Unleash Anonymous Power: Soulforged Adventures

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hello can you’all hear me I really just told my wife I won’t [ __ ] around with the stream so much and yeah so first I basically just wanted to show you what I’ve made so far on the stream and maybe I don’t know I’m going to start working on another class or something not really sure though well what did that will go so yeah what should I tell you I basically started this project like last week I guess and yeah it’s something like Ro like oh yeah sorry I forgot to turn off the nightbot for the stream whatever um yeah Enigma crops also nice you know project I’ve made earlier probably should continue working on it yeah so far I’ve made four different classes and I’m really not all that great at this game so there are Warrior Assassin Archer and Knight I’m going to start by using the warrior Warrior and then I’m just going to skip through these claes here this is the skill tree so there are different skills for each class I can buy and in order to buy these skills I need to complete at least I need to get some souls in these levels and souls are just things you get when you kill enemies and you need souls to activate your abilities so that’s kind of a bit ictory so you have to decide whether you want more souls to spend in the end so you can uh you get skill points based on your souls you have in the end and uh yeah you can have one to three skill points one you get if you have 80 asss when you die two I think it was 250 and three 450 I might need to lower these requirements though because yeah I’m too bad at this game and I can quickly nah I’m not going to show you all the skills I’m just going to head right into it so so far there are no special enemies they just have either no effect speed or more help h no sorry speed strength or more health and you see you you’re dying quite easily and yeah this is the first map I made I’m not really great at building Maps mobs can also drop these Health Souls which increase your uh Health uh sorry heal you I mean and so far you also have to reselect your class every time I just forgot that Su Armor class s SU I’m class sorry uh S Class seems like a pretty solid idea so well this is the first ability I forgot how I named it you just get speed and some resistance for short duration and this costs three souls or was it two yeah you get money if you kill enemies as well ass souls and you need money to get to the next level yeah that was a creeper you’re reading commands what I don’t quite get what’s you meaning by that yes I’m just going to try to show you every ability and as I said maybe I’ll have to rebalance things later but first i’m just going to focus on doing like one possible end for this game because there are going to be different parts I still need to finish my first boss oh yeah thanks creeper so the second ability is this Iron Fist which just launches uh forward and the last one is an upgraded variant of the Iron Fist which I can show you next if I don’t die yeah I died no I’m not reading commands yeah also if I die uh my stuff resets obviously and in the first level there is a shop which um you know sells me the sells me food yeah what about what do you think so far all right and this last thing is like an updated variant of the Soul Thing wait uh of of the iron fist thing so yeah that’s [Music] Warrior and like I’m not going to show you the skills oh thanks what if you R treasure enemy that drops more monies that’s also great idea as I said I’m just at the beginning of developing this so think I’m going to well do like one or more two uh one or two more classes then I’m just going to focus on uh yeah having a playable game and then I’m going to be adding more enemies and stuff like that maybe I’m also going to add the bosses yeah when I’m done with all the maps first oh yeah this is information on each class what kind of map is this sorry I’m new here yeah this I said it at the beginning is a Rog like kind of game mode I’m creating so there are so far four different classes which you can select um and then you need to run through these levels every time you finish a level and you need money to finish the level um you get a new class which now your class is randomized you don’t get a new class in that way you get souls for killing enemies and if you kill any uh if you have enough Souls at the end of your run then you can buy skill points here for these classes H then you can spend spill skill points here for these classes so I can uh just quickly show you the uh skills I made for the warrior but I’m just going to tell you what they do not going to show you actually is the Archer going to have Guns N unfortunately not but I want to make a gunslinger class so the first one is soul toughness if you possess at least 15 Souls again resistance effect I think it was Resistance 2 something but it’s permanent as long as you have the soul so that’s quite good adrenaline is when enem is on nearby you’re faster that’s two points and the defense shell is really good so it also cost yeah quite uh quite a good amount of skill points then the Assassin has speed that just gives me Permanent speed buff this property called back stab and it makes attacks against enemies that don’t see me hits harder and that’s pretty good and the last one is bleed I think can pretty much think uh what that does of yourself think what that does yourself and yeah let’s just head into assassin oh yeah and it also has this passive ability that um yeah causes first strikes against every enemy to slow them down should have mentioned that as well and yeah there there is also some sort of shop already and this item makes me uh not this item this ability makes me invisible which doesn’t really matter if I suck at the game and it also gives me strength I kind of like sess the most so far I going to say and Archer the least Archer is like pretty boring Archer is only good when you invested some SK point coins and knight’s like just solid class so now this also has this kind of uh I forgot the name forward thrust I think I called it that applies a weakness effect a vulnerability effect to enemies so whenever you hit them you do five more damage well and the attack itself does some damage yeah I’m also going to add Mage don’t worry and I think I don’t show I need to show you the last uh thing it just yeah you know gives this uh vulnerability effect to each CLA uh not each class each enemy within a certain range so the Archer whenever they whenever choose an arrow the Archer gets some speed effect to run away and don’t worry about this I’m going to fix this yeah and basically the abilities I’ve made so far for the Archer simply H give the Archer new arrows so that’s weakness yeah that’s wer but I need to reposition them if I have the time the other one’s weakness the string and this one I’ve got to show you in a different way because it uh affects arrows on the ground yeah they just search for new targets I think that was pretty cool oh thanks for the like fantasy it really was great having you here so you can watch the rest of the stream later if you want you don’t have to watch it obviously uh yeah and so let’s move on to the Archer skills the first one is flame so all of these skills are just enchantment and the first one was a flame enchantment the second is an A Punch enchantment and the last one is a power three what if for an Archer upgrade you can have chance to get tipped arrows from kills that’s a great idea obviously honestly sorry um I’m going to think of that yeah so I think for now I’m just going to leave the classes as they are but that’s something I can do later if I have done some more things so that’s the night which now actually the Knight might be the best class because it gets permanent Shield that also uh yeah does damage yeah and it has some good armor which doesn’t really help if your enemies have like strength five I think I’ve kind of made the strength effect too op so that’s a shield Dash ability which just makes you able to run away and this one here causes you to regenerate some health but be slower and yeah also have resistance I think I just might need to do something about the shield brocking uh creeper explosions because that way I can just kind