Unleash Ultimate Power with Republic AT-AT | Minecraft Star Wars Tutorial

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back today we’re building the 2 to1 scale Republic unstable terrain artillery transport that’s a mouthful um but yeah interesting little thing obviously compared to the other walkers here it’s uh not exactly a walker it’s a repulser based vehicle uses a load of those down there at the bottom really interesting technique to get those spaced exactly how they need to be and we’ll explain that more when we get into the build use of idol players probably crying seeing all those Wither Skeleton skulls but uh there are ways to get around it which includes just leaving them off but again we’ll discuss that when we come to building it so the way we’re going to do this is in a layer system which all you returning viewers will know exactly what the layer system is for you guys and girls just in case of doing like everything that’s on this first block up so all of those cyan blocks and leaves and stuff and then you do the next layer up which is those polished uh deep sight stairs the skulls the walls all that and so on and so forth Just building upwards until you reach the very top uh it’s a efficient system so yeah anything else to say about this thing oh it does have a cockpit in here there’s just a single brown chair with a brown Banner as well just for your your uh driver to sit in and you can get in there yourself and sit in the cockpit if you want to or pretend you’re driving this thing the turret is interesting it uses pretty much the same turret as the at but then it’s obviously angled upwards um because if it was flat it would just crash straight into this uh cockpit roof here so yeah has to be like that obviously got the big weapons on the sides and also these smaller weapons here on the back area uh here’s your Underside detail as well some there there’s like Vents and stuff over here this one’s pretty unique in that I didn’t work from a 3D model for this one I used the orthographics from Revenge of the Sith so yeah obviously it was very very briefly seen but it did get like a full model and a set of blueprints for it which is nice obviously to work from so yeah I don’t think there’s anything else to say we might as well just uh set off with the build so we’re going to move over to the tutorial pad now and get started with layer number one there is going to be a fair bit of repetitiveness just because of these uh repulses at the bottom here they are slightly different one to the next but I will explain that a little bit more in a second and yeah let’s go okay so we’re going to start layer number one here again there’s some repetitive building but we are just going to probably do one of of them and then one of the ripples I mean and then copy it over multiple times um but yeah little explanation of the tutorial pad here first the green line is going to be the front of the build and the red line is going to be the back and then this side here is going to be the right side of the build that’s going to be the left side uh and then this solid line with the little marks on it as well is the very center of it so anything that’s on the left is on the right of that and then this is the central block we’re going to take this temper block here so we’ve got four materials so far which is a s terra cotta polished deep SL slab lever Darko trapo and then a temper block that we just destroy once we’re done with it and I use sponge most of the time and that’s going to be the same here so down the very center of the build here and we are facing towards the back right now we’re going to do three like that and then we’re going to take the Polish deep slate slab do a top half one there and on the right side as well so looks like this then what we’re going to do now is take a gap of two so just pass that slab top half one and then two again top half one I’m just going to do it like this so I’m just going to skip the slabs for now just so I’m doing all the sponge at once um we essentially want to end up with uh I think it’s eight slabs in total so we’ve got three so far that’s four five 6 7 and eight so we’ll just count that again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 which is what you want to end up with and then you can just do the temporary line of three obviously down the center line here three there do the same again on this side so that should be five so far six seven and then obviously you got the eighth one already so that’s fine now I’m going to do a little bit of building on one of these and then we’re going to copy that over onto every single one of them um but I’m going to do the first one here so we’re going to come to this very back left one so obviously back is the red line and then this is the left hand side of the build so we’re just going to put a temporary block next to that slab darkat trap door two of those both top half OB we’re building towards the left of the build right now two slabs both top half cyan and then levers on all three Sid and then what you do is do the same here so I’ll do a second one just so you can see like that so we’re going to do a total of 16 of those and we’re going to do those all now um I’ll just do it sped up so you’ll see that and then we will move on to the next layer up cuz that is literally going to be it for the full layer but you’ll see what it looks like once I’ve done with this so uh yeah here we go so that’s one side done so now we move on to the other side and it’s just mirroring what we’ve just done so yeah let’s do that okay so that is what all of them should look like now obviously all done on both sides again it should be a total of 16 sets of rows here and we can now move up to l number two so things are going to get a little bit trickier but we still do the whole repetition side of things um the repulses are pretty much the same there’s a few little changes every other repulser just to um basically make it so the blocks don’t connect but you’ll see that in a second I will explain that more on Layer Two which we’re going to move up to right now okay for layer number two coming back to the back left repulser again we’re going to use that one as kind of the template and then copy over again onto everything else so we need the S Terra Cotter again uh the polished deep sight stairs and slab stone brick wall polished deep sight wall dark oak fence iron bars dark oak fence gate and conditionally with a skeleton school again we can get rid of this if you’re a survival player because there’s going to be too many of them there are some skeleton schools further up in the build as well just regular ones I think there’s only a couple but again they can be replaced these on are a little bit trickier because they do form a fair amount of the kind of visual outline of these repulses but I’m assuming there are ways you can get around it I’m going to try and work something out while I uh build this we’re going to take the stairs first of all put them on this lever here like that so just facing outwards um now the First with the skeleton skull is meant to go here on top of the lever and there’s actually another one on un like a floating block there basically it shouldn’t um disappear I don’t know if bedrock Edition allows you to place schools like this if it doesn’t that’s more of a reason to to leave it off um but yeah it should just be sort of floating like this we’re then going to put an iron bar just on this one stem brick wall a Polish deep slate slab here three San Terra Cotter then I’m going to take the dark oak Gates put one next to the slab and next to this first Canan flip them both and then this is two dark oak fences okay on the next one over we’re going to do pretty much the exact same thing so all of this same as before uh these skeleton skulls yeah again if you’re a survival player I am sorry but just leave them off but the reason we do this is because you get this like half block Gap in the middle here it might even be less than half a block and that’s exactly how far apart the repulsors were on the reference I worked from so that’s how I needed it to be I needed them to be about two blocks wide and that’s what they are but then also have the Gap in between and this was the only way I could do it but yeah carrying on doing the exact same thing on this side as I said f Gates as well same as before just like this you’ll notice I’ve left one thing off and that’s the fences at the back here the reason being is because we’re going to use polished deep slate walls instead the reason we do that is because if you use fences they’re going to connect up like this and we don’t want the repulsors to connect at all we leave them off and what we’re going to do this time is basically copy over this so the two of them will then go to a one with fences here and a one with walls here fences here walls here fences here and then walls will be at the very front so I’m going to do that in speed up and again when you go over to the right side it’s going to be the same thing but mirrored so that first one here will be with the walls and the second one will be with the sorry with the fences and then this one will be with the walls fences walls you get the idea I know that you can do this so yeah let’s do it I’m going to speed this up now um but we’ll be back in a second [Music] [Music] all right so that is all of them done from what I can tell I don’t think I’ve missed any off there um because those took a little bit longer especially in the speed up it felt like forever I’m going to copy those off camera but it is literally just a case of mirroring from left to right now so again these front ones on the front side of the build green line should be with the walls fences walls literally it’s just the same design apart from that one change between the uh repulsors so we’re going to do that now you might see equip junk cup but yeah okay so if you’ve done all of those it should look like this now there is one last thing which is actually going to be the start of the main