Unleash the Ultimate Spellcraft Power in TNP Limitless 6!

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Welcome back nerd herders and beautiful peoples from lava Channel this is TMP Limitless 6 with my beautiful wife lava temp just say hi honey hello All You Beautiful People welcome back to our channels or if you’re new here welcome hi so uh first of all I got to check

Out look how much of this has got done we got to put the rest of this in here but and I think that’s the rest from our backpacks oh well we can put that in and those all right we’re going to put these in but those are

For well those can be gotten rid of but look how much netherite we got and these are just regular netherite pickaxes so and pop them in here think I got them all except that one I think each one let see so each of these pickaxe gives us three diamonds a

Netherite Ingot and two sticks I like it all right so let’s get a chest right you should see how much I have it’s beautiful um and actually won’t me do a double chest yep I’m going to work on power today but I’m also going to work on new

Spells for my book so that I can start getting tier one completed um yeah we’re I need okay so that one’s that one that one’s that one and then that that one pretty yeah slime balls not going to get rid of all those but we still have quite a few another

Right pickaxes so we’ll be fine okay water these are just regular ones um okay chest piece we’re going to put that on thises for meu okay put these on what else do we have netherite in here chest pieces and Boots so called scaffolding all this ings we’re

Getting why is it not pulling this out okay on and a poppy I think it was we need slam balls three oops oh well oh yeah I have barrels over here you know I should bring the the chest over here instead bring the chest over here I can

Set the stuff in the chest and good to go there we go turn that back off okay learn that oh I don’t have my other book in my hand should going but whatever okay good I did get it okay all right so as long as we learn it now it

Seems like we’re good um let’s put this right actually you know what put there yeah take the slimee out of there put that there how come wait did it not do that one oh boots oh my pants that’s right yeah we got to put all these in

Here that we can make them there we go all right let’s go over here let’s repair that one next we’re going to use that it’s only 85 they all disappeared so this one one must be done meanwhile done there look at that 21 very nice definitely not short on diamonds now

Diamond so I could actually turn this One into nether okay this very nice um that’s probably our best one right now so we’re going to that one into another right good and so slime we need couple more there right now water and copying almost done all right we are now rocking complete netherite gear cover me and debris yeah baby

Beautiful do I have enough to do this one all right so let’s go check on our that is not a lot okay we need to make seed processor right where’s bounce no okay so now I got to figure out what I’m going to do next is that I’m going to have to go

Find a ton of diary okay so dirt no it’s any stone I don’t know if I have any dirt all right so let’s go down here going to take up some of this anyway I should have put that away okay hold on it’s not done yet got this and this go in

There just for right now we e mushrooms so Done Yet work okay put one of those in there all right di all right so we need tons shears and a sword that would work better if didn’t have SM it so let’s go with that I can fix these real

Quick while we’re just mining anything and everything apparently I don’t know if it needs to be fixed but let’s see if they’ll take these thr at me what the hell will it take those it will all right cool it doesn’t both at the same time all right there we go

Next uh redstone repeater and clock going to go in order oops oh yeah I do need St at some point today too stone repeater in a clock what did that have on it back resistance which is okay but not what we’re looking for right now okay I have one means I’ll have to

Make another one silver there we go where I don’t need rub gold we can take’s done one done know we have diamonds now but unlimited diamonds unlimited diamonds have quite a bit now okay what is that spider spawner put these away in here two water breathing regeneration oh we want that one

Okay 28 I have 21 all right we’re going to have to get wait did I bring two of those yes please okay apparently I did I don’t know oh you scared we need spiders they’re down there yeah it’s in there okay um we need a lot of that I don’t know

What I’m doing it’s fine okay three buckets of milk why don’t you know what you’re doing cuz I don’t know what I’m doing oh okay yep and I guess that’s okay buck o milk we only have one so too worried about iron right now but gold I do not have gold going

