Unleash Your Inner Wizard in Sky Adventures 1.2 with Dibz82! 🔮

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And I’m awake I’ve had a load of coffee every anything caffeine in it without it already okay so I might I might get now get le another right to the map he is he just works at the little press a few more buttons and just lay back in myself

And load up the livestream so I can see the try and stuff myself where’s old squidge there’s your invite I’m now connecting whoa what can see can he see or oh my god I thought the world of Marlo just over there yeah I mean Oh Joe it’s done oh oh

You’ve got a good to start love because of it right so it’s kept Maya it’s kept my player data from before and I had an iron block in my hand so if you look in the chest it’s counting as you get in the iron block as a challenge so it’s actually Why can’t I open it I don’t this is bug test and Roy right in the making look because all the people of all the people have been downloading and playing it and saying it’s working so why can’t I open it might be because it’s saying that you’re you’re not an operator apparently

How dare they how are we getting operator it’s saying I’m an operator so I could make you one there you go there we go we just went cheap there we go okay so good so we’ve got a bit of a head start then yeah little bit now I

Mean all the people would use the common loot keys to make another epic if I was you I would use all of you the normal loot key because it there’s a better chance of getting wool and more like stuff to build your platform oh so

We just spam these in it in the UM yeah what about the epics we just should we just use it yeah you can use the effort okay that’s the epic by the way last quite good from effort bad some leads saddles bottled beer no joke it’s enchanting transmogrify one guys are

Really good stuff so we can get we can get us out that right oh yeah transmogrify one only has iron and coal so that’s the only thing you can get with a trans mother three one okay it’s not too overpowered we take them anyway let’s leave now we can like tame a horse

And stuff yah lots of losers today yes indeed oh by the way how you doing everyone welcome to the stream again I forgot to do oh don’t worry about them they just watch it we don’t care yeah you know we do so this is sky adventures 1.2 this is the updated

Version of the original that I try playing a while back and I promised that I would return and here we are and I’ve arranged to get squidgy face the actual creator of this map to play with me for at least this this episode or livestream well he said he persuaded me like he

Ended up giving me money to do it so yeah no I paid him to say that because I put him at gunpoint and also yeah you did but also the really cool thing about this on everything has changed everything has been remade like from the

Ground up so even if you we go and visit like the recipes area there’s like even that’s completely changed you’ve been busy they mate honestly the whole thing’s been redone from the ground up I’m just imagine you just tearing up all your notes and right I said one point one

Point I was done literally that is what I did like I have like this really thick notepad and I just went through all of that stuff and I was like no I’ll restart it from the beginning got a fresh new mouth a fresh like void lund and I just redid the whole thing

Literally 350 plus command blocks all rewritten from the ground up without yeah it was such a pain which is why it took so long for me today it hashtag goodbye sleep right yeah exactly well we need to surely start this Skyblock off so you need to go punch

Wood because I don’t want to get most of the achievers on you to get them all right yeah so I get I get bloody knuckles and and you just watch yeah I’ll just reap the rewards okay does that still scare you it wasn’t that loud

But it kind of start with me a little bit that time totally forgot and now I’m remembering that agent cope and I’ll just drop some wood or am I gonna find a name all right so I’m a planet in the sapling straight away that we’ve got from the challenge chest or well I’m

Gonna use an abused to create oak because you’re here so whatever you think’s best well I’ll give you all the items from the challenge chest included in the guide book as well okay I’ll go remember to keep visit in that chest every time it goes off yeah like

If you don’t it deletes like someone had a message of someone saying that I should fix it and make sure like it doesn’t delete the stuff but at the same time if I didn’t like you won’t be able to get more Challenge completed so like it wouldn’t work if see the cool thing

Is if we had like the falling sand entity properly in the game I could probably have it so it like it falls from like really high up and that the challenge chest would like stack off until you open them he didn’t cope just come in just came in and say hi see ya Let’s see low mate thanks for watching he’s been actually um he’s been heavily watching them no man sky Orca they don’t put this we’ve got a sacred sapling hero so actually got the chest Jesus it’s because you didn’t walk near it so I thought I’d do it for you are you got

Walked near it okay yeah it’s like the detections where do you have one block away from otherwise it was the texture on there what was hidden that by the way a lava round water okay oh yeah I’m now just forget oh we didn’t use these other keys mate oh yeah we’ve got like

What for yeah let’s just splash that cash whoo that wasn’t exactly the best on then I’m having all the purple because it’s my favorite okay just keep it in the chest because if you don’t apparently YouTube is acting up YouTube sought it out rush why everything’s up

With YouTube get more revenue mate from streaming trust me not though I’m in it for the money but there’s a lot more general there’s more generous I get more generous viewers than the old generous YouTube’s you know mean yeah that’s not bad red sand and some more coal a little

Tip for you by the way um if you double tap a on the actual item if there’s more than one it’ll bring them all together oh wait no you’re on a keyboard what we’re doing um double click it nicely clicking a mouse shift tap shift Oh whatevs I don’t obviously know what it

Is for keyboard and mouse but I played Minecraft in the controller so long I forgot how to do that even on my computer I play on with a controller right we’re hoping for that sweet sweet wall from these normal ones that way we can sleep there’s more of a chance of

Getting wall than any other loot chests of where we are unlucky right now I know don’t get right here we go fingers crossed Quan wall that is stupid minecraft is acting up too huh really I’m watching on mixer and it seems to be fine my site also like Mike

Ross – okay I’m thinking you rigged these just for this live stream just to show me up right are we ready yeah we’ll get we’ll get wool that’s what we’re gonna get well okay we’re gonna really use Teller telekinesis give us a wall give this red Sun again okay three two one

There’s worse things that could have give us then to be fair like there’s one of them that just has I think one piece of like coal and like one piece of dirt for the common I take that to be honest here’s a beach Fred stank we’ve got an

Abundance of it so at least before what glass we know what we can do now Hollow says a you pet playing Java with a controller no this is bedrock edition Hollow is so desperately trying to get on the cooked porkchop server I think because she she wants to play with the

Controller not not a not a master keyboard yeah to be fair though I have I was playing a lot earlier with Martin keyboard trying to fix certain things on this map yeah well I did whatever recorded my showcase video I realized there’s a few bugs so I had to like fix

Em before I released it right and the buddy melt yeah why not and we’ve got a secret segment sapling in there we’ve got seven birch 1 oak okay you’ve you’ve really rigged this map right 11.3 trees don’t grow it’s not good or surely it’s gonna take longer to

Grow because what it’s raining and – yeah if you’re right it’s not it’s a Minecraft curse for me mate every time I do a map holo knows this trees just don’t agree with me they don’t want to grow so let me think what we can do well I’m going to take

This down a couple here I’ll leave it I were you oh well done you’ve made it in line with you’ve made it in line with the rajma call it bedrock bedrock oh yeah um did you notice as well that the actual island is smaller now like

Because before it was quite a big circle yeah I was gonna say it was random for one it was a big round circle and I thought I was a bit too big for a Skyblock so I went with you like the old-fashioned sized sky block like the original sky block size and shape

May I I feel I feel well called that you’re actually on the first episode and hopefully a few more in the future you can just jump on whenever you want yeah I’ll gladly a carry on health move the live stream this is quite casual mate show what I don’t get a chance to

Actually play my maps as well it sounds so stupid what I literally never know reckon if you if you come across something like I’m not going to in your mind this is what this is what your brain saying right Ron that that shouldn’t be there I’m I’m not going to

Tell dibs but I’m gonna fix that oh yeah like that happened a while ago I was playing the 1.1 version of this the one where I like obviously added the ability to get there’s some extra spawn edge at the start using the guide book and my friend display asked me to come

Join and something happened and I was like I think it was like he got like I think like in a with an ancient relic I think he ended up getting like 20 diamonds with one relic and I’m like bashing but that should not have happened I’m like speaking of maps though I’ve

Promised kittens that I’d do it no Matt when it’s finished Oh her prison MA yeah yeah Oh seems like I’ve got competition I’ve got a prism up also in the works Oh mate you guys are gonna keep me busy yeah why you need to slow down a bit

Calm down it’s all right and hopefully hopefully done is helping with the the prism up as well so when with wars tans last map his last page is survival survival but it was that based on like the subject thing Lister if you watching mate which he probably ain’t we need to

