Unleash the Dark Power! Join Velnias in Legacy on play.pvplegacy.net

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As the SE feoss across it Treasure All that love is um all right W Is all right hello how is everybody doing uh this is okay okay okay okay the song can stop the song can stop all right all right all right uh I don’t know I just decided to play to play that song and you know it used to be one of my favorite

Songs but it’s just that little part know that that kind of annoys me but anyways how’s everybody doing uh hopefully all is well um today we’re doing some more I see today we’re doing some more uh Legacy so I’m going to be starting up my music and logging in there you go

Okay and Bam we are live going to my channel and starting up the starting up the video then I now have my live chat so wish wish us luck in hope she yeah hopefully we have a successful stream like the last couple of have been and let’s get the music Started shall

We There we go that’s much better Hello MH hello yeah I had no one else to DM so I DMD s for okay you did yeah I mean l said I had no one else to ahuh Sure wait how the wait is Charlie again wait Charlie’s online right now or h d s asking if they help me figure

Out how to convince them not to hopefully you’re able to man that’s stressful as hell to be In all right where is this up bro all right uh where arep Spectra 4K oh you’re not in the game never mind all we can join give me a second all right but I I kind of have more stuff to worry about than a legacy game that’s all right take your

Time so why do I have the wrong hand onone what the hell hey everybody Welcome to My Stream four people on right now nice ow I’m on are you getting on now okay oh there you Are wonder how long it’s going to take there you Are learning those moves to try beating my ass Arrow Too oh dear God this is going to be so I don’t like having to do this I’ve had to do this once before I had Cal to help me you got this oh all right I’m going to start couple of ones oh shoot forgot I don’t have the kit open there we go that’s much better all right let’s see who accepts my duel ow I’m one of the worst elytra Flyers

Ever I swear all right storm throw haven’t I fought this guy before never mind he left Bruh all right sers Sers is my my is my Opponent is just me or she lagging why is sniper and oxal 8 what do you mean out late they’re meat riding BR i t into Minecraft I have three jeel I have three DS two from sniper and one from Ox oh no three from sniper all three from sniper or three

From sniper one from oxal a holy hell all right all right time to kick your ass cracking hi time to kick your ass mix I didn’t mean it what did you do nothing hold up I’m making body what the hell again again leave again leave again leave again all right

Bet all right Mr oxel join the party please thank you Mr oxel want you’re next all right no it’s not but you’re lost cuz you’re fatty the party sniper join the party I love this playlist that the Spectra gave me that long all that time ago I’ve been using it for literally

Every stream I’m redoing it cuz oh no mind got Spectra 4K your next buddy Spectra’s AFK uh Spectra’s Spectra’s um helping out helping out dealing with something right now helping out somebody who’s dealing with something right now as well wait is it going to be the two of US versus how many

People oh that’s just great it’s just this just great let’s try 2v4 for now I got that yeah if we’re pushing a 2v5 but right now I’m still trying to warm up uh to TP open I reck we win this yeah oh one of them left gv3 we got this

Yep well he joined for a second then left bro we can do a 2v3 yeah just don’t Dr cuz you’re going to get targeted by sniper yeah I know if anything I could probably kill sniper hopefully oh let’s go if I see that I’m clown for the rest of

Time you’re going to get to on it’s all right now almost got my I got sniper low good job I’m proud I’ve got myself some golden CS I’m going to come save you I got you targeting a sniper right now I’m going to pop in a bit yep my God

What happened to you being good at this yeah I don’t know told you I’m warming up right now I’m coming over I’m trying but it’s really difficult I’m going to die probably no I’m not I’m good no you’re not I’m going don’t worry next you’re supposed to be the one I

Look up to you’re not going to die in a 2v3 maybe I will oh my God oh my lordy L I’m low okay we’re good I I am the one getting one help I I ghosted I [ __ ] gsh it bro I clipped it no I didn’t

On okay why do I keep catching on fire after like 20 seconds of I need to redo the do up give up just give up you’re not winning you’re not wi you’re not please give up just them please me fa do the favor take the armor I I really want to

Make up for it I’m not [ __ ] to this stop this hard all right let’s do this all right now you’re all [ __ ] dead I’m not going to lie now you’re all [ __ ] dead I spent like an hour watching an hour watching kot now you’re all [ __ ] dead mix better unleash hook kicks and

[ __ ] facts got one nice good [ __ ] [ __ ] man good [ __ ] I didn’t even carry you for that okay yeah that’s what there somebody where legit copy my excuse dead nice no do not not not not going again buddy got him my web I’m actually kind of curious my bad didn’t mean

To can you live that I’m going to do something that uh I’m low oh my all right I’m good now I’m good now all right let’s do this let’s do a sniper he’s targeting me probably because he sees you not moving it’s funny cuz I’m full yeah this is not looking good for

Sniper you good now is it better or is it still like they went the bed so doing for you to clear the head so that’s good nice GG’s good [ __ ] [ __ ] Kraken holy good [ __ ] that’s I like to see that’s what I like to see to be fair

It’s only three people so still though and two of them are quick drops still on there like still K’s not good either kren’s one of those quick Dr jobs you know take it toone I can hold it all right you’re going to let that slide you can’t really say otherwise but

Wait what happened oh me going a quick Dr uh I’m getting 2 one by oate and actually but I’m trying to fix that 3 one I’m fixing it don’t stress you’re getting to killing Rex Rex his ass yeah man him run you okay yeah I’m okay

I’m just getting strafe by sniper but it does no damage I’m eight hearts I’m good all right oh he’s ass what the he’s so laggy I got you just freaking webs are annoying as hell yeah he’s a little compass then popped him how you w’t even near him I don’t know

But wait were youting him any uh yeah okay makes sense uh I’m getting I’m half Health can you live yeah I can don’t wor you’re about to take you’re about to take a one it’s okay I can live for a While oh my hair got in the way ah ah my hair my hair my hair my hair hair hair my bro what huh oh I just got knocked in jump in the hole jump in the just jump in the Ravine jump in the Ravine why did I just do that why did you

Web might just [ __ ] meate oh [ __ ] I got you I got you I got you it’s okay I need help I need help oh my God I got a g holy [ __ ] I popped I popped I popped I got a gap I got a gap I’m

Getting two you one all right I’m here I’m here I got a off I got a mafia thank you why do that those webs those that web you did [ __ ] me so badly I’m gone I’m holding it but he’s trying to box me he’s fining can you kill that guy

Please what my shield bro see the thing is the difference between you and me is the reason why I’m still it is very much possible it is no longer very possible okay what I placed the web there I placed the web there all right you saw that web that’s

Yeah I saw it I saw it I saw it God damn it to redo party three is on please join please join you fat [ __ ] no okay cool P invite who the little mate Rider himself YT who else is on Oh o mix time do you have me block no yes I do can you tell mix to make a party he did don’t worry it’s happening bu don’t there all right three of us versus everybody Spectra are you are you all right we need to we need to

Remain together and we need to talk like a lot to each other buddy you’ve been improving but still I’m not there you’re improving but you’re not that yet I know I know I am tr now come on shot6 and LP join oh yeah we could do a 3v3 but I feel like we’d

Win kind of 34 Now I’ll put 34 mix that was almost done with my freaking sentence that’s not four of us who was in the game no one’s in again who’s not in this the gecko is in again all right it’s okay three three whatever we’re still in our little warmup stages you know

Like why do I have my sle I’ll have a cry not I have a cry sniper you’re a clownus Dan deal with it you an ass at the game still holy [ __ ] snip is bad I’m telling you the only reason why why he’s able to like crit me out a lot

Is mostly because of the Webs wow sniper running wow sniper come back buddy I to put you in your place like I did two years ago well a year and a half ago you can we just D please we are in a game your ping mixed my your ping is worse than mine you dumb

[ __ ] remember you being better than this come on now yeah I remember a lot better or maybe it’s the fact that we just got better S you really have pig haven’t you no this guy is not doing whatever the hell those guys did they he’s not making Sky

B SN is low H low low enough all right I’m taking a I’m taking a he was desperately yeah okay you can live that right yeah easily this guy’s literally just Bo okay never mind his teammate gun boled nice Spectra he did not like dying did he he

Did not not in the slightest bro snip healing is Elo my still but yeah sniper definitely peaked he was in his prime and now he’s in his worst got him nice let me run the ones let me run the ones you want me and J to do just pretend fight each

Other there make sure he doesn’t rest make sure he doesn’t restock make sure he doesn’t restock what the [ __ ] am I here he’s digging the little pussy’s digging I could just ch GS buddy I already know your little [ __ ] ass is no digging help me some gaps sniper you ped buddy just Digging so how’s your day been how dare we just chug every single Gap that’s in this thing mix you don’t have to worry about him getting any gaples don’t worry about it we finally ate them we finally ate them all it’d be a shame we have more we