of use the creeper to you know get rid of everything so yeah and the night skills I can show them as well is uh the first one is ex Extra Protection again additional Health occasionally so basically just sometimes gives me an absorption effect there’s heavy armor you’re tougher yet slow I think that says everything I think it’s resistance two permanently but slowness one and shield brush expert blocking with a shield has a 15% chance to activate your Shield bash skill without using any Souls this is pretty good hey answer Discord please uh yeah wait a second if you want maybe can work together detail story help with commands Minecraft better in commands but I’m good Builder not that good I can do something so maybe you can work together it again so yeah that’s a great offer I can’t promise I’ll be able to help you like joining your world and stuff but I uh probably can make some videos things like that is that all right because I don’t have like infinite free time uh neither but yeah definitely if you want me to do some basic mechanic or something I’d be in to make a video and help you that way all right um and then I’m going to show you what happens if you reach the next level no uh no problem thank you for asking so now you see this swaps my class and I’m just going to stay in Creative for this one because yeah I not going to I’m not be making it so uh this is not instantly entering the spider cave this first teleports me to shop and so far there are two items you can buy so the first one is just a health upgrade and you can have like uh a total of five of these this is going to be powerful ultimate attack for the classes yeah that’s something I considered I kind of wanted the uh last ability to always be like the strongest one but I don’t know if I fully succeeded in making them strong enough maybe I can also make like purchasable ultimate abilities later so yeah that’s the max Health boost and the second one is like uh ghost quartz I think I named it and the ghost quartz is well maybe good for assassin because it gives you invisibility from time to time and if you have five five of them you just gain permanent invisibility and yeah okay so the next level is the spider cave and well the spider doesn’t actually do anything yet pretty much sucks but yeah that’s going to be the first boss and I’m going to um add like ways to get to the graveyard and like let me like flower field or something so there going to be different ways you can um you know what was I going to say there are different ways you can yeah end the game and different paths you can choose which will kind of determine which enemies you fight and now I can continue or can end the run and I’m just going to end the run and ni see I’ve got 80 Souls that’s one skill point which can be seen uh no you don’t see my finger if I pointed it at the XP bar and yeah that’s it so far ma um just going to reset my stuff here so yeah what do you want me to do next so I could either work on the boss but I kind of don’t want to uh or I could add like a new class if you want or could end the stream and leave this as a showcase you know what I’m going to make a new class I guess and you need to know about about me that I’m way worse at working with command blocks if I’m doing like live streams or something so yeah what kind of clouds do you want to see next I’ve saw I’ve seen Summoner I’ve seen now I’ve sad Gunslinger and I’ve seen mage and yeah does the stream still work flly I don’t know because I didn’t know how well my Wi-Fi connection handles this h what consumable items above items yeah they’re already is a shop for food I can do shops like that other shops like that sorry so now what should I do should I like add new mechanic or should I add new CLA is the Mage going to use man no I think it’s going to use Souls so to stick with a theme you know and uh I’m sorry if my responses seem to be a little slow but I’ve had to yeah put in the lowest leny so that’s kind of the uh speed I’m interacting with the chat or the delay you see between me uh streaming and what I’m actually doing um because yeah my Wi-Fi just isn’t all that great so do you guys already have some ideas on the um spider boss yeah the Gunslinger is going to use souls to maybe just not for the basic attack I think I’m going to uh say he also gets like a bow or something and yeah instead shoots bullets yeah I’m just going to go ahead and make the Gunslinger next and so yeah actually you guys can will get to see most of the commands that’s are in this project already SL is gun I think gun powder fits right one one what col do you want I’m just messing around Gunslinger no this doesn’t look right like orange maybe no definitely not this one the SP can summon small web project yeah that’s something I’ve thought of already and maybe some like spider minions but I’m just not so sure about like the basic attack on the other hand I think I can keep it simple for the first boss so you’re fine with that color I hope so because I’m doing this color so now I can also select the Gunslinger and yeah does the GH animation affect spiders I think so yeah I obviously was going to do that as well just hope it’s not going to look like too bad if it looks like [ __ ] I can still like have it sumon cave spiders these are a bit smaller VIs so I’m first going to do the randomization PS and maybe I’m not going to be able to speak so much while doing commands since I also need to focus on them G so this a little system here uh some to make sure that my classes can be randomized uh yeah well enough so I hope this is enough space let’s say probably it’s not so I’m going to I’m going to free some space here so I can uh work on this class yeah that should be enough space probably just I should use commands though to do this this going to be lot copy and paste five so this updates my class to gunslinger then also if you have any questions on the uh project just ask them so what now I’ll have to think of the skills wait a second this the first one the dead right now sorry yeah all right so this should be correct give the Gunslinger some explosive attacks yeah I was thinking now chasia attack will probably suck so I’m not going to do that but some explosions I’m definitely going to add yeah what am I wasting my time with three so which one’s next I hope doing the command isn’t too boring for you okay so let’s do what could the second attack be like maybe yeah I can use te two this is an Advan sh after all you can make an iron hole with pistol yeah that’s also nice ideas yeah I think uh the weapon’s going to be a hole then that’s going to be his standard attack wait to die update the item no I didn’t and what kind of armor should the gun thing I have like full leather armor y and the EO shell stays the same for every CLA and again I have to apologize I’m working way slower than I’m than I’m usually used to so that’s going to be uh gun powder oh what about uh temporary HSE to ride yeah that’s that’s a great idea really uh that’s the arm hole yeah and I think this is where the armor starts yep and I think the H isn’t going to be have any abilities when uh sneaking right so I’m going to add this so the whole can’t break and yeah I’m going to stick with full leather armor chest that’s going to be the Lex but then the Gunslinger should really do high amounts of damage otherwise it will absolutely suck oh yeah and we H I have to forget that there still should be abilities no it’s not the Boost well you can buy in the school tree like I’m going to be need three two three four five six seven n 10 15 yeah just open I didn’t mess this up equip leather that’s going to be the gun powder the sumon Clause is going to take soul to keep your summoning live only for when you summon it I I have a great idea so if you join my Discord server I can later and Link you another Discord server which is dedicated to my projects which actually I should update the nightbot and PR message to show that server instead because that’s my project server yeah that can uh add suggestion suggestions and stuff like that way better than here because I guarantee you I’m going to forget about it because I’m not good at keeping things wait was was G or like l no it was G then hold on don’t really need this anymore I guess oh no I don’t