Unforgettable hardcore adventure with Diggon

Video Information

Um hello hello guess who it is guys guess who it is guess who put puts my hands over your eyes guess who it is guess who it is it’s me oh my God it’s digon from from the digon channel and from other channel also I think I should start a new

Channel that’s like a completely like an alter ego you know where I’m like I’m me but I’m eviler would that be a good idea evil person but you don’t know that it’s me you you don’t know cuz how would they know how on Earth would they know we’re playing this

Game we’re going to play this game it’s a great game to play it’s a great great game it’s a fantastic game um well maybe it is but actually I I don’t know basically this is authentic Adventure which is a Minecraft mod for release version 1.2.5 that seeks to turn

Um the this version of Minecraft to make it more beta e and also do I don’t to be honest I have no idea what this mod does I’m going to be honest it’s a mod pack nope it’s just one mod just one I have no idea what the mod

Does it takes away my Sprint I have no Sprint so thanks I think it changes World Generation a little bit too um like this I don’t think this is how it looked I think the biggest thing about it was the world generation it turns it into like very hilly and crazy

You know cuz I don’t think you’d get World Generation this crazy that’s like one of the biggest um complaints I guess wait are is the stream and doing bad stuff YouTube is telling me that my stream sucks right now h h what is going on internet speed test let’s

See guys let’s run the speed test the download speed is really good is upload speed good guys I might not be able to stream right now because it’s just it’s being bad something bad is going on my upload speed is 08 check this out you ever seen an upload speed this

Good anybody ever seen that before I don’t think so I really don’t think so I think we might be back actually okay if we’re not back I’m going to be really freaking sad but I don’t know we can run the speed test Again come on Wow four and five amazing wow okay we’re okay is there C4 in this game I’ve got no idea honestly there could be because I just I don’t have any idea what’s going on here I just I don’t okay it looks fine I’m just gonna

Play the damn game play that damn game play that damn game shut your trap and play your damn game wait here’s me hey guys hopefully our stream does not epic fail okay they did not put here’s my first critique with the mod this is a live mod review my critique with the mod

Is that they did not include quality of life you can’t drag blocks where you want them to go so that that’s my first review Point okay I’m thinking about how um all the time nowadays are these modders are coming out with these new mods for Minecraft

And I guess like the Golden Age mods they’re coming out with the golden age mods um and a lot of times they’re compared with modern Minecraft or they’re compared with like the version that they’re modifying like with better than adventure for example you would compare that one to modern Minecraft which is

What I did in my video and you compare it to Beta 1.7.3 which is what other people do um but you don’t see a lot of people comparing these mods to like each other you know that’s something that I’ve noticed and it’s probably because like I don’t know this is just like somebody’s

Passion project right and it would be kind of mean for me to just like didn’t they did not always drop M there’s no way in 1.7 and 1.2 no way no freaking way no shots what was I talking about oh yeah it probably wouldn’t be that great to like

Compare them and be like well you know this one sucks in comparison to this other mod because it’s like I don’t know dude but the only reason that I’m really talking about this is because I think about it all the time because okay yesterday I was being sort of insane and

I just downloaded a bunch of these things I just I don’t know I I downloaded a bunch of Minecraft mods for um beta and Alpha and classic I got I got a classic mod and indev it’s pretty crazy got to kill some animals look at all this food it’s interesting how there

Isn’t what is this it’s interesting it’s whatever dude I can’t talk I like these buildings though I mean these trees they’re not buildings wow there are some beautiful Vistas these are truly some beautiful Vistas spider spawner ow now I can get all the string I want yay not that I really wanted

Any very Interesting there there’s definitely got to be some new biomes in this like I don’t remember any of these things this mushroom one no shot no shot this mushroom one is vanilla we’re going to beat the game did you know this is Hardcore so it’s going to be really freaking

Hard but that’s fine cuz I’m really freaking good wait oh my God they got the mycelium they got the melium on the ground that’s awesome definitely not a vanilla biome though if this was Vanilla then we’d be seeing plenty of mushroom cows and we would wouldn’t see these trees here I wonder if

Maybe um this isn’t even like a different biome it’s just like the Mushroom Island but then they whenever they modified World Generation they made it so these things could spawn not just on an Island I don’t know and I’m not I’m not sure that I will ever know did you hear that crunchy cow sound it fell off the tree and it was just like I’m pretty good at making sounds you know what I mean One day you’ll be able to understand what I was talking about by doing that but it’s not for the you know knowledgy challenged it’s not for them I feel like I don’t know isn’t it weird how we’re always attaining knowledge like we don’t even realize it all the time we’re just always learning

And growing we’re growing and learning all the time these cows are not dropping any meat o where’s your meat thank you thank you for your delicious meat I’m just exploring um I’m just exploring whoa look at that you guys see that oh my goodness this is a beautiful Vista man I can’t stop talking about how there’s beautiful Vistas guys it’s a great day it’s a great day I had to get my car towed today and they did it very nicely and it was awesome this is awesome I don’t know I’m supposed to be like progressing in Minecraft and and beating the Ender

Dragon and stuff but I just want to look around look at how awesomeness looks the beautiful Sunset I feel like this isn’t right I don’t think my skin is is forearms wide I don’t know how it got to be like this it was my understanding that my skin was three arms wide and that it would not display adequately on this older version but it does it just it

Changes is there’s no way I don’t know is that even possible there’s no way there’s like sheep and stuff mowing around anybody have any ideas what’s going on in the hot bar whenever I Sak it does 2 / 17 W scalding hot lava what we need is a good tool what we

Need is the right tool for the job I realized that I’m just playing in windowed mode doesn’t that suck I’m not supposed to be doing that did I update hello hello capture specific okay guys I figured it out I’m so Smart this is how we do it okay guys I got it don’t worry I’m smart never mind that’s a white screen what is happening okay guys don’t don’t worry guys don’t worry don’t worry guys there will be love in my heart soon okay I did

It there is so much love in my freaking heart right now guys you don’t even know how I don’t even know how to contain it all I used to build axes like this but then I went the other way because I don’t know societal pressure or

Something oh oh I forgot to announce the stream on Discord everybody got pissed off at me last time cuz they were like why didn’t you announce the stream on Discord I don’t know I forgot how am I supposed to remember it’s loading guys sorry sorry for being bad okay here we go

Yay I’m so good at everything I’m so good I don’t want to be like [ __ ] Rocky about it or anything but I’m like kind of goated why don’t we just do the display capture because obviously I’m having a lot of problems okay wait hold on I’m having oh my God

Don’t even pay attention to me right now okay I’m all set up wait I’m playing with the stuff on the screen being a streamer is so freaking hard this is what my life is like every freaking day there’s lava pouring in and there’s cows hey Hannah what’s

Up I’m playing Minecraft in a cave looking for Diamonds oh God we’re doing the live mod review of The Mod authentic Adventure it’s a great mod to review because it has many features I think one thing about this mod another thing that kind of is kind of weird about this mod is

That um you eat to regenerate Health just like in beta but F Stacks isn’t that strange can anyone else find the strange cuz like doesn’t that mean that like I don’t know isn’t that a little overpowered I’m going to start growling and also everybody drops food I think they

Backported sheep dropping mutton cuz there’s no no shot that sheep dropped m in back here I like Staffing food it’s not like a deal breaker that’s great I don’t know I just think that it’s like I feel like stocking food and like regenerating by eating just

Don’t really mix that well cuz it’s like I don’t know like look at my inventory right now how many hearts of Health do I have just in that one little stack right I don’t even know what I’m looking for I’m just walking around this is supposed to be like a

Hardcore and like I fight the Ender Dragon and stuff um so at some point I’m going to do that but it’s also fun to just like look look around like let’s let’s look all around we’re in a forest in a beautiful beautiful Forest I think it would be cool to live

In the forest with the trees and stuff yep we’re talking about the peanut butter gamer normal boots hardcore those things were so awesome I freaking love those things like do they still do those I don’t know I haven’t watched them in a very very very long time here’s a lava

Pit I can build another portal you know what let’s build another portal but first I have to go get iron in a bucket please back up please back up man normal bits is dead no P Gamer’s last surviving member oh my God this is just so terrible when I was younger I would

Freaking love the peanut butter gamer hardcores so much they’re like my favorite thing in the world cuz they were so suspenseful and dramatic and I was like oh my God who’s going to live who’s going to die um and then I don’t know and then like whenever

They would split up and like Go in different like voice calls that was like oh my God so dramatic so D such drama and for like the longest time uh me and my friends would sort of do a similar thing where we’d play hardcore and then

Like the coolest thing that we do was I would set up the server to where you cannot see chat messages you can’t see um what’s going on in the chat or who’s online you can’t talk to each other you can’t see death messages or achievements or anything and it was proximity chat so

It was just completely whenever you split up you had no idea if the per the people coming back were going to come back you know the people going away were going to come back you just had no idea and that made it so scary oh no so scary cuz sometimes they wouldn’t sometimes

You’d have like a group of two that go walk away and then they come back as a group of one and then it’s like what the hell happened man did you kill them did you kill the other person that’s another thing I sort of toyed with the idea with was um what if

It’s like Minecraft hardcore but there’s an imposs and the Imposter is trying to come come kill you there’s somebody here Sor what are you looking for look for myat are you cold you’re going to go on a walk I want to go on a

Walk well I guess you can go in a walk by yourself whatever I don’t even care I definitely do care I care a lot I’m going to cook this food oh where do you guys think I’ll find some iron ingots ow look I can make some leather armor oh ew hunger too uh

Wait that doesn’t do anything I don’t have any hunger I mean there is no hunger bar I just look full poison it doesn’t do anything I don’t think I don’t know that’s awesome I have a cool idea check this out guys now this is going to knock your socks

Off look at this we get the dandelion and we get the rose red and we put them together and get the orange dye and then we put that together and make wait what well maybe I’m just an [ __ ] then whatever hell is going on what where did

All my stuff go I took it I hid all your stuff why did you do that I don’t know I thought it was funny will you be able to find it let’s find out I found some coal blocks that’s kind of good I guess um that’s kind of cool I guess

Ow there’s a lot of stress in the real world you guys ever been thinking about this like you never know whenever your stuff is going to get stolen from you and HIIT this is probably the most stress that you can experience in the world well I’m not stressed anymore

Because I know you hit it for some reason now I’m just confused I feel I’ve searched everywhere really I need a torch I need a torch to be the light of my life cook some chicken my C is so cool it makes me want to backflip does it can you just tell me

Where I don’t know where they are wait are really I was lying about hiding them where did my things get I don’t know are they here I don’t know wow I eat does this bow take durability I dropped with with full durability isn’t that crazy okay it’s time to go down into the

Cave okay you’ll figure it out I’m going to go exploring in a cave how’s your um it’s okay um it’s okay how’s your life um it’s okay how’s your girlfriend do I have a girlfriend what there’s lava it’s pretty awesome [Applause] um okay bye I found the iron this is

Amazing this is the best thing I’ve ever that has ever happened to me IR [Applause] inot I’m pretty tired I have been not getting great sleep recently um like yesterday I slept but then the day before it was just like I did not sleep at all I didn’t get

A wink maybe that’s not true I think I slept for like an hour um which was it great but that’s okay maybe I should do the Sleep stream turn on the stream to go to sleep would that be awesome some people do the streams where like they’re streaming

24/7 so they just you know they have to keep the stream on while they sleep but what about a stream where that is the stream that’s all it is is you turn on the camera and then go to be asleep am I striking gold with this idea

Or what I don’t know sounds pretty good sounds pretty entertaining crazy yawning we found it in here we only have two iron we need three I need three iron sorry but it’s true three iron and then I can make an iron pick ax and then I need to make an iron

Bucket so then I can go to the Nether and so on and so forth Bingo Bongo true this is very very true uhoh nothing is here is this adventure map or what nope it’s not it’s a mod it’s a mod that I have mixed feelings about this mod is called authentic

Adventure and among other things it um um makes the terrain generation cooler and it also gets rid of hunger but it also it doesn’t make like food not stackable which is sort of Bizarre like it’s kind of weird to have one and not the other and in that way it sort of reminds me of like breath of the wild and I don’t completely agree with that food system either cuz I’m negative cuz I hate Everything what if in breath of the wild there was like a monster that breathed on you I feel like this is kind of a missed opportunity to be honest you hate all these things that you have 100 of hours in I love everything I love absolutely everything I’m going to start my new

Channel called I love everything and we talk about how much we love the world I do think that I should you know make my alternate account you know like I want to make like my incognito mode YouTube channel where I just like post really insane things that

I can’t say here you know what I mean what I don’t know what you’re talking about oh the poop basket I missed that word I thought you were just talking about a basket here we are yay iron ore welcome to iron ore you meant to type

Wank bro you a bloody wanker for that for real for real you’re a regular bloke I think if I was British then I would um say all these things I was thinking about um Tracer from OverWatch the other day and now she’s like Che love the coveries here you know what I

Mean I like OverWatch you only swear when the Nintendo guy gets facts wrongs and when you want to be British did I swear did I swear right now what did I say I say the f word hey guys I’m going to say the f word real quick if we get 100 likes I

Will say the f word wank and bloody really well I don’t live there baaka nobody lives there in British land I think if you go over there it’s just completely deserted it’s like a desert you just go there this like cacti that’s what British is it’s what British is all

About I think there should be like British Charlie Brown where instead of he learns the true meaning of Christmas he learns what being British is all about he learns that you need to drink your tea and eat your crumpets and have your fish and your chips it’s called Charlie Brown It’s

