Unexpected Surprise on Bronytales Minecraft Server | #94

Video Information

N [Applause] Hello everyone how y’all doing let’s see who’s here hello Marx hello railen hello musar hello dra hello Cinders shine hello dark lucaria hello night the fox Hello Joel the kid man hello Danny and hello featherfoot how’s everybody doing hello hello who is favorite TN buckser Eagles uh Heck if I know look if

If it if it’s not a Boston or a New England sport team I don’t know anything about it if it’s not if it’s not the Bruins the if it’s not the Bruins the Patriots the Red Sox or the or the Celtics I don’t know a dang thing about

It doing good practicing piano and testing stuff cool is it like streaming stuff you’re testing hello Chris things sound a little different than my headphones so these are normally noise cancelling headphones but like they need to be charged to do the noise cancelling so right now they’re like

Plugged in so it’s like the headphones work it’s just the noise cancelling isn’t working cuz they’re not charged so everything sounds a little weird to me right now hello Ryder got something planned for a stream sounds fun dark Lucario is playing swor as a Jedi Consul

I don’t know what that means but it sounds like a party making map art for your shoing calog cool finally got the sound properly good for you man I need to guzzle some water before we get started hang On oh Star Wars the Old Republic got it I thought that was like a weird character name or something all I don’t see too many reasons not to hop straight into the game first thing I want to do is is is see if I need to clear out my Mailbox hello hello Stus few things in my mailbox got another message everything sounds so weird cuz my headphones aren’t charged it’s like [ __ ] with my head did someone write me a love note I kind of I hope I’m going to be honest I’m hoping this is a prank cuz I’m not entirely comfortable about this

I’m rather hoping that that this is like a a prank or a joke I’m not exactly looking we’ll just put that in in there when am I playing on Steam oh you’re talking to uh I see are you I don’t think Minecraft isn’t on Steam I’m going to assume from my sanity

That that was that that that’s like a joke or a prank what’s the plan for today ah Heck if I know he if I know honestly first of all I’m going to fly around and see if like we need to make any repairs to anything or any extensions or like just any

Improvements and if that’s all all okay we’re probably just going to end up uh repair like grinding our repair and our Salvage skills oh hang on a couple more things could have gone upstairs Christopher loves the attic especially when it rains he loves it up here and I can see

You know gives a pretty good view I think that’s very aesthetic hang on I’m I’m going to mute role play chat just so we don’t have any distractions okay so that’s just going to end up going in here cut Moss goes over here hello kite hydrate redeem well I just hydrated

But I’ll do it again and a stretch redeem all right all right there we go there’s the hydrate redeem stretch left stretch right and now we got to uncross legs myin 12 Yugi old boy wandering oh hang on stretch backwards wandering star Pony of time that is a very fancy

Name how you guys doing what was I doing right I’m sorting out my stuff so this goes in here and this will go in here that that’ll turn into a block I keep hitting the wrong buttons I feel like my I feel like I’ve lost my mind for a second hang

On okay there we go I don’t know the keys on the something felt weird for a second I think I was hitting all the wrong buttons my muscle memory suddenly did backflips there we go wait I’m holding the other two diamonds yeah I got a few golden

Apples yeah I I got a few golden apples zap apples whatever you want to call them yeah so the server runs on Java dark Lucario which is like um which only runs on PC but the server has plugins that allow you to join in Bedrock version which is what is played on

Consoles so it will work on either hello revolutionary night and excuse me oh hello XX proxy XX and I forgot to put away the string hang on that’s on the bottom floor silly me I for gore that’s one tick for the Amnesia basement look look okay it’s

It’s it’s it’s not my fault okay where did I keep string I think it’s around here somewhere I know I I’m pretty sure my string chest is down here like 90% sure I really thought it was this chest it is that there we go found

It do I ever think of getting a vector pack of My OC I mean sometimes sometimes I I guess but like I I also already have like a bunch of like different commissions like a vector pack would all be the same style like having a whole bunch of different commissions

To use um just allows me to to like have like different styles whenever I’m making like stuff for streams you know what was I going to right okay we’re going to do a fly on and see if any if everything make sure everything’s still in one piece

First of all somebody doesn’t know how to close doors behind them I supposed to we can leave the interior doors open but exterior doors should almost certainly remain closed as we get further away from my house the frame should improve a little bit the FR last stream we actually

Accidentally discovered that the frames improve ever so slightly if I’m not like if the music isn’t on but we decided as a group that like the that that like the music was worth this slight frame drop we’ve decided as a group that the shaders and the music were worth the frame

Drops everything looks fine to me let’s keep checking around actually feels slightly worse than last time but maybe I’m imagining it Ashen D how you doing there’s a torch there do I want to replace that torch with a lantern not a big torch girl well it’s

Not on top of the log it’s on top of uh a pole so I think we’ll leave the torch oh burp fist I can do a burp fist hang on there you go bur chill burp Fest double burp Fest oh my God you guys really putting me through the ringer okay okay

There you go double burp fast I got to catch on my breath now yeah everything looks about normal I don’t see anything that would necessitate repairs let me let me turn on light level just just to make make sure that like there’s no like areas where mobs would be spawning

In you just got to be sure as long as we don’t see like a zero or a one we’re all set if we see it like a like as long if we don’t see anything that’s like red any red numbers or yellow numbers are bad red numbers and yellow numbers are

Bad any other number any white number is fine it never hurts to do a quick check around cuz you know things change buildings get put up stuff comes down you never know if there might be a set a brand new dark area never hurts to look around once in a

While keep the area pretty lit up so I think we should be fine H the tops of some trees are a little dark I’m pretty sure that this is a tree spec somebody specifically made to harvest wood from like this is look like their harvesting area so I’m pretty sure they’re just

Going to cut down the yeah pretty sure they’re just harvesting wood to like cut stuff down so I won’t bother putting a light in it since these aren’t these are like um clear blocks technically so mobs can’t spawn there anyway so we should be good am I

Squishy I mean I’m better as squishy as any other horse I’d say generic squishy horse exactly mobs can’t spawn on leaves anyway I never actually checked is this yeah it looks good in here I think we’re all set how about the roof is the roof the roof does pass inspection there’s

Nothing that can spawn up here well I wouldn’t take the tree down I just stuff a like a like a light Block in it like it did for a bunch of the other trees okay looks like ones are fine they only have to worry about zeros yeah everything else seems fine

And dandy all right so we’re probably going to spend the rest of the stream just U grinding our levels unless something else comes up average squishy yeah I wouldn’t say I’m more squishy than than most horses like I like i’ say I’m a perfectly average amount of

Squishy like not super squishy like not especially squishy but not like under squishy you know perfectly acceptable and normal amounts of squishy okay I remember what we were doing where did I put those boxes unless I finished I don’t think we finished I should actually last stream

Yeah I think we actually might have uh I think we did finish actually yeah we we finished all of the stuff we had we were going to start our new ones land list right we finished all the armor we collected so now we got to go get more so one

Second cool gold Farm there we go let’s start there hello bcks you’re wandering star P you of Tommy says they’re Squishy in the toune force way you can squash and squish I’m squishing the pet pet Way let’s see if there’s anything to collect from here okay looks like there’s no extra stuff there sometimes there’s like spare o looks like there’s like looks like there was some over spill here you can kind of see like a nugget or something in there I think it just despawned though

Okay somebody cleaned those out recently so there’s no extras that’s okay land list hang on actually we’re going to go to music and sounds I’m going to turn the master volume back up to 50% until we start doing the repairing one thing that that’s the main thing that’s knowing about repairing the

The Bing Bong like bang noises that don’t have don’t fit on any of like the small sliders like it like the only way you can turn down those sounds is with a master volume it doesn’t correspond to any of these So no no no falling stars Guild Mystic no ponies head space blah blah blah sky base high like glow squ farm and probably what I’m looking for for friendship School the whole ravensburg PC Som Sher Farm could maybe take some heads from there but do I really need it trade Hall

Public hell the king I think this is Enderman XP farm oh yeah happy late birthday bcks all right let me just let me just uh clear them out real quick I’m doing them a favor you know Place always gets overfilled with stuffs and things I’m just doing them a favor

Can anyone just can anyone take this stuff by the way have F listening to them die while I go through chests are you enjoying how your ears bleed I hope so I sure am I love having my ears bleed from Enderman oh that’s a lot of Ender for

ELA fruit see nobody else ever takes this stuff so you know why not help myself you know I I don’t have a hoing problem I don’t it just why wouldn’t I take this stuff you know if no one else is going to take it why wouldn’t I take

It yeah we just going to like build up and get in everyone’s way I mean is you know I’m sure I’ll have a use for about a billion um of these Someday I’m sure I’ll have a use for these someday you never know when they’ll come in handy they’re probably super

Handy like of course I need several chests full of Ender Pearls of course I do I could even sell them to like a merchant for like one bit each one bit each one bit per Pearl I’d end up with several hundred extra bits several hundred truly so much

Money yeah ear EX sizes see see FEA gets It there we go nice and clean cleared out all that stuff let just make sure that there’s like nothing that’s all discs Mak sure nobody like dumped anything in the disc chest that weren’t discs somebody farming them they seem to be dying at at a higher rate number four

Nope they’re just getting compressed they’re just getting compressed you know there there’s so many of them they’re like suffocating okay and there one more check okay then cool next area landlet why do end pearls look like lopies cuz I’m using a texture pack dark Lucario it’s are supposed to look like

Gems let’s see sh blah XP farm key only cooler gold Farm there we go let’s see what’s waiting for us Here there we go looks like there’s some stuff spilled down there let’s go get up before actually there’s a lot of stuff spilled everywhere looks like there was some overflow going on oops clicked outside the screen and let’s get the other stuff down There somebody spam the button somebody was spamming the Button now I didn’t actually want that to fall but like I didn’t have a way to like put it somewhere there we go all right lot of Flesh might want to head back home and empty some of this out before I collect other stuff I’m actually going to check some of these for yep I saw I thought so they often get stuff in there that ain’t supposed to be in there it doesn’t seem like the sorting system works Perfectly hello horror Pony hello hello still running yeah like stuff like see for some reason the sorting system isn’t perfect like stuff ends up in there that probably isn’t supposed to it’s a bit odd I don’t really know oh look you can yeah there was definitely stuff in there that wasn’t supposed to

Be where where did more come from I thought I had all of it hang on okay clear hang on let me check these then we’re going to do slash cell head off and then we’re going to where is it I I saw it I saw a crafting table there it

Is so we’re going to start by doing that and then we’re going to do that yeah it is nice to see you horror Pony yes yes So we’re going to shove a lot of the uh extra stuff in here you probably get all lot of the yeah let’s let’s clear out the r and flesh nextest we’ll probably end up getting the the armor last oh God what did feather clip this time what did feather clip this Time see look at this it was filling up the poor chest oh well I saw someone someone was standing behind me someone was standing behind me and thought and thought that they could get away with it by Vanishing aha you you’re on my head now I wondered will they have to be

Somewhere and they were they were on my head someone was there and then they were gone but I didn’t see teleporter Sparks and like I was like where could they have gone the animal’s logical place was on my head cuz that seems where everyone always disappears

To my head seems to be a favorite chair for a lot of people a ticking is getting to you you get used to it then again I I think I’ve lost it a long time ago so there’s not really much more or that that like something can get to me I’m

Already insane so like what more could it do to me how’s this going it’s still filling up so I’m going here you you stay here and keep that loaded I’m going to go home and sort this out and be right back going to sort all this [Applause] Out actually do we have we do have a rotten flesh chest just going to organize some stuff real quick That shouldn’t be in here now is this another one completely full of rotten flesh it Is we actually have quite a few spare uh Sher boxes so I wonder if it might be a good idea to like yeah use them to store more stuff hang on cuz we have a lot of like Sher boxes so and we can easily get more because

There’s a a Sher like like Farm really close that we can just teleport to so we might as well like clear out some space like if we’re going to store this much rotten flesh like might as well like make it a bit more organized might as

