Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!

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what’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new episode of from the fog we’re back here on the world and we’re just going to jump straight into it um real quick before we get started I have added the backpack mod so if we take a look here and we type in backpacks We Got The Travelers backpack mod I’m not quite sure how these uh work like I’m not quite sure how you craft these um so to make a standard Travelers backpack um okay so is this what you need I don’t okay I I don’t understand I’ll figure that out it looks kind of easy I guess I don’t know I guess there’s sleeping bags now I actually didn’t even notice that was in here um let me actually take a look sleeping bags so we do got sleeping bags uh which is very nice just we can temporarily sleep um yeah I know I said I wasn’t going to sleep yeah about that um I might want to sleep sometimes I’ll try not to but if I do I do if I’m like wandering off somewhere I’ll probably sleep but what I do want to do is I want to clear out a little bit more of the top of the base here um I do actually want to get some more wood I do think [Music] okay okay okay [Applause] okay um why did that low key that was just the worst timing why did he say that as I was running uh I didn’t like that okay nothing’s down there is he is he outside does that mean he’s nearby I have no idea uh okay well let is this really all the wood that I got it must be all the wood that I gots uh we’re just going to make it into planks and I do need to get iron as well sometime I’m not quite sure how I want to do that I want to get the villagers around here too I want to make them like an actual house eventually so that’s something that we can do I’m actually going to take a look on the cams real quick be a little cams Merchant like Among Us character um okay so I don’t really see anything so okay so I want to how do I um how do I zoom in is it this yeah okay so I do want to like make my base a little bit higher above the ground what is that is that a okay that’s just a horse okay and it’s raining why is it always raining in my world I don’t like that can you please stop raining no okay anyways yeah I want to clear off a little bit more of this um a lot of this dirt over here too and then we can kind of like build like an upstairs to it um I think that’s something that I would want to do and then maybe bring like a little house I want to flatten out more of this terrain cuz I got a lot of hillage and um I would want to make a little bit more flatter so I can actually um why were you there I don’t know why you were there but yeah I want to make it a little bit more flattered just so I can actually um I don’t like how it’s raining can you stop saying that this guy literally distracts me all the time and it’s actually annoying me sometimes um some of you guys said you guys don’t even like the like the goatman’s kind of boring I’m not going to lie I lowkey kind of agree he is kind of annoying as well um he just doesn’t shut up and he always keeps appearing uh I was thinking about like taking him out of the mod pack just for a little while because like it does get very annoying after a while and I don’t end up doing anything I just end up sitting here listening to him just scare the hell out of me anyways um okay before I go outside I’m going to take a look one more time I really don’t like how it’s raining I would like to put up some more Cobblestone walls though that is something that I do want to do um so we are going to have to Fini around with certain stuff um okay so I’m pretty sure if I’m not mistaken yeah I should have quite a bit of walls still uh we can just slot these right here for now uh it’s good to have some blocks on me of course right now and um yeah okay do I want to go outside do I I’m going to stop being scared okay we’re chilling we’re chilling is he around I have no idea where he is not even sure if he’s even here uh but yeah I would okay that’s just random stuff I would like to clear out like I said a lot of this stuff so I can actually get a move on to it um I’m just like scared because he can literally spawn this guy can literally spawn anywhere and I’m pretty sure these walls aren’t even that high enough so that’s another scary thing what I want to do as well for the walls um I do want to put like a block and then a fence skate and then a block above okay I did not like that I really don’t like how he okay I really don’t like okay okay I don’t like how like there’s no piece to this it’s kind of it’s kind of annoying um okay you know what I’m going to do I’m going to take him out for a little while and I’ll probably substitute him out with like different um mobs so it’s like ones that like like the from the fog guy he comes out at night so that’s not too much of an issue which is completely fine by me