Uncover INSANE Minecraft Cave w/ Goutros – Alex’s Caves

Video Information

hello and welcome back to create adventures in the last episode we took a deep dive into the Abyssal Chasm from the Alex’s caves in this episode we’re going to explore the mechanical new magnetic caves by far the most hostile place I’ve been so far in this series and on top of that we’re going to be building a huge New Stone Factory to get us a ton of resources and a magnetic monolith to Showcase some of the new items that we’re going to get as well as beginning to automate Alex’s caves with create I’m so happy with the builds in this episode so grab some snacks hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already and let’s get into this welcome back to create Adventures so I have been doing some work I have completely changed these storage drawers here because I realized I can get these level five storage upgrades which just make it so I can store way more items than I could before and know you really need to craft them is emeralds and I have a absolute ton of those I’ve also upgraded my shears set up some storage for this tree farm so it can actually start working again and did the same for the crop farm and the iron farm it is so much cleaner in here now but anyways I have got some work I need to do on this Castle because despite everything else I didn’t do any work on this thing off camera so I’m going to ramp this build steampunk levels to 11 and you just get to enjoy this time [Music] lapse okay I think that should basically be it I’ve even put in a brand new little path part so we can make our way over to the experience Factory in style got some Emerald blocks out here just to I I don’t know I didn’t have any experienced ones and put some scaffolding some piping and a cool abys marine roof on top of it so now that that’s done in today’s episode we’re going to be creating the outside of a threein one stone Factory to do that we’re going to have to automate Cobblestone push Cobble into gravel and then gravel into sand P the sand into Soul Sand wash the Soul Sand get Quartz and store the excess gold combine the quartz with Cobble in five 2 X2 mechanical Crafters split the resulting diorite into third store one/ thir combine one/ thir with quartz to make granite and combine the other third with Cobble to make andesite then once that’s done we can head to the magnetic caves and try to automate everything that we possibly can but right now I need to build the outside of the stone Factory and to do that what I don’t I don’t think the gods appreciate my decision making to do that I need to terraform this landscape so I’m going to get to that and then we can start constructing this thing and I just wanted to use this time lapse as a way to tell you about my brand new Discord server that I just launched the Gatos Community server is officially up and if you like these videos and any of my other videos it’s just a great place to hang out we’re going to be hosting movie Nights we’re going to be playing games in VC we’re just it’s just going to be a good time so if you like these videos and want to be more in-depth with the community make sure to join the G outr Community server the link will be in the description below anyway let’s get back to the video that should do it all right so we got a massive plot of L to work with much like that one over there it’s going to have a massive old factory on it this place is going to Output Cobblestone Granite andesite diorite sand clay bricks you name it basically the go-to place for building blocks but with a factory of such magnitude we’re going to need a better power source than windmills for this one luckily we have steam engines and all they need is a block of copper and undersight alloy and a golden sheep and then we should be who pass okay these guys are for a different episode basically I’m going to do what I did last time and just build the factories before I build the outside which for this should be a lot simpler just set these up hook those up into here to run through here trap a couple blazes place these all under here make it so the mechanical arm can access them all and so that it grabs stuff from a Depot make a little mini Tree Farm the wood from which we can smell and we just set water and boom we have 32,000 stress units from six engines we’ve got some upgrades on this thing that we need to do but like all in all this should be good all right yeah we’ve tripled it in the future we can superheat these guys with blaze cakes but right now this should do so now that we’ve got steam power we can actually start on making the factory and to do that we need to automate Cobblestone and considering how much spare Cobblestone that one’s got I’m just going to make a smaller one over here so let me build this thing it should literally just be the same as last time and we’re good all right now I need to make two sets of crushing Wheels which should be relatively easy lay out some of these and theight Alloys first pair done second pair almost done boop boop boop