Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft VOD 1/24/24

Video Information

hi everyone trying to get some good mustard on that you might notice in the background this isn’t the server uh Zeus is angry at us I have decided is what’s happening but you need to understand first of all snail does so much hard work on this server and because of snail’s efforts usually if the server is like having trouble it’s because like a power shortage issue is happening yes I was on This Server last night getting caps to make the poster with and it was fine yeah this is a personal issue between some form of God and our stream now uh so what we’re going to do when it’s 9:00 and we decide to uh log I’ll log into we don’t need to start playing yeah we usually wait to start playing games until 9: so I can do all of my intro stuff yes you’re so right I just needed to make sure I could actually get in because I did not have the latest version of vanilla install you’re my perfect innocent baby the pie was aimed at SN at bugs yeah it’s okay I say it to someone slightly older than me don’t you worry about it don’t you worry about you’re slightly older than me right hi Adrian thank you for subscribing uh anyways point being what we’re going to do is we’re going to just start up a little Realm server that the three of us can like goof around in while we talk and we can’t have broccoli ice cream soon I can tell you’re still watching Iron Chef in the background um hey thank you plutes boots for giving uh those gift Subs out one of which oh Jesus you gave me six months I thought you gave one month to six people thank you very you o magnet son o magn the Kirkland summer oh I would get sponsored by Kirkland and a heartbeat Holly deserves it more MH but like hey when I was I would actually settle for just being able to buy posters of the food art that they have at Costco for all of their food I’m like obsessed with it when I was a kid sorry go on bugs I watched a iron chefa with my nana and there was an episode I watched where the main ingredient was chocolate and the contestant panicked the contestant was a pasta Chef the contestant made chocolate pasta um and I obsessed with that for 3 months I I still occasionally think about whenever I see like a a hand pasta maker I wonder like maybe the PO hi snail maybe the chocolate pasta was good what do you mean no pending invites you’re okay there it is yay sorry for some reason everything about how love Microsoft owning more things thank you it’s good I’m not preemptively frustrated because I had to reset it backwards you do have a cape you got a cap got a cap I don’t really I been playing this game since like 2002 I don’t even remember where that from away my cape well that’s because okay speaking of Minecraft problems I I think yall have already heard about what got done to bugs like bugs got erased bugs became like a non [ __ ] person is what happened here like there it is okay but I still have my awesome skin oh we don’t have commands access we’re going to all die from zombies oh yeah we are time set one up give me your credit information oh thank you luffy1 to start the game already says give me your credit card information thank you for the $10 Luffy thank you for the $10 I love giving you my credit Luffy ah who thank you Raven Bon you TI $50 and says Minecraft holy [ __ ] thank you Raven Bona damn yeah so uh bugs and Frankie already touched on this briefly but for those who don’t know this is the Halloween stream meaning we oh oh dear whistle he’s dead my slide whle has been struck Low by the Cur that Frankie is dead I will take over his voicing Wall-E let me I’m alive you son of a [ __ ] hi I’m going to disconnect from the server cuz I have to move my mattress you can’t here’s what just happened you shut your mouth you have to understand what just happened here is I had my horn fall down from my shelf bounce off the bed perfectly land on the table next to it upright and then I turned and my slide whistle untouched flung itself into the abyss between my bed and the wall so very enjoy funny background noise of Frankie getting things from under his bed again well home exactly you understand my vision I hate I hate the words I’m hearing meet me in the pit I don’t know if that’s going to work out for you Frankie I’m going to die but they got they got Fish In this River but yeah this is this is technically the house Halloween stream um Happ been happening since octob cat I went out to salum not Abit thank you for that gift sub by the way star cat thank you for gift sub we appreciate it um this has included like for for context this is a pre my second move like series of events we we’ve been trying yes and which part of why we said damn it all we’re doing something in Minecraft tonight so that snail can do server change things and hopefully we’ll be able I don’t know part of me is like maybe this should just let me the microphone so it’s pointed somewh towards me uh maybe I’m like maybe after this we just let you change the server even if we can’t see all the stuff on stream but part of me is like but what if we Tred doing it again I think one of us is going to like have a medical emergency though at this point hooray okay getting the thing um hi Emma that’s where my cell phone stylist went son of a [ __ ] what a pen I lost my Minecraft account which I had in the big Microsoft BL one of these days one second snail one second snail one second snail but until then on that in well thank you very much uh let me read that out loud thank you boss thank you booss uh senior Bob says I lost my Minecraft account which I had since I was in Alpha in the big Minecraft Microsoft move thing well these days we’ll get a new one and join youall on the server but until then I’m there in spirit thank you senior B I’m so [ __ ] sorry you got screwed over the same way I did thank you for the $10 it is absolutely ridiculous that they can just decide you don’t own a game you already had that you bought before the game was theirs the problem that like could literally beix be illegal is what it should be if there was just like one human being on the other side of a screen who could look at your account they could probably just fix it like yeah they could go oh this account is actually supposed to be this account or system just thinks it’s a different account but we live in the world we do yep I’ve just gotten a notice that says find a tree punch it to collect wood well just I love all of those really really Minecraft well now you know the first thing we’re GNA have to do as soon as Frank’s done putting his entire bed back together oh yeah Frankie’s up cuz he’s on the floor now I I got all my stuff out I got a ChapStick I don’t think I owned I think it teleported into my bed I swear to God bugs I didn’t think I still had that chapstick like I don’t oh this running Minecraft like this CI should we that later oh yeah do it now [ __ ] it it’s one of those nights context for people in chat uh I’ve decided that it’s unfair that only bugs experiences surprise Bad Coffee moments oh no and that I should join in but I drink instant coffee so I had to ask myself do I think someone out there selling oh don’t close the laptop don’t do that do I think there’s someone out there selling a bigy pack of really unfortunate sounding coffee and let me tell you God Bless America there sure is it’s not possible to set another user as an operator on Realms that’s great you are the only Soul god king we’re going have awesome [ __ ] great stuff Microsoft holy [Music] [ __ ] what flavor I don’t know starcat I just know there’s six of them and I preemptively removed coconut and put a bunch of them in a box that I can’t see until oh there goes snail lotted trees I’m probably about to die okay this is good this is how we play uh Holly says I got some very nice coffee from my sister recently and I hate that hear yall talk about this is making me think about buying myself once on purpose yes yes yes yes yes yes get yourself find like a 30 flavor pack of sampler that’s what you got when Kung Fu Masters stick their hands in boiling water it’s what we’re doing to our tongues uhuh uhhuh you know what I will say about this brand though they have those like single serving like tear tube kind of things and they’re actually made of paper not plastic I do appreciate that actually anyway all right let’s see what I pull chocolate orange oh let’s go holy [ __ ] that sounds exciting what the [ __ ] is that anari P no that’s a salmon uh okay by the way now that I got what’s our total donations at I think I ow one more noise or God damn all right I got my getting good apprciate I’ve got two Mangrove saplings and I’m heading back okay [Music] y Minecraft is telling me to destroy the tree right I need to breathe right right right right right all right and then also one of these thank you all so much uh I will do our normal intro stuff around 9 even though we’ve kind of already started because I’m going to mix my terrible coffee before I do anything else yipp I am adding sugar I’m also going to move my micophone closer I’m sorry for the noise this might generate oh I see snail coming your lungs are able to get strong enough my lungs are okay bubbly milk I will do a second slide whistle if yall donate enough later this evening and prove you wrong I am the man who did the 20 like the twom minute long Wall-E a which is really funny that that’s now isolated audio roaming the internet oh [ __ ] I just remember before we recorded that talking to syn oh is there a Dono uh no sorry I just I just saw a town in the distance I got excited who this smells so much like chocolate it’s going to taste like nothing let’s go holy [ __ ] it’s going to taste like absolutely nothing I know it’s going to T monitor this I’m going to log in and you two are going to be 500 miles in the Horizon hey I stayed I’m a good bug no I came back I’m a good bug unlik snail I know how to behave see if that lasts the next 10 minutes I’m a pleasure to have in class the snail you’re good I know you’re always good you can never do any wrong and I’ve never done any mischiefs favoritism favoritism favoritism no I can’t thank you both for waiting for me oh this smell is changing as I stir it into the hot water oh good I don’t know what that hazelnut what is happening here oh for context I am adding milk and sugar because that’s how I take my coffee so you okay this what does this smell like that is so weird ites campfire I wish I could send the smell I wish you could send me smells too brother I’m definitely curious B says my BF got me a case of chocolate or oranges last exus and the only reason he didn’t reup it this year is because I still haven’t made it through the first case those are so good [ __ ] yes [ __ ] yes true Behavior okay look seriously where are you I’m at spawn okay I’m logging in oh I don’t know what that tastes like there hey bugs hi I’m I was good I waited the whole time you did you did wait uh we should build like a sand tower to like Mark spawn we’re going to wind up here oh those those are cactuses for the second I got excited and thought we had watermelons oh that would be nice oh good there’s a hole for you to dive into yeah but look it’s a [ __ ] with a spawner and everything who you’re right old school oh sending smell it’s fine I did something I’m just going to hit F3 and go towards z z okay yeah yeah yeah you guys try huh coal horse armor gold gold Apple this is mostly useless to us but I’m taking horse armor you don’t got horse horse armor we might have fun eventually I’m I’m going to what where’d the spawner go it’s covered in sand awesome I wonder how that happened I don’t know that’s weird and look I’m going to uncover the spawner because I think it’s funny wait is that a spider spawner never mind no it’s a skeleton spaw and maybe we leave it covered for now hey you want to see something else [ __ ] up things with that later sure okay hi snail snail snail s come here where are any there you are I have concerns don’t worry about it check the [ __ ] out there’s a [ __ ] town oh nice it’s like a legit goddamn town too look at these structures wow you’re right right it’s [ __ ] up I’m still not used to just seeing fish in the water to be honest come here come here here come closer to me don’t just to be clear we will be doing like makeup Minecraft night this is just like you know on account of everything that’s happened I I thought we’d agreed that one of us is going to wind up with a medical emergency if we keep trying I mean to show off eventually the stuff the players have made and stuff you know yes I got that I was being joky I promise emphasis on M might try to get back on the server later tonight cuz people are saying it’s behaving now but I’m not sure I believe it the problem is is that me and snail or me and bugs are like as far away from the server as you can get on the continental United States so I feel like we might have slightly more problems but we will try later in the evening just for right now uh what makes a stream good is not slamming into a technical isue over and over again while we’re on air holy [ __ ] a camel that makes sense yeah it’s nice I haven’t seen the desert type of uh town oh no it loaves one of the sheeps died well that happens it’s sad it happens killed it no you didn’t kill it I think it just spawned in weird that might be it yeah if you find if you find evidence that an animal is just like Gonzo that’s probably what happened hey farmer this is a nice little town thing walks it is a nice little town I vote that we try and find somewhere with trees um I found a mangrove forest earlier I’m down for that lead the way um there’s no way we’re ever going to find it directional wise are we Tre on top of that on that mountain over there but I think that’s like a Mesa ooh ol says when the [ __ ] did they add camel I don’t know yeah I don’t know I think that was one of the most recent updates yeah that makes sense I haven’t played like regular vanilla most updated Minecraft in like a hot second what’s this this is a mangrove propagule oh I brought it over from the mangrove forest nice I think that’s nice give a little treat I haven’t seen the mangroves either they’re cool I really like the mangrove forests uh gatron in chat says camels of the Trey blossoms I believe could be wrong oh cool yeah I think it’s the most recent hey there’s trees up here too where are you I’m in the village still okay uh I thought we pick a direct a direction to run in to try and find a a biome we can start building in or we could try going up on the mountain and living the scrub life and by that I mean like actual scrub lands not like scrub like video gam scr how about this way there’s trees we’re in a village right now somebody has to have beds what if we just like sleep in somebody’s bed real quick so that if we die we here okay right here give me your bed sorry sir you can only sleep at okay respawn Point set just left click and it’ll set your respawn me me and snail are buing up oh I have seen camel Fang steo Citrus I haven’t that’s [ __ ] up I aware it’s so that they can eat uh Cactus uh sometimes they get defanged if they’re domestic camels it’s scary that sounds scary I think it’s cool the spes can get pretty nicely stallions have similar things uh which are interesting when you draw them people ooo it’s creepy it’s fun all right here we go we got trees yeah look at this it’s like a proper little like scrub bio very uh yeah it’s really nice deciduous good enough place to startop and if we could find a little Pond of water so that we could have like fishing access too that would be nice yeah let me wander aways and see if I can’t find something like that I have already lost sight of both of you oh I see Yo holy [ __ ] oh right the Cav update what oh oh I see hey hey yeah that’s a chain hey what the [ __ ] hey this is something oh [ __ ] off let’s see let’s see okay if we try to go down there right now we’re just going to die all right where are y’all wow lost you again can you see my name tag I’m like hopping up and down I think I can get back up to wave you over hold on all right do you guys play with the auto jump thing cuz I hate it so yeah down here just just come take a look at this this is dope what the [ __ ] we should definitely exp exposed to airow PL grave yeah and but here come come down with me and then take a look like slightly to the left here like where the chain is heading check it out grass on fire and what’s that huh we got M tracks Baby Frankie come look over here let me see wow wow we got a full on exposed M shaft going on yeah isn’t that wild look at almost there’s a lot of stuff on fire around here right yeah the lava only just finished spawning so we need a bucket we need first we need a house yeah that well priorities can just keep resetting the clock but I would like to get some my hands on some like wooden tools and things I’m going to what see what I’d really love is if there’s like a little water source around here but I guess we can just like build one how about I make our house like right here like kind of on the edge of the Ravine ooh yeah a ravine house yeah I can just start like digging back into the dirt and like get some wooden tools going that is what I like to do in my Minecraft everyone has their things in Minecraft I like until I find something interesting okay okay hello welcome to Franken bug play that’s not the name of this goddamn Channel every now and then my brain decides we’re actually making content to whatever they call it 2010 I hate you uh oh there’s a Clay Pit a well hey it’s a half finished ender portal like not not even that far from the house even well that’s delightful damn all right we got Flint we got gold armor we got flint and steel we got iron nugget all right all right nice interesting we’re only a little bit cursed I didn’t know I had all these bones on me well that’s fine let me get a little more wood and I’m going to make a chest and I’m going to start putting terracotta in that chest okay so that we can and make a Terra Cotta house because terra cotta houses are neat oh that would be helpful actually what I’m doing is I’m clearing a bit of land to make it a flat cut into the hill before I do much because I’m just going to yell at bugs to change time every now as needed uh by the way mystery June in chat does say walk 20 blocks East and you’ll find a 7-Eleven I appreciate that information uh this is a really pretty map person I prefer a more local Bodega if you can get one oh you need like pickaxe for this don’t you I have one apple I have none Apple going to die of starvation several times while we’re out here okay I have two pieces of raw mutton that I picked up from the dead sheep oh that’s good I think I actually have enough coal to make a uh uh a oh that’s actually a good idea I should make a campfire right now so that y’all can oh that’s a good idea yeah oh you’re up here I’m building down there hello hello I will be down there in just a second I just no you don’t need to be I’m just oh you don’t have to be where I am at all I’m just glad I know where you are it’s getting kind of dark I’m going to time set one thank you we appreciate this and then once we’re all set up and can uh withstand the yeah yeah we’ll we’ll play we’ll play real Z once we have like a house honestly that’s how I normally play Minecraft is I wait until I have a house and a bed and then I turn monsters on well also here’s the thing is that we’ve all of us collectively I think have been playing Minecraft for a total of 30 years if you take all of us together like we’ve all been playing this since Alpha we’re allowed we’ve done our times yeah what was I gonna make all right uh how do you do campfire all right I’m just GNA start putting stuff in this chest and you can do what you like with it okay thank you s I’ll put the mutton in you to oh I need more sticks is why yeah Holly if we end up like I I like this map a lot honestly [ __ ] come on and come play with us sometime man yeah it it’s not about honestly having like just a casual [ __ ] around Minecraft world might be that we don’t have to do server maintenance one that I don’t have to do maintenance on one that snail specifically does not have to do maintenance for uh I’m going to make I’m going to be a big nerd and I’m going to use some of this to put underne the campfire as if fire safety was an actual issue is Terra Cotta pickaxe or shovel I have no idea pickaxe I I have just found out I really like natural Terra I not tired were you not in the middle of a stream I’d has to be Whit listed right now oh us being in the middle of the stream means nothing I’d like that Holly you let me on to your stream recently so I could yell about white Christmas I’ve always thought it’d be fun to have something where we were doing it like in paint chat and a like drop by if you want a capacity sticks now what the [ __ ] okay campire great that’s so smart think leaves have dropped sticks for a while now I have not played updated Minecraft in a very long time yeah yeah but I think leaves drop sticks like on our server really yeah it’s hard to notice to be fair yeah that’s true also Holly says well it was important it’s good that they do it IMO I think so there we go oh there’s terra cotta over here that I’m clearing away too what is there’s only like a thin we’re really working with like top soil country out here coal is slightly green now I’m learning I’m listening I’m listening and Lear yes if you haven’t been on in a while then you might not know um they change the way that uh ores work yeah yeah uh if you mine uh Metals instead of of getting words I can talk the block with like the metal in it yeah you will get a lump of ore that you need to to refine which is cool I like that change huh me too yeah the last time I okay the last bake update I remember is they added those [ __ ] who go after you if you don’t sleep oh yeah nightmare guys yeah I do not like those an oak sapling if this is the area you’re clearing then I can just yes yeah feel free to like what I could use is like I’m cutting a rectangle back into this hill a little bit like not too far but if you’re helping too then I can kind of clear some of this because I want to like replant grass around our house because I like how that looks fing C so you’re thinking like like a hobbit hole type of situation no just a house like built up a hill like maybe from here here’s what I’ll do is I’ll cut like the size space I’m thinking of for now sure like about like here and then kind ofuh oh me me shovel give me shovel oh it’s Clay it’s raw clay that’s nice whoa nice in my day you used to have to get these from the Lakeside and you literally to this day I still think of clay as a much rarer resource than it actually is remember remember when clay was literally rarer than diam Breaking clay blocks would less clay than it took to make a clay block L I had a place I hunkered down just so I could slowly meticulously build this sad little brick house it was awesome I loved it no literally it was like a a class symbol if you could have like a a [ __ ] brick chimney is what was going on on like I I kind of touched on it in uh the announc for this stream but literally I do remember when there were two but there were two biomes back in my day there was B there was not snow and snow mhm that’s right grandpa I remember oh then they added Enderman they did I miss when Enderman could take a block out of anything what’s what what’s people’s Whimsy people oh it’s griefing it’s letting spiders into my house well should have thought of that should have should have made a spider door yeah plus does that not add I literally at the time this is so Grandpa corner I really liked it at the time because I thought it was funny that they had introduced a mob that kept you from just turtling like the entirety of the game uhhuh it’s fun it’s fun yes Holly says more spiders should come in now exactly exactly okay I’m going to just cut the line I just kept using a wooden pick until it broke and I never got any stone I should probably not do that again this ain’t Stone oh come to my hole I have plenty of stone for you oh that would be nice actually where in God’s name is your hole um okay I’m not taking that back uh let’s see uh okay it’s uh sun rises in the it’s west from the house oh God in heaven hold on a sec it’s 9 o’ hello and welcome to Franken bugs we are streaming Partners who are henchman who are out of work because the Market’s really tough out there and I don’t know they put they put they put Dr Octopus in jail again like again I I don’t know what he was doing so wrong I don’t know I say we let him take a shot at being in charge of the USFA just for a week just we see what he does see what he does could it be any worse I hear he’s Pro universal healthcare you know admittedly he’s also Pro putting Spider-Man under a big glass Bell like a scientific specimen mhm I don’t know how I feel about that anyways uh this cave is full of gold not iron until then we’re stuck at this job and joining us tonight is snail who runs our Minecraft servers who works so hard and does not deserve the things the Minecraft server does yeah we uh it was working fine until tonight because this specific stream is curs that is my conclusion it’s true no it’s the only conclusion we can come up to uh anyways I am Frankie Frankenstein I am the co- commentator and tonight I’m actually playing the game which is fun and I know every time we play Minecraft we should say we should play more Minecraft but we should play more Minecraft we should play more we should we should play more Minecraft where we’re just [ __ ] around in an unmodified dirt hole somewhere and then we eventually wander off and forget what we were doing um anyways that being said uh with me as always is bugs AKA fael bugs AKA gooster bold uh who makes all of our posters except tonight’s ones I was called in for a pitch hitter and did pixel doodle art which is fun for me personally speaking hey there’s another camel usually bugs is the person who does the entirety of playing the games and bugs also is running OBS and doing a lot of all of the sound and stuff done for the server and all of that good stuff but also uh with us right now snail and tonight our donations are going to be split three ways uh which is good because snail should be being paid more for the work being done on the server so we appreciate your support we appreciate the support you’ve gotten already actually y’all being incredibly generous tonight but it’s going to be split three ways even this time so hey if you feel like supporting the channel tonight’s a good night for and if you support the channel you get to interrupt whatever I’m doing in Minecraft to make me have to make noises I will always make noises every donation night uh but as always for $5 you get honks that’s a sick honk it’s $20 one of these we got one of these you already heard me do the slide whistle but if we we reach higher amounts tonight we are in dangerous distance of me getting out the worst kazoo you’ve ever heard which is an incentive that we have for this Channel and also if we reach $200 we will put on dungeon man we will play Minecraft to dungeon man we will play Minecraft to dungeon man we will we will for 10 minutes listen to dungeon man we will put on dungeon man for 10 minutes and then a break and you would you do that to snail you wouldn’t do that to $200 to Snail would you beautiful friend to snail snail’s an innocent you can’t do that to snail that’s right I can’t escape it this time that’s right especially since we’re listening to music through bugs’ side stream so we can actually just have it be like sned this time hey bugs you got Stone you got stone for you got any matches for Mikey uh I’m making you a furnace and then I’ll take you over to my awesome hole okay okay but can I have cobone it seems entirely uned I literally just don’t have enough smile trying to push you off the cliff do closer okay well we did need a furnace I don’t think I’ve tamed it I think us for that I’m here what’s wrong I’m replacing that with wood so that we have charcoal okay executive decision oh fire shoots off Sparks now yo this campire Sho oh there isn’t it at some point I’ll put the raw mutton on the campfire so it can cook but I’m still carving out way too much space out of this mountain to make house because I’m not actually okay I’ll come see your hole come see my hole okay all right all right I’ll come see your hole come come come on all right I should I should get off the camel you can ride the camel as is you can bear back him like a pig that rules what okay uh that’s just our neighbor now okay for $8 no no no for $200 we will put on dungeon oh I forgot to do the rest hold on real quick the rules do the rules law uh them’s the rules uh snail do we want people to tell us how to play no boss bugs do we want people to be nice to bugs yes boss I was drinking coffee snail do we want any snail do we want any whack bigot [ __ ] in our in our in our chat in our nice chat our nice chat full of nice people no boss and that includes more minor stuff like being sh I fell in a hole that includes minor stuff like using language that towards various types of mental illness because we prefer to keep in mind our Brethren who might have issues and conss that people don’t think about so much so none of that dulu sh I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I can I could continue this out of a coma uh you know I believe that I believe that Frankie we got to do the intro uh with all that being said bugs do you have any last rules to add to the rules ho you almost said bugs do you have any last holes you hold the Hole uh listen it be like that one scene in that loopin episode where somebody says L’s name and Z godess snaps out of a coma yes that literally does happen yes welcome to my awesome Tower before my awesome so this is where all the stone that you could have brought for us to use for tools oh I see there’s more Stone oh that really is hole huh yeah I’m telling you I’m going to die trying to get down there by the way please look forward to this hey thank you G5 and says somebody’s dungeon man I wonder great great great what are these things thank you so much for your kind donation we do appreciate it I know that if you stand on them they Buckle under you right yeah oh uh drip leaves oh drip leaves are also already on our server oh cool uh is this a aelia bush yes it is yay I’m so good at identifying up and take it home if you like oh and these are Moss blocks oh o could you could you get me a couple of moss blocks if you can pick them up to put by our house yes I can I can do maybe we should just make our house down here right it’s fun it’s be challenging oh he’s too good for hole oh I can take home in a zelia bush like you said yep I mean I don’t know it is kind of nice that I there’s not a lot of flat land around here so I would still have to do Frankie we can have two homes you know this can be our home I know what house you two are going to build if I leave you two to make a house between the two of you I remember dirt hob I like dirt hob it’s safe I am not the dirt Hobel maker here you allow dirt H to happen you’re all too good for dirt hob I live you know it wasn’t in regular shape so it was functional it was my Grover house and I loved [Laughter] it it had a two blocks tall like ceiling I don’t need room I just need to Li all right Boi The Rock vacation hob H exactly exactly exactly to home oh I don’t know how to get back home from here we’re going to go on an adventure and find out okay good luck okay I am I’m definitely going to