Uncovering a Trail Ruin in Minecraft Survival

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well well well happy Friday stinkies oh my gosh it has been a hot minute well it really hasn’t been that long but it feels like forever just missing a week I’m like what is going on what is going on oh my gosh welcome on in everybody how you doing today it’s so nice to see everybody sorry if my uh background looks somehow worse than it already did I got rid of the the cube behind me the cube is gone so well it’s downstairs cuz we’re just moving it but yeah welcome come on in everybody how you doing also it’s been like I think it’s been like months since I’ve worn a hat on stream which is wild I found this the other day when we were uh packing stuff up and I was like oh my gosh I haven’t worn my hats in quite some time so hat drift is back hat drift is back how you all doing it’s been a hot minute since I’ve seen you all thank you so much for coming on in today wait is there is there vaseline on my camera lens for a second I thought it was blurred I was like that’s why I whipped around I was like oh no is it blurred again hope your move is going well it is going really well honestly I think we’re like over prepared and we packed stuff up very early which is not a bad thing like we packed up stuff that we weren weren’t going to need it just kind of sucks like living amongst boxes and your place starts to not really feel like your place if that makes sense but we have everything out here that we need which is fine and honestly at this point we are just more excited than anything to leave we’re very very excited there’s like belts of sadness that I’m getting in some ways because we’re leaving the city and like oh that is like a sad thing been here for a long time and like it’s hard but like overall like I think like after like getting through those little moments of like oh my gosh like I’m just like now I’m excited I’m very excited I just feel like this is like the right move for us you know what I mean you’re having fish and chips oh that sounds so good listen we were going to order tonight usually Friday’s our ordering night but last night we went out for chicken wings which was so good we were like I don’t know we were just like I am too lazy but also for some reason I don’t want to order so let’s just go walk down the road and go get some chicken wings and it was really fun it was really nice so tonight we’re going to do tuna bowls tuna bowls with rice cucumber maybe a rugula if it’s still good and just like a lot of sriracha and QP Mayo can’t go wrong with that all right shall we get into some Minecraft I’ve had many undercooked pizzas from Pizza Pizza me too but like I never complain about it I’m like you know what it is what it is it’s fine and with pizza pizza I find like less is more like just get like a cheese and pep Pizza you’re fine but like if you start adding like too many toppings to it cuz they’re not great quality then you’re like in a little bit of trouble you know you’re in some trouble you’re not going to have a good time we were talking about air fryers last time yeah I feel like air fryers come up a lot because like everybody has one now and I’m the only one without it so I’m always like so curious I’m always like chat how are your air fryers doing tell me all about them You’ been playing Animal Crossing again you forget how much you love it that’s one of those games where like I think I’ve talked about it before the thought of it gives me a little bit of anxiety because like I haven’t played it since like lockdown times so it gives me like a little bit of like a weird feeling like I’m I’m like oh like this reminds me so much of that time period but I feel like if I went back to it like I’d enjoy it you know housewarming housewarming air fryer stop stop no are you get are you trying to get me on the air fryer train you also do not have an air fryer Moon basically I’m guessing that in a couple years time both me and you will have air fryers we’ll both cave eventually you went ancient city raiding last night and you got the worst loot oh no what’ you end up with sometimes like yeah sometimes the loot from an ancient city is actually it can be not great like you’re expecting to get like templates and stuff and you don’t and you’re just like oh my gosh what did I do this for you roasted some veggies in your air fryer yeah see it’s that’s a thing it’s so it’s so versatile you know you’d get an air fryer if you had the room see azy that was what that’s like the same with us too like in this apartment right now sorry my voice is going in this apartment right now we don’t really have the room but now that our next place is going to have more room I’m like what’s stopping me what is stopping me from Air frying Donuts you know same with microwaves I need a microwave now okay I need to get some more stuff for Rockets you’re remodeling your kitchen soon and your new oven has an air fryer yo let’s go yeah a lot of them have like air fryers built into them which is wild wild oh Charlie you have one of the built-in ones do you use it a lot see that’s what I thought threat too I thought like an air fryer was basically just like a mini convection oven but people have said that like the air fryer built into the oven actually is a bit different and it actually works cuz that’s what I thought too I was like isn’t that just one an oven is I’m going to end up with nine air fryers yeah I’m going to be like this one’s my double compartment I’ve got trip triple compartment and I’ve got a singular compartment air fryer I’m going to become like a connoisseur of them brocc and the air fryer is so good does it just like crisp it up to Perfection I love like oven roasted broccoli it is so good but also like I D that stuff in oil salt and like garlic and T yeah I already said salt t tons and tons of salt air fried on crossable you know I’d try it you know I would try that I’ve heard like air fried or like pan fried on crusta are actually good though so that’s a thing like don’t even I totally would all right what do we got here couple more couple more little rockets and I’m pretty sure what we were working on was the spawn point whoops that is oh no I’m going to have to turn my map on I forgot I turned it off what Shader is that I’m using complimentary shaders I really tweaked them though turn off that bloom up the saturation up that saturation want to pop in and say hi a thank you so much I appreciate it hope you’re having a great Friday oh yeah did people see the new dog VAR variant how you all feeling about that how are you all feeling about the dog variants I’m so happy that dog lovers are finally getting dog variants it’s about time Ryan has gone through so much garlic powder since I got here it’s it was like he newly discovered it and can’t get enough the innocence of that is just so funny I don’t know why but I get it I think like I kind of like kind of discovered garlic powder at 1 point2 and I started cooking for myself and I literally put it on everything I was like grilled cheese well I’m going to put like garlic powder on the butter so when I fry it it’s all garlicky and good oh I’m making I’m making pasta might as well put garlic salt on it did I say garlic butter I don’t remember either way garlic butter garlic salt garlic powder it’s all good okay I need to chat hold on a second I need to turn my mods on for a second all right the last thing we were working on I forgot was like this like Tavern thing for when I whenever I die and I have to go back to spawn so I think that’s what we’re kind of going to work on today um we did a lot of Shenanigans in the last stream and I really want to get this set up because we did die and it was pretty awful having to walk back and not have like an elytra and stuff so we’ll put some like good gear in here you know you’ve never eaten uncrossable if you ever have the chance I highly recommend it it is very good Jo has a following garlic yeah garlic yeah uhoh the actual shout out to garlic I’m dead Korean stuffed pancakes uh sound so good ooh Korean pancakes we had there’s like these um there’s this brand in Canada called TNT um but I think they do like Japanese pancakes is like one of the things that we used to get all the time we actually just had one we finished the last ones like the other night they are so good though chat they’re basically just like doughy pancakes with like um what was I going to say with like lots of like garlic and onion and stuff like that yeah garlic is apparently a real account don’t know who owns it though so unsure about that chat unsure about that if you ever have the chance you will um eat an uncrustable are they different FL flavors yes so okay the only ones we have in Canada right now I think are the hazelnut hazelnut which is really good it’s kind of like Nutella style and then there is um there’s peanut butter and jam except I think there’s also like peanut butter and grape jelly and I think they also have peanut butter and banana now which is kind of kind of cool all right I’m out of uh sand I need to go get I need some sand I need some sand chat I got to go get some we should be close to like a pocket of sand pocket inand you definitely had to walk home from Spawn quite a few times once I’ve had enough gear I put a little shulker box at spawn as an emergency kit I should have oh there stand right here perfect I should have done that like ages ago cuz the amount of times I’ve died in this world and I’ve had to like find my way back it’s been brutal I’m happy I’m finally doing this though there’s a bug in Bedrock we’re breeding goats to get a a screamer is 4% instead of 2% so the suggestion to handle it for now is just just to go to a place where goats spawn and wait out for a screamer wait what does the screaming goat do is that the one that gives you the goat horn huh or is that like a certain type of goat horn cuz I I know they all make like different [Music] sounds 15 months with drift and chat infin 597 swag infin 597 swag infin 597 swag infin 597 swag infin 597 swag infin 597 swag infin 597 swag infin 500 997 swagin 500 and 997 swagin 597 swagin 59 7 597 siin 597 sip infin 597 sip infin 597 SI infin 5 197 SI infin 5 197 SI infin 597 sip infin 500 97 ofin 597 he’s trying really hard though you can’t 97 hyp infin 597 hyp infin 597 hype Infinity 597 hype Infinity 597 hype holy Brian he tried he tried really hard he was out of breath but he was like I need to I need to follow through and at the end he was like I’m crossing the finish line here I’m going out with a bang tootes thank you so much for the 15 freaking months I really appreciate it I hope you’re doing well homie it’s so nice to see you so so nice to see you give that man a break give them a break oh that was a good one that was a good one okay let me just message BTD back real quickly one call an ambulance for Brian literally literally he tried he tried his best you know all right I got to go to bed I got to go to bed all goats give horns but the screamers have four unique to them and the regulars have four unique to them I didn’t realize there were so many different types of goat horns in this game really really didn’t realize that I thought there was maybe three yeah the hype at the end really he tried he tried real hard chat all right let’s go to bed real quickly not nearly enough honestly well it’s kind of wild that in this game there’s like how many tropical fish are there it’s like a ridiculous amount oh oh my gosh I thought I heard something bro get nope all right oh oh my God that scared me what the hell what the hell man oops scared did anybody else hear that I’m scared if you know you know all right I’m going to need a furnace and probably need a couple actually you know what I’m going to try my best to start using the good old fashioned lava bucket I need to use that more cuz I waste so much coal I’m trying to be better about that chat trying to be better here so if the lava’s already in there can I go find some more lava and then like replenish that there’s got to be lava around here somewhere oh yeah right there big old lava pit maybe I’ll get like a couple buckets cuz I have so much iron now too one is the old one of them is the old Dolby sound from FX from the movie theaters what no way no way that’s hilarious who who did that you know somebody somebody did that formal request to call the tavern the Swagger okay that’s a good name however hear me out block down hear me out I want to call the tavern Wing Stop because I always die I always need a set of wings and also Wing Stop is a delicious wing place and I really like Wing Stop IRL that’s that’s the reason why Zion welcome on in how you doing it’s nice to see you you’ll allow it okay okay it’s got to be Wing Stop Wing Stop’s a delicious chicken establishment no literally I actually love it when it finally came to Canada I was like I don’t know if I’m going to like this I feel like it might be trash it’s not it is not trash it is actually so good we get it like way too often also what’s up with their French fries what’s up with their fries why are they like kind of sweet it’s like they sprinkle like a little bit of sugar on them or something it’s really weird but I also like it I mean if I didn’t like it I wouldn’t order it you know but every time I always like oh what what’s that little bit of sugar going on there oh my gosh CH a chicken yeah we definitely need to get a chicken in there absolutely we absolutely will this place will be full of chicken they will run the establishment but also they will be there as food Grim welcome on in how you doing hope you’re having a good Friday did you ever try your wings well done like I suggested Zion that is the only way that we get them actually I don’t think we’ve ever had the wings not well done cuz you suggested it and other people were like no honestly like the wings are better that way so I don’t think we’ve ever actually tried them not well done also I know this is like a hot debate but like how does everybody feel about boneless wings cuz I’m like BTD loves them I’m not about them like I’m I’m here for the regular classic chicken wing experience but she does not like them y’all always make me crave chicken I know I know I had chicken wings last night but honestly if BTD was like I want Wing Stop I’d be like yeah I’d go get some their ranch sauce is so good yeah their ranch sauce is also like weirdly unique as well I would say like there’s something about it that it tastes like Ranch but also it’s like not it’s really weird androma welcome on in how you doing what are we doing today I think we’re going to continue uh working on this tavern for Wing Stop and then we’re probably just going to um probably just going to Vibe for the day hang out talk about food all that stuff but yeah I think I’m going to try to get Wing Stop done today it’s like a chicken nugget exactly thank you Lauren it is a chicken nugget but BTD insist no it’s a boneless wing aren’t boneless wings just nuggets yes that’s my opinion of it as well but BTD is like no huh no they’re actually bomb okay I can see how they’re like yummy but I’m like it’s not a wing it’s a nugget your favorite uh sauce is the mango habanero I need to try more sauces cuz right now the only ones I’ve ever gotten are um I have gotten literally just honey garlic I think garlic parmesan have I gotten that from there and then like a medium sauce as well let’s fill some of this sand into just add a little bit more texture oops I’m going to regret this later when I have to like put in Windows and stuff but it’s fine there nothing wrong with nuggets oh not at all not at all I like boneless and tenders cuz sensory issues don’t come for me yeah BTD doesn’t like um honestly she just doesn’t really like one getting her hands super messy and like yeah like it’s just like cleaner and she’s like I just don’t want to have to deal with like eating like eating around a bone and I’m like I get it but then also I like to poke fun at her cuz it’s it’s fun but I get that there’s something for me about like when you eat a chicken wing like I’m it kind of feels I don’t know like if I’m if I’m eating boneless I’m like it just doesn’t feel the same for me which is weird boneless wings you can shove multiple in your face though without worrying about uh choking on the chicken bone that too see maybe I maybe I am at a loss are they more expensive are they more expensive at some places or are they I think Wing Stop they’re generally the same cuz you can get like the same price combo and choose between boneless and bone in you’re on a liquid it’s only for the next 5 days oh no Zion I’m sorry I’m sorry to hear that I hope uh hope it’s all going well though and everything’s good BTD is just like me I get her yeah there I’m like I I get it but I’m also like I’m a classic chicken wing conal bone in are typically more expensive which is so weird unless like maybe they’re trying to justify that by saying like oh you get more like chicken out of it because there’s like no bone who knows so weird oh yeah the sand blocks that are yeah they’re just they’re just chilling you know classic chicken wings is a whole experience with the mess oh totally totally check chicken wings are just so good like just one of those things one of those things it’s a shame how expensive they are though eating bone and wings doesn’t has have to be messy just pull the bones apart uh before you start eating think I need to do that especially with the flats you know what I mean the flats is where like things I I find get messy like the drums easy to eat I can like Crush those easily clean them but the flats like yeah you’re right you got to you got to put some work into it if you want to like properly clean those I’m so hungry now I didn’t eat enough this morning oh wait this is supposed to be spruce too my bad just going to break this with my little little fist flats are so easy all you do is Twist the bone and the at the tips and it slides out see I’m like I’m like the messy I don’t know these tricks I’m like the Messy eater I mean I’m always a Messy eater what is that any surprise whenever if I eat anything I always I always get something on my clothes I’m terrible for that the mess is part of the experience totally I always love the like the wet naps that they give you after those things Rock pull the bone out okay true fair enough fair enough I’ll give you one of my Uncrustables which one which one I’d like to try a grape jelly please please and thank you don’t need that yet do need this don’t like bone and chicken but I do like spare