Myst right do I have enough make triple compressed um all right okay so what if I put these with this that’s not in here is it that’ll work okay here what can I use these for oh okay uh wait excuse me I’m doing here get away you’re doing um I’m doing

Should that conerve me that you’re doing uh no no I mean I don’t think so okay I’ll take your wood for it on I stuff up here what was that my loot I deserve that loot I earned that loot thank you yeah yeah you cra just crappy loot but it’s fine

What is this another Spawner Ah that’s where you came from okay we’re going to have to mark this cuz Skelly spawner we’re going to have to come pick it up okay that was called definely need Mar this excuse me very rude I was typing don’t do that don’t be like that nobody

Likes the skeleton that like you know interrupt somebody rude I need a cow Redstone that is definitely something I need all my full crap more did the goem right am I back to where they I think we’re good here let’s go home we’re full Anyway here just give them all to me we want out air breathing we want regeneration yeah there’s cows here all right that’s all I need I just need to milk them okay so let’s continue I need krupal compressed we are not going to have a net all right so we still need more diate do I have diate I don’t think I did okay they’re not after me I can go back home all right we got our milk me they’re after you they’re after me do yeah yep

Exactly put some stuff way down Here that was close that should be good enough for now all right more diate lift of dispel all right next one I miss my spot evaporate oh I don’t have spongers yet I don’t think I’ll look okay so snow blocks I don’t have cuz I used it to teleport not to

Teleport yep I used it to teleport the only thing about the vein mining that I annoys me in this one I’m veining the diate I only want diate instead it’s giving me everything wait what what happened to the oh hold on which one is this okay

Hold on clock oh that’s where the extra clock came from uh I put the clock away didn’t I or did I put it in here I put it okay so that’s where it took the clock from now I know anyway your inventory no from from

My what I have set up so I can make the Spells really fast yeah let’s go so we can get rid of those the table’s too close so okay both snow yes I need snow now wait a minute did it take the snow it took which one did it take the snow

From we got five it took it from this one right here son of a biscuit I think I got extra though I did okay di up there yeah probably over here too oh my goodness okay hold on we are going to I’m just going to leave that in there for a minute Cobblestone

Okay I forgot to look for that Harvest there’s more dir over there I need a hoe there’s One and two curse of Vanishing oh no it’s going to vanish anyway Oh that’s what I need to make okay that’s another thing I got to make this time climbing glove okay give me that back next interact we need a lever and a wooden pressure plate got it get that one lever and a wooden pressure lever I need two of those please thank

You and pressure plate we’re so close wait is that double compressed I think I need quad compressed or not even oh did it take the oh B over here apparently leaving buttons too we should be eating oh yeah so I’m going to take these downstairs then after I do

This I’m going to have plenty of stone uh Cobblestone after this oh yeah yeah every time I ve try to Vin mine the diorite any kind of stone it takes that so I’m just we need that one we can take it downstairs this one not ready oh that

One’s almost ready okay oh these are probably ready done yep almost done for was I trying to make again that okay will it pull automatically from over here when it’s done it needs one of those so let’s hope it’ll pull right away and I couldn’t get the Mana to work up

Here so I’ll figure that out eventually to watch a tutorial or something I don’t remember how to do it again and there it goes okay so after it writes that we’ll take that downstairs I was going to leave him here but it’s just causing too many issues so we’re going to put them

Remember what I was trying to uh theine frame oh yeah the Seedy processor okay so we’re going to put them here forgetting in there we go and then put the chest here is now it shouldn’t be able to pull anymore so we should be good wait I have soapstone hold all

Right only have one oh that’s a mechanical we don’t want to that it was just take some there we go so I was doing all that for nothing lovely were you that’s not good yep launch y okay I know I got some of that so capture a rabbit yet

Yeah I do have enough make those I think that’s just enough too there we go yep all a seed reprocesses sore yeah all right but now let’s take it to there we go Inferium leap hold on I got that all right Wen six of those bad boys there we go and then These no okay Place block all right that’s a dispenser right let’s take this down here let’s place it up there cuz why not I think we’re also going to need the dropper I need power to it I think we’ll need two of those two if I remember