lose all of my items dying oh now I see the stone yeah if you stand on top I can actually see the smoke yeah nice yeah that’s why I built that big old thing there you can see it it’s cool honestly I I the smoke signals are easier to see for me because there’s like motion this is nice sorry I don’t mean that this looks terrible I mean oh leaving a $5 breakout for the road Smiles oh thank you sah who TI $20 says leaving a $5 brick out for the road Smiles yay thank you so much thank you I’m in the aelia bush on here it looks a little lay this is my very natural guard this looks like strong dad’s living room wall I nothing everything’s done we’re just cutting into the cliff this isn’t the house don’t walk around here like I like what you guys have done this isn’t the house you Gremlin this is making space for a house okay all right I believe copper oh H dog thank you trying with wood I should not do that no do it what are we what are we at now $95 that’s why they said5 oh we’re frighteningly close to Kazo a l what is this this is pretty thank you for subscribing s God damn it thank you boss thank you boss we appreciate it boss brick R this tree is very pretty have some nice trees I actually really like the trees in these kinds of biomes oh sweet Stone tool I hope punching the makes it drops a Seedling and I’m not just killing it oh you can always like specifically punch the leaves apart after you’re done punching the trunk all right got that got those I think they upped the seedling drop too yeah I think so cuz it used to be kind of brutal all right now I got I got tools now I got tools I’ve got I’ve stolen one block of wood from this tree over here the camel has come closer oh that’s good hello camel o another rev good night sah thank you thank you so much oh aelas don’t drop the seedlings for those are the small Bush aelas what that’s so cool fascinating oh yeah Stone tool is so much better right away oh [ __ ] there’s a jungle nearby o I’m just wandering off by the way I’ll be back I figured you would eventually I’m out getting cigarettes I’ll be back we will tell me if you find a if you find a shipwreck right cuz you got to we got to keep inventory turned on oh I would like to formally request that it be turned on this minute okay that was the sound of me accidentally when you have a Mac computer every now and then you press a button and some weird shortcut you’ve never heard of turns on and goes like oh did you want to do this it’s like an exciting way to live your life yeah it it’s like the tradeoff for not having whatever the hell Microsoft is doing with its like search computer function it’s not better it’s just kind of a different kind of killer robot I’ll turn on meanwhile I am over here using Linux not having to deal with any of that that’s true it’s the tradeoff for knowing anything about computers and having the energy to set it up which I find impressive it’s really not as big a deal as it used to be hold on sex chat pointing at you bugs was trying to Google something bugs isn’t seeing you guys we know it’s a command all right oh here comes the camp tell us what to do what to do don’t tell us what to do what to do doesn’t matter if you think we don’t know what we’re doing in Minecraft a game we’ve all been playing for 10 goddamn years of Our Lives actually it was a little bit asking chat oh you got to preempt it then you got to say chat my apologies to both of you to chat and to Frankie Chad bugs has to go sit in the corner now very sad all right you’re fine going to the corner I like how without even seeing what you’re doing I can tell that you’ve just jammed yourself into a corner on whatever random part of the map you’re in now all right you can come out of the corner now [Music] okay I’m getting a good grade in Minecraft streaming something that is normal to want and possible to achieve I’ll tell you what it’s possible to get a bad grade probably not in our streams but it’s definitely possible well I’m going to starve to death in a fun way that’s okay probably I should be like doing something to seek out of food all right where’s home all right all right all right now we’re getting started now we’re getting somewhere those smoke signals yeah I I’ll I’ll build another one of those once I got the supplies and put it up like higher on the mountain too oh a cat I really like the new uh well newish uh scrub biomes and Mangrove biomes because so I grew up in Northwest Florida where you have a lot of scrub that’s like immediately adjacent to um the salt marsh stuff um a lot of people you know they don’t think scrub when they think Florida but um there’s a lot of like surprisingly deserty stuff uh in Northwest Florida especially um and then uh I went to school I went to college in central to South Florida and one of the coolest experiences of my life was studying in an area that was surrounded by Red mangrove forest I mean it was three different kinds of mangroves but the red mangroves dominated it was uh red mangroves white mangroves and black mangroves and where they grew uh depended on how close they were to the waterline and how often they got flooded it was very cool um so I’m really happy to see those biomes here hell yeah yeah honestly I felt the same way when red when like uh redwood tree biomes got added like it’s fun Al I feel like podzol should have like less of a grally look and be more of like a red soft soft texture but that’s cuz I’m expecting there to be duft on top of it uh duft is the product that you get from Redwood Trees shedding their bark all the time it’s red and soft and don’t walk on it you’ll fall into a pit and die okay the pit will be full of spikes the pit will literally be full of branches someone’s going to tell you a Bigfoot built one all right so what do you want me to do here um what if I fill in the rest of this floor with yellow terra cotta actually I was going to say could you remove the yellow terra cotta so I can replace it with white terra cotta absolutely and then I can use the yellow terra cotta as a building material for the walls cuz I’m trying to do like I don’t think I can make our walls all out of like the same type of Terra Cotta but I can at least do do it in like Stripes yeah I think some nice aesthetic Stripes would be good everyone exactly hey bugs hi I go in a pit I see go a pit how’ that work out for you good good I got a bunch of stuff yay thank you mhm just going to fill this in with orange cuz it’s going to be really like your Minecraft skin thank you it was made wait are you the one who made it it’s been a very long time I’m sorry hang on hang on just one layer of the yellow is fine I really like yellow uh glazed terracotta so I might come back for more of this later yeah yeah sounds fine I don’t mind building a basement out of our house I figure for right now it’s going to be kind of the materials available to you model house yeah maybe I just leave I can fill orange got some orange terra cotta throw a bush at him what was happening in that combat don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it [Music] okay all right there we go might have been kind of a random place to put a door let me put this you know this is nice this is we’re having a nice time exactly that’s why I figure it’ll be every now and then we’ll just check and see if the server is done being sick and it’ll be all right do you remember who the [ __ ] made this awesome Minecraft Skin I’m using no I can’t find it on they might made our skin too my skin too [ __ ] hell hang on hang on hang on if you know or you are the person in question uh I’m so sorry well no just let us know I don’t think they’ll mind that we forget these things oh I need more white uh what’s that oh I just accidentally stepped on the campfire that’s fine rest of the floor is going to be orange terra cotta cuz we have a lot of it hello it’s really Minecraft maybe we could do like a pattern ah Dax saster thank you Dax saster thank you Daxter you made kind cool just maybe like I just move the white and make that like the edge around the wall maybe I’m going to program that into nightbot so I never forget Jesus Christ that’s a good idea it’s like over here I’m not going to build more wall I’m just going to like have this back wall be our back wall so give me one sec chat I’m sorry please enjoy the menu for a moment like um the crosssection of a boiled egg now Comm fine exclamation point Minecraft are wicked cool Minecraft skins we made by dexas hey blue thank you Dexter let’s see if this works yeah see but how the floor looks that now is going to be fine because I’ll just wind up redoing it later with everything in one color this is just the one step up from dirt pit hi everyone beloved House of dirt pit I’m returning home I have things for you beautiful things yay bobles from distant lands Yes actually uh I have I have something you’ve never seen before what is it Papa a secondary aelia Bush [ __ ] hot damn and you know what else two more aelia bushes later I’m going to be really mad that I didn’t build this house in like the same strip pattern I know you’re making a joke here but I am never not excited about aad that glad what if I did make if I redid these walls for no reason immedately I take your silence as a s I’m redoing everything okay I’m going to go back and try to get to the junk the jungle uh I should probably build a new pickaxe actually before I go J help me be insane and rebuild another and take down the wall and redo it you can also run off and do something else and I will just do this and be done when you’re back snail you’re allowed to do whatever you like forever and we won’t be mad I promise I think snail was just surveying the area and watching me yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to Envision the space you can’t see it but I’m doing that thing where people like hold up their hands in a rectangle okay see what I figure is that I’ll just like take the floor out and steal it for parts and then we can always be insane and start taking CL from near the house on the turns or we could cut further back into the hill to make our space bigger and technically that’ll all just be used for wall it’s good it’s good these is Al blushes do not have BL zombie blood stains I promise okay I trust you yeah I was not beating a zombie to death with them I promise I wasn’t wielding it like a baseball bat okay so now look we can connect it to this too yeah that I think I think you’re on to something here there’s some beiling CES this mountain man looks like this is white and then let me see if I can get us some more white terracotta do you have any on you that you can throw at me uh uh no because I just used all of it on the floor I I got I just actually found like 64 in my pockets that I didn’t notice before hooray hooray excellent I was wondering where all of the the stuff that was in the chest went I don’t know I I just kind of get into a state when I’m building things this is why eventually breadco happens I think that’s the correct way to play Minecraft actually I think so you just have to pick something that you can just like do for like 5 hours and not notice that time has passed and you’re a person with a body mhm yep um what I like to do to absolutely nobody’s surprise is I like to uh wander around until I find an ocean and then I make a boat and then I sail around until I find a shipwreck and then I die a lot oh yeah the ship Recreation I think it’s good to do this I have I have learned a great deal about removing water from water log blocks oh man that was pre sponges too yep well sponges actually existing sponges have like half existed for like 15 years they have been a creative only block for a surprisingly long time which is kind of funny considering that like balance wise they’re not they’re not the worst thing I ever seen they’re really not they would fit just fine with the the coral update everybody thought that’s what was going to happen it’s get to the coral update I redoing the floor also it’s just going to be yellow now thank you yay all right I am also stashing other colors okay sweet uh we could probably use some wood getting built up so that we could use a charcoal but I will also do that after I’m done building so do you all care about having a roof I kind of like not having a roof sometimes yeah go for it I like having a roof because I don’t like having spiders on my head oh they don’t like spiders okay maybe I make a they don’t like having a free dog sad hey I actually did keep a spider as a pet on a Minecraft server um much to one of my housemates dismay um oh yeah I’m just saying I like to know where my spider is and I like it to not be on my head it’s 3: a.m. do you know where your spider is do you ever think about how funny those are as like a PSA hey parent where the [ __ ] is your kid where’s your [ __ ] kid dude where the [ __ ] did your kid go I don’t know I mean the thing is back then that was like seriously a question that they might not know the answer to no that’s why it’s so funny because even for us and I think we’ve all had experiences of like latch key kid times in our lives bamboo mhm that’s still a very foreign concept Jesus that’s bamboo that’s true my my mom was definitely like of the free range Gen X generation not sure it was better but oh watermelon o melons bring us melons watermelon okay see what we really need is a bucket so we can make like a water source up on the hill over there and then we can use it to make a water fall into the hole that’s actually true that is something we can do that would be helpful because then you can just ride it into the hole I can feel the gold star getting put on my shirt old school water elevator getting a copper star for [Music] now apple apple apple apple I have an apple I’m a little bit in the bamb H right now to be honest oh I see I’m riding this camel again okay see we got to get a water source that we can set bugs on fishings that bugs will stay anywhere in a location that we have any idea where that is what what’s wrong I bring you gifts of my travels you don’t like souvenirs I like the souvenirs hey buds I have have a request you are free to say no uhhuh um I would like to be a dirty cheater and have a lead because it is frankly ridiculous that you have to go hunt down slimes in order to get a lead a what uh leash oh the leash oh okay yeah what do I do uh give snail Chimera lead Uncle Matt fragle oh mushroom hold on I got a pin a message from Sheik and Chad Uncle Matt fragle hey hey that’s travel and Matt baby I didn’t know them anywhere Come with Me Goo oh every day the world begins again sunny skies or rain oh if you found a panda you must be in a bamboo forest I found two pandas every shows me and you can breed them with bamboo and get a tiny Panda what I never knew that’s that’s not the right color I need just like terra cotta terracotta yes that what type of Terra cot is that look at that [ __ ] thing friend back little well enjoy that’s your responsibility now got to what are you doing out there I’m making the pandas make [Laughter] babies that’s right Panda conservation yo another Village nice [ __ ] in a savannah oh hey l horses I got a there got it horses are clo hey lava oh chickens solo chickens buck fck buck okay there we go that’s the right color there we go friend every horse here is white that’s [ __ ] up who that’s weird all right we now have the camel friend oh hell yeah we almost have a house shape it’s looking pretty good let’s go thank you I’m going to rob these people y Frankie what do you need more of right now um could use I could use wood for a door I like two doors any particular kind of door or are you fine with just Oak I I feel like we should just use local wood because it’s kind of a local materials house right now yeah I’m going to like make I’m going to make the roof probably flat with this area up here because this is like probably where we’re going to try doing like any farming or like making a fishing hole wow this town has move our house it it’s really pretty a lot of uh a lot of Savannah houses are like that actually really I I always kind of like using local materials for your first house you know um actually when I was uh sorting through mods to put in the new mod pack um I ran into a mod uh that was called uh don’t flood my Village or something like that and it’s specifically supposed to stop waterfalls occurring in Savannah Villages I was like I get it but where is your sense of Joy mhm come on hey uh Frankie do you mind if I put in like a little side door here oh no not at all but like we we could probably use on of the house to be honest just like fire code you know we want to well also that way like any direction you’re approaching I’m probably going to put like a trap door on the roof to that makes sense Blast Furnace o blast furnaces I wish I always forget that double do opening at go ahead I always forget the double do is opening at the same time as a quark thing you don’t get that when you don’t have quk yeah no instead it looks really goofy yeah they do like Brewing this town maybe maybe this is a beer Village good for them you know honestly and they got an iron col now snail you’re sure about liking roofs and not having spiders come in at random I’m pretty sure yeah hey a new cat color what that’s so pretty we’ve got access to sand do you want to make a glass roof yes but I can put that in later and here’s here’s the terrible truth I like open roofs because I like having it rain on me when I’m in eight competing micro breweries on one square mile call that Long Beach damn what if we just made the roof out of trap doors rain will travel through trap doors I think for right now I’m just going to fill it in with gray clay and then add dirt on top of it and go for like a little bit of that hoby kind of feeling do remember if youve wrong them yes if you’ve hurt them yes and they tell other villagers oh well what qualifies as as wronging them that’s important here can I steal from them um like steal from chest like in the sense of taking things from their chests as far as I know they don’t care about that oh let’s go holy [ __ ] all right yeah I think by wronging them it’s like if you hit villagers they don’t like you anymore which makes sense but I do feel kind of bad about it you can hold on to your bread see with I I always take it as like kind of an as you need kind of theft situation exactly like if they’ve got seeds you can take some of the seeds or like potato or carrot because then we’ll plant that okay you can always bring some back later to like replace the ones you took yeah exactly beans that’s fine but if no now I’m not above the occasional oh I got a diamond in here I’m sorry no I I do it too particularly uh back when I was using the mod for the Twilight realm hi n m oh man I N cuz you would need to throw a diamond into a pool of water to get to the Twilight realm oh man that’s right I did love that mod though it was cool I [ __ ] love the fireflies in that the uh the dungeons in it were very Jank but it was fun Jen you know it it was a fun it was fun to like feel like you were uh like camping out in like the edge of a fairy kingdom exactly exactly hey new difficult the problem is it melted my computer there was that about it yes it was a little bit resource intense uh for those who are new we are playing in a realm server with just the three of us because the Minecraft server uh uh pooped yeah more or less kind of what happen floating island crazy oh nice just just a few blocks floating but still very cool yeah I will say that’s one thing that kind of makes me sad about the modern terrain generation is they largely got rid of floating islands yeah I I like it I feel like you should get to like turn a dial that like makes the landscape a little bit goofier Yeah but also maybe it’s fun if they’re more rare there’s a mountain cracked in half out here God damn that’s ah shoot do we have any more light gray Terra or not light gray I think it’s just gray um maybe it is I have one block of light gray here rest the roof might get maybe I should just the roof in white I got a lot of white that might be what I do why is the house so tall some of you may be thinking in the audience this just how Frankie do I don’t know I’m going to see if I can go get some sand for us so that we can start making windows okay y I like I should probably die you know what I like actually is I like wooden fence Windows oh yeah that’s not a bad idea they look nice to me I know oh je hi uh s there is a zombie and I am running away from it cuz I don’t have a weapon just I could just hit it with my pickax but beat him with your fist you’ll be there all day all right it burn to death I’m not going to eat the flesh I’m going to take the flesh I’m not going to no what’s wrong I’m not doing that too good for Jer I’m not doing that yes I am too good for that most people are too good for that too good for delicious slim gems too good for it it’s not slim JY delicious slim JY it is literally his name isim and he was SL slim and I’m eating him what if you stopped no no imagine this this beautiful dream world with me I’m going to live forever I’m going to go forever pig is this far enough to cause fall damage no it is yes ow all right I have a hoe yay uh and after this I’m going to start moving some like I guess we can just put new chests inside uh hey Frankie are you thinking about putting a farm on top of the house or more like a garden deal uh I think on top of the house it’ll just be like garden and maybe the farm should go over here kind of yeah this is a nice flat area I think this will work we are going to need water uh do we have enough iron to maybe make a bucket damn I hope you guys find some water I don’t know where you could get any water on the server you didn’t have to do what you’re doing over here there’s a whole like Base building thing happening there like don’t worry about it our camera is in the middle of the ocean which is usually not how you do a Minecraft play series usually you have like the Viewpoint of someone who’s like doing the soothing Base building activities why why would you do that the gay Avery says I trust bug okay I jokes aside I do think we have the oh jokes aside I do think we have the exact chat that is like Yay running into the horizon you just keep doing what you’re doing normally I prefer to only smell when I have multiples of eight it always feels wasteful otherwise but I really want a really need that bucket I I I get you know you can do is you can always just watch it like a hawk and then Sub in some like wood or something or like clay to like do something with it we have some clay in there DN you really do have a four pieces that bugs triy to smelt on their own that’s right hi this is a very nice Cube You’ built you want to talk dirt block you want to talk L-shaped dirt block hu you want to talk you want to talk I brought brought souvenirs you love me look look look you’re going to love you’re going to like the way it looks come hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on I got I got things for you look in the chest turn around I got nice things for you well you brought seeds and flowers so you get to live that’s right that’s right you remember who supplies the flowers I do I remember who supplies the flowers I do all right I should probably actually build a sword before I leave uh not a bad idea I’m going to go get more iron so we can make bucket I just made thank you for highlighting message to say one block Ghost of Christmas Bucket please um I was going to go get water okay snail gets the bucket for now because we need it to make a garden so we can have food so we can live I’m sorry okay get me more iron and you can have a bucket [Music] okay my Minecraft experience is 110% building structures I I build structures and then I mine I’m one of the people where I actually love doing like four mining where you do it like technically a pretty inefficient way where you just take an eight square and just mine in a direction for a while that’s what’s wrong with me personally I don’t know about the rest of y’all Hi C he bushes going to try not to fall to my death do your best my Minecraft experience is just [ __ ] off into the Horizon until I die or I finally decide to build a base that is one of the other types please enjoy Minecraft while I’m down here near the village I’m going to check if my Mangrove propagules have turned into trees cuz Mangrove wood is so pretty ooh I haven’t seen it yet uh I’m so I feel like they made grass propagate faster mhm it’s nice I I remember having to do some really convoluted things to get grass to spread faster am I am I forgetting something about what makes mangroves grow it might just take longer than you think it’s totally random whether A Tree Grows or not sometimes you know I know that they don’t need to be in water I think they might need to be near water but they don’t need to be in it okay what I’m wondering is if maybe they need mud cuz there’s a new mud block uh chat if any of you guys know actually you can answer this one yes you are allowed we are explicitly giving you permission also personal zombie says I love to dig it’s a good thing to do you understand you understand my vision my digging Vision oh and then I like to farm but you always wind up with too much wheat if you farm so what happens is for some reason I love to make a store called breadco where all the bread is bread and you can get all the bread you can bread uh and it’s fun if you’re on a server because I can just set it up and people can give me things for bread or they can just take the bread for God’s sakes take the bread enjoy bread cup which if I’d had more spoons we don’t really wind up talking much about like how our weeks have been going I have been for some reason in a bad Health place since gdq which definitely has nothing to do with being off of testosterone long enough for certain systems to reboot no whether I want them to or not yeah sorry brother that sucks dick I I wish prescriptions carried between places easier working on it it’s great you go why is everything bad and then you break into tears because someone on gdq put in a really sweet message about like their wife and then you go ah yeah that’ll do it I see that it yeah hi yes you a c or you’re used wiggle hello love you do you want plants I wish I could put decorative plants around you but I don’t have the thing to do that yet I got Oak saplings I’m in the hole you’re in the hole that’s good how’s the hole doing lava oh you know we should you know we should plant on the roof is this might be like where like the trees go too that’s a nice thought use more trees did we ever get word back from chat about the mud uh personal zombie says they’ll grow on anything and I trust him okay also Center Bob says my signature thing to do in Minecraft is to build a house by growing trees on top of other trees and shaping the resultant drant tree into a multi-story house that rules yeah great I love that oh do you remember I forget what it was there was some bio mod that would generate like Wen tree [ __ ] like some like giant huge mega tree structure hey there what who’s hurting me oh don’t do that anyways owie what I would enjoy doing uh in those times is I really enjoyed uh I would just find one of those trees and dig into the side of it for a while oh I missed the auto sort button already and then I would just live there that’s cool I’m pretty great yeah oh I’m going to dig a spot where we should start putting water like near our garden area now that our house is open and has nothing in it I have established a small uh infinite water space yay I’m put some of our stuff into the house and some Moss blocks for fun here hey Mr Camel you doing in here with the Sheep I don’t know okay I’m putting moss in our house I hope that’s okay okay required actually hey thank you what oh thank you shiku tip $15 say make with the noise funny guy she keeps $15 says make with the noise funny guy brings us to 110 thank you she all right let me get inside you very much we appreciate you we appreciate it hope you’re having a good evening Sheik is allowed to talk to me like that I’ve known Sheik since I was like 15 let’s see and then I owe I think another one of these and I don’t do I own a slide W or we 120 uh no we’re $10 away from that damn a chest don’t there it is all right that’s the wrong end that’s the correct end that makes it sound like an actual instrument what in God’s name you broke it okay you re oh that’s a that’s a jazz trumpet for a seedy place she was all legs when she came into my office th this is what I do if I try te like every night you have to know some of these noises I do make by like making some strange noises into it but like that’s not right that can’t be right that I don’t think that’s what that’s supposed to sound like all right I wish I remembered one of those interminable Minecraft parody songs from the 2010s but I’ve actually forgotten all of them that’s incredible you probably remember M diamonds [Music] tonight really good it sounds like a jazz trumpet at this point man it’s like a minor key [Laughter] Edition oh really good really good really good sound so sad and [Laughter] mournful it’s just you know uhuh I hate that that was in there and bugs found how to reactivate the memory [Laughter] so hey I found a pit uh open air daylight full of gold is that good oh yeah oh that’s a Mesa pit so yeah you get those around here all right good morning the blankets oh [ __ ] sorry that you had an allergic reaction that [ __ ] sucks let me sing you a little tune to feel better let’s see oh [Music] [ __ ] don’t actually know the bridge that connects us to the [Music] CH and then hit [Music] that [Music] oh I lost it I lost the kazoo noise at the end there don’t forget you feed on a tree frog that’s the most important [Music] lyric there we go thank you all so much for your incredibly generous donations we do appreciate it let me know if you want like a solid Blart out of that I know people like that sometimes but yeah you tast I’m just enjoying every in chat reacting see now I just have the diggy diggy whole song stuck in my head what I don’t remember it my brain’s deleted it thank God for bad memory I am a dwarf and I’m digging Diggy Diggy Hole Diggy Diggy Hole I am a dwarf and do you not okay what who who remembers that one I remember having watched it at the time I had just forgotten most of the thing hold on let me just clear the cobwebs out of this before I put away oh there we go okay now it goes back in the box thank you again so much that’s a classic I think I broke something important that was on this rock oh well hoay sorry was there any more of the songs now it’s a lot more of the song yeah keep singing Beast for 30 more American dollars sing Canadian me a [Laughter] picky sing lovers Sing Sing lovers sing Christ I never rewatched Over the Garden Wall this year here we yeah huh oh we should do that we should yeah my thing broke there there’s no time limit on good jams yeah I think this is moss usage I think so I think it’s good to just have Moss around and I’m also taking the the wasted Moss block out so I can make moss carpet because bugs left us unsupervised so we’re going to make a moss H is the thing okay I found 16 iron yay yay proud of you yay gold enjoy Moss gold star please yes gold star for bugs gold star for bus yes yes gold star [ __ ] let’s go yes this is how you can still win yes where’s your gold star snail snail already got one earlier in the Stream where’s your gold star snail’s mine’s right here and you know what I’m so happy I’m going to eat it and you don’t get to eat one I get all