Called Charlie Brown guys you already know I’m making my beautiful creation we’re going to go to the Nether and then I’m going to be like you know what screw the nether that song goes too hard song goes too hard guys Pig knows for the pig well there is

A pig I put a pig in the thumbnail did you catch it guys click out of the stream really quick look at the thumbnail and you’ll be surprised to see a big big big pig on it you guys will say oh my God look at this the Big Pig it’s a beautiful beautiful

Thing I don’t know what you’re talking about man I really don’t know what you’re talking about sorry I need to find water oh I found some now I need to find water in the game oh my God the Creeper’s trying to the creeper is trying to sneak up on

Me while I’m drinking my water isn’t that like messed up like right am I right okay um one of my favorite mobs in Minecraft is is the creeper and it must be said oh God I’m sick of this creeping man I’m sick of him you hate the creeper why you hate

The creeper I feel like the creeper is just lonely like I think the creeper he’s just a lonely soul and he wants to be friends you know what I mean when I was little I loved the Slime way too much and I and I made a head

Cannon in my mind that it was actually impossible to kill the Slime because like in the slime ball texture there’s like a little like um there’s like a little glow it’s like a shine for the slime ball um and I was like okay that is just you

See that little square that’s the Slime that’s the Slime he’s still alive he’s just really small and in my Minecraft skin I had slime headphones it was like headphones but they were slime my head Cannon would make it better that’s awesome me when I was 10 would be so

Freaking proud I would feel so accomplished ow God me when I was 12 did feel very great joy relating to Minecraft um specifically tied to like why did why the hell did I make this what was I trying to make oh the pickaxe yeah all right yeah I I had like a Minecraft

Server when I was little and it was like a public server for anyone to play on and it got some players it got some freaking players and I felt so good about that I was like oh my God the players are here and just like seeing them build their little

Creations and like I don’t know that made me feel really awesome really special and then there was all the drama um and the drama was pretty dramatic guys I don’t know what to say oh that’s not how you do it sorry for being an [ __ ] I keep forgetting to watch Stampy Lovely

World finale what happens in the finale is it epic is there awesome things that happen you feel bad for not watching it when it comes out um okay why do you feel bad about that is Stampy personally counting on you to what to watch that video you’re really letting him down oh

God don’t hit me in the lava please don’t hit me into the larva and it’s just like a pit of maggots guys what if you got hit into the larva would you be sad I would be freaking out dude if I was in a big pile of bugs oh my God

You guys you’d never hear the end of it it’s all I would ever talk about for the rest of time I’d be just so de so sad so devastated ow oh my God is this where it ends is this where it all ends the hardcore cut short by zombies and a

Spider no because I am strong I am powerful you’re going to hear me roar you know are are they still yeah I feel like I haven’t I don’t know what popular music is nowadays is it just like the Tik Tok songs like chapy chepy choa choa is that

Is that a popular is that pop culture it’s &em question what do you want piz yeah ow God damn it guys I’m going to eat pizza tonight it’s a beautiful day it’s a very beautiful beautiful thing I like whenever um how’d that pig get there you guys see this thing

O hey stepen this is my impression of Steven’s dad from Steven Universe hey hey Steven how that big get there is it good is that spot on we’re going to go into The Nether now Golding terrain wow wow amazing why am I here oh I have to get the the the the

Thing I can tell you resonate with Greg I really hope I I don’t know man I feel like my end game is that I’m Greg that I turn into Greg universe that’s what’s so messed up you hear this sad song playing right now this is me thinking about how I’m going

To turn into Greg Universe one Day cuz I’m going to be want to be a walks I’m going to I’m going to want to I’m going to want to be a rock star right but then one day I’ll give it all up because I’ll fall in love with a giant woman

And and then I’ll give it all up you know what I mean failed Rockstar to marryed to a giant woman this is the pipeline this is the pipeline and then she’s going to die dude she’s going to turn into a little boy isn’t that sad isn’t that freaking

Sad I don’t want my giant wife to turn into a little boy it’s the last thing I would want I found this I have a really bad feeling about this I feel like I’m going to die to these blazes because I I have only a leather chest plate it’ll protect protect me though

This leather chest plate you don’t even know this protects me from from the creatures of the deep oh God I think the nether creatures are the creatures of the deep everybody’s like no that’s the ocean creatures well guess what’s deeper than the nether nothing guess what’s deeper than the ocean the nether so

Think about that next time what if the creatures of the deep are like philosophers but not even like not no they’re not philosophers they’re like 14-year-olds on Tumblr who posts sad things who post like landscape photos with inspirational quotes on them those people those creatures are pretty

Deep I’m a creature and this is Deep what’s crazy is that you know how like in My Little Pony um instead of saying everybody they say every pony you guys know about this but as the seasons got later on in like season 9 they there wasn’t like like they started introducing all these characters who weren’t ponies and then

Um and then they started saying every creature instead they were like hello Every Creature you know and I feel like this is what is going to happen in real life because it’s like they did exist before but there’s nobody talked to them you know the only other one that

They talked to was Spike the baby dragon um ow oh God I’m on fire and burning alive but I feel like eventually we’re going to befriend beings that that don’t have bodies you know we’re going to befriend like the computer and the computer doesn’t have a body you

Know and then whenever we say nobody we actually mean our friend the computer you know say nobody was talking to me but it’s the computer nobody even knows this except for me My Little Pony is does have bonies they do have bonies where’s the chest I’m trying to find a big big

Chest with lots of items H very interesting there doesn’t appear hm very inquisitive h i did you guys notice that that cave sound suited my mood so well it was like so how inquisitive hm very interesting hm I don’t know differently My Little Pony would Beed if it’s if it wasn’t called

My Little Pony and just had a normal name I went hm well I think that it would be perceived probably about the same I don’t think anybody cares about the name My Little Pony in the same way that nobody cares about the name Minecraft like Minecraft what the hell are you talking

About man you know what I mean does anyone know about this oh God Mine Craft H what about digging why not dig Craft wait I realized that I don’t if this was vanilla Minecraft I would be dead but I get to recover health instantly because I’m a G because I’m a G I suppose even yeah okay I think I get it now at first I was skeptical and I

Was hating okay but now I’m thinking like okay so you got rid of the hunger bar but kept stackable food I think I don’t know it just speeds up the game play Just speeds up the game play because it cuts out the middleman it cuts out the eating the food and then

You have to wait in a little corner and regenerate I think I understand what they’re doing it just makes the game play faster rocket league is a sequel to a game that was pretty much the same name but it was called Rocket League instead of

I have no idea what the hell you were talking about man Oh I really don’t know what to do wait I know what to do I will craft time to craft look at this oh you don’t know how to read I’m not the one who doesn’t know how to read you are you are I have two blaze rods now I think I

Should probably try to find my way out of this place cuz this place is is not a good place to live in fact this is one of the worst places to live it’s inhospitable inhospitable what if I live in a hospital right right it’s time to mine well yeah I think

That like I need to find oh did you see that guy oh my God this guy is the goofiest guy I’ve ever seen can this lava go away please please please me when I’m on my very best behavior please please please is this lava bugged do I get the lava

Bug ow I got the lava bug I just can’t stop talking about lava I got the larva bug I love larva more than I love my own kids my son has the biggest larvae my son had the biggest Pupa you wouldn’t believe damn girl your abdomen is striking wait that’s like an actual

People word I thought what’s the thorax I was thinking about thorax guys I wasn’t trying to say real people were I’m sick of getting hit by blazes I think I’m way out of my depth right now thorax isn’t a real world if we want to talk about real words we’re going to

Be talking about The Lorax I was thinking about thorax because you said that two days ago I’m not thinking about Lorax sorry I am wait where am I supposed to be going oh it’s the this place I don’t want to go there I think I’m lost guys should I just kill myself in

Minecraft or or what I don’t know how to find my portal wait oh am I finding my way back this is the best day of my freaking life oh my God this is the best day did I come from up there I’m all confused and my head hurts my head’s been hurting all

Day but nobody wants to talk about this you can find the Portal by dying this is on Hardcore Mode Baka you’re trying to get in my head and make me kill myself and in the Stream early we live in a hard world we live in a hard world of hard consequences like

Dying if you die in the game you die in real life if you die with your brain you die with your wife am I right maybe I go up in this hole I don’t remember taking fall damage to get down here though so I don’t think I do

Actually do I go here hey can you can you leave can you move H something suspicious is going on guys can somebody rewind the stream and then tell me where to go somebody rewind the stream see where I came from and then tell me where to

Go if you do that then I’ll literally love you forever like literally That’ only help if you had quartz well no you can you know back in my day back in my day guess what oh I found it I found it I didn’t even need the help of you half wit oh goodness has anybody ever called you a half

Wit is that oh you half oh my God really what if there was a movie called The half what okay you have to hear me out on this one what if there’s a movie called The halfwit Prince and it’s about a prince who’s who’s really

Stupid and he learns how to be smart in the movie did you guys do you guys like my idea or what this is my pit to Netflix okay so basically I don’t know maybe there’s like a conflict right there’s like maybe a conflict and he has

To solve the conflict it’s up to him because he’s The Prince and he has to like stop people from invading each other and Then and then but he’s too stupid can we chew on this idea at least you know maybe let’s think about it this is me bargaining with the people on Netflix please don’t cancel my show please I worked really hard on this pitch and then the guys at Netflix go

Well we think your pitch is Pitch Perfect and then they give me the job and then Some oh God uh-oh uh-oh if I die it’s the fault of the hot Prince okay okay don’t let the blazes get to you just eat your chicken who is BBG are you talking about PBG I know who PBG is oh oh God I was so obsessed with peanut butter

Gamer when I was a kid I wanted to be peanut butter gamer that’s what I wanted more than anything in the world was to be peanut butter gamer cuz I was like oh my God that guy is so funny and then I would try to like talk like how he does you Know I was like Adventure yeah just like how he did in the videos but now he now he went away for a long long time the Blaze Rod I have big three blaze rods count them one two three three of themg is still here yeah but

Like I’m far beyond PPG at this point I’ve outgrown him I’ve outgrown him Um let me find my way it is true like I I definitely am the one who outgrew him like he didn’t shift in his videos like I think I looked at his channel like last year or something and he yep sure enough he’s making the exact same videos that he was in

2013 it’s kind of crazy actually you have to respect the consistency if you looked at the videos I was making in 2015 2016 then you would be like oh my god what the hell’s going on here I was making completely different videos um like let’s plays and stuff ew not let’s plays ew

Gross I like channels that started as baby channels and and then grew to Big adult channels you don’t remember an example I don’t know what you’re talking about I genuinely don’t know what is going on what you’re talking about like people who make bad videos and then make good

Videos or people who like start as kids you need to bring back the Let’s Plays um one day I’ll bring back the Let’s Plays I was actually thinking about it because I was like What if I made Let’s Plays um but I don’t know the I feel like the

Hardest thing about making Let’s Plays would be I don’t like let’s plays like I’m not I’m not a let’s play Watcher I don’t like them I find them boring and then so it’s it’s like if I can’t enjoy this type of video then how am I to be expected to make a good

Version of this kind of video right and that’s going to be and that’s the great problem baby videos are videos for babies by babies good thing the mod kept andesite there’s no andesite what are you talking about I feel like you have delusional ideas in your

Head I think you have I think your mind is wandering and you need to wake up well where is is it I don’t see it this is gravel this is gray wool this is wool I like whenever yeah I don’t know a lot of people are like to fall asleep

You have to not think about anything or you have to like count sheep or something free your mind of all distraction and just go to sleep but the sleepiest way for me to go to sleep is um and I don’t know if it’s like this for for everybody else like maybe it’s

Like this for everybody else but then I don’t know but anyway so the best way for me to go to sleep is to let my mind think about everything all at once and like I’ll like close my eyes and then it’ll be like there’ll be like a

Car and like a pineapple and then I’ll start thinking about all the stuff that I dead and all the stuff that I didn’t do and then like I don’t know you just have to think about everything and then I fall [Applause] asleep that’s how you get me to fall

Asleep by the way in case any of you uh need to do that at some point after the trip it’s hard to imagine you struggled you struggling to sleep you slept all the time I didn’t sleep all the time this is me right now that’s me because you’re making applies

Again I only slept that one time because I don’t know I don’t have a banjo kazui Minecraft skin this is me wearing a leather not a leather I think you got tricked by my bear costume the leather tunic you slept more than once I think a

Lot of people sleep more than once they sleep every night so I probably slept a lot of nights you thought that was the it’s okay it’s okay okay I have so much wood I have wood oh okay I thought you were s calling me Banjo Kazooie you like the Banjo Kazooie

Minecraft skin I like the um the die guy Minecraft skin from the Super Mario mashup pack that’s got to be one of my favorite ones I woke up 4 minutes ago anyways how do you feel about the 1.14 texture changes um I think they’re okay whenever they first came out like first first

First came out I was like oh my God not the 114 texture changes and then I would try to play with um like the old programmer art um but that didn’t last long because I don’t know as they add more and more stuff that just does not fit the old art

Then it’s like okay like at some point you got to give up I guess at least for me but there’s also a era of my Minecraft Texture Journey that I like to neglect and it is whenever I was younger and I thought that Minecraft looked ugly

And I was like okay oh God and I was like okay we need to put a texture pack on this to cover it up and make it look better and I played um with the faithful texture pack which was just like the default Minecraft Channel Minecraft

Things but like redone to be like a higher resolution um and I played with that for like a super long time when I was a kid um but then I was like okay eventually I was like I don’t like updating this texture pack every time a new Minecraft update comes out and then

