Unhacked Minecraft Dev vs Cupadoo

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[Music] [Music] go he [Music] oh [Music] through he [Music] oh snap what’s up peeps how are you doing today white majeste what are you doing what are these Shenanigans I should probably move that down a bit cuz that text was like over the other text let’s do maybe that does that look better yeah that’s a bit more readable isn’t it uh I think it needs to go wait 200 which where’s the middle wait 206 there we go okay there we go majeste let me switch on over to the live stream hello hello majeste thank you so so much for becoming or while continuing your channel membership 44 months that’s a whole lot of months that’s that’s lots and lots of months my goodness custom Dono is still broken I think so yeah um I haven’t actually had the chance or remembered to do it uh to go in and uh and fix them but majeste hearts for you or I do the the new Hearts right is this how people do hearts now hearts for you Majesty hugs as well yes hugs boom thank you so so much for your continued support I do appreciate that thank you thank thank you but yes welcome to the stream everyone how you peeps all doing who have we gotten here so far we have Nev majeste night Danny Ender Dragon wither very Aiden welcome welcome everyone Georgia Flex as well welcome to the stream how you peeps all doing sag was going to do 202 for one last time oh my days no yeah I don’t think that one’s working I don’t think a lot of them working um yeah no why are you currently 22 and about to have your birthday is that why one last time I could try and find the audio queue to celebrate your birthday for you when’s your birthday Hello what wait [Music] hello okay there you are hi hi I didn’t know for sure if you were ready or not yet I mean yeah it’s it’s cool it’s I think majeste it’s your birthday today well happy birthday majeste happy birthday I didn’t know I need to write that down on my calendar wait so is it the the 3D of February is your birthday uh where is my calendar calendar I hope it’s a good birthday third I assume the third cuz it’s only the fourth for me event I I mean it’s the third for me so yeah I would assume it’s the third maest st’s birthday that doesn’t need to be on the couples’s calendar wait hold on what uh I just add that well I have a coup’s calendar calar what I have a couple’s calendar you know for the other half of my couple what do you mean why okay that makes a little bit more sense I was like what do you mean coup’s calendar yeah my boyfriend and I share a calendar cuz then like if we have appointments or if we have reminders or things uh it’s all on the same calendar um so we know what each other is up to and we can also like remind each other of stuff solid yeah you feel too sick to sleep oh no night Danny are you like specific [Music] sickness also I think can’t imagine feeling too sick to sleep that would be terrible that would be awful also I think my Discord is going through the wrong thing so I think you might be a bit quiet wrong thing yeah too quiet let me try and fix this let the world hear me I’m trying hold on okay say something hello hi there we go now it’s going through the right thing I didn’t even I didn’t even say it yet holy crap okay what hold on I’m like laughing to myself trying to like actually vocalize this okay howdy do my name’s cupo there we go yeah we’ll work on it how do I rename these now I forget oh there we [Music] go I’m already on the hive whenever you’re ready I am also already on the hive okay we got to like join the same region cuz I know there’s a region issue oh yeah right oh my days oh someone’s got the little dragon it’s so cute I want one I’m already on um North America okay uh region selector uh North America uh take me to North America okay by the way if you peop would like to join you can feel free to join the hive uh we’re playing Minecraft Bedrock on the hive doing some mini games but also okay let me let me find the I’m feeling 22 audio if I still have that save somewhere so we can play it one last time while T is still 22 I love that I forgot about that honestly I don’t know if I still have it uh I definitely blasted that song at least five times in my headphones at work the day I turned 22 yeah uh no that’s all I want for Christmas there’s one just called Autumn attempt one and Autumn attempt to I don’t even remember what those ones are that’s you yelling at me to stop donating oh that’s fair yeah that’s that was you screaming at me Minecraft voice over take one two and three when did I do a Minecraft voice over I keep like teleporting to somewhere random area well here you should probably be the party person I was about to party you [Music] but I cannot find the 22 one that’s that’s disappointing I thought I saved it we’ll find it eventually we’ll we’ll have to like go back for your old streams and recreated or something yeah unless maybe I can find it somewhere on the streamlabs website that song came out way after I turned 22 never got to use it that’s fair did I make that when I was 22 I think you did that would been I think it’s that old that would have been six years ago wow sounds about right that’s [Music] crazy night dny maybe try and have some tea like uh what is it ginger tea that helps upset stomach or if you have any mint I think mint is also supposed to help an upset stomach I know like honey helps whenever you’re just sick like a spoonful of Honey or something like that helps the medicine go down well no honey is good for if you got a sore throat or if you keep coughing cuz it like coats your throat no audio uploads oh it might be here I found that can I play it I don’t know about you but I’m feeling 22 I won’t be able to hear it so you’ll have to tell me if it works or not no it worked yeah very much worked awesome all right uh how do I party you or how do you right uh I will party where is I am I have too much stuff open now there we go okay uh do you just SL party what is your username oh uh actually art actually [Music] okay um I think I saw majeste on before there you are Mae 7373 party mest 7373 whoa somebody’s Cape is the pride flag what that’s so cool yeah is that like a hive thing maybe you can buy I would assume so but that’s really cool and then somebody else has the I think this is the new Mojang staff Cape I’m not 100% sure I’m probably completely wrong on that one it’s like the ba looking one BA I have no idea it’s red it’s got white letters but it’s like the b and a are sideways all right I don’t know I’m probably completely wrong on that I have no idea um does anyone else want to join I can’t remember how many people we can have a party did I buy premium on this I I think you did cuz I feel like I remember you saying you were going to how do I check this I guess I can just click on hive plus does it say I already have it you already own this all right yeah cool awesome do I have I don’t that’s $10 I’m not doing that that’s fair not going to lie part of me is real tempted to buy the baby dragon but it’s like half the price of the hi plus rank just for baby dragon which is entirely cosmetic oh this one the green pink one oh and there’s purple too well yeah the it rotates through the colors if you see it’s just to the left of the mini games or halfway between the mini games there’s a where you can buy it I have to like turn turn my chat down cuz it’s taking up half of my screen that’s [Music] fair you don’t play Bedrock have to log in and stuff Bedrock is so good though how do you change chat size in Bedrock uh settings I literally I don’t know how to use Bedrock I don’t use I don’t know how to do that is it under video I don’t even see I don’t know if there’s just not even a setting there’s a GUI scale modifier but that would do your whole GUI scale not just your chat extra large n youi what is that that didn’t change anything [Music] what yeah I guess identical oh uh do you have your webcam up there or no is my webcam not in the top left no no no I’m asking yeah okay oh yeah top left just like use your webcam to cover the chat cuz just in case people are not great well Bedrock has a lot of filters on it it’s really hard to not be that’s true like family friendly on Minecraft now hey what’s up majeste welcome to my chat oh yeah by the way uh if you peeps want to go uh I haven’t introduced you at all we’ve just been talking wow so I am streaming with uh capao which you peeps might know from my streams as bot um we are streaming together they have just started their content creation streaming Journey thing uh or restarted uh yeah so uh the title of both of the streams you should just be able to click their name in the title of the stream and it should take you to their Channel if you want to go subscribe follow you know go show some support over there same should also work for my side if you click my side it’ll take you back to his [Music] think I deleted my skin off my laptop see this isn’t even my M my Bedrock skin though my Bedrock skin is a bear I literally don’t even know where you are uh I don’t M just they somehow found me like they’re in my server I don’t I don’t know how that happened do you like wait maybe if I scroll through the tabl no um can you like warp the party oh uh P Warp oh yeah that work okay cool oh did it okay it’d be great if I knew where you were though we’re standing just the there yeah okay what’s up hi all right do we want to get into some games or are the people waiting to join uh we can do a game for now cuz very said it might they might need a few minutes to get in hey night Danny hey Nev turtle welcome welcome welcome Nev you I dm’d you this week right Nev I think I did I look so pale in this room cuz it’s just like white walls and then I’ve got the light on me so I just I look like a [Music] ghost uh what’s good mate what’s up uh bunny boy how you doing welcome to the stream uh what do we want to start with something chill yeah please uh you want to do block party uh which one is block party that one wait do they not have one oh there is no yeah yeah yeah yeah uh like I swear they made it on This Server oh the dancing one uh regular or private or custom whatever thing just get some sun easy don’t worry I’ve got none either yeah literally like I I could go outside for like 5 minutes and not burn but if I stay inside I’m super pale so either way I don’t win are you playing with viewers yes yes we are uh if you would like to join The Hive server um then just let me know your username and I can add you to the [Music] party oh yeah also if you’re watching me or if you’re watching oh I like your little face if you’re watching me or if you’re watching Ace um we’re both streaming on YouTube and twitch so make sure to check out both sides and follow one you can go watch either of us or both of us on whichever is your preferred platform yeah all right let’s get going I have forgot how to do this I feel like I had a strap and I don’t remember what the strap was right okay well it’ll give you a block and then um you can go to said color with said block yeah and I have a color blind mode on because my brain doesn’t work a lot of the time understandable I remember um on Java Edition when this server existed uh they used to let you place the block on the ground for like half a second to make sure it matched the color but you can’t do that yeah okay well they have the other accessibility option so they don’t really need it yeah I really do like that how they have this for color blind people though that is very nice of them it is really nice yeah also if anyone’s still watching my side uh just one more check how’s the music sound cuz I want to make sure it’s not too loud over Ace’s Voice or anything same with my side can you join absolutely just let us know your uh Minecraft username o I got a power up what I get speed upgrade wow this one had a lot of this color my goodness purple oh no oh no please okay uh what’s your region North America hey what’s up anti how you doing welcome to the stream uh oh no that’s further away than I realized okay oh poor that person went to get the power up and just fully uh wait no is that why is that yes okay wait with a color blind resource pack you can’t even tell what color white is what does what does that look like I’ve never used that no it’s still the um it’s still the right colors it’s just also symbols but the gray and the white are both squares like it’s a square uh and then a colored in square so it’s a little bit confusing still that makes sense oh I’m dead no rest in peace wow you can’t spectate like you could on the old one um you used to be able to like fly up and go down on the map and run around even as a spectator that was so close I just got to watch you from a distance yeah wow Mae and I are still alive GG purple yeah I haven’t used any of my uh upgrades yet I had a speed potion which I guess I could have used but I didn’t really think about it in the moment right oh I almost jumped off cuz I thought it was the other gray okay no oh my what okay that was an instant what you finally got into the hive hey I mean meste and I tied to be fair we both died on the last round okay that’s fair uh hey uh so yeah bunny boy King if you let me know your username same with very let us know your username I can party you did you party yet is quasi in stream uh well I mean they joined the hive I I don’t know I saw that but they might just be playing on their own I don’t know if they’re at stream like fair enough I didn’t think about that I [Music] guess all [Music] right all oh I almost got the power up yellow oh you are here quasi okay fair hey P’s on my side too nice uh blue oh I’m so far away from I don’t even know where it is I’m just on this corner my goodness that was mean for like the second level that was so bad oh I love this song Oh someone is on the wrong pink magenta is this one okay Bedrock I can’t update it right now wait what very are you you using it on PC or mobile or Xbox or play is PlayStation included in Bedrock now I think so I can’t remember for a little bit they weren’t