Uncover Supernatural Secrets – Explosive Adventures!【HC Minecraft】

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] wow hello hello hello everyone welcome to the stream hope everyone is doing super super well oh dear everything’s a bit scuffed that’s fine though welcome in I hope everyone’s doing really well oh that’s why oh I remember why it’s a bit scuffed um okay I need to move myself I need to uh I need to why are you doing that why why video game uh I need to yeah there we go there we go there we go I’m small again yipp yippy yepe um how’s everyone doing welcome back welcome back uh for a moment small craft indeed I forgot to press big is this good how’s the size this is fine right oh we got Spector has been like such long hi like 5 minutes already what do you mean what do you mean I see no evidence of a stream that I did before this stream I what are you talking about it’s crazy um so welcome everyone today we are going to do some Minecraft you know I’ve kind of forgotten I’ve kind of Forgotten a bit about what we are doing in Minecraft so we’re just going to go blow up the nether I just feel like whenever I um have have nothing to do in Minecraft I blow up the ne we also do need NE thank you also YY is I feel I feel like the J is pronounced as a y j JY y YY thank you so much for for uh buying membership welcome to sele library welcome in welcome in um and if you are part of the membership don’t uh don’t forget that you can go look at the Spectra Liberty I have no words in my brain you can go check out the Spector Litin and membership wallpaper which look super super cute if you want to do I have a sample of it you know I still might have the sample you know I realized I actually never plugged this like ever did I did I show this on stream I feel like I didn’t show it on stream but yeah this is the um membership wallpaper that I commissioned so if you are part of the membership uh I have a a bigger version a non Watermark version of the factor litina membership wpaper art for spring which you can check out with an accompanying short story voice P here welome voice back but that was ages ago that that was years ago anyway isn’t it cute isn’t it so high definition look at that shading look at the beautiful like rainbow effect on the camera lens oh it’s so pretty it’s so pretty look at the unifor oh oh very good very good it comes into variation so yeah I hope you guys have been enjoying that um I’m actually like un ironically using it as my wallpaper right now so yeah well listen I’ve got what what else what else am I what else am I going to use it for okay um anyway I hope you guys enjoyed that uh uh this month is a voice P have I started doing it no I’ve been busy but that’s fine personally I I think that’s fine anyway um let me get everything set up sorry I don’t have my my phone so I can see chat oh the chats oh God no I don’t want to streaming is so hard probably second best in be a you to say my name thank you please let me know which one it is please let me know I hate I hate mispronouncing names but I know I do it by accident all the time all right um let me turn on my bgm guys can you hear my bgm if I put it that loud do you hear anything is that loud enough oh also I turn off my Minecraft sounds hang on let me turn them back on again cuz I was afking here did I turn the Mac on no I didn’t there we go all right we might need to oh you can oh very good very good sometimes I always turn it a bit too low okay excellent excellent all right everything is set up everything is so fine we’re so we’re so right yippe okay welcome back everyone to the oh pain I got shaders but also I need to rebind that oh that’s disgusting okay um where is the shaders reload ew ew stop it um too shaders and open armor config what do I want my too shaders key to be um n like that that oh my God my PC’s personen oh pain oh my gosh wow Minecraft with shaders oh my PC can finally run why do I have no things in my inventory I have no Rockets why do I have no Rockets oh my gosh but aren’t my shaders so beautiful chat look at my frame rate oh the frames I know I can actually run Minecraft with shaders so I realized the other day oh hey I can actually run Minecraft with shaders now because I I say the other day literally this morning I completely forgot that I could do this now that I have a good PC every Minecraft streamer like all the good Minecraft streamers they always always always always have shaders on cuz it makes the game look so much nicer and I just never got shaders because I couldn’t I tried to run it a few times and it just tanked my frames to zero but now now I have so many frames like I can see the clouds I can see the sky oh everything everything wiggles like look at that wiggling oh my gosh it it’s wiggling wow everything wiggle wait are my frame still okay [Music] chat wow it Wiggles oh I’m so happy wait do you wiggle it Wiggles oh wow oh everything’s so Wiggly how does my house look oh it looks a bit dark and depressing not going to lie anyway that’s fine that that’s we can we can cope with that we can cope with that um oh do you guys want to see my house wow wow wow your mom let me have with these frames yeah Mom said it was my turn to have a good frame rate it’s been six years it’s been six years yippy oh wow I love having shaders anyway um do we want to keep the shaders low key low key it feels wrong oh and now this looks so ugly man man there’s no window is there they’re just oh I completely forgot to add my um I forgot to add my thingy back to the thingy oh I have no oh my my my words are so hard to say right now okay I forgot to add the mod that lets me see what’s in my Sher boxes but that’s fine right so Mission today is get a better shoel um we’re going to go blow up the nether but as you guys can see we have like basically no sand now you have to start building with shaders in mind no okay chat do we want shaders or no shaders what do we think anyway we have no sand right now so we need to go and collect some in order to make uh the most TNT to ever walk the planet so in order to do that I am going to start trading stuff in do we want shaders or not why can’t we have the nice W wiggling things the shaders look too nice for the stream what do you mean well the only downside of the shaders is you cannot fool bright you know what I actually wonder if there a Shader pack um yeah there are Shader pack settings oh my gosh wait so cool oh my gosh this is so cool um oh God I um atmospherics I don’t want I don’t want the clouds on how do I turn the clouds off yeah yeah and then uh oh my gosh we can change a sky color oh oh my gosh we can make it like okay that’s not like changing it oh God what was it before shift click oh okay beautiful beautiful oh aora color we can have auroras oh my oh my goodness okay chat what what else should we change block light um intensity I kind of want high intensity for my lighting uh weather color oh gosh oh gosh there’s so many things there’s so many what does it mean what does it mean ambient morning Day evening a night oh God minimum light yeah give me give me some bright light how’s that never mind never mind never mind no no no no no oh God oh God I hate that uh oh God where was where was maybe maybe we up it by like that oh God okay oh my God everything’s so bright oh God oh God the light chat the light burns the the the light burns a lot I don’t I don’t like this oh the light it hurts it hurts it localized entirely within your Minecraft house I I’m so stressed right now turn on rracing is that a thing in this mod pack I I’d be shocked like Shader packs um they tend not to have anything on them because uh obviously they they want them to be able to like be used on servers and so if you have anything like that that’s kind of cheaty and so uh I don’t think server mod would really let that F leave me alone I’m just a little guy oh dear honestly honestly chat um these these goons they just they won’t leave me alone I’m just too cool all right let me see if I can get another shovel so what can you get me efficiency I want Unbreaking oh that’s you know what that’s good enough that is good enough so if I put this here and then I combine that with oh God I don’t have another efficiency one I mean I could combine these but it’s C of Vanishing but then Vanishing doesn’t matter cuz if I die I die you know what I’m saying um do we want to you know what let’s not bother super upgrading let’s not bother uh that’s not silk touch yeah you know what YOLO it is what it is cool um anything else we need right now don’t think there’s anything else we need right now uh I do want to check if we can get feather falling please give me feather falling we don’t have feather falling right okay so our next order of business is oh wow wow chat the night sky it’s so pretty did the world always look like this wow and the ey the glor who knew that everything that Minecraft could be so pretty oh I’ve never seen Minecraft like this before okay that’s good to bad they’re going to murder us okay local Brit discovers a clear sky listen chat listen I’m just a little guy right so I actually want to go and um completely obliterate uh the local population of sand we’re going to go destroy the desert okay do I have why are you hissing oh it’s a Sher not the Sher it’s the Phantom dying okay um I’m going to get a spare Sher I don’t actually think we have one right now I think I think that will with stuff in them we could use the a lighter one but I can’t be bothered uh let’s use this one no you know what we we’ll just make another one why not why not we have the Sher shells we probably do need need to go to the end again and um get more Sher shells because this will not be enough to to feed my my Sher shell addiction yeah I need to make a wool as well oh God oh God where’s my stuff what oh you know what [ __ ] it want to if only Spector had a better organization system be quiet be quiet my organization system is fine it’s so fine chat it’s so fine um and I’m going to take some of our gunpowder with us you might be like oh why you taking the gunpowder with us uh the reason is simple are my frames really okay like are my frames actually all right I am running two streams right now let me just check my um let me just check that my stuff’s okay my God it is wow that is crazy wow wow chat I’m like a real streamer don’t you think it’s not um completely scuffed or anything is it oh my God why why is all my who why was no one going to tell me that I’m red and that my Spears are out oh chat why was no one going to tell me that okay um wow everything does look okay we love to see it we actually do love to see it beautiful very cool okay um the reason why I’m going to take some Gunpowder with me is because it actually is very beneficial fr the good I miss 5 FPS Spectra there is actually a setting on vtube Studio that lets you like fake your model being at 5 FPS and we could use that one day if we really wanted you know what maybe that would be a goal in my future long stream um chat I am planning it’s my birthday dud so I am planning you know I think you guys can guess what I have planned maybe that can be one of the goals maybe that can be one of the goal and if anyone else can think of you know little incentive things that they would like me to do for my birthday maybe I can think about that maybe maybe I can consider that you know what I mean you know what I mean um cuz I am fin lizing everything at the moment okay I can guess what’s cooking in the background yeah it’s not a cover song Oh pain I mean what who said that all right we’re going to turn the Shad as while he teleported behind me crazy all right where is the last uh doert we want to – 5,200 2,600 – 5200 2600 uh chat can you guys please remember that got can you please stop caliing everywhere you’re making me a little anxious okay uh minus 5,200 2,600 like this way basically just this way all right let’s go nothing personal please I’m just a little guy I’m genuinely too scared of putting shaders on on while I’m like rendering out the map so uh we’re going to turn them off for now but if you guys want me to keep them I can consider I’m just like the sounds really stupid but I’m not used to playing with shaders and I’m kind of um a little bit anxious about how it will affect me in a life or death hardcore situation cuz I’m used to handling all my life or death hardcore situations with like base game lighting where everything looks like this and I’m like well what if in a life or death situation I get distracted by pretty light you know it’s not going to be good for me it’s going to it’s going to be super bad for me actually lethal one might say oh this is a good place for a slime farm no one you know what we don’t need a slime farm yet oh he is the chosen one oh that poor Pig anyway should we put him out of his misery chat should I kill him or should I should I leave him oh what a weird Island man that is chaotic all right you die cuz of sungl indeed indeed no I won’t remember fair enough fair enough there are Spiros who who are up for the challenge of remembering a string of numbers only four digits long was he in misery to begin with well he looks a little lonely up there he’s kind of Trapped forever and I just don’t know how to feel should we deand this area ooh drop oce you know what let’s um let’s desand this area to begin with and um see how far we get oh it’s still not fast enough chat it’s not insta break is this insta break it doesn’t feel that quick I I feel like it could be faster chat we need efficiency 5 we need efficiency 5 in netherite and we need it like yesterday uh it’s actually eight digit and includes a negative number chat come on chat come on negative numbers aren’t hard it’s imaginary numbers where I’m like you know what mathematics was a mistake cuz who who just sat there and was like you know what’s really useful for us to think of about imaginary numbers no what are you talking about if it’s imaginary we don’t need it we don’t need it in our life okay anyway I just don’t think imaginary numbers were ethical uh to create but you know what that that’s my opinion that’s just my opinion um you know some people they’re imaginary number enjoyers and I I respect that but I I just think imaginary numbers need to be um obliterated from Theory forever anyway no bring him home with you um I I just don’t think he’s um going to survive I just don’t think he’s going to survive the journey they’re silly little guys but maybe they shouldn’t be but have we considered that they they could not be and that would also be better for for like everyone uh conceivably I’m hearing things underground I hearing I’m hearing rats I’m hearing I’m hearing spiders I don’t like it most of your fanck is a imaginary too and we read that what do you mean it’s not imaginary when I put it on paper since oh my God chat can I just tell you something one of my favorite um fanfic authors updated yesterday and I am so happy I spent all of yesterday just reading fanfiction and then writing like an essay in the comments about how much I like that fanfiction uh which I do a lot which I which I do a lot um people who leave essays in in your comments are like the best people ever I have to say I have I have one or two of those people on my fan fix and they it makes me so oh what that oh oh dear and it makes me so so happy it makes me the happiest the happiest ghost uh so yeah uh those comments make people’s days right so I’m going to start [Music] uh uh making stuff oh God I’m out of inventory space making stuff into TNT cuz sorry these ratios are completely off there we go um because it’s a little more space efficient that way like you can probably tell already that it’s um it’s very useful to do I’m scared that one of these um sand caves is going to collapse and it’s going to send me right into the pit of like eight zombies and spiders so I’m just going to be a little careful around here I think it might be a spawner actually I wouldn’t be shocked I wouldn’t be terribly terribly surprised if it [Music] was okay so that is as much TNT as we can make cool let’s keep [Music] going she wants us to write essays in from now on now that would be hard to read I’m just saying that it’s so nice when like people appreciate like other people’s fanfic books and it’s also I see essay comments on some people’s fanfics and I read them and I’m like oh man that made me appreciate this from from a perspective that I didn’t actually see before and sometimes the really really goated commenters will give you a very accurate characterization of what you thought was going on with like what like what you intended as an author but then they’ll throw in a curbo and they’ll be like oh I really like how this character is clearly thinking this and I’m like then not thinking that they’re not thinking that at all but that is a really good theory and I might you know maybe that would make more sense and then you write it in or um it gives you a different perspective on on what’s going on I should fan I’m following to come back to public um chapters I need them in my life what do you mean as in you need the chapters to update it’s always super super super sad when a fanfiction like just gets abandoned and it’s even sad like there’s a sad when the author hasn’t written anything or updated anything in like years but I think it’s even sadder when you see the author actively updating other works and they’ve just clearly abandoned their work in progress and that they’re not going to update it anymore based on their other updating statuses it’s very upsetting it’s very upsetting one of my favorite fan fictions of all time which is so good and so funny I’m not really into comedy fan fictions or like light-hearted ones but something about the humor in this one just is really good it works with me it works very well with me um sadly I don’t think it’s ever getting completed and it’s so upsetting I check it all the time I have it it’s an open tab so chat my browser will tell me how many tabs I have open and it stops counting at 99 tabs I think I have about 300 tabs open on my phone all of them are just like fan fixed works that I don’t want to lose and I’m just waiting to see update should I just log into an account and have like a dedicated AO3 reading account and have it bookmarked and have like updates sent to my emo yes absolutely but I have like 12 different AO3 accounts so I’m like I’m definitely going to lose track of that I should make a new AO3 account to just complete it yourself I can’t I can’t because I don’t have the Mastery chat I don’t have the vision like the the vision of some authors is just so immaculate that it’s not something I could ever replicate and it’s like I want to see how the author intended for this to end I don’t want to take up a work yeah in my whole um writing history Tre oh my god do I not have a bed um things are going to start spawning let’s go home let us leave but yeah in my entire fanfiction history I have never picked up a work that someone’s like abandoned it does happen sometimes like it’s called adopting a work I believe where basically the author is like I’m not going to update this anymore and someone would be like hey can I finish writing it for you um I’ve seen that happen a few times rarely does it go that well I would say um I would say every time I think one of my favorite Works has been adopted by another author I have like felt it I really felt it not be the same should we go to bed here let’s go to bed here become the next brand serson who completed Wheel of Time I haven’t read real of time I should I know people like it I’m just not that into like old fantasy books oh maybe you know what let’s just fly home I can’t be bothered to deal with the monsters I just can’t um am I going the wrong way where do I live chat uh 1,000 I am going the right way 1,000 1,000 5,000 yeah I’m much went to Modern fantasy works I would say um Wheel of Time was quite old wasn’t it adopt it by force and make the next chapter so bad the also comes back out of fight oh no that is truly evil oh it finished in 2013 I swear huh I thought