Uncover Haunted Trees in DeltaZangoose’s Minecraft Mod – Ep. 2

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hi YouTube Delta again um we are back with modded Minecraft with my horror themed mod pack again same disclaimer as last time uh if you are sensitive to horror themes or spooky themes do beware um because this mod pack features a lot of like horror and Gore themed mods uh Okie do so I do want to show you what I’ve been up to so I did this off camera um I made my own little ritual space Tada there a glass you can sort of see through it and I’ve got the Chisel bricks to show where I need to draw on the ritual patterns on the ground um I made it accidentally very near my pond but I figured that didn’t really matter that much um I have to crouch to get in an eye so that like demons can’t escape and stuff CU I know that that’s something that I’m going to need to be doing okay so I think what I want to do now is just have a look at the of Shadows rituals and have a look at what I can do barrier okay so some of these don’t last very long do I just see immortality any damage is completely nullified half a day gosh that’s really op um some of these were definitely going to have to try I haven’t always I haven’t done all of these before darken what oh a lightning Bol oh if I wanted to make like a skeleton horse I could put a horse in a pen or put a horse here and then summon a lightning bolt onto it I just kill a horse um fine oh that’s cool so you can like smel things I suppose but you need a Blaze Rod by the time you’ve got Blaze Rod you might as well just use all fuels um cleansing cleanse of curses oh that’s cool you can use that one to turn zombie villagers into regular villagers I suppose if I find a zombie villager I know that you need villagers for some of the rituals um in not a nice way I can drag a zombie villager down here instead cleanse them and then use them in my ritual which is proper brutal um how do you make the chalks okay golden chalk needs Earth ior and cleansing B FY chalk aquer G okay have okay right um let’s have a look so I’m going to need to make the other oh yeah I need to crouch the other Farms or serums or whatever you call them I know that I have to go and get snake’s tongue which is going to be a huge pain because they’re always really annoying to do um I’ve got that oh that was left over from me making my um what’s someone call it my ritual Circle I think oh did I just throw something I did just throw something didn’t I what did I just throw or did I pick up again I have no idea um it’s fine that go there and that can go there how much do I have 285 okay cool let’s eat I don’t know what’s going on with that see I’ve got Health levels but I can’t actually see that I’ve got any experience from that so far so it should be leveling up so I get extra health over time that’s still pretty disgusting that ctil I’m not over it where’s if I’ve got anything raw I should probably smelt it while I’m out ra I did have some ra silver over here didn’t I there we go let’s just put that in um and let’s put the glass over in my bment chest in case I want to make more glass bottles so I’m going to need earth ier oh I thrown my bewitchment book what why have I thrown there we go oh dear um okay have an extract Grim okay um I’m going to need to go back onto the elemental oils Brewing Elemental oils we go c one we made yeah snake tongue and Cyprus bark Spruce and stone Juniper and Feathers okay right that means I need to go scouting for some different types of wood um I know that there’s a savannah here so I should be able to find some juniper trees I think it is and I think these dark green ones actually are juniper trees so I think if I just go straight over here I should be able to get some uh that building scares me a little I’m excited because I think once I’m A Little Bit Stronger I’ll go and investigate it but I expect there going to be like cuz I think it’s a structure from when dungeons arise so I expect it’s going to be very dangerous um I don’t think I want to go up there yet oh I need feathers thank you there’s more of them there’s more come here cheers oh he didn’t give me any feathers that’s annoying is that the Cherry Bloss oh that’s so pretty I’ve not actually seen the Cherrywood before cuz I’ve not actually played on on any version Beyond sort of 1. 18 really I’ve barely even played 1.9 that’s so pretty and now I’m on 1 20 so can you you can that’s so cool oh so greedy well these are mine now um okay I need to keep going I feel like I’m just getting massively distracted how many do I have 39 let’s get one more for luck yeah yes these trees over here these ones did that give me Juniper bar okay me four I don’t think it’s going to do the falling tree thing because it’s um not a base tree I think it seems oh yeah it worked for the the other Cyprus log wonder why it doesn’t work for the bo trees then unless it does and I’ve just done something wrong before Acacia we could take some Acacia while we’re about it oh and there goes my axe um I should have made an anvil and repaired it oh well uh what’s done is done uh and got some juniper saplings so that’s good okay now I need and I’ve got feathers from those chickens so I should be a to make that one Earth ior I need some Spruce now and I need snakes so I need cypess and snakes so I’m going to need to find a forest okay let’s have a little look um I quite like to this is a forest Cyprus Forest but I think it’s the wrong one it’s the wrong kind of Cyprus it’s the terrestria cess rather than what I need Forest region this one’s got this is sort foresty over there ah um so down or up I mean I’m tempted to go up because I know that there