Uncover the Mysterious Minecraft Cavern in This Crazy Stream! 🔥

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okay I think he punched me down there didn’t didn’t he I bet he punched me down and then fell down himself like an idiot oh well I’m not tired but but I’m yawning me at 5:00 a.m. wait was I actually dying oh I was okay I really I was dying okay interesting well thanks for letting me know guys that’s good I like this no I like this a lot it’s brilliant What do we do next this is kind of this project pretty much oh no wait need to do the crate oh we let’s do the crates you should make a robot okay that seems like an interesting idea right Cobblestone oh wait hold on got the leaves okay right we should be able to reach now good good Ruben welcome back Lou welcome back mush welcome back pickles welcome back to the short form and natrix how’s it going natrix how we doing today how’s it going okay we’ll do something like this this and then and then what like that I I I don’t know and then the block can kind of yeah it that kind of works does that work does that work I N no not ready um okay let’s get some slabs involved that might be an idea let’s give that a go bar big an are you good at PVP I’m not the best at PVP I don’t think to be honest you’re getting beaten by a uh oh oh one of those yeah okay okay I was dying I went AFK for a second and I I started getting attacked that’s always my biggest fear um yeah when I’m AFK what if the Cre what if there’s something attacking me but it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine right is that good I have no idea we’ll figure it out get chains ooh chains yeah I like that idea let’s do that let’s grab some chains if we have any I’m sure there’s some somewhere I have no idea where but there may be some somewhere I’m really sorry I couldn’t be here I have exam no problem NRI don’t worry about it we haven’t been streaming for the last few days anyway fortnite’s not good anymore you agree with me yeah I mean I haven’t played it in months and months and months but I don’t know it we’re going to play it again for 10K but I’m not sure we’ll see how it is we’ll see we’ll see what state it’s in oh there’s a name tag in there nice okay I don’t there’s no change in here very close oh gosh yeah no heck no okay right I’ve not got any fireworks so we have to walk like a peasant everywhere imagine that imagine having to walk oh damn oh gunpowder that’s two pieces that’s better than no pieces now I can fly again it’s it’s all good again yay d gamer how’s it going welcome to the stream can I play with you the round we’re on right now is is for channel members only so it’s it’s uh a membership thing it’s IR turn above Mighty of trained it is better condition that we’re playing on right now Diamond radio wire how’s it going as well welcome in welcome in okay there’s chains here but I don’t really want to take those chains h two okay I mean I’d like a little bit more than two I’m not going to lie I’d prefer a few more a few more than two trains Ali how’s it going Ali TV how’s it going TV welcome welcome into the stream okay what we’ve got two chains we need more than two chains everybody if we’re going to build a winch we need more than two arar edits how’s it going arar welcome back welcome back yeah it’ll it’s going to look a lot nicer with chains and then we’ll make the bottom look nicer too cuz that thing does not look good boo Place how’s it going boot Place how we doing how we doing do you watch anime I don’t know I do not iron any iron anywhere Ender Chest there may be some iron in there we’ll see I think I used it all though but oh well we’ll have a look epic Elliot how’s it going 6 iron ingots that’s the most I’ve ever had oh dear are you going to eat an iPhone at 10,000 subscribers I feel like I’m not going to be eating any technology at 10,000 subscribers everybody that may be a little bit silly okay nine chains oh wow I used a lot of iron for that wa triny Dad how’s it going welcome back it’s uh 1213 p.m. my country very nice very nice it is 5 just gone 500 p.m. for me oh valuable here we go Brad how’s it going how do you join it’s Members Only so there’s a little member button somewhere around here on the stream what are you building okay right uh let me grab some carrots real quick so I can show you guys what we’re working on this is our Wild West area we have a Treasure Tunnel uh just just over there you can see the entrance and it goes down into a big old treasure room where there’s a big statue room for just stuff all the valuables and now the story line behind that is it was abandoned for a long time and now a group of archaeologists have come and started Excavating it which is what’s going on here so that’s what we’re doing right now cookie copster how’s it going what version do you play I play Bedrock your text pack so cool thank you thank you it’s the actions and stuff resource pack why is the water being so stupid hold on Minecraft water Bedrock water is weird it sometimes is great but sometimes just is weird wisom owl is that Bedrock it is bedrock yeah it is okay right chains this will look a lot nicer I promise let’s hope we don’t fall down again I don’t really want that thank you for the sub cookie copster appreciate that so much thank you oh okay I’m liking this already this looks good already we’ve not even done anything yet gamer duck how’s it going gamer duck okay here we go and here we go nice okay I think the chains are definitely better than uh the plain the plain jungle yeah that’s nice I like that what do we put on the bottom though do we put anything there or do we just leave the chains as they are and the kind of that’s just when they excavate things they just attach the chains to it obviously you can’t do that in Minecraft but add realism craft resource back is that on bar or was it just for Java that I might just leave it like that for now actually I don’t think there’s really much more we can do to make that look better I don’t think there’s so many different features between the versions I can’t choose one that’s the thing like there is a lot of features about Bedrock that that are you know better than the features that the the Java equivalents but then also having said that there’s a lot of java equivalents that are way way better than bettered like mods and everything okay that’s good I like this I like this a lot that’s that’s looking very good let’s get some fireworks trap a Pillager yeah we could do we could oh actually I might even put like a gold Block in there yeah I might put a gold block like in the winch thing I might look good I don’t know we’ll have to we’ll have to see in the meantime I need to make some more food so let me get some gold we’ll make some more golden carrots thank you Pro 484 for the sub I appreciate that okay uh gold here we go gold ingots and then golden nuggets armor Dan have arms and Petro yes exactly um okay golden nuggets gold golden nuggets we’ll just make as many golden carrots as we can there we go done nice text pack is free yeah it is it’s actions and stuff there’s a link to download in my Discord server if you want it for free otherwise you going have to buy it from the the marketplace not my decision the people who made it Angel welcome back Angel and uh so very rain welcome to the stream thank you for the sub as well I appreciate it right carrots nice there we go much better I feel like golden carrots are quicker to eat than regular ones as well possibly love from Bangladesh thank you so much ran I appreciate it thank you okay yeah I mean you can’t really see the change from over here can you but I think it’s looking good I do think this looks very nice over here and I like the variation between the lamps as well obviously it’s not great cuz they don’t give off lights but I don’t think that’s bad do you have an XP farm I do yeah got a gold XP farm for the piglins 75 Subs away until 99.4k thank you everybody that’s good I like this I do think this is brilliant I don’t think there’s anything else we can really add to this um I think this is good I think we’re done here part Tre how’s it going as well welcome welcome yeah no I’m happy with this I’m happy with this what do we build next is the question oh wait I suppose we should tidy up the room down below shouldn’t we how’s it going power he’s live I am indeed welcome back okay right here we go we’ll get rid of all of this because I mean the original plan was that it was going to be like on one of these sides oh wait hold on we get rid of the beacon yeah we can get rid of the beacon actually can’t we Al Ruby how’s it going golden carrots are cheaper but not as strong as apples yeah yeah I only use the carrots for the food source rather than anything else so Divine how’s it going Divine okay we’ll get rid of that oh wait oh we need more copper bulbs which are very expensive to get okay let’s go to a trial chamber everybody there’s one very nearby you can build an end XP farm I think someone’s actually going