Unbelievable Wind Style in Minecraft Naruto Modpack!

Video Information

Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome back to some another two enemy mod pack ooh with me and yeah so last time we did a stream which was quite fun um it’s like 300 hours long and so are we enjoying this we got some stuff done

And yeah for those that missed it I mean it’s all just to explain what’s going on so as you can see the same room is different and yeah basically to resell the world essentially what happened was in autumn on itself we’re spawning in a table mob that if you got in within a

Block like if you got within the cottage blocks of it like within its chunk approach insta crash the server and then as soon as you’ve rejoined that personally joined a person entered that area it keep crashing so we couldn’t figure it fixed for I did try a lot of

Different things like I said I sat for like maybe two and a half hours like buggering about the server and other things and yeah it just it wasn’t for working so ended up having to start afresh well because they’re really just broke I’m among the testing of trying to

Fix it so got fresh new worlds then it happened again and averted back but no we’ve updates about do you think I want to mod to a newer version because a new update command I didn’t actually really know what though until like just recently so that’s the thing it may have

Fixed it may of no I don’t know but I’ve been making saves of the world anyway just in case I can revert back if there’s things so you ever on by the way and like it those there you come back on like its reverted back a little bit it’s

Because someone’s managed to find some kind of bug that crashes sir and I couldn’t fixed it but hopefully fingers crossed they don’t happen anymore cuz have not seen one at least for the last 24 hours so that’s at least a good the same but yeah so the stream was fun we

Got a bunch of stuff done we have a new tree and a new same room and as of right now we’ve got like 80 people waitlist to do enough no Barry main that okay maybe a bit 70 of them are you know the youtuber is a caged enemy squad which

They don’t even come on I’m at thirty of them are sponsors alright if not they’re high twenties like 20 high something is a sponsor at least 36 posters which is absolutely insane like thank you very much for that but yeah so because of that we changed the late go so there’s

No every 150 likes to the 100 is our hundreds with having a saying you lot were are trying to beat your own previous score for likes of course the stream didn’t get as much likes and stuff like that but you know that’s whatever it’s a stream so it

Didn’t give as many comments either so Aaron oh well see how it goes at the lakes dwindle down I’ll delete James too late go again probably back there 100 that’s what we’re doing it was like way back don’t like to what normally as beverage if it goes if it keeps growing

Saying 150 likes if it’s getting like 900 likes like the previous episodes were that still six people that’s the way more than the average it which is still in the same but yes as you can see I have made myself a desk and why not there’s

Currently a Blood Moon going on I’m just chilling here wait because all right my current standing room I’m a little 52 so I did go off and train I got to I think it was near the high threes are early for II levels during the stream they

Have a nikkie like when I left the stream out was into the dungeon I knows a zombie spawner but eventually I came back on a server I trained for a little bit while was just like high-dollar stuff playing in the background just for about funds and yeah just a trained in

There killed some resolve he’s got a little 52 so that’s the thing I also discovered I should mention this no discovered a little a little glitch that people just say not to tell me but basically kind of letter P for spamming kinda lism to get cannibals of me I mean

They were also silent because everything we killed yourself the kind of bosom they you go experience they were cheating they were using all clickers to cheat and get the levels up I’ve already punished five of the people I’m not how to present sure who else was doing it but I know you’ve been

Nonetheless that people were doing it and those people got their data reset because they obviously cheated to get in seeing the high levels like you’re not supposed to date you the fact that no one told me about that though also pisses me off quite a bit like I was generally actually really annoy

Specialist to some of the more regulars who should have known by this point that they don’t tell me about glitch I’m gonna be pissed I can I can see in console who is spamming so I picked ones that obviously I don’t know everyone that did it but

I’m Sam and quite a few people did it and not everyone I like knew of it for years never though if there’s more stuff like there and people to tell about it i’m just gue startling banda because i there’s been obviously and it’s a not to

Tell me this is a server based on trust and a lot of ways if they I can’t trust them you’re not staying on the server warnings out there just think of any more glitches to like break the now turtleman’s ela tell me because if you end up abusing it I know you’ve abused

It you’re gonna get to being bad at this point I’ve let these guys off kind of late by just resetting their account because I was tempted you just find them all at that point I was actually really annoyed dancing here working but after till I get level ups and

They’re just cheating their way up to the top and then they’re not seeing where to be I just think Oh we’d be just because it’s good for food so lying to me as well which is quite annoying also my dogs going nuts because I assume someone’s came homes I need to like

