Uncover the Dark Secrets of Twilights in Origins SMP

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Okay I hit go live again I think it should be working yeah there we go okay it connect actually that’s much better than like starting it from scratch that’s just like one click and it like instantly goes that’s oh I enjoy that yeah holy crap I don’t understand any of

That should probably go back to my face for a moment okay there we go ads sorry guys can’t help ads it’s not my fault y we’re here though it worked I’m stuck stuck in a hole okay there we go I was stuck guys I escaped though I escaped the hole of

Death yo hello my friends my people the coolest people ever that’s you guys that that is all of you yall are what make everything possible so to viewers like you thank you okay I said the thing if you remember that if you remember that someone took my stare any of you

Remember that from like your childhood then you’ve had a good childhood and a special thanks to you viewers like you thank you yo T Scott let’s go he got the ad does anyone remember that does anyone remember the like the cat and hat saying that at the

End of every at the end beginning in at every end do you remember that crap it’s so fun it great yes PBS Kids cheetah let’s go why are you still walking you sit don’t fall down there you will die don’t do it okay yeah on the server with me right

Now is Spirit s tcot and diamonds so maybe more I don’t know who I’m going to run into I don’t have plans to run in with anyone wait say it again um rain Becca it’s and a special thank you to viewers like you thank

You and it was the cat and the hat and then the cat and the hat would fly off to a different vention or something I don’t know what he does okay okay so I’m quickly grabbing the stream link just so I can give it to the people oh wait no it might have

Already ped great oh it did bet okay normally doesn’t work like that maybe it does now maybe it fixed okay so yes before I get going with much of anything I will say that rinsler is gone obviously he’s not dead so like you know there is there is that there there is

That that’s pretty good he’s not dead so there there’s one there’s one bit of goodish news um just going in the Bell corner so I’m not going to get into it n okay as far as I know none of us know exactly what happened like and he he probably sent it

To like his closest of closest friends but for like the majority of us we were just simply told that he was going to be leaving YouTube in Discord probably forever there was a quote very small chance of return one day so maybe cuz he did he did mention the possibility of of

Finishing off season two of ruined reality obviously and that would imply the chance of return but like you know things can change so I don’t don’t hold your bre don’t hold your breath for that I’m just saying it is it is technically a possibility that could happen down the line

Um there’s also a video on R’s thing I need to watch yeah yeah Sans he was vague with like every DM it looked like and he was also vague in every server announcement um um Sans do you know who made the video on the goodbye rinser video I’m

Going to watch it after stream I just saw it while setting up do you know was that you guys did you all make it or like was it a pre-recorded from him so I would suggest people go watch that for answers Sesame Street was a great thing it was

Amazing it’s still going it’s the longest running show of all time it has more episodes than one piece which is nuts okay Sans it was you okay cool I’ll watch that after this then I don’t know how long I’ll be going for but I’ll watch it after yeah it’s sad

But but you know we had good we had good times we there was good there was laughter and you know hopefully I just hope that wherever he is whatever he does I hope it goes well for him and yeah that that’s all that’s always the Hope um I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to say this that lava’s in charge of the SMP I feel like at some point that would have had to have been explained because it someone’s going to ask so I feel like that’s fine saying LA’s just kind of the new guy in charge

So I’ve been talking to him a bit um things are the S&P is going obviously I’m streaming it just without rinsler rinsler wanted it to keep going he told he like specifically mentioned that he wanted the SMP to keep going and that all was in charge and stuff so we’re

Keeping it to the lore that Riner had told us so far anything past that though obviously is going to be kind of up to Lava and Sands and te Scot I imagine probably all neutral too those guys um yeah so yeah it’s going to keep happening um yeah yep yep

Yep also for um I feel like I can say this now too because it’s not happening anymore obviously so everyone always was talking about the collab that would never happen which was Legends and ruin reality yeah that was happening in the beginning of season six that was the um

You know you know how my um legend of the bouncers is like set up like each season split into three arcs like three smaller sections of the story and then they all combin into a season like um last season was um the or War followed by death followed by psychotic yeah at

The start of 6 at the at the start of 6 it was um G to be the ruined reality and the balancer collab that was going to be that in fact I I actually kind of want to explain how it was going to work because I feel like U I’m not going to

Say like lead ups and stuff because that’s spoiler but basic basically obviously different omniverses and such so the the plan was was that um the balcers actually ended up in the crossroads and fought the first curse the first curse was then going to split balance into light Steve and unknown

Alex he was going to curse light and then toss him off the crossroads um and because like you know there was nowhere to teleport he was like the crossroads are outside of all the universes and stuff his creator energy would have just kind of teleported him to try to go to the

Closest safe location and since there was no open Universe within the Baler Multiverse since he was already in The Crossroads it was going to teleport him to an adjacent Omniverse which would have been rinsers and then balance as like Steve cite Steve would have ended

Up in ruin reality that was the plan me and him discussed it for a while that that was gonna happen and now okay again rler might come back one day probably not though but if he does it’s going to be really awkward when that ends up happening but

Yeah kayen I know kayen I know what the pause was about I’m not going to go into that though because that is some private stuff that I actually know about so I’m not getting into that still ah trying to think about what I want to do right now I have stuff to do

I have lore to do but the lore is not happening yet do we have any okay what are the trapo colors okay so all the good things for this are from the end so that kind of sucks for me but you know that’s okay how do I make a present

I want to make a present oh it’s paper oh with soap you can make it in a normal one okay yeah cool okay um the time with trapo is so cool because the little opening on it looks like a clock I want to get my hands on

That I just don’t know where it is Thomas the Train let’s go choo choo I know like who was in the Discord that one night when I decided to list like every Thomas character I remembered and it was like an essay it was at least 80 characters names that I could remember

Off the top of my head it was really stupid like I don’t understand why I have I can’t remember like birthdays and stuff like yo ask me about any Thomas character ever and I will be able to I’ll be able to recall it and tell you

About it like it was it was great like I can like you describe a character and I’ll probably know the name there might be like two that I don’t remember that’s going to be about it like seriously though that that is in my mind Hey split

I split see look we got red we got split whoa oh wait yeah this was lapis I need more of this oh flower um yeah I got a lot of things to do today oh there’s two Ender Chest now um I got obviously all this stuff that’s

Really cool hey what do we what do we use red thread or I’m confused by the red thread because if you look it up you can’t make it red thread’s not craftable and I found it in the maze wait fantasy what did you say cuz I didn’t see it I was focused on

The red St or red thread booters Butters yeah today’s G to today is going to kind of be a base day probably as well as um going out and looking for things you see my problem is is that we don’t have the furniture mod so like I’m

I’m working bare bone I can work bare bone I just prefer working furniture mod when it comes to stuff like this but it’s okay wild craats was also great no I’m not might have gifts for Butters it depends on what he’s got I’m at our base like I remember the wild craats like

Theme I just can’t think of the words right now like when it comes to tun I remember it all where hi hey hi look at this I can’t hit you cuz you can’t really I mean I can’t do it on you because you can’t regenerate so let me find

Zombie it’s a really fun yo-yo I see a zombie villager I’m BL of [ __ ] so this way you can get over there right like you can you can find way across here wait hold up someone broke part of my land what happened there used to be a whole ledge here it’s gone oh

That dude I needed that that was part of the get around bro okay yeah Butter’s over here wait Butters keep going straight there’s a bunch of stuff in front of you well now there’s a skeleton there right here gu well and yeah just find the stuff kill there’s stuff everywhere I

Present you my yo-yo okay yeah that’s great what’s that from supplementary uh no it was Twilight Forest It’s Made Of Night metal oh cool how’d you get that you need like around two night metal blocks worth I don’t even know how to get night metal is it from the night guy

NOP yeah what do you use the red thread for nothing I also looked it up do nothing with it oh there has I was you can’t craft it so that’s up nothing that’s pointless from what I know there’s a creeper behind you there is I need to get some XP from a fan

Okay got this it’s kind of cool you know I need skull block I’m going tellers boers what we’re going to need skull blocks by the way how much I don’t I don’t know a lot I can get some I can a lot D bro I am so