Can eat it’d be a sh Spectra Spectra get over here it’d be a shame if all the all the XP bottles just just you know [ __ ] no you don’t play a monster in his own game he tried doing the one holes bro yeah he did yeah I thought he was just digging to

Try to nope what if we added sniper to this VC no it’ be toxic bro snipers ping is [ __ ] like a good 40 to 60% or 40 to 60 280 I mean 28 280 no exact snipers is 218 what what’s mine what’s mine uh SL ping yours is a little higher

266 yeah so a good a good 40 a good 40 more got him off I really said help zomie can not even run the ones with me I don’t think yeah he can’t run the ones with me either he he’ll lose lose horrible sniper goes Toe to Toe with me but I end

Up winning probably well I have one actually never mind sniper no way you lose to how often does you lose to Valiant s I’ve killed him a few times remember in the outnumbered fights and I’ve killed him twice in one V on he’s low this guy’s low very low why asking for help

Obviously yeah but not is a bit preoccupied with me more I’m just mean better remember me apply scar I do remember the name yes I he’s oh he’s going he’s going towards sniper like sniper is going to be able to help him yeah no he’s not going to be able to

That’s that’s what that is exactly what B Bo saying yeah yeah like before you kill can you before you kill him Can oh we can we can we can start sucking again oh yeah all right just stall just stall as long as you can mix we’re going to drain this guy of his resources he’s Running s is already healing Elma not surprisingly dig into the wall you know what it’ be it’d be an insane shame as I said if uh all the XP was gone that’s wild bro we need to this guy okay there we go we can start finishing off these

Gaps it it would be such a pain to to deal with all these golden carrots oh no oh no oh no all the pots oh no it would be a shame if you had to use them it would be a very shame very shameful indeed mixus drops the

Sniper imagine and we just drain everything so we can’t fight yeah I wild no Mi if you lose to sniper I swear I want trust 5 seconds later he’s he starts yelling for help help help help help help help I’m fine now I have to see this I have to see

This now now you got me curious where are you um in the Cav no wait wait we we all the cob we’re closer to Mid we’re closer to Mid now I see you I see you he’s running like a little [ __ ] oh yeah what are you going to grab here cups GG all

Right what are we work what are we working with uh eight people you and me ran the on the entire game shut up was not unfair for you sniper you and me ran the on again I think he’s saying just because we’re we’re all better than we’re all better than all the teammates

That he had I guess yeah obviously but like still I yeah true list in Sniper us are got no teammates or you get horrible teammates I think i’ r no teammates to be honest wow wow I see how it is hey well you’re still hereit that means you’re not

Horrible shut up though do we want to take a 3v6 I think we yeah we can we can do that as long as we all just as long as we can just survive the the gecko leave your game please if he doesn’t leave we’ll just do a 3v5 I don’t want to just

Start oh sniper left I think snip got kicked would not be surprised give it a second for to REO let’s just start with the game without him now this little kid comes back sorry waiting for Sniper waiting for Sniper cuz if sniper doesn’t come back to restart

Lobby oh yeah cuz then the teams will be uneven I got to go soon [ __ ] [ __ ] teams are going to be uneven here so we got to make a decision okay I I can probably DM him I’m not dming me either I don’t have him block I don’t

Have him blocked yet hly I’ll just kill a 10v 10 I have a bit of fun with it you know put on party Shuffle yeah screw it have a bit of a fun game for once instead of just a stressful game yeah all right it’s a 5 V6 for now in the meantime

Kickn 6v6 IM imagine right when you right when you kicked him he logs on I’m shooting in head imagine I have delic applications to watch do you want me to help out with that or yeah later all right wait is are actually already out for yeah Del is pretty popular but

At the same time dead really say go now is if we’re not CED what a fat ass holy that was a dumb [ __ ] I’m not going to lie if you need a leave don’t join the save me the effort oh oh that’s great what next what we’re not in the same

Team here we are no we’re not oh not I’m I’m BL I not real I didn’t know BL what are you guys doing playing Legacy what else yeah versus ver nice Spectra oh [ __ ] actually I’m going to restart my my entire oh [ __ ] really wa wait this

Yeah look what I’m doing what look what I’m doing thank no one k me while I Wasing thank bro bro just restuck and go no oh sorry you know like stop kill me when I’m lagging kind of like lagging out here hey hop off my teammate it’s [ __ ] now I hop on your

Bucko got him oh somebody stole my kill bro okay let’s slow this one down okay nope nuh-uh how I num all way Jesus 4 right now for you I can live with that why is the Godzilla CED monsters same on now is not what I need why is it a

35 all right so this is what we’re going to do we’re going to play this my way SE want to go in cave with me sure yeah got him oh [ __ ] so so you can die yeah oh that’s confident don’t worry Spectre if you get low just tell me and I’ll switch places

With you no I think she’ll be fine right spect he’ll be fine easily so just don’t know what acent tried to do that the whole gang’s here now pretty much holy [ __ ] yeah the entire gang is here now got his shield you got this right M I’m fine no stress okay got

Sure where is my teammate Your Existence is getting kicked that is the wrong person I’m very sorry who did you this he kicked you I to kind of R to the party now that was not meant to happen mix mix your toxicity just got Karma on that’s not

Karma what this about to be a 2v six off spawn yeah you got you guys got this though you guys got this to God never spoke little boy made an escape tunnel what n back I have infinite pearls bits weird piss yeah this is what you died for mix G gez

I’m shoting gu in the head also probably should have yelled that okay you’ll have fun with him y all can have fun with that guy okay hold not why is he following me that’s not part of the deal the deal is he gets shits on I

Run how’s the fight be not good it’s really good actually I got team okay yeah I got I’m basically to my teammate’s [ __ ] ass s water die who’s your teammates one guy against six others I can’t have any communication with him whatsoever and he’s making Ania what am

I the V8 just take the one V6 who’s who’s your teammate some random guy it was real get vers okay wait I’m opening my game up oh my Lord You’re you slow [ __ ] was getting kicked other it’s real war want the no we’re not doing Crystal no yes do

Crystal but why you bro make a whole Escape tunnel though he made he made multiple he did wait are we doing a 2 V8 if we are like no we’re doing three no four my is so Weir right now what the hell don’t expect much from me okay my FPS is still like

Loading you in I’m in you are I don’t see him yes where are you where are you jelly yeah can be defeated every dire people just join resides the power five people five people joined within three seconds we’re popular now that’s why we’re starting to pop off on YouTube you know

[ __ ] you guys are all trash okay you know what Bet 37 we got this all right mix mix look at me I’m to I’m putting my in energy look the in it’s coming out should I do that as well yeah do it going pop off doing this BR I’m telling you all right 3v6 we got we got

This wait those guys are going somewhere together those guys are going somewhere bro Spectra she’s he’s she’s not the you dumb yeah I know I said bro I literally said you’re getting kicked to the other day oh pay attention [ __ ] now you’re [ __ ] dead all right everyone Target um the he’s

Not in this game never mind you going to say like you’re timate well that was trash real are and then continue to leave the party I think I’ve got world’s biggest meat Rider on me yeah got I have two people on me right now what the hell he’s I’m like I lag

Bro I like the car bro relax I like no oh hell no I got the CL skin I’m telling you it’s okay it’s okay we we got this we got this I’m do Dr skin no we don’t see want see what happens I need DRS I bed

I basically let myself pop but it’s fine I’ve got the whole Lobby on me by the way I’m going to run past Spectra while webbing you [ __ ] up and you’re P chasing me no chance holy [ __ ] why is someone saying prove your TRS by

Speaking why did I get the M that I have the lobby on my ass I have no you have three I have three all right I might have nextx we have to take this by to the to the one by ones already in there buddy all right 10 steps ahead of

You oh no I have four people on me you I believe in you you going talk in your in a clownus or something bro whoever you like cracking you’re being kind of useless I’m not going to lie I’m going to talk my inner rasplin your in a

Rasplin yes why Ras I don’t know actually I’m it’s real me it’s real me okay that’s a theve skin actually what the [ __ ] br going to be down the Australian it’s real me I actually am bro never joking knock off why but why did why one up why why genuinely genuinely why

Did someone DM me prove your trans by speaking every trans go said speak in a [ __ ] invite knocker for real knocker can just join it’s a public party oh [ __ ] yeah yeah back in no dropping next time no drop drop yeah yeah I lagged it

Wasn’t even my fault it’s okay we got I like I like okay bud everyone Target Ry get on his ass this guy get him Target him Target him I want that dead now Target his ass I want him first one dead I’m getting a taking a 2 one by Spectre upper just Target