Pause the recording a second and after that we’ll get back to it more do you wait-listed we’ll see what we’re doing for today one second people oh ok dog seems to have kan’u-dono so the rates are people who got wait-listed so first off sponsor only one new sponsor because

A lot the sponsors get done during the the stream I think add the moxa pork so it’s kind about when you’re asking and the ones agency obviously if you have a sponsor if you’re a new sponsor and you wanna get wait-listed useless no just leave it the comment section see your

Sponsor out obviously check up the sponsors page bit to make sure you are one or if it’s during a live stream is any life doesn’t have to be on our list visit emulation you wanna add it feel free just ask but yes we’ve got kingi much Matsuda let’s heat up Matsuhisa

Alright now I’m probably saying that wrong why is your wait-listed Oh then we’ve got four to new people wait-listed so the last video got it actually it’s 720 leaks but got me 150 ratio now that brings us up to four latest 25 likes off getting like more bit to be fair is

Extremes I can expected late lower results from atticus streams tend to not get as much attention overall unless it’s during the actual stream so Dada Dada yeah four people got wait-listed were peacoats and Anton one two five Beast Boy nine eight two and pusher ooh so yeah for

Your rate listed mod pack IP and the link to the no total mod should be down below obviously you see all those things now I just say that the cannibalism thing obviously was a glitch and it’s not out obviously that got removed and people were like cyan basically he was

One of ones was actually cheating also talked she’s come running in cyan basically said dad anymore that pretty much if you kill yourself with a key could kill your own player essentially may result in you getting the points so they mentioned blood magic because obviously you could stab

Yourself with the blood knife to get blood and keep doing until you die you know just keep doing it I don’t know if that one does work I never actually taste they’ll taste that off-camera if it doesn’t actually do it I mean add it

Back in so now it’s been to kill you so people kind of use it because if there’s a thing that was just annoying also apparently I’m giving taxes here in City Hall also damages in advance just in case because I got fire I’m feeling certain great with this fireproof but you know

Whatever we’ll teach anyway I mean I actually just spies these coins but isn’t sure why not I go grab all these these bloody coins I need a better use for these coins at some points there’s literally just the most useless things at this point oh and yeah so sorrow

Joined us and I always think he’s planning to record that’s all you don’t ban me please that was one of the dudes take all their diary said actually basically these they distort a bunch of the fire juices in the cut chest and because of that they were read deleted and basically said oh

I’ve still got my fire juices I’m like alright we’re gonna give me those or you’re going to get banned because you’re not made to have those so he handed them over which is the result I want to sue so thought maybe we go I hear zombies where are they what the

Bloody hell what’s he see SHhhh what an earth I straight you launch don’t get it King bear King just amused um vacuum sphere best idea to get a slight vacuum sphere you know window it’s actually pretty good oh yeah if it doesn’t know because we reset the server oh I’m no longer as

Danger even though Soviet render for it that’s just like the render as well though and I don’t know if I can actually convince symbol to film it of course I’d be lucky if I did be considering you probably quite annoyed if I kept asking for the hell someone’s

Living under my tree in a manner of speaking um though I guess any plans I had a big year under my tree at the wind alone um fate might for you don’t care so much it’s not a directory but Webber’s it’s not the right blender it’s like out the way under

Whyever curl person can be down everything whatever um God having it yet this so wait oh there’s ah doesn’t actually yeah he has an actual path in it’s very obvious obviously you could like premiere Pandora there but I think the circular would be the way it is it probably wouldn’t connect properly so

That’s a thing right can use wooden swords there because of my 30 kenjutsu that’s cool I also completed to get in exams and they’re getting so now if we find any um mission people we can actually get missions and start doing that turn money and stuff we always need to get gold

Unless those those so we can actually capture those types of people cuz yeah there are still things we need sir it’s gonna be fun I don’t have any cinders though I don’t have any like I’ve got a couple of ender pearls one from Enderman five from a dungeon so I still need to

Find the things though these cinder so I can get please powder unless I just go for hold on yeah what about diamond wise I’ve got one okay I can’t make a diamond pickaxe in so that said the window ID of the obsidian to make an ender portal in

The probe and neither person so I can’t do that and I serve a dungeon actually just has Anila form that could work but yeah I need to I need to get blazes and stuff so I can get a banner so I can get gold unless also I can catch them then I

