Unleashing //PASTE in Minecraft Build Challenge?! 😱

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today me and my friends are having an awesome build challenge in Minecraft what they don’t know is that I’m going to be pretending to be a noob I’m going to be a mega Noob but then halfway through I’m going to turn into a pro it’s going to be so funny so everyone make sure to leave a like and watch until the end to see what I build when I’m a pro hey guys are you ready to have this building challenge yes I’m so excited I’m going to win no you’re not Gooby you’re going down no I’m going to be the best build Builder here I’ve been practicing oh yeah yep well I’m the best builder here so you’re going to have to try to beat me daddy that’s going to be a piece of cake a piece of pie all right whatever you say I love pie it’s going to be a piece of swim chees you just ruined it Gooby you just ruined this well guys guess what there’s a billion ideas in this little dispenser right here so once I hit this button one of those ideas are going to come out and that’s what we need to build are you ready press it yes all right here we go three 2 1 Daisy what is it it says Pokémon what we need to make a Pokemon ooh I call Bulbasaur well I want to do Pikachu so no one do Pikachu I want Squirtle cuz he’s blue like me I’m going to build Charmander ooh I like Charmander okay guys everyone we have 5 minutes to build go go go yes I’m going to make the best SLE ever um guys I kind of don’t know what Pikachu looks like can someone help me describe him it that’s cheating you are not allowed to search up images Pikachu is yellow okay he’s yellow does he have like 700 legs I kind of forgot no just imagine like a little yellow squirrel yellow squirrel okay I could do that thanks Daisy oh yeah my build about to come out so good right here it’s about to look just like Pikachu all right there we go this is coming out really good guys how’s your Pokémon coming along how to find the colors yeah me too oh yeah Daddy me too I had to do that too now I got all the yellows so I’m ready to make it got all my green all right this is looking pretty good now I got to add some eyes why you left here we go ddy cuz my it’s coming out so good over here I just can’t wait for you to see it good at least you’re excited about your build I’m kind of like confused my build is coming out super good oh yeah all right that’s looking like a really good mouth there we go wow look at that Masterpiece that is amazing wait guys doesn’t Pikachu have a big tail it’s like a lightning bolt tail yeah yeah yeah lightning bolt tail I’m going to make that all right there we go look at that this is the best tail I’ve ever made oh you guys are going down my build is coming out so good right now my Squirtle is going to be the best Pokémon ever all right sure whatever you say I’m actually changing my Pokémon what you’re not allowed to do that it’s cheating no I’m making a tur twig what is that like a turtle oh okay sure daddy you could do that all right let me just put all this for the back there we go oh there we go I think my front needs a little bit more updating I need to add some arms right doesn’t Pikachu have arms guys he’s got little hands all right let me just add those and then I’ll add another one over here wow that just made it look so much better all right I’m just going to add some of this for his feet wow this is looking so good all right guys you almost done no no you um oh no Daddy I I got a lot more to build over here um I got to figure it out though I just got to just got to look what can I add to my Pokémon o I’m going to add a Pokeball okay I need white and red to make a really good Pokeball all right just going to do something like this on the floor this looking like a really good Pokeball and now we got to do a line of red in the middle and then more white on top boom Pokéball that looks so amazing that looks it really does match my Pikachu really good my squirtle’s almost done nice Gooby I can’t wait to see it but uh you already know that mine’s going to be so much better than yours right no mine’s going to be the best all right sure just wait until you see mine o my start to look like a turtle I still have a couple more ideas that I’m going to add let’s see oh yeah that’s sick um let’s see what else I can add wow that’s looking really good guys make sure to add a lot of detail to your build okay I’m trying don’t make it look terrible I’m not trying to are you trying to make yours look terrible no daddy no I’m not my squirtle’s so cute yeah well my Pikachu is really cute so take that it’s not going to be cuter than my Squirtle whatever you say I think mine’s pretty cute though add a couple of these These are going to be his friends these booger friends there we go H what else can I add to my Pikachu let’s see ooh yeah I need some of these uh-huh add some of these around here this is just adding more detail guys it’s really important to add a lot of detail what I’m trying to do here ooh and then I’m going to add a roller coaster yeah I’m going to do that mhm add some of these and then I’m also going to put a race car I’m done all right is everyone done no all right you have one more minute one more minute you need a little bit of time all right one minute that’s all you get I’m just going to add a few more little details on this there we go I’m so good at building I probably have placed down the most blocks here mine finished all right mine too I’m done and a few more things okay I’m done all right guys is everyone completed with their builds yep I’m done yes all right let’s go see Daisy’s first since she’s right next to me we got to rate everyone’s builds oh my goodness this looks really good but you think so wo wo it actually looked like him I tried really hard is this a fiery tail that he has oh yeah wow it actually kind of looks like fire oh my goodness that’s really good J thanks Gooby this like a a solid eight out of 10 yeah I’m going to give this probably like a six it’s really good okay and what are you rate I give you a um seven oh nine wow Daisy that’s a really good score but now let’s move on over to my daddy’s what you want to look at mine what is this thing Daddy what the heck is that Pokémon um he looks really ugly in the front Daddy I don’t like it oh you don’t like his face I mean I do like the leaf though there’s a a lot of detail y a lot of detail yeah it kind of looks a little creepy though really looks creepy looks great daddy you didn’t do a bad job but you didn’t do a great job so I’m going to give it a five right in the middle I’m going to give it a five too yeah I’ll give you a four okay okay well you know what let’s look at goobies cuz he gave me the lowest score I want to at it’s really really good okay where is it the heck we is he squir it’s so cute actually does look cute wait that’s kind of cool and look you use fence for his belly that’s so smart creative and he’s standing on water wow he’s like Jesus he’s a water type this is actually really good this is really good this is my favorite I’m giving it a nine n no no it’s not better than daisies this is this is definitely like a seven I’m going to give seven or six six six nope you only said seven well guys are you ready to see the best builds in your entire life it’s about to be 10 out of 10 for all of you ready let’s go see it all right guys prepare your eyeballs to see the best Pikachu in Minecraft yeah woohoo the heck is this that is Pikachu um why is there a call and like some slime boogles over here and drum kit these are his minions these are his minions okay and a car it’s cuz it’s like there’s like a little mini garage what what is Pikachu he got ran over by a car no it’s not it’s not that bad guys come on what is this that’s a that’s a tail Daddy it’s his big lightning tail piano it’s not a piano look like a crosswalk it’s not a crosswalk guys come on and look I even put a Pokeball no one thought of a Pokéball I’m the only one po po look like a pet cemetery I’m going to be and give it a three three this is a 10 da two this is definitely a two two Daddy come on 2 plus eight um shaddy um I’m going to give you a one guys you gave me three two and a one really yeah it’s really really bad oh my goodness guys this isn’t fair I’m not a newb at building I’m a really good Builder oh you are 100% a noob after this this is not even what Pikachu looks like it is he’s yellow with black this looks like ditto it does look dit it is a dit wait so I did good I did good no oh like Po oh my goodness well guys all right I guess let’s just move on to the next one I’m going to be better in the next one I promise yeah yeah yeah we’ll see you big Noob all right guys let’s find out what we need to build for this next round are we ready to find out it better be something cool all right I’m going to press it in three 2 1 what is it we’re building Yoshi what Yoshi we’re building Yoshi from Super Mario what is that he’s like they green dinosaur friend green dinosaur daddy he’s a green dinosaur okay he’s called Yoshi look just look at it he’s got a really big nose so dinos a big nose okay I can do that I can do that he’s like my favorite he’s green well Daddy don’t get your hopes up because I’m about to destroy you okay you guys didn’t even see my full potential last round yeah okay Noob hey stop laughing why your build was so bad I mean it didn’t even look like a Pikachu all right well wait for this one it’s going to look just like Yoshi it looked like a peeka poo shut up and just go to your side everyone start building go go go let’s do it you know what everyone wants to make fun of me I’m about to make the actual best build in this game right now I need a lot of green blocks because that’s what Yoshi is he’s green and he got lime green yeah that’s good all right the first thing I need to do is I need to make his shoes oh yeah these are going to be so good I’m such a pro look at these shoes they’re looking so amazing guys I’m going try hard this round so there’s no way you’re going to beat me I don’t know about that my dinosaur looks pretty good yeah I’m going to beat a 10 out of 10 I’m getting a 10 this time I’m using all the right colors it’s looking exactly like it yes yes yes it’s looking really good we just going to go around town this way all right there we go I got a good base now I got to make his body guys is Yoshi fat no I have no clue I’ve never seen Yoshi in my life all right I’m going to make him super thin then oh my goodness I’m placing down so many blocks this is a huge statue this is the biggest thing I’ve ever made ever in Minecraft is Yoshi supposed to be big or small um well I’m making a big version of him so okay then I guess I’ll make a big version hey don’t steal my idea am not stealing I just don’t know what Yoshi is so I’m trying to get some inspiration o I’m going to make my Yoshi flexing all right there’s one arm now we got to make him Flex on this side oh yeah he’s a Mega Flex guys my Yoshi is coming out so good you mean bad no it’s coming out really good how is yours guys coming out I think mine looks really good so far yeah me too my is going to be so good nice that’s actually really good because we’re going to have a competition I already know I’m going to win because I’m getting 10 out of 10 this round all right there we go just going to create the face I mean that looks just like Yoshi oh wait I got to add his big nose oh yeah that looks crazy all right now we got to add his big eyeballs just like that wow this is looking so good oh my gosh this is amazing all right now what I need to do is I need to add a bunch of spikes on the back of him cuz I think Yoshi is a dinosaur so he has spikes ooh spikes that’s a good idea I’m going to H some spikes don’t steal my idea daddy that was mine what do you mean if you had spikes that I need to put spikes on them I mean I guess but it’s my idea no it’s my idea I’m almost done with my Yoshi yeah me too I’m getting pretty close to being done I think you guys are going to really like this one does Yoshi have a tongue a tongue yeah um I don’t think so Daddy well this one does a big long tongue that he e thingss with wait really I did not add a tongue okay sometimes it’s inside his mouth and sometimes it’s outside this one’s outside all right I’m going to add a tongue real quick this is going to be really good copycat copy cat I’m not copying Daddy I’m just making my build better I need red wait what color is his tongue pink or red pink pink pink Okay pink pink pink see I helped you out all right there we go I added a big tongue to him all right guys my build is done why is that be the best build I’m I’m done to all right I want everyone to come and see mine first since it’s the best come on guys everyone come over and see my Yoshi what the heck is this what do you mean is it Yoshi um it kind of looks like a green man flexing his muscles with a giant nose it’s really good I know it’s really good thank you duck feet duck feet no he does not have duck feet those are duck feet okay really guys it’s it’s Yoshi’s shoes okay I was trying to make it into Minecraft no Yoshi shoes are supposed to be wed they’re not red they’re orange I think this is a four what is this a four hey that’s his that’s his body right his hips yeah Daddy he’s got thick hips where’s Yoshi tail he doesn’t even have a tail I didn’t know Yoshi had a tail boom tail I just added it right there nope nope nope nope Time some the oval time some the oval Gooby come on see I was going to give you a four but you didn’t have a tail so mine is one so I’m giving you a three and in here either guys it’s good it’s really good it’s a 10 I thank you I it’s a 10 thank you guys yep I give it a 10 minus the zero at the end it’s a one no we got you we just called you a noob I’m a Noob I’m not a noob you’re a noob you’re a noob all right fine guys let’s go see someone else’s then Daddy I want to see yours since you’ve been talking a lot of smack yeah come over here all right right what the heck is that dinosaur green dinosaur big nose oh my goodness that’s actually Noob this is Noob level Daddy this is not even Yoshi what do you mean you said a green dinosaur with a big nose so here you go giving it a two no no no this is way better than JohnnyO equals two two no no no um poo poo equals 5 no poo poo equals neg five how about that no no no no I at least I built something good though so that means I get a five daddy uh let me help you get rid of it for the next round what are you doing um nothing what you what are you doing hey hey hey now not now there you go just get rid of all this don’t need this body either why are you doing this to my OG all right there you go daddy now that looks even better I think that’s a 10 right now I’ll take it nope you’re all wrong look at mine come look at mine all right let’s go see goobies what is this okay this is terrible Yosi why does he have boxing gloves on that’s what he whs he looks like a Santa Claus look like Santa no Santa’s not a green lizard well this Santa is dinosur is so much better than this one why you put the Santa hat on him oh that look really good no he’s not Santa I’m giving it a name okay maybe Santa mine was so much better this is a three at best no it’s an eight 22 equals 22 whatever the heck you said in mine stupid now I’m giving you a two 2+ two that equals eight thank you oh two fours that makes it 12 thank you guys I think so far my build has got the best rating right no mine’s better was better all right well there’s still one more we need to go see it’s daisies oh come look at mine all right let’s check it out W you did like 2D art no b b b how did you make that I just looked at Yoshi’s face in my brain and then I built it wow that actually looks like Yoshi this is impressive can 10 10 out of 10 I’m going to give it an eight I’ll give it an eight it’s pretty good hey Daddy oh my gosh what happened to it oh y Daddy that’s you daddy that’s you doing that stop it something hold on thought I missed a a spot all right now it’s better come on Daddy what happened to it oh no oh I have to give it a zero unfortunately cuz you didn’t finish that’s okay because I still won you big Meenie weenie yeah yeah Daddy okay dang it well guys we still have one more round to go and this time I am going to be a pro Johnny you can’t just become G over night why you guys laughing what is this you’re no Pro you’re the biggest Noob here all right really Daddy Dad Pro and I’m going to prove it to all of you that I’m better than every single one of you combined Pro it all right well guys let’s go up here and see what the next idea has to be all right guys last round let’s see what we need to build Gooby how you do the honors yeah Mickey Mouse what it says Mickey Mouse no way it says Mickey Mouse let me see this it says it I hate Mickey Mouse oh my goodness guys you know what the crazy thing is I always build Mickey Mouse it’s so easy to build him what do you mean it’s easy to build him it’s kind of difficult nope daddy I’ve done it like 100 times before I’m going to crush you guys well I need some extra time so I got to start building now all right guys go go go you have 5 minutes go go five minut Daddy it’s going to be a really hard one all right I just muted my mic so no one could hear me I’m done being a noob it’s time to use slash slash paste and be a hacker oh yeah this is how I’m going to be the best builder in Minecraft all right all I need to do is put in this command SL slash paste Mickey and boom did it work what happened oh my goodness I just spawned in the biggest Mickey Mouse ever wait it actually like broke the map this does not look right but it doesn’t matter because this Mickey Mouse is huge wait I want to go see his face I got to fly so high into the sky right now wow look at that Mickey Mouse that looks just like him look at his big hand wow this is so amazing and he has his big Mickey Mouse ear these things are so massive this is actually the coolest build ever there’s no way that I lose this round this has to be a 10 out of 10 oh guys are you almost done down there I’m ready what how could you be almost done what do you mean I’m a fast Builder Gooby I made my Mickey Mouse I’m ready no I better speed up my production yeah you guys better hurry up because I’m literally sitting here done this thing is so cool oh my goodness guys I can’t wait for you to see my build I’m having a hard time here I don’t even know what Mickey Mouse looks like all right Daddy I’ll give you a good description of him okay so he’s got yellow feet and then he has um red with a little to white dots as pants and then he has white gloves on and he’s got big nose and big ears okay did that help no well Daddy I’m just trying to help you because I already know you’re going to lose no matter what you build what what do you mean I’m going to Lose I’m Winning this I don’t think so Daddy I think I accidentally made Rudolph the red rose reindeer what Rudolph he doesn’t have a red nose it’s black oh okay well that’s where I went wrong well no changeing it now guys you better hurry up you only have one more minute remaining I’m finished I’m just going to sit here and I’m going to have to dance uh let’s see what I want to do to dance oh I’m going to do a cartwheel I’m getting in all my exercise while I wait cuz you guys are taking for I’m done I’m done I’m done Gooby are you done no almost done I need to put his ears all right put his ears put his ears all right Gooby you have 10 more seconds no oh no 10 8 5 3 1 okay you’re done I count to 10 no okay just fine my ears are just little weird all right who should we see first let’s go look at Gooby oh yeah good idea Daisy all right daddy where are you I’m on my my side all right come on come on let’s go see his build wow wait this is really good this is really good W oh yeah that’s Mickey Mouse right there for a noob Gooby this is actually pretty good I’m not a noob I’m a pro I don’t know this looks pretty this looks pretty Noob still probably better than yours really Gooby hey stop laughing at me this is going to be like a good 6 out of 10 um I’m going to give it probably like you know what I’m going to give it uh an eight because I think it’s it’s pretty good good I’m giving it an eight too okay okay thank you all guys come here let’s just break through this wall and go see my daddy’s what the what is that thing that’s a rat what mean it’s a rat rat where’s the rest of his bodyat what do you mean this this this all the time I had this is terrible why is he have a red nose cuz it’s it’s Mickey Mouse no Daddy this is a terrible Mickey Mouse get rid of it break it break yeah bre it’s scary I don’t like it it’s terrible so what do you guys give me 10 out of 10 right zero it’s not even Mickey Mouse yep zero come on guys just be a little lenient on me I didn’t know what Mickey Mouse looked like no it’s you’re getting a zero from all of us come on ter you want a noob waiting it’s zero wow from a noob daddy even for okay let’s look at daisies everyone stop looking at my build all right come on guys break through this no no w wow look at this um wait why is that Mickey Mouse crying yeah what’s with his eyes crying black ke no he’s not SC SP he’s possessed he’s possessed got come down a few ratings it’s 5 out of 10 no no uh wait let me just help youy real quick uh oh yeah there you go that looks better back up to an eight back up to an eight yeah I’m going to probably give it like a seven and A2 I like that it’s like a Mickey Mouse plusy so I’ll give you a nine wo let’s go wow that’s actually really good I think Daisy might have the best rating so far I think so well guys are you ready to see my build I’m ready all right come on through what the heck check it out guys it’s miy Mouse why did you buil it you like it you like it a lot wait what you actually built this um duh obviously I built it and look I even had to make a bunch more rooms so I could fit them so I had to break all these blocks in the mountains there actually no way that e that oh my go so difficult I had to prove myself you guys kept calling me noobs and now guess what I’m a pro this is a 10 out of 10 easily yeah it is what are you going to rate it uh I’m going to give it a 10 out of 10 yeah yeah let’s go 10 out of 10 Daddy I’ll give it a 10 out of 10 but I have a question though what what’s your stupid question what’s why is there like you know cutout lines in the mountains what do you mean it’s because I told you I had to make space I don’t know about that it kind of looks like you might have copied and pasted this thing in copy and paste what what is that Daddy I I don’t know what that is I never heard of that before I don’t know why you when you copy and paste things in they like get rid of like the land around and too Dy wait a minute this twet cut in half too I did that on purpose so I could see Mickey Mouse on the tree like this see that seems very weird why wouldn’t you just build around the tree then yeah just know Daddy you just cut into a perfectly nice Mountain Mickey Mouse so hold onest you definitely cheated okay guys fine I have something I need to tell you I been pretending to be a noob this entire time and then I was going to prank you with this pro copy and paste build so you’re basically a cheater eater I’m not cheating it was a prank so it’s different nope nope that’s cheating you’re cheater you got zero points zero no no guys come on give me 10 you guys gave me 10 out of 10 you can’t take it back nope take it back C I took it back NOP you can’t take it back thank you guys for the 10 out of 10 I’m the winner the winner Daddy get back here you guys get away from me oh man I can’t wait to take my first bite of this cereal daddy daddy daddy daddy oh come on what well me Gooby and Daisy came up with an awesome invention that we want to show you okay fine but it’s got to be quick cuz I want this bowl of cereal let’s call it my name all right Daddy come outside okay what is it we call it the bed car 3000 did you actually just take your bed and put wheels on it of course we did party doesn’t it look so cool yeah Daddy it’s awesome looks super dangerous it’s not dangerous daddy Gooby already tested it out he only fell off like five times yeah well I want to see him drive it right now yeah all right Gooby give it a try I’m really good at driving it ready let’s go W oh God you’re going so fast he’s in the pool he’s in the pool Gooby what did you do oh no oh where are you going W I’m driving all the way over in the sky whoa Gooby where’d you go oh God sure he is you’re going to hit us nope I’m the best I got super good skills Daddy just think about it we can go to a McDonald’s drive-through and never get out of our beds I mean I I kind of do like that idea but what if you fall asleep behind the wheel cuz it’s so comfy um that’s why