Unleashing Chaos: PS4 Outlaws Island with Odium87

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Stuck by the tree I chop that tree down we got to get cement paste where the heck we get cement paste in this one the cave easiest one to do that is the cave yeah get a bunch of CH you guys want to go in the cave it’ll be an

Experience H should shindle have some armor first sure sure sure do you even have leather armor why don’t you have leather armor you got get armor did you learn leather you got to learn things all right all right El where are you buddy I’m fix to leave my Gators right

Here looks like some of our stolen [ __ ] probably they tried to make pickaxes or whatever did weirdo heyo you got hide on your alligator uh I think one’s got some hide on it I’m going to make that was out of my Bo eventually making gunpowder all right I want to give a oh

He got a little bit you got your T-Rex got more on it uh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I’m want to make shindel uh leather armor where is he where is those you need you need you got start learning [Laughter] INR here you go shindle there’s one two three

Four take this stuff of shle there now you have leather armor you got to learn the Ingram it’s the easiest one to make no I don’t want to poop myself right now they do this that’s St that’s St that’s yeah you got you got to learn all your ingrams buddy

You know how to do that right or no you go Circle options and then gives you all your ingrams you push circle circle we up your main men your inventory yeah and then options should take button and it brings you to your ingrams and you have to learn all that

Well not all of it but yep you just you double X on your leather a double X you can do it though you that’s how I do it what should you should have had a glove [Laughter] too where are you off hand’s usually a shield oh that thing who cares that don’t

Matter no you know need oh now it’s dark perfect timing I know I know Lisa you want to go I get it all right I got [Laughter] it oh you going to leave your Gator here right yeah they’re going to stay right there neutral or no aggressive they’re

In aggressive good good man good man good man so if anything comes along they’re in trouble they’re going to kill it that’s where you sh from yeah you believe we’re gonna go in dark I’m setting on M all right guys I guess going in the dark yeah why not

What else do we got to do we need chitting anyway we need chitting for everything yep and say he done that on his I didn’t make him do that yeah sure sure sure hey Logan oh he left oh he left oh we’re going to have to get we’re

Going to have to get shin to animal to ride a real one well he could have had a FIA that’s real right uh you want the slowest Beast possible okay a turtle let’s go finding one oh my God that’s even worse oh no don’t do it now which way we

Going around around this this way eest way is uh yeah across this beach and then we fall this and then we cut in yeah you straight across he needs an animal F what do we get him what do you want what are we find some something you

Can ride something that get you up off the ground like a nice Packy it’s above the ground like two feet a [Laughter] Packy yeah keep going out you on the ground there’s going to be big bugs at a sting you and get on you and everything

That me I have to I’ll have to scoop you ass take care of me take care you he this yeah I hear it it’s funny I can pick you up oh there you go you switch your view I think something’s behind me yeah something’s attacking out what is

It yeah it Ain attacking me no more was it a te off I don’t know I don’t know there’s a parasaur over there hey there’s there’s one that’s got armor on it yeah that’s the metal one there you go uh the Cave’s this way he’s playing with ERS right now who [Laughter]

Is yeah we got to follow fluffy there’s a raptor down there Raptors never mind never mind he’s dead dead I think just I can so you want this the way we go I think I gotta let you down I think I it’s this way yeah I think so

It’s like a trench down in here I think this is it yeah this is it yeah I think this is right it’s the right way cave sucks so just let you know it’ll be fun no no won’t these guys haven’t done it yet yeah I hasn’t done it CU they’re

Crap here it is these are crap I can’t get in there no no no with the Rex no no no no no no no no no no you have to stay at the only thing you win is us and there’s border crap in there yeah we’ll see how that go outla good

Going yeah it’s that L’s good going I’m going to set up some SP yeah makes sense I’m not leaving my dinosaurs undefended [Laughter] really I’m not going in yet is it safe no probably not no it isn’t there’s spiders scorpions arthia Megalania what else is no no no no no he

Went in not yet no no he’s got to S some stuff I want to sell spikes to protect some beds and stuff would be great too I need to bed cuz otherwise were screwed you guys yeah just put my neutral we’re good I I’ve got yeah it should be fine I still want

Spikes up dude yeah I leave my animals defens well we said we could get you an animal but you weren’t sure weren’t sure okay there’s that and I just got to get the beds make some beds yep and say right now you’re you’re over here where the Cal animals

Are right once we get where ter where you got all these animals like we got right here them Sun [ __ ] will they will kill you one bite it it’ll be over so you damn sure you damn sure want be should be Yeah all right why you guys are terrible oh god there no these are respawning beds that’s all they’re for okay I’m on yeah that way if you die you spawn back here and not in bu [ __ ] EG uh remember to get rid of everything you don’t really care about tell

Fellas you don’t have an animal my make a box make a box yeah make a box I going make some shitty Spears too let’s see you better save him you better save you food because that’s what when you get hit that’s what’s going to bring you back a life yep

Berries you are a bar eating food this guy shits nothing but [Laughter] berries anything else I need there we go I got got some stem berries I’m not worried about it they get knocked out so be it oh you don’t worry if you get knocked out yeah let them eat me

Wow that’ll make you sick they’ll knock you out don’t eat the blackberries yeah yeah don’t eat the blackberries them son [ __ ] they’re not if it’s that’s it they’ll knock you out oh there we go someone went in so we’re in oh while you went in that’s fine that’s

Fine I was running around trying to find berries that’s go in it’s either we’re going in or we’re not cuz load a different map thank you thank you all right I load in all right good he got to load this map with promise I

Know uh I don’t have any BOS so I don’t know what the hell of do uh I don’t know how do you how do you make it it’s uh Viber hide and thatch and stone so far no megalan is oh great that’s good that’s nice that’s you call me

Crystal Crystal’s nice for farming pretty much that’s it and other the high-end stuff for yeah Al’s way down there holy crap careful you might get killed I’m ahead of him it’s fine I started say somebody El in front of me so oh okay so I’m checking for Megalania so we don’t get randomly

Attacked cuz we could get eaten I mean you you know so you on the ceilings I think so yeah I’m down in here you coming shind sh sick too where sh oh yeah you got be careful are you leveling yourself up are you sure you level way up

Okay guys got to wait up shindle is way back in the beginning of oh there’s a Meg you got to stay with the group it’s 100 Megalania is it yeah come over here and use your spy glass it’s right over there on the ceiling Dam me it’s that thing

Right there it’s orange and Black it’s pretty much a giant Koto dragon is shindel with us I don’t see you guys gota wait for us CU sh knows way to beginning I think those things will knock you out give you rabies whatever don’t the megalia oh they give you rabies I’m out he he’s on the

Ceiling oh Crystal oh yeah there we go he’s orange and black but I don’t know if we can even do it I I don’t have no meat’s going to get attacked oh no he went for it oh did you summon him he’s right there you see it

Outlaw yeah oh there it is get him oh there he goes oh there’s two of them oh crap rabies are you kidding me BR those don’t work probably not someone’s got to be Tor oh there he goes wait how big is this guy oh I want him oh I got rabies you stinking

Animal we’re trle we’re trying we’re tranquilizing that’s what we’re doing yeah I want this one it’s 100 megalia uh the one you’re fighting is not that big oh it’s 100 as well St giving me rabies we’re going dead before we get out anyone got a torch I’m using a torch

Right now so you guys can shoot them hey get back here let you B wear it off guessing so yeah why is he going in backwards he’s running I think I got him got meat on them was he knocked out or what he’s not knocked out oh there’s a snake no oh [ __ ]

Snake damn snake I’m not get out of my way who’s got a torch I do all right good I do no you should respawn light I need light light yeah I need light you’re pretty much hooked outw I’m dead a bunch of scorpions and [ __ ] I’m dead I’m going to

No no and they got you where are you guys B yeah I like that yeah let’s get to Megalania where you guys hiding hiding from snake I say where’s the damn snake snake thanks a lot fell thanks a lot oh I’m knocked out no my otter yeah going to get killed

Keep oh the hell is this they’re snakes where’s the I can’t see oh I don’t have anything oh my where’s my body oh oh this is bad fellas I don’t even know where our bodies are oh this is bad this is real bad fell I can’t see [ __ ] I can’t neither where

The hell is our dead bodies no I’m in the water no this is not good what what that’s it was a terrible idea fellas I say nay oh I’m dead kill me just do it all junk as why as you pick up your bag I can’t even see anything

So my torch was in my body and now my body’s Dead all right let’s see I can’t see anything in there Outlaw yeah I can’t see all right I what now there’s a glow whose body is this Outlaws I I think I’m I think I’m down

You’re unconscious I tried to sa yeah it didn’t work there you go you up no he’s almost up I gave him stimberries so all right all right what what happened yeah right who has a torch I do but I’m repairing my armor I sure say you got give me a Mee

I’ve got a I got to get me some pants on I’m I’m pants loose again well I I I got to get all my [ __ ] back we just junk uh okay all right I need to get my bag I got a torch you want it yeah and then need to get my bag

There you go thank you I need my bag there’s way down here’s my dead corpse there’s one of the bodies ah there it is got it I hack it up where’s that [ __ ] where’s that [ __ ] snake at man he’s dead dude dead I killed that shindle all right we’re safe here all

Right yeah I’m not seeing anything yet where uh I don’t know where did he go where’s it over here I’m guessing he went this way yeah he went this way you have idea where it is all right I’m following you guys guys oh is that’s just the drop off yeah you can’t get

Back yeah dung beetle we just need poop which we don’t is a dung beetle where yeah he’s right on the edge there oh I got one turd is that enough to tame it I don’t it might be got nope oh sweet you got one all

Right we got go back put close to the entrance yeah got go back up we got come back up fellas yep I got depit you hit triangle he’s fighting something are you guys okay now run run run cuz we got just send this guy next to the

Entrance oh no torp yeah my poor D Beetle I’m going to need a torch oh [ __ ] I couldn’t do it oh two of them yeah one’s dead all right on the next hey that snake oh [ __ ] that’s fine are they dead yeah I got him he’s unconscious any stries I don’t keep

Those things I got 18 here we go it should wake you up should wake you up fast here I think [ __ ] snakes is in here man a lot lots lots noodles noodles and noodles a lot all right you stay here d r i still you should be out here Fells I guess no

We probably should run him to the top I’d like to so he’s safe yeah we need him we need him to rope for [ __ ] don’t we yeah yep fertilizer yep are you caring too much what was that I don’t know I didn’t like it where are you guys seeing I heard something

Attack yeah something hit somebody you guys coming fellas I just want to drop next to the entrance that’s that’s all just random stuff I trying to drop them near the entrance there’s no monsters up there and then we can go back might as well keep going yeah this way

CH as soon as I’m near the ENT I don’t want all the way cuz it that’s border stuff yeah just set near the top where nothing spawns which is pretty much right above this yeah right here is fine right here okay come on come on why I need

Z triangle triangle it’s not working no what the heck’s going on here there he go oh he’s done okay as long as Outlaw is in this cave we’re in the cave so works all right F you guys ready I put me down we should be fine we’re going back d

Yeah yeah we got to fight the fears of snakes what yeah who snakes y’all got to fight to fear snakes what how on no I don’t want to do that that’s shindo you coming buddy he’s picking up everything wait for us Fells shind he’s lagging all right now we’re

Coming this is a crazy cave fellas I’m telling you it is but it’s a good place to get hide and chit and we need to chitten for sure I didn’t get any chin did you guys get any chin nothing yet no I was too busy [ __ ]

Running well how you have to run because you have to live see y y what that see see look look behind me right there I didn’t get done scared [ __ ] out of me sir oh he pooped himself that’s nice there’s metal I’m not going I know