Carry that on with what’s going on like cuz he messaged me um they must have been a good month back now we were we’re any chatting by the way guys because we got nothing to do pop from wait for this tree yes and he messaged me a while back thing yeah we

Got we got enough now for all the water grinder at the water for the grinder we’re ready to go I’m like right when we recording I ain’t heard from her since Oh God um do you know the do the mod or the Java edition tinkers construct yeah

Joe how does the smeltery mod on that yeah you got build it and then it melts all the ores right yeah so like you 1 1 or block you get like double the output instead of a normal furnace I cannot I mean yeah I’m currently working on tinkers construct in bedrock using just

Command blocks I had a nerdgasm then so far the farthest of God is all the textures are there and it doesn’t replace anything in the game majorly it just replaces monster egg blocks so like like Joe the blocks its silverfish hide in yep I’ve literally just replaced all of them with

Like tinker construct blocks essentially well got some new fresh fresh people the genie Lynn Brooks how you doing and I blow us how you doing welcome to the stream we’re here with the mail that made for himself squidgy face oh hi do you know them G they liked subs to you or something

I honestly if they are I don’t know and I’m sorry that I don’t know that but I’m honestly don’t know one you playing we should like say right if you’ve got any q and A’s with squidgy we can do a Q&A why not yeah that’s funny before we’re

Not school keep in mind I can only see properly I can see just the YouTube chat but I can’t see like the stuff that pops up on your screen to like using the like video on YouTube we got a tray you can do the honest you can actually pull your finger out

I literally just took all of this dirt and I planted another tree I’m I made the map which took me billions of hours so you can punch that tree I’m very good blocks how are you I think I already asked you that sorry I had a brain fart

Sorry though I’m playing Minecraft to you on the bedrock condition or au on Java or what audition you want you want okay this is a bedrock map by the way which if you go to squidgy squidgy face plays you want to type it in the chat oh

Yeah so you go to youtube right and subscribe to this fella you type in want one finger no no so if you go to squidgy faces um channel he’s got this this map this map you can go and download and play yourself if you’re playing on Windows 10 or bedrock so oh I

Can’t it wouldn’t let me put it this is I’m not allowed to do weather dress it’s just squidgy face plays in it I put the whole thing off what’s youtube.com slash oh that’s probably winning there you go what’s going on that’s I it shut up I

Was an apple get ready for a bang oh where oh yes on YouTube Oh Apple means something better than just a bang may we’ve now got the the a balloon nice nice also I don’t suppose you’ve noticed the location change as well oh yeah he was

Over there when he I’m playing on a Nintendo squidgy oh okay oh gosh that’s not even a liar he can played this version this exact math on the Nintendo switch now give it I don’t know the mechanics of how it goes about getting it literally almost the same as if you

Want to put them up on Xbox the Jeep literally go on your computer download them up upload this to you realm go on switch download it from your realm to the switch there you go he got that cuz that went straight over my head big shout out to blocks for the

Subscription thank you very much that’s awesome awesomesauce don’t forget the going checkout squidgy face as well this guy is the guy that actually brought us this spectacular map so check them out promise me guys you’d do that for me yeah you can’t leave this stream without doing that because this

Guy is worked really hard on this so we want our poll we’ve got a balloon yeah oh we’ve also got the seeds now by the way the seeds and another bucket of water I just took them they go yeah but also I think blocks is subscribed to you bye bye oh okay yeah

Thank you awesomesauce he says accepts to both of us that’s cool thank you so then you said on your video that we need to make wheat right tweet yeah we mean wheat and we week basically a lot seeing how its craft in and then we need coal well compacted

Coal which is gonna a lot the alchemist a wall now although not just the opera’s furnace dealt with table look at you getting fancy when we gadgets literally it took me it took me a while to figure out how to make my own little custom light GUI inside of a chest so like

Inside the chest now there’s like two buttons one for the table one from there one for the furnace one from the freezer and like you can click it like it’s an actual button and it will like open up to the the correct thing okay I’m going to take more of this down

Now because it’s grown more grass okay once you’ve done that what I’m gonna wanna do is wait for you to sort of plant that and then I can put some seeds down how many subs do you have is that to both of us I guess I’m assuming

That’s to both was currently I have 460 this guy is he’s gonna have thousands before he knows it especially when you get tinkers construct out for xbox and bedrock you that but honestly you don’t understand how much that’s taking because like obviously the tinkers construct there’s so many different

Things that they’ve got so i think my main focus is on the smelter at the moment just because well it seems like the easiest thing to do I’m the boy sorry she just said I’m a girl so I said I’m a boy oh sorry it’s amazing that we just assume that all

Gamers are boys it’s quite bad really in it did you just assume my gender here your girl then no but you should assume our boy either let’s just go down the middle and say no gender yeah wait are you really using all the dirt like that yeah why not we can get more

It right well yeah yeah that’s a good point you can even craft more dirt like it’s fine that’s right I’ll always have found another loophole when you’re in your game would you read another loophole like another another another gap in the market so to speak don’t worry I’m gonna fall I’ll find you

Bugs and I’ll get you working again there isn’t any more bugs this is a bug free zone my friend whatever there’s no bugs on this map at all as far as I know I’m trying to make this even as well have you got all of the wood if you have

Can I have someone yeah I think so we should actually just live on birch because it never grows tall like really big actually that’s what’s gonna do in it that’s that’s a good point but there is also obviously ways to get every other one anyway like every of the tree

Type if we wall head okay can we get right from kelp you can so all aquatic update features like that guy over there he did he takes you to a ocean passport area place is like you is this going like an ocean biome squidgy is this like scar at scar

Walls Star Wars sky wars is this like sky was I don’t know what sky wars is little boy I was hoping you would make it one of us look brainy I will be back in this you two seconds ago [ __ ] to say ok Koki I imagine sky wars is like sky block but

You go against other players like PvP right I guess no this this is more sky block with some crazy going on there’s like lots of crazy stuff why don’t people make a survival island servers it would be fun the only trouble is with making servers

On bedrock is you got to have people you trust I guess you gotta have a you have a very close circle of friends playing on bedrock because for the simple reason it’s so easy to grief on bedrock and I think that that’s probably why there’s not many around so when you’re getting a

War of a little chunk of dirt tree and chest of goodies I might have to check it out one day it’s like there’s there’s sky wars bed Wars sand Wars Apple Wars there isn’t I don’t actually know that for sure so we’ve got the seeds

And we need to somehow make we need to make all my thinking off we need to make a cobblestone a general right or I’m not actually sure where I’m gonna make it to be can i I’m back I am sorry about that someone needed me for a second

Welcome back I am we need to make a cobblestone generator fast well okay well good news is we’ve got the four cobblestone to make the compacted coal we just need charcoal for that now wait we’ve got cobblestone oh no cobblestone a coal so I got four call and we need five call

For call five charcoal so we’ve got half of the compacted called dawn already so we need cobblestone really still right so King savage welcome to the stream and thanks for the follow have you have you used all the dirt no we’ve got eight left okay okay

How much okay I’ll try and make one if I take this away and put it all working up on this other foot anyway mate knock yourself out don’t don’t worry about where you’re gonna put it because I’ll just end up tiling off tidying up after you when you’re gone burner I thought

Really hard to do the cobblestones are very I know but I’ve we got like enough blocks we should have okay and you try to figure out how to do this against I’m really stupid okay so you really look said I unsub to kiss you when afk because I went afk

That’s one tough audience or was it me okay I’ll enjoy FK da la virgos this side would be hey doing John welcome to the stream playing a bit of sky adventures he’s joking I was sweating a little bit there when you like I’m gonna have to like dedicate a whole map just

To him if he did like yeah so you’re playing on the bedrock for those that just joined us we’re on the bedrock edition and we’re playing a custom map made by squidgy face himself here but me as him I’ve got the privilege of having him helping me out and he’s made this

Map for us this is the actual second version it’s been totally overhauled apparently and I’m just following his lead because I’m a noob if this move this breaks no no no no no no no no no no war first yeah let the water run first okay oh okay there we go

So glad you told me that Charles what I’m doing good how are you and finally an English wall in English minecraft player there’s loads of us to here it’s to here and we know like what another two maybe three other people personally yeah we’re part of a like a group called