Well like you not like I think that makes sense to Me go pull that rotten flesh out okay put that to the side I don’t think any of the re of these have rotten flesh they do not oh phos Force thanks for subscribing thank you thank you and hello plague Eagle thank you very much key nether shulter I think I have rotten flesh

Chests all over my house so I’m considering just running around grabbing all the flesh from it and like turning it into a little just one chest cuz I have the Shockers for it like I might as well any doing anything else would kind of be a waste no not You me pick you up I’m going to put these to the side and come back for them after we’ve dealt with the the rotten flesh situation actually I’m going to go around and actually I’m going to grab a couple more empty Sher boxes cuz I’m almost certainly going to need them

Let’s start with I’ll grab one more let me just start upstairs and I’ll see how many boxes of Brotten flesh we have I’ll see Assassin’s Creed 3 going ah pretty good I mean I I find a lot of the I do find the game fun I do find the game

Fun but like I’m having trouble getting used to the new mechanics and either I’m stupid or they don’t explain stuff very well at times aha there we go another rotten flesh chest we’ll clear this out we’ll shove it all in one chest courtesy of our Sher boxes and we’ll have so much more

Space once they actually made a Sher Farm it was all over it was all over the second they made a Sher Farm it was all over that’s full hello blue spear how you doing put all that in there and grab More and another Sher box down all right now is that the only only nope there’s another one right next to it seriously after we like condense this all down we’re going to have so much more space so much more space for all my stuffs and my

Things we might want to do the same thing for my rather alarming collection of ender eyes might be a good plan to do the same thing for my alarming collection of ender eyes hello psycho pretzel glad you’re doing good blue spear Okay take that take that those are full pick this up let’s check the rest of them anything is anything else that’s a box of dirt I should move that back to the dirt box aha there we go whoops I think I accidentally put my My Flesh box instead of my dirt box how

Silly of me how silly you need to mistake my flesh box for my dirt box never mistake your flesh box for your dirt box that never ends well you wonder what’s with the hate against alaku and ‘s well there’s no way for them to be Canon there’s a there’s a bit of a

Stigma that like there’s always been a stigma against OC’s that seem to be be be like made just so someone can pretend they’re them and like just to feel special you know like overpowered OC’s that have like a billion powers or like they’re often called Mary Sue so the term

Actually came from a Star Trek fanfiction way way long ago actually called Mary Sue so she was like the the first like Mary Sue that all other Mary Su have been named after and and like you know she got all of the friends and like everybody wanted

To date her and she got and she was amazing and like and like characters without flaw like that are considered like boring and and that kind of translates over into even characters that like aren’t in stories you know like alak coros are like I mean by making your character in

Alicor no you automatically like would they’d be set above everybody else in Canon they’re automatically like special so people and like there is a correlation between like younger people are like more likely to make alicor no seeds because they’re more apt to do stuff like that that they think is that

That they that they think is cool you know they want to feel like special and there can be some and people sometimes think that like that’s like childish and they don’t like childish things like I’m not saying any of these ways of thinking are correct but these

Are just in general why people often R rally against alicor no’s there there’s a perception of them being like only made by people who are like immature or like there just various stigmas that have existed in fandom for a lot longer than I think any of us have participated in phandom various different

Things I’m not sure I explained it I’m sure amazingly I’m sure there’s other people who could have explained it far more eloquently than I could have I hope at least got the gist Across Alicorns are usually acceptable as followed Equestria OCS that is very true velvet Pawn 3 in the Fallout Equestria um Cannon Alicorns are just a thing that a lot of things are yeah so that that is true ironically if you reach level 20 in the My Little Pony will playing game by

R Gade games you get to become an Alicorn but you want to have your players stuck at level 19 until they really do prove themselves Alicorn worthy I didn’t know that assassin Fe Hit or Miss for you I mean I’m sure three is a good game like

I’ve enjoyed I’ve enjoyed a lot of the game so far it just seems like I’m having a hard time getting a grip on some of the mechanics so I I don’t know whether they’re not being explained properly or if they just aren’t cing to people with my kind a brain and I keep

Missing obvious stuff checking for any more uh rotten flesh chests here you think you explained it Well block yeah yeah let’s see any more rotten flesh just hiding around here if it is I’ll find it I’ll find it if it’s hiding oh believe me I’m going to find it it can’t hide from me I’m going to find it and then I’m going to store it

It is going to be all neat and tidy and there’s nothing anyone can do about it oh hello B Bond games how you doing oh I’m talking to people in other chats as well if you’re confused who I’m talking to why would I say I did not say you were bothering

Me I generally don’t understand when people like just assume they’re bothering me like like like don’t say sorry for bothering me if I haven’t said you’re bothering me like for two reasons first of all you haven’t bothered me and second of all then I’m like obligated to

Like come for you and say you haven’t bothered me which like you know I don’t know T it’s like like the fact that I’m kind of forced to comfort you and reassure you that you aren’t bothering me is like significantly is the only thing that like bothers me you

Know like like people like they always seem to want to over over like apologize to me like like they over apologize to me for like tiny little things cuz because they think I’m some big important person who’s going to be super angry at them and then I’m like obligated to comfort

Them and say it’s no big deal but the problem is me having to to to take time and energy and like emotional intelligence to comfort someone is more bothersome to me than whatever tiny little thing they apolog oliz to me for in the first place if you guys get what I’m

Saying but like I don’t want to like sound mean or anything but like it it takes a lot of energy from me to like to like deal with help with someone else’s emotions that’s why I ban venting in my chat and in my Discord but like if somebody like

Suddenly starts apologizing to me to something that like doesn’t even matter to me or something that I don’t even think they did I’m they’re right in front of me so I feel obligated to comfort them and that takes a lot of my energy so like that’s kind I kind of

Dislike it and now I’m afraid that people are going to get like more annoyed because they’re going to say because now they’re going to going to see now people are going to be apologizing to me for apologizing and this cycle is just going to continue so

Like like get like no matter what I do I feel like I lose like I tell people not to apologize and then they apologize for apologizing and like I don’t know like should it really be my job to like Comfort people but like they think I’m mad at

Them and I’m not and then I’m like forced to comfort them like I don’t want to sound like a terrible rude evil person but like I only have so much emotional energy to go around you know like I’m an introvert like I I’m also very empathetic so I often feel people’s like

Pain so like it’s it’s another reason why I’ve been like venting in my chat and in my Discord like like I hope I don’t sound like some terrible person for saying This I Swear someone’s been moving my lanterns around genuinely I think somebody moved my lanterns

Around yeah I think someone did move my lanterns around hang on you weird yeah I think somebody moved my lanterns around I’m just checking chat cuz I missed a lot of stuff I know I’m not a counselor but like I don’t know if somebody comes in this happens very frequently honestly

People misread me on stream think I’m pissed at them specifically and and like apologize profusely and then and and then basically crying my DMs apologizing and then I feel obligated to like com for them and say no I’m not mad at them and then they apologize for apologizing and

They make a frowny face so I have to like do it again like maybe they don’t mean it but sometimes it feels emotionally manipulative like they don’t mean it maybe they don’t mean it like that they almost certainly don’t but like if somebody is like apologizing to

Me with like a frowny face they could like they come into my DMs and they use all these sad emojis and they’re like I’m sorry for what I did maybe I should leave your chat forever like what am I supposed to do like I’m I’m exaggerating

A little bit but then I say no you don’t have to apologize and they’re like I’m so sorry I’m sorry for apologizing with like a crying emoji and hello blue spear hello like I’m exaggerating a little bit but like I don’t know like it just it gets tiring you know it it

Does get a little tiring over time just does get a little tiring over time yeah I’m not talking about you band Band games it’s just just a general thing so I have this ender pearl chest Here let me just make sure I don’t have any other ender pearl chest just actually they would have gone in here so yeah I’m probably good so let me get get those other chest let me put these back for a second grab the these partially full chests and we’re going to and we’re

Going to deal with all the stuff in them now probably grab another Sher box do I want to hear something cute I I mean I suppose I suppose I don’t see why not hello zanthos hello hello I’m doing all right oh I’m thirsty again my mouth is Dry ah I don’t I might I’m getting a snack Midway through stream like I didn’t technically had lunch but I did have a super late breakfast so I don’t know if that’s going to be like an issue Later here we go more pearls that can go in There there we go now that’s full and yeah is this is the full one right no this is partially empty hang On okay so this is the not one this is also a not one no got wait the snacker not dis neack that is the question okay so that goes in I see somebody on the stairs I saw that little hoofy out of the corner of my eye I saw

It I saw it you can’t hide that from me why does everybody think I’m Princess Luna every so many people say I’m I look like Princess Luna I look nothing like Luna not every blue horse is Luna I am not Luna how many times do I

Have to tell you people I am not Luna I swear I had like a separate box for actually hang on how goes the Minecraft Adventures pretty good pretty good doing a little bit of uh cleaning okay so I do have like special specific like chorus fruit boxes a squishy rats thanks for the

Follow so is this fully full I think it’s fully full yep okay so we’re going to put that back in there going to stuff this full of chorus fruit which means we’re going to have to grab more from another box there a little more I need gra nothing in There oh this would be a better box for it actually hang on and hang on got to got to now we have to organize this box go and take that and take that and yep put that there put that there and that means I can take some of these is

Out of here 1 2 3 four five can shove some more things in here so not enough space for everything though why don’t I take out the cakes I’ll take out the cak so I can store the rest of that and the cakes will live in here for Now actually you know what Hang on we’re going to organ reorganize things a little bit things that are actual food are going to be down the bottom and food ingredients are going to stay at the top there you go see that looks a little better let me let me just real there we

Go there we go and then put cocoa beans at the top and then sugar cane and then sugar and then we’re going to have the kelp somebody just pushed me and then we yeah there you go a little bit of organizing a little bit of organization oh you’re very close to Me no horn no Crown no neckflix exactly I am not Luna I look nothing like Princess Luna I do not I am blue and that’s it a main color in a horn is a lot of stuff I mean colorina horn is a lot of stuff I’m missing so much stuff W come

On let me sort out more of this that and that and that that’s a lot of golden apples I have Now maybe golden apples should go to the side as well cuz of just how many I have Now so golden apples will now go in here as well as a general Rule maybe season one but not season two and onward lunar everybody yeah unreformed Luna like but like even then I look nothing like Lun I don’t think I look like Luna I’m not Luna I’m not I’m not Luna I don’t I don’t think I look anything like Luna not every blue horse

With a light blue Manan is Luna what am I going to do with you chat what am I going to do with you I’ll be closing all my Doors hangang on I can convert these and nope no wrong one there yep there we go Okay string goes downstairs in the string chest I love you I love you guys I love the chat yep like a frying pan to the face okay I’m keeping flowers over here I should grab more more food I got to grabb more ters a Christopher was follow following

You I think Christopher likes you blue spear grab more tatoes those are in the third basement I’m already in the third basement there we go so one thing I want to do is actually sort out some yeah take that out that out and that out and take that

Out and where am I currently putting some things and I’m just looking for chest where I’m putting like stuff like this not that chest if I can move that on the chest on the bottom okay so this is like stuff that’s been already done looking for one of the chests where

I’m keeping unenchanted stuff and unsalvageable items sworn I would have had one down here I would have we chill search all the chests hello winter how you doing not that one this one is full up if I can’t find one after searching all my levels I’ll just condense some of

These chests to make space here’s one perfect so I actually think that’s what I’m going to do next I’m going to pull out stuff that like we’re not going to be salvaging quite yet so these are going to get set in here and we’ll come back to them

Later and we’re just going to grab a bunch of these one two three four five six seven oh yeah let’s just grab the remaining ones and we’re going to do Lands list I think this was on like page three or four yeah cooler gold Farm there we go

There we are oh bunch of more stuff got eated out is somebody using this while I was Gone trying to clear yeah somebody was definitely using this while I was gone had everything all nice and neat and then then everybody they ended up using it was in perfectly good armor we could have Despawn oops you didn’t mean to grab that whatever just trying to YK all this stuff that really isn’t supposed to be there like there’s something just seriously wrong with this sorting system I don’t know why it’s like this but it is like something about the sorting system just not like sword items