Sad that we don’t have like any sort of storage mod Beyond a chest we don’t have chest nope we don’t have drawers we also don’t have furniture mods like we we’re like missing like the two mods that I used the most in moded Minecraft upgraded storage and Furniture I’m lost

Butters that’s funny that’s pretty funny I did get an uncrafting table while I was out and then I got a three of them bro nice I got I got another Wither Skull I got a bunch of just like another I got two skulls oh yo cuz

My star is still in the chest I haven’t bothered going or mining besides what I gave you pass I’ll you yeah cuz I fought the other one by myself because I was it was a test to see if I could I wanted like yo guys I

Wonder if I can kill this without my regen and I did all right I already did yeah you picked it up good luck okay if you come back and I’m gone I’m getting Twilight wood all right everyone when did you stream I saw like there was like a I’m streaming right

Now oh um started about 15 minutes ago oh yeah good thing we didn’t say anything you didn’t say anything private just like I I assumed that’s I assumed you knew that my bad okay I thought that was aware know never know when you’re streaming every other time okay I walk

In I something out like yo box guess what I just guess what just happened in my bathroom me son what the fun Butters oh my gosh what am I even looking for I’m looking for a block that I don’t know I don’t want to I don’t want to know I

Don’t know what I want to build out of I got options but what’s the best op I want more skull brick but like skull brick is stupid to find like I don’t understand where skull Stone comes from like I don’t know exact how the math Works behind that of like

Where it shows up and where it don’t okay I’m gonna work on this food right now some lapis brick make it look all nice and cool for the enchant um so some good news first of all I added a new link to the channel for

Those of you who like to read um and aren’t aware I have been writing a new short series called behind the Legends it’s completely Canon to Legends and there’s um there’s like a bunch it’s a it’s a short story collection and there’s some characters that yall seem

To really like like Elder green The Mask Des um there’s some new guys like the ocean King um m a friend that the mask made like there’s a there’s a bunch of interesting things if you want to link um if you go to the channel homepage and you click on

Like that little info thing where like it says link and another link then it’s right there or if you’re in the Discord I can give you a link so it’s cool um Legends will be continued either tomorrow or on Thursday I was given the last clips from my friends that I needed

And me and and Sam are going to record the last one today which means Legends will continue but sorry to say it probably will be at least another week before it the next one because they haven’t even okay basically I’m gonna say this um most of the upcoming Legends

Isn’t going to be from my POV I feel like that was obvious due to um me being kidnapped so the next three episodes are primarily not my point of view so I can’t record these and it’s up to other people and nothing I’m not going to say

Who because I don’t want anyone getting mad at them because it’s not their fault that like they have lives um but yeah they have to do it um so the first one’s done and then me and Sam are gonna do the other part and then I got to wait

For them to do the other part so that might take some time but other other news as soon as the um as soon as we get oh gosh see it yeah but as soon as um I get the FNAF server back then brief pass will also be continuing so a bunch of fun

Stuff pretty sure you use the yo-yo I want to I’m trying to think of what I want to do here like y I have an I have an idea in my mind but I don’t know how to execute it with the amount of blocks I have on there okay

So okay so there’s a few things this room is going to be storage oh oh there’s a creeper upstairs that’s not great Hi friend bye yeah okay so storage room is there downstairs enchant rooms downstairs too up here’s going to be bedroom me and are having different bedrooms

Let’s there they are fun fact about the biome I’m in look what happens when I put down the oak leaves look at that look at that prettiness they’re orange like fall I’ve always wanted all colored leaves thank you mod in Minecraft Fantastic look at that look how good it

Is so yeah just doing some small things today guys just you know Well for Now okay I might add it soon also yes I just make noises when I go because life I don’t know why don’t ask me why because I won’t know why sub look it’s not my fault it’s not my fault that your thing is literally the worst possible origin imaginable to

Like the human race okay I didn’t do that you did you made your choice okay so I got a little bit more Twilight one little bit more slabs let’s cover up a bit of the stairs so if like for people that like can’t be in water come here they can exist

Upstairs what the H you’re an angry spoo ah spoter die he’s dead good okay so right now my plan is quite simple so I’m going to take skull Stone that’s what I’m going to do let’s do my also you’re not hearing anything wrong this it there’s genuinely no sound

That these things make it’s kind of freaky but it’s neat hello hello okay hold on marry Chrysler I love Chryslers oh my gosh you got skull Stone let’s go bro I kept looking for this stuff and I couldn’t find it any yeah it’s all in

The SK Dimension oh okay nice okay cuz I went looking for it obviously in like the Overworld cuz I didn’t know where else it would be and it was not going well I got you going to start smel an all oh bet I had a stack in there too I

Forgot if I put that in there that’ll be helpful for later okay you got any lore today buters because I’m not in lore mode yet because I’m like I have lore I’m just kind of waiting because I don’t feel like I should do it immediately so I’m just

Working on the base right now that’s exactly how I’m going right now that’s exactly how I am um it’s really annoying because I think like the base literally won’t ever be done until we can go to the end because I need the umbrella wood because if you

Look at the umbrella wood is the same color as the um as the verum pillars I’m using so the base will be done done done in quotation marks but like until we get until I get that I won’t be able to add fine detailing so yeah where’s your boss

Heads oh what I mean wared well I’m I’m using the trapo variant so like I could in theory just use warped for now and then replace later which is what I’ll probably end up doing cuz like if you if you look at umbrella tree like it’s a perfect match of color

Almost what is wait what what this contraption Butters the only thing I’m interested in learning for um for the create mod this season is I’m making a trade and I’ll cover it with moss it’ll be a nature choo choo nature Choo a nature choo choo how fun yes hey do you

Um do you get anything from standing on these um what are they called skull bricks I can go through them yeah cuz I’m supposed to like get like boosts of standing oh I messed that up of like standing on stuff like that made out of skull I guess because it’s a modded

Block I don’t get that from yeah know literally my my origin is made four deeper in darker so mine would yeah I do um get it from Skull blocks though which is like the other thing I’m using so that’s helpful because I’m gonna gonna make this a full 2 by two

Guys he’s in my floor wait you know you’re an you know what Butters you’ve earned you’ve earned this you’re an hour floor an hour floor you finally earned it blood there you go isn’t that great I mean I’m in the he’s in the floor bricks brick whatever he’s in the

Things I’m in the floor you if you need more skull stuff from the skull Dimension cuz there’s orange skull over there mm wait oh I would love orange skull that’d be neat and there’s also purple skull I think I want both of those in my

Life C this is like the plan for right now’s also ech can I was can you get that sapling for vanco wood thing if I find this biome okay cool because this this is the plan for like this thing here cuz obviously I got I made it so specifically so that the um

Ceiling below and the floor up here can be different exactly indoor swimming pool for both of us no one else though I literally swim though that’s the funny part yeah I can sink into it waste tight that’s about it though better than bro I’m design you’re designed for like existing with the

Skull and I’m designed for attacking with it we are very different things very different being there we go I get healing from these which is nice oh apparently when a shrier goes off I gain I gain strength three so that’s fun bro need shers in

Here I’m going to go get some I can get some yeah cuz we you and me can’t set them off unless we touch it we have two shers downstairs unless they’re in different chests I saw two in a chest though yeah cuz neither of us can set them off

Unless it gets touched which is helpful and like if people are coming here to attack release the shers that’s exactly what they sound like no one can tell me it’s not it is you go 11 oh I went downstairs now I’m upstairs again hi Mary Chrysler Mary

Chrysler yeah I’ll put these in as soon as I have the floor down it’ll be like an alarm system and then like you said I do agree that like some of the corners down here should be sced I can also use the skull veins on

Walls I mean if you want I could put catalysts and start killing things Catalyst can’t spread into wood I checked can’t do planks it has to be like a dirt or a stone sadly it sucks but whatever yeah no it’s only it’s only the natural blocks that it will

Take that’s like slightly holy crap do a swimming Box by swimming underneath I could see you hi Butters CA it’s like it’s like a camera on my screen I see everything down here I see everything that’s what you’re if I could send you a picture I