were loads of things around my spawn that just looked really useful but I think I need to stay on track and head back down in fact actually it’s nearly so I think I need to be making my way back anyway cuz of the whole sanity thing there’s a cave down there there’s probably so much that I just haven’t explored oh this is awkward and I’m just digging grass blocks with a book which you know makes perfect sense of course a big oh these crows are so cute Hello think you can make them familiar with bment I seem to remember having an owl familiar before um oh God still W I’m not over that uh right well while about it we can at least make this one so we needs Juniper feathers and mandres okay Juniper Mand Drake feathers Juniper okay Juniper feather M Drake nice um cool that can go in there I don’t need any let’s add some of those petals to the ground because they’re really pretty and I hopefully it will help with berment as well oh that’s so cool you can like put more of them in one space that’s so [Music] cool that’s so pretty ah okay I love that all right let’s put that back inside I need some more space chest space probably need to sort this out yeah that’s something I said I was going to do off camera that I didn’t do egg oh hello I fence quickly contain them no did they just fly out the window I think he just flew out the window oh well my friend was shortlived um right well I’ll use these and I’ll make another chest I should probably start organizing things shouldn’t I um you know what we we’ll make that a feature this could be like woods and saplings yeah wood and saplings and stuff I’ll probably get fill up really fast but it’ll do for the moment uh that can go to the richment chest [Music] saplings playing that counts as wood Bo boom let’s put this stuff in the B chest you go in there you go in there rest of stuff’s just random I’m going need those but you know yeah let’s put them in put this in here dirt that’s I’m probably never going to need again can go in there as well um okay I guess that means we uh we go to bed I should make another Axe and maybe an anvil so that I can repair stuff do I have enough iron to make an anvil I don’t think I do oh what was that freaky okay um yeah no I do not have enough stuff to make an anvil can I unmelted Tin Can assuming that means that can be smelted um do we even have enough to make it oh yeah I do yeah and let’s grab these sticks yeah all right maybe we should do some fishing then I’ve got a source of food I will fish in my pond again here we go oh this is nice oh some of this sugar cane started to grow I can probably Harvest that and plant a bit more here um yeah this did work last time oh the music’s back oh oh rotten flesh are you kidding that’s so rubbish [Music] okay I’ll take this inside that’ll be [Music] enough thought I took all the sa things no I didn’t need to go in here [Music] okay uh Forest time cuz we need to go and get ourselves some Spruce bark o sheep I’m going to shave them while I’m about it sh them while them shave them just gets out an electric Fraser shame she the Sheep oh those sweet berries oh doubtless I will 100% kill myself on these yeah just like that um but probably worth it to have them anyway ow I think you can make um I can’t remember how you make them but you can make witch berries in berment which is how you get like magical energy and stuff this might even tell me how to do it tools Rambles growing B okay fruiting B yeah so you do need sweet sweet berries and then they make witch berries I could do that I’ve got enough stuff to do that that’s cool we should do that um let’s keep going this [Music] way I also need to make um I want to make that brush so that I can do the archaeology stuff how do you a feather copper stick okay so I need more [Music] chickens who’s this there somebody around oh oh it’s a bee hello a little bubble bee so cute some of this is like I don’t know that is there some of this I did notice before is like the funky gravel this appears to just be a regular [Music] Forest cuz it’s just Birch oh hello thank [Music] you no come back thank you oh my God there’s another one what’s that what is that let’s go and have a look I’m a little cautious oh horses didn’t even notice I was so distracted by whatever this is is it h balloon oh there’s snails here too it’s a hot air balloon oh it is oh that’s so cute when there’s a a chest here it’s got an emerald some potatoes that’s really cute I suppose I could get the concrete in the whatever I wanted but I don’t really want to destroy it cuz it’s actually really pretty um what’s that oh that’s a mine cells thing yeah I’m not strong enough to do that yet I’ve done mine house a tiny bit before I’ve been in like one of the dungeons on o a Wandering um Trader cave zombies definitely some caves are these items as well cuz these would be good to have we’re going so slowly it’s cuz I haven’t actually eaten any food why do it take me such a long time to eat maybe processing a bit slow because I’m loading the chunks have got a few sort of mods that try and improve performance a little bit but probably not as many as I would need to uh effectively stop whoa oh my God who are you ah okay run run run run away run away oh come here I’m running I’m running I thought he was a w wandering Trader he most certainly was not I don’t even know what mob he’s from more structures May probably not I don’t know I don’t know where he’s from but he was frightening okay so no Spruce in that direction that’s the village I’ve been to before oh boy okay um H all right oh there that place that little Lighthouse that I said we wanted to go to what’s this one the flower Forest Spruce and flower Forest