need this anymore uh great then see if everything works yeah it’s us good so now I’ll have to make the abilities H starting with a hoe actually oh I can’t access Discord right now yeah don’t worry you can do that later if you want this isn’t going to cost any TOS iron I’m just going to name it bullets no facing this oh dang it now we’ll have to do the s argument nonetheless one not 2.5 oh yeah and I might need to update the class as well so don’t worry this will look pretty buggy if it [Music] works but yeah it works as it should and then camera Shake I how to do this command work again it I’ll have to test it shake one five point two maybe let’s see how this goes why that’s way to much which one is the amplifier intensity and all right yeah that should be enough Minecraft basic smoke power5 1.5 here as well and obviously update this I should have just used an that’s maybe a bit too high up the air and yeah actually should have used bolts are you going to have a pistol tutorial on the channel uh yeah I think I will like CU why not I have a sniper already I don’t know if you have seen that one I think that’s pretty cool as well activ all right so this works now and we still need to get the armor to work obviously and sorry if I’m replying to messages a little a little bit late true no that’s bit too much yeah I think I’m just going to add an anchor ice no still doesn’t do anything that works as I wanted to wait radio sequence one let’s say white diamond seven damage so this one will do seven damage as well now this one will do um six damage because I don’t want to be like extreme overpowered okay I just don’t see what the issues here all right this works and obviously we now need invisibility and particles so craft basic CR see think this should decent and address top I’m using the correct name oops I SW last there and yeah I think the AL should need to be killed at some point time yeah I did play one 50 I’m going to forget my own suggestion before I get back on Discord so I’m probably going to just link the stream instead well yeah do that absolutely fine I think maybe should die after the6 that’s one and a half seconds no This Will Destroy This Comm yeah that’s all right you should make the invisibility command repeating so the aror doesn’t appear for split seconds I think unfortunately this isn’t really going to change anything yeah I’ll take care of that at some point maybe I’m just going to you know what was what was I going to say maybe I’m just going to um yeah load a structure or something I think if you load a structure with an already invisible armor stand that’s going to stay invisible so next ability and uh do you think the damage on this is uh okay they think it’s too high or maybe too low even this okay so I kind of forgot how I made the hit detection yeah all right I remember so maybe the first one’s going to shoot like a heavier projector I don’t know maybe let’s do seven Souls now this just maybe causes an explosion yeah Minecraft it’s like huge explosion and it’s a yeah that’s part wa do the classes have passive effects yeah they have so uh this one gains strength if it has 15 more souls or 20 more souls I don’t know this one is way assassin so the first strikes that deals to each enemy stun it then uh this one here where uh was the Archer so it gets speed after it shoots an arrow and this one is the Knight and it’s uh Shields blocks apply damage also are the passive so far and yeah let’s say 20 damage ra six maybe all these commands multiplayer friendly they should be pretty much so I’m not really sure if you’re going damag the other player though I didn’t really Implement that but maybe it’s still works at least with some of the abilities and by the way do you hear me properly do I need to get closer to the microphone and here it goes again wa explosion is not damage C ah it’s entity explosion okay so this is all right I have to turn the volume to max for you to S I have to S turn the volum next uh for to sound normal okay but if I sound normal that way it’s all right I guess so my microphone is kind of quiet and I’m not really close to it all the time so this kind of a bad combination I guess Run play why do I always so this sound should be multiplayer friendly let’s do 0.8 maybe oh 0.7 and let’s summon husk [Music] again that was wor those um yeah with more health and I’ll need to exclude almost from this list otherwise this is going to kill the souls and stuff I don’t want that to happen I mean seven Souls right do need to update the is gun powder seven 7 and gun powder yep everything works fun H to next then I guess I should swap TNT to a saddle or [Music] something now wait these comms are there see this one the right one actually now it’s a settle and so have to create the structure for the horse let’s go the name NOS 10 hold this uh Gunslinger horse should beun so now I’m giving it settle and that and yeah I think it’s pretty much complete the gum sler PSE I should just be using these stru gun and let’s have it cost like 13 nine Souls because the horse itself isn’t really strong so I think that maybe the um one ability in the sko tree could be to have the horse doal damage two enemies that’s running through Souls n SLE yeah those to so far Gun Slinger oh sorry should have been players all right all right I can use this horse that’s BS might be too fast for the game yeah perhaps but I can’t still give the horse a slowness should do the rest first but oh there it yeah well I think this will work oh yeah but I guess I should fix uh this wait how do I name these the damage section please but yeah you’re right the horse might be a bit fast I’m just testing some sounds this sounds nice doesn’t it 10 two let’s do three [Music] sounds like a train yeah actually that’s pretty accurate so yeah that’s all I guess I need for this part so this is summoning the horse and then I need to find a way to make the horse go away but this should be simp so how long should the horse last 10 seconds maybe oh yeah did to update the item yeah I did what uh 15 seconds yeah that’s that’s reasonable I guess so wait that’s 300 d oh wait so this isn’t good hiu uh just a question what do you think I don’t know that sorry I’ve never heard of what you just typed uh I’m not really into anime sounds like anime Al for some reason so wait can you hear me now uh you might have to turn up your volume since my microphone’s kind of quiet and I speak kind of quietly and I’m not always right in front of it wait one do let’s do to 200 all right so this doesn’t teleport me together with it um yeah do you think I maybe should add like I don’t know some sort of countdown or something to make look a bit better well even though on the other hand I think it doesn’t really matter maybe it’s yeah kind of cool if you know you don’t know when exactly the horse is going to be gone uh um so yeah what now the settle’s done we still need to implement the last thing so I’d suggest like a really really powerful shots you can cancel this out with commands which sound should I cancel I didn’t this sound I like this [Music] sound and really need update nightbot yeah so the last one should really just be some sort of powerful shot cost maybe look let’s see 18 [Music] souls or maybe something that makes your shots stronger the horse death noise when it dies uh yeah that yeah on the other hand this was also conso the sound that plays when it’s um is created no wait uh i d i can also use conditional commands stop is that the correct question so I’m just going to try once more now this doesn’t work for some reason so what if I do this for yeah I’m just going to keep sound for now uh maybe I’ll take care of that when I’m finished with the rest or something so there’s going to be a lot of Polish I need to do later okay that’s a good idea shotgun so yeah i’ I think I’ve got a nice idea no actually I need to use 1.6 um fac this and then a I got a bu right and that’s not settle that’s I shot now then I’m just going to do bullets strong yeah this is going to be great I guess this is the sound again why am always starting with n random explode s yeah I’m just going to make a shotgun then I think this was your first suggestion yeah it was um I think I still need a passive though these are also going to be piercing shots I