body so I’m going to take the temp block back I’m just going to normally I do a jump cut between this and um like additional bits at the end of a layer like this but there’s only three materials here two technically if you don’t count the uh sponge which is again temporary we will be able to get rid of these at the bottom at some point soon going to come to this very front sled here I don’t know why I call this sled it is kind of like a sled a ski almost but it’s a repulsion two of those there next to the stair two again top half stone slab and then iron trap door one two three four again one and one 2 3 4 and yeah that is going to be everything for those sections so let’s move on now to layer number three okay so for this layer it’s a interesting one there’s a lot less of the repulses to do and then more of the front section uh where the cockpit eventually will will be housed a few more layers up we’ll do the uh sections at the front here first we’ll need the n Rod I’m taking these on the materials too so polish deep slate like 90% of the ones from before I put up here for now yeah polish deep slate smoothstone clay Observer polish deep SL stairs and slab en rod and then the two trap doors again as as before on top of the stone brick wall we’re just going to add not one but two en rods on each of these because there is one on the next layer up and we might as well do it now and get it out of the way so that we don’t need to mess around with changing the materials out uh because I do that a lot I use a lot of materials compared to a lot of other people do who do builds um it does get a little bit excessive sometimes but once you’ve done the end rods you can also add a stone brick wall on top so get that out of the way as well so again that’ll save some time in the uh following layers and there we go so that’s all of those done and then you also need the Polish dup slate which is going to go two blocks away so it should be here there and just keep doing that no need for speed UPS on this one because there’s not too many to do so you should be left with a gap of five in the middle now I’m going to take the polished deep slate slab come to this back left one as we’ve done before skip a block there like that and do a top half slab you will also need the smooth stone slab actually I should have got that mount before don’t throw it away like I just did don’t throw that away either there we go we got the slab and the walls in there now so the slab goes in between and another one on the right and then we’re just going to take the slabs again one two and one there so you should just come one past the uh last polish deep slake block should be in line with these half blocks here including the fences fence gates at the back of the build on this next one it’s going to be three across like this do two on the left and right two uh smooth stone slabs and then three two two two smooth stain slabs and then three you get the idea we’re going to keep doing that so you can do all your polished deeps later once if you want and you just leaving those gaps of two for these smooth stone blocks and we’re going to do that until we reach the final one and it should again line up with those half blocks at the uh at the end again just put these slabs in here don’t forget about these ones so it looks like this this we’re then going to take the dark out trap door on the left and right and this is only on the front by the way M trap door in the middle then we’re going to take the temporary block I’m going to do one 2 3 four five six 7 and I’m going to knock out those second blocks like this so you just got four single ones at the end of that fourth single one add an extra block and then two on the left two on the right so that should be five I’m just going to take these iron trap doors and do one two go forward one two ignore that forbidden technique that I just used but should look like this just iron trap doors in a little square like that get the Polish deep slight slab again come to this front left polish deep slight full block skip one out and do two two temporary blocks two again two temporary blocks two again and two more temporary blocks and you’ll notice you’ve just arrived here where we uh did the like five blocks from last layer you’re going to do an upside down polished de slate there two observers you can have them facing upwards like this smooth Stone clay smooth Stone and then I’m just going to do the same on this side as well before we get too far behind um so slabs two two and again two more Temporaries there and then the stair and the two observers I’m going to have them facing this way so it’s consistent there we go that probably didn’t change anything but yeah just like it uh that way get the St walls come here one 2 three four oops and four like this I’ll do these materials as well there we go one two 3 4 One Two 3 4 get the stone slab the smooth stone slab come to these outside walls here the two smooth slab uh no sorry stone slabs two smooth Stone ones there and then you want an iron one just floating like this if you need to pause and take a look at that for a minute that’s fine I know there’s a lot of shapes going on but yeah two two there and one just floating in that Gap last thing just some light gray stained glass panes and these are going to go just here one two and three and make it four actually and again one two 3 and Ah that’s that’s why that’s not lining up it’s four um there I’m just going to quickly switch that around that was my mistake there we go building on the wrong side there but yeah two there one and then bring that one back inwards that’s better okay and that is going to be it for that layer now so let’s move on up to the next one okay so for this next layer up we are going to take the following materials there’s quite a lot on this layer it’s one of the I don’t want to say most difficult ones but the most difficult so far I think um and I think for this one we are going to just stick to the left hand side which is what I do for most large builds is just do one half of the build copy it over off camera and then show you the result of that copying over again every as I mentioned in the intro copies down this Center Line here so anything that’s on the left also goes on the right that’s just kind of how it works um sometimes builds are asymmetrical and when that happens I will tell you well this one isn’t so easy we’re going to start here actually with an odd choice of starting block but it will make sense in a minute I think um we’re going to start where these nend rods are but just remember that these stone brick walls are actually the next layer up still so don’t build alongside these build next to these top end rods I’m going to put a deep sight tile wall I didn’t mention which ones I needed did I which blocks you just add in stone deep site tile wall here I think are the only two new ones we will need quite a few other things as well but we’ll just grab those as we get further on in the layer so you’re going to do that next to each of these as before just make sure it’s on the outside it’s all looking very technical at the minute but it will it will all come together and what we’re going to do is take the polished deep slate stairs do one on the outside here do one on the outside here and then on each of these you’re just going to do an upside down stair facing towards the next one and again facing that way and it should look like this so these are kind of I guess sort of flaps that hang down from the actual main body and sort of cover the joints for the uh repulses but not very much I don’t know why they’re there but I’m not going to try and explain it two sign on top of those that we did last Layer Two again two again I’m going to go to the middle of the build here now take the stone blocks we’re going to do two in line with those San two on the outside and then I’m going to take the polish deep State stairs and do two upside down ones just facing towards the body like this I am going to take this chance to get rid of some of these as well just casz they’re uh kind of an eyesa we can get rid of the ones down the center line as well and maybe the ones under here if I can actually uh get to them I can’t I’m struggling here need help there there I’ll do it just on this side CU obviously when I copy over um it will take off the ones from the other side anyway so easy take the Canan we’ve obviously done two here on the main body we’re going to bring this all the way back there is literally no other block here normally I’d mix it in with like gray wool or gray concrete powder but yeah all the way back uh to just leave it there for now I think I think that is as far as it goes but yeah just leave it here on that uh last slab take the Polish deep Sate put one on top of the one we did last time and again just do that all the way across take the polished deep sight wall and we’re going to do that on the outside towards the end rods and then we’re also going to take the dark o trap doors and do one on each side like this flip them down as well I don’t know why I wasn’t doing it for the first ones but um yeah and then also on the other side just like that okay next thing again a load of upside down stairs here we’re going to go all the way across just do an upside down polished deep slate stairs just to join that up just do a single Canan here and upside downstairs you do it on both sides obviously but um just leave it like that for now taking the stone block we’ve obvious can’t speak obviously done two of them already and I just bring It Forward by about another eight to make it 10 so 1 two 3 four five 6 seven eight might be a few more than that but um I’ll work there out in a second it might be eight exactly actually but yeah again we’ll see bring the cyan alongside that as well now we should be at the stairs here um you need one extra polished deep SL there five top half smooth stone slabs then we also need polished undersight stairs I’m going to do two of those facing outwards towards these trap doors here do