ribs no I get that I get that I feel like bone and chicken like the bones are like smaller and like harder to navigate you know oh my gosh it’s been a hot minute since I’ve had ribs ribs are delicious too haven’t had those in Forever still waiting for someone to invent boneless avocados and also boneless mangoes I’ve never heard anybody call mangoes and avocados boneless but like you’re so right you know you’re so right I’m going to cry Honestly though like what’s up with that we’ve got seedless grapes like that giant pit in the avocado we could figure out a way like to work around that like we don’t need that there anymore do we I feel like I feel like we have modified past the need of kneading that giant pit in the center of the avocado and same with the mango I feel like they just don’t need to be there anymore if we can figure it out with grapes and watermelons like we can we can do this I believe in society we try to hoard those wet naaps but they always end up dried out by the time we find them again I honestly didn’t really consider that they might dry out in the package eventually you haven’t eaten but applesauce and chicken broth in the in the past 3 days oh can you do soups can you do soups at least like a like butternut squash the worst I remember when I got my wisdom teeth taken out that was just like it was the food that really that really kind of sent me over the edge you know what I mean like the pain was not great I’m not going to lie wisdom tooth pain having to get those taken out sucked but I think what really really did it for me was the fact that like I couldn’t eat what I wanted to eat and I was I was pretty pissed about it also not to mention the healing time for wisdom teeth is so annoying too hated it it just takes up room that could contain more avocado and mango no exactly I feel like there’s a way that we can optimize this you know I definitely feel like the mango and avocado can be optimized I think you’re so right you don’t have any grape jelly ones right now I’m sorry that’s okay I’ll just take what I can get honestly I’m I’m not picky when it comes to Uncrustables I’ll I’ll eat any of them your friend’s dog ate the mango pit and needed surgery it was a French Bulldog what the heck okay first of all how did they eat that second of all I hope hope the little guy’s okay oh my gosh that’s wild how did like did he just like eat eat a mango and he was like well guess guess I’m just going to commit to the whole thing that’s wild STP waffles are a big favorite with my daughter right now oh my gosh I love those those things Rock I haven’t had one in a hot minute but for a while I was like obsessed with buying like the little mini packages of them and I I would clear a package and like e easily a day think something like that would be [Music] good Emily welcome on in how you doing nice to see you feel like I like a big window here too I don’t really do big Windows very often and here it is it’s all of the sand falling let’s go basil fried rice I’ve never had basil fried rice but that sounds delicious I don’t use I feel like I don’t use basil enough um in cooking and stuff yo you know what I miss like a margarita pizza with like a big old slab of like basil on it you know I haven’t had that in a hot minute either so good okay I would love to try a real Dutch stoop waffle that would be so good that’s a dream that is a dream chat for sure I also want to have like I want to go to like Amsterdam is it Amsterdam where they do like the Mayo and fries I’ve always been a big fries with mayo gal and I heard that they do that there like they have chip trucks with like mayo and french fries and I’m like that is my jam that is literally my jam I found uh this Channel and came for Minecraft talk and I’m staying for the grub talk oh heck yeah one of us one of us uhoh I’m gonna fall I already [Music] fell what are we building we’re building um we’re basically building a Tavern so I can whenever I die at spawn I can come in here grab what I need uh from The Tavern like wings and stuff we’re going to call it Wing Stop and I can fly home because we’re super far from home in this world are super far from Spawn our home’s over here and every time I die I have to like walk through all of this like swamp and Dark Forest which you can imagine is not great it’s kind of uh chaotic so we’re um we’re building up a little area today so I don’t have to do that anymore hello from the Netherlands Street waffles are the best oh welcome on in Turtle how you doing and heck yeah um Turtle I was going to say Turtles are the best you know what turtles are kind of sweet too though shout out to Roger if you know you know but STP waffles literally so good my friend who um my friend who has like Dutch family is the one who introduced me to those and it literally like changed my life honestly that is it common a common treat to have like white bread with like chocolate sprinkles and butter cuz she used to eat that all the time too and it was super good oops favorite restaurant where I live is a breakfast place but they also make the best burgers and fries in town they make caramelized aoli who doesn’t love a good aoli listen with fries I’m here fries are just a vehicle to the sauce fries are a vehicle to the sauce chat that’s it that’s that’s all you need to know you know I just want some I just want a crispy french fry that I can dip into sauce that’s all I want free Roger Roger’s vibing Roger loves the boat Roger’s having like the time of his life chat what the Roger’s never been more free in his life that’s a very common thing here okay so it is I remember I she ate it one day and I was like what the hell is that and she was like no it’s like really good you should try it so I had a little bite and I was like you know what it’s actually not bad I’m I’m kind of like weird about butter though like butter on a sandwich has never like been my thing um I don’t know why it’s just like it kind of grosses me out unless obviously it’s like melted and it’s like a warm sandwich but that I could get behind I was like this is pretty decent yall wait you also call it fairy bread fairy bread I like that oh there is a thing called fairy bread in the states though so it’s like pretty much the same thing is it like kind of um similar to has anybody ever had that stuff called fluff it’s literally just marshmallow spread that you can put on like bread I don’t know if it’s like a super popular thing anymore I never personally tried it but I always saw it at the grocery store and I’m assuming you can like use it for baking and stuff but I think it’s like original purpose was always to like have it in between like white Wonderbread I do not have a PO box it is something that I’ve been considering opening up but as of right now I do not have one but if I ever find any of this stuff I will buy it I should do like a taste test of foods like this you’ve had the fluff before okay and you use it to bake fudge what really is it just like extra sugar or something air fryer shout out crispy fries soggy fries from take out pop them in the air fryer that’s so smart sometimes those like those like um containers really do make it like the fres is kind of soggy if it takes a while for delivery fluff or Nutter yes that’s what it is peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches ooh banana and honey would be good too you wish I had Sandstone bricks me too me too butter both sides of the bread stick it in the 200y old breev Breville sandwich maker and boom happiness wait what’s a Breville sandwich maker is it like one of those sandwich presses that like kind of like cuts it into a triangle too I feel like we had this discussion about that specific sandwich maker and we all had it in like the 2000s which is wild I need need more Spruce chat I got to go get some more Spruce we’re pretty close to a Tiga from what I remember yeah marshmallow fluff makes the best rice krispy treats okay Rice Krispy Treats that’s how I feel about them they make me toot out of Happiness they’re genuinely one of my favorite treats it’s one of those things that you kind of forget exists sometimes but then you have one and you’re like this is pure happiness they’re also so ridiculously easy to make as well so easy to make I kind of want kind of want to make some now was that a fart it absolutely was a fart and oh I was going to say it was a fer but also apparently there’s an Enderman here [Music] didn’t get me this time chat didn’t get me this time nice try Moon nice try and thank you for the Bitties also I need to rep repair my tools eh are getting pretty bad I need to repair my tools I do need to get some more Rockets although I’m kind of out of gunpowder I think I have more Rockets hanging around somewhere I just don’t have them they’re probably in like a shul or somewhere Ender fart Enderman farts you know what that one sounded pretty Airy I’m guessing Enderman farts are pretty Airy I don’t know why just just seems like it would be why does it smell like farts in here do anybody else hear that I’m scared the Enderman sounds scared me sorry for anybody playing Minecraft while we’re doing this it happens Fruity Pebble marshmallow squares you know what I never thought I never considered the fact that you could make Rice Krispy squares but make it out of different cereals I mean it wouldn’t it would no longer be a rice crispy Square however I never considered that you could do that just make a square of any Cal what the heck a new world has just opened up in my brain will I ever make this probably not but like I’m I’m I’m thinking about it now you know also n thank you so much for the hydrate and moon thank you so much for the stretch oh God my back I just heard it like crack a hundred times I’m not going to lie I woke up pretty early this morning I woke up at like 6:15 and I was like like oh I think the new fortnite update is out and it might be up I’m not sure though so I woke up and I turned on the Xbox especially cuz I was also like even if it’s not up I can at least update it so big tiny duck is ready to go tonight to play fortnite and then I can later so I woke up in hopes that maybe we could try some fortnite this morning before she went to work but it didn’t happen chat it didn’t happen it’s not ready yet but I’m excited so it’s fine Golden Graham squares are the bomb yo I haven’t had a Golden Graham in a hot minute that’s a good cereal I’m kind of weird though cuz I eat cereal dry I don’t really like milk that much but golden grams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch holy crap that is one of my favorite cereals it is one of the best simply one of the best chat un shrimpy got it un shrimp ify yourselves ooh strawberry marshmallows I never considered that either okay you know what’s like another I’m sure this is also like an American treat as well do you all have those like do people make it’s basically marshmallow squares but people always use like the multicolored tiny marshmallows and then in between they put like peanut butter to kind of like bind it all together and they’re just like peanut butter and I think butterscotch flavor and ore have you all ever had that before it’s a very like I never had it growing up because because I’ve always found it like it was always like very Canadian but my family uh is not from Canada so we had different trees during Christmas and stuff but once I started like going to like other people’s like Christmases and thanksgivings and stuff I tried them and they’re really good I feel like Americans might do that as well does anybody know what I’m talking about ghost face welcome on in how you doing Cinnamon Toast Crunch is your default yeah me too I it’s my go-to I might if we end up like going grocery shopping like this weekend or something I might get some cinnamon toast crunch might do that drift good to see you Taco thank you so much for the 10 months thank you so so much I really appreciate it so nice to see you as well I hope you’re doing well thank you so so much I really appreciate that hope you’re having a good Friday all right I’m going to look for some Rockets around the base I need to repair some tools and then we’ll be good to go uh your ex-boyfriend woke up at 6:00 in the morning to get Destiny to start downloading honestly like there’s something about like new updates specifically for like fortnite that has like really ignited like a sense of excitement in me that like I haven’t felt since like I was younger and like going to midnight releases for video games I kind of miss doing that in some ways I think the very like actually no that wasn’t the last one I was GNA say the last one that I ever did was GTA 4 which was a long time ago but I think I also did it for Fallout 4 that was the very last one that I did now everything I just like kind of buy it or like pre-download it as an American I’ve never seen that that sounds awful okay it sounds awful but like it’s weirdly good like it doesn’t sound great but it’s kind it’s kind of good it’s kind of good chat okay you’re defly allergic to peanuts okay it never mind veto that veto that veto that y’all have never heard of that okay I need like I need some Canadians in chat specifically people from Ontario back me up here you can never stand those colored marshmallows my grandma would give them to me as a treat listen I like the marshmallow Square As a treat cuz you get like the butterscotch but just having those marshmallows on their own as a kid there’s always that thing where you think like marshmallows are going to be a good treat but I I always found that like I would be like oh yeah it’s just like sugar like of course it’s going to be good but then I’d eat it and I’d like almost die eating it because it’s just like it’s just not good another thing that like really kind of like makes me feel a little bit like gross is um oh Rockets nice the like Che the puffy Cheetos I love them now I’m like on a puffy Cheeto kick but my grandma always had stale puffy Cheetos in her cupboard and then she’d give them to me but like they were very stale so they just tasted so bad oh now you want cereal and boneless wings and golden grams literally I could I could eat anything right now I also have a deep and delicious Maine cake in the freezer cuz last night after we got chicken wings um we went to like we stopped at a store and we got treats and for some reason I was like would it be weird to get a deep and delicious cake and Abby was like I don’t care we’re moving and I was like okay sweet so I just sat on the couch when we got home and ate like half a deep and delicious cake they’re so good though they have to be like from the freezer though you can’t do Cheeto puffs they’re like mouth knives mouth knives like sharp you’re in the mood for terisu oh my gosh I I could eat terisu at any point so good what’s a deep and delicious cake okay it’s like this cake made by McCain it’s literally a sheet cake with icing on top but the icing isn’t like it’s like very it’s not like a super stiff icing and it’s just like a sheet cake that like belongs in the freezer you can thaw it but like it’s not frozen if it’s in the freezer cuz it Doesn’t Really freeze so it’s like super good cold oh my gosh they’re incredible highly recommend I’m so funny what I do what did I do also chat actually you know what I can just mute the game sounds I was going to say I’m not going to mess with the game sounds um cuz I’m like in the middle of filming something and if the game sounds get messed up it’s going to be a nightmare but I can just mute it for you all so that’s what we’re going to do remind me to turn them back on after though oops I should probably actually we’ll do the elytra first who said golden grams I miss those so much they don’t have them where you are anymore oh that’s unfortunate you know what they’re bringing back like a lot of um American cereals into Canada like in the ’90s we had like Cookie Crisp we had like all of the co like the fruity pebbles and stuff and then most of them went away after the 9s but they’re starting to bring them back again which is really bizarre cuz I thought like I I really thought we were like over the Cal thing in Canada I don’t know find it interesting have I officially moved not yet not yet very soon we’re going to be moving very very soon and I’m so excited I’m so ready just to like get out of the city honestly it’s one of those things too where like um even just like I don’t know just like getting around the city has been such a pain lately cuz we’ve had so many like delays on like the TTC and stuff and I’m just like man it’s just so hard to do stuff around here recently and I’m just so excited to like not be here but I’m also I know I’m going to cry like a baby when we’re gone I wasn’t sentient in the 90s I wasn’t even made yet oh October 99 baby okay you were sentient for like a millisecond of the 9s a millisec God the ’90s what a what a time what a Time time honestly all right I think we’re good with all of our tools I’m like should I just grab a couple more levels I don’t really need them for anything but they’re always nice to have just in case you know cuz we have been upgrading stuff lately so we’ll do this and I think um once I get back I’m going to go to the creeper Tower and just like I want to go downstairs and grab a San Pelle San pelino and I’ll just AFK while I’m doing that cuz we’re going to need more Rockets soon 96 baby let’s go [Music] baby we get to level 30 I’ll be Satisfied get yourself some food good call good call I don’t know what to have we’re at that point now where it’s like we don’t have much food left in our home because it’s like you don’t want to buy too much to bring with you but also it’s like you have to eat there’s such a weird balance when you’re moving it’s the same thing with packing if you pack up too much stuff then you’re like well I literally don’t even have clothes right now I’ve gotten to the point where well actually the clothing situation is more so because our Dryer’s broken and we’re lazy and not doing as much laundry as we should we don’t have a dry rack anymore though so I’m like it’s such a pain in the butt we gave our drying rack to uh aby’s mom a long time ago and she was like do you want me to bring it back we were like no it’s fine it’s fine we’ve just been like hanging clothes all over the apartment it’s good but I do miss it but yeah it’s gotten to that point where it’s like oh my gosh I’m running out of clothes chat I always say I was late to the ’90s party but at least I was there yeah you you showed up late you were there though you grabbed a smack or