I can’t carry it so what the hell I hear SN uh spiders oh did he go down he went down in I would mind having me a SP cuz I’ve got that saddle he got kill he got killed by 25 Stu yeah what are you doing buddy I’ll slow you down

[ __ ] oh no another the whole oh my God B help help you guys are right no there’s like five spiders cave I’m pass out Heen AED no oh there goes my tool oh that’s great oh I don’t have any freaking Spears there goes my other tool I to punch him

Again I’m not ready with this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’m making Spears hold on I ran out there we go I got and he died again dude did we send shindle this how to level up is that a spot is that a spider or is that a 140 it does yes it

Does you go up past five dude a big scorpion oh I’m knocked out where are you cuz you you level up pretty quick you should be gaining a lot of levels no no I out d i but even even being all way leveled up it’ll still kill you pretty goddamn

Quick and easy mm animals usually drop bags if they’re praters you still out too yeah I’ve knocked out probably for a while I was fighting everything how you doing buddy I’m I’m alive you stay alive J your crap just don’t bring anything dangerous over here no please

No don’t do it there there’s something right down there I seen it moving oh come on man I see it’s Darkness man don’t do that I’m be out for quite a while looks like quite a while yeah I’m still gaining torped but if we can if we can catch one

Spider by itself I’d like to catch it thing we don’t have we need to catch it oh you scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me sand Dam shot man yeah cuz we need um spray and ghilly suits you well technically if we wanted to get a spider all we need is a cuper

Suckas we carry it out oh that’s true yeah I’m finally waking up fellas another I’ve got I’ve got that saddle for a spider yep and they’re neat I like them but they’re hard to get he am up no I’m not up yet jeez man I got hit

Hard oh man I tried and it didn’t work there we go how bad my armor is crap man I got to repair everything oh yeah who idea was this again fun and excitement first experience in a cave this is usually the cave I went and

Got [ __ ] and hard anyway this is the one we go to anyway it’s the easiest one all the other ones are crap whatever that was I seen move are it’s right over on that green stuff right there oh that’s where that’s where it went yeah what did you see over here

Alwa something over here I don’t know it was moving it was dark uh alwa can you craft armor or do you need something you need leather you have leather uh I don’t know if I’ve got Le or not here you go Bud take that that box right there front of me take that

You got it there you go now you have leather now you can repair your armor all right give me just a moment yeah you’re fine uhoh well that’s nice um you’re going to die I’m just understanding diece great you’re die I need more stem berries come here stem berries come here

I threw on OD I on him now was that what I got in my inventory yeah I was trying to bring you back to I don’t have any y oh I fell asleep it was bad where’s Shindler anyway down is he down in there I’m guessing

Why no no no I need that what am I doing no no I need that well good luck cuz I have no proof I am oh no no I’m not picking that up I can just leave it not picking up poop no I’m looking sh I’ve got dinosaur poop on me oh that’s

Different right guess I put I put it I put it in that damn uh chest oh okay that’s fine I’m not picking up your Bo I don’t need it that bad I got a dunk be I’m good a mid but that’s fine shindle fighting where shindle shindle are you down there doing

Stuff no he killed a killed it are it even worth killing yeah you get sh out of them oh CH okay cool what’s this oh I needed that man I’m kind of scared to move over here close I needed that axe my ax got broken there we go

Sweet I got an axe look that stupid whatever it was hey you okay that we’re going down I guess you coming which way you going that way yeah we’re going to follow shindle I don’t even know where he went but we’re follow him anyway SP where you where where you

At OD where are you guys down here okay we keep going what the heck where did you go I a huge Cliff which way did you go oh right right here they’re right here in front of me okay okay okay I’m coming a maze down here

Man I haven’t seen any obsidian have you guys seen there was obsidian right back here I thought was there yeah right here oh I need that yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you I want to something so we have it is he still playing with monsters all right what do you have anything good

Pants shirt yeah make cheat that’s you better eat those you eat those berries I’m getting my health back up my my health is about halfway down no not you buddy not you there no snakes down here don’t worry about it [Laughter] snakes there’s no snakes down here n no snakes was like

[ __ ] yeah I call [ __ ] I I sound like [ __ ] Snak and I I live [ __ ] where’s y who knows and I couldn’t see I know it’s freaking dark as crap yeah I don’t like this foggy [ __ ] what is this crap get out of here I had a lot I had a

Torch but I was scared to put the [ __ ] torch down cuz I needed my damn that’s right eat me centipede pretty much let me get these huge probably 80 he goes there we go all right what’s up stab yeah they got acid pretty much those things they destroy armor and

Weapons are you okay little why what why won’t let me and use the oh yeah get R of your spear oh so your spear there you go bud I’m I’m out I’m out of berries or anything yeah yeah you pick these yeah pushes berries and stuff over here

I hear noises yeah I killed a scorpion oh okay all right we should be close to the artifact e artifact that’s it’s technically down here get oh no there’s another one what the [ __ ] is this glowing on this rock could be artifact uh sunlight what you talking

About no no that leads to the artifact pretty much you follow those they’re like uh way points is anything good out of this B is this is this an animal where right here on the wall glowing no that’s just a structure that’s all it is

Uh CH sh know do you need a you need a pipe water you know there’s only piranhas and alligator’s down there oh shind you need a pike spear you need anyone need a spear uh I got 10 you need one here you go take that yeah make some

More should we I keep going down right fell that that so what is so what the hell is that it’s the structure on this there’s like alien structures now they added those no no we can repair it you can toss it on the ground I’ll

Take it yeah I sure say he can repair that yeah don’t throw it out yeah metal stuff we can repair yeah I’ll take it oh jeez you have ter what’s your what’s your what’s his stats let’s see yeah we got see your stats he’s got enough Health enough stamina action is

Okay food water weight fine i g a bunch of it’s just his 42 it’s kind of low 64 yeah hell where are you bud I’m in this damn dark ass tunnel and you’re afraid of snakes and you’re going in okay all right no I’ll I’ll drag

You I’ve only got two pieces of wood left fellas how you guys got I hear snakes I don’t well good for you shindo is still dropping stuff here’s the artifact oh there’s a tons of snakes in there what is it a you touched it who did it Al got the

Artifact you touched it didn’t you I touched it yeah you did any any anything that shaped like it it glows it’s wor touching all right you know or what hell where were we going arthus arthus ah yeah big giant centipede and he’s going to get me don’t

Keep them some [ __ ] down there and I I’ll come and helpit y’all here in a minute pretty much I’m almost dead I’m almost de you can make a bow too ah house I’m com I was trying to shine a lot for y’all you’re fine dude there is two of them big beast

There comes a got him where is my bag there it is here’s a bag right here somebody’s oh you got my Axe really see I was I was trying to shine y’all a lot yeah one of us has to keep doing that which is great another dung beetle looks like yeah we got

One I get some armor on I don’t want to be like Outlaw like R around n oh it’s a my bad I’ve got clothes on someone pissed off the D I didn’t know there’s multiple one jeez man all right so we have to go back around

ODI over here yeah yeah that’s a dead end yeah yeah no that’s it we’re done not really that’s pretty much it that’s it we got the artifact no no no we got the artifact that’s pretty much all we got to do let’s go back and then when we need [ __ ] we come

Back are we going up bodium yeah long as that Lo it’s falling yeah I shot a lot for come on let’s goas what the hell was that thing with a big flash SL just come up out the water it’s reflective surface I think yeah yeah y that glitch we’re ready get out of

Here Loot Crate and there probably Poma down there too they’re getting you yeah no he’s going for The Loot Crate did he go in there OD yeah I’m not going in there I’m not that dumb not going down there that’s crazy all right ready got

Her I was giving him time to see what he he didn’t make [Laughter] it yeah yeah pretty much all we can always get more cuz once we leave this place respawns mhm all right I’m foll you bud let’s get out of this place deadly technically yeah I don’t know if there’s enough

Distance though that going for us he’s like no more snakes I don’t know I don’t know which way to go is it this way yeah yeah it’s this way you slowly go upward that’s all this is that’s this one of this is a better cave outla than most

You just go keep going up what’s in this junk did he really go in the water yeah yeah what what’s killing you bronis he’s done for he’s dead it’s 145 let’s keep going yeah right yeah there you go he can’t grab it yeah you want to set out though oh yeah

I’m G to get out of here too man I don’t like Cas too much all right d Beetle let’s go yep we need that guy yep El goes first and we follow yep B shits I know where metal is we can get that easy enough so

Yeah we don’t need any them in here there we go borders come on come on stop floing there my first time I’ve been in I’m Out that was an experience right uh sure that’s first time I’ve been in cave and pretty much most of the caves are just like that yeah pretty much same snakes scorpions spiders I’m going probably destroy these beds right don’t need we might come back it’s better off leaving them all

Right ain’t this got chitling yep Turtle what he fine matter it don’t matter we got enough stuff 40 a what what oh What It’s one oh we’re TR here in front of me oh it’s a metal parasaur right yeah yeah that’d be a huge monster if you want

It but don’t but don’t but don’t kill it you can’t beat it you got to I can carry it that’s a big one yeah a 150 something that’s that’s going be huge it’s worth it and I’ve got that sad on that was on M hey buddy I got

Him so once we get it tamed I’ll just I’ll just I’ll just give him my saddle you got I’m sorry bud oh he’s way back there no no no we’re going back to base we only need to tame this parasaur and you have a steed he’ll be a monster if you get

That rocks are stupid yall s out shle you all set come okay well I didn’t see where we were that’s I wonder okay I know the leash is kind of binding but is what it is it’s can go across here I gu where do you want to tame this guy right

Here probably taming bin right it’ beasy yeah let like where Shand see up here with us she just need a bin yeah all right whatever you team this down yes sir that way you got something to ride too a man Dam heavy oh it’s obsidian that’s what’s going on

All these broken pieces of armor I don’t need yep there we go I need all the building supplies you still flying odium yeah I’m good okay where you at the Box by uh by Alisa I guess yeah wherever you want to put I say I can move and you put it

Right there where I was standing no you’re fine no problem okay there was about to clear a spot yeah that looks pretty good right there nice got to make the rest of it he up in there I got make here I’m Hur buddy it takes a little bit I

Whistle make that there stay right there make sure you’re passive too out L we yeah cuz aggressive might go all weird uh what did you say passive yep yeah killing one cuz he was aggressive there your box it’s all s you sweet it be

Done okay did he get out of the box no he’s good that was drinking him hey my D beat look at him no each berries yeah you didn’t get a meater you got a berry eater but it’ll be huge though but I start saying well it’s already big it’s a 149

You make it some [ __ ] uh you’ll make you’ll make his thing over too no uh don’t don’t hit or nothing is he Tran good yeah don’t punch him no don’t punch him don’t do it don’t hit him or nothing all affect the taming no don’t do it don’t do it

It it’ll mess him up and right right now he’s going to make a big he’s going to make a big animal oh J punched it with a Pick cuz see that number see see look at bushes see now’s number is 218 and you ain’t even and you ain’t even started leveling him up yet he’ll be a monster he’ll be like a 300 pretty much yeah he’ll be he’ll be close to a

300 but he ain’t going to give you much protection he’s made to ride he’s speed yeah yeah that’s a no not useless he’s awesome that’s a you see what what you need is a couple of them small ones that spits and and pterodactyl whatever it is

About two of them to follow you to follow you on that that way they attack anything it attacks him that’s true that’s the way to do it yep Raptors mhm yeah you had like if you had three Raptors you be set with him hell yeah nice I start say they’re they’re around

