UNDERRATED One Piece Minecraft Mod?

Video Information

All right what is going on guys uh today’s gonna be a little bit of a different episode I haven’t done one of these videos in a while but the last time that I did you guys seemed to like it so we’re kind of just messing around today um we’re using the true Prime

Piece mod uh now I have done I think one or two videos on this mod before but um I never really looked into how it really works or um you know learned how things you know kind of work I guess I could say um but I do want to say that uh

Obviously you guys have been asking for Icy hockey to return for quite a while and um as you guys know uh we don’t have the one piece server anymore but if you guys like this enough we will go ahead and start working on a new icy hockey

Using this mod and uh I see hockey the one piece icy Ramen server basically um will be back up and we will be able to play with it on the community so if you guys want that drop a comment down below saying that you want ice to return

Using this mod and we will do that but let’s go ahead and just show you guys what this mod has to offer and kind of learn it together today um as you can tell um I ate a devil fruit and uh I am hopping around using double jump I don’t

Know exactly what technically that would be called but uh yeah for double jumping around and we have eaten um I think here here hold on let me double check to make sure that’s the fruit we ate so we have already eaten the maramara fruit obviously and uh this mod does

Have a snack card so this is what the stats look like we are of the monkey family so we are basically you know uh basically Brothers of Luffy which is pretty sick we are Skype and race which I think is that that’s why we have the

Um the wings on our back I don’t exactly know what it means to like obviously you know have these race abilities I don’t know if maybe we unlock abilities as we level up but uh we can change our style so I’m assuming if you guys see in the

Bottom right there uh it has 3 7 13 or 25 there I think that is where we unlock our race abilities now I could be completely wrong that could be our fighting style which obviously um I don’t think that yeah we don’t have a fighting Saga yet so there’s actually

A lot that we need to figure out about this model we might not be able to do it on this video but these shots are pretty cool so um it tells you what everything does so the fruit stat increases damage on attacks for fruits increases Buffs

And on forms for fruits and the stack caps at 150 so you can put 150 levels in that Health obviously increases your max Health to help by every upgrade capped at 320 and uh yeah you can put 150 points into that too let’s go ahead on

To the next one which is uh stamina it increases your max stamina by 15 every upgrade at buff stamina regen and speed okay stack caps are 150 as well so it seems like the stats cap at 150. this power set increases the damage on fighting Style’s non-sword okay and it

Uh increases certain non-sword m2s that sat caps at 150 as well which I think is what we’re gonna see through the whole thing this increases sword-related fighting styles and also increases certain swords m2s that also caps a 150 and then the last one increase guns damage statcaps at 150 as well but

Um we do actually I think that there’s more to this obviously we have a bounty which obviously our Bounty is zero because we haven’t killed anybody yet but there is also this thing we did not build this on this map um this was actually here right when I

Opened up this world so let’s maybe go inside here and see what this is all about I don’t know if I should go in there and create it or not but we’re gonna oh oh we have fall damage on let’s uh go ahead and uh change that right now

Ball damage false uh let’s go ahead and make sure that we do not die to fall damage we’re gonna go ahead and heal ourselves real quick actually we cannot do that but let’s um let’s see if we can get in this place is there an entry or

Am I gonna have to go up to the top maybe the entry’s at the top oh God and our stamina goes away pretty fast I I don’t know how how do you do um I don’t know how to really gain experience points in this I think that it’s just basically Minecraft levels

Kind kind of like our icy Ramen mod is which is pretty normal I mean honestly no matter how you do the levels you get levels from killing things and that’s just how it works let’s go ahead and just go into spectator mode oh there’s nothing inside of this okay so a good

Thing we need to waste our time going in there there’s absolutely nothing in that but it is pretty cool it’s a really cool build and it’s really cool that it just kind of spawns there let’s go ahead and take a look at some of these weapons um

We have a lot of weapons it looks like uh crab gauntlets let’s go and see what these do it says that it has an M2 beachy finisher oh what yo wait a minute wait a minute yo wait this this is sick hold on we’re gonna have to see we’re