to do that on the server I’m not sure if they’ve started yet oh my gosh see this is what I said about Bedrock water being stupid let’s go up I have a question what’s the question to them it also doesn’t help that I’m not looking at Minecraft okay let me out please there we go done right Let’s uh make no trial chamber that’s all we’re doing okay right where’ that gunpowder go I don’t even know I lost it okay okay let’s go make some fireworks that’ll be better all Ali MC how’s it going welcome welcome to the stream as well I do not S I do not oh careful can you build a creeper farm that looks like a b storing TNT yeah ooh imagine I’m sure people have done this before but imagine having like a creeper farm that has like a creeper built around it I think that could be cool that’s definitely been n before but still be cool right it still be cool roxin welcome welcome back to the stream as well Roblox player welcome welcome black welcome back cubic how’s it going cubic okay there should be a trial chamber over yeah that looks nice I like it should be a trial chamber over here that we have been to recently are you playing battle CIS I am indeed yep I am okay uh it’s somewhere around here I think it’s right here here we go got it whoa careful BL NE okay down here how’s it going Thomas welcome to the stream how you doing oh here we go okay we’re in we’re in the chamber Let’s uh steal these lights and run this is all I use this Tri Cham before I just steal the blocks and just get out of there just just lag it run shout out me for a sub Alex shout out to you thanks for tuning in I shout out anyone every anyway to be honest what launcher for Minecraft Bedrock wait on uh I don’t use a launcher for Bedrock you can use the launcher but there’s just no point cuz you can just get a shortcut um oh they wax as well that’s brilliant this is exactly what we need can you guess my age we we don’t really do anything uh mention ages or anything just to protect people on the live stream you should never share your age on the internet everybody reminder to never do that okay this place is Pitch Black now which means we’ve successfully stolen all the lights that we need so why is there endstone here that does not seem like it fits at all I can hear a lot of angry mobs though so I think it’s our time to get out out of here let’s go now bye okay where’s the way out uh hello game where’s the way out oh no I think it’s the other side okay hold on Don’t Shoot Me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me that’s rude hold on hold on hold on where’s the way out oh dear I’m lost I’ve managed to oh gosh okay I think it’s here it’s here it’s here it’s here I know it’s it here we go let’s go get out of here no bad Rock stop being stupid there we go thank you very much I subscribed already thank you rocks thank you Muhammad how’s it going Cole welcome can others play the server they can but it’s it’s for channel members only because otherwise there’s going to be way too many people on here if you think about it about 10 people minimum a day ask well I say 10 it’s more like 20 but they ask if the if there’s a server they can play on but uh if you take that times like the time we’ve been streaming that’s like thousands of players so yeah it’s members only this one right now Ali thank you for the sub Ali appreciate it love from India thank you thank you Royal uh McMillan how’s it going as well are you going to build the creeper Farm the actual Farm is pretty easy and cheap we’ve got one already we’ve already got a creeper Farm back at the main base waxed copper bulbs okay this is good I might just replace all of them with this I think maybe I’m not sure are those waxed they’re not okay that’s fine um what do I actually need these for I can’t actually remember oh wait down here okay um oh we kind of need one of these ones don’t we okay let’s get one of those what unknown thank you for the sub unknown appreciate it how do I become a member there’s a little money symbol next to the chat bar where you type the messages if you click that there should be a memberships option should although YouTube likes to be annoying so we’ll see right oh buttons nice good stuff grab one of those thank thank you some drawings IRL thank you for the sub as well I appreciate it we’re only 60 Subs away from 99.4k thank you everybody D this is a good song okay let’s go we ow let’s be careful ouch okay right let’s hop up here place this in go to here put the button down get rid of the but okay I placed it wrong I placed it wrong hold on let me go back and fix it there isn’t okay so if you go to like my main Channel there should be a join button there um but yeah YouTube likes to be a bit stupid and not really do that it’s weird though they YouTube like they get rid of the membership buttons so no one can do it but they get 30% of the memberships anyway so I don’t know why they do that bit strange but oh well there we go there we go go there we go spider hello sir you’re dead now see you later okay good right that’s all good I feel like we can get rid of this Beacon now actually as well once I’ve got some space in my inventory let’s sort that out okay up here up here up here okay nice this is the only annoying thing that we have to get up using the water every time mlia you subscribed thank you I appreciate it thank you thank you and if you have already subscribed people I know there’s already lots of likes today but if you would hit the like button it just helps it push it out to more people thank you thank you you should build you could build a large carrot farm and decorate it like a market setting crops yeah that’s a good point I do I was thinking about expanding the carrot Farm earlier cuz we we’re going through them quite quickly at this point um okay I don’t need that we’ve got way too much tough um sand I don’t need arrows I don’t need those let’s find some chest to put this stuff in how’s it going to l okay let’s go put this stuff in the chest what are you trying to build so this is just a little mine basically so not on a mine there’s a treasure room down below and the story is that it’s been abandoned and some archaeologists have discovered it and now they’re digging down and Excavating it all and stealing all the stuff already subscrib thank you Calvin thank you okay let’s go put this stuff away can’t find it still okay um uh I can send a link through to the chat but it you’ll only be able to copy if you’re on a computer or you can go to the long version of the stream and I can put a link in there for you if you’d like to check it out it’s snowing here yeah I heard hanak come sounds cozy okay let’s get rid of all this stuff out of here that I don’t need in there oh and that one too there we go right valuables where are you hold on in here yeah good at least they’re in there I thought I I thought I might have oh I just wasted two of the only fireworks that I have of course brilliant of course I did right one for the gold oh I haven’t got it yet that’s fine should I subscribe only if you want to Justin only if you want to it’s up to you this could take this would take a while but you should make a gold farm and decorate it like a a drill yeah we could we could we’ve got the gold from already as well but yeah we could do that we could is there a wood chest it or yeah that one okay good pop all of this stuff in here am thank you for the sub I appreciate it thank you so much the join button yeah that’s the join button yeah that’s the one build a giant can of beans I feel like building a giant can of be H why am I tempted to do that just for the joke of it I might have to do that you know today is my birthday but no one wish me happy birthday well salm happy birthday to you everybody let’s get some happy birthdays for salm in the chat as well you just subscribed thank you so much Justin appreciate it next project the train we need to build the train and fix whatever happened here something happened it looks like a little explosion possibly but yeah let’s get that Beacon up first of all of course thank you you’re so welcome you’re very welcome what what is going on in chat okay there we go let’s grab all of this up Aaron how’s it going Aaron hanum says happy birthday to salm thank you thank you um I’m tempted to get rid of one of the eyes from the statues and put it up in the crane almost as if it’s actually being stolen Beacon how about Bean can oh my gosh if I build a can of beans in this world I that’s just not going to be fun I mean it’ll be fun and it’ll be funny but Kayla how’s it going says happy birthday as well Savannah West you ever PVP not really I’m not a massive fan of it it’s just annoying because uh then you fight and then you got to get all your stuff back and walk a bunch of blocks and it’s just annoying so no which join button there there is should be a join button on the channel page there should also be a membership button if you click the money icon that’s how you can become a member or you can go to the long form