think does this PL C I think that pitch isn’t low enough that sounds more like something I want and now we still need to do the camera Shake camera Shake add s opponents three5 yeah this is what I want it and then next I’m going to be needing these two I suppose I can need it nonetheless Echo shards not oh yeah that was the wrong row I get it and was 18 old Ro Echo and 18 Souls yeah and now we need to take strong and let’s make this let’s say 25 damage no 30 damage this should be right then this one but this should be in partic go I’m just trying like this for now so now we’ll uh we’ll have to see if it works and then we’ll need to create the skill tree and uh yeah a passive skill bullets strong okay that’s too high of his spreads maybe try that [Music] okay so this ability might might be a bit too strong I don’t know yeah right range but doesn’t shoot far yeah thanks for calling that out um I think maybe they have a little shter lifespan I’m going to keep put like this well I feel like this class might be a bit too strong on the other hand well let’s just get leather armor shouldn’t forget that now what should I do for the passive make the spread a bit bigger but do a lot less damage than it does now yeah I think that’s probably not too bad of an idea since the damage is ridiculous on the other hand I don’t know how much health future bosses and stuff we’re going to have but I can still adjust it so that’s 30 so going to make that maybe 18 yeah I’m going to make this 16 and then let’s see I’m also going to lower the damage of the oh this one uh M the explosion thing because 20 is too much I think this is all right yeah so again anyone have any suggestions for the um pel yeah that’s the of armor St night vision is passive yeah I think this is yeah that’s actually quite nice idea what did I think of thisal yeah night vision h does this six no maybe spit much but yeah this also works fine maybe also a scope the scope could be a passive H passive may you know what’s the name again one of these uh skill tree abilities the issue with that is that the next CL is going to have sunight vision for short but there that’s not too bad I guess oh wait [Music] why w i right what doesn’t work with these for so wait don’t have to see how to fix that ah all right all right I see the issue this should be at the ends yeah okay the Gunslinger works now wait how can gun powder be the class like and the explosion skill at the same time yeah um I’m working with data values so if it has a data of one it assigns the class to you and if it does not have the data of one it kind of just act as an item that’s not cleared or anything [Music] what’s the project about so hi G do first all I can just go ahead and show you so all right so far I’ve made five classes so the Gunslinger is only half finished just doesn’t have a passive yet and uh it doesn’t have a skill tree yet but I’m still going to demonstrate it with this one um this is kind of a roog like game mode if you will and yeah when you kill enemies you gain Souls when you and money you need money to proceed to the next level and you need souls to perform your unique abilities and uh exactly exactly so if you have enough Souls at the end of your R it really just matters how many Souls you have if you die then you can buy skills here so far each class has three skills except for the Gunslinger which I made this stream and yeah the Gunslinger also has night vision as a passive and it’s the only one it has like where unique weapon so that these are the souls summoned by enemies and they have like a 10% chance of um of being created as healing Souls which I think you just saw the effect of well and I’m kind of Lucky right now and uh at the moment all of the other classes simply have um like a sword or something as the main attack okay um the wasn’t just wasn’t that useful I can uh go ahead and show you some other claws which I’m better at playing I hope at least and yeah all the also have a passive ability which again the Gunslinger doesn’t yet have so then when you finish levels there are uh Relic rooms in which you gain items that help you for your one run uh so far it just happens if you finish the second level by it will happen also when finishing other later and maybe I don’t know there will be some way to obtain relics in a different fashion yeah um maybe can change it to something not so bright or maybe can shorten the or maybe both just thought having yeah I died again so this probably just needs a lot of rebalancing uh yeah but wait I always forget what I was going to say um yeah exactly the camera color can also be dark I got to go to work have fun yeah thanks and have fun at work too also thanks for joining the stream uh give you s on throwing swords actually that’s also a cool idea these are all things I can probably do if I’m like done with the main game and I’m I thinking I’m thinking the gunsling is the last CL I’m going to be making before focusing on the uh yeah more gameplay part since I still need you know to finish the other levels and the other maps and at a final boss at bosses at all so by the way what do you think of the maps I made I’ve never never really build anything so just keep that in mind please um yeah and oh by the way this is the food shop you can also use go to uh buy things and as far as I’m concerned I guess I might also increase the money that mobs uh drop since otherwise you’re gonna be dead way too soon uh and don’t really have any chance to complete the level or I might also simply make the mobs worse weaker not worse how do you know where the next area is um so you’ll just have to search around the map also have to do some exploration and then you will find some buttons like this and yeah this is just uh so the first version is just going to have one like way to beat the game but I actually wanted to yeah also add some some sort of path uh here which leads like to some sort of Hell orientated stuff to some uh one to here and this should lead to like some Village or something and after this next level is over there and so far I think you might remember you can enter the spider cave to face the first boss or you could also in the later version move on to the graveyard and complete the game in some other way there so after the spider cave there’s going to be some sort of Mines I thought yeah this is pretty much most of my plans for building so I also don’t know if I’m going to finish this project because it’s going to be really timec consuming and I don’t know if I have this much time or motivation but at the moment my motivation is kind of high and yeah at least I’m going to uh Implement one way to beat the game uh by the way I’m really thankful to you all for you know joining the stream and stuff there was an item and the shop that will sorry I can uh read properly what if there’s an item at the jop that will guide you to the next area but it won’t show you shops and stuff so you will uh need to explore yeah that’s also an idea I guess maybe I can also like I don’t know Mark the areas where I can uh enter the next level just so you don’t run around cluelessly so maybe if like there’s some sort of bright particle here in the air so just so you know that uh you can move from here and yeah I’m going to finish the gunslinging stuff so uh the passive and the skill tree things in private I think and yeah probably I’m going to end the stream right now because I don’t have extremely much time left and I’m kind of tired so yeah but do you want me to uh keep streaming this project or should I just work on this in private and uh show you the results after that’s one last question I want you to answer if possible in Crea I’m too surval and maybe this should also be like a way to passively obtain Souls uh which that would look like Mana uh but maybe with a Max with a maximum of like 15 souls or something so you can’t just keep spamming your most powerful skills oh yeah thanks so then I’m going to keep streaming this because I feel like this stream yeah went kind of well since I pretty much never had uh so many viewers like concent viewers I think the highest we got was six no five and uh thank you for your time it was uh it really was great and yeah I’ll hope we’ll see you in some other stream some other day see you goodbye