boop and we’re ready okay so we just root some of this out into their own sets of crushing Wheels hook this thing up to power clean it up a tiny bit even though this still looks absolutely mental set up a bulk Haunter split it in the middle here create a bulk washer hook the belt up to power store the excess clay and Flint that we get from this thing and finally store all the golden quartz we get from washing Soul Sand then if I just hook this thing up to power put a funnel there and once it’s washed it should start putting the stuff in there meaning this thing’s getting us clay Flint quarts and gold and because each one has a 12% chance to give us four nether quarts and we’re putting in about 300 at a time I I don’t know where I was going with that I I’m not very good at math basically it’s just going to get us a ton of stuff I mean there was 180 in there a second ago and now we’re on 400 oh Jesus CHR yeah is getting us a lot and with that I can take off Crush Cobble to gravel to gravel to sand haunt sand into Soul Sand wash Soul Sand and store excess gold and quartz I I don’t know why I didn’t write down quartz there but now we need to start crafting the stones and for all of them we need a ton of diorite so here’s the plan I’m going to have five mechanical Crafters constantly making diorite and then all of that diorite will be split into thirds 1/3 of it will be stored 1/3 of it will be turned into granite and 1/3 of it will be turned into andesite but to make those I need more Redstone so let’s go get some of that the hell is this thing whoa what on Earth do not tell me there was an Alex’s caves thing here the entire time what’s in the okay that’s for the magnetic caves that is that is fitting we are going there today this thing’s been under my base the whole time now we just make some electron tube crafting tables that that’s that’s a lot of crafting tables and Brass casing combine it all to make mechanical Crafters the Cobble going to get pulled out of here and split off into five separate Crafters I actually have absolutely no idea how this is going to work so let me devise something okay so I’ve came up with this basically the quarts are pulled from here and sent on this conveyor belt and the Cobble pulled from here and sent on this conveyor belt and these mechanical arms will grab them as they’re passing and put them into their designated mechanical crafter so now we find out if it works oh jeez okay no yeah this thing is working I just seem to have gotten this one wrong just connect that there and yeah it’s working that’s making about 10 diorite at a time all right cool then all I need to do is hook this thing up to another mechanical Belt have a storage drawer at the end that is a oak trim have a storage drawer at the end here place these funnels and then we’ve got an absolute ton of diorite coming into this storage draw and I can take off combine quartz with Cobble in five 2x two mechanical Crafters all right next we’ve got to split the diorite into thirds this might actually be the simplest part of this video make this only take out 64 make this a split okay we can take off split di right into thirds we’ve got that set up done now 1/3 needs to go into storage that’s easy literally just a storage draw need to combine 1/3 with quartz to make Granite let me go grab some mechanical Crafters hook this up place a funnel here and then this thing should start making Granite wait a minute I can I I can put those in a mixer and make it 10 times faster I am such an idiot okay cool this is making about one granite a second and considering how many seconds I’m on this game that’s quite a bit of granite next we need to make and aside that one’s going to be very useful and it also requires to pull Cobblestone from this thing and if we just hook this guy up finish this conveyor belt hook it up to power hook this one up to power set up another mixer set up the last draw and we’re getting undersight two at a time with this one all we need to do now is create the outside of the three in one stone Factory but I’m going to clean this entire thing up before I do so now you guys know how it works I can work my magic and just make it as efficient as possible probably also going to use this clay to get bricks out of this thing could also split off the sand that we get turn it into sandstone and glass but it’s currently 1:30 a.m. I’ve been building building this thing all night so I’m going to go to sleep see you guys in the morning all right I think this is a lot neater very much more compact we’re actually getting glass and regular Stone and bricks and sandstone and sand basically I leveled this whole thing up so now oh my God I still haven’t made the outside of the factory that’s got to be the next part right I have absolutely no idea where to begin with this but I think I’m going to use the actual layout of the factory as a basis let’s get making this thing then we can get to the magnetic caves [Music] and there we have it we’ve even got some smoke stacks coming out of these chimneys I