Unleash Ultimate Power: Crafting the God Weapon

Video Information

I think I’m live ow ouch there’s a f there’s many Phantoms eating my I’m going to just hide uh okay there hello chat hello Chatters what I don’t understand I don’t care hello I’ve been busy as you can see I have 64 levels I hope it’s enough cuz yeah also

So you see I boarded up all my windows and stuff cuz war war is a warhead what hello conon welcome to my stream do I have item frames by chance don’t I have leather no ouch okay never mind then I’m I’m going to um put this in here okay

Um I need to put away my gunpowder wait I need to check something uh I’m not prepared um there there we go there we go I’m just going to go and throw this drunk away cuz I do not need it okay um where did this polished diorite come

From that’s nice I guess okay um I I’m trying to figure out what I need to do F first thing I want to do is start making the god weapon so I’m going to just craft a diamond sword here excuse me Oh I’m very excited ask why sure why are you excited why are you excited um okay um I need emeralds I need emeralds I’m just I’m going to just go ahead and just steal my La that’s in this Minecart hello you’re free again follow follow me stupid La alls are stupid are

You they sell fireworks tomorrow that’s fun you got the boom booms what come on come on La come on are you going to follow me or you you’re going to be Dumb a laser stupid don’t have a lead I should have a lead lead acquired I swear to God okay there you are what what are you doing LA are so stupid so freaking stupid holy moly come on up please thank you let’s go let’s go let’s go

360 all right I’m going to need to O that’s emo I need I I need to collect all this bamboo for emeralds oops please there I need emeralds which is going to suck CU yeah I need I’m going to sell some sticks I’m just going to throw some junk in

Here and hope that Mr Zen craft does not log [Applause] [Applause] on yeah just going to mine some Bamboo I reached 1K views on my YouTube video not a short BD let’s go let’s go congrats that’s always a nice feeling like my most popular video has 1.8 th000 views and I I remember I was so excited when that blew up I was just telling everybody cuz it feels more rewarding

When it’s a long form video only reason it was successful is because it was the cave dweller which was trending at the time I actually got on the trend later than I should have it’s only been out for three weeks only three that’s awesome there there’s a lot of [Applause]

Bamboo mine was 5 minutes let’s [Applause] go going to chop the rest’s bamboo okay and there’s just that area which I’ll do after the uh Villers [Applause] restock there’s so much bamboo holy moly Merry Christmas thank you you too I’m going to throw all my sticks in here stop being

Stuck CLS are the worst they’re so annoying I was doing a two-player Squad with a YouTuber named I’m not going to try to say that and he has 1K views been playing with them in Duos and got top 20 in the game I play awesome I me he has 1K Subs that’s even

Cooler hey I’m almost at 500 Subs I’m almost halfway there that’s cool Al I upload is short I don’t know how that’s doing I’m not I’m not even going to bother checking because I’m going to focus on streaming plays are so useful so stupid at the same exact

Time it’s nice having some to help collect random piles of bamboo everywhere it’s just keep getting stuck cuz it’s bamboo BL are so stupid is there any more bamboo there’s bamboo on the trees get get the bamboo you can do it you you can do it where did you even what I’m so

Confused and how how when I was gone you gained 60 Subs what happened uh popular short I was surprised too that was all in a day you’re doing well if you are asking how well oh man I’m I’m curious I’m going to check I’m going to check curiosity gets the better of

Me I got to quickly pause this because it’s okay you know it is doing fairly well especially for the first 10 minutes minutes my uh extension says it has 96 views that’s that’s kind of cool you YouTube takes 20 years to update view count it’s annoying just going to throw that in

There I’m just going to take my important stuff just in case the sneaky Zen logs on you can never trust the British that’s what I say never trust a British man I’m going to I’m going to sleep real quick so the villagers are awake so I preferably want to trade with

Them uh I’ll leave a bet there where did I where did I put sticks where where did I place the sticks oh wait no it was potatoes that were placed my bad uh we are going to do the One V one oh uh me and Zen already did that we did

That yesterday I absolutely destroyed him and if you if you want to watch that it’s at the end of yesterday’s stream it’s like right at the end I stopped my stream right after the duel so yeah hello villagers give me your money give me your Monies give me all your

Money I hate Bedrock PVP I think you’re just a sore loser kidding I’m I’m good at PVP as well uh me and my friend did except he had 22 God apples and I had 22 golden apples and I still won wow your friend must suck I just need to

See I need need need to see real quick ouch I might take a different route I’m trying to remember what I can put on a sword so it’s sharpness five knock back two fire aspect two amending Unbreaking um looting is that it I mean you destroyed me give you I give you that

You oh K you got to watch it that was like probably my greatest PVP moment ever I unlocked a hidden ability that I didn’t know I had it’s called when when when guardian leio saw I oh I’ve never been able to do that until right then okay I’m going

To might help to get my super weapons rematch on Java you you want to do it Z I’m down if you want to do it I’m I’m down I’m down hold on I need to oh first off I need to reattach my Les and I also need to see if I have any

Sharp four books do I have okay enchant books no no no that’s useful NOP sharpness 3 no soul you know what sad so the the other day I got my final enchant for my boots but it says too expensive and I’m sad do One V one now so I can see it cuz

I got to go soon it’s Zen’s call he wants if if Zen wants to do it then I’m down um okay let me see I have bookshelves over here do I have any sharp four books cursive Bing NOP NOP NOP no no no means it it means it’s more than 30

Levels yeah but I can’t do it anymore as you can see I have 65 levels it’s kind of sad loyalty three dep Strider no boring why do I have my fishing rod in my inventory I don’t I don’t need it in my hot bar no downloading is and spooky game and rendering stuff

Okay there’s knock back two I’m actually going to take knockback two so I need that charge no I’ve already lost order darn it am I going to have to buy the sharp five book that’s going to hurt okay I’m going to have to buy it that’s going to hurt that’s a stack of

Emeralds at least I got uh Unbreaking three knock back two so I just need mending sharpness fire aspect looting I’m I’m going to have to go check I don’t I can’t remember what a Max sword looks like testing world my super duper secret testing world that I’ve shown several

Times uh plus stuff I’m rendering is pay CU I got my first uh Fiverr sale let’s go let’s go Goen let’s go I’m happy for you oo Mega base um I should have barrels yep nope that was my original aha fire spe two Shar okay I was

Correct why why is my name that why okay I’m going to just go ahead uh share a secret so the original plan for the sunrise SMP was like I we had to play in order to unlock different kind of stuff so like I’d have a point system where

You deposit points that’s what that’s going to be and like once you reach a certain point go you’d unlock these items and then after you reach the next uh Point goal you reach iron and stuff and then so on and so on and so on and

So on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on on yeah I I didn’t do that because Shelby do you script some of your lore yes it’s it’s Mo it’s basically it’s all basically scripted but with this new lore there’s

It’s going to be a mix of scripted and some not scripted so right now okay I’m going to get out of character for a second right now my plan is like is to have um the different people on the server to choose what happens cuz if you

Watched the uh message in my last video I the sleep paralysis even said that he can help and so it’s it’s the People’s Choice if they want to allow the sleep paralysis demon to eradicate me Tucker and Matthew or not if they choose not then story Alters if they choose to do

So the story Alters it’s going to be fun anyways uh let’s get back to making super weapon and I love optify Zoom oh hey my subscriber count has gone up I have even noticed hey hello GTR oh honestly that Christmas tree is kind of annoying on my stream I’m going

To change it real quick I’m just going to shrink it there we go now it’s not so in the way I’m going to sell some paper okay yeah that Christmas tree is better instead of it take half the stream screen is taking corner thank you for sharing the you oh

You reminded me of something but I decided I’m not going to do it cuz I I’m too lazy to and YouTube do the word limit is stupid can I’m pretty sure GT knows the rules he’s he’s been here for a while a lot of my people here have been here for a

While but thank you for sharing rules that’s appreciated okay oh I just got I just got a memory of over here ah I was last night I was editing my recap video which I’m getting closer and closer I I had to edit a part where first sighting of a member who’s uh grave

Is there right there hey honestly it was great I wish I could relive the past oh the start of the server was amazing mostly you only have uh 491 not 494 and Sh what oh oh yeah all right but no if you look at my live sub count on stream that’s what it

Says the love the live sub count never I lie so if you if you refresh my stream it will say 494 getting so close also I got to try to remember to record a voiceover after stream today I forgot yesterday I need to I have a specific

Voice over I want to do two actually one for my rehap video the other one for a short cuz I want I want to say when I reach 500 Subs I’m going to reveal my Spotify wrapped I I said it I said it and I got to wait wait for those

Prices to go down hey I can I can buy a sharp five book now yay yay I need books I’m going to go hunt for cows while I wait for villager prices drop once the uh ooh there’s a w crater once the stick prices are back normal

I’m going to harvest the other bamboo what are you selling stick piston my celium bone blocks lapis copper boring hello hello Jordan Harris Welcome to My Stream uh today is the 19th I need to update this 19 163 hey welcome back live is great I I totally missed you that message I’m

Sorry welcome back I really want to try to get up there I I don’t know if I can bu my tide no come on okay I need leather I’m going to buy a sharp five book and then I’m going to work on getting the fire aspect 2 I don’t know if wait

Do I even have a vilder for fire aspect 2 uh let me check my uh thing my uh uh list it’s in this channel it’s a bit up uh okay I do have fire aspect I just don’t have knockback so thankfully I did I did have knockback

You know what would be even cooler than finding leather if I find my random horse that I abandoned somewhere oh sorry sheep there’s a cow I’m going just use my Canon event cuz why not that’s probably all the Nether Nether leather uh life is a great loss as mod

Because the same reason I took your mod but your manipulate manipulated me into giving it to you back so Yay I’m just going to get a bit leather while I I want to find my horse I I I abandoned my horse and I’m sad he was a good horse there’s S I don’t think s’s been on the server for a couple days kind of

Sad where did my horse go I’m sad oh yeah also SAR has been busy I’m very busy what in the heck is that there’s so many random things but yeah there’s now giant wall ginormous wall blocking out the British cuz the British are stinky and we need to stay six feet away from

Them was it one with Diamond Armor I don’t think he had any armor there’s just a random like Gray horse or something just in the middle of the Wilderness cuz I I got to go be right back okay bye Ken cuz I’m pretty sure the only Diamond horse armor I had Was let’s see here uh Billy Bob Ash the only Diamond horse armor I had was this one but now it’s in Ash’s grave yeah well I took someone’s horse I also noticed that horse head in the nether I’m pretty sure that’s not my horse though I’ll be really upset if

That was my horse but I can’t tell Foods throw that there I’m just going to craft these all into books ah right there I’m going go buy sharp five cuz that’s like the most expensive thing bed Rock’s weird I just I should have taken fall damage there but I didn’t

Uh oh I forgot that guy died uh sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp this is going to hurt there we go there goes all my emeralds insiration two ouch okay I need to see so I need fire aspect two that’s going to cost me eight

That’s cheap and then mending which will cost me 10 the 18 I Need looting Looting handling fire loot loot loot loot loot loot loot loot loyalty looting three 12 so I need eight 30 I need 30 emeralds okay you know what that’s not that bad are your prices back normal you’re what excuse me why have why have you not restocked why have you not restocked

Either don’t tell me you’re oh do I have a slabber somewhere I need to see if particles change there’s a slabon I hope you okay okay good good good okay you’re just not restocking oh thank God oh oh I I would have pooped my pants yo Zen

That’s cool that’s very very very cool okay 30 emeralds I have I need 10 times more emeralds I guess I just wait for it to become nighttime actually I can start up uh crafting this bad boy I’m I’m only I’m only going to start with putting like the most important like sharp

Five and I’m breaking three and I’m going to name this real quick cuz I got out a I got a good name which I’m surprised moing didn’t uh censor uh nope where’s my icon there’s there it is I got a message from Zen it in my Sunrise video that’s that really that’s

Cool uh there we go I have caps lock on hellbringer ah all right I’m going to put knockback two on last just in case if it becomes too expensive so I just want all the important enchants and knockback is the least important hellbringer this is going straight just in the complete opposite