stream and there’s a link in there for for [Music] you okay here we go here we go here we go lond natis how’s it going how’s it going Parker how’s it going as well okay here we go pick up all the gold and we also need to get rid of all those chests full of stuff as well actually at some point I don’t know what we’ll do with all the stuff but make an automatic Tree Farm I don’t think that’s possible in Bedrock so people keep telling me at least there we go okay good that’s that all done is there anything important in here o iron yeah I’ll take that thank you Stone smooth Stone don’t really need smooth Stone do we don’t really need this either oh my gosh my honeycomb here I found it I found my honeycomb oh my gosh I got rid of the sub count my bad let me get that back i s your application to be a moderator awesome Parker thank you thank you I’m going to stand in public with a sign that says subscribe to Chazzy boy if you build if you build a can of be oh gosh put a QR code on there okay here we go right let’s use this because we don’t really use this that often Let’s uh let’s let’s fly out of here this time we don’t do that what wow okay that that went better than usual you’ll be surprised I normally bang my head a lot more than that John how’s it going John the people want beans why does everybody want me to build a bean can and lava looks like beans as well that’s concerning oh well well next stream then we’ll be building a can of beans that was a joke don’t take that seriously I forgot you exist hello right I have a parrot again now nice okay now I don’t want my parad anymore so you can sit back down here and stay there cool hold up sir I’m going have to ask you to die and you can die too oh hold on whoa whoa whoa guys come on there we go done I think the channel oink oink made a tree farm okay I’ll check it out I’ll check it out whoa what oh my gosh dude these guys are teaming well I mean it is that job the team there we go all done you can burn now guys David what animations are using a resource pack called actions and stuff that’s what we’re uh we’re using right now right let’s go sleep how’s it going players of Call of Duty welcome welcome Liz welcome back as well mana mana Alchemy thank you for the sub I appreciate that thank you thank you 45 away from 9,400 you guys are legends as always okay sleep done cool well well that’s that done really I didn’t plan for that to take the whole stream I thought I I thought we would uh have to go carry on doing that tomorrow but oh well uh I might get this iron mined up actually may as well get it smelted too Savage how’s it going Savage welcome welcome just made more fireworks I don’t have any gunpowder right now cuz Minecraft thought it was a great idea to wreck all of the gunpowder Farms that exist so that’s fun isn’t it plays of Call of Duty thank you for the sub thank you I subscribed by the way and I’m finally getting a PC on Christmas well awesome good stuff good stuff do you know how to change the look of your totem yes there’s a website go to a website well type in Google um Minecraft custom totem that’ll come up I’m sure of it don’t check Minecraft chat okay I will I have no idea what that’s about but oh well okay 52 iron that’s good that that’s that’s good that’s good skulls what’s up how’s it going skulls football love you subscribe thank you so much and also Savage thank you for the sub I can go back in there that needs to go out of [Music] here suff a king W stream thank you thank you appreciate it right gold gold gold iron done that’s looking nice oh gift nice I got rid of the the Diamond that someone put in here with a very sus name that was not good that that definitely would have got me canceled at some point in time well we on 100 likes we had to restart the stream so we’re nearly at 50 again though whoa CBS how’s it going how’s it going good Moon welcome back as well oh there’s the furnace here okay what do I do with stuff that I can’t be bothered to put organize Savannah West how do I join the server it’s members only so if you become a channel member then you then you can join that’s the wrong shocker box that’s the right shocker box okay here we go uh leaves uh Vines I’ve got some more leaves let’s pop those in here okay leaves where are you I put them in here somewhere here we go done leaves leaves that’s jungle leaves I don’t want those I don’t want the jungle leaves they’re rubbish uh right here we go done leaves leaves leaves leaves awesome stuff I’m going to get boba nice nice enjoy okay valy balls and shock box of all of the the the stuff the nature blocks I think I just put my bone meal in there two seconds that one in there that one in there and back from blank get Dash awesome had a good time we’re just one shot every moment in Minecraft okay right well that’s good good good good uh where’s that beeswax I don’t even know it disappeared love first welcome back does it cost money to become a member it does yeah it does because I can’t host a server for hundreds of you know hundreds of people unfortunately as much as I’d like to be able to host a server with hundreds of people that requires a big a good server which is costly and that also requires you know me having to pay people to make sure the server runs smoothly and everything so yeah not possible not possible it’s not my personal choice guys okay how often does it snow in the UK well it depends what you mean by snow if if you mean like properly snowing or just a few flakes then it’s very different but yeah not very often maybe like once one to three five times a year and that’s just like rubbish little tiny flakes that don’t even settle so not very often at all okay I’m going to grab that beeswax cuz I want the lights to be I want the lights to be lit up properly cuz otherwise there’s no point right honeycomb let’s go okay I don’t want the spider R let’s get rid of that one and then let’s get the honeycomb on the on the lanterns right is that one a wax Lantern yes it was and I just wasted honeycomb okay I feel like this one’s whoa what was that I feel like that one’s waxed as well cuz it hasn’t changed what are you playing on I’m playing on PC Bedrock Edition have you tried the mace yeah I got one in MYRY right here I don’t think it’s that useful though because like when I’m when there’s a bunch of mobs chasing after me I’m not I’m not about to you know there’s like six creepers and 10 billion zombies and skeletons all shooting at me I’m not about to just stop and build like four blocks up just to use my mace really am I so I don’t think it’s that useful to be honest in my own personal opinion but you know FIFA SLO how’s it going how’s it going two likes away from 50 likes thank you everybody and then right this one and that’s all the lights done what can we do down here though is there anything else we can really do or is that I mean that’s kind of done other than adding like a tree I could add like a custom jungle tree right that could work let’s do that toxic M has going windbreaker is the best enchantment yeah yeah it’s good it’s good Divine welcome [Music] back sh scratch yes fish indeed indeed why is this here I have no idea give me some jungle stuff uh jungle stuff jungle logs and fences and trap doors and slabs because apparently that apparently they make trees look nice from what I’ve from what I’ve learned over the last few weeks so oh wow trap doors are so expensive I for I forget how expensive trap doors are they are really not good uh okay and I need a bunch of jungle leaves as well um do we have any Evo gaming welcome back how’s it going how’s it going if you use an elytra and fly it then put your chest plate on you can hit with the maze that’s a good point yeah actually good point I need to make more fireworks I don’t think I have any gun powder left I think I use it all you should do a tomb that’s a good idea ooh now I think we may have about to be building a new project everybody got to go Okie football we season we season a tomb yeah that’s a good idea actually um ooh do we do it like down in the treasure room ooh hold on let me let me think let me think I think we could do it like right here like right in the center of this room ooh okay yeah I like that I like [Music] that right okay let’s go back up here there we go how often do you stream every single day other than the occasional well every month or so I take like 2 or 3 days just no streaming but other than that every day we’ll back we’ll be back tomorrow okay what time is it we’ll probably go for about 20 more minutes on the stream maybe more I don’t know it depends One gaming V2 how’s it going Sabrina how’s it going Sabrina how can I join that realm uh it’s member only there’s a link in the chat if you want to be a channel member oh my gosh I can smell food down downstairs and now it’s making me hungry what’s the point of this video like what are you doing so we built this today so before before today this whole thing wasn’t here it was just a pool of water and now we’ve done