you let’s go viral hits done we can go with artist specifically as well I have no idea bro I’m I don’t know either I have no idea oh okay I I I don’t even know what that song is I didn’t uh I don’t know any of these people I heard the song but I don’t know the name I okay than this is a how we all guess the wrong answer bro guys it’s it’s uh 21 Savage Bad Bunny it’s Bad Bunny bro put three guys versus one Fe hey sorry I still um Million Dollar Baby guys um it’s obviously Spanish music well it’s not Million Dollar Baby I can tell I can recognize that be from a mile away it’s a Spanish one okay yeah I haven’t been listening to Spotify recently so oh my god oh wait uh wait why did he go for f why did he go for f I think it’s F bro that is a good song though I know that much it’s from uh but is it I heard they said the lyrics no was list she say the lyric I wasn’t listening J you got join us bro Jason come on don’t worry I’m going too soon I’m probably G to end my stream in like 10 minutes what I think it’s pain the town red what is act two Day At A Oh I thought it was that I thought it was like an introduction to like a an album or some [ __ ] bro I’m glad I knew every other artist and knew it wasn’t them r s take Nick Ray that’s a female bro jle I didn’t even know well me neither but I knew it wasn’t tap it’s got end at the beginning [Music] oh God damn it bro I’m having how I thought you were consistent I thought so to any artist [ __ ] [ __ ] Drake Drake no huh I don’t listen to Drake actually yeah let’s do oh wait no I got a one dude I don’t I’m GNA walk the wall with this be honest I just know the generic ones never mind AUST I know it was hello because I knew that beat like hello hello hello play with my [ __ ] like hello hello that wasn’t even pop smoke bro that was just that was Boogie with the hoodie no it’s invisible I’m armed in dangerous that’s juice World bro that’s juice World scre screw juice World bro oh if you do juice wait [Music] what AR dangerous let’s go all right that’s going to be it for the stream ladies and gentlemen um we’re literally just going to continue mining in the next episode um we’re trying to get this one advancement called orome we just need a stack of diamond ore Emer ore agent debr and deep slate coal so yeah the four most hardest ones I’m not going to lie so it’s going to be a little bit but yeah anyway I’ll see you guys in the next episode peace out

This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Hardcore but with 1,000+ NEW ADVANCEMENTS! (S1 E30) Mining Advancements Pt. 1!’, was uploaded by Jemox on 2024-07-08 16:45:16. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:34 or 6214 seconds.



Hello! My name is Jason and I am 21 years old. I am a variety streamer so just sit back, relax, and enjoy the streams.



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  • Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse LIVE!

    Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft After the Dawn: Can We Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? (LIVE!!)’, was uploaded by DeadBush on 2024-05-24 06:54:12. It has garnered 20 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:23 or 743 seconds. Minecraft After the Dawn: Can We Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? (LIVE!!) It’s a Minecraft nightmare! Join [Your Name] and the crew as we take on the undead in a brand new After the Dawn survival series! Will we find shelter? Can we craft enough gear? Tune in LIVE to this epic Minecraft adventure and find out! #Minecraft #AfterTheDawn #ZombieApocalypse… Read More


    🔥 EXPLOSION 250,000 TONS TNT! 🔥 #EPIC #MASSIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘250.000 тонн тротила🗿🍷 #animation #minecraft #мистербист’, was uploaded by ГАЛИМАТЬЯ on 2024-05-31 23:30:18. It has garnered 228 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. мистер бист, mrbeast, mrbeast на русском, челлендж, челленджи, мем, мистер бист на русском, майнкрафт, челленд ж 24 часа, The bad guy who painted the rivers and lakes, бист, The Divine Seal Throne, Devouring the Starry Sky, Douluo Continent, приколы, The Perfect World, мистер бист гейминг, mrbeast gaming на русском, 250 тысяч тонн тротила, minecraft, anime, Douluo Dalu 2, Fighting Breaking the Sky, Chinese comics,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack #viral

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build Hack #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Noob GamerZ on 2024-01-15 16:00:38. It has garnered 71 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. minecraft build hack minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing,… Read More

  • proprac

    propracWelcome to our innovative Minecraft server designed specifically for PvP enthusiasts like yourself! Immerse yourself in an exhilarating kit-PvP experience, meticulously crafted to cater to players who crave dynamic and thrilling PvP gameplay. Whether you’re a seasoned combatant honing your skills or a newcomer eager to delve into the world of PvP, our server offers an array of engaging game modes to suit every player’s taste. Step into our virtual arena where the battlegrounds are ripe with endless possibilities. Engage in intense one-on-one duels, test your mettle in team-based skirmishes, or embark on epic free-for-all battles where only the strongest… Read More