two you know you vibed you vibed it’s fine 85 let’s go let’s go I’m a I’m a 91 91 baby the double-sided underwear hack I haven’t reached that point thankfully the hack life hack double-sided underwear oh all right I think I’m good make sure I get all this XP that I grabed there we go got it all right let’s head out and before I forget let’s turn the game sounds back on oh I’m at spawn look at that I am at spawn incredible I need to dump all of these uh all of these eyeballs let me just go over here this is this is the the garbage zone is there an easier way to like toss stuff cuz I always just like toss it outside of the menu bar but I feel like there’s an easier way to do that also I always triple check what I’ve tossed because I’m like I’m like 99% sure that’s how I lost my chest plate I definitely tossed it and it despawned there’s no other way cuz I’ve cleaned like almost all of my chests back at the base and I’m like like it would have been in one of those you know you yeah you’re oh yeah you’re straight up 2000s baby yeah you you missed the 90s but okay it’s okay the 2000s were wild the early 2000s crazy we all love Minecraft and drift streams aw yeah Q button but does q button do it like so it’s like there’s only a few at a time let’s see cuz it only does one at a time right is there a way to like dispose of like an entire stack or no shift Q let me try it I’m going to land on a tree and try this chat really shift Q hm oh oh okay I’m just throwing junk everywhere maybe I have it so like the keybind is different or something but I don’t know if I would have messed with that there’s so many like little Minecraft like quality of life things that I don’t know do I any V Villers trade for eyes I don’t know actually that’s a good question cuz I have so many if anything it would be the clerics I would assume which I do have a couple of those for zombie flesh before I go I just want to make sure I don’t have to eat so I don’t lose saturation and then die but I won’t be there’s no way different way to drop a whole stack oh okay okay for some reason I thought I was like that makes sense that there would be but I guess not it snowed there you wish it would snow here I kind of actually you know what I don’t want snow that now that I’m moving very soon because that would suck but I wish it snowed more this year this was a very warm winter and I did not like it it was very warm and very very gray made me kind of sad and then also it would just be like rain you know it it was not pleasant not pleasant at all all right I’m going to let you all watch The Creeper Farm because it’s ENT aing it’s basically a glorified creeper spider farm there’s tons of spiders here that’s okay we get so much so much good stuff out of it all right I’m going to go downstairs really quickly I’ll just leave it leave the game running so we can I muted myself so we can let the uh creeper Farm do its thing and I’ll be back in a second spider ASMR classic so good can you all even hear this right right now I don’t know if it’s going off you can kind of hear it drift needs to change that to Soul campfires what are the soul campfires do does it do they like burn quicker if it’s an easy fix uh the one thing is I was thinking it would be an easy fix to like remove the Magma Cube but then I was like wait no it wouldn’t be because a creeper would fall into it blow this up and i’ die did I get food I don’t I genuinely don’t know what to eat right now I genuinely have no idea what to eat so I didn’t cuz I already had an uncrustable for breakfast so I was like I I was like I don’t know what to eat faster time to kill how would I technically turn this off you know what I mean if I were to like try and fix it cuz that would be nice I mean at the end of what what the heck are you doing in here buddy what’s going on here cuz they do take so long they take forever cake eat cake I’m already consuming a sugary beverage I’ll be wired if I eat cake on top of that and then I’ll get the sugar sugar ick you know when you eat like too much sugar in one go do I order food expensive but yummy or do I do snacks for dinner what do you what would you order I like a good snacks for dinner though like picky bits I love that I don’t have chips I ate Big Tiny Ducks chips the other day and she got so sad I finished them I feel really bad about that speaking of Big Tiny duck have another I’d consider it I’d consider it I’d have to light up the whole creeper Farm a I don’t know if it’s worth but it would be quicker I include lever button and lights with every XP farm for that reason that that’s so smart honestly okay what you could do then if I’m thinking about it that way could do like a bunch of like glow lights and then like the Redstone lights and then turn them on with like levers and then it would technically stop the farm right have to open the sides and light it’d be a pain yeah I feel like it would just be like too much of a pain the the better the better solution at this point would just be AFK more often right but like they do dive very slow with this Farm design if I were to make one again in a different world I’d do it differently I think you get a poke Bowl uh with chicken and teriyaki sauce oh I love teriyaki sauce a few pieces of sushi man we had sushi quite a bit this month quite a bit ETD what you doing there’s no sound I think there’s no sound because I’m in free cam sometimes the sound in free cam is like a little bit weird where it’s like you can hear things like carts but you can’t hear like the spiders and stuff like if I go down once you go down the sounds are like there it’s really weird I don’t know why it does that free Cam’s a little bit funky that way there’s probably like a setting or something cuz then you’re down here you can hear it really weird you you all can hear that though right the game sounds can you hear him now okay nice nice nice uhoh I fell in water okay I’m going to fly back to where we were before should be good now see the new update heck yeah I’m so excited you know I I’m I’m a cat gal but I’m excited to have like different types see different types of dogs I feel like it was a long time coming too I feel like it’s way overdue to have like different types of dogs in this game building a glass box around the square starting underneath that’s actually a good idea too you’re going to order just do it if you had it on your mind you wanted to order all along you know treat yourself it’s Friday it’s Friday firecracker salmon is that like spicy salmon with tempura I love a good spicy tuna roll and honestly salmon avocado is so good I think that’s like one of my favorite classic ones all right chat I need to figure out what I’m going to do for the tavern roof where uhoh that’s not good I have a very great question where did I put all of that Spruce that I had gathered what did I do with it huh chat I don’t remember what I did with it I put it away somewhere did I put it into storage cuz we were going to to the farm or something or did I put in like a shulker I might have I might have sorted it I’m sorry I’m I keep going back and forth I’m so out of it today it’s been a it’s been a hot minute since we’ve been in this world too instantly intimidated by everyone here and all the Minecraft knowledge and ideas you all have no no no no no no no no need to feel intimidated don’t worry we are all all here the best thing about chat is chat is so Op with knowing everything that it’s it’s like you learn so much I know nothing about this game I know nothing about this game and uh chat comes through it’s just a collection of ideas and knowledge it’s amazing I think I might have sorted that Spruce though chat I think I might have I mean look at me I’m just bopping back and forth between house and spawn perpetually all stream I put it somewhere I may have put it down over here or I put it into storage I’m just not 100% sure which one I put it in it’s not here I think it’s in storage you have to pay $60 for your dogs meds oh boy yeah pets uh stuff for pets can be quite expensive sometimes hope I hope the dog’s okay though hope everything’s good it is wild to me that Ruth has like no idea we keep saying this Ruth has no idea that she’s moving you know I feel like she’s going to be okay though I feel like she’s going to be all right and she’s going to like it but I just feel bad because I’m like this poor cat she has literally no concept of moving we’re just going to pick her up put her in a carrier and then like she’s going to be somewhere new and she’s going to be like oh all right Spruce what where did I put this I literally like my mind is blank right now what did I do with it huh what the actually I do need some of this stuff you know what what the heck I’m going to clear this out cuz I actually want to use this so I can fill it with Spruce stuff but like what I am just I’m at a loss I have no idea what I did with that chat what the heck that’s messed up let’s put some of this stuff away though oh we need the gunpowder eventually and then what else do I have I have a bunch of like deep slate [Music] andesite deep slate deep site stuff that can stay we don’t really need leads and boats and stuff friendly mob loot copper she’s 12 and has arthritis in her back and they told me to get her to lose weight but somehow she gained weight on her diet how did that happen I feel like I like how does that happen Ruth like really struggled when we had to put her on a diet too though we had to like really mess around with her portions and stuff I hope uh I hope uh hope the dog’s okay though she’ll she’ll get through it she’ll she’ll get through it might take her might take her a bit but she’ll she’ll figure it out we’re all great backseat drivers of Minecraft I love love it though I love it yeah we’re all see I’m I’m driving I’m driving this vehicle but I feel like chat you have like you got the foot on the gas the brakes I’m like maybe steering a little bit but you all you all are uh with this world the car’s yours I know it might be at the end or something I’m not sure it’s really I have no idea where I put this like what was I doing it’s because we were just yapping away that’s a problem chat we Yap too much how do you feel about that cuz honestly I’m not going to lie I love it Magie took the spruce Maggie what the heck how could you what the heck Maggie okay I’m going to grab this stuff then I’m just going to take the L just going to chop more Spruce I left a surprise for future future me chat is GPS absolutely yeah chat chat’s navigating feel like it’d be more beneficial just to chop a couple trees down who remembers two player N64 golden I with just one controller wait how did you play with just one controller huh I remember the split screen scen and you’d be like don’t look at my screen so you can’t see where I am I remember that you’re always so nice when we suggest stuff other creat just say no that’s not going to work thanks for entertaining the ideas of collectively Chad collectively Chad I’m so happy you still remember collectively Chad that’s what you that’s what you guys are honestly like with this world it’s like it’s just feels like a collaborative like fun thing for all of us to do it’s kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure so I love it and there’s so many things where like honestly like you all have like made builds so much better too cuz we’re like thinking through things right I get that’s like not for everybody like some people are like work much better like doing their own thing so no hate on anybody who obviously like has like their ideas in mind but for like this world cuz like in some series like I guess like certain projects that I have for like my Let’s Plays and stuff like I definitely it’s more of a solo thing but this world is just like a fun playground for us all you know that’s what I really like about it just think it’s hilarious every stream is mostly about food I know I don’t understand we’re all like what are you what are you eating today no what are you eating today bro one of you controls the top of bond and the other does the legs and shooting what I never did that as a kid so you’re saying like in order for both of you like both people to play together that’s how you would do it I feel like that’s something like every kid tries where you’re like let’s I want to play but this is a single player game so we’ll just control it together does somebody say food what you what you eaten effector what you eating what’s on the menu food talk powered by tootes food is the fuel to the tootes you know all right I think that should be a good amount cuz we already have all of like the stuff from the shulker which is nice so I didn’t have to grab as much as I I needed it was an actual mode in the European version what that’s so weird who thought to do that you just ate some chocolate cake oh I’m jealous I have my deep and delicious marble cake that I’m probably going to have tonight but it’s surely not the same as what you just ate definitely not last night you made spaghetti bed nothing for sauce so you shredded parm and ranch and some red pepper flakes Ranch listen I was I was all there for the parm and the pepper flakes and like maybe a lot of butter the ranch did it did it just like okay you know what people have been putting like that Boron cheese into pastas and like it’s really been working out for them so maybe the ranch would work work I’m not going to judge I’m not going to judge I wouldn’t judge you for that it’s okay it’s just interesting we don’t have any more Ranch chat we’re all out of ranch and I’m a little bit sad about it and I don’t want to buy anymore because we are moving so soon so we’re like Fresh Out oops going have to fix that what’s going on here 1 two 3 four five six seven oh this one’s eight we won’t tell anybody it’s fine I’ll just fix this up a little bit like that maybe do like that yeah like obviously I find odd numbers is ideal for building but every once in a while if you get one that’s like evenly numbered I don’t really care as much as I used to you know did you see wack started a new hardcore world I have not seen that yet I have not seen his new is it like did he start it on stream I’m assuming because I haven’t seen him post like an episode for something like that yet heck yeah though I’m so excited to see what he does so so excited what what type of biome is he going to do I always like I love it that he chooses like such like I don’t know like he did like Mangrove was it Mangrove for the last one I think so but he just like I don’t know he just builds anywhere and just makes it look so good I love it did drift Justice Ranch I did I I actually did isn’t that wild you I bet you all never thought you would hear me kind of like dis rant anch my diss track is actually coming out next week me and ranch we’re over we’re done we’re we’re over it we had a we had a falling out chat me and Ranch step aside Ranch Caesar is the new one how does this look oh I like that okay so I’m G to do the thing this is like a block down staple where he puts like terracotta in between these I think I’m going to try that although I have to be careful cuz this tavern wall is very short like this piece so it might might not work I don’t know can just like stop it at this point though I might only do it on this one because this one has so much height to it that it kind of just needs to be balanced out I might try that he streaming last night 10 Minecraft days in heck yeah so excited to see what he does honestly he’s exploring looking for his new location H whatever it is you just know it’s going to be good you know like anything wax does is just like always so so good I always say it like I just like I really appreciate that he does things that are very like geometric but also organic because it’s just like very unique I feel like I don’t know he just has like a very specific style that’s super cool infinite disc yeah I’m I’m releasing it next week chat infinite disc track on Ranch me and ranch we’re over where can I get your diss track um it’s actually only going to be on uh lime wire actually couldn’t I couldn’t get anybody to uh it wouldn’t upload anywhere everyone was like this is just like this is too much you can’t dis Ranch and I was like uh yeah I can and people were like no you actually can’t and so I I just had to put it on Lime wire unfortunately yeah was it wax that made the Arctic Dome with the foxes I think it was actually that was like one of that was like a more recent build too the meme the meme yo with this creeper fridge list take it up with big tiny duck it ain’t happening I’ll get I will get an axel glow lamp but I am not getting the creeper fridge I’ve got to be honest I don’t I actually don’t even know if I would want the creeper fridge at this point the office is going to be significantly smaller too it’s one of those things where I’m like it’s actually going to be like quite a small space but in a good way like right now I have like way too much space like it’s a very long office and it’s just like too much you know need a mini fridge in the room with you honestly hey Spruce where you been did I have this all along maybe I did put it here look at that honestly though like I don’t know oh I don’t know I kind of like having to walk walk downstairs to get my drinks cuz at least then I can like stretch my legs and also like I’m not going to lie I am that type of person when I’m like when I’m like making videos and stuff like I need to be able to walk away from my desk otherwise like I go stir crazy and there’s some days where like you know what I probably do it way too often like I need to do more work but I love being able to like walk away for an excuse you know if I have a mini fridge then it’s like what’s my excuse I just roll around and go get like a Kool-Aid Jammer I can’t leave I can’t leave my office then we just want the creeper fridge yeah yeah you all you all really want that creeper fridge if I could just gift it all to you I would it’s so funny cuz it’s such a ridiculous thing to have too like I think like one day if I showed up with it you all would just like scream you’d be like what the heck I wish I could commit to the bit also chat what the heck am I going to do I’m kind of feeling for this build orange Sandstone for the roof I haven’t done orange sandstone in like a long time oh wait we have it here too an orange terracotta we can mix in yes let’s take that out put that in tell BTD is not your creeper fridge it’s for chat she’ll just blow up next time next time we uh play some stardo you you all can take it up uh with the big tiny