Here they’re right across definitely are we can get them long as they’re high level got drop box now that’s easy now yeah yeah and the ones we can’t pick up we use our body as [ __ ] bait that’s it we’ll go we’ll go smoke it hit it and

Then run like hell and run in the box and then somebody closes the door behind it you run out one of them hoes and hopeing I tell you you don’t miss that ho OD can find the target okay yeah is that what he’s doing oh he’s changing red like a kill floor

Nice yep that’s what I did what’s the name of that saddle that fits that thing oh parasaur yasur it’s uh one of the first Saddles a second saddle is OD that’s all it is yeah it’s a pig in that one I think I got a that beautiful red oh for me is

The first a that beautiful yeah now you can easily see from the sky OD it’s red yep a DI l uh let’s see it’s right in the beginning let’s see where is it it’s row row nine row nine well see I’ve got I’ve got that

Saddle I had on mine it got killed and I was just going to get well you you were looking to see if you have it right how you doing yeah yeah it’s row nine fourth over par I three four five six seven eight nine nine yeah yep and the parasaur it’s the

Fourth one over you should already know it I know it but I was looking to try to find the s that saddle I’ve already got made is it on your person or is it on um it should be on on my person no uhuh no remember uh when

Surefire join I had one like it right there he’s a 233 are you [ __ ] me he’ll be a 300 something oh my God and he’s pretty too yeah it’s nice coloring dude so Outlaw’s going to have to unclaim it and have you know claim it yep right

Yeah it’ll be his it will be in a minute pretty much whoever TRS it last owns it now now yeah push triangle and go to options and then it should say unclaim right yeah yeah triangle yeah you big berries too you going attack bushes and it’ll pick it yeah see triangle options and

Then you know in in options yeah okay yeah no you found out did you yeah but every time I put it on there it changes to uh neutral not a neuter no don’t neuter it no so I don’t think I can do it only I can

Do it CU it’s his one yeah he’s the one in charge yeah so you do triangle hold it go to options and then you hold down that hole unclaimed till it’s fully lit up but every time I go every time I go to options say it goes to

Neuter and then back you have to move the you have to move the one left joystick I think to get change name unclaim right yep yep now you go uhhuh no now now shindo push triangle on that parasaur triangle are you pushing triangle no no out of there get out of

There you got you got to get out that’s I triangle yours Che it’s yours now he’s yours he’s green now I’m just looking through here to try to find that saddle I had for mine it got killed and what’s the name of that thing again for what that thing he just got uh

Parasaur row N oh you’re looking up p a r a s that’s say you are parasaur I think this is it right here all y’all look at what I just th down and see if I see if it is sticking on there it’s laying right right here in

Front right like is that sadle no that’s Aro that’s that’s the spider yep now come on let’s go come on come on come on come on yeah there you go yes you can yeah that’s in the same thing you push triangle go to the options function the hold down triangle hold

Down triangle then go to options there’s a circle and one of options and then they’ll have a name on there a p p r e n p a r a yeah par yep a r e n p a r a parah that’s what you’re looking for p a r a let me

See b a r a s a u r par of Swords is that it yeah parasaur y yeah it’s row N thank you for right there try that saddle oh does he have one I hear a stealing oh that’s a parur yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s why I

Was hunting I was trying to find a saddle that that I had for my parasaur that got killed oh come on you really are being a pain in butt there you go there s now you got a saddle now you can sadle now you can

Ride and hey and how you level it up you just uh don’t tank animals just knock trees down hey is shindel ridden Lisa yet oh you want to get the trophy yeah go over you old Rex Rider yeah shindle go over and jump on Lisa just do it it only takes a second

He’s trying to name it but all right he can do it any time yeah whatever whatever trying to give him a trophy and he didn’t want it that a stealing guy [ __ ] any berries no no where did all my purple berries go get them parasaur get them no beat him what are you

D no I just just kill them let kill him I need purple berries all my purple berries got stolen there we go no I just put them on the parasaur r there you something you can kill right over there yeah Lisa what what what see it right over here we got to

Take that dung beetle back don’t we hold you yeah it be holding it the whole time let’s go back fellas you guys ready or I’ll take that if you want I’ll take the d Beetle it’s night time anyway I can’t see crap that hey where’d you go

Fluffy yeah we have to e this dung beetle back then what to decide what we’re doing fellas how’s it going gendle hey coming back to base back to base yeah we got to put we got to put our [ __ ] roller up of course we need we

Need our [ __ ] roller at our other camp where all of our vegetables and shit’s growing that’s the other map you’re thinking a crystal aisle buddy oh hey sh come butd yeah he ain’t got no choice but to come Landa she’s or Lisa’s already on the Move see I was mixing both games

Together yeah it’s hard I know it happens all righty you have to level it up like everything uh click your joystick in and it moves faster yeah you have to make sure you’re not overweight too all right so you got all them little lights going on

Mhm say mine won’t even fit in that door no no it sure won’t okay but I Can’t and see I can plug the hole so see the ho’s pluged that’s better than [Laughter] door what the hell’s that on top of the building you mean the M house I put up here oh that what you put up there mhm he’s walking around hey what’s going on in here where you

At I got to get off right then have jump did you jump on now triangle now you got it there you go we got the trophy you have T-Rex Rider I’m going to water what are you doing you better not drin my dinosaur what are you doing

No you left him in the water oh you D dinos you know there sharks out there yeah you’re going to get them killed that’s stupid you Gober got be a girl yeah cuz she’s a neutral she won’t even fight yeah you can’t leave in the water they’ll

Die do that yeah I’ve got her I’ve got her in neutral where she going okay and so and see this color dinosaur you’ll be lucky to find another one this color yeah you doing with that they’re using green green or oh you just put him on top of my house

On purpose or what yep he likes [Laughter] it so what are we doing next I don’t know I got redo I got to redo all my stuffff okay bud did you get that trophy she you have to use a bed and say if you stand in front of your dinosaur chandel and hold

Circle you can whistle and put it on aggressive or follow you or stuff like that right there yeah and that way if you’re on the ground he’ll follow you and if anything thing attacks you it’s going to attack it those all tier out it’s better yeah it locks your body

In place pretty much yeah if he wasn’t tuckered out and was going to go play that other I’d say we’d go over where I got my osaurus Rex and get him one or get or get him or get him one of them uh ones got the horns on its head yep a meat

Eater yeah oh come on buddy it’s a good that’s a good one it is it’s a nice starter ride he’s a that’s a big there and the time you level that son [ __ ] up it will be 300 he just he just eats he just he just eats Bering yeah

Mhm see the one the one that I got that looked like yours he was only what a 15 something it was a small one yeah he he was small and he got killed he got killed pretty damn quick that’s how I had that saddle but we when get you a meat

Eat and it takes a little bit to get used to way they turn and [ __ ] like you’re there but once you get that down the pant they’re fun as hell I mean you just go through the woods knocking trees down he you just clear a big old path

Mhm and once you get it leveled up you don’t have to you’re not worried about no animal you just run up on any of them and just just go whooping its ass like that like that thing at Jason’s riding M you run into one of them things

And it’s a biging in the woods you better have a big animal that some [ __ ] will cut you all to piece it’ll key quick and see Lisa she’s still growing she’s a growing girl she’s not she’s not even leveled all the way up yet and she’s already a

213 matter of fact I need to see if I level her up no not yet I’m still growing I’m grown yeah but see you still growing right here look what some damn big old feet you got you’re terrible you’re terrible oh [ __ ] but I’ve got to

Say she’s one of the sexy ones on here a she’s white see most them damn osaurus rexes you get is green green and gray and she’s white look girl what a damnn Brattle it’s got in its mouth got half of a damn Tree in its mouth for Brattle

Oh you can’t really do much night time anyway nope she she just [ __ ] where you at Jason in my house up top no in the bottom oh I must run I must run by you then yeah that red marker on the floor yeah I changed my house around cuz that whole incident incident

Incident I’m downstairs I made it so I’m inside now when we’re done I’ll just close up the wall they ain’t getting in my special shop anymore put in here he’s here go Jason where what you at what you got oh there we go oh yeah there you go [ __ ] all right so

We just gotta figure right there yep on wander he’s doing his thing all right fs and see this is what I was wanting to do in in mine put some stairs and stuff go up the wall make an in platform stuff but it will not let me put nothing in

That [ __ ] place really yep see he still everything I had a table and everything dick no yeah you wanted your table an ass have to remake one oh jeez man leave that come in steals all my crap mhm what a jerk freaking Invader so you get for

Players that don’t know [ __ ] I was hoping it was still on him up there when I knocked him down that’s all right but you said it was all junk he had on him I guarantee he was taking it I guarantee he was taking it right out there and

Dropping it the water that’s why he kept flying back to the water I think he’s yeah he’s dropping away out there uhoh what what happened what’s up up there’s a damn turtle oh oh yeah got repair everything you guys need anything repaired yeah I got a couple Pikes you are oh fluffy

Fluffy fluffy what what she doing was killing that guy with you oh yeah that Turtle he I let it imp pack me and it was on after that a police she stay at home she come back switch Smith the ass stuff this one or no they’re both they were both robbed so they’re

Empty so what am I supposed to do with this broke Pike they’re both empty man they robbed you I’m I’m annoyed by that what’s with this weird door what door what do you mean there’s no door there I’m seeing a door you can’t open it can you I’ll send this to chat let’s

See there metaling now OD cool what did I not do it right I see a door there what else does this need what I deleted it whatever is this still acting up what is this there there now still on my screen yes I don’t give a [ __ ] I deleted yep it’s

Gone is it Daylight now looks like it all righty what’s the plan fellas we should get metal right hey this guy build some storage m i repair all my stuff got repair all our gear yep I’m still trying to put wall building yeah yeah so I mean

I’ve got in first person I see my guy it need to be where I can’t see my guy yeah so it’ll snap to the ceiling every time yeah you have to yeah you have to go that be you’re going into first person instead of third person okay which one makes him

Go change the view you have to hold down the tab yeah then you to third person okay I’m just trying to get everything situated yeah I use third person a lot because the whole placing stuff can’t believe that I had all these full f dicks

At least we know now Fells that that can happen right I didn’t know that would be that bad yep was pretty bad it was pretty bad at least we got rid of me before anything really really bad have no yep right you did something stupid I was telling all was telling

Odum if they did anything to any monsters I’d have been out of here we have to rester they’re trying to drown your T-Rex that’s what he was doing that’s what he’s trying to do a prick shouldn’t have went to flying planes huh yeah that’s what he said he does in there

Yeah I hav even tried cuz it’s kind of dumb that tutorial yeah it looked difficult yeah okay extreme yep yeah I know it’s nuts what you you need any place to put boxes or you all I’m building some here okay I I had to I had to do the whole

Blocking ink that was just annoying earlier I swear they can’t get in my house yep oh well yep that sucks I can’t put that [ __ ] door on there yeah you have to make it wider that’s a lot of God dang [ __ ] knocking down and redoing

Too yeah you’d have to come out at least probably five more this way have be a that’s a problem though T-Rexes are huge well you can just you can drive them right in right right he comes right in or no yeah he goes in no trouble I got plenty of

Room but I just can’t put a door up here so it leaves it open for yeah I know somebody was come in so I get right back to my thing again that’s right that’s right see I another one of those need a trough preserving van oh man my [ __ ] Hatchet

Broke yeah oh yeah come right over to my house I got it all set up come on in buddy that mon still on my rear podum M he hasn’t went anywhere it’s kind of funny mm H you need uh something fixed you said yeah my damn come on over come on over

MH yeah come on over we’ll get jail situated go right in there put it in you can repair it it should be enough space what is it right here mhm uh yeah no over here yeah no yeah that one yep mhm okay someone’s watch like what do