Gonna have to see how this works um and let’s see if once we kill this guy if we get some experience actually let’s see if we get some experience from killing this the Sheep here um we do okay so yeah it is just basically Minecraft experience which is

Pretty cool let’s go ahead and use this M2 on this guy oh yo and throw some up with you yo yo wait a minute that is actually sick and they drop bullets too okay so that’s how you get bullets for the guns this is sick okay and we also have

Flight with amerimera um so we can’t actually fly around and he does use our stamina to fly around which um I guess is pretty okay so it’s upgrading stamina in this mod is definitely huge so let’s go ahead and use this on this Marine again dude this is so sick and you can

Hit him on the way down bro wait this mod this mod actually might have potential what is going on oh yo wait there’s builds all over the place what the heck are these things sea creatures let’s see if we can take these guys out too um let’s see if we have another mirror

Ability oh yeah and we do but okay yeah we drowned um definitely don’t want to fight those guys without having more Health First oh okay well I was turning on keep inventory I also saw that there’s keep through so um right now is it still okay yo so yeah

Wait we lost our fruit when we died let’s see if it drops out of our inventory it might I don’t really know for sure no so once you die with a fruit it is gone forever which I think is pretty cool I I actually like that I

Like when you actually die with things um you kind of lose it I don’t know we can have a vote for that if we do end up doing a server for this but uh let’s go ahead and try out another food because we’ve used the Mirror Mirror before in a

Video let’s um let’s go ahead and use this this is a paramecia which I think means that we’ll have a transformation um I think uh let’s go ahead and see what happens when we use some of these moves so I’m gonna use it in F5 mode

Just so that we can see it F3 is Rush oh oh yo okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait oh nope and we cannot use the crap gauntless on him oh God okay yeah dude this mod is actually hard okay you definitely want to level up before

Trying to fight those sea creatures let’s go ahead and eat that fruit again though I think it was actually pretty cool oh wait we already have it dokudoku no me um so F3 or so three is Rush that’s pretty cool okay so it literally did no damage to that cow

Um let’s see what this Z ability does let’s actually aim this um even though we can’t see oh wait there’s like little oh wait it puts Venom puddles oh um I think that I want to go fight those sea creatures the sea ability might be absolutely busted uh let’s just wait for

It to be day or actually I’ll just change it to daytime real quick hold up and then uh we’re gonna we’re gonna see what happens when we use this on them um he has 50 Health right now uh so let’s see we can see the hitboxes let’s make sure we hit him

Okay yeah so that does 20 damage right there let’s try rushing him again is this gonna work okay so that does 10 damage as well and uh yeah we cannot use the crab gauntlets on him though crab gauntlets do not work on that man but that that is pretty sick okay let’s turn

Off these hitboxes again see you again oh wait I need 25 stamina okay so these fruit moves also take stamina I’m wondering if we use that knot on water oh dude there’s so many builds in this whole world this is sick wait we wouldn’t even need a custom map what

Wait so you need keys to open up these things okay we got Emerald out of that this is pretty cool so I’m wondering if I use this not on water though if I just use this here oh wait we need 25 stamina the stamina it’s actually hard to get uh

I don’t know boom there we go and Venom gas okay so I’m assuming that the Venom gas also damages anything that goes into it which is pretty cool let’s go ahead and test that out um let’s spawn like I don’t know a spider so that it doesn’t die in the daytime

Um and see what happens if uh if we spawn The Spider and the Venom gas um is it taking damage yes it is okay so there we go it was taking damage from the Venom gas and I think that it poisons it yeah it definitely does so if we if we

Use that again uh it is on a cooldown oh my gosh there’s a giant bear here so if you use this again yeah okay so it does it does do damage that is sick okay this mod is actually really cool hold on let’s let’s see if we can get a lot of

Experience and use the rest of this fruit because this fruit is insane all right so we have unlocked our second move I also want to see if this Rush works how I think it does is it going to put me up oh yes it does that is sick so

You can use this for movement too um okay looks like we got a little bit of a chest there uh this mod is actually really cool so we unlocked another move I don’t know if there’s anything built inside of these but uh let’s go ahead