Properly and I don’t know why okay let’s put some things in here it is a decent yeah it is a decent spot a lot of people use this area a lot a lot of people use this area somebody climbing down hello there I’m just being silly of course the people can use this

Spot all right let’s start cleaning stuff out thought I saw something on the floor for a second I guess not yep it probably it’s probably them who was using it are they taking stuff no Okay we’re going to do SL C head all then we’re going to convert some of this stuff we’re going to convert some of the gold just so we have more room turn that into that and that into that we’re going to throw these in here

Just so we have some of them to work with and these are going to go back in here so now with that set to the side we’re going to start collecting Enchanted stuff and like horse armor and anything else that shouldn’t really be in here so that

We’re only left with the stuff we really want for like repair I mean we want all of it and we’re keeping all of it but that way just you know a few things at a time okay and fill her up okay and next Box oh cool I I’m not really a big fan of stickers honestly the the fact that they can get so yucky on the back kind of like makes him kind of scks me out a bit not really my thing we’re good for you yeah stickers not not really my

Thing okay I’ve actually changed my mind we’re going to do the opposite of what we did earlier did we do the right thing earlier yeah we were fine okay so now we actually have a ton of Sher boxes left so we are going to take stuff out after

All oh high redeem okay okay okay you made sure it’s in a place with where no yucky good good good there we go all right let’s empty these Boxes and we get another box and we put more stuff in there wrong thing hang on there we go box and we put these in there let me get more Stuff oh we just had a couple small burps in there and another Box so many boxes boxy boxes oh I have to that one Next you know if you were working you you can like if you were like stabing them for experience you can keep doing that I mean it might make my viewers ears bleed but me that’s kind of what they should be expecting watching me they know what

They’re getting into like if if you were like like harvesting it for something feel free to keep doing that I’m only joking around and like mildly griping cuz my Bo brain works I like to be like completely done with the task if people are constantly like grinding this

Obviously it adds more things for me to collect so I’m like no but like it’s it’s fine it’s fine hello J it’s always nice nice when I look over to uh when I when I look over to Twitch chat nice to see that that Kuma bot is

Doing its job Kuma bot doing its job Banning Bots from my chat a bot Banning bot ironic but very worthwh hello Lazar how you Doing o I’m overheating yeah hang on I’m going to think I’m going to take off my sweater real quick l l l like got it I think I got it okay that’s got it okay that’s better don’t know how I’m overheating just sitting here playing Minecraft but now I’m doing now that’s Better I love how people are always like so willing to just sit and stare at streamers in Minecraft I mean I’m guilty of this too you know totally guilty of this but it’s it’s funny how we’re all just willing to just sit within view of the streamer and stare at them

Or in the case of This Server sit on the streamer and stare at them as I frequently Find truly living our best lives yeah what better way could you be could you be living your life than to be sitting on a streamer’s head in Minecraft and staring at them truly nothing better you could be Doing and thank goodness for that or else I’d be out of a Hobby All right I’m going to need to go home and empty hang on emptying time again that’s why someone keeps playing with the doors yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m totally cool with everyone who puts me on this background noise we’re very lur positive here liers are the backbone of of any

Streamer and any streamer who pretends otherwise is a fool believe I was throwing them downstairs but I think that filled up yeah so why don’t we shove a couple of these together is there like a really empty one I can empty I could probably split this one between a couple of

Them this was a mistake I’m not going to be able to tell like hang on I’m going to I’m going to shove these in here temporarily just so I can keep them separate from the other ones so we’re going to yank these out and dump them in a different

Chest so these are going to live in here perfect then we yank these out and dump it in that empty chest we just made And Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump grab grab Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump Dump meaning that these two are now empty we can put these back are they seem pretty good yeah hello toun Slayer I woke up a little late so I didn’t like get get like too

Much done in the morning but I think I’ll live I’ll live yeah I’m I am having fun I don’t know if you guys keep hearing my phone going off in the background that little jingle noise either me or my friends are getting some weather alerts lots of snow and stuff in the

Past few Days yes yes yes and that goes there and these go here and obviously I need to turn them into ingots and blocks again do that and do that and back in the chest darn it come on not You there people are using my front door again I see somebody changing their armor or putting our armor on or Hello I would never get over how insulting those update gar capes are right okay so what we’re going to do now is yeah those are oh these aren’t completely full yet yeah we can shove some more stuff in here cool and we’re going to go back cuz

I think it should take me directly back to cooler gold Farm but you never know you never know okay everything’s still empty good Good empty Empty didn’t mean to do that empty empty okay so now we can start collecting this stuff down there ah there was still more gold horse armor it’s fine it’s fine we’ll fit it me when I think I’ve emptied out all the golden horse armor but clearly I

Haven’t cuz you can’t see it when it’s all backed up in the pipes see when you got horse armor backed up in your pipes that’s when the wheel problems start Do Okay we’re going to need more Sher boxes and we’re going to need to dump more stuff more boxes which we have the materials for I do love that love intolerance gained um gain support for the apple skin mod so because I can actually see my saturation now which is super duper cool

Like I actually tried installing apple skin once before but I realized that at the time it wasn’t compatible with love in toolerance so I was like disappointed and like it looked bad and like I am very particular about about making sure everything looks good on stream It’s like it had to go but thankfully looks good now and the same for for like the eating animations mod I think I tried that out too and realized you needed a specific need a compatibility for it so I think we’re currently keeping these right over here cuz I just emptied

Out this chest Yep and this goes over here keeping it right there and then I need to make more Sher boxes thankfully I have plenty of materials for that somebody ding dong in my bell who’s ding dong in my bell yeah I’m not going to fall for that

Twice see you see you were too close I could tell that that like there was no body previously like the fact there was no body was like hidden by it was like like hidden by the fact that there that that like there was like grass in the

Way I’m mature work man come on I know you can do better than that that’s a lot of gold it’s been a lot of gold for all these streams the fact that I have a lot of gold items is not a new thing and let’s go back hopefully it teleports us to the

Right [Applause] place yeah that did Thankfully I I really want to know how exactly the sorting system works but like why does Golden other things sometimes get pulled into to the other places not there it doesn’t seem like it’s working properly should Wonder a Bit and the next box did I put anything I shouldn’t have in there doesn’t look like it NOP we’re good and open this box and put that and that and that and that then we sort that and of course there’s a gold carrot too get in my way

O who’s ready for some lesbian ponies with weapons It’s 427 in the afternoon 20es from sry each other Iile late fing I’m [Applause] tired tonight I want to fall in love with every pony everything Tired our world now got to Go going Get Everything tired scared Out know fig all Time follow with theet I’m tired being Scared H squishy V thanks for popping into Chat So Oh Okay so that’s everything in this area actually going to do Lands list one more time find not blaze farm not gas Farm I think it’s there we go public dark room oh no this isn’t Spotify this isn’t Spotify these um these songs are all local on my computer I’m using something called

Media monkey x37 because that way I can it and play it for my stream Deck with like I just have to like rip the songs off YouTube all right let’s see I don’t think anyone really uses this area Much Anymore maybe it’s not medium monkey actually said I think it’s just medium

No it’s just medium monkey x37 is like this like the guy who who made this song I this it’s just called medium monkey I maybe it’s medium monkey 4 or what what is it called hang on are you I know you’re on my desktop there oh it’s medium monkey 5 that’s

What it is I have no idea what the previous four versions look like but it’s number five oo plenty of iron flesh mine now going to have to make more uh more of these just to hold it oh I forgot I could do that put it all in at Once okay we got to get home so out all of [Applause] This okay bonus I was keeping upstairs you saw the rotten flesh and you thought it was a flower for a second it is supposed to look like a wilter daisy because I’m using the love in tolerance resource pack so you know so like I’m a horse so

Instead of fleshes it’s like a wilted Daisy hello fos Blitz glad you can make it huh maybe I should have chosen a different spot to keep all of these I’m almost out of space hang on I’m going to move where I’m storing those here we go I’m going to storm in

Here instead much more space for a temporary holding spot nothing nothing’s more permanent than a temporary solution remember that yeah we’re going to have to make another box hang on one Two and one of these and we go upstairs and click and there new box your phone is about to die you shall be back okay come on man you your your game is slipping you want to catch all the passion streams you got to keep that phone

Charged come on you’re not an amateur at This okay we should be able to get there by doing my mouse SC wheel never wants to work properly there you go more water I think I’ve actually really Dr my water bottle already I guess I was very whoops there we go sometimes you get stuck in this

Area sometimes the game freaks out like that when you teleport around here I don’t know why my arrows now I should probably make even more sha boxes for these items we going to start with Will there hang on there we go we’re going to start with the bones actually I don’t think that’s

Enough to to to Warrant a uh Whatchamacallit I forget uh shx that’s it I’m just going to do a quick run around and like make sure I don’t have like a second phone chest just lying around somewhere it’s probably time we start consolidating all of my like mob

Resource chests with the sheer number of Sher boxes I’m capable of making right now you never know if you have an extra bone chest just lying around you forgot about you always got to make sure you got to check actually while I’m looking I think I only have two Arrow

Chests so that that shouldn’t be too too hard to like solve for Sly my keyboard feels more wobbly than usual wobble wobble wobble yeah so I think I’m going to I’m going to get a I’m going to combine those uh Arrow chests I’ve not come across a bone chest

Though so it’s probably just the one bone chest I don’t think there’s any reason to see I probably can consolidating arrow and string chests but I don’t think there’s like anywhere to like any need to consolidate any other thing so I’m going to make at least I’m just going to take

This there you go that’ll make I can make five chest I can make five that way one two three four five and make them hello Reaper Vine I actually haven’t watched that show before where it end up going okay it’s right there there same here load that up yeah this will be much much cleaner Arrow box Arrow box we’re going to and then we’re going to do the same thing for the arrows downstairs bring them

Upstairs I wish I had a way to know it when when someone on YouTube was a first time chat are the same way I like I have it for twitch I mean maybe it exists but it’s not something I have at this exact second for some reason I feel like

There’s an arrow chest over here a weird brain memory that said I had an arrow chest over here but I don’t think I do I think I’m just remembering the one that’s in this area downstairs there we go oh no that’s definitely no one should ever ever watch

Something like that on stream like they’re they’re just going to get copyright claimed I like to think I’m not quite that foolish I I don’t really plan to ever do reaction content on the channel unless it’s something extra special but like like a pilot like that no that would certainly get me copyright

Claimed I’m not quite that silly of a horse all right let’s deal with the string try to consolidate these string chests I think it just started terrain yeah there’s enough to make another Sher box we got the stuff for it so let’s make the Box one chest and where are over here one two I love Shockers they’re so useful all right pick her up and let’s

Head down for some reason I feel like I had another string chest in the attic I might go up in a minute just to make sure that’s not true I don’t think it’s true but I I never trust my memories so I’ll make a couple more sh boxes

First just for the heck of it cuz it might come in Useful wait okay so I need two of these one 2 three four of those thought I heard a block being placed but maybe I’m crazy I mean I definitely am crazy but like that’s I saw I should have said like maybe I’m hearing things fidget how you

Doing let’s just make sure I let’s see if there’s a string chest up here or if I’m misremembering oh hang on instead of like making all my chests messy there we go I can I can move my special I can turn this into like a new special

Stuff chest clear out some of the Miss that’s been here and slash lock since that’s now a special stuff chest there we go let me just make sure we don’t have like a string chest up here before I move on with my life I did not okay so now we’re going

To see if slashback actually takes us where we want to go hello AR Yay H it says you’re a first time chatter AR I could have sworn I’ve seen you in chat before maybe I’m misremembering I mean I already made I already stated that I am well aware I’m crazy so who Knows hey just to hold more stuff we’re just going to stuff some stuff in here Temporarily Go that can hold that you can I hate my score wheel on this mouse is just dying it barely does what I wanted to do like it barely Scrolls sometimes or it thinks I’m going trying to go in the opposite direction I’m actually trying to go ooh