yeah cuz it’s a competitor to the people who own it [Music] yeah oh I’m so far away jump okay oh I’m all by [Music] myself I wish I had like the OptiFine zoom on Bedrock cuz that’d be really helpful right now ah yeah just crank your fov I guess I could but no it’s not worth it it’s a lot of work yeah it’s not it oh you can’t update your username what I love the spotlights that they have on here I just I love bedrocks customization like everything that you can do with like the models and textures and everything it’s awesome yeah that’s why I am like to the point where I prefer Bedrock because of all of that also you know cuz I get paid to do Bedrock but okay well yeah bed’s just like more polished though see I have to be careful of praising bedrock in front of one of my friends that might be watching because he absolutely hates Bedrock Edition what no it’s the polished version though like Java is good and always will be because of like that’s how it started that’s how the community built and all that stuff but yeah like they literally recoded it from scratch for a reason you know I mean yeah I don’t know though he’s not a fan of it and I mean it’s fair this is a really interesting remix of this song that I’m listening to yeah oh my no okay who won not me I got second I think I can’t say my name in a straight line or in one sentence so I’ll secretly say it how do you secretly say your name what uh your I wonder if like something in their name like goes against the chat filter so they can’t join oh that would make sense all right I’m going to go back to HUB actually so I can invite people first hold on sorry I’ll warp as well uh can you reinvite me P majeste what was the number 7373 uh P oh bunny Slayer 2 715 all right I reinit both of you oh and um okay yeah yeah bunny Slayer uh it’s just you join there we go everyone’s in was there anyone else wanting to join oh quasi were you wanting to join or were you just hanging out doing your own stuff so like what did that say Party Chat is not not private chat it’s subject to regular chat rules monitoring and filtering I mean that’s fair enough you were changing your game language to what from what trying to like figure out what game we should do next cuz I I want to what is gravity wait is gravity dropper I think so I’m pretty sure that’s what it is oh I I’m down I haven’t done a dropper in forever I I can’t even remember last time I played a dropper game um all right no message from are we yeah let’s try it out uh maybe let’s do custom private server can you even do that yeah did this readjust in my chair I was kind of like sitting with my knees up against my desk and now my legs are all sore wait did that that didn’t pull you guys in what if I that work uh could not connect you to the Target server the game is starting try all right let me again in 3 seconds how do I back out of this now I just Shrugged my shoulders in real life I hope I hope fair enough uh P isn’t there a way to have it that you only join private games with the party I I know that Hypixel on Java Edition had that I don’t know about I’m pretty sure that this one does at least I thought it did maybe I’m going crazy I just created my own custom server that’s weird okay all right whatever we’ll just do there we go this is just a public server I guess we’ll just do public cuz I can’t remember how to do private oh El all right I’m also going to play your visibility hidden there we go I like that that’s a possibility oh my God I can make people tiny y oh no I was one block off I think I was too oh my I no I thought I had that I made it there we go now I made it is it just one level oh no it keeps going no it’s not oh my days okay oh no so close Okay second level down oh my days what okay I went too far out I need to stay more Central oh what is why are these so difficult oh I got it I got it I got it okay oh okay that is water awesome I thought for a second I didn’t land in water oh no I aim for the dark blue instead what do you mean mean you can skip levels that’s so that’s cheating wait what how yeah people skipped levels you didn’t see it in chat oh no oh I was looking at chat now and I failed the level oh I made it okay I don’t know what level concrete is but I haven’t seen anyone in a while oh I just turned everyone off oh I got second place oh nice and I just finished didn’t realize I was up I got third hey I’ll take third that’s not bad I didn’t even skip any levels I’m that good I didn’t even know that was an option like I didn’t have anything in my inventory to skip it was the little like arrow thing in your first slot that said respawn for me what oh how was that skip oh oh I noted after you fail a level so many times that lets you skip them oh okay in which case you don’t really want to be skipping because you have to fail so many times okay yeah that makes sense which is why you still play second because even though they skipped the level it’s just cuz they failed so many times so they were still probably on like level two yeah you didn’t get connected oh [Music] okay oh like they didn’t get pulled into the game are sure hey majeste came seventh [Music] nice oh that’s cool popping up on your screen yeah that is cool once again praising Bedrock for all the cool features they have yeah right I have five deaths and two maps completed without dying I finished five and a half seconds before you I mean after you so close 5 and a half seconds you’re going to have to be faster I guess so ad of me really wants to wait if you want to create private servers do/ CS oh okay all right thank you we’ll do that after this then see but wouldn’t that be the same as like creating it through the menu how do you get people to join I have no idea whoa guess we find you go outside the spawn area there’s like half gravity so you can like jump around this parkour it’s like Moon parkour oh no my clouds are on why would they not have turned those off on the server oh I have to fo throw a cloud I don’t like this one oh first try let’s go what yeah I think you’re cheating yeah you got me on stream I’m cheating I keep hitting second one first try let’s go is that water all right no that wasn’t water all right second try on the third map first try on the second one two okay that was bad somebody already finished no really yeah somebody already got first place I thought I was doing so good me too well not I guess not really me but like still I didn’t oh there was a slime block what all right I finished ready wow yeah I finished second how did they finish in half the time I don’t know if I believe that I don’t think that I’m going to be finishing this this fourth map I don’t even know how to do this yeah the fifth Map There’s a slime block halfway down that you can bounce on well I’m on the fourth one and it’s like it’s that one that has like the blue and then purple and then orange openings oh to you yeah oh yeah the first bit of that’s pretty hard oh I can skip okay cool yeah this map there’s a slime block a 3X3 slime block where you basically just oh was that oh that might have been majeste I was fooling with someone yeah yeah that oh okay yeah and then uh it’s it’s just water like that big area down there is water oh okay cool so wild that there just a slime block I wasn’t even mentally prepared for that actually you literally told me and I was still falling not preparing for the SL block that was crazy I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced uh uh slime block in a dropper I definitely have myself but I also haven’t played dropper in a long time yeah oh you do party invite didn’t we already invite them to the custom server oh I don’t know that’s what that person just said in chat yeah yeah we can try it out you’re in yeah you got into the I noticed quas was in you’re not in the party right you just got into our server oh yeah did you see the oh wait you have players invisible I was going to say the pride flag Cape oh yeah no I have players invisible oh is this the same map yeah we going to finish in 30 seconds again there slime Block’s on the second one too [Music] what oh we’re friend so I can just join you that makes sense I just cannot okay it’s not the same maps all the way through oh there’s slime blocks through this one too okay interesting I have my clouds on too I didn’t realize that yeah that was a mistake that I made oh my a oh my a come on first place first place please please please oh there’s another whole map never mind I thought I was on the final map right yeah I was like half a block off okay I’m bad I literally just had to skip first level come on where am I going seconds left you’re going to sit here and time me guess so where’s the water oh my days okay I might not finish this one oh I was one block off on that one oh my days the water in this final level how oh I don’t know where I’m supposed to be jumping to make that water oh come on yeah I made it I made it I made it where’s the door there we go I bragged about being so good the first time we played and now I’m just terrible I got third place you know I’ll take that well you told me to get good so I I did you did thank you for listening yeah all right now I need to try and find the person with the pride Cape except everyone’s fooling this is not going to work what if I just wait at the top and see when they respawn someone’s got a trans flag armband that’s kind of cool oh wait no is that no that might be that might be by yeah it’s hard to tell I only see them for like 0. one of a second no but actually where is the water on the last map it’s so hard to get to okay well I didn’t make it anyways so hi what’s up R how you doing do you want to try um doing the custom server now uh yeah I’m down let me go back to HUB the warp uh did we want to do custom server of that or something else uh oh hey I found the person that has the oh the trans flag band thing is they’re person they’re literally in our party oh my days it is but is that’s not no that’s not trans flag is it no is it yes it is I N that blue is not the right blue oh my gosh the trans flag one is you ah it’s just like I’m so used to it being way more of a pastel color to be fair I did say initially the trans flag but then I got confused cuz those colors for me is more so what I what though the blue and the purple from that are more so the blue and the purple from the by flag for me that’s why I then like confused myself okay I don’t know what you’re seeing but you’re definitely seeing the wrong colors cuz there’s no blue and purple on the trans flag it’s blue pink white pink blue well yeah but like for me the blue at the top and bottom is like a purple and then the pink is like not like you know the trans flag is like a pastel pink whereas the B flag the middle of the B flag is more this kind of purple is the transl no I get it it is yes it is and that is what I said initially I just I’m explaining why I got confused probably also the lighting like we’re all standing in Shadows I mean yeah okay that’s fair majeste why do you keep leaving 73 73 there we go is it just so I memorize your in game just accidentally closed Minecraft that oh fair enough you know in order to play a game it has to remain open that way no really you can actually yes I didn’t see I didn’t know that at first but like that’s crazy it’s crazy I do like your trans flag armband though it’s nice yeah I wasn’t making fun of it by the way that’s not like I wasn’t trying to be like oh it’s bad it’s the wrong colors I was just explaining why I was confused trust me if you were making fun of it I wouldn’t be here well yeah clearly I don’t have issues with any member of the LGBT community well okay I shouldn’t say that because yes there are members of the LGBT community that aren’t great I can’t generalize and say everyone who is lgbts good but yes no all right custom server all right yeah uh custom server uh create server what game uh there’s murder mystery capture the flag what is block drop that’s not what we’re just playing no we play Gravity right what is block drop yeah I don’t know all right I’m going to click it I have no idea what it is okay uh has to with running cuz there’s like lightning bolts coming off of the shoes that the display is wearing uh you don’t have access to this custom server RT teleport you don’t have access to this custom server uh access and permissions access list no change access [Music] mode oh I can do a code only mode anyone can join this custom server by using the access code slcs space NB r s m HR really code not founder you on the right region or did the code expire uh b r s s HMR oh I think you might have to do capitalization as well let me I’ll paste it in DMS Discord all right let me open up Discord real quick where is that not I might write it in the chat that is ridiculous if you have to do the different capitals n a all right I’m posting it in my chats I’ll post it in your chats as well thank unrecognized Comm that helps me a lot to be able to just copy it yeah that’s the thing what okay I’m going to have to take out the slash for twitch cuz it doesn’t let me do it with a slash there we go thanks for posting in my chats yeah um I don’t actually know what this game is all right so if anyone’s watching my side that isn’t playing with us and wants to join you can use the join code that is down there ah wait down there in the middle of the screen oh this is this is the one where the blocks behind you for like it changes colors right oh so um like TN run yeah [Music] yeah oh how did you get up there we started up here what this where we started you ran and jumped off I did yeah I didn’t even pay [Music] attention all right is that everyone how many people did we have in the party list oh so it does it change like while you’re standing on it or do you have to like run over it enough times to change it to red and orange I’m assuming it changes while you’re on it so like if you just stand on a block it will change cuz those uh test ones up there they don’t change if you just stand still yeah but there’s no way you’ll be able to just stand still in this game you