Unleashing Chaos at Illager Castle! Minecraft: DawnCraft #2

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what does skins/”>Kendrick say in those songs the would you still love me or something like that I don’t know uh welcome back look we got a goal today very clear we need to take on and destroy that iller Camp the iller Camp is about 300 blocks away right here it’s actually a little fort and it’s a small Fort compared to the ill Castle which is down here we need to take both of these out today and get rid of the iller threat around the city of so that we can eventually start capitalizing Upon Our Kingdom all right the illers must go they are not welcome so in order to prep we need to have uh something on us that isn’t just animal fat and ominous banners oh I also got this Anvil I got a damaged Anvil when we died initially at the elra camp so this will be some easy pickings food is going to be a major problem let’s call our horse boom look at him look at him still no name for him yet but we’ll be figuring that out soon all right let’s make our way down to that camp there it is the iller camp located at the edge of the brushland we’ve made it very short trip thanks to my Noble Steed look at him he’s hungry am I hearing illers like underground I am I’m hearing some ERS underground I guess some of them made their way down there and got stuck I don’t totally know how to get to them to take them out so we’re just going to let them exist we also need to go ahead and get an F5 this is better for the combat all right so the last time when I tried to Siege this Camp I I was destroyed by what was up top walked up there and I got absolutely destroy ohas all right you all do your thing don’t worry I won’t be messing with you oh there’s one g on easy no no no no no please please please please please guys guys I don’t want to talk about it here we are back at the electric Camp let’s take them out we can’t deal with them in groups we got to somehow draw them out one by one so here’s one here’s one stuck in the trees and I don’t want to hit him by the coyote they the hyena kids that way they don’t uh the mom doesn’t get upset drag them away drag them away get away from the henus and then easy okay now the problem is no matter what once I get that first shot off they’re going to hit so I have to do shot block shot block no shot block step back that’s the combo all right so we take a shot we block and we step back let’s see if I can actually pull that off I’m so wildly uncoordinated it’s going to be very difficult okay there’s another one lone iller is he alone nope he’s not lone uh two at once and a witch and a witch big problem big problem big problem okay Dragon to the edge okay shot block there we go combo oh I did it I did I did it ah ah ah please please okay are you joking midair all right didn’t realize I was playing against LeBron James let’s give this another go and we are back for take three look our biggest issue right now is the Supreme lack of stamina and like the inability to actually deal a lot of damage very quickly even with the the katana it’s like the combat is so difficult so we’re going to try fighting this dude gone okay eliminated all right let’s go to our body cuz I think we left some XP on it look at us lone Warrior good try little man all right luckily we’re not losing anything cuz we didn’t bring anything valuable on us besides like tools oh boy okay we need to start sneaking there’s too much going on and the witch the Witch Is a major problem actually she’s a m that’s a guaranteed death we should go we should go about this a different direction do I have arrows on me I don’t dang okay no arrows I have some andesites come on guys we need a plan look at the castle right we’ve already scaled up previously up that way I think if we get back up top we’ll probably have less to deal with cuz it seems like they’ve all come down to fight me and since I died they unagro so let’s just sneak oh nope there is somebody up there okay how many up there uh two three dang it bro and now I can’t get out are they going to see [Music] me okay I got I got some stuff from the old body that was a body from we fought them yesterday oh wait wait wait wait wait he’s low already he’s low already I’ve struck him before Gone easy okay good no shovel needed XP let’s use this up Seven Levels oh why why did I front flip off the front bro I got to get these controls down that’s insane that’s insane I just Bru lead off the building come on dude come on dude this is not meant to be the karate kid was that a hyena that was a baby hyena chasing me up the stairs I don’t know if the hyenas are angry if they’re unfriendly or not so far they’ve been pretty chill I need this guy to come down aggro brother just you just you by yourself by yourself come on come on okay you tried me oh oh no no no no no no no no no come on M we got to do better it seems like no matter what I do the illers are going to continue to beat me senseless so I I need a much better plan if we want to take out that iller castle and the iller Fort we’re going to need to get big and strong like this guy you see him do you see his muscles I mean