nor use Oak isn’t it dear I don’t know where I go to find Spruce [Music] Wood should I just keep going in this direction just keep going well I’m not going to go past that dude again he was frightening more raccoons as well some oh there’s some gray sheep down there as well um I appear to be heading toward the sea yeah this is some funky looking structures let’s see get some more poppies because I know that I need them for bment and I also need them for amyst oh chck thank you your services are greatly appreciated not that you had a choice in the matter there’s lots of salt here but I think I’ve probably got enough the time o hello thank you oh we’re a little bit laggy oh Gra I do want a bit of gravel because um Flint’s useful I need a flint and steel as well if I want to go to the nether at some point which I will do but first of all then I’ll need to get like a diamond pick and all that kind of stuff this shovel is about to break there we go oh who is that there some kind of Pillager building that I do not want anything to do [Music] with so I found a Forest not a spruce Forest this music are [Music] pretty a it’s just so [Music] nice yeah for a horror mod pack I feel like I haven’t not made this world as pretty as possible with the shaders but I think that’s a good thing pumpkins I think that’ll be useful [Music] um okay so I can see snowy regions overhead which might [Music] mean might mean that we’re more likely to see like Spruce and tiger and stuff like this is what we yes oh I don’t like snow snow upsets me I do not trust it because I know that I just know I’m going to sink into it and die thank you [Music] yay okay Ah that’s exactly what I was talking about okay please don’t fall into another snow oh and it’s nearly night time I just got here I guess I can always plant some more Spruce closer to home cuz I am W to die now yeah oky dokey I might have this one as well oh oh look at the [Music] sky no and lights what the heck is that I can see something on my map what is that here [Music] cat oh no no no no no no no no no no no thank you not today thanks oh no no no no no thank you wasted durability on my axe digging myself out of snow oh wow oh it’s like a whole like Coliseum thank you extremely rude I need to go back and sleep really because I’m losing s being out here I’m just so curious as to what’s inside oh my God it’s enormous I can’t resist oh oh oh I got something remember me for centuries damn that’s a full Out Boy s oh my God h l they’re killing each other thanks fellas will you do that I’m just going to collect iron cheers bye thanks guys see you later oh there like leaves here it’s so pretty oh what’s that there’s something else over there oh my gosh I have a feeling I may need to be slightly more armored up before I explore these things emeralds oh my God oh my golly gosh we go that is definitely emeralds woohoo oh a dude hey I’m not very good at this game didn’t let me eat my cooked iller from last time Oh I thought it was a person there no it’s just the cave formation I like oh my God who’s that me a coward I was going to say no but you’re probably right it’s awfully quiet I’m not really happy with how quiet it is ah there we go I got your bones oh what was that I think that’s one of the go oh that’s just a ghost okay oh I don’t know what that was oh ah I didn’t know what that was but that was freaky oh God what’s this raw Chapa me oh it’s from Mythic mobs okay that noise this good for into be does can I get out somehow it’s getting out even a good idea you know what let’s get this coal while we’re about it let’s also eat some stuff so that we don’t completely die this should just be titled a complete enough a scaredy cat plays a horror game for some reason plays horror Minecraft and gets freaked out at things that aren’t actually horror yeah my sanity is going down a little bit I don’t actually know what that does I think it makes you go a bit like loopy I think the screen starts to go like wonky and stuff but I don’t know how low it has to get before it starts doing that and I think then you start seeing like funky monsters and stuff but I don’t know if it still does that even if I haven’t actually started with that mod yet it’s from manic um which in my mod pack is part of the mod Nevermore which is a data pack that contains both um sanguine and manic together the same Creator really cool mod but I know that there are like starting Powers you have to find first and I genuinely don’t know where I go for that it’s really dark I do like how complimentary shaders light stuff up with the with the glowing Wars though at least if I die then I’ll still have all my stuff I am still trying one to because it kind of sucks cuz you know I like exploring I I interrupted I can hear a Skelly boy I just don’t find losing all my stuff fun like in having to go back and pick it all up just the prospect of that just makes me oh hello the prospect of that just makes me not want to play the game think if there’s a chance I’m just going to lose basically everything I’ve ever collected I mean I know the idea is that you meant to put it somewhere safe but I am not that organized I know that you know you meant to put all your valubles away so you only take your good stuff with you and the whole idea is that that’s why it’s challenging is because the rewards are meant to be sort of you know it’s meant to be difficult to get them back home but I just is something about it just thep just makes me really sad oh it’s a full moon I wonder if there a were around oh I appear to have some kind of negative effect oh it’s from you thank you oh ectoplasm I think I need that I’ll swap it for these little experience nuggets