You mean yep yep n yeah over here yep nope yep nope yeah hot cold hop hop maybe not okay yeah just put double click it or hold X I mean right then then you can put it right in it should go right in to the SM

Should and then you just go down and click triangle should be fine did it work or no think did it work out lot or no yeah there it is okay and then I hit What triangle triangle yep mhm oh [ __ ] there ain’t enough stuff for for it what do you need it needs

Everything metal wood there’s metal in there there’s metal in there should be leather all r on me really yeah seeing it needs leather metal oh did you put it in there I’ve got some laser no no did you put your axe in there oh you put it in

The wrong space that’s all right I turn I got it yeah one’s empty I got it for you buddy hold on y sh it’s being repaired right now yeah my the the farthest one has nothing in it yeah I’m getting supplies right now as I speak oh yes he’s repairing that bu

Yep well here I’m going to give you I’m going give you a SL I’ve got I’m going to put it in here mhm so I’ll put a door on until we’re done then I’ll I’ll put the wall up when I’m done yep that way you can come in and out

When I’m done I’m going put wall don’t Intruders I want cuz I lost everything it’s annoying that way we can seal it in and seal now how can I make that thing wider what your base it’s easy because right there in the front where it’s on the sand

I can’t put nothing else in front of it you should be able to do that I I can come help you it it just read it’s it like it goes underground right there cuz it’s not level I’ll help you I figur what I do is I’ll

Make I’ll make a whole another floor and stuff in front of that and then put my walls and then knock that wall down yeah you can do that you can do yeah M that way it ain’t no just no big gaping ass hole right there I need okay put put another tro

In they want it it’s going to be full of berries yeah yepes okay you said that some Peaks over here on this side right mhm yep I bet you yeah should be right there buddy here oh one the one that has 23 in it you see it in there yep okay get more

Wood how you doing what’s up F you oh there you go nice yeah remember you have put an inner bunker like I did seal it up tight no one can get in it got to put a big door on it how you going to do that I’ll see

What’s going on over here what’s that you put a big door on right yeah upart my Rex I’ve got that big I’ve got that big Bemus door goes up here mhm but it’s bigger than my building so what I’m thinking is there in the front uh I’m going try

To let me come over here yep I’m here I’m just giving up your meat to your Gators there we go more even there he goes I guess I’ll have to I guess I have to take these torches down just break them right yeah i’ get

Of those for now yeah yeah I got to get my stuff out there though yep yep see where let’s see oh we’re going to do pillars okay that’s what I was checking all right so we going do pillars hold you’re good with pillars right yeah yeah come over and

Help what do you call supervise I’ll be here too I’m going to help my door shut yeah I start making pillars help out get that doing yeah it takes a lot that’s the problem with those giant doors man really are you have it made already or or no

Outlaw you make it already the giant door yeah I’ve done got the GI door mate okay didn’t even steal it or anything you still have it yeah I still got it okay long you still have it yep that really bummed me out fellas I’ll be right oh I better get

Closer I’m out in the middle nowhere I don’t want to be good by all Gators they’re on neutral right yep yep they’re on out they’re on neutral reg Gators yeah they’re F no I mean they’ll protect me yeah I think they’re on gra oh good I’m going to stand by these for a

Minute quick B bre I’ll be back matter fact matter of fact I’m headed that way I’m going to check make sure cuz there’s two Gators and then that thing there let’s see Dam chees are on Gres now should be and Landa landais should be on aggressive so if anything touches him

And I gu damn to you they won’t touch him again yep there’s two damn big crocodiles spits there and police is standing right there that’s son [ __ ] it wouldn’t even make it away nope all right right what H right all yes ain’t want no lock inance just read it one that

Guys are both building on the water I like thing damn f it ain’t dark it’s raining yeah now it’s foggy yeah now it’s foggy you still can’t see [ __ ] nope for what fog rolling did it yep yeah you I’ll be back over and just me y’all

Yeah you’re fine I had to go to bum [ __ ] Egypt get rocked yeah I’m I’m by Gators see how we can get this for you see how it works we’ll get her figured out let’s see here okay all right me okay so over here we’ll make some Square pillars mhm for oh

It right there okay I guess I can’t do that you think how many think uh uh how many think how wide is that eight or 10 I know it’s w it’s pretty damn wide cuz when I put it up there I mean it swallowed my whole damn thing it was wider

Than freaking door is huge all right you’re have to come out quite a ways that’s okay you can do it I sure say it just makes started it just makes it a little bigger yeah you’re going to you have a big old house all right so I need that up bud damn

BR I’m working on it y I’m under the water getting Rock yep that’s a good spot let’s see I got three five eight should be F wide enough do you think what him where what that big door I should be wi though i’ say no outla you have on your person is

In your Smithy what’s that the big door uh I think it’s on me Aang going off for D let me go to here mhm see if we can get this then you just build out that way I’ll put as tight as I can over this

Way but she’s going to take a lot of space it may it may be in here okay I put I put some stuff in here yeah yeah it’s in here okay I got my metal in here and okay this where I keep all my goodies

And see that’s what this is where he got on my [ __ ] at from right here yeah it took me that say it’s took me a while to get that [ __ ] started back up yeah I know he sto all my crap to all right I just got to finish the the rest of

It let see this be going oh yeah she does take up that whole slot yeah she does all right that’s how big we need it okay long have to come over and see what you guys are up to huh yeah outla made a stadium nice well you have to T-Rexes are big

I’m just putting it on for you don’t have to there a pain let’s see it’s so big let’s see I can’t get these bricks to these blocks to lock on yeah you did you go to first person yep I’m in first person now okay let’s see uh if you pull it off of

The wall it’ll lock on like it but see then next it ain’t going fast than that that’s I mean we had it I you get to put pillars in that’s what’s King us the hard time I think we get the big door on first and then we’ll go from there

Buddy that’s what I’m trying to do get that big door for you we got to get that on and then we there which we’re almost there so I’ve got I should be big enough now we ar going to have to move that upper stuff are we o or what will

That collide with this it shouldn’t yeah you’re just pretty much getting one door right it is it’s hitting with it um you’re have to go upstairs to remove that yeah that whole balcony part has to come off yeah so how do you go upstairs with this place I don’t know I’ll show I

Don’t know have to use a bird you’re talking about this top piece here yeah M yeah go come on let’s see how do you how you do how do you do that well you used to you just went in here and went up to steps but if you notice steps are gone what

You why you remove cuz my my Rex wouldn’t be able to get in here cuz the steps come all the way up here you have to F there your bird I guess I know how do you bust them out again R what the hell doing it AR you

Yeah it just put some kind of [ __ ] funky roof on here yeah cuz we had to get up there to get rid of them I don’t know how to do it I’ll continue this part it’s really got to be dumb all right I know it’s pain yeah you don’t need these down

Here what these foundations we’re just going to build out with pillars oh yeah you don’t need these there we go I’m just going to put it all flat it’ll be a giant Courtyard basically yep there we go that door is huge there we go now I just need ceilings Outlaw and

Pillars bring her straight out we need just a big old Courtyard for you it I go right to the edge of the whole building you know what I mean yep yep one big huge and then your T-Rex will be right inside of it there you go Bud

You pillows or ceilings or no no that’s what I’m looking looking see if I got I’ll go make some more I got to get rid of my uh metal car I’ll be back but I just Ed what I had just the them here M let’s

See yeah I’m coming back I just get rid of stuff I got pillars we don’t need stairs I got rid of that part I don’t know if that’ll help or not yeah it’s the front part I had to go yep I’m coming back I just tring to get rid that

Metal yeah that’s that yeah thanks bud nice it’s all flat right yep except for that edge yep okay I think it’s those Stone railings that’s what’s the problem I don’t know if this will work or not no no there dead is that right no that’s not right

Now the wall goes right here to the edge of this right I guess that’s where it’s going yeah there’s your door Outlaw why the hell is it hanging way off yeah it’s just the way it’s got to be don’t worry about that it’s fine here’s your

Door how do you get it to go the other way over what do you mean one one side right or something yeah one side’s out one side’s in the big doors work there it goes there it goes I got it there it goes there you go now we

Just got to do that side wall y mhm and you yourself a giant opening about to put another staircase in out it’s a roof we going to take all this wall down this one this wall damn I might have to take this other wall down no

Don’t fix there a big big ass crack right here oh that’s fine I don’t like that damn big crack no we can fix that that’s fine I’ll make some walls I’ll fix it that that’s no we that’s no Issue that’s easily fixed so I’ll make some uh walls right now yeah this whole wall got to come down here yeah and that and that ceiling not the ceiling but the wall you sh your rack switch right in there right what I see yeah it fits in

There but look how damn tall that door is past it yeah door are hey there we go see see how long we can fix that see it’s all done see no wall no Gap now y now this side is going to have to come down big GE are are pain in the

Balls I need to go get some all rock M so do I I was going to have a huge base when we get done sweet oh look nice oh mind I’ll help I’ll be you uhhuh I help you out no yeah I just over here getting Rock

M easy fix easyy this just is so damn B look at yeah you should have made a door the half size of that I I’ve said too y yep I’ve always said that had something in between y cuz that’s exactly what it needs we need one right in between that

So monsters and easier let’s see then they’ve got we got that door and then the next one down is too damn small but they had one in between them two it’d be perfect that’s right that’s always complained about that that door would be okay for them

Long necks yeah to get them in and out you know cuz they got that damn big old long neck draft head to them mhm but they ain’t got a damn door in between no it’s either that one or just a big gaping [ __ ] hole that’s it oh my too far

Huh where you going yeah pulling easy I’m I’m way over here getting rock yeah I’m standing by his base as why matter of fact I’m easing back y”s way yep it’s hard to get rocks in this area I know it’s the only problem this place but yeah they kind of run down

See these rocks I can’t even hit yeah a lot of fake rats shindel still flying planes is he that [ __ ] up that took the wrong damn thing I sure the hell don’t need to click the wrong damn thing be making a bunch of bus [ __ ] already having trouble getting Rock

Now somebody already out Rock plus is dark as [ __ ] again they got okay way down there I don’t know hell they for ni don’t worry they’re probably using Aimbot and what is it shoot through wall [ __ ] yeah cuz the mesh is messed up oh

When the heck did I do that well the C tanks with a higher caliber can destroy most buildings I’ll be right back yep so I started doing that when I got those good man why I started doing that tanks hiding behind sh just destroyed buildings toi how how tall do you think this

Building ISS quite tall yeah that’s I was afraid of you’d say that we played a little bit oh War Thunder not much at all they played more than I did for for for for thing does not want to work for me outw jeez arguing with me well I st to wa

Probably I think you did said that door’s too big and he walked away he built it I know I know I told him I told it’s a Monster yeah there a pain in the B that’s why this one I’m not getting any big monsters on him because it’s hard to store them sure

Is Tank got him tank got him what is that what that game all is pretty much your wall there it is there we yeah that’s why I don’t like that game too much just one hit kills like come on really I like exactly yeah it’s terrible that way they’re so accurate

Yeah are you shoot they’re not cheating at all man yep right and also I looked online you’re supposed to actually reduce your ammo when you go out I don’t know if you do that yeah you’re not going to shoot that many [Laughter] times yeah even telling me that

I’m destroying Outlaw’s house are you yeah yeah cuz he wants a giant building and he wants it secure so oh being secure is key what what he saw yeah after that okay I this door is so freaking big I gotta go up another so many feet nice there you

Go just make sure you don’t hit other tanks cuz it reduce your prize your reward allies if you yeah I was supposed to get like 1,000 coin or whatever and then it was reduced by 900 cu a friendly was too dumb to move out of the