Um yeah the smash remix Channel got taken down because the character was racist oh my goodness I don’t want to talk about racism cuz it’s just too horrible it’s just too horrible ow God damn it what is happening stop it Old Faithful reminds me of 2015 because every YouTuber had it yeah it

Was so popular I don’t know I have no idea why it was so popular my diamonds my diamonds my diamonds [Applause] I don’t know I feel like I feel like back in the day in like 2015 it was like it was like everybody wanted to use

A texture pack because it was like cool cuz it was like oh I can make my game look different from everybody else’s game um so they did it as like a point of Pride but they actually didn’t really want to change how anything looks so they just got the faithful full texture

Pack cuz it didn’t really change anything take a screenshot next time you find diamonds okay well I can just clip the stream take a stream clip of me finding diamonds I like to think about like that’s kind of a cool idea what if you just take a screenshot every time

You find diamonds and then you you have this collage of your the diamonds you can print them out and put them on a bulletin board every time you ever find diamonds in Minecraft and then it’s like it’s like the Diamond wall is that a good Idea how come I’m cracked how come I’m so cracked sorry for being too good at the game guys har here’s my favorite thing ever um it’s the auto chicken farm and that’s why 1.5 is the best update because I know how to make an auto Chicken Farm from memory thanks

Guys SK C yourself I have um considered like actually doing stream highlights and making them as shorts but my biggest problem is I just have no idea what moments of the stream are like good like I don’t know what’s good or funny or or whatever I would so that’s why I don’t

Know I would really like if like people would be like you should make this into a clip and then I can make that into a clip you know I can’t jump I throw everything away I throw up I threw up that’s what I did and then

They sent me clips Galore when we played Rivals 2 what I don’t know what you’re talking about I wonder if the rivals of ether players are going to watch my video on Rivals too I thought that was Diamond but it was lava top 10 Minecraft moments of

2024 well I imagine there hasn’t really been that many Minecraft moments yet redditor redditor I don’t know I love redditors I can’t help but adore all redditors all all their different shapes and sizes does anyone know is there any Reddit users in the chat they can tell me about

Like what’s going on with like the banana thing cuz I opened Reddit and it was like here’s your Reddit recap or whatever and it started talking about like bananas it was like you got three bananas this year and I was like what the hell are you talking about what is a Reddit

Banana it’s freaking random WTF I don’t know I don’t know what a r banana is I don’t know what they mean like is it good that I got three bananas or what is it like in the same vein as like a wholesome award I I really don’t know I could not tell

You when are they going to make a new Twitter like a new one and by not like make one I mean like make one that people use you know cuz I’m really sick of all my blue sky posts not getting any likes I’m really sick of this

And you know so I’m pretty I’m pretty fed up maybe there’s diamonds under the lava OMG oh 600 Karma yaho I actually don’t know what’s a good amount of karma I would not be able to tell you I wish social media accounts were more customizable that is honestly so true um

I was downloading a bunch of Minecraft mods yesterday um including this one and one of their Pages was a Tumblr account but it looked like all minecrafty and stuff I think Tumblr is one of the only big websites where it lets you customize like every aspect of your

Page cuz cuz their Tumblr account for the mod I guess it was like the mod’s change logs and they did it to where it looks like exactly like the old Minecraft change logs down to the dirt block background and like the simple little white text it looked great it looked

Fantastic they people love Hitler too much well why don’t you just ban all the people who love Hitler and then there you go nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with baning a few Hitlers if you could go back in time to whenever Hitler was a baby would you ban

Him would you ban his account um oh yeah the phone I imagine the phone would make it difficult cuz then you have to make your website for both phone and the computer I think Tumblr does it to where like the computer can be whatever you want but

Then the phone is like a preset thing I think that’s how Tumblr does it I wouldn’t know because I’m not really the biggest Tumblr user out there they make it pretty hard to use Tumblr on the phone because it lags wait actually I got a new phone since the last since the

Last time I try to use Templar so maybe it doesn’t lag anymore maybe no lag if itler didn’t exist what would be worse than him um probably Stalin probably Mr Stalin that’s what I was saying we were trying to figure out the other day who killed more

People um and then by the end of it I realized that death numbers shouldn’t be celebrated and a lot of people died and attributing to one person you know maybe doesn’t truly appreciate the the people’s lives that were lost you know what I mean I came to that conclusion cuz it

Was really hard to count how many people died it was like so Hitler killed this many people here and then this many people over here but you know if you count for all the starvation then you know maybe start maybe stall it killed more people over here and I it was I

Don’t know man it was crazy crazy people die and it’s not good period This is my hottest take yet sorry guys would you have rather gotten the new phone or the money at Cost I don’t know I think gifts are fun to get no matter what it is um cuz it’s like yeah

It probably I don’t know if my momy just gave me like $200 I could have used that more usefully to pay like my freaking bills and stuff um but at the same time it’s like I would have never bought myself a phone so it’s like so it it’s kind of nice you

Know no way that phone only cost $200 well cuz it’s an older one it’s an older phone and it’s also refurbished this is the iPhone 12 mini let me get it for you see you look at it oh God here this is my phone hey guys phone reveal phone reveal

Guys if I had the money to buy a new phone I’d buy a drawing tablet and some anime DVDs instead that’s pretty awesome um when whatever my drawing tablet broke um I don’t have one with like a screen on it I have this one you

See it and you just like go on it like that what was I talking about oh yeah so um wait what was I talking about sorry oh the drawing tablet yeah so I have the drawing tablet and the last one was just the diamonds is that a good one um but yeah

So my old drawing tablet was a drawing thing it didn’t have a screen either and it broke and so I was going to get one with the screen but then I figured out that my computer doesn’t really have enough port for that cuz you need like USB type c cables

And like I don’t know my computer I think I built my computer before USB type-c was like a thing so then I’d have to like upgrade my computer in some Way and so yeah was like a whole thing so then I just got another one without a screen I really don’t mind the ones without a screen I think there’s there’s a lot of people who like swear by um having the newest thing newest greatest thing with the

With all the screen and stuff but for being completely honest I got the computer screen so um So do you hear this beautiful beautiful this Windows 11 ground floor I really want to have Windows 11 I feel like I’m missing out I don’t know whenever I see like people doing like screen recordings on Windows 11 I’m like what the hell how come they get to

Do that and I am stuck with Windows 10 10 it’s really sad guys it’s really freaking sad and everybody hates Windows 11 so maybe I should just be happy with what I got but it’s like um What he’s not known for more nowadays oh speaking of which yeah like I I liked his um his work in cookie clicker I thought that was really good I haven’t really heard a lot of just like Standalone music though but there is a project that he’s working on

Um with there’s an unannounced gaming project that C418 is working on with the creator of The Stanley Parable and I freaking love the creator of The Stanley Parable and I am so excited they haven’t announced what it’s gon to be but oh my goodness it’s super exciting the creator of The Stanley

Parable also made The Beginner’s Guide which honestly I think is not necessarily the better game but I think they’re both really really good and by comparison to the Stanley Parable The Beginner’s Guide is so underrated because I think they’re like un comparable levels of being like enjoyable

Things so bad so bad I’m gonna make a diss track on you dude I’m GNA make a freaking Dis Track on you you come into my chat saying all these negative things how about you fly away with your negative wings that’s my diss track on you get the hell out of here

BL whenever you came over and you were rapping all of your raps would just be about pee and poo you couldn’t even talk about me because you just like you could you wouldn’t be able to get one word in of your diss track without Shifting the focus of the song to being about

Poop I don’t know I just I whenever I stop T talking sometimes it’s like there’s like the silence gets so loud you know what I mean and it’s like I can’t even bear to live with myself anymore but let’s not talk about that actually we’re getting our gold we’re

Getting our iron wait I’m going to be able to get back in the Nether and fight these take on these big blazes w’t that be so cool and then once I fight the blazes then guess what can happen next I can get the blaze powder and then guess what happens next kill the

Enderman and then I can go to the end and slay the Ender Dragon oh my God the Ender Dragon oh my god I think I’m playing this mod because it was recommended to me by a YouTuber I’ve I only just now like thought about that because it’s

Like I don’t know because I think in the video showcasing this mod that I first saw um then the guy was like well you know it’s not that different from vanilla but I think it’s definitely worth you know doing a playr start to the Ender Dragon you know just

Screwing around with it and I’m like okay cool maybe I will and I guess I am that was a paladin Ryan video by the way who’s like that guy’s like one of the biggest names in like Golden Age Minecraft I really don’t like the name

Of I don’t like it this just looks like Minecraft though it does but there’s a little bit of Okay so here’s the biggest difference in this mod the biggest difference in this mod is the terrain back in this version of Minecraft um the terrain generation in the game was heavily criticized

Because it was so flat um so they made the terrain more beta esque and more hilly like this and I think think it looks really good that is what I have to say about that ow did you hear that oh my goodness I come for digon I come for

Digon too I freaking love that guy I’m so sick of digon man this looks not flat enough this is one area of the map I am so sick of you man I’m so sick of you nobody’s telling you to build a house right here man nobody’s telling you to I got some

Bones BL this is you this is who you are what is this mod about I don’t really know I think the the aim of the mod as a whole is to like make release version 1.2.5 like resemble beta more closely but and I think it does that but it’s

Also just like I don’t know it’s definitely more I don’t know it’s hard to describe because it’s just so similar it’s just pretty similar but I’m just going to go through and beat the game on this version and uh have a cool time have a nice epic time doing it

I’d like to go back to a village because I don’t think I’ve been to like a pre 1.14 Village and like a super long time I was so far back I was like a minute and a half behind no no that’s me reacting I think I should make a chest

Because I have so many items in my inventory the game is dead and not fun anymore that’s true I don’t know the Minecraft like Community right now is like so kind of insane I don’t know because it’s like the whole vibe of the community is sort of entrenched in dissatisfaction um like even

Me like going out of my way to play a mod that is constructed to be like a version of Minecraft but different and making tweaks of to make it more like this other version of Minecraft that I like more um is I don’t know it just seems sort of

I don’t know it’s hard to describe just everybody seems sort of like they don’t like Minecraft anymore the Minecraft fan hate Minecraft these days cuz you would not get a mod like this back whenever this was actually like the current version of the game right like nobody back whenever 1.2 was

Out nobody was like hey why isn’t this more like beta well they kind of were and then they made like better than wolves and stuff but like the broad consensus of the community was that oh we just love Minecraft um but now it’s like okay now let’s let’s try to make

Things that look cool I don’t know it’s kind of weird I don’t play Minecraft past 1.17 that’s an interesting take I think a lot of people I don’t know I don’t know I didn’t really realize that the new terrain like the newest one 1.18 terrain was so controversial

Um cuz whenever it first came out I was like oh my God this is so awesome and then I saw a lot of people who thought it was awesome too but then only recently have I seen people really dislike it and you’re definitely not alone I think blur act doesn’t like the new

Terrain either he thinks it’s too hilly I thought you didn’t like climbing the mountains or generation isn’t for me I’m actually very happy that they Chang the um or generation because like I don’t know I like how I don’t know what it is like I still don’t

Know what like the most optimal route for mining things is and I think that’s kind of special I I have a super cool idea that I don’t even know if I can do it um but I would really like to my theoretical concept is to just do like a Minecraft

Blackout for like three years you know just like don’t engage with Minecraft don’t keep up with Minecraft at all for like the next couple of years or so and then return to it and then be shocked and surprised by all the new stuff that got added you

Know and I would really like to do that I think I first had this idea whenever Minecraft on YouTube got like a big revive Ral back in 2019 like PewDiePie started playing it and like call me Carson SMP live like a lot of people who didn’t play Minecraft

In a long time started to care about the game again and I always liked living like vicariously through their magic and they were like oh my God I didn’t know that this was in the game now and I don’t know I would just really like to

Do that but I would have to force it because I care too much about keeping up with Minecraft um if anybody if anybody else who is like as into Minecraft as me wants to do Minecraft blackout then I think we we can support each other you know we can support each other through

These trying times of no Minecraft I need backpack mod oh God wait Blaze spawner on top of Blaze spawner please don’t look me No I feel like I’m about to meet my end does anyone else think that if i k comes out a Minecraft blackout would be bearable I don’t know I hate that this is my main criticism of hight tail but it just looks so ugly like I can’t bear it how ugly it

Looks like I just do not like the art style at all high tail will never exist well it’s certainly looking like that but I still believe that that’s true I looks worse than Pixel Gun 3D like I don’t know why they have to make everything look so

Ugly like I think that like higher resolutions does not fit Minecraft aesthetic at all it just does not like hi tail is like creeping into like like the realistic texture pack mod it’s not quite there yet but just looks odd Pixel Gun 3D is beautiful does anyone remember

Unturned does anybody remember this it had like a zombie I have no idea what unturned was about I don’t think I ever played it but wasn’t it popular was it like actually popular or did did people like talk about it cuz it was bad or something like it’s completely slipped out of my

Mind because unturned is the best game ever it was a tuber game what was the game playay like was it like rust I vaguely remember something about rust do I have enough place rods H stream lagging a hell are back or is it just me I don’t know I really don’t

Know what kind of lag are you experiencing ow is it like buffering lag Ow what’s the problem is it like buffering I’ll never Know does anybody use the word buffering anymore I feel like nobody says that okay that’s good I was a little worried that it was my fault because I have this stream on ultra low latency and um it says that that might cause buffering on people with um bad

Internet but I did it anyway because I’m because I hate the poor just kidding I love the poor you guys are my best friends in the whole world you guys are my poorest friends in the whole world oh I don’t think I can turn it off of