built there is just one last touch that I need to add to this building that should finish it off okay and with that I should be good to tick off create outside of three in one stone Factory and we’ve got a ton of stuff I think in one of the episodes coming up I’m going to start with create trains and then I can have like a storage building and a train going between all of these different factories to pick up all the stuff that they’re making but that’s for a future episode right now we’ve got another Alex’s cave to get to the magnetic caves I actually have no idea how far this one is out and if the world generation is like anything it was last time this journey is going to be Dreadful absolutely horrible let me steal this waste down from the village and we should be able to use that to get home all right it appears that this is it we are right on top of the magnetic caves there seems to be a Cave opening down there so I’ll probably just dig down around here wa okay there we go opposite attract let’s just make our way in here still still digging how far is the thing down what is this stuff metal sarf oh am I kidding I know what this stuff is I made so many videos on Alex’s caves this stuff can be used to make scrap M which is a very very cool building block and I’m fairly sure we can also just craft it if we get FOH slime so if we kill one of these guys we can automate this metal scrap production with create Oppenheimer and I also added capturing five to my sword just so I could get some of the spawn eggs of some of the mobs in this biome because as well as all of the cool magnetic stuff it just makes create recipes a lot easier like using a telor we can just put a large Cog wheel on it and then we have a Precision mechanism so let’s actually try and find the entrance to this place oh there we go oh Jesus Christ you are already attacking me oh three telor okay yes cool Hello Nota this appears to be the magnetic cage um not a very big branch of it I will admit there is a magnetron down there okay let’s just be careful oh this is it all right we found an open bit let me uh place down a wayist stone and we’re also right next to a volcanic Cavern so there we go dude can you stop attacking me I want to list off the stuff that we need to do oh my God there is a magnetron just ready to attack me guys guys guys leave me be going to wait over here while I list out what we need to do so we need to find the magnetic cave so that we have already done then we need to explore the biome which is you know work in progress we’re doing doing that then we need to find scarlet and aor neodymium then we need to defeat every single mob in this cave I’ve already defeated a feros slime telor and a Nota so all we need to do on that list is defeat a bound Droid and defeat a magnetron mini boss while we’re down here I’d like to find the polarity armor trim cuz it’s just a cool thing to have then using the drops of these mobs we need to craft a Galena Gauntlet and a resistor Shield as well as seeking arrows and any other stuff that we’re interested in that we can use these materials for okay so ow je I bang my head on some assault pillar let’s get to this the phoh Slime drops from ferah slime balls the no is alerting everybody else that I’m here and that’s a bound Droid okay guys guys guys guys this is by far the most aggressive cave that I’ve been into it’s just like a Dungeon Crawl effectively oh I got a fer slim spawn egg though that means we can automate metal scrap hello bound can you stop trying to smash me please that that that would be really really appreciated hello telor oh God he was he was not that high I thought you’d be stronger heyy bid hey B Droid did it drop it yes we got heavy weights can you stop attacking me for the love of God everything here wants to kill me I would take the Abyssal CM over this place any day all right so we defeated a bound Droid okay and another one’s attacking me before we defeat the magnetron mini boss I want to get Scarlet and Aion odium because using it we can make new tools and armor that is way more effective against these magnetic mobs thanks to the Alex’s cave stuff and additions add on oh hello okay you skeletons you guys are showing off the feature that I didn’t even have to basically if you have iron armor and you send on these crystals you’ll be able to magnetize to them let me just get these on and then oh there we go I can walk on the side of it can you stop attacking me dude I’m just trying to show off a feature oh my God I every everything here is attempting to murder me I am so terrified right now let’s go make some of those tools okay so to make neodymium ingots it is literally kind of like netherite except with iron and this raw neodymium of whichever type you want to use I’m going to use a z and this sword should do 10 damage to any magnetic mobs across my path let’s just go enchant it need more lapis actually never mind Death Wish soulban and leech um I would like sharpness sharpness 5 I just realized I have more neodymium I can just combine a ton