you got extra cushioning daddy so if you crash you’re not going to die duh okay well you know what I want to I want to take this thing for a spin uh-oh uh-oh oh gosh all right here we go be careful be careful o o don’t run over Daisy Daddy yeah I’m going to get up here a Oh Daddy be careful what are you doing oh God I can’t control it I I just can’t control it Daddy get back here right now ah what the heck what is this thing what Daddy what did you just find did you crash I just hit this statue no not the bed car daddy you crashed yeah I know I crashed there was this big stupid rock at least walks wait guys there’s a sign o what does it say it says don’t poop on the monument guys what is this big rock even doing here the first place I don’t know but it’s got diamonds o I’m going to go inside and try to get my pickaxe what Daddy I I don’t think you should do that if it says not to poop on it I don’t think they want us to ruin it either yeah no I think you’re right what are you doing Gooby gooby come back here you guys uh oh all of a sudden I just have a really big old poop oh no we no we get down here right now don’t do it uh oh it’s coming out uhoh we don’t know whose Monument this is it’s not coming out I need to get to the top I need to get to the top no Gooby just come over here Gooby oh no guys this isn’t good look at him crying like an idiot wow you made it to the top now come down here Gooby gooby do not poop coming out it’s like the worst spot to poop oh gosh oh gosh he pooping no no no no no no don’t look don’t look uh-oh what is that there’s lightning Gooby get down from there oh uhoh uh oh what did you just do uh just one more little poop oh my goodness Gooby really oh gosh that disgusting unnecessary too very unnecessary guys nothing’s probably going to happen okay it’s just a stupid warning sign let’s just go back inside and ooh let’s bring the car inside it’s going to be awesome what was that who dares poop on my Monument oh guys who’s speaking to us I think it’s a god oh no a God yeah like a Minecraft God I’m sorry Mr God I didn’t mean to poop on your statue yes you did and there’s consequences for your action oh no are we in trouble just take Gooby yes hold on we are not in trouble we were not the ones that pooped it was Gooby so Gooby you just go over here yeah take him he’s our sacrif sacrifice Gooby there you go you are all at fault you let him poop on this Monument we told him not to a lot we told him like five times doesn’t matter you still will face my curse wait wait wait no no no we don’t we don’t need to get cursed let’s calm down guys you’re all going to be cursed guys guys I have an idea oh God what if we gave you this super cool invention look it’s a car and a bed at the same time look and it’s all yours it’s a present from us wow that’s a really cool bed psych that looks like poop hey no you know what fine I’m going take my advention over here then you’re not worthy for it yeah well you’re going to need an invention like that if you’re going to face my curse wait your curse yep you’re all cursed what does this even mean you will be cursed and sent to the hardest version of Minecraft I can create uhoh the hardest version of Minecraft Gooby that’s all your fault you stupid stupid take that you had a poop there well when it comes out I got to do it why couldn’t you just poop in this tree Ah that’s not a good pooping tree really Gooby oh my goodness well great because you couldn’t hold your poopies in and you had a poop on Top of the Rock now we’re all cursed we’re going to be cursed forever and we’re going to be stuck that I can’t go home and eat my bowl of cereal don’t worry M I’m so that wherever we go there’ll be a bowl of cereal there you better pray you better hope and pray that there’s bowl of cereal there otherwise I’m going to beat you up there will be no cereal in my cursed Minecraft no ddy you’re not getting your cereal in fact I’m going to put nothing good in my cursed Minecraft only bad things guys quick I have an idea let’s just run away and he’ll never be able to catch us and teleport us that’s a good idea run run run run run you think you can escape sh Wait what no guys we got teleported somewhere where are we Oh no you’re now in my cursed Minecraft world you will never escape the only way to escape is to beat Minecraft in cursed mode good luck H wait can I my cereal D you’re not getting cereal shut up daddy why’ you hit me I just wanted my cereal okay guys so far this does not look too cursed all right I don’t think God’s most cursed world is that cursed yeah it just looks like normal Minecraft to me can we eat the flowers no you can’t eat the flowers oh my goodness but they’re pretty ow okay guys let’s just start wait what happened I just tripped on a twig what okay that’s a little weird you tripped on a twig that’s not normal well it just said I tripped on one I used to be a pig that’s weird okay how about we just go get wood because we need resources right to beat Minecraft yeah ow ow oh God oh my gosh ow I we can’t break wood are you kidding me wait why not ow wait I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it I did it can I use a flower oh I can what you just have to use something that’s not your hand oh wow this game is going to be difficult everybody get a flower kind of need food too guys I already have a heart and a half right now that is not good I have Full Hearts it’s because I use my hand to try to break the wood this is so stupid I’m at half HP I don’t like this cursed Minecraft world it’s already way hard I made a crafting table let’s go oh and I got an apple nice you want my Apple who has the least amount of Hearts right now I have a heart in a half show here eat this apple o thank you on you know what I’m going to have to go get some food by myself where are these piggies at what you ate too much guys I’m slowed down I can’t move every time you eat I think it says you eat too much so fat what he just ate one apple how is that too much that’s what I’m saying ooh this chicken’s going to get it okay let’s try to find some animals so we can eat some food ow ow ow guys guys it says forgot you were a vegetarian I ate a piece of meat and I died what uhoh wait hold on let me try daddy oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m poison I’m vegetarian oh gosh so we can’t eat any meat meat so no piggies no Piggies Daddy no cows and no chickens that means we need to get wheat seeds come on I’m not waiting all day for that you need to find some carrots or like potatoes but I ate carrots and potatoes I think potatoes are yummy they’re not they’re not yummy this is so hard why do you have to poop on the statue man come on I didn’t mean to goopy this is all your fault this you’re the reason why we’re here right now well I have 11 Woods what can I make make a sword or a pickaxe or an axe oh yeah you should do those things okay for I make the oak planks yep good job Gooby you’re learning minecft okay okay I made out planks uh how make a sword make some sticks put that in jail and then I put some sticks like that maybe how do you not know how to make a sword in Minecraft I don’t know how to do it I’m so frustrated don’t get frustrated now the game’s only going to get harder and more cursed oh no that’s that kid we can’t give up because we need to go back into our normal world so we need to beat Minecraft okay I’m getting Stone right now what you’re getting Stone yep I’m doing it ooh daddy that’s really good okay I’m going to come get stone with you we’re going to need some iron oh man we need so much stuff will you get some stone for me no it’s okay yeah no okay then I’ll just keep the food I’m making to myself wo wo wo W hey now hey now you said food yeah I was going to share but you guys aren’t sharing wait how much food do you have I just planted like a whole bunch of Wheat and I already have an apple H I’m might have to fight you for the Apple wait guys we probably should find a village they’re going to have so much loot for us like wheat and food and cool stuff that’s a really good idea guys I made a pickaxe and I made a sword nice Gooby I’m learning how to play Minecraft all right I’m going to make some stone tools right now O Let’s Go Boom stone sword where’ you get stone what do you mean we mined it it I think I want to do that too I got all stone tools now I’m ready to fight oh my gosh wait guys everyone come by the water I just found out something new about cursed Minecraft oh no what’ you find what is it I was in here I was going to go across go underwater for like 2 seconds look how fast your bubbles go away oh gosh I’m going to die uh-oh they go so fast oh my goodness that is actually crazy can you try touching the bottom and coming back up I just drowned I instantly just died wait you didn’t even take a damage no I instantly just died whatever you do avoid the water oh no that’s really bad did you leave all your stuff no but I still died oh no okay guys we need to start moving hold on I need Stone all right hurry up oh you guys didn’t share I gave you oh no I didn’t give you uh-oh here you go all right everyone follow me this way let’s go try to find a cave or something then we can get some iron oh guys I can’t even imagine how difficult the caves are going to be I bet the monsters are like all scary and mutant oh no they probably do a lot more damage I just need food daddy look look look a villain oh I Tri on a twig sorry oh look yeah you’re right let’s go check it out look at all the wheat look at all the food look at all the food hello Mr Piggy oh the piggy turned into a sign um Gooby do you know where you are right now uh I think I’m lost oh my goodness you got caught in the caves oh God I tripped on a twig uh where would you guys go we’re by The Village I don’t see a village any well guys what I found potatoes carrots golden apples and a thing of iron wa me too I found iron as well no way you guys got lucky you know what I’m I’m hoarding all the food hey Daddy you can’t do that I can then I will Gooby are you still lost yes uh I’m on top of a tree okay Gooby I’m going to come back and get you all right help somebody help I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m stuck in a tree I’m like a cat no you’re not you’re not stuck in a tree meow meow I’m a cat s oh gosh okay Gooby you were over in this direction where’d you go I’m pretty much w started do you see me I’m jumping in top of a Tre Gooby I see you oh I see you too all right Gooby do you need some stone tools uh yes I have a stone pickaxe all right take those follow me okay okay yeah got to go this direction and then boom don’t you see the village look how cool it looks uh no I don’t see a village you’re about to see it in 2 seconds it’s a village yep Village ow I tripped on Moss what the heck that’s a weird one how didn’t even trip on Moss I don’t know it just said I tripped on Moss okay so I got a bunch of food I got the right pickaxes now we need a mine we need to get iron well where are we supposed to go mining at H I think we need to make a mine well I think that this should be our home base because now we don’t even need to build a house we could just use these houses I think you’re right so everyone said your spawn point in a bed ooh good idea I’m also going to use this chest in here here some my wheat seeds for you thanks Gooby yes all right daddy where do you want to make this mine at I got to make a shovel hold on all right I say we make it right here all right Daddy what Daisy are you okay you just took damage yeah I just tripped on a twig again what an idiot oh my goodness I hate cars Minecraft okay guys this is about to get really scary going into the mine so everyone stick together Gooby where are you okay wish we had torches ah oh my gosh my tool broke I just started with a new pickaxe and it just broke in my hand wait what everyone be careful use Stone pickaxes only okay I’m not going to use my iron one then I’m going to I’m going to make a new one yep you got to save it um do we have any um food D yeah I have food yes Gooby look take those thank you this is insane so much weird things are happening iron IR yes D nice hope my pickaxe doesn’t break I hear spiders oh I hear spiders too a cave and skeletons keep digging down Daddy I’ll dig on the right side and you dig on the left iron let’s go oh my gosh we’re getting so lucky oh I have a really good idea cave cave cave also my pickaxe broke again we need to make torches wait do we have any coal though no but I can make charcoal all right do that do that oh my God skeleton ow I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m dead no way guys the skeleton shoot fire arrows there’s no way fire arrows fire arrows and he did not miss a shot don’t worry I got revenge for you wait did you actually kill him Gooby yes I got his bones nice o guys I found coal there’s a lot of Iron Coal there’s resources let’s go everyone get these resources who is this spider what the heck oh no oh no no no no no no no no help me are you dying Daddy okay I’m going to die anyway there’s a bunch of poison spiders in here why I don’t oh no maybe all of the spiders are poisonous and guys there’s a very explosive creeper and baby zombie over there oh no oh no don’t go near daddy calm down and a witch and a witch we have torches now daddy so they’re not going to they’re not going to spawn I don’t care um what just happened to the torch I broke it what just happened to the torch oh it did not just break I saw it break in front of me are they going out wait no way I think the Torches go out oh no it’s course mode is so hard oh Daddy I think all the creepers are super charged oh god daddy just died in front of me you’re welcome well at least we found this awesome cave it is a really good cave and there’s another explosive creeper yeah I can’t find any iron just coal oh my goodness this is not even funny what does iron even look like um it’s kind of like grayish T that’s a good color oh my oh my gosh this this game stinks it’s horrible ow I just got instant tapped by a skeleton you know what I’m going down there and I’m going to explore the creepers for us ow oh my gosh that is suicide my I just saw you die I did it for you gooby thank you wait daddy you know what we need to start doing we probably need to make Shields because I think the skeletons are overpowered you’re right uh there’s a crazy flying thing there’s a crazy flying thing right here uh oh mean there’s a flying thing crazy flying thing got a sword got a sword ow ow oh my gosh oh my gosh kill it’s coming back it’s coming back ow I got him nice good job Gooby ow I died again uh there’s a lot of enemies right there don’t go down there Gooby don’t go oh I got one shot by a skeleton this is so crazy what are we supposed to do just got to keep going in and dive bombing ow what the heck wait but I got iron I got iron there’s a lot of iron okay look look look look put the iron in here what is going on down here I’m being attacked by aex okay just run away run away skeleton little vampire ghost ow what the heck vampire ghost come here bunch of skeletons are this is so crazy what are we supposed to do you definitely need Shields I found more iron if we can even craft them need iron oh no no no I wish my KNE you guys ouch I fell horribly and died oh that’s a wish ow guys I wonder how many times we’re going to die in this game I haven’t died once yet what yes you have no I haven’t how have you actually not died once that’s impressive I’m pretty good in Minecraft I hurt my leg are you kidding me are you kidding me if you take too much fall damage you hurt your leg get away oh my God oh my God I’m in the cave guys I’m in the cave I’m really deep I’m coming shy I’m helping I’m coming to help oh my God there’s a baby zombie wearing diamond armor kill it kill it take this he’s almost dead he’s almost dead yes okay go be right here look at this iron yes get it get it the effect just killed me that little son of a gun hey Daddy no cursing I didn’t curse I just called him a gun well Daddy he has a sword not a gun so I don’t even know what you’re talking about he’s a little vampire little diva he’s a diva oh he’s definitely a diva think that’s a c in OverWatch what that’s a wrong game have you ever played that no I’ve never played that it’s the worst game I think ever it’s pretty fun actually okay guys I think we took care of a lot of the zombies down here oh there’s a effect on you daisy behind you daisy behind you I’m just going to run daisy behind you oh oh my god there he is I’m running I’m running he’s not aggroed any of us right now I lied oh yes he is yes he is oh I killed him oh no he’s flying this another one watch’s out Dy oh I died is that Daddy no I’ll avenge you wait guys There’s an actual witch down here uh oh uhoh oh no my sword broke and I took a bunch of damage oh you’re going to die Gooby that’s not good come down here Gooby come down here we need you we need you as bait want me to one in there go down there and go attack that witch go go go here I go swge take this boom kill her kill her kill her ow I slipped on the walk ow nice yes good kill good kill we just combo Momo that girl a this is the end of the cave are you kidding me looks like we have the mine more is there another cave up here I have a really good idea for light what is it not torches because they go out but a campfire Oh I thought sea pickles would be better but no guys I think we made it to the end of all these caves we need to keep digging down uh-oh behind behind baby zombie baby zombie ow why is there so many baby zombies ow I cut myself apparently oh my gosh oh my gosh die please thank you wish we could just take your ELO yeah that’ be awesome but it won’t even fit us cuz they’re so small oh yeah I got more iron where oh I’m digging down me too where are you guys where I don’t know where you guys are I’m scared I’m lost at the end of the cave I’m digging down look for the campfires at the end of the cave going on a diamond hunt hi Gooby hello I’m W some mine oh I spped on the walk be careful okay I’m going down now oops uh I think that horse just broke that’s okay I got some more wa these campfires are actually genius they’re never going to go out Gooby we need to mine down like this like a little staircase all right you guys mine that way I’ll mine this way see you I got some coal oh no my thing broke oh that’s welcome to curse mode Gooby because that’s what happens think it be faster if I just die and it’ll bring me back there wait Gooby I made a crafting table up there oh thank you I found lava in a cave Oh Daddy how far down did you go oh I went far down diamonds no diamonds diamonds diamonds I found diamonds they’re mine no Daddy I have the iron pickaxe though we have a big Ravine Big Boy Ravine daddy which way did you go I’ll come up and I’ll get you guys we lost you no you lost me no you ran away no no I didn’t so there’s diamonds there’s gold and there’s a lot more iron where where where where where I think we could do this no no no no no no no no no another skeleton no I’m on fire guys I think in curse mode Fire doesn’t go out you just burn till you die well that’s not good and I’m dead oh no that’s not good wait guys I have so much iron on me right now how much almost 40 pieces that’s crazy what I just got a shield let’s go going to make myself full iron armor thanks guys for mining all these iron for me I hate you you’re taking it what now he’s just for everyone hey hey hey Daddy you want some Marty where are you I’m I died you you give me one piece you give me one piece who wants one piece of iron I’m willing to give up one piece all right daddy here look there you go take all that o nice I can work with this uh you guys ow I just found a really big pocket of enemies pocket of enemies yep there’s a lot of them oh no no no no no that’s not good I need someo I needo guys everyone get a shield I’m telling you the skeletons instantly kill you cuz you go on fire you need a shield or you’re going to die every time I got it I got it I got it how do I make a shield oh my goodness just give me iron I’ll make one for you don’t you have it all No I gave it to my bald Daddy yeah I’m using it to craft my set of armor cuz I’m more important than all of you says who there’s your piece of iron thanks for the free Iron all right daddy let’s go downstairs come on hold on W W wo wo wo I need more pickaxes skeleton skeleton he’s coming up Daddy he wants to eat us he can’t eat us what are we going to do I’m going to drop on his face come here shoot me shoot me I dare you to oh this Shield’s overpowered all right I’m ready to go all right let’s go daddy do you have any arrows given to me I got a bow I got none goopy we just need to go get iron cuz we don’t have any so we got to do is actually go down actually we could run we we could run for it be you Daddy behind you Daddy behind you Daddy I died I died I died I hurt my leg and I died you died I tripped you’re really bad daddy I tripped and fell cuz I’m old oh s you you going to tell me where this cave is Daddy or you just going to lie to us all the time it’s down here oh my gosh oh my gosh just run just run just run just run oh I’m on fire I’m going to die I’m going to die no owie yay I made it to the cave daddy that just go all the way down ooh there is lava I don’t even want to know going to happen if I fall you can use that for another portal hey Daddy you said there was diamonds here and you didn’t have an iron pickaxe yeah I know oh it’s mine now thanks no it’s ours we need that to make obsidian to get obsidian no I’m on fire I’m on fire again no no no I got to make it to the water make it to the water no I just keep getting shot by skeletons guys I have a new idea we need buckets of water to put out the fire oh wait a second no we need buckets to make a nether portal a nether portal cuz I can go down there and just get a bunch of lava bring it up here and we can make a nether portal ooh that would be really smart how do you make a bucket we need a lot of iron okay I just made a bucket I’m not going to die maybe if I wear this creeper head they won’t bite me wait hold on Daddy I just got a bunch of diamonds let me just make a diamond pickaxe and get obsidian I mean we could try to do that ah creeple creeper coming oh where where where ah he’s chasing me oh it’s me Gooby it’s me why would you wearing that really guys really he just gu here he right here don’t worry guys I’ll kill him go be stop it’s me it’s me I have a diamond sword I’ll kill both of you why would you use it to make a diamond sword how many diamond did you get kill the Creo kill the Creo quick it’s me oh I just keep getting killed trying to get iron oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I need help I need help and I’m dead all right all we got to do is just mine down there okay guys we need more campfires who is making campfires V is annoying I made some but then you guys took all the iron so I had to make get some myself oh my gosh oh my gosh this is not funny this is not funny a lot of arrows ow on fire no this is impossible I’m just going to go mine over here can we go like this way yeah let’s go the opposite direction please no but I just died to a Vex it just hit me out of the we told you to go the other way I’m going to do something bad don’t do anything bad daddy don’t do anything you would regret I might curse oh no don’t do that don’t do that that’s really bad fine fine fine ow no I spilled some water no I had the water I placed it down it said you spilled some water daddy that means we’re instantly Dead Oh time to kill myself game is making me angry can’t get f waed that’s what the game wants you’re right you’re right I got to keep my composure ow I tripped on a twig how we’re in a cave I don’t know no when I trip on a twig I lose my water bucket every time that’s why we need buckets I got you daddy we’re going to block this off good idea found some more cold is that it no oh we need to find some obsidian guys come this way Johnny up here where are you daddy I’m on to you where where you going I’m going to find lava and get obsidian Daddy it’s right here it’s right here I already mine there come here come up wait really all right Daddy I made a little pathway and blocked all the monsters away okay if we go down here we have the lava daddy how do we make the lava turn to obsidian we need water I have it I have a bucket of water okay so all you got to do is place it like right over here and Let It Go all on top of it yeah like that wao that was sick dad did you see me do that I saw you do it I saw you do it wo there’s going to be some monsters in here let’s be careful I would honestly keep the water here and then sit in the water and mine it just in case you know you don’t want to die in the lava all right daddy sounds good check this out