Snail craft which hmm hasn’t really been happening really yeah see that I have a video that it’s gonna be up for me in like a couple of days you’re saying alright ohoo stream yeah so I stream a bit of Minecraft a bit of no man’s sky at that moment Borderlands 2 I’m doing

And fallout 4 not all at once honestly oh my god on bones under port the rest of the wood in there before I use it least we’ve got a light source no bother lots of youtubers kicking around how you doing YouTube there is a lot like 5 what

5 of them watching nothing yeah that’s quite good for a minecraft minecraft’ normally a quiet stream on average it’s because it’s your map mate that’s what it is What am i doing because I feel like am dog without a tail well I’m just at the moment grinding this cobblestone for you so like I’ll just I’ll be like the person who just sits in does the grind well so you can go off and do whatever

What like if I was to suggest anything no the nameless also the next thing you need is probably furnace and then you scrub away for the wheat really um tell you what I could do actually to be fair really quickly we could make an infinite water source that kind of made me do

That why can’t you make a chicken noise or something coming out of that I actually could like if you wanted to make a special version register chicky no it’s just the I will do that maybe we got the call oh we got plenty economy we need the car charcoal

Actually we can make charcoal now I’ve got enough when we need 5 charcoal 5 charcoal yeah so is it modded or just normal minecraft um technically it’s vanilla minecraft or a lot of things involve like command blocks and stuff so it is technically vanilla but obviously with this twist using the command blocks

And stuff so the mechanics have been tweaked a little bit and there’s some really cool little visuals on this I’m cause I gotta say there’s you’ve done some really good work I’m not gonna say anything because I unless they watch your video of course oh yeah welcome back Gina I don’t know I

Don’t know why by the way my favorite my favorite thing ever that I did textures while whereas the here the higher balloon and the village inside he’s called the sky captain and I gave like the village like it’s like a like a proper like a pilot’s

Cap with goggles and stuff and like gave them like leather out is that now yeah like I just thought I was really like a really cool little touch for the villager like I really liked it I must admit it’s all the little things I’m thinking while you’ve put a lot of

Effort into this map he is that he is pretty good yes so long he’s he’s pretty cool I know a couple of map makers that are really good actually I know quite a few map makers oh pretty good maybe we need to like get you a custom muffle

Something of your own like maybe like dibs craft or something call me is it crystal is that right for the Chris so so j-jane Linda’s actually Chris okay I got to I remember that I mean we need charcoal 5:5 charcoal coming right up over your mixing tools

Drawn at John a nook stuff pre-made in that expired it’s on the floor right now accident how is it I don’t get how this tree is not growing like the birch tree is growing really fast pretty much well yeah the to normal like Oakley’s a lot of barely grown what’s going on there

Paint kind of August of please I thought he was going to use a profanity then I’ll be never that was on the test test stream and I messed up the titles is a professional now with we’ve got this I may or may not have just lost to be to

Do it but I’ve kind of used it to fertilize or wheat so that it grows faster if I can’t big showered to king savage for hosting me thank you very much I tell you what when I get my ordinance gets going there good I won’t give it that they get they

Go on fire like they set a lighter really quick he starts subscribing and then they start hosting and they start doing all sorts of magic you guys are awesome you’ve got some loyal fans and that’s loyalty but believe it or not no man’s sky and I didn’t think this is actually

My breadwinner at the moment she’s really cool and I didn’t think that because I thought it was a dead game mostly not sure what it’s it’s where that because like some games you do you think I’ll know it’s not got a bit player base no one’s gonna care about it

Well then I know where you surprised you doesn’t it yeah it’s just like any game as dead as all that you think it looks like some of our viewers are quite the builders by the sounds in it one well the wait is it yeah she said

She builds in the route to go virgin statue it’s pretty impressive you’ve probably better buildings than me not squidgy though he’s awesome the guys these guys run about building like pics a lot thanks a lot bad at that sort of store I made made a merits off to them

Made a Mario mushroom once do you know that mushroom oh yeah it’s to get bigger yeah I made one of them ones I wanted a no Luigi once can I admit something what don’t don’t don’t think any was less of me me I was gonna be really girly enough I

Once made a Zelda pics a lot in my old survival world yeah and Google all that why copy my mario ones well you know a builder I meant to be a map maker should be copying yeah but you know you can’t build everything shortly how about if we’re talking get another pickup what

Are you guys playing on he’s we’re playing on bedrock so he’s playing on xbox and I’m on PC Corydon ability yeah where the bet what do you want I need wood cleaning for making new pickups Walter I found some more Frank’s I’ll put these in the chest

Safe so we don’t have a link lose them so this this this map is going to be kind of not open to the public but open to like a fellow snails and stuff so if they want to do a cameo and just help me out that’s fine as and when so if I’m

Live and they go dibs you mind if I jump on and what yeah sure send you an invite king savage is hosting me again I think oh the same person as before wait why am I making a wooden pickaxe why don’t I make an actual stone pick that I make more soon

So what we got to work towards now um we need well we need we to be quite honored to this needs to grow or if you wanted to whilst this is growing and I’m getting this cobblestone yeah you could make your way over to the other Island

Over there and get the loops because there’s a chest on the other Island over there right so how much cobble we got then 36 that’s not bad going so I’ll make them in to slap a chair just to cheap out a bit yeah so we’re gonna

Cheap out of it and make I’ll leave six just in case you need to make more tools okay I mean four make a bell obviously when we get more land and more air if we should probably do a better cobblestone generator as well so I do it one wide

You don’t mind one my dear nice fine [ __ ] out to chic welcome to the stream you’re actually with the the map creator right now this is bedrock edition of minecraft and we’re playing on my custom-made map it’s kind of like a sky block but with like magic and stuff

Right yeah yeah you could imagine a few magic touches and it’s got like like magic books that turn like dirt into like diamonds and stuff things also well it turns anything into diamonds and corners before there isn’t there’s two new transmogrify books by the way I

Don’t if you saw in the video oh yeah the nether ones and yeah you feel like you’re never one in a winter one now which I like I’d like to before them I was if you go into the game for one point like zero the very first version

Is you will see there at there is actually a bit of my map where I was building that set of command blocks but decided to scrap it because I thought it was a daft idea but then I thought anyone know that’s it’s not a stupid idea it’s obviously a good good idea

Isn’t it like anything really to help you out in the game is good yeah yeah Christel at the moment no but I might try and arrange something maybe in the future the only trouble is with bringing new people on board is it’s a lot of messing around and I’m quite strapped

For time tonight so we’re gonna try and do roughly about an hour stream ish so trying to get new people on and all that jazz it’s there’s a lot of messing around so I want to because it’d be quite fun but I’m gonna need to arrange it and plus and definitely need people

On the stream with microphones and that willing to talk so noise is about time so I’ve not got a microphone how are you doing this what kind of witchcraft is this then how come I hear are you in my head magic Wow so having typical squeegee I’ve just got my

Conscience kicking off in my head there’s not even anyone playing the game with you either that’s just all in your head I’m gonna try and pronounce that name I’m just gonna call year yes for sure because you don’t mind me if I do that but welcome to the stream casue is

Broken so is my pronunciation of names right I’ve found some new textures here guys found Ruby ah whoa yeah you’ve definitely found them no I would never force anyone to donate I don’t I’d rather just have the company than people’s money but you know if people are willing to donate then Fair Play

Oh you know it’s there it does help me out and it brings you guys content for example fallout 76 that’s already been paid for from donations so I put money to good use if that makes sense so yeah I would never force anyone to splash their cash on on watching me play minecraft

I’ll 76 just say oh I’ve got an you know my parents were moving out right yep they gave me one of their TVs and one of them is an LG 4k TV right and I can’t play upstairs because I’ve got a baby and she goes to bed and when it

Comes out I’m gonna want a livestream it and I’m not gonna be able to because she’s gonna be asleep so I’m gonna bring my xbox downstairs right and I’m just gonna play the beta downstairs and stream it that Ferrel 4k as well also mate I don’t know if you want to know

This cause obviously you got the Ruby over there yeah there’s now we’ve now got 16 Ruby or and an epic mookie on ice I won’t I won’t open the loot key obviously so because obviously that way you open it everyone else could see what’s in it is there um