of Swords all right I reckon that should do it now before we go back I just want to make some night vision potions there we go bottle those up make a charm of night vision enable this thing and then we can head back all right so everything is up for grabs I should be able to oneshot most of these mobs now oh my God that is that is so satisfying now I just need to look for a magnetron the mini boss of this cave I have absolutely no idea where he might be another hey I got a telor spawn egg oh my God I’m going to have so much fun later okay back on track I need to find a magnetron there’s a magnetron okay let’s get into this ow no no no no no no no no no that that was kind of terrifying okay no no no no no third party third parties aren’t allowed third parties aren’t allowed learned that last time okay dude ow ow ow ow ow you only have 80 Health you’re not going to be as hard as the hle breaker you won’t be as hard as the hle breaker I can I can literally kill you when the Cobble hit I I really overestimated your strength actually wao and there we go we’ve got the of iron we can use this thing to make the resistor shield and we need another one to make the magnetic Quarry which I think would probably be quite cool to do here there’s another one oh God no you’re made up of iron you’re made up of iron there we go okay let me be let me be let me be you are attacking me with swords from every angle okay I I really really need to get out of here ow ow ow ow ow ow okay oh jeez this is a massive part of the cave this is what we game for I can tick off obtain scarleton as your neodymium defeat the magnetron mini boss I haven’t found a polarity armor trim yet get on that but soon we can craft a Galena Gauntlet and a resistor shield and seeking arrows there also seems to be a friendly visitor here hello Gail what have you got for sale you are really useless my friend all right I’m going to look around this cave for some structures and hopefully we can get that polarity armor trim there is a structure this is the head of a refiner I believe in the law these things were massive robots that used to operate in this cave are there any chests around here though so I I would really really appreciate them no okay no no no there are none ow to be fair I’m a bit disappointed in the magnetron I thought they’d be stronger you guys are just really really like compensating aren’t you yeah I’m just going to go back I mean I’ve got a truck ton of loot from this place so I think I can make do without a polarity armor trim right now I want to make all the cool stuff that we can make with the stuff from that biome so first of all the Galena Gauntlet so this thing’s cool because you can use it with tools that are in your off hand as long as they’re magnetic I have no magnetic tools looky there is an enchant for this crystallization we can use this thing to M blocks from very very far away oh oh okay Y no yeah you’re digging you’re digging very fast which is obviously useful in certain situations but right now yeah I think it’s safe to say it’s pretty cool also fairly sure if I switch back to my regular sword I can use it to attack mobs from far away as well that’s quite cool will it digs Stone oh my God I can I can use my sword to dig rocks oh hello basically when I need to excavate stuff this thing’s going to be very very handy next up is the resistor Shield this thing uses a heart of iron that we got from the magnetron and as the name would suggest it’s a magnetic Shield it’ll push mobs away or pull them closer and I’m fairly sure the enchants we can get on this thing are also good heavy slam resistance Shields first slam attack diesel additional damage there’s also Arrow inducting which I didn’t get which makes the resistor Shield transform any deflected arrows into seeking arrows which I’m pretty sure we are covering next so if we make a couple of these rip beond dude that is an amazing reference and grab a bow even why did I craft one I have so many seeking arrows will home in on targets so if I find an innocent creature really quick you are my test subject you can see I clearly shot above him and it still hit him literally just the same as yondu’s arrow with a tiny bit less whistle take that off and now we need to look into Alex’s cave stuff and Torpedoes sure we can make a magnetic helmet a pocket magnet FOH slime boots a pulsar gun and a magnet display so Ferro slime boots are bouncy boots if I hover up a tiny bit and then jump all fall damage is gone and I just sort of Bounce along the way if I take off my jetp pack entirely and just hold the space bar I can get around very very fast so these things are quite cool it’s actually really really fun what the hell next up we got the magnetic Helm my god do I look like Magneto or something this thing makes you attract under magnetic blocks so if I do something like this and then I just fly under it I’ll be held in place here even without my jet pack on and I can just sort of go forward slowly oh Jesus Christ it’s it’s a bit boogy apparently but I’m fairly sure