this dude is just absolutely packing a punch all right we’re going to need something like that I think we need to get diamonds uh or just like better armor in general I don’t know I also haven’t been keeping track of how many illers I’ve killed we and the reason why that’s important is we have a quest to kill 10 of them before we start unlocking the next sections of the game so let’s actually talk to the guil master real quick the guy who gave us the quest and see have I killed 10 yet oh combat mode have I not killed 10 I guess I haven’t okay well that verifies it for us we have yet to kill 10 pillagers is it pillagers or illagers I don’t know all right it’s a new day and I’ve come up with a plan if I’m really going to be a ronin I need to start playing like a ronin and it seems to me like the iron armor is irrelevant uh well actually the iron boots give us swiftness so that’s important and the chest plate also gives us speed it’s time we start playing like a real Ronin everything we do has to be speed based and about avoiding damage right just like a real Ronin would be they like a real ninja so we need to actually start playing the game properly best way to do that is to get a little bit of training in before we head to that electric camp and really die and I see a lone grizzly bear here in the forest and what better to train against an army of men than to fight a grizzly bear wake up I challenge you one V one me one One V One One V One V One V okay okay okay he’s angry he’s up and he’s awake oh you did it to yourself bro ow ow okay we’re supposed to be all about dodging damage right dodging damage not just striking not just striking no sense of strikes all right if I had to raid us right there I’d give us a a c minus honestly but it’s not very great I got to learn to like throw and attack and am I going to bleed to death seriously seriously yo if I die to this grizzly I’m going to rage so hard okay oh my gosh I really thought if we died during the training exercise that would have been embarrassing oh I can cook eggs that’s sick all right we’re getting sidetracked a little bit we need to focus on the ills they’re our number one problem all right eggs melon and bare meat I have the meal of a champion it’s time I don’t know what these squids do I often see them floating around like the the glowing squids I don’t know if they’re friend oh a Tradesman hello brother hello brother what do you have for me brother nothing useful brother thank you brother all those trads were garbage anyway no idea what I was saying prior I don’t know if you guys can tell I have major ADHD so commentary is usually all over the place but we got to stay focused on the goal so I’m going to try to lock in lock in oh you didn’t see that all right we’re going to cut to when I’m at the camp again all right we’ve returned we’ve returned and we’re ready for war come Heathen bring thyself to me so that I can slay you oh I was not even in combat mode I just punched him I wonder if a lack of combat mode will help n that’s so that’s so cool hello little hyena go ahead and hang out here every little thing is going to be all right maybe not oh n it will be it will be I’m slaying him like that absolutely will be all right we definitely didn’t get back all of our levels some of them have just been permanently lost to the abyss but this is the highest and farthest we’ve made it into the igri castle so far so I would say this is a dub major dub major dub skis look at this look at what we’re in oh what what is that nope I ain’t doing it I ain’t doing it open a chest ghost monster comes out what do you expect me to do who do y’all think I am everybody thinks I’m in here like Karate Kid or Samurai Jack n bro I’m a cosplayer I’m a cosplayer with a sword this is not happening this is not happening all right we want to take this dude out how are we going to do this I say we just be be real intelligent about it okay Weir ghostly armor [Music] set are you going to be a problem sir or are you going to let me access that chest it doesn’t have to go down like this I can just you don’t know how to use an anal yes I do it’s Minecraft what come back come back to an area in which I can strike you this is not fair you can strike me back okay did anybody have fighting a Ghost Armor Set through a wall on their bingo card for this episode because I did not ow okay A little bit of bar me they never hurt nobody come on Brother come on brother oh he has thorns on him that’s why his armor set has thorns okay sheath boom look at that absolute critical critical hit critical damage all right now we get access to the loot who violent Uchi Katana blood letting no way dude this is a way way better version of my sword look at this this one has life steel and this one does not life steal on the Uchi Katana wind swept so we get bonus speed on that too okay okay I’m seeing it I’m seeing it and golden horse armor to put on our horse when we make it back home alive and in one piece successfully this about to be really good y’all is this the iller King’s chair or something now it’ll be my chair soon all right let’s be smart about this right this is respiration 3 but