Direction of my tradition I usually always name my sword sword of the universe now it’s now it’s hellbringer hell oh wait wait wait I’m do I need to check prices real quick uh normal normal 57 57 okay that’s odd but I can work with this I can work with

This oh sorry sir oops sorry sir oops sorry sir I’m just GNA place that there yes I was inspired by your video thank you and it’s looking awesome okay I’m just going to go throw all my stuff in here hell bringer so the ships are probably The birsh

Ships coming to invade the sunrise SMP just like the American Revolution repeating [Applause] history Zen be honest was this actually you or was this just like like life is great or something was this actually you I won’t be mad if this was actually you I just I just I just want to know

Cuz you already done bad [Applause] things M lots of stickies stickies is the best [Applause] food there’s this this poor dog trapped in the [Applause] bamboo I was making a TNT trap in creeper Set It Off ah [Applause] okay I’m surprised you didn’t die just saying that would have totally killed

You that’s a huge hole I don’t know how you would have trapped me with that I mean it would have been better to trap uh like this pathway or something cuz I always travel this path I was on half a heart jeez Louise well I have wir thing on me oh

Okay half a heart that’s crazy what do you do all so GTR the war has gotten crazier Zen is blowing things up now you’ve missed a lot on the server I never finished it Ah that’s that’s kind of sad this dog’s still trapped just going to collect this bamboo is there any more

Bamboo up on the trees I guess I totally missed this see Las are so useful but so dumb I mean they’re being useful right now but it sucks when they get trapped in the bamboo or they spend 20 years trying to fly up into a tree to gather bamboo see

Look at this there they spin but not the only one is there just hidden traps somewhere that all the bamboo I think that’s all the bamboo okay sweet yeah Z then just like don’t do anything to Lord tendies or the graves or over here or the villager trading

Hall or that that’s been here since the started the server that that’s it that’s all that’s my only recommendation you could do anything to anything else even at my house but but you can’t do anything to my house because it’s currently boarded up and it’s under lockdown due to the

Uprising of the British Open after war is over I whatever oh I know okay good good good good yeah so like just like the front of my house in the villager trading Hall is like off limits that’s it I mean but my house itself is good Lord tendies

Yes it was a viewer suggestion nub wait in the video what do you mean wait in the video oh wait in ah my brain is brain recing you’re the expensive ones you’re the cheap ones okay yeah I I should actually have enough sweet I I didn’t need this this much sticks

Is it okay it’s almost nighttime with the 3D Sun so I guess I’ll just go a wait just sell the rest of my sticks cuz I do not need all these sticks yeah nope I do not need that shovel that is garbage shovel oh my inventory is full and I’m invisible Great

I am an invisible man oh yeah oh oh oops fine fine I’m gon to go I’m GNA go do it real quick oh yeah Zen try try to break into the list I bet you can’t it’s surrounded by bedrock and there’s usually Warden chunk ER there’s usually wardens in here

But I I had to SL kill him okay um see um artifact the blade uh we’ll do wither then like one so I want I should yep okay when I hold this I get withered that’s annoying that’s really annoying actually here you know I’m going to I’m going to change it up

Cuz like if I accidentally scroll through it I’m just going to get withered so I’m going to do one but I’m going to change this to three so when I hold this see okay that’s that’s better I hold it for um I mean also my netherite armor is helping counteract

That yeah I I think that’s good I probably could like give get in cuz buggy yeah okay there there now my artifact is weaker cuz now I just die when I hold it I mean or I could do poison so I can’t immediately die I’ll I’ll stick

With the Wither for now and if say I’m low health and I accidentally ow accidentally holding I die I’ll change it actually you know that’s not too bad like one second of weer that’s pretty bad yeah okay I I think that’s pretty balanced what do you think Zen do you think that’s

Balanced now it hurts me now I can hurt people and hurt myself oh yeah I’m not ow I’m not going to add any uh weaknesses to the artifact the sly here cuz it gives me invis part particles so that’s not great and I also have to hold it in order to be invisible

Ow are you restocked yes give me your levels give me them [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes okay uh yes I brought my books too oh I’m smart I’m smart and I’m usually not smart uh looting three mening and then I need fire aspect fire aspect what was that

Boom time to make the most powerful weapon on the server oh my God wait it’s going to be crazy mixed with my artifact the blade ow yo oh I may be a little too powerful no all right let’s do this put on the most important chant enchants first so mending darn

It uh I run boom boom boom I’m just going to not going to waste my 12 actually I’m just I’m just going to put away my 12 iron I don’t understand why I’ve had it boom boom okay hellbringer looting fire aspect darn it ah 33 oh so

Close I want to see you fight with yeah fire wither with it even in Creative all right let’s go to my testing world then cuz I have I have that artifact in my testing world this is going to be crazy slash difficulty easy okay so

That I was just testing the word hell in Sword so ignore that okay then I need this then this okay perfect and then Soul Sand Soul soil Soul Sand I’m blind aren’t I I SW what the there that op sword is yeah it’s a little crazy I’m a little op I’m a little op all I’m just going to do a bit away because I preferably don’t want to damage my Coliseum I don’t think it would even

Shoot anything since there’s nothing to shoot all right I usually do artifact there where are you going where are you going oh my God oh my God oh my God that is like five shot of Wither by the Way um um um let’s see this in hard mode oh my God okay in hard mode it’s way more difficult okay it’s the server is on hard mode so moly I still absolutely destroyed it though but it’s so much harder in hard mode oh hey I got a Wither Skull that’s

Awesome oh interesting that was some interesting science and you want me to fight against you you started this just saying and I don’t back down or ever give up um so uh I’m going to do what Matthew is saying that he didn’t do and I’m going

To just going to just GNA just just going to just just going to just just just aha wow I magically got 33 levels that’s crazy wow well it’s only fair that Matthew did it so I get to do it too Bo boom Oh I need upgrade template thankfully I got one and sh

[Laughter] oh wait if I recall you asked for it on stream what no you so here uh I don’t think I did so all I remember is you sent me a screenshot of British Banner inside my house and was like a man a and and after contemplating I went

Over to my house and saw human and life is great took it over yeah oh my God ow oh man hold I want to I just want to see how this looks in chat uh I’m sorry dog goes one of you has has been chosen to die and it is is

You wolf was slain my shaves using hell breaker oh my God that is terrifying oh my God oh my ow I’m going to get this out of my hot bark cuz I’m not fighting anyone right now oh my god oh man oh man oh boy oh

Boy now all my gear except my shovel is maxed out oh my oh my hellbringer and I I’m just going to go ahead and put my other sword inside my ender chest and along with my emeralds this will be my backup sword cuz it’s not the worst thing

Ever what enchantments are on your sword sharpness five Unbreaking three looting three fire aspect two mending and knockback [Laughter] two sulam that that’s that yeah s Soul s yeah that’s that’s what I’m going to say when anyone asks for my enchants it’s going to be so all right

Um now that’s none I was also asked by Juniper to get some sand so I’m going to go get some sand don’t forget uh sweeping Edge is not on Bedrock Edition it’s only on Java there’s no sweeping Edge it’s yeah it’s kind of it’s kind of

Weird I mean that makes sense cuz in Bedrock you just Spam click instead of yeah that’s the best I could do with sweeping Edge I also finally have loting three after however long it’s a great day for America sorry this was a great day for the Romans a great day for the

Romans is there uh Realms on Java yes it’s almost the same as bck I I don’t have Realms on Java though I only have RS on bedw walk bed walk now I’m going to tear up this beach now it’s going to be painfully slow I’m going to get 12 stacks of

Sand I’m not even going to bother making TNT right now right now I’m just on the defensive in this war I’m going to let Zen try it more stable bug rock yeah okay I did take my bed hooray I’m smart I’m smart I’m smart okay I have been I am being yelled

At to VC speed when your sh speed when your shs hello there hello what is going on I I I don’t know what’s going on five this is kind of awkward this is kind of awkward chat going to keep on mining mining away mining away mining away mining away mining away mining away mining away mining mining away mining away mining away oh I placed it that’s kind of

Sad four five six seven eight n four five six S four five six seven eight what I can’t count four five six s eight nine 10 11 there I can count apparently count I can count I can’t count like yeah what why do you have a voice changer on where are you mining

Away even though I’m not mining just mining away I hit a tree I have your sand I see you got a full inventory there that should be all of it yep sand what the freak your voice Chang is are weird why do you got a voice changer on no answer okay

What is going on oh I think we need a tree farm that would be my tree farm it is my beautiful tree farm that eats too much bone meal this wall you should really check you should really check out the Southern Wall I I saw it’s very big you’re right

Said I don’t understand the voice changer just going to grab some food yoink oh I fell inside my bamboo this is embarrassing what is that what is what wall yeah it’s a very nice wall it is a nice wall it’s a big giant wall very nice wall you been speaking you should be

What I’m I’m confused what Juniper just said this is uh weird wall layout it’s all curvy Zen says he likes knocking down walls I’m not muted or anything yeah I’m not muted no I can’t hear hero oh not speaking bro no I can’t huh uh you must have me muted

Then I have been speaking I have no I don’t have you muted it’s on your end speed is can you hear me I’ll take that doesn’t know on to my yeah you should check your mic setting okay my voice changer throwing me off yeah check your mic settings that’s so

Weird can you hear me on my alt hello God dang it uh uh H H okay that’s normal speeded can you hear me I’m talking though you’re talking but I can’t hear you I see your that’s thing is like what green huh that’s odd okay hello can you hear me oh wait I think I know what’s wrong tell me oh okay not talk Bean oh I can hear you it’s because I

Had my output device my microphone too a you made me do things that I didn’t need to do you suck I don’t suck you do you didn’t tell me to check my settings whatever whatever whatever you got a very nice wall yes I do yeah I got a new

Sword you want to see my SW I got a new voice changer I could I can hear why do you got a voice iner on because it’s cool I don’t care what is Oh no you’re you’re you’re probably going to oh you’re you survived that’s awesome everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s

Fine um yeah the British can have this one beach right here it’s fine yeah it’s a little destroyed I need a lot of Cobble I ran out of Cobble and had to explode Mountains for like three times for this one section of wall okay this takes a lot of Cobble yeah you

Want me to go get you more Cobble I’m needing the sand for TNT for exploding that’s why I gave you 12 Stacks or or I’m going to use it for netherite mining that’s also a good idea cuz my gear right now sucks I can see I just focus on

Building your giant wall the beautiful wall wait just just give me a second give me a second okay I am going to build a ro oh come on of course of course of course of course it will be huge it will be hug the r will pay for it no the brsh will

Pay for it yes the British will pay for it I love my voice sound like a certain president he yes I do do you hear the Cheery in the background yes I do it’s funny cuz I have the same exact app you’re using for your voice changer he say no

Wa I can be cool too how about this sound like you why is my voice deep I need to fix that okay [Applause] ah ah I’m made her ass I hate that it’s uh it’s called voice mod it’s it’s free and it’s cool all me friends have it I’m just staring at you

Right all right I’ll go get you more Cobble since you need more Cobble control I don’t I don’t understand you I don’t understand this is probably so embarrassing for me um anyways can you understand me yeah a bit more a bit more a bit more not this one you’re just high pitched so sure I’m just High pish yes you are this one is much

Better you sound evil like the sleep paralysis demon I’m Anonymous you’re anonymous is that why you’re hiding your voice because you don’t want to be heard on my stream even though you’ve been on countless of my streams and videos no it’s it’s it’s because I’m going to use it for scaring

Zen you can sound a little more intimidating the the Bish yes we must make bet you don’t have voice mod Pro yeah I don’t have it either I might I might buy it because I I use voice mod voice mod all the time 60 it’s it’s 60% off right now I

Know my laptop is killing itself I’m kind of sad laptop I I I do not use my laptop for a lot of things I use my laptop just to read chat that’s it and I preferably want to read my chat right now but it doesn’t help that my laptop is killing is

Chat is anyone in chat possibly just see the large wall that is being constructed because I just wanted to keep them out yeah we need to keep the stinky British out I’ve boarded up my house to keep the stinky British out I I went in