Can test the oh wait hold on there’s another thing I was gonna do before I go out with these two really small bags we should probably fix that but yeah um I captured them someone suggested that I use a name tag to name them so they don’t despawn dr. Swann structure near

Because the Brotherhood walking in yes a neat upgrade mukbang thingy but yeah I’m going to try playing nametags later suggested traffic nametags on the mission people and so they don’t least one if that works we can change them in places and you just have a sit kind of

Place for mission people so I know for that that can work right we need to upgrade our bags that’s just a given factors points it’s ridiculous if I’m still walking with leather ones and we have all this iron just saying here so yes let us upgrade so the ion bigfix

Now me I just have two got two gold from one of them cuz I had over ton of gold but like because I’m a little journey was are oh yes leads are went down elite nab some widest run all the clocks back as our own did nab some see some gold from a

Dungeon so that’s thing dungeons are pretty good don’t you just let us get a lot of experience for faking it stuff plus we can like go hogs or clones lair clones do work as well also sorry I was trying to see other clones when we get

Like an update is all I thought they liked the clones I’ve got five Duplin limit and I’m like oh oh that must have been a new feature no that’s not how it works that’s not it at all so you’ve got five clones here they go school six

It’s basically he just had fifty chakra he didn’t realize your services are no longer required Galia bloody clothes clothes are growing I love the clones owners of course that made me one of the things that was causing crash is spamming them possible someone said he summoned seven clones in

The game crash I don’t know if that’s something to do with it just if you’re using clones be careful make sure you pop them and all that jazz so you know nothing happens if you come on this but alright the hell was i planning to do

I’ve got my bags we’ve upgraded so we’ve got tons of space there I guess no the hunt for cinders is a big thing oh god the world looks weird why is the map look like this why is it all loaded in I don’t understand anybody place where am i GOG epic feat

Jungle sporty-er I’ve got an arena Fenton arena hold on I remove you to go to the spawner first spotters this place here this is where range off the stream I’m just leaving the spotter like if you just show here for a bit like the zombies come in also creeps arrived and

That was a bit of a pain ask that can actually really do with them effectively but yeah other than that is prey alright so I’m gonna head this way I’m just gonna explore into Lana we’re trying for the desert try and get stuff try and find any traders and clothes people cuz

We’ve got some money I’ve got some money so you know if you come across people we can make out good outfit best thing we need to do I’m player Telestream on arm now now I’ll do nurse three months already so sorry Sunday and then I’ll like maybe work on the village just have

A girl jerk ow stop healing yourself off my chakra screw you that’s a firework that’s an enchanted ball fire it was already injured beautiful dear Oh sodding hear your fate as well I say that’s not a creeper his work I think I would like to tell you about

There yeah so extreme or I was generally want something greater I realize I was doing a stream with Zorro obviously kisara was just he won’t I asked him hey do you want to come and try the mod thingy and he decided to because he’d heard and more quit enjoys it I was

Acquainted it was different from the usual mod so you said come here try as soon as he joined he actually got you Chia it was heard about oh you cheer for a short period time he’s giving that up he’s gonna reset his data so he can do a

Series on it cuz obviously if he won during the stream pretty much to try it out and that was all fair and up he wants to a series on it so for that’ll reset his thing because we agreed that before I wasn’t like he just something

To say that I want to do this no we we agreed it befriends let’s thing oh god I can’t kill you people very easily but uh that’s not so serious it’s got chicken Kagemusha no jutsu I’ll cause you did a fabulous job there so he’s dead oh dear

Oh dear oh dear I have no good way of faking these things anymore chakra I don’t have chakra apparently Bob I took care of half our problem Killing you killing you wall where something for potions that like it oh bloody hell I can’t do anything in here like I think I could really a wooden axe but waiting acts like I’m ready taxes good what I’ll did it in a second– use it very bizarre was gonna be resetting

I’m saying this right now because I actually I saw before this hey you want to come stream at stream do want to come record a video like I wanted to see if you wanted record is episode one no he didn’t answer but he mayn’t answer later

If he does I might record a second episode of this today and that means obvious that one have time to see who got me this no that’s not to say no one will get Liz it’s f um obviously the vide will be going at the day after so

Possibly I could wait until late the video is done and all that and then basically keep the footage for a bit I’m just running away from these guys okay I can’t fake them right now no you know shuriken jutsu mechanics is not strong enough we need to leave but not

Good enough to defeat those fools we should stick to fighting skeleton skeletons and creeper like regular zombies with no armor sure some clones punch them a little bit that’s no ball I can just sit in a corner where they can’t reach me boom just punch them for a little bit little

