Uncovering Minecraft’s Blocky Secrets

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For test okay okay let’s Place [ __ ] okay and if anybody want to watch this back um was [ __ ] uh do anybody who wanted to watch this this is in a few years please do give me me a a break uh again this is kind my like third time streaming of

Course with the with the microphone is very different and I don’t say difficult but it definitely say is as a learnerer and of course any any friends or my fiance watches this I do appreciate y of course I love my my fiance and of course my uh Pooky uh best friend Cody okay

It’s not bad okay this actually has been a long time since I’ve played Minecraft uh a very long time uh I think it’s been about one and two years I would definitely would to say um it’s been a while uh since since I’ve seen the new update

Updates got just a setting there real quick I I keep hearing myself a little bit too much little bit hear myself talk but that’s a little bit different okay let’s go ahead and adjust that volume just a little bit music and sells let’s get this [ __ ] cranking there we go

Love the music but got to turn that down just a hair there we go all right so um I have nothing to talk about on the stream here of course but again uh as kind of saying it has been a hell of a long time since I’ve

Played uh any form of Minecraft on its own of course I have seen plenty of Minecraft back in the day with uh you know may night and uh you know talking about Captain Sparkles we talk about um syate we can talk about Jericho and then that’s getting started with people just

Like jat one my more see Idols but definitely somebody who I definitely respect u in the themes of content creation um being that he’s literally I think he’s a year older than I am um doing the same situ same situation of uh type of uh learning uh he used to be

Well at least what I’ve heard heard on one of his streams going for computer science um again um I my background is more it based um I am uh I won’t see where I’m exctly working or what I’m doing um but I’m definitely more on the the networking configuration side um

Where you know uh day in day out you know doing it things as one does uh in that realm space but and then of course if anybody of my friends joins the chat they can can always post a question there um or talk to them there ain’t nobody else here but myself So bring up topics um bring up how I spent a whole day with a little a lot of children today uh not in a weird way got a lot of little ones that I yeah yeah awesome okay there’s that and come Here all right let’s trying to do a game plan here I’m finish chopping this up there we go all Right come here there you go all right there we go so I gota get some food up in here soon already got some stuff let’s go ahead and I want to save dark oak for later let’s use Birch excuse me God that is awful that is what I get for eating

Broms when I try to eat healthy more often oh gosh take that let’s go ahead and start I think this be a good spot to start a little base let’s go ahead see the sun’s at all right let’s go ahead I have enough to go ahead and make a bed all

Right so topics to talk about um why ain’t going to talk about global climb it CU that’s that’s a tough subject there um I really don’t even know what to talk about there’s a little bit there let’s go ahead and I’m G to let’s just do aat roof a day not nothing

Special let’s go ahead and grab that bench all right let’s just do this real quick and CH I forgot they added that update where I can’t shift and atam break them apart and I can’t open them up like that if I wanted to there we go and let’s go ahead and do

This do quick basic white bed and we go ahead and plant these not here that one won’t grow but okay throw this outside a little it’s FL I don’t have any coal God damn it Bob I no [ __ ] I’m tired of this Grandpa that’s two damn bab all right let’s get down

Here after we go to sleep okay so excuse me there all right should go to [ __ ] sleep now let’s do it all right let’s get dump some this in here let’s take some that with us let’s drop that drop that let’s just take that I don’t need that don’t need that let’s

Keep this let’s keep that don’t need that don’t need that and we’ll keep that if we find stuff down the caves okay why don’t I just do this real quick make an infinite water source trying to think of a way best way to get down here there we go does it in does

Here oh it ises I year in for the mines as one would say my inner child is starting to heal with this mining Process don’t want to get my copy strike okay let’s fix that hole real quick all right we going to take a quick step away for just a few seconds there apologies okay I am back back back and better all right oh you know from one person I have

Been told not in person but just overall hearing is uh you know there’s going to be a lot of streams with uh you know no viewers one viewers for a long time and you know I’ve accepted the fact that that those things that’s going to be

Happ like that um but uh oh and I got to it sounds good okay well the person who said that AKA my fiance love you um and you should just continue to watch it because uh I need the support please and thank you love you yeah uh it does catch the keyboard a

Little bit which I might adjust um I don’t uh I think I mean you can keep telling me if it’s let me know if the keyboard’s too much because I think I’m going to adjust the volume um to see if I don’t have the capture it but again this is a

Very clicky keyboard like it is like the loudest one on the market that you can get because well it’s a gamer keyboard and I’m a gamer um but um I don’t know I think it either adds character or if it is too loud then well to the people

Think it’s too loud um unless it’s you um they can go [ __ ] themselves um which I can say that on stream cuz hey it’s YouTube and if YouTube hears this and tries to you know ban me please don’t I am small man with small Feelings and I don’t know why I created another crafting table oh I am the most genius man in the world not really not at all and I don’t even have things to make or smell I am maybe not the smartest man in the world all right let’s uh maybe let’s

Make two of those just in case all right back down the dark pending hole that is mining uh this reminds me again of a certain song uh first created by yast of course but um redone and uh I think improved on um by W Rose is uh Diggy Diggy

Hole cuz I am a dwarf and I do like digging some holes yeah I think what I am going to do and I think it’s probably just maybe good momento is um and if if I remember um he myself in I say I’ll give myself a year

Um I’ll come back to this live stream and watch this clip and tell myself that I’ve came Fair a little bit further than I you know started at um you know more like a passion project is things that I’ve been pushing off since I got knows how long

Um I definitely would say that uh I should have done this a lot sooner um but you know eh life Happens all right and I believe that is not what I wanted to do and I am 26 blocks from better or well not 26 Ro but yeah I’m almost at Diamond level this music is definitely musicing right now it is Minecrafting it Up but let’s go ahead and I need just Something okay just going to take two seconds to fix this real quick there we go go oh the joys of only having one monitor I do miss my second Monitor and I might hook it up because trying to watch uh chat and trying to work settings and having to stop from

Minecraft to desktop can be highly annoying um going to say unprofessional but definitely feels like uh could be improved on um I think that’s what I’m GNA focus on next eventually I just got to move this you guys can’t see it at all um or my fiance can’t see this but

She knows um I have a 3D printer right next to my desktop here and it it’s a nice printer but um it does take quite a bit of my desktop space and okay ghost you can go [ __ ] off please oh I can hear a skeleton that’s

Why well I can go back up the top for now um but yeah know I think I’m going to improve on that on the stream setup a little bit eventually I think in the next probably say week two weeks I’m going to get a camera set up um I have a

Camera that I’m going to be using I’ve had for a little while it’s a for anybody who does watch this back or ask questions uh it’s just a Canon EO EOS 7D Mark I uh I got it from a family friend um and what I’ve seen it is a fantastic

Camera for to Ste photography and as well 1080p uh video streaming I just got to figure out in the the it human way to hook it up to the computer and have it pull that video feed live which it’s going to be a learning curve I am uh

Definitely more on the back end of it tee in front end uh doing it day in day out I had literally gotten nothing from this and I don’t know what to do with raw iron because Minecraft updated and uh they didn’t want to tell me anything so now I would I make

Iron I’m going to assume I’m going to have the smelt it which again I don’t have any form of coal oh and it’s night time and I’m not me hungry but my character is definitely starving uh I think me and him both are doing the keto trend of not eating

Anything for the whole day um for sure all right let’s go P that off and place that there and let’s go ahead and move that as the front space I’ll drop I’ll keep this on the Cobblestone just in case where comes to where all and I know my fiance is ain’t near

Watching it uh but if my my friend does decide to join and watch it even though I I sent a message telling him to go watch it because a I want more viewers um just because a it’s fun and B um it would help out and then two um me and

Him been talking about possibly doing some form of uh podcast or uh dungeon dragons um that will probably come in a long while but but something that if anybody’s out watches this and thinks about it or you know tries to do it um you know let me know uh put down I have

A couple videos up right now from my past streams feel free to put a message in there let me know maybe how you guys do it um biggest thing to overcome is equipment um equipment is not cheap by no means um and nobody got the money for that right now this economy

All right I hear a spider out here and knowing my fiance she would probably tell me you shouldn’t kill a spider spider’s cute it doesn’t mean any harm while it viciously probably is going to try to kill me um from one end so and of course she’s probably not

Going to message in the chat but if she does um I’m probably going to have to kill the spider sorry some iron oh know for how I got into Minecraft is say a funny story but it is definitely one that I have um appreciated as grown

Up um guy within a group of friends current friends still um we would uh play Minecraft uh during school so our big thing at school we would do is like computer science class um wasn’t the best class by no means it really didn’t te Teach Us anything because our teacher

Decided to do history ports instead general you know Athletics teacher trying to just have us do school work um but our system um and that school system never lock down uh the quick instance of mine this is way before Microsoft bought out Mojang but um back then you could do a

Oh there’s the spider oh it’s a spawner Ah that’s awesome I am going to leave y’all alone but um oh finally my friend joined or AKA his nickname is Pooky um welcome in I won’t say your oh you have your name in your chat so it doesn’t matter so yeah Cody here uh

Cody here was one of Sid friends that we would play Minecraft uh during Junior High I won’t say where of course uh just for confidentiality um but they wouldn’t have the system locked down at our school system um for a quick instance with JavaScript um so you could quickly

Run an instance of Minecraft every day um couldn’t never download it because that was locked down within the group policy um but oh there’s the skeleton there looking for it come here [ __ ] okay I’m going to die actually I’m actually going to die nope not today um but yeah basically the the

Group policy at the school um basically allowed us to at least um start to download the instance and then run the instance um but now allow us download the client um so we would play Minecraft every day um and during this time um um our teacher didn’t care to an instance

Um until he did um where he had a oh there’s creeper and I’m dead oh well I’ll go get my [ __ ] in here a second um but he didn’t really give uh much care about U uh us playing Minecraft once in a while as long as we did our history

Port within class and then just kind of everybody in the class kind of joined um Minecraft as just a a group um but one day he decided to change his mind because he pulled up uh the monitoring system for all the lapt laptops the desktops um and of course Lo

Behold he decides to choose me um he decides that I should be a perfect instance of why I should be doing my work instead of playing video games because video games won’t get me anywhere um that teacher was known to give out punish instruments quite actually often

Um in the instance of I forget the correct terminology he used but physically had push-ups he would um and I know Cody in here can respond and tell me exactly what it was called um but he he was the I think the football coach if I recall um he would do basically

Push-ups for certain classmates um during this time I was a fat ass chunky kid so uh instead he had me uh write uh sentences uh he also got me again for another time um because my phone it was a shitty Android that didn’t really have

A silencer on it so and I had to keep my phone on to get my alarm in the morning well lo and behold I forget I have him like the first or second class of the day it goes off um for a Spam caller and of course I have remember it was a

Pac-Man sound that I had and he got I got all in trouble for having my phone don’t like disturb a class even though for [ __ ] two seconds I don’t know that teacher to me a lot of people liked him uh I was kind of indifferent

But other than that I don’t know I don’t know but no that’s really but that’s how I kind of got in Minecraft um I’ve been playing it for a long while and I stopped um many times toal servers I don’t even know can I mine

This I sure can did they add in copper oh my God they did do it copper huh let’s see disciplines yeah he was a coach not a football coach okay so he was just a general coach okay yeah disciplines yeah cuz I remember him talking about doing uh laps and that is

A massive [ __ ] cave system okay um and drills and all that kind of stuff I forget I I wasn’t part of the Sports back in that day I was a bang kid um I was the nerd um through and through but uh Cody can definitely uh tell all of his

Stories CU he’s the ones who had to experience it firsthand so I just got to experience it during class so oh and that also then reminds me of a similar I say similar teacher but a teacher on the kind of same principes sometimes was um I won’t say his name

But I went to a tech school uh for IT background for uh and this term was for virtualization in cloud storage um they’ve since changed the class’s name so no one’s going to be able to just decipher that plus also across the United States it’s just

Massive ain’t no way so unless you if you do good for you you’re a great detective but you know um I have not found any any form of coal at least accessible I see some right there but um but yeah now that reminds me another teacher I went to more to a

School for tech school um for it stuff which that’s that’s a whole other topic that you know I can dig deep into that ho of of of work and training and it things but yeah BL squid the one mob that want a mob vote that I didn’t care for

But I’ll say Cody I know you’re in here so if you want to bring up topics a talk about I can see you in chat so uh please do feel free to bring up stuff there ain’t nobody here but just uh you and fiance qu person a um um

But yeah and same thing fiance I I know you’re probably watching too you can feel free to post stuff in there on your account I think you may be watching on the TV of course but that’s besides the point make a diamond sword okay you know

What just because of that uh I’ll put you in a timeout in chat okay uh if I had a moderator I would um but I actually don’t even know how to put you in timeout in the YouTube at all so uh no actually just let just to just think

That you’re in timeout in person um and we we’ll just leave with that okay you want to come stream too K yeah it’s one of those things if we actually I could get you hopped into it y’all about to see a clip here in a second it’s there’s a delay but I [ __ ] died and I’m going to sleep it’s night time here um but yeah no uh if

Cody if you want to come stream uh if you have Discord up I can add you to a call and I can just get you started on the call here we can just talk like that if you wanted to and okay thank you so much fiance for telling me that’s what I

Get um it is very enjoyable to be told by your fiance that I deserve nothing but pain and suffering U from dying in a game thank you love you um but yeah Cody if you want to hop in a Discord call and hop in the Stream like

You you could literally just uh be Coast toost a over here um you don’t even have to have any stream software because I can just have you host through my system um and you can just we can just talk and do our thing so and if you want to do that just

Let me know either in chat or text me um I have my phone pulled up here okay which way did I go for that this way okay yeah just get your stuff um and then text me and then I’ll load up Discord here on my system so I’ll black

Out the stream here in a second and uh get that all set up and then I’ll send you a call [ __ ] hell don’t kill me no no okay oh my shit’s right next next to Lava I hear a zombie I know I know how the [ __ ] am I going to get out of

Here I’m going have to eat raw beef are you heading H are you like heading here in person or are you just going to do it remotely cuz we can do remotely you don’t have to be here in person IRL okay I mean yeah just letting