And see Mr three um oh God he is hostile okay um let’s go and use x a bit oh God we need 25 45 stamina okay um to hold that thought Mr three oh God oh God he’s coming for me okay uh X ability boom Oh God what what is this

What is this dude wait that was like a dragon dude I just summoned what bro hold up hold up hold up I just summoned like a poison dragon on this man but let’s use this again hold on there’s a long cooldown on this actually um I wonder why maybe it’s because it’s

Super op uh so you said an F5 mode so we can actually see it this is crazy though bro I honestly did not expect this mod to have this much stuff but let’s use x again okay yeah so it’s Hydro Venom oh my gosh yeah it shoots out three

Different dragons that that is sick that is sick this mod guys I I think that uh I actually think that I see hockey might make a comeback not even gonna lie um I don’t know how soon it would be obviously because we just relaunched LW Living World our uh you know obviously

I’m a living World server but um you know we can definitely start working on it and putting together a mod pack and making sure everything’s balanced and whatnot um in the meantime if you guys do want it but uh I also found out that you do gain stamina passively as you

Level up through these levels um so if we go ahead and kill this cow or Pig actually yeah that’s totally a cow um if we kill that pig um let’s go ahead and spawn a spider kill him real quick and then we should actually level up so yeah we leveled up

There and uh now we have a little bit more stamina so um we have to get to level 25 to unlock all of our moves which we definitely could do we also have 18 points so if we put this you know obviously into Health there maybe three into stamina three

Into that um you know we can we can just keep adding these until we’re at a point so we have six into every one I did not do that on purpose actually and uh now we should have yeah so now we have 86 stamina which means that we can actually

Use two abilities actually wait maybe all three yeah wait we could use all three abilities now without having to wait for salmon to recharge which is actually pretty cool and I think that the way that this mod works with stamina is also really cool too I don’t remember

The mind my numi mod having any sort of stamina I think that was just cooldowns and you could kind of just like spam stuff endlessly but um we’re gonna see yeah dude this this is sick bro why is this mod so cool let’s go ahead and start fighting some bosses

Um okay guys as I was just messing around with some of these weapons um I noticed that Yuri was in here and this is sick I have never seen a Minecraft sword work in this way this has like sweeping Edge like 9 nine thousand wait

Hold on let’s let’s see if we get closer to these guys if it’ll hit them um actually wait no it is not hitting them I don’t know exactly what that move does but there is also an M2 let’s go ahead and show you guys the M2 if I use

It here it’s gonna shoot out a blade that explodes on impact and it is very op so uh I think they were ready to fight some bosses let’s see what they have we got a bunch of mobs um ooh Shanks okay let’s actually let’s see how this would go

Um I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to beat him but uh we’re gonna try it using the Yori sword and uh the fruit that we have um let’s go ahead and give ourselves some uh golden apples too because I think that we’re gonna definitely need some golden apples uh

Let’s just give ourselves some of these and uh we should be good let’s go ahead and start eating this and I’ll time set day so that it doesn’t get dark out too and let’s go ahead and get this fight going honestly I don’t know if I’m

Expecting to win this or not but uh we are gonna see what happens we are gonna see what happens so we’re gonna give it our all you’re definitely give it our all okay okay we gotta use three to rush him oh God wait a minute wait a minute

We might be we might be destroying Shanks right now bro we might be destroying Shanks let’s go ahead and use the iron mace oh my gosh dude ax hand dude we’re just using all okay okay shakes her shakes hurts a lot shakes hurts a lot okay oh God oh God um

I’m gonna run out of stamina throw up bro please God Golden Apple please kick in in time thank you okay yoru boom okay so even with netherright armor and an OP Golden Apple we still like are no match for Shanks right now um we’ve only done 200 dams to him and

He has uh 800 more so yeah we’re we’re definitely not um really competing too much with Shanks right now where did he go oh there he is goodbye shakes no more undo’s what um let’s go and try let’s go and try Rush again wait we need 25 stamina does

It take salmon Shanks get out of there bro what are you doing down there come on out come on out Jake doesn’t want to fight oh yeah there we go there we go there we go there we go okay okay wait let’s wait let’s see