  • Emerald Outpost Vanilla smp Whitelist 1.21

    Emerald Outpost SMP v7 Explore Minecraft’s 1.21 Tricky Trials update for a challenging adventure filled with puzzles and surprises! Rules: Do not use the End. Dragon fight event coming soon! No grief, stealing, hacks, cheats, dupes, etc. Respect privacy, ask before visiting PVP only if agreed upon Recording/streaming is OK, be respectful Pranks allowed, play nice! Build at least 250 blocks away from 0/0 Ask if building near others Shopping District info TBA Nether Hub info TBA 50 blocks around 0/0 reserved for Hub/Starter area Server Info: Armor Statues Endermen grief off Invis item frames New Advancements New Trophies Coordinate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting the dankest memes in Minecraft”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme is a diamond in the rough with a score of 59! Read More

  • Queen Dweller’s Minecraft Scare-fest!

    Queen Dweller's Minecraft Scare-fest! In the depths of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a queen dweller, mysterious and bold. Exploring caves, finding diamonds so rare, But beware of the queen, with a menacing glare. In the darkness, strange sounds fill the air, As you stumble upon her lair with a scare. A moose in the distance, a sight to behold, But the queen dweller’s presence, a story untold. With coal in hand, you venture deep, Into the unknown, where secrets keep. A diamond gleams, a foolish mistake, As you face the queen, your heart starts to quake. In creative mode, you… Read More

  • Portals to My Heart, Minecraft Edition

    Portals to My Heart, Minecraft Edition “Highest portals by different hearts leads me to… a confused Enderman wondering why he keeps getting teleported to random places in the Nether!” #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • Crafting an Alien UFO for My Mob Farm!

    Crafting an Alien UFO for My Mob Farm! Building an Alien UFO Mob Farm in Minecraft Survival Join Ari in his latest Minecraft adventure as he constructs a unique mob farm in his world. In this video, he showcases his creativity by designing the mob farm to resemble an alien UFO, adding a fun and futuristic twist to the game. Collecting Mob Drops Efficiently A mob farm is a structure built to gather resources dropped by mobs in the game. By creating a mob farm, players can efficiently collect items such as bones, arrows, gunpowder, and more, which are essential for crafting and survival in Minecraft. With… Read More

  • ASMR Minecraft Survival: Day 10

    ASMR Minecraft Survival: Day 10Video Information This video, titled ‘Soft Spoken | Relaxing Minecraft Survival (With In-Game Sounds) (Day 10)’, was uploaded by Wellmore on 2024-07-27 07:45:53. It has garnered 346 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:37 or 2017 seconds. Hello! We are finishing up our Library / Alchemy Lab! I’m going to do a bit more grinding off screen so we can finish closing up the roof but from there I believe we should be set for our next adventure / build! #minecraft #relaxing #relaxingsounds #asmr #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Exploring the Backrooms in Minecraft

    Exploring the Backrooms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘{Minecraft.MP4} The Backrooms’, was uploaded by Masterbuilder on 2024-04-30 20:33:43. It has garnered 38 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. Credit- Misplaced | backrooms horror map {curse forge} Read More

  • Insane DVD6 Crystal PvP Guide with MyPexBodyguard!

    Insane DVD6 Crystal PvP Guide with MyPexBodyguard!Video Information This video, titled ‘DVD6??? ||| CRYSTAL PVP GUIDE ||| “{с помозщю MYPEXBODYGUARD.wtf};”‘, was uploaded by катун полутос люшне on 2024-07-16 17:08:39. It has garnered 95 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. crystal pvp, phobos client, minecraft, anarchy, anarchy server, 1.12.2 crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, 2b2t, anarchy cheat, phobos cheat, free anarchy client, future crystal pvp, future client, phobos client, 3arthh4ck config, 3arthh4ck client, 2b2tpvp.net, 2b2tpvp, Quitting 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp,… Read More


    EPIC TRACTOR BATTLE ON MINECRAFT - CROCOZILLA vs WATERMELONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘FENDT vs CLAAS vs CASE vs FIAT TRACTORS BATTLE WITH WATERMELONS ON MINECRAFT ENVIRONMENT – FS 22’, was uploaded by CROCOZILLA on 2024-05-02 20:16:14. It has garnered 48999 views and 5898 likes. The duration of the video is 08:12:42 or 29562 seconds. FENDT vs CLAAS vs CASE vs FIAT TRACTORS BATTLE WITH WATERMELONS ON MINECRAFT ENVIRONMENT – FS 22 ABOUT FARMING SIMULATOR 2022 Take on the role of a modern farmer! Agriculture, animal husbandry, and forestry offer a huge variety of farming activities while you face the challenges of the four seasons, especially when winter… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Ultimate First Day Tips #hacks

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Ultimate First Day Tips #hacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to start first day in Minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Umesh on 2024-03-17 13:00:49. It has garnered 283 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:09 or 729 seconds. @umeshzone About This Game Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Explore infinite worlds and build everything from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off dangerous mobs. Create, explore and… Read More

  • INSANE Leaf Gathering Song in Minecraft!!!