Me know um and uh I hopefully this mic should cat if it catch my keyboard I think I can catch you so I’ll have to get a chair here in a second um and uh we can just do our thing um I would say I don’t have the ability to do it

Through my PlayStation because I would say we could just easily just Coast do that but I have to get certain hardware for that and my computer does not um handle uh bg3 B Skate 3 um a because I don’t haven’t bought it on the PC and

Two um because I only have a 1060 and 1060s don’t really handle BK 3 too bad it’s okay um I think like my father system he has a 1070 and it does all right but to stream that plus play B gate I’m I’m asking for some trouble there at that point

Unfortunately um was it this way I am very lost right now um which way did I come which way did I go which way okay see this I see the lava which then means I should have been from this way which then should mean I should be from this way that’s new

This oh just m isn’t it okay oh this is where I did from okay yep cuz I am a m Crafter and I un from the mines as I said already like 20 minutes ago um okay so Cody will be here in whatever amount of time there I don’t know what

He’s getting or bringing I I don’t know he doesn’t need much he just needs to bring himself and that’s really about it because I have the setup already going um we might even just do like a just chatting for a a little bit just see how that

Goes um just depends on what we fill in or we can just do like a kind of talking I can have some games playing through um you know just general stuff um I think and then in fiance I’m assuming it’s cool kod comes over this way you can uh

Hang out with your acatar have fun okay I would assume so but wanted to ask the fiance as as everyone does say a happy wife does equal a happy life um I can contest to this um because uh when she is mad uh difficult times I have still uh no

Coal in in other words no [ __ ] I have no hoes AKA physical hose like garden hose like I don’t what like this kind of hoe that hoe yeah I I I don’t know about you but I got no time uh to play around and I would never just to begin with

But but no uh but yeah know I’m going to make a diamond sword at some point um just to you know got impress my my fiance my lady uh and then at some point I can get a diamond hoe made you know you know just got to flex on somebody

But get that ice get that drip and Cody I don’t know know if you’re still watching sure I’m sure you’re getting ready to come over here um but let me know if the audio sounds good to you as well sir I had a fiance a basically a through z because it’s the

Only fiance of course um give me a feedback on the beon the the microphone but just want to make sure it does sound okay okay oh trying to figure out it’s all new stuff too was it wasn’t too much of a learning curve but there’s definitely a lot that

Can go into it um especially the the microphone it’s using a XLR cable and then um a uh I think it’s called transceiver um it I’m not I I I used to say I’m audio file but I am truly not um I know from a maybe a good headset to a

Bad headset but I definitely don’t get nitty-gritty um into the details with decb and just overall um you know highs and lows and you know whatnot there um but I definitely um wanted to get into that stuff uh learning just to kind of a better quality of uh stream YouTube

Videos and such definitely not no Mr be’s level but um definitely something that you know it doesn’t look like poooo Kaaka oh and looks like it is now either Cody left or both Cody and fiance left and it is just now me and myself alone

Again all right I should be able to go ahead and very tempted to burn down this forest with FL still I got but let’s let’s just do it here go four blocks three four let’s just do three oh you still here okay lovely fiance is still here uh and this going

To be very awkward um if I ever have uh anybody trying to watch this later you know in months or years whatever on time frame um more likely probably would put this into private later in a career of doing this um or say career for fun uh

Doing this just because uh well it’s a little not say embarrassing but um you know it’s definitely one of those I’m like ah do I really want somebody who you know maybe will watch this Channel and get over down to my streams like oh I’m GNA

Watch his like third stream ever oh this is complete crap or like doooo um not not POG you know no POG champ um and then it’s like and or that you know slip information that I don’t really want out there all the time you know know I I don’t want anybody knowing

My personal business but but no I’m I’m enjoying it so far I actually uh thoroughly enjoy this I I mean just just as a hobby um I don’t even I don’t feel like I need to think as as a career but more just a you know

My free time can do this for fun uh people show up watch enjoy um just kind of a communicating maybe even like a community of like-minded people um to just talk about day their day um and just kind of you know uh you know phrase for it but basically

Uh uh hang out and talk I I’ll just use that as show term um you know that’s when people have the ability to uh you know let me know how they are um and me hopefully being helpful um or just being somebody there to listen so

So I think that would be you know maybe just something to help say the world but you know a small group of people that and also so that uh you know later in life uh you know whenever uh I do uh have a a Offspring

With my fiance um you know I can show them what uh dad likes to do and maybe even at that point uh it’s it’s something a a little bit bigger you know just doesn’t have to be massive but you know something that show them that hey you know it’s sometimes still good you

Should follow your dreams when you can um you know there’s a time and place for things and there’s also just a general um course of you know don’t forget who you wanted to be um like I I I’ve been wanting to stream as I kind of said at the beginning of

This um for over I would put it as it’s about seven years now U I actually was gifted did as a child um say child 12 years old a video camera cuz I wanted to be just like my favorite stream my favorite uh Youtubers of the time um again uh at

That time I was watching my night that would be uh Jericho Kevin Sparkles uh Syndicate um and a few other people I can’t listen them all off my top of my head um but I just want to be just like them actually and a funnier story and I

Always say that I was I did it due to a dare just because well I felt that was the easiest out for it but I actually dyed my hair blue my fiance knows this it was a awful blue it looks like an ocean of green and blue in there um

Because my mom uh my mother decided help me do it because I really wanted to dye my hair um but it was because one of the people I watched the time would be Syndicate he would dye his hair for charity he would uh do streams and after

Reaching his goal he would dye his hair blue blonde purple um um you know the works um and I just wanted to be kind of like f that same space so I dyed my hair blue um didn’t last too long I lasted probably like two months three months

Before um you know after a COR people say about all the time but um went to the barber and of course it went to like a Super Cuts and uh wants to know what he needs to bring so how delayed is that All right sorry about that fiance wanted to ask me if uh uh Pooky number a AKA Cody I need to bring anything and I said no he does not bring need to bring anything he just needs to bring himself and uh as is a joke his juicy

Ass uh is a joke uh I know his fiance would not take too much of a Laing of me coming at her fiance but hey that’s what happens whenever I known him longer um but back on the topic I was talking about uh talking about being streaming for a

While there I’ve been wanting to do that for years and years and years kind of you know want to be like the streamer like Syndicate um dyed my hair and then of course as I went into the Super Cuts I uh I said a number a three U thinking

I was like oh it’s going to be like like 3 in like super long like when I should say like seven or eight um cuz I still wanted to keep my long hair at the time which it was more like looked like Lord far quad um it was really bad and awful

Um but it one of those I wanted to keep it certainly keep the blue um and then he completely basically shaved my head um not bald but uh buzz cut so I need that all the way around the only thing I had left was like a tint a tint of blue

On top of my head like it was just like my roots were already growing out and at that point it was one of those it was too far gone and at that point point I never have dyed my hair well I did D my hair two more times um I dyed my hair

Another time um After High School um during this kind of a phase of trying to figure out things I decided to um bleach my hair and then D it blonde which I would admit didn’t look too bad uh there were times that definitely was orange hair because

I did not take care of it enough but after a little bit I had the blonde highlights excuse me um that looked pretty decent um but no I’m rocking the whole natural hair um a just do to work and then uh B just because I don’t really

Feel like trying to dye it to a color like I I could only think of anything natural and then at this point if I was to do it um I don’t know I feel like it would feel a little bit off but um I think Cody should pull up

Probably about like 10 15 minutes you know what time is it it’s :41 it’s not too late probably stream for about another hour after he gets here and then after that we’ll probably wrap up because I [ __ ] love to sleep sleep is uh the game

Plan is the best thing I can do other than you know streaming talking to people um and playing compter games um but I definitely enjoy my sleep and my rest and whenever I don’t get enough sleep or rest I am uh to be plan out an

[ __ ] I am irritable I am very uh short fuse sometimes and I know my fiance can attest to this and again I am sorry whenever I am like this is just one of those things I if I only get you know four or 5 hours of sleep at night

Sometimes uh I’m just not about it um but the Saving Grace of course would be um the life’s nectar uh which I like to call a monster um of course the sugar-free version I am not uh one to try to drink full sugar drinks um I just

Don’t think there’s some better ways to use your calories throughout the day um but the sugarfree monsters they got a grip on me so hard uh I I try to get rid of them multiple times doesn’t work uh I always end up doing back to them eventually just between um how they

Taste how it like you know gives me energy that I need I know they’re not the best and terms of quality um but for cost value and everything else you know um I I’m down for them um if not that coffee I I do enjoy a really good coffee

Like jally a darker roast um light roast is pretty okay but uh I’m I’m a dark roast fan um one thing I’ve gotten too far along was a uh Black Rifle um coffee it I got the Blackbeard’s Delight uh that that is one of my favorite uh oh I say coffee brands but

One of the best Blends that I’ve had um I know if anybody watches this and is a coffee nerd they’re just rolling right now because I use pre-ground coffee and I just use my my Mr Mr Coffee in the kitchen I I don’t have a grinder I don’t

Got an espresso maker I don’t got you know none of that um I am a simple man uh as I like to be because sometimes over complicating things is you know well not [ __ ] fun um but and I I I’ll watch out for my language too as well a little bit you

Know I I think I haven’t really looked I looked a little bit into the terms but I’ve seen people curse often on YouTube enough where it’s fine um it’s one of those things I’m not going to say anything that’s going to get me demonetized or get me um kicked off the

Site um I don’t want to do that cuz a I don’t want to go to Twitch uh being that a it’s pretty much a uh wellow 18 plus kind of site nowadays um won’t say exactly what’s on there because well you YouTube’s algorithm probably will catch

Me and decide to try to come at me um but I would just say that uh don’t let your kids just wand on there because between them updating the terms of service um and everything else it is quite awful at the moment um but other than that what else to talk

About while I wait for Cody to show up um trying to make some progress on the farm here I should fill just go just fill this hole in just make it look a little cleaner and let’s break this a little bit Moon’s coming up so that means

Werewolves are going to come out right and then I’m going to see them eating Chinese food in London um oh oh I can this be maybe a decent topic uh talking about maybe favorite genres of like fiction um like vampires werewolves like of course there’s like things like Twilight which I I’m

Not advocate for but um I definitely would say I I’ve seen my fair share of the movies and other TV series um along those lines uh one big thing for me was Supernatural um I’ve never finished it just yet I have about a season left officially like 12 episodes left to

Watch unfortunately the ending got spoiled to me because as the ending came out I was watching I think mid through eight season 8 and I was like well um I’m going to take a break here for now and come back to it later um but uh I’ve

Been grinding at away at it same thing with Sopranos uh I have four episodes left um been dragging on watching it because again I already know how it ends because how the internet works um but um going to finish that up and then of course I don’t know any I know there’s a

Few shows I got a quite a list I need to watch but um you know any recommendations on shows is appreciated um even though I know only my fiance is currently watching but she’s of course already recommended me a few shows currently we fin finally finished uh

Hasp been hotel when it it’s been coming out slowly which I think was a fantastic show um I definitely think there’s a few there was one episode that kind of was questionable episode seven but overall I definitely enjoyed the show um that because before this I I watched uh

Another one of the same makes um H boss uh again love that show great um I think it’s comedic I think it’s good um it’s definitely a certain cup of tea not everyone’s going to want to go and watch um you know demons and all that screaming at each other each other and

Like cursing at each other I don’t think not everybody wants to do that but again for my type of humor it’s perfect um but and then of course I’ve been watched about two episodes of Yellowstone so far um I like it uh my only downside with Yellowstone is being

That is over an hour plus per episode I think it does cut down for some episodes 45 minutes but it is long it is one of those where I got to force myself to sit down if I really want to watch it all um like the show’s good so far I’m

Thoroughly enjoying it it reminds me of other shows I’ve watch like Longmire and um other you know Southern type of shows um does remind me of my family because well that’s that’s more of the rich side of uh of uh kind of uh cow farming I mean but my my family

Is more of the uh not my close but my little bit distance or the more more white trash variety uh we think uh certain restaurants uh well I say restaurants uh drive-throughs are a fine delicacy and uh we appreciate that more sometimes than fine dining or resta CHS

Um you know but me though I’m Different in a joking manner there I’ve been told I have a uh I am uh what is the word I forgot I’m bougie I am a person who likes maybe higher quality of things um don’t get me wrong I definitely love uh getting myself into

Uh some like you know certain types of candies and certain like food groups but like to me personally I’m not a fan of fast food um fast the only thing that I will give a pass for is Taco Bell um just because of the Baja Blast which a

Baja Blast zero sounds so good right now no joke I would uh very much not kill somebody because I would never do that because that is a very bad thing um but I would um do many awful things for a Baja Blast zero um and if my hears this and loves

Me so much if she can get me one that’d be great but if not I completely understand it too cuz it’s late and I don’t understand you don’t want to drive if not that you know I don’t know um but and then I think when Kelly gets

Here he will probably have an adult beverage which this stream is already been clicked for uh not for kids so we don’t got to really worry about that so if any kiss show up in here go talk to your parents don’t watch me um unless

You want to watch me that’s up to you but I I this is more going to be uh uh teens and up kind of Ecentric topics that people are going to understand and enjoy hopefully what am I doing now okay I was going to get some bone meal I can

Uh do some this get some nice flowers excuse me real quick sorry about that I deci [ __ ] burp and drink my my next favorite thing M de Ser sugar I love me some uh I do love me some Astin question mark I think so definitely need some yellow five what

Else is in this thing that I probably shouldn’t have but nah yeah aspartam I love it I love me some aspartame and some red 40 but you know keep it on that uh Ser sugar topic yeah no I and my fiance can contest to

This if she chats in at all uh for this um I am not one for sweet things um that often um I’m okay with sweet things as drinks as in like the su Sugar astine like that being sweet but as in for like candy not the biggest fan I can I can

Get some along with some Reese’s PCS um sesa’s cups you know that kind of stuff but um I’m more of a Savory kind of fan um or um one big thing would be like Almond Joys I can eat up some Almond Joys but