it’s this guy that’s always laring and it’s just the noise that are super annoying I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to get rid of them for a little bit uh yeah give me two seconds okay guys so we are back I added a ton of mods um I’m not even going to name them you guys will just see as we play so um actually you know what I’ll say one mod that I’ve added was the uh midnight lurker if you guys don’t know it’s like a black entity kind of guy um and I’m pretty sure I watched the video on it and there’s like some thing I think it got updated and there’s now some like little like shadowed Black Block kind of thing I’m not really sure how to explain it but um yeah you guys will know when you see see it but um what we’re going to do it’s a cow okay uh so yeah I added a bunch of other creatures like smaller creatures kind of thing and I also added um some new Mobs kind of thing better Villages and stuff like that but uh we’ll get to that when we come to it um so yeah this stupid rain is kind of lowkey annoying me so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get rid of a lot more of this terrain a lot more grass I guess you can say um speak can sure nothing’s sneaking up on me what’s that vibration felt vibration okay well it’s getting dark I’m getting inside should probably close this door too I’m going to go to sleep I’m not trying to deal with enemies right now I I just want to build in peace damn it can is that such a a crime like damn uh okay actually you know what while I’m here I might as well make one of these new tools um okay so I know we can make like all let’s make a katana I think a katana would be pretty cool um so yeah let’s make a katana um should I make an iron one I don’t even know if I have enough iron I don’t have much iron I might have to go get some more iron down below we you got a little bit of iron so we can definitely go ahead and smelt that up real quick let that run and then we’ll make a um a katana oh it’s not going to show okay it’s not going to let me in there okay that’s fine and we’ll just make ourselves an iron one it looks pretty easy here so an iron and sticks which don’t even have sticks okay let grab some sticks which don’t think I even have sticks that is kind of embarrassing okay all right so let’s make this k Why can I okay so I think it’s something like this I think if I’m not mistaken um there we go we we’ll grab this this looks a lot better of this our weapon all right all right it’s actually looking very peaceful out here I’m loving it I’m loving it all right let’s get back to digging some more I guess what hi Herobrine what the hell was that noise that wasn’t Herobrine that’s that was something else I have no idea what that was I’m not going to lie can you can you get away please bro just going to walk up to you there you go peace out bro I’ll see you soon I will talk to you later what was that do you guys hear that there’s like a big vibration I heard it again bro I swear that over there is like haunted I swear okay I think we’re okay think we are okay I am going to make a two more shovels here cuz I need the shovels uh this is how it’s coming along as well guys it’s looking pretty good I’m loving it I’m loving it I’m going to have to clear out that eventually but for now I kind of only want to clear out this just just for now at least okay so now that we cleared that out um we should probably start building it huh uh I think for now I’ll probably make it out of okay you know what I’m actually going to need quite a bit of um wood so we’re going to chop down quite a bit of trees here throw that there there we go let’s chop down some trees hopefully uh everything’s going good and it’s already getting night time oh my God what is with the night time in This I Swear night time takes like 2 minutes I don’t understand why night time is uh very quick for some odd reason not a big fan of it okay all right let’s get inside what was that do I even want to know what that noise was I don’t know we’re going to chop down this tree though that’s all I know hello Herobrine bro he’s really out to play today very surprised he’s never liked this he’s never likeed this we’re going to go to sleep cuz I want to guys I want to actually make some progress none of these mobs are going to get in my way stupid mobs oh I literally had to pickaxe it this whole time oh I’m a I’m an idiot I thought it broke I don’t know why I didn’t see that bro you’re still there bro get out of here get out of here I’m so tempted to look at him but I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not okay we will uh clear a little bit more of this I might as well get the seeds while I’m here as well really don’t like how he’s watching me bro you know what you can watch me bro he’s chill he’s chill Herobrine he’s like my guard uh I don’t know if that’s really the right term but he’s chill he’s chill that’s all I know okay throw