Ultra low latency unless I turn the stream off so I guess I could do that but I don’t know if people would like that I’ll just I’ll change it off for next time though I’ll change it off of that so that people don’t get upset it’s kind of weird every time like

I have a prolonged interaction with my parents I always feel like I’m I don’t know I’m like fake poor I’m I’m a poor poser cuz I’m poor right now but then I go visit my parents for Christmas and then it’s like okay they’re going to take me to the fancy restaurant and buy

Me the million dooll steak and it’s like that’s very interesting but I don’t think I don’t know but I don’t think it’s it would be right to describe myself as not being poor you know because I do have a hard time affording things but I just have brief moments in

Which I am so able to afford things and then so I sort of feel guilty about calling myself poor all the other times you’re poor adjacent yeah I can call myself tangentially poor are you richer than your mom I know a lot of people whose moms like take money away from their kids

And that makes me so sad that always makes me really sad cuz I have some friends and and they’re like I don’t know I think this has happened multiple people where like they’re many gets taken away from them yeah I think you’re one of the people oh yeah that is different I don’t

Feel bad for you if your parents take your money without asking then you officially have my sympathy you get sympathy from me so go to the store with your card so maybe I do have sympathy for you I don’t know I also have sympathy for you because I used all your money at

Starbucks I used way more money than I was supposed do and now you don’t have anything left I used the okay let’s let’s tally up how much money I used of yours you bought me to go to that movie you bought me to go eat some pizza and you bought me Starbucks And I don’t know this is your big win wait I made a mistake I made a huge mistake I shouldn’t have attacked that Enderman I don’t have any food does this heal any hearts oh God no I’m poisoned poison B that’s a poison Berry dude I should have seen it coming

Wait am I going to die wait I’m going to die oh I didn’t die yay that was terrifying I’m glad that that Enderman just went away inexplicably that’s probably good that was probably for the best considering my health situation oh you bought some groceries that’s true too

True I think it’s time to eat some epic Pig pork chop oh eat cow chop isn’t cow chop like a person I have no idea who they are so I’m going to stop talking about them um hey guys um hello guys it was a YouTube channel

Group do you guys want to form a YouTube channel group does anyone want to be like um I don’t know we can be like dig on gaming it doesn’t have to be named after me but um I can you know I don’t know does anybody got any

Ideas what if we make a channel group called like the forest and everybody is a different plant like there’s one guy who’s tree and then there’s the and then there and then I can be flower can I be flower no you have to be grass [ __ ] nobody wants to be grass

Man and then there’s like going to be big drama with leaves and kelp kelp and leaves are going to like hate each other and then eventually kelp is going to leave the channel which will be quite ironic don’t even freaking get me started on the fern allegations sounds like you’re trying to

Make maima to but actually ethical well I didn’t really say anything about ethics we can have a little bit of abuse just a little bit though we got to keep it a little restrained but if you don’t give me your videos on time I’ll hit you in case that wasn’t

Clear I need to drink some water but if I drink water then everyone’s going to leave the Stream this is the greatest dilemma of the live streamer see cuz look no more water I don’t think you hit me one time just realizing this because it’s fake The Narrative that I hit people is

Manufactured it’s manufactured I don’t hit anybody I really don’t I only get like the urge to attack whenever I get really really excited you know and it’s mainly just because I want to get out my energy if I get really excited then it’s like okay I have all this energy I don’t

Know what to do with and then so I hit um things are running around that’ be kind of weird but I also do do that sometimes sometimes I get the Zoomies like a little fet or [Applause] something [Applause] running is weird but attacking is normal thought I yeah that I think

That’s how I feel about it too is it just me or just hitting a pillow not satisfy the hitting urges CU it’s too soft and it doesn’t feel real or am I just a sociopath yeah I I don’t know I think part of it is like you need some type of reaction

You know what I mean like it has to either scream or like if it’s porcelain or glass or something then like it can break but a pillow it doesn’t react at all you know it doesn’t do anything it doesn’t feel tactile it doesn’t feel tactile sometimes I like

To I’m not very good at yelling into the pillow cuz it has like a 50/50 chance success rate for yelling into the pillow cuz I think half of the time it does actually muffle the sound and the other time it’s just as loud as it would ever be so I

Think I don’t know you got to be skillful with [Applause] that hitting oo who is that I cry into pillows while I cry so nobody knows when I cry I want everyone to know I want to be like I am crying a lot I mind up all that gravel so that I

Can make flint and arrow here check this out when I was a little kid I was like why the heck would you ever craft arrows you can just get that from the skeleton and honestly it’s too true it’s too true okay I need to get a move on little

Doggy cuz I have all this Blaze Rod not a single Pearl you know what is o black is this like a gotcha do I say oo and then you’re like um oo my balls I go through a weird psychological battle when I cry because I want

Attention and people to know how I feel about but my masculinity doesn’t allow me to show myself so I hide but what to not hide behind hide that’s why I cry in front of people but play it off like I’m not crying and they don’t notice it’s weird no your toothpaste is

Oo I don’t know why I read your messages like that I think cuz I was just too pissed off I’m going to go drink water guys don’t leave don’t leave don’t even think about it also do you guys like my sweater what do you guys think about

It you guys can type up your thoughtful response to my sweater while I get water wait I forgot to pause the game for okay let’s see what my what was I going to say let’s see what what oh yeah okay that’s awesome yeah I don’t

Know I used to just like well I I sort of do just wear the same crud um but I just put a jacket on or like a sweater or something I still just wear like T-shirt and jeans and then tuck the shirt into the je I didn’t know it’s pretty boring okay

Um but I appreciate the compliment regardless I’ve been told by various sources that you shouldn’t like reject compliments because people don’t like that if if you reject a compliment then everyone’s just going to think you’re an [ __ ] did I break the stream please don’t please okay I

Did but if a jacket is all you need it’s all you need simple doesn’t mean boring what if I craft some TNT that’s Dynamite what if I fight this creeper with my hand would anyone like that oh you don’t like that or do you just not like me

Yay I have to craft my sword guess what kind of Sword I’m going to craft do you like my sword sword sword my diamond sword sword right I think I’m going to free this pig before I go now it’s time to go time to pack up my three crafting

Tables and get on my way This song is so busting does anyone else like this song I just me am I the only person in the world who likes this song reminds me a Minecraft for noobs what is Minecraft for Noobs is this like uh did I throw away my flint and steel I think I distinctly remember me doing just that for no reason for no good reason is the diamond sword really weak Now like this skeleton took massive Hits ow good job skeleton you died I’m trying to harvest some arrows poo up trying to harvest some arrows you have no work tomorrow good job you get an award I think I do need to find some flatter land yeah I need to find some flatter land so

That um Endermen will are more willing to spawn because yeah do you have work tomorrow no I don’t I’m cold that’s what I am I have to be this flat Landing death I think so does Flat Earth exist I think so I think it probably does get this nether brick out of my

Inventory I bet nether brick sucks now I have my flaming attack nobody’s even ready for my flaming attack bro when I was little my little little friend he thought that um the skeletons in water was the toughest mob that’s what he was saying when the skeleton gets in water

Then you’re down you’re bound to have it evil time fighting it I feel like I need to kill these animals with the flint and steel yeah so efficient wow such an efficient use of things that Enderman needs to get a life man where did he go hello okay you got to go

Man let’s go let the room get Chiller let’s go dirty brother killer okay I didn’t do anything I’d like to get looting on my sword that is what I would like to do so then I can get more ender pearls that would probably be a good use of my resources and time

Oh my goodness I always thought that burning the monsters for food was sort of a cheap trick and it makes me feel sort of bad whenever I do it but at the same time it’s just like it’s too efficient it’s too efficient I love to wer H I don’t know why I said it all bored like that oh god spider you’re silly spider is kind of goated put this video on stream what is it what’s that video all about it’s a video should I watch it I don’t know I’m s sort of worried about that

Video what if it’s bad what if you’re going to give me a virus I guess I can watch it though wait I accidentally pinned a message I didn’t mean to do that okay this better not be a bad video because I’m gonna watch it because I’m going to watch it and

Then it it’ll be awesome okay guys here’s this is my reaction whoops this is my reaction I’m going to close Discord because I wouldn’t want to pull up Discord and then accidentally pull up something bad because there could be anything on Discord all right guys here’s the Reaction I don’t want to watch this I don’t want to watch this I’m sick of that the background music for the stream I guess that’s true I just want to sit here and Watch okay cool awesome are you happy that I watched the whole thing are you happy about that i’ like to explore it’s time to explore oh ow I feel like the falling off of things um this chatter made me watch this sounds like a really awful video I don’t know what to say

We’re throwing that into the Bone Yard we’re going to set sail ow we’re going to set sail YouTube shorts um they got like the hashtags in them I think you have to put the short you have to put the short hashtag okay okay um I hear I feel I hear very violent

Typing going on I’m cold I didn’t want to say anything but I’m pretty cold right now YouTube be like I don’t care that the video is square it’s going to be a YouTube short it’s true I have on a sweater I have on my Hogwart Sweater I can never put on another thing again this is my clothes now it has cursive binding on it and this is all I can wear I’m sorry this is some cool terrain I love this terrain I love it I love it it’s very good it looks so epic and I like this big

Thing that comes into the desert do you see but what do I see I don’t see anything I don’t I don’t see anything at all look here’s some flat land this is what you were looking for this is what you wanted to see some flat land some flat land

It’s all desert though it’s all desert though you’re always crying about something you’re like a little baby you need your little Banky do you need your Banky a poor little baby maybe whatever dude Whatever I’m Mr ra I feel like you’re not a very good typer I didn’t want to say anything but I don’t know the fact that you had so much trouble typing on my keyboard I think it says a lot about our society wow look at this Forest oh my

Goodness this is an amazing thing hello hello there’s a cat over here this pillar is reminded me of the C with in MC why are they doing that for don’t be building asts in Minecraft guys go pet that cat if she wants to be pet then she can jump onto my lap That’s how these things work what Tom Garder I think you’ve had I think you’ve blocked Tom Garner I think you’re trying to block Tom Gter one time I was in this twitch chat and um I couldn’t read anybody else’s messages so I thought that the stronghold the stronghold oh my goodness the struggled yo Tom Garner got Shadow banned they banned that guy dude it’s over oh my God you guys this is Crazy time to beat that damn Ender Dragon we got to make our way to the Dragon’s layer H is this a book library with books yes it is I can do all the enchanting I could ever want oh God damn it I forgot about these silverfish try to discourage me from mining oh my goodness wait okay I’m

Going to set up like a little base because like I I now have the stronghold so this is where I must set up ow don’t be a little thing don’t be a little creep okay this is where I will live I live in the swamp I’m a swamp dweller it

Is very flat so it should be very easy to see the Enderman pop up the worst part of doing the Ender Dragon in these earlier versions of Minecraft is always the ender pearl section like the other stuff you can do super super quick but then with the

Ender pearls it’s like just so much waiting all the Time and it’s like cut me a break why don’t you cut me a little break okay this a good inventory let’s go explore the Fortress explore the ancient ruin this try to find the door that leads to the store what if you lived in a house that

Had no end to it but oh wait I want an axe I should mine this iron I need an axe to mine up the books you missed iron really oh oh my goodness one day I’m going to miss um gaming sorry okay wait why do I have two flint and

Steels how did I get two hello oh she’s not talking to me look at this ruins this sure is an authentic Adventure this is true this is very very true true it’s about as authentic as it gets oops I guess this was before they invented shift clicking so I keep on

Accidentally opening crap keep opening crud hello I’m petting this cat right quick good job cat good job getting pet I’m going to make an iron axe the cat scratchers and the cat and the chat are eating good tonight Vat 19 I think I vaguely know what you’re talking About sh shoot the creeper yay it’s a great Day I’m sick of the skeleton in the water skeleton in the water is a Troublesome Critter there’s 19 Vats of acid which one would you like to go into you watch the largest gummy bear that’s awesome I think they just sold like strange items they sold like strange novelty items Oh were they YouTubers I remember as a kid I had friends who really loved ordering things from the Vat 19 shop that’s all I knew about them he said I love ordering things from the fat 19 Shop they had 10 million Subs AA it’s a lot of Subs you haven’t heard about fat 19 and yours me neither they really did just dip off the face to the earth I said bye guys see you Later so were my friends in elementary school cool for liking Vat 19 or were they lame oh man it’s a gaggle of men look at all these men you guys oh [ __ ] oh my God look at all these men do you guys see all these men look at them all guys look at

Them oh my God so many boys okay did you guys see that am I like hacking or what can we rewind the clip on this do you look at this this is the strong Hold this is the stronghold I actually remember this I actually remember this from the Paladin Ryan YouTube video where he’s going over this mod he said he talks about how they put the stronghold on the surface cuz they thought it would be awesome and to be honest I think it is

Quite awesome because I just wandered across this thing you know you said that this bit sucked and then I I don’t know I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about to be honest Peak live stream that’s great it’s Peak live streaming hours right now Monday night oh

God getting freaky on a Monday night yeah I feel like I don’t know do most people have to worry about like what time is the week and what time is the weekend you know cuz in my experience ever since school got out and I haven’t been in school

Anymore and I work like my schedule has never aligned with like I work on the week and then I have fun on the weekend you know what I mean it’s always just been like random a lot of people don’t like who though like I genuinely don’t know like who we’re talking

About it’s sort of my parents only work on the weekends I’ll explain why my name is digon well I was digging and then I was gone that’s the story holy Sno how are they so rich I hate them well they work at their own business that they