curs of binding we should never put that on plus it’s a helmet we don’t need a helmet we’re carrying too much stuff right now we need to drop off some garbage here that’s gone uh never know when you’re going to need bones oh no if you guys don’t know I’m like a hoarder type player so this is kind of tough sticks we don’t need for sure uh chard log seems ridiculous it’s ridiculous hold polished and to sight it’s a waste of a block space all right you know Seven slots we can deal with it I’ll keep the old Rana too all right I don’t know how bad it is down there so we’re going to check first see how much smarter we’re playing we’re not just diving in and dying this is intelligence right here this is Peak Human Performance never seen plays like this all right let’s go down I think we’re ready I’m hearing some crazy stuff down here though we got to get out F5 I don’t I don’t want to open these chests in case they spawn more of those dudes oh dude dude dude dude ow ow stop it ow what what you can drag that far that’s not fair that is so not fair he can hit from that far away what’ we lose all right it’s time for Plan G I guess whatever number we’re on since unsuccessful attempts firstly firstly first of all storage expansion IM okay absolutely necessary we need another chest set up there I did see an enchant table and stuff in there which you know your boy wants let’s suit up the horse all right it’s time for some more action come on horsey look at this Ste I’m starting to shape up like a king starting to oh it’s getting night time we definitely should not be headed out there at night [Music] so probably make a new hat this one break that Elite so if anything let’s keep a little bit of weed on us we have no weed do I have anything useful at all have I accumulated anything worthwhile all right let’s head back to the flight we got to get back to the warfront kitty what is that what kind of monster are you stop it you’re killing things that’s not okay oh you look terrifying you are not normal okay what was that Vampire Heart did I get bit well I didn’t really get bit I got claw didn’t I right come on that’s another rabbiter are you are you unfriendly what’ I do to you I didn’t do anything to you you’re going to make me do this please everybody relax everybody relax everybody relax this is an overwhelming amount of amount of hatred it is absolutely unnecessary for what we got going on what is he fighting quick he fighting okay okay uh ravagers how do I take him out last episode I used FL steel ow I burn myself there’s no way he didn’t step through it has he gotten smarter no still dumb still Dum we have the advantage now he’s big and stupid all that head and no brain huh here we go here we go here we go charge and attack charge and attack or something okay attack charge please don’t quick standand please don’t quick sand okay leave to the sand there we go little bit of extra damage bring him out hyenas hyenas help me don’t fight me fight him up now okay yo he hits like a bus I mean he shaped like one too I get that but is this tentacle thing after me too can everybody relax chill chill chill please okay oh no no no no oh my God I got slain by a floating squid thank you Squidward every time I think I’m making a little bit of progress It’s like one step forward five steps backwards yep I want Vengeance come here you don’t just get to float away after that you can’t third party me he a fortnite buddy ow there’s no way dude he’s floating above me that’s not fair yo why does he have hands L the hands on me man I don’t want to eat this I’m scared I’m too scared to eat the Vampire Heart new new Ultra new plan first problem we need food so sorry Mr Cow but I need the beef more than you do oh hyenas want some again back off man is everything just trying to kill me is that it is that the kind of mod pack that we’re playing now just everybody wants some we use the saplings to cook this beef it’s not going to make it it’s not going to make it is it cringe cringe please don’t be difficult with me Mr tree thank you I am having a tough day I’m having a tough day okay eat the steak is that another Trader it is bro how did how did you get all the way down here with the elephant and everything this is crazy work and you have new trades now much better trades actually uh but still not useful you also seem kind of of stuck I’m going help you I’m going help you don’t worry don’t get you out of this there you go there you go see we help the Traer do I get a discount or something is that a friendly I don’t know what’s going on look Focus back in there’s so many things happening all at once man I’m like over stimulated all right I just want to take this thing out please leave me alone hyena all right I rang the Bells what just happened are you serious because I rang the bell oh it let me know where everything was that’s kind of cool okay okay that that was a w w mans all right okay okay right around this corner there should be one no that more stuff okay use it okay oh who is that that’s me why is there me there’s a me down there bro that’s me like do dog you jack my whole style and then you try to kill me stop it okay fake