it was like 1980s and then it was only very recently picked up what really hey where was the first Wheel of Time book published hang on hang on Wheel of Time yeah first book 1990 okay so not 1980 but but it’s like a it’s been around for a long time 1980 1990 okay that’s only 10 years Chad I wasn’t that far off it’s established it’s been around goodness gracious it has it just has 15 books yeah I feel like books don’t take that long for people to read right like for 300 Pages maybe it’ll take 4 hours to complete so I feel like 15 books you can get through very quickly so yeah I think the Au died yeah that is what happened and then I think it was quite a long time before it was said that it was going to be finished or something like that [Music] anyway I I remember well I think I remember it being in limbo for a while I have a lot of friends who love fantasy like I have a lot of what you would call like typically nerdy friends uh like the friends who play DND D the friends who are super into they’re also Jim Bros like they’re like the nerd Jim Bros you know what I mean the the nerd jimro archetype is truly a hybrid that has become so so normalized I think and it it’s very nice uh but yeah they love fantasy books they love DND D they like anime and they like video games and they like going to the gym truly I I was going to say Trifecta pecta is that like a word for trifecta but five truly just like the ultimate Pentagon of interests I guess um so yeah so yeah so yeah I hear like things through the grape vine but I I am not like um in the same circle of fantasy reading as they are they’re like big fantasy Buffs and I’m I’m not so much so yeah good for Jim that people go to him a lot right he must have some great advice okay shall we head to the nether uh I don’t know what to do with you I’m going to make you does blue or give you light blue dye it does give you light blue dye we love to see that okay right let’s put this in the treasure chest H I need to start um clearing this out I think is this is this like pass me telling future me to sort this out you know what I’ll keep the TNT in here why not was past me telling future me to like make this into like one super bow I don’t really know why I have it here also don’t really know why I smite for un mending uh I know I have that there I know how I have that there steak um obsidian doesn’t need to go oh actually obsidian does need to go here I’ll tell you guys why I always keep obsidian in my chest it’s because if I’m ever stuck in the nether it’s um you can just like go to the other world it’s just useful like you never know when you want to swap between the two so I should also uh put some Flint in there for like flint and steel there we go just to remind future me what it’s for okay that’s all good um yeah I don’t need anything else I’m going to combine these very quickly and then what else is there yeah let’s go to the nether let’s do a little bit of explody stuff what that going to be it’s going to be way more expensive isn’t it it is going to be more expensive wild um um that’s a nice bow not power five oh it’s flame and infinity is that punch three I forget there’s no punch three well when I’m running out of this bow I can just combine these two and make a super pad bow again that would be nice um okay yeah I would like to get uh how many pieces of netherite maybe four four four pieces of we need at least three four would be good more would be nice but um I’m going to I’m going to keep it keep my estimates conservative I’m more an inter the only reason I don’t go to the gym is uh when I started I need to study for an important series oh huh H can you just go to the gym after you can can you just go to the gym after that exam wait what what is talking you do you mean like you just didn’t get into the habit of it and then you decided like oh well oh well it’s been so long might as well not bother kind of thing cuz I can I can get that sometimes you try and get into the habit of something it doesn’t quite work H I need fire resistance I’ll just take it out of here you know what oops I’ll just take it out of here okay very cool right let me hydrate quickly oh I lost the habit for test it’s difficult all right yeah no I know what you mean it’s hard it’s hard why can’t you just work out at home that is true I it’s quite easy to work out at home as well uh but the gym has like a wider variety of equipment so if you don’t have a home gym which I’m assuming most people don’t why are my particles so high why are they everywhere uh P has something H I think my my something has changed my settings cuz they were not like this before why is everything so foggy I why I turned off the fog stuff quality fog where’s fog news fog occlusion didn’t I turn off my fog there’s something that to T of the fog but I don’t I don’t remember where it is where the leaves you know what it is what it is okay uh 148 148 629 um let’s go this way considering I’ve made a bit of a barrier or like a bit of a walkway towards here uh we just need something why I don’t know please I’m just a little guy why are you attacking me I just need a Netherrack biome casual normal Netherrack biome not too close to anything super super dangerous um we could pick anywhere here it’s like it’s kind of annoying that I I didn’t spawn on a nice patch of land and I could just Dig Down normally instead of having to like go somewhere new each time but oh well oh well it it is what it is is uh so let’s hope that uh I can oh no lava stuff here that’s super nice okay there we go okay very nice you know what I could probably just build oh please be a singular Source block I think it is a singular Source block um I could just build a portal home like every time I do this now I think about it but I don’t one two so we want to be about level 14 level 13 I I can’t remember what the optimized level is for this but oh no no no no that was not a lava source block it seemed oh no I don’t I don’t want to be I don’t want to be near of lava okay truck borders shown okay let’s go here yeah um I’m just going to do like a quick test run and see how everything goes okay 1 two 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 um I just want to check that we’re not next to a massive lava pool I kind of suspect we might be yeah mean it’s not awful awful but I kind of feel like we’re not in a good spot okay um I’ll keep digging keep digging this way I think oh that scared me oh ancient debris my beloved o big bin yippee yippee is it cuz we’re along a chunk border no these were all spawned in like the same trunk water I mean technically it’s still at the end am I one I down okay let’s give it another go let’s go here see what what happens see what happens I did not realize how much I was saying you until I saw the latest v andu um V and you official Shadow short and I saw what the editor did to me saying yippe I was like oh maybe I do say yippe a lot you know who I picked it up from I know who I picked it up from I picked it up from Amora Amora Lumina of an project is the reason why I say y so much because we did a collab and she she was saying it and so I was like okay I’ll also say it and now I can’t stop saying it and I say it all the time time um not that that’s like terrible but I just do it now okay this is looking nicer um nothing here though let me see can I throw out that that for that we don’t really need golden nuggets but we’re going to we’re going to pick them up anyway so I think I’m a bit low aren’t I yeah let’s keep going along this aess for a little while so I do want to get through the two stacks in a bit that we brought with us today I I just think it would be nice um did aora social engineer this too no it was I don’t think Amora has um self well Amur has not admitted to self- engineering anything a certain a certain penguin we know perhaps arguably allegedly has um spoken about uh how how do I say this uh manipulating me into ensuring we we became friends and I don’t know how to feel cuz I only found out about this you know less than an hour ago but that is that that that’s that’s life I suppose you know I think I was someone people cared about enough to socially manipulate like why like why no way she’s actually counting the blocks why are you saying that cuz if I don’t count the blocks this is what happens look did you see that do you see how underwhelming that was there was no there’s no chain reaction what do you want me to do chat honestly if I don’t count the blocks it doesn’t work you have to count the blocks uh but yes as far as I know a moral Lumina has not socially engineered or dynamic um as for other individuals who I shall not name just how Spectra operates why would I not be counting I can’t why why would I not be coun it I’m so confused why wouldn’t you count the TNT if you don’t count four blocks it doesn’t chain react it sounds like Pip’s putting more effort oh chat you’re distracting me chat you’re distracting me chat stop distracting me my God chat you this is your fault I’m on fire I can’t believe you guys I could die I could die permanently in hardcore I can’t believe you guys um are we in a ly area no I want to keep going this has been very unlucky in terms of um ancient debris finding but it does appear that we are like um nearish to a pool so I might go a tiny bit higher oh I don’t want to do that level 10 11 12 13 okay this this high this is high oh okay never mind yeah let’s go do another one she said with a totem in hand I can still die I could still die I could there could be a hogin who spawns like on top of me and then I die and then and then what’s going to happen chat then you going to have no streamer then you’re going to have no more Minecraft streams cuz there’s no no Minecraft to stream you know I know some hardcore players um when they die in hardcore they will refuse to like play on the version anymore and they will I say like refuse they they basically just like set a rle for themselves that if they die in the hardcore World they they don’t play Minecraft until um oh stop that until the next version why why did I do that I want this yeah until the next version comes out because it’s I don’t know it’s kind of like a I guess like that’s where they want to reach um and that’s why they choose to reset oh God I’m I have not played Minecraft in too long I’m messing up all these controls finally be free oh ow chat you keep distracted that that was definitely your fault too that was definitely your fault too guys yep not me not what no it’s crazy I am I am a responsible Minecraft player yeah Minecraft is stream wait if you die on Minecraft hardcore you die permanently is that a joke is this SL J go are you slj or you SL s Sr s keep blaming us I will thank you thank you I’ll be here a week one two three four one two three four oh wait hang on one two see I didn’t count that time and it went wrong why is four blocks seeming like so far away seems like such a long thing Al I’m not loving how I keep taking my food out of my hot bar food is very important to have in your hot bar if you ding hardcore you die in real life yeah that’s how I became a ghost the first time um hoping to repeat the process and see how it goes gosh ancient debris mining is so fickle sometimes you get nothing on a huge route sometimes you get loads of stuff on a huge route um simply the luck of the drawer I guess this might be the only stuff we’ve gotten on this side I think it is actually excuse me okay nothing in the ceiling nothing in the ceilings nothing here wonder if we should go a little further what are we on uh level 12 okay ah jump scared what happens when he dies a ghost who knows looks like she’s got a new friend what’s up pig zombie nap chat you cannot get attached to every mob you see that zombie is going to despawn the moment I get far enough away from him and then you guys are going to be sad but I’ll have warned you I have warned you don’t get attached to zombie piglins and then chat will be like oh we’ve named him Greg and I’ll be like you you can’t get attached to to random up and they’ll be like but we’ve named him and we take him home and they’ll be like no cuz then he will he will no longer be the same creature and he will die and you guys will be like oh but but why not why not we love the zombie pigin I’ll be like the zombie pigin is going to kill us and you guys will be like oh but he he haha and I’m like no no no no no can we keep him no no keeping Ed creatures we must be independent independent Minecrafters we do not need we do not need friends this is Hardcore not multiplayer can I not can I not what the that happen didn’t know that that might have been the only ancient debris block okay let’s head home but I love how silly Greg is he’s just a little guy he’s a little guy who we do not need chat we do not need him he has his own life I think he despawned um anyway so it seems that Greg no longer exists oh no what a nightmare we can’t bring him back with us what a what a what a right old shame can we at least socially manipulate Greg okay chat I don’t know what you’ve been learning in pippa’s chat um but first of but first of all no that is not something I can teach um man that’s crazy I just I just can’t believe I just can’t believe I just can’t believe that you know if my friendship with PPP is a lie are my friendships with everyone a lie do I even know anyone [Music] in do I even know anyone in this industry anymore do I even have any friends or is it just oh fake is it just a fake chat I don’t know I don’t know what the answer is anymore what if what if I am alone what if I am alone forever [Music] chat is this real life what are you yapping about chat I’ve been on a whole anime Arc okay in like the last hour because P said she engineered our friendship and on her stream like just now she laid out a whole strategy she laid out the the foundations of how how she befriended me she was like oh yeah so first first we we became like mutuals and I spoke in a stream a little bit so that we would familiarize ourselves to each other and then she was like then I studied Spectra’s tweets I’m like you what she was like I studied Spectra’s tweets to like see what mutual interest we’d have or something like that and I can’t remember what she said next and then she was like I don’t know what what did she say what did she say she was like oh and then like we then like after we knew each other I slid into the DMS and then I asked her for a collab you know honestly honestly chat it’s it’s so I I knew social media was fake but I I didn’t know that applied even to even to this extent you know on relationship simply social manipulation at its core man who taught you guys to be so cynical I’m British but it wasn’t me I don’t I don’t claim that who taught you guys this Behavior who taught you guys this lack a daal attitude honestly honestly I can’t believe it KOB stat yeah cuz bill was like oh I just spoke about infusions and summoned her wrath I was like what what it’s that easy I’m I’m just an object of manipulation oh dear oh dear it’s just a it’s just a point scoring contest to them is that all it I’m joking I’m joking CH I am joking I I love the gloy members um but you know I was a little you know I was a little little surprised may have told me about this before she said YouTu is without my friends no real [Music] real if nothing else it means P wanteded to make a good first impression but why I’m not important at all I don’t mean anything why why go through all that effort for me you know what I’m say like this is this is what’s so inconceivable to me I’m sure it was a bit right guys I’m I’m just sure it was all a little joke it was it was it was just all made up and and and Pippa didn’t actually and it was our friendship was so was like not artificial it was so natural and not strategized right maybe cuz she looks up why would she look up to me of all the vtubers out there like I don’t think I’m someone to look up to like really of all the v no literally no way bro oh my thank you so much haty don’t worry spor we’re totally real friends just don’t man that’s parasocial anyway oh dear that doesn’t that doesn’t look good that doesn’t look like the good ending okay we will go this way why do I hear pigling I don’t feel safe chat is that the end of them okay so stressful so stressful maybe the real friends of the people we socially manipulated along the way oh dear oh dear this is what I mean b seems so innocent she seems so innocent and and and not evil and then and then she turns around and and the truth comes out it’s like oh oh my you know it’s crazy out there chat stay safe never trust anyone never you know all all that stuff I don’t know goodness graes gracious on the surface level you seem like a knowledgeable and well spoken SMH the thing is it’s like PPP and I debuted at the same time so there wasn’t like much time for for me to you know exist um so I that’s why I don’t buy like the theory the the the idea the the no why do I hear GS I’m not that close to service am I I’ll just start this here prer is something else she has that cloak of cloak of Innocence hi to deviousness right that’s what I’m [Music] saying P was the one leaving essays as comments no that that’s fanfiction stuff I haven’t even shown any other bebers my Fanfictions um because I would never do that to myself I’m I’m quite lucky in that like I don’t really I don’t really need external validation as a person which I think is like a very good trait to have as a content creator um just because of all the personalities you see of people who really seem that they do need external validation and then they do terrible things in in the name of uh getting that validation so I think it’s you know not too bad to have but it also means I have no impetus or desire whatsoever to ever share my fan fictions with anyone um even if we share the same interest like I don’t even have I even have a beta reader cuz I’m too shy about like um I don’t want anyone reading my works I’m too shy about it so yeah gosh you’re not doing too well on our ancient debris mining she shorter than you must be literally looking up to you I don’t know ppp’s like 7t in Cannon so um I don’t know about that one I do that [Music] hope that’s just a little you know let’s go this way I hope that’s not um a lava pool but I’m hearing a ghas so I’m starting to think it might actually be a lava pool 2 3 [Music] 4 let’s just do that for now and and have a gander yeah I think we’re get hitting too close to like a lot lava area so let’s walk back let me just put this on preemptively just in case let’s go [Music] here okay oops honestly it’s taking longer than I thought to get rid of two stacks of TNT I forgot like um I forgot this actually takes time oh no okay let me let me try this bar okay good my hot bar is not big enough Minecraft needs to add um larger hot bars and larger inventories they need to add like plus three on the rows and they need to add one extra Row for items to cuz the game has so many blocks and so many items now um it’s so hard to manage wonder do one three four beta we can be your Sigma SMH chat SMH I don’t think you guys know what those words mean why you guys know ancient Greek that’s crazy G Classics I hate Classics learning ancient languages it’s so difficult chat I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do it um let’s see would a backpack mod fix that yes I’m going to add backpacks to my vanilla Minecraft hardcore world that’s that’s really going to pill in the viewers ah the things I do for clout chat honestly you wouldn’t believe do ancient debris get blown up I don’t think ancient debris gets burned but I don’t know if it gets like destroyed and blasts it could feasibly [Music] did I just not go this way cuz there was a yeah that was gravel my goodness my goodness pass me was lazy right let me turn the grid off let me hydrate very quickly backpack mods my beloved but why what is what is so good about backpack mods chat kind of weird not going to lie I don’t think I’ve ever used a backpack mod in this game uh I I once played in a server that had like an outter space mod and you