Crumby fain know late armored like that no we’re just relieving them I can’t I can’t fake them for 20 minutes just to get like four points because we need five points for gang up in our level seven minute point just killing floor law right what the hell was I saying I

Was saying a story I’m getting distracted also what is the loop any good things please that’d be a fantastic oh yeah so if I do a second episode in a row there’s a chance during the episode I won’t build the show who got wait-listed unless I wait until the

Second in the following day and then a tab in which I possibly could do I’m just throwing out there like depending on why I end up doing that day like accumulate two episodes or cubital the stream until stop people can wait listen I don’t know why it’s just if there’s

Like a surprise oh yes surprise up the following day but the next video you sees with sorrow I probably recorded it you know on the Friday just after this one in thus wait let’s do maybe a bit dodgy or it may be an I don’t know just

Just throwing it out there as a thing it just means that everyone like obviously don’t care at the video long they’ll still weightless people on it’s just it may be the de following day a key the livestream before people the wait list for that one little salsa

I’ll probably mention it in the video so if that happened I’m just it’s a big if for you know the possibility said that this is a cliff but is there any there blacks my friend here got any kind of good stuff right here definitely don’t do yeah that’s a shame that’s a she

Would have liked if you had like a black spruce or something something cure I could take never mind they’ll take your carrots though carrots are good food even though we don’t you think it carrots net the so many mushroom biomes and Mister of items are guaranteed to spawn mushrooms like a

Bunch them obviously so because of that I don’t have to care so much about gallery meet because there’s always these mushroom biomes Lester’s just always a huge amount carries nearby so you can always get tons of steaks if we really want to yeah I’m really happy

That it updated it’s like before and it used to be 50 kenjutsu to hold a wooden swords they’ve done great history I appreciated that because 54 a wooden sword was a bit ridiculous so he’s doing great a logo which is nice also lower low 30 Sara no I don’t see anything good there

Okay so if there’s a main shift tool could go and I’m looking at all right you know I script square going Sarah and don’t need to a kid be bitsy there’s no amending that Goods must continue maid service I must finish desserts that’s the big thing the many days are one good

Place to Train actually staying that is it a good place saying cockatrice are actually very good with a sword apparently I don’t know but sin taking use winning starts at Quebec good place to train somewhat pistols lots of mobs all the same and you’re making a dungeon which could have

These things in it like DNA world mysteries which that’s the thing during whenever we do the next stream obviously just Oh train start setting up the villagers stuff will start trying to set things up and get ourselves in order maybe focus a bit less odd and try to

Improve our stats and focus a bit more and try to improve our general living conditions basically we build the village to keep out shops and we can have the shop tab like NPCs in it that sell certain it was a calling not every clothing cause like you know there’s

It’s quite a few bits of clothing but some of it wouldn’t really be make sense like selling ninja clothing sure selling will Congo it fits not so much selling a cuts get fits not so much selling general character it fits though sure things just think oh I just minimized

That and then just popped it back up in who the heck oh you’re getting our guards oh you want to fight Oh guys they’ll win Jitsu that my bet Union but uh go away it’s jumped it that’s again get help Jesus Jimmy yeah oh god damn it you’re

Not going to happen a thing died we’ve got pickaxes for a reason screw you mate yes I I just minimized and open this thing in by accident I didn’t mean to do that you know drop rate I think I think he dropped anything that’s sad that’s

Sad unless it was the for view just dropped I’m AM it’s well okay let’s kill that although I didn’t see what he brings for is also let me just quit list off and restart recording just make sure everything’s in order because yeah I mean amazing I don’t know

Everything’s still working as it should be okay we’re back all right where’s that where’s that other gainin come on rogue Ganondorf experience I’m at 12 right now surely you’re worth – surely you’re worth more than what the other thing is where did he go did you see where he went cares

Did any of you don’t take this storm pickax bloody pickaxes like maybe the next update or patches so you can’t use pickaxes not as weapons as well does that look really locating do it sir something iron up I don’t know I mean to be fair it just gets past the can do it

So think ok using pickaxes weapons the sort of against the whole stat system isn’t it barrel and punching them that’s been a Kenny’s blood isn’t it why is there a blood bit there what hello what’s you see Shh there’s a thing here well I’ll be damned

Hello what is going on here I think it’s a main shaft no no me it’s just upstairs what is this I generally don’t know why I’ve walked into what in the earth is this thing what I stumbled across I’m so confused right now also where I go it now water stop this