know I don’t know I feel like that would be the best option all right you can test it out for us yeah if you stand it changes faster okay that’s fair makes sense what’s up what’s up splur how you doing [Music] um yeah is everyone in we start I think so I start no that’s back to HUB uh server controls don’t stand still you fall through all right got it won’t stand still I promise oh I’m standing still oh no o I like little rainbow feather I was going to say Vault what is Vault I would imagine it’s like a vault jump oh I was thinking Vault like a safe that kind of Vault see you’re doing the you’re doing the cheat thing excuse me how is it cheat in which way is this cheat you’re making the game last too long stop it but stop the only way I can actually do decent at this game no you actually made me fall second level no you okay all right I’ll stop targeting you going to say I got to run the targeting command in my chat getting targeted by the person I’m streaming with not what’s for dinner I had chicken quadas last night um I don’t know what I’m having for dinner tonight I haven’t even had breakfast or lunch or anything yet so wait you didn’t eat anything before starting the stream no I woke up at 8:30 got a shower got on my computer at like 9:50 and then we were setting everything up so I didn’t really have time to I’m sorry you got up at 8:30 and then got on your PC at 9:50 did you have an hour and 20 minute shower no I had um I had a what was it called um it was probably like 15 minutes and then it’s drying my hair and other stuff that takes me forever CU it’s like I have a really specific routine with how I like my stuff done so I had to you know freshen myself up that’s fair enough oh that’s cool the blocks even change like way after you’ve run on them so they continue falling apart after you’ve already gone away I don’t know yeah yeah the top lay has been removed oh it forces people down wait there’s a power up over there I just wasted my double jump and didn’t even make it back up restore level blocks wait I could just click that and restore all the blocks on this level are you serious yo that’s [Music] op don’t ask for moderator yes do not ask for moderator hey what’s up gamer blue Taco how you doing wait gamer blue Taco did I I haven’t messaged you recently have I in DMS trying to remember I messaged quite a few people this week oh no FY died moving top layer in 7 Seconds no that’s the layer I’m on don’t do that oh are you still on the top layer well n now I’m on the blue lay [Music] well it is now the top layer because it uh yeah I’m on the purple one right now yes you are you’re directly beneath me it’s falling apart let me just tell you yeah I can see that a power up spawned on the map that’s on your layer not mine yep somebody already got it have you used any vaults yet I tried to and I just fell straight through back through in onto the bottom Li all but does it launch you where you’re looking or does it launch you up it launches you where you’re looking okay what is that jump boost o that’s not bad so there’s a jump boost and I’m dead Okay so there’s a jump boost power up and the Vault jumps and the restore level blocks was also power up okay so you’re definitely going to win this if you continue doing this I don’t know the other person that’s also on my layer is doing the same thing so oh I got an extra Vault jump from that power up that’s not bad if I won’t be too laggy to use them that would have been great if I would have gotten [Music] one safe walk does that just create blocks underneath me what is safe walk power power up I don’t know you should try it not right now power up is spawned on the map Hey look it’s right behind you right behind you oh it is what there you go oh it’s another safe another one you should try it removing top layer in 9 seconds make sure I get over some purple here oh somebody’s running underneath you though so be careful yeah try your power up there’s a power up over [Music] there I’m real wired I’m running out of blocks here you’re welcome I did all I did majority of this okay let’s try and go to one of these power ups oh oh nice you won ah GG um last message was ages ago when I won that Nitro giveaway uh gamer blue Taco you make content right you do like streams and videos or do you not move my microphone there this is giving me anxiety don’t fool well uh hopefully your anxiety is all good I didn’t [Music] fool both my cats are in my room nice it’s kind of sucky that you have to rejoin the custom server every time or did you did it teleport you to HUB too yeah it did oh I see the person with the cape now I want that wait how do I get your cape how do I get this person’s Cape give me your cape see I tried to figure that out for the longest time I don’t even remember how I got this pancake Cape I have I want it I want the C is that a I swear I just saw a transp c too well I’m looking at it’s a progressive Pride one so it’s got the um the trans the the black and brown and the thing I want that keep yeah that’s the one I was um that’s the one I was talking about earlier when we started whoa somebody just doesn’t have a head it’s mounts hats no somebody’s skin is the skin but they don’t have a head no it’s literally just the body and a cape don’t know how to do this uh me make content nope I mostly just mod other streams and hang out there maybe that’s why oh okay yeah no I’ve been messaging other content creators recently and I couldn’t remember if you created content but no never mind okay that’s yeah that’s why I didn’t then um I kind of want to try hide and seek even though I know that one’s like really difficult to play considering that if you’re streaming yeah they can just see where you’re at yeah we can do that though um actually we won’t do private server then cuz then public people obviously won’t be uh yeah seeing where we are the Cap’s probably got in Pride month where they give away I assume so yeah we just need to play every game during pride month so we can just collect all the pride month Cosmetics see that’s asking a lot though it is that’s fair no but that would be cool if you can get it during bride month that makes me excited for uh June Harvest okay I’m going to go with barel I probably shouldn’t say out loud what I’m yeah I didn’t say mine I mean people on the stream can see what we are but yeah oh of course I’m the Seeker anyways all I’m glad I didn’t say what I was thing all right okay all right get ready to absolutely be wrecked oh wait no this doesn’t no please don’t murder me yet wait no please autum heit me out I think I see you Autumn hear me out I think I see you autum please this doesn’t match at all is this you no okay well I’ve got somebody come on come here I in Reverse [Music] F5 come here you Leaf [Music] block dang they really just both got away from me at one point in my life I was considering making content but that ship has long been sank wait why June means California for me [Music] nice you’re watching both streams at the same time nice how did I Juke you I really don’t know I’m just really bad at this game oh shoot this song’s not [Music] very family friendly oh do you want to let me know the name of the song um I did you not catch it it was no stopping Lo by Dirty pal no stopping love I’ll just write that that should give me enough info to find it [Music] we’ll look back through our DMS later and be real confused why I just messaged you no stopping love oh oh yeah for sure we’re going to be like what why were you trying to stop love Ain guys dude I literally I can’t find anybody I mean is there not a like a power up to help you I mean I can see like uh how many people or what blocks on the right side but like I can’t right there what do you mean right there you’re right there there’s someone right there that doesn’t help me yeah right there or come on they’re right there I’m trying okay they’re right there listen oh oh I found one okay we’re good where they found right there yes I found I found the person that was right [Music] there melons no oh you’re defin Wait no that’s okay these ts are so bad you should you should totally do one I’ve been doing them the entire time as soon as I can like as soon as it’s off cool down I’m doing the giant balloon taunts that explode I don’t believe you I’m literally streaming okay that’s fair I just I feel really I feel really dumb right now I mean it’s supposed to be hot right that’s the point hey no don’t do it no bunny oh bunny Slayer got Mead that was definitely a stream snip maybe feel like I was pretty obvious though to be fair cuz I was the wrong I was leaves and that was the wrong type of leaves I was just kidding around see that’s the thing it’s specifically oak leaves yeah so there’s four oak leaves and one barrel left which the oak leaves stick out real bad or at least where I was cuz all of these are not Oak ah G hey look I found you I’m just here you know being a beer with my beehives you survive nice hey I got the most blocks killed nice I mean that makes sense as you were the starting Seeker true you were in a more obvious spot wow well mine was also like I was the wrong block to blend in with the other leaves see it’s crazy to me that I’m sitting here yawning but it’s definitely later for you oh it’s 3:00 a.m. for me yes all right let’s be this one instead I didn’t say what block I’m going to be this time that’s good I chose not to be leaves this time I feel like that was a poor idea last time see it might have been last time but maybe it was a good idea this time I mean maybe 10 seconds until I think my block choice is definitely a bad idea wait oh that’s good I have a good hiding place or at least I think it is I do I do as well I’m pretty okay with my Hiding Place welcome to the stream I love whoever whoever is next to me is also doing the biggest balloons oh it’s bunny Slayer let’s go we can’t close the doors though I just did a grass [Music] balloon grass why didn’t you do llama or bee those are the ones that uh give you the most points those are the two I do we had to use ones that have certain points well you don’t have to just to get the most points uh the ones at the bottom give the most points my hair like keeps falling down in front of my eye you don’t want to put it up or I I mean I it’s not long enough to put up ah wear like a headband I’ll be okay I’ve got see when I put my headphones on I always like run my hand through the front of my hair so that my bangs are like not smooshed underneath my headphones that’s fair but then the issue I’m having today is that my hair didn’t want to do what I wanted it to do so it’s falling in front of my face right I also just forgot that we were playing hideand-seek and went to just go walk [Music] forward that’s a Seeker item received seeka Smasher a th thousand oh that’s just the wooden sword okay can Seekers see when you’re holding a sword oh I have no idea I was holding my gem the whole time maybe I should not [Music] have okay still 8 seconds till I can Taun [Music] again ta cool down finished do the oh there’s so many Seekers oh someone absolutely saw ta right in front of a seeker and nobody saw it Oh my days [Music] yeah oh no please don’t no don’t do it oh my days oh Noy says yes they can for you holding items uh seeing holding items actually I just got to PVP my way out of this no rest in peace ah I was doing so good I almost uh I almost killed the Seer that was attacking me oh I see a block running around all right wait where’ they go I killed someone let’s go Okay so we’ve got a birch one quartz and One Birch I feel like quartz on this map was real good idea oh I found the Birch nice okay so just a block of Quartz I found him I found him I found him upstairs I’m coming I’m coming oh yes nice woo let’s go oh that was bunny Slayer oh wait that was you were next to me and somehow made it all the way upstairs I guess they killed me and then didn’t kill you GG that a good game you will survive hey dies as I’m typing this yeah yeah never assume I’m going to [Music] survive all right we’ll do one more round of this and then we’ll switch games I reckon [Music] yeah I actually want to start out as the Seeker cuz I feel like that’s better when you’re streaming I you know I’m I’m not in agreeance with you it wasn’t fun I mean I guess but like at least then stream sniping doesn’t affect it okay that’s valid oh nope hey all right let’s not die this time I’m want to go for a win wait please tell me up here see like you want to hide in a group of your blocks but at the same time that’s a terrible idea because then everyone just attacks the entire group of blocks [Music] yeah I found a pretty good spot not going going to like I wish I was a different block cuz it would have been even better but this is a pretty good spot don’t think I found the best spot but we’ll see yeah there’s already a Seeker coming towards me yeah see if I was a hay Bal this spot would be so much better if I was a hay bale this spot would be great I I think I would be winning if I was a h are you a hay B no how how dare you accuse me of such a thing oh the slander not the hay bale slander yes I am a hay bale oh okay I’ll admit it you should uh come hide where I’m hiding then where you at uh you know somewhere where there are hay bers no cuz that’s exactly where I’m at too isn’t that crazy W watch us actually be like right next to each [Music] other that would be great are you inside or outside uh I am indoors oh me too okay may we are no I was I’m just messing with you I’m not indoors oh okay you think I’m really going to show you where I’m at what what I’m hiding too okay but what happens if you die what happens if you die EXA okay you telling me if you’re indoors or Outdoors would tell me exactly where you are yes no that’s not how that works well cuz if I’m Outdoors then you already know I’m outside so that’s already a fail okay well I’m already told you I’m indoors so I guess I failed yeah that was your mistake yeah I’m going to become a Seeker just to go after you oh yeah he just go to go through all of the buildings you don’t even