two top half uh smoothstone slabs and then two stairs facing towards it so you’ve kind of got like a I don’t know a weird shape here but it all joins up nicely which is what matters do two more smooth stone slabs top half there and a iron trap door just here and then smooth stone slab top half one two three just next to the back most polished St this is polished uh deep slate slabs I think I’m going to come back to that in a minute because I can’t exactly tell need the stone slab top half one two three going backwards smooth stone slab again all these are top half I don’t know why keep saying it but that joins up with that there polished deep sight slab we’re going to put one just here there as well there as well and then that last one is going to be a stair you want it facing that way that way that way so just three stairs and then a Polish deep slate full Block in those gaps this is a stone slab top half one two and three I’m going to take the uh chiseled stone bricks that’s one and two and then this is where we do the sort of vents on the other side so we’re going to put one two three and four stering with walls like that and another one there and there and then take the iron bars and that’s one 2 3 4 5 6 7 it should look like this okay again observers one and two make it a third one and add a polished deep sight stair upside down grab that clay back and the smooth Stone as well play here two cyan we’re also going to add stone bricks to the lineup of materials and I’m going to put one stone bricks here stone block stone bricks smooth Stone and then I need to check what block this is so I’m going to I’m pretty sure it’s a polished deep slate slab I’m going to do it and I’m going to check in a second um and then you also need the polished stairs again put them upside down facing towards the front one two three and then this is a corner one just like that followed by another stair just here another one there two smooth stained slabs I trap door just here I know this is complicated and I’m sorry but it has to be done you also need the stone brick stair now which is just here and I’m going to add one and two of those as well at corner four more of the light gray stain glass panes and and you’re also going to add light gray Banner to the mix and there’s just four of those in that Gap to cover some of the side texture up okay come back to the front here now polish deep slate slab just one there you need the stone slab and there are some levers on the bottom side of a material from the next Labor I don’t know which it is so I’m going to just check that you might see a quick junk up and I’ll be back in second okay yeah so there is a cyan terracotta block just there floating above where the slab is and then we’re going to take a lever there is a slight amendment I need to make as well um so I’m going to go back to this bit here I’m going to delete these CU they’re annoying uh so this is actually all slabs across there but then this is a stair um just here we’re just going to change that so there there and there okay so what I’m going to do now I’m just double cheing I’ve done everything I need to on this side but what we are going to do is copy all of that over onto the other side again it’s all down this Center Line here but you can see now we’ve got like the main framework of the body set out so we are making good progress with this but yeah we’re going to copy all that over now and I’ll show you what that looks like in a second okay so once everything’s copied over it should look like this looking pretty cool I’m going to take out all these tempor blocks now between this layer in the next one so you’ll uh see those disappear and we don’t really need them anymore so you can do the same yeah that is going to be it for that layer let’s move up now to the next one okay again for this next layer up switching all the materials around great concrete we’re going to add that s Terra Cotter deep slight tile wall dark oak fence um polished stairs lever dark o fence gate grindstone and add that and then the stone block as well so we’re going to do a bit more of these uh what do I call them I can’t remember anymore um repulses that’s it um we’re going to do three gray concrete here but we’re actually going to do four on top so we do three and then four three four so you just going over the top of that uh stem wall that we did last layer there’s going to be a reason we’re doing this in a second as well and it’s to do with the grindstones and the fence gates so again I am just working on the left hand side for this layer although it’s not too difficult this one actually so if I’m feeling if I’m feeling the not generous but not exhausted by the end of this I will do the other side as well but most likely we’ll do it off camera just saying um so we’ve done the four on top we going to put a dark oak fence gate and flip it on each of those just like that and then we are going to get [Music] the uh grindstone as well and we’re going to put that on the underside of the fence gate so like this again they should be facing with the narrower Edge to the uh to the outside there we go and that one and that yeah probably will’ll just do the left side for this layer if I’m honest then you’re going to take the levers and on each side of the grindstone have the levers facing please stop that facing towards the uh the grindstone so yeah the reason we did that and the fence gates was to basically place the grindstones really easily because you need the arms facing upwards and it should look like this again that’s all part of the sort of covers that drop down above the repulses so once we’ve done that there is one little bit at the back here we’re going to take the polished and theight stairs in fact no I’m missing a whole bit actually as well you need to do the uh sort of half block thickness on each side again this time it’s going to switch so obviously on the back left one here we had the fences but we’re actually going to use the uh the walls this time the Deep SL tile walls on this back one it’s going to be three there three on this side and then again we’re going to switch to the fence for this one so you just kind of uh go in opposite of what we did down at the bottom I can’t remember why I did it that way but there there must have been a reason uh I am doing this right aren I yeah looks like it three there again just keep doing that I’m not speeding this bit up because um where they do eight of them on camera so doesn’t uh doesn’t matter as much so yeah you’ve done those ones obviously this last one is a wall at the very back and the front one should be a fence do two upside down polished stairs just there like that and then two stone blocks on top so again you’re going up to the next layer but it’s fine um and that’s only on the back one so it’s just a little bit of armor plate in here that kind of comes down but yes once you have done that that’s going to be it for the um repulses for that one I’m going to take the cyan keep it to here just add an extra four like that and then we’re going to take the stone slab and this is going to be one uh just there two three four five six okay and then with the stain block 1 2 3 4 5 six and we can put most of these away now obviously you need them for the other side but um you can just keep main materials here so we need the smooth Stone clay we need the stone bricks again take the slab out keep the polished stairs keep the stone um what else we can work with that for now I think so next to these slab here we’re going to do two stone blocks and then this is a polished stair upside down two smooth Stone and then we need the stone brick stairs actually as well one two three stone brick block here three clay adding Stone stairs I don’t know if we use those yet actually but yeah adding those is it a stair is it a slab H it might be a slab yeah I think it is put that away get the slab out instead there we go so one of those smooth stone slab next to it um light gray stained glass pane 1 2 3 4 take the canyan there we’re going to put this here one 2 3 4 one two three and then the chiseled stone bricks in these two gaps but then you also want polished and theight in the corners just to cover those vents up so just like that okay now I’m just going to double check something so you might see a jump cut okay yeah so there’s a polished undersight slab here I just had to check that was right um then we’re going to add the mangrove slab two of those iron trap door smooth stone slab next to that and then canyan here no actually that’s not right it’s a San there and then we need the polished deep sight stairs which I’ll grab from here just put one there like that another s here and then this is some normal Mangrove planks just going to add one two 3 four five like that one more like stain glass pan just goes here and then the last thing because we’ve done the cyan there’s a clay right here at the front as well um we just need some iron trap doors now I’m going to go to count from the right hand side it’s easier the third one along here from the right should be one with fences on the side and take the iron trap doors come to where the grindstone is do a top half iron trap door there one on the left and right come to the second one along from the left again should be a fence one top half iron trap door on the left and right and in the middle obviously and then this one I’m just going to use the clay as a temperary block here for now but come out by one two three and oh not from that one actually do it from here one two three I trap door one and two get rid of those it should all look like this now I’m going to copy that over and once again move in fact I’ve missed a little bit at the back here my apologies um in fact we’ve not even done the sign all the way across I’m getting ahead of myself bring that all the way to the back nearly nearly got away with it but yeah so close yeah get to there where the stair is Polish deep SL wall Canan this is a full block of Polish deep SL here and then just a single lever in fact now three