and see how she reacts cuz I’m sure it’s not going to be pleasant Axel see an axel lamp would be cute I think I’m I’m putting some of our shelving in behind me cuz I’ve um removing that like Cube that was behind me and we’re going to put something like a little bit more substantial in and I think it’s going to I’m going to fill up like a little shelf behind me why is she so against it honestly I think just because like that doesn’t look great I’m going to have to fix that um I think just because like our like this office has like kind of become a mess this it’s totally my fault I just like did not organize this office well and like I think the Clutter is kind of what’s like what’s really gotten to her and honestly it’s gotten to me at this point the Clutter has just been like a lot and like there’s M there’s also very minimal space in that office so that thing’s going to take up a bunch of room and she’s just going to be like oh my God the oxal a lamp would be cute and it would just rest on the Shelf which is nice this is my first time watching your stream love your cozy Survival series a Jenny thank you so much for popping in I appreciate it I hope you’re having a wonderful day and thank you so much for watching the series as well we’re in our um long-term uh stream world right now so this is one that we started like a long time ago on YouTube lives uh there aren’t any videos made from it but uh this is basically a stream world that we’ve been working on for a long time today we’re building something called Wing Stop though which is a Tavern where I can go grab my wings and stuff that I had previously lost uh whenever I die so I don’t have to walk walk back to base anymore so we’re just vibing and doing that today she wants six of them yeah BTD wants six creeper fridges absolutely oh my gosh she would lose it absolutely lose it all right let’s put that there I think some of the Sandstone should be done let’s see yes that’s enough glass put some more of this in here actually maybe not that much o I don’t know that should be fine I’m going to turn a bunch of this into stairs I’m going to have to get more Sandstone actually this is not going to be nearly enough I really wish you could cut terracotta into stairs now that she’s here for Big Tiny Saturdays we need to consider her feelings even more absolutely absolutely I’m so excited to get some more big tiny Saturdays going we we were so sad last week that we couldn’t um we couldn’t stream it was so disappointing and also same with um same with this weekend too definitely have to pack this weekend which sucks but we’re very excited to start uh Big Tiny Saturdays again I feel so bad ABS is like actually like so sad about she’s like I want to play stard and stream and I’m like I know I’m so sorry see if you can just get the box for the fridge oh my gosh and prank her she would she’d be like what is that I know exactly what she would say six fridges and nothing but Red Bull monster could you imagine oops do I have smooth yes I do chat I might have to go get some uh some more Sandstone oh my gosh I do not have as much as I thought is a okay though though all right I’m going to make a couple more chests cuz I need so much more space than I thought oops no not singular chests double please I will have a double double there we go all right we’re pretty close to the uh desert from here I believe yeah it’s actually not far at all they’re for bottles of ranch could you imagine like all perfectly lined up the same type of ranch too should send a bunch of treats you in the Box for the creeper fridge too bad there’s no creeper fridge to put anything in I’m so sorry how long have you been together um since 20 I want to say 2018 I sorry I blanked on the date because I was doing the math of like now I do the math of like preco which is kind of weird you know what I mean but I was like was pretty that and that was like 2019 I think it was yeah must have been 2018 I’m double checking now what the heck why is this like slipping my mind it’s so funny we were um talking the other day about how hold on let me find the the date first though cuz I’m very confused yeah it’s 20 it was 2018 my thinking face was priceless yeah I have a pretty I I Zone I Zone Co ruined all the time scales no literally like it my like time feels so different now it’s really weird I want to say isn’t what a partner wants to honestly it’s reached the point though where we’ve been together for like quite some time now we’re both like huh but we were um we were both talking about it the other day about how like we like our engagement like it’s a big thing but right now I think like it’s a big thing but it was like one of those things where it’s like it I I don’t know how to put this into like the right words I think you all kind of understand this though our engagement was like a very big and exciting thing but it didn’t feel overwhelming cuz it feels like so like oh yeah that’s what’s like that makes sense that we would do that right but then we were like talking about this move cuz this is going to be a very big change for the both of us especially cuz like uh ABS has been in the city for like over 12 years and like we’ve lived together in two different apartments now but we’ve been in the City and like there’s just something about like this move that kind of feels like we’re entering like a new stage in our lives and like I don’t like I feel like our family doesn’t realize that like this move in a way is like freaking us out because it just feels like such a Monumental thing cuz we’re changing our lifestyle so much and like we were talking about like the whole thing with like getting engaged people are like isn’t it like crazy and like almost scary blah blah blah blah blah and we were like not like I never felt that way when we got engaged but like I guess maybe now that like we’re leaving the city and like moving on from that it just feels like a closed chapter and that feels even bigger so like I I don’t know I don’t know how to explain it but it just feels like very different now in a good way though like it kind of just feels like I don’t know we’re like putting like putting a um like Closing one chapter and opening another with this move which is like very exciting but it didn’t necessarily feel like that when we when we got engaged I was like oh yeah like that makes sense I don’t know I don’t know if that makes sense to you all the drift loading wheel no literally I have a loading wheel face BC is now before Co no actually can we start referring to it that way because like literally in my mind that’s how it is that’s kind of how I like tell like I have like a timeline in my brain now you and bdr pure goals aw guys no no no you’re coming up on actual 15 years together with your wife oh my gosh congratulations that’s incredible big big congrats that’s awesome That’s so exciting azy thank you for permitting that it all make my little gay heart so happy a I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad we’re gold for you guys though that’s nice engagement was a very natural progression moving isn’t upheaval even at the best of times no I think you’re so right about that especially cuz like it totally impacts like lifestyle change and stuff like that too like our lives are going to be very different now in some ways and didn’t I don’t think that’s a bad thing because we’re gaining so many things but yeah I think like I always found it so interesting that like people were like you’re engaged Now isn’t that scary and I was like I don’t know not really but this is like we’re so excited but we’re also like so scared cuz there’s like so many unknowns so happy for your both a thank you I appreciate it we’re very excited I think it’ll just like make our lives so much easier and some ways probably thought we were going to get dmca literally I’m dead your husband and I uh my husband and I have been together for eight years and that man is a literal Saint a that’s so sweet congrats on the eight years too though that’s awesome that is goals big big [Music] goals all right I’ve got more than enough sand I need some sand spawn there it is there she is got a head out but I’m glad I got to catch stream thank you have a good weekend everyone Abby thank you so much for hanging out I hope you have a great weekend as well also schmack welcome on in so nice to see you hope you’re doing well when you’re ready for it you just couldn’t imagine anything else that’s exactly it right exactly it like I was with the engagement I was terrified to do it not because I thought like she would be like no and like reconsider but it was just like nerve-wracking to like have to like have the confidence to put yourself out there like that even if you know the person’s going to say yes it’s just like scary but yeah I think like the the whole thing of getting engaged it was like oh yeah been married for almost 25 years moving is always a big deal totally totally it doesn’t even matter if you’re like moving like not far either it’s like it’s big I remember like even moving from like our last apartment to this one it was just like so much it’s so much work it’s mentally exhausting and also it’s just like there’s so many unknowns right like you at the end of the day with like um with like apartments and houses and stuff you even though youve like the place you have like an idea of where it is you still don’t know what you’re walking into either which is has always kind of scared me moving houses such a miserable process oh I know I’m so excited for it to be over oops I went too far oh my God I was just like looking at chat sorry chat I was like I flew over it literally it’s cuz I’m yapping with y’all I should probably turn the marker back on cuz I kind of disabled it there we go here we we are perfect all right let’s turn a bunch of this into sandstone I should probably just do it this way it’s quicker boom can turn some of it into smooth Sandstone probably get a little bit more lava you know what lava’s op chat you told me and I was like no it’s fine I get it now it it wasn’t fine and I’m sorry I’m so sorry what was I thinking up we go all right let’s get this roof filled in I just realized it doesn’t really matter oh wait no the texture is on that side for the stairs I see I see for a second I thought it wasn’t been living at this place since August I’m still busy fixing things up and unpacking boxes no literally you could be fixing stuff up for like years right the last thing that we did like the last time we moved we were adamant about like unpacking everything because if it’s like in a pile then you have to deal with it but sometimes you like sometimes there’s stuff you still have to leave packed up you know it’s not always going to be realistically like that I am just hoping that we just get it done quickly getting engaged and married is always a big deal you always feel a little frightened yeah I think like like wedding day I understand like the like frightening aspect of a wedding day it’s like not that you don’t want to like be with your partner it has nothing to do with that it’s just like the the whole Act of it is like a little bit frightening because like there it also there’s just like so much buildup to all of that stuff too right I can imagine like the anticipation is just like a lot moved in together around three months ago and haven’t really finished we barely have furniture it’s really weird but in an exciting way it’s the first time any of us uh lives without anyone besides our families oh heck yeah congrats that’s awesome that is so exciting honestly like go at your own pace too like you’ll you’ll eventually get all that stuff done right like especially with um moving into a place and you don’t have much Furniture like you’ll build up all that stuff over time too there’s a lot of stuff that like we are going to have to essentially buy as well cuz we didn’t like we’ve always lived in smaller apartments in Toronto for example so like we don’t have a kitchen table we’ve never had one literally I have not had a kitchen table for all the years I’ve lived here just no space and now we have like it’s exciting cuz we have the room to have one now but I’m like oh crap now we have to like buy that so it’s going to be empty for a bit but like I don’t I don’t even mind it’s it’ll be exciting call my partner and my wife but we’re not actually married yet a oh common law common law yeah it’s your wife it’s your wife that’s so sweet Moon yeah that’s super exciting that you have like a new space to fill with like stuff and like new memories while you’re building it like that’s just like such a good time you know supp when I loped it was just easier for us this is this is our eighth year oh my gosh congrats that’s awesome honestly like eloping I’ve I’ve had like a couple friends who have like eloped as well and it just like I don’t know it just seems like such like a nice option cuz like some people don’t want like a full day of like all of this stuff like you know what I mean the thing with like weddings is like it’s so deeply personal you got to do it the way that you want to right like an air fryer no exactly an air fryer and most importantly a microwave so I can microwave pizza pockets that’s the goal chat that’s the goal oh tonight your friends are coming over to the place nice we’re so excited for stuff like that too see that’s a nice thing like you get like once you get settled in you get to like have your friends over and then like you get to make I feel like having your friends over and your family like just makes the space like kind of help feel a little bit more like it’s yours you know I always find that like weird feeling when you move to a space and you’re like oh it’s like it’s very new to me and it’s like almost like uncomfortable in a way but then once people come over and like start enjoying the space that you’re in it makes I feel like that’s what really makes the difference you’ve inherited so many tables you have like six of them what the heck where do you put them all you can Thrift fun stuff and fix it up on stream on Saturday so we can watch and help oh my gosh like a fixer uper stream would be so iconic that would be so cool I mean now that we have more space maybe we can do like more like chatting streams you know alope is the way to go then have a kick-ass party see that’s a thing right like you can still have like a fun party and all that stuff absolutely how am I going to do this center part I don’t really know maybe just build it up like this we’re low-income and our people are uh spread across the St States and a few International so it was never going to be perfect if you know what I mean no for real for real see that’s the thing like also with like weddings and stuff to consider is like how you manage like with people in different states and provinces and stuff like that like it’s a lot to consider with stuff like that sometimes it’s just easier to like have like a huge celebration and party after and then there’s also like no pressure for like the people to attend to right when I first bought my own microwave I felt like such an adult literally I feel like when I finally get a microwave I’m going to be like I’ve made it I’ve made it chat I’ve made it finally the amount of times I’ve had my friends like rip on me because I don’t have a microwave it’s constant they’re like what do you mean you don’t have a microwave and I’m like I don’t like I like I don’t have the space we literally have one proper like kitchen counter this big and an island that we had to buy like I don’t have the room Reaper Kitty welcome on in how you doing think you’re naturally a yes and person that’s why you make such a great collaborator what okay what Lauren what’s a yes and person what is that what is that is that I’m assuming that’s that’s a good thing though I’ve heard that term before I just don’t understand what it means cuz I hear it and I’m like I don’t know what that is then I’m like okay bye I move on oh that looks off huh looking forward to your Friday let’s go what what Friday plans you got I’m looking forward to Friday plans too okay this is actually starting to come along now I almost feel like I should extend this I either get rid of it or I extend it don’t really know I have to think about that one your dinner came let’s go oh I am sleeping right away I’m not dealing with that all right this was looking good we’re getting there I need to like figure this part out though we when you do improv you’re supposed to uh reply with yes and to keep the story moving because no is a hard stop oh I see what you mean I see what you mean yo I was talking to my friend about improv I would love to try improv cuz me and um me and BTD were talking about like different types of comedy and I think she would be like I think BTD would probably be one of the funniest standup comedians like she would actually like she would kill on stage whereas me like I would bomb so hard I don’t think I could ever do standup comedy like I would actually panic and die but I feel like I could do improv I feel like improv is my style of Comedy but BTD on stage as a stand-up comedian could you imagine that she would actually like she would also like rip the crowd a new but honestly like I wouldn’t mess with her BTD has the driveby wit that’s exactly what it is right it’s totally the driveby wit like you don’t even know you got got by her until it’s too late you know BTD chat bot was so oh my God I forgot that was like going on for like 40 minutes too I was like please help me somebody oh my God I forgot about that one once she starts going she cannot stop that’s a thing oh my gosh you both Crush improv uh let’s do as a fun team building uh exercise I literally would I actually would I feel like I would have so much fun doing it there’s a lot of like improv classes in um Toronto maybe maybe now that I’m leaving the city I’ll go do one yeah she’s pure chaos it’s so funny a drift and duck podcast honestly that’s that’s something that we’ve been talking about forever we would love to do that one day just need to like like uh focus on getting like good equipment and stuff for it but like literally BTD has like asked me if we could do that let’s get a door how do you place these like that there we go me in Minecraft still learning to place doors properly I don’t think I ever will actually let’s bring this back I don’t know what I want here yet so I’m just going to do this for now whoops is there a good tutorial for getting uh shaders to keep that Minecraft look like yours I’ve tried to experiment but it always feels