And my Gap GED I’m not going to lie if you die I swear okay never hold on I might die too yeah holy if you die swe not oh my God you guys off I’m getting two okay fine I love game why did I just do that it just wasted my water o

Okay these guys do so much damage actually no I actually can’t they do like three why are you so bad this like I’m even I’m not even KD sniper would have said as sniper said a year ago you’re actually so [ __ ] at the game bro don’t that bring back drama PS is wild

Me [ __ ] that’s the wrong that is the oh I’m fumbling oh I fum oh I fumbling Kraken I’m just running where are you how is how has Kraken survived longer than Z because I just came back from playing D and I lost like I I just haven’t played Minecraft that much for the

B yeah exactly but I lose all my skill in like 2 minutes I to warm me up oh you have free stuff yeah I know it’s your St okay okay I think I think we need to have a vus versus zelli duel to figure out who’s better wow that’s that’s a wild

Accusation who’s dropped first in the last two games okay bro but like my gaps my gaps are ghosty he’s got better P got better in the cave like seven of them no there’s three on you cuz there’s three on me right now it’s D

And why do I and why do I have imagine dragon’s bones playing out of everything that could be playing right now I’m telling you right now I’m going to play I’m stop playing music go f full Death Mode and I’m going to pop off thank and

He’s and he’s going to die first again I think I need to do that I think I need 10 kill not 10 people okay Z if you die first after going full try hard you go to buy me a game yep I died oh [ __ ] trust me it’s possible it’s

Possible not it’s not it’s not it’s [ __ ] my armor is going to be in a minute [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s over [ __ ] over it’s not never back never that doesn’t mean anything don’t listen to me I’m a schizophrenic me and up me and uple are are are

Arriving bro we’ve taken a 38 and won how the hell are we losing to 32 and run this is worse yeah 3v2 how the hell maybe turn on the texture pack holy [ __ ] the whole lob on Me Maybe these guys are slightly better than those guys

Actually I think I’m out thank God I’m I I I have my skill hasn’t changed in the past three days actually it has I’ve gotone better so is mine nice nice telling you these outnumbered fights are really helping us out in St in skill special oh [ __ ] me in the bum

Hole yes that’s what they’re doing and you’re not complaining once about it jelly M I didn’t know you were so freak my friend why are you bringing to a one by one hole I’m tur on my texture pack bro I’m about to go crazy damn mix mix is

Getting gangbanged by six dudes right now why would I use your text it’s j gang it might be J do you guys like drinking the cheese hey yo what whate what what cheese do you drink my dick cheese that’s crazy I’m joking instead of sausage I want yogurt

Heyo okay chat it’s j it’s about to be a 37 it’s j j jelly you’re throwing I am throwing I’m purposly throwing yeah you’re you’re you’re selling for for your team shut up okay not cracken what no J what if you sell one more time you you got you got to betray on

Zenis no what no you got to help C no not bad not bad no no no not not bad that’s why I’m going to try hard we got this guys we got this they’re all going to taret jelly now allar me jelly no show jelly oh [ __ ] I my bro let’s not do

That I’m getting CR out by we know how to do these fights silly oh maybe I don’t I I’ll go world’s biggest meat rer me bigger than Alex J wait Alex JC is here no oh my God I said like Alex JC what the hell is this I’m dead guys it’s driver for me I’m in a hole no I got me rer phasing through all my [ __ ] all right jelly jelly we’ve got this might I got some of the stuff I think maybe not actually oh yeah I did I did I

Got some webs get me the [ __ ] out of there bro [ __ ] your exit [ __ ] you get out of here though oh [ __ ] why is my game work ah damn it yep GG’s it’s bro I can’t lose this otherwise I have to betray no you don’t you didn’t quick

It’s fine you didn’t quick drop it’s fine yeah you’re not getting quick drop don’t worry you’re the last one to survive this time you’re good remember the deal was if you got dropped first no we said no we didn’t agree to that yeah it’s not dri till I win it’s not

Dri till I win come on Jelly come on Jelly don’t dve to Wi please don’t drive to Wi guys HDE me up I think it’s over win it’s not over I think if Zen is over for him no it’s not okay I’m literally going to give you an exit JY

Leave go up go up go up I should have Probably I’m locking in so am I what is that we got this jeez oh my God all right br on thatone sorry okay y i i I kind of got to killed Z Now please help please help me please help me coming coming coming yeah zi has their own issues are

You okay J are you okay you are not okay I’m on my way it’s not over it’s not over it’s not over I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you I just crit chain I just crit chained somebody amazing I have to web I have to

Web com I’m here I’m here web up web up web up web up I got you I got you it’s not dri it’s not D I say it is who who you remembers tassis yes I do not have good history with why what is your history with tassis

That’s not your that is not your business I am getting please help please help please help please help coming why isob here I Found You My Only history was T is him beating me that was not a good called oh tarus the guy who F what the

[ __ ] Kraken bro yes I live Kraken I craing that’s wild please help me I’m getting B for all right you guys are both better than me please fine I’m going to 3 one I’m not okay J I’m not okay either I’m going to 3 one

I’m about to drop no you’re not I’m on my way I’m fine I am no longer on my way my body go dead again it’s not D it’s not dri it’s not D oh my God you me one more time I’m killing you IR I’m finding your house I’m joking I’m joking I’m

Joking I’m not serious YouTube why did not just say both kills you meet ride you’re not in a one V one you get [ __ ] in a one V one stop speaking holy [ __ ] I think I think we know where I think you know where we have to go I

Think you know we have to go yep yeah you definitely want to go what youed to do in Escape tunnel like that one kid did give up oh not my thinking CRA it’s not J bro it’s j it is not d d uh [ __ ] I was trying to get my armor and

Then I messed up my inventory like entirely damn it what the hell happened I think we need one more person we no we not no we not no we have to get used we have to take it is very possible jelly we took a 3 12 literally yesterday what if what if

Snip what if Sniper got back I shoot him in the head and said [ __ ] off if we had sniper and you would not win I’m sorry no we would we need to J we need to practice a kid that’s less drainy than um what’s it called uh

Zenith well which is what this is bless jany all right 3v4 3 V10 no ISO can I join yes you can just go to Lobby versus 2 and SLP party join mix again say his name again uh ISO ISO or like LZ or IO one of those little bizo who’s that the guy

From Alle who like oh maybe Ain would go uh hold on I’ve seen that person on the T list hold up why I have no p on Discord all right everyone on this three forid everyone on okay is um just Target him just Target him something you going yeah I’m fine

World’s biggest me Riders I’m fine are you sure yeah I’m fine trust I’ve got I’m getting to i’ got two biggest meat Riders on the planet bro [ __ ] three holding up up I’m getting through ones my web did not placed this is stinky jelly you got the one that was

Doing the least damage to me I apologize it’s okay three should be able to go J G I’m going go my then that what the hell you so much damage okay oh I got a meat Rider of my own I’m very confused on on how on

How I’m very confused on on like how whatever also how are you just go go online it says L 41d is now online I’m fighting L 41d how did you just get online who’s up it’s a me I’m definitely about to die I’m definitely about to die

I’m definitely about to die is it D is it D mix it’s not D but like there’s a guy meat riding me on trying to kill someone [ __ ] my Pearl it’s j it’s j it’s JV JY it’s drive it’s JY Kraken bro you said nothing yeah

I know I [ __ ] I [ __ ] myself over that time it’s you I let me join you just have to go to versus 2 and just type P join uh mix mcyt swear to God having eight people I just can’t see your thing bro there’s all in my way this is

Annoying you definitely you need another teammate to I have no messages I have no Discord messages no one’s message me anything all right screw this back in you know time it is [ __ ] it would be very funny if you DM IM mix instead of you your party isn’t

Public cuz it isn’t right now it’s not public in between games please coming C come down thing you guys left me what the hell he’s cracking come down my thing I’m in my oh my oh my [ __ ] now I have to go save Kraken and it’s like stinky I’m on my way no

Stress knock them in I’m digging down like meat Riders I’m streaming now oh hey Max hi oh thank God okay we can we can relax for a bit yeah I’m going after Z why me you don’t even know where I am because I I prefer Jam Better oh my God there’s like three

People here that was a horrible joke what the hell you now huh kind of stress are you stressed right now CU I need help uh yeah yeah I’m you’re right there thank you I’m going to drop in your hole guys I’m Dr in your hole please do holy [ __ ]

Jelly please do I’m here I have no idea I’m here Joy help help help help help help I actually can’t help right now I need to heal myself I apologize I need to heal as well pop someone I died I died I know it’s D CH it’s not D it’s not J