A secret chest on this again like last time because you kept getting tweets oh I saw you getting tweets last time oh yeah where people kept tweeting me saying I found your hidden loot essentially yeah yeah there is yep that there well actually there’s more than one that’s technically

For one actual properly hidden like loot chest height thing that has another thing that’s saying oh you found this chest and stuff yeah but there’s there’s three other loot chests that you can find by traveling to different biomes if you get in the balloon and you travel to

Say like the I really like say the Mesa biome or anything like that you you can find a chest that has got some nice hidden loops in them the best one though the best loot is from the ocean biome that’s that’s the best move you can get

My you can get like a tridon and like look watch pull it that part of the oceans crystals actually Oh blocks is that a different account rather than broken okay you catch me yeah yeah blocks is building us on on minecraft what he’s building at Lowe’s is like giant statue like statues

Oh okay I’ll that’d be cool to see though I tell you what if you are building a statue of us right you can can you see my twitter twitter account at the bottom bottom the screen tweet me tweet me I want to see it I’m me actually and they squidgy tag me in

That said tweet so I can see it too so yeah once yeah I’ll take you for you if they they put your name in there so if you go to my Twitter account and and sort like give me a tweet I want to see it okay so we’ve got enough to make a

Compacted call but we still need the week to grow for us to actually get the the enhance craft in well King Savage the answer is not right now I’m gonna try and get some of the some of the regular viewers to jump on but you’re gonna have to I’m thinking off the top

Of my head we’re gonna need to get microphones sorted out and stuff like that so be cool to speak to people that actually have been watching for a while at the moment it’s gonna take a lot of preparation so I’m gonna say no for now

But I want to try and set something up in the future for people that regularly watch so but that would be pretty cool also Deb’s make yes go open we need to go open the loot crate okay Oh Oh transmogrify to mate that if we’ve got home even got those

Three that’s it that’s really good and we’ve got two okay right so I’ll go set up like a little area where we can get the transmogrify stuff go in blocks has got ants in his pants he’s got like he’s switching accounts like they’re going out of fashion

Oh God is it any block does it do it on any block yeah which is why I’d make sure you do like a decent platformer yes John what can I do for you oh I need oh you need a picture of my skin you can if

You if I’ll type it in chat for you if you search on a skin skin finder tips 82 there you go is in the top left for you exactly like that with no space you should you should be able to find my skin and it should look something like this

Nothing wrong gingers mate and look should look something like this like a crossbreed right okay so if we get the chance Bob we book and we stand in this specific corner and throw it down yeah right at our own feet it should spread out to the rest of the block and I

Really say that it’s gold away that way so does it it goes not from the center it goes like from the corner right it it always goes from your person on the center bike out that way towards the thing and so like over there like that

Shot I mean oh yeah yeah so it goes outwards away from you right yeah but all it always goes like as if it’s heading towards the the sandy island over there if I fill that in you can throw the others okay speaking of statues guys you can

Actually make a 1-1 block by one block so like equal to my statue it’s quite easy because it’s mainly black my skin it’s like black and a bit of ginger I’ll go drop it not click right yeah drop it okay oh I’m a judge on this pick up they

Go wait do we need iron to get the gold I think we do don’t we so I think we need to get that island smell to get the coffee and we got any more iron um we have I remember once on a server I built my statue riding a pig or pork

Chop no word of a lie I don’t have proof though that I done it I swear down on my daughter’s life it’s not proof Oh speaking I’m though you could maybe get that ancient relic in the middle as is yeah and then see what we get from it what geez Louise okay so

You wanna come get this stuff cause it’s quite a lot of cool stuff okay so we’ve got epic loot Keys he’s so generous ancient tome that you sighs I’m an ancient more ancient relics basically the ancient tome works as the the same as the transmogrify stuff except it just

Gives you more ancient relics that’s literally all it does all right so it’s like yeah trans trans McAfee but with relics gotcha yeah I’m going to join I don’t think we have to be what’s true be used for anyway um to team pay for that

Guy over there to look get him to take his places so it’s basically emeralds right is there still emerald in the game no I replaced the emeralds with the rubies okay but again I don’t need iron to mine that as well the charity where John for following me on Twitter thank you man

You can get updated there I always tweets but I’m going live right should we use more transmogrifies might as well yeah don’t you forget let’s just forget about this for now because it were it will override those two though that’s the only problem okay with that gold

Isn’t that much of a big deal on this map anyway like it’s just for like things made out of gold really okay we do that on right here we go alrigth a really small iron now what iron a bit red stone no one cares about red stone

Oh yeah yeah don’t say that’s mr. Popeye though whole redstone block to power one lung for he’s like what are you doing by using one redstone block to firing in tile um actually still need to watch the rest of his second episode and snail craft okay well yeah I’m actually

Thinking about doing another episode myself I’ve been debating it recently yeah go for like I I haven’t been doing his one lack of time because one I was working a lot I’m trying to get this done but now I’m not like I’m not working as much

In extra hours to get the Munez or stuff oh we got loads of epic loot keys here and trim transmogrify if we get in that redstone we need i’ll dovish luck yeah quite a kook in kook in here I’ve got two sticks yes Oh apparently mr. papaya loves gold too

Oh he loves gold too oh he’s not gonna be happy that we just got rid of just three random bits of gold he’s put to be fair he’s probably asleep right now he’s shocked I don’t think he ever sleeps to thee I don’t think so umm just as a bit

Of a heads up for this is the only one I can remember properly but when you dig that redstone it will make another bang and we will get another one done hollows on the edge of mercy waiting for us to do some more videos and literally I’ve

Got a whole nother episode for snail craft done but the end of the video messed up so I’ve got to re-record like an end into the video we can even I even told you that was gonna bang as well did we get the last one out of it yeah we

Did I took out okay we’ve got loads of goodies here mate mate we’re gonna have like one massive like chest opening I will say I’m on the so many accounts just put on the jet so many counts than just laughs that’s funny we got one more in tomography

I’ve we’re going ancient tome but we know what that does yeah actually that might be worth it to get a few more extra relics you’re apparently your resident Enderman is we’re still waiting for you and a tree just grew golde always believed no pasta copyright week I feel right we should we

Should smelt that gold now it’s just a feeling I’ve got like don’t call it an insider information if you want well I’m sure we’re gonna use wood as fuel you might need a shot might shove some more in there oh my god it’s actually grown now made it’s been here that long and

It’s finally grown finally how long mean been going like an hour yeah that’s that’s ridiculous right actually I’m going to use this relic book ancient tome sweep-a it’s always good if you you need to let you could save that until what you’ve not bought a lot of stuff whoa that stained glass

Oh yeah that’s stained glass so basically you only got one out of it always late with Dutch feels quite late how long ago did you grab the hose weird weirdly played the reason why it’s glass by the way is so that you couldn’t get any resources from it apart from that

I’ll get you and like the stone noise it makes that’s pretty sweet that is that is Dragon’s Breath being collected in a bottle that’s the noise of it apparently that’s the noise I’ve used sounds like a big stone being moved it was I’m pretty sure it was the sound was bottle dot

Dragon’s breath hey doing so many accounts that’s so long-winded to say hello so funny just going to call you so right how have we got any norm of the common new keys yeah yeah let’s try and get some water wall we need wall what’s your twitter is at dibs 82 and

Yours is squidgy at squidgy face 1 4 7 8 sweet that’s mine I just stole the loot Wow ginger wall oh we’ve got mate I must move it right I swear this is a rig I swear we done it was a cot it was their transmogrify one and I’ve found an

Ancient relic or if one what does it needs just stone to pick it yes don’t that’s cool is it activate you to know it’s dibs 82 like my game name I can’t believe how fluky you are I swear that wasn’t rigged I swear it what

We want some die we seem to have a lot of die like we’ve got quite a bit of it already but yet we’ve still not got any wool to actually die the wall but I’ve got a little surprise for you squidge go on we got one two three four Commons and

Two epics to do Oh or we could trade those Commons in for an epic if we get the enhance craft and open or I suppose it’s not worth it Oh Oh we can we can actually activate the enhanced craft in just break it break it Danya break it but why didn’t that work

Well wait I actually startled and I actually was waiting for it as well but it didn’t go off straight away is always like waiting for it crystal you are the best viewer one of the best viewers because everyone else is equal am I the best streamer partner you’re my my um