built spaceships and went to other planets like that un ironically that was a fun mod to play on that that was very nice to play with friends two three four one two one two three four one [Music] two two three God so many blocks oh pain let me just set that off and see how that goes hydration is important indeed you mean like Galacticraft I have no idea I’m not a Ved person I’ve never really engaged that much with Minecraft mods so probably I don’t know it name I just know that I went to like a Mars like planet and there was like a space station there and that was pretty nice nice um what else was there yeah there wasn’t like it was pretty empty in general uh did you wear a space suit I think you wear a space suit not much ancient debris is there we only have 17 that is that’s not like it’s not great to be honest let’s keep going I feel like we got this much with only like half of what we’ve used today last time [Music] time oh well it is what it is isn’t it GH princess explos M truly a terrifying concept you know I don’t think I don’t think I’m an outer space person space is cool but I don’t think I’m like fascinated by it in the way some people are because there’s a lot of horrifying Concepts when you when you start looking into space like death Rays so I just think you know if we ever get to travel at the speed of light or Beyond or whatever that that’s neat that’s cool but am I going to really be part of that Journey that that Discovery probably not to be honest with you guys probably not that sounds a little scary uh does briten have their own NASA no I believe we’re quite I actually have no idea but I I have a feeling that we’re quite allied with like American space exploration so I I would assume that most of our researchers just go there uh but I don’t I don’t know I don’t think we have our own stuff there but then again we also have like close ties to European research so I have no idea which way it goes why would a ghost care about death rid cuz it’s like I’m immune but are the people around me immune probably not to be honest and then it’s like well what if the death Rays just kill everyone except me and then I’m the only one left you know would’t that be kind of lonely would that be kind of sad like there’s only so long that I can play Minecraft if like all my Hardware breaks down in like 10 years and then there’s no humans to manufacture me more 1050 gpus so I’m eventually going to like run out of the gpus like that we’re going to die out and then what am I going to do I’ve got no video games to play it’ll be like a dream don’t you guys have people in your dreams I feel like my dreams are people way more often than they don’t my dreams are full on movies that they’re narrative story lines not was in a good way but they they always tend to be very like how do I put this um they have very memorable and distinctive twists and turns yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s not just me like doing nothing that would be nice though yeah can you believe I don’t think we found a single piece of ancient debris in this entire this entire thing but why but why I’m so sad it’s a whole lot of nothing ancient debris mining is so how do I put this FIU you know sometimes it gives you good stuff and other times it gives you nothing okay ghost writing your own dreams I I always think it’s really fascinating what my subconscious mind comes up with when I dream I just find it interesting because obviously things happen in dreams that you would never really consciously think of otherwise just like a bunch of like bizarre returning characters from different points in your life and then sometimes like someone I haven’t seen in in ages will pop up in a dream and I’ll be like I wonder how they’re doing and maybe if I like them enough I’ll send them a message and be like oh hey so how’s uh how how’s the economy going how’s the economy buddy and I don’t know why people would never text me back anyway um I do think it’s interesting sometimes I wonder if like my dreams reveal what I really think about certain people like i’ I’ve had some dreams were out of nowhere like someone I know is just really mean to me and I’m like do I really think this or is this just like my dream being a weird dream does anyone else have that um like obviously I’ll never hold against someone what they’ve done in my dream but I will just like re-evaluate the relationship just like just to see Ju Just to think about it and be like hm does this have any founding in reality like this this weird manifestation of my subconscious mind no how weird are the dreams just the brain doing random stuff I mean yeah but obviously what happens in your dream is going to be influenced by your brain’s knowledge of the world around you and like your relationship with other people and I do genuinely believe that sometimes in our subconscious we think things that we aren’t completely aware of that’s just how it works that that is how the subconscious brain works um so yeah sometimes I’m like hm I guess dreams are one point through which to access that even if you know it’s not going to be 100% reliable sometimes it’s not going to mean anything but sometimes it’s like oh maybe I should think about why my brain showed me this in a certain way I don’t know I like thinking about dreams should I blow that up why not we only have 11 ancient debris left don’t we good enough okay then looks like we’ve got one more left to do after that nope nothing good nothing good [Music] okay right I have been doing studies on dreams so while now yeah I think we don’t really know why humans sleep still like we think maybe it’s just to recharge or like to regain our energy in in some way or like for our brain to consolidate information which I believe has being studied to be shown like um sleep really helps you consolidate information which is why you should always get enough sleep during exam season and stuff instead of cramming um but if it’s it’s like it’s hard to explain sleeping because if it is just like energy why don’t we just eat to get that energy like why is there a need for sleep when we could meet all of our body’s functions by just eating like we can get our energy through that like why why does the brain need to do this why to do that though um I think we don’t really have a definitive answer as to why we sleep we have a lot of theories but no one really knows dreams could just be a weird side effect of our brains being electrified meat in the same way like the fact that we perceive color color is not an objective fact it is just a consequence of our electrified meat right so it could just be similar to that where it’s just a unintended W byproduct of our Evolution or something not just a brain the rest of the body also repairs itself but it’s like why do we need sleep to do that though why can’t it just be a process that goes on in the background CU sleep is like a need need um and all the animals do it so why okay sleeping is nice though I agree I do like sleeping sleeping is pretty neat wait where am I I’m just going to put my helmet on as a just a precaution I gone past oh dear this is why I shouldn’t line them up entirely yeah I did go past okay let’s um let’s head back [Music] home all righty how see color is objective but color does exist because of certain wavelengths that can be measured well like we can measure certain wavelengths but like do they correspond to a color or is that just how we interpret certain wavelengths just because they’re wavelengths doesn’t mean that colors have to exist right at least that’s how I I thought it was um ler thank you so much for the raid I hope you guys had an amazing stream what are we doing what are we up to we are talking about whether colors are real my understanding was that colors are not real they’re just how our brain interprets certain wavelengths of light but it’s not necessarily the case that we would see them as color color that’s what I thought but um I could be wrong I could be wrong welcome in I hope you guys had an amazing stream what we doing what were you up to I hope it was a lot of fun uh we are just playing some hardcore Minecraft so we just finished some ancient debr mining we only got 19 which is not very much but that’s okay uh and now I’m trying to go home except I’m a little bit lost uh 148 629 I need to go 148 629 I’m a bit lost 148 629 here 48 629 okay we’re 100 blocks off there we go yippe have a great stream thank you so much Ela I hope you have an amazing rest of your day thank you thank you thank you is anything real to information our brains uh used to make sense of the world I guess I guess that’s kind of true if youl some with Islands you can give them the ability to see UV wait really I didn’t know about that it’s perceived as white and if you’re in space you can see cosmic rays because and they’re white because high energy wait that’s crazy I didn’t know we could change the lens in CUV that’s kind of neat I wonder wow I wonder if I can get that done I wonder if I could just get that done for funy like is that is that legal is that illegal to get it done for fundies what are your opinions on fries with ice cream um I I’ve never personally tried it but I’ve heard very many glowing reviews oh also Raiders I can finally add shaders to my game now I do have armor on I just have like a a toggle mod um but yeah I can finally get shaders of my game which I wasn’t ever used I wasn’t ever to do this I wasn’t ever able to do this before because my PC was too bad but now I can yippee and everything looks super super pretty um so if I show you guys my house in case you guys haven’t seen it before this is what my house looks like we still need to finish the roof but yeah everything sways and it looks so aesthetic everything’s so glowy oh I’m very happy okay um let me smelt my stuff I’m going to upgrade the rest of my tools that weren’t ancient debris um three and we’re pretty early into our hardcore World we’re on day 166 in case anyone was wondering about that my personal record is over a th000 Days by quite a bit but um oh World died I didn’t die in the world but I just you know I stopped playing on it to start you know this new one so yeah natural Islands box UV you can replace it with an artificial one that doesn’t being exposed for UV is bad for your eyes yeah you know that’s probably true I wonder why they did did it then just for science I guess I didn’t know that though I always thought that UV was not possible to see because of the the rods in our eyes like just by that scale I didn’t realize if you replaced just the lens instead of the iBall like the back of the eyeball the retina I guess uh that you could have that effect that’s crazy hang where does my gravel go do I have a chest for gravel um I don’t think I have a chest for gravel you know what the gravel can go in here now I I’ve decided it’s going in there I I guess I just didn’t make a space for it okay did you come the whole design yeah I just build it from scratch I don’t plan my builds I just I just keep going I keep going until it looks halfway decent and I’m I’m happy with how it turned out but it did take us a very long time it’s still not finished so I do think maybe for the rest of today we’ll keep working on this Tower as you can see I’m I’m not sure about how to do it and like I’m going to replace the texturing cuz I I ended up not liking the texturing uh we still need to fill in the back of the the house a bit but we can do that later um yeah not really much else for me to do I guess I was thinking about making a bridge I guess I think I’ll also make um a little balcony section for the tower so that if I’m on this hill I can just climb like straight in maybe maybe here somewhere like that I’ll create a door and then I’ll have like a little staircase going to it or something who knows who knows something just want mind looks pretty good thank you thank you thank you thank you is this the room at 100 fov wait why why is it does it feel zoomed out to you guys um I like playing on high fov but don’t people normally play on that but this seems so zoomed in doesn’t it chat like what is the point what is the point I like to be able to see things yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh I don’t think rods and cones the human eye can see UV that’s what I thought hi philam thank you so much for the raid Pham I hope you guys had an amazing collab with Pippa um I was watching a lot of that stream and I was having thoughts are we friends yet when is the next friendship okay Vil okay will come here um I need to tell you something I you know I think pippa’s great but I I think she might also be a bad she’s a bad influence she she’s a bad influence okay listen listen listen I just don’t think I don’t think I don’t think you should socially manipulate people like PPP I just I just I just went on to pppa stream today and I just I just heard her say that you know she engineered our friendship and she analyzed our tweets or like she analyzed my tweets in order to find Mutual topics and and and now she’s trying to think of gifts to give me to to unlock my next friendship event what whatever that means and and I’m a little scared she’s misused to genuinely ask of course we’re friends of course we’re friends what do you mean friendship event though what is a friendship event what does it mean I’m not I’m not not a visual novel character I’m not a visual novel character I feel like what what am I to the globy members I’m just some weird some weird Prize or something I’m just an object I’m just an object to play with my feelings my emotions I know cut scenes at a random place man oh I don’t have any diamonds we need to we need to get more diamonds uh chat should we do a diamond one but welcome V Raiders I hope you guys had a great stream um I am spet Latino the Ghost Princess of V and’s Force generation and currently we’re just we’re just vibing we’re playing on my hardcore World which is 166 days old just range General progression progression stuff I just got shaders which is super nice maybe she’s trying to rise like in Stu Valley no she wants Sebastian chat Pippa has bad taste it it’s not good it’s not good I hope you’re mining your own business indeed indeed and it’s going what it is thank you I hope the collab super super fun I see you you’re in pppa scope but why chat why why why why why did pppa do this to me why what was the point anyway um let’s go have a quick look around um and see if we can grab any more diamonds trying to think like what is where’s the best direction to go mining oh God I actually I don’t like flying with shaders on oh it feels so weird having shaders on after all this time chat should we turn them off we should we turn them off pH if you don’t mind me asking um what was the conclusion on Pippa trying to buy me a gift like do I need to disuade her from buying me I don’t know a set of diamond earrings to to kind of accelerate the friendship you know what I mean Papa has Spectre questioning the entire friendship no no no I I’m just you know I’m questioning everything I I’m just I’m I’m just you know yeah I’m just I’m just I I’m just I’m just a little you know I think she try and get you something nice but why but why I love blinding light is it too bright for you guys chat I can I can turn off the shaders do you want to turn off the shaders is it too bright I feel like my overlay is very dark though so it doesn’t it balance it out um I bet there’s a deep dark under here uh H you know what you know what I’m going to turn off my shaders oh that was quick I didn’t think it would be that quick um I’m going to have a quick delve and see oh no I don’t like drowns um is there a ravine down here yes it looks like there is a ravine right our mission today is grab a bunch of diamonds so I would like to okay this was not a bigger Ravine as big a ravine as I thought I mean maybe oh God that I wanted uh a yay yep Spector she cares about you don’t overthink it but but carot thank you so much for the raid oh my gosh I get ex7 R today thank you so much I hope you guys had an amazing karaoke stream I was in that listening to a little bit you sounded so good I hope you guys had a great time oh I hope you guys got to 20K for anyone who doesn’t know carrot was doing an endurance stream to 20K so if you love amazing singing voices please go check her out and subscribe and of course please subscribe to all all the wonderful people who raided in um the was going for a milestone I hope it went really well welcome in welcome in Raiders uh my name is be litina we’re currently just mining on the hardcore world and um talking about being um socially manipulated by other YouTubers don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it we’re we’re having fun yep yep it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you know what you know what I’m I’m flattered that the the Pippa analyzed my DMs to to to befriend me yep I’m flattered I’m very you know that that is a that is a you know it’s nice someone cares about me like that you know it’s it’s it’s nice it’s nice to be cared about yep yeah that’s what I’m going to go with so yeah we’re currently doing a bit of a diamond run because we just got netherite and I would like to upgrade everything but in the new Minecraft version you need very expensive um netherite templates to upgrade your tools so yeah so yeah we got lots of rating going on I know thank you guys thank you guys so much uh thank you M for the shout outs please uh I hope everyone’s being shouted out but but I think so man everyone’s being so nice to me today I mean except for that whole part where I found out that my um relationship with other YouTubers was a lie I mean everyone be so nice to be today thank you CH Noel for the gifting it’s very very kind of you right how do I get out of here um here yeah it was here okay very cool Chad I’m kind of tempted to try and see if there is a deep dark under any of these mountains because there is a build I want to do that is um using deep dark materials like I’m kind of contemplating do I want to use deep dark materials on my roof I think I do but I don’t have a deep dog to go to and I’m a bit scared of the deep dog so yeah so yeah all right um let’s keep going let’s keep wanding I want to find a big ocean so this is Minecraft hardcore so if I die I die permanently forever and so because of that I don’t really mine in any caves mining in caves in hardcore is a easy way to die even if you’re in full netherite so the easiest way to mine is actually to go Aqua for mining which is basically looking at the ocean floor looking at Big caverns and Ravines and essentially just diving into them and swimming around and having a good time it is the quickest thing to do why don’t you just mine I guess exploring is more interesting um cuz it’s hardcore and we could mine but strip mining has been massively nerfed in the new caving update so there’s not really any point to it um you cover so much more ground so much faster by just swimming and looking at a preexposed area like the most difficult thing about this is finding a appropriate Ravines like for example this one doesn’t go deep enough you ideally want them to go down to deep slate dig straight down and we’ll find out but why excuse me can I have can I have some dolphin please can I have some why you don’t give me why are you s me away I just want Dolphins Grace wait why why oh it’s cuz of that isn’t it I’m not technically swimming thank you thank you thank you wow this is not quick at all I thought it would be so much faster I guess I was too used to um buing stuff oh oh my oh oh um should I push you back wow personally I think I saved a life just then um anyway that wasn’t me that wasn’t me chat that wasn’t me don’t dig straight down chat I have I am a I am a seasoned hard player seasoned seasoned so you guys don’t need to worry about me digging straight down well I’ve been here before hang on no we need to go mining we should find diamonds yes yes yes we do not need uh these villagers we do not need I need an ocean I thought there was a big ocean this way I think