this down there we go and we will okay well I guess I might as well put this here fill these all in with dirt and I’ll fill this all in I don’t want it to be floating kind of thing I don’t like the look of that ow there we go okay nice and we’ll do something like this uh I guess we can have a door here there’s that noise again what is that noise I don’t know what that noise is it’s very very weird I will get rid of a little bit more of this so I can put fences around or walls I guess you could say okay so I guess we could start building um what I’m going to do so this is All Surrounded uh except for here okay he you only teleport he just teleported it’s fine all right let’s get rid of some of this okay that is not what I meant to do uh so we’ll keep that like that dude I don’t like how like okay whatever it’s fine and I guess what we can do here is we will probably make this like an outdoor area or do I make this like the top of my house I guess I could theoretically I’d probably need some um uh let’s close this up um I should probably yeah see I don’t have much iron h [Music] honestly I honestly think stone stone is Stone is for the future you know okay well we’re going to make a dirt chest we might as well throw okay well might as well throw all those garbage in here thank you very much uh do do we want to make this out of cobblestone might as well because I already have a ton of cobblestone uh so I might as well make that out of Cobble um so let’s come out of here and we are essentially okay well I need to find like a spot um don’t really want to break that let’s find a spot for the Cobble Stone and the we’re going to build some ladders as well uh let’s make some more sticks that’s not how you make sticks and we’ll do this whoa did y all just hear that is that okay nothing nothing crazy um okay so what we can do is we can break this uh and we can climb up to here okay so I guess what we can do is break that and what we can do is we’ll put Cobblestone for now until we want to change it um I think Cobblestone will be all right for now and then what I can go ahead and do I don’t really like how that’s all like that I’m not going to lie huh what’s actually below here okay well what I’m going to do just going to I guess replace the floors with this cuz I don’t really like the looks of it um what’s this that’s my house okay okay okay that’s fine that’s fine all right that’s is a okay with me and we’ll just put the thing just like this fill that all in and [Music] then make this a tad bits bigger I guess might as well right um probably gonna have to push this up more further but I guess they will do the trick for now um I don’t like how this is like that uh okay well I might have to just change up that design with that and just put regular um regular wood down so we’ll collect this okay uh 36 fences is that enough might be enough what the hell was that did did you guys just see that or is that just me I don’t know is there anything nearby I’m actually kind of curious here’s zombies down below okay nothing nothing nothing’s going on just Herobrine being an absolute weirdo right now that is completely fine uh okay well what I will actually do with these um I will just simply do something like this probably make it a little bit taller like that right one two three four five probably like five blocks high would probably be fine enough for me uh it’s already getting night time there we go and we’re literally off by like one of these fantastic okay well that’s fine and then this okay let’s actually quickly get to sleep I don’t want to deal with anything right now um oh I was like wait where did those come from I forgot it was from the roof okay that’s fine um okay I eventually want to get villagers in here too um so that’s something that I do definitely want to do can anything come through that low you don’t want to take that risk so I’m just going to place a a dirt block there and we’ll go to sleep just so we don’t get bothered by anything and then we’ll come back up here there we go okay fantastic Herobrine is gonzo um okay oh okay I completely forgot I can’t do that we’ll break this for now and we got to collect some more wood so so we might as well get a little bit more wood um we’re going to have to replant some Spruce saplings I might as well plant them inside my area for now like inside there is probably going to be the idea cuz I want to clear everything else that isn’t in my base kind of thing so I think that’s something that I want to kind of do right guys this um this little upper part is not going to be the prettiest it’s just going to get the job done that’s literally uh basically my plan here so um I’m not going to go too crazy on this build um as long as it protects me from the bad enemies so I also put a cobblestone wall right here just because of that Hills there eventually I’ll probably replace that but for now this is how it can you know kind