If we can use the crab gauntless to pull him out of here wait a minute did I just come up with something oh yes yes dude no chance that that works wait did I slam him through the ground I think I literally just slammed him through the ground just then

I did bro this is nuts this is nuts this mod is actually so much better than I thought I always thought that mine might know me was just like always gonna be the best one piece mod but this this is actually very very good I’m not even gonna lie like this I I’m

Thoroughly enjoying this isn’t this isn’t even multiplayer either this could actually be so sick to see a lot of people playing on let’s go and use this again boom there we go come on oh God oh God okay we gotta hop away from that hop away from that

Um let’s see if we can use Rush again obviously does rush even take stamina yes it does so it takes 25 stamina to use Rush Oh my God bro this man I I’m determined to take out Shanks in this video um even though even though I don’t even

Have all my moves or anything yet um I wanna I wanna see if I could take them out oh my god dude this is so sick all of these abilities or all these swords have like m2s and stuff this is crazy to see from like a Minecraft mod

Okay um let us eat the golden apple please okay let’s try Rush let’s try Rush again nope we need we need more stamina we need more stamina okay shakes is starting to get a little angry there we go there we go okay wait and I wonder how much we’ll level up so we’re

Level six we’re so close to leveling up again let’s see if we can level up before we uh before we kill Shanks real quick and it looks like I’m grabbing some sort of like I don’t even know golden coins I don’t know what those would be used for but uh let’s keep on

Using your dude this is so crazy okay this is a captain but peace note yeah okay now we have move three unlocked let’s see what this does again Shanks Shanks where’d you go buddy where’d you go what are you scared okay uh let’s use this we’re definitely gonna need more stamina

Um and let’s see oh oh wait it’s just oh my God wait that’s op it’s just a gas wait and we can spam it bro bro bro bro oh my god oh wait no we have half a heart no shakes chill no oh no he got us okay that that’s an L

But that is just showing you guys like dude the bosses in this mod have so much potential like I’m just thinking outside of the box right now we could do so much stuff with this mod we could have boss battles we could have a bunch of like

Kind of raid parties where a bunch of people get together and try to beat a boss because honestly right now like I know that obviously I can get 150 points into devil fruit which probably does make a big difference it increases damage and you get certain Buffs on

Certain forms for certain fruits which is definitely probably the better way to go um I also just realized that I don’t have any like fighting style right now I don’t think technically so even if I’m pressing buttons yeah no I have no fighting style moves which means how do I get fighting

Styles I don’t know I don’t know how to get fighting styles let’s see if there’s anything in the creative menu that would kind of give that away I don’t really think so but oh my gosh wait there’s a curse uru hold on hold on we gotta we

Have we gotta see what this does okay imagine wait imagine if you have both theorus oh my gosh wait a minute wait a minute um did I just Miss wait a minute hold on okay so that that does that um but let’s see let’s see what happens

If we use both of wait can we dual wield this no shot oh my gosh wait and it goes on your back wait a minute they have like back animations for that that’s sick okay okay this is so cool bro okay Shanks you gotta chill out let’s see if

We’ll see if we can wait okay oh wait we can just yo wait it’s like a double shot okay wait a minute wait a wait a minute this this is sick I just realized it used the one that was on my back too so use the one that was in my hand first

And then I used also the sword that was on my back bro bro this mod is so much better than I had originally ever thought that it was this is so crazy wait I’m gonna I want to try another fruit against Shanks real quick um let’s see let’s just pick a random one

Um I guess we’re going with this mochi mochi um so this is a legendary fruit okay um let’s see what kind of moves we get with this so we have no we have no third ability with this which is kind of weird every other fruit that

I’ve had had a third ability but let’s see what these do okay so I’m On Top high right now so I do have a bounty now um wait why is it not it’s not telling me what my fruit does I think that’s a bug but let’s go ahead

And see Z ability oh what the oh okay that pulls up wait that just so much damage bro wait a second it’s a Mochi fruit actually good I don’t even know I don’t know what it’s doing um bro wait a second no way bro we have like a Gatling gun