The house today to check if you had sand you didn’t I yeah I’m poor I’m very resource hungry you see here yeah I already have a lot of wood so that’s good oh yeah there’s some random Tree Farm thing I found that is mine and some random iron farm thing I

Found that is Sean gaming that one of my slaves oh see just steal from it well yeah I I just come and go he usually gives me stuff when I need it he’s given me a stack of iron blocks which is nice the iron from it I fell down this we

Are you’re kind of enslaved to me because of the conditions of the alliance oh you’re right oh man the the slave owner becomes the slave Oh no you’re a citizen too so you’re technically a citizen too so technically you’re not a slave you’re just abiding by the Constitution

Yep oh hey Matthew hi uh hi yeah have one more St I I have a lot of Cobble for you how much uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Stacks how did you get all that car mining had do a lot of

Digging I dropped it all it’s my birthday today yeah yeah yeah totally totally totally I I love Cble yes it’s like a Christmas gift yep it’s your early Christmas gift early huh yeah because it’s the 19th you playing a little something huh you planning a something nope right now I’m just planing to defend my base oh yeah I found from I sto this from tuer why you steal from

Tucker uh enchanted book I want to see that enchanted book uh that’s kind of bad let me just some chests real quick I I inventory um how many empires are there uh why is there random hole asked for in the middle of I need to get a proper

Storage yeah system your base is a little messy I know but like I’m about to glorify it so yeah yeah I’m just I’m just you know protection over everything yep yep yep I don’t need to protect the citizens walls are just cool you know yeah except there’s an entire tunnel

System underneath my house which I didn’t ask for but there’s an entire you didn’t tell me about this yeah uh one of my slaves just made a tunnel system to everywhere and Zen knows where it you’re just openly say you’re they’re your slave someone’s going to take that out

Of context and like actually report you for human rights violations you’re arrested by the UN we don’t have any any Geneva Convention out here NOP there’s so many mobs at your base light this place up jeez uh not yet well you can but like I’m I’m just doing it for you I can’t

Deal with the amount of mobs here it annoys me focusing on more focusing on more important things keeping the Brits out yep that’s that’s the most important thing yes the colonizers I I had to re Annex my my land back actually I think on the map it shouldn’t show us anex

That you should just show part of the SR yeah I I’ll I’ll update the map next time I update the map I’ll updated to that just want it to be known to the British that you annexed it oh technically they annexed it so I just took it back yeah without doing

Anything I just said yeah this is mine again oh that was a British accent oh no are you part of the British now no let me just put on no I don’t want uh nope just Juniper just Annex it back back I don’t even I haven’t even found it yet I

Just need my voice box please oh you were normal for two seconds right there clean aha is that better yes that’s way better I can actually understand you oh I was like was my speech a little bit kind of goofy it was a little goofy but I I understand a Teensy bit of

It oh were was your brain just erasing oh yeah was was it that was it this or that yes I want to I’m I’m going to try to find this British base underneath your base I think it was just some land it was right by the farm crop thing I have no idea

What wait do you have to build stuff for it to be your land I so the British built stuff on my land I mean on my land oh come on stop using British accent I am not going to use the British accent anymore would you like like some vodka

That that that works not vodka but that accent works I guess I’m pretty sure Zen’s lying there’s literally nothing underneath your base he said there’s like a British Banner Zen said there was something under my base yeah like a British Banner or something there’s absolutely nothing well if we ever find any British

Banner we are going to replace it with the susr one yeah I I should really change the the s in the beginning from Sunrise is something else because like I don’t want to associate this as one Union that yeah just don’t want to associate this with the sunrise SMP even

Though it’s not well you know what’s unfair then like oh yeah Sunrise Rosen Roman Empire it’s just Roman Empire so I should really you know make mine like theirs because it’s just cooler I don’t want to do so Soviet because that’s kind of un un uncreative very uncreative

Unoriginal ha I stole your horse that is so slow holy moly that’s not my horse wait no that is my horse well that my my old horse that died in a ravine uh was much faster m I my horse is just somewhere out in the wilderness I don’t know where he

Is you won’t find it ins spectator they and exploit to yeah right yeah you mean just not having something there oh this is a nice wall it is a nice wall and there’s a zombie trying to bite your ankles I have one two three four five six Stacks

Left jeez you’re going through all that all wor right I got more you got more like a lot more Yep how much from like where is all your Cobble at my chests my CH your chest I have a lot more Cobble deep slate than I do at

Cobblestone I wish I used deep slate for this it’s too late now too yep way too late well we did a lot use a lot of deep slate for that uh gunpowder Farm you know all your sheep and stuff are out they’ve been out for like they it’s been like that for months

Now that’s this job not M this does all the Agriculture and stuff I’m like he’s just the Builder I’m the main you know Builder and the uh planer I guess representative the main yeah this doesn’t really make those doesn’t really make decisions that much even though I allow him

To also thisle hasn’t been on the server in a while it’s kind of sad yeah but I’ve been giving him updates of progress and I showed him the wall I’m going to show him the wall and I think he’s going to be impressed he doesn’t know about the British yet but I told

Him but I dm’d him about the British and that we’re staying Sovereign due to how Bedrock render stuff you can easily hide stuff on ground if you know how you’re you you’re you’re lying you you’re lying I know you’re lying Zen you’re just trying to

Make me go on a goose chase to find nothing jeez and you have a lot more to go are you going to do the entire sa R area or are you just doing this corner here doing this corner here and we might go expand a a little bit more that way

Across the river I’ll go get more Stu we will we will like make a gap across the river but like we’ll like you know brid it’ll be like some sort of like you know weird opening thing like we have for theint okay we might have enough we might just

Be a little bit short but oh I get more four more Stacks four more Stacks all right I’ll give you four more Stacks I literally build up this wall in a jiffy a jiffy uh it was is that British a Teensy bit I guess it’s fine

Though if I were to be really British on that I’d be like I’d be like I just built up this wall on a Sunday’s tea time or whatever in a Sunday’s tea time worth of time mhm something like that something like that yeah okay I’m on my last stack all right

I’m on my way with more Cobble Stone wow that wall is Big supposed to be seene from and I’m going to cut down that whole entire Forest so people can see what I’m doing I want everyone to see oh I almost the wood saved me you almost fall and break your

Ankles I almost fell I see I see I see how are you going to get up here Rip Tide here’s your four stacks of cobblestone thank you this come in handy I think that’s four Stacks I can do math uh yeah that’s about four Stacks

Yeah I think it’s like four and a half stacks but yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right all right where’ you get all this Cobble though how much mining have you done just a tit bit I’m pretty sure I got most of it from digging your uh giant

Hole over here down the Bedrock oh yeah what the heck I I I thought of that I’m like where did all that Cobble go my chests your chests are everywhere are well hidden my chests are just upstairs in my house oh those chests yeah why did I not

Think to look at the stone section oh I was looking for sand to get stone could have just cut out the middleman but the middleman is the best man I am I’m am just staring at that image I’m so confused nice I have a question I need more chests I don’t want

To get more chests though surprised no one actually stole your diamonds or netherite I’m surprised yeah without this wall this wall is would would this wall deter people they’d get more curious but this would definitely stop the British at least for now for now for now hey this is our this

Is our first wall we’re going to have plenty of walls lots of walls is good and this is this is only I’m only planning on like you know not being this uh this might be your main city but I know I want a bigger you know area oh there’s a lot

More land behind the susar there’s a lot more land in general mhm yo I’m three Subs away from 500 let’s Go oh yeah I have 150 Subs wow CU of one video that has like over 100,000 views Now check my channel you’ll find it okay I’m gonna I’m want to see this let’s see Here I’m just gonna look at your connection on your Discord profile I’m lazy and I’m not going to browse through my 100 subscriptions search up my channel don’t care okay there you’re at 174 wow 174 last time I checked I was at 147 jeez that was like that was like two

Days ago oh my gosh I should really start making videos of something Sunrise whatever uh yes I’ll just I I’ll just like you know do like I I’ll just like design the center Tower and then like build it yeah make content out of it people hopefully watch me

Then yeah probably gonna die I am at four Hearts you needa this heart this heart this this heart thing is really coming in handy now mhm I’m surprised you even found that I know well I did use the hint a little bit I knew there was a jungle and I just

Want to go exploring and knew there was a Mesa by and but I I just stumbled across it wow well this is quite the good wall it’s pretty intimidating am I right it’s very intimidating you’re lucky you got a nice artifact that doesn’t have a weakness I I’ve gotten some angry complaints from

Your artifact has a weakness I got some angry complaints from Zen craft and now I have a weakness on my strength artifact it now gives me wither whenever I hold it so now I just die wait why how how does your how does your how does your how do you give people

Weaknesses it’s the command blocks with the uh artifacts I can give weaknesses no no no no no I’m talking about like with with the how did how did the British make your artifact deadly Zen was just upset that my artifact was really good cuz I one shot him yesterday

And so he he wanted me to he forced me to add a weakness to it so I did and now I just die whenever I hold it I won’t you take it off because don’t be fair to the British just take it off just yeah well I also thought about it and my

Artifacts a little op cuz it gives be strength four whenever I hold it so I think it would have been where did you get that artifact it was somewhere that way it was when I was actually retrieving your stuff from when you died that Village one

Yeah yeah um you know what the British can have this nasty Beach here you know what or I’m just going to you know destroy it a little bit Yeah destroy even more nice I’ll be honest this beach destroying thing was all me I needed sand this is my fault were we settled

Before or did you this was during when you left the server for a couple months for a couple month I remember this beach being here be before I let not being here before I left well maybe I started it but then I tore it even more what you actually did that’s true

Remember a hard mode it took like 15 shots this we really need to add a realm resource pack making my flag in the giving my putting my flag in the game because I really i’ look through the game files and I I freaking cannot find the uh texture pack for

Banners cuz I’m I’m trying to like replace like the brown Banner or something with your flag so then when you place down a brown Banner it just shows your flag oh so like we just have I think we have to make a resource pack like we

Have to make one not not like put in the game files or whatever yeah I know how to make resource packs though so yeah I just need to figure out we’re just going to figure that one out later yeah well time to make some TNT oh yeah some boom

Booms uh where did where did Zen cannot have boom boom he’s very irresponsible with the boom booms there’s a giant crater next to my house I see that was that because of TNT so from what Zen explained it it was a failed trap he was going to trap me with

It but a creeper exploded it and yeah and then no one has bothered be bothered to fill it even though it’s it’s the rule to fill it okay Zen says he knows how to uh do the banner thing or the resource pack thing for the

Bannert then uh since you know how to do it do you want to like do it you can add all three of us three of our uh the flags in the game I think that would be cool would you agree yes but I I don’t want my flag to

Be like vertical like just facing down so I’m going to have to make it like a banner ver make a banner version of it Zen knows how to do things he he’s done many things oh I need all right Zen Z ask me to give him Flags I will give you the

Flags then Flags yep the all the flags all the flags is that Zen that’s Zen right uh nope that is uh one of my other that’s one of my slaves he’s cool oh slave slaves should should have image here check my boom boom chest oh wait oh wait I have I still

Have some more sand let’s go I do not have my uh flag saved it’s kind of sad you don’t have I need to make I need to make the banner version of my flag soon you should really check my boom boom chest right here small one small

Thing I’ll do this one for my so yeah uh we need to make a community house here oh I’m going to have to move some of the this I’m probably going to have to move this build here what even is that supposed to be it’s supposed to be in honor of his

Dog who drowned yeah but what what is it supposed to actually be though I don’t know what I’m looking at a dog face that’s a dog face yes oh and I placed this at the worst spot where did you oh this yes what this supposed to be what does it look

Like oh what even is this thing right here like what is this I want to make my Center Tower right here but I don’t know how to make my Center Tower so I’m going to have to go Zen says he uh you do not uh need to

Make it into a banner you could make it so it’s like wall mounted on a flag pole or something I I’d be surprised if you can actually do that Zen like make sure it’s in Bedrock though wall mounted into a flag pole that would be awesome

Though a flag pole like an like a custom entity that we can place that’s just a flag pole of our flag oh so like he’s going to make a custom entity that’s like I I maybe or a resource pack or something just as long as bed compatible we’re