Until we win JY so it’s always so so it’s never going to be Z over wow I got you JY my God bro there stupid bows and I think they they’re doing something but they’re not yeah I know it’s annoying I’m going to be so wased don’t

Die I died already I’m dead J I died there’s a guy below me or something yeah nice jelly I don’t bro people messaging me about spal I don’t know anything about spiral what spiral some [ __ ] I don’t it and for some reason I’m friend with this guy even know

Why these guys stop my XP bro you guys should invite me to the VC you’re getting kind of rocked seriously you guys aren’t doing so good apply scar who said that who said that a play Scar I’m not inviting random [ __ ] who just think they’re good this I

Want I want him to be in your team just so you can go qur first that would actually be so funny though we need to practice things that are in the server like they going to be in the server this is what it’s going to be

Like I do yeah I have a feeling it’s going to be like that every single every single fight’s probably going to be like this to be fair we’d have the option to run but don’t know where I am you guys are so blind bro oh my God you’re placing so

Much I had a lot of String and and I was bored of waiting for you you know why you need die JY it’s not dri bro buddy dri it’s not dri it’s last round it’s dri it’s not dri bro I’m going make it the not last round who the [ __ ] am I nice

Jelly oh [ __ ] how I get who did I kill how did I kill that kid thank God that kid wasn’t part of the people like how did I kill that kid how did I what he left that’s why P list P open I’m easy easiest fight ever Al we

Don’t invite no names so well us least who Yak I know who that I know that kid he’s such a quick J fun fact you no name as well that’s why you’re not in a game I mean I’m definitely more known than than most of my team I’m

Actually probably the most known on my team I’ll just kick some people I’m G to kick real why you K okay because you’re in a game oh yeah true it’s 3v s 3v s okay we can take this oh we got Zak all right that up black kid was [ __ ] annoying

Annoying would stop me me I was wondering where I recognize that name I knew he was a quick drop but I couldn’t figure out where I knew that kid that coin always know the name it’s because I was in a VC with some once in wand with vus like a

Publicus you remember that right honestly I forgot about him I’m getting 3 one I need help I need help I’m two hearts you’re in two hearts yeah I don’t know how it’s possible but I was at Two Hearts by one I’m dead oh my God how am I not dead holy

[ __ ] Bro help me someone I I can’t even put a [ __ ] flower there owie where you at oh there’s jelly never mind oh no it’s not J ni it’s not D that one more [ __ ] time I’m stabbing you in the head I just saved you so it’s not

D if I can stop getting meat rod for 3 seconds holy [ __ ] hop off you don’t you annoying lag you [ __ ] okay this gu just hit him it’s not fa nice nice nice nice jelly restock restock restock I’ve the lobby on me please tell me JY that ring kid is not even terrible

I’m getting 31 I’m getting 31 I’m at Mid okay jelly take over R for me jelly okay I need you to take out that ring kid he’s not hopping off my me hold on getting XP bottles get Zak get Zak he’s washed like really washed I’m

Getting this kid when was he when was he good why he why is he wased to me when you if you’re was you had to be good at some point he was like when uh one season one started but I haven’t seen him ever since pleas s you’re always the one that’s on

Me you’re always on me I’m dead no not no you’re not I’m very low I’m okay don’t worry I’m here mix I’m okay world’s biggest meat Riders bro nextx St are you I’m here I’m no stress no stress okay good this guys’s just laggy as [ __ ] uh the

I don’t care I just wasted a pearl I don’t care get off my get out of here get out of here world big me down world’s biggest me down world’s Bigg down let’s go I’m getting two1 I’m getting two1 Sher I beat one of the m rers and then

The second one all right buddy H off got you off me for a second [ __ ] speaking of armor I can’t I’m getting 21 I’m com back somewhere you come shit’s lagging bro wait wait I want to drop the the AFK real quick what are you doing droing the

AFK I know bro this wild not me riding me oh I’m dead no you’re not I’m one he’s laggy like hell and he’s just annoying as one more K Shield be carrying this kid this ring kid gets carried by a shield so hard by the way yeah he’s [ __ ] ass without it oh Boy who he’s running back to you mix I’m I’m fighting this ring kid he’s running back to you is he actually no chance he’s trying to come my SP I’m going I’m going to help you no B is bro speak for the love of [ __ ] God speak you say nothing

What happened to all the like the learning [ __ ] you did you learned so much to speak yesterday and the day before and you don’t speak yeah y SL y actually slow y SL he’s holding on for de life hey mix why don’t you full cob I

Don’t need to you should why is that buddy go go go go go I think you need it for web h no you need to I’m fine I’m on full HP oh my God bro I want in next round oh my fing God world’s biggest

Meat rider r can I one one you can I join you hi what server are you hi hi J players I’m in Legacy I’m in PvP Legacy versus 2 if you want to play just do just walk in room actually go trash they go trash now you okay you okay yeah I’m

Okay what the hell was that Strat what did they do J they placed a sign on my cob when they broke it bro what the hell is that I’ve never heard of that Strat that’s actually kind of Genius stop stop st go okay to not work [ __ ] out I’m out of

There sorry yak’s ass I’m targeting yakop drop he a free four kids on me he’s like bam nin but actually kind of good I’m helping J I’m helping three of them off here I got jelly I just don’t know where I’m h no ox’s going to going to die in a bit yeah

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] find oxel find Ox it’s not it’s not over I win find oxel for us I’m running yes I’m Legacy he is in a box on the wall let’s get him he’s going to box him up box him up box him up box him up box

Nice yes nice Bo on you Bo On You SE on you scoby never mind wrong okay join versus two and then join our party bled off course cuz the part’s private as of the moment you know how you said I might need a full c yeah I think you should do it

Now oh the oh well the Cavalry the Cavalry is here I’m fine it’s not so much better if you can kill bro facts if you could team kill they’d all be dead by now it’s actually so true they would a one by one let the lock of the

Cards please for the love of God save me cuz I’m it’s a mismatch they got signs bro they still got signs no they they bro Spectra stop with the sence don’t do it don’t do it yeah why do you think I want mix the full

C what is happening in here I do wish I was in there with you oh I know exactly what’s happening I know exactly what’s happening what byebye they breing my arm they were spamming an axe they were spamming an axe and he’s gone y he went up no he’s gone

He’s back 3x right below they’re mining Doby I’m F okay what the [ __ ] I just got M bomed oh okay behind no [ __ ] jelly I couldn’t have guessed bro I’m just giving call outs bro relax not work ni they’re behind you they’re in front of you really bad he’s

Hitting you he’s hitting you mi swe to God if you shut the [ __ ] up right now mix there’s four people in the lobby fighting you everybody there’s four big men on me I’m loving it what what they never knew you to be this zesty I almost got voted

Foral damn I would have been the most zesty no I can him a well two can beg to differ you’re compl Place water you make it oh [ __ ] that’s not ideal what happened lava it’s not J till I say it’s j oh [ __ ] it’s j [ __ ] it’s j it’s not J it is

Not J come on mix let’s get out of there I’m fine he’s going where is he going to go he’s going to get out of say he gets out of there where is he going to go it’s not it’s not like to the Sur and then he can a little

Bit it’s not like he can call on The Avengers yeah I’m going to call him Tony St and be like yo what’s goody gang I what’s goody good what’s goody gang to Tony stalk that’s the goofiest they see me like am I crouched I can see you you are Crouch

You are Crouch but they’re following you somehow hey Spectra you meet right under the [ __ ] there is lava right to your right I can’t see in the lobby I’m in the game that’s why brain big brain big brain big brain moments can you type on the server type

In PvP I’m 200 iing I’m 200 iing jelly yeah I’m in a game there is no exit from there I think hello there there is okay that’s just racist is it dri or not oh my God ow ow ow ow I’m so good I’m actually dream just without the grooming part somebody’s alive

Here uh I need you to not drop vus I need you to not drop communicate communicate yeah vus communicate need to do yeah all right I’m going to the cave I’m leaving you guys by bro I’m goinging kner he’s AFK yeah go for the AFK guy don’t am I

Dead oh shoot everybody’s everybody’s in this one little area no you’re not why am going to die they all went down with teammates I’m way okay I knew but I didn’t know how many oh Jesus mix I’m coming I about I’ll stay there next time I’m coming

Mix oh yo no you just took that [ __ ] to the next in my hole in my hole yo I am leaving that hole I’m sorry I I had to dip to another hole whoa my hole my hole I’m coming I’m oh my God bro he rolling Us 2 one

Yeah okay not that guy this guy oh what jelly bro what are you doing you actually have to hop off bro stop you’re no bo is always on me bro there’s always boo on me boo you got to off of me dead yeah well time he ay yeah buddy you’ll die