know what block I [Music] am crazy I was crazy once ta they put me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats also yeah the cool down for dve me crazy crazy that was crazy one okay I’m not doing it again oh what no okay why do I feel like that was screen shooting because you didn’t look at any you didn’t hit any other blocks except me oh that was so [Music] close there are two Seekers literally like right next to me all right so two hay two melon and one Cobble oh well great now there’s just one hay I already I forgot what the blocks two melon please don’t please don’t no no do you get found yeah rest in peace all right two melon is that it yeah okay oh yeah W oh there’s melons above you autum I know I tried hitting yeah okay oh there’s a melon right here it can’t be that one anyway uh there’s a bunch of melons here hey see wi wait that’s good won oh we won nice I thought I was about to hit one of them so many people seem to have this Pride Cape I want it it’s got to be like like something exclusive that you can get during pride month I mean unless you can just buy it I don’t know where the Cosmetic shop is uh oh new Hub Cosmetics um no you can only do like pets mounts and hat but there’s got to be Cape somewhere right Global Locker [Music] no I would imagine it’s like a it’s in it’s probably in the same shop as like the pets and stuff yeah I don’t know how to get oh buy The Hive okay hold on no I don’t know I literally I like ages on how to get the pancake cape and nobody would ever tell me that one I think is free from a Minecraft thing isn’t it I think it is and I found that out l later but it was like I kept asking and not many people really pay attention to chat on this version of Minecraft yeah the season finale release you should watch the whole season now I have splur I binged the entire thing yesterday it was so good what uh husband hotel ah I’ve never actually watched that I am disappointed you should watch it husband hotel and hell of a boss they’re both really good to haven’t heard the greatest things about the people that create that show so that’s why I’ve avoided it I mean yeah that’s fair you can’t buy capes in this game must be Pride event item so wait not in the hive at all I wonder if Minecraft surely not surely not are you really expecting Minecraft to not be inclusive no not that but I didn’t think they would sell like capes like that or I feel like I would have been told no you were left out sorry sads has been Hotel yes I watched it and it’s so amazing right okay but this isn’t really spoilers cuz it’s just two characters for the people that have watched it why do I ship uh Alistair no not Alistair no um my brain is asleep oh Dusk and uh no husk and angel dust man my brain is gone I ship husk and angel dust so badly yeah see I don’t know who you’re talking about yeah that’s why it’s not really spoilers also it’s just I shipped two characters so it’s not spoilers [Music] anyway all right what what what are we doing now um do we want to do we could do murder mystery sure all private server or public all yeah um murder mystery probably I would assume do uh public the same as hide and seek cuzz it’s like that’s fair essentially a similar thing yeah huskin injured us I also shipped them as well uh after they did that thing and now I’m sold well now I don’t know what thing you’re talking about I also a bunch of stuff like talking about but they did that thing or you don’t know that what is the thing no I don’t know I don’t know the thing well I’m relying on you to know the thing so that I know the thing oh the song yeah when they were outside the bar that that absolutely was like planting the seed of the ship and then growing it and then yeah hey there’s an Autumn hi Autumn I I don’t know what you’re talking about that wasn’t me I’m quite sure it was think I know your skin by now you’re wrong okay sorry you go point I heard someone die I’ve only ever this person vented sus sorry what you can vent yeah what were you saying um I’ve only ever played this on Hypixel ah yeah okay fair I definitely just heard somebody die next to me yes there’s a bunch of Tri I died okay spectate I’m still kicking yeah I’m going to teleport to you can I V oh you can vent oh that’s the murderer rest in peace I should have just run aliser is a not really uh in relationship yeah that’s it that’s why I knew it wasn’t Alistair that I was thinking of um yeah Andrew Dustin husk oh okay so uh fun fact it is somebody in the Stream they killed us no okay oh yeah okay yeah I don’t want to say it out loud cuz I don’t want to spoil it for anybody else’s plan yeah no that’s fair uh I do find the dynamic of Alistair and fox interesting yeah I’m a bit sad that there wasn’t more of of that this season cuz they like teased a whole big thing between them and then nothing happened like Vox didn’t do anything at all I was straight up expecting so much to happen with Vox and then there was just nothing I’m like what to be fair it was only like Eight Episodes but it became Amazon Prime videos like number one animated streaming uh TV show like it’s their top uh so yeah fingers crossed they’ll get uh more seasons soon how are you just this good at every single game Who a buny Slayer [Music] yeah [Music] fers cross indeed yeah I’m focusing on this Parkour in the lobby okay one coin is like the the drink is one coin yeah a buy it what does the drink do I assume it’s a random uh same with the food here is one coin I assume it’s like a random potion oh there’s a coin here let me check you drink the refreshing water you gain speed ooh I got speed potion from the drink oh never mind it’s not as small as I thought it was there’s an upstairs too right for five coins you can go into the refrigerator the the what refrigerator in the kitchen why there’s a refrigerator in this yeah in the kitchen like it’s actually cool go look well let me get five coins first hold on I mean you don’t have to buy what’s the blue coin it was worth three interesting where’s the kitchen at uh downstairs uh yeah keep going the way you’re going turn a little bit left and yeah it’s there oh you take out a random piece of food you gain speed awesome I survived me to you want to do one more round of this and then um some death run sounds good by the way I think I asked you how long are you down to stream for I I don’t know I don’t know how long we can do this I Know M do 3 hours for streams um how long have we already been going uh hour 20 so we all my software I sorry I froze for a second cuz you said hour 20 and I was like what what yeah yeah it’s not hard to get to 3 hours to be fair so wait how long have we been going an hour 20 oh okay I thought you said hour 20 like meaning like you were talking about like military time for a second and I was like what oh no oh I’m the okay I died immediately literally I was in the middle of saying oh I’m the sheriff and I died I died as well oh this was the same map I didn’t even realize where was I can I fly no oh yeah I can okay good I need to explore this map because I don’t even is I here no this is is a different section this map is way bigger like here yeah I was out here on the balcony yeah this map is giant see I thought this map was Tiny apparently it’s not no it is not uh can you one V one me no I don’t I don’t like doing one V ones Ace isn’t very much of a PVP person um really not especially from the past he used to play like games like egg Wars which was before bedw Wars and um I remember he would lose a lot well yeah to be fair as well I do have like you know 300 ping more than everyone else see that’s not really an excuse okay all right better yeah that’s fair you got me there all right uh death run do we want to do public or not public uh I mean I don’t know how many people we have in the party anymore I have no idea either can I join the party absolutely what’s your username game of blo um so it’s just three of us so far and then the person you’re about to invite so I would say probably go public okay [Music] also my I don’t think my YouTube notifications are [Music] working what do you mean by notification subscriber notifications for YouTube uh I think you have to turn them on well I’ll figure later yeah maybe off the stream I’m just joining you manually quasi what is your what is your username is it quasi [Music] NZ uh why don’t you do treasure Wars or SkyWars um cuz as we just discussed um Ace is terrible at PVP so I guess it would be enjoyable to watch but probably not from his end yeah it’s not not the most enjoyable what is treasure Wars by the way I don’t even know if I know that one I would assume it’s something similar like SkyWars and bedwars yeah would make sense it’s like okay all right my leg is itchy well then scratch it I hm I wonder what I was just doing I don’t know what were you doing definitely not scratching my Edge well you should probably do [Music] that oh that’s cool the hve has like different Siz lily pads all right where are yeah there’s like one that has a flower lily on it and what are they called did I even say that right I probably didn’t say that right whatever oh you’re down there yeah okay oh yeah is that a giant one that’s four blocks yeah well no if you can only stand on the very center of it but ah okay definitely pretty big yeah that’s cool oh I guess you can stand on the entire thing but if you n you can only stand on the middle one block it’s just you can shift to the very Corner oh okay yeah it’s the same size just like these mini ones in actual size I like the tiny ones though the very very small one yeah I wonder if they’re using actual custom blocks for these or if they’ve just retextured something it’s probably probably like a randomized texture for it like there’s four different textures that it can point to I have a feeling that season 2 might be interesting now oh yeah [Music] absolutely I received a friend invite from you did you join the party or you did uh my necklace is like Tangled around my headset wire there we go okay I already forgot what we’re doing uh death run all right and public server right yeah uh death run all right let’s do this yeah what do you prefer do you prefer playing death or do you prefer playing the runner runner I feel like I’m really bad at death so I just I don’t know disappoint the other death that’s playing with me disappointment yeah I was standing on the wrong color yeah I was going to say it’s the dark ones that go away yep oh I wasn’t even in this section I’ve died twice on two traps I have died once so far literally the first two trap Point fre I think oh [Music] okay ooh what song this is cuz I really like this one I used my LEAP and went straight into water with it cuz I’m good at life this used to the song that I’m listening to used to be like one of my favorite songs yeah so I’ve used my LEAP twice so far and it immediately just ended my life both times nice yeah it’s called Talent whoa did we actually just switch biomes here or did it I can’t tell if we actually went into the nether or not no you didn’t it’s just cool build oh okay oh that got me really I didn’t get the speed effect what was that so in the ne there no you’re supposed to get a speed and it just didn’t give it to me so I just confidently walked off the end into lava nice also I got for that game nice what song is this let’s see I got that’s not the end wait never mind that’s only a checkpoint Stay With Me by mendum but it’s remix yeah stay with me is a good song hey I got e there we [Music] go still alive gameer blue T this is definitely a song I’m going to be blasting in my car on my way to work tomorrow fair enough Oh my days wait gamer blue Taco is actually a taco I love that yeah go to gamer blue [Music] Taco they’re a taco with like googly eyes I love that so much that’s a oh my in the head too that’s another thing I love about Bedrock is the fact that you can literally like have a custom player model yeah Java Edition you can’t do that psycho let’s Sy if I want to vote for that one I keep forgetting you can vote for maps I haven’t voted at all this is the first time I voted cave won with one vote yet I’ve also voted on a map so that’s that sucks is that person actually on fire oh no yeah they were okay okay died all my days how did that not kill me I literally stood on it what please don’t okay please don’t kill [Music] me you the jump boost always takes so long to apply to me dude you’re joking I just died to the same death tra twice there were two separate parts of it and I died to both of them fair enough that’s fire I just watched that person jump into the fire also I’m right next to you and I’m in front of you oh my I jumped that I didn’t realize the rolling log you can just jump over the what the rolling log one you can just jump over I didn’t even know there was a rolling log I didn’t I don’t think I saw that that was the end I could have got first I didn’t use my LEAP at all and then two people leaped ahead of me and I’m like okay I guess they’re leaping now I’m going to save mine but no it was the end I literally could have got first I finished I finished1 seconds after you wow yeah you did 01 yeah literally if I would have leaped at the end I would have got first place oh I’m so mad at myself a leap not taken yeah it reminds me of something from the Ready Player one movie cuz it was like the second key that they had it was like um a creator that hates his own creation something something something a leap not taken ah I need to rewatch that that was such a good movie I like the the references in it quasi said that they finish the same time in front of you yeah wow yeah quasi finished 0.001 in front literally us three finished within 0.02 seconds that’s crazy especially with ping that’s insane yeah cuz like you’re in America I’m in Australia and quasi is I don’t know where quasi currently is if they’re a new Zealand or UAE or quasi is always everywhere you know quasi is in in I almost said United States but I meant to say the world you know there’s a difference between those two right yes I uh some Americans I don’t [Laughter] know currently making my way down to Sweden that’s actually really cool I hope that you have fun in Sweden that is really cool I want to go to Sweden I’ve always wanted to go somewhere outside of the United States but everything is so expensive to fly to come to Australia that’s literally like a $1,000 oneway trip I am very aware trust me you’re going to pay for it sure I’ll come but oh yeah I’m already saving up to go to America in next year all right we’ll just stop by Ohio uh I don’t know where Ohio is it’s in the United States don’t worry you’ll find it is it East Coast uh slightly it’s Northeastern okay we’re going east coast shouldn’t be too far away from me then I could probably honestly drive to where you’re going depending on what state you’re in to be fair we’re going to Florida so I don’t know I don’t think so okay yeah no that’s the opposite end of the United not end but like opposite half of the United States that is south and I am North yep cuz uh mom wants to do you for her birthday next year um Disney World yeah nice how did I just die there what did I die on the green paracos I didn’t see those yeah I didn’t get speed again please got I got I got sixth I was literally where you were but I didn’t get speed and just walked into yeah I walked into the water cuz it didn’t give me speed why is the god do me like this I got to crack my back Florida yeah I’m planning we’re planning on doing a week at Disney and a week at is it Universal yeah Universal Studios yeah um but on the way there I don’t know if the whole family is doing this but I think at least uh me and uh I forgot what’s my boyfriend’s username atlas there we go I could just say me and my boyfriend um I don’t know uh me and Atlas might be also going via uh San Francisco on the way though so if you’re on that Coast you don’t even know why where is that uh literally absolute top left of uh oh okay of California so yeah far left Coast West Coast you should just get an extra flight to stay for like a couple hours in Ohio oh yeah n if anything I think we’re going via the Denver Airport cuz I think that’s a big one that a lot of flights go through is Denver a state I know uh are you listing all of the states okay yeah no it’s not okay I I think Denver’s in Colorado I have no idea I didn’t know Colorado was a state I thought Colorado was in Texas what yeah how am I supposed to know these things I don’t know I just think it’s funny that I don’t know I mean I guess I wouldn’t be able to name any states in Australia so I can’t really talk too much I was going to say what’s the capital of Australia hell if I know I don’t know come on just the capital of Australia I don’t know Melbourne no Sydney [Music] no oh my God it gave me speed that time thank you I don’t know what’s the capital I got second Cambra I’ve never even heard that exactly okay what’s the what’s the capital of the United States Washington DC and that’s different to Washington Washington DC isn’t actually a state it’s a I forget what it’s called and Washington is its own state that is not actually connected to to Washington DC so where is Washington DC uh state is it inside like it’s not inside a state itself but I know it’s East Coast but on the East Coast you have like 17 States squished into the the point of where like it should be one state um got 17 states that are basically City sized um Washington DC well it’s not in a state it’s its own thing what do you mean wait no it’s a it’s okay District of columia but it’s technically in Virginia if I remember correctly or somewhere around that I’m probably completely wrong and I can’t believe if I am but like I I take your word for I don’t know can you add me on Minecraft Washington DC like once yeah you can add me and I’ll accept the invite my name is just ace space [Music] unhacked Oh before the game starts I have to check Snapchat one of my friends is watching the stream and just messaged me on Snapchat making fun of my geography skills all why AR they type it in chat I don’t know hello random friend on [Music] Snapchat I was about to be like wait are we playing The Dropper but no no yes just decides to start that way I [Music] guess all right hey floral crypted thank you so much for the follow I do appreciate that welcome to the stream I’ll have to check my Snapchat notifications in a second again CU I sent another message [Music] okay wow are the deaths doing anything this round I don’t think so if they are they’re like all the way at the start yeah I’m definitely not going to get first place with this one no I keep forgetting to use my leaps see I got wow okay can I not die like three times in a row [Music] I got the speed boost and then I just fell into the water oh second place how close was that to first place 2 seconds away from first place I’ll take that that’s not bad I don’t even know where the last portal is after a giant giant jump okay I think that yeah that’s the end yep yeah okay I’ve I think I’ve gotten sixth like every single time all right oh well I mean that’s not bad is here go quy um floral crypted is my friend that’s the person that just messaged me on touat well thanks for the follow on Twitch I haven’t seen any they just didn’t follow you they only followed me yeah what the [Music] heck all right who else is still alive just a ghost that’s okay you can be a [Music] ghost but now you’re making me check like three chats at once jeez multitasking is hard yeah a three chats that’s rookie numbers I’ve got four open at the moment okay well that’s just cuz you’re watching mine yes and also voice chat oh and ing game chat but vo okay yeah see if we’re counting in game chat then I’ve also got four Chats on watching but like well then I’m at WISE well no voice chat doesn’t technically count it’s just you and me well yeah I have four stream chats and in game chat that’s my five okay I’m death are you ready to all make it immediately cuz I’m so bad at this it’s okay I believe in you how do you do this uh activate trap wait it didn’t work oh okay oh I jumped over the log thing oh okay but they got me with TNT all right I got you with TNT that was me get wrecked oh nice now I’m in last place thanks you’re welcome what is this trap okay what oh okay somebody done oh that’s cool okay they can do that one I’ll do this one no did you die in the fire yes rest in peace dude okay wow I I got a double kill I actually killed you there nice I’m surprised I’ve got any kills I’ve got 11 kills is that what that is okay yeah no I’m definitely going to lose to be fair no one’s actually made it that far oh wait are they coming from that way oh I’m still at the fire area that you killed me in I killed three people with that yes okay I can finally see people again wait next trap no previous trap where are we what now I’m just confused okay okay okay please please don’t die please don’t kill me no was that you I don’t even know oh I went the wrong way please I don’t this is so annoying people already gone through here no they haven’t I’m just literally going through half of these with leaps that’s fair I see you a him please no they set off this [Music] TNT okay I got second nice how did I wait what why was trap claimed I wasn’t allowed to use it I literally got second place and I swear I was in last half of that well yeah I guess we were pretty good at uh a job then oh I got game of blue Taco rest in peace I don’t really have food to eat even if I wanted to all I have like nothing at my house rest in [Music] peace I was going to have the a Power Aid I could do pizza I could order a pizza you won order me a pizza I’m not ordering you a pizza why not you know how many pizzas I’ve technically ordered for you a lot I have paid for so many of your pizzas the least you can do is pay for one of mine uh well it’s quarter 6 and no one here has eaten yet so I’m going to go make dinner all right quasi cat you later thanks for hanging out all right um to be fair I also could not buy a pizza right now I don’t think any pizza places are open at 4:00 a.m. here well see what I mean is you could order it for me I have tried actually doing that before and I cannot nowhere will accept an Australian debit card and um I tried using PayPal on I think Domino’s or something that allowed PayPal and then they could tell it was an Australian uh PayPal account and didn’t let me order what yeah I tried it that is so weird yeah well cuz a bunch of places obviously won’t accept my Australian card like my actual bank card because it’s an Australian one and all of my currency is Australian dollars but yeah no PayPal they won’t accept either because it was an Australian PayPal account to be fair I think it’s been a couple years since I’ve tried um could always just you know send me the money I mean that’s that’s true I’m just you could always just uh edit more of my videos and then I send you money like I did previously that’s a l hey you know that’s fair but it’s money can you add me on hive right uh friends see that’s such a hard Choice do I want to do I want to spend my weekends editing do I want to spend my weekends streaming do I want to spend my weekends modeling or do I want to spend my weekends by myself doing nothing okay not the last one cuz that’s you know depressing um but all the rest of them combined you stream yourself editing and modeling that’s that’s the answer see that’s way too much work for [Laughter] [Music] me all right what game are we playing next all right I’m just running in circles in the hive uh Lobby um isn’t there like a whole different section of other games uh no that’s you’re thinking of Hypixel no there used to be a giant portal you could run through to like a whole different Lobby of games I don’t think that’s on here I swear that was on here no the only games you I I think you’re wrong the only games that I see available are the ones that are in the hub uh Georgia sorry yeah no I accepted your friend request Georgia I accepted the friend request sorry I was not ignoring you I just didn’t say it I guess but I went and accepted it you know what we could always do SkyWars and you and I on a team if we’re lucky hey what’s up Firefly they removed it a while back it’s all together now okay I’m not going crazy it was on here I think you’re going crazy I don’t remember that I think you’re gaslighting [Music] me I would never how dare continues to gastate by saying I would never gastate you uh-huh uh Georgia do you want me to uh yeah I’ll party you right what hold on Georgia Flex 692 party I already forgot how to spell your name can I just click on it no goria flex 6092 part all right while you’re partying people I will be right back all right uh does anyone else need to be invited to the [Music] party a [Music] ghost how do they have a ghost version wait there’s game of blue tacos wait Taco is that yours Lil aliam how’s it a ghost [Music] one it is yours is that just a skin option oh wait it’s not a ghost anymore is it cuz I was standing on it no why was it a ghost that was weird huh [Music] weird [Music] didn’t know I could do that have you figured out how to make it do that I don’t know it was just it was see-through is it just like yeah where it was no huh no that was weird it’s very cute though I kind of want to get a pet on here I don’t know if I’d go for the Axel cuz it’s really cute or if I’d go for the baby dragon pet should I do a mount instead H bike a broomstick that’s kind of cool how many seats do each of these have though multi-seat Mount ride with a friend okay so two two [Music] variants there’s no option to make him see- through how odd I don’t know how he went see- through then I love their little Idol animations though so cute oh you have the oh can I get oh I got on yes let’s go I don’t think I have any of these Locker this is not how you do it is it no back I’m title oh [Music] wow that’s cool uh so not Locker then Hub Cosmetics yeah okay I have a hat I have the bunny ears hat and that’s it that’s all I’ve got oh my days we can go high in here oh we could also do Lobby parkour what is the tap to cllean oh is that at the end of Parkour can we skip parkour no I tried to jump out into the end of the parkour rest in peace how you doing sorry Firefly I’m doing pretty good honestly kind of tired work’s been uh working me out um there he goes yeah I was trying to get to the end of the parkour hello all right I’m back cool all all right your turn you can entertain chat for a sec I’m going to grab a power raid B oh boy all right let me pull up his chat so I can actually see what you guys are saying I had to turn down my microphone volume because I felt like I was pretty [Music] loud she probably turned on my volume that’d be a great idea all right skip ad there we go now I can see everybody so what’s everyone up to you today I hope everyone’s been having a good day and whatnot depending on what your time zone is I don’t really know what time it is for everybody is he okay yeah he is back uh you went space to know this I wanted to see what you were talking about I like I like looked up and I saw your webcam and I was just like wait a minute I’m not behind am I no I thought you were just going to only have chat open oh yeah no I’m smarter than that um I already forgot what we said we’re going to do uh SkyWars oh yeah right uh private or not private uh P list we could probably do a private solo all right four of us wait you taking me to the end of Parkour yes we’re cheating you must complete the parkour to claim this item No Rest P bad all right so uh my friend is going to order me pizza friend you want to order me pizza too be my best friend you’re not going to get pizza no we will not uh right okay so I forgot how to invite you [Music] peeps uh code all right there’s the code I’m going to write it down wait Co oh party code yeah okay cool can you put it in my chat for me [Music] yep here is the command you need to write just add a slash at the beginning of [Music] that heck is I’m looking for like a specific emoji and I can’t find [Music] it wow okay it’d be great okay there we go party code I have a