Correctly so all we need is this I need to keep working on this up here we’re going to move this for now’s done one’s done one’s done that one’s done done okay I think I got them all yep okay cuz it’s all going to that one want

Up I’ll put the one in here and then I’ll take the next one as it gets done what’s the next one Redstone signal okay so let me go get that ready was that the same one that all the ones that one’s just one of those okay I need to get the Rune

Ready so let me go do that along with the redstone blocks What how many do I need for Thisum but am I going to need these for something else no but I do want to make okay it’s not that one we want which one do we want this one Redstone signal we have three okay so six total then I need the this runic chalk oh you got to be kidding

Me there we go so we just need we need a whole bunch of those so maybe I should do hold on what’s that one again Redstone so Redstone this up a little bit um button I already had some in there should I do two let’s do two

More all let’s do four together all together so that red stone yeah much inferium do we have okay need to upgrade our power when these are done I’ll change these out unless I can make some more that 42 di 14 imbuement Chambers make more Chambers food that’s the wrong way to spell it

That’s why inoo inoo three okay I need nine pedestals got us a sink oh okay make another one okay out there to water stuff oh yeah hold on eventually we’re going to automate this thanks oh you got to be kidding me here put there’s two more in there already so two more

Y that should be enough that’ll keep going there we go okay let’s go put these up all right just pled that going to do back here I’m just going to put them on the floor for now let’s one more sink can we can we I don’t know can you um sprinkler there let’s

Test be okay so course I don’t have biomass not a try okay there we go wait what oh it’s too close to the other ones but I can put it next to it that’s fine okay have then no go I have that on me don’t I okay CL

Now I got more going because we’re going to need a lot of those must be lime stained screw you this one’s mine I’m pretty sure yep okay H oh I need to make some dye that would be nice out of all these flowers how come I have no green I do have green

Petals so you do have green I do have green I also have Cactus growing if you need if you need green dye yeah thank you yep yep and I think snads in here I think I finished there oops o down all right we’re going to have to put a ceiling on But green thought I was going to sneeze Okay what why can I not do it the traditional way okay let me go down here might be faster got it okay now we can make this for that I need wood slabs that dark oak yeah wouldn’t I Hopper Hopper all right now we need a fluid pipe all right need a harvester where I had one oh man Harvester now I need energy pipes and there we go looks beautiful we’re also going to need Barrel this one we’re going to upgrade like crazy we use the sell purchased po I from other players I okay I don’t know what that is hold how many diamonds do we have at this point a bit that should be fine then we need an

Item pipe okay yay i’ got I’ve got those ready to go oops right do we have more food just in case oh no I won’t need one one okay let’s go this automating faster yeah I need to automate this too I should do that next yeah I’m going to get rid of this

Anyway all right damn thought be able to do it but for a bit I think it took too long to start up my computer yeah y so I got to sit down I need to set it there right so if I set okay there next next on the list STI out

Okay no way okay so actually want to set it there all right we go it’s not going to connect properly okay oh yeah we need two of those okay we got to wait we can go ahead and get this started at least here excuse me so we need four and we

Need set it like that trip wire hook which I should have and two of those there we go tank got think how close are they to being done 74 so they’re they’re close not quite though they should be done work okay so what if I start automating those

Um what did I do last time to automate him I had to put a filter of some sort on I’m right here right now if we have the tank there and that’ll sit on top this will go back there oh yeah I got R my

Hoe so I have to fix that in a minute no you didn’t I’m still here wow ah what is okay but I do need my here we go we try this okay and then so that should be working right does it need a lever Hopper we need a chest or a

Barrel that’s just a regular Barrel let’s try and make A just need a stick I know has red die somewhere yep there we go I think it goes underneath it does right let’s try and automate this real quick make a little bit faster hold on okay okay so I need to make was it working without it those