But not yet not if I have anything to do about mix it’s a 24 that’s wild is it actually oh [ __ ] it is wait this actually wable go go go go okay maybe not I just need you to not drop drop vas vus just don’t drop okay okay I’m going do your

Best two coming to you it’s okay it’s okay I can I can survive I I’ll just run I’m trying to Target Yak Yaky boy come here I’m here boy he’s running to you I’m on my way to you don’t worry will be in time who knows I’ll

Hold you off next go back in the in the hole I bet you enjoy those I bet you enjoy going in holes especially your mothers I have to you you kind of knew what I was going for didn’t you I wasn’t going to incl I wasn’t

Going to keep fire hole of hell now I’ve got the whole squad on me now I mean technically just saw my will be going there ja you okay yeah I’m okay I’m taking a 2 one though yes I feelings Mutual I guess I’m half health I’m I’m low I’m low I’m low I’m

Low coming bro I I’m too H I’m two hearts on my way on my way on my way totem totem totem I’m I got you I got you I got you I got you I got you B you out B you out B you out run okay I’m good thanks thanks all right

I’m running a little Spectra spectran the EG is on me Hop Off My Hop off the tip of my dick holy hell me the ti oh I’ll go okay so so me y go to a deep only the tip can fit them whoa back my armor my armor you’re

Okay I just hear him scream like he saw death oh just dead yeah I saw Jesus for a second my armor was at two durability you look at your armor like like armor without armor I’m dead I well you are you do technically look like you should be not not in real I

Hold just realiz how bad that could get food real quick or no uh I can survive for a little yeah don’t kill me me I need to get sign I need to get signs I’ll be Darcy but instead of boats I’ll have signs where’s stuff damn it the stuff disappeared all right uh

Be I’ll be right back I’m crafting signs okay I’m back what the [ __ ] that’s toxic I’m getting kill while AFK seriously RM is trying to stop it thank God thank you Island I have signs mixed yeah and I have skill so beat that yeah exactly yeah I have survivability ORS

I hate like this guy with the fist one I hate Mi what would you do if you encountered a Darcy on zenis I would Al I wouldn’t commit I I just realized Dy is on Zen no he doesn’t play though if he was like if if he did play though how mad

Would he be need you to kill here I drop thanks all right why do you why do you why do you hate what Darcy did so much it took so long to I got hit didn’t Z didn’t Z tweet about Darcy I’m getting a drink I’ll be back yes I

Did it wasn’t fun okay hold on I’m finding that tweet wa it Dr an hour and 30 minutes and all we got was a chest plate and leggings that’s that you all we got from it and a bit of loot that’s okay I I literally I literally can’t find your Tweet can you

Send it to me no you have to find it wait what the H nice good Job I killed one guy Max I killed one guy do I actually have to go to mix tweets just to find him retweeting actually do that what is your Twitter I’m not done you found It Darcy MC 1 hour 30 minutes All For One S fight I’m back mix I killed one good job I almost killed another one but they they decided to I’ll just start critting me the [ __ ] out I’m just restocking as I go anyway I’m back you’re

Dead oh I see oh no no leave him alone I I see something that’ll give Z and mix PTSD no no I’m I’m killing vus I don’t care what this kid says you’re not going to stop me hey V do you do you see what I see that will give mixed and Z

PTSD no it’s right in front of you it’s right beside you now a boat yeah or what wait what I don’t got it uh basically on on a server called chaos smpp there’s a player named Darcy who ran from them for an hour and 30 minutes and they had a million Boates wait jelly yeah why did you even keep chasing Darcy why didn’t you just stop you want L you only got a chest plate exactly you want his loot [ __ ] I killed two I killed two people but I just watched two of the new doic application are they dog Che were they

Yes like another patoti shot level of dog one was a black screen with subtitles on it and one was one was like puffy chip but with subtit so yeah bad so neither of them are joining oh hell no the I’m I’m not going to bother running

A new party so cra you on the stream how you feel like I’m look at elic applications for a little bit all right I got to watch that one that was just a black screen it’s nothing it’s literally just look the black screen literally screen chat I’m in server one what server are

You in I’m in drus 2 server two okay this person should automatically go in now why I not transphobic I’m there’s nothing here to look at I’m not there’s nothing to look at is do you know why I want them to be in there now it TR yeah I’m not

Dumb you have to watch Mr boy’s application me what is this why is why is the white screen you watching you watching yep yep this is my application to the the [ __ ] I have three reasons why I should be on the why do I hear because I’m when you

Screen love to make friends and talk to Oh Daddy Oh Daddy second reason because I want to impr my editing skills and content yeah maybe I learn to have audio because I hav m not letting me out if I get accepted my father will come back to [Laughter] me that’s

Toxic annoying amount of pain what the could have done better tbh1 it has elevator music understand what is This what IM what where have I heard that J what stand what you said you called him a stand what up no you did where have I heard where have I heard the where have I heard imagine loging on to your favorite SMP from where have I heard that from

Everywhere there’s one particular video that I’m that I’m trying to R you’re talking about charliie V cam it Charlie 4K is not special shut the [ __ ] up while some people might be angry or just start reming the no I want dead so whenever I loged on we started V attack

Why is he going from right hand to left hand I don’t know I don’t know I expected the server to be laggy honestly I’m expecting the frame R to be one but it’s still really I’m already horrendously bored what server is it yeah no yeah no no

That this guy actually did ask me to join so I actually want to do I actually want to see the video who am I hearing Shut up I didn’t say anything your keyboard is loud as possible one week ago a team was formed named the ATM going to say the ATM remove every armor and keep them all for themselves they will have two options either to drop the armor and everything they have or they will be killed but what if I said I was actually a part of this team the reason for all this have

Update of Minecraft armor were as a way to cize your armor and it has been overused and has set a bunch of fights and betrayals because the trim you are wearing the only way to stop this is to take every single armor trim off the server but it all start with the

Meeting I actually watch this honestly that was that was 40 seconds that like two that F like 2 it did i’ honestly watch this if I got that on my recommended but now the plan is okay would you watch wait would you watch that thumbnail no no that thumnail

It’s I’m going to put that I’m I’m I’m consider he just need to impr was there every did this guy make my promo for me what if there was an there that had gooders and aane this is no have a strong v b and as it turns out there is and this

Is the oh my God he literally did the exact same well I did the exact same I think I’m decent at editing storytelling and fing this [ __ ] is as lazy as I am oh I heard this I heard this before I have not it’s bad it’s lazier than me and I

Will it the beginning was good but now it just sucks back to it so [ __ ] off with that it’s already terrible Cy that’s that anyone’s holding I’m going to use that invite link Yeah you get K I will I will tell anyone I will tell anyone I will tell anyone to kick you wait what it do what it do doesn’t matter bro so am I just cool things like screaming girl yeah Anders me the small YouTuber that would like to join the project

Reuse oh see soon okay get [ __ ] you’re 12 no don’t don’t [ __ ] players on the server have been using exploits and traps to make sure that they w die but in reality this was only a trick to make everyone fear a team that doesn’t exist yeah this just

Isn’t this guy by the way blur and stapper there’s a pretty fair let’s have a look fny ball let’s have a look buddy let me tell you a story about The Mystic ASR how I how how betr what in the 2021 title conflict and unexpected alliances well I got right to work

Getting teammates in here always was great I remember there was a team C so I’m kind of losing faith wait enen Owen Owen app Owen app oh my God it’s onep sh [ __ ] wait I would been to that base this is Owen’s video on one m is the fact that it’s in

4p so high yeah why is it so base boosted I’m there’s the guy in the middle I also really want to be chill with you guys but being y kinding of prison my teammate so I kind of have to do mod dying I know ter this one actually doesn’t look bad

It gets better as video it’s the first person that doesn’t sound like he’s can you play M if I want to remove and not get caught by the owner I would need some help whoever catches me I would die for sure so I decided that I need a team for

The mission all right so basically I want to do a trade no I’m just kidding would be like I want to what the [ __ ] is going on like destroying why is it all roll kill a wall like mine what oh wait look like on I’m a battle what nothing off that was

Terrible always show the why does his hands look like extra fat what the what happened I don’t think the video finished oh in on working on oh what the [ __ ] happened this looks good this actually looks okay hey my Isis and I’m apply to that’s the this is the best thing we’ve

Seen so far why should you invite me to thisp well I have many talents like draw I’m a YouTuber and I this get in videos I think what am I who Am I who am I watching right now you so that’s why I’m here to join this

And I love the vug I mean you can like gas people into thinking me when I see cracking gas this guy bro you actually this guy so what do you think can I yes you can my welcome my friend I’m Notting I know he’s [Laughter] AIC oh oh no this looks