Ah oh yeah yeah I saw that one coming What the hell is with this thing your fault the hell is this thing meant to be what’s going on I don’t see the obvious answer to this that’s maybe going fuller down is the answer no nothing I am I am jelly confused I’m cute yeah where’s great fit down is one of

Life’s little mysteries and just walk away actually look at that cave versus the Keesling what the hell is going on to the stairs with cobwebs I generally don’t understand what’s going on is that an actual thing is that something that’s been spawned in film how is that like

From a structure or oh bloody hell I don’t want to deal with you I don’t want to deal with you had a fuse I’m looking for a bloody Gidding and then it’s gone oh that’s set an Apache yeah I’m gonna say no and we’re just gonna leave yeah I

Thought that at least one thing he has done is neviutz axes that your choir kenjutsu as well so that’s cool they require quite a bit too I just can’t use a wooden one that’s interesting though the pickaxes are okay I suppose there is one thing I could say

It makes sense for that and as the axes and swords you keep it sharp you can enchant them to get sharpness that one’s looking you’re stronger you can’t do that with pickaxes and shovels so we know the wield them as weapons sure sure why not it’s like the lowest

Level of weapon but they’re gonna be weaker than general weapons anyway plus you can’t use kenjutsu arts off them but she’s made me think of something actually I should though Oh kill you hey points me I mean 31 Jitsu points and 14 skill points ooh what could we do I mean people were

Saying win mode is actually quite good hold the bus let’s let’s just have a gander let’s just see what we can do so first off stuff in here this is mob droppings as I like to collect them how long was sure books and carrots why not a bucket McQueary even picks that are

The probably from that dungeon the great um about one more point I’ll have enough to put my medical ninjutsu up to the first level that I might do that well let’s mean like two enemies too quickly just slaughter preferably skeletons I can actually kill them that’d be good hold on hold on this

Location this is close by to where the getting was I don’t see him anywhere damn it door are you getting at the disappear I would have thought I haven’t quite happily clapping alright whatever it let’s just a lot the widget so we can’t get anymore it was in monkey stuff

And I’m very Russia to medic at that point let’s get win mode back what’s after that irritability killed it right chakra upkeep one so let’s just quickly get you up for me start ring right so this is when rolled costs five chakra one upkeep where’s actually Zetas active activate

When mode to increase your speed jump resistance and dig speed oh wow oh wow oh this is pretty nice hello hello hello oh my god we’ve just gotten pretty fast and pretty good in a hurry a top of that it’s increased our bloody oh dear well that’s not good

You know we don’t the deal with that this thing was like I can deal with a day to day basis that’s not one of them yeah no thanks seemeth buy and cheese can’t really deal with them Euler they’re just a pain yes they banned me

Hello like to make a sacrifice so I can achieve my next medical ninjutsu ability please also my chakras rapidly decreasing I need more chakra take increase manage its if I don’t want to do right now what I focus in getting the stats they need for stuff not love it

How does this work win mode yeah you press akin theatric cool coast actually works like I’m like that the sphere which apparently is fixed apparently a sphere get fixed that was like one of the things that happened with this update cuz sure I had the earth sphere in the first world

Would you don’t have anymore that air works that’s cool but I wouldn’t bow that’s free that’s pray strong I like it I like it nice to be personally Paribas resistant so you don’t take as much damage you’re on top for me that point just channel and wind chakra for your through yourself awesome

And people were saying I was very good people were saying is pretty good where man I’m get 24 more points did I get wooden bill it you know I see yay I say yay kids I’ve still got enough to get my first medical ninjutsu so sort it let’s go ear bullet 215

Chakra 6 damage okay so hoping for a bit more than that because anymore builders are having this strength know more about didn’t hang unless maybe it’s a new multiplier thing depending on the met ninjutsu you’ve got I don’t know I don’t know me dependent enemy to shoot this

With or shoot this with shoot this at infinite Amy the shirt I don’t see no I just see carries I don’t waste on the co first irritability oh don’t you Beltre belted that guess is that’s where I got my first world mystery and stuff no it wasn’t I was something good out there

Did I get a DNA what that was it I can’t remember it was something good though although I did you don’t need you all right hold on get the axe as well the axe the swords get a sword out as well we can use that DX the skeleton spawner is in here which

Is cool you son of a– err bullets boyer bullets was like five well ow stop it stop exploding me oh god there’s two of yous actually you hit very hard I like it err bullets huh no no chakra I try get through the door because I’m better than