if I put Ferro slime boots on as well I can go twice as fast on iron block oh thank God these things are actually really handy for taking away fall damage if I don’t mind being bouncy but my favorite thing is the Pulsar gun this thing I think it’s best if I just show you oh my god W you can basically like parkour around W and I’m out of fuel who okay I don’t think they have any enchantments but they just so cool oh my God finally the magnetic displays are just a way to display your items they’re basically just pedestals with a really cool magnetic caves theme and saving the best until last now before I use all of these to make something really cool we can make a magnetic Quarry for that we need the actual magnetic Quarry which I’ve just crafted four magnetic lights and a magnetic Quarry Smasher this thing basically uses the drops of every single mob in the cave you place down your magnetic Quarry you place four lights they all connect and then you just place a magnetic Quarry Smasher in the middle of it and it should start digging this thing is very very reminiscent of build craft and really really loud apparently but if I just set something up here it should just drop the stuff into this chest and away it goes I’m going to leave that to it now time for the build this is going to seem like favoritism because I gave the Abyssal Chasm a literal gold Fish Bowl in comparison but we’ll we’ll be fine it’ll be okay there are a ton of blocks from the magnetic caves that would make for a sick build so let me go grab my w of symmetry we can get to work with [Music] [Music] it this has got to be up there with some of the favorite builds that I’ve done we have these pedestals up here if I grab all of the stuff that we made my God is that cool all right now for the insides of these massive monolifts that I’ve built I don’t want the entrance to be very obvious so to achieve such an effect I’m going to make two frame doors place them down there and just pop some black stone on them and to the average viewer they’d be none the wiser but in here is where the Magic’s going to happen when it’s lit up all right that should work now we need to make use of what little space we have to build about two separate assembly lines half of which I’ll do today and half of which I’ll do another time but for both of them we need a spawner for tators okay time for a first in the series I need to test out where the magnets can pull tators so here goes nothing oh no no no it appears it appears that they that they don’t what am I going to do with you my friend okay so this holds you here change that to attack mode have a belt running out of this thing then just switch this thing on okay this doesn’t seem to be working maybe if I make this thing a block shorter I could use like a ton of in INE fans okay yeah I think that might just be working and it’s pushing out everything that it gets including experience Inc case fans and the pushes from starw dungeons might be the way to go but I’m going to need an absolute fck ton of in case chain drives but that that’s completely fine I think I’m going to downsize that significantly because we didn’t need that big of an area and it just needs to kill the telor that it’s spawning so we could just have them in really cramped conditions it doesn’t matter if we’re cruel to them they’re getting killed anyway okay hopefully this one works going to flick this lever we’re going to get any telor any at all do we need to up the spawn range oh no yep definitely leave me alone okay cool cool cool cool it’s working we are slowly but surely killing telor in this building and we’re getting telor spawn eggs as well so we can make even more of these things we’re getting neodymium but most importantly we’re getting telor half of which we can Crush into these materials and the other half we can deploy large Cog Wheels onto to make Precision mechanisms that of course like I said we will do in the next episode God those guys are loud I’m going to go and grab some wool ow ow no no no no no out stop stop all right as I was saying eventually I’ll automate that process but right now I have no train lines going between any of these factories that will be tackled in the next episode so as of right now this place is literally just collecting this stuff but anyway let me sort out some storage drawers for this thing and just set up another one of these things put all of these iron tools on this filter get an anide funnel here a belt between them hook this up give them all void upgrades give them all storage upgrades this is actually working incredibly well we have 800 telor that is effectively 800 precision mechanisms what the hell okay and I think for that I’m going to leave this episode here thank you so much for watching in the next episode I’m going to work on making a train line that goes between all of my factories and brings it all to a storage room as well as automating everything else that I can around the magnetic caves so thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next timee [Music]