Own and that’s only open on the weekends I live in a lowincome housing environment that goes by the government name of Section 8 that’s awesome wait I see what you mean by the pinned comment now yeah I didn’t mean to do that that was completely on accident I got four ender pearls last

Night isn’t this a great day I’m sick of these creepers blowing up but every time they blow up they expose more of the stronghold which is like silly this is called the stone tree it grows some Big Stone my thumb hurts I think I’m gaming too hard cuz my fingers are starting to

Get all cramped up do you want me to show you some hand exercises and stretches that I was that I saw on a Tik Tok one time here let me kill this first go away okay here let me show you okay guys hang on I’m going full

Screen mode because I have to show you this because it’s important it’s important okay see first we stretch the fingers individually like this like this are you watching you do it like this and then you got to bend all the fingers you got to do all of them and the

Thumb but remember to do all of them and then guess what happened and then you do praying hands and you push them together and then you shake it out and that is basically carpel tunnel exercises that I learned from Tik Tok thank you thanks if you’re just trying to get to some

Place and a creeper blows up the hole are you obligated to fill up the hole I think if it’s a multiplayer setting then no matter where you are on the map I think you should fill up the creeper holes that’s my hot take because some people are going to be

Like well you know nobody’s going to come over there so it’s like it’s whatever whatever don’t leave a mess like there’s some people that okay here’s the most annoying type of Minecraft player in the world if this is you I’m sorry but we can’t be friends so

If you run everywhere by like placing blocks like this and you just leave like big Trails if you do this then like we cannot be friends sorry I think I I watched this like video um I watched this video by this YouTuber kneecaps and he was talking about all

The traits that um you would have to have to be friends he was like if you have this if you do this then we can’t be friends and I lasted pretty long before he got to something that excluded me from being his friend I forget exactly what it was to

I have to carve up these books you unu from you uned from kneecaps did he do something wrong I like him neaps is a YouTuber he makes like silly videos or he just kind of talks about Stuff he had some bad takes what were takes I feel like people are going to unsubscribe for me once they hear my takes I feel like one day I’m going to slip up I’m going to reveal all my craziest takes and then everyone’s going to go away from for

Me that’s what it’s like living in this living in this world we have you think that’s to yeah they don’t want to hear my crazy sticks well one day I’m just going to slip up you know and then they’re going to hear all the things all the things that

I got festering in my brain I’m trying to find my hole does anyone know where this hole is oh my God oh my God Peter this like the Holy Grail of holes this is the holy hole of holy holes I don’t know who IBS is I ABS is whenever your stomach has

Problems I think I’m getting all these books I love books and this basement is a true Treasure Trove it literally is oh my God how come it’s always at the stronghold there’s a m shaft I I feel like I’ve like never been to a m Shaft or no I’ve never been

To a stronghold where it doesn’t connect to a m shaft like is there like increased odds of them spawning next to each other or is this just luck every single time how come I love books so much I love books I love books I have more

Books than I even know what to do with guys I feel all I feel like I’m being excluded because I have no idea who the hell you’re talking about right now you guys are just having a lovely time having a conversation and I’m just left out here being excluded again oh my

Goodness I’m like the fifth player in a game of four square and just sit in the sidelines was that a problem at anybody else’s Elementary School was there was just to way too many well actually no I think this was Middle School there was way too many people trying to play Four

Square we couldn’t all play and then so we had a line the last player in the game they went in the line if they got out like instead of getting out and like going to the bottom Square you get in line let’s think about this hello well welcome to the stream welcome

To the stream they’re talking about somebody who I don’t know so you can join in that or you can talk to me these are the two options what if I use an ender pearl to get down there that would be very convenient but also it would be sort of stupid

Okay go go go I hope there aren’t like cave spiders cuz those things are freaky those things are always trying to get at me okay good job attacking thank you let me complimenting myself always be true to yourself and always thank yourself for attacking there’s a melon seeds here is it just me

Or oh my God what is it just me or is this this lava look really really red do you see this I don’t know about you guys but this is the demon fluid that’s the demon fluid okay um I have to get out of here oh my

God what if there’s some diamonds oh boy here’s some diamonds I don’t have like any building blocks I have to get out of this hole guys I’m stuck in a hole I don’t know what to do oh mine some iron I’d like to mine some iron

Blocks oh God drop the water why aren’t you dropping the water what are you talking about let screen Peak the mic for like a millisecond oh my goodness this is terrible I don’t think there’s any way to balance the micro the microw whip microphone um without like I don’t know

Cuz if I balance it for screaming then I have to be like screaming all the time or else it or else um it won’t do anything which I guess I can do that would be kind of funny for like Halloween I should do the live scream

And then people will think it’s like a horror stream but then actually I’m just screaming the entire time just non-stop place and release I think that’s what they do with like fish except it’s Catch and Release are you a catch and release Fisher or are you an eating fish

Fisher you ran over someone in 2004 oh my goodness when were you born I was born in 2003 because it’s a good year to be born I’d strongly recommend it although I sort of wish sometimes that I was born in like 1998 so then like I could experience all

The stuff that I liked but like older you know what I mean cuz I feel like I wasn’t able to truly appreciate what I had when I was like 5 years old so like if I was like 10 years old whenever I had all the things that I was five then like

Wouldn’t that be awesome it would suck if I was born in 2008 what if I was born in 2008 though psych I was actually born in 1472 why did you want me to be born in 2004 for that’s evil evil evil evil evil evil evil hey guys welcome I’m born in 2008 hey

Guys what if I just role played like I was born in like 1990 do you think like if I did enough research on being born in 1990 that like I could pass as being 10 years old what do you guys think and then everybody would be like

Oh my God you look so young and I’m like well it all starts with a good skin care routine moisturize every day exfoliate um you know what I mean you guys know what I’m saying I feel that would be a good look for me I’m also thinking about how I’m going

To be like the hottest senior you know what I mean like whenever we’re all old and gray and in a retirement home like I’m going to be the baddest one I’m just thinking about that you know cuz I think other people are like prone to to become ugly but I’m not I’m not

Going to become ugly I’m going to become even more awesome see aging is like a fine fine wine you know everybody’s like age like milk mm the older you get the more awesome you get and this is the this is how we should be looking at life I don’t think

There’s enough like movies or media and stuff about old people and I think this is why we’re like afraid of death you know like we don’t see the beauty in being old we see it as like a negative bad thing but I think if we changed our

Perspective then we would be like I don’t know we could be like Chiller about it you know like what do you guys think cuz it’s like it’s not healthy cuz whenever you think about being old and it’s like oh my God there’s like people who are 4 years old who can play The

Mozart simp on the piano and there’s people who are like five who are already have more money than I will ever make in my entire life um but let’s you know look at it let’s be old guys let’s be old um well I think I think I watched like a Vsauce

Video about this or something but old people clothes they just wear the same clothes their whole lives so we’re going to wear the same clothes and then like and then we’re not going to hop on the newest Trend you know okay bye-bye like whenever the new clothing

Trends come out we’re not going to we’re not going to jump on those Trends and then so all of our clothes is going to look oldfashioned don’t need the new trends okay bye-bye oh I’m going to make my enchanting table excuse me hello one viewer leaves another replaces

Them not that thatat can be replaced we will always cherish and love all the messages he provided or they provided not trying to assume anything about anybody but also kind of the boys are coming through for me like whenever I look at my channel stats it’s like all

Boys like the the ratio is like not even close they’re watching I think it’s cuz I’m one of the boys I think it’s cuz I’m well I’m one of the boys the live streams have a higher percentage of women though the live streams have a higher percentage of women uh the shorts

Actually have a higher percentage of women also but the videos is like all men really how come you’re so popular among women you ever think about that what makes you so irresistible is your voice is sexy cool I think I’ve realized that like I don’t

Know I don’t know I used to never care about like voices like I don’t know I’m not going to talk about this guys this is sort of why I want to have my second YouTube channel because you know I have to get out my deepest darkest thoughts I have to release my terrible

Terrible thoughts and ideas there are so many creepers and the skeletons too I’m just trying to kill this Enderman I think we might have the opposite takes on voices really I love big deep British voices or just deeper voices are there but I also but at the same time I also really like

Like voices I don’t know I really don’t know I don’t I haven’t made up my mind all the way on which voices I like Transatlantic accent the goat I do like accents I love accents I’m thinking about how like I think that I should move to a different country and speak a

Different language like learn a different language so then I have like an American accent you know what I mean so like I would go over there and then everybody would be like where are you from you sound your voice is like where are you from dude your voice is crazy

And I was like oh well I’m actually from the US and Portuguese is my second language you know what I mean wouldn’t that be awesome what does psychic bubbles look like does he have a big nose in real life let what psychic bubbles look well you have to do that for the

Camera so they can see hang he’s just a white guy who’s beeping somebody’s beeping somebody beeping at you uhoh whoa this a cool world are these random structures or unit these no these is the stronghold oh sh you’re going to beat yeah I’m on my way I don’t have enough ender pearls

Though it’s a great speedrun it’s a great run prob world record for this mod well actually maybe not I don’t know many people play this I don’t know probably not a lot to be honest be the world record there I didn’t even have a I don’t know there

Yeah in um multi MC or like prism or whatever like where I launched my Minecraft versions from you got to put up your icon for each version of the game game and this one is such a small mod that they don’t have any icon there’s no

Icon that I could put for this mod so I just put it I just made it the profile picture of the developer and so now it’s like a furry dog now it’s like a blue dog looking at me every time I play the mod it’s pretty awesome I have to get some

Lava Oh Boy Lava oh boy iron ingot oh boy this is really exciting stuff are you guys excited I know that I’m excited the Ender Dragon stands no chance the Ender Dragon really does stand no chance I’m trying to find my the ender man where is he

Hello did you guys hear him too or was it just me I heard him go I heard him go I’m just going to let them fight this is like me and you always beefing I wish they loved each other you know what I I mean like I wish that they would attack

Each other sometimes but also sometimes they would like hug you know because this is the complexity of skeleton relationships is that sometimes they fight and sometimes they love each other I think my mom is jealous of lime’s burrito have you been talking up his burrito have you been talking about this

Has been a great tofu burrito I didn’t even know that it was a tofu burrito until he told me but it didn’t taste like meat I I just didn’t know what was in it she comes back with some tortillas will you put that th in her

Head you put that thought in her head that made her want to kill herself why are you so mean I feel like you’re too mean to your mom and I think that I don’t know you have to be nice this might just be my best pizza

Yet look at this really oh my goodness the best pizza yet can you make even more pizza I can’t oh guys there’s Pizza on the way don’t worry I I could just get out of the way if you ask nicely that’s awesome your mom is jealous of my burritos that’s

Awesome if I made it free wraft what does that mean what are you talking about I I’ll send a pick of the pizza I’ll post it in dig on server so everybody in the Stream can take a look I don’t even know if there’s anyone left in the

Stream blak where’s the what is the What is the numbers looking like for the stream is there anybody left or is it just you cuz all the Chatters have evaporated they’ve entered the water cycle when I was in um little skew when I was in little skew say what

What when I was in school and I was little I made this little comic about the water cycle oh those things are scary those things are a little creepies those things are creepy I don’t trust them I don’t know why I took that book these chests are being particularly

Bad oh my God why are they so bad they supposed to have like enchanted books in them or something I’m so unlucky are you making fun of me no don’t be making fun no if you make fun you’re getting B on your speed run no the cave spider oh

[ __ ] please don’t talk to me shouldn’t you check your poison St before eating food to fill the bar see now you’re well I didn’t know if there was another spider stop questioning me I’m going to backseat game do we want to the back seat game the back seat

Game Sten wait you changed your username to Steven that’s pretty funny um yeah I’ll buzz off just for you buddy what the heck what the heck is going on here what did you do what did you do you touched the hot pan are you sure okay that’s good okay I need torch light

H i I need lava oh this can do the trick I thought he dropped the pizza but he actually just burnt himself these big Ravines are actually super super super dangerous because I’ve had I’ve been doing like hardcore mode before and I go into this ravine the creeper drops down from

Above is that crazy isn’t that sad though how the creeper drops him from Above This cave sound is getting really freaking creepy in one of the mods that I downloaded there is an option to oh there’s a option to disable the cave sound I wonder if that’s because the

Creator of the mod knew someone or was someone who just got way too creeped out for the cave noises they needed to stop them ow stop it I can’t see hardly anything I think I should bring some TNT to the Ender dragon fight and then I can blow up the

Dragon wouldn’t you think that that would be a good idea according to sixth grade science do you think that if we put Mountain to Baja Blast into the ocean it will stay that way or do the clouds know what is water and what isn’t I think that they to know what is

Water and what isn’t cuz don’t you can’t you like evaporate water um with can’t you like evaporate salt water and then it becomes unsalted water I never understood like yeah isn’t that right or am I capping cuz that’s where fresh water comes from right it’s like cuz it evaporates from the ocean and

Then it rains down as fresh water you can drink when I was little I was obsessed with drinking the rain I would get a cup and hold it outside while it was raining and then I would take big swigs and I thought that that was the coolest thing in the world because it

Was wait why am I down here without my diamond pickaxe this is awkward if the salt is too cold I don’t really know that much about water I know that I like to drink water I go M Water tasty little thing oh God not the silver fish what if Minecraft was only