this delicious glue all for myself well anyway I’m going to take this pair of shears and I’m going to go get us some wool yay thank you I always forget thatone adds like way too much we could probably use beds to sleep in that connect to our house and not a random patch of desert three beds directly next to each other and every night we can say good night Frankie good night snail no you’re right is the thing ooh what you planting oh uh like one wheat seed basically very nice it is O actually um do we do we still have the cactus that we grabbed earlier yes in the oh oh it’s 10 o’clock okay uh should we all log out real quick so that time doesn’t keep advancing okay we’re going to take our first break for the night we might check real quick uh I will test logging into the server like at some point for the break if it doesn’t work we’re just going to keep playing like this thank you all for still enjoying us doing things this way God help us we’ll figure this out eventually but for what it’s worth I’m having a great time I am too give me one sec I’m going to grab our snack time text real quick and bring it over here also Sheik says I bring home Moss scraps for real to put in the yard there’s a patch of Hill around here that’s all Moss that I want to just go and lay down on except that’s a good way to get bug on you not my bugs this bug outside bugs and that’s bad because they’ll fight for terrarium space if there’s contamination so I know I know buddy I know I know I know I know it’s why I don’t do it it’s why I don’t do it but right now seriously though folks thank you so much for your patience and for being here even though we’re not on the server I don’t I’m doing things happen things happen everyone go get coffee and stretch your legs yeah 10-minute break everybody take a quick break uh have a good day at school Wally doing fan you we shall see you all I heard of that guy we’ll see you all in 10 minutes [Music] be la you’re back early Frankie oh yeah I just like listening to music if I’m already doing stuff I’m testing if I can uh log in the multiplayer server just in case more specifically if I can log into it and then not have me boot out like in four minutes which has been happening God I’m glad I have a laptop now that can actually have two instances of Minecraft exping good [ __ ] good [ __ ] yeah Sonic Rush is a really cute game I I love it um the music for it is great uh [ __ ] hi Guma did great music but copyrights all of it so I can’t play any of it for you go check it out on your own time before he got internet poisoned I really enjoyed his work I still do but you know he kind of been drinking that sewer water I’m running around and it hasn’t booted me out of the system yet so oh really a good sign so far so good I was able to like get onto the tree and run around in the tree still cre said he had some trouble around the Jackal lanterns so maybe I’m going test and yeah I’ll test that out and see because I’ve already seen the Jacko lanterns so it’s fine see if they kill you instantly appropriate I do like that they were built in the uh forever Shadow over here ni I seem fine actually oh no no no no no no no no NOP NOP no no no no killed me the the connection or did you fall down no the connection reset bugs I would have just said I died if it was just died I got java.net socket exception connection reset baby internal exception that’s okay that’s okay that’s why I ran around somewhere in Minecraft snail ain’t no biggy yeah I’m sorry snail it seems so promising that’s what it keeps doing to us too when it boots us that’s actually helpful to know that other people are having the problem not that it’s great that people are having server problems but it’s helpful to know that it’s not just like a problem with Frankie logging in just checking cuz I have not been on the server proper I’ve been doing mod pack testing um has this problem been occurring before today and people just haven’t like said anything about it yeah if anyone in chat can let us know if you’re having this problem like we’re still not doing tech support on air but let us know if anyone has have this I have had this problem once like two weeks ago specifically if like in the last couple of days cuz I was fine yesterday really is Goofy I lag near my house uh specifically the problem of like you run around around and you get booted from the server entirely although please tell me about other problems too that’s part of what the but not part ofver yeah that’s actually what one of the Discord channel is for but I allow people to show us cool things in Minecraft cuz I like seeing them things have been fine for me lately I played a ton last week and never disconnected very occasionally huh it was fine this morning too I’ve bet you anything just fine tomorrow is the worst part I think this is just yeah all right well I am hanging out around the Jacko lanterns and I’m okay so uh what I did is I ran around on top of the Jacko Lantern and that did it all right hang on Holly says dude you have the unused Flintstone song in your playlist you are a hero dude this [ __ ] [ __ ] of course I do this is from The Flintstones yes uh you should hear the password entry song from uh this game this in the Water World OSD man [ __ ] owns the Jackal lanterns are not destroying me I think if so many people in so many places are having this problem it is not actually a corrupted chunk or something which is good I don’t think it is but but it all I here’s the thing is that you’re the person who is the closest to the server like physically so someone literally said like I blame the weather somehow I am having a rainstorm at my house I don’t know it’s worth noting that for security reasons uh the port forwarding goes through a VPN so me being physically closest is not actually necessarily beneficial then we know nothing hooray hooray yep I vote we log into the single player world because we did checked and it’s the all we were doing was checking to see if it was still bad and it is I’ll check again later in the night the good news is uh I’m bringing you infinite water I already got an infinite water spot twice twice again well now you have two hey good night Wally darling have a good day at school good night have a good day yeah I’m I’m going to dig out like a little pay attention in class make lots of friends be safe you can pay like half attention in class no pay all attention learn learn it’s good lie learn things outside of Class 2 so that when your teacher says things that are wrong you know that they’re wrong Dean Evans did the Water World OST and also did the song in a few others on the flinton game damn I got a I got a deep dive on uh other ostds this dude done I’m taking us a p okay it’s coming out of our infinite water source but I might need to borrow someone’s bucket get to even it out well I’m about to be done with my bucket so thank you okay um once I got the water source established um I did put the bucket back in the chest if somebody wants to grab two buckets or one I don’t have any bucket so I can use bucket they call him two buckets Frankie on account of his two buckets hey I’m going to borrow one of the some of the 55 light gray blocks okay oh I don’t need any of those go nuts okay um light gray blocks also actually turn out pretty nice if they’re uh if they’re turned into glazed terracotta cuz they’ve got blue elements to them which is kind of I’m going to move some of the aelia bushes around a little bit okay they go bu our door put down dirt and then they go byy our door I got a piece of cactus is there a furnace down here there’s a furnace by our house wondering if I can do this without having to Trek all the way back to the house that’s the question I I always kind of like this early part of Minecraft where like you just don’t have stuff I do too it’s fun it’s fun there we go that’s a nice as alien Bush location can try and search and share some s but I’m not also trying to sleep hell yes we always love video game music that [ __ ] which okay I get that it’s just a mean format but it’s always really funny to me when I see that Meme that’s like someone making something normal and instead of making normal music they go nuts like why not why wouldn’t you like put your whole goddamn Soul into making a goofy music for commission you make it not someone’s like oh they didn’t have to go that hard yes they did because they did it’s the inexorable minations of your soul baby to talk like Calvin from Calvin and Hobs okay oh I heard that explosion no something just went boom no don’t worry about it something went boom don’t worry about it don’t worry about that don’t worry all right like the Tarzan soundtrack the movie or a game I mean the Tarzan sound track went that went Ham on purpose Disney called a man who only goes ham professionally and said hey can you go [ __ ] nuts on this and he did that was very much on purpose that is true true Disney history facts it’s true dying will not stop me we’ve we’ve already Illustrated that we’ve seen that it’s true it’s a good tra Phil Collins we wanted to make a movie about uh a jungle man but also we really wanted kids to know that it he’s cool so we got Tony Hawk in the studio literally so we got Tony Hawk in the studio to reference for us uh how he skateboards so we can reference that for uh Tarzan’s cool sequence where he goes down the jungle vines can you um um can you make a soundtrack for that yeah no problem says Phil Collins yeah uh wild yeah my I did not know that but that makes perfect sense my pops was telling me uh stories about like the red carp in that how the lady who voiced Jane was super rude to Tony Hawk No One Ever Knows it’s Tony Hawk man that’s like a superpower that’s true I H honest to God even though I have seen pictures of Tony Hawk since I was a kid like I see people talking about Tony Hawk now I’ve seen recent I wouldn’t know I would not know I would absolutely not know well I have facial blindness so I have an excuse I I don’t think I have facial blindness I just have trouble with white men oh I would just look at him and go like this looks like a perfectly Pleasant skateboarder man all right we M growing how you doing buddy good it’s good eventually bugs is going to fall into the deep dark and the song from Treasure Planet I’m still here you’re a real one you know you know you know I I feel like I haven’t seen Treasure Planet for a really long time for how much it like rewired my brain as a child because cuz I saw it at like the exact right age for a movie where dude like dude every time I picture P disc world it’s just Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet I don’t know what to tell you oh I thought you were going to say someone else no no you’re right though you’re right it would be the dog who gets pregnant you’re right he’s going to age into the other character that he could look like yeah dog ears and all mhm and good for him also shout out to them deciding we’re going to make the captain of the ship uh who in the original is just like a normal ass Captain type man into a mean alien Catwoman I didn’t mean to they were right for this a good move it was a good move it’s always a good move you can’t go Honestly though that that movie is underrated or at least it was underrated I think a bunch of people have said that it was underrated and now people actually know it exists but yeah I it’s good it’s good and you should watch it who’s the comedian who voice the robot in that one I remember they were really into talking about the CGI used on the robot for that there we go there we go I’m getting somewhere I’m getting somewhere starting to equalize gravity’s bugs worst tonight gravity is my worst enemy in real life I got weak little ankles I I constantly eat [ __ ] literally oh no bugs when we were at the aquarium the paint box meet up I look uh I got up to go refill my water bottle looked over at puzz and the table I was like making eye contact with P like hey I’m back literally just right down fell and got up play Hey I’m okay I was fine and my ankles are like rubber is the thing but it was an intro really good impression to leave I think I think so stabilize there you go hey I’m sorry I just need this hay bale I will pay you back yeah yeah yeah just little I figure once we get beds established then we can start having nighttime sleepy time go night my friend has ankles it just go [ __ ] you and go sideways so that’s it genuine PS genuine PSA if you sprain your ankles you need to take it way more seriously than you think you need to because ankle injuries from rolling your ankles can cause them to become permanently weak or [ __ ] up your tendons for life and if you have that problem that might be what happened especially if it’s only on one side oh oops like I I know telling people hey go to the doctor every time you spraying your ankle is unfortunately really unfeasible in this country which sucks it shouldn’t be but at the very least you should stay off them some [ __ ] for like much longer than you think you need to oh man I broke my ank stay off them way harder than you think you need to I broke an ankle when I was in school my school didn’t believe me and made me walk around on it oh man it sucked yeah it’s bad out here it’s bad out here Los Angeles would been no this was yeah this was a whitei I’m doing it I’m living I know you’re doing your best don’t laugh at me I ain’t laughing at you’re laughing because of me bugs is bugs is demonstrating now now we’re going to take bugs to the hospital to properly demonstrate you can’t make me I got I got medical you can’t do that to me wait no Medical’s good oh bugs okay Medical’s good they always pay for your [ __ ] oh I haven’t been to a doctor in like three years maybe I should um you should establish care with a general practitioner in your area me medical is actually really Sol uh the best thing about medical is that unless you’re getting something really weird they just pay for whatever [ __ ] prescription oh [ __ ] it’s good okay cool dude we not to be like too heavy but we literally my mom had to stop taking one of her major meds because they jacked the price up postco to like $300 a bottle yeah of course they it sucks dick I hate that [ __ ] man bouncy streamer on Twitch that’s right baby I’m I’m the world’s first Flubber stream come on man all right we now have a a fishable well it had some water plants in it well eventually eventually maybe I’ll dig it a little bit deeper the world’s first flip flipper streamer I I’m mousing with my left hand my palm is on the space bar my fingers are navigating the was it’s hard for me I play with a track pad it’s hard for me that’s true please be so nice to me I’ll be so nice I’ll be so nice and probable says every time bugs responds in the village lets them waking up the first aid kitten God Emer jumping out to bring the leg again that’s right you can turn melon slices into melon seeds I think yes you can yes I believe okay I’m I’m going to get us some melons growing out by uh the pond good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] feel like that’s going to be that that’s one of the more reliable early game food sources while you’re still like waiting on your first four stocks of wheat mhm mhm mhm let make myself hoe your breeding cool down ended yet no hello bugs is paper skin and glass bones every morning they break their legs and every afternoon they okay we’re going to shift we’re going to walk so carefully while I hold down the shift we’re going to walk so carefully while I hold down shifts and I’m making myself all stone tools so I can enjoy the ceremonial burning all of your tool making his house huh all stone tools Frankie um could you do me a favor and make a small fenced area’s sure do you want it up near the garden uh that’s where we have I’m going to tell you right now don’t you make really wherever is fine but that would be nice yeah yeah made fun about here while I’m setting up the homestead making sure you got a nice place to Li back to on your remaining thank you grub grub you make cave real good yeah you better grub grub planting seeds grub grub inventing [ __ ] the farming out here oh thank you grub grub yall out here living this like roaming around collecting berries lifestyle that’s right I’m eating cave berries and you know what oh [Laughter] [ __ ] oh what what were you to say who the gr grub now I got string [Laughter] oh I’m just over here babysitting some sheep I I’ll get started on the the fenced area once I’m done planting these watermelon seeds you got time spider I’m not gonna steal The Village’s Sheep No I feel that you got to like do some husbandry first o name tag oh very nice oh pumpkin seeds we can name our camel oh and they do not respect bugs for going repeatedly into the hole sad and yet I am the pumpkin seed maker the winner the bread winner you’re the bread finder I’ll give you that I need one more piece of string not you ah it was coar Dirk thought so oh wait this uh you can turn coar dirt into regular dirt with a hoe oh that’s nice oh it’s just make this just regular dirt now it’s just tilled for no reason I jump on you I jump on you I jump on you I jump on you I jump on you there we go oh yeah looks nice I’m going to give the dirt under a camel bit of a makeover he’s kind of sitting on this like sad dirt area I just making off fense welcome to ADHD streaming none of us are going to remember snail might remember what they’re doing snail might be the only person who remembers what they’re doing maybe May there it’s a small chance but I suppose it technically exists yeah sorry I’m hoing things just hoing dirt into regular dirt that’s all I’m doing I talks big I’m also doing useless things ah I’m on top of the camel hello thank you could you move so I could hold okay you want to stand on dirt that’s okay that’s your prerogative who am I to tell a camel mhm horse dirt rules could you Gra from mining you can Farm more dirt interesting this is bugs’s Strat they’ve strength training by creating microact and their exoskeleton to come out stronger that’s right that’s right that’s right you understand that’s right I don’t I don’t think that’s right that’s right I have doubts oh you little faith I’m going to start doing some wood cutting so I can make that fence down area okay no no no like to note that despite cheating a lead in for the camel I am bringing these Sheep Home the oldfashioned way slowly leading them with a wad of wheat in your hand yep Ah that’s the way well I’m working on that fence for you so the theme of friendship is Bugg speaks about all the benefits of drop rated training that’s right it look it’s the duglas Adams method all right if you’ve read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series how do you fly you climb up a ladder you train to repeatly and you miss the ground you got to train to miss the ground I’m training to miss the ground brother you have wings you’re a you can be a beetle huh no really police can’t fly why and who’s flying the plane thanks snail nobody we’re all going to die okay yay I’m actually going to flatten out this ground rly pulley can fly I believe I believe I hear a spider don’t you say so we’ll see clearing out space to make them a nice little flat enclosure where are you hey guys ready to see your new home come on up this way ah my shovel me shovel who’s turling great question um the turler up here up here you can do it come on come on you can do it that’s it come on St SPID Turles at night across the desert Gonzo Turles heart that’ll do it that’ll do it that’ll do it that’ll do it that explains the noise okay I a scary noise that bugs is Mike that’s that’s that’s actually relief okay that’s a good thing that’s a good thing that’s a good thing that’s a good thing it’s good it’s good it’s good I can hear that turling what are you doing don’t worry hey bugs it’s getting dark can you uh oh right bugs is in the middle of things I think a little bit thank you uhhuh little cooked mutton okay where are the Sheep going that’s a question send in the Sheep there ought to be sheep oh they’re already here I love you found out that song was about a woman who wouldn’t who’s like the man she was in love with wasn’t willing to leave his wife for her oh really that’s rough yeah yeah it’s one of those plays makes it really funny when you find things that are just like an actual clown uh dancing J or something yes the Muppets have the best version of it because it’s like really surreal because it’s the Muppets hi to the Sheep okay so I’m going to build the Sheep enclosure right over here where I’ve kind of been getting some room but I’m going to make a small sheep enclosure that we can then make bigger okay sounds like a plan I figured next to the so let me make some fence oh fence I remember how to make fence fence is so resource intensive you got to use a lot more sticks to make fence than you think you do yep and a lot more wooden blocks too yeah but one my hobes for a really long time St you know yeah one of well one of my hobbies uh has also occasionally been to just find like a village and fence it in and put lighting up oh that’s nice it’s fun you disintegrate what’s going on you’re attached to other I’m always saying this to people you disintegrate you could you for me as a treat as a treat as a treat I’m just going to kill build this tree you got to die it’s my good little sheepies it’s very fun to light up and build up Villages exactly it’s like one of the best times I have to surgically disconnect these trees from each other this is [ __ ] up I’m just petting the Sheep I’m having a great time over [Laughter] here it’s true all right oh I’m going to need a gate too would be nice if I could get out yes Apple I don’t know maybe I just build you in here this here die die die die yes three strings my fence genius fishing Arc begins now yay I you know and you know what I’ve already made you sell you a little fishing pond up here it’s even two blocks deep I’m going to dig it a little bit deeper later thank you I think that’s more fun if it looks like a deep enough Pond oh I’m fenc genius I found a beautiful gem woman oh that’s good name of lapis make a gate real quick people are going to argue about her for 10 hours but I love her that’s okay women are allowed to do this I think there we go oak fence gate I need everyone in the Steven Universe phandom myself included to just chill out for five minutes wrong what’s caused this if if you argue well enough Pearl will do anything for you well me know she hates the Irish so sad I guess that’s that’s one good thing about my family finding out they aren’t Irish you still have a chance I still got a chance baby Pearl come back honey I got the paperwork snail you can leave now there there’s a gate you can also just stay in there for the Sheep I don’t mind my good little sheepies okay have fun now I’m going to I might have some bone meal so I can make him some grass in there but I’m also going to dig out the yellow clay and replace with like dirt yeah and neither of you are going to get stuck in a hole on purpose right you wouldn’t do that to me right sheep oh sheep I’m fine then oh yeah you’re going to you’re a free agent you know like I can’t control you of course I’m like the wind you’re like a bird you always fly away I don’t know where my home is I don’t know where your soul is boy you can really tell which one of us grew up in the ’90s and had moms who went through divorces [Laughter] no no no no no no no in the famous words of the hottest woman from dicey dungeon no no you seem mean Lady Luck that’s right baby she’s pretty good as the thing just a course of I I we might have some large evil women enjoyers in our chat I don’t know if you’ve heard maybe possibly we might attract that element it’s very possible she does say that is the thing about her she does she does I love that that game and Mild spoilers where you are still dice mhm but it’s cool and the gesture is dice and it’s cool oh I love Jester yeah I’m as soon as it was like oh ah no no no no no no help who can resist a silly I’m not above it it’s like can you uh it’s like a box of donut holes you think I’m going to miss well a nonbinary twig you know oh really oh my bad yeah I know Jester’s like fully chaotically nonbing oh [ __ ] I forg hell yeah hey buddy come on and you know what that’s living the dream being a slightly imoral nonary to a large dangerous woman who joins the heroes and gets to do hero [ __ ] where are my friends in their awesome Square house oh well we’re up on top of the plen uh I guess I can’t do more bone meal in here until there’s more grass so I’ll wait oh yeah the robot’s also non-binary oh cool I’m too small brain to play the Robot but I like that game a lot I actually got pretty into the robot for a while I don’t know I kind of vibed with it it turned it into like gambling I’m not sure that’s a good thing no it’s good it’s fun it’s good when games let me do mechanics gaml all right we get the camel up here or do we want to leave them by the house they seem happy there uh I can go they seem happy they seem happy why is bug doing evil laughter it could literally be [Laughter] anything yeah no that’s fair like I don’t even react to it you notice I’m just like ah you know it happens o you you would be good for making obsidian again I’m going to put some mushrooms in our house mushrooms sound good hello new desert village how are you you’re a different one from the one I know you have a big castle in the middle that’s cool you stay planted okay mushrooms okay hello anyone have anything for me to steal I mean trade B I can start making some uh I got some fences left over I can make it some windows I love the the camel makes terrifying noises sometimes which I appreciate because that’s how camels are uhhuh yeah the sounds of fun yeah exactly I hear that noise and I God bugs is having a good time yeah oops Yeah bugs is having a good time and nothing is going wrong uhhuh all right that’s for everybody yay Frankie where am I putting these do you care uh I don’t know maybe like that well we could either have them all three in a row like over here or we could have them like nestled by the Mosses like a bed goes like right here cuz it’s green what do you think yeah you see what I’m saying yeah yeah I can see it Moss beds yes there’s like there’s a night this one’s kind of Premium because there’s extra Moss carpet can you on Moss chunks H out what happens generated an aelia Bush I’m allowed to look snail come watch look what happens if I use bone dust on this stuff are you inside how you doing stuff I’ll just do it oh you’re over there I thought you were going to be over here I don’t know why it does that just generates a Alia bushes on top of the Moss this rules we have Decor baby all right this is shapen enough to be a very nice house if you like moss and we do theme of liking m i what I’d really what I’d really love is to get some uh chained lanterns but that’s going to be a little bit before we get to that level are we at a position where I should uh set time or are we good to sleep uh I’m good to sleep snail we have beds I’m going to go to sleep well well all right get I think two of us doing it’ll do it right does it work on those rules it does need to be all of us I’m in bed yay yay and no you you need to do things to make it so that you don’t need every thing ah we’ll figure that out eventually this is really cute the C Jesus the camel is loafing all right got some green carpet now and if I remember right when I’m dating the wicked witch what does that mean nothing here I’m I’m handing you a blue book uh [Laughter] describe in 300 guess I didn’t remember right I thought that you could uh could put Carpets on camels like a blanket oh that would make sense it looks like I was wrong about that LE we have a cuute carpet somewhere also plut boot says now I want to replay Builder 2o again understandable it’s a good game now I’m just going to Lumberjack for a while I’m just going to build us up some wood supplies oh good [ __ ] love the to see it love to see it hey there’s a tunnel up here oh we got hole we got hole on top of our own house what really yeah there’s a cave in here [ __ ] I’m going to go get myself some some some torches and start lighting this bad boy up look snail over here hang on over here oh not B I don’t know if it go I don’t know if it really goes anywhere it looks like it might be like a shallow one cuz I can see light if you just go in here a little bit but I’m going to like light it up real quick cuz Dam a lot of chicken we could also use it as a starting point for digging so that’s what I’m saying you know we could like get a mine going yeah I’m going to replant these as Alias too uh this one go does MOS spread through grass uh I don’t believe so then where’ this chunk of moss come from I Didn’t plant this I huh oh well it’s fine I don’t mind Moss can do what it wants oh you know what happened is uh you hit the Moss with the bone meal and it will I think it will spread if you hit it with the bone meal oh sick ooh that’s cool maybe I replace our floor with dirt and just do that more later I would not be opposed to that oh no neither us would mind having Moss house later later we should get some uh glow Vines and hang them from the ceiling oh you’re so right you’re so right we could dig back like here this way too to like make a little room kind of back there yeah I’ll do that maybe I’ll do that at some point if we’re ever like stuck doing stuff at night here if I can if I can find I got to go Lumberjack for a bit too so I don’t got to but I want to all right uh let me know if you find another Lush cave biome cuz I’m not sure where the one we found earlier I forgot I was going to make coal I was going to make torches I forgot I came down here for that forgot before I take some telling chickens the tale of the Moss waiting across the desert exactly mhm you got chickens over there no talking to chickens no talking to some chickens no oh let’s go kill music no no More Heroes got tricked by Travis damn it tricked by Travis they’re said in the same universe is fine where’re the chickens okay these Goods okay Travis is Trick I love Travis because he should suck but I don’t actually think he does I think he’s just very fulfilled by his weird little way 11 exactly and like people kind of project sucking on onto that oh [ __ ] this might actually lead wow this is actually an open hole into that same Ravine no really it is there’s there’s no consistent way down though so I might use whatever scrap blocks I can like get like some clay blocks water water elevator build like a no I’d like to come back up without drowning swim up stick your head up I’m I’m going to do things my way I’m going to do things my way that’s building a Mr Sinatra damn and I did it nope keep holding [Laughter] it it’s mcdal Pony’s hates it when I sing Tony satra Sinatra holds famous famous trick where he goes and I did it that’s the wrong place to hold the note you maniac and then the popcorn Cooks to note for a moment that uh for a for a moment there I thought you were trying to cross Frank Sinatra with bodh SATA who um oh the B don’t worry about it okay Frank Sinatra decided to stay within creation uh for for all of our primes and B Karma okay that’s to try to help us figure out how to get out ourselves right right right like the Seth McFarland rat meet me in the pit Vegeta we have to fight now oh I’m on the wrong Mountain maybe have you been on the wrong Mountain trying to find us yeah I have been all right sorry buds I’m going to make another campfire to put put up like near our like Garden so that it’ll reach further from both sides