levers on the back like that there we go right copy all that over and we’ll move up to the next one I’m just going to show you what that looks like in a second okay so that’s what all that looks like pretty cool stuff you can see it’s getting nice and built up now so let’s move up to the next layer okay I’m going to start this layer off with these like five materials here that we’ve been using for the sort of core of the uh craft and then got the craft vehicle thing um and then polished deep slate for the um back bit here and other miscellaneous places polish deep slate walls again um just for this back bit here dark o fence and the Deep site to walls for this bit so again we’re going to do four of the walls like this on top of the walls from before so four this time instead of three four fences and you get the picture it’s quite self-explanation by now but yeah you just alternate in those to get the uh Gap in between pretty simple stuff near at the end now just two more I think and last one and there we go going to take those polished stairs and do 1 two 3 4 five and we’re going to go all the way to the back now come to where this stone block is here and we’re just going to use I don’t know polish de slate or something is a tempor block two of those top half polished and a side slab just there and we delete this and that’s fine I’m just using that as a marker for now I’m going to do a bit more on the main body here first so you want to do a cyan there and there the Polish deep slate wall here there as well polish deep slate block dark oak fence should look like that all in all and then two s there skip one two c two c you just skiping those blocks where it’s not needed from the outside so again all the way up to just here where you get two more like that and you can leave that there for now so we’re now going to work around the outside cuz this is the very bottom layer of the top sort of shell of the vehicle so you’ve done those slabs already we’re going to add well one slab we’re going to add two three four and I’m just going to switch all these out as well for the materials we need um for this bit so we’re going to bring back the uh Stone smooth Stone clay stone bricks what else do we need um we’ll need the polished stairs still we don’t need the stone brick stairs for this bit we’ll need the stone slab if we find that we’ll need the smooth stone slab and I think that’s most of them for now we’ll also need a bamboo sign which I’ve not used bamboo very much yet so this is quite interesting I don’t know if I don’t know if I’ve used it on any build yet but it’s a I said a fairly new material for me so there’s stone slab just here polished and sight stair facing the front uh we also need a birch fence gape and that’s just going to go there and flip it so it’s going to be Clay on top of that trapo smooth Stone polished and the side stairs upside down stone slab stone block on this trap door here and then stairs upside down stone bricks smooth Stone upside down stairs this is going to be seven top half stone slabs so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even come to this and it’s a clay upside down stair two stone blocks upside down stair two stone slabs we come to this bit now and it’s going to be a stone brick you just want to basically put it there like that upside down polish there one smoothstone and then just a new material here I think this is only briefly used so not all too much but it’s a uh light gray concrete two of those like that I think it represents a door or something on the side and that’s the only place it’s used in the build so clay block here smooth Stone normal Stone smooth stone stone bricks two more smooth stone blocks and then we need the polished and theight full block 1 two 3 four five switch that out for the Canan one here diagonal in bring it to the center line like that stain block here smooth St and then we’re going to lead that there there got a little bit to do on the outside here first it’s taking the bamboo signs two of those there three of them here and then on this one there’s just one there and one there as well so missing that middle one then taking the stone rot walls one two 3 four light sorry not why say like that white Banner just to represent the uh Republic logo it’s just going to go there it’s only a little one um so yeah simple enough what else I think that’s it for that bit we just need the Polish deep s laab now we’re just going to put that over here uh let’s grab the stone wall again that’s going to be one and two and then on the very center we are going to start the kind of red area around the cockpit and that’s just a red nether brick wall like this okay so that’s it for the main body I think so there’s now the start of those large side weapons and I’m going to take our temporary block back which was the sponge and I’m going to go to to this stair here so where these stem walls are come to this stair do two temper blocks get the iron trap door and there’s going to be one two 3 four and five so you’re building in line with these stone brick walls here okay polished and theide slab you’re just going to put on the outside of this iron trap door here polished and theide stairs one and two another polished slab diagonal inwards do two of them and then this is a stair you just want it fac in this way make that two and three so you’re going to Corner it around and then another slab like that you also want to add the Crimson trap doors uh which are down here you can use Mangrove if you want to keep the color a bit more consistent I just don’t like the texture of the mangrove ones compared to the um Crimson ones is is a lot a lot nicer to look at when you’re using them uh kind of inol so yeah just a single stain brick wall there as well and that is going to be everything there are a few lay uh layers buttons that are on the underside of some blocks on the next layer up but there’s too many of them to really do right now so I’m just going to try and remember to do them when we’ve done said blocks but we’re going to copy that over now obviously we’ve made the frame of the shell now so it’s all coming together we going to copy that over and move up to the next layer I’m just going to show you what that looks like now okay so once it’s all copied over it should hopefully look like this apart from this wall here that messes up but that’s just part of the uh copying process I use that’ll be fixed next layer yeah let’s go on to the next layer now and uh we actually do the main weapons on the sides here on this one and basically cover up all these most of these caps so let’s do that now I’m going to start this layer off with these materials to Stone smooth Stone clay stone bricks s terracotta gray concrete obser a deep s to wall and grindstone as well start with a gray concrete come to between these two bamboo pences on the stone block here going add one and two and then two deep site Tower walls on the left three s terra cotta across like this stone bricks there two smooth Stone on the right and then this is going to be three gray conrete five Observer should take it to the very front iron trap door there and we’re then going to add gray concrete this is going to go all the way to uh whereabouts that’s hard to tell actually I think there’s about seven of them so we’ve got but we’ve got seven now um I can’t do the rest till we do something on the main body here actually so uh we’ll just have to do that first so that we can double check that we’ve done the right amount there so like I said we can cover up a lot of this now um and we basically just have to do a set of two by five or is it four I think it might be four 1 two three four yeah four of them so you just do that all the way cross covering up each of these gaps except on the uh the last one at the back don’t do anything with that one yet but yeah you should just be able to do it like this and then again at this front one here just leave this for a second I think it’s just a single row of four gray concrete on this one um and then I’m not sure what we do at the back yet but we’re going to take the stone block and just do four of those as well light gray concrete 1 2 3 4 and we need the light gray banners as well one and two take the stone brick block we’re going to put that here I’m going to grab the stone block back as well stone brick again you’re tapering inwards by one so it’s not on top of the blocks we did last layer it’s it’s one inwards two stone blocks two smooth stone stone bricks clay 1 two 3 4 so you should just have gone past the uh little bit we did here two stone bricks two clay stone bricks Stone smooth stone stone again smooth stone stone again two clay stone again stone bricks and then this is a polished andesite full block apparently so that just goes there just grab the gray concrete again one two three four uh like that and only from one short here I can’t tell I think I’m too short actually am I uh no it might be okay I’m going to just count these out so if I get the undersight wall just need to make sure I’ve done this right there’s a lot of just counting across on this one take the undersight wall we need a total of nine of these I think so 1 two 3 four five 6 7 eight nine should take you up to the stone block which is right and then we also need the uh light gray Terra Cotter add four of those I’m just going to double check that that matches what I’ve got on my reference you might see a jump cut yeah so that’s fine while we’re actually on this bit I am I’m going to take the other materials we need for this there’s like a weird almost like a troop carry pack thing on the back here on both sides like a almost like a fold up tent sort of looking thing um so we’re just going to add that cuz it’s a lot of similar materials I think there’s four jungle slabs on top which we don’t really use anywhere else so we’re just going to do that and get that out of the way and done with so that’s that um and yeah it’s just another and theight wall here a item bars that should take to the polished undersight which