too far off with the van vanilla look okay honestly um one that I really recommend is my homie Stables actually let me pull it up for you it’s a really good one um it’s for BSL but I think you could probably apply the same like type of stuff to complimentary hold on a second this one’s like very Poppy and very vibrant and I would say it’s a little bit it’s it runs more on the cool side of like color tones mine’s a little bit warmer cuz complimentary runs warmer but this one will give you kind of the same look that I’m going for with my shaders check this one out highly recommend it I think that should work let me see yeah he he laid it all out with um and it’s in sodium or Iris or sorry I think sodium that’s what it is but it looks really really good the way that he’s done it it’s super crispy and it’s very vanilla looking I watch a podcast on YouTube of Two Chefs they’re like best friends and their chemistry is absolutely wonderful see that’s what I love about P like I love like Duo podcasts solo podcasts are great but I love listening to podcasts where it’s like two people feeding off of each other just cuz like especially if people have very good chemistry is just such a joy to listen to you know right I need to figure out what I’m going to put here to detail this cuz we got like the basic shape except I need something on the roof here oops getting there though if your computer sounds like a plane taking off with vanilla should you avoid shaders until you get a new one yeah I would say unfortunately unfortunately yeah I know exactly what you mean but yeah you might have to wait a bit there are okay to be fair there are some shaders you might have to do a little bit of research but there are some shaders that aren’t absolute powerhouses I don’t know which ones they are I kind of forget the names um but if you look online there might be a couple that you can run without it absolutely just like wreaking havoc on your computer also King oh my God welcome in how you doing it’s so nice to see you I was I had to look at the time I was like I feel like it’s early right now for you there we go I don’t know what to do here don’t think I just don’t know if this is the answer maybe like H bringing the window down a bit more that’s a big freaking window though maybe like big planters then I don’t know the double sill is cool until you get over here and it doesn’t match the vibe because this is too short do I just do a really just like Giga window I mean I guess if I already have a giga window in place maybe I could do like Giga plants you know like a mega planter we don’t know or maybe what I okay wait I’ve got an idea here I’ve got some stuff rattling around in my brain going to try this again going I put this back and then on the sides here to like kind of sanction this off I might change the leaves though I could do leaves on the side to cut that off instead and I don’t have to worry about it there I don’t think like the leaves are like the permanent solution but something like that could work so then I can still have that trim along here you know oh it’s 8:00 oh okay that’s not super early then for some reason I thought it was like 6:00 a.m. over there I was like oh my gosh you are up so early day five into Co and it’s been a really bad round this time unfortunately oh no I’m so sorry to hear that I hope you feel better soon what is going on everybody’s getting sick what the heck chat chat don’t don’t come near me don’t come near me chat I can’t afford to get sick right now yeah it’s two hours I know I should probably take like a proper break in a minute I didn’t even realize either I was like oh we’re only like an hour into stream it’s fine it’s totally fine let me fly to Canada real quick all right see you soon also I love that I’m like please don’t get me sick and you’re like let me actually actively try to get you sick jeez thanks oops oop Boop and Boop all right I think that is probably the vibe yeah that’s cute just need to like add a bunch of detail to this though I don’t know what I just don’t know what feel like aelia leaves would look good type of stuff we got going on I always find it’s very hard for me to decorate like really big windows I don’t know what to do with them half the time I feel like I’m missing like that crunchy crunchiness of the aelia cats are having an absolute brawl Friday night fight night it’s so weird like seeing cats brawl sometimes I’m like yo this is getting like really heated and scary but then they’re like fine after they’re like we good and I’m like are you good though like what’s going on loving all the detailing heck yeah thank you I think it’s finally starting to come along I’m happy with like how it’s looking now the last time we streamed I was so confused about the shape I was like what am I doing now I think I’ve got a hold of it you had to get a cat off your roof why was it just somebody’s cat on your roof cats on a roof remind me of at my old apartment um there was like I don’t even know it was just like a house across the street from us and there would be raccoons every night who would have like brawl sessions it was like there it was like literally the spot that they decide to brawl on and the sound of two raccoons fighting each other it’s not pleasant chat it was scary like every night they’d be like like on the rooftops and like for a while I was like what is this noise I don’t understand until like finally I caught like a sh like the silhouette of these two raccoons like scrapping on the rooftop and it was like a common thing it was like their brawl spot it was so weird scared the crap out of me though Arty welcome on in how you doing so nice to see you how do you get a cat off of a roof that would freak me out so bad I had to get a cat out of someone’s mom’s car who is out of town for the weekend kitten got through the sunroof oh no poor little thing poor little thing glad they got out though all right I need my crunchy leaves I need some crunch maybe some glowberries uh maybe some can I get a can I get a let’s get some bricks for some pots ooh you know what would be good big pots I think big pots are the answer yeah you know what we need to do chat I just realized oh my God this is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while I want to do more archaeology I know I was supposed to finish this build today but I wanted what made me think about that was I wanted to get more Pottery shards so I could get like decorative pots cuz with Pottery shards like you can’t make the shards right the designs I’m kind of thinking like we should do that cuz I really want to I want to get some more designs and start using those donut welcome on in how you doing oh your roof slopes down so you got the ladder okay that’s that’s that’s good then I’m relieved that it was like easy for you having to go up real uh real high would have been kind of difficult yeah we can go digging maybe after our break I’m going to drop some of this stuff off at wherever this is out here and then we could go digging I’m going to have to find a AR archaeology site on chunk base though cuz they’re really hard to find honestly like I uh where am I what the heck I lost my spot I was going to say that like I really love the archa ology but like it I think they need to make it like a little bit more obvious you know also oh my gosh Moon thank you so much for gifting that sub I really appreciate it thank you thank you really really appreciate the kindness big big swags big swags for uh Moon yeah it’s I find like locating the runes is very difficult cuz I’m kind of thinking I’m like I feel like with this build especially because these this part is so tall here I can actually just do like a little mock one though how do you make these things H H what wasn’t me I’ll just I’ll just put pot in oh wow that’s a lot easier than I thought it would be wow okay I was way off why can’t you stack these what’s going on all right if we do something like this we just need something with more height right so we get like a couple big old pots but then if they have like the designs on them that’ll just look so much nicer you know so I feel like we should uh we should do that but let’s first take a proper break because I actually do need to eat something really quickly and everybody go stretch your legs all of that stuff and we’ll be back and when we get back I think we’ll just do some like archaeology or something all right BRB chat hello all right I’m going to look at chunk base really quickly and see what we got for the ruins see my seed thank you very much stream elements chunk base uh let’s see let me just pause that actually very treasure sorry I’m Ying ancient city fossil shipwreck ocean ruins we had a lot of luck with but I’d like maybe like an archaeology site seed map app let’s do that what am I 120 I think yeah I think I’m 120 and then let’s turn off all of like the ancient cities Villages don’t need any of this don’t need M shafts R in Portal no think what I want is Trail runes there we go at the bottom there wasn’t on the other list so got a few around us jungle biome just trying to orient myself the problem is some of this stuff is already been loaded there’s actually quite a few near us but they’ve already been loaded in because of uh because of all the traveling we’ve done there quite a few though Dark Forest there’s some in the dark forest in tigga what I thought it was just like old growth Birch and desert oh tiger Meadow H I thought yeah I thought they they were only in like very specific areas that’s so weird o good good call Lauren we’ll bring like a bunch of iron with us for shovels remember that kept happening last time it was so annoying Stone shovel no enchantments yeah and then the brush we need to do as well I really thought that H oh growth per Birch Forest here we go I kind of like the looks of this one I’d like to try one in the Birch Forest I don’t know why so I’m just going to put in the coordinates -3 288 and then 392 Trail ruin let me just where’d it go huh did I not make it oh that’s far oh crap is it really that far oh I chose one that’s like hecking far away hold on a second maybe I’ll do something a little bit closer I mean I know that won’t be touched then that’s that’s a thing that’s really far though I think that’s too much let’s maybe reel it in a bit for some reason I was like yeah it’ll be fine it’s not let’s try here you know what let’s delete this that’s really far oops that’s doable and also this is something that we haven’t explored be like this got generated I think at like during 120 I don’t think I flew there before 120 hit so I think we’re fine with that one all right going leave that open for now not sure which I prefer between Duck’s impression of you and your impression of you I’m pretty mean to myself I think my impression of me is pretty spoton too though one copper one stick one feather got it all right let’s go home really quickly uh we’re going to need an empty shulker actually and just empty all this stuff out if I can put some of that away back at home and then we got to grab a couple things for our Excursion and then we’re good to go chat the Archaeology is really fun it’s kind it it’s just a little treasure hunt you don’t know what you’re going to get with the suspicious sand it’s really cool it’s always funny when drift gets bullied though so I think I prefer BTD geez thanks no I get it I get it I really do love being the butt of every joke your kid and Cat think they want to taste the Wasabi that came with your order I think they think they yeah they want they think they want to try that but they’re going to regret it so yeah we’ll grab a couple shulkers we got this one and we have a couple more at home that I’ll grab I feel like we’ll need need quite a few yeah um archaeology stuff is vanilla it’s it was added in the 120 update all right let me grab a couple things so I want a little bit more coarse not coar dirt sorry I want a little bit more gunpowder cuz I want to make some more rockets and then I’m going to have to make a couple brushes a bunch of like Stone shovels we’re not messing around with uh this shovel that we have oh perfect amazing and then are we good to go what is the brush again is it a feather feather copper string oh love so it’s you know what but it is all love I have I am like classically the butt of the joke even like in my family too but like in a good way it’s all with love you know it Ain it ain’t malicious it ain’t malicious at all and you know what I love it because it is out of love if I didn’t like it I’d be crying on stream like I’m all right ah if I wasn’t the butt of the joke I think I’d be sad you know think think I’d be a little bit sad hug a creeper that is not what I need so we need tools I thought I had a couple brushes in here armor no all right so I need a bunch of iron we’re going to need some copper how do I make this brush feather it’s just the feather and sticks okay um H oh I actually have a bunch of feathers hell yeah I’m going to get a shulker box out I’m going to put all this stuff in here I will make it I’ll just make it after workbenches might as well bring a crafting table shulker farm build oh my gosh that one I I feel like those are difficult right are shovels too op no it like literally is it the last time I was using it it was such a big mistake I kept breaking everything it was so so bad that Blackstone Castle was scary that’s our creeper farm and it looms over the Farmland which is like kind of hilarious cuz the Farmland is so Cottage core it is scary though between my friends and family I’m the same you get it you get it and I wouldn’t want it any other way Rockets oops rocket box rocket box and then I keep falling into those holes paper uh saplings no plants I think I’m pretty much ready to go I just maybe need like a tiny bit more food but we can stop at the Cow pen real quick o mending and Unbreaking on the brush that’s a good idea I never even thought to do that okay hold your horses mending and Unbreaking on the brush you know I always forget that you can enchant like shears and stuff I’ll bring these just in case but I like that I wish you could release this Minecraft uh on the oh this map on the Minecraft shop on the switch so I could play inside your builds oh my gosh that would be incredible wait do you only play bed rock Moon because I am I know I’ve been saying this forever but I am preparing a world download for you all you will be able to like play in it soon but unfortunately it would just be Java which is very upsetting but a world download will be happening it was I was planning to get it done sooner than this move happened and I was like a crap your world has so many animals oh just so many [Music] Fortune let’s do mending need some books can I break this cuz I’m lazy break these for books there we go give me mending thank you and I’m breaking here you are nice perfect great idea by the way don’t JV at the moment I needan to bump up uh the new computer in priority heck yeah heck yeah yeah I definitely want to get a world download to you all soon for sure just be a really it’ would be nice to see you all like kind of exploring this CU this is something that we’ve been building on stream for like ever what should I name this brush brusher brush Brushy I like Brushy all right let’s go I think oh wait no cows first cows first Brushy have you ever found a sniffer in a trail Rune we have a sniffer egg actually that’s so funny I completely forgot that we got it I think I kind of like put it aside because when this first released I made a sniffer Farm in my let’s play so I kind of forgot to do it in this world you know what I mean we do have an egg we just literally haven’t done anything with it maybe I should let’s get a couple more cows exploring the world that we all know and love heck yeah yeah it’s crazy cuz you all have like watch so much of it but I feel like watching is a little bit different than being able to like actually go into the world and see see it from that perspective as well right so it’ be very nice sers are so loud I moved mine pretty far away wait did you establish a base for them first Lauren and then you were like they are too loud as neighbors and you had to move them they are very loud though I’m glad I put mine where I did in my chill survival world cuz they’re kind of annoying C welcome on in how you doing what are we up to so we are working on the wing stop at spawn and now we’re going to a trail Rune cuz I kind of wanted Pottery shards yeah they do be throwing tons of parties they’re too rowdy man too rowdy you moved all the Husky sniffy boys yeah they’re they’re super cute but totally agree with you on that you found your first Pottery Shard plane yesterday heck yeah how many like variations are there for the pottery shards there must be quite a few I mean if they have like 20,000 different goat horns there’s got to be a lot of designs for these sound like poor elderly beans oh my God God they do they’re just like so sniffy sniffers definitely stink a bit right there’s 20 different Pottery shards oh hell yeah CH we we have lots to discover then yeah the sniffers they listen they may be old but they know how to party you know Kido just said her second words in English yo let’s go big GG’s big GG’s That’s so exciting going to be like speaking full sentences in no time also Inky welcome on in how you doing she said beans cuz she eats at aame beans that is actually adorable I’m obsessed that is so cute beans beans all right Trail Rune apparently it’s somewhere around here and oh is this it that is a stone it’s a piece of like terracotta that like kind of is like hanging out out of the ground right something like that the last time we did this like I had a very hard time finding it says it’s right here the last time we did this we had to like fly to a couple of areas cuz I just couldn’t seem to find like the proper location I think we had some that were like kind of technically like buried underground or something and it just wasn’t a good time cuz apparently it’s right here I just oh no that’s di right don’t know if I believe that could also be in the water okay yeah we might have a water one cuz I remember that happened when the we were looking at like the ones in the jungle and we were like we couldn’t find them I don’t know if I’d want to do one that’s in the water to be honest it’s a little bit of a pain oh yeah Stone shovels yeah we’ll definitely make a bunch I yeah I brought iron don’t really this is technically where it would be but I don’t know just going to look around a little bit more yeah we could also do