because I can use them oh you don’t to keep clicking that’s what I don’t think that’s actually Lev up any levels but it’s definitely help this is so pretty what is this I don’t know what it is but it’s so gorgeous oh it’s like a well but like Lush Lush cave berries I can’t even put them in my inventory in my space um ibly don’t need arrows I know I’ll come back for them actually was that a barrel down there it is honey bottle named and inside oo oh and another bucket that’s quite useful actually well I might as well take the Torches um swap that I don’t need three potatoes I can get them at home um Arrow arrows are quite useful and hard to come sticks need Hy so Shan you can’t stack the honey uh I did want but I can put away I can pick some more eggs oh no you can stack the honey bottles uhh I don’t know I thought you couldn’t okay that’s all right Village over there I should probably go home I’ve been out the whole night oh Sky boys is that on the map it is that’s a lyoth portal I’ve also got lth installed which adds different dimensions and they like funky alien worlds oh that’s so cool definitely I will need to come back for that although I don’t see any oh yeah there’s one there’s a wilting l which you need to make the guide book I think I will come back cuz I don’t have enough inventory space I’m not sure if I can get like bundles or anything in any of the mods I’ve got but or backpack or something that would be quite useful but let’s go home um I have yeah I’ve got poppies so I can I can collect a few more of these just while I’m about figure I might as well um cuz I do know that I’m going to need them need them for that Elixir whatever it’s called in bewitchment and then I’m also going to need them for amethyst imbuement I know requires poppies I’ve done that one before I’ve done so most of the mods I have are they’re either returning mods that I played before that I know I really like that I thought sort of fitted in with the theme quite well like Magic based mods or like wichs like Witchcraft and stuff all they’re mods that I’ve never ever played before that I was like heck it that looks fun let’s give it a go um I’m trying to see how did I ah you can see my triail ah okay ah ah ah no no no no no I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying dying ah I got frozed okay well I’m going to have to dig my way through the snow then do you need silk touch for snow blocks I thought you got snowballs or is that just with a shovel I think that’s just with a shovel oh I hate snow in my Minecraft it’s not in real life of school but we hardly ever get it in the UK some places in UK do get it actually but where I am we don’t it seems to have its own micro micro climate that just changes from one day to the next there’s some roses there as well but I don’t have enough space so let’s run home oh it’s a little bit laggy got some rubber banding earlier as well oh I really come through this way I did I went round oh yeah because I didn’t want to go to the Pillager place with all the Pillager people and get completely murdered cuz that doesn’t really sound like my idea of good Sunday afternoon good Monday afternoon whatever the day is definitely something’s yep we’re getting stuck a little bit um is it CU it’s loading chunks don’t know why it’s loading chunks I’m literally going the same direction as before try to make sure that I don’t load anym in if it’s having trouble processing with you boy it is not going to like when I recover a werewolf because you travel so fast so fast I think that’s sort of what I’m working towards with bment I’d say is I want to try my wolf and then I’m probably happy with I actually to get a brook cuz you can get like flying brooms that’ be cool I have a flying broom um but I think they’re quite late in maybe I don’t know how late into I know you need demon heart for them and they require funky rituals and stuff which definitely requires you to go to the Nether and go to Nether fortresses Spruce oh yeah I didn’t get Cyprus oh H something’s definitely funky with this it keeps lagging it’s lagging massively oh I don’t have I no wondering go so slowly do this all the time I would like to make um a brush though so I can do some of the archaeology I think that would be really cool it’s good that I’m in sunlight there because I can see that my sanity’s gone down quite a lot just so that oh Lily of the valleys I get distracted so easily but those would be really good to have outside for our altar um oh I don’t have enough space just like before I’ll have to come back um yeah let’s go this way ooh is that made of wood it is made of wool oh I saw a Pillager thing run away I don’t want to get [Music] murdered I can’t see anyone there maybe it have to be another thing I come back to I really need some decent armor because I have none I have no armor at all I’m currently using my axe as my primary weapon whoa okay yeah it’s like rubber banding like mad um I’m lagging what’s going on with it but it does not like something so what I’ll do I’ll make my way home um maybe I’ll make the serum that I can make now that I’ve got the spruce and then we’ll need to set out again for the Juniper but I might go to war where my spawn was so I can pick up cuz there was some really cool materials and stuff just in the Cliff face like metals and things I think would be good to have so I can go and pick those up I’m still really pleased with this like I know I did it off camera but all right okay um wood and saplings oh the will plant wait I had Spruce saplings already are you kidding me I went all that way and oh no did I have that is that how many I I don’t know I can’t remember um let’s put them in