of be kind of thing and then I’ll just put fences um at the bottom over here I’ll get that after and and uh yeah just so we can somewhat see and I don’t think anything should be able to come through between those fences but you never know some of those creatures are pretty crazy and then for this part we can just put the fences down nicely done am I even going to have enough I should I think so I’m pretty sure okay there we go so we’ll have this like that so kind of like acts as like Windows um I should probably put a front door no three four five six 7even 8 nine 10 11 so one two three four five so this could be the door uh door as in like um uh what’s it called trap doors because I don’t trust any of those things there we go I should probably make Oak ones no actually you know what I can do this would be very different doing this I can go like that it’s kind of cool right a little bit I don’t know something like that that looks so wonky I okay I should actually fill it in with like actual block that is such a weird that’s cool I like that I don’t know why I like that it looks so weird but you know what it literally looks like a door guys this is actually kind of sick actually acts like a door okay so for the roof what do I want to do for the roof uh do I just want to put like slabs over it honestly I’m I might even just put slab I might actually just put slabs over I’m not even going to lie guys let’s let’s just let’s make it out of slabs UH 60 is probably not enough but that’s fine here we go just so as well as nothing could actually spawn on top of our room our roof too so it’s it is going to be a flat roof guys th it’s all about efficiency in this world not not look okay I know I know I’m terrible at building but you guys got to admit I’m actually like getting a lot better but like I really just don’t care whatever whatever keeps me out of those enemies is bubble is good by me okay I’m probably going to use up the rest of this right yeah I’m probably still not even going to have enough for this to be honest with y’all okay slabs sometimes is my worst enemy I can never get them sometimes or I can hit them sometimes it’s a very very hits or miss with these and we should be done just about now there we go all right oh hello Herobrine you come to watch my build you like it bro you kind of like it or what uh should I put a door here too no I feel like no no no door no door um okay so trap door actually I might as well put this here so I can just go like this so I don’t walk down by oxident okay so these dogs I don’t know where I’m going to put them I want to put them somewhere else because they they get very very annoying over time I’m not going to lie they do get pretty pretty annoying um I actually lowkey want to test this with the the one dweller oh my jeez okay well oh I actually got one piece too that’s actually kind of funny uh will this break if I do that no okay fair enough fair enough okay so that looks cool Leo like that I don’t mind that too much something like that and then what is that do I want to know what that is I don’t think think none of these enemies can actually whoa um uh hello dude he actually just snuck up on me I remember when I was playing this with my friend on the One World which by the way guys we need to get back to uploading that pretty soon I need to I need to hit him up and tell him to record soon we just been having some issues but he was not sneaky like this the particle effects with a appear of like happy faces if you guys remember and then he would come very interesting that he just kind of snuck up oh my God okay where are you going he doesn’t even know what he’s doing now he’s on top of my roof okay um interesting enough so the Ender’s out there I want to see if there’s any I’m just going to kind of sit out here and wait what is that what is that oh it’s a skeleton I’m like what is that yep I kind of want to see like what mobs are outside here to be honest with y’all um so yeah we will just chill here um I do want to test to see if the man from the fog can actually get in here okay so he has spawned okay you have just came out of nowhere haha you can’t get me boy you like that you like that yeah that’s what I thought you can just chill up there and do weird things don’t care I do want to make a farm probably make a farm out here to be honest with y’all yeah yeah don’t don’t be burning my floor bro I would not appreciate that and we’re going to go to sleep and my foot’s asleep oh my foot’s actually asleep hold on oh oh my God I’m literally like sitting I was sitting on my foot that was probably not smart Okay um sweet now I should probably start a farm up uh what I do want to do is I got some more Cobblestone walls I’m actually going to build a little bit more more so let’s make some [Music] more and we’re also going to make ourselves um some more fence gates as well I’m not sure how much we’ll make four just for