oh yeah oh yeah I’m Ming Daddy I got six obsidian is that enough no we need like 12 or 14 14 14 yep are you sure daddy oh I’m sure you got to do your math correctly I just kind of need gravel so I can get some Flint well I got eight obsidian why do you need gravel for Flint for what the nether portal just use lava and wood ooh yeah that’s a good idea yeah cuz it’ll spark a fire ooh okay okay so all we need is the obsidian so Johnny just keep on going a on 10 right now come on I’ve seen a few more pieces hurry up taking forever can you imagine this diamond pickaxe breaks right now randomly no no I can’t I can’t don’t even say that well we are in cursed Minecraft so anything could happen I made more campfires do you need those yes just place them around cuz it’s really dark okay I’m coming down there last piece come on no no no a zombie a zombie behind me com me he’s coming to me I got it Daddy I got 14 go up go up go up stupid stupid oh vex vex run upstairs run upstairs I’m going up Daddy I ate too much no all right so do we have everything to make the Nether Portal we do guys I just realized that in the nether you can’t place any water we need a bucket of lava wait we actually need a bucket of lava you just lied daddy you said we need everything well yeah we need lava all right well I got a bucket so I’m going down all right you go down actually give me the obsidian so I can start building all right daddy take that go go go go go I got the bucket of lava guys just bring it all the way up to me and I think we need a plank of wood well this is Daisy’s technique so she should be doing it I’m coming up right now oh my God I ate too much I’m freaking loow ow what the heck I just got killed are you kidding me oh no I’m about to fall you have any more diamonds no I used them all oh all right daddy here you go now what okay so what we got to do I think we need to place a log like that and we just need to put lava underneath it ow it tripped whoa villagers are here hello villagers I mean we are in a village Gooby so would you like a coward no don’t give him a carrot Gooby don’t give him a carrot oh okay guys this doesn’t really look like it’s working we have to wait for the log to catch on fire all right all right I’m waiting wake up money wake up did it lit yet did it did it light up no not yet then why’ you wake me up uh cuz I thought uh you would want to see it okay sir wait the portal needs to be bigger what does that me wait did anyone else just see that no no no no no no I think in cursed Minecraft the portal needs to be huge wait a second is it a 3X3 no way okay hold on I still have obsidian I still have more obsidian so all you got to do is just break this side real quick and I have two more I can do this okay Daddy let’s try it are you sure that this is going to be the right sizing yes all right 100% yeah but even if we make the portal don’t we need more armor and weapons well you do um no we should be fine that’s because you guys used all the iron well go get more I’ve been trying to but I just die off cool down okay here we go guys here we go the Portal’s going to work come on come on I’m going to see a portal walk all right Gooby just stay here it’s going to no Gooby what the heck Gooby what was that just wed up instantly Don’t Go Near the lava all right it’s dangerous come on come on guys I think it’ be easier to get flint and steel it’s taking way too long well there’s gravel in this Lake right here all right go go go break it is there oh there is everyone break the gravel oh no I’m dying I’m dying forgot you can’t go into the water we got one yes do we have one piece of iron what it needs to be bigger are you kidding me oh no guys this is not working daddy you messed it up I didn’t mess nothing up I think I think you messed it up what who you hit me mess up Diamond SW the diamond sword hey stop it we just broke our armor daddy look you just broke my boots and we broke your chest plate oh come on guys there’s no need for that oh no okay guys I have an amazing idea everyone come around the portal like this he If Everyone likes this video in the next 3 seconds then the Portal’s going to light up and we’re going to go to the nether wait really we can do that yes Daddy I think it’s going to work all right okay all right here we go everyone like the video and three two one W guys check it out this Portal’s huge yeah we didn’t have enough obsidian at all wo it’s crazy thank goodness everyone liked the video where we would have been here all day mining this obsidian yeah we would have never made that all right well guys what are we waiting for everyone come through I’m kind of scared I don’t even have a but okay oh no I’m boiling I’m boiling the Armor’s too hot take off the armor N Get N no way you can’t have armor on in the nether or you get too hot and die wait you can wear a chest plate I’m not boiling oh wait you’re right okay we can wear a chest plate well great mine broke nope I’m boiling I’m boiling I boiled how are you not boiling Daisy maybe it’s cuz I’m a girl yeah probably all right guys well we got to find the ne Fortress I started boiling I told you Daisy you got to take it off um does anyone see another Fortress around um not at all oh no this is going to be really challenging oh my gosh I tripped and fill all my loot just went everywhere what the heck I saw that Daddy no you didn’t see nothing that’s so embarrassing does that mean if we die in here all of our stuff is gone no it just means if you trip there’s a chance that you could lose all your stuff ah ah I’m a fire I’m oh gosh Gooby let me just put you out of your misery there you go wait oh my gosh I think I think Gooby is Right waa everyone’s dying everyone’s stuff is going everywhere I just tripped okay I’m going back through and I’m putting all my loot in the chest yep yep do that too there’s something cursed about the nether right now guys I have nothing look all your stuff I’m putting in here okay you can have all this stuff look all of it’s yours all right I’m going to put all my diamond stuff in here as well I’m literally just going to keep a stone pickaxe and a stone axe baby Pig’s here killing me the heck what the get out all right I’m going back through I’m ready to go make sure you don’t bring all your food either wait hold on I forgot about that we kind of need it I just brought two pieces of bread all I’m bringing some carrots guys this is actually terrifying in here wait a minute I think the Pigmen automatically want to kill you y they’re never nice think so no is going to be impossible um I have no clue where should we go I think we need to break into the walls we need a mine ooh that’s actually a good idea where do we mine too I’m just going to start building in a random location yeah go that way go that way don’t trip I’m not going to trip daddy you’re going to trip just don’t trip oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Pigman want to kill me guys uhoh we have a bunch of Pigmen wanting to eat us right now kill them they going crazy this just saying kill him Gooby e Gooby can you stop making that noise this is just what they sound like okay well you’re not a Zombie Pigman so don’t do that okay can you shut up and help me mine wait I think I can speak zombie pigman no you don’t okay you know what let’s just close this up and let’s just keep mining we need to find this nether fortress oh man those are my friends they’re not your F Gooby they’re not your friends really all right daddy we got to be getting close to something I hope so I smell it no you don’t you smell nothing you probably smell like a pigman butt ow I tripped on a rock there’s not even a rock there whatever uh-oh zombie pigman watch out whole place is like one big walk oh my God no my sword just broke oh no me too me too no no no no no no this isn’t fair okay I have an axe ow ow I spped on a twig I spped on a twig oh my oh he dropped a sword let’s go wa on sword it’s on your sword there’s Pigman out here in the real world uhoh uh oh gosh it went through the portal guys guys guys look through here I found something I found it I found it I found it everyone by me oh my goodness this is where the blaz SP we need to get some Blaze Powers we got to kill these guys uh-oh uh-oh okay wait wait wait wait but if we go on fire we’re literally going to die oh no so how do we kill them um I don’t really know yet everyone come back here come on uhoh it I can’t get back in oh they spawn they spawn they spawn everyone back up oh I’m kind of scared we need to actually be careful right now okay oh oh my God they’re there they’re there you want me to go out and be a swashing ow I’m on fire I’m going to die no I got to just go for it kill it I killed it yes I got it I got a blaze rod and I’m dead do you at least have the Blaze Rod uh yep I got it oh God wait guys it’s night time too oh a creeper just blew up my house what is going on John I’m getting back in there no no no no no this is not funny this scary hours this is scary hours I cut myself oh my gosh no no no no no please let me throw it please oh I’m on fire oh that means you’re going to die oh they followed me through the portal these zombies oh gosh daddy you’re going to die oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life bye daddy don’t leave me here see you later look at this no going to get some blaze rods daddy oh no they’re going to shoot me I died please no please no please no oh I just killed a villager on accident uhoh uhoh uh there’s a big man my I got him I killed him okay I’m dead no I’m on fire again I got another Blaze Rod though let’s go how many blaze rods do we need I don’t even know 12 12 I think so or no maybe half that six guys this is so difficult this going to take forever we just need to go in there like men and win and just tell him who’s boss I got blaz powder Daddy I got four of them that’s what we need right oh baby oh baby oh baby good distraction daddy oh god oh gosh great distraction really there’s a baby zombie behind me keep running D oh you B the motherload St chasing me Gooby look there’s chest here Gooby gooby look at this what’s in now look at this Gooby look at this whoa a bow oh Gooby look take that bow wait we’re going to die with it we need to get back we need to get back and put put in the chest uh-oh uh-oh I’m a big distraction right now guys guys guys I have eight Eyes of Ender is that enough I think maybe do you have blaz powder more oh oh kill it kill it Gooby I’m going in kill it Gooby I put you on fire Gooby I’m sorry I killed him I got a blaz wad it’s fine you drop anything I’ll pick it up I’ll kill this guy too take the damage Gooby it’s fine I tanked him I got it I got it good tank I think we got enough guys I think we got enough everyone out of the nether we’re never coming back here again thank goodness oh Dad uh you have fun with that Daddy oh I’m going to die no no no no no no please I’m going to lose all my stuff no yes I saved it I got my stuff just get back home come through the portal I got 12 Eyes of Ender that’s more than enough right behind us Gooby behind us ah I died I died ow ow ow this game is so csed I hate it hi Marty I think we should actually break the nether what break the nether I want Pikmin coming back in here another baby zombie ow ow there have so much armor okay guys look I found a bow who wants a bow I want it all right there you go oh this is there’s a flying dude right here you got to kill him Gooby Chasing You Daisy watch out ow I tripped on a twig G is so annoying okay well we won’t lose our loot Now by falling so I’m going to put my stuff back on yep shame here actually this sky was fighting just went through the floor that’s not good all right guys well now we got to find the stronghold well whoever’s got the eyes of V set one free I want to see what direction we got to go all right daddy check it out oh where’d it go that this way this way all right guys everyone get your stuff it’s time to leave look break all these carrots we need them all hold on Gooby just stop died wait let’s take our beds you’re right we need to move I died I’m going to get all this food stop dying what do you guys even dying from baby zombies they’re not even that good baby zombies they’re Poop everyone grab resources and let’s move I have a bow but they don’t have any arrows oh my goodness then you don’t need a bow okay oh look Gooby I got one arrow in here for you yes ow ow I whipped on a walk all right guys here we go everyone let’s start moving everyone follow me I’m waiting on you come on come on come on Gooby let’s go way this way we need to run in this direction a long time and then we’ll use another Eye of Ender actually let me use one more Right Now Yep this way this way come on guys guys I’m slowly running out of the Eyes of Ender they keep breaking I hope we have enough dang I just lost another one uhoh watch out we got creepers to the right be careful go to the left go to left a little bit oh no come on Mr Ender portal where are you okay we have to go this direction we’re almost there oh there’s some weird spiders where daddy I don’t see any weird spiders there a little poisonous one oh God you’re right you’re right you’re right uhoh uh-oh watch out for those guys guys guys I think it just went to the floor ow I tripped on a twig dang it all right I think we just need to dig down right here it went into the floor like right around this area well do you guys want to make maybe like a base or something just in case we die ooh yeah I do have my bed so we should probably make like a little house let’s make it out of cobblestone yeah keep going I’m going to put a bed check this out mhm it’s coming out really good I’m going to help you all right Gooby just don’t mess it up wait but guys if we’re going to dig down then don’t we want to put our beds down there um just in case we die we don’t have to jump down a giant hole um Daisy might be right nah who cares let’s just start digging down come on okay I’m going to listen to Daisy daddy sorry it was a good idea in my head but we’re going with Daisy oh come on man this is kind of dangerous digging straight down though we could easily die it’s not like we’re not going to die anyways what is that supposed to mean I never died this game is hard I just oh my God it just broke my diamond pickaxe we told you to use Stone no it’s I just broke my iron one I’m going to have no pickaxe are you serious please don’t break please please please what are the chances of that guys I literally just broke all my pickaxes I have no more pickaxes ddy I’m coming down oh my goodness fine I guess I’m just going to have to respawn dang it Daddy how am I going to get down here do you have a bucket of water you stole my water bucket Daddy I do have the water bucket wait there’s no water in it oh what if I put a bed down no wait I hear water just go grab some water from over there and then we can just put it down and they can jump where’s the water do you not hear it no wait I have an idea I have an idea Gooby you just died in front of me yep I was on fire guys I found the stronghold but wait I need to get water for Johnny Johnny I’m going to save you hurry up Daddy come on me and Daisy are on the oh gosh Daisy I found water but I also found a creeper I found a coming ow what is going on down there oh I died oh looks like none of us are getting down okay come put it in these holes on I can’t die I can’t die I can’t let the squad down wait Daddy I also found a stream of water that I’m slowly bringing to the hole really yes daddy why you laughing that’s kind of funny it’s kind of a genius uh idea good idea no no the water spilled no it’s fine Daddy I did it I did it everyone jump down Johnny if you had a pickaxe why didn’t you just mine down what no because I don’t want to mine down all these I keep losing my pickaxe oh oh God what is this thing what is this thing there’s so many baby zombies he he just killed me and took my water guys there’s like five of them wait there’s like five of them there’s like nine of them not five my diamond sword just broke no are you kidding me I just lost all my diamond tools uhoh I’m slowly killing them this is so stupid why is there so many I don’t know ah who’s hit me uhoh uhoh uhoh it’s a Vex it’s a Vex no I just lost all my tools just kill me just kill me a I died too I’m Giving Up Guys this game’s too hard no we can’t live in cursed Minecraft forever I’m giving up I don’t want to play anymore so close I could taste it this game is making me way too angry all right I got a new sword I’m coming down come here stupid zombies I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him nice daddy ooh oh God no there’s silverfish there’s silverfish oh my gosh I’m breaking the spawner I see the portal though I broke it I broke it oh dad you got lava to your right be careful watch behind you watch behind you oh my God oh my God where are they coming from where are they coming from thaty there’s so many silver fish what is going on maybe we open the lava up you know what I got a better idea I got a better idea oh my gosh my go go up here I got an idea I got an idea okay what’s your idea let’s just go over the portal I’ll spawn the stuff in then we go right in okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s genius go to your left go to your left we’re going to mine through here let me up my pickax is definitely going to break any second I already know well all my tools already broke so I’m kind of useless guys I did it I did it wait hold on I’m a genius come on little silverfish follow me into the portal oh my gosh there’s so many monsters start placing them all right okay I’m doing it I’m doing it one and yes I did it finally I did it hold on I’m putting a bed here wait I want to put a bed here too where are you you oh there’s Gooby I’m here everyone set your spawn point all right good idea there we go I think I said it all right guys we are so close we see to kill the Ender oh really Gooby ouch all right we are so close guys we just got to kill the ender dragon and then we win yeah cuz like that’s not going to be harder anything right no it’s not going to be hard all right I’m going in go go go go go yes you’re want to move okay this way this way on my way wait what the heck why am I so slown it’s because we’re in cursed mode let me just build out just build out what do you guys do slowfall slowness mining fatigue oh my goodness we have so many different things this is actually so annoying wait why do we have jump boost too hey I’ll take jump boost oh my gosh that’s too much jump oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no oh Enderman oh my gosh this is insane I’m going for it I’m going to blow him up no no the Ender are killing me get away from me Gooby stare at the ground okay yes I will do that I’m just kidding it doesn’t work they’re instantly aggroed do your arrows I can’t my arrows are like being deflected or something it’s weird they’re not working oh maybe your aim’s really bad no I got good aim daddy well no I’m saying like maybe like curse makes it so it doesn’t go straight the arrow guys we got to destroy all these little things on these top of the towers I’m trying I keep dying ooh I can shoot this one come on come on come on no I shot the Ender Dragon instead get out of my way Ender Dragon no stupid Ender Dragon boom got it what the heck a bunch of these stock Ender stalkers just spawned Ender stalkers yeah what are those I don’t know no I don’t like the sound of that oh my God this Tower is so tall that I’m going up wait these are Phantoms Phantoms that when you don’t sleep oh tell him to knock it off okay I’m blowing them up come on I need to nail this no no I lost my bow and arrow that’s not good and I died dang it guys I literally lost my bow and arrow how is that fair oh my goodness I hate playing in all this cursed world I just want to go back to regular Minecraft I think soon yeah hold we can do this stop stop we’re almost there I want to give up daddy oh no I just missed my inner Pearl oh god oh what even that uhoh that’s po there’s some weird powder I’m sacrificing oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s so many of these Phantoms wanting to eat me and I died guys I think we killed them all killed all of the what no no no there’s one more no dad I think there’s a couple more there’s that one there’s that one there’s that one oh no hey get away from me I made a safety hole this is impossible to does anyone have a bow and arrow still I do I do oh my goodness you need to use that I’m trying not to look at the Enderman but they still keep attacking me get away daddy run daddy they’re after us run daddy let’s build up quick use the uh I’m trying to do daddy that’s what I’m trying to do the jump boost is only making me slower yes did you do it I got one there’s three more if you’re up there just keep shooting them daddy well I keep getting hit by end stalker an Enderman how are you getting so high I just get knocked off you just got to keep jumping and just Spam the build button um I ran out of block oh my God I’m being chased this is not even funny I fell off the map yes daddy one more daddy one more over here yes did you get them all I got them you sure you got them all oh ow ow this is impossible every time we break one of those end crystals the end stalker spawn in that’s why there’s so many of them oh yes daddy we knew that thank you for telling us that my bow broke no we have no more bows I do well Daddy you need to start shooting the Ender Dragon it’s going to be impossible to kill him where’d he go wait Daddy what if we make a bunch of beds uh sure and then we could place them down cuz can’t you not sleep in the end I thought you couldn’t sleep in the nether oh I might have got mixed up den no no no no no that’s not fair that’s not fair that’s not fair my bow broke oh it’s over we’re never going to be able to kill the Ender Dragon wait I’m kidding him wait you got a bow too yes nice Gooby use your bow use your bow uh these Enderman are all coming for me ow I stat you an endle st wait guys I actually am doing something really good right now no and I died it wasn’t really good no no an endel man puts me off no this is too hard I’m almost there we need to get to the middle and make a little shelter hey that’s what I’ve been trying to do but it’s not really working see I’m going to I’m going to say bad word no no no no no more bad words yes I’m so frustrated no the same guy just pushed me off again oh freck flick flick fck fck oh my gosh really hey hey Gooby hold that in no it was worth it oh my bow broke also we’re actually doing it wait we’re actually doing it he’s here I’m doing damage no what am I dying from Golden Apple Golden Apple this is not fair this is not fair let me in let me in let me in could we come in here oh no this is really bad I’m using a lot of dirt to build I’m making little barriers so these flying things can’t come in here and kill us yeah that’s a good idea where are they oh my God he almost just came in and killed us where are we going to be able to attack the guy though from Daddy we got to kill the dragon I don’t think the dragon’s ever going to land he did before though but is this not too much um it might be I’ll be a distraction dragon come come Dragon I don’t think it should be a distraction come back in here you’re going to die wait he’s coming down he’s coming down yes he’s here he’s here damage no I died kill him guys kill him oh I died no this is so impossible Gooby gooby is in the middle Gooby kill him where are you gooby oh I’m here I’m here boom boom W I hit him and he just knocked me a million years away wait what I think it was just Wings a million years away yep he just flapped and I went flying okay well I’m in a really good position to kill him now guys I made a tunnel a tunnel where daddy from where we spawn so we don’t constantly get you know killed by these weird stalker things wait that’s a good idea oh my God you just try to blow me up ow ow ow ow ow he actually blew us up oh he filled it with poison he’s poison magic no he’s so annoying he getting me way too angry guys we’re so close but we just can’t do it it’s so hard I move so stupidly slow f my boing Boy Yes Gooby yes no no that was not good yes Daisy yes Daisy go attack him I’m doing so much damage no I slipped on some Moss are you kidding me okay I got to get back in my position no he blew everything up okay is everyone here cuz when he comes here if we all hit him at the same time we could all do an insane amount of damage okay I’m here I’m here okay okay okay everyone stay here when he comes down onto his little perch we’re going to absolutely destroy him yes this bow might break on me but I have this bow from a skeleton only got a few more shots left I think I can do it here he comes here he comes I’m eating