That’s a lot of stuff I like all of this stuffs look at all this stuffs so much stuffs wow many Stuffs let’s get more stuffs I we’ll get all the little wo look at all these enchanted books man oh man me just quickly sell oh my caps locks on sell head all so we have one extra inventory Slot crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy

Once they left me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats and rats make me Crazy proba already have all of these let me see if there’s anything in any of These and now we go home oops now we sort out all this [Applause] stuff lost it that implies I had it in the first place I’m going to yank some of these out cuz those are going to go somewhere separate uh that’s Enchanted so that gets yanked Out yeah okay hang on how can you play with me it’s a public server Fox um the the IP is brony tales.com so you should just be able to join Yeah there we go now I have a whole bunch of extra enchanted books which is kind of an uh oh cuz I am don’t not have a lot of space I’ve been trying to combine all my enchanted books but really so quite a bit of R I’ll go in my special stuff chest okay so for now that’s going to go there and this is all the stuff we’re going to end up repairing so now we’re going to yank stuff out of these and SW them where they go first issue the gunpowder chest number f

Is going to get too full actually we might have one hang on do is this is there any gunpowder in the second One okay so it actually fit for now for the time being that’s not something to worry about we can yank most things out of here we will start by putting these away cuz we know right where they go take more stuff out put away a couple more y more stuff out put away

That okay so now this is an empty Sher box and that can go here wait no not you what did you miss nothing much just collecting stuff the normal the normal these go in here food items can go in here these are that can go in

There why us to have more spider eyes in this I must somebody must have needed them for something I must have given it to them or they borrowed it off me egg Bells will go over here in the furniture chest course fruit will go in the chorus fruit box not That we going to yank out all the spider eyes cuz now we have Room okay we’re actually going to use a Sher box to store yeah the rest of these glistening melons which is actually going to be messy cuz we have a lot of stuff in our inventory this gives me a little more room to grab glistening melons blistering I

Guess yeah why do they call him blistering instead of glistening like they made up a word it’s gold carrots gold apples and glistering melons like why are they single out why are they so different it’s not because they’re potion ingredients like like golden carrots are potion ingredients and they don’t have a weird Name Okay this goes in the wood chest glowstone goes downstairs that goes upstairs uh let’s see about the iron yeah the iron go was there blistering means having Reef brilliant points or flashes of light oh so it is a word well personally I don’t I don’t see why anyone would actually know the

Word I I don’t get I don’t get why the gold melons get special treatment maybe it’s cuz they’re not like fully gold I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think I know anything I don’t know Marx I don’t I don’t know what you’re referring To I keep seeing these colors in chat from Crystalis talking and like I and like I keep thinking someone sent me like a Teleport request my brain keeps getting so confused okay let’s store those eggs away oh there’s an empty spot all right I I loan someone something that means

Something can be moved back to here maybe I’ll figure that out later okay that was a that’s full there we go you don’t have another Axel a somewhere right you having an axel a should probably be in the okay we’re nope all right so now I think we’ve

Actually well one more place I’d want to Check there almost never anything here but it never hurts to look snowy thanks for joining us there’s often not a lot of stuff here but you never know if there’s like a random like bow or something you can enchant I think it’s about in the same

State I start at last like almost no one really like donates here or like maybe the shop owner hasn’t Like yeah not much going on I think that’s it I just thought to check okay so now we’re going to we’re going to start reparing stuff time for the bing bong bing bong got to feed the dog or I better be having fun or else of course

I’m having fun I’ve never not had fun in my entire life of course I’m having Fun all the fun so let’s see so we need some string for the Bows yeah yeah let’s deal with the not gold items first and then the gold items later if we do with the not gold items first it’ll simplify things a little bit cuz everything else is just gold little bit of Leather little bit of iron a little bit of string and the the back piece is the one thing that’s not getting a Whatchamacallit a salvage svage right Now and repair but that doesn’t get Salvage that just gets put aside and repair and Salvage and repair and Salvage and hang on there and Salvage actually let me turn the the sound down for you guys I’ll make your ears bleed SL ever so slightly less from all the noise I’m

So gracious you know I’m so gracious and there and there and this and then that and then this and bam oh hi Chris really quick we’re going to turn that into a block and everything goes Back Okay drop off this cape as well it actually would actually go in something like this yeah oh itchy Savage up to five items some luck is involved so I think if we get up five more repair levels we’ll be able to go up to six items so we’ll be able to like fully

Salvage like pants cuz one two three four five six oh wait a minute that’s I guess that that math doesn’t work out [ __ ] I guess we got to go up a lot more levels than I thought to salvage that yeah which we can currently do up to

Five which means we can do helmets we actually got to go up 15 levels so Wow all right let’s get to it oh wait wait we actually need the gold for this we actually need some gold to start out for this where’ it go there there’s the box your spirit blood ah okay cool have fun on the server I see you There all right so oh itchy itchy Itchy got up hang on I got to fix the Itchy there you go I’d say itchy has been rectified Okay Salvage and repair and Salvage and repair and don’t Salvage and repair and Salvage and repair and Salvage and hair and Salvage hair Salvage ha and don’t Salvage Salvage oh welcome back critz well you were already back weren’t you you were weren’t you yeah you were back a little while Ago don’t Savage that yet repair and that there repair Salvage jeez 15 more levels until I can salvage my pants 15 15 whole entire levels before I’m allowed to fully Salvage my pants for everything they’re worth does that sound meable to you I got to go up 15 whole levels before I’m

Allowed to to like Salvage my pants for their full worth I’m working hard here stream after stream to level up my salvaging skills and yet it still eludes me like what’s a horse going to do around here to salvage her own Pants I did for Gore I for Gore things a lot it does happen I have a very for Gore brain oh it’s it’s not the Bell that’s just the sound effect from the from the mcmmo Anvil cuz I’m repairing stuff new sentence unlocked I’m very good at

That I’m very good at at unlocking new sentences that no one’s ever said before it’s one of my many Talents hello CL hop yep yeah yeah it’s got a nice Fe to you know dong click dong click dong click dong click dong click dong click song click click yay level 56 only 14 more levels before I can salvage my Pants I don’t know what to tell you man for some reason like like like I feel like this is like a massive oversight but like you can only turn it down by turning down the master volume turn on the master volume volum I can’t hear anything at all like they have this big

Annoying clang noise and and like to grind the skill you have to do it repeatedly but like none of the other but oh you can do it by turning down like I I feel like that’s just an oversight with the mod like like this is like

Mcmmo is a pretty old like mod they been around for quite a few years I’m surprised they haven’t really come up with a solution for that Yet Pants Savage and fomo I get it I get it man happens to the best of [Applause] Us I mean I already turned it down to like 40 from 50 like I don’t I don’t know like I don’t want to annoy anyone too much with this sound but also like I want to be able to hear other stuff in the game like I suppose maybe I could like

Make it so you guys can’t hear anything in the game but I feel like that would also damp that you guys want to be able to hear other things since when has This Server been in existence I don’t know when it exactly came came out but it’s been

Around for quite a few years the server itself has been around for quite a few years but mcmmo as like a mod is is rather old as well like like they’re not necessarily like Linked In old in how old they are and I guess I could turn it down a

Little bit we’re only going down to 35 I’m not bringing it down any further unless you really [Applause] big more water my mouth keeps getting dry I wonder if I’m dehydrated I was guling water but then like my hair like touched my arm for a second it like shifted I thought something had landed on me so I yeah yeah the Brony Tales the server has been around for a

While it’s a pretty historical server I’d say again I don’t know exact the exact numbers but doggo has been fed yay doggo has been fed very important defe the Doggo so we might hit level 60 today the problem is like sure that would allow me to like Salvage things that that takes six material materals to make but there is no armor weapons that takes like six of one material it jumps from like 5 to seven so that ability is kind of Useless unless they decide it’s better to jump this we’ll see what happens when I hit 60 that’ll be interesting maybe they account for that and it does jump to Seven let’s see what it said what it ends up saying pretty sure we’ll hit that Today Derpy the Derpy hey the server owner hopped on that’s cool always nice to see Derpy on the server whoops wrong Box do happen to know a map with a rainbow factory not off hand Fox I’m sorry about that I mostly stick to my favorite server here and I don’t wander much further don’t really have the Time no it it’s it is the real Derpy for two reasons number one when you hit tab there’s a star next to the name which means that that they’re the official person cuz like that like they’re the official person second of all there’s an a well I guess there’s three reasons

Well the first two are kind of the same reasons the star means you’re the official Canon character representation on the server and there and the second reason is that like and there’s also the a admin next to Derpy’s name and like there can only be one person of each

Canon character on the server like that is a server rule you can only have one der you only have one Twilight Sparkle and you have to apply to be that Canon character so even if you have like a username that that’s too CL that’s way too close to a Canon character’s name

You’ll have to like to take on a nickname it’s like a server rule so there can only be like one Derpy like nobody else could like be Derpy there’s only one Derpy and that’s the server owner could never be anyone Else no not really yep right next to his name star meaning they’re the official Canon character and a meaning admin unfortunately I don’t speak any Russian like at all I remember like a handful of words in Spanish from high school but not Much I refuse to ever call that character muffins like she’s Derpy and I refuse to refer to her as anything else I understand that that the council has made a decision but as it’s a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore It I’m not getting mad at you I’m just making fun of the fact that the showrunners tried to like give her a different Canon name and I’m like no [ __ ] you her name is Derpy Suck My Pony butt you know derps hello you came in how much did you just

Hear I’m very concerned what what what you came into the first words you heard were Is vodka a Russian word I mean you can I don’t think saying vodka bear means you’re saying anything in Russian what the playlist squishy rats um if you look in my twitch panels there’s a panel that says credits there should be a link to a YouTube playlist

With all the songs I’m listening to in that playlist let me know if you have trouble finding it if you if you can’t it should be there but if you have trouble navigating my panel for whatever reason I’ll just paste it into the chat I’m doing good DS thanks for Asking About to go up another level in a minute almost of the way to 57 okay filled oo anony time you guys ready for some more karaoke let me drink a little more water before we get started hang On just got home from college awesome I hope you had a good day at collegey tum night love on my candy bracelet now I’m head class I’m still 20% so get your Head Think things been changing since last generation was born and they Changle up the viruses Fall I’ll get a few in a second squishy your is not today so with yeah We viruses I think [Applause] Falling let me get that F squishy so you’re having trouble like scrolling down the twitch panels I’ll grab that for you give me one oh you found it yay you only had one class all right awesome along with the cple app you need to going to working as student worker for a college

Cafe can you ask what burp Fest is um I if you click on it you if you can click on it without with you can click on it with without actually spending points and it should have a description that tells you what it is but yes it is basically just repeated

Burping it is basically just repeated Burping but yeah any any channel Point Dems should have descriptions on Them I might need to get a snacky I’m St starting to feel to feel a little hungry like I don’t feel hungry but I start to get like the teeny tiny bit of brain fog in like my sinus area which which mean which would probably clear up if I ate

Some food because like I did I kind of technically skipped lunch but I also had a very big breakfast but I also can’t think of anything to like get had a very big and a very late breakfast and I don’t really know what I’d want to get for a snacky cuz a lot

Of things I’d eat for snackies would like would like make me produce more mucus and like ruin my My Talking voice so I always end up like avoiding certain foods if I have a stream that day so I’m not sure what to get no it’s not snowing the snowstorm

Was a few days ago it’ be really weird for it to like still be snowing it could possibly be snowing again but since the snowstorm was sted in days ago it would be rather odd for it to be still snowing hello toxic slime how you Doing actually making pretty good time through this stuff making pretty good time through our repairs burp all right all right here we go doing pretty good good doing pretty Good here you go see you ders what do you mean do my best I always do my best I mean I never give lack luster burps my burps are always full of luster the suggestion to do my best send an implication that sometimes I don’t do