I’ve gone a different direction than I intended to that happened great save yep it was all me I I take full full credit what kind of seasoning um I quite like what’s my favorite kind of seasoning oh my God you know it’s so British I actually can’t think of anything so I thought is always really good I don’t know I just add soy sauce to literally anything and it tastes amazing and I’m like man that’s pretty nice please tell me you’re a big Ravine I’m tired of flying please be Oh no you’re not a big Ravine this is so upsetting I need a deep ocean I thought I was going to a deep ocean ah oh well no wonder you’re so salty really really now come on that was that was a hanging fruit trap that was low first of all I use part soy sauce I use half salt soy sauce I use the one that’s um low sodium because I know people are like well soy sauce is all salt anyway so if you’re not going to have but I mean if you’re going to have soy sauce then you might as well go full sodium but I’m like it’s already so salty I just don’t need it oh do you want a goat horn chat I don’t think we have a goat horn yet yeah we don’t have a goat horn oh why are you on the roof you are so try hard um you whoa whoa whoa whoa what what are you guys doing up here that is messed up oh dear um excuse me oh there’s more of them oh this is terrible um do I have any blocks in my hot bar H oh well [ __ ] up [Music] oh Sentry armor trim that’s pretty nice but no goat horns wait no goat horns no goat horns okay well whatever we’re looking for an ocean uh Spectra mad they had a defense ready for her well normally they’re not on the roof you know they’re pillagers it’s okay to pillage from pillagers you know what I’m saying no horn I know I’m so sad chat would have loved the goat horn I just I just known my the chat you guys would have loved the go horn I think he would have had so much fun with it it would be like a new new air horn like you know what Pippa has before she betrayed me by socially engineering our relation I just can’t believe it you just wouldn’t expect it from Pippa would you I need that horn yeah I guess I haven’t really seen any Pillager Towers yet we wouldn’t find them in the snowy area I need an ocean where are the ocean why why no ocean ocean where if you pill the pillagers doesn’t that make you a Pillager oh my God I keep forgetting to get a bed right we’re going to chat don’t get attached to the sheep that we see okay just don’t get attached okay oh God I’m sorry sheep I’m sorry I don’t have any shars on me please understand I’m sorry I’m so [Music] sorry uh okay should I throw my crafting tables I’m so silly okay there we go a so cute don’t worry about it guys don’t don’t you worry about it we are a okay in this household not Jeremy and Friends chat guys you can’t you can’t keep naming animals you you just you just can’t keep naming the animals and and pretending you’re socially you’re emotionally attached to them it’s not right it’s not right chat I think we need to do some exposure therapy okay Don’t Close Your Eyes chat we need to do exposure therapy you need to get used to this this is a cycle of life I know it’s rough at the beginning pretending I mean Melvin and Jeremy okay first of all there are three of them um I think I think yeah I think we need to do some exposure therapy U any any any animals around here yeah let me just you know they’ll respawn they’ll respawn you know they they’ll come back one day it’s all fine it’s all fine don’t you guys worry about it bam bam see there weren’t even any children so it’s it’s not that sad it’s not that sad there weren’t even any kids here so you know it’s all good Lions do not lose sleep over the death of sheep man that’s so why is that so emo for what reason for what purpose right we need to find diamonds we need a ravine um I named the concept of naming animals and now I’m attached to it oh dear oh not the Shakespearean approach to language just making up words survival of the strongest well the stronger I suppose I don’t think I’m I’m all that I need an ocean where are the oceans we’ve been traveling for8 years and that has not been a singular ocean I’ve seen on this journey it it it baffles the Mind chat it Buggles the mind just Rivers uh hang on is this say Aqua uh not really is it there might be a little or something something down here it might get uh deeper yeah I think that might be something let’s have a quick quick Gander why do I hear zombies oh I don’t like that at all yeah it gets a tiny bit deeper does it get deep enough for do I have dep Strider that’s why I’m so slow I don’t have dep Strider how have I not had dep Strider all right chat please me when I go home to to get me some depth dder I was like why am I so slow that would be why well oh well let me just quick look yeah don’t think it goes that deep okay we’ll head back up yeah you can probably find an ocean if you follow a river work for me sometimes they lead to Lakes like I’m pretty sure this one is um next to a lake I don’t think Minecraft landforms are that like I don’t think they’re that thought out to be honest like if you look at this one it doesn’t it doesn’t really is that a deep potion I you know what I guess it does work never mind there it is no it’s not a deep potion oh well oh well I guess we’ll try yeah actually there’s nothing here oh this is so sad this is so depressing please please I just want I just want some diamonds I just want like an actual proper Ravine and all I’m getting are these puny little shallow oceans that don’t go anywhere man um oh shipwreck pretty nice I’ve always wanted to build one of these biomes but then it’s like actually there’s nothing to do here there’s just not enough stuff around it to to make the prop value go up you know what I mean um are we deeper frozen ocean yeah it’s not it’s not giving chat it’s not giving what I need it’s giving family failure I think it’s giving disappointment um should we have a quick dve nope that’s not deep um just kind of hard to assess like when you’re up here like what go goes further down and what doesn’t like that could be not shallow but then that doesn’t look that deep at all pain a ocean Monument though that’s okay that’s kind of nice maybe it will lead to a de potion maybe it will lead to something ah here we go this looks like what we need yippee I mean it’s not that big but um it’ll do oh hang on hello yippe this is what we are after is that everything here does look like it okay very cool so let’s keep going it’s really nice to have the elytra now that I’ve realized they don’t have depth Stater like now I’ve become self-aware of how slow I am it’s very painful but we’ll just have to keep keep going regardless regardless it’s not about the size of rine it’s about the motion of the ocean huh yeah it’s not it’s not about you know the size of the Ravine it’s about the quality how many diamonds can I find goodness gracious um um this is going to be horrible to get out of I can already tell I hope there are multiple entrances um because otherwise I’m never making it out of her life you know what I think for our next stream we should probably set a goal to get onto the nether roof and start making some Farms up there like I’d like to have frog lights oh God I don’t want to do the Frog episode oh we’re going to have to have a frog episode this is so sad listen I’ve got nothing against frogs but they’re kind of hard to Wrangle it’s like hurting cats and and they always die they will always always manage to kill themselves in the farm so when you make a frog Farm you have to make extra frogs cuz otherwise they’ll keep killing themselves and then eventually your frog Farm won’t work cuz your frogs are too stupid it’s very sad it’s very sad frog episode don’t yay frog episode I mean I guess you guys guys could start thinking of um Frog Names she’s going to murder the frogs no the frogs murder them themselves after I tra them in an enclosed environment with things that will kill them but that’s not my fault that is that is gameplay that is game design that that’s how the game was meant to be so um not my fault I think o is that ooh ooh shiny okay chat I’m going to really quickly H people who don’t play Minecraft are going to be really confused why I’m doing this but um deep FL coal is actually the rarest Block in the game I’m not joking it is the rarest Block in the game hang on let me you know what I can’t be bother to to I can’t be bother to dig this like that um deeps Co is the rarest Block in the game by far because it rarely spawns um so it’s super useful for building if you want to like get a gradient going so I might as well just grab it and I was like seen it like it’s it’s useful to have um I probably won’t use it for a very long time but even a few blocks of it it’s pretty good oh God this is terrible what why have I done this to myself um okay let me quickly get out my Ender Chest I’m going to put some stuff away actually I don’t need to put that much stuff away I’ll put that away too and then quickly grab this isn’t deep Emerald the rarest oh deep Emerald actually does not exist it only exists if you spawn it into the game it it doesn’t occur naturally anywhere because emeralds only spawn high so I believe statistically speaking it is deep plate or that is the rarest but I mean I’m sure there are like rarer blocks in the game like there’s a bunch of glitched blocks that you can’t well they only spawn on certain seeds so I think um a dirt block that is meant to be snowy that hasn’t had the snow layer generated on top of it I think it’s like technically the rarest Block in the game because it’s unobtainable except for in very specific glitch out circumstances so there’s other blocks like that but um in terms of ore deep slate ore is by far the rarest to get because Co doesn’t spawn down at the Deep SL level usually uh so whenever you get it it’s an exception you know what never mind I was going to be like do my shaders tell me where blocks are there are some Shader packs you can get that tell you or like they show really obviously where diamonds and stuff are by having the O glow sadly mine does not do that for me which is very upset he spaghetti but oh well I had no idea um deep Co was that rare yeah I mean it’s just cuz they changed how everything spawns really have we gone down here or have we yeah I don’t think there’s much else down here how many diamonds is that so we got 15 so 24 diamonds wi claims deep play emerald and normal diamond or rarer normal diamond is rarer than deep thck Co I do not believe that like H I don’t think I believe that the wiki lies Source I made it up there’s no way there’s no way no there’s no way no I’m sorry I don’t believe you cuz in the past I played on a mod pack um I played on a specific mod pack where you have to get 64 of every kind of or in the game and I can promise you it was so much easier getting the diamond the stone diamond than it was deep say Co that’s why I’m like hm I don’t know if I believe that but maybe that was anec toal But like everyone who played that mod said the exact same thing how weird right um let’s see if we can find another Ravine like that cuz that one was pretty good um they do exist you just have to find them they’re not always easy so I hope my Electra is holding up it is holding up here should we have a quick look here yeah oh owie ah I killed my Electro wearing [Music] um yeah I don’t believe it but maybe statistically it’s true obset spaghetti food you know I don’t eat Italian food enough I almost never have pasta and I feel like should more [Music] often yeah I feel like Italian food is very on a pedestal isn’t it and I kind of feel like H I sort of feel like a lot of the Italian food you can get here isn’t authentic and and like as good as like the proper Italian food though so maybe I should just go to Italy now I want pasta I feel sorry for the Spira wait why wait why I’ve never been to Italy you know what it’s probably worth a visit um but I’m sure it’s like completely filled with tourists all the time um and quite crowded in most of the places okay Diamond not getting lucky with our um Fortune procs today cuz the first two we found we didn’t proc it and then just then we didn’t proc it very sad okay let’s keep going Italian Tik toe incoming well Italians love their coffee so I don’t know if they’ll really have much of a tea culture there right Pastor from scratch is tasty uh but mine just turns to piss oh I do like pasture from scratch I’ve made it a few times it’s really fun uh one of my relatives has a Pastor roller so so a very young Spectra ooh Diamond a very young Spectra uh went and used this pasta roller to create create my own pasta and then like we never used it again it it was never used ever again after like the first as far as I know like I never I never used it again when I went over but um I think it might be one of those things that was like used once or twice and now just collects dust because maybe taking things from scratch takes a lot of time and and in the modern world time is always in short supply right I know maybe I’m bad no I get you like the you mean like the part where you’re mixing the pasta flour and the water together or like the egg yolk together in order to make um in order to make the dough I can see why I feel like whenever you make a dough or batter of any kind it’s a huge trust the process kind of thing where a lot of the time the bat will just look sticky and lumpy and horrible and gross oh my God not that drowned get away from me honestly what do you think you’re doing SMH um but it will come together at the end you just have to trust it comes together at the end TR is the best Italian F had when I was in turkey and I’ve been to Italy a few times oh wow that’s the other thing I feel like it’s about going to like the right restaurants and the authentic [Music] restaurants the right placees cuz there’ll be mediocre restaurants in like any country even if they’re serving the cuisine of their home country does that make sense um and then there’ll be like amazing chefs from that country serving like excellent food outside of their home country it’s very authentic and very good so yeah right 30 diamonds are we okay with 30 diamonds um yeah let’s start heading back slowly but surely we don’t need any shipwrecks which is why I am avoiding them I hope it’s okay with everyone yeah I’ll just keep having a quick look at the ocean floor but otherwise I think we’re good to go how’s my Electra holding up yeah remind me to heal my Electra remind me to get depth Rider anything else on my to-do list uh not really okay right so we are 5,000 blocks away from home but that’s fine that is all good um you just need the right past normally seem to dry until you work it oh wait this is the ocean I was looking for deep ocean seaweed how did I miss this the first time oh goodness gracious that’s the thing about Minecraft you think you’re going in the right direction and then you go off by 100 blocks and and now you’re completely lost forever okay nothing good down there is that deep that no I don’t know why I thought that was deep site yipp okay yeah let’s just head back unless something catches our eye we have portable Pizza Oven oh my gosh portable Pizza Oven that sounds like it would be so expensive to use electricity wise because don’t they heat up to like they heat up to like 100 no several 100° Celsius or something CH does do we have any Googling Aries in chat how hot is a pizza oven any Googling grates how hot does a pizza oven run cuz I feel like that would actually be scary I’m scared of pizza ovens they’re so hot I it feels like I would die 450f your Fahrenheit sister means nothing to me someone else said 79 guys in Celsius in Celsius I don’t know this witchcraft you speak of Fahrenheit what is that you might as well put it in kelvin I’d understand Kelvin more it does get very hot not sure about electrical usage 4 400 to 500 Celsius oh man see that is too warm that’s so warm I would die I’d Die just being near that Celsius is fanfic I actually what are you talking about I actually do not know what you mean what do you mean what do you mean what’s the fahrenheit right that’s what I saying correct question chat that was you know there’s no wrong questions but there are right questions and that was a right question Oh my god I’ve been going the wrong direction I hate it here well I’m in a jungle now I guess we we live here now time to set up time to set up shop time time to just exist here for like the rest of my life um no wonder I was like hm none of it is seeing seeming similar even though oh God I forgot it was night time never mind I don’t actually care about getting the god that much all right let’s head home for real for real this time for real for real this [Music] time do I want to go here no don’t really care yeah we don’t need anything cherry blossom biome is it nice enough for us to BU house and oh snowy well it might be is it a Snowy Peaks um cherry blossom biome ooh the thing is it could be nice but you know what this grass color for the TR Blom biome that they put in is so disgusting and I hate it this though is this a no I thought it might be a convenient like donut shape sadly no convenient donut shape but I mean this is kind of convenient dut shape but it’s not tall enough is it um yeah that there’ll be more big mountains I think oh wait hang on I am looking for deep slate I mean not deep slate I am looking for a deep dock I don’t know how low down deep docks tend to be I need deep do I’m going to cheat in my oh my God this cave is horrible I’m so glad I didn’t go anywhere near here oh you know what never mind I don’t care if there’s a deep dock I don’t want to go down there I none of my business none of my business what goes on down there I don’t want to know don’t tell me I’ll remain ignorant that’s okay got so many Snowy Peaks here snowy Peak Galore are you a donut is this a nice donut shape for me to build in no I feel like people hyped up the 1.18 plus um mountainous generation so much but rarely is there a really nice aesthetically generated Mountain the temp you want will be different for different styles of pizza that is a good point but how much does it vary because I feel like even varying it 100 or 200° is that’s way too much oh should we go down here should we um should we cure a person or should we trap them there eternally and and steal the things that would be used to make them whole again I think we’ll go for the latter option oh he’s drowned probably oh no he’s fine um well you know I could save you but also um these resources are kind of useful for me to just keep around and hoard so why don’t I just take the stuff with me and and and leave yeah I think I’m going to do that sorry I I got Villages at home that I need to you know need to heal and and zombify and then heal again okay cute little igler you have there thank you I made it myself and then I trapped two people underground for fun hey anything in wasn’t there a village here thought there was a village here oh yeah oh it’s way further away than I thought okay nice little oh obsidian love me some obsid obsidian in Steels they’re okay you know what I’m going to use this to climb up please please oh I’m too short this is so sad please there we go okay uh I’m going to go in here and uh get some more Rockets gosh I love snowy bio it’s so cool that it’s nice and snowy man man I just wish do libraries spawn here I feel like libraries never spawn here hello weapon Smith anything fun going on oh beetroot soup beetroot soup it’s been a long time since I had beetroot soup I want to have beetroot soup again it’s been so many years I don’t know if I even like it anymore do you guys have those childhood dishes where you’re not even sure if you like it anymore cuz it’s been so long that you just don’t know that’s kind of what beetro you know what we’ll use these maps at home it’s kind of what beetro s is for me um I used to have it when I was super oh my God that was not me that was not me is it continuing to burn because my presentence maybe but you know what that is not my fault they shouldn’t