Good yeah I just I just need my flag like that I don’t want my hammer and sickle facing down or like sideways or whatever yeah cuz I care about communis yeah so like just YouTube is watching YouTube will YouTube is going to you know ban you if

I say hammer and communism um anyways uh so good good oo I’m also trying to clear out this bamboo but like who knew it did so much damage to swords yeah it does do a lot of damage but if you have Unbreaking three it’s so I need to repair my diamond sword he

Yikes oh I’ll help you with my super cool netherite sword that I just made [Applause] today I don’t think thisle is going to be happy that uh his bamboo Wall’s gone I think it’s going to be better for the better uh we’ll we’ll relocate the bamboo wall yeah yeah

Yeah is this where a Roman Empire territory starts just about cuz on the map it shows that our lines are like right next to each other so yeah but if you need to expand frontwards that’s fine I don’t need to expand I just need to mark off my

Territory all right I just put those banners around cuz I’m going to I want to craft some e chests here in a bit I’m going to place them around just so I have places where I can restock with supplies oh I’m going to create my borders out of bamboo here all

Righty going along the river yeah did you even know each us were uh back in play we back in play yeah you can e chests now you can yep did we go to the end nope we have Ender Chest oh you don’t need to go to the end with for each

Chest nope you just need Ender eye and eight obsidian we’re still waiting to go to the end cuz I need I need like everyone to log on which is hard and also Z is suggestion s suggesting lore like we I’m actually not going to explain I’ll say

In DMS later cuz I want to keep it surprise just in case we actually do it is z supposed to replace anyone nope he’s just a British boy that randomly appeared on the SMP one day why did you invite Zen because he’s cool when did you invite him uh I can find

The date real quick because I streamed it let’s see here um I think two weeks ago or somewhere around two weeks ago that around two weeks ago why did you in why did you invite like um a disease guy um just if you knew he was going to be a [ __ ] hey yo

I’m streaming language language language language language where’s my soundboard a bad person a bad person why is my soundboard not working that’s a bad word that’s a bad word that’s a bad word it is a bad word I’m have a nerd you’re a nerd yes I am you are a nerd I sound

Like stepen haing yes you do ‘s a one Riz Riz I’m quite rful you are very rful I’m currently beating life is great with a bamboo no be nice to your slaves get back to work get back to work I have a great idea if I if I I’m going

To create my main put my main city inside my uh inside a wall um and that that’s the wall I I have started the wall you know that big yeah the big wall you know what I’m trying to say yes this isn’t that Riz full I’m not speaking with Riz my Riz

Isn’t radiating right now your voice is just like deeper it is yeah I can make a deeper no know I’m evil oh yes I like this one I’m gonna have to create like um a propaganda video against the against the pl yeah this lava thing right here this this lava thing right

Here llama thing a lava lava what it oh I’m an engine an engine you’re an engine Pi you’re gig I’m the Sleep Paralis demon hello wondering traitor the British are bad they’re colonizers I’m going to hit their knees with a crowbar okay I the Sleep St support thing the British are bad the

British are stinky I’m going to hit the reles with an ionizer yeah what is an ionizer British are stinky the British is very stinky okay the but are bad the burger stink I’m going to hit the releas with a dieser yeah how does life is great drown what what how does

Worker yo I here’s a head of a man I got a head of a man a is llama you got to crouch crouch and uh right click y yeah but for bad the but stink it I’m going to CS my good I Love’s actually pretty good yes I’m to go voice oh

Wait should I go to the what voice am I even using right now you’re using okay should I go to the nether or go to the mountain or to explode this TNT uh nether I guess cuz you get netherite and netherite is always good how is life a straight drowning that’s

Can I go beat up your slave real quick why well he’s done nothing wrong beating slaves is fun if if you know what I mean that’s true or should I just meet your slave and like greet them like say oh yeah you’re going to be doing some work for me in the future

That would probably be the better approach cuz uh he is with us in this war he he was attacked by Zen yesterday so yeah we’re going to protect our slave yep he’s basically my Roman citizen oh where is he I do not know yo Zen just sent me a image of what the

Flag is going to look like yo that’s awesome I’m going to send it to you flag okay can I see it can I see it yep uh let me see here at least Zin is human enough to at least give a flag yeah Zen Zen’s

Nice I love that I love that I love that honestly yes I got a DM out of nowhere saying my friend growled at at me why that’s that’s like the most stupidest reason to DM someone just like oh my friend just growled at me what am I supposed to

Do no it was just my friend growled at me in a crying Emoji oh you know like the the s Emoji that’s even funnier no no it’s a skull emoji oh Skull emoji that’s I don’t understand people sometimes that was oh it’s voice fly slab where is

It evil voice I need evil voice for it I was you know You sound like an Android an Android Phone you sound like you are having a midlife Crisis how is how is this it’s kind of spooky oh this is a nice one that’s even spookier sound like me sleep paralysis demon that’s kind of sad only four planks in there find some else sh sh that’s a lot of bamboo you’re not going to know a thing

Currently robbing from the sus are all right all right what are you robbing I’m nothing what were you robbing no one not totally not you I’m totally not robbing you don’t I just woke friend up from a nap that’s a big L moment has been sleeping in my office for like two hours

And I don’t know what to do I just woke him up was trying to go back to sleep I see a nice Roman citizen here why is he in your house cuz his house is underneath my house yep how did you down in there uh there’s things called secret tunnels you get SEC

Tunnel uh You’ have to explore a bit what did you hey what did you R from the saur nothing can I can show me nothing nothing at all nothing at all nothing at all nothing at all nothing did you actually steal yes did you steal diamonds nope what did you steal

Nothing I swear if there’s something good gone I am going to yell at you I I just stole some uh obsidian from your lava pool that’s close by your base I mean wait no it’s technically inside my territory cuz it’s not inside your walls oh never mind I didn’t steal from you

Then yo s just sent something cool I want to send it to you what is life is great Doing somewhere oh I just heard an LA do something what is this why are you trying to burn down my house that broken it’s like it’s like a pet Shack like underground pet thing what with dogs and cats and and stuff oh that’s mine what where is your what the

Freak oh my gosh my my texture pack just breaks apples apparently apples are not centered in my hand and are massive that is funny what about other food every everything else is fine except apples that’s funny oh looks like you found it yep you’ve definitely found it this is the tunnel

To the great base Yep this is his base probably run away from your slave right now that’s the mine which Zen got trapped in but this is his actual base which don’t holy moly that’s a lot of iron seon’s Farm’s crazy oo magical magical water train for this

Huh Fus on you I got dep Strider I hate you I have an artifact with the seed but it’s only good for when I’m fully submerged I tried giving you like dolphin’s Grace but that’s not effect on Bedrock Edition apparently oh that kind of ruined your artifact this Lo iron

Yeah if there’s a random painting I just go through it yep so yeah that is my uh secret uh pet base because I’m those are all my pets all of them except for my dog Army I mov my dog Army out it what do you mean by it not you build

Your second one a second one a sec you have killed your daugh what is this that’s uh this is my H secret war base the British or someone else follow rules no breaking anything and no anything sneaky unless you got key um s here St I this is still a work in

Progress Cobble Cobble oh yeah you this is this is your War right yep I this is where all the leaders get together and politics and stuff look at this look at this look at this look at this come here come here come here where did you get these uh Halloween event

Come here come here look at the cow’s Name oh wow okay so this is your like actual like base base yeah I I I’m going actually work on it here in a second after I do my eest thing what’s this this is Tucker’s room Tucker has a because he’s your mercenary I it’s still everything’s

Still a work in progress I need to expand this hallway tell more what if you have a citizen Citizenship in my in my nation can I have a citizen should in yours yes why did ah who blocked off the freaking thing that’s annoying I can’t get

Down oh there I can this is supposed to be the exit but apparently it’s not exiting who the freak plays blocks right there hey this is far yep how you this I just my geniusness ground right now I got to fix my water citizen if you’re a citizen in my nation I need

I need I need citizen in your nation okay citizenship okay so I’m a citizen now yes but this isn’t going to be my main base I’m currently still Gathering resources for my mega base me too oh yeah sure meas going to be uh like 3,000 blocks away

Oh well should does this uh Map update live huh this is Map update on Zone yeah I said this map up on its own yeah that’s C the current map yes what’s the current map oh almost actually your nation needs to be updated but I updated it last night and I’m going to

Remove this glass cuz whoever put this here is a jerk I want update mine now all right how do we do that uh just take the map go to your base and update it oh I don’t want to go to my base all right all right yeah just take the map

Off the Wall then amow I forgot what like the low hunger slowness without my artifact feels like it’s so slow yeah I am so spoiled with these artifacts can I just have like can I just have like an a small room that’s like the SR Embassy down here sure I just need to

Continue yeah uh when is this small room going to be though this this one right here uh that is smelting smelting oh so yeah this is crafting smelting I want a small C I want a small circular room like like this just like me sitting down Zen send me another thing I’m gonna

Send it to you and Zen asks if we need anything else one like you know that’s like I’m literally bouncing up and down on my chair like a like a Zen asks if we need any other uh flag designs besides the three that I sent you in your

Dmss I see that one but that’s like a wall Banner yeah so anything else uh you should add some really small ones for this warro table thing here okay you you heard heard zen What You h z what you mean Zen’s watching my stream so yeah prob just has my stream in the

Background just working on these Z doesn’t like the sound of it I don’t know why why does okaying it’s hard to understand you with voice oh oh oh oh I should really take it off um I meant like really small ones for this table right here like here’s the Roman

Empire British tiny ones like yeah like that oh yeah this thatch yeah that would be awesome oh and you should really put your Roman Empire flag like right here I’ll have to duplicate it yeah exit should be functioning now can’t wait for what should be functioning oh yes it should

There all right Zen got the message and he’s now probably doing it yo this is going to be so pumped when he sees that flag design and that is actually in the game oh and he’s probably going to make the most gigantic flag for the British chairs would work too

Then if if chairs would to work too May would be aw you know let’s let’s not get too carried away like this is still a vanilla SMP for for the most part yeah so let’s let’s not add like cars and guns and stuff even though that would be awesome

But let’s not add like you know tanks and like actually build armies and stuff yeah for now oh yeah I forgot to go I I forgot to do the one thing I would I went over there to do kind of sad I really need to make

Uh an Anthem for the SR and put it on YouTube and start making Sr videos yeah then just send me an image of like my my S&P house is exploding just on fire that that’s kind of funny that’s because that’s that’s because uh what did he get a copy of the

World and then just explode it oh using used uh uh like a cool a rendering engine yeah I’ll send it to you cuz I’m nice my architecture design right now is just is based off the Hino Village from breath of the wild and I really want like that Sandstone boom

Boom Oh image and and and right there it shows like some flag that’s like what is that I I don’t know is that like a like a Canadian flag you’re now Canada now you’re now Canada you must change your ey y I’m Canada now I’m no longer Roman I’m

Canada I I’m no I’m no longer I’m no longer the sosr I’m the United States the British Mexico wait no no no that’s that’s Matthew Matthew is in Mexico and then the British is just the British all right uh Zen said it’s my flag on fire it’s your flag on fire yeah that

That image that I sent to you the boom it’s my flag on fire I wonder how long it’s going to take for this thing to you know be implemented into the realm for like you know the the the the flags hopefully soon cuz Zen said he’s uh starting

Coding oh I don’t want like the thing I I just want the thing to be still I don’t I know like in some it’s just oh no he’s he’s going all out he’s making the the flags wave wave yo yo yo Zen knows how to code he’s he’s

Developed games he knows what he’s y if I if I get neis if I get neis in the uh um in the SMP he’s going to be good friends with zen zen knows how to I mean neus knows how to code well too oh what the

Freak I’m I don’t have gold armor on and I just saw a piglin okay I’m coming to help you oh oh uh help help help help okay never mind I’m pretty good never mind then yeah okay I need Eyes of Ender I need five eyes of enders I have two End Boys

Vinda imagine if someone just did like um U uh uh no no Germany as an Empire the 1942 place yeah like um a uh the a mustache man a failed artist yeah that guy Austrian painter that guy yeah you know what I’m talking about y oh there’s a random piece of end TNT