Right now let’s try Z again because that was bro yeah wait the Z ability is actually crazy and I don’t know what this x ability does it doesn’t really tell us anything I think that it might be some sort of defense for myself maybe potentially dude yeah this is this is so

Sick though oh my gosh dude okay um let’s go ahead and use this uru boom yeah I don’t know why that Yori wasn’t really yeah that ability doesn’t really do anything either but the Z ability from this is crazy let’s use this again boom Oh God okay it does pull him

Towards you though which is kind of a double-edged sword in a way stay away from us stay away please boom get away get away get away oh and we’re dead again okay let’s try out another fruit bro these fruits are actually crazy um let’s try let’s try this I want to

Try this one it’s it’s like flashing at me so we we gotta try it we gotta try it oh my God wait this is a Buddha fruit this is the Buddha fruit um yeah yoru I think uh I think that you might go down here buddy I I think that

The Buddha fruit might take them out guess in the comments you guys think that I can take out Shanks now with just the Buddha fruit and uh I barely have any stats like honestly I’ve barely killed any mobs we’re already level seven um this could be very obtainable

Um very easily so let’s go ahead and transform into the Buddha oh my gosh okay so wait yo wait what the did we just mess with that oh okay there we go there we go there we go um what does this one do 45 stamina bro

Okay okay so what I don’t know exactly what the Buddha mode does for me oh God oh God okay um we gotta run away from that it looks like we get some sort of okay so we get jump boost and resistance for an infinite uh infinite amount of time that

Was easy for me to say let’s see what is that I don’t really know what that does let’s see if it tells us for this root no I think I might have bugged the fruits and it telling us what oh and Shanks killed me so if you guess that the golden fruit uh

The Buddha fruit would kill him then you would be wrong it looks like we spawned back in Buddha form even though oh it’s cursive binding so even if you die wait a minute wait a minute it has cursive binding in curse of Vanishing how does that make any sense I don’t

Really know but let’s see what happens if we eat another fruit oh wait a minute I see what bro that’s what the move did it gave you a donut from the from the uh the last fruit that we had let’s just use another one of these and just see what it does

These fruits are actually pretty cool I did not expect that from from this mod at all um let’s go ahead and see uh we gotta we gotta take him out here dude we we need to kill we need to kill this guy before that in the video Shanks where where

Even is he there he is okay let’s try the Z ability first um looks like that does not have very much range or does it I don’t really know I don’t really know what any of these moves do but we’re doing them we are doing them say wait 15 stamina bro

He only has 81 Health left we got this we got this oh my wait bro yo wait a minute what just happened dude I just use like a combo on him bro why did he have to take us out there we’re going right back to him we’re going right back

To him I don’t even care we’re gonna eat this fruit again I don’t know what that combo was but that was that was insane bro that was literally insane let’s see if we can take him out oh my God he’s almost dead oh my gosh we almost have

Him dead one more hit and he’s gone um I’m just kind of messing around at this point this mod is oh my God bro yes and there is combos with swords in that bro this mod has so much potential the combos with the swords I know I’m just

Kind of messing around in this and kind of learning the mod but this is what you guys like to watch me do on my channel so maybe we can go back to it let me know in the comments if you guys like the video and if you want to see a

Server for this obviously we’ll continue LW in the series that we have going on right now but uh the one piece fans in the community have been wanting a server back for months now and uh maybe it’s time that we give it to him so drop a

Comment if you guys are excited for that subscribe if you are new and I hope to see you guys in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘UNDERRATED One Piece Minecraft Mod?’, was uploaded by Iceeman on 2023-07-26 19:03:03. It has garnered 16844 views and 654 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:45 or 1425 seconds.

Today we played a new one piece minecraft mod, and it was amazing! We tried using a bunch of different devil fruits, weapons, haki, and more!