Put that’s the filter there we go the other thing we could do is okay we’ll see if that takes now if that’s the way it works that’s kind of cool that you could see it though and that’s cheap I can make them on all of

Them D it I didn’t bring it with me okay we’ll go grab the hoe at the same time infer I mean I guess you can come grab me it’s fine yeah when I need a hoe I need a hoe yeah I know I’ll always be your hoe uh okay so I won’t need

Dirt okay let’s let that process we’re going to go make the runic chalk real quick runic chalk and then we’ll have two left just to do the thing good perfect so that should be Growing that there’s that put that in the tra of storage bam done job done I might have my particles turned off all right um snare we can do that one oops okay so we need how many four pick all this up wait is it pulling from the cup Prett sure I don’t need

That okay so let’s try this again what’s it pulling it’s not pulling the cobweb so I don’t know I could stay but I might get in trouble yeah I probably would too I don’t know what it was pulling but it was trying to pull something okay some

Wolf I don’t know if we’re going to have enough for these uhoh Theos oh my God keep placing wrong CU it tries to place them down too fast uh let’s see here I can’t put that in until I do it okay got it got it got it all

Right right so we’re going to need eight welding wings and three bones or six bones bones are no problem great building oh it’s dark we should put some lights up you have any welding wings I can buy from you yep I don’t know what you want for them but I buy

Them I buy them all H how about how about gold gold all right let me go back home and get some gold I have five you have five that’s it I didn’t say I had a million God all right I’ll take all five for a stack of

Gold all right um have a chest somewhere and just do the trade in there this Barrel right here there you go you have a stack of gold for five fine I think I worked my butt off to get that so I don’t want to hear it okay no you didn’t work nothing off

Trust me you still have your butt you still have your butt I’ve seen it still have my butt yeah you didn’t work it off don’t lie I worked hard for it Li don’t lie to people that’s not nice I worked hard you tell me any any different anyway okay so um Anyway on oh no no fixp for that that’s camera in action there we go now we can do it I just need there done okay done we’re going break this one for that means someone have to oh yeah is this working nope it’s not working okay so

There upper filter how do I one against there we go if I need a hopper to put underneath it or something okay I think it was working better maybe I think I got everything I’ll go get another Hopper too and try that I can’t the glyph of toss okay hold on let’s

Opes um video particles oh I did have particles on I see while I’m doing this one what’s the next one f working right allow okay I think like is better copper and okay is this the one okay maybe I’m doing this wrong maybe this is the one that has to be of water

Fter those are scroll okay scroll need a bunch of these and grows nearby crabs need a whole bunch of these first or that’s all you can make hold on we got this so there is water in there oops that’s better okay so two oh really really really two

Three I’ll do six to start off with of each one if I can this is not my favorite spr quick okay oh okay hold on take those I mean those are going to take that all right so we got okay yeah cover me in debris oh

Yeah geek did all these we’re going to wait on those cooking for Blockheads made the sink made the seed reprocessor wait a minute I made the inferium one why did I not get points for that one okay I’m mad see what how does this work we’re

Going have to go pick it back up because I made that one okay well let’s we’re going to make platform oops that’s not what I want to do let’s break this called learning but no allows items to be moved through it only when a m okay so it’s

Through it all right hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait we shouldn’t need that much so so we’re going to do this a little differently here all right so wait a minute I have to figure out how we’re going to make it look nice and

Beautiful later okay so we want this here that NOP I don’t know if this is the right way or not but we’re going to find out we want it on the other side we want it picking up all this we want okay take that item cable to Go that to be underneath have to be underneath hi there she seriously seriously seriously remember what this one okay is there am I missing some here or new should have to be in the back I’m pickup what I had pickup hold on I have pickup that will be perfect yeah I have

Um course I need a power to it I have to do another one I think maybe I have to do another one all right that’s fine I need a lot more energy cables right even though I already have it right let’s go make a bunch more of these like a bunch more