What’s it called my wingman I don’t know sister was it sidekick sidekick I can be a sidekick that’s it this channel is gonna bow look looking here dude oh look at this look at these items like these textures here now seriously everyone that’s watching right now big shout-out to you you know you

Guys are brilliant right twice each look at this and you said it was inspired by Pam’s harvest craft right it was yeah like especially that like the whole thought of just like tomorrows was inspired by her and the textures for the seeds are like almost technically hers

Oh right redid oh do you remember blacks how could I forget blocks honestly why am I getting all God if we sum this is uneasy and not normal oh wait I can eat an apple it’s not easy so going on hard maybe what you’re talking about Javier an apple it’s fine either died

It’s fine how do I get out of this okay we’re gonna let Maud I something thumbs up Beach shout-out that’s all I can say you guys are you guys rock absolutely rock oh you spoke you want me to swing this pickaxe Rey yeah I can’t forget

Blocks when I keep looking at them all the time in this game that’s how I remind myself blocks yes no stop stop makes me think of songs that’s Ruby Ruby copyright actually do I know an interesting fact on why I change the Emerald to Ruby’s going in because my

Daughter’s named Ruby your daughter yeah my daughter’s name her name’s Ruby so I wanted like tell me you had kids did you know what you didn’t ask you’re a man of mystery sidekick squidge everyone now knows as well yeah Ruby a see ya then like when she’s all just

Flat yep that’s sky ventures Matt I was the inspiration behind the rubies so that’s technically an easter egg technically yeah oh this is actually another Easter egg container like from you isn’t there technically yep which we haven’t go yet alright so Ruby’s make a I mean wait now watch my love to tell

You want to make or yeah okay I want to I want this to go far and fast okay so me Ruby block and make a redstone block okay and listen out for the bang by the way don’t make them at the same time make one it what make one first and then

Do the 100 say it yeah but one of them got over advise everyone because you’re used to it you didn’t vote at the same time can we get the same fireworks more than one so is it just once everything is only one so technically we we’ve just

Lost for common and water and one epic because that you do basically got that from the other one as well so what have I done wrong yeah I’ve done anything wrong but because you made them both at the same time obviously both challenges flew up

At one and you only got one set of challenges loop it can’t make sense oh sure I should have waited for fireworks and then make you know yeah like John one Ben got the loot and done the other one got the lead but that was my fault I

Didn’t explain that to you okay so he ran out what happens now um nothing like it’s fire hasn’t broke anything it just means like you won’t get like the loop from the redstone one because it got over rid by the Ruby one that’s right because the Ruby wants the most

Important one right yeah but also the the achievement name for the r1 is literally just Ruby Ruby oh is it Oh missed out on a Ruby Ruby Ruby chief I’m gonna go sleep guys see out blocks out okay blocks thanks for joining us and hope are you soon sleep well and

Don’t have nightmares Morley Chester also I had a notification about 40 minutes ago I just looked at my phone blocks subscribe to me so thank you shout out you you guys rock so make sure don’t just give me the love give squidgy the love as well because he’s the one

That brought us this live stream practically tonight with this mother right here we go ready come on wolf that’s what we’re on the wall oh for God’s sake I’ll go put this on the chest yeah you go put on the chest supposed to be my super sidekick all right here we go what

Next on let’s rinse through those okay we got loads there we go you want with transmogrify again I don’t care about that I wanted the wall I want to make a bed made we got loads of keys we got to get through I think what we should do is

Get through these keys call it a day I think for one one stream yeah sure yeah unless I mean if you’ve got time time limit I have not a lot of time well I haven’t haven’t I’ve got like 20 minutes and I’ve gotta technically go anyway so

It’s up to you if you want to keep going till half-past end I’m happy to do that let’s do it twenty more minutes guys there you go you heard it from my sidekick all right here we go ready yep oh that’s nice we’ve got some got some lime we’ve got some marijuana

I mean Beacon can i play once again probably not right now but I’m gonna try and see over time hopefully who’s been my regular viewers and hopefully get them to jump in and help me out maybe in the future but right now probably not it’s a bit early days really it’s just

Like kind of like right let’s just do this map as we say this is like a pretty rushed wristing as well because literally the map came out less than what like six hours ago yeah and you’re already like on it in your streaming say like it has been pretty fast really oh

All I wants us to make a green bed we’re gonna make okay I will make a green bed follow can I have a ginger one please well I mean obviously follow green bed okay I’ll make that now all right we swap over each night how’s that okay

I think I’m gonna war get ready for a bang by the way yeah sweet dreams made of you what is a Lukey I love your Chiefs I’ve got more loot keys and I’ve got boars and stuff right so where do want to put the beds that you put on like here

Yeah on bedrock bedrock like the safety zone in it it’s like there you go wait don’t go very well today luckily though it’s nighttime and we can test them out mate bulge over here pick clothes where you tickling me for squiddy and dip squad no there’s like Batman and Robin

I’d be Robin I love a live stream with a soundtrack okay singing the random achievement stuff right no keys more car how many can I put them all in at once or just one at a time only one at a time with it right here’s the next one

Okay more wall okay that’s good okay what well just grab as many as we can always keep going and going as fast as okay go oh I just take the transmogrifies and again and again are we getting role now we’ve got more than a full now I like come on I thought

Didn’t I tell you the wall was the most common as well oh my god we fell I asked the big dog not fast enough mate ready I’ll take the transmogrify books right we’re left with three epochs ready okay epic number one Boosh they’re mine are you playing in a texture pack all

Default default mate default just textures work because that’s why I didn’t use a texture pack um no but because unless while they doing they don’t if they’re higher than obviously the standard 16 by 16 minecraft textures they won’t work but if you’re wanting to use VD craft I can make a special

Version of the textures just that if you want me to make you’ve done enough work as is I leave it as it is pretty this one I really like oh come on you’re so ungrateful it’s a leave Nate oh grateful that’s why I gave obviously that’s the reason

Behind me giving you guys an extra loot key for that because there wasn’t much there hey doing fiber welcome to this dream oh we got 15 minutes of really ATO toilet oh god no wait wait wait wait wait common in common oh well cover Lister mate of miss you man

We need to get um age of age of survival go in and get back into it I missed the crew I already do oh we’ve got some acacia dude it’s good that means we got like three out of what six now yeah we’ve got quite a lot I thought

Lister was kidnapped me what maybe what we doing and crafting with the wheat we can get that weekend open of the other one too now get get the coal I’ll let you do the or I’ll blow up restaurant with them and really excited final 5 : charcoal yeah 5 charcoal and then for

Coal in the enhance crafting table of the way do I can ex with the charcoal yeah there we go then a plus with the North Hall hey nibs quick question for xbox go for it I rush to build I send it to you on Twitter new probs you send

Away there you go whoa wait right make me go look what’s in there go look up today it’s pretty cool so we’ve got alchemy Pat I see in the middle only leave it to last but how come you powder we got transmogrify dust and nothing else that’s pretty much it tricking oh

You nicked it exploring exploded models in the game that is awesome okay so you’re in officially a wizard you can leave that on and use the alchemists table now do you have to keep it on there now you can take it off Dumbledore everyone’s going mad and

Comments I knew it I thought you would say that I think you meant like the you’re a wizard one month game up pass for $7.99 or do I get three month game pass for $7.99 where so no brainer in it yeah three months no actually go for the one month no go

Three months understand one wanna do it come on dear bye-bye three one-month ones it’s much cheaper it’s much cheaper oh this is so cool okay so what we need him to do now I’ve got to put a title with that this wizard this I’ve got I’m trying to make this like

The title somehow you’re a wizard you’re a wizard dibs there you go confirmed squidgy you could wear the hat for your next video question mark I’ll let you wear it so the viewers can see it from your perspective that’s not very nice John is it Harry play right you’re the thing is

Though right if you okay right so if you look at this texture I so look at the actual hat right look at the actual face ignore like the beard in the Hat look at the face it’s actually just my face we textured oh yeah it’s like enlarged with

A beard is I try to make it smaller and smaller but it started glitching so I just left it as the standard hat size or no notice they’re quick also don’t place it down because it will lose its custom name and you don’t want it to do that never place it down

Gotcha you can’t believe it I if you don’t want to do what are is kind of a secret can I put it in a chest though obviously lose it oh it’s an old vine oh yeah I got it I’ve got it I’ve got it I’m following you now it’s hard it’s