that so that’s what we did and it’s it’s a live stream so it’s not really supposed to be anything crazy it’s just chilled how long we been streaming today two and 2 hours 40 minutes Tri Chambers are cool yeah no Tri chamers are really cool okay I have four Ras and a whole Sher box full of sugarcane but no gunpowder I’m have to redo the creeper farm at some point okay let’s grab our copper because I I like that Tom idea let’s put all the wood back in the chest let’s get some sandstone and then we’ll we’ll do that we’ll do that Shane how’s it going Shane you’re new welcome to stream hope you’re enjoy it hope you’re enjoying it soundstone or I like copper better better do I yeah I don’t think we need soundstone we we’ll grab some just in case I don’t think we need a whole bunch though see this is the problem with having one of these normally I have my big old water tank next to me with my massive water bottle but uh having one of these I’ve got through this already and I need more AR how’s it going how’s it going how been playing Minecraft um properly since 2020 but before that I played when I was younger as well Shane new sub thank you Shane whoop whoop careful okay right we’ll build it in here then shall we this is going to be a tomb so we need some light in here let’s get some light in here welcome back Vindicator light light light temporary because it’s not supposed to be bright in here um right copper waxed do we use this I think so right we’re building a tomb now because that that’s a cool idea I oh is this centered it is good right this is our Center Point there we go Justin I do remember you welcome back how’s it going that does not look like a tomb how do I build a tomb in this game it can’t be that difficult right there’s no way building a tomb is that difficult I mean that’s kind of all a tomb is really at the end of the day just a big block right but then I kind of want to build I kind of want to build like a whole separate room for it I don’t know where to build that room though to be honest how much stuff you built so we’ve done this we’ve built a nether Pub thing in our main base we’ve transformed the stronghold we’ve got the wild west area up here we got our main area of course I have to have stairs leading up it okay I have stairs I think I have stairs somewhere okay right here like that like all around I guess no no not all around not all arounds okay I think the music’s St we got through the playlist that quick okay okay fine fine fine let’s put it back on put it back on um let me find a good song that’ll do done that’s stairs yeah okay okay just like that is that good that kind of just look like a stage now hold on hold on hold on let’s get some let’s get some trap doors I think yeah could work yeah that’s better why can’t I join this round because it’s members only as I said I’m not a millionaire and I can’t afford to host a server for hundreds of people and pay for moderators to look after the server and pay for Server hosting so right here we go I don’t really know what I’m building I’m just placing random blocks in a random position at this point Minecraft is my one of my favorite games I’ve been playing it for quite a while nice yeah it is a good game I do like Minecraft okay for now that’s going to stay there breezes are annoying I don’t think they’re that bad actually they’re pretty they’re pretty stupid they’re pretty easy to kill can call you bigie um I mean the the general rule is stick to Chazzy in the streams because people don’t know what you’re talking about you know if someone just randomly comes in and hears you calling me like a nickname that the community knows but they don’t that’s confusing so I’d say rule of rule of Thum don’t really just stick to chassis in the streams everybody right okay here we go done okay yeah cool that area is finished I don’t really what to do hold on where am I we go when will when you get the 10,000 subscriber play button we open on there is not a 10,000 subscriber play button um the subscriber play buttons go 100,000 subscribers 1 million subscribers 10 million subscribers um yeah there’s no 10,000 play button otherwise imagine how much money YouTube would be spending if they if they’re doing that play Java ah okay so you’re Emoji so I played Java the other day everyone begged me to do a hardcore world so of course I listened I did it and then everyone was like this is boring I’m leaving now so I can’t win half the people find it boring the other half of the people find Java boring I you know I can only play one game at one time so I can’t please everybody unfortunately when I get Minecraft what device should I get it on PC don’t get on Console please just get on PC save yourself lots of pain don’t get on mobile don’t get on Console just go straight for PC it shows country issue uh we have patreon if if you can’t get a membership there’s patreon as well if you want to check that out links are in the description in the about section of the channel as always I can make you a wooden 10,000 subscriber play button deal yeah sure I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it for sure right let’s put this back okay here we go done done done that goes there that goes there no oh well it’s fine it’s done right well that’s this area done I don’t really have any other plans for today to be honest what else could we do I’m trying to think what we could do I mean we want to make a start on the train at some point but I don’t have any designs for that mocked up right now so ma is op mace is definitely op yeah for sure for sure for sure um okay let’s go the crafting tables I have been playing on my phone so it sounds like there two of you talking fair enough thanks yes okay I want to see what this looks like in when it’s dark I think but I don’t think there really a whole bunch we can do down here now really is there to be honest uh you’re building random stuff today we built this this section here so there’s a basically a story line there’s a treasure room just down oh okay fine I guess we’re going down there then there’s a treasure room down here for statues and things and the story is it’s been hidden on the ground for like loads of years no one knows it’s there and now uh now this team of archaeologists have just stumbled upon it and they’re Excavating it so that’s what we’ve been doing today we’ve done this whole thing so yeah looks cool thank you how do you change the look of your elytra so this is a oh I’ve not got it on so you can do that by getting capes so I think you can I think there may be some other websites you can use to get capes but the Minecraft have the capes and let me just get a cape on and yeah so these are all from the 15th anniversary these capes they’re not actually showing but uh oh well okay it’s broken so oh well what’s the statues in the uh statue’s name in the dungeon so there’s four statues each statue is for someone on the channel that’s basically supported us a lot so there’s been a select number of people that have gifted a lot of memberships donated quite a few times and things like that they’ve got a statue so we’ve got canum Stanley we we have pickles we have anus so yeah it’s good it’s good it’s good and of course Henry okay yeah well that’s done let me get rid of this I don’t like this have you ever tried PVP I don’t like PVP Charles how’s it going Charles yes pickles you do have your very own statue of course what are those other skins I think it’s part of the resource pack so with this animations oh there you go my Cap’s working with the animations pack it replaces every skin with like this Abomination whatever that is so that’s that I guess how do you become a member of the channel so okay um there’s a link in the description there’s a little money button next to the chat bar there should be a membership option there if not um just go to watch our long stream and and yeah I can send the link on there Timbo how’s it going Timbo key H2 welcome back as well I’m very aware at this point I’m wandering around aimlessly cuz I I finished everything that I had to do today so we could go back home let’s go back home what’s up the truth welcome welcome okay long stream yeah long form stream you know you know what I mean I just sub thank you Dynamite appreciate it okay fine let’s go back home let’s go back home Sabrina welcome back Sabrina oh hold on I don’t have any fireworks I can’t get back home I’m stuck here I’m stuck here we could make a start and getting a couple of mobs for the museum um I’m trying to think of something interesting new but the more time I spend thinking about it the more boring it gets let’s get rid of this soon how’s it going fire cat welcome welcome I had no idea there were armadillos here but that’s very good okay hello hello uh what pandas why do they call them pandas camels hello guys so close to 10,000 yeah we’re getting there getting there oh wow okay I forgot how powerful camels are hold on this is just turned into me messing around with a camel now oh he’s got