There we go take some of that down too right where yeah are you not giving me the thing for it I made it there okay whatever go processing all right what’s the next one oh yeah I was going to look and see if I had sponges sponges not sponges I do not have

Sponges And all right keep that going energy cables only way to get them is in the might have to make more of those this sh can get them okay damn it why do I keep doing that I think this going to be enough we have to get in chemistry too all right

Um so we can’t do sponges yet cook all that yeah we’re going to need more of those uh let’s go make some more Scrolls here these first of all make these hold on and then we’re going to oh CL going there we go right um

Okay put those in there all right now we have plenty for a while fish fish okay energy cables can I not make anymore no cuz I need that I not have more Cobblestone o wrong one no we’re going to take that down quite a bit oh yeah I was looking at the um

Quest line to make sure I got them all oh Glyph of harm I have to make I have to actually make a harm one all right that’s fine I can do that wait what is a glyph of harm might help to know huh it’s more like it okay go all the

Way to the edge it’s more like it okay three iron swords okay yeah need to let more here we go one two wait wait there’s got to be something else I can do for energy right now actually actually actually um I use here I can use that okay what else do we

Need with a pole won’t require didn’t I already learn pole it’s fishing rod is it I did learn pole oh my goodness I have to do it again not again yep all right so then let’s Take oh from down here s what work all right okay that should be all the top row oh nope touch self and projectile okay so what are those let’s see touch is a button do that one there self is a wood thing and a iron chest piece

Okay yeah that is we’ll just do this for now there’s the button iron chest piece there we go make wooden I have no room um pressure plate o okay so it’s just it’s not wooden got itting power oh no okay and then projectile which is a Fletching table and an arrow thank

You okay so that’s getting power so we’re good there now we need the item cable I can’t seem the spell today care hey or any day any day really I mean to be honest is it Oh I have problems any day so you okay there we go all right so that should take care of all those nope cff a break too of course but they’re not ready yet you’re not growing any faster and ignite which I did ignite but apparently it didn’t count because I wasn’t there

Yet Clinton steel and three these are annoying okay are these in my chunked map okay um let’s see Co there we go okay anything after that zero no these are other glyphs for later On all right I just want to make sure it’s working oh wait wait wait I might have something to help okay oops where did it go h okay there we go where did those okay where did my Barrel go it’s harvesting them it’s just not picking them

Up that had to me up a okay now it’s working that’s how we set it up good deal awesome why is it not There oh I need to go put these up in the chest that’s right okay so I have lots of those the delay one our gos this one or deny sorry 27 of those okay there’s the deny try all right what else is left fireproof Blaze pows

Right so I’m going to need a collector is what I mean and I think that’s going to have to be it for this episode har did it I got to do one more thing I thought the Harvester did it all by itself otherwise we’re going to be really laggy when we

Come back on oh um what’s the one I’m thinking of The um block Placer breaker Amuser oh um no I’m thinking of vacuum abortion Hopper that’s what I’m thinking of there we go okay I have it harvesting my um my inferium gotta it’s not picking them up right now so right so I I put this place this is not where we need it okay

Phantom I need two of those bones I four zombie flesh need four one more and spider eyes we need four and we want it on so okay so w so I’ll get the rest of these done real quick then okay there we go back away and make sure it’s doing its

Thing glass back here or not glass on me right but it looks like it’s working there’s one other thing I could do make it grow a little bit faster I think I have one here we go item uh user okay that’s all of tier one spells except for

Evaporate we’ll probably have to make that next time wow you made all the tier one spells every single one of them St evaporate cuz I don’t have any uh sponges yet I got to go to the what you call it the sea place and go get the sponge room Place

Yeah so now I need to upgrade my book here too I need for that area I don’t know if I have that stuff or not let’s find out okay that’ll work all right that is going to be good um let me check and see real quick if I have Spongers wow I got a lot to do tier two tier three we’ll probably have to wait yeah cuz we need to I have to fight the won first and that but but but but but that can be but next time but oh you scared the crap out of me what do you