This video, titled ‘I found THE MOST DANGEROUS Cave in Minecraft. (Alex’s Caves)’, was uploaded by goutros on 2024-06-21 15:30:07. It has garnered 5117 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:37 or 1297 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftseries #moddedminecraft #alexscaves #createmod

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In this magnetic episode of Create Adventures, I take our modded Minecraft journey to new dangerous destinations! First, I create a brand new 8-In-One Stone Factory In Minecraft Create. Watch as I build a steam engine, and use the power it gives me to build my biggest create mod factory yet. After that’s done I find myself in Alex’s Caves Magnetic Caves! By far the most dangerous place I’ve found in my Minecraft Modded world.

Join me as I defeat these mechanical new minecraft mobs, use their drops to craft some really cool items and minecraft guns to blast me around the world, and even automate Teletors in order to begin automating Alex’s Caves Items. This episode is packed with conflict, fun, adventure, and plenty of modded Minecraft mayhem! If you like the Minecraft Create mod or Alex’s Caves, be sure to stick around! Get It… like a magnet 🧲

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Thanks for watching I found THE MOST DANGEROUS Cave in Minecraft. (Alex’s Caves)

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Madness! (PPL Request YT)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,599’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:26:26. It has garnered 74 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,599 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • EnderElite

    EnderEliteWelcome to EnderElite Enderelite is an elete minecraft network wil a multitude of gamemodes and more to come. we have a frindley staff base and a discord server. a well maintained anti cheat and custom plugins. with the use of mcmmo a custom economy and shops, and land protection and touns and nations. we have 2 ip’s you can connect to the server. play.enderelite.com network.enderelite.com play.enderelite.com Read More

  • The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server – smp

    The Atlas Project Modded Bedrock Server Join our server with great addons 18 years and up only Brand New World with custom terrain, items, and behavior addons List of addons: Better on Bedrock Hoof by Grounfbeef Raiyon’s Java Combat Addon Mini Blocks by FoxyNoTail Raiyon’s More Enchantments Addon Raiyon’s More Shields Addon Raiyon’s More Elytras Addon Universal Pack with RenderDragon Support Join the discord server to get the IP Discord Server Link Read More

  • USA Server 1.20 – 1.21

    USA Server 1.20 - 1.21Welcome to MoreFun- USA 1.20 – 1.21 JavaSince 2020, MoreFun has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we have a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Visit our website for more information: §bNo Server Resets, Online Map, Discord, PVP, §r §aEconomy, Shop, Claim land, Survival, No Phantoms, (apexmc.co)Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mind never changing.

    Well, I guess this meme really knows how to mine its own business! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • The New Minecraft is Insane!

    The New Minecraft is Insane! Exploring the Exciting Updates of Minecraft 1.21 Embark on a blind journey through the new and incredible Minecraft update, 1.21, with no idea of what is happening. Unveiling the Unknown In this video, the players delve into the mysteries of version 1.21 with a twist – they are clueless about the new additions. Enjoy 10 minutes of thrilling gameplay as Mn escapes the hordes of Trial Spawners and Melle surprises with unexpected phrases. Copyrighted Music Experience the captivating tunes of Kevin MacLeod and Gavin Luke in the background, adding depth to the gameplay. The OST Crystal Dungeons by KrtD… Read More

  • Marvin’s SHOCKING Goodbye from Jeffy!

    Marvin's SHOCKING Goodbye from Jeffy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Says GOODBYE FOREVER In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-06-03 21:14:20. It has garnered 49240 views and 734 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:52 or 7432 seconds. CHECK OUT THE SML STORE! thank them for allowing fans to make channels of their characters we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without their support! https://smlmerch.hellojuniper.com/ Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos… Read More

  • Escape from Evil Minecraft Prison

    Escape from Evil Minecraft PrisonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Baby Escapes Evil MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by Looni on 2024-05-17 15:30:03. It has garnered 1168 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:25 or 985 seconds. Baby Escapes Evil MINECRAFT PRISON! Can Looni Escape The Evil MINECRAFT PRISON? Will he get captured? Watch Until the end to find out! Subscribe for DAILY family friendly uploads 🤩 #looni #whosyourdaddygame Read More

  • Shocking: Baby Cow Saves Angel in Minecraft! #shorts

    Shocking: Baby Cow Saves Angel in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Baby Cow SAVES Angel #shorts’, was uploaded by Mayor05 on 2024-07-12 19:45:45. It has garnered 79361 views and 2507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft Baby Cow SAVES Angel Made with Blockbuster 🙂 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayornaise05/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mayornaise05?lang=en Mayor05 content includes funny shorts, TikToks, and Youtube videos related to Minecraft Challanges, Minecraft but, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE and EPIC Moments, music, songs, and many more! Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, 100 days, or any other but challenge like… Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Builds EPIC Minecraft Treehouse” #minecraft

    "Insane Gamer Builds EPIC Minecraft Treehouse" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing tree house in Minecraft#minecraft’, was uploaded by Inthis Gamer on 2024-07-16 01:26:56. It has garnered 577 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Amazing tree house in Minecraft#minecraft Read More

  • Insane Challenge: $1000 Giveaway Every Death on DonutSMP.Net!