Would yeah no my thing is kind of still a bit stupid with like how it works sometimes yeah oh well it is what it is yeah I could place catalysts everywhere else like around can let the whole place be infected by skull why we don’t want the entire Place being infected but like

Patches would be good all right I’mma I’mma do stuff down in the crater once the house is like quote unquote done I’m going to like make it like a you know like extended base thing for like farms and stuff well that’s that’s a later issue a later issue all

Right I mean Farms I mean yeah okay I usually rely on flower for Farms I only need carrots I can use it as bullets as for my potato cannon nice I mean yeah I can’t eat but I’m going to make every Farm known to man still cuz I can why

Not why not do it you know exactly the heck does this do what the mechanical roller oh that’s pretty cool yeah so twin SOA made an animation for an ad and then um Kaden made it real that’s that’s what happened guys Kaden made it real our our one of our top artists and

Our investor together Main inven thank you for it being the only one you don’t you should I have a bro I got to show you mine mine’s a special um scarlet and violet one so like it has the scarlet and violet decals and stuff and it looks really

Nice I still I got I gotta I gotta play that switches I really want to play the Pokemon games bro I might have to make a new Nintendo account which would suck because I like 100% at Rus on a switch light and if I have to transfer to a whole new account

I’m going to be sad because I got a bunch of I want to like complete the Pokemon home Pokedex which is going to suck but I’m going to do it anyways I think it’s like over a thousand Pokemon any yeah I mean I completed the RCs perfectly described

Life right there it sucks but I’m going to do it anyway exactly I mean you can’t not do life because you’re alive already too late late blame your parents you can’t cancel subscription not a l life is is a oneway trip destination the end the Grim Reaper God that’s the

End hello God how are you today I’m I’m okay I I’m like dead now yeah yipp I got to make slab I got to make those smooth slabs dude there is just some in like the valesia data mod pack where like if you middle click any storage space it’ll

Automatically organize itself that is amazing I know I’m going to find that mod I’m so mod that auto organizes chests bro if if I had to add like I don’t know maybe like three mods to this like server pack honestly I would probably pick epic fight just like not

Even just the better combat but for like weapon choices um crate first furniture and then any storage either iron chest or drawers because with like when you like get mods and stuff Minecraft already isn’t fully capable of handling how many items are currently in the game when you introduce modded items like

From a all new like two dimensions then we have an issue like there is a lot of stuff and we only have basic chests this is gonna cause a problem but we’re not gonna deal with it right now I guess notal it we’re not gonna deal with this crap you spell

This okra okay this m this mod adds raw or bricks oh I’ve seen those I like those they act some of them look nice the um the gold one the gold raw gold or bricks look good for like stuff it’s very specific for when you would use it but

It does look good I like them I got a block that I think looks good with this Twilight I’m just like yeah you’re fun I’m G to work on down here a little bit also by the way um I have I have a pickaxe and I’m probably going to start

Moving the sensors underground so they they they do work you tested that right if they’re underground you’ll still see yeah thank you for the $2 haly okay good I’m probably to start doing that I thinkx yeah let me handle let me take of okay okay well I was just I won’t touch

Them then but I am going to like break apart our floor kind of all right found a nice block sh don’t touch there we go there we go a I don’t want I just want one mod that sorts your inventory and the story oh lag lag Spike thank you

Kayen for the $2 well technically sticks in total I think I just realized why did I click those oh my God I can see you through the floor when you do that I just realized that look up look up yeah I can see you wait can I

Punch you hi I can’t touch you but I can see you hi I’m going to go check your know this looks like I just yeah you’re just kind of looking at all right I’m on stream hello chat you can keep doing your thing like your stream delay so

It’s fine oh my God you can’t see me you just kind well I the ceiling slabs so it makes sense I look so goofy you do look goofy what are we going to do about that theck okay I’m out of that block I don’t know was called

Already I can even see the particles I’m making that’s yeah yeah so we are going to need more um normal skull blocks and we might need more bricks I don’t know about the bricks though okay bye double head in the base honestly I like my base last season like with the

Nether blocks but I’m much liking this more in my opinion it’s just better I know what do you guys think you guys think this is better I think it is thank you Haley for another $2 again no one has to feel like they got to donate but thank you to everyone

Who does donate very much appreciate it you know I have yet I’ve yet to spend any of the don donation money like ever none of it I’ve used none think think we we got Butters to use a little little bit of it once to get a mic but

Other other than that I don’t think any of us okay no we use some of it to pay some of our thumbnail makers and we use it to pay for the server that’s it that’s what we do I’m allowed to say that because that that’s just like

General not going to tell you how much anything costs obviously that that’s private but yeah don’t use much of it that was a mistake fall my placing that suck keep doing that on accident because my speed changes on scar I misjudge it there we go yay almost done Okay sorry Butters wait now I can pickaxe you we go bo bo there we go looking better already oh guys how do you guys like the base do you guys like the base the base let’s look at the base together it’s going here okay that didn’t

Work how is it looking we’re going to move the portal at some point to a better location but for right now it’s just there yeah rain backa what’s up I always miss the questions I see everything else but then I focus in on the whatever while the questions are being

Asked I’m going to have to clean some stuff up also this isn’t going to look ugly forever I’m gonna um I’m going to make it Like a Stone Cliff right there so it look better then J can never yes I that I remember that show very well I remember it very

Much I love the little chubby kid I’m not being me he was just a little chubby kid he was the best character he was fantastic I loved him so much I tend to run around a lot I just thought about that I don’t know why let’s do it

Anyways I got to make my Hall of Armor I’m I’m going to be like Iron Man now guys I got a smel it twice there you go yes the little chubby kid with the with the green bandana he was he was the best he was amazing he was Perfection he was perfect character

Bro what on the map is like bugging out is it blocks like in the ground that’s stuck yeah okay they were I love Iron Man everyone should love Iron Man he’s the best he was he’s a good character what music we got you know what hold on guys I’m gonna

Turn death I’m gonna turn on music okay we got this we’re g to find something cool this looks good because Bart Simpson on it I can’t answer questions like if we’ll ever get a certain Bal obviously That’s wait there’s a Christmas one still Yes Christmas can’t tell me Christmas is over it’s not it’s not the Christmas season like the 12 Days of Christmas is not over until the 6th so shut up till the six I will be saying Merry Christmas you can’t stop

Me I don’t even remember what he had anymore I know Jake had a red one and the girl had a pink one okay I’m going to no it didn’t It’s Not Dead Yet shut up that’s not physically how it works Christmas is actually 12 is a 12-day season and it starts on

Christmas I’ve looked it up I looked into it I always found it funny that for like it being a Christian holiday some people called it Xmas because they wanted to celebrate it but they didn’t want to actually celebrate it they just wanted to like have it so like they started

Saying Xmas and it’s like bro just say Christmas if you want to celebrate the holiday then call it what it’s called like there’s no point even if you’re not a Christian you can still say call it Christmas come on there’s no point in changing it that’s what it’s what the

Holiday is if you’re not happy with saying it then just don’t celebrate it got to break these leaves because they won’t despawn on their own because they were close to my house oh bro this is a tall stre why is it this tall ah I don’t even I’m not even this

Tree damn kill kill Birch kill Birch kill Birch die Birch Birch is dead got I’m cleaning up around the base nice I’m looking for a sheep so I can go get some NE um if you want sheep I would suggest maybe going into the Aether and making a

Sheep farm because those Rams are everywhere and they function just a that’s my best suggestion I have one re to get so I’ll just look for another one oh Cosmo Cosmo was watching you and he thought I was behind him because I started talking that’s great love that I love

When stuff like that happens I just had the most serious L mode of like ever what and like like when I killed flower and everybody was like just sping Grand and I just was like yes oh my my gosh bro I I saw like you killed someone it’s like Canon death

Canon death GG’s we’re in chat and it’s like something happened I don’t know what happened but something happened yeah something in and P for my L and flowers nice when I checked how many people were there it was like two people watching I was like well y’all Miss some great

Moments I actually have a bit of my own important lore going on right now theoretically seeing as like one of my goals is being accomplished slowly okay very nice got this finally okay I got to collect every single I got to collect every single suit of armor that’s the goal all of