No P that um I’m more of a fan of uh sa everything so like pratzels um don’t like chips um but I definitely would eat like um sa types of foods so where oh where is music a I just want to turn down just a here there we

Go it is bluring my ear and I’m sure it’s bluring yours so but but no what to talk about what to talk about while I wait for friend a AKA uh Cody uh to show up um I can talk about uh things in it um thoroughly enjoy that a lot that’s why I

Do it as a career I’m currently working on my my CCNA um Cisco certified uh Network associate if I remember right exactly again the terminology there kind of loses me sometimes but oh and that is um people I should not talk to because I would get murder alerted

Um by them very quickly so I’m going to leave that over there for a few seconds and toss this in here before I lose it deep interesting um but yeah know um working on my CCA currently I’ve been studying in between um streaming um more focused on that

Currently just because that’s trying to do career advancement um goal is by end of this year to knock out that and uh achieve a role within Network admin Administration or network engineer um well on the road for that um but it’s just one of those things that with that

Certification I can solidify that and guarantee myself getting one um so I’m just kind of working my way towards it get that done um for anybody who does do it things and I’m sure anybody who does will get this uh training for Certification depending on who you are

As a person can be be really easy um or very difficult um I am on the ladder I’m it can be very difficult for me sometimes um either between trying to focus on the study material um being that with networking the information is very dry in a lot of ways um you know

Try to make it fun um some people that I try to watch to make it a lot better is people like Network truck um and Keith Barker um just being that have their energy uh through and through their videos is really constant and great um

That’s who I kind of recommend if if I ever recommend anybody to watch certain videos to do training um I definitely do like um what what is his name um that’s who I study for A+ for but um it’ll come to to me in a second but no um I will watch

Them uh do for study material and then of course um I currently have of course the the official certification study book from wind Windell odm um that book is okay um it is very detailed it is great if you are a person of like you’re okay reading dry material and you just

Want a lot of information even if it doesn’t regard the actual certification test um it covers a lot of information um within two books um a lot of good information some information can be a little bit out outdated not in the sense that it’s not longer used but it’s one

Of those that’s like hey this is what we used to do and this is what we now do it kind of just gives you kind more of a well-rounded um thought process through networking um at least how I see it but um but no it’s one of those kind

Of working through that um it’s been uh been a process you know trying to kind of keep improving there um I’ve had my A+ for a while now already um decided to do CCNA um instead of net plus um just being that I work in a more of a Cisco

Environment so that is worth wor more than net plus uh would be um net plus is more like overall rounded of okay hey is networking while sua is more going to be for covering um Cisco like specified things and then of course the back end of uh Network fundamentals like

Subnetting um switching like switches routers the general hardware for that um but you know been doing that for for about about five months now um my test going to be coming up here soon in two months um hopefully I should be ready by then um if not I will push it off

Probably for another about only push it off about a month um because I’m getting pretty good at the practice test um scoring about 60% on average um need 80% to pass so if I give myself another month um between that I’ll probably get to that 80% um but then I want to

Surpass that I want to get on average 100% at at least 90% of the time um just cuz that’s just a better opportunity better odds um just because based on those those tests will give you a a pool of questions from a datab bank and they

Can go from a wide range of things uh luckily there is no simulations on there some people have different opinions about them being on there some not I kind of value it not being on there just being that the time limit on the test um is pretty amount of questions you do

Answer um because there’s about 105 questions um and you get it about 90 minutes so within those 90 minutes your average time per question is going to be about a minute per question um I think it’s 0 minutes if not it’s going to be like 120 but on average it gives you it

It gets you pretty much okay oh he’s here okay go ahead um if you want I will well AK stream if anybody’s watching so I am going to be right back I’m going to let uh Cody in real quick okay I am back um if you hear dogs um

That is my dogs crying and freaking out um Shadow mainly um she’s a black German Shepherd that We rescued uh she does not like strangers I say strangers even though he’s been here multiple times um but is she not like people other than me and my fiance uh being here um but uh

Cody is finally here we’re going to open up some brusis um and hang out um he’s going to help maybe find his Minecraft account and hopefully maybe hopefully join on to this we can just do like a land um party if not that he’s just

Going to be here and we can talk about it and just kind of talk and chat it up uh for a little bit for at least maybe about an hour give or take um and then after that I’ll probably wrap up stream there and go from there you’re good um and then here

Actually I want to check something out so stream ignore don’t look at any of my stuff here I want to see if the audio can pick up Cody uh from a distance so Cody if you can go ahead and talk what’s up okay so yeah you can hear it just very it’s a

Low distant so not that bad actually I wonder if I’m actually little B to close to the microphone ow that’s a little bit better all right and yeah just close the door you can it doesn’t matter okay okay okay so you can hear Cody okay I have the monitor up up for a

Little bit on the microphone so I can hear myself um but um I just wanted oh you can hear Stella too oh God okay try to see if you can talk what’s up okay you can still you in the distance okay well the thing gu if you

Can figure out um your Minecraft or not um we you can do that real quick and then after that um if we can’t then that’s fine we can just do like hang out and talk okay um and then um if we do figure out Minecraft we

Can either do a Discord and that you in or we can just have you just talk in general and we can hear you in the background it probably will but it’s one of those thing it’s it be fine it’s the first stream of this oh and then here here’s uh my

Competition uh like I call isil I won’t say your last last name even though it’s in chat but uh my competition to my Pooky your fiance Ina by the way she in the yeah she’s in the Stream yeah so welcome in Bella um I know this Probably sounds awkward and you’re going to

Probably uh bully me later um um which is fine um but you know I’m learning uh you should be happy fore uh don’t be mean please um Cody’s laughing in the background because he knows the truth fix my cable management we’re going to hear a lot of Bill CR

Now and the microphone bouncing off all I’ll let hang there I’ll fix all right let’s I’m GNA go back to Minecraft so you guys can stop looking at my my OBS so you missed it I was talking about my my CCNA training and all my it stuff

Um I haven’t I didn’t I’m not going to tell them about where I work or what I do exactly um but I just do in general like hey this is what I kind I kind of do um and then what I recommend for like for some material for like CCNA and then

Um I was trying to remember who I used for my A+ um what was it it was um something was it not Mercer but it was a Messer yes yeah yeah Messer was what I used for my A+ he is pretty good he does live streams quite often on YouTube um I

Think like once a month to cover like Serv certifications I think he just did his Security Plus certification not too long ago I don’t watch him too long just because between work and everything else um my time in watching streams is very limal um and then of course uh Bella if you’re

In here let me know how that audio sounds because I am still kind of making sure everything makes sure sounds great I’m trying to get three opinions um to let me know about it um You probably can hear my keyboard like is very clicky clacky um and then of course I’m trying to

Actually so you guys don’t hear me me uh trick my drink you don’t have to be quiet man you can be it’s a little awkward this is new for all of us here yeah I know it’s new it’s for all of us but it’s one of those

Things I’ve been W to trying to do a long time and then I know you are a big fan about about trying to do it as well um eventually yeah of course and I I think what I want to do eventually um and it’s going to happen

But I’m going to eventually EXP and on my office bace and doing a more of like a a twers office room um a for for myself and then my fiance um oh you can’t hear Cody he does he’s not talking right now but um if he does

Talk you probably in the back room like like go ahead and say hi to your Kanan hello how are you I love you yeah and the the stream is a little bit di so if you guys chat uh we will see it a little delayed um I haven’t fixed that yet I’m

Try to figure that one out I think it’s like a 10 to 156 second delay um give or take um but all right I don’t know if you need help at all I need the oh W okay um here I’m going to mute myself real quick fig networking stuff right now

So so if I missed any of your chats just uh give me a second 11 oh that’s fair okay figureing out Tech issues for Cody real quick but um he’ll be he’ll be joining in hopefully soon um back to fix this whole CH there we go all very much

Adult and I already kind of talked about in chat but I was going to uh add a video eventually probably not for another like two three streams because I’m gonna figure it out a little comy well yeah I gota get comfy with the microphone and then figureing out like try and talk to

Chat and then make content like I like streaming but like again posting videos on YouTube can be a little bit daunting trying to figure out things to do when play like because everyone of course is probably posting videos like oh I in isolation or Minecraft like I’m sure

There’s a million videos out there for Minecraft but um you know did they connect you know I try to connect now because I know I didn’t I don’t have the Wi-Fi or I don’t have anything that b if need be I can um make a secondary network

If I’ll make a guess one real quick in case if that for some reason the main network is like crapping out oh I’m getting [ __ ] tacked let me get to my house you skeleton that was close that was close all right let me figure this out real

Quick set up is a f no it’s not Google Wi-Fi is so special I that’s we give it a second because sure it works I know the Wi-Fi is on working but I can make a guess network if I need to it should not working okay I just made um I guess networker

It’s called test one by the one um if I need to restart the Wi-Fi I can because I can restart the stream and then to uh Bella and my fiance um if I do have to restart the Wi-Fi I’ll let youall know so then you

All can uh we can join if you want to rewatch so you can watch your uh baby daddy and then fiance see I try to stream here oh I’m sure it’s very amusing to them I know I know rand’s probably have a great great time or yeah that’s my

Fiance Randy I’ll just say Randy because it’s so much [ __ ] easier what same samey yeah oh it’s not it’s just allore I don’t think your computer should have any issues should I mean you just came from your home number perectly F I’m sure so like password yeah sure password um go to the

Command promp it’s fine um actually you didn’t run administor man promp so just go ahead you just that out and then type IP conf so IP and conf C open of you should hopefully let me open up uh the M once you figure out Minecraft but um at least you have

Network so you can figure that out and then once you do figure that out I can open this as like a land and then hopefully it should be able to transfer over um because I don’t have that V landed out at all so it should just be within the same network

Mesh hopefully but again if it’s not then I can figure it out wor scam St we’re can finally try and connect to the main and this is why and this is too to my lovely fiance that why I want to upgrade our Network eventually um I want definitely want to

Get like I’ve me a able to talk to a few people and get a few um recommendations for Hardware um a for a home LA and then B to kind of work with the home network so I can actually build like a a local

At Lane Center um so I can just like a General Switch and then I can have all in connect to each other um again that Al going to more likely wait till we hopefully house in the next in the next 5 years uh once we do that I’m definitely doing a whole

Network server um and definitely building it’s going to be a whole server room um one of the recommendations or that’s recommendations but one of the things I want to kind of follow is kind of with LGT Atlanta Tech tips um not his Home Server um or his home setup because

He’s trying to water cool with his pool but um can’t do that that’s a little bit too fancy to out of my price range um but I definitely definely um want to have that kind of full setup uh he definitely has that in one of his areas

In his house where he has a whole like land Center um build up that is something I want to do um just so if I have friends over family over or for my child uh whenever uh he or she does come and have friends they can hang out and

Play video games um you know if they play video games uh which more likely will just because knowing their father and their mother let me open up the chat again so in case if I missed anything nope nothing new okay just wanted to make sure because I don’t want

Any of either of them to miss something it looks like it’s just back down to Randy at the moment so and then if you hear dogs whining crying that is my dogs uh there’s Shadow Kora and Stella uh Shadows the black German Shepherd that I talked about a little bit ago um and

Then the other ones are going to be Cor uh she is a German she SL husky mix mostly just husky mostly like 75% in plus uh she just looks like Husky and then Estella which is just a busted um poodle mix or doodle um that my fiance just loves and adors um again

Everyone will say I’m not particular about him her um just because how she acts sometimes but again um anything for my beon cuz as I said like an hour ago happy wife is a happy life is it not right Cody indeed yes inde yes and just because this is probably

Just Randy watching and no one El was probably watch it in a while I can make this private um how do you think of it so far like do you think I’m doing decent okay just kind talking because I feel like I’m just going to use more like an outlet to kind

Of talk like I’m not going to like trauma on but like I’m not that kind of I’m not that person were you able to get logged in so the Bedrock would be the oh actually the Java Edition is going to be the one that’s going to be the traditional Minecraft and then Bedrock

Is going to the one that Windows 10 just comes along with or Windows Microsoft it said I have both yeah you get both you don’t have to buy both when if you have Java they automatically give you bettered Rock okay yeah because like online um since I had a mojing account

They also gave me I think that you should also get it because you you had it went back from Mojang um they give you a new um K yep actually give you two if you so if you’ve own Minecraft before 2022 uh they give you one for having it

Um for bedrock and all that I never did the migration you never did the migration oh they probably forced you the migration here for Microsoft because you Lo if you’re logged into the website that then you’re probably in already if not that I think they still I think they

Still they still definitely I know they can transfer over to Microsoft but I don’t know if they’ll give you the um the cape I think right about it and when I when I went to download the launcher it said they’re not taking any more inquiries about it after I think nov

They said they’re not do any profile well I mean you still have on it and you can downloading it looks like your accounts at least on on the web page so I it looks like my Xbox account well I mean it’s still give you both and then you’re good I

Mean maybe they even converted if they saw the the emails they forced it over but I don’t know Microsoft is Microsoft and uh they can uh be cool and it can also be an [ __ ] just try to do log in and it’s going have you log in twice and then

It’s going to have you download the actual game again because it just download the launcher because they like to do like the whole launcher like epic games and like a few other other things here and I’ll go ahead and open up this game as a landan I hope it’s

Well we’ll see here in a second the thing isv you just that’s Java that’s when I have in so yeah the one for Windows it’s not bad but I think they limit to a few things different like they don’t get the updates all the way or they don’t get

Them right away it’s kind of the same thing with the the Pocket Edition which oh God I played that so [ __ ] much uh I I remember like begging to get Minecraft Pocket Edition for my Kindle um whenever I used to read a lot I was like Hey I want to get Pocket Edition

For Minecraft at that time I was uh friends with a certain person or would just say his name and well I’ll say his last name because I won’t say his first name but it’s Davis um um Cody knows who I’m talking about but um certain person

I won’t speak name because I don’t want to speak ill will or you know later in my life if somebody watches a V video and I I do get a little bit more I want say popular but more people watching I don’t want any uh backlash for confidentiality for confidentiality I

Don’t I want to be private the person’s life you know I’m just I’m just talking about in general I used to be friends with them and all that kind of stuff but but um I played Pocket Minecraft edition uh I actually played Pocket Minecraft edition whenever a turno came