You think on a kid endure can you just die please Wow oh my god turn it off turn it off target salty let me solve it why don’t that has such high King just at the start get here I’ve lost me I need an hour sodding

Pickaxe no don’t I hold on hold the bus no just stop this vacuum sphere they’re gonna die easily are you keep me yeah I want to experience silly spell from killing you Oh jerk a jerk oh my go away I didn’t get a point for that today probably not right hold on

Eating our pickaxe hold the boss here no scaling coming fire arrows narrow okay ow thanks please look kill this thing this thing’s a problem nevets dead good where it should be I can’t please kill all those smaller squiggly this is getting a bit annoying oh my go there’s so many of them doesn’t

Exploding one I don’t like the exfoli ones explain ones are annoying ah some kind of party going on down there I’m gonna choose to ignore it everything died beautiful wind bullets love enough chakra I mean if everyone just wants to party down there I’m famous that you know feel

Free to party on guys now here eat me hello yeah I mean I build ahead two zombies very old I can sure as hell hit on you need to die da I’m getting the stuff in at chess you sons of we charge chuckler and at least kaga

Bhushan in there I don’t imagine he’ll do a good job I’ll give it a try give enough for at least two there we go Carrie Bhushan noise good suit I’m caught a paw I’m caught a paw I don’t like it Jesus because I almost died just that small exchange they’re like clearly this

Is not a good idea well but damage they do though I’ve got an arrow through the back of my head when did that happen I sure it’s also my armors all broke I probably should go in that fix but they’re right how did you get bigger hold on how did you you son

Of a it jumps go away that’s that one did just you know 1v1 this is no problem you son of a dealt with dump all that I don’t need any of that great not opening the chest normal ways cuz I apparently makes it explode anything goods I don’t actually see any good and

Amongst that stuff wherever I got money look thanks more money I earn it was probably already there Talisman’s horse armor ok we didn’t really get anything of any actual value good then blank talisman I was hoping preparing things that I sell well be honest I guess this is

Lucky at all though that may be a look at talismans and houses make like a game through narrow spaces is actually really coarse oh bloody wall climbing gets you stuck every time maybe the talismans is decrease in the rate of dinero to mod stuff spawning I don’t know that normal

Rate is about 1 su is more than what it is there because like I can open quite a few things you don’t see any nominal stuff I don’t know who though I’m not sure that the also its neck trader a little journey well actually I seen a few tutors since

I go in here I guess they’re their spine it must be quite low because like we’ve got nothing I wasn’t really should interfere with that I don’t think I spend your suppose we could kill more of Gaia but that shouldn’t really affect like harmless mob spawn right don’t

Think you should and it’s never affected all our mods before oh well whatever it’s all just guessing game at this point um no keep thank you sir where’s my Clyde err there is a generally cannot see I think things that momentary I cannot see it it’s time BA medical ninjutsu now figure

We rested it with more my points after that held the boss medical ninjutsu delicate illness extraction technique though I mean I couldn’t see that removes poison from the user or target that’s useful in occasions I suppose ok it’s completely sodding useless right now whatever just shove it in here shove

It in the bag put in the bag lose a Mac you thing put out there obviously the healing bait you know I’ll keep a hold of that since that sleek it’s kinda useful I don’t got a peeler I mean it’s not useful right this minute but whatever hello learn wind release vacuum

Seal wave zero ten GP I hope that’s not glitched I really hope that’s not glitch that oh that’s good about knowing I’m betting I supposed to say a higher number also frames oh hello you feeling okay there you’re loading in something big gamer having it game I

Think fraps is just to say it no longer likes this game not sure though as I said on four frames what the hell oh okay hopefully fraps stay stable for at least a few moments for the desert there’s nothing actually interesting in it got to taste it my illness extraction

Jutsu though it didn’t actually I don’t think even worse I tried using all my oh man I got poison there by the way she’s it I think actually worked strangely enough I think I actually feel so that was a thing but yeah so ever the desert grab some cinders just there cuz that’s

All there was to I was hoping there’d be like an idol something else too it’s like a dungeon died in temple or something that was so that was a shame and I said unless there is one but I do think someone else’s been here already because there are some dead mob so oh

Well there was my it’s probably already let’s look around though have a look around just north entrance right I want to go back to the I want the experience from you holes all okay in there bet bet we’re at it time started level like I’m going to make like a mob proper grinder