Them so this is like I was told that I got to do it with the TR I can I can collect crystalite I was told because I’m never going to wear it I’m putting it on an armor stand and that’s that’s where it stays for the rest of Eternity like it’s never being

Used I just I just need physically possess it so like exactly how much wait can you okay crap I don’t have enough for iron wood I don’t think I only have I got though I got yeah I need four more iron wood to actually make iron wood I can put some

On someone a stair now think that’s from the Twilight right yeah Twilight oh wait I might oh bro wait no I’m not going to bother making it I know where I can get a ton I know where I can get Ironwood from I got there’s a lot in the place

That has the maze breaker which I also have so I’ll get it then I do have these which I can go set up I can go set up those Naga armor and the um the Arctic stuff Arctic armor de I’m going to go look for a sheep again good luck bro stand just

Die bro I’m hitting it with a with like one of the current strongest weapons on the server and it’s not dying like that’s a bad sign all right see you see you angry Sky uh uh yeah guys we got three well technically four full sets of armor now

Though which is pretty cool that be um the Naga armor only has those two pieces which is kind of weird and hold on you know what I’ll do then I go take this and I I’ll put this on the I’m pretty sure I can put this on stand I

Think yeah I can I’ll just do that and then the iron wood will go there and then I just got to keep collecting them it’s pretty neat it’s going well although I did make this ceiling shorter than the one downstairs on accident and I really don’t feel like

Changing it oh wait no it’s not it’s not shorter it’s just hold on I’m being stupid just going to move them upstairs worth the armors and stuff make it like a trophy section so we got the yeti heads these that and that so those are what we got so far got to get

More I need to get I want to get Pokemon Sun and Moon I have okay I have scarlet and violet I have sword and shield um Pokemon let’s go Eevee and let’s go Pikachu um shiny I mean what is it brilliant Diamond um Rus I think that’s it I do technically

Have Pokemon unite though and Pokemon Snap just on the switch itself so that’s what I got loser mine my poke my Pokemon games I love Pokemon Sam is like supporting slavery guys I don’t know what to do about this right there you go do we have dirt I want to fill in

Back here some and more dirt I need to I need to get the game I just don’t have the game then I will play it you know guys if there is a way if there is a way for me to like figure out how to stream a Pokemon game

Would you all want me to like would that be a thing y’all would watch such what such a goodam am I right bro slavery is involved bro it’s already a good stream okay Sans I’m really sorry but I hope you are aware that I saw that you going up that’s there cuz he

Thought it was the door bro what are you doing is that him even good evening take some baby trees over bro bro slavery is univers oh my God slavery is the universal language hey look another slave look at this guys this is working out great you

Get to work right there you do this that’s your job see it’s going well dang you owe me a slave I don’t like the big people dang you’re not not only is there slavery but there’s also racist let’s go oh my gosh yeah yeah come upstairs NE upstairs the floor is even

Better it’s it’s it’s it’s me themed it’s nice I don’t have all the stuff yet but is Getting oh it’s an ad playing I was like who the flip is a female speaking to me right now shut up female no offense you’re an Ado stream has everything slavery racism and sexism what the hell bro this epic lore the Epic lore of the server wow creative Butter’s job isn’t he a

Late you can’t read you can’t not build I think I think we technically have more create stuff his create stuff actually good oh I’m not whenever he gets done I’m just going to come through and make it look like a quy system so like waiting on that I don’t know what he’s doing

Exactly oh God why is there a Extinction wait nether did you not notice inside come with me nether come in with me nether come to Bell come on nether come come see Bell Corner look at Bell Corner nether move of Extinction Corner okay so basically sometimes when I’m crafting I

I shift I shift click Craft so it like gives me a bell on accident and then I just go over and put it in the corner ah ne you’re awfully close to Bell Corner yeah I’m just going to yeah we stay away from Bell Corner when anyone else is here yeah

Goofy exactly my skeleton stop lagging trying to figure out why the Ser doing yeah the skeleton survived because lag we’re guys sleep balance ain’t a thing he never will be Skelly I mean zombie what think I heard one I think it’s just the sheer amount of people on right now it’s a sheer

Amount of people being spread across many dimensions and it’s like trying to render many get like above 10 people the server starts lagging yeah annoyingly and Ne yeah let’s go see if someone tactically retreated this way luck bye see guys look epic lore happening totally totally totally totally best of slavery sexism and

Racism exactly all that matters um we’re we’re all still getting cancelled it’ll be a fun time you are also getting a little trigger I mean sensor and it did not silk I don’t know what happened yay balancer ad let’s go we all love balancer ad I hear you NE

Yay to go inside and get more dirt dirt is a very good resource yeah thumbs up thumbs up to dirt we got being a random person getting that ad and like what the hell is this what what the hell is this like is this like forc kidnapping what is this crafting

Table where my gunpowder I’m stealing your own crafting table you can’t stop me I’m not stealing a mine’s still here like I don’t know what he’s doing he’s still there I’m going to get canceled in the best possible way guys guys guys guys I’m going to

Make it all better okay I’m going to grow some gay trees and then everything will be right I don’t know he ran away talking about buying okay I think I know where you went see you see you I’m going to go plant my gay trees I really hope YouTube understands

That everything here is joke I really hope they do see guys guys guys you guys are going to love the game don’t worry about them yet though yeah no you yall think I’m being like sarcastic or joking like dude just wait just just wait for it to happen and then you’ll understand Hi

Friend must make food I got to go to the um Twilight I got to get I’m trying to keep up with you nether is a hard man to keep up with I am speed nether I’d give you one but like Butters is the only one that has the apparently

Hey is the um is the diamond Minotaur axe good yeah I have one what enchantments can I get on I have L I’m wasting more mcnuggies why would I ever want efficiency what do you mean Oh you mean the corner yeah I saw you doing that thank

You it’s going to be the whole house one day yeah I got to get a sharp book now I got to get a sharp three book for the axe I mean sharp five whatever you know what I mean cuz it fits it well enough you should totally like use the Steely for

Like the other like maybe what is it what the rest thing called tet Forest either the steel leaf or the what for what what am I making you know how the Naga doesn’t have the whole thing yeah you could use one of them as like a replacement Well yeah if you yeah

I have I’m working on the set actually hold on I can start another set oh on where I put the armor stands there’s somewhere here only made too and I yeah it Slaps we need an Auto sorder mod yes there’s a creeper don’t lag out and blow up got if there is creeper just run away and let me kill it I need the gunpowder and I also need the uh you know I need one more Yeti let me actually check my statistics

What’s the largest thing I’ve killed okay guys I’m heading off to the Twilight I got to go get wood lot of wood bye phant good job buddy here we go honestly cheetah I think the overc Tre is better it’s more detailed see man hope I walked back in no

Hi bye here we go did you pick up my create stuff no it’s still there going on a trip and our favorite Rocky chip this guy I gotta hold this so I can heal it with like health and stuff we fixed it hey um stream I have a question for you

Um I have a channel that is like my box car assassin Channel that I just have for like an random all if I ever need to like watch something or something um and it is called box and wonders because I thought that’d be funny um might change it to box car as fast

Enough would you all be interested in like uh non Story related stuff on there like for like let’s just use this for an example here um like clips from this SMP because I have clips from this like I have a clip of me fighting the Wither by myself while like I was

Cheered on stuff like that would you all be interested in that because I can do that I would just like you know link it um I’d probably make a secondary upload roll for like specifically that one like you know you you you know what I mean you

Know what I mean like rolls for specifically that kind of upload Here We Go Again going to collect this even though it’s apparently useless you know I’m going to have to go home again because I’m going to fill out my inventory before I get done I guarantee

It you mean give in Beck I’m going to be used is that trapped you look trapped you are not trapped I can’t eat can’t eat food don’t give me food don’t want it take Ste though and scks here we go oh you are the 13 if you look up Bo I

Don’t even know if you can look up box of Wonder and I’ll show up I’ll link it soon but yeah if you guys want that then like yeah because yeah it basically be I want to keep this balancer Productions down to just the like story stuff so obviously then it like just