Bad he left I’m just curious though I’m going to go message the ballistic guy no don’t I want to be the one to do it I want to like you missed the CR on on a donkey just watch this just watch this no and I’m really is a

British okay I can’t watch that anymore wait till he kills the donkey at least all let’s have a look let’s have a look all right he he’s a streamer let’s have a look you guys can’t 16 followers and he doesn’t have vs on okay don’t know what he wants been

Do he say he working oh Pokemon keyboard give some don’t hatte with now did just me killing my enemy on the [ __ ] this [ __ ] off [ __ ] right off okay this is also me transforming into him to kill his teammate wait a minute wait a minute that’s what I’m in the

Fure let’s go back buddy nether is not allowed in this in the future buddy going to get into and you’re not going to get into the Future No let me tell because you’re not you’re not Jo number one I love to make friends and play with them number two I

Love such as wolves houses and a lot of other things I think it’s a furry I also like to grind what’s wrong with if he’s a fur of okay yeah I’m giving up what is that that What if I told you you could morph into any player what would you do what isound the same thing about you my name the [ __ ] is I am a small content Creator ready to grow his channel but what makes me unique is I’ve experienced with other

Smps so I know how to make this one more fun not only that every video I make just keeps getting better along with my storytelling which means I spend hours on day you know cap cut is that cap fil editing my video just so it’s perfect when I upload but moving content aside

I’m a fun guy to I mean you you have wa wait it’s not even that oh wait wait what what if I told you you could morph into any player but in order to do this I need to join the Delp he just did it but for delic no he did delic one

First okay you don’t okay I hate I hate hear myself so we’re going to mute that I’m genuinely kind of confused hold on I’m going okay yeah here’s a thing wait I watched one of these guys videos before Oh but you don’t you don’t make you

Don’t make an app for delic and then remake it for more unless it got you into delic yeah ask him if he’s still interested cuz it’s surprisingly decent who the [ __ ] is this what is that oh it’s hectic what is that oh this is when L is saying should

M me those clips show me those clips you improve or um uh uh I’m not sure I’m not sure I ha I’m on my [ __ ] wish was why aren’t you trying to kill him that’s not the point of the clip Second you got have to listen my wish what the hell hand huh you were not listening listen so BL you’re still doing a hand cam right yeah W huh W am I my viewers right now are you watching this on stream yeah yeah oh my

[ __ ] not a good idea not a good idea turn it off there definitely going to be Explorer somewhere here I’m slow why should just me coin they have I’m I’m troll fall in it’s not me say it s that’s good oh that’s yeah I can’t show

That mix would you believe me if I thought Ella was a guy I’ve seen what Ella looks like I I I thought Ella was a guy that sound really that um I know what Ella looks like I’ve seen Ella have you met up with her buddy she’s in New South Wales [Laughter]

That’s someone who kills no matter how hard the task is or no matter the consequences what the [ __ ] is that out a grenade launcher bro I’m quitting fortnite n of these are him they all are they all him they all him okay cool all right let’s see let’s [ __ ] I’m

King and this is my application to the dolick SMP okay what is your what is this person to improve my content and also make friends if I join the dop is there a face under there yeah yeah I would not only be one of the most active members

And grinders but I would also make quality content why am I going into his pee that canch my epic content SKS I’m definitely not being held at gunpoint anyway that’s all for my app and I hope to see you all in the SMP y that guy’s got

A yeah that’s me dying four times on the first day of this Minecraft server how you that bad you that’s not me I have never died the First first day that’s C trust me see this on this server there are three crystals scattered across the map and of all three of these crystals

You can craft a neverbe seen item known as the MTH sword where killing a player can shorten the spa of the server making it end in only a few weeks let’s fast forward to when the server first started now when I first joined on the server I

Realized I was an hour late but when I first joined on the server I only had three words let’s get grinding okay why does this keep running 12200 FPS please explain a you you would I can’t hear myself you would think that if it’s been an hour since the server

Started there would be more people on yeah I got I got one nice I can the T one CH it no let me talk in it can talk in what is this at support oh I think littley just shot himself let’s check these yo yo yeah yeah who is moaning moing what the

Hell obviously well how is it I literally did you hear it’s is one I just I just have proof you need what cier I’m kind of curious useful question have you ever been the underdog of your team the one who does barely anything yeah k i you know that yeah

K why am I getting targeted yeah Spectra yeah Spectra [Laughter] Spectra you’re [ __ ] yeah you are useless I want you to know that not you Exodus I know this guy I’ve seen him somewhere hun for the ne hey my bases keep getting found leaving

Them to the mercy of my enemies so if I want to keep me and my team safe I want to make his base extremely safe and impossible to find but on this server okay I think you found the base you saw that Village pretty [ __ ] clearly there’s going to be multiple

Hunts for the netherite pieces and I need to wa Jen be like up to keep the netherite pieces safe when I obtain them but if I even wanted to begin getting all the netherite pieces I would have to start with the sword which ultimately could help me get all the other Pieces let me it what is this audio it’s me me what am I watching been by thean he has Blen up uh chances of getting the netherite sword were almost complete zero where Sonic Blaster W killed the warden dosy got the ne sword I now needfully so I started making a base

That is impossible to get in to attempt to trap him yeah i’ I’ve lost interest oh that’s you um yeah I guess but Sage I know this guy wait next what um give me a second I need to find where P hurry up I’m ignoring your moving

On it’ll take me a second I need to find where okay yes here warning and a request if you are offering to by watching them off streams basically did you say did you basically just tell that I the idea I had if I get just screens your

Base yeah that’s not why but yeah I have no idea but that’s not why is getting offered by B ninja nin was Al and Michel okay Power the Most Wanted thing on any SMP it’s given or taken but see on the first day of joining the artifact SMP I had one go in

Mind isn’t bad okay I like this the Scythe artifact the artifact that lets you shoot lasers which removes three of the enemy’s HP increases your HP I’m going to find it finding the site do that the GTA 5 so the only way to get stronger is by getting that

Artifact yeah what of the rest of it go [Laughter] oh I’m so this is my application to the Lexus SMP Lexus you cannot be this stupid it’s the Nexus smv not the Lexus damn you’re so dumb oh okay my bad my bad well I’m this for like the third time

Now so here we go a few things about me I’m crossy identify as I eat water and I’m yellow bro you not y yellow why do you did BR make this on W why is this no he made that he made that like two months

Ago he posted on on this is old bro let’s see this oh okay this is not a okay there’s a mysterious group of players that are blowing up spawn I can’t be [ __ ] this is [ __ ] wait now go what’s what the that one this one yeah [Laughter] yeah app to my Welcome I watch any also I’m a very new it’s so bad I’m sorry didn’t even what what would you do if that bro I would instantly kick say again I would instantly kick all right uh going back to game capture no no no no no no no no no no my screen

Share huh I don’t know what I’m doing anymore guys what should we do on my screen share a second watch some art contat not watching a CM bro ignore the this [ __ ] the nuclear white [ __ ] Duel of the mug still has not joined [ __ ] where is zenis private where is the

What is the logo for it look like who’s in it it’s dark you just accidentally leaked the even then it’s Whit list yeah no it’s it’s not even on the screen the fact that you keep the fact that you keep going up and down very fast is making me think

That that that that first announcement has thep like no IP here buddy H where would the IP be hold on I’m I’m trying to look at the Discord and find out where it would be like what Chanel info wait hold on go down okay why did he make a Legacy kit

Of zenis me never did one for chaos that actually pisses me off cuz chaos was not a content creator and yet Carl was invited yeah you guys want to watch um you want to watch his zenp video rip D you’re gonna want to watch this one buddy all right let me finish

This right now got it got it watch GG’s G all right watching yep yep first of all we bring attention to the name my I their team got jumped my team got jumped by assassin I’ll back drop him drop him drop him you have things called meteors in

Which give you Powers this is this is not a BL SV Cy I swear anyways um the metors give you special powers some of them shoot Fireballs While others range from shooting Warden beams in teleporter what the hell is this video today on the Minecraft SMP day three we got jumped by

Assassins that we hired to kill another team so now here I am with my Warden beam and TRD in try to go help my teammates before they get for 10 long Max this is reminding me of my old videos I hate it so bad we should

Watch and that the battle of the assin begins he barely hit me by the way that did like a heart maximum I me to like six but he just missed this oh my Lord this is a 2v4 for majority of the fight me and Jelly versus all of

Them and until I got and then I dropped D later not kid oh car was there but he didn’t really Fight did you guys win okay you guys get the [ __ ] point um who wants to watch vel’s YT video oh my God got make and then hopefully get in just to help have a chance there how many videos are you willing to you fat [ __ ] no let them back in right now oh