This video, titled ‘Working on my new project – Soulforged Adventures’, was uploaded by AnonymousCommands – Tutorials on 2024-06-09 08:46:34. It has garnered 95 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:42 or 6702 seconds.

This is just a project I started. Something comparable to a roguelike in Minecraft.

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    Ultimate NPC Beatdowns in Minecraft Explorando o Mundo de Minecraft com Nickolboy Games e Jogos Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Descobrindo Minecraft No mundo de Minecraft, os… Read More

  • Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft

    Expanding Mega Ice Farm in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore: Expanding the Mega Ice Farm Overview In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 7, Doc Brennan embarks on expanding his Mega Ice Farm. This ambitious project aims to maximize ice production for various in-game uses. With meticulous planning and strategic building, Doc Brennan dives into the world of Minecraft to enhance his gameplay experience. Expanding the Ice Farm Doc Brennan meticulously lays out the blueprint for expanding his Mega Ice Farm. By increasing the size of the farm, he aims to boost his ice production significantly. This expansion involves careful placement of ice blocks, water sources,… Read More

  • Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun

    Farm & Mine in Deep Caves | Minecraft Fun Exploring Minecraft: Building Farms & Mining Adventures Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft as you dive into the exciting realms of building farms and mining in deep caves. Join the adventure as you create your first farm and set out on epic mining expeditions! Building Your First Farm Get ready to unleash your creativity as you build your very first farm in Minecraft. From planting crops to raising animals, the possibilities are endless. Utilize your resources wisely and watch your farm flourish as you expand and grow your agricultural empire. Key Points: Planting Crops: Cultivate… Read More

  • 50+ Dwellers in One Block!