there tin Ingot cool put them in there if I can need like a metals and or’s chest you should be in the woods chest as should you and you um you guys can go in here you can go in here you can go in here that can go in there that and that and that oh hang on that’s bment that and that and that that and that and that and that go in there yeahoo oh hang on that’s Spruce that’s bewitchment so that goes over here yes oh let’s move those I could probably start dying some of these I know what is it is it the Earth ier it’s called cuz I think that means I need Stone as as well so I’m going to need some of that Cobble that I picked up uh what do I do with it there it is I don’t need a lot just a little bit there we go proper dinner I love how you just walk around with an entire cooked chicken like imagine that in real life you’re you’re walking around okay or Like a Shepherd tending to your sheep more like we’re going for the whole Minecraft field and or you’re in a village you’re a farmer and you’re looking after your sheep you’re tending to your crops just some dude walks over holding an entire whole cooked chicken and then they eat the whole thing in front of you like it’s completely normal come on it can’t just be me that thinks that’s completely mad okay let’s plant these Spruce saplings uh so that we’ve got Spruce for days let’s put on the other side so that the Ala picks up that we’ve got different wood types um maybe I put it like there and like around here let’s get you you’re a bit in the way to be honest put it like there so therefore like my whole house can just be like a Grove and it’ll be so pretty okay um how much do I actually have now 292 okay so it’s it’s slowly getting there slowly growing I don’t know how much we actually need for some of these rituals though cuz it doesn’t actually tell you I don’t think um I suppose I’ll find out as I go along with it do I need any of that stuff right let’s have a look at the booker Shadows um oh yeah I was going to make some of these I probably need AIT need a bit more sugar cane first okay let’s make the other bombs uh oh it was in Brewing Brewing Elemental oils made Grim o oh next time and Cyprus oh that’s going to be hard Earth EA this one Spruce aconite and stone okay ready hold chicken there you go person just eats it like it’s completely normal right let’s go to bed I really need some armor as well I should smell that iron that I collected there we go I don’t know how much of this whisper wheat stuff I’m going to need that’s the neat meat though which I haven’t started yet I suppose I could start it nothing’s stopping me nothing’s stopping me running the mods like concurrently after all otherwise what’s the point in having them all in the same pack um it’s more that I suppose I’m just focusing on wi that’s the one I sort of want to do M seeds aconite SE yeah wheat let put them in there what do you do with this stuff with this whisper we stuff whisper bread does that do anything oo your recipes unlocked will that give can I eat that I don’t know well we’ll keep it there there we go um so it was Stone Spruce and aconite we could make a couple of these actually because I’ve got quite a few of each you going to startop Boiling there we go that one that one that one ooh that’s a cool color uh right I need more oh I don’t know have GL is you know what let’s just turn this all on because I’m going to want some more cool okay let’s make another round because I might want some more just in storage in the W in in the [Music] works I was going to say in the bank and in the works together and I nearly said something that I should cool right so we got the earth I it’s just the Grim Elixir [Music] then I’m going need some more glass as well uh okay I got to smell this up a BL a BL a BL let’s keep that oh Mandrake and Spruce bark can go in in there um maybe I’ll put the aconite and the stone in there too just for future uh Grim alixir needs it’s going to be so annoying with a snake tongue and the Cyprus B I could try and get obsidian and go to the nether because I know there’s hell hounds in the Nether and they might actually be a better source of snake tongue than the snakes ironically enough I think I need an anvil as well so I’m going to I feel like I need a couple of F I don’t really have many got the one furnace I think it might be more beneficial to have a second one maybe one over here yeah okay that’ be good and perhaps a blast furnace as well let figet how to make one of those [Music] Blast Furnace okay iron smooth Stone iron around uh what’s the uh the smoker the one for food logs around okay maybe I will do that as well so let’s make another one because then it will cook my food super fast um one two three four let do it smoker cool let’s pop it there uh and then this one can go there and then I’ve got some um coal that I can use I might be better off using charcoal I have got quite a lot there we go charcoal can go in this one we go baked potatoes I don’t know what this whisper Bread’s like you don’t know oh I was going to make the witch berries okay uh let’s get some sugar cane oh that’s depressing um let’s not get some sugar cane uh okay so I still need snake oh I’m zoomed in over there I still need snake’s tongue and I still need Cyprus B so I wonder where I know here there put the spruce stuff I was going to oh yeah oh is that a l of P as well it is that’s cool and there’s some cool buildings over here that I don’t know what they are either so I think we will head towards spawn and see what that has to offer us oh look got some my trees are grown this is good I should get I should have gotten some of the Cherrywood while I saw it before I kind of forgot