Other things such as you know what’s it called games this anything else I feel like doing randomly yeah you got the bouncer ad let’s go I don’t know how that ad works I don’t know if you got like if it gives you like specific ones or if it’s only on certain

Videos stop setting me trying to set me on fire you can’t you’re all so weak compared to me die you’re only strong because you’re making me lag that is it me lagging is where your strength comes from die oh cool they dropped those good know by

Babies yeah when I’m not about to to die I’ll make a poll seeing if y’all would be interested in that I’ll make one on Discord too but like just like I’ll ask you guys in stream I’ve have gone it on a few things not a whole lot but yeah where is that key Dead I have a gift now hey that’s actually useful I don’t have these yet so is this so is that so is that okay here we go here’s my problem you see um for those who don’t know these he honestly I’m going to take the regen for now the Regens are like

The only way I can heal like that this is it like this is how I get my health it is regen potions get rid that one take this more I’m G have to come back here and just like steal the rest of this stuff that’s really good I need some of

This crap more stuff I need to Drop we go okay well I’m already heading home because I got to go drop stuff off fell bye randomly hope the binge goes well guys I keep saying I can’t tell you what balancers might eventually show up they do that oh he just going to die

That still coughing I don’t like this I was told it can last up to two weeks which means I could like lit I’m I’m only like 10 days in so this could keep going for like four to um also go up three weeks so like that would be I

Meaning I have I still have a while to go suck it’s getting better so that’s nice improvements are good you’re going to see me in a few minutes again my invent is completely full of regen potions I’ll be back bye hey um guys I have a question though

Are any of you interested in The Mask new friend that would be the guy that um what’s is I’m twin over made it AR recently hi Butters y what’s up c one ofest thanks I was um I was out to go get um wood and then I got distracted

By going through and looting and already looted um minur place and I got so many regen potions which is good for me because I can only use regen potions to heal also by the way me and me and s’s doing the thing if he comes and takes

The charms like the U my keep of charmings don’t ignore it he’s supposed to just ignore that for now well yeah he asked if he could steal them though so if you take them then like you’re you’re opting to be stolen from instead so good luck with that

Anyways I’m going to go put this on its stand and then I’m going to go back because my inventory got full very fast cu no backpack back I’m inst what I’m installing Pokemon Sun I mean Pokemon moon right now on what what on my computer I I got an emulator that

Allow me to play games how much are those huh how much are those I the emulator is free but I purchased the actual game so I could play on my computer if I were to do an emulator and then like sign into my Nintendo account shouldn’t I be able to play the Poke

Like the games I already have I mean you have to transfer them no you have to transfer them like the game files to your computer you have to set up the emulator I’ll figure it out I want to play Pokemon games on streams it’d be fine I got scarlet and violet I was

Actually planning on streaming it as well you should do that I need to um but I’m also scared that Nintendo would like strike down the channel for showing like a hint of poemon you just can’t do it for profit you can’t you got to make sure the

Stream has no profit on or else they will if they don’t they don’t care you when you when when you go on stream you can just turn off monetization and then you’ll be fine cuz then it won’t matter I mean at least I assume so other other channels stream Pokemon so it

Should be fine okay but now yeah again sorry I didn’t see I saw some people say yes I think was those yeses related to my question on if you guys were interested in him oh hi split hi hi hi bye again bye yeah I want to get ultra stun and

Ultram man I got the other ones I also got to get the dlc’s for scarlet and violet I already got DL all the DLCs for sword and shield they were fun well yeah it’s a very finicky thing to use hi for those of you who don’t know if

You want to better idea of what he looks like there um twin silver did make an art P you scr to the lest things she posted there I’ll come back to that place I need I’m just going to go for a because out farther this way a biome

That’s like more or less fine and then I’m just going to start taking wood from there I need like a lot of you can if you wood and I need Twilight Forest I did have a 2DS I think it’s broken but I had one I also had a 3DS I right Both so I’m working on the next story now but would y’all be interested in if in the next one was from that guy’s POV it wouldn’t be much like lore on him it would more of just be in a situation he was once in cuz I he’s a very written out character

Already but like I can’t share very much about him for certain reasons that cannot be disclosed I can’t even promise that it will ever show up in Legends because more than likely he will not because for reasons again but his entire thing is obviously not it’s like his like

Thing Fox yeah what’s your questione and then I’ll continue yeah because I will say his um his world is not a Steve Universe which is why there was mention of a significant other when anything Steve related I’m not doing romance but he is not from a Steve universe so romance was

On the table so I did romance with him There we go got to hang him you got to do it very timly need to break for the ads you all know that commerci yeah I can say there has been no reference to his universe and legends so like don’t try don’t waste your time looking for that it doesn’t exist Trust

Promise PR Do I mean then I would go find photos and messages with them and I would show them to them because like that’s like the best thing to do it’ll like show like it it physical proof of like hey we do know each other like here here’s the evidence

We we are we know of each other here you go buddy nothing can be done done past that like just fact yeah yeah again this guy he is not blue he would be classified as human as just a human that’s what he classifies us but obviously it’s not you know still digital stuff

Bro this is so hard to use I don’t understand why sometimes it’ll let me go up super far and sometimes it won’t I don’t know I’m so lost let’s try let’s just go this What do you mean but if he is I don’t I don’t understand that one what do you mean if he is oh Pixelmon stream would be great I would totally hunt down Abel like full like I’d be like searching the end of the fing globe of Minecraft

Rain Becca what do you mean if he is I’m so confused on what you’re saying you saw a clear art of him that is not as like come on like you got to know the difference there are technically Steves in their universe but those guys came from other

Universes their universe is not based off of anything Steve oh what if he is Meo you didn’t say that I was so lost like I was so lost on what you were saying I was like do you mean but if he is what does that even

Mean and then now you’re telling me what you mean I was like that makes a lot more sense than what you’re asking about I’m not going to answer that either but makes sense on what you were saying I don’t know why people keep assuming Cinder has a dimension they don’t all

Have have a dimension oh my gosh I’m going to die water oh hi creeper yep I was going to say I didn’t even care I knew he wasn’t going to do anything to me anyways this way go venture what do you mean please don’t die I

Can’t die I don’t think anything in this game can kill me right now maybe like the high-end bosses like maybe the Hydra could but like nothing normal can kill me not even the mini bosses can get close to doing it like dude I’m fine you need one more so maybe I can find

That hey rainbow kid the Bell doesn’t kill me it kicks me there’s a difference no you can’t do anything against being kick hi Penguins my day is going pretty well what about everyone else’s bro time flies when you’re playing Minecraft like for real Though oh no short way don’t feel like dealing with these guys I don’t need them anymore nice found another Mound Guys these things have good loot in them let’s go also a well nothing’s in this well so I don’t care yeah let’s go check this thing out

Before I go do the ram which live here ah yeah guys you want me to talk a little bit about him I could like tell like very little about him not a whole lot cuz obviously spoil but I can I can tell some things hi guys die that’s you that’s you you that’s

What you sound like he sound stupid bro just die lag stop it shut up you will die like any other be since when do I have fire aspect cuz everything I’m hitting is Lighting on fire I’m so lost okay so anyways like I said this we’re talking like complete not Steve

Related stuff for one so keep that in mind keep that in mind okay um the only time there’s been interactions between them so far would be like the moment where the mask just kind of ended up in that Universe while exploring stuff she can she can obviously like go anywhere she wants

Really she’s like a multi- omniversal person but um the territory of what he is starts going into the stuff of like we’re moving out like the possibility of exiting Minecraft if that makes any sense to any so like we’re talking like being able to like fullon reality move

Like Beyond where like that’s why the mask was like huh that’s weird this portal feels different because it was a portal that was like not even from like the collection of the Multiverse and stuff like we’re not like not even in the Omniverse collection of where legend

Is or anything or an Omniverse that is connected to Legends it was a portal that was completely like outside an entirely new idea and plane of existence so like the best thing I could explain it was kind of imagine it was like Terraria right except it was just