At some point and move some oh I’m getting there I think there is ways to move mob spawners about the way people are talking like the way they can make great and stuff I’m pretty sure the way they move mobsters direct and make some so we can like properly Graeme’s this up

At some point but whatever with better teacher which is hello have you got any potions of there we go there’s a witch keep poisoning me for a second please which is a very odd stick come on faith right you’re good you can use sword no I refuse to believe that gatherer alright

So what is this say carrot named team Kent 20 what does this mean why is not working extract the poison you done I mean I’m guessing the work let the keep clicking it oh I’m so confused I need a no rights to poison mr. rich is any just to poison me again

Oh god fraps know why fraps fraps why there’s no cold fest we recording feign all this time and now you’re just freaking here and now you’re going back to know a little bit but then you’re also freaking again I don’t understand that I just need fraps to bloody work I

Need to test my medical ninjutsu I want to be the number one ninja hello please poison me well I also beat you to death no poison me those mobile lines your one shot now try again oh my yeah thank you alright you’re dead right that was the worst week his poison

I’ve ever seen Watts oh my god there’s one right there hit me there we go nice big dose of it there you should you should right let’s go 27 seconds start spamming this hey Kent 24:35 it works somewhere along the 4th how does this work in orders guidance I

Guess you just click it really fast though maybe maybe it’s the more member seconds a poisoner is the higher you go to put it can’t tell me a medic witness it works I’m jelly bamboozled right oh ok alright well whatever either way it would prove true the first step to

Becoming a medical ninja ninja so that’s something that I hope good a ninja we’re gonna be but whatever we’ll give a try nonetheless there today and that’s us back to normal again hey perhaps is back to pick me at top friends oh it’s so weird can you stop stealing my hails from oh

My god the other engine oh my gosh enough with a knock thank you freak I hate your bloody sched the freakish skill and able to dorbz my health I don’t like it I like it I don’t like it also don’t like the fact that the trailer shoot me at such angles I

Couldn’t keep gang because they were healing harder than I could hit them with this kunai they were restoring oh I’m also also nearly dead and there is cockatrice coming after me that is not good this requires healing it’s a shame I’m only able to heal other people and

Abstract weak poisons I thought I got that’s all I got my life right now which is sad oh the life of a medic can kill everyone else we can’t really heal myself very well maybe the higher level didn’t do many who stuff will probably let me heal myself alone support system

Was a muchness desert no there’s no it’s a plating spam over there never met I was writing my earliest history there really isn’t much here there’s cinders I’ll say koley’s I’m not picking any of these up holo dodging weave whoa think I missed that one don’t care anymore yeah we should

Get sakura trees there’s a plot all right maybe it’s not apply to do it near this one though very you know I think I think I think I think for today I think it’s good to wrap up cause we’re probably Neary doesn’t know that yet okay quickly skim is there like a

Dungeon there is it I will kill spiders spiders like the best thing for experience cuz they’ll just say that then they’re instantly trying to kill me stop it okay maybe it only frightened one spider item is like the best thing fake mobile spiders ability you know

This seems like a good time to wrap up this is like specifically a dungeon nearby Enderman there is okay nevermind just not take the wrap up you know one more thing to do or two more thing oh my god so many things around here all that’s annoying

All right that’s a common which that’s the spider which we will kill it wasn’t Angermann there we’re gonna ignore him there now because I don’t really care hold on more important things one which thing iron and gold I need I need space I need that Plus that night okay no give us

Something good oh no someone got this thing someone has been here like dammit it’s gonna open no one hides no okay so someone has been here in this area so that’s oh that makes grinding around this area more difficult then I’m going to feel much for the rear people just traveler it’s a

Lot of people in the server so finding places that haven’t been looted or challenged something specially big obvious template this so dear oh dear getting stuff is going to be difficult it’s going to be quite tricky main acquire traders in the future but worry about that comes Sunday when we actually

Work on the actual village okay I’ll work on getting stuff together so I can collect everything start building the village and then I’m sorrows with this baby he’ll give us a hand maybe he’ll welp is it Aaron oh all right now turn the wrap up then so thank you very much

Watching hope y’all enjoyed the show I was truly like if you did and for every 150 likes in the video I had a person onto the servers leave a like and giving him down below for a chance to get one I had to change the lake up 250 like that

The support has been absolutely out of this world for the series so far like even though the stream got less then like the previous one side 600 or lakes is still insane oh sorry 700 700 30 ish her 220 ish like that’s still insane like that’s why