about that could have had some of that outside my house oh it would have been so pretty I suppose I can go back and get it but what was that oh it’s an owl oh hello that’s cute yeah that was what I had before as my familiar remember which one I had an owl but you can have all different ones and I’ve got the smch installed as well which means I think you can have basically any base animal as you’re familiar um I think they all do different things I can’t remember all the differents to pretty sure crows mean that you do you make stronger curses or curses last longer or something like that something to do with curses the crows are owls make your brooms fly without magical energy um I remember that cuz I had that last time uh dogs I don’t remember what they do cats I think keep creepers away like permanently or like stop them from exploding near you there’s something to do with creepers probably is that snow I hate snow please don’t make me go through the snow I think there’s a gap up here that I can go through oh a chicken oh an egg I will spare you today chicken I think I have enough feathers oh my God I have to get over that sorry oh my gosh it’s already like sunset okay okay my Minecraft person must be exhausted I’m exhausted just looking at them there’s all that o hello iron yes please Daner okay I thought to do the rest um ooh and this is why I came back here because I found loads of stuff there was just tons like tons of different ORS and metals that I’m like wow I have to come back for those yeah there’s emeralds there was some other stuff I saw I think yeah oh it’s the me or okay that’s not that impressive but quite a bit of iron that I think would be good to get think we’re really close to where I spawned oh this is cool the shaders mean these look really shiny this cow site so close to I spawned aha I think it was just up on that Cliff top so much iron so much iron oh no want I always do this I’m like why am I walking so slowly uh maybe because I haven’t eaten at all probably for about the past three days days my poor character is just constantly starved because I just forget to make the meat it’s not even that I don’t bring food with me I just don’t eat it in my inventory I forget it exists yeah so much iron oh is that an emerald I think okay I nearly fell to my death well not nearly but I could have fallen to my death and I think that’s scary oh dear maybe I shouldn’t have done that right I think we’ll leave that iron and I have this one instead thank you wow there’s like a ton is that a creeper it is please don’t come near me I don’t want you here creeper like well I didn’t want you here either if it blows up in my face I I swear to God I will be extremely unhappy this is like a pleora of resources I don’t even know why I’m collecting emeralds I don’t think I’m going to be doing much trading with the Villagers I think most of my encounters with them are going to be um borrowing them I swear I just saw emeralds what was that I don’t know I have no idea I just get what I can while I’m here how much iron do I have 60 that’s amazing my gosh oh I see a dude please don’t come near me I don’t want to be near you please respect my personal space thank you they’re not respecting my personal space this is very rude of you excuse me can you leave me alone please go away dides he just yep he dropped brain y I’ve got a few of those I think it’s CU of um oh I didn’t bring a I didn’t bring another pickaxe that was dumb oh it’s going to break isn’t it and then I’m going to cry oh music started I got freaked out for a minute I’m like oh my God something’s coming I think once I’ve gathered this stuff we’re probably going to cool it there cuz this has been quite a long oh that’s sad okay this is where I oh oh please do not come near me thanks there’s what is he’s right there ah oh okay my shield save me there whoa oh emeralds I can’t get great um do I even have no I have no wood to make a crafting table ow I’m just going to run away from this guy because I don’t want anything to do with [Music] him well that’s a bit of a shame um our Advent was cut a little short where am I on the map oh wow I’m all the way over there okay I still need I still need um Cypress so that I can get get the dark whoa okay there this place is going to be full of monsters isn’t it 100% herkins [Music] oh yeah ooh pees that’ll be good for Watchman put them outside the [Music] house my P um so I did go this way once I spawned and then decided that I wanted to go in the opposite direction so I have been this way before which is why it’s on my map showing that I’ve explored it before um there’s actually not as many monsters as I thought there would be whoa what’s going on there oh a lava pool oh okay um do I do something I don’t really know what I can do I think that’s possibly a little beyond my control and it’s probably going to rip through this entire Forest so I think probably the best option is to run um ah go away I don’t want to see you oh oh I thought it froze for a minute I was like no don’t do that oh ah ah oh my God yeah well I could have predicted that let’s go to bed oh hello oh there we go wow it is is not happy with me today um hello oh there we go I got really freaked out then I think I will probably leave it there and um we will come back to it another time and I can continue making those bombs and we can continue looking for bewitchment trees um so thank you for watching bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Delta Does: Horror Modded Minecraft. Ep. 2 – A Quest to Find Bewitchment Trees’, was uploaded by DeltaZangoose on 2024-04-02 15:00:00. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:54 or 4194 seconds.