    50+ Dwellers in One Block! Minecraft One Block: A Terrifying Adventure with 50+ Dwellers Embark on a spine-chilling journey in Minecraft One Block with over 50 dwellers in this thrilling video game experience. Subscribe now for more dwellers and dive into the world of terror! Unique Gameplay Experience Experience a unique twist on the traditional Minecraft gameplay with the One Block mod, where you will encounter more than 50 dwellers lurking in the shadows. Explore the eerie landscapes and uncover the mysteries that await you at every turn. Engaging Content Delve into the world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through the… Read More

  • Modded Minecraft Mayhem: Episode #1

    Modded Minecraft Mayhem: Episode #1 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Our narrator spins tales, with rhymes that entertain. Exploring the spawn, with a keen eye, Finding the first tree, reaching for the sky. Building a house, with blocks and beams, Crafting a world, from your wildest dreams. Background audio, a minor blight, But the content shines, in the spotlight. Stick around for more, as the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where adventure molds. Drop a comment below, with your ideas in tow, For our narrator to craft, with a rhyming flow. Read More

  • Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery

    Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, We’ve hidden a red shulker, can you find where it be? Join us on AresMine, where the fun never ends, With updates and giveaways, we’re the best of friends. Our server holds 400 players, all ready to play, With a wipe on July 10, it’s a brand new day. Don’t forget to like and join the fun, On AresMine, the adventure’s just begun. So come on over, to mc.aresmine.ru, Where the rules are clear and the community true. Join our Discord, our Telegram too, For updates and events, just… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: AI Minecraft Thumbnails on Mobile

    Ultimate Guide: AI Minecraft Thumbnails on Mobile Exploring Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. From building intricate structures to exploring vast landscapes, players are constantly engaged in a world of endless possibilities. The Power of AI in Minecraft Thumbnails With the rise of technology, creating eye-catching thumbnails for Minecraft content has become easier than ever. Platforms like Ideogram.ai offer AI-powered tools that can help creators design captivating images with ease. By incorporating the game’s logo and a theme that resonates with players, these thumbnails can attract a wider audience and… Read More

  • Crafting a Sneaky Red Bed in Minecraft

    Crafting a Sneaky Red Bed in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and construction. From simple houses to intricate castles, players can let their imagination run wild in this virtual world. One popular building idea that players often explore is creating unique beds, such as the red bed. Building a Red Bed in Minecraft To build a red bed in Minecraft, players will need three blocks of wool and three wooden planks. The wool can be dyed red using red dye, which can be obtained from red flowers like poppies. Once the materials are gathered,… Read More

  • Crafty Prank: Door’s Unreal Score

    Crafty Prank: Door's Unreal Score In the world of Minecraft, a prank was set, An UNREAL door, a trick to be met. With a sense of humor, the creator did jest, Bringing laughter and fun, they were truly the best. Subscribe to Retro-Revival, for more pranks and play, Minecraft videos, Pokemon let’s plays, every day. Join in on the fun, the laughter, the cheer, For in this gaming world, there’s always something near. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts Memes!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts Memes! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Building Stairway to Sky in Minecraft

    Building Stairway to Sky in Minecraft Exploring the Secrets Beyond Minecraft: Building a Stairway to the Sky Welcome to a new episode of Mark_G’s Minecraft adventures! Today, we embark on an incredible journey to uncover what lies beyond the borders of the Minecraft world. The peaceful villagers living among the mountains decide to explore the unknown lands. Climbing the high mountains, they stumble upon an impassable bedrock and a glass dome hiding a great secret. Water floods the village, and the villagers must build a stairway to the sky to survive and find answers. Discovering the Unknown As the villagers venture beyond their familiar surroundings,… Read More

  • Emzi Vods – Insane Minecraft Glitch: Eating all inventory slots!

    Emzi Vods - Insane Minecraft Glitch: Eating all inventory slots!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but i EATED all the slots’, was uploaded by Emzi Vods on 2024-06-05 22:57:43. It has garnered 492 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:54:41 or 14081 seconds. Streamed on June 5, 2024 💜I stream daily at 8pm CET/ 3pm ET, come say hi 🙂 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/catemzi Read More

  • Hide and Seek with GUMMINGO in Minecraft

    Hide and Seek with GUMMINGO in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How jj and Mikey hidding from GUMMINGO from DIDGITAL CIRCUS 2 in Minecraft at 3:00 AM ?’, was uploaded by Maizen Chuck on 2024-05-19 16:38:23. It has garnered 786 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:58 or 2458 seconds. How jj and Mikey hidding from GUMMINGO from DIDGITAL CIRCUS 2 in Minecraft at 3:00 AM ? This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More


    ULTIMATE AMD MINECRAFT DESTRUCTION 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I will destroy the word 😂in Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraft #gaming #trending’, was uploaded by AMD WORLD GAMING on 2024-05-04 02:30:18. It has garnered 790 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. I will destroy the word 😂in Minecraft #shorts #viral #minecraft #gaming #trending Minecraft mods Minecraft funny videos Minecraft funny shorts Minecraft biggest update Minecraft gaming videos Ram mandir in Minecraft Minecraft horror video Minecraft world destroying world in Minecraft game destroying world gone wrong Minecraft funny total gaming challenges in Minecraft funny videos how to download… Read More

  • Insane 100-Player Minecraft Civilization with CRAZY Create Mod!

    Insane 100-Player Minecraft Civilization with CRAZY Create Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Player Minecraft Civilization, But With Create Mod’, was uploaded by qarsan on 2024-04-24 19:29:52. It has garnered 9968 views and 475 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:59 or 1259 seconds. Who wins, a bunch of Civilization sweats or a group of goobers straight out of Tank Tussle? Join the Void Event Hub Discord: https://discord.gg/void-event-hub-1076531218830610502 Join the Tank Tussle Discord: https://discord.gg/9uJycpSnhP Support the community for free and get benefits: patreon.com/TankTussle Credit for grenade clip: https://www.youtube.com/@oulajuusola5093 Make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video! Chapters 0:00 – Intro 0:48… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SkyWars Montage – MUST SEE!