what I’m going to do that sounds like a good plan right I forg that I slipped in a bed ooh dark oak logs nice I’m going to bring a bunch of plain terra cotta cuz that’s not very interesting and got coal already what else do all right bugs was here I think what did I leave droppings oh Footprints oh hey there’s a back entrance into the uh cap Room 2 actually it’s at exact level with the ground out here it’s on the back side of the mountain damn all right something to eyeball later yeah I’m excited to like actually be able to explore that later honestly yeah for real that is a lush cave biome I’m not seeing glowberries yet oh I’ve been eating them well could you stop okay Ju Just leave like one per VI sure sure okay now campfire go here and hopefully that’ll be more visible from further away especially after I take out some of these trees you got to go you’re a problem to me you don’t know you’re a problem to me you’re a problem to me to I am definitely going to die down here yeah probably join the club brother got to die in caves man it’s what you do birds got to fly mhm mhm Grass Grows birds fly and brother I die in caves H you left your last shell shed I brought back the name tag I really wish you’d stop leaving those around bugs skill isue is that is that a glow Vine or is that a regular Vine yeah discovery there we go got some trees replanted to grow I take these ones out can I get back up this is the deeply boring video game [ __ ] I do crave sometimes good I’m just going to cut a bunch of wood and leave it in our joint uh chest okay how do we just have two green sheep the Moss the Moss I should bone me the grass in their enclosure now yeah there we go good to have a little gra for sheeps you know speaking of like M much early we talking about this but like you know there’s like Minecraft update erors you miss I kind of miss the era where you could use bone meal on mushrooms like anywhere regardless of light level oh yeah that was great for just like you needed to camp for the night you just put down a mushroom doing it was great I would just make these I had like a really specific plan where you like use ladders up the side of it and just make like a little platform inside which of these tell R bin which of these beds is mine oh whichever okay this is really pretty thank you isn’t it great I’m going to try and I I might place our uh floor in there with dirt so I can turn it into Moss sounds good can I get home before something eats me Good Luck that’s a question yes okay how you doing chat hey hello what are you doing to me oh no all right both of you shush I’m trying to sleep oh man I it was like there was literally like a school trip when I was a kid that was one of those like multi-day kind of things where some poor adults uh have to try and navigate that and that was like the first time I realized I had like insomnia because like I was laying there with my eyes closed trying to sleep as you do someone goes like are you not actually asleep and I was like yeah it’s only been like 10 minutes and then I learned that was weird and other 9-year-olds usually don’t take half an hour to sleep well oh do you like what I brought back from my trips oops huh yeah yeah that’s nice oh thanks it’s very nice thank you for bringing a spider eye welcome and flowers we need more chests I’m going to start building chests and organizing the chests that seems good I’m going to turn some of these clay balls into clay blocks yay thank you bugs especially for the watermelon oh we got weed now nice nice nice bugs just wonder off to find Pond uhhuh see it how are we doing on bone meal do we have bone meal that we can spare for things uh you can just use it I don’t rely on bone meal for doing gardening because I think that takes some of the fun out of it so like really go nuts all right I’m going to see if I can uh uh hit those glow Berry Vines and turn them into light sources instead of just tiny bushes on our ceiling bushes on our ceiling is good but absolutely I I clear that usage for sure well you getting fish up there you getting fish up there let me make you a campfire you can keep closer to oh thank you you’re so nice to me you like the fish I do like the fish fishing good fishing is it’s fun to like fish and then just like put the fish on the fire next to you so that it pops off and you collect it fishing satisfy God stardew Valley is a fishing game to me I’m not going to lie we got to set up the the dream stardew Valley like fishing like group drop in when we want a thing should I put this next behind the watermelon Frankie I got a fish that looks already cooked that’s okay oh that’s a good [ __ ] thank thank you keep you warm keep you warm thank you I got another one raw Cod y got all kind of fish now you can cook on that [ __ ] what yeah yeah just put a fish on top of it all right guess some the bread things Rule and then when it’s done you put up to four fish on top of a campfire you can put any meat on top of there it rules what the [ __ ] that’s amazing are you I mean you can put any meat on top of there but the fish is obviously the super your choice is it going to burn the fish is absolutely yeah I I never really do a lot of like husbandry of other animals is it going to burn makes me feel sad no it’ll just pop off it’ll just pop off okay good it’s nice they’re kind okay so we got three it went into the water well got away can I cook clown fish I don’t think you can ie all right we got glow Berry vines in our house yay yay yay I’m going to start laying out some chests and then I might start replacing the floor because these are my priorities for some reason accidentally set my toaster on fire a little bit a few dayso that’s why you got to clean your toaster oven sometimes oh yeah if one forgets one forgets what you got to [Music] mhm see I’m going to make one of these chests for plants is going to go up near the farm clean the fishing need to also get some spider string because I want to go fishing too oh there’s five oh there’s three in here just use them yeah I got five yeah I don’t need a fishing pole right now they’re in I’ll leave them in the main chest I’m going to take uh what I should really do is make e this is like a temporary solution so that we don’t run out of room I can finesse later fun fact about me mhm um for a very long time from age nine to jeez I don’t know a very long time it doesn’t matter that long but long enough for me to transition from child to adult and then some uh I was a vegetarian oh yeah and then I stopped being a vegetarian for reasons um and I started trying to eat different kinds of meat and it turns out the only kind of meat I like is fish which is incredibly on brand which I do appreciate it is and I swear it’s not on purpose no sometimes I’m not sure you do that on purpose anyway but um the thing is fish okay here’s the thing though I am like feverishly jealous like normally I try so hard not to be one of those like weeb ass [ __ ] in Japan oh in Japan ooh in Japan but easy access to broiling whole little fatty fish man [ __ ] uh Jesus God we have none of this infrastructure there there they have Ovens that come with a special drawer Broiler up near the counter that’s just for f fish that’s just for broiling stuff like fish they have like little top ofth counter like gas fuel little grills so you can make like little fire grilled fish what I wouldn’t give for easy access to little oily fishes oh my God this [ __ ] of an earth sometimes I don’t know but yeah I like fish I like some shellfish I hate pork I hate bacon I know there are people who think that saying I hate bacon is some sort of like sacrilege it’s bad it tastes sweet why does it taste sweet huh it’s definitely kind of sweet it’s usually cured with sugar and salt and if you haven’t here’s the thing if you haven’t eaten a food in a really long time you tend to notice things about its flavor profile that other people like just don’t notice anymore uh and that makes sense to me uh pork pork has a very strong smell to it that people don’t notice if you’re used to it water bottle yippee ho hooray but yeah I I hate anything made of pig basically and everything else is just kind of meh and not worth putting up with those little like fat pockets if they get oh putting up with I love that [ __ ] brother well you can have all of mine oh it’s I will say fish is a very different thing just for the like like oh very good mat fish is it’s fat all the way through if there’s fat and fish it’s all it’s just all in there as it should be as it should be it’s true and like I I have enjoyed some things made with like chicken or beef broth um not pork fat or pork broth because I just I hate pork apparently I am inimical to Pork I’m not compatible with pork um but like broths I can work with but mostly I like fish I like fish better in every application someone in chat says pork is kind of dry it can be very dry if it’s cooked wrong oh but if you get it juicy and right if you do like pork with h you do it on a layer wet mashed potatoes you do gravy on there oh baby oh baby oh baby well again you can have all of mine P katsu oh crisy oh baby oh my god oh if uh if paint chat ever gets together and goes to like I don’t know a nice Japanese or Chinese place um cuz those are the two see that work out really well because then you can enjoy like fatty fishes yeah and I can get as much eel as I can afford or they’re legally allowed to serve me in the state of California uhhuh test those limits oh dude I want to take you to that place I had that soft shell crap at it was good and it was cheap too which is good doubly good when something is tasty and cheap oh baby that is kind of the best is the thing oh uh Jay friend of Jay um who is commenting on the stream in a place that I can see is talking about how fish plus fruit is an underrated combination I 100% agree Hol says if you find a place that serves good eel and C please let me know B is probably who know best the the trick with eel is that it’s usually like imported from having been frozen basically no matter what if you’re in California but not place never good like well yeah there’s that I want to go to Japan to eat eel basically I will just wagi yeah go to one that’ll get me wherever I need to go I wonder if there’s I’m I’m Giant and I have a Pomodori people will be delighted to point me to an eel store um but and I will say I was gonna say something and now I don’t remember what it was that’s what streaming does that’s true the problem is you’re splitting your attention between doing like three different things so a friend of mine on Tumblr is actually like starting to try recording herself doing uh Minecraft stuff oh sh and was like like talking a little bit about it like it’s I keep forgetting what I’m doing and I was like no no no no no that’s that’s exactly how work that’s just how that you’re trying to talk and do something at the same time and literally I’m extremely glad that me and you like split what the [ __ ] are you doing to the floor turn I told you earlier make it into dirt so you can make it into Moss digging up the whole godamn floor digging up the whole goddamn Flor yeah but it’s going to be Moss di up the whole goddamn floor get some fish idiot okay thank you see look I’m seeding it with moss blocks I’m not looking I’m going to bed okay doesn’t appreciate my H work this bed is mine now okay I have taken it because I’m a terrible friend uh hly says it’s a skill practice God it is it’s 11: we take a break oh what [ __ ] off okay all right we’re going to take a quick 5 minute break now’s a good time to get up stretch uh I’m going to say that we only test the server again at like midnight yeah I don’t think an hour is long enough for anything to change good night H and we need to take this break as an actual break good luck sleeping Holly if you can’t sleep we’ll still be here but go sleep we’ll see you later all right if any us needs to go to bed go to bed it’s getting late I go renew my coffee yay BRB this is what to this hi I’m back early you get to hear me eating uh chicken lemon Curry aren’t you excited good because I’m up at night so my folks are up during the day uh we have the rice cooker keeping warm uh whatever dinner was so I went and I got a fresh hot piece out of the rice cooker oh baby can I have some okay here it comes did you eat it good Miss skill issue lemon chicky sounds so yummy adding that to list of Curry eat haven’t had n before o this is um from the Aldi it’s a canned curry or jar Curry um they’re they’re Masala [ __ ] owns oh man you have that with some naan that [ __ ] [ __ ] I made curry rice for dinner but lemon chicken curry sounds so good oo really creping lamb Curry that I had in an Indian place while back man you know I was thinking the other day um there’s this dessert uh you can get at uh there was this Curry Buffet I used to go to and they had these Rose balls balls it was it’s like fried balls fried dough balls soaked in rose oil that [ __ ] was so tasty I missed that my mom had some Rose Turkish delight she got herself and I tried some and I was thinking about it he I’m hopping back on a little early to say you can get those in uh Indian in restaurants I think they’re fairly common yep and they’re good you were correct they are good yeah fantas M work glitch on Ali opened up some time ago everyone Aldi’s good um Aldi’s got good [ __ ] cheese I’ll tell you that you see the Aldi um I think it’s um mushroom cheese you hop on that [ __ ] brother holy [ __ ] hello the Aldi cheese a late hi Aldi is also good because they actually treat their employees like human people oh I want to go to an Aldi they sound nice what are we going to say Frankie oh uh so I’ve been enjoying apple and peanut butter snacks recently because you can put peanut butter in a uh little Ziploc bag like you’re making a cheap icing Piper and just apply it directly to a whole apple as you eat it and it’s a good time uh but you ever have that thing you’re eating an apple and the apple skin gets stuck in your teeth and a way you have to address like immediately like an animal like scrabbling to get out of a cave is like the amount of Primal force behind this feeling Al lorf says I had fried bread with honey and lavender at a Native American Cafe last month my hand smelled super sweet for wow I want to eat fried bar that sounds amazing oh I want to eat fried bread I genuinely hope you all Americans will get the fake American foods we get in our German albies I feel do I want to try no I love I have a fixational love on like what you get in other countries when you want to make American snacks yeah it’s fun every time it’s good it’s good it’s good oh another we have these glowberries I can reduce some of the uh the Torches in here and we can have some nice ambient lighting what do I want to do today I don’t know I’m going to keep tearing up our floor and putting in dirt so we can have Moss house okay what if I just made the server vanilla what if I just gave up on mod packs forever I I don’t think people would be mad I’ll say that oh you know what I should do is I should actually go Trek out to that open air dungeon that’s right by spawn and uncap it so that it starts spawning again so I can just go over there sometimes and harvest Bon oh that sounds fun the bons oh I forgot to bring anything hello I could use bone meal that’s very rude who did that who did what oh I see there you are put some examples of that in the mod Channel if that’s right oh please do new yeah the the the mod Saloon is meant to be like y’all can just chat and there if you’re a mod it’s like one of the few places on the server where that’s allowable if you’re if you’re a mod we trust you and want to I don’t know see your cats see food okay and hopefully some of this will fill in with grass if it takes me a while to get my hands un oh my ear underneath the beds is going to stay yellow though because I don’t want to destroy the beds and remove our spawn points mhm and I kind of like that effect actually gently tilling the soil of our house I’m going to look much but it’s honest work hey did you guys in chat know that that it ain’t much but it’s honest worst guys like the most cool dude in existence actually was rip oh yeah yeah he was like a farmer who was working like without doing any of the normal like super brutal crop rotation stuff and without using like super intense like uh fertilizers is I think part of it I I’m kind of recalling like a little bit off the top of my head if I remember right yeah which is always a big if um a big part of it was the uh tilling practices that he yes because tilling practices uh that are used on Industrial scale are brutal and they’re really bad long ter like this is how we get dust full [ __ ] you know what I mean mhm I say glancing around and remembering that not everybody is from farming backgrounds you [Laughter] know oh looks so nice in here now I’m really happy with this actually and I should dig back over here yeah that’s where we can expand later later finish the first thing to do you learned about the Dust Bowl in school yeah but I feel like I wish stuff in history was taught Less in a like and on this date these abstract things happening and the Dust Bowl made the market crash it was more like and now we get an intensive course on the fact that we have six [ __ ] inches of top soil between us and hell and yet people scrape it off mhm I could go on we will not a very long and unhinged rant about how history in America um not going to but it’s in us for those who don’t know um I’m a tutor um yeah actually oh yeah and so I sometimes have to deal with the Fallout of oh people not teaching history very well oh yeah huh um it’s bad out here it’s it’s not good I think part of the problem is that if you taught American history honestly um you would come to some conclusions about America that maybe some people don’t like that’s why I’m always glad I have like weird Anarchist uh Gen X parents not an exaggeration literally I was in the bathroom earlier and I glanced down and saw the thank you for subscribing to The Fifth Estate the anarchist newslet letter so that’s good I’ll be honest it’s a little dry you might be shocked to hear I’m putting these fish in the wrong box I need oh yeah sh we’re both from farming families I don’t miss it I think tell you that for free the only Remnant my grandma has from being from a farming family is a family recipe for something called milk cake oh oh man farmer recipes are always so [ __ ] up and they’re like the most delicious thing yeah and it it’s it’s just like get yourself a pound of butter yes type of [ __ ] it’s great it owns um I haven’t I haven’t had it but I looked through the this very flimsy very old family recipe book and like all of them were like get get yourself pound of butter uh my grandma uh Cooks in a remnant of that where uh if you’re having like like muscles uh well scallops scallops and uh it’s you crush the um uh [ __ ] uh you know those buttery crackers rits oh yeah Ritz crackers you crush a better Ritz crackers and cook them on top of that oh yeah oh oh oh my Mangrove tree grew oh yeah I saw it from a distance it’s really pretty if we should if we get oh oh oh drowning drowning drowning I forgot if we get some more Mangrove saplings at some point we should like replace some of these trees and like start some some oh we got a watermelon grown yes oh oh Frankie I want to tell you about something cool that makes my little marine biology heart sing oh what you got when they added mangrove trees they added propagules do you know what a propagule is no not specifically okay okay so mangroves red mangroves specifically um are really cool because they are essentially l five bearing trees oh do they do like the the Clone Sprout kind of thing that you get well they’re not clones it’s it’s not like clonal um like a grass what what happens is not clones uh it saps is what I grew up calling them where you just get like new trees grown out of the roots of other trees but it sounds like this is different even than that yes this is different from that although some of them also do that but I’ll I’ll get into that later um but no what what red mangroves do is they you know get pollinated like normal they make their little seeds and then instead of releasing the seeds in some way um so that they can go out into the world mhm uh mangroves actually sort of keep their seeds attached to them until they are Little Seedling type things oh until they’ve like actually properly germed oh that’s cute and then then they drop them and uh they get carried by the water to a nice new place um I actually had a professor who was studying uh we were in a particularly unusual area uh where I was going to school because it was the point where mangroves and salt marshes actually had overlap normally um yeah that you don’t get them tweening too much there yeah um and he was actually studying what the effects of that were um whether uh having salt marsh affected how far the mangrove propagules went and where they went cuz he thought they might be getting caught on the uh Marsh grasses and it was really interesting stuff um but the point is propagules uh they are cool and they added them in Minecraft and what this means uh practically in Minecraft is that you do not need to chop down a mangrove tree to get Mangrove saplings you can Harvest propagules from a mangrove tree and just get Mangrove saplings forever from One Tree which I love and it Delights me um that is really good is the thing I’m going to go to bed when bugs go to bed uh yeah I’m in the Ravine so um yay it’s time to dig into the w [Music] you go right for the Home Star Runner Game Show Theme huh yes good good good good good I have probably watched more homar Runner than I have watched any kind of normal game show honestly I would expect no less good [ __ ] uh when we all have a moment I would actually love to take everybody down to our Minecraft Mangrove tree and just start talking about real mangroves today we we might not get to that snail all right I I do appreciate learning about mangroves though um we could also just go down there and I could show you the little propag and we could oo and a and then move on but that I could do but for right now because it’s night time I’m digging yeah no I’m not saying we do that right now that would be a bad idea oh for sure for sure that would be death it’s fun too Court death this is nice see what I do actually maybe I do I I have a sword maybe I go out there and hunt a skeleton have fun okay where’s a skeleton skelet skelet skelet skelet skelet skelet skelet yeah here I will join you in your skeleton hunting there’s one up near the garden somewhere that’d be convenient chat I’m sorry you had to see that what are you doing nothing okay I’m going to go behind the Sheep pen because it’s shadier out here what phas of the Moon are we in almost H that’s like half almost new moon Crescent Moon why are you checking the face hello zombie uh the moon phase uh actually has control over how much stuff spawns actually really yep and end only spawn on new moons yeah and also new moons are when there is generally the most most monsters out here full moons you get the least amount of monsters huh I had no idea I guess I could just spunk the hole we have back here and I’d get skeletons eventually didn’t you want to light it up anyway uh i l it up a little bit and then I kept forgetting that I wanted to like make a staircase down in there thank you new I kind oh there’s a cat I can’t see the chat what’s uh what what did n do oh new uh put some fun German attempts at Eng American food in the mod Saloon for us to look at later I’m not seeing monsters up here huh are you a sheep no you might be a skeleton hold on hold on now come here you um oh that is a skeleton come here youo and guard no no no come on bucko come on there we go I should be allowed to pick up skeleton arrows God damn it drop anything no just arrows no bones oh creeper hey buddy Toto Toto don’t forget to back off oh well it takes care of that spider spider spider spider I’m glad I’ve like played enough that I’m used to the sword cool down thing every now and then I revert back to spamming mhm there’s another creeper off that way I want skelet though oh skelet yes creepers coming up on you I got to eat I got to eat I got to eat here I’m going to see if I can lure it away thanks oh I’m going to die no no no back here oh hey hey I I got to run in a circle so I can regen health come here bastard come here oh [ __ ] oh I’m going to die ah gunpowder I’m going to bed like [Laughter] sleep oh I dying get off me get off me ill Spectre get off me tonight at the strike of midnight you’ll be visited by three shed X skeletons past the future on just a robot oh cool let’s go I’m going to get Paradox past Paradox future and Paradox present yeah yeah we got more zombie meat that I got I got lost I’m not sure where home is now oh hey I found out what my pops is getting me for my birthday actually he asked me directly and then um but I’m I’m excited I’m getting the um the shiny mimiku Elite Trainer Box oh that’s exciting yeah cuz it it has the Full Art card of shiny mimikyu where the Grandma’s knitting in a blanket cute my my dream card to pull from palan Fates is um Arvin full art that one is cool as [ __ ] that’ be good and it has the player character on it and boss tip is on it and people on eBay are trying to sell it for $150 and they’re insane sket sket sket sket sket I used to really enjoy uh Pokemon cards yeah why am I beating this zombie to death with a salmon you know how it is you’re out oh skeleton come here [ __ ] let’s dance you know it’s it’s weird but um you know it used to be I I stopped getting TCG CU like I don’t know this is kind of like gambling for art that I like right but now now that uh I I have like you know I Jake likes to get the cards that I don’t want to have so what was that nothing okay so it’s it’s very it’s good to know like okay I can take out like whatever weird [ __ ] I like and then I send the rest to Jake and because my taste is so weird I get to send Jake a bunch of like super and [ __ ] that’s snail it’s a witch oh why is there a witch I got to bed where was The Witch where was The Witch where was the witch right outside our house the house what what was it doing outside the house like creeping on our sheep I don’t know she’s still here she is still here I’m going to take care of this no I got a sword step out of the way goober skeleton skeleton you hit me oh our camel you have kill her killing her killing her killing her killing her killing her killing her killing her killing her killing her killing her guys do we have do we have milk do we have a cow we need a cow we we we can just have we can have bug spawn I think it’ll wear off or we can have bug spawn in emergency milk for our cam I don’t think we have we have to feed our camel milk our camel our camel survived our camel is okay okay your friends are poisoned in a ravine okay uh so we still need milk I take it no we don’t I didn’t get a bone either no we’ll just die and be fine bug did you pick up the the bone that that skeleton dropped there was no bone I grabbed a bone oh I would like the bone please okay after I get out of our ravine all right so the next thing I’m going to go hunting for where did that witch come from I don’t know aren’t they supposed to be near witch hunts yeah there supposed to be is there a swamp around here Sumer High snail can I get that bone from you snail yes one moment okay I’m going to get fish uh I brought back gold I eat watermelon yay are you proud of me I’m proud of you yay okay loss oh that does a lot at once actually I wasn’t expecting it to do that much at once this rules Al is going to be great what’s in the chest behind the uh oh that’s where I’m putting like common blocks like dirt clay and [ __ ] oh okay good to know cuz otherwise it kind of starts to clog up I’m actually going to move everything that’s those kinds of things from I’m going to go hunt and Peck around the uh obsidian uh thingy and see what’s going on over there I I haven’t seen that yeah it’s very scary to me come here hold on I’m doing stuff here come here here I’ll come in a second I will I have not hunted all night for bones to not get use this bones what are you using it for Moss here come look okay we don’t need these many aselia bushes here though he hates zelia bushes what kind of gay man is he I don’t need them right in front of my bed is all I’m saying oh this oh oh that’s quite nice put them outside put things outside yeah the rest is going to have to wait till I get more bone but it will fill in with grass I honestly I think the grass might be a nice contrast like I do too I do too I do too it’s looking good it’s nice I like this I like to cuddle with the we get from the Moss you know what it’s about right Joe yeah all right take take me to the scary portal okay come here you have to across my awesome bridge where are you oh I know we restore health for a camel anybody know I I think it just eats grass over time all right um I don’t know what you feed a camel actually cigarettes no no don’t believe propaganda camel Ganda she wanted to steal your MTH that what she’s got to get her own I’m following you you should don’t worry about the sword you want to hold hands you going to get L I wish we could that would be a great Minecraft mechanic if you could just like link yourself to someone else see it’s right here I left CH too W yeah that’s a proper NE nether portal burst right that’s scary there a bunch of pumpkin on Hill Pumpkin Hill Pumpkin Hill Pumpkin Hill Pumpkin Hill and a willow how pretty oh a willow I haven’t seen one of those before wait no it’s it’s just a droopy aelia I’m sorry I lied to you that’s okay I lied it was funny [ __ ] see I thought for a second you’d found something that I didn’t know about I know I would have bought it look at these damn pumpkins wait do Al has grown to actual trees yes I need to move the ones that are in our house well they don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it they won’t do that in the house damn that’s a lot of pumpkins they don’t do that unless you bone meal them I think I got a whole nice little maybe I should start putting them on top I I should start replacing uh the trees on top of our mountain with aelia trees then that sounds nice we got we got pumpkin seeds at home just to let you guys know we can’t just plant those I know I just like picking up pumpkins that’s fair I’m just letting you know yeah look at that we still got Mesa clay going on too we should put some Jacko lanterns in the house I feel like that would fit the vibe oh that’d be nice I I ain’t against it oh there’s a forest over there is that still I’m going to Sprint into the distance and come back by dying okay okay y I get one I’m going to go look for cows how are you’re responsible of you I can’t believe hear I’m too far away you know someone has to guard the homestead you know no they really don’t buil the house I wasn’t guarding the house I built the house oh okay yeah the house could watch old enough goodbye forever that was a nice Expedition see I think my famous um my last words are going to be oops that tracks I always like the Adventure Time moment with F I ain’t dead yet oh there we go there go there it comes I think my last words are probably going to be I’m sorry about that kind of a move I don’t know it seems polite oh we’re increasingly close to an actually full Wheat Field let’s go uh the Renoe has a little like oh my God bugs did I tell you that you can plant a field in the little garden and R I just got a scarecrow