    Insane Challenge: $1000 Giveaway Every Death on DonutSMP.Net!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing DonutSMP.Net Live With Viewers (Every time i die i give 1k to someone random)’, was uploaded by JoshTheG on 2024-01-17 10:03:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #gaming #live #trending #viral #fyp #donutsmp #donutsmplive Join the discord https://discord.gg/B26X3VMv DonutSMP … Read More

  • Desperate for One More Sub 🙏 #Minecraft #Shorts

    Desperate for One More Sub 🙏 #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I NEED 1 MORE SUBSCRIBER PLS 🙏 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Pecanut on 2024-07-03 15:27:46. It has garnered 12310 views and 619 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft animations, Minecraft animation videos, Minecraft hell comin with me, Minecraft animations hell’s comin with me, Minecraft animations sad story, Minecraft sad story, Minecraft father son sad story, Minecraft but, But lava raises, Hell’s comin with me animations, Hell’s comin with technoblade, Minecraft wither boss hell’s comin with me, How To Escape Minecraft Traps In Every Age, Minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Build Hack! 😱 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Build Hack! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Build hack #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by ZK KILLER on 2024-02-25 07:23:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft build hacks minecraft shorts shorts minecraft hacks minecraft building minecraft building hacks minecraft build … Read More

  • EPIC finale of our AMAZING park in Minecraft!

    EPIC finale of our AMAZING park in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – Finishing our Beautiful Park’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-04-14 18:33:49. It has garnered 158 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. #minecraft #C418 #survival Episode 149 This is our Serene Survival Playlist, where we play simple minecraft survival mode backed by wonderful music. Make sure to hop on the playlist to enjoy the full series and if you’re not up for the gameplay, check out our Serene Sundays where we compile all the music from a week’s worth of the series in to one… Read More

  • INSANE SOLO VILLAGE BUILD – Minecraft Bedrock Part 8

    INSANE SOLO VILLAGE BUILD - Minecraft Bedrock Part 8Video Information start streaming let’s go kita live lagi live lagi bak Jana bagikan dulu gas lagi gas lagi gas lagi Ayo dong muncul dong gak ada sih ah elah muncul-muncul loh nah muncul gas lagi Nah tadi aku penasaran sama satu postingan tadi tu mana diaareare aduh adaja guys yaah yaah loh kok gelap Wih Oh ya ini kan iya juga ya sorry sorry toch Oke jadi itu kemarin itu aku sudah mengumpulkan Blaze Oke That’s good lah sekarang aku mencoba mencari E mencari ini sekarang nih netherward nih tapi dari segala tapi nih Karena aku punya cobblestone sebenarnya… Read More

  • Project Empire

    Project EmpireWelcome to Project Empire, where survival meets community in the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft! Dive into our immersive Towny experience and join forces with fellow players to build, trade, and conquer together. Features: Towny Economy: Establish your own thriving town or join an existing one to pool resources, protect each other, and dominate the landscape. Our robust economy system ensures that every transaction matters as you trade, buy, and sell goods to build your empire. Regular Updates: Our dedicated team of developers is constantly working behind the scenes to bring you fresh content, exciting features, and gameplay improvements…. Read More

  • Expert+ Hardcore 1.19.4 smp survival vanilla

    Java Server with Customized Gameplay This Java server offers a unique twist on vanilla Minecraft with enhanced mob damage, no enchantment cap, new magic weapons, vehicles, and more. Our server is not pay-to-win, but we offer options to support us such as purchasable ranks and cosmetics. Join our community today at https://discord.gg/brvudgYTPW Read More

  • Voidsent Junior High School

    Voidsent Junior High SchoolWelcome OGs, Tryhards, Noobs, Griefers, and Everything in between! (Except Hackers)Voidsent is a dedicated factions survival server. We have lots of custom items and enchantments for the most enjoyable player experience!We have multiple well built locations like Spawn and the PvP Arena!We do massive loot giveaways at Spawn every few days!If you recommend this server to a friends we will have rewards waiting for you!Hope to see you soon! – The Voidsent Staff team. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wasted Energy, RIP Ore.symmetric

    Well, at least all that energy wasn’t wasted on trying to find diamonds and getting blown up by creepers! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft :D’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 18:05:42. It has garnered 4 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: mindwind.com Read More

  • Golden XP Galore: Crafting Farming Fun!