My best I always give chat the highest quality burps available and I resent any other Implication I did not get a degree I did not get a correspondence course degree in bology to be told that I do not to put my best bur forwards I did not take a two we correspondence course to get a Burpy degree to be told I don’t put my best burps Forwards hydrate okay okay hydrate might have to refill my water bottle in a minute I really am draining this thing that was a water drink Burp careful Christopher careful where you’re running thank thank you toun Slayer thank You All a sudden I feel more relaxed I feel quite comfy right now found a wave of contentment wash over me I mean met Pet’s not going away like forever like I’m seeing a lot of misunder like complete misinformation of what’s going on with m Pat like he’s not leaving YouTube forever and

Ever like he he’s he’s going into like a producer role for the channels he’s like he’s stepping back from the ho from hosting the channels and he’s stepping into like a new into like um into just a producer role but he’ll still show up once in a

While how long will I be streaming uh at least an hour I think if not a little bit longer I’ll be we sing until dinner’s ready so we still have a fair bit of time left [Applause] Together do YouTubers retire from YouTube I mean of course people do people retire from anything we retire from anything like if like if YouTubers didn’t retire from YouTube then they’d have to do it the rest of their lives like that just that just wouldn’t make sense all right I mean other people are

Like like I’m there are definitely people who have just stopped doing YouTube completely you know with no plans to come back while other people’s do plan to see where okay we can load this up and then take some out of here and shove a few more in here and is

There another one around here it’s full that’s full yo that’s empty now is there like anything else I can shove stuff into are these all full I think there’s like probably like a chest downstairs we can shove more stuff into yeah yeah I there we go you’re questioning why I seem to be

Responding to people that you that That You Don’t See messages for right it’s cuz I’m also live on like other channels toxic right now I’m Live on YouTube twitch Facebook trovo and Nemo TV so I’m I’m I’m talking to people in multiple different chats so YouTube chat can actually see

Twitch chat but twitch chat cannot see YouTube chat Nemo it’s it’s n i m o well as I said I’m streaming there it’s you you could probably guess that it’s another it’s a streaming website like uh like I would it’s just another streaming website you know cuz I’m streaming there

That likely means it’s another streaming website just one you haven’t heard of before just a less popular one you’re questioning the burp what about the burp I burp all the time do I ever look up at the stars and lose a sense of reality um not Really oh you had the stream muted I oh you had it muted I see yeah yeah I have a ref ref Lex where I can I can control my burp reflex yeah I can make myself burps so I have a redeem for that in in like the channel

Points okay so we don’t actually have that many boxes left which is Nice I mean didn’t I just say that Frost Blitz and that and oh there yeah I I I suddenly feel really really content just nice after worrying about a couple things over the past few days where’s come and Go wow I’m starting to wonder if I might actually get through all of the armor available to me that almost never Happens a come on that one wasn’t as big as it should have been that one felt Bigger almost to level 58 so like I’m curious if at level 60 it’ll it’ll say oh you you get to like do your Salvage up to six materials a month even though there is nothing that does six materials or if it or if it like it’ll actually if it’ll jump to seven we’ll

See we’ll end up Seeing whoops look what this song is Ah that’s what that is okay ah legs asleep switch legs switch legs switch legs there we Go maybe a little too content now I want to take a nap I maybe I should get a snacky but I don’t know what kind of snacky to get I feel like I can’t think of anything in the fridge that wouldn’t risk causing me to like produce a bunch

Of FL that would ruin my streaming Voice like I’m really straining my brain in here Why am I getting a whole bunch of hugs is everybody just is everybody doing slash hug everyone in chat like please my my screen is getting spam by Hearts I’m getting spammed by Hearts o yall quit That um I I don’t know who that is so I have no Idea I mean sometimes people just burn out they just stop making content and they’re allowed to do that you know yay level 58 Yeah we’re making good time through all This you posted a funny in the Discord I might take a look later I take a look later I gotta shake out my Hoof cramping up a little bit from keeping it in one spot for so long that’s Better Who felt this important yeah cramps aren’t fun cramps are not Fun not not You We’re really getting there hello Flatters ooh it’s cold where you live huh good to see your [Applause] Surprise There Ding and Dong and Ding and Dong and ding hey halfway to level 59 Like I swear remember someone telling me or maybe I read it for like that it like jumped from like 5 to 7 we’ll See [Applause] This is very calming yeah yeah the Hideous iron bing bing bong noises very calming unless you mean the music in which case yes I would agree this particular music is very calming maybe a little too calming I can’t be too relaxed I got to have the

Brain going going going you know if the brain ain’t conciously going going going how am I going to think of all the funnies to say I wish there was a way to do like raids while also like not seeing like your own viewer count I know that raid raid counts aren’t like often exactly indicative of how many people were watching you but I don’t look at my viewer count

So so so like I prefer to like not at least even have a vague indication you know I guess I could avert my eyes but I’m never able to resist the Temptation full Box why is my phone ringing one second I’m going to I’ll be right Back [Applause] All right so the same unknown number has called me twice yesterday and today I’ll be right back I’m just going to oh I didn’t pause my music I’ll be right back Chen I’m just going to see if my mom knows what this number is I’m just I’ll be right Back [Applause] Sorry about that guys so yeah it looks like yesterday and today like somebody has called me almost the exact same time it’s only like like like 10 minutes or so apart between when they called yesterday and today exact same number didn’t leave a message and like I’m not going to answer an unknown

Number it’s always someone asking for for like Don ations or something or like asking me to do a political survey like like leave them like who the and I tried to like Google it yesterday but nothing seemed to turn up but like I don’t know if like I don’t like being called by

Unknown numbers like where the [ __ ] are they even getting my number do they just do all these do they just dial every number sequentially like I don’t like i’ I’ve taken oh the heartwarming event is on what I didn’t I didn’t know there was an event today no one tells me anything no

One tells me anything oh hi flatters no one ever tells me anything see like that always like bothers me like like usually when it’s a Spam call and they don’t leave a message they never call you back there was almost the exact same time of day does make make me think it’s

Some sort of automation I’m just used to like spam calls not bothering to call you back when you don’t pick up but I’m also concerned that it might be important because they called back Al they didn’t leave a message like how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know who you

Are am I going to do the heartwarming event I don’t know what it is or where it is nobody mentioned it before now like I’m clearly pinking in Discord hosting it’s a 1 V one sple tournament right now ah now I know a little more now I know a little

More I’m not big into PVP games so not right now but keep me updated if it turns into something else you never Know go to the port and it’s in the heart swarming portal I mean yeah but like yeah no PVP thing events aren really my personal Forte not big into PVP well I can understand where it would be I was just didn’t know what the event was I don’t I

Know I figure it’s in the Christmas World chat chat chat chat chat three of you have said this chat chat chat chat chat chat chat three of you have said this I did not say where is it no where was the word where and anything oh hey 59 I I hope you guys don’t think uh I hope you guys have some like belief in my intelligence like I I I I would hope that I could extrapolate I don’t know I I I hope that you guys have enough confidence in me that you think I could extrapolate that

The heartwarming event would be in the heartwarming area I would hope that you at least believe my brain functions that well then again I haven’t I’ve given you a lot of evidence to the contrary so I understand why you would doubt me do understand why you might Doubt oh I didn’t play the music there we go forgot to put the music back on I thought H it seems too quiet cuz you didn’t put the music on doofus you silly horse okay maybe you guys do have many reasons to doubt Me so silly I am I am a rather silly horse I am rather silly absolutely cataclysmic amounts of Sil who’s my favorite Pony character I’ve always been a Twilight Sparkle stand I’ve always been a Twilight Sparkle stand and I cannot be Swayed we’re getting close to 60 I wonder if we’re going to get at this load or the next load all favorite too Cool I think it might just barely be the next load where I end up leveling up to 60 oh dear I got to pee I got to pee I feel bad because we literally just did a BRB but now I got to pee I’ll try to make it quick don’t buring down anything

Where I’m gone okay I’ll be right back ow know if you were misbehaving while I was Gone [Applause] I like to say that was your fault Chad you guys are the ones who keep redeeming hydrate redeemed that piss break was was entirely your fault Chad my body always does this to me I go to go pee and my body says no [ __ ] you

Guess what it’s not just pee then I have to like [ __ ] speedrun a poop to get back to the stream you know how annoying is to have to speed run a poop like you got to really freaking push like I prefer to just sit and let things happen

With only like a little bit of pushing but no I have to [ __ ] speedrun this [ __ ] literally like like often I say I say this [ __ ] just to mean a thing but literally speedrun this [ __ ] like literally this time what the hell were you guys doing on this sh doing when I was

Gone instantly instantly soon as stream are gone butts posting butts in my chat while I’m gone posting butts while I’m pissing how dare you you should only be posting butts when I’m around to see them you should only be posting butts when I’m here to see them am I supposed to

Enjoy the butts if you’re posting them when I’m not around I think that’s rather Impolite well maybe you should be posting ponies when I’m around what if I want to see the ponies if you only post ponies when I’m not around then I never get to see the ponies and how’s that fair to me All right I should I should hydrate a little bit to replace the fluids I just lost I know that’s not 100% how it works but still oh that was a good one I liked that one I very much like that one Hydrate again I I I got a Stopman every time I say I’m taking a drink on my own someone decided to troll me by doing another hydrate redeem so I have to drink again if I need any more I’ll probably have to refill it Hey Johnny that that’s going a little bit far I’ve seen you in chat before you like to be a little silly and goofy but that’s a little bit like too gross like that’s definitely going that’s going past silly into a Ching to be gross Hey man I’m the streamer what what I say Goes personally I think I’ve been pretty tolerant of you so far stream is still dong yeah hey look once I start once you start donging it’s hard to stop once you start donging it’s hard to stop the dong don’t stop until I say it does

Hey on the right side the volume is now down to 35% instead of 40% tree decorating is happening now is it like everybody’s decorating the same big tree or like how does that work with all the people Here everybody decorates one big tree I wonder how they like Reg ulate that does everyone have like creative mode or is everybody to get certain blocks or I mean I’m not much of a decorator [Applause] Honestly I mean there’s a little bit of fomo but I also don’t know if that would actually interest me plus like like I’m like doing a thing right now I’m willing to like play along with trolls a little bit cuz I’ve actually found that that like like most like if I

Know people will say if it walks like a chicken and clucks like a chicken it’s like usually a chicken and and like that that’s just a way of saying like if it looks like a troll it’s probably a troll but sometimes i’ I found that like if you

Like a troll tries to say something and then then you come up with a funny response to it sometimes that that they decide to move on like I don’t know like a surprising number of people if you just if you like entirely if you like shift what they were trying to do in

Different a lot of them like don’t keep being like malicious like sometimes like I I’m trying to figure out how to like explain this properly like someone says something in chat to to troll you cuz they’re going around trying to annoy people and you like redirect what they

Say into like an even funnier thing and and like they don’t like try to harass and they don’t try to keep trying to harass you like they just I I guess some I guess sometimes trolls aren’t necessarily like milit like there are different levels of trolls there are different like levels of

Trolls there’s like the guys who just want to be [ __ ] and say as much grosser as possible and then there’s people who that like if you’re if they if they decide you pass their test they like leave you alone like sometimes I think it cuz like like like always

Like cuz like if you ban someone that that does suggest that what someone has said has bothered you enough you to take direct action so sometimes there is a benefit into like playing along or bouncing something back at someone cuz like you don’t like you don’t want to get super duper upset at

Something someone says and like like bouncing is something silly back of them shows you’re unaffected but sometimes like someone like says stuff that’s just gross and you can tell that they have no intention of like plus plus sometimes someone is actually just like like a dumb kid who who doesn’t realize they’ve said

Something kind of kind of weird you sometimes people do cross the line though like sometimes people say things that do cross the line I feel like I’m not explaining this well enough like it it Mak this makes a lot of sense in my head but the words aren’t coming out quite right

Can be Hard A viag Syag syndrome yeah this is one guy who’s currently in the YouTube chat right now he’s just trying to say kind of weird and gross and sort of objectifying stuff and he keeps coming back on multiple alts like when he like like previously he was just saying