is when we need a lever and then this is just a polished and theide stairs facing inwards two clay blocks stone block here need the stone slab that’s top half one just there and one 2 three four bottom half ones and also another lever just here yeah that’s right cool just delete that last gray concrete there I don’t know why but it’s two stain bricks instead and then just fill this one in with gray concrete as well so that covers up pretty much every single Gap that we have at the moment we’ll just finish this bit off at the back cuz I seem to keep forgetting this area um so we’ll put the leaves away get the polished deep site slabs out there’s just one there and a polished one just here deep site tile one for some reason CO’s uh just there on on there there’s also a blast furnace I don’t know why I had so many different blocks for goodness that knows what reason but it looks good um Blast Furnace you have it facing that way or um towards the back if you want maybe that might make more interesting uh texture actually if I do it this way uh so I’m going to flip that around no it doesn’t never mind but yeah Blast Furnace play on the left side there and then we do a lot of s Terra cot in there I’m going to replace a few of these in a minute but I am just going to bring this all the way across to uh you want it just on this one so just past this connector here there’s a set of gray concretes you want to bring it to the first one of those and then bring it outwards by two bring this one outwards by two and then you can literally just fill all this in I missed the days when the tutorials were just like that where it was just filling in Canan forever it was uh a lot more relaxing I’m going to replace a few of these like I said with the chiseled stone bricks um these ones are on this set of two here basically there’s two stone bricks there and two there as well and that’s basically all you need to do for that um okay so we can now just add a few more anite walls along here add a stone brick wall just there and theight wall one two 3 4 and then stone bricks there you want to have facing that way and then corner it around with a polished undid there so I’m pretty sure it’s just one shorter like that so it should be 1 2 3 six gray Concrete in total I’m just going to double check that so you might see a jump cup and okay yeah it is six gray concrete there should take you alongside the uh stem rck St here uh there’s a lot to remember for this bit I’m working off memory um right now so I’m going to do this quite quick but we need the polished Blackstone button we’re going to add four along the top side four along the bottom side as well and then just a additional one on the kind of second one Along on both sides we’ll need the um dark oak fence not fence sorry Des and you’re going to do two on each side like that also going to go to the top side here on the next layer up technically but it’s fine two more well not two more but two polish Blackstone pressure plates but then nothing on the other side cuz you can’t do pressure plates down there deep s to wall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 make sure you get that right seven uh dark oak fence gatee I need to drink of water this is really uh draining my voice but yeah so one dark oak fence gate a grindstone facing towards the front of the build then you want a Observer a canyan Terra Cotta and then the Deep slate tile stairs as well which I thought we’d used at some point but I can’t seem to see them anywhere so I’m just going to get them again but yeah there’s one of those just there and you also need a light gray carpet sorry just a gray carpet on top plus the iron trap doors on the top and bottom and then last thing I promise for this bit is a stone button just there and there as well so I just wanted to get those side turrets sort of done so that we can leave them for the next layers um there’s a little bit here still for the armor plate to do but saves messing around with all these detail blocks and things like that so so yeah that’s uh that’s fine yeah my Bo is going um I’ll get this done fairly quickly clay block smooth Stone here stone bricks put that away for now get the iron bars uh two playbot there first as well two iron bars here and then one and two here like that dark oak sign one and two and then a stone brick wall one and two there’s a few blocks from here that I needed to do as well just stone bricks smooth stone stone bricks again stone block and then the last one is another smooth stone block there is still the front bit to do as well for the cockpit but I’m going to take a quick junk cut in a second once I’ve done this bit cuz I need a drink of water really really bad I don’t know if you can tell stone bricks polished so stone stone bricks polished um three more dark oak signs iron bars again one and two and then this is a polished uh deep slay wall which I thought I’d use down here yeah I’ve used it at the back haven’t I it’s there so that just goes here excuse me uh last little bit for the side turrets there just one Birch trapdoor and one more stem wall just goes here like that um there’s a bit more I’m just going to take a quick jump cut so I’ll be a second okay so anyway back to it now let’s uh switch some of these materials out we need the dark oak f skate again we’re going to put that just here you notice it doesn’t connect to anything it actually doesn’t by the end of the build but it does appear to be that way from most angles cuz the top side gets covered up anyway just a little bit of uh trivia there I guess Two Chains two n Rods as well chain again and this is where we’d use another wither skeleton skull again this is uh kind of optional you can just add an extra chain a lightning rod or anything else that sort of represents this shape so it’s up to you that’s it for the side bits last little thing we have to do now is the section at the front here where the cockpit is I don’t know why this ended up being one of the most difficult and timeconsuming layers but yeah I’ve done this all in one shot that’s why my voice is um suffering a little bit I don’t tend to do the big tutorial much anymore and that is one of the reasons why cuz it is exhausting but yeah Canan one there one at a diagonal Bring It Forward bring it inwards to the center line and then forwards again get the polished deep side stairs there’s a corner one here like that it’s not a corner yet but it will be um because we need Stone stairs and I’m going to add one two three and four we need a lever that goes just there the stone brick walls going to add one two and three nether brick wall in the middle red nether brick sorry and Lim stained glass just goes there a grindstone for the uh control kind of Yol here I’m going to do it facing that way basically and then finally finally a uh Spruce stairs and I’m pretty sure that does it for that layer so I’m going to uh well copy everything over and then show you that and then we’ll be back in a second you can delete this as well I’ll show you what that looks like so be with me a second okay so this is what it looks like all copied over now um yeah we’re making really good progress I have no idea how far into this we are so if it’s been like 3 hours I’m sorry but you know you can’t get things without working for them so yeah it’s looking pretty good uh I didn’t mention this by the way but there isn’t a interior other than the cockpit I just wouldn’t know what to do for it you could maybe put like a troop compartment in here but I mean the headro at the back’s limited and then this area here maybe but doesn’t really make sense I don’t think although there are doors on the side I suppose um so yeah maybe there are meant to be seats in here so you can definitely do that if you want to but yeah that’s going to be it for that one let’s move up to the next layer okay for this one taking the same kind of six materials we’ve been using for the main body colors plus the stairs darker trapo and polish black St button just briefly which we’re going to put the trapo there and the button just here plug one on the underside as well okay and then we can put both of those away for now I’ve kind of tied the inventory a little bit but never going to be my uh strong suit I’m going to bring the stained slab back out and the CHS and trapo I’m going to bring that out as well um in fact no we need the iron trap door first we’re going to do that so we need four of them so five of them one 1 2 3 4 5 get the stone wall just here need a Polish slab just on top of the Birch trapo stair here here as well and then a slab diagonal outwards well inwards two of those Corners there one and two and then just one there as well and then those Crimson trap doors you’re just going to add two of them there like that and I think that finishes off the yeah this side weapons here so that’s all done there so we don’t have to uh worry about that anymore which is uh pretty good we’re going to take uh I’m going to do this in a weird way just cuz I can I’m going to do temper block there there as well there as well there’s really no need to do this I don’t know why I am but um yeah tempor blocks above each of those gaps and then just do upside downstairs you should have six of them in total the last one should be next to the trap door and you can delete those it’s just to do the upside down stairs um but I did it in a weird way two stone slabs in between each of those as well until you get to the last one do a single stone slab and then bring out the stone stairs and just do that facing inwards can do the stone block here as well clay smooth stone stone smooth Stone Light grow concrete one two and three this time two Stone again and then one smooth Stone and I’m going to leave that there for now on to the back this is a polished slab just there there as well polished there facing inwards clay block stone block clay block again three stone slabs and then another lever just goes there okay clay block again just here stone bricks one and two smooth Stone one and two you can put a block