vehicle wait what hey there just Rie welcome to the [Music] stream all right copy that and go into Minecraft [Music] I definely almost posted your code into just public chat in set of command that would not have been great no it would [Music] not so in my locker here it says I have a vehicle which is a cloud but I don’t I don’t know how to I have that too Taco is scared to join I mean that’s fair if you don’t want to join this you don’t have to do I have to I mean it says mine is selected I wonder if you just can’t do it in here maybe oh maybe it’s no it’s for if we did a game that had Vehicles it’s a skin for that vehicle because it’s also got the kill phrase that kind of stuff right oh okay that makes sense that makes sense so we got three people in right now quasi or quasi is gone yeah quasi went to make dinner okay do we want to do public then since there’s only three of us in the game I mean I’m still down to do a private just so we can mess around and maybe warm up okay go for it oh I fell off the parkour okay uh I watched your gamer tag or your uh what is it called name tag fall yeah okay gosh it has been so long since I’ve done anything PVP I’m so slow at putting on Armor I like that there’s a border around the island so that people can’t just straight up like Rush yeah that is nice I don’t need two bows I haven’t played SkyWars in years you got a bow I didn’t get a bow what are these Shenanigans I don’t think I have any arrows though I don’t that’s great oh wait what to mining iron doesn’t give you iron your planet is now what ises it give you blocks like it gave me 32 and aight oh and Mining gold gave me arrows oh thanks for the tip you’re welcome oh wait never mind it’s random oh that’s TNT hey by the way um yep yep yep yep yep literally right as I was saying it what if we mine a diamond don’t mind the diamonds it’s bad no D mining diamonds is bad Let Me Mine them for you wait you said mining diamonds is bad got it yeah don’t don’t mine them let me mine them for you oh yeah no no it’s totally I got it don’t worry about it no it’s bad no a no they’re they’re actually like no I get it it’s really good yeah no it’s bad what do you mean oh well I I got you I’ll save you no I’ve already mined mine like I was just warning you that you should let me mine yours um how do I I’ll stick with the ones that the center of Spawn I am too scared to move like move off my Island no not TNT again ow okay why is it going to be like this wow I’ve got two sets of diamond armor this is great is that oh excuse me ooh yeah yeah you’re I’m sorry but sharing ising not winning this game why is it TNT again I had a I had a golden heart and TNT got rid of it that’s sad right we just got to take all the diamond armor out of the chest so that you can’t have any of course cuz why would you be a nice person I mean it’s a game about killing your opponents it’s not a game about being nice I mean hear me out it’s how you play it choosing to play it like [Music] that yeah what do you mean no okay I’m just going to dump all this in here oh so the closest player is on the other side of the map I hear that you shouldn’t go for me chest spawned what do you do do you oh I have to attack it oh what okay no I can’t mine this Oh no I got itell of swiftness wait no I already had that great that fell off the okay okay why is my luck so bad what B oh this person might actually kill me go person oh no got him does that mean you’re low wait let me come over my inventory is so full right now and it’s all just not good stuff it says the closest player is on this island but I don’t think you’re on here what island just an island I’m scared are you on my Island I see where you’re at no now I see where you’re at okay no yeah you’re not on this island right at least not for now I do not see you at all don’t worry about it I’m a little bit bit worried about it not going to lie oh now I see you are literally in full okay why could you not be you know it’s an option to not do that right no no what does that do oh shoot I don’t know what any of it does I just spammed it okay now I’ve got slowness you cannot do that no there we go that knock back was not knock back at all like what well what did you expected to do the knock back 10 that Hypixel uses that’s cheating well I thought I would knock you further back than just punching like that was barely knocking you back at all ASA so did yes this me and PVP yeah when end doubt Nemo slap honestly I might have done cuz I had a diamond sword I might have done better if I didn’t switch to the fish and was just slapping you with a fish yeah you probably would have done a little bit better do we want to do a public game I guess do we have to just one just one solo Mega squads trios Duos trios we got well we wait do we have four people list list wow if I could type four yeah four yeah do do quads I mean Taco do you want to join and Georgia was doing it with us right yeah hey what’s up wild how you doing uh you’re over here today how it goes it uh it goes pretty good I’m also streaming with Coppa do if you want want to you know go say hi over on capos can click on that link in the title it is yeah it’s Autumn they started streaming this is like their first stream on their CAO uh under the CAO [Music] name yeah it’s Autumn but yeah the uh the link in the title is uh for their stream you’re in Mobile so I’ll be first to die can I already see it but I’ll still join all right sounds good let me run back to spawn and then I’ll start it how are you doing though wild I’m really confused on what my friend ordered me pizza but they used a different location than what I use and it says it went through I guess but hey I didn’t know that this one delivered to me he fair [Music] enough question do you still like slash eat at the place that you [Music] worked I don’t work there anymore well yes but do you still eat there now that you no longer work there uh I mean I’ve ordered it from like different locations for uh work whenever I’m at work but I haven’t I don’t think I’ve eaten at my old store in a while but you still eat from that brand yeah from time to time it’s not my favorite okay it’s just not the best like it used to be a lot better yeah you mean when you work there and made it oh nice iron legging I got diamond leggings oh I have spare iron leggings I can put somewhere oh I have two spare iron leggings wait I don’t have any where’s the chest gone oh I broke it sorry why did you break it I was going to place it down again also if you don’t have any blocks break the blocks did that just give me a diamond sword oh my days it did B uh I also have uh oh shoot they just gave me an thanks Diamond chest plate heck yeah oh I was going to say I have a spare iron chest plate but never mind you definitely don’t need that [ __ ] hi wild how you doing Welcome to My Stream I’m streaming on YouTube and twitch so if you want to follow both of them I don’t have the links separate in my videos oh there’s somebody on our Island all right and all I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming what well no they’ve got chain mail leggings legs yeah okay oh yeah we’re so dead how are they hitting me through you I think that they’re probably also playing on PC well did all four of us die yes all four of us died to one person wow we’re good at this game nice hey what’s up Ross how you doing hey uh should I new game there we go can I change the PC I mean if you want yeah absolutely well I mean we’re on PC Bedrock but still Bedrock you can play on any form you want yeah one of the perks of Bedrock is it’s cross compatible with just every platform for heck yeah uh are you still planning on doing old school RuneScape tomorrow you were the only one that actually replied to that did davron say that they could cuz if davron says yes then yes otherwise might have to organize a different day/ time I genuinely forgot that you were doing that uh I mean I’ve only organized it privately in DMS with people I haven’t like publicly stated yet I don’t [Music] think all right uh I have spare iron leggings if anyone needs them whoo what’s W okay if you go into the Border too early it um gives you blindness and teleports you back hey that’s cool so mining red R stone blocks give you an extra heart TNT no ow okay yeah mine redstone ore uh cuz it just gives you a full extra like heart but it caps at five also I forgot that um you can oh shoot I’m going to die oh where are you I’m at Center oh okay I’m dead I did not realize you went Bridge directly to our Island by the way oh well that’s not great I still don’t have boots I forgot that you can build by literally just looking straight down and walking yeah Bedrock thing Golden Apple I’m a fan I don’t like doing the whole crouching and carefully behind you all right I’m throwing extra armor and stuff in here I don’t need an axe I’m throwing an axe in there as well there we go all right didn’t realize how rare it was to get a spell book my goodness what what are spell books like is it just like a quick little effect thing uh yeah I think you just right click it and then it um gives you whatever it is so mine the ones I’ve been getting a swiftness one so you right click it and it gives you speed for a bit that’s TNT oh did that just blow up the no I didn’t okay good I think I just got Enchanted boots finally finally got boots all right you don’t have a chest plate yet I feel like I threw a chest plate in one of these chests be great if I had you know life or something I don’t know may I wasn’t dead oh there’s a blue person that might be heading our way yes they are all right blue person he uh they almost have full diamond by the way hey you got him with the sless I did but I also got myself with it I am actually wailing on them right now how are they still not oh hey wait they dropped the barrel is that their stuff yeah let’s go nice all right I’m dropping Diamond pants on the ground iron chest plate on the ground iron helmet on the ground that’s pretty good look at you see you’re doing better than I did uh oh which do I want hey also by I’m throwing a diamond sword on the ground oh that was georia okay people coming at you by the way yes yes we do indeed no they’re going back to spawn they have wings that’s fancy being below the map for too long will now damage you he Hiway you’re a Minecraft Dev yes I do work full-time as a Minecraft developer that is my full-time job Indeed doesn’t make me good at the game though to be fair I might spend you know 50 hours a week coding Minecraft but uh not good at it the game at least three every couple weeks playing it yeah but no I’m bad at the game just cuz I’m good at coding doesn’t mean I’m good at playing the game that I code uh that’s another helmet i p them so we if their reply sounds good oh you already everything uh the holes on the island I mean almost everything yeah like some of them have double layers down like here you can go mine again oh arrows we could also go mine the ones at Mid oh Red Stone thank you extra heart don’t mind if I do oh and another one of those sounds good wait the knockback boom box only knock back yourself that’s not as useful as I thought it was wait I was placing those in fights so these purple uh knock back boom boxes only knock yourself back oh okay also I didn’t even see you were chatting but yes I did know that nil sent you here sorry I didn’t mean to totally interrupt you or cut you off no no you’re good does the hive still have trouble in meville I don’t think so at least if they do it might be renamed I’m not sure what that game is bed rock I’m pretty sure that was only a d Edition thing wow can I [Music] speak ouch is it literally 2v3 oh oh they can throw TNT watch out that was almost real bad I can’t tell if it’s 2v3 or but they have better gear than us um oh wait Georgia Flex I have a bit of chest plate for you oh that seems bad what does the green one do yeah I think it’s just a 2v3 all right uh iron chest plate there oh that’s okay but both of them also just have um almost full diamond armor yeah that’s the thing are we going are we not going I’m scared should we build a thicker pathway okay they just keep yeting us with the bombs I see do I have anything good no I don’t I think we’re both too scared to [Laughter] fight probably I think they’re getting chests in like 10 seconds though so we should probably go in I we go now one of them’s AFK oh they are not AFK chest spawned wait why are you breaking it I placed that they’re getting extra gear let’s go in let’s go in they just got extra gear why they’re in the chest let’s go let’s go let’s go oh got an apple Golden Apple Golden Apple oh nice come on team one of them has no one of them doesn’t have strength no rest in peace wait where’s the other teammate no a we went in one by one that’s the issue this is going to end very quick yeah unless you can try and knock them off a that was close rest in peace you have an app to learn JavaScript HTML and stuff like that nice yeah um to be fair most of my code is I mean I do some JavaScript a lot of molang a lot of like functions uh that kind of stuff we about six I can’t fight properly I mean that’s fair yeah uh all right let’s do something else I don’t want to do more SkyWars all right I’m definitely going to end up like passing out after this stream I and after the pizza fa you’re really going to make me want pizza I don’t think there’s any pizza let me just Google Maps the word pizza and see if anything is open I would doubt it considering that you said it’s like 4:00 a.m. right yeah uh Pizza nope it’s all closed literally there’s not a single pizza place that’s this area what if I zoom out I like the little plant models they have going on here oh wait there’s one oh my days it is like an hour driveway I feel like I’m probably out of their delivery radius okay um yeah I would assume so I definitely would not drive an hour to deliver pizza cuz then it’s like you have to drive an hour back also what what why do these places close at 5 a.m. a pizza place closes at 500 a.m. and opens again at 10:00 a.m. they’re closed