Unexploded oh and it uncovered a piece of ancient debris let’s go unex exploded TNT sh oh and then there’s ancient debris right here no I just forgot to get a bunch of also I’m excited to see these flags that Zen’s cooking up yeah same course say you can add your own

Flag we do not kid I mean plus you’re coding it so it’s all up to you I yeah I feel like Zen’s just going to add like a secret thing that just makes him very overpowered that that honestly would be funny if he did just gave himself up hacker man

I’m going to get Some I’m also currently in the ne you gave Zen the idea just now I think you gave Zen the idea just now oh no he has he hasn’t said anything and plus I don’t think he’d actually do something like that I mean he might do a little thing but like not crazy

That’s fine Zen that’s fine Zen just said he he needs access to my command block room just spawn in but that’s fine there’s my artifact that slowly kills me like withering five it’s withering three oh you just have good armor and stuff on yeah I just one shot Enderman this kind

Of op that’s a lot why are there skeletons in the ri you know what we should just like allish skeletons all together just politically ban them from being anywhere like there’s going to be like a genocide of skeletons this withering is so annoying Ow Okay you know that’s that’s good enough I’m I’m low cuz of this withering up that’s enough ender pearls for me oh I just got a random thought so at the beginning of the SMP I remember me Luke talker and Matthew were just talking when like we were talking about better

Armor in Minecraft and someone suggested uranium armor then tuer said it would slowly kill you and he did a death noise it’s kind of what this reminding me of my artifact cuz it just slowly kills me when I hold it I’m just being uranium ified uranium choby yummy

Uranium you know what maybe there should be like Chernobyl and sunrise smpp and there should be like an art artifact there that just like gives you like makes turns you into the hole but also slowly kills you with radiation poisoning 11th artifact real like it’ give you like strength four speed

Four jump boost for but then while you hold it gives you like poison or withering some 20 no no it should be like slow painful death it I think it’d be like mine with it’s three so yeah it’s actually not a bad artifact idea this is I don’t want to build chernova right

Now yeah because building Chernobyl would be a pretty much a little bit of an unchange thing to do no I’m just I don’t really want to have to build another artifact place right now oh are you going to introduce more artifacts I do not know ow I mean right now the tent is

Good just like if I think of a couple more then maybe I mean plus we’re getting uh tons of more people so that yeah oh Zen’s thing crashed he’s he lost all the work no I don’t think he did I think right now he’s just testing it to make sure he it’s all

Working and not crashing preferably the realm shouldn’t crash every time you place down a flag which there is going to be a lot yeah it’s going to be need need some serious optimization with these like lag I’m excited to see what Zen’s cooking up yes make into this water oh

Ow I’m on two hearts I’m on like 20 Hearts right now so I forgot how long does your uh Hearts last uh a couple seconds oh wait I I never removed your uh artifact tag did I or from me so hypothetically if I go into creative

Mode here then I go into creative menu go to Pottery shards and I find your heart Pottery Shard yep haha I have your artifact okay so it lasts for a minute 40 okay well that’s considered cheating and yeah so I’ll I’ll remove the tag remove

Uh heart oh I have your I have your other artifact too or maybe I’m you probably have all of them then no I don’t have all of them okay no I just have my two that’s good oh yeah I got a lot of extra Hearts now but to last for a minute and

16 all right also I think you got the you got one of the coolest artifacts the heart one that that one’s super nice I was like it’s just in a difficult location to find I’m guessing yeah but the most difficult is hold on I got I got to pull up the artifact sheet

I have lots of sheets uh artifact in the most difficult one the most difficult one by far is artifact 6 aka the most powerful one artifact 6 did someone find it yet nope it’s probably going to be the last one ever found and I I I have some lore ideas with that one

Oh so there’s only three artifacts remaining artifact three six did you did did you mark that artifact which one you know I uh the artifact six uh no no ow I just You didn’t mark it on the You didn’t mark it on like the little map thing oh no it’s on the

Map is just oh I think I know where which one yeah it’s the most it’s the Frozen one away and really really annoying he oh my gosh I’m excited for someone or all of us to find it I don’t know what’s going to happen with the lore and stuff

But oh I me and Matthew cooked with that that one Matthew is hooked with that one or cooked we me and Matthew cooked with that one oh me and Matthew made all the artifact places before the S SMP started I know that but that the hardest one is by far

The 12 ancient debris that’s a good run sweet how much ancient debris did you need for all that all what all your armor and stuff uh well it’s one Ingot per armor thing so four including tools that’s five six seven eight n I’ve used nine ingots but for

Ancient debris 9 * 4 that’s 45 you have 45 actually have 45 like in total I’m not at 45 yet oh I know you have a ton in your uh chest or at least no that that that’s that’s not Ingot that’s like ancient debris yeah I I think you have enough for

Everything for armor at least but I don’t have good armor and I’m GNA have I I’m just I just need to really you know focus on my armor on and tools yeah don’t worry we got villagers just need emeralds and I have Min my my pickaxe is

Actually pretty good I have efficiency 5 fortune 3 Unbreaking three and uh mending oh that’s really good oh oh no never mind I thought you had something else but yeah that’s a good pickaxe and if you inter if you what I’m in I went through the portal in the

Nether and I went into your underground tunnels yeah it it’s a little broken it’s a we bit broken hello there let me just you know maybe I should just maybe do something yeah I’mma just work on a um you know what can I I should I’m gonna just try

And hunt down the the artifact six that’s that’s not going to be easy what if I do actually find it though I will be surprised and a little mad cuz it’s mostly for lore and I have a really good lore idea with it also Zen

Is currently in a VC and is just taking part of my stream because I have uh the thing that tracks uh people inside of a voice chat and Zen is in that specific voice chat so yeah you want to go talk to a British man or do you want to

Continue just being in a private call oh let’s talk to the British man let’s go talk to the British man we have invade you oh hello we are invading you you’re invading me I’m just I’m just in there because I’m trying to do some things all right all right we have come

To Rob your pockets give us everything you own I’m British I’m poor with anything that’s true so how are the flags coming along uh quite good my first attempt to getting them into the game that it didn’t go very well I saw it’s also not just um a a block pack

It’s an item pack as well cuz I’m adding a few items oh what oh oh oh is it like items for the flags or like stuff to help you no it’s stuff to craft them oh oh oh we craft them mhm wa that’s even cooler oh so they’re not

Like retextured banners no they’re actually their own independent item oh wow the piggy backing of the MBT that of a preexisting item and that is a banner Ed no they’re they’re piggy banking on fences fences oh okay because fences have the correct hit box that makes sense

Oh yeah this is this is how you do it on Java you piggy back on the MBT down of a pre-existing item uh speak English please H I don’t understand your nerd talk that’s what I’m saying well I understand it yeah I mean come on Shel we can understand it you

Can I barely understand I I I can I can use my brain to figure out what you’re actually saying but like I don’t want to use my brain right now what that so you just take the hit box from some other block and then like build off that that’s what he’s saying

Well let’s go find artifact 6 I think I know somewhat where it is you’re probably going to hate me for it if I do I just want more power yeah I’m going to hate you if you do find it why because you want it no I I’ve been strictly told that I’m

Not allowed to have that one it’s just I want to use it for lore well I can be the lore purpose person well I I can’t explain the lore cuz I’m streaming but like we we all going to go as a group it can’t it like can’t be

Me well you might get it during the lore so I’m thinking like for the lore I’m going to try to explain this without spoiling anything like we all go group and then I guess whoever gets it first gets it first first come first serve what if I just what if I get it

Just what if I get it like right like this play session then I’m going to hate you forever like what are you going to do uh well you see I have two double chests full of gunpowder and I can easily get some sand and you got some beautiful walls that you just

Built no well I mean I that’s against the rules so who says I can’t use my owner Powers ow oh that’s abusing your powers and I could tell Matthew of that and then you’d be yeah well if you looked at story designing in my channel there’s one message explaining the lore behind

It h the L behind what uh the artifact uh something yeah artifact that’s way stronger than the one that I killed you with no that that complete an at stupid item artifact with a blade all right I mean I mean it for shoted a Bedrock Wier it’s a it’s over P well

That was on easy mode I switched it to hard mode after and it took a lot more hits in order to kill it it it it’s still overpowered you know a water a Wier s easily well now it gives me wither whenever I hold it and it

Hurts good it should I have a I have a pretty good uh uh I have two pretty good uh artifacts one that makes me go go super fast give me night give gives me night vision and I can breathe under water and other one gives me like 22

Hearts and instant and and just regen so like I really can’t take damage with that one yeah yeah but the the downside with that is that you arguably can’t fight back mhm you’re just a a sponge at that point I know I can just like keep my

Distance and like hold it for a few seconds get keep the region with mine that’s pretty much yeah that that’s pretty much all you can do unfortunately like you’re not doing anything else well I do have 22 heart hearts for like two minutes after I stop holding it fair

Enough mine gives me but the weapon I came up with the weapon I came up with actually do 67 hearts a second it’s stupidly powerful yeah how do you know this stuff um dream Did It On Dream did it on a man hunt well this is bedrock Edition so and it was on

Bedrock what yeah oh oh I mean coders are just people who code are just built different okay because like my NE who’s 12 can do like some calculus some simple calculus cool and guess what neilas is also British so there’s something going on with the Brits what can I say we like our

Calculus you you like your coding too oh yeah I also like it when a game engine doesn’t the want to be greedy nope oh what did you do got a text what did I do why do you leave I got oh I have to go I got a text

Darn from my dad well I was on for like a long I was on for like a long time yes you were like I I don’t know how long well I finished my wall oh yeah um Zen look at my wall you can no longer enter my

Empire I mean I mean a Big W wies aren’t going to be lock knocked down so yeah well you can’t destroy my wall because that suggests the rules and I have the already broken like every single rule with the griefing yeah I know at this point it’s War so

Do Z already have a strike no well well Tech we’re go that far there is a massive Trident sticking out of my old base oh yeah so technically I I didn’t do the first bit of griefing I’m just well you can’t make I I don’t want a hole in my

Wall or there’s going to be another hole in your base I mean that’s not my base anymore I might as well be well a different well I don’t want my land occupied anymore you got that you got to find it just I I your land alone if you leave my

Land alone I I already told Shelby how to find it he’s just got to dig the entire ground up mhm and I haven’t found it well just leave my land alone and I’ll leave your land alone that’s just a mutual agreement all righty but no yeah sh we as I was trying to

Explain how Bedrock rendering works is that it’s not going to render the entire block is there’s another block next to it that’s dumb no because I knew you were going to spectator mode up ahead of me well I I knew you would cheat cuz you get frustrated trying to find it so I

Filled the entire mini bases in ah see you can’t find them the only thing I can do is I find your banner yeah one sec out the half if I were a Zen craft base where would I be are you still looking for it I’m trying to find the one in the

Suzar the only thing I can I told you you you won’t find it you won’t find it because it covered I didn’t even put the banner on that one oh come on you suck your Genius is your geniusness is too powerful no it’s just call exploding

Bedrock to the point you know how it works On Java I wouldn’t be able to pull half of this crap on because you know how bad that rock is also you are two subs away from 500 I know that’s crazy so yeah I’m basically guaranteed to hit my end of the year goal so

Hooray I knew you do it I told you what you do is uplo shorts yep now my only short idea right now is uh saying that once I hit 500 Subs I’ll reveal my Spotify WRA cuz it’s terrible I don’t I’m not going to listen to it no Offense H all right I need to make this bigger because the flag doesn’t fit quite yes H yes no it’s the mini Flags they’re really hard to get to get the texture to work like you have no idea I am having to chop the texture down so much like

You w even know what’s on the flag is any is there any like logo on these flags you can’t tell what it was oh that’s all right then the’re mini Flags aren’t they they’re in decorational pieces yeah what the freak my sheep keep disappearing for some reason oh you’ve had that issue

Too I don’t know if it’s someone killing them or they just despawn I I had a massive chicken farm and I come back later on and all the chickens were gone it’s like what yeah I don’t where did all my chickens go like half of my sheep just vanished did Thanos snap or