have built their house out of wood anyway uh oh I thought we’d have more Rockets available oh well oh you know what I had a dream about ravioli and then I had a dream that like someone took me into the staff room of a shop cuz I just like chatted to her and then it was like a whole Tea House in the back room and I felt like I was like some exclusive client in a spy movie going into the back room of a tea house that was what my dream was about but it was like a very um mixed mixed tea house layout and then it was like five floors and all the upair STS were like residential areas for the people who it was a cafeteria this was the back of a cafeteria you know what my dreams are weird make a stream where you try your favorite childhood Foods again so the reason why I had it as a kid is cuz like basically my neighbor used to make it for me and she’s not around anymore and I don’t have any contact with her so I have no idea how I would like I don’t know how I’d get it again it’s a um yeah I I have literally no idea o Diamond see there’s no way this is more common than whatever someone said then then deep site or I just don’t believe it uh but yeah she she made it for me and so I I don’t know she it wouldn’t be the same it wouldn’t be the same do you normally dream about tea um I why do you ask why do you ask uh that’s not important that’s not important I why do you ask uh so yeah yeah I’m kind of sad thinking about that actually I I would have loved to get the recipe but again I I was like I think I was so young I probably didn’t have thoughts in my head I probably wasn’t fully manifested as a person at that age so yeah guess that was no real way for me to [Music] ask yeah this is when I was back in the demon Realm so you dreamed you were VIP in a special Tea House well it was like a cafeteria and I was talking to the to the people there about you know stuff and then I got invited to the back and then I went to the back and and it was oh my God so many diamonds here wow I feel like a zombie dying um anyway and then it was super nice and I got a bit of a tour it was very nice that was it yeah I went actually you know what it’s probably based off when I went to to the Netherlands and I went to a tea house and the the owner invited me upstairs he was like yeah we do like tea tastings upstairs like it it’s like not open right now but like do you want to have a look and I was like okay I’ll have a look um and I saw like the room where he did his tea tasting it was super cozy it was so nice and cozy uh I wish I could have stayed there a little longer so I I could have like been there for the tea tastings when they were around but you know it was very nice and intimate like when I’m when I’m you know when I’m a millionaire I want to have a cozy t- room like that if you just think about a really old Dutch building it was that kind of style of just um how do I put this like I really don’t know how to describe it other than cozy it was super super cozy what made it cozy like the the tables and the chairs were really old there was a nice big fireplace like a big armchair it it just looked not rustic I guess a little bit rustic on The Rustic side of cozy but not in like a In Like A rundown way or anything like that just a this is just an old traditional room that’s been around for a while and it’s it’s nice here yeah it was like that I liked it a lot I liked it a lot sound super comfy it was super comfy maybe that’s what my dream was based off but I was only up there for like 5 minutes it was a small room there wasn’t much else to see really I don’t want to go down there never mind not even for one piece of deep plate Co never mind how do I get out of here is it here let me out let me be free I want to escape is tea tasting similar to wine tasting I would not say so um on specialty tea websites you will get like tasting notes of a tea and um a lot of different tea places will give you like a diagram to indicate the flavor profile there’ll be like okay this tea is more Woody it’s more floral it’s more Herby and they’ll they’ll judge it on those kinds of metrics like is it a smooth finish is it a dry finish you know how how sharp is it that that kind of thing there’s no standardized method for that and I would say te- notes are like not nearly as important as like wine notes I guess I guess like when you try anything there’s overlaps in the experience and that you’re going to smell it you’re going to see how it’s processed you’re going to do like a little ritual before drinking something but um yeah I don’t I don’t really know if there are that many similarities beyond that to be honest you ever have those dreams we accidentally bump into a shelf and cause a chain reaction nope never I’ve also never had those dreams where like your teeth fall out or you’re in public without clothes I hear those dreams are pretty common in in the psyche sphere and never happened to me you must be neat cuz I has a lot of oldfashioned buildings that toles my architecture brain yeah it is weird to think about how some countries just don’t have architecture dating back like 100 years or anything similar to that or even 200 years whereas in the UK we have buildings that were built a thousand years ago and are still standing and it’s a pain if you want to renovate those buildings but they do still exist and they’re not like that uncommon so yeah hi H Mama welcome in welcome in I hope you’re doing well I thought you tweets I saw your tweets I am I am happy happy you’re raising your rates and looking after yourself I hope you get loads of art commissions if anyone needs art commissions how your mama does some very cool drawings very cool transitions especially so yeah I hope hope all of that is going well for you can’t imagine dreaming out teeth falling out my dreams are so weird yet so normal yeah I also don’t really know what that’s about but then dreams are weird because they’re dreams I don’t think there’s really much logic to them but I I’ve had dreams where I’m falling but there’s always a plot or reason why I’m falling it’s not just like I spawn I spawn at the top of the Minecraft world and I’m Free Falling distracted in Minecraft got to say hi no worries at all no problem at all I bet there’s a deep dark under here there’s any ooh no going to say if there’s any um little caves going down I’ll take a little peek fine I’ll take a little peek ow any need deep dark um reveals no okay that’s fine I was just curious got to be really careful not to impale myself okay there we go oh good am I still going the right way yes I am I need to find a deep dark chat had dreams about the world ending I don’t know if I’ve had dreams about the world ending I’m sure I’ve had like post-apocalyptic dreams where no one’s around or something if that can be described as post-apocalyptic I don’t really know uh but yeah nothing nothing like that otherwise oh my gosh is that my home we love to see it I’m home yepy right before I do anything else I am going to fix my lra just so I don’t forget remind to get death raer thank you thank you thank you GH get away from me so obsessed with me so obsessed with me it’s like you think I was I was I was going to make a pppa socially engineer our friendship joke but I’m like oh I don’t know if I should keep making those jokes I don’t want people to take them badly or anything um so um heal Myro and then yeah I think next time we’ll do nether roof stuff don’t need to do it today hello thank you let me grab that and [Music] gra and [Music] Dr gosh we still not still not still not healed still not fixed charging um an elytra takes a lot of experience doesn’t it okay how people organize in Minecraft my chest are always a mess um you can look up how to make a super super super in-depth storage system I just sort things into General categories and I make chests um this room is not nearly big enough this room is not nearly adequate to fit everything which I’ve realized very quickly but we it it is what it is it’ll have to do for now and then I’ll expand it later or I’ll make a second chest room I’m not really sure what I want to do I could make a chest room through here or something like that and I just don’t know if I can be bothered can I be bothered chat I don’t think so I was planning to make this kind of aesthetic and functional like um we’ll put some put some furnaces in here maybe make a a lava infinite generator for fuel I might make a lava infinite generator for fuel now actually I don’t know do I do that now hidden door oh I hate working with redstone whenever I’m on to ser ever I will literally get someone else to do the Redstone for me I’ll be like hey can you please and I’ll be like okay and that’s how it goes so for example I don’t have a chest where I put like spare armor and stuff which I probably need to get now yeah you know what let me let me make some extra chest areas cuz it it was always going to happen eventually the only thing is is I might have instead of having it like that and putting extra chest there I might make some extra rooms like down there I do kind of like that I do like that a little bit yeah you know what let’s do that instead and then like down here we can have different storage rooms and different areas I want to work on that today don’t know don’t know because I feel like the diagonal would add more visual interest than if I literally just made a door here which is kind of me kind of enough if I say so myself okay well let’s leave that for a little bit I also need a miscellaneous chest I need a chest yeah I need I need loads of stuff I hate organizing too I just don’t want to do it chat I just don’t want to do it anyway let’s um make the upgrades that we worked so hard to get goodness gracious okay and I will need these as well Minecraft is a kid game then they put out cave sounds I do I do feel like it’s a very kid-friendly game um are the scary aspects from Minecraft yeah it’s still a very good friendly game okay put one actually will be fine [Music] so yeah I’ll I’ll [Music] I’ll upgrade these um how is this efficiency Five Oh serious dedication I didn’t realize that was an achievement um yeah that’s pretty good do I need anything else I don’t need anything else do I that’s pretty much everything I mean I’ve got my silk touch one still but that’s not a good enough silk touch one to to use netherite on okay okay okay um let’s see so so next order of business is getting depth ster God what a pain what a pain but it has to be done this place looks good thank you thank you thank you Minecraft isn’t scary Felix PewDiePie is that like a a famous clip I don’t know about oh my God everything’s so nice with shaders chat do we like the shaders do you want to keep them forever like Parton me is like it just feels too nice it just feels too good but the other part of me is like no we should keep them what was that they’re going to put these into the bone micat I think it’s time to start building actual stuff keep it okay you guys say so what Shad does he use uh BSO classic BSO shaders I believe are they complimentary no they’re BSL I think uh video settings Shader packs yeah BSL BSL is just like one of the most famous because it’s it’s very standard and and it’s very good and it’s one that I had back in the day as well cuz I knew I liked it but I could never run it because 1050 1050 doesn’t really get along well with thing why are you guys not giving me stuff please come [Music] on do you guys have depth strier on your boots fire protection protction okay no depth strier um do I need another spoon iing to think like what I need Diamond boost you have D oh it does have D ster okay oh no wait chat this is a saddest thing I can’t combine enchantments because it’s upgraded now I need a depth Strider book you guys definitely don’t have depth Strider do you oh no oh no pain Dio pain Dio why why oh this is so annoying I wonder what the play is we don’t actually have that much um oops we don’t have a a high quantity of um ancient debris such that no yeah netherite ancient debris same thing such that we can just like throw it away making an extra pair of boots I do need two enchantments on my boots man what a what a pain what a complete pain troubling troubling most troubling indeed okay let me um let me hydrate very [Music] quickly okay [Music] um what let me just refresh my chat I don’t know what to do what do I do m H pain you know what should we see if we can find a deep dark let’s see if we can find a deep dark YOLO chat why guys why are you spamming hearts in the chat not like heart is in heart but but spamming um the little the little heart thingy whenever I see the Emoji counter going off on on the right of chat I’m always so confused like that feature that YouTube added I know the pur is probably to be supportive but I just get really confused because like how many streamers actually look at that how how many streamers look at that and I’m like oh yes good stream they’re spamming Hearts so is that how it works does it really work like that I’m going to make some more cows and then get some more cow food I have no idea I just want to know what was the reasoning behind such a feature like what what was the vision well you look I guess I did but I’m you know my my feelings are those of apprehension and fear was that intentional I keep forgetting about it until someone points out and then start fing I think that is how it tends to go but but still I am I am most buf chat as I tend to be in this life but oh well oh well okay let’s go see if we can find let’s go YOLO it why why not why why not we have an efficiency 5 netherite pickaxe if we die we die um do I need anything I do have a bread with me now yeah I don’t think I need anything I’ll bring some I’ll bring some torches with me just in case um oh food that’s what I was going to get I was like yeah I’m L on something it is food I’m very tempted to make an infinite lava thing you know what let me put it on my to-do list um to-do um infinite lava machine in [Music] basement uh dep strier boots um anything else what else was on our list uh deep dark block I want a block from the deep dark I have a diamond thing that I don’t want I wanted a different thing uh I still have these don’t I I mean when I say these I mean my ungodly amount of Diamond H don’t worry about it chat I I’m very normal very normal sh want me to your stream oh thank you you know what shorts have not brought people to my stream for a while cuz I haven’t been uploading them as frequently but I’m very happy to hear that thank you so much for coming along I am thinking of Reviving The shorts very shortly but they they do take a lot of work so um chat if there are ever any topics I guess like if there are any topics people can think of that come to mind when it comes to what they want to make me what they want to see from me on shorts let me know let me know uh cuz that’s always very useful to know okay do I dep Stater actually no that’s ah you’re not what I needed you were not the Chen one except unless impaling don’t need impaling my goodness right what else can we buy soci socially engineered friendships bro so foul I just was Pippa joking was pppa joking CH is pppa Al I just need to know I I just I need answers Pippa I need I need to know is pppa still Zing he’s not Zing is she no she’s not still Zing where is she where’s the creature wait where where is that [Music] penguin is she still live dude YouTube H YouTube is so glitchy I know how some people are like oh Spectre I never get notifications for your stream um YouTube is also my God she’s still alive my God God she’s still alive W she is still alive did I ask her no it’s not appropriate it’s not appropriate to bother people during their streams I’ll ask her later hang on anyway uh anyway what are we doing yeah we’re trying to get I’m trying to get silk touch on this uh cuz the block I need is uh silk touched silk touched I need I need I need I need H I need to ah they don’t have the refreshes I need um it’s YouTube broke with you anyway I know I know like Neil oh I did have enough experience after okay let’s give this another spin oh I hate it here as I always have oh well we don’t really need it um this is so sad I just want um um soy so soy so touch silky so [Music] touch oh enough dude what am I doing I me when brain brain goes BR I I need the experience to get soak touch on my theme bigy but I I don’t I have stuff now inspector a monster hunter fan I don’t know what that is so I’m going to have to say no I’m very sorry oh hang on let’s turn that off let’s see do I have any coal down here somehow always theow own Co I might as well grab a little more um you know what I guess we don’t pick up much copper ever one of the o no I don’t like that I was like thinking about it I’m like oh is it safe I’m like no I I’m if you’re not 100% sure you’re going to be safe and hardcore it it’s okay to just leave it like it’s better safe than losing everything so that’s why I’m like eh not today not today I do not give into temptation you don’t know that nope I do not unlik no I was going to be really I don’t I don’t lie that often like I don’t lie unless I have a reason to lie or someone has told me to lie like if someone’s like yeah don’t tell this person this thing and and then that person comes up to me and they’re like hey did did this person tell you this thing I’d be like um no what what do you mean I’m am so good at lying uh anyway oh goodness oh goodness yeah I don’t really have a copper chest wonder if smelting copper is going to give me what I need which is loads of experience okay me lie never are you British uh I’m actually from New York but you know people often can’t really tell that from the accent so I don’t I don’t blame anyone who gets it wrong Spector a master deceiver so real bestie so so true based oh goodness you know chat you’re so lucky I wasn’t in that big V and Goose goo. collab cuz truly I’ve never played that game before but it would have been over for everyone it would have been so over for everyone in that Lobby bracket’s real bracket’s not clickbait um um I think they would have died or possibly never spoken to me again one or the other arguably similar outcomes one day one day indeed Minecraft uh fans have usually usually at least heard of must hunter huh that’s crazy I’m uh I’m not like other Minecraft F oh dear oh dear the penguin is a bigger deceiver it seems right right right guys I’m just just a little shocked right now I’m I’m just a little you know I’m a little in shock at the moment I’m going to refill my ender chest with rockets cuz I feel like I’m I’m running out a bit lucky I left some stuff away we an Among Us collab of just you and pepper to see who’s the biggest you know chat somehow I feel like it would be hard to play Among Us with only two people I don’t know why I get that feeling I I just [Music] do oops um um why did I place that so far away I’m just feeling a little goofy quacky um so I usually have a stack of rockets in my Ender Chest which is usually a very good idea so I’m going to keep that and then make more rockets and I’m going to put these into the chest and yeah that’s fine good enough for me chop good enough for me sounds weirdly unwinable yeah sounds impossible to play cuz I’m pretty sure Among Us like as soon as there’s an equal number of imposters and um and crew mates so like you you sport in and then immediately end the game or something so I don’t think it would even let you go than you f going short it’s very comy oh thank you going to use as a background background for naps you’re welcome you’re very welcome I also like having things in the background on when I close my eyes like I can’t nap it’s very upsetting I wish I could nap I wish I could nap nap sounds so cozy but I am incapable I just I lie down and as soon as I lie down it’s like nope I’m not sleepy anymore I just I can’t I can’t do it I can be tired lying down but I can’t sleep lying down in the middle of the day it’s very strange I wish I could cuz it sounds great the only times I’ve napped in my life is when I’ve had like severe jet lag essentially so basically