Hard to pick up things on chap do apologize well we’re running out of space Emmy oh we got still got more stuffs and things we have all we’ve got a little piece of wheat we can officially make bread understand just say let’s put this chest on top because where’s the seat

Shall I plant tomato seeds or wheat seeds what should i do what’s best probably we if you get enough but can get bread we’ve got two of each so far I do it it’s fun I don’t really like Harry Potter too much but my mrs. I mean I

Like it loads I was about to leave the stream man oh but my girlfriend mate she is Harry Potter mad we got Harry Potter bedsheets not like with his face on it cuz that’s awkward oh yeah Hogwarts light logos and stuff and she’s got like mugs she wants me to

Make stickers to put on the wall saying straight out of Hogwarts on the wall challenge accepted that’s a big old termite no animals are spawn but I think it’s cause you went over there and I’ve stayed over here so do you both want to go over there combat just engage what

Here like how far would you have to be for animals to start spawning I don’t know I really don’t know I’m not like I’ll check it out John don’t worry I will just to see just to see what you just to see it like in the flesh the joke in the flesh

So we suppose what we waiting for I don’t know like how far would you have to go for animal 2020 sink blocks and things so this is more this is more than 20 odd 25 for mobster spawn there like hostiles the tomato plants growing if that counts there’s a familiar name welcome Roy

Versus gaming welcome back how come we left this area and all of a sudden a tree grows and the tomato grows yes hallo I can actually make decals I have the right equipment 24 24 Lister says what 24 Lister where he bin may he kind of did you get kidnapped or something

And 2024 bucks away and 28 for his his dolls hostiles do you want to do the honors and break the the tomato pun or yeah look at that he goes to Mars tomatoes tomatoes all all square and not tomato me really one tomorrow that’s all we got

It’s so ungrateful yeah but like how many do we need for tomato soup time off for good behavior he’s been in a dog house you’ve been in the doghouse mr. Lister we’re gonna carry on it does that mean that you’ve been let off and you can do some more ages survival with

Me all right me we need six tomorrow’s for tomorrow wait a minute there is a place in London it’s called platformer nine and three and three quarters and I saw a kid run into a wall I’m not stopping it then he shouted I’m going to Hogwarts and I said

No you’ll get 50 na okay tomato Tomatoes so we’ve got we realize mate for the first like like stream for this map we’ve got so far just saying just saying hash it out just saying actually I say that a lot yeah um just in case you go on do you know

Where my bases on them it’s now craft I don’t write Wow I got a kelp farm and it’s working a treat mate oh really yeah um I’ll be back in a sec though just give me two don’t cuz their unsub whether that was a bit silly but that

Was the point cuz I I was low on health I was going to start dying so she killed myself I didn’t have any items don’t worry I took everything out my inventory um so we should do whether some more loot chests I’ll be back soon spending

Time with the family for they get get off for weeks he’s like I’ve had enough go get out of it is a plane tickets off you go Oh mister miss missus Lister’s great don’t can’t argue what could we do where we got three more keys to do got

Three more keys you know I’ll tell you what we can make some torches awfully awfully dark here dibs got to go I’m so tired and my mum and dad wedding on Saturday so what’s that hype well congrats a congratulations front they prop I don’t say that because they say who’s dibs

Just well congratulations and have fun and get drunk wait a minute if you like wait wait wait mate what I nearly put them in the wrong chest but anyway didn’t we have some transmogrified or handsome transmogrify one right okay so whoever I’ll show something really cool so in the alchemists furnace yeah like

If you go look inside it yes so if we open up the alchemists furnace yes if we put the transmogrify book there yes just there oh Christ personal button and we can get the transmogrify too well then put another one on mate we’ve got transmogrify three straightaway there you go

So you can upgrade two two three right yeah as long as you use the transmogrify like just right and to get the chance to do so I’ll show you it’s a bit of sacrifice it’s worth it so if I give you the to transmogrify three ports Oh No

Oh God what have you done Oh God we found a bug you didn’t see this guys don’t look look away Oh God I’m doing some home improvements by the way home improvements more like to put a couple of licks of paint on the wall and install minecraft Wow

You break you’ve broke the map Oh created it but this lives here now mate we can’t delete this bit can’t we just try and go for the diamonds they’ll fall through anyway we call the crouch and get them I don’t think so I got idea right because we had to put

Ourselves in creative I’ll give you permission to put them back to bedrock and we sacrifice the book how’s that okay can I do it like a cheats on or off it should be on gently I’ll actually know that break achievements were not that I care about achievement cheats aren’t

Enabled on this world okay let’s just put them on then shall we settings oh god what’s happened dibs how do we do it I think its settings and then go to game then at the gonna go now later okay list and we see you soon hopefully very soon

Just get back in touch when you’re ready and game on Oh activate cheats yeah yeah okay are they on yeah oh no come on please check the command exist that’s where I don’t write yeah but we’re saying that the command doesn’t exist all check that your permission to use it

Trusted players permissions member so I can go operate here there you go okay is that done it yes okay so guys just just for the sake of this video he made a neck he done a boo-boo and we’re fixing it and we’re sacrificing that book and

Then he’s just gonna go back to game mode one I’m not trying to say it was dibs is for but it might have been dibs as before you dropped the book butterfingers I didn’t drop anything it was an accident where were you when we were playing Croatia butterfingers very honestly I’m

Back in Survivor right okay ready next next key okay next key excuse because we like one minute of this stream left well ignore the luck the past minute or so yet happened big shout out to the x-gamer welcome back I recognized your name I think Thank You Kristal we love you too we

Love all of you at once here we go oh that’s lovely isn’t it oh mine my suppling fine whoa whoa whoa I thought I’m way to like you like I don’t know I don’t know what you like you just like you all right here we go ready yeah gone

Oh my book my books my books note to self do not throw these I think I’m noticing a pattern here squid right so far this is like a never-ending loop we’ve had nothing but loads and loads keys well that’s the thing right because you get in loads of common keys right

Yeah the whole point of that is is like it’s like a hidden kind of way of doing it so if you were to put four keys in the four common in this now in the enhance craft well running path well if you had four common and you put them in

The crafter maybe we try forget some more can you get comments from comments for how many comments have you currently got three three you’ve got three yep sorry I’m you’re now it’s been a row busy day for me today did you not get some ancient relics earlier I swayed it

Yeah you got we’ve got four inch of relics why be not open these I don’t know what to do is underway I love the following me why they following me were you doing okay you should pick now okay what we’re doing right so let’s just

Place them on the ground in front of you anywhere it’s not gonna turn this into diamonds is it now it just plays them like like a normal block on the ground oh you found a rare loot key and you also got that for getting a rare looky

Just want to say I want to meet you one day but if I get really really famous like on YouTube and stuff or like get several thousand or go to conventions and stuff that would be fun that’d be cool yeah and then open me up with everyone and say hello and stop

Scribbling my walk graph and then they start hacking into my bank account so are you taking these up just so they don’t get taken away okay so you’re gonna open a few more of the tones the relics or yeah we just do the ready we’re gonna try and run out

That’s my goal right now you should rule out relics quite easy okay I just got an ancient tome and there’s me saying you’re gonna run out easy only ready does it automatically go to go to me yeah yeah automatic win your inventory the person who it’s like the

Name of the person on the screen is the person he ghosted okay here we go oh no are cheeps of these cheats are disabled I haven’t got this diamonds – you cheat yet I’ve made this much so cheap why what ethical rare where’s the best one you can get is at the end

Crystal thing yeah that’s one yeah and there’s some stuff in here IBM on des we’ve got diem on des okay alright we’ll put them in for safekeeping just in quite a walk tuned I think because it’s the might have used all the have used all the things Li a team Alex relics are

Gone yeah what didn’t you find a tome which gives us more relics which you could use yeah I’ve got an ancient tome here yeah so if you if you start hearing use it we can see if we can get another one we’re rich we’re ritual really really look at this for the probably

Really good start are we going to get one it’s so ungrateful yeah but I know how many you there’s a possibility of having four I know this I built them up so I don’t know why it’s being so cheap you rigged this map also because I’ll standing closer to it and

Then you place it let’s see how how you get Lady Luck what happened there that was supposed to happen stop making breaking my map your massive that was supposed to happen me but his seven Ino for diamonds but where’s my bedrock gone put my bedrock back this is funny well I