Men like there’s the ender man but then there was like silver man who lived in the blocks and then there was like zombie man and creeper Man you know you guys know what I’m talking about I got fresh pizza slices is it too hot to eat while I burn my Mouth guys look Pizza day guys look homemade pizza made fresh Isn’t that [Applause] cool I think he said that he would send the picture right Time to eat my pizza pizza break guys guys time for a pizza break if you’re averse to mouth sounds I don’t know if they’ll show up but you might want to mute this Part For to be honest I think I liked the fat one More this one has a saltier flavor Though I don’t know I just thought it tasted Better I’m really good at eating pizza this is what a lot of people don’t know about me I’m almost done I only have one more and then I can play more Minecraft okay guys are you guys excited yay Minecraft everyone is so excited to see some Minecraft Gameplay after all that pizza eating

Okay what did they blow up was there something there I think the viewers truly just really they they love Minecraft they hate Pizza they they love Minecraft they hate Pizza yeah I always feel that way too whenever like lime is um watching what is it he’s watching like

Cooking Tik Tok or whatever where they make food and then he’s like I like to watch this when I’m hungry and I’m like what the hell is wrong with you because whenever he’s hungry I’m also likely hungry because we like to eat together most of the time so it’s just like very Suffering okay I have to go back down in my hole and mine up diamonds this time with the diamond pickaxe why is my diamond sword about to break you know what I mean that was me being upset um okay why are you so depressed how about you stop being so

Depressed and instead you be happy that’s what I say to all the people that’s what I would say if I was a therapist if I was a therapist and I would be like why so depressed I would say does this make you feel better and then I would dress in my clown

Costume Z do you feel better now whoops I take the keemstar approach I don’t know what that means like at all ow I used to freaking love DJ killer keemstar man that guy was like my idol I was like why is he so awesome you know my um

Basically why always thought it was cool I wish it like I wish that I could manipulate people I’ve always would I’ve always wanted this my whole life I wanted the ability to be able to just like lie and not care about anything you know what I

Mean like like I wish that I had like this s cuz it takes a lot of self-restraint you know I thought that like it takes a lot of self-discipline to be able to hide your feelings and only action in personal gain because it’s like I don’t want to hurt anybody

You know what I mean even though it would be really cool to hurt people I don’t want to because it would make me feel bad I have to mine up that obsidian do you like my sword sword sword my diamond sword sword every time I I sing on

Stream I get reminded of whenever I was like a little kid um and I don’t know I think this was in Middle School um I was streaming OverWatch and I just like started singing as hard as I could and I was like and to like my audience

Of zero viewers and I was like this is going to be so cool if somebody shows up cuz then they’ll be like oh my God the singing kid they’ll click on the stream and they’ll see the singing kid and they’ll think it’s so awesome nobody ever

Came or at least never said anything in the chat if I I don’t know what to think about all that the um hello the crust was really good it’s very salty yeah it was a little bit too salty I agree but like when it wasn’t salty it tast good right

Yeah okay cool and there’s little too much sauce right I don’t know the sauce tastes too much like spaghetti sauce right I don’t know okay sorry I liked the fat one better yeah oh really yeah but I was confused because I feel like that really just in terms of like Flavor okay okay

Bye did they yeah everybody loves when the streamer has a special guest okay destroy the FL cool awesome I’m always really hesitant to have people on I’m always what is what is happening um I can’t think anymore I’m always very hesitant to have like other people show up on my live streams

Because while it’s like fun in the moment for the streamer um I know how I feel about other people who have friends on their live stream and it’s like they always have like the most annoying friends in the entire planet you know and it’s like and they don’t think their friends are

Annoying so like I don’t think my friends are annoying either right but then to a viewer it’s like they like me and then they’re like oh your friends are annoying and then they don’t want to watch anymore like I feel empathy for that because that’s something that I have felt

Before you have confidence that your friends aren’t annoying um they aren’t annoying to me but I don’t know I don’t know people’s tastes I guess is the main concern here you know cuz I think people who like me probably I don’t know if they they will

Have overlap with my friends cuz like I like my friends but you know whatever I don’t know I feel like that’s just sort of a weird position to take cuz it’s like I’m streaming for the viewer you know what I mean and if I don’t know that my viewers

Like my friends then why would I have my friends on just doesn’t make any sense to me I think you can have friends on if your motivations are different like the other day whenever we were streaming to troll when we were when we were streaming for the purpose of

Trolling then you can be as annoying as you want because um you’re trolling don’t stream for the viewer if I wasn’t streaming for the viewer then who would I be streaming for cuz if I just wanted to play a game by myself then I would just play a game by

Myself this is very interesting this is you know this is the conflict this is this is the great conflict if I was streaming for myself then I just wouldn’t stream I would just play my game by myself well I love to game I’d say well

Here I go gaming again and then I go do my gaming I hope some cool game GES I hope good gaming comes out cuz I’m pretty excited about Gaming I don’t know I’m really excited about the switch too I’m thinking about like how because I I don’t know I watched that Arlo video and that like that really scratched an itch for me I was like oh my God oh my God Aro because I don’t know I want to see what

Everybody’s saying about the switch 2 and and I’ve been watching all these YouTube videos about how they’re giving their predictions for the switch to and they have some pretty interesting predictions it’s actually not very true almost none of them have anything interesting to say but I keep on clicking on the videos

Anyway pretty much here’s the consensus about uh the switch 2 it’s going to come out and it’s going to have Mario Kart and probably Metroid Prime 4 and it’s also going to have a new 3D Mario game I’ve watched like 10 videos of people talking about

It and that’s what I think most of them said what do you think the Nintendo switch 2 will look like should I craft another diamond sword because this one is not durable should I enchant this diamond sword or what world’s simplest takes yeah that’s what I’m thinking we have to get level

50 they’re almost definitely wrong well what do you what do you think your what do you think is going to happen for this switch to Nintendo does not care about launch titles at all I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about they literally launched with Zelda and they had like a first

Mario and Mario Kart within the first year I think they definitely do care about like front loading all the biggest games at least they did with the switch Mario Kart was not a new game I guess that’s true they had Zelda and then they had 3D and then they had

Mario in the same year Mario Odyssey Mario Odyssey and then yeah I love Mario well I didn’t say that the games that I was talking about were going to be a launch title they didn’t say that it was going to be a launch title they just said that

Next year there’s going to be all these games there’s going to be the 3D Mario and Metroid Prime before and what was the other one that I was talking about Mario Kart they said that those ones are coming very soon those are that’s like the general consensus from all the predictors all

The predictors out there putting out their predictions I think those are pretty safe bets um I feel like I’m sort of inclined to agree cuz all those things just seem pretty likely um what else could there be though there can’t be a new Zelda cuz they just came out with a new Zelda

Um and there could be H they would put all this energy into DLC I guess so I don’t know I guess that’s true but also it’s just been a really long long time since Mario Kart and also Mario Kart got rumored a bunch a lot by the notorious leakers everybody’s talking about Mario

Everybody’s talking about Mario and his car I kind of want to do like a video about my hopes and dreams for the next Nintendo console cuz I have some hopes and dreams I can talk about them right now um so basically I hope that they the next console is

Funny I hope that it’s funny that’s like one of my biggest hopes because like the Wii U was funny and like the 3DS was funny they had all these like crazy stuff going on um and made cool noises and had music and stuff but the switch isn’t very funny at

All and I would like them to do one that’s funny again um and then next up I’d like them to get a little more inventive with their games um cuz it seems like they sort of took a break with the switch from doing like smaller like lower key experimental

Games than they had on like the 3DS you know um like they didn’t really get too inventive with anything cuz like 3DS they came out with like tumchi life and mopia and like a bunch of Indie Games pretty much like was that like steam world dig or whatever or like I don’t

Know was LS was arms launch title No but I think it was in the same year though um I think yeah just get funnier get funnier games uh what else would be good I think they could new steam world just came out that’s awesome yeah but like they didn’t like

Make it they didn’t make it new like seamor was already like a established Thing by the time this sequel comes out I think generally that’s sort of my thing is um there’s been like so many sequels on Nintendo switch so many sequels and remakes and I would like to see them

Sort of get away from that a little bit and I think they probably will I don’t know cuz like what even is left cuz they can’t really do like ports anymore at the very least because they’ve already ported a bunch of their stuff you know um so I feel like I don’t

Know they I don’t know I don’t think they should Port toachi life one I don’t think they should and two I don’t think they can I think there’s too many things in tomadachi life that take advantage of specific 3DS Hardware traits that I don’t know if they’ll come

Back cuz like there’s no microphone unless the switch to has a microphone and there’s no camera unless the switch to has a camera so I don’t Know I don’t necessarily think that those traits are like integral to tomashi Life’s identity cuz like tomachi life’s identity is just like being weird but the specific ways in which the original tomadachi life well not the original but uh tomadachi life on 3DS was strange was that it made use of the

3DS’s Hardware like That so I think the only way to do another Tomodachi life would be to do a sequel that takes use of whatever the next console has going on cuz like if they did a toachi life on switch then I think that there would be like probably like a mini game or

Something where like the me crawls into your joyc con and starts like crawling around in there you know and you can like feel it with HD Rumble whatever happened to HD Rumble guys our rumbles will always be standard definition from here on out so depressing S I also really hope that

Nintendo um stops doing the they sto doing the update thing I really don’t like that where they have like they release a game without a lot of features and then they just like update it for a year and add stuff that should have just been there by the

Start I hope they sto doing that for the next console I think that would be awesome I think also what would be awesome would be um H I think they should bring back street pass I really really really really really want them to bring back street

Pass because I don’t know I feel like we are further away than ever before you know the gamers The Gamers you need to unite you know and I think it would be cool if you pass another gamer on the street it gives you a little ping and

And it says this person is gaming you know and then so you could guys could like talk to each other about gaming or something I don’t know what do Gamers talk about Gamers talk about gaming they talk about Esports and they talk about I don’t know let talk about

Something I need to find some hostile mods mobs and slay them so slay where do you guys think the uh the portal is going to be I’m having some trouble with finding this portal I’m looking all around high and low low and high all over the place oh god what the barnicles oh

God did you guys see that are you guys seeing this is there a monster spawner oh my God is this like new to the mod or something I do not remember they’re being able to to be a monster spawner oh my goodness that’s got to be new to the mod that’s

Crazy very intense we got the Thunder going on in the back super intense if they change that then I don’t know what I don’t even want to know what they put at the portal Gulp zombie get that zombie get that zombie I don’t want you to spawn anymore okay where’s that Enderman I need balls I need balls pearls I need the pearls where’s the I don’t know why I thought that they were called Ender balls for a second um is anybody else’s ears

Hurt why my ears hurting are these headphones not doing me right I think these headphones are doing me dirty mine are right now what are I don’t know what you’re talking about I have to destroy the creepers I don’t know what comes out of my mouth you can’t respond to

Me with every chat message you guys send you have to send like context you have to write context colon and then you have to write whatever you’re going to say does that seem fair seems pretty fair to me um yeah I think I’m going to go by okay that’s really freaking sad but Whatever anything you told me to say context in every message what I don’t even know what you’re talking about this m just looks very confusing it’s a very confusing looking message right there I don’t want to get level 50 digon is crazy No I lost my most loyal subscriber welcome to the subscriber Zone I do not have Victorian hysteria I’m not Victorious really is Han Franklin my most loyal fan thanks Hannah coming in clutch coming in quite glitch give me a great glitch that’s very interesting my voice ah

Ba I think that they should invent a new medical condition called streamer’s throat sort of like how there was like the um the swimmer’s ear or like the the trench foot or whatever you know I think they got to have the the streamer’s throat and it’s whenever you you talk

Way too much and then it hurts you know pissed that I leave and now I’m not the biggest fan I’m sorry dude you just you can’t be the biggest fan anymore if you’re going to pull stuff like that in the dig on fan club guys I’m so excited because in

Only in only a projected couple of more weeks I will be able to enable memberships and donations on the dig on YouTube page um so be sure to become a member when that happens guys should have become a nice member I have to think about what I’m

Going to put cuz you can put like exclusive member videos um but I don’t really know what kind of member videos there should be there there should be you know cuz I think it would be cool to have some members only videos cuz like if they give me money then it’s like I

Need to do something for them you know what I mean but I don’t know cuz like I don’t know like I feel like I have to do something for them if they give me money how you GI make up the Starbucks I don’t think there’s gifted Subs on uh YouTube

I think that’s a twitch thing but to be honest I really don’t know how it works at all cuz I don’t think it’s very well documented because nobody wants to have YouTube memberships nobody wants to be a YouTube member cuz it seems like a lot of people who do it it’s just

Like they have YouTube memberships enabled but they also have a patreon and then the patreon is the thing that like people shout out at the end of their videos so I guess they still like patreon better but I don’t know I just don’t really feel like I would get any

Patrons so there’s no use in doing that but I I feel like I have a better shot of getting a YouTube member because it’s like it’s right there you know everything I ever do is on YouTube cuz of the YouTuber I’m the purest YouTuber in the whole world I think that

Um I think YouTube should have like a mascot you know they should have like I don’t know I’m thinking about like maybe it’s the YouTube play button with some big eyes and big arms and stuff and then they’re like I’m Parry the play button you know what

I mean I think that would be good yeah I don’t know I still think a lot about like I still think a lot about like should I be using twitch you know cuz it would be so cool to use twitch I think it’s awesome I think

Twitch is awesome and I would love to use twitch but I don’t know I’m still in the fence about it actually but yeah I got lost I’m all lost in this Fortress this is just terrible I think the coolest thing about twitch that I guess I’m envious of is

Just like the community aspect of it all you know because on Twitch like viewers get to like clip streams and then they get to like view viewer clipped streams you know and then at the end of the stream you get to like raid other people and then people are like and announce it