now just in case um I didn’t even have enough sticks okay okay so yeah we’ll make uh four four of these for now and we’ll just basically throw them um somewhere up here just so we got absolutely everything covered so let’s come outside here uh we’ll stick one there we’ll stick one there and we already actually have some over here okay fantastic okay well I don’t like how this is I don’t like how nothing’s up here I lowkey want to add walls here yeah I will just stick up some walls just in case cuz I don’t want anything to um to come into here I’m just going to do something like this I guess don’t like how there’s just random Stone here we’re going to patch this up with dirt as well there we go okay no I might as well get rid of this too don’t like looking at this Stone just looks weird right here we’ll just put down some nice little dirts just it looks a little bit more comforting little bit more natural kind of look to it kind of thing okay here we go I don’t know where all these enemies are I’m not going to lie guys it’s very quiet without the goat man I already miss him nah that guy was so annoying I’ll probably add him back soon don’t don’t don’t y’all worry guys unfortunately I’ll add him back soon unfortunately I don’t know where all these mobs are these new like like passive mobs like birds um Bears deers or not deers like mooses and stuff I don’t know where they all are where the hell are they they’re not where to be seen okay well I guess what I can do is I could definitely just make a farm right here which would be a okay we got our entrance here which is fine um okay you know what I want to do just in case should probably have a crafting table out here as well um I do actually want to put a little bit more security around right here just in case so we’ll just cover this up around and as well I don’t accidentally fall in so theoretically we got a bunch bunch of just random Cobblestone walls here so we should be good here we got a tree here I might as well chop this up as well and I do want to build like a house or like a HUD or something for the villagers so I can start trading with these guys and that is something that I do want to do all right so that’s fantastic um what even is these azer bluets I I’m not going to lie guys I don’t know nothing about flowers is that even a real flower who knows okay we’ll put that there now this should be okay I’m just going to throw few torches right here um I’ll throw some torches along here as well um so yeah we we got a lot of O tree we got a lot of uh walls here looks so confusing uh eventually this will be all flattened out and actually made into stuff we’ll have villagers probably living inside this area little huts and stuff like that this could be the villager’s area and could be my area I can obviously expand the house this way and then oh you know what’s actually a very good idea that I can eventually do I’ll have a farm little farm right here and I have the upstairs and I have glass over so I can like kind of see like the farms grow and have a ladder climbed down a kind of like a greenhouse with like a floor on Top low key that wouldn’t be a bad sh would not be a bad shout um so let’s grab some more wood and yeah guys so probably in the next episode I’ll probably go down into the caves unfortunately I don’t want to and um I’ll probably have to figure out how to get these mobs to spawn cuz I don’t know why they’re not spawning they honestly guys they they should be spawning I don’t know why they’re not it’s very very weird but um yeah it’s looking pretty nice it’s looking pretty nice I’m pretty sure I trapped most of the villagers in here I hope I did I really hope I did um I need that okay so let’s actually climbing down here and we will simply okay so I think I should have some seeds around here somewhere um we got a lot of junk guys I need to stop putting random stuff into some random chests not a good not a good habit but you know what it’s light work things if you know what I mean okay keep that though we’ll keep the boat onest cuz you never know when you need a boat to trap people or mobs so we got 16 Wheats oh we can we can do carrots and potatoes oh I like that I like that a lot um is there actually I don’t even think there’s actually water around me oh who what don’t want you to close on me won do that oh let’s let’s let’s actually shut the doors there don’t like that um don’t think there’s actually water unless I go down there which is fine okay well I’m going to go ahead and end this video off here I’m a little bit busy right now so that’s why this might be a little shorter of an episode and not really too productive basically just building the house uh so you guys hope you guys did enjoy this video If you guys did make sure to give it a big thumbs up make sure to hit subscribe if you guys are new and until next time I’ll see you guys later peace out and peace oh I did not mean to jump