in it I you can get a field or a flower pot and I was like oh I was like oh there’s like categories and the categories actually have like different stuff in them I hadn’t noticed oh there’s plants I guess you can get decorative plants you get seeds you plant little seedlings and sometimes they grow so I’m putting out little garden plots and it’s fun and this is what we motivate me to do extra grammar studies for coins uh and as a rememberer chy ren Sho is really nice it’s run by a very small group and you can actually turn off all of the gamification if you want to and it makes it really easy to do and tells you instead of being like hidden behind layers of weirdness nice and there’s no weird guilt about like missing days you can track your Mastery if you want to but you don’t have to yeah so uh now that dualingo is hot garbage that’s an option it’s not it’s not all the way to Heart garbage it’s just becoming mush a little yeah it’s still a tool that I really like using I wish it wouldn’t go the way it’s going my problem is is that I can’t use it without fixating on the idea that I could be learning something completely incorrectly and literally it lost my trust well that sucks my thing is that the Sens it builds are so simple you know it’s like you know mhm I don’t know I wait like I’ve always said if you’re like us and you’re just kind of like running out the clock at a subscription it’s fine but admittedly Renu Pro being like hey did you know this noun can go like in either place in a sentence and I go I didn’t know that because dual Linko told me it goes in exactly one place ever uh I will say if you want to learn something that isn’t Japanese um maybe check out your local library and see if you can get a subscription to Mango languages really yeah they they partner with a lot of libraries um and you can do that for free even though it is technically a paid app H that’s good to know actually also check out your library because they have you know other resources yes also thank you bugs for putting cooked fish in the thing I replace it with bread and watermelon oh let’s go oh I should have brought some raw fish there’s a cat out here oh yeah there’s there’s a cat just wandering around our Mountain there is some raw uh Cod and salmon over here oh that’s cool it’s odd though cuz aside from black cats which spawn mere witch Huts um cats are Spa in villages I wonder if this one like wandered all the way over here maybe H I love when a Minecraft base starts being like self-sufficient for food what in the hell hell is that thing you finding new over there boss what what is that what are you what are you oh a glow squid oh glow squid are gorgeous yeah you’re pretty oh ow I always forget that you can actually just walk into the campes it’s a new moon that’s okay I’m going to be going underground anyways right I think we’re all sprinting into the Horizon tonight which is all right m y glow squids is lovely I like L stop shooting me that’s rude you know better [Music] rude what what are you what there’s something living in the water elevator you left what are you what what are you it’s just a regularly fish that decided it wants to live the vertical life just a yellow and white fish oh yeah the tropical fish isn’t that weird oh drowning drowning forgot forgot oh he forgot he has air I was so distracted by The Wonder of nature he forg he forg what is the glow fruits are regrowing start lighting things up a little bit can I put oh hi zombie you uh stay over there okay I don’t want to use I got like five arrows man I’m not using them on you so to the you can put torches on top alas oh really yeah it’s very Charming yeah there’s a [ __ ] ton of obsidian down here I would like to find some diamonds it’ be nice the squid the the fishes in here just love these water elevators oh I just accidentally escaped a creeper by being in the middle of ascending on the water elevator oh let’s go the good [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh oh no no come on come on let me off let me off oh Enderman hello I eat fish oh n says bugs I think you found a whole geode above you oh what o crack it open crack it open what a geode they added geod to Minecraft it has Amethyst in it oh I see Len up there I wish I had a Shear is that a geode here’s iron though the orb I suppose this is an orb all right we’ll check out the orb I’m just oh oh oh oh oh oh oh who’s firing on me who’s firing on me who’s oh God damn it got to make like some armor or something see feel like this is the right music for settling into our Co little home agreed it extremely is [Music] yes okay let’s see here all right all right are we good with just the one Jacko Lantern here or do we want to put some more somewhere let me see oh maybe we could put the Jackle Lantern like I think just the one matching this is nice nice but we could maybe put another one like over here like here over here yeah I I always forget how you make Jan Jacko lanterns these days uh how do I mine when I hit it huh how i m amethyst it break when I hit it I don’t know what there should be amethyst block oh there it is I was tricked that’s okay you can get tricked sometimes I can get tricked sometimes and that’s okay it’s My Prerogative amethyst I should wait until we have more iron to start making oh we have coer I can eventually start making copper blocks it’s pretty and when you walk on it it makes a chiming sound oh yeah it’s mostly just decorative that’s cool all right then I’ll bring a lot back yay I’m kind of getting started on making like a little platform base in here in the mines some Jackal lanterns outside the house where do we want those maybe not over there this is the one that we can actually reach oh it does make a nice noise doesn’t it it’s this Pleasant little chime damn this is a lot of amethyst hello G squid man we we scored like a great cave system oh this is where the dark oak comes from we had like two dark Oaks I forgot to bring wood oh no take a little no I can get enough for a crafting table down here scavenge a little bit you can make a spy glass with an amethyst Shard how do I get an amethyst Shard I was using shovel no wonder that took a while oh near the base I understand that Vegeta says this has been a very good uh spot seed for yall yes which is very funny given that I know what it was uh made from it was the phrase oh my god oh no uh oh yes I believe because it was literally like 4 minutes till Showtime realizing what was going on and having to make a new server well we’ we’d realized what was going on but we’d been kind of hoping that it could like be made to work still which would have been really nice but also completely out of our hands the crystals will grow the crystals grow that’s dope oo I thought that was like from a mod thing I’m going to light this corner up coer don’t really need this is awesome sounds like I’m beating up a wind chime I would beat up a windchime I [ __ ] hate Windchimes I love Windchimes brother yeah you know it’s a beautiful soothing sound an a tonal chorus of notes being generated by a random Force hell yeah it is that’s the beauty of Nature and Randomness Frankie is the primary reason we do not have a windchime adding m I I’m sorry to win chime lovers but it would drive me insane I would have to like turn off the source of the sound give me your bones sorry sounded like peee Herman great I wish I could do better peeee than that don’t worry about that okay but seriously I wish I could do a better PE PE you do a good peeee don’t get down on yourself you do a good one I can’t I can’t do speaking voice PeeWee Herman you like you know come on when you do the I’m sorry B you can do it I can do I don’t actually supp to sound like uh the thing is is that you get this is PeeWee doing a funny voice ha but when you get speaking Peewee it’s like it’s this kind of nasal snotty kid oh yeah it’s great uh and it’s great because what I love about PeeWee Herman is that he was originally just a standup character this is my version of starting to talk about man Grove trees you’re all trapped in here with me y um is that he was a standup character and he always looked and sounded exactly like that but I always love it because and I say this with nothing love and respect I love that PeeWee Herman is kind of just a slightly [ __ ] little kid character but not in a way where it’s like a shitty joke we say this as gay people just like I say this as a gay person son of a gay person we are all clear here I am a gay person son of gay person Bearer to the throne I’m a [ __ ] per I was oh my God I was a [ __ ] little boy if I may just say I was like I had a big red vinyl purse that’s right you did it was a whole thing with me yes we are all friends Dorothy that’s right that’s right that’s right oh now there’s moreas in here than we really need there to be okay I’m just going to bugs how much grass do you like surrounding um your bed what you say a little some a lot um n as much as you would care to bring my beautiful friend I trust you with my okay I’m going to leave it there then you shouldn’t okay too late hey um yes creeper damn it oh no h it’s okay the the one problem with a clay wall you know maybe we’ll you know I do have some Moss to hands now can I use Moss to make mossy cobblestone oh actually what I’d love is Mossy brick because you used to not be able to get Mossy brick any other way uh can you move a little bit s sure thank you uh I I have like a fixation on Mossy brick is the problem what if we left it clay walls on the inside but kind of coated the outside in Mossy brick could be down for that let me uh repair with the blocks that fell off there let’s see so we need fill this in with yellow then white gray orange and one defense post is missing we should be able to repair that ow my beautiful I’m realizing that having a really oh we might not have we might need to go steal it from the little repair room over here how beautiful uhoh I what you finding out there um glow squids are spawning in the waterfall and then falling into LOB ah ah um Nature’s beautiful but hard yeah kind of winding up with this little like mining tunnel over here as I like get colors that we need my camel the camel is all better now I just checked we really got to lure that cat down here yeah let me get let me get some raw fish yeah I I I i’ I’d say that’d be a good idea let’s see uh we need a I am the thing getter I will go get the cat so long as it’s fun for you to be the thing getter no I like you may notice that we got here and I immediately became the thing getter yeah it’s we we got a builder Wanderer like collector kind of thing going it’s actually genuinely really good it’s good it’s good see this is why we got to get the stardew side thing going because like I like planting mhm and I will just maintain the farm while people like fish or dig right I think I need to catch some more fish first because it would suck if I got all the way out there and then failed to tame the cat cuz I ran out of fish fish is one of them things that we we ain’t like uh we could always use more you know ah you [ __ ] again again as I was patching in the last creeper damage definitely on Mission cat kit the stardo streams were so good I rewatched them all while I played my own game a I was like hearing that I was showing Frankie your comments uh that you left the other day on the stard stream yeah legitimately thank you to anyone who like leaves comments on stuff you’re like rewatch it or an older VOD we love love that [ __ ] I was like oh why is bugs being quiet for a second and I was then I was like ah bugs is going alas bugs is living it bugs is living the horse I know that’s okay all this means is more lighting to Mine by that’s fine I don’t care I’m finding diamonds in my scattershot antt searching for food way and I’m bringing home deep slate and 130 uh amethyst blocks yay oh Frankie have you seen deep slate yet it’s actually really cool looking yeah it’s pretty I I don’t know it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of nice where’s our crafting okay there it is strongly reconsidering the chibi Robo ODS oh have a susant of Robo we should we need to finish chibi Robo well we need to finish chibi Robo but only in a way where like we need to do some like cleanup type tasks yeah so we’re kind of waiting for when uh we want to do something chibi Robo would lead into yes oh that’s true huh yes but eventually right right now we just finalized up some some the boy plans I should make a some bigger Windows while I’m in here why not not a little I have a pole now oh I will say uh head heads up to both of y’all there is well you probably already know this uh there’s one outstanding flaw to enjoying fence Windows is it skel don’t look at an Enderman don’t look at an Enderman through them it doesn’t do anything Enderman knows you’re looking at it uh I bring home Glo ink sack amethyst iron um smooth the salt pumpkin amethyst Shard Cobblestone gold uh red stone and Cobble deep slate got any bone dust for Mikey no no bones no skellingtons uh I did find glowing sack I don’t know what that does good luck that’s pretty good you can use it to make glowing signs I know that much oh that’s [ __ ] up see I’m going to sort some things these go here that goes there that goes there my friend was retreating rer Ro stuff oh plutes that’s very sweet of you to recommend our wonderful thank you plutes yeah I honestly I’m I’m glad you did because not to toot my own horns but I think we did a good job playing ruler rose that was a fun game that game it rules and it sucks to play a little yes but like in the ways that I think are fun and good who’s cooking Stone me give me my stone back oh what are you what are you doing with this m ohy Frank I caught a bone you want my bone yay y yes I want to plant a Alia trees around okay I put it oh sorry I put it in the thing leave me alone it’s small leave me alone I do think we should also hit the glow Berry vines with more bone meal Cobblestone um at some point oh yeah I I can spare a little for that too the block I I think setting up the aelia trees first is a good plan there’s me stone well we I I can split the difference there’s why are you talking like gnome brother huh why are you talking like a [ __ ] gnome I’m going to be real I think I’ve been on some gnome core [ __ ] for like quite a while now yeah talking about mosses and grasses and [ __ ] going where’s me stone o me mosses yeah I’m worried I’m worried about my friend given how much time I talk about ex have you been eating yeah I’m sorry are are you trying to Stage some sort of gnome intervention over here you’re way behind on this one buddy they gave me a book about gnomes when I was like six oh was it the one where it’s uh all drawn up like it’s a field manual yes I literally I think that like changed my brain chemistry for like like the idea of that like for World building there’s a a big old Peninsula behind our house what you only get one Mossy stone brick per Moss Cube hell on Earth all right here’s my one that one just for me are you mad a little well with enough bone meal you can get a lot of moss so that’s true we could do this it might take a little while but we can do this I there there’s other things I can do first I’m going to put an aelia Tree on top of our house okay sounds good oo that goes up fast you can stay you’re a big tree you’re a little tree I kill you come here cool imagine if I said that and I went the tree is running the tree is running oh that’d be terrifying actually that’ be the funniest monster to add in a stealth update ever uh Mo Creatures had ants they were a pain in the ass man oh I love that [ __ ] it uh I even though the game in question has been out for a while there is a game that did that that I played in the last year and that a treasured memory oh that was fun screaming Terror yes uh that happened to me the first time in the uh well no no no it was I think it was one of our TVs who said it happened in the The Depths but oh yeah I mixed that up with how I remembered it I had it happen in the woods and was you ever hear story go that happened to me yeah because human memory is bad and we kind of process things like through ourselves a little bit yeah hey bugs you found horse armor before right uh-huh oh yeah I think that’s in uh the treasure chest that’s in the skeleton Spawner in the desert right by our original spawn yeah and if you go um uh let’s see uh North from the house across the cracked Mountain into the desert you’ll find a desert town and within that town There’s iron horse armor two sets of them nice I was just wondering if you can put horse armor on a camel uh Sheik says remember the gnome cartoon with Tom boslet doing the voice no but I know what you’re talking about and I’ve actually always wanted to check that out oh yeah I remember that one was on TV tropes is it notoriously sand ending yeah I think that’s good for children sometimes yeah never heard of this it’s just a pleasant little oh God in heaven when did that happen everyone take a break now I’m doing things now no we have to take a break everybody log out for a [Laughter] second okay uh we’re GNA take a quick break uh I might check the server but honestly I’m kind of having a good time am maybe we just let the server rest for a day for now though uh good night Vegeta have a good school tomorrow rest up be smart or be dumb it’s up to you I ain’t your boss I ain’t your mom I a your mom boss and we’ll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e [Music] oh yeah Fantasmic G glitch that’s totally the exact same book I’m thinking of I love that book screaming nightmare a children’s picture book love that [ __ ] uh that and the one with the the Goblins that wanted to eat the rainbow I talk about that W be able are back I got to at some point I got to remember I really want to track down this children’s book I read when I was little that was in Japanese cuz I think I could read it now slowly with effort can I flut boots I’m uh checking out stuff in the mod Saloon now and uh oh I should go look at that surprisingly few of these are actually food crimes but they are all hilarious so none of these are American I’ll tell you that well are not no actually I take that back I think you could probably find the mac and cheese pizza in stores somewhere to be fair I’ll I’ll I’ll cop to that one uh I love The Branding hot dog vinar is absolutely not a thing here I have I feel like that’s kind of okay here’s the thing though is that it’s not like hot dogs aren’t like in a brine I don’t know know if them being in plastic makes less sense than a jar yeah they’re just like vacuum sealed what hot do take a look at mod Saloon in uh the the the streams all right yeah I don’t know if you could find a mac and cheese pizza like you can find mac and cheese pizza out here yeah no you in in California absolutely oh they got that [ __ ] at’s kitchen that’s a buff standard for like children coming doing things I see uh California is always doing food somewhere I don’t like the jar hot dogs I no see okay but listen K andise still like in brine it’s in brine like it is in the plastic package but then after you like just take out a couple you’re not left with like a cut open plastic pad cigs full of hot dogs that are now responsibility chicken Donuts I think that’s meant to be like a chicken ring oh technically we do have a Burger King so I need A’s actually sort of a recurring joke in the US I don’t know if it’s elsewhere about how uh hot dogs and hot dog buns never come in the same number and because you can’t really reeal the hot dog uh problem hot dog the bear I would eat this I would I love salt snacks I what’s going on with these pretzels uh I see caramel I see chocolate I see goop cuz we we do get like chocolate covered in yogurt covered pretzels here but these look like they’re like being suggested as to be like part of a Sunday I think bra so snake yeah n said it’s more of a s’mores thing which makes sense no we have sweet snack here they might be like less common here but I see much to think about for now I do think a lot of these are actually based on American gimmick foods but they’re not giving you all they’re not I think there needs to be a brand just for California quizy yeah I feel that to the eurs that’s how that’s how you call it right to the eurs yeah to the eurs that that little continent over there europeia Europia yeah I I cannot imagine finding a mac and cheese pizza in a grocery store you can but I could definitely see it in uh I said this in chat in a little overpriced bar or a diner like the kind that a tourist might visit baby oh oh big time yeah no and the thing is that they would just be getting it frozen from the freezer to reheat for you like for sure for sure for sure yeah go back into the cave hooray but you say you can find those in grocery stores and California I believe you you tell me you can find anything in a grocery store in California I’ll believe you honestly California California is wild in terms of food yeah we got some things going on can I play the tree down here we’re like on open air I can’t go to bed I’m in the cave C you stay cozy and sleepy I’m in the cave I’m in the [Music] cave hang your duvet it’s thick it’s heavy it’s nice creeper I come up to the house all right hold on let me let me shortcut over to you hey hello it’s morning oh hey all right I work why do I have the fish that I had when I went offline I think they spawned me into the same bed as bugs they did that was good I don’t know I’m sorry snail yeah I have all my stuff that I had on me I don’t think I have your fish no yeah I got all my 10 Cod I am certain I had 10 Cod huh maybe check the chest that creeper is waiting for me I’m pulling Cod out of the chest I don’t know if it’s mine or not but it’s mine now okay it’s yours now okay I’m going to put this bone in the chest so Frankie can get it I’m going to put this bowl in the chest I don’t know why I think I can snipe a creeper from a water water elevator I’m going to go see if I can find a cat I should probably just head towards the village but I want to find that cat that’s just wandering around out there no I I think the the one that’s like on our house is kind of the one to go for for sure yeah I think that’s ethical okay oh um I’d like to say hi to Audrey um who has been my friend since middle school and uh who is apparently watching the stream right now hiy hi Audrey I don’t know why I both sounded like parents like greeting some of my kids friends hi Audrey you want some on a log how you how your mother I just remembered recently that people from UK and possibly Europe in general don’t know what you’re talking about if you say that and explaining doesn’t make you sound any less insane because you have to say the words then you pack the celery full of peanut butter and admittedly as soon as you say that out loud you do kind of hear it like yeah yeah I don’t know I guess we just like eating bugs out here in the US survey no not that part I mean the part where we pack celery full of peanut butter who’s idea with that I don’t I like celery and I like peanut butter but I don’t think they do anything for each other like together I just found the funniest [ __ ] spawn I found I found a a chest in the cart sitting out in the open on the Overworld hooray oh I love when that happens diamond oh that’s a spider spaw no no I wasn’t moving I was just standing here with a fish hey hey hey hey I’m going to die poison go to hell diamond who needs to work hard when you can simply look in the random chest huh is easy look inside a chest and find friend of diamond uhhuh suckers work I’m going to see if I can [ __ ] up this spider spawner before it our lives of poisonous spiders rewards me I rewarded by put a torch right on top of a spawner still works I hope mhm it loves me do you guys got any objections if I bring some spider home to decorate our house with I’ll do it hell yeah come here come here K I’m going to leave the spider spawner uh undestroyed but like with a torch on it in case we ever need to generate spiders for some reason okay you never know not do I not remember how to tame a cat is that what’s going on here sad it could have changed sometimes the mechanics change on stuff like that I do I do you feel like I remember something about like you got to like wait for the cat to like walk towards you while you hold the fish but I don’t know if I can verify that uh if anyone in chat knows you can volunteer that information freely you saw were like what kind of snack is that yeah that makes sense to Frankie you haven’t seen that thing yet it’s great oh no I haven’t I bet it’s wonderful there’s another one from that same DLC that’s um macaroni Lobster and I love it it’s my little holy [ __ ] Lobster I think is what it’s called I see this just a dead end yeah it’s just a dead end that’s okay now it’s a lit Dead End chat do you want to learn about Japanese pronouns uh real quick before you do that Fantasmic G glitch says you got to crouch and wait for the cat to approach you while you have the fish in your hand go ahead that’s cute um friend of Jacob is obsessed with uhgo and EMT uh for good reason they’re great charact characters um oh this yes uh last night uh Frankie and I were just kind of shooting the [ __ ] and I’ve gotten into the habit of looking up like you know oh how does this character talk how do they use pronouns in Japanese to refer themselves and others so um aut a lark you know just for fun because I’m I’m looking at hassel’s speech patterns I’m thinking this guy talks like really properly you know I wonder if that Ino guy cuz they translate him as sounding pretty proper I wonder if he sounds proper too Chad he doesn’t just sound proper uh he might be speaking a dialect that is equivalent to like customer service language in Japanese but I don’t the F think it’s one to one okay uh he is just speaking hyp here’s the important thing if both of the of the subway Bros spoke the same way it would be very easy for me to say okay he speaks this way because of his job no and go speak super super super super super politely watakushi which watakushi is a very formal pronoun which like I don’t know it’s not like the most formal and it’s not formal in a way that comes off like your pain in the ass meanwhile EMT here’s literally how I think you could translate how EMT talks hey you kids what are you doing over there that is how I think he sounds based on the language he’s using meanwhile Ino would be like greetings children well specifically uh I I think he’d be like uh hey uh pardon me today young Miss uh if I could bother you for a minute to tell you a couple of the subway rules that you need to be dealing with like it’s like still New York I almost imagine like midlantic this kid went to finishing school he went to an etiquette Club their parents did this to them as a prank they kept them in separate rooms until they were like 10 I have a tropical fish on me oh light me says my alltime favorite thing I learned about Ingo is when I heard His Japanese voice lines for Pokemon Masters and realized he so low the actor Peaks his mic a couple of times holy [ __ ] yeah I was looking through some of his Japanese dialogue the the bravo bravo was very cute ah skelet but um yeah he [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you know does the oh someone got killed by scallet it says who sad I don’t know who it’s very sad that this happened or good um and uh uh you know he uses like all the polite like desimas which is interesting because uh contrast with Emma who will compress them Allah nimona into uh neona compresses them into dacha and he goes even further he compresses it into daa instead of just desimas yeah which the result is like kind of casual in a way that’s really funny for like the context of meeting a new person especially yeah like it’s not like all the way to like hey [ __ ] you it’s not like that kind of language he’s not using omay or anything out here yeah it’s it’s interesting um like comparatively just to suggest how polite the speech is clel your Headmaster uses Watashi uh GA the league champ uses Watashi uh they refer to usually Watashi is like perfectly fine for like polite speech even in like a business context um you know uh they’ll refer to you as anata uh you know sometimes K they want to be more familiar um and if they’re older than you it’s not that rude for someone to call you like keimy is like if someone your own age is meeting you and immediately calls you key that’s like someone going hey buddy and going in for a hug yeah when you’ve just met basically um and not that as normal but if they’re older than you it’s like an older person going like ah hey kid but what’s interesting is that uh Ingo refers to you as an Sama very poite very interesting what a [ __ ] little that that’s literally equivalent to going up to and remember you’re a child in that game you’re like 15 years old Max so he’s walking up to you going ah young sir yes it’s very cute um which I find Charming honestly also intriguing is that uh you know it’s a little weird that brassus uses Katakana Watashi whatever weird guy Jes Christ what’s happening with him uh he uses Kama to refer to you incredibly [ __ ] rude what’s his goddamn problem that’s worse than my that’s worse than T what’s his [ __ ] deal dude that’s like he I feel like the result is like kind of arch yeah like not quite rude can I knock down a beehive and keep it if he was being localized oh go ahead uh put a campfire under it first okay uh if brassus was being localized in the early Pokemon days he would have a French accent God yeah he would uh he would have he would have Z’s French accent and Hassel would uh sound precisely like this yeah he would have sound like LaVon Hassel should have the fruity slightly English accent professors get Hassel has an interesting pronoun too um yes he refers to himself as chose which uh it’s a son Koo I believe which is the one where you’re referring to yourself through humble terms uh what’s also it is a very go Ahad what’s also interesting is that it’s uh terminology academics will use when they’re writing papers to refer to themselves uh but it is worth noting I had bugs double check and he still uses it during the E4 which to be fair in fiction I think characters tend to change their uh marker language much less than they might do in real life just because you know when you’re writing any fictional character you keep a consistent character voice even though real people might switch up how they talk a lot more than that uh yeah good luck I’m not I’m not getting to bed sorry I’m like 10,000 miles away I’m up here in the farm we finally have a full wheat farm by the way it’s very pleasing oh let’s go uh and just for context for how Hassel talks he is using a hyper formal way of speaking that as bug says is tinted slightly academic but what’s interesting is that he’s using it in a format that is very humble even even though you’re his student and it’s possible that that’s just common in a way that I haven’t run into yet like maybe that’s just a way teachers talk sometimes but it’s interesting given what we find out later about his familial history yes because the way he would have been raised would have had him speaking there’s no way he was raised to talk like that zero way even to his dad was almost certainly like not this kind of specific speech and he was probably T taught to speak the other way where your high rank and it’s technically formal I should look into how uh the dragon teamers talk like like Lance particularly yeah the ones who visit that’s a good thought yeah yeah yeah uh my other favorite