Around um I I was going to Elementary at the time um and I would sat in the corner and just played Minecraft Pocket Edition while passed by uh the Elementary School uh great times uh and that also the same time that I forgot and left my Kindle in in

My um my desk um and so I left because my parents picked me up after everything occurred and then I was like okay we got home and I was like where is this I lost I thought somebody stole it or it’s you know whatever you know parents were

Pissed because you know that stuff is expensive and of course like got a lotch of little books on there and it was the whole thing um but I found out it was interest in my desk uh which was a great time actually still have that in know it’s just somewhere probably in a

Storage container somewhere in my office oh yeah I have too much too much software and hardware and of just like General like collectors things um I I need more shelves I need a more established um kind of um storage um and eventually and I I’m I’m GNA tell Cody this eventually we’re

Planning on moving the dogs into the garage we’re going to do a whole garage set up for them on on the side on one side of the garage um and was going to be like a tall like chain link uh like fence areas um more likely it’s going to

Happen uh when Stella unfortunately passes away she’s all older dog um but we’ll probably still do it when when she’s still around um but we’re going to move my off office hopefully to the front room um so whenever eventually there is a child um their bedroom slash

Um you know their Nursery will probably be in this room um if we we’re still living here if that does occur or you know whatever happens um all right let me that’s I don’t care about PO number I’m not worried about that uh no one’s going to watch this and be

Start the L already so just uh just do um multiplayer and then direct connection well maybe I I I have I’ve completely forgot how to do a land better on cancel CU should just pop up in your local uh probably because on that test one try to see if you can change your

Wi-Fi and try and move over to the main Network now cuz I can get I can connect over the test network of ne ne because this uh desktop is on over Wi-Fi right now but just because I don’t want to stop the stream because there’s two people watching probably more than

Likely uh Randy my fiance and hopefully Bella um if she wants to watch I think she probably thinks this is probably cringe um oh you’re she’s going to watch this hey hey Bella if you’re here can you go ahead and like subscribe and hit that notification Bell um that’ be great for

Me and my stats um hopefully the algorithm will help me in get this you know maybe not the stream but some hopefully other videos out to some people um you know I’m trying to make that money um you know probably in the next hopefully maybe year I’m going to

Be a baby daddy and you know I need that money okay is you connected next here let me come over there so go ahead you might have to hit cancel on that and then I may go ahead and just relaunch oh it should work but do say cancel or back and then multiplayer

There it is now you’re in um I don’t know where you’re going to spawn um I don’t I didn’t move too far away but I can send you my or I can share you my coordinates um once I’m not getting [ __ ] murdered Bella um I don’t think I’m ever

Going to be famous um but um if I do I will okay um you know we’ll go to those big parties and you know invite all those people you and I don’t know yeah that’s that’s right that’s right you might have to go ahead and relaunch if you do what you need

To well because it probably disconnect you from your account and then it’s probably kicked you off that’s why want try try one more time it’s there I mean I I mean it’s not cringe oh thank you so much yeah I I I I really hope it’s not

Um but for you just saying that I will make some cringe content um just to post out there and so that whenever you know anything occurs you’re like oh yeah I have a friend that streams uh you can be like hey this is my friend that stream

And you show them like a like a clip um and then from there you can be like oh my God that is the cringiest thing ever in the world also this mic s because I have this monitor right now so I can hear myself on my left ear um this sounds

Very gr for ASMR so just that now it’s okay cont I want get some like hot Cheetos and then just slowly eat them okay yeah know I ASMR from what thing we can do support you make of you doing thanks I know and this is just more just to help for

Me talk and just and do stuff um you know as Cody kind of probably has the same situation how he feels you know I think it’s just a good Outlet to kind of talk and and just hang out and do [ __ ] and then Bella over here of course

Like being fullon supportive you know that’s rare uh thank you Bella I and I joke I I I know you’re very supported all the time um but I know sometimes like how both of us are uh we can be very sarcastic and um okay you know what all right as I

Told Randy ear earlier uh I’m G to put you a timeout in chat uh basically basically means I’m GNA you’re not gonna be able to talk in talk in chat um even though I don’t know how to do do do that just pretend that you can’t talk in chat

For like 10 seconds and then we’ll go from there reevaluate we’ll reevaluate it well there going to be like a coure case and we’re going to go ahead and go through some trials and then do some cross examinations and kind of go from there get there you already restarted Minecraft to

Yeah try restarting your computer maybe because it might pull might just be a good idea I mean you should you’re now membered on the network so um hopefully my network should I should I mean it’s one of those things uh depending on how long it takes for your

Computer to come back up uh you should still get the same IP address so you should be able to be assigned back to that um we out vote you yes technically you do I do have Cody on my side so it’s a two and two but you guys vote I mean

Pretty sure counts for more than two um you know two per person um you know we got to make sure remember about women’s suffrage um um that is a joke that is not to discourage any uh women to watch this content um I am I’m your Elder though

Hey you are older than me um not very very my much and yeah I will respect them to okay but for like a few months yes like actually not a few months you’re born in August I’m literally like you’re a month older than me so how about how about you be quiet [ __ ]

Boy all right go ahead and try launch back in and hopefully if not that if you have steam we can try to download a different game and we can play that instead um but we’ll just figure out I just it should be fine um I don’t think

Any there should be any port issues I think everything should work but I should uh call um well I say his name because it won’t matter because no one’s name I should call Jaden and wake him up from the hospital right now and I’m sure

He’s resting and he needs his rest but I should tell him that he should watch the stream too um you know he he’s kind of not doing much right now they may watch some TV shows and healing up um but you know it’d be a great time for him to

Come in here and uh what flavor of world are you playing um and what mean students like I the sces on Minecraft or like that is very B explain what kind of question she’s asking what flavor vanilla oh vanilla I’ll explain yeah it’s just very vanilla uh basically means it’s a basic

M um nothing special um but I I think I told C this I think or actually I told Jaden um but there’s somebody at my work who’s a systemat and they build and sell servers once in a while while he has a lot of like refurbished servers that he

Sells um I’m going to plan on buying a server from him because I’m going to use it for labs as well I’m going to use it as a two-part because I can split um the usage on it but I’m going to host uh like Game Servers on it for like us for

Like for friend group um one thing I wanted to do me and him both both agree me and Jaden um is going to do a modded Minecraft server so the you already send the link already oh that’s why that might be why all right let me relaunch this real

Quick actually let me let me relaunch Minecraft oh and let me allow access to that real quick uh this well it was 100 $100 really yeah I bought it off on Amazon like I got this whenever I worked at I can say it now because No One’s Gonna care I worked

At Dell um for two years um I bought this whenever I worked from there and work from home um I had this is my main Monitor and then I had the two uh P22 27s which is the 27 inch monitors um because I wanted a therm Monitor and I

Didn’t want to use my my laptop because it was awful and small and whatever and I was used to three monitors at work in person um so I got this and it’s actually pretty great um it does I think 75 Hertz so it’s decent for like a work

Monitor um but for gaming I would rather have like a like a like 122 oh okay so yeah this one’s going to be more with zombies so um this is going to be ones where there’s there’s anything if you scroll back towards the beginning of the stream you’re going to

See me die at least two times um between one time falling because Randy jinxed me um and then another one from a a a creeper um I don’t I I was talking about mayanite and Jericho and and and how why I dyed my hair back in Junior High um

Because I didn’t tell I didn’t tell a lot of people um about why I D my hair but um if you didn’t watch that part of the stream Mak you might not have been in there or not but I was talking about why I dyed it I died it because of

Synette because he would always dye his hair for um like dream donation not dream donation but for um fun awareness and and fundraising um he would do a lot of of charity work um during around that time um I haven’t watched him in a long

Time um I think I don’t think he’s fell off but he’s pretty much fell off for a lot of the community um between some CCO gambling issues um but then that’s reason why I D my hair back in junior high blue um Bella would never seen it she would have

Been already outside of that which of course um to Bella and Randy um I’m keeping more of like discreet I want to talk about the schools we went to just because I know well no one’s going probably watch late later um it’s probably just going to be us just

Playing and you guys talking there um but you know I’m trying to keep people’s personal information out of it because I don’t want to what’s the wording for it um my confidentiality but it’s also just you know I don’t think I’m going to be uh spreading people’s their business out here

Yeah yeah and it’s one of those things eventually I like I I’m going to get a camera so I’m going to show my face so they’re going to be able to find identify me and go down the rabbit hole if if I ever get that far um which I’m

Not afraid of that I don’t I got nothing to hide um but it’s one of those I don’t want put other people’s business out there and then could cause other issues you know I currently and the community I I live in here a lot of people are old

And they would probably not enjoy um getting caught out on their [ __ ] all the times because there some of the [ __ ] they do is [ __ ] pisses me the [ __ ] off I mean yeah I oh I can L like at least 10 plus but it’s one of those things I you know I

Don’t have a choice about it um well technically I do but it’s one of those for financially smarter decision and just to save and everything else and a Clos the piece of mind being close to friends um also it also makes it more comfortable and you as a oh yeah one

Like with me being in the the networking world and then eventually going to take my Security Plus um how I want to build this like I’m going to have a SK Fortress because there’s a lot of people that um will will capture um your location through streaming because

You’re basically pulling it up to the website and they could be a middleman and they can pull information which then can lead into a local address and then they can call the local police and they’re like oh my God this person’s doing something and then they get raided

And it’s that’s a whole thing um and I’m going to avoid that at all costs because a um I don’t want that to be a traumatizing experience between people um between my fiance or and just in general I don’t want to endanger anything in my like between at any that

Time I had being my child or my animals um if one of my animals get lost because police officers thinks that I’m doing something when I’m not and and they get lost and they get hurt or whatever the case would be um a I would be royally

[ __ ] pissed and I’ll be puming at that point um but um I’d probably just be um unconceivable I I I could understand the situation in the sense of just kind of coping with him but that’s me oh there’s five people in how’s there five people I I don’t I

Don’t even know enough 5 people I mean I’ll take it as a win I mean I enjoy this um but yeah know I’m just kind of uh waiting for are you in there okay you’re awesome yeah I’m very I’m very famous I I I’m I’m keemstar next next keemstar

Okay uh there going to be Dr Drum Center uh uh uh I’m going to be uh reporting the local news I’m going to be like uh Goin uh with his m m I can see you from oh yeah five people I it’s s of 4 now and people are just going to probably

Hop in and out which is perfectly fine um but anybody’s watching here um hey um welcome to the stream um hopefully you can enjoy this is more just going to be talking and playing Minecraft um in a casual manner um but you know U feel

Free to subscribe um I’m trying to get a const war streaming schedule um so it’s NE going proba con all the time um as as talking about if you skip back to to earlier the stream um I was talking about me studying for um my CCNA which

Is a is a Cisco uh networking um certification um so I’m kind of spending most of my time doing with that and then personal life um but in the meantime I’m going to be kind of working on uh streaming um and uh working on being better on

That and then um I’m going to walk towards the beginning of the area um um let see if I can find you in the game here that’s go you say I don’t think I no that does not do that I need to get an iron pickaxe yeah four people are decked into

Three it’s fine hey if you like the stream awesome if you don’t you don’t have to um you know this is just an open space yeah all right I am going to take a second and [ __ ] I get my M Stander I am I’m just going to drink

Some I know exactly where you’re at by the way I can walk there towards the end of this in other words I’m stream sniping my friend over here even though he’s currently uh not right next to me hey turn around back to the ocean okay kill sheep you

Want and we’ll probably do this for like another like 25 30 minutes if you want to it depends on how long I’m going play I don’t know I don’t want to keep you out here all night yeah oh okay yeah I mean I don’t literally the only thing I got to do

Tomorrow is I need to go to my my parents house to go take care of a few things um but that doesn’t matter what time time I go so and I think I’m going to planning on stream a little bit tomorrow I need to study for a little

Bit um but I know you unfortunately you had to go to work so um but you know I think if uh if there’s certain days whenever you know if I want if I’m going to stream um I’ll let you know if you want to come over here oh you say Saturday nights what

Wday Wednesday okay well I don’t get off work till at least 4:35 which I don’t excuse me I don’t get usually get home till about 5:30 um but like also been kind of what’s that you have a mullet listen I didn’t this is the same skin I’ve had back in like high

School yeah yep I I’ve changed my skin like three times back in the day uh which I can I’ll show you guys and not that I’m trying to figure out which FB key there it is this is my skin so okay everybody um yeah this is a skin I’ve

Had for a long time um but yeah you know I got my my little my little Cape from having a Moji account having for a while now um but you know you know um going back to the time like you want to come over here and while I’m

Streaming like like being my guest um you know having company um you know be here and be able to talk is a lot easier than being by myself over here all right and now we’re just back down to two people but hey the two people I care about uh the most next of

Course the AKA Pooky Cody but hey even though I don’t only back down to two people um you know analytics that’s still going to be good um because they’re going to see that I had at least five people for a little bit of time so every time I kind of

Stream um algorithms might going to work a little bit better um because YouTube’s weird like that um to be honest Cy um I could don’t have to go to my base like I I we can go back to it whenever um or we can build something

Else over this way because it it really doesn’t matter um I don’t have much I I don’t got much stuff over there okay you keep okay I’ll watch out for you it’s currently night time right now that’s fine I don’t have too much on me that I’m okay losing any of this I

Don’t need this at all how do I close this I I don’t need this helpers menu I know how to craft many things because I am what’s called a crafter a Minecrafter actually the only thing I’m not like most Minecraft streamers or or older mcraft streamers is I’m not a pedophile

And that and that is manyi like that is no joke uh I know anybody who watches this um other than that I know maybe Randy and Bella I won’t know this um but yeah no I’m dead you can have all my stuff um but yeah know a lot of older

Minecraft uh YouTubers not all of them um there’s very few that are excluded from this like the people watched um growing up like Sid Jericho and Kev Sparkles they’re not in that list um but and the other other side of that there is quite a few yeah yeah there’s about six