Way y you shot him yeah he was there dope nice I go up even more F jeez man I can’t believe this out it’s so huge man it’s ridiculous building with that door it is ridiculous why do you think most of them just have them as like a gated area with

Those and that’s it I made it back all right back to find rocks yeah yeah that’s what I’ve been doing nothing I’ve seen that Before no no I hate that it doesn’t Target the ceiling you want you see no that OD yep I don’t know what the hell they Chang in this stupid thing why did you get rid of the Crosshair you noce that don’t know damn if it it’s it’s really starting to get cold

Now damn temp I hope not I think it’s showing 18 degrees here now e yeah all right there we go well [ __ ] in I mean this is got this too [ __ ] cold here H do you really need this all closed in yes I mean saying I’m saying you’re

Going to be here for days dude for days man see if this door works it’s fine door works no I mean it’s didn’t take days to build it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah ah I don’t know I know I’m just making this smallish house and I’m going

To be a to bird garage up top man that’s all I really need I’m having to go so far away to get rock I know I mean there’s Rock right here but if I pull y’all a little bit I’ll be back at way just in a second yep I’m having to

Go I’m even going out in the water getting Roo that’s cuz your building’s huge yep [ __ ] oh what am I doing oh man so that’s why I’ve been building in big walls that way it’s not taking five or six up ones just in one row yeah you can build those I just usually

Don’t I don’t know if they’re more effective or not the for that’s what I be that’s what I’ve been putting on it so just one of them on top of them that I put down there it’s just about enough I got to put one more on top of just the short

Ones okay I’m going to come back y’all’s way cuz run out rock yeah maybe some maybe some will spawn back we’re going to have to go somewhere and have them spawn in I’m we’re running out of rocks there’s one hell yeah like it ass came sto Flint you see that bag

Out there it’s freaking dumb that much Flint what’s that to make arrows yeah he had four pickaxes so he was trying to get flip you got see the arrows right yep was he going to shoot us some arrows I guess like an idiot I want to B down so I turn into boxes

For for ran out again why know how you fing you no no this isn’t this is just kind of tight it’s crazy I almost building a ma ma that thing where’s shindle we need him help build back that game is annoying it is annoying now why won’t that son [ __ ]

Locker well you can but it isn’t way out WS got a giant house just to get to the damn roof is taking forever FS I just went up this will be the second story now oh crap man yeah you’re giggling aren’t you yeah the bottom Story the T-Rex fits in it

Right so he’s fine you walk him in is he fine with that floor mhm tried it yeah I made it fall up it he walked in with that floor all right that way he’s covered all right that’s important to know yep Sun’s glaring in my face yeah problem looking

At I think I’m Gonna Leave This right here though this little run way up oh we have to don’t touch that yeah we need that that’s going to be a permanent I’m not rebuilding that now these stairs are staying they’re permanent they’re staying right where I’m done with them

But I think I’m going put me a trap door on it here though that way it’s closed in well we still got to go up another level don’t we don’t you want to go all the way to top uh yeah I started say yeah you’re right so

I just leave just leave this open what the big door right they get through that Gap yeah I you just come right over that damn top if I don’t yeah I’m going have to go all the way to the top yep all right whatever yeah the damn is making it

Where I’ve got to have another level yeah it’s too darn big I wish smaller I’ve never enclosed AV the whole that giant door I’ve done it probably once I’ve never done it that’s first I’ve never it’s not where just height on that I don’t really I’ve never done it so this be

A that really is it really worth having your T-Rex on aggressive boy we want to make sure on od’s map that we check he checked that box that’s right that’s right the one where got the greenhous going and all that y didn’t you imagine that son of a [ __ ]

On that map there zipping around getting [ __ ] cuz ain’t nothing closed on that map no he had no trouble getting in any of them buildings yep the [ __ ] old rig just drop grab that [ __ ] sure can mhm Back to building a staircase to the top of this giant Dru you’re getting there yeah you tell them sh you tell them so like three more walls up right something like that it’s outrageous height one thing about once we get it uper and get top uper we stand on there

And look across the map and see where the animal is at yeah mhm they need to put with them lights goes on the lighthouse that way stick on top that door in case any Ships coming in yeah ships sure on the very top Ella we will have to put

A trap door but not inside I just slap into anywhere this is insane are you getting there aren’t you oh yeah really I made the wrong things I don’t care yeah it’s so big it doesn’t matter what now how’s that how’s that going to work what’s

Up this where the stars going to be right mhm how am I going to get to them Stars no damn it oh like it yeah yeah I’m putting ramps that’s only it works doesn’t work that works is a ramp yep the stairs didn’t work it was bitching at

Me yeah the stairs don’t always work you always have to work from the top or the bottom okay well to top now all we got to do is just about it do it again you’re getting there hey fall me die shindle is kicking butt AR what was that you just saying I be damn I missed that same freaking platform I was like come on boys build me build me a castle Outlaw holy crap yeah I’ve seen that [ __ ] before holy crap and we still up one more stinking section you look like it’s winning

What outlaw is giant castle Place wall way well you have a lot to do to tomorrow Outlaw he’s got a lot to do yeah yeah he’s just going have to finish all that’s all I’m about doing I’ll get do the top for that’s about it he’ll have to do the rest man

That’s I want to make sure he is fit yeah he’s fit cuz all we do is closing it in is I we’re doing up yeah it’s fit find me what is it I need ceilings all right was like I want to C a castle building one isn’t

He it is getting be yeah what’s [Laughter] that was like get to it Skippy right like to just find some rocks man some I’m getting vertigo up here fell this high up I don’t like it yep really is up I can’t even li bed like that oh wa I don’t like it I’m scared you got your

Parachute parachute yeah you can always Parachute from up there Dam mhm hear that on you you hear that yeah that’s B quickest way Dam okay you get some rocks did you they’re all these messed up oh how how do I have to go up all these right here it won’t let me

Get there see I’m even getting the ones at the water really what the heck we got to go so freaking fast why is it doing it that way let’s see there’s a big rock right here we yeah whatever you a [ __ ] then whatever I’ll be back at way you just

Yep there’s a commission for this right where are we getting out of it I’m not really doing anything so there’s that oh I remember that I a doing [ __ ] it’s a pain to cover that door we just just out L something to do tomorrow I just wish it wasn’t so damn big

Yeah while we’re not on where is Al going I’m way I’m over here getting resources the what the hell is that what’s what what up what’s what oh there’s a big ass dinosaur right here stuck in between trees let’s see if it’s dangerous or not

M it’s uh it’s one of them’s got the horns that carries all that weight A5 yep level 55 is what he is he would see need all right go back up top see what I can do yep the first one yeah first there the second one yeah there’s the second one oh I

Yeah we played the first one a little bit yeah that was out in the middle of nowhere yeah I’m over here I had to craft some I figur why I’m way the hell out here crafting that’s right I need to craft it and go ahead

And I got to get some of that brown stuff out of these trees I found out using the pickaxe on the trees I get the brown stuff more of it yep you get that yeah mhm yeah why would you do the axxe oh come on fake rocks really real

Rocks oh here’s that box woohoo you found one yeah I just got to get up our there’s a box here is there any one back here no it’s probably did we find it or did or what see I did not find this one talking about a cave or something oh

Yeah I Haven found it either cool a new one cool guys it’s about C I take a bit of time to myself rushing head to my next expence now all this Stu they talk about is it on this island uh some of it most of it it’s needed they added that

I just run around here trying to get rock and found it I’m just running out of space big trck he yep nice multicolored armor you got there I Ain painting it I just don’t care it now I’m building a castle what’s a matter what I look like you’re the Builder mhm oh

Yeah probably a little while longer you yep okay bud okay all right buddy all right I’m on Craft go big woman yeah I guess big big big big woman he was uh talking about getting some cheese earlier right for y’all got on and wow smoking it wow smoked

Cheese told him he need to get his buddies come over and help him hold her thighs up at least while he scrapes it off in a big old butter bow give him some cheese what do they call that stinky cheese I have no idea I noidea no idea one of them big Wooden

Spoons oh well I have no idea [Laughter] buddy that man get you just there okay really now I need damn wood damn one thing after another one minutes minut brown stuff there’s one damn tree I needy I’m trying to make I’m trying to make some walls and I’m trying to make a

Flooring yep oh way I’ve got a variety you know if I run out one I just jump to another mhm I to go one Higher [ __ ] man looks like it yeah that [ __ ] door made it really tall annoying as crap yep all damn door’s fault so I stopped way before

That I didn’t figure the damn door was going to be no taller than that up until I made some [ __ ] stuck it up there and then it’s too size bigger than the bill n that crazy man they should they really should make a uh one step down from that

Go up one sticking row higher cuz they sure really made something that was a three by one yeah it’s way too big yeah so like half this door it’s only good for a Bronto yeah I mean that door you can take that long neck [ __ ] in

There that that should be that should be the door that people uses if they’ve got that big old long long neck animal exactly this is h i mean look look how much bigger that damn door is to my dinosaur makes my dinosaur look like he’s a [ __ ] little bitty thing when

You stand back look through the door I know I know all you need is big is that that that level right there no of course not tell you got any walls or what’s up what you got I got walls and some floors all right oh sh you have

Them need walls I need ceilings if you have them oh walls and ceilings I’ve got but you don’t need the big walls right well no not really unless you built them I don’t need them though where’s that at okay oh walls yeah I need those you have any three three set

Walls yeah I’ve got some of the tall ones I’ll take those so I’m just trying to get you every level and then you can build it as you go later you know me wherever the hell they’re at what is it doing all right go it’s moving now here we are no no no

No come on guy eat it I gave you 100 that should be enough right what purple bear is on or what two three for what the stealing guy gave him 100 purple that should be enough for if he’s a big one you might have to do it

Twice someone died in the river over there is it one of those stinking enemies uh maybe there’s a death beam over there I don’t see it okay okay I got a backpack all right I saw him stealing guy I’m like hey I’ll get that guy sweet

Back I might as well get him where I see him pretty cool he’s black and white that’s pretty neat okay come back I didn’t want to get off you buddy what do you think we keep going for a while yeah building this house anyway pretty much okay just let me

Know H got a castle just getting there yeah you have a skyrise that’s for sure jeez man yeah no problem putting space in now no no problem putting space in really I ran out of freaking Stone sound like man it does it goes quick it goes freaking really quick quick sure

Does takes longer to make it and it does damn get rid of it mm go in the deep dark woods right yeah course ain’t nobody tell them what we’ll find up here might find nothing damn thing we go for enough true it looks like they’ got him head all over damn place

See what’s up I was trying to hit them damn little bitty rocks little piles of rocks but you don’t want to oh [ __ ] what what what what’s going on y what are you guys fighting over there I ain’t fighting nothing oh it’s a stealing bird it’s a stealing

Bird if it keeps falling you might as well go back to base Sal have your T-Rex eat it yeah just keep yeah bring them back to the base have our animals eat it right why is the damn fool tacking us we’re getting we’re getting damn rocks they do that they

Pain so [ __ ] trying Ste a rocks is that odium up there yeah still oh okay how us you get teleported when he’s over here oh I’m sorry yep going go back up top back up to Sky R this thing is huge oh no wood how that’s terrible I’m sitting there trying to

Camp it wouldn’t do nothing I just happen notice ain’t no damn wood trying those guys coming in and out know I mean we got to get this [ __ ] it doesn’t seal directly does it odium look at that what up with that there’s still a gap up here OD H you see this

[ __ ] so it don’t seal completely probably not I guess I guess it wouldn’t matter right only like a monkey the monkey can’t get way up here right I guess matter guess still there’s a gap that’s weird all right God I don’t like it up here this is creepy crap