a golden apple here we go here we go and attack him attack him attack him no he doing a lot of damage hit him as fast as you can I’m attacking I’m attacking oh I died no I just got killed by him oh no he flung me super fall I mean we did do a lot of damage though I think that was a lot of damage he’s almost half HP I’m holding down to force takes forever why do we walk so slow CU this game hates us guys he’s coming back down get ready to kill him get ready to kill him he’s half Health doing damage he bless him yes come here stupid thing oh he threw me in the air he I died to him yes oh I’m doing damage this hit me so hard wait I’m actually doing damage I’m actually doing damage get him Johnny I just did crazy damage okay he ran away scared he’s too much of a baby but he’s actually really low oh guys look he’s coming down this is it this is it keep shooting him daddy we have to kill him right here okay this has got to be it com me in this got to be it please yes yes please please one more H someone hit him someone hit him daddy I got it he’s blowing up let’s go we did it guys we did it we can go back to normal Minecraft now I never ever ever want to play curse mode ever again yeah I I hate cars mode I’m going through this portal right now bye daddy no don’t leave me let’s go home guys we did it we made it back to a regular world thank goodness I’m never playing cursed Minecraft ever again yeah me too that was way too scary do you guys think my cereal is still good no no it’s probably all soggy Daddy I want to eat it oh guys look our bed invention now we could drive it againe oh guys uh I really need to take a poop no no no no no Gooby not again wait hold on poop why is he on this Monument no here I go no no oh gosh really Johnny maybe if we’re not here we won’t go with him this time yeah I do not want to play cursed Minecraft again oh God the Lightning Run no no no run run looks like the fight is about to begin wait what Gooby I need a fight Daisy but she’s a girl yes it’s all fail cuz you have boxing glubs on oh yeah I guess that makes sense yeah John and you’re going down hey no Daisy you’re going down wo wo wo save it for the wing save it for for the ring Gooby we’re in the ring wait you guys can’t fight until I make the announcements okay Gooby hurry up make your dumb announcement in this corner weighing in at uh how much do you weigh uh 35 lb weighing in at 35 lbs he’s a menace and he’s ready to fight it’s Johnny y oh yeah oh yeah hey stop booing at me I’m allowed and then this cor weighing in at um how much that like 20 lb Gooby weighing in at 20b she’s the flower pickles that’s very good at eating snickles it’s JY woo Johny a poop no I’m just farting on your name Daisy oh that’s mean yeah it was supposed to be mean because I’m going to beat you and I don’t like you looks like our fighs already 3 2 1 go oh God we’re fighting we’re fighting ow how hey Dy back up for me I thought I was going to beat you no you’re not I’m literally so much better than you oh I got you against the ropes no you don’t looks like a pretty hard battle still anyone T she’s hurting me ow ow I need to tap out Gooby I need help I need help yeah K me in K me in I’m in here I’m in you gooby vers Daisy now Gooby I can’t fight you no no I got to get you oh my goodness get her get her my hearts aren’t even going down I’m now take a Bo the wing a little bit okay double team double team get her her Fair yes it is I think I saw this on J once take that take that you guys are boring me now no we’re not no we’re not no we’re not Marty hey DIY come back here oh I think we killed her what is going on out here Marty they’re bullying me what’s going on why do you guys have gloves on you guys look stupid well me and Johnny were boxing and then they both started fighting me Daddy she’s just whining she’s just a loser all right we just beat her in boxing little 2v2 you want a little piece of this action oh I want a piece of that Gooby everyone get in the ring right now after I’m done eating this lollipop wait daddy you’re going to fight oh I’m going to fight I’m going to give you the old one too I used to box back My Day My I’m pretty sure you’re too old you know what Gooby I might be old but I’m going to kick your booty wo wo hey save it for the wing buddy I will save it for the ring all right everyone get in there all right everyone come on let’s go inside the ring all right I’m ready to fight who am I fighting first um daddy right here right here I want to fight you all right I’m ready I’m ready to go oo I always wanted to beat your butt Daddy and now I actually can yeah well now I have Boxing Club so I don’t feel bad smack you across the face all right all right Gooby do the announcements I do the announcements okay in the Coro the winning Champion standing at uh uh how tall are you what tall uh I’m like two blocks high standing in at two blocks old he’s the bestest at punching it’s Johnny yeah yeah that’s me that’s me and in this corner the Challenger weighing a million pounds and not very tall and very bald hey you can’t say that those are all fake that’s fake it’s really old it’s smelly it’s m I didn’t like that you need to redo that I like that bad M’s bad you made me sound horrible well you’re going to have to prove a wrong in the wing three two 1 go really daddy oh God my nose you just just put you broke my nose daddy that was one punch you got a man up oh god I think I’m bleeding oh God I got keep my head up what oh gosh are you forfeiting right now Daddy I forfeit I need paper towel or something for my nose oh God hey daddy where are you going I’m going back in the house I need first aid I need first aid kid I need bandage no Daddy come back here right now oh God I need emblem looks like Johnny is the winner yay I’m the winner daddy you’re the loser oh God I can’t even see straight right now oh God this the house am I going the right way um guys look at the sky what is that oh my gosh right what the heck what the heck was that I think it was some giant me oh my God my house there’s nothing left it looked like a giant meatball oh my goodness that was a spicy One D I think that was a one in a 100 billion chance to have a meteor hit your house well great now I’m like burning alive and my nose is broken well Daddy where am I going to sleep and where am I going to play video games I don’t know maybe down there where the meteor just hit D I’m not playing video games in a fire oh no all of all stuff is gone too oh my goodness you’re right man it looks like we’re going to have to find a new house to live in how are we supposed to do that H I got to think I got to think you know what I actually had a lot of money saved up in the bank so I could probably afford to buy a new house really Daddy yeah maybe we can go house shopping yeah that’ll be fun yeah we’ll get it P even better than the one we had I don’t think anything’s going to be better than our house but I guess we have no other choice all right everybody follow me to the bank may we can go get money and then we can go straight to a new house let’s go get a new house all right daddy wa look at this house guys you guys like this one what the heck is that Daddy it’s very modern looks pretty cool I think got three floors it’s got a nice modern coloration to it here we go inside and give it a little little looky Daddy I don’t like the colors of it I want it to be more yellow what why wait what where’s everything inside it’s empty they usually don’t come with Furniture we have to do it ourselves what what house doesn’t come with Furniture I go upstairs this a weird staircase nope nothing up here either guys this house sucks we’re not living here Yep this is the wall this is the wall house evil look it keeps going up there’s not even rooms well we got to make the rooms ooh this is a nice floor I like it it’s got a balcony terrible daddy I’m going back downstairs we’re not living here oh my gosh guys there’s a cooler house across the street we’re getting that one we are getting that one everyone go downstairs Daddy I give this house like a 2 out of 10 on the rating yeah well you’re going to you’re about to see a 10 out of 10 where daddy I don’t see it over here I just saw from the balcony of this house o daddy look let’s live in Burger King no yeah Daddy I want to go to Burger King right here let’s live there the home of a Whopper no we are Big Mac people for Life yeah they don’t have middles over there oh yeah you’re right Gooby I can’t I can’t go to Burger King I need MCG griddle guys follow me to this next house this next house we’re living in I already chose we’re living in there thaty what house house the house over here it’s right down the street for this one wo look at that one daddy look how cool that is kind of looks like a museum this is not a museum dadd is this a pool in the front can I go in there no you can’t go in there that’s a fountain can I drink from it no you can’t drink from the fountain wao this house is super fancy W it’s got a pool well this is a fancy pool it’s got a call a wake call you can’t drive it so don’t get any ideas all right I want to go inside wo nice staircase it’s got so much room there’s still no furniture it’s fine we’ll furnish it wo it’s got a cool balcony looking over the pond I like this house we’re living here guys M no it’s too fancy no it’s just fancy enough I like it we’re buying it nah it’s Daddy it’s so ugly this house I’m not living here what do you mean this is like an upgrade from our other house Daddy I am not living in this house why what’s wrong with it name me like three things that are wrong with this house Daddy everything’s wrong with it first off there’s no furniture second off this race car looks like poop out here nope we can get rid of it I don’t like the color you don’t you don’t like the color no I don’t like the color it’s uh it’s too green there’s no green on it yeah D look at all these leaves right here it’s too green that’s just Decor that’s decoration I really don’t like how you it can’t even drink from the water fountain yeah like what’s the point of having a water fountain then you can drink from it but you’re just not supposed to cuz it’s bad water let me try get out we all do it you’re going to get sick T Gooby it’s it’s pretty gross well Daddy that means we can’t live in this house no we’re living in it I’m going right now I’m about to put my bed in there for the first time ever no daddy we’re not living in this house we’re living in it I’m going to start claiming a bed room you guys better get one too before I take the best one oh yeah Daddy well guess what I’ll have that change very quickly oh no Johnny what are we going to do M just going to get this house guys guys guys I got this check this out hey you watching this video I need you to leave a like right now If Everyone likes this video in 3 seconds then we’re not going to be living in this house quick like the video in three two one hey guys look at me I made it to the top of this awesome house woohoo yeah um daddy uh look above you what oh god it’s it’s another medor oh God back up daddy um what happened to your house house it’s not here I got hit again by a meteor this is so stupid oh no my oh no that’s too bad looks like we can’t live in the house daddy well it looks like we’re living on the floor we’re going to be poor forever Marty we are not living on the floor we just have to look for a new house Daisy this was the house this was it no look at the other ones there’s one right there and I’m sure there’s so many more this is so stupid looks like we’re going to have to look for another stupid house and and this was the oh come on man I wanted this house so bad come on Daddy there’s a bunch more houses come on put me down no I’m your dad you you’re supposed to drop me I’m supposed to be one holding you no we’re going to go to a new house follow me can you please put me down Johnny oh fine Daddy I’ll put you down oh my goodness why’ you bring us out here cuz Daddy look behind you look how beautiful this house looks it looks disgusting it looks old looks kind of creepy guys no it’s not creepy I mean it’s a little bit far from everything but it’s it’s really awesome but it’s not new it’s not modern yeah you’re right it’s old and reliable no that’s not what they say yeah I’m pretty sure everything old is smelly and bad hey whoa whoa whoa you looked at me when you said that uh well it’s um why you look at me huh why’d you look at me like that huh huh I mean you’re just old and and wise yeah yeah I am wise I’m very stoic and also smelly well guys can we at least just look at this house we looked at all the other houses went inside we got give it a rating all right fine fine you can lead us Johnny all right guys come inside oh yeah this house is awesome I like the front yard the front yard’s very nice I like the walls yep yep it’s giving Daddy it’s giving kind of poop colored it is kind of poop colored guys check out the inside though this is sick there’s a pool table guys there’s Furniture everywhere unlike every other house that wasn’t furnitured this one’s got Furniture ooh this one’s got a kitchen and it has two ovens okay there’s free food Daddy what how comes with free food hey don’t eat it it’s probably old dude what’s this on the floor it’s like an alligator wait where where oh it’s like a bear rug o that’s pretty cool this house is awesome wait guys we need to go upstairs we need to check out the upstairs everyone follow me wow big staircase going up okay I’m starting to like this house oh yeah this is the house for us guys it has everything wa even that’s a bell right here wing wing wing ooh there’s a pink room wait a pink room yeah there’s a pink room this is is a blue room I want the Blue Room there’s a yellow one too hey this is my room oh it’s mine it’s mine it’s mine wait so this is made for us wo this one’s red so Daddy what do you think should we live here I think we buy it yay I told you this going to be the best house let’s just hope this one doesn’t get crushed by a meteor let’s pray to the god that they don’t drop another meatball on us wa are you guys sure this place isn’t haunted what haunted why would you think it’s haunted Daisy well I saw some guy’s head over there what you saw a head what uhoh uhoh no there’s no head there’s actually no head okay there’s a head it’s right here that’s fake that’s that’s uh that’s decoration yeah it’s Decor well it’s scary okay let me get rid of it there we go problem problem solved I don’t know this place still creeps me out get small crazy things upstairs no no no let’s just not check the upstairs how about this guys I think we’re all just super tired because we’ve been looking for houses all day and IM meteor hit our old one let’s just go to bed and then we could just wake up and then explore more the house okay I’m down to do that I’m I am really I am really sleepy yeah Dad me too I could literally sleep on this carpet well don’t do that can decorate our rooms tomorrow yeah we can do all that o yeah oh right let’s go the bed ooh but guys I just remembered I got to do the paperwork to actually buy the house so how about this you three go to bed and I’ll just do some paperwork for a few minutes and then I’ll go to bed after you all right daddy sounds like a plan we see you tomorrow bye bye good night good night everybody don’t let the head bugs bite all right I’m almost done signing this last line and the paperwork is officially done yes this house is ours but oh gosh that took me like a few hours to do maybe I got to go to bed I’m I’m kind of I’m kind of tired what was that uh why are the lights flickering like this oh God okay you know what it’s just an old house it’s an old house maybe it’s the the electricity maybe the electricity in the house needs to get changed okay it’s not bad it’s not bad it’s nothing to get worried about all I just got to go to bed what was that why is that doing that the trapo is flicking up and down that is not normal that is not normal okay I’m going to bed I’m going to bed where’s my bedroom I don’t even know where my bedroom is oh it’s got to be in here okayo I’m just going to sit in my bed and I’m going to go to bed I’m going to go to sleep ah it’s not that bad it’s not that bad here oh God oh God there’s a ghost there’s a ghost in the house his name was Chucky had an A okay okay I’m just going to go to bed this way I’m going to face the wall and I’m going to go to bed the birds are chirping and the sun is rising that was the best sleep I ever got in my entire life I love this new house let me go see what my friends are doing ooby Gooby are you awake in here what are you doing oh good morning Gooby how did you sleep I just had a really crazy dream and I was like King of the bunnies and I just ran all over the place with an army of bunnies um oh okay Gooby that’s uh that’s an interesting dream let’s go get your sister daisy daisy daisy where are you I’m in my room how’d you sleep Daisy I slept okay this bed is really old and hard what well my bed was super used and comfy I want a new one okay okay we could work on getting you a new one Let’s go ask my daddy daddy daddy where are you wait what the what the heck what is going on here why is there chairs and tables in the way oh my gosh Daddy what what are you doing who is that who is that don’t look at me what what is he doing in the corner Daddy what are you doing oh it’s you guys last night I saw a ghost no you didn’t I did I swear I swear I saw a ghost it was it was in the hallway and it said I’m going to eat you and it had an ACI and it ran away You’re were probably just tired no no no I’m not tired everyone follow me real quick thaty ghost don’t exist so I was in the office I was sitting in my office chair like this I’ll was do my paperwork cuz we finally own this house yippy now after I was done these lights up here were flickering on and off and it was going crazy I was you just pulling a prank on us no I am not pulling a prank on Gooby look at this this trap door is going like ooh scary a ghost daddy you’re just trying to get us scared so we need to leave this house cuz you don’t like it no no I like the house but guys there’s a ghost living in here and I don’t think he likes that we’re here now daddy there’s no ghost it doesn’t exist it does exist yeah wouldn’t we just see the ghost before Oh I don’t know maybe just decided to choose me to scare first maybe tonight it’s your turn sure daddy the big bad ghost is going to get me I’m not lying it was true what what was that oh I think it was the door but I think someone at the door Oh Daddy I think it’s I I think it’s a ghost oh gosh the ghost hit the doorbell oh you dare say that I’m hiding maybe it’s just Amazon and they brought me a new bed yeah Daddy it’s probably just like a delivery person or something come on D don’t go to the door everyone now let’s go see who’s at the door guys come back in it’s not a good idea D maybe it’s somebody that door down s McDonald’s and brought McGriddles for breakfast oh yeah McGriddles for breakfast Daddy that’s not true that that’s impossible no one even knows that we live here oh yeah well we know we live here let’s just open the door don’t open it hello who the heck is that hello my name’s Chuck what Chuck who the heck is Chuck I I don’t know any Chucks guys I was just wandering the neighborhood looking for a nice family who might take me in wait so you’re not an Amazon delivery driver I wish but I do have some McDonald’s for you yay oh my goodness you actually have McDonald’s for us I want some of that too I don’t know guys it’s kind of weird that Chuck brought McDonald’s after we just talked about having you know wanting McDonald’s Morty how can you pass up a Happy Meal well I’m passing it up now uh Chuck go away I guess if the mean man doesn’t want me around I’ll just be on my way oh oh oh wait wait wait no no no Chuck come back come back don’t listen to him he’s just stupid and bald and stum and fat hey I heard that yeah he’s really mean Daddy our new friend Chuck has nowhere to live and no family so we’re going to allow him to come inside come on Chuck come inside we don’t have room we don’t have room no thank you thank you very much I didn’t say he’s allowed fine fine Chuck you could stay here for a day you’re only going to get a day here yay Chuck can stay with us spal no I said a day unlimited Happy Meals well guess what Chuck’s going to be sleeping with you tonight Johnny wait me yep he’s going be bunking up with you because I have no room in my bed don’t worry I don’t need too much room just a cardboard box and a leaf okay that’s really sad that’s really really sad daddy there’s like a 100 rooms in this house all right he could pick whatever room he wants okay fine I think we have a second floor that he can go on or a third floor ooh guys maybe we should play a game too who wants to play hide and go seek yes I do I do ooh guys maybe we should all play hide and go seek no that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life maybe if we play hide and go see we’ll see some ghosts so no I’m not playing come on Marty took to Scot here we need to have some fun okay yeah you guys have fun without me how about that well Daddy we’re going to go have fun with our new friend and you can just be a loser on I will be a loser I will be a loser and I’ll go in my room and I’ll cry maybe I can get some sleep because last night was really scary all right bye daddy we’re going to play hide and go seek okay have fun not bye meanie weenie you know what fine I’m going to leave and I’m going to go my bed and I’m going to hide there I’m going to hide there all night long that man is rather strange isn’t he yeah my daddy is definitely something else but guys I want to play hide and go seek and guess what we have the whole house to hide in so who wants to be the Seeker we you make Chuck be the Seeker so he can get to know the house o yeah good idea all right Chuck you’re going to be the Seeker oh boy I’d love to be the Seeker but um how do you play hide and go seek I’ve never played before really Chuck you’ve never played hide and go seek Chuck it’s really easy all you got to do is just find us all around the house when we hide guys you just got to go find us and just hold seeking okay I’ll do that all right Chuck so come over here um go into this corner and don’t turn your head all right you got to go into this corner and don’t cheat okay how long do I have to wait uh count to 45 seconds all right okay I’ll do that that’s very good all right come on guys we got to go hide go go go go go where do we go um I don’t know uh we should I hide where should I hide I think I’m going to hide upstairs bye guys okay I’m going to find a we good spot right over here I got to find somewhere to hide no I can’t hide in my room that would be way too obvious ooh I could hide behind this chair right here yes this is perfect all right I’m ready I’m ready too yeah I’m ready my SP is really good all right ready or not here I come oh I hope he doesn’t find me he’s never going to find me I’m super hidden hi hello what what why do you look all quing like like a ghost and you have like an ax in your hands you’re going to be my friends forever no no no no no stop it oh gosh I think I think that was Gooby gooby screaming why is he screaming like that oh no I think truck something no good what was that the glass is breaking morning is that is that Gooby my Gooby can you hear me m i hear you why do you have a weird weird sound effect on your voice are you dead oh gosh oh gosh don’t Mo it’s me Gooby I’m a ghost yeah I I can see that what happened look like a fly you I’m a ghost okay yeah it’s very cool Gooby yeah you’re dead and you’re a ghost but what happened to you oh you look really bald from up here okay you’re the worst ghost ever Gooby gooby just give me the details what happened oh Mar uh you know that guy suck that came in you um yeah he’s a crazy killer and probably go to what he killed you yep he killed me we were trying to play hide and seek but he actually just killed me with an axe oh no this is not good Gooby this is not good you know what I do recognize him he was the ghost from last night that scared me oh No this must be his haunted house Gooby I think you’re right but you know what I think he’s going to try killing Johnny Daisy and then me oh no uh we got to go save them Gooby we need to get out of this room Hi H oh no I they be so quiet Chucky can’t find me uh what’s that noise it sounds kind of creepy hello Daisy jck how did you get right there I want you to be my friend forever ow why are you hitting me no no oh no we need to destroy these des and chairs Gooby I think I think da just got caught oh no guys Chuck just killed me oh well that’s not good where were you I was hiding in this room right here oh gosh Chuck’s on a rampage