    INSANE Leaf Gathering Song in Minecraft!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gathering leaves and making a song about it with the viewers – Minecraft Ignitors SMP S3’, was uploaded by DippyBlether on 2024-05-22 07:23:53. It has garnered 60 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:52 or 7852 seconds. @skunkmunkee needs 3 double chests of leaf blocks and I promised to help. Hang out with me while I strip tons of dark oak trees and help me make a song about leaf gathering on Udio. REDEEMS: When you watch Dippy’s streams you earn Loyalty points. To see how many coins you have type… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Living Room Hacks!

    Insane Minecraft Living Room Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 10+ Living Room Build Hacks & Ideas!’, was uploaded by Ender Hacks on 2024-07-13 14:00:09. It has garnered 128 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:07 or 367 seconds. Hello builders! Today I’ll be showing you 10 build hacks for your living room. From a fireplace, to a flat-screen TV, to a pool table, to a coffee table, to a cool shelf design, to even a rocking chair, and more! I hope you like these builds. Enjoy the video! All of these builds are 100% survival compatible. Just follow after… Read More

  • The Craziest Minecraft Raid Battle Ever!

    The Craziest Minecraft Raid Battle Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Most Intense Village Raid Battle In Minecraft History’, was uploaded by Charpso on 2024-07-26 18:09:45. It has garnered 9 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:52 or 412 seconds. Minecraft Is Epic 👾🧿👾 Check out my second channel “​⁠​⁠​⁠@TadPool2u” For the full raw and boring footage #minecraft #ps4 Read More

  • SHOCKING Minecraft collab w/ Hatsune Miku

    SHOCKING Minecraft collab w/ Hatsune MikuVideo Information This video, titled ‘마인크래프트 【channel】 익명M feat. 하츠네 미쿠’, was uploaded by PixelsDotMagician on 2024-04-18 10:28:16. It has garnered 6846 views and 393 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #PixelsDotMagician #minecraft #AnonymousM #HatsuneMiku Minecraft 【channel】 AnonymousM feat. HatsuneMiku Thanks for looking. If you want to see more, Click more. 【Subscribe to PixelsDotMagician】 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPQyNX0kojzDDWWEqxXxxZg/?sub_confirmation=1 Music: Anonymous M Artist: @PinocchioP Animator: @channel Read More

  • Jawles Network

    Jawles NetworkJawless Network • Kaliteli Sunucu • İyi Bir Ortam • Kalite Map • Eğer Sende Katılmak İstiyorsan discord.gg/jawles oyna.Jawles.com.tr Read More

  • NotHermitCraft – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.21 Whitelisted Java

    NotHermitCraft What is NotHermitCraft? A Vanilla Survival Multiplayer Server for Java Minecraft 1.21! We are a family-friendly, community-driven server established in 2019. Inspired by HermitCraft to play Minecraft together the right way! All kinds of players, of all ages, from all over the world are welcome to join our server and create something beautiful. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist and become a part of our community. Players can join with no mods installed, but Simple Voice Chat (2.5.12) is highly encouraged. HermitCraft inspired Diamond economy with shopping, gaming, and minigame districts. Vanilla Tweaks datapacks and Armor Poser… Read More

  • (WIP) United Angels VII – UAT- United Angels Network – 24/7 –

    (WIP) United Angels VII – UAT- United Angels Network – 24/7 – Read More

  • Burvtree Zombie Apocalypse Server

    Burvtree Zombie Apocalypse ServerThis is a new SMP server with guns and zombies! Every 7 nights, there is a bloodmoon, that spawns hordes of zombies that can break and build. You better hope you found a base or built one by then, because you will not survive the zombie horde. You can however, stand a chance if you craft the guns that are in this server. The command “/qa craft” can be used to make guns out of iron, gunpowder, and redstone, which all drop from zombies. You may die a few times, but you should be good if you find one of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Co-op Chaos: Our One Shot Deal

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Co-op Chaos: Our One Shot DealI guess even in Minecraft, teamwork makes the dream work… until it doesn’t. Read More