me is dead there’s a wild achievement on screen that I got from that I had to censor it sorry for the cut that’s just PR smart let’s grab this that we have this on us before we leave secrets of enchanting right I have to keep looking over my shoulder I am terrified I’m going to get jumped okay we’re okay we’re okay so far nothing’s coming you’re freaking out Mist you’re freaking out for nothing we’re totally fine there’s some 2500 blocks of stone used in this Mansion now we only got 356 Stones what what okay I don’t know why they was having conversations and whatnot in these books to each other oh y all have bows huh me too me too yeah that’s right come this way catch the hands I don’t know how he got a hit off on [Music] me oh wait that was oh what the why are you coming from around the corner throwing shots bro what am I supposed to do with that oh my gosh this CLE is so frustrating pineapples all right I feel better now it didn’t even give me pineapple it gave me pineapple crop nope I’m back to angry right back to angry every time I go in there and I kill one it’s like three more show up it feels like there’s nothing I can do at this point I don’t care if it’s night time we’re going to commit to the fight now the war is serious the war doesn’t end until I say it ends come on let’s go let’s get in there before the creepy crawlies come out why didn’t I just bring a bed and make this place my spawn point I didn’t think about anything at all before doing it man all right ring the bell let him know Papa’s home that’s right how many of you are there six seven I think there’s seven or eight left plus the ravager the ravager is a big problem where you at you was around the corner show yourself come on buddy yeah that’s right oh he’s got a friend he’s got a friend that does a lot of damage NOP please [Music] please whoa he’s right behind me he’s right behind me isn’t he oh I can’t stop eat yeah that’s right good luck getting in here [Music] buddy all right we outsmarted one of them finally only took us like forever to do um golden helmet W this is like a crown stolen their Crown maybe now I can become their King I got a projectile for you when you’re ready for it show yourself come on come out from hiding I can hear you hey buddy oh oh he can climb through that no okay all right dealt with dealt with I don’t even know what advancement did I just get old Betsy okay isn’t this thing supposed to give me life steal my Katana is failing me no wait a minute I am failing my Katana I’m supposed to be a warrior Warriors do not complain Warriors do not cry or yours feared nothing so fear nothing I will fear nothing I have no fears none what is [Music] that oh crap I have fear I’m scared terrified sorry about that little slip up okay all right all right we missed this is not going well not going well at all let’s climb all the way back up it’s a shame we got a cheese him like this are you still following me did he give up oh I guess he can’t chase very [Music] well you tried there you go that’s what we needed oh okay okay back it off back it off back it off we took one hit that’s fair would have been wild if he got none in right I heard a crazy Sound Outside by the way I don’t know if being here at night was an intelligent decision at all there’s something crazy over there tell me you guys hear that tell me you hear that what is happening there’s something insanely huge [Music] outside okay that’s a ravager that is a ravager [Music] right but I’m hearing a weird like terrifying whistling oh there’s the illusioner okay I have arrows we have no arrows left I lost them all another set of Traders over there so many trading villagers coming to visit I have no idea what that is I can’t see it too well from here and I have no spy glass so we’re also nowhere near our bed so we’re just going to have to stay committed to the cause clear this place out these swords are not my kind of Sword these armors are cool I want I kind of want to see what this is oh it’s DED leather tunics okay those are kind of sick there’s something out there whistling and it’s like it’s giving me the heebie jibbies a little bit nope missed what are we talking about heie jibbies we’re a warrior Warriors don’t get heebie jibbies I don’t know how to use a smoker that’s okay fight me fight me what do what do you mean what do you mean how are there five of you come around the corner and catch these okay okay there we go illusioner taken out look at that progress gentlemen progress we have made significant progress torches are never bad Cobbs we don’t need arrows we absolutely need torches again arrows great spider eye sure why not oak logs nah Arrow Arrow needed Apple I’ll eat it okay another make sure there was nobody next to him okay good good good okay come on aim at him better Gone Gone voluntary Exile I don’t know what that means so’s not voluntary there’s some scary sounds happening outside so does that mean somebody spawn oh he’s dying in the wall poor dude anyway there’s some scary sounds outside y’all there’s some terrifying things happening I keep stopping to look around oh name tags we can use this to name our horsey okay oo look at