Another Minecraft F it’s like that like we’re talking completely different existence like not just like different part of Minecraft we’re talking a whole new Minecraft I have one these oh I also don’t have Cactus that’s huge I haven’t been able to find Cactus Anywhere I can put this on now is this do so I’m not he’s not from Terraria guys I’m just like saying it’s the same sort of thing like as if he went she went to a completely new existence that that’s like yeah that’s what happened oh [ __ ] die

Everything I mean maybe I’d have to buy it on my computer but I could technically do it yeah Kaden there definitely not because that would technically still be in the classification of this Multiverse buddy die I can’t tell you much but I can tell

You he is not just a h High pixel person that would not at all explain why he has powers like to any degree guys he is still a Minecraft thing I told you guys this it’s like imagine it like real life with alterate realities compared to ours we’re not talking like a Multiverse

We’re talking like an entirely new thing but it is still based off of a Minecraft Reality so he is a Minecraft player everything in the story so far has been a Minecraft not a Minecraft player Minecraft be he’s not a player I can also say that well like you know still

Minecraft thing just absolutely nothing connected to anything else in the series or on the channel or anything else and again the maskot there because she can go like her powers kind of enable her to go wherever the F she wants to to increase collection stuff bro you little die

This is why Kaden don’t make Minecraft theories no offense my friend shut up don’t laugh at me you’re weak you’re pathetic your life is meaningless oh dear God that is horrible egg yeah you died how do you feel feel good I hope not I was going to say why do I only

Have one of those I don’t need that anymore not right now um string kill it just going to grab some iron while I’m here maybe find more of those chests creeper You attack me die you attack me I’m going to fight back weird things that live down here if you can’t handle it then don’t fight me So fun seeing y’all try to understand this I’m not going to say anything else for now like you guys keep working on I mean I already said that he wasn’t a player so I mean that should be an answer for most to your questions and guesses

Right y all keep going off what Kaden says about him being a player and I keep saying no but then you keep guessing stuff about him being a player he’s like bro I can’t do anything else where you then I gave you an answer on that Front hi Daisy hello everyone else that’s new here well new new to chat right Today you know if I’m going to bring this up because this one’s much easier to tell I feel like everyone is aware what Elder red and Subzero were fighting pretty sure everyone should be aware of what what they were against because I mean if you’ve been up to date

On Minecraft you’ve seen them everywhere thought it’d be fun I wanted to use them a little bit thought it could be fun for a story that was like you know not like it is Canon but like you know not like a physically recorded story Yeah if you guys remember it um I wrote a story about um Elder green and Subzero facing off someone the title should have given it away cuz like if you take it very literal then it literally just tells you what they’re fighting but then the descriptions if you’ve ever seen them

Should also have been a dead giveaway it was fun it was enjoyable to write those guys into like Canon and stuff I would be I would kind of laugh no one knew who they were which should be understandable I guess the mask collects anything she physically can but she’s not a bad

Person that’s made that’s been made clear I feel by like her working with this D stuff get out of here yeah I guess you guys don’t know which is fine don’t feel shamed you’re only a little bit stupid I was joking now going r not sure if I need blue I’m gonna get

It I don’t have shoes yeah guys I would highly suggest reading behind the Legends everything in it is indeed Cannon such I’m enjoying it I was working on the next piece of it um before I started streaming around always check these they have good things sometimes I’m going to miss telling rins

Are all I got from my Wells although that time it was useless I always come back R how many colors do you have I totally forgot what colors you have my friend I think I literally only have colors that you have sucks I got orange any one need a lot more though

Um go and drop those um lime pink Violet the Grays and white luckily you can find sheep just all around over here let’s go see if any of these guys are my colors all your brown purple brown wait hold on I got that if I can find white I can D

It I mean I’m quite tired right now I don’t know why I did sleep quite well SLE really well actually so shouldn’t be that s oh I need light blue too but that that implies D and actually you might be like yeah and I just remembered I can do

This I can make him the color I sorry sheep there’s two more wait no I already got light blue I’m stupid I didn’t have gray though so that’s nice you already have that bu take this Dr it anyways okay got two new so that’s nice I got all the

Blues hey look at that end of the end of the universe it’s right here if only I got bones I can make lime cuz I got a cactus I can smell one I should probably head back my inventory is like really Full H someone’s getting cancelled wait hold on what color are you yes well gen to I can go get another one real quick wait that was normal okay shei where are you you go another one in okay I need black gray lime and pink can youall say that in chat for

Me black gray lime P I just put Magenta in bro I just got so much snot in me it’s awful look are you oh you’re wild carrots cool I might not have Cur I don’t know if I yeah fire I already have magenta it was black black gray Lime Pink black gray Lime

Pink pretty sure this Naga would be long bed we’re gonna go check on Yo Naga you dead yeah you dead super dead the super dead chest head I’ll take another one black gray lime and pink is what I need got to check the Sheep on the way home I might run into

One I’m pretty sure they can be any color Sumer obviously yes I going to say some are just really rare yint got pink let’s go bit of XP tholl th basically 1500 blocks away so now guys guys black black gray lime that’s all I need unless I’m missing if

You look back that’s the only colors I don’t have right like I have the other Minecraft colors pretty sure that’s it should be it black gr black deline right I don’t think there’s I’m like really stupid angry things very angry things around here pretty sure I’ve done this one I’ll

Run in real quick just to make sure yeah the spawner is gone I’ve done it I did all the ones in this B I’m pretty sure diamonds miss those yeah me has a decent amount Diamond so I go home I have over stack now Diamond swore we got to go bully him

Got to go bullying for being a bad child let’s go got hey guys hey guys I know a great bonding question I know a great bonding question if you had to pick one character ah I might as well if you all had to pick one character any character preferably

Fictional any at all literally anything that you would say you are obsessed with who are they from anything a book a TV show um what’s it called movie bro it’s lagging so bad I can’t get home like bro there’s just lag stopping me the chunks won’t let me home keep going keep going

Fire I’m not going to lie I feel like you’re saying no because you don’t want to admit something and I’m okay with that because I’m talking anything ever any character known to man anything making our way down town running fast world’s not loading though swim hello hello I’m in or E YT feel like a lot of people know here know who I’m obsessed with like it’s not something that’s very a secret like come on guys you know right you you all are aware at least my true fans are you’re all great fans but y’all know y’all got to know there’s no way

You don’t know yeah fire that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t have to be a person any character I said character dude not a favorite person in existence anyone a character character is a being of Consciousness in a story or movie or any well movie is a

Story rain Becca I am not going to be the one to explain to you what a syn is I ain’t doing that I’m sorry I’m not going to be the one someone else can handle that okay I see that some of you are fully aware which is good because again

I don’t make I don’t make it I don’t make it vag it is very obvious I mean lonox technically yeah I buters but is asleep you you die oh my gosh guys it is it’s not a hard concept I did never want say person anything any character anyone anyone go

Get like go what’s your favorite one yeah no lonox character not person guys this is not a hard concept it’s so open and not V Well you see here’s my problem I don’t know that my base is dark because I don’t see dark I can’t physically see things that are dark everything looks normal to me like like guys this isn’t me with just my brightness turned up my origin

Makes it so I can’t see in I see in darkness like this lonox character I thought you meant like a real character like a character from like live action or Something also yes most of you do know which I’m proud of you for not that you are not very observant got a carrot got a Carrot let’s grab this let’s toss one cactus in there to start cooking oh I’m meant to hold on gray Dy what do I me gray dy I don’t forget okay we go okay squishy I’m gonna have to give you up I’m gonna have to like make a

Document I’m might have to like make a video I’m gonna make a documentation okay so Kelly glory is a something called a rainwing which is my favorite it’s a um playoff of my favorite kind of dragon for mythology I don’t know it’s exact name but it’s like the it’s like

The dragons that have ferles and like you know kind of like a lizard and like um yeah glory is in that that’s that’s yeah look it up look up things I will make bro when I’m do the other side Channel I should like make one of those videos where it it’s just

Like why I kind of like glory and it’s just a complete Obsession rant that should be what it is just full on like Let It Fly just like go crazy as I physically can with it it’d be very funny it’d be very entertaining no I said Wings of Fire