like the ocean ruins too yeah I’m going to just just peep a little a little bit you know yeah you’re so right where it would be visible by a piece of Terra Cotta or something right I find that the trail runes are very hard to find H all right let me take a look at chunk base again cuz this one might be a bust what are we looking for we’re looking for a trail run right now let me just chunk base we could always do like ocean runes too but I feel like the the actual Trail runes are like what’s really fun all right right now we are around here Tiger Biome Tiger Biome o oh see a lot of the ones that I am kind of coming across ooh this might be promising actually actually there’s a jungle close by the ones that I’ve like kind of come across are like right by the water which like that seems to be where like most of our issues are so if I find one that’s like kind of smack in the land you know what I mean a little bit more in land we might be okay I’m going to try this one hold on a second please don’t be oh that one’s pretty far my bad things look a lot closer on chunk base than they actually are what about this one okay I’m going to try this one instead oh that one’s very close I’m near like negative 1300 right now got to go up a bit oh I see what I did I see what I did that one’s a little bit further up but I feel like we could hit that one and delete this one didn’t do anything for us that area has definitely never been explored yeah we should have um should have gone through the nether honestly chunk base isn’t always 100% accurate yeah that’s what I’ve noticed too it’s or like I feel like it’s like off by a little bit sometimes which makes it kind of hard also 100 welcome on in yeah let’s try this one out I I find that like the ones that we always get are by by like rivers and stuff it’s so weird this has never been explored though right here oh my God there’s so many villages around here what the heck go off is there a World download uh a world downloader way for us to all play together in this world or do we play solo in the world uh the streamer created so it would just be like solo it would pretty much just be like a solo world that you can explore on your own you find that chunk base has places that could have structures but sometimes the structures are overwritten I found that while uh previewing my world uh the nearest trail run didn’t generate interesting okay so it might not even be there then kind of checks out because the last time that we did this like literally we were searching forever and like eventually one hit and it was in spots where it’s like this should have been here like what the heck this also said that on chunk base this for some reason oh wait no it was right let’s see I don’t think no there’s this doesn’t seem right either I feel like this one’s a bust as well I feel like it’s like very likely on chunk base like let’s say you want something that’s like you want a an ocean Monument like that’s likely to show up but I find like the small little things on chunk base like M shafts and stuff I don’t know if it’s a guarantee all the time you know yeah I’m wondering if like my version’s not right cuz I’m pretty sure I’m on like 120 or 121 I have to double check let me double check chat hold on a second uhoh I’m on 120.1 that shouldn’t really make a huge latest versions Java 120.1 but it says experimental that doesn’t make sense huh H these things are really hard to find I don’t think I’m on experimental though so right now I’m at about what am I at 3836 yeah the seed is right I’m going to copy this one again just in case though and try it again I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to input a few H that’s weird it’s a little bit different now but I didn’t do 120.1 so that’s weird some of them like disappeared huh okay that’s the one I’m at now let’s try this I’m going to input just like a ton of them [Music] oops that one that one also the thing with chunk base is some of these are actually like clo like further than they look because I’m looking at a map and I’m like oh that’s not far and then I input it I’m like oh this map just seems a little different there’s a bunch up in this area which kind of makes sense cuz there’s like a bunch of like jungle and desert over there so I feel like we might have the most luck over there honestly don’t really care about how far we have to go because we have um we’ve traveled so far for like ancient cities and stuff this is nothing all right let’s try that so we can fly around to find what we’re looking for but the problem with Trail runes is like they’re very like inconspicuous so the only way that I’ve found one before has been through chunk base because they’re really hard to stumble upon if we do find one today you’ll like see it’s just like sometimes it’s just like a little piece of terracotta sticking out of the ground so they’re not easy to find it’s bizarre the other ruins like the ocean Monument or the ocean runes and stuff are very easy to see because they’re like kind of like structures in the um ocean but these like Trail runes you have to like dig them out it’s so weird I have faith that we’ll kind of find one over here though we’ll do the pink one first cuz that’s kind of the closest plus this is all like UNS spawned area so I think we should be okay got jungle too which is kind of promising that’s a that’s the one that we found last time was one in a jungle oh I pass it oh it’s right around here apparently ow oh that’s it that’s one 100% 100% that’s one it’s got to be all right I need like some bad tools yeah that’s it that’s it that one’s actually easier than the last one we found I think the last one that we found a long time ago was like I think it was literally like one piece of Terra Cotta crazy all right before we get started let me just put these like this so we can’t see them on our map anymore because they got a little bit of get a little bit annoying there we go all right let me make a crappy little shovel let’s make a couple there we go start by digging down like this I believe they made them a bit more obvious uh on the surface I’m kind of glad that they did that cuz when it first first release like it was so hard to find them it was ridiculous we were struggling so much they made them a little bit easier and connected to their under soil bits okay that makes that makes me happy cuz these were really tricky to find when they first came out like this one was a lot more obvious there we go these things are deceivingly big too oh there we go and sus sand is this sus sand I think it is yeah it is oh is that a PO Pottery Shard it is hell yeah our first one burn this is exactly what we wanted so I’ll make like something like a loot chest I also should probably make like um a little air like a dump chest as well we’re going to have so much like junk that we’re collecting like all these leaves and stuff I’m never going to want them yeah they have like multiple rooms the last one we found had like a kitchen and stuff it was so weird when I thought like when I saw these coming out the first time I actually thought that they were like I thought that they would just be like one little room you know no it’s wild I feel like it’d be cool to actually fully restore one too this is all just regular gravel I think I don’t really want to mess with the structure too much either you know what I mean oh there’s some more yeah there’s so much random junk no way smithing template I don’t know if we have that one what the hell [Music] yeah host I don’t know if I have that one you could construct a whole mini Village no literally it’s so cool all right we got a new template yeah like I don’t know how to approach this without like breaking everything cuz I don’t want to break the structure either I think I broke a little bit of it last time and I felt kind of bad about it you know feel like maybe like the thing that you got to do is like dig out a huge like perimeter possibly would that be smarter dig out like a giant perimeter and then like you have all of the space to work with so you’re not confined feel like that might be the safest bet right chat I don’t know I know it’ll take more work but I think it’s feel like it’s worth it you want to keep it all even the wooden hose oh yeah I want to keep everything I mean like I feel like it would be a cool like a cool project if you like dug one of these out and then built like a little like Museum or something close to it I feel like that would be such a cool little project I think I need to give myself like a little bit more space in this see the reason why I didn’t want to do it in the jungle is because of all these like low little trees that I was kind of hoping to find one in like a birch forest or something so we have to deal with this but can do we can uh we can deal with this pretty quickly dasos did that is it uh like a video that they did that would be so sick to see also now that I’m starting to like dig out an area I’m starting to wonder if like this is an appropriate spot for Junk I feel like the perimeter is going to go back further than I anticipate let me just clear some of the stuff out first oh my gosh I should have brought my hoe with me I didn’t think I’d need it let’s make a couple more shears I can just burn through some of this God there we go you planted on Earth one and build a huge Museum around it oh that would be sick like it’s in like um it’s kind of like en encased in glass on the floor that would be so cool oh my gosh big project but so worth it when it’s done make like a campfire in tent site I’m obsessed I should probably build like yeah like a nice little site or something oh my God I thought that was a sniffer that is literally just my shulker box I was like what the hell that was so stupid oh my God I need to sleep God I hate the jungle you’re going to have glass pane and multiple floors that Overlook the site oh that’ll look so freaking cool such a good idea I love that yeah I feel like I should at least like how far back do you think is good like do you think this is safe or do you think I should even clear out more cuz I want to be a little bit away from it but I just don’t trust it going dig down to see if it goes this way I have a feeling it’s not really going to snake this way as much but you never know with these things they like literally the last time I did this it like it like went on a decline down oh see it goes this way too what theck heck and then it goes like across I don’t know where it ends cuz all of this stuff could be a fake out that’s the thing there could be more walls like buried in here too maybe not though maybe this is the end point I just want like a little idea of how far it goes okay might be safe to about this point a suspicious sand won’t break if it falls right I don’t think it does all right I think I’m safe up to this point it does oh uhoh I need to be more careful uh uhoh what’s a little what’s a little Gravity Man what’s a little gravity it’s fine what’s a little what’s a little bit of gravity it’s doesn’t can’t hurt anybody fragile what’s that why all right I’m going to guess I’m going to make an educated guess that it ends around here so I think if I have my little like camping station or base or post whatever it is right around here I’m fine you know yeah gravity never hurtt anybody totally fine cool so let me lay out what do you all think should we do like tent campsite type Vibes my God there’s so much garbage I was really chat I was really banking on the uh old growth Birch Forest to come and clutch and here I am in the jungle again bruh just clearing this out this yard work is going to take me like 80 years oh melons tent all right let’s go tent I’ll work work with whatever I’ve got which is like not much but we’ll make it we’ll make it cute you know we’ll make it cute t building tents always reminds me of Bloodlines without fail I’m always like oh Bloodlines then all right did this come did I break this I think I broke the uh you know I’m just going to I’m I’m a little bit of an archaeologist myself and I’m going to say that this actually went right there it’s fine it’s totally fine love Bloodlines so much Bloodlines was super fun it was such a learning experience too I think like I really learned how to like do story and like lots of editing too it was a very big challenge it’s good times I think I made a mistake I did I don’t think I brought the shulker Box oh wait I was like I was like where is that did I not bring the shulker box with all the stuff I was about to get so mad at myself like how could I no no no no we’re good we’re good we’re good oh my gosh I was like where did all of the stuff I brought go chat all right let’s let’s just set up a little station here right and then I’m going to do a little bit of this a little bit of that oh wax reading the book oh that was epic that was such a good decision I don’t even think it was planned for like Wax to read the book in the beginning like I really don’t think that was like a thing where it was like Wax you got to read it I think it just like kind of happened in that moment we were all like well who should do it and then we were just like Wax how about you do it and of course he came through with that silky silky sweet voice that was so good oops oops it’s going to make a small little tent think that’s good actually you know what let’s go like that instead maybe we could do like one two three four five yep yep just a rusty little tent you know one two three four five all right that’s got to be like the little roof part then did you bring a jukebox for when you find the new disc oh no I forgot wait if we if we find Diamonds though which is possible it we could possibly find diamonds then maybe oh I can’t believe I forgot I I forget everything though dang it all right oh just one more all right I mean it’s a it’s just a little guy but it’ll do it’ll do oh my gosh this is very small this is one of the smallest tents I’ve ever made I probably should have made it a bit bigger whatever it’s cute I can sleep in here at night and not be scared I’m still going to be scared cuz that’s absolutely tiny it’s more Aesthetics than anything you know do like a little enclosure thingy right here so creepers don’t get me and then we’re good to go there it is there’s my little sleeping chamber can build a bigger tent for like oops what am I doing that’s not storage we can build like a bigger tent for like um work like a workplace and stuff later if we want that does the job all right it’s time to uh get digging got to dig man so I feel like it’s like what you all said where we’ve got to um oh there’s some suspicious sand we just need to like shave off layers pretty much ooh yeah making a making a portal would actually be good that’s a good idea did I just grab a flower pot is that what I got now the question is anything from suspicious sand does that deserve a shulker even if it’s like nothing special like I could have like the good stuff and then like stuff for like oh I found that but it’s not anything too crazy you know what I mean kind of feel like that’s the vibe I actually want to cry why why is it in the jungle why yes exactly like decorations and then valuables yeah yeah yeah yeah I think that’s a good idea think I got to go sleepies uh I’m going to say we go to about here I really have no Rhyme or Reason for like how much I’m digging out just doing like a little guesstimate you know oh my gosh really should have brought some shears with like mending on them bro get out of here this is an archaeology site you’re not to be on these premises misses feel like I could do like a 100 days on archaeology alone I spent a 100 days digging out an archaeology site take me more like 500 Days honestly jeez all right feel like this is a good start that’s going to start digging all right I have a little bit of space cleared I feel less claustrophobic I’m ready to go absolutely ready to go SP 100 days rest starting an archaeology site and turning it into a village exactly the only problem is with something like that is like getting started and getting all of the tools to make it like efficient would be such a pain but once you’re like once you got all the tools and stuff it’d be like pretty fun oh got more suspicious sand oh what’s this glass pane nice I realized too late that was suspicious sand it’s a that’s a teaching moment that’s I I was just oh god oh gosh what the hell it’s a valuable teaching moment chat oh crap what did you learn now see that’s what you’re not supposed to do with archaeology you’re not supposed to break things chat you’re not supposed to break things that’s I was just trying to teach you something very valuable I’m so scared God I’m going to get fired aren’t I this is the end of my archaeology job oh that’s suspicious that’s suspicious the noise is awful it makes me want to curl up and die oh my God we were watching this um this TV show the other day it’s like a really old show it was like a a home and garden television show from literally like the um the 2000s and it’s Canadian but it’s like this show about like this guy who like helps people with um like Renovations that they couldn’t complete and he like comes in and helps them and like rebuilds and stuff but he also gets them kind of involved and there was this like one guy where they like went into like fix his bathroom or something it wasn’t something he renovated though they just wanted a better bathroom and they were chosen for it anyway he was like okay well like get this like guy to like help us like do some stuff so he learned something so they’re like fixing the bathroom and he gives the guy a nail gun and like the the guy the host of the show is like holding the the board and the guy who’s like who’s not never really done any type of like woodwork or anything he nail guns a nail into the host hand and the host just stopped and he’s like you just drove a nail into my hand and all the guy did was he paused and he was like and for that I apologize that’s that’s all he said it’s so funny me and BTD have been like quoting that all week you just put a nail in my hand and for that I apologize like what what do you do what do you do in that situation oh God wait they add sound for when you can um when you walk over it okay I got to test that out not that I need it or anything and for that I apologize for some reason I was like if I use the pickaxe that’s not silk touch it goes faster it doesn’t oh it’s like walking on marbles okay we got to test this out we got to test this out I feel like I’m doing this a much better way than I originally did the first time