Think the very end of the episode but end of the livestream whatever we should open one epic Lukey and then leave everything else for the next episode right one epic not epic so rare so rare cough the best one more overall breath okay we’ve got one rare and this is it

Guys this is I’m gonna put all my stuff in the chest as well so it’s it’s there we’re not dirt going from under the tree I should be a magic one here I’m not you making things disappear no itself don’t use the ancient relics near something important

Yeah guys if you’re playing this map I think you should actually place any of those relic stuff or the all the transmogrifies over here because what you don’t want to be doing is accidentally doing it near here and these disappear this is really cool basically if any of these break they’ll

Automatically be replaced by the same thing like it will just automatically appear again I did think that I thought what if someone broke one of these by accident it will actually just respawn OH X Games says no don’t stop streaming oh we got go to bed I’ll go and play you

Know man score my ps4 it’s like what like 25 to 11 like it’s quite late here it is quite late yeah the best best thing you guys can do is if you haven’t done so already follow us so squidgy you can spam spam your channel whatever in the comments or

Whatever you want to do okay so don’t forget my all my links are at the bottom of the screen if you can read them hopefully no one’s actually confirm that or not I think you can I can read it on my iPad so yeah so yeah if you haven’t done so already

Hit those follows definitely on Twitter as well because then you know what gonna live so or hit the bells or whatever there is nowadays I don’t know squidgy yep yep miss just went where’s the other bed oh god where is the other bag what’s happening oh my god this is

All meant to happen or machi right magic another one there you know what I feel like because this is my fault we should have to use the resources to get in the ball I think I feel like we shouldn’t cheat and get another bed we’re not really his it wasn’t meant to disappear

In the first place that’s yeah good point good point it was just it was mechanics we didn’t foresee so I don’t get lost that as cheating if it was normal vanilla that would never disappeared yeah stupid job whoever created this marketing used to sort these things out yeah the map making man

Ain’t got clue you make school faces though like cool wizard hats and stuff dibs is a wizard I am like a wizard but that’s about it I look like one but apart from that I’m not really a wizard at infant I’m I’m a loser I was waiting

For you to sing us a song wait what why what wait what did you say what I said I’m a loser and I was wait wait for you go I’m gonna lose a baby or something why don’t you kill me oh maybe I’m too old for that and old school all right

We’re gonna use this rare or what oh yeah sorry gone let’s let’s open it we just see we’re not even wanting to end the stream ourselves and we don’t want to go give us a million and we’re stay mate if a million turn up in my account

Right I’ll be like right squidgy is a is a is a couple of quid [Laughter] now I’ll keep here I’ll give you a bit the one in the comments to say you’ll not lose a bother I can’t quite read x-gamer right I don’t know I don’t know enjoy YouTube and streaming this that’s

The main thing are we ready we ready let me holla Miss knows that song by the way go ahead open it I think hallo hallo miss is about my age I think so a bit Chilean years old no I’ll just um don’t stop streaming please right are we

Ready let’s go to the comment columnist laugh my ass off squidgy you’re the you’re bad news why don’t you know you got to know that song pretty much son you’re the brain you’re Britney Spears biggest fan I actually I actually do like Britney Spears I’m not even gonna lie to you

Yeah if she was right back in a day until she went a bit mad someone gave us a countdown for the for the leudtke book we didn’t do it all right and we were gonna go again yeah let’s go three two don’t mind it hang on there’s a delay by

The way so I have to wait for them in the chat okay so really we’ll wait for you in about 30 second delay okay they’re gonna do it no guys give us a little Free Cone you can type faster than that that’s the longest second of my life two one go

Oh really that’s all look I’m not trying to sound you’re so ungrateful no I’m not trying to sound ungrateful but I know what’s in these loot chests that is nothing compared to what we could have got alright let’s make it let’s make another epic put put four in there

Diamond shape o diamond shape yeah we could actually go it won’t work in waterfalls unless you like it won’t work damn you most bankers oh I’m more for there’s more how many epics have we got ten so we need two more wait how move about how many epic sorry

I got two three total three epochs okay so if we make one one more epic that the the common we can make a rare come again so if you put if you use the Commons to make one more effort like that and now you make put the epics in the diamond

Shape it will make the same yes oh yes should we open that one yeah that’s go let me just make one more one more epic and put that one away okay also by the way guys that little crafting recipe isn’t actually in the recipes like section like that isn’t an

Official recipe that’s like a hidden recipe which you would have seen if you watch the very first video for sky adventures so if you play this map keep in mind that you won’t see that in the recipe section okay are we ready yeah our wrong box in there if you put in the

Middle of that one it’ll turn it into for normal for ethics of like may I found a bug no you haven’t you just derped it Oh God missus I hope you come back for the next video to squidgy Joe what if it’s a time where I’m not work

And I’m not busy I’ll gladly do it I mean I I can either it’s up to you guys I can either just plug this along and and squidgy jumps in whenever he possibly can or I will not release another one of these until squidgy jumps

On his up to you guys completely up to you if you’d rather me just do these one squid geezers around or pressure yeah if you wanted to just wait for squidgy I’m quite happy to do so but if you want me to carry this series on and he jump

In whenever I can do that also it’s up to you guys so I’ll let that be done to you right we ready countdown guys wait for you boys drink karaoke in it that should be our new thing live stream karaoke we’ll make well why are we doing this map then o32

How are you seeing that okay three two two one oh we got another three two one that’s too many I can’t count that fast that many Oh another one I’d be trusted with these like a cobblestone oh don’t place in there cuz I cobblestone generator I love or disappear that’s why I’m doing

It like I know if you do it literally one block away from you I know it’s safe then like I know that yeah great to have squeegee here his singing and what’s that breaking stuff I’ve never broke anything in my life oh my god I’ve done it again

Oh I mean what you can I didn’t do it how did you do that and kind of swirled round you like it is in a lot of it basically so the way these work so the way that the ancient relics were when you pick them off from there so that it

Actually comes to you because what you’re breaking is just mossy cobble so basically what happens is once you’ve broken the mossy cobble it will sense that you’ve picked up mossy cobble it would delete the most eco block your inventory and then it’ll send this to you by like a dispenser and then

Basically there’s a command teleport in it to the nearest player which is me so if I press it and then walk past you it should try and hook onto you may you can make a football like map with that at least like you’re kicking a football but a blocky one

Maybe you need to work on that if you stand like there and I press it and run into you it should give it to you and it should follow you yeah because you’re the nearest place thing also I got you some transmogrify threes and some may

We’ve got any wood in here because we’re running out of space right fast yeah we’ve got two wood there and there’s also a huge tree here so I can take away the tree on my cup chest after all I’m the only one that ever does anything around it what that’s it never joining

The stream again maybe we got two rares here we’re gonna wait wait and we’re gonna leave them um talk to you I don’t mind now let’s do it go big or go home mate are you ready hello I’m up a tree so guys it’s gonna rough I’m probably gonna say maybe we

Should just round off to 11 now um the 10 minutes or so it’s up to you you can go whenever you want yeah that’s cool that should we call that way so guys your opinion do you want this series right to carry on with or without squidgy but squidgy he’s

Gonna come in whenever he can obviously but the whole reason for me to do it and carry on is just to keep it going if that makes sense or would you rather me just release the live streams for Sky adventures when squidgy is available your choice I like squidgy Adam squidgy

Around it’s really for fun it’d be good to get might listed I hit you’re gonna get Lister on as well I’m fun Joe what all three of us that would be really fun did you just chuck the relic sort of the thing no it was I don’t want to tell you

What it was cause you’ll you’ll have a go he cheating again basically the relic broke this block again so I had to replace the bedrock so crystal says first choice carrion was squishy okay carry on right I’m confused so we’ve got one of each vote I think I think the x-gamer

Wants me to just carry on when you’re around and also hollow misses yeah it’s great to have screwed you here with hissing and breaking stuff although I read that before so by the sounds of it most of the votes are going to release a rule or we’ve had one from Hollow mixed

About I’m assuming it’s about Lister and Oh sticks it said yeah the three amigos yeah how you doing toxic welcome back you’re actually always joining me when I’m not long then you start to see I’m right are we really yep okay what’s it gonna be oh