one uh so um Larry’s pretty standard Larry refers to himself he just talks like an office man he talks like office man from Office land he refers to himself as jeun kind of normal like this one well cheon’s really normal but it also typically suggests coming from a structured business so much that it could literally imply like a cop or a firefighter or someone who works in a really heavily structured company yeah will use jeone which is funny because he doesn’t what’s wrong with him um and so um you know and he’ll gosh I forget how he refers to you but it’s not really enough that it maybe remember um but what’s interesting is RA refers to herself as ran and you as jibon incredible very weird very weird it’s like if every time you talk to someone you called yourself miss or mix or Mister whatever your name is but in like a cut it feel like introducing yourself to someone of sweetie r ah ah what’s killing me I’m on the campfire okay how pretty never seems to like T can you where do you plant trip plants do you here yeah you go here that’s nice uh they can also go one block deep in the water whoa oh I should do that actually it’s not planting might need to be on dirt though this is Clay I’ll just put it here that looks nice oh we got a lily pad that’s nice oh yeah I fished L up is nice cool I just turned into uh the mom from Bob’s Burgers eventually when I’m playing oh it’s so nice it’s nice oh look at that oh look at that if you’re not real then how can I feel this way Little Lily [Music] Pad that someone posted that clip and I always get like it’s good you have to watch it is the you do you do you do I’m going to drop off this wheat my fish go oh I put it in the chest sorry I did that ah thank good night star cat good night star cat bug just running around in the jungle mostly dead looking at pointy rocks what’s happening over there don’t tadle on me don’t tattle on me I’m having fun I’m enjoying a game H having fun is what matters uhhuh this is how bugs plays uhhuh I’m allowed I’m allowed to do this I mean I’m about to go jump into like the caves again so away I’m getting anything useful done in there but ow there is a creeper near the farm I’m not near the farm so we can just stay there all right cool we get a scarecrow zombie I wish there’s an alternate way of getting feathers I guess I could find a village with a Fletcher in it I miss when zombies dropped feathers me too who do they not anymore no they don’t boo that’s been true for a real long time now well it’s not something you’d notice if you’re busy sprinting off into the Wilderness let’s that’s true that’s true you have to you have to think like a cougar it’s true bugs who’s shooting at me who’s shooting at me you’re shooting at me kill give me your B the G please leave me alone bones you [Music] bones got to make like a little like hiding spot in here maybe I like get a fence built this is nice no sir you’re not allowed to come over here no sir sir there’s a construction zone sir going have to ask you to leave Jesus they should add Falcon re to Minecraft so true I tell you what there’s definitely a mod for that I have found several mods for that actually oh really that makes sense unfortunately um what was it one of them was fabric one of them was unstable and yeah that makes complexity level2 yeah you’re going to get that h o underwater lava that’s fun oh oh uhoh what server closed no it’s not I’m just going to log back in Minecraft realms you’re not going to do this to us right you’re paid service Minecraft realms the curs or was that just me huh did we all disconnect or was that just me no it was me too it was all of us okay it’s not letting me back in it’s not letting me back in either did they run like a server reset oh no I’m in I’m in in just took a second okay good to know sometime that [ __ ] really funny cuz I was in the I was in the middle of making a gate so I had that like Split Second where you’re like did that some did that yeah it was the moment I put my head underwater over here okay here we go we have a very sad guard system in place now where blank that you land on if you come into the cave I’m in the cave you’re never in the bed when I’m near the beds we’re kind of doing a lady hwk thing here a little yeah yeah yeah H’s being communicated over there yeah yeah yeah you got potato for me you got potato for Frankie nice pot for me yeah you got potato you son of a [ __ ] I think you can make them bigger if you put a water block above them go to bed bugs bugs what huh bugs go to bed you were so lost in the rap city of putting stalactites on our beautiful which I can’t blame you for it’s nice cuz they’re beautiful they’re nice they are nice you know what it adds a certain something it does it add they had dripping water for our mosses that’s to say what all right attempt number two at taming the cat I am off Yay good luck good luck thank I’m going back in the hole anything here I need oh yeah I found a bunch of [ __ ] flowers yay penies I love [ __ ] flowers yeah I bet you do oh the hollow night music is really good zoning out I I I’ve listened to several thousand hours of hollow night music while playing Hollow night you know Jesus that’s a lot of cobwebs they’re nice they’re Oh you mean the ones in the C yeah listen I kind of got lost and forgot what I was doing I didn’t want to put damage on you can just turn those into stri ah baby zombie baby zombie help help help okay uh is it okay if I take like every torch and go light up the caves yeah that’s what I’m doing seems reasonable to me cool we we we have like plenty of like we have a lot of stuff on us we we don’t need to like conserve our coal right now really is the cat plus that’s literally partially what I’m doing down here I’m just like slowly think it was somewhere around [Music] here man I always love it when M shafts just go off into the middle of a cavern it rules yeah that’s a good [ __ ] I always like the way that they just feel like no actual person made them yes it’s a a natural thing look at you you’re loafing again there’s the camel what are you doing Joe please don’t name the Camel [Laughter] Joe how about Marley yeah how about uh cloves no no oops every button is wrong nope nope get on the camel I know it was around here somewhere yeah there’s the marker I left to make sure I’d know where it was what’s that flower oh yeah Isn’t that cool damn you’re doing a lot of work in here thank you I I figure this is actually kind of a useful way to light up around here mhm I wish I knew if taking the Clippers to you would like let me take you home right I guess I could find out I got a pair of shears on me so well sometimes you get cave Ling these days so oh really that’s cool yeah it’s good I think uh I think our cat might just be gone uh it’s okay C free spirit um come back or it won’t or maybe it went back to the Village mhm I think uh whether our cat went back to the Village or not I think that’s where I should go to get a cat yes agreed they always have a lot they won’t mind it does go off with the shears I can bring it home what’s it say when Spore Blossom it’s good to sleep under Spore Blossom right yeah no that sounds good to that’s healthy there’s an AAL down here there’s an A A shello down here that’s an AEL yeah down here look it’s in the deepest part of the pit I am ABS oh I see you I have a bucket you have a bucket I have a bucket get it okay can bring it to our pond okay okay okay um yeah okay I know how to get down from here it’s white steal some Moss nice oh no it’s kind of like Blue did they have a color variation hi do you want to hang out how do I where do you go that’s a good achievement name yeah that is a good achievement name it’s cute it’s accurate it is yeah they’re they’re intense oh I want to scavenge CH to do it [ __ ] it the skelets aren’t using it I’ll you I’ll I’ll steal steal some if I ever find like an area we’re not like running around in you know okay how you get the Glo Vines hanging from the underside of the mft buildings hello I’m uh here to help with your feral cat problem oh there’s an Ender in here I hear it I was about to get excited that there a chest when I res that’s our chest it’s not fun we have a chest down here yeah uh if you take the water elevator that’s like the first one you get to uh I’ve got kind of a set up oh nice uh thank you it’s just like a chest and a smelter and no I don’t even think there’s a smelter I should put a smelter over there actually I’ll make a smelter I can make a smelter here don’t you zombie at me don’t you [ __ ] zombie at me you [ __ ] amateur give me your potatoes no potato s out here attacking me and i’t got no potato what are you going to do I do oh see it’s the stone being destroyed by pickaxe sound that’s that’s what inevitably hypnotizes me yeah it’s good all the cats in this Village oh that makes sense yeah just Raman why are there so many tropical fish in this cave I don’t know something about a cape is beguiling to fish I suppose maybe this is where tropical fish come from maybe there was a there was a hurricane recently and a bunch of the aquaculture places got hit oh um and now there’s like a real invasive species problem there’s pink brown yellow white I think it’s okay if in the Cav because they keep oh okay thank you sorry you were saying uh oh I was just going to say uh I think down here it’s okay for there to be tropical invasive fish because they keep beaching themselves on the platforms ah which they have to swim up to get to all the cats gone I know there were cats in this Village I saw several they wander off I tell you they wander wow the sports coming down is really pretty like right I think that the Spore Blossom will do that in our house which again I think is good yeah hell yeah brother I feel like I feel good I feel good I want to climb yeah I want to climb I think we should make friends with some birds brother my eyes were we [ __ ] riffing no none of that I figur we were riffing on about that with the other night chest goofy enchanted book piercing IV hell yeah brother let let’s get pierced n says you actually need tropical fish in a bucket to breed a shult so it makes sense you’d find them down here does it really do they oh that’s cool I’m learning some things I didn’t know before let me put a torch over this so you know it’s empty I appreciate that I’m just doing like [Music] Edge really good Moss Len yes glow lien baby no no no no no no what I I should make like a area oh if it’s got a torch on top of it I went through there uh nope it doesn’t it’s got web on top of it okay put put a torch on it uh I have nothing to break SW uh webs right now oh good luck in your time I’m going to make you a sword to leave in the Box by the end find the little base area you’re so nice to me thank you it’ll be funny later when you absolutely don’t pick it up uhhuh actually you know what put this a little bit in our pond I think maybe the pond might be a little small for it but for now it’s good may we can expand it yeah we can expand okay there we go oh here we go P just for you huh you like this yeah do like to eat small fish sometimes so I guess it makes sense Minecraft is a mysterious Place uh really good I should not have gone home when it got dark I should have stayed where the cat was and kept an eye on it it’s okay but a snail the cat’s fine we’ll find a cat somewhere cats Minecraft oh hi Mr Ender’s oh you can really just see distant spider eye glittering coming from somewhere in here I hope my wonderful friends come home soon so I can go to bedy by why do you always do this when we’re like doing things I hope my friends go to sleep soon it’s not happening I’m doing a ah actually I’m about to die from this leave me alone get your own bed who’s in your bed fail oh that’s fine don’t H it snail all right fine I’m coming hold on no it’s okay oh yay hi get I can put here look look look look look look oh this is nice we should go climb we’ve really made a real biome in here yeah hey come come up come up come up come up hold on I want to put glowen on the look at this come look at this okay yeah that is pretty oh good little yeah when you put bone meal on all right what you want to some come on I want to show you something cool when we have a mangrove tree that we can Harvest oh it really spreads those spores for a while huh yeah that’s okay that’s cool going to come out and find our C’s green that’s fine are you just showing me the astral phone come on you know where that is look at him look at him he’s beautiful a good little dude he’s fast oh we should use the name tag on him we didn’t even name the camel uh we haven’t named the camel yet we don’t have an anvil oh that’s right back to the caves okay whoa what are these Sprouts I think those are mang those are mangrove propagules oh cool yay C propagules the B terrarium we we all for our own reasons enjoy Moss like a bug and a snail that makes sense but me I’m just from the Pacific Northwest he’s just a pervert for this stuff I don’t know what to tell you from the Pacific Northwest she a pervert in the Holly definition of Po perhaps yes a chased Burger thanks you’re welcome I’m going to take not engaging in this I’m going to take one of these chests to keep by the fishing pond go for it any any chests that are like left out and around what’s down there is there something there you are I found the cat oh good yay J all right let me get to a good spot okay there we go now we can fish up food and keep it in there really love the mix of like open Glow Cavern and about this m shaft and whatever’s going on with this lava flow over here I’ve got an empty bucket on me actually oo I get up to where the source is no but I could get water from down here here here kitty KY no don’t go that way that’s the wrong way go that way don’t listen to them cat do you want protection from creepers or not don’t listen cats listen to me what bugs wants has nothing to do with the bit uhhuh I went for nothing I’d like protection from creep thank you my dear friend I want that mative FLH because it’s like the size of like a human baby and I want to hold it and it will be my human baby that sounds nice oh boy there going to be a lot of cobblestone over here that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay how do I clay do I need a shovel I don’t have a shovel is that really T ah mhm there’s always that tense moment with lava where like you’re not sure how the flow is going to go mhm and then it turns out it is going towards you because why wouldn’t it be I can hear the cat making the little begging for fish noise and I think it’s above me shoot that’s that’s very cat like buddy I can’t give you fish unless I can see you please please please please you have to please oh man Romeo Romeo’s learned that my mom there’s another astral down here what what color pink pink o we could have it’s brown kind of ooh just having fun in the mud buddy want to let it be okay I’m getting coal I’m going to get black lung for my friends thank you you’re welcome hi Mr Enderman don’t you worry about me none I know how to honor the Covenant Bud yes yay y good job good job snail okay okay all right Kit Kat let’s go home oh kit Kat’s a good name hello glowberries hello Moss hello coal oh oh beautiful flat square of coal my darling ah Skillet where are you where are you where are you KitKat is just a thing I call random cats no I cat’s name but it it’s like how I call a lot of animals bunny that makes sense all that climbing and now I’m at ground level I can see daylight down here I’ve been going down for like okay it’s like that sometimes it is like that sometimes isn’t [Music] it we’re going to need more chests soon I don’t want to deal with that right now yippee what is this well it’s dead now all right cat is home where should cat live around house yeah I think so come here Kit Kat I’m going to put some flowers on the roof [Music] okay there you are pretty we do this in the Pacific Northwest exactly you enjoy the Moss you honor the Moss you propagate the Moss what a good kitty you have to the Moss the Moss what a good kitty you want another fish yeah all right cat get yay well done quite good orange desert over there gonna find out yay be back when I die okay don’t be safe could be me running off this mountain that does it okay Laz yay yay now we can have all the blue we want it’s nice to have blue it was very rare for quite a while it was you know for a while snail back in our day snail is older than me I’ve also been playing Minecraft since it was in not even bed probably longer oh yeah you remember the snow no snow days mhm do you remember when fire would just keep burning forever it was the world Ender yes it owned it did not oh it was epic it was very cool to me it was Panic inducing because you would find like an everblaze because like a lava pool would spawn still hey I have stopped getting hungry in Minecraft I’ve noticed have you guys stopped getting hungry in Minecraft uh if you’re not running it uses your health doesn’t actually go down very fast sometimes but also I’m not getting hungry but I don’t think we have peaceful more turned on I look a little bit hungry okay okay um I was going to okay yeah I’m getting now that I’m sprinting around in the open air I’m getting hungry I think hunger doesn’t really go down unless you’re using stamina or you’re like fighting and then it like replenishes your health from your hunger it’s not like a going down all the time thing okay thankfully yeah in my in my very first Minecraft world um a fire burned down the entire spawn area near me mhm mhm um and when it was over there was just one wooden block hanging in midair that was still on fire and I kept waiting and waiting and waiting and the the wooden block never burned up and it just stayed on fire fin just made a little Shrine around it no that’s what you do that’s absolutely what you do to the forever burning log yeah that’s like scent as a message see I always like how easily Minecraft induces like small digital cult Behavior yeah just because of like the patterns I always liked building uh Enderman shrines personally oh that’s nice I don’t know if they appreciate it but it was more fun back in the day when they could pick up anything so the idea would be that you’d put down like a really luxurious block and if it got picked up you’d been honored you know you set down like a Lapis La block or a gold block or if you’re really doing good at diamond block or but honestly just a dyed sheep’s wool you know that shows intent I think yeah oh I think I found the bamboo hell that bugs was Trapped In Forever yay welcome um oh god um this melon plant is positioned near this campfire you can move it all right there’s like seven melon plants up there it’s fine I’m being hunted for sport in these Woods yay yippee I’m in the deep sleep oh there’s a cave there’s a cave there’s a big ravine hey stop shooting me we’re in bamboo I can’t kill you back you know what I’m just going to leave this actually I don’t care enough oh oh here we go Mangrove tree oh wow oh Chad isn’t on stream anymore oh let me fix that sorry yeah let us know when that happens thank you uh this is a big Mangrove tree okay yeah that’s what I was seeing when I walked by I was like oh that’s a okay wow chat’s [ __ ] tiny on the screen hang on what the [ __ ] sorry about that it’s uh still I haven’t used Minecraft since we had to poured everything over yes so we don’t have like a preset yeah oh spiders will climb up in the bamboo and drop down on you uh-huh pretty cool right it’s bad out here uh who has the bucket I have one of the bu buckets I will bring it back when I’m dying shortly you can also just use some of our iron to make a bucket we have we have a good amount of ir T of ir wait well here’s the other bucket hello my bed now it’s all outside he there’s iron out here smell the chat Oh I thought that was on purpose we were ants tonight that’s right baby kill us no that’s that’s right that’s right it’s nap time now here we go nap okay now it’s the time of naps uh before everybody runs off again okay let me oh there’s an Enderman over there um okay bucket bucket who had a bucket me uhoh did somebody look at the you looked at bugs bugs you ran into the house and he seems real mad about the house weird well anyways what you’re saying snail I got the bu I can watch snail what’s up all right use the water bucket on this mango fruit block uh-huh like that wow now I don’t I’d have to get more water trying to watch something find yeah I know it’s cool no idea why that’s happening huh yeah oh man it’s been so long since I last heard that noise I just never get the mad and so I just kind of forgot they made that sound oh there’s Mangrove Roots over here now too how much mango root you put down um I didn’t put those roots down those occurred naturally okay damn what the [ __ ] yeah that’s cool yeah so they form water log blocks and if we can get two of them yeah next to each other um you can actually make them sort of solid walls of roots and water that’s cool I don’t think we need that for our house but it is very cool I just wanted to show it off no totally understandable we should just leave it though I think it’s funny emergency water source exactly can I run off into the Horizon now yeah yay cave ow hi kitty cat all right good kitty so Golden Apple Moss red stone lesli clay coal ra iron it’s almost 1:00 a.m. we got two minutes we got two minutes oh boy all right so we should do a checkup on are we going to go for an hour past 1:00 a.m. or are we going to wrap up after 1:00 a.m. I know we’re all having fun but it is still worth checking in with your your energy levels your bodly needs how much you’re going to turn into dust as soon as the stream is over MH what you thinking snail I can go for a bit um it’s okay if you can’t how about you how you feel yeah I’m all right all right all right I’m I’m a little low energy but I’m all right how about you wait hold on back up slightly I can keep going I think I just need to get my headphones off the top of my head [Music] okay about I’m feeling a little bit sleepy but not in like a tired out way just like a weeping streaming way I the problem here’s the problem all of us are internally going but it’s fun to play Minecraft friends yeah so uh how about we try to wrap up and do the break like maybe at one recheck in at like 1:30 cuz seems reasonable sure it is what hour on the East Coast where a snail is it is 4:00 a.m. right now oh snail snail snail are you sure you want to be up I’m good um I plann for this I don’t have anything to do tomorrow until 4: p.m. so yes all right okay that’s why I asked to move the date a couple days instead of just the one day that’s totally sense oh I got to a new area of platforms okay it is one now we do have to stop all right okay all right we’re going to take our last SL second to last break for the night we will take a small break before we go to Fan Art tonight if there’s any fan art never required if we don’t get fan art we congratulate everybody on saving their goddamn wrists and clap and go yay yay yay y yay go away because that also means we get to end the stream not that we don’t love fan art just that it’s like coming home after like a really long car trip mhm where like you get inside and go yeah but for night now as always now’s a good time to get up stretch have a little snack have a little walk around get yourself a drink I’m going to drink some fluids and we’ll be right back BRB for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] H oh well kittens will do this what are kittens doing uh kitten broke a glass hello hi I I got distracted by cool Tik Tok with vintage photos of fat people in cool fashion existing and being alive it’s good ooh I think are you going to link us to it I’ll go if I just reblogged it I can probably just find out on my blog real quick hold on let’s see there it is yeah what what did you just re why did you just just reload the okay I just don’t question when Tumblr does things mhm I’ll just put it in I don’t think I’m going to find cows here hey thanks for the follow crocodile crocodile that’s a great name that’s a really good name yeah oh I forgot to like ever shout out the follows we got uh let me do that now before I pop back into the game because we had a lot of stuff going on scroll SC thank you so much for following uh between the last time we streamed sunflower Muppet Knitter star gloss 170 Addy 4356 Clover the crybaby thank you all very much for following we appreciate there’s a baby a solal in here what it’s yellow baby sorry I took your dad I’m sorry I just wanted to get a friend you didn’t take it dad there’s more there’s I’ve literally seen several more I’ve seen at least one more ashel at me like that I’m so sorry it probably wasn’t its dad I don’t think ashel loal do like a lot of baby like raising it’s fine I always kind of like animals like that or like where it’s like you know I it’s always funny when you get like very carefully takes care of the egg as soon as baby is hatched it’s like ah never mind yeah can you just imagine like what the [ __ ] is that all right whatever you going to pay rent oh all right see you I’m going back to the ocean bye talking about cuddle fishes this time seems like you got it worked out bye cuttlefish don’t cuttlefish don’t leave they die oh potato potato not really I take your point but presumably there’s still a moment of the [ __ ] is that oh well there was guys in there moral the story there was a baby in there there’s a guy in there what speaking of okay I’m fine actually oh it’s just a fish H fish I’m having a lot of fun trying to like light up as much as our like M shaft like platforming in here as possible yeah I’m having fun doing that in the dep right now [ __ ] arrows bastard can’t jump over that Gap can you huh smart guy smart guy can’t jump that one block Gap huh got potatoes for me the problem is every zombie just because like every now and then you get a potato or carrot I’m always like what if mhm could be real could be real could be potato oh I’ve got that I love when you have the arrows stuck out of you for a bit yeah very good oh jeez we got some M shaft dead end there’s so much gold around here I just haven’t even been mining it yeah cuz like we don’t really oh cobweb cobweb cobweb cobweb cobweb okay oh I think I think we need more chests we absolutely need more chests and reorganize stuff into those chests but I’ve been waiting no follow up just haven’t done it yet theme of we need more chests kind of is how much M shaft we have down here and a lot of it doesn’t really go anywhere it’s cool looking though yeah it’s it’s mft is its own reward yeah EX exactly it’s intriguing you know it’s intriguing I enjoy him plus I’ve got most of I’m getting a lot of the cavern lit up which is satisfying hell yeah oh now we’re talking coal baby fun of run a maze exactly I have put a chest in in the house next to the crafting table thank you it has food in it there’s also a chest back in the nook uh I’ll probably start using the Nook to like put some organizational things seems good back storage um I’m going to gather up the rest of the food from this chest okay some there’s probably some in the uh chest by the farm I’ve kind of just been dropping stuff off there sometimes oh we got the Pokemon route music let’s go for bra glaze the good [ __ ] like a oh don’t mind me sir pardon pardon this leads out into the open air again anything else in here edible or something you turn into something edible if you’re mhm you just like TI please please no please minerals no please I I refused that’s fair fell in a hole fell in a hole I know where I am now sugar can rain cocoa beans sure actually cocoa beans I’m going to leave out Enderman you get those from time to time mhm I will put cocoa beans in food chests when we have uh cocoa beans established grow yeah okay uh I could use like a jungle sapling I’m just out in the Mesa so I’m just going to wander at night okay oh wow there’s like a beautiful like River circling a Mesa yeah isn’t it great that looks nice it’s so pretty I do really like this biome aesthetically I do too it’s uh very rewarding it is very dramatic all right I’m taking a nap what are you what the [ __ ] are you e oh yeah what is that the spider is going to kill me before I can find out what the hell that was hang on that is a monster I do not recognize hang on hang on show me the way I’m going to die too late I died yeah yeah yeah but show me you said you just saw the uh Mesa right surrounded by the water yeah but I can’t lead you back out there I can I know where that is come on if you care to this way I don’t if that monster is still going to be there but it’s worth a try I’m hoping well no I won’t say it what what that’s okay I I suspect spoilers are being preserved there is there is a new thing and I’m hoping you found the new thing if I found the new things I saw it for two seconds before a spider like ate my skull so I believe it’s over here I didn’t get a great look it was humanoid maybe okay yeah uh and I died like round about over here in this area I think think yeah I was headed like this way because this is like the Walk of the ground I looks to me like all the monsters got despawned when we slept huh I wonder what it was next time we’ll have to just come back out while it’s still night if I see something I’m going to keep walking though okay you know seems like as good a direction as any was to look for cows so I’m just going to follow for oh yeah there’s cows that away shoot did I remember I did not remember to bring wheat with me uh wheatless mean nice mean or nice you you know what you can walk out here and see if there’s still cows and then you know there’s cows this way it’s true all right I don’t know if that’s helpful but we could also find a village who know there should be catnip if there’s kitties oh there should be that’ be cute if you could plant something and it would like up your chances of a cat just appearing oh that’d be cute if it gave your cat some sort of uh I see a green tree this direction like a bright green lank uh Frankie is Dead Ahead that way I just saw them him I could start sprinting at any minute his his Bright Beautiful pink Hawaiian shirt stuck Out Among the trees like a fluttering autumn leaf and honest to God part of what I like about my style of dress is that it makes me easier to see in low lighting conditions mhm I’m going to do a stake out for whatever that humanoid was I’m on my Bigfoot [ __ ] out here oh man still don’t know where Frankie is but I am over here now well if you spot a bright green tree and head that direction that’s the biome I’m headed to looks like a regular Plains and Forest over here some birch trees oh flowers oh this might be Flower Valley ooh there might be an especially flowerful uh patch of patch of prairie I suppose depends if there’s tul lips no just a really flowery patch in a little Prairie oh there’s a savan over that way all I’m going to collect some uh saplings while I’m out here not seeing especially green trees out this way I I might have just wandered off in a way you won’t never find what is this oh it makes stick all right I’ll take it oh the little like scrubby Branch plants yeah I like those me axe me Ax me AE gone up not a single bir sapling huh [ __ ] I I wonder okay something kills me oh yeah it’s that time and night on the Stream mhhm or if it’s the Mellow night there’s a severe danger of lapsing into totalen oh yeah huh oh yeah you might have found where I found all right we have to talk to the audience hi audience well I mean a lot of times we’re talking to each other so that’s the problem is that if we laps