he’s probably after Johnny next oh this is not good guys we need to go find Johnny ASAP yeah well does anyone know where he’s hiding no he’s probably in his room oh my God oh my God Chuck is an evil ghost trying to kill me guys help me help me oh no he’s going to kill Johnny I’m my God no what is happening he chck your family’s going to stay with me forever this is not fair Chuck give me my family back what everyone tur into ghost Gooby Daisy what happened to you guys Chuck killed us Chuck why would you do something like that I just wanted to have a family of my own well Chuck what about my family now they’re all dead are you going to kill me next actually um no I think I already have all the family I need wait what what do you mean all the family you need I don’t get it I lost my family so long ago it was my daddy my sister and my brother and since I have all of your family now I don’t need you anymore you can go wait I’m free to leave yay I mean it sucks for you guys but at least my life will be nice now you can’t leave us here um yes I can and yes I will bye guys no Johnny you got to become a ghost like us wao whoa wo Johnny you cannot leave you need to become a ghost too wait daddy you just got turned into a ghost you look so cool don’t look at me like that I’m going I’m going to kill you no you’re not Daddy uh Chuck said I could leave so I’m just going to go out the door Daddy later CH why would you say it hey no no no no no you come back here you’re going to become a ghost like us hi guys you have fun being Ghosts no you’re going to join us all right guys I’ll see you later no come back here guys guys what what are you guys doing out here Oh Daddy it’s so hot out I think I’m melting me too me too oh my gosh guys stand up it’s not that hot out here yes it is it’s only like 93° out right now it’s not that hot it could be way worse daddy it feels like 593 look at this sun it’s beating down right on my face wow yeah that’s that’s kind of how the Sun Works Johnny oh the sun’s ways are beating me in the face too ow it hurts ow Pain Put sunblock on someone turn it off yeah Daisy let me just just get the let me turn this light switch off real quick wait a second there’s no light switch for the sun okay how about this instead of you guys complaining constantly over and over again just go in the pool where there nice water oh yeah Daddy that’s a great idea let me just hop in the pool oh man all the water disappeared it evaporated cuz it’s so hot outside uh how about you go in the river yeah why why don’t you go in the river over there oo guys let’s go into the river I think my daddy’s on to something come on guys oh yeah Oh Daddy it’s awesome here ow oh no boiling it’s boiling it’s boiling it’s so hot it can’t be that hot hold on let me go in look see it’s not that bad not that bad oh my God my butt’s burning my butt’s burning oh my God oh my goodness oh this is like the hottest day ever look I was just cooking these steaks on the sidewalk you you cook that on the sidewalk oh my goodness it tastes like a sidewalk Gooby e it’s got dirt in it and probably gravel it’s really it gets how about this guys let’s just go inside where there’s air conditioning yeah let’s go Daddy I don’t know I don’t want to go inside I like staying outside so we can play what what you can play inside it’s really boring inside the house can’t we just like open this window as he get some AC in there no no no it’s not going to work like that Gooby okay my my electricity bill is going to go through the roof it’s so hot well Daddy if you just turn the air conditioning on like really high then we’re going to feel it outside right I mean I guess but you have to stand right here to feel it it’s not going to go all the way out here there’s too much air Daddy Daddy I got an idea what if I just pee in the pool and then we swimming that that’s disgusting yeah your pee will be too hot oh yeah it’s going to evaporate and sting you well I’m all out of ideas okay well you guys come up with some ideas you nay saggers well if we had magic then we could just turn the sun off wait magic to turn the sun off yeah yeah Wee magic we can change the weather ooh that would be awesome we could be like God and then make it rain and cool everything down it’s not how this works guys okay I’m just going to sit here and watch you guys think of a plan while I drink this nice cold glass of milk oh yeah yeah well Daddy I’ll show you that it works I got an idea cuz I’m a genius guys check this out hey you watching this video I need you to leave a like in the next 3 seconds if you do it’s going to make it rain in Minecraft it’s not going to happen yes it is Daddy shut up okay everyone like the video in three 2 one wa guys it worked check this out it’s raining it’s cooling off too yes I feels so nice now it’s so blocking the sun guys this is not good you guys can’t be changing the weather like that why daddy what’s telling us not to cuz that’s not natural I think Mother Nature is not going to like what we just did well Daddy that’s because everyone liked this video so everyone say thank you thank you thank you subscribers no thank you I think they just set something up for us this is not going to be good I think Mother Nature is going to come over here and and punch Us in the face a bit with some natural storms or something Daddy this is just a light little rain okay it’s not even storming it just feels so good yeah this is way better than the super hot sunny day yeah but now we have to deal with rain and I think it’s starting to get a little windy that’s good wait daddy hold on look our pool is slowly filling up with water this is awesome we can go swimming again this is so much fun yes oh God oh God lightning no go inside get up that was a close one Daddy I almost got struck by lightning I told you Mother Nature doesn’t like us right now um daddy what’s that sound oh I think the tornado alarms are going off uh uh what is that what is that oh God everyone get inside get inside get in the house get in the house oh no oh no we get in get in get in get in Daddy what are we going to do H this is not good this is not good see I told you you guys should have extra likes you shouldn’t have done that oh no we got to Bo up all the windows someone make get stop oh my God Daddy I got to I got to I got to poop real quick that’s disgusting everyone board the windows up that’s scared I’m helping I’m helping guys this isn’t good enough we’re still going to die in here yeah Daddy the tornado is going to go right through these little wood things that you put up these are terrible well with tornadoes you can’t build High you have to build low so I think we need to make a bunker of some sort ooh like a really secure bunker yes yes we need to do that it’s new time we got to go shaking down right now Bo Boop okay Gooby okay go go go go go how far deep do we need to go uh we need to go at least 20 blocks oh God there’s water daddy we’re in a cave we’re in a cave sponge it sponge it ooh wait this could be the start of our underground bunker this is perfect the rain’s getting worse up here it’s fine Daddy I’m literally underground right now I’m coming down guys this is perfect this is going to be a perfect start for our underground secure bunker ooh okay we could we could use this cave W it’s so deep and long so I think what we got to do is this is like the main area we need to we need to really blow this up guys we’re about to have the co fool secure bunker in Minecraft I’m going to make my room so awesome we need to use like really strong material like metal ooh yeah Daisy that’s a good idea so just in case the tornado wants to eat us it’s not going to be able to get us what if we use this for the walls ooh sheet metal that looks super strong okay let’s make the walls all this color and this material and then I have more metal for the ground too hey Daddy are you even helping us what are you doing I’m building the entrance let me see oh this looks really good yeah I know cuz I’m building it wait let me add some ladders here there we go nice then I’m going to do this whole hallway all right well we’re going to work on the main area all right okay you guys do that make sure it looks good well Daddy we’re the ones building it so obviously it’s going to look good going to look horrible going to be like pink everywhere there’s going to be blue plushies on the floor really Daddy really you’re going to put bananas everywhere okay Gooby is going to do that not me what no that’s a Johnny move right there are we going to have to live in this bunker forever yes yep forever and ever and ever and ever we’re never going to be able to escape to make sure we can live down here whenever you know bad things happen Dad I think tornadoes last like 7 years though right no they don’t who told you that oh my teacher at school well that teacher’s stupid like really stupid they shouldn’t even be teaching o I’m going to tell her he said that M yeah go ahead we’re going to get in trouble with the principal well I don’t like your principal you I finished all the walls over here ooh Gooby I like this and also look at this ceiling this is coming out so good o there’s so many medals everywhere this looks so so ugly in here Daddy this is disgusting we need to get rid of all this no daddy no no no it’s super secure material that we’re using it’s like we’re living in an air conditioner it’s like um an old cartoon you know it’s like in the black and white movies okay no we need to get rid of all this this looks horrible like what is going on down here Oh Daddy this is going to be an indoor pool that we’re going to make an indoor pool guys this is survival we’re talking about we need Farms down here we need some pigs we need some cows we need to be able to live down here forever no that’s boring we’re not going to do that all right then you’re just going to die in this metal box trap o also Daddy I think we should add a bunch of fans cuz I don’t want to get hot down here I mean you wouldn’t get hot cuz you’re living in an AC vent well now we got some air so there we go oh this is horrible this is actually horrible we need places for rooms we need a kitchen we need a living room we need a big toilet ooh I want to make a toilet oh I’m sure you would want to make a toilet o I want to make a poop in the toilet how about this you guys make a big bathroom right now that I think that’s what we need just in case you guys got to go poopy on the job all right how about makes the bathroom you want me to make the bathroom yeah I don’t want to touch a toilet I just want to poop in it but girls don’t poop well that’s exactly why you’re going to be the one making it it makes sense to me I want to make the bathroom okay fine Gooby you can make the bathroom yes Gooby make it in here okay I’m going to make it right in here all right daddy I’m going to start adding the water for the pool oh yeah oh gosh this is awesome disgusting just don’t mistake the pool as a big toilet all right guys oh let me just take a big pee in it hey Daddy stop it a joke it was a joke that’s disgusting only I could do that trying to reinforce the walls here what is this supposed to be reinforcements oh why you don’t like it I guess it looks okay oh that’s what I thought that’s what I thought you were going to say ooh Daddy I really like these reinforcements I’m going to add some too well I don’t know where else you’re going to do it right here Daddy okay it’s not looking that bad Daddy it’s looking amazing but what is this room going to be I have no idea o daddy look we should put a room going this way there we go so we could do a room going that way I think we should do a big fish tank right here next to the pool fish tank yep yep it’s got to look really cool to match the pool let me make that let me make that we need we could do a room in here thatd look fish tank okay no I’m going to break it fish tank stop it all right I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it no you’re not going to do it I’m going to do it no guys everyone tell my daddy that he smells what do you smell yep you smell really bad BDI I will kick you out of all I’ll kick you out of this bunker I’m doing the fish tank I’m doing it for you here I’m doing it just break it break it in here there you go that’s where the fish tank’s going to go that’s exactly what I was planning on doing no you were not literally exactly what I was doing you know what guys I’m going to work on the hallway that all of our bedrooms are going to be attached to all right loser I mean uh Daddy okay I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that you’re what loser I mean uh daddy you would did you just say again hold on I was breaking something want to repeat that Daddy I can’t hear you through this glass yes you can it’s soundproof no it’s not sound it’s not soundproof it’s soundproof Daddy it’s not soundproof myy I think Johnny doesn’t even want to talk to you or hear you and so he’s just prot yeah I I can tell Gooby thanks thanks for uh telling me D do you want to see my giant toilet over here yes let’s look at your giant toilet oh toilet it’s the biggest toilet ever maze it is I can actually go down the drain yep well that’s kind of scary Gooby I’m going to go in here I’m going to keep working on my hallway okay what should I make next maybe you should just sit in the corner and do nothing what no I want to help make the bunkle okay in this direction I need you to go a few blocks deep and start making a kitchen kitchen that’s it’s boring I don’t want to make a kitchen I want to make the kitchen okay then Daisy you go down here and you start making a kitchen uh Gooby you can go where do I put you I want to make a lookout I want to make a lookout place you want a lookout place okay then you’re going to have to go upstairs o that’s going to be pretty cool it’s going to be scary cuz there’s a big storm going on so you have to go all the way back up there onto the roof and make a big Lookout but it has to be reinforced okay I think I can do it all right go go go ooh this aquarium is coming out so good this is the best fish tank I ever made in my life looks horrible hey who said that you can’t hear me remember cuz the glass Daddy this is the best thing I ever made in Minecraft look I’m adding a bunch of grass I’m adding a bunch of coral actually doesn’t look that bad it’s not even done yet we should put a shark in there what yeah we should put a shark in there Daddy what if the shark escapes though then he’s going to go in the pool and you’re swim with the sharks wait that would actually be kind of cool we should do it uh I don’t think that would be cool all right let me just add a couple more decorations all right just going to add one there add some stuff here all right Daddy I think it’s ready for the fishies start adding them all right let me get some fish ooh there’s puffer fish and there’s tropical fish okay we’re going to use all these guys tropical fish tropical fish oh yeah that’s looking good all right there we go now we’re just going to leave this boom check that out now we have a massive fish tank in our secure bunker this is actually so cool o I want to see what you guys are working on wait let me see goobie’s toilet first wa this toilet’s huge okay I could literally flush myself in this toilet this is insane Daddy what have you been working on the rooms I got one room right here that someone could live in wow it looks like a jail cell right now yep yep exactly big jail cell then I’ll make another jail cell another one and another one ooh Daddy I want this first one okay you can start decorating your room wait let me see what Daisy’s working on now Daisy what’s up what is this what are you doing in here I’m working on a kitchen ooh okay a kitchen’s going to be really good we’re going to need that for food yeah I’m just trying to make it really big okay but when you make the kitchen just make sure to add a lot of cake and cookies all right of course so many cookies if you don’t I’m going to throw you outside with the tornado all right hey all right have fun Daddy I wonder what Gooby is doing he’s definitely upstairs having a hard time with the storm trying to make that look out yeah hopefully he’s okay I’m going to start working on my room all right Johnny good luck with that oh boy oh boy things are getting crazy up the roof the roof’s broken uhoh uhoh I got a get reinforced glass on here just put a bunch of glass oh no this is really bad oh no a bunch of leaves and da is getting in here got to close it up close it up there we go oh oh oh the still wind’s getting in oh no oh this is really bad I got to go downstairs a little bit guys you guys uh the tornado it’s it’s breaking everything it’s breaking everything yes I just plugged up a hole in the roof but the wind and the rain still getting in wait did you see it Gooby what did it look like looks like crazy wind storm and all these leaves blowing everywhere wow oh my goodness oh my gosh there’s Thunder I hear the thunder and the rain this is scary we need to keep building guys cuz what if the tornado start dripping the ground up and it hits the bunker well then we’re probably going to die Daddy no we’re not cuz we’re making the best bunker ever oh yeah you’re right I forgot about that part yes we going to make the best bungle and the tornado can’t get us my favorite plushies is up there wait what you forgot a plushy upstairs of course and you forgot all your gaming stuff oh my goodness Daisy you’re right uh Gooby go get it for us what I to give backup there yes Gooby you did it once so you have to do it again no just go get the plushies and go get my gaming stuff and come right back all right Gooby all right hold on I have an idea Gooby I’m going to come up there with you I’m going to put you on a fishing rod so you don’t fly away hold on Daddy this is a stupid idea let me just do all this real quick all right let’s go wait I want to see Gooby go on a fishing rod come on guys let’s go upstairs uhoh uh oh guys H this a problem oh my goodness guys what happened to our roof of our house oh no we got blown off oh the tornado took it away oh my goodness there it is it’s upside down and look at all the trees it got destroyed wait aren’t the plushies in there wait the plushies were on the roof well guys I think they’re far gone now I think the tornado took them huh oh man it’s fine Daisy we’ll just get you new ones all right okay well let’s go back downstairs it’s too dangerous up here uh-oh guys I think the tornado’s coming back oh no it’s not going keep moving the wind taking me oh my God it’s right above me ow ow what’s happening got to save the cookies save the cookies guys come downstairs I save the B go down okay okay I’m going I’m going come on get down there I’m running to the bunker oh no I need the cookies so wait what about the plushies oh no tornado oh no M there’s another one right ta oh go me there’s a third tornado on top of us oh no oh no it’s breaking out it’s really place I’m going to fishing rod you I got you oh no oh no guys what’s going on up there all the blocks are being taken oh goo’s getting sucked in Daddy help him help him oh no oh I got you I got you don’t worry Don’t Let Go me not let go God no he get off daddy what’s going on I’m going to come down k a got him oh my God what is actually what am I looking at right now get me care for me this is not good this not good if we get the bunker Goofy’s dead daddy do not look up there it look so scary well that’s why we have this bunker well Daddy what are we going to do Gooby is gone I think we just hope he survives somehow oh my goodness he just ripping everything apart Daisy whatever you do do not look up oh it’s too late oh no this isn’t okay where’s Gooby oh yeah about that Gooby got ripped away by a tornado yeah he’s a God didn’t protect him I I tried I used a fishing rod I would like that yeah we used a fishing rod oh no poor Gooby oh I got an idea what if you go up there and try to save him here we go let’s just build these back there you go are you crazy I’m not going up there come on Daisy you got to go save your brother go not in that thing he’s okay with the plushies a well I guess there’s nothing else to do besides cover this up and just wait for him you gosh yeah I think we need to keep building wait Gooby is that you I heard him I heard him help me all right Daddy I have an idea I’ll be right back guys what are you doing I’ll be right back what are you getting all right Daddy I’m back send me in I’m ready to fight this tornado what are you going to do with a sword I’m going to I’m going to chop it in half the tornado yeah that’s what I’m going to do okay okay if we’re going to go up there Johnny I’m going to have to fishing rod you too all right daddy hold on to me I’m going up I’m behind you I’m behind you gooby I’m coming I’m going to come save you yes please help me where are you gooby where are you what happened to the house cheuck in the volcano I mean the tornado I see him I see him oh my gosh oh my gosh I see him daddy I need that fishing rod all right fine take it okay I’m going in I’m going to go get you gooby oh no this is a grade four this is the worst tornado of all time Gooby I’m coming I need help go I need help I’m coming ooh I have another idea I’m going to get some rockets and I’m going to get an elytra and then I’ll be able to fly around the tornado oh yeah it’s a good idea be careful Gooby where are you I’m coming I’m in the sky right next to the cow I’m in the tornado I’m literally in the tornado right now oh my goodness this is crazy where are you I don’t see you I see a cow I see a freaking cow should I save the cows and sheeps no save me I see you I see you yes I see you I see you okay all right nope I lost you oh I see you gooby this way grab the fishing rod no Gooby I need help all right Gooby we got to link up we got to link up Gooby no oh no yes Gooby I got you I got you gooby come here me I’m fishing you out I’m fishing you out come on Gooby come on yes walking yes come on Gooby I got you yes we did it I saved you okay get away from that thing oh go this way go this way got to get back in the bunker guys guys look I saved Gooby everyone get inside the bunker right now go go go go go go go go oh God it got a little destroyed don’t worries go down this ladder I’ll fix it I’ll fix it just go down oh my goodness guys that was a close one but we did it we saved Gooby did you find my plushies um no I did not find any plushies all I can save is just cookies and a ble ooh I love cookies okay guys for now on no one is allowed to go up upstairs literally no one until the storm is over okay fine fine fine well let’s keep building this bunker yeah guys I feel like this tornado is just getting started well I don’t like that all right guys I’m going to continue working on my room bye we got rooms down in this hallway now gooy because something’s changed Daisy making a uh she’s making a kitchen down here wao this is cool will you like it yeah it’s really big what kind of blocks are you using just glass blocks W that’s really cool I think what I’m going to do is start making uh the entrance a little bit more reinforced because it sounds like that tornado’s going to come back and rip everything to shreds yeah I want to make my room Gooby are you putting your room right next to me maybe all right well just make sure to stay far away from my room all right it’s only for me and me only okay oh yeah my room’s coming out so good I’m just going to do the floor obviously I’m going to make it yellow cuz that’s the best color in the world everyone knows that and then I also need to do the roof but this needs to be a super strong block wa wait a minute I’m just going to use the strongest Block in the game I’m going to use Bedrock oh yeah it’s literally unbreakable nothing in the world could break bedrock now I feel super safe in here I’m just going to put down my Royal bed oh yeah there we go that looks really good wao look at all this super fancy furniture I’m going to add all of this there’s Royal chest there’s a lock boox ooh a royal door yep I need all this I need every single one of them in my room I’m going to be living like a king all right all right let’s start by placing down the door oh yeah there we go we got a nice door now we’re going to add a little seat maybe right there there’s a couple of wall lights we could place down ooh that looks super fancy too I’m just placing anything random down because it looks amazing wait I also need to make this wall look good though right now it looks very bad all right we’re just going to do something like that boom this is looking insane oh my goodness wow my room looks so awesome oh my goodness there’s no way someone’s making a better room than this hello my room’s coming out really good too really