Plus at this point I don’t even look into it because I’m like I don’t even watch them I I know it’s bad and it’s just one of those it’s kind of disgusting the thought process on that um I can’t rest there’s a monster see I can craft a

Sword do I got enough one in here I do have enough quick I feel like I used to be a lot better at Minecraft and I feel like I’m like sucking right now when was the last time you play Minecraft probably like three years ago maybe

Two because I think last time we tried to realms one last time and then it literally flopped like two days in like I I got it and then I was like Hey guys let’s do this and and then I think everyone got really busy really quickly

And so I kind of caned on that because I don’t want to spend 750 every month on holding a roomm to not do anything which at this point I was kind of talking about talking about earlier was um getting that server um I was going to um

Run a either like a modded server for Minecraft because Minecraft like vanilla version um can be a little bit boring after a little bit especially since you played it for a long time or just played so much of it um I don’t even want to think about how many hours I have in

Minecraft um if it was like Steam and show the amount of hours it plays I would it would be a disgusting amount of hours oh more than that like I I know for my brother he for Skyrim he has over 2,000 hours yeah I know I’m I’m I’m not joking I can

Lit pull up and some sometimes he falls asleep which then of course kind of can account for some of that but again you can only do that maybe a few times when it’s happening so if you even if you knocked off like maybe in a 100 hours he

Still has like 1900 plus which I know I have a like over a thousand maybe like 1500 in Minecraft I feel like I’m almost like like not slur my words but I’m like getting the point where I’m a little bit tired where I kind of like not pronouncing it

Enough oh I’m sure I know I’m overthinking it but again it just reminds me back whenever I was in school whenever I was a kid they my parents um put me through uh speech therapy because I had a really big issues um like pronouncing my

Words but I know I I can say things like cat bat hat dog you know dog hat nice or uh you know if I just go to like an acronym from like CCNA U one of the big things is for a sis log um no one’s

Probably going to and I know at least the people who are watching this which is Randy and B right now uh this probably go right over your head I’m sorry um but when the acronyms for CIS log to figure out what like uh syis log

Message era it is so it’s going to be like emergencies alerts like basically whenever something reports s um something that’s occurring within your router switch or within your network um with a port um or other few things um it’s going to have a s log number and

One of the things to remember it um is um nice dogs um or no dogs in nice water um eat cookies and eggs which basically in other terms it it’s going to be like like dogs there going to be like data and then like like water is like um

Warning and then it’s a few things I’m still studying or right now so that’s not top of my head um but it’s one of those things I remember in F War I can at least get the numbers down um and the biggest thing I hate with the burning

Presses is going to be subnetting I absolutely hate subnetting um I can convert um decimal to he decimal and I can convert to decimal to Binary but it is very awful um and not very fun I know some people love doing it and it’s a very good basic about it but to

Me I feel like we’re in a time frame nowadays where I can just pull up a website that can do the conversions for for me very quickly or even if not that I I could build a website um I mean I probably w’t use Python but I’ll probably have some somebody who has

Experience um that can do like I think XML um for like website based and then they can write you know some form of script to allow to you convert that it should be very simple for the most part maybe the hex decimal is going to be a little more difficult

But but back on like like normal topics maybe non- nerdy things like uh it um what you want to talk about I’m sure you’re focusing right not dying right now I got you I had to turn off like a head bobbing like that it irks me a

Little bit too much cuz it’s very not say distracting but it can be um like the motion I can I basically can see um like not like glitching but it can basically be very difficult to kind of focus on like a certain point sorry about that that was my brisy or drink

Or do beverage or um in other terms beer or uh to get in deeper darker here um it’s called a red logger and it’s um I’m not gonna be able to pronounce this name it’s just a red logger um not my favorite I’m more of a I like a a darker type of

Beer if not that like like a stout yeah like unlike Cod over here he likes to drink what’s called U um well I don’t want to say on stream because I don’t know about it but he likes to drink basically water as beer um there’s nothing wrong you like you if you like

What you drink that’s good on you but me personally I can’t do it uh I can do it once in a while but I personally don’t like it I’d rather have like a stout uh like a really good brand that I like is uh Left Hand stout um they had they did

A really good um like caramel um like dark Stout it was amazing um I got a couple of those a while back and I haven’t got any since recently because because I don’t drink that often I’m assuming my fiance is still watching this because there’s still one

Viewer in here um or if that’s just me with my my stream setup set on my phone but but either or this is fun oh yeah that’s the one I found in the beginning the stream um I already took everything out of the box but yeah

But it’s almost it lit needs one more obsidian for to complete no schol block there but I haven’t find any coal or at least any coal I can get cuz I have F still already I literally have everything but like I mean I could figure it there’s a there’s

A way to get the obsidian but I’d rather not like I don’t want to do oh I would have to get a bucket regardless to do like the obsidian we I would need to get either diamond pickaxe or um yeah i’ rather not and also the nether right now does not sound like

Fun one things I cannot wait to do um and I don’t I’m not going to do it often because I think it’s just it’s it’s not good for me personally because I’m just trying to lose weight but there’s um in particular JL he did a drinking stream

Where he pretty much did um I’m going to die no I didn’t um he did a drinking stream for um trigger S I was joking with Randy um yeah she’s still on chat um about doing a a drunk trucker uh simulator stream um I think to do

Fun um just kind of talk about a drink um you know I kind of kind of watch out cuz sometimes when I start drinking I can talk a little bit too much I got contest this yeah once I start drinking I can’t shut up I’ll go through different phas

Of myself so like there’s stage one drun me um which basically just me um kind of sitting there kind of more quiet and then it goes to stage two which is basically me kind of being a little bit more chattier um little I would say like

Looser on the the terms of being uh strict um and then there’s uh stage three which pretty much at that point um I’m either uh very buzzed or drunk which which I I become a stumbling mess um and I will say things like I can’t really say on stream because it’s

Not not within to um but uh there was a time where me me and Cody and a friend Jaden which I mentioned about an hour ago uh went out drinking and uh I said a particular thing to my um then girlfriend now fiance um that I did something that I didn’t actually do

Because I just couldn’t communicate because I was plastered at that point so we were we were all gone to that point we we were we were over served to begin with we l they let us keep going even though we were clearly gone but they didn’t care because they just

Wanted our money or particularly my money spent a little bit too much out in drinking it’ been way cheaper just to get a bottle and stay at home which that’s what we do now I mean it’s a way better situation um you know the there’s fun going out you know like

Going to like a piano tap par um like it is a lot of fun um to go hang out with friends and like sing and you let somebody else kind of make the entertainment um because sometimes find the entertainment at home can be easy and sometimes can be very difficult um

Keep everyone a tame and kind of keep their attention [ __ ] Christ I did not mean to do that on purpose I’m dead as you can see I’ve probably died four times I in this over in the Stream I normally it’s a little bit better but I again my attention is kind of being

Split right now between trying to focus on uh doing the streaming part and then of course um kind of play Minecraft in general there’s my [ __ ] I need to learn to curse less you know I want to be family friendly um you know I’m going to be

Just like the old family YouTubers you know the Vlog style you know I could be like the shards which then get in a whole bunch of drama later in the years because the the husband was cheated on their fiance their wife and then it the whole thing oh

God yeah it was it was plastered ever like quite L I watched him for a while because at that point I was like I don’t care what I was watching um but I was watching them and then like I stopped and then like a year later I

Saw the notification of like like them talking about drama about them and supposedly he cheated via like texting um like uh only fans girl and then she just like plastered all their chat messages after he stopped talking to her um and it was a whole thing it was

Awful oh scrib spers hey welcome in I don’t know who you are but hey welcome in um I’m streaming and this is my third stream ever so if you watch the other two videos the probably no mic there’s no there actually no there is no microph but speed from yeah

Um oh it’s Jared hey is this actually like Jared that I know or is this like your name’s Jared I’m waiting for the the respond in chat because I I I because if it’s the Jared I know um that I went to event today then awesome welcome in answer but

If it is uh just a c talking uh if this is just a Jared in on the wildli then welcome I I now know to Jareds yeah no I haven’t played for all like ear in the Stream I was talking about this um Mr SC powers or Jared um

Whever which one you want go by um it’s been about two years plus since I play Minecraft so I’ve missed quite a few updates um but you know I’m just kind of getting back into it um currently I’m playing a lamb world right now with my friend over here his name’s Cody uh

Sometimes I will make as a joke uh his name is Pooky but uh I’m sure his fiance doesn’t enjoy that often I’m sure she does find it funny but I don’t think she enjoys it oh CRI poers oh like is this Jade is this Jaden like Jaden like like like

Friend Jaden because I remember SC Powers being yeah maybe I don’t know did did you did you send Bella I wonder Bella sent to you because I feel like because like I know if it’s the Jared I know jar would go by a different name than SC Powers

But that SC powers does sound very much like jayen that I know I I got this still yeah oh hey J okay okay hopefully hopefully you’re feeling better today um I was actually talking about you a little bit earlier ago about an hour ago um talking about not anything

Personal but it’s more just like friend group playing about uh playing Minecraft uh we were younger uh he said yeah um me Jaden if if it is actually you just to to to be safe here um what did we go to for one of your birthdays and stay

That and then what F we found in one of the Mills I remember this specifically I know Cody forget because he doesn’t have good memory wow yeah I’m gonna call him out like them you don’t have to get all that information by the way Jen I know it’s

Been a long time but if this if it’s the J know which I’m pretty sure it is um welcome ins sir been streaming for I don’t know how long now um let’s see over two hours nice two hours going by quick talking about earlier about and I

Told to you about this if um about one stream more you know trying to get a a certain schedule set out for it um a just between to be kind of consistent okay so it is you it it is you okay okay yeah it wasn’t that place but it’s

Okay yes the yes the aball you know exactly you know exactly what you’re talking about the what we bought it at the arcade yeah yeah um yeah no this is the this is actually Jaden this is our our our best friend jayen um which we’re just let you know

Jadden uh we’re we’re not trying to uh put everyone’s business out there so we’re trying to be more discreet and private like I’m okay talking about my stuff but I don’t want to be like oh this is this person and this is all this information um just to kind of be

Considered there but yes it is you sir because you know the aall uh pretty sure get tossed or Jared has it Jared has it somewhere that already it’s probably gone at this point but no me and him used that to uh try to figure out if we’re going to get

Into finals for our bank competition uh we ended up not uh getting that into the finals uh we did get to the next year but but the aall definitely lied to us uh that year yeah everything happened the next year so I just feel like maybe we it was

Delayed just a we bit yeah just a little bit wee bit which unfortunately uh neither of us uh between your group and mine we made it to the finals or the sem you know made it past the the point where we’ve not gone for a long time and

Then of course unfortunately not getting past any further that past that yeah no it’s one of those like I know for us U for band like specifically um we we made it pretty far um like we barely passed in to get in um the the

Big role that we were really mad for the most for like multiple years was that the grading system for them was not good um or was very rigged because certain times of the day would been better performance because a because the judges were feeding off the crowd to get better

Points um and get a better score which then get them to the finals um and then we always get stuck with a the early morning performance at like 8 o’clock in the morning where everyone’s still [ __ ] tired and no one wants to do anything for the most part so um but

They did fix it the next year and they’ve been getting better about it I haven’t been back for a long time time because I just kind of stopped doing ban stuff you want say that um and I would say Jaden unfortunately this is just a land server so I I can’t

I know you could try to join but it it wouldn’t work because it’s land server but um I I already told Cody about trying to get a server to do like a actual uh server so uh whenever like we try to play we can do like a modded

Minecraft and kind of play together and one of the big things I would like to try to do um is like if you guys want to stream like you guys do it but U what I would like to do if you guys are all bow for it is

To get all of us to play online games together together and then I’ll stream and if you don’t want to stream on yourselves that’s on you um but like trying to get like a Discord call and then we just kind of banter and have fun and then you know do our normal things

Like how we normally would um but in this instance I would just stream it um so we can uh you know have that experience there’s a creeper right there I should probably go back down to the mines Drowned God I can’t believe you do all

This oh you died all the time this is why I told I told Jaden about this whenever I I came by about how you would always be stuck in dirt H 24/7 and never leave that for a reason but like and then we talked about how like Jared would always have like the

Most advanced Bas at like two days in and I very much claim he was cheating at some points I I’m not mad about it you know it’s it was his server he was he he had Realms uh for the most part but I definitely feel like he did a few things

I’m like you definitely did not get like all those diamonds really quickly cuz I know how you are I don’t I know you don’t like mining so I’m like it’s not you oh that too he I mean I played a lot like same with him and Jaden’s with that

Okay so yeah I’ll talk to Jared about it um of course I don’t want to get into his business but he’s goingon to be very busy soon um but uh you know it’s one of those things if he has time um like between I’m trying to figure out between like either between work

Schedules and just availability um we’ll probably do it like either during a weekday maybe like after I get off work towards like 6 7even like I don’t want to do it too late because I know some of us could get back in the morning um but

We can do like for two three hours um or however long we want to play and then after that we can kind of go from that one on um but yeah and also I got got a pop filter uh for this I was talking about and so hopefully it sounds a little

Better I need I think I need to adjust it a little bit further away from my mouth because I think it’s a little bit too close um that sounds a little bit better because I have the monitor uh monitoring in my ear but it sounds a little bit

Better I am not no expert on microphones by no means all right so that’s oh there goes the dogs it’ll be fine Randy might be trying to fall asleep soon but be fine I think she might be watching um but she probably scrolling on Tik Tok I know her hey what like like

Like like a wall plug USB for USB like what do you me yeah like an actual yeah just like standard um I do have one anybody’s watching this AKA Jaden and my fiance I’ll be right back see H he doesn’t have a lot of stuff in his inventory does he should work

Good no and then I think eventually um depending like after I get some things paid off and get some more things like a second monitor hopefully at some point I think I already have one I just need to figure out a new setup for my desktop

It’s going like a crappy old one but it doesn’t matter um but I’m for hopefully going to find something I can uh stream and pull like video capture from the PlayStation um because then if the PlayStation’s playing that the computer could just focus on um capturing that

And uploading that to be stream and then I can just put this mic into like between two people and we put like things like Ball g and all that kind of stuff um I think I’m also I could I could clip that up what I need to learn