Chloe but I’m talking about the real kind of dragon that the rain wings are based off and when I say real I a kind of dragon that already existed before them before the Wings of Fire thing was a thing it’s a real type of dragon what was I looking for I keep

Getting myself distracted where what am I looking for I am so lost I make gray die whatever Gray die you this is what I need how do I make you what is this don’t have that black and white oh I need black too squids wait do I have ink I I had

Him at some point I probably dropped then I also need two white wool to use as my Bas I’m dying yeah because yeah I could I could rant about her probably I’m pretty sure I could fully can Pro I don’t I think my rant could last a while bro I had I’ve done

Research and by research I mean I read the entire series at least five times now and certain books I read more than five times like her book I read that that book at least eight times I read first one like at least eight times when I get really into a franchise I’m

Going to like overanalyze everything about it and that’s what I did I know like everything about the series that you could possibly think of is it concerning maybe a little bit but it was fun I enjoyed doing it I would suggest doing that for things that you like learning as much as you

Can about it it’s fun well you got to remember that I started like the first time I got exposed to this series was in the eighth grade and I’m graduated now guys I read books one through eight in like a week it was scary but I did

It cuz when I finally got oh ring in my opinion it’s amazing not everyone loves it likes it it’s also really funny because it’s considered technically a kids series meanwhile the majority of the people that read it are adults it has murder it has death a lot of death

Actually and they’re like yeah it’s for kids and it’s like okay cool by that why why why are the Hunger Games not rated kid Sans why are the Hunger Games not rated for kids what Al you’re muted I saw on your oh why why what the amount of maze slimes I killed

Yeah charm of keepings how many you have did it I have a I have a heart charm I got one level three maze charm of keeping three I have I have the second charm verion thing I had farm and kill so many M slimes nice all because Butters took the one I

Needed Butters took two the two that I needed just were they both level two no they were one I think you’re confused my friend I needed two level two boxes I need two level twos mhm and I killed at least 30 mhm slimes I committed mass murder

Good good God that I kill a lot good you’regetting you to turn into a diapers now Al buts tried to kill me for like 10 minutes but I was just walking to the maze in the hydro biome and he gave up that would have been fun for you yeah

Like he’s just trying to hit me he got me down a bar that’s good I guess yeah I just wanted to tell you that I got it go to the other now see you good job buddy there’s that there’s that now I need another normal wolf so I’m probably just going

To craft a um one out of St one two three four I mean yeah like I don’t understand people’s current day rankings of what’s for kids and what’s not because it’s like yo this isn’t like this is for kids okay so it’s like let’s like BL let’s

Take a movie for instance right and they’re like oh wait yeah guys sorry these two guys fight these guys fight here so like this has to be a rated PG-13 movie but then it’s also like Okay so this person get like in the dragon series for instance okay so this like

This person gets their their um throat slit and stabed through the heart in a very descriptive Manner and then shoved off a cliff I this is definitely a kids book this is we need to rate this for like eight eighty olds this is what they

Need like bro how does that work I don’t understand that that’s a really stupid rating system I don’t get it it’s a good series it’s made for it’s like again it’s being targeted to kids but like it is a very good Ser I mean by

The logic of it like even if it was rated for eight-year-olds those eight-year-olds would now be around my age compared to like how long the books have been coming out so like it doesn’t really matter I’ll keep reading them as long as they keep being made screw age rating I

Do not oh my gosh I got kicked e huh oh dear gosh what did y’all do hold on I’m going to Discord I’m seeing what these guys did I’mma go find out what they did cuz did something well yall do imagine if stream to end because they

Killed the server and now the server ain’t coming back cuz it’s like the server is down right now not going up oh it’s restarting we’re fine just give it a minute dang I got distracted I think lava said something about it yeah dude I got distracted you know what y’all are

Probably distracting me y’all distractions I shall never click the Bell moved it want to go back down there there we go nope still not up I’m just going to wait we’re going to wait we’re going to wait we’re going to wait a little longer y’all would laugh guys I should

Show you the glory sh I mean collection I should show you that sometime that’s a good it’s a good um normal collection that we do not give sacrifices to because that’ be weird also if you guys can’t tell that I’m that I purposely turn this into a

Joke then like you’re kind of then you’re kind of weird this is an ongoing long-term joke it’s a what do you mean can you join guys what do you mean click the bell I don’t see a bell there is no Bell here we go maybe it’ll load one day he

Y so okay got sit back up I was completely laying down okay cool I’m back let’s go we’re going trip Rock we’re stop why I’m not even near the Bell The Bell the Bell corner is long behind me you got chicken nuggies let’s go chicken nugy chicken nugy chicken nug chicken nugy

Chicken nuggies are good I chicken nuggies earlier actually I don’t know how to spell it either but Little Einstein’s yes we’re going on I know a lot of that I feel like most people have have collections without even realizing that they have a collection got a Pokemon card collection

I got a bay collection I got the dragon collection I got specifically the glory collection I got a lot a lot of collections in under my build got Minecraft collection n actually for that one Stu you see everyone has a colle some you go cards and Magic Gathering cards are

Cool I got to update my Pokemon binders I have okay so the amount of Pokemon cards I have will never fit in a binder I have two binders specifically dedicated to like the good cards so like full art cards alternate art cards um EX cards the old one and new ones the

Vcards varar Vmax vun VAR G EXs and gxs new and old like I said megas um rainbow SL Holo like the special Holo like I’m talking like rainbow Holo Cards like I got two binders of those that I’m doing so like I got to update

That because I got quite a few that need to be put in there I got a um I got a Glon Vmax the other day so that’s pretty chill I like glacon like all the evolutions I wish shall return I’m gonna I don’t even know I’m going to go away now back my family is doing a summoning so I’m going to go do that fun I’ll be back gonna take a hole then we shall go talk to to Sheepman be right back

M m has returned also where is my lime oh dear gosh you’re right I did Drop it where is it and how did I pull that off how did I drop It where is it dropped my companions you know what screw that I can make one I can make one I’m not going to look for that there’s no way I find that I just need a Skelly says that there Skelly like right here so I’m just going to dig for Skelly and it didn’t give me a bow you got to be kidding thank you for mentioning that oh dear gosh I’m lucky I’m Immortal got what I needed go I don’t know when the next music stream going be hopefully soon also I gotta go I got to stop streaming in

About I might do it a bit sooner but I have to in 40 minutes because I got stuff to do in real life gotta go somewhere for this um grandfather’s birthday we’re going out to eat so do that yeah we Will we’re almost there I’m get here make furnace we’ll make the lime wool oh my gosh I don’t have white W I make that I have string I can make it I know where to get string hold on I think I can do This mace that’s a ram which king Stone epic there it is okay that’s what I okay guys we got this we’re going to go get the spring and yeah we’ll set this up smelting first and we’ll give him these other three Bs and then we’re do this yeah lime’s all I

Need okay here we go throw that down it’s awesome go there ah okay now we’re going to go over here we’re going to get this we’re going to go get string and we’re going to make wool cuz like you can’t die other wool now you gotta diey only white wool which

Kind of sucks but whatever oh wait no wa I’m stupid I can just share I keep forgetting about that always forget that um most crazy school experience probably the one where well dude I can’t even pick one of the best ones is definitely when the our class got like

Evacuated because some kid had drugs and they called the dog dogs in that was really funny for me cuz I wasn’t doing it obviously but it was funny to watch they told us to I’ll go to the library nothing was wrong which one like if you asked us to leave and you said

Nothing was up then that’s clearly lie and basically we are just sitting there in the library and based on where the library is you can see like the front of the school and we lowkey do just see like um we we see the police show up with the dogs and they’re entering the

School and then we see him pass by the library window heading right for our class and we’re all like okay yeah that’s exactly why this is why we were asked to leave makes more sense now wait what what color am I missing guys am I am I

Insane oh my gosh he doesn’t have white wool you have got to be kid that is act that’s that’s ter I can do it but I that is hysterical out of every wool I forgot white I have been like picking up white so many times oh my