All right take the red X will leave the relax for now yeah we won’t use them in this episode we’ll make we need to take a platform just for opening relics just in case it breaks we need to nerf these right oh really yep oh we’re gonna count down to what is

One gone to the toilet there it is one go that do I like you guys we like you too come on where’s the go like you two ways go oh just do it just do it go Oh something less like again I’m stole them by the way okay the last bitch’ll

Rats ain’t like the transmogrify stuff that’s actually really good because there’s enough to make a transmogrify stone which in theory if we’ve got enough iron we could in theory make a mob spawner okay that went over my head right ready crowd free wait for this count

One more countdown this could be it come on crystal you’re good at doing the count let’s do it again yes come on you don’t get streamers singing Britney he’s probably got the pigtails as well and there’s in the school uniform on in yes quit what I do

My personal time okay we’ve got one three two one he’s gonna go off he’s gonna he’s gonna go off from stream and shave his head oh these are really cool box these are they are there this yeah they’re the cool cool ones these are the elemental books which I will put in this

Top chest here so you know like just the elemental books doing this torture so got you got pretty much all you’ve got one of each pretty much look to each of us too we still got one wreck where Lukey oh okay yeah everything else we’re safe all right already

Okay we need one more countdown guys yeah well it may not be a one more countdown we said that what five countdowns ago three two one go someone did it really fast quick no that was before now that’s G in yeah you’re so Opie when you got your game made one at

Hand to tell you what do you mean since you got the powers you abuse those powers we don’t reason for the greater good Three two one go oh there we go ha ha ha Wow oh my god why did I make that one so op8 transmogrify two bucks what maybe you playing this will make you sort weak future versions though you might think well that’s a bit much that’s not not enough and stuff like

That yeah and I don’t you mean I want to take the common Lukey’s in the ethic Mookie’s and the ancient relic on a laptop chess is like a separate so we know where they are well that’s quite good job part like well I felt like we what were you just

Doing behind me I was making faces but I wasn’t actually because minecraft doesn’t have that capability so I can’t also currently your face is technically my face as well oh yeah so it’s like face off the film right but Harry Potter stuff I’ve never got that film like how

It doesn’t make sense I’ve seen it for years to be fair all tomatoes have never grown tomatoes tomatoes right oh my god hey I’m old right you don’t wanna be giving me heart attacks okay a sidekick needs is like like what’s a psychics so if Batman’s got a psychic

What’s the psychic kick got what’s Batman – the psychic we leave that with you guys cuz I don’t know right I’m gonna stand here and you stand next to me like this shall I take my hat off or so leave it on my face don’t be camera shy mate come on there

We go right guys I’m gonna call it here because time is getting on right so let me get this straight before we go right you want us to carry this livestream stroke play on as a duo stroke triple so the more just more than me so basically

You’re saying I’m boring joking so or they’re saying I’m really epic like either way it’s pretty good for me yeah or we make a good team it could be anyone oh we make a good team it looks like it looks like you’re that looks really painful mate I’ve been

Doing it I’ve been doing yoga so let me get this straight you want us to carry this series on as a duo yeah only so episode 2 stroke live stream to whatever you want to call it is only one me and squidgy plus can play right is

That one getting Cal from hit wait is I’m as sick Gimli not him Lee for we Kim Lee wait no that means great oh wait give me the whole mere sake like give me the half okay so technically now it’s Gandalf because given his ginger [ __ ]

Okay so right so this is what’s going to happen I will bring the next sky adventures back when squidgy is available so I’m going to keep harassing him on Twitter to make it another episode also you guys can harass him as well right go to Twitter and say we want

Episode two we want the next live stream and it ended up giving in and just just to keep the crowd happy I guess so yeah yeah because it’d be like getting all the tweets going no we can’t stop tweeting me we better run shut them up so yeah okay I’ll bring back sky

Adventures when squeegees with me next so definitely I’ll be back tomorrow guys I’m going to be bringing you guys some no man’s sky tomorrow no man’s sky tomorrow I want to bring you some fallout this week and maybe a bit of cooked pork chop which is a Java edition of Minecraft

Don’t worry x-gamer I’ll be back tomorrow I’ll try try my harness I’m pretty sure I’ll be back tomorrow Oh crystal says she loves either you or me or both of us depend on what way for us oh that’s nice guys you same please don’t go but we’re

Not that far away just we’re on Twitter we’re not far away from our phones we’re not far away from our PCs we can always reply to tweets there you go so we’re never far away are we it’s rich where you going move it you bouncing on the bed it’s such a child to

Child waiting on snail craft I’m gonna get a snail craft episode out really soon I promise it’s a mine should be like the next day I got an idea I think I might do the account farm bedrock edition because I’m telling you now the count farm on

Bedrock is so much easier than Java really yeah trust me it is simplified is piece of cake and it’s ogre Opie it’s so Opie but there you go okay okay we’re definitely going to go now guys so um big big shout out to all of you thanks for watching how you doing unstoppable

Late for the party would just how’d it go but yeah don’t forget hit the follows hit hit all the subscriptions and stuff like I said and me and squidgy we’ll be back as soon as we can for some more sky adventures what you trying to do look nothing so more sky adventures as

Soon as we can but join me tomorrow and we’d be doing some no man sky and go where no man has ever gone before that right squidgy you need to get snow man sky mate for Xbox thing is I will get it literally soon as that comes out

On Xbox I will get it cuz act like Xbox is my preferred platform Johnny same same right we’re babbling we’re just making excuses to stay yeah someone’s just followed let me just wait let me just check that out okay Oh wrong box unstoppable was followed big thank you for the follow

And I’ll we be back well I’ll be back tomorrow and I’m gonna harass squidgy to come back for another episode episode of Skye Skye adventures atlas code Epis code and he said sky factory as well whoops but yeah definitely definitely go in now guys I’m just gonna

Bring up my menus and we are off skis to bed skis and we’ll be back skis soon skis I don’t like skiing pretext pre-tax cloud thank you for the follow where we are gonna go you keep following us so we stay that’s what it’s happening in it

Well but for all tomorrow mine but once again don’t forget to go and check out squidgy as well he’s a youtuber he makes these maps that we’re playing on go and give him some credit go get show him some love okay spread the love do you

Want to do one last plug yeah why not go check me out youtube squidgy face plays to a speech bass 1 4 7 8 subscribe follow thank Martha thanks yeah good follow me man thanks Connie I’m not hungry how am I not hungry on the game I’ve

Been playing it for ages wait at some point how are you not hungry awesomeness thanks for joining the stream you’re literally about 10 seconds too late we’re about to go but don’t forget to hit the follow you guys are naughty keeping us in I know like kilos keep

Another weight keeps me plan in tomorrow’s whatnot but don’t forget the hit the follow and stuff we got we will be back we’re going but we will be back I promise no man skies from Argos and I’m gonna try and get squidgy face back asap are

You doing of them I found diamonds and a transmogrify to book I didn’t do of until ever Julie she’s just over there sitting up eating again the village is on the floor he is not cheating guys he’s just playing with his is map that I don’t have a clue no I literally just

Used an ancient relic music but it’s back in all right can we sign out yet right are we going yeah I think I think we should go right see you later why right adios amigos and stuff bye boys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Sky Adventures 1.2: Your a Wizard Dibz – E01 [ Live Stream Series ]’, was uploaded by Dibz82 on 2018-07-21 01:12:15. It has garnered 543 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:36 or 6816 seconds.

Sky Adventures is a fresh and cool new take on the classic skyblock map we all know and love. Ancient tomes, new magic books, new food & items await!

This map was made by SquidgyFacePlays so go check out his channel!

Squigy’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBrQaIxYjIVNgPEuMth3cew

► Download The Map v1.2 – http://www.mediafire.com/file/a3hoqb8

► Sky Adventures logo – http://www.mediafire.com/view/2cw4l3d


Mixer Channel: www.mixer.com/Dibz_82 Twitch Channel: www.twitch.tv/dibz82 Dibz82 FaceBook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/355958… Twitter: www.twitter.com/Dibz82 Art By Raven: http://g1-ratbat.deviantart.com/

Donate via PayPal here!


*Note: Only Pro Streamlab users can add gifs etc. For a straight forward donation dont add any extras to avoid hastle, unless of course your a pro user.

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    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More