the amounts of loot that we have here I prefer the gold horse armor it’s really just a visual thing right anyway like when is the horse going to war I don’t ride my Steed into battle I am the Steed wait that’s that’s not right oh it’s a werewolf outside that’s what I’m hearing okay what is that that’s terrifying monster there’s a lot of monsters in the night but I would say this Castle is officially taken over we killed the illusioner we looted it out I think it’s fair we claim ownership of it right we did everything we were supposed to do well let’s search the courtyard make sure there’s no more of them hanging about what is that is that an iller no illers with a way are there any more illers here sounds like it one last illager this will be easy oh uh sir I think I made a mistake I did not mean to enter your humble abode if I could just oh carve pumpkins I kind of want these yep you uh you enjoying the fresh air yep little smoker air oh this everybody’s stuck this is perfect you thought I was coming in here to just chill on this here ah got him got him easy look I’ll even I I’ll even get super confident look at this right right up on him gone go ahead easy I was freaking out about nothing now you there sir you have encroached upon lands you do not own oh okay all right you’re making a good case for the lands but had to shut them down sometimes you just got to let the populace know who’s boss you know the general region are there any other illers left we did it the first iller encampment has been liberated hello oh oh you have the same trades as the last two where did your elephant go I thought you were a whole separate man hello friend well there’s more exploration to be done to the north but I believe we have some business to take care of to the South we’ll use this city here as an outpost so that we can Siege this Castle repeatedly without having to respawn back here at home base constantly so let’s make our way back to home base first for now we’re back into the camp in the village Mr Guild Master I seek your assistance Mr Guild Master what oh oh I forgot about the thing I forgot about the thing oh I don’t have a helmet okay gold helmet for now it’s all right illers I’ll defend you I totally forgot about the raid bro they’re sing from the north protect the village all right I’ll take this one out oh I’m out of stamina come [Applause] back combat engaged gone oh wait there’s the one out of 10 that’s the illager quest okay that means the ones that we were killing weren’t illers then I guess maybe there was something else take these hands gone okay that’s two out of 10 this is actually perfect I mean it’s unfortunate the village is getting seed but it’s perfect we need to the quest where’s the last one he’s around here somewhere help me help me search there he is they’re all the way down there bro that’s so far let’s eat the apple what else do we have like one of that we can eat in our inventory nothing cuz we’re going to need the inventory space banners put them up put them up all right they’re trying to make their way up here we got to kill them before they figure it out the mountain was simply a diversion here they are they hiding the cave what kind of villager are [Applause] you oh ah you like throw something at you okay go on creepy crawly and then a regular one qu running from me you cannot Escape them hands of Justice light this place up we’re good we need make it back up they’re going to see from a different side go go go go go go Yep they’re up there already no The Village oh man so many lives I can’t get up quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick running out of time save them save the villagers ah get up get up the climbing mechanics in this game are so busted where are they where are they I heard the horn oh oh oh no no no no no these are the worst kinds ones with the axes you got him you got him you got him I’m behind him there we go hit him again gone easy [Applause] together oh oh oh no no no I’m going to die the blood ah I got to make it back to the Village quick uh throw all this away we don’t need any of it okay quick quick quick quick quick quick quick make it back make it back make it back defend only is this a quest opportunity but we also must defend the people come on no tyranus rule not a big fan of the government there’s one gone okay okay we need to regen stamina gone before you could strike me there you go good stuff good stuff brother looking a working together what I lose just XP 45 that’s a lot I guess it’s not a lot okay where will they be coming from from the left I don’t actually know what cardinal direction that is Norther is is that a flamer that dude is a fire backpack and I ain’t talking cool he’s got to be taken out first oh stamina nice boat constantly now I missed that’s okay I missed again that’s okay I hit him now we’re talking I hit somebody I missed again that’s okay all right we got to we got to time this better this is ridiculous are you serious he pump faked me that’s not fair turn yo all right all right that’s it we’re handling this up closer first ah shot fire that was a big mistake big mistake big mistake I am on fire okay