    Insane Minecraft SkyWars Montage - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Perfect Minecraft SkyWars Montage’, was uploaded by ItsLemmingYT on 2024-03-04 16:13:32. It has garnered 227 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:28 or 328 seconds. Enjoy The Sleepy Sounds 😀 Perfect Minecraft SkyWars Montage 35 LIKES? 🧡 ● Texture Packs: • Midnight 16x ● Server IP: Jartex.fun ➽ If you comment “Love It” I will heart it ❤️ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 👍 Like & Subscribe to the channel! 🔔 Ring the bell to never miss my uploads! 🌐 Sub count: 16.8K 🌸Discord id: itslemmingyt 💙 Discord Server – https://discord.gg/2vmgJR4SbN 🧡 Thumbnail Made by-… Read More

  • EPIC FINALE: Conquering Enderman Farm – MMK GAMING

    EPIC FINALE: Conquering Enderman Farm - MMK GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Playthrough Part 7 | Finishing My Enderman Farm’, was uploaded by MMK GAMING on 2024-04-10 20:17:34. It has garnered 39 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:27 or 10707 seconds. It only takes one small mistake and our world is gone forever. How long can we last in hardcore Minecraft? My stream schedule is Monday-Thursday 1pm est and one of the three weekend days which changes every week. DONATE HERE $5 for TTS https://streamlabs.com/mmkgaming292/tip Join My Discord Server https://discord.gg/TdvVcUxXnh My Stardew mods https://next.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/collections/xuazyh/revisions/1?tab=mods&utm_source=copy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_collection Music by Karl Casey @ White… Read More


    SUPER MINECRAFT BUILDING MADNESS!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Sebisanya [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Reitoayami [Sekai Reality Vtube] on 2024-05-10 01:49:37. It has garnered 47 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:00 or 4380 seconds. #Minecraft #mojang #survival #live #Minecraftlive #mc #mcpe #Minecraftmcpe #Minecraftsurvival #liveminecraft Rules -DARK JOKES ARE PROHIBITED -GOVERNMENT JOKES ARE PROHIBITED -RELIGION IS PROHIBITED -TOXIC IS PROHIBITED -BULLYING OTHER VIEWERS IS PROHIBITED -DISCUSSING OTHER CHANNELS IS PROHIBITED -DISCUSS ON THE TOPIC IN THE STREAM -RACISM IS PROHIBITED -SPAM IS PROHIBITED •VIOLATE THE RULES TO/BAN Help follow👇 Tiktok: Reitoayami Instagram: Reitoayami Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing Viral Short by Mr.Ansh.YT99” #clickbait #viral

    "Minecraft's Mind-Blowing Viral Short by Mr.Ansh.YT99" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New Viral Short #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-03-07 16:45:47. It has garnered 459 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft New Viral Short #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use…. Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth About Keldry’s Minecraft Frog Terrarium!

    Discover the Shocking Truth About Keldry's Minecraft Frog Terrarium!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FROG TERRARIUM’, was uploaded by keldry on 2024-04-24 06:00:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Version – 1.20.2 Shaders – Complementary shaders Resource Pack – Prime’s HD … Read More

  • Vaxel

    VaxelWelcome to Vaxel, your top EU Minecraft destination! Enjoy battles of Lifesteal, conquer challenges of Prison, and dominate SkyPvP. Join us for an unforgettable journey! Version support: [1.7 – Latest] Cracked and Premium <3 play.vaxel.club Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP: Java & Bedrock 1.21, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression Tools

    Welcome to Stormy Lagoon! Join our community and start your survival journey today. Our server has been a beacon of camaraderie since January 4th, 2022, offering unique features like custom items and a player-driven economy. Immerse yourself in a welcoming environment with endless enjoyment. Server Details: Version: 1.21, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: https://discord.gg/X9Ugfhm Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joinmyminecraftserver7 What Sets Us Apart? Chat Report Disabled: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Find guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access /spawn, /tpa, /home, and more… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #shorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Replica of Byers House from Stranger Things!

    Insane Minecraft Replica of Byers House from Stranger Things!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Fully Detailed Tour of My Byers House from Stranger Things in Minecraft!!’, was uploaded by Wheelassassin Guides on 2024-06-17 18:00:36. It has garnered 970 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:05 or 1085 seconds. So it has been a whopping four years since I started my Minecraft Stranger Things conquest!! A journey that’s continuously been overwhelming and, if I’m honest, damn right incredible!! I can remember starting off with Hoppers police truck and thinking nothing more of the whole Stranger Things Minecraft tutorial shebang. I never would have been able… Read More

  • Escaping Horror Minecraft with Mystery Guest!

    Escaping Horror Minecraft with Mystery Guest!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Horror Minecraft With IDK SOMEGUY…’, was uploaded by kihec on 2024-03-17 02:32:35. It has garnered 15104 views and 896 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:43 or 1123 seconds. #cavedweller #fromthefog #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #kihec #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days #swaylemc #goatman Today I got together with @idk_someguy to play my From The Fog horror modpack, which turned out very fun since idk someguy has never played a from the fog modpack before! THE MODPACK IS AVAILABLE IN MY DISCORD (SOON ON CURSEFORGE)! JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QDGsjmpSHT MODPACK DOWNLOAD TUTORIAL: https://youtu.be/TpfiA15BjIk Intro song is by… Read More

  • INSANE MODDED SURVIVAL on Minecraft Moonacre SMP!