into like comfortable voice call Shell uhhuh but there’s no actual like mirr on in the background so that’s right there’s no Northern journey in the background while we work on stuff sad we’re not allowed to I have found pigs and jungle trees oh yeah o jungle trees okay you went a completely different direction than me good luck I am going to get some jungle logs that’s a good idea hopefully I will also get some saplings but if worst comes to worst we can stick cocoa beans to logs and that will work I I always kind of like doing it that way it feels like propagating mushrooms mhm oh I don’t have stone for a stone axe this is so sad out here in the scrub with my wooden axe sad well there’s other the first savan well I I love the there are actually there’s a cat we all know of the cat oh yeah the cat of Frankie bu his cat PA his cat oh yeah all right I stand there are other Frankies I always remember because they always have to talk about them by going Frankie parenthesis cat yeah which I appreciate those is sweet to do this oh and there’s also uh Frankie the cyborg from One Piece oh yeah that’s Franky he’s spelled different all right which is funny because I used to have to be insistent about that and now I have to be insistent it’s not Frank Frank you can’t call me Frank no one can call me Frank why that one’s off limits every now and then someone wants to call me Frank as a nickname and now and I was already like I’m the kind of person where like you know there’s nickname nicknames but I’m like no you call me my name the name I asked you to call me my name the name that’s my name mhm but now it is an absolute noo no no no I I love frank the character it’s just extremely weird to get called the same name as a character you voice yeah that he’s my favorite that’s why I addition I auditioned for both my favorites I win at life you do and I auditioned for howdy but I don’t mind that I lost out on Howdy synth is just kind of does that syn’s a [ __ ] Champ now man I love seeing people be like Barnaby and and howdy are voiced by the same person like yes yes there’s a big river over here okay I’m going to have to return to the house and start doing menial things I can feel my wander lust fading it’s time for Sprint into the Horizon technique oh wait wait wait swamp ooh swamp swamp swamp it’s like my activation code no it’s just a jungle boo well maybe you’re near where I am although this is actually pretty open for a jungle it’s just I think I found like I I think it’s the same jungle biome but like approached from a different area cuz the funny thing is is that unless you have a map Minecraft is much like real life and you’ll just kind of start going in circles uh which is why if you’re lost especially in the woods it’s not actually a good idea unless you are very sure unless you have a form of navigation you can use a compass a map like your phone has service if you get genuinely lost in the woods you are going to walk in a circle it might be a big circle but humans default to circles and I know that this is a PSA that like probably most of our audience will’ll never use but yeah unless got a landar I actually had some firsthand experience with that uh when I was in the area with the red mangroves that’ll do it and our professor actually warned us cuz what we were doing is we were trying to make a really big transect and a transect is like a grid uh usually made with uh wire or string or something uh thought I thought a transect is what happens when a Tumblr friend group actually forms a wicked coven well there’s also that but that’s a different type of trans set I think oh I see um but what you do is you uh divide a large space up into small squares and then you count all the things in each of those squares and it makes it easier to count all the things period and some are very small some are like grids on PVC pipes that you just lay over a tide pool uh but this one was very big which I love a lot um yeah go on they’re they’re good they’re good this one uh but this one was very big because it was supposed to be covering this whole section of mangrove forest and our teacher actually warned us for whatever reason what humans perceive as a straight line is actually slightly curved and if you don’t use uh your your compasses to make sure that you are walking in a a straight line what you’re going to do is you’re going to curl around in a circle and we are not going to get a transect uh this is one of my favorite just real quick I love this fact about humans because something that goes with it is that you will be convinced absolutely certain you’re walking in a straight line we have no compensation for it and MythBusters checked this and their final check was like does it is it any different with a bucket on our head we do it with a bucket on our head it’s it’s not us being fooled by like the Lo the stuff around us we just do this we cannot make ourselves walk in a straight line for that long sorry but go on though your professor was explaining that to you yes and then uh our group actually lost our Compass oh no um it uh and if when you lose something in a mangrove swamp it it’s lost you’re not getting it back I don’t think you get it back I don’t think you get it back um but our group decided to forge ahead anyway no um because we were we were far enough off that it would have been very difficult to backtrack and we weren’t sure where anyone else was so we tried to keep walking in a straight line and we did this until we ran horizontally into another one of the groups that we were supposed to be parallel to and the funny thing is that might be part of why we do that like it I I’ve literally heard explanations that’s like well if you walk in a circle you’re slightly likely to like wind up back where you started anyways and since for a lot of our history we would have been like walking out of Camp to like go somewhere I don’t know how much like credit to give that that’s not that word that’s okay possible I do think it’s funny I’m lost in the woods by the way and it’s dark okay good yeah same here oh there’s a spider there’s several spiders yeah I’m I’m kind of doing the time honored Minecraft technique where you deal with they being Monsters by just kind of no thank you walking oh hey snail hey you want to I don’t know how we did this we met face to face y’all need to know we walked in different directions yeah let’s walk through the woods together I was going this way how about we go that way since that’s a direction neither of us were going sure that works hooray what are you up to bugs uh I’m looking for whatever it was that bothered you oh is it oh you’re that’s right you doing on the steak out I’m going to kind of run to get up this hill cuz there’s a skelet over there hello any luck I see something interesting you disguised as a bush out there no I built a little house in the middle of the Mesa I was hiding in it for a bit it was cute no it’s like a hunting blind yeah kind of except now I got herang by skullets that also happen in a traditional hunting blind uh if you use the oldfashioned style yeah they don’t tell you this well you know the new ones skeletons don’t get into them but like it’s it’s like all injection molded plastic M shoot um Frankie I have going upill again keep going uphill I’ll stand on top of a tree yeah you can’t stop to fight the monsters you literally just got to keep sprinting past him that’s the I’m I’m going back the way I was to see if I can see you I’m in an open space now oh there’s a witch over there I don’t know how you got there I’m on top of the hill I’m I’m coming I think we you went I think I went down to find you and you went up the top of the hill okay there you are hi yeah you just got to run past him there’s a witch over there over there we’re going to go that way this is a bad way to go though so we might need to go towards the Witch and just kind of run honor or Glory style or we could make a boat and go on the river I would like to make a boat I I am in favor of boats I got wood on me every now and then I can just hear like bugs have navigating oh yeah with keyboard yeah but like in a grim silence yeah it’s uh it’s not good out here I’ll say that okay I’m going to talk you a boat oh I was just going to make my own boat made you an aaia boat let’s see sket I like this aaia boat thank you okay I didn’t calculate that correctly oh are you there a skeleton riding a spider no I’m fine I did I said I calculated it correctly the river ah ah zombie in the Rob forgot about those no it’s attacking me I’m just going to scoot around in little circles until snail is also here I’m in the river I can see you I’m just carefully making my way down why would you do that I’m actually pretty low on health and out of food so well if you die I’ll just keep going down the river until I die sounds good all right okay there you are let’s go I think this way the other way is a dead end yeah uh this way I still kind of expect these to move the way they used to yeah they’re they’re unhappy but I think if you just zoom they can’t really do much it’s just when I was are good for zooming um I was getting stuck on the terrain a bit there yeah yeah that that’s understandable what’s going on over there got to be like a lava fall in that Hill you sper there’s a cave that glowy going good over there [Music] good well One More River over here where are they going to come to it oh skelet missed there’s the jungle Pumpkins I’m just going to keep going yeah I think we’re just going till we crash into something and die yeah it’s that kind of part of Minecraft yay yippe well bugs stalks uh the Soggy Bottom creature oh I give up on this I I’m in the pond of aelo I think that’s good to do I’m going to go fishing despite everything this found up being a very nice Minecraft stream this was nice than thank you snail well thank you for pulling out a realm server when everything was on fire and I just wanted to you know curl up in a small hole as is what I think that’s just how it feels anytime you have a tech like not use but anytime anyone has a technical problem it feels like you pulled a hamstring emotionally exactly I think we got some prair over here I literally have nightmares like stress stream night nightmares about technical difficulties snail don’t worry and you know what this is like this was what the worst case scenario and it work out fine didn’t it you get hurt oh there’s a cat we can’t possibly bring that home there’s no way I don’t even know where home is I was thinking oh I can get the cow in the boat bird he doesn’t even know where home is yeah but I don’t think this river goes like back to towards home in any meaningful way I think we’re just like out on some Far corner of the map hey Mr Enderman o Flower Valley o y let’s gather some flowers nice find and then next time we play we can can come back with some flows Chad do you like this read jail I put you in what are you doing to them it’s been nice listening to this thank you I’m glad I’m very glad yeah few tulips I got a couple song man God E11 story so well e102 story is so [ __ ] good man I’m still just delighted to hear that because you love him so much there’s no room in your heart for the new robot there isn’t I hate that [ __ ] he didn’t replace him though he’s just a different robot who happens to look just like him no yes so that they could continue to have a robot that isn’t the one who needs to stay dead he did this is a different robot this robot talks and has a personality and hates you I hate him I there’s no joy in your heart I have plenty of Joy I have Whimsy and wonder this this is a grudge from when you were nine I can tell this is how I sound this is how I sound when I start talking about Wizard of Oz adaptations being in buil their beehive on the ground it’s like if you had a family member died like yo we love how much you you love this family member Sonic character the Sonic character the Sonic character character who looks just like your dead family member to come and live with like it this is like you had this is the new [ __ ] goldfish it’s not it’s it’s this is a grudge from when you were 11 this is exactly how I sound when I get heed about the adaptations of of Oz never being accurate to the book in ways that matter to me it’s it’s a real problem but I know that all you’re hearing is M age seven when I talk like that I think the river continues on a little bit over here no it’s a dead end too do you think the Great and Powerful Oz would use Washi because I think he would be an orama type dude oh or Sama for sure it’d be even worse he I think it does actually end can’t here come come with me and see if this is like affordable River uh he would use like a courtly form of a dress when he’s still being the Great and Powerful Oz oh it’s the dumbest thing ever where there is more River over there but we’re separated by like can I just kind of can I just kind of I got I got a shovel hold on we can do this we can make this work we can do it we can do it we can do it don’t push oh no it’s just the water pressure okay we did it we’re free mushrooms Black Forest [Music] ooh anyways he would use a courtly formal term but then when he is revealed he would just use a for sure oh that’d be cool he is a hilarious charlatan I’m going to I’m going to get off here so I can get some black wood this is my favorite type of tree for wood hey I know I know Frankie is reading Yellow Brick ramble uh bugs are you reading Yellow Brick ramble uh no it oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I see it on my feet it’s cute I like that it it’s yeah I I really like it it’s also o doing like its own thing with the story of uh I think specifically Tick Tock of Oz with a little bit of one of the other books but most of the ways where it’s doing that are really fun and the ways that it’s doing it that are like not just correcting for maybe General Ginger shouldn’t be a parody of suff suffragettes where ends with them all going yay we don’t be sufferer Jets anymore I can do laundry again yay that’s good to undo but the other stuff that’s being changed is just like doing your own fun take on Wizard of all stuff uh the the character given to the saor who’s been renamed Logan is very sweet yeah I like that character a lot I I like oh man we got to watch for go ahead uh in the recent update the Scarecrow getting so steamy lights on fire inside of his own head yes he starts to like smoke a little bit that was very C I also love him just being like ambiently mad at the wizard of Ozz because it may be like oh right he was king after The Wizard of Oz like bed he must have been dealing with like his leftover [ __ ] like all the time oh for but in that particular one he is upset on behalf of a child a child who two children yeah two children one he failed in the moment and when he failed in a series of ways which is very fun I wonder that’s going to turn out but we we should watch it we got to watch Return to Oz the movie at some point in P CH a movie that I’m very fond of since I was a child uh it’s it’s one of my favorites it’s also kind of Ming together two different o books but in a way I really enjoy kind of scream Night horror movie for children things right the wheelers yes they’re F they’re they seem scary okay okay they are scary yeah yes but if I see one more Tumblr gift it’s like this isn’t a movie for CH yes it’s a horror movie for children children love that stuff also do those people forget being a child like the way people talk you’d think that when you were a kid you were like stumbling around going Mumsy I saw a spider today I sh sleep for two weeks that’s not what real children are like you know what I was children tell me oh sorry going ahead I was going to say admittedly real children do do things like tell you how every plotline in Hilda is going to turn out because they’re worried that you might get anxious that the children character are having a fight and might not become friends again which was really cute my niece was like seven at the time so the that’s the age where you’re like it’s okay they’re friends again later and it’s like all right I trust you no but you know what I was doing when I was a kid I was reading animore books who here has read anamorphs books no literally someone like had a screen cap of a book uh on Tumblr the other day and I was like that is not only anamorphs that is almost certainly Marcos because he is the only character who would both know the specific species of lizard he’s turning into but would crack wise about it Cassie is not really that I’m so sorry but it was Jak sometimes I saw yeah I always forget Jake exists that’s right everyone forgets Jake exist not our Jake love forget he exists anamorph no our friend Jake I mean Jake of anamorphs Jake who’s also there the problem is is that he’s like that series’s token white boy who doesn’t have anything going on yeah like there other white boy the to is Tobias white yes I think so Tobias is a bird to Tobias has some gender stuff going on that we didn’t have words for at the time yeah I think so yeah and also technically Tobias is half alien oopsie technically he’s ax Mill’s nephew um I was going to say a thing what was I going to say I don’t know uh I think we’re were just talking about when we were kids we were reading anamorph books and also like scary stories to tell in the dark books because the ’90s were kind of go I to like I see a lot of people going like 990 style and like I recognize the Styles they’re pulling from my ’90s were kind of goth I guess I was just goth but no uh in fact that that Institute that studies the um uh stylistic uh you know Trends uh has a really big section on Whimsical goth furniture and Whimsical goth architecture that was big in the ’90s particularly like 95 96 it’s really cool I love that stuff I [ __ ] love yeah it’s always interesting to me because we got so much like a real monsters kind of stuff and like I come I got bored of wandering so I went in lava by the way I came back f with yeah you know what maybe I will come fish with you it’s it’s kind of winding up towards the end I’m getting I’m going to pack up these two boats and then I’m going to go drown yay middle-aged dad Ark okay all real monsters with something uh I’m going to put these flowers inside in this chest we will deal with these chests if we ever come back to this world uh nightmare I mean nightmare for Christmas came on the late 80s but I feel like it was like on VHS in the 90s oh there go snail but that’s kind of when that came through did you guys watch that when like you were kids Nightmare Before Christmas yeah all the time uh in fact I I got to go when I was about 7 to the opening of The Nightmare Before Christmas uh redo it Haunted Mansion and Jack and Sally uh the characters the walks rode in L car with me that’s very sweet from from what I understand I don’t have any memory of it but they were in character the whole time with me cuz I was a kid who was scared of the Haunted Mansion but left The Nightmare Before Christmas very much a you like our new yellow fellow I do but I got to fix what was going on in the surface tension kind of creating a Vortex yeah a little bit it seem to be having fun with it though so yeah a fishy B oh my hook is getting trapped in the vortex though a that’s okay s the fish uh do I need to smooth out the the lake again no I can smooth it out I know how to do it I’m just not going to right now it’s like one Block’s worth of you know what one of my favorite movies was when I was five The Crow I think that’s on the same level as me being like really into The Fifth Element when I was a kid I thought the C is very handsome I I stand by my childhood strangeness there because the Fifth Element still [ __ ] severely but it is actually Tank Girl might be the weirder more the pro level man I need to watch Tank Girl I I was always kind of curious about it as a girls fan I don’t know if it’s good but it rules you know you know what I mean M theme of tank girl kind of like it tank girl I would say is not really like normal like I I would not show it to a child but I don’t begrudge my Gen X parents of going [ __ ] we want to watch Tank Girl yeah does have some slightly gruesome moments uh and it does have a giant burlesque song number done in a future Bordello well that’ll happen uh and it does does have uh kangaroo furries which I think one is Ice Cube I want to say she picking up an AEL give him a bet see what I always find Works to to fix these is actually putting blocks underneath where the vortex is let me show you yeah that’s that’s the sensible thing to do but earlier I actually got it to work without doing that and now Drive you’ll drive yourself to Madness look there now it’s still there okay hold on I know the other way fix this you put blocks under it and then you bucket Let me let me just kind of see oh there we go there we go there we go nice this is great it’s like we’re pulling up the stump in the yard I always like that Bluey episode thank you too I especially like that it’s like things like sometimes grown-ups are also playing and it might look like boring yard work being done while the moms have a beer but that’s kind of just what that looks like yeah I thought that was me getting our hooks are too close together we’re all just like three of us that’s nice yeah just having a fish it’s a good way to close the stream MH that’s what I feel like I still remember the comic book series Tank Girl and the crow I’ve never actually read the comic tank Ro is a oh come on get out of here get out of here hold on get out of here you get out of here we’re having a nice time we’re having a nice time I think I have the one steel sword of all of us Frankie do I look okay did he mess up my face too bad um do I look okay uh I think you’re fine I think it might have got you right in the sports bra yeah I don’t know um the skeletons are out here giv free Top surgery whether you want it or not I’m going to cast slightly further we need a bigger pond maybe maybe next time I read I expand this Pond a bit oh it’s a nice time though it is yeah uh I I’ve always wanted to check out the actual tank girl comic just because I I know the artist m Le mostly I later went like well this gorilla’s art really looks like the art they showed sometimes in the movie Tank Girl which is oh I’m sorry to anyone who knows a lot about Comics who just like felt their soul hurt from me saying that I apologize skeleton gives top surgery doesn’t judge or ask very true that’s true that’s true you know what is an objectively bad movie but had some really cool villain sequences that were worth watching Dar goie leather well yes but that’s not the one I’m thinking of go on also Fern is not that bad I don’t know Fernly was one of my baby you’re forgetting how many heterosexual romance scenes there is in that godamn movie it’s been long enough you are remember the Rival romantic dude who’s like okay okay sorry sorry I hate to do this to you but I have to fight off Nostalgia with a stick the the blonde dude get did almost get eaten by a lizard though that was we we could have done without it though we really could have why does there always have to be a rival romantic partner who’s like from the same people to have it be we I don’t know coko deserved better anyways what movie were you going to say that’s bad that has fun villains that you remember fondly well first you are correct about cokum just I’m right about about that mhm um we’re back a dinosaurs tale oh yes is an objectively awful movie really bad but I liked it a lot too well see snail was there like live for me becoming convinced that the actual plotline of that movie is the supposed good guy using children to murder his brother by proxy well I mean that is the pl of that movie happens he has a time traveling spaceship yes but he somehow has to leave the sentient dinosaurs which he knows his brother get out of here we’re talking we’re having a conversation this is for nice people oh I got to not use the sword in the lake though if I hit theel I’m going to cry if a zombie pushes me in the lake I have to just die I think mhm anyways he could have dropped those dinosaurs off at the Museum he could have dropped those dinosaurs off at the the museum but no he leaves them on the edge of town to just blunder through and cause disasters his brother was just running a horror circus people were paying to get in there you know the worst thing about that is they the the movie tried to set it up like consensual visiting a horror attraction boots was an evil thing to do boots I got boots I got boots you wish for me I fished up boots I got hey Frankie what’s this that I got boots what’s this that I I got boots it’s a bone that’s fine I got boots oh look at my boot boots are very good new boots goofing just new boots goofing wow remember actually watch Reno 911 I feel like I don’t need to I feel like I can just watch the clips from it that people share okay that’s good but like it tried so hard to convince you that just running a horror attraction was a hor evil thing to do cuz you’re going around scaring people and also that returning dinosaurs who’ been made like Sapient against their will out of nowhere back to Natural dinosaurs was like like I get it from a kid perspective you don’t want like it would make sense for people riding well kids wouldn’t want like the funny dinosaur personalied to go away first of all that means that you’ve just effectively killed the dinosaurs in your movie for a little bit that’s bad but also no they shouldn’t be Sapient what have you done the T-Rex has Barney teeth now mhm what’s what’s his quality of life going to be like he’s voiced by John Goodman now I can’t how many how many apex predators do you know in the wild that are voiced by John Goodman not many none they’re all extinct they’re all extinct suly don’t count that’s a bear that’s true so is a is Mike and soie have the most funny ambiguous out of out of all the mini movies where there’s air together and they didn’t fall in love they live together and Mike talks if Mike picks up the phone and so’s mom is on the other side he just starts talking with her uhhuh and by the way we’re going to make a whole movie about them meeting in college and the emotional core of the movie is their friendship and the ways that they complete each other turning to chat you have met one of the few people on Earth who was really really into Monsters University when it came out I love that one man I loved it because I actually really needed a movie that’s like hey sometimes your skill set isn’t actually going to be the thing that you wanted to do when you started to go to college and you might be better at like facilitating those things no no no no no no no no no no no you get out of the pond we can’t kill you if you’re in the pond I guess just fish around the zombie zombie doesn’t know how to get out all right well snap for Asel yeah it’s going to say I think they’ll eat him uh but yeah just a movie that was like you might not be good at the thing that you love to see in the world but you might be really good at supporting making that happen and for me that was kind of realizing that if I tried to go into animation it would kill me yeah yeah and it’s a and and instead I can just be someone who loves animation and I have wound up doing what I learned I was good at which is I really like supporting other people’s projects actually like I love working with other people on their ideas and their characters and their story stuff and it might have taken good at it too yeah I I think I am and uh you know my uh welcome home to be clear is very much Clown’s thing but getting to work on a project like that is what I wound up realizing I wanted and also it was a funny movie and also it had evil not evil but like Stern College dean lady who’s a monster and you know that’s fun this zombie just lives in our ponds now hi snail hey hi bugs hi what you doing there bugs chill yeah kill him very carefully that’s we can’t wait hold on can I can I get him with like the hook and drag him out of the lake hold on hold on I might be on to something here might oh oh he’s fighting oh he’s a fighter oh re it worked let’s go good [ __ ] oh now I’ve hooked this watermelon it’s a big one I ate him now he’s de I’m going to get this mounted huh I ate him oh well now he can’t resurrect exactly I’m delighted seem to have hooked at Frankenstein that’s okay put me on oh I can see it help help help help oh it’s stuck on the back of a [Music] snack okay okay uh Mist says I am so delighted about how long you know you talked about welcome home so much in stream and now you’re welcome yes I always think that’s incredibly funny it’s good it’s good it is good it is good friends it is 157 it is it is 158 I think it’s time for us to take our final break and then go to Fan Art and then close out and this has been a lovely way to hang out and stream it has been has been all right we’re going to take a quick five minute break five to 10 minutes enough time to chill and stretch real quick maybe reup our coffee and then we’ll be right back BRB [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I were toing after stretching here’s the trick about streaming uh even if you’re sitting on say a bed which is what I do due to my ailments you’ll get sore is the thing because you can’t move around the way you would and weirdly one of the best things for your back more than anything is just moving position a lot I feel it it’s that Minecraft feeling yeah the problem is that Minecraft is really fun to stream but it’s like cozy inducing yeah because you just kind of brainlessly like do Minecrafting type activities no that’s exactly it it’s you’re right yeah this is why I was so unsure earlier but I was also like I also want to play and you know what tonight good job everybody good job thank you forting I’m glad take your breaks not don’t draw every night it’s good for you not to where are we going to send folks thank you all so much you’re going to swirl drop swirl drop’s playing retro games yay everyone had fun at Swirl drops uh no real raid phrase yeah just chill have fun be nice represent us politely thank you so much for coming to the stream tonight whether you dropped in new whether you’re here every time uh thank thank you to everybody who is patient about us having to change gears on Minecraft stuff it means the world that we know if we need to change gears you know snail um not not to make plans on the air but snail’s name Day is coming up maybe we could reschedule a name for that or we play chill Minecraft then and snail doesn’t have to do server stuff I I want to do this again I think we should do this again some this is a fun box friends too we should we should grab Holly yeah we should do it in a like anyone can drop in and squirrel around and sleep in my bed M I’m admittedly very curious as to how Adrian would play to be honest I don’t know I’ve never played Minecraft with Adrian uh but what whichever way you came here if you were talking in chat if you were lurking in chat if you’re watching this on the VOD later thank you for spending your time with us extra big thank you to donators tonight we really appreciate it thank you for see we should do this more often because then we can like give snail more money for Minecraft by being on stream and a littleit thank you for coming get in the jar time for jar thank you for subscribing also get in the jar get in the jar get in the jar so cozy AAR oh there’s moss in the jar it’s nice sterilized Moss you like your nice sterilized Moss no mites in there probably I think okay got the fine I think they eat mites okay