Kind of weird and silly stuff just just things that were mildly weird that I could EAS come up with silly responses to so I didn’t give a [ __ ] but like he keep now he keeps saying stuff that’s like a bit objectifying or like actively relates to

Sexual acts and like I’m not willing to put up with that in my chat you know like I’m able like willing to put up with like a little bit of trolling and like B like bounce back and forth but once you start actively like saying object objectifying things or like

Directly like like relating it to like sex acts or even implying sex acts like I’m not like I can’t deal with that like I’m not upset or anything it’s just not appropriate for my Chat guy’s probably going to come back a couple more times cuz I’ve seen that that they had definitely have multiple alts I’ve seen in previous streams you decide not to be lame anymore give me a call Flatterers having fun with the emotes what am I doing right okay okay so three more of these let me turn these into things real Quick okay now I’m officially out of water I’ll have to refill the bottle if I want anymore can’t believe how much water I’ve drunk so far this Stream okay how close are we to hitting level 60 pretty close we definitely have enough a I see you later squishy rats thanks for popping in everything’s sounds quieter for some reason maybe just imagining it Though must be hearing damage from all the dong oh you’re probably right you’re probably right all the dong ding dong ding is getting to me you’re right you’re right the doong the D the doong always gets you Eventually everyone thinks it can keep dinging and donging forever but you really can’t it always catches up with you it always catches up with you and that’s what people don’t Understand See that like that’s what I don’t get the point of Like like clearly they’re trying to like that guy in ch is trying to say stuff to make me uncomfortable but like it’s so impersonal like I don’t really care it’s just not appropriate topics for my stream so I can’t allow it like oh no they say one sentence I

Ban them and then they have to find something to say on their next alt I feel like it’s not worth the Effort Like like I don’t see how this could be like entertaining to them like I’m not screaming and hollering and calling him a piece of [ __ ] or Anything like if you’re not getting a big huge reaction out of someone like what’s the point Yeah it just it doesn’t make sense like I understand if they find like if they find someone yay 60 svage up to six items dang it this like there’s nothing that made out of six items to salvage like I was hoping it would jump to seven but no

Yay hang on something’s in my ow there we go up to six full enchant chance 5% wow I’m really going to have to level that up to get higher chances this point I might have to start looking into fishing or like cuz like five I’m at level 60 well well salvaging

Is from both repair and fishing so it takes half of both of them and adds it to that only 5% so when does that go up next really like I’m going to have to really really grind That everybody keeps like spaming ing the hugs and everything get those particles off my Screen nearly done with this load now we’ll do a quick run around to all the plac be check before see if there’s any new Armor Chelby hello have fun working thanks for hopping in wait hang on which box was I emptying not that one here we are and Dot and do do I think I feel like I’m going to sneeze but I don’t think the sneeze is going to like actually

Come yeah it’s not quite there I don’t think it’s going to it’s going to come but now my nose is itchy there we Go Oh wait I’m holding the wrong thing there we go I’m like why isin’t it working you’re holding the wrong thing you’re not holding the pants damn it hit me a place I was trying to open it when you’re inside a building it can be really hard to open a Sher box

Without accidentally placing It is there something out the window no I think I think there’s just Sparkles Looking the wrong Thing ah why is my caps lock always on I hate that where are weapons you you make them could probably you you you make them all right all right I think that’s literally all the stuff we collected cool cool make sure there’s nothing new in my mailbox or anything nope nope

Nope actually while I’m here I should there we go let’s actually empty this out cuz we have the space in it for it in our inventory there we go and we’re going to drop these off downstairs was was the next one I was using downstair okay that’s full so I

Was definitely using one downstairs All right so yeah all of our stuff it’s just done so let’s just go back around to all the lanes just see if there’s anything we might want do a quick walk around Hi l a spiky fish Earth pup Iron Wheel tears oh that’s an courtesy of iron

Farm cool gold Farm check cool gold Farm again hey little loser thanks for tuning in thank you thank You let’s see oh there’s a few things to collect hang on can I like get it from like here there we go picked up some of it is this all of it or I couldn’t tell hang on yeah that was all of it okay some of this away we’ll repair it in a Minute so somebody was definitely using this there is some overflow gold so we’ll take that as well okay that’s everything from here lands List cor Dragon bizar Cave System base the Harbor toia Pumpkin tayer Glow squid Farm do glow squids drop any anything like youth besides glow Squid Ink anything that says Farm I’ll take a quick peeking so okay so this sells stuff item storage donation chest scuba gear please

Return donation chest you can buy stuff I ah I see so by Farm it’s not automatic you really have to swim around and what the [ __ ] is up with my screen this like a hypnotism effect it makes it hard to I don’t know if you saw that but

I could but it made my my mouse hard to look away that’s weird is it that’s not like vanilla right that’s some sort of yeah yeah my mouse want are they like hypnotic my mouse makes it but won’t pull away when that effect starts that must be like a modded thing that’s weird

Nope okay no looking that’s that’s interesting cuz like that’s not vanilla yeah it’s like some type of hypnotism effect if you look at him mind of the subn hypnosis creature maybe it’s like maybe it’s inspired by it yeah so I can’t even look at the glow squids that’s

Funky Let’s see we were on page two I believe where were we uh castle of the Fang main base winterfall friendship School Ikea Cobra Mountain the whole mburg the plaza PC Mud Bay twisty crazy cave Sher Farm we’ll hop into the Shar Farm we don’t need any

Um we don’t need any shells currently but there might be heads NOP no heads right now which is fine do new my a raid farm raid Farm free raids have we just never been there let’s look at all the places I see so this is some sort of automatic thing so I wonder

If there like a chest you can take from or is all of this all this seems to be locked so where does it end up automatic raid farm so is this meant for is this not meant for public use or because it collects stuff oh an on

Thank you for 20 Elixir thank you thank you those there a place where play would be allowed to get stuff cuz clearly collect stuff I mean you can publicly teleport to it not open allow not allowed to open containers here so the public can teleport to it but the Stu to collect

Stuff that you can’t Have interesting Yumi how you doing let’s see what other places there are to go Clerch Diamond Towers State Mega trade Hall public with Skelly is that a public like skeleton Farm you okay you think you think let me know when you know for sure is this going to be a longest stream I think it has been a little bit of a

Longer stream we’re not going for too crazy much longer but like but I mean we’re not going to be going for another like two hours or anything but we’ll be going a little bit longer yeah I don’t get this area at all that’s okay oh hi I’m just looking Around I have no idea what this area is greatest block death Troopers to Zion is a gr all the K Willen guard the barrel the hollow hot Library let’s check the Enderman XP farm a sorry about your vacuum me let’s just see if there’s anything

New I’d want to take oh so yeah there is new stuff here cool mine now you can hear them dying from like Suffocation in the back back ground so someone came in here to grind for experience while I was Out okay next plan That’s where we are feel free to listen to the lovely noises in the background how nice see if anyone’s been using it since we were last here does it oh I wonder if we’ missed those carrots before maybe someone has been using it yeah oh yeah someone’s definitely

Been using using it or we like Miss these hard to tell Ender screaming ASMR the best kind of ASMR you like my starbon bits thank you neat thank you o hope you feel better soon Yi that sounds sorry to hear that That’s a little Better and then let’s check these clear clear clear clear let’s check down the bottom here got a couple things got a handful of things we can take and then open this one and ooh the song’s looped who’s ready for another Anonym hang on let me pause for a second why am I I mean you just are I mean you just are pansexual you just are attracted to like I I don’t know if you understand the meaning of panexual panexual mean pan means all so I’m attracted to people of any and every

Gender so you just are you just are attracted to people and I like like ponies because P because the show was cool back in the day I learned about the kind of counterculture fandom and that really struck a cord in me when I was like 14 and I’ve stuck with it for a

Very long time I mean pretty simple answers all right Anon of time who said I don’t have a job I work a full-time job why did you come here why did you say why did you come here to say you like my Starbound streams and then try to like judge me on my

Life like I work a full-time job good sir and I previously had a 5-year relationship oh there’s someone in the YouTube chat like I don’t know like I don’t know why you would assume that about somebody like I was previously in a 5-year relationship I just broke it off

Yeah gar chump I’m live on multiple platforms at once yeah I just we just ended up breaking it off because he lived in Texas and under no circumstances did I want to move to Texas and that’s that’s really the longer the short of it said actually I’m going to I’m going

To restart the song hang on well not restart restarted But iy overum night said my C bracet now head cl% so get head an viruses I think I’m falling in love again don’t stop Stop said do you likeing 2 a.m. I ain’t got no iPhone but I got a DS with a keychain pink your cupcakes are the best I’ve been failing my classes I don’t a damn is O [Applause] Again Alles C color you think it’s It’s that’s a lot of poppies probably be doing him a favor by cleaning this out cuz that’s almost full up on poppies hello pity how you doing thanks for popping in cosmetics Hey hi hey hey hi hi hi Hi hey He Hey let’s get out of here the villagers out of all the sounds we’ve heard today are certainly the most annoying Pony pillage soy works three table trading th you already there honey oh end from there’s the other one they doing pretty good as well very good

Even oh yeah yep the it changes the the texture pack changes the sounds the villagers make so they say hey hello hi a 420 Elixir thank you r on that’s funny a gif with the message you are awesome a thank you ah a bunch of Ender Pearls there we

Go finally more stuffs more Stu stuffs and things been waiting for more stuffs and more things so many more stuffs and things for me today don’t you like stuffs and things because I love stuffs and things stuffs and things are the bestest Actually quite a lot coming through I wonder if there’s like a backup there quite a lot we’ll probably have to empty these out and come back definitely going to have to come back cuz there’s a lot here we hadn’t sacked these pearls yet today ooh okay but there this one isn’t

Refilling so the the other ones have have to be like refilled manually so let let’s let that other one like just work while we collect more oh okay so that’s finally empty so whatever backup was going on is empty there thankfully a lot of these we can

Just pop straight in the ender pearl chest this is just ender pearls the other ones will have to empty out And immediately lesbian ponies with weapons comes back on now we got to empty everything Out hey thanks Ying Ying for the $2 donation nice to meet you fellow P yourone thank you little be a second before it pops up on screen7 in the Afterno smile smile be Fing a and I just really don’t care put your H in the air tonight I want to fall in love with everyone we’re going to set the light everything so I’m tired being scared let’s get out And Fastep off you’re going to get cut you ain’t got time for your R this is hot this is the consequence of the Hat you the on fire All Get I everything so tired being sced get out and [ __ ] up now I now we figure it All In ton I want to fall in with pony we’re going to get the light everything tiar get Out now oh I went down too many levels whoops where I actually would have wanted to go is right over here what do I feel about TARTA sauce versus cocktail sauce with fish sticks um I’m going to to be honest I don’t eat either of those sauces very

Often nor do I eat fish sticks very often so I am the entirely wrong person to ask I am not qualified in this subject I’m pretty sure I had a box down here that was like poppy storage cuz I had raided that before but I haven’t seen it in a

While it doesn’t exist am I planning on making a song I mean it would be a nice dream to write my own song Someday but I don’t think that’s going to occur like for for quite a while I think it’s going to be quite a while before that comes

Even close to being a reality Blue Horse hour yes hello zoa how you doing is the blue horse hour with the blue horse I’m not smart enough to come up with lyrics on the spot have to give me like a half hour and some scratch paper okay that’s my poppy box that’s an

Empty box box some covers I’d like to do some covers definitely do some covers someday I want to get a little better at singing first what kind of pony are you I’m a pegas Suy blue horse is hoarding all the chests someone stop her never never you cannot stop me never okay ender Pearls that’s a full poppy chest this is a partial poppy chest I think I I slammed some stuff in a chest here I got to remember which one it was did I like slam a bunch of stuff in a chest I did I thought I did and I was

Correct you got to tr trust your thunks sometimes your thks are correct we just store some store that in there and that in here real quick take that out take that out take that out again I didn’t miss anything did I nope it’s an empty box those are popping