Man I jump in the water you land in one mhm I don’t like a way up there that’s creepy oh go way up top there freaking nuts is it holy crap yeah I don’t like it I don’t like that way too tall you’re all set I start to

Say you go all the way to the top look at that yep mhm it’s all there I’ll plug away at that’s all there buddy look at that my look at that freaking nuts one two three stories Man Four holy crap oh yeah four four right you holy

Crap man cuz one below us right yeah yeah holy sniky and see I was just going to go through remember I told you I said it’s just going to be three and it was that big door but the damn door had different plans mm it look cuz it would have looked so

[ __ ] stupid just stick it up where it was and leave it like it was it just look totally [ __ ] [ __ ] they had to do it yeah I mean you have to seal it in yeah I mean it just and it’s just going to take me time oh

Yeah yeah we’re not going to spend all our time [ __ ] with this thing I do that I do that when where y all at when I ain’t got nobody on I sit here and think with it hell yeah I give you something Tinker yeah man is it getting dark foggy it’s like a

Fog I got to go over here and drop some [ __ ] right here looks like a good place to pile there’s a lot of goodies going on the ground y’all don’t have it I don’t want it good stuff is it mhm it’s FL yeah yeah junk mm you get that [ __ ] easy all

Right okay fell I’ll be back guys h 1,730 300 how do you melt how do you melt that damn uh what stuff H oh did you get from you get from them rocks that metal what up you mean smelting yeah uh is that what it is yeah it just says metal resources how

Do you melt that stuff and turn it in tomato uh furnaces that talking about yeah ain’t this what he’s talking about yeah you know it turn it’s it’s a a Shiny Rock it says metal on it yeah yeah you put them in the smelter and turn into silver

Ingots or you know I mean shiny ingots yeah yeah so how do you turn it into them inrs you put it in the furnace with wood when you turn it on say hell I’ve got it in there yeah put wood in there and it and just put light it it’ll say with

Triangle okay I see demolish uh access inventory lot fire make fire mhm and how long does it normally take it not long and then it just turns it into a big shiny go uh bar don’t it mm mhm got L it back oh my God you won’t do it again will

You I was trying to get it where it don’t say put out the fire they got too close to it and I guess it burn his [ __ ] yeah you can burn yourself yeah be careful yeah well hit maybe it’s got to cook a while I got it going anyway there you

Go put metal in there and wood and that’s it I’m going make some metal see if I make some metal windows and put it along that side up top yep give it some windows and [ __ ] that why I don’t have to go hunt no damn Rock could make one side just all windows

Like a greenhous could put green up top there good Y and then by the water put my damn marijuana plants in there grow in Bad Boys jend will be my my number one customer i’ had padlock that son [ __ ] it’d be there beating the windows out of that thing you sure would

Be I’ll find something to do with another room mm I’m might have to use the parasaur I need berries yep he didn’t seem like yeah I think she I I say that man it’s big that’s a monster a want that if that was a damn meat eater which start probably still be

Shooting that sun [ __ ] the P score thing I was us no could you imagine that being a damn osaurus rex or one like you got or something like it there 200 yeah right those things are beast when they’re Tech WS hell it it take 10 billion damn

Uh arrows to knock that damn thing out oh you want to come over here for a second yeah you busy I was just sitting here my same okay come on over if you have time I’ll show you what this pig really does oh you going to show

That where is he at in home base or what yeah my base I’m going to show out how this pig Works Lot H is so dark and the basement of this son [ __ ] I’ll probably make this the Bas you going show this awesomeness m it is so damn dark down

Here can’t tell if it’s daylight or dark only thing is crystal Isles we could easily make electric here it’s going to be more of a pain it’s a pain in the butt so we got to go get silk pearls which are near the Arctic good angle let’s see oh there goes

One y all set this is why you get these pigs out that’s it it’s not as quick as I remember it no they slowed it way down what’s going on is everything moving I don’t have a clue I didn’t do nothing I just s here watching this damn ele I

Mean elephant no watching I was just sitting here watching this peig [ __ ] like hell that was weird it was odd like Moon I can’t even my bird I had to crawl out it weird they moved for no reason that’s weird no one whistled or nothing

No no I was just I was just standing here watching that pig there’s my damn big dinosaur I’s Lisa with her head stuck through the damn roof of you building right over top of the P I didn’t call anything maybe maybe when that Pig went

To [ __ ] and smell hit them and they come they come to put a stop to must be cuz I didn’t it very weird I didn’t cuz I didn’t do nothing I standing right here with y’all very weird I don’t know but that’s why you get the pig Outlaw and poops Bo do some

[ __ ] now that’s what you get it for yeah it’s for gardens I remember it being faster than that it was a lot faster that was slow that was kind of wasn’t as cool as it used to be it used us just pile up like popcorn mhm M it’s terrible

Oh well how many times will he do that one time as much as food as he’s got as many stem beares as you got in him yep that’s how you makeing poop stem bees yeah be careful it could kill him too you be careful yeah reduces his food

Amount yeah I started say what you’re saying is you can make you [ __ ] yourself death y yep that’s it it could happen well what you need to do for there ain’t no trees around here like ain’t no rocks you need to go out there and get you one

Them and cut your piece out P it down for a cork so you can cork that ASO off yeah and if it gets too carried away you just plug the damn hole up let [ __ ] be back up right man he’s doing some crapping yeah that’s what they’re for

Though oh you Bridge right side the wall see that yeah I know he moved too huh he’s right there I know what move my bird oh bird I think everything it’s weird I don’t know why they did I didn’t do anything I didn’t hear nobody whistle no all I did Fe

Them they all shifted Weird anyway oh right that making that funky sound yeah it makes that yeah you need you need two more you need another one them pigs to go with that one oh yeah do I way that way you can kind of take the turns with them that way you don’t have

To worry about it killing killing oh that’s true yeah yeah yeah I got everything back it’s all stol cuz if you get three or four from that one then three or four from another one you know I’d be I’d be eight eight [ __ ] balls mhm that should be a lot of fertilizer

Right there that’s right just just to have two animals that quick that’s sure he get bar yep is a beautiful I don’t know talking about parasaurs are good espe beginning espe this one’s huge but that’s what I wanted to show you that’s pretty cool get pooped

Fast and then this thing here rolls [ __ ] balls don’t it mhm yeah we got a bunch of fertilizer already and what does he do just roll it what I mean what do you what do you need Ro for roll in a ball you put him on the

Wander and you put in his inventory and over time he turns it into fertilizer yep oh does okay mhm yeah they have wander functions on these monsters you yeah make sure they’re an enclosed area for wander I should have waited for I watch out maybe it didn’t take what happened

What I whistled at the damn dinosaur the movie to moving away from the pigs get his head out of the damn wall yeah I can’t open the damn door F yeah I don’t know why they mooved that was very weird there you go Bud I moveed Lisa back okay

Yeah cuz she kept looking like she’s trying to eat the [ __ ] pig she probably is tasty she got plenty of damn food she don’t need that [Laughter] pig that’s too fattening for you girl we’re trying to watch your Figure go that way cuz I start spoiling meat so those we have no Tran arrows I me yeah when we actually want to go do stuff you know I mean I need Nar take her ass back over here see my Gators didn’t move that’s weird I don’t

Know why they all move everything that was close moved towards us it was weird it was very weird I didn’t do anything and see my the little spitter he stayed my all all everything moved except for these three right here very weird weird not unless one of them damn Birds

Swooped down or something but they’ have been chasing it or something wasn’t they yeah I hope so there’s there’s one of them [ __ ] stupid little birds in here what is that a 95 85 a damn 85 oh is a stealing bird is it it’s one of them uh LOM bird or

Whatever yeah dodos what’s going on here must be a barrier that’s Weird this thing’s a monster dude holy crap I’m going to level up yeah level up the correct way he’s a newb he wouldn’t know how to do it and that way when it it can heal while it’s sitting too yeah and I get nice life and everything plus I need berries that’s s

New I don’t have a berry collector so here this thing would be a beast you probably travel the whole map with this thing easy speed you know and as long as you got and as long as you got some protection with that that thing it ain’t going to get killed no that I

Have too much damn health and and everything to it just don’t fight that good no okay that that’s what I did the one time with a horse I had like five hyenas remember that’s what I did yep going build WD you said SP milk meat what makes it train right yeah

MH you have to have a mort pass you know what that is uhuh you need Stone and hide to make that I’ll show them what it looks like see where where guy I got a lot of hide I’ll send it to the group chat so

You know the stone is on the side of my house uh which one are we a Crystal Lake right that’s that one either or it’s either hell di or Crystal Lake I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that was okay I I sent it that’s a mort

Pastor that’s what it is that’s that’s the on the Ingram Branch oh right L funky looking with the hole in it yep yep that’s it yep she need so I have to make it right yes and then put that stuff in that yep mhm so need hide fiber and

Stone what it just says uh hide and stone that’s it hide and stone that’s it and that C that bow looking thing right mhm and you just craft it one time don’t you mhm yep guess you can’t paint that all right the B you can’t paint all right

Okay I don’t usually paint anything but I’m going to start painting stuff onio yep yep well if you need some practice uh you go here and get started on on this little bitty House of mine oh yeah she’s tiny all right and you coming on you yep yeah okay

And what did we say uh rock and rock and hide right yep Rock and hide and I just make it on my arm right yeah mhm okay y oh and you put that on the floor or on a uh table I I put them on tabl but you do whatever you

Want Oh want make a table for it mhm yep okay all you need that was metal and wood for a table so it depends you know done what you want to do with it now I can’t leave that I can’t leave that another too long hit it ain’t going

To cook it away right no once you me narcotics it’s permanent it’s good won’t spoil yeah and it won’t do anything unless you tell it to do it you know what I mean I’m talking about that metal rocks I put in there and and there to cook it down to be

Metal you know what I’m talking about yeah that’s fine yeah it’s fine it’ll stay there I put it in there and cut it on and just left it yeah that’s fine yeah that’ll be yeah that doesn’t do anything yeah that’s yeah it’s permanent yeah you’re good oh [ __ ] try this

Again yeah you can put that in there and leave it in there yeah until you’re ready to take it out the midal mhm so how’s this looking all need spoil meat I do it you need it we’re going to have to go after something eventually eventually eventually there’s not much on the

Island to get I mean I already got a you So I maybe chap there a big one that’s a three seater we all could ride that baby well go get some more berries that thing there you just okay right there just like that yep and you already learned Ingram so you should be fine right for Naros you should be all

Right okay I put it on the table mhm is and then if you should know you learn Naros right make the P now to make the the tranquilize arrows let’s see I I I use its inventory mhm uh what the hell is that stuff already up

There yeah on the top there’s a bunch of stuff yeah so you put in the black and the Narco berries and you put in your spoiled meat and it should light up on the top as long as you know it mean to make Naros it should light up unless you

Don’t know you should know it you learned it right or no no so I put the SPO meat in there right yes okay SPO meat all right so go uh make sure are you out of your are you out of that object your circle no I’m still putting spool meat

In there all right when you done let me know all I’ve got full meat in there okay so go Circle so you’re out of that you all set okay now push Circle so you’re on your main menu would you pick your your your inventory yep push options and then go down to number

Six and straight across there okay you see it number six water passenger uh select spark powder and narcotic and the blood bag all three of those or four of those I okay yeah you have all those do you now yep okay now you can make spark powder and

You can also make narcotics so you’re all good to go now okay so you go back to that with square the the mortar pasture and it should be highlighted on the top is it you own crafted yeah yeah yeah yeah okay back in the mortar P I’m talking