This video, titled ‘1/24/24 It’s Minecraft Night! (We’re Figuring Some Stuff Out)’, was uploaded by Frankenbug VODs! on 2024-01-25 14:39:45. It has garnered 348 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:26:57 or 19617 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/facefullabugs

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱

    Mutant Canavar Saldırısı! 😱 The Adventures of Efekan in Minecraft In a thrilling Minecraft video, a wicked sorcerer transforms Efekan into a Four-Armed Mutant Monster and commands him to attack the city. Get ready for another action-packed adventure! Exciting Minecraft Content The YouTube channel, filled with entertaining Minecraft content, showcases the transformation of characters and their epic battles. Viewers are in for a treat with each new video! Join the Fun Don’t miss out on the exciting Minecraft series! Subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications to stay updated on the latest episodes. Engage with the community and be the first to… Read More

  • OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness!

    OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I found a lucky block, a player’s dream. With a powerful sword, I struck with might, Defeating foes, in the day and the night. Join me on this journey, in the land of blocks, Where adventures await, in mines and docks. Subscribe to my channel, for more fun and delight, As we explore together, in the Minecraft night. Follow me on socials, for updates and more, On Facebook, Discord, and Instagram galore. Like, share, and subscribe, to show your support, As we continue this journey, in the Minecraft fort. Read More

  • Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft

    Creeper Destroys Blocks in Minecraft Minecraft: The Power of Creepers and Farming Efficiency Farm Details Farm Performance: The farm boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 items per hour, showcasing its efficiency. Farm Mode: It operates in a fully automatic mode, making resource gathering a breeze for players. Versions: Compatible with versions ranging from 1.16 to 1.21, including various updates like 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and 1.20.6. Platforms: Designed for Java Edition, ensuring seamless gameplay for users on this platform. Original Design By: @HardShipYT3, showcasing the creativity and innovation within the Minecraft community. Game Information Shaders: Enhance your gaming experience with complementary shaders that add… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, just take a look at the latest Minecraft video trending on YouTube. While it may not be about Minewind specifically, it showcases the fun and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. And that’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind – a place where you can unleash your imagination, build amazing… Read More

  • Silenced on CivMC: Codey’s Minecraft Saga

    Silenced on CivMC: Codey's Minecraft Saga CivMC: Unraveling the Intrigues of Minecraft’s Largest Civilization Server Protests and Persecution in Anisso Former Secretary of War for the principality of Anisso, Monster, faced heavy persecution for speaking out against his government. Sentenced to hard labor in a Nether Penal Colony for spreading “misinformation,” the international outcry led to his exile to Aronia. The protest in Anisso’s capital, Sasso, further highlighted the growing dissent within the nation. Communism and Military Ambitions The rise of communism in the Imperial Federation and a military leader’s plans to create a socialist police state using Pharmaceuticals have stirred controversy. The use of… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Endless Ocean!

    Surviving 100 Days in Endless Ocean! Surviving 100 Days in an Infinite Ocean in Minecraft Welcome to an epic adventure of surviving 100 days in an Infinite Ocean in Minecraft! 🌊 In this thrilling video, the player faces incredible challenges, builds underwater bases, and battles against marine mobs in a completely aquatic world. From fishing and exploring shipwrecks to creating underwater farms and searching for hidden treasures, this Minecraft Survival experience will leave you breathless. Don’t miss out on this action-packed series filled with strategy, excitement, and loads of fun in the infinite ocean of Minecraft! Make sure to subscribe for more epic Minecraft content… Read More

  • 11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft

    11 Must-Know Tips for Returning to Minecraft Important Things To Know If You Just Returned To Minecraft Minecraft, a game that constantly evolves with new updates, can be overwhelming for players returning after a hiatus. Here are 11 important things to know if you’ve just come back to Minecraft: Diamond Armor Without Diamonds Did you know that you can obtain a full set of enchanted diamond armor without mining a single diamond? The key lies in the armorer Villager, who, when leveled up, can sell you enchanted diamond armor at a reasonable price. Gear up quickly with this trick! Optimize Crop Farms When it comes to… Read More

  • Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale

    Lucky Cave Uncovered: Minecraft Survival Series Finale In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m your guide, your narrator, in every scene. From epic cave expeditions to survival tips so keen, I’ll take you on a journey like you’ve never seen. With each diamond found and treasure unearthed, I’ll keep you entertained, your thirst for adventure quenched. Building masterpieces, crafting gear so fine, In this blocky world, every moment is divine. Join me in live streams, where challenges await, Together we’ll conquer, no need to hesitate. So hit subscribe, ring the bell, become part of the crew, In this Minecraft world, there’s always something… Read More

  • Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong

    Neighbor Prank Gone Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Monster_coon Monster_coon takes on the Minecraft world in this unedited video, showcasing his adventures in the game. Despite the raw quality, the video is a testament to his survival skills and determination in the virtual realm. Exploring Minecraft Bedrock Monster_coon delves into the world of Minecraft Bedrock, navigating through the unique challenges and landscapes that this version of the game offers. From building structures to mining resources, he showcases his prowess in this edition of Minecraft. Joining the Elite SMP As part of the Elite SMP community, Monster_coon engages with other players in a shared Minecraft… Read More

  • SpectraMC – Skyblock Server – Coming Soon

    SpectraMC - Skyblock Server - Coming Soon█▀ █▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▀█▀ █▀█ ▄▀█ █▀▄▀█ █▀▀▄█ █▀▀ ██▄ █▄▄ ░█░ █▀▄ █▀█ █░▀░█ █▄▄SpectraMC is a no pay2win Islands Minecraft Server with a currency system, island upgrades and more!COMING SOON Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Help! Everything’s Broken!

    Minecraft Memes - Help! Everything's Broken!Maybe they need to remember to turn it off and on again…oops, wrong game! Read More

  • Knock, Knock, Who’s There? Minecraft Square Scare!

    Knock, Knock, Who's There? Minecraft Square Scare! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our crew of four, adventure-bound. Facing horrors, lurking in the night, Surviving the scares, with all our might. The knocker almost got us, a close call indeed, But we fought back, with courage and speed. Exploring caves, filled with dread, Each step we take, with caution and dread. Can we make it to Episode 2, with five likes in sight? Join us on this journey, through day and night. In the scariest modpack, we take our stand, Crafting our way, with a steady hand. So stay tuned for more, as we… Read More

  • POV: surviving the lag apocalypse 🔥 #minecraft

    POV: surviving the lag apocalypse 🔥 #minecraft POV: Trying to mine a block for 10 minutes only for it to disappear right before you finally break it #minecraft #laggyserverstruggles 😂 Read More

  • Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server

    Pirate & Original Minecraft Survival Roleplay Server Servidor de Minecraft Survival e Roleplay Pirata e Original O servidor de Minecraft mencionado oferece aos jogadores a oportunidade de explorar dois prédios incríveis, criando uma experiência única de sobrevivência e roleplay. Compatível com Java, os jogadores também podem acessar o servidor pelo PojavLauncher em dispositivos móveis. Vamos explorar mais sobre esses prédios e como aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência de jogo! Prédios Incríveis para Explorar Os jogadores novos no servidor terão a chance de se aventurar em dois prédios impressionantes. Cada um oferece desafios únicos e recompensas emocionantes para aqueles que se atrevem a explorá-los. Qual dos prédios… Read More

  • Mikey Spikey & JJ Survive Volcano Alone (Maizen)

    Mikey Spikey & JJ Survive Volcano Alone (Maizen)Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Survived The Volcano Eruption Alone in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-07-09 15:00:01. It has garnered 23321 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Mikey and JJ Survived The Volcano Eruption Alone in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Lost PSX Edition

    Unveiling Minecraft's Lost PSX EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘taking on the long lost ancient minecraft version (minecraft: psx edition)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-02-09 18:20:15. It has garnered 28371 views and 1021 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:59 or 11039 seconds. today we explore a long lost ancient version of minecraft for the playstation 1. minecraft psx is from a long bygone era. this version was salvaged from a CD at a mysterious garage sale and seems a bit strange and off.. 📷 instagram https://www.instagram.com/stonegalerie/ 💗 patreon https://www.patreon.com/wattles 🐤 twitter https://twitter.com/itiswattles 📖 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/wattles/ 👕 my shop https://shop-wattles.creator-spring.com/ 🎮 minecraft:… Read More

  • Discover Herobrine’s Secret in The Fog #yeikomc

    Discover Herobrine's Secret in The Fog #yeikomcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Que Querrá Herobrine – From The Fog #minecraft #nightdweller #yeikomc’, was uploaded by YeikoMC on 2024-03-28 21:33:16. It has garnered 365 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server Eclipse ft. KingZangoose-ABN!

    EPIC Minecraft Server Eclipse ft. KingZangoose-ABN!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Eclipse Of a New Minecraft Server! (Frank and Zangoose Collab) (Third Times The Charm lol)’, was uploaded by KingZangoose-ABN on 2024-04-09 04:06:00. It has garnered 43 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:48 or 15648 seconds. Like and Subscribe pls it’s free :3 Read More

  • EPIC SMP PVP ACTION w/ COUSIN! #minecraft

    EPIC SMP PVP ACTION w/ COUSIN! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING IN SMP WITH MY COUSIN #minecraft #pvp #gameplay #live’, was uploaded by Pirated Gaming on 2024-03-25 07:18:17. It has garnered 52 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:39 or 4659 seconds. Hey Guys, today we’ll be streaming on YouTube with my cousin. In this steam we’ll be doing some grinding and we’ll show you some of the best survival tactics. With our collaborative effort, we’ll be building grinding and having some fun. If you like the stream give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and don’t forget… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Beat NEW Map w/ KVT - Ragecraft IVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can The Best Players Beat The NEW BEST Minecraft Map? (Ragecraft IV)’, was uploaded by KVT on 2024-05-10 14:00:30. It has garnered 1023 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:08 or 1868 seconds. For this map, I brought two of the BEST CTM Players I know to take on the NEW BEST Minecraft Map “Ragecraft IV: Underworld”. Let’s see how we do feat. @phosr @quillver1 ========================= ➤ Minecraft CTM ➤ Ragecraft IV: Underworld ➤ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 Map Info Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso Custom textures by cocoacollei Music… Read More

  • AVC – Terrifying Minecraft Experience!

    AVC - Terrifying Minecraft Experience!Video Information This video, titled ‘Scary Minecraft Gets Scary’, was uploaded by AVC on 2024-05-15 12:00:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highlights from my most recent twitch stream! We stream different content there than you’ll find here on YouTube. Follow the links … Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft – CRAZY TWIST!

    Surviving 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft - CRAZY TWIST!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Cisco’s Medieval Minecraft Hardcore (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KixCharms on 2024-04-06 12:00:03. It has garnered 15225 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:21 or 4761 seconds. 100 Days – Cisco’s Medieval Minecraft I Spent 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft In this video, I survived 100 days in Minecraft on HARDCORE. But this wasn’t a normal survival, I modded this completely and was inspired by Luke The Notable and Forge Labs. I survived 100 days in modded Minecraft. Zombies, Skeletons, and even pigs would destroy me… Read More

  • 👽MAN-404: Mind-Blowing Anime Music Trap Video🔥

    👽MAN-404: Mind-Blowing Anime Music Trap Video🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#music #anime #bass #beat #freefire #shortsvideo #subscribe #minecraft #trap 👽👽👽’, was uploaded by M̸A̸N̸-404 on 2024-02-14 15:52:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Platinum End

    Platinum EndA RUSSIAN-SPEAKING VANILLA ANARCHY SERVER. Each dimension of the server covers an area of 60,000,000 x 60,000,000 blocks, which is equivalent to a border coverage of 30,000,000 blocks. This is a unique world that was generated at server launch and is not accessible for download or viewing from outside. For example, it’s not an archived map from a 2b2t-style anarchy server. Each dimension has its own unique seed, making it distinct from any other gaming worlds. SIZE The vanilla size is preserved in each dimension without alterations or reductions. The server map has never been wiped, so in many areas,… Read More

  • The Land of Ooo: SMP 1.21, No Crowding, Friendly Community, Fun

    🎉 Big Announcement! 🎉 Hey everyone, I’m absolutely thrilled to share the news about the GRAND OPENING of The Land of Ooo SMP! We officially launched on JUNE 13TH, right alongside the highly awaited 1.21 update! 🚀✨ 📅 Save the Date: If you’re still on the lookout for an outstanding 1.21 server, your search ends here. The Land of Ooo SMP promises a laid-back, community-centric atmosphere where collaboration and having fun are our top priorities! 🙌 🌟 Why The Land of Ooo SMP? 🌟 Simplified Fun: We cut through the over-complicated features of other servers to focus on what truly… Read More

  • BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4 | ATM9 TTS | StoneBlock2 | ATM9

    BacoNetworks SkyFactory 4 | ATM9 TTS | StoneBlock2 | ATM9Filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text iller text Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A peasant’s dream home (in Salad Fingers voice)

    “Ah, a perfect house for a simple man. A house made entirely of dirt and adorned with a lovely creeper explosion. How quaint and charming. I like rusty spoons.” Read More

  • Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32

    Villager Vogue: Mansion Move Madness! ~ S07 E32 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, As Doc Brennan moves villagers to fancy new inns. With precision and care, he builds and he crafts, Creating a world where creativity lasts. From Twitch to YouTube, his content does flow, Captivating audiences with each new show. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok too, For updates and highlights, all in rhyme for you. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft reigns, And join Doc Brennan as he entertains. With rhymes and emojis, the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement holds. Read More

  • Minecraft Challenge: Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999 🔥😂

    Minecraft Challenge: Ore Rank 1 vs Ore Rank 999 🔥😂 When you finally reach Ore Rank 999 in Minecraft and realize you’ve spent more time mining virtually than you have in real life. #gamerproblems #minecraftaddict Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Gaming Challenge! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minecraft servers, specifically Minewind. Have you ever wanted to join a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community of players and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind is the place to be for any Minecraft enthusiast. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can embark on epic adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage… Read More

  • The Untold History of Minecraft’s Rise

    The Untold History of Minecraft's Rise The Rise of Minecraft: From Sandbox Game to Global Phenomenon Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its unique blend of creativity, exploration, and survival. Available on various platforms such as PC, iOS, and Android, Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. But what exactly has propelled Minecraft to such immense popularity? Exploring the World of Minecraft At its core, Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. The game’s open-ended nature encourages creativity and imagination, making it appealing to players of all ages. Key… Read More

  • Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build – Minecraft!

    Secrets of Enchanted Architecture: Taiga Alchemist´s House Build - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Taiga Alchemist´s House – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by Enchanted.Architecture on 2024-07-11 17:00:29. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:32 or 1652 seconds. In this Minecraft Taiga Alchemist´s House Tutorial video, I’ll show you How to build a stunning and authentic Alchemist´s house in taiga style. Follow my step-by-step guide to create your own Minecraft Alchemist´s House for your survival world. House includes some alchemy interior decorations. Material list is in video. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please give it a thumbs up, leave… Read More

  • Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block Race

    Insane Fan Girl Lucky Block RaceVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Omz on 2024-06-23 00:04:31. It has garnered 878700 views and 10911 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Luke Alexa and Heather are playing a CRAZY FAN GIRL LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft! Read More


    UNLOCKED: EL MODO HARDCORE en MINECRAFT 🤯😳Video Information This video, titled ‘YA TENEMOS EL MODO HARCORE EN MINECRAFT BEDROCK 🤯😱 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #short’, was uploaded by Bleick on 2024-04-05 15:17:12. It has garnered 3343 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!

    Secrets of Desert Nation revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Desert Nation! : Nations and Nobles’, was uploaded by Oraios Kako on 2024-01-08 17:17:10. It has garnered 249 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:49 or 11509 seconds. Let’s work on our desert nation! This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Join me in this interactive Minecraft adventure where your choices shape the story! Watch as your decisions directly impact the gameplay. Let’s embark on a journey together in the Nations & Nobles SMP, as… Read More

  • 🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!

    🔥 Naveen Reveals TOP YouTube Types in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tʏᴘᴇs Oғ Yᴏᴜᴛᴜʙᴇʀ Iɴ Mɪɴᴇᴄʀᴀғᴛ | Pᴀʀᴛ 2 | #shorts#minecraft #gamerfleet #yessmartypie #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Naveen Is Live on 2024-03-21 01:48:40. It has garnered 6550 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping down and… Read More

  • ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56

    ChrisWhippit DESTROYS ALL MOBS in Minecraft!! #56Video Information This video, titled ‘JAG DÖDAR VARENDA MOB I MINECRAFT – Alla advancements #56’, was uploaded by ChrisWhippit on 2024-05-11 07:00:03. It has garnered 3687 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:02 or 1622 seconds. Welcome to Our series called: All advancements in Minecraft! Do you want to support the channel a little extra? Become a member today! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm4nLrtw4bSYFNUsvHMaP1Q/join Click the link to subscribe! ✔️ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subwhippit Do you have a collaboration proposal that you want to send? Do this below: 📧 Collaboration Requests: [email protected] Want to buy a shirt or a cap? Click on… Read More

  • INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPE

    INSANE Auction in HrdaCraft Mod Survival! #HYPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Mods Survival (+ Aukce) | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #26 | HYPE 780 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-16 21:35:25. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:55 or 12115 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————–… Read More

  • Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!

    Minecraft Update Madness LIVE with Fans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Checking out the Minecraft update with viewers’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-06-14 01:40:56. It has garnered 129 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 06:45:30 or 24330 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support and if you do it I’ll give… Read More