travel and my body’s just exhausted and you know not having a fun time with like the different air and the different time zone and the different climate and and that’s when it happens but apart from that I don’t skill issue what you walk a fine line goodness gracious goodness gracious um so whenever I am lying down cuz I’m sick or I’m tired or anything like that I will always put on like one of my favorite content creators on in the background to just close my eyes and that’s how I quote unquote nap that’s my equivalent cuz I can’t properly nap I can sleep in the day if I’m sick if if I’m Ill and my body’s exhausted that is when it can happen too otherwise not really your model super pretty thank you my mama did a great job a great job the best job please refresh I’m so upset my mama did a great job on my motel I’m very very happy with it I just I just like the number of motifs I was given that’s one of my favorite things about it like I know it’s a very detailed design but I love the fact that I was given so many options of what I wanted to take with me in in like the future of my bottle you know because yeah I think one day I would do a bit of a like like a I don’t know chat is it too magic to do like a creation stream and what I mean by that is a stream where I kind of delve in behind the scenes of me on a meta level and I go into you know alter ative names that I might have had in different timelines and different OSI marks that I might have had in different timelines is that is that too is that too better I feel like I out of everyone in be you I I make the most like I’m dead references it’s just too easy it’s just too easy you’re from New York how do you have the accent well my parents are from Texas so um I’ve got just a real International blend it’s kind of weird I know anyway um sounds fun that’s good okay okay well I’ll see if I can um I know that I don’t actually have like oh can I say that there are some like things I would not be able to show you guys but I would like to because I just want to say I just want to say some of these suggestions were a little silly goofy and I I I just want to I just want to see how like other people react to some of the things that that went on cuz I’m like it would be funny and also am I the problem or or is it was it was I actually right to be like hm I don’t know about that cuz it could be either it could be either how long do it take for villagers to uh change back to normal before you place a block to make them something specific for specific trades um not really sure what you mean b basically the only reason I’m destroying these blocks to like the only reason I destroy the blocks is in order to get the experience Loop behind them but villagers will refresh their trades up to three times a day just by having the Block in front of them they need to have a trading block near them or accessible to them in order to refresh that they’re bound to um so by placing it down I refresh the them being bound to the block I suppose please I just need I just need level 30 experience oh pain should I just level two enchant it the entire time no I I’ll wait I just I just need experience you see I’m not really here for the items I’m I’m just here for XP Troublesome very Troublesome I am just shy of what I need never mind okay what need on fun I wonder how funny they were did I tell you guys about how like what I have to do you know have I ever I don’t think I’ve ever spoken about coming up with my name have I no I don’t think I have I’m always worried about being too to meta to meta um you name is are hard I I think a lot goes into them that probably people don’t see God just give me silk touch man I’m so mad I’ve been sitting here for eight years trying to get silk touch please please just give me silk touch please I just need one silk touch could it be could it be I finally have the enchantment I was after for so many years oh chat I’m so happy all right let’s go let’s get out of [Music] here I thought the villager trading her animation while they’re basically prisoners oh um I I wouldn’t know about that I would they they have a great 2×1 met area in which they live their entire lives I I think that’s more than sufficient really um definitely complies with oer yeah I know what ooser is yep mhm not lying okay let’s go have a look see if I can get a deep s biome do I have Sher yeah I guess I’ll just use a TNT Sher um I’ve got torches I’ve got food how is the daylight yeah the Daylight’s fine all right let’s go let’s go so I think basically deep dark biomes are more likely to spawn under two mountainous areas and I believe there is a big to mountainous area over here yeah so it is feasible there will be a deep dark underneath this oh God this is horrible no I don’t want to go there um how big is this hill H I do really want to find one so yeah maybe I’ll hang on is there Ravine in here does this go deep please don’t be snow that I fall into and die in okay well it’s hard to tell cuz it’s like why zero is where deep dark spawns apparently so ooh okay I guess I’ll just go down here and see what I can find okay right chat I am really quickly going to go get some more hydration uh so I’ll oh where did my torch go um so I’m going to beer it back super super super quickly super super super super super super quickly and then yeah if you haven’t already please go stretch your legs get your own ation take a break stand up all that kind of stuff and I’ll be back uh in 2 minutes well maybe 3 minutes I don’t know all right see you guys in two seconds bye [Music] [Music] for for [Music] for [Music] what are you guys yapping about what’s going on here what’s going on [Music] here scatter Maybe I am interrogating a certain I mean what I mean I I mean I mean uh H okay you know what chat let us continue let us continue with our adventures indeed welcome back also got to SMH SMH everyone all right so we are going to see we’re going to see if we oh God why chat can I free cam I really want to free cam no it’s not it’s not it’s not appropriate to free cam I’ll just like I’ll just I’ll just do this yeah that’s fine that that is that is oh good that is oh good oh my goodness okay okay okay okay okay okay hang on hang on hang on okay let’s keep going let’s keep going there’s no math complimenting yeah guards please any perpetrators you find complimenting me please see them out see them out of the castle they they do not need to be uh invited back as guests yes no no no nothing like that how far down is a deep dog is is this good no level five okay oh God why are there so many these like this I don’t like these places is oh diamonds never mind I I can revise my opinion on these PL only one Diamond never mind my opinion stands um what can I put here to like remind me that this is where the entrances okay and I’ll also put that there okay let’s have a quick let me in let me in let’s have a a super quick look no what why is there no deep dock I had a dream chat I had a dream I had just a simple tiny dream that one day I could find the deep dark I thought it would be under here that was such a big mountain area hey chat can I freak out no I won’t freak out to find a deep do I mean I know they’re pretty rare I just really thought that this mounted would have it because it’s um usually they’re down super super low and so I thought this this seems as then they spawn under super high things but they spawn super low um under two structures ah man [Music] man that’s sad thing is I don’t really want to like dig around the the cavey areas cuz it isn’t safe definitely [Music] no yeah nothing just all gross gross what do you call this gross like like like uh stalic tights and stalic mites I don’t like stalic tights and stalic mites I prefer stalic mites stalic tights kind of threatening but you know I don’t like either okay well we’ll find another Mountain I guess we didn’t dig that far which is um pretty nice pretty convenient okay let’s try uh to be honest I guess we could just like dig under here uh should we go somewhere further away no risk no reward I think that’s Limestone no it’s actually something called like dripstone yeah it’s I guess it might be meant to resemble might be meant to resemble Limestone who knows who knows okay new Mountain this is a tool Mountain surely there must be a deep dock down down here I I believe uh is there a ocean down here though see it’s it’s usually much easier to like dig in underneath a mountain if there’s uh if there’s a river or some kind of water because obviously that that goes lower into the ground oh well um I guess it doesn’t make it like that huge of a difference okay let’s uh let’s try here yeah yeah yeah okay and then like that there we go cool right let’s keep digging stalic mites how do I say stalic mit’s weird hang on hang on let me let me find it let me let me find it I say it the right way what do you mean what do you mean I say it the normal way I say it the normal way what do you mean honestly chat chat are chat are making up allegations I swear I swear chosing between made you look all right Gods Gods get that I bet I bet I bet you were just covering up for the fact you thought it was pronounced differently Gods get get that get that chatter get that chatter gods SM MH SMH my head goodness gracious your own princess I can’t believe this goodness [Music] goodness bam God 67 oh this is why chat this is why you do not do this unless there’s a river like the last time we only had to dig down 30 blocks this time we have to dig down I don’t want to do this no no no come on come on don’t do this to me video game you don’t want to do this to me we’re friends this does not look friendly do I have a shield so I just don’t want anything to spawn I see it I see what we need I was correct my theories were right okay um okay my theories were correct I see deep dark down there it’s far away and it’s really exposed I’m contemplating okay let let’s let’s see if we can dig like a little further I don’t want to go into any water areas but I don’t have enough um don’t have enough torches either [Music] okay oh no [Music] this is so scuffed don’t worry about it don’t worry about it chat it’s scuffed but it’s fine okay let’s let’s see if we can just like dig a little further [Music] um let’s see how far down can we go I need more torches why I mean I know why uh that is what the emergency chest is for but I don’t have any coal I think we’re we’re quite far down for coal aren’t we okay I’m also going to put that way take this I don’t need anything else do I okay let’s see if I can find like a few pieces of coal probably just go instead of the deep darkg better check before going I mean that’s fine I would actually much prefer that for very obvious reasons um oh [Music] perfect but like deep darks in the ancient city are are different chat I think I think maybe there’s some confusion about that [Music] I don’t think I’m ever going to do an ancient city raid on my hardcore world I know chat won’t like that but oh my God why why is that here huh oh this is perfect [Music] oh [Music] no oh I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared okay chat I’m betting on there not being many creatures God I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here I’m so nervous so we can get three shers up to three before a bad guy spawns and like if a bad guy spawns like we are a th% dead so yeah going to keep that what is okay okay so indeed it seems there are not many shers very good we do love to see that okay just going to go super super super [Music] slowly okay okay I actually think we’re all right I don’t see many shers which is ideal for my purposes so um bad things do not spawn in the deep dark uh like mobs do not spawn on on deep do scope which is ideal we love that but you know it’s still very scary still very scary cuz if you trigger that that evil block then then bad things start happening I don’t want bad things to happen okay I am hearing some kind of creature though yeah we’re just we’re just going to take things um very very very very very very very slowly okay you’re a big Trails fan right of course I am a huge Trails fan yes I have been looking at the Kyo kisaki scans even though I know I really should not be um because I I want to see the new character designs uh cuz I I have opinions on character designs all the time I love looking at character designs and I I feel like I feel like C is really weird and that they completely fumble a lot of character designs but they have some absolutely goated character designs at the same time and I’m like how how did this happen though Trails is like that Trails will sometimes have like the most Immaculate like excellent true to the character excellent color palette well balanced like beautiful character designs and they’ll fumble it by giving like the Canon character like the ugliest design you’ve ever seen um and it’s weird like a lot of characters in trailers have like simultaneously like some of my favorite character designs of that Arc and the worst character designs of that Arc in in my humble opinion so yeah I’ll be happy when we get five stacks of skull I believe yeah truly 50/50 yeah like I think on the whole very decent like on the whole pretty good um but yeah there’s also like a lot of bad ones to be honest I think anytime Charles tries to go the fan service route like they just make whack not nice character designs uh and the prime example of that I would give is Fe clel like they just ruined her design with like fan servy ones and then went back to like non- fan servy ones later in later games and she looks so good now that they’re not trying to like I don’t know who are they appealing to with with the designs that she got poor Fe the curs of fan service yeah a little bit like that don’t really want to go much further out to be honest with you guys it’s scary out there I see a shica down there I see two that’s kind of what I’m most nervous about I think they’re in range of each other if I break that one it’s going to trigger that one it’s going to trigger all the others and those will send signals elsewhere so yeah just going to try and stick uh as close as we can to where we know is safe for and 9 who’s in force and 9 can’t remember when you say it like that I’m like who’s that wait why why did someone say have you played toan I have not actually oh yeah no so agree I thought you were going to talk about a certain um redhead one and I was going to be like oh no no but hers hers pop off like at least at least at least the you know later game one that pops off but like before that yeah I’d kind of agree but yeah know that one yeah I [Music] agree I don’t actually know what’s up here yeah I should should be careful shouldn’t get ahead of myself it’s very easy to get ahead of yourself and that is what kills players okay just going to come back to my little safe cave safety cave right one more stack and I think I will be happy just want to put some nice things up just want to go this way a little bit and have a quick look see if there are actually any shers okay [Music] [Music] there’s the Sher down there apart from that this area looks clean okay clear area clear okay and now we begin the excavation process I really don’t want to be coming back here to be honest so I’m going to grab as much as I [Music] can as much as I’m can’t be grabbing and then I can leave forever and never return okay um boink boink Bo isn’t it such a beautiful block though this has to be I think out of all the blocks in the game this is like a Spectra block I think this fits my design very well which is why I wanted to use it like as soon as I was like oh yeah the void Stars I see the vision I see the vision got some gaming too oh yes Nissa Nas America is very very do people say Nissa or Nas America I say both um I know I think it’s technically n America but Nissa has a lot of sales and the trails games always front and center of the those um which is super good because the TR games are not cheap they are not cheap whatsoever but they are very long games and and you will get your play time out of them if you’re into if you know you’re into this genre of games you 100% to get your play time out of them uh so yeah but yeah I feel you I’m very glad they come out very infrequently cuz they are they are a lot they are a lot unless you wait for a sale and I love Trails too much not to immediately buy the new releases have you having fun Mining and crafting I am actually thank you we are just uh grabbing [Music] things getting the vines as well because Vines are excellent for Block blending if you’re doing a gradient palette which I which I do like doing from time to time um it’s like the best way like this trap doors that have holes in and Vines and like cherry blossoms they’re all really good for Crea [Music] ingredients still enjoying the when you played as well yes I need to finish it I I’ve been thinking of like when to restart it cuz I haven’t like started um restarted playing zero since my break uh I think I’ll pick it up again next week but I just wanted to give like a bit of a buffer period I suppose for everyone to capture up who wanted to on my Traer series cuz I know it’s like when you play a series um there’s always a risk that like people won’t be able to catch every stream and so there’s going to be you know less and less people able to enjoy it with you cuz they don’t want to like expose themselves on later arcs and stuff if or like later um scenes if they haven’t got there yet in the catchup so yeah that’s why I was like eh I’ll just I’ll just wait a while uh but we don’t have long to go that’s the other thing like we’re pretty we’re final chapter like I think one maybe three more Trails games playthroughs and we’ll be done we’ll be done with zero isn’t that crazy we’re about to be finished with zero honestly if I hadn’t done any side quest we’d probably be done by now like easily we’d be done by now man man time is a flat circle but yes I I really want to play Kuro so badly I can’t wait for it to come out I’ve been looking at the cast decisions God I need to do that 12 hours Trail stream as soon as I’m finished with zero I’m planning the 12 hours Trail stream maybe even for my birthday thing I can do no I can’t combine it with a birthday Obby oh look at sty Valley Peppa Peppa my favorite manipulator Pippa Pippa I need answers Pippa was no I’m joking I told my chat I told my chat like I went to your chat I went into your stream and then you my brother you’re talking about how to how to how to how to manipulate me how to how how was all socially constructed all the all the DMS all those DMS they after after weeks of studying my tweets and and talking you know I’m joking I’m joking it makes a lot of s no it’s oh good it’s oh good I get it I get it I don’t get it I don’t get it why why would anyone do that effort for me it was so funny spe spects being successfully gaset SMH SMH I can’t believe this I can’t believe uh should I make a note of this coordinate yeah I should hang where where where are we 24471 de dark entrance uh 24471 is that it yeah it is that’s crazy all right right no it’s cuz I’m so that’s so sweet actually that’s very sweet oh no it’s just the way you phrased it it just it was the way you phrased it you were like oh yeah I studied spectre’s tweets and then only after I had been chatting in her chat like for a long time to like familiarize her to me then I started dming and then I also clap I was like oh my God oh my God it was all alive it was all it it was all engine it I can’t believe it goodness you’re too cool know you know you she’s just a little guy how could you know you know you I’m glad we became friend even but then you were like what is this about buying me a gift to get the next friendship cutscene what is the next friendship Cuts scene Pippa what is the next friendship cut scene what do you mean by that what do what do you mean by that uh s m h my head my head what what is this friendship cut see We Touch hey Modz Modz please can you remove um this inappropriate Gods Gods please remove this penguin gods you know I thought it was just kilia