#MinecraftMod #minecraft #onepiece

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    Kuno's EPIC Minecraft Stream - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STREAMM YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!’, was uploaded by Kuno on 2024-09-08 12:18:06. It has garnered 37 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:44 or 6884 seconds. 😀 Read More

  • Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & Hardcore

    Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am placing blocks and stuff cause I’m in F- | A Minecraft Movie Reaction and Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by JosephniteFlyer【Customizable VTuber】 on 2024-09-06 20:30:24. It has garnered 68 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE2YZhcC4NY Welcome back to another stream! Thanks for stopping by! Sherry Aweber’s Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzzUlhRhmVY&list=PLQYli91_U7leewlmVdR-o4_ItCpvnFWCJ *What is Sherry Aweber’s Story? It’s a light novel series that I’m working on right now about a young girl named Sherry Aweber and her life as a secondary school student in a world where heroes… Read More

  • Iceeman Unlocks KARMA and Seals 8 Tails Jinchuriki!

    Iceeman Unlocks KARMA and Seals 8 Tails Jinchuriki!Video Information This video, titled ‘Unlocking KARMA and SEALING 8 Tails Jinchuriki in Naruto Minecraft’, was uploaded by Iceeman on 2024-04-06 14:00:32. It has garnered 7815 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:19 or 2239 seconds. #naruto #narutominecraft #minecraft Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iceeman Today we kept hunting the tailed beast jinchurikis and ended up sealing the 8 tails and unlocking KARMA MARK! https://discord.gg/iceeramen https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ahznbs-naruto-mod BISECT HOSTING: https://bisecthosting.com/Iceeman *** USE CODE: Iceeman for 25% off!*** Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Moments – Insane Bedwars Gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Moments - Insane Bedwars Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill clip #minecraft #nodebuff #bedwars #hypixel #pvp’, was uploaded by afkiq on 2024-07-07 00:52:12. It has garnered 758 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Client price : 25 dollars Buy client by : https://discord.gg/nerdyass or dm @noqr on discord! Tags stolen cuz im lazy tags(ignore): badlion client, forge, 1.20, ranked bedwars, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps… Read More

  • RingsOfPower

    RingsOfPowerStep into a realm of fantasy in the epic world of Rings Of Power! Prepare yourself for a journey like no other as you dive into a server designed for those who crave adventure, camaraderie, and a touch of magic. Immerse yourself in a vibrant fantasy world where your destiny unfolds in the coliseum. Battle through waves of fierce mobs in thrilling combat encounters that will test your skills and teamwork. With custom classes and a unique party system, you can build your ultimate class, tailored to your playstyle. Harness the power of rings, each granting extraordinary abilities and enhancing… Read More

  • re:bloom SMP 16+ 1.21 Java Whitelist Shopping District Events Vanilla

    re:bloom Minecraft SMP Server Welcome to re:bloom, a small SMP server that opened on July 6th. We are a non-cracked server with plugins to enhance your Minecraft experience. Players must be 16 or older to join and whitelist applications are required. Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/pQjfvGpMVc About Us: This is our 3rd season and our community continues to grow. We have an active and friendly player base, a diamond economy Shopping District, public farms, and more. Join us and become a part of our community! We look forward to meeting you! Read More

  • Minecraft server mp.berrysmp.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mp.berrysmp.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Send ’em back to the Nether!

    Well, at least we know the meme has a high return rate! Read More

  • Blocky World: Minecraft 2D Adventure!

    Blocky World: Minecraft 2D Adventure! In a world of blocks and pixels, where creativity reigns, Minecraft in 2D, a challenge for brains. Navigating in straight lines, a unique twist, Exploring new dimensions, can’t resist. The Dani19, our guide in this quest, With humor and skill, he’s truly the best. Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In rhymes and emojis, let the fun begin. So leap into the verse, with a heart full of glee, Minecraft in 2D, a sight to see. Join the adventure, with The Dani19 in tow, Let’s explore this world, with rhymes that flow. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Brain Cells on Vacation #rofl

    Minecraft Logic: Brain Cells on Vacation #rofl “Who needs high IQ when you have the power of unlimited diamonds in Minecraft?” 😂 #lowiqhighdiamonds Read More

  • Master’s Guide: Demon Slayer V2.3 Addon Installation on Minecraft PE 1.21

    Master's Guide: Demon Slayer V2.3 Addon Installation on Minecraft PE 1.21 Minecraft Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) Overview The Minecraft Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) has recently been updated with four new structures: Tanjiro’s House, Tanjiro’s Neighborhood, The Forest, and The Town. This update brings exciting new elements to the game, allowing players to explore and interact with these new locations. Features of the Addon The Addon Demon Slayer V2.3 (Kimetsu No Yaiba) introduces several key features: New Structures: Players can now discover and explore Tanjiro’s House, Tanjiro’s Neighborhood, The Forest, and The Town within the game. Update Phases: The update is divided into different segments,… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos

    Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos The World of Minecraft: A Deep Dive into the Game’s Logic Exploring Minecraft Shorts and Memes In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and imagination. From hilarious shorts to viral memes, the community thrives on sharing their unique experiences within the game. Whether it’s tackling challenging speedruns or embarking on epic survival quests, Minecraft enthusiasts find endless ways to entertain themselves and others. Unraveling Minecraft Updates and Mods One of the key aspects that keep Minecraft fresh and exciting is its regular updates and mods. These additions introduce new features, mechanics, and… Read More

  • Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!

    Get Ready to Be SHOCKED by This Sunny Egg Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘egg’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-07-24 19:45:03. It has garnered 452 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. keywords: Minecraft beginner tips, Building a Minecraft house, Redstone tutorials, How to find diamonds in Minecraft, Minecraft survival guide, Best Minecraft mods, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft PvP tips, Minecraft adventure maps, Minecraft server setup, Minecraft command blocks, Minecraft farming techniques, Minecraft mining strategies, Minecraft enchanting guide, Minecraft potion brewing, Minecraft update news, Minecraft combat tips, Minecraft texture packs, Minecraft world tour, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft redstone contraptions, Minecraft mob… Read More

  • Ravaz’s Epic Minecraft Livestream Adventure

    Ravaz's Epic Minecraft Livestream AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft stream(Livin and Minecartin)’, was uploaded by Ravaz on 2024-07-31 15:39:12. It has garnered 23 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:01 or 6961 seconds. Come and hang out as we play through more of the Minecraft server === Hosted by Ravaz with Guiests auJs “The Open Discord” ==== Socials: https://linktr.ee/Rava_Zed ==== #minecraft #mining #1.21 #gamenight Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE Minecraft House Build 🔥 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MineLogic on 2024-04-19 13:00:49. It has garnered 6243 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft First Day House🏠 #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraft

    Insane Tui Reveals Diamond Fast Track! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is the fastest way to find diamonds? Pt.1 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Mad Tui on 2024-05-09 17:00:38. It has garnered 3782 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. What is the fastest way to find diamonds in minecraft? Well look no further this #shorts series is going to look at 9 different diamond gathering methods. From mining, to redstone contraptions! All with the quest to find the most OP method to get a world record number of diamonds! See the FULL video here where I get… Read More

  • I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!

    I mastered Minecraft Survival Mode with this Enchanted Sword!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became Unbeatable in Minecraft Lifeboat Survival Mode sm16 with this Enchanted Sword ⚔️ || Part- 1’, was uploaded by kibo Playz on 2024-03-12 10:28:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HLO Everyone !! WELCOME TO ANOTHER MINECRAFT RELATED VIDEO ON THIS CHANNEL.. ☺️ Today I will gonaa … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by PettFarms on 2024-07-13 13:52:23. It has garnered 351 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:30 or 11070 seconds. Linktr.ee/pettfarms for all of our socials, and merch! Sponsored by ULTISupps! Use code PettFarms at checkout! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/q15my Monday and Friday 6:30pm – 10pm Eastern and Sunday 10am to 1pm eastern. Also check out our podcast “Peculiar Prattling” on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Amazon Music! #facebookgaming #streamer #gaming #twitch #facebook #streaming #live #avgeek #xbox #xboxone #xboxgaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/Alyxwho

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore! Sprinkles & Manic w/AlyxwhoVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Hardcore w/ Alyxwho! ~ Sprinkles Streams’, was uploaded by Sprinkles & Manic on 2024-05-18 23:22:22. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:47 or 9527 seconds. Sprinkles plays Minecraft Hardcore with Alyxwho! Featuring Alyxwho ~ https://twitch.tv/alyxwho 🎀 Sprinkles Links 🎀 https://youtube.com/@shutupsprinkles https://www.twitch.tv/shutupsprinkles https://www.twitter.com/shutupsprinkles https://discord.gg/747vedW 💖 Manic Links 💖 https://youtube.com/@manicpxldreamgirl https://www.twitch.tv/manicpxldreamgirl https://twitter.com/manicpxldrmgirl https://discord.gg/qW4sP2B #minecraft #java #minecrafthardcore Read More

  • Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!