About you know what I mean right okay uh one you put the spoiled meat in okay that triangle right yeah yep yep yeah it’s got oh I don’t know it looks like a damn bucket with some kind of green [ __ ] in it mm yep yep yep red stuff no another

Bucket looks like coffee with a little creamer in it yep so you go to the and then some kind of black stuff looks like [ __ ] that’s SP all right so more black stuff so you go over it’s the first Ingram okay it’s the first one it’s the with green stuff in

It yeah yeah now is that highlighted yeah your now push try go oh you need you need blackberries in here hold on I I start say let me go hold on hold on where’s my Paras I’ll put some in for you this thing doesn’t pick up a lot but it picks up

Some there we go and plus I’ve got two pieces of paper it’s got some kind of Narcotics on it oh that’s that the weird stuff yeah all right now what you do Outlaw is you go you hover over the the narcotic and the top left and push triangle

Oh this is a bucket of the green stuff in it oh okay yeah hover over it and push triangle there you go you got n going good go now does that make the arrows no that’s that that’s what you add to the arrows yeah oh okay so you got to make

This to when and then when you’re making the arrows you use this stuff here too exactly it’s like they do with poison dart frogs you know what I mean in Africa you’re adding the poison to the tip of the arrow that’s what you’re doing okay that’s what you’re doing

Yep I was trying to learn this that way help make them Arrows with you and so I’ve got a lot of spot meat yeah I got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I got I got 10 in there now or did she in the live leave party oh did

He oh there she is cool I’m over here learning how to make North con so when you that’s how you do it yeah exactly so when you come back I’ve got yeah I’ve got something I can give you but you got to take it in the [Laughter] ass is that was out of

Nowhere this this is meant to give you to give you a shot right in the ass it’s got to be it’s got to be it’s got to be in that big musle yeah now Outlaw is gonna be showing up trying to Tran shindle I know it’s GNA come over start trying to [Laughter]

Shoot come here I want see if this works now the red stuff that’s beside what I’m making right now what do you make with this uh that you need um Stone and Flint I mean what what does it make oh that’s for your no oh crap what do you call that

Box odium preserving bin yep and will it preserve that meat yeah mm that that damn special meat that we needed that we didn’t have when we found the damn bird again okay okay that damn bird that time yeah we’ve never caught because it’s impossible we’re going we’re gonna get

That bird I don’t know we’re gonna get that bird I kind of gave up make sure we got the meat and we’re going to put some of this stuff on it to preserve it because it won’t last long enough for us to get there and find a

[ __ ] thing it’s I have to take a hyena with us or something or get a Hy yeah that would work preserves it longer when we got there we finally found the bird none of none of us had no damn meat it was all Sport and we have to figure

Out how to trap it too cuz that’s just insane we have to figure something we’re would have been better if the son of a [ __ ] would have been on still on the ground but time we you know y’all got ready instead of up in the sky

A stone yeah we’ll have to figure it out we we’ll figure it out he’s a smart [ __ ] he is he really is you stop you stop and think about it as soon as we showed up he got the [ __ ] up off that ground and up in the air and that’s

Where he stayed at he sure did he do very stinking time picks one of us up and then we can’t do a [ __ ] yep and when he does grab one of us he don’t fight us on the [ __ ] ground no he goes right up to the top yeah he sure does he gets

Away from them trees and them rocks and everything he can get hung on he goes up there in a wide blue [ __ ] Open Sky with you every time he sure does like he’s pretty damn smart if he’d stay on the ground and fight like that especially in some that bushy area as

Big as he is he’d get hung with heavy that’s sure like that like that Dragon did of odies you know he got down he couldn’t go nowhere that was nice yeah if that big son [ __ ] was to get on the ground and try and fight us like

That he’d get hung we’d have him but he don’t he Tak you up in the damn sky where ain’t nothing for him to get hung on exactly he’s a small SM [ __ ] B well shindel let us know if you want to come in damn I’m up to 71 buckets of that stuff

So far there you go 72 now yeah it’s not hard to make long as you got [ __ ] it ain’t not really no and hell it don’t even look like my damn sport meat’s going down looks like I still got the same damn amount of SP meat I did have that’s

Good oh it’s still working on the the first one it’s finally down to 19 pieces of SP meat right cuz it’s a 100 in each one of them run out you get in trouble was it right I’ve nearly got a 100 buckets of that stuff there you go

Buddy then you’ll have 100 arrows soon okay I’m pretty much done fellas there’s not much to do you say so wait what are you doing building house I I got mine done it’s done that’s nice yeah Al’s got a mansion to build now I’m on the bird garage so I’m working around why you need a bird garage for come on Billy that’s all we get is Birds isn’t it h no oh we do need Argent right there’s not much to do gu I could call my guy

Something what to call you let’s see here I’ll call you flash there it is no no no no yeah he’s just my little guy my backpack I’m not using that word I won’t do it I won’t do it oh no nope no uhhuh uhuh uhhuh you believe that one on you nope me

You believe that I mean uh yeah see you’re our little jungle bunny all right of course I think we’re all little jungle bunnies we all around this damn jungle over here don’t is I should paint the rest of my armor guess I guess I better better paint it better do it I

Guess I painted a saddle right yeah yeah now these berries that’s just got one Blackberry looks like it got a tail on it that’s a seed what do you use them M for can you use it for this stuff too or no use those for a garden yeah the owns yeah

I need take that one out berries you don’t want to pick them I was trying to cook his ass didn’t work huh I don’t know I I got it before before these others run out what are you playing sounds dangerous I think he’s playing tanks yeah that one that’s

[ __ ] are you still playing [Laughter] tanks what are you playing no all right out planes oh same difference same same game same [ __ ] yeah just a different oh flavor aggravation aggravation yeah flavor yeah different flavor yeah sure sure flavor well the tank game’s terrible it is pretty bad I don’t know why he’s

Playing it I’m sorry I just that game is terrible I got to clean out my dinosaur all this crap just got here I got to keep a lot in here though people just seem to just raid your [ __ ] yeah he raided mine up top of our he

Raed I had a bunch of [ __ ] in this son [ __ ] and I’m just now building it back up it didn’t have nothing in it yeah I know y I had a [ __ ] ton of them damn blackberries up there I put them over there because I didn’t want to mess up and eat

None of them well I teach me something don’t put [ __ ] in boxes not when turn around yep oh okay now I’ve got some more blackberries and are different from these these yeah they’re shiny they’re black pearl pearls oh those are pearls sweet yeah black pearls they’re for the mountain not ocean

Stuff they for the giant squid and you need it for the boat too yeah to make the metal boat yeah I’ve got some white pearls so I’m going to stick him in this time okay I’m trying to look see if there’s anything I need to here’s some

More this is seed so I’ll stick him in there this is seeds the hell is this black stuff oh that’s oil yep do I use that in that thing too or no no okay I’ll put that in this cabinet and I’ve got some white stuff

But I think I use that at that big table big long table mhm here’s some more seeds the hell is this watch out s r o p o b r d that’s what it says s u let me get a little closer s s r op p o d

H oh you know what that is nope that’s what it says s a u r o p o d sorod oh that’s one of the trophies it looks like a [ __ ] half eaten backbone yep oh oh yeah the bone okay yeah yeah yeah I know me now all

Right I know talking about first oh it says right here in little writing this trophy Prov your worth worth as a hunter yeah you get trophies for the boss fights those are for yeah I’ll stick that this I’ll stick this in that case too if you ever want to do those that’s what

They’re as long as we have high level rexes yeah yeah that’s scrap metal goes in that in that uh big furnace down our cooking too right yeah yeah okay I’ll keep that with me stick getting it furnished down there this uh seeds see od’s up there nothing much he’s supposedly all

Building something or something building a condo yeah condominium yeah that’s what he’s got now this red stuff oh see that say seeds too F stuck in a wall some weird doors here these guys own are you kidding me you got your own freaking dock really

Oh you like that don’t you what the heck is this crap you don’t know how to build do you no I don’t know anything don’t ask me that’s in case you get a shark right your dock here sitting is that how it works yeah it’s how it

Works mm got two doors are on the same spot I’m trying to still figure out if I want one that way or the other way mhm what do you use the Chens for cting p use it for sent pce use it for some Saddles yep I’ll just leave them two pieces of

Titens and in there you put it in your Smithy yeah Smithy or in a box either one I get this box here cuz I’m trying to CU I’m going to have to take that [ __ ] out of that damn box and put box in here and delete that box cuz it’s right

In the middle of the [ __ ] floor now screed up didn’t yeah that’s how far over we had to move this thing it literally put it right in the middle of the floor right at the entrance where the din has to come in the door oh no it’s a

Rook y please don’t eat flash thank you why not is he’s harmless making another cool working on take your stuff down here I’m trying to make I’m trying might me I to find something to do I took the one I don’t like doors anymore so I took that other door off on

You yep I might just remove all doors Works what do that crap need doors I see it need a door baloney yep sure was ah Che I don’t know there’s not much to do man not for me anyway cuz you need metal and all the other want to go for a metal

Run no we can that’s you want to do sounds good to me let me just get my metal in here though I still can’t believe this is going to be that big out oh my gosh there’s 300 pieces n 300 pieces 11 720 pieces I bet you I can move

Now I’m way over that all right and this what supposed to go over there look like wall here what’s what’s this wall here for uh I’m almost going I closed that door off like gu I’m thinking about finish closing it off right here well I can’t I need to get in here to

This well do you really need this wall here yeah that way it just ain’t one big open damn floor oh okay okay just check it’s just so bar down here it’s I’m I’ve got a p I think it’ll go in here table the wooden table right

Mhm you can make all you can make different ones and move that stuff around too I just set it in there so you had it you move whereever you want yep was the some [ __ ] full I guess it was full okay let me go back to

Here yeah someone died in the ocean over there did you check I haven’t checked no I should I’ll build since I not so heavy now go check it out now once this Metal’s taken out where do you use this metal SMY oh yeah yeah yeah what the wooden table yep

Okay cuz man I’ve got bars of it Dam there’s three bars 9 right go ahead I’ll go ahead move the mdle over there you just me I’ll be with Y these ways off is they I can reach what you trying to reach I wonder what this dead guy is over here

Oh maybe shindle I don’t know probably is I might be able to reach it who is it over here oh what it’s show oh it’s oh I okay I know what it is fell it’s when someone died in the cave underneath of us that’s what that beam oh is he doing

That weird [ __ ] yeah mhm that’s it’s coming up from underneath the ground that’s no now where do you put this charcoal you can put that in the box or you can put that in that um motor pure also that’s fusing um making gunpowder that thing it’s making the the

Drugs over there yep mhm yep good de yeah you can use that to make gunpowder you put that with the spark powder good good good see still coming back now cuz we’re not killing the Rocks anymore all coming back should just takes time that’s what I was waiting on of

Course I’m just going to keep letting it wait too all right all fellas why y’all anything to do here believe that guy did that [ __ ] I’m tra all right now what was we going to go get midle we can yeah if you guys want to I’ll up to you

Fellas I’ll just CU there maybe a theine over there or something you know yep that’s up to you guys you know oh that’s F I was just trying to get some of my stuff put in the yeah you’re fine in that thing mhm damn all these buildings

Looking pretty good yeah I know you better that’s why they watch his show oh people know how to building this don’t they yeah they’re like wow he’s better than everyone else uhhuh does look good though but I think we need to make it taller Odie no I’m good with this [Laughter]

Height I think I think you need to go up at least four more four more stacks of those things yeah I’m good with this height damn mine still see mine from way the hell over here I mean it’s way the hell up in there a dang but course wouldn’t had to