for 5 hours from 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. yeah no thank you this is when you need this is when you need to have a frozen pizza in your freezer I would if they had good vegan frozen pizzas but I have not found a good vegan frozen pizza but do do vegan frozen pizza exist yes but they’re not very good A lot of them are just vegan because they just don’t add cheese rather than adding a vegan cheese or something see what you could do is you could buy the ingredients to make your own vegan pizza dough and make your own I mean the dough is normally vegan at a lot of places that’s not the issue it’s the cheese I don’t think Papa John’s dough was vegan I mean it might not not be cuz I [Music] know I don’t know what was in it I forget you like Amy’s Pizza for that I have a veggie pizza I get from local grocery it’s not vegan it’s just veggie see I am only vegetarian I’m not vegan but I’m also lactose intolerant so it’s like I can’t really have regular pizzas I could I just yeah I was going to say Amy too but I don’t know if they’re in Australia not um I had one Amy’s frozen meal while I was in America uh it wasn’t a pizza though it was H I don’t remember you got this you can remember I believe in you I’m literally just Googling Amy’s Frozen nails can’t stop yawning yo Amy’s is a vegan chili mac and cheese vegan broccoli and cheese bake can Amy come here that’d be great vegan Mac you said what macaroni and cheese vegan chili mac and cheese see I don’t know if I could I don’t know that I can ever mix chili with mac and cheese two different oh that’s American chili there there’s different kinds of chili well if I read something that’s like chili something I’m thinking like spicy version of this that’s what chili is no this is chili like the chili like beans [Music] chili I’m just I’m confused now isn’t that what’s in chili well yes okay when I see chili I assume someone has just added jalapenos and that’s it like something spicy that’s it no beans if I see chili Something I’m assuming it’s just a spicy version what I’ve never no you’re that’s a thing here at all there’s like chili anything like that is not a thing Australia is weird no America’s weird you would like no I will agree with dairy free pizzas we’re just going to spend the next 20 minutes doing this I mean what did you expect like you’ve seen my streams before there’s always a Googling food version uh section of the streams are the D ones all glutenfree have you ever tried a cauliflower pizza crust yes I have I’m not that big on them cuz they seem to like I don’t know I don’t like the texture as much some of them fall apart way too easily so you basically just have to eat it with a fork rather than eating it as a pizza and then others are two crumbly yeah [Music] yeah [Music] it depends on the brand though some other ones which is for me it’s like counterintuitive but they do cauliflower base but to stick the cauliflower together they use egg and so it’s like are you doing cauliflower base to make it vegan but then you’re using egg to stick the cauliflower together I guess it could still be eggs aren’t vegan right no eggs are an animal product so no it’s not vegan um I guess it still makes a gluten free they might be gluten-free I don’t know on that one I just know they’re dairy free yeah I mean it looks like a lot of these the DI one say all gluten-free which gluten-free bases can be okay depends on the brand are okay is are there glutenfree vegan options or is it like gluten-free and vegan are two separate things you can get uh no this Dia brand is glutenfree and vegan H it looks pretty good as well from the pictures not going to lie like Reddit people posting the pictures see but would you trust Reddit I mean yeah because this person has literally just made it and taken a picture okay that’s fair like here let me I’ll copy the image and post it in DMS I’m doing the lobby parkour and I am failing at it every single time uh where do you start the lobby parkour I don’t know but what where are you doing yeah that doesn’t look too bad I don’t know that I could eat that just because I’m really weird about food but um also I think I’m in the SkyWars Hub oh actually no I’m in the SkyWars wait no wait are we both in the same Hub I think we should be oh I see you I see you [Music] okay I oh there you go I was like I don’t see you yeah it’s over here invite me to party yes I thought I already did P list oh you’re not in the party anymore P oh yeah we left a little bit ago oh what were the numbers in Georgia flex’s name um 6092 or something oh I actually think I got that yeah you did good job let’s go I’m going to make this parkour if it’s the last thing I [Music] do awesome oh my lag Spike nice oh that’s the end I also got two stars I got 30.8 seconds or 30.7 9 UM also it’s probably sorry I’m replying to someone that sent me a message on Snapchat but it’s probably not letting you talk in chat if you’re not subscribed right isn’t that something we set up on YouTube YouTube yes on on Twitch it’s following cuz if you say you have to be subscribed on Twitch then they have to pay but no you don’t need to pay okay yeah um if you’re following me on Twitch or subscribed on YouTube it should let you [Music] talk now I want to try and get three stars on this parast so nope I fell off immediately I don’t know either cuz I didn’t I fell off I did it [Music] perfectly maybe it’s like a certain amount of time you have to do it in if it ends up being like under 30 seconds and I got 30.7 I’m going to be mad that would be frustrating and okay yeah I’m going to restart hey three stars let’s go I got [Music] 28.89% I’d be down to just do a bunch of like Lobby parkours [Music] now all right can I get under 30 seconds nope oh Georgia left the party again or no blue Taco left the party yeah I think they logged off yeah I go down here oh we can I’ll have to check out my settings and make sure that it’s everyone can chat or something I’ll change it to everyone instead of just subscribers that’s fair are they trying on YouTube or on uh twitch I actually I don’t know I don’t know which side they’re watching they definitely have an account right well what side did they subbe to you on cuz you said uh they followed me on Twitch okay so they’re probably on Twitch okay I don’t know if he’s watching my side or your side though I don’t [Music] know yeah he’s pretty cool nice um okay you want to do something next yeah I don’t know what to do there go back to the hub and see what other mini games they were could do survival games or just what’s just build I think that’s like a building thing you and I that would be build battle Yeah you and I us build battle I know I’ve never been good at building what do you mean do you not remember not build battle but um speed Builder on mine Flex you build yeah I always like neck and neck yeah I assume this is build battle not speed Builders yeah it’s I this is build battle but I we could do it we could do I mean yeah I’m down teams of oh there’s only Duos uh got to head out and do some stuff see you I’ll definitely have to get on PC that that next time fair enough all right gamer we’ll catch you later yeah go for just a solo game I think it’ll be all right they definitely don’t have trouble in mindville rip yeah rest in peace um all right so just build [Music] solo let’s hope that my building skills haven’t completely gone to crap oh Mae by the way are you available tomorrow this time for streaming if I did um not that you actually need to be there for the old school RuneScape one but if you wanted to be there for the rainescape stream if I’m also you know awake enough tomorrow to do it you’ll be fine hopefully all right theme voting oh you vote ooh let’s make the theme my Minecraft I voted for horse cuz I felt like that was the easiest to build a horse yeah it’s Mars oh I think I can do Mars I’ve got an idea I do not I’m definitely not just Googling what Mars looks like um I you can’t change the floor I thought you could I can you not oh maybe not okay uh m is red right just lots of different shades of red uh maybe I don’t know this is probably a really bad idea um there’s like they said they [Music] no like some look at all the different blocks we have available to us wait is it not the creative menu is it not every block well yeah I’m I’m trying to like look and see like what blocks there are I haven’t played any of the newer updates oh I just I literally got wool and Clay cuz it’s the ones I know oh shoot we’ve only got 4 minutes 4 minutes left yeah ma is the one they call the red planet right I’m not going crazy no it’s the purple one I actually got Purple in my inventory not going to lie oh fuzzy yeah we need a modu on this channel absolutely correct fuzzy I wish I didn’t only have 3 minutes to do this well whose fault is that um fuzer you didn’t play RuneScape did you I don’t know why I have it in my mind that you started playing old school RuneScape oh that’s such a good idea I’m not going to be able to build this in time though I’m like yeah no I I do not have enough time uh oh what can I do for that I guess I just need to stop building at this point uh uh maybe I should there’s not enough time to do this there should be like 10 minutes to be fair I could have chosen the one which was double time but I didn’t well thanks well I didn’t think we needed that much time but now I’m regretting it where’s that what does this look like I don’t know uh let’s go with some of this I guess go up here and then do I looked up a reference image and I have no idea how I’m supposed to build this I’m just winging it oh my days [Music] what oh you can you can change the floor slash floor and then you hold the block you want it to be Oh my days really it just told me that all right great um uh what are the light blocks what are any of the light up blocks uh frog lamps exist right frog lamps aren’t in this update wait what why are frog lights not in cuz I do glow I don’t know one minute left no this is so bad thank you for following on Twitch or subscribing on YouTube which one whichever one that is I am so sorry mine is awful o I think my pizza’s here this is shocking this is shocking oh no 30 seconds uh okay okay okay this is so bad this is awful I don’t even what what else do I do do I try and do like something no no that looks weird uh okay okay okay what do I do should I like try and make a bigger okay well I tried making the Mars rover and I got two blocks out of it me too I tried making the Mars rover this is yours wait love yeah I voted love W moment nice majeste please please please I hope I win all little I mean yeah that’s fair that’s okay it’s round yeah I appreciate the sphere well kind [Music] of I mean there’s a bit low effort but I get what they’re going for okay that’s actually one your all right you’ll be able to tell cuz it’s so bad also I only ever do PI okay this is mine I only ever do pixelot it’s supposed to be like the the red planet and then the SM on it the stars and the sun it’s it’s not great I love that see this person pretty much did the exact same thing I was doing yeah built a bunch of little go inside oh we can’t I’m sad wow no Interiors that’s just good it’s not great the red planet that’s more orange then it is red yeah okay well this is this is real low effort I’m going to feel real bad if it was someone from streaming they’re on mobile and that’s why I mean I imagine that’s probably what it is yeah I know people don’t really play georia I’m so sorry oh my okay this this also is a I’m so sorry uh majeste thank you for [Music] subscribing oh this person did not get very far they could have just changed the Flor I appreciate that they put water because there was water on Mars they should have put ice though more accurate was there lava on I doing that but I was like I was like isn’t the water like very deep in Mars you got first hey nice I got second with one point behind GG heck yeah now that’s a certified W moment yeah oh wait Fuzzy’s here what wait in game yeah all right I’m going to get back the Hub hold on are you going to choose the longer one I mean do you want to actually do a longer version of build well if it’s double time it’s only 6 minutes no it was 5 minutes to begin with it’s 10 minutes oh I mean we can do one game yeah that’s fine uh fuzzy should I uh what are you fuzzy wolfs wait what’s the numbers 1120 azy [Music] wolves [Music] uh right also I can mod fuzzy now we’ve been streaming for a little over two hours so I mean that’s not bad a little what what I mean more over I on YouTube it said two hours ago we’re at 2 hours and 45 minutes I would normally end stream in 15 minutes from now yeah yeah we’ll do 10 minute game and then we’ll be done uh all right fuzzy you should be mod now okay hey what’s up Brayden welcome to the stream uh is everyone who wants to be in the party in the party also yeah no don’t worry we’re not done yet we’re doing um one more game of build battle it’s going to be about 10 minutes and then um after that we’ll probably end the stream yeah I mean we can hang out for a bit longer um I’m happy to keep hanging out a little chatting yeah I’m happy with that um we could just do some Lobby parkour while we chat or whatever you like playing Beast STM simulator so do I um oh we could do a private game do we have a lot of is that what you’re saying fuzzy I mean for build although we could do public for it’s just building anyway yeah why don’t you do a Duo game of builds I would feel bad for whoever I’m teamed up with that’s why oh wait shoot I just realized my pizza got here like 15 minutes ago oh I heard them come up the steps hold on I’ll be right [Music] back it will team you up with someone in the party yeah exactly I’ll feel bad for someone in the party who just teamed with me I joined through the Beast swarm simulator Discord server like on the you have the YouTuber rank yeah yeah yeah um I do normally stream uh Roblox at this time uh but today we’re doing something different cuz I was doing a collab stream all right so pizza’s not cold still good that’s