in this Gap if you want I’m just going use another Stone like that it’s not 100% necessary clay Stone clayy should have like a gap here at the minute that’s fine that’s to be expected do a stone block there smooth Stone 1 2 3 4 5 six stone bricks 1 2 3 one inwards smooth stone block polish block stone brick stone block so right now you should be just one past the upside down stair the final one do a smooth Stone here to kind of diagonal that off I’m going to do stone stairs all the way across until we reach the set of six smooth Stone you’re going to do the first one here four polish stairs and then the rest is going to be Stone stairs across to the end get the iron bars back out a second we’re going to add three of them on the light gray concrete put those away light gray glass pane one there and then 1 two three and four okay so we might as well finish the front here so we don’t end up forgetting about it and by we I mean the polished just goes here uh I’m just going to double check something I think there’s some bits on the front so I’m just going to see what those are yeah so it’s just a lever so I’ll do that in a second I’m just going to grab it for now so smooth Stone clay normal Stone lever there and there and flip them both down just helps taper that angle going downwards Canan in fact Canan is going to go there this time and then diagonal inwards lever again facing that way and then take the polished deep site slab just one of those stone block one and two Sayan here and then we finish off this seat which is great so just a brown banner and then you can throw that away uh where’s my slab gun there we go just get rid of it straight away um stain brick walls two of those red nether brick walls two of those the Lim stain glass same place as before and then we’re going to add the glass panes this time one two and then obviously three on the other side when you do the the uh right hand side of the build one IR bars here and that’s it for the front area so we can finish off the back section this layer now so where we’ve done the set of six smooth Stone here again come back to that on the right well I guess if you’re look at it from this angle fourth smooth Stone along we’re going to add two clay and then this one is going to be two stone bricks I did that in the wrong order sorry two two clay two St bricks there we go okay and then you need a smooth stone block that’s going to be just above this Gap here and then another smooth stone block is just going to be on top of this block here so it looks like that this will build up to something in a minute stone block here stone bricks 1 two 3 stone block clay we’re going to diagonal inwards and do Canan stone bricks Canan down the center line need the uh St brick wall and that’s just going to go there play three sorry two stain bricks one polished there and then huh how strange the Chisel stone bricks get covered up maybe they’re supposed to be down the center line yeah I think they are um I’m going to quickly just amend that so I’m going to switch it so that the Chisel Stone Bri from the previous layer are now on the center line rather than split because I think at some point I must have separated it outwards but then duplicated them by accident so that’s my fault I apologize about that bringing these polished Underside slabs all the way to the back we’re going to bring them to this set of two clay here and just leave it there basically um and then we need the stone brick slabs do a similar thing but we’re going to just uh go up to where those stone bricks are one here two here and then we need that gray concrete just one there and then two more slabs the reason this is here is because it’s actually part of the foundation for the turret at the top so yeah anyway we’re on to the last bit now it’s just uh and theight walls one two three four like that 1 2 3 4 and then we’re just going to fill in any gaps that we find down below here like that we need the iron bars as well one 2 3 four one two three and four those are going to be the bases for the two smaller turrets on top as well so I think that’s going to be everything for that one things will get a lot simpler from now on so yeah let’s copy that over again and move up to the next layer so I’ll just show you what that looks like okay so it should all look like this now so it’s looking pretty much like what you’d expect and we’re getting quite close to kind of finishing this thing off like I said the next layers aren’t too difficult um just obviously a bit time consuming but it’s fine if you clicked on this video you’ve got time so yeah let’s carry on upwards okay so for this one I think we’re just going to start I haven’t really changed the materials that by the way that was my mistake but we will need most of these anyway um just bring the slabs and stairs back I guess I’m going to start over here with these areas for the turrets and just add another smooth Stone in fact I am still just doing the left by the way um yeah add another smooth Stone on and a sight wall surrounding it and again just like that and then iron bars on top simple stuff and then we’re going to get those polished slabs and do two two stone slabs two two and then two polished lever there also add a lever here and here two of them here and just do one there as well we’ll build the slabs in a second so two four six two polish slabs two and four that’s a stain block two smooth stone blocks cyan there stone block cyan and then that’s the center Lin so leave it there stain brick wall polished stair just here smooth stone block clay and a stone brick wall again this is a deep slate tile full block I think is it it might be a stair actually so I’m going tobly use a stair here um yeah so an upside down deep SL tile stair and then you need the wall as well that’s just going to go here so yeah temporary material we just need it once I think it’s going to be a strip birch wood and it’s just going to go there and then we can get rid of it stone slab clay stone slab again smooth stain Block Stone brick block there two stone blocks brick Block Stone smooth clay stone smooth Stone and then this is a stone brick stairs we’ll need two polished undersight uh where are you where have you gone I don’t know I’m just going to get this polished undersight again there we go so yep two of those here stone bricks clay uh clay and stone bricks are just alternating there San diagonal cyan just do another lever here like that as well okay need the stone brick wall and the undersight wall so St one goes here and theight one here smooth Stone in the middle in fact bring that back by one clay smooth Stone this is another one of the blast furnaces just for a little detail on the side of the kind of cockpit area here we need the regular brick wall just adds a bit of contrast with the red nether brick ones that goes there three Lim stain glass panes a full block of lim stain glass here and then red the brick wall just there there’s also a upside down polished and theight stair just there as well and last little things here we’re just going to take the iron trap doors again there’s one just there and I think that’s everything oh no wait there’s one little ah no sry the iron trap door is here there’s another lever this is where it confused me there’s another lever here slab diagonal slab trapo another stone slab here and then this is six polished and theide stairs also get rid of the light G conrete I don’t think we need it anymore so yeah that’s what that looks like again we’re going to copy all that over and then move up so I’ll show you what that looks like now okay so it should look like this we are getting very close now obviously we’ve just got to seal up this top bit here and do the top turrets and on this next layer we also do the little turrets of the back here as well uh and obviously cockpit gets sealed up as well so let’s move up to the next one now okay for this layer we’re going to take the iron trap doors first of all I’m just going to go to where these stairs are and do six of them it’s just a marking out Point uh um for the next bck so I don’t forget where to build pretty much um yeah go to these smooth stone blocks we’re just going to add a slab of Mangrove on each of them followed by a grindstone but you want to basically face it outwards like this so yeah the arm should be I’m just doing one side it’s like natural to try and do both sides at once but I am just sticking to one side uh until we get to the very top because then it’ll be easy two en rods and a chain as well again we use skeleton skulls here for the tips of the weapons at the back but again you can just switch that out for a lightning rod instead of this last chain or just leave them off it’s up to you if you are a survival player uh we’ll go to here now we’re going to take the gray concrete and I’m going to put one first of all um in fact you know what I’m going to quickly do something over here first so where we did these slabs I’m just going to put a temporary block there and do a stone slab and then iron trap door one and two tempor block here iron trap door again top half is St [Music] slab and then bottom half polished and theide slabs gray concrete there deep slate tile wall upside down deep slate tile stairs and then do another gray concrete just float in there like that and the reason we do that is because there’s a polished black stone button on the underside okay taking the polished deep site slab now which despite using a lot I’ve lost it’s down here there we go so that goes in the middle polish slab on the left and right obviously dark out trapo another of the polished deep site slabs uh canyan terra cotta that’s just going to be one smooth Stone two three bring it out by two three and then back by four IR trap door we’re going to add two there stone slabs one and two lever just here need a stone stairs just one like that for a little bit of green detail mossy cobblestone stairs and that’s one 2 3 four and five and then just another lever at the end take these smooth stone blocks that’s two