I should be wary of trying to trying to you know Pat my behind Pat my glutenous Maximus but but it seems I should be cautious of of someone else in in the British ji Valley gang like this um um um gods Gods I need a do I need a do I need a do I don’t I don’t I don’t know what kind of friendship cut scene your imagining but I don’t think this is that kind of genre no I’m not that kind of streamer I’m not that kind of streamer Peppa I don’t I don’t know if I I don’t know if I have you know you mean I oh um h i don’t Peppa do you know what that means I think I think I think that’s being a misunderstanding I think that’s being a misunderstanding ooh Peppa look at my shaders look how nice my shaders are yeah yeah look at how beautiful oh look at the Moon we have the light of the Moon by my house um sadly I can’t invite you here after the inappropriate comments you made but you know um but you know that that’s you know it is what it is anyway so we now have the block I was after uh and I’m thinking of the palette I want to use for this guy this roof cuz currently it is dot you can’t really see it in the dark but it’s dot I want to replace it with something I don’t want it to be the same as this so that’s why I was thinking oh maybe I’ll go for something a little quarky maybe I will go for a voides roof um and that is my plan I am considering how I do the gradient and uh I’m thinking do I do black stone kind of just want to keep it voidy I don’t know I don’t know what’s this called it’s very small it’s very small it’s a very small thing okay so block palette I was thinking uh small small gradient but now that I look at that I’m like maybe we just keep it skull cuz skull breathes uh that’s not like texture Shader exclusive I think the shaders like make it more obvious but um scope does breathe maybe I just do it like that and I was thinking like the um accent color will be like this do we think that goes with the house I mean it’s going to be a bit of contrast but I think that’s nice and then the reason why I got so many of the skull veins is because you can like gradient it like this and so it looks a little more it looks a little you know py paty I thought it be a good penguin I I yeah I think I think I think I think I think I think you should I think um maybe you know maybe uh oh the the the phrase the phras the phrasing the phrasing of what you said maybe um um I don’t think it means what you think it means I don’t think it means what you what what you what you think what what you think me I don’t I you know maybe um different cut scene maybe maybe a good ending not that ending not that ending yes yes yes yes yes why are you so shame if be a p what do you mean listen my manager said it’s my turn to gas like globy members you know like I’ve been a victim for too long my manager was like you need Spectre you need to stand my manager didn’t say this I’m lying um but I’m sure if my manager knew my manager would be like oh oh Spectra you know what I actually feel like my manager would would also be be a victim um several times I I’ve made jokes that I think have been taken like very literally and I’ve been like oh um H hang on a second so so so maybe um know I’d love to see that oh my God CH she’s she’s so she’s so evil she’s already she’s already mocking my ability to to gas like gate go boss she doesn’t think I could do it clearly that’s what this is oh my oh my Chad I’m worri I’m worried I I won’t be able to win this fight manager is always a victim listen I don’t think learning about EG was really that bad like I I don’t think it’s that bad I think I think it’s like important uh important general knowledge probably uh for just you know the general population to know about but you know what do what do I know do fa you immediately retracted the line oh goodness oh goodness poor poor managers everywhere suffering but yeah I hope you had a great collab earlier I hope it went really well okay let me get some more Blackstone we’ll try it we’ll see how it works I mean I don’t think it’s um like the the main thing is just keeping the shape the shell of the uh exterior that we’ve made because otherwise I’ll be very sad if I destroy it entirely after working working on it for so [Music] Longoria I would never gas light amoria Senai amoria my beloved gosh amoria is so nice to me Chad I would never am Maria is way too nice to to ever do that to oh my goodness I can’t I cannot believe you guys would suggest such a thing I I’m simply uh disbelieving disbelieving that that would ever occur oh I can’t I hate build my fether falling she’s too nice that’s why it would be easy you guys are so mean you guys are so mean why why does everyone these days want to just Gaslight other people why can’t we just be friends with without you know the the the the the 3 months of you know planning what’s that about what’s that about okay okay right do I want to do more than that maybe maybe I just do like this this Edge a bit hey you know what that makes a lot of sense if only like these um edges [Music] are like that okay okay we’re going to do do this very slowly and very carefully okay I think he means Amora no I feel like Amora is British so I I feel like Amora wouldn’t have that you know as princesses we have to be we have to be quite Discerning about who we allow into our Inner Circle lest they overthrow the government and murder our whole families not that I have family but you know I hear this from you know the the princess Council um and so I believe I believe Amura would um you know have her have her wits about her when it comes to this gaslighting shenan that uh the kids seem to be so fond of these days yes yes yes yes gosh I’m on ironically I’m literally getting scared by my own shadow I’m like oh what was that W I don’t like this I don’t like [Music] okay I think that’s [Music] done that doesn’t look too bad does it like I know it looks a little d dark I’m worried it looks too dark actually okay let’s let’s see how the skull looks because it’s the skull that is most important most important here okay so if I just that’s one one two three four Bam Bam oh one is that does it not go is it too contrasting my fear is it’s a bit too contrasting actually I’m I’m worried it actually doesn’t match I mean it was always going to like not match a little bit but I think it’s like not matching too much you know what I [Music] mean oh no oh no I’m very worried CH I I’m actually not sure about this anymore like let’s look at this I think it’s a bit too dark isn’t it looks a bit too evil [Music] just thinking cuz um we would have use me we would have like some kind of you know OB it’s not going to look like this don’t don’t freak out it’s not going to look like this but like we will have some kind of framing like honestly we could just change the framing for my intended War slabs you AR going for evil no it’s my castle I just thought it would be I I just it’s like my tower I thought it would be nice it would be wholesome um what we could do is we could uh Edge it with a spruce like trim have the trimming Beast Spruce and then that will have it match pretty well I think cuz it’ll it’ll make things very easy to match out otherwise we could try quartz but I again I think quartz is going to be too different what do we think what do we think is it too evil I’m not sure it’s looking a little evil right now uh but do I mind that I don’t know if I mind it I think I think what bothers me too much is a contrast um cuz I did want it to be a different vibe anyway I’m just kind of thinking now I’m like maybe maybe magenta would be would be better but um this is not going to be how it looks don’t freak out this not how how how it will be but if we just did that for like an idea yeah suddenly it Blends a lot more and then that’s also the issue of ow there Al the issue [Music] of this [Music] so like already that makes it look it’s hard it’s it’s hard to tell with the dirt in the way isn’t it you know what YOLO let’s let’s give it a go see how um see how things look and then we can figure out a way for it to work later I’m panicking over the Aesthetics it’s not for you to panic about it’s for me to panic about SMH SMH chat I think it’s D I don’t think it’s bad to have a bit of contrast um chat why you why are you freaking out why are you freaking out I think I’m kind of committed to the skoke I’m not going to lie to you guys and I I think I don’t think you guys I don’t think you guys see the skull Vision I don’t think you guys are committed you’re not you’re not in it for the biscuit you know me put the shaders back on oh my oh my it’s so bright oh goodness oh goodness what are you building I’m building a tower for my um for my [Music] home and it for the biscuit what what’s wrong with that what what did I stuck up did I start a chat let’s just like go to the top so I can have a I said the I’ve said the biscuit freezers like eight times I swear it’s not that new I say risk it for a biscuit you know the classics it’s not so uncommon oh we pass panicking I don’t hate it I don’t but I can understand I don’t hate it no one out here going to risk it for the biscuit with me no one’s in it to win it right that’s what I’m saying H oh it was it dark face I forgot that was toggled goodness gracious I don’t think it’s that bad I quite like it actually but but I see I see apprehension in chat like I think it works I think what we would have to do but will you learn to love it like I actually like it I think it’s right but chat are being drama queens you know what I’m saying like like the Spira they’re crying they cry about everything I think that’s quite nice I I wonder if actually what I would do is change the brick work to make it darker instead of being Stone and andesite I would change the brick brick work to like deep slate or maybe I would make it quartz I feel like if I made it courts that would also work yeah I don’t hate it I don’t mind it I think it’s right anyway um oh see it’s cute I like it thank you thank you thank you thank you well think we’ve done pretty well today oh wait oh look I’m so shaded oh chat wait let me go this way oh I’m so shaded oh it’s beautiful well chat I think that will be the stream I think that will be the stream for today do you think cuz we’ve um been streaming for 3 hours got the isolated wizard Vibe I think the contrast would be cool yeah I think I think courts might work actually I’m I’m thinking it’s um fairly similar to the basement Vibes in in that respect and then maybe that could tie the house together a little bit Yeah Okay so [Music] right oh why is my armor back on Grim right thank you guys so much for joining today uh thank you so much to all the people who raed in I really really appreciate that you guys are super super cool and lovely thank you thank you thank you uh thank you to everyone who joined if you’re new here and you enjoyed the streams please feel free to um subscribe if you are new cuz it helps out the channel and other YouTuber Shenanigans thank you guys so much for joining what what what is my what is my YouTube doing what is my YouTube doing stop it cease um and yeah thank you guys thank you guys so so much I had a good time I really had fun today thank you thank you thank you actually I’ve been streaming for four hours if you count the the scuff that Sudan that is so secret and and not real and um don’t worry about anything don’t don’t you guys worry about anything so who do we want to raid today who do you want to raid actually I don’t know who who do we who do we want to raate let’s see who is live we have we have a lot of rating options today like a lot a lot a lot um yeah who do we who do we want to right okay so we have DK DK is live during incription we have we have Mel oh my God we have so many globy extremers so we have M from globy who is doing fortnite with who and Leon and Luka wait is Luka back oh I think Luka’s just uh in a collab but Luka Luka’s on hius we love Luka in the Southold um who else is live we also have two of globe’s latest debuts we advance F Creed during Persona three reload and we have kohaku doing s shingo so many options who do you want to read I watch it during the stream wait what does that do Dan I thought I is it not unlisted oh I unlisted it instead of making it private oh my bad well that has now been deleted forever thank you for pointing that out wait have I unlisted like most of my short streams instead of PRI privating them oh I’m so silly well get sad all getting nuked hey chat thanks for bringing that to my attention now they’re being deleted forever oh this is so funny thanks chat now I can remove them from the internet Forever Wait what people still looking at those oh goodness man well I aned them mainly to like keep my keep my YouTube Clean then I was like I I’ll just kill them all I didn’t realize they were still in existence in circulation oh wow that’s crazy I forgot I forgot about that uh but I guess like you’d only have them if you save the links oh well doesn’t matter now why are we sad chat why are we sad don’t cry you guys weren’t actually um like watching shorts vods were you unless you were right were you were you guys chat was anyone like watching short Sports I didn’t think that happened but you know what I could I could be wrong absolutely not I yes are you lying me really you watch shorts spot my lawyers advised me not to answer sometimes well do you want me to put them all in a playlist for members wait can you can you make it members you can make it members only should I make that a member Puck I guess I could make that a member Puck I’m not lying I really do watch okay I didn’t realize people did that I I thought that like short streams were just like convenient for people when live and otherwise oh so I prived all of them from like March and then I forgot and then I started un lifting it’s good for mobile oh chat I didn’t realize I thought I thought short streams were like a use it or lose it kind of policy I didn’t know I didn’t know you guys I didn’t know you watch shorts vs I didn’t even think anyone watch my vs anyway I didn’t think I was that interesting that people watch me when I’m not live you know oh that’s crazy okay well I’ll think about that then I’ll think about that then what do you mean I just didn’t think that was the thing I don’t know I don’t know I still have it in my head that I sorry I’m rubbing my eye I still have it in my head that I’m just super small super small in my unknown corner of the internet and I I think I I forget sometimes that b andu is actually like very sizable and I I have like a very sizable audience now that I’m very grateful for but but in my head I’m still just like the no one Mr 6K no what well listen listen subscribers don’t mean anything numbers don’t mean anything uh but yeah I’m very I’m very very grateful you’re a little guy what do you mean a what do you mean a don’t know about that wait hang on a second uh someone mentioned numbers in chat hey Gods Gods please remove this person bring up num honestly honestly honestly okay thank you guys so so much for watching thank you so much to everyone who raed in wait hi Phil numbers oh God don’t don’t be scared it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we we live um thank you for staying um thank you everyone so much for watching thank you to all the people who read it in so that was Lita uh and that was carrot and that was Bill please go check them all out if you haven’t already uh what else is there yep we need someone to raid who do we ra we have too many people to raid do we want to raid the um I feel like cuz we are raided by we should go and support globy Gen 2 um and I can send the the short stream to DK short stream does that work DK is doing inscript inscription sorry I I saw like inscription and then she said P3 and I was like Persona 3 I was really confused uh but yeah your viewers will probably appreciate fortnite who’s who’s streaming fortnite who is streaming fortnite oh yeah that’s s the globy club yeah of course I knew that I was like oh wait who’s stream okay okay okay but then who who do we stream with who do who do we raid out of all of them there’s so many there’s so many there’s so many there’s so many humans out there oh God me when I’ve been begging for people to raid in EU hours for so long and And yet when I have people to read I’m like wait no not like this there’s too many of them there’s too many um I think I will still read my gmate DK’s uh inscription stream from the shorts viewers so thank you guys so much um if you would like to I’m going to send you guys over to DK who’s doing incription if you want to check out any of the amazing globy members uh just just type in just type in globy and then four out of six gen one members are doing fortnite so you’ll find them you’ll find them um I don’t think I’ve raid Advance before have we raid Advance before wait have we I can’t remember oh wait is the fortnite collab ending huh streamed one minute ago oh no me when I took too long to make a decision all right all right all right all right all right all right Panic don’t worry don’t worry we’re fine sorry i i i f too long on this ending scene sometimes I’m just like my brain is like I don’t know brain gets overwhelmed I’ve been streaming for 5 hours straight I should probably go eat food anyway thank you guys so much for joining I am going to send the horizontal stream radios over to I can’t remember who we decided I can’t remember who we deci who did this is terrible this is bad it was it was um Vance right we haven’t raided Vance before I believe so I’m going to ra you to Vance he’s doing Persona 3 I will probably play Persona 3 one day in the future so have have fun have fun watching see if it’s a game you want me to play uh oh actually chat let me see if I got an update on a certain game that was recommended to me sorry tangent time it did you think I wasn’t going to go in a tangent uh tangent time I forgot about this but someone asked me to play a certain game and I’ll probably play this one before playing Persona 3 but I know do people want to see me play Persona 3 I feel like a lot of B and members are doing Persona 3 play through so I was like maybe maybe not for a little bit hang on I’m scrolling down do you hear me scrolling down aggressively no it hasn’t been updated any people have um asked me to play buried Stars which is a visual no mystery puzzle thing yeah yeah so I think I want to play that one day I thought you weren’t too big on it that who don’t forget your hair forever okay I’ll let you go fine fine you guys can go fine off you go off you go I’m going to send you to advance doing Persona 3 if you want me to play Persona 3 uh let me know after after checking out his stream and going and supporting thank you guys so much for joining me today and I will see you all oh God wait what am I streaming next I was having a chill week cuz I was sad all right we’re going to be live again on Saturday doing to time for two with my wonderful senpi cion so I’m going to send out a questions form probably tomorrow or today um so if you would like to send any topics of me andon to talk about she’s my Genty Senpai from Oracle please let me know I know a lot of people have been asking me and Scion to collab for ages like a really long time whenever I asked like oh who do you guys want to see me collab with out of the senis when I was out of collab jail a lot of people said s because we both do Z Dan streams we we both love Minecraft and so yeah yeah uh we’re finally going to do a a little chat together yeah if there’s any topics or any questions you have um feel free to comment them below or put them in my Discord Channel or I’m going to make a questions for very soon so yeah thank you so much I’ll see you on Saturday for that te half for now everyone and Fel bye everyone bye bye bye bye bye bye bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘Nether Explosions and World Exploration!【HC Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2024-04-25 18:41:35. It has garnered 1177 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:16 or 12076 seconds.