Gosh I’ve had so much white dye in my inventory and white wool and I just like always was using it to make other D yeah don’t worry about it it’s bad stuff you’ll learn more about that when you get to high school don’t do it it’s bad there we Go check this out guys I got a bundle yeah bro look at that one of every or block and its head as well as this crumble horn this was worth it I do remember winning the poo if you don’t then you’re weird but yeah I got

It did it Mission success we got to go home now yo this is so good I mean the only ones that really matter is the diamond and emerald block but like yeah going the wrong way got another head got another another head new head oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and

I got this thing watch [Applause] this fun pretty sure I can mending this too so that’ll be good yeah guys if you don’t know when of the boo I’m like it’s not even that you had a bad sh you’re just like kind of weird hello and and Rose and I’m really

Sorry I don’t speak Spanish sorry about that I know hola and Rojo right took Spanish my Spanish teacher was not a good teacher so I like did not retain any op so yeah fire as long as the internet does its job that won’t be possible if the internet doesn’t job then we’ll be

Fine there are Winnie the Pooh memes and the memes will never go away we all know this that memes don’t die they get stronger also kayy I’m aware it’s ol that was a joke okay thing work here we go oh there we go now you’re going to

Work for me okay I don’t know why you work sometimes and not all the time closing in on home Oh dear gosh server what are you doing server don’t die again I want to get home for is we are on our way back I’m shouldn’t be taking fall damage that’s how you know the server is lagging when I start having fall damage cuz my origin prevents me from taking

Fall damage and I just did under there almost home also this wasn’t technically lavas it’s just that lava was in charge right now I have no idea what Ser is is Actually oh hi Butters box yeah box yeah yes update on the emulator doesn’t work well that’s upsetting hopefully you can get that to work then I got to go in like two minutes so I’m getting my stuff back I got one of the ram things done yeah so that see you

Later no not going to you can’t make me hello Rockstar Freddy We are on Forgot I did that I pick PE up please thank you we’re going to take these we’re going to make them in as many blocks as we can Okay guys I’m going to end stream because I gotta go do something and you all have a great day and I will see

This video, titled ‘Gaining the Twilights Knowledge (Origins SMP)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-01-03 12:19:14. It has garnered 459 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:05 or 9005 seconds.


  • Server Mapped, Minecraft Trapped: My Epic Adventure!

    Server Mapped, Minecraft Trapped: My Epic Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, a map to create, Exploring the server, no time to wait. Crafting cards with emeralds, a tedious chore, But with a glitch, more emeralds galore. Walking, swimming, sailing the sea, Exploring every inch, feeling free. Riding a pig, a comical sight, But with fireworks, taking flight. Glowstone gathered, the final touch, On the wall, a map, oh so much. The island mapped, a work of art, In Minecraft, we play our part. So like, subscribe, and don’t delay, For more adventures, coming your way. In the world of blocks, we’ll always roam, In Minecraft,… Read More

  • Day 43: Cozy Treehouse Build

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod House Build Challenge

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  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Crafty Creations: Boat & Storage Combo for Minecraft!

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  • Building a Modern Underground House in Minecraft

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  • Davi Abdala Explores Minecraft’s Spooky Side

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  • Herobrine’s Tomb: Where the Poor Meet Their Doom!

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  • Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information h This video, titled ‘SKYWARS #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #flop #minecraftmemes #mine #craft #skywars #pvp’, was uploaded by Craftt on 2024-01-08 00:03:28. It has garnered 496 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

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  • Zephyr

    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: https://discord.gg/gR6TGBgg6j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

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  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

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  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

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  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

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  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

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  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

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  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

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  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

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  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

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    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc

    eventyretmcEventyretmc.dk Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Enventyretmc.dk Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra Evenentyrtmc.dk staff team Eventyretmc.dk Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More

  • The Bluemoon SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “MCPE YouTuber Exaggerates Like Crazy”

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  • Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥

    Larisa: The Hot Minecraft Cave Dweller! 🔥 Why is she called Larisa? Because she’s always digging herself into a hole in Minecraft! #cavedweller #digindeep Read More

  • Experience Virtual Reality in Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • The Truth About ATERNOS Servers

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  • Ultimate Kawaii Alakaii Mining Adventure! ⛏️ #minecraft

    Ultimate Kawaii Alakaii Mining Adventure! ⛏️ #minecraftVideo Information hello everybody I am back hello the show hello bot editor how how do you guys like my house the asimetric house wait look at de see it might look symmetrical from front but let me show you look at that look at this it’s supposed to be like the down bar but no it’s different when I started building in this house I is like I don’t care I’m just going to build something wait yeah Kawai demon is asking that cute girl’s Discord link so and that’s you so well he has my Discord and he… Read More

  • Minecraft Cave Horror Project Explodes!

    Minecraft Cave Horror Project Explodes!Video Information okay hello ow hello everybody um today we’re going to be playing uh project cave wh my character looks glit glitchy that’s because uh it’s kind of glitchy that’s because of the shaders I installed these shaders are like really effective like really effective um now I am already I I already started the world uh just to see what happens nothing really happened all they all I know so far is that they’re adding new biomes I think that’s a blossome bomb so that was already in the game that’s that’s like default in the game um… Read More

  • INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100days

    INSANE Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft! What Happens Next? #hardcore #100daysVideo Information day three in Hardcore Minecraft first thing I did is chop some trees down look at my horrible Roofing job and continue building a mine with a door continue building my roof put some torches down and plant some sugar cane I even did a cool design for the entrance of my mind so with that I’ll see you guys in the next one This video, titled ‘Day 3 in Hardcore Minecraft, today is a great day! #hardcore #minecraft #100days’, was uploaded by EXpers on 2024-05-04 19:21:49. It has garnered 8604 views and 235 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Hardcore LIVE Stream!!! 💥🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] w [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] hello is this thing on can I be heard I think I can hello everyone I’m still waiting for people to pop into the stream we we’ll get this going in a minute but for now helloy do hello hacker boy hello Casey helloy do there yo double yo triple yo yo yo yo that is so many Yo’s love it we love the Yo’s around here it’s a yo day it is a yo kind of day so today is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP 24/7 Server – Join Now! #smp

    Insane Minecraft SMP 24/7 Server - Join Now! #smpVideo Information हेलो एवरीवन स्वागत है आप लोगों का एक और फ्रेश न्यू लाइव स्ट्रीम में गए दो मिनट हेलो एवरीवन स्वागत है आप लोगों का एक और फ्रेश न्यू लाइव स्ट्रीम में आज हम फिर से खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट एसएमपी तो करते हैं लाइव को शुरू लोन वल्फ नहीं है जो हाथ गर्म करे सिंपल करेंगे मजा आएगा जो हमारे साथ जुड़ गया कमेंट करके जरूर बताना और आज हम सर्वर चालू कर दू उसके बाद आप लोगों के कमेंट पढ़ता हूं क्रेजी फैन वेलकम है डेविल सागर वाटी वेलकम है कैसे हो या दोनों जरूर बताना… Read More

  • Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shorts

    Insane Demon Slayer Battle in Minecraft PE/BE #shortsVideo Information if you ain’t got my money on my bir I’m killing you the 9 [Music] the This video, titled ‘Rengoku Vs Gyutaro | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Awakener97 on 2024-01-07 13:00:01. It has garnered 185 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Rengoku Vs Gyutaro | Demon Slayer in Minecraft PE/BE | Demon Slayer Anime #shorts #youtubeshorts #pixelart #edit #demonslayer #anime #mrbeast #viral #video #minecraft #onepunchman #sonic #speedosonic #addon #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #game #gameplay #viralshorts #genos #garou #fubuki #demon #cyborg #herohunter #edit… Read More

  • “FatriNim’s EPIC FAIL in GTA 5! OMG! 😱” #gaming #gta5 #fail

    "FatriNim's EPIC FAIL in GTA 5! OMG! 😱" #gaming #gta5 #failVideo Information must get cool bad boys bad boys what you going to do what you going to do when they come for you bad boys bad boys what you going to do what you going to do when they come for you you Chuck it on that one You Chuck it on this one you Chuck it on your mother and you Chuck it on your father you Chuck it on your brother and you Chuck it on your sister you Chuck it on that one and you Chuck it on me bad boys bad boys what you going… Read More