Gooby you already know that’s terrible compared to my room no it looks really good I got really cool blocks oh yeah well I’m adding a sword right now in my room sword Bo that looks sick o I’m going to add a crown in my room and also a bunch of Royal food this looks super fancy W I’m wearing a crown oh my gosh oh yeah I’m the king baby you’re a king baby no I’m not a king baby I just said I’m the the king you’re like King of the babies no I didn’t I didn’t say that like that okay kind of sounds like you just baby king or something no I’m not a baby King Of Anything okay I’m just the king period Gooby gooby I want you to come over to my room I want you to see it whoa what is this what are you even doing in here I’m missing a downstairs wow look at my room I didn’t do any of that I just made my room awesome waa it’s like everything’s made of gold in here yep everything’s made out of gold because I’m it’s super fancy and I’m super rich cuz I’m the king I show your money gold coins and your Tre yes don’t touch them back up back up Gooby back up whoa whoo I didn’t realize I was talking to you Z king of babies I’m not a king of babies Gooby oh I’m sorry a baby king how about this I’m the king of all tornadoes because I defeated the tornado and saved you whoa well can you just get rid of it so we don’t have to be in the bule anymore o yeah the thing is I just don’t know how to do that well Gooby watch out I want to go see what Daisy and my daddy’s been working on yeah I got to make sure my room is the best daddy what are you doing in here make it look cool wow this looks super fancy yeah to bad it’s all going to get ripped up from a tornado no it’s not hey hold on come back here what what’s that on your head oh it’s a crown daddy I’m the the king of all tornadoes you’re you’re the king of all tornadoes uhhuh actually I’m the king so you should hand that over no daddy I’m the king because I was the one that was brave enough to go inside a tornado but I’m the oldest I’m the wisest the most stoic person here so I think I actually need that so give here yeah that means you’re going to die soon and uh you you’re not fit to be a king all right I’m go see what Daisy’s doing wow Daisy this looks awesome in here o I really like your hat thanks Daisy I’m the king of all tornadoes that’s why I got a crown on did I add enough cakes oh my goodness you added so many cakes and also a bunch of Royal food let’s go this is awesome well if we’re going to live down here we have to at least eat good yeah I think you’re right Daisy what are you going to work on next probably my room oh yeah you should make a room but just keep it really far away from me wait why because you like to build stuff at a pink and also I’m the king and that’s what the king requested well I’m a princess and I’m going to make sure my room’s right next to yours hey also pause what is this in this cake did you sneeze in the cake there’s boogers in it no there’s not that’s sprinkles oh okay um bye bye looks like boogers but I guess he sprinkles o I think what I’m going to do next is make a gaming room that would be awesome guys who wants a gaming room I do all right I’m going to work on the gaming room and on uh I think this was supposed to be daddy’s room but I don’t care I’m going to make it a gaming room where am I going to sleep what do you mean Daddy you could sleep next to all the PCS I’m about to add okay I can play fortnite all night exactly all right let’s just start by making all the walls and Floors a good color ooh I have a really cool idea that I’m going to do for the walls okay I’m going to make it rainbow I need every single color in the book give me some of that give me some of that that all right I got all the colors all right we need to do something like this and then just go all the way to the end like that boom that looks sick all right that wall is going to be like by itself and then all the PCS are going to be on that side ooh this room is coming out so good right now okay now it’s time to start adding some desks I need a lot of desks wait I have a good idea I’m just going to make one giant long desk all right we’ll do something like this and then boom giant desk all right now we need a lot of computers o yeah I’m just going to add so many computers that’s four computers right there and there’s four people living in here so that is going to be perfect now I just need a chair of course I’m going to get the golden chair and everyone else will get little poopy wood chairs all right I think this is looking pretty fair all right the next thing we need to do is add a bunch of these computers ooh yeah this is looking so good right now all right let me just get some trap doors make this look super fancy all right now finally I’m just going to add a little bit of yellow carpet and then on this side I’m going to add all of Daisy’s plushies back there we go there we go and now she’s going to be super happy because I placed all those down I think the gaming room is completed uh-oh I kind of forgot to do something the ceiling is still poopy Stone nope nope nope I am not going to keep this poopy Stone here nope it’s all got to go guys I just finished up the gaming room daddy check this out let me see look at it Daddy it’s awesome wao I like the colors yep it matches me Daddy it match is me wait who’s this gold chair this this is my spot no no no no it’s my spot cuz I’m the king daddy no this is this is my chair now hold on I got to get my crown so I could show you I’m the king see daddy look I’m the king I’m wearing the crown so get out of my seat no I’m the king hey hey there we go I’m the king no I’m the king Daddy stop you just broke it all right fine fine we can both be the Kings you know what no Daddy I don’t want to be a king with you hey wait I have a question where am I supposed to sleep ooh yeah Daddy I have a special spot for you where am I going going all right hold on let me just get your bed out yeah where’s my room hold on Daddy I’m working on it uh here follow me this way okay it’s a big Ravine daddy here come on follow me yeah okay where am I going this way daddy this way oh you’re all the way over here you’re in a special room past all these scary spikes really okay I feel very protected yep all the way down here all right now we go down this way what now we go this way there’s a lot there’s a lot of caves here all right daddy right here boom that’s where you sleep wa a dog bed all right daddy have fun in your new house I’m not liveing down here bye daddy Johnny you come back here no I am not leaving there all right Daddy hey what are you doing back here what are you doing back here I’m living in I’m living in this hallway oh my goodness I literally made you a bed I can’t believe you would just not want to sleep there yeah that’s where cats lay down okay I’m not a cat well you could be you guys want to see my room over here oh yeah Gooby I want to see what you’ve been working on wait I want to see googy’s room why why is there like a yellow weird purple thing it’s not yellow it’s Pole I know I corrected myself what is this this is my slime and gooo wo wo this is sick I have a slimy seethrough bed okay look you can see Marty right there it looks very bald from this angle hey don’t look at me like that waa this is awesome Gooby and you got a bunch of chairs too so you could all just sit here and play video games we five play Swit sitting like little baby chairs yeah but they’re cute they’re frog chairs foggy CHS this is actually awesome I think we should go see Daisy’s room next okay right this way all right wo it’s super uh Pink that’s my favorite color don’t you think it’s a little too pink not at all it kind of hurts my eyes when I look at your room like ow ow that really hurts like look at that snow yeah it’s really hurts well I think it’s awesome and we have a massive TV well you have a massive TV cuz no one else will be in this room okay more for me D HS my eyes too do you guys want to see my room oh yeah Daddy I want to see what you’ve been working on let’s go see my room okay let’s go see it it’s all the way down here oh yeah come on guys I I actually made this room for my daddy yeah Johnny made me this room over here come on guys it’s really awesome looks like a spooky cave I yep everyone hop down come down this hole is this kind of far oh it’s a little little cramped down here but there’s there’s enough room see you later suckers hey guys we got to go back to our bunker my daddy just blocked us off hey Daddy oh my goodness really oh no I don’t remember how to get there me either hey Daddy hey guys that was weird right what was that that was um that was nothing well anyways guys I think what we need to do now is all get super strong armor because if this tornado comes back we need to protect ourselves you want us to fight a tornado no I didn’t say fight a tornado I mean I did have a couple ideas if you want to do that though I don’t think that’ll work we shoot a big rocket at it yes Gooby yes we should throw Dynamite at the tornado guys the dynamite isn’t going to work how do you even know Daisy we’re going to fight it with explosives all right I’m going to get some Dynamite let me get a bazooka wao yeah Daddy good idea we should get some some guns that would be really good oh yeah I need to put this armor on so that I’m too heavy to fly in the sky that’s a really good idea going to get some grenades what else do we need assault rifles um Bazookas I want to get a minigun oh yeah Min guns a heavy rifle get it all what Dynamite do we even get uh there’s so many different types let’s see maybe we need to blow it up from with in so we need something really powerful wait I have Dynamite time 100 oh time 500 that might be too overpowered though ooh I have a lightning Dynamite got to use that uhoh guys I hear the sirens going off I think we got to go outside and try to fight this tornado yeah let’s go do it let’s go let’s go go go oh my goodness it sounds scary out there guys get ready to fight wao it looks nice in here this tornado doesn’t St a chance this looks really good yeah I bu to get destroyed yes we have Bedrock up here that’s the strongest material yep I did this I did this oh my gosh oh my goodness it looks insane out there look at the windows it’s too scary all right guys come on we need to go oh take that I’m going to throw Dynamite okay it it’s not really working shoot it with a minigun set of missiles in yes daddy bazooka it Bo bazooka it’s not doing anything uh this is not good I told you this wasn’t going to work Dynamite go why is it not working die die guys I think we’re just making it man it’s getting a lot bigger Daddy it’s not getting bigger okay I don’t even know what you’re talking about look how wide it’s getting oh gosh okay maybe you’re right maybe I do see it getting bigger wait maybe us like shooting stuff in it is making it bigger ring to the fire oh yeah we got to shoot more into it oh yeah Daddy you’re right I’m going to throw some more dynamite oh oh oh oh I’m just spraying and praying um oh my God guys what is that what is that thing I’ve never seen this before what the heck okay a monster just spawned Inside the Tornado it says it’s a Wither storm storm is evolving oh my God oh my God I’m actually so scared daddy hold me guys why does it have multiple little things Tean Island apart Daddy I’m not the king anymore you can be the king you can be the king I have my crowd on hold on to something I will shoot Bazookas okay it’s picking up chunks of land oh no oh no that’s not good this is is insane what is going on oh guys I think it’s going to rip our bunker out of the ground no it’s not no it’s not we’re like 500 blocks deep I think um I think the more roers we see at it the more Health it gains oh God there’s a big light there’s big lights’s looking at me everyone shoot it I’m trying it’s not working wait I think he’s about to go into his final form what the final form there’s another form I think so oh guys I’m getting sucked up oh gosh wait you oh no oh no guys guys stop oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no this is not good shoot it Daddy shoot it ha that the sky is turning purple guys I didn’t want to have to do this but I’m going to have to blow up the entire world you’re going to do what I’m blowing up the entire world oh no don’t do it oh my God there’s a bunch of monsters up there I don’t know what’s going on but I think our world is corrupted so this is the only way I need you to get me down from here I’m hurting it I’m hurting it I’m working I’m getting right underneath the storm I’m coming JY guys hit the faces hit the eyes hit the eyes um I am stuck in a tornado oh my gosh oh my gosh okay guys I’m going to blow it up here we go go go go it’s blown up run everyone run well I’m kind of in the air I can’t run I’m in the air oh well you’re going to die then uh-oh the pie TNT is floating oh gosh what is going on what does that mean it’s the Forbidden bomb Daddy I think it’s working guys everything on my screen is getting fu what is going on I think the world is exploding are you in the tornado oh my goodness I’m stuck up here Marty where are you oh my God oh my God everything went white oh I died everything just went white I think we did it I think we killed it guys I think they suck the bomb up I hear a noise what is that what is that noise is it a victory sound Victory Screech maybe it’s the end credits guys I think we did it the weather’s clearing up yes yes there’s no more scary monsters as well well yes we did it they’re on the floor They’re All Dead ew there’s a bunch of scary monsters dead on the floor look the sun the Sun shiming out oh gosh guys it’s it’s so hot outside take your armor off yeah it’s really really hot out now oh gosh Daddy I think I’m going to pass out I’m having a heat stroke no you’re not all right let’s just try to go back to the base no Daddy I think we need to use magical powers to make our world cooler again no no no no no no do it well if you guys made it to the end of this video then everyone right now make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe and if you do that then our world’s going to become super cool again do it do it do it do it now do it wao is that a Lamborghini in Minecraft guys check this out this is so cool o this is awesome I’ve never seen a Lamborghini in my life before well now you have look it’s yellow I think this one’s mine there’s a blue one right there I call that one wo and Daisy look behind us there’s a pink one oh my gosh this is so awesome yeah that’s definitely the most ugliest color here hey no it’s not oh well oh well look what we got here we got a bunch of Lamborghinis wa daddy did you get us these Lamborghinis thank you so much for getting them for us well I didn’t get the Lamborghinis for you guys yet cuz you’re going to have to earn ear them wait what earn them what do you mean Daddy well let’s just say you guys are going to have to build around these Lamborghinis and try to protect them and if you protect them you can keep them I really want this Lamborghini can I just drive it away right now no no no no no gooy get away from that Lamborghini you’re not allowed to driveing it hey we go go we go oh no I don’t have keys yeah you don’t got keys Marty what do we even need to protect these Lamborghinis from yeah Daddy how hard is this going to be well guys each round is going to get a lot more difficult and progressively harder so the first round is going to be a gun I’m going to have to shoot your Lamborghinis what no that’s should to wound them you’re going to pop the tires see that is the whole point this supposed to be a lot of fun for me and guys if I end up destroying all your Lamborghinis I get a Lamborghini no way you don’t deserve a Lamborghini daddy oh yes I do I just bought three of them right here wait hold on Daddy why is there tanks over here are you going to shoot our Lamborghinis at the end with these tanks uh yeah no way I’m going to do it but that’s if the Lamborghini is still standing I might be able to shoot and win the first round no daddy that’s not going to happen Okay I’m going to protect my Lamborghini with my life yeah I’m going to put a big wall around this here you can’t even break it oh yeah me too well I got this minigun that I’m going to shoot at in 5 minutes no uh-oh well you guys better start building to protect your Lamborghinis I’m going to hang on top of this Tower and watch you okay guys go go go we need to protect our Lambos what do I even use um so my Daddy’s going to shoot it so I’m going to get bulletproof glass is that a good idea wait that actually is a good idea hey don’t steal it it’s my idea no I’m using obsidian wait what obsidian um I don’t know how to tell you this but that’s super easy to break with a gun no it’s not yep yes it is Gooby what are you going to build I’m going to put diamonds all around it wait diamonds why diamonds yes diamonds are blue and my Lamborghini is blue so they work really good together oh I mean I guess that makes sense I’m going to make a thick glass wall this is going to be so thick all right just going to do it a little bit higher I got to make sure my daddy can’t shoot it from the top of my Lamborghini daddy how much time do we have 4 minutes oh no we got to go really fast oh gosh okay okay okay okay I’m hurrying up this wall is coming out so good there’s no way that you’re going to be able to kill my Lamborghini uh-uh I don’t know about that guys it looks pretty easy for me right now no it’s not daddy yep I think I’m going to be driving a Lamborghini real soon oh gosh this isn’t good you’re too old to drive what do you mean I’m too old to drive I drove here in my tank well at least it wasn’t a car probably couldn’t even see the road oh no I was able to see the road and you know what I’m going to add a little bit of a trickery to this if I’m not able to defeat you guys with my minigun I will add a bazooka what on the first round yep we’re going to double it up oh no D you can’t just make up the rules I’m making it up because cuz I bought the Lamborghinis and this is my game all right well my dad’s a cheater I am not a cheater we will see if your walls are good enough Daddy I’m making the thickest glass wall ever right now no way you’re being able to shoot this there’s just no way we’ll see we will see I only get 50 seconds to destroy your wall all right that’s not that many seconds okay I only need 30 well Daddy my Wall’s done so you could shoot mine first okay let me just wait for Gooby and Daisy to finish how much time do we have 2 minutes oh no oh no wait 2 more minutes okay I’m going toall are building the sides of my walls then all right this coming out so good I definitely have the best wall here your guys’s wall sucks mine is so much better you can say bye to your Lambos no mine’s going to be so protected that I just get your Lambo too what that’s not how this works all right start building the left side of my wall I got to make sure all areas are protected my diamond Fortress Is unbreakable Gooby I can go over there right now and break it no here Gooby let me see if it’s unbreakable you have a minute uh uh oh it’s breakable that’s not fail I just broke it that’s not fail yes it is you’re in creative mode daddy how much time do we have 30 seconds oh no okay I’m going to add more to the roof oh my goodness oh my goodness 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 we boock down time is up everybody go to Gooby base wait what daddy why do you look like that because I’m in the military cuz I’m using weapons of mass destruction today to try to blow up your Lamborghinis what the heck oh no well mine going to be so protected yeah yeah yeah do you guys have your glasses no no protect your eyeballs no no one’s got nothing nope okay well in case a bullet goes into your eye I’m not I’m not liable all here we go oh gosh line it up real quick oh my gosh daddy that’s that’s not fair you’re too close dad that’s not fair oh my God that’s not fair haha don’t worry my Fortress is so good that even the doors can shop bullets yeah not this uhoh oh my God defeated all right go to the next one that was it oh my God everyone gets one rocket launcher daddy that’s not fair everyone gets one rocket launcher and that one just destroyed Gooby base all right here we go oh glass all right Daddy good luck getting through this bulletproof glass yeah well I’ll really see if it’s bulletproof right now oh oh my God oh my God Daddy stop Daddy stop the Lamborghini real quick Daddy no oh yeah Daddy you can’t shoot if I’m in front of you Daddy stop it Daddy Daddy stop it this isn’t fair around town shooting on the glass fail oh my God you’re shooting my Lamborghini one rocket launcher fail daddy oh my gosh I got to make sure my Lamborghini is okay there’s only a couple bullet holes Daddy I think it’s still survived it’s still survived it’s still survived hopefully you have insurance yeah there’s no insurance on these Lamborghinis I didn’t buy it now time for Daisy’s base all right here we go oh god oh I think it’s breaking it’s it’s breaking oh Daisy’s base is terrible it’s breaking hold got get a little closer no it’s really secure it’s working I told you obsidian’s the best okay it’s actually working what the heck all right now time for the one rocket yes it lived it didn’t break it all crazy that’s actually crazy pretty good pretty good Daisy’s keeping her Lamborghini as of right now wow oh no can we do another round we get another round oh we got a bunch of rounds Gooby don’t you worry you guys now need to prep your bases for fire Dynamite uhoh what y Dynamite um daddy you’re going to try to set our Lamborghinis on fire of course yeah it’s part of the fun well that’s not going to happen daddy well everyone start building oh my gosh I need to start by re building my entire floor cuz my daddy had a rocket launcher yeah me too well don’t worry no more rocket launchers this next round just fire explosions like that’s any better daddy it seems a lot cooler if you’re going to use fire explosions then I’m going to use water oh that’s kind of a good idea Gooby wait that is a good idea I know CU just in Pokémon um W SK against fire ooh that’s a really good idea I think I’m going to steal it thanks and instead of five minutes I will give you guys 10 minutes cuz this one seems a little bit more challenging all right I need to think of something um you destroyed my entire front so what I need to do is put water around my entire Lamborghini but not in my Lamborghini okay I got a good idea all right I’m just going to break an entire little pool over here of where all the water is going to go so I’m just going to place water down just like this okay that’s pretty good the front of my Lamborghini is pretty protected um ooh I definitely need to add a roof though cuz what if my daddy throws fire over this wall that would not be good all right just add a little roof just like this and then maybe on top of my roof I just put a bunch of water also I think I’m going to start using a different block I need to get a more heavier Duty block for the roof let me think um ooh I could use this block of gold oh wait I got a good idea let me just go over here real quick there we go I’ll just steal that from Daisy’s base wait what are you stealing what are you saying something Daisy you said you stole something no I didn’t I didn’t steal anything I’m definitely not using obsidian on my base that’s not what’s happening hey that’s what I used yeah well guess what I saw it do really good in the last round so I stole it wait but you said my obsidian was going to be bad no I didn’t say that and if I did I changed my mind cuz it’s really good I’m just going to start adding obsidian everywhere let’s go this is going to be so protected I just got to add a bunch to my roof just like this and the fire is never going to be able to get me yeah well I’m going to add socks to mine what why are you adding sharks you canz y jump in front of the bullets we’re not doing bullets anymore Gooby we’re doing fire they’re going to burn alive well that’s okay cuz they socks so they have really rough skin what the heck are you talking about Gooby oh my goodness you’re literally about to kill a bunch of innocent sharks no kill my pets oh okay Gooby yeah sure you have sharks as pets that makes a lot of sense yeah you pretty much love it over here oh my goodness that’s actually crazy you guys have five more more minutes five more minutes yep all right that’s plenty of time daddy oh it’s plenty of time well now 2 minutes left hey why’d you do that does anyone else have something to say nope nothing at all D you freaking suck a minute you have a minute left what Daddy what are you doing you’re making our time go down I didn’t I didn’t know I was just telling my daddy that he sucked