Go at damn high that damn door wasn’t so freaking big that’s sure now I don’t know where people’s at where where’s you and OD at I’m in my house yeah same I’m just putting up a couple more storage boxes in my store room I’m all set F that’s what you want

To go do right go get some resources yeah we might as well plus I want there’s Crystal up there too so if we want to do a a greenhouse wants to do a greenhouse we can yeah we got to get that stuff yeah yeah what where

Uh where we going at to get this stuff at it’s not far oh not far really close that’s why I like this spot too okay oh [ __ ] I gotta get one thing first make sure you have Naros don’t point that way was got Naros I got Naros we can make

Arrows my door sealed shut I don’t have to worry about that crap okay the only door I sealed was the bottom one there you I can’t seal the one that’s got my in the top of it not yet we’ll get there but I’m hoping nobody can get in here no you

Turned it off so we’re fine right now mhm yep okay you all set oh Yeah I’m ready and I figur we better get some metal and there’s Crystal there too so it’s easy for us to get cuz we need Crystal cuz Outlaw is going to want to do that cuz a garden is good to have so come on Lisa I know you can

Roar come on I know you can there it is gotta love the big monsters mhm oh yeah mine’s almost leveled up it’s close mine too let me look I might be able to level more not yet make sure you are on neutral of course it starts getting dark yep no it goes stinky

Game shindle what are you up to buddy a lot of swearing over there were you fishing or something shooting bombers down in fish no we had a buddy he swore remember that yeah he hated that fish game he swore up the storm Kevin uh-huh uh-huh sure sure oh I need

To get grab purple berries dude I forgot about that all right I almost forgot cuz we’re going to need those for anything that we find yep crap crap crap on a cracker why got no more purple berries I cooked all mine I mean MOS okay yeah I got purple berries I got

100 100 and 99 and then 26 it’s just the purple ones looks like the it looks like the black ones but these are purple right yeah yeah I’ve got some on me I’ve got 100 of one and 99 of another and 26 of another I pick up some

Resources oh we all set yeah cool should I grab hey in dark uh sounds like frustration over there oh sure take that he said I’m just equip doing a a torch FS yep you do that if you have an animal I’m just over here feeding this hungry [ __ ] now you have even more

Light see yeah his lag bone is about gone you guys are set right oh yeah oh yeah want to get crystal that’s the big thing I want in metal sector I got to get Crystal you want to make anything like a a garden or anything I make sure my guy’s following

Me he’s neutral come on L get your ass turn around and neutral good that we don’t attack anything un El I want it to I got mine and overdrive so he’ll attack any damn thing what the heck yeah attacking Target not taking any [ __ ] that’s exactly the label yeah I Ain

Take no [ __ ] [ __ ] we’re in close out it’s not too far from I like this beach for that reason it’s freaking awesome for that you pretty much get everything except for oil oil’s hard to get here I don’t see why red said that these was too damn slow I

Mean any faster why hell you couldn’t bu to Ste the son of a [ __ ] he’s just used to Flying a dragon that he can easily get mhm what the hell is that a raptor or oh I oh it’s a 95 he it it’s a pror Lisa wanted it too yeah she

Did probably night you can’t see crap here’s some metal we got to watch out for what caros too I mean what is this oh it’s um dead going down yeah didn’t make it it’s dead meat here was a snake for Lisa that’s what it was yep SN I hear a

Monkey monkeys are nice oh oh there’s two right below me if you guys want them want monkeys there’s two of them oh three of them we don’t have any in this file there’s three guys what there’s three of them two three I got to make this dinosaur

Crap there’s three of them I didn’t see that many together oh him nope now had you get down on the ground again R3 press down on the R3 stick squat there you go you can do it that way too yeah make sure MOS are on your final slot on the bottom

Bar you have them on there do you what is it the purple berries you put them all the way on the bottom yeah not the Naros the other one so where did you see these monkeys at where where I’m standing right up here they’re right in front of me

One two three of them oh I see them three that’s why I’m not moving I’m just here for light where the hell are they now there’s one straight in front of me oh and he ran that one ran that’s why I’m not moving there’s two or three

Of if I move they my bird cuz maybe it spooked them it might I can’t I can’t even SP I heard that one but I don’t see him I don’t know where he went either it’s hard to see him they’re tiny I just heard them I think they all split I don’t see

Them it’s going to be hard to see them at night they’re so small yeah they all ran yeah let’s get metal and then if they’re here they’re here whatever yeah I’m going to go up to the top here oh here’s metal oh no tree get out of here what’s up B

Dinosaur should be right there no B no no dinosaur no toine oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man L took ass thank you I was scared he just thought he was a bad mama jama till he met her he was trying to eat me he was he was all

Right there’s a box up here Outlaw you got to get all right all the way on the top of this hill here all let me get me another Lantern mhm mine petered out sure all right no cies get out here get B bad compy bad Cy okay you’re right on up here

Mm now what zooms me back out again what do you mean I’m looking at the back of my dinosaurs head R you think I can remember that that’s all right man no be where the hell is that Dragon things Raptor yeah up here outla up here just know what you want to

Get I get off your dinosaur though see it see that box I already got I got it just be careful there’s a cliff right there yeah yeah grab that that’s a no Survivor no I hear a monkey that’s in the background I don’t think that’s around them test subjects mhm

What kind of damn T subjects that’s what we are dude that’s what our characters are why do you think we have things in our hands that’s normal what do you mean things in our hands I didn’t know we had anything in our damn that’s that that’s the implant

That’s the that’s when you go to your inventory that’s why oh the inventory okay you hold your hand up to your face is that that’s gem in your left arm okay see we’re experimenting that’s how we know all those ingrams mhm that’s what they they’re talking about come on laser turn whoa now

Careful careful that’s what I said I wouldn’t yeah i’ I would left her over here but yeah that’s why I said you got to walk over to that one there’s a cliff there there you go there you go nice and easy there you go buddy there you go hold where you behind you

Guys yeah he’s right there I’ve been getting a bunch of metal and stuff yeah I just picked up a bunch of Crystal I’m just I’m just riding the in case any Predators we probably can head back now right fellas yep I’m all full that’s all I can carry it’s all

Crystal what that white stuff behind me mhm you want to get some yeah let me grab let me grab me some okay it’s the glowing yeah the glowing crystals here right here what you do just hit triangle I used a pickaxe oh pickaxe okay mhm just like

Metal yeah just be careful they’re heavy so you you get overweight uh where the hell are they now just that one they’re on the top right underne your berries if you have any berries I’m y’all see any oh they’re right next to me see them where you miss yeah yeah get that

One anything else I a that’s it there’s not many up here no it’s just enough so we can do other things with it what’s that damn light right down there see it in the woods right here what is that lit up see it see it right down there it’s

Not red is it no it’s white see it oh okay it’s right it’s right right in front of it’s a drop it’s a drop oh okay I’m not messing with white no I I ain’t going crap out of those things man where’s my there she is MHM yeah the we drops are crap

Usually okay am I going the right way yep yeah we go back down right right back down to the river and then to your right once you get to the river I figure if F don’t scare none of them damn little bitty [ __ ] off they deserve to get killed

So we have obsidian we got Crystal we can we got pretty much everything now fellas I think they chitten there’s them monkeys ain’t it no think they’re bir those bugs I think bugs it was bees oh that’s egg stealer I repair my what what’s that glowing

Down there oh oh never mind it’s okay A TR we’re okay I start to say whatever the hell is scared man whatever he was I knew I knew he’s fix to get his ass in trouble great yeah we’re good now we going to start turn the

River yo River OD you okay I got a monkey do you cool oh you picked one up yep got to go toward the river out slowly and dip well you know you in trouble T right that’s right T need I tell you there’s a high level monster around

Them yeah big monster rex or spino or theine I think it’s more like ibration Glow Pets high level well that’s what these guys do the same thing yeah big monster you guys coming yeah I’ve got you backing up the hill now oh you’re fighting that Diplo yeah

Big old big neck mhm I don’t know what power was and I’ll need a taming bin close to our base mm that one’s not really close it ran that’s fine he’s just about dead it must have been a vegan it took a lot of bites from this

Did it big old girl right here I didn’t kill it it ran it ran from me so I let it run but it it was Bloody bigger than hell when it did run if it would hung out just couple more minutes it would have been dead killing fish that bait steer flying flying

Around me yeah I like my big old Dino here and she’s a big old girl she got enough ass to handle just by thing it runs up on that’s plenty fast enough for damn dinosaur sodi I’m probably going to get off Bud for a while yep take a

Break I should proba this one big I’m G to take a break I’ve been out a while me too yeah I woke up early and I’ve been on there since you said he was on all day yep I okay I don’t know what the hell them

Gators has got down there but it’s doing some holler there it goes they’re still chasing it what the hell is it all right I’m get off okay yep oh wait no sh I gotta make sure my guy’s in full Attack Mode what the hell is they after oh what the hell they’re after

Here why isn’t it do should be right I guess there we go attacking your tet that should be right gr is fine OD yeah now why don’t R1 work for what I’m trying to make it where I can see my character now that’s only if you’re riding in a monster how you

Doing I’m not running on much I’m on the ground oh then you have to push uh the tab button there a big the tab in the center and then go to first person or third person whichever is highlighted yeah it’s different when you’re on the

Ground yeah I’m I’m going to call it for now with you mhm yeah do it right now I’m all sealed in dinosaurs on aggressive mode there it is all done all right I’m GNA take a break oh man we got a lot done dude lot done all right all right big

Guy I’ll see you guys tomorrow chle oh you’re still there you to Bud all right I’ll I’ll see you you tomorrow too bud oh yeah I probably won’t stay on much longer I’m going I may craft a little bit try to craft some sides and stuff

For this hell yeah hell yeah all right bud I’ll be on it sometime in the afternoon tomorrow all right buddy you get some sleep bud oh I’m gonna lay down here a little bit turn watch it Park my bird and call it good all right guys you have a good night guys

Yep y see you tomorrow yep you still in here OD or yeah okay yeah I figured I’d plug wait this building a little more where in the hell did my animals run off too don’t know they’re acting weird yeah there they are they just went absolutely a

[ __ ] crazy just a second ago there’s one of them and there’s a little spinter but where the hell’s my other Gator I don’t see son of [ __ ] nowhere those was both just running all over the place biting that every damn thing just a second ago uh oh are he

Is right here at the freaking house looking in yep not man yeah right I’m going try to get on a little early and try to get my challenges done on cross out try to get them challenges done CU see tomorrow most people be gone to work

And then the little kids should be going to school so at limit some of the [ __ ] not going to be on so yeah then you got then you got the ones that will be on but it just won’t be as many yeah yep doesn’t matter what hour yep all right buddy

Just got to make sure this is sealed yeah save your character my in there oh I bet you that’s what they chasing what so some [ __ ] they ain’t even trying to bite me H that did you’re in trouble now I told you you in trouble now I’m going to need about seven all

Right all right craf a few walls what for yep is he chasing that don’t know what’s up something’s chasing something that alligator he’s still he’s still held been on whatever he was after earlier I mean he’s just running all over the place over here back and two back and two that’s what

All right so I should be good I’m probably GNA log off all right buddy hell I’ll see y’all tomorrow yep y’all have a good night you too

This video, titled ‘Odium87’s Live PS4 Outlaws island Part 5’, was uploaded by Odium87 Incursion on 2024-02-26 07:42:47. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:39 or 16839 seconds.

Odium87 Playing Listed. Crossout, Warframe, Dauntless, Hell Divers, Minecraft, Ark survival Evolved, Elder scrolls Online, Monster Hunter World, List will continue.

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    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: https://profile.turnip.gg/PnUj8Wn5U3LZz5V6A Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More