Is more video editing um because I am completely a new about that but if you can figure out a video edting I’m probably do like Clips um kind of like on Tik Tok um and probably loaded on YouTube um there’s not much profit in the sense of

Like montario but um it’s really good to get your your like your your channel out there um and of course if like one marketing yeah because if one video pops off I mean it’s at least a hundred maybe a thousand plus followers I I’ve seen it time and time again at this

Point with a lot of uh streamers at this now nowadays I mean there’s people like out there like like I forget what his name is um but like he had stream equipment for like three years plus and then he like went to a dollar store and his um I

Think his EVT card declined and then that’s when his mom he talked to his mom and then like he started streaming and all that kind of stuff there’s I forget his name but he did like Clips or and Tik toks and then and just finally like

One popped off and now he’s he’s I think he’s pulling like maybe like five or sixk viewers I said five to six 6,000 viewers which is pretty good I mean that’s you’re you’re that’s and logistically and you’re looking at the numbers if you have more than like

100 like people watching it at the same time you’re already in the top like 5% of streamers that’s it that’s a well because the thing is if you look at the math there is thousands and thousands of people streaming and a lot of them are no viewers or zero like streamer like

There’s nobody watching um may be like one person like little startups like like little startups like like me like right now now like like that’s me I’m in that pool but um once you’re having that 100 viewers you jump dramatically to the top percentage again yeah you’re not

Like maybe a top 1% um or maybe like like depending on how the math works there um but you’re within one of the fewer top streamers um in the sense of just like getting out of that uh one Vandy kind of situation um which you know I mean if I

Saw 100 people watching me I don’t know what I would do I kind of forget a little bit n since like oh my God I’m I’m dying over here but like I’d be like there’s 100 people actually listening to talk to me like it’s kind of like public speaking like people actually watching

Me and like figureing out what I’m like I’m doing or what I’m talking about like that to me is very interesting um and I think one point that I want to do um I’ve seen a few people do it like one person did it Michael Reeves uh he had a little camera

Set up whenever every time somebody subscribed um he wrote a code that the he had a DeWall drill would spin really uh really really quickly with I forget what it was on top of it but it would spin really quickly to spin around in a

Circle on the ground um he had a video cam just watching the whole time um and for people who either come back to this or watch us later if maybe it’s not private um but I’m very much into 3D printing um Cody can agree to this um I

Have uh two um pla printers and then I have one resin printer which are very very nice yeah they’re very nice printers um I didn’t spend too much money I mean they’re like mid-range um for people watching this or wanting to know I have a older uh Ender three um

Just is the old version one um that I’ve been modifying and been upgrading I added like a BL touch to it I’ve added a raspberry tie I’ve upgraded the motherboard for it um I’ve done a whole bunch of stuff to it but as for my day

Today a printer I have a ender S1 Pro um this thing’s actually a really good printer um except whenever it starts to break and then when it does it just crumbles um I still love it it’s a great printer um but amount of headaches I’ve had for this since

I um and then of course I have a in cubic uh Photon 4K a resin printer um this it’s it’s on the smaller end of resin printing um eventually I’m going to get a bigger one but I’m going to probably wait another like two years for

That one I’m probably going to get a bigger pla printer cuz I want to really really want to do um is like helmets like Mandalorian like Iron Man like I want to do those so much I’ve seen so many videos those like I’m not the

Biggest Iron Man Fan I’m more of a Thor fan um but the Mandalorian like helmet candy wait or so yeah like any of those like like any like the Star Wars stuff like I I am a nerd to the Bone but it’s one of those I

Don’t want to spend like 200 300 bucks on a skull like a helmet whenever I’m just going to like let it sit there like I rather make it myself have time you know to customize it the way I want would be able to do and you know so forth what

It really is rough oh there’s a skeleton let me you know what actually I figured out yesterday um so I have a older Mouse here this a still series um rival 650 it’s the one that has like the weights into it I’ve had this thing for like almost four

Years it the scroll wheel is crapping out like so I was trying to scroll like on Minecraft like I I normally can scroll now here before I would scroll down and it would scroll up and back and down and it would never work so it’s like it’s gone gone like I don’t know

Exactly what’s wrong with it um I could probably break it down and look into it and look at the electronics but I I don’t have a soldering station at the moment so I’m kind of going to be more uh using my current Mouse I bought like

Five months ago um I mean it was a good Mouse and then for four years I think it’s lasted well past the prime um for using it um I would wish it would last a little bit longer just because it was a little pricey um but you know what hey things

Happens well I mean I used it through all whenever I work for Dell and then I had it for home use for a longest time and I played the amount of times that I played uh Smite matches with it oh God like I’m surprised it lasted but I yeah

Yeah I mean I’ve switched because that was the one I upgraded from I used to have a uh razor MMO Mass which had the the 12 button key uh key layout on the side of it yeah remember yeah I love that mouse that Mouse it was

One of the things if I was to upgrade my mouse right or not upgrade but get a replacement I would get that reason why because I was able to set hock Keys like for like Minecraft I can Lally set the buttons to set to my inv inventory I can

Literally switch from like my first first slot to the my last slot without having to scroll or anything or like the middle like and the same thing for like when I was playing like uh games like Smite or theend it was really good yeah I played league for a little

Bit I didn’t play a lot but I played League yeah I don’t play league it’s a little bit too toxic for my uh taste that’s why I play Smite which is still Toxic by any means but it’s a little bit more uh table for entry level kind of like lame keep assist

Games yeah I couldn’t do Rust I had I have a cooworker um I can’t see the place but um he plays Rust all the time and I’m just like I don’t know why you do that to yourself I guess so I mean I I person you don’t find any enjoyment with it but

Again I’ve played some of those kind games where it’s like the survival type like I’ve did I think it was called Rand of King like it’s it’s on the same level of like your building bases and all that but it was more medieval based but you would be living in this

Land where somebody could be the king which basically means you just either kill a person that was the king currently or and you would claim the the The Throne it was a really big popular game for a little bit because um syate was the one who was like pushing for it

Because um he knew the game developers and they sponsored him and all this other stuff and they played a lot the game um that’s the reason why I got it and played it it was fun um for its time it definitely is not something I wouldn’t go back to um there’s only very

Few games I would do go back to and play um like I like I don’t know how you are about games but like whenever I finish a game like if I play it like all the endings I’m not going to Play It Again like I try to play elering again and I’m

Like I’ve done all this already and I’m just going for the DC to come out this point see I see I I’ve completed owning officially seven times uh um again that’s not like 100% completionist like I’m defeated a boss within the world that’s just more like completing the main storyline and then

Getting an ending I have played through all the bosses though um Millenia can go suck my left nut um worst boss like I say not in like mechanics it was an actual really good fight but it is very difficult monster but it’s already so late I’m not going to do

It I just stood with my yeah if this is for me to sa For My Future Self if I ever get sponsored by an energ drink uh company um it’s either going to be one or two people uh rain or monster monster going to be a lot difficult

Because it’s going to be with the co company um probably never gonna happen unfortunately because they usually do like bigger Sports and all that kind of stuff but I definitely know like NS they definitely sponsor um not say smaller streamers or strong people um but they definitely sponsor content creators um

Same thing with arain um you know both of them feat yourself whoever comes first I take it because NOS the sugar- free like drinks awesome and then of course rain is always automatically sugar free is zero calories or 10 calories I think I most the most but love

Them I’m not a big fan C4 I I know they can be good like another drink that I didn’t mind was rise but I kind of got over it a little bit cuz the taste of it is is a little funky but you know but hey I won’t say no to it

Because I do like some of the some rise drinks um uh like one of the big ones was was um like the tiger blood was really good um or not that um it’s a ghost ghost if you want to sponsor me give me some some orange drle dreamsicle I will take that any

Day or or even the Cherry Ling oh good it is so good I that’s what I lived on quite L whenever uh currently live renovating the home that I currently live in right now um I would work overnights at the time and I would live off energy drinks um

Because working from like 10: p.m. to 6:30 uh 6:30 in the morning to 7:00 a.m. in the morning and then coming right over to uh renovate a house for like four or five hours not fun it’s exhausting oh it’s sucks I mean because at that point I was midly drain between

Doing I mean at that time I was in a help disc kind of situation role so which is always just physically me mental draining but um and then getting physically drained I was just dying um luckily I’m not in that situation anymore and the house is 90% renovated like there’s there’s no rooms

That’s questionable there’s just like small like stuff that we kind of need to get like done um the biggest things would be like uh finishing the um the trim and filling in filling it in with uh cocking to make it look a little bit nicer but that’s like like little small

Personal stuff that I’m the saying that that and like a few other like exterior things I’m getting attacked don’t I need I need this coal oh god oh I’m G die where do I go from here see this way not you turn the fan on

Let me know if any turn the fan on actually turn it on because I want to see the audio actually at one point when we first installed this we didn’t install it all the way we did but it was going straight into like more like drywall

Awfulness and so it shook it and it literally was hanging by one bowl and so I fixed that like two months ago so now it’s like I have official drywall hooks in there and it’s actually like completed and then to the two pable AKA Jaden and my fiance Randy um if you hear

The fan please let me know um cu if I can have the fan running while I’m streaming that’s great because I’m a naturally warm warm person I am my own personal heater you found my house okay well I’m coming up right now I found three pieces of coal

Which I’m about to make some iron which I don’t it I’m kind of indifferent about how they moved iron from blocks to just raw iron yeah it’s like it literally like it’s chunks now yeah which is cool I mean it’s more realistic-ish but like how Minecraft was

I I kind of more enjoyed the fact that that I could uh you know use iron if I was going to use a decoration base and I don’t have to get silk touch something I’m going to break that oh you trying to sleep or do you

Have a bed yes oh just walk back and then you can place it right next to right there and then we’ll the kill um oh we’re sing each other hey hey hey py here yeah we’re going to keep a PG up here for sure um definitely have it

Where it’s not supposed to be uh pushed towards kids um but I don’t have it like 18 plus rated because it’s not that kind of stuff that’s forther yeah well it’s one of those things I’m not gonna um you’re good this I I’m going to take one to make a

Torch well I’m saying like You’ have to use wood to would um to make charcoal okay I got a torch finally I want to I don’t do you need a sword okay we just got actually we lay down is [ __ ] exploded oh God [ __ ] sorry all right finally progress I

Think both of them are not responding to right now so I think they probably do something which is fine all right finally oh okay how much iron does it make so one nugget makes oh one one that’s right I got iron now make an iron sword did you just die

Mhm okay well I’ll take my sword back then I’ll drop your Stu here um yeah it’s fine also there’s outside chest if you need store some stuff currently right now I’m not organizing um I’m not really too worried about it because this just going to be kind of a

A slowly G to build kind of World um I don’t know how I feel about if I’m going to stream all of it whenever I play on it I’m going or I’m just going to like play play on it and then like stream like in between stuff cuz like I’ve seen

Like they clip it down and it’s like oh hey they made this much progress cuz sometimes in that progress it’s very boring like mining um can be very boring okay first first things first we need to what you don’t you don’t like the the the Clos to

Space okay you all right on that um here I got I got a whole bunch of birds um let me make a axe to make a little bit quicker um some dark o too and then got the iron and okay there nothing it’s going to be nothing nice but it’s G to

Work okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to expand oh I’m going to keep that wall there but I’m going to do this this I kind of want do like modded stuff like I saw I saw a clips of a video where they would get a random item every

Like few seconds and they’re just stuck in the middle of the air on like a piece of Bedrock that sounds it yeah yeah um or if not that like I’ve seen oh you’re you’re putting our names in the bed that’s cute um okay I’m going to probably knock this

Chest out and just grab everything for me um and then I’ll expand this out because I’m G to I’m going to raise the ceiling a little bit but um like there’s also like something like um it’s called is it Skycraft I think so it’s a

Mod pack that um it’s way a little bit older um and they probably different versions of it now um but it would effectively you on just one block of dirt and SK Skycraft yeah it was was right okay so and within Skycraft you just have one block of dirt and then in

Like a tree and you would slowly build oh yeah if you miss the sapling your game’s over you don’t hear the fan okay I don’t know how far I don’t know how far she’s behind the stream because I told her that like 15 minutes ago so I think she’s not live live

Iest oh yeah you can’t shift and place it down well oh you place it sideways that’s good I’ll SP until about like about this go forward I’m G just do this something like that for now nothing too massive you some windows we can put some windows

In you have sand let’s go make we can make some quick windows in here it’s not going to look anything perfect so a Love Shack Okay saw so yeah you can put the window there and if you want you can put also a window um on this side um I would keep

The corner block or unless you want to do like a a whole corner like view window I keep that corner piece there Corner replace merch oh you right because I can replace all the corners I have to cut some Birch down which you didn’t catch earlier but Birch is like

One of my most hated wood in this game I don’t know why I don’t like bird so much I like I mean AAA is probably on lower the scale okay listen I had I had obsession with Thea like AAA wood in real life beautiful it’s great but in Minecraft to

Me two orange it reminds me of a certain team in football and uh [ __ ] Texas uh Texas longor awful Boomer Center um if that if anybody watches that might give you a hint of what region of state I’m in but it don’t [ __ ] matter the state’s pretty decent size

Mhm I got uh fresh BR by the way so I can I can logs here so unmetrical why he’s like there’s not enough death yeah there’s not dep what is this which that’s a call back to to over to uh my night because the the depth question dude I understand why they

Didn’t do it because everybody was request for it and then like there was I think there was some difficulties between certain people okay oh that on dou door I have I have a door already you just got to knock this one out watch out I got it there

Go I wish you could put a sign in between D doors that’d be great the Symmetry and it would be perfect you know what yeah you can add chains and then you can add to the side I forget I think you actually make chains

Um of iron um let me see is it like this or is it just iron bars you the glass I didn’t take it I got to figure out oh there’s chain okay so I need an iron nugget and then iron which I need to clear my a

Little bit first so I could drop that just to clear up some [ __ ] okay and I think I’m yep I do this so oh that’s how I close the okay and then I have one chain oh system uh were you behind my house uh no oh well that’s different yeah there’s