Something apparently really I forgot what I was going to do I think you were well you buot your super weapon yep so it’s a good really left for you I’m surprised they let you have it actually I’m so surprised that Minecraft let me use the word hell yeah normally normally they’re a

Bit uptight on stuff like that but I guess I can use the word hell so I got the most ominous sword ever hellbringer not SW going to mering I guess so double standards oh I can’t make this work you can tell it’s his flag it’s a test flag

Anyways yeah are you going to be adding your flag or are you just doing me and Juniper’s flag I’m just doing one flag for now all right and what flag is that the the only problem is for you guys to have it and for it to be updated consistently I’m

Going to have to put it to the um the store and there’s an issue there oh yeah the soon as they see someone’s a certain flag they’re going to be like can’t have that yeah can’t you always just like send me the file and I can just upload it to the

Realm would it download automatically I’m pretty sure okay I mean I haven’t got any of your weird things but then again I don’t know if that’s like your client end or not yeah I mean like the heads worked and I didn’t pay anything I just downloaded them off Google

Oh I’m TR look for test like Roman like Roman flag but some reason a Crave menu just isn’t bring it up I don’t know why it says I well no it says I had says I had the pack enabled huh been so long since I developed on Bedrock so

Yeah I hate the weakness of my artifact I just die it’s sucks yeah but it is kind it is kind of needed you can’t lie I I know I see a little Ry land but that’s cuz it’s just like oh let’s get into an epic battle

Dead it’s like oh okay yeah I didn’t want to use my artifact that I had in my inventory I was like whatever I’m going to use it I was using my like yes I’m going to fight him I I had I had like an epic battle planned and everything ins time my head

EP strategy walk straight up to you dead oh okay there’s no fight then oh I just get deleted off the face of the Earth yeah it’s a little op a little I see a little a little okay a little a little it for shoted at e wither that was on

Easy mode hard mode Wither in bck is crazy op still took that one down with relative ease but the realm is in hard mode so it’s hard mode wither I gathered that cuz when I was um doing stuff in this animation I I I saw that the um thing

Was on hard mode help we aren’t wimps in This Server we do hard mode that that that would explain why I dies in near every zombie that touches me yeah zombie just comes up and it takes off my health it’s like ouch big meaning very big mini why is this not working then

Display block name can I what with bedrock when you um make a block it oh you know an add on it pops up in the creative menu there’s something I’m doing wrong here mhm I have to enable something is weird Bedrock is weird that’s it that’s the

Reason I’m just wondering do I have to enable something that’s all I do not know CU I did quickly watch a tutorial just to double check I knew exactly what I was doing still it didn’t look like it changed that much education Edition no we don’t need that I tried education Edition I

Actually got it in my school wow i’ I’ve never played education Edition when I was in my school they set up a giant SMP um and obviously if if a student was misbehaving or it was like the end of the lesson they could freeze everyone and then Force everyone to log off oh

That’s sad like the like the the teacher um account as it was known as like had utter full control over everyone’s movements it could check inventories it can you know teleport to people quite easily yeah kind of I think that needs to be nerfed well no cuz they they’re B they

Were in like a spectator mode the whole time yeah so it’s just administrative basically but dumb down because no offense teachers have no idea what they’re doing half the time mhm I mean you’re going to tell a teacher you need to moderate this game and they’re like what I have to moderate

Doom I’m not playing any Zelda why oh why are you being a poopy is it because I’m in the game already maybe I think on Java I just reload the resource back and boom it updates so that’s not the case on better Rock clearly bedro hates me mhm better Rock just kind of

Sucks it does I I do I’m not a fan of this MH I have tried Bedrock I given it a legit chance and I can honestly say I have a new appreciation for Java yeah cuz the thing I’m notic with bedrock it’s fine is you’re doing like

Chill things but as soon as you need to do anything quick it starts to struggle mhm so and I don’t know why it struggles me neither oh jeez I’m one away from 500 now oh nice let’s go give a a I’m pretty sure it’s just going to go

To 500 and then it’s just going to go back down kind of like oh well you get rolled back you’ll get rolled back y sorry don’t mean to be mean but you will get roll back I know it’s it’s whatever it is whatever I four Subs like four times really

Yeah that actually really sucks man yeah I’m that’s why I’m I’m going to keep keep going until like I’m at a good like 510 or something that’s what I do I don’t normally announce I hit like a milestone until I’m a few either a few tens ahead or or 100 Ahead just because I know what YouTube’s Like why is it every time I go to boot the Minecraft launch it says I have to log in now it’s like what you should know my account silly program that happened to me a little while ago now it’s stopped which is nice know why mine isn’t but all

Right oh yeah so anyways yeah the custom items I’m adding I’m adding a few little things like for law in case you guys want to do some funny things o I’m adding a crown like an actual proper Roman crown ground that’s awesome it’s um basically it’s just a retextured netherite helmet

So that that’s fine yeah uh then I’m also adding a dagger which could be used you know mhm it’s basically a stick so it it has real no real purpose that that’s kind of sad well I can make it an iron sword if need being

True anything else that or is that it my Head and re model but your mic is cutting out it is because I am rendering two animations at the same time that makes sense and I’m also trying to code Minecraft stuff yeah I mean it’s good now and my computer and my computer is at 97 degrees

Jeez it it is cooking it is warm oh my poor computer burn mine is never like Bedrock it’s always been warm when it comes to the game my fingers all Dusty cuz my computer’s all dusty oh gross clean it no I’m not must clean must take care of your computer

H okay so why are you not working what is wrong with you I don’t get why this is not working right back to tutorial clearly it has changed it has Chang since I’ve last used it he really need to work on the road to Rome I have nowhere near you should go

Work you should go work on it dude I’m not cuz I need to finish my secret base that is not really a secret base anymore since you’ve already been down here I’ve not been down there you totally no I actually haven’t been down though oh so life is great line to me

About blocks everywhere just blocking off things last time I saw life in Gray he trapped me down in the cave and wouldn’t let me out that was funny did you not havea the wor thing no I had a diamond hoe so you really he ched me a diamond

Hoe yeah I really couldn’t get out wow you actually trapped me down there get by Will I thought you were just escaping I thought you had a pickaxe so I was just like different places seeing if you were there no I was actually stuck that’s why I was

Hiding oh yeah you crashing gave you away since it did and I don’t know why it crashed it’s kind of sad I I was going to let you nuk it out with life is great and then you just hit me and I was then I decided to hit you with my op

Artifact because I saw an opportunity to knock you in lava I have full protected four NE armor what do you think that’s going to do to me actually at the time I don’t think you actually had your armor on I think you had your artifact down to make you

Invisible uh no I did have my armor on ah whoops so I think yeah once you loaded into the game I immediately put all my armor but I was still invisible on my screen you were invisible with no armor on I just saw the artifact in your

Hand so that’s why I was like yes I can do it I almost just hit my dog with my Trident that would have been so sad oh so I I see you got an angry complaint cuz I went to go look when you mentioned an angry

Complaint don’t want say that the war is dry and one-sided yeah I I saw that but I only agree cuz you currently have nothing I’m not I’m not on the I’m not on the server enough to do anything though that’s true cuz you hate better Rock Edition and I don’t I I

Understand I don’t hate it it’s just I don’t have the time yeah and you 16 hour shift so it’s not that I hate it it’s just I just physically don’t have the time at the moment but otherwise I would okay so I’ve upgraded your dagger

It does 13 Hearts but it has next to no durability oh yo that’s kind of cool that’s kind of cool that is a sharpness that is a sharpness free netherite Sword and the best part is you can eat it and it kills you immediately you can eat

It yes I’m making it so you can eat it oh so you can either use it to assassinate someone or you can use it to kill yourself yes oh that’s great I love that it it should do that when you when you eat it it will drop your hunger to

Zero and it drops your HP to zero that’s that’s probably the best thing ever that’s funny that is very funny uh excited to see it you should be cuz it it’s actually kind of good I am very excited then is is I can get it to load in which

Again I don’t know why it being poopy because because at the moment I I just ate an iron sword and it killed me but it’s not loading in the right model for some reason that’s weird and it crash and it and it crashed my game again is that crash number

Two that crash number 60 60 I’ve been busy crashing I like crashing crashing is fun that means I’m doing something right testing hooray hurry for testing it’s so much fun woo kill me oh sorry now uni me I I don’t know if that does anything in streams or

Not no you know what YouTube’s like yeah unless you are a lady you cannot get away with anything bar what it’s true I can’t right click Anymore that’s fine I can’t right click I I actually can’t right click anywhere like is this on oh oh no there we go there we go it’s all doing it now quickly is it on the server or like on your computer on my computer I’m not on the

Server I meant like your private testing world for your uh the flags and stuff no it’s lagging like crazy oh that’s not good no it’s it’s lagging like crazy and I don’t get why so if you put an addition on the server does it just like automatically

Move it all over to everyone else’s client uh they have to download it first but yeah it works okay so like uh when you join server it gives you a prompt if you want to download resource pack or something when you click it it downloads everything was it meant to give me a

Prompt sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t no it didn’t give me a prompt it just made me download it okay then thanks game oh yeah I could have been downloading a virus oh yeah I am a scary hacker man just hacking your consoles and PCs oh

Yeah oh you won’t like what you find on there probably won’t it’s probably going to be a bunch of blender files and stuff maybe probably is now why won’t you let me put this in the game cuz Minecraft hates you on once I figure it out it will um be easy Mhm TR back expl you did I just hear my sister yelling at my dog poor doggy I don’t know what he’s doing he’s just being goofy chce for Doggy yeah the codes all correct h no like the code is all correct I I I have no idea why it’s doing this that’s odd ah here we go better this up there error uh so it shows the error but very tiny in in corner screen it’d be happy if you

Kept the error there and not made it go away I would like to read the error that would be helpful it would be helpful right oh error hello forky welcome to my chat forky is now here hooray the best man the best man ever it HS is sing me one subscriber away from

500 you can get now I mean I could make another alt account no cuz YouTube YouTube will recognize that Al yeah so why is this error happening let’s have a look forgy says he’ll get me to 500 let’s see here what else could I add hum hum hum hum ah okay now I see why the the old system I’m using they got rid of it ah got you got you me you got to use a different system hooray oh that’s one issue out the way

So literally everything I just done I got to undo it because it doesn’t work anymore hooray no that that really sucks yeah for and the funny thing is go ahead go ahead and the funny thing is this toour is actually made by Mojang so that’s funny oh I’m getting a CO a CO yeah my my my other half she when she can’t get through to me she calls me cuz the only way she can hear me I can hear her joys of being partly deatha that’s updated N9 weeks ago yeah no this should be up to dat huh this shouldn’t have this issue

4K okay let’s let’s try from the beginning then start from the beginning start from the beginning yeah yeah 4K yeah my growth is insane I’ve how many Subs have I gotten here in like a month I’ve gotten like 60 it’s crazy just because I’ve been uploading shorts a lot of shorts hey

Trying to remember what I start from the beginning starting from the beginning yeah yo I need a translator too it’s hard understanding British well sometimes it doesn’t hurt to start again yep I forgot Bedrock one of those things where you make a you make a world you

Can’t add other packs to it you can’t remove him you have to keep him there yeah that’s kind of boring that is I just hear my sister in the background is still yelling at my dog dog just for dogging apparently from what I’ve heard uh my dog headbutt my sister

Ouch okay no justice for doggy that that’s really Painful apparently fory does not understand you he doesn’t understand British oh well he doesn’t need to why oh why are you being an absolute pain no I don’t want to fend my coin go away not falling for that scam sorry but but Mojang is like a billion dollar company and they’re like

Buy our mine coins it’s like why yeah you know I really do love and this is the Great World menu I love I love this it’s kind of cool it looks so cool but the problem is is it makes me feel like I’m playing a cheap Xbox game yeah and I don’t like

That like I I don’t want to be playing a cheap Xbox game uh can you add Behavior packs yes all right a resource pack and a behavior pack that works I’m pretty sure that’s what the blockheads is oh how do I enable cheats when I made the a new world I I

Didn’t make it cretive uh you can do that when you press escape and then settings then World settings and then you scroll down and you should see out I hate your men you so much well do do you know the uh did you do the screenshot that I sent you the