It’s like digon is rating with like four viewers you know and I don’t know I think that’s pretty cool by comparison I think YouTuber YouTube streaming is a lot more isolated you’re just all by yourself like nobody is going to clip stuff for you nobody is going To like watch each other’s clips of your stream it’s over dude it’s just over blak I want to make this very very clear I want to make this very very very very clear okay unless I’m already getting like over 10,000 viewers per stream I will never co-stream I will never do that

And I don’t think that my mind can be changed on this I just don’t think it’s a good idea okay bye-bye I don’t really have anything to Say when am I going to find this portal this is very difficult and now I’m all alone I don’t even have anybody to talk to it’s just me all alone trying to find a portal well I find it I don’t know I can’t say nothing up here except there is look at

That I’m so good at Scavenging around and [Applause] foraging h okay hello oh I’ve already been here don’t go where you’ve already been that’s rule number one rule number two is to always have fun rule number three is to always be Greatful these are my rules guys make sure to follow them

Oh a ender pearl yay am I finding it hello this stronghold is so big I have no idea where to go oh goodness it’s kind of cool how the stronghold is designed cuz it’s just like why the heck would you build it like this you know it just has it’s Labyrinthian And labyrinths are a very interesting type of building because it’s like is it supposed to be functional or but it’s built in like the most confusing way Possible like how are the people who work at the Labyrinth going to know where to go I’m clocking into my Labyrinth Shift I work 9 to 5 at the Labyrinth we just go to work and then our lost for a couple hours we stay as long as we’re lost when we find our way out we can just Go to clock in we have to go through a maze and then to clock out we just have to leave have to find our way out I think this would be the perfect job for Me just be perpetually lost is there like is there any tricks for finding the portal like is there like certain structures that generate more frequently next to other Ones this is my adventure this is my authentic Adventure it is so authentic and it is so Adventuring I don’t know how to get out did I already go down here oh Goodness completely lost I don’t think this is the most interesting game play I did find more Eyes of Ender though I mean ender Pearls uh I just walk in circles I just walk in infinite circles I haven’t been in this room before though is there a chest with some loot that would be awesome paper okay what’s in this one Books Okay apples pretty cool I don’t even care about the Ender

Anymore before I got excited when I heard an Ender cuz I was like oh my God an Ender wow but now I feel apathetic to the Endermen I feel apathetic towards everything cuz I’m depressed or something I’m sad whoa look it’s a fountain okay I changed my mind I’m not

Apathetic towards everything anymore there’s a freaking Fountain holy crap guys look at fountains it will change your whole life if you’re depressed look at a good Fountain okay I’m in like a whole different area to The Fortress I’ve never seen before I think I’ve got to be close to the the stronghold

Definitely by the portal I mean I’ve been in the stronghold I know this where the stronghold is okay another Fountain I’m on like the Fountain area before I wasn’t at the fountain oh god spider Town spider Town USA I’m starting to think that enchanted books don’t spawn in this version

There’s a map that’s kind of cool map zero cool pretty cool map I have to pee really bad I’m going to go pee pee for for okay hello I’m Back oh wait no I’m not okay okay okay got it got it got it um here get rid of this get rid of this get rid of button get rid of fence a lot of no good very bad items in the inventory right now don’t even talk to me don’t even talk to

Me how did I get in here is there not a door where’s the door oh I found it Dungeon Crawl that’s the greatest crawl of all in the Dungeon Crawl oh I’m breaking this this foolish crap it’s too foolish is that Archway of any significance at all

I feel like I haven’t seen that before Oh this is just oh okay I get it it’s just like the door frame but without the walls so it looks strange this is like scary does anyone else think this is kind of scary just walking around this like the back rooms that’s what it’s

Like there is nothing damn that damn creeper blowing me up again did I come from down there I guess I did I’m going to trust my judgment that there’s a reason that I left do you hear all those monsters ow it’s pretty hard to see right now uh hello little

Zombie we’re going to patch up this well cuz well let’s kind of get in the way I’m trying to mine my coal I’m trying to mine my coal blocks over here so I can make eight torches spider on the ceiling skeleton around the corner yeah my diamond sword is definitely going to break

Before hopefully not before I find the Ender Dragon but I probably just should make another one for the Dragon that’s what I’m getting at but hopefully I’ll be able to find the dragon before the sword actually breaks like regardless I shouldn’t bring low durability stuff into the end fight but

Um you know how it is oh you know how it is when you try hard nothing’s going right oh you know how it is do you guys know that song I didn’t know it for the longest time it’s by those Flamingo people it’s by the people who made the how many

Shrimps do you have to eat you know I thought they made just like Flamingo music but they actually make cool songs and I don’t know I was really impressed by them I was like wow that’s cool guys you did It amazing job I’m breaking your stuff dude this is the zombie my name is the Zombie is have I been here before hey don’t hit me I must have I remember this place this is really messed up I don’t know where I am or where I’m going or anything just walking around probably in Circles just aimlessly hoping that maybe just maybe one day I’ll just I’ll stumble across where I’m trying to get to I don’t know if this will happen I really don’t know hopefully it will but at the same time it’s like I don’t see this thing at

All I don’t see this thing at all even a Little no my diamond sword broke before I got even to go to the thing this is very sad I’m sad and depressed just looking around don’t mind me just poking around yeah that’s a dead End should I craft another sword out of diamonds or should I yeah I’ll craft it out of diamonds cuz those mobs are giving me trouble even with the iron sword so I feel like I Yeah who do you think you are I forgot about the sword blocking it looks so silly am I just getting incredibly unlike unlucky I feel like my luck has to change at some point so many skeletons uh-oh I have to go in my hidey hole hide away in your hidey little hole okay

This nothing here for me maybe up I don’t know I feel like it wouldn’t be up right maybe it would how big are these things I don’t know I I feel like these things aren’t traditionally this large but also I think to some extent I’m just going in

Circles just going in circles over and over again this is sad I don’t know what to do I really don’t know what to do uh ow oh did the enter eyes lead you to the portal I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this there’s literally an item in the

Game that directs you where you got to go ow I think that’s what I’ll do I’ll go back up I’ll make one of the ender eyes and I’ll throw it uh I’ll throw it and then I’ll figure out where where it’s trying to go that seems good to me okay let’s get Back

Up it’s just I guess it’s just almost never a thing that I find myself needing to do is throwing an end eye at the stronghold and that’s why my mind didn’t even go to it is sort of an uncommon thing but I’ll have to look I’ll have to look very [Applause] vigilantly

Uh-oh he trying to crush me in the ocean oh I’m in the ocean narwals narwals swimming in the ocean causing a commotion because they are so awesome right okay whoa did I go really far away wow excuse me zombie I have to get going through coming through coming through I think I

Should kill those cows another idea that I have is make a bunch of TNT and then blow up the Stronghold I’ve noticed that the cows in this aren’t very smart they just like die you light them on fire and they just die and I don’t know why they’re doing that personally if I was a cow and got lit on fire I’d probably run away if anyone else feels the same way

Then um feel free to like the video yeah I’m not going to be able to get that guy with my attack not going to happen okay ow the Endermen aren’t very hard in this and like modern Minecraft they’re super difficult to fight but I don’t think I’ve gotten hit once by these things

Okay eight pearls that’s actually less than I thought it would be I have Ender all right where are you you taking me I’m going to get up on my little pedestal okay so over Here really are you this better not be taking me to a different stronghold cuz that would be weird that would be that would be strange there’s no way but I guess this stronghold is pretty big um you’re taking me kind of far away um [Laughter] I’m a little bit scared

Um where are you taking me is this far enough okay so it is taking me to that one so it’s like in between those two points I’ll just try digging down [Applause] here and we’ll see where where that takes us we’ll see where Fate has us end up

Hopefully Fate has us end up in the stronghold or the portal room uhoh I feel like I’m going to hit Bedrock where are we yeah we’re very very deep whoops I didn’t mean to do that I’m into hat to I didn’t even mean to hit the F key okay no stronghold got

It I don’t know just trying something Hello is anyone here it’s daytime hooray hooray for the day it’s glor ious it broke wait is that it holy crud oh my God that’s it it was exposed the whole time oh my God oh my God I feel embarrassed but also I cannot feel embarrassed about that wait is this

Somewhere I’ve been before Oh my god oh get away from me get off me get off me my impression of the uh the guy from no hug me I’m scared silverfish God I feel so relieved I finally found it now I can face off off and do battle against the evil Ender

Dragon I like the phrase do battle okay here we go guys so exciting [Applause] this is probably the weirdest staircase I’ve ever made look at [Applause] this oh God right there I don’t think I have enough to fill up the portal frame right now is it the

Morning yeah so it’ll still be a while before I’ll be able to get more ender eyes I don’t know I hadn’t been killing endan cuz I was like oh well I already have so many so but as it turns out I actually didn’t have that many we’ll smelt some more

Stuff oh I need more wood that is what I need I figured out why the enemies I just remembered why the enemies take so long to kill um apparently in hardcore mode everything has more Health that’s part of why it makes it so hardcore pretty hardcore dude Dear eyes unfocused sometimes my eyes are just glazing over right now I I have to go underground and get more stuff wait where where did I come from I came from a river I think over here yeah there it Is where the portalist I’m almost there guys I’ve almost conquered the game and then in the next stream I can beat a different Minecraft mod wouldn’t that be Fun okay okay so I just need three more pearls we the Crystal Gems and then it’s and then it’s all Pearl that would be epic whoops oh God I never know these things take a lot of hits okay okay stop stop stop please the poison oh God wait I forgot no please

Not the poison Spider those things are tough isn’t there a chest up here yeah so cool so dreamy I bet I can make some golden apples actually I don’t know I don’t think I have a lot of uh gold I think I don’t really want to be in this Fortress anymore it’s giving me

Like PTSD from whenever I was lost for probably 2 hours or something so I’m just going to clear out um I’m going to get all the other stuff that I need to do done on the surface I’ll just wait until night to get the Ender Pearls I need

Um but in the meantime I can kill cows that’ll be good I could grow wheat I could grow bread I have so much bone meal I think that would be good got to get super overprepared to go to the end only seven gold I’d like to get some sand oh little baby

Chicken that’s awesome whoops I unplugged my headphones hey guys I’m back hello chicken I put a stick through him I’m going make a show jees Rick I’m going to make a shovel and get epic sand I’m going to get that Enderman I feel like Endermen are more

Common wait are there two Enderman I didn’t know I thought there was only one and he was Teleporting no ender eyes are pearls I’m actually going to count out how many hits it takes one 2 3 4 got to get those hit you got to get those crits I think my issue is I haven’t been getting those crits and so I’ve been using more

Durability than I need to cuz I haven’t been getting those PRS I have very powerful attacks don’t sleep on my powerful attacks they are very powerful hello any Endermen hello I’m in fighter combat mode No the rain is not good for the Enderman I don’t know maybe it’s a blessing and disguise because the Enderman will be forced to teleport underneath the trees I don’t know so many zombies um this is awkward lot of zombies oh I see you I know you where’s that Enderman did the Enderman

Disappear so sad Ender such a sad fate there’s my baby chicken hello baby chicken I’d like it to stop raining I would really like it if it stopped raining I’m just all out here in the rain getting all wet and stuff that sucks we’re going to build my

Farm it’s going to be pretty awesome it’ll have a lot of good attributes about it B meal is really really good in this version cuz it only takes one to grow a massive I feel like modern day Mojang would not add in something like the crop growth stages for bone meal or

Whatever cuz that’s like a balancing tweak and they don’t really do that anymore for I have kind of a cool idea I don’t know why I can’t do this very fast it should be pretty easy okay I get to make a ton of bread now thank you God for this Daily

Bread wait I have sort of a cool idea we’re going to dig underground get a lot of torches okay guys check this out so since that we can’t find Enderman up there while it’s raining um I’m going to dig really far down and like strip mine but like four tall so that Enderman

Can spawn in the mine this is my cool idea if you think it’s cool too then uh give give a give a shout out no point is going to be that like we’re not going to be able to see oh God there’s diamonds I didn’t even know cuz I couldn’t see that’s

Awesome should I go get the water it’s like right on me oh God creeper waiting for me I’m not going to find my I’m I I’m going to try not to lose my way look at that lava stacked on top of lava what does the world come to

Um this is not sticking to the pl I think I got to stick to the plan and the plan was that I’m going to spawn an Enderman in my little tunnel see there’s my tunnel and it’s a great plan it really really is maybe it’s not actually cuz I’m going to

Keep on running into the bright bright caves Sor my back hurts guys I’ve been streaming for almost 5 hours now as isn’t that crazy why is it still raining incredibly frustrating we got to equip our food I’m also going to craft some new armor not just the helmet but also

Everything because it’s just old it’s old and broken and then we can combine it with this armor later that’s why I picked it back up cuz yeah we can repeat the cycle yay the rain has gone away rain rain go away please come back another day do you think we’ll find enough Endermen

Tonight I sure hope so that would be awesome I wonder if anybody eats like the Minecraft character in real life you know just like no matter what they’re eating they just go that’d be sort of embarrassing for them Where have all the Endermen gone I swear I was seeing so many Endermen before and I wasn’t even killing them anymore that’s the worst part is there were so many Endermen that I saw and just didn’t kill because I thought that I had enough eyes but I was completely misguided like completely

Um any creatures what the heck happened I think my internet like blinked in and out or something Enderman hello Enderman Enderman creepers well why don’t I look at them so that they come to me there’s one only two left Only one left wait there it is I got all three guys we’re going to go to the end we’re going to go to the end guys I’m going to try to get hang on I’ll I’ll be right back I have to go to the bathroom really quick