Have Treetop Tavern no Earth piercer I do need a okay Barrel rice I want item cable how many emeralds do I have one or 20 sure there I’ll waste some on your crap here there we go all right let’s see what I get from his stupid mysterious bundle oh swords

Yeah that’s that’s what I’m talking about yeah it’s usually dumb y so far nothing good oh lots of cake he must like cake he must love cake all right well that was I mean worthless doesn’t everybody I don’t know all right I don’t know yeah answer to

That is yes everybody loves cake I don’t know all right hopefully that’ll keep it going long enough he doesn’t have any more mysterious bundles for sale I bought them all guess that means I can kill him there we go I killed him I didn’t mean to do that oh I meant

To kill him yeah here we go oh not to you I accidentally harvested picked up like the seeds completely all right I’m good I have all the tier one uh things ready for you too but um I made them expensive cuz you have the money um so should I give you netherite

Chest piece and boots or no or no you shouldn’t you should wait till you buy the spells from [Laughter] me is that a challenge like do I need to come over and see what you did you you you can’t afford my prices you can’t afford my prices a netherite

Ingot and I have all tier one done I have more that I can’t fit in there until you buy these so okay hold on hold on you can’t afford my prices uh mind you you only need one of each so it won’t be too costly but yeah they’re going down here let’s

See okay I only have 24 in here so hold on a that’s so sad only 24 oh no that’s so sad oh crap I did not mean oh yeah I didn’t do power today oh hey there’s power in what why is there power in there remember doing power hold

On did I some point 24 is going to be enough maybe for one machine no I’m just kidding it might be I don’t know yeah let’s Le all these he that was enough for that machine I’m staying down here because I don’t want to accidentally pick up your

Crap in case it I don’t know how it comes out of the machine so it says I bought all those but it looks like there’s still some in there oh yeah the other one did too oh that’s cuz you didn’t scroll down I think I have some of these though

Yeah I just bought one I already knew I didn’t know what you knew so I just made them all we needed all I had to make all of them anyway for the um the quest so didn’t really hurt me any took me days weeks hours yes but I’m giving you free

Ones I know it’s Great harm I have okay I don’t see the other one though it looks like oh looks like I have that one freeze I don’t have conjure sensitive knock back those two I already have I should sell those back to you are you filling it up with more I did them

All hold on I got to go get some [Laughter] more I got 33 more so there you go owie I fell down go boom I have netherite now and that’s just tier one I got to do tier two next time because I upgraded my books you’ll

Have to upgrade your books too but that I can’t help you with because you have to upgrade your books on your own y yep thank you I think I B everything you had even though I bought you should refund me two netherite ingots CU I bought two that I didn’t need and they’re

Easy ones rude no substitution exchanges or refunds now wait a minute now I bought how many stacks of food for iron I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it I don’t even need your freaking iron keep your iron to yourself I know I am

Keeping my iron to myself now it’s all mine you can’t have any you can’t handle my iron oops there we go all right I have coffee and okay here we go okay what else do I have for uh right let’s get rid I can just imagine what you’re going to charge me

On the um seeds when you get done with them so I don’t want to hear it I know the seeds are coming I know they’re going to be pricey I ain’t stupid don’t look stupid you I don’t know what you talking about after you charged me see

The thing is I can get un limited netherite Ingot so why would I want that from you yeah you might want something else though who knows who knows what evil plans you have for me right um those Go might hold on to that that has Fortune 2 so I want to hold on to that I need to close this in so that I don’t have things coming to mess with me while I’m working on Magic stuffs won’t take too long I got to do that armor

Yep so I need to start Upgrading my barrels now okay so I just need to get rid of these I think uh there we go son of a biscuit um I don’t think there’s anything in there that the only ones I have about my backpacks okay that here so I will save those for next time