a lead on who hasn’t got a lead okay you you you come with me no you’re staying no stay there dud you can’t walk through the fence that’s not how it works that’s not how it works there we go right hello sir now I’m just taking a camel for a Wonder cuz I can father chicken update we’ll go back home and check on Father chicken oh wow wait you can go fast oh wow okay jeez look at this done I don’t know what this has turned into but what time you going to start the stream tomorrow 300 p.m. BST it’s away 3 pm BSD on the week weekday ending no you see it was just in the rotation I just skipped past that one okay well now we’re just this is better than trains we can just ride around on camels all day right Ian how’s it g emo attack you how’s it going how’s it going cool builds thank you oh wow what the heck is going on here oh no don’t die please oh wow okay let’s chill okay I’m I’m going stop messing around your face is frozen my face is frozen did my camera die hello oh dear think my camera might have just died battery exhausted hold on I’m getting a new battery two seconds okay [Music] interesting right okay I’m just replacing my camera battery everybody hanging tight hanging tight it shouldn’t overheat no sorry it shouldn’t run out of battery cuz it’s it’s plugged in so it should be charging but sometimes it’s weird so you know sometimes it just does what it wants to do which is great which is great okay hold on fixing it now I need to turn on USB streaming that’s fun okay streaming no not file format oh gosh it’s all going wrong hold on right here we go that should be good it should be back up and running now I think I think it should be hold on let me let me Let me refresh okay now my stream software is crashing all over the place brilliant there we hello okay right let’s pop you back pop you back on here two seconds there we go I think that’s probably good this is on a gimbal so it’s definitely going to be wonky but it’s fine we can fix it okay turn that back on there we go you guys are good now I think move you down a bit there we go done back to normal okay cool camera is back back on and working there we go yeah good good that that was funny how’s it going scary dragon Brook welcome welcome Sabrina how’s it going Sabrina all right okay cool all good back up and running let’s move it down a bit there we go nice okay perfect right camel let’s go we’re going to go back home I don’t know if I told you this but you’re the reason why I have a clock on my phone set for bstd a lot of people have like translations of my time zone on their phones yeah right two seconds Bo I’m going to fill up my drink Okie do right there we go good stuff awesome okay right I don’t know why I’m just still riding around on this camel it’s a bit random but oh well how’s it going River Tunes how’s it going how’s it going oh okay right we’re back that was a bit of uh A bit chaotic huh right done done done let’s po the camel back in its cage take him out for a little walk you know these guys have been locked in here for like many months can you kill the Ender Dragon we’ve killed the Ender Dragon loads of times ready why is it at 60 likes uh because the stream crashed so we have to refresh it right no stay in here don’t climb over the fence like a psychopath uh sir I’m going to have to ask you to go back in no yeah there you go that’s right that’s right whoa hello sir whoa what the heck fing fat uh sorry fing fat thank you for the sub appreciate it sorry right okay I should have actually taken that time whilst it was night time to uh actually get more gunpowder but oh well right my mouse is decided it’s not going to work now so I’m having to switch buttons manually ew okay right that can all go in there that’s all done what I did want to do though was just make my pickaxe better because I’m going to replace my main pickaxe which is this one with a silk touch pickaxe um just need to make it efficiency 5 which it now is and now let’s grab ourselves some netherite I believe if it’s still in here okay it is good good good brilliant have you built something in the end we’ve transformed the stronghold before we end we’ll go on have a little fly around in all of our builds and I’ll show you guys uh smithing template here we go right nice nice there we go one two and I need a smithing table which is it’s not Flint is it no it’s iron it’s iron and four pieces of wood we have any wood we do somewhere Savage we’ll see you soon Savage thanks for shoting in today I appreciate it 20 Subs away from 9,400 everybody thank you thank you right one two one two I think we’re all we’re all ready to make our stuff how do you build so gun survival place blocks and hope for the best is my motto so I recommend that strategy scary dragon thanks for the sub appreciate it right that one in there smithing template and netherite Ingot makes a new silk touch pickaxe which uh yeah that’s fine so we’ll use that one and then we’ll have the fortune one in here as well um so that we can use that to mine up ORS and things and then we also need our sword which is better than the old one actually it’s got fire aspect as well there we go go I now have a new good Shar the swords and everything Johnny how’s it going Johnny Christian welcome back are there any free capes yeah most all the capes I have are free bye cat how’s it gone place blocks and prey yes exactly that’s that’s the motto J make an End island in the Overworld yeah we could actually um well we’ve got a I’ll show you guys in a minute but we have a little um we have a little nether room thing in the stronghold no sorry we have a nether room but in the nether I’m going we have a nether room in for the portal in the Overworld there we go and in the nether we’re going to make an Overworld version so I think that’s what we’ll we’ll do there happy birthday uh Happy Birthday Brooke have a great day have a great day how’d you get the free capes so there were ones for the anniversary they’re not available now because it’s it’s happened already so um how to get the free Cape stay subscribed to me so that you get notified when I make a short about it that’s the best bet I would say okay there we go now I can just easily with my silk touch pickaxe just go and mine the enest without having to go in my entry janto thanks for the sub janto we’re 16 away cool that’s good that’s brilliant Let’s uh have a little fly around then of of all of our builds so obviously we’ve got this area around here which is very epic indeed I’m very happy with what we what we built today I could beat you in one V one you could beat me in a build battle sounds right sounds right hold on right I’m going to this is not a sensible idea I’m crawling underneath our Bridge actually if a train goes along here I’ll get squished right now flampy how’s it going welcome back how you doing how you doing me dark here okay sounds good sounds good all right hanuk we’ll see you soon right no this is really good I’m happy with what we built this so we built this whole winch and things today I have questions what’s the question Christian yep that here awesome I’m very happy with it I’m very happy with uh with this the story’s coming along really well and there’s some more LW uh that’s being added at the minute to the main base as well Darko has lost in time can I get a tour sure yep so that was what we’ve just been working on Ben Z you sub thank you Ben appreciate it um we’re going to this is our Wild West area we’re going to build a train and a whole village here at some point in time Joshua thank you for the sub as well very kind very kind 10 Subs away now everybody right we’re going to go back through the nether I don’t have any fireworks so we will have to walk but at least we’ll get there right at least we’ll get there hopefully hopefully I don’t fall off and end up in the lava that won’t be good fire began welcome back welcome back hello game please load okay there we go I don’t know why it takes so long to load in bck it’s ridiculous UL okay how do I get up there oh I don’t have any I have eight dirt is that going to be enough not really normally I have fireworks but today I don’t I run out how are you I’m how old are you we don’t answer any age questions in the chat because it’s just not a a sensible idea lone Stars how’s it going lone Stars welcome back what do you do when you’re not streaming I’m working on videos I’m sorting out all of our stuff for the memberships um I’m editing I’m making thumbnails I’m setting stuff up for the streams anything and everything you could possibly imagine and also on this round there’s quite often Sometimes some issues as well that I have to sort out with uh stealing things like that it’s all it all get sorted but it just takes some time okay gosh it’s been ages since I’ve actually had to walk through the nether how do I get back I’m lost normally I just fly how’s it going offer I dare you to jump in the lava I I no I’m good I’m good thanks I don’t really want to lose my mace whoa how about we just chill