    Insane Richard Destroys Mansion! Bonus Free Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘Woodland Mansion Raid! AND Free Mods?’, was uploaded by Mediocre Richard on 2024-09-01 04:00:03. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:16 or 13396 seconds. #woodlandmansion #minecraftlive #minecraft Time to finally raid the woodland mansion and see treasure that hopefully made the very long trip yesterday very worth it. Oh and maybe tame some Dragons. Read More

  • Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀

    Discover Insane AAH Blur Config Secrets 💥💥🤯🤯👀Video Information This video, titled ‘what is this goofy aah blur config 🗿😂🐸🗣️😍🤠😎🤠😍😍🗣️🤠🗣️🤠😍🗣️’, was uploaded by obvIlyas on 2024-08-01 14:00:54. It has garnered 161 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:26 or 86 seconds. Watch as we dominate the competition in this 100-0 boxing clip on Minecraft. With stylish blurs and epic gameplay, this video is a must-watch for any boxing fan! [🐭 mouse]: Bloody A70 other mice: Glorious Model O Pro, Roccat Kain 120 Aimo, (used) Roccat Kone Aimo [⌨️ keyboard]: spc gear gk650k kailh blue switches rgb pudding edition PC Specs: Intel Core i5… Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia with a focus on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and ideally 18+, creating a chill ambiance with mature players. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feeling with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and Mystical Agriculture, along with quality of life mods for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to teleporting commands and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication, with a focus on community and town… Read More

  • Minecraft server ovrw.mc-complex.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ovrw.mc-complex.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Warning: YouTube recommended this spicy meme!”

    Looks like YouTube is really pushing that Minecraft agenda, watch out for those creeper recommendations! Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage

    POV: Surviving a Minecraft Karen #lit #savage POV: Trying to build a friendship with a creeper in Minecraft because it’s less explosive than your toxic friend. Read More

  • Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link)

    Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod in Minecraft 1.21 (Download Link) The Power of Thanos in Minecraft: Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21 Are you ready to harness the power of the Infinity Gauntlet in Minecraft? With the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Mod 1.21, you can bring the epic battles of the Avengers to your own virtual world. Let’s dive into the exciting features of this mod and explore the possibilities it offers to players. Unleash the Power of the Infinity Stones With the Infinity Gauntlet in your hands, you can wield the power of all six Infinity Stones – Space, Reality, Power, Mind, Soul, and Time. Each stone grants you unique abilities… Read More

  • EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War

    EPIC Naval Battle: The Relic War Minecraft’s Most INSANE Naval Battle: The Relic War Imagine a world where civilizations clash, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic wars unfold in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. In this thrilling Stoneworks Minecraft video, the nations of Solisios and Huitca find themselves locked in a fierce conflict that spans the seas and the desert city of Luxios. What sparked this intense rivalry? It all began when Huitca brazenly stole Solisios’ sacred artifact, setting the stage for an epic showdown. The Conflict Unfolds As tensions escalate between Solisios and Huitca, players are drawn into a multi-year simulation of war, reminiscent… Read More

  • 🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!

    🔥 SHIZO Vtuber Collab: Epic Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘[#Vtuber] Collab Stream Vapor & Rochan play Minecraft with discord server members.’, was uploaded by VaporWaveGaming on 2024-09-01 02:09:06. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:49:40 or 24580 seconds. #Vtuber #letsplay #Gaming #vtuberstreamer #videogames #gaming #Retrogaming Follow me on kick and twitch KICK CHANNEL https://kick.com/vapor-vtuber-gaming TWITCH CHANNEL https://www.twitch.tv/vapor_vtuber_gaming Like the mediocre level content? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Read More

UNDERRATED One Piece Minecraft Mod?