Can’t you do it hope for mine episode 1 after like a week or two like gang 9s single like no even 24 hours on a stream which doesn’t even get as much like likes and comments the stuff is absolutely grateful so thank you very much for support it does mean quite a

Lot to me especially like I was looking forward to digging this series already know this but I was looking forward to the ball and stuff after people started telling me about it I was looking forward to be trying a series of it and the fact people are enjoying it so much

It’s just absolutely blowing so it means I it’s just extra motivation extra fuel to keep going but yeah even weave up the late go so it’ll be less people getting on per episodes unless you guys go nuts in like literally make it illegal up to something absurdly higher um which I

Wouldn’t put it past she’s cookies have trait don’t do yourselves in the past but I don’t think it’s possible this point with the don’t the things going down there also that’s another desert or is that it is that was just I think I said nerd is it was also a castle there

There’s not been legit that’s a thing but yeah so I’m thank you very much for a support it means the world tours this series isn’t going anywhere though so like even if you don’t get way less seriously going anywhere fast like good Naruto series especially ones

Like this where you get tons to do we can keep that going for a while and Peters are know a lot of people who might listed does agar over there there’s like garlic oz akagi’s here I don’t know God don’t worry don’t worry I’ve helped you I don’t think you drop anything

There’s no if you drops anything stuff like we’re trying to kill no middle caps room but right anyways I said leave let me show the show mudpack IP and link to the narutimate self should be down below go try it out or come on a server a few

Min later sits and yeah I guess I’ll see you next time for more another oh yeah paramedic cop I’ve got more hearts house all its know is that aunty partner my dogs barking whoever anyway thank you for watching I’ll see you next time for another so Amy my PEC gold bye everybody

This video, titled ‘WIND STYLE! || Naruto Anime Modpack Episode 6 (Minecraft Naruto Anime Mod)’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2018-02-02 20:00:05. It has garnered 29857 views and 1238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:12 or 2652 seconds.

WIND STYLE! || Naruto Anime Modpack Episode 6 (Minecraft Naruto Anime Mod)

Minecraft Naruto Anime Mod Showcase – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18UNXcaI0Co

Naruto Anime Modpack – http://www.mediafire.com/file/k0p6svz5fz6u0zw/Naruto_Anime_Modpack%282%29.zip Naruto Anime Mod – http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2341656-naruto-anime-mod Ip –

Gaming Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw

Discord – https://discord.gg/KfWmyVB

Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheGingershadow

Series Playlists

RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REYji46Ndhs&list=PLLMufbSSwyToyjI0YSruHasJthev2s-xP&index=1

Avatar Modpack – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKcrayS7h8s&list=PLLMufbSSwyTpGb4QrxZX7LkGbYbniM-KH

Minecraft Naruto Modpack – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLMufbSSwyTqiNq62S2yczeyPWLU52Vh1

Roblox Shinobi Life – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ssDmBzcpuU&list=PLLMufbSSwyTocl1yl-X-KQ1kf_aHAcnP-

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs3rgZpFrE&list=PLLMufbSSwyToDdOJMb87MA8NvvlGs9oy1&index=1

For great minecraft server hosting and many other game servers check out Nitrous my server providerhttp://billing.nitrous-networks.com/aff.php?aff=2715 —————————————————————————- Intro Made by CraftedArts | VFX Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqQpEkukayBOeNa0T7raYQ

DBC Intro Made By Ragdoll ~ Simon M. Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUo6_8xdGiqHT5VTUGDDfrA

DBC Intro Music – Onlap – The Awakening – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2gRJbKUh-I

Music- Ivan Torrent – Human Legacy Itunes Link- https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/human-legacy-single/id546498357 ————————————————————————— All credit for channel avatar and channel art go to Zaromaru go check out the stuff he gets upto!

Zaro – https://go.twitch.tv/zaromaru —————————————————————————-

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    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JfhV6l5qZJKRUovFAMw8A 🟠Discord🟠 https://discord.gg/G4QVRwMXxF 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990446 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 https://zenzyyy.carrd.co/ #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – https://crinklesmusic.com/#music ➜ Map Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjl5QfimUCo ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – https://twitter.com/MCShortsCollab Join my discord server – https://discord.gg/TjEYqAdHyj Donate to my paypal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/gameed Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! https://x.com/PhdPigeon/status/1830142960585097389 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: https://eqshop.live ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: https://discord.gg/xAPDH4uQnj This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More