guy oh there’s a bloming gas now as well two and one there we go done Dead Oh gunpowder yes this a shame I oh wait hold on here we go this is how we get out this is how we save ourselves right now there’s a new update is that is there well like 1.21 or another one other than that I just noticed someone gave me a channel membership yes they did indeed congratulations um if you want to claim your perks go to the channel page there’s loads of tabs at the top where you can scroll between the homepage the videos like on my channel there’s a memberships tab there with a little form you can join the realm that we’re in right now along with all of the other members of course I like to show this off all the time cuz it looks cool but this is when everybody is online there is also a Magma Cube scarily close so I’m going to evacuate here we go see look how good fireworks are oh Father chicken up there right let’s fly back we’ll show the end portal room I think out actually we’ll go home first we’ll show all of that off and then we’ll go to the [Music] end eight subscribers away everybody thank you thank [Music] you okay right now we just got to go through this which is sometimes a bit of a pain cuz of all the piglins but oh well it’s fine oh that’s not good hold on let’s not die here let’s not die that won’t be good I feel like it’s always like the way when you’re actually like trying to fight mobs and things you never die but when you’re just casually strolling through the world just giving like a tour or something you end up dying to all the like you just end up like nearly dying it happens in hardcore World a lot as well I think how’s it going Timbo right oh wow that’s a lot of Angry Monsters okay let’s go let’s run let’s run let’s run let’s run okay this needs change this needs like making safer whoa because this is not safe this is such an so not safe so not safe okay right so this is our main base everybody come through here here we go and this is what we’ve been working on for the last week or so before I took my little break this is our little nether Hub in the Overworld so it’s just a portal room at the minute really and we’ve got a few mobs in here for all of the donations everybody gets to pick a mob so they go in here and there’s another mob room downstairs as well five Subs way yes Brook indeed indeed but yeah no this is really cool I’m happy with this how this build came out I’m happy I’m happy with all the buildings actually that we’re working on at the minute oh my gosh wait is it escaped no it’s fine it’s fine this is our main mob room for all of the mobs which is I mean this thing goes on for a long time each one of these is someone that’s donated uh there’s multiple columns multiple rows it’s very crazy yeah it’s getting pretty pretty mad in there pretty M but we’re going to head to the stronghold that we transformed now I would go to the trial chamber but I don’t have any Rockets so that might be a little bit of a pain to get through oh my Throne yes my king Chazzy boy Throne oh the mine cart’s gone oh well oh well it’s fine I dare you to stay silent for 10 seconds there you go 10 seconds done do you have any uh uh YouTube for PVP I want to be a YouTube PVP I don’t have any I don’t I don’t really know any tips for PVP to be honest um right hop out here right let’s go down here where where’s the way okay gosh it’s so twisted and turn turn turny twisty and turning two more subs yes indeed Brooke two more to go whoa let’s not do that let’s that’s a lot of angry mobs and things who whoa okay let’s be careful we are in the nether I dare you don’t move for 9 seconds okay uh yeah no I’m good I’m good we’ll we’ll leave that how do I join the realm um so it’s members only so it is channel members and things that only get to join the real I above Uno King how’s it going Uno King hold on folks you know we’ve hit it but we don’t celebrate too soon because we know there’s one person that’s probably probably you know might might unsubscribe you never know we have to wait a little bit just to see whether we get the goal properly or not cuz as soon as I say it you know what’s going to happen be thank you thank you I sub by thank you CJ appreciate it if there’s 67 people watching the stream but 76 likes yeah it’s because people come in and out they don’t they don’t watch the whole thing once they once they’ve joined which is obviously to be expected CJ thank you for the sub CJ okay okay okay see hold on wait wait wait let’s just double check how’s it going dream yeah I do remember you welcome back how’s it going driver uh L thank you for the sub appreciate it why are there just a trail of Bones here there you go see that’s why we don’t celebrate too early everybody I told you I told you right we’re going to the stronghold room I’ll show you that MH how’s it going MH I’m doing good thank you how about yourself okay right let’s get through to the end oh not the end oh hold on what the hello what is going on that was weird I do not quite know what happened folks thank you so much for 99.4k subscribers very kind of you all thank you driving lever or driving lever for the sub I appreciate that so much thank you and folks you know with that being said new goal 9 and a half th000 subscribers we’re we’re 600 away from 10,000 that’s crazy crazy crazy action stuff yep it is it’s a resource pack as well um so well the one that I’ve got is a resource pack then make it an addon uh this is our new this is our not new this is our end stronghold room thing with an end Crystal there not been blown up yet which is great mini end things little storage room here whilst we were building it and things conrat thank you thank you what’s your username on Minecraft it’s Chazzy boy um this is the portal room very fancy very fun indeed liking that let’s hop back through loving watching your channel growth 10K on the way than thank you tuck thank you thank you I appreciate it it means a lot when people say things like that Derek how’s it going Derek okay here we go and I will just is someone I’m sure someone said they were building an end an Enderman farm that would be good I would love to use that for sure o is there something over there no okay right let’s hop back through how many days on this world 4,248 in game days on here and we’re back in the wild west that’s why did it that way so we come back here it looks Godly yeah yeah ially prefer small creators they always respond and their content is just so much more war and refreshing exactly yeah yeah a lot of people say uh other streamers don’t respond and might I’m always like it’s probably because they’re big creators they there’s too many messages for them to respond to each one and with the videos that I make like I I prefer to not just think of them as videos but creative Pro projects because I always want them to be as creative as they possibly can be so yeah yeah I know a way to build an effective Enderman Farm but it’s hard to make yeah okay this world’s really nice thank you John thank you I kind of just I still don’t know whether I like this this winch thing that we got though basman thank you for the sub Bas man I appreciate it lone Stars will see you soon on I dare you to say sub guys I’m okay I don’t like asking for subscribers if people want to subscribe they do if they don’t they don’t congrats for the 9.4 thank you vindy pickles thank you so much for the Super Chat the two2 doll Super Chat see you later pickles thanks for tuning in thanks for your support today I appreciate it as always thank you thank you hype for let’s get some hype for pickles everybody but the question is what do we do next on here we could start the train um I think we could probably start the train to be honest I’m not quite sure whether there’s anything else that we that we can really do to be honest why did that not work oh dear that that’s not good okay um I will mention you if you hit 10K again thanks Vy but you know it’s really coming along this what and it’s very good to see we definitely want to build a nether Hub sometime soon but I feel like I could we could start maybe repairing blocks for the train tomorrow or if I have another weird idea tonight we’ll probably do that tomorrow I’m not quite sure but folks thank you all so much for tuning today we’re going to wrap it up there we’ve done really good today and you know we’ve hit sub goals too so thank you all so much everybody thanks for tuning in thanks for watching today I’ll see you tomorrow 3 p.m. BST thank you everybody goodbye see [Music] you I’m stucking your with you fting never going stop see you later MH see you later driving L thank you Shadow see you Sabrina see you vindy see you [Music] Isa see you [Music] Christian just let it yeah you got to me see you enough see [Music] y [Music] away feeling it’s good to be me I’m stuck in your that’s never going to stop watching me whenever you need it you know where I [Music] am my bab [Music] [Music] am thanks for watching Everybody we’ll see you tomorrow [Music]