This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Most Scariest Mods – I ADDED THE MIDNIGHT LURKER (#7)’, was uploaded by MikeReacts on 2024-04-11 03:30:39. It has garnered 443 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:00 or 2160 seconds.

Welcome to my new series where I will be surviving Minecraft scariest mods. each episode it will get harder and harder new mods will be joining my world.? you will have to find out.


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    Fortify Your Craft: Minecraft House Defense! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house that truly survives. With walls of obsidian, strong and tall, And traps that will make any enemy fall. From crafting armor to protect our skin, To setting up defenses that will make them grin. We’re ready for any threat that may come our way, In this game of survival, we’re here to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we build the ultimate house, shining bright. Subscribe for Part 2, coming your way, And enjoy the adventure, every step of the… Read More

  • Mine Rhyme Time! 🔥😂 #meme #minecraft

    Mine Rhyme Time! 🔥😂 #meme #minecraft Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftmemes #fun2rhyme Read More

  • Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft

    Building the World Trade Center in Minecraft The Minecraft World Trade Center Mod Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new mod has emerged that brings a touch of reality to the virtual realm. The World Trade Center Mod, created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, allows players to experience a unique addition to their gameplay. Features of the Mod The World Trade Center Mod introduces a detailed replica of the iconic Twin Towers to the Minecraft universe. Players can explore the intricately designed buildings, complete with floors, windows, and other architectural elements. The mod aims to… Read More

  • Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile

    Craft 3D Minecraft Model on Mobile Creating 3D Minecraft Models on Mobile: A Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to take your creativity to the next level? With the help of mobile apps like Prisma 3D, Skinseed, Animate it, and RIG, you can now easily create stunning 3D models right from your smartphone or tablet. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft modeling and animation! Prisma 3D: Crafting Your Creations Prisma 3D is a powerful tool that allows you to design intricate 3D models with ease. Simply download the app from the Google Play Store and unleash your imagination. From building detailed structures to… Read More

  • Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444

    Hypixel Skyblock: Get Free Coins! LVL 444Video Information This video, titled ‘[LVL 444] Hypixel Skyblock FREE COINS ! (!giveaway !discord !mod)’, was uploaded by AxE Tv on 2024-06-22 14:25:45. It has garnered 128 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:07:46 or 18466 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock ———————- Liens utiles 🙂 ————————- – Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/axe_tv2 – TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@axe_tv2 – Public Discord: https://discord.gg/gxYnMEGAV8 – Support the channel: https://streamlabs.com/axe_tv2/tip – Twitter : https://twitter.com/AxeL3g3nd – Ip Hypixel : mc.hypixel.net —————————————-­­————————— Read More

  • Ultimate Armor Quest – Day 12

    Ultimate Armor Quest - Day 12Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore | Getting Perfect Armor! (Day 12)’, was uploaded by InfiniteAvocado on 2024-03-25 10:44:45. It has garnered 62 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:59 or 6659 seconds. Thanks for watching the stream 😀 Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/eUN3PZc2wB Minecraft – Gaming Livestream Ignore Tags- Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!

    Marvel Legend Survives in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE solo survival series’, was uploaded by Marvel Legend Master on 2024-06-04 09:26:49. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:19 or 6079 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Modern Mansion Build 🔥 Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Modern Mansion Build 🔥 Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern 🏡 House In Minecraft | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Karan Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-22 04:32:00. It has garnered 1688 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC showdown! Arrwie’s LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage

    EPIC showdown! Arrwie's LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) - Nethpot MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘LT3 vs HT4 (unranked) – Nethpot Montage’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-12 13:43:17. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… i am the unranked ht4 here… (dont take the title seriously) Thanks for watching and i hope you like the video 😀 Please dont forget to like the video and leave a comment! want an edit? DM me in discord👇 Discord: arrwie (Before wanting edit say “Birdie” so i can know its my subscriber 😉) Editing Software?… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!