I did this I kind of like panicked and like dug around everywhere and like I had like tunnels going everywhere it was awful cuz I didn’t realize how far spread these things go so I was like whatever it’s fine it wasn’t fine it was not fine oh okay come on give me that sus sand oh is that some no no way no just double cheing you just you never know you know you got to be careful we don’t want any we don’t want any destruction being caused I’ve seen people do that before it’s not it’s not good don’t want to destroy anything oh there’s some oh it does sound different yep it sounds different yep that’s suspicious sand what I get lapis oh blue dye nice where the hell did that one come from oh holy crap man oh my god oh a [ __ ] oh my god oh no it’s so bad it’s not good it’s not good man it’s not good I didn’t realize there was some there it’s fine it’s totally fine don’t worry about it my God this is so frustrating okay fine do we have to have workplace policies do I need to make some workplace policies here fine chat I’ll do it I’ll do it if I have to God fine people keep breaking stuff here what’s going on on man jeez what’s going on here actually this isn’t the way hate to do it I hate to bring rules into this but I think we have to you know proper shoes must be worn while on site do not break suspicious sand gravity is bad use a bad bad shovel don’t break suspicious sand do I need to go over these rules one more time do I need to keep going over these chat we can’t have this this is valuable stuff we can’t have anything break this is history that we’re dealing with enough enough ch enough we can’t have this anymore I’ll light it up too so you all can see it no more of this no more no more what about the I don’t know what you’re talking about King I I have followed proper safety protocols this is for any other people who are on site and I just don’t know okay yeah it’s been 10 minutes we’re fine I don’t know who keeps breaking this stuff though it’s couldn’t be me could not be me days without a workplace incident zero no it’s one now I went to bed it’s 1 moon thank you for the Bitties but it’s one day one day since you know what one more reminder we’re going to do days since workplace incident because we can edit Signs Now listen up we’ll put it here not that I’m going to have to change this sign up a lot days since workplace incident one day okay one day that scared me who did that that could you know all these pranks while we’re on a really important work site all these Goofs they could throw me off my game here who did it Lauren thank you so much for the Bitties all these Goofs just saying just got you scared me too like please no please no all right look at all this sand or gravel that’s not suspicious confirmed I’ve run the tests I’ve run the tests confirmed not suspicious get out of here I ran it through the scanner my special archaeology machine no incidence here oh what’s this what are we doing yo J Frost nice to see you we are digging up an archaeology site right now and uh it’s going it’s going really well we’re taking it really seriously um we have really strict protocol on site so there’s no like nothing’s broke broken we haven’t had any anything break no precious materials or anything it’s it’s fine it’s totally fine oh is that suspicious I’ve run the tests you are not suspicious there’s one though that one is hella sus look at that there’s a hella sus one beside it too look at that oh I’m in the house right now I got a Shard no a template no a disc dang it if only I had my music disc here if only I brought my MP3 player chat what the heck okay I think these are good confirm Canen break them same with all of these confirmed oh there’s one let just we’re just getting glass and stuff you know no no no only only about three artifacts have been destroyed only about three we all we all make mistakes that was not me though that was somebody else who done that also who set off a hype train with that what the heck King thank you so much for the Bitties I appreciate it don’t scare me like that no no no Goofs on site chat no Goofs on site this is serious business now I need to get out of here I’m getting a little scared we need to keep digging around it swag swag that’s just it there really should be a sound effect for the breaking of the sus sand and mega points to anybody who would be able to line that up properly yeah we we have like a little um a little chest here I’ll show you we have a little chest over here here oh my gosh waxy what the heck wax thank you so much for the raid homie welcome on in Raiders how are you all doing today how goes it how’s your Friday waxy thank you so much for the raid I really appreciate it how’s your stream going um some people said that you started your hardcore world today how’s it going did you find a spot to live yet we are currently digging out in archaeology site um there’s a little bit of there’s some rules that must be followed like prop ER attire must be worn and don’t break suspicious sand don’t break suspicious sand okay because that stuff’s really important and also also also gravity I’ve learned is uh gravity is not good for suspicious sand as it’s not good for humans so don’t do that either we’ve learned the hard way we’ve lost a couple of things it wasn’t me though it wasn’t me new hardcore world is um going smooth so far oh my gosh sorry my voice oh no sorry I had to mute myself my voice is going a bit um trying to get this video up before Tuesday dude I’m so excited to see what you what you’re doing I mean like I said it before it’s it was like really sucky to see you lose such an amazing world but I feel like whatever you do next is just going to be so fantastic and I’m so excited to see what you do also yeah chat if you haven’t followed waxy yet go on over there give him a big old follow such a such an awesome homie amazing content creator I mean one of my most like favorite hardcore worlds as well rip to that one but I’m so excited to see what you do dude so excited you’re super excited for this new world see that’s the best if you have like inspiration you just know it’s going to be a good time right like it sucks that it came with like a loss of like something else but no matter what like I’m so excited to see what you do making it to 10K days this time oh easy easy so easy yeah dude I’m so excited for you it’s going to be such a fun new adventure honestly such a fun adventure also if you got a raid and run or anything grab some snacks take a rest and stuff no worries I appreciate you bringing everybody on over absolutely making it to 10K oh yeah without a doubt without a doubt Gravity Hurts the sand yeah it um I’ve learned the hard way that Gravity Hurts suspicious sand as it hurts my little feet when I fall I’ve broken uh a couple of couple little pieces of gravel and it’s each time the sound when you break the gravel is like actually painful it makes me just like cringe oh there’s one wait no that’s just regular regular gravel it kind of tricks you I don’t know why is that one no got got to do the brush check check brush check yep all clear all clear clear I just don’t want to risk it anymore it’s just wild how these things like snake around there’s so many rooms and stuff to them it is overwhelming almost I did I did this a little bit better this time where I started digging out of perimeter though the last time I did this in the jungle I didn’t realize that like ruins kind of go in every direction and have different rooms I I honestly thought they were going to be smaller so I just kind of like tunneled down huge mistake oh finally and also in case anybody’s wondering what we’re doing we’re on the hunt for shards which is what we just found another one perfect um we were building something today and I was like I think this would actually look better with like big decorative pots so then we were like why don’t we just go dig one out so we did it you love the rule board thank you I it’s you know it’s just you got to sometimes for really important stuff like this you just have to have some rules you know you got to you got to follow the rules of the site and like if if you don’t follow the rules what are you what are you doing no I would never I would never break suspicious sand ever I’m not it’s just not something I would do oh also it’s almost night time so that means we can change our days since last incident board we also have that by the way not that we need it it’s just like I think it’s just good to have like precautions in place so if I make it through this day without an incident without breaking it we get we get another day onto that watch quite a few of your YouTube videos uh but I haven’t joined a live yet very exciting oh heck yeah thank you so much for joining in I appreciate it hope you’re having a great Friday not very hopeful for that oh I I think we can make it to like 30 days easy easy just watch me just watch no incidents here oh my God what the heck oh my God God why are there so many in there oh my God what that oh my God what is that I don’t want to go back down there oh my God that could have been so bad but it wasn’t it wasn’t bad so I get another day no incidents here oh my God there’s like three of them in there oh they could have been so bad okay I think I got them all what the hell oh my gosh yeah not in the dig site we can’t have that that’s so dangerous so dangerous who didn’t light this up properly huh comes with the job oh my gosh this is actually like part they would have blown up so much suspicious sand look at how much it’s in there oh my God this is like the mecca also chat thank you so much for that hype train I really that wasn’t fair man what the hell that that shouldn’t have happened what the heck I am smart I am smart mrrt I mean s m a r RT what the heck oh my gosh what who knows what actually I think it was only lapis I think it was only lapis but still what the heck oh my gosh I was doing so well too also teeny thank you so much for gifting that sub thank you so so much I really appreciate that can I get some big big swags in chat for tetiny thank you so much I really appreciate that oh chat I was really I was really hyping up the fact that like I’m oh my gosh okay it’s just my shovel oh I’m so good at this game I never had any incidents with this so I’m so good I made some big mistakes there okay note to self don’t don’t do any suspicious sand that’s like floating midair it shouldn’t have been floating midair anyway that that one was the game’s fault oh I got a template shaper I think that’s the one we already have but hey I’ll take take it I’ll take it oh my gosh chat what the heck currently crocheting baby blankets for charity yo let’s go that’s awesome I hope it’s going well very very nice thing to do that’s awesome all right we’ve got four shards right now two templates music disc we’re not doing we’re not doing bad we’re not doing bad I can’t believe I did that oh my God what the heck man after like creeper paloa as well I really thought I was going to make it out of that one just fine the game had other plans for me this was this was literally like a little like hot spot for um for templates though that was wild what do the shards do you can make like decorated uh Pottery out of them whoops did not mean to do that oopsies so they’re basically just like little decorations oh I am not messing with that I I need to keep digging like straight down cuz if any more fall I mean what does it matter at this point I already had zero days since last incident come on at this point what does it matter oh there’s another one got some glass oops oh look at me I can I can identify them now oh I’ve got a hanging sign that’s exciting oh even more look at look a little double is that a triple got a little triple going on here oh Jill that’s so sweet I hope um I hope it all goes well and I’m rooting for that charity as well I hope I hope uh you all raise a lot of money that’s very very nice very nice to helping people out like that you made a decoration pot that basically told the story of a warden eating my second set of netherite armor that is actually incredible and I never considered that you could make like stories out of them that’s so smart I love it I love that oh baby a trip triple we got ourselves a triple I’m going to start carving into it this way getting rid of some of this yeah this is much easier than the method I did last time which was tunneling into it and getting lost that was pretty terrible the ruin is still around somewhere I think it’s on the opposite side of the map we should revisit it one day and laugh at it I just did not know the extent of like these ruins when they first came around though let’s keep going should have brought a beacon with me on actually no that would have been a horrible idea never mind I take back what I said all right hopefully this will give us something else here we go w got ourselves a double looks like we’ve got a double got another Shard and another one hell yeah this is exactly what we wanted what we get shef and heart I already got one of the heart ones but that’s all right always use more it’s almost time to change our incident board chat no incidents here all right all right trying to be very intentional with this it’s so easy to kind of just like zone out and start just like shoveling everything away that’s I hate this I’m so bad at it oh no they five no jo just CU I’m talking about oh you chat you know you need to be careful about this because it could be really difficult you didn’t hear that one you did not hear that was not that that was something that fell behind me no that was so that’s that was a glass that was breaking in the other room that one that was a glass breaking in the other room that was not that was it oh my God I know but like think about all the good stuff we’ve gotten ready we’re at a we’re we’re not at a loss we’re not at a loss we’re winning at this point we’re absolutely winning at this point look at all the good let me remind you of everything good that I’ve gotten see it’s we’re not we’re not at a loss just yet what is all this stop covering up my my stuff oh God my reaction gave it away the disappointment meter is getting higher I wish we had like a little meter running that’d be so funny oh man okay I need to go to bed did I break sus gravel again well I didn’t I did not break it but I don’t know if I broke it per se because it was like it was there and I don’t know if I don’t know if it constitutes as breaking if you know what I mean yeah I did I broke some anyone else here from the future and use ego waffles as the bread of a peanut butter sandwich um I have not but that sounds incredible for wa Eggo waffles I’m kind of just like give me butter and syrup that’s all I need but hey that sounds delicious yeah I didn’t break it it was just just happened to be there while my shovel was shoveling stuff there’s I’m not going to break this one see swish SSH swish swish so this is going to be our first day since no incident then I can change the counter right hot take is better than an uncrustable excuse me really that’s some that’s a pretty big claim that you’re making but the only way I can dispute this claim is if I go try an Eggo with peanut butter and jam has to go to zero first okay got it got it so I can’t okay I have so I have to get through this day with no incidents and then I can reset the count I think it will happen oh oh that’s fine I can repair that it’s totally fine just put that back right there King if I could ship you Uncrustables I absolutely would I don’t know how they hold because they’re like freezer they’re from the freezer I mean they probably be fine it’s just bread and jam your mom told me to say hi hi Moon’s mom I hope you’re having a wonderful day ego waffle Nutella sandwich oh my gosh that sounds so good stop I’m so hungry I’m kind of sad that we ordered or we got like take out well we went to a restaurant last night but that constitutes as like takeout night so now we can’t get it tonight I’m a little bit sad about that Uncrustables but made with waffles instead I think you’re all on to something I’m not going to lie I think you’re all on to something God this is a disaster how did this happen chat I’m going to have to start peeling into like this perimeter too oh my gosh I’m trying not to break the structure it’s fine I can repair it I can repair it that I can fix handyman drift it’s totally fine oh that’s some for sure without a doubt OS as a breakfast sandwich you know what ego is like kind of like a McGriddle you know what I mean like a MCG griddle but it’s egos that would actually be like fantastic I I I kind of like MCG griddles still like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t choose to eat one every single time I go to McDonald’s cuz I am a sausage McMuffin no egg gal through and through that is like my go-to but a MCG griddle i’ do every once in a while it’d be really good with um that would be really good with egos though like a breakfast sandwich a little bit of syrup some like a little egg Patty you know that’d be delicious right I think I’m going to have to excavate like more on the sides there Kings Hawaiian rolls PB and J or Nutella smush edges together and use a fork to make it look crimped that that sounds delicious that sounds so good Mackey’s eggs are not it see the thing is I think it’s like different depending on the country cuz like I know like Canadian cuz in Canada like I know they have like they specify that’s like it’s very different egg from the ones in the states it’s Canadian eggs so I feel like it might be a little bit different sometimes I don’t know so a YouTuber named Joshua whisman that does a DIY griddle is that the azy did you is that Joshua the one that you showed me before feel like maybe I’ve seen some of his videos I’d have to double check either way yum we usually make like our own types of like breakfast sammies all the time now they’re so good BTD is really good at making like the perfect egg for like a breakfast Sammy super buttery butter and salt you’ve gotten shell in yours okay that is not good honestly shell is like a deal breaker for me like um I remember there was one time where I was like in high school or something and I made scrambled eggs and I was like oh hell yeah and I was so excited to eat them but IID accidentally put some shell in it that was not it I literally I think I didn’t eat eggs for like a month I just was not expecting that texture and it like ruined me absolutely ruined me his videos start like first plow your own field to grow wheat oh I see yeah yeah yeah you want to make a strawberry