This video, titled ‘THE RETURN OF THE ANCIENT MINECRAFT TREASURE CAVERN!! THE CRANE – 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-07-09 05:20:52. It has garnered 3601 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:21 or 3741 seconds.

⭐Become a channel member to join the realm: https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiJoin

💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices

🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ====================================================================================================

Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep up with my latest videos! ❤️Subscribe: https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiSubscribe 📺Second channel (BTS): https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiSecondChannel 👾Discord: https://bit.ly/ChazyyyboiDiscord 💯Silver Play Button: 9.3%/100%


Keywords: TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, Minecraft Memes, Mining Diamonds, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft Insane Moments, Minecraft Diamonds, Minecraft Challenge, How to get better at , minecraft update, gaming, chess, shorts, 1.21, minecraft 1.21, minecraft new update, new minecraft update, trial chamber, mace, update

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    EPIC Minecraft Survival Adventure: Carmal Con Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Adventure Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Carmal Con on 2024-06-11 00:17:47. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:22 or 5122 seconds. Joey and his dad start their quest to beat Minecraft for the very first time Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!

    Ultimate Minecraft Doraemon and Nobita Bodyguard Team!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream’, was uploaded by ToshiB12TheDon on 2024-04-16 07:39:07. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:34 or 454 seconds. Minecraft DORAEMON and NOBITA bodyguards Team. live stream Read More

  • “1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE” #minecraft

    "1000s of Diamonds from Shulker Farm! LIVE" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Shulker Farm | LIVE #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sp00kable on 2024-03-11 16:41:44. It has garnered 199 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:36 or 11976 seconds. ►Donate here – https://streamelements.com/sp00kable/tip Donations are not required, but are appreciated. ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/sp00kable ►Follow me on Twitch for More Livestreams: https://twitch.tv/sp00kable ►Merch Store – https://sp00kable.com ►Business inquiries: [email protected] ***All donations must be made by someone who is above 18 years of age. While donations are appreciated, they are never asked for. If you do decide to donate, please remember that they are nonrefundable… Read More

  • HamzaOPyt – Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelart

    HamzaOPyt - Mind-Blowing Reveals! #shorts #pixelartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did You Remember! #shorts #pixelart’, was uploaded by HamzaOPyt on 2024-02-27 17:00:24. It has garnered 10133 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. dissociadid did switch dissociative identity disorder pixel art tutorial pixel art guide pixel art tips Pixel art minecraft pixel art tutorial Minecraft pixel art minecraft memes minecraft animation Minecraft shorts shorts loud viral shorts comedy shorts Shorts Read More

  • DeadshotsMC Network

    DeadshotsMC NetworkBanner will be coming soon! Hello! so around 4 months ago me and my friends decided to make a community for gaming to make finding people to play with alot easier. We have a MineColonies Server running at the minute so if you want to come and start a civilization and see how your colony can find its place in the world! There are a few streamers in the discord looking to give it a go so numbers are jumping up considerably! If your looking for a chilled community please come join us at Deadshot Dropouts with the link provided… Read More

  • DOMINION Semi-vanilla 1.20 Whitelist Hermit-Like 18+ SMP No Resets LGBTQ+ Welcome

    Dominion Minecraft Server Join our community of like-minded adult players for a true vanilla Minecraft experience. We prioritize player interaction over land claiming and excessive additions. Apply Now on our Discord Server Learn more on our Website Our Founding Philosophies The Vanilla Experience Experience pure vanilla Minecraft with no added plugins or changes to the game. Transparency We are transparent about donations and server expenses. Community Voice We value feedback and include the community in decision-making processes. Playing Together Join our community events and collaborative projects to play together. New Content Now Get access to new Minecraft updates as soon… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Getting Villainous: Our Wicked Arc Begins! 🔥

    “Watch out, we’re about to go full-blown evil in Minecraft! Time to unleash our inner villain and start griefing those villagers like never before. Plus, we’ve got a meme score of 9 so you know we mean business. Bow down to the pixelated bad guys!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content is a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. With original videos every single day, He keeps his fans entertained in every way. So follow his channel, don’t miss a beat, For in the world of Minecraft, he can’t be beat. From classroom series to song adaptation fun, Fangkuaixuan’s work is never done. So join in the laughter, the joy, the glee, And experience Minecraft in a whole new spree. So subscribe to his channel, don’t delay, For… Read More

  • “Caught red-handed on my friend’s server 😂🔥” #minecraft #meme #vtuber

    "Caught red-handed on my friend's server 😂🔥" #minecraft #meme #vtuber When you stumble upon a secret stash of diamonds in your friend’s Minecraft server and suddenly become the most popular player in the group #winning #minecraftsecrets #sneakysneaky Read More

  • ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most!

    ShayanGG Reveals What 60% Fear Most! Exploring the Scary Side of Minecraft Introduction Gather around, gamers! Shayan from ShayanGG is here to take you on a thrilling journey through the eerie realms of Minecraft. While some may argue that Minecraft is just pixelated Legos, did you know that over 60% of people find it scary? Join Shayan as he embarks on a daring challenge to survive the scariest horror map filled with jumpscares, monsters, all without any mods. Are you ready to face your fears? Minecraft Version Shayan delves into the spine-chilling adventure using various Minecraft versions including 1.8.9, 1.16.5, 1.19.4, and 1.20.1. Each version… Read More

  • Billie Goose’s INSANE Minecraft transformation!