Okay guys it’s time to go to the end well I’m actually only like a level and a half away from being able to enchant something so I think that I should do that actually I should just kill some creatures I’m just killing everything I’m like gen side route I’m going to kill

You not because of the ender pearl but because of the EXP I’m about to level up and you look like just the right amount of EXP yeah wait I’m Actually holy snail holy snail guys don’t get cocky I was getting all cocky and that guy almost killed me oh my God I feel like the skeletons are the most formidable yeah I don’t know the Endermen they’re definitely not the most formidable skeleton that okay that is a formidable fo

And I want everyone to know this almost I’m almost there I just need to kill a few more creatures and then I’ll be there oh my God look at that mountain you guys see that mountain this sow capped Peak I’m halfway to I’m so close to level 50 I’m so

Close I think I should probably enter the stronghold again cuz there’s a bunch of there’s a bunch of people down there yes I am still alive I am still alive did you finish the game yet no I have all of the um the Eyes of Ender now I just got them

Last Minecraft night um so I’m going to go to the end as soon as I get level 50 and then I’m going to um enchant my sword so right now I’m just kind of killing everything cuz I’m so close to getting Level 50 and I can also o get

Food and why I need level 50 instead of level 30 is because I don’t know you need all diamond armor no I don’t know I think I can probably make do with iron oh I’m also here’s my other plan here’s my other plan I’m going to go in there and with some

TNT because I have a ton of gunpowder so I can make a lot of TNT and I can blow up the dragon I feel like that would be awesome and speaking of which I have to get sand for that and then it’ll be awesome everything will be awesome

I was stuck in that stronghold for a really really really long time it’s like kind of an embarrassing amount of time because I was just like walking around and I couldn’t figure out where I was supposed to be um and I just woke around for like hours

Like probably hours I was in there and then I was like wait a minute I can use the Eye of Ender so I made an Eye of Ender to find the Portal and I did I found the portal that’s awesome I just completely forgot that that was a thing that you could

Do but I remembered eventually so don’t worry about that you can tell I’ve been here for super long because all these trees trees have grown all of their Vines uh I think there are beds I guess so I guess I could blow up the dragon but I don’t know I’m not very

Good at it I feel like I would just blow myself up I ain’t trying to blow up myself like how do you do it without um hurting yourself instead I can craft my awesome TNT and to cover yourself with a block okay did I get this wrong yeah I did okay okay

Awesome I figured it out guys I got eight blocks of TNT this will be sort of hard to time because I don’t think the the dragon has like yeah I to be honest I don’t even know if the TNT is going to work at all because this is this doesn’t have like the

Dragon perching down it like it’s just like swoops you know um so I don’t know if I would be able to time it right I could try I guess there’s no harm in that I have to be careful not to look at any Enderman though I don’t have a pupet or

Anything okay here my awesome stuff you at least good with the bow yeah I’m pretty good with the bow I can shoot the little thing I can shoot the little guy okay I’m actually going to head back into the stronghold um and kill a couple monsters and then I will have enough

Levels to enchant Something what should I enchant do you think ow cuz I was going to do sword um but maybe that’s not the best idea maybe I should do Bow instead what do you think would be better bow okay whoa look at this huge pit do you see

This I’m going to kind of back away from it though because last time I was standing over a big drop I was shot off and killed well I wasn’t killed luckily you see this so ominous the freaking Bullet Hole on the can you add some effects to arrows

In this version uh I don’t think so for a second I thought you were talking about like sound effects I thought you wanted me to be like I was like okay I can add some cool sound effects um all right where are the enemies where are the enemy

Monsters instead of Monster Energy it’s monster enemy think about that next time you buy a can of Monster at the gas station it’s sort of sad that energy drinks are so hard on my stomach because I do like the feeling of being like super energized you know I think that’s sort of

Fun but I don’t know I think it must be something with caffeine because like coffee is the same way where if I drink it too much and it’s really easy for me to drink too much um I just like I don’t know it really hurts my stomach I you like the monster pipeline

Punch flavor I like the monster like Java one where it’s like coffe flavor monster I feel like that’s pretty awesome that’s that’s like my go-to anytime I oh a monster spawner this is very convenient is this going to give me XP no God damn it I thought that that

Was going to put me over the top two eyes of ow stop that the zombie breaking a door noise is so loud it’s like oh my god dude calm Down cinnamon pear that sounds good I don’t really know what pears taste like I’m going to be completely honest I don’t know if I’ve ever had a pair in my entire life so I’m just thinking about cinnamon apple right now yeah it’s so loud too it’s like oh my God okay and I’m going to enchant my because I always do what I’m Told I hope we get something good put out your good energy to see what we get and also predict what I’m going to get we’ll see I hope it’s good please be good please be good please be Good that’s a pretty good bow is that like the best bow that you can get oh my goodness that is so good what the heck oh my God wait oh my God I have 38 levels I can still enchant some stuff I can enchant my sword Smite okay whatever dude

I’ve got my goofy ass little knockback Sword okay dude sure enchant armor okay yeah the knockback kind of goes crazy okay get out of here time to enchant my armor even though it’s not the best projectile protection for okay um this is stamina what on Earth stamina stamina stamina there is no Sprint in the controls there’s a Sprint

Key but I can’t Sprint is it it might be I know that there they have some differences in hardcore so I’m I wonder if if you’re not playing in hardcore you can Sprint I don’t know I really don’t know but everything is enchanted now I did it this is

Beautiful and we’re going to be able to do some great things Yeah knockback is crazy and it’s so annoying I regret the knockback I didn’t choose this life I was cursed with it okay oh now we go I feel like I have I should enchant my diamond pickaxe now yeah oh that’s true I can switch it up I

Actually have six diamonds so I I could have made like boots or something in fact maybe I should do that but then I’d have to enchant them and I think my iron boots are already pretty good that creeper thinks he all that but he is all dead okay now we’re going to

Go saing for a new Peck that’s true okay um we’re going to go to the end now and destroy the evil wait I that was completely not doesn’t do anything for me okay we only need one Arrow cuz we have an Infinity bow and flint and steel to light the

TNT should I bring some beds along I can make some I’ll just make two beds cuz I can I won’t like go out of my way but you know uh put everything up wait oh I can make a golden apple I think I don’t know if we can make a

Golden apple actually I don’t know oh god what the hell are you even breaking it’s just like a zombie underground mining the mining zombie goofy ass little thing I know it’s crazy no is that golden nuggets is that how you do it if that’s how you do it then I’m going to be

Epically awesome this is so awesome look at this I can make like a million of them now I can make like thousands of them 10 golden apples oh my goodness this might be like and he destroyed my gold the freaking Creeper I’m so sick of these creepers man I’m so sick of these

Creepers destroy my gold whatever dude and my apples no I had so many apples oh my God that a creeper at least I got 10 maybe this will teach me in the future never to be greedy I don’t know it’s my fault for not having a house and just living on like a

Bench it’s my bad kind of um um okay we’re going to try our best here no shovel there’s nothing in the end that you mine with the shovel um we can have our building blocks we can have our food led up like that arrows can just go in the corner

Coal I don’t think we need coal yeah the creepers the creepers are trying to get you they’re trying to get your items I think I should bring two buckets of water so then I can make an infinite water source in the end and I have building blocks I have plenty of

Food I have my golden apples And got arrows I think I’m all set I think this is all that I could possibly oh I need the flint and steel but I think I’m just going to make a new one cuz that other one is very very broken okay there we go so now we have all the stuff

Cool are you guys excited I’m so excited we’re going to see what happens no this does not make me faster okay now I can shoot the spider I like how big the Flaming spider gets I that’s pretty cool dang one shot let’s go first try well I only got one try cuz it’s

Hardcore never mind you’re lagging okay that’s okay other people are having issues with lagging earlier I think it might be because on YouTube I said it to be ultra low latency um but anyway here we go are in the spooky little area okay guys we’re going in we’re going in to the

End this was a pretty good end spawn I think I was a little bit concerned that oh God I’m just I’m just going to eat that real quick because I didn’t know that you know you’re were going to come at me in the ground this Ender Dragon be going in the

Ground so got to watch out for that okay water we’re just going to put water all over the place because that because awesome I don’t know oh God no please please this Ender Dragon is really freaking me out I haven’t even been here like 2 seconds and you’re already freaking me out

Okay oh God I don’t even know okay okay there we go there we go it is pretty freaky and I can’t look at these things okay that oh I’m a sharp shooter I think I should probably get a ender pearl in my inventory yeah I think it’s probably good to have an ender

Pearl I oh my God was this before they added music to the end H cuz I would really like some climactic music right now I would have really appreciate some climactic music right now I have to be really careful about these edges because this this Ender Dragon be pushing me around there we

Go okay okay yeah this is SC scary this is scary okay o there we go oh that even blew you up yo my bow does crazy damage to the Ender Dragon did you see that okay okay okay no please please okay this Ender Dragon is freaky this

Ender Dragon literally it could kill me at any second it could kill me at literally any second by pushing me off the world it’s scary the scariest thing is because oh look at how much damage I do look at that cuz the mod takes away Sprint and so it’s

Like I can’t Sprint out of the way of the Ender Dragon oh look at that awesome music Minecraft very peaceful moment we’re going on right now I guess it knows just how much of a breeze this ender dragon fight Is I’m glad I Enchanted the boat instead of the sword I don’t even know how i’ would hit this Thing this is the most antil climactic fight ever I want to get some hits in with the sword Oh think you still have a healing Crystal come on Notch yeah what’s up with you Notch I don’t even have to get that I’m just going to go over here Dev chat Notch is watching the stream right now hey what’s up Notch what’s going on oh ding Combo getting some fries getting some fries and a drink cuz this is a combo right Here I did it Yay Yay oh my goodness so many Levels oh my goodness wow 93 levels yeah thato was very very good I’m so glad that I waited until Level 50 to do the dragon or maybe it would have been more um climactic whoa look at this I didn’t know that you could speed through it like this look at that

I haven’t read the end poem in a really long time I kind of like to but I feel like it’s kind of too late at this point I’m already halfway through Minecraft credits oh look authentic Adventure created by Blue stago see there’s blue stago created by Marcus

Person hey guys it’s me Marcus person cool guys wait am I back at the spawn guys I don’t have any of my crap I have no idea where my setup was well I don’t know I guess that’s it then it’s pretty cool pretty dope I’m going to launch some TNT that’s

What I think I’m going to do that’s going to be my my syn off that’s actually true though new game plus that’s pretty awesome I like this mod I think this is a neat little mod um I think it had some cool changes the terrain is really awesome um and yeah I don’t

Know I think it’s a cool mod go check it out go check out authentic adventure guys by blue stago as we’ve learned from the credits here’s going to be my cool TNT cannon though you guys don’t even know about the cool TNT cannon I’m going to launch them out into the

Sea is this how you do it you do it like this and then you do it like that uhoh I messed up wait how do you build a TNT canon oh God does anyone know okay what if I just do it like that well that was just sort of a

Pitiful little little thing there um okay okay let’s try this let’s try this guys also does anyone know what is going on like look at what happens when I shift it says 369 / 510 like what is that what what are we even talking about right now what about like this well

Okay I’m learning I guess uh what about like this I don’t know I don’t know that my TNT cannons are not the greatest they’re really not the greatest well what if I put them above it like this what about this Okay yeah I don’t I don’t know I really don’t I don’t know guys um that’s it for this stream I did it I beat authentic Adventure I blew up my TNT Cannon bye um let me know if there’s like a different mod that you guys want me to play I feel like it would be cool if um like I I I do like little streams like this where I go through um and play different like mods and stuff and like

Beat the game on them I think that would be sort of fun um I have a bunch of them installed already like I I have authentic Adventure better than Adventure I have classic plus indev plus infdev plus Minecraft diverge musketeer one for all new frontier craft not so secret

Saturday re andev I got a ton of these things man um but yeah so just I don’t know let me know if you have any ideas for Minecraft mods to stream cuz I like them and I think I had fun I had a lot of fun

Um okay also don’t mind my desktop it’s really dirty right now so don’t look at it that hard every time I show my dust stop and it’s dirty I feel like I’m letting like somebody come into my room like my bedroom and I’m stressing out about how

It’s not clean but um anyway goodbye bye

This video, titled ‘authentic adventure hardcore’, was uploaded by Diggon on 2024-01-09 04:43:45. It has garnered 180 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 05:30:37 or 19837 seconds.

playing the authentic adventure mod for minecraft. I wonder if I’ll live.


  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

    Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today we have some exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts out there. As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, Mojang and Microsoft have prepared some amazing gifts for all players. If you’re a fan of the game, you definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s in store for you! From special capes to exclusive discounts, there’s a lot to look forward to during this 15-day celebration. One of the highlights of the anniversary event is the release of three new capes, each with its own unique design. These capes will be available for both Java and… Read More

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  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java – 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

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  • Frank_INC

    smp server survival greek and english friendly server with shop and trades frank-inc o ο καινουργιος κοσμος που εχει οπως και δηποτε την ευκερια να δοκιμασεις και να ενωθεις μαζι μας για νεες περιπετειες frank_inc.apexmc.co:25594 Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Nowhere Safe

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  • Mine, Craft, Activate: Bedrock Edition PC + Xbox Live!

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  • POV: The Laggy Dog I Saved in Minecraft (HILARIOUS)

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  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Beating Minecraft in One Stream?!

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  • Zombie Craft: Insane Basement Battle in Minecraft

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  • TacoCat’s Epic Adventure: Minecraft Hardcore #92

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  • Insane Minecraft SMP Drama on Day 38!

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