all right round two gone easy bloodthirsty sh me nah oh they’re all kind of locked in cages ow they’re shooting each other okay I mean this is kind of a dub the horse is an unfortunate sacrifice they kill the the fire one all of you stop okay they did not stop they did not listen that’s all right I will show them the error of their ways creeper spores why do I have these I must have picked them up from the dude it’s all right getting back in [Music] there Hue the battle Muse you again huh at least you didn’t have a sword this time take the day off why don’t [Applause] you all right okay y’all want to play like that that’s all right it’s all right it’s all right we yeah that’s right full gang I went to your hood and that’s a soul new ow okay all right all right all right big guy big fella big fella how about you put them legs to use all right you could be you could be a linebacker in the NFL you don’t have to do this all right I’m talking Max contract for the Steelers o line how’s that feel huh you interested nope he doesn’t seem like it all right you made me do this I gave you opportunity you all right horsey everything will be get better it’s okay ah the raid is still convincing there’s no way they’re still doing this yes let me out I’m stuck they didn’t sound a horn this time wait no horn no horn raid unless it’s all the way on the other side of the village do I hear illagers where could this portion of the raid possibly be the raid symbol is gone nope it’s back guys get out of the thing oh no I didn’t mean to hit you I didn’t know I was in combat mode relax relax I did not know I did not know I did not know I’m so sorry I’m your Defender I’m your Chieftain don’t do this I like this I’m so sorry I’m so sorry look I’ll head back to my house I’ll head back to my house I’ll head back to my house we can chill we can chill we can chill why does he move like Jackie Chan we can chill bro it’s not that serious it’s not that serious I messed up I messed up I made a slight error I made an error in judgment I’m in Aaron judgment chill no what you can’t just walk into my house all right now you done cross the line he’s going to jump me in my home in my own home in my own home that’s crazy in my house bro in my house I did not want to have to do that I mean he he came through the door swinging did y’all see that that dude bust in like what like what he said this is the police bam kicked in the front door bro I mean that’s just unnecessary movement notorious oh my reputation was bad because of that at least I got forgiven I’m like I didn’t even do nothing bro jump me that’s ridiculous all right look we need to upgrade the storage in here a little bit before we run back out and try to deal with the rest of that raid this has been a stressful episode I am like cons oh man of course the chest don’t even combine we’ll deal with that later at this point I got too much stuff going on to worry about whether or not my chests look nice all right let’s head back out I need to find the raid location I think it’s still ongoing yep ra still going it’s weakened though by a long shot so I think our villagers contributed quite a bit to the kills either that or they all just died we’re looking for the outline of an illager somewhere any outlines anybody seeing anything let’s get out of combat mode until we’re ready for combat we don’t make the same mistake again [Music] nothing huh is that a rhino which of you caged a whole Rhino don’t do that where’s the raid at hey hey what a okay you just he ran at me a little bit there’s so many villagers here with quests it’s all right I’ll find the raid I’ll find the raid and cut back I’ve concluded that the raid is nowhere to be found these illers are scared they’re not standing on business so we’re going to continue on with our lives which is the raid symbol at the top of the screen but there is no threat there is no war and bossing to say okay let’s come over here let’s see what this guy’s talking about now that I finished the quest hey don’t act like I’m trying to fight you bro cuz I’m not seriously dog oh here use these to get your first upgrade from the goddess statue I would highly recommend talking to some of the guards here if you want to learn some new SK skills good luck on your journey that’s it though it’s just it’s just good luck good seems like you’re ready for an adventure ready to find your first eye there we go the first Ender eye this is huge [Music] oh your first assignment is to exterminate the Goblin King they can be found on top of their castles okay so he gave me a map to the Goblin King and he gave give me four Spirit orbs to use at one of the Goddess statues for our first ever upgrade if we do upgrade anything I think stamina over Health just cuz I could probably live longer with better stamina reserves and better armor will make me take less damage so the health won’t really be an issue in the short term I think this is a goddess statue yep yep stamina vessel boom reach the goal is my stamina better oh it is look at that I got the second wheel on top of the first wheel so that’s that’s a little bit better it’s minor but all right now how am I supposed