    Ultimate Minecraft PrimalCore Mod tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘PrimalCore mod tutorial. Guide. Primal Beginning’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-07-14 15:00:06. It has garnered 49 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:14 or 4694 seconds. The PrimalCore mod adds more hardcore development to Minecraft, complicating the processes that have become familiar, such as, for example, making tools, mining fire or leather processing. I tried to make for you the most complete review of the mod PrimalCore. It’s more like a guide than a review. I hope you like this format of my videos. You can also suggest… Read More

  • Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shorts

    Unbelievable: ModernLegendsLP Quitting?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘they just gave up! #shorts’, was uploaded by ModernLegendsLP on 2024-01-15 13:00:19. It has garnered 2423 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. they just gave up! #Shorts #Minecraft #MinecraftShorts #MinecraftMemes Game: https://bit.ly/2UjRL8g Server: mc.hypixel.net Gamemode: BedWars 📝Twitter📝 https://bit.ly/2XrDKGO 🎧Discord🎧 https://discord.gg/4VbuQzaG7n 📷Instagram📷 https://bit.ly/37FCGB1 🎬Twitch🎬 https://bit.ly/2UjRWQY 🎬Highlight Channel🎬 https://bit.ly/3AF3U7e 👕Shop👕 https://bit.ly/3g5zovl 🎬TikTok🎬 https://bit.ly/3Ih2TaC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #Minecraft

    Mind-Blowing Brazil Build! Day 3 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 3 of Building the History of Brazil #minecraft #brazil #portugal’, was uploaded by SlippingThree71 on 2024-04-08 16:49:13. It has garnered 432 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!

    New Roblox Fly with Me Spider-Man Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fly with Me spider man #roblox #gaming#minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #fortnite #shorts’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-06 18:08:46. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • HollowRift SMP

    HollowRift SMPHOLLOWRIFT SERVER LAUNCH! ABOUT US: Welcome to HollowRift SMP, We’re delighted to have you join our Minecraft community. We do our best to give you the most overpowered Gaming Experience with various game modes like survival in our Minecraft Server. Reception to HollowRift SMP, the ultimate Minecraft server for Survival enthusiasts! play.hollowrift.com Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Minecraft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla survival server for mature players. Join our tight-knit community and enjoy features like Waystone, Double Shulker Shells, and more! Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invis. Item Frames Katters and Qraftys structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Apply to join: Application Form Server IP: Polycraft.mcserver.us Join our Discord: Discord Chat Read More

  • Survival 141

    Survival 141This is a basic survival server with gameplay as close to a vanilla experience as possible.Basic server rulesNo GriefingNo SpammingNo AdvertisingNo Cursing/No Constant CursingNo Asking for OP, Ranks, or ItemsRespect all PlayersObey Staff There the LawNo Racist or Sexist Remarks.No Mods/HacksNo Full Caps MessagesNo Builds Near Spawn Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Diamond or Netherite? Just flexing!

    Why stop at Netherite when you can mine your way to the moon and back for some space diamonds? Read More

  • Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale

    Siren Head Found: Minecraft Horror Finale In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds gleam, Our hero searches for them in every stream. But alas, no luck, no diamonds found, In the dark caves, where monsters abound. Siren Head lurks, a terrifying sight, In the shadows, ready to strike with all its might. But our hero, brave and bold, Faces the challenge, with stories untold. With each episode, the adventure grows, In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes. So like and subscribe, to join the fun, In the land of blocks, where the journey’s just begun. Read More

  • Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown!

    Zombie vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! Super Zombie: “I may be undead, but I still have better dance moves than all these stone-faced golems!” #ThrillerVsRobot #ZombieShuffle Read More

  • Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java

    Medieval Mod Showcase in Minecraft Java Minecraft Java | Medieval Mod Introduction Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when new mods are introduced to enhance gameplay. Today, let’s delve into the medieval mod that brings a touch of history and fantasy to your Minecraft experience. Medieval Mod Overview The medieval mod, available at CurseForge, transports players back in time to an era of knights, castles, and dragons. This mod introduces a variety of new elements, from weapons and armor to structures and creatures, all inspired by the medieval period. Key Features: New Weapons and Armor: Equip yourself with swords,… Read More

  • Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!

    Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Preparing for the Nether!Video Information [Music] good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I’m de videos welcome back to Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice I hope you’re all doing all right tonight it has been a little while about two weeks since we uh last played Minecraft we were working on our house if I remember correctly and uh we were just about to start preparing for the nether so I think we’re going to do most of that today Mickey welcome back to the stream how are you doing today nice to see everyone popping in rem you to… Read More

  • Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!

    Unleashing Midnight Lurker in Minecraft Mods!Video Information what’s going on guys welcome back to a brand new episode of from the fog we’re back here on the world and we’re just going to jump straight into it um real quick before we get started I have added the backpack mod so if we take a look here and we type in backpacks We Got The Travelers backpack mod I’m not quite sure how these uh work like I’m not quite sure how you craft these um so to make a standard Travelers backpack um okay so is this what you need I don’t okay I… Read More


    MINECRAFT SILLY: CRAZIEST MOMENTS EVER!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SILLY (check desc)’, was uploaded by Japh on 2024-05-29 06:27:59. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:21 or 13941 seconds. IP: JaphMCserver.aternos.me Port: 47970 Version: 1.20.4 Java and Bedrock Crossplay Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!

    INSANE Minecraft Map Review by MJ!!!Video Information I want to see your Minecraft maps I’ve been building semi-professionally for almost 2 years and it’s time to see what other people have been up to upload your Java save file onto Planet Minecraft and fill in the form below I’ll review them all in an upcoming video let’s hope I’m not too harsh on [Music] you This video, titled ‘I’m reviewing YOUR Minecraft maps’, was uploaded by MJ on 2024-03-06 19:50:09. It has garnered 488 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Submission form: https://forms.gle/szLtMUr3kw2kAVJL6 This is an invitation… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! – EPIC SMP Battle!

    Intense Minecraft War in Iron Gaming! - EPIC SMP Battle!Video Information जानना चाहते हो वो कौन है वो एक असली मन है दम है तो उससे लड़ सीन के रख देगा तुझे तू 50 गुंडों का सहारा लेता है वो तो 50 गुंडों को अकेला ही मार देता है This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @SkillsGamingYT’, was uploaded by Iron Gaming 29 on 2024-04-17 11:46:00. It has garnered 104 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT NITENT SMP EPIC WAR‎@ChillModeGaming-zu4fl  ‎@SkillsGamingYT ip-nitent.fr.to:25611 @SkillsGamingYT @ChillModeGaming-zu4fl @PSD1 #minecraft , #minecraftsmp , #minecraftbuilds , #smp , #minecraftserver , #minecraftbuild , #minecraftbuilding ,… Read More

  • Escape Granny in Roblox with MLP

    Escape Granny in Roblox with MLPVideo Information Hello friends hello dear subscribers today we will play a game called Roblox I think you’re all going to love what we’re doing in tonight’s episode hello everyone today we will have the task of escaping this Dreadful grandmother who will follow us through all the trials to escape hurry up and do it so we showed up in the first room where nothing is clear yet but we have a task and we need to find grandma’s cookies hurry up and look for them I think they in the kitchen somewhere there is also a door to… Read More

  • SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!

    SchmedGar saves the day in crazy Minecraft adventure!Video Information geiles Geschäft ne oh fick mich doch in Arschloch oh mein Gott what the was ein Safe This video, titled ‘Save #minecraft #twitch #gaming #memes #streamer #funny #mc #deutsch’, was uploaded by SchmedGar on 2024-05-02 14:35:02. It has garnered 2257 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Feel free to subscribe to my channel, follow me on Twitch, write a comment and leave a like! Discord: https://discord.gg/HAMvMWKgRJ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schmedgar_yt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/schmedgar11/ Donation: https://streamlabs.com/schmedgar_yt/tip TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schmedgar_yt Read More

  • Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpe

    Minecraft Mini Build Hack Exposed 🔥 #shorts #mcpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-05-06 06:11:36. It has garnered 10320 views and 303 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More