    INSANE MODDED SURVIVAL on Minecraft Moonacre SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moonacre SMP Modded Survival!’, was uploaded by BlueBerry_wc on 2024-03-22 14:59:06. It has garnered 85 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:23 or 5603 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Welcome to a brand new minecraft modded SMP multiplayer survival server! Moonacre smp is based on magic, tech, dimensions and survival with a whole group of people! Twitch- / blueberry_wc Group- Rose- / @uc6u7zo20uvevmulyvpnxema Tenko- / @uczjkfnyvhbs7yzfvqy7kltg Dyox – / @dyoxblade5541 WildQueen- / @_wildqueenw_ LilCalazone- / @caliwowie Roman – / @romanjo Sakura- https://youtube.com/@Aurza_?si=f9ue6j… More to come! Read More

  • TerrRawrSaur’s EPIC Minecraft Create Mod Adventure!

    TerrRawrSaur's EPIC Minecraft Create Mod Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘My First Create Adventure! – Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by TerrRawrSaur on 2024-03-21 11:00:47. It has garnered 341 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:56 or 776 seconds. Stormworks has been a real slog lately, and I need a break from it. So I turned to a game I have enjoyed in the past, but this time im using the Create mod. I’ve never played modded minecraft before and its been years since I played vanilla, so you will have to bear with me as I re-learn how to play… Read More


    ARONTEX - CRAZY MINECRAFT THROWBACK #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Do You Remember MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARONTEX GAMING on 2024-07-19 09:25:26. It has garnered 10712 views and 374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Do You Remember.. 🥺 #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft #foryoupage #minecraftMods #trending #tiktoksong #shorts ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 💲Show Some Love: ➺ UPI – ashurizwan@fam ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ 💡 Follow my Socials : 🥵 Discord: / discord 📷 Instagram: / @arontex_gaming ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ 💡 Check out my setup : 💖 My Cutie Laptop : Dell G15 Gaming (RTX 3050) ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance… Read More

  • Unbelievable Encounter in Princess SMP! | Ep.6

    Unbelievable Encounter in Princess SMP! | Ep.6Video Information This video, titled ‘Confronting The Unknown! – Princess SMP (Minecraft SMP RP) |Ep.6|’, was uploaded by CrazyMtch42 on 2024-04-10 22:07:46. It has garnered 2537 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:43 or 3523 seconds. Princess SMP is a hardcore SMP filled with 5 kingdoms, The Elven Kingdom, The Mermaid Kingdom, The Winter Kingdom, The Cloud Kingdom and of course, the best kingdom, The Nether Kingdom! How will we all survive in a world destined to have chaos between all 5 nations. Could war break out? Famine? Assassinations!? Who knows!? Find out as we explore… Read More

  • LIVE: EPIC Pixelmon Minecraft with Akira VODS

    LIVE: EPIC Pixelmon Minecraft with Akira VODSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bungo Taiga – Minecraft – Pixelmon | VOD #4 (15 September 2023)’, was uploaded by Akira VODS on 2024-01-14 00:00:31. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:22 or 11122 seconds. Bungo Taiga | Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/taigaxholic Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TAIGS Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaigaOverHeaven #vtuber​ #anime #twitch​ #vstreamer​ #virtual #femboy — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/taigaxholic Read More

  • Insane Minecraft skills from Marwan Shamali

    Insane Minecraft skills from Marwan ShamaliVideo Information This video, titled ‘me playing Minecraft’, was uploaded by marwan shamali on 2024-02-20 00:04:45. It has garnered 98 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Read More

  • Get the Ultimate Minecraft Backpack Mod Now!

    Get the Ultimate Minecraft Backpack Mod Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Backpack Mod That You Need’, was uploaded by Umbra Lumina on 2024-05-25 12:30:04. It has garnered 1699 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. Discover the ultimate Minecraft backpack mod that you absolutely need! Join us as we explore the sophisticated backpacks in this extraordinary mod. Customize your backpack, upgrade its storage capacity, and enjoy the convenience of automatic feeding while on your adventures. Don’t miss out on this essential mod – subscribe now for more Minecraft fun! Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-backpacks Join the discussion on Discord at… Read More

  • Revolution SMP Semi-Vanilla

    🌟 Revolution SMP 🌟 Join us in Revolution SMP, where every player can leave their mark on the world, forge lasting friendships, and be part of a story that continues to unfold with every new adventurer who steps into the world of Revolution SMP. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a daring explorer, or someone looking to unwind and chill, Revolution SMP welcomes you to be a part of our exciting journey. Let the adventure begin! Features: ✨ Custom Enchants: Discover unique enchantments that enhance your gameplay experience. 🛡️ Grief Prevention: Build and explore with peace of mind knowing your creations… Read More

  • HELL🖕

    HELL🖕SCAPE AND RUN: PARASITES survival server !!! you are probably going to die a lot. some other fun features include therianthropy, useless guns, an alarming lack of tech mods, dual wielding weapons with cool sound effects oooo, buckets being the most overpowered item in the game (come find out why!), and a bird that might crash the server at any given time. yippee!!!anyone is welcome to join and check it out but i am mostly looking for people interested in becoming long term players, i do not do resets as i prefer to chip away at my projects all on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Sights: A Common Occurrence

    Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she was always blowing up at him! Read More