Be let’s stop to eat uh one of these num n n stop by the flower chest okay so now we have two poppy chests to add to this which actually we don’t actually have room for both bothersome so that’s getting taken out of there cuz that doesn’t stack there we

Go those will stay in there well since it doesn’t stack I guess I could just shove it in here yeah that’s pretty good actually stus I like that that’s fun not bad at All take a to fill the other box not that I immediately fail in putting the correct things back in and I I opened the exact same box instead of the one I would actually want to open why am I not switching Boxes thank you there now I want a full box and like a partial box but There we go full box partial box empty box going I need more boxes I think oh I didn’t need to make more I had more I’m so silly this box will no not there I think we’re going to put it here temporarily put that there keep that on us with

These I’m going to go a fifth box actually this can go there this will go in the co fruit box and then this will go over here and then that goes there that goes there that goes there and the rest of this has a spot for it downstairs I’m pretty sure

Somewhere I think yeah I’m currently storing these here hello rainy immediately sits on my head starts taking Suffocation damage now we’re going to go back hopefully that takes me back to where I actually want to Go you think my singing is good enough I appreciate that but right now my singing is like did you just move me bro come on you canceled my teleport you moved me an inch canceled my it did at first well now I have to wait another 23 seconds it was working

Before oh now I’m mad cuz I have to wait great great it didn’t work at all because of that um you would not believe the odly amounts of Rage that would fill me that filled me when you said haha you didn’t do anything I don’t want to be near you

Right now I’m going to throw a petty tamper tantrum because if it’s not Petty it’s because like that’s wasting my time twice now I have to remember where I was last like if if it teleporting doesn’t work with someone on your head it should tell you that instead of teleporting you

Exactly to where you are or like just it should tell you that didn’t do anything the second time that was indirectly your fault because for some reason your best slashback brought me to exactly to where I was before which I don’t think would have happened if it didn’t fail in the first

Place like he here’s a tip man I can get annoyed at like silly things so like saying LOL and haha and and like saying you’re laughing about stuff when I’m annoyed at stuff it makes my it does set me off a little bit like maybe it’s like

Irrational but like when people say LOL and haha and pretend or pretend to laugh about stuff that like is bothering me in a moment it it can make me feel upset just letting you know it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a courtesy thing I appreciate from chat when I’m

Streaming like it doesn’t always affect me like it doesn’t always affect me but is a Curt but is a courtesy thing that I appreciate from stream Wrong one maybe I should have bought more Boxes probably should have brought more boxes I can go back and get more boxes depends how many there Are oh that’s Feeling no I I don’t quite believe that’s edus LOL suggests there’s a reason that that it’s like funny like you can say like for like anything but but LOL has like specific connotations like you can’t use it as a filler for anything it still does have specific connotations like Vibes to

It like yeah you’re getting what I’m meaning and there’s even more Here definitely should have brought more boxes that’s okay we can go back and get more boxes easily you only just realize it’s an ender pearl Farm you thought the ender pearls were just appearing out of thin air for me to collect magic spontaneously appearing ender pearls all right home home home

Home confused because of the sounds oh okay I get it you’re like what are those sounds and you realize oh why are you bringing the Bell when I’m not even home why you bothering to ring my bell when I’m not even home can’t even come see you right now I

Got to empty out my inventory see you ding donging but I can’t really do anything about that right now I’m busy like they’re doing all this dinging and donging out there but I’m a little busy hey Samus how you doing bong B all right let’s see I’ll see real quick

What you’re diing in my doorbell about know you put stuff I figured you must have put stuff in my mailbox thank you I like free stuff I’m doing pretty good I’m doing pretty good Hopefully this this hopefully this teleport actually works this Time yep okay good it actually work this time oh but I’m I’m silly I didn’t grab more boxes really forgot to grab more boxes oh we could make another trip or the two it’s fine we can make another few trips just check the rest of these boxes real

Quick these boxes often contain like random [ __ ] I like taking the random [ __ ] lapis and books only seriously I will find you that’s funny it’s like don’t put other [ __ ] in It yeah well I’m here you got to check everything we can’t come to a place like this and like not check everything never know what you’re going to find okay back to Land’s list next next next next yeah we were here so honey heartwarming sea Kingdom Sun City Frog Light

Farm I’ll take a look at that oh I guess it’s not done yet ain’t much going on here yeah oh there are a couple of oh I see they have some tethered frogs in an area where a bunch of magma cubes spawn I get it I get it now okay

I see how that’s a farm you saw the ETSU video where he eats himself off the edge yeah I know and I had such a LoveHate relationship with Etso whoops accidentally tabbed out back to land L click clicky clicky clicky clicky F oh last page prismarine Farm Interesting so the public isn’t allowed access to these chests even though it’s a public Teleporter interesting it’s a you can’t open chests here yet it’s a public area it’s like there’s stuff up There Chris Marine Farm free to use issues contact Alex awal ah someone have to contact him because number one issue you can’t open the chest to get the stuff number two I don’t oh is that how you get out okay but how do you get up

You can get out but how do you get up oh okay so everything starts coming through but you still can’t access the stuff so what’s the point hello level Assassin’s Creed 4 is making you miss Etso well I have gone there yet is there not like a way

Up but like clearly you’re meant to like I there’s an area meant for Idling I feel if I break anything it’s going to shatter it’s going to like ruin everything like it say free for public use but you can’t open the containers I want to go take a look I can I break blocks I’m going to use just uh I use silk touch I use silk touch why did the block not drop the [ __ ] just happened I used silk touch get me my mic for a second are you so oh I can’t break

Blocks I just didn’t break it what’s the ticking sound it’s a redstone Appliance okay it’s just so yeah it say for public use but it doesn’t really work Mountain Pass dream Valley Guild creative Baconator simple public Harlin Farm never hurts to take a Peek there’s a few things I could take okay cool buttons a this is to stop stuff from Spawning something’s dying up there no ma DUS Veil M sugarcane farm Wiland I’ll take a look at sugarcane farm and then I’ll head Home oh it’s just a public feel free to take some sugarcan Farm wait a minute we can see if anybody left anything behind see somebody forgot that Good to know that there’s a public trigar Farm here I didn’t even realize is it public it’s public oh it sounds like there’s like pillagers or something outside I’m I have have an urge to run through it real quick hang on very strong urge to run through it so

I got to I got to say we going have to replant I think I broke a couple things but that’s easy enough that’s fun like that’s really fun actually now let me put this in my hand because I’m a hoof the game calls out a hand that’s why I made this lip

Up make sure that this is not missing from anywhere I keep painting a ceiling the problem is I want to fly see this is this is like hello the Pegasus GJ paon 3 how you doing see this is like this is like a flaw cuz I want to like I want to like

Fly around the room but I I try to go up to the ceil and I keep getting caught on those bars I need heart F item collector boots for this that’s what I need so I feel like I could stay here for ages just breaking stuff

Now I want to go around and see if anything needs fixing hey thanks for the follow now I want I kind of want to go around and and like see if anything needs fixing cuz so much actually looks like it does there’s a lot of holes somebody [ __ ] some [ __ ] up and I

Don’t think it was me for once easier to see if anything needs fixing if I like Harvest everything so let’s take a look totally is an excuse isn’t an excuse for free sugar cane what what totally not hang on you don’t use twitch sadly oh that’s

Okay you can watch on any platform I don’t mind that was you oh that’s okay it’s okay this seems like a perfect place to test out a base cannon cuz like all of the sugar cane would like Bend and you can see the waves it seems like a

Perfect place seems like a perfect place to test out a base cannon per quick sweep oh is there more than one Farm here there’s sever public Farms wait this feels weirdly familiar feel like this feels familiar why do I feel like I’ve been here before okay no I don’t think I’ve been here

Before maybe I don’t know let’s head back home real quick sort out all this stuff thank you for hun Elixir and on thank you thank you yeah let me sort out all this stuff I just Got all the free stuffs and the things we have now received hey welcome back Frost Blitz okay shove the sugar cane in here that goes in there this will go There pop down so you stop suffocating I can go there meu SL cell head all if I could type properly there you go throw that in there and then we throw this poppy all the way upstairs oh wa I got to turn the I got to turn hit boxes off there we

Go you love those complimentary shaders during Sunrise SL Sun yeah yeah I just recently switched from BSL shaders I like BSL but um complimentary gives me a a few more frames than BSL did plus there are a lot of um benefits to using it it does look very Nice let me check my mailbox real quick Rich horse I do have a lot of stuff so I do have many stuffs and many things yeah since it’s finally night let’s still go outside and stare for a minute and oh nether we’ll put that away

In a second I need you to hop off my head for a second I want to look at the stars hello mermaid deing like I I think that this alone might have made it worth it to like to like switch from BSL the complimentary I am trying to look at the

Stars I am trying to look at these Stars I cannot look at these Stars if you were sitting on my head thank you well come on you can’t tell me that this isn’t lovely look at that look at that that moon is majestic Yeah and now it’s a horn blowing let me put away this NE right and then unfortunately I believe that’s going to be the end of the stream wish could see a sky like this IRL um if you don’t know a place on land where you can do where you can do

It see if if you live close to an ocean there might be companies where you can Charter a boat to take you a a whole bunch of miles out to the ocean because if you head out to Ocean you can see the Milky Way because you’re away from

Cities just like you would be if you were trying to do it on land so my so dinner’s ready so that’s going to have to be the end of the stream for today I’m hopeful I’ll be able to stream tomorrow morning but no 100% guarantees cuz you guys know me I I

Can I me you guys know me I don’t always get things ring in time but I’m Hopeful yeah we’re going to say bye to everyone on the server first of all a thank you for another 420 Elixir hey we’ve got up to our level four stream great stream thank you un on thank you thank you it’s nice to actually have like a regular person in

Trouble chat took like a year but we finally do yeah okay disconnect give me one second so yeah yeah yeah we’re let’s find someone to raid let’s let’s figure out who we’re raid in chat but I got to go back to Twitch who is live right

Now skg is live let’s go see hi to skgs let’s go say hi to Giggles s c i g g L wait I didn’t spell it right hang on right before you’re about to end you get to hang with us in the raid s

C i g g l e s i i got this let’s go okay twitch people we’re going to raid everyone else have a nice day so thanks for coming everyone I hope you all had as much fun as I did and I will see everyone whenever you can join Jo me next bye

Guys Bye [Applause] Yeah

This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server | [Insert New Title Here] | #94’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2024-01-12 23:24:24. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:41 or 14381 seconds.