wait what did you just say I said you’re not sucking and you’re really cool all right that’s what I thought I got to finish this base really quick then I got to add this obsidian every everywhere there we go there we go ooh that’s looking really really good now o another idea I just had is putting water in these little towers yes this is going to look so good all right Daddy I think my base is done it’s ready for the fire all right is everyone ready no Daisy’s definitely readyy what are you building what I want to keep my Lambo yeah I guess so you’re using the same blocks as me though I think you’re kind of stealing what I’m doing no these glass blocks are actually better than yours what reinforced glass where’d you get this from it’s in the game oh my goodness all right I’m going to start replacing it with mine no NOP nope everybody show up to Gooby base no but Daddy I got to reinforce all my glass oh myone here all right um googy’s base is looking pretty uh bad what no it’s really it get it’s Diamond base and it’s socks and water Gooby there’s no way you’re going to be able to protect your Lamborghini with this yes probably will just be perfect all right first thing I’m going to do is use a stink way to get rid of his hammerhead sharks W oh my gosh just stinky daddy you’re farting on them they’re floating oh no they don’t like us oh I know they don’t like it all right e daddy you’re stinking them stop farting on the Sharks all right now that they’re taking care of them they’re slowly dying because of my farts time for the fire Dynamite back up oh my gosh oh my gosh wa wa there’s fire no go be your BAS don’t wor the water wait it’s actually doing good Gooby okay let’s see if the Lamborghini is okay that was a lot of fire Daddy okay how do we get in um just break a little bit oh my goodness oh no it’s God L on fire the L’s on fire put it out put it out get water oh no oh no this isn’t good this isn’t good oh my goodness now his Lamborghini is flooded oh no this is not good to be fair well Daddy I think his Lamborghini is still fine just took a lot of damage yeah that’s okay it’s still it’s still survived okay it survived then it’s operational okay you got lucky this round Gooby that was a close one Gooby the Lamborghini is going to be so weak for the next round so you better do really good oh yeah so fire everywhere all right daddy let’s move on to my base oh gosh after seeing what happened to Gooby Lamborghini I’m kind of scared all right let me just fart on the glass A little bit hey stop farting every wear daddy now it’s going to be smelly make it a little bit less this is not a part of the rules it’s not a part of the rules daddy the fart just makes the glass A lot easier to break all right here we go oh great fire oh gosh oh my God oh my God I just threw one the lambo’s on fire no no Lamborghini no what a shame what a shame Daddy it’s on fire okay it’s good now all right well it seemed to have survived but you know what I only through one Dynamite so that’s kind of embarrassing J you got to make this base a lot better yeah should you throw more you thre like 300 at mine oh sure hey no I got to put water everywhere good luck getting my Lamborghini now daddy yep oh you really doing good Daddy good job okay well it looks like Johnny’s is okay you survived it’s flooded in there though he’s got a water problem no it’s not I just got to add some sponges everything will be fine waa your lambo’s going crazy in there it did it it survived you survived all right time for Daisy’s base now mine’s definitely surviving okay it looks like an imp penetral Fortress but it’s okay cuz the dynamite Fire gets into everywhere all right here we go no oh my gosh oh my gosh the water’s going water uhoh it’s going fire find the water wait her Lamborghini’s fine though ow ow okay did it survive oh my goodness oh no it’s on fire now yeah keep throwing more Flames at it Daddy yeah I’m going to fart on it no that’s enough all right I stopped I’m just farting well guys I think all of our Lamborghinis survived that round it was close but they survived yeah but our BAS is on fire yeah Daddy why would you do that hey it’s a part of the game no you’re just being a meanie weenie no I’m not okay everyone relax your Lamborghinis are still alive but now you have to prep for the next round well Daddy what’s going to be the next round let’s just say there’s some monsters that want to come over and say hi to your Lamborghinis what do you mean monsters you will all be turned into survival mode when the time comes and you have to defend yourselves and your Lamborghinis against some of my monsters oh my goodness so get some armor get some swords get some golden apples cuz you’re all going to need it oh my goodness all right first I got to just make sure my base is fixed yeah I’m putting water all over it yeah I’m going to replace some of this glass with reinforced glass as well oh yeah my base is going to be be super strong all right back here is where I’m going to put my door to go inside my base oh yeah that’s perfect now I can be in here and I can get a bunch of armor and swords and don’t have to worry about any monsters all right just going to get some armor stands like that let’s see what armor is in the game wo there’s actually an insane amount of armor oh my goodness okay so we’re looking for the one that has the most protection 5 1 ooh 10 that one could be really good I need to get this green one there we go I look so awesome okay now let’s just get some more armor for backup all right place this down place this down o my armor is ready all right now what I need to do is find a sword guys what weapons do you have I’m trying to look for some swords I don’t have any yet all right well you’re going to die I’m going to use a gun I’m going to use a minigun what daddy is that allowed a minigun technically it is allowed anything within the server is allowed yeah oh my goodness okay well guess what I’m getting a gun now oh Marty then I can use your tanks right nope nope you can’t use the tanks anything we use your tanks Daddy no tanks allowed cuz it will destroy the whole map and it’s not allowed oh my goodness that’s unfair you could use them but we can’t what about bazookas no cuz it will destroy the map no Bazookas either all right well I need to get a bow and arrow that would be very good o a crystal bow yes I’m going to get this wa it shoots so fast oh my goodness all right now I’s got to get some Arrow of instant damage guys I think I’m ready to fight I’m almost ready too got to put on my armor oh yeah ooh I just got a shield that has spikes on it that is actually so cool oh yeah that’s so awesome you so somebody hits you they take damage exactly Gooby check that out let me try Okay I’m not even in survival okay calm down you guys have a minute left Daisy are you almost ready in there almost all right guys oh wait I’m missing something I’m missing Golden Apple yeah you got to get some of those 30 seconds can you give me some yeah okay here you go I got a B throw them on me yes yes yes good job Gooby thank you all right I should be good thanks Gooby you’re welcome I really want you to have your Lambo too so that we can drive them together ooh yeah and then hopefully Daisy doesn’t win because I don’t like the color pink hey my lambo’s the best definitely not it’s probably the worst one here all right guys you guys are all going to go in survival mode in three 2 1 Daddy I’m already in survival mode yeah me too I am now you know what I’m going to make this hard and difficult for you guys have fun with my little friends oh gosh what is that thing what is that thing oh yeah this is one of my crazy creatures oh no oh no daddy’s coming after me he’s coming after me kill it guys kill it I’m shooting them you’re not getting my Lamborghini oh no they’re like ogles or something like sweat’s cousin oh my goodness wait they’re dropping these little things that I’m throwing at him oh oh yeah take that yeah there’s one in front of me I’m f with that oh no oh no that’s cheing you can’t put them up here oh they’re behind you now Johnny ow daddy oo they’re going to get your Lamborghinis no keep them off my base oh my gosh oh my gosh this isn’t fair Daddy this is not fair yeah well I’m just going to hide inside my base how about that well that’s not fair ooh look at their little brothers they’re going to come and throw up on you ow I am not leaving my base if it’s the last thing I do I’m protecting this Lamborghini ouch ouch ouch oh no oh no those mutants yes they’re dying in the fire hey Daisy who was that I was killing them yeah you just shot inside my base we all saw that I told you to change your glass oh yeah well now I’m going to have to shoot at your glass why break calm down everyone calm down the round is over you guys succeeded we did it Daddy you killed all my mutant little monsters yes let’s go now I got to kill you okay that was easy no no what what are you throwing at me right now what are you throwing at me what was that a star yeah that is a star found the floor well the next round is not going to be that easy you guys got lucky with that round wait daddy what’s going to be in the next round the next round H what do we say I’m going to use my tanks I’m getting sick of tireless I’m using my tanks you can’t use them oh I can use them I can I could easily use them how I supposed to protect from a tank it’s like the best Sho ever we going to have to put some tank defenses down guys don’t worry we got this all right all right let me just clear my inventory and let me think of what I need to add to make sure the tanks don’t get my Lamborghini okay I need to think of the strongest blocks in the game we’re going to get obsidian iron diamonds guys what are some other really strong blocks you’re going to add uh just more glass more glass yeah I think it’s working I’m going to add obsidian to mine because I don’t even have any of that all right I’m just going to start making walls of all these different blocks I need to hurry up daddy how much time do we have before you’re whipping out the tanks I’ll give you guys 5 minutes soz I know I’m going to destroy all your bases I mean like 5 hours NOP NOP No 5 minutes this is not fair come on come on me just place all this down okay now I’m going to place down a wall of diamonds there’s going to be different layers to my wall got to make a really good wall all around my base so you can’t even get in there yeah but Gooby he’s just going to shoot right through it yep I got multiple different types of shells I got armor piercing shells the high explosive shells oh my gosh um heat shells I have a lot of cool crazy stuff how is this legal do you have any shells with butter and cheese that’s my favorite no no I will not shoot you with Butters and cheese that’s that’s disgusting no Gooby really likes butter noodles yeah especially the shell ones um okay uh you’re not getting noodles you’re getting a whole explosive in your base what not my base Daddy yeah yeah I’m going to get yours first I’m going to test yours first hey no we’re doing goobies first nope we’re start with you oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh wait hold on I got to do obsidian cealing two minutes 2 minutes left hold on Daddy I need 20 minutes plus a zero at the end of that 2 minutes yeah we need two plus zero 2 plus 0 is two oh no bad math you’re an idiot I messed up you guys Daddy I think my base is coming out really good right now looking really ugly look at this wall it’s coming out amazing I’m kind of scared for Daisy’s base look at that thing it’s a behemoth don’t be scared for my base it’s just going to be the safest one I want that Lamborghini she’s just adding so much poop I need to do the same go go go go go go go go go ooh Gooby is going with the water tactic yes we’re going to be so secure here than that I got water missiles what oh my gosh oh yeah well I have a secret weapon yeah I do oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh a a whale yes what the heck gooy whales plural they will help my base he’s using meat Shields oh my gosh he’s got a meat wall of freaking whales this one’s out of water he’s he’s sleeping uh-oh uh-oh uh get some water for you should I add some whales too that might be a good idea no only one person’s going to use whales think it’s something different oh my goodness Daddy I just came up with the best idea what’s the idea it’s not cheating though okay it’s just using my brain oh that did nothing that was horrible ow good luck and through these blocks daddy that’s too many blocks no it’s not it’s too much rainbow oh God it’s coming over here it’s landing on my face too it’s laging the server all right daddy there we go just edited myself a bunch of blocks that you can’t break through Johnny I cannot believe you just did that you know that’s cheating right d it’s not cheating I just want to add more blocks to my base quicker oh yeah okay well let’s see what happens when I destroy those blocks really quick hey oh my gosh oh my gosh J calm down all right oh yeah you know what I’m not even worried I’m not even worried let’s see which one I’m going to use armor piercing oh gosh that’s scary oh oh yes it’s not working Daddy yeah get through the gold good luck getting through this gold oh God no no no no point we found a weak point uh-oh that’s not fair all right let me just move my tank this way a little bit what the heck Daddy no no no no no no oh we see the Lamborghini it is in our sights oh gosh it’s not fair Daddy stop it all right looks like you can’t break it through water all right we’re changing it up we’re going to the high explosives here we go let this is going to be great gosh uhoh uhoh yeah come on blow up Daddy I don’t think it’s working yeah looks like the water is wage can’t get to the obsidian yes water an obsidian Daddy Let’s see what these shells do I don’t even know what this is NOP they don’t work great let’s go to heat shell heat it up no terrible daddy terrible oh no oh no no Daddy stop it you’re making it through the glass destroying there goes no my Lamborghini is on fire all right that’s stunk go on to the next one hold on Daddy I got to put it out yes yes yes I’m saving it I’m saving it it’s all right Lamborghini you’re protected with me oh no if he was able to get through all those blocks then I’m really scared for mine yeah I think yours is going to be dead Gooby all right time for goobies all right bye oh there goes the whale wh oh my God you’re killing the whale yes daddy you’re on fire the whales are protecting me Daddy you’re on fire uh Marty what you’re on fire you’re on fire Daddy I don’t care if I’m on fire we we fight through the fire really daddy oh no the whales on fire not the whale all right let’s just try getting rid of some of the water that’s okay he protecting my base it’s a good whale Daddy I think goobie’s base is super protected yeah that’s what you think hold on changing explosives armor piercing go oh no that’s not good nope whales don’t even have armo come on it’s not doing anything we got to find a weak point we’re going to find it yeah my whales are the best high explosive Go Daddy this is terrible you know what we’re going to go underneath we’re digging what the heck you’re not allowed to do that you just killed a whale we are oh no one of my whales oh no we’re going to drown that Lamborghini out no no no you can’t break the floor stop breaking the floor this seems like it’s cheating this is not cheating this is part of the drill seems very cheating can I break through any of the diamond nope my base is Su yeah Daddy you’re not really doing any damage here so I think Gooby is good nope hold on a second let me just get a different angle Daddy give up goobie’s base is good yeah I got to win this wound all right now we’re in now we’re this is actually not fair hey hey this is not fair oh daddy you’re hurting yourself you’re literally blowing yourself up guys stop don’t make fun of me you’re on fire you’re on fire come on blow up daddy daddy daddy Gooby base is good let’s move on to Daisy’s now okay one more explosion okay Daddy you’re you’re done stop it Daddy stop you’re done I’m going to break your own tanks I’m not done we’re not done until the the D is done okay we’re done all right I’m leaving this tank all right let’s move on to Daisy’s base oh my goodness you have a lot of obsidian and water on this base daddy there’s no way you’re getting through what a what a nice looking tank that we have here just use this one this an oldie wait this one’s stronger I hope it is I don’t get out of my tank sorry Daddy oh sorry oops oops sorry you’re doing it on purpose all right go go go oh gosh interesting nothing daddy heat seems to not work but we have armor nope what the heck did you use I told you I used glass hey this tank is terrible some weird glass high explosive here we go man J yours seems to be the worst base hey no it’s not oh we’re getting there we’re getting underneath uh-oh uhoh JY watch out okay but this is cheating it’s not cheating yes it is you’re just breaking the ground this is called being smart and digging my way in I think you should give up come on this is stinks I can’t I can’t break through daddy it looks like your attacks are just not good enough hold on a second I’m going to try one more last thing hey what the heck an RPG oh it didn’t work it didn’t work hey you to shoot that at everyone else is now okay fine here no no no no don’t shoot it at me Daddy chill H is there any way I can shoot it in here you just destroyed all my armor hey stop shoting mine no no no oh did I get in no oh dang it come on all right well it looks like you guys got past this round too wait there’s more rounds Daddy I thought this is the last round this not the last round got like three more to go well Daddy what’s going to be the next round it’s something called the head Cannon what yeah I’m only going to give you guys 30 seconds to repair your bases then I’m going ham what oh no oh no no no no hold on Daddy I got to rebuild my wall cuz you destroyed it let’s just say I and the cannon I need more whales more whales do we actually only have 30 seconds 30 seconds and I’m part of the cannon so I get to do whatever I want so you guys better make this Marty proof I put some baby whales that way if you kill them you feel really bad he you can’t do that that’s not fair I don’t want to do that all right oh my God this this wall is terrible that I’m building but it’s coming out amazing okay I’m not even building a wall you guys barely need to build anything my daddy didn’t even get into your houses 30 seconds okay let me just rebuild this gold and done you’d have no clue that anything bad happened to my base 10 seconds left hey Daddy hold on hold on don’t replace it with grass replace it with glass no no no I’m not going to do that okay that’s cheating if you build outside your Square hey hey you’re cheating no I’m not Gooby did it a long time ago what I never did that and my concrete blocks don’t count okay that was TNT well stop your complaining cuz time is up and I’m ready to use my little head Cannon what the heck that you have a cannon on your head yeah I know I do you look actually stupid no I do not look stupid I look fancy all right um I guess you could just use your stupid head Canon yo oh my God this real quick uhoh Oh Daddy stop Daddy stop oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s going to get to it this is actually insane the head Cannon oh gosh no I I hit the wrong thing how could that even be better than a tank cuz I’m the tank oh my gosh oh it looks like you can’t get through the water yeah I see a hole no you don’t yeah I do look at this you’re not allowed to hit it Daddy stop it Daddy stop it uh-oh no oh my God you’re actually damaging it oh my gosh I need to see it oh it’s still alive daddy you suck all right on to the next one let’s see Gooby base real quick oh looks I can get a I get a high vantage point cuz I am the Canon this time what you can fly in the sky that’s not fail oh my gosh whales no the whales the whales are dying the whales are dying they’re protecting me good job whales I think water is your cryptonight you literally can’t get through water well it’s cuz you guys cheated no we didn’t no say you can use anything in the game H little little hole right here oh gosh wao whoo whoa whoa wao don’t do that my whales don’t like that Gooby I think your base is solid yeah but Daisy it’s time for your base oh my base is going to be fine no it’s not hm where do I shoot it from let’s do it from the top oh oh reinforced glass daddy you can’t get through it h wow that’s really maybe I can get in from down here adios oh gosh no you can’t yes I can’t hey this is terrible you literally have the worst attacks ever how is this possible you yeah the water on the inside it’s like a big Shield mhm yeah well then Johnny your base is horrible daddy my Lamborghini is still surviving what are you talking about just give up already yeah Daddy give up I give up I give up I give up Daisy win oh yeah oh yeah yes I won wait does that mean we all win and we get to keep the Lamborghinis no there’s one more there’s one one more again you need a prep for a meteor strike what a meteor strike you’re getting desperate here I am not getting desperate I’m winning this Lamborghini this is not fair daddy you guys have I’ll give you guys a minute a minute a minute oh my God I got to rebuild the front wall again are you kidding me a meteor strike my daddy’s actually going crazy he’s a big cheater yeah he definitely is a cheater I’m going to make just a big like umbrella I need to rebuild my front wall this is so stupid we use something different this time all right that’s actually a good idea I’m just going to use all reinforced glass like your base it’s the strongest thing here all right just going to place all these blocks meteors not going to be able to get me wait don’t meteors come from the sky yes oh God I got to put more blocks on my top then I got to make my roof super secured daddy how much time do we have you have approximately 20 seconds oh gosh that’s not enough time we need more we need more no no no 20 is all you’re getting oh no oh no yes yes yes coming out so good got to make a water umbrella I have rein for glass pretty much everywhere so I’m going to win all right guys time is up and this is the final round either you guys get a Lamborghini or I get a Lamborghini I need more time oh you need more time well guess what you’re the first one to go oh my gosh Daisy hurry up Bill let’s just uh oh oh God look at this Sky look at this Sky meteor I don’t have time to look oh my god daddy you just destroyed the whole floor well her Lamborghini gun and your lamborghin is gone off of one meteor uh-oh uhoh uhoh no it’s not no it’s not it’s still here look at yours look at your car look at your car right now I got to get water uh my Lamborghini survived technically it did survive I’m actually really impressed Yes mine survived too Daddy yeah but too bad you didn’t get a meter yet so here we go wait hold on Daddy hold on it’s coming down oh no oh no that’s actually not fair oh oh no no no come back I can still save mine DD mine fell into a void okay now it’s time for Gooby Lamborghini to die hey just not fail Oh no you’re going to kill so many whales oh God here comes another one meteor no no my Lamborghini I’m coming for you well guys it looks like Daisy survived Daisy has the only Lamborghini that survived the poopy pink one really it’s not poopy I’m using some gravity TNT right there so it’s not going to survive uhoh hey what is that Daddy why would you do that oh my God oh my God wait wait the base is stopping it from flying in the sky daddy you’re ruining her Lamborghini you’re denting it you’re denting it it survived not for long daddy oh my gosh he Still’s going no that’s it that’s literally the last one this is cheating this is big cheating wait it surv it survived again Daddy her her Lamborghini survived all right I’m I’m going to drive it away now okay it survived oh yeah Lamborghini time that means Daisy gets a Lamborghini wait so now we can go to the mall whenever we want let’s go oh yeah and J’s my sister so it’s like kind of half mine too basically let me just shoot the poop out of this Lamborghini come here no stop take wh take a whale and our Lamborghini our Lamborghini no I want my Lamborghini I need to get rid of that Lamborghini so I can get mine hey hey what’s going on here stay but put them in na put them in na get me out you can’t trap me no oh no going away no see you later bye well if you guys enjoyed this video then everyone make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe also click the video on the screen to watch another one wait Daddy what are you doing I’m getting rid of this Lamborghini no