    Golden XP Galore: Crafting Farming Fun! In this game, we’re on a quest for gold, Building farms, our fortunes to behold. XP and riches, we’ll gather them all, In Minecraft, we rise, never to fall. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, Crafting, building, until the day is done. Subscribe, like, and share the joy we find, In this world of blocks, our creativity combined. Read More

  • Slenderman vs Villager: Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme

    Slenderman vs Villager: Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme When Slenderman tries to blend in with the Minecraft villagers but ends up just looking like a tall, skinny Oi Oi Oi enthusiast. #awkward #fail Read More

  • Blue Axolotl Quest: Hardcore Minecraft Fun!

    Blue Axolotl Quest: Hardcore Minecraft Fun! Minecraft Hardcore: Attempting to Get a Blue Axolotl Introduction In a recent Twitch VOD from February 19th, 2022, the streamer embarked on a mission to obtain a rare Blue Axolotl in Hardcore Minecraft Season 7 Episode 34. The goal was to create a tropical fish farm to breed the elusive creature. Setting Up the Tropical Fish Farm The streamer began by researching a simple design for the tropical fish farm, requiring materials like glass, Soul Sand, trapdoors, and kelp. The farm consisted of a checkerboard layout of Soul Sand and glass, with water on top and kelp placed strategically…. Read More

  • Uncover INSANE Minecraft Cave w/ Goutros – Alex’s Caves

    Uncover INSANE Minecraft Cave w/ Goutros - Alex's CavesVideo Information hello and welcome back to create adventures in the last episode we took a deep dive into the Abyssal Chasm from the Alex’s caves in this episode we’re going to explore the mechanical new magnetic caves by far the most hostile place I’ve been so far in this series and on top of that we’re going to be building a huge New Stone Factory to get us a ton of resources and a magnetic monolith to Showcase some of the new items that we’re going to get as well as beginning to automate Alex’s caves with create I’m… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge Pt 16

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge Pt 16Video Information I’m a pimp falling this pimping r g slowly the tempo just enough to keep the T making F off a dick [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour Pt 16 | #16 | @WeekendG0 | #edit #minecraft #mcparkour #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Weekend Gamer on 2024-04-25 11:02:04. It has garnered 463 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hello Guys please dont forget to like, share, and Subscribe this video and comment me Links: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ5TrGI4n6fetehT4fLtA2w Subscribe: https://bit.ly/WeekendGamer Discord: https://bit.ly/WeekendGamerDiscord And wee thanks for watching this Video About… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL: Dropping Giant’s Sword in Hypixel SkyBlock! 😱🐱” #Minecraft #HypixelSkyBlock

    "EPIC FAIL: Dropping Giant's Sword in Hypixel SkyBlock! 😱🐱" #Minecraft #HypixelSkyBlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘I dropped giant’s sword in Hypixel SkyBlock #minecraft #hypixelskyblock #hypixel’, was uploaded by Cats.YT24 on 2024-03-07 17:58:09. It has garnered 789 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Design in Minecraft – Easy Tutorial #32

    Ultimate Modern House Design in Minecraft - Easy Tutorial #32Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) #32 – Interior in Description!’, was uploaded by Mordan Designer on 2024-01-02 16:28:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) #32 – Interior in Description!➜Minecraft: How to Make a Modern House … Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: TNT Cart Destroys Village! 🤯🎮 #minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: TNT Cart Destroys Village! 🤯🎮 #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] no God no God please no no no [Music] no This video, titled ‘Trying To Destory Village With Tnt Cart 🤯🤯 #minecraft #short’, was uploaded by TESTI BOY on 2024-03-05 16:44:53. It has garnered 825 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Will Enderman Survive #minecraft #short #MinecraftExplorers 2. #BlockByBlock 3. #FriendsInMinecraft 4. #OneBlockChallenge 5. #MinecraftAdventures 6. #BuildingTogether 7. #MinecraftCommunity 8. #ExploringOneBlock 9. #FriendshipInMinecraft 10. #masteringminecraft #minecraft #trending #live #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftlivesmp #livestream #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftvideos #minecrafthighlights #minecrafttipsandtricks #youtuber #smplive #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftjava #livesmp #minecraftpe #minecraftlive… Read More