My God bro let them all in all we watch the we won’t focus on your shitty commentary don’t stress all right where we W CL on too hard okay too hard hold up let me switch my account my friend actually came out I I helped them get the confidence to come

Out and they have GG’s man you mind saying what or no um snow yeah all right I’ll how do I how do I how do you want okay I got I got to I got to say stuff to how do I how do

I UNL list I mean like how do I how do I unlist them just do the opposite of the unlisting person just click the thing where found yeah public ew oh my God I can’t believe I’m doing this I’m only doing my Skyler videos I don’t care no do the deceased

Ones okay fine oh the first one the first one yeah the first one actually sh yeah you want to show the BL uh yeah I’ll just show the first one there you go there’s just nothing here what the fre it’s going to take a while have you done

It yeah I still don’t even know I still don’t even know what that is th that world poool looking thing it’s like Galaxy it’s like the Galaxy it’s just not here I tried making a a Galaxy but no oh it’s just not here bro oh my God

I’ll send you that I’ll send you the link hold on hold on are you sure you did it yeah I did it’s in public see I tried making a a Galaxy but no oh there you go it’s just not here bro oh my God I’ll send you that I’ll

Send you the link hold hold on all right oh boys boys boys I joined the dece SMP this is an SMP that is one of the deadliest that I’ve ever joined and having the same plugins of Life steal it’s no surprise dying to Natural players and by natural spawn you lose

Cocking oh this is back when you were cold cracking yeah players you gain them so here it is guys anyone on stream anyone this is on one of snipers shitty back in um basically for any for context for people if you guys um if anyone in Kraken chat right now has ever watched

My streams and you’ve followed or heard the follow sound it’s you’re actually so [ __ ] at the game it goes you actually so [ __ ] at the game you’re GNA hear that where that came from in this video this is the story6 how are you to war on the

Deadliest Minecraft SMP bro I swear I did not know how to edit start off the first day of my Minecraft SMP um yeah nothing really happened like at all that was good I literally just joined I spawned right in The Jungle by him so I decided to collect some wood use the

Most stereotypical 2016 music and uh yeah I know andax got myself some this isn’t even Minecraft music I swear I was able to make some iron armor pretty fast and I was even able to find diamonds like really halfway through but um yeah one of the worst things happened

Like as I was doing this you are you’re joking heard that exact I’ve heard that exact you still play like this to this day no I don’t I’ve heard that exact same song seven Hearts I fought off the zombie killed it and then I just decided a

Little bit bad in school for this guys part the grinding uh yes go bro just skip ahead I’m doing bad in school for this guys I actually was I was three classes at that point just because of Minecraft Nots decided to do some Sean being a fat

Carry I used to get carried by Sean all the time still do yeah no I mean like an actual SMP now I do now I do the carrying in a lot of other servers okay the Bro the emo to no 20 bucks crack and Dives here no

Yeah that just came so suddenly came whoa trust me the popping of the totem wasn’t even the worst part literally 5 seconds later I thought that was you talking in the video [ __ ] no no are you kidding me yeah first very minimal damage done to me

Okay I almost I almost lost the heart okay anyways sniper was stacked oh yeah for context this was back this was like last still season three time but um yeah it was yeah that’s SE three time and basically what quick break why did he unlist it though that’s my

Question why she did so well yeah like I don’t know why why he unlisted it this is big cuz at the time this at the time this is like one of the First videos ever ever posted of somebody being clown Pierce I think right no I like I do not remember ever seeing

Clown clown be killed it until until luky posted his video basically this is back when me and Kraken and all that were massive Fanboys of like restocking SMP fights oh yeah all right the amount of time that he should have grinded but anyways I got this is back before

Shields were popular and that’s kid Legacy and I and I started to warm up for the fight because uh obviously this is what got me into nether I best fight of Our Lives nuh This Was it chicken craft salute to that my my friend G chicken got another legac it

Was pretty good just because there were [ __ ] there so I could 3 one easily eventually I decided to get back onto the for the few last minutes maybe PR myself oh I remember show this was season where I huh oh yeah bet Sean didn’t realize I literally talked

About it at the start really my friend biggest fight the had in its time a total of close to 20 players were online just for the fight itself sniper has not changed skins in two [ __ ] years sniper decided to be the first group into the portal you just won the fight guys oh

Yeah by the way you know that re you know Rexy that kill huh you know Rexy remember Rexy no oh yeah I love Rexy I saw him a crystal thing on about him on Tik Tok the other day for some reason I just did oh really and he quit crystal a [ __ ] year

Ago and this is before he play Crystal yeah but this is before he play Crystal go go go go go go go go go go I’m lagging this is by this is not SN Prime this is yeah this is snipers when he could like when he could go Toe to

Toe with like mixed this is the this is the one yeah this is the one season where I huh yeah this is the season where me uh uh ma chop egg and um maybe Reggie I don’t think it was Reggie oh no it would have been um who else was in that roomp

Not Reggie i’ forgotten remember remember that one smv where I usual I yeah oh my team just like abused this so hard bro might been it might have been ly actually yeah it would have been me maop and egg yeah against me Sean and sniper

Yeah but this is the season where me and maob didn’t even pop let alone die we didn’t die once until you guys used illegals yeah me that video as well go go go go go go go okay which one is you which one is you yeah I ready for the your a so

Should at the that’s L I think might be yeah that’s ly I’m fting help I think L I think L’s ly no l was pler for a while or combat logs remember when people actually oh yeah that come on man and we had the blood

Effect on this she had the Bro help I literally have to like Aing ask help that’s me now me be like I can’t help you bro I’m taking seven guys on my AR like last time oh I’m full I haven’t seen this in ages me either what pisses me off about this is the end yeah cuz you’re a dumb [ __ ] didn’t

Say just let them find out fing me yeah oh shoot yeah this is but this is at the time realizes this man running this is when I this was when mix finally started being able to beat me without popping or something or maybe I

Was able to pop him but shut your ass up no no no I couldn’t beat you without popping back like a year before this I say no this was like a couple of months this is like a couple of months before no this was like six or seven

Months after I met you that we joined the server are you [ __ ] dumb wait this is in May 2022 we met in like June 2021 oh maybe oh [ __ ] this is like a year out three still here two years later [ __ ] H who is this guy who this oh

Shoot hey you Lear how no you’re not ping you’re just not this is wild cont whole team right now the quality is so much worse than it is now I showed crack in like so many settings like recently us oh yeah goat didn’t go to the fight I can’t remember why but yeah

Yeah goat was supposed to come so it would have been a 44 I’m or was six of you guys I think it was six of you guys versus three of us wait I think James cuz was James yeah wait yeah James I remember James back before he was a mad

Racist oh he’s bad now oh my God I love J James go is James yeah it would be yeah back before he’s racist he’s racist now majorly yeah major got he’ll be singing and just say the nend word resi I haven’t talked to that guy in ages I be somebody

Up I haven’t talked to anybody you just yeah I did literally the only people who I’ve been talking to ever since decease is uh you and’s skip a little bit until the end shall we he casually foret to check his durability I yeah P egg yeah I remember

Yeah egg always through in these fights Mr Benji muffin I can probably find the fight where we um and they ran cuz we never lost oh yeah go ma the are too good I’m not going to lie okay why why did you pe you were look at his durability

Below look at his helmet you know that’s actually something that a lot of people don’t have in modern now is armor durability I still keep it just cuz it’s helpful like they do but it’s like the um Shield thingy I don’t know I don’t know how to put that on my inventory

Thing cuz you done yeah it’s easy I’ll show you how to but um what’s it called um first stop sleeping brother what stop sleeping I’m not sleeping don’t worry I’m thinking of something back yeah the back then ma up and me was like me and cat or me and jelly now

We’re literally unkillable together like we can’t die it’s not possible you and Ma were [ __ ] butt [ __ ] each other or something yeah the entire season all day every day make make sure you have yeah still Ma I’m getting by and somebody else I yeah L was L yeah I need

My AR that’s problem AR and armor anden now yep could you say no anymore come to come to my helmet my helmet my helmet my helmet here it is everyone ready yeah three two one the helmet hold on you actually so [ __ ] at the game there it is oh wow thanks man

Yeah how do you die yeah you don’t hear the rest of fast now obviously the fact that I died in the end fight literally proved to be too much for the team and they had to retreat Sean had to escape a few minutes later cuz he was almost dead

As well I kind of forgot sh was in the fight not going to lie I didn’t see was able to only kill two people and then he had to cuz he was almost dead as well and sniper was able to only kill two people sniper didn’t kill [ __ ] he told

Me he killed two people he told me killed egg and plexer and then ran I no nuh-uh none of us died people and then he had for us so l hey want you want to send me that revenge video where the that want to SL me