This video, titled ‘I Pretended to be a NOOB in a Minecraft Build Challenge Then Used //PASTE!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-05-21 23:28:28. It has garnered 399323 views and 6751 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:06 or 10086 seconds.

Today, Johnny Pretended to be a NOOB in a Minecraft Build Challenge Then Used //PASTE! Will Marty, Gooby and Daisy find out? Watch to see what happens…

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content is a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. With original videos every single day, He keeps his fans entertained in every way. So follow his channel, don’t miss a beat, For in the world of Minecraft, he can’t be beat. From classroom series to song adaptation fun, Fangkuaixuan’s work is never done. So join in the laughter, the joy, the glee, And experience Minecraft in a whole new spree. So subscribe to his channel, don’t delay, For… Read More

  • Insane Deco Skills! Watch Todd13 Dominate Interior Design in Minecraft Ep.186

    Insane Deco Skills! Watch Todd13 Dominate Interior Design in Minecraft Ep.186Video Information This video, titled ‘Interior Decoration! | Let’s Play! Minecraft Ep.186’, was uploaded by Todd13 Plays on 2024-04-12 16:30:13. It has garnered 129 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:49 or 1369 seconds. Interior Decoration! | Let’s Play! Minecraft Ep.186 In this episode we put some interirors together for our Jungle Compound! ** Join Todd13Plays to get access to perks! ** https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCE75BPtDS2iOcDob7wQM6w/join ** Visit the Todd13Plays Discord: https://discord.gg/pt9RaCCt75 ** ** Buy me a Coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/todd13 ** This world was started July 2020. I play vanilla survival Minecraft with a few data packs. My videos are… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Click NOW #shorts

    Shocking Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Click NOW #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘⬆️ Klick hier für das ganze Video ⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by InnocentYT on 2024-02-23 20:46:54. It has garnered 527 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Bhalu the Builder: Can He Fix It LIVE?

    Bhalu the Builder: Can He Fix It LIVE?Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Bhalu the builder, can he fix it? | Building with Bhalu Live’, was uploaded by BigBhalu on 2024-05-21 21:13:51. It has garnered 39 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:11 or 9071 seconds. Welcome to “Building with Bhalu” join us as we rebuild Ursarosea on the Nations and Nobles Minecraft SMP Live! What is Nations and Nobles? This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Be sure to check out our community discord to… Read More

  • Insane GOLD Crossplay on Minecraft SMP!

    Insane GOLD Crossplay on Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crossplay Minecraft SMP!!! (ip)’, was uploaded by GoldShort on 2024-05-28 01:49:44. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:04 or 23284 seconds. all my social medias: https://linktr.ee/goldshort #twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchtv #twitchgamer #twitchgaming #twitchvtuber #vtuber #vtubers #streamer #gaming #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #youtubestream #youtubestreamer #youtubegaming #youtubevtuber #comedygame #sludgelifegame #sludgelife #indegames #indiegame #indiestreamer #indiegamestreamer Read More

  • Unbelievable Luck in Minecraft Mysteries – Collab with @SenpaiSpider!

    Unbelievable Luck in Minecraft Mysteries - Collab with @SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘Collab with @SenpaiSpider in Minecraft Mysteries!”‘, was uploaded by it’s Lucky on 2024-02-09 04:30:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Collab with SenpaiSpider in Minecraft Mysteries!” 1. “Epic Minecraft Collaboration with SenpaiSpider – Insane Builds, … Read More


    EPIC MIND-BLOWING KUSHI C418 11 REMIXVideo Information This video, titled ‘C418 – 11’, was uploaded by Kushi on 2024-03-20 21:00:02. It has garnered 574 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. #c418 #minecraft #minecraftmusic #11 #eleven This is 11 (Eleven), one of the music discs in Minecraft. It’s was made by C418, the creator of most of Minecraft’s music. Credits to ​⁠C418​⁠​⁠, for creating this and many other masterpieces. Subscribe to the channel if you liked the video and have a great day! Read More

  • Giantcraft

    GiantcraftEntdecke bei Giantcraft.de eine faszinierende Welt voller aufregender Spielmodi, darunter das packende Knock FFA und das kreative Build FFA. In unseren einzigartigen Spielumgebungen erwarten dich unvergessliche Momente, die deinen Gaming-Erfahrungen eine neue Dimension verleihen.Unser Build FFA-Modus bietet dir die Möglichkeit, deine kreativen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen. Errichte beeindruckende Strukturen, setze deine Vorstellungskraft frei und messe dich mit anderen Spielern in epischen Bauschlachten. Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der dein Baugeschick und taktisches Geschick gleichermaßen gefordert werden.Die Vorfreude auf unseren kommenden Survival Server steigt! Bald kannst du eine vollständige Survival-Erfahrung genießen, bei der du in einer dynamischen Welt ums… Read More

  • TrekCraft SMP 1.20.4 Towny McMMO Economy Custom Boss Mobs Regular Events Auctions LWC ArtMap Jobs

    Welcome to TrekCraft! TrekCraft is not your average server. We have a welcoming community that hosts weekly events and helpful staff ready to assist you. Our server is packed with game-enhancing plugins like Towny, McMMO, and Mythic Mobs, along with features like custom bosses, ArtMap, Jobs, and more. We’ve been around for over 9 years and continue to expand our map for the latest updates. We are a family-friendly server with strict rules against swearing and inappropriate behavior. Our server is no raiding, no griefing, with PvP off in the wilds. Our friendly community is always willing to lend a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting addiction at its finest”

    When someone asks you how your day is going and you respond with “I have a meme with a score of 94, so pretty great actually.” Read More

  • MineCraft MeMe: Hotter than a lava pit!

    MineCraft MeMe: Hotter than a lava pit! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Speedrun Seeds: Minecraft 1.21 Java

    Speedrun Seeds: Minecraft 1.21 Java Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds for Minecraft Java 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Java 1.21! These seeds are a game-changer for any speedrunner looking to enhance their gameplay experience. Packed with villages, blacksmiths, portals, and more, these seeds offer a plethora of opportunities to expedite your progress in the game. Seed 5: 281474984710659 Seed 5 presents a unique landscape with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Navigate through the terrain strategically to uncover valuable resources that will aid you in your speedrunning endeavors. Seed 4: 5000087 Seed 4… Read More

  • MineCraft Servers: Still Worth Playing?

    MineCraft Servers: Still Worth Playing? Minecraft Servers: Exploring the Fun Are Minecraft servers still fun? That’s the question @ginobwan and their friend set out to answer. With memories of iconic servers like Mineplex and The Hive, they ventured into the world of Hypixel to rediscover the joy of Minecraft multiplayer. Exploring Game Modes Upon logging in, they delved into a variety of game modes to test the waters. From BedWars with Lucky Blocks to Sheep Wars, Guess the Build, and Build Battle, the duo experienced a whirlwind of challenges and excitement. Encountering Cheaters? As they navigated through different game modes, the question of encountering… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Showdown: Poor vs Rich!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Showdown: Poor vs Rich!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich Magic School in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Paper on 2024-06-06 18:15:00. It has garnered 17486 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich Magic School in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ often – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Security Build Hacks vs Mikey in Minecraft! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-59CL6CIKS4 Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Big TNT Creepers in Minecraft: Insane Rating!

    Big TNT Creepers in Minecraft: Insane Rating!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: BIG TNT CREEPERS Rate from 1 to 10 🤯’, was uploaded by MR. TANMEY GAMING on 2024-07-09 09:09:25. It has garnered 10085 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft: BIG TNT CREEPERS Rate from 1 to 10 🤯 tnt,explosion,bloque,gigante,mega,minecraft,como,hacer,juegos,juego,españa,español,argentina,latino,america,hardcore,survival,creative,music,legends,dungeons,wunba,sandiction,acookiegod,builds,build,modded,mod,house,redstone,day,days,challenge,update,nuke,bomb,explode,world,record,castcrafter,chain,reaction,rubegoldberg,die,lag,death,100 days challenge,1 million subscribers,special,subscribers minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,minecraft mods,shorts minecraft,minecraft survival,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft speedrun,minecraft pe,minecraft seed,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft rarest,minecraft update,minecraft hardcore,camman18 minecraft,minecraft op,cash minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft 1.20,minecraft java,minecraft 1.18,minecraft 1.19,minecraft scary shorts,shorts break,youtube shorts,shorts break channel,shorts feed,trending shorts,priyal kukreja shorts,dushyant kukreja shorts,shots break,ytshorts,shortsbreak,shortsvideo,viralshorts,trendingshorts,waitfortwist,cartoons for kids,penalty… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE – Player caught hacking on Minecraft Java server! 😱” #minecraft #minecraftjava #clickbait

    "UNBELIEVABLE - Player caught hacking on Minecraft Java server! 😱" #minecraft #minecraftjava #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Player started hacking on a Minecraft Java server #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BanandezXD on 2024-01-15 16:11:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Life pt2 – SHOCKING twists!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Life pt2 - SHOCKING twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘ជីវិតកសិករក្នុងMinecraft part2/Minecraft Farm Life’, was uploaded by MKR on 2023-12-17 00:00:18. It has garnered 2293 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:14 or 434 seconds. Living the Minecraft farmer life involves cultivating crops, breeding animals, and maintaining a sustainable food source. Plant and harvest crops like wheat, carrots, and potatoes, create animal pens for breeding, and explore for different resources to enhance your farming experience. Do not forget to build a cozy farmhouse and protect your crops from pesky mobs! ————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Sustainable food. Grow and harvest crops such as wheat,… Read More

  • 🔥KRISH KVM Shader MCPE 1.20 – ULTRA Realistic Graphics!

    🔥KRISH KVM Shader MCPE 1.20 - ULTRA Realistic Graphics!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Shader MCPE 1.20’, was uploaded by KRISH KVM on 2024-01-31 13:15:01. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Shader MCPE 1.20 ____________________________ Download link :- https://daniblogs.com/BF/980865xy ____________________________ Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krish._.kvm?igsh=MTd3Ynp3bzJ0azBxaw== ____________________________ How to link Open :- https://youtu.be/xZr_qWHKvbI?si=XVgnQiKWMsfot25W ____________________________ My 2 channel :- https://youtube.com/@KRISH_ARMY_OG?si=a5l9OexPU–lvSa7 ____________________________ Discord:- https://discord.com/invite/jj5vZ5WXcg ________________________________ Tags related bsl shader for minecraft pe 1.19, bsl shaders minecraft pe 1.20, bsl shaders for minecraft pe 1.19, bsl shaders minecraft pe 1.20.0,… Read More

  • Unlocking Ultra Rare Characters in Minecraft Prank!

    Unlocking Ultra Rare Characters in Minecraft Prank!Video Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into CASH AND NICO To Prank My Friend in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-05-22 00:45:01. It has garnered 6918 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:28 or 14188 seconds. Today, Floki becomes Cash and Nico Zoey Shady Family and pranks his friends using Nico and Cash Mod in Minecraft! Using Nico and Cash Mod Floki is able to spy on his friends and cheat in games! How will Floki use Cash and Nico invisibility mod without his friends finding out? Watch to find out?! Inspired by Cash and… Read More

  • Insane Find in [Minecraft] – Sakura Biome Search Madness!

    Insane Find in [Minecraft] - Sakura Biome Search Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】#2 サクラのバイオームはどこだー!!【OccultCraft】【Vtuber】’, was uploaded by セールィch【喫茶まほろば】 on 2024-01-15 03:06:12. It has garnered 17 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:39 or 6399 seconds. Live broadcast of Sally Channel! I’m going to play Minecraft♪(⋈◍>◡<◍). ✧💕 This time, I’m going to play the OccultCraft mod pac in multiplayer. #Minecraft Comment app for streamers “WanCome”https://onecomme.com See Serie’s profile here(*’ω’ *) https://www.meish.me/i/cerry419_player Follow me on Twitter(/・ω・)/ https://twitter.com/cerry419_player The channel is here! _(:3」∠)_ https://www.youtube.com/user/tx040a/v… #vtuber #I want to connect with Vtubers #I want to connect with VTuber fans Read More

  • Shocking! LordAres conquers terrifying Minecraft mod

    Shocking! LordAres conquers terrifying Minecraft modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving The Scariest Minecraft Mod’, was uploaded by LordAres on 2024-03-08 23:00:23. It has garnered 542 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:17 or 857 seconds. JOIN MY DISCORD TO KNOW WHEN I UPLOAD NEW VIDEOS OR HOST EVENTS! https://discord.gg/k5eGffZX Check out my twitch! I might stream there sometime: https://www.twitch.tv/lordareslive Original idea by: @Calvin9000 Thumbnail inspiration by: @ClownPierce Pvp content inspired by Technoblade and ClownPierce Read More

  • Unbelievable upgrades at the Mob Museum + Wither Skeleton hunt LIVE! 😱🔥

    Unbelievable upgrades at the Mob Museum + Wither Skeleton hunt LIVE! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘UPGRADES FOR THE MOB MUSEUM + WITHER SKELETON HUNT – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-18 22:03:55. It has garnered 2024 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:32 or 9332 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO31D3W6r6I ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to… Read More

  • ZendroVerse

    ZendroVerseZendroVerse is a Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Server where you can play with other players or friends. PlayZendroVerse.Org Read More

  • karlssonSMP | semi-vanilla SMP | Java | Season 3 | whitelist | cosmetics | 18+

    karlssonSMP Welcome to karlssonSMP! ✨ 🚀 Season 3 has just launched on June 20th with Version 1.21! Since our humble beginnings in late August 2023, karlssonSMP has grown into a vibrant community of dedicated players. Our goal is simple: to make you feel like you’re playing with friends, whether you’re a casual builder or a hardcore survivalist. Apply here. ⚔️ Enhanced Gameplay Features: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Enjoy the classic Minecraft gameplay with a few extra perks. Custom Armor Statues: Personalize your builds with custom armor stands. Mini Blocks & More Mob Heads: Adding intricate details to your builds and collecting unique… Read More

  • Grand World

    Grand WorldAhoy, mateys! Are ye ready for the ultimate one piece Minecraft adventure? Grand World is the server for ye!Our server is all about exploration, adventure, and survival in a lawless, open-world environment. With no rules, no restrictions, and no boundaries, it’s a true anarchy experience that will test your skills, strategy, and cunning.Join a community of like-minded players and embark on a journey to conquer the high seas. Battle fierce sea monsters, pillage enemy ships, and build your own pirate stronghold on land or at sea. The possibilities are endless, and the choice is yours.So what are ye waiting for?… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve tier list (I spent my whole life on this)

    Minecraft Memes - Steve tier list (I spent my whole life on this)I guess Steve is aiming for that S-tier status in both the game and the meme world! Read More

  • “Hot Shorts: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    "Hot Shorts: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Insane $500 Gaming PC from Temu!

    Insane $500 Gaming PC from Temu! Minecraft Adventures Await on the Dawid Does Minecraft Server! Embark on a Minecraft Journey Are you ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft? Look no further than the Dawid Does Minecraft server! Join the adventure with Dawid, also known as Mctenthiddy, on this exciting server where creativity knows no bounds. Server Details Get your Java version 1.19.3 ready and connect to mc.tenthiddy.com to start your Minecraft experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, there’s something for everyone on this server. Support Dawid Does Minecraft If you enjoy the content and want to support Dawid, consider… Read More

  • Underground Lab Excavation Shenanigans

    Underground Lab Excavation Shenanigans Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 42: Underground Laboratory Excavation Join the excitement as the Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 42 unfolds with a thrilling underground laboratory excavation. Dive into the world of Minecraft with Doc Brennan as he embarks on this epic adventure. Exploring the Depths Doc Brennan delves deep into the underground, uncovering hidden secrets and treasures within a massive 100x100x100 laboratory. The thrill of discovery and the challenge of excavation keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Unearthing Mysteries As Doc Brennan navigates through the intricate maze of tunnels and chambers, he encounters various obstacles and… Read More