to read this map we’re in the top corner of wherever the goblin keep is right now oh my gosh the goblin keep is that far away yo that’s insane that’s actually [Music] insane a all right if we’re going on this long of a journey we need a backpack string leather and a chest you’re telling me I have nothing okay all right all [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] what oh my gosh there’s the raid no way bro that’s jokes right that’s jokes that’s too many I can’t solo that and I have all the resources I need for a batp pack right now right let’s just sneak by sneak by we won’t cause them any harm it won’t cause us any now we know though the raid is down at the bottom of this Cliff they’re going to have trouble making their way up even I did gives us some time we got to deal with that before we leave I was literally out I was going to cut all this I was getting the resources for the batpack and then I ran into them never said it was easy being a hero right this is the life we chose on the road again I’m on the road to get back home again trying to make my way home again oh my gosh I’m getting jumped again I’m so tired of getting jumped again oh dear Lord no way they make it inside right huh okay so while they stare at us outside angrily we’re going to craft up a batpack boom Backpack Baby Oh I put it up by mistake yeah look at us now we’re on the batpack we’re so cool okay cool I’m going to keep the batpack on um we need to go out and deal with our unwelcome and uninvited guests move on out where they at they’re fighting the Golem right right the GOL the Golem’s going to Beal with them thank you Mr Golems thank you walking through collecting up the loot sorry about that thank you very much all right much appreciated y’all now let’s head over to that raid we got to take that out before we head over to the Goblin King now oh not not you again come on man I thought we settled this see that that stamina increase is huge that’s one extra hit every fight okay the witch is a major problem we got to take her out oh my gosh all right that’s it I’m going in everybody relax okay where’s my backpack are you joking they stole my backpack they stole now I have to fight them they have my backpack oh my gosh and I didn’t kill anybody what what just happened am I sick or something why’ the music get like that [Music] golems come with me wait Golems Golems that’s genius wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute that’s the solution right there Golems there’s so many of them we need something to help what are you oh he’s tiny a you’re cute oh you’re kind of thanky and what are you now that was unnecessary anyway look Golems that’s the solution to our entire problem right there we keep trying to take the fight head-on alone when ah okay I’m using the wrong thing that could have been way faster anyway we keep trying to take these guys out alone when in truth we shouldn’t be we should be using our Minecraft knowledge to support us and now they’ve stolen my backpack so this has gotten serious all right we use all our iron and we make Iron Golems is this worth it this is so worth it actually where’s my CL pumpkins two any other iron n I’m getting my backpack back all right listen you guys stole my backpack right you big bullies I’m going to need that [Music] back please don’t notice me please don’t notice me please don’t notice me there we go hired help yeah that’s right I hired some help all right boom look at that hit boom look at us working together we’re a perfect Duo all right it’s time y’all ask for it quit your running what just happened to my Golem oh he’s blowing stuff up just got to put Faith in it faith in the Golem he’s got his side taken care of I got to deal with mine I got this one dude right here gone okay let Stone Shard I don’t need that I need my food G’s doing fine right yeah G’s taking him out Go’s taking him out he’s got half Health kill the witch kill the supports help the Golem help the Golem okay restore stamina which needs to got gone okay cool cool cool cool cool this guy take him out he’s trying to run he trying to do range attacks against my Golem brother quit running quit running I’ll chase you into this cave I don’t care yes this was genius look at him just taking him out all right you deal with that I got this one come back here quit [Music] running boom that one’s gone all right now it’s just him versus oh jeez oh I hit the Golem by mistake oh okay Golem hit me by mistake that’s fair that’s fair play hit her in the head she’s just healing how is she healing so much no my gollem you killed him that to you what are you [Music] invincible what the I can’t hit her ow poison your magic will not work legendary witch oh my gosh all right just get the batpack and go get the backpack and go ah wait fire fire could be how we de with it let’s heal let’s heal let’s heal cuz this poison is too much we need to plan she killed my Golem bro my gum I just met him we need to we need to set up a grave here lies Reginald Reginal the gollem slain by pillagers but not without slaying many of them first bless you Reginald may your soul live on may he rest easy [Music] forever