A complete scaredycat gets freaked out at things that aren’t actually horror in any way, shape, or form. Still didn’t find any cypress trees

DISCLAIMER: The mods I have installed are of a gore/horror nature. Please keep this in mind if you are sensitive to those sorts of themes. All mods are the 1.20.1 versions using the Fabric mod loader.

The mods I am using: The Graveyard YUNG’s Better Witch Huts Medieval Music Mod EMI Iris AdventureZ More Music Discs AzureLib Armor Fabric Language Kotlin Fzzy Core YUNG’s API Framework MidnightLib Fabric Language Kotlin Fallen Wizards Mine Cells Besmirchment biomemusic mod Eravern’s more animal products mod EMIffect YUNG’s Better End Island Health Levels Tectonic Incendium oωo Sodium Botarium FallingTree YetAnotherConfigLib Bewitchment Galosphere AzureLib Chest Colorizer Journeymap Ad Astra Trinkets Runes Leaves Us In Peace When Dungeons Arise Mob Meats! Amethyst Imbuement EMI Loot Lootr Lithereal Patchouli YUNG’s Better Jungle Temples Camps. Castles. Carriages. Fabric API Living Things Tax Free Levels YUNG’s Better Nether Fortresses Architectury The Lost Castle Terrestria Additional Structures Forge Config API Port Enderite Mod Meat Miner Environmental Creepers Cloth Config v11 Thaumon [BETA] Clumps Item Alchemy YUNG’s Better Desert Temples BCLib Mythic Metals Harvest with ease YUNG’s Extras GeckoLib 4 Mythic Charms Spell Engine Dungeons and Taverns Nevermore! Eden Ring Reforked Mythic Mobs Sky Villages The Below Bedrock Caves Moon Phase Info+ Artifacts Extra Mod Integrations mdg YUNG’s Better Mineshafts EMI Enchanting Bosses of Mass Destruction (Beta) Alloy Forgery Spell Power Attribute Pehkui EMI Trades Amethyst Core Moog’s End Structures Goblin Traders NEEPMeat Player Animator Better Leather Repurposed Structures cupboard Stellarity YUNG’s Better Ocean Monuments Resourcefulconfig Jade Cardinal Components API YUNG’s Better Strongholds Cloth Config v11 Red’s More Structures Resourceful Lib Deeper and Darker More Geodes Fabric API YUNG’s Better Dungeons Moog’s Nether Structures Liroth Moog’s Voyager Structures MCPitanLib Mod Menu

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  • SteamCraft Modded SMP Whitelisted JAVA 1.20.1 18+ Economy Create Focus