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mining. gaming. thriving. in my lane. moisturised. wheat potato and carrot crops watered. unbothered. flourishing. crafting. nothing bad happening. yippee.


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Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets

Thumbnail asset credit: https://x.com/Yuisiro_Rayfa/status/1608432919739236353 BGM Credit: Nobu via DovaSyndrome



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    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 24 Minecraft Challenge: Day 24 Exploring the World Seed In today’s Minecraft challenge, the player found themselves surrounded by towering spruce trees in the world seed: -1206291632661826736. Using a clever technique of creating a staircase on the tree trunk, they managed to gather blocks from one of the large trees in a single go. Sending Greetings Not only did the player tackle the in-game challenges, but they also took the time to send greetings to fellow gamers on YouTube and TikTok. Shoutouts were given to creators such as @SilviaPatriciaNunezValdez, @m4xi_183, @facha918, @naim2518, @bwaaa-sdr, @jeffer2651 on YouTube, and @unpapelfurioso, @juanchy129k, @imm61664,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown Minecraft Secret Base Logic: NOOB vs PRO Welcome to our latest Minecraft video, where we explore the concept of secret bases through the lens of a noob and a pro player! In this epic showdown, we will witness the different strategies and tactics used by both players to create the ultimate secret base. The Battle Begins Watch as the noob player fumbles and struggles to build a basic shelter, while the pro player effortlessly constructs a complex and well-hidden base. Will the noob player be able to catch up and outsmart the pro, or will their lack of experience… Read More

  • Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!

    Unlocking Obsidian in Minecraft Agency!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Quest for Obsidian in Our Survival Saga: The Minecraft Agency’, was uploaded by Agent Omega on 2024-03-07 02:38:48. It has garnered 45 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds. We finally found a cave with what seems to be unlimited resources! Now we just need an ender chest and we can start moving forward and fast towards our bosses. This time I want to see if we can trigger a pillager raid, let’s see what can stop us. Come hop in and have some fun! Don’t Forget… Read More

  • Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!

    Unbelievable SMP Ore Mining Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I WON 9 STACKS OF ORE on an SMP – Metacraft S3#12’, was uploaded by Brevort on 2024-02-13 10:03:17. It has garnered 115 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:56 or 2396 seconds. Survival Minecraft 1.20. In this episode, we build a glow squid farm using guardians, then we join a mining competition (Meta Mining Expedition) where the person with the most ore after the time is up takes all! Featured in this episode: AlphaMike17 – @alphamike17https://www.twitch.tv/alphamike17 Bygl – @ByglPlays https://www.twitch.tv/bygl_ classicFaye – @classicfaye FuryRaptor – @furyraptor LadyZentra – @ladyzentrahttps://www.twitch.tv/ladyzentra… Read More

  • Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2

    Valley of Riches: Epic Minecraft Survival #2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series #2 | Going to the VALLEY & collecting diamonds ,iron etc.’, was uploaded by Epic Edge on 2024-05-06 12:49:52. It has garnered 28 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:47 or 827 seconds. _Minecraft Survival Series #2: Going to the Valley!_ “Welcome back to our Minecraft Survival Series! In episode #2, we’re venturing out of our safe haven and into the unknown… Our journey takes us to the Valley, a mysterious and treacherous region filled with hidden dangers and untold riches. We’ll need to be cautious and clever… Read More

  • Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memes

    Insane new water bucket trick! Must see! #shorts #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘water bucket trick 💪😀#shorts #memes’, was uploaded by ZA GAMING on 2024-02-03 07:28:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video titled “Mastering Minecraft: Unleashing Creative Gameplay,” we dive deep into the … Read More

  • Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!

    Insane Gamer816 Builds Epic Tree House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unbelievable Tree House Build on Minecraft!’, was uploaded by GAMER816 on 2024-06-23 03:53:37. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses #cricut made diy activities minecraft backrooms minecraft shorts minecraft simple tutorials minecraft tutorial Tree house offgrid tiny house My Instagram Account https://www.instagram.com/gamersamit0816?igsh=ZWI1amprcTF3dHQ0 Read More


    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : https://streamelements.com/luckyshotwk/tip SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k https://www.instagram.com/luckyshot.w.k/ Discord: The Wolf Pack https://discord.gg/zMHFPRpWgV Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK https://twitter.com/LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk https://www.tiktok.com/@luckyshotxwk?lang=en MERCH!!! https://streamlabs.com/wolfxknightsx/merch SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/xw664 Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 🤫 #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: https://profile.turnip.gg/246DuLDWm5cRw8aAA Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By ‪@TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java DragonChief.xyz:25566 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

  • WebMC OneBlock

    Play our game mode reimagined on our very own OneBlock server! With custom mechanisms inspired by DeblokMC, start off with just one block and build your way up to greatness. Fun, challenges, and a friendly community await! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft pro or nah?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft pro or nah?That meme must have really passed some gas to score so high! Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

    Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 - Ticket Tightrope Welcome, welcome, to the Bean Mart show, Where we mix business with Minecraft, let’s go! On TikTok Live, I shared the behind-the-scenes, Of ordering, stocking, and all the in-betweens. The viewers were hooked, on the edge of their seats, As I navigated the game with swift and neat beats. Join me on YouTube, if you missed the live stream, For a night of fun, like a gaming dream. Subscribe to my channel, for more content galore, On Instagram, Amazon, and so much more. Follow me on Spotify, for tunes that inspire, And on Facebook and Pinterest, for content that’s… Read More


    PEDRO'S FIERY MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS! 🔥 Why did Pedro bring a pickaxe to the club? To mine some sick beats! #minecraftparty #miningforlaughs #pedrotheDJ Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Minecraft Ice Island – Episode 2 – Sewage Treatment

    Minecraft Ice Island - Episode 2 - Sewage Treatment Minecraft Wyspa Mrozu I – Epizod 2 – Oczyszczalnia Ścieków Exploring the High Voltage Pillars As the Minecraft player ventured past the high voltage pillars, they stumbled upon a surprising discovery – the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sheer shock of the encounter was evident in their reaction, making for an exciting viewing experience. Stay tuned for more! Map Details For those interested in exploring the same Minecraft world, the map can be accessed at the following link: Mapa Wyspa Mrozu I. The map was created by the talented duo of RemBX and Astyn, showcasing their creativity and attention to… Read More

  • EPIC WITHER SUMMONING in Minecraft?!

    EPIC WITHER SUMMONING in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Summoning The WITHER.. Minecraft: From The Fog #6’, was uploaded by stimp on 2024-06-04 19:06:00. It has garnered 14819 views and 945 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. NEW GLOWING EYES CLOAK: https://lunarclient.com/stimpy Follow my socials! https://twitch.tv/stimp https://twitter.com/StimpyPvP https://youtube.com/stimpFPS (2nd Channel) Read More

  • World of Twilight Forest: Razz Gaming Minecraft #9

    World of Twilight Forest: Razz Gaming Minecraft #9Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tapi Kita Berada di Dunia Twilight Forest #9 #minecraft #shorts #razzgaming #twilightfores’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-02-15 10:00:30. It has garnered 2737 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video : Minecraft Riot Playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source:… Read More