This video, titled ‘The Siege of The Illager Castle… Minecraft: DawnCraft #2’, was uploaded by Mist on 2024-04-11 20:00:16. It has garnered 672 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:20 or 3260 seconds.

The Siege of The Illagers… Minecraft: DawnCraft Episode #2

I have died so. Many. Times. In this modpack it is unbelievable. But I think by the end of this episode I might have actually gotten the hang of things a bit better. Rest in Piece Reginald, the Iron Golem protector :(.

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This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SURVIVAL SERIES is inspired by WelcominTV, Calvin, Protagnst, ForgeLabs, Suev, and Skyes! Instead of being the Hardcore Survival version, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT SURVIVAL video because it is DAWNCRAFT MINECRAFT! This is similar to MINECRAFT FROM THE FOG by Calvin but NOT SCARY! 🙂



#Minecraft #dawncraft #minecraftmodpack

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Redstone Farm Finale! Minecraft Survival #20

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

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  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

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  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

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  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

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  • Batya Mine

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  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

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  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

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  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

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  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Minecraft Wood House Tutorial!🔥

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  • EPIC Police Station Build Challenge – Minecraft Battle

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  • Insane Moments in Minecraft Bedrock Montage

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  • INSANE REACTION! Minecraft Pros Dominate Dungeons

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  • Unlock the Hidden Realms of Minecraft! #shizo

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  • 🔥HellFrozen – EPIC Mountain House Build! #shorts

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  • Joker Jhanju’s Ultimate Push-up Troll Face #GOALS

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  • Vanilla MC

    Vanilla MCA truly vanilla experience, online. Using a minimal list of plugins MC vanilla’s goal is to curate a truly vanilla experience. Read More

  • LAB SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelisted 1.21 18+ Dedicated

    Welcome to Labcraft! US based server offering a community-driven survival experience with mods and datapacks for added enjoyment. You can join with a vanilla client as well. Features: Great community with top-notch builders Player driven shopping district Movable Tile Entities Cosmetic mods (Armor Stand Editor, Colored text, etc.) Player Heads Bluemap (3D map viewable on the web!) Discord / Minecraft chat bridge Creative Server with world edit Quality Ensured: 20 TPS average Active Development Helpful staff always improving the server Accepting to all types of players No redstone restrictions Laid-back rules: Just be mature and use common sense. Interested in… Read More