two four of the blast furnaces and then again two and two with the smooth stone and you can bring that last smooth Stone to the center line which is here two cyan like that smooth Stone cyan smooth Stone uh normal Stone need the stone bricks one there stone stone bricks another stone bricks clay and then finally a mangrove planks right at the end two nether brick walls red two brick walls two blast furnaces for the side detail here two undersight walls stone brick wall and a polished deep site slab a polished deep slate stair stone slab polish slab and is that it might be it um yeah I guess I guess that’s all of them okay cool cool beans let’s again copy that over and we’ll show what that looks like and then move on to the next layer up okay so it should look like this obviously now the area that you need to fill in is is really small and I think we do all that on the next layer and then it’s just basically the turret from now on which is mostly done in one assembly cuz it’s quite thin so let’s move up to the next layer now okay so there’s not massive amounts to do on this layer and going forward so I’m going to continue to do well start doing again both sides that’ll be that’ll be nice for you um on the previous layer just one Crimson trap door there and then another one here like that on the top day like detector and flip that on mangra slab mangra planks and then just add a brick wall on either side two stone bricks three stone and a lever on the back of it Stem Bricks there and then four and the side walls and then the stone bricks again uh okay taking the stone block now we’re going to put one here there as well one behind it on each side uh we’ll switch some of these materials out as well so we’ll take the polished slab the polished deep slate slab as well and let’s just keep the iron bars on hand as well um yeah we can shuffle a few other things around but most part leave most of these just in case we need them again four polished slabs for again remembering that’s the center line now so yeah these are on both sides and then the four polish deep s slabs two Canan terra cotta and then levers one and two flip those down two polished deep slate slabs on the outside and now there just a few quick fire materials we only need like once or twice we need lanterns we’re going to put these on the frontmost uh smooth stain blocks we need rails and we’re going to put these uh just on the frontmost blast furnaces we need Stone pressure plates those go on the BL uh back blast furnaces and then we also need the polished Blackstone button and these just go here like this facing that way okay we’ll also need two levers just there and there two dark o trap doors Dark o trap door in the middle here followed by iron trapo on the left and right we will take a lever just there we need a top half Mangrove slab just there like that and then this is a crimson trap door just here again that’s part of the turret um on the left and right of this gray concrete we’re going to put a skeleton skull or survival players just use a stone button dark out trap door there um deep SL tile stairs we’re going to put upside down facing backwards gray concrete uh with a skeleton skull on the back but again survival players just use a polished Blackstone button instead and then another of the Crimson trap doors just there so it’s uh not much of the minute it will come together to make something but um yeah with it being at an angle it’s a tricky build process for this turret it it was quite hard to design uh so yeah smoothstone on those blocks iron bars in front just like this um I think we’re all done with the front for this layer anyway so yeah we can stay this bit at the back uh two stone slabs just there two again want an iron trap door on each side and then a light gray carpet just three of those along this back row here and yep that again does it for that L you can kind of see the angle there with the turret but um we’ll build on that more in the next one um so yeah let’s move up to that now okay so we can start at the front and finish off all the cockpit and Main body area now with these last few blocks so it’s a light gray carpet there just past the lever um a daylight detector smooth stone slab daylight detector and then a iron trap door just going to go there um and then turn all those on and everything get rid of that now um over to this gray concrete block over I think it’s this this one here so yeah with a skeleton skull or again survival players use a Polish Blackstone button we need the Deep slate tile slab building a little bit more of the actual barrel of the weapon now so yeah the Deep site tole one and then the stone brick laab as well just here we’re going to take the stripped Mangrove wood and I’m just going to basically like build out Woods like this we need the grindstone just there and then we also need the mangrove signs and there’s going to be one on this stone brick slab and one on the grind Stone like that okay two more of the deep slate tole slabs and the dark o trapo we need the polished and theight slab top half one um next to the Head basically the uh skill uh skull there we go another iron bar just on top of this one iron trap door there and there next to the iron bars basically another polish slab behind it obviously those don’t connect to anything yet but they will uh polish stairs just here and there as well like that and then you want the strip Mangrove wood again just one and two like this try and have them face the same way uh like this this is a skeleton skull like that and there as well if you’re on Survival just ignore that I suppose I don’t know what you could really substitute it with um but there’s just a mango fence gate on the back as well and then in this Gap here there is the gray concrete there is the uh Observer which I’m just going to grab from here and then get rid of I think the Observer goes just there have it facing that way and then the blast furnace as well just facing this way and that should be um should be all of them for that layer oh there’s one more thing which is a trap door it just goes there and there as well and just flip those but yeah you can see that building up now uh so we do all the rest in one layer I think so we are going to move up to that now okay so these are materials you’re going to need for the rest of the barrel there also a little bit back here to do as well but we’ll do that afterwards um so yeah just all these I’ve added end chest or the Ender Chest um you’ll see how that comes into use in a minute it’s a weird technique you don’t have to do it but it’s something kind of new for me so let’s see if it works out um you get a similar sort of effect here with this grindstone it’s basically trying to bridge the gap between the slab and the full block because other than snow lays you can’t really do it unless you mess around with certain blocks that’s kind of what we’re going to do here so go to where these trap doors are put a daylight detector turn it on trap door two slabs and I’m just going to skip this block and do a gray concrete and this is where we do the end chest but with dark oak signs on each side so you can see it like bridges that gap between the two which is uh what we want two deep slight tile slabs I’m going to also add a gray carpet in fact it’s already there just here dark o trapo two trap doors on top deep slate tow slab gray concrete one and two trapo on the bottom of the uh gray concrete there and then this is a wither skeleton skull again if you’re in survival I will say it once more just use a polished black stone button so we can get rid of all of these actually get the red carpet out get the Crimson trap door out we need the stone slab we also need the stone stairs which I used recently I’m pretty sure but I don’t know where they’ve disappeared uh oh there’s some here I’ll use these ones uh you also need the light grade Banner back for a minute the skeleton skulls for you uh creative players the light gray carpet and the iron trapo as well I think that’s everything start with the Crimson trap door just here carpet stone slab trap door on each side stairs facing forwards oh we also need the stone full block as well stone full block here one in front of it Corner stairs one and two one and two and then the skeleton skulls on the front and again just leave those off if you’re in survival it’s not crucial like grow carpet here Stone stairs and then a light gray banner and I’m pretty sure that finishes the build so yeah cool stuff I’m going to try and put the shaders on now if my computer will allow it because it’s been suffering recently if you watched any of my other videos but um yeah hopefully it will show it in a nice light I don’t know what time of day I’ve got it set oh that’s nice that looks nice [Music] it’s the computer is suffering not as much as usual but yeah I’ll keep this brief just so you can see it in a different lighting really but there you go pretty nice thing obviously quite a big tutorial so for you who enjoyed big tutorials there you go that’s your fix for this month um for those of you who might be new to the channel thank you for watching if you’ve stuck it through um and let me know what you want to see next this build will be available in the web store as well um which is probably in the description I think but it’s also on a card at the start of the video as well um so yeah check that out if you want to skip the tutorial process and just download this straight away doesn’t cost very much for most build some of the massive ones like the uh one to one quazar and stuff like that a bit more pricey but you know the things you have to do uh but yeah thank you for watching and I’ll see you all in the next video uh take care hey guys before the video ends I just wanted to let you know about my new schematic store this is a place where you can download builds from the past from tutorials that are out now and even preview builds from the Future Link is in the description go and have a look see if there’s anything you like and yeah see you