good also yeah I hope they weren’t standing there waiting for you oh no no no no um they I always have them leave it at the door so I just told my friend to order it that way that’s fair yeah bradden if you want to come over later you can have pizza I don’t care can I have can I have pizza I are you going to come to Ohio sure [Music] okay uh no fuzzy I haven’t asked about the YouTube sticker thing actually did I I don’t think I did let me check in the bwam Discord what’s my today look like yeah Ace doesn’t even know where Ohio is he doesn’t uh what’s my today look like I really don’t yeah you’re looking at it this was my today um this is all I really prepared myself for I don’t know I don’t think I’m doing anything else I just got to do laundry and stuff 900 p.m. I can’t promise there’s going to be any pizza left I’m joking I’ll leave some for [Music] you or just order another one for dinner no no I’ll probably eat it throughout the day to be fair I couldn’t point out Australian States Australian states are easier than US states we only have like seven hey fuzzy wolf thank you for following on Twitch hey are they called States or provinces or something else well we have States and territories uh but we call them all states [Music] basically I mean yeah I guess I guess we could order another one but I don’t have the money for that so if you want to hear me out order me one that’s on you 900 p.m. order Ace one2 I guess yeah except 9:00 p.m. for you is in how many hours from now uh well right now it is 1:19 p.m. so in like 7 and a half hours yeah it is 500 a.m. for me so 7 and 1/2 hours is like 2:00 p.m. is or like 1:30 p.m. are you working today you don’t work today right uh no I’m not working today yeah I mean I’m not going to be awake at that time you’re not going to be up at 2:00 p.m. how long do you sleep like 14 hours Autumn it’s 5:00 a.m. right now 2: p.m. is in 7 and hours from right now and we’re still streaming what I only I only sleep like 5 hours at a time even if it was only 5 hours like I’m not asleep right now like yeah how far you guys deliver they said Pizza Hut like yeah pick up her delivery and he’s like yeah how far do you guys deliver yeah they have international shipping right for sure all right let’s do this build battle real quick oh yeah right uh are you stream where everyone’s in the party uh build uh solos double time or Duos double time uh solos I like all solos double time anytime I do like um Duos building they never do what I plan so like I mean that’s Fair [Music] yeah I guess your vote is obsolete I mean yeah Autumn kind of does have more of a sway seeing as they’re the one I’m streaming with yeah of course I’m like the deciding factor it’s always going to happen that’s a joke all right ninja elephant horse racing sea monster or King these are all terrible yeah I voted for King cuz I can just build a Crown King King King hey all right oh lag okay so we have 10 minutes cool all right I think I’ve got an idea of what I want to do all right gold yep obviously um okay I’m going to try this we got more time this time [Music] red and purple are the the elegant like whatever colors right [Music] yeah uh maybe not that we’ll go with that [Music] then [Music] uh uh okay all right let’s let’s see Search the word wool I thanks why you seemed confused so I was just helping you out don’t worry about [Music] it okay so how did I already stuff that up uh I’m trying to like think of the angle I want to build this [Music] at I have to like visualize what I’m trying to do I should probably make that even [Music] one actually maybe I got a little bit have to try and recreate what I did on that side which I have no idea what it was 3 two three what a yeah and then I do break [Music] wider that might be too wide [Music] Cru feel okay so oh whoops that one this is going to look so bad I mean you understand you’re building against me right so can tell you’re ready right going to beat whatever I’m doing so like I don’t have the time to like sit here and really nitpick my details but I’m doing that I’m currently spamming blocks to try and fill in this build I did I made it too big so just hoping I can fill this in in time [Music] oh actually I’m going to fill this in and only half the time I could have done this with the 5 minute one okay I finished what I was doing uh guess I will like done yeah done I’m just going to add to it now I guess I’m used to not building in like this like little of a time I guess or not used to yeah used to building in the shorter time frame oh gosh I might not finish what I’m trying to do [Music] I look okay I should make it ah I did this way too [Music] [Music] big this matching I think so uh then we’ll go okay so my King’s not going to have a head I mean a lot of them didn’t uh by that stage so that’s okay like if you’re talking historically how did I do this I keep building on one side and then not remembering how I do it to be able to copy it on the other side I did one more down and then one [Music] [Music] out nope that does not look right what did I do this goes down one more all right um um I guess I’m going to do fill in this part 3 minutes [Music] okay [Music] okay [Music] oh gosh I’m like shaking trying to like build this super fast that look weird I not have that connected it in and see okay uh I feel like I should connect this maybe I go like this [Music] instead I no these look too thick okay I might actually finish what I’m trying to do I should bring these [Music] out [Music] I don’t know what I’m doing at this [Music] point I need to give him the [Music] face even though youon no this this middle part I don’t know it looks weird I think I’m just going to take it out sh again oh there’s only one minute wait I’ve just undone my work and then redone it I’ve made mistakes I’m just going in circles over what what I want to does that look okay feel like the gold looks a bit low [Music] like did I like finish off down here all right I think I I think I did it oh here this block I don’t know I guess this is possible oh I didn’t realize we were that close to the end okay all right yeah mine’s good this is mine oh that’s good I’m going to rate love into the ground that’s cool that’s really well done what is the block you use for the top uh it’s some sort of roof tile I’ve literally never seen that block before that’s crazy I didn’t know that [Music] was oh he’s like ning the guy I like this but he didn’t get around to finishing the head that kneeling thing is kind of like what I was trying to do yeah that’s cool that’s well [Music] done okay I mean it’s yeah it’s pretty good glad you caught that corner cuz there was Noh I was going to be able to find it out that’s [Music] fair okay I see what they were going for I don’t think they got around to finishing it though you know what been you know what would have been really funny if somebody made Michael Jackson’s face wait was it Michael Jackson or was it um not Michael Jackson uh Elvis the king of rock ah yeah okay I can’t believe I just said Michael Jackson wasn’t he the king of Pops [Music] probably oh technoblade that makes me sad well I’m sorry for making you sad I guess that was my one well I mean like I love it but it just makes me sad cuz it’s fair no it’s absolutely Fair yeah but like immediately when I’m like and king that’s just the first thing I know exactly from the start that that’s what I wanted to build understandable oh holy crap this is this is pretty good are they missing an arm or they’ve got bone sticking out is it like a one armed King kind of like that though even with the touch of the bone sticking out instead of the arm yeah just a crap I’m assuming this is someone on mobile probably by assumption the mobile people are probably like holy crap every super big [Music] builds oh wait do it say whose that was oh that was Georgia yeah so mobile oh I feel like the the face is actually nice I feel like a lot of people don’t do faces and eyes well but the like the the eyes that are back a bit into the head actually looks kind of [Music] cool first hey feel kind of bad because I got first by yeah exactly you used people’s grief you suck this is fair you know what it’s fair manipulation right there absolutely also do you like how I am such a I’m such a bad Builder that I can only do pixel art that’s the only way I ever get anything good in these Hey listen 3D builds are really hard to do super fast in like a small amount of time so I respect it yeah to be fair as well for that one I absolutely looked up a reference image because I’m awful I just was going off of what my head told me to do that’s fair cuz I used to build like Giant player statues and I was trying to go for that Vibe but I could not remember how to do the angles cuz I usually use world edit and like brush tools where this obviously you know doing it by hand 10 minutes to build pixel art shaking my head I used to do pixel art streams where we would spend like an hour or more on one single Pixel Art wasn’t it like your creative plot you used to do yeah like yeah you would fill it with uh pixel art cuz I remember there one time I invited you onto the server that I worked on and you you did like one or two streams on there and you had a plot that had like 30 different pixel art on it yeah cuz that used to be a thing we used to do pixel art building I think we used to do song requests on those streams as well because it wasn’t like a story game I didn’t care if I had to delete it later for copyright but now they can you like mute and take down your video in the middle of your stream like they don’t wait till the end when it’s uploaded anymore so don’t do that anymore yeah I’d be kind of down to do more like creative pixel art ones again cuz those were fun I would join you with those ones cuz that was just like hanging out talking and then building pixel art just chatting streams yeah I mean it basically was a just chatting stream but with pixel art well I believe we’re about to hit the 3H hour mark right we already hit the 3H hour mark yeah all righty then I mean we can keep chatting if you want keep chatting or if you want to stop and go eat your pizza you can do that it’s up to you I’m I’m here as the guest you’re the main streamer what I mean not really if it was a guest you wouldn’t be doing your own stream but you’re doing your own stream so we’re equal okay that’s fair I think that I might end off my end just because I am a little exhausted and I do kind of want to eat that’s fair I will end off as well then um do we want to raid do we not want to raid or uh do you have anyone online that you can raid uh are we looking on Twitch or on YouTube what would you say is easier uh I mean twitch is obviously easier to just do a SL raid um but I feel like we have more people on YouTube okay we can do YouTube uh I have this awesome streamer called cero that’s live we could raid there oh my gosh let’s do that let’s go r cuper d woo I’m literally here we go go go go raid over to this link in the chat go subscribe go smash the like button yeah click on the link I posted in the chat # Li Spike thank you hey you got 10 likes let’s go all right so I think that you guys whoever’s on my end hold on give me a second should go raid this [Music] person Fuzzy’s getting me to do dumbbell reps and just wrote instead of saying left or right they wrote CAO so do you get to choose left or right dumbbell reps uh do both I don’t have a dumbbell dumbbells I have water I can hydrate now you can do the dumbbell reps with your water here one two I thought you were counting out loud I was going with you one okay yeah two why are we starting again because I was doing left and right I only have one water bottle well I only have one too how many we have also okay listen for everyone that’s in my side of the stream right now is my microphone too loud or am I like am I chill cuz I felt like I was too loud earlier but also uh gamer blue terer thank you for subscribing um also yeah what do you you mean you only have one dumbbell a please can we switch hands yet I’m still going on the one hand yes switch hands please okay uh feel like all right I’ll turn it up to right about Ooh aumn You’re supposed to be counting I know oh my gosh one okay yeah two three wait this is too fast go slow a 10 K dumbbell sound low on my end very quiet and chill compared to Ace well you know he is a screamer I am screaming that is very fair are we at five yet I I don’t know you’re it’s your your counting we were doing them together you’re supposed to be doing back to what three 4 5 okay there you go f goodness feel a little bit better now this I think this is 10 kilos 2 and 1/2 2 and 1/2 5 1 and 1/2 1 and 1/28 and then the barus to yeah so 10 kilos is hey Google what’s 10 kilg to pounds 10 kg is equal to 22046 lb thank you okay now I understand why you’re complaining about it you just got me to do like I don’t know how many reps that was but I reckon at least 50 reps with a 22 lb dumbbell oh my gosh hey at least she’ll be you know stronger I mean I guess all right well I hope everyone has a wonderful day or wonderful evening or wonderful morning you know whatever time it is for you in the world um thanks for coming and checking out my stream thanks for coming and checking out Ace’s stream make sure you follow And subscribe on both channels on both sides of YouTube and twitch and yeah I think that’s all I have I have to say I don’t know yeah I mean that sounds good awesome all right see you guys all in next stream [Music] bye I I [Music] think oh I forgot to leave the ending [Music] screen

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Developer plays Minigames w/ @cupadoo’, was uploaded by Ace Unhacked on 2024-02-03 18:55:46. It has garnered 111 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:41 or 11561 seconds.

I am a Family Friendly Australian YouTuber who is here for your entertainment. Come join me as I play, mess around, and sometimes rage at games!

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    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More