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  • Minecraft server play.rexkraft.com:29460

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    Crive SMP || ANARCHY/PEACE/ECONOMY# 🌟 Welcome to The Crive SMP! 🌟**Version:** Bedrock / Java 1.21 Crossplay (Newest version) **Season 2 Coming Soon! 🚀****Join the Discord Here!! https://discord.gg/uTaHDGGbE2**## Features:- 💰 **Economy Mods**: Build your empire with our robust economy system!- 🏞️ **New Biomes**: Discover amazing new vanilla biomes in the Overworld and End.- 🗣️ **Proximity Chat** (Java only): Enhance your gameplay with real-time voice chat.- 🚫 **No Elytra, No Hacking**: Enjoy fair and balanced gameplay for everyone.## Popular Plugins:- **Essentials**: All the core commands you need.- **GriefPrevention**: Protect your builds from unwanted visitors.- **LuckPerms**: Powerful permissions management.- **DiscordSRV**: Stay connected with our community on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Duo”

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.2 Encore

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    BLAZING COAL MEME “Why did the coal break up with the diamond? It just couldn’t handle the pressure!” Read More

  • Sugarcane Shenanigans: Minecraft PE 1.21

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  • Secret Sabito mining exploit EXPOSED!

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  • I Pranked My Friend as a Mutant Squid

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  • 5-year-old pro Minecraft player goes insane!

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  • Spooky Halloween City Build: Trash, Kitchen, Parking + FNAF

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  • 🔥 Herobrine X Daku Collaboration 🔥 | EPIC Minecraft Edit

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  • Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft

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  • EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #Shorts

    EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #ShortsVideo Information C [음악] This video, titled ‘Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts’, was uploaded by Twi Shorts on 2024-07-14 14:00:15. It has garnered 24309 views and 1342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts ►Subscribe! https://bit.ly/2N6xMG5 ►My Info: https://twishorts.com/ ►Merch: https://twishorts.store/ ►Socials: https://solo.to/twishorts In this video, I place amethyst blocks in sync with the theme song from Inside Out 2, which is a well known animated Disney movie. Disclaimer: I did not build the pixel art by hand. It is an image from the series… Read More

  • “ElManx_ – Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP” #clickbait

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  • Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥

    Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-04 15:53:07. It has garnered 10779 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • Ametium

    AmetiumÊtes-vous passionné par Minecraft et souhaitez-vous contribuer à une communauté dynamique et compétitive ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Amétium est à la recherche de talents comme vous pour rejoindre notre équipe de staff et participer à la construction d’une expérience de jeu exceptionnelle ! Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: https://discord.gg/JKfzKNRuuW About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play, more info about us in our server! Join Us: First join our discord: https://discord.gg/JKfzKNRuuW then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist You can find the mod pack and IP in the severs Info channel Read More

  • [1.21] Severation SMP (Whitelisted / Semi-Vanilla / 18+)

    [1.21] Severation SMP (Whitelisted / Semi-Vanilla / 18+)The Short & SweetSeveration SMP is a Semi-Vanilla 18+ server, whitelisted, running on PaperMC.We have few and simple rules, focused on creating a healthy and friendly SMP experience, such as no griefing or stealing.Server Start: 28/06About UsWhat started off originally as a friend group playing Minecraft together, evolved into a full blown community server, made by players interested in the community and comradery aspect.We like to keep it as vanilla as possible, while still having some quality of life features, such as teleportation, visual features like teams and colors.Our FeaturesShopping DistrictDynmapTwo-Way Chat between Minecraft & Discord ServerInteractive chat commands, such… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it Fact or Cap? Pls Tell Me

    Minecraft Memes - Is it Fact or Cap? Pls Tell MeFact: This meme is so accurate, even the creepers are nodding in agreement. Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Crazy Bow Fight 25th April 2024

    Minecraft Mayhem: Crazy Bow Fight 25th April 2024 In the world of Minecraft, on the 25th of April, A crazy bow fight, watch the players brawl. Sharpshooters aiming, arrows flying high, In this epic battle, who will reach the sky? The gamers are skilled, their strategies tight, Each move calculated, in the heat of the fight. With bows drawn back, and hearts beating fast, They clash in the game, till the very last. So click the link, and watch the scene unfold, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Don’t miss a moment, of this thrilling sight, Join in the fun, and game on with delight! Read More