This video, titled ‘Republic UT-AT | Minecraft Star Wars tutorial’, was uploaded by Elcestrus on 2024-05-01 21:22:27. It has garnered 1896 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:46 or 5626 seconds.

Full technical name: Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport Model description: The Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport (UT-AT), nicknamed the “Trident,” was a type of repulsorcraft vehicle used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, participating in the assault on Mygeeto with the 21st Nova Corps late in the Clone Wars.

Model scale: 2:1 (this means the model is as close to 2x scale as possible) Model edition: 1st edition Minecraft version: 1.20.1 (you may be able to build in versions before this depending on the blocks included in the model)

My model webstore and FREE build archive can be found here!: https://elcestrusyt.sellfy.store/

You can find the material lists for builds here: https://bit.ly/3ufQdLd

You can find all my social media and downloads here: https://linktr.ee/elcestrus

The music used in this video is sourced from multiple incredibly talented artists. Individual artist sites can be found here: – Music by Tobu | https://tobumusic.com https://youtube.com/tobuofficial – Royalty-free music by BenSound | https://bensound.com

Filmstro | Create custom royalty-free music in minutes https://filmstro.com/

Video timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:18 Materials required 02:53 Layer 1 07:22 Layer 2 13:17 Layer 3 20:05 Layer 4 30:17 Layer 5 38:50 Layer 6 47:02 Layer 7 1:02:11 Layer 8 1:11:44 Layer 9 1:16:45 Layer 10 1:21:56 Layer 11 1:26:07 Layer 12 1:29:20 Layer 13-14 1:32:14 Final showcase

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  • Minecraft Mastery: Use WHISTLING to Beat Game LIVE 🔴

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  • INSANE -1.20.1 EU Overall Montage by k1ngvennom

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  • Maru Kaneko Reacts to Creepy Minecraft Story

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  • Insane 100 Days Pokemon SMP Live Marathon!

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  • INSANE BEE INVASION AT MOB MUSEUM 🔥 – Minecraft Bedrock Live

    INSANE BEE INVASION AT MOB MUSEUM 🔥 - Minecraft Bedrock LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEES, BEES, AND MORE BEES FOR OUR MOB MUSEUM [DAY 2413] – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-29 10:44:14. It has garnered 66 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:06 or 4506 seconds. Only one thing to say. This is gonna bee amazing! As we continue to hunt for over 20 mobs to add to the infamous mob museum! 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 🙏Special thanks to: @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ====================================================================================================… Read More

  • Devils Backbone

    Devils BackboneVermont, 1986. The cicadas sing of change. Devil’s Backbone is a whitelisted Minecraft roleplaying experience. Set in 1980s America, the server follows the story of abnormal small town Blackwater Hills. With a mystery around every corner, Devil’s Backbone strives to embody a prime literate roleplay environment with an open setting for character exploration. Ready to board? Join our Discord server to learn more. – Fully customizable profile for your character including temporary statuses, viewable by others – Overarching plot to supplement your roleplay80s-themed communication plugin featuring landlines, payphones, and pagers – Original soundtrack — listen as you play with our… Read More

  • LifeSwipeSmp | SMP Mostly-Vanilla 1.21

    Join Our SMP Server Community! We are currently seeking more players for our mostly-vanilla SMP server on version 1.21. Join us to collaborate on builds, shops, and more. If you are interested in being a part of our community, please join our discord: https://discord.gg/Wf7XYyeX Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper exploding in your face

    Well, I guess you could say it’s definitely getting a 9 out of 10 on the meme-o-meter! Read More

  • “Roasting Creepy Mobs with Cartoon Cat” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Roasting Creepy Mobs with Cartoon Cat" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you’re so good at Minecraft that even the scary mobs are begging for mercy from Cartoon Cat! #minecraftpro #bullyingscarymobs Read More

  • EPIC Changes in 4 Days on Anokhi SMP

    EPIC Changes in 4 Days on Anokhi SMP Minecraft SMP: An Ever-Evolving World Exploring the world of Minecraft SMP can be an exhilarating experience, especially when changes happen rapidly. In the latest installment of Anokhi SMP, players have witnessed a whirlwind of transformations in just 4 days. Let’s delve into the exciting developments that have taken place in this unique Minecraft server. New Collaborations and Alliances One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft SMP is the dynamic nature of player interactions. In the latest episodes, viewers have witnessed new collaborations and alliances forming among the players. These partnerships not only enhance the gameplay experience but also… Read More

  • Surviving with Zebra in Minecraft Part 1 – EPIC Start!

    Surviving with Zebra in Minecraft Part 1 - EPIC Start!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 1 – Beginning Our Survival Adventure!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-05 20:00:28. It has garnered 29473 views and 1340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:59 or 2699 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 1! We begin our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with exploring our world, building a small house, and exploring some caves! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary… Read More

  • Exploring the Terrifying Malam Satu Suro Map with Kevin

    Exploring the Terrifying Malam Satu Suro Map with KevinVideo Information This video, titled ‘kita bakal mencoba map horror MALAM SATU SURO’, was uploaded by Kevin on 2024-04-30 12:09:16. It has garnered 6 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:26 or 806 seconds. main map MALAM SATU ONE SURO DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #horrorgaming #minecraftbedrockedition Read More

  • “Insane Hardcore Startup in Minecraft!” #mysteryinminecraft

    "Insane Hardcore Startup in Minecraft!" #mysteryinminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting up in Hardcore, 1.21 ~☼~ Minecraft #mecfs #remission’, was uploaded by PawnLIVE on 2024-06-19 09:45:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:04 or 15724 seconds. The new version of Minecraft generates worlds lightning fast. Let’s put that to the test by dying repeatedly in Hardcore mode! (actually, I’ve gotten quite good at it — but we’ll see) 🗲 [ALSO… DO THESE THINGS] 💜 Join the live shows on Twitch… http://twitch.tv/roninpawn 📼 Watch the Livestream VODs on… http://pawnlive.roninpawn.com 🎮 Be boring with us on Discord… http://discord.roninpawn.com [STILL… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern Survival House Build Tips!

    Ultimate Modern Survival House Build Tips!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft:How to Build a modern survival house:tutorial’, was uploaded by Hunter Sky on 2023-12-14 21:58:17. It has garnered 505 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:08 or 788 seconds. learning how to build a modern house in minecraft learning how to build a small house in minecraft learning how to build a survival wooden house in minecraft please like and subscribe learning how to build a cozy house in minecraft #build #minecraft #tutorial #minecraftideas #survival #learning #modernhouse Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch by Riken! 🤯 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Clutch by Riken! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind Blowing Clutch in Minecraft 🤩 #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Riken Gaming on 2024-03-27 15:46:56. It has garnered 480 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Mind Blowing Clutch in Minecraft 🤩 Instagram I’d .: https://www.instagram.com/rikengameing25?igsh=MXdudDEycXE3b3J1NA== SMP Discord: https://discord.gg/SNHcH4eR I’ve been playing on an anarchy realm lately, and after stealing an enchanted book to put on my sword, I ended up being forced into a prison. Here are the main issues: I have constant mining fatigue, due to being next to an ocean monument. I have no… Read More

  • Minecraft TITAN Castle: Epic Builds & Battles!

    Minecraft TITAN Castle: Epic Builds & Battles!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sekarang Ada Castle TITAN di Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Daziz Gamez on 2024-04-15 07:31:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe and like if you like it. Comment and share if you are kind 😀 Minecraft is a game to place blocks … Read More