shortcake first grow the strawberries second Go Fish and find salmon why am I talking about Strawberry Shortcake and then saying that you would incorporate salmon into it you know what I bet there’s some Chef out there that could make that happen and make it work and still be really delicious I don’t think it’s me though I don’t think I’m that Chef oh my gosh this is a really big tree BR I kind of messed up I didn’t think it would go this high so now I have to like kind of pill her up it’s a whole thing if you can’t grow your own wheat to make flowers store about is fine oh my gosh this is going everywhere what the heck it’s a very knotted jungle tree I think I got most of it though oh that’s got to be the last of it y’all are hungry listen I’m I’m starving right now I cannot wait to have dinner I’m very hungry yeah this whatever build we do I think I think it’s safe to say we’re doing uh we’re doing some jungle wood into incorporated into it honestly at this point it’d be silly not to all right now I can start at least clearing this out I would go maybe about [Applause] here let’s get all this haven’t had breakfast yet and I’m hungry I hate when it’s like you haven’t had breakfast but you don’t know what you want it’s it almost stresses me out cuz I’m like it’s the first meal I’ve got to like I haven’t eaten anything yet I don’t know what I want how is this going to affect my [Applause] day even more stressful for me if I don’t have um coffee like if I’m literally out of coffee in the in the house I’m like oh my God what am I going to do circled the kitchen 23 times without um before leaving with a yogurt oh me like like I just need to be better at like settling for some type of food you know I like think too much about it I’m like yeah but like what if that’s not the flavor profile that I really want I’m like I just at this point I need to like put energy into my body I I ended up doing that today with yogurt too funnily enough I was like I don’t know what I want I should probably eat something soon but I don’t know what it’s going to be and then literally the yogurt I was staring at it as well I ended up making yogurt and berries with granola and honey it was delicious but I was like really thinking about it for a while groceries are lacking cuz we’ve been sick for so long oh that’s the worst being sick on top of that g no hopefully when you feel better you can do a big old shop oh it’s yeah when you’re when you buy stuff and it’s already gone off too that is so disappointing you just like didn’t reach it in time the worst you bought it on Monday honestly chances are it was probably sitting around either outside of refrigeration when it was at the store or it was just it was just slightly too old look at that I made it one day without a workplace incident yeah buddy yeah buddy oops I need to turn off sticky keys I literally eat the same breakfast every day me too I eat for breakfast unless like it’s the weekend and and me and Big Tiny duck are making something together I eat it un crustable every single morning it was for a while it was bagels and then like I did the calculation and I was like I’ve literally eaten like like it’s wild to me that I’ve eaten Bagels like 365 days of the year and then I got into Uncrustables y Paras are some of my fave uh Brees also softboiled with on toast oh my gosh yes softboiled on toast that is my favorite too oh shout out to the softboiled toast honestly softboiled toast softboiled eggs on toast oh a good scrambled egg recipe there really is a lot you could do with them when I went to visit block down he made these scrambled eggs that had like miso flavoring in them they were so good I have never had them like that before and they were delicious I still think about them oh we got another one hell yeah what we get burn nice nice there’s another one here oh wow yippee a dead Bush I’m so happy boiled toast I mean technically a bagel’s kind of boiled toast in a way isn’t it cuz it is like bagels are kind of like boiled a bit before they go in the oven right we’re not too far off there chat you have bacon and toast for breakfast today oh love bacon a lot of the bacon now I find like the cuts at grocery stores like the classic bacon is just so like stringy and not good anymore so we only get it like um when it’s like the thick cut bacon on sale now because like all of like the regular branded stuff just like reduces into nothing it’s wild so when it goes on sale we buy like a ton of it what did I get o a candle bagels are indeed boiled first and pretzels are washed with a lie water is that kind of like a salt water or something you have bacon so much me too so good we’re getting quite a few things out of this chat’s making me hangry I’m sorry I’m sorry got to go eat King you got to go make those eggs bacon burnt or undercooked listen I’m all about chewy bacon I don’t I wouldn’t call it undercooked it’s not undercooked it’s just a little chewy you know just a little just got a little bit of chew burnt is okay though I think burnt is good in like certain situations and scenarios but like overall I think I prefer the uh like chewy bacon I’m too smart for you what’ I say what’ I say oh okay it didn’t break we’re good we’re good we’re good how’s this looking anyway whoa so we got like a little Tower or something then we’re digging out like a little extension of the house this is so cool it looks so much better when you actually properly dig it out bacon that shatters bacon that shatters bacon that shatters and also shatters my teeth that’s how I like it BR you actually feel feeling better today than I have been so I should probably go cook to take advantage of that day cuz the thing is with uh with the vid is that you might feel good for one day and then you might turn around and feel like crap the next if you’re feeling like cooking try to cook like a batch of stuff or anything for like leftovers for sure oops I thought that was uh a suspicious sand for a second I I can barar lose using a iron shovel okay that’s getting dodgy I don’t know why that was Auto moded So Random sat down your dinner got some chicken uh on cro is that how you say it with cheese bacon roast chees M peas oh my God that sounds so good I could go for like a dinner like that I’m so hungry I think we’re doing the tuna BS though which will be good got lots of protein some Cy Mayo some Sriracha it’ll be a good time five days of feeling like absolute death so I’m uh just turning for the better finally oh good good yeah 5 days is a a long time I hate that feeling when you’re sick and you’re just like you’re just like oh man like I really have like taken advantage of like feeling good and feeling normal like I’ll never take that for granted ever again but then you do obviously once you feel better or when your like nose is plugged H your BF I get sushi tonight oh that’s going to be so good yum nothing better than like a giant like sushi tray that’s like one food that’s like very difficult for me to get sick of like the amount of times I would turn down sushi would be it’s like very minimal you know can’t tell if this is the floor sometimes it like goes down a little bit further though but I think this might be the floor I don’t want to take out too much underneath it you know so I got to be careful about that too cuz I’d like to like dig around it but not like like fully under it as well I think sometimes they like go down different floors or something so I’m not sure haven’t had it in a while going to go ham that that’s the best though if you haven’t had sushi in a while you’re just like I am literally craving it so bad and it’s just like even better you know Charlie welcome back glad to hear you got the better internet let’s go all right this is looking pretty good I need to like expand the perimeter a bit though that’s kind of the issue I’m having I still think that this is probably the one oh maybe not I was going to say that this was like the only floor let see maybe oh got some sus sand little bit of little glass pane what do you’all think okay if we’ve lost six suspicious Sands what do you think we’re in them is it potential that I lost something really good oh there’s still something hanging on here oo smooth moves that’s going to go down soon you just made a fried egg and turkey sandwich oh that sounds so good we’re all talking about eggs earlier too okay what about I think that’s fine diamonds all diamonds wait can you get you can get diamonds from this right I mean there’s a chance because we haven’t come across any diamonds yet so it’s a pretty big chance that we did lose that 100% chance there was something good in there oh absolutely absolutely my bad oh yeah there’s got to be some formula that could calculate like the likelihood cuz there’s definitely like drop rates for like suspicious sand and what you would get in it right just made a new shield and saw a Pillager Patrol and now it’s bro it’s broken no can you put mending on a shield I don’t even know if I’ve tried that to be honest emeralds seem to be harder to find now with the recent update like emeralds like in shards or just like overall kind of surprising to me though cuz I feel like emeralds are already like pretty rare okay so you can put Unbreaking on I see oh my gosh acrylic homie how’s it going thank you so much for the great thank you so much I really appreciate that welcome on in Raiders how you doing it’s so nice to see you all acrylic how was your stream what were you up to thank you thank you so much for that raid also chat if you are not following the one and only acrylic please go on over there and drop a big old follow has such an amazing lore world that he’s been working on for a long time so creative super Chill Vibes over there definitely definitely go on over there and drop a follow check out his content if you have not how goes it everybody how are you doing today we are digging out an archaeology run and it is going um wait I slept through the night days since workplace incident we are now to two days chat I am doing so well um this is just that board is there for safety precautions just because you know we’re dealing with very delicate materials in an archaeology run site you wouldn’t want to wreck anything so we just have that there as a precaution also we have a rule board that you should probably follow like uh gravity is not good we’ve learned through other people I’ve not dropped suspicious sand I haven’t really broken anything so don’t worry about that this is just here as a precaution if you have a work site you should follow workplace precautions you know you should be whims trained and all that stuff so we just have that there for like every project that we do it’s not cuz I have wrecked anything you know stream is good uh tried my hand at high density building where you smush multiple buildings into one for the first time and I think I managed it well yo what the heck I’m going to have to see what um what you came up with because I love builds like that I’ve always wanted to kind of try it but it’s very intimidating I’ll have to get some tips from you that’s awesome dude yeah I love the ones where it’s like it almost looks like one giant build but it’s like a almost like an entire city function within it so cool also acrylic if you have to raid and run and uh go grab a snack or rest or anything no worries I appreciate you bringing everybody on over no I didn’t drop sus gravel no I didn’t I didn’t it’s just health and safety yeah get your hard hats on this is my hard hat where’s yours huh I want to see everybody’s hard hats while we’re working in here otherwise you might you might get written up you might get ritten up chat stop snitching on me how have you been been a minute since I made it to your stream been doing good been super busy cuz um whoa uh me and Big T duck are moving very shortly we’re moving next week so we’ve been busy getting that stuff ready but um other than that we’ve been doing awesome thank you for asking hope you’ve been doing well uh lost friend it’s so nice to see you you’re also incredibly good at not breaking Priceless historical artifacts see yeah me and you are the same we have such a common similarity like I am really great at not breaking Priceless ancient artifacts I don’t think a lot of people can say that about themselves but I confidently can say that about myself and whatever you do just don’t listen to chat they they’re just they’re just teasing me that’s all my skull’s so thick it counts the hard hat oh my God okay me too me too super busy with college but uh entering the last three months right now so it’s just very busy and stressful but we’ll be done soon oh nice congrats I hope it goes well we’re rooting for you very very exciting my God every time I only made it to like 3 days but most I think it’s actually only been two what the hell man that that was not suspicious at all that’s I’d like a word with whoever whoever placed that there cuz that was not suspicious God moment of silence for that Priceless artifact that we just lost yep last for a moment silent everyone starts ripping ass classic classic oh God I think changing the sign is jinxing it so you’re saying I should just lie I should lie about what I’m doing should I just lie and just say oh it’s been it’s fine everything’s fine moment of silent but deadly oh my God chat you’re you’re all you’re all up to no good today oh my God yeah lie for yeah what about good a lie for good luck a lie for luck I like that you know just a little lie for some good luck what’s a what would a number be a good line number where it’s not too many like you can’t put like 60 days cuz that’s like obviously a lie you know you got to like do something that’s like a little bit that’s like impressive but isn’t much I feel like 12 is a solid number I think that’s a good number I think 12 is that too much I think 12 12 is a solid number I think that’s good that’s believable you know that’s really believable good 12 is a great number no mistakes here 7 is lucky but I’m like I feel like I’ve been here have I even been here for 12 days though 10 but like with the zero in Brackets you’re you’re just saying it without saying at that point yeah there’s hear me out 51 now you’ve got to no you’ve got to have some courage to be putting down 51 51 I I don’t even think I’ve been alive for 51 days right here eh oh my gosh real real and Anin acrylic this is that this is a little lie that we’re telling we’re not a lying Factory over here keep keep the line to a minimum okay true yeah 51 cuz it okay that’s fair 51 in honor of acrylic 51 okay we’re doing good here is this still part of it I mean there’s Cobblestone so it’s got to be right hey oh don’t no gravity is not good for you gravity is not good add that to the list of things zero gravity good gravity bad gravity equal bad you know you just found a pink sheep let’s go aren’t those super rare my BF just told me I don’t have a tummy a today he was like I’m marking that my calendar Charlie doesn’t have a tummy ache what the heck Charlie are you that’s are you lying about tummy ache or is he lying that you don’t have a tummy ache days since last tummy ache you can you can have one of these boards you know you could do one of these but then you can just make it a white board so you could switch it around whenever you need to you know zero gravity good drift just floats into space I mean we’re we’re we’re doing pretty okay I would say who there’s more oh my God gosh all right dig out to this layer I think we’re going to have to dig out like way more this way but that’s fine going to go make chimmy Changas now going to leave stream for my cat to watch oh my gosh hi hi Reaper kitties cat also I hope you enjoy those I have not had a chimmy changa in like forever those are so good so good all right let’s dig out a little bit more of this just a we little bit more for good measure then I’m going to have to bounce soon chat I have to call my mommy classic what’ you do on your Friday I called my mommy me all the time I had a great Friday I I called my mom what’ you get whoa I don’t think I have the wayfinder no hell yeah imagine how many more wayfinders we could have if I didn’t break all that suspicious sand I’d probably have like 12 of them by now you know oh oh there’s some right there there we go a purple candle exactly what I was looking for you know exactly what I was looking for my mommy helped me move more stuff listen so op my mom yeah my mom has helped us so much with moving stuff she took some of like our stuff for donations the other day too which was really nice cuz it’s just like we’ve had to like donate so much random stuff she came through for that gravity all right feel like that’s a good place to end it today look at that look at how much we dug out we can dig out more uh next stream however next stream is going to be uh not next week next week I’m moving hopefully we get our internet set up soon so it doesn’t disrupt too many streams um so next week I don’t think I’m going to have a video either because I’ve been working on the 100 days um hopefully that’ll be done soon I’m hoping to get it done before my move we’ll see what happens with that but I hope you all enjoy that one cuz I’ve got it’s it’s a long one it’s a really long video that I’ve got for you all I’m super excited about it I hope um I can get it out to you all ASAP thank you so much everybody for today I had so so much fun and uh we’ll keep in touch on the Discord while I go through the move and all that stuff all right bye everybody

This video, titled ‘I Excavated a Trail Ruin and Wasn’t Good at It – Minecraft Cozy Survival Stream’, was uploaded by DriftyTwo on 2024-03-19 21:06:19. It has garnered 617 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:26 or 14366 seconds.

In this past livestream in our cozy cottagecore Minecraft survival world we excavate a trail ruin from the 1.20 update. This stream is relaxing vibes while we chat, chill, and play Minecraft.

Find me here! https://www.twitch.tv/infinitedrift_

Minecraft version 1.20 Shaders: Complementary Shaders Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-On

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    Monkey Jungle Madness - Minecraft ROBLOX AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #memes #funny #minecraftmemes #roblox #animation #cartoon #shortsviral #twiddlefinger’, was uploaded by Monkey Jungle Top on 2024-08-03 12:04:13. It has garnered 893 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: I’ve spiced it up

    Looks like this meme got a critical hit with that score of 64! Read More