All righty well yeah that’s going to be it did you get whatever fixed so we weren’t lagging next time we log in we only have a max amount of four abilities I think somebody needs yeah somebody does okay I will fix it yeah yeah cuz I can’t put my other two

In you should make them unlimited I’m just saying we usually have them all right before we go I got to go put my sink up here even though I might move my kitchen wait maybe move my kitchen yeah so we’re going to have to figure

Out where to put my kitchen set up next time maybe that’s what we’ll do we’ll build on a kitchen room say I already know where my kitchen’s going so yeah yep all right well that’s going to be it for me I think we did pretty well we set

Up an area got all these done went and bought a whole bunch of glyphs from Geek you robbed this blind you know you should have every single one for tier one except for evaporation though so you’re welcome um thank you yeah yep think yep and since it’s so easy for you to

Get neite doesn’t matter right okay then doesn’t see I I just I just go here I go to the pigin miner Farm I have my disarming sword yeah yep then I just trigger him by the way guys don’t forget to hit that subscribe button if you want to see more Shenanigans

Yeah by the way I have an idea I want to run by you so we we’ll see how it goes yeah you know what we haven’t done yet see we have this pigin Miner Farm but you know we can upgrade it and stuff right yeah yeah we can upgrade it with

Haven’t done blaze rods and the whatever’s nether quartz and all that kind of stuff we can even shut them up too remember we can put like a silencer on them so they won’t make noise when they come out yeah but I figured we’re going to have to like build around it and

Everything make them so they actually come to us and we don’t have to like call them over or whatever so yeah yeah build proper spawners yeah yep oh look I just got you know two more netherite ingots cuz they dropped two pickaxes so there you

Go all righty got a chest piece we will see you guys next time thank you for being here we appreciate you as always until next time this lava don’t get burned bye and I’m geek Tech media love you all game on and geek out

This video, titled ‘Spellcraft Mastery: Completing Tier One Ars Noveau Spells in TNP Limitless 6! Ep.18’, was uploaded by GeekTechMedia on 2023-12-19 15:00:17. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:13 or 4993 seconds.

🌟 Embark on a magical journey in today’s episode of TNP Limitless Modded Minecraft as I delve into the art of Ars Noveau spellcraft! 📜✨

🔮 The focus of this episode is a significant milestone in our magical adventures: completing all the tier-one spells of Ars Noveau. This task required not just skill but also dedication, as I gathered a variety of resources to fuel the spell crafting process. 🌿🌙

🛠️ Each spell was meticulously crafted at the Ars Noveau Workbench, a nexus of magical energy and creativity. Watch as I combine components with precision, bringing each spell to life through a blend of arcane knowledge and alchemical expertise. 🪄

📚 Once crafted, my mission was to duplicate these newly forged spells for Lava, ensuring that we both are equipped with this newfound magical arsenal. This replication process was as enchanting as it was intricate, doubling our magical capabilities.

💫 Join me in this episode as I navigate through the complexities of Ars Noveau spell crafting. From resource gathering to spell creation and duplication, it’s a tale of mystical mastery and wizardly wonders in the realm of TNP Limitless Modded Minecraft.

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more spellbinding adventures and magical milestones!

Tags: #MinecraftMagic #ArsNoveau #ModdedMinecraft

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  • tedsstr

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  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

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  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

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  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

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  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More

  • Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!

    Duck survives 1000 days in Minecraft! Feathery mobs only.Impressive!Video Information on day one I spawned in as a cute and not so ugly little duckling I’m so tiny I’ve only got two hearts I guess that checks out I’m not strong I’m just a square of fluff at least I can fly nope I can’t fly yet but I can swim and check out my duck family I’ve got a mama duck and a bunch of duckling siblings to they were all swimming in a pond hey guys wait up for me wow this sure is peaceful just paddling along my siblings and I had a great time… Read More

  • Secrets of Ceres Fauna in My Desert Dune!

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