That sure are they gonna show up are they gonna start showing up now I’m not GNA show I’m not going to publish I’m not going to make it public just unlist them just send okay get turn them all unlisted and just send old in the meantime what should we watch

Guys hardcore 20 seconds let’s have a look nov 100 days I’m surprised how well this did why why was your name called Ivory G I don’t know days zero I spawn in my world chop down a tree make an axe chop down a tree break my Axe make a

Pickaxe get some Cobblestone make an axe then a pickaxe chop down a tree break my axe eat an apple mine some coal and some Iron Mine some more coal bought off a creeper ran from a skeleton and then died I don’t know why that what that cracking

Mix what have you been watching bro it’s one one of those like recap you know like recap channels yeah one of those yeah this is the deceased SMP okay before we go into this I’ll give as much context is I can the end of the server sniper thought that was a good excuse

To have many views because he couldn’t [ __ ] on anyway also Kraken is still at this point a clown as you can see y this happened like a week after the the first fight though that’s why out there and this is was oh yeah Kraken managed to okay just just watch it just watch

It the truth what okay in reality it’s not really that abusive all he really did was just uham spawn some crystals into the server everything else he grinded for him pause the video pause yeah yeah not very abusive he Kraken not very abusive giving me cancer pull quiet and just reveal it

Before this f starts to the he obviously starts with a two a stack of gaps right stack of got app right okay okay okay okay jelly you see that Spector you see that yeah what a stack of God he start with a stack of God apples you see oh

Crazy oh wow yeah we didn’t have crystals right by the time he dies he dies in this to his own teammates he has 35 35 gun apples it’s actually embarrassing okay send me the sky videos sky really did he’s a hard you are a hard clist fan bro can’t kill them we

Can’t kill them keep oh yes by the way this is a 4 V7 in the enemy’s favor oh they using end Crystal yes it was oh it me egg luky and Machop versus you sniper goat sha I think Sean I don’t know verzi James SK James James CA James sh [ __ ] you know

What pissed me off what you you’re no James he kept crystalling me and I kept saying James James it’s me it’s me and he still kept going for me that’s James did you hear that I can tell it’s James just listen Crystal ever heard that one before jelly heard his voice like that

Before J oh no that sounds so old bro he sounds he is a child okay maybe this was like a week later never mind I take it it was a later was that I don’t know was that around a year ago a year ago maybe like half a year

Ago and he sounded like a squeaker bro actually no no no it would have been like a year and it was a year and a half ago yeah an absolute squeaker bro he he forget about he was so dra huh he sounds he sounds much older now bro okay this no

[ __ ] where is he what did this end with oh yeah you just dying in the meantime it’s gout where can I find it oh that’s what I wanted to do deceased SMP trying to find it Sur if I just do this right I know if I

Bro oh I wasn’t in this SP I remember no no no yeah this is the gout uh 2v2 deceased SMP please show up just search search goer this is this just what you’ve been doing for your stream I think huh this is this is go stream coming guard in

Dis it’s just gone bro where did it go I think his channel got deleted Hoy um okay next video m Not that music bro I remember cuz Kraken told me that the it’s

This video, titled ‘Playing Legacy with Viewers!! play.pvplegacy.net’, was uploaded by Velnias on 2024-01-09 22:41:26. It has garnered 91 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:27 or 8967 seconds.

WandSMP discord!!: https://discord.gg/XT6CKj9tmY

Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. Lifesteal smp season 3 smp applications open now

I played in a Minecraft SMP, or survival multiplayer server similar to SMP Earth, Dream SMP, or Lifesteal SMP (lifesteal smp season 2). Survival and PVP Minecraft content inspired by TommyInnit, Dream, Technoblade, Clownpierce, Rekrap2, Grian, and other Minecraft content creators. This a whitelisted lifesteal server. Similar to the Lifesteal SMP, Lifesteal SMP Season 2 and Lifesteal SMP Season 3, because when you kill a player you permanently steal one of their hearts. This is like a Lifesteal SMP Application title I Applied to the LIFESTEAL SMP except its not lol

Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.

In this minecraft video, this trap started a WAR on this LIFESTEAL SMP. I did this on a copy of the Lifesteal SMP, also known as the deadliest minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series where he started a war or ended a war or when Spoke Created 1000+ Iron Golems To Kill 1 Player in Survival Minecraft. This is also similar to how Spoke created an Illegal Minecraft Farm or an Illegal Minecraft Vault.

This is also similar to the Demise SMP, with creators such as InfamousJJ, Hot Chocolate, Only_A_Squid, PixelMaksis, and more Like how Infamous JJ became the Richest Player on the Most Brutal Minecraft SMP, or when he attacked his enemy or got revenge on the most brutal Minecraft SMP. Also, this is like how Carvs, or therealcarvs, did his ravagers trap; titled “I Killed a Stacked Player Using 117 Ravagers….

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    From Bottlequeen to Shaman in Minecraft!Video Information [Música] C [Música] [Música] C [Música] h ah [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] Boa noite pessoal sejam muito bem-vindos ao bar da C como é que vocês estão oi cuquito oi CRZ Oi seres Oi chque oi tio Gran oi oi sejam muito bem-vindos a b pessoal como é que vocês estão hoje [Música] nessa eu não sei que dia hoje não segunda-feira hoje é segunda mesmo hoje é segunda E aí pessoal como que vocês estão como é que tá sendo segund de vocês boa noite V Boa noite e a vocês estão… Read More

  • Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious Caller

    Haunted Encounter: The Mysterious CallerVideo Information do not try to call her my friends and I decided to chant Bloody Mary three times in front of the bathroom mirror at first we laughed but then the air got really cold and the lights started flickering I saw her a ghostly woman with empty eyes and blood dripping from her mouth I couldn’t move as she reached out and touched my cheek she whispered you’re mine now and then the mirror shattered she disappeared but the next day I had scratches on my face every night since I feel her cold breath on my neck… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!

    Insane Minecraft Survival: Sky Block Lucky Block!Video Information yo Halo guys welcome back to my channel Shark 999 dan kali ini gua akan mencoba bermain Luky block tapi versi Sky block ya guys huh jadi ini map ini BAP syariknya download itu ya E di mcpdl ya ya pokoknya namanya lcky block l Tulislah ya dan ya pokoknya Ya pokoknya begitulah guys ya Oke tapi sebelum kalian nonton video ini alangkah baiknya kalian klik Tom like Kom dan subscribe karena subscribe itu halal dan jangan lupa like sebanyak mungkin agar Babang syarik rajin mengupload dan jangan lupa komen jika ingin mengatakan sesuatu asal jangan toxik ya… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft stream with insane viewers! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome to the stream haven’t done a Minecraft stream in a long time it feels like but we will have other people be joining us shortly too so if you’re already friends with me then you can just join if you’re not then I need to know your username so you can join us all right so I forget what the last thing I was doing here was I working on this working on this this is supposed to be lany’s throne room in the… Read More

  • Intense Dragon Gaming – Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft! #minecraft #smooth

    Intense Dragon Gaming - Epic Smooth Texture Pack in Minecraft!  #minecraft #smoothVideo Information This video, titled ‘smooth minecraft texture pack #minecraft #smooth’, was uploaded by Dramatic Dragon gaming 1 on 2024-01-10 17:55:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft texture pack Subscribe Minecraft PvP Minecraft build Minecraft bedwars Minecraft Lifestealsmp Minecraft bedrock … Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update – Cobblemon Season 2

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Meme Update - Cobblemon Season 2Video Information well how there YouTube we’re playing a little bit of that mythical cobon SMP we’re on the meme update which means like uh all sorts of goofy skins on characters let’s get into this let’s get into this let’s get into this silly little wild little stream of ours H nothing around spawn let’s reload just to make sure we fix our audio back in baby we’re rolling with it I’m telling you that much greets all smile greets all smile it’s Halloween Moon oh no I appear to have lost more letters H awesome hello doing talk… Read More

  • Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!

    Minecraft INSANE CUBE Adventure!!Video Information now I’m on stream yep I’m live today is Minecraft day it’s been a while since the last time that I played Minecraft even L the the jav Edition so today I’m going to be so oh [ __ ] I’m going to see what’s new in Minecraft see last last time that I played survival was like 1.8 I think yeah I’m here in Minecraft just let me let me see something H it still sounds veryy very loud maybe now yeah okay single player oh oh preparing for recreation this is this is new one whoa… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! pyonmc.my.id Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

    Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. But sometimes the logic can be quite absurd, Like pigs flying high or villagers trading with a bird. Players bend the rules, creating their own fun, In a world where imagination can never be outdone. So embrace the craziness, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, there’s always something new in store. From redstone contraptions to epic builds so grand, The possibilities are endless in this blocky land. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More