Uh the tab things at the top yeah I know I know okay good good I I know I see I I just hate it it’s all unorganized well it’s organized in my eyes and I cannot understand the Java one oh I’m lucky I found to like a nice

Hill biome and I go over the hill and there’s a mushroom biome right next to it oh that’s that’s cool it’s like the biggest mushroom biome ever that’s awesome oh yeah I forgot in in Bedrock your um your water changing color yep when you diet or add potions you can do

Potions I’m in the wall and changing color around biomes that too yeah you can put water I just forget how far you can see in bed drop yeah it’s kind of I am rendering two animations and I’m still getting 27 FPS 27 FPS isn’t that

Great no but I’m my CPU is at 100% that’s true and I’m on like Max render distance wow that’s really not bad yeah that’s is really good actually why you upset now let’s have a look why will you not give me my dagger I want dagger I I I need to eat my

Dagger I I don’t need to eat swords and immediately it kills me in Creative why that’s even better kills you in it’s also the drinking animation it’s also the drinking animation so the sword literally looks like it’s going in your in and out of your mouth that that’s even that’s

That’s kind of inappropriate but that’s funny oh it just look like you’re stabbing the inside of your mouth don’t need this level of realism come on it’s a cool little dagger I made like cool it’s really funny too no you’re not seen the Oh Hang I se

You I just can’t screen share at the moment because it’s just too much on my computer that’s fine plus I’m doing things on the realm right now that I should probably be doing instead of watching your Discord stream I’m not streaming anyways I can’t stream it killed my computer yeah all right bye

Forky that’s a cool little dagger it is a cool little dagger funny eating know what drinking it it makes a drinking sound SL SLP slip dead Okay so it kills you in creat kills you in survival but if you do it in adventure mode it just kicks you out the

Game for the error server not responding nice that we that’s fine yes not responding I wonder why it just got Ned apparently yeah I don’t think you need to fix that uh go kicking from Adventure Mode I think that’s that’s funny just put someone in adventure mode and tell them to eat the

Dagger they just get kicked they should eat the dagger that’s like the old that’s like the ultimate troll yes you you do that to life is great yeah yep I don’t know whose side He’s on by the way I’m I think mine cuz of yesterday well Tech he kind of aggressed me yeah

So well when I when I when I went downstairs I didn’t actually do anything he just blocked me down there and just said he’s down there he’s down there it’s true I think he was scared to fight you cuz he I’ll probably kill him I’m going to kill him now cuz he betrayed

Me I don’t take kindly to being betrayed I yeah I shouldn’t take Kindle to it you’re kind of bad you know what’s kind of funny when you say that um I’m the reason for this happening it’s not quite true because yeah it’s also kind of my

Fault it’s not it’s not that it’s I just put the flag there as a little joke then life great stole it so I made another one and he stole that one and then he put it on the front of your base I was like oh you know what let’s just run with

It so was life is great who started the swore it died a joke but I ran with it well I wasn’t even going to attack you when I arrived at my house I just I looked at you started shooting at me so I took that as a sign of a

Battle it was a sign of battle I got my mercenary on no s you couldn’t hear it in the Stream but I literally called him I I heard it I heard it I mean you could it was hard to hear though I did hear it I I did hear

It yeah that’s enough I can canel that animation that one done that will start freeing up my computer a little bit no I could smell something burning and I don’t know what it is probably like a spider or something roasted spiders I think I’ve eaten spider before it’s nice

Ew when I went on holiday we I tried tarantula it’s not disgusting I I say it’s nice it’s not there’s like nothing to it don’t I don’t like spiders either way live or dead I don’t mind them because I oh there you go crash number three crash number

Three I have to log back in again Why oh Huns please stop nibbling which one is nibbling it’s you animal abuse animal abuse no no what what I do because they’re going to damage their teeth I throw a little like soft can at them which makes them stop cuz ham teeth regrows but they do

It too much they make them moue bleed and then they going to be in trouble yeah call animal abuse I call it saving their mouths what why is Shrek on the desktop of Minecraft of the clab they’re doing with Universal Studios why I don’t know I don’t I don’t

Like okay okay say I don’t like Shrek CU I like Shrek sh you know Shrek is love Shrek is life so at the end of my video which I probably won’t get up tonight because issue mhm um that’s like a nice little cinematic animation for you to enjoy

Oh so when do you think this video of yours is going to be uploaded tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow okay yeah sweet okay why now did it not work oh there was no error this time oh sh yay no error but it’s still not here why why can’t you just

Work nothing why must you torture me no nothing never works it has to torture me yep it’s not allowed to work if it ever works it has to give up y good Lord you probably hear these hamst they go crazy I I can hear a Teensy bit Yeah Ham’s insane

Was flying around with my trient or is trying to get to my base which I’m in oh I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I’m going to have to actually properly sit with this this thing it’s obviously working because I can eat swords so it’s working but it won’t load the default

Item that’s but then when I when I look at the error logs it doesn’t display any errors which tells me nothing’s going wrong so unless I just have to give myself it they’ve changed Bedrock too much mhm why did they change Bedrock I don’t like

It it’s kind of bad you should have kept it on the mobile it was better what I was what about consoles how are consoles supposed to play Minecraft I completely forgot about console edition almost everyd there’s been a weird Resurgence for console edition like the Legacy version

Yeah people are going back to the old Xbox version and like the old PS v versions I wish I still had my Xbox one cuz I would love to go back to the Xbox One Edition I still have my PS3 but it’s on its last legs darn it’s old just like

You well they don’t build them until last nowadays doesn’t this thing mhm nothing nowadays is built to last cuz they all CU all companies want your money greedy SAU yep be good Lord that animated section at the end of not great oh it’s it’s like a Michael Bay moving

I hate having a block no all the time it’s horrible blocky okay let’s make it a two the IR then cuz CU clearly it doesn’t want to work as a 3D item so we Tred 2D let’s at least SE it can somewhat load a 2d item cuz maybe imagine me that it

Doesn’t like loading custom 3D items maybe I mean 2D 2D is fine well like well like people said they changeed the render engine so there’s always a chance that the compiling trying to do something and it just doesn’t like it I don’t mind eating a knife it might look bad to be fair

Yeah at the moment the knife is ugly because I’m just chopped an iron sword in half cuz I just want this to work now I’m really upset it’s not working the other this does work I might the program does work I might um do something like you know for

Shorts like make make an End update I could have make an End update it does work properly oh the program literally says it can Implement custom blocks that’s cool M but it needs to work why would it work moang please add an end update like the whole community in crying for it

Mhm I also don’t mind more food variety cuz we currently have terrible there’s a lot of things they need to work on and finally let go of the past like it’s stop living in the past moing for’s gone Canon the first thing they need to Del like for example food

They could have it to some food have side effects like if you’re eating like the big fat food like steak maybe it gives you sness for a little bit maybe I mean it would be a downside so you wouldn’t just chug Big Apples all the time you know the heaviest food

Like oh my God they weren’t they weren’t lying there is just no point to having a netherite sword in this game yeah it has an attack damage of eight what the yo your your items are weird you think they have the same damage effects as others on Java but like pre 1.9 combat

We’re just cool like that a trient is essentially as good as a netherite sword but Trident are like so easy to get in vedro yeah then what is the point of a netherite item then I do not know well okay well the obvious thing is you can enchant it better yeah like my

Sword currently has 14 attack damage you you you do know with this trap I have it if I catch you off guard you are dead and you won’t get your items back that’s fine I I don’t mind getting my items back because I have villagers it’s I just have to

Spend like 50 hours AFK and get getting all the levels doing a lot of emerald grinding who is Moose I know someone by the name of moose but I’m the bit oh that is my dog oh it’s your sister okay yeah ah okay well I’m pretty sure moose would like my

Dog my problem is in the UK and I’m in Americas yeah but my dog’s a big fluffy Shepherd yes and mine is uh tall shy which is a mix of German Shepherd and uh call border collie o yes so you got the worst of both there he’s

Cool oh it’s a shepherd shepherd I I wouldn’t call shepher exactly cool wow rude rude no because I I CU my mom has a a baby Shepherd and it’s a menace my dog’s a menace too mine’s a menace all German Shepherds are a menace actually reminds have of an

Angel and I don’t just say that from the St of oh my dog’s an angel never do anything wrong yeah but no like compared to other dogs my dog is actually genuinely calm cool the only problem with my dog is he just wants to lay on you all the time lap dog he

Yes we he’s so old now he’s just so cuddly yeah my dog just barks at us all the time M barks at me if he needs my attention and that’s it no fair enough cuz I think my dog has L with my hearing issues if he wants my attention he has

To B hit me mhm she like okay fair enough fair enough ah I made some jail cells for you can easily be broken out of I literally made it out of wood I mean I always have a flint and steal on me so well we uh take your

Items out of your inventory before putting you inside a prison um let me just C in a quick quickly extra slot on the character times just an extra inventory slot yeah an extra one the hidden one I feel like you are adding a little something in this mod I I I still can’t

Even get the first item to work yeah that’s not that’s that that’s because I’m reading it I’m reading the code and I’m reading the error and I’m following the tutorial and it’s like no no no it’s all working no errors nothing nothing just still nothing yeah that’s suck

You it is and I don’t know why it’s doing this to me yeah this Minecraft Bedrock hates you that’s it it does hate it does hate me whatever did I do to you Bedrock but I call you the worst thing that ever happened to the game that’s wow that’s a statement oh

Is it’s a statement oh well call whatever you want it it’s the worst thing that happen in this game wow uh do prison want to be take that so this is my prison I’m going to take Zen’s prisoner and the guy talking is Zen so yeah it’s so funny that my pris can

Easily be broken out of just got to take break two uh Spruce planks and you’re out it’s for aesthetic aesthetic puros is right yep like the flags that you are making for aesthetic purposes those flags are dope looking the Roman one I’m actually a lot more happier with

H of course it’s going to be a while cuz Minecraft metok is being stupid it is being stupid and I don’t know why it’s being stupid at least it loads fast I’ll give it that yeah that’s a positive it’s good for playing multiplayer with people cuz on Java

You’d have to either buy a server buy Realm go on to Hypixel the one thing I will get bedro credit is that they have done one thing that hardly any games dare achieve which is cross multiplayer on every platform mhm like on portable to console to Windows you’re all on the same thing

It’s like yeah I think this is the only game that has done that wow yeah she think I cannot name another game off the top of my head that had done this I can’t either good lord it’s nearly midnight all right you know what I’m actually

Going to go and sleep on this and see if I can rack it out inside my head in a dream all right I’ll leave you to your stream because I am not going to be able to figure this out and I’m going to get irritated and stuff curing at the

Computer all right I’m probably just going to end stream because I’m want to go record some all right have fun all right good night good night all right he is gone and that means I’m going to this was a successful stream we got hellbringer the best sword ever Zen is

Working on cool things for the server going to make better Flags apparently a dagger that you can eat things are going to be cool I’m excited hopefully Zen can get to work hopefully oh that’s C hopefully hopefully hopefully and I’m one subscriber away from 500 thank you I’m

Going to keep uploading shorts until I’m well over 500 so if people unsubscribe I will still have 500 so yeah yeah woo okay I’m ending stream

This video, titled ‘Crafting the God Weapon.’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2023-12-20 13:47:51. It has garnered 37 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:45 or 13545 seconds.

MUAHAHAHAHAHA #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #live #gaming ————————————————————————————————————————– 🔴YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzu… 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays?

  • Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts

    Minecraft Mystery: Spot the Diff, Aha Moment! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, a quiz awaits, Spot the difference, can you see the changes, mate? One place will transform, can you spot the shift? Aha moment awaits, a brain training gift. If you’re up for the challenge, give it a try, Watch closely, observe, let your keen eye fly. Minecraft mysteries, waiting to be found, In every pixel, a new world to astound. So dive into the game, with rhymes in tow, Explore the blocks, let your creativity flow. Minecraft magic, in every detail, Spot the difference, and you shall prevail. Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a New Gaming Experience!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft!