A case there because I have like a little little hole in the background I’m G put the chain here you can put the sand back on there you missed I wonder if we need yeah I think so need one so we need one more okay so let me put that one there

And then let me make another chain real quick just try to check perfect there three people I’m assing B to drum back in and Bella if you’re live on this uh Cody put a sign up here uh that says The Love Shack see oh what’s it called oh he also uh

Named the beds uh yeah I don’t know if it’s her she hasn’t responded in the chat at all which again this is delayed so it’s so whenever I’m s right now it’s going to take 30 seconds for her to catch up to I put the two chains together it

Doesn’t work um it’s making them look separate so I don’t know I don’t know am I supposed to ship to do it or do I just do like that um oh I know what you’re talking about yeah possibly I what yes my fiance you said

What get a dog oh yeah I should actually well I might want to get a cat I love dogs but cats on the other hand only down oh there’s a dog right here there’s no this this is perfect timing I only have one bone though those love me

No um that healed you I don’t have any more bones where’s the bones spuck into existence yeah same thing happen when how we get cor right right right not really I I I uh I forced to get that in existence um let me get a sword and go find some skeleton

CU just don’t attack the dog please can go down the cas down there it’s raining right now it’s in dark so it should be a little bit easier I am boneless um I am just a gelatin of a man um you know I like how I like my wings I am boneless for

Sure I’m going to do Flats um but jums are pretty good I I don’t I’m not going to say no to either but I do like Flats because flats are just very more convenient I have a I’ve doing weeds which I haven’t made bread

Yet oh yeah what we need to do is we need to oh there’s two dogs here I can I can get three dogs kill him kill him dog kill him get him get him I got a dog let’s go bu sorry other dog I don’t have another bu BN right now but

I’ll get you one oh I found this guy there’s like zombies and all that [ __ ] out here I’m going to be dead I’m just going to run everyone trying to see back my stuff real quick and also my dog which hopefully my dog is not attacking things I don’t want to lose my

Dog I sorry about that my bad um where is my [ __ ] oh God I’m getting I’m getting a train on with zombies oh God oh God oh God oh no no no dog no okay let’s go no no [ __ ] just kill me now just I can’t live without my dog let’s sleep

Let’s [ __ ] hell I can’t [ __ ] done oh my [ __ ] God oh God now now my real dogs are working the front’s [ __ ] up now let’s lay back in the bed and just just [ __ ] oh there monsters [ __ ] but God damn it bro how don’t don’t come out of me

Don’t just just don’t understand that I I’ve lost something very special to myself and that I can’t come past this and so that means now I need to get a cat to conceive my all my pain I think I lost all my by the which I didn’t have much I I can see

Now oh yeah I’m going to go John wle on these I’m going to make it so impossible for them oh sorry um the dogs are crying right now so I’m trying not to freak them out okay I think we’re going to stream for like another 15 minutes and probably

Call after that cuz it be starting to get okay I think we should just spin the last bit of it I’m going to put I’m just close the doors um and then the last bit of it we can just talk and hang out if we want because any more we talking

About this I’m going to keep uh well become sad about losing that dog rest inace rest in peace wolf I never get the name it couldn’t get barely farther y kiss okay no oh yeah oh yeah that’s a good idea I’m going to see if my sh is still

There I think moner my stuff got blown up yeah two Creepers went off right off to each other so I think my stuff literally blew up or I blew up and then it blew up it right after so I lost my dog my items and everything else Yu can kiss and they were

Roommates oh my God all right I don’t got [ __ ] so I’m gonna go back to the the house you know hey we kept our SE socks on uh so it is yeah so it’s fine it’s fine Su s that’s why they disable Manon and not the nor more kind of sticky

Keys um but no um I think we’re going I try to do this a little more often um I know we’re eventually when it gets warmer we’re going to do golfing um which would be what would be fun is um I can live stream for my phone and we can

Live stream and do golfing we just have people just watch play golf which be hilarious get footage oh that’s too yeah it’s one of those things yeah I mean I mean most people use just use the F video but the gopr just more to get like snapshots and all that kind of

Stuff but it would be fun just to I’m what could probably start a mov series honestly yeah I mean I think the live streaming for this the golf would be just like hey I’m going golfing like I’m not watching this boring wow you’re a bully wow we don’t accept this

In this in this chat okay just consider yourself in timeout in chat five minutes yeah the folding till the industry golfing oh the golfing yeah I mean some people don’t like it I kind of just want to get into it and play a little bit kind get outside want touch some

Grass what I touching grass what’s that but no I’m just trying to think of like ideas to like I I don’t want to do like going up to random [ __ ] strangers and be like what do you think about this like I’m not that I’m not that kind of person um very antisocial

In that instance I’m just a Material Girl y Queen y Queen um I get I won’t do that on the stream but maybe some other time prank videos I am not doing prank videos that is one of those things I is a is cringy and being I personally feel like I’m getting into

Their personal space and annoying them and making their day worse um it’s difference between it’s like like friends and family but like strangers oh hell no yeah that’s that’s a hard like I think somebody was trying to pull a prank on somebody like they’re being really annoying and they got shot which

They were welld deserved to get a shot to be honest because the way they were acting to this guy like they were getting all in his face and it was awful well it’s like you can never get a read on people either that too it’s one of

Those things like also near area M there’s all just old [ __ ] so they really they wouldn’t understand and then if my family was to watch it I’m mortified I mean they’ be like why because a because like I wasn’t raised to like bother people like that and be like

Annoying like that like that’s just inconsiderate but no thinking of like video ideas like I don’t mind I like playing a lot of games and like find more time playing video games um because the one thing with life and adult adulting is finding less time to play

Video games at this point um or finding actually trying to force to find time to play video games um get very years nowaday yeah um but you know trying to think of ideas to do um like challenges like I what I want to get is like an actual official

Whiteboard like I want to make it one the walls or get like one of those rolling whiteboards and start running ideas down um or just do like paper and stick on the wall for the time being vision board we have a I have a vision board but it’s one of those it’s more

Like centrally focused on like what I’m right now doing in live not like streaming um one thing I did write down was like I want to write short stories um I’m not going to stream that because it’s not that I don’t trust somebody not to steal that idea but it’s one of

Those writing some watching somebody write something is a little bit different well I feel like that get very repetitive that too and it’s also like you’re like if I get a writer’s block and I get stuck on a portion of like I’m doing short story so it’s not going to

Be like Oh I’m writing chapter 44 and it’s like I’m stuck on this part because I’m trying to figure out where I want to lead the story to the timeline and all this other stuff but it’s one of those being R walking is stuck there for like

30 minutes to an hour and then you’re splitting your to your your time to trying to like talk to chat and do all this other stuff it’s just not one of those things that I feel like I would feel like a would be cont good good

Content and then B um be like time worth because I would rather focus on the side step and then if like my content gets better and then and I more be watch and you be like hey you know you guys should check out my short stories if you’re

Interested in like like horror stuff um that’s kind of stuff that I like um but yeah well another thing you could do I’ve seen on Reddit a little bit is writings like one writings and just see see what the comments come back with yeah yeah and I mean it’s one of those

Like um like my fiance she’s current I didn’t mean hit my mic there um she’s currently writing a children’s book and she’s about about say about almost over with the rough draft um we got like she’s got all the characters Drew up in rough drafts and then we get most of the

Story or she’s got most of the story getting done um but she’s hopefully to get that finished here soon and then get that posted and hopefully actually get physical copies of it um to hand out to people or digital copies um just kind work on that um I kind of made it a

Point this year that we should or a focus on on achieving Financial like not state but like get closer to that where we’re not having to be like we’re in debt all the time or we’re like trying to focus on payche paycheck we’re going to be more doing like Hey we’re past

This we’re sving this and we’re paying off things to the point where it’s just like oh it’s just one thing’s up well and that’s that’s really the oh in the comedy yeah yeah like yeah that that’s a whole rabbit rabbit hole but um yeah it’s one of those things I I

Wanted to focus on like things we want to do for a long time or just in in a more of a um like Creator like being creative content like for me I wanted to do streaming um I want to do short stories I want to do that kind of

Stuff um while like ry’s gonna be like short stories in um like children’s books and all that kind of stuff like she wants to write a book at too which of course writing a book is all a hill like Mountain to cover you know some people are a little bit easier about

Writing books um me personally I feel like I couldn’t write 300 pages of a book I feel like I get lost eventually um I feel like eventually you just like start looping back super looping back or I’m going repeating like information um or like I’m just repeating like like

Like this character looks like this like 10 times throughout the book I’m like I’ve already said this um I mean it’s one of those things like I’d rather do in a Content like and the short stories like I like it’s going to be more for like d andd purpose or like

A medable based theme or horror based theme um a lot of stuff like I want to do is kind of like maybe like mentry horror um that would be that would be cool like like play forward too that’s that’s that with with like Victorian style um I love Victorian style things

Anything in Victorian style I am an absolute like horr for well I mean to be fair yeah I mean growing up that was mainly mainly was D books know but I mean it was it was more towards the realm of fantasy um like it’s it’s more towards

That kind of stuff but you know I slow I’m going to get there um but it’s just a little Hill there um yeah I I can definitely I can definitely see that going in a a positive direction as oh yeah as you know content creation gets further and

Further you know upgrading you know Hardware if I was to do anything right now and I would wish to win um Lance Tech tip is doing a giveaway with um I think either I IPI power or U no it’s not I power um it’s I forget which

Company top of my head because I’ve been up for a while now but um they’re giving away a PC with a 4090 U Founders Edition and it’s a whole like it’s the 1,200 900 1200k uh Intel like it’s completely it’s like over $5,000 computer um something I

Would love if I was to win anything in my life like right now it would be that and or the lottery um just because a that would a not have to make me focus on trying to save money to buy a PC eventually um or buy parts for the

PC um and then so I can just imediately uh jump into like a nice for fashion of streaming on a hard workare can def handle so I don’t have to worry about that um my graphics card is definitely buil for video editing so you know it’s the whole thing there but other than

That like I think my mic is is good for what it is um of course there’s nicer mics there’s more expensive mics there’s always something better of course out the world but I think for what it is I thoroughly enjoy it so far well I mean

When I was watching the stream earli it was really good quality I mean for for what you told me you got it for it was really good yeah and and for anybody I mean only a few people watching Everybody watches back U I’m just using

A pod mic from Road um I currently I’m using a $25 Amazon microphone stand um and then it comes with a pop filter with that Amazon soon so it kind of helps with it um technically there’s that built in uh pop filter but again I kind

Of like the Dual filter uh it was recommended to get actual official pop filter uh because like if I was to change in start talking like like like this this is without no pop filter and then this is with a pop fil filter so it add a little bit different there um and

Again I probably have the mic a little bit too close to me because I can I have it monitoring to my ear and I can I can tell the difference a little bit um it sounds a little bit better if it’s a little bit further away because I’m not Le screaming your ear

Um but no pass that man um I think I’m going go ahead and wrap the stream there um and then I’ll just probably post the whole video on on YouTube and just let it do its thing I’m not going to try to edit it or nothing um and then we can

Stream I don’t know when next time because I kind of have to figure out what I’m setting or going to the gym um but I’m going to try try like I think tomorrow I’m going to stream for a little bit but I’m going to do it after

Completing everything for the day and I come home and I’m like I’m just going to stream for like two three hours maybe like I wanted to get to the point where I could stream for like 3 to six hours on like my free time um after I’m done

Studying up after I get my certification just because I’ll open up my my ability to do things um I want to do that about two times a week if not three times um because you know what I’ve gathered from people like like lewick um one thing

That I looked into is was his like how to become a streamer and you know talking about streaming like six hours a day U on a consistent schedule um you know trying to be um pinpoint on doing stuff and trying to content creation because like there’s a time where if one

Of my videos pops off and I don’t have any content for people to watch it’s not going to do nothing it’s going to be like a quick up and then it’s going to go right back down um Plateau yeah it’s going to Plateau really quickly um and

So that’s one of the things I just want to make sure I have content ready for that um which again that’s going to take some time it’s going to turn some like learning from um like video editing standpoint and then of course like I know how to like generally make

Thumbnails but again that’s more time that takes and it’s just a whole like the rabbit hole of account for how much time things takes this nowadays but all right well I’m going to go ahead and end the stream um so to my fiance I’ll be free and be and be there

Soon um and to everybody else thank you for watching and of course um as I want to say is please do like subscribe and hit that notification Bell so whenever I do go streaming on you guys can just jump into it um and tell all my friends thank you for

Watching um that’s especially going towards Jaden and Bella um thank you guys for being supportive and of course to my lovely fiance being very supportive for this and you know losing her uh her time with her fiance to go stream um and play video games um but you know thank you guys so

Much you know it’s it I can’t describe how much um support it means to me but either ways I’m going to go ahead and end now um and then Cody I’m sure Bella wants you to go home soon because probably you got work at what time uh like

2:00 okay so you got you got time you got time but I’m sure you want to go home and probably do something or relax or play that kind of stuff and I know I want to go home and go to bed or go go

Home I mean go to bed I mean but but all right well I’ll talk to you guys guys later um and

This video, titled ‘Why is Minecraft so Blocky’, was uploaded by DableToaster on 2024-02-04 06:13:32. It has garnered 25 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:03 or 11763 seconds.

Welcome to my steam! Please enjoy while i work thru my first run with a microphone with streaming.