Some days, I just can’t think of an announcement message, lol. Just come watch me play Minecraft! 😛 ============================== Server: bronytales.com

Resource Pack: https://love-tolerance.com/ Shader: https://modrinth.com/shader/complementary-unbound

Mods: Mine Little Pony: https://minelittlepony-mod.com/ Presence Footsteps: https://github.com/Sollace/Presence-Footsteps/releases HDSkins: https://github.com/MineLittlePony/HDSkins/releases Lamb Dynamic Lights: https://modrinth.com/mod/lambdynamiclights Lithium: https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium Sodium: https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium Phosphor: https://modrinth.com/mod/phosphor Mod Menu: https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu Better Dropped Items: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-dropped-items Illuminations: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations Iris Shaders: https://modrinth.com/mod/iris Mambience: https://modrinth.com/mod/mambience Logical Zoom: https://modrinth.com/mod/logical-zoom Lazy DFU: https://modrinth.com/mod/lazydfu Xaeros Minimap (Fair Play Edition): https://modrinth.com/mod/xaeros-minimap-fair No Chat Reports: https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports Technopig: https://modrinth.com/mod/technomodel Drip Sounds: https://modrinth.com/mod/dripsounds-fabric Charmonium: https://modrinth.com/mod/charmonium Visuality: https://modrinth.com/mod/visuality Cave Dust: https://modrinth.com/mod/cave-dust Make Bubbles Pop: https://modrinth.com/mod/make_bubbles_pop Smooth Swapping: https://modrinth.com/mod/smooth-swapping Better End Sky: https://modrinth.com/mod/better-end-sky 3D Skin Layers: https://modrinth.com/mod/3dskinlayers Axolotl Bucket Fix: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/axolotl-bucket-fix Beehive Tooltips: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/beehivetooltips Better Biome Blend: https://modrinth.com/mod/better-biome-blend Chat Up: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chat-up Farsight: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farsight-fabric Tool Stats: https://modrinth.com/mod/tool-stats Better Sodium Video Settings Button: https://modrinth.com/mod/better-sodium-video-settings-button Effective: https://modrinth.com/mod/effective BetterF3: https://modrinth.com/mod/betterf3 CameraOverhaul: https://modrinth.com/mod/cameraoverhaul Auditory: https://modrinth.com/mod/auditory Indium: https://modrinth.com/mod/indium Continuity: https://modrinth.com/mod/continuity LightLevel: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lightlevel Capes: https://modrinth.com/mod/capes Eating Animation: https://modrinth.com/mod/eating-animation AppleSkin: https://modrinth.com/mod/appleskin

Background Music Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhE9Y0g_Mp_xXqpiCxN9Z4fzH9DCfJ3Bp ============================== Bronytales Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhE9Y0g_Mp_yTLKz-_k4cEs7nr9fbUC_s ============================== The 7TV Browser extension will let you use over two dozen custom channel emotes for free: https://7tv.app/ BetterTTV will work as well: https://betterttv.com/

Join my Discord server to talk about my content, or just to meet like-minded people: https://discord.gg/FEzBunDdzS

Follow my Twitter too if you want: https://twitter.com/PegasisWhovian I’m still figuring out how to Twitter; I’m more of a Tumblr girl.

I also have Blue Sky and Mastodon accounts, if you’ve fled Twitter for your life: https://bsky.app/profile/passion8aboutponys.bsky.social https://mastodon.social/@PassionateAboutPonies ============================== Profile Pic, Emotes, Banner, Alerts, Badges, Bedroom Background Shading, and BRB, Starting Soon, and See You Later Screens by MAWBomb: https://ko-fi.com/mawbomb/commissions PNGTuber by ModularPon: https://twitter.com/ModularPon Stinger Transition by Spvwvky: https://ko-fi.com/spvwvky/ Bedroom Background Art by yuiiryu: https://yuiiryu.carrd.co/ Pog Emote by Funny Jo: https://www.youtube.com/@thatFunnyJo ============================== Processor: Intel Core i9-10850K CPU @3.60GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Motherboard: ASRock Z490 Pro4/ac Microphone: Blue Yetti X Capture Card: Elgato HD60 X ============================== BronyTales is a community-centered family-friendly My Little Pony-themed Minecraft server for kids of all ages 5-95 with survival and roleplay sections for casual and dedicated players alike. Bronytales is a 1.19.2 server compatible with Java clients with 1.16.5 – 1.20.2 and Bedrock Edition 1.20. It has many cannon towns and discoverable locations built by a talented build team plus many other amazing builds in the survival, creative, and pixel art worlds. The server is run by friendly staff, skilled builders, and experienced administrative staff continuously working to make the server better for the supportive & growing community. ============================== #Minecraft #VTuber #MLP

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  • SagesCraft SMP Semi-Vanilla

    SagesCraft SMP SagesCraft SMP offers a unique Minecraft experience where you can explore your building skills, create farms, build redstone contraptions, and make friends in a survival-focused environment. Features: A friendly community No admin abuse A long-term server An engaging experience Join the Discord for more information: https://discord.gg/PSZ8uzVY9N We hope to see you on SagesCraft! Read More

  • FairyWorld Vanilla +

    FairyWorld Vanilla +**FairyWorld** is a **Vanilla +** type server. This server is aimed at players interacting with each other without the intervention of administrators. On our server, people unite into cities, unions and clans. The players on our server are adequate, and our active moderation bans griefers. **The server is young, but there are already an average of 11 people online in the evening!****Since our server is “vanilla+”, we have a lot of cool mechanics!**- Custom enchantments- Custom fishing- Souls and soul abilities- Alcohol- New structures- Pumping characteristics||To get to the server you need to go to the DS in my profile… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Every small smp drama ever

    Minecraft Memes - Every small smp drama everEvery small smp server needs a designated sheep herder to keep those wooly troublemakers in line! That’s how you know it’s a truly successful community. Read More

  • NICO’s Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived!

    NICO's Hardcore Minecraft: 100 Days Survived! In Hardcore Minecraft, as Nico I spawned, A baby in shock, my partner Cash gone. Surviving 100 days, a daunting task, But with skill and luck, I’ll surely last. Join my Discord, where we plan and scheme, To create epic videos, a Minecraft dream. Rhyming updates, with humor and flair, Keeping the audience engaged, with stories rare. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Crafting Minecraft news, like a gaming king. Iacing every update, with a grin and a spin, In this hardcore world, let the rhymes begin! Read More

  • Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue… para o Nether! 🔥

    Vou adivinhar tá, aí você me segue... para o Nether! 🔥 “Quando você pensa que finalmente encontrou alguém que te entende, mas na verdade só quer te seguir no Minecraft. Prioridades, né?” 😂 #minecraftpriorities Read More

  • Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA

    Controlling My Car in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: Controlling Cars in the Game 🚗 Are you a fan of Minecraft and love exploring new features in the game? If so, you might be excited to learn about the latest addition to Minecraft – the ability to control cars! In this article, we will delve into this exciting new feature and explore how it enhances the gameplay experience for Minecraft enthusiasts. Introducing Car Controls in Minecraft With the introduction of car controls in Minecraft, players now have the opportunity to navigate the vast world of Minecraft in style. Whether you’re cruising through lush forests or speeding across… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? While watching the latest YouTube video on the one block Minecraft pocket edition map, you may have felt a surge of excitement and creativity. Imagine taking that excitement to the next level by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where the possibilities are endless. If you’re looking to explore new horizons, challenge your survival skills, and connect with a diverse gaming community, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place for you. With a wide range of gameplay options, from survival mode to house building to crafting challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • Playing ROBLOX Horror Map ‘DOORS’ in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】

    Playing ROBLOX Horror Map 'DOORS' in Minecraft!【Minecraft Bedrock】 Exploring the Fusion of Minecraft and Roblox: The Doors Map When it comes to the world of gaming, the fusion of different platforms and games can lead to exciting new experiences. One such example is the Doors map, originally a popular horror map in Roblox, now available for play in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The Doors Map: A High-Quality Experience The Doors map is renowned for its high-quality design and immersive gameplay. Players who enjoyed the map in Roblox can now delve into its mysteries in the Minecraft universe. The transition from one platform to another has brought a fresh… Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!

    Lost in Minecraft: Quailman & Bison Encounter!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Found Quailman & Bison – Minecraft Animal Adventures (Ep 17)’, was uploaded by Erose on 2024-04-07 17:20:12. It has garnered 375 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. Hey… I have a ton of pixel animals and I need to build homes for them. What animals will we find today? Today we find Quailman! A cute little quail buddy that lays eggs. Not all hero’s wear capes, ok. We also find a bison! Today we cook some waffles and find some tropical fruits. Minecraft Animal Adventures with… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Massive Secret Build

    Minecraft's Massive Secret BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Biggest Minecraft Build I’ve Ever Made’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-03-21 20:14:33. It has garnered 2268 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:05 or 9425 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Hypixel’s minigames! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More


    INSANE 2b2t BATTLE: DONFUER DOMINATESVideo Information This video, titled ‘The LARGEST battle in 2b2t history’, was uploaded by DonFuer on 2024-04-18 19:42:41. It has garnered 1522 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. Dangerous battles happen on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft #2b2t Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍

    EPIC Minecraft survival world adventure! 🌍Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft ep 2 “Playing Minecraft survival world ;)”‘, was uploaded by Arnapy on 2024-02-26 14:56:40. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:22 or 2782 seconds. !this is a recording of the stream! another stream alone:(( but I hope you’ll like my content:))) also if you want more content when subscribe and follow me on twich(still don’t know why i can’t put a link, it’s says that i need to build a history) PS: here will be not only recordings of the stream, so follow for… Read More


    BOMBAY KA JAY - EPIC 24/7 SURVIVAL SMP Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Join My New Survival Smp BedRock + Javaedition Cracked 24/7 online public smp live’, was uploaded by BOMBAY KA JAY on 2023-12-28 12:58:27. It has garnered 613 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. Upi I’d – jayislive@fam #minecraft #minecraftlive #mcpe #gaming #live #minecraftsurvival #JAYISLIVE #jayislive Minecraft #GamerFleet #MinecraftHindi #THEHEROSSMP #JAYARMY JOIN JAY ARMY WHATSAPP CHANNEL 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaDx3574o7qF1bfcao3R JOIN TELEGRAM 👇 https://t.me/JAYISLIVE Discord link 👇 https://discord.gg/MpqbEBhVSj MY INSTAGRAM👇 https://www.instagram.com/_ig_jayop Vlog Channel 👇 https://youtu.be/JVjAorXBc1E 2nd Channel 👇 https://youtube.com/@BOMBAY-KA-JAY89?si=pwbRQwkkN96WzS-s Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbeunxc25raxRabwCJjAhBA/join… Read More

  • Get FREE Donuts on SMP – Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLuke

    Get FREE Donuts on SMP - Rating, Grinding, and Giveaways by ItzLukeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rating bases/Grinding?Giveaways … DONUT SMP!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by ItzLuke on 2024-03-03 03:35:46. It has garnered 155 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:57 or 3777 seconds. #donutsmp #cpvp #minecraft #live #vanillaplus #legendtoken #giveaway #endcrystal Read More


    EPIC FACECAM SHOWDOWN: HIVE vs ZEQAVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE AND ZEQA LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-03-17 03:16:36. It has garnered 3419 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:27 or 6387 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BATTLE FACTOR - LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Battle Factor’, was uploaded by BATTLE FACTOR on 2024-03-24 21:24:11. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:40 or 2920 seconds. Epic Moments Of Biggest Indian Gamers | Techno Gamerz | Battle Factor Hello Guys… 🙏 Thankyou so much for watching my video… ● Watch,share and Comment ● Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments! ● Don’t forget to subscribe my channel to help us reach to 1,00,000 Subscribers ❤ Second Channel : https://youtu.be/OqCyPg4VpQo Like Us… Read More

  • UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥

    UNREAL!! INTENSE Underground House in Minecraft 😱 EP16 💥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️’, was uploaded by ENTRO GAMERZ on 2024-04-15 15:13:17. It has garnered 453 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:32 or 692 seconds. মাটির নিচে বাড়ি 😱ll EP 16 ll Minecraft Bangla Gamplay ❤️ #mincraft #mincraft game #mincraft 100 days #mincraft smp#mincraft Bangla #mincraft gamplay #mincraft survival seerise welcome Gyez ————🥰 Instagram:http://instagram.com/__power.999 Mincraft Bangla gamplay 👇👇 video:https://youtu.be/OwxS2BaGPQ8 ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ About: Entrogamerz is a YouTub Channel,Where find gaming video in Bangla, I hope this video was Usefull and you liked it, if you did… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded vanilla

    Harmony Survival Server IP: harmonyreloaded.minecraft.best Discord: Join our Discord Discover true vanilla gameplay on Harmony Reloaded. Join a community focused on exploration, creativity, and friendship without toxic chat or pay-to-win mechanics. Experience the magic of Minecraft in its purest form. Features: True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean and readable chat Active moderation against toxicity Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard Hosting: US West World Border: +/- 40,000 for player interaction Watch our trailer here Read More

  • InfernalSMP

    InfernalSMPCustom ItemsMinesLifeStealCratesBattlePassPVP ArenaJOIN NOW AT: infernalsmp.minecraft.bestDISCORD: discord.gg/X58VhvXEvXMINECRAFT JAVA Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft, What in Block World is This?

    Looks like this Minecraft meme got hit with a critical fail in the popularity department! Read More