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  • Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time

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  • Weirdest Achievements in Minecraft

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  • Steve’s Meme Prank

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  • Crafty Tips 1.20.6: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

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  • Steve’s Minecraft Misadventures: A Twisted Tale

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • NEW! Insane Minecraft Elytra Launcher Build Hack

    NEW! Insane Minecraft Elytra Launcher Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACKS : ELYTRA LAUNCHER’, was uploaded by 𝗜 𝗝𝗢𝗗 on 2024-03-08 06:30:06. It has garnered 10299 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Version – 1.20.1 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed my video, please leave a like and subscribe💖 ̶S̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶k̶s ̶̶̶t̶̶̶o ̶a̶l̶l ̶o̶f ̶o̶u̶r ̶̶m̶̶e̶̶m̶̶b̶̶e̶̶r̶̶s ̶i̶n ̶o̶u̶r ̶m̶c ̶f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y🔥 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙢𝙚 ✨ 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 – https://www.instagram.com/farxx.in?igsh=aWd1a2gzenBrZncw #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #minecrafttutorial tags minecraft minecraft hunger games minecraft survival island minecraft mods minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft & Pokémon Haul by Steph Myers 😱

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  • 🔥EXPLOSIVE💥Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock by SrTheKing🔥

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  • Unleash the Monster Pig: Build a Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft PE

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  • INSANE GOAL: getting full diamond in Minecraft Hardcore #1

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  • Unleash the Power of Litematica! Ultimate Guide in Hindi

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  • Mind-Blowing Micah Odor Liam Recital 2024 Surprise!

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    MHA WORLDServidor de Minecraft My Hero Academia (Boku No Hero) El mejor servidor de BNHA para Minecraft, con addons, quirks, eventos semanales y todo lo que quieras encontrar. Toda información en discord. Te esperamos mhaworld.vultam.host Read More

  • LuxorMC: Semi-vanilla SMP, Active Hermitcraft-like server, Dynmap, whitelisted, Java 1.20.2+, Community events & Projects, Mature Community.

    Welcome to LuxorMC! Hello All!, Welcome to LuxorMC we are a relatively new network with many different game modes and more to come. We are an active community looking for new members to join us on our adventures. Game modes: Whitelisted SMP Hermitcraft style (More Info Below) Mass Survival (Public) Skyblock (Public) Prisons (Coming Soon) HCF (Coming Soon) PVP (Coming Soon) LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP: Discord: https://discord.gg/luxormc LuxorMC Whitelisted SMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own twist. Our community is focused on skilled and dedicated players who push the limits of survival Minecraft. Server Features: Proximity Chat… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List (pls don’t rage)

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    EU E MEU AMIGO NO MINECRAFT FAZENDO CHURRASCO DE OVELHAS “EU e meu amigo no Minecraft lá de ovelhar… espero que ele não me confunda com uma ovelha e tente me tosquiar!” 😂🐑 #minecraft #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for 200 IQ Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: -100 IQ vs 200 IQ.” In this epic showdown, two players with vastly different approaches to the game go head-to-head in a battle of wits and skill. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but think about the diverse and exciting community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. Just like the players in the video, Minewind attracts individuals with a wide range of playing styles and strategies. Whether you consider yourself a quick-thinking 100… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

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  • INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: Collecting 64 of EVERY item in Mokezi!!!Video Information no way no way it’s me Moy Minecraft I’m Minecrafting actually not I I immediately logged on to the server and then it was it was dark and and scary outside and there was a creeper so I ran in to this uh circus Festival I don’t know freak you I don’t know what these are called met 64 meta 64 with the scallop meta 64 where is meta 64 meta 64 hi meta 64 you are not talking it was it was it just so silly so absolutely it was very funny Mo in Minecraft yeah there’s… Read More

  • Testing Insane Minecraft Tiktok Hack!

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  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Masterpiece – EPIC Build!

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  • Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!

    Shocking Karma Strikes in Hilarious Short Clip!Video Information [Music] she This video, titled ‘That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #real #karma’, was uploaded by Mr Thunder9 on 2023-12-04 04:00:22. It has garnered 12293 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. That’s 🤣 called Karma #shorts #minecraft #gamerfleet #technogamerz #carryislive #dream #mcstan #instagram #reels #facebook #youtube #youtubeindonesia #greatyoutube #build #artwork #cool #trending #world #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimetion #pvp minecraft gaming gamer minecraft videos techno gamerz sourav joshi vlogs minecraft smp smp mr indian hacker yes smarty pie mythpat Wait for It Paise Ye Konsa Desh Hai Asa Dost Sabko Mile Ye Kya Hua… Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor’s Unbelievable Luck!” #minecraft #hypixel #pvp

    "Mind-Blowing Bedwars: Wiktor's Unbelievable Luck!" #minecraft #hypixel #pvpVideo Information certified This video, titled ‘What are the chances? #minecraft #hypixal #bedwars #hypixel #bedwarsissofun #minemen #pvp #gaming’, was uploaded by Wiktor on 2024-03-16 14:00:22. It has garnered 617 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars is a fast-paced multiplayer mini-game where teams compete to be the last ones standing. In this game, players are divided into teams and spawn on individual islands with a bed. The objective is to protect your bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. Once a team’s bed is destroyed, they can no… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!

    The ULTIMATE Battle: JJ and Mikey vs SCARY VENOM in Minecraft!Video Information huh hold up something’s wrong with the village The Village it’s been wrecked it’s all messed up what what happened here huh uh how wait Mikey what about the villagers let’s check to see if they’re safe yeah where is everyone oh hold on huh no one’s here or anywhere no way what happened like how what did this let’s check on the chief great let’s go Farms are all ruined huh huh there’s no one here either why the chief’s gone what happened huh how and why where is everyone let’s go back home Mikey is our… Read More


    EPIC BIRTHDAY PARTY ENDING IN A SHIZO MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information どうじゃろ草くくおはようございます 誕生日おめでとうございますしりパパ いらっしゃい来てくれてありがとう誕生日 おめでとう ありがとうありがとうござい ますちょうどぐらい出てきたいい感じに なったわ ちょっとわあ12時間お城出来上がりまし た完成でございます どう みんな噴水付きた時によく使われるコップ そう なん噴水作る時に使われるコップてあ草が あるとなんかいい感じに見える からえんではないでしょうかおやちん いくらおやちんは え1 ヶ月 うヶ月250万でよろしくお願いします なぜ200なんか草がやだこここっち側草 がなんかもう美味しげっ てるなぜ250万かと言うと250万あれ ばなんと なく幸せに なれ慣れそうだから です ガラス草美味しいああ もう美味しぎり すぎ何が何やらわからない美味しぎりすぎ て [音楽] ねえ牛が返事してくれ たよしおらいいやなんでやいい やん内装は内そうですけどねがはは がはははがははは めっちゃ伸びてる伸びすぎなよね蔦 が 賃貸賃貸ですよこちらこちらのお家賃貸に なっておりまし て素敵なお城が出来上がりましたもりお めもりおハモりねむるちゃんいらっしゃい 来てくれてありがとうおハモにおメモも ありがとう ありがとう [音楽] ありがとうお城の案内が始まるお城1回 建てとなっておりましてこちらのお 城1回にしかいけないんですよねすげえ 作り終わってよお 城いい感じにできた大人のホテルって言わ れたみんなになんでやなんでやねん全然 大人のホテルちゃう やろ 近くで見るとこんな感じ とよしよし よし いやよく頑張りました と52分ですねそろそろ締めに入り ましょうか55分でちょっとアーカイブが 切れてしまいますの で皆様ついに12時間でござい ます いや誕生日一瞬で終わったね早かったね みんなお祝いしてくれてありがとう ね今年も今年 は言ったけどこの配信を始める前に言った けど今年はマイクラのをちょっと多めにし ていこう配信していこうかなと思っている のでマイクラが好きな人初めてマイクラ メモのマイクラを見る 人よかったらチャンネル登録してください さんよろしくお願いし ます1泊250万です横か後ろに パーキング違う違う ないおかげで作業も終わりました半分お えらいさ産業じゃない作業半分終わって 素晴らしいみんなも朝までね見てくれた方 ありがとうそして寝おちしている方 ゆっっくり休むんよでいっぱい寝る よメモはこれ から寝ようと思います一旦寝てから Twitterのねおめでとうお誕生日お めでとうリプにお返事をしたいと思います の でまだコメントしてないよ違う違う違う リプしてないよっていう方はしといて くださいよろしくお願いしますではではで はではではではではでは 次は日本の風景そうだね次は日本のお城を 作ろうかなと思い ます星星いりさんかな来てくれて ありがとうす最後に30秒秒だけえメモ お誕生日グッズを出したのでよかったら メンモのXを見て配信に配信じゃない グッズも買ってくれると嬉しいですブース ですよろしくお願いしますでは今日も配信 来てくれてありがとうございました誕生日 おめでいっぱいありがとうではあつまにゃ… Read More

  • Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!

    Insane 40M Budget Build DESTROYS LastPlayer in Watermelon Flower Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Karpuz Çiçek Bütçe 40M !ÇEKİLİŞ’, was uploaded by HzLowlers on 2024-02-21 04:39:45. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:40 or 340 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not open, yasintnc texture… Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969

    Unbelievable Herobrine Beat Remix by DAKU-6969Video Information tu es dit aime-moi prends-moi dans tes bras et je n’ai plus personne ne laisse pas ton odeur impréger mes draps et si tu m’abandones je suis pas celle que tu crois aucun cabron ne m’a touché à part toi cavaliero personne ne m’a touch la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une [Musique] clandestineine la cocaïne la cocaïne ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine la cocaïne cocaï ma FEM je suis une clandestine une clandestine am am This video, titled ‘#minecraft #music #beats #herobrine #alx #song #bass #instrumental #beat #remix #comedy #lol’, was uploaded… Read More

  • Underworld Survival

    Underworld SurvivalDeutscher Minecraft Server von dem Discord Server Underworld, wir spielen lediglich aus Spaß auf diesem, jedoch könnt ihr unseren Discord Server, sowie Minecraft Server unterstützen, indem ihr diese aktiv besucht/nutzt. Wir haben etliche Plugins auf dem Server installiert, die das Spiel Geschehen um einiges besser machen, die meisten Befehle und Aktionen sind derzeit noch auf englisch, dies wird aber nach und nach ins deutsche übersetzt. Read More

  • Perfectum SMP | Hermitcraft-style | Java 1.20.1 | LGBTQ+ Friendly | PG-13 | Whitelist | Community | BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla survival server designed for an authentic and enjoyable gaming experience. Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others. What you can expect: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A simple Discord-based application process for quick access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly and inclusive… Read More

  • Dutchy Middle School

    JOBS/DRUGS/SURVIVAL/DUTCH/ECONOMYPLASMOVOICE IS MANDATORY!Come join us now and we will have a great time.Every job has its own function as it should be! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “When you add shields to classic battle”

    Minecraft Memes - "When you add shields to classic battle"When you try to block out the haters but they just keep coming at you like a creeper in broad daylight. Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More

  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

    Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft Minecraft Grindstone: Repair and Enchant Your Items One of the essential tools in Minecraft for repairing items and removing enchantments is the grindstone. This handy block allows players to keep their gear in top shape and customize their equipment to suit their needs. Here’s how you can make a grindstone in Minecraft. Materials Needed To craft a grindstone, you will need the following materials: Stone Slabs: Crafted from three stone blocks arranged in a horizontal row in a crafting table. Wood Planks: Obtainable by placing logs in a crafting table. Crafting the Grindstone Once you have gathered the necessary… Read More

  • 🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20

    🔥UNLOCK Nether Secrets 🌋Minecraft Academy 1.20Video Information [Musique] salutations les gentlem on se retrouve pour l’académie Minecraft en multijoueur enfin pas encore tout à fait en multijoueur ça sera à partir de la leçon 11 qu’on sera en multijoueur et on est à la leçon 9 et oui déjà quand même la leçon 9 alors pour ceux qui parce que j’ai beaucoup de lapse de temps entre deux épisodes de cette série donc peut-être vous n’avez-vous pas compris le concept de l’Académie l’Académie c’est simple on essaie d’apprendre à jouer à Minecraft ensemble donc j’essaie de passer toutes les étapes les unes après les autres… Read More