    Billie Goose's INSANE Minecraft transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Trying to be better in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Billie Goose on 2024-07-09 21:58:36. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:54 or 9954 seconds. Hi I’m Billie, and I’m addicted to minecraft now. Also the screen shot in the thumbnail is from my personal save because I’m on a different computer rn. I might remember to change it later idk. You can also find me here: https://twitter.com/Billie_Goose https://discord.gg/vJPtcu3g Dennis made my awesome skin!! follow him here: https://www.twitch.tv/doingdennis (and/or here:) https://x.com/DoingDennis MODS LIST (v1.20) amendments carry on chef’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft Mods

    Ultimate Survival with Scary Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods Survival!’, was uploaded by Plaguemeister on 2024-07-18 23:35:46. It has garnered 93 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:21 or 4281 seconds. Feeling spoopy Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t – Pokemon Shield Stream #11

    UNBELIEVABLE! Shiny Badge Quest with T a c o c a t - Pokemon Shield Stream #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Pokemon Shield Shiny Badge Quest! Stream #11’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-03-20 16:06:33. It has garnered 87 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:06 or 10986 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

  • Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #Minecraft

    Unleash the Ultimate Gaming Monster in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Gaming monster on 2024-01-04 16:15:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • British gangster frees slaves in Minecraft-dungeons!

    British gangster frees slaves in Minecraft-dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Freeing slaves in minecraft-dungeons like a British gangster’, was uploaded by Toaster on 2024-01-16 06:35:51. It has garnered 85 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:46 or 886 seconds. We do not talk about my lives left! Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: 1000 NEXTBOT MONSTERS invade Paw Patrol Security House!

    Ultimate showdown: 1000 NEXTBOT MONSTERS invade Paw Patrol Security House!Video Information This video, titled ‘1000 Scary NEXTBOT MONSTERS vs JJ and Mikey Paw Patrol Security House in Minecraft Maizen Window Man’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-02-28 01:56:50. It has garnered 6466 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Read More

  • Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Sky Block Challenge: NO Trees, NO Mobs!

    Insane 24 Hour Minecraft Sky Block Challenge: NO Trees, NO Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘I spend 24 hour in Minecraft sky block No tree No Mobs’, was uploaded by 4×4 gaming on 2024-05-26 12:50:16. It has garnered 207718 views and 9649 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:44 or 3464 seconds. If you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love gaming, you won’t want to miss a single episode. So grab your pickaxe and let’s dive into the world of Minecraft together. Watch now and join the fun! I spend 24 HOUR in Minecraft sky block revolution MAP MOD- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/sky-revolutions » Discord https://discord.gg/4x4gaming » Instagram https://www.instagram.com/4x4gaming/ My Pc Specs:-… Read More

  • EnderGaming LIVE on HIVE! Join now for Minecraft fun!

    EnderGaming LIVE on HIVE! Join now for Minecraft fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE on the HIVE! Minecraft with viewers! When 2K????’, was uploaded by EnderGaming on 2024-07-14 14:03:58. It has garnered 245 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:05 or 5345 seconds. MINECRAFT! With all of YOU! Sub so I can get YT rank please! Zeqa or HIVE tags: #minecraft #hive #SkyWars #EnderGaming #live #server #streaming #gaming #hivelive #zeqa Read More

  • “NOOB vs Scary Cave Mob in Minecraft! 😱” #minecraftshorts #ytshorts

    "NOOB vs Scary Cave Mob in Minecraft! 😱" #minecraftshorts #ytshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB meets Scary Cave Mob #minecraftshorts #minecraftnoob #ytshorts #funny #memes #scary’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-02-16 15:28:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitideas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven … Read More

  • Suzaku Network

    Suzaku NetworkCALIDAD ASEGURADA SuzakuStudios es un estudio de videojuegos con más de 1 año en la creación, desarrollo, diseño e implementación de servidores en minecraft, este estudio se encarga de el desarrollo y el Quality Assurance del servidor. MAIL DE CONTACTO: [email protected] suzakunetwork.vultam.host Read More

  • EdenCraft SMP 1.21 Semi-Vanilla Simple Community Claiming Trading

    EdenCraft: A New Java Survival Multiplayer Server Experience a unique blend of vanilla aspects and custom plugins on our newly released server. Explore custom items, commands, chat bubbles, and more for a rich player experience. Join our welcoming and mature community today! Join us on Discord for more information: Discord: discord.gg/edencraft IP: play.edencraft.co Read More

  • Legit Vanilla

    Legit VanillaLegitimaVanilla teaLiterally Vanilla.Legitimate Vanilla is a (practically) entirely vanilla server, made to give minecraft players a feeling of how a truly vanilla minecraft server would look & feel like.This means there are:1. NO Rules2. NO StaffWhat happens to this server is entirely up to the people who play it. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Plant has too much power

    Looks like this plant is branching out into a whole new level of power! Watch out, we might have a new ruler of the Minecraft world on our hands. #PlantPowerMinecraftKing Read More

  • Crafty Builders Race, Minecraft 2024: Part 2

    Crafty Builders Race, Minecraft 2024: Part 2 Welcome to Minecraft Speed Builders, where creativity shines, Players racing against time, building structures in lines. Join us for some epic fun, in this fast-paced game, Watch as we compete, it’s never the same. With server ip: mc.gamster.org, we’re ready to go, Building skills put to the test, with a fast flow. Don’t miss out on the action, join us in the race, Minecraft Speed Builders, a thrilling embrace. So grab your blocks and tools, let’s get started, In this world of creativity, where we’re all lighthearted. Join us for some laughs, in this funny game, Minecraft Speed Builders,… Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Minecraft Pro: Automatic Door Tutorial

    Minecraft Pro: Automatic Door Tutorial Welcome to the World of Minecraft Automation! Are you ready to take your Minecraft creations to the next level? In this ultimate guide, we will explore the fascinating world of automatic doors in Minecraft. 🚪🔧 Materials Needed for Your Automatic Door Before diving into the construction process, make sure you have gathered all the necessary materials. From redstone to building blocks, each item plays a crucial role in bringing your automatic door to life. 🛠️ Building Your Automatic Door Now, let’s get down to business! Follow the step-by-step instructions to build your automatic door from scratch. Learn how to… Read More

  • Heartbreaking goodbye to my daughter in Minecraft Oasis!

    Heartbreaking goodbye to my daughter in Minecraft Oasis!Video Information This video, titled ‘Saying Goodbye to my DAUGHTER in Minecraft Oasis | Ep.34’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-07-14 15:45:01. It has garnered 390 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:26 or 1766 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. Saying a final goodbye to my daughter in Minecraft Oasis. – NEW Merch in my shop! ► http://bit.ly/iHCStore Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More