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  • Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4

    Nether Madness: Minecraft Ep. 4 Exploring the Nether in Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 4 World Info In episode four of Let’s Play Minecraft, the adventurers delve into the Nether in search of bastions and fortresses. The version being played is 1.20.1, with the seed number -1056946488598000456 guiding their journey. Mods The team is using a variety of mods to enhance their gameplay experience. Some of the key mods include Fabric Loader 0.15.7, Fabric API 0.92.0 by modmuss50, Sodium 0.5.8 by jellysquid3, and Iris Shaders 1.6.17 by coderbot. These mods add new features, improve performance, and enhance the visual aesthetics of the game. Shaders and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Skittles’ Low End World – Adventure begins”. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless adventures and possibilities? Imagine a world where you can explore unique structures, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and build your own empire alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a diverse range of mods and… Read More

  • If Games Could Cross Over: Minecraft Shenanigans

    If Games Could Cross Over: Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft: A World of Interconnected Games Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe that offers endless possibilities. Exploring Different Game Worlds In Minecraft, players can immerse themselves in various game worlds, each offering unique challenges and opportunities. From the fast-paced battles of a chicken dinner in PUBG to the strategic gameplay of League of Legends, Minecraft allows for seamless interaction between different gaming universes. Value of In-Game Currency While different games may have varying in-game… Read More

  • Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Power on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of intense Minecraft battles and epic showdowns? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server right now! With a vibrant community and endless opportunities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and make new friends. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join the fun today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the excitement for yourself. See you in the game! Read More

  • Crafty Creation: Building a Hawk’s Nest in Minecraft!

    Crafty Creation: Building a Hawk's Nest in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Falconry at Matsumoto Castle In the serene world of Minecraft, players embark on various adventures, including building structures and exploring new realms. In the latest episode of “のんびりマインクラフト,” the focus shifts to creating a falconry adjacent to the ancient Kozanji Palace. Falconry, a popular activity during the Edo period, involved the art of hunting with trained falcons. Matsumoto Castle, known for its historical significance, housed a falconry where these majestic birds were kept. Recreating History: The Falconry The player aims to recreate the essence of a traditional falconry within the game. Drawing… Read More

  • Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure!

    Save Eggman in Minecraft: Egg-cellent Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Save Eggman, the challenge is set, In a world of blocks, where fun is met. Join the adventure, with humor and glee, As Cube Xuan crafts a world for you and me. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, In a world of Eggman, joy is found. Subscribe to the channel, for daily delight, With MC animations that shine so bright. Cube Xuan’s world, a place to be, Where happiness flows, for you and me. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 🔥

    Rescued laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 🔥 “Saving laggy noobs in Minecraft with ping 0770 is like being the superhero of slow internet connections. I am the hero they never knew they needed!” Read More

  • Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo

    Are We Really Alone? Minecraft Story by Lendren & Murilo The Mysterious World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where two friends find themselves in a dangerous predicament after accepting an illegal job to cover their expenses. As they navigate through a forest teeming with monsters, their survival skills are put to the ultimate test. A World of Endless Possibilities Step into the blocky realm of Minecraft, a sandbox game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a procedurally generated world. With no specific goals to accomplish, the game offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. Surviving the Unknown As… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with technical issues while trying to download or install Minecraft Launcher from the Microsoft Store? Look no further! We have a solution for you. While watching the video on “How to Fix Minecraft Launcher Not Downloading or Installing Microsoft Store,” you might have realized the frustration that comes with encountering such problems. But fear not, we have a welcoming and thriving community waiting for you at Minewind Minecraft Server. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience without any technical hurdles. Our server IP is… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks!

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Bedroom Hacks! Minecraft Bedroom Build Hacks & Design Ideas Are you looking to spruce up your Minecraft bedroom with some creative build hacks and design ideas? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore five unique bedroom build hacks that will take your virtual living space to the next level. Let’s dive in! Japanese Bed One of the featured build hacks is the Japanese bed. This elegant and minimalist design adds a touch of sophistication to any bedroom. With its clean lines and calming aesthetic, the Japanese bed is a perfect choice for those looking to create a serene atmosphere in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!

    Insane Minecraft Build: Rebuilding FNAF Pizzeria!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rebuilding A PERFECT FNAF Pizzeria In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jollie on 2024-05-13 21:43:16. It has garnered 1387 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:41 or 3941 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring my first abandoned mine in Minecraft

    Exploring my first abandoned mine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine’, was uploaded by Morpheus ASMR Gaming on 2024-04-21 15:11:27. It has garnered 21752 views and 823 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds. ASMR Minecraft Let’s Play Finding My First Abandoned Mine You can help support this channel by subscribing. Thank you Donate via Paypal https://paypal.me/MorpheusASMR Amazon USA https://amzn.to/3V8EUmh Amazon Canada https://amzn.to/2Nbnu3m Amazon UK https://amzn.to/2EgKOtS Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle – Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchy

    🔥 EPIC FireBall Battle - Shizo Unleashed on RuHypixel 😱 #minecraft #anarchyVideo Information This video, titled ‘FireBallFight на RuHypixel 😱 #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #anarchy #анархия #сервер’, was uploaded by Чиз on 2024-03-23 18:27:13. It has garnered 882 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. ̶М̶О̶Й̶ ̶С̶Е̶Р̶В̶Е̶Р̶ 🌞IP: mc.sunnybeach.fun 🪅Version: 1.16.4-1.19.4 —————————— ———— VK: https://vk.com/savchikvyacheslav DONATE: donationalerts.com/r/cheesechill —————————————– – 📫Advertising and cooperation – [email protected] Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Skyrider Mod for Minecraft TADC!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TADC Addon by @TELUR-Man’, was uploaded by Skyrider on 2024-05-13 11:05:15. It has garnered 2481 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:47 or 527 seconds. Please Like, share these video & subscribe my channel…! ————————————————————————————————- Minecraft, minecraft game, play Minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft tips, minecraft mod, minecraft server, minecraft seed, minecraft skin, minecraft map, minecraft meme, minecraft animation, minecraft machinima, minecraft youtuber, how to play Minecraft, minecraft tips and tricks, minecraft mod tutorial, minecraft server, tutorial, minecraft survival, hardcore Minecraft, minecraft let’s play, minecraft adventure, minecraft creative, minecraft builds, minecraft… Read More

  • PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥

    PandaDoxx SLAYS in Insane Minecraft PvP Edit! 🐼🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Smooth Part 2 🗿🤯🔥 #minecraft #pvpedit #lunarclient #pvp #shorts #trending #edit #crazy #edit #sick’, was uploaded by PandaDoxx on 2024-05-17 11:16:05. It has garnered 182 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. Pretty Cool ey? Tags: (I just copy pasted from random video lol) I’m a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client because you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. I know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 16 CPS. Sometimes… Read More

  • Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!

    Insane Giveaway: Unlock Minecraft Marketplace Pass Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘[GIVEAWAY] Minecraft Marketplace Pass!’, was uploaded by Wild Goat on 2024-04-05 14:08:03. It has garnered 176 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:30 or 6630 seconds. You can have an entire month FREE! I am giving away a code for a subscription to @minecraft Marketplace Pass. 🎉 General Instructions on How to Enter: 1. You need to have Minecraft Bedrock. 2. Be in the chatbox for the bot to see you when the givaway starts 3. Have a twitter or discord account so I can send you the code 4. Play… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralart

    Insane Pixel Art Profile! Must Watch! 😮 #viralartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Profile Pixel Art 😍 (My Fan Comment) #shorts #ytshorts #viral #shortsviral #viralshorts #art’, was uploaded by Itz Warden YT on 2024-01-08 17:24:28. It has garnered 2369 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Epic Profile Pixel Art of my fan 😍 Sub to my 2nd channel @ItzWardenYT_2.O #shorts #minecraft #video #pixelart #newvideo #epic #viral #gaming #gameplay #fan #fancomment #logo #logoart #viralvideo #art #trending #trendingshorts #subscribe #sub #like #likes #share #hypixel #itzWardenYT #ytshorts #shortsviral #viralshorts #viralvideo Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱

    Mind-blowing Minecraft war history revealed! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 8 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-11 14:00:16. It has garnered 5766 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!

    INSANE Minecraft Clutch with Imagined Dragons Remix!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed’, was uploaded by NATION_GAMING on 2024-03-16 14:23:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft clutch #imaginedragons #art #song #minecraft #viral #remix #gaming #artist #minecraftbed. Read More

  • Frank_INC

    smp server survival greek and english friendly server with shop and trades frank-inc o ο καινουργιος κοσμος που εχει οπως και δηποτε την ευκερια να δοκιμασεις και να ενωθεις μαζι μας για νεες περιπετειες frank_inc.apexmc.co:25594 Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on pure vanilla gameplay. Join us on the latest version of Minecraft (1.20.4) for an enhanced experience with texture packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks. To join, first connect with us on Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs. Then, join with play.vanillaplus.uk to receive a code to DM our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building, farming, and trading at spawn. We’ve recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Come join the fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Nowhere Safe

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes Nowhere SafeLooks like we’ll have to start a new social media platform just for Minecraft memes! Maybe we’ll call it MineBook or CreeperGram. Read More

  • Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live!

    Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live! In the world of Minecraft, we take flight, Bedrock Edition on PC, shining bright. Activate Xbox Live, with all your might, Let the gaming adventures ignite. Download the trial, start the quest, Solve errors, be the best. Unlock the game, pass the test, Activate Xbox Live, join the rest. Testing Minecraft, see it unfold, End of the journey, stories told. For more gaming content, be bold, Subscribe, share, let the tales be retold. Read More

  • POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS)

    POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS) POV: Me trying to save the laggy dog in Minecraft but ending up accidentally punching it instead #fail #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft. Today, we want to talk to you about something truly terrifying: Siren Head. This skeletal creature has been causing quite a stir in the Minecraft community, with its chilling sounds and ominous presence in the woods. Legends say that Siren Head lures unsuspecting players with familiar noises before launching a terrifying attack. Its spiny body broadcasts a mix of distorted sounds, mimicking voices, music, and even the screams of lost victims. But fear not, brave adventurers, for there is a place… Read More

  • Beating Minecraft in One Stream?!

    Beating Minecraft in One Stream?! Conquering Minecraft in One Stream: A Legendary Feat Embark on a thrilling journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft as our fearless adventurer sets out to conquer the game in a single stream. Armed with determination and a touch of humor, this player dives headfirst into the challenge of defeating the Ender Dragon on the very same day. A Streamer’s Epic Quest Streaming live for all to witness, our intrepid hero takes on the ultimate goal of slaying the formidable Ender Dragon. With meticulous planning and quick reflexes, every move is calculated to ensure success. The excitement is palpable… Read More

  • Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft

    Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-04-28 09:00:00. It has garnered 8221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:56 or 1676 seconds. THE BATTLE OF BASEMENTS in MINECRAFT Read More

  • TacoCat’s Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92

    TacoCat's Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92Video Information This video, titled ‘FAR FROM HOME: MINECRAFT HARDCORE #92’, was uploaded by T a c o c a t on 2024-04-03 19:24:30. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:17 or 8117 seconds. Sub Plz 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardmode #minecraftbuilding #videogames #peesheep #lofimusic #lofihiphop #synthwave #lego #legofortnite #fortnite #betaminecraft #pokemon #shinypokemon #shinyhunting #pokemonswordshield Check out the entire lore at the Pee Sheep Wiki! – https://pee-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Pee_Sheep_Wiki Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!

    Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-17 14:14:58. It has garnered 399 views and likes. The duration of the video is 04:03:45 or 14625 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 38 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41

    Ultimate Survival House Build in Minecraft #41Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Buildings. Building a house for survival #41’, was uploaded by Builder on 2023-12-28 16:52:10. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. Dear viewers and subscribers of my channel, a moment of attention! Preface: Among you – subscribers, there is a subscriber who planted the idea under the past video to build a monument to Lincoln… BUT, in this video I decided not to build this monument, because I do not want my channel to shine such a famous person like Lincoln, I… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine Exploration

    Haunted Minecraft House Tour! Watch the Mine ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Colorless #002 : the house has windows and the mine started’, was uploaded by Miss Halloween on 2024-01-13 21:20:56. It has garnered 171 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:25 or 1585 seconds. in this series there are ALMOST no colors, today we’ll start mining hehe 😀 Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Mods: https://essential.gg/ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Read More

  • B.H.L.Gaming’s CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!

    B.H.L.Gaming's CRAZY Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by B.H.L.Gaming on 2024-03-09 06:13:50. It has garnered 565 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. minecraft #shorts Game  Name – @minecraft  (Bedrock Edition) Hashtags:- #short #shorts #minecraft #gaming #minecraftshorts #minecrafttrendingshorts #montero #lilnasx #shortsfeed #kingfox #story #story shorts #trendingshorts #trend #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #game #tiktokshorts #minecraftstory #gamingminecraft #minecraft Tags Herobrine😈Vs Null Vs All😏Mob Who is😱The Powerful in Minecraft villager Herobrine Vs Null Herobrine Vs Notch Herobrine Vs All Mob Herobrine Vs Steve Steve Vs Null Steve Vs All mob Steve Vs Notch Notch Vs All… Read More

  • Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!

    Saving Village in Minecraft?! Watch & Learn with Mr India Gamerz!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Save My Village 🔥@minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr India Gamerz Shorts on 2024-02-27 11:12:45. It has garnered 480 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys it’s Minecraft player aahil and free fire player come and play with me @technogamerzofficial @ujjwal @ajjubhai @totalgaming @smartypie @gamerfleet @anshubhisht @anshuvlogs @notgamerfleet @mrindiagamerzshorts @youtube @skibiditoilet @yasrtv @bardach @hakaitv @desigamers @desivlogs @freefireofficial @illegalmoon . . . . Fans 💫 please support me we are team if you join Mig army you started the game I talk for last subscribe 😄 please… Read More

  • 24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀

    24 Hour Roblox & Minecraft Stream w/ Subs until We DROP! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Streaming Until I pass out! Yaezer’s Live Roblox & Minecraft with Subscribers!’, was uploaded by Yaezer on 2024-05-03 20:30:31. It has garnered 1074 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:29 or 6989 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate late-night gaming extravaganza! Join Yaezer in an epic livestream adventure as he dives into the virtual worlds of Roblox and Minecraft, accompanied by none other than his awesome subscribers! Get ready for a night filled with laughter, thrills, and endless fun as we explore, build, and conquer together. But wait, there’s more! This isn’t… Read More


    AlfredDS & I MINECRAFT REUNION - RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Flee For Your Life (Synthesia version) Minecraft Parody ft. Bart Baker (2012) [HD]’, was uploaded by AlfredDS & I Reunion on 2024-04-08 20:04:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I heard someone singing their song “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen or something like that, so I told Minecraft to make a Parody … Read More